THE EITTSBURGII HALETTE MONDAY. MORNING, DEC. 10, 1049. nrtssv C gallon before 1 1 ,?.., midis' e . arly in: nand to es ....1:=:4 4 / I t i v==g ' edno n t or*rdetrc7::, A.NERIOAN Advertise:mats and subseriptionp to the North Airier *mg and United Swam Gazelle, Philadelphia, received brirartled from Mix Oka ,_'{IEEE NEST FADE FUR Loom. ITArrus T .. EAPHIC NEWS, an. ::. Timucua. " Ert—Tbe indications we, 6Filbe tam as Iv as received at tin Cmusts '..-siissfigei Office, that' Allegtile44Coority . will show -", AM 30,000 taxable/. This will entitle us to two .:.Sestitora, and six liejneseststives. lllistoximax.—There seams to be a enter in the diaratisitin in relation , to the next Ma. lei. and we embrace the opportaniti to reiterate i'"aerforaser reauuka, on the exceeding Importance cif abe Whin tarty selecting ■ drat nu' ' candidate , or trot stominatlag at all. With the best man we can salter me Mutilated to put forth some 'exeitiotts to elect him in view el the defections .:" .whicti may be 'caused by independent and citit, " • Lew candidates, ace or more of which will doubt- less be in' theigeld. If we take up a,smak man, be dekated, and, what le more, we shall merit it. 'Unless a eituen of respeetabils Ay, uto his ise, habits, and ability, r be per. • waded to run, and can be nominated, /re should . decidedly prefer that no Whig nomination should be made a all. Some eligible person might then . .....'he.indtmed to run as a volunteer, on whom the Whigs could unite end elect. (Minima of a. Municipal corporation are tinder tibriptiorts to it, at:gorier to patty; In the selection its °Snore The'peace,•honor, happiness, and ^; gttiat of the city, ere of tho Erg eonsh3eratinn, in intohineleetion. l(pertilitEnitles eta' be made pkismoulse with -thaws duties so much the batter, hot the latter dumid never be eerrificed to the ''-'!order. A Whig , ehould always prefrr one of bit ci:ollrn pervasion, other things being mina!, dad We 'hall be pleated to we the play nominate worthy Whig, who possesses the re• qpithilea detrumded t by the wants of the corpora tion. But let nottno glorious Whig party be proa- Minted to the igioble pink= of foisting an im• 'proper man upon the corporation. - We- are grattfled learn that 011 r Estimable .Ml7l3ll;lll3,E..**intini. Erq whose knee was iujurcd, iiitiolog . quite sacll, and although lila it:orrery Gill be eloty and the process painful, 474 he is in a htiiWl4: to be about again in a few weeks, or kph-1301'6f impala& ' Roar" Oherr.—We are daily reminded Oftlus importance .or our Western Rail Roads, RIM seeing notices of the vast movement making • for the cOnetnletiOn of roads with which ours will brit connections.. . 'We .. learn from the Chicago • boreal. that the work is progressing rapidly on their road. $385,000 have been subscribed, - and 50 per cent paid. The amount expended on the' road 'from Chicago to Elgin, • distance of forty two, miles, was 230,689,27, and the amount of ' anbacsiption •on thin to, 2182000. The rXit, It:eluding the finishing of the road will be s 3s ; ° °°. From the commencement of running, on the tat 'Of March last to the let ofNovcmber, a period of eight months, the receipts from passenger. were 22222 07; frelght, 39,256'35, and mafla, SIOEI 09 malting a total of $17,851 52: from which, deduct. ing the operable:pens. during the eIOSIC period, leaves a nett of 212,575 23. The number of pasitengera carried over the toad, for the eight asenths; ira520,636, - The receipts for the month of October were, for traight,43„BB222 for passengers, $320811, and for 1115 20, amounting to 37104 93. It will be recollected that this road is yet only a .few Wien in length. The Journal is confident of its early completion to Galena. -The hYdwaak io Wisconsin, of the 2lat, says 'that .we have the 'F;e:lautti of aznenteion fluu over S50024:10 been been mbecribed to the Mu winkle and Itruihiiippi Railway. The Men will . be a - heavy , and it is also probable that the will be of • Wide guage i 8 feed ender to that *Oka New. York and Erie Railway. EAISPZIAL ca:llwmon.—A convention of edi tars antipnbinfrn of itewspapers Inetd. Colunk huiliOhiois the 29lhsilL Thirty fear neurspapers . Were represeirfeti: Among its huskies, whi t h e - - .Stdetisiris of a relolution to toemriniiiiM. the Legit :Were for the enactment of a lawn-ride/tithe pre servallon, in some cruse at the county [cat dead, cavity of Ohio, of Ale of every newspaper pal' •lished therein, which said -files, properly bound, aid so deposited, minlthe Competentoe prima facie evidence dell legal pablientions in said papers. -.Also for a moil/fir-Rifest of a iatiag'enactments, so as to sequins that ell legal advertisement, shall be published In two newsmen in each county, ' when that number is in existence. The Supreme Cann of the United States now hblds its daily sessions--Present,_ the Honorable IL B. Taney, Mel Lttice. The Honorable J. IdeLeitif, J. Wayne, J. Caron, P. V. Daniel, S. Nelson, L Woodbury, R. C. Grier, Associate Justices. . The Cotemitteemblett Mated ilarriaburgh, total peak= for the pinion of beeph Barker, have re week and roport, that the Governor received them with every mark of reopen, and promised sive the cate . matitrainv 'eatigatiok Intel4we has been received at the War De.. partosent of tbo death of Lieweaant Moutevmery P. ;Harrison, of the United State., army, tuba Wlir ialledby the Indiana near the Colorado river, in Texas, on the 7th of October bat. Lieutenant :Harrison WES tho grandson of the late President of that name. • • The House of Representatives of Georgia have •, ' - falawd,try the strong vote 0'93 to 29, a bill to re , , - peal the law laylei rub-khans on the introduction of slues Into that State. We may mention, in thlattonneetien, that a revolution has been intro !Weed. into the X?Ower House of the OtO`gin Lesidature to remove all free negroes now ' 7 • • • ~to 'bit ,State , to the Colony of -Liberia.— reiroltition wan referred to a select commit'. •• Toe azirraex. IiAItAtA&D.? • , Tbc following kleollll were elected DijCSOM 1;3 &Wei* ynyw, en the meeting of the Stork := k9ldelkon Meador last = 97illisin C. Patterson, I 3k7g9 W. Carpenter, 1 : ; • :tlia:iiiPsT.Z.unr , Christian E. Spangler, - Stephen Cildirell; we:elf:von Blocher. Aiadyoureed meeting Is to take place on the • •..' ;Aka of this month. " Philadelphia Nays, in noticing the gyration • . prolatuuleii by the Directors, or whether it is best : hopattio or proceed with the road, Fives the fol. . tontet opfniiin, the only one whirl: can .';': . - lie the plainest dictate. of . common !‘liii;ofiiit`ClSCU to Ibit qUe.llO . ll, and wlot nhaald be; the detbion or the stockholders, the4e 'eat; be • lo two opinions. Tho impotence or the enter. = prise and the Immediate influence tbq of the road would exercise upon the whole trade darer West nide froactiro espial nose - embarked in it, demand that It should be prosecuted to corn . pistioa - with the lout pcesible delay. Brit ave. • = 'Wally licitly For:jolted 14 view of the visoione of. r•l• iof our energetie rivele both` n the North and ;Santry to tetra. upon 'the trade' of the, Athris end • , die advantage which delay in the Completion 01 zit ril Penalyinoila Railroad would give them. SO ci s's's fie eVes7.M.rettmetatice or event connected with I.lbs,eginsuargori of the road has been tighly pro. And the revolt upon that Mitten already opmeadlo travattas been of the most cocoa raging urbane:or rand, indeed, ft cannot be di:rutted that tiptin thiroperifnif of thorned to tiantingdori, which or .r 1 take_ place early in the craning spring, au -- : amount os.weatern travel will ho drawn upon it ••:- .Iwhint will yield a handsome revenue, and a for. .ri-••tr - QM opeelog to Hollidayeborgh, where It sill eon. "!prret. wilt Lbe Portage Railroad, wilrbo ari object `, 'Oi ilie deepest nollettuda, It will thus secure _ a . :ay largo moats a trade in addilionto inereared eery completkut of the mad to Phi-tabu* ...27.' 3 - - irtaartattarcif .higheat importance, and Rimer d-c t.ifibegoshrauguation whethewis order IX) secure 11, °".°s'4+l'italga'Sniluvra mCCI will make that 3 " ‘,oint.witiCh.ii:"dinitrsied In Order M. famish the 4 I,7 f•,`„Ametetkto - do it. — It cappot be Aelared;but at the • greatest blizzard. •It cannot, when completed, 3-3 -- 1111 - aaryleld the moot ample revenue. .ThettoudottZoset speaking of tko coal beds ---'—erE6Blll3O,44YA _e exhaustion of pur coal AO! tr'uld.AM4o 4;td M -ttad atterismtutzoidto or .°Fir""l-*45: Puu •:r 7 i14414•! , !R1d hitirdedi! alai ilia tato i third rate ,Pagiois r ts o i N g • . 