ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. BUSINESS? mi CARDS. IN, An-el at. Law 'UTTLE, !22MM ~. - - -- - - -, TriMINF.V AT LAW ANL/ COMMISSIONER A. Foil PENNSYLVANIA, be. Liaa, MO. kit cOnusunactaleor promptly snmcred. oeh.S.LY ELMSTIWN6 Jr-CHOZFR,C.Eard.i..M.Cch.w. and .I)..mlars in Readout, Nis 1.4 l Market crest ilea ...nulling 1.:, :‘...,, _ ..._. _ --- nroasz %EMS RAUL , C. lILLITER, Wholesale and Retail Drag gle..., f Pruvr of Liberty and Bt. Clair streets, Pane .6h, % wayl4 r • • Crl-111 11,101, , K. D. 99OWN. 19K.PA i ; ..t CULBLIFF3OI., Wbo/coae Grocers, mil a unwise , . Aletehmis, No. 145, Liberty at, ihusbniell Po. drAlly. A. I tlNSslaCh_ Co., aliboiesale md 110- ;1K- A ei tan Druggist.. corner Wood mud rub sta. 111 i.j1.1T1A1X12 , .. eAtITII, NVtureUalo (Rocas, Id .1 JJ'Ai Wood street Pittsburgh. O. U. PAUTUIDGE. D. D, NO. let a rialein3TßEE I', rtilLADELrula, ,IuNTINUF.., to g vo his pururolar aueution to the .., treat... Carona or the SKIN. SCROFULA, d of thiaTlitioAT. taco ham: 9 A. M.. I P. M., and I P. AL :•eleiellu s icon, A. emu,. —_._ w. 11 — Tii125X1%. - IRAlti •Y, ShINNER, Forwarding md Commuton 1 Alen limo N0...el Mattes sh Pittshargh. apas . _ A. AIeAICULTY A Co. Forwarding md Com a Version Alachua., Canal Rain, l'ataburgh Pa. _i_____: - _,.......-___ _.. r A' . 4 querns rilprrnt...rixte; Stool and Iron FOLEALAN,' liAlLAL " N rIL ,e ' br mainfactoore of 'a Coneh and Flamm Springs, ' Hammered Aries, j/ting and Plough Stock, Om, An. \Vachon. on /Water and Front r , rt . GU, eittlbliTh. Also, dealers aii. Coma Trimmings and Malleable Castings. ' . ___ .. . .... . ...._. . Aid --- uli - vif;A•n° -I ` l ' . . lim • ttAte of New Vora ) , Crsetuut—ettuttneees ....- .rct, between ..34 , 11 . .13111 and rirawnerry alley. N. 11.—Inaerver of the month. gun. and teeth treated oniceopathWarty statu.ahru Ww. L. KNCLIffi, /.011. I. ILIMSLIT. UNULLS/1 & 1at31111717, ilate English, Uallagher .E., 4. Co.) tiltoleande (tureen, Count...stun and Ear wartitste Merchants, and dealers in traduce and Pitts burg's Manufactures, No. h 7 Wood at., between Utd mut . 3d streets. octl .11.0101 w.OlllO /AMY GEtAtitik: %V. THAITH U. VO., Brewer., ntalatom and Hop Deals., 110 t SI. ratmargts. . slum Coarlai.2ol, C0=611.14111.11 - dTirrltelraillif %X alert:loch - Nes 41 Wood street. Pittsburg. MY I7 kIUALIA UNA PACTUALIts yj TlA.lllLltiai Sllnir AM roattufactarer Heavy finirtinAL tibeclia. , Hcbecea ut eny ot Anegheny. novls-frit-. truccessor - Walurphy &Lem:Wool Deal -1121/1C09.:11.i02 atoreistum for the sale of American Wootcric, Libettp, oppositeath feht7 ans. Lialtunoto. • • )1CCI.:102, t D. c. m'c.loeux, Wmunzit, $ nEALII tr. LUCK IN 011, T L acco Commission Mar- J.l. Mutts, 41 riorA W at: r 41:10 North %Vital-yes, n0v31,1 S. A. /1/1.11, WM. HARDY, JONES fr. Co., (totccasors to Atwood, Jones tr. Co.) Cotrunt.,soil and Forwatdiug tder. churls, Ototer» l'ilitSurgh I.l.ontriactured tioucla, meta)" 1,11,2[Y, Earl. LIZLIT, BAI/111 DICEY h Ca., Wholesale Groont. Coln- Mtichnat.s, and dlle.k.lera in Pr0e....,,Nu5.5t Mut, sul.l Lo 7 jiysitsrgh. 110 . t1L, JO WV O. ; I ll.= DLLlVotrail. Vir Juizi M. rim. No. 65 51.5atual barge, will have coo eotose.tof the boo well sell on tne no wide:taus sanding orde.w, well , and sag. piled will. 5000100 ....., - ,canine. cr rilfllCitLlS rnacripuo. _ _ .eantely and many pre:pared from tLe 1,001 GlltlCthill, SI any Leer of We day cr niatn. Also for es's, a lane melt Df fresh and (cod Perla. 1 ;11111 LCCAPii . LF-LillTaale 0f . !,10..zes annu ) Commis. of , o;in.u,) co eir elan and t..rwatstng tat - 01.d t and svholetale dealer iu lVestitu Remorse. ease, Lisues, rot and Pend ATI, and Western 1 . 1 - dire genctally, Water tseet, between and Woud,Tittsbergts JOIIN WATT, NoteetNir to N.Nan s Gebbarct Wholesale litoact sort CAILIALSBNIU blerclt.t, dealer in rrodnce and rtnab h Idanuntetares, cor ner of Liberty aid Iliad autos., PlushosEtll ea. ;nit 111.111 ES A. Ill!TCHISON, tr. Cc—inert/40. to II Lewis !latch:eon N. Co. :Canntais.oon. Iderenanta, and Age.n of tie sti Loon! Ottalll Magar orates ...di:: trout. sulett, rinsin-rtn. rar. U. DLultli..,N, Waulesulc Lnuggisty and ucui• et La Dye 5:.•..•, /mut., 1.A4, V unmakes, tr.e., ri0.11:1 cueel, tam dear South of iradruold Alley, //de b gu. (guegeguor 10305up47.1. J I.larekjFKup Cdandiers„26 Wates sueet. pu3l fCniN ft/ iroblddid arol/Iralcal truArnatenui, Echoutßoocs, IMateu, ttutl Peso, Gleans, Priatets' Cards, and eldaUfmary.guncrelly,No. el Wood sc., Putabstrgh. _ID — Rego odaitd or taken to trade. srpls J,U,1'.11001i.11AKi.1... 1 . -6 1., Whoietula Drds.ststs, •ood duce., Pitiabargh. r, corner Mit kud Wood . 1041 N 11. DAVI.% AA41.1 sltcete.Dilubergla. skitkaiTuN, Booksellers, Driaters mud raper .S:weefacelrera, Rio. 44 Markel eA, Date. burgh. . =ZMI jJr. H. FLOVD, Wholesale Grocers, Gookroomooo . • hlettraultz, slat Dealers to Produce ' Waled etnuch PralthrAss, lronung Libetty, oat aue tab streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. inyo Viliolcsule (tinter, ectuttnolott J liteicitant, and dealer in rroduce nod Pito [milli tdoßtlictures. ritudoogh. •to.ta6 iTua, kciari 0 - In In Fototglilliaino and Liquors. and old Motion- Itnhoan HY* Vn.toltoYot OOrnet Elm. and dlittet mu. &JONES, Fornarding and Coodanulnmn Merv. .11,. cluds, /sealers in Produce andPinthargh mann, lactated articles, Canal Bann near It dal lIILLL, •PITTbOURGII, PAL C/ OLDS & CU., Alaaufactarara of 'cry capcnor 4-1 d4<ctWly Carpct Cotton_ /WM! and Damn. 1a30.1y Vesowl .Iron Works. LT: Ts t terTit I'l' Co, r ownr [ ne arras of r Wurthouia St mu. and 114 front 0. .tanlY Wati'llll.TLAN, Whoiesale Grocer, Yorwatol - tar sad Cotatailwaa illerchallt, Dealer Ir• has urea .111anaLaelares and Produce, Nue. 31 Water st, • ‘ll4 /*total at. 337 Onal anananT, ' Jana K. 1.41 V SILWYSJA, • OOKINU tantrra klanufactarerin and Wholesale j dealers in foreign and daises. Yanety Cicada. *astern naerclunts, Yedlit" and others are Invited • ran and examoin the pneestud quality eau sleek, ' with our present inereszed incitines in manalkento. and purchasing, we think we can of or an great noel:neut. to buy era at any other house west :Drain °want.. . • ' a. mutton Phone.. . w. InCIMOS, usburs LL.katlr. nicKL - rsoN lk holesida GroOors, and I t importers of randier, W ines and Sagan, Nos. ',Sand 174, corner of Liberty atdaraid ktteu , k, Pitta-, arab; F. Aron, Nag., eaUda Yarns, ae—Ae. can :tangy on hand. ' ' augl4 • • ICOLLI. WAISEII C. ..or. OL:11.1.5 &101),F., tm1i.1ei1161.13,111.1 Cownir niC , ll ALC(Crialtla, I. 104 Liberty at, Pitubur3h. UHP/11", WiLhAJN S. CO, flats Junta , blarphy Co.) Wholesale Dealers la Dry lsoodc, No. 43 'ood riuchurgh. novia. e f. WWI., torpor os 101 l Office Alley and • an street, encance on 4m near:Us:hes des 0.4144 • • • liTSBUILUH STEEL. WORKS ANDsriu:Co AND AXLE FACII3IIY. cc IOMP, JOILFI gems. J0N146 o f 4415 , 14:46, ANTIFACCUKERS oraprsng and Glitter met, 1I plough Fuel, 11011 plough swings, coach and elfp c cpstagc, hammered Iron cries, and denleis in Dud tom misusage, Ore engine lassim rind coach trinstamg• 4..414, corner of fes',lrt and t TOW etc., rinshurgh,, feb9 MOLNIPM m SOPI, No. LS den etynd s d °oilcan, corner of Fuortb, dealers inForeign em Domestic Mils of Eachsw;t, Cm:faults of Depos it, Dank Notes and n , :peric. frr Collections mod on 6.11 the prucipal cnlcs throughout the Liannet Scum. • deel. BUCIOLASTES, ALualc.lo-41MCC , Fourril Clythci=tgaablPaylf !Vs fLecloidu'e"eratiVt realer .../are arta legal accuracy. luneacal kalate az arnica& &t. U. T. /sobeets, .211. Dn 4 ,....; r1 ,. 11 attend to the treat . EL has been engaged in tbis brancs of the tnedi. .al profession tor oaten years, and. lots conducted an sistablishment for the treatment of disesies of the eye alone lossaveral pear.. Onus mad real nor earner of Sandusky st and actl3 Stralrueray alley , AllegLeuy eat Jinil6o/11; . PRODCCE, Grocery, Mmatacture and Real Estate Unite.r, Handing, Y u. CD - Itefn Dihtey Ai Co. ontla.dlos 0 mil es•isevr, between t% by. and Rand. ha. J 1: meanest his professional dunes, Ming 1041 WM. WI the Hang, Gamin, and in Vce al Mll.llO • aVIWIPA — TIO - 4 - iel'0111::-N7 70 Fourth near Warod—All in of Green and Be ark Teas, done up in gunner,. her, and one pound pottage., ranging from SD eta. per pound 11.1 A. lAINPA, Art (or Pekin re. Co._ R - ROBISON t CO. hams nesociared THOMAS • LITTLE, he a sestik them in bassocoashe [Photo 4ninlin `cars', Pandas. flit COM¢issiezi buline wilt .00f the unia of Ihnsirsou, Lit le b. Co. .• • lek i rrtrirl i k r7 , Colulnistiou .a a r eal ' s. n t t o u t bn ' tgb AlanulitclUSGr. /Y 7 .1.0160.10.1A0T.' UST.. Olva.. 1.10.00. hilx.ntc:,Wlio:esaie Groans, Oon[Ysull Diablo,den:cr. Produce, Poubcran blastulae tare., and sit kinds .of Foreign and [Muscat. Wines sa d Laitturs, No. It Ulnas, Week On band a very large mock of ssuporio; old Monongahela whiskey, yowl will!. sold low foe cash. oplleal lik'SRF l l37 - &RUM, Fiirmtr,bne udi:e — etaes ion Weed:me:Le, for the Alleeheny Riv a er Trade, ki deal ." ifthl'"?".?*l rreelbec, Pitteberigh Idansfeettues `°' t- • • vat , cub: m at ex Wiliam; for tette. met °Venn an ,, kr.= r E,ir DALZI , ILL ft Co, Wholesale Greeert, 'CotruldiAtoti and \Forwarding Merchants, des'iers Produce stud 111.Lebyrbit hlutufsetures, Liberty et. tetrlt . VICE. CUNNINtiIIAhL Prodtwe add rictsbuTh linadette.ree. U 144 lawny s. 11111 . . • . . . . - . . 4 ,1 : • , ~ • - . . . , ...- • . ~. • : . . or • . • .. ~.. . • _ r . • . . . , . . . j • 1.34 .: ,-I-' , 0 . -: - o . ;;..... • .:.; ~, ,:".. -"•-• I . ... , . I o--.- - -- " ' '2 ,4 '. -, 5 ;' ,.. " . - .-. ....- " • '.. o-lio ..--.. .rs . It.. _ --.---- -,: - - ---- - ---:•—,..,.. .1 .. . . ; _ , ... _.. _. _ __ HT SBITRGTT, FRIDAY': MORNING. - NOVEMBER 23. :1849. : :- ' ',...:: •, , ) - vol. ,XVIL NO 92c • it CARD IL C. 711. WIETS. Dinnievalr Dcedr , rs In C`r forrrnn and Dnlnentic Dry SnArn Wood ei I,l•ltrf xn.l CI 1 . 1 . ..!•.,ce acalera, n Nlarketatrert.l,,wc.,, .41 eth. Nord( aide, hOv'S W. 1 - 1Ali13;14:1.;11; •Wcol .51Creha,ar', in flour and Produce at n , rafly, mni VarNearding a enr,:atiealan Merchant', N. 33 \ Vaier burr ...a rirrldndivd. :uttr. $ 711 12 . ' 1 ' 0n A C rt ° ln, Sperm. Littr,rd And Lard Gild. Q F. VON RONNIIORST. &. ilide.nineira- Cl. errs, Forwarding and Canitnionni Dealer., in Pituliureb Monufarilll,4 and `Nrrier.• Pro. in e. ha ye removed to their new evarehour.e.,(old steed) No. :S. cornet of Front .t. nod Chanetrione. r.ov: rildSiEVirliTTW[o6 - skle binee s Ta Com.x• aion Merchants, and deafen in Vroduee. No. Xi Wand at, Pittsburgh. %.