The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 30, 1849, Image 2

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. Plimusur.o• BY
• Witt T.C 0
Liam SOUDDOIR =ID 11111:117; MIT DOOR TO'
Tan rani on=
...... par arum=
Tri•Weekty--- SOO "
Weekly' too advance).— .... r a ta
Da. Chiba, at aredoccd rata
07 .1.1/1/111TIBING.
Ow Square, (12 lines of Nag:Arena ea ,
Om B q u u e 0 . stel..dditional insertion
De. - terevreeke----••--• •• • 2, 50 :
Oh three weeks--- • •-• .....
De. one .....
Da two months— -_•—.•...
three months 7,00
De. all etatalts.. !F.9
Do. tlehe
Stand Leg Card (II lines or less,l per annurn• Add
One Spam, changeable ....... lop
Pm each additional mum inserted one month, or
Cgt:2=throti, dose, arm for eit . el l i f additional equate.
Annonneing eallidatl y s ( m
for o oflleestf every deu rip-
Um%) te be charged at the rata of lity . cents per oreel(,
for etch name; the acme
to Im paid m advance in ad
The privilege% of yearly adrertisen will be confined
dilidlY to their revise business, and all other adver.
dements not pertaining to their tegalsr business, as
agreed tar, to be paid extra
All advertisements for charitable institutions,. fire
tumerantss, ward. townalp and other public meetings,
and Mei lite, to be charged half price. , :` -
Marriage minces to be charged SI/Cents.
Oman trtiertOdwithout elute, artless accompanied
by Amend Imitations or obituary notices, sad when
acosepansed to be paid for.
Ibtorules pdvertisers and all others sending comm. 11
akanens, or requiting notices designed to melt anon.
tioa to Fairs, fts,, Concerts, or any public enter. 4
tainments, whew , charges are made for admitumee—
al notices of animus associationo—evmy notice de-
Ved to call and-Mien 10 private enterpnse calorie
or intendalte promote individaal interest, can on.
le be inserted with ttinaoderstanding that the BLOM 00
le be paid for. '
Inscra oa 211INMINNN NAILT //NEM
Ono Square, three ineertirms st ,sn
Do. each edditioml insertion. •• • Tr
aavnacaltagrs 00 ve t oes lazra
One %we, (ld lines,) one m• -• .60 ets.
each additional irmenion• ••
0711-9VICRTGO 33 are earnestly requested to band to
ben 'favors before 3P. Y., and as early to the day
reedekble. Adeerdeedeeue not mooned for • speett
Red lisle VIII Invariably be charged until ordered oul
Advertlsemean suid subscriptions to the North Amer
ID and United Butes Gorett, Philadelphia, received
&a forwarded from this office.
Gaxces Evans.—We am indebted he Mr.
Vickery; the gentlemanly agent of this enterpr.-
ins line, at Cumberland, for Philadelphia and Bal
tnnore pagers, several hours i¢ advance of th
- We are indebted to the edam!a of the Port and
IMO - Wch for giving a further circulation to our
advertisement kejourneymut printers, but not !or
the motive which prompted it. The editor of the
Dispatch in eaten op with envy; and the frequent
evidences of hla impotent spleen Con excite no
emotion but contempt. His brotherlof the Poet is
a bundle of ill weeds, and it is difficult to tell
Which unhappy passion most predominate. We
beg leave to inform these ..' bodies in other
men's matter." that we advertieed for journey
men and apprentices because we needed them,
and were not 1119110 that we were under oblige.
dons LO consult them,or any one else. When we
employ journeymen at full wages,• we desire to
have Inch as we entitled to that appellation, and
We took aveq cattail way to make OUT wants
: known to the printers of the city, and the next
day fffied up our corps, an this hsgkess •xigas
or S uns an the oily. As these amiable gentlemen
seem an much concerned shout our office, we
will further inform them that, we know bow to
treat oar workmen with kindness - and due WO
oiderition, and that we always find plenty of men
willing to work far ns, and none aver wish to
: leave U. Whether these facts, which they know
to be tree, jostify them in their contemptible lc
afaxistions, we leave to their own coneciences.
prim; Routt—Chor neighbors of Cleveland are
rather ahead of us in the way of roads. They
already have • rail road in operation, extending a
abort distance from the city, over which the loco- .
mative periodically travcrees, and now they ac
saunas thetoponing of the first plank road, fire
mules of which is completed. The editor of the
Herald drove over the road the other day, making
five miles in thirty latally4, and wu delighted
with the /untrue between its pleasures, and taut
of the mud •and sand, which knurly made op
the road..
The planked portion of the road is eight - feet ,
wide, andstur whole road toropiked key feet wide,
instead of twenty, as was at first progoted. The
Sturdy feet road would have answered but poor
puree, and even now thy roadie too narrow on
some of' the bills In order to make the road a
gag one, large quantities of gravel and earth have
been filled in, and geed ditches dog.
Tye tolls established are:—two borne wagon,
loaded, two cents a mile; unloaded, one cent, and
for every additional horse, half a cent. For plea
sure carriages, one cent a null* for each horse.
Rome and rider, one oent' a mile. Droves—For
every twenty horses, one cent; Tor every twenty
head of cattle, half a 'cent; and for every twenty
sheep or hogs, a quarter of a cent a mile.
It has been proved, that over. this road the
farmer can draw. with the same team, four times
tat weight ke could over the mud turnpike, and
with a great saving of time.
The shove, which Is the Cleveland add Chagrin
Fallif Plank Road, is not the oily one which is to
pour Its made into Cleveland. Thb Rockport, end
Illeveland and Willoughby Complain will soon
each have Ave miles of had completed, and an
other season will floor the way into the Country
far many miles on each of there mums. New
companies will extend these roads still. farther,
until fifteen of the best counties in Northern and
Central Ohio will poor their products into that
market, and by their trade build up. and greatly
add to the prosperity of the Forest City of the
White se much is doing in Cleveland for Plank
ROada, may, we not mk, what has become of the
eeterptise which was undertaken in the Simony
of this eitr, which - promimd se much. We allude
to the Plank Road from Allegheny to • point be.
yond Penrsville. Is that to fall through - We
hope not. •
' Tan Pair /11110 lungs 53..Lax•—?he Pest b ot.l
hn huhre Shale/ in no - honied terms for law ridelny
to We interests of Pennsylvania, which demand,
peremptorily; increased protection to her gaud
staples. • •
. The Post says that Luang Lave heretofore stip-
posed that the radio was ■ conscientious Demo•
=at tint his speech shows that he haa"embraced
his Ire love--Pshoraiiew
To Lbw who keow soy thing of the past history
erpartres WIWs country, the Post's statement ail.
cause 'only autasement- Judge Shales may not be
- a Deere:. 'Democrat, Is far as Protection is coo-
earned, bat be. is certainly an old fashioneJ Penn
'sylvan(' Democrat of the first water. The Demo
cratic party al this State, through all its history, up
to the:time of tb corruption and degradarain into
modern Locoliteoltm--a compotooi of old Federal
him and spoils seeking radicalism—mu the. able
and uncompromising advocate of a protective
ruff. .
So far, then, Judge Sheer is ■ Democrat of the
old and honest stamp, and we give him credit for
il, although, in other antlers, we presume the
'nage Is. Locofooo ciusugli. The attacks of the
losiatwill only raise Lim in the esteem of nil honest
- men, sad refinsylrania' ea
Clurottnit EXIGIUNT. Rrroanari.—Two ofthe
entezprising young men wbo went overland with
Captain Anksint's expedition to California—bleare
Venal Roatiuor and Camas. Reim—have re
amed home. They came by the way of the
Isthmus. They have seen the Elephant, dug gold,
C and tettlutted.hrenei wiser than when they marled.
They give anther discouraging account of toe
gold speculation. They could And the gold, but to
keep it ins the difficulty. Their expenses were
onoreual, which, added to sickness, to which el
a:m=4 liable, and most are saflarers,ex,
handed all their ensuing& They look for a large
Mon of ratabatighers within the neXl feu , months.
VlLlllMannaa ILL` -Yeatarday, tho people of
Woolly and vicinity gave moot eheerlog evidence
" of their attaehmen: to 'lsm and order, and their
kjek MUM a -rdigkla obligations. The city 0!
Sonicti'mainld ' not have paid more strict regard to
deign's honored religion Lewin] of New Eng.
land, than did the people or thew cities. All places
businew wo re c.h.a--cuanufactatics end-work
gaps had ceased their din—a sabbath quietness
pervaded the area. the churches were
• crowded with woraldppets. Them Is much hope
delta • people.
There is not, ways tbe Masai letaligenow,
we venture to say, a mite in the United States, of
right mind. and of a temper fitted the the present
improved state of civilisation among us, who does
not in his bean condemn the course and !endow
asunlts of " th e Union" on Colonel Bass"uiteily
Wee nod without foundation, and for which no
other conceivable reason can be truly alleged than
his being the Son-in,lass °fine gallant General by
whose side he stood thT.ughout the whole of the
Weimar; The Itiehissa fhwubficon of Saturday,
rekrring to this subject, but expresses the uniVer
nal nentiment in thus introducing a very jll5l rep
robation of the coarse of the "Union:"
"Among the young officers whom the Mexican
war brought into a conapictions position, nose
has stood more favorably in public ei.timation than
Ctil.Buss The courage he has exhibited on the
field, the superior scholarship by which he would
be distinguished even among learned civilians,
and the genuine modesty of his character, have
achieved for him the most respectful consider..
lion in the minds of ail classes of the Amerivan
community. Probably if, two years ego, cur
• countrymen had been cubed to se.ect &young of.
firer from the American army whose talents bade
fair to place him at an early period at the very
head of his profession. and whose unobtrusive traits
would carry him through the world without an
enemy, Save the enemies of his countrb'Col.BLlsa
would h ave been the man upon whom the suit
rages of the whole American people would have
fallen without a ausgle dissenting voice."
Toe normal BROTIIIite 303/01101, for the ap
proaching Hohdays is truly a great affair. oye of
3 almost numberless engravings being nearly
feet long by 35 inches wide. Another large
na , gravieg gives us the , portraits of Gen. Taylor
did hie Cablnet—a famous paper.
Excrruco Caen—We icier our readers to the
report of the abduction care in our local column•
This prosecution has excited a great deal of feeling
among our citizens.
The following estrum, from the 11. Letter of re—
cent date from the Rev. Mr. Gurley, formerly the
faithful agent ofthe Cotonization Society, and the
zealous advocate of its Oros whilst the African
Republic Mrna but the germ of what it now bi—
tted who is now co a visit partly of ail official
character to that couutrt•—will be of great inter.,
eat to many of our reader,
• "President Roberts lives in a very commodion
brick house, furnished a ith canto and elegance
and the h••spnalitic• of hi, mansion and table ar.
*et off with a refined ;nod breeding which cola
mends him and the Republic, Over which he •
ably presuilts, to the restin;tuovad confidence o
visitors train the whole civilized world."