4 44 *nor, pitieiddati pea! !II 60f .....;.ii-dlititur.gadsitiittHeY:;.","' Our coal-field.aiiitthe aide fottudatioa of thiljair Corinthian pile, sod Emend is la Indebted to there os Egypt to her Jidda, Atheit to her schools, and nom to h a , rife, tad ortas."4 OanifOotiirt6kiiiiralseltibilliar 6lll, 6 l4ll3 ' - idelphla;liiit_TuesdeY;Omd adiamtPdter Ordered sump ta: be made for ttattytng ealt , , by adeets orth'iLeglelat ma pnreidlig for"tid ing the Inclined plane,in dearth of the city Wifillimf her engaged:want The North American says "We are gratified to learn that the Board has ef fected a contract in, 1706 tons of heavy T roil with the proysteters of the Montour and. Phisuit •wileiron Works, for the road, to avoid the Wean ed plane. It is to be relied out of the best Peonsyl -faideiron, and to weigh 60 pounds to the yard. The Board oflrider in. this city, and tai pat.. burgh, having remeastratetgagainst the defective condition, ofthe boilers on the Planes of the Alle. &hotly Portage Itatkoad, the Board has given di , ' roctiorwier the construction of now ones, which will be W readiness for • use dmiug the spring trade. This is mat grattfying information for our business men, • was generally feared that these boilers, whih'have now seen nearly Litton years of service, would be iiiingeient. id meet the btudoessthat will be poured over the Portage dur ing the coming spring. - As a further preparaticin for the sprit* trade, Plum No. 7, an the Portage, is to be retold lm medtately with I' raiL Sarniara arm u o ernor Seabrook, in his Menage to the Leifigature or South Carolina, now in sesalot, propbseia plan the winding up the Bank of the State—depriving it of ita banking powers, bed continuing it as a corporation until 1660. - Its administration he commend., but 'condemns the 'paling 'in which the ll:midi:lton Its selionginated. • • The paella debt of the State, payable at eatioa periods, wlthid the next twenty years Is $1,310, 896. The'.rev:cross of the' Bank, applicableto the payment of this debt, emoting to $9,888,36860 which Is an exceite of , available Wei Orlr the llabilitli Of the' Bute; of $1,539813 Sky! over , I s two d • half Millisoa, if the Sum of . $1,051,- 000, red Irommks Federal Government on - depoelt be inchided. . The him popidatioa of the Suds of South Car olina,' 250,056. The tb principal rail roads ender contract, and the lee 7 ones on which operation. may shortly be expecte to commence, with the Colombia and Harribo t mud and Its brinctics, will exhibitorhen crimpled, a net work of railways :equal to an extended lino of 951 miles, in a territonal arta at 30,00 p square miles. . -,_ I Grum= LzatelATVlLwlll the Hammon the 27th on, a supplementary bill to the to laws of the Rate was introduced by Mr. tones, of Pudding Co. It provides for the keying ofa new tax of ALI percent. open all articles of maziefseturei whether it be of the boo:, the mini, the dairy', or tboZoil of a' non elava holding state of the Unit • States. That flatly merchant fads to return any such artielea of merchandise, to the roptiver of tax return!, he shill ferfeit _dibble the 'alio of ouch It farther provides that at the opening °fetch Superioe Court the judges thereof stiall.admialster au oaitt to the encamp, that they vrill not prose• cute a suit in favor of any ?evident of a stun -Wave holdimstata, or his partner. a resident thereof; na nd the son slaveholding tutus ahall give up all the fugitive !slaves (ram the state; and upon their refusal to take said osib,their names end be 'thick. from the rolLs as practising attorneys .is the tiam and if ther emelt: practice thereafter, tlmp shall be imprisoned in the penitential tot a term of two years. penitentiary Tea hill wu ordered w be primed Tl/3.111017 . EISTI.VATZS FOX TIM TXXX' 1 1 945.1.-•• Lem4 ;, frow Berrering of the Tritantry.- We recei ved t night from Washington a docament com prising 250 mew, being ■ letter from the Secret.• ry of the . Trasaury, tranwaluing to Congo:ea his eadmatia of additional appropriations required for the sr4wWo of tbo tacit year ending June 30,1650 ,and fikr the fiscal year 1851. The velum° contains ao immense amount of statistical Matter, which will deubtlese be summed op inthe annual report of the Secretary. From the recapitulation of the ertimate of appiopriations the support or Goiernment for the yew ending Juno 30, 1251, weireeke up the fallowing table.—Bat. Sue. Fatiouref of Appliarriztas+ for 1851 For Compel:mann of Members of Gangrene, 12710,6111 SO Mileage of Member, 199,351 40 Comm:marina of Cake= and Clerks r ad C0037r.• ! 39,557 50 Contingent expanse. of Gringme5...231,742 00 Library of Cotsreas • 11,300 00 ggsbuy.of Sysatdigit.und-V• Preeddrek 20 .000 00 .E.a.peesear - of Srala 'Department 66,100 00 For general purpose. ot NcrritiTal4.' • Executive nildieg 5,010 00 Zalery of 8,16 1 t of Treasury and CLerka 39,550 00 Fiat Conaptroler and Gash 2050,00 gr3peorid Compote? and Clerics—. • . 23,750 00 irt and Gerks. 74 r 250 00 Second Andifoi sad Clerks. Third Auditor and Clerks... Fourth Auditor sad Garb. Fill Auditor and Clerks... Treasurer wad Clerks...... Register of Timmy and Mate— 30,200 00 Solicitor of Treasury and taerks.... 13.750 00 Cominiasioner of Customs add Cfki ~.17,300 00 Incideroal and contingent expenses " " of Treuary Department. For general purposes' of South East .Executive ...... 29,020 00 Dipatment of Interior 215.313 75 SurveyorsSeieral and their Clerka 41;000 00 War Department 91,075 00 Navy' Department.— ..... 51,570 00 Post Ofsce Department 394,302 00 Judiciary 140,200 00 Ammitim and cranks 750 00 Light House Latersoutsawith, Relearn &alien. Expeasea br collection of Revenue end sale of Publieleales Survey of Public Lases Indian Depart - item Pensiclia Sopiodrt Peottentiosy of Diwics of Columbia ..... ...... Par census 0f1850... - Expenses Supreme and District Expenses oflonatica in the Maryland Hospital • .• ............... FO/ _ repaint of Cartel, Glycol • grounds. *lto. • • • ....... . .. .20,000 00 For repairs of President's berme, dco, „ 4,000 00 Fur lighting Pennsylvania Avenue. 11,000 00 'For compensation end contingent ca pon.. of tha ansiLuy guard.... 0,775 00 For repaint; keepers, and ro.nnintree' lag corporation (8650 for repairs). 0,000 00 For completing the Improvements to Indiana asonuo.... ............ 10,000 00 For completirs the graTelling, oo Four-and-a-ha 5treet........ 1,200 00 For the papport of paupers in the Washington Infirmary.— ...... Toward completing the grading plan king with . trees, and kneing rho public meal from Seventh street westurard • Foi . eiteinging ',averaged improving the grounds south of the Pres,. denfehouee.... ....... .... paling For *balance due for laying gas pipes, &C., vadhin tha Capitol d Capitol grounds, and for chan deliers and turners in the Pres:- dentin boom. ..... ........ ...... For completing eastern-Win of F•- Mr= For progressiog with westemlaing of Patent Marx.. • . 150000 00 Frous.the Patent Fund 6 , 500 00 Army proper 3861,137 00 Military Academy 199,299 47 Fortificatioks and works of defence. 754,1400 00 ' 50up65,000 00 Myer, and harlrere 1,035,500 00 Building Light Hour ee.... ...... 03,580 00 ArtSpries, arsenate and.amwooitioo ei • 892 - 346 00 Amanita under act of May 1620.. -2000 00 For offioe of Secretary - of Navy..._ 1,415.0 000 Bureaunf -0061,419000 and repairs. 3,950,000 00 Bureau oforduance and hydrogr aphg 297,461 15 'Burman( Navy Yards end Docks.. 2.747.215 00 Bureau of .Proritdons and clothing.- - '.7503,200 00 Boman of Medicine and Surgery.. 36,81Xl 00 Marine corps... .. ......... 371 , 722 07 Bapeness of collecting the Amine from moo= 2,750)300 40 pie reception of Father Mathew by the limb"' it of Philadelphia, on Monday; described' in the gullet/a of nut day_es en occasion of more than ordiaszy interest. ' , lt took plane in the Hall of Independent°, , ead.. the reverend gentleman 6ob,ocension, in bin reply to , an addram ntim Dr. Gamma, due beball of Me .Temperanoe Association "of the city, to alludtdo bls feelings on standing the finittime limide the walls from sehenet etoap- ated the meat icapostaut document,. put to she Holy Beilptires,whicli tbe • worid had'aiir brought forth,—He alluded atip to ;helmet that . assay of the Signers anis& inspolisbabli paper bad been eminent' Tot their adrscaeg oftemperance, as a eardinittepailkni ntle; . and r espiemad the en tire gimirmenoo;lili fair to Philadelphia bed an. Ended r!He and isatras glad so know that, ismiitg - llMiatiWyirpriaA her :oiltiatim, tempo- WES not ale , gt(thilimut;, :•• . " : s4* ,b. innteigiennithelliotsept Neniesenielivers is Ali above named gentleman. Tho Richmond !O'er lonian of indiana, of tbe 30th November, repre sents his present altiaatnai as alarming, from b maerkqe ado laagii. UM.11411/111W/11. 77.7 Carregasidcuce a( the Pittebintigh • WASEINGITOIiLDee. 3 00. 1619. • _ . . Another day hem been anent iiiinelreciaal efforts to choose a Speakerbf the House. UnrU this first atop toward' an organisation it gained, of course the hareems of le g elation cannot' bei s n. What is to be the end of this remarkable, and, in many re spects, moat lamentable contest, I coulees myself unable' to Comte. I am in frequent intercourse with members of all parties, and from ell parts of the country, and none of them seem to entertain any confidence of an auspicious ending. There have been bur additional ballots to day, making Gmrteen in all, the general result of which is, that It has been shown that Mr. Cobb, the regular democratic candidate, stands no chance whatever of being elected. Mr. Winthrop has gained three votes since Monday morning, while Mr. Cobb-hem iO6/ engeo-6. Below, I give you In tabular form, the resulta of this day's balloungs,llllMberivg them with reference to the whole Scrim:— 11th 12th lath Ilth R. C. Winthrop, (Mass) Reg Whig, 97 97 99 99 Howell Cobb, (01) Dm Dem 95. 