The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 21, 1849, Image 3

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Nca • nOirEZPOILT.
Vonz. Novi P.
no' improvement to notice In
the market to day—the demand is mostly confined
to the !rants of the city trade. We note sides of
common Slate and mixed Weaken at $4,6201. 75 .,
Sales good Western and Straight brands atisl,6l.
Grain—The demand for Wheat fs good, but
Sot good samples, poor lots beicg'neglected - are
heavy. Thera is a good deal doing Ia Corit;sed
pnees are firm, with sales of yellow at 631 Mixed
Ohio at 621.
GroperieN—There is no new feature its Qee,
Sugar or Molasses. Previous quotations may be
Progialont—There is nothing doing in provhi
woo* worthy of noure, Market without gaaf ea
of Kay cootequeo,e. Butter and Cheeneilea of
Okla Butter at 11e, CheCbC or 7. Salet o New
York Checre at 10e: Butler 17. ;
Colton—Sales of Cotton at a decline of } yer lb.
At marksl to day, there wcro 1500 head o r Son.
them—remainder of. New Yorlr State and et.—
The rams were .115,7507,75. Teo market eyed
with perhaps 200 head Mit over.
Viten* attalt.T.
Now Ton, Nor. 20.
Flour—We have no *heroics t•-• hatice in the
tn - dla., .. i I,i' , . '.'.,i' - , 'C'' , ''''' ' l ' demlnd 4
t1ii.d... , - . . -i.';',i4.,...5t: ql.,dve ~, ik. J, Is hold at
1 . ",.12:i1i,2:.: beiif sip i s ',...,,iii ttli ;:--get. bb i.
' . .. C r.,,-:; Vizi:at—mere - bee .lilely'les2rmore ill
, quiry.fiii:Wheot, bit prices teinain etellotisty at
Ohio $1.05(#1,12 par. hush. Coni—me hobs :no
ehange to note. • . - F. •
Provision—A. fair bniirten has tienidoing in
p 3
i Pork, bust forint remain atatinary: ' - • i
lord—gales in ken it Date: in bliiii.Di. Li.
Whiskey—Sole of prime at ,28t . Ohio it i.
Co:lda—The mailret - endineesi dill 'nl, - 1 e de
cline mentioned at nen uuderiteiSteamet'a news.
We note sales of middling fair Orleans end labile
at Ilicati I, fair Oriental And filob , ld ht ill-1011g
fully mix 12, lipian 4 midalley (girl il,.'; .
1 ,
'- CINCINNATI . htftitHET. , . '
, C .l.4Cliehill Nov 2D
liogi=Sale of 3000 hendet 52,6032,15 net there
a a large number orerint,.. , ~.
Provisiens—Nothiny 'doing, -
Ron is unchansed• ---. , . -
Whiskey—Sale* a 2al i,i. ital.
Motive: has Wen one ace. i
PiCout the •Wit,oliug Gillett" Nor. ld
htsuacgoa Agrain.--..Tha city was ri with'
Tamura nu 'Friday evening cf a young lad • H of this
neighborhood Misting committed amerce by Icapaig
from the Fiddrepoit bridge. SWe declined any ref
erence to a on Saturday morning, bee-nuns the air
.enmaptaces tarelmed to , us, appeared eo stsaling
and improl4blexhat wo h oped they were eltogeth
er the-work of rumor. We leant, however, that
they am too sadly true. . The name Pike deeeei
od was fillanPitray Hughes, a' young and beautiful
girl of: reverter-a, . and, daughter of Mr. Lloyd
Hughes, cf Aitchtetown. fro Friday allemocio,
while returning with one of herymme complutions
from Bridgeport, and whoa about midway kin the
bridge, she romanced, "I am going to the bottom
of that river," and hainediatety removed her bon
net and-shawl-end reared herself on tlae.ralliag.—
Her companion caught hold of her sad conidtenceil
screaming, hut her strength failing her, the,deter
mined girl eseapd ovelittie railing and got On the
projecting portion of the ' . tibautent, fromhetie..-
she made the fatal leap, la-fare a max o had
heard the screaming and who teas runninglcri
an!, her arrived in urns to arresrher fetal purpose.
Alter she struck the water she !kilted for some
distance and then sank to her long„k4
Her body has- not been recovered th time at
writing this. •
Her parents, who are highly re , apeetalAA, bat.
the 'dowse sympathies of our citizens for the sad
kiss of as =labia and esteemed daughter. We
observed her miagling among the crowd or ladies
on the,Suspension Bridge on the day preceding the
sad occurrence, opperettly the happiest among
the happy who were there. Causes hove been
maligned to account fur this trogimil ante, which
are, perhaps, more the result or gossip and exag
geration than • know.edge of the facts. We de
cline publishing thorn, petering to leave wen
mysterlesto the dread unknown who knows the
necreni of all hearts-
e lf EESE7tI . I , x.s a Ilrgerultr o eree Cream Cheese,
For tale by ROBERT DILLZEIrk. CO, *
00.13 . Liwn . y.l
& CLOVER eu.,,e, for sale by
QA. rl7ll--alorf a, of casks atll:MA for fa by
noll3 • 0 RELIT D A 1.21.:Lb ft CO
(10,VIING-6 cues Drab Slant. eoating;
'* do do Cotb, do;
' I do Laren.lcr do;
d, Grey gu! Mae Mixed Beater
Cloth, to orris,' in akw days, and for sale by •
ICASE California Ploidr; II do Brown Jeans;
1 do Tyrock jolt reed and for rolo by
nods H LEE
/itiatUbl DIAMOND etwiTeu GOLD YENo.—
arty Baperior lot tom in more and for ale by
norl3 • W W 'WILSON
• •
- REZ-Etpo — Oni,F'ota r s,uneDtEittrZ
S of oa ll !Mationtacturc, for votaby
navl2 W wiLS.O74
CALAIIRIA . LICZSIVELI , E--2to !In jam reed and fci
sale by mat./ - SELLERE
TITATCHES, larGe variety. for ov0e; and fine re.
pairing done br navl3 W W WILSON
SAVER BUCKETS-0 do: In cam. for .sle by
novo COPE & BaI.:YR./6LE
APPLE:S-1W b4ls Wm.°, yonetimi Itust. Lando
from tonal boot, and for elle by '
botrl3 ARms.Rorir; ftttriZEtt
0. 4,V:
.6 bblsH Mo!osse
For solo by DROWN fr. KlRKPATilleili
norl9 144 x.lbeny
HOPS --10 &alai :Yewßow, zFoTath of /849, arnv
Ina and for Bala by
ijOTABII-23 bbls fins sort to Mt.; for sole by
E0;111. —lO bbOs now in store, for sale low to close
onnrignetteli, by 19AIMIDICFEY h CO,
novIS Front at
5 A2. 0 1 1 1250 VA. No 1 Eel LbillAlSalfinAt.cig
RING kl' ,, neh Greek) for rale by
&owl 9 MILL. R& MIN ICKE
EATHER—I IA" Country Lentnet l / 4 on contign•
J 4 mint and for vale by R A CUNNINGHAM,
novld No el Coral Hoar, Liberty at
Co. arro now opening dr pincea of all-wool M
do Lain. and Cnthmerea. • novlo
TALLOW -471 Ks per rt Ali Vernon, lo• rale by
malt RIIEV, MATT fr. CO
SUGAR-25oa;bbp m bd. prima N 0, for alder* elosoeni•
SECTLAHAfig—Ib bble eH Et James tebner7; •
SJhfbblo .do do do; •
For pale to - close coop f:
by .
pia HET - 4-8 . : tons !Wootton Pomace, now leo&
log at the:Ml.ol4,lly wharf; for sale try
mold J & R FLOID
t Roos[ coax: tire ST—
MP nool4 J & R FLOYD
CPS. TUR - FENTINH- 40 tba peieoe order. for
I.7lPala b I noal6 FABISti.KTOCW. hCO
YbG 1
li :Ir -4,4uu • ""
ShiqfidllT74l(7liZi CO
- DU • E tatit by
for axle Ly J:CISUU\SI
No 21 lVood et
lot for Rolling Willa, Or otrollit C Ft ‘till; I, DOA' 1.6d1
Lig and for sale LY . JOHN Warr a co,
nosls Liberty street
SUNERIL—LiLigs Fenihers; 4 do Wool;
' •
ill do Ginseng; sdo Fleaseedi ,
t cask Dermas; 4 eaelle B,_ac•lf2
To arrive on steam,, lac/tau:l , e; for sate up
•' LIOCRY fr. CO. Front et .
CILIEESE-20U I,u ia btu.. oral for ;ale by
•••• "••13 DlCKgir &CO
•TrACACAssi'd brands and uay ti rot sale low to
Octal COIIII . IIIOICat, 1;1
D0TAT0E3 7 ... ; bOts Red .d Pink
rtOvIS ; IiTCART it SILL •
ji - i - st'o SY
• 90 • 15 _._ STUART t5.811..1.., 119 Wood at
X . PPLS —ltoXli Igen - riotous;
- LO • owe:teen: tor we Ity
oSTI S STUART k 119 Woodst
barIOUNTRY:SOCIS-110a u groi rage by • noYld sTuAn & I! 1, 119 Wood el
DOCK WRKITITOTiii=iti gitls for ale by
• itosl 3 • STUART SPILL. 115 Wood at
NEW ROOKS 7-Clalnteri Inviiutiot of Theo:0111-
vol. I, bring vol VII, of his Postamous Works.
N COmbes Sy...cote( Phrenology, oriPt op-ssrds of IRO
vigavloge. loot roz'd aril for sale by
Apollo Roildings, Fourth at
_ .
DIFITFR - Cll REVIEW. tbiThe ober.—Rnnes
I.oekaroal has teethed the October number of
the Edinburgh Review. Ppee,n3 per year; 7d rents
singly. ' D LOCKWOOD.
Bookseller aed , linporler. and Ascot for all the
Stith. Review" Illackwoal; when all ere
taken toge.Wßtynr ,, !eer. novls
p nyt.ft—Ttm. r:gp . s I a d p o r .
Jest reed and (se sale by
nova& R FLOYD
irIOFFFIELirS Codee, yew crop,
NJ net t seld Lida day by canal, f . or sale by
100TASH- 3 casts en Land aed
tewl4 J R FI.CWD
Vitif i tsi Pig Nol in tete - t it i e r e A ty t e n hi uc,
• II
iCaStr- -7 7.1itsa peen Ctes ' en,iiisTree'd:fer Bale by
m. 14 sk,W
tiEZTERSEND—SteI ba prise, pot lauding aterkte
trek ro•14 S k W lIA Itlistyy_
SLsku r it bee N o,jett landing from the steamer
Pars,. d for ark by
eon{ 411 F" ' S k W 1.14011A1N1
I • 1 CR
0 bb; io day rer , l and for ed.
unt7 Alt M.ITIIONci cnonm
ShICILAShES--10 Ohio Ki.libo;O - itoGnory;on
"W[Woont and for sole lo w
boon ' BIM :WORTH h. C:(1
. .
1/1".4:84)1,—iti0 .1) • m
""••• 4 "dirjaaa tad fat •aIP b.
, ; ;
Jtl Dammam a co
%U. - I I ALMANAC. Nu ll
6 4
6 41/
6 50
6 61
4 52
6 51
6 65
17 Saturday,
Is Sunday, •
la !fondly,
21 SU Tacsday,
st Wedneadayi
St Tbuisday,
23 rtniu7, • .
