~""' tiAZFN ft. PUOLISHF.D CO NATURDA,YMORNING, NOV. 17, 3519 MPITE NEST PAGE 'POE" LOCAL. MATrEEP, TELp.G RAMO NEW% Al. , We commend to the ponce of our Free Sail Irrechren of the press, Rift, all others, t h e remark. of the New York Tnlinee, on the cheering, but . costad news, that Calithrala is to remain for ever a free wale. The Free Soil pipers have baely kept up a! great hubbub about the admittis !Mien being devoted to slavery, because the Na ' tioaal Intelligencer proposed that Coos should admit California as a State, and leave , the people thete to settle the question of slavery., Whit will dhey any now, that the question Is settled, and Calf , !omits comes knocking at the doors of Confirm '' • tor admission as afro. stater Will they have any objection to her admission ! The people of - fOrnia have spoiled a great many difiammatory , leditorials. 'amma Lgoimeltrazthe union of the Ea S case of Representatives last Saturday nig te, for ht, the t bul which had previously passed •-ran au to provide far a general syste of rail road incorporations,' was taken up, read e third time, and pused—yeas 54, nays it. .The bill which has thus pasted liners, and will become a law, provides fo : :a pretend of ed I I Bharat law of incorporation • for the nstruction ran roads. We say pretended, because it is not at all probable that any ran road Lain be' bat under itsCorovisione There is evidence entrap% of this in the 22d 'section, velech pro •i'des. In nob stanoe, that no companies shah be organised under this law, to ecniuract soy rail roads: which do not' terminate it commercial towers ist cities in itlr all, or at 'Rea where towns or cities can be bat up and commerce can be permanently can on, reserving miles Legislautre the right to" it the routes and termini of the ' reads by acts hereafter to be pused..—.sl. losci Rs We do not exactly agree with . eta friend of the . Republican. His opposition to the lull is banded, ' we presume, epee the fact that L guards the in. %crests of Illinois river towns. Alt gti we amid • be pleased to see a rail road c4otrocted aerou that State, direct to St. Louis, yet we are not sae but that the Interests of Pitisburg v , and the whole • canteen states would be as ell promoted by a rail road direct to Quincy, or tie Missurippi, as •, to St. Lents. 'That place is abeiut doe west from Pittsburgh, and enjoys a steam lent navigation at all seasons of the year, except when the river is • frozen. It is in the heart of the country from which St. Leine derives a great part of her trade, and a road to that peini would pass through the best part of Illinois. • Kasancimiurrra is Whig all over. Mr. Briggs is probably to-elected Governor by the people, and the Legislature in more Whig than ever before. Mr. Palfrey lacks 3000 votes of an, election, tha Whig candidate, leading him. The Free Soil vote Is felling off, showing that the people ant coming right, and that soon that fluty will be ov d r. &fi bula has seuled the Free Soil question, and we shall won have but the two great parties &Ruin the Whig patty, always oa the side of liberty and human rights, and Lacorocaians, the ally of the Slave porier. Ten Sr. Loma TRAGICDT.--Young Mr. Bantam, who was shot by the two Frenchmen, is dead. The Republican says:— "An examiaation of the prisoners was com menced on Tuesday beforo the,. Recorder, which woo not then completed. Yesterday, in conse quence of the death of young Barnum, the exem, nation was pos tponed until this allemoon at three o'clock; when it will be completed." Pgresstratta Stcess zr PIIIIADILPM&—City 6's 90e to 901; Allegheny county 64, itli; Allegheny city, 64, 51 to 55. WISCO3II2I &xenon —There is but link me of figures from Wiecomitr,Vir they are pretty omen all on the Loco side,so for as majorities are coneerned.—The Wisconsin of the Sitt claims that = the Loee majority in the State will be between 'BOOO and 7000, nad Wnt theLacos will have mere than their usual majority in the :nest Legislature; They have pined members in Milarankie, Wenk tehaiticine and.WalwOrth mange. . - Tharrnro Comirr rou,—mt experiment has been made with eelni-bieninoim coal of Dauphin County, to tert its appplicability Mr feel for Loco. motives. The experiment woo highly mincessfuL The mines are apparently inexhauatblin M. Forman', tate Biniteter of France to the Gov ernment ci the United States, nailed fmnt New York oa Saturday noon, with his family, in the packet; Bavaria, for Havre. The Trdorne Mmes that the ex-minister wan crayoned to the voted by about Garty of his friends, and that the Frenchmen Cof Neiir York seat him a letter exinessive of then regret at his departure. The Tribune farther suites that M. Monthelon will be Si.. Ponssin's scheeeisor in the legation, and not M. Gain Bois-le Comte. For the Pitutture Gazers, Th. Ity. Ma. Warm—Amidst the number of - respects.. bin gentlemen, whose names have been presents ad as candidates to the Whigs for nomination to the Mayoralty, I am pleased to see that of Mr. C. L. Magee. It appears to me that he is peculimiy qualified for the foe the functions of this responsi. bleand honorable ogre. Me was born and rear. sd in our midst, and in all his relations,fbe has well sustained the reputation of a kind, warm hearted, and honorable gentleman. As a party man, he has been a uniform and un. swerving Whig, and has rendered efficient ger . vice to his party. With an ample intelligence and:an untiring industry, I