=Si t. r) ESTABLISHED` BI:IBiNESS CARDS. A "LiaAmit-e - FICANKCIA, timiney at Lawi .10. Po+ thE • it.l3ly• DAVID 0.-TLITTL/I: A TTOHNEY AT LATT,ANDNOMMISAIONEFt. .1101. Fun Pr.ISSSYLY ANlA,nr..lo:4.olln. •, ' Allcamannicuuotts ptompu aturreted. octtl. AA EhIerfLCIZIO &CROZER,Comzmnkm /dire.= lutd kl;Pno.loco,' No: ?O Marta moot ritActi It - mum, atellat WILL .1) ()RAU!' & 10:1 Wholesela and lima Umg guuN't aver of I.4berty and St. alstr euveus PITS. .1,1241iil ianyl4 .'cisrt nava. Mora. Brtil'i: . CI:L.MERIMON, WhoMoolo Cloecte, 'aria C stortsson. 'Merchants, No. RN Llta,rm theinnit I) . ]. 4 I lPolib Wei& fr. Co,lll' holesa!e and Me EtiLth.g ivas come: lYmod nlid j • I fj...ALGY• 631L'ill, Waolassle Grocers, 111 end Jo fY Woodotreet Pittsburgh. • ,• ;0.•11. PAII'iIUDGC, M. 1 411 04 - SPIttIuESTREP.r,PHILADELPIIIA, eit.,NTINUP,.. g.se .at, poi ussist sUattios to tho CritusteiS of Duelists of the SKiN, ItSCHOEULA, sattlUsettkilAtilitte Unice beau: Y A.U., P.ll;Sti'd i•P M. - oethletzta• latlra ..... - • . in . iiZNNFßFe*arAing .7 - c on ,40e 4 N0..4110.045i,n4f1=0 ); A. iteANULTY 'i ed., Forwardthi,oTd CO 6( acrehOsCluii.l.lhati Pri. Aroma _~r;:~ _ J rle~i~n~'r - . "tr. i a: a.~, he. Wrought Iron :ha:nag turned. all ames id Cart 1t,,., tutd [rangers of paurrur, rlide•and hand Lath e. . and tdola ore] klndg Cast of every de•crum.” farntatied on C.ort neater Putter, made to order i Mill Gcartng.lroo Lc. :mama Pyte for hen nt t. ,qss Fogtortrs, I.:stit trod I.'sudovr SaM, and inner Ca. I,na generly. Or left at Or tVared,out, aJ. Pales, 6. Cu, Lll.4:rty nr,t, 0011 Las, prwint:t. • R.4 , •Lr LiL Mar YL:ock7llert et. Co., 1 K. ! :I Co ,Li. Witmer. Ja.htt Intl:, e.orts, , U C, kJ. H. Warm-, ,tentitilvilie. _ . . . 3/LW COACH FACTOILr, ITE,......crt'o."aid i.pe .funy M. A. " P dial *.3try base ' ore:ied a inform •,,,4,•0n Lacook, halween Fed Oral a 4 d Snmlamly ntrreta nay ark now Staking and prepand le re,erve or for aeon description of veMelea. Coaaken, Chariots. Pa , ruitcLst, liuggirk, Priammet, a., , s, ...vb,,,,, fr,,,,,,,,,, long strrrirone in ths ma, at Mr nr..ore work, am! Om incilmen they tare) lee Mar are er..kird to do work en the moo, reamuaLle. term. wait thomoraiiiing arnetcs In Mao. line. PoNng pante., aliczmon :a Me .. ;ere of mate filth. and harm, nOitt OM calnprlclll workmen, they hem: nn Les/lotion In a - arra:tuns Met, work. We thienfore oak then:Pennon Of the palate. to kb. mailer. j N./I. Pepairrng done in the ban tame., and. on thr my. rea-konultla Irmo_ . lazily , at T..) 0 , /111IN AND V , 1 , 01.1:. , i Ai AN I'PACTI,. 114.11% .—llavntg omda armsmetncout for a c s supply of VAC ft tlil.' L'INIA on .Nr.S, we erd, fed aglow pricea'Co.f and Soceit Bois, moms, La, Lou. lle, PiAters, Ilecd, &utile, Hemp I'veino Tres:Lev 5 to Willett Pooch , ., Wrcnclera, Strmott. Carla, o MON Pamta Drenter Pranks., IVenvara , Brook 'l Ike. ap. LIK:AN. \VII,Str:S /.. r`o. , f inYll 17! Waostrasi.Ptio2mrck,_ r iirTWlNEs—orcioy, Webbe — ii PerrsLei. Ina. k.‘L'e cfP..i.": 64 fieutnihrl ' ... s e . P4 - -4.E-atrit'ei..td , n, Ilern.!, Sort, ['ere Jteee, )hell.. de,7,:- ~ ,..;e tir.;je.. Theee wiaco are ell telete-n. .0 medicbl ,roperuss, and ran he bad nvio.a. tall at the lVtne note of . Jiti24/11 WEA.VPIR, Jr. • .- ._ . - PIANOS! t.cnt,er ogee; tor inile a large 01.4 aplend.d mteni at rosr wood and nta:mean) grand "ie., .O, wia, .rd -waken. Co:onoo• ealet,rated t. IMNIZIrnt TT, akovr le.trumen• •r• ilt !, arms! to an, ninon aatared /0 WI% eon, nll Ene Bola rawer ma- an) •trataalti !rum tor C. 1.4.L.:A1E, No 111 wood al. TT' „, riat I"ta. anted i It), smi salt. 2d door 0,0,.• 3th N --‘ity tterip w:11 C-Iken nt LI • re., or he ob.'', nwoncn••nt -rot Ilardarare-.Craceper thrum Everl r ,Ingnlrtro. and Wholes•ls Dealer. in Ilcrdwor, Ontier• •nd SoddlcCr. Nn lea Wood preen, anon.. hhincinvertsow In [tun a cell eJscop rnrd lota seleeted •tork liardware,uvo,rtcd worn [he aceblic car - Jens tn,Europe, nod womb they re deterrnmcd wll vore o cq.n.h.wly low Merchant. who h•or hero w the h &hull( gni., fhtw. an• porn.- lads requowed to rail and look through our {lark. ar we confidently (cling, they will sow their cipcocc. Ochl UA.ll.l' at the ll2tl.Tl\llll-E%. I.IIILADCLPII/A, NEW X LIOS ON AND NLW WILE:ANS oND CU OSllettill/N OFFICE 1 ouog ain.s whoMaalc mid retail mote, nod othe. reepeembM Imetacei, to ne: floot•keepere, Salmi men. porters. Ilaekerper, Walton, Farmer, Coach men. Car agent , . Aloha m.d Slap Ammo; Collector, overacera l•raiMitea of Intamees. ¢e. Il e have at all name a is, tulznber GI good ania um, aa head, which pay Irom 3titi per ....mu Time, en went of 51110M/Mln 4)(,) ould would do well to mar tie • tun, aft wo lover, eteeme in each of the to el• ore, *Matt will enabm place every applicant in Punable 41.1lUtill he shortest imuce. /4.ve. large acquatutelice MI UM Illio/UIT mooed one which we trust veto not.le to gm - ranee eatiMae- IMO to all 4•Ito may loom U 4 wrta a coll. TAYLOR AL Tit V 31,04, No. hP hrcond at, ... ~ . between .., , no ill and t.ay. , N. B —Person, 11, ibilt in any pan a: the t. z‘zates. , i ,4 an,l wothii g to oblagnia utosnuo In lleltnuote, or ei• cher or the hove eilb•st, win [me i: thr/r WVII• on ate dincely an .ntle,l to by addresstne 6 u - line.tpost-paid) is• by so darn[ they will curtail both trouble Isi:d ex.. perm, which they 001.,•144 oroald .ineur by coming to the city, ..a seeking employment lot thetuNolves Addron, Tin Lort;s TAN MAN, No .51) Soeo/1.1 street, MIZEMIZI • . .. . Dr. Ai Layte. In Tonne•wae. TIdNIB fe to rend) that I purchaacd one vial of Dr. oLanht Worn: Fpecitle..lll< two months 414;o and pan t'it a ton of mine., some !even yealw old, two ..043130. I . 