ESTM3HS 178 b. Ptramu= ' WHITVA CO., =won, map min, Nnzt Iva -To =2l • prDe • 87,00 psi aullabts. Weekly, ba a vanco).—.---, ••• • Al Do.' .to Clubs, at is !sauced nte." new= im.Axmliamunip AGREED UPON . ST TIM' prrTentraan pas's. - - - One Square, 110 lines et.Nonsandl wren) • One Square, each additional thaernan.-• 0,23 Da we reek ••••-•-• 1.73 3,00 • Do. three ooka.“-• 440 • Ihr, one istooth•a••••-••---•• Da. rwo montitt----••••• 7A O Do. too wombs: Do. three 1111b11,1111•••• • Do. six woralw•-• 11 4 60 • • Do. - twelve months. •—• • • 1 8 . 0 a Souolins.Card (0 lines orkwayper ( nnum. 1 0 , 0 a One Squaw, ebroureable plasm" (per ww am) mainsail: , of ma yam— , 3.00 For well arldtlizittate.hiserted over ohe moth, awl for lamb ad Knew losetuel meet, dollen : 17 *anti belt pr kubashen 001 Oilniabte for ' , PI laralliaatileall beyond the sworn doused for their publication. ,• , .losounclos candidata for Waft, - Di be charged the awe as caber ariverwiwoeata ~Adrexasetnents not marked With. don , Lar a *oi led amber irwerrionit, realm eonlinnall'Llll forbid, • and Pintentesarnal seated. ' The prwileqes of yearly adv.:WWl Walba &paned /Wally to diciriftwier businep, and all °War wirer. tw wawa ootoenairtina, to alsois,-regular Imitates.. a.: ..leveed Ow, to be pale exult, • . ' 00 tolverOseteeate,for, p ober e tabla tositt ther aeticit= LateauTtabsaash st,tietly Montego palate to be eharged 60 eons. Death nobees inserted withenst cheoge, unless aceom• panhal by funeral hi -stunting or chimers nottece, and meta ao aceoneebed lobe paid ear. Ender edverusers cod alkamen “ndlag oormigev• nlestaxis,level:kw acute" deelened to ask etteo 7 • boo to'FahMaLre(s, Cotteorte, ,, or any public calor. ei of are inadwfor admittance-- t n totiet, of plane ASSOCIIMiIito-entery notice de ' Wetted m pall attention to private entarprwea calcula ted to intended orpteetpte individeal uttered, 'CM on. thwandentandint that the won Is at by p. 44 tap_ to be . ',elected .to the to ealaron, ow saw* wal oe enatged awe nL error Ins Saw 10m to per D'7lMNeflees to be cbersod trlplo,prico - License Pechloel; tM each. 2404 na yd C dlW A.hinktaltput -. - A ll ed Estito Atentiond'Avatioalitir Aeteioniotte MS ID elleteell.tmiler. yearly. num, Due° ellotred dbooont of start) tbzeo amlantithlsdper cent. Doman linotant • • • slime ob mithlizate - .llr twee was Ono &tam, three interim.- 41,3 Do.- .each addluomd too 'V • _ . =- ---I ° s-87 5 6 r 5 1 - 1 11— Ma417Jarlarrlii;- .7 .8) . cui. Do. 7 coal lAnnbut-n5 " • AU Mamie- at ndrsninatents VD As *Oa adnats. WHITE A. Ckesett. ' • law L. ItARPER, ' • ROST= MAMA Annal. - LAMES EIAR&& 001: 4 • - ruSTEE & ABOTHEB,.DApsAh. • , JWLENOWDEN !drama. • .41.? .004.1". A I.ItILAyDbI/..111.1 • LUPPF/- -3, _Lem!, , .A •- ) o• .T , • ,111 - 170RFULY -- A2.1.1.W OFR CODLUISRIONER FOR PE frt. NNSYLT • • Lora, Mo. gossossigoadous • • luummool. . oc rn:: : ~. , and De . 147 .. ,* ._!Tc).dimii,,,l,io.;2ll..Zetitkat_taset • .t. -. amyl a. Ina •. • • -• • • =HOW and •CotaaeParts Law, and Homan:: Ilitralff for the Maui of ,HOndayMnoia, of - rmom, NIAL-0419 of Pitteougb.) • • ' •••• , 4 1xotawoMm—PlaMnaglit flow W. y0r....4 Hamp ton & 1011 a, ihtulandiaas*llMa% John IL Parke, samara a %mg., wooed . '' 61a6. 641441 i Y. &man& irricansivr, AtrOlDika r a AND COWWELLORS At LAW, FaAnA itrwt,"AetretA limivarteld cad Gnuu, . Lamas cc =alum TTORMITIELAT LA7OE:NM =et mazOnFi AiTC)IGNEIrter LAV4-oSeeCom nreaa" Sadth.field and On* u, Piastaffil. Pittabtar Work.. ppm , iga;Tt r kr COlg Zdx. via wee; belairmy 1 , : um % EaEß,llMiat sad llama PTV Ptrep+ • -1 ." " taer44 * g l i ii .. • join i 4. :. • :cm, Vilioluale thoterr% • .4/20 Cumai.aloa klarebasts, No. 11.1, lawny E. ...,... • ..Pa. , , daily. .. O A: EellilliTOCK ii=m a ecancf Wood - and Oilsla. - , rll_ , IV doer abovel3o=.l:,T6l,,r. 0. 1• A 1 Fa . NO. is* apioca STREET, PUILAXELFRIA, U=UHis to give his particular month= to are sot of Disemaes of the SKIN, SCROFULA; aid/Swages of the TiISORT:- Mei beano 11.A.5L,1 P. AL, sad, • . . iircnyenr.dth, s 7.1 hlarektali Ne. 41 Market sz i plabtVlL L.PA • C 11.2 iteANULTYir. - 06, Ponnudisyr ppd 00= i =int= BleiTiassi, puma Butt', Pat.'. arik Pa slammiiaiitma3ll D Armes. iierli= lit.nejlsAs4ros PICALET . 41;a61Al a coy insinlasti sl dEuPtic thunm.tea,:rl., i= .114 . „- Wsrelnse se on Also, designs eel Cosa! TrinmsdAs ably L ba...1,1811 k, (boo English, Gallu pu NJ 4 Co,) Wholerale Gropers, Co _ loon and. For wt. dow„ Mac ,o hu:or, !Lad &aim is RroQao ¢ andP Itto burgh blo , oetour, No:S7 . - Wood at, hemou a. Li .1. HErat'in'ert sad Ounsallor at sw: xi s Qua:dual. QUO. MiMl• • elossbassa 4.1 ago Id Wags& and la -E.Catlitiry, pram*, sad sittre• fauT sasadisd 141. Ant, 16,0, f Zs,' omals, far. taint, Deposhisas, scloargra!dvs Si lib. '11:-Efers.Wo-Dell & Sea, Cdsh. odd mkt a Quo •• • Win. ' Esq . , Wilke& & Dan. *Si ••••••••••• • IMAM R.8=6.. -1 • 3A.111311 D. . TA — . ECI t • A fi r. W. Vara fa CO, 112111WIMI, OW say. /121 d Bop Daialcsa, Pal a; Paustough. • ap Ca ' Waal ;04.11a110.14, Loauallouark arolkonoa .1459 Mattaan; Na. Sal Wood cram Pinabore; aryl.' • . ‘ . nu'Aik. Jame vic ravroli.v. - . IV o:I laTE_WAtToataskafattaas: of If Jean map, clascu t a., apnea, - i•y •sf Au y.• , . , 001,154 1, - i•••—• Mat E' liiid "' JO C =o32 16 Zritrg• V I a '';'): . W OO /. 33 ., Lama,. °poodle liah as. r. .bl 7 mr.pcsaos, KOWA= Isa m u . :aDV 11irallji 0 4 . i1=0 03:6244.104 MOO, Naiti Widit 1 4 it. Nollh Whl tt a0v3611 , • .a. anaay. _ • r. Joan SONEEet Co., WOCIANIM 110 AIWA id Janes & Co.) Cannwavan and. Forwarding MA r i deakr ,ii Piflo xg4 ma,zoisecare4 Goat tr; t1a14.11 *OM DWELT, !BMMI MCVEY b 00, hvbalasaLis Groorts, Cul a; mission Menhazasoisul thalar• SA Produce, Nos 4 st sad 1177 Front PlllO • h. ..n05i1..., MO= 1111.Wo mars, DIL,WORiII Ca,Wholeatl• Ort Pa • • Mum and Comartrtied lddradatt, end AI N* Or iluo Huard Powder Co. of Y., rla. 27 Wood. Plastitartt. a " re syHN >L 1'it1="6.' 1 )7 4 21=7,22 : 7 4 basaborillhase anamantlyontaddamettmetrt I If : WWthe host mad lambert Almbelnes to I , th e mast reamonable teems.teems. Payee lams as, will be promptly Masada to, and mo ped with mrtlelas they Sely spa as gesmins. 4rhYrtrtatts Prose artU amantaly tad Mama damn the aiatedals, steatites of oleo le7maq:a tam itnet of fresh ittud Rood rued. 1•437. • . 1 • WM 110 'MA, Counsellor. at Lew.-7,3r • de* to muta i, mAose Baddletni.: nolbly 14LWA Gate at Wasson, Otto,) Comm,. 1 :' 1... tad Formamlag ilerahank mod who/mate , In Western Baena Chem, urns!) Po " 0 PUG AM. end Wawa Pratnce generelTh Watcr =et, !mama flaithlatcl and Wood, Pittsbealb•_dP , ClVATrasetestaorrerlYsatt Gmbbert, Wholesale Cosserdukak Madam art of 1% ,en, =741, 1 AXES HUTCHISOII7t. kia—Sinteaspors u. fermis Batchlson t CCpp,, CommtakaC '& Agrats of %ha Bt Loafs awa."l 3ll iAr Ea" r7 No. 4 14.1114. anci 93 toot azystis,Mlo4%.' , lo w% stunuart, want um = 1 ,.. , 41. '" /4 Die Stab aw stuvroan 600 i 2auth of Phationd allel P a w gAlU2 k 6 . l %i r ---- I Cam.. J i n Awii-t hitAu rrani and avail nada,' , School Banaa, ! "11 7'. ' . 1 ..1.1 mi V r tare' Cann9, and " nu ' . odd kaubargli. _, . ~, • a_q? ' . lILPiIa . X.M 05 , 55. .A, ., , Drug/u6,,+ ' . • 1 WHIT //AMNIA datatniabneitnea ad, aint a W n enn , 0 streetkpinsbanr. •‘, ~,i ", - , . ts l i . PAW ' ' 72 ' 9 , .??7, 1 1 i !Il k " " TT! •tr " ~I.; ~,,,,„„ turn,. , L p.--..kuri.. • •I' ..AIF- norb.:Viaalasala Gnaws, cancan nod v'a amaaants, sad &Wang in Produce lilnand =naMainp, faulting on Libmr, wow and 6, a Pinabargla Pa. yyy 1: in 0 ,DALP.P.L.I,, Whoa:gado Gnocez, C. , :manadc; 111ni OSA sad dealer Prods. and Pitubamb Mew a1a.114 Water 6L , Pittsburgh. janna .i. 4 6 . a li Paana VC . a,... 6l r soe lcLa ~..„,.Gallus Howl, fna4, ... 4.ean...., ...... Ft) ma P. ''''”, _ ,ill ,111sakalnak,laillffr T* , I .arsli & Olna al tien, ' ktnabuth. •••• . . . ki-'BEIMII9 .BE.......rlnwslugos CARDS. 3I - AU WEAVER; WArdeettla and :getag , F.Arnivinfn azd Liquors. .Mold klonen pheta Eye Vilindomeattuti Fliatona *F . F. & It & jpgES, Forwarding and.Ootasalasan a ?ler. amine, Dealer* A Produce and Pittalitugesuuna. attired eludes, Caval'BWi. Dear 71h - Att PAWN LI.L • tvr 3vlloll, PA. tiNriF.D . F.O A CO., atannfatrus ape.. 4 Wip•UaFai Carin t et Okatz 4 o. ate Twins and Satting. , g ,uan. Vesuvius Iron Waies. - I Ergig; DOLZELI. & - Co; atanatieutntta of Chi r.r. Hot, Bleat, Boller Iron tad Nails attha bra Ivalf tr. Warehouse, 64 water and NOG front A • . , y WATEIIIIWii WaaLauda laroust,Fotarara •ttatattul.Conuainiatt Eitarratani, Dealar in Plus lutist. A , a"ratatraa and ?radar*, Ma. al %Cala at. ra Olaa'lagtzOl 7L- ' . 10X.11 4 , 1 W • KJEND4NaIt 11/11Wrlls_. OOKING GLASS Nainitsatareta, and Wisokaaat dealers= In foteigt and dinnealinVarility Ponds; Wealth* anernitains, ttidlais nnd iNntreare waited to ran and cicadae tbe prlkeiand vitzlitt 01 . 0= smck, as with bar mien/ Ineresand farilfdra In inarificutt-' 41/tinegalttlytsZes rt:e ' r= r = r: 1 " dinnains. t 7, • = , • ja.B•l7L , wn , sulaanartalaaa.. iro n s ~n. tu..r.l a. zucsersos,wba G rPocnr 4 .IXLlmporusispf Bundles, Wines .and ,8110.4 172 and 174, corner of labaity and Lewin awes, ft as. Pa Iron, Nails, Conan Tarim, - knaa= 4 : 10.1111- on bawd: aa6144 •omr warm: -r velar= " 4 -11raLrlOt cps ROE, Whr.IosaIethWAISIMIKWISIA-,.. mow Alerelurer, Zia.,104 Liber_tll,l4lll,7l.k. A ORP HY WILSON NCO (Lee lois., Morglry LYl'Ca) WioltsalorDnltrs 1n UrT. . 64444 ,. N.. 48 Wood west, Piusbnsao*V FP inglaidomiltii.r. 01 ter. Rocizoi, ' ~aaisdr of Post u01ca.A 13 .7 foonttureacen on Cis noitMaftet:• • • iteeB4ltf. - DED.U. WOMB AND ifairti • • !!"