The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 01, 1849, Image 2

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    rri e fTSßUßfili niAET
- 47 . ruin:l6lo:i BY
gams sinunnos; ammo ram, 'Tn. DOOR TO
D 12 7P4.•••-•-• ....... • ; • •• •• .117,00 per annum.
Tri•weetly•...- ..... . ....... .5,0 P "
Weekly, Po odeutee) ••• • 2,00 ••
'Do.. to C:obs, et a relered rote.
or •patorrtstaa.
One Square. OR bum of lionpareil,l one
Insertion $ 3 1 50
One Square, each additional inaartion• • • O.Z
TMone smelt ...... .....
- .. . _
' two sreeks• •, - ...... —. •• • 2,50
Do. three weeks , 7,21
Do.' one mouth 4,00
Do. ' Pee moms O,CO
Do. twuve
Standing Cie lines or lewd Per ...t.. o '2,
Ode Squaw, eltangemble•—•—• • ..... •••• •V 3 s. •
For nett arlditiocal square, inserted one month, or a
Palm leeeth of awn and for cub additional atelare
ttmerted ender c a n d idates rawa, half price.
Annosneing ifin ot6ces of every dews o.
gen) to lw charged al dm rate of firs tee , . Per ....
for etch name; Om same to be pald or advance in all
The privelears of yearly advertiser. veldt.. confined
rigidly to their reviler basiocaar arid all 016 .. d• "'
tiseMeets net pertaining to their regular b 010..., as
agreed kr, to be paid extra:
• An' adr6tiaeraents for atiatitable institution, fire
emleptnies,werd. warnahip and ellierpublic meetings,
and Inch Like, to be charged half Price.
Marriage =MOP to be chanced be cents.
Death* inserted without clworr, ualerarteeomPaared
• by feneralienntatlests sr obifeary notices, and when
to acededittrocd to ha P. 14 Coe-
Regular advertisers and all ethers sedating comma
eregoss.,-*.segorring mum* deugued to call mien
tko, t o r A l ui s o f ~.., Concerts, or- enr Pablleeme.'
taibrotals. Wkenteharges ere made tor edmitlanee—
all ewe.. of Private as weiariouri—every notice de
signed to eMI &treader% to prorate enterprises caleola.
tad or imended to yoradote individeol intereo, can on
ly lid inserted wit tge endorstnadloo that the some is
taboos/41 for, .
p 3.1 1, or tworsula I. )SILTI FATIMA.
Ono Solemn, three ingestions ' 61.50
De.. each edditin.l ingertion• •- • '57
- -
One Equate, (12 flute.) one ineertion• • • .50 CIA.
Do. oaeliaddttienal in‘ettion•••.l "
, Cain M111{64, to nandlieu raven,. before 3Y. rt., and as early ;attic day es
Advaninenwrite not maenad for a wen
fled time will invariably be charred until ordered eel
Advertisements and anbserlptions to the North Amer
rt and trailed Rams Gazette, Philadelphia, reemm4
a Id , arsratded from Ma office. • '
U. S. Nlanattai. rag vim Wearaart Clymer of
Prearrr.visra.—We tinderstand that the United
Status Circuit Court mill dote its November See
akin to day, toil cannot allow the present oppor
tpitity to escape us, of complimenting Gen. Irvine,
of Clearfield County, on the able
. manner tableh
he has dlacharned the onerova dutievmpoted open
him m Mailed States Marshal for the Weston
Muriel of Pcnnaylvauia.
We have heatd but one opinion expressed by
all imrsoiss who , had any business to trammel. In
Cyst as to the poldeners and ability which h.,
di...laved on all uses,eda, and indeed 'he has
ttree-ltv rendered hiantell deservedly popular a
comsat Oa canons.
Tar CSIMICIUBIP TO Dr •naaa.—Wo understsnd
Shia Mr. Formsrd m+tn.F proparatiors tO !et Me
C penhaaeu. m. r, epos elate, or hn
ttAIVs Oa VIII to the corning year. Tnebest withcs
of his fellow cituens of Pittsburgh go with tyro.
Mr. Pow er, who has been appointed to the
Churgeship of Semler, we regret to learn, is in very
bid health.' We trent the lovely elirnive of Italy
will frilly-restore him.
Members of Congress are flocking into Willi.
iegtou, to be ready for the great battle 11,r speaker.
Dr. Nan, of this State, is raid to he quite eick, and
Mr. Bing, of Georgia, has not returned from Cali
fornia. Tho chances arc thug rather agaimst the
Whip. The Whigs will moot Lkely unite, upon
Mr. Winthrop, orMai... and the oPPozifloh epoo
Mr. Cobb of Georgia, or Mr. Lane of• Maryland.
Theie are other Candidates apokun oC . It ie hardly
probable that the Figure will h. organized en the
tree day of the session.
We are gratified to sea that the City Conceits
have atanicazd in the wishes of the Directors of
the Ohio tail Pennsylvania Railroad, and have
pawed an Ordinaece for the issue of Bondat.r
the city tmbicription of S2OOOOO es soon u called
for. This will enable the Directors to pat 'the
line from.Pittaborgh to Freedom, or Rochester, as
the ease may be, under cootreet early is the corn
frig year. The nurveys are pregressity with stead,
Measured sums; and the lomation will most pro
bably be Zaisheldurlnr this mor,C.I. •
The Frieda= had Colefteeleeer - a . e er.or Ka
the line, and a meeting of the Directore was held
this week at Salem. We are pleased to learn
that the prospects now look exceedingly favorable
for the early completion of the work, nod we ;bet
assured that the odleera of the company wid do all
that men can do to advance this great euterprise,
which is to make Pittsburgh one of the chief ellief
of the conntry, and give her trade and business an
impetus and a growth unparalleled in all her pre•
viola history.
411 that is necessary to the entire success Mille
enterprise. is the hearty co.operabon of the eiti
zeta of these enim. The Western Road is em.
phatically a Pittsburgh work.. We hold the same
relation to It that Baltimore does to her magniu
cent enterprise. In any strait, the Directors will
naturally and appropriately loop to Pittshurah for
assistance. and we trust our citizens will hold
themselves prepared at all time, to aid their own
work, and build up is name for their own beloved
"Judge Staler assures the pubb!ic that he has
kept no copies of Elia speeches or produebons, pas
ideal or litergry. Tots Use mere rum, de rut,.
We would have ascribed the denial to the -learn
ed gentleman's" modesty, had not the :den struck
as that it was intended to parry elf any sehoitation
that his old friends the, Federalists, might make,
daince his return to tacit ernhmces,) Inc a copy of
that ctlehrstel prayer, "that the bones of tbs
American nol•liers culnt bleach on the Coheres of
Canada "—Feat.
We caps the mauve as a specimen of that ma•
deyolent and unrelenting Lostility with which the
Port pursues every one who tine the independence
tiathink diferently from us editor and the clique
ixhlch Controls him. Judge S est... is, we preaume,
a thorough faced Locoroco Democrat in every re
spect, except on Dislocation of protection. We
know that he has been ono of the most eloquent
Opponents—and we have come tunes thought, one
of the moot reckless In his exceeding seal—which
the Whig, party have In this county. But like
many other distinguished Locofocos—the Caine-
Inns, the klborhneda, end othen•a-be by not seen
fit to adopt the now phase of Locokscoism, which
.r, It•itiah 1114:1 , 1, v•es rather then American.
of- sufsd f feed at ton 'rein of Locofocoism
wan wincing-4X. I m do-e of the poluxid
doctor. was tin much ior him, nod he Mused to
b.,11 IL Be is, Lbefenro, , Innouncdd in too hitter
manner pe o nr t t L Rta ',ARA., ass polto,sl
Woes a oinking commentary Is this upon the
spirit and character of Locotseeism. Professing
to have the largest attachment to liberty, the Rua.
shin autocrat could nor be more intolerant to free-
door of opinion. It compells,, on pain of .
nunciation sod expulsion, all its ratlines to ac.
r coamod.te themselves exactly to the Procrustean
1 platform laid down by a disorderly Convention,
-however mach such p!a! fern inny outrage old and
settled principles, well known and established in.
tenets, and the plainest dictates of common sense.
No latitude is ailovied. No rovin'for free thought
or flee speech. Submit or die. Bow your neck
to the yoke, or the degirof war—denunciation, de
traelion and malice—will be let loose' Such is
Locoloceiam! •
Whatever Judge Shale, may have been In the
last war, there can be but ono sentiment among
all true Penorylventans in regard to hi• course on
the doctrine of protection now. It is eminently
patrutla The opposite side i• the ent-American
aide—the British eide=ned the is the side the ed,
star of the Poet Is on.
Washington Affairs
The letter of "Observer," the intelligent cones
' pondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, of Nov. 25,
"This Senthetn question hes, indeed, assumed •
very lormidable aspect. and therein are already
held oat of a Southern Convention, to Ooffene It
' Richmood, 'Virginia, nod of the vrithdraVil of the
. • Soctibern opernbern in it body .from Congress,
' . simatld,the Wilmot priori.. per.. nod re.xlee the
sanction of the Preside n , . The &Maitre members
of the Cabinet, thcmaelver, , a rmed, while the
rest of the Cabinet, raisin„ e a id of Governor
...Seward, atilt hope to alloy storm, and to defer
the solution of the penhiem nil acme practical
CrICA11): Day he suggested et - settling the canaroves.
se by the .4411...0n of Calilorsua and bfezico to
tales menthe Onto&
. Teo new Hermon gate of Dowel is naing
- last to the llama. Though the Jllornsons. sr.
wise in not agitating the question of slavery at of.
yet it to presocued, and toady, to..4•lhst ate wit
come in u a free Stale, and throw her Terntoriai
iatuence in the scale of the Non.b. There's the
rub. The closer the Smith to pressed—Me more
she is hemmed in, the greater must we expert to
become her resistence to the Wilmot Proviso and I
the abolitionist slavery in the Diglfil l t of - Columbia. ,
Being practically checkmated on the political chess
board, she will battle to the last for her theoretical
rights, and when •tie wend shall .1:11C to the I
worst, retreat fighting, till overwhelmed by irre.l.s-.
Intl° Into, zed the progress /illiberal ideas
notable noon will not expect Min thing eke. anti
01 treal.the excited :Celine, ef . the South with
discretion and forbearance. Those why ere bound
to remain (rend, ought to bare • rare not to
wound each other too deeply, and must rotquarrel
past reconciliation. If the Wilmot Proven is a
mere &Miamian. voidolany pearliest nii pti rs o„,,,
the strongar party can assuredly dispense with it es.
trier than the weaker admit Rover its bend. On the
other haod,"it 'la even Calhoun and his friends who
have brought maticnoto this crisis. Without Cat
haus and bin Southern friends, the Wilmot Previ
ar would never have been staved; they are row
furniahed with whit they have shined."
.Independimt." the correspondent of the North
American, to his letter of the same date, gay,
"The indications are ournistakchle,thst a deter
mined resiatence will be made by a minion of the
South, against the admission. of California
State; and the public intimations which have re
cendv appeared of a purposena the put of Sen.:
•tor Foote; to intro tore a bill, partitioning the vast
territory betw en our Western boundary, running
Sloth, and the Pacific, are only preparatory lo on
organised:opposition to Cnilforton; tverat,e a pro-
jecz, like Ilan attggeieted, can never command n
I majority in Congress; and ficlir.e. to do at, a false
shout will be rained, that every offer of motor , -
rteselhas been refused, amt the South has no duty
left but revistnnem This in the hystern of inches
which has been marked out Ly enterprising amts.
tors, and which will be phrrued, oral what it may
to the peace cud prosperity of thellnien”
tithes. Southern Gamines have got into a diffi
culty, it is their own fault. They brought about
the Mexican War, for the express purpose Ol ay.
quiring territory and tocrensing the area of slavery , .
