The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 07, 1849, Image 4

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    ~ .~BG~Oi~S,
- Ticovltio etruzio.
ilk 13011 T• Mar years /since, I Weettravefing throesh
XL. Moamar Ohio; while anCnding a few &lent
ShareMll dismwered I angular !deltaic .suhatance, •
and eabseq.ently leant that jihad been knows for
yews/anti supposed Mao of a ntl i nee of eaten, btlfront
trlrrrserlve It Mat to made ‘ triral, tut ter
mite meow I had net the leant Met • I commenced
my ezpannerai by heroin it, boiling It, and pewee-.
Ming It, d ding It with venous substances;
end so etetel was cataract:abet:here was mane
la at, that I rave pmy online and means in the
ecs7 .7
of experimenu; and from that time
to *fir, I hero [sled to oct cobeebuldness; at tbeez.
piratiee of ahem two years. I finally discovered, that,
1:1 'mistral ft to s. fine powder and anfkine it with lin
estPoil ta ahopt the consistency of thick paintjand '
eePlllog this tortmound with e brush, tbstihrs coating
in a. few months would become • 'perfect mane or,
destine that the otbstance when applied Struaentally
slate in a liquid state, and the lame &meant of silica,
. Maims, magnesia and black oxide of Tres Mathews.
• tabled, rendered It boil weather and dm proof; as the
longer exposCd,the. harder, end more ,pent
Meese& to becone, • and u the coating lan Octit tern
.. .
• a coosequen yit
OM) is of hug. i.deamcUbf . ' yg , 7 „ at
protects I
re canted en it et c o , a ...
where there ano air Mere Is no blase ombat ,
therefore the caved
4111 aemslly char, tem Bun slate
eoveringedll give way. the .1,,i n.
I easaidared Me diecovery of gre tmpo
cads, and applied to general:etre Mr . p it ted fro . aly es di s covery, ondly boprg o a t:Lt a no m att u rt .
now be jewooorawd for all:lny anti yin_
nay. Tho government, WlthOttt soy ItOSIIIUOIL, grant.
cd to ma Letters Patent for the WI, right va manufae.
tun, sell end am my improsentt In the mairefacture
of • ',Weather and Fire Proof mpodtion or Ant
fetid Fate , far Mermen Years. W•
A4.,,,14.1egg5. M. BLAKE.
WF., the inhelltanta of Plaron, have read the above
statement of Mr, Blake, and b elieve it tiPbe statist.-
tinily correct. Lista areknoiring to molt of
tats m om t
ooterein contained; and we will farther , that
we do believe that there ever wet 1 petrel MOM
honestly and labodonely mimed, or more descrredly
granted; sa he pursued his experiments with the most
Dutomitablo perseveranceunder the most discouraging
eireanistances, is the public had not least COrkfi
dame that there could be any thing Valuable made
from the =balance. Ile therefore had to encounter for
Prom the jeers and scoffs of nearly the whole mm.
turf. rfotwithatandlog all this, he wee indefatigable
ibeßoyetn the prosecution
Mof Me expe .
ons, and we do not
that ere Is °nom in •thandvrhowould
have peisevered under ell the circuit:resume. But he
his it laattelnmphed over all obstacles: and eve be
lieve there 1s now but one opinion la actardific him
She merit of this valuable dinoVery.
GEO. W. CRANE,' , • , /stucco of
HORACE GIBB, ' ' the
H. W. HILL, a
. ' BENJAMIN JOKE, Township.
WM. EVERETT, Tnsent ip Clerk.
....... .
I bays amermined that them are individual. engaged
in dleghtmernding, and prepering fer sale, the above
[stemmed MineraL tobe mixed:ith oil, and used pre
cisely es t use my patented article I Lave been to
those perverts and shown them my patent. They say
they do not trucedms tofringe or trotpana Upon my
meat.; that they. have . right to dig, "rind, and
owder, if they cm Gad poretimerr, that they are not
bound to know wear they are to do with ix that it is
no inhingement emit it is mixed b oy), e oil to make
metpod; and that those who mix and Use it,
ma take the respittaibLlny. Most of them say that
they believe that the patent le good against those that
mix and meths compost* a nd acute hate said that
what they wanted to use they stimattnettainly purch
ase of ma,asy way. they did nal Intend to make thcalsolVor
liable in an Now I Het mysel f Ind uty hoond to
eMle b tld y
.. s bLeeitere:fraertawon% the publi ll e s s . le me .a .
ettives pay for an article , the use of w moo
hich ha d well
hoots subjects the purchaser and um to a proses
lion and fine. Some of those to
am engaged in this
mfatioas vale, will ormaestionably. contend to the
pablie that my patent will not stand, and that I deb
not proemnte. Now, to take this argument away from.
them, I went to SOW! of them who were proclaiming
that any patent was of no value, and made the follow - -
fag proposition: that they might select &ledge and two
Lterler• who have had wee practice in poem - oases,
end we would submit the patent to them, and if they
decided that the patent erns good, that they Mould stop
all farther proceedings is - Me bnitincesi but if they
&mid decide Mat it would not, in their opinion, hold,
I would agree to let them go on and sell ell they cad.
without WINE toy thing to the pabile about them.
Thin Proposition they woild not accede to. So far 113
the validity of my pawn is: concerned. I do not de
entirely anent:ay own jadmaMt., although I ham
the /aloft ociadome in it; but I have submitted it to
mow of .the Mdse., and several of the War eminent
Peleet lawyers. who bare, without exception, decided
that In thew opinion Barna grad, and meld protect me
m my discovery. ,
I Mind the article test sine power and pet it op in
barn's, the which are marked: "Malts Percer Elm
atto Weems. Patio. Almnctlx. Bier..
I therefore give notice to ail who buy and [mettle
+hem mentioned mineral for the purpome set forth, in
my patent, except front me or my mews - Med agents,
Mat t shall hold Monte a smet accomtability, and
: elan cognomen suite et law against those who thus
•infnregg Noon my debt. - . . WM.. BLAKE. ,
' Sallate, Medina Co.. 0., Aar. lei 1519.
E-TWO TONS of theabove Plot and Weather
Proof Artiatial Slue on hands and for talc. The
•abom we can recommend, for we have been using it
for some 4 nem, and know it to be what n is ear forth
In every particular. J. k II: PHILLIPS, Agt.
notrydlm Noe Woo
E. H. EATON & CO.,
No. fl Ifointt.h etreet,-.Pittiblargb
Rafe vale in Store their Intl assortment
Trimmings, Glom, Hosiery and Late Goods
ADATTED to the Imam of evergelass of Merchant*.
and Consumers. No pea have been mated it
present Me awed
moat tabionable;atgle
Goods in their line. Their mock' cousins innate the
Fringe, and Gimp.. of Warp 'lately , Dow styles
Aimed Galloons; .I,.lgeene and imperial Breda; wide
'and maw Silk and Worsted Embroidering Braidr,
.le.d . and eurXelvet Ribbons; plain do do; Corded
Maritsa andplen Patin Ribbons, for rim/Ming; black,.
white aadaolored Silk Laces; <SIM wide do do, for
donneas. with a fall amine:eat of Drees Rano.;
Dimims Pinked, Stamped a Embroidered to order.
Embroidered Lace and Malin Capes, Chernisettea
Breakfast and Retiring Cape and Ralf Sleeves, /Yeah
Worked Collars and Cairn in eat variety; Lae Veda,
Lappets and Opens Tier, Moaning ChCadiritel, Col
tan, Clair and Ralf Sleeve; Laren Lawn Fides,
plain embroidered and kesestretted do,plain Linea do;
real timed Laces and Edgings; le. do do; Bobbin,
Liale,lace ?Justin and Conon Fannin. and Inserting.
Rich new aspic Mallet Ribbons, French Pace Flow
ers, Ronne Tem, Velvets, Sarins and Sorerees, Silk
Maims and Tarletona, Rennet Frames and Tips.
Bestmaneactere, wish mist approved fastenings,
andeureest Colors. An extensive assn .:tent always
'on Mad.
.A paid variety of Silk Wool. COLIOLI, Menno sad
Cuhmera, for Lathes and Mister Tartan Wald*. and
• fat &awns:Lem other styles (anCY and plain -Child
ren's Hose; newest styles Infants , Baum and Soeinq
Gents' Grampian, Vigonia, klermo, Couniknod We
Wool Half b.,Gu 61,0459.
A fall amortment for men, women sod children,
worm& which ase Derby Ribbed, Poloserle and plain
Bilk; ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Der.
Die, Camintere, Merino, For-lined Beaver. heavy and
Ana IMakekin, Military and lisle Thread and Cotton.
Bush as Ladles' and Children's Mods, Children'.
. Woolen Sant',Bait Scarf. and Boas. Chaldreu , s Gan.
ors and Long Mitt., Worsted Cade, Kninlng Wonted.
and Woolen Ya ms, Canto/WI. Comforts, also, fine
Cashmere Scarf., for Ludo*.
zephyr and Tapestry IVorsteds, Canvass Panama,
Floes mar Lhab`g Silk, Brim! and Perf'd Boards, Pa.
par Plower Materials, La/00 Ma., Tidies, nod Em..
broldered,Work. Alan—Ladtes' Silk and Merino Vests
- and Drawer.; Embroidered Sack. and Flannels. French
. Wonky-dr:spa and Waists rot Infants; and Swan's-down
••• 'Fine Palmy Cram. and Collar.; Melina, Silk and
Cotton Wrappers and Drawers; Saspender. , Sbna Mar
: . Brazes and Dressing Gownin Silk nod Liam , 11 , k 4 1 1
- Gleam alsd.llostery. .
French patterns carved and plain Abell Bock Combs;
• Buffalo and; Shall Side and Long Combs Ins.
L.. do; llodralo, Satin and Rosewoml Hate Brollies, Shell,
• ' Dello an d Eng. Born Dressiag and Wm Marl' CM...
• Imth an awortmeat of Nail and Teeth Wash.
• WatherilPs "Gehl Modal" Perfamery.
L. . .
Needles, Pi., Tapes, Steel Bags and Parse*,
Batton. and Sieel Goods, WSW Aire
Parse Twist sad &win. Inn Rosewowl Desks end
. Coll Bindinp B Galloons, Fancy - 16'0W Bullets
- • . Cloak Cord nod Taitsels,' • PorilabosTrapienres and
. Wind &Shade Trianrdngs, Ladles , Stationmy,
I- Polon I Banner Tassels, Wendt Cork Soles;
UpluistereS. Fringe., Silk A. (harm Umbrella.,
Balf User, m'd andths, Papar Masl ins B liollands,
- FAO. MU Cloths,' FJastic Bands B Webbing,
Piga Mats Mama, nor and Shiva Latent.
" ---- ZIEW AND VALUABLE itivi:NriuN!
Parsirrea,Dsentau 19,1&9
alms 11 an article of peat value to al persons eo
gaged in bottling, or to those who are alrend)
`bath, awl are wittiest window goatee • It. White i
fartoshca • perfect sabstitate for pulite. d weight.
tt savisiet et at least Si ro pub triode , k atToak
he safest fastening that has ever been broopt Lai
ipptce Witty and COUTOMORGO or We Bp 'ng over al
~adaerta ia, that by one thumb Pee., ho • 0 0 1 . of I b.
?window een be raised or lowered. it RN • es out •
kOOlllllO be appreciated.
Persons wiskityr to bay the article, or t• bay
pet into: Ikea windows, or the alglii• of Sin
copal. in this State, may appty to the. • bee ni
the PERRY HOUSE" on the - Allegheny one
Dank Pa" .1. s. URDU
orivid3tei • 0. P. APO
at Yr,
.VnlWl. I—RevAt nue
ClnnoeVe Carpet Warehouse, N. 7 FC.I
heriler supply ter.Carpets, a the West d e
proved atria., tow hich we invite the uten
Steele/Mem:4, ond those wishing in R
to eat l and exa mi ne the large. astorttne t de
orhielt,wo will sail cheaper than ever be re off,.
We western owrltet. • wwl7 W 141' INT
- -kitisha,
earn 1•0
rea 7lll4a.-
W l ig Ye !Lir! to
t rr PJZ p 1
Ildlmt Lang Shnria; black IntobLines, eon
Danes, Perrin Cloth, black Coberp Par
i,LW•re.. Moulds Lain and }lunch A cries
Crean. and Moaning Hoards Hon
neck do and a fell as
of Mt
13s Hene PL AI N so: BLACK SILK
A nags anonyms; includtat.. fear pie es yen
and Wiped°. Buren are innmd tone at tht
North East comer of Fourth an Mark nu
Witeleaahr Rooms up mini, who'. 1 .3.
sou of N• Goods has 'step been ree med.
