The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 20, 1849, Image 2

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aurrric stripaas, rmcu gram, riuT WM , TO
.- Dellwaper —57,00 per annum.
Weekly, (in advaneel• -• •• • •" - V°
: % DX Iso po., at • reduced rate.
OriSq arec 02 lines of Nonpareil,) One
:it leo 110,
Onoate, each additional in !anion. • • 0.23
one week
Z2O It6o
Do. two weeks
Do. , three weeks 323
Do.ox month ......... ••••• •• • 4,M7
Do. three monum••• • .........
Do. 4z
Do. twelve months.• • • --
00.0 1 . ispo
standing.C•rd (6 lines or lug,) per a 0,00
&tape, rhangeable••— 2000
For etteld additional square, Inserted one month, or a
=Wr len/Ith Of time, anis for etch addition.' Minton
, Med er the,y,early'ratca. half price. ,
AnnOnn ids (for mince. of every emP•
I tia.) 7 . 7 btd t uned at the rate of fi ty cent s per week.
• for etch name; the same to be patd advance In all
The pnvilifes of poorly adverti.en confined
rigidly to the eregelar butanes., and all ether advcr
tinerneate not pertaining to their regular boliness, as
• .4nad foe, to be paid extra.
All advertitements for charitable inaltatioto, fire
cemipanisth ward. townidtip and miter public them.( ,
and seek like, lb be etiarged half price.
• Ddlrlirrie notices le be chanted 20
Deaths inserted Willinttlehame, ante. acemnPoited
by funnrel in eitanont or mituary notices, and when
.o accompan ed ta bey 1 for.
. • Regalia adveruser. and MI other. sending come..
theattenth• or tespairtng notices designed to call 0110,..
tine Fur., Soiree.. Oaken., or any public enter
tairtmente, where Chaffee are male for ode:14110e
' Polleell of private riarocrancoe,overy notice de
signed w tall attention to private en. e•kula
Led or Intended io promote indtvidual interne, can on
bei...n.d *tit the onderstandlug that the same '
to be paid for,
VII•WelIel, IN DAILY Mean.
One dquarep three , nacations 111,30
Do. • ear 0 !Oda:noel interne n• •• • 27
•ovierreactiver weak. reratt.
1 - One equate, (12 (tea,) 0,,e i naemen• • • •CU cu
On , each arldteonal ha.ervon • •th '•
tu-rtuvastiar. are earnosoy requeinto to nano in
heir (loon beam S P. v.., and as early in the day
prattleable. 'Advettlwasentivriot intoned for a speeil
tied time will invariably be charged until ordered our
Advertise:hems and subscriptions to the North Amer
*Wend United Stews fitmette, Philadelphia, received
sad forwarded from this office.
Lsoal and Court mitten have made large de.
muds upon our ecdrimus today, and will be found
quite interesting.
COIM OW TUN tasamtsearLats—We were no little
mortified to find, yesterday morning, that some
Interesting telegraphic items, which we were en-
titled to teneive, by oar contrnat, 'acre not in
paper. We were told teat it originated through
some mistake of the person whose duty it is to
famish our reporter with such news. , Such mis
takes are among the most annoying items in an
mnsl life—which has no lack of daily vexations.
While the telegraph, bas added , much to the
facilities of the community for the transmission of
IMrly intelligence, it has been. a source of almcst
inmitigated annoyance to the preen adding largely
to its expense., without any corresponding rot urn,
and sobjecting it to perpetual disappointments
- and vexations. One principal source, of difficulty
',ls, that there to no way of controlling the amount
Of Chattier of 550 DOW] transmitted—an agent
hundreds lof miles distant having to be misted,
and the expense being 53 great that an extensive
combination has to be gone Into, Heide to constant
disarrangement of its machinery, and promotive al
frequent misunderstandings.
Under such a elate of affairs it is almost impos•
able to prevent occesionel mustakos, 'dad bitter
dulappoinrments, and if our readers ever feel in•
eined to complain, they may be ensured that we
feel tea fold more kieuly then they do on the sub
ject, and that our efforts are unceasing to prevent
delays and reran. .
, Tat bon Convorrion.—This impnrinnt ninem
blage, compneeil of delegates from various aeono.
of tho Union, win matt in this miy, at the Soprem
Court Boom, an aczt, at 10 o'clock
• The Philadelphia American expresses the opal
!oh that the determ , nation of the Directors of the
'Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to finish that work to
Wheeling in a little over two peon, will stimulate
the Olsen, of Philadelphia to a new and earnest
endeavor to push the Pennsylvania Central road
to a 'needy completion. We wust this will be the
ease—indeed we feel quite confident it will be.—
it is clearly the interest of Philadelphia to do co,
and we have the most abiding confidence in the
good walla and enierprize of her einerns. We
expect to learn In a few Jaye, that the whole line
bordered under contract, with directions to posh
ire oitoplctiola with all tie rapidity which mean
eau commend.
' The Philadelphia North American copies some
paragraphs from this paper, iri relation to the ob
atreletion to the navigation of the Ohio, by the
Wheeling Bridge, end comments as follow.:
We, present these extract. in the hope sod
expectation that the I/rectors of the Pennsylva
nia Railroad and the Board of Trade will respec
tively institute such inquiriev,, and adopt such ac
tion in the premises, an the great interests com
mitted to them may seem to require."
Tag Passau:l Rause. —The Hagerstown
News says, that them is a probability of the re
cottemeten and revival of besiness on the Prink
La icailio ad, from Pennsylvania to that place. A
ctmpaay of Northern capitalists have the matter
is contemplation, and if the necessary image
meats can be made, it will be carried into effect.
Several, gentlemen connected with this company
lave already travelled over and cam: mad the
road, and expressed their muishiction with its lo
catiat sad . ability to do bosinesi. It will more than
likely be extended to tho Chesapeake and Ohm
Canal at Williamsport, or to intersect the Balti
more and Ohio Iladroad. at; Hancock, if once in
the hat:ids of this-Company.
IdAssamstrsrrrs Eircruan.—The Ralston Adver
neer saya that, although tho Whig candidate for
Governor Is not chosen by the people, be wants
but chant 1,000 votes, In a vote of over 100,000, of
'wine majority over all others. Ho loads tho
Democratic Candidate 21,000, and • the Abolition
Candidate more than 25,000, and almost obtains his
election over both.
Thotsame paper adds, with regard to the 4th
Congrewsicual District, that Mr. Palfrey will prat
bly aeir,er be run again, except for some temporary
• . Of Actsoos purpoile. la a vote or about 12,000
the majority against him is about 3,fi00, although
at the last trial, partly through ,this negligence of
the Whtgs, he came within 700 antes of an
Urn. t
Tux Wwafasso Burs—nur Wheeling neigh
, bars, on the 115th iota., celebrated the opening o
their Bridge. Among the speakara was Hon. a
W. Thompsoti t of Indiana. We mire an extract
Ikons his speech to illustrate a position we laid
down, in ouioppowtion to the Bridge—to wit,-
' that it would be the precedent for numerous surds
lir atrtictures, on. all our western waters, If per
milled m illed to wand, by which their navigation would
be materially Impeded. The following I. the ex
, tract i•—•
"But," said the eloquent speaker," the Bridge is
there, and it will be there. Our progress ID on
. ward—onward to the highest destroy that ever
*Waited any Patton. As well might you attempt
to-chain the tornado as to arrest that progress.—
The opposing efforts of your Pittsburgh neighbor,
• ' remind tee of the calf which the Inshmm met-tn
the railroad trick, nuempung to stop the mmetu
mut cue"` Faith," said he, "1 admire your coot•
but the died take your discretion."
I - at We hive heard of your Bridge in Indiana, and
we have not been ignorant of Ito prepare and its
I pupates. Let me assure you that in that State •
*crow of railroads are weadtly tending towanls
1 .. one great thoroughfare, and pointing as unernbgly
1 • as the needle points to the poll, to dia wart rad of
that Bragg! And We too are going to erect
bridges to Indiana, and we intend to take yours m
a model too. (Cheers) Not only will your bridge
• mime there, but other. like it will be erected at
ottmr.points on the Otto, ay, and more than all
ibis, the great Father of ' Waters will be bridged
' It will be dene. You know, and Europe, knows
and ell the world knows. that what American en
4erprise dare do, tt troll do, and what it mill/1 to do,
tl caw do! Not only.artll your bridge reinsuo there
- when lam forgouelo, but similar hodsee will span
the broad wetter* of the Mississippi. binding to an
••• : iron embreoe the East end the Went, and bidding
. deflaace to the wers ot disemon and dismem.
- berment. Long pa ler r aspirnoto base been
forgottio, when the castle piles of Kings and
youtad and r oppor.mts ahttli bate passed
• ' away with the parchment in welch their petty
'Latham. and their declarations are written, the
towers of your noble structure shall inand U e
, • moainceat to your moire,. enemy and genie."
• thl•fireirioregg Root r, for Octob er,
• • •
• The American reprint of this celebrated Quarterly
. • • has been received by M. P. Morse. 4th Street, who
is agdat fur all the British Quartet ben, and Black
, WOW* Mayen.
Thurtimise—ismoog the' telegraphic
items We failed to receive, by mnitake, yesterday,
Was one announcing the dean:let/on of the Ste..
boat Louisiana, at New Weans, at 5 o'clock,-P•
M., on the 15thiesx, by the bunting of her boilers.
§be was tent to atoms, tither nearly all on board.
The steamer Horlons and Storm, lying near, were
also greatly inpred.
A private despatch, published by the Journal
Rays that the Louisiana wee about leaving the
levee when the explosion mciplace. Over ONE
the Boston& and Storm were nearly d edlroyed•
.The cabin of the Hatton, was completely blown
off, and the Louisiana shattered to atoms and abut
She had a very valuable cargo on board. Cap.
min Dustin of the batons wee slightly injured.
J. F. Whinen, m Piusburgh who was on his way
to California, was injured, but it Is thought would
Tux Nev Jersey Bute•'Parif Convention as-
isembled in Trenton, on Wednesday, Para Cos,
ax. President. They resolved that the Tariff of
1648, while some of its &stares are unobjectiona
ble, has in its operation been very` - injurious to all
the great manuftetarieg Interests of the State
They ask a modification of Us dones, such as will
enable them to enter in "fait" competition with
foreign manufacture. A commiuee to prepare an
address, nod delegates to attend the Tariff Con
vention at Pittsburgh, were appointed. The sub
ject wilt be pressed upon the next Congress.
