The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 30, 1849, Image 1
. • . , e 1 .. t :1 .5. ' .4" ,. --. `". • ', '''. ". " ' • e ----, -•-• ~. - '''• • -•-. • ' t *.' , , 4. ' • il e . , A-41, T I , _ , - F,. - TM A.,... 4, ...,,, ,yt ~e....::.. :r4 A' ' '..t. re: e. . , ti -' ,l rt , ' ' ' ...i , 1 ... . Ft - t , . l VOLI xl - ri iun ti R,TI IMP ntl 11849. ~..-d-, , ~.. ' 1 LI ... LA 1 i 4 D I :41784. , PITTSBUTIGH FRIDAY MORN] BUSINESS CARDS, A. r KAN Ao, Law Fonnhat • DAVD O. TUTTLE. /.TTTORNEY LAW AND COMMIRRIONEIC FOR PENNSYLVANIA, lle,LCicac. eeellllll cocoadificalions ifisomßily an.ssered. AR3ISTRONG dad Osaka's. in Produce, No. Y 4 • Matta siseet li que L ... . , L. ' ' der& itmiNErr, mom Y &CU, M a i oalacturess of e~a 1.1 Ask. Ilicachicd Powdso, MUltmla and Elllphextet Acids. Warehouse. No. Water street.' coviVily enrodaiis mictift,. mums. Rijn. B RAM & REITER, Wholesale and Retail Ding. palm, e sines of Liberty and 0). Clair etrecia, Pitw burg& Pa • • 2"411--- .12. VW:, • AIIOV. , CULIik:RTSON, Wholesale Geoceerse .and • infolsmoc .filerchcess, No. Old, Lsberty sbury L. P. ilcdli 13 A PiiilftittarOC. l a. Co., Wholesale and kte. tatl.Drogpatt_ comet Wood and tlth au. jyt 4 -- -4147.111:Tici ,t/Tlf.iii, ettoi-itelairLigiailtd ;I, 9.. J Is , door above Vontlmeld. aoyill Cos u. lA. /Paul , kL1DG99,91. D" ' - N 0.193 SPRUCE 9T99.Er; PIOLADELPIOAr noon to the C°',lll,V.°.z."ort.'ct°,l",'N','4'e,(o.lll A, And Pim:sues of the TONI/AT. Office boon: 9 A. 91,1 P. Al., and 7 P M. ... - Jon A- CLIO. , • •• • . rIBAIG 814,4NNER, Failiadlnt MerCildati ?I a:a Ilitke .1; ktcyr.o.umb„ AIeANULTV ic Forern*.l *fta c' a:l Y! ct '"N Dagneane SprimAsl . A. Co . , ii rnannf e ra actute of \/ Conn - nod tltpdc Spring and Plough 84..4 P iro!, kc. Warebonse on Water and Front ezents,Yataburgh. Ma Also, dealtna' Int Coach Trindoluse and - . 3 lleable' etla ' nu: • ' Orraci=nnidluda“ rue.rl;. bet Ween *Saeentla • • Strawberry N. I.l.—lbsease of the month, gurus and teeth timed Hconwopallneatty. .. • • sptla.d3rer. 34r121 113:3111. VNULISH BENNETT,. (late English, Gallagher JCA Co.) WM:deltaic. Greens, Comtruarton and yor 'nulling Merchants, and dealer! In Pr . uce and ruts ballot Manufacturna, Nri. 37 Wood al., °mean and 3d streets. SILO WI W. LIU. GRGE W. SMITH & CG., lire ,a t and Hop Healers, Plit et, Pittsburgh. npr.. comm anon ea4T orwnntin4 Ur Merchant, No. 20 Woodmen?. rittglourgh. my). 110/114 LlGAtillbru WACY - 0 - Kla. - .-. AM11...10N STEWART, snanunwtarer Hard Shistinga.Chreks, Reixcen street, city •o/ Ancrhenr. n0r.14,, • LEE, (+twee..., te — adurphT Loh) ‘N Tail er and Conkraiesioa Meretteal; lot the sale of iIISICtieLEI Woolens, Labuty., apposite ah et. febl7 vs. iw.a, BalUmore. • - -" . L.l. Ilocitgalt, trnvtaD W WII, t rkawi , , , - . , ... a. Calba3ololl, iotat A.. W.1LE. , 6, ) .• pBALD t ISUCKNOR,' Tobacco Commission Nor . chants, 41 Non {Vain . en, a. 18 North Vih es, hail. nosaKf • • LA. MAUL _ .Rb 7. MID. AHDY, ,JONES & Co, (SUACCBSOf II la Atwood, .1.1. Janes & Ca.) Communion and .Forwarding Mer chants, dealers. in Pittsburgh. Munotaerarett Clouds,. Pinaln_Lsr —. • ' - - wadi moan, re, ISMAIL MILEY a• Co., Wholesale Grocere,,Corn. mission Merchants, and dealers in Produce, lios.Zl3 Meter, rutdlU7 Front arreets,Piusb • ; wed ' /0 .11.9/01E1T1..201,411 D 11.11311. 1 8. DILWORTH...tea; W - hol e sale Grocors, Pro f, • dere wad Commiselon Merchants, ' and dgews torthe aszard Poridor Co. or N.Y,. No. ri Wood in, Pittahnrsh._ settl, TUIIN M. TOWNBKbiII, Drellmissed /trauma"' No. 45blarkel el., three deers above Mani et. ?thes e burgh, will neve constantly ott hand a well settled cc moment of the bust and freshest bledmiucaosidchist will sell on - the won M.:mettle term. ref Min., beading orders, will be promptly etteudedio, and s#Pe plied with antees they may rely upon as genuine.' ' Phytimans rrtscripuona will be accurately and snarly prepared from tho beet matermls, at any Lear of no day or rught. Al. (or sale, a largd stuck of fresh and good Perk sou,. jul3 dMWELL,:meuusellor La..—t.g. dee en'Fourtb se, above Stufedeld_ nutlblr" f . • CAN - I , lEliaatc Warm:l;o4la) Cenags aims lead Forwarning Merchant, and who'.esafie dealerin Wear.= Reserve earana (Lauer' rot and Pearl Mb, and %Veneta Produce gdnerally, \Cause use, taKereen S' . .mithileal and Wood, nasal:ugh! n pa JWIN WATT, (seneensor - 40TRonat a Rebhan) Wholesale' Grocir oad Cominsion Dierrhatut dealer barrodeten and Yo.tottoogtt AZioniuuttey , tot "Su r Nr* , ,urgl , 1 . 2 1 1 a1d13.'.6. to,a,-,-i.ianteaeonl io Lelrfil treadhioon b. do.? Cearawaion tdeeelou and Age=of the SL Lotus Steam Sugar Refinery. No. 41 anion' kndatt from tareets,l'hiabarga. 1 GUN 11: AMMAN ) %Yrnotussle, Drury., sad aced er so Dye Marrs, Plunn,Vits, Varnishes, to, N 0.113 Wood street, one door bomb of Discoed Alley, ntik -1 ATMS KED' Jr., (successor to Joseph 0. V Day:NEl2p Lissadlora, - ,76 Witter street oc.ll JLIMN IL Ittrair.ol4- 11 Tholcsale nodßecall deaa in !Susie and Musical lustruzuents, School Hoes., Yaw, Slates, Stoat rum, bolls, Primers' Curds, and Stationary gunerally,No. el' Wood at., rittaburgit. 117' Hags bought or taken iu trade: scpls I DCIIDONM AIWA -ft Coe Wl.lestdo Ihugguts, No. tt Wood street, Ptusburgrs. • t ra m p; krlS, ArttanFar, ”ra , er inland rnod liiiiiiffrigi W and Paper Plaunfaenders, tio. 41 Motet nt.„ Yaw bargh. tc z t r. F . Lo ... YD L Ap i te: i ale G i tece l f r t, a Cormalsito: utuireb Ltailai4s 4 , fronting onletii, Wood and ts. 6 weer, Viustnashi Pa: i • .• • • • • • myti " -- 41 Wholesale Grocer, Ccuunutalen /Iletehans, and , dealer in Produce. and Pitistiorgh illsrinfaesures. No.vt WiterSt., Pittsburgh:. ' rACOII VrEAVEIt, Ja., Wiiali..kteistl Deu s, kiln Foreign %Vines nod Liquorsotsid old Mon.- macula Rye Whiskeys, corner First tl Market sial _P2 Fchast l ,Talers i C _9:ll:fistac.g anti e r-cf;. sewed oracles, Canal )3isin, P/Lllllll =144 PIT TABU W:,hi =nor yeti , 1 11 superior 4-4 . ..thuestogs,, qtrpe Chain, 'Cotton wine end Itstlisigi' " " PLSO-1 ' Vt.:Mina iron Xs: - 1" ZWIII, Co,lntitial wren ofstllst• ses Bar, Sheet, Boiler trop 61111 @steel the hest quality., Watchcase, h 4 wafer end 1 front sa. . . L and , Wholesale ronor, Vomited. ant, Tesler In riva% buitrVanufatot Fe n cl ee Nos dl Waiej t~ , titt Front moats issa.r, , IL 101111 K. SAW KIWYNACIDY i6AWYZIA, Vermin OLAS§. Manalieutreot, aadadikddesais dealers .in . ,foressa sod domiettw Vericty.tsFcada. Vero= riqow.haitto, Pedlars and Others aro invited wealland e %amino the prwes sod goality emu steak, to without present inercasealseilrues WwwwigOor tog and pare/owng, We think are eon offer as, great iodieethents to buyer, at rTy other Itiouse yreet of ibe ant. "k (=lt ilicKW/SON • Wad sale Grodets,..aud • I • stn. comerlll"kmpost BeViii - esTE BasiseiTh No. burgh, /74, cof Liberty and 1 • i riA. burgh, a. Iron, Nails, Oolton Van* .lic eon. stabil) on band. , 3g14 .-- Jilll.ll wow rag. IJ. Waal. WALT. C. 1111/.. eG11.1.2 k RAF, Wboiesuio Grocers and ,Commis- O,rcpen ehunts, NC. 194 Liberty v., Pittsburh, 1.5 varilY, WILSON & CO., (law Jones, blimp,' & MCo.) 'Wholesale Dealers in D-y Goods, No. de Wood streer, rinsbitres. ' Al nor= • SYLL R ix, . , corner of root °dice Alley and Woordtstreet, entronFe on 411. [Mat arta. • -,- • deed-alit . 16T -0,1 • AND AXLE FACTO • .101111 T. Wlefl. ' - • JOISZIS f. 4 13 / 00, MANVFACTUILEIW of spring -Wig Oster 'plank steal, steel plotigh'soblg , eolith and.eltp; tt rpring,basanitrd iron axles, isisnal; !sable Caelnall, fire suigina jpcaps, COILth trierreingip ig.lll9l,,oraer agues and f ton ere, PI 'tat,, le LIM. a BUN, No. 15 door from comer of Four! amA Domeenc Bilk of Exchange; i n, Lank Nos. arid S,perle. ' • - • LT Collections . mad •on ill the principal cities ihrousbou the United States. • • d."' NNIIIICIChIASTEB, hu Pouts hthrt—Ottite, FOU third how above Bmiihrteld, south • arrhyszeing of all kin& dotne with the rm.". Ca. WlGseptraey. hhht }Awe exatuthi, hos. .BoSeeta, Sd. D., (trnielatic SURGEON, will attend to thatfeat• moot of Diseases of the Rya • •• . K. hot S.a engaged to this branch of tho modl .eet profemaion for sateen years, and ttu condaeted tm aga phahment for thoOtatment of direasea of the ey,e .alone lot esearal Tears. 01/otaa and reildenee, 'comer of Saadaski at had .iedeserbonl alloy. ' , Raabe-ay city. aetl3 • • PRUDUCC Grocery, tlartatatium and Real j.ftefer ial• that'll: Co. nurtuOck, -2P r .4 . ti . ap j k:P p , . l .Ltio tn. ee: l Nla t rie and Hand, ham norm DI the Pluto, thimir, and I n Vacal Macao. augtaidif o—tigglb — WlEKlNOlX.l4=tlia — u near Wood—dll quainitiem of Graan and Black 'Pow done ap qaarier, PkcW, end po 0 .2 for Pekin et a4 5/114 "i'g r"." P C .'" o. d Aim • - . „, ?% =.0: 1 *.0.. 4.... vs ...elated THOMAS , Li. Lt.,,, t.,,withilieeolti bouneis, the Whole ,, ...,.,,n., Produce and Comeau!. boa wi will' be eibieweed as danol once, dm firm of ItobiTod, Li t . - e I d . 1 . 10 ,.E o d,l . r 11.1. .te6o., l o o: ln L iberty iirtiu _ ritt ,„, ur o, Vlitioledide Ofiree Prodoee wad' 4,.....,i0d 3lerehaind, lend dealers In pimbint, Jrl Itlanotactste.; 11 l. A 1.1 . M.i. LLYI-11• Ito.l. ....T.--r--. Reediv74 of Fo r rei u g "' adlt=d ,f‘a. and Iddoore, No. II t,illorty street On kldld fiery . tvgo stoolt euperide old Monongahela ',kasha,. Wad, will be wW l o w aplddy atlas g,g.jiEF.., forwarding and Coatmludou xt, Al“cbante,, Or the Alletheny Biro, Trade, deal •Ge,,eorice, rodUno, /Wabash Maddattarca an and Chloyido of Lim& • Thh Mete ttprloes, in casbondol an times for MA.: EtkaT, MIZELL, & Co., Wholemala GlnCesiN Cotaddielon sod Porgranhng Idenhanuk dealers nce and Pitudmrsh Manntictatea, Ltheni -;t, Pitlibority Pa. • •••CARDS Tyart A - 7 — c trAiSidiak, orocer 4.%, Dealer la2roelose ruttl rquharell !llanefrieterer, % , ..144 ertr'ge ' ' " •CaIIACKLETT WHITF, Foreign and Dooseatie Dag Goode. N 0.09 Wood rt . iiiiaboreg . . . o 1 i Id.eeFoas a nnr V d:ea 7z T r .N.3 o p Ltl ten • . V crratimg nr,prito... • :owllfi licit TL 60 4,11, m L I,ltkrrty n; Pitusburrh:. ,verro'n,l,itigked and Lard 17 F. .VON Ii(LINIIORST, & Co, :Wholesale Oro. . Forsranling and Commission Merchants, ~nlers in Pittsburgh Manufactures turd Western Pro- Mee, hoverer:loved to their new warebouse,(old stand) .N0,..3.5, earner of Front IL and Chancery Lana . pitriTy - a Wholoooln Grocers and sioo Merohonto, and dealer. it Produce. No. :33 'co.O rittobanth4 : te2.l .91 SOTO& SCOTT, Wh',lnside and Retail delvers in Room, Shoes, Tsmka, Carpet Bag", he.. S. W. darner at 4th and Smithfield sta. Putattnrah. Pa to:: • ---.16-ddirWiricArEll, . . WSIOLMALE GROCER. Iraporier of FOREIGN WINER, LIQUORS and CIO/at?, de` im' ii Old Moroligaboli Ry WlRskey and Pittsburgh Mon Ufsetureir,comtrof Marko/ and Poo no. SW/CHM iartielts annulled at market rotes. octM i.' RIVPGILILLTRACE, A 110Lk4ALE'GROCKR'S, ter:crin - 7/1/ . .