97 93 99 Joseph M. Root, (Ohio) Free 600, '7 7 7 7 Geary, (l'esio) Soutti.Whig, 5 5 5 5 Emery D. Pallor, (Ohio) F. S. Dem. 5 9 10 W. A. RiChafthou, (118 Hui& Dem 4 4 6 8 Horse. Bibiap, (Moss) F. S. Whig, 2 2 1 13 C. F. Cleveland, (Coat) F. S. Dem. 2 2 2 3 F. F. Stanton, (Conn) SoMb. Dem. 1 1 0 0 Scattering, 3 3 4 2 Of the scattering votes one, Ind some times two, were given for Free Boilers. It will be noticed ' that Mr. Root takes the place of Mr. Wilmot in to days' balloting. That was determined upon lag night, the object of it being to show that the Free Boilers entertain no particular preference for Democratic candidates, or such as hove been formerly identified wLh them. On the last trial Mr. Winthrop veeelced the euppgrt of tticaera Campbell and Croviell of Ohm, who Oa all precious ballots had thrown their a:or:ages for Horace Mann, of Mae., called a Free Soil Whig, though he votes for Wiathrep. Cobb'. clechre, you will remuk, WWI gradual, but very steady. Ilia ,hding arils fornishea an clay descent. but it is tore on conduct bim to the bottom at lee.. He will pro bably cease to be voted for early in the day to morrow. I should not ba snrprised if the Gentry Whigs shonld reunite with the main hotly to morrow. That will raise Ur. Winthrop's vote to 105. To. morrow, it is expected that Mr. Gentry and Mr. Aldan will arrive—that will cause an accession of two votes, making 107, and raising the again. gate - dries . to :720, of which 114 would be a me jority. Where arc the other coven votes to come from, alter all these supposed and extracted ad. alone, Howe, Tuck, and Alien, of Macs., WE .t .-.. only Whig Free Boilers from whom, in any e at, aid coo he expected; and it is-extremely 1E47 \.. battle that any one of them will re.loUt his lona coadjutors. But if they should, Mr. Win thrsp's eta would be raised is only 110. Borth are the prospects of the two leading can didates; but two others, still very low on the hats, have been steadily gaining strength: they are, Potter of Ohio, and 11..chardson of Minot. A great effort will be made to marrow, to con eentmte on one of these two men. Iticharilvm to at southern man Ity birth, and is the favorite of a cootddershle nuMber from that platter, oven before Cobb. polar is rnekrred by the Northern Demo crats. I anticipate, that torrow they will to gether get nearly the fall O mo emocraile vote be• tweet them. The Free Soilerii , mean to vote the Pater when ever their votes coo be made avail able to his success, but not besne. Hot a week may elapse before that time enter.. Potter's len sates ware given by the knowing geudanici, Cleveland and Waldo, of C.onnecticut ; Duty, of Wisconsin; Bingham, of Michigan; Rubin nod Robinson. of Indiana, and four members of the Ohio delegation. If Potter shall cot to elected," will not be for the want of peeve . ..terra:ee in the Free Sailers, but through the sospicter, end hns- Oily of the South. ' Betyreez the third and- fourth ballet, Andrew Johnson of Tennesee, attempted a very bare laced and silly scheme for kinting in Cobb eaten!: the wilt of a msktrity of the House. He moved a re solution that the person who, on the next ballot, should receive a phoratity of votes, should e de• dared elected toeatter for the present session. Now i 1 happened that there were acme of Cobh'a friends who had more sagacity than Andrew, nod whO therckos premised the extreme danirs- that Mr. Winthrop Might receive thin rem Murallty_he was so confident of securing the Cobb. And that would undoubtedly ears this result, for the North ern Democrats timid hese beta particularly Cote fat not to allow him to go in by each a pick. The proposition was therefore laid mine the tab:e, bf the vote oft 10 to It. Stanton of Tenneace. pro. posed a move canning one, fOr retloelog the rem alders& after the nest ballot to the -four h , gheat, and afar that to be the two highest. It was di, posed of in the same way. 51,057 00 i 4,750 00 20,490 00 15,680 BO 13,950 CO aceme l It from the condition of thing.] to night, .that all part es ere praparme. to brave a out for • aresk kluge al least. U the Southern yield to the Northern, in the metier of the Speaker, the latter will return the compliment by pcnbitbrig and aidinein the election of a Southern Cerk, nay Sturgis of Georgia. It Is &annealed that the report of the Peal Ma.- ter (Federal was surreptitkmaly °Malted t i er pub licatioo in the Baltimore Sun. JUNIIIIi. 500,497 4 399,900 00 The Cliff Mine of Lake Superior has yielded :one thousand tons of ore the put season, and Me., supply teems megaustible. The Detroit Tr.bune says "tht• copper is shipped iu liege 13331• C•, some weighing as high as three ions, and the stamp work in barrels. It goes in Pataburnh, where it is insetted ittio ittgots t —hhtl fatitt thcore to the Atlantic ones where it mete n constant !market. The yield of this thousand tots, 1,11 he some seventy five per cent, making the pmdurt of ingot copper urea hundred and A ll y tone which is worth 8380 per ton; and which shows the pr.,- daet of the mine for the year eighteen handred and forty ulna to bets follow= 750 tons of capper at $l5O per ton 8:155,000, Deduct expenses $7,000 per month 54,000 170,535 00 219,759 46 909.259 17 4433,593 CO 7,355 00 .1.i14000 00 557,537 00 Leaves nett profit - "Theamak of this company is divided into 1.000 shares, which cost originally $lO per share ou which a dividend of 620 per share will be declared this year, leaving in the Treasury money enough to nearly pay the expenses of suother year. Can any thing better be found In the rivers of Califor nia? We think aut.—And yet, we me ;uform,d, that there are many locations on the south a., equal to, if not tar superior to sham the produc toe mine." We uuderstoodthat preparation" are malang to roll the Copper into sheet', and the other forms usual to prepare lot the Harker, io ale city, • Copper fiolhog Mill being about to be creied (Or that par ,; .• . • 200.000 00 'Caro of tir. Yorktown From Me Limon At' Yeaterdsyjaftemeen, between one and two o'- clock, Professor John W. Weboer was brought up before the Police Court, Joanne Cosbiur cicala bench, ..n n o hetgc of having smiffolly triMdered Dr. George Parkman, on the autumnal of the :M.l alt. The warrant issued far his sweat was .read to him by the Hoe. Franklin Duster, who appear. ed as hie °outwit, and by his advl.2 and ,ioxvient he waived ec essmtuation• lie won then re. mended back to jell until the first Monday ol Jou. negt, at which time he will he brought before tee bionic/psi GOurt to hear eLI, r,-.01, o f m e m re .o potion of t 4 Grand Jury inn refrreere Io the c h a rge. Peofeawr Webetcr looked Itholll :MC acme u 11111111, appearing perfectly calla, Without any poreeptAile agitation. We: uuderatona that be asserts his Innocence, nod 'does uut believe Mat the parts of a human frame found in the as patios:nos occupied by him are portions of Doctor Tarkman'abOdy, bet on the contrary accuses Lit tlefield of placing the discovered parts where they sere found, for the espiess purpose of obtaining the large rewards offered, and implicating him (Webster.) His wife is very.aartious to see him, Wt her Meads have diesoaded her from visiting ,him at, preget. She sent to the bla.rshitil's office. yesterday, a !whet of books, and some articles of comfort, which were forwarded to the jail fur hint.• . $33697,152 15 EZEE= Yesterday Dreuoon a direct attempt was made to make ont a, stwpicions armament.% against Littlefield. Three students, Colle ge are attending the makes! lectures at the called open the City litarthisliand represented that on *ee -1 day lost week. Ltuleaeld offered to give else of the tuudeath $lO for n gold watch, and tendered the meocha part of which wits is gold.Someof Dr. Websters friends thought that Llttiekeld "ought to have been:arrested upon the Strength oP thth intormaeon. When questioned about the and. tar by , ltir: Parker, County Attorney, Littlefield promptly Uplifted it by saylar that ic wurra . tug MsindaOrwledieli, the d*PilOgrakell of redcoat'', and that the martey.was_riOgiSed from mudeuta keine. to be by 'tint paid u rer to the proper °Seer, and that having 0 in Da band ho Jocosely proposed to buy the watch with it. ' The ground apes with De Webster'. Monde veshed as bus Wiiid &mod was his Wails pc* vztl. 11:1111iOn ors:kat:l.h moat obseon afler the elialtPr .IWionneeedDr. Porkmaa;:fi Mr. Padrer that to• UttileSeld wan 'settle some 11,000 there was nothing itrangeintiis hasing Irio le his phsr, session. and the circumstance was not a sutficien A ground for arresting him fee wro.der. Thin Was before Mr. Parker had heard Litriefield's explans , lion. Munro, Der.