Ramaiums Lonotrrre.—The Westminster
(Md.) Carroiltonian slates, that a colored man nam•
ed Charles Robertam, owned by M. 0. Coekey,
q, Finlraburg, in Carroll County, died on Fri.
day lut, aged one hundred and three years and
wawa months. He strictly observed temperance
in all thinga; was never known to be guilty of a
falsehood; and never uttered an 0101. He leaves a
daughtu aged 81.
Tax Minton to the Germanic Confederation
has been abolished for want of an organised gov
ernment to receive our diplomatic representative,
Mr. Donne Son. The experiment of this Confed
eration enabled him to pocket an additional outfit
for travelling from Berlin to Frankfort, and to re.
aline the nice little consideration of some thirty
and more thousand dollars for a year in diploma
cy. So it is stated in the Philadelphia North.
Agora Nuance cc —A correspon
dent of the N. O. Picayune, writing from "up the
blinaissppi," makes a bog story about a murderous
affair which occurred on tho 15th of October, at a
Place eddied "Rough and Ready," in Arkansas.
In brief, the story Is that a Dr. Bedgerpeth and
his son Leigh, a boy of 17, murdered a lad of 19,
named Griffith, each shooting him; the alleged pro,
°cation being that Griffith had threatened to kill
Redgespeth, for an attempted seduction of Griffith'.
taster in law.
Jag previous to .the killing 01 Griffith, a friend
of his, named Brown, in his company, was wash
ed and killed, by one MrPeters, an associate of
The latter is said to hare been welded, exam
ined snd discharged. His son, the boy Ltigh, and
the associate MePaws, WO said to nave made
their escape.
Groacna.—grout the message of Governor
Towns, transmitted to the Legislature last week,
e learn that the Whigs leave the eneaces of
ho State in a very thmeshing meanie:: . The re-
oeipts into the treasury Or the fiscal guar ending
o. the 31st of October show an increase over the
last two years, while the disbursements have heel
managed with economy. The balance in the
treasury, alter providing for the expenses of Gov
ernment,interest on the State debt, various ap
propriation. far the benefit of education and State
institutions, amounts to 1520,534 51. The public
debt of the State-Is $1,529472 22. Of this sum
(the Governor remarks) "less then 6 2 3,0 00 ore
payable in Jemmy, 185.5, and $lO,OOO in Jo , y,
1553. The balance of our bonds are payable '
from 1663 to 1574—making the entire public debt
redeemable in twenty.five years." The Governor
recommends the adoption of a sinking fund, in
equal annual instalments, and thinks the numuct
required would not be over 660,000 per annum,
and also that authority be given to apply any
surplus that may be in the treasury at the close of
each fiscal year. This would enable the State to
dial:barge bar obligations at or bekre the respec
tive periods at which her bonds tall due.
The report of the Chief Engineer of the West.
ern and Atlantic Railroad is submitted, showing
the prosperous condition of that greet enterprise
It is the pride of Georgia, the exclusive proprty of
the State, and, when completed, will act have cult
lee. than 5t,500,000. It is calculated that car•
will run through Ito tunnel of Etowah Mountale.
near Chattanooga, by theist of.Tanuary,, thus
uniting, by the aid of Weam, the aeabord elate At
lantie with the telisaLrippi.
The message dwells at lenitb upon the atioption
of a mote equitable-made of taxation, and other
local matter..
Amman= or Porracia —A Wiwhiriaton corre
spondent or the North American says that the pub•
tic will be gratified to know that the Post Maser
General , intend. recommending •• reduction of
postage, and the establishment of a uniform rate of
five cents. This measure of reform has long been
needed, and ran now be adopted,, if the majoritica
in Cone= are disposed to accondthe popular and
judiciotta suggestions of Mr. Collamer. Indeed, if
his views could be folly carried out, predicated a.
they axe upon a careful examination of the whole
system, three cents would be the rote filed by
FL= MARION COVIIIT. - WO have private ad
vises, say. the Little Rock Democrat, from Marion
County, Arkansas, up to the 13th instant. Oen.
Wood was at Yellville, with a company of seventy
Eve men. Captain Denton's company had been
discharged at CMOILLOII.
On the 13th the Circuit Court of Marion adjourn
ed until court in course. Indictments for murder
had been found against Nelson Stratton, Jesse N.
Evemn, Robert Adams, - and Alexander Cowin.
These men are all .in confinement,. and are
strictly guarded by the military. Thera is con
siderable excitement throughout that section o
century; and we are Informed that General Wood
with the company under his command , will re
main far the present an Yellville, fur the porpose of
guarding the prisoners..
France and Me United States
The Journal of O.[ILOCITC, as a chock upon the
attempts MOW making to get up an extra flurry
about the diamlsaal of Mr. Potwain, cophs the
lowing portion of a letter Gym im regular Paria
corresponded, (Mr. Walsh n
"Nome here thinks of • war . hetween France
and the United States. The new minister, M.
Bois le Compte, is an experienced diplomatist,
with the repute of sound sense and good temper.
The Coneurstional of this morning observes; — 6 As
the return steamer Informed President Taylor that"
the French Government, before it beard of what
had taken place at Washington, gave a suoceasor
to Major Ponwsin, and has not withdrawn the nom- .
ination, nothing can prevent the Immediate re•
sumption of diplomatic relations between the two
countries Besides, they might have remained
suspended, without any risk as to peace between
the two Governments, if either had thought prop•
ex to delay that resumption, as COlllllllll io this
case serve as &plot:new agents." Independently
of all direct considerations, the political aspect of
Europe and domestic perplexities and perils are
sufficient to absorb French vision and policy. If
President Louis Napoleon were no Inclined,( which
In not at all the caeca ha could not bring the Lep
Winners body, nor any sane Cabinet, to the .Xtr.M.
ay of buntlines with our Union. The Treasury is
too low for an expedition even to Le Plata, and no
cticuluor doubts that the army at Botha will yet
en./ linty millions of francs."
Urns rano nit PRIMIDICIT ,- A friend of clam
(soya the Nem York Commercial Adverthierd tak
ing a Lively interest In the eppohltmeut of a
of National Thanksgiving, communicated with the
President or the United States upon the subject,
and received the Mowing reply lo his communi.
Wmansovolv, Nov. 6, 1549.
Sow—Your communicaucn of October I'2, in re
lation to a proclamation fora day of National
Thankestiving, was duly received, and, win many
ahem of the same Import, has been ronaldered
with the attention which its Importance demands:
While uniting cordially iu the universal feeling if
t.,ub - u out, to God for his manifold blessintra.Mid
eapeclally for the abatement of the pestilence
which no lately walked in our midst, I hale yet
though) it most proper to leave the subject nfa
thankagivnig proclamation to where custom has
s r on cons'gned It—ln the bandy of the Gover
nors of the reveral States. This decii on has been
erenatheued by the conaiderationtbat thin is the
trona, nanntly set apart for thw purse, end the.
rovers! G• remora hove already toned their en
noel proclamations accordingly.
With high respect, I remain your friend and
Profaacor'a Sutra,.
Having had t!,e pleasure of attending the "Ma
steal Soiree" at l'rofesaor Robbeek's, on Thursday
evening, ' , re think that, nithongh a private affair,
it may not be out of piano to gyre the programme,
and a km remarks on the performances
01:vent:ire, In Dame blanche, a game
Cava d'Ernani
"Born to the KIM of a • ••• • • -
Variations brilliantes di Brevnra pour la na
no aur on theme rayon du Pri nut Clem,
COITIpOIIte per Here
Duo coneertant poor nano &
Orborne & Benot
Lied, Melberg
Trio eoneeitant pour Piano, VIOIO9, end
Fat La isi a pour la Cl..nnette,
Variations brilliantes pour it Piano.
Catiatiria, from Maulaa. 'She cornea
in all her lovelinen," Song—Wallace
Etude pour le Piano Duvernoy
Lied Felton
Concert pour le Violon ........ .......... Berm'
Variations concertames a qualm mains Op
no Hem
Variations brilliantea pour le Piano, Bunten
"1 would that my love," SOOR—Mendelsohn
Fantasia bnlbante pour In Piano, .......
Bagatelles pour la Guitarre, ......... ....Sulatter
Caprice poor le Piano Bartholdy
Fantasia brilliante pour la Flute do Boehm,
Grand trio pour Soprano, Tenor and Basso,
de Louie Lammermoor. Darnzetti
To those who are acquainted with the chant,
ter of the compositions in the above programme,
it will readily appear that much was to be ex
pected, and very much to bo done. The whole
peril:nu nee was characterized by great ability;
was most attentively listened to by the delighted
auditors, and reflects the highest honor on the
worthy Professor, under whose care. and Judiennut
management of musical pullers, the ,71.1011,1 Wad
conducted. One of the most—perhape the most
Important in the programme. was the “Caprice."
by Mendelsohn Bartholdy: perforated by the
Prafeirectr, on the Piano; but, being modestly placed
low down on the list, the effect was in a ruenaure
lost by toe uneasiness of many_who were anxious
to leave.
Why was it not pot io the first pant—that w
might have enjoyed this 'splendid etrart of th
wonderful genius without being constantly
handled by the thought that it was " post a
certain bow." The "Duo Cuncertante" by Os
borne aid De Berk); for Piano mil Violin, is the
came as given by Hera and Sivori, and was
performed; no was the trio by Kuhl., for Five,
Violin, and Piano. That part of the performance
by the pupils of Professor Rohbailt, was of the
moat interest taus, and showed most conclusive
ly that he is a perfect master of his profession.—
The Piano Forte pieces, by pupils, were perform•
ed in a truly elegant meaner, and displayed a pro.
ficieney truly astonishing. The Variations by
Hera, on a Cayenne, teem the opera of "Pres.
aux Clercs," deserves cepecial notice, as being
given in a most elegant manner. So with the
Cavatina,from Matilda, rung by Miss Itohbock
With inch a voice, any thing could be done with
- -
The citizens of Pittsburgh are much indebted
to Professor Rohbock ler by efforts in the cause of
music, and he folly deserves all the patronage and
encouragement that can he given; the time will
come when many of the young ladies of this day
willioOk back with pride that they were pupils. of
such a master. •
Correspondence of the. Pittsburrn Garotte
Now Yoac, N. 15, 1919.
All the world, and his wile, hav e turned IP
day to do honor to the obsequies of Geo. Wort'
CoL Duncan, and Msjsr Gales. The tlsgs s are :
half mast, the bells tolling, minute guns firing, and
the chief public buildings, along the hoe of march,
dressed in the insigron of grief. The day has
been very fine, and the IlitfUlb have 'been Intoned
with all the pomp of war.
