e Leui IMWOF,OI% 9PCPTIIII , /1199" roweling Li/small the StatTfiZeil;marktfole;ll.6 I'` • 'O a die riveted ut Iddeibtr. 8" auppolseleud !ll?tiVers ' or valuabot front 1--Ttltiottity - fif testi:mild aloFut Ina Rd se .belleve it might be des 1 mace ataefal,.l,:otg whaxpospottal hedtuorAnt ca?alialver ligugg ""j'eolandli it With Vanota's subetancea; 4 "4''' 4-fideneetatlete was value 1"41.11111'r"orlr entire time and means in We In lea • ,11." - and , from that thew Pn=rabsi'have., re no otbe ' r bustems; at the A n a ' . 141tfilef epees ' Iwo years. I finally discoverod. thet, by Weenie w a fine powder and anxiety it with seed MO. W 4ll' '°°" I 1 of ritlhreOlf: sepstbtteg compland with ams ga it-geW mouths would become a perfect atone or ears; so that Wei substance when applied wasertually Yaw lo a liquid state,and the Lege aMilotat of silica, elorimhilitegnesti god black Oxide of Iran that it cert. UMW, m itred It both weather and fireproof: OA the beget Melded, the harder LTA more Le:marmot to it MOO/beeowiei and ðer plating laf It , t , r e int o s Of ftwir'l'd"iruov elibl va c t ' ll frit= ai ' r, Ind P oehate " Were is nett:, th7 l e Is no blase or comboatMn; thenefase tbewood will actually char, before the slate toritgai'd'isargs"dgre..even'Y OUtie OMB tett impart.. same, and applied to Goverament for a t hat t fo r r my offne'lolr et liaeterery, Gladly hoping Vat I 1; and MAW remtinmeraud far all say outlay rime and Mo . 11111, ern art nt , without any heeitation, grant. ustoolettenr IM. for the sob tight to menehte . tare, sell end use my 3 ottprevetnent in Ma ntstiefse tore of • .Weinter and Fire Proof Compostuon cr Ara . leial %late.. far four/man . Wyf. BLAKE. Antall la, RP, the Inhabitants of :Warms. have road the above inereaerst of Me. Matte, ar believe it to ho on bstan• tiallyrterroca lies We are te. moo of the mate ilerrbritherieln euntained; andwe will (other More sea go not believe that tbere ever was a patent hinieglY. and laborite:loy Carped, er more deservedly erardcd;' as he permed biacrperiments with Me most reidesultab e perseverancenmier the most discoaregine elreumstacem, as the male had net tile teem cora, &tem 'Ma teat. mole be nny dd. g seine - le made prosallig babetance; He theretore had .o encounter for pin their:erg and scuffs or sitar's Me whole comma . OM 'l4rdwittistandlng - a spen this, ha woe IndefiliMaa e mu (4th the Prellearkin at his experiments, and we do not NUM& that them is one man In adi °could who wou'd have proffered coder ell We Mecum tome a lit he has at last triemnbcd Over. WI ohsuc a., • id we be- Ikea. there Is now hat ono , opinion in awarding him thaneult et th i s valuable d swum,. . Os°. W. CRANE, Justices of • HORACE 611111, the J.NATHAN Et/ERHARD, Peace.. • I.Kwps C. CHATFIELD, Truro ees of , BENJAMIN JUNE, Township. .W F.VEKEIT, Tep ip Clark. • ALLEN Hit , ' 'Tre m ater.. • tort CAUTION TU tLE PUBLIC. - X amMTt•in. , o that there are iedivid nal s engaged IgialfvFlradinlet pe paring for sale, the above MA Deed mineral, to he ada rd with Olt, will need pre ' Maly as I use my ;talented article. I have been w those . pertiorie and shown them my patent -They say May . Go not intend t r tannin cr tempi. n,Oll 019 piglets;' that they have a right to dig, grind and are the PINOT, if they can find purchaser.; that they are not end to know what they ere to do wiih it: that It Is. no infringement tenth It is raised with the oil to make. the oompattedi and that tbOSO wbo buy, mix end ate It, mast take the retapOrtaibillty. unit 'of them say that • they believe that the patent Is good against those hat ado and am the compound, and some hare said that what eley wanted to We they should certainly pore h am of me, ea they did not [wend to mane themselves liabl expo e in any war. Now I fee I myself In dm hotrod to tl " s an i d p r un . - cerium pay fit h 7 Tor an article, the nr A ame, when e of wh man ich he well 'knows =Mists the combater and user to a postco de:* mad Ina Sono of those who ate engaged in this oeferions to will unquestionably contend to the Pablro that' my ' petent will not mom, and that I dare ant pedimenia. Now, to take tht I argument easy from ' them, I Went ID sCK. of those who were proclmming that my patent was of no valve, and made the follow . leg proposition: that they might select atodge and two lawyers who have had some practice in patent cams, and aid e ubmit the patent to them, and if they decided that H patent was good Motley should mop a/1 farther 2 proceedings In the bedtime but if they should decide that It woold nor, in their opinion, hold, 1 woold agree to let them go on and sell all they could, without saying any dung to the public aboat them. Tide proposition they would not accede to.. So far as the malty of my potent is concerned. I do not de• 'peed entirely aria air own judgment_ although I have the folleft confidence in it; butt have submated it to lIIMAY of the ledges, lad several of tho most eminent ' parent lawyer. who have, without exception, decided that in their opinion hoes good, and would pettier me m my heca...l7: I *nod the article to a fine power, and put it rip In barrels, the which ere marked: .Dbaca's Pere-vr k aim Thumon Paine Matra., Shale... I thetrefOre give notice to all who buy and ace the anon mentioned mineral for the purpose set forth in • my patent. except from me or my authorised agents, MM. I shall hold them to a series accountability, and ,hall Caudnence Mill at We against those who thus infringe upon my nett, Wll. BLAKE 511•200,Aledinis Co , 0., Ang. 14, ISW. II TWO TONS of the above lire and Weather Proof Artificial Slate on hands and far sale. The above we can recommend, for we have been cuing it for some 4 yearn, and knew It to be what it in set forth M every pollealar.. J..1:11. PHILLIPS. Art. nov2743na • No 5 Wood al EXCE , SIOR! F. H. EATON & CO Street, Pittsbargh /bye ttirer . te Store their Alt assortment ol Trimmings, Glares, Elosicry and Lace Goods ADAPTED to the snots of every alas. of Merebanu and Consumers. No pains have been .paresi to present the newest and most Whiollable BrirleCli Opals In their line. Their stock consists m part of the following: DRESS 'TRIMMINGS. • Painful and. Gimp. of every .variety; new stilts ellared Gallants; Algeri. and Imperial Braids; wide and narrow • Silk not Wonted Embroidering Braids,. Sawed and eta Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Corded Mantua and plain Satin Ribbons, for irimininz black, white and colored Silk I.llCcoi extra wide do do, for &tanned; with fall nnortazent of Wee. .110110111; preued pinked, .tamped or Embroidered to order. LACE GOODS. .