-404 . . . The teeth and jaw bane with were latihd - tit Mr. V7ebster's grate. have. ?Jeep identified by Dr. Keep, a Dentin, who operated upon him a short time niece. The jaw aim tha a moold which am telten at the time by De Keep. The family have Maimed the body and ordered it to be enckwed in a lead 'coffin, preparetcn7 to burial. The body ham i nab in the ribs through into the cavity of the chest, Mr. Webster reclaim perfectly calm, Correrixtindeoce of the North Anted. utd.Unitert 1:12=1 SYDNILT, Ohio, N0r:28,1649. Illisarer`Eduore--You have ever shown a deep 'interne in all public undertakings calculated to ad vance thitiprosperity of Penarylvania; as a Pea. sylvanian, then, I make rio apology far troubling you far a few momenta with a little talk about what is going on in thin part of the world, ae, in ray eidimatiou, It will exert a powerful whence for good upon your improvements. You are firmahar with the operations' on your great Pennsylvania Cerural Railway. Let me tell you that the people of Western Ohio are looking with lemma anxiety to the early completion of that 'murk from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. They are watching likewise the program of the Penn tylraniaand Ohio Railroad, from Piusborgh west ward, and they we not inattentive observers of the energetic proceedinp of their neighbors over the line, acre. the State of Indiana. 223 223 213 223 • But they ore doing more then merely wishing their Eastern and Weatera friends speedy Ettore.. Knowing, as they do, that through their own re gion lies the shortest, beat, and most feasible route from Philadalphya to St. Louis, and: beyond that city to California, they too have pot their hand. to the plough, determined to ran a farrow from the centre of Ohio to the Indiana State line. They have rein - dyed, that the Bellefontaine aid 'bailee Railroad shall be made; and that vrithout .c.a.aary delay. • k They have a country naturally admirably whys ted to the economical congruetioe of a first rate railroad. and a first rate railroad they must and will have. Tho company has excellint chartered priviteges, authorizing them to construct a railway 141, the Indiana State line as far east es Mans field, though they will probably connect with the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad at some point of union on the line of the Cleveland, Colom b o and Cincineati Railroad. 7A. considerable amount of eteck has already been subscribed for in the coon net thspAgh which the line puttee, and two parties of engineen have been for sometime actively em ployed in making the necessary surveys. So far a, they have proceeded with their examination, they have found the ground highly favorable. RP. really a new Board of Director., with Jaines H. Godmaa,E.q., of Marion as President, his been elected; end from the ch anter of the coca who have uhdertaken the rerponsible duties &relying upon them, U is believed that they will both desire and achieve succerm ... • . • Intelligent individuals in this part of the State, miterd the Bellefontaine'and Indfankßailroad as one of the mat important secions of the radvray between Philadelphia and St. Louis, in fact, as a vital component of thi back-bone line, without which the expenditure eastward and westward will remain comparatively- dem:tint From mtaminetionis already made, enough is known to warmnt the summate that this mad will be constructed on • remarkably dired'onte, , thro' the points named in the clatter, ' , iv:Marion, Bell- fontaino and Sydney, with moderate grades. and at a light expense- There appears to he nothing In the way int its commencement early next wagon, and from the uncommon:) , cony entire of the work, nothing to prevent Pr ent•re completion within three yean,or to time to meet the opening of the lined eastward through Pittsburgh r !Philadelphia, and westward through! to Terre Hante—arering the char.. , of aboui 600 miles of continuous ' lnc Writcra have beau "summing the rate of passenger travelling oar the great thoroughfare at twenty voiles per ltear, trot with hitch road as. eau. and all be built, from Pittsburgh westward; they may easily run thirty; and rarely you will not do lea, eventually, between Phila. delpnis .usturruill Wo can certainly make V miletteit our on 4 good T red road, inclading n t ,S at stoppages. hie will'in ve f ourtee n hours firm i to Pinstringh, twelve boors theme to the Indianahue, andlhetwien six and seven lours across , Indiana to Torte Haute—of about thirty three hoot") trom Philadelphia to Terre Haute. With • weeny ace* the State of Illinois as fit. Lows, alloWing acme hoer. more, would make the total time Isom Philadelphia to St. Louis: forty hour., from Pittabonth to St. loOtlil, twenty six hoofs. If the eastern end of the road, near Phila delphia, dons cot cow WArlll.l3t this rate of Speed it must ho at:proved. itill it will, as they have al ready attained about that rate betweeo : Badalo nod ARratty, where they have travelled 377 miles in 13e Lamm I da t i 'The opening of Bellekintaine and Indiana Rail Road will Milord tto the chianti of Wetter° Ohio. Central and Nitwit= !Aaiun and Llthois, i to any nothing or 181:00U111 ani-tioriatemd.r. u .l ' rapidly settling country farther wee; their hest outlet to an Modern market. This road, and all its eastern coniteetiontatut pall...if there were no pearsegem. CVE7teII•WOVVIrM4 Li...te111M1MU1......, lion of cattle, sheep and swine &Lone, wool) makh It pay. BM, whet. to there yew addthe enrples I pr .ilticts of 4 out, ddb, and growing agrieniturel remota and the itameese bust= throne of thlookb ' and • local travellers' which must cm:anther this mote us there be s dOnbt as to the rtrefitabl•Use of I the col:enroll Do yule people doubt! Letthem come out heic next Mfinmet, and take horde 'mane htattlues, gathered front their own pertains, oboes , yew.. The citizens, eastward. as a general rule, do' not half know this country-1M present value. nod its great capabilitiea When the iron road shall bind them In firm onion with the pee. plc of the west, they, Will be astounded at the tide rat trade and Iscsalth that will rob upon them from this direction. Zr Must poor some wham and over this grtat central,buk bone railway:a large portion of it will glide, forever. The enterpraing men of ibis part of the trountry, when they ondertake any public object, effect the cod they have in view-, and what they folly intend to effect, they will moot certainly as , - eemplish 'They have no such word as hel to their vocahnlary. So, look out for the looomow fives from Ohio and Indiana. Tours, truly. “Paetno." - CDs. Mllssurs Lei , . PM.Lar—Wbeu the proprlo tor of Mi. iteralnable remedy purchased It of the In. venter. there was no medicine which dawned the name, (or the care of Liver and Bilious complaints, nytwithinact ti the greet prevalence of thesi diseas es in the Dal d :States. In the South and %Ten pars Lei:Cully, tyh re the palters ls frequentlfunable to oh• lam the Berm es of rregillar phymelarb rode reme dy was requi ed, eit anon safe and effeeteal, and whom operation ea Id in no. wimi prove mejudicial to the t ourumuon. nue medicine Is supplied by Dr. AIL Lane's Live Pills, of has tern proved in every he stance in whieh it has dad a triaL Always beneficial not a solitary tenancy has ever crooned in which Its effects have tWen tHistiOne. The invention of no ad• heated and distingaished physician. it Las tiothing to . i common wai t the quack nostrums Impowd upon the public oy cha t ow pretenders to the Medieal eeL Ea penenee has ow proved beyond a donbrolislDr DP- Lane's Pill. the test remedy ems proposid for the luvor Comp! nt. Porobasersill please beware of feit., and invariably as for Dr. DPLane'p CelelenUtd Liver Pies, and tak • none else, as there ore other pill., pus. ponies to to rtes pills, now before the public. Por sale by i . KIDD & CO., No. 09, corner of north and Wood at, Pittsburgh. [dclidd.wlwli V.l. Lihrox Wrassi.—ereparca by J. W. KEy wrlhain .tree , N. Yi - pwid for DOG by A. Jaya., No. Fourth row t Thin will he faand n delightful ale or hoverer, la lamiliey arid parricalarly toy ea MOMS. llarlaia PR improved Chncolate prepora, lion, being a h mhination of Cocoa oat; ihrocapt, in- Vl(Orr.llnt; on palatable, highly reeownicialed panic. Wanly far air y nle. Novaya by Wi italror;timichew ter, Maw., no. tar wile by A. JAlriiikl% at the Pogin lea .9tore. No. 70 Fourth 0. nirhl6 Itinproveulteinta 'ln peittgleeer. DR. t a ,n;nllNS,lxte of Bost., it Rep trod to manufacture and set Ntncr Tenn in .ohOlt and pans of eel., upon So,non or Atmo.pharie auction qumv.