The lives of our citizens,' and millions anemone
Wete sacrificed to nernomploat the desired end.—
The - territory was acquired, nod hen been settled
by the people of the Union, _• Constitution has been
adopted in one portion, an.l Territorial Govern-
MOMS to two when, and all ask to be recognised
to free States The majothy of the petiole att.,
Unica were not able to prevent-the argon: moon of
territory, hot they are able, in unseat with those
who have taken possession of it, tot...not s'avery
from bring extended over it, and for ;hie these
Southern houpors talk of .reparatior.. If th,iy had
pmt breed this territory—thin It ice of central:h.—
upon or. the people of the free Stolen never would
have done it- They have made • buld venture,
and [oa r and sow they want to repudiate the bar
gain. But they will( learn, is gond time, that die
cretien Is the better part of valor. The Union
loos! not he, and will not be severed. We have
safest' 01034. There to sufficient good cease, in
the Southern States themselves, to frown down
all such absurd attempts, and the men who under.
takes It will only meet with the defrayed excere•
tion of all coming genoremons.
Thintraly great man and undoubted pain,' hes
been spending a few week, in the eaieern cities;
pr rotatory to entering upon tes dotes nt Wash
ington - Last week be envoi in New York. On
Friday, In company with Alderman Beinun, end
nankinr of mama! font In, he called upon Dr
D"kke, chairman of the New York Clay
Loa, and 'Val introduced to InaJV of cue mu mi , err.
In theh.Pereaon he diked wit:: Sir. Phaeton, and
in the evening was serenaded by the Wings of the
11th Ward, wino Dingle's hand, ace:impend by en
immense crowd wall 111.fre„lorrht . ..,
making the night vnenl wall' hearty selutationa
. Soon alter It o'clock, Mr. C. übcyen Ike univer
sal call, and upon tie porch of Mr. Beason'sdwel
addressed tacwwesabloge in a swat speech.
whloh Was received with great opyllow. and !Arlon .
after the vast multuode muted. Hia apecch i• thus
"Gentlemen—l can came berm as a peace nicker.
I wish I bad the authority of a comeutssimier in my
pocket tp comyrel you to kcepthe poses and to mate
you abairve law and order. itraughter. I 1 should
certainly suppress thin nocturnal eshihmou of spill
fee/lags (Retie wed lawyliterb Having bad n week'n
leisure. before tome ur Outigrne , t ugl.i I c..•:lI
eat employ it better Win comm,4 to New Fe.:.
to eschangn Ceilings of smell 101.1 With more In
wham lam inileted fr e no 1114 44 1 4 luarhs of wisen•
Intl in days gascc by-s-ba la thn thane snosaal
I . :modal*, founded nu yebestis!ao.netwhed by e .11
common. (Great cheering) 4 4 .114100);14 1 t n.• 444
not expect La be lobe in the lt•Illitt
try, yon will find me, at Mr 0:4 -4 14.44 01 44 , 44,4 4 4.04
where I have al gays her. n. (Grn, eh:es rg ; I
have crossed the 0ht0.114431441 cal.., thin itt'l than
centenary. I hate Orme en in order ;bat I
might escape the 'scenery unto winlet
lam now on my Way in roy.roi• of ihon.(-1,,.!
with no perseinal 4111)14.4144. 4 1 to 64610 —44 4 4 4 .4 . 114 4 11
obient to se,soutio denatln,n,
!Tilt shone abowered on 4. 1712 roY noon rneo
irth_1.27114.106.1ahhe..), ; „
Sod Congren• us the i oak. t 4 ,44nrd . 14.4414
is Which ti veneerer (moil testore-4 state nip,.
feet equilibrotin. Oat it, ',digt, way ostr,
lessons of juirtice. runderatino nod pa•roit
(Chewing Fur my own par,l gr. there in diseherve.
sa the heat manner I c.n. the sewed Milneihot
devolve upon me. 1 tuns e 4441441414, a. g . atif
1 will devote the enen(ies at toy life to the occur.
' the glory. and tee my 1114
owns< cheering for ono, rnincte•,) i co tor
the purpone, an ler en my humble talents 44 - 4.44
bate to ii-tor tine pa1;404, of pr.n m ions Oro were ,
that stands paramount to all oilier., l'te Un - c': re
the States; thst union, withoot orb , . there 14 no
security far commerce, or all tan , gessaigs Vie eta
ioy in this greet moonlit,
'They may tell you that lib, y 2n the ,h,trs,t
a gionnite idea; and aa ais Wit . .1 , 14,44 4 411 - . 4 044, I
tepee It, there is no •eiointy penis., fir cant
metre, for practical litprry :Nell 1 luerer . o44 4 co
to attend to that important nhj•nt which Ices chew.
all and beyond all other tniere.os in tot , land rie
ours. (Hear, hear, cat cheers) It t. impostinie
sir asp one to COM! . halite 611 111414e3ca In thus
great Empire City, watmist Kohn; Illlcrans, b.
name ulhervotions unsuited t • lieac
(Lead cries of - go en. go en) Yen tea l
me to
go on; but who will suriply tae ammunition!
laughter. nod renewed con. 4 I . ha 044 ) 0,011,114 4 n
Thrive come out meet 'elm...anti!, in romplisoee
with your isb•hea. I tounl myself enmicet-ty
prostrated with the hospitalities it visor low during
rev short 010, but I :nub] net re-tit the stopube
felt to present to you me shank. for your post
kindueee nod ya or present attach awn(' I osp on
my way to Washington. and as I 414414( .11,1114;
early in We morons. nod I none Is get since 1444• t
Weight, I most bid you alt good night.
We are uu I deitenteo to receive Ifir
iog communteat on ;rota cur friend - I 3," which
answers the query ei cur last paper. with Inc
.gratifying announeement tha a Plant Road is
actually under way in this v,inity, and exp e meg
LO be cornpletei by the middle ~fr next cumin-,.
Tee quietness and energy with which this work
has bean prosecuted speaks well for the gentlem•n
who have undertaken it, anti we hove CO doubt
they will reap an abundent reward for theisputiay,
besides greatly enhancing the value of all the
estate on the line of the mad
Mg. Witrre—ln answer to your inqu'ry in the
Gazette of this morning, concerning the .Allegheny
and Perrysville hank Road, I em happy to he
able to inform you, that it is now bODUIOuf on early
completion. &sufficient amount of Abek ie sub
scribed by able and responsible indtvidusis. The
eugtracts for the whole amount °retailing is taken
be men who will do it—and do it well too. Con
ands for plank, etringers. dice_ are about to he
made, conditioned for their e...t4 delivery next
spring; . and the Board 'of Monngers entertain a
strong hope that their friends of the cities may find
it convenient to drive over a good Plank Road to
Perrysville, and Labe their next 4th of Jnly dinner
with them there. The grading is now in a courec
of execution, and MOO much as possible el it will be
done during the winter.- There has been n most
commendable spirit exhibited by threw through
whose properly It passe, mostof them cheeriully
granted releases, and there hes been but one hun
dred dollars of damage• awarded by the appraisers.
unman-in all who preferred claims. The whole
pant action of the Board of I'danagera has been
luny endorsed by the company, as evidenced by
their late attune( unanimous re-election. And
am very happy to apemen you, Mr. Editor, that
then, IDMIDDi no longer any down of the early
compiettoo of this Legtuning of Plank Rood,
around VDU, rule. Your.. &v, J. 8.
Ross Township, Nov. 30, 549:
ane °Nene.. APrelD
We hove already noticed the ataternent, 061 the
lbahops of Maryland, North Carohno, booth Car
oho., New Jersey. ecd WeaWro New York, have
'requeated a eperoal meeting et the Mew ni Binh
op.. The New York Journal of. Commerce awa
that thin le probably with a 01ele lo ...der the
Me of Bishop Ooderdook of New' Yna and
'Such a request from five Biaho• metes a 0.
ligatory on the presiding b..hos fa rail i•erh
meeting. Bishop Chris,: rcsidert at the Johilre
lege,ll:incag. yo,. ha le too infirm to travel env
distance: the megicr prolet-ly held there;
so that iheilPthepn . have the pnopeet pi a long
jooreerta the wittier *CaND before them "
Dssru or Carr. L T, Porrns.—We repro In
announce the death of Copt Dustin. of this oda,
eornmsntler f the steamer Boston.. Capt, 1)
died at New Oilcan. on Thurruhty ISM from the
wounds ho reutleed by tho explosion °film Lou.
Warm; Ills remains will be brought to this ody
ioterhanh Capt. Dustin lames an interesting
tht l'lnst.rch
New Ifatta,,Nov.ii, 1549.
The num of member. of.COLIVT-13 is very
large, and a -od many informal meetings have
been held. formal meetings of Congress seems
es atratige tent M use; bat thew am strange time",.,
and atrange scene!, are to be enacted in Washing , .
ton thutlevititer. The announcement", by the loco
foes" of their iplention to. make a actions resist
an"e to the adlmasion of California. except an a
territory, or as at offset to a new Slave State M
Tess", eau'. a 400 d deal of stir among politicians
here, and a pond deal of lathgaation no the part of
II who dare to "ssena their minds. li the locolbems
sadly peons!, we "boll hear the "nong debate" ,t
-mdant upon the Mariaouri Compromsee revived
nib more aten their or'ainal virulence. The un
sreacen elntgraidda to California has precipitated
1 ice slavery queation; but it may
~ra,,,...p at a mture time, and
th,cus.un upo:
well Se talke.!
he people may
lavery meet d.
retl ehy now that the cum et
• out am 01 a (flute tone. We
nut of Lim pre.ent stave %teem
but every tsrmeipte ai be
am! we 'boob] beep the rare, to
annot qusetrun
hula tktr
nanny demands
iu preA , LI
'rho Ep.-1 . 1,111!
mm cm,lunoo b
Ondordohli upo
b.mhori h4ve
Reach of Mshop•l
Ilhorets is again to be !brown
a renewed attempt to foist Bishop
the IMmese of Nem York. Five
vended a apeciel Itepaicro of the
,wh . eh e•iil be held in II!mote, in
.te., quote, .Id 4 t0,d.11 of Bedtop Chn-e, the pre
r•ftenr. 7eh a . rout either re
iiinoir inn 11..h0h, I,v ternonetine lue Ae.peheittto,
nxiinl hitt ce ort. they cannot well do without
umther melt A In,' viol to ItKinneible Bind Win-
fitt no rm\ evidence can he adduced, if. in.
d ee d, the eviatiice that 'fiettiended him ran he rei•
vived. The uniting, are now married. and
cannot tie tunnel.: Iv,:
The 1111,V from Torkey,•;tirln I,
hoot Hungaf •• w•lh
good Jen! of reeling, and niciiit teeret ex ore.sell at
the I ftet !fiat Turkey if,'n het , ,de tilt sr proon for
no indefirike thee The pro wh ose only crime
was Wantla,kiecta.. nood pas • Ate of hope
lessexile.l The pekaie 91 pimpe uttil be pre-erved,
but tit on Armco. , riot of under the Laud. of
the executioner, or wine .sns atrocious, by Incas.of the prison. of ile.poitirt,
A party of Hollander.. fifty In number, and all
tueuibers of the Niel Reformed Chuyeti, left to
day with their pastor, for n location to Ile called
New Anuiterdan, In Stlesek County, New Jersey.