__TILLERB, mad WINE .6 LIQUOR MERCII os Also—linsporters of Sada Ash anti ftleashing Yokdar, N 0.160 Liberty la, (opposite Sixth a Pato harah. • • , . • Mx k IN'CIaiDLEBS, laocoesaors to L. fa J. D , Wick , Wholdzale Grocer., Forwarding and • COmmbraluo Merchants, dealers in lion, Nails, lases, lArtt4n Yunts and Pittsburgh hlanufacturis generally 14Stur , uf Vaud sag Nirturs .treets..Pitt•bursh. W. WALLACE, bhll stone and Mill Ferree!. lag eetablishment, N 0.244 Liberty Pl., tear the vir w.wtLSGN,wnencr,Jewelry,thlecr Ware, 7V o and Ithlaw7 Geode, comae of hlarket and Ith • et Ptosbures, Pa ,N. B.—Watches end Clocks LWEST BOWlZi—Coranussion and Forwarding 91erebani,tio.90 Front it between Wood and Market amen, &WA, vtrjr..24capli!=aala int 'Kemal deiferrn cornet of .bliWket ' olid Fourth -1:47 "'Ls' 7t'a_l9h;7l. =O. SCUM. .a n f i.. °17 . 0 . 6Zi. ah. dc.rDealer. lealher bides, he: •I V .143 Libtrtr ent.leccirstsoze. • • • Mat. ICCITIVII/Olt• & It. SIVITCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, des , V lers• le Prods., Iron, lielle; Glass, nod 'Prtts. burelOdesisfasturee generally, 152 Libert7 et, Pitts ded Ntr Azvookr - e—lv,V," , 4otiur a irt 01! BALERS IN•IUDE9 AND LEATHER, Morocco, W c l pc ..l leg trees, hove priving lam amitcorat of articles irt t.tgr lino, to e tiC election orpurchasers it incited. • PSTTIOILEW £ 00. STEAM BOAT AG EN-TN Ant's AI: Atom & Co, , ise i g n" No. 44 Water meet • worm p C CITT itr) MITITtr! • . Tit HE Mutual LBO load licanh Insurance Company 1 of Philesie_lphia,ilnceiporated by th e Legislature of Pennsylearim, klitreh, ISO. Charier perpetual. Canitil.llloo,oMki Ratio Leiria THAN a= Passau. Visalia Coarrovr; and fall Di per cenb lower than the usual rates of Life Insurance, as the following com parison and "howl Thee, a person of the age of Ti in leering for WOO Gar life. mast pay in the Gimrd 42,30 • Peortsylminia, 6236, Peuu Mutual, R 2,36; Equnanle, 11d,04i New England, $4,26 New York Life, 42,30; Al. hi on, 5.1,46; Lite and Health, Ph [holdalls, 01,01. Dutherorm.--Satimei D'Orriek, Charles D. Hell. W. I , ..Barinc, Robert P Ring Chaste. P. Hayes, M. W. Baldsont 1L Sl:Reeve, ht. D.: Chita 0. if Campbell, ' - Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Backer, E. H. Baler, Edwin I R Cope., President-4%20ne! D. Orrick; Tlee Prof. de nt-/-Itsibt. P.tecretery—Franem Bieck bu rue. applicationawi lD4.; ll be received... 4 every informatton - given by, • ,--- SAML.FAIINII3TOCIC, Ant, (Kee, commercial Room., corner of omit-oily . _ . Wood and Third Mg Pittsburgh . I." Ili `,.-,!, • INSURANCE.' .- (. 1: . A,,'(1 1 4` z . P ri?,74Erar l iATATtoVe D •" 'it, :NY OF HARTFORD, CoNm. A cirdasorthism ta 1925 lust Premiums, Capital Stock, and Surplus Pend, 1111, 00,000. T old and retmonsible Company continues Is I. sue ;Miler. au Um soon favorable terms on Damian; Alotioes, Household Fhtitital_r,fitares,,..Stocks of Goods, Warehouses and contents, Mills and Manifactories, -Ike. he., against LOSS Oft DAMAGE RY FIRE. Ahle, on Goods, Wares and Merchandise. against the nitwits of 11.1...9 Thallitorte2lol, and upon the Cargites of Sea Teasels. . The Plotection Intorance Company having, to the last Erma paid wale tauten" or nothoto at their 'it.. ofterietee thsonshoet th e Untied Stares sod die Brit Provlnma, have esimblislied • Pia repetanan far selvency and fur dealing, which challenges emu- Fasion with any , o th er insurance company.on the, contheent of Among. .The,ennered extract room an article en the "object Or Insaronce Companies, taken Boa the otiose York Day Book," exhibits briar the -elan Mg and policy of the Calumny. .7 . te Ilioneeeduten t of the ancient and always pm.. Pelves city of Hartford, kayo far half • <tunny been famine throughout the Union for the care, discretion, Matti hotiegry,tind unvarying suceess, with Wlueh they have formed and managed corporal... of this de sertotion. tiollartford Bank Or Insurance Company has, cede failed'? 'Thebes Companies have for."ford ,thati a whole generation Scanned their maks in near ly OM 15tate Of the 'Chien, sod have never haled to pay the team:aerobia lessee which they have insured airmust." , , / • . ik ! d, Lasse ,u va be.p riiin . ta p w .w. peitie . les d , n, iss d isod p. h d y . the , th :n G te n. r. • .1 c Agency olfice,l located at cincionau, O. A large po on of the fonds Of the cries (inelading all p rims received at the Wertera grencies,l is de• po zed with the General Agent of the Company at C howl, force pay mein of Western sine Southern lo a. Applyto .. ~ . PAYET IT BROWN, gentler itte city of Pittsbargb, and for Allegheny Who PIMUISTiVILMaIa Company a Iltsztescs as Lome ast,Glulttme !to xcirox. lE brat I..tfe itumiatuya Company in the U. States I. imorparoted Match 100812—eh. ter perpetael. Capital sso3,ool:l—ellpaid to.• I stymie aatluilltedtbe allderettnedto teeetto apply ' mu ova for huturettee, on whieo policies will be Issued secoMing to 'their. proposals and sates, which wall be, main known to appbeants .1114 omen,No i'6 Wood Cl. .aptt - • .• .GEC COCHRAN. WISSTSSI IfIAUSISCH Cu PAM OF PITTSBURGH. - 1 - CAPITAL $lOO,OllO. J. Etassr,Jri - Ser.l. 1 It hi.throut, Jr., Pres't Will mastre atert, hut all kinds of sake, FLEE AND MARINE. • ALJAlnases will be thornily actiosteli end .promptly pfd'htnno institotteri—cannneed by Diremin who are will known In thenomman w. t , kand who nre detarmlit qr prosoptness and to Maitattht the char y which they hare twain as offering the , beet p featly:l;*. who desire bo Insured Drancross — R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Slack, .1. W. Boiler, N 4 Holmes, Jr:, Wm: B. Hoban;C. Emmen, Geo. W. Jolekson, M. Lyon, Jas. Lippmcon, Thos. X. Lltca,Jantes 111'Aeffny,4t.lez. Thon Scott Omen, Na 39 Water street, rwarehotust of Spans 'aIHE GEL/MARE MUTUAL. SAFETY INSU 'LANCE COMPANY.—Ofhee, North Room of the ' change, Third Wens nth' *table. f er a, *erehrchec and other P or antnoaro by u Ste at , t Sawa hitlest onreZtun. " • ges And I F= Ti Tr a elt i rfe: miler open a al policies, as site attuned may &dm stannTasosroarallone"ThaY losttrcot , crettno• dine Inn:sported Eq Wagons, _Railroad 'Easy .Canal nut kid Steam Edits, on . niers and lakes, make • • •.t Lhenl • - - Lem& • ' ILLECTORS—Joseph H..Scal, Edmond A. Semler, J hn•C Davis,litiliartßOGon, John R Penrose, Ramo e Edwaills,Geo G Lelper, Edward Darling-ton, baseDavis, Wiliam, i• Davis, William, Falwell/Joao Nesirlin,Dr R &I Hus. James 0 Hand, Th.:Ml:tilos Plorldmag, H Jones larooka, Haney Sloan, It Cratg, Geoige Spencer Brellealo, Charles Reny JO Johnson, Nil I m. Bagalay,Jao.T. Liolfan, • ; WILZIA.BS MARTIN, President. Ei.teuslio S. Masora, Secretary. .117' office or th. 'ooMriany, No. 42 Water street, usborgh. ' • fulSold P. A. MADEIRA, a gent. ruft mit) PIAEINY INSIUILANCI3.. 11 1 11 E 'INSURANCE CO. of North America will .g. make permanent and liented Insurance on pro perty la this cityand vicinity, and t.O shipments ,by Canal, Rivera, Lates t and by Sea. The properties this Company are well Invested, and furnish an avail. able land for the ample indemnity of, an persons wt. &arra to be promoted by Insarance. mita Whl. P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water at. . . - 15P134/AITY. Prisnilias Fire lemma. CO. of Philadelphia DtRECTORS.--Charles N. Rancher Themes Ilan, Wagner,Santhel Orem ,Jacob R. Smith, tree. W Richard!, Mordecai P e enwis, Adolphe E. Sorte,DatqdS. Drawn, Morrisarson. , Cuarnais N. Manama President. • I Charles O. Beecher, Secretary. Continue to make imam:tee, perpetual or limited, de cam description of property la town Or COUalky, at rates amt low as ore eonsiment with secanty. To Compudylame resented a largo contina eat Fond, which with their Capital sod Fremantle, saWy invest. eel abed ample protection to the smeared. I The ahnits of the company, on January Ist, 1842, as published agreeably to an act of Aimetably, were on follows, viz: blerlatlit" 51,047,430 41 ael) &LUZ 01,724 83 TatopartryLoara, 96,u111 155 8 . 0 . 5 . ........ ...... . . 51,510 Y 5 , • , 32.441 • • to et, second milers in Foreign cites of Depot . . 51,1rti1,922 71 ration a csgiod of 19 years, they Sm"*Cir thCC'T'° r f ar hundred tho ee us -evo paid upwards of one mil ton o end dollars, lossenby fires tberkbP If die solveninges of tasarance, well as the lu,a• eel with prompt:mem all habil... e ; '9 dsPd"th''' o GA RUIN Elt .OFFIN, Agent. mariidly • °Mee N E COn'er Woad and ad et. kOELAW - air.• X uTuntafisuriwa cr. co. I A. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for Me Dela. sV. ware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp:my of Pbatl elpida... Eire Ride Main buildings and altrobandmi 9 r .T. 7 description, and Marine Risks upon hall* or Outgoes of remota, Rikes upon ate moot fil.101211!C IetTIUL: • 1 tEr Of.ce the Warehoise of W.D. Holmes Dm, no wileroltar Market street, Pittsburgh. saes.. of this Company since the mutt,• lishmera of the. Ar °any in thir nay, with the pitrapt nest and hberskity with which every sham upon them for loss.haa beta adiumed, fully outran, the agent in barbing the coetdence and patronage of his friends and tbu catrattanity it large to the Delaware M. S. Insu rance Company, whlleikluts rue additional advantages hs among the most flourishing In Philadel pMa—aa having an ample paid. capital, 'Adult - by the operation of Its charter te constantl 51.M15, yteldlag lo each person unwed ids due share of the profits of dm company, without involving - him in say respensibilay whatever, and therefore as passes/an, Iho Maenad Prinekide divemort.of every obnoxious fca ialo, and in Ras Una.. form. nook HOTELS FOUNTAIN lIOT,EL• LIGIIT BTRE'ET BALTIDIORE 7000 ♦xo TIMESTON, rito4lllFol. ... - , - aTHIS eatahlithment lona and widely known as being one of the moat romniodinua in the city of , linlttmOre, hit„ recently undergone eery ellen'. • • • - Sive rthenalons and improvements. An enure new wing has been added, cmtmining numerous and wires sleeping' upartinentt and ertennive bathing rooms. The Lathes' department has elm beencompletely storganierrk and he np in p tee it endive and beano. fel style. In fact the whole arranaement nf the Bouse lane been remodeled, with a single eyeon the port of the proprietors. towards the comfort and pleasure of theist:nen., and which they corthdeally , mean will 'eh:thecae comparison with any Hotel in the Bubo. -•• Their mirth siways be supplied with evert avb stanial and turniy which the merles effords, served up In it superior ntylei while in the wayof Wines, Ice they will net hr surpassed. In cOnclunini ne preprieton bag to say, that notntne watt It led nudesran their part, and on the patent their asststanite to render thin Hotel worthy the continued paironage of their friends and the publte generally. The pricer for boutd have also been reduced to the Tollossing rates: I I Ludic,' Ordinary, E 1,73 per day ' Gentlemenhi " lehD hir B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will ar• way. he found at the Coe and SthatabOa Landing% convey baggage to and from the lintel, free of chatg.. ..Phf LAEARTINE HOUSE, e 7.11 01 rOVRTII •rto attaar mourn, mrtmelen. TISE, sobscribet respectfully announces that ae has now opened his new, and excellent Hotel r the accommodation of travelers, boarders, Fad tie public generally. Toe honor and furniture 'are:comely new, ond no pains or expense have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable and Ptelsant Hotels in the city. Tho sabteriber to determined to deserve, and there. forq solicits, a shore of public patrononee 01114-41 y JACOB HOUGH. PTOneloi. UNITED STATES HOTEL, 10011a25 A.ND nrta ISM. IPPOSITE , Into Dank of the United States, Phila. delpLia. N. POPE NITOITELL, prietor. moral Pro LAW OFFICES JOBB n.AuLrisini, A ITORNEV and Pounisellor at Law, and Coronae. A eioser for we Strito bf Pcsinkyleaola, Sh Louis Ma (la" os Pitlaborgh.), liarell‘CSlL—Plitalsorgh: lion. W. Forward. Munro lon tr. Miller, .M'Candless S M'Clure, John K Parke, Semple, hi`Cord k Kink. 12141.1:My barso. 