The Courts are naw engaged in investignnog
an old Lxolaco cpechlaur r., that is very itch. It
is - - - ,ow discovered that the Loy of steamers. for
which Co!. V.OO. ot CIPCIVGIa:, received Etre con
tract, has been farmed out to George Law, a lead
ing city Lucitfiaco, Edvito Boswell, of the Albany
Argus, Prosper M. Wetmore, of umversal coion•
cry, an) M. 0. lloberts,another Simon pert -dem.
=rat." Col. S 00, it appears. Is embarrassed
his finances, and called to his ail these financiers,
who promise to mate a handsome thing out or
the job, the profits being estimated at a minter, of I
dollars. Col. Sloe is now alarmed, lest he should
be defrauded, and asks for areceiver to lid ap
pointed. The nlitir, aitrig-tern, very wetly
swindle. and the reziEcents of the inane, ran Wert
afford lo wait for another Issco admnistranne.
Another step has been taken by oar school autho•
plies. that cannot be too warmly commended by
oar cameo., or toe quickly fdlluweil by every city
in the Union. It has been deeded to establish a
free Academy for girls, slalil4r to the oce now to
suer...dui operstibo for tidy, These academics
are first class cohegos in .11PrIlbt, and stele thus
named to quiet me uppositton of tax paters as
well as of till people who would not SW/0:4)V, •
older. No private schools in New York or
New England are capab'e of fiVIP• a more thor•
°ugh education lboo our freaacadecties, and the
bleasings of educaboa we now opened with,
freedom heretofore unknown.
It Is stated thou a groat row In to be mode in the
Senate at the De:Laces!. of Congress by acme of
the Southern bresteurs, upon the est forma ques
tioa, and that her adclotestoo to to be opposed, if
math!. Should this be case, we shall bare an
opportunity to bear from Mr. Clay, or Mr. Wet,-
der, and some of the sunny sons of the South, will
be imutortaimed bye rebuke from the et:tampions
of freedom. The sooner Califorma and Deseret
are admitted to the Union, as States, the better.—
It will give the free States four Set:marl, end
'won enable the world to see that alaveryls to the
course of extinction. These two States mats
come in, and the Soulle must, with a bad
grace perhaps. ;
A good many Members of Congress are here
en mote for Washiaaton. A fair snare oraueo
bat been paid to them by parties who are In
terested in hasooge branch mint here. A good
deal of complamelstneily made against the Phil
adelphia Mint, which is daily shown to be Inade
quate to the wants of this pert of the country.—
We want a New York mint, and Philadelphia can
have bee owu. We hare earned the grain to mill
long enough, and now neck to knee a mill at
111 f 1611.161 011M110ns there is a complete
pause. The Wenn trade has nearly ended, and
the deposites in blink increase last Good paper
passes at five per, cent, and .6111100 at ,OZ. sod
seven per cent. An attempt has been made re.
midst to get up eery of earruputen against WOW
al rail road conMknica, but the charge lolls harm
less to the ground. The road lately titteaboned
is the New Yorktand New Haven, but the stock
gradually Karmic:Mi. To morrow, the Erie Het.
road connection With Buffalo, via the Seneca Lake,
is to be etrecied,l, and the chief of the Western
trade poured thrriugh the Southern tier of counties
A newbranekof industry has be. pat in up,
ration rare,, w
madam on independent of Eat.
rope for &came enamelled China ware. Messrs.
Women and Hanghwout, of this city, now per
form thiapperatinn in a style rqual to that of the
Sevres ware, and have in hand an order for SI 0,-
000 worth for the Callon's line of steamer*. Sere.
vices of thin take have been made for Gardner,
Howland, Andrew Foster, and F. B. Cotton.—
The wares sonde tore are cheaper than the Im
ported, and the Odem already in hand will occupy
Ashes are without change.
The Cotton devlera are waiting for the America,
and the transactions are extremely limited.
In Flour theres re change of any imrs.rtance,
and the &manna active. Salem of 6000 thls. in.
eluding IMO Canadian at $1,'75. Bye Pour In
1.3,00; with 1.1.'01.200 blds. Southe rn a quoted
nt g.6,260;65,44, with parcels of Howard Street at
Grain—ln Wheat no vales of m'oment transfor
ed. Rye is 611 c. .d mom. Ildrley is not mentr,
and held at 61(662c. The wthe4 of Corn aro 6000
bushels mixed Western ate
Provistons—There la a better•feeling in Pork,
and the wiles are '7OO bbbcl at 610,71 tor Mess.—
Prime is quoted at :962. Beef to without change.
Lard Is dull; sales of *eget at No bbls are 6106ftt
IState Butter sells avl 1 OM for good to 0 b 0 ,,.
Whiskey is 21fitt271 for Ohio nod Prison.
lay •
•Peruc, October Z'r.
Tazarr writ Hountrass.—Tbe New York Ex•
preu say. that Mr. Squicr, our charge to Central
AMEfiCl,,liiss negotiated with Honduras, a treaty
similar t o that negotiated with Nicaragua. Mr.
LivingSten, our conaul at Nicaragua, was the bear.
er or dispairbes who brought it home. He arrived
on'Eunday in the Empire City, and Ica New York
,On Monday, for Washington.
Nemo ENIGMA . ..I.—era . Wednesday last, n pro
esssioii of 66 tangoes, consoling of rnon, women
and children, recently committed by a gentleman
in Fauqwer co., Va., paned through Hagerstown,
on their any to . Pennsylvania. They were in
;e of a whirr Men
• e ;.nbte, at B3iIIIIROIV, on Frtdsy. from Newport,
Walea. has oo board 418 tans railroad aron. corn
si sued to Zeoos Barntm; Em and derived to be
usenlin laying the track of the York and Cumber.
land alukoad.
Nnur VOIS believe that the re
sult may ai cir b 8 stmeti Withiut fear of mistalie.
It is the election ofiimr Minis and four conation
Stale olfurerr; four Whig and cur coalition judge.
of the Court of Appeals; a Whig majority of two
to the Senate; a coalition majority of two in the
Assea.bly—and a consequent tie on joint ballot.—
The State ritli-ers elect ars-
Serreary of State—Christopher Morgan. ` r —
Comptretter—Wsehinyton Hunt
Trea.rurer•—Alven Hunt.
Swig Enginerr—g C Seymour.
Judge of tho Court of Appeab—F B Jewett
Attorney General—Levi S Chatfield.
Canal Cow.ualswdzeFrederiek Follett.
:Sua. Pala," Inirpartar—D C Clark.
Thum fortune appear. to Wive divided her invent
with ettikini Impartiality between the tw,.
and it is perhaps all the better for the governed
that it 15 03. Worn parties are nearly balanced,
the public good is apt to receive mom attention
than Were party benefit.
Ins teem party sense, hwever, onr coalition
friends have not much cause lifer rejoieing,4
are to form tM opinion from the following state
meets of the I.lbany Journal:
point of patronage the Whigs have altogether
the beat of it. The Goverrair has a noMber of im
portant appointments to male the emotion winter.
which have to pose the ordeal of the Senate. The
Secretary of State, Comptroller. Treasurer, and
Surveyor General have a large number of deput,
atop+ and cleaships to thspote of; whtle they, watt
the Lieutenant Governor and the two Wh•g Canal
Commiwoners who bold over, constitute seven
ninths of the canal board.
1 On the other hand. the analitionist 1., who coaleo-
ced solely to gel hold nl the - vpraia,” have scarcely
say thing at their The lodge can only
doneuse justice—a commodity not inventoried by
the •.coalittonista The State Pelson Inspector
• . .
will he powerless for evil, bemuse bin two Whitt
assm-istes will beep hint curbed. The Attorney
General is only allowed one clerk; an that the
six or eight alma of the linuse are the only
"errant,. et mnion" to be east to the hungry breed
of Hankers, Barnburners and renegade Free Sod
en who went in for thr "fat things" no temptingly
portrayed by the New York Globe before the elec
New Orleans, Nov. 14.
Naves room "Mesacn.—Dates have been receiv.
ed here from the city of Mexico to the 20th of 0,
toher, bringing intelligence that Vii Cava, .
Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalrydias rased the eland
and of revolt In favor of Oen Santa Anna.
In Comilla the insurrection had been suppressed
nd the leaders executed.
Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1,0 P. M.
Tun Snip TUSCAIUNVA itattoar—The slip
Tuscarawa, which a mentioned in another des
patch, wont manure at I o'clock thin morning, about
a mile north of Indian river and within 40 yarts of
the,bencb nt low water mark. Her pastearers,
nurnberotg 150 having all hero landed gaiety, and
are awaiting n steamer to take them to the city.—
The ship it Is feared will be wholly lord with her
her cargo, which to valuable.
Washington, Nov. 14
Tea Rxecrcx Coy*. Lawanex Imago riot
.Navy officers here report that the ReVe.l,lll
ter Lawrence, about whose. (ate there has brim
some ream; was last reported nt MI, Sandwich Is
lands and all on board well. Her arrival at San
FiaIiCIPCII was daily 'looked ice when the steamer
railed from that place. She hod a lone passage,
orimusioned no orders reemved from the department
at Rio laniero. The aonouncernent of her arrival
at San Francisco is expected by the next granter.
HOE.. rot Cauvonsta.—bleaers Robbins
Tread.,ll, of New York, are haring built for Cal-
Ifarela 450 or fioo housZw of a .tory and a halt in
height, and 15 by 25 fee., about 120 bowies ere
now in proceia of conatrurnon for Cyplain fill
hog., who I. alto having SO others built at Brook
lyn—among them la a bowling airy 20 by 70 feet;
also two hospital.. There have been shipped fir
various firm, in New York 100 portably section
ho a uses, to be carried over the lethnom on pack
mule.; elm, 175 hover., of • son varying - from 12
feel by 16 fort, to SO feet lo
. 05, and foam ne
34 store. in height, for .bipmeni armad the Horr.
There remain to be neat eownethigg over 100 bon-
rea, belonging lo various parue.. rintoae which is
a large hotel 34 fairies high. ISO fret trout, and 00 I
feet deep, to be erected at Sao Francisco, under I
the name of the Astor Home. It will halve 100
roornio 0 atoms on the record floor, and a wide
ornament - 0 entre... 120 t-toits rave been con
•tructeis fur Capla.a A. o ldie, he ehinped la
ifornm by the ship 11..dein. Not far trona fry
buildings have been sent oh' river this. lac:at:Mg
Sten, r v for tae Unite Stabs
Governo.,.. so.n, a b rte. in: Lavineston 8 We, s,
i he called 'Ti.. ifo2 wmeh wee nikon
eerie, the lathmoa An order !, 30 or 40 More
m team ezeettied for bdr. Sohn larva, United
:dates Minister arMagallan. The shin 3iruitog
ham, which sailed from Bath. Main, November
2, man. out it cargo of lumber, 21 himse frames,
and all the rnatmtals lon meeting and fintekneethe
game, brick, szing:ea, wagons, &to One house
In C!..c!opali )a!end. ehiPmeg 50 boar. tioCeie
forme. retiree prepared to be put up immediate
ly oh their arrival at California. William H. Ran
-1.1, of Arigilgla, Georg:T.. about in a:art gar San
Wllti 50 dwelling. and stores. all win
ch,. ;I ready for setting up said mse.—N. Y.