— Toon.cuscosrca tr Dna atint - rra, whom the Hereon anpoacd. ( nua deco to the May or'. office, atreei,PirDturah. ' ILLlnfa en—J. It. altFaildan. V. 11, taco je79 • worn', Denti'm Coraer'ofrourth Deesmr, between I oal-41yil, ==l .1013 PliltifTlNG. BILL lIESDS, CAD, CIRCULARS, Mantas. .11illd lading, Contracts, Lstei, 1314nd el.. Au., LLlrist ccormessasouass, OUCIZIN Sce. ac.. Pruned ht he .honest e. at low picas, at U , d,.r, hoary OrrICX. flume' ITXIMS. FIRST WA MI PRIMARY :TRH V i rrtTrlhe th ?lo l u l a nl eo ‘ =.l.l2l 4 e Lhe Or. , °rad: 3113 end Ferry Street. on entudgy the 1.1,01 , Olt ei O'CIOEkiT. M., In horalnele erintfidatra ' Atlrnstra add other Ward odlcete er erud Ward. ' MoIIT Calks:re. Ihrcero be:, Ib/u. On Thanfdny, the. Gth hut., ILnv. Wm. Prelim's Mt. DLIIID Jonia, of Brownsville, Pa.., to kits Ent LINE Jonlo r iot South l'insburgb, RIEO °PPrEt--41 "'"'" "111PAIlrireD" C R d t c CIDER-4 b , JI kuPetiOf Sl , be t ;l 4 2 0 friltDby BEznYb MILLS PASTRY isoun=iiibli;;;;f . ed 4noa of Eil Le F°"IIV Floor, n IoM WATERMAN, dent • .No3I Winey,and62PivAtL . VINE FLOUR-78 Inis int nOrtltdfor We' by_ I! • " 13 WATERMAN UTnat-15 bbl. Fresh Roll, to &IT sale by dcl o LIVI.TE Lti LARD -41° k<{} Nn 1, in urne and for •ila _by dole ' WATERMAN TRIED FRUM—Itt: Pc.a . ch:l4 01 ; 3 , 4 ' aao 'l,74,eadrai - - , larEßßff—lN l Monad ; in inure and for rotri dew _ 4 l KIDD & CO, ON • nal rt Plitablargb , alaylitilos•sati ft!!....i rant.* Loimarapr. , A aII2IING arthaStackkaidcr. of tbe PM , waren !I Navigation and Plin Ineanoce Company, will be bald as tho °Moe, No 0.1 Market at, on Monday, Dime. bar Nab, 1849, at o'clock P. M noratd SOBERS PINNEY, Body. not Eld dialirlandb and art well deto iaDl)* .. oO 3 co NoodAt i. rr0N.,U11.1.8 .BARSAELRILI.I b,l gum in itors and for ule b y dein JMUDACo.fioWoodat DOLL 13IITTER-4'.bble priine.Jat reef and for IX wile by ditSMRONG & CHM& BUCHEAT FLoutt-45 sake lust reed and Cor KW wale by deS ARMSTRONG & CROZER. ILSHTON CODLIVF.R 011.-3 dot. genuine itut R recd and for wale by dee - J. 1:71D & CO, no OD wood et. tbOTATORS-40 bias pint recrd and for sale by - 7 - • ILI G SV.I . LB-1 napes:for 1. dela COME BagyFoGLE I ou ELNING LON Mourning Lang filserig,:zee'd per expresz, dc7 r NI A LSON & C0,60 Market et BEEN APPLES-161 bble lem ree'd,g-for yde br deto OWE t BRETFOGLE, 109 Second et LOUR—M I obis hut N CO ind lox sale by dela PE it BREIWGLE TURNIPS-(sot7u -- i atom and for minty dela COPE BREYFOGLE. log Second It UCKIetiE)P FLOUR—:S +ants in sta and far sale by net° COPE tc BRF.YFOFLJ RED POTiTOa,-175b0 core mut for sale h &ID COPE it 1311EYFOGLE Clif2:3E—A malt lot In score and for sale by dela . COPE •It BREVFOGLE ~~' 'WINDOW CLA9S-45.0 byaaVd. in store and fox V V gala by dein COPE h. BREITOGLE B4CON SIDFS—A Iota( choice 14con Jost need by deco COPE 1. B RLIPOL fIJOININT BAG 9-3000 in Jot for role by del° CO . E BREYFOGLE for sale by nvr—cg—, Prjr?TagFOGL [TWEE! POTATOES-15 E• 1 t. • , 1 . . I 1.71 by tlrt . I'EB BREYFOGLE O' r d'eT' A Uri-11TE LEAD—A supply Constantly Land• y dont • COPE & LIREYFOGIA WitliTED—The highest price In mash tr paid for Cliconaun by del° COPE & SIIETEOGLE, Ind Seened DOLL BUTTER —3 bids prime fresh, reed this dap and (or asle by delo T&SSEY & BEST TALLOW -76 cask. rp and for by delo N A W HARBAUGH DROO.llEar doz, a good article, for rale by JJ dela a re. ry lIARBAUGH MOULD CANDLE bY•Cii. reed and forode by &tV HA/WAUGH F LOUR—t b L l;lLEal . re. family, Uav a' tran4; 2:n bblaSeprfine, b.:l:mnd'; in amro and for sale by dela : . STUART& SILL_ VEATHERS-1,00 It+, beet quality, to sale by dal° • ' STUART ix SILL CREBl , —Cream snit Goehen always on No I IS Wood street &lb STUART & SILL I,4L'TTER-111 Boxes and Rolls, store sod for sale 13 by , :TRAILS & SILL URN NEAL-100 bb old, in mireand rot ga le by C dell) STUART & SILL,IIS Wood at 'DOLL DU ITER—JO:hie. la cloths, Etta retz'd et the J Batter and Cheese Depoyand for eats by deio • JBCANFIELD FUR --r box jp.lit roc'd and for by dell? . J 13 CANFIELD CHEIR-1000 bie ptune emu., jn.l reed and for .nl6 by del° J LI CAPiFfELD M:=SIIMUMIMit V. I. EMU 111.41a5n.41p PFIIII.ADELPHIA FOR HAVANA, VIA CHARLESTON AND. SAYAN-NAIL TliE new and rplendid • • , m oll, ' l0 P PUII..DEL. • • hi. Pllll, J. Gallagher. e on, rt kllqtl ' , . ai1 ..; 11 ....olh4lllBll pp T a n d n: 0 4 . 1:1 1 0 1 1 7 ; ., Deeember 19. •[ 10 o• clock, A AL, from the Compmly's Wharf, foot of Lom bard street The Philadelphia ham accommodations unsurpassed by any 'learner pot built, and having doable side lover marine engines, of great strength tad power, (Wired newt may he plarcd dpon bar for safely, !weed and coratra - .• Passengers for New brim., can rate dia/acme I limns. or rake the innOroans.Chnolor.on or Sa annan, and proceed dirceary. on. .. . . Ladles' Saloon and Slate Room ;Berth R 7 Gentlemen'. Elidoen and &tie Room Berth • • 7d Steerage Berth*, Board rowed ...... ........ yj laSn O• !Ma U.. C 111.1131412 aln 1.VA101•11. Cabin Passage, CA RADA,to Savermaki•• • •stz Steam... Passage, to ISatraanah, and foand• • • 10 Cabin Prutage to Charlealon— • • --- ••• • M. Stearns/a Purage and,fotand• • ..... 19 All Tickets mast ba proc'ured %A th a Office of tb • Company, No. 97 South Whiten% foot of Lombard st A- IT. T9I.ISIPSON. President Joan L. Limn, Tra.urer.--{ laTOTlCS....Wherrea, Lettere-of AO...retro. on the liataha of :razor! Cowan, late of Baldest township, Alleghen ecronly,gee'd,haviog been grant. ed a, the eahaeribe re, sit persoer h.ujogslahna &gun that F..atate of said detedent.• art requested aprons them, duly authenrierved, fur tealertienh and all per orderorg to the bake, Will Make Immediate pay moon° .Ig , 7oB.BFX:ghiraN, drlO-wkoT WhLet), ' ' lOTATOES—ISIO bag okrro and for bale by dee CRAIG & SKINNER, Yd Marker ot TIICKURY NUTS-44 bo to rum and for solo by CRAIG & SKINNER CORY IN ILAR—In &ore Ord for tale by deS CRAIG & SKINNER TJRICO PEACHYSLN , bu Ja# re.K‘dc Al (Jr rah by jJ dor CR.III G & SKINNER FLUR—Oiro rots ree4 for solo by 1) dcu CRAIG K SKINNER .F 14 . 001 /• — Ml 6bla ___ FrYsk. /a. ese'd and (or sale by dell ell PIG k FKINNER , ... • . n_RVEN .11.1%1N-IZbuls In leers and fur sale by 1... T dC TVIIF.D PEACIfI -Sobsit 4' in fL e ' la i re " ::d 4i for N sa NE le K by •-. 11 .... -- -.:.1.----.j.--e,-1-0......W..E_ 1 t i 1iEil . D B 2te APPLE -slbt lad is . l. t i ac KL Vly IDOTATOE3-74 , 0 be In Here sell for sale by I •_ • I dee CRAIG AY. SKINNE.R._I _.--- -- BEARS-10Mis :leas!! White Ibrsale by • ilea cizsaaa skonven SUN DRIES—I: lv : te;jl d s f . a e r k , a w ß e at;La ; r . CRAIGdee CRAIGk. SKINNER lour Y 1 r t.-4 tanks in ' owe nod in mile b CitAIG lc SKINNERy HORSE COLLARS-4 dus red'd and far sale Is de7 'ARIISTRriO & CROZFA CIDER VINEGAR --10 Mk reed and for We by _del , ARMSTRONG k CROZER LAS.D—Zo Argo to store grid tra tole by de - . A RMST ONG - d. CROZ ER B IITITS-11 kegs reed cut for tole by _art AIUISTEONG a. CROZER GREEN APPLF.S-230 bbl., oboloo yoriorirrjo. reed sad for soleby 40 . ARMSTRONG - A CROZF.R D ['Cf: W FIFA FLOti k -op seeks fun read Rad bt sale by & CROZER_ °RI ; R"IS— TI IPCde tWC !or ‘46ItIGS=TOkTEVIONIII , --1 1 dot. aaslili alto, 1.1.1. • liplendld assortrocot of Cal( mad Morocco POCKET BOOKS, tatt reed by rnnlYta, and for tole low by dot . O YFACIER, Ine Merkel sr GLOVER -1 case Wooled anti Coded GLOVES, • toped. article, 00 reed and for tide by dcd C Market at IrENITIgIi BLIND TRIMM120191:0 gra Worn a Binding, and 150 grow Wormed Cord, rea'd pc: ship Wygining, rod for cola low by deu • C VEAVER-108.Morket or DLACKINCe—t bhls,Mason's iuperloi BlackisK on 1) hand end for Bale by degC IMAGER STEEL GOODS-0 doe Steel Mead Panes; 4 " Crotchet 1. . 141 " Steel " Reticules: 10 " Crotchet " Reed by express and for .me by dee C YEA(IER,IO3 Marker tt R. MURPHY 61. taw mite:ens opened tooth. . at supply of Mese destraMe goods, entreated not to emelt to waehing, and which have given w much eatis faction to thopUwho have and them. Also, supply of super Demerit; Flannels, of all colors. Fine Persian mid Haute Flanneler for lase.' Wear. SIVANSLFMN FLANNELS, a vary scarce and de finable atticlo—and 036[1117 Made Flannels, barred, whim and brown: W. R. M. having, within • few days, replenished his stock, can afford to CasiOraert, aid bapers generally, an Swift:Meat of Goods rarely to be met with at this smison. yip W holesalw Room. op attire. der, IIIII 7 ERIAI.TCZ INGRAIN CARPI .— We can of. tee the fiercer and beet alsontruntor Impyrlat nod Ingiedn Carpets ewer brought to OW market, at won per OCAS. ..apes than can be found In any other house to thin en), We Invite those wi•htne. to furnish NeOrll.3o. or tirhsra t.e Coll and carmine on; extra. Oro assortment .leforo purettautg elsewhere. Carpet Warehonse-nlio. id Fay,* street., den VT itPCI.INTOCK LCUING /RAO CA It CETet--.11.6v5) eon hula .d tar sale a: W PVClintock's 'Carper NVirehome, fra Fourth street dvle . , i-vapiEljußG Invite IL.: actin. af Stem beat Qen to arAppe Sflck of Lowell Drills, for coverloa decks, toloalt nre..ll cheap. Carpet Ware. blues, 45 Fourth st. dcs W Vift,VlE:f r ii.F.--WO 011 olftr the baptise...l Velvet Pile Carpet...left:4 , meg.. low es can be pozettased la any of ttot eastern sine.. We tame 11,000 WO billg to fetal/II 8101111114 - 0 ca. Ifoltse n, (PM OA call be oreparettatting els., he.. Carrel IVarehouse, Fourth dab W ACCLINTOCK. igrAPESTIIIi IIIiVASEI..4 CAILPI3II.—We offer to I. our C.l.loluera and friend. the choicest Tapestry Irma:rola Carpets ower brought to this market, of the taunt and molt operate.) nylou and colors, which we wilt .11 as luw at cwt be purchased in the ern. No 74 Fourth rt. lei NV ArCLIN'fOOK I 3 U pu Sc h l!L „ S „ C A . 