We lane ban Informed by Jam of a e
Amu:darker by Dr. Jaysee AI
novae tts saperiotity over even tither rem:47
bad. Ste Lee been Wanted for the la sixteen
with elonatioas dad eefoliattoo a ,iL a. boo
etaVollelttatto May plwas have ban . tarat
Dm *tonal Isnot of , the Greaten, fons oth het
eirsen mad bawls „sad from both leas, d frost 1
lesoorte , bozo. and from the right ka A ct
eleeel en man of of ha person, w h have
WI sell of a sambas off o mon =Me rado n .-
OP anl—darted moa the time ber have
'DNA Iliinnaltal .anddeplonbla A three months
slue she ley mega ie trf PLJaI73 ''s Altered's,
legal boa had an astonnaddX 4 tappl t Pea IT,
A Zan to healght ale and e
at the alma tatteVr G eralgail
has batten owsplenty natoredise that a e ZlOWWelltele
11 5 The Wen than she dtd begins she eenetefteed the see
or thle Way valanthd prepatant-{ Pat. Ede. Post:
Vol farther laref, lavas of N». , No. LW
Malt di, rtnadg pl akA'
lor este Is %41 the PIMIN InflitE,
rd POWS OS erm yi - WI
Dr. S. P„
tde mestliondernil !dieing pi' *edge,
1,500,0 00 BOTTLES
RIM Ifedtana la pot eta to chose tioeths
sad has sad sass Sus
100,000 Oases of Chroolo Diasais,
.itooto tho bun. Tea Voiam.--Nose Ganda.
. togas "Wad by M. P. TOWNRISD.
- the MS will fear tha sigh, or rather where IS
nape for making t h e stud they all Old Dr. feed,
Tassand's Seassailla. cos Ism—ad SUS ehh
to Judge which le the sonine eat SOS, add the
honesty of the men who ere employed in &hog tt
the orsillal Dr. TosteadS Smesilla. Dr. IL P.
Tosses:l was the Seal ad Sass of
Dr. ISrateate has o dIL - hL mallets has
shed a mutation tka2 no other remedy
_ear gainaL
He ustuhaared ors as I:Mood boats het year,
.44 k nsad.ctozingpow. 030 ball.. P. 6 7.
We - am wore btash ....I.lallow Doric moor
estatillduneat NS day, es all the other Sampoilla
hlesedertarare In the world. Prlodp.l Oho; MS
CYry soi Gray
_of Efairlrerk, Res.
William ArmatrthW, of ho old belug_ta.2
Monk, ashdoor end 4that ha a
Drone! and Math& That ions thaw In tgiarar
put hfa ,seat
at , Zum i l t ath • stm .. lettst k uarne
panspbbt psddler, upon &paean% It the lear
of hire Thompson No 4.3 landentetreet wham dePs
nerd been:led, wad moaned dessirent to write I,a•
mpaha a limp of BareinerillA
D. ihrthar aye, that he beam. ennobled
aid Townsend el the ofbe of Theodore Taster;
Sao, Bask Minim; with ado= sall Townsend •
dealt That said Townend bad had frequent manors.
gong with deponent respecting tb• mtholuture d an
atioloof Sarsaparilla to b• aold under tin roma of Dr.
moo std boob Townsend.
Townsend naiad ha ea. an old man and
par, and was not at for bard labor—end eased to
Lake 74 some menet,' to Order to lira awry to old
0 end ihntlf Stowlenrals %odor the wand Town
Sand wad 0 walk and st each mow , was nude by
he could the no-reeson why he eight not make
fadesac oht of IlFda name balm Townswasij
e.d gat a tos pars. to prowls •
and onstufacture le .
Deaceent orse=
sonearsattona &shad said Tersrusend if he was rebind
to Do Toartherral to which he robed, that ha
knew Dr. IL E. Towage:id would ho down =be Oar
Eth i ould conthuntina. Bit that ha did not era be
in ha had bread • ansartnesidp with sea who
Asinialt thisnetubrita mounded copal—ant we
amd to dermal Pineal( against nny attack
that pM eighth. , made on his.
Depooant further Lays, that panuant to this sequel
of aid Jecoh,Towteand, he erne, a noire for the
seundsotare ola Syrup of Samapartib, and gave it to
Said Tawn• obeerred Una ha wanted to
'mato a spears. to ...Whit to Ida partosm.k. their
.... dtearTral, ato elated to than in every thing,
- 1h futhishad all the Towered .ho
told deponent that W. they o'.n to um were
to be or tn. sua alt. and dupe so Dr. 0. P. Town
ordh, and deponent, at th• noon of old Jacob
Towthend, amt to the cake of Dr. a P. Townsend,
anal procured one of has bleb •
And deported bather says,that ha has teen throng.
ad, and warily believes the Syrup of Sanaparldla sold
es Old Jame TowlearaPs. 1911611 .Der tha ricips fur.
netted by diapason; to Jacob Talmo:at, se .!amid.
And turd= deponent. with
. 'WV ta ff y
I 0.000 to hearth es, Was WA day of May. MS
. C. S. woonnuu.
Mayor of the City of Nee Yarit,
gam Is prof oreechaire 60 Dr. S. P. Toerseend%
Itureperale le the csigiraL The
moo al the mad respectable paper.= taiegm
Albany rifylny Janznal.
Dr. Townssica's Bartapexale.
There protetb . hes been so populate remedy,
or must m es Dr. Tavel:senate Perearaills.
wbUla wee 1
y, sad continm to ho mural.
tuna in this city, et first by Ile Doctor himself, oril
afterwards for several years and to the foment time,
byClapp lc Towneead th e mean proprietors Since
partnership wee formed, the Doctor has melded in
New.Tork, where to Store • more, and attmite to the
business m at enelonStlatet M the/ point The mann
factoryle La this city; and to conducted by tbniunior
=4 hl.. Clepp—hoe ill the emileine le ownitfec-
Fes of our cilium ham any Idea of the , amount of
thisneediethe Una b simmtenbared ani Snide+ !
the sale. in this coustmlt bt to the Canslas,
'Wear Wiz Ishind• South %01013 s. and even to En
rope, la comblemble quentitles. At the menutectory ,
they employ • ettion angina betides • lam number
,of mea, aroma and pule, In the ?rewash:a of the
medicine, =kb, beam, prbeing. l dm" and tam not
'road y foe thiptent, over /DO damn per day, or nearly
dooobothes. Tide le exa eronnonequentity.
The great We the medicine hes ampthed, men
aimed a number af ciente met uplelliatione, en
la et the present thees, otW"luedielnee for sale, tha t
ere called " Dr. Twernsessin Seremerilla . One In par.
tinder started a Mort time ago in blew Turk. 13 celled
Old Dont...Web Tob y EarcermilUnd on
parently with eken, by dna of adverttsing, and the
usual rented's. resorted to ha such aorta to eppropri
to the mine of Dr. S. P. Taws:man groat .
and thus gain all the
e dvsumgee mmiting trim the
ty of the nam which he boo acquired for it.
wandpatbrid, end weessalwabderra Dr. B. P.
threietlY •al thie city, es U weft kowern,
t,, , a d t the inventor end original proprbetor of .the
known a "Dr. Townsman Seremerilia
end ire think those panne who are Munapting eell
their article es lb* gerrolue, eliemla be eaposed.
New Twit Daly Tettnanan
oCle. W. ',alining an advertisement •bladrertently
mos time dna that did to p:dice to & To
who b the original proprietor a( do preparation
of Sertaparala 'mown am Dr. Toornftendla Other
settles bees within the ped Net manna engaged or
oontneted thetortirca with • Es. by the mew of
To•rttoon• who pot op • medicine end by the
' pot
nnedicicte ten advertised in The
Dra , en ma T hin adeettirement . D o
Lsonar an the character or r.
& 'Femme and then of tnecontoe. W.
apposnod, end in justice to the Do. soar ee
New Tarte Dolly Sam.
Da. Tow.."nes estmordinerf divernmethrthdldth
adapt. an emire page of the goe, will not temps
naive. Dr. &P. Townard, who the original pro
pea. of Dr. Tovemendi Sandpuilla and whoa of
rim a nexidther to MS, whore Na h bmo for ...r
yeare, to driving an tothieli. taaran He maims
on km than km hundred dorm of flarithedlla par
day, and even Ude =omens quthtlty does tot .ppoiy
the deemed. No medicine ever waded to `re m a
popularity ea Ma Ragweeds:l of I= Hie
edition of ebastare for lath cod $21,W0, and he
ha pad the New York Boa for elthyllong, to the
lad fouweare, ram slo.olo, and be acknowledges
/the...ea the amp= edvertning ba We had do=
Tina medicine ie exported to the Cathedia. Wool
t 0.., &oath America and Europe, in yonsiderable
quintitim, that to cone= into guard me la Wm
nomad; as well le YAM
91401 1 / 4 1.
Draggled and others that all Banapatilla for the
ganef= and original Dr. Townethrs B•l3 , lplraß
that is not Limed by S. Towneerd, commits a fiathi.
tad aerludine the thadoomm. Men that would be
guilty of each = .at. world commit any other fraud
-and co Droggio of roam= Intalligend but know.
that ours le the they perdue.
Old Jacob Townsend.
dm. maple who or. not well informed, and ham
rot dud the mai not an edmetireethata
hare be= to trappothi,
_that became these then ad
melee th ole stud ea "OW drab Terwesende," that it
mot, of comae, be the ''ideal It le lda men om
y 6 stow uay e ms...a to. =he their medicine
6.n eat Men In the market over tau ye=
glins OH Jamb Tovramid.
ere endsmodag pabo off an the =Mk se
ohl Phydclot, Be is ant • regular educated
Physician, and tamerattaapted no mantifactare • the.
telna, rune them lined hlm for the am of ha
ranat They 11 . 2:E i l WI with the people to be.
Item that thele is dud or the mem—bot
lb. bettrrto pulthr. they of the mime time
marl that it le m. Old Dr. Toentwedi,
original t end =dame to mike the pea* believe
that the and they and mu. le the Dr. Dammed'.
SumplselO that boo preformed so mmy wonderful
cum for W. part Lour, alsel .hic . t o k.
X= 11 e otice * tiesa villabatha mdk t =food
We bare 'moved a= Lydiaa. then so= for
=nog= We dd. It lobo ndsodied, tef= old man
ano Mee= to Dr. Towmardwhatever ln thine ad
vortiermente and cintudirer Des7 2 pdbilth • thts.. l l l .'
gma tthethand regarded Dr =mend, which we
. win me &Alm
/Ws Report.
tint oppansaft publithed the papers, that
Dr. S. P.Tommairso Thb they seed to their
althat tlie.maddsT who report that we have
En up beaded, ka. 00 ..
The public &mild be on
" guard, ...a , oat be deceived by thele
" pled tram . . .
NOW Rameal.—/Ifter the Ant of September,
11101, Dr. Id. P. Twermendb New Tort. Office will be
in the Booth W laged Cltheh, No MI Neratietrest,
add= is nod undergoing a tbamegle change,
will be deed thr the better eoO.oW.l,dn of the pro
pleb= and th talilth
Tad Necie.—No rrapatllL ,N the
M o= andargLaserwardi lareepeala nn
A a ar..—alaa & C.,"afa: a Mata-trtrent.
bf Z. ilidae. /oNet. Candatneert. Horton ',Samuel
A 161L ' Loma ; Henry Palk Salem ; home B.
- Otant. Woreastur Allison k Gann, Knutord
d Afar
them Balch% Sun. PenaKeetea nr t el brsr,gr
for awns irmurrally tbroughon Om ant um to.
e tYnt
re at %Aka and the Cmels.
Pitt. For mile by R. K SELLFitS, Sole Agent for Pitts
,gb; U.N. CURRY, Allegheny;-A. PATTERSON
r annehaut. ' • matO.nal
- - -
1 bleamta, Mercer co., Pa., Pept Wt, 149
R Sellers: Dear Sir. 1 holight one bordc ilf your
4, Nerotifuge at the Iron Oily former tar. or this Mare,
din .and it has performed what ere enosider out horst • Iron.
OK derful cure ,'one. of my buys eight years old; be hod
been unwell for soMe. years, so touch to that I bed alas
en up all hopes of his reeoerry. I was adv, t red by° to
above of my neighoon to try bottle of your Vent:dreg. —
Block and lam happy to Inform yon of It having the dented
log AL effector .lieving my son. lie purred, in the short
.blt space or, IC4 wort., Sorod of Ite
ack ing es mach o s IS a nd II Inches long Ik e bound on
let Rib- Justice in give you the above statement, so as you may
termer make aux use of my name aua you think proper.
'et, respectfully.
JalloN.l S. ll.rrta.
7 wide (13Prepared and wild by R. ESLISLERIL Sr Wood
tam, at trees and sold by Druggists generally lot the two
calms • nenss
n .. ,,,re; • FE, e lf ott L jn fLlS ,. ..-ci3 a. ea i s u rlue and Pet, }el
re Der. 0.13 - ---- 119 Wood et
r . dh UARLET MOUS. OF. LAINS—W It Murphy has
Of the Q
San reed a lot of high ealered Moue. de Lein.
