.LXl`k~"cki;."~':~ _~`~t >''Lt~»,~a~r ~: «' „d..4^.' - " ~ .`.t --- ' ~~ ~ ~_~ PUBLISHED DV , 1/16F4ITE & CO., igairdv SVOLDINOIVTRIRD STREIT, KERR DOOR T ' D ROOT MICR - • ' Wedriy, (In adrance).---• • ••• • 2,C0 Clam, maL raducea nth. HATIS OW ADVIIRTISING AGREED STPON PITTSBURGH PRESS • 00•110•01,1,1411ines of Nonpareil oilers) ome Ohs Souse, cud additional insertion• • • 0,05 Do. one meek 1,75 roe week e• •• • SO Do. thine weeks-- •• • ..... 4,00 Du. one month— ..... SPO Do. two months. 7,10 Do. three til00 1 0•••• ••^ -•-•• •• • 0, 00 Do. jour mouths 10.00 12,03 restive month.- • • --• •• • lElie •13tandingCard (6 lines or less,) per ennui, 10,19 pleasure (per an. =stave oft 'paper. dear 3,00 eseh additional square, Inserted over ooh ertoutb,. edaseeiauth arblldonal Ka., lammed and. the year peee. Tablieltern acerinntable Mr Legal adeeMsereents, be=rt charged for their publication. • •candlestes for office, to he charged the mow ea Ober adverusentents. ete ea masked an the copy for a speci fied nualber olltuserthetil be continued till forbid, 10ditallamtagete0 o[oo4. • The perrileges of 'catty eduction.. melba confined 6011710 rheu regain Milne; and all mien •dver• .Aselemata notperminiog to their regales betimes., as Wool for, to be paid alt.. All admetlsements kit charitable institunims, Ore oompersi t u teard.letruship and ether public meetings and each ,to be charged half price, payable strieni la adMinee.. Marius Midoen fete charged 50 cents. Dia* Wins Ineelled seithoatcharge, unless amooo. petted by amentleynationt obituary notices, and who go acostereined to be raid for. -,d=advertisers end all others sending commu• or requiring notices designed to eall &nen. `.9oa Palm Soirem, Concerts, or any public enter; adaMante, where charges are made ter admittance allaotione prtyme associanone•-every notice de -114 ml al atungoo 10 private enterpnees ealemlh miarWendedbpOomodividual interest, cur ly he insiened with the wide:stanches that the same le le he paid for. lthneurted to be inserted le, the lois mehiset, the seatavrth be charged mike rate Dietitian lkm ta m.. ts paeans. DAM mr net Notices to be charged triple erica Samna License Peinions,l33 <sets , • Legal end Medical advertisements to be charged at (cal Emote Airent•and Azovitateere AdT01111.1.01.1 DM to be clewed ender yearly rates, lint to be allowed aluement of thirty three and one thitdpor cent. from the amount of bills. wanazi on 'Z•AIMU.T.O DART 701216 000 &mare, three insertions-- 113, 33 Do. eaeh edditional insertion... • 37 O D Sq . uare,(lo.lth t a e d e e t) a ' t ap enl l o An e tto• •6_ll ete. All tronaeut a dvertisement. to be *On advance. WRITE&CO Gnats. I....HARPEX_Poet,_ ROUT AL MDDLE, Amens!. JAMES P. BAHR & CO., Chronicle. FORMA & BROTHER, Diepseh. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. JAMES Pr. BLDDLE t Atnerie.- . pneYaaaa. Dea-1.1801._ _ - A - 4MS Cada LEXANDLA Lau-, • • - DAV lava. TIITTJLIC. SSIONER Ar atlrl:64l L1''4414 tamFtAtitY. CL=radLoc.otia Rbitif:LlaClito,lllCommisaion lalarettanti 401 latalara In Predate, No. IS Minket. awl' . . • JOON 11.11.AIIILIEN, CSINEY,IuId Caunsonot at Law, and Comma , 111111M4 fin 110 Siam of. Pannzylvana, 13t. Louis, •.- • . (tins al rinsbargh) ; • iarzatactio—Ptuaborgh: Han. W. Forarsfa, ',}lllll /Mg% 2.PC=IIW hrChur, Jahn E.' Parka, Eh*: ansltdiy .-.'re-linui g sTions=44; --- -,T,TATlOANEM.Atfltit=lieym.s. lei:4 - z -= /IF "3". • - 141.11.0110.0* =ND, a .` ~. i Arrousb - Y* AT LA r.7r 4 1 I'l'entro4:" 1 ' 1 'entro4:" A mway. Aus *.- G 0r... .., 1=4 ., b.. - - .11—-ittitivisebrAllgall Wort., ENNETT, BERRY O. OD, Ma zoßseturas or Soda. ~1 B AO , McAdoo; Powders, Us dub: and SolEltelle AsISA- Wareholso No. -;-'111. 1 ./ am; S!./ 11 1 , FUT/. soY2o4y JRA ' Irailialli 7,__ ..00s •I•mo. 111CRE mLI II RSIRRA,-Wholesal• r Reap . , oos ollAbery cal SL Clair stroc ts z =l l4l', Au.- easier ''' • .L.L..-------- --------- W madman NterthAtm,kit , . l . 4s, ;AO , / 0 .3 11 . . Pa. , , B. .41....."4"e tars "fie. • 1111.1hanisig, taxer AVoodAnd Elk lAA ' ' /7 1 C nil Po 6 1r i t 1119: -6 'llllThr I 1--. i;-1 111.1 Th . !•____!_erha:ll la our ISO. 1113 SPRUCE. STREETi FALAI/lb lIIA, CIONTINUISS to /Ma Ms pardeeLar attention to she V taisumultof Mama et SA SEIN, SCROFULA, end Dismal 011 A• THROAT. ft• Imam 11 A.AL, 1 P. 11.01 1 . 11 F. N. .oetAdDol• • . ----- ----. ion A cepa. • W. is. Meese. ' 0 1"1 / 6 4 21,taisaegire,Trert"1:=Srtifr —.. _ .......--.- -- Cl A. IdoANULTY 4: Co., FOrwisdinjr and Casa U. Lai= Meteh.la, Cassel 11•51 n, kuubugl. Fa '----':::-••-•---- . meht LL GRANT, Whoiewde Groe - ii;;lfUrd Fon...olldesehm Diaviesa• ElpristrAils, Blasi wad iron rtotraux,,Ren-mmi lianiarzetnrent er 00•4 wd Eliptio_ Springs, lisatmered macs, Plematt roa, AVarebaasa an WWI and Fro= lateats,Pluabarch. Also,dasiats talCondsTrissaungs and Malleable _ k MI. LI 1I a ;AXIS UMW , MINCIUM 14 Slailawr, (We EaKll4, 0 allscher pi..Co_.) Wholesale GTOCGTS, cortensuon' and for ilderehantS, and dealers UI Praia. and Pas. 17a7gThant6etares,No. 37 Wood at., between xs ad 3detroeta. J. HENRY. Attorney and Connorl lor at Low, D. Marin:ad, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, Es. In Ladlaira Illtd in Kentorky, promptly &admire- NEI wended so. Comintosloster Me dodo of P ent ena ryinnia, for diking Deposition.,Deposition.,sotro wl e d g ms, SWIM To—iion. Wm. Bell & Son, Cords, Church & Corothers,wm tys, SEMI I. MI/31. G . Sepro fal'lrrgt., ltra c . " fr. 60 ihtlf Vorwardsi liErlas, No. 20 sadism= Yu= h. =I FALo int HAI= ON STEWART, =stratums. la fleasy shistings, Mao, Re,' Rem= stres o lVi or TM, Istestms!,". " Wool Ussi• es an d Cossummion Mereasts, far the mit of AssertmusylAsis m, Liberty. typo= Oh febl7 Irv- suss, thatuseess. a-J.3406 10 ; lOWA= MID, inrrale, 10934 WARM, D VIOR, Tobacco Ccmn.L.sk , .. ..stahla, 41 North 'Water LytleNorth Wharves, av 2041 1.4 ULM. • WY. 7. JONI& rolirs• fr. Ca, (Ineosuoni IO Art/014, Jones &Co) Corozoucon Fo dealers,meplT in Pittsbaret Idassfi.oK". Flaßbiczi4 Yr IC 'maya C o, 7 1417105a1s 0 'azu' Clo i nt ' • mission Proroln, 05.60 asor, and 107 Front Pinsbn .--.=-,------- I MOI L MLIVOI3II. . want =Swarm B. DILWORTH h. Cs, Wholesale Oroone, Pro i6 duce and Comm! Merchants, and , Agents t the Hazard Powder Co. of N. T., No. 4I Weed st, Pitmbunits IL — Vti 80.1,1,1W----tand e IrNo.4IS Huhn es, *roe doors above Thgtl7. Pa bank, will Wm constuuly mahout a well ehlatml . sonment of the ben and Densest kledmirues- whunt, ha. wlll sell on Me most reuonntdo =SS. ykydeleme eendlne online, mill be yrnmytly emended to, and up plied witli ankle. they may sedy anon se sninbas. Mr Dlnoiaz. Pramnpuone srLD be aecunnely oubl mul Dindtmlfrom dm ban masestale, at og hessof ha asy einem Also for sale, • large.r.ock of (rah LA faed Yc ztl • l3 . ' ht ••• • . • •BKK Committer at Lew.— • les ost 'anti st., above Smithfield. insfil7 I I ri TLC r dealet aC ~ afaa mad Pommies Ilkimottar.t., and wholesale in Wiesen Swerve Cheese.Satter, Pot and Paul Ash, and Western Predate generally, Water uset, Mama !Smithfield and Wookplushar. 4:14 - WAIT 1,-TaiZerso-Tiviirik.. OebbriMl Vilsolesale unmet sad Coma:dawn Merelatm, to Produce mad Pistsbergh Manataentrel, Mt of Llben and Sand sum Pinsh .h Pa •26 JNit=s d HUTCIUSON, d. co._B= anon to !viiiMathison 1 Comnindod Marcbint+4 neVALla s u of the Et, Louis Elm 134. , liaataY• Illio. wsist a.% 92 trap smut, Pittab,arql. OILN u mtnu.iidt Wkoloud* Dm CI 111 Dye dtls,l4ints, 04, VunlAee,koe DI„?- 03 Wood meet, on dear Boa% of Dissiond ALB"), ra.*. otch pent " 4C9. OtLece.toor to .kmoplt • ov.,* . . iL—m !..._ l ... , l6 , Water %met- - • J ° l l Nlnoio and 3,11141 7 Z o 'L zt a sa ll B00 1" roPprp'Shotol (0114, Ppolon , Catdoomt fltaueowliKooto.ll7, NO. 81 Wood Pattaborgh. of token to yule. tepl6 ScIIOOVIAKEEL Co&Drown., J DIM D. DA.V113./Utetuacer, c . ort.r 6th W oo d J otV • riIIi•STON tr. 6104;*.TUN,Dook.eliers, Plintera rapcx blaro.ifu4gcrfi,No.4.l3l. l k et st, Piu Jon: tiD fltu r . D.l44l iUani aserfraeltg., fionting . ap PIZ' and 6th l'lttabares, A - • pjyfj .6-31 eulocey inmation bieueluint, eint dealer 'in Produce and Pinstnugn st. PittAbnigh.. Ault ,'" -- r — t: Si --raTZILII, Attoraty Itt tam, Mike all et, jopposite flt. Charles Bowl, Plfigmlylt,, mat •I t m apd promptly to Uptleetlotm, la,ls!lmldtcam. . Aim. sml Omen ommtimylPiNsit To ! I - rotriaidartiaalen V4 , ' intik* t . 1). T. Fonsa , I • I ' , . . •• , I ' 1 I 'l-; - .. . ,• 1 , T .. .. .. ”. . , .. .. CAB.DS. "[AWE{ WEAVE R S Whed.e/rale arid Retail Den t, Term ForeLgrk ‘llmea and Liquors, and old !donna Sahel. Rye Whiskeys, comer nest Lod Market sta. -WM/ t ]ONES, Fm. 1 .1 1.8 • • eiiewlsalan Mer chant., Dealers 41 Produce .n• Pittsburgh mum .etared oracles, Canal Davin, acv 714 4lll PS • AILL PiTTbßutta L 'A, }INNLIFY,'CHILDS tr. (X).,Nlansfacuirors of • saperiOr 4.4 Shootings, Carper • Chain; CoOry Testae and.Blonsa, taXa , lytion Vesuvius, Irma Works. LLlmrs, DALZELL 1 tosnafssinarers of all .1. ors 'Bab Sheet, .Boiler Iron and Nails of the host inality. Warehoost,g4Arater and lOS , front at. jan.l9 ur WATT Grocer, Fo Dworrward bur;hlfattin C' etnre;M:P l' ildu c c h enon. Wallet et. aid Gr 2 From st • TISOLD ItIVEMIT' 1011111. SAW T 21201/DT Alp ii/tWXEM, TT OOKING GLASS Mannfaenareri, and Wholesale th , hida and domesoc Variety ' Gond , Weltierll merchant., Pedlars and others are invited to call and examine the prices and quediry of Our stack, as anth our present increased taciturn, tit utanufactur. ins and parehasing, we think Iwo net. oder Si great indnietnenta to buyers so any other house nest or the Mountains. ine-M _ S P rotetain h a imponers of Brandies, Wines and Sagan, Nu, rml tal, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Cots bnrgb, Pa Iron, Nails, Cotton Yams, he. ike con trawl yen band. mgl4 . 1011 A WCIIII. JUL D. 11,11.1.. C. ■oL eGILLS tt RUE, Wltoletabi liromers and Commie titarl iterehante, na 1104 Liberty Ptitsbe refl. kr& 'WILSON D ate ]ones , Murphy A LOA Co.) Wholaale Dealers to Dry D.A., No. id Wood sneer, Diusburel. nus2.l ArrrillAV AilasSON;Plair.dl..dea .^r. " -1 VA. ter.. Booms, corner or Post Caen Alley and Fourth *Met, entormea on 4th ne. Market Pit7`3.6I4I.G7E AND AXLE FACTORY.. oast 303., /0.4 V. 4 . ..10.3. JOSEEILfof pone VrANUFACTORd sprig ,d bliitir 111, plongb steel, steel plough tamp, coula tie spring., hammed on axles, and dealers mat !cable testing', fire engine lamps, and coach trimmings genemllg,comer of Ross and Front Plasburin, in IION, No. OS hlarket i i., reran , ' 1)1 " si ," e flilrog'fe f hat F' lg%. 4 Z i"' ht Fo,etgn at a, Dank Notes and tipecle. 