The part) have canoe from Holland, with of there
old tanning oUbstlt, and when settied will give
one a ehakee lo rn nld fishions without the
troub'e of n !Ong s avaxe. TbCy are a sturdy WI,
and New Jersey will be improved by their pre.
Our hi% cJ E.ahb show a n•markahle state of
affairu. Only two hundred and oce interments
have beta made for the week: of these ninety two
were under five ears ni age, vi these again, forty
1 , 7C9 from chide:gra of the loons, and only oue
handrail and one &dilas out of a population of bull
a nude:in.
There has not been no Salm.aa day, at least a
very cal co., Prize or. No toe has' made in our
streets. We have au atmosphere onsurpsimed Sot
ail that gives enjoyment to life—toad health.
Commodito, Joseph Saud h, fir some veall at the
ead of the diumau of docks at Warhinglon, Is to
leave at ani early day la the Pacific. to examine
the coast, Clew to the minthlishment of a
naval depot at California and Oregon. The goon
moment !CI ins souks enough to please the most
Dolt 'finding opimnent. and Mows no title zeal in
ileYekipmc the r sourc' and protecting the in•
tercets of .
cur row noquamtanceaThe move
ment" of the Free at the sandwh Island. have
- vet 'imam. ti e eye of the Government, and our
shutirg irOctest rein not tic dealer".
Grace Church, the Cathedral of New irk aria+
been doing quite a liberal act to
iittaliaking whet ii a 'Free Chapel" for there
whoa., purees u ill net !Moe, them In ritt under the
oreachinc 01 pastor, Dr. Taylor. Twenty
five hundred dollars were raised by collection on
Sunday Inernina and enough more pmmired
complete flie chapel. Deep], who attend "Glare"
dress with as mach core .9 fOr the opera, and in
!act, no one Is inn society" here who liar not alma
dance al mosey. a Ica at
the opera, and a pore
at Once -Rlurch." This tri art excusable week
s era, when d chareh to Molt nod a clergyman
aiatatned where all ran attend Iree—without
lu rtocka there has been considerable movement.
at impiety. mice, Money is abundant, and
very rheas) Cce•on—There is a fair bdirinesol
doing at rite sturoctior." of yesterday. Sales of :00
dates. d .r ti a demited is but tender
iitc, cn I •ci mill rt ..n•'+ tire. Scles 2600
utatii nut `it-snits at S 4 54.104 621. and pure
Oetteore en Sli lijrl2n. Csunthan is to steady,
ibintseh nal ter,,, r 4 itinist, at SI de. Southern rr.
trt,trtr ttufore, zu.o .3110 barrels Rye Flour
and me, in go et.tiut steady. Girton—there is
IR, ibtiory tor wisest. but the bonier. orGenesee
eenitincte tau to adrntt of noun of a business
b -inc dstue ',saint,. is lees sought fir, and ra
ther tends] d Rye in dull at MttlinDie
Onto are ssea,idy o..nroving. h roles 5000 hn
oasii tontorrott Crot , m motlerete re
quest. and In (As 'r id the-buyer. The ' ,Os",
stead and 4t CAStie , .ilii tor Ruled, and 616620 for
ixeuet utter, and row burn yeitiur. Pr,
n•—in , or !Le if
510 nOiil r.d
....; 11.-r.s. r .• WI., •1... r S
IHO barrel-• Ono and Pa, wrre made. 27 Vs.—Flom I,TC. Ex ay, nuN —The Leg.
ort•tre rrt Verrnont 104, adpurced. Rod among the
aeteryoo.od,.:n, ro the h - docedend orevery
Idattookeeper or head o tr, t a horny jesollog in that
:itote, to the tin, nrshOO—uch hmeoced en
ple.!Dg I out LoAtogo nod land,
rittputtenent, .ttelt ttemes nn n home.
and the lead,. ttrottert•thert-of Abell be ex
empt fr.,11, att.tebutetti nltti exteuttba, where the
,urrr.Ct hr cr the Of action
ae"rtlr to, ling day LY , tmber 150
rqe ht•l :11.11 .a a 01 tin death of
ntith headlol n into ty, io vtnt ht, widow, ti.
i.o:or.tradhoall pa•A to I i, ,daw end rhtlerne,
n - / there !,^',
In du.: encrue of deu .ent. gothow.
or Strjc'Cl t , . the rnment or the °eh. of the
de , crosed, Oniee• me do vecocly chargeable there
..., or rtirrle, R`PlOird breech. t Such home
,c• ad --har, not be Ill:CIM:e1) or mortgagod by the
owoor o a lroed man, csceig by the
Iltnt , deed to. bo ol .barol and w::e, Presided,
oreroccr 711., ho.blad may. without the yon-
The und•rmened most ekmetiolly wagest the name
THOhIAS DAFT. Erg,. or the ENOth Ward. Pitts
harm as a Worthy eandtdate for Mayor, at the elm.
me decor., rub eet to Me deciston of • Whtg and An-
Itomsonte Convenbon, and would odd. It uniform good
hhnalth. bottom bean, and a mond bead, tarnish the
ighest chin , to public favor, Mon ought our eandi.
dap. to be successful.
,tle•tte each homestead, al the I tort7-to MANY EIGHTH WARD VOTERS.
:ht. leo:, fur I lie payment of 'the
A no.l .r
art s J. 1 ., pe..rti, provides that any per•
rit per ,rm , any labor, or furnish mute
oht fir or toward the buildius, ; repet,
or turn ,Inify any !hip, iredfiel or Meat,
noire o oit the Milne for his wages
ot eo Inrroahrt, until four days attar the
or r.e iintLiet naafi be completed, and
tior lip aurnihment on such ship,
catobirat, which ittineLtuerd shall have
of 0.1 other atiaontrenta and chums.
a p V •C'
ty • ur
yr el or
pre • den cc
S.!wn my cootract or ngreemeut shall
inady in arramg, for erecting, repair-
Alt, any hour.: or nine, building in
r for lora:1411:g lahor or inmermis for
a crcx.l.
Inc, o. tile
a atorcaaid, the person proceeding in
of attelr contract or agree ,,,,,, shill
.n va re he pa, etent of He estop, up
u•e m t bmiiSaff, end the I,rt of 1.4 on
e nod inn hen hereby entai
l flew. in I ,r0c . „.1.,r the space al three
tho hoe plyineal •nail beessen
tivo , lr, Is!. or materials furnished o
on h
h inen
1 411 .e
ng rlhe fro
do., ,or the
Re 4 erVo, on be Boston Water Works
od and filled with the CAtchnuate taro
A loge number or spectators
d to nite, the rerttornly of letting on
Too yen
w e romp]
were I
tha .cater,
tu nett 10 all
depth rt , tht
tree mullion gallon,. of a:hien arc con-
mpic unto of Me Arouture.
br..n is 15 :vet b itich.r, iI, midoliren
,,,r, 177, m, 16 , 1 and I:4 (eat,
pet hve y •
and the one
Iry enoti 3{l ILI
both of woL
.r 1 rbv r4V,n 40: isuppor
ch. lop% 01
s. ha. I.y re n [maser/a w.rllll, Irma
high and twelve Wet thick, wall a cop.
kneel to fir:re a coach upon which
iy n apiral Maureen. of stone. This
c, the UourPr 'apt, bar used up 15,.
trd by pllar
10 to 01 feel
rib, bruad r
I. rr oh I I
111 vhisr I I r
f,OG rabic "„:, r.l granite, Lnd 9,000 of eonerele.
nib. about 500100 oubte vim!. 01 .
nry. neee-blne n•.t leas Innu 70,00 Ibn• For the
Innnilie the mnerinl. nave been rni,etl at
. .
Ike rAr. •.I :Nit) lona iror clay
To,, work wen Ircipa ur Aug' , ,', I MG. nod the
firt:t intrndo•Aten Li the waler leek ittace to Oeto-
bct, I Ste. Teenypiy ul Illelfr from this reset
vat. it ,s , will be more than eulficlent
lor ell al.. Wc,be.arilo Maw city Tl.t. teuctl al
i'unum•cbnur reVOITIMICIUM that NO
tons, A, there .haA n auridua of waler ant o,
prt..:for moo- oolnpro,ible u.ra, tho re:MlA:at,
own! !000taial'ior tion ornament rd tha city, and
lt,rowrinc .t moderate oliCiloll3 ou that eorplue,
:Ite!I herurolt,ev.l frot. the
ro.coontr re, ;. , 17,1% of reduced tato,
From I.e reFri Fxpie.. leaning
t from Waal{lootont
rvcc•v , ..l lee io:Imoo.4 by lots airs
mall, from n gcnil.rann in Walranttinn. W 6. ,
a ttOstion to spear understandingly, of whit' he
writes shoat—sad one, otoreover, not acosfflom-
ed to put on paper, for print, the idle street moors.
or pralor critisperings in Washington. The South•
ern Senator, whom he represent In rampant, is
unquolltiooalh4 the redoubtable Get'Celli Foote, of
Mississippi. We knew he was rampant long Igo,
and. therefore, there is not much news aboot this
part of our correspondent's letter 4
Correspondence of the Express.
Wuxi:Ram; Nov. 211t6. 1819.
An influential Whig Sermtor from the South, in.
lorrund me last evening that beyond • doubt 7
Spat. wonld necedein pure of the passage o( the
proviso. There iv more 'reality in thin Southern
move I fear than is suspected. Another influen
tial Southern Senator, whom I BIM yesterday, is
rampant, and some or the moat cautious and rea
sonable °rale North Carolina delegation talk Ibre•
ha/tingly •nd despondingly. I have conversed
with many other Southerners within the law two
or three days, and begin to believe thiu there is
trouble ahead af a porteotoo• character.
Your., a.
Union and Liss.
The stufcey of the seetkin of the boundary Tina
of Pennsfyvania, Delaware, and Maryland, author
ized by the Legudeturesot the retpective States,
under a joint commission, was completed on
Thursday last. Col. Graham and Lieutenant
Thorn, of the United States Topographical Corps;
were the engineers, hiving been assigned to the
duty by the War Department, at-the request of the
Goveroore of the three Stales.
This section comp:ices a small part of the oak,
Mated Mason & Din on's line; and It is Interesting
to know that it wan eorprisingly accurate. Moat
of the monuments wore foam! entire. Of these,
every fifth stone, at distances of hive miles, is °ran.
mooted on one side with the sculptured arms of
Lord Baltimene, and on the other with those of the
Penn family. The atones are ofgrantie, and the
engraving was doubtless executed in England.
The chief object of the curvy was to determine
the exam character and 'mitten of a small (roc•
don of Pennsylvania territory, lying in an angle
between the Delaware and Maryland how, which
wee eo,unpll.lled without difficulty; the angle
war found to correspond exactly with the old cor
ners no toothed. Much interest war excited
iisnug the inhabitants, and the change of allegi.
nor, woo not altogether relished in one or two
tontancen. In one cane a gentleman, who had re•
pre.ented his district in the Legislature of Dee
p. is now, or ought to be a loyal e.tisen of the
Krtettone State.
'fo revert to the Meson and Dixon line, it is •
gra:titling circumstance that the location of It was
committed by the English Government to such
able hands. Charles Mason was, indisputably, one
of the most accomplished sciettufin teen of his
times, sod was for some yews attached to the
Royal Observatory. Hit observation• of the tran
sit of Venus, and measurement often are of the
meridian in this country, were published In the
proceedings of the Royal Society.—Pful. North
Tee House or Ratemanirranvzs.—The Han "of
the House of Representatives wee re-opened on
Saturday (or public inspection, and was visited by
a number Cl ladles and gentlemen. The improve
ments in the ball have been of a very thorough
character, and were much commended by the via
item The colorant, have been bong with new
end beautiful crimson drapery, suspended from •
heavy gilt carob:tins emending around the hall, as
in also the dais upon which are placed the Speak.
er's chair, Clerk's desk, and the seats of the Ser.
