BY MAG NET C I"LEC Pfl UZPOIITICD t TICLIZORAIeiIED FOR THE . PITII3I3I3IIGH DAILY GAZETTE aim%lse or co/taw:al WAienOirrow, Dec. 3. The Senate met to - day and moulted, and, a 9. ter having rocalyed the credentiali of the newly elected Senators, adjourned until to morrow. In the House, there were two tellotings for Speaker, without a choice. The vote, on let lot, stood, AN Cobb, (Dem.) 103; Winthrop, (Whig) ; on 24 ballot, Cobb, 102; Winthrop, 99; not, (F.S.) Ist 2 ' l . 7. • • This result behlg an coo coed, the House adjourn ed over until to morrow. New You: Des- 3 . There was a heavy ,now and' Lail storm here yesterday, and strong weld. The Eastern sod Sourbeni Telegraph wires are sot working td-day. Wm.lunotori, Dec 3, P. M The Democratic Cr4letin met this evening, and nominated Howell Cobb, of Georgia, for Speaker. The Whip have nominated Kr. Winthrop. Burro , Dom 3,1619. The remains of a body, "opposed to be that of the missing Dr. Park.u, were found on Friday nlghl, partly burnt, In Proiessur Webster's room, to the Medic& College. Mr. Webster ban been U. rested, charged with the murder of Parkinson, and Owed In prison. Ilia friends, however, are cot: Aden; of his innocence. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cmcznx n, Dec. 3. The river rove 6 inc Las during the day. The Weather continues wet. Hop—Axe I[l nc , iire demand nt toll damn, with sales at SVIS, ior medium, and $2 SO per 100 tt Imp dee. Comdderable Inquiry preceded for Pork and Lard. Sales of Nees Pork, S 5 par Mk Lard iold at Sir., but at the clone, dealera demanded brabec Hams—Sake of grceo Ham, at Sc., Shoulders at9d3 llf. Coffee—Has advanced to 12ke. for Rio. Whiakey—Snlea at 2010. per gallon. Linseed Oil—Sates at 72 a 75e. per gallon. ID"PEVISE.AND AGUE CURED by-the sue of Di IPLane's Liver Wis.—The following letter (rani a kigh l 7 mspecuade gentleman of W. Union, Parker co, In, is tricathhard weilmony la favor of this really great medicine. TIMM who are suffering under thlimteilag diecue cm Ind immediate relic f and a speedy care by the use ally. 2PLariets Liver Pills. "Wm Umos,Vmma Co Nov. 191. b, 1517. M. KIDD k Vo,lll One year ago I received of your agent a lot of Di. hllane's Liver Pills, which I sold immediately, ond with another supply as neon .as pomible. When I te•-mved these pills I was Ca, velf suffering tram no nu. th. of Ague and Fever, but by the ate of meat pills alone, I have been completely tottered to health. Ibe I teve . thent to be the best rem. 4.21 y for bilious complnno. I have ever known. ll= pOPFEE-2.51i bean iiicen Rio, pow crop, rest laud• and tor sale by nor 94 I& R FLOYD T EAS -20 kt chair Y , it Tea; 10" Roc Tee; superiorqualities, of morrow broads, Roy landed and tor wale & by ft - oar% I FLOYD P OTASH-13 cart. 1.11 p4ore and for isle by novitt J t R FLOYD ROOMS--34 dos in store and for sale by nor 44 J h ft FLOYD -INDIGO -3 neroona 9F, Nat landed Cet aalr by novit J It I , LOYi) QOAP-7b bin reed and for aan by 17 amil ' & W HARBAOOII r:V=D_obatyl:trfd, far iI each price inar24 S A W HAM:U.I7CM fILOVERIIEF.-50 bu Cloyersead wanted by 1.1 tta.44 v & W HAIWALT(III CIIEESE.—W) b., asa riornrtialo recd argifor We by nove4 S& W HARRAUGH DLANTATI'ON MOLASSES--SOU bbl,, in pod or der, for sale by Ndl PAGAI,EV & CO, nerrli IS and 20 Wood si 0. SUGAR—WO nhds iu more and for We by. . novel WM 1141.0ALEY &J.° CLAS FIPL.S.L'A/ • 1. • 1.114 WM BAGALEV t CO • IGILEP FIANT 011.—$0 bblii Winter...rm. bleached, ,EL for sale by nov% WM BAGALEY 3CO 110 ER C 1.188 lON CAPS-1,000p) each G D, P N and W's, jot reed per troy Sam, and for Willow by nor2i C IiF,AGER, 109 Market sr j reed N.:6°.vP.L.Tor'VletioV'Y'jw ronl.l ..;YEAGER,lo9ldarket et . ikccoseptims—a eases soe'd, also—f cue Rai weed end. sno.r...laroa BoxeA .00d. Wtothog as, of the best style, ever brought to the iffy; just reed per ship Seine, end kr rolobber by met. . C WAGE JOB Iderket MG I SICAL ERSTREMITI-e r niel d Vicollw,ssa`d; Jug reed pe? Rainer, anAUCCir ci tatto k ; l . "" ' "s'4 U YEAGER, 11G M*rß* it G 4 UGAR HOUSE MOLASSES-60 bbla-knet reintd Asp ,perfaeamer Zuhary Tavior n fmm dill. Be Louis .12e 7ArEIS k' A I.II4ZIUSON &CO LANES PiTifiIiUPPSLI-OORREEPLNAneTe stspplyjast ree'd tram Neer York, made of line mar, and handsomely noted to the pattern. of the punted Bastin, with the mt im'. printed direction! to In Hayti on each corer f j ori l age by EI it, 81 Wood ' . °URBINO ALPXCCA - R—Tr RTMiitrair hirs;- 2. eelved a further supply of Jet Black Bombazine 'lris ed Alpeecas, of venom qualities—Alm, hlohair ass Alpmea Lustre., black, green, brown and Redo IN at North East earner of Fourth and Marker t Italesale Rooms op stairs. nov2l , G ~.. ___ EN APPLES-100 bbla Green Pippins; 40 . Rambo.; to . Mate Catheads; .., lO n j o oy Snath Applem choice noconod nod for it n STUART & SILL,II.It_ eiriL 7 l - . Icf.- - .Constantly made end for sale by TA BrAfaTED—The highest price paid in no M B BROWN. 144 Liberty st .0 . k... pod ,Basley, doting the mason. A l y 111 B 11RO BiLit,ll44 Liken , st F.70011-23lasTantileTon's Brand, Mis day me' and for sale by • novp2 ARMSTRONG A. CROZER a ----PP _._ 1:16-.500bbls . ug ree r mile G Y Ad and fo nova , ARMnRONG & CROZER by bo —. _ ICIELNEI-4 tags inseam Ina r sake .1 nosh ARMSTRONG k CROZER, BucKyvnEAT VO . UIX- 125 sacks jest reed!nrs, in Prima order, and for sale Il Tiima BELL awn OB.PIIANIP COVET /ALE. IN4rsuenee of an older of the Orphans' Court of ben? County, will be egpot-• te see; - tle trer Conn House, ut the City of Pittabarah, on Frl, the twenty-first day of Dec caber, 1249,1 at 10 c A. ht, elk that torten Lot of Garotted marked .sfty-siin (No. atn In the plan of Lots led oat byWar. nor, Rioter A Lorene, fa Aline coy CitAon which ts erected a dvre!ling holm . said lot being tweraptwo feat to front on Bader meet, and roaming book by the • "saw width ninety feet. Tema One thud cash, and the hettetee to three equal payments at 3;6 and 9 months, with interest from due of .ale. JOHN WRIGHT. AdnOt.. • MARIA 5L WHITAKER, ans99-dtve9t of Dr- Jos. W. Whitaker,deo,d. -Lebanon Nurser/ . 2 . 4 lb , 1.1.. The handsomest and best 100 .11711,3011, o f ap•land in the Comely of Allegheny, on ly fore miles from the City of Plusbugh on hie new turnpike leading from this city to %Puking. .14 en. • The Solidifies have ',Ullman pot up within (oar nod cost SI,OOU. My Oreharde ere experimental—ad,: teen ppm no imported from. the east and wen, of a great rupee., all _the kind. of..Fruit-Trees which the United Slams and Earope could produce. • 400 Apple Trod not act oat as standard; 1000 1 . ...11 Trees, 50 Pear Trap, 00 Duerr! Tree., 60 Plum T4ees,9s Apricots, vial all kinds Marv., Almonds, Neetariae; Shrubbery end Become.. The Nursery peplos from 40 to .10,0'14 PAID 'Prces, of all gees and ago, Of the above standards. The Farm be: sold together or in pan, as PR percluss tan g ong tho lake, and 213 Aerobes ran p along other pitbite road, and might all be cot up in Apply personally, or-by letter, to J. I. SNYDER, • sortl,D2.lPretoS ,Pinsbargh Post Office. WARE 7:0o& SALM. THE se bieriber offers for sale the FARM on which he now resides, adjoining the village of Nobles- , bSa wt,,la Allegheny county, larch's Miles fronr,Xitut barg. Bald Pares contains Tar. Ilundred'and Twenty Wire ACHDIn4 one half of which is‘.eleared and In 141. "L. er callivalion; the other half heavily tim bered. The improvement, are of a very superior . ..l , der, condsting ofßrick Dwelling Hon.,, forty two feet by thnty two, with kitchen, two CM , . high; • ye Bag. frame Barn, and other outhouses necessary far erratum sheep (ann. To tanners, wool growers, or gentlemen warairg a pleasant and healty anatur7 readencei the above farm presents ranchons seldom to be met with. • For further particelan and tunas—which will be moderate and easy—apply on the premises to nevi-Wilma ' JOIL'i HEBRON. Blitastiaras Land Oilloos MBE sabserlber boo opened an . Ofeee for the Raba s o o f Jl. Lade, at Mataatoraa,Wa.hkottob od'l mita below Wkeeltae, V.., and has already obtained the agency for the tale of upward. of .7/ Improved !rams, prared beiddet • variety of Town Property nod ea zet! Lan& Trllea lodlnnstable. All to be had on the beg WM. .Isoptored Fauna of 4010 900 acres, hoof from the liver, rate:from to 815 per aere. le tlerl of inquiry, post paid, will be prothPtlY .answerW.; A C. UALLABU.E., Arra. blatamonw, Ohio, Nov. I,l.49,...{cove.watati El=3 Ts HEREBY GIVES that application will be made IL to the Legislator. of Pennsylvania, at Its non rag .alar maim, for thei =meal of the charter of Ma Fa ..baatillarik of hitstnargh—sald Hook to be located at P i.l l=horith a “patal of olio million of dollar,' WM. ROLIIIISCIN. - .lr.,rjesl. _I mond= I e'.tl MOW, ND WlLlitllte, No. HI Liberty si, head of • Eg Wood,'Pittsbargh. hlonsonents, Burial Vaults, Tombs, Ilead Stones, he. Mantel Pieces, Centro and Pier lops always on hood end' made to order. N. B.