‘22 {FROTH le SCOTT, WholorsCe and Ratan dean in Boon, SLoca Trunks, Carnet liags, fro_ s. W. orner or atti and Saiiihtuld at, Pitutrurgb, Pa. rs 3 - - - - • JACOB AV WHkalie • 117 - 110 . LIALE tittOCER, Itrotorlerof FOREItiN Y l% INF.S. LIQUORS ond CIGARS, deoler In Old Moeorigahela Rte \‘'ltlakey and l'oodnagh Al an auctoles, eorntr of Atari. nod Find AiLIL. Supenor arreln. morphed a toorttet rates. ectlN w. M. inurultia wittn.r.sni,v. fiIICERS, 0.1 YV TILLERS and WINE and,l ANTS Also—frol.oriers of Sod, Powder, No. 160 !Abort) , oL, (oppoF bomb. Li:erwlNG As l.l h anu I I:eachlAg mac Sixth st..l _ WICK It EITANDLFSti, (antic VT %Vicltj l'aolosole Commiasion Merchruna, dealer, (mt. and Pi bursa M JtIL ....1,10-1.3 watorito L 2, J.. 1) , ForwasJing and n Lton, Nails, Glans, =SIMMZ=M • - t• And Mtn Li.,err7 at., arm' thp w. w*LLACF rum ns udblirbmem, To. Sia x~naL e meirtS :of of fklnrkyttraid Ith xnst'elookr t. dr" I , i7rX . Ciaing e‘wcen Woc,!!”,a Ur- WAVICt'UNT • 6111.111111ita.7 eivrn Erceis. Pimilaugb, N. cate.fally repain.d. rFST BOWEN--Comma+iu Mercl..a. No. 211 Front nt. Market wee.. Y 24 dcia:ct lsona, izonth cant. WIC M Cithik ;Whotera. a Foreign and Parnerne corner of Market and Fourth cu. atIN I NIVUNE. Iratber I“dev. ho INrr m. YOUNG 44 Co.—D,eler VP 143 Libertv st. abet sPZ.t - i - c = u'enn, etdo tlentemdear !Ines. and Puts. laterny et, Ar; & It. WC:UTCIII:ON. Wh VV, len; Preduce, Iron. N. burshhlanutatturns generally, I 6 14 4 .9.i ' N! ek - Min & : v;l'. Wau;aar: Jr . :verity No. 57 Mar wm. Vovico &I IEALERS IN AND L Shoe ringing Like., No. It 3 • :1 1 received their SPRING SIT pricing. large arremient plank itrhirh the intention of puma:there utehts . . CO. Nlotocco, Al.wray etrcet, wive K goal, com e. thrit line, to invard. - KW a. CO, T AGENTS n. 41: Venter ,Ire, ct. Pir,TTio : 41 1 T E °ctn. • INSURAN _ LiCa Alumni' Life and Ilea (morel:re i umpouy I. of Pbiledelplaill, Ineorpornted by tho of Pcoopyivanly Mon h, Conrxr prfarrunt_ $103.000. Items 1. ,- WZR 111,11,, TANIS Course,, and lull of) per tent lone , r,ihoo the Paaom mind rates of Life Inimnoree, no tin !allow ing Co6l. parison will Plan: 'Thus, a poreme of no agr in al rn rrng for 5100 far tale, toiLa fair in ob . Gi - ord J'enmylvonin.,B2 3C, Pettit Hutch. . S 1 , Foutimie, it,a4; few Easinad,S2pi; Nem lock Lite, :PZ:.4; Al- Octu, 35,45: Life and Health, Pli.ladelphia,Elmi. Dlaßttla. —Samuel Orrick, Cootie. D. Hal. Iv P.Bcone, Ruben Klne, Clarke P: Yore', IV. Baldwin, AL Reeve. M. If.. Char. O. 13 Campbell, Donis Cooper, L Rodman Darker , Eh ll Butler, Edwin R. Cape. Pretldent—riiamml Orrick; Vico Prim dont—Robb P. King! Seeretnry—Fronen 1111°1GL:roe reeeived,und every in,ortnarion Eire° by - SAME. FAIINESTi.CK, Aort, • OlLce, ...onotocreloi Roams, corny of - - octi7 dly koo.l and Thrd stv. Pittsburgh * * r . - • AritiltlitifiCE. • `aster: - 1. PROTECTION 'FIRE AND , k •`-ak as t a :,, NYAIIINE INSURANCE COMTA NT OF ILNCTFORD, CONN. INCOL:00-Crila 111M/1 Annual Prrenetur, Capital !heck, and :Mrpitt,Furid, ' 81,0000 00. This old and reapoosible Company Continuer I • in• floe on the moo favorable term. mt 11.vel me Howes, llousehold Furnoorm thole, Stocks of Genolv, I,Narettouveu and contents, Mills and Manalarionevy A lto, as Kalnot LOSS oft DANIAGI-', l / 1 lIIE. Aon Goo., (Yates and Merchandme, Dmn, the hazard. of let_, TRANStorrfalloa, upon the Cargoes of Sea Vessels. The ProtreliOn nal:ranee Company haring, in the la.lo.sycere, .prod ar.c...ikumn or rokt-a. ottl.ra sereral aganmea throughout thy thntrui . ...!nAlesu.nri Cur Bela. khovincem hiyucetn , lmbett a ,ust reperanon .far awlechey and fur doilihc, 'mhieh et:Olen/era roni pansort venh any other Ins:trance roMpany Oil Mr .etinent of Anlerith. The ntioczed extreet tryou an orttele onMe solueet of Insuranre Comprouce, token fro the "New 'York Day (look,' cahoot./ hnefl, standing and pokey Of the Cethemq. “Tbe 'Moneyed men' of the noctent and always pro,- PerOus city of Martionl, halo tor 12.1( nr. to ury fameas throughout the Cnicut (or the cart, Mmration, rand honesty, and unvarying tureen, with whch they have formea and managedcorecrut.ona of thiv de" scrtetion. lienford Bank Of Inverioter.Compuvy has ever 'ruled! There Compuoies hove kur tahre than a whole get imeline ettnteret their rmksyn urat• ly every Mato of the Croon, and hens r.rser mond Iv pay the torturnet.le Nees which they hove int/itreu gmosh* All lotaea aiiaing upon policies i.vned by the under alg'ned, will be promptly equated and pout at the Hon end Agency Idle. located at Co/coil:mi. 0 A tare. , portion . of the ton. of the Company, perlothug all prenliouts meelved at the (Vesiern og,cionev.) dc. Nulled with the Gomel.) Arent of the ComP.) 01 CUlelrlnall, for the part/101Am Wevrec, louse. Apply to • PANKU It. WS. Agent for the city of Phi/burgh, and for Prelmny courtly. • ocM &lot The Pesten,lvatata Company Fon Ittntancaoa Lay. • ao tiamerma A 7.01114. THE first Ufa Insurance Company in the Suttee. Inootpatatett March IN atil2--cha ter perpetatil. Capital VA' e3AlW—all paid in. litemeg rantionsel the undemiAned w ream , vc applp estimator insurance, au mitten policies veil. ae. Tented, contittg to.theit proptniale wee,which will he Made kiloton to applicants Si hie effote, No. tit Wood sweet. apt! WWI , COCHRAN. 1113UtiArta:, CUMPArtir FA ITTSBURGH CITAL ain,ooo. .1. Fumri, Jr., 'Seer. 1 It :Amt . ., l'reel. kinde el rite, FIRE MILARINF. kLL lower will be liberally 1.6 usce4 nod promptly paid. A borne intutatlon—manaßed by LAr errors who are well known in the commeottyi nod who are determin ed by promptnesa and liberality to =Litwin the Char acter which they have assumed, as offering the been photeellon On those wisp desire to be Insured. Dinah-row—R. Miller, Jr., Gem Mark, J. W Butler N. Holmes, Jr., We,. It. Rotator, C. Mare, Leo. W. lar-Imen, Wm. M. Lyon, Jut. LtPftntnmt , Thos. li. Loeb, Jtamos APAttley, Aka. Nirtnek, Thos. Seca. Occur., No. IN Water street, rwerehiotreof Spent, crlier,)rittrbargh. INNOBANC.R.. T. OE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSLI RANCE COMPANY.--offtec, North Basin of the Lfichatige, Third street, Mallade/plua. na‘lsn'surics.--Ittuldings, Merchandise and other property in Town andrwerrat, tworedwgninrt In., or damage by fire et the lowest rote of premium. Mrwornlttscluocs..—lhey also insure Verret, car. goes and Freights, foreigner coastwise, under opener special pokier, sr the Wen red may degicc. ItiLAttuTzaremoarar.os. — They also insure merehao dlse trawported by Wagowo Railroad Can, Canal Boats and.ettam Mats, 'on neer, end hams; on thy most Überal terMs. DIRECDURI3--Josep 1L Seel, Edmond A. Sonde:, John C Davis, Robert D won, Jo h n Penrose, porno el Edward., tied O Leip r, Edward Dull...gum. Irene R Davis, WWI= Folwill, John Newbr., Dr It 51 Row ton, Jamca C 11.4, Theophtles Paulding, II Jones Brooks, !teary_ Sloan, Hugh Craw, lice' ge Serra!, Spencer ftlellettle, Charms Kelly, J G Jobwot, IYil ham flay, IFt S Thome., John Sellers, Wm. Ey ro, Jr. =mamas AT • PIWSUL;Ittini—D. T. :`lnrcen, Wm. Dagaley, Jas. T. Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, Iree.ireor Rlctirra , S. NWSWIOLO, Secretory'. Mr °dace of the .Company, No. CI (Voter et; ect, PlUsbiagh. inlfedtf I. A. MADEIRA. nrtcnt. VILLE, AISD MADAN.% 12414 U1t,1.31C10• TIIIIE INK/HANCE CO. of Nen, ...,LOCIIC4 will A make peruinnint and' limbed larvae, on prdi petty in this city and vicinity, and . n shibmentit by Canal, Rivers, Lakes,-end by Sea Titt I , od^rb" ut this Compsby are well harried, mid (nanny att able rata for the ample indemnity of ml bermes who deuce to be protected by iloarance. mpyy WM. P. JON E. 4 k, ',occur, 44 Wslet INDENINITT• - The Fraralirt Fire'hisuranee Co. of Philudelplaa. D I VEL U Min e u I t . . ' 4. I :IZ. N W Diehards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph,' LUYId S. prow., Morris Patterson. . • • flitrviv N. 13,1CMIL, President. - Merles C. Dancleritheereary. • Continue to mato insuhume, perpetual or limited, op overy.deseription of PrOPerty In town or at rates us low as are ectawlent with security. To CoMpsay have reskrved a large Coralut , nl F*ll,l, wLich arid, their Capita.] and Promiutc.s, barely. wive,. eti, atfiird ample protection to the nwured. The noels of the FOILIFAny, on Joau34 path:Med agreeallty to an set or riving ...... Ve't" .grate...... Temporary Lome Stocks - --- Cash, tote. ni.TN,I79 71 Startheir incorporation, apc ried of -:re, Wry have • phid upwarda of one aidlion nutr handrail thou, end dollars, losses by hr', thetisby affording evident/. at the advantages of insurance, as well as die aLthly and trapoiunou to mar Offic e e N eels, yood and Jul ZTAJTZ.IAL iNSTMLAh CAL CA:IS ikla -111111 tai hIdDEIRA, Agent it Virahargb for the are htutaal Safely Insurance Cornlmay of Ititd• ratelphia. V/10 ILtdk• upon btalLinsLaiand Inetehandise of every daseriptan, and Manna disks ogee hulls or cargoes .of voids, taloa upon the troa-I favorable terms. Odice tu the 'Xerelsouse of li. D.ltolnusa ItDro., No. 3 . 7 Water, near Minket street, Pild•hurgh. • N. B.—Ttio suet-s± of this G if t sines the r,tah hdarierit of the AgcnCy this city, with the prompt ness and ['heredity with which rveiy c!aam upon Went foe loss has been aidiusted, laliy wramal the ageot larding toe confidence raid patroaage alias friends and the community at large to the Delaware Mee. ranee Company, while it has the adethaonta advaatag” ta au smadon among the mod ileunsholy so Pliila/icl: pLia--as having an ample prod-In earl 1,l vralell by the Nnratton -of Its chute, is '0 slash)' tkrestarg, as yielding to each pereouinsured his due Ithare of tie profits of .tbos company, without iuvelv•ag hue in nay responedahry whatever, and therefore Ns Pa/N./At/6 the Mutual pro/civic divested of every *boogie. Oro, and la lts most auracdve faro.a 0,1 • HOTELS • • . -- POUXTAiIf EI.OTEL• LIGHT STREET DALT • coca leAoPinnronn. e-tablishrit.t long and widely known a. teing nne of the most commadiems in the city of .&i.W ...manse, has recently undergone very este', give tiltksitions and I. itoprilgetaanße A. - enure new wine . adilrd, conutining riameron. and airy ThenpartnientS, exteneivit bathing enema. Ladies , department hos also begin emnpletely ‘ , ...m.r.04 , and hued up in a ma r unique and beanti f.i MYla. fit fact the whole arrangement of the Hoare has been remodeled, with single eye on the part of lie pmts nov a towards the comfort and Pieftetiro of 'then linemn, LOCI which conlldently msert bh.llebbb comparison with any Hotel in the Polon. Thom iilwayg be supplied with every inits Venial and luxury which the market Jannis...mood Op in .upernil style; Willie in the why afWinrs, ho c , they will not ba vat-passed. In concluiven ,rt e proplitetais be; Msay, that nothing will be ra h nudes" vu their port, naii on the part of their aseis.lan. to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the palate generally. The prime. for board have also been reduced to the t'ollowing rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 31;5 per diy. entlemen!. " ,50 N. Et.