ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS At '1 FRANKLIN, Allontey m Lror, roanhji.' MO/ at C. TUTTLE. KITORNEY Al' LAW AND COMMISSIONER ' POD. PV,NNS. LVA A, St. Loris, Li....alLula promptly answered. oetZ3-11, , • . A ILNISTraiNi.. teCHOZtiat i Coosausereui Mere:mate jab. and %kale. its Produce, No. IN Market meet . deed 411•SeetTigla — A.11Weirkiii CLl,Mailataelareta of taula Ask. Bleeehlug Potedets, llotiatie and Sulpharle War, Louse N. —Water areal, Se.. Ferri. ao•20-11 mom nitro, SOl4l IMITSIT. - • DRAW e d tigiTER, Wholesale and Retail Wog ' ..1.11 pets, trier of Liberty and Si Clair loterat, Paw bugs, mayle Claa I K. S. SWAIM. DILOWI; Gingers, • and Laov,ws.ou 31erchanu,No. 143, UtOOI &Vs . . • I.' " -1 'b p ° 7 1 ' ' A . 4%7i I . r TCP— .l;:ag'ss' eoLer,Wocid So ld ITI iltiltXLLO at - Liw, Third as, ‘,./ In door above Otetthbcl4. U. La. N 0.1.14 SP ttlalE STRIXT, rtuLADELP.IIIA.___ • (10:4TINULD to give his parocular attetnio . o . to the treatment of thsescrs of SKIN, PCIIOI. ULA, asul Diseues of the Tlt kOAT. Ogle. hours: P LI . • u, and P D. 0ct441310 JOH. a,: C. 14, w. 6 sIIiNSCIL (1810 & SKINNER, Fomenting and Commiwion C Merek.ta,,No. 211 Mark et at, Putabargb., spa Om * lttl r liaborwarding .:+dd= V. mela Duquesne I,prlag, Azle. Stool wail loos Workw /WOMAN, Jr. Co, mannfar tun. of ! Coultand Sprtngs, Hammered Spitat .d Monet Iron, Re. Wareltou. on Water end Front oreets, Pi.barga. • Also, des.. 0 Cottehilinuanga and Malleable Cutlrga:• 0002 - nu. - DENTIST, •• (Lase of New C ork) 0.1.-"9liCittake iu erect, between fever. .d N. &—Dueaaea °like mouth, game .d lietb treated liontraor.a. ll /. • toloalloa :' WIL, J. ROLM, JAN= J. Ilitr.llll, •t EN03119/1 Ss 'BENNETT, (taus Ess&hah, GsdWimps ~..1, 5 0.) Wholesale Sinners, common= and For histrehants, and dealers to Produce and PUS. .ID7ritazmafiteniLres, No 37 Wood st., between 7d and Iha mem .71 • soma w. cam • Isms a TWOS • CIEWLIGE W. SMITH & CO., Brewers,. SlestelS and lisp Dealers, Pin at, Pttuh pt2s tAtXPRIXOYCEICA: . 0711Wiivaang 131" Merchant, No. 20 Woad weer. Pntabargh. myl7 • . - ELOMMit LICAU - I,IkitACTOELIf • HABLILTON STEWART, tr.amtfactarer of Heavy Skirting{ Mocks tr_, liebosea street, city of iSbegbony. - - oovV.Aly• 11 LEE, 1.0, :r7,.c7FlTharplii &Lead - Wool Deal er al.: Coiantinioo bierebilit, for the sale of +.l.bitii.24¢ I.Vou:rio, Liberty. °poplins 6dt. febl7 yr. autm.D. U.:tll.lre. a., f. *moon, sOwsiO adalS, i plat' ada. a:c. 111e1 . .016 .. 4 , JO= L. Wallna, . 11L EALD ..: Ut t Oi OR., Tobacco Cosoltdesion !der casow, 31 N.Jith Water at, RIO NorthWharvu, ... • • ; I.AILDV, & Co., (successors to Atwood, S. ; COMlDlssioll and Forwitrdtug Mer chants, dent... in Pittsburgh Alanufzetured Goads, Yittshsait, V.. • suut,ls tagimit rum,: A f m ``.r s;1 Mec:m. a co wholeti.e e, .c:1- mssdan mt, uddcalers Produe• r, audiur Veva sures, Pitlabnlsh. novS ruaa a, DiLwocnr. "IOLETII DLIAMMI. DILW. METH re. Co, Wholesale Grocers, Yr* , J w . data ' end Commission Merchants, and Agents Eat tho Elam,) Powder Co, or N. Y., No. V Wood it, kitssburgh,.. . . sum • a t./1124 L . tifINNSEND, Drawn asa Apcurceary No. u Martel. Kihret doors Oceanian re. Piro{ burgh, will have stantly on hind a well selected am armament of thvbt and treeheet Medicines, which ha WM sell on the moat - reasonable' tuna Physicians Sending order., will he promptly attended to, and sup. pad with anielee they may rely upon as genuine. Yhpuciana Prescriptions will be ecearmely and id prepamd from the beat any hear of Ms oraight. Also for side, a large mach of fresh and good Perla:, • • ;nth bEWELL,Counsellor at •60_ , rtli share Smahneld. novl.l y B. CANFIELD, (tate of Waren, Oido,) CGOISIiI- 10• 'sign and Famarcing Abraham, and wholesale neater in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Pot and Pearl Ash, and Western Produee generally, Water Beek between SmithSeld and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap3 401 IN WATT, isueoessoisoßeirni A. - " Gar ebbt,/ 41: V.lsplesole Grocer and' Commission lien hum dealer in. Produce and Pittsburgh Matiefutures, ear ner of Liberty and Bud streent, Pittsburgh Pa. Bc.V JAbiai A.. I IITTCIIIBON, & Co.— to Lewis lintehison A Co., Commission, end Agents of the 81. Lou. Steam Borax rite-finery. No. 44 water and ff front streets, Pittsburgh. Hula 1 01114 t. Mmi • ' ,W. • I. ..". ...i. • 1., a• d OD er lit Dye dirrits Pamui, Oils, V . . - &e., tio.IM Wood Street, One door Sods& of Dimmers! Alley, Pitts. !.'.. _.=,. - , lent iAll 3 M.y.&11, Jr., tr..t.liT.T L( . ..CC.Z.01 . TO Jo. 3 Phii . T Dini •j hh. P._. ( e_ l “! . 4 l SP,,.. zlLw.N_er_zti.A,.. 9q._. 'tiffs - a. Mlli i rill, wholesale and !detail dealer im Mule and &limiter hatrimorrits, School Dom% raper, &Wes, /Reel Pens, Quills, Printers , Cards, and illations/7 lienerally.rsio. id Wood sm, Pirisbruzli. Areltags boaght or tisken in trade. mold JBCIitiONALUMI7. &Co Wholesale Dream", • rio. . 'cod t ' ' •• . it. JOIIN D. DA.VlB,Aacdooter, tartar OM a/WI Mood Street., YllO6lOlO. 'ecl.9 ibIiNSTON 144STUCkLiON, _Booksellers, rriuton and.Poper Nonufsemers, No. 41 Ploskot band. I 1,'• , 1 daddy:co 11.1410.0 n non. I J MN 01•07. ....-..__ • J'l" 18 FLOYD, Wholesale Unioners G0[8a11.6.41011, . Merchants, arid DeVors in Prinbace Round Chunk liaildihr, fronting on Liberty, Wo ol and dal streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. myb lamas *DALZELL, Wholesale tirocer,Celanhamon V Merchant, and dealer in Produce and klataborgh Mansfaeturets. Neon Water st, Pittsburgh. jahui 3717.W1AV ER, J, Wholesale and Retail Dea ler to Foreign . Wanes and Liquors, and old !damn gale, Rye Muskegs, corner Finland /Aug..% I in LIBB & JONI., Forwarding arid Connigealou dans+, Dealers In Produce . and Pittsburgh mom. ied asuelea Canal Basta, near 7th et dal PriBID ALILL, DATTSD URDU, PA. jiMatilF.DY, CHILDS in CO, Manufacture. of very hsperior 4.4 glieeusga, 'Carpet Chain, Conon AVM and !tan's. o3o-it V. — osirrina Iron Work.. .. - , LEil7lB, DALZELL t Co., alsonfeeturers of all C. see Dar, R&M, &elm Iron and Naas of the twat quality. Warehouse, 64 seater and 11.4 front as .., truly , • ILioo, 11 - 6.3 WAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forera66. . log asolCommisslou Merchant, Dealer to r 11..- it. AclanufseF ront tures and produce, Nos. 31 Water mt, fas , , 1/11011•• /MISMT, • MA M. SAW T 15.1:11/111CDY & 9AWYE3, 140011aNG GLASS Alanufacuszere, and Wholesale dealers in. foreign and dolt:wenn Variety (buds. Wens merchants, Pedlars and others are invited to call and examine the prices and quality of our stack, als with our present increased in =malaria"- tug and purchasing, we think we can offer as great (neem.ftts to buyers as any' other house west of the Aloarstains. ,jaS•ty . C. w. WC/.173011, Zusbargh. PILLEK & MCKINNON, Wholesale Glutei*, mud importer. of Brandies, Wince and &ewe, hoe. a i and 174, turner of Liberty and Irwin aueets, banal, Pa Iron, Coact, Yarns, ac. at. o 0 ail augl4 ao)121 "Mt - • Jo. LI. 'XVII. aril-71M C. WL 'KR eallsla k kOk.; Wholesale Wooers end Commis. 11.1. sion Illerebauce, No. 191 ',Warty et, Pulataugh. jab MURNIY, WILSON'A CO, (lath Jones, Murphy is Co.) ‘Vholeasle Detilers in Dry (loons, No. 4.1 Wood street, Y.lshorgh. noir.ll ATATMEW Svu-5c5:4,1:1....u.u, b1i..,„,-as.