-1!/./.TS1/U8(1/ 1. DISAILP Or 'I4IAD/I
An, 1.1.1a314
JZE, hmes, no. MM. . T. S. CLAW
non nor arm anamo nontaan 40.1815.
The week closing yesterday bag been marked
by no Layortant:valleuon from our last general no osa.
,lons. It has, moreover, been ono! more than ordi
nary dullness In miter reapeCl4l,a, we regret to learn
from the forced confession of many of our business
men. It anal not do, however, to say that noshing has
bane done, fur this however great might be the pre.
nailing dal:nese, world be contrary to the well known
'Worm ruld coMnseresjal epterpliso of the Smoky
City. '
The river has bra, and nontieue,s in splendid navi
gable order, bat business in that grainer has been com
paratively light, owing to the scarcity of‘treights.—
This stale of things in doubtless owing to the advanced
state of the aeason,.and the near approach of the ern
.ipg of the CenekLa view of, and in connection with
this fain, howerer.'wo ire plehaed to find that several
crow ernmprialeg canal hues, Who are never behind in
acts of enterprise, have announced Monday next as
the do t cm'wbleh their , splendid five day wagon lints,
will be ' actin motion between. QM city and Pluladcl:
phis, for, by.this means, a regular link of t enamanien
-21011 Will - be kept op between them two pinta through
cal the winter aumon; and freights will be transported
at the very lowest rates of carriage that can be charg
ed. this mode of conveyance,—and the elite fprbilllg
proprietors of them linea, by their conjunction with the ,
railroad at Chtiraberebarg, engage to perform thstrip
throneh in five days; thus being able to keep a regular
communication with the East, however severe may be
the approaching winter.
%ye will have simitar lines, alio, running between
this city andli*ltintore, upon which goods will meet
with quick thermic:laden, at reasonable charge. -
The receipts of Breadstafft, Proymtotte, e.t.a:her ar
tielefof Western and Southern prodecbon, during the
week just closed, have been comparatively light; but
they have been such as to keep the market so far sup
plied, as to enable our merchants to meet the present
demands of the market at no advance, but with some
redactions tu prices. Flom has nightly receded—Pro
visions to some extent have shared the same fate; while
sales of all articles in the Grocery line are regularly
Created at folly quoted rates.
ABIIES—Ae the seat. for Increased ,comumptlen
of the articles underthis head approaches, we
notice a beuer feelingin the market, but es receipts
have been comparatively lignt, there hue, a. yet Leen
no room for any material advance. Sales have been
confined to limited lots, at . the rollicking meat—Soda
Ash, SI Odic, cash and time; Sale rains, Refit.; Pearl.
ask fititigic; Pots mbe, and Scorching. at die • th.
APPLES—The receipts of Green , Apples continue
extremely light, end with meal! supplies in the market,
ve 130aCt a ready demand at tally quoted rates- 7
say, (or &prime article, in lots of lstotß bbl., 840 ip
bbl, and for an article* tittle inferior, 5e,259d,31
bbl. '
ALE—la this allele, we have no change to notice
Oar brewers find a ready ale far all they can make at
for bast, in prime packages, An, Including cask; and
for common at g6,lnclading cask. •
• BACON—As the packing eestaemin the West op.
preaches, old Bacon beginsto hong , heavily en the
market, although we have ticked no material decline
In prices. In lots of UM to i OWbble, we use the fol.
lowan quounlons:—Best Segni Cased Family Ham•,
in iieree,,lllolgreg prima bagged Hams Ee; Sides at 5
vs, and Shoulders al Sic SF.fb.with ndeclining ten
BUTTER—Tke receipts of Baker by river have bean
full, arid notwithstanding the beery shipment. Ear, the
markethere is well supplied. Sales of 14 this prime
roll to cloths at 120121 e, arid 040 keg. m lota, at Ste
Itt.. A good article Of packed Baiter; btiA is worth
Sefitblo 4,b.
BUNS—Sales of Prime Whit. is small lots at Trio
and of Common or faxed at GU 4 , 41..
13ROOMS7We rice fair rapplies in the market
tilt sales it regular limited lots from store at prices
ranging, according to quilly, from 61,73 . to 82,25
BUCIXTS CA TUBS—By the full receipt. from Bea.
am, Marietta, and Red Bank, we none an ittereue to
supplies, without, however, say reductio prices.—
We notice regular store sales at 112,25 for Bakers, wad
$9 'dozen for Tuba.
BRAN—The receipts of Bran have been light, and
supplies are limited. Salm from store are reported to
us at 11.1FL2c bu.
CRANBERRIES—Far i good emelt of Cranbarries,
we may quote the market firm al bushel.
with light supplies.
CHEESE—Thu arrivals orCheen from the Western.
Becerre have ectuieucd fan, and notwithstanding the
fall shipment. Lout, our market Is well supplied with
good qualny. Pain have summed op some 510 to 1.000 .
bones, at 6to 6in for Common W. R., mud 616 1 7. for
Cream. GOsben Is held at 710 t fh.
COTTON YAZILIS—WO are apprised of a fanher ad
vance. of one cent 9 lb for pound Yarns; of 2 cents
in Carpet Chola, Coverlet Yarn, and Twine; of one cent
In Candlewick, flag Fill ug add Batting. The follow.
ing is a coneeted list of prices, •
--tub Yo. 17 eta per IL
-19} " 16 •
• —do "
•• do .-
20} ' 19 •
• •tiO
_ .
N 0.200, nu per lb 10 No. f eu per dor
" 700: " "•• • • •ei " IMP," " do
Carpet China, —= ; Candlewick, Irk
Coverlet Yarn, —2l; Bog . rilling, do
Twin. 2.1 I .Hattang,Nos 1 9.12-12.11
CEI.A.CICERSL—A regular dote; at the tor
owing quoted meet
Water Crosiers, per bbl -----
Boner do "
Sow Craecers, per lb • -- -
Soda do " "-•-• • •
CANDLES—We find no change from last qootations,
Fay for Star, 296/Ek; for Mould Tallow Ink, and for
Common DtPPoi. 9 c V ID.
CORDAGE—For the venous artielee under this head
there Is a :areas steady demand at the followult
Matolla rope, by eoa,•
a. ~m,•
White Rope, by cod;
do ern,
Tarred Pope, by coil;
do cote
Pocking Yarn, floe •
=comc •
Manilla, 112:03,0091,00 V dos_
do f • c0i1,.• • .16e "
Hemp, 81,6292,5093,25 P dot.
do • .tht,••••ick b.
Fincatl LING.
11 • Kin Y doz.
Kysnised Cordsgo is .old rotuls , l7 .Ll.* Cr.
DRUGSTbe follooritig is klist of prices of some at
the most prominent articles under this head:
Brimmona 01' -• •40
Camphor, ref, 33040
Chlorida lime ,'"• • • • 700 0
Cochineal, " 1,3001,00
Copperaw, u• • •110
Liqaorioe rom"••• 7 0 9
ball ". • • 20.17,M
Sal Soda .• • • 4041
Ohm. Docamon"•••• 11010
Mom, ' 340 4
lsofonla, b s. •• •14.0 4
Arrow Root," • —.1x014 •
Agueflow, " •• •• •10,11
• Litharite, 401
Stadder UmbraAtll4:ll:l
Castor Oil,bbla SIGS
DRIED FRUlT—Dried Fruits have become Who tts
object in this market, owing to the short crops of the
past season, and prices have further advancer.. Sales
of 300 tin new Peaches m 124253477 fa be. Apples are
almost entirely onto( the market, nod a good article of
new crop would'eownsud 81,23 or bu.
DRIED BEEF—Sales of 'au article not strictly
prime have been repotted to us at inj to Ste SO
FLOLIN—tye hove nothing lino or interesting to no
tice In the Floor market. The receipts of the week
have summedap some 33,000 tibia, the larger portion of
which was consigned to our ..oat lines for shipment
East. The Wire of the week have been conk red to
.0•111.orsion the wharf at 84,4531,60, and from store at
81,0794,45, and 87,11 for fair brands of caper fine, ao l
$4,75 for appertOr family brand.. In the Olen - woe of
yesterday., a few small lots were sold no 4,6.1 p bbl, on
she what(, which shows a better foiling.
Rrk Flocs—The receipts' of By, Floor blva Leen
very light, and the market at present is muderittely
supplied. Sales from store at 443,1203,4211
dtcatelllcar noes—We notice a good demand In
the market, with sales In welts from store at 87,251/4,-
374100 Ds. for prime hulled.
FISH—The demand for all articles coder this bead
is quite brisk, with sales regularly at the following
rater —Salmon, 818 ,2 bit, sod 07 II tierce. Olootorei
No.l, 614, No. 2,610,50 i No. 3at $7,50 r bbl. Dent
pickled Herring. are sold at top, sod common do. at
14500 r bbl, and of Codfish at 84,724 F dram.
YRUITS—New crop Raisins are making Weir ap
pearance In the market., and ass sold at 03X. , P . boo. AI.
moods, 194e17e; Groundnutri 700 r bu; Pecans, 7 0 p
lb; Millar% 80, creamoots,7o r 10; Zaino ConaeLs,
€l O P Raisin., old, 82 0 40 ♦ br; bomoor, scarce, 7a
box; English Wrionts, 8c r b.
FEATHEM—We note sales in limited lots at 331/
341 fb lb- Receipts have tweak.o abundant, bat sup •
plies are ample.
FREIGIfFS—Owing to the scarcity of freights on the
surer, sad the sibundanee of Water, in connection with
the near approach of the close of the canal Darien/tom
the rate, of freight cat mid west are generally Onset
tied. and we omit quotaticno. We aril aim, the clwrg•
es east by the wagon tines in our neat.
GLASS—The following are the ruling rates for the
various sizes Window (11ws, city brands n by 10, 1 3 ,
76851;10 by 1.2.141,Z04,044 12 by 19'87; Patent do. 10
by 14 M 16 by 21 1110,50:2216 P box.
For the Vllloollalssa of country brand+, the folloveinc
are the establlvhed pricer:
Bby 10 ......133,25 11 bY
10 bY ••••—•••• - -..3.00 II by 17 • •
10 by 14 •-- .1,15 12 by Id
10 by 15 • . 444 . 12 by 17
1 0 by I 0 4.00 12 by 15
GRAIN—The recall°. of aU kipdg f .in Lave
1411; bat no important ebarge taken
Voce la quitting. : LON !ay. boon liraile froi p
handy, al the folloarint; rater—Wheat BY; Rya 60a;
Barley Yeal6oe; Com 43e, and Oats at 35R34e. ho.
r IVA 4.l . —Satra am umally ef,etell at 61,00 6 , Ls-
OROCERUZ—We have no change to notice in =Y
article under this head. Priv= generally remain firm
at former quctationts, and sale• for the men pan have
been confuted to regular limited trissusetione to City
tad country trade, tu the following nuest—N. 0.800.
hi hltda,4eßte; in bbls, 4/0011ctsr za• N. 0 . 2.1 ' 1.4
aaa 2C9096e, =cording to quality of bbis, and terms of
Site. Sugartenne Molest., 375040 c; Loaf Seger, Et
99413 e; Rio Coffee, lajalle;Java,l3ol4e; Rice, in too.,
at 403te, f B.
ill:RON &NuilLS—Sinca the opening of the fall trade,
a entry business has been doing in the Iron market at
following range of pricer—Flat Bar, 2 4.1914 c, ao.