13AILID BTBII.II/ETT, A TTORNEYS AND COUNDELLORS. A LAW, „t 1 Fourth street, between /Dewitt.ld and Grout, P.. _ IEIS • MCI z L LAII6E 6 FRIEND, TTORNIWS AT LAW, Fourth hither, near Grunt julhof ` - TAIKE'sB. - HSttl -.. VTTORNEW AT LAW —Office on Fourth at., be /1. seems Smithfield and Grunt in, Pittsburgh. • •Offidly WM. TIMBLI:ii t ATTOUNEY AT LAW, • Butler, Pa • TATILL also attend to collections and all other bast- Ty a...entrusted to in Butler and Armstrong <sondes, PA Refer to L Pe. R. Floyd, Utterly at W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. My Kay I Co.. Wood st J ionS j B. OWEITZER, Attorney at Lass, oak, ad st:. opposer Inc. Charles lintel. Pittsburgh, Isle slim attend promptly to Colieettontin Washington, Fayette - and Green encodes, Pa. REFER TO - litackstock, Fell h Co., Church & Ca.-whets, }.l'nmlturgh. D T. Morgan, c.Chlly - - -,- EJ. 11f.7.1FY, 'Attorney and Count-altos at Law, e Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohm, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commiisioner for the &ate orPent , - sylvan's., for taking Depositions neknowledgmems, he. he. . Reeks to—lion. Win. Dell aSon, Curti*, Church & Carothers, Win. Ilaye, Plzq., Wlllock De Dar,. aMi HATS, CATS- AND BONNETS. AFALL FASHION FOR RATS. Me CORD & Co. will introduce this day —.I. Inmarday. Au; dithd the tall style of Gentlemen, Ilam, comer. of Ftfilt and Wood arrsm ang2s fI , CORD & CO., (danceisors to M'Cord & t ang) Falb tellable Llattor'sto Corner of Wood acid Fifth Streets. rARTICULAR attention paid re oar Renal Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Iles and pia from onr estallistonent of she war MAIM/Ltu and , wolixooacr, of rho Ltlteif and as the talWirl rams. Country Merchants, purchaane by wholesale, are respecrfally invited to call and examine oar Smek; ar we can any with confidence. that as regardomemirrs and numb i t will not alarm in a compazumn wall any house in Philadelphia febl7 .44-IILATS,--12 dos water proof Cal. - or:11a Ram, fait remiseACCO d and Itsf sale by RD Co, 114 , 27 corner bth and Wood al ECEM ' IN/SPRING PAISELIONS _ _ AMORY" & Co. will introduce on Sara. rilliday, March:hi, the Spring style of HATS. Those neat of a neat and Isparta ha, are incite to at corner of sth ad Wood streets. mane SBRING BONNET RIBBONS, &e.—W R Murphy Aso o open a supply of spring Bonnet Rations, of new an d handsome handsome styles. Al-n, new sti pto le Bed Nero; L.A.,. an d E s t, inss; loron ods; Victors. do, plant Manna ad j!icemen!, castiroulead Son , * ?Sunhat, &e: Data, a hose assortmeut en:Opting Goods geoesulty, at north east corner ith and 54 aliet strata. Wholeade 14.421.1 ap stairs. ape. •=lO FtiRWARIOG & COMMISSION. 11.101 6 LILL TUART & HILL, Grocers, and Produce and Cron. 0 'uttssart Merchants, No. Ito Wood et: Pittsburgh. Dears; On ri,o , ortes, Flour, Whoa , 1110, 00a;Corn, Rot or, Pork 1500011. Rubor, Lard, Cheese. Clover, Tai I nany end lia Seeds; Iron. Nato, Blass, trx. he he. 1' annular attention paid to the sale of Western Produce. Raataarcta—Mcsors. Myers & Hunter, Rohe Dol. dell a Co- Mtalls.& Roe, Contour& Sash 4 Co., Janes May, Kota a.noorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner a PP3l:llan, Massillon. Jolt S. ;Morrison, Es q., St. oplthlY rodscoash late oiN. Lisbon. o — w e. SILIONOIL • • CRAIG I. SKINNER, fIENERAL AtokuNICY, Canuniaion and Forward- Ing.Merchants, No. .1 Market , Prashargb, Po ID•Proapt attention given to the purcha.c one rale of rui kinds of Prod.& .11.00,111.—.101.1 %Voila Co., Morphy, Wilson d. Ca. Piaanargh, Pad Lawson it 1101, Mahlon Martin, Wellstiflc, 04 John 11. grown & Co , Gregg, Ettlos P. Coi. Pkilarlelphsc B. W. Sotalgtoos & co., Mega h. yore, New 1.1.b05, 0.; Fr. Skinner, Hon C. D. Coffin, braannosi J. Y. Youngstown, 04 W. L Stnn• dart. Cleveland, 0. anal GEORGE COCHRAN. Conn'orlon and Forwarding ilerohai no. ld WOOD g 10?MN0E.t4 to truitmet a general Commission 1/1121. l.Jnem, mpeciallysu the nurchnse and sale of Anteri• can blastuturtium and Produce and in receiving cod forwarding Goods consigned in itts este. 40 Agent for die blartumetures,ho Wdl bo constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Alanufactnre or the lowest Abotestdc prices. Orders and consignments ore respectfully , coliCimd. Venn Machina Shop - . WIGIIViIAId--Ilentfaeturer of a ll kinds of con. ;JUL. ton and woollen ranctincry, Allegheny etty, Pa The above works being now in roll and successes.. op- I amprepaled to ester. 0(2 . 1.73 with dispatch for all kinds of machinery in ay line, each as wilinws, pickers, opine/tem, cards., grinting neekL r, snimays, drawing Imam speeders, thioasds, loom, woolen ensile, double or amain, for merchant or contary work, mules-Allege, reed slide and hand lathes and tool, in gen eral. All kinds of shelling made to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or milli at reiminntile charge. Ituela no—Kennedy,Childs ls Co 1311mkstoek, fr.. lb ., King, Pennock a, Co., Jae. A. Grain Jll.onongrattalw Ltwory Stable. .61:2ROBERT ' 11. YKITPASON has opened the large stable on Fan et, Tanning through to Second at, between Wood and Smithfield rla.,in the rear of We Monongahela HOLLIe, wah en entirely near neck of Homes and Carriage, of the best quality and linen styles: Flames kept at live r in the heat manner. jr±ltv FOIL GIISENWOOD GARDENS. The steam boat A. hIASON4 now mos from Ore Point, foot orui.ny .truel, to the Gar n—leaving at V o'clock, A. hg nnd at the beginning of each hour anal P. Al. l'i-ours may rely on tooling the boat at the hour. Sho lt• "vs the Gatdcn, the Imo op trip, at 10 o'clock. TM. mason last advanotog, and those wishitot = to • omit Ibis delightful retreat, now' an the time to spco.l a few bears, me. in the smoke and dust of the cos, but in a pure atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance of lower. All kouls of refrashmenta, except intoxicating &Inks, are kept on the premises. Greenhouse Plants, and Gourmets of choice GOIWCII , for sole. Closed on cau dal, 103 JAM (O-Change of landing made on accoola of low was •• BOMA& GIGO B.MILTENBERG ER S. H. AOENT, ,:Forwnnllnn and Cm:mown Mor n hant, has remoieJ to No. ni Front, between , Wood nod Smithfield •street, tt:: a Ihr'..'TjlrS'ndoonlr. :rW P]o, sonroto e rtnnc co YOrl rm ' W ar Ung such arnelos, RIC /Honed to call and SLIAINE S ATKINnONIO, lat. between Wood Market no licasina Brick Works for Sale. T il W tili a li , :e , ji , bez b o ov lre .n rs i i .. o , r w a , li n e . , „e tli . e:T , i'ig l . r t : i ll g lCh. :. Swam thigine,kliholers,U klould Nlaciiinc, capahle of fee a r t ...Iva/0 Pressed Wicks tout of dry cmy, us tuen froertthe bank.) per d.iy ; with three titres of land on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kilns and sheds, machine and clay sheds, wheelb itrOiaiii, tracks, shoves, epodes, Ar., every thing renovate to eon,. curare operistroiS at an hour• 11001.0. PriCf. Including ine patent right to Owl said machine, WlSP—terms of paymnin mune easy. Withutit the land, SALMI For particulars, address 11EN it l' NIIIIIRITT, augz:-41( No 119 klonongsbela /fenne._ - ' Dliltili APi D iiiiiiiiilSlo-0 illit Dltlir• A FULTON, Dell and flora Founder, him re huilt and commenced business et Ids old stmid, where he will be pleased to we his old cilatOrti erg and friends. Clweli,Stesmbout. and Della *revery size, from 10 to 10,1Aill pounds, east from patterns of the most. pprov edmodels, and warranted to be of the hest materials. Illineral Water Punips,Counters, Railing, ix., ioges Oired i thee with every ',artery of Dress Castings, II rtg turned and firlthed in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole proprietor of 11/Lauer's Arrn-A-rrso on Mewl.. u, justly celebrated for the reduetion 0 1,100011 in maetuncry. 'thin Doses and Compositior nsit lin bed .+f hint .1 lii utnnt. ja2o,ly, filiaPiTlPiG PAPER—.nano resins of rt PrinUng so , Book Paper, a superior studs. Assoed size on hand. Any size made toebrder atshOrtairt node' Oneil . 5 C DILL, fri Wood SI COPARTNEUMPS. - . . Dissolutiosa of Pattisotsktit& hIU'FITALCOINSEITIbIa item the firm hereto. LP fore ex ottnetinder the 'mi. of 131ISHFIELDlo LEADER., hes been dissolved by 'leery Leader ing las enure interest in Reid firm to Jotin McGill. All business connected took the firm of Bastifield & Lead will be sruletr by U. 13. , linshfield C 0.,. oho are dely authorised to make all eollectiows and silion ell - & LEADEK. Phisburgh, Oct. T. MD. • N. 11.-8. B. BUSITFIELD R CO. will continue the wholesale and retail On Goods and Grocery business, at the old more room. No. Liberty st, where they Rill be pleased to base their friends and customers call end examine teeth stook of goods. Darn $ OUgIIFIELD de CO. 011•Sefiatignk• ~ t Fiß Puttnembip of the =devolved, .uude r the firm of Iloghley A Smith, was dtssolved by utun.l consent on Nth September, W. Bagaley_porehoui the interest or.l. FL Smith, who -retire, The begin o( the firm will be settled by their scrteesson, WM. keguley A Co., at N 02.18 and Nt Wood et W11.21.1aill• BACiALEV, -, Pittsburgh, 022 I, 49. ISAAC R. 9211T1L CH-PARTNERSHIP.—Won Regale,' elated with him Wm. H Woodward of Phradolpht /ono S Cosgrove , and Ralph Llaraloy of Pinol - rlra will continue the Wholerale Grocery Batinoss,al No Id and OP Wood at. under the flrro of .1177d.11AGn . LE &CO f i ni•burgin Ind HAOALEY, WOODWARD Oa; Phil.d' oew Dissolution et Co-Partn•nhip THE co-psrtnershop besetofota ettbning•bot reeen the subt.rthers, under the style Of Brown A Culbert son, was dissolved on the Ist Lust by @MORI eo,serd M. IL BROWN, • A. CULBESTI4Oti. The subscriber sr di Corampe the Wholesale tirOoce ry and Comml sloe Llosiness. us be rev:dareOahe old mod; 140 LlbertY tl• oelA A. ell'".slA.9-r1 NNW .at — PROPRIETORS OPTttti PITVBHURfIII ALKALI WORKS, are now prepared to furnish a warms article of Soda Mb and Slartatie 'Arid, Persons wish; 11 . 14 . to porch., either ol the above artlelei, F areva• onircil toe s d on ISAAC WALKER, No. 13 fifth end loans the snide, before purehaah. elsewhere. N. o.