Speaking of the appearance of the town of 7.5!
via anillwaiity of :to cruaniental trees, as
- the great improvement which has taken pi
.Thebeatity 01 there I.irge frees, (Ile orange
keeled with troll, ra u - 01l se that of the heavily la
den coffee trees, one the handsome 4 titer you
con imagine, won the deep green of as nutpick
cent lest. would be &lid 111; a dereribt.
When I behold whet tar been done mace my
former vett to nue Cos, die many eubunntial end
convenient houees sue eturegt hat hsea been con
structed, the general nqPre: Ittuith.MlteOluarllt ,
and hope urtecS this reqpic extol.; the great
good order, and revect to reegiou wleitit precede
am impreseed more wan I ever Was with tht
vest dignity and bent ficeme ufthe wet
Srczatox CONFtall..—Exv. Forbes
letter of the 21st matant, over th. owe amnatme
confirms the rumor that he bac) become a convert
to Roman Catholicism. The. Cotter is addreo,ed
Co thy Rev. Wm. Rerrine. l'retOdert of the Stand.
ing Commtuce of it, N. Prote..tant Epcco
pal D.oceto, paltly as 4..hotva;
• •
Rev. and Dear S.r —lon may emeeive that
is with no ordinary entetion that rfeel myself
comursineil to decilitre to you. as President of the
Standing Committer of the Veers° of New lark,
that it in my tannin. DO I , DDSD • to exercise the
inistry of the Protestant Church, P hav
ing become my deep mid conscientious row/lesion
that duty to fJ'd minxes et ate to nniie myself to
the one Holy Catholic and Apestulni Church in
eammenton with the seal of Rome, it which I feel
that my ahegiance in due.
The Hebrew Benevolent Society and the Ger
man Hebrew 'Benevolent S.inety of 'Sew York,
celebrMed their Annfvereary to ronfanction, by a
Dinner, at the Apoha Saloon,. in the city of Now
York, a few evenings ago,
After the regular toasts hail been drank through ,
Major M. M. Nosh (who presided on the oceaston)
informed the party that recent prominent men to
the Union having hoer, invited to attend, and be
ing unavoidably prevented from honoring the fes
tival with their presence, had sent letters of sym
pathy and timaks.teithe Committee of Invitation,
and he begged attentinh by a taw moments, while
be rend the !allowing :rem the Hon. Daniel Web.
der, among ninny others wfifeh had been
BOSTO3. Nov. 9,1 W.
MY Dua Ssic : tam afraid-it will not be, in n.y
power to attend the anniversary of the '..Hebrew
Benevolent Society," and the 4,7erman Hebrew
Benevolent Society," on the 13th of the present
month. , t am, however, grateful to; having been
remember . cd on into occasion, and desire to pre.
sent my acknowledgments and thanks to the onm.
I feel, and have ever lilt, respect and sympathy
for all that remains of that extrundinary people,
who preserved through the darkness and bloistry
of many centuries, the knowledge of One ouprome
Hpiritnal Being, the maker of Heaven and Earth,
and the Creator of Man in Ilia own image; and
whose canonical writings Comprpie ruck produc
tions as the books of Moms and the Decalegue,
the prophecies of 1.1011, the 1' eatansaf Hatlid, the
Book of Job, and Solomon's prayer at the acidic..
bon of this Temple. The Hebrew Scriptures I re
gard u the 4.0.0 from which we thaw all we
know of the wand around ue, and of our own
'character and destiny as upcii,{rpt, morel, and res.
possible being.
I wish, my deer sir, for the associated societies
who have honored me with their invitatino,a grat
ifying anniversary; and um., with respect, your
obedient servant. DAN hi WEBSTER.
M. M. Num, Esq., New . Yolk.
Ong haunt Errata. RlD6n.—Thc telegraph
beep eomplated to Ilahmx, the nceemety of ca
ressing the European newt , by !Imre and steam
boat toShlohn no forger nvats. That our renders
may team tornetchu of the &Men:llea of the en
terpriee by which they were put in paiSseniLct of
the newt for the essactatad pre., often twat:rat
days la advance of the et nye! of the regular math,
we copy the lollute,r.g notice Man the Halifax
San, of the Exprew IleJer who coveyed the
news from that place to Gaatoidle Poet, thence
hobo taken by steam boat to St. John, New prima.
-la parting with the Express triter—as lectern, a
lot of Irish Null an eve: wt tt (_whey's cap. re
sported a putt of beekek.ti inn :pr. asibles, we col,
not help norther tons is word at parting—glad lbw.
we here it in our isritOir, for !stony a rime, and to!:
did we uspect to hal el aro ...var.—,u perilous
was Ms tack Pb- ton ter now dark the male—
Low boiNerono oretalter —ID want
rfo OZOI.A.,ohOF greet Os; thr ttttt ;stout of the irr ri
sonhe eves atereinutishes tunic Diet Tur
pea never oleic more et. trsordroary cecspr., 017.0
oar hero Hertges ahrt duet., there were none
to tnroonter—bol. n farnicr'S markt t
:woken bridge, or • OffOro of cattle, went hut 'ri
ding batrinre it, hue te..s--trCer anti through there
t o e went, hke a vs!mt of the night, not looking ee
l:anti to nate the peril Of the 411.rti•ge
The people nil thc exprrem routo tell wonderful
stories of bin exploits, O s o n e ne e..., while
expregaing the rows
he ran • very
narrow ebaore of n locket, reek. Ruling at full
speed—am met( being dark and trusty, he had to
trust pretty marl to Inc eniraeltv of his bor.. He
won panting oear a btiliffO, when, nuddrnly, he
hrrnre gave a Leap. powerful as nearly to gp from
coder him. iiC thought it steangc, but rode on
On returning the next day; he hound the centre
part of the bridge had been taken up fur repairs.
nod that his horse had carved him Oyer a breach
of some 12 or 15 feet. Again, a insroght mime, on
robot to Saukville, N. If., a circumstance almoot
similar betel hie. About twelve milenthr• nide el
Amherst, a bridge had been token 'tn. The Ma
io/fel, from bank to bank over the WONT over
welch it had twee built was reckoned at from 15
to IS feet. fTwa• night.. On come the dauntless
Exprea. Hider in toll speed, little dreaming of the
pitfail before renctred the bank, when
down sank llichet of the hem WOW ten to twelve
inches in thr .11 mud—tort despite this droadvan
tage the noble animal with one nervous effort.
cleared the gulf, tad carried him safely over'
There feat, are really worthy of record--rind as
such we bring them to the notin, of the public."
A Houk Casa.—Judge S. of East Tenaessee
was celebrated for his &mere and great decision
of character, ari well es lOr his laeonie atyle.—
One Morning idler the enact had opened, a ••,t aa ,.
iled character," with a white hut, green coat with
gal b ra ,. 'bailees, pair of striped panto, which
hardly reached his ankles, and boots with bra,*
heel taps, entered the court MUM, (Oat door of
which was tiered with brick,) with both hand. is
his pockets, and, with a very .consequenttal air,
commenced Walking up and down. The click
of his heel taps ou the book pavement seemed to
delight him mightily, but which; echoing through
the room, disturbed the" eguiniusity . of the Judge,
.who called oat, .?47..5heriff, who to that Making
that noise?" "It's me, 'Judge," seid the evident
'case,' with great ccmposure, wslking op to the
judge, and !wiring in his face. " Who are yau?"
asked the judge. " I'm a . harse," replied the shirr
acter. "Eh hem, a horse, eh ? ° loud the judge.—
..Yen, err, an alligator horse." "Eh, hem—Mr.
Sheriff," said thejudge."put this horse in the sta
ble till to morrow awning at 10 o'clock.' Jimmy
Green was forthwith:seised by the sheriff and In
stalled according to tail injunction..
The gsploalon of the Lod dasa,lfd.
trier Particulars.
ThcNerr Orleans paper• of the. 17th is t,
are filled with details and inelde Ms of the am
ok:Won of the steamer Louisiana'. ,The Delta
°Early yesterday we visited else scene of the
disaster. A huge crowd was nosembled on the
levee. Not a vestige of the Lo annum was visi
ble, but the Storm and Bostona lay in the same
position they occupied when the explosion occur
red. There they were, the Storm a perfect wreck, '
riddled and crushed from the boßers to the stern;
the Fostoria, n costly and beautiful boat, also,,with
her pilot honee knocked oil, and her wheel house
badly embed. ' Amid the general wreck of this
Storm, we were painfully impressed by the epee
tacle of a beaut4pl little girl of seven or eight
years, who stood near a gentleman, apparently
her father, sitting to the cabin of the Storm, with
his bead in his hands, seemingly in deep grief.
The expression of dependence, adiihtion and grief
of the little girl, with the sorrowing attitude of her
father, surrounded as they were byleo man signs
of disaster and desolation, made a ! pictu which
we shidl not soon forget. We have since arned
that the gentleman was Mrs Moody, clerk of the
Storm, whose wile was killeld. The little al wan
his only child.
The whorf, the barrels and tacks lying on it,
were still sprinkled with blood, end the debris of
mutilated bodies. A number of.persons were en
gaged in fishing up bodies. Sit were taken op
whilst we were on the levee. In all, eleven were
taken out oCthe water yesterday.
Captain Cannon affirms that theta was no little
steam in the boilers that he had ordered the engi
neer to get up steam to proceed to the lower stop.
ping to take in passengers. He blieves that the
explosion was enured by gunpo wder, a keg of
which was carried aboard, and taken down tote
the hold to make into cartridges, if fire a salute
when the boat left. He had give his consent to
fire the cannon, and the mate and ne ot the hands
went to a store to get powder. They presently
returned, and the Captain remarked as they were
going aboard, "What did
- you get a whole keg:for,
instead of pound or so, This is the lost he Raw
of the mate and the hand. Shortly afterwards
the explosion took plemee—and Captain Cannon dr•
Mares there were' two let orte—immediately fol
lowing each other. He thinks the concussion and
vacuum caused by thee:tilos:on of the gunpowder
produced a collapse of the does of a fl the boilers
at the name time. He areses at this concluttion
hoe knowledge of the tow stage of the steam in
the boilers, and the want of fuel in the ittrusees7.
mid from the fate of the largo quantity sir enter e
moted into the air, which, when it fell, was as
' cold 03 rain. There are certainly some curtails
facts connected with this affair, which, we WWI,
will be thoroughly Investigated.
Captain Cannon say. he courts the fullest Multi.
ry. He is the heaviest sufferer by the dimmer,
having lost his all—the beat being owned; hell by
.himself, and half by the first clerk, Mr. McMa
hen. Captain Cannon thinks there were 33,000
in money aboard of bor. Hearing that an crlidavit
had been made for hie arrest, he norrendsred
himself yesterday evening, nod will appear this
morning to answer any charge that may be made
against hon. Toe first engineer, whose name war
John 'Smith, Capone Cannon thinks had gone
to T.afayette. There were three other engineers
on board,
Captain Masan, of the Storm, rays the bodies of
persons fell from the air Into the river like had.—
Wherever aborly fell, the water bubbled up, and
, .
trod wan visible for toter minnte. atter. A num.
er of persons rustic 11 ahnsrd of the Lsuisiana to
eteue the wsiontled, who were crashed under
the wreck. About twenty were saved, and
many others's.° nicked up try the fruit twat,.