11,7 , Collections mad on all the principal clam throughom the flatted Strum &et: • SECRJRASTER,, FoarLia at. . third door above Smithfield, south able.. Reeve palming of all kind• done with the greatest care and RIO accuracy. Titles to Real Estate eameteed, Re. pawl'. HENRY Banuocs, 110 i ION STRET, between Wayne sued liana. tins J. reautned las professional dunes, - Owls Instrue ' Ilona on the Puma, Unitas.; and in Vocal Idasle- aullaitf . , EAPZILIB %lAA StiSitir.:-Firk.,7,a, • st, near 'Woo&-.A11 ntuunince areen and Blank .74as, dm p ,LI gunner, lG half, .d "'ak'l' I =kin "m d SX . S.IA74VAPeVea&. ItOSSL.11):1, 111,1 d& Cu.,a. WV Liberty street, Titt.uurgh; Wholesale " Orseers, Produce and ortnatiaitya 'Mere:emu, and dealers in Pittsburgh Idandsetnree.. Jr% Sinn. sattson. Ines. Urns assn. a: )OVERT MOORE, Wholesale (inner, Iteenfying ..1,1:/istiller. dealer in Produce, PltUbureh blanufse .dresothd, ail kinds of Foreign and DeartesFle Wines 5.c.d.L.14n0r5,.b10.11 Liberty street.. Oa bond a very tm .stocb or Superior old blonongsbela whislaq, wict wil! be sold love for cash- 5p15:17 D EYNOLDS & ERE,Si•For•ruding end ti0131111153i06 116 Blerchoras, for - the -Allegheny River Truk, Ocal a. in Goaretiee, Fraiyee, Pvaimg.h.bistaufootureo tad Chloride of Ogle, • Tne highettpmes, to etulh,poto'it %knee for co.. roe. Corner of Pena and Irwin sta. _law "9 d Co t Wholesale Groom, LL - Comesistion end Forwarding 'Merchants; deafen n Produce end I,ttaborigh Monufnetoreo,Liberty Inifilt,". Po. *WI lekt f O . rioeer, .1, q.t . bl•Gli, - 11.• • ITIO S. C. 111ACEL121, SLIOIL IL WILLIS. ATACKLEIT VPIDTE, Wholesale Dealers 111 b Fore 4a sad Doseastie Dry Goods. N 0.45 Wood & W. IIARHAUGH, Wool rderclants, - Deskars 1.7 is. Float .4 Prod= generally, and Forwarding and Commitaion Iderehanss, No. SI Weer at, Ms. f 11131.3.8. /OM( N1.C11.014 MLATLAND. S 9 to NIGOLS, -Produce imd General Corn semon rllerainara,tio• I.IIIIeGY ar, ri7l:r l . l l l r. SPenn, Linrwed end Lard Oils. - 1.; YON tIONNIIO/1/3T 3C0., Wholesale Oro- Sr, ten, Foroarchog aad 6arrrdsalon lierchenus, Detiets Phsabonh hlanafacmreitand Western Pro um have roamed to their near vrarellottiNold stand) N0. , 3.1 2 corner of Front Ist. sad Chancery Lena rEI- moans and Codard. r sign Meradats,sdd dealers la Product. No. 41 ;hood st., riusbarorb. - ,PROTEFfireOM7623I.OII6 aturreadl de( elstr Boom, corder olitlal a t e t 13mIdadta Cdif,AsMklt iaa . :77-7.1r4 'Vr Crg MS iffo *Cali; re - nisirt;7eFOREIGN WIN, LIQUORS and CIGARS, dealer La 01 idetiorgahela Rye NVlstskey and Manama Man • antaturq, camas of - Market and First sit . Bllp6llol. articles Supplied at market rates. ourci W. & Ile ELITOREL TIME. OLESALE GROCERS, RECOPYING WTILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR Ilk:Kelt - ANTS. A late—lasportera or Soda Ash and Ittledlting Powder, N. I& Liberty at, (open. Sixth st,) Son , [nth: •end 10IIA D. WWI. DAY= ; wcAnt... 3 AITICK s ?S'CANDLMS, (macadam to L. & I. Et \Vida Wholesale Groeest Sorerardtag and Cataanntion Stardusts, dada. nt Iron, Nails, Glaze, UM. Tanta, and Pittsbarghldanufaetares - geseral l y , toner nrWoad and Water attest. NtubarCh• W. WALLACE, Mill stew sad Mill Pur*eW -:a Sus establishment, No. 244 Liberty et., near the arml,mann, C - W VI.W/LSON. .1 y and Military Goods, corner of Market sea 4th Met% Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—W.atelies end Cleans centrally scythed. • deo% BOWlEN—Onnetnwion. 140( . 1 1 --- witrding Wretch.; N 0.90 From between Wood and kb% WjetrrailYglneCCe"ty Goode, noa—rtit corner of Ntarket.4 Foulth so, anal •14. toaeo OA IL ravaa UTIII. YOUNG & Ca—Dealsra in leather hides, o. IV 143 Liberty st. ,an3.ly ang. bectrrcusos. . • .. IV • It. lIKITTCHEON, Wholesale Otoc .. ers, de,a bajgb.alLeg=a7=, Nailt Glue, ¢n VWS , W WILISON; Dealer in Watches, Jewelry IT BilverWare,ldilitary Goods, tee, No. n 7 S t tar ces m - rare , , • ATTORNZT AT,LAW, . , Bailor, Po iT rui, also 'acad to =Hoodoo , iod all **or bad- T 7 WWI coronas to him in Bode! and A11:111111914 moatakst Pa. scram Llt it- Flord,Liberty 81 • , W. .N7al, do -2 ' . lua W u Mart laoo ha do • Plasborp. Aty _ layeCootl , -. r lin7 R CO, STEAM *WM No. 4.l\Vateir street HOTELS --------------- • YOLINTAIN HOTRELs ' ' LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. . . ';• WPM AND 1711:31=Ii TIWWWFOWL TEW mitabUshment long and widely known an 'being one of the most commodious In the city of Eaidmore; has recently undergone veryexte rr, Live . alterations and improvementa.. Jin entire new arteckas been added, contatning,mutterenthand airy mem= apartments, arid extenstre bathing room. Titraadlost department Jeas also bean completely .rverganiod and fiued up in a marunique and betted. RI srfla 'ld feet Um *tele dens e st;arran of the Hoses hashes& remodeled, with Men& on the fon of the propriston, tawardi the' condom sod pleasure of their eau end arida flier conadeintly &Wert Will challenge no with any Hotel in Om Holm, .Tbeir ble will slwaya thepp every' s e rve Mantel m a id luxury which Market affords, served up in • wedge style; while in the way of Wines, he., they. will not be wsrpmsed. /n conc ; Ilia* AO Morteurrs begto say, that 'nothing trill_ be ci. lc u lt . undons ,.. u en their pert, arid en IM part of their aseleilete; to .rendor tide Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their Mends and the public generally, 4.u Tb... 64 ltittZlM taiard have also been reduced to the Laths I Otalzury,.• • 51,7 5 per day. lAa N. IL'rhe Baggage Wagon of Me • House venial -1 ways be found as the Car end Mearabor. Landings, which will convey 'baggage to and from the Hote, fme e_f_.., • mayinf LARLASTIRM MOl3l5Mt 011:1112 of TM= -/ii. soon mum" WWWWWWI. iITHE sabserther respectfully announecitind ba bem nom opened his now and excellent Hotel for the aceommodxdou of wavelets, boarders, end the public' generally. The. boos and ritrililliir no elitifillY new, and no paths or expense hays been rested to render ll one of the most comfortable and . pleasant Hotels In the city. , Tbs subscriber is &Wrinkled to deserve, and there fle.fitiqt n 4"L"a rZigarlirtia. Fropnetor. HATS; CAPS AND BONNETS. , WOOED & Co. • A,........ ul M'Coid is King) 11111 b Vaablianabla 11•Iter:s, • artier of Brood and Fifth. &ado. SDILIZTICULAR attention .paLd to mu Remit Trade. 1. Ocutletnen can rely upon getting their Rats and Caps from mu establishment of tbenear XATItslAtSt MI wesoMmornr, of tho Laren saltml, and at the towns Mono. Merchants, purchasing 'by wholesale, are 11=y invited to call and oxen:tine our Stock; as we can. soy with coat:tome • that .1•11 regyde QUAL.III and =yam , it 11111.11 1101 suffer In IL comparison with any bousisin:PWladelphis. fad? § - plkicitriNET — giu — iiri FlEM„ ! .,Phr 1 has Saw Otieril ll supply tit spring Bonnet othcoris, e new and handsome Myles. Also new style lig'd Nens; Lisle Lade. and Eds. Loon FsdertgS; Vielltrill do; plaid Bimini* end •"onoLet embroidered 13wiss Multiply ge.; besides a largo assonntent of Opting GaAs generally, at north Out Canter athand Market streets. ..P . 110 I".damtlo Rooms up Itlitins. b l o t 7 1-4 c ia:WFV,r`i , feltt;i tl:,,,, alma Ow ISM artist we . le . r la.t Also-2.11f chests TkilOwice4 .7 . t aa 'They may have been tatsseat I ;a Nam estuoitsuat house or cthe m foo'rtom. lONlaod co ward will beea al O r d - a ' e - r of th." e D,mal l .cauk 1100TUY b ip i tiaeraDENs CD INSURANCE ------- Li sUrsks-a-Iterrlllt 1 SEGO: PhilarlAptittal li p c o ' re ' tekr .l7 y 'r t al: L 4raly, Of Penreitranta. !Dart Is4a. Charier perpetual. Capikal.llo4,ono Dr= umics nun Far IPILNIMIL ukifs. C.f.i . '', and full 20 per cant. [Mier Dine the towel met of Lifs•lnsurance, tim Iblitmtrinb• cum. parison show: Thus, a Pm . .." 'lle age m lit in. sttDog t0r.6100 (or krfe, must nay in the dinunt, Petinsylv.ie. 02 76, Penn Mutual. 6 . 1.90; Fototarde, 81,111; New Englar.il, P.1 . 50 . ,.Piem York Ltle, $0,30; tton, $0,40" Life tmd Philadelphie.ot.ol. Ilterecno—Smari D Orrick, Cantles U. Hall. tV P. Dcoue, Robert Fill, Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Reese.: . ID- Chas 0, 13 Campbell. Lewis e . Ro.lo2an IlukedNP-11,11ntler;IDIvel , i IR. Cope. Presolent—iainnel D. Orrtali Vice" Prem . dent—Robb P. Magi See ,teryFrancip Black borne. Applications will be re'-tend and every given by DAMG. P r iIINESTOCK, Ant, 00See,..uteimeretal Roan.; comer of ,j,„py;.dry .Vem and Th.rd at.. Pittsburgh IS U $. PROTNCTION NIR* AND kRINE INSURANCE , CrIAIPA- N 11AltIFORD, CONN. si DEMS, ram MD Stock, and drplits Pond,. Oliooo,ooo. This old NM responsible I.',ompeny euntinue. sue polities on the most ft 'amble tonna on lir...tang Douses, tlauseholil Purees re. sires, Sleeks otitiimids, Warehouses and content., Mills end blanufnetnrtes, &e. he., against LOS." OR VANIA(IIi Flitr_ Also, on hoods, 'Yore. and Itlercliondize, .egultud the as chrstisof.lFFAND Cargo., of Seri Ves.cli. The Protection Dmorioec Company having, in the fast 23 years, paid F MILLInN. OF DOLL... MI Weir several !Igraine" thributtonst the Soiled Stateseed the British FIOVIIICOA,It..ve estehlithed a just reputation for solvency and fair druling, 'shirk ehullenzes emu. portion with any odln lIMIFILIFF company on the continent of America- '11.• (rou article on the subject of Insurance Companies, token • fro.. the "New York Dal' Book." ertatot briefly the , far-11,1111g nod Fob.y of the Company. “The 'moneyed men of the ancient end Monty.. prob. perm. arty of Hartford, have. for half a century been Amens throughout the Union for the care, divereuom rigid Imumaty,andinivarylng succors with whack they hale formed end limbered corporation. of Unr de. mriotion. Pro Hartford Bank or Insuranoe Company hm ever felled! :There Companies have for mare than a whole generation +ramrod their nabs in near. ly every State of the Union, and have never tailed to pay the Imumemble losses which they tame Insured rommat" All lames arming upon policies Matted by the under. signed, ern! be promptly attusted and paid at the ben eral Agency orbee. located. at Cinclanall,.o. A large PortiOn of the hairdo of the Company, (tmleding ell premium, received no all, IVestem agentuesa is de perited with the General Agent of ihe Company at 'Cincinnati, for the payment ot Western and Southern losses. Apply to FAVIMIS. BROWN, „Agent for the city of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny ..ty. oettlalln Who Pennsylvania Company Fox Insurance on Liven sun Gun - Ma Anntrriss. ruitE first Late insulate° Company In the U. Maus. 1 Incorporoted March 10,101 d—rhesus perpenial. Copt/al 13500,OULt—all paid in. flaring anthonsed the undersigned to secure applu Galant foritunranee, on which pollens will he issued, leen:ding to their proposals and rout, which wilt be made known to applicants at his office, Ne.t.tO Wood ucct spot CiFkl COCIIRSIN. CEIRI tiifitTl-0111A-N1 • • - OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITA'. 