cannot doubt the moot eminent success of his administration, if nominat ed Sad elected. But t may confess that it is not because of the poriessions of the attributes of intelligence, indus try; and honor, that his twiny friends desire his nomination. Thereputruion of Mr. Magee ari e prantical warm hearted philanthropist, is known to every nun, in the emputunity. In the good work of reformng and reclaiming his fellow men, in ministering to the manta of the distreased; in giving hope and comae to those who were almost hopeless, he - hail been as untinng as he has been success Truly, each a man not efily deserves the grate. w' )!a l consideration of his fellow citizens, but may be caper -aid, in the discharge of the dories of the Mel Magistrate of the city, to bring into active regaisition those ',intles which adorn his char- Pmhape.it is time thm the gentler elements of kindness and sympathy should replace the Mild. ference and oppression, which are too often exers dud towards those who are most commonly this .subjects of the Mayor'sjadicial action. Let those to whom Mr. Magee las done kind nesses, now rally round him, and p. success eon hardly be questioned. EdStory.' ornawarstscar. • Arewally to prevfons notice, a number of the • 'comity editors of Pennsylvania met at - 13oehler'ar Eagle Hotel, on Friday the 9th iesiant, and organ. feed by appointing the Hon. NIMItOD STRICK . /AND,: editor of the West Chester Republican, Preaident ;M. D. Holbrook, Esq., editor of the Lasnosareriun and C. K. McClure, editor of the 'Juniata Sentinel, Vice Presidents; Geogre Fry: *lnger, Esq., editor of the Lewistown Gazette. and J.M. Cooper, editor tithe Valley Spirit; Sec- Votaries. Oft motion, Messrs. Theodore Fenn, of the . . I,rinnsylvania Telegraph, P. S. Decheit, of the Spitit,. W. P. CoOper, of the Juniata Reg. Liam S. Emus, of ihri, Village Record, him B. Bretton, of the Carlisle Voluuteer, W. M. • gin, of the Lebruion Advertiser, wens sp.' Pointed to report a coarse of . ..Om to the Con. ventbon. , Alter consultation by the committeeNtey made the fallowing report to the Conveuticui which was adopted: Easeleed, That an adjourned c amventiou - of the editon and publishers of newspapers within the ' Stale of Pennsylvania be held -in the borough oil ra on TUDAY th e first day ofJannary flarriabo now, (1850,) to memo ES rialise Gaugeu on the sub. Jon oration an alteration of this postage laws, as will allow newspapers to be sent bathe malls, within the mantles and congressional districts In vitilehthey are published, FREE OF POSTAGE; also to mernorialize the Legislature of Penasyl. ou the subject of having the leerier* pub. lie Ware published in the newspapers of the 00m. laparealm; and to adopt such other m seasurein m tacalenisted o protect and advance the - tamale tf the public and of the publishers of newir PIP", Dane interior; as - they may deem proper sod the editors and publlaturre of ' Rowallniwtn la t e n 111441104 WWithout_ rartl.Awe roiwuted andespected o attend laid csonvesition. • Readeed• That the above proceeding be pant - by the nears, sal publiaised in all the papers of the Qunesimwealthiand thw. this conveatkm ad. foam . to meal ha paid day NilaiClD NO. ;11t6CLAND felitlCS • Ms D. lietwtoos, 1 *. . L buciuss, 3 **side , " : 43 " 417r 1 ib m a &adieu. 0: 0 1Teh • - E . l '.••=, .0 7 , , '"!.f..' c,iil'.'';; WllollJptggOM -0205,11Plitelogof ipinstergh Gunn, New Teel, N0v.13. 1819. ThenewsUel the dust from California has ere med quite a seamtnim upon 'change to day. Er. ell thing combine, to give eonlidenee to opera tors and specridatees. es well as to confer stability hadAritairss urn the legitin ate tranuctioes of tegrilar business. We emninue emerge - sews date rise of cotton and other 'ample* abrosd.— No general &impost war is likely to (nudge the wend, and intermit all the relations of trade; England is shoat to sers with us in', an arrange- Mai Ofthe NiCaTIVZ qoelliCl3. end thus me threatening muse of wu is to be removed; the great renal between the two oceans will be built; Sew dimwits, and those the original and richest ones, of the preeieue metals ; are about to be open ed in California; and our own vent, giOTIOCIS. and Gee Republic is rapidly marching to her goal, her pia, ofpluie. The mistress of the treasure anaemia• mercer of the world;the motemriset et italiberlies , tho refuge of tyranny's Urdu's, the seat of arts and refutiment, the* imam of wealth and eivilisauou, the hope of freedom's martyrs, her institutions and the virtue of her people will make her all that Borne might have been, and all that the patibui of the golden age of English liberty sighed for, but could not nub. All that Hampden, Sydney, Pimmi rifilteu, end Harrington dreamed of and aspired to $x our falba Ida, oar own turd may become.— Like Moses on Piarah's summit, they um the bright plains from afar, but were doomed never to revel amidst their beauties, nor to drink of their glad waters. Let us hope that we, their dmeetid ante, may be worthy of the high destiny that Provr dame has accorded to us. bean ddotoo when I contemplate the magnificent future which is be. pre us. The last bean from the other hemisphere in, keno us that Resale has retreated from her brag. 