•'EmbioidemiLvea and Muslin Capes, Chemixatiaa, Breakfast and attiring Caps nod Italf Slavves, French Worked Collars and Cafe. In great variety i Lice Lappets and Opers ties; Mourning Chemrieuev. Cal lan, ends and Half Sleeves . Linen Lain, realeatbraiderod and heansiitalied do, plain Linan do; real thread Litres and E.ddines; lin. do do; Rabbit., Lids, LOCO Masan and Counn Eilgings and Inierung , BONNET TRIMMINGS. • W Bonn et style lOMPtt Illbt.ins, and Face Flow dra, Tabs, Velanx, Saint and F.orancrs, Silk Miamians and Tarlatans, BOPpOI Frames and Tips. KID GLOVES. Real wanufactors, with mast opprot ed fawning , . and choicest colons. din eXiciaiva. OISOO.LPI aiways no hand. HOSIERY. A great variety of Silk, Wool. Cutton, ' , co go and Cashman!, for Lathes and Miss. Tartan Pions an 4 tall anortment other Mks fancy Lad ciao. Child ten's' Hate newest stirs Infants , Ikon. and Sock.; Dente Graisplan, Vidonia, Mc... Cotton add foe Wool Half No. GLOVES. • A Adi gli.Ottaterit for men; women •nd children, 10.11C.rbiet, are Derby Bibbed, Foloselle and alnin . SU; Aldo d and pl•lnCathunere, Chsmom Lased Bet Lob Casslineit, Merino, Par-lined Bearer. !mall and Ate Foikaldn, Military and Lis'e Thread and Canna. WOOLEN GOODS, 'Slick a. , 1101 ,, e aiid . Ctui ran , . WPM/1,, Children's Wo.lmiSsoks. Knit. norts .4 137., CO:ltlir,., G t it - ea and I.igt Mins, Woruod 11. Itn; tan Woroods .06 Wool. Flom, Califon.. C., Cdforts. g also, fine Cathedra* Snarls. for Lathes. . LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Zephyr and Ta p e try Winn e& Cans," Plltams, Fleas Sad gl2lO . g I , llk, Bristol and leert'd Bonnia, Fat- Pa , net Vanier Materials, Lasso Mao ; Tili •-•, and kale-aid Work."Al.--.L.ndica'S.lk and Mt ri,m Vest' and Dra.ntsi Ea...laced backs andFlannala French WetkedCapsondyisiVe for Infants; and norns....down .. _. ' GENTLEMEN ' S WEAR. • , . VieniAlne. Cr... and Collate; Alerts., Silk and Cotton Wt... and Drawn, a; ttospenders, She. der Mama and Dressing Beams; 2llk and Linos Ildkfr, . ' .01. w. and doMett. COMBS, BRUSHES AND PERFUNERY. ,I*pcti palletal carrell andpialnEttellßault Combs; Bagrato and Int. do; Mien Bide and Long Combs; lc, dot Balk*, Satin and RoMwood Hair Blushes: Shell, Buffalo ann Fair Bern Dressing .d faie Ivory Coclusi With an anottnient of Nail and Teem Bombes. Wathealls"Oold Medal' , Perfamery. '• .. - - • VARIETY GOODS. ' .•. Needles, Ps'nsr Tapes, Facet Baca and Panes, Hatton. and Seel G.dt, II•rlin Wire Boskuta Peril Twist and Sewing , One R.owood Dm. and Cost Bindings k Galloons.. Fancy Work hostels' Cloak Cord and Tangelo,. Portfolio; Fapierirra and Mkt& Shade Ter.:tinge.. Lathes' DiMionary, Palish k Samar T.sels, French Cott `Otto.; ' Vpholateregs Fringe., bilk tc Ging'm Flntonliati Hoff Mee, used oaths, Paper Moans, klt oil. ndt, • Emylies Oil Clothe, , 'Elude Banda .k. Webbing, Fied Chintz Binding, • Comm and Shoo I NY. . NEW A.ND V 4/LUAU LE IN V EN LL.'.' GLYNN'S WISDOM LOCI AND SPRING • • . Psysveno,Dsorness 19,1919. 1111115 1 is article of gym. ',d eo to all persons on- I in building, or to thosewho have •Iveady bl, 23.1 without window birtelinth. Wink' tt nunishes aporfceuubsttmte for polite. nod web his, gof et least IrJ to each window, it •ffords m ine sefeng fastening th et - bas ever been brougot into The litany and Convenience of this tiering aver all others, is, that, by one thumb 'Wee, both sash of the window , can be meta Or lowered. It , he known to he qpreeisted. ? moo s wieldy% to boy the article, or to have them Inn into then , "widows, er the right of selling tt for commit. in this Suite, rimy apply the sebeenbe fe or Um PROM !!OUSE ' ., on t h e Pilegheay river, Pius- W, J. S. TURNER, norZloil3selisPP C. P. NANO. flay, at W clialp re.- akle carpet Warehouse, No. gvpply of Carpets, of the latest urd mast up " pinvtd' Mies, to which we invite the attention of liteamboat man, and the. wishing to famish 'looses. wow d w ill the largest assortment in the city, will chicper Ole aver betore offered in ' • the Western market. noval W 111'CLINTOCK • • • Neetartalssf Loa( Itimarta. B. bIUILPIIY au reed a supply:of the abets stek-bst!f eloality; ego, plus Black TUL6111,014 561M1E MIMIC Lk/Cabal in.., blooming Al, paossi, Pastan Cloth, blast Cohorts, l'arsoblack ettos. Casasecrers, pious de Lains sod Frettet - blerieos. Cravats sad Idoteralos Collars, bloomlog Coonet =7 de? arU.fal asonsent of Moutausg ,1 •L . PIN IiLACIC SILKS, • • mite snortettest, Including • fear pies. au very arida sod soparlor. Boyers ate invited-to bs,a Nona East corner of Foarth and Market sta. snort. t• Rooms up stairs, *hero a luta And otriew Owls au lately bean recavad. Java° • • DX. JAYNE% AVITZATIVE. ' Wirluree bode Informed by Mrs. Rom of a ewe per famed et bar by pr. Jdymod Ele. nige=":47gegrib.lVt.M. BEGROSES OT WHITE SELINGS, &mooed • in* afeendlond and anfoliatlon of •lliollsbones , du • dldgwilieliusd May pieces hada been din - bawd from i c hs —eittot„frcoo Witt? her are, of She era wrists sad bangs .and /TOO both legi, gad from the left Amens. bone end from the right knee, bestdripainfel r,;;;i1.1.;;;AP:,kd;;1,;,ii,,.7,1-i,... awn ise Doer parts of her person, !stitch Ws. balled terms as by UPI olm r Line. AO WU el s *ember of the coma mined; phyetelens or JOAN ht'PDEN iaT 6'"--""" Incit.'."ll' t"" "n" 4"s ' 'l „ Alti -141 inll 010 ant — Fr -1-0 solere b Canal JUMP; Peall at, PI , 0,,9, ~IrWill Ale ram= f and deplerlei c to L et.4l7l=lt: :. _ EN (3 LI B 1 „; & 0i,.,8F,a,N,,,N77rr._,,, ~ ' marl fft7 at let 21r, VoloUtic'r , I ‘,. lfil ' • irill ' elle 1.11 a 'V I II happrircet ;pad her . '',.• ! ....;rnk: ' . ._ .. .. 3 .. '''''''''; • ' JOIIN lific.PADltH d- e. CP, VPI,P7P.IOI6K UP COllll -rill:deb ta. t r. mu" , 1 • go • . • pate apd meolbait., elmmit &a' At•ee , ..a 4 t •ra.P.'• '''S"l4-4"'"' gi '-. .t. *WI Almtwas, Canal INts,o, pc,,e it, Po. tab .7...inae :toe at um mune tine iser general health !of {go, Vl.h a gen= asostensent of WU 0 7balboamse— eot . cipleteriertma,so Oat she noes weighs Groceries And .I.lutzergh_lagnawfaccteurcred :_arAl..,es, mm /ANDS hi DAVId 00,E.1 r P. tors at CIA] C —. • SIM sera ttaa ate heferre she eemsneneed the suie kitod and foi tale hY IV ....`, sloe Merchants, in Mara tt ~.1 64 , Comma e• al d at, inarnasata repszearttlat. Era. FOIL . man . 09 ;Stern at p h il.A.,,hk. marl tor amen teformago,Loqatn of gm Rae Na 1211 Kr, 8... A •gggggs mv ri...„ avulses made biy queer of the on P Mitt 11,1%11'4610m itgand Wm: iteratmen• waved 1 4 1 . ~ OW ill Pittattlt , at tta MO nil r:0114 gg u ir AL Alie " 9l, F rth `g es "/ Irmlire• pa& A 4 NOON kw ifthiw se re wood. Di - ,; :5,~ . campers , :ARSAPARILLA, he most Wonderful Setßap, of the Igh, 1,600,00 0 BOTTLES ISANOVACTURED YEARLY. • • • Mgj o iehZ=P 100,000 Ones of Clam& Disuse, ooiw~aV WanTlitMbari a th EXP'OSE. ST ILKADING THE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT - the Public will learn the origin, or rather where the recipe for tasking the stuff they all Oil Dr.•.Jecob Townsend's! Suter-mills, came (ram—and will be Ole to judge which la the getruce cud origin.), and ei the honesty of the men who are employed in selliog It sa the onginal Dr. Townsend's Fersarmla Dr. Fs P. Townes-14 was the origin:a propnetur cod inventor of Dr. TONnate• Baraparilla. bis medicine haa gained • reputation that no other remedy ever pined. He manntectured over one oitilion of bottles last yew, and IaMIMING el preetitt 4000 bottle. per day. We oat more taropittilla and Fellow Dock In ow establishment each da, thISI all the other tlanapullta . hienclacturon b the wochl. Principal Oelcss, ad Folton-d. • READ TEE AFFIDAVIT. ra City sod County of Nes.lrmk, Via Ram Armstrong, of the std City, ba th s daly , 'Sworn, doth derma ard my that ba,i. a Dmgr and Clamart. That some time In fgirM i r ps ...lg..