„.. Li : ter. Roo; %, wow uf Pt. ..Office Alley nod Youth Whet, enhance pi. 4th near M. het. • , deefenti. ifitgai - Vicarik - Ora . . --- CATOluis --- ZfrugFiCitiii • I AND AXLE FACTORY. /s ibs{ sonar, J I. • tertaa. JONIC/5 & avian. IkiANUFACTUREJLS or 'pries and blister steel, pbsitget steel, steal plough wings, roach and slip, e shrungs„hamatered iron hetes, and &oboe In non table castings, fire engine lamp, and conch trimmings tkennly, comer of W. and brow sic, Patsb e nrge, ' '._._ itowarLs & &or+, No. 35 Market sty second • riconr kom comer of Fonrll denler• fn Foreign atiilDmernie Wits of Exelanage, Certlfienleis of Depot .3, Donk Now. and Specie. ACT couutiou. scud on all. 130 prpeipil clues throughout the ,Unltoil Staten no!17 --• - - AT Mommas —Oftett, Fonrat mt., JA • third doer above grolthns , s south side. thinelaneing of all kinds done with the greatest cite mut leg al accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examined, te. oaMii.ll ; . U. T. uon•rts, 111. .0., CEki R. TUALkile SURGEON will attend to tho treat. mentor Diseases of the Lk , . , • . Leen engaged in ' branch of the mg; 4 =ncal for tea the tre ' age " nTorli b ar c ronre eye alone lot several years. Ounca and rsidence, corner of Sandusky af•and glasvn.m , alloy, Aue g lieuy city.' eoln --- gair.waritiiwig. I)I3ODISCE, Gram, Manufacture and Real Estate . Broker, Wheeling Va. • • Crrlefer to 1.1/iekey k Ce, octlnAlso :-7— # ll- bilicalitlifirli — AD Eebb - 17 . LIMN trratxr, betercen . Wayne and Rand. bas renungd kis professional date., ginng Inatrue• son dm Ptano. Ginty, and in Vocal Mime. Loslll.llo K i- girrinfali4TollllL—fick. 7D Potinh gl., nett Weed—A.ll quantities of Green and Black Tem, done up in quarter,. half, and onuituand package h ratting from 30 eta. per pound Shwa /14 L. JIINIS, Alm for Pekin fu Co. SI ROBISON & CO. laying saaoenned THOMAS. Ilk. LITTLJE, Sr selth shoals, business, the Miele .l. Gn...ri, Crodtee awl Cocualsaten Laziness will be eaniinsed sensual wilier the Gnu of KOS.% L.C. ila & Co. • r.,,,,,.,,..,TTLE. CO., No. CH Libetly street; p,n,,,,,,rgh, Wholesale Grocers, Ply:4llM, anti Oelnlialaaion Nerohoils, and dealers In Plnabergts Bdassafaeseres. ,i7l • K. N.M. ITO. LlThi- .16.. B. anima. _ ---- _ °Mak"-----.-5---161., iCriae — saue rimer, trectlf Ln DOoller, dealer to Produce, Per,wa41,11.,,Z, 1g orres,.and all lands of FO.-itn and Donwarie Wine . "4 j A pars, Nu. 11 Liberty atrota_ Oa haul a se . [arse stock of mucous old Monotralwr. w id.kj , 'Met will bo sold low tor eat!. OUrar I. 0. Kland&& I. I- Inn sit.Bll.FX. Forwarding .4 c,...„,,,,,,,, Merchant. , fuf the AlkEt..Y Wars Trade, o c ,j; G ie etlee, Produce, Plusher& 11 artefacts,. nod Chloride otTplore. :Tom Wheel rm. , iu earl, paid at all tunes for cows cy me. Comer of ,Pcon .d Irwin au, . i.cci Chr DALZ/2..L /r. Co., Wholesale iirocerY Cearadiatoo Lod Forwarding. , Merchants, dealers ceeord Pittsburgh hiaanferrcoser, Libe rty re r a- ' Jabal , 4 4. irg 4_..,. , „..: ~..!.._ ..,...... • ~ ~.... c 'T ,....„_,..„),,,,„,,....••.44,,,., ,AL 9„ -it _Q, ,_ ~._. _....., _ 4k1 .%., , ,, ILy , CARDS itfl la. A. CUNNJNGHASI, Wboicsale .➢cater in Prodarc Psusbur,h bliiguiactur, , 44 I,lntne n ,111 • S r it C tet K g L it i' and Iforne • i n C lT D k i 7 y G U n iVo e o n'to il wt Pittuitecnii. C . l -- ii - 1.17. - JIA.FIBAUGH, Wool illerchn.ini: Detnitra O g In Flour and Produce generally. and Porn - ulna, Cocogniseton filerchfuna, No. NI Water Pin, burg!. ...Latta 11326.1.0. JYNN NICNoix, F.I.I.FAS h NICOLS. Produce sad General 'Guts 0 ouratnn Merchant., No. Cr Liberty at., Patsl , nrtth Sperm Linseed sad Lanl Oils.. BONNIIORST:a. Co., Whotra.tir lirc 0 con, Forrrardiug_ and C,oni.misAion D4.lele Plnaburgh Manufactures and WeSiVlll Pr. egoi, hake tESOOVOCI tO their new warehanea,(o!d No. tZ, corner of Front et. and Chancery lane nee: BEST, Wholesale Grocers and C0M... , )L e BEST, and dealers. in Trthluee. No 35 14 nod rt., Pituthorah. rc iloo L& s tc ,x crrr lcn raulles c al . e comet . .M . 4M saPitorltLAct ma, Pittsbur rpet ill, Pa. prl - (WIIOLLISALE GROCER, Importer or PORES, N WINES,. LIQUORS 111/ d CI G AlLq, deal, on hltinongabeln Rye Whiskey Ell Id Pittsburgh Al 1111- ufsetures, comer of Market and First Superior articles supplied at market rates. • tietSl & M. ittiTcIiKLTREE., W U PILP ALE an G d n ?Kr . ANTS. Also— lmporters of :la d Ash and Smashing Powder, No. IGO Ltherty mt., lopposne sixth .t.O sera WO. WWI.. DAM %.,..01 - 01.1... ICY kIIPCIAJNDLES, (successoro to L. a. J. D 'Wlek,)lVrtroresale Grocers, Forwarding end Comattudoet dhants., derJers •in lino, Nods, Glow, Cotten YeZis,,and Pittsburg[, Manufacture, grocnirty, eored 4 of Wood and Wirier street... Ibtroburgh• Arr. ‘ir.IVALLAckI, Mill stone and Mdl runnel; IT ing establishment, No. 2.44 Liberty rt., near the marls VIT' - ' -- W7i,Vbi:WiireLet — Oaecelr,,niver Ware. TY s. tad Military Goods, corner of iYarlietond streets, Pittsburgh, Po. N. ' ll.—Watehes end Clocks esrefally, repaired. talc , / M T BOWNComisslon mdFOTwording Merchant, N 0.99 Front et between NVood and arket Weal. frt:.l Vri. R. 41.1/LPHY, Who/con/a re Foign and Domestic Dry Goode, north east corner of bleitatand Fourth sm. ocgal • MP. IL 16' trr 4 2 11 1 2 aN & Co.—Defilers In {ember Icy 1V 143 Liberty In. lIIVLITOT6OII. on. - con . WV"....71 IA7 ic R. WCIITCHEON, pitman Groan, den WV . tern in Produ“, Iron. Glans, and Pats burgh klannfaetarea galena Ina Liberty et, Pin. burgh. deco TIT W WILSON,..Den.Ier in Wenches .Jeiey Silnpr - Wars, MU litnir Good:, fic., N0..57 Mnr to atr.or7 --'---'- WfL'lroTrßrCT - 4k:. 1 - F.A,LERB IN HIDES AND LEATHER, Morocco, Shop Rio/lAm /cc., N. H 3 Lamm creel, u•v• /on rc•clvotl' Lbw SPRING STOCK of Ebode..' com • lama omortmeni co( snicks In ILO,' Ai., to srl•e• ti• =Anion of plattmets is invited. 3othl• VV. - R~TTIaB7CW-t-t CO. STEAM BOAT AG ENTS OrrEc. Alloys M.. Au.. tr. Co. oat= ' No. 41 water INSURANCE - — Li — te Ana*. HE Mumal LIM and Health Insurance Company 1. of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Leg lemmas of Perussylvama, March, 1n49. Charter. perreluiti. CaptralllllM,CO3. Rum sown TER, ANT I'AN,T4 Cosh..., and full 20 per Celli. lower than Me eau ratea of Lao 'Amputee, 10 the following rom p...on Will alum Thus, a pensott of the " co , 3, to nes for the for life, must pay to the Girard 12. x.-- Pennsyixania,e2.36, Penn 'Mutual, 61.7.• Equitable, 404; New England, 11326; New York Lac, 5V.,56, &At% Lite ash healie s .Pluladelphts, SI hi, Dascross.---Suuttel D. Orrick, Candles D. halt. W P.Booae, Robert P. 160 € . Charles P. Hayes., Al! W. Baldwin. RLId. Rem, M. IL Chita U. IS Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barter, E. H.lfuSer, Edwin IL Cope. *nidear.—Sarettel D. Orrick; Vito Pre.- dent—Rob,. P, King: Secretary—Franca hlackburne. Applications shills° received. and every inter-matron gm. by SAML.FAHNESTOCK, Act. . Chllce s Commercipl Rooms, comer of Der37.sily .. _Wood and Third us, Pittsburgh ~ff.1:2.. INSIIKAIICE. PROTICCTIOR FLUX. AND • .MARINE INSURANCE: CO m r NV OF HARTFORD, eromk;. ISCOII . OIATID t 12•4.. Annear remltuns, Capital Stock, and Surplus Feed. .1400,000 i - This old and responsible Company continues t, G. sae policies au the most favorable tones on Owe! in; houses, household Furniture , Stows, Stock. of Good. . Watchcases and content., hfill• and hlanufeetones, he. tee., against LOSS OR DAMAGE 11Y FIRE. Also, on Goods, Wares and Merchandise. agate. the hatards of Imam, Thstatrorranos, end open the. Cargoes of Sea Vessels The Proteette ai rt lamtranca Company having, , tea the I ser ' els. s rar7tc r Ves thr old o " u7tott thetbt''grer at tneaheir British Provinces, have established a just reptilattop for solvency and 'fair dealing, which chaltences cam per/son. with any other inyttlanee elxripan'y on the tool:them of Morrie. The tangoed extract nom an articleeu the setdem of Insurance Compaatcs,'mk fro. the "New York IMP Book," echtbus bnelly the standbmj nervedy of the Cemprmy. "The smomen' of the attelent and always' pro.