The wife of the clerk of the Storm was outline in
her state room, when she sans strlick over the neck
by a large spar from the Louisiana, and instantly
A little girl, the daughter ot one of the steerage
passengers, was taken from the wreck, and being
placed on the feee, began to cry for her mother.—
Being shown POMO of the dead bodies, she moss
nixed that of her mother from the nog on her An
ger, and th•ew herself, in deep grief, on the mutt's.
tad remains. Thin little girl is at the horse of a
gentleman in this city. A generous rivalry was
enacted among 'our citizen., In extend to her
all the protection and kindness In their tower.
The Picsyune gives the following additional
particulars with regard to the lilted, wounded, and
We subjoin a hot of the persons brought to the
Charity Hospital, whoa name. Wen not web In
our yesterday ronrcing'n edition. We learned
from one of the attendant physicians that there
are several person. Wounded by the expkwirm
that have been taken to private infirmaries—
Three, unknown, are in the Franklin Infirmary.
Charity IbupitaL —Mrs. Gallagher one chill
missing; Comelier McCain, sailor, Ireland; Thos.
Simmons, laborer, Dublin; John Lynch. laborer;
Daniel Kenna, lolidrer, South Corolmo,Geo Zinn.
blemau, laborer, Here; Wm. Wolf, grocer, Mir.
noun; Joseph Wilbur, farmer, Indians; Edward
IlWflorthy, laborer, Ireland; Inane Miller. school
reacher, Ohio; Jos. E. Bober. former and coasts.
lots Lafourehei Herman Sibord. farmer, Ohm, both
lega amputated; John O'Lantry, laborer, Ireland,
arm amputated; Arthur, 'dove of =Mr. Thomas
Meriweather, Kentucky; a clove, madersroo4 to
lichen to a city rentdent, will die; John Kelley,
Ireland, dead; John Long, dead; Wm. Riley;
or, Chicago, dead ; a man having the mark of an
anchor on his right hand, calling hiiaWlf a clerk
in the Lot:onions Bakery, of this city, dead.
This last person may be a Mr. Edward Lieber,
reported to no, last evening, as being a clerk of
Mr. John Cottle, Louisiana Bakery; Triangle
Buildings, and who had been sent to tho Louisi
ana to culled o. hill. He has not *ince been
heard of Mr. Linter was twenty noven years of
age, and is supposed to have a brother hying in
New York, and perhaps an uncle.
The am penoons taken to Dr. Stone', liosT l ltol
were all, at n late hoar last night, doing we
One of them, Mr. Frederick A. Wald. clerk in a
city lumber yard, was wounded in a very extra.
ordinary manner. He W 3.5 struck, et a dietauce
of Iwo !square, from the scene of the explosion,
by a piece of moved iron, which fractured both
orms - witheat touching any other part of his body.
One of his arm. has been amputated.
In the east of amputollon yesterday, at the
Charity Hospital, chloroform was used with the
greatest auroras.
We add a few more namen to the sad list of the
wounded and missing.
Mr. John Deane, aboot twenty two year. al age,
miming; Wm, Green, merchant to Tehouptioulao
street, missing, was wen to go on board the Louis
iana previously to the explosion,and has not since
loon beard of; John Hannehon, a boy, residing in
St. Thome. Ale its Porche, missing, of Point
Coup., a nionsenget no the !Pommels saved,
severely bruised, and thoolder dielocatee,
Mr. Champ, the tread of the police of Memphis,
last wen standing by the pilot on betted the
L o ofah.n •
no: gllrea been beard of. There
coo hardly be • doubt last he lo lost.
A friend Informs us that Mr. J. J. Gillespie, re.
ported as mmeine, left on the steamer Medora, an
hour and a half previous to the explosion.
It was Dr. Blainville, and not Dr. Doodler, of
Pointe C.rapee, who WWI 10.: On the LoOnnilatili.
Up to three o'clock, P. M., yesterday, forty nine
bodies had been brought to the Second Municipalty
guard house, to Baritone street. No more had
been brought en late es "7.o'clock last evening.
All the boilien, except that of Dr. Marsh, of Md.
Waukle, were interred! daring the cams., of the
d hours, of the long
day. The !erne rat the guar
row of stark, distorted, blood slanted bodits, with
the plies of rough coffins near them, can never be
effaced from our memory.
It is almost impossible to arrive at soy thing
I ke the exact number of sufferers by this dreaful
event. On comparing our last, of yesterday mo d rn.
mg and evening and of this more/me o w ° why put
it down at al killed, 60 wounded, sad .8 winning.
These Ire known. But if we take into consider
. a' ion the uumber or idlers skiffmen,boys, aegroer,
strangers, emigrants, Galin - amens deck hands, &c.
woo were scattered on and around the three boats,
to every dirrellOn, and who were for the moat part
strangers 1.. elven other, inditrerunt to every one's
fate but Moir own, if we think how ninny were
swept MT by the stream, how many blown unto
mere fragments, and Who. [WOWS will
. nelier be
known, we 000005 far err in estimating the total
amount of el.:Own by I his melancholy catastrophe
at not lens than twin hundred.
Scarcely have we perforated the melanehnly
task of elsinpleting the final record of the ruclan•
eholy ii.rastrophe of Thursday evening. before we
rre called upon to chronicle another disastrous
ent—the ex ploaion of me strasohont Belle Creak,
Captain bound item Mobile to this place,
by way oldie river.
At dusk Mat evening, the bent was opposite
Madame Si. Amain'. plantation, five miles below
the city, and running, when
wit. thought, under •
moderate head of flown, wben the larboard boiler
burst, with II truffle report, passing through the
hurricane deck, tearing up tb, umbers, complet,
ly eliatforing the cabin, stud Irma:king down the
chimneys. Tan pilot, wh irr name is John King,
rereived such Injuries that he was not expected
to live through. the night. The engineer wad like.
wise grievously bort, and le now lying in a crito
cal lineation. Three or lour ot the firemen and
deck hands were also badly injured.
Thn Belle Creole had °MY three passengers on•
board, two Rom Sort Jackson and one from Mrs
bile, all of whom wicaped unhurt. The Captain,
who was standing un the hurricane deck al the
time, did not receive the slightest injury. The re
port of the explosion men distinctly hear.' at a die
lance of Ilium or four miles by a gentleman who
hastened to the spot on horseback, and who kind.:
ly furnished us with the friformation on his return.
From the - same source, we learn that Madame
St. Amant was doing every thing in her power to
relieve the sufferings of the unfortunate victims.
She was prompt in furnishing them with all the
and comfort., and the Cap
tain speaks in the highest praise, of ter active and
efficient benevo.ence.—New Orleans Bee, N. 9. 17.
Lwone.atte pechtiore—The U. S. Carol! Coen
t.. day, made a &mama in the can of Six vs.
Ono aeaw and °the°, in relation to theltiiil steam
hip hne between New York, New 0 leans, and
Chaves, already referred to. Mr. Simi, It will he
recollected, assigned his contract for carryiag the
mails to Messrs. Law, Roberts, and Mollyein ,e
as irristeee fte complainant, end Messrs. Law, Rol.
errs, Wetmore, nod Crowell, engaged to carry it
out; and the sip:motion note decided, was for an
intuncuoe re+traintag Messrs. Law, Roberta, and
others, from further interfering in the matter, and
a renewer appointed to take charge of the Falcon,
lion end Georgia, and earninge, dee., and two oth
er trustees be appointed in the place of ?dews.
Law and Roberta, and that the latter account to
complainant (or earnings thus far. The ground of
the application is, that Messrs. Law de Co. hay-
not built the ships at the time speed epos, have
rem acconnted to complainant for the earnings of
the Fakon and have registered the Ohio in their
own 13111311511, instead of the names of the Trustee,.
The Court colanders that the trust did not begin
till the ships had been completed and accepted by
the Secretary of the Navy, which has not yet been
done—that the Ohio was properly moldered, till
incepted by the government in the name of the
owners—that the loan from the govemment on the
mortgage of the Ohio and Georgia, was the private
business of the builden—the delay In flanking the
ships was owing to the arrangement by which they
should be made nearly double ma huge as specified
In the contnict, and which has been acquiesced in
by all parties, including the government, and was
for the common Interest of all—that hileasnaLaw,
Roberts & Co. appear fo be abundantly able to °ar
ty out the contract, and the application for itijunc
toy and receiver must, therefore, be denied.
On the point a. to the earning of the Falcon and
Ohio, that is a matter which must be left till the
Me comes up fully for argument —N. Y. Rep.
AFFECTING ISCIDETT.—A friend tells os that, a
kw Sabbath mornings ago, Mary, a poor colored
woman came to beg him to write a .proclama
bon" for her. She said that her only sister had
been brought here three years ago by a trader
from Alexandria, Va., and sold. She herself was
brought outlast year, but her inquiries for her sis
ter had been fruitless i she hadat last prayed to
God, and it was impressed on her mind that she
would hear of her at church. Our friend wrote
the name of the lust sister, where she was from,
and whom she belonged to. The paper was hand:
etl to the minister, and slier sermon he read it to
hiScongreipition (of blacks] and desired any one
knowing such a servant to stand up. A woman I
rose in her place—a shout of jay w . ag u heard—and
in a moment the two sisters were in each other's
arm. The worthy minister returned thanks, and
the spectators evinced their sympathy by a spon
taneous contribution. The poor women had liv
ed nearly two years on the same square, mourn
ing each other as lost. without having !net. They
c.0:112 rejoicing to thank our friend, who says he
never sleet so attrisedly as he did that eight. And
poor Mary manifests her gratitude by bringing him
for bresktastoevery Sunday morning, piping hot,
an old fashioned Virginia km cats, such as no
French cook in Paris or in New Orleans can
male. Last evening ho received an nth rate,
bandaged with collard leaven, a mystery cf the
Virginia cuisine, rouse the ghost of Apis
mus —N. O. Didta
A problem for lbe curious and ingertious—sol
To five and five and fifty-five
The first of letters add,
Yoe9l see a thing to shame • King,
And make a wise men mad.
G7 - FEVER AND AGUE CURED by the are of Dr.
11PLane's Laver Pills—The following. letter from
highly respeetable gentleman of W. Union, Parker en
la. is triumphant testimony in favor of Ode really greal
rehdietne. Those who are suffering under threat/henna
diseare can find immediate relief and a apeedy cure by
the use of Dr. tiPLane's Liver Pills.
"Warr Union, PAM. CO la.
Nov. WILL Inl7.
MEWLS. KiDD & Co —About one year ago I received
of your agent a lot of Dr.lll•Lanes Liver Pills, which
I sold immediately, and wish another supply as soon
ZA possible. When I received these pills I was ins
tal( suffenng from an attack of Ague end Fever, but
by the axe of there pills alone, I have been completely
restored to health. I believe them to he the best rem
edy for bilious complaints I have ever known.