I;cent-ea-arms and Doorkeeper. The floor and
passages are newly carpeted with a MO carpeting
of handsome pattern, and heavy nil cloth matting
at each entrance. On the south front the window.
•re protected from the sun by tastefal and light
window shades, ornamented with appropriate
views, which were famished by Clagen S. Ded.
eon, of this city. The desks and seam of the mem
bers hem, been varnished, and appear as new,
sod the whole interior of the hall has been newly
painted.—The portraits of Washington end Lafay
ette, on either aide of the chamber, with the large
copies of the Declaration of Independence, have
been newly varnished, and look as if fresh from
the handset' the artist, and their frames halo been
re-gilt in a superior manner. The marble figures
of Time and the clock are relieved by • blue back
ground, and the hall has been otherwise beam&
ed and improved. The meta in the galleries have
been milted, widened, and newly cushioned, which
will add much to the comfort of !onager. irdthe gal
leries. The entire appearance of the hall is much
improved, and reflects much upon the taste and
akin et those employed in its refitting up.—Rs
WlLlne's Layer Pill, —The following letter from •
highly respectable gentleman of W. Union, Parker esif
In . se tnemptaat testimony in favor pith. really gnat
me dame Those who are =feting nyder 64 eaters.'
Owe..c can fine immediate reiterant] • speedy ears by
We nee of De. M Lane's Liver Pill.
.IVER uso.. P•un• Cu l•
Nov. 191 h,
Alms.. ham & Cm—Almut ono year age I recetvej
o: your Egret • )ut or Dr. hPLanek Liver Pale, which
I rold iumardtately, and urteh another supply a. stmo
a. po.oble. Wenn I received theta pills I m me-
mlf auffetiog from an attack of Agee sad Fever aa ,
by the ate or these pill. alone, I have been completely
motored to health. I behave them to be the beat rem.
edy for lubotm cromplmot. I have ever known.
For mt.. by 1. ISIDII k Ca, N 0.62, come: of Fourth
and Wood o , Ytitabergh. (novtt.dkvellarS
The nemr ot Aldermen A. G. REINIIART will be
matl d, by txt, friends, to the coneideralion of the
P:•ronehms I'Vh 00,,e1:111.1041. OA • 9111(14itl C.didalo
Iclf MG)tlntili o( Piu.bargb.
- -
Alge• Ina oo•candulate4r W
orally, &object to tr. poolloatient 0: the Whig Come
Sion. app
1711enry Wllkaaola will be • eamdidate flu
be Mayoralty, salimet to the nomination of Me Wilt
Coimenum. neat
ID - Jormittuast the present May
or of Allegheny, wilt be • candidate for re.election
mbicet io the nomination of the Allegheny Wbig Co ,
Th• A• Sty
The name of OLIVER IT BISSET tall' be eubnait
tad, by biz (nand*, to the considerattou of deo .ap
proaelong Whig Coneetston, as • gettable candal •
lor the Mayoralty. nDrib-te
17 - We are enthorteell annoeuce that B. C. SAW
TER end bee candidate far the Mayoralty, antrjeet •
the nooticatton of the iVhlg Convention. cdrfeete.
[re' C NIACEE will be a candidate lot the owe
ol Mayor of the Coy of Pittsborghesubteet to the de
eaten of dm Whig Cavveetten. neVet
Imprer•inents In Dentistry. r
DR. U. 0 SrEAFINH, lane( Bacon, Isprermlred
rannularture and .et Mort Tarn. to whole and pane
upon Suetton or Atmet.pherie Suction Pinea—
l...ln...ll2re.° to trtvc Nil:vv.', where the nerve is
.xpose.L lobo .nd re.aolenee next door to the M.
or, nnee, Founh etre.. Ponburgh.
Rarest ne—J. IL al'iladdeti. F. It. Sawn. 1•I0
lloraire Lana Conon—Prepared by J. tV. Selly
.:reek, N. V., and (or axle by A. Jayne*, No.
(0 Fourth street. Th in will he found • delltbtful arml
et/ of beveenre In families, and particularly for sick
kbarls's Dannn—An Improved Chocolate preps
Lion, being scombinatmta of Cncoa net: Innocent. I
,soratimr nm: palatable, highly recommended peril.
n,arty for invalids. Prepared by W Baker, Dorche
Nlas• ono (or sale by A. JA VACS, at the Pekt
100 Mora Nn. 70 Fourth et etnht4
Natty:es:4, 11111, Lading, Contracts, Lau; Maters,
3.•1+ 8/1.1.41, Wag., CIRTIMATIM, =IMO,
ovum®, tre. &A,
Ptsi.tett the shortest notice, lOT•price., 111 the
det) tt•zirrry °int. Elmo Bern
to be held o.
the filth lost . at the Court linter, to the city of PIM
ilo/gh, at postponed octal Tuesday afternoon, the Cho
Deeentncr nest, al o' leek Al that nate the teen
dance of all the oternbent obihe Association Is ear
orally softened Hy order.
On Thitsday. the Mai alt., by the Row Dr. Doldta,
Dr D. F Rtonnoosom, of Cincinnati, to Misr Mn,,
dnoihiet of W, DlNvonh, Poo, of thin plant,
It7Rsv DAVID H. KERR will preach to-marrow
afternoon, at o'etock, In the First A...mei:de Reform
ed chumh, (Slim stroct,) a Berman, in behalf o'f-the
Sabbath School connected snit. the Church—aftmt
winch a el...Heenan hill be taken up. del.lto
Ti , 11:11P8-400 hush White Flu Tamp., raiud on
w lauds, ins, arrived and for Sale on board the
mann' nr lva ••Amatun," at the Monongahela Wharf, by
act II fl ZEIC/I.FR.
s whET PoTATOES-11,111b1. Sweet' Pamper;
18 Meters'" lul
reed end for oale Gy
SIy: I I.II , , LA r T m O . IIV : ? bbl. re'e'd per meant.
'DOLL BUSTER—A raw bbl. sope;nt Roll Bauer
In CiOth, In store and for talc by
- del COPE & lIREVFLItiLF:, led Seecct et
UCKWIIIEAT FLOUR.-94 sacks In .tore •nd for
I.en ny del COPP. & BRKYFOFLE_
Cd VOW SASH—exit, and 101191 n atom and for
TT tale by del COPE & BRILYPOOLE_
(-AILEEN APPL&K.-116 bbl• us.d, jt.
ki canal bow Comet, for We by l u
_ -
FLOUR -1W bblo superfine la rt ;coal nod fen Ante ky
drl k W II aRBAUGH—
OSIOT—S kegs Nu 7. ti isnd no, kir We by
17 del tl F VON BONNHORST k CO
I EAR—SU pigs for sale by
CANDLE.--2 3 La. Mould, for We by
toe awe W.OO
hyl'O Uoi•oor oflY/hi
KIDD& - Cherry, In .an
• J CO,
del • No 00 Wood at I
ANCV bz. lust Reid
d ,, KIDD& Co. GO Woewl st
/10DFISt1-72 - tes uanandsn a and rot a a te
del Plctitty 4 CQ, Fruht
viArtar -- • - •
v irE %Yll.l, enntitwa to teecim = got beta to Philwl
delphla, Inaltuota sod New York, as lona u
the canal I. =whammed br Ice, and will guarantee to
d e b tor t hrough when Memel comrama are made.
del &JON=
REMAINING la the Pittsburgh Post Mee. from the
Ibth to the Rath of November lAD. Persons
calling for them will please say they are advertised.
Ladle. , List.
Musts Abby R Admss Nancy C AwAllmon Lust,.
Mann El'As Jute & I <la L
Anderson Addle
Baker Eltra Janeßillings Warren Bradford Guetods
Bailey Mary Blank Clanton Brooks Hannah
Bailey Sarah Blair Salina Brown Nirobeth
Beard Lontsa Bothwell Louisa Brown
Beek Mergaretli Boyd Jule Burke Barnet A-
Behan Mary A Rougher Mary G dissa
Bender Mrs Bowrrr Susannah
Caldwell Racial Clark Harriet 5 Cocah Pd A
Campbell kin— Cianamoral Jana Cowdy Alm<
Cu M gaVarrn 2:trsrllra 're'a l l t g4;r Rachel
1 C no
Clotwortii . ° F . 4i2; CriwlT Mary
ashbaash EliathCochran hlalisaa Creamer Emily
svnahaSTara• Iltn. Marti. Creine Isabelle
Child Niratreth Could - Sarah Cross Sarah
Day FLzabett i)anlavy RosannaDurbrowt Mary
Dana Vila Dougherty Cath'e Dural Eliubelb
Dans blary Ann Dolmas An, Etaaraath Manila
Ihmond E J Maki. Sarah
Cmcbel Mary JaneEdariado Mr•ThosEstep Louto.T
Edgar hill /no T ,Daer Macias Er.sEli.betti
yr.mond Smrall I Eia. M.ry C Ewa. alert' C
Eliscom Ilmurel'Elliron Mrs Jar Earmg Margeredt
Frrognum Man( Fatzg . crald Ceethar.... Ju
p . n ,, le e y r l!Fh . el j Fl , atur. Frew Eau.
Fisher Mauld•
Gall her Elishh Gibbons Mrs BarriGriy Alice Marta
Gano Rebecca GiMoore Meth Great Efitzatteth
Garver Calle° Glass Isabella Griffith Martha
Gavin Dom Goff Mary A Graber Mantis B
Clearing Eltshb Going Carnal.,
Gordon Mary Ana Groves Franceell
Hymn Mary Hartman Mary Hind. Jane
Nunes A B H.y. Anna B Hogan Auu
Hammondßasehelliaya Mary F Hollenbaek M.
all Margant Hecningray Mary House Effsab
HamihonEnher Herr Caroline Hughes Eliza
Husky Maria Hill Sue. Hughes Elisabeth
Ening Mary
Jack.. Frances Jefferson Helensl Jones lilsrY
A C Jewell Catherine Jones Lydon , .
Johnson Ellen Johnson Bethel Sokoto° ilanth 1:
Keeher Mary Keenest Mary Kirk Catherine
Kelly Nanny Kincaid Mrs /as Kirk Elizabeth
Kennedy Le.ra King Audis H Km: hlorth•
Keogh MreMartinKinney Jane K
Kengau Ellen KlsnevElisabedi
Laren Margaret Leans Flora A Lockhart M A
Lawson Mug lzahiner Eliza Lonegan Patti 1
Lee Mbui Lilly Matilda Losarroy E Mrs
Lee Margret Lindsay Mary Limas Mstry /me
Malin Pratlance Meese Sarah Miller Kirthh
Mailman Charlt: Mellon Cathie Moline:via Esel'e
Marsh Callan Menerstuith Mn Marian Mara
Maxwell Ann Miles Lariat Murdock 9 A
?Aarhus Margaret Miles Sephla Murray Ann
Marshall Cathie 51111 s Mary S Murray Martha
Mead liarriett Miller Ellen Murphy Frau. A
Me Alnont hlary McElroy Ann McMcallan Rose
Meßreon Elan McElroy Bridget McPhrail Sarah
McCaffrey Eliza McGi.l Ann McPherson Sarah
MeClanerty Mare McGrew T McSh N
McCombs Mary I Melatirs, Malmo McTie r r a na fr nsy
McConnughey 11l McKee Ann
McLean Mary.