- JONIII2 di 4171130; ""1. A Furacru imp of 9rkng and lVßer%ycel,. tittgrott.7l2 ~44...papolfseminetamps'asuicoachtV F E D " E!", 10 • 1101.tetha tOXI, No.. IS Nukes "a, occotol 17...:m00r than corner of Foora, deOeti 1p z-,•ego out' pmeitio BiibotrAtalsogo, OUVANIMB of, Popc .4 Haat Autos ea Speclo. all tho an trou borto•ko• United B^toora: -- • • PCIWN/121, itaxweat—Oliailatron.h at., OW( doot abaft Saddladd, aim& ilas. Corenniuma=ds Agar lira the wawa '! "%e,rteltl Utz/a lam:tried, to, - .PEUAR'itilffitT nonsoCE, P , przqr snizst• betwara 'Wayne and Raw/. tequied junfinnionni . elm taaaaac tbll9'lW Prato, Chnsar;nd Magni ass.tintf tar MUM 4111 111"014.-No. 7 , 1-Faand st, nun Wann-Nl/1 quandeant Omega 0/0“ by done ap;ln twin, nad onc Kann •.... amnia cu. perpeand 'TA -A-4M . -for Pater Tea Co: ul • • -ZVI bartt..F.t, gartrA.- .P 1, 44004 Ihrooen, 'ProdFet c ut wsa -rirabargit ===Zi r?...W4V.,,T.!retaVrWelf.ftt.el .Wirtalr dealer kiads offlnewirand.Dsgoessici,,Wines utd No.i litovrtsweeL hantl.A tory . .ats :agt gop•dat. olcatzuguynalls..lntaos alactorlll bd Icoldlowtate. .Dlerthaskte, far tto 4. rn, - Tarldahastprilses.e,piddstallibieliGst 'rum". CanerofTenacmatlretnas. .tEST ' WM:MA Ra e Wiriesais 0124.5, (..bzosoiscian • -.MEde &rim . atiutit.r.mtro- mamearpuesiwasy .ac i iwouteam m ar& k.o rramitl i a ..14.1.1.iletty at_ . 1:2 uNcastim IrEarr, Wholesale 'la •-•0. -FoUto aulpotionle 11.7 Quota Newel es.. nc:mu ignENr ValliltslJ6l4, Wool 111=cisats. io Nu. - as4 ?memo atonally. essre'rieo4iOts 16 /W44 1 , 1 4 , 0 1 '; • * . 0 =MOW YIITISMIO II + . : parS; impipu, QEI..I..E;RS & . Boolosseakshes= • 0 leuseunS Wera ts, .172abarty es, S, , •l ,, ..L4taliD=Whabaalo F1i0... Glealete c Tsi * lissaiessalreeed W — ielenih'so. Ism ease totlestrinsoldatsa9 ,- C A 4 . 14 , 4 r. L i ° 1": 1 ' •- W igEr 4 Vgart • l;sa . i , , U. - gm; ;_ -••-, - • •itsatasCr= awl Ca6614,-140..• L!! , dul WA= . . . _ • .fir - GlOOBO, Ispoodaddro4oN - ''W1NE5, , L1M70,10.4354.. - OXFARS, 0 Idociangatla.llvadderad-Plasbaret en ardewidkdapler of and Ora ."; dumiot ardeleg ma amarket med. Odra . . &a.IIIITCHZVEILIIE. TIFOLI.SALE"OROCE:IIS, .RECZIPTING DB& Vif • T. 4 • ..attA NW= mll4OOll MERCH ANTS.' ' 'of'Sods Astrin4 &culling Winrder,Nei.lllo ri..(opposiie Sink st.,) PSor viEr Mint fanf li kCAlthiANV 11;11PiiUMeL,fr.S.D. Wtok,) Wboloas - °MUM; • Torw•Mbq and Afenthasas, d.,2 .Inlimaairallb,Uar, -cattaft am, LOA Pinibtrek, of Wood and Weser Anikita. rwmanzpa: LOW . male 11101. 7 T say,No:SllLLterii 'toast Ow _ ;;;A _ ,lii d,Wateles, camelin?r.lA .ITJ %Aare, Goods; =fiztabilst-rj.. N. i : b . ...I 4ih .7 , lllMise4 t.i,, ' % !..; 'Tler1"1„ • 0 1 944F00l At. LOtwoos Wood an• .Vr'mei* and Dry Goa., mkt • _saner Of Mutat sad Fourth sr. er•T`3ll3bic • • ' 111. valarb.iti tt, pular. In laubar dPCUTC W.tati Ihodae l l E , a u Manialeuica grona, - ..., 'LEI ae Gl" sty " 'at .6. . • • • • • • deal W ,1•V WILB() Wier Wm, Z W" ' - ter. Ili. • • • • •• • „ trYGe•d•F ka• O. Li fang ArToulrzl( • I Mo *atm. la ell othe.;l>Wd.: 14"V"a ualtia Bdlu and Arparori . cowieN4Plolsks 41 " W. W. w „Tom di? Plitit!dflb• • - MiTT .W 0 STEAM BO 7 aestors . .:: ,, Onscsasonli.Aausspoi (gm , Na. 43 Won icrurt,.- .. „HOTELS • IPOITIVATM nenth• I.•••19.1iT MITIMET IIAI•TIBIOR Ir .4 antibliabatent Montand widely barier — n Pflhe matt nammodlourf In tie city of Ima.recesuly nalleinone yery Men. .i.e late Radom sadmomenta. An oenre new min; her•beee elts, rmmerges airy .le elugrai ea tete dm tmildng Mose TM /man. deptilimerit haw *be been reorganized end !MO, UP in' eine maim =ntrY 'fa myleto Mete. e vade. mensdrealent Menth e llama bq impaead a thisis en the Pen nr lb. Plnerbarifeemmud.mem. and please:eat Meir Geesteoad 60 , chellenie ea aqui.. with . o ato /a ma IJUM4 , I. : net table will always be prpy , ltee "'err rananal and largry mtdee afford., served op la a !wake stylo - whae In the ...V.Pf 9,03, will not be miziemed. • • • In mancladee me is bat lo r mill be left men. tbelrAesi, tad - =buoys, to render ibis Haul trorthy . t.ho patronage of Mel. friends and the palate emen. l l/. This trilees for board Mee else been maned f li =elO Ortnatry r . sr Prr‘tei• • •- • • N. .8.--ireVaccep Wagon of rbe gee. errir way. be laved et We Cu ad' lbseerbees lonetnigs, , ebb:b alll ece l .7 bbelbee to erell ten Ur Hotel, free _ _ _ ` -. LMILAILTILIeIIdi cot tin or Yoe= ASO WITZEOVISTOMOBOL LTIIE enteerther reepeottally IEMCOLOOtO tLat Le has now °puled tan rev and ezeollent Hotel the seetnemdetion of trertlets, - boiuders, st& •tho public deminll7. The base lout fere:dare ue gaiffOly MM. and DOXfIn Of impute. hive bees art .. d u r e =gl ity. tie le and • The enheerlber detenalotel ut dames end there• foteollette,s, shun of pabliapatrenenn, • ocdl4.llT • JACO' , HOUGH. P.Ptietot. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. 111 , 0013. 1 ) els 00. i. . la ® .(guccearrom WICOM 4 MAO . Pissettomiabl• ll&tees.}. . • • Corner' of FAUId sod RiAll CILTICULAfiI annudon paid to oultatail ar =fis Unaletosn ean cely pea petting ands Hsu sad from .= ertatalablnent of the sae aunualue and wounallnfin, of the . lillifluiThis, and at ilia taw= ,c,,,a, 7 Marian:as, nur612,27. ' 4 " 4 ",,,ei."" r ,t v e<toely Wind toast! sad . • OW ... we tan up wild confidence that as retards •ourri .nd Panex, It will not osier in a sompannfin WWI =1 noose in Philadelphia. 1------ 0 Pia4Net IfililiniNS, nn—W Z Plarphj 0 h os t ns , open a sap I PF . tlf Wing DOnna* i llibb " . ' (a new and aandadate n a. _ . " _ ' Aka new _Ara fied en% Laid. LAW i and .E4p. tat' i :/ " . + , E 4 Pille.; Victoria do; pow K i wi.. ~1 Jaeanst., embroidered BWils Muting, fffls.; large alunnaent of Sprit* Goods genullry. al• :wilt elm OVIII. 4th sad Market street!. Wholesule ituoun up stain. VS :1 0/tl,l ( 2k l e d iffkird, s, :r . —, 7 W Oast th e iera es ristOetober last. • ,tha—et .. abut. Vat auttal "1' lk. Pl." e sue haillbotsails" ui pow come:tam haais or ametout. • A libssal sewasihsttl be SPraptial mai PM of Us: y esteem ea Wiz ~ . "74 . "•4". jOilli Jan= to"co . . IIRIIIIIIV(111 HS Mama Licetual Hea=l Inserance Companyrf _Cr Phlladrlplauk Ir/corporate by the Legolatare cenneylvatita, manly IMA. to r perpetual. tMailiVrfoo. Esrat.inurat,llmo Alfa Plelaarle Yams en and fall YO, per mini lower than the usual rates of Life Insartinee,as the following <out st:ism will slum Tann, a pota. of AO 0 0 m ooing for 1100 the life,_mertpay ie the Girard IN,3k— Pennig e rmia, York F.o . I. uttanke l , ret 4 , ; 5.447; ameHeall,FhiladelpidOiLlit Dtancream—Sionuel.D. °Nick, Charles D. HMI, W . F. Boots, Robert ? hinft,..Vhatici r. Hales, M. Vt Baldwin, M. BLitetvo, MA), Chas. 0. Cempbell, Luria Cooper I. Badman Boker, F. H. Boiler, hitsein C o Praddent--ainuol. A Orrick; The ?eva de:it—Robb P. Ono Seerciary—Franza Bine thane. applkatitthe resfelved, and every inforunattho given by . SAM& FAHNHSTOCH,/ °Hee, Commercial Hums. cent of ordS7.dly Mood and Tinfd P gh k 6 R k C'll - .7 ; PEOTDOTION 51:1111C AND MARINE INSURANCE COldtA. ,NY HARTFORD, CONN. racommarin m ItiG. Annul IPrensiims, Capital Stock, and Surplus Farad, 111A090,000., _ This old and responsible Company continue, i s i s . sac policies on the meettemruble terms on ',welder Ebrami,llOosehold Feretnare, Storm, Stooks of Goods, w eg eb seete mg muumuu, Mills and Mandfamoriee, ko. to., anginal LOSS OR DAMAGE BY Fox.. Alta .geops, Wares and Merchandise, against thrhasards of imam Tmamorramon, and upon the Ca on of Bea Vessels. The hoteetion Lamm. Compmy having, in the last gayest', paid maxi atrtuorte ea MALL= at their mural agencies throsighout the United States and the BOHM Province& have established Mat reptamion thr Wahreney and file dealing, width challenges eons. partsen with wry mbar leamenee company on the otorthmen of America: The annexed extract from an ankle on the subject of insurcuthe Companies, taken dom . the “Nsiar York Day Book,” enlithas briefly the numeling and 'polity of the Comtism). "The •osonercdrorniiefthe ancient and always pros -pawn city of Hertford, have for half nrenters , been famonsahrtmgheM the Bahia ter the care, which diec tenon, mgad hostmor unieg with they have torm.M. ,aMl and m amaged corp tweet's arations M this de ithsfidion. ho Hartford Bank or Insurance Company has ever failed! The Companies have for -mons thenawhede gestaratlon &uttered their risk • in near ly s'ecy State of the Union, mad kaVeAc Ter failed to pay the innamerahle lowed which they here II:Allred AB losses asides apse Policies issued by Om ander. alined, militia promptly Minuted and paid at the Oen. mai Agency loomed at claainn.a. a A large portion of the fonds of the Company, Goeledog all • received silks Western ageneleA) ts de. =Awith the General Agent of Ike Company el all, for the payment of Western and Southern loam. Apply to FAYETi BBGWN, Agent for the city of Pittsburgh, said for Allegheny • v. - • Who iftatily/WlLtda Cassaposiajr -- Foa Lasscsaca as Lovas osse Gitairriso 6aacrits.. THE arta Ltlb Taltratioe: Company fa the 11. Stews. .losotmated idareblOilSll—oks... ter perpetual. i.sigtal s=AM—oil paid La Ha iss esuborued tleanderslariest to receive oppb eat:loom for thaanuiee, on .410 policies will be issued, sootatting to Omit propents had Mel, whirl will ha mobs Iteovraso applicants •ot his etke, No. Weal are•L GEL. COCHRA.N. T:11 A• 6..0 1 . 1 9.FCE'firitirliVlollo? Pharr. Jr, , Jeoy. . I 6. hbuors, Jr., rsal . tPlll inmate against all kiwif of risk:, }ISE 4.11 P MARINE. A. A LL loins will be liberally mthsted sail promptly Pea Atom* Insnistion--mansys, d by Daemon who are iamb iet th e roma:amity, and alb o are determin ed by ponstmann and ItbstoUty Co maintain the Shat. mine gralatt May bans wawa,. • otleritta tb'e beet proteetkath thole "he Pedro Cu be insured 'Jsakson, ,Win..,10, Lyon, Saa! Llpplmota DJlpparc ' t . o .Jr. R. Millar Jr., Gee. Duck, ' Lama ankumi, Maack; Ttos. Slog OrneLltto.-39 Water no 4wareMnao et Sputa e,,eP:_t . eA)PitSeergh. - t, - 1141111111.A.110/07,7_ • • - 11 ZiNCI400111/rNT I I. IITU" , E L Y i n; 41. 