= at litat fta. tht. lam b i !motif and pamphlet addl., called opon demote, at the boars of Mr. Thompenn, No ti fludmastreet, Irian depo. root boarded, and requestad dsponant to Au n recipe by which to make a Syrup of Stimparills. Deponent farther my., that ha bum* omostoted with mid Townsend at the dace of Theta= Bag, Book Publutor, .erith whom said deal. That said Towrisood had had (requite outrieres tic. with depoo.t respecting .the mumbler. of an article of Sarsaparilla to be sold tuadar ets name of Or. Jacob Tow trend. That Kid Towierrid Biafra he wan an old mart,and poor, sad woo not at for Earl labor—mod wished to math some money, to order to live namein his old day., and that. it S or saterills under the of Torn send wad so well, and es moth moray was made by It. ha could see no rem= why ta aught riot mks I f out of it too, Ibis cam. being Towusend,) If hi arold gat • capable pers. to prom. a recipe, co n manufacture It for tom. Deparent in oce of the coversation. asked raid TO•fesead if he met related P. Townserd, to which he re*ed„that haw Dr. S. P. Towomed tread hr down. h. abet he Mould commutes. But that he did not cue for him, as he had formal a capastearship with men who could furnish the requisite amend of capital-4mi son pmparod to Wand Miami! Wind any attack that mightte nada on kin Deponent further MTh that.pormant to the request of ma Jacob Tcrorraend, he wrote a nem gav fo e it r tho mumfacture of a Syrup of Sarsaparilla and to him Said Towusesd deemed teat he wanted to sake a specimeo to exhibit to his partners for thole approval, as hs walled to gratify them In every thing. a. they furnished di the capital—said Townserid also toll &mama that the bottle. theware to um were to be of the mune doe int &ape so Dr. S. T. Tow. wears, and deponent, at the request of soli Juch Towerseal, went to U6o. dace of Da IL P. T 01.101.1, and procured ow of him Lela And deponant furlhar *pathos ha haat:eon Lamm ad, and verily balms the ByrUp of Suesparilla, sold a. Old Jacob Towered". Is made attar the mem kr. nishod by depose. to Jacob Towomod, a. aformaid. An&further daponant mith rot WILLIAM ARMSTRONG. Sarum to baton ma, eds ilath day of May, Ma C. B. WOODHULL, - -• of New York PROOF:: PROOF!!! Hero is proof oonclasivo that Dc 8. P. Trrnpr Ilarsopsrato is Na original. Titofollooring is frost soma of the most raspbctable papers in this Mtn PROM THE Albany 'Evening Journal , . Dr. Towasand's . Eiarsapatilla. Them probed, never has been so popular • rowdy, . or patent medicine, as Dr. to Saramrilla, which was origimdly, and continuer to be reanuten. toted to this city, et first hy the r..tnr ta..0.4 end afterwards for several years and to the present tiros by Clapp k Townsend, the present proprietoot. Shoe the partnership wee formed, the Doctor km re.ledthe hew York when be keeps • .tote, sod attends to business that accumulate• al UM point- The mans factory Is to els city, aid is conducts! ty, by the Junior Clapp—liere all the medicine le mamas. crle L wr, Yew of our dthers hove any ilea of the mum= of this medicine that is nunufactured and sold. Besides the mks thls country, It is chip to the Canaa', wend India Isht.le, South America, 6.1 even to Po nape, In con quer:titles. At the manufactory Cloy employ a steam engine, beside. a Isro number of man, women and girls, In the preparaLon of the edic making boles, ;whg, kr-, and turn out, ready for abipment, over OD death per day, or nearly iiooolMtles. Thigh , au ems:tow quantity. The great sale the medielee hos acquired, has is ductal a number of melte get up Imitations, and there M tho present dem, ot.r medicines for e. that are ca r dared Tam.....v. gersaparilla . One In per. titular darted ashore time ego b New York, is called " Old Doctor Jacob Townsend's ftarsapeuills," and ap parently with a slaw, by disc f sate:tieing, cod the weal remedies D o . resrted to In such efforts, to appropri. ate the name of rS. Townsendb great remedy, end thus gala all the advantages resulting from the populasity of the name which - he acquired for it. by poem of patient =I expensive labors. Dr. EL P. - Taeamend, formerly of this city, to I. well known hem is the inventor sad , orighal proprietor of the " medicine known as "Dr. Towns..`a asromrills,. and we think thou venous who areettemPting to sea their article es the genaticat, should be es-a. MOM THE New Tack 110117 Tribune. fgr We pablishial Co adrettisenterd Duda erteatly some time mace Stet did tn.tomice to Dr. 4. e. Toe" , sera, who h the original proprietor of the prepuation of Sarsaparilla known o. Dr. Townsend'. Other parties have within the pad feet months engaged 'or connected themselves with • man by th• name of Tovrosend she put Up • modlein• and calla it by the came name. Thu medicine met alvenised 1n ne Trawl. es the original. kc- Thit advertisement also emdatned ouster derogatory to the character of Dr. VP. Townsend and that of his medicine. We regret It appeared. and in Pmtsa to the Dr. mak. tide ea I.lasiban. FROM TUT New York Deily Sun: , De, Towniemo . . crimps:finery savertisement,which ormthies an entire itithe al We Son, will not escape halide- Dr. S. P. Townseml, who is We original pro. prietbr of Dr. Tow:need's tarsal:arias, and vibe.• of ace is next door to nun, whore he his been for myth el yam, is driving an Immense business. It receives lt. than four hundred dozen of Sarsamills per day, sal men Was enormous tity does not supply We demand. No medicine ever gained so great a pripulienty its his Frepantion of the ilaruparillc Ills sllll4sl of Almanacs. for 100 cost fand.:o, sod he tin paid the New York Sox for advertising. in the lair lour year. over 4 tOdsc, sod lie acknowledges thatlit is the cheapest wit eitaing he has had done This medicine n exported to the Cumin, West In di* South America sod Enrol+, to thwiderable ouncutles, exid-naming into gWeral nee in those Countries, as well ethers. Swlridlers. Dreggist. sod others that sell othimparilla for the Wtend . ..sign:al Dr. Townsendk Sarsaperills, that ismr signed by 0 P. Townsend, commit. • bend , and swindles We customers. Men that mould be guilty of theb au set woold commit thy other fraud -and wo Dinggitt of common inthlLgence but knows Wit min is We oily genuine. OM Jacob TO . WilDrlld• Some people who ere not +ell informed. and hare ocit read the ;open, and not wen our wherUsernents, haw been led to suppose, that because these men ad. sr intim noir Mud as "Old Jacob Torn:sends,. that it most of course, be the stratum/ It is In. limn one tr.eieth the commenced to make their medicine. Wm ems oni o ns We seethe( over ten t' earn 1 ',Mite Old Jacob Tavernen& .....ey the es:di...ring to i. not MT oil the public es eil td rhysieith, he. Ile t a regular educated . rhysicith, and borer attempted to manolithtstre.a med ic:Jo, wail these men hired him for the use of hoe rani.. The y . say they do mit sosh the people to e. bans that Weir siarseperilla la ours, or We nine-but Win better to deceive the public, they at the same time aunt WM theses re' the Ohl Dr. Townsend's, sod Ms original{ sod $11.1$11•0$ to snake the peolin hollersthe. the stuff they manufacture, hi the Dr. lerwemik Sarsaparilla, that haa performed saa many trowderful crass for the pert ten year. sal which has gamed a =tio . n . m b lt: . too other medicine moo= W. hare commenced snits against thew men for dainagae We within° be nalerstmeLthat the old man Is no relation to Dr. Townsend 111 h.term. in their ad rertistment. end circulars, they publish a number of gross laisehoceti respecting Dr Townsend, which me mill not notices Filth Report& Our appalled. hare published In the papers that DC& P. Tow wend WY dead. This they send to Weir • agents shoot the cotintry, who report Dud we Wei r busmen, in. The public Wane be on given ap their.gutel, end not be dethiral by Wawa unprismi. pled mew lOstith wasel-Alter the frit of September, ISO, Dr. S. P.S. Townsend'. New York 001ce will Ise -In the South 'leftist 'Chords, .No. 03 Nanattetnec which I. remrindergoirig a thereto& change, and will be feted for the Lefler ithemonwiOlon of the pro Fritters end the public- fla is the ra• Ferlthaler listice.-No Bernparl genuine and on Dr. Townsendl banaperills, no . lees .1.2.4 by d, I. Townsend. Accers.-Reddlag & Co, Pie. P Statactreet, and W.- l:- Saar, No. too Court Mewl, Boston; Ithuptel Jr. Lowell{ Insley Trek ate' C oncord; James B. Green,. Worceirlar 1 Alin= Concord; J. Balch In Son, Providence ; end by DruMand to (l , thn generally throughout the LIM 7 tee West letdin and the Gasman For sale by R..E. SELMER% Sole Agent for Pitt.- rgh; D. hi. CURRY, Allegheny; A. PATTERSON tYZ_ ° ll! i. r2....---.- - "_ . "" . 7 .? 1 1 . 1 _ _ _ .g, VERY WONDERFUL CURE-S EL LER Rs „Pt VERMIFUGE: klcacw, ?deicer co., Pa.. Sept. 20, INI It F.-Seller.: Deny Sir. I bought one bowie of yowl Vervalfum: in Wit Iron City Fornace none. alibis place, end n ha. performed what we. nowlder °Where is won derful curt on nne of my lwys eight years old, be bed been oimell for thine years. to much *a that I had elv en up all Koper of Idea...cowry. I ere. advised by we of my neighbors to try s bottle:of .your Versolfogo end 1 ate nappy to inform yea of It ha op the deatred edema( relieving my son. Ile paine d, ID the short space of 24 boon, 101 worms, tome of them mower , W. es much as 12 and 14 Incites Iteg: I feel bound in lathe , . to give yaw the above statement, .0 2$ yens., make nor ere of my nu ne that you think proper.' Yours, very respectfully. loath - nth S. Lew.. • Prepared and sold by 1L M.SELLERS,6/ Wood Creek end sold by Drupelets generally in the two :Woos. ____ ..-- CLOTHS-3. cuss 131ne and Drab F.I F Moths,}l2. meld and for ulc try MURPFIY, WILSON k. CO nosl3 ' le Wood st GABLE!' MO. DE LeIN - .47if,gi jag reed is I n or Men colored Mee. de Lslns, such as Cherry. Purim. th.c., at the low p leo of Uts. per yard. AI., Plain DIILID, Drown, fic .1/1121 tole! eau per visit. and %large assortment of neat mules figured Noe.. de Laing, at various perm, tegether sea a sho assortment Dress Goods gene t ally, sea a Fancy Vreneh Mnttnos, CuMostee Coheres and lyernese Clothe. at the n.k N.E. corner of Fourth and et cu. Whelaule Rooms ap Meta no• 12 'SPORTATION LINES, •- - as and Remittance Onlce. . . _ k •Bn & CO. continua to bring persons •in any part of England, Ireland: :semiarid or ales. upon the most liberal terms, with their nudity and eutentron to the wrung and corn- -.Broads Wed° not allow our par. seneers to by the swiedling scamps dim infest theyms- i take eharge of them tho moment re . elves, and see to their well being, and de ns without any detention by the Bret scups.— fearlessly, Ile we defy one of oar prism:, ow thatthey were detained 4S bones by it in whilst thousands of others were detained pail they could he sent In some old craft, at a , which too frequently proved their coons.pa to perform oar contracts honorably. cost 'I, and not act as was the ease last semthr, r officerg,—who either performed net all, or nited their convenience. drawn at Pittsburgh for any gum from nI to &rano at any of the provincrld Banks in tee land, &Tamil and Woks. JOSHUA ROBINSON, • . guropenr. and General Vial. street one anor WARRANCIEMEN' SPEED INCREASED. - MSS PAST PACKET LINE, cam_Mnt&ll lExelusiacly for . Taaningend VIA TTIE GREAT CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, T PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIAWBE. 116 HE public are Informed that on and niter Ssinrdsy• the In of September the passenger , . by this Ling . re II be carried over the Central Rat Road front Lew in wn to Harriaburgh. end from thence to Phdaitel nan by the ainnuburala sad Columbia Rail Roan.— By 0,1 5 new arrangement passengers will go through mints pas mass Inas than heretofore. The Packets of this Line ere new and of the ben elm. This route for safety, speed and corafon, is the Worn preferable new inn. WI the Ran= Cities. gaol Road. Are all paned in day light. Tana, 3 de). F. re, Tea Dollars. For inform. ion apply to W BUTCH, Monongahela House. oerl or D to LEECH Sr. CO,Cann Bann. Mir:W .— HT:II3TE -- TO -DALTilligis AND PUILADELPtIIA. THE SllO RT t:sT ROUTE isi T4VENTV , IX MILES . V.l.,Tol?lx .p l:gb d e s n e y w . 11 , 1vr. • 1 ; 1: "'- U. S. Ishii ...t.. pa. tea.i fast '''''''iu . S' & RIK CAI; A. . En.. . Muter, will rite 55 0 Oaf 'ly p.teinforadaySe eepteill between PITTSBURGH land WI NEW N, on °priding of niseittettort t•tt Youghiogheny deer losers Wear New ON Born the appig. Wharf Boat, every morning al 9 o`eidek Re Arming, leaves Pit burgh from Wharf Boat snort the Monongahela ndge, testy aliening ate &eines GOODS Mealy by Agents en board the Whar Bo: bac been barn .prersly j a y nlth ,t lp t ab n a: map rely nn bet in prod to all way fretera an pay 5n29 ,, IaTT LD" The Fanx . 3 Vonthlighenv rtve remalnlog pnman , PartinLez •nd •0W V /11.41,“ Jana P•ckeu.•'~i /., VF.R, Capt. Stanley, will leave i y 011 Monday,Wednesday . and I P. M., and arrive at Younmitown lota—ramming, leaves lcuags• —ay and Saturday evenings at 4 Tar in time for the morning boat, .PPEII, miming at Pittsburgh at THE packer 1 BClTer regular Friday evening. at I wart taorwng at 8 o*: rawa Tueaday, Thu ' • ach P. St, alto re ALLEGHEN Y CPe la o'clock. The ' , seta HA leave Bent; Tacal; tap•at d P. 11., tem, Wedr.azdzy and F needeg with the col Them. pm .ets • iag futeaccontmoil .. I I • . . WAY, Capt. Dowsing, will y, Thoroday_ and flaturdav even ing, leave New Cantle, Monday, • ay evenings at 0 P. Al. tow con 'ng boat the Pittsburgh. I fated up in complete mane hay ' dons -lee passengers, and shippers rlllemain) . Lod greater despamb . obtained on th ese rout route.. . . FITCH A Co., Proprietor. C. Indwell, Agent, Pittsburgh. idwell fr. Bro., " Beaver. D i wobs, yoongsmt 1 W. Coraingham,"New Castlwie. : er, A LLEGLIF—NY C LIPP u.R, wall at 5 A. NI.. and Pinstmfgh w 3P. . ration with the above boats. lute may rely on moro tturalas nem, The elegant ate aye Heaver , dui inntan. In eon Warrea wad C.slPack 1849. •l attaaa aveland PM.ssanger WI. t--SWALLOW. --OCEAN. Packets lease ficaver emery day 'tad) and exam next morrang at the Mad Stage:Jos each of tha,r place. ; .22ve Warren doh) .2 in sine as tale the O NE of the al. Co, Wamn, do :.AL`G/lEY, d..sdnt, tar and Snuthne._d_ at! _ dINE, 01110 C/lICELL , ,Cleveland, o t emp , Unyt, a. 5 011 the opecing of Or and• .Arsu, to an)" ran. u.tal,r,a ,qmv, u: c alClevelnod. , : , y , tu u =1 , [ 111 1 . 