—Thie llegenne, Wagon of the House will al wale be found at we Car and Steamboat landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free or inerat I COW.. GI roe .n AND GEANT STerlein. Vennanelnii• itTHE subsenner respeetlelly announces that he ha. now opened his new and 'excellent Hotel Tor the accommodation of traveler.. bOuraCl, And Mr public generally. The hong , and furniture are entirely near, nod no pantoor expert rn have bees spare.. to render it one of the most comfortable and 'pleasant Hotels in the city. The rubsenher is determined to deseree, and there . foie solicits, tr share of public tintronage. cool-city • JACt tit ROUGH, Proprietor. ILD sTarrEs 110 T L, Cneseen atrr eta _w ovss seem B "l , 4 ° . ( PtE U ;d"iVal t at, r ''' mar:Xi -Proprietor. LAW OFFICES.)- JOHN H. RANKIN, TTOIiNEY and Coil..nor At LAW, an d Comm. /1. mole, bar th e Stain of renMylvsmia, Lords ti (Int- o: ) 11m.I.V.For.rmrd, Ramp lon s. Hiller , M'Conttles. t NrClure, John E. Parke , emple,Al'eard sugadly T. n. E• 1 /• P lITLAILVT. . - . . HA t LLD dL STEILIGETT . TrouNLvs AN)) COU:VSELLOII.2.4 Al' LAW A Fnorth ' , act, between :317111n6 1.1 and Grata ..t•hurris, l'n / 11.4 u-. La. •I, e.u.ov. a FBI D; Tll /I:NE:vet AT I.A W, Fount stree t. u einlelt,sitt.. JANE S N. Kirarai, A TTORNEY LAW.—lnEce on Fourth to , cr. tont Limn l'innburrh. W.I. ATTORNEN AT LAW, I;ader, Fa IV IL ne . o en si'o : ' A U"' ' ro ' : 4 l ' g . routak Refer to J. R. Floyd, Litroll st 'V. W. Wallace, do James Alar..!toll j Pillsbury!, o, Ray fr. Co.,‘Vood at I Jan: yll swErrzEtt. Atiorr.eF at LAN'', ”ffice oppcoote VO. CLarle, Hotel, Ilttrionorh, noll also cterot r.i.trnly m Colicetion", to Woshiroco.y, Fayette .4 Greco roonoes, Pc. MOM ineclrtock. 801 l et , Cksmh & Carothrr3, rtn.Mr.4:l 0. T. Morgan, • co•lMily J. AttortreT mtd Counnollor at .Jtnotanan. Ohio. CoJontion: t•Journorn Ohi o, lia co Indiana. mad in I , ...rttneky, afoliypromptly and care mrondeol Crmunumronor for Me Sumo of Pen.n. oylvirma, for takitnr, Detractions, ncknowledimentl.. Rorrit.ou—llar- W. & SOO Curti., Charm & Carothers. Wro. !lay', I)ao.r. rats BATS.. CAPS AND BONNETS $'45llllON FOR !LATS. rpi k Co will introduce thin day,M, AsaF Zsb,i We fall Kyle of Gtotit...,o, Neu, corn, us nfal and Won.: a.met. sags _ - WCOILD .It. CO., - (Scocor:orß to ArCord & )ling) Pa•hionable Ilatter'•,l Corner DElVoati and Fijih Streets. I).kkiI7CULA.,II aortal.= paid to our Moron Mde. Gentlemen con :roiy opoo grtting.thr tr Had and Cap- tram our rozabli.rhment 'MIL XLISSLIO, and td" the: 1-Aros ormr-s. nod .1 tto 1.00 sno .• c oaa ,t 7 bv..wholei..!,, f,petthaly invited in rill 111 W Primal,o we eat ita) witteerialiderice dial a. rtgard. Mild rap. II will Poi serge ln s emapatiitn Philadelphia. fe1.17 Jo z nrater Inrmt iren t!erwri . l ,i t k , J ti f t y . latt ., Ly corner and IVnoil ct. SPIt Esc l`C FASIFiIO 211C8011:16 4 V. hl Co . will lutrodace Sator-ii al4lll,day, March :hl, the I.rrice le or lIATs. T,aWant ve •at, al and rupertor hat, are ta_ct , ta tall a: corner : , •th and Wood rtiect, ursr9 Plll.'!it: hlarphy open supply of mpring or hm , d.raT, SZI C ELC,I Nctt,.., 1.1.1 e and 1...4, Lit,rn 1:4.'1w,, Victoria do; Mu.ltna ar.d Ju•...,l,:;voidc,d M.Litt., ace tatyr, ...crmrnt arr. prinp Goods genrrally. at multi rorner 41 1 .1 and Varlet etretet. Waul.r.ale Roam% ap alum, ap6 FORWARDING & COMMISSION. F,„,1 I , A ItT ,11. SILL; Grocer', •nd Produce ,:1d Coro pro.,o, Merchant, No, Sir Wood at. Plitshorgh. Leage• to Os ewe cLes, Pour, W hem 11)c, Oat, Corn, Bar.° , Pork, Itacon. Butler, Lord, Cbcc,c, C:ooer, l'lnaotny an. , Flax :seeds; Iron. Nail., Girt, te. !cc. Lv. Partiqular one often paid to the solo of %Vcatern Product.. !Urn •ascrot,;tleigrn. Myero Boot, Robc D.I. sc. tc Co, ArGili,/, Roe, Hampton, ' , mita & Lout. ~ ay, Rom sloorimod, Ptti*Uurgh. Fenner 3.1.50110 n. Jos. S: Morrurott, Lou... • 5p.:0:14 • • lale of N. Lisbw, ow. SLI5Nilr CRAIO t SKINNER, G , ENER Coneniseion nee Forward tee Merchant., No. oo 3lartet el, Puteburgh, Pa. Ca — Prompt utteetion Klrcii to the puretta-e one .ale of 711 k,s. of Product. Itnhzu To-.. John You tr. Co., llorphy, Wiihon Co.& Pitzhnotho, 1,4 Lowfon t. fill, hlah:on Moron, Wr 11,4.10. 0.; John If. drown tc. Co., fsnrm, Enton Co- IthiLadc,ptna;4l. W. Snenthto.s k tin.. Grog: & :Soho, New Li4on, 0; Fr. Myna., lion. C. D. CoMo ; Cl.lll/I{}l4 J. P. Coll.r, l'outinCown, 0.; W.L. Man dot, Cl. velood. O. aur.J4 GEORGE COCIIRAN I=T== It= T t 0N1 . 11:1.71 , -.. to tranartet a general Commu n ion ble k, itto, eqweinlly tad pare. and sale f Ant en coo alanafortares and Produce, and in receiving and forw o alitis tironle eonidened to kir care. 'At Agora fur alarturtwitarre, he will be contuottly mapplied wild the principal nr•.ieles of Patalwrgh hlanufacinrn at the towed whole/tale prices. Or and eontignments •ae reepeetrally rolicited. in Penn Machboo Shelp. II Wlolll . 3lAlC—Atua afoot... GI 01l kind. or no, lA, 101 l a11d.1.1/Clll ItlileLiDEl7, Allegheny ey, Po Thtl above work. being now ta till oad ouegeosta: op. notion. I am prepared to.e.ketate altars ur:th dt.pnrna for ail kinds of machiatery 'lazy nor, Coca an 14 , 1110 WA, picker., opreodera. cards, grin= g r-aa.t.thex,raliwoys, dretwilig grantee, .parder., thrsuils, looms, woolen ourdt.,douttle or 'angle, for merchant.. country work, mulest act a, he.; slide and hood lathes and tool. to yen. oral. .ill kind of shafting made to . order, or plow. 41.. - en to grartng factor/et or mill , rat re...tattle charge. fragou ro—nennedy, Child. & Co-,.lllaelt.took, Bell Zr C.... ii , ,t,, Pnlnnrk & Co, Jan A. GraY. ~..1 --- ' Sonatagsaaela Lavery tinablre. —. tbs.e..; ICOLIkAT 11. I'ATMILMiISi ho. °paned t . the lure,e ruble on Firm at, running through to r'..-cood at, between Wood nod Snaultlield tqa., to the renr of the hlonangaltelo llotute teak nn rely new stock of Horne. and Carriage• 0 The I,ett gna rua ts) . and latest wile,. Hone. kept at 1 . ) in the tanntlet._ j 3 . 00 . 11. 011E28 WOOD GAIELDENS. • now Th m oa ,, at , e f tn ,.... tlt , A i . , )1A , 8 , 9N atters: to C' tb n a " 7!'42l7 den—lealn at 9 O'clock, A- M Jo.I it the lieguanng ore acti boar until 9. P. ;11. Vi• sno.j.rey on ti•dthg the hoar nt the bout. Mc leaves the Garde.. tip. Ina! up trip, at 10 o'clock The wonaon it Nal 1,11,10C . 11,, and those wirbirt, to 711.11. tbi. delightful retrrnt, now to the unto to 9.1.nd tow boar, not In the smoke . ud ot the est.., but ID Pn'e per:ante . I with Inc ['octane.. al do.ui r.. All rcfre•hruenui, except intoxicant:, dunk., orc Itpt on the prennaeis. GrecuhOuce Pliuth.„ and Ltonouctu ai choice how.. for silo. (hosed on sun. day. pc‘el JAMES (fir I':,anreor landing made on nrCikUill or 10, tou r, - GNO D. 111 ILTUNDEILOIEtt S. It A ..E.Vit Forwarding and 'onnitin.insi Chahh Ina 'minced hh N 0 . ,: Front oud ugal Sinabhuld street*. 0:10 . . . . - _ . . . Porgotte wanung forte nrc , titvited to end tee tooth S,C,AI FF. *CKINSUIN tough 1.1, .• 31 , :71. 11 D 4.7.1 lrr SI,A.r. :t',LV7 u Steam Briefs Work. for Sworn 1 , :ogou, 2 Boilers. Mould tilOchine, cripable of munolucturinK he ?rested Ilttcl, lout of dry <ley, u.nlie from the bunt.) yes day; with thrt e sere. of 1,1111 ate Aliegheoy rtver, on whirls ore 4 kilos nod kheds, inaction , sod cloy shad, wOclbarrows, trucks, st,‘; oo 00., every thing !relJui.ite 10 com -0 et, °penult LLD Lours Wiled. Itrter, 105 onteni wight 10 030 SAld machine, ~...yrn, n t ulnae ea*, Withotil the ,laud, 02.1111. Fur oddrecr Nit:BRITT, oucz7.Lsti N. He Nloonguhrla House. 11.E.L.1. AYi Dl3l - 6AIT ifFii A FULTON, Sell and Slurs Founder, hoe re bunt land COI.II.MCII.C , d business et. his old stand, where hr eon be pleeoed to see hp. old castor.- i• Y./ 111,111 i. Chore . ,tremloot, and Belle of eveiy , from 10 to redeor pound., ost 11,111 p "norm. of the moat opprov ed models, an.l trarratited to ho e of the best atorenal... 61ineral Water Yampa, l', de., toge ther vrttt.CTVti variety of Llnch, Caeuuge,d requtred, turned and (wshed In the ocatert manner. A. F. it the endh proprietor of Murder Arrn-Arrer ltfrrad., so rusty celebrated for the rtQuenon of frienon tomaehrocry. The Bores and Compounion cur Ire had of Liar at all nine.. r jathly ING PAPER-2000 reel.. of pri n Onio,id Paper. a superior arbele. Asserted slres ep band. Any site made to order at !shortest nonce. 9830 3 C HILL, 67 Wood at TOTARTNERSHIPS. I:nasals:Mors of Partnership. Y MUTUAL CONSENT Mo. dity.lthe Ern, hero.l3 fore ernithe under the style of 'ICSIII , 11.:1.1:1k LEADER has been dissolved by Henry Ixader Tell ing lit • rhino interest in ..atd firm to JOhn btdon• •••• ronorrird wnli the [trio of Itashfield I.ea'l - fir s•-tt'ed by S. U. Doshfield k Co.. r fin ore doly annernsed to make all collection. and m jug all rhinos. I DUSIIFIELD LEAMEII. • Pittsbingh, 001,1.1, 1519. N. - U.—U. U. BUSIIPIELD it CO. will continue t6e - whole.nle and retell Dry fioddis ooJOindefY at the old .lore room. No. 10.51 Libelhrt / ed, where they will be pleased to bale t bell friend. and cooerg call and egamine their noel.. of anode, 0et.31 S. RAIDS' FIELD k. Cf T"EpartiterAtip ephe under•dgne of Bagaley lc Small. was dine erntsect on 9th September. W. !Jag the interest ofJ. It. Stnitb, who tett • of the firm will he settled by their Harney tr. Co., et Nos. 15 and 9U W WILLIS Pittsburgh, 0ct...1, 1 19. ISAAC CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Win. etsled with him Wm, H. Woodwar John S G , and Ralph lineal• wslicontinnii the Who(reale GrOCCT IS and Yu Woad at. cruder Ore firm WM. DAG A LEY &r O , Ping and IrAGALEV, WOODWARD H mho • Dlaciantion of Co...Psalm...MP. eo-pertmerehlp hemtolore eI leg Ixt.een the gebecribere, heder the etyle Town fc Calbert• son, lons diseolved oe the let init. 1. IflUtUal atant.Clll. M. . uttowri, •, Oct. 5, ig9. A. ULBERTSON. The aubstriber will continue the Whalersle Groce r,' and Corunursion Llustoest, as he roam. at the old 1 stand, ICS Latterly sp. nets st. ULIII.IITSON TAY tr --— ils. 111N131 - kir. Tit ROPRIEPORS OF TIIE rrrrs 111F1611ALICAL.1 ..E IVORKS, are now prepariti to Ilfiaall a superior attucle of Soda Ash and 31nriade At. O. Persons wish: tag to panto... etthyr al the abo c ri.teileth_ltre re quired to cull on IttAACWALKE , D. 10.13 Ptft r h id, and C/1111,0410 the articles before pur h WOK alseyea•te. N. I.l.