1 4 1 . 1 , Z.1 . ..`4 4 . 4 —,W. MT,. tore.... o d d ,. to. , • hu;dropth anortmeut of i i,,, ~,,t portsrt' rlaliertiii lir 1401.011 Carpet", cheaperdolt ern before calmed In thlantarkm. Cell ~,,,,,t .„,,,,,,,,,,,, pur noelt befareperchattog elsewhore. Job tk , :11'CLINTOCK, 74 Fourth tt ------. 1.1. a - if:AR—TO hhd; Olt IV crop) N. 0. Pogo, li.- . jen reed on consignment' and for Bale by 840 -- A (taktIOVN I_7 0 1.1.1 DA PRECARATIOI last teed, a fine alsoranani of uew Good. iu my line—Hue W.. 6"; RieE j,..w.C,,Y$ Fancy li W ma W., /cc. WOS, DI 11111IIIMD. 1 OLD PEN.II- , Ofell the beet molter—anda. von Pep, manufitetuted to order, via:W:W 1 Neon, large; W.1,1%;W11.00. nied!utro far silo by deg • 347 W WILSON NEYNNI OPERA DRE§SES—Now epge,.., der Earblontered.French Upeta bre.- sex, an entire t article N. Co. CO market at. issErpfs—igailtiohlillk Thetas, most fashiotto bla spice and elegatd Nil:otology VrspN - deg t A. ?JASON NCO.; 1. tbliire reedmil for wile I. by 1 •;4'i J. KIDD CO. nonourshela .Savleatiotil• 00111p1.1113/. NOTICE7TO STOCKHOLDERS: jiN suunilticitips: of the Storliboldera of the Al, IgllgratOla /41 , 15000 n will be 'rola, in Power , . Of the provlniaqe of gm Loaner ~j• Office go WOO/ aVlcit rho rditY of 1'1114,h, ASQudRYJ day .511.uary, 4...D.12.5 114 0, at flcrlls'Al AL. - 11 , 7 :elect= 0f,06 4Oofil Icirllo4'n..,hor -WWJILKEIVELL, SeereterY. ~../fiidititiliall4,,, .. -Weln labgil ltite el en i ee r, oi rebeity, Waxtungton Nepotist, and to Pres., ropy till day, end sends copy narked to the -.octet.; .1 F LOUFlujlits thew:. tor . afavtairecei=for .MM=M=MI WELad &lINELII. IM=3Z=2l (119111dERESHAWIeB-liammellso a Bo %JP...L=4=d BOMPratelmereeied • Stmt. reed per expren end er, r, ming br7 PARANATTAS a LVONSBE CLOTHS-100 choicest sbadea Passmattas and Lyonese Cloth", rced • r exprou,b der A A hti.loN a • X) 9ePERA CLOTHE , CASHMERE &- DE LAWS -10 cant. Of the choicest coOrarkod most Oman. patterns, reel per anneal at eel A A MASON & CO, &I Market st CEESE H -6W bozo* in Burn and for sale by_ do) IBAIAH DICKEY I CO, Foont,t TO DRUGGISTS & CABINET n&ICERS—Bosoon Copal Varnish for sole by I dl? SAIAH DICKEY & CO, Frorn TASH—IO eiOto, firm ocir c for sal< by I Pde: ISAIAH DICKEY a CO, Frost?it T AHD-50 bbls No for sato by • 11 de, .a.SA,TAII DICKEY : CO, Front ot CIODFISH-40 to on hand and for .&o by de7 , 113A1All DICIMIrto CO, FrontAt T FOll. lIALZ.=LIXI ' tin CORN, in Far • toporior oriole. For rale from the memo r iriveillai op • mite OM fee: of Market greet. . unsoturrioris 10 .Aisveur eire.ploa" S read KetatedytaanV 6 1 DI . , 1 dee 7 Honorary Secretor/. . FLOUR -10) Gbh ratioge brandijut received .6 for sale by del ARMSTRONG k DRIED PEACHES-30 bbls awl say (old A 0 tAr) m gore andlor ide by . • • del %ENOt OHOZEH. ONIONS-3L wk. reeeired and tot Bee by, del ARMSTRONG t CROZER DOTATOM.-75 bbler m mire imd we by ' 1 - de? . .,7' ARMSTRONG & CHOLER GEOM:3E H. EI.LER Y. of New York, and U. HRH 21.1.1111 LY, of Philadelphia, hue this. day been admitted u parturs h, out Iruslueu, which will be continued under the same firm as No. 27 Church alley. Philadelphia, and No. 16 Exchine PILCO, New York. . M. DAYLSk. CO. Philadelphia, Deo. 1, 1612.74de7-Ira ' Q 0 VITIEVS Como Place' Book, or Choice Iltalt -1.7 ages; Moral, Religious Political, Philosophical, Historical, Poetical and Allicellaneous, selected room Ids writings. The Thoesaiol and One Nights, tratodated and ar ranged ior Faintly Reading, molt esplanatory notes, rbyE. W. Lime. Illustrawd with alz bandied Wood .• ti emu. by liarvey; and illuminated title., by Owen /ones. The IVorks of Charles Lamb, with bbi tortes and a Sketch of bls Life. 117 7'. N. Tabooed, Fag. Kings and Queens, or Life bi the Palace; econslsting of Historical Sketches ofJosephine. Katie Loolsa,Ste. A Sommer in ticotl.d, descriptive of it! Beebtl72 Commerce, NamtLevares, de. The ttlographisal and Critical litiscellimles of Wm. Prescott, Esq. The Cemsleze Works or Marta Edgeworth, 10,1074. The EipUshreark's Greek Coneordarme of the New Tutareent hhakspeare s Dramatic Works rod roentaihrh Dun's North American Accountant, embracing pin• phi and Double Entry. Chalmer's 'Fheological !mutates. Four Yeiris in Great Brimini-being descriptive of the Monarchical and Aristocratical Insulationsellragrand, with sketcher or the Lives et same or her moat val. cent Statermen, kc. Bann Elements of Chemistry, mirk the mast recent discovees and epidiesuions °Filo miorme to Medi cine. A Treatise on Domestic Ecinomy,• by Miss Doodler. A large stook of dm. and Mom. S. S. Union Boas. For nolo by ELLIOTT k ENGLISH; No TIP Wood mreet Staambeat Agency. 710 noderagneel, very grerefil • • their friends, beglease tots) that the, inaga i ere determined to devote Milt =tree mined attenhon to Wahl...her their hardness. They hope, !rein nineteen year.' experience and by their never failing Indostry and strict attention, to sent patronage. 3. C. BUCKLES h. ON ne7.dtm ' Pearl - street, Leesville, 141. WISTEII. AREIADOKEIEZT. :a3Sii - 17 1849. Ma EXPAMS WAGON LINE-THROUGH' IN FIVE DAYS! I lIE subscrriets, havirtgenspentled their eanal op• erations V. I the opening of the Spring Namga boa, have estahlwhed an Fspres• Line by Rialroadand Wagon between Philadelphia and Pttutbereb, by which they are prepared to forvevd 6000 psunds each day, and receipt for the delivery of the vanesin dam 'f hay beg leave ao assent their Mends and the path. he that their arrangements regarding rates, regularity and despatch, cannot fail to give mistral. to all who favor them wits their command.. ' TAA PPE k.O4:XINNOiI i corner Pew and Wayne THOMAS 8611131DGE., .Ic7 P7B }flirter area; Philadelphia. Q.Th:AIII.IOAT COUNTERPANES—A./1. 2.1.0 a & kJ Cu, have iaat rived oo coasiaosual, (rum tha ava. alacturera, 4 cue. eteasateasa Counterpanes. .aly.o.‘. casts FaxatlLCoasittYP.b! . .h 12 qr. wtdl,___dFs_ D ucxers—toi, day, Beaver soaaarstnye, fu side .1) by DILWORTII & CO rillAta—A lute &saint. anortostat w Atom and tot sale tow by del J DILWORT/I &CO EG & ROLL BWITER—Io .*or =a Por oaltoloor Jak. to oboe tonsitrooteot, by dee s Eriimotira.k. CO. DRLPEAcnks -4 w"J - rtaVYRYIV&co N. SEIDAR—A small lot liniertor: 4 7 icemilleAtutz and fog alb by • - J IMIAV 01143 k. CO' . TrENMAN BED (Eagliabr-10 earks'reeloind for V sa:e by def 3 }MAIM RMTER COPAL VARNISH—a bbl., a pare ar.l Oa, fee/gala by 4E6 BtLatlN 4t. REITER", i'APAN YAW:Mt—lnt reed and folds t.l_ , tl dee -- num fr. REITER FLOUR -4o this Fresh Just recto and for silo hi, Buttniwor,wu.sox & co, det , • ' Water attar Hopj:y "'=I,IIf."7.'%4LVNI co 8 1.TGA R —lO hbds NO. no; crop. /UM .or d f rale by 11110VVN It KIRKPATRICK; dus N 0144 Liberty urea ARD-23 kegs No I Ise: reed nod too No by 1.4 drO BROWN & KIRKPATRICK A P . PLF-9-60 !Ms Green, tte'd and for salts 3- d c 6 BRuWN. MlLOUlt—Subhls,Farsaar Birk'. calf*, iu.t inc'd J: and for aids • dcif 9 tr. WirdICBAUGH r d LLOW-23 bbissahra" d Tifl= W ualf pvs—Ho"s'!",''''li4ltk'''w'4l,llZtai!tHby N S U N R-1' kh" 131; '4 H f litßrttltlli: XTED-3COV be Barley, end :ON be 'Eye: (or V sir tuck the bicbcri intact price le earicirrill be paid by dell B & W HARBAUGH CrW:ESE-1W tont cream ,. xepatior uighlai 103 brb . K, rc.c 2 ,l and &reale by d<d• 3 Is..W HARBAUGH • FEN:IIE29-20 bag, rto'dtrlValgyAvau LOUR-100 bbls Extra Family, at:parley brick, r reed, for vale by dee e a WILIRBAUfAiI GBEEN APPLES-40 bbla PenbOoks, bbto oosoitoo, Y 6 bbls Rhode Wand Grum, Just ti ed mod for role b do 6 B &Mir HARBAUCUI TXT V(now GLASS-ICO ss'd fixes, reed and fur sale by dell 3& W 11.1113A0M1 DIED Pgd.CtlEd- 1 . 00 ba San-drl in Wire and for sale ay del 6 & W Wanda:Mß LARD bbl. Coaling% besoVanbrs Lard 4 01 'tore and for SELLERS b 4 fr-11101`,Ls ACON AIDES—to cu t • atra B 1-INSEED OIL-40 bbl bruN,ln store and for gala by dee SELLERS tc.NICALS _ AT.LOW—.IS bbto pziroa,Jort reel.o.ntl of Nolo by dco ' . SLLLE66Bt NICOLE A RD-60 kTI . P . 1, in strire lodide taltAtty , 1' a deb SELLERS* MCOi..S DB. W. idlaalOr . t `" (Lale afNeat N'arb ) t1i 21 1;37 . 3i DEN7I6 I' Onica—Satithfislit at . );;A. bertetaiSa e itt ' ae.i Strawberry a flee. N. u—Dir.e..o or intinill, gum had Zared Muncooknittnnopj, • 04 BACISSI SIDE.3I small. o iti addend or oby deg ' FT; i5 TYrr -- . 4 7 T -1,,, k 'mPPII Jon reed and for sale' by del_ CUPE & BREVFOOLE TAI—;4 - lark; - 16,1. N. C. Titeirodstamg_itott Console by tko , C 1/GRANT , amp, TE.....4--do I,f obese Y. H,,, 10 do doo do d 0.,. O. P., a oases superior 1-11, now !analog and ~.„; it ob , dell ' Cll MAYA. :51411 bags oiaPi ea ' — a e • '-- a Flaxsee d, 0 bb Is Chestnuts. fur ions b'f denL..-L 2 ' ,. .tiiRANT ' 8 IIOY-ra6 kegs, ass7n — lartibsra, far sai "C7 -- T-- , . dee ,d .O H GRANT kfITY FLO i , A - 't , tg.l." thke enshrined brand b, jo.indy ass, jolt tu'd an o Alortialo by " lig /OVA /STAMEN & CO - -, r r oilAcco-tad bet saps 4.. i ~,, ij, ,and., 5),-;-ri . . dos J 3 DILWCALTII4 Co CllF.6l3E7 — fu bss ovenm eAri»e inn tee'd k,i,nd for eob tqr & W lIARDAU6II I . 