—The Soda Ash manaaetured at rneatllth mrn ' is greatly superior to sup other brought to ROI market. p2l —04.. aTIL‘SoI. IC AllFg/IR ATAcussoni, _ der. , "imams Wale ago Hamer, Prrrencnon, ....671141.1E so manufacture all kinots of (ROPER, V TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Mark. small Work. Stmm Boats MLitt to order. Spectal attemico given to steam boat work. ' Have on hands %fine assortment of Copper and Brava Kettles, Tin Ware, Steamboat Cootingeltoves, ortablv Forges, maims slue— a very convenient as- Stole for steamboats, California emigrants, or roll road compaies. o wonld tel invite steam boat men and others to call and me our articles and poem before purchasing elmerbern. IFi — Dlooolatien Parts...hip, Tits copannership of HENRY HANNF.N A EO.. formerly /immesh Moller A Co., in the Window a d Colored Glass business. is this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. The business will be combined by the undersigned, under Me firm of HENRY HANN EN C,O. Ware house No. ItSS Second at. wham we will Ser. supplies of supenor Window Glum. JOHN. HANNEN, HENRY HANN EN, . HUGH ROIiERTSON, Pittsburgh. Aug. 27, NM. 11ENRY.EMSTF.AD.• Clopart.nerst. p. - Tilt undersigned hare this day associated with them I in business JACOB L. SC HWA RTZ,and will con tinue the business as heretofore, under the firm of July 2, lan. D. A. FAIINESTOCK A. CO. 1713 II NOTICS.. MBE partnership heretofore existing under the Brut o'A. A C. BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease of RD. C. Bradley. The bamboo will be carnal on by A. Bradley, who will settle the husiltess of the late firm. REMOVAL —A. BRAM= has rammed his Foundry Warehouse from No. 111 Second street. to No.lll Wood street, between First and Second streets, o the warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where he. will keep constantly en hand a general nasamanni of Castin,rs. Grates, Stoves, Cooking SLOT., dr. jyta Di aaaa nitens co-partnership heretofore erieung between the T subscribers, in the name of Constable, Bloke A Cu,.l ding day dissolved by uncital COMMIn. Burke & Barnes will settle the business of the eon err. for which purpose they are authorised to ow be name of the ioncer. NATHANIEL URKE CONSTABLE, - EICHUND B, • THOMAS HARM'S. The nridersidned have dui day associated themselves in the name al d, BARNES, for the purpose of ninnufactunng Five Proof Safes, Vault Lam, Se. ice s al the swill of the Inv hrm of Countable, Burke & G,, where they will Le pleased to receive. the pa. tronage of the customers of that house and their friends. ZS' EDMUND IJRICE. THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of 'Constable, Burke & Co., I with sincere pleaLufe recommend Nessus. Burke Ir. Barnes to the conniknee of my friends and the pobite. Feb. 9, lon. NATUANIEL CONSTABLE_ feblailtf DISSOLUTION.I • pannership of All/W . lllr & LEE Is this day ,Ibboolved by ebotool convent. Ile boobies. of the low hem 1.111 be settled IL Lee. J. It Im.boehb, /an. 1e49.11. LEE. NOTICE—The andorsirsod will continua the Wool Easiness and attend to the ale of Woolen Goottsiar the old stand. It. LEK. 11. 1.4 In retiring Ram the fins of hlurphy e, great Warfare In teen ottnenchng Bar. 11. Lee to the confidence of tny friends and the Pittsburgh, Jan. :Si, OAP. J. R. MU Rpllll:.._ CO-PAIITNEgiIIiIP; - 11rm. B. SCAIRE and Capt. 1 - A.311..ti ATKINSON yy have entered into p a rtnerthdp, under the hew of SCAIFE ATKINSON. and tetil carry on the Tut, Copper, and Sheet Iron Wore magefselm7. Also, Blacksmittnes in all Its branches, at the old IFL•11.1i of Win. It Scans, Ft. stremt. neat Wood. Parumulor ethenuon peen to steamboat work. Inc! fitA %E thi• dry a ssoelsted will,. in the sotto' • 'MI! Grocery, Nodose ton Commission be - Sines my bloats r Joseph, under thstrns'a J. 8 DI I. WORT rt. Co I 'J. 8. DILWORTH. January 1, IPith 10;1 6- AritTfiElltill4—Was. Ymetelm'ftnft w. %_/ day associated with him, Joha R. bCCtute, the lea• they bauble. will hereafter be leortyhacted ander dhe Ann or Wm. Young & Co. LuAat YOUNG, eyed wi R_ 211'ClYNE. A Lung • R0 c 13 . E . 2 r t i Tat gt ei , nob y Mt Ortuo, whet a he will La happy ott see his friends md former customer. ik oco2o TORN D. sPCRo4lll7Frlnt7ril ink blanufastare , Al Nos. 531 and 303 Star:Polyps, NEW N'ORK—De pot N 0.3 Spnace ereel—WoubrCall the anennert 01 Printers to his Imprsved Pnoting Inks of various kinds and enders, al the following prices: Lena fine Jet Moot, for Card and Wood Com - • • IN 00 and 300 per lb. Fine Book Ink • - „ 0 75 ” 1 In Boon r k - • - 1 1, 40 . to bd Noon Ink - ols f goo " oos o Fine Red Ink .. 75e IID ,I 1 50 " 2 111. Blue, Yellow, Green and %Vhitelsc 3 00 1 30 0 Gold mine er 81 per Ib, and BHinth at 50, 73 Ms nod 81 por 00. A specimen of News Ink can Be sten on this p.p.. For sate by JOHNIIT4P4 A STOCKTON, 1 Pittsburgh. Pa. C. Morgan 0 Co Cincinnati, 10 tio. hlanon tr, Gmwould. LouirwilltL o Kl ; _ , octindsm — lndia Rubber Pont.. CIGROSS MP r..e'd (then the Philadelphia Factory, an excellent article for rendering Boots and Shoes perfectly wirier proof, and PIX as a pieta of cloth. One application of this PPM is sulhment to make them impervtous to water for two months, and is a perfect preventauve front the leather cracking. Sold whole• sale and retail at N 0.3 Wood etli _Dealt i f. & H. PHILLIPS. e ikaiwirtli. - viro — oblwg.E l :, Modern and Antiqp.ll, ue Pornitort, 63, Twin Fnaar, L 1.16 toil. A lute and splendid .„,... i -ir .—..i i , su itable of Fputium, %.1--,....t1 , - 4 . - "2-• • 1 suitable for Steamboats, • „,•••••-•°- --- Hotels and tamale dontl iinP. conantotlY -oh hand and Rade to order. The present stock on Pod cannot be exceeded by any inanwactory in the vsestel country. Penton% wishing to pure-haw would do ell to give me a call, as I am determined my pnces shall please. Part of the stook corms. in— 1 Tale •Tete; Bele Etagere . LAWS XJ V Chaim; queen Elisabeth chairs; Toorlell9lsrbies; brui) Tables; LottilXV Commoder; French AI oho Bedstead.; i nmo Stools; 50 sofas with Plush andllo rmloth come; -, 30 3lahogany Rocking Chill's; 40 Po Parlor rig 30 . Fanrcy dr? . es centre Tables; I 20 pan Elleellet 4 pair pleiTablee; 15 marble top Dre•aleg Ila atm; 8 Wardrobes; is Secretan a end Book eases; MI merble top Wash Stang.; 4 pair Otlonms; 8 pair fancy work Stpdsd A very tarp psortment of common chairs and other (omits. too numerous to mennon a d o Steno, Booth furnished nn, the shortest nonce, en on the most reasonable terms, deed Diaphragm Wilier, Ode IRPgrant Water. 40 Tills is to certify that I have 01•1 .2 pointed Livioghton, Roggen . i , n. Sole Agents fp the sole ofJentongbt tan Disprabgni Filter, for the el ties of Pannone& and Allegheny. .101 IN GIRSLIN, Agent, for Waller AI Gibson, 341/Broadway N. Yi ,Oct. 10, IEI4B. Wenere been rising one of the above articles at tbe office of thq Novelty Work. for three employ on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that ills a umful invennon, and we take pleesure to recommending them ash use : fa erticie to all who love pure water. Orders will Le thankfully received and promptly executed. pith LIVINGSTON. ROUGFIN fr.. Co - D. -- IbleittilterilligOodkr FOR PURIFYING WATER, Which renders turbid warp pure by removing all sntertancee notaotable nt wowr. The crolon water to N. York, ,'lllthollgh Cleat and pure Id the ye, yet 'when it epees p hour through this aimAillt 00ek, shows a large dough impure pbstances,werom, kit. I.lthe la the case more or less with all hydrPt watcr- TheßPerstille bitterer is ricat and durable,...l D not attended with the Incest...Pre tneldento Other Filippa,es it be elect:teed without being detached frog he water pipe., by merely turning the key or handl. from one nth, to the other. By this easy procerej the course. of crater is changed, and oil arrettmulattans fe Impure aliballineee are driven infrallnerel, inclAntly, w t s h e o s u tr o i f r e being aM aeto p F il o te c r k . , alntd a a l s o ouch se to s se msa th 7 MUMS cbe e very cormenlpt and economical. Tr Bean be euached where there lo any preashro blghl n or low to a cask, tank, Mb, he. voth c W ILE To be had , of the ode Agt, en 'A , WN, "OD7 tenter of Pisani! and Markel am - 6 , i THE celebrated Hazard Ride Powder, In keg.; al kegs, quarters and cans, for sale by . febla JISDILWORTH &ONT./wood se 'OIJ - - Oben°later Cocoa,. se. W. B. latex American and Wend, Chocolate;.Prepat d C Sena, Cocoa Paste, Bruce, Cocoa Rhdia,.&e. re h wit" and consumers, who vrohld parebase prod acs bf Cbcom,, L free from lutalteratton, mop a 4t sous Mantels oreedree, wad in q .thrr .paOci oho dbooriberreamThoenda atmso anielbe7' wield *tared by himself, and attmtkoji with Ida T mark and Coal Paste. tro dede., int:rralskable. and' a dutory drinks fof:innlids,'biervateacems, mad mitta. pre prnammee4 by, th ernmtl.ookinent plarkkeirou ..Parlor loony other PraPnroklons. Ills or.nfaciorer am al nays on sale in in easy labbnalT, br the the se ee. meat Me grocers "alba mindere "eides, ind men age= Hawes. Gray Rea., orlbhifonf lamer' IlaThrnee & no, Hartford, Conn; Hassey & Mornry, Now York; Brant ,' I Stone, Tootoma ticandble, llal dolor ,; and Kelloga & Lionnett.Cincinnall, Ohio. WALTER BAUER, Vorcheeter lines. Per Ade by mzellt RAGALET & 81111TIL Arta WrongltSaled Zest ,Irsts WE:subscriber, beg ienvefto Inform the publle 0 2•1 t:qy have obtained from 'the Fat all the lain and aaluennble deaiins foe Iroirßaillme, both - Mr hoax.' taw emnewriee Pennon "wishing' to pvormle hand soma patterns wiltpleam en.ll and axasnete mei judge , . fee thertmeives. liatling svi,ll Iw ferniahed at the short , est entice, .d In the bed rammer, at the some ,. of Omit and Roberto strvets—Clevlienv city. int—t , dlf A. LAMONT & • Vl7. k J. GLENN Hook Winder*. E aresnll enged In ihe above buslocsa, tomer kk of Wood tutu ag Tlhrd streets. Pittsburgh, whew , we are prepared to do any work. in our line with dos. patch We attend to our work personally, and ne faction be given 143 sogardto Its neatness and sa dto rubtlity Bonk Moots lryle6 to any rumen and bound tato. itantially Books In number's orold books bow:dome fully or repaired. Names pat on books in gilt letters. Thome that have work to our, line we i n vited to can Pliers low, my-Atof NOTIC4C• pVLNG sold our cadre stooluto C. IL Gaon, w ith ,ksv to clo•ing OUT old bond:tem. we hereby so. belt for him the poknaunge or all our friends and eau. tomtn , . -"RO. W. POINDEXTER, ' • " — MR, POINDEXTER. ntlnnorlsn, , , ir 11. GIANT, Wholemdc GroCeri Necturosinu and V • Forwarding Meretiant. Ho. 41.0rtur M. - ant/ • - Sonic., Cooking Stove., 0 , atm M A e lth o rn i e lA r b i b% rt W y A a L n i A' E owl ree tl, R*u tri n ang: s ' f a c re and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Uountee . lie s wlthe most Improved quality; Cooing $lOOO,, Wo ' od any! coal; Peg Stoves of various suss, Parlor and octoroon (draws, fiction Wars, .ke.Me. They clan manufacture the Kitchen Liatige, which taro givettench gencrul satisfaction to room haring it in use, to all ol winch they would respectfully Mono the attention of the fleeces and the pnolic generally. 0c127-4lf — T 4 T ANUFACTURED TOBACCO—Tee subiorsbar AL would cal/ thu attention of the city trade sad natter.. generally, to the following brands Tobaccos, ti, :tore and to Ilredo , , which being consignments di. wet froin manufacturers, In, is mudded to sell at east ern prices , 133 # boo R W Csreshaw .50; 70 I •• James Madison ss; et I " Lamartine • d o 33 I " blisabosu Bataan fa... 1 Is, 15 I " Roberts & Sisson thstr Bari " Johns & Lewis 1.; 3 Warwick, son 1s; .16 " Mary ft unmet ss, Is and fcb3l LSWATERMAN ----- Pltt Hachtoe , Works : awl Potladry. MITZLICIS, TWIN WRIGHT ft CO., are prepared to build Canon It) and Woolen Machinery of ewers description. suet as Carding 51.andines, S pinning Frames, _Speeders Drawing Priories, Railway Reads, Wurpeon Spooky.; Dressing Frames. Looms, Cord Gonders.,fr.e. Wrought Iron Shelling turned: alt sizes Orem Iron. Rangers of the latest pattern., ilide and hand Lathes. Awl tools of all kinds. IN-stings of every description furnished on short nice. - Patiarrniamde to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, de. Steam Pme for kern ing Poetories. Cast Iron lk tndliw Sash and fancy Cass thnot generally. Orders left at the Irarehoese ofJ. & Co, Liberty area, min Pave prompt utten-. don. Refer to Ellseksmck, Bell d Co.. I. F. Snarehond & Co, u. E.,Warnet, John Irwin tSons, Platshurgh zrit. J. li. Warner, Steubenville. .P 11115: COACH FACTORY, • t .1 A. WHITE A. CO., wunld respectfully inform in. Ile public thot thee have erected o shay , ou Laeock, between Pole rano L Sioduity sfreent.• They 01010 making and are pnpared to reverse orders for es , ry description re ?ruteles,Coonne.e, Chariot's, Mt . courhes, thieves. Plintlens s.c..treat Men 011 ezperir are' in dm teal faclore of the :above work, nod the facilities they havr,they feet rottftairelttihey ore enabled to do work an the most rensotreble term. with these wanting ankles in their line. • Papug partieular sttentinn to rho seleemin of mato : Mitt, and having none but competent weal:lei, they hove no Leaman:to in warriiiioug their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this Mallet. N IL Repo-mug done in the ttoi Toter, and on dm most reusunalile term, Wale 1110 curroN AND WOOLt.I. RCAF—llnving made er.nimne4o ( or en-n• a t supply of FACTORY VIND/NGS, we will sell at tow pnces Calf and Sheep Rotor Sin., Lore Lea the, /token. Reed; Shuttles, Hemp Twlee Trendies' No. 5 to 15 Deli Piteek.r,,Wrerielfes,"Suipptng Castle, lu to II in; Patent Dresseultruitiks, Weavers' Brush s A.c. fee. 1.0(.7.A. N, *WILSON CO., ni 4 1 Wo o . ..Ilea. Pilonlarah. I WINES-04;qt Webber a Forrestii;thtrf • r Fare rich and dm, (mold, Canty/troll 3 / 4 . Col old dry PSS.. Osbourn/ USllPl l utztrlSlStfPnie intro per-. neuter Port Ibuti• tr. Sons, Pare Jvice, Suable, dou ble end ringie Grapes. These , Mihail-are all 'celebra ted for their metrical properties, and ran be hod whole sale to retail LI the Wtna thereof irk JACOB WEAVER, Jr. PIANO - S 1 rritr: subscriber offers for We a large and splendid J. workmen, of rosewood and matuatany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman's celebrated Molten Attar loneut. The above instrumento are war ranted s. no equal to any nu... Metered in tins coun try, end will he sold lower Ma , end brought from the tam Y IILtI.M.Y. •Ile mood tt door Mawr toth r. It—City Senp Sell ha taken at par 1,. u few of be above assortment mirk F. 11. --- liardware...bompor than }Oreg.! LWAN, WILSON h. CO., Importers and Wholessla Dealers in Hardware. Cutlery and Saddlery, tie I s, Wood meet, show Fifth. heart now In store a very cheap mid acll 'elm:tool mock of !lard war, Lotror.or since the he of` rices lid Entirpe, mid which thry• afe determined to dlcorrespondingly low. Merchants Who have been in the Mialt9 l gu 4 .3 Fast, are l'srddch larly mai:tested to call .na fool Strong!. cm stock, ids we rolitidendly lieliave they Win /ATE their expences oct lv LISTILDs if %WILY at the BALTIMORE, PIIII.ADELPIITA, IJ :11:1V YORK BUY MIN AND N OBLEAPir ER.IL AtiENCY AND 00.11a1,10N OFFICE onagiAltiN in whereas:le unra, add oats ., respectable budnese, to net usitiook-loccpnes, Silt. Inca, Porters. tlar-licericts, Waliers;Vanidors, Coach. men, Car Agents, Book and tlap me Collector.. IIVOTOCCre at all bronebes of busss, he. We have at all time. a large number of good situation. on bend, -attach pay from too to KOOU per vionas. Those to want o(saitations of any loud oreaid do well. to Aire ar, we bore agenttrio each of the auto cl ues, which will'enthle es to place every applienot lu Imitable satiation at the .honest notice. We have a Mtge amplest/tun.. in nli the Ow, named MU., which ore loom will enable as to give enure sausfac• to ill who may favor us with a Call. TAYLOR kTAYM AN, No. SD tiecond betweeu loath and tiny. N —Persons part of We U. Stoma, and wishing to obtain a mutation In fud wan., or ct• LAlnr of thr above cities, will hare theft Woo. imme diately attended to by addressing as Imo,(poet-putd) os by to doing they wilt email both trouble and mu pause, which they otherwise world incur by corning to PM city, and seetteg eniplayment for themes. Address, Tel with ym AN, N 0.5.9 Second strati, my:l3:dt( • Lioltimore, 51d It;. Ste Lane In Tenn OHM Is to Id bertify Mar I porcbased'one vial of Dr. oLana'a Worm Specific, mow two months ago toll pee to a ran of male, some seven Years twa oupcmns fall, and although the U.Molllnt may appear arse, ,at I have no Souk but there tons upwards of tom taxman. paned from his% memorial , Ives on, qua rt et of an inch to nvo loch. long. ti W HOLLIDAY. • . .... . linos • thtook. Carrot co. Ten, Ikee:.M. tr.M. WA B EN N ETT is. BROTHER, • 4FES.NeWA RE NIANUFACTUBEES. , St ru. 13 .8 W.., Lae ay PI ttsburigh,J P., Warehouse, No. 121; Wood stretf,"l"iltsSurgh. .0 . WILL, cenststuly keen on heed a good .word Sent nt Ware; of our ownmannmetare, tad etyperierquality. Wholes* and country Ater. .chErsta IVO respectfully twitted to call and vu. amine for tilimselres, as we are determined to still Cheaper thanbas ever berm bass offered to the pub. lic. ID- Orders sent by mail,aceompanted by die cash or lir reference , will lie promptly •nencled to ,mile .; 'di) TIM LADIt....--Just received, a lull assortmen 1 of gold and ells. Traced, an d and Braid; oleo evingla• and Maria, for embroulering and other or itimmintal work. Also, gold and silver 'Camels, Fringe and Lana. Jewelry of the Wein fashions, In gre. variety. • %Vetches of saporior quality and beautiful patterns, and ter sale at Eminent prices lV W WlL.l3opli, Hari Market and Fourffi.SlS • - ' ' - ..._. . A TIIENACCII BATHING BTA_BLINII. AAirNr—Orren front lA. Al. to ll P. ti Stools Butt tU cents, ore fort Ilnr. Ladies Sep:trauma ofora rom 9to A. fiL and from to rise Reltechmont . Saloom are unequalled In style attendunee. Reeherrhe Ice Creams: atuLS ' T. AVVAI.I, Propriettr... THMAKKOZIGTHU. .I.l,lllets,tottoltwinitraLlir,Le.b,teitt reopeetruny called to gortss—blutlar 'tested mea l of Gold se.ached by .. your Areanieter, I find the meal( pones oo.truntoot coronet; end recommend the Ore of tt to thum.going to California, as the beat method for ob. Oolong the real Oaths of' Gold. Rasp. yours, J. 11. DUI4LE.VY, Gobi Bettor. Ilitroburgh, March avittl9. Prrrsaczosh Starch 7,1 M. Easton—Dear Cif: tlo czneconedtheqtreis i ranter," atimulantural at r . /tlerlllll, I do not honour to commend to the use 01 OILIa<HICLI INLO are about removing to CaWorld. in seasch,of Gold. It Fives n CIOAC opprogiondlon to the epenific gravi ty or metal., nod willearlaudy enable tan admingorar to asertain m0 . 01141i12111C01 tidtn g tour e ld Your., yo II. hPiILINTOSTK, \Uln reacivOd ClllloF4lst flayaintion, •,Complete aesotttleof lillll3 Ellaroll. 041 . 01111 e 61 pfle-re, from :Will to 011,5 n gar .11. pante and Lnt. For sale aI th • loam Itublier flrtios, No 6 Wood .t. de`dtd 1 L 111.11111;11P2 Al WM/STD/MN LSADDLE, flAllNklnn, l IUNK AND WIMP MAN ' tWAtl'i.iflY.--Tlic subseriliet takes thln Mettind ofinfornilun hie mends Kiel the public In yenerel that be hes illy furs stuck of the following named ant elrs otitis oven munuleetuta us thfsenty—Sliddlebiler-' nes., Truuk• euit Whim elle( which be will warrant t e o be inane of Dint/est inhume/ nint by the best mech.. Allegheny COYIlli. Being ileterinintil m cell his inenafatintes simnel/nut leen, than as h es been here= wforu su ld by any sinniar estalillsholent In the ettyj l i e wo ad , us ue, persons in tit the above named, articles to his warehouse, Ne.n4t I.lbarty street sipe./ site SCV[lltil. Attu, henna U n do to unlar for mnehinci ry. • ~ 0 e130.1y G. KERUY. I C/IlliitTend strait nine DILLS OF EXCUANDru 0 stile In 'case/nest, LaniselUe u,d dl. Lawn, far{ Chll.d en the mote fatonble term. sgintl ttl.. HOLMES t SONIL MISCELLANEOUS • •Bootrt and Shwas. st' LENDID 11150TUCICnt AA received, suitable for Athe Fallaud Winter 'rink. consisting in part et MEN'S, WOMEN'S, tIOYSt, MISSES' AND CHILD REN'S WARE, of every variety and style, and at prices lona de tales: • Those wi riga% s^ parebne, orhaleaulec of WO: will snd it 10 then' advadter to sive ua and owning for tbsparelyea • • TROTH A SCUTT, ciett7 earner Fourth and Srnalifteal au jDoat rand the Plage. ' ft i tu,rAt t iNFlLLtuoit i g.`r.- .n.,0 of the public, gis, first rate article in all re gPaeta. .p El alvt..l"iee.frarithe pen without clogging It up, and at the cou r se of o 'few boner a deep bnghti blnek. 'Sin, B. A: Vabneaugek Is Robert bloom. • • • BleQuegrut & Doug W, titiok`&-111eCatulless,. John Parker, #3.4l7ighgettatc co, F.nc4 c. A. MGAnaltr For raie itneether with liibberro Ballad lig i ehino Coop inks) by B. A. Fahneionek Is Co.) Henry P. Sehorarti. Alleithreay City. and iharoanufasturhr, ' THOS. K. ITISBFAT. Drulgisr cot Liberty and Smithfield ats i SAWL. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, OE ST. CLAIR STREET, PiTTSBURSIIIo lass rear serglOorD TICS ' NEW,YORK AND PHILADELPHIA,' An/ is DOW receiving • Ear usortrisent Of CLOTS. , CASNIMPD &ND VENTINGB, OF THE;DEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES Effl!ffl==l IN THE EMT MANNER And in the latest Fasbione Oct 25 Q ACKINO R Murphy has nosii open a urea, variety of aryl.. for LadieiV, Misses' and Children's Seeks, lnelading black and black grey for Mourning Also: Fit ENINI NIERINOS,otaII the leading colors, such a. Cherry, Crimean, Scarlet and klarac . &fibre= shades ot green and drab; black of a'l unalittem. CA.SIIMERES AND CDRURDS, of bright and plain colas, to snit all tastes. and at lo'oest cub priers. The particular attention of buye's Is sidled to lb. hogs i n c ludes of Goods in general, Just received, and Inc includes great many styles of Goods that are Wholesale Rooms op swig. novU . . PRICES RIRDUORD. BURR MILL STONES, menufactu . red in. France, composed of hut few Lllocksmd sulk! eyes--a large assort . meet, the best of the kind, always on hand'at greatly reduced pnees. ALSO—French Barr Mill Stones of my own manufacture, made of a new superior quality of Blocks. These Burrs are made under my own supetin- Wodance, imd as great cure Is taken in oartku the Pints close, end to bar en the blocks in race 41011 c of a uniform temper, they ore warranted to be of the very best quality, superior to those imported from Franc; and also superior to the rrent mass of those rondo in this country, and at prices lower than have er totem. been Offered in this market. Laarel trill Mill Stones, all were Bolting Cloths, all numbers; at the best wilily, war ranted to give satisfachun to the purchaser, and at grew y reduced prices. Mill Spindles, Mill Irons, Screws and Picks, Plat form Scales-Corn and Cob Oriodene (hist and Sam !tit g Castings of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing in gen eral. All orders Eromptly sounded to nt 244 end 21t Lib erty suet:. urn the Canal Pdtsburgh. my3o:dent ' W. W. WALLACE- 1\113.1441 LIBERTY, opposite Smithfield streeL— Illarbloliantlee,lifintumeuta,Tombs,Table Taps, toe, a large Tammy at the most beautiful kind, made of the finest quality el Anew, and domestic marble, always on bend or made to order, by the aid of ma• cbinerv,oa the shortest notice and at the lowest prices. N. IL—llveCloaddry 'Prude furnished with all kinds of Marble Mita lowest rates. All orderepromptly at- Molted to al fiell Liberty, Opposite Smithfield st nty34:2l2:n W W WALLACE - "irsitlV ULLO3 Pawl; Stone or French Berl EMT MA CHINS tic best article edam kind in ow; the y y rim light, elm fan, do the wort well, and will but a tic tone. Abort We( them are in uge, in the hem mills in the adosory, and we ease the strongest testi mony of comment persons as their superiority over another Snot I& Lames- For further parocuomv, ad deem the sattafiber u 414 Liberty at. Fotsbnifik. mydavittr W W WA LL A CE QTEA...d ENGINE-s AND DOILEILS—Fpr _ and mom sill, always on hand, or made to order on. very shod notice, and at the lowest prices. Allot dew promptly attended to at 244 Libemy street, near dot Canal. W W WALLACE j)LASTERVARIS—For land, and other purposes Mica, baud aISH Liberty at. myfig • W WALLACE 711 - 1 TISRAITLI .C - ItUMT=.4iwifi 6-I'llU/id _EL Liberty st. W W WALLACE LTRINDSTONES-All saes and grits, always on . land at 1114 Liberlyttreet. my2o W W WALLACE PITTIIIIIROUL RENIAIeE IIaTITDTE rftHIS Institut> under the cam of Rm./. h1.60:5.. HORN ANULADV, nilt re-open an Idooday,the llth at September, in the same rooms. No Pd Liberty weal. Having limited the number of their pupils, the Prtacipais hope to merit a continuation of that !theist patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. Parents may ft el enured that every advantage will be Mibrded their daughters, tf placed ender their charge, toe ob. tainingailionatagti Mogi*, Claulcal, .424 °moment:Ll eduerat?n, aariliattf 10030 ArrCIMIGS,II/ABUNARX. 11.144.111, pm: AIYTWIN IM•iSION"of this Institution will I commence on the fan Monday in September.— Room. en Federal street to ro.tolonade Row,” 24 door from the I,ridge. RAT= o• TFIIIO.I en tinter OF nor Morena FAghsh Department. mending-Reading, Orthogra phy and Defining, Wriung, English Grammer, tide. nc. Lome, English Fornporition and Criticism, Lk...- grapey, llistory . Arithmetic and the Lather bran.. of Mathematics, Natokl PAilarephy, Chemistry, Ay =mono, (Many, Physiology, Dettloff, Intellectual and Minral ir‘.etenee and all other requisite to •thorough - • - Arkl. tiO ilorticaiDeparna.kincladm,y the Lana and Greek' , • • - 86 OP French, 510 00 ' • - • - - - • 5,6 ° a The service, of competent leohers aro scoured for roe). as desire Instruction in French and 0011111,13, and aloe In Dromag, Punting and awe. It is dettraltle that pupa* enter at he a t mmence ment of.. session, yet they are receiv ny time, rid am eltaryted at the above rotes from the time of entr.e.e. ho deductions are made Tor absences, ex cept in cases of protrasted Illness. Further information may lroobtained, and applica tions. mad, by trolling up. the Principal, at ids rooms on Federal Went, or at his lodgings in L'lrwinis PAW,. Liberty street, Pittsburgh, between fid ane Ith streets: Or by addressing, through the Pittsburgh Pont Men, the Principals - y. LT METCALF. Allegheny, Aug 7, Iva PITTIMUILOII FBAIitairtNIITIMVE win , . Second Session of Otis institution, ender the care of kir. and Mrs. Gontoris, for the reseal academic year, will commence on the.flot of Fabian ty coil, in the time baDdinga, No. aa Liberty street. Arrangements bane been Made by which they will be able to famish youpg ladies facilities equal Ca atty in the Wee; for obtanung a thorough English, Cost col, and Ornamental education. A full .unie of Phi -1 lisephloal and Chemical Lemurea will be delivered dorm[ the winter, illustrated by apparent,. The de parta.ros of Vocal and Instrumental Mole Modern languages, Drawing and Punting, will each ' be under ter care oft competent Profeseor. By close attention to the mend and truntlaataal Improvement of their pa. pile, the Principals heye to menu a c0...m of the liberal patronage they bare hitherto enjoyed. Foe LEM. FOC circular or apply to the Principals _14.1:411 Prentsraon, alepi 18, 1149 ' Nll4. l( T i gO p t u %H I lI I I ‘ I . E n R e 1" . ..-3Ds a r hee. S .i ir r4 To m u s r . W o iLl ir ycoc, and on looking over the entries made by it, we hod the crier a linght blue blurt. Isis pleasant to me with, flows free, and does not clog the pen like - I the ordinary inks in use. Wishing ens the ready sale merits demand, we are, yours reapeetf SON ully, 810IP &CO. For milk, together with ilibbert's Red lob, and Ma chine Copy Int, by D. A. Fahnestock A Co., 11. P. Schwartz, kite hen) . City, and by . the manufactuter, T. K. !fibbed, Drogghtt and Chem.; corner of Liber ty chd Smithfield sins, - Pittsburgh. octal Wirtz:Ad ratan, Manna Banat. Wan a. Oars. • PALMER, lIANNA & CO. ' (Successors to Hussey, Hanna A Coy BANS FRS, EXCIIANGERROKERS, and dealers o Fineigu and Domestic Exchange, Certidcams of Deposita, Bank Notes, and Speeie--Four.h street, nearly oppositethe Rank of Pittrourgh. Current me e77 received on depoidte—Ellght Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points in be United States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and &merle. Gold Advances mode on consignments of Produce, atilis• nett Eau. on liberal terms. GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE ISCO OVAL Partat SWIM. 'Lana. lot, 1540. Patela ausaeoer tOrtrariOn 'n al., Sofas, Burrow, • Rook Cass.l,Tfinting LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. rrIIIIF TABLES far surpassing every other trw A amnion of do kind now enact. They can be en• ceded Irvin to to twenty-five feet, and when closed the Loaves aro all °Gummed inside,. they kre node to all sizes and shape., and are admnably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large private tamillev, farm try when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND ItUREAUS--Thero arbeles are royal gable, particularly to those who swish to et:noo n-tow room, and convert a sleeping apartment Into a tartar er sitting room, as they can be opened and slim at convenience, and when root, the bedding I. enclos ed. A great wring in room and rent. All the bed stead.. when closed term a beautiful piece of furniture run ll s Oa l' C r A o gl it 4- in inifit 'L l and useful article (or midst or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting room,: and other offices; when opened a mosteenveruent bed stead when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone , t All these articles need no recommendadon: the beau? °Sate whole is, they are Warranted not t get Jet el repo*. It will ,r for your in to call and. examine the artieles,at the manufactures store, No.: ES Third street, Putsbargh. Odin.. the shere roof against bugs. tide :VS " nrn P JAMER W WOODWELL. -- tkiiiiika.l.o -131 CToulea , i o AI,COIIbb AND PURE SPIRITS, Comer Front and Vine streets. Cincinnati, O. RDERS from Flitiburet for Alcohol, Pore Snit!, ORaw or Rhetified Whiskey, will he promptly ended to at lowest market Ode , 'lSteldhAly Ea= TII6r of NICKLIH KBRYDEN being dissolvedj 'the undersigned will continue the Poreranling an Commtv.ton Devine. et the steam boat landing, and respeetfaliv informs his friends that he heave= to the expense Of It /Italy innate oq the warehouse and contents, for several years, .and mums he will give entire satlafietlen to all - who may p e t t enthe himn Be will receive freight at the towel Lending. otitn ' JA.MESI.IIHYDEN, I-ERRS/NOS-0 bleS No 1,14 con an d novA STUART it SILL Preirl6TTlS VELLIIMIIIIM 16.11.141, • WHITB AND 8818.8.11 DOMESTIO-17.ANNELH. AXTB aro now rectiviny town faenny. u a r r. 00, ply of these geode, Of Web In an ItilLig ler than; nch anode eut be had elanathere he .645 e ft! : We ens no acid, in bleaching, that irjarec the geode,' oar object beine to prodeee goods not al Omer only, but roe eaturon nod duratalur,and no Huh they re eeleed the firm premium OM all other goods exhibit edet the late Alleatieny notedly:Hal Fenn •! Fot sale at the Blaekot Depot, Na 56 M. 4 0, 6 ,606 at the ware roortu, of the Fayette ManntherttrinB os 4' Na. Ild Seeondat. Blankets of out MiLouracture are sold in /Vulkane City, by Mr John Dealt, and CM at the u'ryro Big Wnitioars,. Federal sr °Wei ==4==l rr LIE subsctibv has on hand, (received the present I remai' consigned from the fkt lowing Goo n, de, winch he Is authorised to close Optima very hrivi 30 pieces yard wide Barred FlanneL 30 oairs Whirr Bed Wankel; ribbon bound, rii pounds to the pair. I case 60 pairs Steamboat Blankets, ribbon bound, a vary superior article. _ 4cases o.sMiinirs)Orey Mixed Blankets. 60 pairs Dark Gentleman Blue Blankets, a very su perior unele. I 'o i e Tweed. Steubenville m rains "y.nod Bur Blanket kei i Coaling. 0 pease assort adolain and barred leans, fittenbenside inunfretory. The above goods are all unsigned direct from the maker, and will he sold very low for cult or approved note. octoo H. LBC, Liberty al, oPlsoei.. btk REW 000081 NEW 0000801 • ••• BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! 'NEW Fall AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Kr MR stair or Tlilnia NOS MVO, GB Market st, betwnen3d and ath, Pittsburgh. WI , I. 1.. RUSSELL, No. &I Market street, betwe. Third and Fourth, sign of the log golden pee Lime, b. juot commenced receiving and openinethe lasseet, elreapeet and most splendid stock of Fall and Wittier Dry Good. ever offered by one house In Pins. burgh. All thew foreign goods have been purchas ed of the importers per the last reamers from Europe, Ind for elegises. of style and beauty of design aroynn. I dammed in this or any other market. The domestic and naple department will also be I found complete. and cheaper than at any other house in than city. The ...Me, would here respeCtfully call the attention of his mamma cuatomere, and all wishing nese and cheap goads to the prices which will no doubt astonieh them, b ring detennined to sell cheaper thus the cheapen. Good dark Calico ' only 3cents per yard; Boat quality dank Calico, fast colors, 8 to 10; Bntlshyourple Punt e, faneolora. 8 to la, Heavy Bed ticking, from S to 10 tens per yd; Bleached Muslin., geed (toothy, 5 to 05 per yd; Beet quality Bleached al ening, Ei to lu per yd; flimsy yard wide Unbleached .I.lilo, Ito 6I; • • Good red Flannel, from 13 to E cens par yd; Good yellovi Flannel, 15 to 25 es per 741; Good black Alpacen from 15 to 25 par yd; French Gingham? nom 10 to 15 cts per yd; Irish Linens at prices from :0 to I,E per yd; , Satinet , . and Kentucky Jeans from lik te 50 Cloakings and Linsey. from 191 to 31 Si.; •e Heavy Domestic Gingham. l 0 191 Crash and Diapers, all liners and qualities; LADIFSI DRESS GOODS. • : I A splendid assortment of all the newest style.. nibet Caehracres In high colors, rich goods; Lapin French Thibot Merino., the finest Imported; Rich Camelion Silk., in all colors and qualities ' Black Armor.. best quality, plaid and stripe; Mack tiros do triune, all end.. and qualities; i • Lupin's fine black Bombazines, beanuml goods; do 'best French Merinos,, black and colored; do do do do in high colors; do fine French de Leine., all wool, high colors; Rich fig'd Caahmefes, beanutagoods, very cheap Dotted Swots Muni. for evening drenes; Broche Thlbet Scarfs:late importation . • Best quality French Rid Gloves, oo long Mouneing Cashmeres and de Laines, all prices; Ladies embroidered Neck Ties, eplendld goods, Ladies finertquality French linen Llelkfs; Belting Ribbon., • fall arsortmenq Worked Capes, Collars and Cuffs, ht great variety Flinch and colored Crapes MI qualitien • Brocade Lostres, In all colors ani4 , talitier, Mohair Cornell. figures, rich • French Cloaking., superb goods, hig colors.; Al., black Brawl Lore, all widths and panes; Black Silk Feb. cc, wide and heavy, best quality. Together with a large cock of white Goods, Swivel Jaconet and 31011 kluslins, besides a very large and superb neck of Fall Bonnet Ribbon.., of the latest im portation and most fashionable style.. Many of the above goods have o ne arrived per the last steamers from 'Europe, and worthy the attention of the la dies, SHAWLS: SHAWLS!! A splendid awortment cif Shavrlc Super extra sire Flatlet; Long Shawls. best Super coins size Long Reecho, finest quality; Superb quality Lang Plaid Shawlo, rich color.; Item quality square plied Cote wool Shawls; Rich and heavy extra' nor black silk Shawls; Rich cannion changeable adk Shawls' ' Soper black and white, all, wool, long SlawLe; Super extra kw Long and Sq'ro lilnurnmg Shawls Pans printed Cashmere Shawls, tri great variety; Teach " all/Pnces R goal's Mode eistbr'd Thbet liSavy silk unwed Ellack " Black and mvde colored heaty cloth Shawls; White emb'd Minot Shawl's, beautiful goods; • Highland pi'd long and eq're Shawls., very cheap; Mounting Shawls and Scarfs, in great variety; Also, a large lot of plaid lli,n Shawls, from ;A eta to IMO. Together with a fall supply of Gloves, Mitts and Ito - Wen, with all articles usually kept in a Wholesale and Retail Dry Grads llouw--all of which will be at price* to defy competition. tEr Remember the store, No. 62 Market street be. twerp ltard and Fourth, sign of the Bto 11xxillent, where bargains can no all timer be had. sprnlalam WLLLLAML. RUSSRLL. C.- - AILIIIITEINOT hoe toMniented to receive a large assortment of Woolen Comforts and bloods linekint b eet,, buckskin and woolen Glogesi Itibet, cloth, move do lain and blanket Shawls cask mere, wonted and woolen Hose; Pongee' and linen ENV.; tilt and satin Cravats and Scarfs; Gaups and Fringes; Irian bluert, Table Coven, Crapes, Ribbon', Laces; b le ached hid colored blosints, Tabby Velvet., Patent Threads, ,vrlnn Sok, Buttons, Gram Bowen. den, Pins, PereuetiottCaro. Almanacs, common and gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watchea,pock rt and table Cutlery, and many odor goods winch country and city Merchant, an respectfully invited ! • es• oleo. sptl9 WILVILTTIC BIAAUFACTULLINGI CO.. iLI'ANUPACTURE and will keen an band Family I.VI and Stearn Boat Bl.kew, Dornesiin Fianna nine, brown and drab Blanket Cecil Satingta and Wooly° Vara, which they will eel; at Lantern prince. Wvettotwe No tin Second st„ Pittsburgh, Pa Factory, New Mayen. Foram co„ Pa- aPII 3 . • NEIN GOOD +. • • W . tIErE More lust received a large and complete stock Ty of CLOIKS, Varietyand Fancy floods, suita ble for me fall trade, tow a ch, with every description Of Looking manufactured at one own Mena power snop in this city we ask the Ilaleritiol2 of West ern Merchants and oth e r dealefle KENNEDY & SAWYER, eptS) KENNEDY Wood and Fbarth . DRY GOODS. lIIIRI.IIT, WILSON & No. 49 Wow St., Prrroossoo. • - R ving A lor n t . Eie w F re al c i e w i ason th , 6 ,Lertti l ey Will be happy to to their old enstomeis, and so many now onco as may feel inoilual to present themselvea " • /away. taking great pains to toy In such good sot are adapted to the wants of the Western trade.whieb lomy experience enables them to do, they can say with Much oonftdence, and without sea into *detail Of their cook, that the Wutern reta il chant will find with keen ail that his customers esquire.' Those who have 'formed the unprofitable habit of repairing to the Eastern cities : tor their stocks of Dry Goods, would do well to call, as a candid comparison of pri ers would to many eases result in the conviction that the expense of going further may be obviated by-bay ing in Pittsburgh. spild NSW WALL GOODS. GOODS. VIW R. MURPHY Is receiving his first Fall TO . supply of Forugn and Domestic GOODS, and has already opened an assortment of new and beauti fal styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; and neat new style Fall • 111whn de Laines; nlpncw and Mohair Lustre.; • Dauswk flg'd and wiped do Yemen°. and Lyoucse Cloths; Or the nom desirable colors; and, a full supply of bleached andwbleaehed Muslin., Irish Linens, Man- Oldster Giughaws, tee., at northeast renter Fourth and Market as. Bayer. are - invited le call and ace. :pig • AA - ILITAR• GOODS.—Caps, Plumes, Swords, Sash ea, h)molettes, Lace. Bottoms, Flags, and all the biota:ants necessary to equip volunteer companies. tp- Volunteer compalues equipped no complete and cheap as done to the Enst, nt the Military Store, cor ner ',Market owl Fourth W. W P.: .3—The United States Mae and Tenor.prOtal, of Germantown nuke, for solo and warm:Col by • ,WI W. W. W. BHAIORGLIZTT & DRY GOODS JOBBERS 99 WOOD STR.ERT, A RE now receiving a very large mock . of fresh . Goods, of recent purchase and importadon,whlch they . will sell to the trade et such prices as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. City . and Country Merchants Ivo invited to call and examine oar mock before pereasaing - 01101E.KftstrilPtle. RECEIVED and now open for examl. e ir n t atn, a new and rVendid wort fiffill 017 Octave Pianos frost:L.o6la. ering" Boston, among them a full carved Louis XI V. ordered for one of oar citizens who nas kindly permitted it to contain it ray weft rams to day (Wednesday) for exhibinon. Those who may have a desire to are and hear this splendid specimen of an, are respectfully invited to call fa dog at the atom of JOHN H blt , I , tßeBl. Wood. st Agent for Chieterines ' t for Western Pa.,. Intl? , ' . Etram lIATIIk FOR ONE DO or • shigl . Bath fofifteen cents. - , Ladies Department open froctill to 11. , &Cloak A.M and 2 to 2 o'clock, P. M. Athenaeum Saloon and Bathing Fal•Mishonettt. JOB T.II/4PFALUPTOPIisIOr. MR. ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DIU M JAYNE.—This cell:dies, that immediately alter; having attended my brother, who deed o( coneamptlord in March, ISM, I was taken sick with the Comm:tenon or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the; disease, that for font years 1 was enable to attend tt my busmen, either at home or Amnia, being for Met most time confined to my bed. Daring the above pee l od of rime, I bed expended for medical attendance o regular Pbyeicians and medicines, to the amount o troky washout receiving Any „benefit therefrom. , I July, ibis, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne% ?dub eines, and have taken them more or len ever since; and believe that it was by persevering in their ose, that I can now truly strythat I hove completely roe acted my health. 1 believe that Jayne . * Stoutly, Pilo and Expectorant are the best family Medicines now ivy beside in Springileld, Otsego sh e;en ttmy N. N.Y. anti carry on . a furnace and machine n that place, and eta not Into nee in any manner mute sale of the above medicines, arid make this certificate tor the bear efit of them anticmd. • ELIJAII EATON. ; ppLingifir.itl, N. V. , Sept to tsig. la 4 • — olxterirgisterst DUSKY. CO'd Day Express is nos regularly deif 13 liveries Can and Shell OYSTERS,. which art, Mb (red to dealers and families at the lowest Jimmy Quality warranted equal to any btougat to mat; km, and for sale by J.C.MDWELL , #14,W 1 2: 1:4 , Also—At the following depots: Bets , ner Smithfield said Second sus fit Mercer 6 Robinson, Festeralst 'Allegheny. .oe= M Elyraa-: SP.ORS , LIVER PILLS WAS MY DOCTOR.— , ,„ kitogn)l• l o,./ 412, ~, so da:R. E. gellers—lasingneel 00 It.4oPirliti.,,,' to the pablic, a. ..11,u to/a. Latatiar,r‘rjAat Pills. to klate the Good WS.. podee.a , X no ,. gj i ,t-Li ' Y T 7 _:' ° .T . Ihth' ap g litain t revil was enure trresun Y tee, P' swith levers pituffitaymm bad about& I, was told by Mothileal Om that soy diseolt ',,,, , was arere =telt of evercemplaine..l4ookawrou xal box a of, ht , Lute's Line Pilo, unt semessosgat,to Which was told WWI alit wets getting worse, t futally.ennetrahatto plane, myself knderthe ever .f . - phydidas for-better out 711, forternstely,jan extant atom, el Iva. Matt by tha v. tAfibtock - , of thisplsesintsi attend heat sent a avix of Sellers` Liver Pilhakesweittebargial. -which had benelinect - Mei -vety- mnettodh fonhwukt mot Lae a box of year Ltver Nab , the tinteat; was dope natexthent I war sathdied , lial lamas' INC „., -., the eine that 'suited esteem: Isentfor isiOnkt, ,:',., and. five of thrlatteCtod Mind omyeellialineet, .„...,. 3 .tire! blued; bat in Mann• -tam 1 esvgdo 'acenense i. 1.1, 3 . cold, ch hmenhVbank I.b• dhow" , end imaalutetic-,.. , , t ui,.. i ".. b,,h•sa essec.l, amide -and-. gement la 0.11, . your CT Pilli; aell teak Oise e. erpanhotetigilint. et ont, Ili ..kc sad - 6.lißesidlyelneeianct/ easummillefetutv sot that I dm row say, that I reel little If any ofightees .. , , , so • of the Liver i Complaint,' andtmy wtherat h.. , v - ie eaq ~,C good n w as h has been kA the ILA 'lOyuou* , .. .