5 511CGAN. el, and hue of G, ela•. Acta on k - T • Youryirtoorn, 01ko • rarten, • lavo'nna, Akron. _ G snJ, 0 6CA , 7B7[ES , I , l_ • • IN kuhllffeld sts, Float/are,. i — eitlitUTSSe 2—Cr t. ( 0 111% ~. ellDeaver Pack skin s ibegr'ilagy tripe io contenge tO rtlll between .larly during the seissen, es 4.192110c105h, o'clock, P. M. Lake Ihr , e lock, A. M.. and reelabetrgh Ain coureedon wan R :Pet Line,for Erre; "nrren Packed, TUZYZL—Ia; 4 130 ‘ 1n for Cler , el d oxe , n ; , Choke &Coiriusburgb and City... Cost, duly 'nen Conde Pnatco. PfIattARRHT'PARXS I Co, Rms., AIN.s. E . /.1.1.0 1 , JOHN I. CAUGH I,I . , ot_ .V. 1849. iftia PITT 8112.011 AND CLISIkLitID LINE, DN' THE P NEWLY/NIA ANTJOHIOZANot: T HE Pro T..."t:fintrtigt.t:l4,..it4,!...!, Bong, by ‘l'ff:ri.lTlVErnlci M . c , COPE, ere enabled to Offer suteq;..lied larthties - fot the transportation of freight and paxengers, or. the 'pontos of Canal no triglaton, to all potato on t Ile Peen •ylvasittaid Ohio C nod E. !V. sork ea,als atid the Lahr, hl. PITCH. Et o. Cle7,elane. Bipwria , S ( CEOT ECK. agents, kictgrer C. BITAVELL, Agent, WO, Wai, street. Pittsburgh . DIDW.D.L. D. W 1. Pitlaborgh. Coe rev BIDWELL So BROTHE.R. Forwarding Korthanis, BEAVER, Agana.a Pifisburgh erndClece.ra Lte, Put , burg ar.4 Errs Li/00 via Eras, and far Stoolo boat Bawer and Web Cops Baying porettaxed the lane d satistanual Coat Just built for the 31ortoogehela Pada., bare aoth the addition of a Warehouse, the mast ample me. pledge for receiving and N.:warding, mid pledge their Muscat rotautioti, prompt.. Z/01 despot eh 10 CGDmigumeras to their e•re, and rely on their friends 11. a 11110 for a trial. mar:- d l 7 lelti St la. agE6O3 1849. ..;44trito Old ramtilolred 1,, ON THE ERIE. EXTENSION ANAL iItITE Proprietnr of this wea known 14 , of Cot I. Boata, is now prepared tO If .sp.l. Pmts.,. and Pla n ts to all points on the tde rotor:oh Ne York Cna and the Lakes, upon tire ton , rovorobl terms slid with despatch This lane runs in conneetton with the senor boon BEA VEIL and CALEd COPE, between Paa nd and Beaver, CII Reed's Lille of *team bouts vra gels on the Laker, and the Troy and Mreuresse Lake Boat lane on We CAW York canal 1 2; • REED, Proprirdor. Erie, Ca Bidwell te Brother, Agent., Beaver ' W T Al lather, Agent ut I Illesairtran'a Puatenger Office. Monongahela !louse, Pittchurgh. CONSGNEES-1Y C Malian Sharon; 1 r tt tt alma, West Smith A. Downsug, do; 211 F;unoncr, West Greenvale; S . /ink, /Ware &rho, do; M re !lorry, Ban Davralt Sutton, Buffalo; I,nrnen . , (LW,. tz CO; Frandeek); Jos A Armstrong, Det!oit, b irk laud A. Newborn', Sheboygan; !treat n , A Mr dawns, I,,rs au kie; Reap, Morley A. Batton Racine; JOhn II Kinzie, Chicago; A Wheeler fr, Ca . ' New York. , and PkINBISYLVAIIIIA GABIA.I6 .8.11.. ILOADCI, Ealefail 1849. aq Mk T , EXPREBS FAST PACKGP 14 NE, ROY Put...burghs," Philadelphia and Ikaluz• a. lExclostvely fir Painengersil n 1. Tilrgtbtfen'''olVrrVelltgl''rOs., t ull. 1 ;Th. W/NICS. i./Q.' Th. boats of thin e Line arc of . a superav era r. veto rlllr. arsine r il i reri enlarged cabins, which will give greater tot hin to i 1 i,, ,, ,. . i. a 4 eri . r 1 e ,,, .. ,, t . ,t Rlbol:trltin alwaye be in port, and travel , I a arc le- to Ow Wholesale ai guested to call sod exurtinethem before arra „hod netr.• cr,11,11. .Aolon . g We sage by other Toole.. Iney will trove the hod ili, e , o.erie the f b etirw , po.itlon U. H. Hotel. corner Penn street and Carr , Ur phis Mr , e le, 11 ''''" nFlAll4E—•''Y'lqrgi",kimal‘r, R 4 3 ;s:i , 'mum r' ~ i. 1: ; F:n .. ,.. 1 ,.. , r , '1 P 1i 0 ! , '6 r For Information, apply 00 ye the ai. i , MOH Ignite!, f.,..",7,i,711,11,,,t,..,1tiia Sipirpiii . Bough Of to I) 1 ,1, ° ,11.11 ' ' l ' , Gi not .l ii. •• d do' Scotch England W hiskey; el . pkR. ILlart . eica nv a , n . d i .Sherry Wines, in la pipes. r N. I b. m prietors oi th e 0 1 . 00 ~."' " now 1621 , 1 , 1 s Old Monongahela Rye Whskt building wt addluonal Linen! Paclota, to Furl a abort, ~, 1 . , .. a. , . a,..40. on or abate Jane Ist, la cortheition with the 'e may!. ' do do; pip 'sofa Rail Boad from Leans-own to Pltilarlel pia. At that limo a packet will leave every morning re a yen. ..,„, a1,..71.7,,,,...,'...Tt....,,in Wines, i n.iii„..l Vote thrones, 21 dolt. . ...1“ . - C3pkgs Pon Winea, in pipe, hi IPs ' acid g ' ne azia—fmoit—'igsgiggrirgilirsig—tilliart LISS, b 7 WIG and India blils Sweet and r llry MtlaZr • it nibiGi 1849. 2. Irbla OM Poach Brandy. 1011aar to lam, Logasyra and Zara Golfe*, 72 p kgs V i 11.1. and Chalon To.: For th e transpornvl Br 0 i VC1111 . 4 ,t 1 10, . ,30 Oro •lonstted obanco, , 827111117V.11 PIIILADELVIIIA Aran PI ri. uu Mal Ai tibia and bale ,hyleea; rIOODS carried on ti ns Line are not tr whipped II tibia White Novara; l e i between Pittsburgh and noiladelphia, atm can tr, p o oh,. 0,...g11,614 0,,. nod. In roar lection Portable lines over low R. PO. 710 do crialo„.„. ,1.„......,.. ... yes; torr—to shippers of arerehat.diso requirto cordite 177 c a... It ens) •;,,,,, Want. handling, this Is of mounts... No charge ado (dr ; , ,p th, sink or Ithiats do; , 0c ,,,,,, ... ~,,t,,.,,,, 0 , 1 0 ,. o d a ...jug chu Oa All '23 do !Bttoner Wiriest*, do Muscat; ludo Black. ''' -_t —7 -. ' '""D. r ...bid berry Brandy, 1iteau.,,,,,,, , ~,.. , at , Ale, Brown TRBSPORTATION. 'NEW EIYBEINtiftRAN6EXIMIT. -- i ""'"'- 1549.-Mitiat rADARIIS 6 COPS L 151:. frill: ; lbitens of PITTSBURGH and its vicinity are re• . eually Informed that or< have no rorm w eetion ith 11.1:1 • mbar Wattern Express. and AM DOW pre pared .... torward PACKAXOP, MERCHANDISE, tee., from it -•dn, New Fink. Phtladeltit In and Baltimore, to Pill , ntrth tadOM, Western Cities, strub extraor (more r Torch:ion and saaserthexa cues.. At Irs.rmore we hare associated with us Dr. W. S. WM.,' ly who was for fifteen years supnintendentof the thalt.fnore an: Ohio Bail Road Company; Bewail, lava.;. Ese , fee marry years principal conlidentiat ' largent of the Post °thee; and G. W. Curs. Vsq., of brownsedle, PA These gentlemen will give personal supervitlan to the Line from Balsimore to Pith burgh. From Philadelphia we shall eon THREE Daily Ex pre.. Lutes, arriving at PUtsburgh respectvely ix Two. Threeiand Fear Dans. Oho Two Day line will un et snail speed. and principally intended for small and valuable Package. We shall invariably receipt for rata and rum& , We hive an arrangement with &letters. EDWA.IOS, I lox A. Co'. TRANSATLANTIC exerLEss, by whwi t wo cart forward Packages to, or transact Cc.