1100,000. J. Foirtar. Jr., Seely. 1 IL Mara, Jr., Preet, Will insure against all kinds of ruts, FIRE AND MARINE. • ALawes will be liberally atimsted and promptly . p. A home inetiratlon—managed by Directors who are 'well known In the communiry, and who undetermin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain timsettar “ter which they h.:velment:tied. as ode: o 6 the bell ' protection to Nose who desi re to be Inmost Drancrotii—ll Milier,Va, Geo. Bleck, J. W..Ballor, N. Uolencs, _Jr., Win. ELL Holmes, C. lanmen, Geo. W. JlLektoh, 'WM M. Lyon, lac; Lippincen, Thos. E. Limb, James M'AnieVAler. Nimok,Thos..Semt. Omer., No. S 9 Water street, (warehouse of Spreg tr. Ce., tip eld es t Pitoebargh. _ issunearom. rPIIE DELAWASE hILTITAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMFANY , -4.lfrice, North Room of the Enchange,ThiSaVer, Philadelphia. Merchandise and onset _property ill SOWS and COVITISTi insured against lots or damage by fire at the lowest rate or premium. M4l= LIIILIt‘NCI..—They aim insure Vessels. Car goes and Freights, foreign Of coastwise, ender opener special policies, s=the ass:teed may desire. iILIZATWISPOICUTION.—They silo insure merchm• disc. transported by Wagens Railroad Cats, Canal Dents and Steam 803 A. 00 noels and lakes, on the most liberal tem.. DIDECTORS-10se'p4 fl. Soul, Edmund A. Sender, Sdhn C Du2lll, Robert Darin, John RP.ros, Serau al &lewdest , . a Leiper, Edward Deal: vita. lama Dada, Falwell, John Newlin, Ur It ALLlns ton, Janie , C 11. d, neopttlas 'Paulding, Jonas Wonky: Henry Slaw, Hugh. Craig, George &will, ...Sencer Malls am, Clams hails. J G Johnson, Wit Imo flay, Dr 6 Thomas, lam saner's, Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Marg., W'm. Donley; Too. T. mArriN, Watson S Nawsrebn,Secretary. C 3 Calico of the Cooroany, No. 42 Wait, street, russtimgir. pilardri P. A. MADEIRA, ascitt. —Tritula-77-011) aiiminrilltsuaasCK. THE INSURANCE CO. North America will J. . make permanent and Ilattlealniitiratica an wa rmly etty and . ta sirionen , ay_ Canal, Itis .u f , c , hales, and by . Tae pro;erbee et rii IMO crerwertmmel; launtrmteren rtallT ' able ND for the ample indemnity of all persons who deo= iss be pro.acred by insarairee. Wyly P JONES, Agent. 44 Vicar s. OZOOSITY: -- Tha Frantti4 fire in.,'" relux Co. of P Ailadeljaus. 1-VIDECTOES.—CharIes N. Danaher Thinner /lett, 1.1 Tobias IVagnes. Santee/ limn, J aen, It. nailin;• (:co. W Drehards, Mordecai 11, Lewis, diepha 1106 e, I/Auld S. Drawn. Marra. rittlertaia Croutons N. llatiCalta Vrituilent Baneker, Secretary. Coritinne make inturane,e, pal or limited, on every description of property to town or counted, at rates as law •0 are consistent with secnoty. To Company have reaerved a large routing entrund. which is shear Capitol and Prellialtit, rudely invest ed, idlord ample protection la We aaiarad. The astietA at Ow ecaupany, an, anuary lot, IS4u, as published agreeably to an act of Assembly, 1.31,1 t 11 4 fellows, vi=: Aluttgagea ' Tra•poriry Loco Sto• •. • •••• et.ll,:r.c Slld-t,4{12 5111 Cf Weir IncorporettrOn, a period of aye., they have paid ,VVOTILItif one Million foul hundred thous. tind dallnrc, losses by fire, thereby m elting evidence a the advantages ot insurance, as well as the ability and disporthon to Meet with promptness all Itundities. J. GARDINER 6OFFIN, Agent, rearl.dly Office N comer Wood and dd ors DISILAWAIVii -ACTUAL INSCRANCE , CO. - 13 A. NIADFIRA, Agent at Pilmborgh for the De la ' . 'AMY Idutrual Safety Insurance Company - of Phial. adielphia. Fire Hicks upon buildings and merchandise of every description, mid ?domicil:tots upon hulls or cargoes of corgis. taken 'you the most favoiabl j(amain the Warehtfuse of W. H. Holmes is Cm, \n.32 Water, near Illuket street, Pitushargb. N.ll.—Tho success of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt ness sod libersillty until which every claim upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in invinug the confidence and patronage dbl. friends and inn community. at large to th e Delaware Al. S. Inas lance Company, while it has the additional advantages u an institution among the most flobrialting in Philadel pohia—as basing an ample pald.in capital, winch by the peration of its charter is constantly tnere.ing, as yielding to each person Insisted hi/ doe share of the profits of ,he company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing tile Minna? principle divested of every obnoxious lea citre, mid in a. Man anractive form. noct FORWARIIbid & COMMISSION, • - a.I. arca.. nlos.. SILL QTUART &SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Com -17 minion Merchants, No. 118 Wood at. Pittsburgh. Dealers In Oloceries, Mon; Wheat, Aye,Oata, Cam, Barley, Pork, Baton, Hauer, Lard, Omani Clover, Timothy and Flax Benda; Iron, Narls, Onus, Parricular attention paid to tho aide of West= Produce. Rarsasircza—filerara. Dlyers IL Ilunter, Dab. Dal. JJ.a tall &Co, & 'Roe, Hampton, emith & Co., K 1 01 bloornead, Pittsburgo. Fenner & wMasulan Blorrimo sn i , .En delyg., tit. _ torus a. CZ•10, tote of N. Lithon, 0. Mr.. gilts, CRAIG i NICINTIER, ENERAL AGENCY', Commission sued Forwsr.l. GLog Merchants, No. Ott hlurken.th, Pittsburgh, Pa. ofigiriptair:potfeAngr,,gt. 'Colo the purchase situ sale - flaraitlo--/ohn Watt to Co., Murphy, Wilson be Co. PitUhurgh,, Poly Lawson to Hill, Plehlon Maxim, Wellsville, 0.; John 11. ihown te Chs., Gingg, %intent& Co., Phlladelpbisi, H. W. Snodgrass & Co., Gregg be Nsee, New Llsitiiin, 0.; Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. Mee/fin, Cincinnati, J. P. Keller, Youngstown, 0.; W. C. Stan. dart, Cleveland, o.__2l,,r,i___ R C GEOUO _ OCIIIIAR. ComOsolesterk and Vorwardlng Metcharalr no :II woon sir., rtlleitheou CONTINUES to tratutiet a general COtarnission buil: , especially in th e purchase and sole of Amer-- eon Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding Goods constgned is his ewe. An Agent fur the Monefactures, lure will be constantly supplied with the prillelpul •flaeleit of Pittshurgh M.llfiCtore milks 10,1,41. wholernle. prices. Ordern sod COlialgolocitts a Lraflrlly rollcitelL 21 Staam Crick Work. for Bale. THE suhthrther odors for sell, the STEAdI CRICK Wr.IRKS, above Luiretebeteille, c00n..4 • THE argt/mhrOlcdiers, 0 Mould nisehnic, cup tell of msaufa E ct unsw WOW Pressed Greeks tout of not ol•y, as isken heal the batta,) Per day vent, three ore. a t land on tins Aliegbeily river, on winch are 4 k n itor sod abed., &technic and clay sheds, whoelb.reows, molts, shovels, spades, &e., every Ono b requisite to tom. rococo °papa/tools. an bouts dunce. Price. twaledunt the patent tutio cosy lurid ;amanita, lOl7,oMa—foooa of payment •are Va oho. rho tend, !Zoo. For particulars, address . IlliNlt 1 ftli.UKI re, • sugt7,tf No Ile Murortgarhel• llama., ---- lidiie AND ifii-ASS FO l / 1 111.11ti. -- i t A FULTON, Hell and Bross Founder, Ivor re nal, endco N, commenced huotaras at hie old ournd, andb vrill he pleased to see for old carton , er friends erc buh,riteemloiatolud Bells of every att, u,,, to 100110 pciands, east from patents of th e most Cl ed models, and warranted to be of the best MS, Miser W,er I%4lll;l94i:owners, Huang. he dor seitidevery 'sooty at liras. Castings, it I , crured, untied end (unshed in the lieorteat mariner. A. P. ts the sole proprietor ef MOW'S Arrrt•A rrst. nun Mew., au hotly celebrated for no. retioenne of (m. 0.& to xmaludery. Tee Peres ~ .1 • , "‘Pn - " ..... ran be had of blot at sit ttmes inlets,. I " Td r lTl ' l l 'e p l e . t ". • E a H dr — .< rt. ° eft ' . [le ' . "I A a k' a r oTt U e n d ‘ : r:: on bend. Any are made to colic, oraLottrot .1.1.. girlS CI ;Utak ' 7 W.S.I Ai Slonoragratila Lalirriy Stabler a3HOBERT it. PAID-it/SON has opened • the large ststhe on fost at, running thtuugh to Second at, between . %V.d surd Southfield rts ,in the rear tel the hlonong•hellt Howie ,with sit ethrely sew stock of Homes and Cardin.. .I , the beat quality and latcal ttylev. lidtees kraal at ItVe• •ra , ut the beat maw. ly*lly 114 , 14 L'ob ~..w ~i. y `u sQ MGR Gil, THURSDAY PITTSB COTAIITNERSHIPS. Dissolution of Partnership. TIDY tiTUAL CONSENT this day, the foot hereto- DI fore existing ander the style of BUSHTIELD tr. LEADER, has been dissolved by Henry Leader eoU inß him emir• interest in said firm to John McGill. All busmnss nonneeted with the firm of Dashiki/ & Lead zitri7 R.olll.nifig./.. il clams. liehliFIELD &LEADER. Pottborgh. Oct. Yl, 1149. ire N. 13.—S. R. 141.'SHFIELP A. CO. will eonlmue wholevs'e sad retail Drs Goods and Groceryhasmess , si Me old .lore room.No.= Liberty !4where They will be pinused to have their friends and customers cell and esamme their stock of roods. S. B. RUBIIFIELD & Cl)_ blaasslwilerus T"'pastnership of the undersigned, under the firm of Beesley k Smith, was aspired by &Waal toasent on 00th September, IV. Bugaley_purelma n a the Interco of) R. Smith, who urea . The ustness of the firm will be settled by Melt auceessota,Wril. Barney & Co., at Nos. lb arid Nu W Wood st ILLIAM BAOK&EY, I'msbureh. Oct. b, '49. ISAAC R. SMITIL CLePARTNERSDIC.—Win Bartley having Inno nted meth him Wm. ii. Woodwanl of rhiledelphm John S Coiign,,, end Ralph flagidey of POLAtcoqb will oo.nor the Whoieente Grooms 1i0m00..... 1 No. la a d=v Wood el, oodo, the M. of WM. SAO A LEV Putokbursla; ' and itm:ALEN% WOODW ARD it CO., Feebler. DissolTailon of Co-Partnorohlp. ro-partnerablp heretofore eihtting between the oulweriben, under the style of Brown I enlkon- W o I, wn dissolved on the lot Wort by mutual conbent. M. a BROWN, A. CULBERTSON- The subsollLer will continue the Wholesale 0 mei... ry and Commission Cowries., us heretofore, at the at stand, Lts Lawny M. oets A. CULBERT'SON. •••x.