—Tho Soda Ash Intutufartu d t this establis went tt rend} napertor to nny o } brought to this market. .. r mall *c..cats. taus. A - MINSON. sonrsz. ar. ATKINSON, P. 3 irs - r. litirwewrlWoor •NP klastuk - r. Prrrusrualli ,NTINUE to noltorilketuri• COPP ER, J TIN AND ititiFlT IRON W.rinli Alro, Muck tomb Work. Stearn Roos built to order. Spee.sJ attenllontenna gmen ccesus boat work. Have on hands a fine assortment of Copper and Bros" Kettles, Tin Ware. h.e. fee , . tabost o:suiting:Staves, Portable Forge, various sines —it Tory convernent sr. rack for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road eotopsaues. 't%e would reapectfully tootle ate= boat men and other. to call .k.ndsee Of, Milt, Ze and nor., l,efive pactehaamaelscoehera )1:17 PIM DlU°lnfirmof Partidetrimp. copartwurship of HENRI. HANN EN .1t ,ormerly 'lumen, ;Huller, Co., in t be Window a d Colored Glow bowler, IWI, day thtsatve: tho withdrawal of Mr. Fred.enek The bowneol will be eisndotted by the undernened, under tbe Gni of HENRY linNtiEN Wr re boure Iturrwuond where we will brr... 1, 7- ..— pupplie• of oupenor Window -401 IN .31ENRY lIANNP'N, • ' ROBERTSON Pu.hura Aug. 27. BENRVIrISTEAD Copartnership. THE uudersdKned Lava titu day as-oetatedwah in business JACO!) L.-Sc and *d con dune the born:teas as he ‘ resoldre. under the tern of U. PA !INF:STOCK d Cu. July 2.1542 Jyl3 rrlltE partner:Asp hermnfotti astatine ands( the fn. at A. r.O BRADLEY, in dissolcelb. the deeeage of hir.C, !Wadley. The hastiness synths earned on by A. Bradley, wt.° will .rile the bonu s ... of the hoe tiros • REMOVAL —A. Want., hag ten:need btu ronairY Wareboa. from No. IN hit:hone farcet, to NO. If Wood street, between Fired alnl :Strand street, o the warehouse lately occupied by G. A.,Berry. obese ho will keep constantly on hand ageneral assortment of Clnrt?re GrMea Cookittn, hes. t y 01•101.0.011. (71111.1 co-partnership benne:ore oriel:as . between the .k.aubscrthels„in the name of Cnr.stable. tlsake ts thin day dinsedrcal by utntunl conseuL Mews. & tholes wall settle the tusine, at we con mon, for,tach purpose they are antbenieed to nw the nerve of Mr concern. NATEIANICLCCINSTADLE, EIthICND THU:C.I:n 11tnandrrarigsted have ua, RSleCiatrd tt.'eni.e.r ea In the name or !WILKE X• Kdat:it Ivr the iturpo.c of manufacturing Ft re Yroot Silt', V avit Poor , Pte. tre , at ttle vtand of tar la' km of Conntabie it'grke t`o, Wilcre diet . v- - nil be pleased to receive the pa ttv naps of the ease mere of that and davit rtiendv • ItUlt1:11 TilltAlltrt to retma,,, tr,.. W. Canatal•tr, Bark: .%. I with.,lterre rr.vommerd Barnet , to ihr configcnerot mr (rim& and the pu,i, Feb. 9, 1019 NAVA NI El, LONSTA ro,ll‘lit DIHOLDT I( t pssiurnalop ei-.l42+ReH C h 11X24 Wt. Jar J, iltroolved I.t mutual r0..,t:. Ima..sot the late firm will be , setzled 11. L. J. It :41 , f.1 . 111, Jam. Zi/.l^4V II LEE NOTICE—The under,g4.".l tr:, and attettJ to Iltc talc the old stalid In rentint MIMI the firm 31orptly Ler, I lei,' Vent Pie a4Lurc reconnnendmg }I rII 1... c to me confidence of coy frzr. , d• •nd Pttn.beren.l.l J IL MURP:IV RINI II siINIFI; ;to! Cnpt A7'IiINSVN have ettlered It,Ao pLaut.rat,p, under toe !Alm te' FE S ATKINSON. and wily carry 0 the l',. Copper. and Sheet Iron Wore menu ractory Iliack:•nitthtog to all its branches. at the old stand or Writ II S4Aufe, Fire, street. near Wotal Yarracui:a g:ert, to steainhoat wort. I _ E . glety att tto,c . ;c.J metal we :a wltOte th pale Ltrocery. Produce nod Commas.. Luttaness, mT Itiotherlc.epit. othirt the farm 011. S DILA , 01ITII S. Co J. p. DILWORTIL January I, IMO. (10.PARTNERbIl1Y—W tn. %ming haring me .J day on oniotra v.-Ith hon, John IL the lea- Ihcr tat.ineta will hereafter he conducted under the Inn of Wut. Young I Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, j .0.1 /Nth IL .111 MINE, MISCELLANEOUS Removal. ODEPT A. CUNNINIiII bas removed o 6 rt. Commercial Row, !wove formerly pled [scru by Moots Orum, where he be happy to ore his rnemls trod former dostornera orrtu 14t — I - KTR - ILS. JUlf N D. 3FCREARY, Printom Ink Monufociornr, No.. 33l and stmton street. NEW TOR K—De• pot No. 3 Spruce street—Would call me atientwo of Printers to his radirt.ved Printlne Inks of,ous kinds trod orders, on tho following prices • Extra Lne Jet Rack. for Cord and Wood Cu - • CI Lu and 3 Ott prr lb. Fine Book Ink - 0 C. '• IC3 Roca rk . - News Ink • U In 0 70 •• 11 25 Fine Rid Ink • 736 I kr I :Al t- o, Blue ' Yellow, Omen and Wham :Sr Ito 311 Gold size at 92 par lb, and Woos& et 50, 75 cur.urd St Pcros. A spectmen of News Ink can i.e seen on this paper. For ogle by JOHNSTON & STOCKT ON. Pittalturdh, Do. C. Horgan it Co. Cincinnati, Obio Morton & Griserould. • •• • • -_ GROSS Awl we'd from the Philadelphia ' , Retort, 4 , an excellent article for rendering Boos and Shoe, perfectly water proof, and soft • piece of clot. One application of this P. 1.• is sufficient to make nlma impervious to water for two toonthc and w a deer pe ti preventave from the leather tracking. Sold whole sale and retail at No. 5 Wood st 0,119 J. Ps 11. PHILLIPS JA.11201 W. WOODWICLL, - Mtidern . eind Antique Forii - iture, 1 fa, Tut. Pr.., Prrissurtair. A large and '‘Ph`dthd usellsnertt of Furniture, t ra T . suitable for Steamboats, Hotels andprivate dwel. bogs, constantly on hand std mode to order. The pre,ent stock on band cannot ha exceeded by any mantrartory tu the western contry, Pers.. womborg to purchase would do well to give We a cal, am om fieterutoted my pores shall plea.. Part o f the nook consists n Tete a Tete; littllet Futorte; Louts XIV Chairs, tideen Elisaneth Voysei Tool. Tables; I nit In.nsVCJmmoder, nmnel. Mahogany Bedsteads, Piann ^tool, 40 sofas seat. Plush and II arr.cloth hn Mahogany Rocking Chairs, 40 des Parlor Lio eentre Taber. • 20 parr Divans; pro r par T 1114.; IS taxa& top Dre.t. hurcau, Wardrobes; I riceretunes old nook ea.,.; an marble top Wooll tOund, 4 pair Uttomonsi purr fancy Work Stands; A very ivage assortment of common rhstrs sod oiswr Tormture 1.11Y111,011. an turn:lnn. • • . Strn Boats oil the thorte•i no en m d the 111010 rettotottilde t.rou.. 4.'15, for itidrant 114 sat" . THIS to to certify that I l,tt, sto ..! pointed Livingston, Itoggeti rr Solo Act, for the, rule of Jo .. , lose• Pstwnt Itt.t.r.thgto [Mier, for the et) hes of Ping oriti . od 111[Khrny. JOHN ( D Ag.on for Wolter M (tiboon, :09 Want ty:ty N. V. Ont. 10, It , IV. We have been rumone or the noose a melee st W. osier of the Novelty Works for three month, on uit, and feel perfectly roust/col that it i. a useful Invention, and we take pleasure in lovereeorntnendthe thent us u use, fat article to all who pe vatr. Orders wttl be thankfully ',reject! and promptly ...yeeeted. ~,,,, hi VINfiSTON. RtniliEN it 11.3 Reversible Ciller. rig Cool.; FOIRPLIFIIVVINII WATER, Is'/e . rnentdo?th'ialTbiotticdeswrfst7uob7ol'lin 0 0 * i 7 t il e : t r t h t ' : l l ' % " F u nk ‘ t ; i 7 U c'r' t i''!;e he h I T I filtering cock, show , a large oepas ' t ' t Impure sabstancesorurer , do. Tins to the ease MOM or lath with all hydrant lamer. The Reversible Fillefei I. neat nod durable, .LI I. not attended 'with the 111,11V...10110E incident to other Khmers,. It is eleansedwithout being detached Iron. the water pipe, by :merely turning the key or handl. front one sale to the other. Ily this easy proem°, tat course arse:ger Is changed and all scacroulatioaA to impure substances at driven cr althom hatently, wiWont t o of the Filter. it also somas., th e advantage of being a stop rock, cud an such In rartry cams will be very convenient and economical. Rem be attached where there is any greaser. Idgh or loYe to a cask, tank, tab, do. 'frill ease. To be had ad,. „,g, s Age , W , W. WILSON, mall corner of Fourth and Market .t. . _ .. _ - Poi Cilitortils. rrIELE celebrated Hazard Rifle powder, In kegs, hall J. kegs, quarters and c.., for sale by .613 J 8 DILWORT/i & Co, wooed 0 MISCELLANEOTTS I ---• • Chocolate, coots to. W. Baker's American and French Chocolate, Preps Crean, Cocos. Paste, Brogan, Cocoa Shells, •te. Td O merchants and cocsaluens. who would purchase Owl , . rlproducw of Cocoa, free front adulteration, more tour: thous than ma or coXee, and in quality mime- pawed, the /wbseriber recommends the ahoy , articies,' itumonad by himself pail stamped with hit name. 111 , Clerics and Cocoa Paste, es delicate. pnlatal.le, _and callous) . drinks for invalids: eonerlewenis• atth ether., are pronounced by the MOM eminent physicians superior to any other preparations. Ws manometurer • always on rale, in any quantity, by the InoSt re. specialill . grocers tho eastern eine., sal by Men agent.., llowetßray ei co., of Boston; James Id Banco A, co, Ili, rtford. Conn; Ilturey A Murray, New York; Grim &Stone. Plailadelphlit 'Thomas V Brandige, Bal timore; sad Kellogg rt Bennettesociapati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER. Dorehesteehlars. Fdilsale hy aug3l LIAGALb:y.A. SIRITIL Ago. Wrought. and Cast Iron Rattling. • itbscribersi be leave to inform the P." . j daei have obtained from the East all the Into and fashionable destgns fur Iron Railing, both far horses tam era:lemma Persons onshis g to procure hand. solos patterns will please call and examine. and judge fortheinielves. Railing will be film:shed at the short • notice, mid in the best manner, at the corner' of Craig and Rebecca strews, Allegheny coy. auted..lif A. LAMONT & KNOX. u.der the inn • ld ly trues o) puyeba•lllg The Louni ,, g ucce.wrs \L in . • I B.M.ALE , SMITH. !/ e !laving OA.- r 0 1-.0.010:00,, f itvamrgi., 1 13 sines, at Nos. W. 11 , J. GLENN, Book Ulndeis. VVE ore engagrd in tho above business, corner : Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh,. where we are prepared to do any work our 1t,,, with des patch. kV., attend to our work personally, .04 roam faction rdbbe given In regard to as neatness to.d du rability. Blank Books ruled to my pattern and hound rub. Brinks in nosuliurs ovoid hooks bound care fully or rcp•lred. wo rk On books to sin loners. Truk. Oat knee work in yna ou oo r line are mound to call. Priers lusv. mraktf Ctgb, O . P11,12,1'12 • • NC":I•CR.• MITAVING sold our mere awes I!, C. ELGRatur, with DI L. n vies. to elouin our old bustatnar, horaloy ro ller: for him the patron g age of all our fnenda cue 10Mern. ICU. W. POINDEXTER, • TliE. POINDEXTER. • Pittatpurgh. Aug. Ctb,1513. fl 11. I.:RANT, Whole.]le Chaco:, Conunta.nn and J. Yorwani.lna Merchant. No. 41 Water at. will! Coe!lrlngl9.o . vec Grates, acc. M A c it o!!! A r 1 - 2C ' erty -6 111t A eC4.-. CgiOr;:clR ncal Church, and °Terror ecte Platform, Floor any of tha 111lNl proardqvality; Etook Stnvca, for worri and coal; !kb Stoves of various etre., Parlor and Gae., Hohow Wart, fr. , 7.3' man ufactureman the Kitchen Rance. which has oven such gr,eral ratisfactunt to i thosc lacing m all of which would resiimetfully invite Me a:motion of the crated. and public generally ocitl'idtf T c ) ;t e y 1112; " m hc irl lel ould moll the attention of the dealer ictierally, to the fullowtha brands Tohardos, in auarri. which betng coutigurnentt di rect Born rmlimitiettrion ii hc ,tahled cell at trot. ern prices: It/ 1 bza r lV Cr , Mahaw 4 4 , .