'girt position of the boldest and mast insolent of the °tampions of despotism. Western Europe, though weakened and' unnerved by her dissen tious (knot utterly broken and prostrate, and the northernßear has been made to 6rnstrPh.” But Austria, the sorry Jackal] of the South, the ince cowardly beast that prowls over the fields where monger brutes have won their triumphs,still ra ges amidst the scene which the real conqueror has • abandoned. Now that a brave and noble foe has yielded to the Once of itresistahle numbers, she pursues the game, banging and quartering those tram whom,but one short year apostle basely fled. Will not these things be remembered} Shall not these cowardly murderers be made to orawer with the felon's fate their atrocities' Bach is the hop° of jostles., not always well founded, it most be dtorissed. Butt will here put on record the aspiration that the day may yet come m the affairs of Europe when such wretches as Bayne/4 who executes, and the Emperor, who seems a youth: Cul demon, and his counselice, who have com manded the ignominous slaughter of in many rev ,rend priests,and venerable statesmen, and brave soldiers will expiate their crimes, with no heart to pity them and no tongue to cheer. The prayer of all jeer men should be vengeance, acre, fearful, I and ample. We can but hope that the scaffold / will do its work ill the day of freedom's reaction upon the executors of Italy, Hungary, and Ba den. Though. he constitution of California seta not completed at the date of our loot advice', yet I pre sume the fact may not be considered settled, that it will embrace • provision effectua ll y prohibiting that unjust and wretched institution which has given rise to theNnly controversies that have ever arisen to seriously disturb the harmony, or shake the irdepity[of our cocaderacy. We hear that a propoaltioa has been made and received with favor. excluding from this portion of our common coon. try a most useful and worthy class of our peo si ple, I mean the free blacks, who now form so cond. treble a portion Mare populatioa ix the old State. I hope the preed.eemse of. the convention, and a salutary deference for the renpeMsble and intelli gent voters who are now ewarenieg in from the free Shams if cot the hilmanity and conscientious ness of its cambers, will induce ate-body tore faro its sanction to such en infamous proscription of a elan of theft fellow creatures against whom there topper:is to be a vulgar prejudice auto s& portion of its preterit eoutiments. All tech lawn and constitutional regulatition, ere_ clearly repug mint to the conatimuou of the United States, and i will some day to an prociunced. Bet, as I said, it seems almost a settled thing that.Califoruia will make her application for admissions. , a State, with 1 a prohibition of slavery, which is thei main point ' in the controversy respecting her. This mules the melee We need have uo fear of the result.— There will- lib some covert opposition from thy South, but she meat come in. The battle will have been knight and won. We • shall have no more additional representation of slave property,. any more than of hones and mules, swine, nuts mega, or wooden dock'. Li will require about two years us carry Oregon . and New Mexico through the normal state, and bring them through the front door, and in doe colustitutional form, into the confederacy of free, independent, and enlight mired States. Bat that brief Urns will effect it, and then questions will arise concerning the annexa tion of Mexico, the Sandwich Islands, Japan, and Chine. It is not improbable that we may have to have British India and the rest of Asia, Australis, and the ham of the Pacific to our posterity- - an otherseneration, "'fare eta Mar acts already pass" with the arompiion of the best part of the Pacific coast, we may well claim rest from the tolls of an mention, but "Weerward (.11111 the star of empire takes its way," until, perhaps, gentle and patriotic editor and reader, your very Mid children, yes, the progeny of those very blue eyed [whimperers, now Setae; beside to in their cradles, shall look eastward fist the "far wal e of their empire, and make the cir cuit 'of the great globe itself," without panning the boundaries of their mighty Republic. But my. Ideas are expanding eel-extensively with the pros pective "extension o f the men of freedom." I will curb the exuberance of my Imagination, and come down to the matter more Immediately in hand, which is the price of Cotton, the abundance lof . money,and the active beoyant feeling among men of liminess. . I Cotton is going up, up, up ! and the palmy days 1 1 'of the south, in reaper:lto her pecuniary prosperity, i appear to be abort to return. A gentleman more Mailed in such lore than your humble correspond ent, tells me that Cotton, which one year ago woo worth seven COMM, wilt now being in the market fourteen. At that rate of appreciation, the increas ed value of this crop, estimating the produce of the year .1 2,500,000 bales, would to 1110,1)00,000. 