BY NAG,NETir I.llr.tit-APP. - EXPORTED dr.TELI4O.II4IPHED *OR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE CtacmArt, Nov. 30 The steamer tinvanna, with a valuable moo , pain Ciecinaci, sank In 14 fees water, near Eta ess Rogge. PURADVZOII, Nov. 30 The Canada had not arrived et New York op to 8 o'clock lam evening. Dealers we awaiting the receipts of their privet.: niters. :This marlerte remain as lad quoted. CINCINNATI MARKET. Curcuow t, Nov. 30. The river at ibis point ia alowly reeeding. Hogarasies of 4500 bead ar. 32 6002 '75 per 100 lbs. The market a steady. There it a large aamberia marker. Provittitrnr—Soles of 10,009 green haw at Et 95 to 65 per 100 lbs. Whigkey--Sakea of rectified at 2010210 per gal. Cofine—Sales or 100 burg of Rio at 11i. °tette—Sate. to a Err extect at 6a. I In Abls, 2,4 fo• matte by 00i..01 SI UART LULL ~.. . BLITTER—RoII and bbl, Just receiving by nov2d - _ .. STUART & SILL. POTATOI . —llacolvoly and for .ale by oovitO STUART &SILL TOBACCO— bay, raccoon' and Cyr salo by 110 nova . S I unar &RILL TRAS—UStif cheata Y 11, re emu/a and Int .al: by nor2d STUART &SILL jara-20,1ka common, in nary :or •aln low la world . , STUART& SILL MATTING—IOW pounds, to 'Aare and for oak by LI none STLIA wr &SILL PERIERRa-G 1 bag, an store and or •CY , Inn novt.v3 STUART & SILL INLIIIG--1 cannon S F, jaw racld , 51 4 Co i !. .y.ty — .1 ,.... V 4 S ILL. . ' FeEf y ila Dila ;airous brands rot Yetcounl and Ma SI ARMSTRONG & CROZRR. CRA.I3 CIDER—I 7 bids a choice oracle jr viand for sale by MG , St _ARMSTRONG A CROZER. _ . DRIRD PEACUES—Iii seas Sum) to day. received and/or sale by irov2l ARMSTRONG .1. cßozEa -__.— EATHERS:YITIre terelvul aid for sale by • nor YI AloisTxoNG CROZLII. 5 I .u. eac. eat 7. bis . It, C erne, 100 do: Co tri lo JOHN WATT AC G ee'd and fo e b 0.02 COnirr ',lnert) . and Hand sat SHOT -10 ken..d; reed add for salts by norDI • A CULBERTSOSI MAPLE TRUNK .BOARDitr— i i: tone ree'd and for .111aicay. brier 24 A SOAP—'RI GC/111i. Castile, maid and Car rate by noal4 A CULBERTSON RUNNE-TO 4x. Best!, reed and for ~lo b TSON y =MR CULBER BINDERS ROAM:CI-60 tom Chamber burg man reed im..l fur rale by ruartl A CULUERTSON BUNDRIES-400m Sall., Alum. Chlp'd Lopvuod. Alluldur,•lndligo, Cloves, Nutmegs, Ac., for yule by naMl4' A CULBERTSON QALERATUS-4u bbl. Admen, on omd and cot mi. Ja by ' nor-4 J to EL FLOYD COFFEE—t.DO •s Omen Rio, new crop, just lend ect and for sale by to.* J& II FLOYD T EILS-20 kf chests 1' II Teal lb " Black Tea; superiorqualtitca,o valises bran , * Jost landed and for sale by n. 114 J & R FLOYD OTA9II-13 cuts to store sod for sale by P nov2l & ft FLOYD Bl.OOhlS-35 d os is store add for sale by novd4 1 R FLOYD INDIGO-3 eeroons yE, pun landed for sale by navt4 JAR FLOYD QOAP-72 bas reed and for sale by 0 nov24 fi k W lIARBAUGH BARLEY ANTED-30W be Harley wanted, f• which the highest cash price will be paid by, nov24 S & W HA RUAUGH CILOVERSEED-500 be Clarerseed wanted by cov24 S & 11ARIMUfill REAM CIik:ESPI-300 bas, a superior artiste, reed arid for sale b) burd4 S& W lIARBAUGH PLANTATION moLesso4—sa - bids, in road OT der; far sale by DAOALEY a CO, nori4 le and O:1 Woo! el O. SUGAR—WO Mies le store and for ado b nos 24 W M BAGALEY a al W • •• lET.F. CLAN PICF—S-150 bag for sale by War LIACALEY Ss CO L (7:L'IY; PERCUSSION CAPd—INCO9SO each D, F M and Ws. just reed per ship Setae, and (or sale lour by IsaY9l Yanot.:x. tre htlak.t.l Toys -16 eases, an endless variety, reel per ship Schiller and for ule low by ewe% C'YEAGEEI, ID3 ?Sartre ... --- -- --- E.,CORDEONB-5 eases sited; slso—l elute Rose wood and Ebouy Work Boxes and Writ*Daats, of the boil rifles ever brought to the city, Just . tee'd per ship Sane, sod for sale low by Weill . ' C YEAGER, WO Market st ÜBICAL lIISTRUMENTS- 5 eases Violins. axed, I.V.L I ease Guava and lease Fifes and Fisica ased; last lased peraltip Sei d ler. and for sale by - 'samba a: YEAGER. 1113 Market st atilltlOAß HOUSE 'MOLLBSI3-80 bbls Just reo'd 0 per ar om aAWM chary TaylOr,' from the Bt. Lords Bimant Banos ery, and for sale by nos 34 JAmvi A HUTCHISON & CO JIJ li-S — F - 0 - 11:OUPPS - fitiOK . itter apply lam rsc'd from :icw York, made of hoe vapor, and handsomely ruled so the plateros at the primed treatise, with the author's printed directions to leachers on each cover; for sale Ly nov24 : I II haILLOR, el Cl Wood si ISTIOBILYING ALB - W.ii—WrlCllearsi his re• meivid a Med. supply of Jet Blaeli Bombazine Finished Aliments, or various qualities—Also, Mohair and /Omens Lamm, black, green, broom and soon atripem at Noah Esstatmer of Founli sod, Market sto Whole Sale Booms op maim. nornt aciApsoslog of Hooks. rpm BOOKS for subscription of the Stool of din zees' Inearance Company, will be re-opened • . ine'Etamore Office of H. D. Kieg, Pouritt meet, on Taaraday , the Math day of December next, at 10 o' cloak, A. M. ^ NINGINS AND BUILDING FOR SALE OR RENT. BE milisettSer grill let, for a term of years, the T large Bidding on the east side of Craig street, in Allegheny dry, together aids the Fugue Engine In the mune. He enli also sell seymately the Sawing and Lath Cutting Machinery In the sibue; oy - he will eell the whole establishment,' building, machinery mid ea. girw. be • Term will reanonieble neeenatendallng.Tor poetical.. enquire aktbe Saw Mill OS., on Craig Mart, Gym. the medic( trillinet, Allegheny. wwl7-d&wIlw! • H. CHAR:. C 0 Mb ti-11 auks selected, for em by WM BAGAI.F.Y & CO, .naafi la . d 111 l Woad st 111 - :OLASSE3-OLo bbls and LO of ghITS - 117gai — staa - s , And btable Ground branas, far Rale by moll WM BAGALEY & CO fIOYFEA:,-111X1 bags primal-4a. Kw, reeetviag and kt in rare, for We by naaLl _ WM LIAO &LEV kCO 191 - a.4513 0 basil 111, today reed ant salFbj nbarlD J & It FLOYD liiiddlitl r el.-b , yonisX iii - oebon rarnaelUrs it in - d: .L -- .4 an Allegheny wharf, and for sale by sow= J 1, R. FLOYD -.-- iNifEtt .--- , nr.gior o- - . ""IC,`,7"`. .Ittoicteimlity c - Ha jk l Fsp -11alsbew Hosed Nomaekyleop,med , eiPl.COdtignment No 4 fot nix by hol:141PA GORDON- Intealkorgh Navigation and WM. rane• Company. A LIMING a the stockhoolers of the Pittsburgh ri.TigaLLolllll.l P.m 111.13 f triet Ci.P.Y, will be bald at the office, No 21 Market st, ou Monday, Decem ber 10a1t,1149, at k o'clock, P. 51: comiard .11.0 emir FINNEY, Peel. acood st NOVEEWit KAT FLOThir-641.1-4-r1 i nn, to store •nd iamb, by novID cora a DREYFOOLE Obl• reed mid for sale bi WAD xeOPE &'DREYFCXXLE Streiik-701,EdTP111), reed and for tale by g 0,43 yA NV HARDAUGII 91..110Pc--214, box. &IF IuBA, ltt UGII store IF II AN W't.•:...,, li - 7F;L: b c '- i, "'...-----171 for , rale by if illali novyj - --:C2°'" fi ' ts IV ONDu,.. bas pi: -- - 0 silifi— .4l.llZW BA mBAUG LI - "nr23 . 