• 16.13 SC i ATKINSON, • I REM.. WOOD AN? SIADSIT, gG:STINUE niannsfsetnre nd kinds of COPPER, NJ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black. sands Work. Stamm Boats built to order. Special attention peen to steam bait work. Have on hands • fine assortment of Copper and Bran intles, Tin Warr, &c. &c. Steamboat Cooking thrwsti, Portable Forges, various sizes—a very convenient am bete for steamboats, California ensigninte, or mil road companies. ' We would revenfolly invite steam boat men and others to call and see oar articles and priers before plushy...in elsewhere. jyild DlSSollatiort Patneiirap. rpm'. copartnership of HENRY LIANNP.N & .1 formerly Ilimnen. Moller & Co., in the Window a d Colored Glom business:is this day diasolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Millar. The business will be continued by the lindenigned , tinder the firm or HENRY HANNEN & CO. Warm hone No. 106 Second it, where we will have e;ritt,t trimpiles of superior Window Ohms. JOHN BANNER, HENRY HANN&Y. 11E10 H ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh. Ang;ll7, '4l. HENRY UMSTE.AD. Copacts•Bra • p. TAE utidetaigned have this day thisactated with them In haunt.; 7ACOB L. SCHWARTZ, and will con thane the bash.o as hareuator. ander the find of B. A. FAHNESTOCK d. CO. ltd 1849. /913 NOTION• MBE wattmeter , heretofore canning under the fuse 4. of A. &. C. BRADLEY, Is dissolved by the decease of his. C. Bradley. The business will be carried entry A. Bradley, who will settle the besinu.s of the late firm. BEMOVAT,..—A. Bttsntsr hurt:moved insPoundry Warehouse from .No. 112 Beeond street, to No. Wood street, between First and Second streets, To the wurehortse lately .eupted by O. A. Berry, where he wiß keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Cjisnngc. Gral.l,Btoves. CooIILJ jiElMove . fh An Ira bruolestiosi - %ME co-partners hip heretofore ant _between J. subscribers, ba the name of ConsWle, Burke A Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual eons= Nears. Burke de Baines winmule the business of the ...pe nnon, for which purpose they are authoriied to use the wane of thnermeern. EDM UND NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, BURKE THOMAS BARNES. 'The undersiened ssociated themselves to the name of BURKE & B A RN ES , A for th e purpose of moon(auturies Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doom, &o. &e., at the stand of th e late firm of Constable, Burke '& Co, where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the customers of that house and their friends. EDMUND BURKE, TIIOIITAB BARNES. le rearing from the Arm of Constable, Backe & I sincere &moue recommend Messrs. Backe & Barnes to Me confidence of my friends and tho Feb. 9, 160. NATUANIEL CONSTABLE. fcbll•df Penn Simkins Shop. • 11. Mato( 'fhe aboec wo aty rks b en mael eing now id7Ml.o2.l=m2sicep orotion,l Prepar ed to emotes astora dirpsch foe oil Mods of machinery iamyhts,neh no willows, pielrom, spreaders, eszde,ipied=4 drw.ina (Weer. W eeder, thasualo, looms, woo ea cardsolan We or enkle,(oo a nd comargewark, 76"Are.;alida and hand lianas and tas In co ktilfrofikilltiM—Miaretilradet;Br II AV en for gearing (octanes or mills at remonobre hoso 11 Rocks so—Kennedy, Childs "S. Blakstock, Nell Cr.. Co.. litna. Pennock tr. Co., Jas. A. Graf. MOW/Mb GEO IS.BIILTISNBEILOSCIS S. 11. AGENT, .Peorwerdlnr, and Commission Ai:r eliant, Om removed to N 0. ., Front. between Wood na Smjthfseld streets. sog sinneTrUMPS, made on an tomroved plait, so a. not to freeze in the coldest weather. Persons wanting such articles, are invited to call and roe there at SCAIFH & ATKINSON'S, wet', tin. between Wood Market .is _ _ Removals R°BERT A. CUNNINGHAM has removed to No d Corruncreial How, house formerly °seemed by moms Or., where he will be happy to see &stimuli* and former customers. Dear TO PAIN TM - WS. TORN IS'CREARY, Printing Ink Matalfacturer, No. =1 and lzkidiruitorsiozect, NEW VORK—De pot:lnane street—Would mill the attention of Printers his improved Printing Inks of 0500. kinds aml orders, at the fallowing prices gave has Jet Black, for Card and Waal Cats - - (14 and It 00 per lb. Fine Book Ink - 0 7r, tkia. nk . • UlO ONi Ndies Ink • . old 010 " U Firni Hod Ink - yI IOU 710 . YAt " Blue, Yellow, Green and White 73e lOU 150 " Gold size at KZ per lb, and Browse at 50,75 co and SI Per 01. A specimen of Newilrik can be seen on thispaper. For sale by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON,urgh Piusb, l's DI7 At 9 , 1,7`4 c va,.l J1,5.<1 ;11 WI C. Morgan t Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton fr. Grimsould, Louisville, K7.' ocooollin - J ARIV,icI.VTIAI64 I WMT I6-1 . ---, Modern and Antlq_ne Fl/rnitlll'e, EA, Tenn Brun, Penne:WM isA lure tad splendid aseortment of Farnham suitable for Steunboats, Hotels and private dwel lings, uutantly on hand and made to 'order. The present stock on dand•cannot be exceeded by any manumetory in dmwestern Country. Persons wishing Le as would do well so give me a call, as I stock consists In— ined my prices shall please. Put of the _Tete a Tete; Buffet Ethreie; Louis XIV Chairs, Queen Elisabeth chairs; Tea Po Fruit Tables; Toilet Tabl yse; ' es. .I.ouis XV Commoder; French klahogany Bedsteads; Plano Stools . . 60 sofas wok Plu sh and Hale-cloth i euera; , 110 Mahogany Rocking Chairs; 40 do: Parlor do , NS " Fancy do 21 centre Tables; 110 parr Divans; 4 pair Met Tables; lb marble top Dressing Bartered 20Wardrobem 8 Secretaries and Poo h 00.00 marble top Wash Stands 4 pair Ottomans; B pall fumy Work Stands; A very largo assortment of common chairs and other ha talcum too numerous to mention. onErerfon'.." . nt. th.lde°' the shorte rm.. st notes, Dl a j 3 kii•lfPoiiii.iitsi• — filCrtirat - W iiiiirrt - , • TILLS is to ocrufy that I have apj 40 pointed Livingston, Rogues te, CO. B.ole Agents for the sale of Jeturing s Patent - Uaprahun Filter, for the ell lies of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. . . 301118 GIBSON, Agent, -.... far Walter Id Gibson, 879 flroadtmtl. N. Yi -Oct. 14,1848. We hare been using one of the above ankles at the ogre of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial, and feel perfully studied dm it is a useful Invention, ltd we take pleasure in recommending them as a useL ful article to all who love pure water. Orders will be tiwrt'llY croaked -,l4w.Q' ggeft.-, .., ' ll- '------—] FOR PURIFYING . WA T ER, , Which renders turbid water pore by ,-ma y .. ..reatti:MlL substance.s,lntluVoex . walbtho.ngil t altar . an an d Fi b re . ? th th . e .s u b •e, s t 91/44‘)-. Alte ri ng cock. MM... WK. deports . „Impure substances, worms; U. Tine ta the'ease more or lea. with all hydrant TS•ler. The Reversible Filthier is neat and durable, and Cr not auended with the Inconvenience incident to odic, Rheum as it is cleansed without behtg detached frost the water pipe, by merely turning the toy or handl. from one aide to the o th er. BY this eau precut, the coarse of water is changed, and all accumulauons In impure s ubstance. are dnren of ahnost Instamly. without unscrewing the Filter. It also possessestla conk and se each In many advantage of being •MP . , . economical. eases will be very convenient. ° 2 be atthehed whore there if s'it Prthre b h i 117 1 ,., or to a cask, hulks Mb ' " rif, th .4.11. ime°o4. '' e sole Agent, writ comer or Pouch tad Market ass_ — l3r ronght:and Coat Iron liAlillitif. TH g 1 re to Inform the ulic , hat ,L7'lX•vnb e'just . 'e mit from the East nil t h e late tad fashionable designs for Iron Railing. bath for houses ana cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand. , .orpe utter". w ri t please call and examine. and Judge •.- for themselves. Radnor 1•311 be furnished at We abort Craig notice, and in the best manner, at the e,,,,,, „ ". M Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny City. 'Pms. augrilLdif A. LAMONT b. KNOX. _ _... oc Ch 00000 CoOO s &a. Hater's American and French Chocolate, Press ad Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Dream, Cocos Shell., to. rllO merchant' , and consumers, who would purchase J. Ma bast products of Cocoa, frae from adulteration, more nutria°. than tatter coffee, and in quaint , mune. Pa die 101b,Crib.r taco:amends th e above article*, manufactured by himself, and stamped with his name. His Brom. and Cotoa Poeta, as delicate, palatable, and salutary thinks for invalids convalescents., and. others, are pronounced by the mat eminent physicians a re to soy other preparationa' mintiatatatutet are stream on ride,. on!, quantity, lqr a nd most re. cable grocers to the eastern (sues, awl by thaii ilassres, o tar tea., el . Eloweial lanes aft Bunco co, Dastfutd, Conn; litutwYk Manus . New Nollr, Grant& Btone, Pitiladelpha.Toomaa V Rmodige,Balc K e llogg dr. Dennen,Cincittns Ohio. timvn; and WALTER BAKED, Dorchester Maw. Far 1001 DAGALF-Y k. SMITH, Alto ..• 'W.& J. CRAMNIS, Hesok W Far Unjort un d e = i l l idrree.V , l= h4 C =Da l are wrepared to &any work in our .11nd. pa den' Patch. We attend to one work personally aud" faction will be given in regent to it. intud&-a...4.4 . Blank Books ruled to Unk'paitero and . bound stantially. Books in number. oroldboagabound cue, fully or repairod. Hammy= on hooka in gilt lettere. Those Mat boon work iti our line are Melted to eall• Prim low. ruyiatf 'Seale.. Cookaag ht0V•11, GZILSOII, aine. AIRHIALL, WALLACE & CO., Round Church, or Liberty and Wood streets, mend and offer foruale Platform: Floor and Counter of the moot improved quality . , Cooking Stoves, f , and cod; Egg flumes - of multi. Moen, Pe common crate., Hollow Ward, &c. bo. T manutacture thn Kitchen Range, which has general tumefaction to those haying' it in in which they would respectriply invite the at the mono. nod the public,korterally. nANL;FACTURED TOBACCG—Ths would call the attention of the city dealers generally, to the following brands li Mocr and to arrive, which being consign reel trout manufacturers, be is enabled to eel . oc9 Fl';') bre R. AV Crenshaw' ds, 70 I " James Madison be; sI I " ds; M I hbrubeau fro, 91 I " P 61.11.111 da and Is; Id I " Roberts & Sisson Zer.; • t o Oscar Burl :et; u I " Johns & Lewis lal • 'll'e..“-woryl43ern"Pers Is C , Is and Ps; fcbUl L SWATERMAN 'Pitt Machine 'Works and Paundlry. nrrasuana, OS. , TOILY WRIGHT& CO., ere prepared to bad Cotton 0 .41 Woolen Machinery . Havers description, snub et 'Cording blachines, Ppiuning Feemeo,-Speeders. Dr4wing Frames, RailiAgy 11,045, Weepers, Spoolers, Dimming Frames, Loom!, Card Grindersoic. Wrought loin ensiling turned, all Sixes of 9est Iron, P.M , ... ) lagers of me latest pattern>, slide and hand Lathe., era tools of all Hada. Coatings of every desertpuon fulaished on short .tiCO: Palter. made to color for Mill Goantig, Iron Railing, Ac. Stearn Pipe for beat ing FliCtOrighCaolfirr Window t t lesh ., , r COO m..17,..C..,,i,,,,cty-S.tree4t,in NIISCELUMOUS. DAUS GAZE RN'liG• DERMI3E MIKM.4I4IINE OI . I S: • don: Referto Dlnekstock, Elea Co&I. E. bloorehead . & Co, G. E: enter, John Irwin & Sone, Ptitaburgb ;G. C.