I Year. - sorb as Cherry. Scarlet. to, et the low pace of 25e.
daadad pee yard. Also, Plain Drab, Brown. do .at tad to 101
les.des geete per.yer. and a large assortment of nut WyWs
kd (mm fixated Moat. de Loins, at VirtOtt II prices, together
rums, with a choice eseonnient of Urets Goods generally,
tha left r ya, ea panty Silk. Fretteh Merinos, Cashmere,
O lth2fOf Coteszgaand Lyaueso Cloths, at the .
balled If. E. comer at Fauna and Market rm.
11 °.of Wholesale Rooms ap stain. • north
LARD 011,-13 bbla in at fe"B'E ale
• Non Wood street
- 1...1NCE, Npper, Cloves, Plummeas, Madder and
Awith a Reastal assonstrat of all km. of
firOcerica and , Plusbaral, Manufacmrad articles, on
tend and for sale by W& R hdeccrrcii EON, -
nova .1141 Many at
V - IDOONI3—A tedlrimornnent raed per
exples. Also, Gimps, Fringes and
00110 A A MASON & 00
• Paseangor and Randittanc• Olaea.
isHAN OJ)EN & continue to bring persons.
from any part of nutland, Ir-land. Scotland or
Wales. upon the most liberal terms, ',hill their
eattalpunctuality and attention to the wants and ode,.
fort of enna4rants We depot allow our paasengers to
be robbed by the onedling - scamps that infest the sea.
p01y... we take charge oftfient the moment they re
port theraselees, and ilea to their well being, and de
spatch them without any deteefnan by the ring shipa.-:
We any t h is fearlessly, to we defy one of nor Omen.
gera,to show that they were detained 48 hour* by al in
Ltverpool, whilst thousand. of others were detained
until they could be neaten some old craft, as a
eh'p rate, which too frequently proved their coirma..
We intend to perform oar contracts honorably, cost.
what it may, antinot act an was the ease last senaga,
with ether citbeers,—who either performed not sh y er
when it suited their convenience.
Draft. drawn at Pittsburgh for any ram from. iff
cria .b d i , e4L oti a:z d o .n ftl d le , rl . lrin .. provi n cial Hanks re.
bbtropean and General Arent,.
fahl VIM oitrOlt.nno door tu01n..1. , ,,
_ _
lExclusively for Pungersj
are informed
On" l ntS r na l "
1 the tat
recrrto the uenrm Raillondfrom Lew.
Istown to Ilerrisburgh, and (rum thence to Philadelt.
Item by:the liarrikhurgh and Colamlea Earl Road,—
lay tr h, o ew ¢rt.gemenl pas:monde.' will go through
orm OAT ADO 'D.Lit. heretofore.
Toe Pukets of the Line are new and of the beet
clue Thu route for safety, speed and comfort,. the
tnikat preferable now 10 au to the Eastern cities.
RatPßoads are all puked in_ day lerlit. 'roue,
dale. 'Pt re, Ten Dollars. Fpr information apply 9
W P11 . 11:11, Mono
te.Cl3.tlngahela Moo.
— .ECU auartisuo.
logbasay Itivars
Acadia slaw .tat fast ruaniar
tax. Master, will tan as 411147
pted) between PITTSIIURfiti
011 opening of navneatoot
h 1
c rave* West Newton loon e
ry niurniug at k.
re) from Wharf Bost above
l carry evening at 4 o'clock
Agents on Loma Ow IVltarl
beet; built expresaly for II:el
, andtlio publiel way rely
T - m " .". 7.0 ' t1y to the mule,
"n l l gair a r ric7tion poi! to .11 way
• • - •Piligkilitsi
THE packet lIF.AYER„ Capt. Stanley . , will lesiva
Beaver nagularlyMonday, IVestnewt. and
Friday evenings at& Y. on
M., and at Young•town.
next morning are ti.block—returnlng. lenses Young.'
town Tuesday, Tticrsday and clans.. evening.. S
P. M ., and rea ch Beaver in foe the morning boat.
ALLPAIIIENT CLIPPER, amving at Pittsburgh at
LI o'clock.
The packet lIARKAWAY, Capt. Downlng, -writ
leave-Deaver Tuesday, Thursday and btattatisy eve.,
Ing• at 6 set/MIMS, Leavy New Castle, Iddnilay,
Vs edneaday and Friday evenings at 6 P. M. also con
necting arith the mamma boat ror•Plusburgh. • '
Them pac acts are fitted op in complete order, ese•
Sag fino accummodatiOna for passengers. and .kippers.
may rely on more ponctuainy .d greater despatch
than hallietore beer, Cobtlilled On these route& •
K M. FITCH & Co., Propnetor.
J. C./laths-all, Again Pituburgh.
a: Dr., " Beaver.
A. D Jacoba 3 " Younplowit.
R. W. Canninaham,••New Castle. •
The elegant steamer, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, .11
leave &liver. dad,' at 11 arid Pittsburgh at 3 P.
runniug in connection with the above boars. • juls
jall. 1849._
Wm. and otsv.tand Pa•song•rLiss.
Canal Packet—SWALLOW.
of ante above Pectins leave Bearer c;t47
O inundaga excepted) and arrive next mornin
gg at
Warren, when they connect with the Mel Stag. for
Akron and Cleveland, anomie at each of these place.
before tught. One of the packets leave' Warren lly
It 5 P. M., and woe at Beaver in any to take the
noun, boat for Pittsburgh.
C E S LEFFLY(rWELL A Co, Witrren
' Pro
comer Water and tirontiGeld all
aatiMli 1849.
051 TILIG P55511PA AND 01110 CAN A.LA
Comer.. t Cummumun,llotttond.“ 1 p ea
R. G. Palma, Beaver, PA -
THIS h.. 5 . Pleftwed on the options a oast
gallon, to transport freight and Passes.. fr.
' , art sBURGH and CU:tad...At:o! to .y poste 01
the Canal sod Lakes.
The fof the Boots , saantpowt , l atusber,
quality an d r,. of ts, ...Attlee oi cap4siltto.
and efficiency of Arr..
One Boat lenscarinsharghandOlarelmad ran.
tuna att connection with tat steastiert
Ilmareen Entaltri and Ileaver,•udot hoe afoot olao
Btomacto, Pstpacts and Veloels Lciles.
Aamers-lit (I Parks, Beater, PS.
50. Bald•rip, ipangslotrn, Ohio.
Taylor, Warren, - - - • .
Cyrus Prenusa,
'Matelot & Co, Akron,
Crawford & Chamberlin, C And,
Sears & Griffith, Ballo,
Office, rot Water and limithAeld Pitub erg&
Steamer MICHIGAN Ne. 3--'9Ft; 011 . 1 . -
o LAKR PAM, G .° °"'
'ruin otore regnlar 00.1 well .kpon Ireasetfa,,k
1w havccoutate...l dstlr
sod fr om prober, 101.1 will tOlll.lllOO w t tun between
Pinsbargh and Ikaret regalialy daring ex sesson,.
Michigan No. 5 lease. f,:ittabargh daily at o'clock,
A. N. and Ilea - ter at 2 „o'clock, P. M. Lalre Eno
leaves Bearer daily ate o'clock, A. AL, .5 Pittsburgh
w 5 oAlock, P. M.
r ha-• steamer. will nto connection wie,
l'acket Line, for Erie;
Taylor & War
Cod ciestiand;
Clarke & Co'. Pittsburgh and ClevesudLine Freight
R G Parks Sally New Castle Packeic
CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beavtf, Agents
JOHN A. CACCIIEV. Ac<m , Plflrharf h.
um 1.31 Wirtz and tinuthbe ins
IPHE Proprietors of Pas old eetabbsbcd. and pupate,
dady line, eonalsting yesrrEr-v Grat eines Canal
Boats, owned by thentee and running At eunbes•
don veal, •tLe mean boots DEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, ore .arleil to oder a.etptalled foxe , ttee for
Ote tranlartrolnu at lrerett and pasouseta, 00 the
opening of Cute! ....gallon; to all panto wills.- l'tno..
than and Ohio s/111 N. York mods and the Lake.
PITCH & Co, Clevelaud
Agents, Beaver
J. C. BIDWELL, Agent,
Water street, Po tiburgh
J. IBILW WC. mute
Plitrtturgh. kleaser
F Warding gkunts,
Agents for the Pitteburetandeleurland Lstae, ratt
burgh and Erie Liar via Ertl', and
jr vote:
Lorits Braver era Caleb Ceps.
Ira tong purchased the large !suit sobs:shunt WWI
80111 putt built 'Cr the Monongahela Nehru , . here
with the. addittott of • Warehouse, the most touple sc.
cuthmodatious fur rectuvlsot and furventdium, sutl
pledge their utmost sttpuou,prottrOnens alidde•pateh
to colter/rumen. to Uri rare, and rely on Ora trecielr
for • trial. Mart:Ally
alga Mil 1849.
Olt Established lane.
cIIIIE Proprietor of this well known Lows ot Canal
I Boom, in now prepared to transport Po.-rnger ,
and Freight to all points on die brie Extension, Neu
York Cunals nod the Lutes, upon the moo fovorabh
tennis and withsdespatek.
H Tlys lane runs in connection with tlie steam how ,
and CALEB COPE, betarren Powburgi
and Beaver, C M Reed's Line of steam boats anti Vox
solo nn the Lakes, and the TOY anti Michigan Lai.
Boat Line on the
C.o Nw York canal
M. REED,'Proprieuir, Lite, Pa
Bidwell & Brother, Agents, Seaver.
T Mather, Agent at J Meektmen's res.-net
(Are, Monaagalsela House, Pittsburgh.
CONSIGNLES—W C Malan, Sharon', I It & S 1100,
Sharyabarr, South & Dovriung, do' J DV Pitirnine,
West Greenville; Wick, Achre & Co:do, m Henry,
Cc, Davis &Sutton, Buffalo; Barney, Gibbs &
Co; SandurkYt Jos A Armstrong, Detroit, Kirk laud &
Newberry, Sheboygan, bl'Clurc & Williams, Milani/1
km; Knap, bluffer & Dutton, Racine; John gins, e,
ClacmoiA Wherilovt Co, New York. spd
Pritsblirgh to Plaladelphsa and itoitiorioro.
lE i telosively for Passengers f
T".:i5tu0u.•.`7,71'.11 .11,- Nf=y d
The boats of t ' hu 1,1013 me of a superYir Liars, won
enlarged cabins, which will give giestra comfort in
boas wi alwas lie irr port, sod Garen-. ark ye
sted to c• 11 1 l and y
examine thanbrtOte engag in g inY•
sago by other routes. Tory will leave the luidnig,ni
pone the U. S. Hotel, earner Penneve street and Can
ry 510 o'clock
rlie."4l Days.
For takg..tiob,opply di. 0 , I MOnangahell
Uottep, et In v 1.3.PL0 ir.. 0,0.1141 Sawn
N. the propriety. of the' thorn tame si;e now
building, addMonal fano of Packet., to run an 'hove
On or Jane Ist, ta connection with tho Pennayl
rani. Railabout
Road from Lards:own to Philadelphia. At
that time a packet will learn ovary morning and even
ing. Time thcolF r it, If MIA inc
algal 1849,
( pm&
For the trarisportir inn 0 ere smart,
nod un four sectlonbronanlo floats over lona la via
-1 lob—to shippers of merchandixo, regaling careful
handling, tins is of importance No charge Made for
receiving or Go ping s or for advancing charges. t i lt
goods forrranled d'apatek, arid on as reasons e
towns so by any other Line.
Canal Ballo, Penn al s rittsburgh
marl 2.0 Market 1;64 I onion:cc at, Phila.
lienN MerADIN it CO3 tfl;Tr—aidEng and Comm.
Iderehanw, Canal llnstn, Penn at, Pinsbargh
JANES DAVIS & Do, Floor reward end Coterste.
sloe hlerchstate. 227 hl erh a ant ` a
Coalman< Weal,
Philadelphia. marl
10"Advantees made by ',tater of the above on Doer,
Wool and other mereha , one nominal to ahete for
s ale. marta •
MD mitts". of PITIBBURG II and ne vicinity nee
JL• reepecifidly informed Wu we have 00 Co6.otelloll
wall *it) , other Western Exp..... nod are 808 , Pr .
paste 40 forward PACKAGES, MERCHANDISE, ie.,
truntalostrst, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore,
• u. Pin sintegttnnd other Western Cities, with enranr
dinar expedition and Iseastrnaaka caattoge.
Al Will/ MOM we have associated wok us Dr. W. 9.
NVe,irn {LPL who was for fifteen yeas" supecintendentof
the Isnlximore and 0100 Rail Road Company; Bowan
Kaiak bviEsq., foe mut) , years principal confide/Biel
'egelt or the Post °Mee; sod G. W. Core, E.q., of
"Eroweeville, Pa These gentlemen will pre per,onal
septet vion to the Line from Baltimore to niusbergh.