0 rding to site; Rotted k Square Bar, .2 4.5061; Bond
I n, 2 4 , 51/de; Hoop Iron, 349117 e; Sheet Iron, 4100 e.
Nallo—lato Add, 83,z ip keg; 441 toed, 60,06; ed 10 7d
Si; 6 d, VA 4d, RIX; 3.1, 0 3,30 • keg. Strata—Cat
3,P1,4,0 inch, et vke i nll,24 and 6 limb, IRA% 64 and
7 inch, 64 P keg. 0
COPPER-Capper in ea= and ingots is sold at 190
Me; Sheathing at Ode, and Old COpper at 10019 c r B.
46 tons Copper Ore have recently Sten brought in from
the Lake Minn.
4 41
4 40
4 40
1 39
4 3S
4 38
INDlGO—Spanish is selling at 510140, and Manil
la at 9011173 e fp to.
LEAD—We notice no Nether change in prices.—
The receipt], amount to about 2,699 Pigs, and supplies
in store are gone fall. We now quote Bar at to, and
Pig at 41a to lb.
LEAD PlPE—Priaas rang. alienating to sae,. from
to Idle 11 , m.
, SHEET.LEAD—SaIes by the Slicer al de, and when
cm, 610 is to la demanded.
WHITE LRAD—Sales of pare at 51,75, and of No
1 as 51,60 e keg.
LARD—.Froot M lo of are shout au ruling figures of
the market, with small sale..
LF.ATlleff—Every dowription of leather cantinaoo
him at fully quoted mos. N. Y. Sole la sold at 1E41190
.9 , ll4lh:ogre Sole at glirr—c 41 , i.
MARINE INSURANCE—Raton of loso.Aco oo
ultra's of swam sad keel boats:
Frain Pittsburgh to Wheeling, V.. -- f Of
. " to cod from Oloclonati, o.•f Of
" to
to Lo
Loui sville, Ny.,----••• .1 Of
St. s, hlo., Olf
to Boonvitlu, do 1 Oa
to Indepeudense, ...... -•• -9 On
to Galena- 111,.•—...•••--If011
to 'Memphis. Tett.,---••—•101,
" . ' to N. Orleans, 1 011
From N. Orleans to Pittsburgh,. •-•--• •-•-1 01
1........... ........... .:. —11(01
1 n u
' OlLS—Sales of No.l Latd at Ws, and of No. g at 53
s l ur cation. Linseed is selling at 80Dene, attd Tan.
nails Oil at Wild ♦ bbl.
PIO METAL—Nothing of moment has transpired is
the market. TrAes ate without change.
POWDER—SaIes of Hazard at SSA; and cid Rock
at 1K1,2503 keg.
ROSlN—Regular sale. at 2,Z 9 bbl.
RAGS—Regular sales of good clean mixed Cern knit
bands at 30
SOAP--Sales common Resin at .2424e,0f variega
ted at 100110 hie
SPlCES—Cinnamon, 300; Cloves We, and Nutmegs
CO 114031.25 th.
TOBACCO—SaIea of food Gs gd 1130114 e; Olariat has
advanced to-9e, plog to 94e.$ QI. Leaf may be gamed
m 4 to d'e 4P lb.
TALLOW—Receipts have beetimore moderate, and
era have heard of no larp operations. In small lots
we may quote 7; tor& as about the nallat figures of the
VINEGAR—SaIes of goad cider at 9183/loc
VARNISII—aIea of Copal at 1nd17382 ♦ WI, by
WHISKEY—The enmities have largely increased,
and prices have met a eorreapendina Oceans aceti
fied is moor selling at 220ne he gallon, in tibia, cash
and Line.
WON.-I'viees continue steady, and the logogram
may be given as the present rulLn agaves:
i do
" .MIII ---• "
rtimS —37 Se "
- After ths cloying of the canal, there mill probably
be a reduction to the above rates.
Auxanenr, N0v.19,
We heard of no material change in the Cattle Mar
/et from oar lust week's quotation., which Were, for
Beeves, a, range or 83,50 to 11.5 IS 100, according to
quality. , Sheep *1,50 to each, 1411111 lieu weight,
and Hoy, rough weight, *2,37 p lOU Ds.
Woocga Goons—We called apron oar friend H. Lee.
corner of Liberty street and Cecil's alley, a few days
since, and Um: thu in connection with .his wool Nisi.
nest, which L quiteextensi•e. be hits on hand a ,plea.
did ussortmen: of American Woolen goods. His re
Sections are full, and tri point of cieellenee at quality,
ate mach .ita to torte it • object with all dealers in
than, descriptions of goods to give him a call; as they
will had in him a gentle:a., at once :sec, open. and
gencionsc—ond booed to afoot as ressoaable bargains
in any thing in his lint of business, as any other house
in the city. Ilia establishment Is at do. inn, Liberty
street. opposite Fifth street.
• • -
Lavaa.r.Jox, Nov. 2, ISO.
Aaroccsa PROVISION TaArz —Messms. Marquis, Bar
ter & Co , issued male annual circular OA the tat, and
from it we leant that the imports of lard, cheese, and
beef this year, were less than last year, but that the
import of bacon and pork had increased, the first from
7,11111 tons In CLAW tons, and the later from 4597 bbl.,
to 35 CAt tibia The cheese lac year was sent from
America principally to London. Every ameba has
declined in price.
laysarooc laus Taste. Nov. 3—As customary at
this senaon of me year, the trade is quiet, and no mate
rial reiteration or improvement can be expected smut
the clone of the t err, the supply continues in excess
of the demand. and there seems no dtspottuon to di.
mintsh the make. Present tutees, delivered in Liver.
pooh Merchant hat iron, E 3 :cal; nail rod+, .CO, hoop
.C 7 Os; sheet. £7lsy Scomh pig (nett cast.,)Ltos.
Ittvaa— , There were 6 feet 0 inches water in the
channel la.t evening, and falling.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver.
Viroqua, Galloway. Elizabeth.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Fashion, Peebles, Mobotigahela City
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Gordoss, Beaver.
Camden, Hendrickson, Witeesport.
Jacobs, drownaville.
Schuylkill, Marshall. St. Louis.
Brilliant, Grace, Ciamonsui.
Empress, Cos. Zanesville.
Lady Byron, Cincinnati.
Jame. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, MPReesport.
Atlantic; Parkinson, Brownavdlis.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Viroqua,Galloway, Elizabeth.
Hibernia No 2, Enceleher, Cum.
Friendship, Dll4lll, Cin.
James Nelson,, Wheeling.
Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. K. and 6 P. M.
Beaver Paekek, 8 A. IL and 4 P. St
Cineineatr—Elibemia No 2.
Loral-ville, Telegraph No. 1.
Cumuli/an, New England No. 2.
Cron estimlned—Had belched the , business
which! went to ll,rlldasterla about„;beffire the inter
view with the negro; when I went oat to see the
man, I thing he came not of the stable; Zilch& said
that be himself would not be safe, if the &lave
should stay there; ha said alsoffiat the slave would
not be mire if he should remato there, as persons
would be prowling about to kidnap him. In the
conversation it is likely we talked about the trial
of Logan.
O. Adam., sworn—Was stiporriaed by plaintiff . ;
Mehl. came to my office when I was Mayer; af
ter this happened some one came to me and chug.
ed Bougher wltietttempting to decoy n slave Into
slavery; this person referred rye to Mehl.; I went
to ask him about this matter; the reason I did so
W. because 1 did not allow my officer, to he slay
Omen of she I:War/tar. Ilatopir In. I c atchers.
D. Leech & Co,'s packet line. 9 P
11, 5. Ilksk. & Co's Conall'aekCl, 7 o'clock,' a.
Thy splendid pateenger steamer New England No. lit
Copt 9. Dean, will leeve for Cincinnati this rooming at
IS o'clock precisely, pre seining a splendid opportunity
to .0 who are fond of traveling with ease and comfort
I:ol::'Georips ZU.Cook
HAS selected Masbate:l as In* future residence.
He boa taken the house lately itte“pied by Alder
man 31111er, on Fourth in., near (kW, Immediately ad
tow Mh
e amar:me Houle. Ilia office is atutatted to
hia maidence, where he will ennstafttly be found, un
ebmut on professional duty. Office bonze from 7
to It o'ciork Al, and from sto 7 o'clock P. hi.
Pid.stmultio, Nov. Bth. 1878.
TIME Board of ctots hove, this day, declared •
1 dividend of TEN PER CENT. in scrip, out of the
profits ol the Company fur the year ending 0 tuber
le-19, certificates for which 0111 be issued on and after
the first dot of December next.
Also, a dividend of SIX PER CENT Incas!, on the
capital ' stock and scrtp previously issued, payable as
410VID P. A. MADEIRA, Aim, Pittec_
Ohio and Peniarylvaala Railroad.
THE Stockholders in the Otto and Pennsylvania
Railroad Company are hereby notified to pay the
ruled Instalment oi Five llars. on each share ra•
spectively h-id them, a Do t the Office of the Compony,
Tined at Patstiatgh,tm or before the Yali of Novetu.
bey J. J. DROOKE.S, Tramming.
Solens,er, Oct.23.—{novi
EXE ri
FhIILY PLOUR—da bared. Farm.. it
Kirk's ltrand, to-dny reed and for We by
0 . 04 P STONE DUST-0 1,1,1111 cm rec'd, for sale by
0 norld .1011 Y idePADEN & CO
1./GAR puttED If AMS-5 tierces tuperior, just re
cerml end ler sale by
T\l.l.OW-3 bbl. Art recd and for We by
0. 712 J 13 CAN PIELD
_ _ _
!LN. i','ViraMlir4KEßo tvp,d C° ' at
"" In afore
7 Wo r,
No 3od street
0 . .14 0, 1r
i' 26°AV-2W ". 47,gr.V.EEN, ' Err
OBACCO-95 Laze, supenot 9,, landing warn
Jstnre. for clic by
roIIACCO -46 eiadylms j lbs. (or Garay
novt , J tl DILIIOIITtI & CO
CBEESE-30 emits and 150 hnopo, of prime quail
V+ for man low by
oull Rob limier;
.I do Beeswax;
rl do
P°' 7lF ' :N .: o l l7l9 ' llViltibi:7grr i
friE.Y—O &loom roe d ono tor osly by
BUC.42KEIi—e- ""
Tha Iron Manufacturers and Operatives of the
city of Pittsburgh and vicituty,atid others interest
ed in the Iron Trade, now in the city, are respect;
fully invited to attend the Iron Manufacturer.
Convention this morning, at 10 o'clock, at the Cdon
Ciroult Court of the trolled State..
Tuesday, Nov. 20
Present, Justices Grier and Irwin.