1 One third of the crop, however, will be consumed in the-Gaited States, sothat tkis rise in price, upon that portion all, will add nothing to the aggregate I Wealth of the country; bat if we secure two thirds, of that sum, and add it to the pecuniary resources I of the eonutry, what a prodigious Wt, will have been made in appropriating to corselets the advan tages of intentional commerce. How many sem• ors of successful dining amidst the placers of talc 'coal not be required to produce such an ad• ditto to the public wealth. But let me not,eve airy comparson with the *errs of Southern Agricul ture, be understood to disparage Cabfornia. The gold is there, and the melt who have gone therein myriads, are just those who will bring it forth:— They are the nine sort and manner of men of whom Christophe said, that If you placed a bag of coffee in Tartaruscelebtated and noble mind ed nigger used a leas clunk term—they would go through sulphur, 00, and smoke, to get lt out. and would not came hack withaat Lt. It is reported, and generally believed, that that It English Governmenthas:officially signified, that if the Americas eta utfpulates In the treaty with Nicaragua or Guatemala, or Central America --or whatever State or Governme nt shall be the Proper authority to the premise, to mnia* the perkct neutrality of the route through which the contem plated easel is to pus, and acme that great work to the common use of all nations, on payment of uniform rams of toll, on objection will be interpos ed to its congas:ration. And it is nada:MC:Kt that our Goeernment is prepared to settle the matter on thLs high as one which . will labstantielly se cure the rights of its citizens, :Melt will be just in itself, and is perhaps the only arrangement by which away sezions.omitrovaly can be closed, and the dagger o( a war with a peat power, with w biph it la ant'jaterest to be at pee* can be re. From the liarriaborgh Telegraph r r dyed passengers, of whom soma three hundred will be put on board another Steamer at throes, and will be taken thence to Chasten 1 KIVA ill say that the Ohio, though an lemons* and daoly modelled vessel, and built with great unto /0 4 dot liberation, and sr. a east but little under it half ma• lion et dollars, has proved a (adult. when °Gma pared with the maguiliesnt ships ot the Cunard lines, or with the best class of our coasting steam. en. Tee !etch of government patronage so the, leads us to doubt whether Its tendency is to an improvement in the mode of oonstructien, or the cadency of Ocean steamers . The immense ships now la course in construction by E. K. Collins do Co., under his contract with the government, will unquestionably be the man costly stem:nen ever built. It la now estimated, thatthe expense of each when complete, will not Matron of $BOO,OOO, and yet the Opinion is universal among engineers, that as mall packets they cannot compete with their English lives, and the lacking the essential requi• sites of speed, will be generally unsuccessful. If these anticipations shall be verified, it ,will be ratto es mortifying to our pride, but we cannot hesitate in thebelthf that private enterprise and energy will sane discover and overeeriththe difficulties which much obstruct oar to supernaity. For we can be content with nothing less, in the end, than that. lames. YR 0 21. NIiCW Torts. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Nrw You, Nov. 13, 1919. People are stark, staring, California toad here, and you have the evidence of this fact in the im mense emigratMn that has taken place to day.-- Fall six hundred "hunteis" have gone in the Ohio sad Crescent City, including several good lawyers, physicians, and other valuable citizens. The news by the last steamer and the remittance by her, which is fall a million of dollars, has deci ded the question, sad few now stay tit home who can go cleverly. To give an idea of too money sent home privately, it Luny bo said that sirolored man, who bad 53,000 of his ownohe product of two hundred days at the mines, had Ole. thou sand dollars in charge. The other passeogins were equally well Wade'. All is trouble to day, in Wall street, in conic qtionce of the revival at the rumors of trouble ' with France. All fancy, and many wood stocks, have fallen, and the desire to realize seems gen eral. • Among merchants the panic gains no ground, and is laughed at as absurd. If we ars is have trouble with France, it will not be on le ' count of the "Poursin" affair, but upon the Sand wich Islands affair, of which your readers are, em this, well ialbrwed. We have seven hundred win of whalemen in the Pacific, together with the largest interest in the general commerce of thin new world. We are made neighbors now with the Sandwich Islands, through our Californian re lsfions, -and cannot permit France, or any other nation, to interfere to jeopardize the property we have in the Pacific. We shall not quarrel sheet Mr. Port's tobacco, but on the whale oil and bone, of which France is our great customer. It is said that an English house is in treaty for the steam ships Northerner and Southerner, to run upon the Tehuantepec route to the Pacific and California. The road across the lathmuxotte hun dred and dirty five miles, is now is complete or der, and the distance to California is shortened seven days of steam, on he now popular route via of Panama. Manning, Mclntosh Sr. Co. arc this parties alluded to, and the bounces will net - hilt far want of funds,. they represent the Eng lish holders of tho Mexican d d ebt, an are empow ered to do any thing that will help that doubtful movd To day the buys and be Wawa ably*, the Crum. out City'sad Obb bot# &pet Watt dowa with ofll Oyie;tattanws,, and their tegyvitu. The Cement City go'bedly to Claims, with about throe bared pameagen, and tble ram ship pmaeatj by fat the maul dabble mob 11mahe mbo.. insamatb ee abe, like bet ammet, t bolas City, me womb of anuoved speed sad otaLostfona tbair tits *WI sack lcOn it, that the dmot9At . • *hon. TM ado security. Air *to election news, we are rather confused, and