11. and although the amot may /rope., ratr,4e,, mitre hst v , o v o n o d oova p u ,, i.z ., 14 , u t 6 tl , ?: n r e ,‘i was ., u , p . l. e v: r u t , n o g t }ow cen quarter or an tneh to two inche, Jong. (.1 W HOLLIDAY. Homy Cryck.Carrol - co Tenn. Dec 27, 1.47. 1.21 . . B EN N ETT 4 BROTHER, .I.I:ENSW /IE. 3i ANL:FACTURE:HS, lettrmlyughnto . [nen r Pittsburg:Y.lPa. Perchotaw4 No. f 137, Woad street, Pilta.Aurgh. t , NI 1: cop on hood a Food escort or W arai of our own roancracture and ape lor qualny . W hula/ , talc and country Ater oha.t. arc respectfully invited to call and en mine (or t .CLIZSCiVC, all we are dcwrromed to Sell cheaper Um hascver before beta offered to am pub. Ile. ent y nottbaccompanted by thecae] or It, promptly totelplrd tn. 01110 I. , pungic Rod namcooll aro nud Lace elfy of utd au I A DIFIS—Ju.t reetiVed, nfull alsonmen Ind ally, Tt,rrad, Cord and Brant: alao lot r nth ruidenng and other or irk. Also, gold pud salver Ta'SSel.t, Frlnge ,the latest fusans. In grrat vartety. Falperior quality and beauttint platens, Eastern prJrc. W WILSON, corner Market land Fourth ATHEN' MhNr ..!.1 ctn.' oi n fro o I/ .- • . , umBATIIISIISI ABLII9II. Open front I; A. 51.10 II P. 31 :•111 rll for I dollar. Lndiegi departmcA. II A. 51. and Iron; 2 to 5 P. AI ----• I he nttcudanA ti I .. . !titen: S.loolts rt, unequalled In xtyle I Rechcrelm ler (:(caul.; ' T. ArFAI.I., Pro,irtor. ii E - AU - EOM/ie./WU ' mill nucn the tollo • Sion cribs public is inspectraity ceruhruses: lla xcl ha I y )uur tron In Wove Roio t- n 11l- I lIVI-1111V1.117, tested e quantity of lamd !our Muammar. I End the resalt proves Vol carrell; 'Eaol rnommead Ito use dr, r vie beta nreilind for ob. al strati, of Irold. flcorp. yours. • J. It DEINLEV Y, Dame,. , March J , Lein. l'imvatnnm, At arch 7,1E12. Ala. Katt Dear .91r: Ifeenta clammed the "A rto. meter," man tattered et yonr room., !do not heansth to retinae/LC, tto the use of those gentlemen who arc about semen If to Californin in south of Gold.. It gives c o.e npinozunntion to the twee:fie goon! ty nd well certaahly coalde the adventarm a , eerttun hen Ms placer in ythlding Gold mor l2 Ynar, rean . Y. 1 R snl.rcrocK IriDiA ItU HER cLuTIITN6—Ju+I rreeL . ved for tae Calgornle F.:Speak., neontpl,le anaortment of Gum Elastic C101i1111;, all prim, tannteg Irate 5540 to et I,:a) for son of coat, rants and hat .For sale at the India Rlltiorl Depot, No 4 Wood rt. II pi1u..1.1P9 WkeiTte. - NN . `ADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN 0 UFAI4I oltY.—The •uhocril•er tales that lartl.ocl of informing hat Irteilds and the pelage in general Mai he has the largest stork of the tollowmg named art, cans orlon own manufaeture in this rity—entddles. lir. fess, Trunks and Wines, ell of babedl ant to be made of the best material and by beat tuned, antes In Allegheny county. Healy determuned to 011 manulacteres , ontenung lower laws beau lien-- U:44>re told by coy 'minor establishment In the ny, he would invite persona in need of the above named articles to hie WIIIVI2OO, No. nil Laberty street. opt.- ins Seventh. Also, bawls made to order for machine. G. KEEll'i. SIG lIT and short time BILLS OP EXCHANGE, pay -0 able to Ctheinnau, Lcaiscalte and ht. Lotha, Par. Cities On am Mast (11Cniable term. N. HOLUES & SONS. MISCELLANEOUS. i,,, DR_lr. GOODS &c. 1, • 86 • 910 tosstLalkistens .. : , , ' PAYETTE PIIINIIIIIIM DLIAA/clllTlls A SPLENDID assortment-1W YeneiTedsinitshlejr* BITE AND BILDW:N A the rail and Winter Trade, eurnistlngin part ef E are now receiving front the facto . large MEN'S, WOMEN'S, BOYS', MISSES' AND CHILD, • Wrapply'of these goods,•whieh we Me. , tsg.W." H E VA W A RF- • '''' ''''''T V. , /.7 .. b. , 1' 6 4 .. 4 .1 . 1 40,4 Met. WWI CM be bad elsewereld.,,thi= - pe. suit the dams.: Thongs nudges 49 ,pgrqbasq. "e inie no ands in blenching. that rd... . i 110.1.IESTIC FiNNELS who:esula or retail, .will-Shd Is toylietrndstatunge to r f o r being to produce xneds not tor show Only, give us a call and examine for thensielves. ' . . nut for conifers and der hi and as =eh I She.Y.IF . THWI'FI & '1101.7',.' nesse,' the first premium ever all other goods aihintt• oell7 *Mier Pearth Sod firdthgeid sns. - *tat ci te:ate Alegitenteltirriettiww , F•l'i .- IrrDont forret tier plaegv ..___ ~. ... -••. •• , • si qt tee Efanket Depot,No. 5a Pdarket st, and Tin BRENT'S CIININITALVIIIITINMIEVe• *the W.. Meats of the. Fayette ALanafgetatiat C., I.J. reeownsend.llibberta .Wr.hing plaid to the rut. No. 11.2 Sticond w. . . . . ronJge of the public, as a gr. ram article in nit ~_ : W i cket . of oar Manurnetare . are sold in Aileybedy opens. It flaws free from the pen withal:lt 'Clogging It City, by Mr. John Dean, and alio at' die "Two Big ap, roil to the C.01211e of e few Ileitis bermes a deep Windows,. Federal s r. • •: • Gala , bright blot* , : ': o .. ••' .