& fi. Warner, Steubenville. lenl9 NEON COACH PACTOPLY, M. Ati,e‘VpHijg t.C,Oitwyorareve.st.ectfult:stforto ar e t o w betorien Federal at.rlSendesky streets Amy are making end are prepared to receive orders for every deseriptton of veMcles, Couches, Chario aches, Boggles, Phew.. tee., Re., which Boeutheir t'llriTtf:,lthy° Ire:re y h' freFonn easTlVre ' enabled to do work on the most remlonahle terms with those wanting artfoles iwthels hoe. • Paying particular attention to the selecuon et, mate vitas, and having none out coumemnr wettest% they hart no hesitation in o n .their work. We thereiore ask the attention or the pnblie to WI mater. Pi: B. Repairing done Bile best manosi t , aml on the moklreasonaltie term!. ja20.11. COITON AND WOOLEN bIANUFACTIL HERR—Having eiede arrangements 'for a eon. cant apply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell at low peers Calf and Sheep Soler Bkies, Lice Lea ther, Plckers, Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp TwinnTreadles' No. S to 10 Belt ?wishes, Wrenches, Strippmg Cords, 10 la 15 in:lra:mit Dresser Bmshes,Weavers' Bough. • b.c. LOGAN, WHAON & CO. , my 4 Hsi_ Woo street. Mahwah: OST WIZTL-N—Odle?, Webber Forrester, tsar rare rich and dry. Gould, Campbell Co' , old dry MI. rte, WU, Pere PumJaiee par ticidst Port, Harris x dram threble, denk. • ble and single Grano.. Tend wines all oelebra teal for their readieal properties, and be bed whole. teal reml at the Wine Store of , • hi! • - • JACOI3 WEAVE. Jr, ' PIAII-111-- • rpuE aaltaC fiber viers for sale a large affil oplaroild A. maeruneet of rosewood and man.) . grand ,Le tioe Banns, with and without Colsinsn'e celnlitated Alolim s edtmtunent• The above imminent. =eau. ranted Le aqua/ teMY nimufaemred in 'lbis coun try, end 1411 be aid lower than my broeghti front the Eau,. F. BLUME, No Iti woad at, Sal doer above oth N. IL—City Sena will be totem at par fora few of be abovomortutent. myi F. R. - liattlware..ollempar than Evarl. ap:, m importers end Wholesale Dealentin /laird Ware, Cutlery and Saddlery; No tin Wood atreet, above Fifth, have now to store a very anal, and well selected stock of Rardstare4 unspotted wince the decline arms* in Europe, and winch they undetermined to sell'corresponding,ylow. Merchants who' have been in the habit of going East, ale Pardee larly requested to call and look thwack our nook, al we confidently believe they will cave their exprxx. NV BATED, I - 01LN at the BALTIMOR.E._niIttn. I9 ELSHI.A. ,LP,ISIEV/ YORE. DOS MN AND NEW ORLEANS GeINENAL AGENCY AND C 051511541014 OFFICE i DIEN in wholesale and retail ettires,!and other it tabte basincas, te . act al Ecoktreepars, bake. Porter., Bar-keepers, Walters, Fanners, Coach- Car luients, nook and Map Agerasi collector., ri sera In all branches of baldness,' de. l'We lave at times a large noaabet ot gmatintriations on head. r• , pay from .310 to 5.1,000 per .13146. •• Thou in tat airoations orally kind would do well to pee 1 aserwietee. Altai , theu. el-. tune, which will enable as to place every be in ultable situation at the shonestnotlee. We ha n • large atmkatetance .in all the above named ci es, which we bust will. enable 44 to give entre Willa it. LIOLL to all who may favor us with a call. - TAII.9IIM , TA VslhaN,No. 55 Sou ri th accond G nd st, Letwecti uy. N. 11—Pcrsons Living 111 utt7 part of the r. States, and wistaug to obtain • snuatiou ut lialumore, or eh. thee of die above cities, will have their wants mime duncly attended to by addressittg us a line, ipou.paid) many so doing they will curtail troth trouble and es. pen., which they otherwise would incur by coming to the city, and socking employment for themselves. Althea+, TAI latlEt ea TAYNIAN, N 0.59 Second meet, Babireore, kid -- Dr. Kole.. Is T 413111.11411•0. THIS 111 to ecnify lhat I purchased one vial of Dr. .I. ldel,ane's Worm Spiteifie, tome two months ego and gave to a son of some, some mean yeert old, two :easpoone fell, and although Me amount may appear Largo yet I have no doubt Lot there was gpwethis of from'fliOClAND W 0531.. passed frost hitn i meamting from one quarter of an Inch to taro incheslon 0 W HOLLIDAY% Roan'. Creel. Carrel, co. Tenn.. Dee 27, 1617. 1n2.1 BENNETT e BROTHER, hIFEE.NSIVARE MANUFACTURERS, Blrmalsglnana,[klese Plikobtakght) P. Virociwutc, No. 137, Weed greet, PiNsburg4. IFWILL constantly keep on hands good newt meat et Ware; of our oven reanefaentre, and super torqualny. Wholesale and coins, Ida. chants are eespeetfally invited to call and ex ammo for themsel r es,. we are determined to sell cheaper than has ever baton been offered to the pub le ID' Orders sent by mall, accomp.ted by the.. or sly lefereeee. will be pniFRD ananneil to. 0210 - ---•- - - - rpo THE LADIES—Just received, a full msortmen 1 or gold and silver Thread, Cord and Braid; elm ' s.pangles and Bullion, for embroidering and other or namental wet*. Also, gold and silver ' assels, Fringe, ant Lace. Jewelry ate latest fashions, In great variety. Watches or seperier finality and beautiful patterns, and Ea wile at Eastern supW W WILSON, • corner Market and Fourth Oa THIGEragUn. BATHING ir.TAßLlsil sx. hIENT—Open from OA.M.to II P. M. Single Bath Z. cents, ore for 1 dollar. Ladies department open frame to 111L3L and from tote P. M. The Refroahmeat Saloons are unequalled in awl* attendance. Recherche Ice Creams! angle " T. WALL, Proprietor, T — Tam - Auctrsinvirl. HE ansmtion of the public respecunny called to the folloarleg comfiest...l Ma. S. Resale—Raring tested a quantity of hold erelabod b7-four Area:meter, lewd the result prowl your lemma:tent correut; and remounted the use of it to those going to California. as the best seathasi for oh. Wein( the reel value °Mold. Resp r yoary J. B. DUNLEAP/, Gold Heater: Pitubutitt, Marsh 9, Idle. rtrrenosaft, Morel. 7, MIL S MA. Eats -Dear Sim !laving examinedtho "Axe*. onett:petionmtat bared at your nmns, I do not heanate to codunand it to the use of thore gentlemen who are about removing to California in,ye.ch of Gold. It gives &clams approximation to the epeciao eel ty of mends, and will momently enable the advent to ascertain whmt hie placer te yieldro c M xi k . mart. Your e,mtme., J. R. 1. NDIA RUDDER CIAYEGINGIost received for the California Expedititiii, a complete ...moment of Gum NantoClothing, u prices ranging from !SAO to 611,5010 r sun of coat, pants and hat. For sale alum lull. Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at. dec.° J 6 H EfirklVlEWTErfair , • S I tPF D A L A•v " itY ßl4 rig2ll.faerlf= of Informing ina rands and thopublio in na me d, Mtot he Las the largest elocrof the following named, arn. oleo of Me own manufacture In this eity-3addleq,Nas or..., Trunks and Whips, all of which he will warrant tu motto of dm Leto material and by the base Ana moth. LW: Miesherry county. Baintdeientinedto 1,11 b Lel MIIIIICIICIII/p1 401,60thiall lower than km been hare. user. sold lA. any similar establishment in the city. be would inane persona In need of the above named LW.. to hie warehouse, N0..144 Liberty etreet,oppo• vim Se.enth. Alto, bonnie mode to,order for me-chine rY. • oetau-ly , G. K.P.RBY.. MAT end short nme LULLS Or LIMAN GE, p • CI Able in 'Cinciunitti, Lrouiontle wid St. Lows, pu eh geed on the most favorable tern.. epit , N. 1401.A1F.S tr. SONIC t)) e.CSIVED TRIB DAY •t rho .0 pot— cue Nomcu'e I~Semllle rinJAß4Lobgi.Dei Slippers; " " Illasklas; ,__SJHocra, " 6lcn's •. Ott been , 4 " leelher sale - .l." 9terehoesi , Alt ofistnati will be said, wholesale Or 111 ai we hoe. to the cny. J & H eed HILLIS , • Trod Wood meet irENTlMtift=ioo YY, Luc cab by nor lu ST U & SILL S D ut.:l .l4"7 ' "'"'' lttrAl u , N'tklaliTlVV. USSENTIAL 011:cireall Oil lturasatat, 241 I • • Loveutler: ' •• l'oppermsat: t " ttetuafru; Fields and put% lag salt bY Itur2l .J SCIMONMAKER CO '44)CAir-=) Pli ilion, ie tYI vemer Aonongatcla, to; by ful". 1 A HUTCIIISON tr. CO C fncre{jt, " g "11. /AMES A t artans oN a Co fC6ENSt—aI last rccKEan or rare krA bY • aar2t , COPF; tr. EIKE t ar NriW4frit y - Nalth 5 .,.,. • 47 unit.' :_assgy riCova-AN•ii-iffsitirf•-roirii.ra74 u ' 4O " /4/.64 & CP's,3o3 los gloves slot Barely, Lads cad - - sisTl MEE 13, 1849 XIBCEIUNEOUS. Di' Chi Pitataint of Ike IN pinwale,' of Jaw, I. ZACHARY TAYLOR, p h eeident. or the Haired Autos of America,. do hereby deelam and mete kno.l2,.'thet pablhr haler veil be beld'as the tredsteusethmed LAM OASeee,. in the ;kw* of 1118SQVAIr at the period. hereinafterdeileektel to At tlaLtrutthßee Pled"arlia,.?!.itill":l7:=l2l; thUtdth.er• reeesitrae& ur'f,maki.JPl.Erd parte of ownehips, 'to /QM V* Nut 61 a.e.rfiti edvi"ne- • Township- twentrtWo, (exnept ' &tenons 'seven. eea 'omen, eighteen, nineteen, twnutYr Wear - nits ., d(Ut ty, thirty-one,toad thirti-two,) of range four. • • Townihiyi twenty-taro:hot mire five. ,Fractional township sixteen, and 10,01:00. tvietA-- ty-two, of tango six. Fractionsl toortuthips sixteen and seventsteind: ' FT ° . L' n tit ral"tl=PosfsTittnrse rev teed, and twertrpontr 10111110111111 twenty-two arid Gray thus i and sections three to ten inclusive; stateen to twentr te one Inclusive, slid twentrnine to 10017-1 10 0 in township, twentl.l.,pl..c..ight. • .TOWnahip nineteen,(excePt In v,ectlan* thirty one, thirty-two, thirty-three, ihirry-ront,, thirty-five, and thitty-lix,l fractional township twenty, nod free tionsl umnship twenty-one, (except sectioni one, twelve, Atirteen, twenty-three, twentyTonr , t*antr five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, thirty-tour, thirty-five, and thirty.six,) of rsine nine. The northwest fraction of section to, iownshin nineteen, and fractional township twenty, of range tau. Nora of the A. ease tins, and row of the Atli prinnipn ' • meridian. • Townships twenty-three, twenty-tour, twenty-mg ht and twertyntine, of range nigh) Townships twenty f nine, twenty-tom, twenty,frre,, twenty-six, and twenty-eight, of range nine. Townships twenty...ne, twenty-own, sweaty-WM, twenty lour, twenty-five, and tarentx.ms, of rang* tan, At the Lend Office at SPRINGFIMD, comraenting on Meads p, the Conner-nth day of Jmosarg next, tor tho disposal m the public lands within the undermenuoned townships and fractional townships, aim Neoth of the bassifnr, andsot{/ t 4 fifth principal ins Fractional township twenty-one, and townsidlta • twenty-fire and twenty-4g, of range eleven: Fractional townshiptwenty-one, of :Loges twelve, thirteen, fatale., Mann, sixteen, seventeen, righter.% nineteen, twenty, and lostrnrY•erne. Frani:lomat township twentrone, and township twen ty-fora, of range romnty-Zwo. Fractional township twenty-one, and town/hips twenty-three analwenty-four, of range twenty-t h ree. • Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-three and twenty-fear,iof range twenty-four. .