whet was clear lass week, in doubtful now. j The anti rent votes have cat up the State tickets and the official vote in needed to settle dispute. We have the Senate, but the Assembly is doubt. MI, as well as the faro of a good many State office. In Nlassischown, we have ailed ta elect the GolFentor by the people, but the Legislatuni is largely Whig. and will nettle that. The Lissoken width° Abohuontsta have chosen a larger number of Senators than usual, bat eat enough to do harm. It is simply absurd to talc about Free Soil in a State like Massachasette, where the feeling ts all free as air. • Only 222 deaths occurred in the city, Ina =eh 117 . The atimber nal formidable character of Ms mortality that shows ta to be what we really eases originating In a diseased stare of the Liver, has ar ate e. one .ofahe most healthy cities m the ...Id . Ins otemogod mmnooo of ommom men. some I'Coosumpuon and kindred diseases alone are I .t. 0„., ,"d order the romper= of prominent in the liar- conmainnon, have been apposed fricatatill, annl- - Nine . A decision has yuat been made by Judge Ed. wards, that neither the personal property owned . by tb,,, (doused I°aura nor their being enabled , odes him a hope of recovery. j - b Ba t tery ma...ems he av wager the ease. A raw* funds held as cepital, are liable to taxation, w . I. of a good deal of importance. The effect of i been found which I"' on" all the " a ' aldil'" ' thn derision is to take out of the tax rolls &Vol of whin , . ch..... . 1 ..6 km. d....o=mt 1 24,000,000, which would otherwise hare been ad. *. the LAver. The Pills discovered Dr. Stn..% of ded La the taxable property of this year, otherwise i Vlegima, art directly the Liver, b and by correcting greatly reducing the rate of taxation.. The Coups I its operation and purif leg It from diwase,mus and ' eel of the Corporation ha appealed from this de- e a the comp ref which have their origin in eision, and hr and the aszoetate Counsel emp'..7 - l-the diseases of this o rte. Remedies hitherto p ro . ed for car , - 1 .4. W".. pored for thrse disc a have ruled too perate soon I d m. " “'"* the seal of the dale e; hat Doctor bliLaneis Fills lof n money, there is still a great. rib:adman, and , the discount market was never easier. Good j upon of th e laver, names to at five per cant., and loans en eed, by cleansing di fountain, dry up the impure cheaper. The stock of coin tuie increased, and i wre.... of Dwarf; e.h theses dative their axis.. the rate of exchange fallen to au extent, which, in trace. connection with the rise in eOllOO, makes it For sale by KIDD a CO., N 0.69, comer of Fourth probable that we shall export any more coin very and Wood st_, Pittsburh. e"- - friovl7.dtvelw s loon. Busmen begi n . elaek to op and maul I houses are completely tdle, after a prosperous au tumn. The Canal, in some ten dope, will be Closed, and we when be snag in winter quarters. Oo Thursday, the °resew:des of General Worth, and his dead cum e c lat. in The are to be cells. heated, with greet eclat. The city will Kneader some three thousand dollars, the tax payers will grumble, and the 'unfortunate causes of the' en. pease be soon forgotten. Corson—The market is steady, though the de mand is ram so active. Sales to day embrace 1,. 500 bides, mostly (or export. Flour—The market is steady, the inferior de scriptions having been nearly all bought op The de. mend foe the Eastern and city trade is fair, as also (or export. Sides of 10,000 Ent. at /54,75054, 8 1. for common to straight State; $4,8112i5 5 for choice State; 115055,12 for blichigan„and $5,12.535,25 sr pure Genesee. and home demand fi There is a ~fahr export st Wheat, but at rather easier prices. Transaction comprise 9000 bushel, Genesee at 11801.19 c, and several parcels of Canadian a) 10523100 c. Sales Leif 20,000 b oa of aye at 011062 c.. Oats are 3100101 c. Barley is.finn; prime lots are scarce and wanted Mahout 60= Sales of 1600 busheLs fair mixed at 58e. Corn is without vitich change. The sales are 17,000 Mabel. at 631erillyc for mix. ed; 64c oir new white Southern; the same price `or old cut do., and 651056 c. for Northern yet. low. There is a fair inqettry for Pork, and market ! (inner. Sales of 1200 bbls at $10,5216355 521 hr both-WAS. In Beet, 300 bbis sold at 87,25534,8,52 for country Prime, and sq, 301$ do. Mess. 40 bbls llama at $l2, and 100 tca prime Meu (re• ported at 1116,25. In Lard, the demand is steady, and sales of 400 barrel. at 640, and 500 kegs at 7 di74c. Bdtter Is 110160 for State. Cheese mDetal rather slow at 5351. for the make. Whiskey is quoted at llie, with sales of 300 C. barrel & From die New York Tritium. Cantered. Wee*. Never did we pen a sentence more exultingly than that which embodies the great thatartrof the news awe California yesterday. California a fins beyond cavilivAthe has framed her Mullin tion and by a usumfmosui',Yiste provided therein that 'Neither Siaterr nor hiteijantra7 &muds, acme for tls Paniskauritt of Cram. stud row I I migrated sn this Stau: All this lain pree'em acme , dance with our expectations, our Dever,advi- our as infrances, for menthe past. There was any seriom danger that auch • pop alatiou as lies been auddeuly attracted to CaliGornia, together with such as was found there by our people, would ever d el ti festabliatt and legalize Slavery. That would be Cinerary to all precedent. all probability. I The real danger was that Savory would creep to unrcgardid and