• Win. fanning= &Ban, ta.A.labaestoek & CO., . Robert Moore, • • • hlegaeuran & Douglas, Wick &. fileCaruileas, John Parker, .S. Wtghttann &Co, Prsaels Sellers, • - . liTeAntiltY k Co. • • . Per sale Defferher with Hibbs:Ws Ned and Machine Copy lugs) by B. A. - Falineetnek * Co.; finny P. /3chwarts. Alleaheav-City, and the manufacturer s . INIUS.N. INDBMIT, Druggist S Ctetnist, ' novl.iffer ' ecr IJberry and Smithfield etc SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, EiCHATIOL BT. CLAIR STRRIGT, 11. 1119 1 / 1 19 111011 NEW YORE AND PHILADELPHIA, And is nom receiving a fine asifauneat of CLOTHS, CIISINBREB AND TESTIACS, OF THE BEST QUALITY ANDLNITET STYLES Mich he is prepared to mate to orde‘ IN TIIE BEST MANNER— knd In the iatest Fa•hie Oatsn. S - - -- AnKING FLANNELS—W. R Murphy has pow open a great .Suety of styles for I.settre. Mutes' sad Cnildren's docks, tneloding black. and black grey for Mourning Alen; Mk NCB MERINOS, of all the lending az:dam - so eh as 'liberty., Crtmenn, Scarlet and Maroon; different thedes or green and drab; Wank or a tonalities Alan; CASHMERES AND et/BURGS, of britht and plain culors,toisuit all tastes, gni at lowest.eask prig , e.. epenteular attention of Lupe.. askal to the; large stock of Goode in general, Jae reeniged. and which includes a -great many styles 'of Goad. that ate •[lll, halesue , Roan?s op etaks. novo • " red MILL. composedMames red in Frence, of ho, few Blot ka and solid eyeo—a large teems. mew the best of the kind, always on bander grentlY seduced Pr..".' • • ALSO— mFrench Burr Mill Stoes , my own anufacture, mule n el neve . and superior gustily of Bleeps. There Bons are made d m oven superb,- tendanee, end as great eue un ta ke n la taken y tal mak, the Joints Wise, and tabu e a,, the blocks in 0..G/3 Hone of a uniform temper, they age wairanied to be of the very best giiality, supenor to how imparted from Era , ce; an d also ripener to Me re M/Lit• OrlhOse made in this country, and at p ices lower than have ever before been offered in this market. Laurel Hill Mill Stones, all wet. PloPing Cloths, ail numbers; of the best quality, yrkre stinted 'to give satisfaction to me purchaser, and si greatly reduced pricer Mill Spindler, Mill Iron., Heteswa and Picks, form Seale,. Corn and Cob Grinders; Grist and Saw Mill casting@ of all kinds, and Mill Furnirldng in gen era/. All orderapromphy attended to at 244 and 246 Lib :). scree• near the Canal, PM:shut-orb. mT3Cedem W. W. WALLACE- Plttoburighlibaares Marble Warkar *TI/; AIM LINERTY, oyporite Smithfield streets— Marbiab lmtbs,SlemunteauuTenabs,Table Tops, err Wye ninety of the moot besallatl kind, made rube finest band sf foreign nod 'domestic marble; Quays on baud or made to order, by the aid of ma d at the lowest Ores "it',P.tZitlrath*orry"'TiVe' ;LIMA nth abed; of Marble at Me lowest sates All olderspromplly at tendril to at l i d Liberty, opisoatte Smithfield at myfitteta W W WALLACE 111.120 Paint Stone or French Liner SMUT M - ICIiINTI Ms beat article of the heed in use- they ma light s els= On, do the work well, ROD. grili ' lLeat • tlie time. Alum .500 of them are in use, in the best mil,. in the CDVlltry, and we nave the ntret.ga. med. I moni of eemtpreosperwine as Mete superiority over all other Smut Masklnes. For further parttealarar.d dreAn the sahmiber at 244 Libanvit. Pittsbutia.. l EFT: ": 74 A ir li' l s eE ets hy'eue o hano a Cir made l ' o " oroe w r OD very short antler, and at the lower pricer. All ors' dersproroptly •ttraded to at 244 Liberty alert, near Ow t.anal . aty3o W W WALLACE LASTFdi YARlS purpose.,For d, and other purpose J. always on hand se all Liberty et. myth . • W W WALLACE itrynauctemra - - - AN,4,40 - ; bud, - iTss., ,n 1 Liberty at.myMi W WALLACE RINDSITONM-All sing and pelt., alansye lff hand at 211 Liberty greet. mylo W W WALLACE • _ . PITTSSURGII FEMALE INSTITUTE rileVlnatitate, under the eery Of Rev. 4_,Al4:tc -,- epcprec..%-ygryi .treeb !lavin iaiticttamia2Fie,fteir papas, the Ptincipel•bnpc mesa • condonation of that liberal pattneage they have When° enjoyed_ Parent. may :eel vssared that every advantage wl he forded their daughters, if pinned order their charge, for oh. tan - alma theme!! Engilvh, Clualcal, and Ornamental eduesuen. YOUNGSETNINIII.V. • LlA•iimmr. TEE ommence ACTU the SIN rt4^..t. firm ON of this Institution will c Monday in SeNertiner.— Room. on Federal street.. in "Calenade Re or,n p 1 door Dorn me bridge. (ATV. or Perron ere eama or men Moment Ereot.ll Department, Illeludiug Rending, Onisogra phy and Defining, WAring, F:ttglish Grusniner, Rano ' rte. logte. eom-minion and Criticism, Oen. rraphy, Ilteory, Andiarctie and the higher branches of llntlieromma, Natural Philo•ophy, ChC93.11417, As. tronuntr, Itotany, Physiology, Geoiogy, 'cuckoo:tad and Moral `Science, and all other branches requisite to a th..rough English liMucation -O.q 00 Classical Licpartmenblneludiug the Latin and Greek Loneanges, each - 00 French, • BllOO German, - • - - 810 no The services of competent teachers are secured for such as desire instruction 1111 French and German, and alto to - M . lllmnd, Pai n ting and Music. It IA destrable that pupils enter at the commence ment of a session, yet theyare received at any time, ruel arc charged at the above rates from the bone of entrance. No deductions me made for absences , ex icor ease. Or prOtrattfli I , urtle, inforrennon may, he otnaided. and applica itons made by canine open the Potion:led, at his rooms ' 00 Federal strreb or at his lodgings to "Irwin's