- pectins city of I:Bollard, have for half a century b•-en 1110010 throughoat the Union for the eve, diseretton, rigid honesty,aild unvilyasuccess. with which the, have fanned arid m corporation of Mus de striation. No Hartford or Insaranie Company boa ever tailed: These Companies have far, more than • whale generation Pommes their TOIL. reur ly every • Blate of the Union, and hove neve( to pay the mnamerable losses which they nave tn.. rest mama.. All leases arising upon policies L•olled by Mr ander algeed, will be promptly adjusted nod pant at me Gen eral Agency other, located at Cutemosti, U. A huge Perttou of the funds of the Comps., rotelud mg .1 premiums seceived at the tVestera agettmesj is de hooked with the General to of the Connie. Cincinnati, for the payment of Illestern and Southern Losses. Apply to FAVE:Ft El BROWN, Agent for the city of Pntabargh, sod for AllegLalc by JIIHNSTON /STOCKTON. l'inaburgh, Pa. Morgna t Ca. Colcinnali. Ohio Mortal 4 Gr.would Lonksvillr, KT ffMlM=e GROtte pastfront the Philadelphia l'hetory, art ricedent art.c.e for readcrtag Itootg and Shon. perfectly water proof, and cloth (lire ap,lteat,oa of this Porte i•matemmt to make the!. troperrtour watEr for two mouths, and to a perfect ioeventative from Me leather eraelung. Sold whotrJ and retort at N. 5 Wood st. °elite J.. H. PHILLIP,' JADIkt.I4 W. WOODWILLL, Nodern and Antique Furniture, FJ, Titian Smear, Prriaaraan. A Large and splendid ... -- solg% , k . apartment or Farnham s,ta. ' hotels hit titearnhoats. . I st Hotels and private owe;- • ' / hug, constantly on band and tliiiile 111 order. The present stock on hand exd,ot be nice:ll , ll:y , .ity mann Artery in the weern country I, rsons • wishing to purrha, would d o well to rive rue a call ' i.s lum determined toy pnces shall ream, I'.l-1 of . ' he siock consists in— Tete a 'rear; Iluffet Etaneir; Lour, XIV Chairs; queen Elisabeth ellen, I , Tea roysei, t run Teta, Toilet Table, • 1.01110 X V etii“nsotli.7, French Mahogany Red.teudic Piano Nook: 50 sofas with Plush and 'init.:loth curer.: i tio 51alioatoty Reciting Chairs. in dos Parlor 41, mo '• Friary ' 4 bles; . f ' " , centre Tame,; .... pair Di,anti 1 pnir pier Tables, ! 10 marble top Dreaging Rarest, ~ Wardrobes, sSecirtartc. And Book ce•ts. niarlde top Wash blond, . . 1 pair Ot•ninuis, I• s pair fancy Work Stand., , A v..r large assortment of common chnir. u Oil 1•,1...r . fi r. laltril 11. rialllll,ol.l. 10 mention. l .",-- Siesm llost. furnished MI th e -Igle.) nowe i.. 1 on tot most reasnourileto tin. Itophretgeo Feller. for Ilydroot IN tetei. i THIS is to e.. arty that I ha , — in.' Vole I.iVIII,ItiI, 11,iegen , co. . Sob: Agents for .h .• tt s leet Jet..1.40'.. 4 Patent lhapralicia Filter , tor the , ,1 i tics of Pittsburgh and Allegh en y ~ JOIIIS la SISON, Ac i, e,, !Of Welter 51 1.11,..t0t, , 49 Dodo. ay ! N. Y. Oct 10, V. 1 Ve barn neon using one of the above ert..-1,-. a: Os offi.r. of the 7invi•lty Works for three month, 0,, trial, , and reel pettedly satisfied that n i. en,. inv..iii ion, ..1 e'er° , pleasure in reconundulnik nano ns e n•e, Inaerve le to al( who love pure water. Orders swill be thsakfully received and promptly executed. ,eau ' 1.1 VINGSTON. IttshON & , I. Itover•lble Pitece - Inet Cook, ; I'oll PURIVYINtI WATER, I L . bl o e v.g e ~i i e . r s. b. 11 ,. r , h , t4 z o,. r Lis ,, l ~ C4\,;- k ,.-..7,1`.`0`.•,1 : ::".".' 1 7 ° ':f0 i,7 .i ., ': ° ;:i • o - --,abets It pa.sea an hour threw). taut filtering cock, idlOW.ii lorue del:m/0n i m pure .nlistaitecs, wonn•. kC. This In tie ease mote or Ifl.l With it;1.1rd , . ,,, water. Tke Reversible I , nterd It tic , and darn bier and is not nth:need with the inconsonionce Inc d ut h to 416.1 IVitt:sera,. it in He:toned Without heie ikthe ~t t r „„ to ~,,,,, lq u,ercly 1011111 IF lit key or ham% fronton: side to the other . lip this eery prtiresa, hea th :name or watt, IA changed, and ..0 accuinlatinns rh o impure substancen are dried: el almost . Instantly. without unectdoong the Filter. It also ism: aces Its .d,,, L ,,, f „, ~,,,b,,i,,, cock, sad as such in many cass. will I re eery con•cnient and d'onomical. Olean be attached where there In any preasure I.IKh ..... a naak , tank, tun. ke. 7.e, ~...,_ Tn 1.,,i,i,,; A, tt • • N%llthON, ...I the sole Agent, :ell: corner of Fourth and Market ht. For Coll fortalwa.d„ ~.. 11111 celetraterd,l.t/tord.lll. tr , ll ,y , in k egs, hotlt Asa .' q 1 S'llliNtroßTll & Co, Vetoed et M ISCEI,UNEKS Chocolate. Cocoa, Sc. w :late,'. Arneriean and French Chocolate, Preps.] e, Cocoa, Cocoa l'itte, Brogan, Cocoa Shells. &e. tit it /111C1,1,11. and ronsinnrra. who would ',archon ! tl. ~..t prodtieti of Cocoa. free from adulterallani manor+. than tea of coffee, and in quality unto , ~, •,... an. iio , -eriber recommends the above arbeler, . ~..tvii,mred I, httn.... f and stamped with his name. .• • (Ireton , - il (~ e t: i Pasta as delicate, palatable, driiiiti for inynilds, mmvalevernta, and •• : -., orr red by tar moo eminent physicians o: to ,iny other mrparattona Hu manufacturer :,•, Own, eiii iale, in any quantity, by the most re .i. -ill , groccri , in tile clamnt etnev, and by then Ito •;, ..,... haws., bray a_ co ,of on; litotes 31 Rance liar:ford. Conn: horsey .k. loamy, New Volk; (alio , hum, ibmailviobia: l'n nos V Brundige, 8e1tni,,,,, tni ,, ,,, and Itelloat K Kronen, man nazi, Ohio. ‘l',l:YEll BAKER. Dorchencr Mom. I 'or -nb• ha aught lIAGALEY fr. tI3IITII, Ara , Wrought mall Cast iron aailing.. 4 1 r II 1 1 1 f : ' , " , ' ,'; ` ,:. th .7, " .: b n e ..5 ',cr. - me `Suelf.Ta t tr,Tt h r., and Pa4ouniible designs l'or Iron Railing, both for houses ii. , l, cetueteric, , Peraiin+ wiahing to procure hand , ioihe patterns win please call and examine, and Ige ioritticniftives Roiling will be furnished at the sit rt e.: olive. ithil in the heat mannrr. at the come of i',di awl Rebecca Plire.. AI scrimp city. t00.,..1r - A. LAMONT & KNOX - _ W. & J. GLENN, Uook Binders. 1171: are Atilt engaged in the above ['toil..., corner 11' of Wood and Third street, Pittsburgh, wbiro we are prepared to do aity work In our line with des patch. Wr at:end to our work nersooally. andgabs , factioti Win be given in regard to SWAIM. o[ll.l du ra /haul Books ruh . .,l to any 'pattern and bound sub ...Lint/any hooka In ausubor. or old book,. bound cure- T.:lnr repaired. Nantes put on book, in ph letter*. Thor.. hove ork in our lIIIr are invited to eel. IV, 10, 111)9ltf • - It fi r e r r oc our enare ,ock to e. IL 011,11, with j . n virer elowite our o,ll,u.inegr, we hyrehy so lo .t tor bon the patruioive of all our ineuils sod out. RO. W. POINDEXTER, THE POINDEXTER. I'al.l.l.ligh. AlO. 4th, 11. Whr.:l.l,:rocer, Comm Wet. and Farw.thng Ner avL.':o.4l %Vat., ht. SoAles, Cooking Stowell, O , be. 111 A ESII ALL, W ALLACE CO, Round Church, In cornet liitutrty and Wood streets, inanulacture oat, fur Auk Plattorru, Floor and Counter Reale., of the nintt improved qualny; Conking :hove, for wOod ntyl coal; Egg Rtoves vanotts atrea, Parlovand etunnort Cirutua, hollow Ware, Re ke. They also manor., the Aachen Range. ',Ouch hirs given such general sausfacuon to tame hartug it in use, to all of which they would revytecifolly invite the attentlona( the rinzens and the public generally. oct2Tviti A v :5y 1 A c 2 0 1E . 11 ,,, T n, ? ..„ 13 , A ° Cr ,i (} ,7 7 n e y s u n= ii . b n e , r i dealers generally, to Litt tUiIOWIL9I brands TObaCcos, LI, morn as al to arrive, which being consignments di rect from manufacturers. ha is enabled In tell at cast /CU. prces . . 13ii bin, is Crenshaw se, 70 I " lames Madison ss; al / Lima:tine ss. 51 1 Idirabcau Sc; 4 Penn 54 and la, 15 I Sinson 55; 5 Oscar Earl 51; Si•• John. ec. Lewis I.; .1 1 Warwick. aunt la, 'I 45 1 " Henry & lame+ Sc. Is and S.; tetrtl 5.1 i I.VATERNIAN rate Maclaine Work. and rtnsacatili, JOILN Co. ere prepared U 3 build Cotton end Woolen Ainehtnery of every descriparea, such 113 Cord.; \lnching!, gpooong Frames, g.pcedere. Dreging Fram-el. 11.adveav Wypera,gpoolers, lfreaqiug Frame , . Looms. i'dmd Grinder., fee. Wrought iron Sharang tut add. all outs of Cast Ira:l.l'olms and [auger! aril, I am-t penerns, slide and hood Lathca and too loof alt turd,. Cuaunga of every . de.eription ..11111.,1 on snort notier l'alterns made to order (or armg. Iron Itailtntt. Ite Ream VII, (or heat ., Factor:lr, t. alt I ton W.m.lovr Saab and fancy Caa tNcr c War , house of I. . I.iionet) vtroet. crtlt have prompt seen. 1 Co, J K Mo.fireheitil ,If Waintrr. John Soft, Pittfiburicti ; J if NV 'triter rim,nv We. . waU Pi IGW COACH VACTOILT, „ , , : ,, rf e orm on F.toral . d rtteet, lie; pr.. o.r . mak Lag a.: yte pr,purrcl recrive order* ior m Cnor.Ve, .!ta trr rk . topl. from their ta.• trier I...wee. the work, 111 Lay.. they 1 , , . ILey /*re to clo wort on the mo. r.l.6oaarif :ern, with co—: arum! mg tlll.ltl It. the u 1111 , 1 . .1 kit, IPA:11 , 11Ni or the •riretton of tt.rm., rim, •ton .antr, it.ty lot :1C•IiIill011. 