For sate by 1. KIDD A. CO., No. ita, corner of Fourth
and Wood eh, Pittsburgh. innelfedAselw3
The name of Alderman A. ILL REINIIART will be
• Inclined, by ho friends, to the consideralion of the
pprone linty Whig Convenuon, a imitable candidate
or the glayoralty of Pittsburgh. navy to
Irr Wm. Algal> wtil be candidate for 10 May
rally, auLeect to the nomination of the Whig Conven
h. pea]
thg U ::::ty, tabie l e k t . to . r , 7;La t L . :o a r:ll d :=
Con~ennon. norl
frrjimathals 11Ivo • , Esq., tbe prevent \I.
or o( Aileghenv, ll be o eandelete for re-electio
subject , o norms.. wi ns... of the Allegiirey h'rllO Co
venison novio-tf
The Remo of 01.1VF.R 11. RIPPEY
be submit.
teel. by hot blend, to the conobleratton of Ow ap
proaclung Whig Convenhon, am a cutuchle c.dtdate.
lor thc Mayoralty. ti.l2-te
Mr We aro authortvalus announce that 1 8. C. SAW
YER end be • candidate for the Mayoralty.cabetet to
the t:ouctusition of the Whig Conircntuni. nogebtra
ot ric .r t ;:, NlA,(g
jep of trhurgh, ,lot
colon n( the WhIK Convent.. new%
The understaned most cheerfully suggest the name
of TIRISIAS DAFT. .1 the Euthrit Ward. MO.-
tugh. a. a worthy eandtdate for Mayor, at the ensu
ing election. aulgect to the deals,. of a Wtng and aes.
wows:lnm Canoe:Aron, Lod would add. if unUorm good
health, an honest been, and a sound Mead, furnish the
loghest claims topuhlie favor, than ought oar candi
date to be aureassful.
. . .
lnprevenest n Dentistry.
DR. G. 0. sTEARS, late of Lpton, le prepared to
alone...are lOW ret Duras Texan in whole and parrs
oi sena noon Seetron or Atmospheric Section Plates.—.
Toornacire crave in nen etutcrwr renege the nerve to
•troserl. trllhee and rceidenet niflt door to We May
or'. min e . Fourth surer, rataborgla
Krawr to—J. K. SlTadden. E. 2 I:ston. jal9
leracce McoaA—Pupared J. NV . Kelly
utilise r
N. V., and for Bale Iy A. Jaynes, No.
70 Fourth strut Thu will Le foamd o delightful ame
tie of beverage in families, and parucularly 100 met
Baccea.—An improved Moculate pupae.-
two, being It combinauo• of Cocoa nue Innocent, In
vigorating and palauble, highly Teammate/Wed partic
ularly for tnvalida. Prepared by W 'taker, Dauber
ter, Mays., and ler Gale by A. dATOIMI, at the Palma
lea Store., No. TO Fourth at mettle
Masmfam, that Ltaing, emaromis, Lam,
BATD art.ta, 1.113.11. RILTITILIMII, cam.,
POLO., itt.
Primal at the abonett nonce, at low pneea, at las
del lialrrra Orrtcu.Tßlll3 omit MT
o*. 41.-
\ • Dentist Corner ofrourd ,
and Decatur, acme",
Elfg — Tlic *Monroe." meeting . of the Alamo' of the
Lft`eatem Untramity of Pannsyltania, to be held on
be 27th Met-. at tho Coon Boum, in the city of Pius.
burgh, is rm.:ported until Tuesday afternoon, the 40110 ,
Doterntim met, at 2k o'clock Al that tone the anew
crease of en toe Lawton of the AL:K . 11111OP Ls ear
nestly solmitml. By order.
.1011:4 C. Fftlfhnift, ) p ee r
noirti r n MONte 8211./WDEN,
rI,(R. JAME B. FA RIES. vrho k•• r•eently return.
ed from Fstrope, where her met With Messrs Jo.
web and flan Pitman, t h e most aceonShlt.hed leech
era of Phonography in England, and witneesed their
mode of Instruction. will Lecture on Phonography at
(.4 o'clock, Tf lIS (Friday) EVENING, in the Fourth
Ward Public School, Pittsburgh.
Mr. Panes was present lest Sabbath, at Me (Iti Pres.
byterian Church, and toast report, in Phonographic
enameters, of the Address of the Res. Mr. Howard
tiefore the Young Ladies' Liable tiociciP• sod
at tba
close of big Iscettare this ceening, win read the whole
or any portion of it which may Me desired by the andl•
Literary and Professional fientlenien. and the friends
of odoation generally, lath particular!) . those Who
had the n pleasure of hea ti ng Mr Howard, ere respect.
folly noted to attend.
Admission—Goat. ontr3o
30TATOES-15 , 1b01. n .re and for
s t,y
nov3ll CRAIG tr. SKINNEII,2% Nitrite 111
01. L DUTTER-3 Ws lament and Or rale by
v 11 3 U 4 t, TTER—A maul' lot sloe and un &sic by
DR.1.!:;t3)01•1•IACIII.:8-80 bu new, to day ree'd by
_ -
IDOTAfOES-60 1 .1bu m @lore and for .alo by
IC n K , T o IY NUTS-75 bu in a/147 , "Ir l a r 3ll4: t air ,
REEIY A SP LES-22.16b1a in stare and for ante by
ur 110Vj. CRAIG ar. SKINNER
UCK 1V IIEAT FLOUR-100 'mei. Just toed by
tiov w _ CRAIG & SKINNIA
/ IN EA It —41.0 be to a „, sr l i tz i c r::l B ez i W ß
ll any.lo
LILOUR—.3 bblv ext., reed and for Ale by
110 VA , CHAIM &
r, CASKS MuArell's Soda A.b, sod 10 k .
I cl ['leeching Powder, arrived per Alp Osenbrldge,
,:1 1 t 110 , X on by canal, for Ale by
N. wlll rneelra, daring bowinter, large
Applle. vv. New Arleen.. tioydU
DUTATOKS-1. 50 bbl. Nmthasinookti and Paoli Flya&
r reed per emainer Wyoming.and For %We Ly
W & Ft npeuTetir:on,
IREANI boxes yet'd and for .PI, by
nu , du W & It OPCUTCHEON
10F11:1:-1 , 0 bag, Green Rio, reed and fot rule by
„o+:14 W t 11 N'CUTCHEIIN
iorroN--ts bales now landlng from steamer WI
i•ton, for solo by
novtnt ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Front et
hbl. NA I, now landing froinoteanter Do r
plan, for sate by
nortlu ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Front st
IPEATIIERS-21 kings now lambing from steamer
Dolphin, and for .3 by
nor3o ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, From in
G ' „1 " , r". now landing from steamer Dol.
110•30 ISAIAH DICKEY tr. CO, Front 0
ADONS-30 boxes, '3O b/ bye, and 10 et Lfq new
erop, for ..In by J D WILLIAMS,
booo 110 Wood stmat
Zemle, for .ale I.y
kj n0v3.1 J D WILLIAMS
riii - FESE biz Primo Cie
73 Les English Dairrt
0.0 las Western Reserve; ro , ..aelar
novoo j p WILLI IS
hos Red ?dotted CosOlei
2 do do Tolle;
5 bzo Parra; 6 bsr Almond; 50 Las Ratio:
For sale by noy22 I U WlLLldadd
L~iiiT4L/LlNG—SUptp"Cbeeverbe , for Bale by
COFFEE—ISO bap pridie Orden Rid;ra;
" Old GOT. Jaya: for sale by
n0v.70 JOHN WAIT it CO
.• _
SUNDRIES -f4l casks extra tioshen Cheese;
hexes Ohio do;
2u drums Codfish;
bbls bleated, Nos 2 nod 3, to
store and for sale by norJO JOON WATT &CO
TAR -*0 bids on head oth for sal. by
ne,32 JOHN WATT & CO
—A . 1,7 fru; barrels chorea Oysterr t up
for fondlynse, expected m arrive Mi • da ss . and will be
sold by n0v30.31 JOHN AVFAOEN.rr CO
MAGAZINE. for Norernber-J.
.113 D. LOCILWOOD. Bookseller and Imparter, hos fort
reed Blackwood, for Dismember; $3 P. n 40 1
TBE FOREIGN REVIEWB,for October. —/ust pule
Indic d, the London Quarterly, Westminamr, and
Edinbury . h Review", for October.
Subscriptions meld, and .in le Nos. sold by
noNGO Bookseller and Importer, 63 Wood at
llfew Raney and 'Variety
YiE aro now receiving, from one of our firm rast.
our eeeond supply of k•ALL GOODs3,colui-tlng
vc.7 article in out (Inc, to which (with ever, vu.
rime! LOOKING GLASSES, of nor own tosionsei
tore) we ask the attention of Western M.Th.]. nut I
oilier buyers. nov3o KENNEDY k SAWYER
'PUY K—A good assortment of TOYS, including Ln
1. Ebony, Rosegrood, and Mahogany WORK
Beftgit43,juit, ree'd by
U6t3CHIPTIONS to the "Anna:con A. Union ,
eed'd at Kennedy & dottrau s l.At KE.NriEpv,
nov2o Honorary Secretory.
11111C&T' NOVELTY,'
Santa Fe, on their way to Washington City, will
appeaz TRIP., and TOMORROW EVENING, at the
Athenaeum Buildings, on Liberty street, I nd en through
with many of their NATIONAL WAR lAPiCES nod
The dietincuished Indian Chief, Pokohomatah, three
Bravest, one Boy and two Squaws, will go through se.
rend of their performancen, peculiar to th e Indians
akar; War Dances, Nahanni Songs, and Dances of
Peaces—and many facts of truly astonishing charade.
Douro open at half poet 6 o'clock, performance t ,
mence at a gunner before 7 o'clock 'Picket,. •
nit, children half price.' novaa
Moorestown, Bog noon county, N. J.
Apples. Posehes, Pan, Pluton, Cherries,
Apriaote, Nectarines, Drape dines, Ornamental Trees,
Shrubbery, &e. Tho Fruit is a collection -of the
c hoicest moieties. Trees Witty, mod suitable sue
far tronsplanting. Trees to carry a distance will be
carefully packed fora reesonable charge. All erders
accompanied with the cash, or satisfactory reference,
will receive prompt attention. Descriptive catalogues
wah prices attached, famished gratis to post paid ap
pllcauts. JOHN PERKIN:F. Proprietor.
CURE subscribe. purpose loading their last Boat
eaattymd, for the tenon, this day, and are pre
pared to receive a hawed amount of freight.
novtlai TAA Fn.: & O'CONNOR
. _..
JARItI) APVE,F7.4--lia , Mt insiore and far ustely
.1./ oovB+ . 8 & W lIARBACOO
LINSEED OIL-10 bbla p Pat reed and for oak
by 11 0 , 2, 4 S & W lIARBAUGO
2nn BOXF:14 Pressed Tal tor sale by
low Cmsdles, just reed
on consignment and
F E , A . T ., I , I , E fo R , S- ..1 1 : :;ck just roectpccor
CURA steamer G . et,
No . 2N Wood_
PARED PEACIIF-S—T5 Lu teed and feral. by
W. IC 41,011 W .113 ...... • • •• uwu
ro o/11.1a.