Row," Liberty street, Pittsburgh, between ad.isno 4th streets, or by addressing, through the Pitubarch Pail Mee, the Proteipal. N. AV METCALF. Alircbrny, Aug 7, 1549 dtf PITTBEIVIIOEI THINALE-11118TITUTIC I , IIE almond &anon of thin Institution, under the care of Mr. and Mrs. Gosatotur, for the present academia year, will commence on the Gest of beim. ry next, in the same buildings, No. AZ Liberty street. Arrangement. have been made by 'Ouch they win be able to furnish young ladms (acuities equal to any In the West, for obtamshe a thobtagb English, Clam eat. and Ornamental education. A full course of Pho tier/plural and Chenucal Lectures will be delivered during the wi n ter, illustrated by apparatus. The den partmenbi of Vocal and Instrumental Music, lilevlem Languages, Drawing and punting, wit/each - be under the care of. competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and tutellectual improvement of t ihr,e pa. d., the Principals hope to merit a dontlnuntion of the p liberal patronage. they have hitherto enjoyed. For tenni, tee circular or apply to the Pttimiprdi Ja2O-dtt Sii - p - t - 1071 - 41117 I 1,1 - R. TllO9 K. lIIBBERT:—Dear Mr, Your WHI. GA MiIt:FLUID we have now been using more Mae fi ) e ar, tied on looking ove ue r the manes made by it, we nd an bright bl Mae: It plea:ant to unit, th,vs free, and does not clog is the pen like the ordinary niks in use. Wishing TOY the ready sale its merits demand, we are, yours respectfully, SIMPSON ft CO. Fousale, number with flibharCs Red Ink, and Ma chine Cup, lns, by R A. fIitOOPIOCI :& CO H P. Alleaheny City, and by tie rnanufactuver, T Gibbers.. Druggist and Ch.M., corner of Liber ty and Smahgeld au, Pittsburgh. oettil WATT.3311,11.11.11M1L. J 0111.3• 111111 Y.I.W /11.11 ; PALRIER., lIABIN A Co., TAN(Suceissors to "Hussey. Hanna Co.) KERS, EXCHANGE LIFICKERS, and dealer. in Forelgii and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposita, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite ale Dank of Pittsburgh. ‘. Causal ma y received on depeaile--Sight Cheeks for sale, and con cede. made ou nearly all the principal points in the United States. The hlchmt premium paid foi• Forcian and American Gold Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship pUd Lain on liberal terms. arid IiREATIPIVENVIOPP.—VALUABLE ISCRV! PATENT SCENE. JANUARY Ist, 1149. OVE Patent eresslexer extenxient Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Book Cases, Wilting Dezte. - LEVER OP WROUGHT IRON. fltlflC TABLES far surpassing ever/ other lo vention Cl the kind now extant. They can be ex tended Mel ten la twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are all nalitained inside; they are made to AI nixes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for stboats, Hotels, and Mtge private familles, fern ine w eam helftlased n complete centre table. CASPAR - AND BUREAUS—These articles are Instir liable, particularly to those who wish to emota nose rooni, awl convert a sleeping apartment inm part or or -ultlng rocltn, as they can be opened and shut nt cOuVemence, end when shot, the budding Is micros. rd. A great saving In room and rent. All the bed rornds when closed Mem a beautiful piece of furniture line s parlor or sitting rout. RttoN EASES--A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WIGTING DESKS—For lawofces,eounnup moms, and other °lncest when opened a mostconventent bed stead when closed n perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. All these articles need no recommendation: the onirty of the whole it. they we warranted not to get out of repair. It will be for your Interests to call and the wales, at the manufacturer's more, No. bit Third street Putabitrah. In addition to the above advitmages,rhey arc proof ahoilnet bugs. mehle JAilI}W WOODIVELL. 1..0W/CL/L. FLETCIi/GR, suncrscuenza or ALCODOL AND PURE SPIRITS, Comer From and Vine sures, Cincinnati. 0. CkiIDFIRS from hitzbari&li for /denim!, Pure Spirits, k . l Rau' or Rectified Whiskey, wilt he promptly al , er..1,1 no on I!!erFs , marker price. IMMO Itilt] firm of NICKLIN k BRYDEN'belog dissolver!, the Untlet.l,ned will matinee the Forwarding and Cotruniseind thtslness at. the steam boat !mutin FRANKLIN, and respectfully informs his ble nd that g, he hat gone to tho aiptinsir Of. It.hhavy Omani:tee bn the warabouhq and colaten,th for several year*, and trusts ho wllltiye entire autlifactiOn tit Cl who may patroahe him. Ho will receive freight at the Lower Landing. ' oetla • /* AMA RSVUKN ERBINGS-4 bbl, No 1.,1a store and for sale by 11 as r 8 - STUalrf & BILL • i ~.~ American Woolen, Goode, i rliEmbieriber hav cm hand, (received tse pees., i cesonocoosigned(rom the manufamovers, the fol• I uring Ginvile, urine!, ha is inthOrisedroelore atprices !cry loan •Si Notes yard aide Barred Planner: • 250 nein White Bed Blanked, ribbon booed, six pored* to the Wu, e 1 rose so pain Steamboat Blanket ribbeinbotmd, a ery superior article. . mires MO pries) Grey Mired Blankets. ".' • 150 pairs Dark Gentianalla Iline.l3lankets, • very m pear, article. oeaaes Grey aid Bluaßleatet Coating. ! 