• 74 , 1 " Jame. Aladaram 44 1 " Larumnine 4s, Nlvatream Oa; '43 1 " I . m . rani 4...4!,. If. ll.: , en , Terasom (4.ear I:a 94; 9 Jaw.:is 3 I " Wfaturict, sapr 4 I " Henn' e 4 11113.1 34, la *44 1,44,11 I. 4 WATItIthIAN put dsachlne %Varian and Foundry 11.11,1C/thill, 5011:1 wnicar •tre prepare-II to build Cotton y.) and Wooten Machinery ofefer, de.crtpuan, ouch Cordon, :ditch es, irtroung Frl-Mey, Speeders. Drawtolt Hat. way !lends, Warilers,,, , ,,oclers. Cazdtirladers, I,Vroncbt Iron Sbaftinp tumuli weri of Cast Iron, Pulttes and Ilatuture of we nateet pattorna. glide two! hand Lathes, and tools of all foods. Caitinp a every door mount rmebed./tort n raturrn,, made to ardor for Mal Gannon, In. Ittoun o,re g, ke. Slcan4 for beal n{ l'oeulnee,Cayt 100,0 Window Sash and (ory "of. gr . urrr .ll 7. Orden loft or the NVoielion,e old. Palmer 1-11.urty ,tr,,u, will Lacy. I..ruoin •tten tiottl . . . . Rrirr nt Black:nod, Pah & Co., J K Moorchowl & a., (I.:: %Carnet., John Irwin A. Sons, P.usburgh; G. C & J. H. Warnuf, filrsthe.vllk-: itutla riw:l3:.?4c;fi b'ACTORY, • • 1.1..611,,T• . .. . Al A. Mr!1171:2 W., v.t...0.d rt....pvll'ol) , Inform in. Me puttic thlll boy have erectrd a toop on Latock, betsvcrit Federal o: d S.olutky'strrett. litry are no.: =aitutt,ot/ arc prt.ptard to receive orders for every- dtqcrapaa.:.: vr1t,1,4, l',•. Ch.trtot's, Ha. tou , ltrt, Hoggici. • site:a...l,i c . 4 . .. t., ....... Ito. tht•tr Wog tuvortrawo in tht. Inatuttneturrol L!... above work, ,',gr,,`,,,":10 . ",,`:,1 r„ b 7:, - ;„`!,':',','::;.`::,. l tt"e'r th menCnig t.aore wordingono.pArtinti. ro.ti•, and Itnntut n. tater on hrt.tut , oon, thrrettre nob thr nt N. to. C.:;tarn.g 0 Moo t ir,t4onobte et , 91%, (01.1170 N ti .1 runts —R.,:. ~...upp,, 01 VA, t/anr, Ptligri, 11,4 No. 51,11414:4 Plo. , ill to lit.; Patent 11 .t. • .. •t, .-111.— Pt ‘ l V ! slfr- dr - , 41 7' , .far 'oil. 11 rris , cont,,,, 0, 0 .1:c ottd .0-011. tir , r .1 w.. 01,,, L.,..,, „, l'o•J !,,, ',,, .' 4,, '.. ' , sk i t , ,t ttai: .:the rilllkl.uttserther 1 I,.wortraeitt . of r ..r.”4lt, k MI VllOl , I Itlii,l r -.../ e,,ttit try, a /1.1 wt:. t/// 1:...,t. I I , N. BLCIry Scr hr Ow // , ,,,,Lor/o/ i Ilardavar I‘ll7 l. :;z V ;n U rl: Irheap d well • gam,: t!ie decic, are ct.prtninrd to wht/ boore 1/ccrs it, larly requexted L" we o/thdetly bc oc,l 1)11 : : 1 V w huust mell, Porte., Bu rnett, Ageuta, I urernce r• to al, La atall tkinc, a :urge tach im) !row 3 ao , u• ah,. w, h. a ~ y austatola attaus o .1 ar:c we trust tam to lil who way fa , TAYLOR & TA , . 1 betorecu South and liay. S. it —Prmus limn/ to any part of thr I'. :mate., and wL4,:agt.. cle../a a 1,111.1C11111 in !Witmer, or et. Litt, ot L. ai,uve rit:r., ,I; h4ye thr, want. Ltante d—cety attended to I,y adrening us a L,..e,,pc,;.pe..1) as try .0 dom. they will curtzul Loth trouble and az pen., which they othefrillC ROltd incur hy rumba to the nly, and serittnprtoployment (at thentmelve. Addre.., t AVI.UII .t TA nod . No.:JO h"reoad strect, DattmLore, NI d Dr. DeL•nr In Tallll r • HIS Is to certify purchased one vial of Dr. lleLanehi Worm Sdecific, some tan months ago sad par iv lon of ea tie, tome seven years old, two novo°. fall, nr.l althhoph the amount may appeal lerge, yet I hate no deuLt hat there was upwards of rwo eiwania. woaxa (potted from hoz, qersorarip lota ono gannet of an i ich to two mottos toug. O W HOLLIDAY. Howe. Creet, Canal i.0..1% . -nn .1), V, Ili, jadl 1 B EN N ETT a BROTHER, LlYEl , N.swAilii :IAtiIIr,ACTI.IREIOI.. • Birrialnghslt.tnaor Pittaburff4.l Pa. Ward/p.le, SU. 137. Wood ,(reel, PilhStorg).. W ILI, conmay , I, r Oil 00114 • Food ....ort. went of '• ' o r own monntantur, and ounct•orval ! oletale and country Me, cram. , at , t , 41. y Illfiltil CO call and et.• anon* for th.norive we aro deternmned to yell cLOaptr than baser. ro been oidirad to 0:1,ot:b -ile. irf Orders rent roicrener. _ _ To riic LA IJI ES—.IO•I frees...l, m Oil of gold mild *siver 'llorend. Cord and Braid; Kb... Spii..gles rind Bullion. lor embroidering and ocher Or umrnruml work. and.nver'l'u+.ele, Fringe Lrign. ri Jewelry of the latex' g dd eat r v . ...1.y ' omtiliv a .. l% ate ,es of super:or qnn nty and beautiful pl&Ilerli 4. and fa sale at Eastern prices. %% W autf7 corner Market and Fourth sot A TIIIEFIEU3I IiA.TIIING VITA 8L1511... /IL NI L.N I . —t,prrt from li A. NI. t. II 1 . .31 n,le ii.. 2 ctit,.., or t. for, I oollar. depari.o,nl ..en i, run n lo II A. NIII pod Irnn ii to 5 V. uall hi IL< !tette/llm r ti Inori. rn un , yed in .ly le to blow Ileen . Ire CtrenA •. 015e i 1 . . M'l'A la., PI ePrie , o , Tlik: Aatii:ontivritas • Tin; altennongthe'rublle ti torpocuolly e.t . a..% to in, nAiowin cathomoo: Mo. A. 1:A.1n.---Flaving tr.sted A quaatity or Gold yourby lour Areamouer I bud the cull pro•e. youg loMfusliont curruot; wol reromuocod the urn of it L.. Ow, (two, to Cu Morton, 3, ..L., I.c4t method On GO. 011111 j We (CIO volt.. Of Gold. Ilexe. you., J. II IJLINI,F.‘ V, Gold news, VlO ~ , urOi, .torch 9,1,4 V. si F:44,4„, umt tuck ," maimfacivrod nt your rooms, I tin not Lh to commend it to the coo of thoma gentlemen Who eta about reinnying to CalifOinin in mambo( Gold. • • • . • . It giver ti cloveapproximation to the npoeific gray' ty 01 unitalf, and will et - newly enable ma adventure! to at mirmin when Lis pine... yleldtng Gold m.. 12 Your, J IL W.LINNICR. NDI Alt i; HER Cl.lllllING—Jton received for toe Califoraia Expedition, a completeanaiirtiornt of E!asile Clothing, nt price. ranguix from MAO to 4.14. for fora ii of emit, ra told or. For sale at the Ind a hal,ner . NiNoi dreiAl J A 11 11111,1.1P8 =EM!=ZI:I QADDI,F. fIAItNFditI i TRUNR AND MAN a.) UFAlrf 'JAY.— Foe subectlber takes this method of intormieg his friends and the public to general that he Liss the largest monk of the following named arti cles of hinown 111111Illiecuire Hi this eity—bsuddle.,llnr. nets, Trunks and Winos, all of winch he still warrant to be made id the best materiel and by the best sneer, unic. sit Allegheny county. Debug &M 1.." m sell Itts manufactures something lower than has been here tofore sold by any similar entablishment to the city, tiewould pentane in need of the &belie named articles to,ltis seneehoase, N 0.241 Liberty 'Dee , oar. - site Seventh. Also, hoods made to order for machine-. 1 , D. KERBY. 101 ff and short time BILIS OF F.X.ollANtire NW able /it Claclammt, Leavy/Ile and St. Louts, pur chased on the most favorable term.. 0. 4 N. IfOLALlie eIONS. Boots and Shoes. SPLENDID rumen/nem mat received, soltnble for AY. the. Pall and Winter Trade, consisting inr; of MOPS, WOMEN'S, ROTS', MISSES' AND C Iut HILD.. fogNrs WARE, of every variety und•stylr, and Co prices to suit Mediums. Thom malting to purchsse, wholesale or wall, will find it to [Leis advantage to gore us a call and examine for tßouselves. TROTII & SCOTT, octl7 corner Fourth and Smithfield sm. IrrDont forgetshe plane. Mgr I IMERES L WEI'PINO FLUID—MI UIL recommend Ribbon . . Wnsing Fluid to the rap renege or Me puidic, us a first rale article in all re• spools. It guava (we from the pen without clogging a up ; end in the course of a few hours becomes n deep brmht Muck. Wen. idonincon & Son, R. A. Fine t ook Co Robe. Moore. 'Aleffueortut & Douglas, Wick Co McCandless, Jahn Parker, B. Wightmou Co Co, Francis Sellers, C. A. MeAnultv & Co. For sale (together with Ilibhert's Red and Machine Coot Inks) .by 11. A. l'ahnesteek & Co; Henry P. Schwartz. Alleslieny City. and the manufactulnr, THUS. K. 1111111ERT, Druggist & Chemist, nowt-dna . cos Liberty and Smithfield PM SAM'L. GRAY,. MERCHANT TAILOR, 'ST. GLAIR HTILIMT, PITTSBURGH, 11. JCIII 1111111 TIMID )lOM VORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a fine I.4ollMellit of CLOTHS, CASNIIIDDES AND VESTING& OF THE. BEST civeury AND LATEST STYLES IVhich he Is prepared to make in nrde Q.SCIOISO FLANNEL , -W. Ft Murphy ha. now 1,3 open a great variety of totyle, for Idioms% Maws' aad Children's Saute, meluding meek and bito grey for llourmug. Also; FRbIRCII MERINOS , of all the leedmg colors, suet a Cherry, Cele:noon. Searlet 1111f1 Ilferonot different !Medea or urren and drab; him, Of tt'l OftO:OlOA. Also; CA SIIMERES RN!) COB(' RliS, of bright and plain colors, to van n, rawest , d‘ The particular [Menton of wife,. is acted to the large cork of Goods no general, just received, and which includes a great many cry Ica of Goods that are scarce. " Wholesale Rooms up 'tetra. nov9 PRICES REDUCED. BURR MILL STONES. manufactu red La France, connoted of but few % " Monks and solid eyes—a large cavort meat, the beat of the kind, always on band at sycatly imiueed to i em,. ALSO--French Bore Mi l t Stones of my own Inanufecture. made of a now usd .opener quality of Blocks. }'Dean Bans arc made ander my own superin tendence, and al great care is taken to make the lams ewe, and to ha , e ass the blocks tonace atone of a uniform temper, they are warms:Bed to be of the F hest qualtty, onto to those Imported front Fraser; and also noportor to the crest ntam f 111040 made in thiaeburnry, and at pukes lower theta have eve: hence Wen offered on ttnamerket. • . - Laurel 11111 Milt :lianas, Mars.. Bolting Cloths, all nuratieral . agthe best quality, war ming-a to give salisfaetion to the purchaser, and at greatly redurt d prices. !dill Spraillea, Mill Irons, Serevre and Picks, Plat form eleales. Corn and Cob lirinders; Erin and Saar Mill t7astings °fall kends, mil Mill Funds:Ails in gem ann. , , All wools.tit a4en.led to at '444 told tirt err attar% near Ito , Ctutatt Vtt.b. , t. at,10,113t0 W. %V. WALLACE N =rib Bt.. Sgarbls Woirks TO. AN LIBERTY, opposite Smithfield •trect.- 111 Marble Mantles, Monumeuts,TonthibTable Top., ac., a Lime vansty of the most beautiful kind, mode of the intent guilty id romp and domestic marble. stwayr on loud or mode to order, by th e aid of me chinrry, on rlsorthst notice en d at the lowers prices. N. 13.—The Ormitry Trade furnished svahnll kinds abb. - Me nide lowest raw. An orders prompt , : kb tended m ot 5 4 Liberty. opposite Smitithelu at_ BrOlk4. W WALLACE 1.1.15 t ?meet Stuns or French Burr SMUT MA CHIME Lee best article of the kiwi m uve; they runitrcht, else. feu, do the welch wen, act will hill a (Cr Mee. /Orel uf 'them are in ere. .0 do boat to .0 Mt annulrf, Ant VC mare the . stroereal 'thin ner; of coerFeritt promos as supertonty ove all other Smut IMO:nes. For thi th er puruouniss, ad der" the ssManber et 24 Irldborty st, Pittsburgh. mrdocilrea_ W W WALLACE tasir Itne ...newt,. .thee ,:ccuon of mste c hot competent workmen, 1007 warrantenr, tbetr work. We eution.of the public to this mntter. ,ne in the bIEI manner, tool on the jo„.