Frout•Phtladelphia we shalt coo THREE Daily El
press tams, anteing at Pittsburgh respectively in
Two, Three and Pour Does. Oct Taro Day Line will
eurtut mail speed, and ie prinelOMlP
sod ye:ankle Packages. We &halt Invariably ISCOSIPI.
for mit and OM.
We have an arrangement with Meyers. EDW.."
which we can forward Packages to, or transack Emu
. Issions hi, Great Britain, France, and mint of the
nkinental,Citles. hlcasts.Edarerds Hale &Co Amite
te Etegland with the well known great furevaeding
• mien qf . Casettes fr. 110., and in France with
he "hlkssegcrics Nationale."
We shah spare no expense or exertion to get our
I goads through with the utmost despatch, and endlltVer
to furnish the public with • really well conducted Et
press. Small parcels and packager will bacurried by
us et extremely low rate.
Perthrtawmtting to are oar Lines are respectfully
thquesked particalarly order their correspoodents to
ship by "ADAMS &CO'S EXPRESS "
Philedelphia, Nor. 10. ' &DANS & CO.
The agency of the above Express athe will Le
cok/acted at this city by J. C. BIDWELL;
' siost6-dlet Water
1849 .
ClSsmer and Ertlt ICXprsts
R. O:PARKSBeaver, Pro Primer. '
TIME new mid elegant' Passenger Packet.,
NIAGARA, COI H H Jeffrie.; . •
LAKE ERIE. hl Truhyp
Eirming daily Line between Beaver and Elie, have
commnced runtime, and will continue during the at'
roh to e make their regalia trips, leaving Beaver a.
the arrival'of the morning boat fnitinktudiurgh,
eleek, v. ) and arrive at Erie in time for pamengen
the morning boats to Buralo WI up the Lake.
TU le, through to Erse and all Lake pow, can bt
had by applpi•utin to JOHN A CAUL:HEY, Agt,
COillafel Water and Smithfield ata
at GEORGE Kfillat
ander she t Charier 11.21a1 .
1 ‘4 1 ( ),
rpr Blawaville, Johnstown. '•ollidayshargbi muff
. all laterlitedia r ,I•ces•
continue toeurry alt Way Good.
fintLiheit canal despatch. soil at fan Ittlaa of
Attains-,C. A. AVANULTY U Co. Pittsburgh.
If II Wakefield, Johnstown. '
John Mille, Holltdaysburgh.
Irkrmmow--Jll.oln* Jordon South &Sinclair, Dr
4haeritheracr, IL Mt ore, John Parker, S P You Boau•
hurit A Co, Wrif Li-Louer Cu, /no Mlle,. a Rio,
Pitishurgh, .10101 Ivory, Surat, liluthollan Ay R. Jito
Graff ruche:
ELICEP. PAIrUY a Co's. P &MUST Lillie.
Canal Packet—fAVALLOW, Capt. Ford.
OCEAN, Capt. Skaters.
'1 NE of the above Packers leave Heaver every day,
._1 (Sundays exceptrull and retie neat morning at
Warren, where they connect Mail Stages tor
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at sub .:dews. Oaf...
actor. night. One of the Packet. leave Warren duly,
at 5 P. M, and &MN!. at Beaver la time to take Ma
mo.iungsteamboat for Pittsburgh.
Al II TAYLOR, a r repr I
1116.00011 TO MI L 611116 TORTT Mon NY
~aIPacket—PCVITTLTATIL, c.pt_
Lace Ern; " ?ruby;
Perrome, " Brown;
Feu-Men, Sayer,
11.• above new and splendid Pessenger Packets have
etenseeneed tanning 'between BEAVER AND OEM,
and virtll run regularly Manny the seeson—one Wet
leaving Erie every eventing at 6 lielock.and one leave
isr Revere every evening, iniesediately after the ern
int or the steamboat 'Michigan Irmo Mt.
Ti.. boats art n 6 6, arid etenterrabl) :anti., ee, and
F• 111 .u.t through n rorty hot, reseenetts ire any
no, di rue t.rikey or 'n ?Meier& Malta- wilt hod Ind
r 666,a6.6 and espeonotat Tlekett
c6.l•u orta on the Lake eau be prormed
nrrOrirne to r te• proprtmers.
PANES& 0e ; Deaver.
JOHN A. CAUCMIEV,•gt Pnorburgh,
um Water and Suntificld
C a6repon, Regale, N
CV Raid, Erie, Pp.
C C Wielrareeremlle, Pe:
M'Fartand and King, Ing Rend. Pa,
they. le Plumb, eThav •-.1 , ..1t4 Pet
W C Malan,Sharort, Pa,
D C Mathews. Pultegl r Pe;
B W Curvnigham, Neer Curie, Palit _
itooiaboat for
11% .7';',tiol7el . VioP 4 lnCtte' T
lt . "'nt:rh"g
Oar.. Mo.NDA the loth d., of De
trem-e)ne forstrh hand, at dyke halesee at as ft,
and In'Encrotbse with relerern. - lipproved . OrgoOlL6le
gym wol ire mato Inc the deferred p.imen , .. Salo
peettve H. IHOt tHE,
Z ?Oaf.
°There tremor", thlaOrpintdThaormil earth
Theo are &carom of in phrase:9hr. *
grim VIRTUES ef dirs
fora karble remedy. and
J. the const.t •pplication vt, to the .proprleter,
has induced bust to have It psi op to bouln with la
bels add drreettonsfor the benefit of the pablic.
The PETROLEUM to procured from • well in Ws
errant), et • depth of four hundred feta, M • pare cue
&aerated article, 'ab hor. any chemicalchange, bar
just .. flows from iliartaa's Great Labratoryll - Thar it
contour. properties meeting a number of diseases, is
longer a matter of ancertrunty. There tie many
tams in the amens of nature,which, if h....ate:tight
be of mot tmefelness to alleviating rufferatg, anit
ruined the bloom of health end visor to many • suf
ferer. Laud before the proprietor thought of patting
it up on bottles, a had a rapershon for the cum of dis
ease. Th e consmat and daily thereasiog calls for it,
wad revered remarkable cores a him performed, le a
sure indication of as fume popularity and wade
spread application tn the care of diocese.
We do tot with to make • long parade of ecru&
caws, as we are conamous that th e mealier.. cau soon
work as way into the favor of those who suffer Lad
- It-
Ito do not claim for it •
p enal applicanon to every diatom, we outman.-
tingly say, that in • number of Chronic Diseases U i•
entombed Among these tiny be enonserated—all
dieeasee of the mucous navies, teen se CallObile
rO,NSUNIYTION lin U. early slged
Asthma. and all thecae. of the rut passages, LIVE
COMPLAINT, DYAl.Ebbila, Dlealars. Dietetics of
the Madder and Kidney♦. Pains in the Doak or Bole,
rierviati• Dtscosee, Net rolgla, Pal .7, libentsatie Penn 2,
Got.. En lee, ' Triter, }hog wino., Borns, Scalds,
Dawn.. Old Pores, &c..
to lo Mow, of drlitlity ie.
salting from earooire,nr long and protracted e a 1... of
inaite. otrediernetiiill Una' relief. It will act ise
• general TONIC oal ALTERATIVE suelecatas,
I importing tone and energy &Dalt whole frame, 1em0n
..., obeli ue ttotts, opening the sluggish function, which
comae diocese nd • broken eunyuttauutt, and giving
nicreaeed end s renewed energy to all the organs a
laie"rhe poet/sic. knows of several cotes or
PI Mot reOstoo vice? , taut treatment, gel well
motel the on of no. tot • 41.1 ,
-114. wool given to any person who dour , et.
Nom fl[dgiallt without the ligll4,llf of lie Ft -optima,
tt,e prOpuetor,
M KIKR, Cae.l Basin. near Seveilth st.
Also 61 R. Ii.ttELLEIC.±. 57 Wood a,
uid —KEA SKR & AVM ,
rotit , t Wood a. and Iltrgui alley', '"' who are by.
uovl.-.11 7 ipaltuly appointra &gen
. .
- -
No 81. cornet o+o a Mrtri and rinb—or FARoller
Tiord owl Fourth...
I , ll , l: , :u . no r t r arr keep;,conedintly on b.uJ. ,
at!, dm lollourios articles, vt..
Wed, 'rubs, Snug eilYfllf,
Melt Tub.. Darrel Churne,
Bath Tol., lig( Ilu.bela,
Wooden Bowls, Yaks and 11.1 r re
WIWI, Board', ftlivo BOund Mello
Towel Roller.,
(freed Rollers,
Monet Bork., ac,
No 6.1 Ihmantutaliy,
l 'lt OR i i .1
~, owlet. I allies
t lot.l. o II krt..
A RF, 110%11 ktt:CEIVINU • large aud completo eta
auruneni of lIARDWAIM .CITLERY, rtAL ,
Iti.l-:111 - , mai CARPI '. TOOLS, direll !turn
moomfortureta in Euro pe nod America, ,and are
fhlly pr. p• to oiler good. at auch PrICCOKS
6/11111% fail to wootd parlicolarly requett
the ottentioit of hterehaula who ale 11111.1 habit al go.
log Emu, on we feel eanadent,they will had, after a
thorough eanodnotion, that our prieeo co fate
favorably with arry Owe it Philadelphia ar
t ` ew
Vora. ue
/.11 , 1 tiljotno, 0 • 141, O.
1 "1 h e
!whirr grnerally, o that Wag have A
the le
GLE 101iNGRY and are now in full operation, and
have pito - of their patterns ready for the market:•-
~.11g11 which are Cook mg Stoves, Cold and Wood
Swots, set* splendid alr-light Coal Stone, which is
now .uporcading mbar clPett the eppoon round
Move. Also, a chetp coal Cooking Sage, wail atlitg
ted tor entail families, with a' full assortment of C9M.
and mantel Grates Vge would particalply to.
rite the attention of persons building to call at our
w archon. before purr hazing, and comma a splendid
article of entimutelled Gnat., finished In fine style—
outroly itew to Op market.
Warchaum, No. 1111 Liberty at, oppalte Wood tit
tceri, Licit - oat OiiOCIDIgIE➢, s°•
liE •ul,nctd, s just receiving his Foil tilot'k., eto -
I tractor all deSeripi.lollll of FOREIGN WINER,
Groan. tea, Cigars, 4a. lie offcr.lnducetocol.
In or Wholesale and 1t00t.4 trod:, that cannot be co•
relied. Among ape •rtitlVl foe axle, he would enu
merate the foliowing:
tgr pops Rodlelle, Bordeang and Cognac Brandt., in
q. c ..r.r. and ortavea, all chin.
0 pipes Holland Gins;
U puncheons Jamaica Spirits;
5 do New England Ram;
do Scotch and Irish Whiskey;
bbls Old Monongahela Rye WhtOtali
31 five gal Pnaijan do
11 pkgs hladeita and SheEt Wintsrin DI pipet, quar
ter. and octaves;
35 pkgs Lublin and , Tocrirlo Win., (q.. W..)
pkgs Port Wines tapper, hf pipe a and quartet";
17 labia and India hbls Pwest and Lily Patna Winer,
as tibia Old Poach Brandy.
100 itac It.. Rio, Upturn and Jana Coffee;
75 pkga Y. 11., G. P. and Chtilan rear
33 pkg. snorted Tobacant •
6 bbls nod bales Spices,
13 Write White Sugam,•
57 baskets fresh Sand Oil:
75 do Ctoto agog WIDGP, pia and tps;
17/ cases it dos) Claret NYlnes:
51, do Hock or Rhine do;
115 do Bantam Won., SD do hlomak 10 do Clack
Sloe, Aromatic Hitters, Unwed Wince end Li
quors of the finest kinds; Annuatte,Curacoa,Abspath,
filaruquirto Orgeat Carina, Hoek and Coloptaliot.
do, Ancho;ies, Sardines, Lohman in pus, Capers,
Olives, Ketchup, S. S. Choeolato,Rorkr, b RWP.
!Ruddier., R mar Boscsadarbor.sod Eitubough Man
Ilv.rwilY. JAcoit WEAVER, J.
<mete ear Market and Fast at.
MACKEREL -1: h( Wm go .
3 13. , 3 3 3433 , 1
10 " 330 3 030
!".113330036 front lb.
3 7411 and fac aala b 7
a 031.1
• YT, CAS -
bettektof othe .‘("o,
exc rs
t'on to ytut elm
.. •
Medicines us the day.
Kilt. Ss!lerst I think it
ID state rome farts in rein
If ile . dolnes.
I bare need your Verseßep largely in rtrysoortima.
ily. one vial frequently adeerentoll for odPslitt i f l rde
quantities (my Ito Slag worms from two chi .s e I
bevy also used your Lialrl'ilfs and ..r.hirb Spree te
coy famtly, and they have in even inAlsea.prog,,,e.4
the edeetdestred.