-Frantlonal township twenty-one, or ranges twenty fire and twenty-slx. At the :dome Mee at CLINTON, co mmenetart on Monday, the twenty-first day of January next, for die disposal arum public land. within the following nam ed townships, in win Nora cf th. ban fins, and mei at us fifth r^ttßrd ra • • Township thliry-five, of range eighteen. Linda eppropnmed by law for the tose of Schools, military, and other purpmee, wilt be azelnded from • the sales. The Cdreliqg of the above mentioned lands ,be commenced on the days appointed, and proceedhulhe order. in which they am edsertM4 with all onveni• ma despatch, until the whole shall have been offered,. and the sales thus closed; but no sale Mall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted mtil after the expi ration-of the two weeks. ' ' • Given nadir my hand tithe city of Washington, this fifteenth day of September, Alll.Dominl one thousand eight hundred and ihrty.ttlne. By the Prelderni Z.TAVLOIL J. BUTTERFIELD, Commissioner of the General Land Mt. NOTICE TO PREEMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the tight of . pre.empuon any of thejanda wittda the towealtipa and parts of townships above can:aerated, It required to .establish the same to the satlsfacdoe a the &Otter unditeeet ,ez of the proper Landeftee,andmakepayment there for es 110011 as practicable afterattelng dos =ice, Lad before the day epee . inted (or the eounseauccatee.t of the •publio sa..e °Rho Wade extbractn e g the 1,000 cuumed, otherwise such claim will be le i itA KRAELts Commissioner of the General Land Office. marl Seoul mad Slums, • • AESPLENDID assettmeat Ittet reeMve4, the Fall and %later Veda. ceasimiag ttttnnno N'S, WOIMPS, BOTIP, MISSES* AND Cilia- BEN'S WARE, alavtet variety- add etyle, and at prices tomtit the lies..,Them 'robing to putehane, arbalesalo or temil. will find it it, did, advantage to gime us a call and examine farMeamelves. TROTII & SCAM aml7 moor Fourth and Smithfield' am. ECTIAmt totem the Place. - SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, LIC6•NAf SISILDII4II 0...11.18 ISTRE.N. kW Ir.: 11.171. E. NEW I'ORK AND PLIILID:EL , PRIA , Awl la Ilo* retain - mg a fi.;c ansnizininit of • CIAITHB, ceselmSH&B ANDNOTINGS; 61 , Tat:Amr Quaurs AND werEar shrus, , - -Whiehine ierhyetratetVen IN TIM DM' MANNER. And in the latest Fashions. PITTEIBORGTI FEMALE LNISTITIITS THIN Institute, under the care of Rev.]. NI. HOS. lIONN AND LAIIS, end re-open on Monday. the 14th of September, lu the same rooms. No. 3d UheetY scram. Having limited the number of their pupils, the Principals hope to nitro a commuution of that liberal patronage they have !Whorls. enjoyed. Parents may feel amoral dim every advmdage will be afforded their daughters, if placed under their charge for ob. mining n thorough Faglitb, Clusical, and thlamentel education. uriP:dtf YOUNG LADIIOS SESIINgar, soostce. WILE AUTUMN SESSION of ts Institution ill imminence on.the first hlonday hi in &•pteruber. w — Rooms on Federal stivet.in “Delonade Row, o Al door from the bridgee. Itnty or Tereme rea slooloN or rive Monne. English Department, Including Reeding, Orthogra phy and Defining, Writing, English Grammar, Itseto sic, Login, English Composition and Criticiem, Geo graphy, Illgory, Arithmetic end the higher branches of Mathematic• • Netural Philosophy, Chemistry, Ar tronouty, Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellect uel and Moral Science, and ail other branehee reendette to • thorough English Education - • - • ge_v 00 Classical Department, including the Latin and Greek Langueges, each , - 0 tel rec SIO Oa German, $lO 00 The . servis of eqmpelent temaers ere secured for each eire bietruction In Plena and German, and also iDrawing, Painting and hlusie: It is desirable that inyaventer rat the commence ment of • amnion, yet they are received at oily time, and are changed at the above rata from the time of entrance. No deductions are made for absences, ex. Sept lo eases of protmeted Further information may be obtained, and nephew. tiona r mede by ceiling upon the Principe], at his moms On Federal street, or at his lodgings In "Irwin \ Row ,* Liberty street, Pilteburati, between nd ana oth street's; h the Pittsbu h P Office the ‘ht".' l. N. WIdEgALF Allegheny, Aug.Y, IBID. PITTSBURGH PallAlmE INSTITUTE TLIE &coed Deegan of th is [agitation, finder the ease of Mr. and Mee. Doman for th e present amidemic year, will commence on th e ' trot of Februa • ry next, in the game buildings, No. in Liberty greet. Arrangements here been made by which they will [feeble to furnish young ladies facilities equal te any In the West, for obtaining e. thorough English, Chug • eel, and Ornamental education. A full wane of Plu: lisophical am! Chemical Leeman* will be delivered dame the minter, Illusmted by appentits. The de. parunents of Vocal and Ingiumental Maga, Modem Lenguages, Drawing and Painting, willeacb be under the ease ofa competent Professor. By close attention to the moral sad lotellestnal imprevenung of &Mena. p]., the Friuli:mishaps to uteritacontinualion of th e liberal petorx th apply ey have to the Principal.. hitherto enjoyed. Foe Le van, sea or • neon, Sept. IS, ISM. THOS:II.HIBIIERTt„-Dur Sir, Your WIN. isf.L TING FLUID we have now been on ion more than a year, and on lakking over the entries made by It, we led the eider a bright blee black. It la pleasant to write with, down free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in use. Wishing von the ready sale its inedits dentand, we ru'e.yettrs nrepectfullY, SIMPSON & CO. For sale, together with Flibbert's Red Ink, vrd Ma chum Copy Ink, by B. A. Fahnestoek A Co„ H. P. Scherans, Allegheny City, and by the rnanufacmrer, T. L'llibber . Drawst and Chemist, corner of Libels , ty and Sinttaeld au, Pittsburgh. . mittl WATIMMLAM MAO.,OYU , RA-IM., M. 1..= PALIESCU, HANNA & CO. , po t A g In Foreign and Domestic Exchange,. Certincates of Deposita Bank Notes, and Spector-I. ouch street, nearly opp osite the Bank of Pinsburgh. Current mi ni.), received ondeposite-Bight Cheeks for sale, and cellectiOns made on nearly al the principal points in the United States. The highest premium paid foe Foreign and /merit. Gob/ Ads...is made on constraints of Produce, stop ped Ekttx on liberal terms. end i3IIATI )1,7:-VILLUIJILE I'ISCOVERVI PAX= arterralte. JOYOCUMISM resent creabwr eattmsasoot Tads , sofas, Bureour, Book Cans. Wnti,eg _ LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. TUN. TAIILES far surpassing every ohm io. vention tithe kind new extant. T he y can be ex tended loom ten to twenty- five :eat, and when closed the leave all contained Ins/de . they are made to all siren andhapes, and ale ailnitrahly adapted for SWUM: Pals, Hotels, and lamp private fondles, form tr4 when closed a complete centre table. MOYARAND BLTREAUS—These article. are mask Attablar particularly to those who wish to econo mete eroht,' and eon Ven • sleeping apartment Into a irarlot Or sauna room th ey can be opened and Mist at enneesuence, and,when shut, the he t- la enclos ed. A great Olvtdk" in Teem and rent_ All the bed- Mettils'arttentelosedronn a beautital piece of futrittent Bt,ll44fs:tlegneamt and metal uncle for parlor oF‘l47ll‘O'aKZ..--For lea eel eel., wanting Torii., and ether ofhee when epened a rooarconvanliat bed; sa "enclosed a perfect Desk and Library Alone is Hh'. . All dmso enterer neci en rscornmendatiotil I,rattly erne whole H. they aro Warranted not 10 gel 'adt 01 - repel , It will be rot year interests lo call and entities the articles, at the manufacoareee Matt, Nei.. tO Thud street, Farthargh. In addition to the - above advent-onm, they are proof *guest bags. amble MVgW WOODWELL. wzar.Totim, AICOIIOI. AND PORD'DPINITR, Comer Root arl'Vine meets, Cineliuttl;O: - /A11111.:Rti from Podabintt for Aleohot, Pore SpMg; ,%,) Raw or IteenSod_Wluakey, will be promptly w ended to al, loweet =oriel pnee. mellAdlS • 211Z - ggEir - PYAblfrAliD ,y - Thart .tonsond of Faaboesed Piano and Table COWS eon tje found at W Welton:a% Cozpet Ware ' Unse, ai reduced 'price. Call and examine before 'waning 111M11411110. Ilona 5..~:. Lcu::s y c.::c: :a::fi c~ • - • • - ti b • • • '? 'll --- • . . _ . _ . . • • • ' :pl{Y - GMODS , • • ca.yETTEßasupun :WHITE OD BROWN DOMESTIC. FBANN WE arc ndw reeelrint from tholactorr supply !grime goods, which see are relltrig Otert suchgoods eon be bad else-When , ln,lhis We use no acids In blectehret, thta"*. n.me ' etn obis., liking to produce pods not for shoo but for comfort and durability, and •as such Abe celved the Into am all other goods ex ed M. the It. AlleKheny AviCIOLOVAI FILM. For salt m the Blanket Depot, No. ba Market s at the ware rooms of We FaY.U. b1.... 6.."ja Its Second sr,. Blankets of otli Maturfacmre are sold in /Oleg Tay, by ?Br. robs Dews, and also at Mc r'Tsy WlliaossYP rwkeral st. - I_ • adiaarlesin Woolen Goodies 1111 E palmate . has on hand, freccired the p seuonj conixened from the mantifuenittert, t lowillyt Geode, which ha I. aathonscd trleiOYCILl •1317 30 pieces yard wide Barred Flannel. 23d wars White Bed Blankets, ribbon boon pound, lo the pair. leasepairs Steamboat Hbutkeir, ribbon be ery superior article. • \4 cans leid pairs) Grey Mixed Blanket, pa pairs Mut Gentinnella Blue Blankets, axe perior article. io,e met Grey and Bine Blanket Coating: Uplecer Tweed,:kteubenville mate: 1 case ed plain end barred Jeans Steubenville manufx Tbe above grads are all ' consigned direct make*, end will be sold x4y Ifs. for coal. or ap 00100. .oetkil H. L opposite 111d1R , GOODSt N.ZIN 4 BARGAINS!At GkgWLNTVg kl as nut max or ins to egg meg, 61 Market in., between ad and ern, M. I. RUSSELL; No. 62 idarket WWI .Vll Third .and Font*, sign of -the Mg ;snide Hive, has lust commenced receiving. and open. largest, chestnut and mom splendid stock ,of..PS,. Winter Dry Goods arm offered by one house-- burgh. All of dime tbreigagoods have been pu c al oldie'aulers per the last steamers trona Pk, and for richness of style and beauty Of design surpusal Le this or any other market. The dorminie .and staple .depamonent s be (mind complete, and cheaper than at' any oxli p ? hindshere city. ' The subscriber would red •tf lip call the attention of his nommen, customers, ,n all whining to boy new and cheap goods, to the ip ces which will no doubt astonish them, being dete ni ed to sell cheaper than the cheapest. , Good dark Calico, only Scents nee yard; Best quality dark , Canco, fast colon, 3 ta Its 4-*British purple &mu, fast colors, 8 tot Heavy Bed Ticking, from S to 10 cents per t d; Bleached Muslin, good quality, 5 to obper y 4, Bost quality Bleached Muslim S to 10 per yd: • Heavy yard wide Unbleachmerduslins, dui 1.1; Good red Fbconel; Crete 15 to 25 -cents par ml, Good yellow Flannel, 15 to 25 cni per yd; • Good black Alpacca from 15 to 24 per yd: FrenchGlogiums tram 10 to 13 cts per yd; Irish Linens so prices from 25 to I,2s'per yd.; Sadnen and Kentecky fro m to to 50 cis; Cloaking. and Lines). from 12i to 31 ON • Heavy Domestic Gingham. 