714.strat bo ThElnae l aL , ta.. l.o ..d odrer p tont ista2 osamm i or pr Aysiott or Omegaßoe as tbalcormi tato or prntitun. - Plum y lssawaros---2710 abe Vess isekaPllST o 4ogat 441,0 10 14 . 4 toasimiso, nodm Opt-110f .peciaspolidors, an Ms nominal may &alto d ailltlaWlSlMlllSML,T=trnslua= ithataVe= i iitt i f=ress 12.1 ma, oa Mat liberal WOOL ,1.01X61:070.118-4cosittiSatt, }Amami A. Seeder, Jabs CI Dai li ren AAA 0 rearm., Swam eagetwewit i 0 Yelper, ward Darlington. home ProtwelliJohn Neartm, De la 51 Haw ton. Jar. C lethwil,-Thooptalna Tanhimy, Jotom fltsoks, Heady Blosto,• Hugh Craig, Geogr. Smolt, Spatter Mettraln, Clsones 0 Mama, WA lians Ho, DP TWtou, lobo Sellers, Wee, Syne, Jr. •..._OIO.OOTOIIIII AT MTEITUSLGH-16 T. Mogan, I 'V*. /11/140%, /nis. T. Loa._ wiLuem MARTIN, Ponliont. LOMAAN.Nrsrnaut,Stersiary. lo 11210stotobo Company, No: 42 Water, stmet., '1 , 1••• • . . 1 Wald •P. A. MADEI • A . -visa a - niaausau.s.ria P 8 .1 1 : 5 4= 1 " X fed pix. at.yiefait7 l3 Dadra OgPmewsty, Nail, Rims LaSnrss • a i n s=Pce udi. Is • ' Wt[. P. ONES, ttgant, +4l 'Water mit. 2746 Arai** Pere buifinimos Co. 01 - P' s, D T . llsC Tob ,Tol47.',—Chatles acker i The az Hen, ues.W Metier& Zkoniouti D. Asmmt array A b dtphe Bone, David B. imam, Morrie rauerson. . . • . CALI., N. Flamm; Prominent . . Shades O. Beecher, !iceman.. Centime ut make Insaranee perpetual or limited, oil every deicriptlon of property in• town or country, at rata as low m are comistent with security. , • To Companyhave reserved a levee contingent Pend, winchtheir Ca nial and Premiums, safely invest. ed„aford ample protection to the asaured. The emits of the compmy, on January fedi), as published agreeably to an act of - Assembly, were as follourveric jiteel=e 44017,43 U 41 • 95,(Klebi • 31,532 2,5 • 33,604 37 111,3:N,499 71 amid guar 111GOTivntion, a pedal of LO years, they btu paid "Inverts of one UlUtt four hudred thou.• anddellandoesu by.llre, thereby alluding evidonee albs advantages of !num", u well as the shaky and dhquatiou to meet with promptness all liabilities. • - - - I. GASIDINSII GOVE/N, Agent, 'ininluLly Mee N li earn. Wood sae 3d ma Vemporarr Loam Caih,ka. ...... • • :DralfoftWAlLZ DIUTUAIatIZIOILILEICE CO. JlTAMmist • oligeui at Pittsburgh for the Dela a orate Mental /3a.fety Insutance Company ern.. sdelphla.. Inte'Rlsks upon building. maraud'. or decription, and Merino HOY hull ochry • Ppoti s or ealtalas . 1•4•Clf, tale. upon the umet favorable JP' Office la the Warehouse of W.. 11 Holmes PM. 37 um; Water, near Market Plusbritgb. . 8.. Tate noessa of this Company since the estati. I ishment of the Usury to OM con with the prompt. nets ... liberality with which every claim upon 'hi:ca lor lite - a has been adjusted, fully warrant the gent In invitintythe itonfidenee .d patronage of his Moms and the minunanity at large to the Delaware X- S. Pisa ' ranee Company, while it has the Winona! advantage. se aniastltaion among dm most flourishing in Phil.el nblii-44 hiving an ample paid-in capital which by the operation' of to charter Ls eirostamly Increasing, as ymbling te each Arun =toed' his dee 'elute of the profits of the . ccaripany,vishout involving him le any usposmilaility whoever, end therefore am posse sing eke nand priaciple divested of vim obnoxious fro Ivo and nr 11111,artiTC AMA. • nova FORWARDING & COMMISSION. 41.1.11X141". , lII= S. stl.L. ISID/ART &RIX, Grocers, and Prodaca and Com. la Minton Alerthards, No. Ile Wood at. Pirtabargh. . Donlon in fliocerloa, Floor, Whom, Itio,Oant, Coro, Itarkiy, Pork Bacon, Baton, Lard, Choosy, Clover, Timothy and Flax Booth; Iron. Nally, Glass, &o. ae. t 4 Particular auraulon paid to We lea of We aura , • asernaancsa--Messrs. Myers d Rol a. Dal mill 4. Co., Mgills I Roe, Hampton, linutti la Co., James' May, Ring a Moorkteml, Piatstouret. Farmer MlEllan, Massillon. Jos. S. Morrison, Esq., SL Lends. spLen:it M=MMIM fIENERAL AUPPICY, Cematisaion and Forward- Ur log Meteltanta,.N. 911 !dukes pt., Pluahurpr, Pa. of f2r=p: f a i rov .. given to the porch., and pale Etiesiiso—Jan Watt & Co. Murphy, Wilson & co. Pinat a :Sy Fa.; Lawson 4. 11W, Mahlon Martin, We O.; John IL Oruent & Co., tinge. anion tc Co., P slohia; B. W. Snodgrass & Co., Gragg Jr. Nano, New Lisboa, 0.; Pr. Skinner, Eton. C O Cogan, Ctneinnani J. P. Keller, Yonniatown, 0., W. L. sum o/an, Cknaland, O. asset GICOROS COOURLN VOnnalaidon and Forwarding Bo es haat BO.= WOOD R., MaDDIWO, CNINTINUF:6 to trauma a general ComoDwion W%especiallyintheparcymandsaleetArserl y,ydonWrce and PTOdwo, and to Merving and ja e ren tr esig Goods eanakned to his eve. 6J Agent (or t h e m erie Ziwteres, ha anti be eonsteruly supplied with the er t he t e ,„\ artielu d Pitulintres Menem we et the lowest e ih e i e .yle „piece. Orders and oOneignoonos ass respoottoUy .40Deiled, the STEAM ERICK men,. liVerlta ter Sate. TMEanbacriber ea. , * in , We, WORK% n b c ...,Naarreneavilla, compriung a Stem Engine,2 anima, 0/MmIK Machine, capable of nta • • ^Wang MY= Ptessed Brick! (out of dry clay, aa Wan bom the beady) per 0•Y: aniiv Mme acme of land on Ma Allegheny mar, en widen are 0 aline and Mega, machine and clay Mena, avrieelbraverrs, necks, grovel*, sped., Kr., every Mirka! te to manes opallidana'al an honra came, Including the patent right la we mid machine, liVAlLlerins of payment mane eery. Without th. iand, 10.0 mi. per Ptraddress ILENE , 1 MEIMUTT, Z _ 114 Uonnalythele Mme. U 11011,, AND 0/1.A107 1471 00 V • aI.A FULTON, Ben atid-Ltrass rounder, has re birth and eomaseaced b o sneeze at als old etand, winn be wilt be pleased to see hie old custom ers and friend. • . Qterea,litearaboatornd Beth, of every else, from 10 ,0 _ .0,011 1 0 pentode, eau from venoms of Me most approe no=and orarraated to be etas best materials. Water Pampa Cannier., limilNlN 4 ., _.," P r, therarith every varieny of Dra,ts Caserept, ti F ~ I ".r`- , tamed sod Wiled I* Ma outlast roamer. A.F. Is the sole proprietor ere Battary'a Anri•Arrel• rata bisrai,e mad* Indy ,-'-' . ' tried= in can be bed oflbs a at m pitr a nNo Plet; . 7 an band.: As, .1,,,,, GOP J.. % tie buds oddli — ELL dr.l2' l "" 4h a rJk grutst, sta4 i tele d Iva an auta4 env oak of Rome OaaaPe of IL blat vullAr =MONK dryka, Home IZve. ry Imam PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1849 COTARTNELSII2B. • .Dlsiolutlant of paranoia/11g. • BY 2111ITIIAL CONIMNT this day, the, Hrm Ae re h. (ere ezieung ander lila style BUSEIPIELD LEADER, hits been dissolved by /leery Lewdei hell levbis thine unarm In uid Eval. to John ideGRI. All blielneee connected with the ft rot of Hushfield A,Lesfl er will ho'neuled by R. B. Ensitteld & Co., !Ito me do] aalbotidrd to make Ll t collections and adhut all BITSMIELD / LEADER. - Pittsburgh; Oct 27, tS49. N. IL—S. R BUSHFIELD a CO. will C 01114120 too wholesale lint tenni Dyy Goods andflnoccry nubbins; at the old stoic room, No. 220-Liberty st, where they 72.tospleasel. to have their friends and enstinaers sad azstarie their sunk of goods. *am S.D.. 101USIIPIELD & 00. • • DISSOIIIIIIOI2,, pal en.. orate muleraigned, budek . 1 at . St.,ee , Y lBmitb, au dissolved by mutual Omelet ou QW September, W. Baraley tuusiaaing - theintere•lolJ.B.Sar, mho rredrea Tbe business the G.r.o wui be sealed by their suceemare;LWm. Pagaley t Co.. at Na. 14 Wood et. - WILLIAM' BAGALIW, Piuzburei th 8, 49. ISAAC B. SMITH. co-PARrSP.RBIIIP.—Wia 'Replay haalag awa awed wiWbim Wm. IL Woodward/4' Phllmlalphia, Jahn Et Omaru we arid Ralph Byes,- or Piimbsgb, will Whohmila GroCary'Rutallm,la W. 18 and 90 Wood st. ender the firm of WM. DA GALES& CO, Pittabugh; , • 4.IOIRAOALLY, WOODWARD & CO., Ph Oct; I . — T_Dlii - olutlon of Co-Parunefiblp. f I HE tape g maisaip heretefore.ezi.tisig bes►tiea the J. eo b.crii : , n, under the style K. Brown As Culbert son, vras our shred on the ht unt. by mnmal a:um:ft. M. B. BROVerti, Pitula yb 'dud., 160. A. CULBERTSON. The subscriber will manna the Wholesale Due. ty and Commission Dulness, as heretofore: al the old nand. 144 LibilnY .1. aet6 4. CULBERTSON:" :Amu azzacooli. WAIT. SOAXPE & ATILIN . SDN, irrwro Wa01) ASO Maur, Prmarasas, ir.AcTINUE to manufscpueall Emig of COPPER, VJ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Alco, Man , =IAA Wert. • rt:3=EMZE!!! tir_ ll 4 l loltliort Olen to steam boot wed. Rave on 011Uirkallt• aunflano/it of Copper and HMI 'Kettles; Tin Ware, Xe.ko. Steamboat CookingSresten, Portable Forges. various sues—• very convenient:mo nde Co W r steambrosie, Cellfernis eifigioUfs, Of Ha 1110 d Col9iao. We would resreetlblly mete steam boot men and others to tan and see oar sittleles and ptioes; bean mirebieny elsewhere. of - or FIENRI( ILAN:4EIIIP IMF: copartnership of HENRY LUNN NAY Ca, A. ;formerly Hannan 'duller e. Co in the Window a &Colored Glass basinem, Ws day 'diasalekli the erideiravral Mr: Precleriet-'hfuller. , Thohnalmwe wtll be tap- eaderained 3 ander the Loot of HENRY HANNEN & CO. 1 aft house No. 11:0 Seiernd et, whom we will ter. etr2r..1.., man:dies of saperiooVindow Glass. . _ JOHN HANNEN • HENRY HANNEIN. • HOUR ROBERTSON, b. .S. . ..10. HENRY UMSTEAD. • Co r Tilroantlendsied grsth a iLeyazaeciated with lino la helloes. JACOB L. SCHWATATZ, end will con Oahe the Wis.. a. Itereaaten, *odor the Ann of B. A. FA.IiriEBTOCEt. CO. :„ /913 MECIMINI TBE parmarglap harawfora aziallaB andra . ,llla Arai , or A. dr.C, BRADLEY, kediarolred by therdecaUti M. 0. Bradley. Theo baalmaa aril! be curried on bv, A. Bradley, ',ha will 'reale the baslaan of the Wet yI.IO:2OVAI,:—A. - Baaalsa . Aaa mama MI Mandl. Wnrehonse from No. 119 Second unser, to rNo..