1.11 W 311 3 ,1.11, tool, wort. We tooo Ilo• put.l,c ill•• N 11 (Incl-000 .1n... the be , ..linanner, nod on ntlthe too.o re,ooalorjaahti •Vo Corl'O.N IND Wen)LKN 31ANCriarre i RI'IL 4,onirnt• tor vou. •oo.ioy ol PAC row. FINUINt.,. prooo Co Rol, Lace Lea , • I' Reeds. Slontiro, !hoop TIVIlle l'regoller to strippoef 1,, -1 Dr.y,r. Itrutlars, %Vcaver. Irrosh.. .1..1 N. WILSON a CO., wyliry a co 1.10&Intr&h. r t V;e1,1,-r 4 Forreur, 1534:- 1 I'La. 'I , I, itml ry I!..npheil & Co 4 old rum 1,40 r. Purr Juice par- Purr Jiacc, threti:, Cob h, .i.:d .11.6 Cr w.e. are ociebra. led zor Ora mica.: at vropenkro, and eau km &a:l,volt , - the WI:, ,tore of J AOOl3 WEAVER., Jr. PIANOS! rpm; offern (or sale a large and ripletztlia j. ao,umnesitof rozzeurizod and malbigany grand Ac m Pian andandza - Ltiouz Coleman, celebrated hi AbLban naelLment Ib. atiirve ~,,warr anted e equal tiz anz inanu.iii Lured Liz our r Las brodirla Irmo the So 112 wood et, GI rbeLcarzeive :alien at par f.zr •few Of rued hardware-.otieaper than Evert WILSON & linporterk and Wilolosikl• L, • (limier% in flioniwnic, l'uticry nod Sad,linry, No • %Vow, Flikh,litive now on wire • very and sciccicil stock of litirdwore, imponed the decline or prier • in Encore, unit which Obey low !ilcroliwalk • o ' anye n born the habit Olio., I , ...ct,ire portico iorly r‘li look iiirougli our omit, 0. we tory will ctivi: their ex-pence* ammo jj 011.1" at theIIALT 11 IA10K; I . IIILADELNITA. \h:II'BUS FON AND i6W 0R1.F.A.N44 t.EN ERA!. AI.ENCY AND CO3IMISSION OFFICE 1 on: MEN 911 wholesale end recall stores, and °the , r. •p.etsLie t.a.ine., to act an Hoot-keepers, Snleh. men. Porten, Un,-peepers, %Valtrer., Farrar, Coach men, CU Artll,, hook 9.01.1 flap Ag.ta., Collector., Overseers in all t•ranchrs of bustnc., On. We have a, ail tont, laree uu tuner of good •Ituatious unhand, p a y lon to 60.101, annum. Those in ww. of Aituunona of any Itlnd would c do well to ow, •• a ail.. we have alto.. ut each of the a tow. f - 1.11, which wVI et:Ohio US to pilau ever., applicant in 6 stinahon at the shortest none, We have • ne,unintnnee 19 an the above , reined 'cilia's, 0,..10 ttu,t enable to ,tire enure *awl - . 611 who 1.101 favor us With a coll. . • TA \ liplt 9 'TATMAN, N 0.59 Suct.a.l between South and Gay. —llettoue ~v,i,g in any part of the U. States, .e 1 ',ailing in obtain 5 el:wit:on In Rabin:tare, or iuer ol tha ahusie acne. , obi have their veal. lamp, attended to 09 odd reaainit ua • Il•ei (9 9 . 9- e•Id) eu ther curintl bola trouble auct ex. pen, vris. :a ltley othurwi.e vro.ald Incur by cominy, the Oily, budemploymentfor thenb.elven TA \ t.IIR R TAYMAN, Nu.SO tarcon4 etrect, Boltisnote, Ud Dr. !McLane In Tenn 1'1:15 to to certify that I purrhaord 000 Vlal of Dr. .1, ?dul.ano'v Worm ripeetrie, some two months ago Ade i'4lo4a 41 awn 0f Mine, some Scorn yew" Old, two full, and although the amount may ppeer re. yet I hove no doubt hot there was OP.drdotof 1,00 11),IVIAND , Volt. ;moved from hint, measurixtg nom nO.O quarter of on mein to two memos tong. 0 W HOLLIDAY. :r, ,n . .1.e.1., t . m.nt on. Too , Ike .27, 1r.:7 10014 ;3 EN N ETT 0.„ BROTHER, kit i.p.NswAtcL NI AN h FACTUILEHtS, rtrottnghrtm.tneor Pittablargb.) Dn. hint No. 1.17, Wood sired, l'illibuogA. slit -10, ILL euoatanuy a cep ozz h.tnd a good oloert• . ,I.lniont cot Wert; of opt own manotacture, and •"Prr" ,, lvtddi W bolo , rir'ond romtGY Nor ? chants am respectfully Invtintlio call and 01. v.., for thomve:vms, ea we ere detcrmlned to sell cheaper thou has ever before Leen offered to the pub- , irut 1 , 7 mall, tertornp•r:e.l tr 7 the eaatt Or orntnollY attended to 11,716 r . 1 . 111.: LA IN rrcelved, a full aim:dune n golddoel-klver Thread. Cord and Braid, also and Iludion,tor rmbroldertng and other or oar., .001 work. Al., gold ond rwee:e, Fridge ono 71 :clry 1.1 Ow Lora, (arduous, In great riety. Aches of 4opertor quality and beautifu va l platen., :ld raid at kNoorrn meek 7% WILSON, don- , Market and Fourth sir A 111ENJEUM BATHING 14TABLI 8 li.• j - 1 MEN r—.111..t0 from II 1 . . M Itttogitt urn for I 1..0100t deporinteut Prom II to II A. M. tool iron II to 5 I'. NI It-oe•Moono suloro, urr unegtoOled Itt style nte otolcr. , llceltrrcht I, Crum 's. .TPA lA.. Ptorme:ne. TUX zatN:4niktiiatt. ril, of ihr pubili respoolmlty ha ` wing eertleates: I lavll.g watodquantity of Gold )out A ger.mrtur I find the re.tat prove, , tpu , ourrecv, wed rocomtecial the tile of tt I. gl,mg Cedforditt, as the he ,l method for oh ITO value of Geld. !ten, your•. J. 11 V. Ikats - r. I,..urgh, 1l arch Prrrenue:g.ii, March 7, 1-.41). Nix 1... a trro---Lk-nr Sir: I Inv o,g CJ112111 , ,,1i 111.11/1:1,1Md ua• ynor torn., I do of tLr. 01 'loose ,cndnoton Who tic ntwut rco.,,r to Conform., in r.e..i,tl. of 1701.1. • • . t 5 l'sly vs t appo.nnatioti 10 tlic specific grairl 1111, and , Ileertamly ennblo ilia adventlll. io. hi, phiver a plehhi,g Gold M'CLINTOCK. :`,IA Ittl1:111 tt i - /- 4 1T111:41:—.1tio leeelved for the ~, , I.xrdm ..... complete .opine!t of tmto u..pner. rngutc . Irmo !6,54 to .:41 Pll •P! pat. nett hnt nate at the 10,1 m Itulmer pm. Nu 5 Wood .t oerMil ' J te II PHILLIPS URE4T W FOSTER N Q . A 1/1/1.1.. I IA II NES: , ..IItUN IC AND WIMP MAN 0 CI - A , : subrenher lute. On. method CI taw:mug bi ., 161114.% and the puhlse at general that he ha. Ine larrept nark of the tollowntr. named aid. cla•ol 111.. OWIt manuraeture ett y—findttlr liar. Tr.ntke And %%laps, nil of winch an Win ...MA to lan I/Vid. • of the beat Inuturtal and by the be..t mech. anier tn Ath gheny euunty. Ilemg detertnined to nen hh. taanntneturea aomething lower than has. Leen here. tubule sole It) any sunlit., eatabln.onteut to the. may, he would invite perrratu an need of the above named rttele• to tar wareLoure, Nn. LW Libert) tarrel, emu. rim rkrenth. ALo, bandy made to order ter Innetitne ry. oet3oly ,2 Ili lIT arid Short llMt OF ESC MANG kl, pay • able m CAllemnati, Leueorale and elt Loom, oar. chased on lae 010 at favorable term, apse N. HOLMES - Ir. 90N11. MISCELLANEOUS SPLENDID assortment nut recetved,sumible for Ac Pall and winter Trade. consisting in pan of 411.. M EN'S, WOMEN'S, BOYS', MltssEw AND CHILD. REpps .WARE, of every vartsty and style, end et prices to suit the times Those withingto purchue. wholesale or retail. will find it to their advantage to give us a call and examine for themselves . TROTH *SCOTT, comer Fourth and Sodmfierd w. 11:7"Dont forget the place. trISOF.RTS c u boat. - wervarnvi • Ix recommend IlibberPs Writing Flmd to the cat ' rouge sat the public. as a fast rue article to all re spiels. It Rows free from the pen without oblong up, and in the course of a few b oos becttmetla deep bncht black. Wits Llppincon & Pon. R. A. Fahnestook & Co-. Robert Moore. hletaaelian & Douglas. Wick A McCandless, John Porker, F. Wighunict &Co, Fullneili C. A. McAitultv & Co. For gale (together with Ilibbeel's Red and Machine Cony Inge) by D. A. Fahoutoot Ilenry P. Schwartz. AllegbenrCity, and the miumfacturer, THOS. K. lIIHMIERT, Druggist & Chemist, novl-dgw' cot Liberty and Smithfield etc SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, IMCHAINGY DUILDItGY, ST. GLAIR ITUZZT, PITTSBURGEI. Is, inn ISTISMID nil NEW YOKh AND PHILADELPHIA, And t. now receiving fine isseortment of CLOTHS; CANSIDIIHES AND VNSTINSS, 01.' THE BF-ST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES. %%Inch he is Limogesd to nioke to cede ' IN THE REST MANNER And in the latest Fashions. Oct .15 - • ACRES° FLANNIIL , —W. R Murphy has now 0 open a great variety or styles for Ladles', Misses' mad Children'. Sacks, including black and black grey for /looming. Also: FRENCH MERINOS, of all the leading color , such as Cherry, Crimson, Scarlet and Maroon; different shades al amen and drab; black of ail qualities. Also: CASIIbIERES AND COLIDR6S, of bright and plain colors, to suit all sows, and at lowest cash price.. The particular attention of holes. is asked to the large Dock of Goods in general, just receieed, and which I n a great many styles of Goods 'hat are