Mr. Snowden addressed the ceirt, and asked
for a juror to be w:thdrawn, and a continuance of
the ease. The reason for this request was the
absence of a material witneas-11. M. Robb. The
Court granted an attachment lot him yesterday,
but it was now ascertained that he had gone or to
Ohio. Mr. Snowden offered an affidavit stating
the facts. The statement made by Robb was ad-
Milted by Mr. Wills; concise' for the defendant, aad
was read in Conn u folloone--
April 6.—1 rewired the hand bill describing
Dante' Lookkousi same day told I. Rabb; next day
met 1. McMaster on the street; said he, your
brother told me you had a hand bill about a slave;
let me see it, said be; I showed it to him, and he
read iq he then s aid he was at his house; Mc-
Master said Daniel told him his MSBIEeII name
woo Lloyd . Logan; lived In Wincheater,
IWV him two or three times near-his stable; Mc.
told me Dan had freedom pipets' forged at Win•
cheater; on Saturday the 10th day of April, 1 went
them to hire a horse,but did not get him; I was
told by the son
they were aB at old Ma's funeral;
at that time I saw Daniel at work in the stable, and
spoke to him; 1 koevr It was him by his germ—by
oeeiog the scar, mentioned to the hand bill, near '
the right eye, and by the clothing he had on, and
because he told me he was there; saw him the
next Tuesday with Ma's hostler; inlthe Diamond,
on Tuesday, the 2d, Me. told me he would bring
Daniel, the megro, and have him coMemiled with
Bougher. The arrest end reame took place on
Friday, the 1,6113; McMaster told Barr that evening
that he is it my house now, comedown and I
will show him to- you. About the 22.1, told the
Mayor that be would have the negro', unwonted
with Bougher.
Thomas McMaster, sworn—Am .a son of the
Attendant; was Irving at home when this man was
employed by my father; in the spring or 1817, Dan
and Mr. Fountain called; and r saw them talking
to hither; I was about the middle of Diamond
Alley cod they were at the corner; I risked lather
what he was to pay Dan per month, and thick he
said eight dollars; he was to come nest morning,
but think he did nm come; about 10 or 12 days
after be came to work, I pressed hot to say where
he came from, when he replied he came from
Winchester, Virginia; saw that he did not wish to
talk much on theyanbject; then I had suspicion
that he was a ranaway; mentioned the case to
father, who said he had shown him his free papers,
and did not think he was a slave; three or tom
days after that my father came down to the stable
and said that he had west Mr. Robb, who had a
hand bill signed by Mr. Loyd Logan, describing
him as a slave, and ogering a reward for his ap
prehension; father told ma to take him to the office,
pay him off, and start him; I did No, D. requested
me to write him a letter to his wife and children,
whom he never expected to see any more; 1 did
ao, directing it to the care of some gentleman there;
Dan went away lifter I paid him otr, and enquired,
the way to the post office; the third day after he
area discharged, the difficulty occurred at the
Monongahela House; the next time 1 saw him was
alter he came back again, haring escaped; when
he came back to our yard, his face was all scratch
ed and bloody; he went to the hydrae' and wash.
ed hirnsel4 my father was there, and asked Dan
all atom his arrest and escape. Dos waited about
to hear the result, and what was to be done by
Loyd Logan; on the evening he went away, and
I have never twee him since; my hither ,told him
to go annoy, as he feared he would get him IMO
didlcultyl and ha did not wish him there; my father
bad no agency in removing him from the city that
I know of; on his ram ifter • his arrest, be was
no longer ;a the yard than he was washing him
.-A I saw him in the neighborhood, m all, about
the span of their hears, he came about noon; saw
the interview between Mr. Larimer and my la
ther, but wan not near enough to hear what was
said; before the arrest of Dan he was publicly and
openly about the place, washout any concealment.
Cross examined—Dan showed me hia free papers;
bey stated that Le mu • tree man; don't remembe
what ars words were; U was signed by a squire;
don't re member the name; when I+ paid him off I
gavollartbialrariii;"l6l6ld . Paid him three
dollars before; Dan Faked ma to write him a letter
became he could not write himsel4 be said In the
letter that he hoped to have remained here long
enough to mate money enough tc‘redeem his wife
and children, but now his hopes were all frustrated,
and he supposed he would never lee them more.
Dan waited alter his escape, to know the result of
Loyd Logan's trial, who had been arrested for
abducting the slave ; II Logan Mid been found
guilty Dan would have remained. My fathetrtold
me Mr. Robb bad a hand bill describing Dan, and
offering a reward of $154, by Mr. Loyd Logan,
•• heo he desired me to pay Dan oft The Ern day
that Dan came 1 uked him where ha came from,
and he wed from Witicheater, Virginia. When
Dan came into the yard and washed hie face, my
tattier told him he did not want him about the
place. D. maid that Rougher tad( him up emirs
m the Monongahela 1301330, to carry a trunk.
Diem examination resumed—Never knew a
Dan being about the place alter the day on which
he was rescued; he could not days been here
without my knowing.
Mr* Jane Swinttelm—K now Jas. hfcMuteri
was often at his hone when he kept tavern at the
corner of the Diamond; was It his house very
shortly after there was a lass about* slave at the
klonongsheila House; hOgone mind to see Ulm
on some other business; while I was there Mr.
Md.M. told me that he thought Don was about the
premises; I expressed a wish to see him; he was
brought in, and seemed much distressed, alarmed,
and frightened; I talked with the man, and while
we talked, Mr. MoM. told him he would have to
go away ea it was Dot see for him to he about the
place; the law was against lam, and be would
base to go away; I understood from McM. and
the black man's Lathing together, that when he came
there Mr. McMaster thought he was a freeman,
and when he returned the second time, It was
without the knowledge of Mehl.; who told him
that he most go away; McIST. appeared anions
that the man ahould go away.
Cross Examined--Wben Mr. McM. came to
ma, he did not appear In be angry; was excited;
said he thought I . ,ought not to keep a men about
me that would doi so.
The testimony was closed here, sod Mr. A. B.
McCement made the opening address to the Jury
on the part of the United Stoics. He woo follow
ed by John A. Wills for the defence, and Mr. An
drew Burke made the closing speech on the pert
of the Un.ted gnaws.
The opinihn of the Court was delivered last
night, and the jury will probably return a verdict
thin morning;
Present, Hon:Bent &min Patton, President Judge,
and Wm. Kerr, Associate Judge.
The case of :ibe Commonwealth sw. Miss Mar
tha Greet4old Was taken up this morning; and the
evidence on the pawn(' the defence wasofferad.
It was strong and conclusive u to the lady like
deportment and gentle manners of Miss 0. Dr,
Roger., Dr. Elliot, and other eminent citizens of
Allegheny city, passed the highest eulogiuma on
her private worth, and we cannot help thinking
that if she erred (which we do not believe) a sense
of duty urged her on to that error. •
The Jury haying been addressed by Colonel
Black f or the defence, and by Me. Mahon kir the
prosecution, retired, but as they were unable to
wee, were discharged.
Commonwealth vs. Charles Michael.
lodtctment, "mann and battery
Our, readers will recollect that this "defendan
u tried, n abort time since, for committing a high
ay robbery an the person of a young Jew, but
he sou acquits
against him. almitiog him with muolt had bath"-
ry. Oa this iadicameat the ley retuned with
verdict of guilty." biagehan and John S. Hamil
ton for prorecution; Shanaou and McMowry for dr
fence- Mr. 01111A1011, on the paten( the Common
wealth made one of the moat elcgoent specchee
we have beard delivered in the Court of Quarter
Sessions for some time.
Commonwealth tr. Thorns, Cunningham. In.
Ointment forcible entry and detainer.
The Jury in this caw arc tow out.
Tns Cancer Tntr.—lo 'consequence of the no-
Aims of the press; as regards the true time of Pitta
burglhildr. W. W. Wilson, of Market street,tele,
graphed with, regard to it to Mr. If. C.
,Riggs. of
Philadelphia, on Saturday, and found that his reg
ulator wits, and had been correct limy reader.
therefore, correct their time pieces by Mr. Wilson's
emulator, they will be sure to have the true time.
Prrrstivaan MID Ears Rau. Roan—Our citizens
shoulebear in mind that ilia Bioko for subscrip
tion to the Capital Stock of the Pittsburgh and,
Erie Bail Road are now open at the Monongall
la Home. We that this project will mee
in the countenance and support of oor capitalists
.and business men.
11131.01allY. — Turo colored boys were ;arrested a
abort time ago, and committed to jell, charged
with breaking into the house of Mr. George Som
merville, on Ohio Street, in Allegheny City. A
daguerreotype was found in their possesica which
is supposed to bestolen, end which is now et the
Mayor's °Wee. It Is a likeness of a. young lady,
s and a little gut, her sister apparently;
COZONSIeII INVLST.—Coroner Arthurs yesterday
hold the first inquest at which he has officiaied
skins bin election, over the body of .a man named
Wallace, who died verysuddenty at Mn. Ivory's
lon, some esilcs from Pittsburgh, on the Franklin
The deemed, who had formerly peddled for
Glen and McCandless, celled at the tavern on
the night before his death, and, complaining of ill.
men, said he was going to die. In the swine of
the night he died, and the tin peddling boxes he
carried being empty, and he having .severe severe bruise,
(on his cheek, we believe) it was thought best to
hold an inquest.
A post mortem culmination was held, but no
thing was elicited to show that he came to his
death by fool play. A verdict in eocordooce with
the facts was rendered.
POLCZ Buslease —Nothing of general impor
tance has transpired u the Police Oaken for some
time past
THE following article we copy with pleasure from
the 'ililoston Mercantile journal," of March, ISIP,
and we hope that it any of our readers an suffering
from any of the complaints which it is aald to curs,
they will apetidily avail themselves of it:
It was well known many year. ago that the wild
cherry bark tree of this climate possessed valuable
medicinal qualities. Indeed this feet was known to
the aborigines, and decoctions of the leasesor bask of
this tree ham ever been regarded by their physiciana as
one of the Most racetual remedies in many diseases.
This ftetsevemi'y cars since, arrested the attention of
Dr. Wistsr, it highly respectable practitioner of Vir
ginia Ile Investigated with care the healing proper.
lies of the wild cherry—tested its effects when admtn
tanned alone, and when in entablnation widziother re
medial ascots. Ile found that its natural virtue might
be greatly unproved, and by combining it with ingre
dients sruese properties wain ail well proved and gene
emits recognized, a medicine was proilyced which
constitutes a remedy of great importance in pulasons
ry affcetions and die airs of the chest and throat—
diseases whteh are proverbially prevalent in our cities
and large tow., and often prove fatal, "yelling the
bill of mortality to a much greater extent than is the
ease with moatathers, we had elmost said all classes
of disease.
The genuine Wistar's this= of WIIJ Cherry has a
fan simile of the ngnuare of Henry Wistar, N. D,
Philadelphia, and Sandford and Park no a finely one.
oared steel engraved wrapper. None over are gen-
We ate lest In receipt all. following voluntary m
bum to the censure power of Wistarls Balsam of Wild
Cherry, from E. flail, M. D, of M. Clemene, Mien.
gas, who M a physician of high,standang, and an es
tansive draggtit
Cbrannes, Mich., Oct. Nab, 1949.