—h choice selection tit Drawings°. band. ttasliLtelTd StOTION. • etinforatity with the Act, notice Is hereby given Pl , that appiicatian will be made to thy Legisistabe of • caasylvataia, at its unit regular Session, for the re • • no...lathe Ctarter of the liana of Pittsbrinib; said. • . Bank h u nd red toented st Pitt•bitigh, with it capital of %Valve thonsand dollars. JoiiN GRAIIAII. President - WATICH. OUSE EaTenzasialtisT7' EDWARD ACKER, id. D., Phillipsburg. cope. .0 mite dm lows of Waver, on than 0100 duty. Pos . mummy, Fa spoOrwir3 - 'COMMERCIAL RECORD. NHO' OF PIT'I'SBOIGH . 19 ITT 68 Vacitl BOAI.O OF .TRADIC Ro-rx—Thr, Wire 4 ,„4 to u . cnr. m 40, .an ACCLCILICT . II EMU. COMMITTEE FOR DECEMR"' Orrice Prt-r”csan Garrrre. - • Tuesday !darning, Dee. The weather yesterday was extremely consequenec of which, business was vereralfy very' elack,.d very little wee done to the way of Nab,. The river continues in geed mvigable ardor, and notwithstanding the snow and rain, a fair amount of business was doing in that quarter. , Picirh••••The receipts weco light, very little was offer ed on the wharf, and we heard of no sales to any anneal from store, sales were confined to regular i retail, or dray load lots, at 134,6201,73 ? bbl. Gvaiii—in the grant market very hula has been don-• and we nudes, no change from last quotation,. O:ocntas--In Orneerica we notice no change from i ur last quotatlm•. Rio Coffee has inereued in firm . nem, and fiom recent advice. from neighboring mar kets, a ranker advance is anticipated in this roark6t.— w a ado, the] article may now be fairly quoted in this market, at Melte r Its • We have it sale of 5 !aids Nit N 0 Sugar at Sic,eash. N 0 Molasses is sold at coiS/S7S, and Sll et 2V040e. Wier uncles are with. I out change, Daum Tam—Sales of:Otacks at E 2.25 p Lu. Nc, rap apples we selling at sl,, per bo. Itcrisa—Sales of roll in cloths by the ton, at 111/Isc; hefts at 9 titOic Corrax:—For the inter:nation of our country friends, in reference to the present condason of the Coffee Market at the Enid, we publish the follows lug !cum, received by a commercial honer in this “BAI.TIIIOBII, Nov. 30. "A very considerable improvement hoe main taken place in Coffer. two cargoes of Rio. just ar rived, have bees sold at 101011 c, and .11 the stock is in Oral hands, both old end new asp, was sold this afternoon at lie, nearly all bought for New Orleans. Several cargoes daily expected - .to rive, could be sold at 11c, which has been refuted. Carriage to ['Mahwah via Cumberland and Browaville, Si 5001 65.” From the above, 11:Comity:ion with the latest intelligence from the coffee markets of the west, it will be seen that coffee, which has for:sotne time been weedily advancing, is destined to a further improvement in price.. We leant by telegraph from Cincinnati, that 4200 wicks Ric were sold in that city, on the lat instant, at 12c per lb. By the President of the Untied States IY pummance - of law; 'I, ZACHARY TAYLOR. President of the united States of America, do hereby declare and make known, that public sales 'rill be held at the underneemloed Land Offices in the Stele of MISSOURI, at the period. hereinafter designated. to wit: ' •At the Land Office Et JACKSON, commencing on Monday, the seventh day of Jsmtry next, for the di.- poaal of the public land., situated within the under mentioned townships, and parts of townships, viz Nord dlf ado line, and east oel MA principal ridiaw. Township twenty-two, (except mire, se venteen, eighteen, nineteen. twenty, twenty- o n e nut ty, thirty one, and thirty-two,) tante four. Township twenty-two, of range five. Fractionaltownship sixteen, and township twenty ty-two, of range six. Fractional towhattips sixteen and seventeen, nod township twenty-two, of range seven. Fractional tearnstups sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and twentpone. townships twenty.l.wn and twenty three; and sections three to ten inchutive, sixteen to twenty-one inclusive, sod twenty-nine to thirty-two inch:wee, in township twenty-six, of range night Township nineteen,lexcept fractional sections thug - one thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-h•e, 'tied thirty fntelional township twenty, and frac tional township tweittrone. (except sections one, twelve, thirteen, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty. hen, twenty-wx, twenty-seven, thirty-tone, thirty-five. Nn thirty-six,/ range The northwest fraction of section sin, In townth,p Noels., and fractional township twenty, of range Noma of Mr the baas lin*, and may of cL fvd, prinnpai meridian. Townships twenty-three, twenty-tour, twenty.wgit t •nd twer t7-nine, of range eight. Townships twenty-three, twenty-funs. twenty-five, twentyrsix, and twenty-eight, at range nine. Townships, twenty-two, twenit -tater, twenty-tenr,, and twenty-sin, of ranxe ten At toe Land Office at dritINGFIELD, commencing on Meader, the fourteenth day of January next, for the disposal of the, public lands within the utelerenetinotted townntops and fraettonal townships, :bah pf the hew and rat oI sh. perestPol en. Fractional township .nsenty-one; and township. twenty-five and tvieary.six, of rangeeleyen Fractional township twenty-one, of ranges twelve, thirteen, lonstecu, fifteen, sixteen, serenteen eighteen, nineteen, twenty., and twenty-one. Fracuonallownshlporenty-one, and township twen ty.four, of ntzge twenty-two. Frautional township twenty-one, and fownehtps twenty-three and twenty-four, of range twenty-three. Fractional township twenty-one, and towo.tups twenty-three and twenty.four, of range twenty-four. Fractional township, of ranges twenty five and twenty.six. Al the Land Office at CLINTON, eommenente. on Attladny,,lhe twenry.fint day of January Tler , for the disposal of the puttiie lands within the following non, ed mwrr•hips. to win • • Natty lac base line; and leas of lAA fy9.6. principal me. Township thirty-five, of ramge eichteen. band. appropriated by law for the use of Schools, DIWILDT..and otherpurposes,will be excluded (tom the miles.- • . • The offering of the above -mentioned lands will be ecounenasd on Lhe days appaintetarol proceed in the order in-which they am advenise withag conveni ent despsich, - ontilthe whole shall have been offered, and the sale. thus clams]; bet no sale shall' be kept open longer thane wo weeks, and h o private entry of any WV:a admired until after the expo- MUM oleos two weeks. ' Glven nailer my hand at the city of Washington. this fifteenth day of September;Anno Demon one thou.- el eight hundred and forty-nine. By the President: • ' Z. TAY I,g J. BUTTERFIELD, Commiaioner of the General Land 07ice NOTICETO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS Every person eaßtleikto the right of pre mapnett to auk'of the landa swathe the tomensips end part. of townships above enumerated, I. sectored to establtha the tame to the satthfactiort of the ftegiwer end IG:esl - of the proper Land Othee and make payment there for an thou. practicable after theme nouce. and before the day appointed for the commencement of the patilie sale of the lands embracing the tract claimed, otherwise suth elates wilt be forfeited. • J. BUTTERFIELIt. Commissioner of the General Land Office. ethadlastrlMW_ APLES-2 . 4. , bblTL.loiee, of Tore.. qualaies, store and for sale by L 9 WATER3iAri Dort% 31 Water and Or From .1 nRIED R IT-163 auks Dried Peaches, ( ban. c• .1 4 do do do Iparcd,l a-s_tore apt for sale by noir2d L S WATERMAN 'DOLL OUTrEe--1 bbla Fresh,' do parted do, CO Lir gaga rub, for wale by narl. L S WATERMAN bbla and kegs No I Leaf Lard. on L hood, 0 ule b 7 novalf. L S WATERMAN , FM/RIF-120 bbla superfine, dl ext. family, for sale by iwvbS L S WATERNIAN W•OOL--1000 lbs gut receiving on cd_b_y_4a'tle by • TT :,nov2o STUARTIORLL IDLOURL24O6bIs extra Family, En non, 11.1/1i for sale K. by nor -11 STUART A SILL FT, Atr. bIe.A.L.-100 bu sifted old torn, fur so,e by V .740 STUART do BILL, It Wn.l sr A k s . gl a ir ti' "I' 5VUT0171;.12, r,,, wc.d. DRIED - PgACHIA , --ie.bbiSIIOIR crop, in pore no. STUART lc SILL CREESK- - -Cieento indttoaboo elyray• on Land nt No 115 Wood street. ban, callsmaPL—bfbbls anti eit bbls in store. Dirsarila StiIIART a I I • bbli Bechudt et. C&. No I, rer'd la end for see by ' .rSI RIIEV, IdATTIIFAVS a co BACON SHOULDER-4-0 vote lbr rad, to elore COOSigOrtnent, by lunll RIfEY, nerniEws t co . IVcOFFIIII-403 blip Dew crop, lust 'red and IV for sole by ' rtoVfl HUEY, MAITHEWS it CO .._ . I.7IUGAR-62 hbds prim old Sato:. for rat., by Itov . ll RIMS, MATTHEWS rt CO "DITROUCHIT SPIKER-142 keg. improvrd Wrought Y Spam Art reed .d for sate by =WU RUM', MATrIIEWS tr. CO RAISINSbn neW crop. for salc by r2l. RUES% MAIT/lEWS h CO 111.a.