A • I am engaged in'adieefisedising, I stn able to
mate Usti have yet so b at of the, hut (Miele where
your asst
base bee rued in
sea m y see or the
eountry. In conclusion,
, Inlty they are Ihs
medicines ol the day, mid me deatinel .n have a very
extensive popularity ours, re• eedullt, •
Prepared and sold by 11. . 1 ftS,No 67-g ood
street, and sold by Drugs •• - e ail ally in the t ties mud vicinity. • ,
~ , mv3l
rfitaYclikirar—civiin coAPLeiNfm, f ET,
. ky original, only tent, and genuine Livet Pill.
s go a, ems, Ohio essay, Va. I
•. ' • blirch2Stla.lß49. 4
Mr. R. E. pellet., Dear I—l think it • duty I owe
to you end to the public nem ly, to sum that I guye
been afflicted with the ver Complaint for along
time, end so badly that at einem formed and - broke,
*Mat tell me in a very lo state. Having heard of
tour ecole;llte,dLitlyr,eyr,
a l. 1 , a ,.. rin 0 g tr d :ale a _loyA II
t n h ylty t tlician, Dr, E. Ban , I concluded { t o gove me thel
a fax triaL I purehased ono Imes, and found them to
~... just wins they are recommended, t TAIE REosp Lt.
V Eft PII.J. EVER USED, and Wier name knit bore,
I had the disease has entirely lett me, and I am rams
perfectly well. Respectfully your.
...D 14 COLEMAN.
... West Liberty, Mora , ^ISO.
I ee sty that I am pomormitY acquainted with Mr
• unon , and can bear testimony to the truth of ,the
no , ve ;oaf:mate. • A R SHARP
Tea , vinous Live . pin. ad. prepare and sold by
RE3 LLERS, No =Woad street, and by druggists
"'TCP' rwllE"PUSLlC.—TheongstaLonly Imo end Ben
i mile User Pill. are prepared by R ESeSers, and have
bar ma stamped in black wax upon the lid of each
tor, and . his immure oa are outside wrapper—all
othere are ecnintesleill, Or base =Rations.
plu R E SELLERS, Propsietok
' Ijs ROM de Rev ASA SHINN, • arellknown mideop,
I.•,,iit at Cleravmsn of the Ploterdantldetbodirt Church
Cre underligned beset been elm led daring the pain
with a dt.ase otthe stomach, sometimes VW
I sc.., areas pOa 0i the Masse a far Moot twelve Mara
sr IltOut,rtletalk • Cl.l and after having tried various
t emedma with; ' effect was turtalatted ,witha 'bottle
of Dr DJ ayreit.- inner Ildsms.• 1. Thistioluedae
c ording male divot a/O,IW inland trmatiablylhat MU
medicine cautedthe pin to aba•e ill three. or (Parent,
Mee, and in fifteen ortweew miasma every toottuy
•ensatiou yr. entirely quieted. The medicine was af.
tenoral &lased wbeneveritadicationsot the approach of
palarvere pereetved, anatbe pate was thereby prevent.
an lie conttmed to Us the =Mese errs)! e•enina
and anatediMea ...ka (11114, and in It fear necks
health was. las t eats , a;that the andefersema balmy
ed from • large Manual 1 oppressive pam. From ex
porience,tberelore. ce e It cOnlidelltly reenallisand
DJaytteleCarrainalty • {alum, as
• sautary mettlo Ilk
for &mama of thestomadh and
sale bo
bees et A SIIIN Iy NU
For le in Pttuburgh at 't x PEKI g N IPA ISTOIi
72 Fourth street, near Wo b aml also at timbre
Store of II I' SCHWAIrri vfL°.'"
ir JCILMILMn7CVT—iaiff
tut 0112 AT aerial 101
Copsereptlon. Cough, polds, Asthma, itkonciatis, Liv
er Com_plaint, Spacing Blood, Dtfficulty of firma-
. ' ' te r trerL.rjl,Ltgal:t - 0, ae'ror:rhrzga - ra:. °!__
.. 4 . :24 , ji m pa roa" :; N oi e ge o A D L lzic
breast. Lungs. lie most el.
facomi sod speedy oars
ever nown tor may of
tbe attndsess ..
DR. 9tt A T It F. ' R
einspeaddi I r epot W Ild 0 I .
This me d icin e is longer among thou of doubtful
MUM, It hes puled away Dom the Mousuds daily
laoriehal span the ti of eapertment and now Muds
hightu *I reputation. el ta becommg mom extensive
ly *nod Ilan any oth t preparation ef medicine our
produced fort he reli t as slt o ral ly
„c i r,
illthe been t ed ~ .y lurally through the
United Suttee sad epc• an there are few towns et
doomthee but wha contam some reutarkable.evi•
d of
liLlood um For proof ofthe totegotig
mi.,.nty, of *Du and efficacy of this mtalt.
eine, the proprietor II insert a few of the moor thou
sand testimonials w eh have been presented to him by
dun of de hen res ectability—men' who have higher
Mears among nviltility and justice-Ohms to eel,
Ilfy to Mem, Rousfiso tt will do another favor. And
' Mummpue oil Injustffic. Such testimony
o wayoyotms its ...forming eseellence bi .estahttslied
by Its inmost< enerim,..l the unquestionable mutton.
ty of
ofunton. The instantsmeaus rebel it si.
fonts, sod they wting influence &guyed through the
whole frame b ire ilae, ferLdet• II • Mal •finrable
notedy for M. MllietetL
REAM-310ER: '
oWlitto men, acuog from commando. =pulses,
'wat:o ynl bear IrstiMonj ID th , Ina of • thencor
partcular Met such onsumony, ben* contrary to tbs.
stolidly tuurrests and purposes, coerces consteuen of
its meth, and commemis Melt to a- spectal mutter to
universal eredenee!'--I).lthirwo, !tout Maitre ,
Stux. Atellema Cots or Potato:mac Clotescurnatt—
Thom Meet was• remedy that has been to sueesmut
in desperate gases of Connotation, as Dr. tivearticts
Conmound !Mauls of Vilid Clurgy, It strengthens Die
system, and appears to heal the ulcers en the luhi, tigs.
Memo x new L ariat blood, poweT.poesessed tt.
intim tisciao.
Canna Fo n April :M.
Dim I . vertly bettere.yoor Dom•
musa Wtid Cum, bon born the means ol
roving m 7 l _ _
tilt. I eau& a severe mid, 'Moen grain ,
allygrem worse, attended will a severe coast, that
resisted all Om remedies which I had recounia to, mill
increasing anal my case exhibited all the symptoms of
Pulmonary Connotation. Every all
I tried momed
to hays no amt. and complatmtoeraimed oromPld
ly that Mends as well 00 myself, gave up all hopes of I
77wr"i'aZI:Tai.te°=ZaraiTaaVi` rfra gat t° try
py resultl." ITSPD7aboala had thiti etrect Joule. trt.l
. sla ‘e 'iorrfe-P77=ntlrell; wet by
th ron
lam a s to
novr as Marty • man ma ever eras in ray am and I
would be hca,Ku mr"...ani..ka,fordtt=al4 72;
:i:tea'athl'axal so grateful. For the troth of Om Mom
Ornament , I refer yew. Petty 7 , n; Gm" , V".
Chestitsg"..olfilwybi.efool, pore d
Tv.mief a con of 0 essaaut
th...5Z:ar1ri12,71,...5.T. I jilLf!ieA,lMlL,ilut.ds.,:later
=tine lean 01000 1 a
Lons, M . a d
arl ,ts.tzt.rdli;ll!
firoligiargooo e
of off the
ensive mums from Mic hole, Clfre-
Molly *port hands ot- weather, however MOM At
first felt so.alann about my s pi es condm bat was perry
soon convinced Marl was rapidly tonotrunm
o. grew daily weaker,
and at length woo Kisme
t) able 10 wait about, of speak above a whlspet, such
was the eacceding weakness °Darr Imga Darin( One
Wan I had tried mmoas
o f and preuenptiona
but (used no relict—V..lM oil the th.•• *OlOO.
herr I was aAvt_od and penuoded by a dear friend in
Wilnungionso make oral of yonT Syrup of Wild Chem
ry. I DAM COM!. ITevrtoualy I had he prep,
, Mead against potent medicare., and lam MO render-
Mom coating Out of the hands of emperlez, bac ander
' anoiding your claims to thiSprofesSion and promise of
merlichte and luiring istiphett faith the laytng 411 ely
Edetllo,l'forthwath purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your
meats, a few botil/ i
01 lerstence=altscd, My
!soarsemtewn.try deOpti •6016.4. fo nd, hfiVe e v o e n r - ,
Colima etoble roller (tow ffie use o f the first four or floc
told.. But bang a public epeaker,l freqiiently
1,1,1:11.ted preseharith n4,01511=
kij.sitrree.nri, and.
• Us UT: 1711g5"wj511177i.110t12.1, my ear! atilt greittl;
tvesequeuce of outiott data inigrailentl
I bad to um tweim or fifteen Witte. before I vras pe.
body restored I have uo gat:lion, a much small
number of,Aouba would lave made me *cued, tin
the ribose tridimmum. The
re Syrup allayed the for.
• ish hsbit,look .iirty the distmme cough, put
the discharge of matter from the longs, and' gav
co d i mid the emire symmu 0.1 health. have Moen -
co offering WI. remittal , untll now; fOr Output.
of being getfooor *unshod oritti the pormentuct 01 Ow
cure, .011 i 0411 ,ftat I feel perfectly well I oiler it with
plemure. Rev. 7 P. Dim,.
Dublin coanty. N. M.
imporanni Cautum—.B.l' Read'
There is hutt
e gonadic pre p•llitlen of Wild
and that Is Ilr. itw•rettes, the hoot Oyer otrdted 1 the
public, watch ft. been raid hogely thibughout the
United Staten awl mate pan. of Europe; and all pre.
puationa call , by the name of Wild Cherry hare
been put out sham thio, under raver Of ildeepttge
eirounistancer, di, order go give curie
ticy to their sale.
By s litde obsoiVirtiOu, too permit need mistake the
genuine froin th false. Each bottle of the genuine is
engeloped wit • beautiful Merl ongrayiug, with the
likencos of William Punt there= also, Dr.S.wayne's
signature: and s further aveurity, We portrait of Dr.
Sswayne will I added here
aller,ao or to dininguish
his preparation's= all other,. Now, 11 it nom not for
Tare.e ari f %h i w 4 3 , !l r t , t v ite%o n,o f Dr :
not widenvorVor to ' give Currency' ie their
me ono" by stealing mood name of Wild
Cherry. Remember, always bear ial the name
of Dr. Swayne std bunot deceived.
Frincipa/ Odom, corner of Eighth and Race eteeetai
Ftilladc pl
For We Who stale and retail by ASNOW.
DEN, coo Od 1.1111 Wend non B A FA/INF:STOCK
Co, ear /seam Wood, and lith and Wood sts; WM
' IllOßN,SlMorket nit SIONES, liberty .4 JAB
A JONhbk, rot stand and•Tettriosts; JOHN KITCH
ELL, Alleghew city, and by all respectable dealers In
Inland's Premium Plazas',
W. P. INLAND, of We Medical College hf Phil
aileipLOl, vow celeriac , Cm public his Indian Veg.
enable Pianism Fluter, the quelltiesi of which, abet
i taTirrOrti .' : 6 4l: l t h4 P r A D Y leltilri=
Prolapsto (Derider E Bun Outlie recommends his
plaster, gunman:icing a lore no d, dOddity ear, to the
Won space of Ikon two to thee weeksof applied with
care and rest--thsciudiug all the coundes•intammeno
and expensive bandages so long in use. This he feels
conscientious in outing, inasmuch as he has not failed
In um ease out of three hundred and filly-three pa.
Alen for itheamatomand Weak Breast or /lack, at•
tended with pain there is nothing to excel this Plainer'
in affording relief or electing a Cure. For We by •
I. Wilcox, town of Diamond and Market st
Bion tk Reiter," Liberty and andlair
Del Sargent 0 Federal at Diatom ii, Atte•
ghee! elq
/newt. & Co, a Denman and Diamond BotHrig
bam. • • ink
_ _
E. SELLERS, Druggist, No n 7 Wood sneer.
'Bobe Agent for the sale of Dr. Tresrosend's Oen
"Norwell-ha, has Sat received We dozen of this
Great Opting end OnmEer
Ptrehaten .hold recollect that R E Sellers Is sole .
agent for Plusbargb., and D M Corry (or Allegheny
• - •
~7~T)IA0T OP COFFEE An article which
y . 0 %.
ppldly d doicionit.eversEe, being raole plasma sad pa,
cubic zhan cOrnalOn Uorea,lllo far, theaper, as a small
paper rc o rrani m o n 1 i ,l l= t a a t i zr b r y ll go as far as roar
JOHN S. hiILLEK, Pinsborah,
Sold at wholesale by a A SWIM:STOCK &
corner or Fins and Wood and Sixth and Wood Preto.;
Pinsbanrh 101
RUBBER HOODS—Jost receieed;
39 Camp BlanYels. 9p ofileer come; 12 pre Pantsi
IS irs pa nett lined 21.1ng Boots; 19 When. Hags; :I
vrnt „., D.A., 5 and 1.2 gallons each; 110 canteens,
aleb; 1 doe Beekskto Money Belt. Ido oiled
o r ie 46 do. The alkove good e for ogle at tie Call.
foiroa 010 165 8 F.451,14515,-51, No 5 Wood et.