7,; ~, ",aileboiya, for Swan; 0 Eb,, t -,- .1, , ,, , ,,u,:„,, .c.r. ,. ... Le n tt , :i , VI , t. t 0 t ' ''. rite k" . I W.Seehonse, No 73 .P, ~.,;,,,, n . xv , boat s, eLto call and einem.. " ~,,,,y3 sang wher . - 1-W-ii(---rs WYEBOBSED - i . - PIO li-Nrr'Ar.. ...g ..Es large assortment of Inthossed Piano anal.. COaelannst be found at W M'ClintorkM Comet Ware- heatio,ll sedated prices. Call and examnie before ' parch g elsewhere.. • nv44 frlitin • Y OIL CLO Puts—itiri• t iseT - u r n . A WCtintoek% Carpet Wmehoeme, neer and hand ... WV. T.p.ary Oil Cloths, which will be Oct w fitll7l . ..l a hall, room or resilbale. novsl rBLS -RiTittAtiailift..l—hil. AUCtistoek la 5 , .. Me handsomest astortment of PO'! th Pi." and Table Coven ever °fired in this menet, to which he Malin the attention of Web.' an ___ S TFAMBOAT TRIILMINUS—We inv,7•Tar. s boa - mod to toll sad (MIMI.. oar a F.artmeot of Tr:ro• roint, iL• In Wangs have a large assontoent in oar line. Carpet Worekouse, No :5 Fourth r MO. notraNV 111.CLINTOCK pI3I•TOF Scotch Choi and fine Rod itt. I = ll 4 sad for as le by DO , S 825HOYER' , ILO Seeeed or • - GrEAtHERS—OCOO lin prime for rale by X . novl3 • N. Cif GRANT IrsoitIVILLE,LIMR-S5 bbl. reed by . Pero, for b by nov23 C H GRANT LDOZED OIL— 6 recid and fot sole by na•SO 1B CANFIELD REABLS-11 bblajnat. ried and fo r saI AN e FIMEM by notSO .l C NEW AND VALUABLE INVENTION! BLI N 8 WINDOW LOCK ADD SPRING. • Panama, DIMMER 19,1419. I ung , ta d r b eaf i l n eo . f o g , re , :tx , tezo io alar . or m :4. alt, mood on without wiadow faiteniog. While It {motes • porfeet tote fat anthem and weights, ; aaaing of at least SY to each window it atfoints 'Se ..feat futettlegg that has ere, been h ' tongtat into - S . The odlity and cornrenicane of this Soling over all wrione, ha that by one thumb piece, both of of the adriOlow can be tanwd co lowered. It reneges on.? to Jar kw:mato be appreciated. lharaoas wishing tO bay th e oracle, or to have the halo thei r window , , or the rich of se line 3 , to modes in (hill State, Way apps to the enbnortbera ZEIJIX HOUNE, on • tho A log beny neer, Pttra TURNER , rentadanillarT3 C. Y._ M' V•grrEll TO PURCHASE—Ono bowir.4 shim the Merchants' and blanoCaoturer's Oluk, o 9,1 144Mrgh HOLMIM t OiI)NE. COMIVRCIAT: RECORD. PORT OF PITISRURGH PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE sisanun's Examxs. COMMITTEE FOR o DECEMBER -30111Hr• MrEll!Ci Prresacson Gazarra. l SittlfilY Morning. December I. liclSe 'rho weather yesterday, or. clear and Pleasant, end a considerible degree, of activity precancel nimnithoc' the market There was no masked cheese in quota tions, every thing reinnining steady, at about our last gamed rates, Flom—The reompts for the pna few :Myr hove been imaparatively light, and hog hand operauoils hive been ronfined to limited lota We now rt sale on the wharf of 130 tibia at gadt„lir bbl, and of In at 1447. From store, we have axles of MO tible at 44.0t 100 bbl. at HAM 170 libla at 4,50, and of ml titila extra family brands at 4,67 V Leta. • Bea FUEra—We cow a tale of Mt bblit at 3,b7 r bbl from Moto, arhieh is an advaoeo tr. our lut quota. ham Supplier are eery limited. ReCKWIMsI -We note mica of hulled at 2,180225 and of common 't 1,7502,1 m Y 100 . - - of ttt Mu]. N 0 Sugar, different qualiues,atsf oo time. N 0 Molasses renueme ~,gliouary at r3o.2:4,aecording to peg. Sugar House is .old at 37040 e. Rio Cadre yesterday sru very firenwmwe.a. It, Mettle. for Off to prune, and 1010 lei for cutworm. Sales of Loaf Sugar at deltic, en liter in tierce• at sic ir PEDirSIBIUNG —lll Bacon very bole has been doing, supplies baying become very nearly cchbuired, the lasi sales were, for sides, se, shoulders Sic, and laytKrd Items at 7/ Wt.; sales of Lard at OXOtlie. Berrra--Saies pill boxes sapenor roll, in cloths. of Or, and of 14 bbl. at Ile lb. Sales of 10 kegs at 104 f Vie Dam Funt—Sales 01 4lat and WU ho penebe.. new •p, 01 different lota, at 24.4 , per bu. Pealed peach. .old at 4.5 , J V ha. Sales SO box Apples at I ♦ Ctovas of 20 Ude, a good article, at fA y bushel • !buss—Sales of 5(2) boa, of f bo Aso—Vales of 21 bbl., of coal,. Swot, Pocolou—ealeo of 21 bblo. of 2 2 II bbl from Last, ott.—No I is .44 at MOSS, tad of So a. at Call :Or P.M Laxatio 011.—Saleitot 73375 c p•r gall RATES OF D.ISCOUNT 1.11 runr, RATES OF DISiXiU, d. noLat Exololllie lifoOoN, No. Ili M .... vireo. near Co • 'lND2Olaajllrg...lll•. Indiana. . Book ufl•itmburyk --10.01iate 16 - 1; & Um riches• • 4 Slerch. a. Man. Cook •Parl illeg 1.1 vs. BkaofPittadelphia•-.-Purifactiartge St. o t Va. • 4 Girard /Sortie 1,1•Yonooto Ilk.. Va. -- • • Bum orbertnantown •parlak. el the Valley,— •• Chester Coonty • -par Bk. of Valium. •-•-• • " Delalnlie CO.. • •par M.& 61.133., W becl.he I o *do:m.2nm 130.• •par do Alorgmitown •• - - iSotthatotierland•'•par N. VV. Bank Va-- • I Colombi • Bridge CO.• • pat do Wellsburg • -- • * !Myles:omit Bank par do Park...bum •- •• Faeroe,' Bt. Res Tenn Farmer' Ilk. Bonk. Co. par Olt ot Tenueswe • •• • • 5 Farmers Wit Lanc.'r•parl Far. & Slerch'ts Bk— " Lancostes Co. Ilk , • • lor Ph".."' • 63 ••" -- - Lancaster Bk. - p. Umon Ilk. ..... --- " U. Stater Bank -• --LW 211100" SM. • Crowns v die 11k.• • • • • • •pas State BkorMissoura•-• I Washington Bk.- ••-• . 4 North Corolhao. Genyohuryb Bt.— • I LC , or C 2 Po rear• •-•• • 2 atantbers.&l• • --• • " Mereles 411*.;Nowoern• 2' thuquet.sone Cu. Ilk.. - State Bank 2 i vesms ' emu . ..... - South Corollas. Aliddletown - - -...... • I Camden Ilk- •• • •• . • 0 Citimle •• Bk.'. Ckarleston• • • • • 0 I KM` 111 .. • • 010 Commerciall.ll--.- 0 Farmers' sod Proven , Scot Gebreetoln 2 Bent, Wayncsbors• • I 185... 1 11 . 6 6.11••• • - 2 Ilantsbun4 •-•-• -- 0 Irderebarna /It-- -- 0 1101.04d.1e..-.-- • I !Planters tchleamlslik • I 4,,,b a . r .„ ••••-.•.-•- .. p..iLlk. 0( 80.1 h Ca/Olina , • 2 pourso:e.-.". .. ..- •• 1 Slat ludo sriyurn,,,A ....... ... .. .1 113alu more 1.1k5.• -- • pas York Bs ......... ...... 4 ;Balror's44l.lll4l trcrii , •10 West Branch 1314 3 'Cumberland If[. in AIM- R.iief :cotes • / I ghanY 51.2 M Rt. Pius do- " IF.. Bk. of 51aryland • - Serlp-Pinsb. I: Countyllt Fanuent' & Blvehanies " I " Alleelmoy, 25 Bk. Fredemek .• • • .. Ohio. Frederick Co Irk.— a Stabs 112..111 Branch. 4 litsgerstown Elk •• • - •• Mown ileastmt .• • " Mtn , . Dl. • •s• a Steubenville-..... • " Patapsco lik ...... • .. • * g *. rdb,,, si o g .-.-.... lWastiospo it !I k•- -- •• Martetta --,...... -1.- .. 1131,04 W senume lc: • • • • `. New Liebon• ••• • • " I Bile trigasr. Cinch:matt Banks " ,1/& or St. Clair • • •• -- Columbus do• "'Bk. of Baser Raises' • •-- - c,o,,ifie-......, . .... ~M ichigan lila. CO. •• • :. Z2.20i11e -....