sc•rre. Wholesale Rooma i _tizstairs. • noeS PRTOES BURR MILL STONkM, manSfacta red in. Franck composed of at few Blocks arid solid eyes—a huge assort ment, the best of the kind, always on hand at greatly reduced prices. ALSO—French Burr Mill Stones of my own manufacture, nestle of new and superior quality of Blocks. These Bursa are made under my own superin undance, and as great ease H taken to make the mints close, and to base an the blocks in each stone of a uniform temper, they are warranted to be of the very best quality, superior to Mom imported from Prascei and also superior to t h e eye's mass of Mom made In this country, and at fetees lower than have ever before been offered in this market. Laurel Hill Mill Stones, all'sloti Baiting Cloths, all titimbetli Of the best quality, war ranted to give sausfactino to the purchaser, and at greedy reduced price.. Mill Spindlea lull Irons, Screws and Maim, Plat form Seale.. Coro and Cob Grinders; Grist and Saw Mill castings of all kinds, and MIII Furnishing in gen end. All ender, promptly attended to at 4N and MC Lib eny stree•. near th., Pittsburgh. manuA dm W. W. WALLACE Plttolinargh Steam Narklo Works. *T0.844 LIBERTY, opposite Smithfield street LI Marble Mantles, Slonementa,Tombs,Table Top, Lc.. a lane variety Of the most ...dal kind, made of the finest quid, of fonsika and domestic marnle, always on its. or made to order, by the aid of ma chinery,. as shortest notice and at the towel. pit.... N. LL—:lea Cruntry Trade famished with oil hinds of Marble at Use lowest rat.. All orders prordstlY at tended to at HU Liberty, opposite Smithfield 1. W W WALLACE. MA — dIIIIIIOEIK LULL'S Plasm Stone or Preach Burr SMUT 51. A L CUIPI6 Lie best mnicle attic kind in use; they han lido:alma fast, do the work well. and will last a ie ume. About *Mot them are in me, in the best millsin the eriastry, mid we Dave the stotingait mato ninny of magyistent pet...SA their supenority over ail other Swat Idathines. Pm further particulars, ad heir tho sahnortber at 044 Liberty Mt Pittsburgh. my:MA:hi W W WALLACE _ . Q - , TEANI /thin BOILERS—For grist, saw ti and ether was, alwaya ou hand, or Laic to enter on very .hors non., and at the lanreat pneent. All or der. promptly attended to at Sal v l e b \ e v n( v n ,, et, , aar the Lama. nry3o Y I t ar , , ,,y an a d t. other parprecs, alte.ty. on hand .tYii myth W W WALLACE on luod, at al rl Litiany st in53U W W WALLACE (1 EINDSLIESTEds—AII sues and grits, always on U. hand at 21.1 Liberty street. ray3e W W WALLACE PITTSBURGH FERIA.E. 1315TITUTE MILD.) Imitate... under the care of Rev. f. GOP HORN AND LADY, trill re-open on Monday, Me 17th of September, in the tame room, No. 52 Liberty reet. flaring limned the number of their pupils, N. Principals hope to merit • continuation of that liberal patronage they have When° enroyed. Parents may al ensured Mat every advantage will be afforded mcir daughters, if placed under their charge, for obi wiling a thorough English, Musical, and Oniamental education. augMbdtf TO Ki kaDIISS MINAILI _TBI? AUTUMN 111;N ri •i r in io o n f d, t . lr ,a ltio s fi4u , ti a ost b zril I 1 an . Ramis on Federal gimes m •N.o . lousde Rom," Yd door from the tindge. Rail, ot toman rag swamis or mgMoms English Deparunens Including Reading, Onhogra• phy and Defining, Writing. English GMIIIIITT, Ramo na, Imgm, Emil:ad Composition and Cridelma, Geo graphy, History, Arithmetic and Me higher branches of Mathematics, Natural Philoeophy. Chemistry. Al moray. Botany, Phyliology, Geology, Intellectual nod Moral Science, and aH other branches rem:dads to a thorough English Editeation - • - SW Sr Classical Deparunensincluding the Latin and Greek /aAule , a, Germau, The services of competent teachers a: secured for race deaire lii action In French and Genuan, end also in Drawing, Painting and !dusk. It m desirable that pupils enter at the commence ment of • aession, yet they are received at any ne, sot ore charged at the above roe. from the time in of entrance. No deductions are made (or absences, ex cept ie cases of protracted illness. Further inform:anon mop be °bunted, and applica tions made by calling upon the Principal, at his roome r on Federal street, or at hie lotigiegs in "Irwin's Row," Lawny street, Pittsburgh, between ad am+ nth atroet.; or by addressing, through the Pinshurgb Post Office, the Principal. N. W. Al. ETCALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7,1€19 dtf PITTSBURG!" rmarizic — isiervrwria T a ,, E ar lie o c r og e. See d on l,i o n f . tkis l o rtil , thp o o e tt, th t:ide r r .e th n e , aeademle year, will commence on the first of recent y neat, in the same buildings, No. 52 Liberty Street. Arrangements have been made by which they will be able to famish young ladies facilities equal te any at the West, for obtaining a thorough English, CiaSal mil, and Ornamental education. A full course of Pith. lithphical and Chemleal Lacterei will be delivered dunng the winter, illuatramd by apparatus. 'The de artnienta of Vocal and Instrumental Masi& Modern Languages, Drawing and Punting, will each ho ender the cure alecompetent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their pu pils, the Principals hope to matt a continuation of the liberal patronege th ey have hither. ' , Wale& For terms, see circular or apply to the Principals in23-&-f Pc . ..snaps, Sept. IQ, INA. M i l'lll :l ll7LU K lD l ZTa E v n e r nb7r D lreri S", V' m u rfrenl i t a year, end or looking over the entries made by it, we and the color a bright bloc blurt. It is pleasant to arm, with, down free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in nee. Wicking You the ready sale its merits de are, yours respectfully, SIMPSON & CO. For sale, together with Ilibbert's Red Ink, and Ma chine Copy lot, by D. A. Felineatock & Co., 11. P. 6ChWart; Allegheny City, and by the manufacturer, T. K. Ilibben, Druggist and Chedrust, comer of Liber ty and Smithfield me, Pittsburgh. walk Wal [BY. Palen. /0.111. ROM. VIII. 1.1141 rt PALMER, .114/44A4 C 0.,. (Succemors to Mosey, Hanna t Co. TIAN/HatS,EXCHANGE BROKERS, mu! /mien 13 n Foreign raid Domenic Exchange, Certificate. of Denoelie, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth meet, nearly opposite the Book of Plusinugh. Cooooot mce ney received ondeposite—Sight Checks for kale ' and yolk...nom made on nearly all the principal pointx io Inv United Staten. 11==M1=1 Advances made on consignments or Produce, ship ped EaLa on liberal Lerma apJ GREAT INVENTION!-VALUABLE PIHIXWERY! P Sunman Janos,. Ist, IRV. Pa!,u e10..-4mer retention Thliss i ze, .Hunasur, Boot Cato, IVnting 3 e LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. - - TAHLI 3 / 1 far surpassing every other ttt neutlon oldie kind now 62{1211- They can be ex. ' tended trout ten to twenty-sth feet, and when closed the leaves are all contained meide: they are made to all sires end shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and largo private famines, form ingSO when cloacd a complete centre table. FAS AND DUREAUS—Theso articles are inval• noble, particularly to those who wish to econto boar room, and convert it sleeping apartmeni into .4 parlor or sating room, as they can he opened nod shot al run Venience, and when that, the bedding la enclue ed. A great saving In roomand rent; All the bed. ends whoa closed form a beautiful yinee_of famitare ter a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASES—A neat and useful'article for parlor or drawing room. W urn NO DESKS—For law entice*, counting rooms, and other offices; when opened a morn comma rot bed steed, *hen closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is All them articles need no recommendation: the kthuty of the whole Is, they are warvis' :Ind not to got dot of repair. It will be (or your linommo to call and examine the articles, at the muleactarces vtom, No. 03 Third sures, Pittsburgh. la addition w Meador:re "'Porchid IftWE'SVWDODWELL. LOWELL iflawroaza, • ALCOHOL AND - POOH HPIBATS, Comer Front and Vine streets. CiAclnstaU, 0. y‘RDEItS (rom Yntaborfih for Alcohol, Fare Spittle, Raw