-1.5631112 N C, in no a ano ,or pale iTy norAl • J A 11U rC1112014 a rrt WIIITgI3E.ANP-24 scri ,Feed consi 1 I.M gnment end go! en l e end y by r. 21 • 1 LEE. I.erty am .I PROCIAJtATION l I R VIRTUE of aprecept under We hands of Hun Benjamin Patton, Jr., President of the Court or Common Pleas, in and rim the sth Judicial Dinner of Penosyleanna, md Justice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer eind Reams] DelirerY in and f riuld Dietner r iod Samuel Jones and William Rem, Amocieth Judges of the woos Courts, in and for We County of Allegheny, dated the lath day of Novernher, to the year of our Lord one themand eight hundnal and forty nine. andrei me, directed, for holding a Coon of Oyer and Terminer, and I:entre! Jolt Denver', at the Court Home, in tine City of Pittsburgh, in the OW Monday in December mutt, at 10 o.eloex, A 51. Pablas notice Is hereby given to all Justices of the pmts. Coroner and Constable& of the County of Alia• g r btayitaat they be .hen and there. in their proper per • mina, With their rolls, rteorda, iniutsitions examine , tiomt and other remembrances, to do those things which to *err respeettee ate. in their behalf appear to be dome—and also arose that will prosecute tie pris onto, that now.are, or may be In the Jail of raid Coun ty of Allegheny, to be then and there, to prosecute egainst than es shell he last. (hen Under my. hand at Plusburelt, thin IV, day of Nesentber, in tLth year of our Lord, PAR and of the Coonewnwealth. the TJA CARTER CURTIS, nov274Asarldr Sheriff • - - - Tl, XTRA CREAM CIIEESE- ICO bla; :C/ do Man, JC4 math doijlial. reed and for web by ouG43 J CANFIKLD AITIISKEY—.7d b ide - any Whitkoy, Nal 'red an Ty kir salt by • WESTON ISOc.N, men lolaurbt • • b y eciRTISTS' CANVASS 13) /d. j' ree'd'an A d for ... Ile . _ .. v 23 7 19 iirp .., _ _ oc . __o c 0 t y .. h o l t f , ATT.s.' Trui. tsi.;'" l . 6- vr''',Wirifrcl';" PTS. TURPENTINE—Et bble jut reeM. fur Welty n 0•23 • 1 KIDD it CO S /71UMARABIC-3DO Itre just Tee d e CO. for Wood a by t .Z- no I KIDD* GO 4 t , Steamboat fun -- • ------- The ISLAND PACKET arillSoe told at riablie ancuon in the eity oßßVlteel. free, on MONDA V, the day of De naber,l64o. Tem.—One leash In hand, and the _balence at 4, I'. and II months, with inter... Approved negottablo paper Will be taco for the 'deferred F.:watt:km Sale 1.20, 11, MOORE. , _nov^l. • D. Z ANE. • Li hiTlni=l2.s . l7bTi - ettitersttet r GO bbl, fine; Ili store and for role be _ aart2 STUART te SI LI. _ 1166..ti;fri"i"*AltIitg/OdlgigßbOvZ VIC - 1:4541.0 tele Firsterioniand, to lai reed and for sate be • . BO ARMSTRONG eGROZER AKRKtVED. • Caleb Cope, Moriliwk. 'leaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monongahela City Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Par kin Kin, Brownoville_ 'Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keespori .Baliic, Jacob., Brown:wine_ Colcinliian, Greenlee, Lowaville. New England, Not, Lhum, Cm. Wellsville, Point, Bridgeport. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Glatt, Wellsville. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keespnrt. Virenna,Golloway, Mononeatieln City Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Bake. Jacobs, Brownsville. Nu, Newton, Hemphill, Cincinnati. Mea,enner No 2, Woodward, Cin. Manungabela. .5100 e, Cinctoonn. Wellavllle, Poltg, 50n11.6. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY Brownsville Packetx, at tl A. M. and 6 P. M Beuvnr Pecketa, El A.M. um! 4 P. M. Lok111:3-1 - 1 tuburgh. CiacitAtei—Enmer. Cimino:ill—Hibernia Nu. 2. Si. LAns—NiaKeta. 1 , 011. D. Leech Sc. cis, packet Ilse. V V M YOH InDZYPORT. H, S. Ilr IL7 & CuY Canal Packet. 7 o'clock, r RATES OF DEOLINT. ,1 DISCO LI NT-COI:EP:V:I'FX UI Y. 110/.31k1S 6 SON 8, I•:...•han, Iles,. s. No. V 6 Markel *tree:. near gle • Pents•yvetatia. Inclltusaa. !ulk oi htleburgo ....--P.,eetele B't 4. Brunelle.• • k; rlsollonge Bank Pnel6•ltte9eup - .. - . 4. Niere:i. et. men. /AU •Patl V irgauta. tlke.oflin , udelphin••••pn. Exchwege V. of V ....• • # r...d bane Parrarnter. ISk.of - Va " , IL.M. oiliceneanwern •par Bk. of the V elle,,— " 1 - ' CLeste: Cooney • • •par Uk. or Virguna•-• •-•-• " " Den.ware Co .- • •pur M.& M. lik., Wheelie. i " Meat-eon:cry Co.--par do Mori... ern ,• - I Norulauthe, land . : Pt" N. W. Bunk V u----- Corumb.4l3rlme '.0.• • par. do Welleburig• .-- • . # Borleetereu bunk _.-•p do Perk. aborg--' lik.•Rend.olC•P..rl T... • Venter. , Bk. !Nee. Cc. rur Bk of Tennesnee. • • , I Vet tr.,. 13 . 2 ',LI, us'r•it. Per. tr. Merck'. Lk -- " Lenca.Lez Co 14... • . •per:Planters . Ilk.• •• • • " auen4ter Bk. - ...- par:Union Ilk ---.• V. eState• 'Beak . —JO I Missouri . ::k. par , StatelkarMiavuo.-- 14, . • .1, North Carolina. •• 1 Uk. of .'ho,luctsbu, • •—•• Mcrch's Ut., Novo/aro • V .7.a.quelitmsa Co. 1.4.• ••• •• • • ~ w , n too• ..... dotatt Carolina. :•14.1etovva 1 iCon4l,n ...... • • ...... :lA. of ilkazles:on••• • • V ...... • MU :Couaorre,a , Bir CMSI=!E ' , ant, Way me,rottrg• • rf ink , . 11.mbutg.•• • • • I klarrLsbufg :Alerchanu Ela.— —• I IPlanierA ttfklectis • ill • "` • "" pvltlt. ofga r th y I; . a . ro' ; i . r 1 •• • 11, .... • . - • I .ttalumore kikk.• - • •..pal ........ ;13.1tEn'e ..t0 itScrip •I 0 Ilrzgel. lit pumberlAnd Lik.o(.llle, Now: • • ,„ Xh,RY• ... • • & Seri[`—httAb. I eountylo•Fulnere M.-aunt, Fredrilek (Mita. ,Freaerirl•Co litenettes I 'Ngerstown kit •• • • Muuntrleazeuil.•••• • • ‘• Bk• • ----- •• 211.1figto. ...... !ISL. ut t• —• , RI, 4.1 Rtver Rai t1:0 • ;Ml:Lizm OA, • • • a Putnam --• Wlsauffelff Terit'y. uot.., • 7lVlar.h.Far 111.Co.hlEtWo 7o!&ll.lventl3.ks 3 3 iflar.l of Euglaudho,.. =UST= . • GollJ., Speak.. Vali. spn —.--•- KvLl2..• - • 1 , ..” Ton ••• • - - !Duca,. 013 el V CO W...tern Ifasle,ole. • • • 10 r.O new • • 10 00 11100 L Ist.,C•. MISZEIMII =?=M =MEI . - I' utr, ;• kt Guilder& • J ;11 Libant • • --- 1.41.,..1%;r4. • ' • • 46u Ai•-11.7. • Zioatstaga• F:t A+, k: f -ricvr VoTk • • • • adelpto.r. • iprm Nnearrr. UV ~fk-; Ef.el===lllr==l AVM. II 11....i3A LEY & CO. Witoksisle Grocers, 18 V Wood sir., Paista,ria , oill7 WounWA. Da1.1 . 11 41.1•Lii. EADALEI'. ,VI la tl/WA it l) re Co., Witolotale Oro. eets. No 2201arket street, Philadelphia- nor 27 Rottman, SOs IllillON, elielill Coon United ..Y.1;e0.. Cast for Infrlngernent of Raz. toy'. Patent Right for amazons Pau, Sense S ilo. Chilled Rollers. Defendant glee in et:Wet:Me Patent to John C Parry CD ARGE OF COURT. A tpeoholl or infrutie r thent to one of fact., of which the thryo de. iudgeo . The construction of the patent the rheathort. Alter rehdths, and vommetaing on .the specification of Platrairrit pstent. the Conn observed: In doubtful cases i tie not the custom of the Colin to express any opinion of the Jaen, of 'to ease; but in this nom the theta ate undisputed, and the Court think it fa proper to FLO, es the of both me Judge, on the true construetton of Ptatend, Patens, that the flefeutlent's Patent is a nno, and palpable piracy of the Pisitz:tiVo luveniiod. it ha* evident', been obtained on We ground that it wee Improvement nn Plaintitl'a patented mace 'ton, and now seek .1 to twerp hle ragbts ander pretepee nt and Improvement —a pretence wince i• proved also to be unfounded. Per Certain: . . 1339350 The above dttetrton Kite.. to the anbrcrthert. a'oort tbesight . to mar:wagtail. Clrtiled Rollcra, by the only yrorroo known to produce. good arttele. They are prepared. att heretotor, to (=tab all eon r..qulred. end slth the leset pototttie delay. ILLM ANS Cc GARRISON. Post and American capy.l 71 EMP—:J!ales Dew Ratted Kentucky Hemp, rea JU, - a and far aalc by now.r.4ilp A GORDON rang. Company. MEE:TIM, of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh Negigatsort 11/111 Fare Immauce Commuy, he held at th , Mieg, No 21 Market et, ou Mouday, Decem ber 10M, PAU, at 0 o'clock, P M. , ROBra r FINIVEV, Feel: Ite-Opontog of Book.. THr. BOOKS , or rulmeriptton of the Stock of L'in. let.hal, 'agora.° opened m the 1.., Ogler of H D. King, Foulth .trget. od Monday. the •itt`i day of 11-eeruber 0014 . 1 ( 0 n' - climg A M. gov27-7w ca.ks lor tale by 1 , pVINI iIAGALKY & CO oovZi is and:YU Wood n M " n l ;l S LlTZtu bl ll .l.. t.;& " tf ' f r oc b m b, ile S ll ",'"''''' Lorl . l WNI BAIL/ALEN' & CO . I'UfTEE-1110 tong, lirren Rio. reeetving k) ilPlof^, tur mle by nov . 4"; WM I.:AGIALE7 & Cu • / i ALMSeI---110 lag M R, to day see d and for sale by It t ovtl J & It FLOYD 1)16 llIF:ri,L-1.17 tona:R . arilelton Furnace, jug land. g: rd on Allegheny wharf, nod for rale by I noo l o J It R FLOYD _ _ LANKEIN-1 cs, Copper... , n,superintyunlity .1) for *ale by nov./3 1 R FLOYD REES APPLES-40 bbls;im - ire'd end lors . tle Ly nov3l CRAW SKINNER . M ACK ENEI,-.1 1 1 0 1 hf bbl* ki ,o o rir " No :I dn; (Cerro:mg from the e. 41 and for,aale by naval JANE 'MIZELL, 21 Wetter st s. sistr'ssitscx—Ll,Lto 1 store and tor Ty r no wtJAMIII- - .. , DALZELL ..N. AII.SL-3 , 0 kegc, need Adze., Olipnant's brands, for attic low by novlll JAMES DALZELL B^2,,",,L"l:l;.,"bc""P` — ' q"""i i'.;ll, I P:R7, 11 °' r. 11 No Si Wood .trect I ' UllE COI, LIVER OIL— flordann's White Cod .j Cr tit/ fur wedleal siorpoves, loot reed and for .Ib, by nov2l N E SELLERS 11 bx. for aale by R E SEI.LERS I)ILI no E , IPLICIIEtI—Uft , et i( 0 1 , ! ..„ 1 ; Fe.,--50 bin juet fur .\letuu osINLIXTII:7-inl':L.jreN:clad°fo"r7sbaT:; to, h , , Carpet IVatehoube, No 75 Fourth sr. We to wee atearabast men to call and eartmine before porch . . . ekttarhere. porn 111113OnSED PIANO ANWTANLECOtiIittit—A r, large a..tortroent of .Ernboased Piano and Table Ccvers can br found at W M'Clintoelo. Carpet Ware bon., at rekteed prote, Call and exam. , before purraa,tg , Irewhcro. uonttl S % . l::: o l r, lll7 n, at o e f rut T l tr im *: at% ner lwalraavt. a Na ur ge avian:l:tent io oar 'We Carpe t lA'arrhouse, 7Z; Fourth !greet. W ATCLINTOCK DoTATOf 1414 t. Scotch Grey andfine fled landurn4 In; .10 by S SC HOVER. Iln Serond IA 'AN rEi. TO PfIRCHA44 - 4-.