},tf ND W1)01,4.1N1 SIANUFAtrIC te made r. , ,on,, , lnenin for a CI, :rum' NDINGs. we will •• O ell Sneop 10.1, Len. STEAM ENGINES AND 11(11LERS—For grist, saw and other rattle, always on band, or mode to order on very short outlet, and the lowest prier.. All or ders promptly attended is at 111 Liberty street, near thr Canal. otylo W %V WALLACE ()LA:WEIL P,1R15..-For load, and other emribo to a, al wayr. ort habplut LLE.rti st. Y 2, W - W WALLA CE WAI.LAC ErrtilaULTC: - CRSI ENT—Ai ni o cert@;4l int 11. Liberty st my'JO W W WAI.LACP. CIPINDSTONES—AII aire• and grits, alway••.n (.7 hand at (44 Loto•rty Onto i. 4 . 4%1 W W VAL.LA P 7 lIRDII VICBIALZ r l / 4 . ..s.riTirrris • rim's 'mune. anJer rho .00 0( Re,. J. AL GUS. 110 f( AND LAI/1:. vat:l re-open on hlohday, the 17th rot bLeptornher,. in the rotor 1 . 0001.1, No 50 Lanerry 'tree, Haying Pruned the number of their pop:l,, the (1 . 10001.1 a hope to teem a contiountton of that litteral patronage they have nal,rao rotoyed Parrot: t.ay feel augured that every advai,g, trill be adorded ,Cpl.lced anon their charge. for oh tranag n thorough Engltih, el.aical, and Ornamental eduelaion. ausaVaitf nuffle+ Hemp Tarfne Trea..l:ee reNenr, Stripping Cards, eaa.r 11, - usle.. Weavers' Wort, GAS. IS .trrer, oJel.,l,e7te - Forrepie7. - 1-F - 4; y. i,ould. Campbell k co. old Pare 1...1u. Pure Juice par ivre /awe. 'A. 'll,ere ore all rele,ra- Pro Perm, and can Le bad wlau'e. Wt.. blow of ;Aro); IVEAVE:K.Ir. eliaitYs4 ra alla a largo •:LI `T woo LI and alcalavgany grand Ac. n==t3 Tg o 1,4 , /, ricitti tur nts c - war aay martu;eurdog:, :owct Oa-a . any b....1;M Irmo thr 131.1:ME. No it., w 04.41 a:, door übovr 5111 ill DQIULCII at par fJt a iew of in 73 F. ft. TilE A SE....E.SI•iN to . I.v insukuoon L eumtarnce on the faFt AlOri.:3) S7eptelulter.— Iloom4 ok Federal, Flu, : 'Yd door from Om 1utt1 4 .,. Itma or 'l% - rsiosi rex sculom 07 PIO. MON2II. . • . • - . Erthh...h I)cpartarent, Incluth..s Heather,. Orthegra pby and Ikfietina, Wilting, Encash I :rammer, , Gape. eampo•tnon and erthersor. Gro raphy, Arithmetic and the !natter branches of Matheasties. Natural Phtio.oplxVi Chermstry, thaonmy. Botany. Physiology. and ktoral Wimps.; •rd nth, t duct re,.taLote to a Ihotnaga 13:411.4 FARimilit. • Slo nn Cotssical Dept (talent, ineiudi.os the Latin and Greek lalleu•sea, each • - • - e 6 On I' moat, 510 lat Cheaper than Everl C(l.. Importers and Whole.ala ,re; Cotiery and Saddler). N. e a Fah. have now In attire a very eted stock 41 111...rdwole. onparled pnecn Europe, and allieh II correspondin,rty low. Mere Innl. to habit of dug Ewa, are portico. all and look IVroogli our stork.. eve LhFy will, save their expellees German, 816 Oa Tarcervices of competent teachers are' secured for such no demo Instruction m Ftench and German, and alto in Drawing, Painung and Music. It is desirable that pupils enter at the commence ment of a emotion, yet they nre received at any Mlle, and are charged at the abase rates from the. Lane of entrance. No deducuons are made far absences, ex cept in cases of protracted Illness. Further information may In , . ebtaiuml. and uppllca nob/ Made by eallll4 Mien the Priucipnl, al bin rooms on Federal .tenet, or as his Indents, in "Irwlnte Row," Liberty street, Ptusburgh, ants 4th streets; or by addressing, through the Pittsburgh Post Office, the Principal. N. W. NIUTCALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7, ISIS dtf PITTSBURGII PBRIALE — IRSTIT - UTIC. Second Session of this Institution, under the I care of dlr. mid Mrs. Gtgoician, for the present rmadenue. year, will commence on the first of Februa ry next, in the seine Molding', No. Ad Liberty street, Arrangements have been nude by which they will be able to furrueb young huhes facilities equal te any 111 the West, fon obtaining s thorough Engimh, C 1.0.1 cal. and Ornamental edacauott. A full course of PM- Itsuphieel- and Chemical Lectures watt be delivered during the rioter, sllltstramd uy aptaa. TLC de patimcom of Vocal and Instrumental pars , Music klodern Languages, Drawing and Palnung, will each be under the care of t competent Professor. By close atiennon to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pm 111, the Principals hope to merit &continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, sea eireidar or apply to the Principals ja2o-dtf • Pirmemson, Sept. In, 1040. u j ib l ".e u e 7„ 8 ,.11 • ;: °°r • year, and on Itmhing over the entrtes mode . i , v it, we 15.1 co'or a bnght blue mace. It is pleasant to wtim with, finats free, end does not clog the pen the ,• the ordinary inks in use. Gimhing voa the ready sale its merits deceit:ld, we are, yours respectfully, 6/MPSON CO. For sale, torether with Ilibbert's Rod Ing, and Ala chine Copy Ink, by B. A. FahrimMck t t P. Sebwmts, Allegheny City, amt by the manufa A., cturer, E. liibltert, Druggist and Chemist., earner of Later ty told Smithfield ma, Pittsburgh. eeti:l Wr[l:lo.2 PILIIO. J1611C5..11,1,1•. a. Juai ANTIAD, .t.I.TIMORF, PHILADELPHIA, DOS rON ANDNEW ORLEANS CV AND COMMISSION OFFICE olesaik arid reimi stores, sad other as, to *et as Deo i•keepers. Sale. i • n ep: C, Wavers, Farmers, Coe.- , L ml Mop igsnls, sl4' hilectots, anew ut Minim,. tee. We have num! r r of gum' %Hannon. on ttetd, .0 to VA* per wnourn. Those in If any kind would de well to give re ag los m each of me st,ove cu. .b:c 4to place every applicant in at,, shortest owl,. Re have a In , all Ni above named enter,-aible li 4 to give enure Aslisfn, 1r r ilo Valli a call. 'MAN, No. Ht Second st., PAL.IIIEII, FIANNA de CO., (Successor. to Ilueser. Ilan. A Col 11A N EKES, EXCHANGE UROKERS, and dealers .1) in Foreign and Denteatic Exch.., Centric.. or Depoeitn, Hank Notes, nod Specir—Fourth street, :Wetly opposite the Rook of Ihnslturyh. Current um ry receered on deposite—Sight Checks Mr "Jr, and collect.. made on nearly . 1 tkc prnicipel panda In Alie United Plate, TI, highest premium .Aid for Foreign and American Gold Jcompeni n e .led tnth 3by e eaah Or so Ad•nnees made on consignments of Mindere, chop. l'Abe on liberal WTl. end _ . , GREAT INV ENEIGI.T—VALUA LIGE . 1 Ina/ VERVI Pesten . Seeman JANO•IIi lel, Rig. Palma mcsarlerm .Ix:trims Tratd. of Buremor, Bork Corer, Writ LEVER OF WROIIGIET I RUN MILE TABLES far surpneenir every oilier inr vention of the kind now extent. They call he ex tended tram ten to twenty-five feet, and when enneed the leave, are all contained noble.; tbeyage 'nude to all sizes and elinpes, and nee adindahly adapted ior Steamboats, Hotel, nod bug , ' ing when alasOd n complete centre table. sOPAS AND DV REAUS--'fbe. &melee ate weal. °Milt., particularly in diner who WiEil In ,0111, mite room, and conven a eleepime apartinent non rtor or eittinglroona. as they can be opened and On. at vonveniencr, and when elint, the benhline ie envioK. gre. saving in room and lent A.l n.e hr.& etrade when closed iorm n beautiful pit, otter, pure for a parlor or tinlog room. a 111M3K,PASES—A near and aortal arta it fur polar - - or drawing room. WRITING iIESK..--For law .dlirrn.eonnn nr root., and other ogler.; when opened meat Imd ead, when Mewed perfect Ih,k . and Loony alone isvisible. All these articles need no nwom endstiou: the Asuoty of the whole Is, they ore warra m nted not to got 4111 of repair. It will be for your interests to call nod erdmaine the articles, at the orienufamorer's store, No. no Third etraCt, l'inabonsh. In addition to the above adVantsiges, they are proof agniwt bugs. mcLlu JAMVS \ V WOLIDWEI.L. LOW~LL PL g ' PCIi Sit e SIANV/ALTCRIIII (17 ORURItIe from Meibarge ler Mane:, Pure Spires Raw or Reeofied llitealrey i will be promptly lo al Irrwom mariteiLinee. TIM Eno of NICXLIN IIItYVENT diwolvcd, the %bidets/ailed will commons the Forwarding and tsnmeission business at the in beat lauding, FILANKI.AIi, and iespectfaliv informs hi. friends that ho ha. gone to the expe co nse of n heavy insurance on tin werehoum and ntents, for seveml years, and trusts be will give elatiß sattsfaction to all who may patronise Ha will receive (might nt the Lower 4.orofine. °cue MISCELLANEOUS, jg THE HEST MANNER And in•iite latout Voprici LADIEsot sxmiNARV, a1.13.11i. ALCOHOL AND rim SPIRITS, ra=== a}3--6141 No I, e: or we by ll no7purgtlx DRY 'NOM &c PAIIIIIIPTiffPSIIO3IIIIIIII puLasmartia, WHITE AND BETIVIM DOMEDIIO FLANNHIS IXTE ere now reeelvtoefront the factotya large • • supply of thesw goods, whisk WO are welling low- Wthan such goods este be bad elsewhere in this city. e net sold* in blesehing,thal Irintl• the goods; our object being to arab:m.s4mb not for show only, but for comfort anAdarabilny, and WI such they re ceived the first pre:hint over all other Komi. [tidbit. ed AL the late AI ay Agrinolettnl Pot slile Si the Blauket Deno;Market st; atid allhe wor d room of the Payette Manefaentring . Cot N 0.112 Seeosd. Illwtkeng of our hlaripfaetare are sold to Allegheny City, by Mr. /can Dean, and also at the "Two Iltg Window.," Federal la. , calk American Woolen Goodis trim nub/scriber had on hand, Survived tae jun...o esn*rned frcuu the tunnsufacturn, the fol lowinc °nod., whlch tic in nutitorased ctn. 'apricot very los, Zu piceee yart wide 13arrcd. FlatuteL rtrb nein White Bed Illuttkets, ribbon bound; rig poundi to the' pal, _ - cue GO pairs Steamboat Blankets, ribbon bound, • very superior artlate.. 4 es.. PM plies) Grey Mired Blankets. • 60pairs Dark Genti.allaElne Blankels, • very su perior ankle: 8 cases Grey and Blue Blanket Coming. i• 40 pieces Tweed. Bieuhenville make: I caw *weir ed plain and barred /emu, Steabensille manufeetary. The shave goods ere all consigned direct from the maker, end,will be sold very low for cask or sipproved notes. oistV H. LEF, Liberty sr, opposite tali: NEW GOODlit NEW 0001311111 `,, BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! 