onobearved, while- the territory wee without a Constitution or any machinery of mil-government—would domeshnit ane countd entwine itself with the habits and usages cif thry, and come forward whenever a Constltakmal Con vention should assemble to plead put immunity and tolerance as creating a 'vested right; which could not be overruled without injuauce and cala mitint To any that t h e People of California should mule the questiou for themseivea—settle it expli citly pomptly subsumilidly wing that they should prohibit Slavery and to favor the call of • Convention awl the (raining of a State Cory stimtion this year was to favor tho exclusion of Slavery. So we have felt and acte'd, and we cut , mit that our confidence was not unfounded. We ask the e• entlid and Intelligent to consider, in the sight in Me facts herewith presented, the chargeswhich dlessraGiddines,Boot.Chase,Calm, Stanton, John Van Buren, the Evening Post, Al. bony Atlas, Roston Republican, &c. have been stn. diously disseminating and positively reiterating thmughout the Summer and Fall that the National Administration was intriguing and managing t o establish Slavery in Cannata, and that the Whig Pl oy of the North, and especially the Editor of the The Tribune Weadwilling accomplices an d . 3 • eessories to that scheme. Way ever charge more cementedy made or more coaclusively Tended 1— Who believes that if the Administration had really wielded its influence and Its patronage With the purpose alleged Mu it would have bunt no single voice in favor of Us darling project itt all Call&r oto y If Gan. Riley, Basler Ring, and the many Southern friends of the Admfairtmtion In Califor nia had really desired and labored to make her a Slave Edam, or, failing In that, to keep aR elusion to Slivery out of her Constitution does any man believe that they weld have elected no single Del egate favorable to theirends Can y_ing be be yond the nob:oboes, palpable fads in th ease needed to convince every. candid men that the Adadniatratkm has. not interfered In this Maitre.' vary, at lent, not oaths aide of Slavery 1 Calibrate Ls waded the gocation of Slavery for betwilf--eettled It coaelnaively, and in mum ea mnst !Oka Me heat al arm _lva of Freadatn. And maw what wick, what &Meta what pabhorke Nada Ix those who boo wan sod no the Adminlsumion and Inched Wing voles ' to suotaln their assaults on the pretext that Gen. Taylor end hi. Cabinet were plotting the MCI. •Itlll 01 Wavers, Can Root.and thddinge much langur delude the Western aeletTO into appall non to dli its instincts and traditions, and thus keep Ohio fastened to the katMooLof LOCO FCC 0111191—• I OR what ground can they ask Ashtabula and Cayoltoga dud HUTOII to observe the ends of Cass and Modary and Allen, now that the fraud which tow beclouded the minds of thousands of theirbest citizens hut been so thoroughly exploded We 'shall look with interest kir them next dementia- tion. California Is free, as we have kit she would be, known she would be, even since last winter. She is a free Sta., even though the should be se• fated admission into the Union, as we trust she mina be. The National Intelligence+, our ad versaries have contended, has spoken for the Ad miniwnition in Insisting that she should be recede ed as she presents herself, and no questions silted; now we hold them:to their Word! We are sery sure the Administration will not flinch, nor will the Intelligeneer; and the language of Governor N. S. Brown of Tennessee, affirming that he did not care whether California offered herself for ad. mision with a slave or free constitution. expresses the general sentiment of the leading Whigs of the South. We do not know that Loco Foco clamor may not deprive California of some of theirl votes in Congress, though we hope not; but we feel very sure that stone of them will regret ffer tti numb. Now for flew Mexico` - There is, and long has been, the real battle ground of Freedom and Slav ery. We will not reiterate what to our readers must already be familiar; but just ash the next min you meet, this quesuon— . Are you in favor of oursiolxing New Mexico, with her ancient boundaries, as a Territory of this Union, with a view to her admisinon as a State F' —and if he heartily answers Idea be sure that man is truly, practically, effectively for Free Soil. If he answers No, or equivocates and hesitates, he is in effect an enemy of Free Soil, no matter how loud his pro fessions. Now let u• see whe will aid in promptly creating that Publio Sentiment which will secure to New Mexico the -Mestimable blessing of Cul ver.' Human Liberty - wliieh. has already been achieved by Cali...a Driw the lines, motors of yesterday! and advance cenfidently-to •• more arduous conflict and a more gladdening triumph! Good Warming , Mr. John Johnston, near Geneva, has on his ,farm a cow, which propably gives more milk than ;any cow in the United States. Through-.the month of June, ISIS, she gave forty two quart. per day; and for five day. she gave forty five quarts per day; which is probably without parallel in this century. From the Mare only, they made fitUrteen and half pounds of butter per week.— Hadthey churned trom.the milk, thegwould have got more batter. The cow was milked three times a day. \The only feed she got mu grass In the pasture.