--.. " I nv./. Mcell'a Ilk 5 pure.. —....... 7 .... - . IWlgtoosslss •re re I VI . . Wooster-- -•----- • 711Mar.d.Firshr.R0.1 1 111000 4 M 44411100 --.-. I 1 Canadu. Sandusky .... IV AU solvent Beaks 5 Beamga ~.- •-• .. :1.. I ißrok of EV 4 land Notes' Cleveltind-,.. —• i ifiold As Spool* Yalu. Dayton. -•-— - • " Illacats 1 130 I 10 Weiser Itnarse• •- " .Eagle, old • -•- 102.0 Franklin Bir Cokumbas " •RN1 ,0 1 0440 •••• • 10 00 arllo.Lb. —.--... 11 1110ablaans,ripanah 16 GO Lake Erie- - •• - • .. " i llo•Patriot••••••- 15 51. i Illaiota•• - •••••••; " "Sovereign• ' . 4CI Lancaster ..-,...-.....5. Ha 10 11 . 1010004 S 017 - ss111on—•-• ••••-13 redericks4Vors---- 117 r 0 • 0r5.00.110. • 39 Men 740 kW Faro'r • D't assios-110 ;Ten G calders •• • • 340 IBS•sna -40 looisdlors• • • • 150 IL Irestnetsy. ClAsharago. 11k at KernaskT f New York --• •-•-# pito , Bk-or LootowiLle• • • •• • •• 'Philadelphia ••• -- i p(22 Kortlern Bk. lienra.ts• " 'Baltimore •-• •• ' i Pl. .Now York'-Vitt' Boas, par. Wert. inn•—ol -17. - 7 - I EXCELISIOR! . . F. H. EATON & CO.. 26. 69 Fourth Street, Plit.bargh, Have now in Sore their full aesortment of Tt'MMus, Hositry and Lou 6aoda &OPTED to the wards of ovary clay. of Morahan. rat. toad Grammar. firt pants have I t aen roared tn present theslowest and 'most fashootabla style of hoods to their line. Therr stook consitto to port of tha following: DRESS TRINDIEVGS. - - - - Fringes and Gurips. of every variety; new style, hatred Galloons; Algae,. and lospenai Br.* rind «d Silk Worsted Embroidering Braid, Emoted and cin Velvet Ribbons; plain do do;. Corded Mantua and OM. Satin Rilsbnirs. for trimming; bleak, white and colored Silk Leeest. extra wide do do, for flounces; with a fell amortetent of Dress Bminus; Dresses Pinked, Stamped or. Embroidered to order. LACE GOODS. • Embroidered !Ace and Mahn Capes, Clientmetum, Breakfast and Retiring Cape and Half Sleeves, French, Worked Collars and Cods. rngreat variety; Lace Veils, Lappets and Ora Tier; Motuning Cheinimues. lam, Cuffs •an Ilidf Sleeves; Loren Lawn plain embroidered and hemstitched do, Slain Linen do; real ihread Lace, and Edgings; Im. o; Bobbin. Lisle, Lace Moab, and Cotton Edgings and Inserting', BONNET TRIMMINGS. Rich new style Bonner ItAbons,,Prench Face Plow er, Bonnet Tabs. Velvets, Sauna and Florence., Silk Blush,. and Tarletons., Bonnet Frame. and Tip.. • AID GLOVES. Best manufacture, with most approved fawning, and choicest colors. An extensive assortment always oil hand. HOSLEEY. A great variety of silk, Wool, Cotten, Merino anJ Caabourn, for pubes and hlimer, Tartan Rhoda. and a full asaortinent other style% fanny and plain C b dd •. floYe; newest style. Infanta' Boots and ntot i as; Gera,' Grampian, Vigonia, Merino, Cotton and Inc Wool Ralf Rose. GLOVES. A fall msorement for men, women and children, Amex which are Derby Ribbed, Foloaelle sod plain lllk; ribbed and pl.l. Culuneret Chamois Lined Ber. hu; Casainiere, Marino, Far-lined Beaver, heavy cud fine Buckskin, Military and Lisle Thread and Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS, Such as Ladies' and Children , Hoods, Chttdr , u , AVozlen.Sacke, Knit Scarfs and Boas, Children , G. ors snd Long Mitts, Worsted Co o, Knitting Worfied• and Woolen Tarns., California Comfort.; also. Sor Cashmere Hoods, for Ladies. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. -- Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Canvas., Pinch., CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Flo. and Emb's Silk, lirteral and Perfd ltoarda, Pa, i I haenwertained Mot there are indtviduals e,eae,.l par Flower Matersals, Lamp ?data, Ildees, and Fan., in Jinxing, ,PnOtreir, and prevan", for .alr. the Myr. I terolderedWork. Alta.-Ladies' Silk and Merino Vests 1 enricsoned Mineral, to he oozed soh oil, and ardor, I ! d Drawer% Embroidered Soca andFlannelst Frenok , awl,. a 1 taw my patented article 1 ha ve been to I ! inkedCapauld Walgj. I...lnfants; andewan's-dosn ' thane persons nod shown them my patent. They say 1 W Trirautings. they do not hand t, loathes- or t trip... eivoie m e GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. . rights, hint linty havo a right to di g , gruel, and sell the Polo Shins, Cravats and Conan; Merino, Silk and 1 troartler, if they can find purchasers, that they non tot Comm Wrapper& and prawers, Supenders,fshoutdes bound Be know whatflop an to do with it. that r ot -in Braces and Dreaing Down.; Silk and tante Mk!, • 1111 mlnd.cmcnl mini killl (mood with the ail to tal, Gloves and 'Watery. !cmmuted, and that thosewho buy. tat, end,. it, , '''" ' al take the resoonsibtlit • Mott of th em say that COMIIBB, BR USILES AND PERFITME Y. t' , ~,,,,„ tho i th ", , 1 ,„,„.„1 ogo i„,, th o , i, l French amen. caned and plain Shell Buck Co 1”; , x „„,i „,„ a,,,. e. „,,,,,,, ' „ e ,4 e „.I inn , have .ant Ott 'Nib . 1... da Shell tilde and UM Batt int what tint wanted to .1.... they should errtatelly well : do! Buffalo, Satin and Rosewood Hair 11 1 . 05 til e l ll. a'° of nie, . Berl! did inn !locoed 10 1010 Y.. 0,1u...1v•. ' Iltillitto and Eng. Born Dressing and fine Ivory Cio iba 1 1 , ~, 301 ,3 00 ., N,,,..1 r„, m y.,if y 1,1b111.1 fa , Iwoa an assottatent of Nail and Teeth Itrusba eaten ... ila harefiteed fraud ten , i.: inv.:, a 1 ...,1 1 , Wellterill's “Cold Medal" Fetfatuery. , , call ^: by 1101 mid. 'twin., where a 'nun ...It. Awl r••• 1 VARIETY GOODS. 1,110,1 pay for ase erne!, O h n- use ol wt.., he Al 11 Needle., Pia, Tapes, gr, e t saes en d F0r..., ! know• i.e. : cr. the Inert:ha , and user to a uroie.... Formes and Basel Geod., yi. sy n,, w„, 0 .,,,,,11413 .0.1 Mir . SOU, 01 11111,r v l l,O ar- one: ge l d oe is Farm Twist and Sewing. Floe Raewood Desk, •nd • no , •t!ao , trod , tell: niapeettetheabli ran end lo 11 33 ' . COO, Bindings A Balloon, p,,,,,, Wok 11 ,,,.. t . n o - that 1.111 Oatcnt will nt.t stand. seal that I du. C..7,k Cord arid Taseta, p pr ir o n, 03. p i, r ,.. t , . not proarrate Now, to tan thee argument aura trout Blind r-r.--'hlderd......lalf•t Ladles' thalioary, . ! 'oft , I we'. to saner of Mose who woio lenecleommit f 5 . 44 ki1 paaels, Fr,o e t, C oo k S o l o , , ,OW lily patent WV; 0( 3.10: color, Ord 0111110: the 31/1 , 30 , 11N 1 UPh01.0:0000's Pr... Silk &GI 6m Unfliretar, ! 111 01 ,,,, 1....* alai they mtiti select a Judge .0! 7 . u mil '"""' "'"d 'id'''. P"' Mu."' kr "'II' d' '' ' ~•., . ...7,,t7d",:i,`.',7%":, Pcr":.'.7,!!,'.. 1 .'"'„';` , ' , " , 4 1 Fnffind , .. i la '''''''' I g ' ..V‘i' B. n" & W ` "ing ' ':r 7 d sloe I "..' ' I that they ...aid imp Ftrd Clunta Binding, Comer and Shoe Janata , o , t , e that io P. , '" ...,.. • ell Intl her ert.c.,...lthitt. to Or. hu.ter•t.. nut it th , f BRAVOE B- "A h..d. '''' ..... '''' °.l CI " 1 . 