'NEW PALE AND WINTER DRS GOODS, ST 2112 alas or to. Ma 010 awn, Cl2lslerket at., between 3d and 4th, Pitteburgh. VM. L. RUSSELL, No. 6 2 M arket street, between Third and Fourth, sign of the bog golden Ike Hive, hat Mat commenced receiving and opening the largest, cheapest and roost splendid stock (if Fall nod Winier lihybionde over offered by ma bonne to Pitts burgh. All of these foreign goods have been purchas ed of the Importers par the last steamers from Europe, and for riehness of style and beauty of duly, are un rurpassed in this or .y ether match The domestic mid ample depanment will alto he found complete. and cheaper Men et any other house in thls city. The subsenber would here respeetfally call the aucnuon of his numetatis customem, and all warning to buy new and cheap smith, to the prices winch sill no doubt .tonish them, being determluml to .11 cheaper than the cheapest Goad dark Calico, only 4 cents per yeah Beat gaidlty dark Calico, fug colon, El to Ilk Ilatb. purple Pruitt, fan We Ileney Bed 'ricking, from P to 10 ccum per yd; Blenched bloslins, good quality, 5 to Alper yd; Den muddy Bleached Illtslins, El to 10,per yd; Benny yard wide Unbleached Bustles, 5 to Ai; GOod red Flannel, frees 15 in 25 .eats per yd; (food yellow Flannel, 15 to 25 ets per yd; Good black Alpacca from 15 ta M pet ytil Flreneb Gingham, from 10 10'15 its On , Id; Irish Linens it girlies from tki to IX a yd; Staten and Kentucky fetus from Ilk 10 SO ern; Clearness and Lantity• from 121 to 31 cis; Heavy Donsistm Gingham 10 to 125 cm; Crank and Diapers, all Tinen and gnalities; LADIES' DRESS GOODS, A splendid assortieent of all the newest styles. Thibet Cashmeres 11l high colon, rich goods; Lenin Renck Th.. Merinos, the fit:tast hittPMledi Rick Camelion Silks, in all cala_M semi shanties Bleak Aim..., hear eittli l Yl Prnid cod stripe; on Rhine, all tindthsand qualities; Lupin's-fine black flambee/elm betted:al goods; do hest French Getinos, black and enured; • do do do do •in high eolorsl do fine French de Laines, all wool, high colors; Rich fig'd C.hmeres, beautiful goods, poop chew Dotted San. Muslims, for evening dreesem Bream Thibet Scarf. late ltripartacon,• Best gardity French Ltd Gloves, all colors; hloartileg Cashmeres and de Lakes, allpricer, Ladies embroidered Neck Ti.., splendid goods, Ladies finert gothic French linen Ildkfli Belting Ribbons, n fun assortment; Worked Capes, Cann and Con, In v., ...AM' Bl,el and colored Crepes, CI gnalitkrn Brocade Lustre*, In all color. and geahties; Mohair Carnelian figures, nett goodiq !ilesein,li'laCerl3rUPTLlP:eb good., hi h eolnyi phone,; Black hilt Fria. es setrni'Ltu heavy, UCH quality. Together teit i ,` ittge Mak of white Goods; Swim letene, fed Mull Maid., bonded • very large and .tlierb stone of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, tithe latest au ported., and room fashionable styles. file= int the above goods have Met arrived per the last se amen from Europe, nod are worthy toe attendee of ' the La dies. awyls, SHAWLS" spterAd assortment of Shamir Soper extra sire French Long Shovels, best aelPil Stater ..10 , 111=0 Lane litAmbe, finest mislay; Superb quality bong Plaid - Shawls, *lOl eolot._ Bemonality prime plaid fine Wool fillearla HMIs and heavy black silk Shawls; Rich eamlion changeable nik Shawls. ' Super Meek and "rime, all meal, loop Shawls; Soper extra ~on Long and Stem Mourning Scrawls Peru plated Cashmere ShasOle, In great aaneM; Terken " all lames is spars- Mode embrM .7.ditet beery silk (singe; Elmo: " " u • • - Maui an& mode colored heavy cloth &awls; Whim einti'd Thubol Paawls, beasliful goodM Highland prd long end griVe Shawls, very %heir"; Mourning Shawls and Scarlls,lnr:or,l.Oarlaty; Alen, a larro lair of plaid !:rate; hamar* from 73 em to sv,9o. ojcaleil./01 a nail supply of Glovea, Kn. amino icry, arab tut articles usually kept itt Ne i l lb be end Retail Dry Goode hawse —al l of which ie stares to defy noropetition-. • • CU' Remember the store, No. Gn Masks( etreek, be. ttne.en Thud and-Fourth, .ion of the where bantam can at all woos to eptlfodzin WALLIAhI'L. Rt/SSELL. fIIIIGTEI 110 T has commence, to receive a `large assarone nt of Woolen Comforts and: 110:ala flaskia..flerlm. buckskin and woolen Gloves; That., cloth. MOOS de late and blanket Shavela; cash mere, rsted and woolen Elam. ?edge° and, linen !Intl's.; w silk and Latin t`rovais Lan d Scarfs; auto, mud . Frinketl Ifish I.inco.Tahle Clover., CraPea, Lace, Lleached hod colored Tabby Velvet., Patent Threads, sealer Ink, Itnitanw - Gain Sciaperil. der, Pins, Percussion Cop.. Almanacs, common and gold Jewelry, gold and silver Waichec, coml., pock et and table Cutlery. and moor other goo 10 which eouotry and city ltlerchanta art respectfully invited examine. song FAYETTIGI DIANUFACTORIN.Q ANUFSCTURF. and will kert, ort iota Forntly LVI. and Steam Boot gl.;ketr, Domestic Flannels, blue, brews e:d drib Monk. Coating, Satinets and We.olait Vara, amen they mill sell arEastern prices. Wstehotom No 112 Second st, Pittsburgh, Pa Factory, Nese Haven, Fayette rm. Ps. sptl3 • NEW GOOD: lilt Lave Just received a large d complete stock' VT of CLOCKS, Variety and Fancy Goods, !suita ble for the fall trade, to which, with every description of Looking Glosses manufamared at our ommsteam power shop in this and oth er denlmv. we as k the anention of West ernterehanis KIKNIIEWV & SAWYER, spaM corner Woad and Fourth eta DRY GOODS SIORPIIY. WILSON t CO,. Na.4l Woon Bs. , Prtrtaraan, A RE now receg their usual supplies of Goads .tk ler the Fall EMMA., which they will be happy to exhibit to their old emu:inters, and as many new ones m may feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking great pains to lay in such goods as axe adapted to the ws of the Western trade, which long experience enables at them to do, they can say with touch confidence, hid without entering into *detail of their stock, that the Western retail merchant will find with :hem - all that his customers require. Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing to the Eastern cities ter their stocks of thy Goods, would dowel! to call, as a candidcomparison of pri ers would in nanny cases result in the conviction that the expenie of going further may be obviated by blu nt. in Pitubn ;b. spin aslii FALL aoops . . . . WR. MURPHY is now receiving his drat Fall . supply of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, and has already opened an assortment of new and beaull , fat styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fact colors; and neat new style Fall Pluenn do LulneN Alpaccas and Mohair Laza.; Damask fig's' and striped do Parma.' and Lyanew Cloths; Of the moo desirable colors; and fall supply or bleached and unbleached Aladin% Dish Linens, Man. chooter Ginghants, he.; at northeast comer Fourth and Market sm. Mayers are invited to call and sae. spill ILITAR • GOODS.—Gapa,Plumea,twords, Bash ing es, Epaulettes, Lace, Buttons, Flags, and MI he tritruntnes necessary ur equip volunteer companies. Irr Volunteer companies equipped as complete and cheap m dn. in the PAM, at me Military Mom cor ner Market mid Fourth sm. W WILSbN P. IS —The Mitten States Bms and Tenor Deans, of Germantown make, for sale and warranted by spti W. W. W. eff&OKLETT & "DRY GOODS JOBBERS, U 9 WOW) STUEOr, Alig now rece.ving • very tarp nook of fieal. Goode, of recent pntehare.d itoportation,whieh they will aril to the trade at each prices as cannot fall to give enure nariefartion. City sod Country Mercbutt• ate invited to co and examine our idoek before purchasing elaewa-- mye - RECEIVED and 11010' open for gran& !Millnation, a new and splendid aalart men, of 7 Octavo Pianos fmm"Chiek erlng^ Bowan, among them it fail corset] Louis XI V. nedered Menne of coachmen', who .ne• kindly permitted 1110 remain In my Ware room to day i I for exhibinon. Thaws who may have a desire to see and hsor this splendid specimen of an, n ee me pc erlolly Invited to call so day ut the store al JOHN II IDELLOR,tiI Wood at . Agent for Chickering's Piano. or Western Pm .117 RIZ= E0L11.7 for 'II7Z:2:NE DOLLAR, or uyl I,ndiec Departmenl open iron, 7 to II o'clock, A. 31 .4 2 to 3 o'clock, P. M. A. . . , . theneumrlaloon and Bathing Establirluarat. iYIS hPFALL, Proprietor. MR. ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAYNE—This certatea, that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of eensamption In k1arch,1.542, I was taketialeltwiththe Consumption or Idver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the disease, that for four years I Via unable to attend to my business, either at home or abroad being for the unit most confined to my bed. During t he above peri od of time, I had expended for medical mendenee o regular Physicians and medic:nee, to the amount of POO,without receiving any benefit therefrom. In May, 160, I maw:minced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi cines and have taken them more or less ever since, end believe that it was by persevering to their use, that I rhn now Intl say that I have toilleely seen, acted my health. I believe that Jaynes muse Filla and Expeewmit are the beat family medicines now to us l e. reside to Nonngerld, (Itasca county, N. Y., sod carry on a l' and machine Mop in that plate, mil am nnt Interested In any manner m MO sale of the above mealtime., and make this certificate torte ben efit of those &Meted. ELLIAII EATON. Springfield, N. Sept. 16 1645. Oy t O . V - 7 B. U EMIR &CO'r3 Daily Fs:mesa is nowregularly littering Cm and Shell OYSTERS,which ace of B feted to &Alert and families at the lowest prices. italit warranted equal to any Monett to MI, mat. ekt, da t a for sale by• C. RIDTMLI., Mrs Watce et. Also—At the following depots—Reis & kk=r ner, Southfield and Second stag Ile emu, Mercer & Robinson, Federalist Allegh eny.' an.l6 MEDICAL. SE,LLERTLIVER PILLS WAS MY - Sept AVMS. . hlr. Sollerr:.Deas tkr: I fed tt is edam I owe • to the public, as well as to the credit of your Lim , Pala to state the good effects pc:decal by their ase in my awn our Inning thenmath ofJano, 10441 look very =well, my appetite faned, aad my otrelmtit eras enumly prostrate with resole pain= MIT ode mad shoulders. , I woe told by medical meri that my dilemma was a severe attack of over complaint. I tobk rat boxes of BPLotes Liver Kis, and some eyraps, 'which I was told Ins good for that dizease, bat alter all fmu getting trona I finally concluded to place malt under the .sure of a physician for bettor az worse, bot, fortunately, just at this dine, ,I was told by•the ilea I. Niblock, of this caeca a that friend had soot him whoa of &Ilene Liver Pills from Phial:sup, which hod bet:whited his, very much. I fodltratilt sect fora box of Poor Liver.Nle. and by the tboal ants door *sing thcm,l was satiated that It was lest the medicine that soiled my ease. I mot for more, and took lye or six boxes, and lowed myself almost. ... emirety . eatektml. in Much last 1 eaogin a omme - cold, which twee& back the Mafia*, and in • don Um Iwu as bad es eVer. I again had :roma. , m - 'year Liver Pills, and took them cony other night for ox weeks, and occasionally Once, end I eau OQ.Vdr/ mar I no MOW tleY.that I tool little if goy symptoms of the Liver Complaint, and my general health's Os good now e. It has been for the hat 10 years. • . My neighbors ask •me who was my doctor. ! I MU them that netters' Lieu MIA wu my doctor, and by' thebiessing of Divine Providence the mew of oaring; me. lam confident that when the pal,lle hamlet tio.' munstinted with the ashes of pear User Pills, dui do, mond for than will inctmom. Many of my or:Oben, to whom I have recommended the pills; can testify to their vain, as well as to the 04.31 s above staled. • Respeafelly yours, ammo* Slttaii: .weS . To Prairm—The Ilriginal l onlyiroe and gesio. tne Liver Pills coo prepared g Salle% and have his name stamped in blank wok WO tte lid of Do r, cod ht. ergruunte on the muside Wrapper. IrrAtt *Mess are eoamerfetis, or brute Imitations. 2an R. E SELLERS. Proprietor, 07 Wood* • A man by-the name of RUEL CLAPP has'ipgamo with • young man of the name of 8. P. a;. ind • uses his name to pm ap .13one/cecina ;. which. On . call Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, denominating:U. GENUINE, Onginal,ote. Thor Trianneort to dec.' tor and never was, bat mut formetty workers:strait- . roads, canals, and the like. yet he memos the Otte oft . r., kir the, purpose of gaining *radii CU what he Is not He is se sot cards headed uTneks Quacks," la whieh he soya, I e. sold the nee of MI at karne Lca £7 a-week. I will gim 8. P.Tosvasendal2o,. if he will prodoco one single Solitary proof of Wl, • This ls ts caution the public not to be deceivekaudi purchase none hot the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townseud's Sampan/la, having on It the Old s likeness, UN family coat of arms, and hls site nature across We coat of WA. JACOB TOWNSEND. • - Prucip.l Q o, taa Nuns; st;riewYorialy. OLD boor j o n JACOB , 101iNgEND, THE ORIGINAL - INBCOTERER, OF Tar TOWNSEND siaseemmg.s. Ald/dr. Townsend is now about 70 yeant of NM sdld boo long been known as thdAU'PHOR and DISCO VERED of the GENDINEORIODIAL "TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he was compelled finnt its mettufardare, by which means It has bisen kept out of Washes, and 'the Idles cireathsedhed to those ord_y_who had proved to worth and known its value, This GLIM Ann D.onstAtio Pastrisszt. I. =Parse:tared on the largest male, and is called fist thosughont the length and breadth of the land. Cable young a P. Townsend's, It improves 'whit age, and never changes, but for the berme; became It onselenufte principles by a 'diet:llia thud • 1 4h!eTriel knowledge of Chemistry, sad the latest discoveries of the Art, have all be. brought thus rd gitisitiao in the mthnfacoms of the Old Dr.'s Sump. ;.• Id: a. The Samaparil,la root, It Is well known to teed- ' teal men, eantainAnsedleinel properties, and soateprin penis. whlei are inert or Andean and others, which, tfretsinod impaling It for um, Prodnoo tien Ind acid, whieb Is kinds. to the system. Some of the prop•rdes of Bersapatilla are so volatile that they entlmly evamdt. end are lon In the - rimed's nen, if they are um preserved by a setantlith proems, known only to those expeneneed In Its thsnef.thre. Morsoler theahvolatile principles, 'which tip °Maya- • p 05., oF Its an exhislntion,.der hest, am the vary ed ....":Ww medical Pthimmes of the root, which gives to it ell ith val.. The _ GENIIINEI OLD DfL JACOB 75WNsrilib% SARSAPARILLA Is so prepared; Mat all the Men properties of the Bar soporilla root are first removed, every thing capable of beeandog acid or of fermemation, is ennead and rejected; then every particle ofmedmol virtue la man. red in a pore and concentrated form; and nins Itla reodered incapable of losing any of tta valuable an. heeling prrmenies. Prepared to tide way. it is moan Me most powerful soma in th e CURE OF DIMMER •Al DISEASES. the reason why we hear commendations on erekv side In its favor by men, women and children: W hod U dohtg wonders in the mire of Consumption, BYiPdPeie, end UTCI Compleint, and in Rheumatism. Scrofula and PD., Coedvenesa, all Cutaneous Ramp ' Dom, PiroPhtlftfhts,....LideßVfmtionsanstog from IMI ÜBITY OF THE BLOOD, Itpossessei a marvellous Man.* in all arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the &email; from unequal circulation, determination of blood to lha heed, palpitation nu b,, bean, told feet andeolithands Chiba and hot gashes over the body. It has 604 had equal in eoughs and eoldr, and promotes noisy expectqratiork and gentle perspiration, relaxing aide. Butof the luegs,throak, and every other part. But in nothing is its excellent% snerverumilestly Wedn and acknowledged Man In MI Linda and soigne of • , FEMALE 00hIPLAMT8. It work% wonders to ease% of' floor alb= or wakes, 'Failing of the Woutb,Obstreemd,Suppreseed,or Pain. fel Mennen, Inagniestry of the ateusmial periods, and the like; and is effectual in coring all forum of tho-Eld ney Divewes: By removing obstraetioas, and regabw nog the general system, it - Moe and strength to. Me whole body, and cures allforms of ... . .. , ... . _ . . . NERVOUS DISEASES 'AND Gins DEBILITY, and ns prevents or relictee a greet variety of other. . diseases, es Spinal Imitation, Pleura/Ale, St. • Was Dance, Stwontng, Epileptic this, Convulsions, de. is not dna, then, guansiumes eon PIM-Eunnerrth Nmrt Bat can any of thew things be said of S. P. Tows. et send'a bklnlio2 article? They lig MAWS liquid Ls ea robe COMPARED WITH T E OLD DVS, because of th e Grand Fact, that the one is Incapable of Deterioration and NF,VIIR S ILS, while the oat.- : er DOthg; it mum, ferments, and blows sho bout. containing. it Into fragments; the WILL acid liquid ee -1 plotting and deranong other goods! Jaw not this !too -1 obit compound be poisonous to the system? Whad pat arid intoa system already', diseased with am& What ceases Dyepepala bet addl., Do we natal( know, . that when food eottrein oar stomachs, what mischiefs S it produces?—flainlwee, heartburn, palpitation of the bears, liver complaint, diarrhea, dysentery, cbolidsnd carry:ion of the blood? What M Somata but an said ' honor in the body? What produces all the hamm SBich bring on Eruptions of thb Skin. &nth Head, alt Rheunt,Elysipeitm,White Swellings, Fever-Sores, and ell uloamtious internal and emenseit - It is noth ing underbeassn bat an add ~bonne, whiel mores and them wails all the duids of lith body more or leas. What causes Rheumatism but a Soar acid Mild, which, cbtuatea itself between the joints and elsewhere, ir- Sating and Inflaming the tender Sad delicate tissue upon which It acts? So of rierrons diseases, of Imps. ray of the blood, of deranged eircitlatictur,ond nearly all the ailments which Minn human nature. ' ' , • . Now, is it not horrible to mato tad ooll,ondirnians. IT worse to usedos SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID 4 , comTpuriny. OF S. P. TOWNSEND'S • and yei he would fain have it understood that Old and Townsend's Genuine Orionul Remounts, is an Imitation of his inferior preps's:non!! 'leaven forbid that we should deal in an ankle . _ . • • which wonld bear the mom dioxin resemblance to S. P. ToeruseinPs tracts! and widen should bring down upon the Old Dr. sults mountain load of eomplaims and eriminations from agents who have sold, and per cbuers who have toed S. P. To end's Fermenting Compound! We hitwo understood, hector it Is the tramline th tru, that S. P. Townsend's arts le and Old Dr. Jacob Towbsenit's Sarsaparilla are he vetswlde teem, aad infinitely diseimilan that they tee unlike/it every pus Oulu, having not one single thing in common. It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunaos, to postr balm into wounded knotianity, io kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi gar into the embed and b rot. and to banish Infirm& ty—that old DIL JACOB TOWNSFND hu SOUGHT and POUND the opportunity and means to bring We Gunn UNIVERSAL. CONCENTRATEDRERUN. within the reach, and to the knowledge of ill whO need it, that they may leam sod know, by joyful el. perienee, its TII,43ICLTDTT e POOTT• TO LILL roe .ve ts by J. KIDD & C0.,1 Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birsologliant; Dr. I SARGE&PiT, Allegheny; Di. J. CASSF.LL, Fink ward, 0. W. GARDNER. nth ward, Pittsburgh seta 1..: i Baste, - Colembiana eO.O. Apr.2l, ISM D. IX JAVNF I3: Dan Brai+-I feel. bound to you and gut afdieted public, to nail myself of this op. portunity olgivingpubUcity to the extraordinary effects of your. Expectorant on myself. Having been afflicted for seVeral years with a severe cotagh,-beette fovn and in concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger out a short bat miserable exietence, until lb. fall of 1019, wteitt ' being moral severely attacked, and having tesorted td all my former rentethes, and the pow seripuon of two of the most tnyeetable phyrielans in the neighborhood without denring any benefit ; or tho consolation of surviviar but a:few days or weeks farthest—when the le .t glens of hope was Open, anish, I had recommended tOme your Expectorant— a vnd blessed by th at Being w h i ff does all Bungs to the use of the 01. mo—sad contrast to the expectation of my phyeleins and friends, I was in a few days mina front my bed and was enabledny the use of a 60[11;4 attend to my baldness, enjoying .use bean health 'boa I had for ten years previous. l- Respeethilly yaws, te. , Ann W. Emu: For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Petits Tea 8400,: 11 Fourth street. morn Glocorge SeGook HAS selected Pittsburgh s fatuns residence, He ham taken the basso lately occ Spied by Maim roan hither, on Fourth st, nesiGl rum, immediately ad. Wising the Lamaruee House, dike brattachedSo his residence, where he will consmutty be forma, tli• less absent On professional duty. ono hoer* from 7 to 9 , o'closk A. Al., and from 3 to 7 o'clock P. X nov3rdtJalY Oftleo 6f the Dalawara'3lntnal Satezy mariusiee Company. PurcantLeon, Nov. .IM, 1819. THE Bawd of Daemon bore, thy. day, declared dividend of TEPJ PER 3:NT. scrip, oat of th e profit. of the Earnestly for di year mai/40.1b. 31, 1949, eettifiewee tor which I t be Issued emend ghee the first day of December next. r Also • dividend of SIX PER CENT. In .3.1 h, on the, capital ' stock and scrip preen:male boned, parable so above. RICHARD EL NEW BOLD, Seel'. navto P. A- 51/J)EIRA.,- Aft., Pine*. GREZAIWOOD 131ABLDEN WILL rents. open for ei th er. moil th e Ist Jam*- /, lend. Oysters and other Rentzlthothos Ra ce to the sea.= will be kept. The Greenbaum. con taining a law collectron of rare and thole* Plums, w ill b e O pen to Visite°. atneela neatly put op at shell ctOtice thrOagh.t the season—an °tomb. leavesthe Ab el /they cod of the Pc Clair Streetttndge, uth l, e , he m, half boor during the day, running to that Garden; sod the ferry boat, Captain iVather, runs from dm Point, landing • short distaece • bove die Gar den Parses smiting to spend the seessirm. will be accommodated - whip* reborn Omnibus at 1 11 1 WeLota P. hL Kept en Tempera:tee ptinciples, usd.uleseil nn n day. J . hrgAm. OEMMM&M= THE PROPRIETOR in now. , meal. u Wr., 1u conberbOO With 13Jardial by dm. day or vrook r " . --• liftarrbror w.INTED L J SC e'ditaTNIKER & CO. Noll Waal a
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