40 Keens Treed, Steubenville make; f ea . .se arson ed_plate end b erred leans, Steabenvide manafectoil. • 10in above goods are %Ir conaigned direct from the iaekri, sad evill.bosold.sery Is. for cash ornpproved. note, oct2P H. LEE, Liberty at, opposite *Us PIE.W . GOISDEIS • NU 101 P G OOI Bat .71 BARGAINB! BARHAINER. • , 'N&W FAL6 AMD•WINT&G Ma GOODS, -1 •ax Mrs aus sr xegam anaretvg, 02 Market at, betwoenad and th, Pittsburgh. . . , ARTII. L. RUSSELL, No: Ea Market Salver, between' TV Third and Fourth, sign of-the tme-soldiert Bee. Nive, has just commenced-receiving and opening the !arrest, cheapest and molt splendid stock of Fall and 'Wooer Dry Good • ever offered by one house in Pips burgh. Aft hftheie foreign goods hare been purchas ed of tha imposters per the inntSteltnen. from Faroe; and for richness of style and beauty of design see on surpassed in thin or any ether roulfel. The domestic and staple department will alw be found complete, nod cheaper than at any other house in thin city. The aubserther would here rupee:fa/1y rail the aneetton of his in:melees customer., and alt wihniug.to boy new and cheap' goods, to.the priced which will no doubt utonlah thcm,,belngdetermmed to sell cheaper than the cheapest Good dark Cells, only Scents per yard; Ilest-civollty dark Calms, fast colors, 8 to HO 4-4 British purple Prints, fait color Bto ICS Heavy Bed 'eking. from 6to ID eel , . per yd; Bleaches Bluslins, good qualitys to Cit per yd; Best quality Bleached l.uslins, 6 to In perds Beery yard wide Unbleached 41 ..1in5, 1t 0 41 .1' Good Ted Flannel, frem 15 t 0.23 cram per ydi Good yellow Flannel, 15 to 25 et. per yd. Good black Alpaca from 15 to 2S per ysi French Gingham. tram 10m-15 ma per y • Irish Linens at prices frorlisM to 1,00 pe r Salient and Kentacky Jes. Gnat m cis; Gloaking. and Lanseys froml2l 3L C 44 Heavy DOSISPInin Ginghasas 10 to In etE Crash and Diaper', all price. and qualities; LADIES , DRESS GOODS . A splendid assortment oral!. the newest wiles.. Thtbet Casihmeres in high colors, nob greidsi. Lapin French Thibet Merinos, the finest imported; Rich Crunelion Silks, in nil colors and qualities; Bleck Armen., beaquality; plat:Land strip.; Black Oro. de Rhine, all width. and qualineer Lupin's fine blaik Bonthsth!es, beanthol goods; do hot French Merinos, black and colored; do do do do in high do fine Freneh de Leie., all woo o l, l high colon; Rich Pied Cashmeres, beanutel goods, very cheap Lobed Sertna fillusling, for evening dreamt; Brothel Thies Sear* lam Importation; • Bent quality French Kid Glove. ,all colors; . Silonrning Cashmeres and de Lames, all pnees; Ladieeembpsidered Reek Ties, epleodid good., Lactics finest gamins: French linen 11dk66 Belling Ribbosip is full usortmenu - Worked Capes, Coll., and Cars, in great variety Bb-ch and colored C.pc.. all 00.1111 vs Brocade Lames, In W e colors en , s , l4t . i i :dltle.; Mohair Cemelion figurs, rich g • French Cloakings, wpero goads,lig einlono Also. black Brame! Lame, all undths and pneem Black silk Fen es, grid.. and heavy, beat goal ie Together with a large stock or white Goods, Swum, Inconet and Mail Nun Una, betides a very large and mrperls noel of Fall Bonnet Ribbon., of the latest portation and most fashionable styles. Many of the . above goods have last arrived per the last steam,. , 8010 EomPel end are wonky Ma attention of thole. dies. SHW! SHAWL A splendid assortAment LS of Ahown— S!" Super grim .ire Pretteh Long Shawls. ben imp'd i Slums e.strn Else Long Broehe, finestgaging; fittperb dan by Long Plant Shawls, nett colors; „. Best quality square Maid fine wool_fibtwlst ' " Inch %12..•1x 118'4"14 Super black and white, all wool, Mug Shawls; Soper elm size Lona and Scere Mourning ;Blow's: Pam printed BasinsMee Shawls, in great varteryi, Terkeri — all prices kquall, Mode embed Tbibet ••• Black heavy silt fringeii " • Black and male Colored heavy ninth Shawls; White .mb'd Thibet Simons, beautiful goods; Highland pl'd long and urre Shawls. very cheek Mounting Shawls and Scarfs, in great variety - , Also, a large lot of .plaid Blanket Shuwis, (min is to 111,00. Together with a full supply of Glove?, Mitts nry, with on articles usually` kept in Wholesale, d Retail Dry Goods flouso—odt of which will bq t prices to defy competition. irr store„No . s!orey_No MMaLket.ireet WILLIAM.L.RU&SEL" (1 ARBUTHNOT has eibmieneed to memo C large assortment of Woolen Comforts and bloodtg Hoskin, Berlin, buckskin and w oolen Glove-al Thibet, cloth, moan de laln and blanket Shawls; cash' mere, worsted and woolen Ilose• Pongee and linen ildkfa; silt aid satin Cravats and kiewfri Gimp. and Fringes; Inch Linen. Table Covers, Crapes, Ribbons, Laces, bleached hod 'colored Mug:Ms:Tabby Velvet., Patent Thrmids, newtor Silt, Cottons, Gum Pospen. derv, Puts, Percus.inn Cant. Almanacs. common tad gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pnekt et and table Cutlery, and many othergoo)a which'annuity and city Merchatiw respectfulfy invited o CIII9JIIO. spilfr JPAYlrgThrt gIasSUPADTUISINGS CO, . IkrIANUFACTUDE and will keep on hand Family DI. and Swam Boat Blanke C o ati ng, Flminels, blue, brown and drab Blmtke Satinets and Washita Yarn, which 'they will sell at Eastern prieta Warehouse No 111 Second st, Pittsburgh, Pa Faetery, New Slave_,,Fayette ens Pa. ansPl NEW GOOD tUFE have just received a lame and complete stock YF CLO .Kit, Variety msd Fancy Good., am ble !ne on e to tot telt, with every desenption of Umbels 4.lasers panufaciumd at One o wn stein power woo in this csiy, mk the anceden of West ern Merehasiss and other dealers. KCNNEDY to SAWYER, spl7o essis