;2lPet""S"l Nicola
ic abegh anla
•Oldon Mary O'Byrne Eitilllol. O'Keefe Frilinda
1 .
PadenMelville Pointers Sin Elie% Plowman Elislb A
Parker Mary Phillips Eliti Price Martha
Palmer Mn. Pilkitigion Francs Price Susan
Renitall Sarah E Rhdes Herrin Roper Adeline I.
Rankin }Mira Ric o hee:Ellen Rums Elisabeth
Reentry F7o'h Riley Lear Rutledge Caroline
Reahey Asineitu Robb Carolina Rangel Melon M
Scott Ellen Simbitr,Eltrabeth SIIII Mary M
Scott Mra John Sunpron Ma rg Story Sarah
:You Matilda SU:arisen Sarah Mantes Louts* M
Scou N.ey Sirvell Rebecca Sullivan
Seth Sarah Sloan Anna MaryStephena A Imle
&Urban Sib Smith Etizth Staphen Brizella
Shnutnon litany Snyder Urn. Stewart Anna
Studer Elizabeth Sweeney Melva A Stewart hlaryrti
Sheplar S Jane Sweeny Catharine
Thompson Mary/ Toes. Cabe's. ?Amer ta
'DWG li on A Travl• MArgons Turner Eras,.
MbActa Barak E TreAsl. FLea9h Tyrrel Catherine
Tslow /flan , J Truible A S
Vandergral9 A Veech• Venter Maria
Waddell !lamb J Welch /duty Welch
Waaimer Mary Wells Mary Wilmai Jane
Wallare Mary Wein Phebe %%ritual Ebetk
Wallace Sarah AWbsislerollEl , n AWolrot H A
Wuhan Mary A While Morelia Wood Hannah
Ward A. Williams Isabella Woodburn M H
Ward Ellen F Wllbamr Nary k Woodrough Mir
Yates Emma Yoang K Young Isabella
A gnom Pnsf 3 II Alexander John Armstrong John
Atlo Jos D Allen ACACo Armstrong (3
/Venom ILO JR Annerso.; Wm Armor John
A torts R I/ Anderoon Sam 1 Armrer N/ehoells
t•ken Jame, Anderson J Stift.
Ado.. Jon Audersoo :018 Action R II
Adsuss Jou f And-son Alas Ashman Oho
..Azuess Ales, Anderson Chas Aslleson
Adams Dalai/ NAnton Wal Amok e eu
Adams Beverley Andrus Andrew AZ•os K^vi S
Adams Geo W Annor John E. Aston John
Aldan hlarohn W Atkinson K Atchison We.
the S
Islay Att Bingham Gat E Brown James
names Evan kkgley B L Brown Jo.
Balkiw‘John Bigelow Brown Henry
Baker Chas Blase J Brown Fdarard
Bailey John II Blaisdell Aaron Brown Dixon
Baldwin Wm II Br Idler Andrew Brakey Geo 14
Baldwin OS Burney Thos Britt JohnT
Hams Robert Bathanon Saml llnsbni John
Docilely N.lh I Baetianon John F Brandon Khen
Barnes/ Q A Black John Brantheafer J
Bayne John 8 Bolan John Brady Jame.
Bowden John Danaher Peter Breen Dense
Barrington Jahn Boyer Joao!, J Brewer J W
Bonen Chu Bogor Chas S BnAley Wm
Bell John Roal Thos Itiadley ken W
Bell Aaron Boyle Jame. Brotdrione W
601 Jo•ioh S Boyle Michael Brown John 0
Benson David Boyd James Brehm Henry C
Beckley Motel Boyd David Rrov John.
Bendel! Sam"! B Boyd Robert Wool. John
Boaster Wm Boyle Chas Al Butler Patrick
Denman Jacob Roden Banana. 8 Bailer Edward
Bennett John F Hod.. John Barnalde Jame.
Bennet John Ii Brown Chat S Barns Josrph
Bemis James itl Brown $ S Booth Michael
Randle J.. Brown Wli A Co itiaravrin 11,11
Bender Jacob A Brown (C B Barite Eland
Blovelt Jahn A Brown R Burley Robert
Bogey Them Brown John trilling Warren
Callow Hiram P Chalfant Its Connor W
Cahoon Vane Chrafran F 9 Connor John 0
Calhoun Mr Charnhers•Jas Clamor Palk
Cale SV It Chambers John Cornwell Park
Callahan Neat Chambers Wm J Core E
Canfield J Ames Clancy John Conley John
Caine, Ale: Clad. John Cook Leon.
Carpenter T E Clancy Tho. Cook Hamel
Corvine la. nogg Edmond C Cook S L
Carroll J. Clark Jame. co u p es A D
Cana, Jam P Clark E Comer. Jon,
Carlisle Wm H Clark Alben eosin Cal) ,
Cillltnitera John Colltn. Wooten Corbel Rll
dandier. 9aml Callins_John Coolcon John
VVIo " CTIL '' n F• ' ra ' an "l c o ' gj j .7!:
Canon John Cork Gra D Craig Henry
C anon Armaratra Coleman John Cranaton Wm
Campbell Rnbt E Calnone Jame. Corn Peter
Campbell John Cooper Wm Conntham 9rarde
Campbell Jae F Cooper Elliott Conn dodos.. 9
Chaffer. kCo Cochran Matthew Carus Henry or
Cbarnaide :Ma Compton Poner C Chutes
Conoor Thu • Cummings Hugh
Davidoon Smut Davis L) mart L Downs John
Davidson Mr Davy/ J. Donagbay Jot
DM W6I Deem Saint Donaghy Th.
Dangerfield Wil- Derlin .la 4 9 Dnaling Nicht
Its ,:. Denniston Geo Donough Jedrey
Duley John 'Cis Doan John Dmengh Datil
rands Dean gamil Doehaer Aliehl
David Alexander Divine The. Dolman We
Davit John 3 Ohm Rey D o inphv FAW
Davis Jacob Dixon Win Donn Pant
Davis That Delwin Thos Dunn Walter
Davis David Dotson Chas Donn /as E
Davis Edwin Donnelly Joe Mean Limit W
Mole Rani Dolehy John A
Early nos t Emu Wm A Evance Henry D
Early SllOll England Wm 0 Ewalt Rich d U
lEakman Ale. Espy W Krems John
Fionar John Kepler Henry Evans David
Raton - ROA Elliott Rob; Evans T D
Dior Jae
Farmlly Thu Fink Rola Al Per Jan
Fagan John A Fitzpatrick tool Forsythe Bent - -- -- -----==:- - - =‘--_ - ‘h.
f 'll/RN IN EAR-Ge ho In arrive In a few d c p z .
Parma AJ& F F Risher Nlzholaz Foster Geo CRAIG & SKINNER
Parma Harnmel ,Fieher John R F.... Rot. '-',....' - - . -
Farrar Paral Fisher Andrew Forte Wm VLAWAI-cli hlthe calm, gust reed and WE tale IV
Farrell J.& INmPlnley Wm Fruiter Wm nocall CRAIG & SKINNY
F•Trell Nicht Finlay F. Fry.. Chas C - --.". 0
Fellsrell Jes Finley Jo s FreM JO.. •7 ,-, C Asli , Alusprott's ewe& Ad , h, nod HZ ---
Ferrer %Cm C Flan/esti 13 Vranett John /ar Powder, /armed phr ably OA, aaaaa
11 . on 1... elms], for tnin h . "'OB..
Ferguson Tho. 11.aum a lag F French Cool I "" 0010 ram mg.. OF e ,,,dt iF
Fatimon John Purr Jos C French So m e
Fil<111111.11.11•111.1. Ford W A Funk J.
PlAagarild F. Ford Jur IC
le . 6. N p0Tp . , 1 , 3 ,; . :7; 1: , .. ,.. t0_ w t 0u 11 ,, 1e 1 e : / : !• ,rs i , , d ,, ... u ring . the .,,, 'rt .:
npt : : : . : ,,,, ,, 3 f .,_, E 7 .
Galled. Jim Glee... Hi , . " ~,e (l6 Ms 1. - reed pet swamer WA..1..... nd for salo ' h 'Y.. '
Gail Jens Glenior Ergec Wave/Geo WAR' I . ,
s 3 Cirrctir.oN,
Galoway Waidi Gordon Gm Day Groves boot . nocal _ - .lo lee Lihnny street
Gal. Hiram 1- °maid & 111oCrac• /Mores Jonas ~..... -
Gad. W it km (lroves A II g . IREAM Cldh-" ,, E - ' ... .",g4e1. rec'd mil for gmle by
11 v‘V:l4
//al! Warren Gordon W H Groans Alex 31.1( __ ". A. " NITA:Ton tx)N
. --------'— .
(hey Geo GoldhoughProunoGriswold Ja/ A f 10FITE--isu bus o.r. en Ric, reed and for rile by
° c ock Darid H. Gfettilet Cept Grip Thus {.., 00,14 Wa. P., APCUTCHC.ON .
Gamble Wm Greer Wm Griffiths __ . . _
Gardner Gen W Greer Rev T W Grattagiltistrison
Gardner J. W Green Ell Graham Jas
Gilled Wbeeler3l/Ireen JAS . (Gahm Thos
filer,lohn Gont.l 11 Gray 0 W
Gilman IN Gilbert H Gray K
Gillempht John (Nee Patrick
Hamilton Jos Hare. Henry /L e ah ~,r , _.
1 1 , 1;;I t i o llt n .n. , f 'm H Hann ll
.a L A I : , r
iii. H se.:
n g . .. T a b:
Hamilton E don H Harper John Flack...y e , ~.
1101 l og Hartzell Jo n as Idagland Te o .
ii"pgns 14,1,1 Ilintnn Edmund
Hague John 111tiatt A Craw How Lewis
Iladdzn I,httl Haslet Wei /hp Pond
Hamm John Hawk!. And. C Hill A P
ihirgee John Haan , / J //Whs. II
lianadna Mr , Hays Jos -
11°1.....1 . 1 . 31, - f ILTRAN IP-4/ bbls Z.,
l ack
Hannon/Oho Hai/ J. Ilelleab John k_g novlin
Ilannah Mr Haywale Wm I. Wench. - . - --- . ........_
Hannah/oho /L01t1 . 11 ,, A r i troe . It CIIHIrd3E-1 ; 14; 4...: :., , , ,- a,9 , ,,-;
::•„,711„.,-.1 1,..„ Zak Hata Hosigt JET: I . 30 bye 1 ; j ewer .
. ewer n Ittecryr; fur male by
11.1 John Henry Geo W Hoop/ Imae N no.'.
Hama Nathan Herengton Wm Slough Geo -----____ 1 D,WILLIAMS
Ilarria Mr. Hannon las Hoeft Capc sOA P-6 r. rt. Zed:1100p e c„...
Hams Thee limners Stephan Haghea Had 1 00 do Tod.,
Horny J V Hannah lobe HOW/ Preall D i 3 ea. ham, 3 ban Almor.l. So 1.00 linen:
Hatabio/01 J3l Idaggelat Jahn Gall John For /ale./ ' ...NI ' J D WG.1.1A11.4 •
Itambhmon Wm Henniker /1 Hall D.l --c.i..-i04,5. - N---...i 4 - .
- . plea Checker-I.f. usle by
Hisubsr Rinkikatatilobn Bohn J 1 . nov3o J D WU1,142.13
• 4`..
Erstn & Nalsrn hsrin Wm
Jacobs John Johnson Ger, Jones Josiah
lames Marshall Johnson Wm loner Jas I.