or Rectified Wltakey, will be promptly nt , ended to at lowest aarkelyrice. cocht.l:l7 NOTICE. ing firm of NICKLIN &BEEVES being dissolved , , the under:exiled will continue M inge Forward and Chentshmtion !loathen at the steam boat Jangling, FHANKvIN, and iespectfallv informs his friends that he boo gone to the expense of a heavy imofance on the w•reliou. and COMMAS, for several years, and Imam be will give enure satisfaction to all Who may patronise him. He will receive freight at the Loeser Lenaltht• °ale JAMES IXRYDE.N. ERRINGS—e bbl. No I, In more and far bale by 11 00.8 STUART & SILL AZETTE. DRY NODS, FANYTTIC PRIC2III7III BLANKETS. WHITE A.ND BROWN DOMESTIC FLANNEL. WE are now occlvirfir from the factory * large • • .apply of these goods, winch we are yelling low. Cr than such goads can be had elsewhere in this city. see no acids In bleaching, that the gond+. our object being to produce pots not for show only, but for comfort and durability, and es such they re ecjod the first premium over all other goode exhibit ed al the tote Flat For ile re eix the Blanket Depot, N 0.56 Market et, oul .Ihe rooms of the Fayette .5111111.1fileUlfttle CO., No. Dr cond Blankets of our Manufacture are in Allegheny by Mr. John Deo, and also at the “Two Big Windows," Federal et octls • • Americo= WOOllllll Good. THE subscriber has on hand, mr Pr"' ....,lOomagned from the maoufacturers, Me 1. loenng Geods, wtoch 114 as aothonsed to close at On , very Ls. 3U pieqes yard wide Barred Flannel. murs 'White Bed Mantels. ribbon bound, .1 pounds trillie pair ease Wye's* Meatriboas Blankets, rdiLon bound. very superior article. - 4 eases laripair.) Grey Mixed Blank... 50 pairs Dark Gentian°lia Blue Blanket, a very perier article. tl canes crey nod Blue Blanket Cawing. 40 pieceiTareed. Ettcabensille make; t ease sesori *dAV:b74b;,.'dl.J:„'l'A.:22,l7,l".li,'„.',",-trIZ: maker, end Intl be sold .cry , low for nub or approved notes. ocIZI IL bElt. Liberty •r, opposite nit MEW GOODII XZW 0 . 410016tt BARGAINS: BARGAINS!! • • NSW FILL AND 'WINTER DRY GOODS, AT TOO eau OF THE ale 500 MVO, SA Market at., between ad and 4th, Pittsburgh M. 1.. RUSSF.I.I., No. 22 Market street. betwi—n 1 Third and Fourth, sign of the big golden Ike Hive, has just commenced receiving and opening the largest, cheapest and roost splendid stock of Fall and Wisner Dry Goods ere. offered by one house in hi...- burgh. All of these foreign goods have been porches. .1 of the importers p.r the last steamers from Europe, and for rielines. Of style and beauty of design are un surpassed fa this or any ether market. The deruesile and staple department wilt also be found can:plate, and cheaper than at any other house to this city, Zoe subscriber would here respectful , call the sttepifon of his customers, and wishing to bhy new and cheap plods, to the •pricee which will no doubt astonish them, being determined to sell cheaper than tbe cheapest. Goad desk Calico. only it cents per yard; Best odidity darkCalice, fast colors, 6 to 11l 4-4 Botish parole Foot, fast colors, 8 to gr, Heavy Bed Ticking, from 6 to 10 cents per yd; Bleached Mullins, good quality, 5 to OS per ye; Seat ormlity Bleached :lash., 8 to la per yd. Heavy yar d wide Unbleached Manlius, stu Good red Flannel, Cram 15 to 25 cents per TA Grad yellow Flannel, 15 to 25 etc per pd . ; Good black Alpaccs from IS to 25 per yd,• French Gingham. tram 10 to 15 ets per yd; Irish Linens as prices from 25 to 1,23 per yd; Sennett and {isometry leans from Ilk to 50 ele, Cloaking* and Lanseys foam 121 to 31. cis; __Heavy Domestic Gingham. 10 to 1.2 k Crash lad Diapers, all poises and LADIES , Daatli GOODS nt all A gar,g id e:47ll=• ' h r l r OVra, " elt7 - o l ot ; Lapin French Thabet Merinos, the Encat usiparted; Rich Camel= ,bete, in all pole. and ;Italians; Blank Armory', best hearing ; plaid and stripe; En i* ln k rTEl6l B ir',3%..l%7 4 ths:t7eandugr,";:ils ; do best French :Benno., black and emored; do do do do to high colors; do fins French de Leine., all wind, hicaeolore; Rich fig Cashmere., nsaantol goods, sees °bean Dotted decree "halt for eve;ung dresses; Bream Thibet Scarfs, Late impornaupn: Bev quality French Kid (noires, all colr?: Mourning Caskimerea and du nilpricey. Ladirr embroidered Neck Tie,, uplandid goods, Ladies finest quality French Iluen !NUN Belting Ribbonaii full auorouent; Worked CAT., Collars and Con, in great variety Black and colored Crupeo, nil quolitirn; Brocade Lottery in of color. and caul:nun; Mohair Canieliou Egurra, nett goo Jet French Gloating!, superb semis, high colors, Also, black Brussel Lace, all smdtlis and times; Black MIA frin• 00, wide and heavy, best quality. Together with a large stalk of white Good., Swiss iaconel and Mull 111aslins, besides a very large and superb stock of Fell Bonnet Ribbons. of the latest Im portation and most fashionable styles. Many of the above goods have just arrived per the loot teamers from Europe, and are worthy the attention of the la dies. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!• A splendid iumirtment :shawls:— Super extra 1120 French Long Sbnwle. hest imp Boper extra site lons Brach, Isar, quality; Superb quality Lung Plaid Bea en/ors, Best quality square pima fate was' Shawl. Kmlt and heavy extra SI. black t Ilk Shawl.; Rich c oathon iltangrable uIY Shaw* SUpar Mack and wit., all wool, lung Shaw., Super extra gaze Long and Su're Moo runty Shan Pam prtntedSillUfTe Shawls, in pveat.vartut • •` Terkert t' all prate*Squat' hlodeetubed Thibet " heavy ailk ire„ y. Black •• Ulaek and mode colored heavy cloth Shawl, Waite etnltt'd 71Obet shatvla. betoll!al read.; Highland pi'd Inng and gy're *octal , . very ettear. Alocrtung I. 4 llawla and Staff. in gcc.,.t varlet,: Altto, large lot of plaid 131cnket Shawle, from 75 eta to 51,1111. Together wit 4 a foil supply of Clones, )flea and lo eiery, with all articles nsually tern in a ‘Choleinle and Retail - Dry Cit.& linuse—all of which will be 9 15 2 1-7.e th me d m ei l y ier m taV i o 6 re, '"' No. MI Marko: amen. be tween Third and Fourth, sign of the Bin frat-ILvir, where bargains can all limes be had. spc26:l WILLIAM". itussELEL C. ARBUTHNOT bas commencen to receive. large awortment of Woolen Comforts and Rood.; Ilmkin, Berlin. buckakin and woolen Gloves; Thibet, cloth, mon, de lain and blanket Shawls; cash were, worsted and woolen Dose; Pongee and linen Haft.; silk and wain Cravats and Scarf.; Gnaw , and Fringes; hub • Linen, Table Corer, Crapes. Ribbons, Laces, bleached had colored Tabby Veined., Patent Threads, sewing Silk. Batton., Cow EnisPea der, Pins, Perens-ion Caps, A hi 11..., coninion.und gold Jewelry, gold and silver Winches, Combs, pock and table Cutlery, nod many .thot" gnosis which roantsy and city Alen:hunts nre wspectintly dm/nail o examine. spilt/ FAIMICTE AIANUFA.OTIIFIING CO.. MANUFACTURK and oral keep-an bad Family and Steam Boat Menke., Domestic Fhannele, blue, brown and drab Blanket Coadne, Satmetr and Woollen Yarn ' which they will toll at Eloatern pricer. WarehonveNo llv See Powburgh, Pa. Fltk.t7tliew Haven, Fayette co. Pit. Iptilt POPPY GOOD s. WEhave just received a large and complete mock of CLOCKS, Varlet? mtd Emory Gisida, volts. Me for the fall mane, to which, with every desenpuon of Looklos Glasses manufactured to our own steam power shop in this nay, we ask the attention of NYC. , ern Merchants slid other dealers. KENNEDY & SAWYER, spt2o ' comer Wood and Fonsb ms DRY GOODS igUAP AY , WILSON & CO.. ==l • AA RE now rectOng their uscuti foaoPlifia Gow" for the Far rseason, which they urtil be happy to exhibit to their old:customers, andam many new ours as may feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking cheat pains to lay in such goods as are adapted to the wants.of the Western trade, whir'. long experience enables them to do, they can say with much confidence, and without entoring into a Seim of their stock, that the Western retail merchant will find with them all that his customers reunite. --Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing to the Eastern cities for their stocks of Dry Goods, would do wall to call, as *candid compazison of {in ce, would in many eases result in the conviction thin the espense of going farther may be obviated by buy ing in Pittsbu .h. sptln NEW ➢'ALL GOODS WR. MURPHY. Ism w receiving his Sent Fall supply of Foreign and Domr.tic GOODS, and ha. al . ready opened an aaortm.l of new and beauti ful styles dark fall PRINTS, +aura...l fat aelerai and neat new style Fall • Musim de Lobes; alpacas and Mohair Lustre.; • Damsall fig'd and amp. do Parma. and Lyonea Cloths; Of the most desirable colons and a full apply of bleached and unbleached Malin., Irish Linens, ;tan. chaster Gingham.,/.., at northeast corner Founlimad Market sca Buyers are invited to call and acs sptS ' ILITAR GOODS.