Wood and Fourth at. DRY G•ODS. 7//1311 - PHY, WILSON i CO.. No. lb Woon - Btl., Pmsbams, • k RR now receiving their usual supplies of Goods LI tor tan Fab ._-noon, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old customer., and ea many new ones as may feel inclined to pre.. of themselves. Always taking crest pnins to lay in mob goods as are adapted to Me want• of the Western trade, widen long experience erumnies them to no, they canny with much confidence,and without elinerung tote detail of their ock,'Mat the Westdrn retail• merchant will Grid with ham all that his caitontem rekture. Those who have orated me unprolibuile habit of repairing no the I.:m.lcm cities toe thelL stock. of Um Goods, would do well to call, as a c sctid comparison of pri ces would in many eases result in the conviction that tht expense of going further way be obviated by boy. lug in Pittsburgh. 0,13 DEW PALL GOODS. UT R. hIURE.III Is no receiving his first Fall kV supply of Foreuget an Domestic GOODS, and SG already opened an asso ent of new and beauti ful styles dark fali PRINTS, lwarranted fist color.; and neat new style Fall Mucha de Leiner; Alpaccas and Alohakr-Luitres; Damask fig'd and striped Barmen°. and Lyonese Clothe; Ohne moot clearable colon; and a full SUPP I II bleached and unbleached Muslin., Irish Linens, ali chaster Ginghami, he, at northeast earner Fourth and Market sm. Buyers are inched m call and ace. .pts ILITAR GOODS.--Capi, Plumes, Irrards. Sash- MI es, Ppankates, Lace, Buttons, Slms, and Ail Me trimmtnes necessary to equip volunteer compames. • irr Volunteer emparttes equipped as complete and cheap as done In the Eau, as tooUilir g Sure r ne Market and,rounb sm. W W WILIV SG P. S .-ATlte Ultimo States Buss and Tenor Drums, of Germantown make, fee sato and warranted by spll W. W. W. BEIACKLETT dr• WRITIC, DRY GOODS UOBBERS; . . wow.) lITHEET, ARE now receiving vet,. large Moak of fresh Gerona, of re printacc and importation,which they will milt° the mark at each prices as calumit fall to give entire pi:WM . .lkm. City awl iNiantry Merchants arc Invited to call and examine nut meek before purchaaing ' fallii[iiiii - ifiWP .71 , 7 - Cafil7 ---- RECEIVED and now open fov exam'. fllllll milieu, • new and fp endid assort ment of 7 Octehe Pianos Pom “Chick cone Boston, among them a fall calmed Loins XIV. ordered for one of our cartoons, who las kindly permitted it to remain in my want room to day t Wednesday) for oaf bloom . Those who mayksWif o desire to see and hear this alpttalid speettnea or on, are retrteellitlly iavitt d to call y day an the store of JOIIN II hi PLLOR, el Wood st Agent for Chlakering's Pi • nos for Western N. oetl7 comm . . ICFIT BATHS FUR (NE DOLLAR, on a single „CA Bath for fifteen eenis. Ladles Department open fr... p ton Bork, end a ma o'clock, P. K. Atheneum Saloon and ilathmg Eatiblishment. ' M . PALL. Proprietor - - RiA• ft .TalatT.Per having attended my brother,* o died of consumption In March, 1542, 1 WAS taken kick with the Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the thsenie, that for four years I was unable to anted to my Waimea; either at home or •broad, being for the moat time confined to my bed. During the above perij od med erne., I had expended for medical Intendancy o regular Physicians mid icine to 'the amou of lalthl, without receiving any ben ; efit Mendes,. nt In July, 150, I commenced taking Dr. Jaynebi Medi cines, and hare taken them more or less ever since, weand believe that Tvsay aa by perseveringcompletely in their am, at I tan now truly that have men-. re/ my health. f believe that Jaynes Sanative PiUo sod Expectorant are the best family medicines now In itte. • I reside ut fiptingfield, Otsego cottaty, N. V. and carry on n furnace and machine shop in that place, and am not interested In any manner to the sale orate above medicine, and make this certificate [orate ben efit of thorn atlicted. ELLIAA EATON. SP.nrCteld , N. V,sept. la 1549. rat 07 p, 'DUREN A. CO B Daily Express is nuts regularly de. Lit Meting Ci and Seed OYSTERS, slack are of fered to dealers nod (imams at the lowest prices. ILdslltY wdmmted edam! to any brought to Bdo mar. km, and for sale by J. C. BIDWELL, Agt, Water st. Also—Al the following depots—Reis 0. &Lg., ear ner Smithfield and Second It E. Ileasletaa, Diamnadi .11.re.r b Robbuou; Fedend ,Allegbuy. *sal; - - L. WE DI CAI - "•••!,''' ' $ r„ F...,,,,,, p.t.. .A. la; --- , Mr. S. E Etelterm•Deas p S e a 11471 ' 1 8 1; P a t ray d I orb ' 0 , be P.R.. 10l ASSI &a 10 the cronll of. Pow Lion gilt, to Mtn the coed ofeeta produced by wee nes hi i. y own ease Dori:lid:a month cr.huterlsts, Lilo 0 ~,t,a,cay uncut!. fah.* Ma mr MmUmul drell ProoralM,. with severe gun in iny aul °olden. L was Uld by smascal men that my ante °o` Hseven: stack of. Jiver moulaTot. I took euv*. osea at hPLanebilAser Pills,,and sonseourap• *Web. I ana bald . Was nood . kor thauLaeue, *ann. it y l ..I To under nuirr:rse. n mi .knap4=lttlodb=hoino. fy * fre ; III:7. ehrl=Y.'6l.lll.ll,tl;:l:e474 ti ; , lal km • bat of Sellers' Liver Pala frosts hielt,had hone/Wed bin sel7 cancli. I. feni at fora boz of you Ulu, pa', and hy the am,,,t, wu Mum Wulf than.! was Waded that, h Rauh le the insdacue•thitt salted : my cue. I unt for .. kin( L ,.., i n a took nye k on ion COM / And founi.Mtool( n.,t entirely cared; bat in March lasl I cuss ht a mom. Cold, which MURAL back the. discus...tad in.a.shOtt, Ouse I woo as b•d•aentr, raeoin - Msd/mectomoS Ma_ roar Lives Puii, audsook them cony other +Ott, . sa weekty.and occasionally sione,and / eau =mug: i t nt a !,le s if 4 ;x4eo c == l, lmitattle . lf d, in k mot t r t ,- d now as it has been for thafforlltt yew* ~ ,_ ,_:, My I neighbors ask roe wbe,onto sty domOr. ~,P al them that seilen' Lion Pilla anss nu idattor, and Op bleolesatng of Donn providance the *cam of =Jai l toe. fate confident that whentbepabile booml , Se s ~4 mined with :be colas, of yourf.neoltills, ilio do. for the will 1119ica. Magyar my aeishb drd r o pitool I have recommended the pills, can toe.