NoTICIt la rile I rt,: seti, I,OTarCTICoe
P.,l,4a•rCaa —The r alsforn to and Oregon Marla,
fioranu t j Claerer and I'wown,a, will de et—
,licotee Ydrk on tie 13111 of December
next ; from Charleston, South Cerebric and Saves
r oh, Cieorgin, on the 16in. from New Orleans en
Or about ate 15th, and Moos Havana. at torhilt
n•tont tram New York and Ph,,
loom New Oldenua canneeb, the owl w;11 de
part en the 19mIldeember, direct ior Chaves ,
reaching Panama overlandin due tone for the
Pam etcam parlet to learn that I,n 0.,/ San
Fran,w o un the let day of January reit.
I n butlers , next, arzst.rnorahly ocraur will be
put in operatton between New York and Chagres I
And Pearrepanketa will leaks. me ditlerent porta. ,or
ung the ensuing pear, agreeably to thu Ibileare ; Tar aunty and eenvonienec of tots SP,.{ Mir.&l
11t-T4 I.v 0., thumb rmer, both aid:. of •
tog •eneduie. ole ra sett or lowered It regimes oily
New York nii,a
on the I3'h and 29th of rack month; t leave .to l e Apprec , .. ,
Charleston and Savanah on the 16th and 31ht tt , t Pe rtolto,g nil-theironic, or to have the,
Geri) 01 each month ,N ew Orleans on the 150 ano • pot or me tottt , orl to
30'h - Havana on the 19trt and 40; and Panama on et.l'lllt" II"' . 6 1 "'VIT.
me t's,HKl DEAL oh. on he Ahryttenyiver, Pitts
the lst. "man. I'a; J TV
nYttS NCR,
They will leave San Franewoo an the let nevAa'andupp P hl ,
each moms; Cnagrea po the 13.11 nod let or each 1 —1-
WINIP lattllll:llANiiiitifiet o r.
month, with privilegei if San Frattelarto mall t•r e. Aga m ia r •
veil time, to leave on the 29,11, insweil of Se I
tat Leav e Havana fee New York on the libh mill EXPRESS ICA CON LINE
6th of each montti, With privilege. of leaning !
. .
the 4th instead of the oth, if the Chagrea mail ha
rivOrd; and also for New Odom. on Inc mite
The entire portage for a sleet letter not exceed-
ing half an ounce In weight will be 121 emit. to I
Havana 20 cent, to Cnagres, 30 cents to Panama, ;
to be prepaid in all cams; and 40 canto to Monte•
ray, ban Fran..., itaiona, or nay other point in I
California or Oregon ; to be prepaid, or telt unpaid,
at the option of the sender.
Newspaper. and pamppleta, see plunge three I
cent. cacti, and inlmd-poMage to be added.
J. COLLO, EH, Partenaner General.
Pour OIYICI D[l,ll,l6ei, Nov. 15, Ih4ll.
Then ano., formidable clammier of dta.
reser nriginntoig dimmed auto or the Liver, ha.
mne ch•ltenged th e uthentioa of medical men. Poole
of them dmosses, classed under Me general term of
comuroption. have been mppmed ineuratM, and drt
unhappy patient vas allowed to die, ertthottl medical
scsrum beteg enabled to offer Lima hope of recovery.
Itannily Oda can La no longer the cme. 1, remedy
hn hero found whith vaill rare all these corupletels„
ar whatmer character, arming from defangerueet of
the Weer. The PIN di.comrod by Dr Pillano, of
net directly on the Liver, and by correcting
it. operation end purifying it from diFeltll6, not, uff md
extirpate. the complaints which have their origin in
the dts, e-ee of Uri organ. lipmedie. hitherto pro•
pored for (Leer titres , . have fulled to operate epee
the seer of the dale., but Doct or make thenteelves felt upon the salon of the Liner,
by elennottqf the fountain, dry up the. imame
mremno of dimme which thence derma their etas-
For sok tq J. KIDD & CO., No. 4'J, corner of Fourth
and Woad 4E . ., Palthurgh Inovl7-d&wl.4
Intp • rovementa In banditry.
O. STEARNS, Into of Rescnn, le prerlred to
ture mt,l.ct T. whnlea.ul pa
.rt, upol tiou or Aunnephe rn
ne Suettun l'lnses.
TiJ1 , 14.0 urt , te:vt. wk.., the tier, IA
1.1j./s, I vb.' , re•olcrtec door to 11e Nit%) -
or, I ., ,urta wet,: l'hueleurgh
n x , c3 \l'l , /,;(clen.E II 1:21,n, la")
At......n.—Prrp,re.Tby I.
WI., It - 41,•1 for 110 E by A. Jyne.. No.
7'. ••rert Tirv. will limmi ti laqu
.: talmi,s., and par,ulr.rty 101 Ocit
iim.SIA —An Improved Chocolaty prrnare
rmu, tram nrrtn , . al Comm nut. iMumtnt. to.
• gurrom, nd
oluriv for invidoll.. Pr..pared by W Dor.
e.r. 444 fOr srt, tty A. JANN.I.S, um , krm
irm N:. 71, lourtn
Many - . Iv, lhar I,l4ing, Lam 111.1.C5,
11,:n I a .
Arlo, cu rd
lie. lie..
Prtnted nt t' .I,orent none,. tti hen prinen, of w. deal I.•zrrng Orrir, nr.grr.
13° : 1/13 13 nti a lk:.( 1) ;:rn:: 1; o1 N 1Po 'r u ' rth
and Def.., between
tderket oelt-dlYin
T h•. !1•yor•Ity.
The name or Alderman W. G. MANUA R7' mill he
ttahtmlted..ll . his friend, in Ma coati& taboo or Mc
upprnnrhing whi g convention. at a suitable cat.d.tisto
100 the Mayoralty nr Penthumh.
E rr W m. Alpaa whi uea contl6.lfttr fordo ?day
ralty, aut,cct to wa 11001111.011 of the Whig Conceal•
IP - Henry WUkeson will be nenndidme
Nl.)orplty, euwect LO liIC nomitmlion of a , Wh4g
Co.ventton. rovg
- [V - Jonsu bun Rush Kota., ter poor MoY.
or of Ail ,hr. ‘,.1 he • nanooi.aot lor ro-rlorooo
o toe oosomalion of the A:lochr.ty Whir Con
FVOloson. naolOrti
The name at tII.I VI Ft II ItIPI•F V v. II be ratamt
tad by hu frtetaLla, to the cos,“leru.n or the op
proactaajc Wtag Convanaaa. aa a , aa" , . 4 . , .
for llayarulty. uovl.l6tO
On klendsy sfiemoon, roman of Thew•
Colannwood, Erg., in the Mb) ear of htrike
The friends and necomontancesrf the homily are Mel
ted to attend her funeral, this (Toesdayi afurnoon, at
2 o'clock, from the residence of her son in
Alexander V. Verner, Wylie street, between Chatham
and Tunnel, to proceed to the Allegheny Cemetery._
Plataburgh Works.
ID ENNETT, BERRY A CO, Alanulicturers of Sella
JO Ash. Bleactung Powders, r
at and blulphene
Arida. Warehouse at tu er eeb below Ferry.
I) -
EISINGER, WELLS & CO, Manufacturer. of
Glean Oiers %%art,Market street,
o r .
butah. Pa., kenp constantl y on bond and'inake to or.
der all kinds of ',Mi., Potties, &c. Porter and Aline
rat Water Pottle., of superior quality.
Particular atteritton paid to Pnvate Moulds.
novtdil ly
~7E will con4nae to on,IY Freight to Pinholelphi.
11` BaCintote and Neer Ye., via Canal and Rail
Roads,. lung 14.5 the water perm..
nor2o KIER & JONES
Freight to Philadolpkta.
WE will receipt for two or three more boat loads
VY freight for Miladeilphis, psi advanced rate;)
offered sosn. C.A. riIeANULTV
nto2U Canal 13.irt.
1)VIILIC altrntion having beet, eviled r by We press,
11 to We aidetence w nine between the regulators in
the city—wm said to be as Much minutes too
fast"-1 hive hid u telrgraph communication fro.
Illoludetphts, twin kaag., who W the
Oracle toe .to that eny; b. ma mgulutur ts en•
actly right ma has been so for several mow. past .
nnsw W W WILSON.
• .
EtrD Tills DAY. from the PHILLIP:MLLE
Famnty-4 urns, et lbw excellent ante. of Rub
<r Paste. tor rend•ring 130ots and Rhine soft and nn•
pot, No . tn arab, For sale at me India Rubber De.
ot, 3 Wood Street.
- -
IirAGON COVERS=RitI teed from the l'htlhoe
vilr Fa,tory. • , :25 yardii Wagon Cover Oil Clod,
ep:enotd article 124 wale, fkij salt. al No 5 Woo.l s.
1.0V20 .1 A. 11 PHILLIPS
Ca"'"ro—Just teed d es Itta s dj:
Cl' 1100. a Ppiendid, p
arucle. f
PHILLIPS' ltubtker Depo
novo, No 5 Wood street
Mourning Long Shawls.
IV It. MURPHY uas recd a supply of the Love
uric, of the best quoluyi also, plom Black
Thit,t Long ,1,....15; black BOMIMIIIICS. 3loarn.g
M Al
poccus, Pur•to , , Cloth. block Cobuta., rennet.,
Cashmere, Moos de Lau. and Efalleil erinos, black
Cravat. trod Monnung Lollar, filo:donna Bonnet Rib ,
vona, neck nod a full ...mount of Mourning
Goods acne [any. Also:
A large rut, moulding few pieces vary made
wad 'upon°, Buye are lo k theta, at
NO?th Cllfller ofFourth and Market .is
Whole.tate Rama up ata.rg, whore • large am,
mem of New 1a...1 , a tx* late'.y beat, received tra..9
LAVAL S Olds Tar; . loo olds rach:
• WO do Hosto; for sole by
uov2o C II GRANT, 41 Water mire.