-One handled atiir.rek of the filefe&otta . and hlanufactunerN Hank, or Hnnk 4.f rmsburab 5114:k. novll N. HOLMER & SONS. 'loth , of the moßt deirable colorr, impeder, Bleck. Wear a, Olive rireen,Oltve Brawn, Claret nod ail other desirahle color.. meltable for dress and businema Coma, whirl, wall Lc made to order in eau. patter sueeoer, athov:id P DEL IPt , AN . _ me lot ot Silk, Satin and Castanere Vwi etting', which ll be /1101 A, to order In the latest sqle, al nond P DELANY'S :A I,YE ADV hIADE A4enend assort. teelit of wady Clothine.enodolin aceoidanee with tan prettot halo., and will bewild, whweyale or to. taLita tow at they can be porchawdt any other ed• nbli.htnentin Pillyborgh. notae•d&wlt P DELANY • T 'Horn MA.lest teed and (dr . •Id . d op CRAIGSKINNLII 8u n0 e , K . 1111 , ./.1. r c, u R —ts c W i . a .g f„,l, ^7 Cavite, reed and fOr r.oli by novbi n CULBERT:SO N • boTrrr.l:sor — Al Ind fo , r i s;t, i g rso, _ BINDEit , s LIOAR.I/S.--71iour Chamberlain's man. bfacturr, weed for We by cowlA CULIIFIRTSON _ . . _ CIUNDRICs—Eprom Bahr, Mum. CM p'd 01. Maddu, Indtgo. Cierm, to , for mac by r, CULBERTSON L bT ERA.TU....I-1 0 % .C.11..'5, cmlaleliudfo.ryte LOCAL MATTaS I=E=SMI _ - PEASLCIALITICA.--,WC cent.% degrade the c id. umn• of tee Gintette, our consent to !Mier our owo tone of bonoruble by condescending to handy personalities with the local .editor of the Journal. We have nothing to do la\ lb him save as an editor. His private character r4Ybc either good or bed—his truisactions,'unottiince ted with his editorial cerem,f•ilores, one reverse —theme things are not fair subjecte of ettwspaper criticism. It is not the auso that should Irdeonsid ered, it is the, editor. We will nut, therefore, at. tempt to I rove him a knave. in return for his un gentlemaidy and uncourteoue aoaduct in publuilt tug our name in connection with our tailing in a first attempt of ',abbe speaking, es a lawyer. Many who have attained -respectable itiriaten in tta honorable profession, have failed as we did, and we will merely say that a natural diffidence, and a thousand other tensor. which might be adduced, would plead no excuse for any young man who annes before the public for the first time. But what' has excited this storm of wrath and indigna tionon Mr part of the !Outwit ? The figlotoing no tice whichappeared io the Gazette of Saturday' Bitairress Notice-I.—Why had the Despatch dis continued , ito busineu notice.? They certainly were very amusing, and ranted many a hearty laugh among our busine. men. Let us have a' , " few more o( the same sort," by all means. Such was the good humored notiee we took of .010 5 very articles which api,ertrod in the Despaich. We will say uo more.about the dis graceful personal sttacki whtoh it excited, lest we !Oriel that weans a gentleman and make some al l lusione to the very v - T,llcattle editor in questioa. . PHOTISONOTAIM.-.0.1/ friend;Dactor George S. Hays, : was yesterday sworn in, and took possession of the Prothonotary's Office, Which we aro sure he will fill with credit. 4 • We are gratified to perceive that he has renamed our friend Mr. E. Canipbell ea first clerk. Mr. C. is probably the most competent peraciditt the city for this post, and we are aura that his appointment will please every body. Mr. Alfred Mark., a gentleman who stands high in the eatimation of every member of the bar, has also been continued in his old aituallon. Messrs. Beeson and Conker, ge tlemen with whom we hope soon to be better a nainted, are engaged as assistant clerks. Ton bmiaria. --- ThisoePC;;;;rreture — s 'l remain at the Mayor's Office, without means to eke them no to Washington, or to provide Mod or s elter for them here. We madly think that this is matter to which our citizens Bhould bestir the &dyes; and cant to their mites for the sake of tEM feeble representative. of a once poweriol tribe. There is something revolting to our minds at seeing these Indium reduced to big in the land where their Lather's were rulers. Let not their wants peas oasupplied. MIZTINO or 18. COUNCLIA —We attended UM meeting of the Councils Ina night but no hostile. of general interest was transacted. PITTSBURG/II AND CONNELLIFIn LEX RAMA.° CUM - r.r.—At an eketton for Directors of the aboVe named Company, held et the aka of the Pred• dent, on Monday, the. 3d of Dec., the following named gentlemen received 5982 votes, and were declarid unanimously elected Directors for ensuing year. Wm. Lorimer, Jr., A. M. MB, John C. Plume', John Gebhart, Walter Bryant, Mows Hampton, Edward D. Gazzam, Wm. J. Totten, Henry Wol in., Daniel Kaen, Hugh 1). King, A. Stewart The 11.11, of Alderman A. G. BELNHART vvtll be Bubmined, by hie friends, to the conaideralton of Me approaching Wbl6 Convention, as a gettable candidate tor the Mayoralty of Pittsburgh. noo9 to Cr VII acii—Aldr Ilia bc • candidate for in • Ilay• nraity, indocct to nomination Wbig Cony., LLoo.wide too I.lo . llsttillAlilkesioss will he •• o.nbaue the Mucotalty, subject to the noutinauen of the Whist InVerition. noel irj - Jonathina Rush . Ssq.s ISo present M. or of Allegheny, will be a candidate for re-election sobrect to the nomination of the Allegheny Whig Con. •CllllOlll. nortil-tf Ile name al OLIVER H RIPPEY ar,ll lie submit ti - d, by bts instals, to the consolers.° of the sp. proacking %Vt. Convention. as a. awtsl•le candidate :or the Mayoralty. novln-te rrWe are authoneed to announce that B. C HAW, YER will be e candidate for the Mayoralty, outliers to the nomination of the Wing Convention. novT.Atc* MAGEE will be a candidate for the oisca 6 2b1 . r th,, NINE, be de. EMI= The modem /rood Eno.t thrtr o nßY tdiggest the name of TIIOSIAS DAFT. FAN, of the Enghth Ward. INIO- burgh. as • worthy owsdidsts for Blares, M the castl ing election, subiect to the decision of n Whig and Au tireasortic Convention. and ' , maid add, If uniform good hemp,. honest hens, un,l a sound head, furnisls the highest claim's) public favor, then ought our canth. dale to be successful. r+orti:-.. MANN' WARD,IftreElfS Improvements In Dentletrys DR. 0. STEARNS, late of Boston, or prepared to menufacture mid set Durex Turn in Tannic and parts of sets, u Suction or Allnallphenc Suction P la ic e.— Toirrtisci pon nt maim 13 rind .51.11[0, wheal the nerve is exposed. Mee arid restdence next dainty We May or s office, Fourth alms, Pittsburgh. Etsrmi xo—J. R. hllFailden- F. 11. Eison, lath • Panurta Lastom wash—Prepared br.l. W. Kelly William street, N. N.Y. and for sale by th,Jaynes, No. to Fourth street. Thu. will be found a deilightful artb etc of beverage to lamb., and pa:ll.4lly for met rooms. , Ilacata's Baolga_.--An unproved Cluarjrate preps... lion, being • codThlnatiost of Cocoa na, annocent, viin coming and palatable, highly recommended pante ularly for [veanda. Prepared by W Baia, Dacha u., Mug., and for sal. by A. JAVaES, the Pekin 6tore. N 0.70 FOOrth a rachl4 BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifiro, Bill, Leung, Contrizerlertr" lllank., 1,1.. LIDS, tee.. chertrioaregoaccA., remota., he. he.. Printed at the theneot notice. at low pees. at CA det (rearm Dena; Tullman.. 11.rrlic adieu rued meeting of the A mom el the Weeteri. Untvenity of Pennsylvania, ea he held on the 2701 tint.. at the Coen House, to the tiny of Pitts burgh, t. postponed urkul Taw-inlay afterniam, the 4th of December nett, at 24 o'clock. At that Woe the atten dance of ell the member. of the Alsooyahon is mu" nenly solicited. By order. 101414 C. FRIKND, nova. EDTAONti QACE-74 ths past felt . and for tis : l Fa Wwd .t el ; 9 - 4 novel T A . L . LI:V-12 bbl. to -f ''''..l ''''l .l f 7l7; if lkN eb F y llF:Ll) ALEDATLfr—e3 Las etul Ycsks thstlece ..a for S sale by nave; J El CANFIELD DEARLB-21 bbls j 131.1 ree'd and f j or p at v, i ,,,,,A, 1 novel SUNDRIES -0 bales Cotton; 43 bbl. NO I Lard, e bags Feathers; 3 bags Wescott, To arrive 011 WM... Dohir, and for salt b_y novel ISAIAH DICKEY A CP, Front .t c o i r AL VtaNd . SX-23 b g. 14 1 !! b g f do, 4 , O ,o k sg et:, ,, t a th n s g . from canal, and tor sale,by novel ISAIAH DICKEY it CQ, Front of . LIMN BATHING SPONGE—Far role by noverla J SCHOONHABER A CO DERMUDA ARROW ROOT—Bast gaiden, for vale 11 by aoyee J SCH00:01 &ILEA & CO tOW S be. N' Black Lead Cructbles, Nos. from JJ to 35, 'tut reed and for eels by SCHOONMAHER A CO rilOirrY WE.3tlTU—in small cup soul, for sale by 1 u0Y2.1 SCHOONMAXER °RESTON'S Coney:Armed Exuaols oef..fecon, nOta, Nutmeg, Re., (or Mir by udayYo J OCHOONALIEER & CO I ARS OIL-0 bble No 1 Lam Oil; Id4NoV Jo du j landiug and for sale by JAMES DALZELL, 51 Water it FLOUR -30 bbl. Pugh's extra Emily Flour, It Tweedy's brands - landiag atedZor sale by novdd JAMES DALZELL G R c t"C hesTO ES— P T n fa, b rea P tres c d a' s, c (s' er l o ' L hr/ 661. Sdaids Oil, Imding front Canal, sac sale by .00020 JAMES DALZELL c 2 H. NIOLABSES—.I6 bble landing by steamer Cal k). rdoota. and for sale by ocistlO JAME, DALZELL. 