00 should .1... t.f.. that a would not. in then! en,1,11011.1311111. clo the, toe °." CC"". ' . ' "1 '. 1.n. ' 13 " ... '' , 3 I .3011310 00000 to Ira 0311111 011011 ad sell all they could. Drab. Gray and Doldeu, Oliv.?Hearst also, a groat , without •ro me tin thin, to the publy about them vartety of Mankato and Frltinp, embreeing,thil the Tbi, „„„ 0 .„,„„ ~,,, would not ~,,,,,,,. ,„ ?atee „. 00 ,, call:tr., which will ha M.... 4 .i. the t..• ' the validity of eny patent iie re.tratrued I .1.• out de eel and 1,1.” approved .10", 01 • „ n , ', the rittacly upon thy 01012 31.141011,311. 11101300111 1 1111100 novas - ' ' - ' 4 " AN T' S the fa:lest confidence in lt, bat I Itt......tet.lettle ll t to lyyrjasi.ildressed Bop read and for sal, feV 1 many of the e adires, and sere ol of me t 041101 rioter., ja vin __ AFLNISTRONG a CROZER . pal,. lowtora. who ,00 ° , wltil'.u t ', • "'''' ooo ' ''''''''' 1 .„..--.,-...,--.. ~_ Ilol.lli=oo tdds FOZOOOF =id Lurk'. branif, to defy : te al ''' td° l, °Punt.' fl was itteod aii!' w'm lll looir. , 'or Iv Sae.] and for .ale ? ARMSTRONG a ley dx.rovery ARMSTRONG & CROZER i 1 °'ind 6 " a" . ° l° ". " 6 . r'''''‘' . .. I l'"' '' 9' ''' "' di - --- t ••• h h I k 1 -II ' P tat loot • , ~. -- ' est—A - feltiTiairec'et and el7Fsalr r ' . '' , .' ° w t c ' ""' ".." °' • ...... • 4 DIR/Bts rEACkla.s.f-- CRAIG ~ sKiNNER ''' ! asp Wiara a rasa.. A ar,s,. la i. Qi.a {I. : /3002/ Ir CKVAMATT IO ov2l • ________ . 11-----'R—IS C "' RAT 7 Cia S 'n k r l ° N ' ?‘ 4 l. t . r li ti 1 , ' o b t , ''' p th' :i n i a : r , '" T c 4' , '' : l' , " ;,L '' ,, "`' 7: l ,:: : :,, l' : ' ,,T u' „ . : , : :, :s ll:l: E . : : : : : '; . Ord RI atit — lllb u i. " 4 R'd r 0.1..., I ... 1 0330 , kow 4,,..1 in a ~roe aecauntni.llett • and S 8 kegs Batter; slim. Lard; on conms,notent, for 119 i! 1 . :1 " :an li : . : m ugo77ll; :171,1 " I.' '"'" V;rlt w l.A h' lS ' F'. ". • CRAIG d SKINNER I 5.., Alrdina Co , II 014.11 1,19 bl—i;c. M'ovli ' -------r— h Al - 1 I. ' . • ' ' ' . .., . ow? i'qll----.----B bbl. ptst rat'-and -an or sale y IfErrtt 0 I . ONY !the above t•tro had si re!ttet CRAiG k. SKINNER Pnot Arnhem! Sl•es oil and. and Mr sale 11.. I CT .1 ;3 1 ____------ ----------- ---'--- ---. trove tea can rcciainehil. wa hove nano uwns 13 1 for 1101710 I Years, ad know it to h...l.t.het 1: in fel wilt th every titmice:lir .11 & IL I.IIILLIrs. Ant. nor.r.otint No 3 Vl/...1., ''¢' • -• . • , i US 'r RI.CLIN MB Man Philetlelphin id N . 7. , ..t' ' IP Vcrk. an atm:rive awn:uncut of Goode (or li F:,l - EN'S WY:AR, adapted to the 111C114 , 1/ setter., at °""e''' ' I' DELA .!ti rs, iu hiatty •i MAOKEEEIr hfubbla YR • No 3 do; - Receiving from the C•0111and far sale by 30,1 JA-MO3 iiivaiaffs'= -46 W0 AL , kep dte ' morn ;.PAilli"F.B""Dt''Abilltf` DAY RIM, of onpanos qoalay, for Pole v gallon •nri bottle by R k:SIELLERi + , No 6 7 Wa wl URE COD LIVER. Oft,—Paaldoo's Mire Cod plaver CO. for medical Deposes, not reed and for sale by • novo P 6 SELLERS ili.C o lgß'S FERINA—ID T6l7C.oo—g,,,friipaasuilbfLarmgi. ay • sioryl RHECAIATTNEWS & ray LAYS EED-44nEttaft bon waster Ele.baniM, kod JE for sale by ISALAII DICKEY & CO, MVO Fral ¬ Myr-a—There were 5 feet 6 inches in th• channel lag evening, and falling• /ETiftrits Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway. Monongahela City Bearer, Clark, Wellsville. ' Faishion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Atlantic, Parkitmou, Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keeaport , Baltic, Jacobs, Brownevillo. Allegheny Clipper, Abrams, Franklin Jame, Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. Cinderella, Calhoun, Wheeling. Isaac Newton, Hemphill, Cloonan°. DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Welsvdle. Lake Erie, Gordon. Beaver. Beaver, Utak, Wellsville Camden, Hendnegeori, M.Keeeport. Viroqun,Galloaray 4 Monongahela C:ity, Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Bahia Jaeolie, Brow-needle. Clipper. No A Duro , ^ Welleville, Pot BOATS THIS DAV Brownsville Packers, ar SA. M au ,tn P M Beaver Puckers, S A M. and 4 P. St oriP—Wyornicg. Bndgetwri—Hudrion. Wheelitig—C.ndvrells. Si. Lute—tienesve New Oilcan—Paris. eineinnvii—Nlvsseenrr No. `a. Kau awn•—W to Pbtil.y. 6.ll.l.—llemborg 14,1( PIMALMIPUI, D. Leh Sc tsie, packet linty P Mr: OM 1111.1.1 . 0• T. R, 1411.1 Per ket. e I=l= BEA VF.It AND SVEI.ISVII:I.I:—Prr Ilrovt r h. 73 bblv flour., bp , oats, M Drown: 37 MIN !lour. Id bog, Arouurotc & ("boxer, 14 du do. s•I A NV II arbough. 1 het hotter, I Idl rii+, M Fukbro. 3 bdls Icalbrr.W ilrvo to. by hron.J Donaldvon CINCINNATI —Pet Mesienger No 2-1 oak.. GE., I bei dn. Walliniford & ro. 5 do ,entbrr..47burrh & ealuth-r. lido do. Church A ro, 21 bbl. Lomb,' & tea lord. bI sleelorkno, 1 rysirr ebevh J C Bidwell; 10 10.1 v b:cohol. II A rehorslsek 1 lido pv..o loodlcr, brut A co. 21 hhlv vrhihkry. It lilt 71 do do, Nig/I,llre, 5 IV. lard oil. Sellrr• & Nlcola, 2 lay 1,001, 11 lirnd A co. I do do. Cho•ub & ro. 100, C Ilrosle,on. I phi, J Kidd. 13 Ws oink. Rev & Slu, blv mdnc. Surveyor ut OIINFI O II Per Wrll.v.lle—ttik bid. floor. II Po' !lack. I 1. 1 1.1 tobaern. I blol butter. II krd• D & co, 4 bhlr bean, 3 do flax Fred IV II Joho•tmt. 4 .t• d fruit. II De zell & en. Su ult• Wtu I rend. 1 NI •undetro. F. Ilea /loon. I ha dodge. t'un, r. Lovely& co, - VII. lard. Wileunk CO 0111.01. flour, a do Melt & 51IILLER 00 IIIcKETSON. unsl• ..-.... perr Nos 172 and 174 Liberty et - osT 011_31161.A111-1 truniTithoest wetatimg 73 lb, mailed & 1 It Dtek.aleadville. Punn'a.. ni , oat the Ib± or 'list October lab Also--8 hi chests ntait.ed r a. II '"rhey may have been mi3nrat to route ear:lmp...oh hose or steamt oat. 4,3 lit,ral reward will h.. given for all or either of the intekage, orsibetr rreavery, by n3vl2 JOHN hIeFALIEN 3.110 • . F.%t 11ourgi , .--I;holmera Institutes of Theol ' Oi 11 vol. I, ototA yea VII. of his Pos.blamouv Wor ks. C05r..1..e• sy.trin nt Phrenology, with upwards of 100 ongrasqug.. ,Juts reed and for %ale by 11 HOPKINS, nrla Apollcr Buildings, Fourth at 11(:ARS-160,01 , 0 pram, on band otitel (or vale by k R AIreUTCHEON 1)ol NI:YV FI.VM-- A A. Ms.on &Co has, ro• 1 I es, Flonnet Velvots,of throw. ll and at low prleov novo I: , AND 11(1:MERV - , Now 4.ningiiTA A. ! , 11.on & x. Ala Ilor (Armes rod noilory. of all kinds w.. 1 Gualuie.. por6 cu•as rr,'S dui .v A v F. k ..k 17.,TZ ° r " " I ` I•Assev & BEST OAP —I:Z.S Lit eincsnr au, Just reed. for .ale 1.7 ft 11E1 , (jATTHEW:. Rol) E ,,ESTIAL OILS—I can 0I Bargam., I '• Laven.leri I 'Yeppercront, I T . " Saasafra.n, ffov,l . J ;CriOONMAKER h. CO . ' ' ' 'l, !Ws l'ilanmuon, landoKlloo the ""•” . 