QUI.AR-60 hbd. , fair N 0, far sale by
novAl C H GRANT. 4( Water street
AIULASSES-2CO bble prime N 0, for sale by
nr Feu C H GRANT, 41 Winer meet
FEATHERS—.IOO li.s prne, for.•Je by
uo,”:0 C H (AUNT, 41 Woklet creet
tt u b , a .. l7; tn
11 LEE, WO Liberty street
Tr l' SEED—IY reed sod for ..le by
("lAN ARI SI:ED-3 Dbl. for sak by
- - -
ALeOIIOL--4 WA. for sale by
(11 - 1 d I. K—. casks f ir sale by •
V ucv2U BR ' , EN & REITER
l.tnseed 0,1; I 4 bb.s Butter.
tegs Butte Y. ft casks Yrarls,
bb s Tallow; a •
t a* Caro*, 7 las Saleratu%
Just .andtng ; end for sale. b)
F LAXSCLIJ. lez —to bu I3Lx.erd.
35 Cbcanol,
551511015 , 5 1 f0 b tt1 ' : ',7-' g• ""'''"
: . 1 . 7 „ . 7 . , A;b0rted so, toustoolly o
. _
RU:d , Lll ,43 *ERl..—.2rfred 15x pre,l ty f
" ' l l CII
iIO.SO NIO bbl oxtro qualoy, for solo by
II A KENS 1111.11.• AND EXTRACT:4—A lax 4,
0 vole, fro roo'cl oaf , or otlo by
I:GAR-1 and. new crop Pi 0. reed per Ws.
I , •oo Nt ow( for t.v
oork. J A FICTCHItION & C(
A to
S i Pt: u :(:eD lot
CIIIR,N k cu
g Con-octa Rul Road Car. and
IVago , . an
N G Am • S e bss WAGON LINE,
1 . 0 /OMVitoSI
Plttalbur(h mod Plallad•Ipb1•.
% S 1,0 d....• On Ow es . . aoossi Deo. eio.ed
I , . r• ver would ...esti O. Lotooe litc
~,,, ~.... ~,,, t 0,,,,, o. Conestoga Wagno.n. r•-•
41,0 felt, ay. m oi . yreravol la i.e.. G LlOpoood,
c f
do. ,oro -.nor on filooday leo LO 0 it. , , A eV(
es ....e
of f sae,. a !faly 0, Lbe matt oal u for Cha,
:...uvre. 1 I Ifin Worana trove hag day ...1 meh.,
cos.. Lb ficlioet) Of ttoody of five Gays. ArplY to
S% NI I.:INGHAM l'Ofsborgit.
Ihognom • Duet. No it I Nisrlei•yeel.
eoe., ! Prolvdr.p..
AND V . . 0.1 AUL ks. INVENTION'
P•rta.r.n, 19.1119.
TM: , Iv arpen- of asent value mall P^nnna.'n
glared b , tool , nna o tan 'ran Pave already
oii, and aTe annuut tut , n , ..
..•” te. a neneer
err our po. tea and oresant.
at a anving • al Iraqi era an
btnuanto window, 0 •ffards
111.: safest laatenna; Lhat Laa aver nano totta
Tswi. r Hatt, (Sunatepo escrptcd.) ronning.Day
aid Nicht.
lIE p 'Me it mapemlulty inforined •bat tbts Line,
whit Insr been in ....tearful 'per, the two
',mete.. winters, mill again eontmence rentung on
Aotiday, he Wlth of SoreintrEt.
A Car !rave Philadelphia and Chambershurgh
daily ear way with the Mail Train, and from Cham.
belabor, stub relaliel horses running ea, and men.
e are renarrd to y forward WOOIe, treigh . t daily by
We oboe Line Apply to
U. LECCII & CO, Pittsburgh,
nr to—ll A RVIS &
No 13 Socilo Thlid meet, Philadelphia.
nosci 41f
O. 8. as ll Stameasbly PIIIL&DaLPHIA.
THE now and splendid
\ Steamship PHI L A DEL.
PilIA, J. Gallagher, cam
tilandet, will sail front
Plilladelphlo for Vharies•
• Itil Vllt ton Savannah, Havana
7Pir d ile e nt b re ' rl . l °'
elovii A: N., from the Company'. Wharf, foot of Lon,
bard sue t.
Tla It iladelphin has accommalatione unsurpassed
1,,7 any .'miner yet both, a ,d having double side lever
Mann , e ,get.,, of great strength and power, full reli
riper m y Le placed upon her for safety, speed and
IF I einrlll fashionable COlOr aild superior quality,
f i Ovvr Coats: 10 pieces of the newest style uf
d very snore! patterns; of Vesting
ivr thy at NN P DIGV,
porl7-1.11,. (Journal ropy) IA Ahern , street 0
I ',AYErn.: 111.ANKVItt, manufactured in Fayette
tto nty. Wetto.rn Venni* tranic—a .over or Kai
c to any alma ulT•rod thia mtv, anJ for Pale at a
morn lootartoocc at the Bioolact MO.', No SO Market
rlroot lot
that Enacttr 71r_ta . ttto: . ma Co. novtilow
LCAV`,I.Y.N it I N trown laltuttaorychattp,
14 Ikttfont Bodo t Honey Cott
Tablet tin of the no 0311•1 and tor le by
oatt/ E 'ttELEE sa RS 67 Wood at
A"l'IN SIR YD.O UJ LA NP.t.-5 lot 01 ..uprlor
1e 1.1,0114, of RR excellent
~j,rcy end RI v.-ry low prces. o Diamond.o 75
..... Itteet, nontk en.e , corner ot the
ULnCk Lurlea‘6:ect"2..lll:-11Plln"
Have now in Stan their fall assertion= of
Trimmings, Gloves, hosiery and Late Goods
ADAPTED to the wants of every chaser' Merchants
and Consumers. No panes have been snared to
present the newest and most fashionable style of
Gown in their line. Their stock consorts to partof the
Fringes and Gimps. of every variety; new styles
figured olio` Gns;
and mperial Braids; wide
red narrlk and Wonted , Embroideting Braids;
fisurra.l and cut Velvet Rtbbons; plain do do; Goreed
Mamba tad plain Satin Ribbons, for nimening; black.
what and colored Silk Laces; extra' wide do do, for
flounces; with a. fall assOOment of Dress Buttons;
Drink. Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered to order.
Ernbroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, Chemisettea,
Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Half Sleeves, French
Worked Collate and. Cuff. In great variety Loon Veils, .
1--cPPts and Opers o Tier, Mourning Chitral:ens, Got
land Cuffs aod Half Sleeves; -Wen Lawn Plakfts,
plaid embilsiderod end hemstitched do, plain Linen do;
ral thread Laces, and Edgings; I= do do; Bobbin,
Lisle!, Lane Muslin and Cotton Edgings end Inserting..
Rich new Wile Bonnet Ribbons, French Fai Flow,
fitlfitTiaeolAtt.?l,Lenl S nn tn e i t nit .l and e F r lLre d n
p s ;. Silk
Bast manufacture, with most approved fastenings,
and phoier St cobra. nn eats:wive assortment always
On hand.
AI great vanety of S. Wool, COLIOII, Merino and
C. mere. for Ladles and Aliases; Tartan P.A. and
0 In 1 assonment other styles fancy and plain Child.
ren'a Hose; newest styles Infants Boots and Hoeing
Gents' Grampian, Vnyonia, Merino, Conan and dr,
Wont Half Hose.
fOll amortment for men, women and children,
ameino which are Derby Ribbed, ninonlle and
tibbc d and plain Caohmerm Chnninis Lined Ber.
lin, Comintern, Merino, For.lined Beaver. heavy and
finnilkekokin, Military and Liale Thread and Cotton:
Such a• Ladies' and Chiloran's Hoods, Children'
Woolen Sacks, Knit Scarfs and Snits, Chldren's Gait
and Long Milli, Worsted Cufk, Kniittng Wortind
and Woolen Yams, California Comforts; .aluo, fin•
Cashmere Scarfs, for Ladies.
Zephyr and Tapestry Wersteds. Canvas. Patterns,
Flora and - P.rntig Silk, Bristol and Prad Boards, Pa
per Flower Materials, Lamy Mau, and ym
roidered Work. Also—Ladies' Silk and Merino Siesta
and Masser.; Embroidered Narks and Simnel*, French
Worked Caps and Waidts for Infants; and Swan'a-down
Finn Shirts. Cravat* and Holism; Merino, Silk utd
Faison Wrarpers and Drawn' s; !wonders, Shoulder
Braces and Dresning Gowns; Salk uni Linen Mikis;
Gloves and Hosiery.
French patieriss carved and plain Shell Back Combs;
Buffalo and Im. do; Shell Side and Long Combs; Ito.
dot Buffalo, Satin Ind Rosewood Hair Brushes: Shell,
Buffalo and Eng. linen Maiming and fine Ism Cunha;
with an usisronent of Nail and Teeth Brushes..
Wetherill's “Hold Medal" Parlamary.
11/trCr Or ;ISM TO Cd•Oßtr.
tate HLtorn Berths ....... • • • .S . OO
..'s Saloon nod State bloom Berthe• lift
Clams Urrtho 60
,• o I{erth, ntund wall SI at tr aoa & Board St/
I to. l'acgair al , owod t r . ~,,n• P.1.01100r
;ITT 10 t!ho,rrs, 00 cents per cubte toot
Orr, or Fr. TO rir.V•sll.
e P. 100. , •, att•l found 25
0 , TARO To S•V/01,1•11 &NIP Cliratrerferr
a.urce. (Onto Room, to Savannah • • • •S`.ll
• aooece to Charloaton••• .-• • • • • -•-• . •• • go
e oho secured MOO' paid (or.
,i,to mac be procured at lilac Office of the
•• No. 35 North Whlrvco.
A. W. rill NrsoN, ('reside sit.
.. I 11r103.Tren • urrr --[nov,tl
any County, S.Y.
In the Orphava' Court of and County, to the
matter o , the edminottratlnn account of John
bllftl en. Adnontornt, de ham,. non of S.
lit., Jec'd N. 1. Morel: Tern, IBM
ow. to Wit: November 17111, 1t49, on leutitin of
I Iler, Fsq . the Court appoint Ja•per Brady,
d tor to ,I,•tr.bute .he !Mare of Jane A Illsan
per report of Coroclinallert ugh, gee former
By the Court
iglitor above named will nu t hi. of6ce in ,
~,, ~, ow Leta Pittsburgh, on 11londy,
..lny or ilecrn k, et : o'clock, P. M. for
'rse. of hi. appointment.
. 0 J. P.. tri , ATIV, Auditor.
Npedles, Pins, Tapes, Steel Bags and Parsee.