- ulterior - in, Gress Britala, France, and most of the Continental Cities. Messrs, Edwards Hale &Co unite In England with the well known great forwarding lours ui - Nlesers. Corot,. Alton, and In France with the •fhl ...genes l'itthoriale•" Die hall spare no expense cr exertion to get our. goods t rough with Stemmas , . despatch, and endeavor to manta the public with a really well conducted Ex• pine. small parcels uad packages will be carried by us at es.re . mely'low riots. Versate. ..nine to use our Lines are respectfully itudsted to perticalarly order their correspondents at ship by -4 - DAMS & Cts'S EXPRESS.” Phstadelphla, Nov. In. ADAMS k CO. The Agency of the above Express Line writ he ~ Conducted at this city by J. 0. BIDWELL, 1 nnvl6 flies Water street. 1849. ---=zza (Seater •and Erie Express Packet Line. It G. PARKS, Beaver, Proprietor. TINE new and elegant Passenger Packets, I. NIAGARA, Cut N H Jeffries; PENNSYLVANIA, "J II Naimoli LAKE ERIE, QUEEN CITY, " 1 McNally; Forming a daily Line between Deaver and Erie, have commenced running, and will continue during the sea. son to mate their reveled trips, leaving Beaver aftur lit arrival of the morning boat from Putahurgli, II o'. elect, r. sl I and arrive at Eric In time for peasonten to take the merlon* beau to Buffalo or up the Lela Ttcliets through to Erie and all Lakeport', can ht had by applicanon to JOlil & CACCIHEY, At sonar of Water and Smithfield to as GEOFIGE , KECK, and.. ts• rtharls. tt W :11.14101iT LIMY. almnite, Johnstoo , . othdaysburgh, and I all intennedln •• laces. no affil counnat to ,L rryall Way Goods ftcir usual dospatoL and at fair rates of —C. A. WA&V LTA' & Ca, Ph.b&Tir& D D Wakcheld,Johostoven. John 111.dler. liollidaysbargh. . / Lo—r,B„,-...r.,,-I,z.l.':,T. th ri'-bErvo - ,nri3D.. - , , Wm Lamer t. Co, duo ralDevin k 800 - , i Jan .vary, 8111211il, M. 1110116.1/ & DAY, Jan : , U. kis ville. PARKS i Gds. PACIESIT LUIZ. 1848. BEAN L t AND CLEVELAND LINE,Ths WhiRDEN. Cso I Pockci—YONALLoW, Capt. Ford. " OCIOLN, Capt. R afar,. NE f tho ehove Packer , leave Denver every day, (Do day. eveepod) and Ont. VLSI =lung at Warren, hero they connect wi th the Ma to.. for Akron a d Cleveland. vrivilug at each of these places ovum n ht. One of the Packeu leave Warren daily, at 6 P.. .., sod arrive at Baton in time to take the mo.mnd steamboat for Pittsburgh. • carr...s & LEFFINGWE.I.I rns, ABTA 11.1014 'Wa , ' 1 Propdgra BEAVER AND ERR: PACKET LINE. TIOROCOO ro TIOL Leti n ror.., 110 C. Packet—PLIIENTLVANIA, COLO. lefties, Tchsenarn, " Pollock, Inssa Eats, Truby, " Preranta, " Brown, Faheuton, " Sayer. Tbr above new and aplerttbd Pnszertget Packets have m 0 sorn l utenced running between BEAVER AND lERIE, ,1011 rut regularly during the season—one boat leavcrtg Erie every morutsig at o'clock, and one !cav il. 12 . 2 ••• ocerY rverling, Immediately eller the art, vat at the steamboat Mining. troll Pc""..—cu "r 1,.. bolus are new and constottaLly an? 701" tun through at tarty to , :•. runway:to to any Xi, 01 . Ntacnra Falls. wth find rots , . • In.o-nsete and expedstioas.' Ticketsta -nos I I. n, on tne Lake ea u be procured by a,,,rtgc ,sr propnetors. • BEED, YARNS*. Co, Benner. JOILN A. CAUtiIIEY, AO. Pittsburgh, nor. Wnwr Lna La C Barris., N C Reed. Br., Pa. C C Wwk, Greenville, Pa: M"Farland sad Koig, Mg Bend, Hays a SbatTvbarigh ' , w c eL C Mathews, Pulark, Pa; It IV Caulustahtun, New Castle, Pa. fYl . _ . . s,..mmbost. for Sale. ; TO Q ntpe day of straccr. et 11.;•.0 and the baloner at ,2. and 02 Inot.Ll., lea=rnt. Approved nenotlabl. p4p4.4 vent re tanve ft.r the deferred payments. Sal pert., MOORE, D. Z . . h PETROLILIIII, OIL nous. air— " There are were things In heaven and earth Than OTC Ilftql.pt of to pbtlosophy." r 1 ,11 1 ,: ~ lICTUE.S at oboe remarkaide e• y. j r , the aorta &mtg.:radon tor h., tirrere rem 'Propßetar, hot induced boo to have it pat op In Conies with is. ,' bole and diterito. for the benefit ofthe'poblic. , The PETROLEUM is procured from • well in this connti, tot a depth of (bus Ittuidred fest, is • pore nue jdurti'.'rg..".".' 17:j.tort',.T..c.hroLL'rhIrg,°fhnt, cotton. properties reaching Illnpmher °Caracas., is no lunge, a matter af +=certainly. There are mane 11113, tn the romans of nature, which, if known, might h r of rant urefolneas in sr l'evioung stiffertng, and 4e storing tho bloom of health and vigor to %natty a sof ferer. Long Oefore the proprietor thought of putting 1 it up in bottles, a had a reputsron for tire CUM of \ race. Tho roustant and duly inereastng calls for it, and several gentarkahle earer it ha. perforated, Is a su anlionnon or 11l future popularity and wide respra n d %Timed. in he roan of di ase. f gent& ho du rot wish to mete a long parade o c00t, „,„ 7 , ti . ne w 04rez ,, 0nt , t h e , t0•LT , 11 . t , r 1 u nZ d .:::: . ....n .,, ,,,.. , , —.‘ to Xe toe oleo. Whilst we do 'coral.. for Oa utdretral eppllcan au In arm , diwatte, we wiliest:a+ nog'' , any. that in a notabeg of Chronic Donates it iti nnornited !mi.,: lien may he renerated—all Owe , . of the twice. nacres, such as CHRUNIX; Olt' NCIIITIS, coNsumeliuN I. it. earl stage.) A Worm, and all di.eaws o: tne air pa-Angell, LIIO.II ' CMLAN'', IA !•PEI , nIA, Distr... DiScases of no. bladder and Ktdrier a Pions in the Beek tr. Sole, ;nervous Ihr canes 'Neuralgia, Polo. II heum.t. Patna, ortat. Erysipe ins, Tatter, itrogwor”. Lino's, watch, lirmsas, ti d Soros', he., he. In easel of (Whilst, re nutting Rem eaposotc, or long and protraeted Cusgs of -6.1 R,:... -V . .T.-411k:.tealr;ErliginlIzi: - AL*-t.° - - E."' -1t:'.1.°1.4;r 1 "%. : „.- fd• at t w,es 3 r .:441:-2, - . PT...:. 9 1. , 14 , 5-E......t0 *it 1 . 0 1 - 5 - "Sitteer"V 12 0.1:1T. 2 - =.p f. , 6 41.,- z . .- 1 li ..=. g ..ir ~2 hj2. ?:. gl ~•'' -. E iitt:l:l27,Bgial Ur' 4-';4 113' , :IT! co °:, 4 ii.ko.,7,SP; rit.ll7 - APAD111' 61.5 : 141 4 c. ' cailig:l'inr 4 stql - -lei :P. Tit* ,kr cc n R l4 --••• 1 31 0 11.41: 24 .4 2 1 2 4.0Trazfil 4 P-... r atiliii i7l2 .- 1 -;; li lt g = t - 3 Al algi - i --I i ji * 4 " : -4 1 141,Ii!1, v 4.giiiII=-1 21 .iiI:iii PI - 173 tAlgitif 41•4..,013 it', zi . .3. 4 i - Q> 5 -:, a -, --:- '' et. ''''' •-• • . 2- ' F. '' ' '''....r. I t:. ..i . R0tizii . .1 1, 1.1:;;1pp.15. 41 4 - 1 - 1 E- 15 • I .i . .'11'20,6g.7.7 g o 7e r . 2 < = tr 4. i,52.P.13 1 .1%ri ;. 0 3P - 4 ti M V. I . Ca 0 E L I 48 14:,.ifatia TA 22 64 ,- ESI age i O . -- *1 0 -3-1 1 - ,- 1211 al 2 ~,,, r., 'es I c.., al, . -a i•..4"-i r j s . 5 t. oI.T. WC t'l 2 . 2. '''4 eg ai i51. 1a 4' ;:.&43.1g•§. s; 0 , o pl. -30...0"f.z.io zs tivEga i l ' e i Ca W ;Jig Z . .. 9;i6 - otag.d,;•:us s tit i i •i4g.t4 , • ce I •.. a • : v2.r e 5:1 2. .§5..: 1 4:14.2. a l ~ I A Y- il e 0 q. 'a at g ›. z.e.e.s•.l-11 , `..3;10.174 • 914 F' I.E 4 2 Z .hamll'.:-1:%%.i1i.....i- .--. o I 01 6 'A.'' -.• <-- t.. .t..,.93... , ;•12.1.'* pa, 7. 1.„ ~,, ;..‘„... 'e :tgE4:, 9 •024410.222L0Z.y..._ . ,5,.8 r 4.