- Wood street, between Pint and Secend wee's, to SW, nimbi:ma lately oacepied by 0: A. Barry, whet* WI will beep constantly on hand pp eseneral uweronent 0(1 Onannr. Gretna, Staves, Cooking Shwas, fre-111_ I Gam MEE co-nartnereldp heretofore eilatine between tb.b.l satacnbere. In the bal. or Co , !e, , t arn Co., te dey dissolved by mottle! convent. ' Mesa*. Botta & Barnes - will mule the.belluesi of tke owe, cent, fur erhtrA purpose they eta aothorised to 'teethe , llama of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,.. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. • The underelgued bevel/de 'Wass ',dated Dierienteee In the name of BURKE & BARNES, for the. porous raentrfactraing Eire Proof Babe, Yank Door% ke. &C., at the stand Odle late faro of Conotabln, Barka dr. Co., where they win be plettlo receive the Pe tros ntealtos cementer. orgies odd their facade. - EDMUND BURK& .• - - l'UOrtS' /36.1841 A.. ' . • firronng from Um Sas of •Consu,ble, Stake .t Co., I wild *Lwom plcasprit • recommend /Setsva.. Dote O. Dime ui the (55.145Am:we el m)) Menu and thejblia. peAr i l d eir., ' DiI&TS.LNIEL 1,3f.551: S. n. , • .. 11:1113nRIZI11:1 - • - Pea Alsr.bliaa Sinop. "0" WWHTMAN—Mangisukrer cifill I:WO4f WA tan and woollen staaLndry, Alle Tao snoop works twiny:ow in holl ennaseensfil Noe tatiao antprepsand 10 Spares gram• • !Wen =g l . flamesspeolers, Wassails,' boas, wean cards, doable amis. tor Mat Or eennarartalk, ones,lseVrf.;.• ItTlatbassuni Onns gw. • , - 1 0 ,.L. f rhitaspzi r eimeljar e = • Ram eo=itetuwey, keg., Blaekstent, Bell e.; Kinn, Pennoc k it Ca, Jaa A.. 0 ray. • lIENOVIL. LO MILTEINBETWEEL S. 11hNENT, Sam - eliding 0002111111{011 Ster m o:at, Imo thfi remed 's. to. No. el Fro hetvreen Wood od Smield ov vox volt WL: have acme Platett, made on as Immo'. WV pl., so as not to freeze in the coldest weather. Persona smiting nth articles, are invited to can aid tee them at SC/LIVE A ATKINSON'S, mr4ls Ist. bemnen wont parker ata ilommoiral... ,_., 41 0/30..5T A- CUNNINGHAM hay removed to , No 0 .Commercial Vow, -boom formerly wieupied by Morrie Gram, whole be will be bapiiy to see ki• &lea. d former CUSIOLOOM OCI2O TO 1 3 /3.11NT0511.15. - . OHN WCREARY, Printing Int Mannlkehtrer, T No.. 331 sod 333 Stansountreet, NEW YOIIIC-11s pot No. 3 Some seized—Would nail tnn attention of Printers lo bin improted Printing . 121k1 of 00.,t000- kinds and orders, sr th e totlomng mees Ears fine Jet Blank, (or Card and Wood Co's- - • 01 00 and 300 per lb. Moe Bonk Ink . 075 .100 Boos rk - OsU " 030 News Ink 0 19 u 20 " o Eine Rod ink -70 e 100 IJO . 100 •• .I.ll.q'Vellosr, Orson and Wino Tie 1 10 1 ' ..Goid sae at St perk, and Bruno st 30,:3 air .d 51 per oz. • A oedemas of No. Ink can bo seemson thm paper. For We by JOHNSTON P. STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, N. ' Cl..blergan P. Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton fr. Oriswonld, Loollmille, Ky. ocribtlfira— JAZIES — Ws WOODWN.LL, Illodern end Antique Farnittire, 83, Tam Slam, Pa-annum i • A large and splendid assortment of Furniture, • suitable far Steamboats, • Hotels and priyate dam!. • , lino, constantly on band and made ns order. Thin present stock au hand cannm be exceeded by any manntamery in the western country. Personsaall. wi to aella. would do well to a as Ishing am dete p rmined my prices WWI ple give ase. me Pan of 'Me stock In— 'Pens Tea; Buffet &Adele; Louis XIV Chaim' queen Elisabeth rholm; Tea Poyses ' Print Tables Toilet Tables; Louie XV Commodrr. Punch hi ahogany Bcdmeadrd Psanu Stools; SO ad...lth Plugs and Hair-olutliooyora; SO Mahogany Rooldag Chairs; 40 dux Parlor do 30 " Panay do Woman, Tables; :18nr b irar p V . pa4=es; 8 Wardrobes; 8 &scrotums and Book eases; Iffs marble toplVuh Stands; 4 pair Ottomaat; Es pair Bracy Work Stands; " A vary large aslOrtmeat of common Ghana and other rithut too munerous to mention.. .... .. ...... .. .. .. ... Dr" BteMo Beate famished co the shortest ;Moles, an on the most reasonable bell.. deeLs litiiarirrifiiiaTlN'iiiii, 40, • TOM le to serufy Mat 1 hare apl . ' CV e A d ge l eistre'd ' lP l rlutin C fg • Patent Din prahgni Filter, for the ell - : - - -time( Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOAN GIPSON. Agent, for Walter M Gibs., 349 Urondway, N. 1 , 4 Oct. 10,1649. We have been nslog_One old. above mud. at ths office of the Novelty Works for three months, . 1001. and feel perfectly satuth g d that it Is a usefoi inv.tioo, and see take plasm. In recomm.diug Mein. a um: fat article to all who Wee pure water. Orders will 1., th.khilly received and proMptly executed. nettO LIVINGUTON. MOGEN Ir. 4 t. filaverslbla PartiierWdrorTek. - FOR PURIMNO WATER, Which readers turbid water lag by Itri ta tti!Xe l . c:E i n w c aeTltri4. York, 614 cock, 111 ": 21:1 11: cge : Fitoal 'ir 4 • impure eubetence, we do arge .e'llne, Ls the cue shore or less with n eat wenn. The Revertible Fliterer ie neat wid durable, and Is not Wooded with the lo ( w e thous Flinger*, no pt , i calumet( without being detached how the Water pipe by merely =tins sue try Or hands those one side to the other. By Ma may proomw, rho count of valet Is changed, and ell accomulations fo Impure mubstences are drieen of almost Imnantly, without ansentwing the Filter. It also potsewes the advantege of being estop coca, and as tech io many ease* will be very minvenient and economical. liean be attached where there it any pressers Web or low to a cut, tank, nib, de. with raw. To be had of the sole Agent, 10, W. WILSOII, ocal7 comer of Fourth and bleaket ate eland Out Iron FP RE eubeeribere lees leave to intone the publie that they have obtained from the East all the Imo and fastLeoable Online for Iron Railing, both for houses arm cemeteries. Persons moieties to pyoeure heath some potteries will plum, call and examme, and lodge for thenweloes. Railing will be famished at the Ann eal melee, end in the best manner, at the comer of Craig and Rebecca...eta Allegheny city. tictOtil-dtf • A. LAMONT a KNOX. Ghee.,lst*. Cocoa, Sc. W. Baker's Amerlean and Franc k B/.41 * Cbtme ,ta Pupal ad COcoa, page OM., C0C0.4 T O Ise:thaws and , ' , h. mould purc LC h , L..e 1 the beet prodoeu of Cocoa, free from adultarauen, mom nnuidona Mummer coffee, and in quality paceedoka cabaeliber reecennends the &Lace yttely, mane fanned by hinted; and camped with his came. Ms Drama and Cocoa Pasta... delicate, palatable, cad saletary Mirth, for Mundt., coevaleaceMa and other, are pronounced by Ma meet eminent ohrOw..e aupcnot in any other prepanalona atanufaetaser are always on sale, in any gluultig, by the mom re. !timetable meats in the assteni Mnia t 2 , ad, iet 4GUt&mp al lßuaos Y e. • Aft% apMn . rnme,D tbna' cuff rlMM.Citggd An Isle by a l pAG M 7 e 4, Avg MISCELLANEOUS J. GLZSIS.. Dook . BllidOnla are gull slogan, d in the akurve business, corner of Wood and Thirdgreen;Thrsborgh svb o e are are prepared to do any work id our line with:dee m:L. We attend so oar work personally, and sous will be given in:agent to Us neatness and da fatality. Blank Books riled to anipanern and Wand soh- Mandally. , Hooke in number* or old books bound care fully or repaired. Na. , pat on books In gilt letters. Those that have Work In our lin& are Invited to doll. myalett BoueqVOo BioViti Oratell, to. VIMISLIALL, WALLACE h. C Round Church, 4.11. comer Liberty and Word te, manufacture and ogee for sale Plaiformi Floor and Counter Stales, ofalte mostimprovedonallty;.Coo Stoves, foe wood and coal; Egg Stone of earl sites, Parlor and common „Gatos, Hollow Wire, ko. &o. They also meaufaatire the HlPlhtus Stange, Mob hat give n suet, general satisfaction to those :ha it in nth, to allot which they voidd respeodhlly inane the attention of the chino. and the public generally. oenr-dd MANUFACTURED TOBACCO —Tho subs, saws would call the swami°o of the city erode cod dealers generally, to the fbilowin,g brands 'lobate/ Instate and to arrive, which being consignments i nset frost suannfectutsta, ho is enabled to aril st ea t "' prices bss R W CrenilAw . 6.; 1 70 " James nada. Ss; 61 . Lonna Ss; 33 " hlirabean Se; 33 9 " Putnam Ad Ind Is; 16,1 " Roberts'is fllsson St; 9 t " Oscar Burl Si; 9 I " loons a Lewis la; 3 i " Warwick, saps . It; +3l, " Henty fr. Junes , Ss, ts and dt; &bp. . . L 9 91,'ATERSLtiti !MU Manillas Weals. said fiemsdry. PPITIAOI6II, PA. er and ilt lr int, binthiti7:fe r gry rfeWiVuo d n e ,lag: l a u ts i.. C . * fr me ~,, : ro d , e a Dressing Prunes, Looms, Card (hinders, fee. A l roifghi Iron entitling tuned; all daze of Cam Iron, Pulite, mid lloncers of the late. t pastern, slide A.MI hood Lathes, 0(0 ,Ipindt. Castings of every de4enption fornisbmi 'hart notice. VAMP b made to ord.: for MCI Gratinc, Ijon Bloom Pipe for linnt. F4' ll w nin I thu Orden ,W l ' el o aT ' tk oo'b e 15,or rid erou r s y n Mter * ln CO., i i.thfrly SIMI, will kill! o 070111FI Beer to Blnekstook, Bell S. Co., J. K. Atooreliond & Co., O. E. Wismar, John Irwin Zs Bona, Pittsburgh C. &J. IL Warner, ntoubenville. , 1.19 NEW COACH VACTOUT, .130.1111.. A. WHITE & CO., would lespectfully inform • poetic-that they have. erected n shop on ock, betw cen Federal ad Sandusky - 8 tree.. They an now mating and an prepared to receive orders for. reedy description eraehlelee, Coaches, Cherlotli, So. Touches, Buslies, Phaetons, &c., which from their t attir 'P' fa r aTc ' s ' t u ke th y e k ' ne ' e n =mr,fattre h n o t n tte7ar rk e coaled to do work on the most reasonale term. imtli these wanting articles In their line. • Plaint patient. attention to the ear/ruse of mate rial, and having none but competent week/nem they hoer no healtattee ilk warranting doe work We therefore ask the attention' a the public to thin mance N. H. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the most re terms. Ireatf ANllblIfN - 11 . 