Blittons and Steel Goals, -Berlin Wire Ilasects,
Parse Tams and Sewing. Fine Rosewood trend
tilt Bindings! h Galloons, Fanny AVork Baskets
(look Cant and Tassels, 1 . 011(001 , , Papiertres and
Blind & Shade Trimmings. Ladle.' Stationary,
In Banner Tassels, French Cork Soles,
Uholsterer'. Fringes, In Gtorm Umbrellas,
[ p d ltnen, awid widths, raper blush , . Bollard.,
F glom Cloths, Elastic Banda SS Webbing.
F g'd Chasm Binding. Corset and Shoe Lacess.
;OTICE a hereby amen that the partnership hew
loan, existing between Me undersigned, uncle
• firm or Taylor ts Bennett. Sods Ash Manufself
ts, bra been this day dissolved by missal manse
rd ,
James Taylor has been asthonved Benle op
e blame. of said firm.
Pittsburgh, Nov, 17. Imo.
THE following •rucle we copy •116 pleasure from
the 'Seaton Mercantile Journal," of March, 1819,
and we hope Oat it any of our readers ans suffering
from any of the complaints which It is said to cure,
they will apeedlly avail themselves 'of lu
It was well known many years ago that the 'add
cherry bark tree of this clime. possosed valuable
medicinal qualues. Indeed this Dot was known to
the aboriglnta, and decoctions of the leaves or bark o:
this tree has trot , cen regarded by their physician • O
one of the most effectual remedies in any discuses.
This fob several years doer.. arrested the alteration of
Dr. Wtatar, a highly respectable proutioner of yir.
gtoia He invesugatcd with care the beating proper.
nes of the wild cherrY—testvd its affects
00800 admm
wred atont, and when to combination mitt other re
medial trent* He foeuil that its natural rioter might
he greatly improved, ant by coralitrang it with Ingre
dients whose properties ware all Well prayed and gee.
eraly weep:teed, a medict. era• produced which
e11r,i1.1.1. IL remedy of great iMpOrlinCEu puletonw
ry affecuone and die lows of the chew and throat—
doveses which 'am proverbially prevalent in eugenics
•.. , 1 large towns, and often prove fatal. orelling the
tnli of mortality to a much greater extent than Li the
caw with moot others, we had altar. cud all classe•
of diocese.
. . .
The rename %Turas , Balsam of Wad Cherry has •
fae amine of the lagnsture of 11.007 Won., N.
Pluladelphis, and Sandford and Park ou a Costly eke.
euted steel engraved wrapper. None Mbar gen•
are jottt to receipt of the (olltming voluntary tri
bute to the curative poorer of Mime* Balsam of Wild
Cherry, from F llalt, hi I), of 51t. element, Mehl•
gam area Is a physic:an of intik itanding, and an ei
Icr.sira droggiait
Mr. CLiciitxs, Mich, OoL 90th, 1L 4 19.
To the adkrt.J, ibis tool dery that Mrs IL Ruin.
cuts. Pt this three Cr (our weeks after confine
ment. was attacked wilh a violent COUffil and Kgrat
,nosiration, and seemed hastening to ine .1.11 , 0 with
fearful rapidity I advised her to ow Wisiars,Calsaut
(Vvil Cherry--abe did so, and soil/ that valuable
medicina &In, was restuivol to health. mid is now
Chad prooF of the value of M'istara Dalmatia of Wild
Cherry. - It. MALI.,
" , t-siman and Druggist.
• s and Alarket areas. kas lately received t sup,
Read oa and be convieced still hasher of the emu- py of the afro st v• superior make mf Blankets, and i
kable virtues of Wistar`s liaisons of Wild Cherry' vites thaw in want of the article to loot at the= Is
hies,. Sandford & Park: Gents As • matter of ms. fore tuying. He has alveoli hood Rome Maths Blau
to y and tor the benefit of rho public. I wimid ' het, o !toed beast' aittele. winch hem selling lov
offer the fo. oo,
limmog statement of • cure effected by yeoe , Also—Rome MadeIFLANNELS, brown, barred and
int dirtne. hoses ns Wistsr`• Balsam of Wild Cherry. wham, e auperittersaaiity„
nag of i 5 ,47 , sot e sess ss ,,, ses t y st , sc s,d Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he
until l'enpneumunia. or Pleurtey. which resulted In a • invites the one... Of Wilma •
deep seated pant fin the side, accompanied with a
e s- I I4D - A atIPPIT of Good. reccntlY opened sloe
vere cough; she woe attended by wme the hest' Wholesale Rooms, stair. Wakes his aserbrosonnt
physician. Chicago, but to no purpose; for weeks l very fa 11130,17 and worthy!the attention of dealers. -
she suffered. wahoulecliet coaglong incemantly night •
and day. Icame to the minclusionihatall the tone- , tALGER=TOTEIe timer &IRA's Isinuly brand, re ,
diesromeen'te the physicians could not help bar, and ceived and for sale by
Ivan induced to try your Wild einem I procured novl7 A RMSTRONG hC ROZER
!bottle, and rename! ced using it accordmg dime
non.. Isefere 11 mi. all
cough stopped, the
P.lll in her side left her, nnd With the aid of another
bottle she ants enitrnor entoL7ll. In con
mderation of these circuramonCes, I twoulit recommend
It to Use public at • rentable medteine.
Tour, respectfully, R. N. GARRATT.
U.No Ranh, Melt., Oct. 13, 1649.
Rtatt oil. following Tutingonials.
Of all the cures that have been recorded, there are
certainly none equal to the one lest mentioned, which
plainly show• the curability of Consumpbon, even to
Jane of Its worm forms
cepa, pima, Lake co., la, Jima 15, 149.
3. D . peek, Dem Ste, A. I have • deep commisera
tioa w a fflicted, parent me to give lon a brief
history of my &filmdom, and the benefits derived from
the am of it,. Wistar i a Balsam of %VIA Cherry.
In July. 1.14, I well counted with a fever of the m
ak.' character„wkielt left me In a very debilitated
mate, when in the following winter / was taken with •
severe cold, which reduced sae to such an extent as to
live me the appeannee of a confirmed consumption.
I labored under a name cough—expectorated a great
deal end wws troubled with cold feet and night sweats.
I also (legated) . raised blood from my [mac 1 con
tinued In this state, mditalaki under the dia.
ease until January, 18 g 17, whel9
nB I was ng
again touched
withfever. My friends despaired of my life, and my
physicians thought 1 coald survive rut a short time.
kly camomile& eapecially my feet, were conmantly
cold, and almost lost their feeling. Under these air
ettrestaticea It may truly be said that I was a living
skeleton. I finally determined to quit taking - medicine
prescrtbed by physicians,
and try Re. Wistaria Balsam
of Wild Cherry, and front the first week that I com
menced tattoo it, I candle t gradual recovery. I
anunnued its use six months, lit the end of which time
I am cured, and lave enjoyed good health ever nicer ,
and cheerfully recommend the Balsam to all those af
flicted with Memo sif the lhngs, and would say to
those commencing:its use. not to be diecoaraged if two
or three bailee do not effect a cure; bus persevere e .l
have done, and I have ho deuht hat nine came oat o f
ten will be blessed with mewed health as I tome
been. Sevoolfolly, Toot&
'Petro RI per Bade—Sig Bottles for 115.
Sold by I. D. PARK/ (succesaor toSandik.rd & Para)
Faunh and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General
Agent for the South and West, to whom all orders
roust be addresmd.
L Jr; James A. Junes; 3. Kidd & Co; D. A.
Fahnestook A Co, Patel:lure, L. T. Russell, Wmh
inuton; W. It. Lamberton, Franklin; 1.. B. Borate,
Uniontowe;.ll. Welty, Grecishorgh; S. Kounts,Simer.
Kt Sc ott t Gilotorc, Bedford; Reed & Son, liming.
don, Mre. Orr, Hollidaysburg; Hildebrand it CO, Indi
ana; J. R. Wright, Kittanning; Evans & Co. lima.
•Ille; A. Wilson & Son, Waynesbargh; MT/Bland &
Co, N. Callender, Meadville; Horton it Co, Ede; J.
klagarfin, Mercer, James, Kelly & Co, Bader, S. Smith,
Beaver, J. D. Somerton, Warren; F. L. &C. S. Jones,
Coudersport; P. Croaker, Jr, Brownsville.
nov I Rd& sal ylisiT
LEtilleLNY, AND VICINITY,..III be ready for
the engraver in. I 0 days. gersom who May wish to
have views of their country seats pot on the ma can
d o oo b y nor kr, epplication to the undrsigned, ny
timo before thAglih inst. To 'defray the e egoooyoa of
the clews four dollars will be rent:Omit in addition
testi.. price of the map. 000th Rll AIeGOWAN
Ilan' PELTS-250 Sheep Pelt. juet reed uld for
norl7 Water meat
• -
DRIERI7 PEACHES-1 00 bu on lz/ i tto , n , it t =iy
nnls 'Argo No 3 Ilan;
IVI norl7 hIcGILLB & ROE
\V — 17?ThOW i
.61,ARR-100 burnzlU it I W o v e i
brand novl Mn01L 1 .23 & ROE
00 a 1 Rier
I . I 7'I7A..4I'LEWICK-1 601L1 . 611110g
'717 7410t4 6 n 7 U 0 6 ' - ' — atoryTrolilTiV —
A 1- „ L o MeOll.l.B R. ROE
— rrjuK—an able in Elam and far hy
fgia r
r Rale by noyl7
""T ud
I 'LAS mu POWDER—NO kegs In magas!. “d
I 3
tecriring thl. dq, fat isle lky
oovl7 t 1 DILWORTH & CO
xib y POWDV-M) k7.511,117a4.11/Tcuk.
11 I AN D E I D N - E W 0-0 `g
A. A. MASOltk.,
, A A. AI AsoN A CO, reopeetfally solicit ention, . RIBBONS.-100 beiges beautiful now styles of Sea
ft. to their complete and extensive ...comment of , net Ribbon.; do do Cap and Neck dm Neel ►
ath LA , A .
Vine New Foreign and Staple Goods; n large portion tine Satin Ribbons, all number and g=litica. Alm—
a which hm been recmalY receive . ; per lam packet . prase., Bonnet Velvet., Gina" Fringe.. Brazils, yd_
ships and steamers, and are ciinfidenzy recommended, et Tomming.. Re.
being anion. ;he best and moat fashionable styles In i HOSIERY AND GLOVES —A full meek.; Wkilla
the nano's. I sepal, of every delderption. •
SILKS—ma pee rich changeable Brocade, 3 lPl'v,d HOUSE REEFLV,GOODS.—In thi. department of
Oro d A irfilze, tiro d'rekin, Gm d'illane, Gm tFA'' k our establishment wil alway. he found the =Ostrom.