04 Writer at _ (111EAr UC LAIN .—A. A AlArom &Co, 00 Mar t,/ le., area, orenow Opt(11/ 2 cases cheap Ile Lana, tit It cents per yard. ulP,2a CIHEAP CALICOEB.—A. A. ale-eon kl.‘o hove rer,l 1, b roses or Fyat Colored CaLeoeo, oeluog at Sic per yard nev2d - AA. MAL.ON A CO. Lave opened a large 10 , Flannala at 21/0, Cas•invita at 23e, Alp•ccas ai novlld LIN.EN HUN A. blozox S. Co. grill open do morning 'MU doz of Loo lidkfz at uovlo • °WA. Maim OWS RIBBONS—A. . & Co uro now .1) openlag another Iwo lot of Bonnet Rtblttone at the extremely low pnee of etc, also, • large Int at b mid loc. ov2o IL OH iAxu]l o Y ,yen A i n .: 7171: FEA . Z I EBS-1506 GRANT LOUISVILLE Ll3lEfd; Wits reed by Peru, for ule by riovkl C It BRANT LINSEED Obis lust reeN and for isle by nom JD CANFIELD ArPgATIIII3 . IL CLOTIIA—FIijd thisday avi , ArClunock's Carpet Warehouse, new anti hand name style Tapestry Oil Cloths, which will be cut to nt env use holt, room orvinnlbule. Co 7J r j , ABLE ANl.WhOatVEllos Br. M'Contock is I wanut Um handsomest astern:nem ot Pird Cloth Piano and Table Covers over offerod m this market, to which he invite* the attention ofporchlis. DOVIA KAYO/Os—.% handmene araatlncenf of Bravo B Cnitlnn for Over Cow, roe , or Mock, Brown, Otab, Limy and Golden. Oh. bi11...C 4 ..3 • Fr••' 0 ... 17 . n . nk ,.... nd Fnliinge,. embracing all Me above colors, which vmli be made Menke in the new eat and mom approved vol., at .vile P DELANY'S • RICH AN•I). , .SPLENDID NEW GOOD'S SELLING AT LoW PR:ICES AT A. MASON CO'S. RU. 80 PIA kiKET STILL:ET, PITTIOUROLI, PA., ONE PRICE ONLY! AA. kIAsION CO, rinmertfully aornoon RIBBONS —lOO biome beaunful new styles of Bon n, m thew complete and extensive assortment el net Ribbon.; do do Cap and Neck de, Plaid Mantua Line N ew st o p. G oo d, . lame portion and Satin Itintioas, all nu her and qualities. Aisn— e which has lon , recently receive., per lute pocket eraces,Domiet Velvets, Gimps, Erma,. Braids, Vol atilise and steamer, and are confident:v . recommended yet 'Fronmstigs, fr.e. •s Leb; Ramiro the best and mostfashion•lde srYle•te 111 /SIERY AND I:I.OYES —A full stock. Mine the country Goode, of every description. SILKS-401 pet rich changeable Brocade, figured HOUSE KEEPING this department of Gro d'A fruits, Oru iPPekin. Oro ,`Rhine, n'A our establishment will always he found the moat emu- Kier.. Soup de illus., Tine Soon, Taffeta, Ottoman. plate stork, enrapturing in jinn, Premium, Bath, Who. pin ney and Mnekinaw Blanket, Linen and Cotton Oheei. ti SHAWLS -Over one thousand Shawls. of everY lugs, Damasks end Diaper.. Napkin., Towel, Plan s p o"nilsnatne 90. 1 i1r vrYk• or nets, rlhintetw, Amines and Counterpanes. Long and Square Wool Shawls, tis all colors. Alm— I OTII CAsr.IMPRES CAstaINFTS A. VEST. Rich Cashmere and Bream Shawls, Viscoes, Manta- ' '' • • • • ' lis, Cloak, Pe. INGS.—A most extensive stock always on hand, FRENCH MERINOS, PARAMATTAS AND I.Y. CALICOES, TICKINGS. BLEACHED & BROWN ONESE CLOTIIS...-More than live hundred pieces, MUSLIN:S-4000 pieces Calicoes, of all kind, !Wins the largest clock we have ever exhibited. and of every Ticking., every width and quality: 3600 ps 1//a•Gbed Iy of rotor. • Muslin, of every grade; ps Brown Mustins, of ALPACCAS, HOMBAZINEo, ease. Alyea. el; puce.; 30 bole. Red, White and Yellow Flmnetc as and Emnbaaine., Canton Cloth., and every other Also—Country Eltuartels. Brown Premed do, Conroe descriptima of Mourning Goods. Good., Sailor's Trimmings, Millinery Articles, On. CASHMERES, DR LAINLS, to —Rich Pane Cash- 'rho ahoy, with. very large stuck of other mere. and De Laine,lo carea latest design, Very rich were purchased by one of die resident carmen in die and high colonel, superior to any heretofore offered eno, and cm he aforded at either wholesale or retail, Alec—English end f ranch Chinn., Opera Cloth, Pe. PI rt. low pliers as they can le procercd in the cast. lime and Patmetio Cloth. ern attic, Purchasers can here lin, the same ad- EMBROIDERIES, LACES, Ac.—A large stock of vantage, in extent of stock, choice selection. and Paria Embruitlerie., Lace and Muslin Capra- Co;lars, gwat variety. that um presented by Eastern llocoass. CUTS, Mar', Scarf, Belt Ribbon.. Alsro-A full m- New Goode eminently arming - aortmein of Lace, Edging. and Inserting. nayll A. A MASON A CO. GEE WO! GEE , WO WINTER ARRANGEMENT . Millak 1849. fitg_. IMltt COMA T. o - BINGHAM'S EXPRESS WAGON LINE, TO AND VROX Pittebargh harid Philadelphia A t the bus... on the canal la about tieing closed tor thy ammo, wr onnO.l Worm, lue ',Wolk, that we hove Room bnough, .01.^ ConcOokto %Vogul. into re• tit:notion, rod will he iireptived to ?inward dlolpound,doily, (commencing on Monday, the ralih inst.) A Car leaving Philadelphia Lady by the Inail train for Chow beniburr, and the Warn. iravrinie day mid night, envoi - en the delivery or Goods In ire nays. Apply to WM. BINGHAM. Pittoburgh, BINGHAM & DOCK, No to i Marketaireet. DorttO Philadelphia. Hi 1 filthill — A 1314i111t T. • 1849: giN NIMIMg=I PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. Tam Five My., (Sundays eseepted,l running Day and Night, rilaHE public I. respectfully Informed , hat thi. LIM has been nruecePaful operation the two previous Winters, will again commence rannin3 on Monday, the 26th of November. • I,, , AVETTE BLANKETS, rminufarturod in Fayette Wt•telll Pent°.lvema—e superior arti cle to any thing altered in this gay, and for gale at much lower price et the Blanket Depot, No 54 Al arks street. of :he Fayette hlenofecturisig Co. novl9.:w cEIVITINESOnDI4.-11rown iVputscir Soap; Llenintn Soap; Hone) do.; Table: do., purebened of the Importer sod tor vale by No 13 Sonia Min area, Debradelphis- 115.9,19 • R E SELLERS. 57 Woodet norslArilf A Car will leave Philadelphia and eliarobereberab daily each way anti, the Mad Train, and from Cham• Lemberg', with relays of hoax, running IPay and night We apt 'Prepared to forward 601)11 Ib, itright doily by the above Line. Apply to D. LRECII A CO. Pittebergh, or to—HA RVI,‘ A. LEECH, ==a ==M V. I. Mall St•amiblp PHILADELPHIA, FOR CHAGRES, VIA CHARLESTON, SAVANNAH S. HAVANA THE new and splendid ..., N. Steamship PHIL o • -agaS z PHDS, Gallagher, coin _ 11( 1 t V I . 1 am rider, vatil satl from .1: Philadelphia! r Churl.- .4 A ton, Savannah, Havana •, and Chagres,on Tuesday, "'" December 11. at 10 it , lock, A. M., from Me Coto s Wharf, (mu of Lom bard sire a. Tho Philadelphia ha. imeo - Wialaunna unsurpassed by any ateaMer yet built, an having double ride lever marine-engine', of great stredath and pour,. full rell. alma may be placed upon her for safety, speed told comfort. Ladle.' Saloon State Room Berths- • • • • •S , tat Gentlemen's Saloon and mote Room Re rths.• 100 Second Class Berth.. 60 Steerage Berth, Mood with O tli - tom& Beard SO YOU Ms. Baggage allowed to nvery FREIGHT to Chapati, 60 gents per gang toot • WM. Or PA. TO 0•1.1111.1 Cabot I' , State aeon, .... •• • .-• • P 11) Steerage Pe”age• and found• • • ... •• • 1.5 as I' U 7 TAM TO SAVAM , L/1 • NV C. ALLITO, Can l', Stata . Rooto, to Savannah Steeruee Its Cahn Pe•gagg to Charleston...... ••• •- • • to ritecrugc Ptuteage • - • lit No Berths accused watt paid tor All ITteltets mugs be procured at the tJthee ut the Company,:ls North ttitttrveu A. W. TIittNIPSON, Pretodent JOLLA L La.trort,TTeattlfer.--1.V.V0 IIUCTOtt {VI TAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. THE lollowrair article we copy with pleasure 110 m the "Boston Mercantile Journal," of March. 1.119, and ere hope that if any of cur readers a “offering from uny of ate compla.m, w,:let. It 15 sal ro d to cure they will spectitly aTatl tuctule,re• ..f .t. lIALSANI tiF WILD CHERRY It war well known mauy ~ars ago gist wthl cherry boil tres of nos e:rniade pos.ersed vaiusbie ntedicg,al qua:lugs. Indeed this tact wur knowt, to the •horiginen, and deruettons of the leaves or both of dla tree has ever been regsrled by their phys,maidi at one of the MOat a«tual remedies In man) el.carer. I 'Miro., geltrialTears since. arrested the acchnorcof alrighlY reapectable practitioner' of Vic pm. I iheerheared with care th. healing proper • 4 0 . or the wild cherry—tested n. cVeet. when admit, tarred alone, and when In eumbuistrott with Other re media) agents. lie round that as natural vigor relent be greatly unproved, and l.v com,ietr, g with togre• tents wtiose propene. were ad wed ,I roved pen • erally recognized, a neentteine sea. produced whlch constitutes a remedylof great anportug, c0,r,0, ry alferuntoi and dis nags of tee themsod lhhrkl— which are proverbiglly precalem or mire., and large towns, and also prove Mill, swelling the bill of mortality to a much greater event triad to the eerie with ninny others, we had ralltosl seal ili elaarea of disease The genome of Wzlllll.2.tri'llnp fae simile of the signanare ot Ilettry Wrltar. M. D., Phdadelphta. and ?andford and l'ark nii ftn•ly ea e coed steel chgraved wrapper. Nur, other are gen- We ttreats.llll recetpt of Mt- fallowing teoluattary trt hate I to the cunt., ttowetot of Wild qe.rt-t - , from. F. Mel., 11,. •I Mt. Clemott, Mtcht.. gen, atm .