BY 'I,IA6NEIi • r7-1:(1fIRAPIL IMPORTED It TEM:GALA PIIMD 011:711E PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE A . I4CIVA.I: - OFVTE:M .-- CdN - ADA Later Intelligence. Nzw Yozz, Dee 1. The Canada arrived at bee fandingat Jersey City, 'at'2 o'clock this morning. TIM execution of Manning and wife, fur the murder el - O'Connell, occupied a large apace in.the London journals. Not Iv" than fifty thousand per. OOPS Were present on the .C. 1013, nod Moat dia. graceful WELes were enacted. COttou has advanced 3 to 5 francs in flare, ow- Ing fe the favorable accounts from Liverpool. American Lard was rather lower. . Nothing farther worth telegraphing, WwensoloN, Ucc. I Member of Congress continue to arrive freely, and Is thought the House will be complete on Monday, mina Uri" exception of King, of Georgia. M ' uch canvassing prevails lie the Spealierebip— Wiailsrop's glance is eonsitlered beet. BAILTINI.C.. Dee. I. M. Clay addres, , d hi ineudn,, at Bar. nude Hotel. He spoke oink • (int to the Senate, as being overrated by bin friends. Alluding to slavery, be said pit could not exist in California, or New Merl. w. iHe said that the ',Livery quctilou was of no importance, when compared with the' union of theStales,—that be would stand by the On der Oka circtunalances- - Mr. Clay was quite xis. STEAMER ANTHONY WAYNE SUNK- EMI=I2I T#o,eaewmer Anthony . Wayne was tuck yewer day', irtibe Lower Rapids. She Was Lamed from Grafroa to thin Firth The cargo will he eared ils • damaged coadition. TRIAL OF N. CHILDS. ST. Loom, Dec 1 The trial of N. Chitds, Jr. is rill P.a.. , Ore. The caramel fiw &fleece is still pleading. The eyescillprobelybe liCCiikti 0111 Werleesday 1.21. New Oat sus, Nov. 30. The Canada's news is received. 3000 biles COlOl3 were sold at full prices tkre . Captain and let Engineer cf the Louisiana haie been discharged from custody. The 2d. En ithOsiorbola believed to be the cause of the an. eidetic cannot be rutted. NEW. YORK MARKET vow% Eiroirm. 3 New Yuan, Dee, 1. E:unna—There is a heavy demand for shipment, .arid speculators. (are.—The demand for wheat is soca; hut illutumetimm ere limited, the demnod being chiefly Ibi kriod 'nem ples,—inferior descriptions am heavy, and neglected. Sales of Ohio at OS ® 100 per tm. The demand for corn is leas active, but holders firm,-with limited sales of mixed at 5,91 per bustle L • Ploenuona.—Pork is firm, with an upward ten. dehey. Sal. of Melt, at $lO 87, and of Prime at _kalm 43 Bao perhbl. Ltrd is dull, with a dean .. hi 6 tendency. Co.izz.—St4ooo 4t firer hands are light, and pipes ern' well sustained. Wazurr.—Salns at 26 Q 27e. per gallon. Cation--Since the receipt of the Camlti'a new., Cotton hav advanced le; making the ad ...rat:tee fe, tince the anival of the Caledouis 19tOcks see light, and sale. limited. • 12=tMM BALTIMCkE., Dee. i. The rrarket is bare of Rio, in find hand... Salee . atiptaitoi per W. CIACMATI, Dec. 1. 'Tie weather is cloudy. The river remain. 4itiocaty. ''/Iniprr-Sales of 4000 bead, at $2 050'2 15 per 100; the market closing at the latter figure, for all ; orhi(ning over 200 each. ~ 11traa Pork—There or n; apecalaave inquiry in the rnarke.l, but we con report no sale. 'Whiskey—Sales at 21e per gallon. Rio Coffee—`Salsaof 4200 bags at 12c. 111TEILIUNG—nol it bbl y, and for zabt by tarp ' 4 Bi UART &SILL BUTTER—RoI I and bbl, just I.fgVir k _ooral I,,3TAToEs—Rece. ,, Lig ....d for rale by nov26 STUART &SILL • - 111 - 10RA-CCO—SS bar, teething and for sale by ' 'I. Carib • ''' ' -•• S 1 unßr & Sll.l, ' .wits—zs lif chests Y - 11, teeeiVillf and - for sale by - .1. novoll ' STUART It SILL ellyara—:ll/ OW common, in store for