Men. Satin de Chine, Tipc Soon, 'Dante, Ottoman,
piers meek, comprising in part, Yresaium. Bail, Whits
Re, Re. m ete
and fil•citinaig Blanket* Linen and Cotton:sheet-
SHAWLS —Over one ibouvand Shawhs, of every 1 j AA . D A. ,...A. „A tu p ,„ Napk i n ...N..l, 4 „...
description. comprising every. quality and styl e of nets, Chintzes, Dimities and Counterpanes.
1 .„,",.(,.... 1 ,50narr Wool Sim"... '... 1 ,,' F.'"'''' ...1,,,,"' — ,,, CLOTHS, CASSIMEREO, CASSINETS & TWlT
''''" '"'""r" and "".". St." , """"' "'---- INGS.—A most extensive stock always on hand.
1.. Cloak.. tic. - •
ONESE CLOTIIA.—Mare than five hundred Meets, MUSLINS.-40C0 pieces Odium , of all kinds; 1000 p.
the large.. stock we have ever exhibited, and of every nekings, every width and gnality;_33oo pa Illeadiat
variety of color. Plualins, of every grade; VW pa Brown Muslim, of
ALFACCAS,IIOfirRAZIPiEo,&c.--1 1 3 eases A.lrme rill paces; 30 bales Red, White and Velkrw Flatboat
s and Bontbaz;nes. Canton Clothe, and every other Also—Country Flannel., Bream Pressed do, Cartels
dnporipti'ma of Mounting Goods. Goods, Sailor'. Trimming. Millinery Articles, Jr=
CASHNIERES, DE LAINS, ac --Rich Pan. Cash. i The above, widt a very large stark of other Goods.
metes and- De Lains,lo cares 16..1 designs, no nob , • were purchased by 01,113 of the resident valence, in Oa
and high colored, mmezior to any heretofore sacred. ; evt, and can be afforded at either wholesale or reisil e
Also—English and French Chintses, Opera Cloth, re.l at a. low price.; as they eon be procured In the eau
li me and F metroa Cloth. ern cities,Purchasers can hero have the tame ad.
EMBROIDERIES, LACES, R<.--A large mock 0 • vantages. in extent of stock, choice rebsetiona aol
Far= Embroideries, Lace *no Malin Capes, Collars, I germ variety, that are presented by Eastern Meseta
Cuff., Hdlia., Searle Belt Ribbons Also—A fall at ' Near Goods constantly arriving.'
sertnacnt of Lancs. Edgings and Interlines. ; novil 'A A MASON 1 .- CO.
syr p; Am , .Bil A'rS . •
_ _ __ _ .__.
By John D. Davis.
Peremptory Sale of Dry Goods.
On Thorodny wormy, Nov. 24, at 10 o'clock, at
the Commeretal Sales Rooms, comer or %Toed an
Fifth streets, will be sold, without reserve, for e
An 'eaten:give assortment of staple and fancy forcie
and domestic Dry Uoods, among which are superb
black and brown broad cloths,e.timeres, marlin
ets, tweeds, leans red and yelkw flannels, bluiketv
brown masa°, checks, gingham., merinos, alpacear,
eschmeres, de lairs, pouts, dress Wks, fanny year
loge, ye.
At o'clock
Groceries, Queenswaft, Puerdbarei he.
Young Byrom and Imperial Ten, Virginta mannfne
eared Tobacco, writing and wrapping paper, shovels
spades, shovels, patent biamees, Rumta quills, kn.
A large and general utsortment of new and venom
hand household furnaare, cooking stoves, kitcha
utensils, feather !midis, bedding, mattrames,
glasses, carpeting. mantel cloaks, window blinds, tte
alec, a quantity of leather trunk, canvass yanks, cm
pet and leather bags, rabidly., bridles, he.
At 6 o'clock,
A quantity of fashionable rca y made clothing, be
table and pocket cutlery, double and &Ingle barn
shot guns, gold and saver watches, varleties, dr
goods, a.
d 0 JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt
DismountlA(4y Prgarreir at Asterism.
srAN TUESDAY, the 20th of November, at ten o'-
clock, will 4 sold at Auction, on the premises,
that valuable Lotiof Ground,intnaie on 00 south lido
of Diamond aitelf, between Wood and !Musket streets,
having a front of 20 feet and elmndirg beet WO feet,
00 which is erected a two story Brick Building and
Frame Back Moldings, at present occupied by Mrs.
Boyle. blue Net to an mntod ground rent of 102, pay
able quarterly. Term! at gale
00015 JOHN o DAVIS, Avet
70 dos Fuss Share, Cioths, 4x, at Auction.
00 Tuesday monthly, Nov. 20th, 5110 ;o'clock, at
Commercial Sales Rooms, cornet of Wood and Fifth
will be sold by catalogue; on a credit of 02 days
on mans over 11100, for approved security, an Invoice
of 70 dozen of extra Fine Shirts, comprising - warier
broad and narrow plaits, French embroidered a d
work boson., .11I01:13 made English long cloth and
York HIM muslin shirts, with yoke neek sod French
sleeve, broad cloths, rano. colon; mixed azinetta;
black and fancy,' Jeans, silk pocket hiller',
guru srupenders, silk and lasting coat and vest but
tons. Ac,
r dl r. ; r m p „ tinic u n
0 1 lig sco
j ei l t i al s, T7Ati , 7
SAFETY FUSE-70,000 ft on hand sad for sale by
I~F~-iOO able Loossvae — .. Fur ree'd sThaTI — IT
.os e: ofuorr
- -
lOODEN MEA3URES-11.1(Bushelo .d
for vale by nool7 C II GRANT
BLACK TEAS-50 hf f.
a hests, various gnder, for
wile by boy C GRANT
RICE -10 tierces woe, for isle by c u
IUI.II'D 9AI.ERATI79-10 150 303 300
novt; 11 G KANT
e LT
co: W„f;"
ICURNING LOS' SU AWLS-60 superior Lori/
In Senor!, received per eXere(l. (99 for 'Wu 9i
novl7 A A NA. 1 CO, Market 0
TOBACCO -40 kegs Cedgide brands, lalidslng from
1. idea.. Messenger, for sale by,
norl7 ibl " .s P .ALZELL
. --- _
APPLES --.50 bbla Roman:inc. sup ...,,,.,, g
sale by lIIIIri7 ,
1 dCIIO p IE , iios„. OTATOES—Ith tilneSeo4l. , G iii, R w l,
lasi lending and for sole 0? I
nor . i . MC. SIbYER, 110 Second rt
URANUS' N., and ''' ., ...firsit.Ylterrele, for cafe by
1 norl7 corner Market and Front sts
-- sTgerdidltrabniclaiTartitan 4: - X - Ir
lIIIIE ettbscriher Will !et, fora term of years, the
1 large Itulltling on the east side of Crnig streett Itt
ntleghenv ci . .y. togelher with the Steam Fn tine fa the
same- lie will also aell sepnrately the Basing and
Lath Cutting Machinery in the sem. or he will sell
the whole estahlishment, budding, ...hitter? end et?
Terme mill be reasonahle and accommodating. Far
particulars require at the Saw Mill Office. on 'Craig
•tires, opposite the month of Kilback, Allegheny.
nerl7-11Ase2erS . ?SEVILLE B. CRAIG.
Brilldlng Leta for Bala.
TIIF. subscriber otfers for sale fight LOG intim 'me
ougn of limmingbant, being Nor 2,1, 8,8. IV, 113,
14 and 16. ut IL E. ltleGosran's plan of a subdivision
of Lot No. 3 in Gregg's dimsion of the "Stzt.FTwo
Ame Tram."
Also—One Lot in Smith Pittsburgh, coritskaini in
front on toe 13trroinghaut Turnpike 9k feet, madmoolnlr
back at the same breadth LEP fees, to the ltraurneville
The above Lots will be gold on annommodallug
terms, and an indisputable tide given.
For terms apply to the subserther, or 'Attie abee.tee
to lane Craig, u t aeßaw Mill °Rec t o. Craig mum;
app./telte end of *Ruck street, Allegheny.
novr74Rearls.B NEVILLE /3. CRAY i.
IV R.1111 . 3RE II V, at North East comer ofFotlrth
ULLED U. W.t . FLOUIL—nd en,'" plot recd ind
for vele by
(3 . KEEN APPLGI-7 , 7b015, choice yurtetier, lad
lT reeM and for rale by
TURNIft , -33 sacks reek] and for sale bx
novt7 ' A R-NIS MONO K S..ROZEI. I
APPLES Iit Pippin., and other
""ic n . OP ' l7 ""c'd ' r"
(PORN IN RA It —OU bu day mc'd, tur role by
FLOUT blAs various brartdr. to day reed 1,Y7
11RIED PEACIUM-11 cbo/co amble)
day recd and finable by
lor sale by
noel! AR1111...111101.10 tr. CROZER
(214.1E71 APPLES-40 obis teed and for for by
BOLLICR will deliver one series of Lis Select
jJ Private Lectures on PARENTAL PIIESIULOs
45, and the Oanna or Uri, Ilinstrnted by his rents
pleas set of sppropeata Austomical Models, Palming.,
de., on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdayuand Thursday,
Nov. 191 b, 20th, 21st and Odd.
For Gentlemen only (boys not admitted)at o'clatirt
doors open at 7. For Ladtes only 513; dimes open at2i.
All stogie Lectures, 25 cents. 'rickets for ouch so
ne. 60
First Lecture on Monday, both for ladies and gaud. ,
men, cm, at which Tickets may he obtained for the,
seri lL es.
N —These are the same Lectures then have Se en
so long-and so extenalveby patronised in New York
and Boston, where Both Ladies and Gentlemiki tAILIrt
attended Min aby thousands, and commended Swim in
the most embismastde manner. ativlS
Ma TOWNSEND Lectures again s dice
ing, at the Leriture.Roara, Dr. Went'. Cdsurch, In
Snathfield street, aL7 o'clock. Ailmisatert, MM.
Ile old be at said Lecture Room, tintieg the day. for
examinations, from p to 4 o'clock.
/ YEAGER, Irtiporter and Wholesale Resler in
Sign of the Gin Comb, WS Market Pa. Western Merchants, Podleta, and other. visiting
Pittsburgh to parches.. Goode, are rcapeerfally in•ded I
to call and esamind the IMICIIfIiOIIIIIO4I.ISI.I‘ of Eric
h., American, 11 . .. bah and German Fumy Goods .