1ANUVACT11 -1 mad! arrangeOLIOIUX fora eon sutra supply of FACIOIII FINDINGS, we well sell .at low peeves Calf and Sheep Haler Skins, Law tooa. thee, tickers, Suede, Shuttles, Hemp Twine Treadle.' No. 5 to 15 Belt Punches, Wrenches, Stripping Card., to to 15 lig Patent Seesaw Brushes, Weevers , Neosh o In. In. LOGAN, WILSON & Cu., owe Os Wen Steele. Pltmlnagh. OaT Wlirra—taitay, Webber a Forrester. Tai; Pare rieh arid dry, Gould, Campbell &Cosold dryrtfa. alsoaro's lea; Pure 1840; Pure Juice pa, ticalar Pon, kLurrii & nous, Purr, Joien, ihrebl.4 or. bk sad sindle Corp.,. These wines ore all celebra ted for their medical properlien,r.nd eau be b Moona sale or retail at the Wine More of wr_t mit, Jr. /PIM subscriber ofFere for sale a large and onOandid .1. mammal of ruselaxel L greut and mahogany d bon Plums, with and ',talent Coleman's gr ind Mohan Attachment. The above instruments (11CI war ns/Wel st. be equal to any manufatlured in this coun try, and seal banal lower than any brought from the Fan. • F. ncumn, No ILY wood .1 YN doolabove kb N. EL—City hoop will be ratan at 'par for afore or he above more.. owe UterdwareaChen . per thaw E•arl LOOAN, WILSON& CO„ Importer* And Wholesale Dealers In Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No 11:9196W street, above MI, have now In at. o very cheap and wall selected stock of llardware; Imported since the decline apneas m Europe., d attack they are de bused correspondingly lo an w. Member. who have been Lathe habit of plug East, are particu larly repested to call and look through our stock, as ,we eactitly believe they will Mr. their Crptrice. octl WARTED [IredILY at th e BALTIMORE: .PIULADELPHIA, 1J NEW YOWL DOB lON AN DNEW ORL UnNS 'OENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, 6 , Yoneg MEN in wholesale and retail Mom, and other inspectable badness, to het as Doak-keepers, Sales. Porters, BD-keeper* Walters, ragmen, Coach , n, Car Age . M . W and Map Agehts,Colleetora lop trywarbadana, .Ite — Wit have et all mess a !alp namber ef good sitamions °edged, ! whisk ply from MO to 115,001, per anew. These in I want efalteettone Of any kind walla do well to give f.::call, ea we have newts 11l each of , the ...eve ei• age will coalite ea to place truer 1W0... I. eel &Mead= st.the shorn:an entlee. We have • lasge aequentsriee in all the above ensued eine., ' which we trust will amble as to ere entire uterine. don w all who may leveeaa with anal/. TAYLOR A TATMAN, Ns W tecoud In, ' • , between Bomb end Gay. v N.B.—Persons living in any pan the U. Statea and wishing to obtain a altuanon,ut Baltimore, or es. there( the above allies, vvill have their wants Mune diaarly attended to by !addressing or a line, `polo-- ail) as by so doing they will curtail both trouble and en. penes, which they otherwise woad or by coming to the any, end seeking employment for themselves . A ddrem, TAYLOR A TAYtIAN, No. 59 Second street, Haldmore, .lld Dr. illlsagaato Tasuassaaa. pins Is to cora, that I purchased one vial of Dr. McLane'. worm Spocifko acme two booths ago and gave to a aon okra, mime Bevan yeast old, two wpm= toll, and abhor tin 610.20 My appear largailst 1 Pare no do t bat there was upwards of rwo MOM= WORM : pamod from him ussaanan4 tom WM quarter of M I.llCh to two Inch. 10066. 0 VI IiOLLIDAY: Wastes Crook. Carrot et,: Tann., Doc 27, 1E , 17. ja24 : BENNETT 4 'BROTHER, 'I,I,FEEZO3WAttE hIANUFACTUfLEKO, /11111realteglanna, [stens Pittsbnygha Pe. Wdrehowe, No. .137, Wood area, PiUsburgh. fi WILL constantly keep . h.d • good moon. went at War m of oar own rannuentre, add euperierlynahrj. Wholesale and annul , Mar. , thants are respeettopy Invited to ealland co. mina for tbeesselves, no we are deter - gaited to eon cheaper than has eve r betbre been aered to the yob. Ito. ' Q7` Orden aunt by snail, ace ompained by the cub or to , reference, will be promptly attended to. myth rno THE LADIES—Jut reeetved, a fall auuartmen 1.- of gold and silver Txread, Cord and Dread; also Spangle, and Houton , far embroidering and other or elemental work. Also, gold and ailverTattsela, Fringe, and Lace. Jewelry of the Intent fashirma, in great aerial y. Watches of superior quality and beautiful {mamas,. and for sale at Baton prices. W W WILNON, toe , . comer Market and Fourth eta A IL TELSINAIEUIti BATHING .E.TABILIBEI. MENl—Open from 4 A.M.. to 15 P. M. Single B BS cents, orb fort Lollar. Ladles department open from S tell A.M. eml from to SP. M. 'The Refreshment Saloon, 'are unequalled in style attendance. Recherche lee Creams! ?rept:lle, Quill attention of the public is respectrudy nailed to 1 the following certificates: Ms B. Eanien—liening 166.1 quatuay of Cold weighed Ly your [lloo4lolot, , I hod the result prone. year instrument correct; and recomMend the use of it 'to those going to California, as the beet method fox ob. lathing the mud value of Gold. Rasp. yours, J. B. DUNLEVY, Gale Beater. Plnobetalt, March SI, Gin. Perresuasli, Mara 7, teXV. kixtiz—Dear Sin Having examinul the"Areo ineu.:'," manufactured at yonr rOoms, I do uot haute.° to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who ate aboat . removing ta California in searched Gold. It goes a close approximation to the specific part ty of metals, and unit caruunly enable um adventordi strAnain when his placer is yielding Gold. email Yuen, !espy, J. IL SPCLINTOCK_ INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—Just received for the Caluartna Expedinon a complete assortment of 615.. Eleatic Clothing, .a price. ranging from 1.541 , to 5t1,50 for suit of coat, .pents and hat. For +ale at the. India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood et. Joel/ J A if PHILLIPS w EST ADDLE, ILARNESS,TRUNS AND WHIP MAN 5.7 UFACToRY.—The sub scriber takes this memod *radii:ming his friends and the public in general that he has the Largest stock of the following awned oni. ales of hit own manefacture in this eity—Saddlas,llar oast, Trunks and Whips, all ofrwhich he will warrant to be made ofthe best material and by the best mech anics in Allegheny county. Being determined to sell his at something lower then Itss been here tofore sold by say anillar ostabli.buteal in the city, he would Inslus pelves in need of the abase awned articles to his warehouse, Hodid Liberty duvet, app. silo Seventh. Also, bands mode to order for maebitte. ocOlidy G. R.F.RIW. IGHT and abort time RILLS OF EXCHANGE. PaY 1.7 able in Cineinnau, Lonliville and 'St. Lou., per abased on the most favorable terms. • *llO N 1101-A1 FIS k elloNs RC.EIVED THIS DAY, at Jae India Rubber Da. pet— ease, Women's lUerallle Rabbet banditti; • 1 117aVitat; "' "Elm.. nflpperall : Mr% : lur o lor; be molest Overatioein All of which wilt be own, wholesale or ratan, Mares Man at o .loose in the thy. I H PHILLIPS, notrat N. 6 Wood Mast WF HEAT r.01.111;- - 100 Basta Tit 56 in MOMS STUART fr. BILL S "P-113 but ibc`d.fat by R IC; - MATTHEWS k. AJO EstiEprnat. - , 1 " 'ende ' r; 1 i u . roppersoilm Rea. p Susan.; uns, to. cafe by icociosausea a co ‘IOLAHSES—ao bbl. Plasm Lon, laathot 1102 h 1.71 steama: Monotigaliels, and for uHA by ""'fl. /A HUTCHISON t CO E --- c PP :LA eoril A HUTCHIt3ON tc CO -- .^145.10 Cr biirCET, men.. Pot We by eat JAMES &HUTCHISON t CO TIVIEDI APPLES—aI bbbe bY SO2l. COM ec EIRE FOGLE DOTA/ reed this 4isy, br mit br P ow" TASZEY HEIST "13 f" VA.I33EY a MT ~3 a•• E: • • AND otuta ono lama p fr do.ll3lenst mg aw MISCELLANEOUS. Br tW Prestdapit St the Umltod Stites IN pursuance oClaw, Zactiamt 'TAYLOR. President of the UMW Puma of Amerieu s !do hereby declare an d tra k akmtlnt, Ike* public. sales will be add at the undermentioned Land °Seca In ttie Mate of MISSOINU, at the periods intreinattet Ileskettated, to At wit: the Land Oleo at JACKSON, enatmmtelag, on Monday, the aelandt . da7 of Jannat7 =MI fat O. ala• pout of in. public Made, Mutated whhie the under. mentioned . toemships, and pots of tironshiMata , NoOk gitisbais ousie ate Ad priaorat rldima • Township twenty-tiro, (except s•Ctions new., .1.14. value., eighteen, nineteen: wean, terentr-oinn• 17 k== 4 rwo, nl7" ?' "( t ire . • • " Fractional tw ' tip a/sa, ad, township Tent) , ty.two, of range [IL F.. 1 / 4 71 lowhablits 'sixteen and ierverasem, pad u T.4lZll7=c *c;g 4 . m se e o n enteeits. — tuLd twenty-one. tOWIII4I.II*.t 4110 . ad wend. and sections three Wt. locineiee, 0214 . twenty.. inclusive, and twenty-atm to y.two Inclusive township twenty•sis, of rano eight +, Tele.* ninebsen,(exeeptfractionalseetions T , thirty.toro, thirty-three thirty.rfo.,.thirty and thilly.sir.,) fractionel township Isinnty, and 11.4 township ren.ons ' (except sections V,: twelv trilt i; rt thfrtee, Merapthree, twenty-fon t ...ty fine, menty.siz,twenre-seven, adrty.finr, tltrty-alee, nndet molenine. The northwest. teacups of seeds. ati, In tOwneldn • in.thllleen,• and-fractional township twea7,.of range usu. Nff qf A. at bsus iiruv,•!W ra‘ if0!:•.A4404,'• Townships rrreropihree, tWenty-loer,,trutdPoint,d. and two , rpnin e, emir° eight. ' - Townetupa mrancyOnke, r a ge tarnael•Pfd, tirenty-aix., and meaty...lom of nage num. , Townships 'terantptardomenty-tbme; nrenty-mur, twantyilfrn,imi twee+ary,sg ta..zis.taL At the Lend Olden at SPILIN D, commenci ho on Monday, the fourteenth day of 'Bawdy nett; fok the &apnea' of the public landsuthln the undermentioned, townships and fractional townahlpa, vim Meth of the base lino; ang armt er she Ada principal nu Fractional titsraMip twenty-ono, and townships twenty-five and twenty-six, al range eleven. Fractional township twenty-one, of ranges twelve, thineeq foarteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. Fractional township twenty-one, and township tarso ty-four, of range twenty-two. Fractional township twenty-one, and Miens/ups twenry-totem and twentyfoar, of range twenty-diree. ' , factional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-three and twenty-four, of range twenty-fear. Fractional township twenty-one, of ranges twenty live