• a ptty..c,, at 1044 otittplsztlt, nml ex tensive dr,,ggtM. MT Chinta,sr, Arleta .I.ct shah. 1,40. altheted, this mare cruer that Mt.. 11. Rot,. oi this village, threcor four wed° , after confine ...oh litt•Cked with a.violent cough and groat pfootratum. and wined buten:Ur to the grave wah fearful rapidity 1 edemas' her to th.e %Vicar, Balsam of Wild Cherry—rhe did w and with abet valuaole mrdieine alone sve• restored to health. and is now • hem? pr of the value or Wistarla !Salaam. ef Wild Cherry AU., l'hpieian end Dreirgut Real pt. and be cenvaire4 wll further of lite remmr kable virtues of Wis.... Bah,. of Wild Cherry: llta•rs Sandford k Park: tient*, A. a matter of me. dee to you. and for thetoniefit of the public.• I would O'er the following stati meat of a core eileeted by your medicine. known'. titters Itel.min of Wild Cherry. In the spring r , l 1 , 47 ray wan wa... ',seedy attacked with Pertpecuionnia, or Pleurisy. whieh resulted iii deep seated peon in the sole. Se , TPTC cough; she was attended hy .o the hest physician. , in Chicaga, but to no purpos or weeks she sodert-d, without relief, coughinc y night and day. I come to ilia conclustnit that a, too :row dies Inowit . to the physirians could not brit, her, am! was induced ID try your Wild Cherry. I procoird 41, bottle, and commenced us mg it according I. direc. nom before it was all gone—the rough stopped. the path iu her side left her. and with the nit of another bottle she was restored'. mantes ultha.m. In cun oilier.. of these circumstances, I would rcemuniend it to the public asvolitu,:e Yours. respectfully, It. N GARHA rr 0.30 Part., Mich.. Oct. , Rend tha follounng Tastimanual. Of nll the cures that have been recorded, there are certainly none ego.' or the one first Inannooed, .Much plainly show. the eurabilny of t'doisarnpuon. eien to sonic of d. worst fonm•: Climax Point, Lake co., la., dune 15, 1019. 1. D. Pork: Dear Sir, .ais I have. et deep °minnow.... lion toe the afflicted, perms t me to g on a brief history of my affliction.. and Die benefit lom s derived from the use ei Dr 10ists Oa Balsam of Cherry. In Jul). INie, I wt* attacked with n fever nr the ty phod character, Which left ma in a very debildamd Date, wlwn to the following renter I war taken with • severe cold. which reduced to each an extent as to glee toe the appearance or confirmed conmeeptirel. I labored ander a leVere cougli—elpeetorrtled a great deal,Pnd was troubled with cold feel and night sweat*. I also frequently retired I.lood front ray longs. 1 con. Honed m this state, gradually floater under the di, ease, until /wiser, 1t , 17, when 1 wa• again attacked with fever. Aly friend...lent:sired of my lift, and my ppbysimsos ihosght I could turvtvo ,A3l n .ort time. y extremities, eysecr ially soy feet, wrre conatantly J cold, and almost osttheir Nel Under these cumstances it may truty bn said that t ems • hum, skeleton. I finally determined to qua takiniamedwine greatest... 4 by physicians, and try Dr Wistnes 13aleain of Wild Cherry, end from the Lest week that I cow :waged taking 11. 1 ono date a gradual recovery I continuer: its use six mouths, at the end of which titan I was vO,l, and have emoyed rood health ever since. sad clierantly recommend the Dalaum to oil those af flicted will, disease of the tuna., .1.1 would any to lbose conanomeing it. use, not to I.e. .112mm:egad it two or three bottles do not effect a cure, but perseve IC 1.• I have done, arid have ho doubt but nine Core; 001 of ten sail. be blessed with renewed health as I have been Respeetfugy, yours, JOSEPH JACKSON Yrms et per Bottle—Six Bottle, Mr ES Suld by J. D PA OK. (tocceiun Sandlbrd Nark.l Fourth and VS ninth surto, Cinestinutt, onti, Innlett' Agent for the ',South and %Vent. to whim nil °rants onto be addresned. Wile., Jr, /moms A. Jones; J Kidd & Co, B. A. Fatinestock A Co:Pittsburgh. 4 T. Russell, NVosh- Moon; W. 11. Lumberton, Fronkun; L H Bowie, Uniontown; H. Welty, Greensburgli, S. Kounia,Somer set; Scott A Gilmore. Bedford; Reed & Son, Hunting don; Me.. Ort, Hollidaysburg; Iltldcbran I & Co, K. Wright, Kinard/metEvans o. Co. Bmok• vine; A. Wi'asso & Son, Waynesburgb; M'Curlntid & Co, N. Callender, Mendvillm-Burton & Co, Eric; J. J'ilagotrin, Mercer; James, Kelly A Co, Sutler; st. Smolt, 'Beaver, J. D. Sominenon, Warren; E &C. S. Jones, Coudersport; I'. Croaker, Jr, Brownsville. imeirla-j4lawlyitary H AVANA II 2,4:,000 Rl.Ofo egale i D dz, L i I; S b it) : i t , 10,000 do do, Ls Hamm-Oda, 10,00 n j. do El Neptune; 10,M0 Imperial Remilta, La Norma; utl,Ottd Genolue enacipe, COO A Bona, anou3 Emea . flegarm 10 0 ,9 00 flaPeekor Half Spanmb Aegooe; Just received and for AM., by MILLERRICKETSON , Doe/A Nos 179 add 174 Liberty .0 WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. A. A MASON £ CO., XIV 00 MARKET STREET, PrITSBUO.6II, PA , 1.1 oder , a l e the ilthel,eitenenth ur.ortrootot of Foreign and Staple Goo,la that can On found on the Veit:gr. o "ountry. comp ...big in pan -40 cam.. diem..., Parolee.. and Alpsocal, ta do Cashmere, and Moue de I.aine. 101 do Calico& brat styles; en do Bleached Muslin., 300 hales Brown Mashing; 7.5 do rocking', of all grade., 30 do Flannel., of all color.; Ito do Blankets, of the held toanufnetprr, Cusinaere., Canunctis and Jeanr; 70pleerdi Broadcloth. JO) pirthth Drees Silk.. ICE boar" Bonnet and (Jan Ribbons, Mantua do; 0000 Shawl.. Aleo—Searfe, /ke.; Linen. 00011 e Good., AloPinery do, Tailor.' Trimm ings; oleo, ease, and packages of other tioods, in all theth.leariely. 'New (Ands rotten:only re , noltiog. novt.l A A MASON & CO ri , lllo MAP Or PITTSBURGH, ALLE 1, 1,E011 , .1•1(, AND VICINITY, will Lr ready for the ell,raVer tn ID day, Pere." who may weft to have view. of the.. •oantry tent. put on the map caa do no by mak ,ng application to the underlined. ,thv tome before rho 9gdt In To defray the ,roanme of the view.. . -11 l he 'roamed in weihon to the prten of :ha mu. nuvlO R E MeGOWAN , .. . . Q ATIN, STRIPED DE LAINRS—A tote mperior IO Black Salm Stopml dr !Antra, of an e.‘cellem quoin'', and at very low corner WI opened at Nu 75 Mark, went, north writ corner of Mr Diamond. novID ALEXANDI.:B A DAY "Norway Malian" Ellssalaita. W It MURPHY, at North East corner or Fourth and Market streets, bas lately reertved a sup ply of thn above superior make of Blankets, and to •ites those in want of the article to look at them be (ore buying lie boo also on band Mom Made:Ulan- Itent, • good heavy article, which he is selling low. Also—Home Made FLANNELS, brown. barred and white, of a superior quality. Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS. to which he mattes the atiennon of buyers. lnren m artpplyo(Gooda recently opened In the V, V , : t i mi, It nor up p Matra, make. Ma assortment very full and worthy the auention of dealer, Tt ' l2 )-- es Pound Lump, Samuel Myer, S. Co, 100 dwarf Lis l lb do 1141 each) do; 5 Lai( do do CI Dorado. J now., Id d... do a'a do Russell it Robinson's; 30 du do s's do Cati.eas; 15 do do s's do donna is find...c . d. YU do Jo s'. do Freunan'a; 40 dwarf do a do Canso.; 40 do do b's do Dickinson, /nit received end for solo by hIIk,LER kr. RICKE:TSON, ndvl2 Nos 172 and 174 Libelty et 1 051 OR 57ISLAID-1 trunk Shoes, wetening 75 In., [narked "1 et J R Dick, Meade - Ole. Pentea.'• Teout the 1E55 or glet October fait.Aleo-2 er, chests a, marked "T k. B" They may have been aliment to etnue comonseton [mute at .team) malt ❑heril rew.ird will be given for all or either of the piteliegct, on their recovery. by MEW HOOKS —Chalmers tonne.. of 'neology vol. I. being vol VII of hi. Pos.homou• Works. . . . . Coyrnbes t 4 y stem of Phrenology, senhaparards of NO engravings. 1.1 reed and for sale by ~i~~ tlorls Apollo Mulcting, FlN!ich Cidl oftl prink hand and for ink by noAs.',.., • lV tr. 1[ IIcUL'TIIEOV DON NKI' V ELY F.:TY---A A liana,: A Uo. hove re reqvc.l I ca.. peal itanno Vciven,a(the mom aekrnwe *bade, and at low prices.neva L.OV AND . HOSIERVZNow apriarig OA. A. n. .11.* dor Gloves 0.1 Hosiery. of all kin at.d itan!.e. :lord . DOTA.SII—", ca•kv ti knt Jay. for sale ^".“ TA,NEYkIE,r_T Litl.).-4.11e No for .We by ol TASSEY A HEST 11 “ 1... 1 AL , F1 , - , ‘ ,7 lL'R— n Tr a n 2 aekb (Osfitt4nklieLlLLl `lU,'—U Lx. Cflldnnw, lust recd, fur wle Icy Iro ESSENT/A I. 011,-1 ran (.!,1 I - setsanfra. Pr,lll land pure, For .sle by ant r J NiIIOONMAKER S ro rthee the o, J A IIUTCIIISUN S Cl, f E,6—;250 API,. by 1 A IIUCCUISONS CO lOVVHE-11,0 bags Rle, rer.vmg /ram caul, Yee ‘.../ for •Ilr by ovt. lAMKS A HUTCHISON tr. CO CI !WEN Zis Ju.t rred antrior %ale lI 1.). norll COPE SU HS:VFW:LE 1 ir.CEIVED THIS DAN", at tic WEIL Rubber 11. rol—l Wonaen, NeulLc Rubber Sandal.; Sayper.; Iluektua, Alisoes' Suppers, I - Alen's Over.hoeo Sandal.; I ' ,esater erged - Overshoes; All OF whic h will Le so.d, 'wholesale or retail, lower than at any house in the J k II eIIILLIPS, nowt No 5 Wood street 111.71-1111iR CLOTHING—SIee'd at the Indio It Depot. this day-6 pair Pant, Baptismal Pant, Ii blurred Leasums, 5 Long Legglngo, Sold at No 5 Wood turret, by . nnv2l I,k. II BEC'D Tilki DA V-1:: Inds. Far We De 1. Na W**2d.kLll'lll.l.l.lPS oku.ll I A C l ( r ‘r'.d " ilrr textmL tttt km;. iron I Incb th es. For by J • H 1•1111.1.1P$ S ond ov2l Ia Nevot.4l rr I)OIATOE_,-11 LUN lore recd gaol for oak. Gy cu Ptak RREVFOGLE • —J ton recd onc onugnment, •nd for Stlir .:nee., 1,1,21 COPE h lIREITOOLE W I .ET Mute and (or raie by al unrll COPE d. lIREVFOO LE I=2/11132 P T , Ty j N o o T ,; 0 % , ' 17 , Medivial Prat.. end the CommunaV; e by Worth wpm. Mu", M 11. . , . Too Wurkg of Michael De sloinatane, ero,roong h. L.rn-r.,trx By %Vol. Hallett Nto,vel, nod its Iternati. fly Austen Mori, Ley- C 1,. ot or Nov of an Unfinothed 'l'our In IB' n Sr. Wall.. Tepper'. Proverb:al Philosophy. new ednion; Mos -414,4. Jwl tree:wed by JOHN TON it STOCKTON. nov,l corner Markel and Third tame:. (Journal, Chronl,lle and Yo.i copy.) o n ft entirely . 