—Caps, Plumes, Swords. ; Sash ill as, Epaulettes, Lace, faunas, Flags, and. all the trimmings necessary to equip volunteer comparaes. GT Volunteer erimpinues equipped as eornplete and cheap as done In the Eat, at me Mintail Store, ear. ner Market and Fourth Stn. \V Vi WILSON I'. S.—The Debra States lbws and Tenor Drains, of tern:Leninism make, fer sale and warrant.: by spit W. W. W. SHAOKLETT i WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 WOOD JO BBERS, ILRE caw receiving a very lark ritri — ch , , of treat, Gaudio, of recent purchase and importatrottwhirh they will fell to an trade at each prices as cannot fall to ow entire satistactian. City awt gawk Merchants we 'twit./ to rub red eraintna our gawk bent." purahaving elverw.-; ruyi " Mfg RECEIVED and now open for exami MTnation, a new and tplendid assort ment of 7 Octave Piano. from"Chir k ering" Boiton, among them a Cul carted Louis XIV. ordered for one of our careens, wit. nu kindly permitted it to remain in my ware room t • day i Wed for exhibition. Those who may ban • desire to see and bear this splendid spertmen of on are yin invited to call so day at the atoll al JOHN II hIELLAJR, d 1 Itiond st Agent for Chickeringla Pianos for %Veatem Pa. octl7 MIMEO VIGHT BATHS FOR ONE DOLLAR, or • single .rd Bath for, thren cents Ladies Deportment open from 9 to 11 o'clock, A. 111., A 2 to 5 o'clock, P. N. therthurn Saloon and Rattan, Establishment. iYI6 V. APPALL, Proprminr. VTR ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR uj JAYNE.—TIus cerufies, that immediately after hostile attended my brother, who died of constimpuon in March, 1042, Isms taken sick with the Consumption or Urea Complaint and was reduced so low with the disease, that for four years 1 was unable to attend to my business, ether at home or •broad, bong for the mast me confuted to my bed. During the above pan ed of time, 1 had eXpended for medical attendance n regnlar hour t ee and monocle. to the mount of MAX, without tecemng any benefit therefrom. Ilk July, 1613, 1 commenced taking Jas ne's Medl• CITICt, and have taken them more or leo ever since, and believe that It was by persevering to their the, that 1 rkla now tool say that 1 J ay a sodtete rred nig health. behave that Jayne's Sthauve 1 die Expectorant are the best family medicines now in 1 reside to Springfield, Otsego county, N. , and carry on • furnace and montane cop to that place, and am not tnthrested In any mammy m toe sale of the above mitheines and make this certificate Ivy the ben efit of those atheteil ELIJAH EATON _Springfield, N. 1 , 9 ein. 18; 9 .1 lea 0 y 0 B B—DP:Vb.t7A`lrll,7.",,fcta"ldc.. ket and for sate by C BIDWELL, Ago Water at Alan—At the following deithu-'.Ehutt:ll.thr,n:r -ster Ittont , field aud Second .14 E. neul blamer & Rotuma, F•deralsi,Allogbalry. gens". VOL XVII. NO. 100., MEDICAL, SELLERS LIVER PILLS WAS US' :DOCTOR.— Itirmant, Pa, Sept. 23,11349. Mr. R K Sclium—Detu dm I feel it is a duty lowa to the public, on well no ,to the math of Year Liver Pill.. to date the good effects prodaeed by their Year, la my own ease Dating the month ofJune, /Sl5, I took vet,' unwell, MY appetite failml,and Myldrength was entirely prostrated, with •erere pam mmy sideand shoolders. I was told by medical reenthat my disease Wes • seven, attack of neer. complaint. I took seve ral boxes of sa.'s o ver Pills, and Oa= O" .which I was told was good far that diwase ban alter all I ores (ettliii, worse. I finally concluded to plum myself under the ewe of physician for better. or huh fortunately, into at this time, I was told the Rev. Niblock, o f this place, that a friend had Sant him a box of Sellers , Liver Pills !ma Pinshamt, which had betiefined him very manna I fordownh tent for a boo of your Liver, Pills,. and by the time I was done aunts them, I was satisfied that it was last the medteme that suited my cue. I emit for mom, and took five or me bone., end loud myself almost cutely cUred,,but to !Unruh less I caught a severe cold, which brought. back the diseue, and in a abort toMe I Was as bad as ever. again had recourse to your Lover Pills, and took Meat every ether night for sis weeks, sodocculonally so/maned I can now say, that I can Dow say, that I feel linlo If any syttiptlesa of the Liver Complaint, end my general health Is as mod now as it has beau for the lastlo Ply onglabors ask me who was my doctor. I tell them that antlers' Liver Pill* was my doctor, and by the blearing of Divine Providence the peanset Ca Mg nar. lam confident that when the public become SO. rosined with the value of your Liver Pills, the do. mud for themanll Mamas, Many of my neighbor, to whom bare recommended the pills, oan madly to their value, as well an to the facts above dated. Respeeddly yours, jinx:ma:Mum. TO Mt Pc aue.—The thimeal, onlytrais mid germ tans Liver Pill. me pripared by IL, Sellers, and nave Ms mune mamped in bleak lona apon the hd of each 'ltes, will. asuman 4Me oataide wrapper. e - All others are counterfeit or basaimitations. oritr! R. E SELLERS, I . optimist. a 7 Wood rktte. A man by the name of KU • z• CLAPP has engaged with a young in. of.the Oar a a is e o in u • r , alapS.a P I.To iwnhsienhd ' and c a ll s h Dr. n Twnse p d's darn lls t d a nomin c ting ey GENUINE, angina, etc. 'l' r Townsend I, no doc tor and never v., but M. I 'neer a worker Oh rail roads, canals, and the like he assumes the utle of Dr. for r h o parpote organ y credit tor what he is nim. He is sending out .it headed "rinks of Quacks," in which tiesays. I have told the ow of lay Fume fors: a week, I will give S. P.Tovensend P• 400 If he will produce one single .litary proof of U..— This is to caution the public not to 'be deceived, and purchase. noue hat the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Towneend's Sarsaparilla t Wring •ork It the Old Dr.'s likeness, his family coal alarm!, and his lag nature net./ the coat of arms. ' • JACOB TOWNSMD. Principal Oface, 102 Nagman st,PicatrYarkiity OLDS Dovrogt JACOB' . e• VIE ORIGINAL *: , .DL9COVERER GILTURCI TOWNSEND SAALS&DA.RILLA• Old Dr. Townsend is now utroutTeam of hoe, nod h. long been known al ihr AUTHOR and DISCO VER ER of the OESUINFORIDINAL 'TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor he- wax enetmelled to haul tts manufactnre, by which Memts it bat boon kept out of market, .d lts sale. eirnnmaeribed to those only who had proved its worth and known ita value. this GRAND AND UNEQP/34.131,PR11,14.113,M manufactured on the largestscale, and Is nailed for throughout the length mad breadth oldie land. Unit. young S. B.Voginmend's; it Improves with isuge, and never changes, but for the better hemmers It prepared on scientific principles by a inlet:Mk man. The highest Knowledge of ChontlenT, and the laleSt discovenes of Cite Art,, have all been brought into re quisition is the m.ufacture or Ea Old Dr.'s Serumw rill, The Sarsaparilla root, ills well known to med ical men, contain. medicinal properties, and some pm perilm which arc inen or atmtesm and others, which, tr ottained m itteparorg, it for um, produce fermenta tion and acid, which ia injurious to the system. Soma or the properties of Sarsaparilla are on volatile that they entirely evaporate and are Tait' in 'Me. prepare um, it thee ere out preserved by a seienude proem., known o n ly to these erpelieOCed to its m.ufaeture. tilorrovel Mew volatile principles. which by Orrin va por. or as an ezhaltition, under heat, ate the very es sential a n properues oldie -root, which give. to it all its value. The (~ICWUI9E'_ - - - OLD Dir. JACOB TO th'NvENIY.S'SARS..dIPARILLA in no prepared; that eli the inert prepertles Sar napardla min are first reevaved, every thingnaprible of arid.. of fermentation. is extracted and rerected, then every particle of medical virtue is mese red 111 a yule and concentrated Mum, and thve it is rendered nameable of 1.14 any of its valuable an hcalom properties !bemired in this way. iris ma. the tame powerful agent in the CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Ilene., Ur. , rermou why we he. cmmendations . on ever,' find Moor by men . , wom en and children. We find it deem weeders in the cure of ConsILMRq. • Dyimepnia. mid lover Campbell/I; and in Rimentatism; berofulu and P.le,Cnnttlicars., all Cutaneous:Erup t:on.. Peeples, Ellotele.... nod all htlieniottn ariscerf frern I.ltrußrry OF"F/11l BLOOD. • . . p0.....d.• a mervullowtsAmmy in all complamm arimne 11•01/1 Indig-suou, from Anenllty of thel Stomach; from ar equal eiroulation.determsnation of blend to the head, pal,klll.LlOn 0: the bean, cold:feet andeoldibands mold chills and hot dashes over the body. It has not had Its equal in calmed and colds and promoted easy expectoration, and eentle perspirXdlou..relasing strie• to of 111 , Wog*, ddom, and everrether part. Put In nothinctsps excellence more manifestly seen and nektuewledeed than In all kinds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS.. It works wonders Mean.' of fluor albaa of, whiten, Failing of the Womb, Obstructed, Sapprc.ed,or Pain ful-Heroics, Irregularity or the monstraal pentids. and the lthe; and ls effectual in caring all forms of the Kid ney DIMSfe-T. By removing obs Brea .troionsi and reffala. tins the general system, it ves tone d strength to the whole bodv, and cures all farm of '- • NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and thus prevents or relieves a 'greitt.variety of other diseases, na SpinaHrrimalon t Neuralgia, .St. Vitus Dunce, P Swooning, Epileptic Pas, Convuluons, &c. le Ant thiyokv /t, rag ' AI.PICINIFTOI7 R1FEM1.,..12. NEW But can any of these things linaid opS. P. Town to be =Tab 'Phis - you g 01.11 " -irt " not Sesame of the Hound Fact, that the One Is incapable of Dctonoratien and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er Mai; iturs, ferments, and blows. the bottles containing it into fragments; the sour, acid, liquid ex plodtng owl damaging other goods! Must eat this hor rible compound be poi... to th e' system? What! Whatacid into a system•Oready diseased with acid: What causes•Dyspeiroa but acid? Do we not ail knots, that when food sours in oar stomachs, what mischiefs tt produces!—llatulenite, heartburn,' prapitation of the eart, liver complaint, diarrhrea, dysentery, eholie and corruption of the blood? What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body? Whist produces ell the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin. Scald Head, Salt Rheurn,Erysipel.,WhiterSwellings, Fever-Scree, and all ulcerations intern al-and external? It is noth ing under heaven bat an acid substance, which sours, atiLthus spoil• all the and ef the body. more or leas- CIIIIRCS Rheumatism but it sour acid fluid, which in names itself between the joints add elsewhere, ir ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate tisanes uuponwhich aut.? So of nerve us diseases, of Impu ty of the blond, of deranged circulations, and nearly ail the aliments which ablict human centre. Now, is It not ttorrt , ,e to make t.d.e.11,4nd infinitc ly tectee to one dm _ _ 601..R1NE1, FEB . ALSTING ESN= . and yet he would fain h .vu un 1C1A:034.1 that Jr c o on 'rowitsenal- Gorki ts Oils n d Sarsaparid is an Itation of hie tuferior preperamm heaven forbtd that we *Amid den, In an which would bear the most distaut resemblance .0 a. P. Towl...end's aniclu! and - waist Should bring down upon the Old It,. such a mountidn.logd 'of complaints and ctiminations from agents who have sold, and par.• hasers who have aced S. P. Townsiend's Fermenting Compound! wtsh It miderstoott, because it is the absolute truth, that S. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Towasendla Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dissimilar, that they are unlike in alsey pars neuter, brming not one single Ming In C0M.02011. It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to pow balm into wounded humanity, to kindle' hope la the despalrtng bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi. gut Into the crushed and broken and to banish infirmi ty—Mat old OIL JACOB TO WNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to bring his Gesso UNIVERSAL coric&NTRATED IlEtikJ)ll, within the reach, and to the knowledge of ell who need it, that they may team and know, byloyfal au penettee, its 21.4711901,1121ir POWs. TO =La For sale by J. MUD Cs CO, Wholesale Agent' for Western remisylvania; 3. 3Rlllll, , Blroalslhami Dr. TSARS:IC:ANT, Allegheny; Dr. .I. CASSLLL, Filth ward, G. W. GARDNER, Mh ward, Pinshar, -a CalilLsMil • Sargea, Colombian Ap r. Si, 1841. DA D. JAYNES: Days dim..-1 (eel bound to you and the afflicted public, to avail myself of Ude oP, port/Idly of giving pubLeity to eitratinilmity effects ff your Expectoeout on myself. Havinibeen afilimed r several, yean with a aevere'coog hectic (ever and it concomitant diseases, and 1110.2 only donned to [logo,. out a ehort but miserable existence, until the roll of laaaJ, when ' being more seVerely attacked, and hailing resorted to all toy former temedms, arid the pre eeripuons of two of the most respectable phyaicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the conaolataal Of isaftiVialf tuts few On, or wek. Mrthest—wheis thh. lea. sleaze 'of hope was Omni to vanish, 1 hod recommended to, me your Eipattoalat— sad blessed by th at who doe•all tiLtalca in the um of the means—sad contrary to the expectations of my physicians sod friends, I Was' in a few days raised 1 my bed, end was enabled by the amp( a bottle, attend to my butinees, enjoying Lingo better health than I had for,ten yeari prevloas. • • ktespeetinlly yours, &a., Jae. W. Egrur4 For tale in Pittsburgh, at toe Pekin Tea Stare, 70 Fourth street. 4 mart' De. George elleCook El Ali selected Pittsburgh as his future residence. LL Ile has taken the house lately occupied by Aides limn hither.. Fourth sr, near Gram insmedistely ad- soloing the Lemurs,. /toast. His etEce icattseltedto uts residence, where be will constantly be found, un less absent en profewional duty. lichee boars frourl , - , o'clock A. hi, and Irma L to 7 o'clock P. All -- nosh-411 July 0121 to of tlm.Dalaware Mninal Safety In anrance Company.; Nov. Slit, 1.149. 'Ting Huard of Director. have, this day, declared a dlndend of TCN PER CENT. it scrip, oat of the prnfiu of the Coinotruy for the year ending Ortober3l, 1019 veruhtotes foe voted wilt be issued odand after thy hitt day of December nett. Also, it dividend or HIS PER CENT. fattish, on the capital stock niulsertp prellonslylualiedbpayable at [ abo If ve. • RICHARD . NhiWBOL See'r. [ novtu P. A. afADEIRK, Agt., Phut. iiiciraliwoov. oeaplica wILL rest wn open for TLIMUS ¢IMI the let Janina • (haters and otbet nefteshmenta =n ett to the season awn to kept. The Greenhouse, eon tatting a largo colleetwo of rant and choice Plant a, will Le open to tittles, Baguets neatly put up al ahart ponce throtiabout the season, An Ontrubtla leaves the Alleghenyend of tho St. Clair Street. Bridge, e vice). bolt hour during the day, running to t,,, t gent and the luny boat, Captain , Walker, runs from an: Pains, lending a short diathate ebove the GU. del, Pomo. witthing. , t6apend the evening, will be areamtruidetednenkreattutu.Ossusbus at In o'clock P. rd. Kept on Temptrauce principles, and closed CM under. apt.l3' J. APP.AIN. =ZSEiEngi= t/IP, PROPRIETOR' is mom. - praparod to servo 1 up meals at ali Imam, to emmeetiontlrithPurtPel Lr the day orweek.. 'P;APFALL, _tpdtt. 171/AzrrED--W4h e