NV. WOODI“. .L.lll 11•0.•
B A C? . f AL n. C::21-;.11:(Tel'All/ReptlfrtiSi‘f‘;Pill'Ille."1210r:go
THE subscriber wisher to procure the services or
uti csirionced Gardener—one raised to the busi
ness. Ile must be a man of faintly. tu good improve•
ments have been made on the I.nt which to to tte.rulti•
voted. h conets.of near F.lght Acres of ',timid, and
la at preach! in a high state of eulusanon. A roan
enth a small virtual mould he preform& The tem.
will be liberal to a person of the demrtgitton indicated,
and the situation a permanent ouc. 111 will either
lease the lot *is d inlpeovernett. fur term of year,
i-work tton the .harm,' or engage the Gardener at •
stated earn per ant.unt. Early applicaiten is
- Address the subscriber, post paid, Washington, Fa.
norM , l3l JItIIV RAU,MAN.
_ i rrOBACCO,S. , 73 Loma of Fs; s's and We. Tobacco,
rorne of selticli are of superior quoin), .d. popu
lar Brands, on consignment and for sal. by
nor:: L. N. WATERMAN .
No. Ti Water, and di) Front nue..
- - -
- VEATHEIL.-17 nets Imme Ulm. Feather.
re.ived nnJ for vale by L N WATERMAN
BILOON1,:--40 dox Corn Broam. (or rale by
- - •- - • •-
HITE BEANS-30 cads White Beans for vale by
nos y? LS WATERM A N
lnecrieml elm
CWVERSVED-3° got. g rime e w
Arrioi AN
mai for isle by
TIMOTHY r4FIKI)-60 buobels &Wetly ;Irma fur axle
by no . v.Y7 I. N WATERNIAN
parwaner of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Allegbent County, will be exposed to public sale.
at the New t-oart House, in the cm' of Pittairerch, on
Fruity, die twenty-first day ot December, IVit, at to
o'clock, A. , that certain Lot of Ground marked
"boy-stu n (No. eel in the plan of Lot. laid oat t.yW.r
nee, Painter A Lorenz, in All City, on which to
erected • dwailing honor, s+id lid tieing twenty-ma
feet in from on Bailor 211001, aud 'mining back by the
-te width ninety tees
Terrm.: one third caeli, and the Latimer in three
equal payolonts at J,dandtl month, with interest
dme of ante. JOON WRIMIIT. Adne'r,
arivel.diew'M . of Or. foe. W. Wlinaker,ilee'd
1 )1t VIRTUK of a precept ander the hand. of Ilion.
1 3 Deniemin Patton. Jr.. ereildent of Ma Court of
Common Plena, to and for the oth Judicial Dactriet of
Penneylemia, and Jostiteof the Court of Oyer and
Terminer, and( neraliSail Delivery an and far said
Dismal, and Seised Jones and William Kerr, Fivin.,
MaoCiate Judges of thb sante Courts in and for the
County of Alleglienyolated the 12th day of November
to Me year or one Lord one thousand eight Lunde, )
and forty nine, and to the directed, for holding a donut
f Oyer and Terminer, and General laii Delood, at
the Court House, in aid City of;Plasleagh, nu the
Monday in December heat, at 10 o'clocs, A. 31.
pablio none., as hereby given to all /makes of the
Pews, Coroner and Cdnetables of the County of ALle•
gbeey, that they be then and three, In ttetr proper oer
tons with their rolls recorda, inquisitions, elimina
tions a-d other ms
to do those star.whack to their respective offices in tkeir behalf appear
to be done—and also tdow 'oat will prosecute the par
; omens !dot arm itie, or ^ may Loin the Jail of said Coo n.
to , of Allegheny, to be then Aid there, to prosecute
against them es shall be pot
Given ander my hand at Pausbureh. this lath day o
November, in the year of our L0rd,142 and of tr e e
Commonwealth the MI. GANTEir d v
novl7.lll.widT ahead-.
No. ON Fourth tttttt , Pittsburgh,
Moe now m Store Chair full assortment of
Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery and Lace Goods
A DAPTED to the w.ts of every clamor Mere hunts
/1. and Consumers. No rains have been rparsil to
present the newest anti most fashionable style ol
Goods finite's line. Their stock conststslin pan of the
Pnnge.and Gorses. of every vartegy; two. styles
beurerifiallnons; Alsteene and Itnperasl Leraids; wtde
e nd oscrow etlls and Nyorywd F.Setwoldertag Unt*
figured Bud cut Velest RLl•bans; piton do doi Cooled
Mantua endplum Malsn Ittl.bous, for trtrotelugi elect,
wens. end colored Silk Laces; extra wide do do, for
fiouocce with a full ossortment of , Dress Buttons,
Drosses Pinked, Stamped or Erabroaired to order.
Embroidered farmland Muslin Cape.
Breakfast and Retir fl gSapa and
Wvric , 4 grearearaelyi Lace Veil.
Lappet. aM Opera Tie.; Mourning Cherniti/de. taol.
lam Co& and flair Sleeve.; La en Lavin aldkal,
plain embroidered mad bemeillehed do, plain Linen do;
real dread Lace. and Edging. lan do do; Bobbin,
Lade, Lace Melilla and cotton Mono and Innrting,
Rieh new style Hone. Ribbon*, Fteneb Fare Flow
ers, Renato Tabs, Velvets, Satins and Finteners, 81lk
[Lotions and Task..., Bonnet/VR.lw. toad Tips.
Rest rosnothenno, WILL most awroeso fastenings.
and choicest colors. An aitensies assortment always
^^ bret4.
A 'ere. variety of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Merino end
Caslimme, for Ladies and Mlr. % Tartan l'lmds, and
a toll assortment other styles fancy .d plain Child.
ren's 11. e, tirwcst styles Infante Boots and So el.,
Genta' Vtoina, Merino, Cott. and Gue
Wool 11.11 Ilinsc
A full antortmem form women arid elnldron,
amour wlnek arc Derby Rthfie on,
d, C.,,lnuelle and plain
silk; and plan: Caohmere, Chamom Lined Ber
ko, Camme,u, Pur•ltned !leaver, heavy and
fine Backslid, Alinlary and !dale Thread and Colton.
Such as Ladle: and Children's Honda, Cluldren't
Wnolet, Sark, Kun searfschildren's
uul l . o ”r IsruldniWnrsted,
and Worded Yuma, California auctions: also, fim.
Ca•Lnuere Scarf, for Ladle.
Zephyr sod Tapaatry - Worsted, Canvas., Patterns,
Floe• and Fin b ,1114, Woad and Part'd Board., I'a•
per Flower Malarial*, Lamp Alm, and F.ns.
Imadered Nark. Alan—LadieeSdk and hleraio Voila
and Ilm warn; Kna,rntdereil dock* and Fla anal B. French
Worked Cap and Waists for Intant,,; and Rwan'edown
erne Shim, (!ravnts snit CoHare; hirtino, Silk and
Cotton Wllippets and Drovrets; 8.pc1140., sk ou td er
Braces and Ilreoing (2uvroso Rail and Linen 1111k4;
Glove* anJ !hosiery.
French patterns citrond and plain ebell Hoek Combo;
Ihrifoll and Im. dn; Shell Side ond I.lg Combs; hu.
do. Iluflo!o, Satin and Iturowood Ilair Mathes;
Modulo and Eng [loon Diesaing and line Ivory Combo;
with no iiiitorlincsit of Noll and Teeth lirtirlies.
WetherilPs "Gold MednP , Perfumery.
Needle", l'inn, Tape., . Steel 00.4 and Puree.
Burin. end Steel Good.' Berlin Wire Beskris,
Purse Term and Sewing. Fine Itioevenal lien. and
Coin M
Cootility. & G •n Mlooti. Fancy Work . Bunten.
Cioak Cord and Tnels, Portfolios, Palmeri.. and
blind & Shade Trimmings, Ladies' Stationary,
Pulpit & HUM. Taarek, French Cork Sol.,
Upholsteter's Fringe. Silk re liiiig'm Umbrella.,
Doff Liner, avid width., Powin
Mn.& Hollonde,
Engli. Oil Cloth. Mantic Bands & Webbing,
Fig'd ChMta binding, Cornet and Shoe Lacers.
VOL C. J. SYKEO, of New York, will give a course
.L of Four heeturni, on Monday, Tuesday, Wed.
nesday nud Thursday...him Nov, 05, 27, . and 22,
Monday being FREI"-
Convincing expertroenis will be given; al., the whole
mod. imerandt explained. All who wirh a thorough
prat tea. knowledge of rho science should not fall to
Tickets to the eourse, commencing on Tuesday ev
esung, 50 cents. Single tickets 25 cents. For sale a
Morse's Hoek Store, Ht. Charles Hotel, and at the Uoor .
i:tee Cuculnrs.) tinv2l.tit
170/111ENT.—The WAREHOUSE at pre
sent Axeuptcd by Messrs. Halley, Drown 2r. Co..
on Water street, from first or April next.
SALE. —A good taro horse
F WAGON—for vale lovr—may be teen at the Iles
tour Livery &aide of Nod) Patterion, Fourth nice,
betoreett Wood and Southfield. nortiVl:
BUTTER -10 bblo Roll Hotter; 15 top d 6 b.• do;
reed ...I for We by ooY2I J Stall Fl ELI)
bbls Jun ree'd mud Co line by
Pmnts J B
airlynAirs & Galttaau, Weak Can't United Stoma
Cl5O for Infringement of Par
, ley" Patent Mehl for casting
PAUT. Saar& Co. Chilled Rollers.
Defendant gave in evidence Patent to John C. Parry
for same purpose.
A question of infringement is ore of
of which t
the tory arc die judges. The eons rue
the pate
Is for the Court.
After reading and commenting on the specation
of Plaintidhs patent, the Court observed: In doubtful
cases it is tot the custom of the Conn to express any
opinion of the facts of the ease; bet to this case the
(Sets are undisputed, and the Court Wok it is proper
to state, as the opinion of both the Judges on the true
commetion of Plamtiff`s Patent, that the Defendant's
gross and palpable piracy of the Plaintiff's
It has evidently been obtained an the ground that
it was an Improvement on Plaintiff's patented bre.,
lino, and now
seeks to usurp his tights under pretence
of au improvement—a pretence which is proved also
to be unfounded. Per Cutiam:
The above decision giver to the subscriber , alone
the right to manufecture Chilled Roller, by the only
process kaliorn to produce a good article.
They are prepared, us heretofore, to famish all sixes
required, and with the-least possible delay.