\She is of a roan color, half Durham and , half native \ breed, and hi seven imam old. She lel, finely formed, and a handsome animal. She Vol ' raised by Mr4ohnston, who says the will be a good cow at twelve years or more. He has eight cows in his pasture of clover up to their knees. all fine animals, whlch It ts • pleasure to look at. Mr. Johnston is a Scotch farmer and grazier of celebrity, and Bells many fat cattle for knew York. He has a (armor threeltundred and sax acres. in 'one commact body of laid, on the east side of Seri Imes Lake, about three miles from Geneva, in fields of eight to eighteen aerie, all in the best condi tion. One field of eighteen area of Indian eosin last year, yielded eighty three bushels of shelled corn per acre. One field of eight acres yielded ninety one bushels and forty five pounds a( corn per add and a field of wheat, of aitteeo Welt, yielded tor. five bushels per acre. Mr. Johnston drain. his Land by underground dmhpg. and halo., miles of earthen pipes, (made 'Waterloo) Which he has been laying the last. eight years. From the rich feed to has Pam... the cattle are all idown n the best condition. He dc es not feed his grew I to the ground. This he Calla had farming, as the moth get acorehed by the summer drought, and frozen in winter. But a covering of grass pio• mots the roots from both,t lid also keeps the tattle in good condition. Be h a large barns, and yards and sheds for the cattle. In the yards, the cattle make large quantities of manure—Goo wheat strew. He cede no mud from meadow' into hie born yard. He puts the manure on the land in the fall, spreading and p ughing it in at once, and not letting it remain for the auto and wind to dry up. He observed to the'sitter of this, that be never saw land too highly allured, but he had seen much land too little m aumd. Land .11 always give a retum for all that is put upon it. The burl proof of this is, that in the last twenty years, he has brought his farm from what was called war. out land, to Its presentauperior 0-audition, pet b! noreowed capital, bat widely by the prom-also( the tarot itielf, obtained litis practical knowledge cf good forming, combin er'with trades. , and cannot my. • A THAVEId.EB. Inogirowens rata Ist Destlstri. OR.. G. a STEAL lam of Boston, is prepared to manufacture and net t wee Tram to whole and pans of sets, upon Suction 'Atmospheric Suction Plates.— Toaraseue eve a to a warm, where the nerve is exposed. Other and esidense next door to the May oes office, Fourth • it, Pittsburgh. Rana hi , adders. F. li. Eaton. /an. Panama Gamlen s 0na..,-"Prepadi,y J. W. Kelly William street, N.ll, and for We b y A..kaynss, No. le Fourth street- • Will be found a debghtfal ee of beverage in Walks, and particularity tot sick roomi. Bieell.—A,ll improved Chocelms moan non, being I combination of Coena nun tonneau, in vigoratingand palatFle, highly reunite:tended panic. early for mid repaired by W.Daker, Derehes , ter, Mass., mid for • oby A. JAYNES, at the Pekin lon Store, N 0.70 Fourth as cambia PIUNTINO. CARDS, CIRCULARS, ing, Contracts, Idnv I aIVICATIII, cascu, ucu fez. &a, St notice, at low pried% at the a 0171C11. TallaD rrusr. BILL I • Manifau, 13 ill., primed at the iho dr:l9 Gas M=i= • Asyeri•lty. Erman A. G. REINHART will be fends, to dm consideralion of die voodoo, a. asithable asaidatoifot• Pittobutib. ontib The name of. AI. submitted, byg fn "Pfri:Vanfolulty' orEry,ento7CLt: 01eg1714, • It Convention. l efe will be • esadldato fo't the May. nomination of the Whig Cone. oet:10 11" seems will be a candidate fed. Ice% to the nentination of the Whig no MusD, Zig., the presen.s 1 be • eendtoate for re•eteed on . Inetn of the Allegheny Mae renrie-tf roe fireshouy, =Wert to the no los vetelott. re Mayoralty. The mute of LIVER HJ PI'EY too sorki . 4 'l4° m the covndarafloo o! grth. Aly`„Ar DIEM, Yeeterday rnoraing,,at hall peat twelve o`eleek,hire hit. SCOT r, in the Klb leer of her ye. The funeral Will take place from the realdence o her son in law, J6EIII White, on Liberty erect, ne terms* hail' pain 9 o'clock this day, end proceed • tint Allegheny Centetem The friends of the lazily - are invited to attend with out farther ileum Srlickl PEI#S-2.5u tiheop /..t r.c'd .nd S'yve by ! SVELLIFUDOE, WILSON CO, n0,r17 , Wm.. lomat ILLF ; C: 7 PFAIIES-1 00 bn our . L ai =al sa.+T bbls Law N s o k 3 G fir ts .; k ROE: Wi i ro . ZVLA .. S . S 1 700bz. ega glcs BATTINU fr..CANDLEWICK-211taallTai • ik.L..11.0.1,5•10 bbl. C. ! .lbo s ztory , , i i : ji t .s abz ROE (IRE- EN APPLE-25 Lobls Razabor• P 4 PbA . d°th -- swvil COPE& EIREVFOOLE 0TAT0E5. 6 .23 Piak Eyes, in stare and for Fele by I nall7 COPE & BELEYFOGLE LOUR-60Ibbla in store and for rale by norl7 cops intrarooLE F C o rni NE. 4 ,-I.. Atd d aro c zar 4fj ou " d Z bIR DADPE4CHIJI—It'bbIa Is choice grotto) to el; and (at ask D 4 ttool7 AIthISFRONU U GROZER N10:03-2bbts Mrs and lot salo bV • 6.017 AMBTRONO S CHOZEII Ws reel and for sea by G CROZEIL TREWS MAJR-1 tack far ode by una ARMSTRONG & COLORER ---------- OTATOM-80 bbla in do teed and ha sale b y y novo ARMSTRONG & CROZER Q LL MOLBBBEB-44 bbl, 8f lame. Refasern on eemigagoexa and for We low by novl7 .l 8 DILWORTH ii'CO 08ACC0,95 boZe• awrim '" ldi 'g lam!, for see by W.Va. m ouc co-3,3 mu, I...,..,v)Taivgy N3LASSEI3—ICI) bids In pima oak truster*, on =demon =Stu Isla by _ sksviT II MINOS= & 00 til°"--°°"" TO it CO • TILLSTINO POWDER-800 kegs in lin LVlr iftg thi."7," .1 S ti l ll , - 1 —7("1) & Imo POWDER-850 rt keg, in marnine f& CO .oirt on-woh SBATM( FUSE-70,0M ° I no band sod for sale by wort'?DILWORTH is CU LIME -8 10 bbls LoaurWe, wt no' sort: L GRANT Peetr hIEASIUHFS—IIaat and far gala by narl! C it ANT b!AWL TF.A..a chest., -so hf van D s•ln by n0w17,. C H tiftrA r ICE-40 dereeu prima cos IDULX'D BALEHATUS—InI6O sad . 