All Foreign Goodi at this establishment are ire,portv
ed direct by myself { and purchasers may rely aistet
tlng goads from first hands. I have the Jure ...ail
ment el articles, in the variety line, iu %city of
Pahburgh—all of which ad!! be sold taw for mash or
city acceptunce• 'rho Strick ...bait, in marl, of
Lace Grrods,Mosiery, Gloves, Ribbon*
Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patera Tht•tade,, sewing Silk,
Spool Cotton, Tapes, Suspender. .jets vas, Prat, N° o '
Mcs and Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watehea, o o o id Sermlry, all kiwis o f
Brushes„Comba and Rases,
P....4°'• Caps, Rave.vers, Melnik, Clocks, Silk fr.
Cotton P.M% Spectaie . ,, S t eel Pens, ikluid Base.,
Carpet Hugo and Miss
8. 4 .1., F. 41.4 and Trimmings.
TM • mat Fan, b o odig timed. , with a large varie
of Faosy KW' 4.rie DRY GOODS..
C. YF ' Aalr ' . .t .- Is also agatt fen the celebrated Lou.
cam. Cams . novl7
' UA W h yat Lik - vrbia" -
(..1 A 9millto cid.
V. A' r1:1;-1s(1 - .&A . trio, on hand awl arriving, for
J esde by A CULBERT.SON,
.005141 Liberty at
SV I TAK & /110L-bbd.-
GO 4 . 5 - 11 d. Iti 0 S
bble do oya& .
• 100 bbts 8 11 , Mo1004; on hood and for rale b
krE%—kpo pkgsti G. Po seder, and 1114ei
arriving 4.1 for .14 by
G*4 and Id. Plogi Tar,
jurtotored, name very roper. Gr..,
44d to arrive, .ad tar eale by
novIG A CULEIEr tsoN
,DFIBII-9 lei, very vypetior, butt tee'd F or
U t ey nevlS A CULRE yhso
A LUM-ILV hots f0r.030 by
. A F.MISM'OCY; e, co ,
novlo . • cOMOT Font wad. Wood,
AT n e . 4 , lF9-110 ro. ss Block, fbi silo - DT
Cur . was WhAs i t i : 1111:21,
..., Toe splendid fast running steamer
4 - Lattlione, master, will lea. for above
led all intermediate ports on near
dar then id test., at 4 o'cIoGIE,V Zr!.
The Reveille draws net IS metes water.. •
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
coven . PETTIGREW A CO, Ants
c au l Tao arlendid palcanaer packet
Ism Jams, muster, crtli leave Gar
Louisville cn Tuesday, the Rah tau at
10 A at .
For fre:ght '0 r pump gap!, to
Jr,* h . The hen revue, .
AI 'shall, roarnarmill leave for above
a d intermediate port. on .Thandago
the rti inst.. 111'4 o lock, P. Id.
For rrrigut or p ago apply In board or to
novlP PETTIGREW & CO, Arta
A lt
. ... The Sae jut rammer steamer
Foam:. muter, mill Mare for the
i above end all intertnedtate pods MN
day, at In o'clock. A. M.
For rreldht dr pamAge,app i ly o F n bo Kra sada_
~‘: I . L.LI.r pe r id LO p LE . T , . 4.,
i -...,„
_,...11 Capt. Jas. IL Ruled, will leave Pitts
__ ..,.„ harsh everylll , mday, Wednetday and
Frtday, at 10 o'clock., A. M.
For timed or passage apply on Want, o[lo
oct3l .111.10N+. A.t
'The fine
Cipt. Itaginarfer Sanflah dyel Igor
ay andwhaPhng every Fn( ty ail
— ctrreima•.,
null well known lino a eplendid pusenger eteasur.
en in now composed oldie largest, awillest,...e
ed and furnished, and most powerfol boats .h e t h e
water. of the Nest. Every aceoramodation , ee d eetet ,
fort that money min procure, bas been prowl:dee Input .
'engem The Line has been in operatur- st fee lee ie .,.
—boo carried a million of people the t ee . bye.,
to their persons. The b.!. se:, he oa
at the f ee , e t
tvoed e trees the day Pre ay , starting, for the recta)
non of freight and the entry . .. A peetteeeere e e t h e ee
In all 0113011 the parles.e money most psi to
leave NEWTON, Captain /leinDhin, wll
ii ' every t.licidny morning at 10 o‘olinek'
Slayl 'every Sunday evening n 1 10 r. ac.
".ne MONtiNGAIIELA, C•apt.drosin,urill leave Pines
-Amen every Monday morning at 10 O'clock; Wheeling
every :Sonde), evening at 10 e. In • •
'MIES 1/VrrictilrVin •
The HIBERNIA No. 2, tCapt. lintrargasnat, vrlll
leave Pittsburg* every Tuesday morning at 10 o'eloakp
Wheeling errs Tuesday evening at 101, N. •
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. S. 119.9, 1611 T
!cove Yinst.nrrh every Wednesday mon= rat t 9 '
o'clock; every wedueadar e'eeelng • ET m
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Seam, will leave Pitta
burin every Thursday morning atlOn'elonk;Wheeding
ovary Timmins . even,. at 10 r.
The CLIPPER No. I, Capt. Pro Devngiovill leave
Pittsburgh every Friday mornirwat lOrVelockt Wins,
int every Fridiv evening at 10 r. r.
leaveil.lECapt. I. C.
will Plltabargis 'every Fsiday miming sy 10 et.
elect, Wheeling every Friday /4 r. w.
DRIED PEACRE.S-40 bE. aeor Peaches, to day
seed and fur sale by
/mime, 7'-1 ease taut bine.; fast tea': from
• the taanefacieter, and for ate by •
nool4 E LEI
10b—,5 teary...nen rub for we by
IA rine
E • prune I y. nr We by
1 novl4 101E1%MATPH EOM &CO
bbisirl i t i re.M k ato o lArvfx .
DoWDEFf Ibifitre ednrWsale by
1.0•16 J KIDD tt CO. 60 Wou/ st
LOGWOOD-10111 bblv Clup , d, met reobv umtor nib
by noal6 I KIDD /kW
ZANTE CURRANTS —li casks jnsl. med toe,
, Vf ACK EREL—LO bbl,r,o 1, invl see'd ha *Me ;ay
' IIL n n vIS - •e_cuLilEwrso,
pli n A o, l4 .1,1-40 casks 4A,r i tzkt Ritdor
C "DOTATOES-153 bbls ore g .Cfor sale ty
ti Kt:WA PPLIS--8/ bills landing and for add UT
L A n i n tttS store and nor
IIiT bbla isialtoTAlrZl;l=
RO r i ,; L vt itUTTEll-2 bbl. .getAti.e.,ltgx,
EG BUTTER—A small lot m stare •and (drank by .
novls CRAW 'tt. SKINNER
IO bu Long
163 ba Wham for •ulu by
navls CRAt.G & SKINNER
4 'At.ON'S Cb alien° BI ii — sGreisai, for We
'..VI by uoils J 90.1*.ONMAKER &CO
5'T. Tint piTISIE,-.o a in floe order, Waal*
by n0v1.5 SC .00NSIAKER a CO
Ebso S',lindfn - r - dci, for tab by'
E PSON' SALTS:IO lib'* for sale by , •
CliriCYcilisilitur—r4-1 ease acre, revi
r Ferry Candlneyes, U. reed end /or late by
LnCli wAvuaNti-25 bales heavy .1,11.111 k th •
ding, on band, bought hem, the a dvseee. fortaU
by • envl3 hill RPM'. WI SONd CO
VA (I , lJoiSES—ita bbia prau64l664,auos moiaaaa.
JAL in oak bbla and 606 d oider, for sale low by
160 Litctat
ON LtHLOVLS- —A .A. • • s.Co. 'nevi vas
4-4 Per ..Pl'eSsh.'.ihis day, uyeraeds of. ISO LL nog
Shawls, of entirety new and fashionable cyln.
o q'svv oo Slut! is of all the squints kinds, towns
le one/ ,f the largest assent:moth in the ems
try. ~
P aU.o — rthe ' ens of Pelisse Clolhth Id eit adf
tooahle d'absin. Also, 30 pieces Oiler. Clvdlosold%
” 001 P. ., se &stele.
b. 'Marra Reserve Crow 4/: oe.h
fill 12 do do do sq. do
Por talc by , ROBERT DAL8E1..... & CO,
rkorl3 cioorry
"Wqr_FiTi. -1--iCLOWS-E8W47.:. for 4.10 b
QACEtatt4=3 b., übb, by
COATING -5 a ea Ur p V , • o l. l ‘ ,oo d t , g;
o de
do 'Losender do;
Orr_y mod Moe Anted Boa Tor
Cloth, to ornve to • few days, and for gala by
novE/ • . ijkkEL.3.
CA:11;-Coliforn..a Plaids; t do Broom /eons;
1 dr, Tyrevd . loot reed Mod fornale by
. A v ery wperior jot now in MOMRUd 41Y sale by
novl3 W W WILSON
• of our ot.on numul.ictute, for isle by
uov in • W W WILSON
LIQUORICE-2Nlinsjust reed nod to
. rile by
nottl2 RE BELLEFts
w A p lc i x o, F... do thre vosori,ea,
IIk:AVER BUCKETS-2N dos core. fin Able by
nay 13 COPE & nertyroGLK
"A.: .. 1 - I;7s *.'""frfrfr frun
ji from cmr.l tor a, and :or by -
ovl3 ARMS I • I; & CROZIM
t,l S9Et--20 [IL m 4ll 0 I,ugat:
13 hbls F. II ',lotuses;
n 0.12 141, Liberty at
OPS—t 0 Wei 010;; !tops, 6ro o 110 P, am
ins am d fat sato by
POT nI-20 libis first and in wore, for snicni
it ISAIXH DICKEY b. 00. Finn , ni
SIVSAR —loli RT . , now in store,or sat, ow so g •
consign/ago, by InAIALI ' DICKVIr & Cr)
nova! . Front st
ALT-l-1.30 bbls Net I telt, lantllne and (wale et
novl2 ' 3111.1LER t ItICICEISON
MM./LES-10*AM Wrench Creek' for sale b/
nos 12 AIILI.I Rd NICg6T9 C V
T FATIMA—I bolls comity Lector, oo
I-4 Denr and too mit n. A CUNSINGIIASi 4
otroll No e Ca , ell now,
LP tr Co. am now opening do pieces of al!. ,
de Loins and Cashmere!.
ALLOW:4d toz,v66
novl4 HUEY.
QUGAR--Ml,l3ds prime N 0, for ogle co 04.. Cl.
oovl4 k
M OLAI3SEtSII ,. ; , t , Mr . kiaolstJaLes real,yl;
Far Plea to clop, c onai ment,by
Dia R,..,,,nFiniie.hriow I ina.
Oag at the Alleshony ara•lf. for °1 movo
morla - • .I.lka
j 3 do:. just tce'd mad rot
& rale X
naTl4 YLD