1 1 11,,,5,M,-,• , . , . e lii 1,01, , i1l • ' .l'i .I,frocr Nlnnonegfbeln. firtfl for if ofe tol, we ct.. and iffnoot-1 f , 0 , 41 JA HU rellltiN & C.I. •. for otalf- by Sr i r F.B l'—'2s" l l''' "C''.. l g. HI:TCHISON h CO ' --' i 101. FEE No Po., Itio, or •• reroi7mg from comtl. rob . k., for Ify fOMES A OCTCHISON & C_l.! 7 ! HI EN A1 . 1 . 1.E... 5 - 11ifis 'rot rccTaarrfor ...le 1 7 I.y . Ist.vll COPE& LIKE VFOGLE 'l)e. r i:l,lVl-1. 'IIiIS Di Ulu India Rubber II I case Writaen's Metallic Rubber Sandal, u Slipper, Bskins I !itlrset' Slipper . ' Alen's .• Overshoes I Overshoe AL of snitch will be sold, whole•ode or fetal', love tl:ti or rely ;tour in the arty & II PHILLIPS, 14,1 Nos thood street (1 l:l,lTlllNG—Rec'd at the India Rabb. Drpot, thi. day-6 pair Pant, Ilalitsantal Pattiz, 6 • Shirred I.eaßtnr.. 5 1.114 Leggittr, Sold a. No 3 %Voud .beet, by istrV7 J PHILA.II!S I) E.7' Til IS DA V—:11 lod . is.aubber Seek Coots, For lit the Depot, No 5 Woo 4 st. C 4 P"'d.."' nor2l J H I'IIIII_I I'S S'IrFIAM rersl at the lti Hulibrr 16. Steam Packing, mini I-IG in inch is tintikstia• Por anl- Lt novs J k II PHILLIPS, 5 Wood LIxTRA I . A/ill.\ 11.1.1'R-65 tibia lu.i ree'd and I, tor COPP. b. 1111E170GL IL uneYl 11. Second )1 'IA Itr. bLiejllFl reed and for sale by I .41 COME& 1111EVFOOLE 1111:1,SE -JuKt reaCm etinsignment. and (or tal a .•1,..,c0 lot of Ctiec.e. . nrtl COPE & lIRENTOGLF: N , %t:Kr roTAT,:r...9---in store and for sale by o •21 COPE & LIREVFOGLE P 0: AND PATIENT; or • Practical thew 1 of mum ,' dune, Trianon. and interests of the P10,..01011 and the Cononunny; by Worth. tngion !looter. M. I) Tn. Work. nl Michael On Montaieur; comprising he. By Won. Haslet. "lion rii and Its Remarn. Dy Austen Henry L.ay ard. . U s; Wimp,. of :3pain: or Notre of so Unfinished Tour in let'. D, N T. woh.. Tooper's i'roverhial Philosophy, new edison; (rated. Ju, reeeived by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, earlier ?darker and 'Chad street. (Journal, Chronicle and Post copy.) 9g I c ASI'S of entirely new uta tuhlone4le - Oood, now °Penang at A A. MASON & CAPS. 00 Alar• IL., cnmprtiing-4210 Long shawls, ID pea Rich -, super Long Brodie Shawls, 200 pieces French Mr now, Paratuattan, Ac. ov2l I SI A N SLATES, No. A. 7, 4 and 5, teen and for by I iiov2l C ARBUTHNOT yztnifgrieNnoTtazia Howl.. as I,.ng a' the water pwrutita . unvtu • KIER & JONES . _ D DAY• from the PHIELIPSYILLE I I .ror. of mut excellent arttele of Rub. F. 4 rein Poring Boots and Shoes soft and on. to ,eater For ante st the India Robber De pot, No %% ad street 1 rt II PHILLIPS EMS PACILICT LINE. 1 4 .41 l I . IIILADF:LPIDA AND DALTIPIODE, F.xcluaively tot Poswmpt. Pim Floats of this him w4ll lens u. at 74 o'clock 4.1 night' 4 th44.—A Crum, Fridny, Nov. Mk. ' 1.4'o:1.11014—J P ThompanniSatortla),l7lh.—P llorkey, k r .yrk,—Capt II Truby. blonds), WM ..1..44—f Inn., 'A Crnot, Tuesday, VIM Lootomns-41Thompson, Weductoksy,ll/1[ InMon.4-1 . Harky, Thursdar, knntoc Sy ra —Ca 1'4,44, Fssday.lo.l 11,111.--Cilpt A Craig, Saturant', 1.414.1utn--. 1 P Thompson, Sunday, 21. b I elions—P Itursey, klonday, Kentucky-11 Thug Tuesday...nth. Crs4"44 WeEncsday,b. I L08.1111111—.1 P Thompson, Thursday, WO Indium—P Battey, Frtday,3oll4. .4 For possum to apply W Monongahela Hon•a n0v144 or D'l.Er.cii & CO. Canal TWO, . Park I HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, k 0 aFos ALIT.—The WABEHOUBE •t p re mot occupied by Mews. Bailey, grown U. Co, ran Water .13.4 from brit of At i rli next. cumin JAMBS ROTC LSON ACO FOR ••L Ts.—A frood uro horse PEDLAR'S WAGON—for sale ur—usy he sue et the Its hut Livery Surto of Rod)) Panama, Furth street, between Wood snelSwithfield. nor 26 • -•- - . Valuable Vans fee 11.1•• IVEAR CANTON, Stark county, Ohio, consisting of .L 1 555 ACRES OF LAND, in a high male of cola. cation, end, a Imitable proportion of timber, and an shumbowe or stone coal and limestone. About equal proportion. of this land are rolling upbud, adapted to wheat, and meadow land adapted to grass and corn. lheimprovementiare a good Frain°eel annotate," u Hock Rn, • yremg thrifty Apple Oschani, of chome grafted froth • good supply of rams Poach Trees, tn. Terno---One fourth to hand, balance illeasy annual pasnonts. Tale indbputable. For further peeoculars apply to H. Grisarold, Ea4l, Canton, or to Me undersigned at Steubenville: b . JO ' JOHN ANDREWS, •-• Administrator of the Estate of Goa Hull hos S—dtmatelenT For Rut. HoEn tfir g ir d g otyd °C.`o'uma g th' lte trZk ti I.' anti Two Acres of Ground finely improved. Posmstoon gives immediately. INqulre or Jac An derson, Edo., adiconinF the premises, or al MeGLINTOCK, Fottnlt " roirmatek. A WELL FINISHED ROOM, tunable for a Variety or Gentlemen's Flarnislung Store. Al to—Severn' rooms mashie far offices or Au. WI'M MOM. K D GAZZAM octleti Otfice Third street, over Post Mice. - :11E eery desirable residence in Allegheny City, lately occupied by W. Poinderter, and smssion given R. immediately. For terms, apply at this office, or to W. W WIL SON, Market st. oecti jaPOLL LLENT—Ttte maiimou boo time occapied by Mes. Atwood, Manta! at aklmd, with 20 sem. of amand anaohbd. The bmsa bulimia. and convenient. and the remold well int. proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES A 00, ng2l Waite et iz(mFOR SALE—A Brink - floiii, - ibiir ono:Tieat bath,) and Lot, 00 Robton AM" Allegheny, ear old Bndge. I'eiee low and 101.. g uy- !moire of jyOl S SCHOYER, Ilin Second rt FOB. RENT.—The three story Brick Dwelling Boon, ou Liberty, between Hay and klarbery streets . , now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession given immediately Enquire of W. Graham, or at the Bookstore of JOHNSTON & FroccroN, • jrl7.4ltf corner Market and Third sweats. pi. A THREE storied 11/welling Hoax, being the nd boom from Penn street, In Snyder's Row, on thy street. Immediate possession will ho given Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney n 1 Le.w-nave on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Gnat strut. AIL.. Two Lots for Bale. Tsubmnben will sell at pnvath vale, those two .1. valuable4..ol4 of Ground, scatted on Tomato at., in the Third Wald of Allegheny City, reek having a froot ofllo feet, running back 100 feet in depth 10 020 foes alley, upon .whieh isliudt a'stone wall, Cr by 100 feet, which eon..lns stone enough to build cellars for two menfonabli•Owellmg houses, and in (root there ate three shade sees, ofd years growth, (root side walk lapaved with brick, all cif which will be sold at 8900 Punborgit and Allegheny, or County Scrip, wul he taken in pantie. J & II PHILLIPS, No 5 Wood. , • or to WAL BENSON, immediately opposo mr4D _ FOR SALb—Five Tots . endeied In the inns town of Binning am. The