James Mr Johnson Wm C W
Jamas Wm I' Johnson Thos Jones Thos
James John Jones J. II Jnvc. Caleen
Jenkmon Robt Jones Chas AI Jones !high
Jr*nes nos Jone• John J 0..., Skelton &
lrokins John Jones tiolomon Co
Co. John Kelly Dennis Sing James A
Hoke) Anus Kelly kliehael Kinsey Wu
Thu /Gauen Chas F ICnight LII
Kennedy Win Ktlnure Wm Kingberry D
Ken Jigs A Klause Wm J Kinney Propel,
Crles "re L Kner Geo W Kirkadden David
Kerr John _Kind Junes Kookle Hervey
Kerr Jesse Know. Wm Kroesen Isaiah
Ken Chas L Know'.. Ric
Lady Dasnel Leonard Geo . Lloyd David
Isizatarn Isaac S Linsey John Lowman Jacob . ,
Letnedon John I' I.tscorril, Puul D Lloyd DAVI.]
Leans Win G Waiter Wm Lyon Geo W
'Leidy Java. Little %Vol Lloyd Rowland
Lewis John Livingston Joi Low Jaz D
Lo.loo posh Lallans Henry I Loring John
Leonard NS'ln LI Long June. A Lynch Henry
Lee ()liver Longworth W Lyons Jk A.
LCICI , WU. II Long Tints Lovejoy AP.
Lee Wm Loftus Pamck Lloy David D John S
Mullen Arthur Medan. Edw Morse Jos
hlsberry Edw Melts And'w W las
Macklin Arnold Mitten J C MOW' Levi
Plumley /amen Maley Jacob Morns I3mn W
hlalls y John !Middleton Geo Moan Goo
Martin loaeph Mire Thor Moore T C
- Marshall Joe,ll Milligan James Moon I
Moire Thoa Milltrigar John H Morrow Wm
Mansell Alfred E Mack Inwrigot ThoMorrowThoa
Alamo.) A Alltehall John, Mullin Huth
Mason Jos Mitchell Jan II Mord osk,U A
Munn Dongald
r i 'd Mitchell
e Joha
Mormon And'w Miller /as Mullen Dennis
Meyers Alfred Mortimer Yhilap — MMus Geo
Mellor Jae Mooney John Moraines Andw
Mean. Saml W Mooney Ifogh Myler Wm
Aleadenoti um Mooney Thu. Alurphy Elonl
in. 1 . 1:0onty We Murphy Mich ,
Pleil,en Albert Annual, Edw Murphy Poehd
Moog T 11 Mum las 8
Mcßride Jos McDermott Palk McLaughlin Fra's
Melllellmad Dr W McDougall Atex McLean Hugh
McCullough Wm Mace Deal bleGuiness Dual
McCabe Jas Mclntyre 'rhos H dlcUJee J Jr
kleAllister John McElroy Wm McGraw Alex
MeCandice. Rob McDwain Tho A Merrill John
gleCandlemi Le- MODOVIVII Step titalf chliihn Wm
ander Mclntyre C B Matadi M
McCabe Wm McE my David dledliilnr Tho.'
McContruyJno McKeever Michl Mcdhlitir Sand
McCoy Jos MegennaThren bleMillur Thai B
gL,Crackcn J gleKena Jae McMahon Wm
McCracken Jon McKinney John McNally Barney
McCready Thua McKenecyJno Meikauchion Ilen
McCuichroa Sam McKee:Wm Mcßoberts John
McCully John McLaughlin Inn Meßreordl3.l
McDonald Sam McLaughlin Bcr- McVay Sam!
McDonald Jno C nerd
Neeld George Neale Wm C Naughton lobo
Neeld hints tieknit John Morin. John
New on Warner Nelson W J Noir. Richard
Neal Wm . Nelson Robt Noble Thee B
Neal James A Newland Wm
O'Connor Bernardi/nit:tit.. Orme Slain
O'Hara Wm O'Rielly. FAmond (TDonoel John
tritium lobo O'Brien John O'Danorl James
O'Rielly Thomas O'Brien nos Owens Alex
Parkimn Jo. J Patterson Rota F Peter James F
Paine George ?mums.' J &weir Palle. Tilly
Palmer Diebold Parities E Portman Joseph
Pntnek V.'.. Peterson Ikni l'ope nos
Papp LIWIA f'ear• Enoch Pope JIV
Paindge Dr 0 H Phifer Chas Price Ilenry F
Panne lit II Philipp Mark Page Joseph
Patrick R Philips JIMGA T Pryor Wm H
Patterson Dr A N Philips ilmloniou Price /oho
Patterson Aaron Pickett John Pnce IVro
Potterer. Jan W Pitkin C Pryor James M
Parker John Puke:lnn Rom Putnam L P
Patterson And rtke tyro C
Ramhrey Young /Rice Th. Robonron John
Rae Julian H Reilly Joan Rohm.° Iwo°
Raymond F A Riddle C M Rodgers AM. A
Rem Hy Robb Alex G Rodgers John
Reamer Joseph Rooth Ilenry Rodgers hi..k
Rees Thom Roberts *rhos Rodgers woo , ge P
Rhino John Roney Petrick Rodgers Janwo
Reynolds II K Rolieris Edwd Roereli Edmond
Reynol46 Th. Row Simon B Rn..nlt H F
Reed Th. W Rodman Thom Ryan J Son -
Reed lobo Rodney Win Ryon nos
Reed lwac Rowley G W Hopp (korai,
Revd George W Rob , nson Isome Robb David
RhoSom John I. Robinson J. Hyberalonalian
Rhodes Janie , Robinson Jas Rilehle Mlshael
Sands Sarni strainer hi Salomon Donato.
nalidelo hxml lV shelden Do. fl II Stiller Gen M
Sarnp . c Seto P Silver John ll Solon on Win
Sander. George Sloan hums Spew. Henry
Sayer Henry ft Sloan Sidney C Sproul Hugh
Savage Julie. Sdenee John F. Speelco John
Sadler George Sickles lticodore Spencer John C
Sanders Jame. S Speelcmait Hold J
• • •
S-ott Geo 11 Slater Jot.. Spence John
Soon 'rho. tn:nymakerTiton &Spew. Stephen
Sean Rota Sett Jonathan Spencer J
:neon Alex Atinth And D Steen David
Sttoit Wt South W W Stephen* P
*ed, Alto South D J I. enfold Lou. Kandalph Satoh W It Sterltne Jame.
Si Smith licrptiltill Stead John
Seibert It Smith Jrs,ph Stewart John
Seabrook II A ...3iMpAoil Joint Stewart Thos
Shnunon Gltver FSoopstin Win Stewart Joseph
I+l2stiluo I Patrick Summer. Szephhi,Stewart Dud
Shannon Rota .matte ticorge Sievennon le. S
show Wm Sotallcy E Sutlelitlle John
Shelenberger DuttStron Wm Sommers Nliebstel
Sheoler Jon n Sr.:Warn. Leroy Swanewchler
StslivetCritoo Srytter tiro It Sylveiter
. Steeet Jutuet %V Snyder II U Stone Geo 'tV
Still George Stockier Junaph Stowtoatt7rho.
Still a 510(01y /WM. Strickler ) Al
Tanker John Thorpe Roderick Tern. Arthur.
Toy for tV II l'arehber TOO. P Tinker George
Tay for Y. ,on Thorne.. C , 'Forman P
Teeeart Wto Thomas Wut Treat Sylvester C
TbuntAtat John Tlnorm Chat ley Turner Rota
Thompson Sam'l 'Thornburg Chan TrObe y Henry
Thoispnoti lienry Trinyttetor. Semi
Thorny. on JoitryhTectin Wot
Vcoetuatt George VeuVleck Dermot Veatch Josiah W
Vance Saint
Wo.uoner D 1,311 Wnrclen Henry IVtlaon John
Welter. JOllll, Wurt Rohert **Awn JoLu A
W•II• Jr nn Warnnet Was Wean° Robe
i,,WaVace alaurlce Wrtai Tim. %%Ikon John
I lValter R C Welah V. F Wilson Aar bony')
Wallace W M Welan F tttt et
Wallace Win Wel:• Wm Kola Them U
WC.. EV.II WeaVrman Rota Wialer Snell
Wygoner Dan to Weaver /aeon Wilcox Manson
Water•trime ricoWlaiir Ni J Wztker•hana J.
Warr. Nten.ra Whsu James Winton Janice
Ward Patrick White Tins J Wideman Philip
Ward rim. Wine Mind ma• Wood NichoMit
.rd Win ker Wood A G
- -
Watt Gen an W Okra , * /meg Wolfe I" hl Lao
Wataon John AVilli•nis And 1 Wolfe John A
Way John B /me, Wooaley The.
Wynne NI Weloon Franc/. Wright Hash
Young Davt4 Yaw Sulul 11 Yard Chas M
Young Jae
Zel:ler Ones Zeigler And
Caroun B B Shenandoah
Imn Col' Council, No 99
• Lodge, "
Trrno Loy Lode, " OD.
Ocean Ware Dtv.aion Rnoc of Tempe an , .
Dec. I, 1949.
T il r. E . , , , , „t n ,7 , n e tb o c a r e rs it hlp o t rw o n lerr i. : ,.. th aL to on er v n e, of r ,fir . r. :
sortable wine I. Is or. Main ince:, the
MORI hairnets part of the town,aderding an excellent
simnuon for any persoo who desires to carry on bus ' -
Tee properly connsts a lot fronting 00 feet on
nein tweet. and extending back too feet , urea which
ts erected a lame, wee finished Frame Rending, dirt.
ded four parts.-0 1114/fe moms. eof which are
feet deep. tend the otter Yl The ether part is used for
ilwerling hog misting of three roams the
first Mem se, on
and th e same camber on th e second, newly
wonted and pe.nered
There is KOOd eellrir under the whole betiding, and
ne excellent cistern and a well of and water in the
yard. Also la suable and carnage house, In gond th.
pair, minted thereon.
For further information inquire of the propnemr, lie.
tog on the premises. DANIEL WALTON.
Air.set, Columbiana en., Ohio, Nov 23, It4St.
110 T./jogs-15'1 bbls in store and for sale by
nor.fil CRAIG A. SKINNER. 2n Market en
I . > 01.1. HER-3 ITER-3 Ws in store and fay 4,1 c by -
"it noy:11 CRAIG A SKINNER
Tr EL: BUTTKR—A rans.ll laf In More and for Bale by
7J RI ED PV.ACIIES—SU bunew, In day I ced by
11 nn•i4l • CRAIG R •SKINNER
OTAI;iL4:COUbn In store and 60•11 e by
UICKtiRI tiirr.3-73 ba In store and fot ~le by
1.1 nor3o CRAW & &COINER
a m N bbls in More and far solo. by
Ur .
LICKWII FIAT FLOUR-100 ructvjugt teed by
VT a'
'a t
otf &7Tr..
.OUR-SUbbisextraFaal t i7 trrrj
I by ote26 Ell7nEi
3R - S - Nr - Ela..- - -LW bu silted old onto, for ra by
nov&I STUART t6ILL, alb \V r mJ et
or sal by
jet r , PL. R'S-Uk; b b" &7o:t e k g r A. E4L, lie liNioa .1
lorrtE, 4, 1,,,: n0w fro . Dal. idyl&
new crop, in at re.
0" ., bY - fj }"rl3-PrAel-W-S-'1 8 STUART &1111.1.