A sycIaTESP BPICE;S—Put np for famaly ow, in Ito
BC - nene, enelneed us a sliding lid box. "trunk.;
Idnuard, Marilee,
tannamon, G i Zr i,
Glom, Warranted para. For sale at the new Spice. and
Mud Futon., corner of Ferry tcl.ktr try_ eta.
--•-- NI 13 BELL
mita ton Any from meows.
...nub, weeks, erarreate4l; vieil be eeribball
wo jeLd eepplled tjamu... wood n
, -,t, , ,ec te ...4.,c,"•.-411 , - , ..h2..5 .:.". ....c
•T. ".7.;; •-...-. Z i trat.lo....lo - , -.aZ ..;-• • =4."1" - S -312 ''' - ;
--litilkar..tir 7 ;s 7 i.a l= t: ts;;..=s": = -- 5Z.: -E- I.o= l-1, e8T.1:• t • - . I' 1: V; ;
~% N....'.l4ik:olllQH:iiit - rg'4' 2 ....:= -3 2 - 1 t .. ' ° : ° :t , - 1NVC.:60 , -. ' . 4 .1 "U . a 'P i , .1
ea DR .;.,r. .tas.'..-I°-3f.4.ltaiati;;-4;l!dsiir T, - ,; — n isit2 I . o•fill. gi ti! • i
i'Vt.' t.t.4 .0:.C1F.-- , 2...•...•,.. cl. °!.51"•'•1=..1.4- V. , : , 2 ""'
=. p f r i 3 1.1.0 ,, q- .--• 0 . * 43- fi 4.dv4: • 8. , ... . z . 4.0,:4,5 , 4 . 5t.12.4N.: Lt .= y- .2 Ne, t 2 P.
0, .41i ' jil 1 1-. .141ff.214E't t; . B-4. 0! ' 2 511 &:1 3 13 ^ 8N ill gt§ • 4 rg , 2 ‘ ll ' ;-
C:I w. , r ilviic)slffr33.3ll44 gi ri'6•s rldel , ,11:. ;.,5ri1f:;!,r,e 3 7._:1.40,if.5. ti ;F,i- i• 43.
14 C ? 1 -,1t11:30.04e4.31111:12t5P1P413ih 4 , >1.r.7.4:41.1111.31.441.:1 3. ;it 41, t•
' 1 et Ililditi 1 1,12 5 1tnil n! -- .2r a 'it- t'd 5 41: 1 - 4 . Eia g.! Li 1:1111G=:•:: : :;:iri / iii •!•1
111 X 5: r=ri r ro' ' 3 . .P.!iiii - igil ;4;14 :•79 4: ;I: 1 ' :T. :.g !:11 2 7t . 31 . 1:.5111Z1i1ti - S ji'r , 221
l=l-1'.:1-9:i.5:2trars4 .g.t.,
Aig a - a •=5 ,,, a , .• go • 1 12
0.1 0 1 .c..i.24.2--,114e.pr0 oz i
- 4 0 .18 314 5 0..onniig n lip l :ti• in_,.. u .
icd gs ._ § - n. 2- '4 ir 1 E
ts. $l.O , - --: - t142. 4 ,4,1 2 T.; =1 !-_•..l‘',
ex it,
2 a
.• 53Lrg : t r aiii;igi;:ast.,iz... „ .
CD u , trg
ce til E = "= 3 ll 2 tfeilii l ti' t s ' fr w ' 2
° EiFEattl..if.-e.r.584 11 g g i':.
;11..!tliag•E.:1: 1 °T.-1 1
t't tr: s-2:1,E?,:• - E , ....7. 4 •J =7.t.64
i F2l : ' 111. 7 1t1;1 711 0
NC .
0. .,E-, 08:... , ..4.8= . E .9"ee• A . :, -.4 t.-
12C 4 =.01.--- .cs 2 ~0-.:0 1 .34 .4 :rf.5.4. 01 =•'
'rr. 0 P 1C:.2tE,".:E37.'...9:5:`.13;-.0.. t - :, ) -
F... — . l =-- .9 .Teroez ot . ;:tt . r. 31,14.14"c0 ~
...... c i Lia - t :.-4 - 1 v.7..rt-esl---.a.gnt---zE ;-. . Ea -t-'-ir.7.2.27-.7.003:,.....4:11i ~.,-.
rai 2. 144 4 1 . 5 . :11 4. iitili 2 . -1;4 ' ; P. IL i; EE_ .L 3 -g
P : ::4' 1114:!illigiOii°!1:1!,.' g L.l.
:1 =. 4 ,.,' .. -e,l i t ' ?aill l - :ili11 4 , til ,E ' .7" 14,1;i4.-Y3l , 2iirrt.LicVi';. -. . ti=
ca 4 E4 ''11;ti:1;9:34;-11.'"z4ig-C•-;.:1-',15Pn74--; 2 E tlro pv.f.t-e. ,,- ....z, :,..,Errn-,,,,,z li
... 0 1 i,,,,. ~..:......,..1-.5 „ ,cr5,.,:, ,g _. . .1: ~...
d u ,.-,, f ,.....,...,Le 1 itt,.?......-..,.....r0-,•g: ..= `--,,,,-lA:;"3'4=Eftrz.trigr'.s;;_...,,•l • .
, „1.7.1 , - ...,1'7,4^.2 , ' t.,,...zr:z: , :: - - ,:-- - ri ) " b -
III" fti.4l4-.145.<`311,1t-a;'r.F'.l3::i'=!-,(lt;'.3t 10 ..537,...C.'45,174,11-ret....zff. .tld -
IC' c $ i., 2. zlift a iA 2 7 Eft ...:".=%. , ' - '3 E.e -•- ifil: z i cf - IZBlea l A t t ll- i :- / ) . ~'
CD l az tz-s==.;l,-1:'.;0qt2:,-ff'.,!...g',•t.-a,-._. .r-,.1.,,5vt.:E.,- - : 3'-', * .tiZr4
:,.._ , T . t - ; 3 5.1•,,, - c..f. - .t,: 0 .t . : 2 . ..., I. A
01 ,it2 7,41,5!-0.1,.-Q,7.,;:-..A"`'•f:-Lt-r,' ? •1
f ---- : .. ri_:, ,•; . 1..
iv - mazwras—whi Je.CFSON JOHN D 11
i I9RGAN, illt"burgh D. hi. CIALRN Allegheny City:A PNITERSON Bansw,gb.m lylEf.d ilm
miwne=ee.............. eml"
s. SOLIICISs 101111,
aaaaa s, F.: • -assw• 13r4sY•rs,
COLLEOTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Acceptances
payable lb ant pirrof the Union:collected on this lona
tsvorable tense.
EXCIIANUE on New Tort, Ehtladelphis. and.pab
Iltrustel 0100, LOOksyllle, Stint !APIs ida
New Orleans, constantly for sale.
BANE MMES.—Nines on all solvent Lanka in the
United states discounted at the lowest tiles. 'All kinds
of Foreign and Arnertean Gold .44311 m Coln bought
IMII sold.
. OdSce.No. PS Musket street, Let Ween 7d o 415,
Etnaburgb. Ea. • . •
PILLS orl England, helsod, and Scotland bought
any ammo tae Current Hate. of Exampse.
aw Drafts parable to any part of the Old Countries,
from 11. to LEON at We (610 of lb to the LSwaing,
without deduction or Amooaoh by JOSIIOA ROBIN
SON, European and General .AgaW c4ce stb st ono
door weed of wood. optletl
• • • . . . .
ouses audenat . A
ei Ic. r wo.nst Utile
• V . SUL di.r.aLuni, i
BAinr 4 Forel
pitY "I.O.IIrEA, dealer.
uPeates of oonlit*, Bank !notes and Coin, cornet of
3d sod Wood streets, diseitly opposite St. Cli ma skies Bo
uretstia 6le tur Pimps
. 6, •
• thial Now;
purchased ot this lowan rates, al
HOlihlYN k SONS,
srpt.l ,33 Market skean
BILLICOP ZIOILVAItiT.---iqht iilteas on
Near -York
. ,
Yllllllllolphia, and
emasiantly Amnia by - i 11.41ULNILS AL YJNB.
sepill - ZNlttarketat.
On. of a. Most /ifs aserladle Words of the Age' ,
ivr INF:VE.II AND ITS YlKLEAlNLiwaLlol.cL °l°.
11 of a not to the Chandwan CluiOntris of Klinlie
tan, arid the Keenlts, or Dev.l.Worsblpperic and hn
Inquiry Into the hlanners and Ann o theiAncient Ara
hysteria It Austell Ilehtii Wyard. EM. LE C
-With Introductory Note by Prot. re !Robots.. D It
LI. D. Illustrated with- 13 plates and maps, and tal
wood ems. gm'''. ciao. cloth, $1,93.
-The hook his a rue =OUR{ of graphic, void, pie
iturergar narrative "—if rtbane
-.The work of Layard ts die woo pronnitent corn fl•
button to the etody of andgutty, that has appeared tor
lowly bears."—Chrt.t. log_
- Not ore eacela to Inertia the account tit' Nineveh
and its Rums, givers by Sle. Layard.",l, Voshtolo ll l
S. we follow the diggers with breathless inter e
to their r.a1111011.11, Otto roddenly Led ourselves bet.
tore • 11110.0 Awe corned with minute &correct,
:tow lifting ite gigantic howl tram the &meal' 3U13
year, we sie ready to cry out with the •stonished
Alai., •Wriltali, a is wonderful, but It Duel' "—le
. soul& f.3 Wood at'
THE YEOMENet tee Old sod New Testament.
tintedloy.hl B Sprague, D. D. 1 vol. Imp. eve.,
elegantly hound; IS esquivitely finished' county - mg.;
math descripumm by celebrated AMC Miran Clemythen.
POEMS LIT ASIELIA,IIars. %Veiny, of Ky..) • new
•nd enlarged edition; illeeirated by engraving , . from
original designaby I vol. ocean, Ova, elegant
ly Wand and gl,. dslresTA msnelY 0 11 eard - ••••••••
als add Gift Book
Sewell'. Child's s.
Firm Book of the Iltstory of Rome.
I vol. 16mo.
ow of Carpenters, Shipwrights, ITheelernghte, Saw
yers, leimbennon, Student., and Animas geeerrilly:
bGng a thorough au4 practical Treause en Mensura
tion and the Sbding Rein By D LIE Kaper, A. U.
Boise's Treatise ou Greek Prose Commune.
Obendoilt's Elementary French Grammar. By Prof.
Procne. of Brown University. I vol. lErno,
' Ro.llge f's Gesenms' Hebrew Grammar, by Conant
GeseyOus' Hebrew Lexicon
Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tonle.. I
The Englishman's Crock Concordance. I vol.lnins-
Anthon'a Classical Series.
Webster's Wettettary, remeed ed. 1 vol. evo
do - do onahndged I vol.
13arne'allote• and Qll[ll4o. on Nrw Tenement.
Mosheun's Ecelesiuura l Iltstory 3 vol. and 3
Vesugea.r Oreatiod I vol. I`n°
Mot/Logs among the Jesuit. at Come 1 vol. (cloth
od paper )
*cones Where 'rempter has Triumphed. 1 vol.
cloth and paper.)
hog to s Theological .carer. . I vol. Soo. telottt.)
lder's Pronounciag Ihble
Boyer'. French Dictionary
Potart'a Horace. For mle Ly FL 'IMP/UN%
novl3 Apollo Build.nom, Lootth st
II Montaigne, edited tif K. liazint, vonipng his
tAss,s, Letters, snd 4 outoey through Germany and
Italy. with notes iroM Mimic Commentaiont, thogrepti-
teal and Ittiliographicill Janice., be.
Teensy and r,...k.., in Teaching; or, the hionves
.a M
A. of Good titchmilibleepoig, by David l
Plage, A. M.. rmocigial of die State' Normal School,
Albany, N V. . l
. Fetok Forettes . Fish and 'Frilling 4( the It Stat. s
soil Beturit Fromm. of North Auteriesi, by Ile.) 1
Wit Herbert. JOHNSTON a egock•roN,
wird Woes 'hied sad Market .0
- The Olden Thad{ ..