10 to 12i ate; I Crasitaudavg; a r ll m mand i val . idea l A splendid astuntment themwest styles. Thlbet Cashmeres in high . colots, rich goos; upin FrencirThibet Merinos; the &tam irnrentedi Rink Camelion all colors and quals, Sleek ArmorCll, besquality, plaid and solloc; Black Gros de alone, all widths and qualities: Lupine flue black Bombazines, boaattbal goats; do best French Merinos,, black end motored; do do do nch do In high cedars; • o fine Fre de Laines, high colons; Rich.fied Cashmeres, M ty onolith geode, ye cheap Honed Swims Idealists; fog calming elresseS; Brioche Thlbet Seeds, Into importation • Best tpallty French Mrd Gloves„ all co lors;' Maarnlng Cduhmeres and &Lanes, all ices; Ladies embroidered Neek *Plaridld pr goods, Luria finest Mustily French limn Bak gaping Ribbons, a full .assortment; Worked Capes, Collars and Cuffs, In great variety Black - and colored Crapes, all gualniem Brocade Lames, in all colarsaralataler; Mohair Carnelian figures, riclig • • • • French Closkingsimporls goods, hi gh coking Aloe, black Brawl Lace all widths and kinetic,. Black Sill Prato's; wideind 'heavy,. bee* qoality. Togetherwith * large stock of white Gorrias Jaoonet and Mull Muslim, besides a ver y 1 roe_ nod =pub stock of Fall Bonnet Ribbort4olthe im putation and main Cultic:table Styles. Many of the above goods have But arrived per the last steamers fimt Europe, and are worthy the :anent. sof the la dica.. • — SIIAWLEO; SHAWLS!! A splendid assortment•of Shawls:— I Super extra also French Long bhst Super extra size Long Broche,finest quahli • Superb quality Lang PAM Shawls; rich Colon, Best quedity equate plaid fine WM , I blevela • Rich and hearLT size Meek slik Shaver; Rich candion c able adk-Shurls; Soper black and w te, all wool, toms labhusbn Super exus dm Long sod StVos3foormog Shawls Paris Vri¢ted C el u r,2` r* s be puce Mali mob, " heavy iringe; • Blank " I Black. and mode colored heavy cloth Shairls; White emlid Thibet Shawls, beautiful Oods; Highland p:Nli long mid stcre Shawls. very cheap, Mourning Shawls and Scarfs, In gresivenety; . Aloe, large lot of plaid Blanket Shawl!, from 75 eta to 111,04, , Together . attn. a fall supplYMGlor4; lids and Ho •lerYOrith MI articles usually kept to a I,l7holcsalc and. *MB Dry Goods douse—ill of whieh will be " V e tte w tl Y iertte * sto a cTl el.3lUke. ' .ttrect , Ween...TfrdnodEdurth, ' sisl '' nf . ...the-At;psr , Miva , where bargains can at all times be halt. • spratninin wiLtasza L.. it:I,3SW.. fl AILBUTH - 1510T has cornacauctt tq receive a Va large attsr.rinutal or woolen Cornions and Rood liukin, Berlin, buckskin and Wooren Thibet, cloth, mous woolen and blanket Pholviv,• cash overt, wormed and llote; Poogee •and linen HilkieJ silk and satin Cravats and leCulie !Juno , und Fringes; Inch Linen, Table Covers, Crapes, Ribbons Limes, bleached hod colored klueline, Tabby Velvets, Patent Threads, Sunup. 811 k, Ituttou, Cum Stispen den, Pins, Pereujon Caps. Jilnianace,,lcommeti and gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pock et and table Culle', .and mury other goods which country and city Merchants are reopectfully invited o examine. sptl9 PAYETTE MANUFACTURING CO., IVIA . Ng.rTU L tE m i t, ;l vri!lje . lll , ll ,, :tr il Fi Ftollz , bloc, !down and drab Blunter' Coating...Satinets and ‘Voolen 'Yarn which they will sell at Eastern prices. Warehouse No WI Socand at, Pintbargh, Pa. PnenurYt New Haven, Payette O. Pa. Will ' NEW GOOD& TETE Inv." just received a huge and complete stock TT r CLOCKS, Variety nod Fancy GaAs, suita ble for Me fall mule, to which, with every dose npuon of Looking Glasses manuractered at our own means power shop in this city, we ask the attention a( Weal eat Merchants end other dealers. KENNEDY & SAWYER, e sjp comer Wood and Fourth eta _ DRY GOODS. DIIIELPHY, WILSON & CO Igo. 49 worn Sr., Frensrann, 11LE.6 now reeetriug their usual supplies of Goods for the Fall season, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old C 11.10124,1, and as many new ones a. may feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking great pains fo lay in such goods as are adapted to the mans of the Western trade, which long experience enables them to do, they can say with ' much confidence, and without entering into a detail of their stook, that the Western retail merchant will find with them all that his customers require. Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing 'to the Eastern cities tor their stock" of Dry Goods, would do wall to call, as a candid comparison of pn <es would in many cases result in the convicuon that the expense of going farther may be obviated b y buy.. tug in Pittsburgh. • atitt3 INEW — PA.I4. (GOODS. W R. MURPHY is now receiving his first Fell . supply of Forearti and Demesne GOODS, and has already . opened an assortment of new and bea ful styler dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; aug ht neat new style Fall • slin de LalneC Alpateas and hloltair Lustrcq Damask fig'd and striped do Farmattos and Lyonese llntho Of the nowt desirable cetera; and a full supply of bleached and - unbleached Muslin., Irish Linens, )lan. ehoiter Gingham, Ac., at northeatit comer Foartli and Market sta. Buyers are invited to call and ace. spUll • SHAOILLETT 41Ic DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 6 , 9 WOOD STILKET, RILE now receiving a very large stock or treat Goode, camera perehase arid unportationosibleh they . vrill matt the trade at such poicea as cannot fall to gm entire satisfaction. City and Connery Merchants ir e, invited call wad . C. 19.1110 oar stock before purchasng ehriteo..- to myd, 01110110011156,9 illAdloll. fiIMILMEIVED and now open for exami nation, a new and splendid assort ment of 7 Ocinve PilLrle4 frelnueillek • Vg" &IMOD, ' among ,them a full carved Loins XlV.ordered for one of our cinxens, who ma kindly permitted It to remain in my Were roma to day (Wednesday) for exhibition. Thowswiho may have • desire to see and hear this splendid spehimen of art, am respectfully Incited to call w i de , • at Me store Cl JOHN' ii DIP 114 - 113.1W00d st .g / c ini for Chlekerines Piunos for Wein Pa. Et a% BATHS n FUji nt r E. DOLLAR, of hodies Daparonent op. from 9 to U o'clock, A. M.., .3 3 to 3 o'clock, P. 24 . . 64R. ELIJAH EATOW3 CEITIFItIaTE JAYNE.—This cerafies, that immediately after' ,gal:tended my brother, wini died g consumption ill Match, 1841,1 watt taken as with the Coniturapnoo toy Live r Cpalplaiut, Ind was redneed ad iciw with the sease Met for four years I was anablis 10 attend to business, enter at home or ebroadl being for the mom tune confined to my bed. Durnig the ebove ;ed. of firs, I had expanded IW:indica' mtendanceo regolar Physicians and medial:lea iht =want cf tcasi, without receiving an). .benefit therefrom. In July, 1845, l commeeced.. taking Dr. ilayne , s eines, and have taken :beet mot. or len ever since, sad believe . that it wasby 'persevering in their one, thnt I can now truly say shall have coMpletely rem.. vexed my health.. 1 belleve th at Jayne'. NUM.° Pills end Expectorant an the beet family meaientes now in • . 1 tea.dc m Ocsepi coa4S, N. V., a;i catty ea' k lattkaa. andattchinc shop , ca last race, 'and envoi interested Da any macular Irk sale of cao above medicines, and make this cetlifiebte lot Lbe bcfo efil of thatt'altic ' tod. F.l.l.littl Simakkcyl, 1'43. tat 7 03 , Oysterar dc- ILIRKE ,Y. raptetdir new regularly JJI riveting' Can ekd Shell OYS'I'EFLti, which are feted to dtainta and fatailica at tltc it , Weil priced Quality . warranted equal to airy brought to Min mad ket, sad tor sale by J. C. BIDWELL, MC. Water Alairigit the following &pout —Reia t Scrger, ear ner Smithfield and Second sue F. Heatlode, ~ mend; Mercer & Rebels°. Federal st oetls TlE.tv(.acX:2lt!N l,),, Vrol. d r , 4" 2,4 Commission Rawness me she awaml boat k: FRANKLIN, add respectfully Safonas ;hie id eals hat, he has gone bathe...pease of a heavy lasurauce .o the somehow. and, *motets, for averal year, aa ' fl Rows he rotawill . give eaßre amafaetteo lo . 411 who may e_ . by_ lacers Lwdof =al : Vex r , ," • 7 L-'--INrIt:: - -$0.:';,4.0. 8- MEDICAL SELLERS' LIVER Plus WAS IV DOCTOR.— PA,'SeptS s 4 s49 . Mr. R. E. Sellers—Dena V U Attel It is adetl l one to the Wale, eo well as to the =edit Of low-Liver Pills. to math the good effects produced by their Los la try own ewe DumgMie motet of/arte,,IBLI, took very unwell, my appall e fad g failed, hod my megra stra entirely prostrated, -with Nevem pain to my aide and, shoulders. I was told by medical men that my disease 'was a severe attoek ot liver' comabgeL rlttook seve rs! boxes , of APL,ne's laver Pills, mut some yrups, whieh IWas told was good for that disease,' h ot Moo all IVeakireting worse:, I finally mestladrA to pleas myself ander the care of a physician for baler ot ome . but, fortunately, Jost at Ole tune 4 I woe told by Me ' . Rev. I. Niblock, of this playa, that a finend had scut him IL box of Sellers , Liver Pills Dolt Pingivgh, which had benefited him very Meet, 1 feettonth scat far a box of your Liver Pills, Lea by the time I was done tieing them, 1 was satisfied ttan It 1111.3•Jort the Predict= that suited ray C•l4. I Sent for mom, and took five or six bores,; and forted myself almost entirely cured; but in March- last 1000001'0Amite celdovidelt brought back the diseases .ansl to a than time Imm as bad as ever. I van had recourse to your Liver Pills; and took them every other tdght for ereeke, alld occasionally gate, and I can now say, that I mite now my, that I teel little if any symptoms of the Liter Complaint, end ray genera health Is as good now as it has been for the lssllll yeartt.. illy neighborsask me who inductor. I Mil them that ..fellers , Liver Pills was my docter,LMl the blessing of Divine Providence the means* , carter me. lam confident that when the i rbite be"..L .O =aimed with the 'ohm of your 'eV ta,o:sw wed for them roll tierces:, Dina of my tmlic...om to whom have recommended the 01.1%, can testifY to their valise, as well as to 'the facts.abore Staled Respectfally youth, Osqjtellt Emu,. To m ENnato.