and twenty. ix. At the Land Ogre at CLINTON, commanctng ds hiandaY, to twenty-first day of hammy nem, for the disposal of the public lands within the following nam ed townships, to wit: ' North tortes baseline, and sons ✓Ms ,i/di principal rm. Township Marty-Ave, arrange eighteen. Um. appropnated by law for the use of Schools, • Mary, and other p.p.., will be aheladed from dea. - • • . Ilse t . ifferinv of the chose mentioned Mode Will LW, commenced on the days anpalnted, and Fleeced in Ike eider in which bey are vdireitlsed, whit.all conveni ent despatch, mail tie whole shall hove been offered, and the sale. Mcleod; hat no sale Mull be kept open longer hart two west., tad no private entry of any of the lands will be sdmined &Mil ohm the eipl ranon of the two weeks Given coder no , hand at the city of Washington, Wm fifteenth day of Sepliter, Arno Domini me thonseed eight hundred and fo -nine. By the Proud ril I Z. TAYLOR. I. BUTTERFIEL tIE Corninissicurer ' f the ..... Gfirral Land Orme. NOTICE TOP EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every pewee entitled to the right of pro.empuon to any of the limbltrithin the lownabips and pens of umnships above e,, nmerated, is minima to establish the same to the sattsfution of the Regular and Reset. ver of theproper Land °Bre, undertake paynrent Ogre. for as 3000 as praetigable ohm seeing this nottesi and before the day 4,2ded for the .01.11“11211Bt Of the pablie sate of the I ds embrecurg the Ann claimed, otherinse such c ' will be forfeited. J. BUTTERFIELD, Corronisairrner MCA General Land Oleo. oehliAlawlNW 1 === ASPLENDID msbrtmenz just noselved,sultable fog the Fell and Winter Trade. consisting in partof MEN:4, WOMEN'S,II3OVS', MISSES' AND CHILD. RENS WARE, of every variety and style, and at prices to salt VW Mae.. Those wtthlng to purchase, holesale or retail, will Ind it to Weir &Osmium. to give at a eel! and ex int for themselves. • TROTH* SOOTT octlY e per Fourth and Smithfield Ma , n:rma forget rile pima --- SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR; zxc .... BUILDII4I. IT. CLAIR ST if.q, PITTIBURUU, MEEM NEW YORK A D P 611LADELPLII And is 1,02, re 'sloe a 62,p , aaontosat of CLOTRE;115111 OS AND YFITINLIN, OF Tts riEsT it AND, LATEST RTYLER, Which he Ls mod to poke to olds Arid Is, th latent 6'e•hions.' Oat 26 • PITTIBURCIttNINLLE T RW testaute. the care of 1te;•„Y.851 . .* 17th T RE COMMZEILCI RATI:i OR TrrI7I,3I7IIIMIKI. as Hons. English beporquent. including Heading, Oral**, phy and Wining; Writing, Engliahl3numasr, Rome-. tie, Loges, English Ccutposition zed 9rizielase, Oidd F , r ,i n . =lra I=ti p ti d sV e tt y ht=rsoel , es queenly, .Botany, Physio/ogy, 1300iota4nol Worn Moral &mance, soda oMer braze u to ugh &Isaias &imitable ; . 110 Cliasninal Demesne; including ?IN Lade and Creek Langone% eozh 6 6 Olt -- • 110 22 German, - • • • • - 916 00 The seminal. of compete teat Chin, We secured for. leech as desire le ooeOo Iv Preneh and Genoa; and also in DTlLWietr, Painting and Mottle. It la desirable that pupils eater at the commence : meat Of • session, yet y are received et any tine, and an clanged at the above rates from the vine of entrance.l No deductio I are made for absence. i ch cope i a cases of pro illnega. • Flintier information ybe obtained, and applies demi made by calling the Principal, at Maroon:is on Federal' street, or at lodgings in ulrwirds Bow," Liberty acre., Ptuabu between 3d anti 4th itreets; or by addressing, through. the Pittsburgh Poet Office, the Principal. N. W. METCALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7, ISO. dtf PITT 1111:711.011 PRlllf/LLID UTZ THE Second flousionit . ' Lcallittdon, under the care of Mr. and . GOOOll2l, for the present academic year, will co ore on the brat of Febrile ry next, to the same buildtugs,N. fdl Liberty 11131.1.-. - Aryangemente have Wade by which they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any la the West, fins °Munk* a thorough English, Ciateii eal, and Ornamental education. A fall ovum of Plo lisophical and Chen:null Lectures will be delivered during the winter, Illastrined by apprmatua The do pannacuts of Vocal and Instrumental Mimic, Modern Languages, Drawing and Panning,erill each be sada the (1/113 of a competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their pm pile, the Principals hope to meru • nontiramion of the liberal patronage. they have hidierto enjoyed. Fee lenity see elfealar or applyto the Prilletplall _)111 , 0-da aeon, Sept. 12, IMO. - THOS K. 111/11a 2 Daar Sir, Yoar 'PING FLUID we have now been using more than a year, and On Making over the entries made by it, we 4nd the co-Or bright blue blast. It is pleasant to wrote with. flows free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in use. Wishing YOU We ready rale its merits demand, we are, $OOll remectßilly, SIMPSON ieCO. For sale, together with [Ebben% Rod Ink, and Ma chine Copy (rib, by H. A. Fatinestock A Co, H. P. dehurads, Allegheny . City, nod by the miumfacterer, 7" . C. Ilibbert, Druggist and Chelan; corner of Liber• ty and Smithfield sts, Plusbungh. oend INATISIL.I numb mistmermana. 111 M. I. MET PALMICIL. HANNA (Successors •to Hussey, Hanna & Co.) BANXERS, EXCHANGE HAOKEHB,• and dealers in ForMem and Doknestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposite, Bank Nates, and Speeic—Fourth Areal, nearly opposite the Hank of Pittsburgh. Current mei. nay received an deposits— ht Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal point. In the United State. The highest premiere paid for Foreign and ArIICTiVIII Gold Advance made on consignments of Peahen, ship. ped Ent,. on bland tams. and OftEAT IN YEN nom—VALUABLE PISCOVERYI Perm Sam= JAM MU I 1840. Patens creageser antenrion Mkt, Sew, Bureaus, /bah Cater, Westing Darks LEVER OP WROUGHT IRON. .* punt TABLES far sumusing every ot ter 2. tn ntice pram kind now extant. They ran be cc waded tram ten to twenty-6re feet, and when dosed the leaves ar sha p e s, ed Guide. they are made to. Mee and md addrably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and Luxe prlratefamllleo teem ing whoa closed a complete centre table. SOFADAND BUREAUS—These articles ate inval uable, paGicularly to those who with Is econo mise room and convert • sleeping &oatmeal into a parlor or sitting room, as ilierean nod and .hat at convenience, and when Gent, the Donates M cult. ed. A great easing In room and rent. All limbed. steads when closed form a bemired piece of furniture for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK GASES—A. neat and.mehil article for parlor or drawing room WRITINGOM—For law orlicekewenting rooms, and other Wilma when opened • moat construe= tad. mead, when closed a perfect Desk mad Library alone. is visible. All these ankles need no recommendation: mo Item:ay of the whole la, hey are warranted Dot bigot aat of moat. It will he for your interests to Ca la ezamine the araeles, at the manafacturerhe Mu% No. Thi,d meet, Pensburgh. In addition to amebas. gdeantar t r, Cr. proD= s na ban. W WOODWRLL. LOWELL PLIZTCHZII4 ALCOHOL AND PURE ;P11141, , ' Omer Pram sad Vine strems,paehmut,O. ORDERS tram Fntabrth.rbiAlsolLig, Pars Biddy, paw ar Walled whiskey; will be prarepay m nded at at lowest market mica. atetattg .„. TWBUtllititD - NAM) rvrlD TULL'S 00 y xi imp smamerw at Mehomee Paso SW Table Cavan a= ba baud as W htOrhswelta Carper Wars aw*, al mimed Aria` Oral a* asuatos bean* DRY GOO &c• - WAYETTEI nuustua,nrailairrs. mum. AND DROWN DOMESTIC FLANNELS WM Ara stow =whim tram the raetotta lett= Are wooly of thew geWharhiee we e‘w W I Y!e . wee no pods cart be has elsewhere= urn eAy. we to acult bleaSser, that Wares the. ereakll eat ebleet heinetoprodkeesooda eat for elww. oaly, bet toe math= wet dazabalky. Awl as web theLre. Wind the/ eileerelere,Vl OtheWeate Alassieny hare Fm wicket . * Danko NA Se Markle er. and it aro iireli retake of the Payette Maness:wing Co, Na Deleoewe. a. Sleeken of ow MIAII•ot ate old Allegisel CI by Faders' at by Madam Dean, ear also at the e Tew Windows,* Fad' • — 'N4S Asserions \Arselaa GOWN • • TElS glamnib4 ""*.winurd, lreweived the present erastradeuesireed frau the manafectuters, thifol• ItredrUeods, winch be is antlunisedteelees at pricer " gpinois yard wide Barred Flannel. • 11.21 caul Mite Bed Blankets, ribbon Wend. sin panda te the . palt. % • • Lease SO pun Stesernest Blankera,ribbou board, very superior article. 4 came MO pairs) Gray Mixed Blankets. • 159 pairs Btarlt,Gentlauella Blue Blankets, • vary su perior article. A 8 cases Om and Illuelßlanket Cooing. (pieces 4( Tweed, mmweed, Steubenville nuke: 1' assort ed and barred Jeens, Stenbenville onusalletery. above pods area consigned, direct front the alter, and will be sbld very law (crew& or appeared note. wen IL LEE, Liberty at, apposite sth. li1111," - 000D1111 itillW 000D111111 diBARGAINS! BARGAINS!! . NAWFILLMID WIRIER DIU 400D1, APT= 01011 OP IMP itil is PTA eiiMILHOSI at,' letWeenaland la, Pittstroigh. L. 1151111gELL, NOAH Marta sweet, hetWeen Thild and Faulk asp of the big solder! Boa salmi past eammeneed reteleng 'and opening the largest„ ebeir. t_and most aplemild Mock of Folima Winter Dry Good ever offered by one home in Pair bon* : All of these (ansign goods have been peacher ed of this imparters par the last alcamere from Europe, and for echoes, Mania and beisity of design are m ''' in this or any , other Wake?. 1 t ' Vdtdiestio arid maple department will also be found complete, and cheaper than at any other home in thip,ohl. The reheard:ter would hero respeedolly call the menden of kis memoirs castomers, and all wisladg to buy nem and cheap goods, to the Prices wEtch will no doubt Wealth them, being determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest' Good drak Calico, onlyl emu per yards ' Beat quality dart Calico, fast colors, 8 tole; 44 Math purple-Pena Mat rams. Itotik /Mary Bed Tiding, from S to 10 matt per yd; Bleachail Medico, good quality, 0 to 68 Per yd; Best quality Bleached Muslim, 2 to 10 per yd; Hamg yard wide Unbleached Bleales, Ito ill; Good cod-Flannel, (redid to 25 rend per yd; Gold yellow Flannel, 15 to 23 eta per yd . Goodman Alpacea from 15 told per yrii Irmte r tLlttr ri gim ii., lll,Vlels , per y ; 1 - !lodised and Kentucky leans from ,laro r...• Cloaking, and _Unsays from 11l to it en Heavy rnmtle Giaghasts 10 to le} ets; Crash aed t ij ' a lsam tilaittaAl s millice . A , nidid asisortment Mall the merest styles. 1 ' t Culaneres In MO colon, rich goods; 'Lapis French Thlbet Merinos, the fame /repotted; Rich Cannelton fhlks, In all colon and rimUeic Black Aramme, bealanality, plaid ands•ir>er w Sleek Oros de alma, all weillts arid quali • , Lapies fine black Bonibasiaas, Maeda . do best Preach Marbles, black and c ored; ' ' do do do do In high calms: do Ina Frans\ deall wool, high colors; Rich fled Caahmems, l =l goods, very cheap Dotted rilsrim Nankin, derovedng dreams; Brock. Tian Scarfs, Imo baponatien; Hest goad" French Kid Gloves, all c010i.,- Mriansing Cashmeres and de Lama, allptirrn; Ladies embroidered Nook Fies, tplendid goods, WU, finest mushy French linen Hdkfr, Belling Basbona a fall armament; Worked Capes, Gabes and Co[., In great variety Black and colored Crams, all qualities; Brocade Lames, La all colors an . rattalideo Mohair Comeliest figures, rich French Claakingv, superb goA; 1,1 • colors;, Also,.blaek Brawl Lam, all widths and pricer, „Black Silk Praises, wide and heivy, best malin. .Together with a lentratock of white Goods, Swine Jecarrnh and Mal Idesdas, beside. a very large , and. siiperb sleet of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, °l me sated im pMftrion and moat Giuttarmada styles. Many 'af the above good. have lust arrived per the last oar Rue Drew, and are wonky the attention of the la dle. ... . - . _ _ SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! A splendid 11/11011.176tUt of Shawls:- 41,par extra gm French Long Shawls, best itap , d Super extra site Ling Breath finest quality; Sumperbua qua ll lity Loma Plaid Shawls, rich ceder.; ftry wan plaid ADO t 00l Shawls; Etch a nd and heavy extra luxe black Wk Shawla 'Bleb mallets changeable ma Shawdm Paper black end whte, all wool, Mug Skins* Super extra aim Long aadakere Mourning &Marls Pada printed Cashmere Shawls,. hs great varasty; Tarkea W emcee tapart; Mode embed Ttilbst u heavy es fringe; Blank and node colored heavy cloth Shawls; .Ise ended Thibet Shawls, beautiful goodm Highland pi'd long and ante Shawls, very <bang; Mownlng S h awls and Beargs;ln great morn .. Al t az a largo lecit plaid Mitaet from 75 idsgy' _aVlarnotryletrtit iNe .ann .isou EGoodsionse-4.11 of- wkiels Will be al Trion to eanspetirke, • Rea: Um am, N 0.132 Market streak be. noon 11.1,rd and Fonnh, Min of the the Rim-Hess, wham =ls ows ea time s ul4l, b e RU. • op VilllTitre) has oanuneanoo roe sea large assortment at ;Wanton Corsa and ,Haalln; Retbh; baobab: and woolen was; ?jam, cloth, mono de 1,1 sn4 blanket Shawls; mere, amend end woolen Hose; Pongee and linen ailt amiss*, Cravats and Soar* (MT and Pelages; .Irish Unco,Tabb: Covers, Crapes, Ri b one, Lads, bleuhed had salami 2daslina Tabby V loots, Potent Thtesda, eemnag n lglik, A ßattons, Gam Rare:i deat.T=lP"' nufatl to void aad•ror Watedr, er and Aida. °num, and many ether goods* Melt cooluay, and city _Hornbeam are 11mpeetfaly Melted apda li/ATAMFIII lIIA.BIIPACTIIILING co., NANITFACTITRE and will keep m hand Family LYA. and Bursae - Boat alsaltets, DOMOilit FlMaels, bore, bream and drab Blanket Coating, Satinets. and Wooled Yard, Which they will sell at Eastern pnees. Warehoine No 112 &tend et, Mel:mak, P. Putney, Pres.Bavert. Fayette co. Pa. eptl3 "AEW GOODS. 107.Ehave tut received a lane and etnaplete sioek 01 , CLOCILS,Nariety and Panay Goods, !eche, •h 4 for text Gel Undo. to NW eh, with arm description olLooking Glasses manofsetared at oar own gam power anon' tc tat eliy, we axle the attention of Wea em other dealers: - • • • • ;KENNEDY do SAWITSt, corner Wood and Fowl as - DRY GOODS. lIROEIT. WILSON sOO., No. 48 Woat. Sr., Prnisoses. A RE sow melting their tweet supplies of Owls - -aoLfor the rail seesechwhichthey will be happy to exhibit to it old customers, and as many new ones at may feel inclined to present themselves. Attempt maim great pains -to- lay - in aura goods as am adapted 11.0 Ile wants of the Western trade, which long experienee enables them to do, they can an with mach confidence, and seamen entering into a detail of their amok, that the Western retail merchant will God with thus all that hie =Moment require. Those Who have formed the unprofitable habit Of melting to the Eastern clay for their stacks of Dry Goods, would 091111 to eall, : aa neernild cromPutthn of Pd. eel Would no many eases retell in the conviction that the expe Pittsb nse urgh. °fleeing far th er may be obviated by boy. g in meth GOODS. WaR. MURPHY is - Dow receiving his beet Fall 1041;47ot Panama and of GOODS, and his already opened an assortment of new and beauti. fat styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast Colors; Sod ~M e l a a t h nor . aea, Fall Alpacas and Alautir .finstrem Damask figtd and striped do Pennants and Lyon.° Cloths; • . Of the most desirable colors; and a fail apply of bleached entranbleached Muslin., Irish Limns, Man chester Gingham, 3e., at northeast comer Fonnl and Market sta. Bayer, am invited to call and see. 1111/I.OIMETT. i. WHILTIC, , DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 WOOD STILEHri Ai= new receiving a very large meek of fresh Good., of recent parehase and importation,which g sdll *ell to the trade at each paces as c.6ot fail to gyro entire satisfaction. qry and Coarary Merchants are invited to call and eumine our week before mamas -• • CILICIEIOILINGHI rile:ion. • • RECEIVED and now open for exami- M• nation, a new wad splendid anon, ;emu s(7l:team Pianos Dom 'Thick . arum. Boston, emoog them a. fall carved Louis ordered for mot of our citizens , who ma kindly permitted n to reseal. In my ware room to day ilVedneeday) forunittimen. Tho.e who may have *desire to sea and hear Ode splendid specimen of an, are rerpectfully invited to tall_ yr de at the store of JOHN H lIDELLOR, 81 Wood at Xtt for Chickaing's Pianos for Western Pa. .„ aliVitx eta. E IGHT 11:1..rE DOLLAR, or a single • Ladies Department open from 9to 11-ticlock, hl., and I to 5 o'clock, P. IC Atheneum Odeon and Ha I[ Establishment.. T. MtPALL. Proprietor: Nrfi l : ELIJAH EATON'S CRAM/CATS 10 Va MlNK—Thin carat., th at edy alter hav attended my brother, who died of consternmon • in March, MU, I mu taken Met with the Commotion or liver Complaint; and was - reduced no low with the discam,rhat far four yew, I visa enable to attend to my badness, either ale home or abroad, be' for the mom time confined to my bed. Deming the 'bore peri od num% I bad egoonded for malice attendance ranks. Physiciw and emdloei. ' to tha rd loont of 'echoer receiving any beneat ot. In 'Jolt', UM; I commenced talons Dr. Java , Medi eines, and 'lave taken them more or lass aver einee, semi my and believ heablL I helmet that JaynelaStaalre Pills and Expeeumant are Meekest family madulan now in • 111113. • • 1 rowan In Splinennil, Otsego canary, N. It., and canyon Comm and machine shop in dud plans, and am am intonsted In any =moor Ca no ask aline thenintoinian, =hanks this canteens tootle ton. ahlo(thars Mend ELLTAII EATON. ea , - -mot - -•• lO 1648. . 104 m an Emma CXPI Daily Express la sow Renting cos and Shall OYSTER/3, =l i r a l iet: to dcalwa and famlllea at the lowest ono.. Qaallty vrartanted espial to any Innuid to thls map RN, a* fnr aal• by • .1: C. RIDWEIsI., ant, Wain en lso—Al s followlng Wpm Rentan wet ter Stanldleld he and Elwood —Rata *Ann nallaM.• Dlamondi - Eamen & Robinson. rechnd st .Allubsay. anIS k.i:lla gher=°MCKlM • lIIIIMEN bans dragons& nrstaniand will enalasLL•Ftnnrits44and a Hu.. . Qs stem boat it, FILLNICLIN. .d narnhtfigkr ihistas hiaAnWll. he has {one to the expanse of • ham hisarhoes sa the grants.. sad coat. for mural Is.; sad mos In WU itresatft 'Wall fenny ost. g ag Lams - mus 3 RR DEA VOL. %VII. MED I SELLERS! LIVER PIL V LSW/IS iIITAXICT i O t Re- Hr. R. R Seller-DLt i feet atrape to the public., as welt u %big MCI Of yelp Lbw Pills, to state the gositaressa modacod by MOW ria lll my own saw Daring the moons of ads wa w a palm toled; ma Was aria sown pern, egg end shona I was - told hy magical asyllmeie sown attack og aver complalm. IMIL na boxes • at llPLanell which I was told was geed Dar that di re. son Wr W I was geeing wane. I !Maly emistailel ;Moe smelt ands the care.afni physicianft beams es wronghas foranately, butes alt IflDy !was soil by the Roy. L Mks*, of thla padre,. Win a theett bad on lino a box of Salem! Liver bay= which had tenultted hint gm ninalt, seat Or a bon of yogi. Liam Pr.. It.= V 666 Ir was dons ming them, Lens serials& thleb We* him the medians, that salted my casa limit Or mem and took lye or Mx bows; wit fate, l alum catizely.ented; bot Rawl, R= cold, which broaght back the dim* bl keel Wu salad ma ever.- I igen - hag ineagMe m • year Lbw Pilo, and took theingteity tact clad lit we weeks, and occaskendly slaw, end I Mtn mite ray, that I can now fay, that I nal Inas If ga.Tay or the LisesCmaplaint, and ner wag bastUtls good now as it has been for the last 10 Wags: -• Igy nuriplibers ask morale' was say:dram. rl tall them that gams! Limn Pills vas my deems, sad by the blessing of DivingProvldintetrtha of earing me. lam wad= that when thegan hemp= aso violated with the saloon( year Lllet " 46 ' mud En Meat will laercurt Many Of ernedglixes, Le whom I kale nrcommemind the ptiho can Warts their valw, as well as to the Owls elooTo Aced. • Respectletly yowl, Galina lISISin To ran Preun—The.'OtiMali Only true and par aims Liver Pills ere prepared by /6 E. Repeat, en d haw his name camp in blank Irakitpoo.ttke. of each 800, and his wigwam on the outside weripper. 