.1 AilEi D. Lo.7glTOOD,Dookeellik sea Impostor
i .le
k/ No. ti Wood ii.mi,lias for sales w mipies cow.
pia, the imnalnd e. of the chums f this rideable
work. devoted to Hs Pre.mvatton o Documents, and
Mktg authentic tuft suisLon telabug,34 the early ci.
lolargallUns, irellie.lekil iiiiiil iaipro we went of the country
mound the bead of ibe Ohm. toy Niklille D Wok,
Esq.. of Piustrugh, In d solo tivo. I.
mall/ l
--t- L -E L -Mrik \ Y 1 -!9" ,
xOM Ati I.ll4Etir .: A IlislarliWiliirli View of the
i Liberty of Other Aortal Priliirittif By rinsimel
sm., big Inns rated witivtirS Ite'crigramuge, cm.-
Mired at flume 2,011, MINT., 011if011II with rlc.lite..
Ili...Lineal Works. ,
- Jut published and for sale by
! • . liripiwiet.ed Wood at
IANNV laVii.rat ffii - IYALY: WithOWied edition,
ririno 75 et.. MRS. FANNY KE-11111.1i7S TEAK
'Tie reading of this book has impressed us with a
mach higher opitnori of it. author than writ,,,,t ~y
from perosnag bee other w flange. It display.. d,,,,,,
are of World, united to More porn wOduMly grate or
feeling than any other prodoetton of the fe male mold
with which We are acqatunted."-Ese. Mirror.
It is • very agreeable and readable book, written in
Fanny Keenile's best style-bold, spirited cod enter
taining.We recommend it to out reader. as the best
publlcation of the misson..".- Bending tai. s-
It comma. the Journal of A trikal through Europe;
and residence in Italy; and is one of the pleasantest
and moot interesting hooks of the aceveri.u-Coor. and
.th very characteristic book. We have read it from
the page to Colophon with unabated interest A v
'id Inmate of life in Rome. In all revects eminently
e adablau-Ktricketboeher ,
For sale by I&MPS 9 LOCKWOOD,
00,11 lionkseller & Intgohner, tJ WOod S
astinytograptdei Mat*tkllisksgnins--
1 /AP Whfi ECHUOIYMANN, Tbitd In, upposne tke !
kJ p ot t.(Rfiep,Plitsliargb.—Pdatio, Latidsespes,Blll- I
a lu o l io ls,.. , Lar .d is v A i.i r t e in ti r ite c cLurzlarul he, e ri n i g a m chl ve n d i
or drain on stone, and p tinted in colors, Guld. Bronze
or Wart, In the most approved style, and et tliumest
reasonable !new. ectlßly
- —ii--0-tiiiiE-77----- -- - --CI_RATEFULi for the very liberal tneourarement I
UV have received ! for sermany years, I Firm deter
mined m enlarge my business considerably. Haring
engs,sed a competept nnt
rcatt, I snit be enabled t
UUdall orders promptly, and donhe work m our usual
style and at fan pnces, and ask the IMenhan of met
'chants and ettnens to my large stock of UPHOLSTE
RY HOODS and Hedy, Alain - wises Silt Bedding Cut--
tent Materials, Damasks and Moment, Curn.:ce: FM,
Eel, BOttleriart, Tassels, Split anti Ilealler 11.1 ads. and
ire,7 &mole usually kept lci an establisbinent of the
- . enders respectfully solicited and promptly at
waded tn.
N. D..—Carpets made smtput
hj -- 4 -- dg A ia ND . ENY VEHITt4 /I.l+l/11),
024. '
' - J. A. 13111.AVN would sespeet•
f=ur infom the lottltfie, thatie
keeps un.hand at Ida wand au the
_ . we et aide of tie Almond, Alto
. .. ' ~. itteup city, a ,codtplete altos
• went of Veninshltlinds; alto Vet
-•" -." - •. OS. Shatters are made to Or
- •• ~... . • der in th bent Style, warranted
.: . -- . ."-- equal to ay.lothe Coned States.
• • •=-• ..... Ms Ma • Can be removed mat.
-,... . old, the, 1 of; a sc.", driver.
. . -'.Having Iturebased tb e stoat
• ":.:',•., tools, . wroo4 elthe eaninet es
- -. taitlistporaof flimsy a Jl'Clet
- -land, I'm prepared to Cum,
their- old cos.:atm at well as
the public at laid . ., with atm thi et . in ranee.
airam.h No 6 W °°4 Ww " P. 4. I g A. DROWN.
1011APERintliOriliS - 4 — . son on — w te r . Tti o gi"E 7-- „ d • f * „ .
1 - from this ustuunteturers in Ne w
...wc ; . 1 . .... n.
phi& .d-Baltiutotw, • la , . • sod w* .d glee of tn.
Went of all the latest And most logrl N . as,
tnt, planed sad common PAP E* I ,
sating of .
10,000 pieces of Palos and Pref.?' '
Icy:Km . Hall and Conn., ...
... 4 al..
WX * Di th* W 4 : **w* el''''' ,lf le th e &Pt..' ^n
. Psper—wbleh I 'salad Wlllluu l . 4 Y -'.,!,,n nod cy...,,,,,
anima taxying tenses to par.. •P. mi 4. ,,
at the Paper Warehouse of . * L e i
.„ ii •
4 41 .
L I.UNGS.hunprecedented MC.. which has
ttended the nee of the •
It all the venous form.
mloch Irritation of the lunge as
sumes,tr this has Induced the proprietor again to call gains
no changeble weather: midair marks our all and
winter months, it always • wailful NM. Or
itime, if neglected, am but the precursors or that fill
Ehe enaction, then,. how Welt we nip the destroyer in
bud? how (ball we gat , cleat of Our °Duets and
rib? is of vital aponanoet w the public.
will be found In the Ginseng Panacea. pcoef of th la
we hove hoot titan to nine publicised the eentfieatee
COieni. of Otis best known citizens, who hnoil expert.'
anted is curative 11..111. These, with a Ms. Ol LOS
"'TactrA ill
fgr 01% /7717gIVTA N N O,
Ministers of the GOnpol, he., together with 001.1. POI
wen from the -
we have embodied in pemphlet form: and may ba had
trans of any RUNIJREDS of our events throughout the
OP ISITTI.FS coomul.
Use been zuWZlOtiliiiii.
thrughout the Mated Stases mod Canada, and vet elta
tongtreny man to polth out a -
11 which, when taken arcordlng to illreetiona,..N„ be.
tore the lugs had toucans fatally tliseXkl7isdo it,han'
ever failed to
Why,. then toed the addicted hesitate! Why neon is
thelailwrabLe anatomy, gotten up by us. Own Indult!.
ealatir . LCD tas foamed name of same en abroad W
le:n:sod pudodintonotopely by certilisats ei par,
to ...Cosily unknown? ' Wheat a mediethe of
Is to be had, whose vouchereare at home.,oar nalgkg
lowth-many of whom it has
In order that Rai ineclualtle medicine may be lumed
win., the reach of th e poor unwell the doh, ire p have
pat the price al
lust one half the,
k nettal coat of cough eminent.. at is'
for ult. hy.our • i e nts .111 nearly CV.): town udvillags
1 over lb , tee.,, W LF preperdd to . give full informa
am re,enve to a. T. SALTER, Proprietor,
..,,. ilthedway,Cinthouti3Ohto.
_,...., ~,•„_,.' MERCIIRIi,or other Min
s \ -- ,'l- 1 eral. It bee power to
1,; ‘ , . 0 •_,....; clime all EXTERNAL
n- ..,. • .SORthi SCROFULOUS
I e. \""'''''' itunusits, SKIN DIE.
I d- ''
.. i_ ..- . • '',. -..! WOUNDS to discharge
k ~...., their gatrurmatters, end
- ~.;.• ' then eels them.
, :: ``C .- - - ''' ' It is rig h t termed
A I.L•H L NG, for
. I '
t '' there Is .arcely ale.
.":, 't. 1_,;.,,, ' case external or internal,
I • ,',...- ' ,, Try`' ' that it will not benefit I
I have used it for the last
, eimeu yeess or all diseuu of the chest involving
the 11.10 LI danger and reeponathility, and I declare
before heaven oink tan, that not in one case has so
' fail to benefit when patient was within the reach
' pinnacle! Dieu.
nbaye had phyeetana hunted in the profession. I
' have ministers of the gospel, lodges of the bench, al
' dennen, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest undittont .
and mallitades of the poor use it in every varier/. ol
way and there hu bun but one voice-one .iversal
RIIEUMATISMIt red:noses almost immediately
the and swelling, when the pain ceues.
IR . the directions around the bat.)
D.ACHE-The W. has cured potions of the
hoistiche of twelve years standing, Ind who h a d i t
7.4 8 11 r, Vt1)114131174h that
and li WEIN Vat F E At E, -
[}(lrt iwiillfz°:fuerri cured easesthat actuelly
daft %I every thinly known, a. well as the abWry of tif-
Wall ,e twenty doctors. One man told to he had spent
y .te on hi. children withou any benefit, when %fur
lovas of Ointment cored them.
in nothing better far the cure of '
' Teter.
BURNS-It is one of the best things In the world far
PLES-Thousands ILTO yearly cured by thin Clali
I meat It o men fain to giving relief for the Piles
1 Er Anima the bog are threetioni for asinK id' Al
' lista'. Opiementior Scrofula, Liner Complaint, &imp.
las, Thor, Chilblain Scald Head, Sore Ego, Quincy,
lila. Tloostr,Brookilar, Porous Affeetions„ Pat.,. Du
ate of the Spine, Head achy, asilosia,Deaftsas , Ear ado, ,
I Boone, Crew., eill Direarrn at . OuSkos, Son Lip. Piot
' plo. 4.c. Swelling of ton Limbs, Sen FiAson ' ilnt,
riles, coed Feet, Cr.?, Skraild ea Brokers Breast Iloth
seise, Algae in us Fue, ki: 4,..
I _COLD FEET-Liver Complaint, path In the Cheet
' and hide, Wil off of the heir, or th e other encamps-' I
ru es cold feet. This Oinoneut Is the true remedy.) It
le a %threaten ofdivease to have told feet.
CORNS-Occutonal ase of the Ointment mittl
-1 ways keep !OM from growths. People need ner
he troubled with them if they nu it frequoill.
W- This Oletment to good for any part of the body
or Rothe when inflamed. In some cues it should be
applied often.
CAUTION-No Ointment will be genuine unless the
nn. very label of JAMES', MoALLISTER o wri n tten with a pen
oat e
. Ink by My a.a.l. Ili all the principal eines and ,
LOW. Or I. IMO. , S
/Attra,dIcALLISTER, •
SolePropnetor of the above medicine. I
Fr Ponopal Ulbto , No ne Nor 4 Third meet Plo
. t
Aom . e ta Poresowin -Bosun A Keller, tsumet of
Lttn.rty and St Clair Olt, nod Li Wi/eidas It, .. of
MMarketst ~,,,d the Diewood, thin comer o f 4th sad ,
Southfield to s; 1 II Gaul, coiner of Walnut and Pella!
au, ran wood; and sold at We bookstate in . Smithfield ,
et, II door front Second tat in Allegheny oily by 11 P ' ,
schwarts and I Sargent, by .1 Si Smith, Druggist; Bit ,
thitigithwi It i'legiel", Fool XthertY; Li Rowland, Mc.
Keesporn J Alexander & Son, Moungettela Otty; N
B Bowman & Co, nod) T Rogers, Brownsville; John
Itatkley, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agents.
1. Facto for the Public,
In rel•tion to that convened family Salvo,
egiESTION V of e respectable Phteau.-Read
I. the fo M llorytng, addressed to any Age ys nt, Mr. F. bier
ry weather, Cincl.ll.l:
Rd. Rem% let.. 12,1649.
Sim A mote of duty romped. toe to give my tribute
to Ridley , * Pain Enactor.
Beng opposed to queek
my and all rostrums haying for their 44.10ei
teethes—bet retlising omit go6d Beta the uifing of
rout Killers"—l ant induced to render you this certifi
cate. I have used it to my Slimily, in my practice, and
with all .diebepoiy -and, wonderful elects that could
masiblyimagined. H. J. Bawds,
Br. Brodie to Wa minor partner of Brodie a Levi,
./q/faatoutloms latwatatirst.
The following testlnsualtsl cameo (pm coveys fa)
Tit9t . it.; Vette tteK on our Western eas
te, • !Mr. td.stria the end favorably known pro
, k
eraburg Hotel, is husband to the
laity whose truer 1
PanaiMaurosi, Vu, April 13,1249.
.. To Henry Having for
merly beep long allliettal with violent inlimumatory
Rheumatism, which appeared ao firmly mated as to
defy all ordinary applivreel to allay the revere pain
emending it, I was induced hsi re) your Magical - Pain
EXtmelori and it had edected, alreost so if by ma
Immediate relief, hod Wm, to all nllisenlanvea
an entire and perfect care, lane induced for Biro bene
fit of others who any be ulflicted with-Rsitbemiaed bY
any kind Oflutlamination, to write a min, declaring
that in my opinion, fautticd on actual experience
your litigmel Pate Pltetetot is the most dis
co Very or the ereitent age lithe immediattiMarentiOrs
&Meat pain. It is an almost huge date Arid per
'feet care foe Omni and vetilds, and all extimal toe
llama:tattoo_ .
Having many tti.totintenees farmed by their visits
to my itnehadiSh, hotel In this pare, I Lave !supposed
by your shovrinemenn there lea Itt,ea, It may possibly
be of benefirhodi to them end Yeemelle
lit.lltrre ChM t
II entertain the Om., thnl re. Clone 'Will perthumies
publicity I dote to her leiter, et well on the %core of
114 . 11 8ri11/ el Of es Lein, the surest mode of broth - set it
to the native of her iriende.-11.DatheT.1
re :J4 Chug.
Extract of a letter, dated
111qtaiotry, Ey. Nov. 29,1619.
/4. A Dalicy: 4 l have tried your Pain ItteaCtOr in
a can of felon, in to own fatuity which at relieved
end cured in a vary short lima.. in haste,' yours re
pewit:BY. JAS. Ay. Yards,
f Burns and Beside, Viler, Bore Broken
Breast, E ru ptions, Bores, Cmi, Wound., nod all 15-
Ifiartnnetion, yield!. readily to the wonderful properties
o f d os on o se ir e d family mdse.
benefit from
in the smear , woo. met you Mil receive benefit from the gee e
yen wilt ha mjured by the deleterious affects of Or;
comnerfett ealves.
CACTION—Cs sure and apply only to the inventerr
H. Dammt, 413 litowlway, New York, or to his au
thorised agabte. - .101114 D MORGAN,
General Depot; pitraterygh,
Henry P. Schwartz, Allegheny, !Ag ent;
•Whecling, Va.; James W Johnston; Maysville., Ey i
P. blerryweather, Cincinnati, 0-, Genet. Depot
N. 11.—lathe mvetest Burns and Scalds It extract.
the rola le a few non.. —it neVeT 'Ail. , ode
.It.t.wascocl a. B. 114 u, N. Y.Uty:
L.F•tussrocs. P 4 1 . 0.310 -
_ .
G. W. Pmga
Wbolesalinrug Velum la the City of
New Yealu•
randendcned axe
.szteaariely engaged in the
Wholesale Mai batmen at N a f 49 Jiall wawa, ho
say of hiaw Yoshi awl am Miami to apply
D.Afiati , and eallally Iderehaate with Druaa Palma
Jae, arattla • PaTalgn and ashariaea Perfumery,
ihals'ar,' Meant is Ificadori Chisalealy (of their own
mon:alkW $o Mbar articles ia thaw law of bash
too, edAsgraihtßealaysoskar as taw/ caa be pus.
nree ' lrosit. ;NI ay C
ELLERS , COUOti SYRUP.—From W. K. Bodes,
CT Esq., Clerk of the Coon of Quarto;. Aenajo.of
Beaver County: • .
111,R. E. Sellers—Sir, Some time in the winter -
nntb was tanned with a severe and distressing cough,
end hearing of Ton s invaluable Cough Syrup, I par
chaard a bottle from S. T. Trimble, of Bridge‘vater,
and after tahng a portion of it two or three e wettings
on going to bed, she found iismcdinte relief, as
several friends hare been relieved in severe eases.
arc therefore soithed that is a safe and valuable
medicine, and would recommend it to those who may
be &Alined with severe Coughs and Colds.
March 23; 1843. ' W. K. BODEZI.
Prepared and eold-by R. B:SELLERS, 57 Wood at,
and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al.
Th• ODartters compway.
BOORS wltl be open far aubseripuon to Ilse stock of
'The Chatters Coal Company," on and after
Monday, the tath day of Bernesaber inst., at the onto&
of Z. W. Remington, Penn al, Patsburgh.
spelltdti Z. W. R-PAIINOTSIN.
1311110ROJA Amnon..
No. 46 Nadel street,
HAVING purchased. extensive and carefialty sa.
leated stock of Spring end Summer (Mods, tho
aubscribir "respehtfully inform. his friends and the
public, that be is now preparing I 0 tielai.e and 610-
cute their orders with dispetch, and m mere neatest,
moot indium:Mal, and fashionable annr. As he is
determmed to do beakless on the cash laymen; he tlai
tete himself that he snit be able to do work as cheap,
Yin can be done at any establishment in th. 00e0try.
ills stock Is varied, consisting of tdassitsteres,Broab
eloth; Vesting; he., which his friends are respectful,
ly ininted to exandne for thentselvea
ruyitidtE. GF2 RC . AM IO •
REMOVED to a net th ' reos l ryl7
414 . 4 * n rixr i stre fi e ' h id teirertaidrir belowo
- - -
to an entice set, on the .action principle, with • bean•
tiaf Iscsro l son t a a o ttoft%onuncral gum—restonng the
with little or. no pain.
Debnyed Teeth permanently uved by pluglng,p .
vetig the tooth ache, which is much better Men n
ring it, though it should be done in five minetcs, ea'
even instently. n21:11.
.111,1.16 07 IL IiVILOXPILL
IN order to afford all . security to the public,
as well as to the.• !.212 ains .-one and unite
ration from counthrfeitin..Gi s t on boor
a clange in the exterior . le of their Ver
t:6%g, The new label, el engraving of
the most exquisite desi.. < h ship, haul/yes
introduced at • very area e and islfrom the
bruin of an artist of the first , 0 ddaignisne,r,
and the' execution elabora eral figures end •
portrait are most prominent, the word "Vensro
kca" printed m white letters on a red and finely en
ground, should be , particularly exammed.—
Vh y e e n d held, up to the light the %tiers, shading of the
letters and every line, however minute, tout the
whole of this part of the engraving match asentity
ty it the impress:lon had been =We upon on. 1 0e
although if isactunlly printed on both sides of the
psper. T• atthedd in all eases be dawned. A. la
bl upon eseh do as is alsO printed lit red upon both
aid., and should be examined in the same manner.
This preparation h. now stood the test of many
years truth and du ce
confidently recommended as a safe
and effectual medicine for expelling aroma from the
system. 'lle unexampled sucem that. has attended
rtsadministration ut every came where the patient was
ealty afflicted with worms; certainly reitders it woo-.
thy the affentfonoEphymetans.
The proprietoi hat made. it a po int s to
mune eacertaln Pie
result of its one In such ease.within his
knowledge and observation—and he invathiebly found
it to produce the mast salutary elute-11M anfregnent
ly after neuly all the ordimuy preparations recom
ended for worm had been previously resorted so
without any permanent advantage. This faith is at
tested by the eethifiont. arid - statements of lands-edit
of respectable persons in different parts of she noun
, scut dimild induce families always to keep • vial
o the preparation in their possession. Ills mild in its
operation, !mid may be adauniatered with perfect safe-
I ty 01 the moat delicate infant.
The only genuine is prepared by
amen 13 A FAHNMIOCIC, Pmsburysa_
Oros% Maggalilte,•tly
R Combs Colds, Amid= end dortsumptiord
•tGREAT AN - DO NLY REMEDY for the cure oft=
ve diseases', In the IiUNGARIAN B4lat M Op
LIFE, discovered by dal celebrated Dr. Dachau, of
London, England, sad introduced into the United Stems
underthe =mediate superintendence of dm Wren= '
The extraordinary _success of this medicine, in di.
=re of Pulmonary disesaes, warrants the American
Agent in soliciting for trestuterd the wont possible on
set, that can be found. the community—cases that reek
relief in vain foram soy . of the common remedies of the
day, and have been given up by the tat= distinguished
physicians as confirmed and incurable. The Ifungici,
an =Dam has cured, and will cote, the =at =sperms
of CAM. II is no quack nostrtundiet • suculard Em
11th medicine, of known and established efficacy
Every family in the United States should be uncoiled
with Bardisn's ifnagarian Bali= of Life; not only to
counteram the consumptive tendencies td the =mats,
but to be used so a preventive media= ix all cases o/
colds, • coughs, spicing of bloo,l, pa. la Me able and
chest, irritation and soreness of the lungs, brookhis,
!&cult) , of b , hectic fever, night mews, mini
ilea gene= debility, asthma, knees= whooped
cough and cum/. .
Sold in lame bottles, en $1 per bolds, with fulrdirso.
Ilona for the restoration of heal= „ .
.P - Suphlets, corosiMng* mune of English sod
can certificates,. and tither evidence, stowing the un
equalled merits of this great . Euslish Remedy, mar be
obtained of the Agenl., inapuloply. •
For sale by. II A FAINVESTOCK 4., Co., earner o.
at sad Weal and Wood and tut at.. infidrcsr'S
before—made °tithe most appmetbEnstern lane—
and most fashionable Eastempatteras and colors. Alm
CHEAP ROLL, or BoacoN BLIND, on b
oo made to order of all aloes, mid at all pries*.
canon . n nl Y th d e er a c b? ' ve t' fo " r d tlie "" mselo n ee ' :e ' s ' a h rl d erTlfte ll so .a l:
wholesale or retail;and a tibial deduCtion mid. to
1 . wholesale parehaseD. •
ThIPORTERS rod Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and
J. Doan:alio Hardware; cutlery, Saddlery, ree.,lsl V,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, are now fully prepared with,
ready deported stock of Ilardware,pulery, Sa s
dlery, Carpenters' Tools, /cc" to odor very Vaal in.
diteementa to Western Merchants as in atictid., t.
the stony advantages bad by artipredeeeasorr, aka
ers. Lo gan Se Herutedy, wa have greatly increases oa r -
(anilines, and purchase all ode goods front arst heady . !
on the very but tem..
The junior cambers of the Gm devc r te their whole..
attention to soles, and feeling confidaht of icing jar
olfaction, respectfully solicits call from all who may
vial this market: ' • mchid
Le .lIID.
ALL'Utese differfrom ordinary Ink, es they are all
°Walesa ealatinne containing no vise id tauten
lion freely front any 'kind of pen—the colas deep,
bright and durable. Ifikeratave been boner articles
made, I have neither seen nor heard , them Sate ,
.plc beetles eon be obtained gratis, by the =lambent*
generally, from R A. Fehr:mewl tr, Co., Henn P.
Schwan:, Allegheny, or of the etanufacturer,THOS.
K. IHBHEHT,Thuggistand Chemist, corner of Libor;
,y and Saiitlsfield streets,
_Pittsburgh, Pa.
N.B.—Any bottle not uing complete eatisfactive,
210 be returned and the y tee evillbe refunded.
niliktfler •
. ..
, ..Bravado of the Diamond, wham Venal= :!
• Dlia/s of al the different uses and colon -,
ire kept on hand or male to order its
. the latest and most apptoredr Ewers Buhl .!
....t . . lona, at do shortest nonce and an th e mos
Also, the cheep Boehm/. roll or • split Blind Tramps.-
erms. -
reney and'Paper eitirsilsa of al, the dhestent sizes and i
patterns, an hand aaifor tats low forest& Old Venk
then Blindapahated neer and repaired, or taken MP..
paymentfor now. doss WESTERVELT, Po**,
N. 8..— . A1i nest - with the beet =wens! ena .
.511nuanaktp, .214:arana* . sd to please the : d . I ,
i Mem,. , 1 " I l _. /
/We/thane ear, Av. 10,1436
A.ux,tuoms Titram y. 3 1- - 1 -1 /
Ilaratpar., , errrnalat • aro • wiessa"' • ;
- • . WESTERN Lin
' Odle. at the lilltohauagai nalti_gl ili . ,",* _
gEgyratRATEEL— bfo,sste ll: a o t , ..ama l
from a,; r : : ,
p. , ...-
hor Whet/Lugo./ a earr . a. 6 aa , ia.
e on ail telegraphic desp_
r e I l".." rr .
V... War Of nushntlrhy v. 104 1erpateh to or
Barn.—Ther 40.rp0 for ate . ~ 4 . 5 . ~,,,,,,,,
from Baltimore, rittsonnth and A 1 1 ,, .dai,j o ,,,a
for the first tan words,: sod 3 eeslts Pa r r
won/. .
. • ( ~,,,ktows and aim.
Cr No - aiarge ma de f or ,
. _.....
Until 11 , 6"i th... s 't i , ' N 'lV ergrO7r m lealttr i : r
... tifte b oal==ophy Me. ratth,s . . ,
nulled toe New Orleasi._
• .
ATIIENXIII 1110 01, ' , , .
ILND BATHING serAßLisumairr;
rp MePALL, begs to Inform dor inhabitants of Par ,
• "VI and vicinity, dun lorhis opened lg.
above establishment, .100 s •••=7 Motion will
Paid to Om comfort of those reim Trevor 'him with
• L Lth•MY street, bornalla 3611e4 NA Wood. '-.-.
leo Creams and . all OW dollar-in df the seem, )
1411,117 • , I
I r