—The Oriyinni, only troo m Liver Pills .T he prepared by Eittleitorop:F o have his name siamma la black wax Open .11to lid of mob Box, aria his sagnalort on tho oouido wraPPeL 11:/ — All others are Cormier/Sas, or base Imitations. .ouV R. 1.: SELLERS, Proprietor: OW:ma sr A matt by . the name eLRUEI. engaged with young mos ante mune ot S...P.Towrwead, and. lutes his name to pat up. s nanossemill which duty dervindna tt • •• g . g r 0 im.64.,1 ter and never was. tint was Pormerly a woriCes * on roil. reads, mum* and the lir a . Yet he asiernei the lade not.Dr.r the, purpose of gining ensea bt Th a t Iteje no Ile •is sending out cards . headed , ...Ttneks tiPtacks,n iu which hesayi, I have sold tfid um. of my name for Wr a week. I will give S..f.Tminiadad RPM If ho will matr onprodu one single & p . m( er thla I. This is to aon the public not to be decillied, and parches° none bat the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarnputilla, having On It the ' Old ce Dr.'s l se iken the ess, his famil r y rant!lr tram; and his sig. nemrcaeroestheeoatohrmc • ; • -.—JACOBTONYT•SV ^ ID. Principal Oiled, N9IIIIICI aK New'llOrlf _ • OLD • : • DOCTOR: JACOB ' TOWNSEND, THE ORIGINAL ; :IDEGCirERER OP SUS a,auvat TOWNSEND 9eLn9AeuulJ v s.. 014 Dr..!rov9stad la uow„luo . o . t,7tleisiot agp. ‘ and . . . has long been k man at the Al/TkioK-and DISCO. VEBER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL.TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA.. Being poor,• he was compelled to in= tts manufacture, hY,whleh omens Ir has been kept oat of market, and the sales eirenruseribed to those only who bad proved to worth and ;mown its salsa. Thin Gesso ND LinagetasitcO ranzattannt, to manufactnred on the largest scale, and it called for throughout the length and breadth Crannied. Unllee young S. Paownsetut* it improves with I. and never changes, - but for the better, became it Is prepared on nine:ft pia:4les by • .0101111.ile MAO. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and-the latest discoveries of the Art, have oB been brought Into re cuisition nt the menufactore tit the Old Ws Satraps nlla •The Sarsaparilla TOM, it is well known to toed• lent men, contains medicinal uropertles, and acne poa parties which - art leen or oarless; and *thorn, which, if retained in preparing it for use, prodnee foments tiro and acid, winch Is inienions to the, nee. Some of the properties et Sarwrpardla ;so volatile that they - entirely evaporate sad are' lost in the prepare non, if they are not preserved byieselentille process, known only to those experieoeed _th Its amonfacture. Moreover these volatile principles, which fly off in m oor, or as so exhalation, under heal, Mg Ito very p sentialmedteal propernea dem root,. which gives to it all its value. The' • • _ • 'l3loYllllAlit OLD DR. JACOB TO W?SeDND , I3 fIAHI3A.PLBILLA irrao prepared; that all ine inert proportion of the Sue .pasilla toot axe inn removed, beery 'thing capa ble of deconaing acid or of fernictuatton, is Cement and rejected: then every particle of medinal parlor is See., red in a pure and concentrated loot; and nuns at is • rendered incapable:of toning . arty o. int valuable an healing properties. Prepare d. xn. tbin way, itiu mane the moat pc-I.min neent in the CUM; OF iNSIUMEII4.I3I.4 DISE/5,5E3. • Hence :lie =anon why we hear commendation. on every bide L i its savor be code, warnan ' and Mid.... Wetted it doing urotAlcrs W the oureraf'OntinitimPti.4 Dyipepais, and Liver Complaint.,and in Rbeamansin, herofule and Piles, COStieences,' all Wane.. En*. O ; Ilona, PimpIe IAIPURITIC s, Iliombu, andF THE ,BLOOD. all tuTections ari.o,y from ' It possesses a marvellous <Stacy aL complaints arising from luilivation, from -Saida) , of Mc Stoma-k; from wino.' mrackstm, demi - minutest of blood tolls head, palmtatten of the heart, cold feet and cold,hands coat coats and hot flashes over this body. It hos not had it:Spy:tat in coughs and coldsk end promotes easy expectoration, and gentle perapiration; Taming atria. nut of Malungiithroal; and every faker parr. • lim to.sothing u to eacellente Mom lannifestly seen •Adtnostladged than Mall AMU. and i>ngesd .r . FEMALE COMPLAIN : W. , • It works wonder. in ease, of fluor albs. or whites, trailing of abs Womb, Obstructed, Sappresaed, or Paln ful Meas., Irregularity orthe menstrual pencds, and the !Ike; and is effectual in curing all forms of the Kid ney Div... By removing obamictim., and regale tang the general systeuti it smiledo and strength le the whole body, and cares all forms of .-, - NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITy, and then prevent. or relieves a Treat variety clothe, doseence, as Spinal Initation, ISemalgia,, St. Vona Dance, ...tuns:Epileptic Convebtons, an. Is sal side, thee, Illa'Alidelatetit 70V PRZ•FiaLMLNTLT Notes Boa eon say albeit thiap be auitt of S. P. Town send,. interior article! This Toners:tares liquid as not ' to be COMPARED WITLI TRE 01.AIDILM, - becaose of the tined Fact, that the one. incapable ' of Detenermtion .d NEVER SPOLl,Siothile the ifdls of DOES; it sours, forthents, , th e bottles containing it into fragirienue the roar, acid liquid en pledlng and damagthg other goods! Must not ads hor ho he pothorthas to the- 'yawn? Whet pet .id into it IrrllttOl already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspeptla bat add! Do we not. know, that when feed mare in our stormichs,what thirtehiefa it produceit—liantlence, heartbu rn , pilphatiotr of the heart, liver ethuthlalat, diarrhea/a, dysentery, diddle and corruption of the blood! _What us Scrobtlajna. acid 'humor in the hotly! - What produces all the humors - which bring on Erections of the Skin, Scald Dead; Salt Fibr , • 7 t , cipetes,WhiseSwellings,Perer.Sores, and an elem.°. internal sod external? It is noth ing under bear. but . acid.ubooueo, which soars, and thm apoiliall the but the body, Morn ; Whale/aims Rheumatism a sonr acid field, which insinuates itself Oen.. thalami. and it - - 'Rating and inflaming the tender and delicate tisanes upon winch h nett! So of nervous disease., of imp. ty of the blood, of deranged simulations, .d .uly all the ailments which ithict ham. nature. Now, is it not horrible to make and soil, and infinite; , ly worse to use this SOURINU, FERS& NT I T INO, ACID .“COhIPOUND. OF P.OWNSENDI . . . _ - _ and yet km would fain haoo it understood that Old Jo nah Townsend , . Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an Imitation of his inferior preparation!!" - wen forted that we shotdd deal. In an article which . would bear the most distant rescrohlanee to 8. P. Towasend4 articld and which staled bring down aeo the Old Dr. sloth a mountain load of complaints and miminations from agents who ht se sold, and pr. chasers who have need S. P. Townsemi's Fermenting • CoWe mp ou nd with it understood, because It is' the obsolete truth, that S. P. Torraiend , s artielOsind Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heareovrido apart, sod infinitely dimietilan that they are rouge In eveey pu tedar, laving not one single things n common. It is to arrest fronds upon• the unfornmate„ to pan balm into wounded honnutity, to kindle hope in the to t e dmpsring bosom, to restore health and Mum and vi gor the mashed and broken and to bordah infirsai ty—thm old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND by SOUGHT and FOUND the opportardry and means to bring his Gunn UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMLDY, nee d whin the melt, and to the knowledge or all who e it, that they nay learn sad know, by Joyful pezierm e, Its ILEseiNDLIT TOW= TO 81.111.! For sale by J. KIDD tE Ca, Wholesale Agent for Weston, Pennsylrsaim Ifirmloghann Dr. .T.P.ARMANT,Alleaherryr.Dr. J. CASSELL, Firth ward, G. W. GARDNER. do rad, Pittsburgh apt., Jaynes , Expectorant.' RALms,. Columbiana 00,0., apt. SS, L 941. TNIL D. .IAYI.VESL Dun Sem—l feel bona to yoa JJ and the adiicted public., to avail myself of Milieu portuniViving publicity to tho extraordinary effect*: • of your • memos on myself. Raving been afflicted for. sever . years :lila a severe unit, hectic over and its concomitant Mimeses, and seemed only doomed to linger oat a shonbut .tnisembre - existence, until fall of MP, when being more severely &nuked, an d . having resorted to'all my former remedies, sad the pre. seriptionsof tamer themes% respectable physicians id the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or dm • consolers= of turvivitip but a few days or weeks'ai farthest—when - the is gleam of hope 1111110b09) Vllllilh, I bed recommended to me yentrExpecto an blessed by that Being who does a/1 things ire use-ol the mesas—tad contrary.to the aspectatiord of my ,pbysiciant sadiriends, I was In a few days muted from my bed, end was enabled by the au of a bold - la attend to my business, coMying same bearshealth I had for ten years previous, Respectfully yours,On., ' Yu. W. For• sale in Plusbuegh, on dieTelths Tea Store ,70 Fourth surer OgMoo of the Delaware Mutual patotritt. aurano*Sompasty. , 1 P. 1,......, :. ilriiu; Neoe. SM. Lag% .:. THE Board of Dixecror's neve, dui, dz)i, dminied a. dividend of TEN PER CENT. Meow, nava thi prof. of me Company forthe year endims 0 tuber 31, te79. ecrufmnica for arnica mil tronimiged. on sad after the .f, r it dm, of December next. Alto, ÷nd of BM PER CENI. Menai:l,on do .gy ~.„ Parable an ltVs 'i .e.. "'-k '" 111:1TA P 1117 4.! NEVIDit, Seel • nog 10 r•• A. MADEIRA, Ag., Pluly. oturacriwoop chsiiims ILL inamut open an' Tilite of =BLOC Ist/aka*. ry,lsso, Clz essrO and 014 c 41cfrestrae-ata eta ea to the son,. Onti lapt Orcemamae, eau. wmlar a loge callaooa of raw' dad choice Plarai, — alll 0c °pc-A 10 v 0.440, 1000uats 0 0. 0 4 Pet 0 e" °I OLOr, Oofice throasha . ..o 'the ar....00a, Omnibus to Alleittcny-,.0.01" gt. Clair Streoo .very a." liottroiallos me ciay,110.111; laths GArde; and tt..o Eel-o,looot, Walker, rano • tram thyP0ita, above the Gar ., 1,1 I • artn.l woldog io spend w ha' i't , ololl 002,010 10 as 10 o , oloet 1' t ht. Kcpc.onToapeiar.ce iplea, call alosed ea andoy. .013 .3. 'SPRAIN: • Athanamm Jiloou end Bathing Estab: - . . • Italuesaukta4 FWAPRIVTOR ia /taw PruP,dud b .ufva up tumuli at all luedra, moannecAU4 cridl Butdiug by the day or avuuk. PlClPTidtlri , • , _ . wAritio-rvite Leantex. by • • • j yelloosmAir Fut 0% I:tEDU9 WO Flat Itoyagf,byltermo;3lc l l7illo, mthor.of “c5r000, ,,, 4t.r.• . History of 101gAlfted ar extiiiaill , T.cobAtafein with fir= origrlsrtosts Sidonia. th e Hortertiii . 42 ••••••• -- • • - I JOH. sroactr.trrocazoN, owet ! sp..; nipl..a:!4 . / daska.tmsts . . . ~. , . _ -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers