. -.. •,..- . . - . • ..... . ---..-.... ..- .. -. - - • - • • ___- .. -. .. ~,..7.c,, , ,?:-., , ,.....-......4 .4 _ _,... 77 , _ , , . . . . I . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . _ . . . L ig . i ~.......,_ -,: • 6 'IL:. - • -- - ' 7 , 7„ ". ..,,, , -, •,.:' _ '' "-t: '-':...- ....'".P.- - --.• ' . .. . 27 1849. BIISMESS CARDS. A LI.AANUCK VILA, la. Fount, st. DAVAiri)7 , TTORNKY • AT LAW d. J.& FOR PENNSYLVANIdt., - . 4 . All communications promP+ll..,,, randaitteill CROZER,Stnntr z y u k, sveet :Walesa ill e5.1..c1 P.• d en y * tt - rers of Soda ENNIMI, IMAMS & COI Ask. Messina.; Pwders ‘1.t. , alsn ,d_ bbelow ßt. WarcLuoso No 7- nov.2 , l y .. - -91, . ~. z‘rir.unw. DitAub. ir. mu ER, Who a g. .Ul par, tKIIGIOI LUTerty nod St. Cale areas, P.M.. '"g h T l ' _-----:------'--."1'4 r.ri ram, X V- 20VOIVIt. • DVL‘CTriCULDCATRON, Wholersda Grocers, JO and L•nai.jsmion Merchsots, No. 145, Liberty at, rtp"2lll7. iii7Lii - i --- e ,,-,,, ...... `",r-"cia--- l • .11_ lh VT., earner Wralls_ld Gta2_te. 1 )Yl__ I THAW:cr. Nal l i. . , ts . E, A tll d - uisay artaw, i lot at, V t. , neon at r . 7 .,,, 1 T t1&fs 0 _ 11. .,.. i 5 , Ti. NO. W 5 Sru uo.: STALL'I., PHILADELPHIA. rIONTINUES to gore ha particular sat talon to the V ue a Want of Huseases os the BEA SCITOSTLA. and Weasel. of the THROAT. °thee Lours: ti A.lll , 1 P. LI., and 7 P. M. I.....dirsf j..L-----___, , roan a. c. M. 5 SIIIKIII. (UAW & SI:INNER, Forwarding ad Lbearstamn , 'LI harehants, N o. IS Market st, Pu1ab0,0.,., OM I YY V Ili CA MeNUITTI A Ca., Foram/mg ...I ea. ." . Wades. Merchants, Canal lasi., Ptitsbrat. b 7.. biiirdisi:iiarsSprtll4,Aules SSW wid. iron Works. C/LYMAN, ' lIAILAIAN to Co, manufacturers Id CCaeca aud Eliot= Stamm Itarnatered Axles, !dein stud Plough Mal, tree, Its %Varchouse on ,i . IS ate I altdloolllottetA,Plusbargh. !Pi Also, dealers ol,' Coach Tromausgs mul Malleable ~ asting!. • . _ cell% C .... -..---)—triuviarailarac., ‘lll DE.NTIRT, . . ' (Late - of New 1 oral Onnes-Srustlaem greet, between Seventh' and Strawberry alley. • N. LE-Dssesams oldie mead., dome att , lamb ll'etded Alp • 1.1.122LAjal _ 431. I. saautot, /aft. J. VIONVIT. •vrtuusit 1. LIadNETT, (late . English, (Teacher ..r. CO.) Wholesale taocers, to end Cor• warsLaa harcharns, and deafen to Proluca and Puts b saga giatataeurna, No. 37 lA nod at., betas.en dd mod al atr___ eetor t.1.._ Gamma w. sorra • Taos 0. ruse.. GEORGE W. SMITH A co., Brewers, rdshders and to Deana, at.t at, Pausburgh. aprol , a - DATER VlrcCOCHßA.C,,Corstmodnon 1 Merchant, No. as ll, oodsuret. PittsbUrgh. my 1 ''.l—llloMidWO LIZ FACTORY. 1 ICrAhIIL, ON STEWART, mastered/am of Beall 11 Blualogs, Cheeks,' er.e., 'Rebecca street, ray r Allegheny. , *. novls-dl)• 'LI Ly., rsuccessor to Murphy & Loo,) Wool We il. ..T1 Courolasion Moreliaut, for rho see o AMAMI Woolens,abert . applauds 6th.. l'ula 7 —l- Cfrillirrel,l. l euroors. • . rr & .. I. UMW), IOWLILD uzara, l'yhum.. .' ' c..xlchrshrura, 1061 0- Allgni, ) ' la SW) & BUCKNOR, Tobacco Coorresearr Ma -11 haunt., 41 North Wear It, & IP Nara& " Wharves, .144..—..-------------------P? d 11..DT• , P.... 1.1 &INDY, JONIM & Co, (nmectsors t 6 Atwood, .LL Jones & Co.) Communion and :Forwardlug Nor chum donlers_in.Yittaborik, .6.l2nolaculred Goods, toOkt, - 111V/111 MCC., 1011ri =WM, SJLIA II DICKEY A. Co., Wholes . alo Groccn,Con±L: stisaion filereltants, and dr.alers in Vrodoce, 1'l~•~ /0-1111-4. MUM DILWORTH a. Co, Wholesale. Cirocere, Pro. V/ • duce and Contoilasion bless-hada, and Agents tor the Mood Pow del Co. of . P., No. :27 Wood st, Fltisbargh. ' aorta TUILN U. TOWNSEPiD, Druggat sad AN1L...7 IP No. 41 Almket st., three doors above Thint r 11.4 Leigh, will have con.liktaly ou hand • arell seleeted he rmtect of We best andhicdleillef, which p illw sell on the Most seasonable terns. Physicists. sending orders, will Le promptly atunnicdto, end sups plied wish articles they may rely upou so genuine. IEY Physicia dns Presumptions snit Le seetely and urprepue from the Lest materials, at em 2l4 hear ol as day or night. Also for sate, • large stock of fresh and gelid P N erla. • O SCWRIA., ilm7Z.--.l.at Law.— sat u. bee out Founh st„ above Smithfield. mora.ly CAN Fl:ol7D;Cidet of %Varrerotenne. J• lion end Fomenting Merehant, and wholesale dealer In Western Reserve Cheese, Dauer, Pot and Pearl Ash, and Woolens Poodles generally, Water t, .ce between Sruithaeld and Wood, Pittsburgh. 43 I (successor PT - Reran & Clebbart, l 4 WIN • WATT, Wholesale Wooer .d Cammissien Merchant, calm in Produce and Pittsburgh kleattmetines, cos tae, of Liberty_and !lewd stream, Ptuabrugh Pa. lifit:3 43p.--ii.enesuris 50 JLewis klutehison A Co, Commission Llercheamf and Agents of din St. Loath Steam, Sager Rehhery. da water emllPl Duni etreets, ista JOAP/ A •laItIIVAN, MA°!wale llaitutst,asul et Dye Palati, Oda, VAautues, rfa•U? Wood Wt.; Onadoor South of D/Asuoud A lle y, , Vsna. 4/7 lt?ceesour to JoseA , to. 110 uLl4t:tilLt";giclit faf bat eats, School Souza, raper, Slates, Sisal Puss, gatthr.,Yrtrould Carda, apd Stationary iressetallf,lo.ol'Wood at, PtUalatty,l , _ip-Llagttizten iu.ttado. us.plF I tiCtIOUPIPIAILKIS Co., Wit e ldia.Co Drogdtati, 40 N 0.04 Wuad street, P/11.Stant, • • J - OILY D. DAV Anetnseer, comer Wood Aztec, PittWurp. seal iSTISCISI awl Paper Idaludactsers, 41 Alaska ss, Pdta. bores frO • . Hamm. Furl u. _AL U. FLOYD, Wholcrude Groeen Cruuriursiou lUeretuurrui sad D•rsleir u. rroduce, aulind LI Church .uldlng., imam& zu LitocrrY. Micud . !Rh Warts, mayo. :el ____ ..,..._ ishlis 1/112.k.L.L., Wiailesaln ...weer, Ceassocsoors Jales clouts., and , desire in Produce and Pnoloirga, Alarnuactures. ho-s 1 Water sr., Pittslosocts.....l.l6 • irIaCULI W KAPPA!, /a, W Wawa , and Mosul Dea ler us Forsyth W c or n er loose.. and old Meson 'shahs Uye Whateas, First and bLeeket Ws. . . . KIER hlal,..s,Fornalaws 11l al Cosuninuou Me, elan., Polders w rani. , and MAW - 0 alum, ( w owed woolen, Coital linain, near 7dk at • • ddi • -.---LiAGNIII /5111.1., PITTSIIIIIIkikI. ....r FN EPIC, CIIII,DS & tk., hlanufauaron °lnrt ! manor 4-d Shcouags, Carpa. Lavin, Cotton -'2's--e'-'lB‘Valitt. Ws , oadj. 1 ir gwis, mizgi.. CO., taanafacturcra of au . a. jj 00s liar, natet, lioiiir lom and Nada of tante. quality. NV archouse„ di Wow and PA (root at. paw., bar----/-WraTtirldAN, Wholesale .Urocer, Forward a rug and Coauttaratou Medea.; Dealer to Forst ab atunufuetaces and Produce, 3,coa• 31 , Water at.i awl al knout TR0XL1111..4,1[1.11, J. JO. & 9JIJ , , iralat&NDY & sa.wir.u. , T WRING GLASS Manufacturers, and Wholeasle j,..4 dealers In foreign and domestic 1 / a ciety Goods: Western werelianW, Pedlars and ushers are waited to call and ciandunthe prices soil quality Mow stack, as 'with our present increased facilities in wsnafsgi i 4 and purchasing, we think we eau alga al to lticrl.S sny ether house wind lit US ALOIJOULII. . . fly a : ''''—. 7 l . s ' a - : . --r' v.65n-iiWi'l'.."b‘ietk: 41 M. WI parittaaa(EdEf, ''"aa."l:(44"Mpro.', In and 174, cf of tatis ay arAl Irwin anew, ents! butyl., Pa lion, IS ail., Colkal Yaw, a . a.b.r.- eau tisapyl haa)L___--------!ag 1 .. j soun 'Paw- ~!,. ... 1 :4-t; it , oe waur c :- ... 1yr11.10611 Mk. hall in lojert c y r s . t7Pittsintrlth• I' ' la V'WILSON is Co ro tr. to) W imtlesals Omsk Wood otrstl, I. ‘qtr na. Rooms, corner us Fosnlmarcin, entrance on 4. near Al orkst •• 6.117111 „A N 11V AX L 1 hACTOi._. ;aux t• ISAAC A& ' JONgHS & 141U1UtIt , VIANUFAITrUKEILS of wing and blister `rteci, 41.1. PlOsghamcl, oral plough wiags, coach avlchp {{ , a ,r.athhhcrooefed from axles, sod dcalcra in my 041......ENhf0 othpao lastipau4 coach Lfooshno %5...hi1Y, comer of Ryas and eroot au Iflnahurpi, .±2_1:_„, .., c , e. N, HUMES t SON, No. ka Market ray secus , l ~Soof crow comer of loath disaera era " 1.14 1 / 2 of Estionliss,i..ert,ficatell of Dow. S, Dank Nous 001 Spools. CoSectiot , mad: on AS priscipal 0100 ,Ss.gLout Unitcdre_l7 'AT ItUKALLSTG ,ialnusasaa-Anhen,lostr at, A3 C othird does above &Willie/a, swath sida onveyancing of aLI kinds don.- with the pea , care and Waal . sal Esude azaanned, • 11.1 . 41.010 art.• Alo 11.• rIPTItAEISIC SU ittaxn4,wDl timed. to the trent- VJ mettle %sem. of the Eye. l ' , Pa. R. Las been engaged in this branch of the lc d otht sal pretemion for stamen years, and tias otutdut establuthment lot the treatment of diSt4C• of the eye alone for actual years. Orates tu s t.d' teattleace, earner of SandastEst and Strawberry alley, Allegheny ottS — LLn.J m rOS, RoDucr, blenutacture add Kcal Estate Stoker, Witecling, Va. LEr Neter nal. Dickey k Co. 01 — rolr. [maul( tuninocK, ISTILEVIT, between Wayne and Hand, *as „f. ...ad lee proleanonal dunes, giving timuuo. moos ou the ?matt, 'Maw, and in Vocal Music. itaglattlth - st., near Wocul—Atl quantities of Green d • Slack Teas, done up in guano,. half, d aloe P5..a.t".""4" (m od elo4 Pte ' y 'l e P i! ' 4, --.".ILD.rt or r ' R, "u g onery, Souther an d dCommithien ba il ee.' tot • ..,booed as ral under the gnu of Kobtson r ion ••••• tarrix &co, No. In Liberty atrec UDtllU"uis.'"lttgabat'VdTal'e'ri En ! . rg . 11 . . • 11 7 loos. V01at.111.100.001. Imslilkr ..1=1,7 10 oath. 44.; ll 14,14eny hail a ii ,FT • o r moonier. old Monongahela. utli*Velb tsiaoLaxs eIEE, Forwarding ead7:emila;;lon IgettbsAls, the the Allegheny River Trade, l j n e - • , tufTrit,irdce, ratubtugh Ata?Fut -n argstpiee*,:tegazlgaletherVr % .5 1Z I' je.‘ "a IC C2"" errila nre M latirZte' P.. CARJ)B. rUTOTTITCIINNINGILM a c Wto ' l said Omen( Dealer in Protium and rinanaranAinn gi.ct.... rn idnEfharty Wlll7lll. ~..../.I.M. CiutorLETT & WHITE`, Wholcitale Drillers lu t7l Foreign 1.12 d Domestic Dry Goods. N 0.7 ., W ens 3K. Pinaborck. febra I.S.j, gill ' : taillßPl.l,," „`‘'.7,`.A`ty`,`.`hfl.?:-D-.,':1-`.--",, And Commiumn Mercliumm, No. II Water ist, Pitts. tultirt I. natio., on-rolalloo. Joe. ooato.to, Amoy x.ooll. Q.F.LLEILS NICAILS. Produce and General Com -1011 Miooon Iderelloot% No. 17 Libctty.si., l'Otabutgh. Sperm. I twertl and Loot Oti Lo s. . S. r . . ----- ,: i° r N o .u° ,; "° • i g r g k rtuntra ' a V o h' l l tre ' r ' e lfl r 4 DaiJerm in Patabuqh ataaufactuire and %Yemen, Pro . - dace, harm e r airraa to their atat etand) Ne.W., eae orTront c and Cliancary Lane.. - - AEI Bntrr llloalesale Grocer , dud Commis- Mendianta, and deniers an randuee. No. 33 good sl, rittaborata. 0a.12 . _ WI i. IROVP. I V. WPM. TROTH:SCAYIT, Whelemie and Retail dealers in Boom Shoe., Trunk, Carpet liege, fee., S.W. earner of 4th and Smithfield so, ihroburyh. Pa- MI ificerilrld/LCAV )Cll r .11 4 ; ROLF:SALE CR(XLIL Importer of FOSSIL:INi WIPIre, LIQUORS end CIGARS, dealer Offliforiougatiela Rye Whokey and Eitutimitti Men ufrietares, corner of Market and First o. Superior ramie. .applied Matador rater. 0rt.2.1 W. illl. AIIITCHICILTIRICIE. 'I OU:SATS: GROCERS, REE lEN INCA TIP , r and WINE and 1.14U0R MEILEN. ANTS. Alro—liaporterr of Pala A.li Inearlting Powder, No. 100 Chesty at, topposts ' , Lath in.,) 1.,31E6. aril! 41,11.0 alai L.L &1-U. ntir sNing and COIZIMIX•4011 Moreharti. dealers an Iron, NILLIA, Gino Irolunt Yarn., and Pang/arab Alaoufantures Er arra& . ..cwt.'' , of Wood and Wlner •trrsd.r. riarburra 'Ur W WALLACE, MiII atone sod 111111 Futinal:- V R . ins E establaahatent, NO. In Liberty et, ma r• :. roe: naiad. • rri W-"STAVlrAiSi,lGiTis,JeAmtry,rolver War:, . And Military Goods, corner of 111,6 ae l 10.P.1 41.1. Mrects, ritrolnirgh, Pa.. N. B.—W dlgielm. .nd Clock, carefully repair...l. ee t's" , BOW EN--4.3nrinro n a giond Forwordow l of RV Slerchant, No. po Front Si. I.ettscrn . Wood an 3 Markel street.. ' fi1•,..4 W. r ., .. 1.1 g 111 ,, R LI l a 3 I,ll:2ieostialicfrrt 11. e:zi 1. north snot 4!_arneroMd.rket and tiro...Blanc_ ~ n0t;:!. 543730tr00, atio. IL- WM.. M. VIIIING A. CO.—Dealets in loather Inleg, a, ::..113.:44L.11 -.:--L___ , , gnlll 400, K 001000 0 !* W ' . ta MRTIVITICUIMIZ:II/1:117t:F.'77:,,Ti01,11 bargliAlannfietures generally, 1211.1berly 14, rill,- ! d“...: b Vir Iv WI ON Dealer in Weitchea, Jewelry. Silver Ware, blilitary Goods Sic., No. 37 Ali, t.12.11_ - " nos 7 _ --I)l7ll:tildtrti-Bra.- Co, DEALERS IN lIIDI AND LS:ATI:KR, Morocco, Shoe Findings, Ac., No. 143 Liberty Flfrel, have 'WI received thole SPRING STOCK of gooda,3roro. 'prising a large aroorunent of Article. in their lino, to which the attention opnrchusers is invited. : tar.hlS iLati PETTICiIIS. a CO., STEAM BOAT Ali ENTS Omen uova Auste Co, octal No. 42 Water meet. ! INSURANCE , an d Wealth Loan sauce. rj , 116. Alward Ufa hind Ineursuce Company 1„ of Ploladelfilta, Incorporated by the Legislat.e of Pon/wiser., March, Odd. Charter pc-rot-met gdplttl, 5100,00). Earn town Took AM l'atkmat.- UM. CoMPOTT, and full ttl per cent lower than the twat rates of Late Insurance, no the tollotring com parison will show: Thus, person of at age ot 30 in wring for 11W for life. matt pop m the Mooed 52,11h - ' - Pennsylearma,s233, Pent: Ramat, ISVOI; Egaimbie, Viti ll r4l; n iVtl 'i ra Nlll7l . e.or p kt P a.," i 6 A 36. Diatriossi'LSamttell'lke'rrickl'd, tjartes 1011, W. EBoone, Robert Kmg, Charles P. Hayes, M. W. ldwin. M. Reeve, PL. LI, Chas. O. U Campbell, . 1 1a CooPm'il Rodman Wirtor,R.ll Bader, Edurtit R. Cope. President—ltamvel D. Ormek; Vice Penn ielll—Robt. P. Cingt SeerstaryFranms Blackburn.. Ippllcationa will be received:anti every coorruabou given by SAUL FAIINESTOCK, Act, Olftee,Oominercial Rooms, truer of Mt 27 dly Weal and Ttt.rd Pittsburgh •111$111tANCIs. • PILOTk!:VT,IO.2II V . 11344 AN kisesk 7/10IP lrltVl),6t=i!''- wrote-Duran tv Asintial,Proinikals, OspitalrOlock,usl Similes Fund, 1,000,000. t, Tele old and responsible Company eatilineett ta• tte polietea on We most faveirable tenor 011 Larclatic ;Houses, 11stoseltold ta ruirf,Stores, Stock+ of Goods, 'ter alehouse+ and contents, blills and latonalciones, !k o-. /to, egoism LOSS. OIL Dhaka: BY FULL. I Also, tot tisiods, Wares and hicrehanthae, assoot the karat& of INLASO Tluelarorrallos, ned upon the lCargoes ofSot Veneta. t The Proirction Invaetr.ce'Compwy having. In the last 15 pekes, paid CAM ottn.tvs or DOLIAe+ at their 1 several agencies throogliont, th e Urittod Sioessild the British I roClueet, bore established a ye. repotatton for solvency and fate dealing . . %%lure challenees Coln pansoo with any other untie company on the coOttnt' oat ot America. Tlbt'iMitP2o4.l ! VISO, front ay artiele on also Pateeet Of !utterance Co m mente r , to Imo the ,•‘Nove Yogi Ilsy llook,o eri.ibna limed, the standing ind policy of the Cartnpawy. ''llle:rooneyed Men' of thelancimosed always pros perpos city of Usrtford, home for WO a mutury boon ftmeati Ihrotighoat Wte, tituon for, ibe etre, drieretton, rigid honest,, and wtvaryloit succors with which they have 10101.4 and managed met-itemns ot dos tie 'entail.- nod lartfont Bank or It.infblo, Compaio has ever failed! he irompenie. Ise moor than vrhote generation tratietet their rt.:. 111 nest - eterY state of We Union, tool e net er laited to pay the Imatverable I,i-ems:Web they have to-tart] agateet." All loaies nettling upOnipelicie, t eintenby the under itincen, will tic promptly win:men and paid at tee Geis enalAgeney othce, located .at Cutetnitati, 0 A iltee portion of the loons of din Company, line ltiaing all pretaitheit teceived at the Weatero ageneir..) ic tfr posized swlttt. the (lentos' Agent of tie CitioPanY f Cincinnati, lot thnlyitylobt or Weoltqn arpr Southern losses. Apply to ' EAN - 1.:1 . a: I.Ot.t l NV N, Agent tot the city of Pitt,touglt, nod for A Itegheny ~ county. ectOttlai _ Taw P•sars•ylwasala ltowap•ny FOR Ltozo•NCit ON Liu.* AIM Usa %slew ANNUM!. rp ire m: firm Life Isuoiraute CumpaliT Li the 1:. 1. Incorporated ?dared IC. Icl9--e ha ter perpetual. sIaPSIM Vsulkikki--all paid in. Mame authorised the Untleivittried to receive apPli mato. for insarance, winch pol.cies wide :awed, according to their propoidds and raickwhieli will les made known to applicants 'this othee, C skl No. Di V. ranee!. spit GEO llitAN. W—B C up nn OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL.;IOO, OOO . F awl.. .1 , , E3.4:..r. 11. ?dux., Jr., ,'rest Will mare agaiost oil kinds or risk., FISEMA KIN ALL lose, will Leg aily suljavted and p,..01, paid. A home institation—managed by Directors. who are knovrri its the coutinuenty, and who are determin eSalld by promptness and liberality to maintain tlisi char acter which they have wisuined, as otrcring Me best proteetion to those who desire to be Insured Diastcrone—R. Miller, Vu l ture , Black, J. by. Duller, N. Ileinacs, Jr., Wm. 11. C. 'Waren, Gro. Jackson, Wm. M: Lyon,' Jas. Lippineott, Thos. K. Liles, James INPAuley, Aleg. Niunek, Thos. Scutt. Orator, N 0.22 Water Greet, twurchoote or :item, 4k.Cyop_ktaLqa.Pittsburgh. : INCE. r i LlVE " CrktAliV—TW lA c ei,NBotrhijr,:kiTi.lF,; elestage,Third street, Philadelphia. ' lasdeatscss—Datidings; Merehandwe and other property In TOWN and COMlTZT,msured Igllllllsl. Roe or damage by Oro at the lowest also reum. Mot= Imaramam".They w rote. essels, Car goes and_Freights, foreign or criastwiat, trader Opal , or 'special policies, no the assured may desire. IMANDFIUSISPORIOttoII.—neY also trimaran:Lorca .- ..Wm twin...ported by Wagons, Railroad Cars Canal /oats and Swam Roars, on titers and lakes, tin We moat liberal term,. • DIRELITOILS—descpb Seal, Edmund A. Sokder, Jahn C Davi., Robert Johu It Penrone, o el Edwards, droll Leiper, Edward Darlington, Isaac R Davis, Willira J Min Newlin, Ur It Al II ns. loth James Cl land, Thcophilcs Paulding, II Joust brooks, Henry Sloan, 'High Craig, George a•rrill Upeueet Alelleun, Charles Kelly, J 6 Johnson, 1 1)11 I t i ar i t ' A 'r rg i1 4 ,11 t 1111tLY,Ti.}Zei.,.it '' llegaley, Joe. T. Logan. WILLIAbI MARTIN, Presider \ RlClgalm fil:NrarviOmv,6ctrettol . 1t Mice or tita,Company. No. 42 Water Pittabargl2,_MADOßA, _ DIAZ AND DAMN IC rettiUltAN HE INSUKANCE CO. ot North America s nuke pernimettl and Inniteti In.nr•iire a rts perry in this MD and vicy, andshipmen Canal, Divers, Lake., and by Sem. The pro... Men Wla Corapany•are well Steeled, and forms!, en Iva. L abia &MI Gnaw rad* luderansty of all pcmoris vet r leeiret in be promoted by inmranee. WM. V. JON Pte,, Agent, 41 Water sr. myln '"'7"'" --7— FLN L Th. Fran/din-Pm .Ixsurarii Co. of Placallphia DlRECTo6.l4.—Oharles N. Bancker, Thom. 1 tors Tribias Wagner, Samuel Jacob K. Munk, (kn. NV We Mordecai U. Lewis, Adolphe I:. gror,e, David!. drown, Monis Pattenloll. .CLuabie N. B.Kini, President Charles Bancker, Secretary. • Continu on make Insurance perpesoal or limned, ry demripoon of propely ln town or country, ou &Trete? ok love ari are consistve n Lwith wemity. G o rrrrnwry biala WIG nOtillnitent Fate , • wklettwitlr their Ca rattro . e ., , d sm . et y nave t••• .I,l,Tlti,pglarrfeorrapany, on Jmuary let, priblishc,l, agreeably to an net of Allaclnnir, n , cl rellove l t ............... EL:tilTjtale • • ......... Temporary Loan. • rtc.• • n Omen their Inettrpedlatiolff .s,. they o stave paid'upsrards of' 000 o t' fur and dollars, Wyse. by fore, therehl dvi ' d ' ing u' e u slltflice . 11 . of the advantages of insaraneth an well as the tad uou In/nlatfPNY_XtVlAl,l2lisiebOlt.,a,' icarot•lry Pi hi come er Wood an 1:4 b.II3..A.WaiXI slSSUltljo/ff glee 1 P• svAirita,lll etf?ltauti Xiiitbalpany of Phial adelphin • Pic% [risks upon lajdingsiand nierelnicnim of every description, and 115.1' Aram Holm upon 1111111 ,4 !f cargoes of realm's, takco.,Apon the Most Isvorable • term*. VIT hi the Ware am me of NV. 0.110105mM Bro., N. 37 Water; near Natter i t treet, thttfllnrAl l. N. IJ.--The suernes th l it Company since the e fishmeal of the Agehey b ts mty, aril die tomer , • ness and liberality with yr itch every anon upon Mem fir 1414 has linen edpistei I, fully warrant the agent in• Inviting the coulidance patronage Milinfriends and the community at large o the Delaware M. Iff. ranee Company, while It Isne the addidnnak ads nutsges as an institution =wag Ike most dos nsh ng lo Pullsdel ptui—etal having ansespic.paiddn capital, which by th .. e ax 7:l7Ll64torlo*eraci'l:•'pehArL'ar in''sucrec",ll.;"flue"seraTre of the profas or the compariy,•without nmolvine, him any v.Panlabillti Whatever, and Mercir. an lallset`MK ihnillatsal miner* divasted . of •very otrnomoutt fen rare, and la do 03041 aUrruAlre rOrm. • noel • ITTSB HOTELS VOVNTAIN 110TZL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. Yoga eIVII 11111¢eToSi, Tancausroga TIIIS establishment long and widely known as 11Wing one arum Meet cam...lions in the city of -Eusumore, has recently undergone very exte ive alterations and irnprOVernenUs.• An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The indica' department h. also been taMpletely , reorganireei and fated up in a roe svistique and Mann sm:c. In fact the whole arrangement of the House Mann he een remodeled, scab a singlet (o an the part of the proprietors. towards the comfor and pleasure of their Guests, and which dry confidently sawn will challenge a le mmon with' any lintel the Union. Their tab will always be supplied with °Veer sub. Mental and luxury which the market affords, serred up in a superior style; while ha the way of Wines, eart h e d - they will mtba surpaamd. In conclusion sae propriesorsheg to my, that .thing will be left undone on th eir partrauel on the part of then. aaristants, to' render this hotel Worthy die coUtinecd patronage of their friends and the pubhc generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following nom: Leadies•Ordinary, • 51,75 per day. Gentlemen's s LAU N. —The Baggage Wagon of the 'lease will al ways be n found en the Car and Steamboat Landings which will convey baggage to and theta tbe Hotel, free of charmtriaMM_ I.ABIARTINE iIOOSIdg Or 17013/A7ll Ann mum rearirs, PITTN6IIIIEA. TllltLYu subscribes respectlolly announce* that Abe him now opened his new and creellent lloml for tLe accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house and furniture been entirely new, and tin putus or expense have sparcdlo render it one of the Most comfortable and pleasant Hotels to the city. The subscriber Is detercatned to d ,and Wm.. fort solicin., a share of public pstrOnage. m.114..111 JACOB 1101.1011. Proprietor lINITED STATES JEST/W.lO -- csasve SVC.II AND 1117110 14 PrOSITV. Into Hank of Ilnited Plates, Phil.- delphin. hi. POPE Proprie marlstor LAW OFFICES. JOAN 11. RANKIN, A TTORNEY anti ttounaellor at haw, anJ Coultas.. sio - trt tot the Stair Pennaylv.iu, Low., %In tlo• of Purstutrsh `turitessres—Ptumburele lion. W. Formant, Hump on A hltitur, hPeandlraa A M'Clure, John E. Parke, A. *ample, ItPlUard augl43lty 11r1111/11.1"/. u. vua ' BAIRD 6 STICILLIIETT, oh AND COUNSELLORS AP LAW, St Fourth atrt4l., between Southfield and Grant, •IttlbutKh. Pa. juts 101111 R. 1.•11116- WIC 47.1".1[111 , LA8.4116 & FRIEND, .TTorirvs Al' LAW, Fourth street, near Grant. tuttluf TTORNET AT LAW.-oMee on Fourth et., be. ter.ten Smithfield and Grant et, Pittsburgh. W3l. TIMBLIN, . ATTpILINIV,T AT LAW, Butler, Pa WILL elsa malaria to adleetions and all other busi ness entrusted tot= in Mro Milne nod Armstng counties, Pa Refer to . J. A R. Floyd, Liberty st. \ , W. W. Wallace, do . James Marshall do Pittsburgh. Ely Key A Co.. Wood st. .1 ._.— lan; —_ __— ] IL.SWEITZER, Attorney at La, °dice n 4 st., tl , . orlbosite R. Merles Hotel, Plusbarsh. will alp° attend promptly to Collecuons, In WutAngton, Fayette and Green encodes, P. REFER TO /Median/A, Bell & Co., Merck& Carothers, }Fritsburgh. rs I/ Noma& ocl3dly E. ti.'..`2.ny.t..".°"o;ri.ntne°. t"."ZtVt.,7l:: and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, preene . tly and Care fully aoended Collllloll[l. torthe Wats of Ptllll - for taking Depostions, acknowledgments, tce. &c. WAI. lc tt.on, Curtis, Idtdiritli & Carothers, llays, Exqt,,Willock & Bevis. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS FALL EP/011110S BOLL lIATHe na m;:coaD d Co. will introduce tsi• darePLL truturtly, A. :guru) the tall eirtc of lictuternetre ltutu e curter ta Ptah stud Atittuel vreetu.._etuirp_ r . EVCOILD CO.. a(Su...ore to'ht'eterd d ti.s' rig) Vasillonable Flat ter'•.o ll / Corner of Wood and Filth Streets. pAaroldeLL.A.R, atte ,, lion paid tct ,, our 'lntuit Trude. Cup: twist cue'cutateldein'tlcTil 0 1t " heir 11000 .0 ' l ' 2l wooroosanr, of die L•SCIFI rntantund at the teenerrA .• Merchant!, purcliaallyg 6J wholewsle, Ily ini. l to eull mid examme our Plot , 'ay with confide., that an regards ` c. it will not suffer in a comparison with qulsdelphi.a. AI.IFORNIA—fiATS-12 dor.. .o.ama . corocz itu and Wool ------------- arPILINO VAS IIIONS VOR 1849..4 .e. 0..) & Co. Wal introdore on Satnr . day, Myrrh ad, tor sonar rtylr of MATS. Taos., or Want all neat and auperurr hat, am ioritc ta roll at corner of ana and Wood Marro,. mar= PRINIi IIONNI7T RIBBONS. te.—W Murpos, ny 1.7 lots now type:. a supply of spru spring ßennet albin 'of o,nagal lounNotne styles. Also, ttese suyie 6L'..1 Nett, 1 ..td V.it• iny;lien llkote,•, Victor" du; ploet Mo‘lino aconets. pothroldele.llion.• M0•1in......te 4 bers.le• o tap: , a.....rtment .1 Spatue. Goods genewally, at ootth cost eorn.4 4th end lltsritet t.eue.nie Rom , up luaus. apd FORWARDING & COMMISSIOtti 1. 1 . 1105. It. /II c3.ru /a SILL. lisoert•, end yroduce nnJ t'on , Intwon Merchant*, No.ood .t. Yillatsrah , I.Fo,erten, DO., %V beat, Kt r,OI•14 Ilor,y, rota, 113,•. , 0. )burr, Lard, l'lnre.r, Clover Tonothy trod :h•eds, Iron. Nails, Silo., 1,5n..010r auentton rald to the sale of Wesley, ro.luee . Isutu.,--rs —Mee. , Myers d. Hunter, Robt. 14 2c. Roe, Iteloptoo, sg.totth woes nt Kw,: it sloorbend, atsb•re,L. Fe htet,ollon. Jos. :4. !Sorrow, Eooi apt2tl-.1 I, n , `• • t rata latent N. I.mt , olt. V. ovsa ions ' 111LA10 SILINNIZILt WiERAL AtiENCY, Coontulanion and Fortrao. 1- kJ tog Mt.rcliantii. No. 'St blarlico ir, Fillthoran, C. tril.rnayt utiettnon given to We puirlonw an: of all 01 PralliCr. Unica in--Jolot Woo & urphy, Wilmn &Co V atotoor,h, Poi.,• I .arr•ott C 0.,, & Hill, Mahlon Martin, 11.; John 11. Brown & Co., tirigg, & Co., Pholsilea,; titto4gram re Co, Gregg & None, Now lantio'n, of Fr. :Antler, Ilion. C. D. Cahn, Cincinnati; J. V. Erller, Young...own, 0.; W. I. Ottani amt. Overland,. 9, augO.4,_ GSCORGE COCUILAN• CornealsSiOn and Forwarding 11•Irchant. no. 26 noun err., rirrsausen, • a 11.1iSTINUPd to transact a general Commission I.olli kj lIWW, especially to the purchase and sale of Amen can 61watt...tures add t oeProdu, and in receiving and rarardiug (roods use oins ewe.. As Agent for the iiranahretures, be so Pitts constantly supplied with therTig.plia 611.10 if. of Pittsburgh ilanufacmre olds lotvest wholesale lima.. Order. and consignments arc respectfully "so li cited. • 107 Patin DlaChila• Shag. AviGirrnAN—Menafsetnrer ot all kinds of cot- JCL. um and wwilen machinery, Allegheny dry, Pa 'l i r e above works being nose or full and succor...tat op. marina l mn prepared to execute °stars with dispatch for all kinds at machinery dial 1t66. arcs ria pickers, spreaders, curds, grinsiteg rasslanes, crummy* drawing frames, speeders, thipasils, looms, woolei mards,double or %Male, for merchwt or country and inulcs,pre k ha.; slide and band lades wd tools in gci . end. All kinds of shorting made to order, or plans gin en for ge tornaring f arm or mills at reasonable sharp o—Krunedyilds le Co., Plwitstork, Ise A Coa di n g, l Pennock A. VA, Om A. isray: . bliil T ., 0 1 : F - F 7 r, r. .w ,n, K , yj n ri: ----- b rmn, rolon.e, 13.. -1 "1 . :2:tt;:" ' :0 d the large x It to Seeoutt et, It etween Wood end Smola. il eta., in the re sr of the Itionougabela (lope, With an .tii,.lT net. Stock of Itorxes end Carriages of We best quality. attain teat styles. Horse, t a g lo y te- ryot the best Mooney ,________. 6." Gniii'DiVita °°b"cot°ll,l.trati,l74 '"'"- . -, ne,.lll:ne.f'rorn InO POint, SOW .I . Libittyifeet, 10 , th• 6111-_, 4 test—leaving at tto elocit,A.k., I n: s at tlto beginning of each hour Uinli 0 o P t . N. , I , l;i nor f s owl easy on Ow /tog the boat at the br , Mt I Cie iitiniOl.o th , fas tllo top , °' those lU°s' ,l '. wishing to The oingavat ix advancing, an ... . . visa tlii, aolittlatful lelrtst, cow In LOC WU pc a few lar are,.nott in the p er and Just of tbe city, but at . I;utt, atincspkerr, perfumed with the (Ing ranee o 4 0 W , :rO , A.ti kiwis of frestmentx, except Ttoeux,l6eatit.tg.d.„rin.!: ore kept oni th e toteuttsea. Litoo!..n ....r. On ... Ite onittcll of cltoiet, Bower' lor pat jAS IT .s it tit , ,, ,i tt N. Hatt (pi -Change of Landist% wade on aemana el gaga. 'Loll. u DIILTICEILOCII.GEK ' S. U. AtiENT, Forersranne and Cowmen , .carat, ban removed wNulr7 Ftont, bet and tintstbfiet.l wart. VV E,,,t,'„',7,.'",'r.u5f,'::•."',°2,1.°c".1.1:.,":.`;`„,: 1,,,,m, wattune 'men amen, ore turned in roll end wn, than at . , SCA' VK ATKINSON'S, tnrWr let, between Wool Kernel SI l/47,41. 41 114.7.11. 7,1 %MI 1,5 • LI ,5•11 :1•••/.K.1 • Sissn Brick Wallas tor Salm. put: zubscnber odors for sale, the STF.AId BRICK L WORKS, above Ithwrencerille, , cumin...mg team Eag, 2 liodera.C. Mould aluelante, espial/le of th nufacturtng IN Pressed Docks (out of dr) cloy, ..ken hunt tae bunk,) per day; ~ ...q ,b ,, ! , ,Tz...1 ....t on th e Allegheny Aver, ou wine b.,,nre,04,1t I.ck. , thedv, tnuelone and oily sheds, wheel r . thing requtsite to corn. . 00'0* """1". 0'0 " 'vc' P 'ea ind.ain • wore operant" us at SU hou r. notten. AI , ~,,,... g the patent rtght to urn thal macho e, / sw., von: psynteht nude ththy. Without the land, . . bur/mutat., adddci. 'HENRI/ al buturr, ova:p.-41U No Ile blooongullehalloase. _ BULL iiiSliitleitss FOCIAILISI.V. A L A Fill ,TON,Beli and Linos Founder, has re . birth and commenced bus ut his old stand where he will be pleased iness IOKo thigh/100100 n , et. nod itir 'oda u, C;l t ; it re II ~ , od t=rl , l7 . li i t i o f t . ts d m Belle p.n,. of e: i ej , ) , ; . fi i n a.: ; m f ro p m r 40 . ..1 odds and wet insited to be of the beet materiels. Mineral %Valet V urups,Cuunters, Railing, he., togth Orr with every vat %et)/ uf Brum thutings, sr required, twined end faushed in tbe neatest manner. A. I'. it the role p roptietor of lissares Arrlit-Airrat litio Maths., an rural y celebrated for the reduction of 'friction in machine ry. The Macs and Compeuation can't/. bad of tom at all times. peAbly Fulfill:ill Fl'il 1. -- - - -/A - /O0 teams-of of and . Boot Paper ? a superior artielo. Assorted or.. on band. Atty sive s oath, to Oahuordl shortest uotteli. IMO 5 ILL, 87 Wood si GH,. TIiESDAY M COTAENERSHIPS IB.KAYfial:rilslDUT:e.lx.ii:::¢Klit:C(7:-.1:46t41e!r1:!1: v e T c l :l:t 'f b y ' :l . e di i l' o:: . f . je'.:11.4...c1:5ih:..1:7,71:1;brib::::.:1):;d111 . Ink his entire tutewst in raid nun to ..,....&,.. h l Leid• bushwrs connected emit the . fitts Or . . • .... , , 1_?..... nr,. ' will be settled by W. 11. !..0.5 ,, d ,, ... .•,: 11 1,,,,„ duty .utboristd to make tut eoltee.l_ w..k ., L.1.403..K. clams. ItUrrliblLLD Putrburgb, Oct 9.7,1619. S. 111.1:111-11.11.1/ NCO. will ernmuniir rhol n. e,ale and retail Dry Goods and tiroce traliimar , t the old awn: room. No. tr... Liberty oh wih . r.l 0.1 Fill hr plet.rd to have .. .tr frieinls and c o•lOnters. all end txamtar their ::styli DUIII IF.l.D2rth 11.11•aolotrolar eourent on VI.Ir Sepo.niber, W. the tnierera oIJ. who rctirc, t.t1,..,• of that firl/1 will be .ettled by their suer...end!, Wro nrguleykCa " Nor. I" ,T i lt. " l.r.k .' N ' r l lV/rl iiit.EV, Pittrhargo, Oct F., 40 trtaAC R. CO-PARTNE.RSIIII..—Wm. gagaley, hams men lated with him Wm. IL Wondwerd hl Phnedelpine, John S. Ceenrave nala Ralph Itegaley of Pegli, will imitmute the Whnlerele (twenty Ilusmegli nt le and 20 Wood rd. under the firm or WM. RAG A. CO ,rll,burFh , and 11.ktirt L EY, WOODWARD fr.. , Weds. onl . --------,----- Dissolution of Co- hip oloAr bettkeen the T " L: '- rif::::::11 1 :: " .1:: ',,O,` V;;t ‘;,...„ ~,, .—t . 1 , 1 n . z, , , t , . non, Wsot thosolved E. the Ict 111, , t 0. 10: r i lt i u , t4 wis ,. A. 4,III,IIEIaSON. Piusburfih, O. 5, 1945. The sub•criber will cononor the Wholegair. Grove, ry and Communion llama , * a+ heretofore. it the old, U. 61.145 'Awn) . rt.orti A. CULBERTSON LO ROI.IIIKTORS OrrtlE1971:41111111111ALKAI.1 IL WORKS, an. now prepared to iiiroirh article of tknia Asti 1.1 31orinto. l'crrOitz i to purrioll . ...her 01 the obove latirlo, nre quired to toll on ISAAC ht A 1.1:1 , R, No. CI Witt M.. lOW examine tho ariteler before pureharinit elacwirrre N. It —The Soda Aoh inanureetureal at itismetblak , mew greatly >apes - n to any Wise( I,rollt , no all .r,ll . -- • 11_ fr e /•1111. ATIIMOS. SOAIFE Ai ATKINSON. an-walci Woot, aNa Itrnaraall, esdN'FINIW. to mainilariate k IV. , of orrnt, , , %.:./ TIN AND SIIFFT IKON %V Work. Stearn Bola+ built In 01 . 3er. Srlerlal allenlton glarn In p/ealn boat work. iiavo on bands a fine ru•ortrnent Coppek and Unool Kettle., Ti,, Ware, /cr.& r Steamboat Fooklng Stoves, Portelolo Forge, var.. Pltet v 507 ConTenienl ar• tick for fleamboall,CalliOrnin rlnigranti, br ad rood • • . companies. We would respectfully matte steno boat tram and others to call and ace our articles and prices hge porchavina elsewhere. ortl:ed CO., Di.olutlon of Paketnership. E copartnership of lIENIII lIANNEN It H former Ilannen• Muller & Co.. to the Window Colored d (CO.. bustness, is this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Fre‘lenck The business will ,he cottunnell by OmuderstWare erted, under the firm of HENRY HANN &CO house No. It'd Second st. where we maid h t v...tr7.7.1..t , ipferior Window lltas. 1011 N lIENKT lIANNEN , MUG R U OrIFIRTSON , 1117.1. riusbunth. gg. Mg. • Coparro.or• . trove the business int,her.l,3,forrargie,r,the ctirslak.ofc.O. ITIJ I ° l X % • rairriam. rpm: partnernhip heretofore existing under the firm 1. of A. AC. BRADLEY. teevtlrbr the deeenre .4 Brothel. udley. The busu. retch eorroAl on 4) who wilt .ettle bitrotco.r of the tote firth. REMOVAL - BLADLiI has removed tus Foamtry NVareboose (tom No. 112 Second btrret, to too. 10 Wood street, betureeo Seat and Second rlreeta,, , o the warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where he p ehmusully 0, h.d a general at , ortsneot or Clot h'!' Car. lira.. SLOVM COOkII/12 54.011, he. Ty 0 .. _ .. .. — -- Dlosola ikon. Tll.l.,:l,7lLrtge. rit11,7,2,1tr„.r=f0..;,, ~...soisr"tim:,...,e.:7;:ri.th.pc ell ..1/101.1111111.11.12.1 by 011111121 remora. .51essla. llorke & 13.1.0. 0•111 settle the be mho... of the eetl• cent. ler which purperee ahoy are upthurreed to 0. We moue of the roueern. I.: . ATIIA Pel F.I. t.IIINSTA.III.E... *ITI.111A`.3)111Tkil!,i1:;* . The ondemenlb•vrtloa day aA.Pur /1.4 tba.< NC • u the name us fIUIDiFI A DARNF.S, for the purpu.a f munsmetattua Fan lions Safe.. )'ants fkroc., ze. e, at the ,sand of she lan. firm of Gmatald the e,lthrto • Cu- where tin., will he plowed Au receive a. nage aline ea.tamens amt hmsaFand their inenda. no I.lloll' OULtif.F., T 11.0)1AS BARNES. In retiring front the firm of Cutotri.le, Br: g at 0 0 , I watt g t orete Alen -ure treomixtrod ee+, Ratite Llae to ',tie ceetfalrtive of to) troenil• lit ti Feb Y, le4V. ii.latllNlll. CONS/. febigt.ltf lairtlgTU 4l46l3: p.rtn•,..h.p of 511:111 . 11Y a titling limy al. -gaged by osuttitil mtneetti The butti t tese of tne fain will be ....Wed II Lee. K rtitsburfth, Jan. 30, len II . . . , --- NoTicE—T). , u. tlmigne.l win ro.ner ibe u, mate.. ontl ittlettd to the Fele to/ Woolen Cloud., Ile t old ninil. H. Lilk— . . . in relittng from the him Of Niurphr toklLalt endLng ?di crest pletonsge recortan II . to th. co.lliden..e fneodg nnd the J fttiltr , l . : co-r turf, Ketnei.r. s:tt, th , .1. , 1n and Wlik ry on the Tit opper At , 0.1 e.heet ifoll arnon , ockori tn F tu l.lancher, the °I .1.114 Ot Wt4l SeUl/..,"ltiti.trt.et. I,rtirtlViri,tentlort p ko wort. Vl..thia day as,o,ated 0•11111, ‘l4e.Lol, sir l.iorery, rroduc, Cand:ul•4,no otheiJo.eph, J uteri.l/11 SC JUDIIRI7 1,1149. 10.4 . A ILLT M:H8111 P ta rn a nun{ hett.ttts tbtt tltty mt3tatritard vrith hon. 141,1 t 8 Sl , 'ittte., the let• ht 10.1.115 1r II Itrrenter I.contlut . ted antler It, Brett 01 Wrtt Vault, S 1 ^ WII.I.IAAI YOUNG, ittab • JNO. It. NI 1:1/N}_ MISCELLANEOUS . - - 44114420. 4 • 1 . 1143,4404.'1LT 11;0' N w, bouts LI ;Is: , 7 0 . 4 . . e r t ;7: d i 06 , Morris Orton, seacte hr. will Ue happy to sea ht• trtendo arOU sod forgoer au•gomers. TU Pal PPrlg-Itg. , JOll9 1 , . WCHEARY. Printing Ink Manufaeloger, NoZ.IrII and :WI sotto since, N 141 V VON li—l/e• pot Na. 3 oner.. atreet—Wootd can the sttrrition Printers 30 km emproved Printing Inks of kinds and orders, tLe follow me Pr.aes Barra is Jet Black, for Card owl Wood Cuts - ' - Un and 3an per lb. Fine Book Ink - U75.` I OU 800. - 40 050 '` New* Ink - 0 `• a 1 , 3 Finn Rad Int - 75, 100 GU `, 2Ou Blu Yellow, Green and I n 7".'s, 00 I " (104 tote at £2 per IL; And lironaa at 50,75 et. and fl ints 01 New FIIeCIII/CO s Ink ran be seen on this nape A For sale by JOIINTON & STACNTON. Plusburgh, C. Morfinti k Co Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton & Grlewould, Loineville, Ky. riediatdru milli Robber Paste. ---' fi) GROSS Just we'd from the Philedelphia Fariory, Gs an excellent article by rendering Boots and Shoes perfectly water proof, nod soft ea a piece of cloth. One moplicauon of this Pace is ea thrient in took e them =pert.. to water for m0n0... end is util a pewhole•rfect preventative from die lenther cracking. S sale ar.d retail at N 0.5 Wood nt. octle 2e, , J. A 11. PIMA.' PS. JANIJKS W. INOCILIWILi.I. , la o der n and Antique [furniture, IM, Tut. Smarr, Pll,llitnit. A large and splendid g 2, ....,...,. .rune. of Fisontute, 4•44.-cofivesn..R suitable for Ste.thimis, 44.,:r---0,4 Hotel. and private dwel ling., eminently on hand and made to otder. The ptesserit stock on h.d cannot be ecee'de by .y m.usactory in the western county. Perrone wishiug to purchase would do well to give ma a call, as lam determined my prices shall ple.e. Path of W stock coneims in— • Tau •Tete; ' Buffet Etinicie; Louis XIV ChM.; Muectr Elizabeth chairs; Tea Foy.; 4 run Tables; Toilet Table.; Loins XV Commoder; French Mahogany Bedew,. Pinno Stools;. e Rigor. with Plush and Ilaw.clutla coven , : GU Mahogany lineking, Chairs, 40.100 PSVIOC do 30 0 Fancy do .. centre. Tables; •N parr 'Mann; 4 paw pier Tables; II marble topDrewing Bureaus; e Ward bas; 41 S r oecreries unit Rook raves; 20 marble top Wash th ta umb , . 4 pelf Ottomans; 8 pair fanny. Work Stands; 1,,,,,,,;,,:z l..argLa.nego,LlLewiltmofe,e,ozivon chairs and other ..F..t ........110. ; L o t .. . funrolthe.tln..nis,,!l7 thotteet notice, deele Dlaphzogas. 1114ertiir- Rif dignii t Vi leer. TIM; in to certify int. I have inn 40 ' pointed Livingston, Roggen & Co. Sole Age:. forte salo of leonine , Patent Di/torah,. Filter, for the ell ' ties of P" ) " ( l ia b li;g 4l :Z A ; cinti i ., for Walter Id Gilson, 349 Brow way ' N. V: Oct 10, IRS. We Lave Peen wing one of the alieve articles at the office of Use Novelty Works for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that it is a useful invention, nd we take pleasure in recommending hem. a line. fat article to all who loon pore wale[. Orders will Le thankfully received and promptly executed. netlfi LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN hr flaw • re ib v le n r iu t g e i rA l s (........, IgNGl3'3lVAkf ER, . Which render% turbid water pure by • '... 'HSv'iTts.'7"ll's"r7rtio"„'W‘eqe'rntiV.Tor*T irgp. Ivlti,up,,l epl.c.tro,antrabrao.to,thtli,oN,Lt ' filtering enek, elanws a. I rge r ilepo t -= int iure aubstance womis, An. Me i • I al is the rase more or le. with all Lt rant water. die T t. h . e . lt : v. v . : d r i i si withbi , 1 e , F t 1 11.,, 1 , t e , . t ic, e ,ac r 0,1,,a7,th.n0.a s tc t ~.t .tb . to : d, k ,gi d: cd r i ib ... l e ,b , ,,,.. . d ar d ax. ls , d water pipe, by merely Battier. th e key or handl. from ane ride to the other. 11l this envy proem., this course of Water in Cnllangul, end ell accumulatio. fo impure inthsUutoes are Shwa off almost Instal:alb without unserwielny, the Filter. It also possosses the advanuige uf tieing o" op cock, rind am muck, to many eases will be very convenient and oconomio. _ It Can be attached where thereto any presents high or tow to a c.k, tent, tab, Au. with ease. To lie bad of the sol 117 Agent, o VI. W. WILSON, . corner.' rout. and elarket eta For Colifornis. %ME eelebrated Hassel RifiLPOrlde,r, In kegs, bell ~, ,.grq'—`7 rt,ll,Weicrill Vh.rwood 51 'NOVEMBER HISCELLANEOUS .Chocolato, Cocos, So. • I W. Baker'. American and French Chocolate, Prepier al Cocoa, Cocoa Cote, proms, Cana etc. Fliti merchants and eonsamen who would purchase iTibt lw . tt products *repro. 'free from adulteration, moye outritlODA le. 01,11gGE, A n quality anon pric.ed, tht subscriber recommends the shove articles, manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name , Id Broom and Cocoa Paste. as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks far invalids, couvaleaccou, and alit nrs pfollloo.[l l by the most eminent phySiCiDT. ftliteriOr In any other partuipna IRS manufacturer art ...Isx.iys on arils. In ane , quantity, by the most r e . the astern caws, and by their I iy y :bee, of Deakin; Jatani 5f Mince tt, PO.. Hanford, Coma; Ilawey 6.1 , 1 array, New York I\ Slott, Thomas V lrundtge, WI m „ .. _t re, sod VrlghtßUlVlllat ater Mew • i'or sale by riogol tkG&I.EY & SMITH, &11l iNVrongba and Cast Don Rat 0 • lir. %charribers beg leave to Infonn'the pub in rho ' the have obtained fro Iron m Fl the Float all tho hohousesor ailing, both for houses min fashiona y ble designs f ..ws. Perrons wishing to procure band quie p . atter. oe will please call and ei6lll.lne, and judge sro themselves. Railing will be famished the short e4l notice, and in the best wanner, at th at e tourerof Craig mild Febeeea streets. Allegheny_ eta'. , -, ,„,•Al.dll A. IsAtlON'tk Kr.o%,__ \ ' W• &J. OttICNN. Book Binda n. 111 TE UP' dill engaged in the above bovines', corner .1111 of Wood and Third atreets, Pittsbgh, where rye are prepared to do any work iu our lu te with des. patch . We attend to our work peisonally, and ea.. faction will be given in regard to to Orator. and du. r itll l e " t& Books ruled to lllTpattern and lotted sub' stantiolly. Books in numbers ovoid books bound care fully or rerouted. Names put on books in gilt letters Those that have work no our line are invited to call tt''''re In - c, • tro'hhtf NOTICIA• tit'llTesa6- 0100'geloto:Oia'rcollanl:kustioseCnVe rer.7?,y"sio.'b brit for bins the patronage of all ou r friends and maw careen'• RO. W. POINDEXTER, TOR. POINDEXTF.R. rittebor6l4 Aug. 41h,1814. ' I I 11. GRANT, Wholeant. Croeerj Conatenkeinn wtd rorniuding Merchant, No. 91 Water et. Anil Coating Stoves, , te. nd ,(ZE: C nnd , 1 , 1 4, H.0 , 111111 Mid oder foe sale Protium, Floor end el'ou ' nte n r ' t7e e'7 , oldie inowiniprovoilqualityi Cooking . Stoves, for vitOd pod coal; klgg Store. of VIM.. l'urlor and common Wallow Ware, They also'. aninnifertnre Cot'Ritehen Itange, which has given each wnefraction to those lancing in use, to all of , which they would reepertnally invite the intention of Tie and the public generally. oetWaillf ANITFACTURED TOBACCO—The subscriber 1 would cull the attention of the city Toba c co. generally, to the Pollonnug brands more and mterna:, wtneh being consignments ilt rt front manufacturers, beta citablad to sell at cwt. p leer. la, RW Crenshaw 5.; 70 " i 2 .1 , 0e5 hiltdl./1 Gs; el I " Lamellae ss; 1 " bllrabeau ss; f 2 1 " r, -"t; n J " rlar: L'. ll' LC 3 I " Waranekonspr 4at 43 4 " Item, James ho, Is and Os; Pc (Orli L 5 WATERMAN - Pitt Illkohine Works said !Foundry rirtaantno, (1..011N WRIGHT & Co., are prepared to build Conon and Woolen Machinery . of evary iktertPlieni ! e ti CTOtho a l Mochiors, pinniog Frames, hn.r;cii m . Warring YLLOIVZ, lers Ilaiy_ W Onoder rr, ok, Warpotv.ug. , Dr"'i"g I'ooll hond !antes, Hangers of lawn and tools of 411111146. C 23011 • of eery dooon, puan (anointed ori than notice. Pattern s mode o fo rd r er for hwl Gesnur, Iron liatinig,.&x. team pe0.0.... ing Factories, Can Iron Window r ( I eriernly. Order. kit an the arehoute of J. g ruigger CO., I.Jberty nireet,wdi 1111 , 0 00011101.00. t Hetet tG I.ll..e.barnet, Bell & Co., J. K. Moorehead & Co., C. E. Winter; Jahn traria & Sons, Pluilmrab ; O. C. R.I. It. Warner, Steubenville. COACH PACTOHY, • itelltetranY. - A- %Vitra:a Co, would reveciftilly infanta Lvi. the ;nitrite that they kern d erected a shop on latruek, between Federal u d Sandusky Attests They are now making and are prepared to receive °Nen for every deseriPtion of vehicles, Coaches, Chanute, tlit owchee, Boggle, Phisons, Sc., wineli from thew ton- experience the etranufacture of the shore work, sod ' the facilities tbey have,they reel confident they ern rilSLICti to Jo work an the moat reasonable terms with the ernelea in their line. Paying manses:La ni1...W1/on to the...leer:on or ulate• ;List brume none hut earapetent 'workmen, they have no hes asilus in wartanting dime work. We nierefore the attention of the public to this matter. Llp.. N. Re.inns done in the best manner, and cultic moot reasonable terms ' ittr ll 2f_ . eon ,Tru 'mot supply of FAL Rl' FINDINGS, we wt Fell a pr,ires Calf and Sheep Kole , Skint, Lace e Lea ther, parker , . heed , Pnottlen. Ilratp Twine Tir s to,is I.l:Panchen, reackes, stopping Card, to to 15 In.protent Ihn*ite4, Weavers' Brash ,• Re. AG: LOGAN, NVILSON & CO, told 129 W.•o street. Pitmlniße. & Co I. Pore rich and Jry, Gould, LotsrPben old dry Is}). Osbourn , . S o Pure PAW Pore Juice par. ocular Port,ilarns & Sone, Yore Jame, threble, dom. Ideand *Melo, Thrae wrneaare all eelehra. led tor medical properties, and ran be bad whole. .ale or feted at the Walt Store of _JACOB WFIAVER, Jr. PIANOI I taff,7,..=...a1, a n lazgen,ysoul ati ‘ d v 7p,..L.a . wan Out Wlllkaul Coleman', celebrated 3.io4an..&atactdortit. is e above instruments arc roar • fano , ' .` let equal to any manufaenued 1;1 thin coon. try. and said lower alas say wool thS . 1 Kew. E. BLUME, do 112 wood or. 23 door above bib N 8.--Celt,Scru,will be taken at par for We of se above assortment my 2 P. It. lierdareara,-Chempar than Evert & CO., lawurters mud Whotemla Irls of Hardware, ...tiny. end Saddlery, No Ittr Wood rtrert, above Fifth, hare new Instores very cheap and well noterted alo e at Ilardware, tumor - led .ntre the decline of prices mEurope, and which they are deteranned to selicorn.quandingjy lore. filerehants Mtn have here to the habit of Vasa, axe n ook, lat By requerred to call and look tbroseh 'Our stock, we confidently . hetieve they sire Mew expellees ro.tl WININTI"!' 111 'I I t.lt lORL, P 1 . 4 E. -P . 115 4 rON.,AI:II-NtAle lilt Lt.Al:l . ibINEILAL AGENCY AND U.EUISILKSION MIRA. bung MEN to wholesulc and feud slums, and other respectable business, ort as Book-keepers, Sales. men, Port ers , Hardt eeperr, Waiters, Famous, Coach. turn, Cur Agents, Book and Map 5001.1, Collectors, Overseer. 10 all branches of basin., &e. We have at nil times a large number of goal-rib...as unb end,e whatli pay fad m au to $2,100 per annum. want ut salaam. of any kind would do well to give et a call, as 'Kr havem in each of the n'wve ei nes, which wilt enabl unto place every applicant lit wilakalloa al rho shortest notice. We have u re a scgonlitllnce oil the above named ernes, winch we trust oral enable ri• to sire entire satiafae- Ito. to all rho may favor 0. with a tall. • TA LOH rr. TAYfitA, No. Ste Second , • bet N ween South and . Gay. N. ll—Pero:w tiling 111 imy.part of the U. States, sad Istshal to °Gram a situatean In Baluaore, or er n, al the above rams, writ have their emits num, diately attended to by addresaing us • e,iporopd) ea by so doom they will curtail both trouble and ex. peon, winch they otherwise would ineut by coming m the city, and, eeking employmen for Menewlyea. TAN' LOH tr, TATMAN, N 0.59 Second swmore,eet, Balti Md I=s= Dr. 2101•Ilitil In Tana • 1:15=171Tot lALpe."e'lL'o',4'sobste o m%h o s f g E ";; nti IfIVIO to son of mine ' s.. seven yenta old, two mtspoorts full, and although the amount may appear sane, yet I have no doubt but.there woe upwards of rwo rumflatto at.. pivoted from tam, oneakunng Wan or• quarter of an inch to twovi,nehes long. G HOLLIDAY. Bons'. crack, Carrot on. Tsno.. I)eo ~• toy.JI L ! 4 _... BENNETT & BROTHER; LIFEEIipPi MANIMALTUREHS, - ClestalaHhadtut,HE (near Putabargu.i a. Warrhuuse, Mr,"137, wool sired, Pittsburgh. ....I WILL col:m. our 11y keep on bond • good sawn. meat of Wen; of cant manufacture, and ii etint's"alrriellpiegryl".tu It'te`dt7.llt4lfi.t. lovas elv e are detennhieu to Ltd elt.per ' than bee ever before beta offend to the pub- [Li Orders sent by mail, seepenpanied by tbaeasb a reference. will, Ir, promptly t ro ' f r g i o l I L D n~lo gr ' e ' s7, ' I gr d d In t a d " Irs7r; a rs n o r.pangles and Bullion, for enturoidering and other dr nsinerdal work. Mee, gold and edger Taaaels, Fring4 and Lace. Jewelry of the latest faahions, in great variety. Watches of superior quality and beautiful pattern and for sale at Eastern prices. W W WILBON, aug: corner Market and Fourth sta TIIICHJEUDI 0010T11101131 MENT--01thn OA.M.to 11 YAK Singh Bath 2.0 cert., urn for 1 Ilar. Ladies departmem open front Sr to CI A. M. and from a to 3 P. M. Cite Refreshment Satan's are unequalled in style nue:lonala. Recherche lee Cream! nureln 11PFAII.1, Proprietor. 111111 E attention of the public is respectfully called to I the following certtheatest .Ha. S. lthates—Having tested a t h e •of Gold nniglred by your Arrometor, I ford the result proves your instrutnent correct; and recommend the rue of it to tboth going to California, am the best method for ob. tuning the real vothe.of Gobi. Reap. yours, J. H. DGPILEVY,GoId Heater. Fittsburch, March 3,1010.: Pulver March 7,1E41. FAILINS--Dear Sir y o u r i enamored the eArect. men rn•nafactured or rooms, Ido not Insulate to rennet:rid lt to the one of those gentlemen who an about rernoviog la California in search of Gold. It gives a close epprelimation to tho epoethograd' ty of lactate, and will eertanily etteble the adventurer to turcermiu when his placer is yielding Gold. 0111 Yarn, reaP`X. ). R. DPCIANTOCR. I NDIA KUBORR CLOP Illfiti—Just teteivea for the 1 California Lapeptoon, a complete scratattneut of Ginn Ele tic Clothing, at prices rancor s o lo:. Prata - 0 to rilLie.ost,t,troariltuoonda 1 , ale at the dreSt J & II PHILLIPS Oil:ihAT VP 101 i - S A l?lt F il'o n &l N Vh S e. '"i sub U se N ri g be A rt i g eNsVtlhill:'roldelNorl el informing his friends and the public m general Wet Int hoe the imnlest stock of. the Icillowtng named artiv errs °fins own manuftretare in this city—Saddle., Iler- I.. Trunks end Whips,,all of which he will warrant to be noun. ado best malarial end by the !rest mech. nines ill Allegheny county. Being determined to sell hie re so romethlng lower than has been here wouldtd by any Harrier establishm :Lugoe city, Ito invite perverts in need of thnamed articles lc his warabortsc, N 0.034 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to orderG. for VOILLUOC, KERBY. ry. us , per 016IIT and strontium BILLS OF .F.S.CHANIig, pay able in Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Lo elthaed don the most favorable terms. HOLIIIRS & tsoce. NISCELLANEOUS. • Boots s*d Moo*. „ A SPLENDID asisperonlSsMrsterresl,laliable for R:4, VgitAt's4,-irittlarcrati;! REVS WARS. of every . variety and myle, and at trri e to snit the times. Those wishing to pureitase . OrLd'ertse or Wad, mill find it to door advantage to pine la a call•and examinciormenrAco„, ~. 0et.17 corner Foutth and Smithfiotil 4. . • 113-Dont forget the 01etd....w. 'Fr reneEmaltbern7 rbtri l i Midden Fluid to the put: rousse at the public, as a first rate article in.a.li re epeets. !snow , free from dm pen anthem clogging. It up . , and in th e course of a few hears becomes a Jeep broad black. Win. Irminrott k part, Fatmestack h Ca., Robert Moore, 14[1.111[1•0121. DOUOI,. Wiek &McCandless, Join, Father, S. Wighuran &Co, Francis Sellers, • C. A. McAnalty ..t. Co. . 1 For sale (together with Hehl.res Red and Machine ICopy Inks) by B. A. Fahnestock A. Cri.;mll4nrry e S'" THOTeNDWif,t rorirg,emis„ nowl.rbler ear Li berty endue " ------:' .difield ste SAM'L. GRAY, lERCRANT TAILOR, BOILDINGS, ST. 04A1LR STILICET, PITTSBUEIO.II, ILA Mr ittrllloll33 .0111 NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA of And Is now reeciong • fine arsonmeet CLOTRA,CASSIMERDN AND VEATINGB, OF TIIKBEST QUALITY AND LATEST sTvLES, Which he Is prepared to make to orde . IN THE BEST MANNER And in the latest It•shions. Go Off SACKING R hlorphy , ha ,s s t, c , t t o o vr tint egldereerlrslac"l:7,7ll:lfuttr:lfeetteLl.estdcr gr,:c for Mooning Also - FRENCH MERINOS, of all the lotting color , torc nt h as Cherry, Cnmactiz, Scarlet and Maroon, differe sh ade t green and drab Warr of all qualttier.isto: CAKIIhIERES AND C oItURGS, of t 001... p stn colors, to wilt all torte., and at lowest cash sate att The potieular ettlien of Int arked th d e large meek ni Goods in Rene 1, jest teeelved, o which includes • great many stylre of (land , IttaTire ilear W ee. hnlerale Rooms op Anil, novg PRIORS ILIEDUCE.D. tu. BURR MILL STONES, mane e red in France, compared of b few Blocks and solid eyes—a large o morb meat, s het best of the kind, Own ,a on hand greatly entered prtces ALSO—French liner Mill Stones of alp own niannfaetare, aUttle of a new mind euperthr quality of Blocks. These . • Burrs are made under my own openn tendance, and as great Care to taken to Make the roods close, and to bane all the blocks in to i l stone of a uniform temper, they ere warranted to of the very best dot t y, superior to those utoporte from Franca; and also superior to the Inert mass Of thorn Made in this country, end at prieea lower than have ever before been offered to that market. Lore Hill Mill Stones, all sues Bolting Cloths, all numbers, of the best qualttytte. ranted to give sandmen , . to the roamer, and at all reduced prices "LillySpindlea, Mtll Irons, Servos and nets, Plat. form Scales. Corn and Cob Grinders; Gnst and Saw bloUngs of all kinds, an LII d Mill Farman:lg in gen eral °Oen Promptly to at kit and 216 Wt. e" ott e l e tkly Gm eeer the al, ''''Whehlt'e.WALLACE: Pltteloaredh Sisals Marble Works. /JO. 9144 LIBERTY. opposite Smithfield street.— LA Marble Mande, Monuments,Toratts,TablnTops, de., • large vane ty of the most beautiful kind, made of the littookulay a foreign and dbmertic marble, always on hued or made to order, by the aid of me , N. ShOtlellt entire loft al the lowest pores. N. li.—Tbe Country Trade fornistroth all kinds of Marble at tire lowest rams. All e ere promptly at tended to alai Liberty, opposite San cid at mr3lndtha Pb' W WALLACE —Matt arsettixl-4 OLL'ill ratrot Slane or French Burr SMUT MA Li CHINK fire best &Mete Otto knot tu rum, thiy run light, Om , ha, do the ' work well, and arill last • life in AbOrt Me of them are u use, in the beat lolls in the treautty, and we alike din stroosert tesu• many of mw. , perbona as their ropenority over allot...et Swat Liasiattes. For further particulars, ad dres. the sabsenbar at 471 Libem st. Potsbergh. my„Kroget W Pb' WALLACE stlam BNCINES AND lICIII.EFL4e—For grott,savr and other mill. rill on hand, or made to order on very akar; mune. and at the lowest pricer. All iir °'”r ' rn " di " ' "k" " "I tAVINATL`)A" teLanal. myJO 'PLASTE an R PARIS—For land, d other purpoorn, &Jenks on hand at dill Ldbeny IL myT3 Nit W WALL.ACE DATUM',hand, at ltd Liberty st. tor W Pb'W WALLACE_ IBINDSLoN k.S— All sues alit, grits, .s X_T hand at .it Ltberty Wet , My= W WALI-ACF. PITTIBLIRGIU 'MIST (TUT P. l a " : 11 40 ITIUrY toe are", of /I R :: 11u inth of September, In the roue ro ma,Lawny meet. Haying limited the oussitte 01 thou pupas, the --n e n of that liberal ttronsge they have It Patents May leel wooed that eV. all be afforded their daughters, if pl thargo for oh latteng a thorough Bo and Omil.dlftnental ednes.o. aVelk —toinig -1711A-11.-Y, pint AUTUMN Ft commence on tht Rooms on Federal sires -ur ones., (tom the bridse. Rae. or 'Emori ran sumo or roes Momas. Enithrh Department. Eurohog, phy and Lichnina, Wetting, En ish Grammer, RueloX~s Etiptuh Compostoo said graphy, Di story, Arithmetic 00.1 the Waller branch.. orAlathrusaucs, Natural Etotosaphy, Chemistry, As inationly, BOL•07, rhymology, Usoloay, intultrouta and Moral Science. and all other untie !+ requisite to khorouiti EAKIlah Edueation - sP.3I Ou Classical Dtparonent, including the La • tin and rireak I 14Anruageo, . • - -• b ‘Oll EreOch, ' • tat emean, - The 'crate. of competent teachers are secured tor- , such as deSire instruction an French and German, and also in Drawing, Pointing aid Maxie. ta desirable that paptls enter at the commence. I, ment of a ressiao, yet they ve received at any time and are charged at the above rale• from abs e nce, c ex rutrance. No deductions are made for ex cept ia eases of protracted illness. Further irdotruatton may be absented, and applica• norm mode by calling upon the Pnampal, et his rooter On Federal *treat, or at hit lodglugs Rem, ' Li street, Pittsburgh, between Al P eat ; oc by addresung, through the Puts burgh Oiftee, the Principal. - N. W. MEM:ALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7, tra dif. INSITITUTIO Second Scasion of tkis Institution, under ,ilte I, tire of Mr. and Mrs. lioettosn, for the, present academic year, will commence on Mc fast of Feb.. n• nest, in the mune buildings, No. ret Liberty street. Arrangements have been made by which they' will 'be able ta furnish young ladies facilities sepal to nay in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Clara cal, and Ornamental education. A fall course of Mu lisophieni and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus., The de. penmen. of Vocal and Instrumental MuUe, Modern Language, Drtionvg and Punting, swill each be coder the care of a competent Professor. Ily close atteation to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu ils, the Princtpals hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjayed. Pot to m, see circular or apply to the Principals • latil.Dl FIRTSZUW34, Sept. 10, ISM. RI MTHOS. K. lIIUBKRTi—Dear Sir, Your WRI• .1.Y.1. TING FLUID we have now been using more than year, and on looking over the entries made by it, we find the color a bright but blare. it is pleasant to write with, dews free, and does not clog the pen !Ike the ordinary inks In use. Wishing sou Me ready rate Its Merit. dVillitd, we are, yours reseully, SIMPSON & CO. For sale, together with Ilibbert's Red Ink, and Ma chine Copy lot, by U. A. Pains Wk & CO ctu P r, Schwartz, Allegheny . City, and by the manufa re T. K. II ibb,Druggist and. Chemist, corner of L1l41 . • ty and Sm Id Ms, Plusborgh. °an WsiiisuasoMos VWX...IIAUT PALMER. FIANNA CO., • ißacaessors to Hussey, Henna & Co.) MI/ANIMUS, Bb to lIROKSIRS, and dealers. .101 in Fotelgn and Domestic Exchange, certilicates of Deposne, Rank Notes, and Speein—Fourth street, nearly oppoato the rank of Piusburgh. Current me ney renamed nu deposit-Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on marl) , all the principal points in the United States. _ The highest premium paid for Foreign and AJIICTiCin Gold Advance made on corotignments of Produc4alup . Pod Eat,. JAlLiberli GREAT INVSIM ENTION:/A —VALU AD /Annan Ist, M LIE 1 I E SCOVRYVI PASCCIM S49. croularer *atm:rimy Wier, Sofas, Bureaus, gook Cana, Wilting Desks. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. r,rii.,!LuTo 'trio tellal"nrow"glty'Rkrie.* th l'mrrn: Leaded'rrumn ton to tWenty-fme feet, nod when closed the leaves aro all contained inside; they ate Mmle to all sixes and obapeo, and are admiralliy adepted for Steamboats, Hotels, nod huge private famillu, form. hie when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS--Theso articles are. inval uable, particularly -to those who wish to econo mise MOM, and convert n sleeping apnrepent into s parlor es seltng room, as they can be opened and shoi at enneertienee, and when shay the bedding is wing. ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the bed. meads when closed form a beautiful piece offurnitore f"'llTafile Anent ' and awful article for patio • _ _—.. . , . "4:417:47k1"/IKI3--For law ofheerscoollOnlr rntlttlt and other offices When opened a roustcooventent bee. t.te:itbtatelt Closed ct perfect Desk and Library alone I.eAluit.7Vl:::ol7 N n ' eel , l o re 'wc:rniTath:rio thegl eat e( le .11 Will be (or your intern.. to roll and exorable the artieleryat the mewl...lacer's store, No. 153 Thlrd street, Pittoborkh. In addition to the oboe° ''''',,,ti7' they "` PIATIts. tV "" I t' ooDwi -, .t.i.. Lowitta. radcaciiica, - I.2IOFiCIVILICS or ALCOUOI, iND PURR SPIRITS, Corner Front and Vine streets. Cilleinn•ti, 0. O g l?.. E . lL :qr.‘fr: ‘ :l b, fe g: y r,":„kirg',P„ootiverr''Llyi"; ended to Wow... rttorriet.._rstehl.S:dly NOTION:. firm of NICKLIN lIRYDF.PI beteg ditiolvcd, 1 the undettranid will continue the Fortran/log end • noeunnoton neglects 'at the steam boat landing, FRANKLN, sod reweerfully informs his friends that he bat gone to the expense of a heavy Interest. on he warehouse and contemn, for several yeant, and trusts he wll give entire satlefectioa to all who may .parte.d.t.to. h i ts Ile will TOCeillo freight at the Lower tent JAWS WOMEN. ITEBBINUS—it bids No t, In store and for SILLy rtoTS STUART I DRYjAK:I O —....- 1/PAYMITwa PRIMILIVIII BLAISKATIIe WIDTH AND DROWN DODIESTI, q FLANNELS W,F67,c,..Tge. - ods :gz l 'sirh. .t. b :V . zilhp f j: than use no h ag! s in Xa b e e tung, that o f test to thin genale; our object being to produce goods not ter chow only, but for firs tn and durabtloy, and as such they re eetved the t premtem over all other goods e than', 'd Ftr t tle lnt' ax tte l t=t A trpo 'Ll b t ro a r... ft 4 ke, n ," r t ~...e nd tale ware rooms or the Fayette ra,..tt... - v No. Ili Derond ex Mantels of our Alanalbeture are sold to Allegheny City, by hlr. John Dean, and oleo at the •'Tero Dot Mildews,. Federal et. • oetts American Woolen Goodin h"onh(G(d, (received the present N.:cooly eon•tgued front the tnanufseturers, the fol• lowing Goads, which he is - enthoneed webs.. prie. very low: au pieces yard wide Barred Flannel. :Me pairs White Bed Blmkets, nbboo bound, six pounds to the pair. I cave 50 pairs Steamboat Blankets, ribbon bound, a very superior artiele. 4 caws BM pi:U.llore). Mixed 131.1:Acts. 50 pairs Dark Gentili:voila Blue Blanket., a very on perior it eases Grey and Blue Blanket Coating. 40 piece. Tweed, Steubenville make . , 1 ease visor ed lain and barred Jeans, Steubenville manufsetory. Tke above goods ure all consigned :direst hum the anker, and will be sold very lave for cash or approved •• • oerS H. LEE,'• Liberty at, opposite sth. • ---------- - IN SW GOOD9I NEW GOODBI aI ..." 'a BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! ' NEW PALL AND WIWI'S& DM GOODS, rl• illlt MOO 00 VIZ $lO 11.11 195 , • 82 Market st., Isetween3l and dth, Pittsburgh. yirld. 1.. RUSSELL, No. CI Market street, between • 11l Third and Fourth, sign of the kg golden Bee ;live, has j 1.14 commenced receiving .and opening the largest, eheaperi and moot aplandid mock of Fall awl. %%rimer Dry Goods aver offered by one house in Pius burgh. All attic. foreign goods have been pack.- Cd.of the Importers par the last steamers from Ikrope, and for white. of style and beauty of design are an surpassed in this or any other market. The dpreestic• end staple department will al.be found complete, and cheaper lb. et any other hone In tl us city. The subscriber would here respectfully ca the ournuon of his numeonts customers, end . wishing to buy new and cheap goods, to the prices which will no doubt lutenish them, befog determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. Good Jerk Calico, only 3 omits per yard; Best qaality dolt Calico, fest colors, 8 to 101 4.4 nnu.t, purple Noah feet cold.. B in 10 ; . Heavy Bed Ticking, from 8 my , 0 cents per Id; Bleached 'Muslim., good qualit 5 to 61 per yd; • Best quality Bleached 'riesling, Bto It/ per yr]: Heavy yard wide Unbleached Mullins, 5 . 0 1; Good red Flrmnel, foam 13 to 23 cents per yd; Good yellow Simnel, II to 2 . 3 eu per yd; Good black Alps... from 15 to ID per yd; French Gingkoes from 10 to 13 cu per ko; Irish Linens at prices.from 83 to I ,S 3 P. , yd; Sennett aqd ntucky /cans from 121 tis - Cloekinge rod Linsey. from Id) to al ale, Wets; Heavy Domestic Ginghams 10 to 124 el Crash arid Diapers, all once. and (melting • LADIF` DRESS GOODS. A splendid assortment of, all the LIERC . S/ styles.. Tatbet Cashmeres in hmkeolors, ri ch goods, Lupin FrenehThibet Menton, the finest ire Ported; Rich Camelot , Silks, in all colon end ualities; BUck ATIIIIIIEL hue t quality, plaid and etripe; Meek Gros de alum, all yridthe and quaintest .. , L'irr'L fi .°l ,b re l : c . l l`. ri b : — .., tWk=tlo l faMT do do do do in high colors; do fine French de Laince, all wool, high eologr, Rich fig'd Cashmeres, besautalgoods, Yen tiIC•D Dotted Swiss Muslin', for even ing dross..; Roche Thibet Scarfs, late kuporuttioe; Best quality French Kid Gloves, till colors; Mourning Cashmeres and dei Lobes, all prices; Dories embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goods, • Ladies finest quality French linen bars; Iklting Ribbous, a full assortfueng at variety Worked Capes, Collars and• Cuffs, in gre Block end colored Crops, ell 9... Sties; Brocade LAW., in all colors and gurditiu; Mohair Camelion fignmes ribls ' French Cloakinre, suptab g oo ""' s, tog colon; Also, black brawl Lace, all widthsond prteeri Black Silk Fnuses, wida and heavy best quality, Together with a large stock of white G oods, Buis. daeonet and Mull Meeks, besides a very large end superb soma of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest im portation and most fashionable styles. Many of dm above goads have just arrived per the loot steamer from Europe, and are worthy the attention of 1110' I diet SHAWLS! SHAM/LEO! A splendid assonuient of Shawls:— Super extra size French Long Shals, best imphl Super extra size Long Brosie, finessquality; Superb tfeelity Ltmg Shawls, rich doles.; Den quality square plaid fine wool Shawls; Rich and heavy esum sum black silk Shawls; Rich eamlion changeable silk Shawls; Soper black and white, all wool, loos Shawls; Super naive sins Long mid awl s tourney{ Savers Pans printed Cashmere Shs, to groat rawly; Terkeri PSI prices goal's. Mole embed Thilmt " heavy silk tringc, Black " " • " Black and mule colored heavy cloth Shawls; i• ' White embl Milted Shawls, beautiml goodsi Highland pit long and mere Shawls, very eneup; blouming Shawls and Scarfs,ill great variety; Ake, a large lot of plaid Blanket Shawls, from 75 tg to fv,do. Together with a full supply of Gloves, filitmand 110. iery, with all label,. mostly kept in • Wholewillsale he .d Retail Dry Goods Douse—all of which at prices to defy competition. U"rst7s"ln't the store, No. 02 Masten street. be. IWien Thus mod Fourth, sign of nos lips where bargains coo et all times Im had. spnbistAn WILLIAM L. RUSSFYL-. ------ C ARBEITIINOT hag commenced to reeetve a litge assortment of Woolen Chostkirts , and llot:da; Makin, Berlin, buelakto and woolen Moretti Tlmbet, elottbanotta de lain and blanket * Stwais; mete, Iterated and woolen Bose; Pongee and linen Was.; tilt and natio Cravats and 5,7441.; Guar aid Fringes; trial, Linen, Table Covers, llrapa, Ribboott, Laces, bleached toul,telored blushes,Patext Tabby Velvets, TAVCSaIi, se.ne Sdk, Bacons, Gant Swa an d de., Pins, Pettit...ion Caps. Alet.a.a, eemtaavt gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pock et and uhle Cutlery, and many . other goals winch. untrymodo city Alt:taboo. are tespectlolly itltanvited c161111.11e ap lusutatton N. la ..ep el ti I le Kota' ell al FA TICIPIPAI MANUFACTURING CO., TANUFACTURE and will keep on NI. hand Validly l3usU Bout Illanacts. Domestic FlianneN, Line, brown .d drab Iliantet Coating, Pati4leda and aVooten Yarn. which they will sell at Fastatit pncea. Warebouw No llTSceond et, Pittsbuan, Pa. Factory, N e w . ll,atien. Fayette eo. Pa. aptla NEW 0001)A. IVE.trlaat;lo7e.,ivTrd.,; lug and r ! y e o u t: LIZ, k ble (or the fall truths, to which, with every deveription of letheinv in manufactured at our ouai steam pomer chop in this city, we ask the 'attention of West ern Merchant. and other dealers. titthitittlMi h SAM ^ CEtt, corner Wood and Fourth eta DRY GOODS. )ti llKPtlYs WILSON i CO.. No. 461V000.iin., PITTS3OI4III,- RE now receiving their usual supplies of Goods Ator the Fall season, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old eustomers, and as many new ones as may feel inchned to present themselves. Ainatge taking Vest pal. to lay in such goals as are adopted to the wants f the Western trade, which long experience enables w ith o ut do, they can's) . with moth confidence, and wit cotering into dotail of their stock, list the 'Western retail meichont will find with them all that his customen require. Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing the Eastern cities ior,their stocks of Dry Goods, mid dowel l to call, so a candid comparison of_pri would in many cares result in the convickion that /pease of going further may be obviated aby buy. Dityffalgiff d HEW ELL GOODS. r.. hItIRPIIT is n o receiving his fim, t Fall a supply of Foreign and Douses. 00010., and alteady opened an aasortment of new and beauu -1 stylei dark tali PRINTS, warranted fast ealora; d neat new style Fall Illwhn do Laines; • . hlpaccas and Mohair Lames; . Damask fled and striped do Partuouns and Lyone_se Cloths; Of the wog desirable coloks; and, a supply of ' bleached and unblenched Muslin, Irish MI Linens, Man rhener Gingham., he., at northeast awns, Fourth and Market slit. Buyers are invited to call and see. sptd Ns ITA p ...h. Ept 6 l e tes, Line, Untums, Flip, aad dl trimmings neeesaary to equip soMviteer tompari,lmea. mr Volunteer companies egnipmid i as compl_ and cheap as done in the Fist, at taa nor Market and Fount sta. y.—The Unites Staten Mass and Tenor Drams, of Germantown make, for sale and orarrentrtlv w spa DRY GOODSool) JOBBERS,: wu w grana, A RR now receiving a very large stock. of freak , lloods, of recent psychosand troportationmhich they will sell to the trade at such Ones os cannot fail to Vanlaltrfcdr;hanti are Invited to ..11 sail exaann' coot Ko ok before purchasing elseivkv-, nun \ -- cliti ---,---.---, ---t -----ir.'rlPrA:bra97" RECEIVED and now yen for canal fffil, ralurOf .4 lj ' 7 rPlanreal44l.g. ' ering" Roston, arming them a fall carved Louis XIV. ordered for one of machismo, who nas kindly permitted nto remain in ray ware room w del Medoesday) h e arta Those who may have a desire to see and this splendid specimen of an, are respectfully invtoN lcoil E so L d LU R a , l B th lroeoled or . at Agent for Chickering's Pianos for Wmtem Pa.. ! C. 1 17 -------------. IrIATELI ISO . , • VIGUT BATHS FOR ONE DOLL/Jr., or a single Dab for fifteen cents. Ladles Department o_p en from Ito 11 o'clock, A. and 2 to 5 o'clock, P. 51. , thermum Saloon and liathin2 Establishment. A T. IiPPALL. Proprietor. _-- - - 1011. ELIJAH EATON'S CIUMEICATE ly TO DI. .1.1.1: JAYNE.—This Oenlfiely that immediate after having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March 164'2, 1 mu - taken sick with the Consiimption or Lir et Complaint, and wu reduced so low with the diwine that for four yews k was unable to attend to my business, either at home or abroad, being for the most time confined to my bed. During the shove pal mier tube, I had eXpended tot' medical attendance o similar Shysicians and medicines, to the amount of Ighat, without receiving any benefit therefirom. In inlYc ISO, I eventneueed taking Dr. Javier& Medi cines, and have taken them morn or less ev er sinc use, e, W believe that it was by perseveri;heir that I can now ugly say that 1 bare completeatly mew, vexed mg health. I believe that Jayne's Sanive Pills and Expectorant are the best amity medic now in use. county, N. V., and I reside in Springfield, Otwge ramp on a furnace and machoop In that offc, and my not interested in any la the male the ' idiom! medicines, and =lie this eertift_cate br . 9le btu ' efit of those afflicted. ELUAII lifi PON. lag 2'._,5-0.'4, N. Y.,_!!.-PIIP Al&------7---_ Osiers, Opsters. _ . iy a, Btrhityl, ng".llUSwlNTANSriga.'Zig"...f. feted to acal t ers rind families at e tow...Lytle:s r : quality warranted equal to any Maned m t his m kat RIO for Sale by 'J. C.I3IDWELLiy!ca M. Also—At V jrtaillowmg Filtertli=uroa..:ii ', 8 "',.,, rii;nonmen, tal at AlkiltatiYi : :VCIL 6 l - . TIE. VOL. XVII MIDI . . SELLERS' LIVER mum WAS 11/i DOCTOR.— . •Idr. R. E. Sellers—Dein Sir . l t 7tmv, Pa. raduty I owe to the public, as well as to the credit of-TOF.LIv e r Pill,. to state the good effects produced by M.= aim in my .rore cam -Daring the reenth . of June, OAS; IWO . very unwell, MY appetite failed, and my stieso_ , ...._, entirely prostrated, with revere man to My swipes shoulders. I was told by mcdieal imn %balmy disease was a severe nuaek of river coreplaird.` Itohoot s mow vii bans of .11 , Lonei Liver Pills, and.soms I which I was told eras goal Co. that disease, bril. after all I wait getting worse. I finally conclnded to place myself ander the care of a physician for better or worse; but, fortunately, ittst at this time, I was - oid tothe . Rev. I. Niblock, of this ydaas, that a friead had sent him a box of Sellers , Liver Pills from Piustranyh, width had beticfitted him very =nob: 1 forshonto teat fore ,box of your Live, Pala, and bythe time I was done using them, I was satisfied that a was just the medicine that sailed my eine. local for. More, and took Rue d; r six Man, and found myself adman. , entirely-cure Inat ill March last I caught , a .ovum, cold, which brought hack the .lisseso, and us • Mott, time I was as bad as ever. I again , had. recourse to, . your Laver Pills, and task them only other night for .. x weeks, and cc casiortally Mime, mull can new my, Mat I can now say, Mat I test little ifAMY oYmPums . of the Liver Complaint, ...1 tuy general health good now &It it has been for the last 10 years. , ~ My neighbOrs at me who was my doctor...l tell them that Relieve Liver Pills was my doctor, and by„. I the blessing of Divine Providence thepublic means of tonal mo. l confident that when dm bananas Ml.._ utinied am with the valet, of your Liver Pills.. ...' l ' .. ' m d 4 ^ . 1 mood for them wilt Meteors. Mould' my to n 11.41....12 to whom I have recommended the pills, ca testify their value, as well as to the facts above stalest.. -.1 Respeelftilly yours, Gannon laulli- . . . To Tot Poptic.—The Original, only true and eine Liver Pills are prepared bY R. E. fleUessond have his netts stamped in black was upon the lictof emir' Ftos, and Ins eignotore ostlSlie oataide wraPPet- .• IrrAll others are emotes:m.oM base imitation apet7 R. E SELLERS, Proprietor, t 7 Wood et CAUTION 551. Ts A man by the name of HURL CLAPP hea e naagad with a young man of the name 0(5. P.Townsealia . uses his name to put up a Sarsaparillk, which they call Dr. Townsend's Saraaparillz; denominating it GENUINE, On giant, etc. Thu Toomserid to no doc tor mid never was; but vraa formerly : a worker on roads, canals, and the like. Yet be assumes the title of Dr., for the purpose of gaining credit for what be la not. Ile Is sending . out cards beaded4Trieks of 'Attacks," In which bosom I have sold Me axe of Any,, name for a week. 1 willgive S. P.Tosrusend $51.1a UM will produce one single solitary proof of this.— This is to caution the pails not to be deceived, and.' puch none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLIN Ur r . Ja as co e b Townsend's Sumpartila, timing - on It Mo. 01.1 Dr.'s likengss, his family coat at anosood nature nem. the coat of ann.. . JACOB TOWNSEND. Priocipal Office, NG Nunn at, ; NeW York City. OLD DOCTOR, • JACOB TOWNSEND, ' TIM ORIGINAL DISCOVERER . TowassaND EiTilissps • • • • Old Do. Townsend Is now about 70 years of age•, stud has long been known as the AUTHOR and DISCOi VERER of the GENULNEORIIIINAL"TO W N SEND SARSAPARILLA:, Bring poor. he was compelled • to limit its manufacture, by which , manta it has been I kept out of market, and the gales drournseribed to ' • , those naywho bed proved Its wo rt h sod known' lid value. This Gunn Ann Uesquimidm Pais n+twsie I manufactured on the largest scale, and is calla for• • throughout the length and breadth of Me la es with' nd. ' Unlike young S. P. Townsend's, - it improv quoted never eirtuars, bet for the banal Weenies it prepared on rotenone p ri nciples by a amentile mart. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries oldie Art, have all been • brought , hate to , quisition in the mmoilietore ot the Old Dr:a Samantw rule. The Sarsaparilla root, it Is well known to toad- ical men. contains medicinal properties, and some pro nerdea which are inert or useless; and others, ethic% if retained In preparing it for am, produce ferment. • .• don and need, which is injarious to the eye.= , Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepare non, If they an not preserved by a scientific proton, known only to those experienced In Its mannfitemeA Moreover these volatile principle., which fly Orin par. or . an exhalation, wader • heat;loathe von C. suede medical propern u of the root, which gives, to it all navel. TheoXICUINIC [(NA DR. JACOB TOWNPENDS SARSAPARILLA ID Itoprepared; that all the inert properties of the Bar- ' sapardla root are first removed, every thing cale of becoming acid or of fermentation, he extractend rejected; then every particle of med Mal virtue is neut. red in a mire end concentrated form; and thus it Is rendered incapable of losing any or its valuable ant - healing properties. Prepared in this way, it is matte I the most prayerful nee. in the _ • CURE OFINNUMERAD,LE Dist:Ass& Hence the melon why we hear coraniendatloneon every side in its furor by men, women and children. We and it doing wonders in the tare of Consumption • Dyspepaia, andllvet Complidm, - and In Riteematiam: • Scrofula and Piles, CostiTeUesS, ell CullUteel..l:SUp••• done, Pinaples,.Blotches, and all affeetions arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD..' • • It possesses a mrivello ue efficacy in all compbrinto arising from indiacstion, from Acidity of the Stomach; from unequal circulation, detexminmion of blood to the heed, palpitation of the heart, co ld feet and coldihends cold chills end hot Sashes over the body. It has not had ins equal in coughs and coldrq and promotes eetry expectorrtionoted geode perspiradob, retries tore of the lungs, throat, and every other part. Bot in nothing is its ereellence more manifestly sees .. and acknowledged then on all kinds and sure of , • FEMALE COMPLAINTS.. _ l It works wonders in cases of finer ribus of whites, • Felling of the Womll/40bstructed,Suppreseed,or Pain ful Menses, Irregnlanty of. tire menrimat periods, end the Jae; and Ls effect.' in caring all forms of the Rid. • rms . Discs.. By remowng obsiractions, rind vegeta- ' dog the rectal system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and cures direr:. of NF.RVOUS DllttEnSkS AND DEBILITY,. and thus preventsor relieves a rest varielyof tuber as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St,' Vu= Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Vitej ConvaLtions,ltc , eel toe y. Pler-EICINX3II. , NI NO Hats.. soy admire Mbar 'la said of S. 'P.Town- • send'. interier article? • This yoang O L D firiAss oat, to Ile COMPARED WITH TUE. OLD Ti , S, because of the Grand Fact, that the one is incanable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth- cr DOES; it sours ferments, ,and blows the bottles coreaufing d am fragmentir, die sourt_acid liquid ex plodam and damaging other god.: Must not this hor rible compound be poise.. to the system? What; put acid Into "rum already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspepsia but skill Dv we not all knour that when food sours in one stemache, what - mischief* produc.!—flaudenee. heartburn, palpiudion of the heart, liver campladat, dietaries, dysentery, chalk and cornmdou of the blood? What ts Seterfulabut an rid homer in the body! What produces all the hunkrs erbieh bring on Emptier. of the Skin, Scald Bean, Salt Rhenca,Erysipelas,White Swellings, Fever-Sore*, and all %licentious Intermit end external! It is noth ing under heaven but an acid substance, which wars, and thin spoils all the fluids of the body, mom Or less. What cense. RlLeuMeUsel but saner sold fluid, whieht inainumes itself between the joints od dan else-where, —_—_— ritsuing and inflaming the tender e risme* upon which it. acts? So of nervous di...es, of Pup. rity of the blood, of deraused circulations, and nearly all the aliment. which effiret hem. Wa • inhaite- Now, is it not honible to realm and did ly worse to luSe. this SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID "COMPOUND' , OF S. P. TOWNSEND I • • and yet he would fain have it indennood that Old J. cob Townsend , . Genuine Onginal Sarsapertlivis am Imitation of his inferior preparation!! licaven forbid that we should deal in en article which would bear the moat drawn resemblance to S. P. Townsend's article and which eboitid bring down upon the o[4Bl...itch a Mell Wu load of complaints and eritnintuions froth avow Who have add, and par ch:were who have axed 5.. r. rownsuprt FertectUarig Compound! We wish it understood, se it is the absolute truth, that 5. P. ToStru•enoraUele and Old Dr. Jacob Sarsaparilla are eaven.wide apart, aod infinitely dissimilar; that they 'are ratlike in cr.:type:. denier, having not one single thing in common. It le to strut /reeds upon the IinterSUZIALS, le pear. Imlntinto wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the des;leki Reg bosom, to restore ecalth and bloom man• , gar tea the emelt. and broken and to banish infinni. ty--that old DIL JACOB TOWNSEND has and FOUND the opportunity and means. to bring hie, Owe UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY.. within the reach, and to the knowledge of afl who need it, that they may learn , Lnd know, by joyail ex.; perience, its raessernienr ca. amid For side by 1. KIDD A CO.. Wholesale Agent for Western Petuury Ir.* J. SMITH, Illrmloglumw Dr. wSAJOjEANT,AIIeahany Dr. J. CASSLLL, Filth wand, G. W.DARDNEIL Jaysriiiri Idxpactoractits - '' • • Sian., Columbiana c0.,0., Apr.114, - Inft. ~TR. D. JAYNES: Dun Sest—l feel bound to yen .1./ and the ailLiete.d pithily-to avail mYrilf 01 .0. pirt y rituf givingp , ab o l , r, te e the . rdinary a c e= 7or •se"veZycwears milk -I;evere conli, beede fever and Its cancornitant diseases, and seemed onlydoorized to linger out a short but milierable existence, until the fall of 1839, when, being More severely:attacked, and having resorted to all my former medico, end the pew seriptions of two of the mold respectable phyricians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consoled. of Brinkley but a few day, en weeks 4 farthest—when the len gleam of hoe, wes aboat-to vanish, I bed recommended to me your lirpeetereetw— nod blessed by Met Beinvwbo does allltungs In the use of the means—load contrary tothe.expeetatioui of fromician. Mid friends, I was In Drie dlrys raised my bed, mid enabled by the woof ahottle; to attend to my barium, enjosime =CO better health than 1 had torten years previous. Respectfully yours,de., '.lns: W. Rural: Fee wile in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Stote,7o Fonnla street: • G. 1014 .1 NOCook ' • • HAS selected Plusbiunh a. h. Yeturetinidenee. Ite has taken the tame lately ocenyied bY man Miller, on Fourth st,aear Gra= imausdlately ad joining the Lamarune House: His oil