• t; -FlPi'Oti;/ 131, 194 11st'Zt . .l 1•° 1-- *. it in :hils'ln' 3 ' l tiNS . :74"t - i• 1 3 ".' C. 1 ' FIFA.4= ri.; ssi,r,•?,:.-§ " ii;a.-111...1.,.:4,0 ; ,! Q ..61. ,„. ~. iE- .tits ,, ...: , lizgtraillCfFE:ii ~,, .....-,5? =, : e • t fif, a 2,; .a...,, fi14. 4 ,.,..,g.,....... cc e : ,-- s :...1-..t..- .....42..1.-..•... ;...., ro..t. i Ki• „. '.P. -0 o -• M . . t ..E.g. z gt:961,.‘,....z.,;,.0 .Y.' .. .. ^ E; 1 1.3;,• ' ''...i,A ,A jE't4.8.1.gt 6- 1,t4 '. .1115 5 .F , I 4 CC IA '-ii. .-..r,..z -, , 1 ti1ii.q.z., E .. Lpi,l 4 - 1,!...,,aii11. a- 9 ... d :*"r. , 11.0.,1i ,i'o2: Ali till LE I ''' . il i't ~i 0 (gl4 Y° . le r .4 be .... 0 .3 '''. l '' -.'. , " ' '..l. ' - fe` . " - t -t 2 2 6 2t3,-°. a. E t - .n7 E.. .1. E Z .rds:;v:Ll.P".isa',:.7.l,; . t. °*.a,.. :4 !,il -. .,7.Z4:: 7 ,;•g1f:W*7.1Vi1:ArA-77;27iiiigi;i4 1 8 E:siit'i:WaiVrilFitsiii 7 .V. - . - 70. i • CgSON JOHN D.MORGAN, PWAburgh; D. M. , g !i g . i. : 1 7 .1:':1 $ r. . 7 3: 0 I::: i t 4 ' 2 " 1 . 1 1 . : 2 : :4 :4 1 I I . X : 7: ! 4: 1 : ! 1 ' .... - 41E1:2!-4. ,._ '41::::,1 " :: * ' ° ;I I gg i i :I t ::: l ii i :::.' 17 . 4 1f1 . 1 , 7 :3: 1 i : : : 6 : 1: • 1 i :" i ; ; :! 11:: e0 t 72 4 ;l : ; i ll t 1;2 ., i ::; t4::::.:":::_::::'1.11:i: Z .t. ! 11 : 4 : 74-1 E 4 1444::::: 6-°:::2-3:' -4-V: : I CI:RV Atli liony OW 3. PAITERSONt 81 ". 1 .1j" . '4 , • IT " ' - 411111111 116:NIT:1:1-4.11:51I.4.17:: :::: ,. 1 , 2 :I:4:: : : ::; :::::: :: :: : 1 110LAUES C HON!, Bs:Likes,. Szehwisips Bri.k•r•. r , DRAM. IN NOYES,DRAFTS,A •,CCEPTANCF.S,GOLD,EILVER AND BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Acceptances payable toy put of the Union,C•collected °tithe nog favorable terms. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal. &lore; niso, Cincinnati, LonisvOle, Stint Louts and New Orleans, constently for sale. HANK NOTNertes on all solvent banks in the United States discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds of For and Amerman Gold and Silver Coln boaght and told_ (Mee No. 65 Market street, between 3d and ttli, Pittsburelt. Pa. oetatl • • b O81&IQF MAXGI DILLS on England, Cu rre ntd, bought MD any amount at t hßata of Exchange. Also, Drafts pasabio In any part of lite Old Countries, (mat i 1 to .tlOOO, at the rate of SO to the EStorllog, without deduction or ducount, by JOSHUA ROBE* SON,Europeen one General Agent, awe bth st ona door ',valor wood. • oetlan • Rai ffilEaa, Exchw* T uct of AMER! 3d and B nu* ,' aPp = o .ll,, St. .7 I.ltiCeo4. 0 . W.= WCndldin' Ne.allo , 7, 31 ‘1,ta NOtr.al pnrchued at dx lowan Me m !, nuirturel424 pl 3 Irtraitra New York, Phay.de.phieb:s l 3 Curawaly lor sy.;• by N. 110L2KEP tr. BONES ..513 35 Mattete. BOOK TRADE. .One of 17., ATOat Remarlate Wort, ojtAe alga XTINEvEki AND ITS REMAINS, with nn veers. IN of a TM% to the Chandmen Christiana .of Earths. tan, and the mestdis, or D,vll-Wershipperai and an Inquiry into the Ilium., and Arts of the Anetent s. syrians By Austen Henry Layerd, Eaq, D. CAL. With Introductory Note by Prot E. Rolonson. D., LI,. I) Illuttrated with 13 plates and map., and Yu woad rum Ival. eye. ninth, 8 LSO. tiThe book has a rare aminot of graphic, vs, al. ptc• ; turetqueiturtauve "—Trthune "The toot Laiern to the most prominent eentrt. ' , noon to the study - of antiquity, teat to, uppeatod for , many years:n—(3in , lay eNot ore exec,. sa interert the uCCount NineVeh 1 Alta its Run., given ,hy Ms. Lnyard."—Washtuguart lutelogrecer. ,„ hypy, the t hepers with hresthiree interest to their ezdevationa, nun roddenly bra clar,eive• he• tore .nye Beare carved wan Minot.;. now Wong a. eigeotta bead from the darn of t :MOO year.. tt. riverraay to cry rut tatith due ntliershed 'Wolialz.. it 1- t'....1e.c,u1. hot liar" dependont rur tale by J A )11'.5 I/ LOCKW•4IO, eev :ft It 3 Wood rt_ M'ALLISTER,S OINTMEN T CONTAINING N 0 ' .....,-,?^'" .S. 7— • -•:, . hLERCURIfr other Mtn . ; ' ' ' c ' allic — lll h IARTIAT. A :------ e. ..-:.---.:,..CiruantEs'oes,94gstruWN Dig 1 4! ';\ -..."- —. EA BE% POISONOUS ] ~..- •'.:2. ' WOUNDS to discharge r , k ...__•„,-...., their rg u id i l' i t , natters, and' 1 ~,,,.., 4 =•;-•t• mm •g; .rmed , ''.--...' • 3 ' ..Lc ',A L ...ZANG, for, !- :g. ,, ,,i , . .., :'•,, . there. Ls ecs i r i eell n. a m t.. '' ',',il'''rfllV‘. ' ~.•• 'that nab tt w r i ' ll dot ''r benefit! ' 'l'. ,': -•- ." I have Wed it for the het hatted years for elf Wriasas or qte chest, bsvolving New Books. the utmost dame. and • ref ponslhatty, Wit , I declare . , . hereto heaven mad ea r that net In ono cue has It rplIF: WONIF-N of B.° old rolld Ncl* T°.°"°°°l" , felled to brusefit. when the patient's. within the reach I Baited by i'. B Sprague, D i ll. I 01. Bp. ‘ of ..,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,. " cll'ic "°°"; IN c ' cl i cic°° Y ' rdcbcd cllcl°°°P; I h ave bad physicians limrned.in H of We r. with deActiptiont. by retwbentoe Anterte.n Clan .... ' have ministers of the r eaps!, o f a( the honetlt el' PUEMB 0V Aht Wit n, thin, Weloy, of Ky.,) a „ new ! t 0 ,07 0 ,0, cooooomo of the h i gooo , 000, •old colagged canto', di...wined by ebatewtnr . 80. sad ono n ietadoh o f t he pop, ~,,, ir Ih every earhsra or 0"'1"1"clCnc by "''''' ' Col' ° l l..c° ' r°, °l°Plor. i laity end there h. ben but ono Waco—woe vole ly hound And get Also—A varier)' of iplenthd Ann.. ! vo i' g,iotti—nfiftALLlerEn, TOUR CONThIENT els and Gift hooka. Sewell's Child's Filar Book of Me Ifistory of Rome.] M iu G Tu i lto . " Ti t,m_r i ;o, mooos 0 k,,,,,,,, i mmo th,,,,o, •1 vol. teroo. the le gemination end Wweilhal, when the pain Owe.. THF. MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted Tor the , ,B. the oho ,. . oroi o ~.,.., , . We Of Calpenterl, Shipwrights, Wbeelwrighta, se. , .• ~ ~,,,....._...,,,_.,.. ~....ia—„, th ." yet's, Litratiormbn, Siudenta, end /initial' gorernlly: • ~.,,,...c.f`,;,.=7.4:.....,::::a7,41,,,,, CorWttiod , beteg a thorough and practical 'fro.. on Mew.- ,1,. 0 .. .;" ry ";;e • i - az • took gene: PAR.:, bon and the Sibling Htßr. By D hl. Koper. .1 y, . ' Adiir,To'3lll-ACIIE, anrittiA IN TIIB.FACE, !now'. 'Frannie on (nark etrae Contoognion. helped with Like success. Olmodoitt. • r...teroenbty Freneh ti rammer. By Prof . co PliaLD HEAD—W have cared case, that acmihy Greanni of Brown Übon tria I vul. latah ft ik,,,,,, AD' ki,,,,, ...el,. t h ..billty of es. '‘c""gc" "'""lcc‘ lOcl'rc'c'°'''' I ' Y °oo'c°o. , or w twenty doctor. mown , . moo told to be Itml spool Gov s' Halite oe I,zieon. enta era his childwirt wilhou soy benefit, When a faw Loomis—Bßrouornetri and Loglarleallic Tablet. I 40 ,.. of 0,...., eared them. wol lah•ae i TlL'''T•TER—There is nothing bother for the ears of The E-Ult 1601.0 Greek Concordance . 1 tot Bans- , . r .,,,...,_ . nor Anthen's Clarsie al Seals. i BURNS—It to one of the best thidga In the world .for ! Burns.,_ aN abater'' , D.etionitr. d ed. I vol. am I PILES—no... arerearly cared by this Oint- I do '''' un."'"g"• i '''' ". I meet. It tuna fails In ginug relief for the ?der, , B orer's N ''' "" d 40-o ° oo a" 1 3e" T`"""` . E) Around the box are di.di... toe ...i.l JP.O- 1 Whateiya Logic .