(Journal. Pan and Atnen cut enrol
ABOUT font years niece, I was traveling through
the State of Ohio; while vpending a few dap: 01
Sharon, I discovered a singular Itietalic substance.
nabsequently learned that it had been known for
ye•rs, and at:ppm:a-4 to be of no uae or value, bni from
tin uniformity of texture and singular appearance. I
mu led to believe it might be made useful, but for
what purpose I bad not the leant idea. I commenced
my experiments by blaming it, boiling it, and pulses"
t." 4 it, and compoanding it with varleus substances;
and no strong wan my confidence that there was value
in it, that I gave up my entire time and mean. in the
proseetation of those experiments; and from that time
le this, I have attended to no ether butane.: at the el
piratlen of about two years, t finally discovered, that,
by reducing it to • fine
con powder and mixing it 1.161111-
u:ell oil to about the sistency of thielr paint, and
applying this compound with a brus perfecthis coating
in a few month, would become • stone or
slate; so that the substance when opplied was attuelly
slate o. a n dt dlarge amount of albino,
elumtna mega
anlack oxide of ironthat it coo
t:mod, rend it both weather and fire proof as the
•Innger exposed, the harder and more permanent 11
...ems to Leconte, and as the coating faller jt tains to
slate) Is of itself indentructible by fire, consequently it
protean the wood covered with it fromithe air, and
where there is no air, there is on blare or corpbuation;
therefore the wood will actually char, before the elate
covering will give way.
I conaidered the discovery of the gmatest
ancr, import
and applied to Government for • ;latent for my
me-naon or discovery, fondly Loping that I should
now be remunerated for all my outlay In time and mo
ney. The government. without any hesitation Sr" .
71 to Inc Letters Patent for the ante right to raannfae
tinO, sell and 111ee my improvement in the inanafaemre
of a "Weather and Fire Preof Cocuposioon ar MU
final Slate." for fourteen year.
August 14,1649. WM. BLAKE.
WE., the inhabitant. of Sharon, have read the above
moment of Mr. (lake. and believe it to he sabstan
any correct, a. iive knowing to most of this state
onto therein nontained; and we will farther state.that
. .
we do not belieVe that there ever was a potent room
honesily and laboriously maned, or more deservedly
ranted; Ire punned his experiments with the most
mdrinsitab e perseverance under the most discouraging
eireamstances, es th- public had not the least confi
dence that there could be any thing valuable made
from the substance. Ile therefore hod to encounter for
years the leer* and Iwo& of !gently the whole comma.
ally. Notwilbstanding all this, be mss indefatigable
in the proserstion of his experiments, and we do not
believe that there to one man into thousand lobo would
have pelrwvereil under all the etreumetances. Hut he
ha at lest triumphed over all obstaeles, and we he..
hese there m now but one opinion in awarding him
the merit of Thin valuable discovery
H. W MILL, of
HEN/ AKIN JON I:, Township.
EVERETT, Town, ip Cleat
ALI.IN HOWE, Treasurer.
I have awertsmed that there are individuals engaged
to Mecum. gentling, and preparing - for sale, the above
etl7tonal Mineral, •-• be mixed with ml, and coed pre
cisely I use my patented article. I have been to
Mose persons and shown them my par e nt. They Pay
they do not intend I • ininnito or trespass open MY
that they have a right to dig, gland. end sell the
powder, if they can find purehasersi that they art' out
bound to know what they are to do with It; that It is
no infringement until it is mined with the oil to make
the compound. and that ILOAC.I4O buy, in and ea it,
must tote the respontibilny. Most of them say that
they believe that the patent Is SOM against thaw that
mix and urn the compound. andsome have aid that
what they wonted to asa they ahoold certainly porch.
aret of me, as they did not intend to male themselves
it any way. Muss I reel myself indisty bound to
call si rt b that
I:o b il7h i l ' e ' r '„dalmrue!dw're'rne he
man I' 4 ' l I ' s '
mew ' r n e. "
refers pay for an article, the use of which he well
knows nulnneir the purehaaer and user to a preset...
non end fine. Some of those who are s engaged thus
nefarious wage, will unquestionably consent! to the
public that toy patent will not stand, and that I dare
notproacco Now, to take Mit argument away from
thaw, I want to some of those who wereproclaiming
that my pan, was of en value, and made the follow
ing proposition: that they might select a judge and two
lawyers who Lave had some prat Ore in patenteases,
And we would .upon the pawn' to them, and if they
decided that the patent was good, Mat they should atop
aII .farther proceedings in the busibcw; hut if di
should due hie that it would not, in their opinion, hold.
I would agree to let Mein so hn and sell all they contd.
without same any thing to the public about them
This prondwrion they would not accede to. ho far a.
the validity of my patent concerned. Ido not ticw
pond entirely upon my two lodgment, although I have
the tallest ennfidenee in it; but I have submined it to
any of the radars, and severe/ of the moat eminent
patent lawyers. who hove, without “repliey, decided
Mat in their npurcu Ii wan goOd, and would protect me
in my dia..ovinT.'
I gland the article to a fine power, and put it up in
barrel., the which ate Clerked:'s Panora Flaa
inn lVunon Paoor Aertnmat. SLAT.'
I therefore gtve notice to all who Guy and, oats the
above meant - met mineral for the perm, sot fords in
my paten; except from MC or my antliorixed agetas,.
that I shall Loll them to 11 sectiuranbility, and
. 6 , 11 nftftftftoft , e lofts at law as . ainst thous who the.
Jottings 60},14. 1407 right. a WM. BLAKE.
fkle4itta Aug. 14, 1515.
lETTNTO TONS of the above Fins arm( Waather
Proof Aritficial Slats on hands and ftw
ahoy, we can rsroomartid, fo4 wo'hont been toift4 if
fur t.nie 4 'oars, and lowa, It to be what It is set forth
In every particular. J. & 11. PHILLIPS. Av.,
ttow.ro4ltut Nos Wcp.l at
SUGAR HOUSE 40LASSES-60,bbla lux% errel.,i
per steamer ;unary Taylor, frOsn, Ake St. V
Steam Sow Refinery astd for sale by
Mrlll.l tirc r iuso_ rri co
Ducors FI.iiiRUFF3IIO ;OR KEERIV:O—* new
aopply jut roe'd from No Yothr - m id 11,,,
Paper, and handiaotely ruled to the pnt i pm , of the
printed treati.e• with the tutilot'• P'inted directions to
teachera on each cam; for •
H KELL' OR, ei Wood
m•3tiNiartpAT.s : l — ,„,
F.. 1.1.1 bf ratio. greener Ala n Mohair
and Alp.. I.‹..tres, black, green, broom and redo
stripes; at NSrtJa East corner of Fourth and Mirketam.
Whecule Rooms op stain. • norSI
jumt rec'd wt.; f.,
R SELLFiIit, 57 Wont at
THE continuedopen oreother ir.ddoes the sleben
been to lend rome Bon% east.. Ford, unl mill r•
cetee a !inred mount of fre , ght Tors par, for Phil,
delphia or Baltimore, end receipt foi the anat.,
novZ • ' ' T AFFE k. O'CONNOR
EXT. LOG WOOD-LS bye just reed and for Milt by
uorl6 R E
IIERU-47 the genulno jest reed .11 for
_fill tale by inse?7, It E SELLERS
() 11. ORIUANUM-2 cent
.. reed aad Co
Ali&-74 !Ls just reed end (or s - s . le
1 - 1 nov26 R SELL.RS, 57 Wood st
TALLOW -12 bOlsjyt ree'd and for st9e by
ALEP.4I I III*-941..• and 9 cs 99 pult
_9919 Ly nor- IS J VA CAN FIKLD
Pbbls plat reeLl anq lor war by
hoo?.13 J 8 CANVIELD
s d . ;
Toammo 00 Dblphlb, b 7
bor.% reAteii DICkIKY & CO, From 41
VARNISH-01;bl, 14 hf &NW kew.,
ion ntamtiaeture, warranted good , i,„„1„„,,, ng
from canal, and Mr by
nor4l ISAIL§t DIMLY & CO, Front 41
BAT P Stt SW..`TtliE—For sale by
1 F r ye - 1 SCH(XINAIttIiIiR re CO
EICIIUDA ARRqW ituvr-tk. gazden. for solo
by notoJl J SCIIOONMAKVR . te CO
OON'tt best &lock Lead Crucibles, Nos. from ltt
13 to Jun reed nod for auto by
nov&I J SCII0ON51.&KV:11 & CO
TRoy WEIGHTS—In V i t i lv . t<t? .. ,..l.?!!)l . gy
" T as
_J '...n....
1) Kir:ATI:WS Conccntruted Km.. of Lcmon, Va.
1. nill. Nutmeg. &A., fo, SHOO
ALND OIL.. bbl. No Lard Otl; t 5 do No 2do do;
lauding and for rale by
Mita Pago's extra Family Flour,
Twecd7 • . brands F •• landing
aodjor male by riomll JAMES PALZELL
(31./DICERIE...=IIIO bags prone Ikal Cotlee. la hall
rAcLL 4./ I' Tea. .50 e,Ebis 38. I CCTEAOII Inthgcs
bbh..... , iratt , Oil, laa,E+lS trvm C.a.', tor sale by
NIOi.ASSES--15 Ws landing by eleauter Cal
0. tame. end tot ?ale by
ravite lAnl DALZELL.:I4 Water et
1111-:AP Mason A. Co., qa Moe.
Yet tweet, are now opeutog ease% cheap Ito
Lou.. at It cent. per yard._
—i •t ! . ' • • A.;AsMs or &Co
Foot allcoes, senior
pc, ) a 3,1. tiovlll
-- --___
AA. 31ASON A CO. have opened a large lot of
. i ~,,,,,,.. ~, 2j ets, L magma. at 33e, Mimeo. at
leir 110i33
---. _._
_ .
LINEN 111/KIS—A. A. Mama h. Co. wlll open this
mum or Wu dna of Lome Ildkfs at Gic. 0r.6
LotININKI Itlllllo3.B — A. A. Al3alo A. Co. ere mow
1J Opetoog smother large lot of Runnel Ribbons at
Ilse extremely low prier of tar, also, a large lot at 11
out Ills..
_ . _ no v 213
A..f.,...›.--.4-1/Tbis choice, id various qu‘iWes, in
stowabd lot sole by A WATF.KMAN
novAl ", 31 Water and 02 Front el
RlF.LiFlLLll.l7—illisao dolis Didteod Pedo clits,
~iore sad loreal.. by flamed 1, 14 WATERAIAN .
Alti:3l,..tersii:Eit--stalbelobtayFresit,l3 do packed do, Id
CL'„,,,,, L 13 WATERMAN
IARO -A Ig•W 111.1 •tiai legs No 1 Leaf Lard. on
.4 hood. P.r Kole b) i0.v36 I. S WATERMAN
L; IA/ L` it 120 bbla Kopertine, 6l do tatra laatily . for
L. sale by 00000 L S It Al ERMAN
ibs Jr. reterving trtid tor Futon) ,
YY ova! wry.% irr &SILL.