'Ul7lOl—J) 'anal Crooka far Intuit)! lase, itc,l. lit Otto day antl for rale by • t • deb SASSEttk-BhST' . - NNONIVND—ION groom oral bozps4 and- L o u r: s ae by !lc co, 40 wood at' zDs rigid .. Auotuilna Soap, for chapped handy - Hazel Nut Oil Soap, Ararrhoallow - Local • . • A..crated ' 1 ; Brown winduot rot *ale hy do 3 N ULLi./19,:gtoisiert 0;40 operdef,''pao , taptoa,-180 14.0, Inca shards, of- tho ram fashionable 10Z., nr,l qoabOrm del A A MASON* CO. • TN notts-4671.incetotiii.itCa a a fob iab .1..1 , (ARYNN APPLAS—IIO bhla kN ell. .' boat Come% fit al* by- dr!, - :Cr UFO R=ltO i• del - ,SA-lid, cc riuT--.3 - iiiTs No T. 6 auttllll, /or No oyy .. 17 dry ry _v . 9 LYON BOHNHIIHSTL- bAD-60 OIP (or Bale ... by ousi _ _ t VONXORNEI Z.4CO DallN9-30 boreq 401111 m, and 40 qr. trapi 110!!: enrp. for 4,101 • • 11.01roed ritte4t TiLKruut4 - 0.41,04 Zorgue, forlale%* %d, FHE KlNDONG—eOrpliWitratictrte 0 7 J D WILLI llarglP-43 bak • Lew Hotted [gutty ti caktroalrAnd for raid o o' 21 , 0 , r 44110414 airrYS WANTED—P:OneI Ryi.mali,f#:inleil. mill pay t, bigheaticaritetpne ci, , _ _ cuy4 nvuukey ike.A RV I.T—lou sacks Afil and*? lial.bY ofe6il CIPLBMTSON TAR -25 bbl. N. C. reed...d* by • • A CULBERTSON M OtrBEo-60 Obis N. 0. ree;cl jf i rLf 3 or irs i b s ig; o n. MEAL. t, Oil Meal, reed and for sale by ROBISON, LITTLE & CO, dcG No 150 Liberty 0 LINSEED 011..-11 S Wm reed and for We by "dal ROBISON. LITTLE a. CO PIG IRON—Su tons Btu Cirelt, reed and Car sa l t Ly _ , , ROBISONIATTLE ic CO TVNIATA BLIT (NAIL RODS-2 tonsil:tassel and tl for sale by. def. SF 1/0/C/lONNIIORST fr.. CO FEdIPER 4 Wdbicir.4ebrITATOZST & CO wEirrE M11..10 kali and hf bbl. for sale 1 , VON BONNIIORST It CO ED BUCKWHRAT FLOI7III 50 sacks for TILLED d 6 6 £ VON 130YNDORST &CO. A7INDOAV GLASS- bis 8110, 4CO tois, ir V 200 do 1041,811., for sale by doe P VON BONN HORST & CO UUTTTER-11 lads Ruh Roll, and Su (of .13 each) for family aso, for at • deb - STUART & 81LUS , 113 Wood et 'DEADt ItRAD !..SELLERS' COUGH 81% JR, RUP—From W. K. Baden, EN., Clerk of the Caul of Quarter Sessions of -Beaver County: Mo,R Sellers: Sir, Soria thee in the winter my wife was runic ted with a severe and distresaing cough,- and hearing of year invaluable Cdugh Syrup, I per. chased t bottle from S. T. Threads, of Bridgewater, and alter tilting t portion of It two or three evenings ongoing to bed, she found immediate relief; as tire meets! friends have been reliever In severe cams. 1 am therefore satisfied thou Ws aside and valuable me. dreinc, and would recommend It to theee.who maybe afflicted with revere coughs end colds. March ' W. K BODES. by R. ILSELLERS, 17 Wood street, ant by - Dr:rice zerierelly in the two eine. 'mod Vltialtr. WAOI)N LINE. 1849: - 111 t ..111 , -FIVE DAIS! 1118 subscribane ars prepared to receive WOO pounds J. Freight daily, after Mondry, laitt lest, to forward to or from Philadelphia Sjul Putsb tag h, b 7 Wagon, through in Flee Days. Hams to low as by any other conveyance at lAD season of the_year. . • JOHN McPADEN ts CO, Canal Buda Pitubarga - • JAMES M DAVIS &CO • deo ' • No Ite Market et. Philadelphia. p 4 •=l.*.l7TVrt7nr•Ti.lll. EPPEL-10 bap m core ind for salt by da TS DILWORTH .1. tX) ip ;!{strl. ll . l .....i4rt=.l bbls intae Bar lAA.VP B U . , de3 ed and forAapy BRAUN & BRUER KOI.ARBE9-00 bbts N 0 Alolasses; 10-" BR - :-" • -10 Eon uld fa: " Ref BROWN & KIRKPATRICK BROOM -71i doz in sine and for sale by - deb - BROWN 113IMPATRICK TEA -10 cbeus leokina & Co . 's Phi ! ada!phia packed Y 11,T4sOust =GNI vl6 far sale by . • , . BROViTI & KIRKPATRICI DR`E APPLES—MI ba teed a • for sale by dee SavW RARDLUGH R YE PLOUR-46666,ree , d surd for sale bT I 19 & W BARHAM:IH - OTATOR3-47 bbl. Isla MO'S and (or sale by P MIRBIIIDOE, WILSON & CO BITITSR-10kepprtose, end I.bliftetb Rob, jun reed tad for We by • • dcs: BURBRIDOE: WILSON it CO I)RiED FRUIT Tog Th i _DrY Ap P'"t erj= by striummes, wu.sos & co, wnlyy MESICLN •%id , ,.ll.e s oieror c y . of Mc , : fall, authentic, end veiled InTormation concerning he affair, of the General end State Government. Tide volume Is equal to Its predecessors in Wane and ae• curacy, and will sustain the high character of the "American Almanacs as a trustworthy manna for re ference, and afell repototory of useful knowledge. Jag reed and for - sale by JOHNSTON t STOCKTON, corner Third and Market at. F W.MIIS-'3 crrASEtio Potash aad 9 cols Scarekangs for sale by do 11l CANFIELD 1311TTER-45 and lOU:ass Finale , Roll, wad YO BU for !badly bib, for sale by, dcs d B CANFIELD. nIL-10 bbls Laneed, for tale by de3 I B CANFIELD ALLOW—V/l,bbls arriTO =dia l c sa=I.IELD 11AMOND SPARKS, for Glassestterst ate -100, L of • wrrssPerror qeetny, jest reed direct from ; 'sleeted there by se nest who will keep m eonsuunly 'applied, end as reduced pries. Dealers embroiled to call and 61111121 t. deb • ' t • W WILSON (1 31 rV.22 " r, , E rat :14r 1 11:Lti"-ve*- 1 - ' l6 Dopero, theFl74Mo kdartalletertts WN W E B I ILed D 1 1 1%* cited vi t r Lienwn Flumelsrall zetso:faaliared wool, for sale sr the Elayket a =zif factiaialr N 0.." CIANWALDES AND M. DE LAM, Ai: °Pal& 00/./VPldeAr. 3 o: roles seta thigallOtai and y F i r btlr bb t i r " n=end rsca M ammo; mabby FTT E, DRIM BEER-4B tibliSaderbored, deg reed !I der ule by dad IdF.LITeILS k NICOLE IFT[BB-11 bbls'prlni bariat;lo kern psi** E : L do,jait teed aad for solely 'del . 1320142 it IaBBPATBICK;I44 Liben • • RO.P.t — gio Y BltrW l N B T i l t r"."!' IrIMC7IYIEM tor L-I:Pblspthlw n3why Efe4 jrt :4 ',r! 'l '7 ITROWN k RIRSPATIU UL0U1t,..200 WAN P.Maar, GO do extrx family to, I: in stancluad far salt by 461 • . • • ..BROWN & XMIiPATHICIt tiliftlllUtriai—lCS boa La vans. coto?d uiebt JJ det TASSEY & BEST forlal r ar s? ' RIMY APPLES—lebbls Go We by - MUMMY &893 r. OTI,TOMI-IEO bbls ree'd uq oirodgrtmeat, tad or orle by . [dal TABERY & BEM now ASH--5 eki he awe and foeW W OO - 1 - y dee • LY& S de{ C9AtCLI.I . 3AL7-43 , pti!st e v aidelgo von , , AND—VS es . 6 • And *bbl. oo hfga ti tfirge tip m T l=lll4 . 7 . Wac C°d7s—mx"'"'''' pR i5V133.136% XVOTIOS—GII O ES & BROTHERS Prnenuttpri of 1.1 the PeenVlShate Deteeteo, have pouted in alga, at the come gfallgte &nithiell eta, Lot the puma • receiving the ono, locatlen, and bagme se of Arel a new. na businetiman in Ws 'goo), They v c•ery attend to 10 teeektiOn •• • .a n t c .r n g; roulette to carry out W M s at 11 , 1pa' a ugu , 5.,5,& & exabov sL, sid, and 41 Cbcenco S LATES -1e ours, and a German l'"..;p4; Pr, allie and tor sale by I C YEAGER, 10E11111,4,10.i TfTrokni—pas down rPX.I PTA; , '' • • 1000 pond patent ..;'. IDED WE-4W gram eapestal bed Lams for u • •01 "Doers sec'CLod,fin•a4le• hrwrbY • • dal • • C YEAGEE.IOB litarkatit - --.. lua re_OLD FENS-4urt ree'd a elm - raw tote r pre s kji - Gold Peas, of the bestmaters, ue avd slid - roe, ours; Qom 1111 to MO, and wanuttect, , der -- - - .W W WILSONAdita meta reATE.Pry .80L/tEeLARD kleiin:rnra 714 .1. beLeterel a.On... , dCalittdlill IS Co's unrivalled- Imps we,d ga% chaadallare 1.e.% anditor sale 1142011 - - - • D • - A just received mid for ode by elea HARDY, JONIZ PACHEl*—Wityeks prime halves, - now crop •e. oneyf. Moro - sad foraalq by. • • .AL PPLEFJ,r3S Ala selected gee apples, ES ads les clop dried do, iketces and fbr idle Its• :. I . • • • L 8 WATERMAN CC illbbla earn meal n sae and or h ,6 r.id4i• • ; LB WATEIthlAti Atlßtse Not Lardil bbl do,lust rec'dirire far Ale by • Wet] .;8 WATEIUdAYI . nAI toner, d bbl. puke •, 10 • d fordo bT • L d WATERMAN : DUI TER-4 Pas p kfcdo, last reed FRENCII ATEIVNU—.3I33I. rea'd, par express, 'b.; letiarieds.bit,tdae, peed, Wawa. pupl, bi.okr drabs, corapristm as assorisseat of 00 pietas. '1 : 7 •A—AIIASON • QT,HAM BOAT BLANICETSIarte J , foi_take .at .vmr.lou , prices, at us Ellaikon Wurelpitu* or the Fayette . gariulacuir44 OdduEEn nv Satan,' rt.. up Hain._. "r Ti :13_LANIKEIT—LAnother lot ion no' of Pinner, rolpoditt 10.4 and-114 aepertitto fatally blew kola, for elle n tee Blanket B•pot .r factoring Comp•nT t No en Market •t. • 1- • : :Arra:rat of Hook. • A W ALLTSONIA 'limit of Eirape, - 4 vat; a a:Johnson-Sand • Ottl:9s v e i l k ( o 7 , ‘ ‘orir .. it t l ein q the MoLLa Conannodo99l•9lou7b; ' , A:lda:land California in y JgninnTborin,,,, 411.40 g. prthe Elapploo Caine INrion. with arl PO:lobrAsolvdin reran and of Info:ma/los an -thesubject of Ile Gold Mats of Califrnia; t - ; - Addwarea la Mono, sad the Rocky Ideantallii by ' -goo P Raiton, Dold Culylea co';rmwe Tot; ReactBl,Ah. • don, II vat; • • Td../ifa addle Date of fdaribotoodb , by Alllaani -, Was Daaha.a.Doolestle Roottpt Boor, . diddraira Illstory of :bd.:Jo:tad Slate., 9 velad,oa, lbstory ol ihe.afidlla 14e5 • • dgisa Igo 9nmay's letterlio 'bang indsgE " • *th. , r, ' •rti e srii.ciamotmOit.e ll 7; Ledredi Nineveh and tts'ir . ratang, Pat h'. r.n.d pey appry } vn i t. bOO% fa gala bi Nfot• Rudtrrr't ENGLISH. 79 Woad at .1 0 ALI. Wlll3llll o 7eCO llo ll4N—Take mattes I that Illbbert's eal 'aridly Ilehl will act (Kent aby poLat Vane 31 dearees ftutsbelt. pm pecataatified,aa4 as that dame qeobillaael . ienc w 'my stans ia tluselnr, hstal4 1....