3_09 . 11 . 1 , ..ki;i4c " A*"o UR, pp 3 LONG SHAWLS -80 superior Long MAltalv, received r exprovo and gr_vale A pe ""t b TOBACtX-10keg. rdZ• o b t y ands, ateamar 'I""V'''LZ ArES L no• 17 ELL A P PLES -60 bbls sale by sarrl7_ OTATOFS--160 .b - t - ds Scotch Grey end floe Red, Pj'"l'l6" •M for rti MYER, . r sa B RANDY Dii7• le by tOtINIf Muter and Fret au IgUR—SU bbl Flannerk family brand, 'n bAivortioNo CROtER rovii 'TOLLED B. W. FLOUR—tiMaselt• just roe'd and bo or: ata by ARMSTRONG & CROZER GREEN-- , ---- —-- _ jFFLEL-70 bitty chblee varieties, today reel and for We by A nort7 -,.. RMSTI ',PURNIP37.O ' "VIROZER nowl7 ----- Building buts It Bale. TIIE subscriber offers for salenght Lots in the ugh of of Ilinnitighant, being Nos. 2,4,0, tt, 10,13, 14 and 10, in R. E. Moe:mattes phm of a subdivision of Lot No. 3 In Gregg's dtvislan of the "BIM Two ACM Tract.. Also—Otte Gm In South Pittsburgh, containing In front on me [lmmingham Temnpike 24 feet, and running back at the acme breadth 120 feet, to the Brownsville Road. The above Lots will be sold on accommodating terms, and an indisputable iltl n e i fir n en ii4 in his „nen.. For terms apply to the' a craig Meal to Isaac Craig, at the paw Mill Of f ice, o opposite the end of !Lib tie k street vl7.llhwilerB ..15terway Platae..„73lsaketak Wft- MURPH Y t , at NowkGast conies of Fourth and Market sreets, hollowly teceived sup ply of otiose supenor mate of Blankets, and in vites Wow in wont of the article to look at them be lose buyiuk. He has also on hand Home blade Blan kets, a good heavy article whickhe is oelling Aiso—!lone blade FLt:NNELS, brown, barre to d and, white, of a saperior qaollty. Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which hi Ins ites the attention of buyers. • r7A taro .apply of Goods recently opened in to Wholesale Rooms, op swim, makes Id. assortmen tern foil and worthy the attention of 'dealer's. novl7 _ _ lITNARI ENGINE AND BUILDING FOR dALE OR RENT: • -- MBE mbscriber will let, for a term of years, the J. large Betiding on the east aide of Craig sow, In Allegheny city, together with the Steam Engine s In the ame. lie wdl so sell separately die Sawing and Lath Coding Mac al hinery In tIo same; or he will jell the whole establishment, building, machinery di . Term. will be reasonable and accommodating. For parlieulara ergot,' at :he Saw Mill OSee. on Craig "r"nlia779:i:lthrreS m"th ''‘ PiT:47I.IE U P I NITIU . _ . • PITTS/IE4IOU lIIPOILTATIOISII. CaYEAFFilkell'A; VTRIZTV'ZIVID9':'dre Big of the Gilt Comb, lad Markip at., Pittsburg' Western Merchants, Pedlars,' and others 'tonne Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, are respeafelly invited urea and elf/Mane the extensive ••sonatent of Eng lish, Millie., French and German Fanny Goods. Al Foreign Goads at this establishment are import ,ed direst by myself, and purchasers may rely on get ting goods from first hand. I hail the largest assor milt of articles, Lu the variety line, in the city of Pinsborgh—all of which will be sold low fore ask or city acceptance.. The Sleek consists, in pan, of Lace Goods, Hillery, Gloves, Ribbon. ' Silk Cravats,Shoe and Patent Tineads,Seseing Cotton 'tapes, Pi", Nan. dl Gold and Silver Watches, cereley, el.:Aso( ' Brushes, Combs and Masora PereuniOo Ceps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk & Conon Panel, ttptetasteS, Steel Pens, Mugge Bores, CAT. Bars and Basket. Bindings, Findings and Trimmings. Toys wad Fancy 0.1 s; toget.r with a large eerie , ty of Fahey and Staple DRS GfJOLM. C. YfidiAJF.R is also olfOnt fee the celebrated Iran. miter COmil. nosl7 VALTABLE WORK ON COML.—THE \OD- A DLK KINGDOM; by S. Wells Wilhelm. A Sur -I.2l:f4thoZ (11=Ps1.2Gort7gt'e%ti.nEd"tifip .reS'a6.iod its Inhabitants:, with anew Also or the Klemm; end numerous illustration. 2d cdtuan, I vol. large 12mo, belt bound, gilt top, KZ. "Tbe superior onsilacatioas if-Me anchor for mob a work are well know. and UM recollection of Ins in. ttleStif.gCUllCS le fresh with a largo pardon of onv 1 enisen.n lC "Since Outslaff wrote, no work probably basop pciavt. so palsolaseal to elmes auenarin asblUe pr.. sent. Mai sources of .100000 every puff, of the work arc personal observer. , and stadtof native .alooolool° For s al e by J AM:a a LOCKWOOD, no Dookeeller and Importer, ea Wood •t PANE ADM/11110N. INTERESTING LECTURES AT PHILO HALL. TXR. HOLLICE dellverams series of his Select .1J Primo Lector. on PARENTAL PHY'SIOI.O. UY, and me Oasota air Lab, graltrarad by his com plete act of appropriate Anatomical Models, Piliisli Tharsd P. gs, lee , on Norway, Tuesday, .i . ednesclay and Nor. lfitb,`2o3l, 2lstandsibi. Far Gentlemen only rtrapi gal admitted) Yen doors open at 7. Fa Ladies only at 3; doors AU single Lectures, 23 news. Tickets for eeb ries Ps cents. • Firm Lactate on Monda7, both for ladies and Yo an an, rub, al ',bra T.ekels rarry be obtained tar are Set N i.—Taut are the mune Lemons that have been I mt long and so extensively patronised in Nom York and Boston, mum both Ladies and GC1111.6. 1 have attended them by %home : ads, and commended cheat In the mint enthaetuoc novld.tf 1k4114 TOWN/SID LeCUITIIM again Ms eves -111. Mg, at the Lecture Room, lir West's Charch, Southfield CI