6 bbiscztro Fluntly, In store and for sale
lilt :.+lll.
di.AL-111,IimstIled colic, for Mc by
1101,16 STUART it SILL, lle'Wood ft
las prows, tor sole by
A „ o ,„ ll t.TI/ ART SILL Ile Wood ft
tl.bbls new crop, in store.
I)"„?:;',tySTTUAMrt :3ILI.
lIKESA—Cirrou and t.icis en “ ways on Baud at
L 1
NoIIS Wood act ,
rdir4o • STUART & SILL
aria yr bid Rona.
ißona. /31'110., STUART it SILL
L A8 „51.1. Burkhardt a. Cos No I, iced
and Icr PAC by
;Iit;ll1.1)KES--12 casks ler sale, so close
13ur,1 MILEY, MATT es. CO
jii CA/iTilkl—ele Lugi new crop, rec'd anJ
.Ll. ler sale Ly
_ _ _
S U n U o A s2l —d' h""lrlloa,S.ltlti4l7F.t3ll- CO_
WMAW lIT SPIKES 14Y kegs innprovedroegLWi
Spikes, just reel& and for sale Ly
AISIN6-100 Lz. crap, fcna a byy
I War—TOO blds N C, in store min or .We by
WHITE IIEANS—v4 bhli ßeans, and 4 bales
wag, reed on consignment and (or sale by
nora 11 LEE, 1.09 Liberty stmet
Ely J ohs D. Davis.AmaatloneeF
She'd - JO Sate o f Q r eerwtrsra.
On Friday afternoon, December 7th, at 2 o'clock, at
the Commercial Salmi-Rooms. corner of Vocd and
Fit h .tree': will be sold, by virtue of s foreign at
tachment—the content. of Nit Crates of sunned
citirtlllll , are, which will be opened for examination on
the rooming of the day of tale. Term...m. l, Po fond.
10,000 Itala. BOOKS, at Anetton,
Letter and Cap Writing Paper by the Ream or Case.
Blank glemorandum Books. Frig Nab and Arnett
can Annual. Bard & Brother's Gold Pert.
on Wedrestlay, Friday end L.Seterday evening.
Nov. 29th and Mall, and Dee. 101, at the Commercial
Sales Rooms, corner of Wood end Fifth streets.
This collection of Books, probably the mogul:ten
tier ever offered in this place at public aale, are all
new nod warranted perfect—among which are Theo
logical, Medical, Lew, tinseellancons: Bibles end Pray-
Books of every descnption of sire and binding;
Poetry, History, Romance. Travels, Well, Adventures
and the Marna, Album& Portfolios, Books in rich and
elreant binding, suitehle for presents. Fine library
editions of Standard Works. For further particulars
please cell and examine the stock. Books will be sold
po 'Lively without rewrite, as the stock most be closed
im " medintrly Those who wish to purchase will please
rail soon. Books at private sale doringlbe daYiretT
cheap. DOVlpti /0/1.711 D DAVIS, skeet
VIERRING—no I in btils, end (o• sale by
nov24 ST UA RILL
B UTT no, l 2i lC—Roll and 1,41,j.t tees
DOTATOES—Reeeiving, and for sale by
I noatle STUART &SIM.
1101lACCO--20 bra, reee \ring
r mr ,
II AS-25 hf chests If U, ticeiving and for sale by
ligars—Z,ooo common, In store for %ale - o•ri ---
I novt.S - STUART & SILL
AWlNG—Mgp."omb., in store and for sale by
oortll SWART &SILL
riEPPRR-ID bags, in more and t nynorm ia
n for al
111.111 1 7r.0 bids nurions briairdit rtes a rind
r for lair by
CRAD CIDER-17 Ws z choice jt
ed for sale bs
' .; , 'vZ e • •0
• v
rt teed
DRIEDRIED PEACIIIO-15 mk s (nei ) jo day rat
for oda by
nor 21 • .•"
Fk:ATIIERS-3 sets received ..nd for male by,
qsobash Dned Dutch.; 75 bra V. H. Metre,
100 der. Corn Drowns: mat reed and for sate by
earner Liberty and Hand It.
Q 110T—I0 kegs sed, rued and for sale by_
1.1 nov24 A CULBUTSON
APLF. RUNE BOARDS-2 glz e a vaor
IT" oak by .nov24
QOA P—W b 2 (3 onion Csanle., reed and lot We by
RA . l=B-70 bee fresh. Teel aid Su l s . ele by
11SDER'S BOARDS-50 torts Chambersberg m
efactere, reed sad for tale by A
nose.% CULBF.RiSON
SUNDRIES—Eprom Salm, Alum, Chip'd Logurciod,
bladder, Indigo, Cloves, Nutme,oCUu ke.., LBERTSON . for sale by
SQALERAYUD.--00 bale Adam's, on nand and for sa l .
by novl4 I & R FLOYD
rtuFFEE-250 bens Green Rio, new crop, jest hind
ed end for Said by nown4 I R FLOYD
T EAS-20kf ehesis Y H Ye.;
lu Black Tea; superior qualitics, of
yergym, ous brande, just landed and for male by
i3ll a. a FLOYD
R 100OTArit SII-13 castein store lusd for sale by
13R00b/.5-35 doe in store *nd for sale by
D denni . J k It FLOYD
INDIGO - 3 demo. P,nael landed for sale by
nonal I k R FLOYD
SOAP—:S bzs reed and for &e by
nnv94 8 lc W 1igt.1341911
OAKLEY WANTED—Moe bit Barley 'ranted, f•
1J whieh the highest cash price will be paid by
-300 ha Cloverseed ainted by
(11LEAS CIIEFZE.—ZOO bra, a sapetiarardele,reCd
lj and for sole by novri 9 W lIARBAUGH
D LANTATION MOLASSES-200 bbl., in Fodor
L der, for sate by WM ItACIALEV & CO,
_nova IA and 20 AVolid st
1 , 0 O. BUG AR—WO !Ads In store and for sale by
. n 0 ,21 WTI HAUALEY tc.oo
RrniTE CLAY PIPF3-1613 b_xefotssleyy
E.EPIIAN'r OIL—So WI Winter, exert bleasben,
for rale by nov24 BAGALEY &CO
PERCUSSION CADS-1 pcopo each D,Maud
ltPu. just reed per ship Saneotud for by
nov2t 0 YEAGER, lea kctil•
?Intl - P-15 eases t .cotopriaing an mtdlesa eliiery,lttst
I teed per *hip !f.e..tiller, and far sale lose by
C TEAoER.lo3hinaket at
ACCORDF.ONSS eases ass'd: alma Rose
wood and Thony_ Wart Boxes mot Writing
Waal, of the best styles ever bravoli u the thy, just
we'd per ship Seine, and „ease* kor by
novAA I'EAO Utast GI
hhISTRUhIIiNrS-5 cute V 4,44towhi
J.V.L ; Goiter., and 1 easefitea any fluty
eel rec'd per alp Schiller, and for sale by
of Books.
1100111 for sobsenotioixof the titock - of Citi
zens' Insurance orapang, be re.
rT..; Exchange °Kee or a. D. King Konnit atreepen4d
Thunday, the sink dal of Decem ber. next, at 10 el ,
elect, A. M. noglT.tre .
l le E tx " e o ' altetef 71 d e e 'Cr "! 7 : 'i N g in e
Allegheny ity, tw g e thee.t tdeStoe es Engine he she
earn,.lie wall abo eell separately the Sawing sad
Leth Cutting Machinery to the um.; or he veal sell
the whole establiehment, handing, maallien
Terms will ha reasonable and accommodatiag. Far
particulars etmaire at the Saw Mill Whew wt Crelg
nose; oppoette the mouth of Kilhuck Allegheny.
novi7..dtewawS rt. CRAIG.
(*Tip - FISH-12 cask. dole.
nonal • • IS And SO Wood at
- tt,TOLASSES—sed Man and 60 entbia - 9 — H73aittoes'
In and Battle Gtonnd brand lh PS sale 67 •
nost3 BAGALErk CO
COFERti 100 bags prime / amen Rio, receiving am
in mare, for sale by
urn ay reed ...ud for sale by
. • nov23
umzfßantelton Fume., rust
(d'on .1111sybeny mime, and for kt by
Ibr Wet by
TTEMP—I3 balm Dew Route Keboacky Ilemp,
Co and for isle by,
novr.C.Slp ' A GORDON
PlAtebtargh Navigation and WI.. Imo
_ ram., Company.
MEETING of Ile Stockholders of the intaborgh
Nekigotiou•od Fun bananas Company, nil be
bald at .he office, No 21 Narketat on Monday, Decem
ber 10d, 1010, at I o'clock, Y. M.
oovO3-,d ROBERT FINNEY', feel.
erui,s —1 bu to store and for' ntle by
noc23 COPE lc BREVFOOLE, 109 Peeand at
i_MICKNY tiEdT FLOUE—OY As extra, store and
El for sa'a by tooPJ COPE & EREYFOGLE
EX ,, T . B.A . FLOUR —la abl. c reatar ß for
RE 71,5
UGAR-70 hhd. N 0, reed and for Yale by
/N ODW CiLtt-2111 xes ass , d Axes, to store,
T for sale by nor 23 bo &
fits-:00 bat old, for tab by
D RI no. D y I.F.I,
IANDLE , —.SO big joet reo'd, for lisle
novto 8 & W HARBAUGH
No 3 Osnebargs, for Pte.,
1J boat Docks, in store and for ale at W MpClin
tock•a Carpet. Warehouse, No 73 Fourth at. We in
vite steamboat rum to call and examine before parch-
Wing elsewhere. n0w.33
_Es Imreastment of Embomed and Tolle
Cover , can be f sor ound at V( htClintockla Carpet Ware ,
!loose, at sellaeed pnem. Call and examine before
postbag:as noTa
TA l'hiAkY OTCCLOTLIS—Reed this day at M
M'Clintock's Carpet Warebome, ne an
w d band
torne style:Farwell Oil Cloths, which will be cot to
nos. siXehalllasom be trecibule. no Al
ri Allt.f:AND fIANo CtitriFr.Fis—W.htgnintockiii
now opening the handsomest .SS.Orldnent of PiL'd
tooth Piano and. Table Covets ever offered in this
market, n which he invites the attention of parch..
m. novTI
0 men in call and examine oar lisiortnieni Or Trim
mint's, co we always have a twee ossortment o
Loc. Carpet Warehouse, No 75 Poor* sect.