043. ISSIAILDICKET & CO, Frost st
ritl n El'ilt•stott .d (Waco taWays ctnlutr — Fat
I A Ws Na outs landing from stStrues- lib wood erect. 4 obit, fct 'Ws be
CO, Front at
. - - •
—III bags now Inittlme ftot
r 1 , 01/phias and lot •ulo by
„ ISAIAH DICkkA h CU, 'Nom
• . .
boy. now loading from /,camp
` ibt pale by
oo.o: ISAIAH DICKEY d. co 1+,,,
"" % . L 4
0::,1.1 •
1111 Wood odeel
;"``' "i."ll7,h3viLLiAmB
1101CTEII-1 WO% Ro Batter;l3 keg. do: kga do;
reed and f salt y no .111 B CANFIELD
tATOI3-7 jest reed anrl r e s . :l , 4lly
p . •
RE' LECTURE ON masitsatsar,
KES. of New York, will give a course
of Pour Lecture. or: Mondsl. Tuesday, Wed
nesday and Thursday evening. Nov..Z. 27, 23 and=
Monday I.eing PEEN.
Convincing 'experiments will Itegiven: ol.ka, the wiekle
m.dos operandi explained_ All who ..oh than ugh
Ornencal know:edge of Dna science !should aot fail to
Ticket. in il,e roue., commencing on Tuesday ea.
en , ng. eents. Single 'Alen. C. 5 cent. Pot relent
Morac's Rook S.ore, St. Charlet , and at the Door.
I See CircWars nov2l-13:
Li' —A or I, few bon,. ebozee SIwII Oltsters, pal, ap
for family le arrive tidy day, and will be
a. 1,1 1 , 9 JOHN WPADEN F. CO
or November.—J.
Il Loot wool.. Ilook•eller andlEoponer, box 'jowl
reed Hlwelos God. for November; per year, or :lc
H E t N R S, (or Ostober.—Just yob.
Itsbed. lbs. London Stosnerly. %Veto:Onset, and
E.bohursh Row,ssrs. for °Nobel,
Subscrlyboos reed, and rino , s Nos. sold by
.orao Hook.ellor md tampons, Al Wood st
New Panay and Variety Geed.
l ostof oar tarn
c t o rm . east,
ot every article in oar roarer ud Lae, to which of :
(with every va.
rimy ol lA/OKING GLASSE... of oar owAtuatafac.
tote) we ask the a t
of West.. Merchants an
other buyers. •novati KENNEDY & SAWYER
TYS!—A good assortment of ,TOYS, Innhoing
dies' Flinty. Basswood, and idakasgitny WORK
BASKETS, just reed by
SUBSCRIPTIONS to the "Autitteme.ter VW."
teed n Kennedy A Saveyee, , , by
noit3O Honorary Seeraio._
Moorestown, Barbngton county, N. J.
Apples, Teaches, Pear, Plums, Cherrics,
Aprmots, Nectarines, Chime Vines,OrroMenial
Shrubbery, ie. The Fruit it • coSection of the
choicest varieties. Treed - Mr - My, 'and
rultoble sire
for tranmilartrina. Trees tn,earry a distance will be
earefully packed for o eesonable charge. All orders
accompanied with the cash,' or-satisfactory reference,
will receive prompt MOOS.; Descriptive catalogues,
with prices attached. Punished gratis to licit paid ap
plicants. JOHN PERKINE, Proprietor.
rraF. eubeeribers parpoim loaditrg their lam Boat
eaativa.d, for the n, 'this day, and are pre
-pared to receive a limited amount of nett:ht.
1) APPLES—Ib° bu insskaw;idArinty2j7iir
L& INSEED OIL-10 bbl, pure just recd - and for mile
_n anr2 . B
200 BOXES Pressed 'Cullom Carding, jam rec'd
ou consignment end for sale by
novre HARDY, /ONES & CO
MIKATHERS-19 sacks Just teed per steamer Gan
ager, for sale by dEo coctigAiv,
novna No Sla Wood st
PARED PEACHEA—ad Lu reed and An anle La
nov23 & W RA1111613611
IS-9. 10101 S. COSO.S.
VITId. B.:.GALEY h. CO.. Whoderale Grocers. 18
ir V and 20 Wodl area Pittaborgh. ..nov27
saoal.rr JOHN S. COSOLOLVIt.
lad AGALRY. WOODWARD & Co., Who'cants Gro
No.ddl Market Greet, Philadelphia. doer
MOBACCO-573 boxes of T., '. and 6'., Tobacco,
D , vome of which are of wpm., R popu
lar Brood M, 011 consignment and for sale by
now? I. S. WATERMAN.
• •
Na. 31 Wider, and d 2 Foot meet
FEATHERS -17 cacks prime lltinoi. Feathen put
received and tor mcle by L S WATERIIIAN
IROOMS-40 doo Coro Broom , for sole by
noo7 L S WATtabldif
T , Z BEANB--- " w l.%'arrti,r,PY
1 - 11.0VERSEED-30 bbt. prime Cbsaerseed
V., and for sale by 1. WATERMAN
nor t 7
rriMOTHY SEED--Bu hatchets nrletty Prime fo e .
1 by norl7
TN persuence of an order of the Orphan . ., c o ., of
Adrgheny County, will be exposed v -
di the New Coon Haase, In the fluty of
Friday, the twenty-Ant day of Detwe,,,;,.:74 5 LW,
o'clock, A. 4 1, all that certain Lot of Ground marked
-fifty6M" No
Nil ill P l°" " ' wets laid oat byWar.
no:Painter & Lorena, Alleeibei t y City, on which to
erected a dwelling house; ee%tt lot being twenty.two
feat to Aura nu Halle r ettN''t, and tanning. back by the
-auto width ninety feet
'format Hoc third clash, and the balance in three
equale enyments at 3.1, an ds,
o sale. .rtOiN I, VRINFIT, Adm'r,
um. -
ditwfit De._,los. W, Wltuaker,dee'd;
lillB,2.l,lLTLibi..otfwarfrfra,epit4m4lLrnth, eapzieldsocfilninottr
Common Pleas, irvirod Mr dm Oh Judicial lbstriet of
Pennsylvania. and Divine of the Coen of Oyer and ,
Tertninet, and General Jail Delivery in and far raid'
District, and Samuel Jones uld William Km, Divs.,:
Menem. Dblees of. th e same Canna, in and for the
CanntY of Allegheny, dated Me 12th Say of Novv_mber,.
in the year of oar Lord ono thousand eight hoods d
and forty nine. and to roe directed, (or holding • Court
of Over and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, at
Me Court douse, in the ' Coy,pf Pittsburgh, on the 4th.
Monday On December net, It 10 &eine., A. AL
Public notice M hereby given to all Justice. of the I
Pence, Coroner and Constable. of the County of Ails
aka), that they be Men and there,in theirpro=
tons, mai their lolls, moonts, inquinitions, e
dons ald other remembrances, to do theme things
which to then respective oglces in their behalf appear
to he dons—and al.o those that will prosecute the pris
temn that min are, or may ha in the Jailor add Coon
i of Allegheny, too be then and there, to gnasemste'
4 ium theta smelted/ be juat. .
Goren under my handnt Pittster.b, this ISM day of
November, in the year of our lard, 1,4 , and of the
Commonwealth the 73.1. CARTER CURTIS,
nor27-d&vmdT Sheriff.
Tin; cotaideed open weather induces the subseri•
hers te send some Rocs outward, and will re
croo • landed amount of freight TU. Diy, for Phila.
dolphin or Baltimore, sod receipt for the same.
aortal Ten PEE. O'CONNOR
VLOUR SULPHUR-755 lbs Just ree , il add 1 , I sale.'
_H ki SELLRUS, 57 Wood H . ,:
"IDXT. LOsiWOOD-4.sbss Omel re and forsainlw
12, nose. H ESELLE`AZ.
L I ALSAM PERU-47 lbs genuine Just reed rdid:Tis
sale LP/ nor3l RE SELLERS
ORIGANUM-2 caumen lust reed •ad fig
.ale by taorTer R EF.EbbEE
Q A - OE-74 ibanon reo'd anAfor aide by
~, noiti ' R E SELLERS, 57 Woad at
T ii: H P „. W:-i2 üblidast reed and for able by
Li A - LEH-ATVS—a bad al V cat* pat rend anti a
0 'ale by nov26 J B CANFIELD
DEARLS-71 Obis jinn tao'd a 7. . I.) 11 7 ir N .1, by
1 nor-Y,
SEND/HES-4n bales Cos es; 43 bbls No I Lard,
al Imp Fr.alhers; 3 bags Gsuscry,
.To armee on. m. 0 ., D'Jlphin, and for. sal. by
nonS3 ISAIAH DICKEY& CO, Front st
COPAL VARNISH—TrIMIs, 14 b(do,10 keg,g,Bos
too manufacture, warranted good. now lmsdizig
from anal, and for Into by'
n 0420 ISAIAH, DICKEY & CO, Front at
DERMUDA ARROW Roar—g., garden", for Mil,
II by nuoth/ J SCHOONAI A.KER & CO
lJ to 75, just reotl and
r rain Yr
cup setts, for sale by
PRESTON'S Concentrated Extracts oflomou, Vm-
Jolla. Nutmeg, lc., foe sale by
riedi o ng ii=
r b o b r l:lo4Lard Oil; 5.j0 No 2,10 L ID;
uovti JAMES DALZEL SI Waterer
FLOUR —4.2 PughAyo,a.lbraramit:Yr
enAfrale by novnfl Labia) DAL.ZELJ laaJr '''
GROCERIE3 , -100 bli - girerime Wu Coffee;
cheats O P Tea, 00 rattles tin; I roman f • " if.
30 bbl, Piran‘s Oil, landing from CannWni . -.441f0l
nov2o • J.151F33,D41r by
U. 510LASSEPe—lii tads lauding by a•ZELL
S. adonis, and for mile by
___orBo JAMES DAL2I6L"
• -
011E&P DE L.YIIYIS—A. A. Mitt 2'
Yet sweat, ant now opccir , M."
Latow, at 11 cants per yawl,: 2 cues cheap De
nov96 •
(1116 AP CALICO::.9.-4
Ve 6 cloacae! Foot cloy ...A. Mason A Co. hove reed
per yard. red Calicoes, *clang at Cfc.,
. FnuantletaarA CO. have opened a large loot
jolt eta, ClSalltettlattsc,Alpsecas at
-• nov23
_kJ manna, a •
iTS—A. him. 6 Co. will open this
tOu d. of Litt. Hdltle of Gfe. n0.:13
D glair I ititlilONS-n. A. Al.on A Co. •10 now
thaeat•g another largo lot of Bonnet Mao.' at
a n d .ern Ali ely low price of life; also, a largo lot at 6
!C. 130145
lA. choice, of variaue qu.latcs, LII
L store and for sale by L S WATFttalAhi
nov2d _ 31 Water and d 9 riaont at
da du res, Cho bleY;)
in more .ad 14( oade by baydS L S WITERKViIfj
ItOkle...g.!VTTcsbEro--Ir tale by bdo pAcked do, to
Lfli—A few . and tiil PioliLeurtinf. en
Peed tdralets, nor.P.l L WANEI4.II/iN
V-1- 0 .3 tadssuperfine, d!do extra family, for
__IP tr. toy WATF:RVAN
MACKEREL—hr bbir end qr bble, in MOT,
norrl STUART ok SILL
T AitholL-8 bhle DurYberdt — &Co'iloil.Fril
12 end for ode by
DACON fillOtlLDS:fti2 c.k II for rate, lo [WM
oconsigoustro, by
`)l0 CfifTSIFT-biii . iiiwirir - j, — joii7;:e, — rjca
it Int sole
ocbtst - 'RIMY, MAT HEWS 1-dr. CO
, ..rfOGAR-Zit htliyritnicOMSkiiiir,feo mkt by—
t Inoir%
_R11tp . ,,,112t11l !EMI A CO
1 lir FiOUU la SPIKES-1M kepi Improved "I.Vroughi
I,ll' Spike., hat reed and for sate... I
learn . - itHEY, MAWR EWEI 8- CO
I►dISINS-100 Lts now crop, for We by
Y nom HUEY, MA'ITHIit s & CO
iat=i3olCilil77l, In corn 100 for oaf a by
y oar= JAHU t CHII 101 s: k( 0
1-1 . Gales OiV
Ty, rec'd ok coomalokent and for ota , or by
H LES, 100 Lay my moot
ity'er p.m D. Tools. Aaction••r. •
On Monday morning, Deermber 3d, ul sl •
Me (blouse...Ml Fullr• 11 . 99 t, cone.oi Ifoioy en.,l
Fifth streets, will be cold, without rose. for etch
• 'An est.'s..., ormoriment of tussle arid foney (arelg g q,.
and Someone Dry tiocid?i, among whisk 4,:2 Noontime
cloths, enrstitcren. ominous. tweeds , kes.l%. linnets,
blankets. Canton 9ssinele, damask linen :Alt Mots,
.shirting Slanchetter
merino. de Mins, alpscess, super rice style p.m.,
dm% silk., fit etc) . *tut block ruin vetting.. kfo. Wool
en shawls, buttons, needles, Buffington end BMus,'
• ',oat comm. sewing ollk, tibbono, gloves. bailer?.
woolen cravats suspenders, silk mope 111nuelonso 90
piece., black 11/Intun ribbons, infants , woolen
woolen comfort., Sc.