- i ~+ -i ( a,.. , ,, . Ary Atithbort sak , so whounks norsiomplet:4:lol , ,,mi, o Mntatin7,1 1 ;5411r=1,==.....4., ....1 km confident that when tea pahlier,toeconse atic. PL :te f t7 - a vain* , with the valise ote your acheu Rlkkhoth,. eudto.... ,-• Macd tor them Inn-beteg. , liana of MrtinßO ,,,, . • to wheac I hive reeommendist thepithOsatetedifyits. , tl their i F es welmthednesanboveseesede__ ..:, ,c'et.-..0t %., tfollT You. ' ,*. WooltlA, ~ ....0 ~ Ter2ll..Pcluse—The Originali-enlytrolathid g r 0u0,,,,..e a nine Ids Pills- ate pronto. 07.1410,11wletowendi c., .i,,., have name stamped' in black coop the hi .wftv-tc.,,, each I, sad b e ingnmet- all'Ute ealawsrpSipa.,..., .:-.• - ,(:r others am eonnterfens, of Imo Wilnaimso, ~... tc,,,e, w R. 6 SELLERS, Pretense., 413,W00tte11,,f1 , ..^,.,/ I CA oir r ieVilts.- , .• °, ~ A. nom by the twee pf Km CLAP P has engstaisir ~,, . with ri, young man of the name eftb - EUTtinnisibidifing , axes al lE r s . n . ,7rie to. map s _ . • BazAtrillsOrttiettikir , c 'GM- INE:OX , Sinerithd,74.o TC,Witeendis , ll • .. • it ior an never was, bat weifonnetty_nitothetownll. •-• , roads cunaloand thnjik,a, - Yet he urine tan nfie of Dr. for EiHmeptimi:otwilibiertall: not. le is sendang one,. earls leaclod ft Ot h q: ll. Quacks? In will.. .mile. sold-theAseti...ncy_.,,_ name for 137 a W.e.k..1 inlighla 6 , 01.1 14 40 0, -. ... no will pnaltutereinxinglonothaff,P,Patto Gat* • , This Ist. caution the public not to be doeiland,matim - -,.. ?Arnhem use but the °ENGIN& Gemmel. ow -,, ~ ' Dr. Jacob Townsend , s Sarseparillai having mil{ ths. f , •-•_. Old Mk lit , his family coil of a5e15,04. 41 %. 1 41,-t., nature across the teals( WM& • • . .. , . • ..,, st ia.,,_ :,...; POlcipat Olin, RONansaa its T1y, 4 1f41%.,...1 1 _t , t OLD 11 • . , 1 JACOB .:.-TOWNIIIND;' - - - , ...1 L , ,- ,3 , ";. TOR ORIGINAL : •IREIGGV6IIER OP WU tiIIrOLa ,Towis*Bin?;k ! .. oia Dr. Townsend (snow abodi 70 yeas Of stgetild • here long been known o the AUTHOR nod DIEM. VEllEktof the GENUINE ORIGINdf..!.TOWPISEND, . 9.1.673A . PA1ULLA." Hein poor, he wai compelled', to Yuba us manufacture, by which mama lt has been , kept' oat of market, end - the tales' these only win had proved to worth and known, value. This GLIID AND Uncouth= Pallft... l, mannfactured on the loogoot throsuiroar the/myth sad breadthof the land., • thane young 9. P. Townsend'a it nye:risk:With amend never thanes, but for the beaten. heemaak • atprepared on scienufie principles by a ecientlic man. highest knowledge of Chemistry, and thelatest dlseeftrias of the Art, have all been - nought into Mr • .... nuishia Th n in the manufactare ot -, the Old Dr. , s Samna ll r l . e Sarsapa ri l la root, It Is well known med-" ical en, cantina medieinal properties, and thrla pro, pe es Whin are sort or uselear,, and others,.whreh, If retained in - prethuing It for no, product. thrineuta.. ".• tlon!and acid, which is injuries. to the oysters. • Sarno of the peepertlea of Sarsaparilla me so volatile that " they entirely evaporate endue that in tha prepare- can t if they am not preserved by a mirth* PMethab known only to thou experienced in its =Ma haws. Moreover these volatile principles ; width Ity often port or as en exhalation, once hest, are thenry aential Medical pro of the Dm, which glen le_' • it all Its value. The . • ' • L , (mamma OLD DR. JACOB TOWN•ENDS SARSAPARILLA is w prepared; that all the leen properdes of the-Sat sapardla root are first removed,. every Wag capable of becoming acid or of fernientstlon, is estiamed. , and rcie then, entypurtielcialsiodacalvirtao Ls aceor red to • rue sad concentrated Oren end-thee it rendered incapable of losing. any of its valuable an I '+ heeling propertica . Prepared in. Oda way, jt Ls mute , th` ; "*CiNETZPIMPaTBLE Bence the reason why we hear commendations on every aide In its favor by men, vormen and chtldren. WO find it doing wonders in the mum of Consumptiens, Dyspepsia, and Lives Complaint, and In Ithenmetlar, , Scrofula and Piles, Costiveness, all Cutaneous Prep. flops, Pimples, Blotches, end all alfectiens viand from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. peewits. a atanellom efficacy in WI •complairda • arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stormed, :': from unerpod cirentatina,deimatination of blood to the head, palpitation of the beast, cold feet arid tol4,ll.fladn cold cattle and hot dashes over the' body,..lattiosnoc. hail ice equal in coughs and coldm and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle perapiration, relasingetrie.• - tuft; chic lungs, throat, and every oilier part a . _ But lama.; is In excellence more manifestly seers and eeknowledE l l thin in all Undo and =poser - • It weeks wonders In eases of dung albrut albite*, - Foiling of the Womb, Obstrneted,Saptinsored,orPsin- Cul Mimes, Irregularity of the otenatnal porn* and , thy lite; and . s effectual In curing all fon= oldie - 10d- ; nCy Dtscases By remeecog obstnetions, and regal. rtes the parent syste, b. gives tone and strength to Me whole bode. and mins all finlas of I NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, , . TOO UAW prmerits or relieve. a gnat moiety clothe; - diseases, as Irritation; Nearalgh Sr. 'VIM Hance, Swanning, Epile ptic Convial.tons, An .10 .1 not this, then, sea litiminnas Pan•Riarnarm Bet can my of them thing. be cold of S.' P. Town send,s Interior article? This yowls men 4 liquid MI PAL to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR.C3, become of the Orsini Feet, that the one Isincapable of Dote and NEVER SPOIL/3; while the 0th.... a DOES; IL sour., ferments, one blow, me bottles containing I into fragments; the seer, acid add en oloding and dainaging other goodd Masinot Mr. tibia compound be . poisonous to the ennead pot and smut a synem already' demis - w in . = (1 What comes Dyspepsia but acid! Do wed oot all kno,w h a t 4 ,i t erf food soars in our sterna., abet lahteld..... prodocest—dainlenee, heartburn, prdpnatinol of ilve heart, liver complaint, d dysemery, chain and • eorniptn GCMG blood? Whin to Senidtla at in add " humor In . the body? Whet T ro g r a ty ci th : l, 7 ,,,n F:ver•Se e ga, 4- and all alcaratoms internal end =em ail: it TIDIXOT: ing under heaven bat an mid substance, h.moons OHO thee spoils all the of ef the body- , same or lona What canoes oust, but a. maraeld dindisrbials ' {flatmates Itself betwan t o and elsewhere, le. mating and Influent{ the tender and delicate lateness neon which it ma? eo of eerTotle diseases, of =pa nty of the blood, of deranged circulations, Mid neatly all the ailments which atdiet ham= mama - Now hi It not honible inmate andsoll, and inanite- ITworie, to use this OURING, PER AKNTING, ACID "COM:POMP. • OF S. P. TOWNSEND! _ aid yet he wodd fain haVe It undennood that Old Sl eet, Towneentits Ceram° Chigimi Stinsperilhi s Y. en — Imitation of hisinfarior preparation!! •Heaven forted this we should deal In en tuticde which wonld bear the most dbaant maemblamen EL : P. Townsend% article! and which shoald bring down. open the pm pr..nah a mountain load of eomplants and enonnatlone lame agents who ban sold, and pet. chasers whit I Vo need B. P. Tosensmuri Fennentons Compomd ! We slosh it oried, because it is the absointe To w , dun - ndis article and Old /Mob Townson Hanaparilla en beanti.witle - apart, and, infinitely , that they ore milk° in toren Pty.; Ocular, ks not mos single Ming sommett. - It is to rands open tea o to. poet balm Into nomded humanity, to kindle bops op the des/ninny bosom, to maitre health end bloom end vi gor into We crushed and broken and to Walsh indrad. - ,, ity--that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND hen SOUGHT end FOUND the opportunity and means to bring , Itia Oman UNIVESSAL CONCM EA RE.IOYt• ;within the reach, end to the knowledge of ell who 'need it, that they may learn and know by joyfel Fr 111 TWOLICTOOT [TOM TO AILL -- For .110 by J. KIDD a, CO., WMlesale Agent Mr Western Pennaylvartim J. SMITH, Itinalnghos; •Dr.l J. SARGEADM, Allegheny; Dr.J. CA.SS64I,s, RM. ward, O. IV. GARDNER, thleurani, Pittsburgh gild - liars Columbiana e 0,0., hyr.94., 1841. R. D.7AYNkEn Dual Snc-ed feel bound: the4o ll ' D= and the Maimed WM, - anil myseLf of thi•opa pertuniqLising publicity to the extraordinary effects .of your beam =myself. .11a4been allieted :for SO.. pears With I inert hectic fovea and Its eoneentimat diseaus, and seem only =anal to linger out • abort but miserable existence, omit ibis fall of 16.39, when, being mere sorority attacked, sail having resorted to all my Conner remedies, and them! =edgier,e of two of Um men respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefo r -ey ,tha consolation of rerst.las butt few days - or week. al farthest—when the le gleus-M holm wan sheet Ili vanish, I had recommended to me your Erpecaorsun— sod blessa4 by that Being who doe. all-thing In the ese et thunemos—Mtd contrary. K. the a:peels:nom al my physicians and friends, I was Ina kw day. raise from my bedjand weaenabied by the mot a bade, us attend to my business, enjoying sums bosom hershistludt I had fat ten yeampreeinem BoePeelfellY Yours, I=4 j Jos. W.'Esentgi,•' , For sale In Plushaqh, kg the Pekin Tea Abner Fp Fourth um= • j • manor • ne:GtooFka IffeCoo* LTAS Selected Pi . llsbernltita his Attire initiated. Il He has taken tho Ocoee lately oecopiedby Aida. rear! Mlles, on Four.k at., near Grant. Immedinwly jelniris the Lamarune House. , His oleo is attaotat6 resllienco, where he will cones:any be ; nssesslonze. less absent on polletaional doty. Gince . boars Cowl? to 9 o'clock A. AL, and.front 6 to 7 o'clock Mks of Um Dalaware Mama Satityns. • ;tn. tem.- RE Board of DirDirec t orshave, wi tts 4 day: - declared 'a T dividend of TEN PEA CENT. to scrip, pas df ebb . proSts of tae Company {arias! year coding Q Meer as 1849, esnifitales for which sriWtte issued on *adagios sits first day of Doeszaboosent: Also, • distdond 81. S. PER.CENTrionoskirkth. capital stook and senp prenrioasly isstivd,parago. , above. an d li NMI:10/.0,1*er 'Redd • P. A.. DIADEMS. Afimattts .013.10EJIWOOD GARDA:VS WWILL remain open for 'Miters Anil the InVhinstio, g - n,1830. Us, ewe and crater getitithselle ea to the season will be kept. Tile G1iMer106412.002. 'mining a large contemns of rare sad choice Plan% will be 0 open to vhlters: klosmas ninly! par Wel aunt nonce • throughaid. the .11.101111. An Ahill2lllkl.2 leaves the Allegheny end of the' St. Clair Street Midge, every hatfhottrdaring tiezienniel tdihd G a mut; and Me ferry , bees, Captain LY*Jkir ;)apt from the Point, luidtag a elsortdistance alcove the Ga. atn. Parties wishing to Mend the. , ?memingetWHl tke' accommodated with a reusm Orudbes at 11) o'clock • P. AL Kept on'Teinperance principles; arid closed de C=LZM%MNI Hr2rLagraliThiVire'ared to' or. T, . , intamberWtt irithibetaf hT 5 tha day or week. T,,IIITALL., .._ . 11 - WA4iTED-' lead - Kegs br 1 SettalleiMiX • 3 ° Al 10,11 . . ~ 7 ....-t ~ r!-:•: , .;!,,!i ,::::-(,•i.,.?,..