I %1N! CA tri7l73ll—Ree'd this day, at %
ChntocieelCartiet Warehouse, N 0.75 Fourth st,
further supply of Carpets, of the latest and most ap
proved ruler, to which we invite the attentiou of
:Miami:mat men, and those wielimg ID furnish Houses,
to call and examine the largest assortment in the city,
which we will sell cheaper than ever tailore offered so
the western market, nova W 111'CLINTOCK
p1.' n .A..72 lb, prime for sale b 7
1; 11 GRANT
LoRISIGLI.X. LIME—t 4 bbl. reed by rem, toy
W. by 606 E/
1 IMAGER OlL—d bbl. lastreed and for sale by
li clorzt. 3 II CANFIRLI)
pF.ARLS— It bbis just rteNl and for sale by
Pavan., Incurs= tg 1919.
r 1119 is All article of great value to all persons en
gaged in bonding, or to those who havo already
boa, and are without window fastening. White it
forepaws a perfect substittne for pines and weights,
ot a oaring of at lent Saw each window. 'it aTordi
the safest fastetang that has ever been broom Into
The utility had Convenience of naii Spring over all
others, is, that by one thumb niece, both sash Of the
window etut be ruled or lowered. It requites only to
be known to be OPOorehttcd..,
Pentane withiax to buy we tizuCle or to have theta
put into then wtadoera, or the right of selling n for
connect in this State . , tatty appll w the atOntenben at
tho PERRY HOGS ? , on the legheny river, Pith=
barah, J. S. TURNER,
norttt.. Mmtiepp C. P. MAYO.
tireTilh.:3-150 Settet4 Gray mold fine 8.1
juttlandlog and for solo by
3 SCHOYEB, iio Snood It
Vat taming steamer
Newton, master, wilt leave fer Gal
lifio4ii:,:iinllC.ammeha firer, on Frikil,
For freight or passage applywo b ae „;, ~, to
- --. ..—
_ . ... . - .
.The oilendl it tateanr o,
Caldwell, master, will leave for the
ve and all Intermediate pens .
Fridy, the 30th 10 oleleelt. A. M.
For fmigh, apply an board, or to •
• .
The fine puunger steamer
Bityd.ty, , 111 , 15.1, will lean for the -
e above and all intermediate porta
this day ILlO'clock, A. N.
For freight and peerage apply on board.
nov3o . PETTIGREW CO. Agt •
Ar a i . 'The light drauxbr •reamer
• OE9E9EI;
Moore, master, will karts for. the
above and intennedinio ports on Fri•
'day. at 10 o'clock, A. M. . --
For fremln or pontoon apply on board. nov9o
- -
la,. The splendid steamer
Rogers, master, swill leave for, Minas
d intermediate ports this-day, %LID
t, at ID o'clock, A hi. •
For freight or paita age apply on board. aovao
The fine fast running steamer l ' . 1
01110, • •
Stoopa s master, willleave for the above
id all Intermediate landings this day, •
he 30th Inst., at 4 o'clock, P. PL•
s •
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
: nov3OAVMII WIIEELb:R, Leant.
_-- .
~,,,..' The splendid steamer -
Cos, master, will leave for the above
d all intermediate ports this d ity,the
30th Inn, nt 4 o'clock, P. hL
For freight or passage, apply on hoard, or To
n 0,30 - W D WHEELER, Am
~.,.. The fine steamer - - ' '...,..
Stone, master, will leave for above
_. ad MI intermediate ports this day,
4 o'clock, P.M.
For freight or passage, apply column'. nok3o
The splendid steamer •
Iltitellinson,msater i arill leave Mr We
veandintenandiate portstorrrow
• . .
t 10 o'clock, A. bL
For froißbt orOos•aps •
on board. norta
• ' The splendid (gat steamer
Lucas, blaster, will •Ithr - 1r
abase and all intermediate porSs 24a
day, the 27th inst., ht 12 o'clock, M.
freight orpessage apply onboard. nost27
Floe LotneviLL.E. '-,.
. ..
..,,,,.,,.. . The new_
and 'splendid fast pauen
. ger pae
No. I,
. lemon, master, will leave for Cinder.
Una and Louisville on Tuesday, the 271 k it at SO
o'clock, A. M. For freight or pagan. apply on bonN r
to . • BAKER & FOILSYTII, or
. . . .
The ilea andsplendid Passenger
satsteamer CINDEREI.LA,
Capt. Jas. H. Hadru, will hums Pitt..
bergh every Mendsy,Wedneliday an/ .
Friday, at 10 &cloth, A. M.
For freight or Passage apply on booroi lo
oet3l J N Aga
The fine steamer
Capt. Biggins, for Sanush every Moe
ay and/treble every Enda) , at
The splendid fast roaming WWII*?
Stone, master, will leave for above.
and all unermediate ports on Brant—
dli,Pße2reill'lV.Yra"w4sValt7.lkl'illeM.water. ..
For freight of passage,mp r • on b ooed, or :,
novln IG EIN a,
FOR CINCINNAT. ." -------7-.
, The splendidpa,
.:F d i n r.,, ,ter. ,. onll . enie po c u ar th unmy e 0 ...... .. 7
st 4 o'clock, F.M. .
F. , Odght ~ P.sze. apply, ocr boaid - .' .0,131.
• ‘'s3franwri &EITTis&Tm cin"
I "
.DAILv PAC.',(E'.•
LINE . i
i • , .
TILIS well k n own lie,' . I de'
Ors to otew compel,' c ' r " " a P....4"810 01d
Molted and fdluithed ' l s °ill' I ' '''E t "64'6 l''''
'waters of eho Iv., e htl. meet f owed boats ea tie.
„ .. livesy ee 0011.1.01iCiOliiusd et obi
..eng 4 ,.. T.. I, si procure, h ale been proildedbitpaaS
_ h „ „„" , ne has been non opetatton for fere plate
ro oo . th,
a . • rr
- million of people without thelemat try¢•
.„ .trrons. The boats will be at use foot of
, e „„ , p the day previous to starting, for the rcr
i . :....: teight and the entry of passengers on OM re si
4„. so all cams tie plutons° tummy meat OttPlO le
• • --
T AAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill,' arli
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morntegAt. Intkleeri
Wheeling every nhingsy evening at 10 r. 11. ,•,,
May W,1947.,
2101511 AT PACkET.
. . .
• The MONONUAID ca p e Sven, mill leave Plus.
burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
every Monday ever in at 10 r. x.
Vett bdirtaintkit: .
. . .
The HIBERNIA ;No. 2, Capt. I. Krancrarria,
leave Pittsburgh_ eve ry Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock;
Wheeling MIT Tot 141111 y eve St r. 4. 7
The NEW ENGLAND No: 2, Capt. S. Di 2, mil
Isms PittSbUip e•rery Wednesday mama' let
o'clock; Whec Inge very Wedneaday.evenlng a 101 X
T ti.VlCWAVlrreigat Ts
.The. HEILMAN/I', Capt.. GRade,,vill leave - Pier
bunch c V l!ty Tinned ay morning et lb o'clock; Whtelleg
every Maeda? eve nine at 10 P. K.
FAY PACitirr.
,The CLIPPER N Capt. Pro Dm!, will leery .
Pittsburgh cycry Flidny morning at loWeleek;Whe."
Int, even' Enda" , e. tering al-I0 r. rt.
SAMII/3DAY pAcacirer.
The hiESSENGFIt No. 2, Capt. 1. C. Wothronan,.
will leave Piltsbnr h every ninny ...Wag of 10 ok
cloak: Wheeling. • Frida lo
moth do; Ism reed and for sale by
• non't ' J CANFIELD
fyHIBKEY-26 t bbls Haw Whiskey, but reed
or Bale by , NVEZTON BOWEN;
nov43 40 Prone meet.,
AaTISTB , CANVASS—WO yds jati rea'd sad fat ,
ode by n 0•23 J KIDD & C 0,6 0 Wood at
ARTISTS' COLORS—IOO do. no'd, in Tolees. ma
reel 'lnd for ,ale by noyS3 J RICO} CO •
TURPENTINE—RO bbl, Int reed, or ode by
1.7 ao•Z
WI ARABIC-300 lb. josi reed uld fot bale by
nor .° 1 KIDD b. CO 110 Wood
Steamboat 'teeßaL.
fro.. IS . LAND rAcha:r .II be sold
at public mamma Mae city of Mee!.
AIONDAY, tile lath day of DI.
ember, IS40:
Terms—One fourth iv hand, and the balanne at 4,8,
and La months. with interest. 'ltaProtted negate/A.
paper will be taken for the deferred pap:meta. Bali
posture. • ' H. MOORE,
FLOUR -123 Obis ouperfre;
CO bbly boti 64318 and for solo by
no• 211 STUART k SILL
"DLICICAVIIEder FlAilat—trS seeks jest recur •
XI In prima order, and for sale by
noe'24 STVART & SILL
GREEN APPLES-11M bbls Grecs PAppins
10 " Razabos;
Yo ° Whim Catheacla
le Smith Apples; cbolee.
articles, received .d for sale by
n0r... 4 . STUART tr...SILL.IIBIVood at
- - -
I.,ARLSV MALT—Constantly made and fer sate by
.0 nes= . M B BROWN. ICI Lawny st
D rub for good Batley, army the
nova M B BROWN,
FLGOR—Zi 17; - bTatanibleion's Brans
and for late by
Pi - BEEN APPLE—No 1,1111 but reed and for sale.
U - by nortrl ARMSTRONG.& CROZER
Band KANh-1 bbls lu store for sale by
ACON. SLIWS 7 -4 — bas now Wading from steamer
Di Exchange, for vale by
nordS ISAIAH DICKEY* CO, Front at
LIEATIIEKS &.:AVOOL-48 oasts oinv landmg froas
Waffler LIC12•11,5010.114 for uhlf
- - -
Vit . 7I , SIV;TkEicIiirkPONGICI
Ina from reamer Exchange, and for nit bT
inmltoß Clam steamer rselmr".st
F6XSP. .
for axle by
of the Merchant"' atal Mann fee inr f at'Ai /dank,
Bank of Wittabargh Stuck. I '
porn • N. HOLMIN ta SO. -
RE.DuELI, Voyagetbirirm
Ili.tory of Ring Allie " d " oTrrigland,-by Jae6blAbb
with line regravlngs. ,
Sidonis the Sorettres by Wmt.Meinhold: •
.comer Third and_Mel met •
vjuus—a droned 1 oriiireetil - Wd fur • -- b1 0 1 —
A.A. nova
VIM — Snriirer and WV.. brothlel,
ret'd and for •ale by
nontl - ARMSTRONG & 911
00. - tfamt;,...slweligg'
• •
SUNDRIk3-1135 De Long Red Potatee.i, r -
tl kegs Mame; 1 '
5 keg. Lard; OIL coneliernent.l,
by eeY2l • . CRAIG t.sFir 4 Z:,
eaTLY.I-50 fu mOl
noY3I CRAM k 9Af RR
MACKEREL—to hfl,,t.N No 1 mszterei
", No d 11
R , “ 1 . 1 .11' from i11., e I', 11:lt ; br
ford I. 3:S n
Vitir g iUcK - .54 j ,10r
B1)liAY RUM, or sop.nOt-qoeAr i tr E g il
and Male, by
noleM a• Nirogistree
T)URE CUD LIVER 011ezRosbtrev. White
Liver Oil, for medical pa Vows, 1.'1 ,001 ..rd
sole by
17 LOCEIVS FERINA-10 bit for
;t l ,l gi t LER
fliuliACCO-71,1 bb s'., r.. ..d lblamV
k,rp No VG 311031
tvirisx RN. by &
nom ALISY 111/75
nit pleb paid fa
! : 44 0, 4