1: 4 " Z.% s, Al Mich 411ort..omprilong-300 Long 1..haw1., pcsi Rich Ilreex •uper Long Broche ymal., WO piece. Freoc hi ii rrinos, Per inaßits, c. nov2l F.Ral BL 2. AT&A. No. :I, 4 and 6, tech] and or 13 .xle hp nortl 0 ARBUTHNOT i ds ree'd opnaig - iiiarni nnd C ARBUTHNOT Wools, as long as ape water permit. Er'D THIS DAY, front the PHILLIPSVILLE Ll Pxototy-4 gm.. of that excellent &mate of Hub her Poste, for reud•rin6 Boots sod Shoes 'soh and tm pe”,nos us water, Fat sale at the Ind:e, HoLbes De pot, N 0..: Wood street. uuvN J S II PHILLIPS B 7 BOOKst UST rod'd at We PRESBYTERIAN BOOK ROOM, Ntt. Waist street, and for sale at Eastern pnees: Orsentost Hebrew Lexicon, Toarttnenda Arrangement of ittetthld, Neanderts 'Donny of the Mantuan Pelt- Von and Lurch.Ttcattee on Cetsottan Doc trine lie of Jeremiah Evans, E. Robinsott's Greek lintsn..o) at the Gospels, do Enghsh do do, Scour its. I,le, d vols. Boston edition; Pansh's Bible Gast-neer, Medlars. • China sad its Prospects, D,. Wood's Lec tures on Saedenborgianism, liar. Ntisstortary A nee • dot,. a... natty o.lter to works, In toldnion ts the above. all at gamuts rawer novia "• • • .Manuricturcrq of lA , Giro, Glass Wain, No. ri Market street, Pitts burgh, P 4, keep constantly no hand and °take or der nll kinds of Vtala, Battles, he. Porter and Mine• Cal Water llottles, of superior quality. Particular attenuon pan, to 3nvate Mould, novt. I y giAIWARIti DS —La .mall kegv., - To . r Ery A novv, SCHOONTIAKEH & CO New Book. REDIJURN: His Filet Voyage, by Herman autbor of 'Tyree!! -Ornoo,” &c. Illatory of King Alfred of England, by Jacob Abbott' wall Into engravings. Snionia Sorcereard by Wm. Molabold, JOHNEVWN & STOCK TON, nornS corner Third and Marker aireeda • d tor gala b T U ,rr '— ‘ l .7Ttl'}' ' .;. ' l)=4OGLE, Ind Eleond ai titicit9i r core and D tor sate by ttov74 COPE k BREYFOOLE =?s=M QINJAR—ro hhth N 0, reo'd nod for e& W HAIVBAUG II `' IN DO W 61,A53-213.1 Dimes oss'd rizer,ln +tore, V for .1. by no r 23 tl & W HARR/WWI ToktiCeo-7b Las 6 - s,ll'& and lb Tamp; No kegs No I twirl; for sole by RIIEY. bIATrIfEWS & Co LA.ILSEED—Wading from steamer Exchange, and for ale by. ISAIAH DICKEY S. CO, cmg2s.l rm. arm ROUSES, LOTS, FARMS,•Ar. 1 , RENT,—Tbe WAREHOUSE at pre .ent oocapi•d by Mews. Brown tr. Co, oo Water street, from first of April nest. aortet JAIM , A HUTCHISON A. ----- -• NS . ED" i.ICMO 1111, 50rt.,3111.11101 . 9Krtl M. I tan Chemical Soap cat.. • Gee semi:ran:Mount at the erame tune toollfica, softens, amiwbilmet,bse , givi..t the texture andismutypf at Infant', F . AB A . ---- 1, gp, - ..._A;, 0'r,,,,,.. PEDLAR ' S - SIV.V . T. SAL= ads= .1. Sttaso s are soon.= only or . t .'1,L .d ....1, w ,„." ..7,,.77_ healed, but cured by Usage, arta! least seven =ti: gear W A GON-for N Sta - b r ie Ofitod - y - Pa - tterso - n,.70n - rtla "" o ' ins7t, - , an ' i ' u o'L?:l l fl7 o e l' a j - jf o 'k g !s s . '"W air:t ''''l'L'"th between Wood and Smithfield. ogg2 l Patella, Burma" FXXXX.74 et any elite , al. dm. . Valuable Panel for Bale. etua The 'coder Is assured that Win m netuseleiit puffed nogrum.. al will Wove. I could eitu- NTEAR CANTON, Stark county , Ohio , re , ..-etne of therath et kart ho p . m ,. oare d o f II 515/SACRIZ OF LAND, Ina high suite or coin- rya ,. liaa,,,soaa Leas nano . so . ,: Samt.„-Bay it, abun.ration, with Go ne ultall . a e :pron d limestone.portion al timb Abour, end equal an ' h . d are i, old t h e „, n 4a i„ again vented I would lence of cot . • th e i ha or a gas i by.wit to be not cruelly null it f or e a Ve proportiona of this land are rolling upland, adapted to , f note. Thoth who are thol e , . wheat, and meadow land adapted to . gma and corn. Clio.' CILACIM, oa Cuomo FIiSS, will find lids a Ihe improvements are IL fIXId Frill. UVrelling, a hi.rgo , re. A., , , ,i, 0nc „ . ..,,,,,, w i th a . ) . o f th e .1,,,,,,,,,,,, gam. Rack' llor. a young . Apple (Urbana, of choice ilex dioceses. will find this all and even more lead.. patted frt. a good supply of young Poach Trees, tr.o, hie io ha rthparhaa) th ao i arao „ T,,rm•-ull, fourth to hand, .lauce in easy mutual Ba „ re , er, the athrea are d oo d a d .w ith hauggion,%' payment.. 'cule Indisputable. 1 .d be sure you ask for JONES'S Italian Chen:deal FM' further pun... Mars apply to IL Griswold, Req., 1 ~, , ,„p ~,,,,, by wm, JACKSON, Ea Liberty street, Canton, or to the undertigued, at Pittsburgh.anglitdaWr . JOILN AN/JREWS Administrator of the Fn.. of Goa 11.rilL os: 5 -amt.-tea For norkt• 'PUP...treble property occupied by me ILI the Ger i. ow, of Manchester, being a good Cottage Brick 11075 P... and Twu Acr. or Ground finely improved. Posse.. goer immediately. Entioire of Jas. All. Jerson, E.q., admining the premises , or of tiork 1%. kIeCLINTOCR,7S Fourth no ilkscat.- Wirafit: - A WELL FINISHED ROO5l tunable for a Satiety oil:cm/mime. Furnish ing Store. Al. ea-Several rooms stumble for edicts or A. ti .Ps rt... 7 D GAZZAIH, omit. Office Thud street, over Post Office. • For Wile or klarii. tja i LTHE very deurable reoldence ist Allegheny City, lately imcupted by IL W. Poindexter, and ssescion given immediately. For terms, apply at M. office, or to W. W. WIL SON, Market G. oem • im Ff - ircu. ItIECNTThe ma.t o house now .... &cod by Mrs. Atwood, situated at Oakland, s i s itith 20 acres of ground attached. The Feu. isspactennt and convenient, and the ground well Un proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES re 00, oug:11 . Water st __... jia.FOR SALE-A Bock Hotiaeilititone . yent built,' .d Lot, on Robinson Greet, Allegheny, neat old Bridge. Price low and terms Allegh eny, Inquire of i y 2.4 S SCHOVER, 110 Second at L'oa fIF.NT.—The three ivory Brick Dwelling j` House, on Liberty, between Hay and dlarbury wee., now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Pooseseion given immediately. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or at me Booketore of JOHNSTON b. STOCKTON, earlier Market and Third meats. E=tl THE llllhscrthera will .11 at pct. m sale, those two valuable hens of Ground, situated on Tomato st-, In the TI n E Ward of Allegheny City, each having a front of 20 feet, running back 1001.1 in depth to a2O feet alley, upon winch is built a stone welt , 25 by 100 feet, which coated. stone enougn to build cellars for Iv.o comfortable dwelling houses, and in Coal there are three shade trees, of V years growth, and the ride walk is paved with brick, all of which will be sold al Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip, wiil be taken in payment. . . . J t II PHILLIPS, Nos Woof-, or to WAI. DENSON, trumethately opposii my7.l :IXL:tr.—Five eutuated in tee I-ar il !shine town of.ihrmingtmen. The Inda are situa ted on Ilieinan !meet, numbered to IF Liao...We plan 75, 70, Hi, it and , 2—Lot No 75 Wootton MI feet on Ma ry Attn street. 70 feet deep; the other four 20 feet front each, by Kt rem deep. I Terme—tireater part of pareame money may rej main for us peen, secured by mortgage. For partici ulars, inqutre of SCHOITII, wyl• 110 nncond at OD Acres coal Lana . ter Salo, MIA.IIM.fOn the Monongahela river,about tOmilos 0 from it - r...ourgh and 3 mike above third Look, in we immediate neighborhood of Megan. Lyon i Shorb, and Mr. John Herron's purchase. Tido fine body of Coal.will be sold at thr low price of =per nark.—one third in hand, balance. In five equal imunal payinetta, without interest Title indisputable. Location very good--eannet becurl/awed. Nor funkier panicuirint enquire of L S BALEIf, who hay a dratt of card pro petty. Residence ed st, below Ferry,lllr. Adostml firm. . N. IL Thera is another team of coal on O. trash liana 00 lee: above the lowa rccif excellent quality. S. B. Ilitairtfing Lots for but. • • T IIL: m ubz , frihera are authorized toad - esat private of very valua u rile ' ltz i fl ' il l ing ' Tlo n' ta. M .7ouVr ' ts ' i ' n: ei nu l m a ' r ' i c te r 7 '.2,, , :1 1 c L 1 T.i 1 i0.,17711707,1 1 .., 67 . , , ;14. 6 ' . gl,. 