* to . valise, as arelios to the facts Move staled. Rupeatfally You; 4 1 0308 Ira il ° pile was Pciacc,-ba On7usid,'Only, tote aitilittrali! -- e /nor Pills aos Mum/ by O. b; No to oJoi have his name stamped in black waz upon the lid ot r hub Se; mil hos otetilMis. on, theolikode.MPlSnme wren others are nuderfens, or bow inilmions.,„ !I WV IT E BELbeas, Propnelor I? Weed at If 1.. inicift—earEaa, , A mushy the noosed BUSLCIT.APPess nutted with • yesenguao teas noose old P foansund. nd noeo luessauesm.soitAP • inoniaudits. Icall e- Dr.Teartudnd's Suunarl denominatbrit i OEVIIINS, Mena, etc This Townsend t. no tom for and re sr/MT arta Ant sustain:oft la worker ate rant' and WI like ~ Yet he aututtuftlatitfde !of Dr. for the puma., of gaming credit for Mut beta , not. He is Scanlan oat cards headed 'Tricks of ,Quacks,* in sohleh nuys I hare mild tho Use of on /name for 117 a own., I wall S. P.Townsend 888 , S he will produce one single solitary proof of Buz—% ,Thla is hi caottoo the pablic not to be deceived. and !purchase none_ hot the ONITIIINEOSIOISAL OLD Dr. Jacob Tossaaend'S falltapailfill / blrylke emit the Old Dr.'. .b ..tor, In family condor amount Inuit. nun &emu in coat of auss. !- .• JACiIIITOWASEN4 , Prionpal Oftlea, DTI Hawn at, New York Clty. . . OLD . . • " ' ikiC%riiii -r- ' 1 ♦ . JACOB- TOWISUADr THE muatme.r., .Discovanwrf TOWNSEND. . inidlli:l.l?;.LLorrtkse4d nittow,iiaahingiyoeimi 11,,t,mmm BHK oftbeGENINWEDENNLTOWNENO---- SARSAPARILLA.* . Being poor, hi wasonmpellod, to titan matturantute, by it'steani h ha. kept out of market, and. esa.amica stapotateti4d those only who hat proved tt, monk and known Its value. This Gunn ma Damp:ay.= Packatartnalli manuCastared on ;Um lamest acale,..and Li callerlfar throughout the length and breadth or the /and: Unions yortng• S.P. Towtorendt, ft Improves wilt age, and neve, changes,. bettor the Maar; Masao mks • Is prepared on mienufm principles bra rmettogomilk The highest knowledge or ttennstry,- and. Umlaut diseovenea of Me 1,11 ,1aVe.4 been hroughtfintOlM c i u ll l . i ' e Ti n S t a he rs M p u ar u l r aaMteO; et h w Ol DoVw, noapa. mod: lent men contains medicinal Propenies, and wium pro- ponies which-ore Inert or useless; and when, width; If retained in preparing it for rise,iprodette formema, lion and acid, which Is Injurious to the opium. Semi the prop.nies of Santapatilha sire :so volatile thin they entirely evaporate and are lost In the 'proms,. U., if they are not preserved t e il stemmata* proems, known only to.those experlene -Wits maneranntre. Noreover them volatile pruaciples DAM For. erne an estimation, under beet, are the very co. sandal medical prom:nos of the too; which glossa. It all its value. The _131g311:10114 • OLD DIL JACOB TOPINSENITSSAILSAPARILLA is so prepared: that al the ken propenin of the Barr sapazilla root are first removed, every Ong capable of becoming acid or of kruseunitinis,,m„e=rsesn and rammed; then every particle of mcdlealvinue Is yeas red 'le • pare and coneemrated form; mad thus IVIS .rendered map.. of Toeing any or its rainabie an/ healing properties. Prepared in this way, It la Made the most po - serful agent In the • 4 • ' - CURE reasonNlAß coinsASE% • t. Hence the why we hearendation en every side In its savor be men, women and children. find it doing wonders in the cure of Conan:quinsy Dyapepsia, end Lieu Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and Pile. Convenes. all Casanovas- &nos nns, Pimples, Moines, and all affections arena; freela IMPURITY' OF TOE BI.001). ' ssesses a mycelia. efficacy ha all notipbdrua anteing from Indirstion, from Amin of the Stoma, It; from unequal circa:anon, determination of blood torn head, palpitation of the hoary cold fecgandeold hamds cold chills aad hot flashes OTCr the body Et Pax net had Its nerd b coughs and erg.; andp rroinotcreltry expecte:anon, and gamin pernininary rlo tune of the langs,hroar, and every other part • Barrio nothing is Its excellence more manifeigjedas F " the Womb,Obstrcled,Suppnwed,orPain, fal s, Irregularity of the men..nuil periods. and to sae; and Is effectual in wring allfortoseftheil nay Disco... By rent) obsdvotions, and regula ting the general syste, It gnes, tone .W .L-tragth thew bor, and cure. all forum • o , : NERVOUS DISEaSES AND DEBILITY,' . • and thu. prevent. er relieve...a grout variety of Wm.., as Spinal Irritation, Nortra/gia,. Dance, Sweetung, Epileptic Flt. Coeval-lons, ' Is nOt tlus, then, TOM MiODICIN. TOO Far-Enuntert.rNmsur But ens any article? thing. be said of S. P. Town scud'. interior article? Thu. young maul liquid AS not to be COMPARED waif THE OLD DIEJS.'' ' wean...of the Grand Fact, that the one is incapable of betemontion end NEVER SPOILS,whIIe the oth er DOfi.M; it soon, 'ferments, in. blows the' bon).