To the afflicted, this may eertity that Mrs. It. Robs
erts, of this village, three or four week. alter confine
ment, arm umcsted with a violent cough and great
prostration, and seemed hastening to toe grave with
fearful rapidity. advised her to use Wissaffs Balsam
of Wild Chery-sishe did my and with that valuable
Medicine alo e was restored to health.and is now a
living proof f the value of Wistar's Ilesam of W i th
Cherry. E. BALL,
- Phyincian sod Draggle-
Read on and be convinced still further of the reifiar.
liable vinous of Wider'. Balsam of Wild Cherry:
Meese, Sandford & Park: Gents, Asa matter apts..
tlee to you, and for Ms benefit of the public, I would
offer the following statement of a cure of by your
medicine, known as Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
In the gonna of 1,47 my wife was severely attacked
with Peripneurnonfik. or Pleurisy, which resulted in a
deep seated pain in the side. accomponied with a se.
sere cough, thewait attended by of the brat
physictan. to Chicago, hut to no purpose. for vreekk
she suffered, without eeioL caesium; incessainty night
and day. I came to the conclusion that all the reme
dies snownlo the physicians could not help her, and
was induced to try your Wild Cherry. I procured one
bottle, and commes cod using It according to dine
non.; before it was all gone—the cough stopped, the
pain her side left her, and with the aid of another
tiottle the was restored n
nast.r. In eon.'
sideration of these eircumatances. I would recommend
it to the public as • valuable medicine.
Yours, respectfully. B. N. GARRATT.
Oasan Kenos, !Bich., Ott. V,1449.
Rawl ths futiounn g Test imo nial.
Of sll d. cures that have been recorded, there are
certainly none Anal to the one Mar mentioned, which
plainly shows the curability of Consumption, even In
some of Its worn hinny
Caown Pmarr, Lake co., la., /um 14,1849.
I D. Park, Dear Fir, A. I have • deep condemns •
don for the afflicted, penulte to give you • brief
history of my afflictions, and the m benefits derived from
the um of Dr. UV ister'illaionm of Wiid Cherry.
In July. lal4, I was attacked whh a fever of the Ilr•
plied charter which left me milt very debilitated
state, when in the (Mowing winter I Was taken with a
severe cold. which reduced me to such tan extent as to
give rue the appearance of • confirmed consumption
I labored under • sever. cough--egpeetoratedterra:
deal end was truatited with cold feet and night sweam.
I also freed-nil, rai dne Mood
from my lathy ~I can
noned io this stem, gradually sinking under the eis.
ease, until January, 1817, when I we. again attacked
Myfever. My fnends despaired of my Ilk, and my
phyrans thoeght I could survive •ut • snort time:
My extremities. espemally my fee, were cnnstantly
s el almost lout thele feeling. Under Mese cir.
comstalices 0 tray truly be said that I was s licine
ekeleton I finally determined to quit taking medicinn
prescribed by physicians, and try Dr Wisters Bahian,
of Wild Cuerry, and from Pie best week that I cow
menced taking it, I Can date • gradual recovery, I
continued ite and As moot., at ihe end of which time
I was cured. and nave enjoyed good health ever since,
timedcheerfully tecommend the ltaisam to all those af
flicted smtb discam of the lungs, end Would say to
thine commenctng it. use t On discouraged If two
or Mr. bottles do not eget% • cure; but persevere as I
have once, and I have ho doubt but nins cams out of
ten will be blessed with renewed health as I have
been. Respectfully, loan
"•• " •
Sold by J. D. PAA/i, Cauccessor toSandfrad & Pam)
Fourth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, (lettere!
Agent for the South and West, to :tannin all order. ,
must be addresaed.
L Wilcox, Jr, James A. Jane.; J. Kidd & Co; D. A.
Fahnestork & Co, Pittsburgh, L. T. Dorset, Waal ,-
legton; W. li. lAnibanon, Franklin;' D Bowie,
Uniontovan;,ll. Welty. firer-rubor&,,So,ner.
set; Boon & Gilmore, Bedford; Revd A Son, Hunting.
don, Mrs Orr, llolltdayaburg; Ilildrbr & Co, Indi.
ann; J. K. Wright, Kill•aniog; Evan. & Co. Brea.
vine; A. Wileon & Son, Waync,burgh; gl'Earland &
eCo, N. C"*"" I
,; Burton lc Co, Erie; J.
Magoifin, MercerrJamer, Kelly &Co, Butler; &
Deaver; J.U. Bernmerton, Warren; F.L. A C. S. Jones,
Conderapern P. Crooke, Jr, Brownsville.
novlit dikval
l'itt.burgu,Nor. ft,
THIS Eank bits, this day, declared a divl•tand o
fo f.r ceitt. on st 4 capital stock. nut of the pr•
or the last ais months, payahio feetaalth
nor7.-dkar , W. II DENNY. Cabbie,
WOO full aired Havana, Vogues;
40,0011 med. do do, Memnon
20,0.10 Regalia do, Cosmopolite;
Wtllo do do, La Emieretlda;
WOG do do, El Neptune;
mitt) Imperial Regalia, La Nemo;
noon, Genuine Principe, Cruz & Boar
00.011.1 Eagle Seartro;
101.020 Superior Half Spunish Begat";
Jut received e lll nd for rale by
novl2 Nov iTt and 174 Liberty at
1.11 . RAN DIES; 11 . 1 - NEI, aN /m—
-. 11 50 of piper Cognac Brandy, Ja. Denneasoy A lb
3b qr en do do, do do;
2qr do: do do, Suseract
10 hf do Rochelle do, Pelican:4,N .
II pipes Holland Gin; •
puncheons eteoteu Whiakey; •
1 do Irish do do;
I do OM Jamaica Spirit.;
10 qr casks Oporto Wine;
qr do cup. Teneriffo Wine;
6 pip. Calabria Port do;
nU qr casts Sweet Malaga • do;
30 flidialiMila Dry do do;
13 baskets Memo's Champagne Wine;
13 do Ilcidrickis do do; •
15 do bemire. do do;
3 qr casks Sercial Madeira do;
In eters and for vale by'
novl2 No 171aind 174 Liberty st
-20 boxes found Lnmp r tilainucl Myers & Co;
WU dwarf bark lb do ;144 each) do;
5 ;Alf do lb do El Dorado: J Thomuti
10 do do s'. do /Dowell & Robinusn's;
70 do, do 12. do Cabanerr
•15 do do 6'. do Jon. k.
CU do do s`. do Frecnian's;
40 dwarf do klb do Demon.; '
40 do do So Dickinson;
loot received and for Bale by
N. 172 and 174 LiticitY .0
LOST OR - MISLAID—I trunk uhous, wet/CA.41 13
lba, marked "I J. R. Dick, Meadville, Penn 's."
about the Mk or last October law. Also—e Id abysm
Tea, .talked "1' k R" l'hey may have been Eal64[lll
to some commis - won house or stein:Anat.
A kberal reward will km given fonall or either of Me
packages, on their recovery, by
mate 101 N McFABEN t CO
bill Was then returner
Q CH. SALTS-10 casks for sale low by
GBEFY APPLU4-30 barrels aerobes, and other
choice varieties, in store and for sale by
F:ET POTATOES—di bbls 1, 4 agt lamb./ Iron
aeltmer Nominee, cud k tal
w e
HO bre HWY,
70 bxs !UM
59 bxs 7r 9; .
All of Morten% in good order for malt y
0o•10 comer Of Liberty luld Hood sv
WHITE PIPER—Z bee reed and for sale by
No LH dibarly at
C UkkeY bx,t•
reed and far silt. by
CI 2 0 A: i 7-150,01)0 prime, o t t ir p Sr e t ktMeF:ox
ALSPICE, Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, Madder and
Indigo, with a general assortment or l au sons of
Groceries and Plummet Nenifectured articles, on
hand and (or sale by W & H. MeCUTCHEON,
uttovl2 • 152 Liberty st
OUR friends and the petal.: arc respecilbily inform
d that the Reliance Line will cease to ship
Goods eta Canal from Pittaburgh on the 10ilt, and from
Phi adelphla on the teth inst. We shell continue to
carry goods by railroad andwagons doting winter.
nosil ZORN hfcPADEN & CO
Mace:, Mercer co., Pa., Sept. 28, 1840.
E Sam= Dear Mr, I bought one bottle of your
Yerialfuge so the. Imo Cary Furnace store, at this place,
and it has performed whim weconslderom here. won
derful cure on one of my boys eight year. old; he bad
been unwell for some years, so much so tbst I had elv
en up all hopes of his recovery. I erns advised by 0.. e
of myneighbors to try a bottle of your Yarollfuge—
and I m Sappy to info= you rot it having the desired
effector relieving mason. He passed, In the short
space of 84 heats, 164 worms, some of themmeaner
ncas much as 13 and 14 inches long. I feel trotted in
justice to give yea the above statement, so as youmay
make arty rise of my name that you think proper.
Yours, very respectfully,
- - AMMAN S. Link
Ll:TPrepured and sold by R.11.813LLER13,07 Wood
smock and sold by Druggists gene t wly t o too two
Cities. ntrirls
T - .
FIE Life of D. Asbbel on, begba to ho atitten
by biol.elf in his 82,3, and boottotted to his
84th. Edited by R. J.& year loon..
. .
r.sposn o
ory Lectures n th e Epistle to the
Oy . vProvi. Rt J. IdeGban
The oh ncial Letters of Blithe Pascal; a new
•, with Historical Introdnedon and Notes.
_Rev. T. MeCrig.
The Yosng Man's Closeildbrary. By Re.. Robert
Philip; with an Introducing &say by Rae. Alban
Entente. , at Woodhown; being • •eteeuon of Le
et ds and Tr.)!aloes of Europe. Countries. By Mrs.
lintn7 of the Pilgrims and Pathan Fathers.
The History of the United Sums, from the Disco,
very or the Continent of America to the Organization
of the.Federai tiovernamnt By Richard Hddrrth.
Mora efrna an Old Manuscript. By Hawiliam
Tha Windings of the Water of Ma River of life.
By 0 chewier,
Tao Complete Works of Hannah Moore, 9 vols.
Jost reed and fa sale by
novo . No 79 Wood at
tl hf pipes !glamor,. Extra Rochelle, dark and
pale; vintages of 'OO.lO, and 40.
II bf pipes Leger Floral Extra Rochelle, dark and
pals. vintage. or DLL 4.47.
6 hf pipes Plat Castilian O. Co'. Cognac, dark and
- L ln
'e• .rages of '4l, OD, 47.
• rptpes Anoka Coguae, Palo. la AC Ovirld.of
2 do James Eltonomt. Cognac; pale, do '4O
O do Chateset Bordesal, pale Adak, do '47.
• do I I Dopey, do do, do '47.
I do Casellon, do do '47.
, do Rostra. dark.
7 do Old , Ognac, dark.
2am maks Otard, Duna k Ca, pale, do '43
t do Maglory Cognae, dark. do It
2 do Old Pale Nectar, do IP
3 do Pellevolsim
4 do Chanter.
• po Leger Ftere; vintage. of 'l7. Oa, 40
octaves do do; do 1803 and IFOO
0 af cask. United Vineyard Proprietor., ha. of '4O.
3 oat/Imes do do do do '47.
do Chasansgue Cognac.
22 Nils Old Peach Brandy.
8 do Cherry Brady.
ISO don Fme Old Cognads, by the dos no tingle bottle.
Tali hook • of high proof chorea Brandtedhas been
alerted, by the sabsenber and eonnoismurs, prior to
the advance, and are now offered to the trade upon
more reasonable Looms than heretofore. Call and a
mine before purcarrung else where.
TIT DRIBS - armed hereby inform N. !nand. and
II . customers, and the pablic in general, that be
kils just received Iris fall apply of fall good., cheap
and good us anal.
• pleen black and colored Petah, English ad
Asnenean Broadcloths, of every quality.
100 pieced black and fancy Cashmere. .
000 patterns Vestinge, many of which eau only be
had AI this establishment
4l dress, frock, box and sack Cows, from 113 to lin
A lame mock of fine and common Puns, from $1
MO per pals.
'AY/Vests, of oastous msterials, from 73 eta to V.
A fine assortmeut of ladies and gentleman,' Cloaks,
always on band.
N. Bi—Custom work artllrecelvo particular oven.
aoo. Handsome garments and good fits warranted.
Any person in want of clothing can be be salted to
their entire solisfiellon, lot • W. DIOBY'S
Cheap Cab Clothing Moro. 10$ Liberty st
50 dos lassum, Lambswool and cotton 961Wa nod
chefs, Sarpener, Gloves, &a.
A large lot of fipeand common white Shirts.
Also on hood, 00 drab, blue and black felt and hlan
to Over Coats, nova SOO to SIM.
TO BOTES3 OP MIT 0001181
TIT R. MURPHY, at north east corner of Fourth
. and Market ars, ia now receiving his second
supply for the season, And eon offer inducements to
buyers rarely to be met with. His GOO DS of
Is very fall, consimlny of Franck AUTUMN Cashmeies
Coburg., Lyon.," Cloths super Printed French Cash
mere.. at prices considerably levier than they could.'
be bought early in the season His stock of •
I. large, and embraces' many of the beautiful styls
nowon exhibition at Franklin Iwitana, Philad'a.
Of neve and very handsome •styles, Velvet Thur.
mins, Pc.
Ol various styles and qualities, plain and embroidered
Blank Silk Lanes, Needle Worked Colima and Cuffs,
Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers Cans and Feathers.
Of the newest styles, and at loafer prima than usual;
and rich changeable kiln and Satins, for al.twas,
aa4 and large atonic of
It ;owner pm:ea And in the gentlemen's department
will nit Sound froth '
Black Doeskins, Winter Vesting', Fancy Casetmeres,
Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravats, rocket Hand
kerchief., an
Orkleinhants see iusited to visit the Wholesale
Rooms, up Mains „0e.30
TO PLASTERERS— feWr.Zoined thprom or
Plaster Paris, writable for Coming Moulds,.kci
Art reed and for sale by
lASSIA—IOU =tans% reed and tor sale by
I.novlU W & A MeeIiTCHEON,
DIADDER-2 easke ant reeld3or sale by
novt2 a 68IiLLEA9
!DUBE 1E'i31 . 15-6 bmiust meld and fur sale by
MLalla& L-20 bble No I, and bbl. Nod, lauding
iremlexamer Fairmount, for .ale by
4 . 2 c...• •CH U coots for nolo by
pnovio HARDY, JONES & CD
DIEA N(4B-11) , hosolor solo low to claw comp.
went ' novID HARDY, JONES aCU
I ON rtH attl..t.r.—A.. A Mawr &Co hare just re •
LA retard, pax exptara, cartons Extra !Super
baalttla novlo
F - 1111BCONS—A fallisioitment reed per
ez press. Also, Gleam Fringes and Bindirgs.
nnslo' A A MASON & CO
L'RE.att TEAS-170 pip, eonsistifist of la U. Ct. P,
L.' Lip'l and Black Tau, lust reed add for We by
novlo - No 112 Liberty st
FLOUR -100 bbls, os earle brands, reed, for sairbi
Q POT-30 bap in store atitiroby
1,1 no• 19 ARAISTRrING 1.-CROZER.
TNRIED PEACHES-40 bin sore and l'or sale by
F ISII-40 bbls No a Mocaerel;
30 " No
13 " No 1 " •
13 ht " No L eed and for *He by•
EAI)--937 pla Lead, reed an• , by
I — A 11 erTiia - ibTriei'd and for Pale by
e noylo fill EY E MATTHEWe & CO
ri pIIACCU-211 keg. No I and 0 twist, 3apd med and
(nr,sAla by noVIO HARDY, JONER k
/1104 bt Mita:SE—le bss superior, fn r tole by
N./ , ••IU HARDY, JONES 4k. CO
j'Arift'is—A foil essorunert of Patent Solar Lard
WOOS, tbr. Churches and Distilling., Stores,
stecionootos, &eh Whoisule and marl.
norS corner Foonh and Market sue
3, in boinaFtl43l CHEESE;
%ill 73 ass extra do.. Justrearmed and GI
sal , by noya J II CANFIELD
Toiled:CU—a° bn 6's., Honey Dew, •operior quaq
, Y,Joit reed oud forsole by
no.lo W c R MoCUTCHEON
iTiIOtRILATE—SO oz. No 1, cee'd lac enie by
AA 'N1 , 14-0 ears Foc blacleira, Sherry and Ricci.
V* /
Malaga 7 Wines, tot h
sale by the cask or in qvun
airs to gait purchaser., by
once No 1W Liberty at
J. Alo•pratt & Boast Patent Nadi A.h.
325 I' cit ''' . pc .' led K G i l in * tl u' f d rom S4 lls M l:::V r e .' ° s et r A nte b ci
Manufacturers, b per cent Auulifean test, arriving ond
for vale be nonl V & 411TeitEEMEE
L IQUORS -17 be pipes thandy--Otard, Dupuy, de;
pipes 14.1Iand the;
6 este N E Runs . '
400 bbls Wkil.keyi for sale by
WC - SAC SING POWDER-46 casks is. diespran &
Sons' brand, a superior article, for sale by
P .
OVV4DAF. bAII2I. —V2'B I I lbe jun reed and for
sale by nov, R E &SELLERS
UVA MS:4lli lb. bastrie'dind it fo,rg i e . g e .
RTOCFDIEd, to-450 bags mime tsto modem
4,1 ea t "ems.Y 11., Impn uld O. do e.;
40 hos do do do
II bags Pepper; 0 begs &Wine;
00 Matta Cinnamon; Si bales Cloves;
tea PtesA Rine; bbl. Largo-No 3 ack%
5 tes Codlsh; 400 has Scaled Bening; amis.
.ing and for ante by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK;
novle 144 Liberty s
J t
'DELT . CL.OTiI9-3. eases Bine and Drab Pelt
Ciothi, pat re and for este by
— ET MOUS. gg. LSINS—W. dohMy
su Jut reed • lot Weigh colored Moor Lairst,
such as Cherry, Scarlet, he" at the low pace of tie.
per yard. Alto, PlainDrah;Drown, dm ,at Ha to. the
n u tsz i rz u a . rdi do astrl L : itrti . luatortment of neat wyyea
n tt• pricee, together
with a choice assortment of Drew Goods generally,
such as Fancy Enka- French Merinos, Caahruerea
end Lyonase Clothe, ta the
N. K. coma of Fool* and Market eta.
Wholesale Rama sp Pain mrti2
TEAR CANTON, Hiatt county, Ohio, corm/Ming of
256 ACRES OF LAND,in a high Mate of cold
ration, With a minable proportieu of timber, and as,
abundance of atone coal and limestone. About equal
proportions of this load an , rolling upland, adapted to
wheat, and meadow laid , adapted to creme and corn.
Ihe Improvements 1119 li . good Frame Dwelling,• largo
Brick Barn, a young thrifty Apple Orchard, of choice
grafted fruit; a good stipply.of youmy Peach Trees, lac.
Terms—One fourth In band, balance in cosy annual
payments. Tab. indmput•Ae.
Far further partlCllitll apply to H. Griswold, Esq.,
Canton; or to the rmdcreigned, cPcubenvilie, O.
Administrator of the Emote of Geo. doll..
nor s—tilm.duremT
me io
T " o E uttl7 b7i;Valo b o y d Ro th e Str e rr
HOUSE. and Taro Acres of Oroond finely improved.
PO.SCIMIOIII VV. immediately. thquire of Jas. An
derson, fhit., adjoining the premises. or of
neap W. MeCLINTOOK. 75 Fourth et
- • • • •
A WELL FINISHED ROOM, suitable (or a
Variety or Gentlemen's Fumislung Stem. Al
.o—Several rooms mutable for offices or Ar.
ocrldrf cunce
Third street. over l'ott !Mee.
. ,
A LOT OF GROUND in the Diamond, Allegheny
JOIL City. adjoining Dr. Premiers property. 20 feel
front by 120 000 l drop to a 12 feet alley. 'Titk indiapo-
Lable And tenni easy. For farther particulars apply
13 Stiller. Federal SUSEI, Allegheny city, nearly
opposite 111. Jenkins , mom., or to we 'mamba.
Seariekleyoille. Oct 7.—frietl7id2er•
. .
ja:IIE very desirable residence in Allegheny
Ow, laiely oreupid•by R. W. Poindexter, and
ti wen Immediately. •
Eta terms, apply at this'oifice, or to W. W. WIL.
SON, 11facket et. O<lS
Brift'ETESS STAND FUR sAL.v..—Ti. is= k
Budding and premises In limond alley, now
occupied by Mrs,Boyle, baring twenty Met to
front, extending back towards Fourth street one hun
dred and twenty feat. For terms, apply to
.tl2 GE _ O. COCHRAN, 10 Wood st
Ardiglneu for Rale.
4..) cylinders, 4 feet stroke; x Boilers, MI feet lot.g, 3
inches in diameter, all in good order, will be sold at a
hargain,tf application be made soon. They have unly
been in use about In months - . For particular., inquire'
of jrCultf R. HAI rl, Gazette office
IPOR. ftEWI'-Tbr yaanstoo noire now
°canoed by Alm Atwood, situated at Oakland,
with 00 acres of ground attached. The Mule
Durations and convenient, and the ground well Im
proved. Apply to HARDY, JOKED re 00,
.01 Water at
1 --- fr -- la Bonne, Out one year
boll,/ and Lot, on Robinson loran, Allegheny,
neat old Bridge. Brice law and term., easy.—
[ware of jyal S SeIIOVEFL 110 Seeded Id
FR REStt.The three story Week Jrareibeg
House, en Liberty, between Hay and hiarbary
Wow occupied by W. Graham, .Ir. Yosaensiou
given immediately. Enquire or Wm. Graham, or at
the dockstore of
earner Market and Third toreete.
. .
ISt A THREE moried Dwelling /loam, being lb*
*mind houie from Penn are., m Soyder's
Roe, IM Hay street. Immediate you scion will
Encoure of DAVID RITCHIE, Aucmcy ai
Law--ffie on Fourth street, between Cherry alley
and Grant street. jultedtf
'tr.& T;
FOli2 neve
Iwo *tory Boa Dwelling Hour%
well finished and In complete order, on Center
Avenae, 7th Ward. Pommaion given July ist.