7 .1 0, 1t I" Led at the south eastivardly corner of Penn and Wayne ztreeta, fronung 240 feet on the former, and ertandin along the tatter about 000 feet to the Allegheny and being a part of the Real Estate rivet. of the hits Jtu a , IS Stevenson, Esq., deceased. A plan or subtliyiston of the tkLove may with winch tt is to 8011, they be seen We office of the underAinutt, on Fount, between AI kot and Perry .rc , WILLIAMS fr. KUHN. nty3 ALen.BLE I--ALESTATE ON PENN . :Mt-El.:I FOR SALE—A Lot of Oround situate on Penn V street, by twcym Hay and !darbury streets; admitting the haute and lot now ocrupd by Richard Edwarda, having g, (roof of WI leer, and to depth 1.59 feet. will he sold on favorable terms. l'tle unix . erptionahle En• quire of C O. L197/M15.,4111 st, rent Wood. uerdl.ttf _ ALIatIRAIILE BuildruF Lot tn AlleFbeny eny. varably locoed, in, cze about ball' on iwre, t7L:: 1.e.01d on occomroodanng terms. Immite ni febn 1 D WILIJAM.S, 110 wood al 7: 043 0,1t;7'C;•Pr•qtt . ..4.1..! - :1 - 5"3. I ram 1. 4 3 • A N EMINENT ativiliaaperteneed Phyriciaa from aka I. East. of 20 years minding. offers to treat all cam. of a Delicate Nature ortth and secrecy. lit mere.. in Bolfalo and other large eitiem ham been proverhinl. lilt charges are moderate, and lid. cure. perevnent. Wd came. of tileet, Strienite. scro ta/h. Floor Alaaa , Rheiatristicte 42.2.3ypititne or any chronic or Incinerate case. moliciteil - - . A rare warranted, or chatec refunded. I St. Clair atreat, 2 doors from the Ands. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor gram_ A. solicits the worst eases of uty dire in Pittsburgh to eat. apt4:dly ELICEI FALL GOODIt A LEX ANDER .t DAY, corner of the D i amond . arid 21. lake DER uoufy their fnentittn.l the politic tam they have receive.l their mock of Fait and Win ter GOOD.", tit reel from the importers, manufacturers and nuction. at th e ram. Their mock of new style and farina/whir Goods is larre,teld prewithi strong attrae conti to purchasers. In Ladles Dre.s Goods on Shawls. the most iplettilid and fashionable Goodn o theo.,awiti tIOW offered. at remarkably low prices conmatnie it ore ,pan of the following LADIES' DRESS GOODS. New style Brucha fig'd Camelion ditty, Cold nod Black Mahn R Cheues add Tare tlauns; Col'd exinelian tiroderlaties, of the best qualities. Ulnrk glossy Groderiens or the celebrated Fail .ufacture. The above named Black Silks are warranted net t • cot in the wear, for dresses and an they are th. Imported. Nell Led Carnahan Main Da Chene,the handsome Ilk. ni thn Ammon. . hira Brochu Silk figured French hlennos, new W d splendid article for ladles` walking dresse.. -Silk Embroidered French De Lain., for Messes and incks hm an , entirely new article. aaeres, Lainen, Merinos, AI paceaa and Paz mem, II large alsonment. SHAWLS AND SCARFS! Ilrocho Long and Square Showls. of the bola gush trr Hoot Long Swots, of the'nearesi designs, remark eddy cheap. splendid Testes Shawls, at greatly reduced prices Cumelion Brodie he'd Silt Shawl, in great variety Crape Shawls, white and calorgd, in great variety CLOTHS, CASSIMEItES AND VESTINGS. Be. Sedan real Freni...h Twilled Cloths, all pricer heat Sedan real French Cansimeres; new style Annoy Sur Casaurieres; super Satin Vesting. LADIES' GLOAMING CLOTHS: French and Itelvan Black /mid Olive Cloths, for La dies. Cloaks. A splendid assortment of Americtin and imported Blankets ' ve at remarkably lo prices. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS' A large and complete ILIAMEIOnt now On hand.— Mnoy in our present stock of , Staple Goods were bought from the crianufacturciaprepotts to the present edvmnic in prier.. A principal.pvt of our stork of French and Enultsh goods have beau purchased at the great AJCliOn Bales in Btilltulelphia, and New York, which enables onto offer decided•bargatn• in almost every &set/Minn of goals on our Line of business. Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and all wholesale and retail buyers, are invited to vi early, examination or our stock sod prices. ALEXANDER S DAY, 75 Market st, north west corner of the Diainimil. (. 7U rosy 'detra, Sherry and ruseet l' ;‘ 4 l.i . iagatt!'ln k eitt ',;cer at i lt try the cask or to quail .ll2ll it roll purchaser/113y. 'W I hi tarrcuEtLßEE, novo No 160 Liberty st S t : ( 2lt l hy ° ",',..l ° `" v iL, n taiTlVlV.F,Vdt;" (_‘; iii-- .Tw:" . "' l l o ?:1111 7 1`1-411"1 1 4YA t : le 4.d u pound b.., lost evc'd end for /100 by nova MITCH ELTREE TtA ULASSai-ZPAThblt prime Plantraton Molngses, ill. t ooh We end good order, for Ask low by iv A ii MITCHELTREE, novIJ IGO Lilm7,lal J. Irinspratt A. Nuns' Patte,C. Sod. A.I. 3.25 .c." - ,,',K,Vit7c,'"7'.: 3- ,. L.Vo'v':'. B 4' . A•l:l atrumiaa,aaera ea I,,,,cent Amalie. vat, anavina and la: /ale by nava 'W a. at MITI:MELT/0:E . . . ..- _ ._. .1 .1i QUO 11::. I 7 Li ',was Ilraudy—Otard, Uupuy, .to; a pipes 11 , 111 and lain, ' 5 c.ks N E ii. 41.1: 41A1 bal . ( V.1a..1‘41; for /ale by Hay', • NW tr. ?..I MI rCHELTREE S CNIYiti..-- .. 1 .; 1 - t e d . g n , LiFs - 6 - e - diAli /0 OWs suer, 6SUV . 7 , It:11111:1 6 " " 7 : " 8 t :l 7 e ' ra i ttln J landlng and fog rilee.n, ri 7 b‘.B'7'"atu'r ' 1 LI CANFIELD ) ma rti ..nre and for gala by • J A iIUTCIiISOII k CO E=l== UR inends and dm Public are reapectfully inform. U hot the Reliance Line will cease to ship tiooda cis Canal from Pittsburgh on the WM, and from adellibia on the Wm um. We shall continue to carry gomis by railroad and wagons during winter. novo JOHN tiIoPADEN & CO LEACHINIi PuitYSTR—.29 casks Jos Muslim:l& 1111 Dons: brand, a superior article, for sale by navf. W R hl MITCIIELTRER WWagon Cover splendid article 124 wide, for sale at No. 5 Wood st . boviAl J & H PHILLIPS COFFEE—ISO bags prime Linen Rio; Laguayrin In " Old Gov. Java; for taie by JOHN WATT & CO" S UNDRIES-1S i nzta . c O x l ysi o Coition hillIo;cse; 20 druOus t; 75 bbl. Mackerel, Nos 1. Vaad horn 1755 tbr yak. by noVAI JOHN WATT& CO Tt.ld..J.: oa band .d for sale by —_ irn JOHN WATT & CO DAdON . SIDF.S-1 bbd min I.ding in. iioarber I_lll Exchange. for male by noa'd. ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Front as Ls KATIICHS & WOOL— saelgm 4, now lasTtEag from r manna, I,l2bange,and ler male by ''.."" ISAIAH DICKEY &CO BES...sWA X. & GINSEN G— H. I bags and I raft laid tag hole mlcasser Exchange, ate for male by bo= :SAW All DICKEY & CO I 1 EA 1i1, , llbbls mar leed abd te , aab b6 2.D newl B CAN . ME2EI aw,wsmramao,l Cr Au. cool, orrumm am tottonthiy enured MY the follemng are the actual %halides of bailie of Jemit's Coral Hair Restorative. Itl they dotal% OR word, they evutet them highly respmlahle citizens who have tried Mr. Geo. Becket, at Elm s 6 New York. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Itlrnle or Brooklyn.: Mr. Wm-Tompkins, PI King at, New York. Mr. That. Jackson, Montour. Island, near firlabtolek 11. F. Collett, late barber steamboat S. America, And more than a hundred othera state, though Din ,adhce, that it will force the hair to grow on the head or face atop it fall - mg off. strengthen the root., remover .t urf and dandruff from' the roots, making light, red , or gray hair assume a foie dark look, and keepitm dry, hanh pr wiry bale moist, boll, clean and besuutul, s very, very long ume. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON,PiI Liberty say Pittsburgh. Price 311, 50 rents, and one dollar. auGaitearT LAUIES - AILE CAUTIONED AOAINSTAT. SIM.: COMMON PREPARE D CHALK: They ere no t aware how frightfully tojinioca to tie skm! how roam", how rough, bow, ad low. yellow, and unhealthy skin , pears eller usnig prepued chalk! Be gide, a is injurious, containing to large quantity of Lead! We hare prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE:. . It i.perfectly innocent, being purifiedof alitleleeil. orui qoelines; and it imparts ha the skrn • naturil,,tteal thy, alabaster, clear, hiring white; at the pate lime ruting ata ustilelle on the skin, making it soft and mooch. So l d by the Agent, wNt. JACKSON, tia Lib erty ot. P,ashurgh. ['rice 94 adore. .2g74,tarT [LT 1.11 • VILK REM. . C/Ore-replii sve hnu o bad, putrid breath, or dart. , •Itowarioarr.' d teeth. [(persona have the. it Is the • own fault— they can, (or two shalinp, bay an Al tla that will make their breath pure and sweet as 0. , • SFityritir • drolda. It cares disuses of the Gums, spots- orulcerated, and for ine,Teeth it Is unequalled, rens sg the tartar, fastening the teeth ir• the rams, and • can. theme white an tho snow f e nsfrum Nor th . Such. reader, aa the properties of J•• ass's Amber 5 , Tooth Paste, and, without praising tt a, sewn, hear what one at ourmost respectable. and setendfic Den us, Mr, E. Field, of New York, says: have both used mid :maimed this beautiful and ha. putpnble article, (Jones' Amber Tooth Paste,) end ens recommends possessing all the qualities claim ed for IL' Reader, we C. say no more to convince, only that if you try Was once you Will tie7wellpleaud. It is put up in beautiful English China Pats, for 29 cet.s. (told by the Agent. WM:JACKSON, 89 Liber ty street. Psksbursh. ' ug6:dicarT • NEW LI A 11.D . 107 . ,A RE STOILL. SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. 78 Wood strati, Pittsburgh. HCHER AND LAIIFMAN. Importers and dealers in Foreign aid Domesuc 11/111DWAILE r io_ all to varieties, ore now prepared to -ell as low and on as rermonable term. an ean be purchased elsewhere. We soims our friends, and the t