At 2 o'clock,
• Grocerne,, , Ouccusware. Furniture, he.
Voung it cos and Imperial Tea. Virginia manafae
lured Tobacco, writing and wrippine paper, shovels,
spades, parent balance., Bassin quills, ,
A large and general assortment of new. and inneoug •
head household furniture, cooking stoves, kitchen
utensils, feather bests, bedding, mattrassea, looking
.sinusinuses, carpeting. mantel clocks, window blinds, tn.,
a ninantity.of leather trunks, caucus trunks, car-
pet and leather baits, saddles, bridles,
del 1 JOHN D DAVIS, Aiiet
'lOOlOO Val. DOORS, ml Auction,
Inviter and Cap Writing Paper by the Beam ar Can..
Wank td.nrandura Book.. Entimh and naked.
can Annuals. Bard Zs Brothers Gold Pens.
On Wedtesdny, Friday and Satanlay eviertings. •
Nov. 282 n and ZlOth, and Dec. Ist, at the Commercial -
Nakm Roomt,torner of Wood and Fidh tikes, • '
This eolleenion of Hooka, probatdy the most
sive ever offered in this plitee - at public tale, see all
new and 'warranted pe nen—among which are Theo.
logical, Medical, Law, Miteellaneoute Bible. and Pray",
er Book. of every detenption of Alas and binding;
Poetry, History, flomance,'Pravals, Tales, Adroitness n
and the Drama; AlbUnts. Portiolior, Books in rich and
elegant biodiac, suitable for pre.ats. Fine library
edition,of Standard Works. For (anther particalars
plane call and et:attune the stock. Books will begin,
positively Wtthout reserve, at the stock must banned
unmedianely. Those who ',lento Ninths. will pkass
call soon. Books at private tile &mina ttw dnn•M
cheap. nor. JOHN D DAVIS, Loci •
Cheap ientUd new gleam
. r
' /nom, Blamer, will leave gor above
id iutermediate lona oh Sunaan
the nd at 10 o'clock a. x.
For freight or pamage app iv on hoard, or
eel GEE B MILTENBEItanft„A g t
'The fiatrunning steam+,
Newloo, untiterocill lest e for Gal
lipoli:and Kanawha river on FridaT h
n• 4 o'clock,
Far freight or passage apply on &ham, p to
. ,
splendid steamer 1
lIAMI3URG, , , ~'
'Oaldwell, master, will le ye Oar tar e
ova sad all IntermedlidaL ports if ,n
Friday', the Seth Mat:, at ID o'clock, A.lll. , - -.
For freight er passage apply en boszkor
noy29 O 0 MILTRNDERGE ass
R• . . Is
. •
The fine
A sr a sr e nri i, r i awamer
Possley,, mower will lif
eave se thd'•
the above and .1 iinetwaedi•at• porta
this day at ID o'clock, A. TI.
For freight and passage wly ase'boesd,-
nov3o • PEFIVJgeFAII & Clf A Aro
FOR trY. tor.ui —r—
m a l t Th° l o' draug EO ht mantel' - -
_,.. 51 .0 , matter, !rill itl•Sel for the
day; at 10 reeloclr, Lt and intermediate pot al on Fri
'. "
For trenthl or Pl",ar t yn apply on hoard. nBi3o-,
-. .
Ziais• I Tim aplendidateamer .. ;
Rogers, minder. will lesve for above
and intermediate pone this day, WO
1 ...!i .L ' . to o'clock AM. ' - -
....... freight or in.
The fine Cut running' statute(
OHIO, ' •
floops,muter, will to eve for the above
„underl Intermediate ufts. this day,
, be 3Uth Ina at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For freight or passage, „ey on board. or to
nov3o . W B WITKELER Aetna
..,,,,,,. The splendid s t eamer
• • Cash, master, will-leavefar ilia shpt.
0 all intermediato ports this dayare
301 h Lora. at 4 o'clock, P.
For freight or passage, apply on board. or lo
nov3o AV B WHEELER, Ass
Birtail4l. The Sae steamer
',Stone, master, will leave r above
nd all intermediate ports thin day,
0 o'clock, P. M.
For freight or paeragn,upply on botid. mie.lo
i s The splendid etiemer
llntehinfoit,mentermill leave G. the
at 10 o'clock, A. hL ,
For freight or tn.:nage tangly on board. ' rtotr99
mm , 4=3
a •
Tlie splendid Cast steamer
I. ~,, Z.,TAYLOR,
Lucas, Muter, : will leave for Ow
above and all Wert...Rate gotta this
sr, the LI%
or" at L 2 &dusk, M.
For freight rpassage apply on board. oo
etia ioursvlt:cs--
. _
lite new and aplendld fast pattasn
N. _ •
001 hliteon, master, aril! lenge 00 Othein
nos and lganstrilla Taesday, the rth inst.,' at 10
o'o inn k, 0.111: Put freight or tamp, apply on baup,
. tHi SFR '& FORSYTH, ur
_ newt&
- •
'rite ter, and splendid pomp' n
gi fft s steamer CINDERELLA, •
• •
Copt. sac IL Mole°. will leave PS .te.
burgh every Monday, Wedneadaraisa
Fn r' NID o'clock, A. 3L -
For freight or passage app/y on board, or to
ort3b • JN 10NEPO kat
l'he Doe steamer -
Eg ybgg swa yapt.Hggins, for Sunfish" mry
ay - cod wheeling every . Prlday at
P. N. oat= ARMSTRONG I cßogrx
4, Tile splanda F ts . upi o , iirlroor
• Store, marter, will l rr . o ?.
and all intermediata porio on sow_
day. the Std inst., at 4 o'clock, P. 31
The Reveille drams oth Id inch.. w o w. •
• For
novl.freight or passage, •ppp , o r , b ooe d, or o r • . •
' PE rsGREW 1 CO, Agta
The oPienerld steamer,
is leave for: the
014 o'clock; o"
For frolglit or pa sage ' apply boon" 000 a
ciarcaN rit . ri.. 7 liTTsiaudon
gat leat a
`," PAC KE. I:
THIS well knownline , .pkaid iteetenger;Steetw
" "/ W th7l" .. • .d of the latim,.. 4l * l lb"
" and most powerful boat! On the
'We— :very accommodation and caw.
fort thot ntotteLean.r
co re, b . 4 for pro.
t°4tt'' At . been In operation for ETO Twrr
f ople without tbe ant 1414.
V to
tt"" " 7, 4' i t The elms will be at lb. foot or
ti t :n ad a i ftt c t . O f o n
eutrp o t r to i, Lta na r o tin o r, fur
_t zu b ri f e . p...
. 1 %.2 eases tke twinge money ITWIt
T A.Ail NEWTON, Captain liosuptdll, awn
U.V , I P .usburih every Sunduyannuaig as 10 idolOolli
IV heel/ on eve's , Sunday CYCLIIIIS at 11/ r.
May •r 1 1519.
The MONONOA BELA, Cape. es 3000•411.”
burgh every Moruiki_lhoming al 10 &clock; .Whaelius
every Monday
at 10r. la.
Tyr HIBERNIA Na:2, Copt: I. 'Cuss:MM. will
[tool Enaanse,h nvee7 Tuesday rooming at 111 cdeloek:
IYheolinx every Tuesday eventairv_llo EY.
• • Wianfigt"DAll s ecrtricT.
rhe NEW r_vot.Arer) Na.
leave Pinaburph every Wedneaday unman ,at lb
ade/ook; Wheeling , every Wednesday onerdng a - 10 V V
TlPAllinat — PrifirCTs
'The BRILLIANT,Capt. Gluon, will lease Phu
tth every Thursday moing at 10 o'eloo k; Wkoellag
every Thursday evenina a ils r. W.
FTii~~t~~. a.
Coe CLIPPEIt N 0..% Cam. Pan DrYat a will [ami
n. aaburgb erairFriday rtLoraiggailDo'cloak; Vi7haart
evcry Friday eyeainr at 10 a. r.
The MKS:F.IOM No. 2, Capt. I. C.—Wooewesz,
wAi leave Patsbargb every Friday zooming at le o ,
el. teU
77TYLA CREAM CHEF:FE-10D bz.; 27 At ; Alm.
IS A unt; do; juat rrc'S and (or solo by
nrrIZI • .1 CANFIELD •
wWlitskey,le;;; e 41141
AV H lrrse V b; bb4
,_noVZ.I From Ntstel
L HTLSTS' eANtrAss-100 . gds ILI: reed and (of
L oc by novZl 7MOD lc CO, Or WNW sa
ItTIST.S. COGONS-100 dox Lo'd, in Itlees, nut
.11k. reed and for ode by ' norSZI .1 MOD kCO
S 7ttr Vlt
VM ARABIC-30U lbs on teed and ko ode by
nobdi KIDD A. CO, 601Arood
Staanaboat for Salo. •
, art ' itige ta an N e l tVatt e tte Et ie 1 . 7; 1 1 l ' l7lV
in lONDAY,Rie tont nay of De.
ember, 1640. •
Terats•- • -Ont fountain bond, and the lislartee at 4,4,
and 111 Monad,. with interest. • Approved ; d vidable,
paper - ill be taken tor the deferred p<iments. Saki
positive. - ' It. MOORE.
bbl. efin
' 10 41,14 fine; in rude, and for We br
13 - 11CRW HEAT PT.761:1 -C=l"4:Teitiis
JJ in porno order, rind foe sate by
nos • a.r.,
ft •
aREEsi APPLES—Ion W.I. Gres; PippMi
In ' R mho , : ~..
'White gathesat,...„,
• RI Smith .PPS
articles; reeeiva and for sale by
nor t h STUART le
MALT—Constantly made !,,;
LP nosesß
Bvita P• l4 .1111,
ARLES IVA NTI-.D—Thia high;
cash for 'good Ilarlay, daring il, Lllnet7 at
.n0y2.1 Al 11ROWIN
rd.oLia—p Ititind."R..
ap rac*d
A. sod for loin by. 4. eROZER
.4 +.4 far sale
Cr REEN APPI.E3-500 R bAls R ozna
by noat!.. A
bbls in stare andl o laci t azE ß