Rem law. Enema of JOHN WA rr a co,
ma corner or labeny and Hand au
Two Lots for Sales
THE sobseribers will sell at private Incl, those two
valuable Lots of Ground, wonted on Tomato et,
W the Third Wahl of Allegheny City, coca taanag a
hoot of 00 feet, conning beet lOU feet in depth to aOO
fest alley. upon which is built n stone wall, 3 by 100
feet, which cost.. stone enough to build cellars for
two COSlgOttltble dwelling bones, and in front there
Are three shade tree., of a years growth, mid the side'
with le paved with brienotll of which will bc sold or
5900. Phtsborgli and Allegheny, or County Betio,
will be taken hi payment
A H PHILLIPS, 11i 0 Wood st,;:,
or 10 WOO. BENSON, immethniely opposite said lout
VOA SALE—nye tote rim.) , Wastedln the 11<mr,
r Mains town of Btratmgham. 'The lots are ellaa.
ted on Drat. street. numbered to F Hausman's plan
73, 7V, Istl, al and et—Lot No 73 fronting an Cotton Ala.
ry Aso street. 70 feet deep, we mac, four Mt feet front
cacti. by eV foot deep.
Terms—Greater part of purchase money may re
main for sL2 yearn, secured by mortgage. Forvartiel
altar., impure of riel OIYEA,
=yid tin amend et
A BOK 1' four Mil. above Lock No. 2, at the DCIOO I / 1
21., of Pine Rue, hlonongahclu RITCY. Thc Coal or
of the eery best quality, and easy of access. Any
comber of acres, from twenty-owe to a hundred, cough a
U. otawned. Persons steam.oo of purchasing, coo
rall ou WALKER REED, oa tho. promo-^o. or Won
Reed. oppowite the Post OdICC, who moll gore .y to
formation concerniose too property. Ta:, above w
be sold at at eat bargain. my-tit:Woo
Yl/6 *cram Coal Land sot tial• *
SITUArEIion the hlononicabels neer, ahoutlll mtln
from Mt. arab and 3 mica above. third Lock, in
the immediate netahborbo6ll of Messrs. L•yon A Shorb,
and Mr. John llerrons purchase. Thi. fine bosly
Coal will be sold at the low price of S.SI per nere—ona
third in hand, balance in five equal anneal payments,
without interest Title indisputable. Location very
good—eannot be surpassed. For further psrticulars
enquire of S. tIiaI..SLEY, who hos n draft of soul pro
perty. Reudeuee :at .t, below refry, Vr. Adatna' dow
N. It. There is mother seam of cool Cll Owl tract.
about Go feet above the lower. of excellent qualisr.
— Valuable L ots —
for - Hate.
TOE subeeribers ore authorized to nsbr at private
sale, and upon highly favorable terms, a number
of veryvalusble Buildm. Lot., comprising . large
portton Of the Lots numbered 67, G', CU and 70, it
Woods' General Plan of the Ctrs of Pittabargb, Gum.
tea at the south entorardly Corner of Venn and Wayne
streeta, fronting 3111 teat on the former, and extendlng
along the latter zoom Mkt feet to tte Allegheny river
and being a part of the Real Einem of the lam Jamei
9. Stevenson, Esq., deceased. •
A plea or subdivision of the above Lou, in confor
mity with which ilia proposed to sell, may be seen at
the office of the undersigned, on Fourth. between ;Mar.
ketMul Ferry sta. WILLIAM.? to EUILAL
my 3
LATWO Lars an Heaver street, in the mty o
Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on which
is erected a frame budding, two conies high, suitable
or two mall tenentenm. The lot. are cosh twenty
Mei in front by one hundred Met deep, anti ••• bsel
to a street furry feet wide. The buildings On the pro.
raises will pay is eery handsome interest on the invest)
meat, and the property violl be sold cheap for cash.
Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk's office; U. Itt. or to
norAl A Co
WAREHOUSE. FUHe-Al.l:—fneeee.nnlrr
offers for sale the three steer brick Warehouse
on Wood street, ocearned by R. Teener It Co.
apl7 WM. WI le.ooN, Jr.
FUR SALE.—A Lot of Grosud situate on Penn
street, between Bay awl Marburg , suer., adjoining
the house nod lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
having • front of 25 test, an!' in depth feet, snit be
sold on favorable terms. Tide unexceptionable. FR.
gains of C. 0. LOONIIS,4ib 0, near NVoii.
ADIRABLE Butldizaz Lot in AlMgbeny fa
rorably located, in size about bairn°acre, , and
will be sold on accommodating Icon,. Inquire of
kV. J D 13 , 11.1.1AM5, Ito wilgalsl
— led, FOR RENT—A room to the cecood stery o
51, Wood mmot
"There are more thing. in heaven and earth
Than are dreampt or in phtlosophy. ,
thTHE VIRTUES of this remlahle rented.", and
e constant application too i ar t, to the proprietor,
has induced him to bane it pat up in bottles with da
bele and direepone for th • benefit of the public.
The PFTRoLEUhI it procured from • well in thus
Counts, at a depth of four hundred feet, is a pore lina
dulterared article, willina• any chemical chabge.. but
'met as Lows fro NaturetCrsat Lahratory!! Theta
con... . S(nPerdes reaching , a nt other of disown, is
On longer matter of uncertian. There are rimy
things al the •.carat of nature. which, if known, might
be of vast trefulnew in nbeviutoig inffermer, end re
storing the bloom of hribith and vigor to many a tof-
Wier Long before the preprtetor thought of pukting
It op in bottles, it had • moulat on for the cure of dis
ease. Thec.d.,. and doily increataig calls the it,
and several remark ,tile cures it has performed, Is a
sure indlearlan.ot it. fatten popularity and wide
spread application in the cure of distale.
We do rot wish to mate a long parade of certifi
cates. as we ar. coomions that the medicine can soon
work its way into the Maw of drum who suffer and
a r t, to he h. aim Whilst we do not clam for it
unmoral heatmoun in ever.
cep nib
we mamba
tingly olif• in number of ettr.onle Er:tense. ia
unrivalled among the e alas be enumerated—all
disease. of the mucous tissues, much cinto:vic
BR: tsON SUM r Ito its early viagal
asthma, undatl OlseVes too sir passim.% LIVER
COUP!. aINT. DVa PEPSI a. Wartime. Diseases of
the ip,dJer and EaLtev.. Pains in me Back or,
Nervous Diseases, Neuraigta, Pa„ y. Hheoinstie Penns,
Goat. tiptoe., r. tier. Ringworos. Porn, Scalds,
Itruts•s, tl d Sorra he., the. lit case. of debility re.
snide, item chi:resumer long and we. trieted cat. of
' disease thus medical. all. berms relief It wid act as
• gebnral TONIC and
energyKß ATI v E in such eases,
‘ooe nod rgy tithe whole Ir am, 'Una ,
tog °W.
m., opeing function., the aluggish functn., which
costae dh.k,so and a ` broken coosittution, and giving
Inefeited had cones-n, rangy to a r il die (Wpm. of
Liteb , , The proprrear esserttl cures of
that mingled eser• trauwicia, get well
under nor use of the PEl'il arEENI for a Short time.
Toe prod can 1,0 abr. tn cury'person who ditto. It.
None ger.. waholu the qiillaire of the proprietor.
Sold by the proprietor,
S. 111. KIER, Canal Basta near Seventh st.
. Ala, • S R. F. SELLERS 67 Wood sh
slid-14.1SKR a NI'DOWELL,
corner Wood st. end Vagm alley; who ore his
. . ... . . .
ova -Jl7 , egu ,,, rir appoim,4 AV..
--- 711 - O.II I CIL RO UT W. 73 Mlles St..glng.
Vin Brewn.ville anti eur.l4o:lnnl to''ilalumora and
Tll4;.rnoroina boat leaves the wharf,' above th. :
bridge, daily, at e o'clock preeisely. ~ Ttate t
Baltimore, 31 hour, time, m Philadclplux, 4U hours
The event., boat leaves deny, (except tfunulay cv
enings,l at 4 o'clock. Passenger. by leaving on ‘ th.
evening boat, will cross the mou.rMitm In stages nek
dly. and thus avoid night travel.
hoe re your lickett at the Office, Monongshol
Home, or tit- Charles Hotel.
ocll3-17 J. NIFSKINIEN, Agent
1849 . ME=
0 eeeee and Erie Express Packet lawn
R. G. PARKS, Hoover, Propnetor.
HE new and elegant Passenger Packets,.
NIAG AILA, Caul II Janet;
LAKE ERIE, " 111 Trutty;
QUEEN lorry, J
Forming a duly Line. between Beaver and khde, have
commenced running, and. will continue dating the sea
win to make their regular trips, leaving Beaver after
the arrival of the morning boat front Pittsburgh, (I
r. x ) and arrive at Erie In time for passengers
to take Diemen:Ong bonsai to Buffalo or up the Late,
. .
+Takat throush to Erie and all Lake port, can Li
had by applicauort to 'JOHN A CAUGIIEV, Agt.,
corn. of Water,.d bta
aoltiA undo, rh• St Chartrs flood
No. IT, corner Market and Fifth—or 40 Marker,
Mean Third and Fourth...
9111 E subsertber keeps constantly on hand, whole•
talc and retail, tha following articles, en:
Wash Tubs, !god' Chow.,
Meat Tubs, Boatel Churns,
hush Tabs, Half Bushels,
Wooden Bows, Pecks Rou n dalf,Peek
Wash Boards.
Clothes Pies, T B r o a w cs irtati : , liouka.,
Wood. Ladles, Bread Bolters,
key Baskets lee. Au.
"th" U"1"". KICOFFN,
novl4 4 . No 63 Dtarroulalley , Pittsburgh
s etslebrs
c.•A al, tonal, b 7 EIDD4CA,A3Vo•d
m u - mm)u&,„:.,,,,
Dr Mat Pot crnnial are actoorably wand Ural
the - followint toe the lama'
.tuialities of ale betas, et
Jons% Corral Hair itestoraure. 11 da dada. wag
word, they carom thae highly respeotalik
who have tried it--
• .
Mr. Geo. Becket, 41 Elm at, New York.
Mrs Matilda Beeves , Myrt le ay, Brooklyn.'
M. Wm. Tompkins, King at, New York.
Mr. Thos. Jackson. Montour neu Pittsburg
lI.F lam barber steemboat B. America.
And more than a. hundred others state; - theedb thin_
must mikee, that it will fame the hair to raver on tao
head or face, num It falling strengthen the mots,
removing mini and dandmfr frolll the room, Making:
light, red, or gray hair mistime • fine dark look, an
krePmg dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, a9B, eteau sad
beautiful. • very, v ry topg time.
.Sold by tb . A.gejt, `7l.d. JACKSON, ea Liberty Ile
Pittsburgh. Pike 37g, SO colas, and one
antial.twr - •
,They are not aware how frightfully Warn., It ti
' to the akin! how coarse, how rough, hew eab,
low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin' ap.
pears attenuate prepared chalk! Be.
. sides it iikundoos, containing • • , •
large quantity of Lead I ,
We hare -prepared a bemire! vegetable arability
which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. • •
, It la perfectly innocent, being purified of all daleerl..
oat qualities; and itimparty to the skin a natural , hear
thy, nlabacer, clear, brag white; at th e name time
acungas a corneae on the akin, making it sod and
nnooth. Sold by the Agent, WAL JACKSON, Ed -
erty ai, rittabbrult. Pnce 25 cents. analaltrwl.
IC, Ear nion are Sam Dreasesa—JUNENlS Ital
ian Chemical Soap causes a free pereptraticra, end at
the same tune'intoltbee, sOftens, and whiten. the skin;
giving a the texture end beauty of an infant's.