=.4.0 z ys ',Mho ameba .esituet-,wAs have bean .eiwyed bantam by• theta ma treader ts." pro. oats file t erhlelialeawllhatallthqsaluy.,4ls. the best sada Irolkaatatkat. arlth - ansttAit.44ktiia t.. , by B A ahnsteer - 11 - c 11 beby City, end by the =mammy am Thee IL Ylbber, Ist estaChatassa emcee 01.1.1'.ny and Imtadial a; Pa. del AUCTION SALFS, kM=== - - Jdwuauhata'aSae of Hosuelold Fognsitunr,4e. On Wednesday morning; Dee.l2tb, at 10 o'clock, at the late maid/dee of Richard Gray, drell, in the Cdy or A nobeb T , an the Elul Cloonion; .../te • soky the eniire +lock of Haosehold and Kitchen garniture, ke., ibeloefing thit'asWee adopt adieis nee Mahogany saerktaey uld Book Case. Stelehoank Conte Table, thnini and Breakfast Table. Bedstead, Stempury sot..,Lotiking Gla , dea,Elaht Day Cloek, Feather Beds, Mauna., Bedding. ikare, (Pasideare, Carpeting, Window . Blinds, die, 4.1.0-10 m Horse Family Carringe and Haddam, 1 •6 COR. ICIITIS at 116Ie: •dclo • , • • JOIIN D DAVIS. Alq re;:taptory &th. olDry G. On Monday aorning,December loth, a, It &cloak, at the Comma-gaol Soles—Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth strectiy will-be sold, , without reservr;.for cool, - curreny,, tBpackages of se isonakle staple and fancy foreign and domestic Dry Goode,among which, are seperEp. a n i m ate, aitinettli,_ tweedy leant, duinels, blankets, woolen shawls In great variety, alpaecos, de loins, long and squazaginaharao, dress silks, woolen, cotton and silk awns. !Wilts, needle worked cal. lam, ;shirt bosoms and Collars s table 'cloths, (ringer spool cotton, patent thread; sowing ailkOrish lincoo , „ stirring 112116111111, hosiery,. gloves, gam milli; noorfst . ribbons, panes, ears, bonnets, combo, brushes, the. Mt o'clock, • - • .s.isoca boots and shoes, gum over shoos, liars, Ales, hatcher kniseo, razors, batereand forts, rasps, anis soca, hinges, ;also, a griantity of leatherrm,obs, tmoko, comma molts, .corpet and leather hao.s, carpeting, bridles, whips,onaatel clocks, lumps, • A large mid gene.ralasoortroom of nese and second hand household fucturare, glasseiare, yalrensware, /he. • daS — JOIJN D DAVIS. Aunt • - • rands Asststssti Sas of • , MR PRATT is now 'onenin' the largest and best stock of Books over offered at Aaetion in this . city: parchosed for cash at the New Yoek sod delplala Trade. Sales, expressly forAhre make" ',llsii Books ere new, and of the latest editions; seats of theta In rich anelesant bindle', suitable, for Christ. mar and New Yearlayrtesents. Pine Library editions of standard wnsks,.in the various departmennsof ratont,'Ans and Science.- Bibles, of every rise sod qu Pir Books, Palter, Blank Books; te.. • Th ty; ose who with to purchase good 80-ski id then' own prices, will do well to call and examine !Moonset of Books at n theta sole, at prices to suit the time/. I will sell THIS (Wednesdays EVENING, Deo.ith, and condone sears arldneo vent the whole ere sold, stray Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Filth streets. dell' JOHN ODAVIS,'Auct ,TEA BOATS • . • The flee meamer ‘• - -• FAI Pair. ~....",A TE. • • -, f , -- C ' h^....1.1 " .° %1 tear.: lot above bne;..dinaporis daWaead.Y the nth bet, as. e`eloek, P. :Pta er freight or pomp ly, ... hoard or Le,"..- - :' . dal IGRENV E. C , FOR CENCINNI:tI ATM Loulavga..s-, , - 7 ¢e winati rut itiamb, Z: TA51.011, LUG.; irSISIGL," will • leave" far the Saboae and - all latermuilaPCßprta WethsetdaPl, the filthtam, az Ifoclock,l% . Far treilkt opupasalp apply au bowl. ' 'apt 0 . . _ FOR CINCINNATI, AND LOUPAILLE.n , oo .. - . Tho Jae Paatensev steamer ,, ::. . mi VERMONT; . :-- Hieleb, master , . oda I.r. for the above and all Interoodiae ports on IVedneeday next at 10 o'clock, A. M. Far freight and naesare a;lttl on board. deal° U=M _ PARNIF.R u. It . o yimvt3 g ra-for tb vo and .4i e,l"d'thtit" gt "'e*c l ". iroi 7 4h 8 niva A. bo r - , de BmINBERGER, Agent. REGULAR PACKETT POR BIAKEEpTAAPID ZAAJFZFILLE, - The qlendla summer -- 7L73 , • • EMPRESS, • CA; muter, Intl leave farthe abate all-latermediera-partiviarilitw. dar,the Bth lan, at P o'clock, P. lPd 7A ight or paasage,Appr board, urtoC:".- The eoletudid_panenger pazto. TELVORAPEI him= =liner yjill les for __ii.arilleron Wlbay, theXtr. cK de l;i fr.1.41g P oTrg: a ffI I ZTENIIEPIGEN, 'Apt. FOR CINCINNATI AND •LOHISVILUS, The splesidid-nant stes, met TELSVRAPH. No.l, • /nen, 31803/, leraVro tor. atom mono :Aims ports cultaaadaY, the Mb lest, at 10 o'clook a ht. For Beightorteololo inn: c boynj , co , AF dA FORME PH, or= G£o B 151/LTY.tiBBRZFAIca FOR . ST. LftUl& •- The splendid fast passenger packet M, A. Cox, muter, will leave for e above and - alt intermediate ports 011 Wednesday, the nth 4)111,110 o'clock, A. 11.„ For tivagbt or pottage, apply on board, or to' .vloa B MILT=BERGEIL - FOR /YE ' The splendid 'Bawler Caldwell, master kW . We Sabovesthd all' intermeditur, parts tints, .110 o'clock, A.. M- passage apply 011 board. or to - - 11, MLTENBERGIER: Tko lbw fast minim gteFoar r , OFHO licopsonasterosill Imre for th tad all intermediate landinawthisslay, Se 34 lash. kt 4 o'cloeN ar. 7. m e.aaag apply on tro or to. WM B WHEEL Asess , tea ~..Thetast- s uniu Steamer PM1.11.8, " Newton, magas, mill for Rat. • lipolis arid Kanawha raver, en Friday ad rielock. • • - ' • - For freight or passage apply on boardom deal ARMSTRONG CROZF.R, FORIMINFI r .4II - & - WIIEELLSO. • The fine steamer Cap,. gijrkjor Frara uery br i ar ~ P. M. oet39 `lial`s4ONY.ll Pnon . KeltletWkitt - ANDOALLIFCLIS., . The splendid' fait Tannin 09 REVEILLE, • Rigned. muter, 'w . itt: bravo Or On ail . totem...hate ports r . n,aatar -day, the 244 4 o'clock, P. M . Resetlle Maaribut 12 Inches seethe.' • Por freight or. pusago, apply on hoard • torn • PRITIGLISW, ciao : a I,t • ar Atraoli - 'gatl ..• •0 A. kJ.. P A c-t: E. TLIN E. mal known lino. o f siiker "lid pywater moss, filed n.rf, tatm hed of eis larriesi;swiltertibes a.ire sad rani poserthl bean(' on int. "".. 0 .00 sad esomriodatiorrankein. Unt Um mons, arrprocesc,b as been prosiderlibrps. Line has been operation forthe reall 01,. . and a mitLion at pes,ple vithautilar . !..4elr persans. — The•tntats "wilt 'OE tn of ,d 1 wreathe day pnvidr:e toasariat, ar the ate 4r . of fre!ghtand, rho enttgi of passengers on sho • ter. In all . osses 'puslage money mast be:pia I, . . PACK.AOTii • ;r - raC NEWTON; Captain tieZrAll4 mil leave Pittsburgh airtry , Snaltrinorning at Ai &cloak oticry Eianday avenir.n at ltrr. N(O l4 Dedt.itZg , r • , The I.IOgIONCCUIEL.i.; Capt. Sroxv.,,pf reins Ph. bomb every blendarmormag at 10 Was/ t; _Whvr-Les every Monday evertors 11 s. N.• . • The HIBV.Iinh , No:2; Capt.' L tsinvur It eve Pittsburgh -every Tur...sdarmeminf, 01 10 , 2 0010 vh. Wheeling every Tueluafft, mg. 7.110,7. wirmaT Itarirwr. . The NEW £I , IOLAND pt.: Ca Eh- re_ Writ . 'leave Pittsburgh "v 7.7 V iedneraV E. 4 o'clock; Wheeling event ..g.durs.rev ev: voga 00, t s , PirClilit..ErrATC - Ts . i ha Th rgh s e i' ve.%ir hi g; 4 .; C ruersittg; l4l ". 4o , 47 591 . ve 4 _ 1 0 TharsOth i Alffelthbi„ every - Pittubstgh;everyoo, ioo'cllx - Whoa ~ rdgu y 0001.4, aiIITURDY , PACIELEP. : ,E,Exacx 2‘,,, 2, Cupt. I: 4 ll49Uoiiruur,, will lan Pittsburgh utel FrWety moron fl to po4uu 11, DIONONOMIEL & 'i!;:)I7TY/6,' :;, 73 341 I• • Ai tia'fir to ilr• Via Weer asyllle and rtatibi;tlal i a HuMitiate end • Pbiledelphi;.. . . • Mug ttioitlnff • Don letters %tie •A. bridg min in S' ol / 4 1 c.k eiecly;;l:THoc to Haltiatoof, 3 4 boon% as. to Midi Ipbb44o bowl. . The el mita( boat loaves daily;,: (ezoeu t im.e l y ea. ,a;duira,), at 4 o'clock. Paasedgete 'by tese44-• au the evetusat bOsti ctoluAtta/.noualsibt ttse non day, and aeol.d plea it i • : ' -- sccose you[ Other, Moupeeett,Ce thaleteor„ . oath -17 ; • .1. ..xtEstiSigN, PAOLI:WT.I4MA: FORIILA DF:f .pluA Exclasiyetv for Pa tar.. , ,kr , -The Thatiohtf. Lkne syill inav a • - as foliertra, at 8 eclort et 0100-A :Salute-ay, Lootsiana-4/ • 11 , o ,, ,pion,alsulal 24. HeataakyYOTuesday. U. r • . apt 1,1 Trot% ‘VedneadaY,S4. Ohio-Cal. A Craig, 'lltursday, Gto. Louisiana-, p Thorny... Th.ria7;7ll.• Indiana-I! Ratty Paturday; BaataehY-. -Cant terraby,Patanlayf Ott , . o . l de-Cag,_ _t A Craig, Monday, I=l • . P Thom on; Titeday, P Ramey, Wednesday, 1-)1 Ilunday, CM. Cnag . .pfuLay, TheL."l" h." . J.P Thaurnasoa. Baturdav,ls7ll , Ira public, ars resprstfally iatorausd, dna the a. , if "packet boast will ciudinue la fall Z.?'" " the Wea Naar swill oestrus. P ! "I" aPPltt* .11Onan doe 4 D LMtil tt Co. Ea neNl 6 . WM afar, isr - Firrea - 17.iiiiiiyitillrart4itf.T.„,, • relostdorynaut any la. jut.. .. 71 9.50.6 against uniung her an snyaecoaat del en dared to pay no deb:Korner eantraeletgbop„ 61-3uPs' ' = rrrua-lo bbi. Roll Button Ii he. - ,!,igE,CD lee'd end for sale by novl3 B ibrsave 9Tozortry fiFF.D-00 bu!belqti s VrAA r i . I it _7 nn iw S iILIT-10 kgs assorted natabeedt bodt4 4 r, dbl A 1/111V1115°""""." T\RIKD PEACIIF3 PISa• 44 d 'ied Ifpetiches and app`er , tre reCtroltdJia b y .E 1 3 UGH Ptpyist, Romanne, Green rippi., Irv:- • Z2t Mikk#B e3= , °VW X CO, lists
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