__ • • • _._, ~ fluter Oineetwator Serefukt,Liosr.C.srdelni, Es7slP• .•• ', Scald Nadi Bel Fist, Cleiath, Nlosaewn't Ey...Lacteal ilittory. 3 vols. vo orP Vugee Cteation vol'lB,oo. , oroev among toe :esti,. at Robe. 1 vol. tololit aro/ totp.:o I oertnee where Ito, Tel:Oyler has Triumphed. 1 vol. tr:oth and parer.t ttuaLcls l'hcoltpeol Lemons. I voL 100. (e.01h.) ra Pronoult..too Ihtoo. ILlyerls Frot.eo 1), 1000101. Entort's Hyrum l'or .me It L.0v13 Apollo 8.1.005, Fourth . _ gf:iiIMOOKS JUST Het:EINEM —The worts o Montaigne, salted by H. Hall.; comprtsing his hdHoyti hems, ottd Journov through Gentians and Italy, with nose- from ski toc Coratuentators, thogloph- HAI and litbitograpoleal Notices, Sec. Taeory and Practice of T......chtn;; or, the Motives and illotbods of Good School.Keeptivd. by David Pine, A M. Painctital of tho htato NOrinni School, Athony, N. Y. Front Forester's Flsh soil F.shing of the U. Elates 1,4 LITM•11?(COolliC“ ur North Automa t by Henry Wm Harbert. JUHNh'FON U srOldiTON, noso corn: r Thad and Mottos ea_ The Olden; Time. AM EA LOdk Wool], B..ksener and Irnp.ler, 01 C. 3 I,Vuod Met he, fur sale tom . coniescoM. usotc, ,Mo'.erustnuo , ot the c‘ltoon.) ILLM valuetrle C. devouol to 1 . 0 l'ro•ClVAliOn 0. DOC4I.OIIU, and caner autnen.ne ..oirat,on tele , . the nil ei r.orottuna ,colowent owl Improvement el the @tun.) , mound. the head( ttc Woo. Of "motile D. Cruz, boq., of Pt t,ourg h , lu o 800. corne . d• D. LOCKWOOD. cie- KRions, Eaq lOomsooll r,veve sugrovlop, voted et Roo. 2 vols , TO, undo,. withv-rssooLt's MO./ries! NV nibs. Jot poblished and for sale Ly )O.OIEP 1). LUCK MAID, BookselteS sad nos Importer. 61 itt Pod s. 14-TANNY-litl buthoriliAl edition, 12mo 75 et.. 1100. FANNY EF7IRLF7O YEAR uF .3.INPULATION • Toe reading of this took has latp.sserl us with macs taper ovinton of its author than ws bed fermed from pentong lice other w rabic IT displays •deopet .toor of ough:, mined runToro pots woutaoty orate of feeling 01011 ant Othet production of the Gmole utind PO winch we aro acquatuted."—Egy Mirror TY 'lt is a eery ages couly and reedable boos, written In Fenny Ilemble'• best Ol .e—rld. spin.. sod eon.. t...t Puttig. We .en tin 0 our ...d.t• Lt.. publisabod of the season."—teadtem "It eoptsinothe loutonl of n upset thi push Papp°, nod Tendency or Italy . and is one of the picks... West and most interesting hooks of the senson. 7 —Guar. and Finedrer. -A very charectertstm book We have rood It front title pure to Colophon swanonstmtud interest. A st. yid melon oflnn in 00040, la all respect. eminently rl ehle. , -Anickerbocke r. ro l'•d *tile by J Attl 176 I) LT Tel:Woo!), thokeeller k IsooOner, It t Wood st Is CP K. i bluhdeug ‘F WM. SCIII 011NIANN. Third as opposite the Pittsburgh—Nisi, Lsod.vepes, Rol hemdt. Phowtan, Are Tanen:tool ond Machine Dr.ventse, llonloss and Vltitillg Card, do., engraved or drop II 00 0000. pint tooted rola, Sold, Mono or lilac', ot 1110 rup•l apprived stt it. nod o dm most tedomahle topes ociltkly _ A CARD. 91.ATEr111.: for the eery liberal encouragement 1 kj have reccived for .0 many yew., 1 to”„ dokr nulled to enlarge toy Ito.ltiona notteiderably. Raviluk oneauctla competent Forentou, 1 will or enabled to till all order. promptly, and tin the work in our urtual style and at anisertee., and a.k the etter.tion of a:tor ch:mi.. and ein. to my large. mac': .41. 1•11111.$ 111 lit PULL'S tool lied,. Motoun.c. Cat t.l Novrml.,l/ameolt. and Morrell, Co, Ltoolcrtago, :vitt and lto:1,111110. and ev•ry :uncle droally kept to an ea:l.l4l.4mnd of ttar ki.id. Older. reoper natty .oln-orn and pioluptly tended to. \. B.—Carpets mule sad pat do.on. ‘VPI, NOIII.II • ALLkOIINNY VICNITIAN 13LiND, I AND CA imicKr WA,LEAVDAI. J. A. BROWN would-reapent , fully Pal/MI /1113 public, that he keep. on Mord at hi. round an the weal WIC el 11e lhatuOnd, - ghony city, a Collllgele llt‘Ort• of 1. ',robin Mt:dein!. Ve moor. Semler. are mall to or -, """ tae beet °lyre, wanamed ennui to any to the Unilad lutes. - HIS ire 'removed limb - 0 . 4 41 4 a .crvw driver. Houma put elmied t e monk, tuodr, uud wood oh magnet es tatilleltment of tlarmayor Inudr I ILI/1 prepared to furnish 0.10 old ettAlOMcri, so well as the publiC lit t o veldt every thin sin moieties. A'ene No n Wood street, Passouralt. met riADER .11 from the martufactitters to Neve Vint, Phlhulel Phl• Eininmo., Nilo condi:en seemed nuort moot l am ' the latest and most improved styles do, g and common PA.PLIB.ILANGINOS, eon. liming c. to l! plec ,, s of Parlor and Fiasco; . . 17,01 - and Column: 111,00 Z S, • arairtoow, e a.mbet "tit Mae* Paner-4111oh I would putionlatly malts Me atterdem, of theme having houses to paper, - me ail Wad anazdzoi • 4% So Paw Warshosss.of s. ILIL, 87 yoga ISALTILICTI GINSENG PANACEA! 0 THOSE SUFFERING !WITH DISEASED L U NGS.—The unprecedented sawn which hass imolai Maui of the _ GINSENG PANACEA 0 ell the waitron forms which Irritation of the per: comes, has landed He preprint& again m cl bon tlas WONDERFUL PREPARATION. the chengalas weather which ractlatr fall and printer months, Is always Afraltfol muff of --- COLDS AND COUGHS. These, If neglected, as but the precursors of that fell lestroyer, • - ootsuarrioN. the rinestlen, then, how shall wo nip Hos destroyer in me bud? how shall WI get clear of our cones and 'IMO in of vital harettanne to the stabile. THE GREAT AND ONLY RFICEDY Tel bin found 10 the Ginseng PanaCea. In proof of Das have Horn time to hum odalsked the carodesarn._,.of dosera of our best mown citizens, who have tan encod cessuivo tamers . , Those, with a mnss7. dmorryirc O P a the oonnny -=trola MEDICAL EN Tor MIT STnitiDINO, Mmisters of the Gospel, Jut, togralar with Capial3 not from the JOURNALS OP THE DAY, we have CaehOafrd In pentadet form, and may Oa hal gnus at any s E =Musti.rowc oullj7. have been used lo THOUSANDS AND Vann OP THOUSANDS thronsitout the blotted States and Cuban, anti ws leaga cunt mesa 0 8l e ttrIPS STANCE u which, when takers wording to direct/mu, and bor le:: tanking. had became fatally dirrgt , "alt it hal EIFFEOT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need the aghoted bytes Why mon ts the nuAnrle nostrama gotten upopm bum& onln ts ler the 'same* name of some eo ehrated ph), Heine, .e puffed Into notoriety by cerdtioesee Cs pas. tons eqully unknown! Whilst a Mead. of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY to to be had, who vouchets are at barns,--oar =SW bors,—maray of whom it has SNATCHED FROM. THE GRAVE. In order that tits in-namable medicine may be placed watan the reach of the poor an well the rich, ow-haves poi the price at 01111. Y IJEFTY CUNT% text one half the mini cost alSeaanea town . 4 It le or vUlage e, the west, a for ss:e by our go are preparato r lve full infailna z4n re!atlve tn al. T. 9.3l.T.,PaaPriean. Broadway, Cumin.% Oh io. ir .alrz lam Totem Chilblain, .^----_ r .....- ...,... ib Son Throes, Bronekirom lOISVILI Aswo Paw. .Du v mit rfe. Spina, Head arks, 01acits,D11611.18., Ras as BUTS, Come, aU Diseases VA. SM., Sore Lips, Piro pox, 4.e., Ssetilusg qf as Limbs, Sore, Pilo,