Pruner, Sass Itnitcst AND Sons, are sooni not only
healed, but cured by ha use, as at least seven Pima
elm. to New. Nora know, who use it In each eases,
and . find it unfailing—as alio in
'Yuan" B Faxestara or any other skin dir
ease. The reader le that ale le no unclear
putted nostrum, as one 4ial will prove. I could rag
mente at least BO persons cured of
SODA Brno, Sou Lane AND SOU Hum— ' Bay It,,
and, and the reader Is again assured t would
not erectly sell it fon the above unless I Imes lota be
all I state. Those who are liable to
Coss., Curare, on CHU.= py sm , will fled thlsat
care. Any one afflicted with any of the above, or sin.
per dioceses, will find this all and even mon (=baba
ble in its properties) than I state.
But; reader, the aroma an flooded with imitation,
and be an yen ask for JONES'S Italian Chentical
Soap. Sold by Whl. JACKSON, PO Liberty oset,
Pntsburgh. - astlls sIAwS
t E r 1 7 [ [EDIT OT • Ifni Harms is not Mare Rod-
Ithre than bad, putrid breath, or dart, yellow &seas
ed.teeth. Trpersons have these it is their own built
they earn . for two shillings, buy vi article that will
make thew breath pure and sweet sulks 5747 Air a
It cures dioraaca of 1.119 Gums, amingy - pr uleargiad,
and for the Teeth it le unequalled, releortig the tartar,
.fastening the teeth In the gams, and Mesa them es
white as then ow gasp.. Nara
Such, reader, are the properti.of Jones's Amber
Tooth Paste, and, without praising n ourselves, hear •
what one of oar 46061 respectable end scientific Liens
Lists, Mr. G. Plaid, of New York,'says: • '-
ut bare both used and analired this beandfil
palpable article . , (Jones , Amber Tooth Prite,i and •
eon recommend A as possessing all the
ad fat it." ,Reader, we eoo say no more to convince,
only that Plea try duu enee you will ba wellpleued.
W pat op in beautiful English China Pus, 404
cents. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, let Libor.
ty street. Pituttoruh. • ugliarkerT
No. 78 Wood arrest, Pl...bursts.
HDOER AND LAUFMAN,Imporws and deals.
in Foreign and Domente lIAILDWARE, in
all as varied., are now prepared Lovell aa low end
en as reasonable tame near be purchased elsewhere-
We wallah our friends, and the public gimerally,to
call and examine our stock, which consists in part of
such ax Locks, Latches, Ring. and Screws, together
with every muds nasally kept in Hardware Sums
Wei nvite the attention of Carpenters and Mechanics
generally to our assortment of Teels,which hart:been
selected with great care, and which we in deterenlio.
ad us sell so to give didisfactien. mi&d&vrT
Property In Allegheny City for gale.`
TILE subsenbert oder fa; sale a number of choirs
Lots, situate in the Second Ward, fronting on thq
Common ground, on easy term. Impure of
W.Oll. ROBINSON, Arty as Lani St Cher
- or of /AS ROBINSON. on chentemisaa
ins sra al
WHERE will be found for sale an assortment of
valuable religiousßooks and Trans comprise&
in a series of about Ft/UR HUNDRED different pub
lication, (of /which analogues can be had on appiicse
non,/ embracing many emodard works in Theology.
Biography, &a. Se., *elected and published by aka
Presbyterian &rani of Publication in Pnladelpida;
well adaptedfor Sabbath School, Oungregainnisl,
'3llniriers' and Private Librarter.
Perront'nailing purehue wall books, are
ted to rail and exam ine
e Me assortment.
The Deporilory of the Pemaylvimil Bible Sooliity•
is kept at thew name • oet&ii&stlmS
THE subscriber has just received at the Pekin MK
Store, 70 Fourth wee; a very !age and well sw
lected stock of pare CIIEEN AND BLACK TEAS,
from New York, all of which has been received to this
try-since the first of Fehreacy last. consisting of
the didereet grades grown in the Celestial Empire.
our stock being among the large. in the Went, we are
prepared to wholesale, on better terms than any ether
teousein the city. We invite retail grocers to call sad
ex aim tie Our rock sad prices. They can have apack.
eil in ad I lb packages, 6 Ebbe cautisters, or by
nalf dents, to suit their convenience.
Unr retail prices vary for Oolong, Black Teas from
50 em to 51,50 per lb.; Piing Young Souchong, >0 etc
Congo Mt, and English Breakfast 50, Young Hylton,
Gunpowder and kuperitil, from 35 eta. to 51,115 P. lb
' Fondle. me tequemed to. send and gat tummies of
of our Tees, and try them before pozehasing.
myltudtr.on3 A. JAY7iM. 75 Foartll mosot
THE &attestator ban m hand and tor tale, as Agent
of 1.. /Mouton & Co., of Philadelphia, tho follows
45 pair orCastee;
45 Meta Panty Letter, diffaanat;liasai
31 , 0 Newspaper Cute;
MO Ws. Leads, cut to order,lo Coinpoaing Stick.;
100 kegs Proofs News Ink:
I Iluna Galley, Column Ruler, Barn Rules of all
deceriptim, kt. A. JAYNES,
' Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fiume at
N —Orden received Annear Tree anlOiliavS
ago. W. 1111111.11 At
INFORM their friend. and the pablic theithey hark
no longer any connection anth their lam establiali
meet In Peen street, known no the Pittsburgh Ilrewete
...vine removed they entire basinese to the POIPtr
, tit VAVkitl V. in Pie meant morle.A.
taw dean below Wood street, to
,1111, market
.f' ". ,ni • DEL BROWN, having beast
• '',', r -
, Nti",.."—,4 . regularly edacated to the medics
tr• 'ii l,..--- .. rit "f ge e"' ne ' r:l .o prae d b. u s Te i fo n r ov s t o e ' o ' Xci
, • -• his attention to the treatment of
4-, , , - ...i . • those primate and delicate con'
;. : , . ilk. . .is for which Ids opportanitie
• , and.
it peculiarly quality
fi. • - w 4 4 him. it years asaideornity.dermoil
to sway & manna t Of those complainuAdarmg which
time he has had more practice and has eared mare r
dents thin can ever fall to the lot of my pietas pr o
wiener) amply qualifies him to offer ..unlac e, speedy, permanent, and sati sf actory care to all attn
with delicate diseases, and all diseases amine Morel
Dr. Brownwould inform those afflicted with private
diseases which have become chronic by time or DI
thgraveled by the use of any of the cowman neuron, tell
e day, that their complaints can be radically arid Mons
oughly cured; he having given Ms careful' attention to
the treatment of such cases, and succeeded In hundreds
of instances in curing persons of inflammation of 11
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases 'Mich often
revolt from those rum where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He particularly invites nth
as have been long and unsuccessfully Healed by other.
to consult him, when every satisfactioa will be {Tun
them. and their uses treated in a careful, thoroggia and
intelligent manner, pointed out by . . long cepertence
study, and investidauon, which Dm impossible for than
engaged in general presides of medicine dive se
one class of disease
IHerrna or Rectum—Dr. Drown also Mutes pail
sons nOlicted with Hernia to ai holm/ paid panto
tau attention to this disease.
Sk i n
also cured.
Skin . IN also Pi! le, Palsy, ca n speedily eared
Cb 1&V—. oath sac Ilvingat a distance, hy
stating their • ase in writing, givutg all the tying
terns, cm oh medicines with dirretioas for isse,
addressing T. ROWN, N. D., poet pad,and air
apg a fee.
Office No. •• , Diamond alley, opposits the avail
7 Dr. Brawn's newly discovered rear.
ay for Rhatorin ma is a apeedy and mrunnlnstitedy tor
dint painfel t • • tile. It never fnJa
Odiee nod ' mute Consulting Rooms, No. G.S
wend MeV, Pi burgh, Pa. The Doctor ta always to
17" . Nn at at Da? ......
ADAMS £ 00 , b LIAR.' "
rilli E citizen j of PIT ISIIWRG II and Ps vicinity Ars
1 rupecifully inform-il that WS - have no connection
with an] other Weitern Erpceas, and tee now pre
pared to forwerd PACKAGE-9, MERCHANDISE, An.,
Crum Bost. n. New York, Philadelphia. and Baltimore,
t , Pittsburgh •nd.otber Western Claes, with =mar
dinsryy expednion and inissosents MAOISM '
At italumore we have associated with us Dr. W.S.
Word:ppm, who WWI for fifteen yeast superintandented
, he italticore an: Chia Rail Road Company. 110W.D
Ki33114a, F i for many years pruietpat coandautul
togent of the Post Oilier: 11,1kll 0. W. CAIN Est, of
Idrownsvillo. a. These gentlemen will givo personal
selx.rinilon 1 the Line from Galtimera to Pittabargh.
From Phil eighla we still. rut THREE Daily" AS•
press Lines, anteing at Pittsburgh respectively In
1 two, Three Four Days. Ore ev., Day Lnia wilt
run at mans ced, and Is principally lute .dod for small
and valuable Packages. We shalt inveclably receipt
for uxcand sins ,
We have 'arrangement with , Messia. 10D10.11216,
whirls we end forward Packages to, dr panne . , Pour
inions in, Greet Britait, Feeney ' and mosso( the
Continental Cities. Messrs. Edward. Ha e a Co net.
In England With the well' known great toucan:ling
bop s° of Me era. Cue MS 11105 s, and lu Frazee seurt
tho'Sdessag ries Nationale."
We. shalt pare no expense , or exertion to Fa our
goods Piroug with the utmost despateh i scd c.d.. ,
to furnish tuelpublic with • really well condueied Ex.
per... Small parcels and packages will be be
us at especial] low rates
PV.OOOII wtshing to .0 One Linea ire 0.1700/4114,
mitlested to ?sPlealarly order uwir correspoodanito
•hip by "ADAMS A Cu'S EXPRESS ° . I • • ..,.
Pbiladelpt , a, Nor. 10. ADAMS d i 'CO.
nand: o ne:to:l rt . ' t l ' iii ' s ' el f Ityh'ity7.".' R0.297"8,1,4:‘,,,verf..6i.,7„.;17,
Esetuovely, for Passangena
==a —The Coat. of this Lino will lcavo
as (allows. az 9.1 , c10ck at nigh
uraig Friday. Nov. ESKA\
Loutwana-7 Y Toon:town, Sotarday,l7th.
Indiana—P Berkey, tsumlay
i sad,.
Kentucky—coat. Traby, dopd.y, 1 9,1. I •
Ohio—Capt. A Craig, Tuesday, Ms, .
LoontianaP Thoznpason. %Feeblest/ay,
Barkey, Tharsday, *Ad.
Kentucky—Coot H frttby,Frzday, OIL I .
Ohio—Copt A Craig, Saturday, Nth.' \
Louisiana-1 P Thompson, Sanday,2lth.
Indiana—l. Honey, Monday, dash.
Kentucky—El Truoy, Tuesday, KT&
Ohio—A Craig. Weduesday,:s. t.
Louisiana-7 P Thompson, Tlizinday,lo4l. •••
Indiana—P Burke)), Friday, Kittis. -
For yearago apply to W STITCH, "
lacKaKillsizela Boas%
or D LEECH k Co. agnal Hades
tigty.tir tiuooa•rdor and •Y
epo":267''‘WW"in"ll7, U/ 0414
sad . `rOO`d an for sale Dv