* containuag blob fragments; the sour, wid liquid ea plotting. arid damagurg other good.! Must not this beta. Mlle compound be potion° e bete system? What! put acid um a syrteta already ditwavd with acid , What causes Dyspepsia but acid! Do we nolo!! know, that when ft od sour. In oar remaeha'shat nalsekia& it produ cast -flatulence, heartburn, palpitation. of the heart, Hoer complaint, diarrhoea, dysentery, enact arid eon - whoa of the blood! What. t3crofhlatiutwactid humor in the b.f./. What poduces al the bunion' watch bring an Eruption. of the Shin.' Scald Hood, Gall RheuraErysipelaaWhite Swellings, Fever-Soros; Lid all ulceration. Internal and eaternall fa now- ' ing under hear, bat b pd e anbinance, which' Ades, and thus apoils all theis of the bodr.motenr What causes Rheumatism bat a .sour acid Auld, which insumates Itself between the joints and et-crenate, tr.! tinting and Inflaming the tender and delicate - name's upon which it nee! Po of nervous dmeasea, of imp& ray of the blood, of deranged eireolationa, and nearly all the ailments which WIWI human nature. Now, is it not horrible to make ed soli and infinith , Vt./ 0 1.1111 , 4 rf use . s ENTLNG ACID "COMPOUND. OF S. P. To tiNSEND: andyet he would fain have it understood that Old Ja cob Townsend'. Genuine Orignal Sarsaparilla, is an Imitation of his inferior reparation!! Ikaren forbid t t h at w p e should dal In an article which would bear the most distant resemblance tog. P. Towlsend's and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaint. and crintination. front agents who have nod, and m at wrs who hare goad S. P. Townsend's Fermenting Compound! We yeah it undersmod, becalm In the absalabs trout, that S. P. TowsueruTs article and Old Dr. Jacob , Townsend*. Sarsaparilla ate hoween‘wide apart, tad infinitely dissimilar; that they ace unlike in every par. bonier, having not One ninglo thing on COO=On. i• to arrest hard. upon the unfortunate, to Pokr baler into ...doled humanity, to kindle hope laths depositing bosom, to restore health and bloom and xi , gor we toe crashed and OfOkell and to banish hand ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to bring his Oauo UN IVERSAJ. CONCENTRA TED REiIt.DY, within the teach, aud to the knowledge of all who need it„ th at they may learn and know, b loyfalez. Poticure,ll.tuanautancor Tows. TO naafi y !.• For salt, by J. MUD dr. CO., WWleaide Amin. foo 1 We Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Dirodngba-a, Dr, J: SAIt(IEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, Filth ' , card, G. W. GARDNER, eth ward, Pinaharch .pl 3 Jaysamst Expectorant. .1 1 ss Z. Z., Cohunbianalvi-e, Ayr. 24, ISII: DD. JAYNES: Data Sum-teed ' bound 'to yoa ,1,/ and the &Slimed public, to as I myaelf of ibises.. ponunity °fairing publicity to the extraordinary edect• of your Expectorant on myself.- khlrincheep militated for teveral years with a severe coug h, hectic Saver and its concomitant diseases, and aurae only deemed to linger out a Shen bet miserable ezimenee,untli the havingof 1e.19, when, being more severely attacked, and resorted to all my former ;Medi* and dill Pre. se:lotions of two of the most respectable physicians in the heighbOrhetOd without deriving arty benefit, or ,the conwilation of aurviving hut a few days or weeks a/ • fartbest-when the last gleam of lupe wo, about vanish, I had recommended to ma poor E.tpecrotans and blessed by thatitemg- who does all thing, in We use of the nwans-tad contrary to the expectation* f my physicians and friend*, I was ins few days wis ed from my bed, and was entailed by the an of a boldest. , attend to m ybusinass,,enjoEingamtie better health than I had for ten years previous. ' . - - Raspeelfully loom d.e., • • rat: W. Eartli - For ante Is Pittaburgh, al the Pekin Tea Eltere,lo Routh street. Or; liarinielCati;Ofth irerTipmessiu'ldarTerecy; His success in Mrel* sad other large cities has been proverbiaL His charges aro moderate, and his cures permanent. Old eases ofeleet, Blarentrei Very cula, Fluor Mhos, ilheematisab AlParAlFkiiih or aa7 chronic or inveterate cues solicited: - • A core ararrnmeti, or oltargo refunded,. Omen, St. Clair strest,2 doom from the Bridga.,. Teeth Retracted. Advice to Ma poor-pis: • N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worst eases . .. d dialdtas i, ~ ..I', ! !!?ar.gh. to .747 GREJC.34OOD GaUDEII . °Pan far viotters .1111 the let Janis ry, a s Ot ate rs-and other &fragment,. mitt nto the Fe. , n w il l be kept' The arectheitise. can noning a large colleonon of rare and eking Planta, will be o{.l to vieitan lloquets neatly put Imo at short notico throughout the season. •An Oninlhan leaves the Allegheny end of the It Clair lltract Bridge, every half hour dann Cap tai ns roman to the Barden, and the ferry boat, Walker, Tens from the Point, landing a Mon diatance shorsilistiafr„ den • Patsies wishing no spend the Ivenitor, will bit accommodated with return Onntlbm Os . 10 otetOch P.M. Kept on Temperance principle/1 and .1..4°. nnolay. otl3 J. N'KA lty Athemesus. BAleals.and BathLaa. tab. ligthasicat. .1 - ' • - *pHs PROPRIETOR Is - cow_ piergued le• op melds .1101 tow, In torRIMIAR by the day orlygek. r.24APPALI.O seti 4 , .PRIT'ARddt ~ _."‘„,a al ; . 4 0 . a ' . EIEMSI