lots are 100. led on Denman street, numbered in F Bausmards pl. 75, 79, en, dI and si—Lot No 75 fronting 10 feet on hla ry Ao street, 70 feet deep, the o th er four 20 feet front each lt . by 50 feet'Seep. Terms-.4ircater part of purchase money may eel main for six Seen, scooted by mortgage. For partics Wars, minute of 8 SCHOYER, r°,l' 110 second at 963derea Coal Lad for Sale. ITT-YAM/0e Me Monongahela river,aboulltlmilei S from Pfttat argil and 3 miles above third Lock, In the immediate actghborhood of Slone.. Lyon tc Shorb, and Mr. John Herron , . pucka.. This fine body of Coal will he sold at the low price of 833 per aere—insi i third in hand, balance in five equal anntual payments, without interest. ,1411 e indisputable. Locatioo eery good—cannot be surpassed. For further partiesdan engulf& of S. BALSLEY, who has a draft of said pro perty. Residence:ld st i below Ferry,3lr. Asianuollaw. N. B. There r anothm seam of coal on this tract, about 60 feet those the lower, of excellent quality. lTdeidtfS. B. Valuable L_ MILE subscribers are authorised to offer at privets sale, and upon highly favorable terms, numbet of veryvaluable Honchos Lots, I:composing large portion of the Lots numbered 67, 65, 69 and 70, tn Woods' General Plan of the City of Pittsburgh, Won. ted al the south outwardly corner of Pe. and Wayne streets, fronting %life. an the former, and enending along the laser about 600 feet to the Allegheny river, and being u pan of the Real Estate of the late Juan S. Stevenson, F l y., deceased. A plan or subdivision of the above Lots, In confon may with which is proposedto sell, may be, seen IS the office of the undersigned, on Fourth. between 31sT. ket and Ferry an WILLIAMS it RUM. myd VTALUABLE REAL ESTATEON PE-NM - STREET V FOR SALK—A Lot of (;tumid situate on Penn strtu-L between Hay and lilarburystreets, admitting the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards, having a front 0f 15 feet, and in depth 1.511 feet, troll sold on favorable terms. Tide unexceptionable En quire Of C. 0. LOOMIS, 01k tit near Wood. oath-dtf 122SME1=9 ,\ DESIRABLE Building Lot in Allegheny .y, fa• vorably Incased, In size •bout hwif¢u acre. mid vial he sold on accommodating terms. Inquire of robe J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood at til—... • ~. s . 1 ,,,. f-11 .riti- It• CUN..,„ •,..--: . -..,,..- ~t,..4.r_e::- ~c„:...1 r..: —_ — l. k •• •••IF 2, LIP t -11,1 - 1.•-• - v — . - .: r. , .......) .....-. . - __. .. • 412.14: ~..i . L 4 I. ..-..,1 . -,1, - .:-.4011D MD lt• 'ITP 'IS-int \"- N EMINENT and Ospwrienced Physician from the .71. East, of SO years standing, offers to Went miles.. of a Delicate Nature with promptness and secrecy His success in Buffalo and other lupe cities bar been proverbial. His charVes are moderate, and his cores permanent. Old eases of Glee; Stricture, elcrre Ana, Fluor ...Ibex, Rheumatism. Ague. Syptalis, or any chronic or oweteram eases solicited. A cure warranted, or charge refanded. Ornces,St. Clatestreet, doorsfrout the /3ndge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor untie Y. 13.—Dr. A. solielts the worst races of any discos. Pittsburgb to call. opl4vily • RICH HALL GOODS! L.EXANDER a DAY, corner of the Diamond .d Market .trees, notify their friend. and the pablin that they have received their mock of Fod and Win ter GOODS. direct (tam the iniporters, manufacturer.. ===s laWionablr Goods is largo, and prewnts strong aurae tinge to purchasers. In Lashes Dress Gard, an Shawls, the most splendid and fnaluonable Gond. o the season are now offered, at remarkably low price. • twisting to part of the following LADIES' DRESS GOADS. New style Bream bg'd Carnelian Silk Colld and Black Soon Du Cheney and Tare Satins; Cord Carnelian Gredeibines, of the bent qualities; Mack glossy Groderiens of We celebrated Eagle mannfacture. The above named Blie - 11 Silks are warranted riot to cut in the wean for drenes and mantillas they wean best imported. Neat fig'd Carnahan Saun Du phene.the haudaomest Silks of tae season. • New style Drochs Silk figured French Mennos, a new and splendid uncle for ladies , walking drones. Silk nultroide red French Oe Lainea, for dresses and sacks, an entirely new article. Cashmeres, Be Wines, Merinos, Alpaccas and Pai mottos, a large usorunent. SHAWLS AND SCARFS!, Mocha thug and Squaw Sherrie. of the host quad ies Mod Long Shawls. of the neWeal &sips; reat—ark bl) cheap. Splendid Terkeri Shawls, at greatly:rod:wed pirees. esoaction Brach& fighl Silk Shawls . , to greekVthysety. Crape Shawl, white lad colored, to ycreat variety. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AtIIiY,S , OINGS! Hest Sedan real French TsrilledqilliviaAtlideee; best liedan real French Cas . simems I.4.lsier ousimerea; super Satin Vesinip. Lin LADIES' CLOAKING cuorpog h s(„„ French and I.ldlirian Blast and Olive Cltitini;fieisis dies' Cleats. A splendid assortment of American 'and imported Blankets, at remarkably low prince. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOOD& A large and complete usortment now on hand.— Many of oar presebt stock of Staple Goode were' bought from the manufactureriprevioui to the present advance in prices. A principal part of oar stock of Preach and English good. have been purchased at the greet Auction Sales at Philadelphia and New York, which enables as to offer decided bargains in almost every description of goods in our line of,businese. Cannery Merchants, Merchant Tailors, amt_all wholesale and retell buyers, ore invited to so early examinauon of our rock and prices. ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 Market et, ;mini :forth west comer of the Diamond. 13123=12 Mourning Long Shawls. wR. MURPHY nu ree'd a supply of lb o above article, of the best quality; aln, plain Bla c k ma." Long Shawls; black Rombarinea,Mouruing Al paecv, Penton Cloth, black Coburg+, Parmoun, CRP hinere ft, Moos de Loins and French Merino+. black Cravats and Mounting Collars, Mourning llonuct bons. neck do, arid a full cnortment of Mourning • Goals generally. Also: PLAIN BLACK SILKS, A urge assortment, including • few pieces very wide M superior. Buyers are invited to look at them, at North East comer of Fourth and Market it.. Wholesale Rooms up sutra, where a large roon• meet of New Goods has lately been received. [nv2o ANT IN rry o a r n S I.q me . t MITCHRTLREE; itow6 No 160 Liberty at S 1:W-5 lihde to arrive on steamer Ringgold, for 6A alr by novs ISAIMI DICKEY &CO eoFFEW-150 bags pgint , e vl o i, „ m m rre rnit t r i d r io ß r Eit sale novg Fklrylo'n.= TEAS--Imperial, ' Try, in " dre d he ' Vt7,l 4s 4 and 6 pOond Imo: Jost ree'd and ' for sate by unot W A M MITCHELTREE 7~,{ULAtIiF:J—IBO bbl . primaePlantation diolasees, AL in oak bbis and good order, for sale low by - W a. M bUTCHELTRER, novll • 160 Liberal at .• J. ALes&pratt & Bona. P►tanta Soda. A. 1.. 32 , 5 ?m A po SKS nedt " f d rom ifte above celetra A a ' l for Etli per cent &met lean tem, arriving and for sule by n 0.6 W& AI MITCHELTG.F.E-- LIQUORS-17 fit 2 pipes Killin! Gin; 5 mks N E Ram; • 400 bbls Whiskey; for mile by W & AI MITCHELT REG RICE—LI le. in care and (o sale by_ uor.l) J A HUTCHISON S CU Olen* of Navigation. OUR friends and the pebble arc respectfully tufo.- cd that the Reliance Line will cease to atop Goo. via Canal from Pm. ..ugh On the IWh t .d from Phi tulelphia on dm llb inst. We shall continue to earry.goods by railroad and Wagons dr.. winter. nova JOHN ?dcFADRN & CO DLEACIIINO PoWDP-3,1/ duke 1. Mee:mitt it El Pons' brain'. • • superior attlele, for salis by nami w t M NITCHVI.THEE UTAGOSCOVgßSQOarrce , dtrolia — das Mile Factory. 20 yards Wagon Cover Oil Cloth, • sP 2 iiiiii 2 •otulo 12-4 wile, krt mac at No. 2Wood I.=KID J t EI PHILLIPS al= M===t2l EMMEE9 -I2 20 tags Daunt; 2 tibia Tallow; 500 bzs Cheese; Just lauding and 55: fed. by vosi➢ J B CANFIELD. Otb 160[671i mr, 6 casks Peed; " Seleraac 7 b. Stleratus; "11110iNlitiaX1111:, . . In' hansom. MC' Sara thotins:4lringigni,V 4-4, .. , • la. Chaoloal,siong ands* • fres pangstasson, nodal. , tie Woe time mobles, sone., and whiten" the shin, • giving it the terms and beauty of aninfant's. • Scone, SUS Rau x .so &Ma, nee soon not 000 healed, but cared by its as, as at least sown, pkrg. Vans La New Yorkktnr who use it to nth class, and Lod it anfailing—as also to .Pistru.s, nt-orenss, Flans" or azz• Other skin dits- ' ease: The reader is united that ts oeuseless . ociamtm, as one trial still prom I scold etrg• • mc n. at least EC persons cared or • 2- Sou Sous Laos alto So= Bason—Bay it, - an ate it, and the reader is again assured I, towl4 not comity sell it for the above olden I knew it to Inv all I state. Those who are liable to • • . • Citarao, CUM., 00 CULPao nier; will God deli a u re. Any one afflicted with soy cribs abolTer int & Oar mate, will find this all and even mewl aderdne"-', We in its properties) thou I rom-.. • -. • • ' Dot, reader, the stoma are flooded with intjtarintort, and be sure you ask for JONES'S ltaliui Cherateal •1 • SOap ttab Sold by WAL JACKSON, en i !e=treet. ' • Piitralt. Au. unaot,ememus honorably assured - that , • • the following ore-the actual qualities of aDe. bottle of • Jonea's Coral Hair Restoranee. If they doaht eat word, they cannot these highly respe ata6 le eitleaus . ho hare tried , • Mr. o. Bream, 41 Mm at, New York. . Mrs. Matilda Ileeves,•gyrtle ow, Brooklyn: ' Mr. Wm. Tompkina IN King st, New York:' • Mr. Thou Jackson, Montoum blend, near Ph:Argil 11. E. Cullen,lnto barber Meandanat B. Amenea. Mud Wore than a hundred oaten Male, lhongh tkis 12 int Oldnee, that it will force the hair to grow on the head or fare, stop it falling off, strengthen the TOOL, reirlOVlng scurf and dandniff from the mote, light, red, or gray bale gnome• fine dark lo= • keeping _dry, harsh or wiry tau moist,lsoft, clean and • • [townies], a wry, Very king time. Sold byte Agent, WM. JACKSON, MI Liberty at, entiourgh. Prim, al, 10 emits, and one dollar. • aundintrT: . CAUVIIISIESOISBY U . SING CONLIION PARPARED CIIALiL They arc not swam hold frightfully Injurious It is • to tic skin! bow cow? how rough,. hove sal low, yellow, and u coldly the skin ap pe,rs after using p . pared chalk! /Icy ' sides n injurloll, l 0 . 0 . 2 d.g• large quantity of Lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which We call SPANISH LILY WIUTK It a perfectly innocent, being podded !gall detain- ' • ou. qUalitleS; and it imparts to the eon a EIMUIId, heal thy, id:dowser, clear, living while; at the same time aeung as • cosmetic on Ike skin, making at soft and smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACIMON, %Lib erty it. Pittsburgh. Price M eent• askird&wy . _ • u_r stus'itsPrus is not mans reili sive than a bad, putrid breath, or dolt, dim.- teetti.,' If persons have these it is emir own faith— they enn, for two chilling", bay an uncle that will mate their breath pure ai d sweet as tAs Spiry Air • labia. It sums dtmmee oldie Gums, spongy or alcemt.d, and for the Teeth it is unequalled, removing the tarot, fmterting the teeth in the gyms, and clews them as • white matte mow of Mt frozen North. Such reader are the properties of Jones's Amber Tooth Paste, arid, 'without praising n ourselves, heir what one of .our most mcpeetable and scientific Den. tishq Nis F. Fold, of New fork, says: "I hive both used and analised this beautiful and on- palpable article, (Jones' Amber Tooth Psatej and can recommend a u s' posmssins all the qualitieselaius ad for a" Reader, can say no more to convince,. only Mat if you try Mtn once you will be well pleased. It is pot up to beautiful English China Pats. for W. rents. Sold by the Agent, Wlti. JACKSON, 89 Liber. ty street. Pitmliursh. nugfislavaT II Alt DW ARE. STOLCM. c SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. 78 Wood siredt, Pittsburgh. - UDDER AND LAUFMAN, luiphsters and dealers LK in Foreign and Domestic 1/.4 ii.DWAR/I*4 in all its varieties, are now epared to eel' as low and on &treasonable terms ne ean be pure...naked elsewhere. S . We and our Glands, and the public genkrally, to call and ciao:Line our crick, which COlswl.6 in part of KNIVES end FORKS, POIIKET and PEN KNIT, SCISSORS, .11P:A.r.s, RAZORS, House Trimmlnp, such as Locks, Latches, Ithige• and Screws, together ' with every article usually kept in Hardware We invite the attention of Garpeaters and Meehan'sa generally to out isoortment of Toole, which have been selected with great care, and which wo ars &Woks- , ed to colt so to to give satisfaction. aptdittirT • Property In Allegheny City tor, We._ XIIE entosenbers otter for MIT FL number of oho,. 10, memo, to Oa Samoa Werd. fronting co tio mm ts on ground, on easy terms lnquire of • . W.Oll. ROBINSON,Any at Law, Sc Clair at or of AS ROBINSON, on the reader+, • corllale.artrr PRESBYTERIAN BOOK . ROOMS,' NO. 71) WOOD STREET., ioe rtanl - - WHERE will be found for Rate au assortment or valuable feligious llooke and 'flub, comprised fin a aeries Milburn RUM HUNDRED diforeat pub hesitant; (of which catalogue. cam be had on applies tion,) embracing many mandard work. In Tbeologg, Biography, selecied and pobliehed by the Presbyterian Board of Publication In Philadelphia; and well adapted for Sabbath taelnuol, Congregational, bliniaters , and PriV6tC Persons' wilt ing to purchase such books, Anoka.. tett to nail and examine the 1/elwrunent.. The Depository of the Pennsylvania Bible Society is kept these roams. oeldtdkkadmB PEKIN TEA. STOW E. , ' salweriber has just received at the Pekin lea • Mors, 71l Fourth tweet, a very large 11.131) ' leered mock of pare GREEN AND BLACK TEAN final New Verb, all of whir/shad been received triads . country SIM, p. of February last., consisting of MI Sc &derma graded grown in the CeleMiel Empum. Our stock being mom/ the largest in the West, wirore piepareci to wholesale, on better term. than any other house in the city. We invite retail grocers to call and .gamine our mock end prices. They can have it peek ed in and I 23 package., 5 lb tut cannisters, or by half chests, to sett their convenience.. . • -- (Jur pure, vary for Oolong, Block Teas from Su cu. SI.SO pc, lb.; Mai; `lowsFt Sotto hong. SO OS: Congo 3.15, and ISurlish Breakfort 50,•Yoong ilyson, (roof...odor and !Journal, from 35 ors. tu elsdpor It,. Parc/boo are requessed co mud and get uroples or our Teo, on:, in - thorn before purchlolux. royloolS:wrs A. JAYNES. 70 Fontsb , TO POINTERS. ' 9IHE sabaerther has on hand and for sate. an Agent J. of L. Johnaton to Co, of Philadolphia, We Callow- ink: , 1 95 pair ate...; 65 founts Fancy Lour, different:sixes; WONewspwr Cuts; 510) lbs. Leads, eat to order; • . 10 Compostng , Sucks; . • 10 kegs Prost s 'Sews 6.191.• . - . 1 Brun caller, Colkoka itiliza,)itiai inlei h alt descriptions, An. :ANES,' Pekin Tea Elore, 70 Fourth st. bi —016,,a reeetved for new Type. autOdinwS ..—. GO.W. 14N119r11.1 i GO., _. INFORM their then). and the public. that they nava no logger en geonneetion with their lime establogi wont In ?enn street, known . the Pittsburgh ItreareA , ham.; removed their entire- business to the VOW it otrie FR V.,., Pit• _ ,nny;P•el to NEW GOODS AT DIGDYT. W . .. . cyanid hereby inform ilia. Oland* And W . usiomere, and the public In Rental, that he bu part received his fall supply of fall goods, cheap and ;Sas GO piecro blast and colored French, English and &acne. Broadclodia, of every quality. . lw pienes blast and fancy aaaimerea. 300 patterns Velaingm, moor 01 wkioh can War be had at ltd. cotablistonesu. - . (ado: manna, lambawaal and canon Snsta and Drawer*. A full and hundsomo lot of Coccus, milk ; Handtera . : chiefs, Suspender., Gloves, A largo lot of fine and common sonar tibitts. Also on hand, 400 Jodi, blue and black fell and Nan ket Chrer (1.-sts, from 4240 SMOG- • 1 TA) dicta, frock, boz told rack Coats, Infra 43 CU !AI. A large mock of fine and common Pmts,-from 610 per paic._ 71M1 Vests, ofcurtain materials. from 75 eta to 13.4. ' A finis usortmcnt of ladies and gentlemene Cloaks,. alvray 4 on band. • N. H.CUMIIIa work wig motive panic:dor atten tion. handsome garments and good Elm warranted. Any potion in wool of clothing ran be be nulled to mew entins`sionfamilin, at W. D/Cll3l'B - eheap,ensh'Clothing Otore.l% Liberty et e ocaiLlos PITTSISD.H.C4II IMPORTATIONS. ' 11YEAGER. Imposter and Wholesale:Dealer In lJ• FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS: Sign of the Gilt (lamb, HS Nukes u., Pittieburgh, Pa. Western Mernhainte, Pedlars, and ethane malting Pittsburgh to pun bue Goads, are teper.SMlTinvited to call and examine Meteper.SMlyinvited, esteem. , assortment of Rog.. lieh 41..MeriCOO, Preneh 'and Germ. Faney.Goode• All Foreign Goods at this establishment ere import., ml ditect by myself, end Mischimere meY self on Ret-i. tang geode from first Moult\ I have the largest esaors,• mean of anieles, in the variety line, in the city of. I.,,mh,mge—eli of mulch will be sold low for case OF. city Acceptances , The Stork eonsists, In part, of Lace Goods, Hosiery, Glove•Aiblione. site crevets, Shoe mud PatentlfireneSevring Zetil ,i sitto . lL l fepes, Suspenders, iluttonsi, ,Pins, Gold mad Silver Watches, Gold Jery,jall kind. oi Brushes, Comb. and Ramona Percuuton Cops, Revolvert, Silk Conon Purses, Spectacles; Steel' Pens, 'Moue Boxes, Carpet Bags and Haekem. \ . Bngs, Findings arid 11 Toys and Fancy, Goole; together with s taste ty of Fancy ands taple DR% GOODS. i C.,.,YEAORR is also again Mr the celebrated"... estates Combs. noyl7 TO BIITICICS OF DRY - 001:01:11117: UT R. MURPHY, at north east co mei of Ilisnria VT . and Market su, is now seething - isle secanti supply for the se.on, and can offer indneement.gti buyers rarely to be met with. Ills ...ortolan,' of • \ a .' LADIES' DRESS GOODS , Is very full, consisting of French Alminms,Peshniteresi \ Coburg., Lyonese Cloths, super Printed Peach Cash moms, et pnees -considerably lower that they scald he bought early to the.licosoo. His stock of LONG BRAWLS • . Is largq and embraces many Of the beiblifn nowon exhibition at Franklin Inetnates, BONNET AND NECK RIBBQNS, . " ••-• Of nevi Mid very handsome Myles, Van bo. - SACKING FLANNELS, 01 various styles and goal:Mei, plain and embroidered Black SillrLsees, Needle Worked•Collats and Ca Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers, Caps nod Panthers. HANDSOME DRESS — SILKS •• • Of the newest styles, and at lower wines:than usual; and rich changeable Sllki and Sallas,'lnr Matrallas, d.c.. and a tarp stock of - . STAPLE AND HOUSEKEEPD GOODSV at lowest prices. And in the gent:ea:cal dipariment will be found Doh - fItENCH BLACK AND FANCY . COL'D CLOTHS, Black Doeskins, Winter VestilKS Fancy , Cssannarese Undershirts and Drawers, Silt .Cravatn, goectEPlnik• kerchiefs, An. . i - da..klerchanto are Invited to visa/ th y _ Villnderuna. • Rooms, np arairs. 2PIPES OLD C0C133.;• SI laf pipes Latayetlo Extra Rochelle, deal-aid • pals; vintages of ind 46. II hf pipes Leger Fare's Extra lee hope, dadk and pals. vintages of '36.'42,47. 6hf ptpes Pinot Causation Co's Cognac; dui' Old , pale; vantages of '42, '45,47. sof pipes Anchor Cognec,pate, at ;) visa. of '47. 2. do lames Hennessy , Cognac/pals, :' do 6 do Catena Bordeaux, pale le dna, do '47. 2 do 3 Dopey, do de, do , 47. I do Caution, do tW '47. I do - Rastas, dark. 7 do Old Cognac, dark. t • • • qt casks Chard, Dupes' C 6,191., : ae. 1 2 . t do Meglosy Cohan., dlrls do • do Old Pale Nestor, • • ' • •do • do ?aortas,. 4 do Calceet -• t • • po Leger Fare; vintage. of '27, 70,'33, ed._ 2 octaves do racq eo 1605 and LEM 2 car casks Bided Vineyard PTOptietol , 4 Huta el octaves do do do ' do —747. 1 do Champagne Cognac. ' ' '22 lee Old Peach Brandy. I • v do Cheers Broody. ac. 156 dos Fine Old Cog, by the dos or tinge bade. Mu stock of high proof choice Handl. heehaw. selected, bye , " abanatarnoisaitirs, prior to the advance, end are no d to the lade epos same reasonable lams th iteleafore. Call and asj amine before pereeasing air here. ' novae . 'JACOB WEAVER, Jr - • . 4 w , •11adelp is. ' yirE willremipf . ke two or three ware boat lona. fttight far Pba.o.ll,ll* (Wwl•socsgi rato9 oared C. A. bre.ANULTY it CO, nov2o cmAal