07 4 .11 other. ma coanicefenson boss Leabstioas. • R. E. SELLERS, Proprietor, 67 Wood a CA TION =Maio A man by the time of 817 EL CLAPP hei with • yams s u n of the name of& P. TeWmen4 iN area hie name M. pot by a Sarsaparille, dreg ell Dr:Townsend% Saraaparilla,' * GENUINE, Onsinal,me. Thu Torpoe tar mid never was, but was formerly i amain od tall roads, cartels, and the Übe. Yet he avomaltftllm MA., for dm pw of pining split fa: yawls is not Be V ee n obi adds headed 'natal% of Quaokan in width e ems, I bate said thermeaf s a name for V wyrxek. I "rill ere A p e .o mead if he will produce one dn.& solitaty This ism elation the public An ,daeolireth and purchase nom be; the GENSIESEDRIGINAIiOLD Dr..Taeeli Townsmadis Sareepailik haring , ®h the Old Dr.% likeness, Ids family eft:of arms, atislikis num scrod the eoat ofarmA. k • •-• 14. JACOB TOWN Procip al Odes, BB ?faun a, Ner York C 47• • - OLD • DOC7ODi JACOB 'Townslib, THE OftIOI.NAL .Dtsooyiaut • os rag TOWNSEND SAILIAPADILLite Old Dr. Townsend Li now about PO years gine, an 4 hu long been known athe AUTHOR - mid DWG. VEBER erne GENIIINSOSIODIA,VTOWNSEND SARSAPA RIM " Being poor, be was onspolltal to limn ito anamifacture, by which moles is has been kept nu of market, and the. Was' mums Abed than only _who had proved as worth Mod known its nine. Mitt Onto an UnquelauloPutazionew is manufactured on t th he od buys , azer t ln i d li e . V4 e LbFlJZl'LY"h.leosth Toorluad'i7 it isepnivari silk age, sad userdais, hot for the baton begonao it Le prepared on so w le dge principles by - is sciao man. The highest knowledge of Clearletty, 'and the latmo discoveries of the Art, have all been brought . into rw unialtien to the manufattare at the Old Dr. , s italwroa nils.' The Bernoulli& root.itis well blown& med ical men, contains,ind egialL pOO. peal which ere it or oselesu • and othereiWhin, fn tained in prepeung it for aea, one and nid, which le injurious to the mien. Some of the,. properties of Samaparilla are so volußst dal they eetincir evaporate and are lost in shai prepara tion, if they are not preserved by a scientific proems, known only Le Mon expertoond fee Illaufecreue. Moreover Mime volatile principles, whiolt dy Woo va por, or as exhalation, under beet,'lre vety samial medical properties ofiko root, which gnus to It all Its value. The C7=l OLD DR. JACOB TOWNPENDS SARSAPARILLA Is to ermined; that &lithe then properties of the Sat nowila root are lon removed, every thing capable of becoming add. offaro tni n, Is extracted aWI reteeted; then every particle of mall- cal virtue la sass red to e pun unt concentrated 'forma and that it Is rendered incapable of losing any of healing properties Prepared in this is MOO the ma peartnel moat in the ••• • . • : CURE OF INNUALEFLIBLE DISEASES; Hence the mom *by we hear comintodatione en lads to in favor by law, women mud .eldhlten. We it doing wooden in the curd threntsmina, • Dyme ' and liver Complaint, add 1:1 1 / 1 11=1103.1. Ser.N3a and Fdes. Costiveness' aU Courneems tams, Pimples, Bletehos, ended IMO:dans atimag Sint • IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses ...marvellous e tomplideru analog from Intkration, fromfty of the Stamarlit from u p oequal c rne o u f l a th t e o n l , e d aen, n fee m t a o nd fb lOod = to l ne old , Wilsn o hot lhothrea c t d ew. Lad its Wed Li combs end coldn Mut' preemies easy erpectoratinkand pettmtraila, minting amts.we of the imas, throat, and every other pun. had Dot In no Is kg tut-ellen:a more stonolonly lOW solenowledged th en all kings mailmen , cc COMPLAIng. .1 It works wonders In ewe of finer albeit; or white; PeaLig &the Womb, Obit:rested, floopor - Pahs.• till Meas., Ititesty of the semaneaf panels, 0.4 theft n aad dreend in nag MI Romeo( that'll nerlannees. Sy =ovum' obstructions, frailegals. ilne the award system, It gees lone and anew* ht . Me whole body, .deans all forms of . •• NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEDUJTV, and dots mown or relieve, a greet variety efettwe diseases, en Spinal Initadon, &Garden, Sc Vass Dance, romens, 4ileptio FuL Cotortamens,lic. Is not dos, thenons Mama= roe Pas set eon any of thine thiwe be aid of S. •ftTown gaud' Wiener article .This young martislaid to not • to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD D bemuse of the Gtard Fact, that the owls Incapable of Detaromaskot nod NEVER SPOILS, while the nth- ' • or DOES; it aours, • fernteros_and blows the bottlea containing it thin frtgeneng the wen plodlog atel damagingother goods! Must not thls hor entQ' at. rible compound be poisonous to the name When pat add into a name already ollsewed,with anidl What causes Dyspepsia bitter-id Dodo me all kttow, that wheafood awn in oar stomachs, what Wadden it produced—flatulence, heartburn, pall:dation nabs heart, liver complains, Carthago, dynamo% cholla aod conuptiOn of the blood? What ta Serodulabstan add humor in the body? What prodaecs all the humor which bring on Emotions *NW Skinaleell Read, Salt Rheunt,Erysipeln,Whlte Etwellinas, Few-So end all ulcerations internal and unman Iris note- Ins under Wevw but an acid substance, which men, and dins spoils all the fields of • the body wore or lam. What mutes Ithenotathim bat a sour acid fintd,whhtls istabotates Itself between thenlnis end alsmakens, nutting and Inflaming the louder and &liens. tissues ups which it acid do of nervous - diseases, of Wm of We blood, of dern4ed etteulations; ear nemly ail tt .... ailmetas which Whin human =en. N vr, Sett not horrible to make and oil, andiallnles ly use this SOURING, FERMENTING. ACID "COIIPOUNDO OF &P. TOWNSEND I • • and yet he would fain haveit understood that Old Ja cob towesernOs Germane Original Sarawad/la, to so Lcuitt r e . o . f his that inferior preparation!:. - II ten forbad we Mural deal In an litele wide would hear the most dined reserablenne to S. P. To ad's article! end which should bring down upoo the Old Dr. such a mountain load of tomplainta and criminatioeffrom weirs who ham saki, and per. chant. who have wed S. P. Townacrolk Fennesolea C und ! • W, Leh it unduateral, became ills the abashes undo* 8. P.,Towesead% ankle sled Old Dr. Jacob - Tbmonud's Sarsaparilla an hence-wale wart, and inantrilesimiler; - that they ate enlikeliamory par. tieeler having not one single things caaumao. It is wont frauds upon the entenunale, to pow halm into. woundodhumanny,to Idetile•hoPa I. tka depairing bona, to.restere nealto and bloom and of gar into the embed and brokon and to banish Ingrid ty—thai old DE: JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunlhe and means to bring his . . Gam !IVERSAL CONCENTRATED ElPolooY. within e mach, end to. We knowledge who need it, that they may learn and know. by Joyful e.a. perieue , i L lts rammoutorn r roam ro For by J. KIDD CO., Wholesale Agent am Waste Perourylvann; J.BffiTH,;l3lbenhgam; SAJIGEANT Allegheny; Dr. /. CASS LI nth mud, OW. GARDNER. oth ward, Pl.• • •• . Jaymnee Expeateraat.. Columbiana en,O.,Ajer.lll, 1841. TILL JAYNkSa DZ. era = -.4 reel bOW to roe and the enlisted public, to aria mferairoftlde oWt porranietifivingpablielty to the extraordinary affects Myelin mama onmyeelf. Ba . sing heat atllleteal for safe year. , with • SWIM beetle fever and Its contaminant dimes., and semmel, ants doerenel to linger ant • slum bet miserable cabal:Mee, men the . fall of 1839, when, beteg more meanly talalW, and havincresoned PS all any fOntleirealaciile4o.lldthellell, ecliptic. of two of the most renpectable Physicians In the neighborhood without derlemi arty boos% or the consolation of ottani:rine but a few daya ;or ,weeke al farthest—when the len gloom of hope wm don 98 mradah,' 1 imnrecommtnded to me your Repannorere.- areal blessed by Mat Being who does .11 Linage_ _ln the are *rem meatua-oad contrary' to tko enatemoolw 0 . my phylielans end triends,l was Ina few ern raised nolls amen _mY bed, b eed was enabled br the me of a '1A...0r...Aix sum balm health Mai I h i t re=y y tare Pter4 w_Enini; For sa/o l'ilatingla, at the Pain lb Inere, Fourth stmt. OSMoe (Wilke Delaware 15114=1*litty-Zaw. swam. Company. Psocraccesk, Nov. kb, lerte. 11111 R Bond of Meows km data day declared a dieldand of TCY PER CHN , P. auta b Ok of de profits flee o Corncob: for Re T.:wedding stoker R. Ika, carblearea ',bleb will be tubed asitaatl after. the ant day of Member next. ' • Also, • arid md of RIX PER CENT. ti outs on the e tribal nook end solv embody _lases& make as .bore. . RICHARD ft PiRWROJA ROW. no• 10 P. A. MADEIRA. A 01311ENWOOD GARDEN' • - • - • • - - mama open !be stelae tam theist Isms. ertleie Oscars end tater Rap WS. la the wawa will be kept. The GUeseheseas i 4 ,, g w e% teeing • largemi se rs. e of nos sad abates will he aPea lhiquatlrssetty pi= shun =dell lalollllboUl th• MUM, - leant the allegbea7 end of the Sat Ca* Inset 1, 4 X°7.7're.; b?gs.p.vrag,...z, from Poke, leading aeho tdletsaat i ' Dot data Puttee wishing to speed the awaked', end he steemzeodesed with a mare Chtudbes Se IS OtIOCI , P. hg. Kept our Twapcniztes 044{pies,r, Mbomou= foloost. sad lastisisql astas. Trap PROPIIJETOR /a now pronstod to am op m y or all boono,to anutscokewtiltßoatibOr by CWT or weak. . T.OWPALLo WANTED—WILIte j Le e, ad e by4 iimm : i, a '"/I - pat sew " --„ DEDBMEY: Matra VonpOri p tazimill .L 7, mocha ar , Typopow nistory of Mag Altbd of Eneval, rfsilleiAnst4 wittg Sax sapivukra. - . • sus... , , naramiizi: coativ2loll amtltatesault
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers