•t . 1 101041tt8ehr Insair..; . • • ' Orr= Inman 'Junket Strraniasn'9,lB 49 . SEAL,ED PROPOSALS will be reeelret at the lies or the Cominhamorer of Indian Affairs st legion City; - 41Atil ID o'clock no Theridah t , the lot de • et Nor eseig, nest for furnishing the following gooal Ia ihe'lltut:ntitlet annexed, et thereabonw.ior Um eq. , of ' sat ,ilell,erah!ein the thy of Nest . . 2 400 . pairs 3 Point white hlodkinse b'sukets, ' • . enemisse ec. by 72 inches, and weigh eight paned,- 1 , 200 pairs 23 point white Mackinac blankets, tb , • measure 54 by 66 inches, end weigh sit • pounds. , II 1,175 pairs point, While Marl:law tn • blauke • '• • measure .42. by 55 inebes, and weigh fit .• and a quartet pounds. ES23O - pairs 11 mint -white Mackinac blankets. to • 3^-1,',.„ natu r ists 36 by 50 Itches, and weigh lOW Slid hi. gooier pounds - 900 pain 1 point white Mickinne blankets, 4. =.';',• measure 32\ by 46 inches, and weigh three • :actit a Twin pounds. .EitlO;ptize 3 point seseet Markham; blankets, ea s ,rnenloret 50 by 72 Mehra, and weigh eight poooda 000 pans 24 point scarlet Mackinac blankets. ito •"' •*- ..,menstire 54 by• 66 inches, and wunlll ea Citri . 7'7.pounda; - • /.o°.:Pair,. 34point green Machina° blankets, to '• • .• meaning 60 by 84 inches, and weigh ten •• Cr — pounds • • 800 pairs 3 point green ?decline.: blankets in ; • news* 50 by 72 inches, n o weigh eight • 'pounds.; • 250 pan 25 point green' Mar.kinse blankets en , to . measure 51 by 66 inches, and weigh . p • 100 pain 31 point gentinclia Nue Markinac • - blankets; to measure 86 by 21 inches, and .. 'weigh ten pounds. .400 pans 3 point gerainella blue Mackinac hian : 'hets, to manure 60 4,7'2 incite., and weigh eight poneds. 300 pairs 21 point gentinellit blue Macklin, blankets, to:measure 51 by 66 inches, and • weigh on pounds • • ; Nag Goes. •: 1000 yard* scarlet *tenni, 800 node blue stronds. 1,810 yanks fancy list cloth, blue. • 750 yards fancy list cloth, ecnrlet. , 330 yards fancy list cloth, green. 1500 yards guy list cloth, blue. • 1 3005 yards saved litt cloth, blue. ;13300 yards saved list cloth; scarlet. • 800 yards saved lin cloth. green. 225 pounds wonted yarn, 3 fold. 'lOO dozen cocoa flag handkerchiefs ' 230 digest cotton Madras handsereluels. U 175 dozen blick silk handkerchief , • Fbo odi-t.Bl-00-,.....trwb,.. - ._- 05 dozen 4-4 cotton shiwls. 40 dozen 8-4 woollen shawls. 280 00 rude domestic calico -5,000 yudi English and French cation. •• -10 000 yards Merrimack cake , 3 500 yards bloc drilling. - 8 000 yards Georgia stripes. •4,000 yard* blue . 1,800 yards erstionade. 7,000 yards domestic shirtirg, 15,000 yards don:trine shirting, unbleached. • 15,000 yards domanic sheeting. unbleached. • - 8,000 yards cheekystripes, and plaids , 400 dozen woolle ks n Doc. 70 mai plaid Linsey:, 1200 yards flannels, snorted. • 1,600 flannel shirts. • - '7OO calico shirts. • 430 poundalinen thread. • 550 pounds , cotton thread. ' 400 dozen Apool . conon, Nos t to 30. . • 80 pounds sewing silk. - '7OO pieces 'nand. assorted. . , .4,300 yards bed ticking. 1,000 yards Eentuckyjc ans. - 500 yards saninets. 100 germ worsted gartering. 200 pound. Chinon vermillion. 20 doken handkerchief. bark Sr Bandana. - -ISO glues fancy end clay pipes. 1,750 pdunds'brais kettles. . , 1,000 tin kettle. • -76 nests el - japanned kettle:q . B in a neat. . •-• -776 dozen botcher haloes. 10,000-0. 25 gressernaw awls. • 7,000 fish hooka. '• 25 dozen fish tines. 25,000 needles, arsons& • 105 dozeneorubs, assented. • - - 'lO dosenegiregreZanorted. •;",- 10 grciss gun whs., 82 ilbten,axes, to weigh froin 45 to 55 pocride 50 dosenhalf•azes, to weigh 35 pounds. &seri. banshees, to weigh I. pounds. • • • • Agricultural Insptennenoffe. 7301 ages, to weigh from 48 to 51 pounds. 400 half sures, to weigh 35 pounds. 200 hatcheut,to weigh ti pound. 25 broad ages. 250 drawing knives.l2 inches in length. ' .709 Rages:B,lu equal proportion. of 11, I, I, and • .150 pairs- Mama. • 750 pairs knee chsins. • '3OO pounds brass kettle. MOO weeding hoe* ' 115 band .mws. 40 Crosa•cut saws, '7 fact In length. 40 Crobikut saws, 8 feet in leogth. 100nm:id-caw 100 0103.-CUI. saw files. 40 loet chains, to weigh 25 pounds- each. 600 Whittemore cants. NO 10. - .100 gamuts socket chisels. 90 planes, fore and M-k, 630 Northwest goes, two•th:rds;of which maim meuttre 38 inches to length of band, cad f New • . .04tettilid 42 inches, to bt de weevil in the York or Philadelpte l: we may be ria trued. tsamp'merall the shore arliCks /tee deposited in the &Bonof int Catiewesioner of laiien Alfoir.; end it - may bet pennerto temare 11:10.1e of hardware, Culls ltOplarienl). potthW tst ions. ate entste:y • . new, end of. true . . quality :hen %lie steno.. heretodite famished ander former CO , ltlllf • rb. posts way be divided. into four parts, vie. to. Irlackeis. •liardwareoo include . Liticeieniineel innnenienu, . 4th Itiortherestguns. Thelowest 000petent sea ponsible bidder will receive _lke whole em any part of to contract =minding to lee s aeele, the Deparoar reiterving toieself the right to deitmeme . whether Mei bidder is competent and ro spo..dibleor not. • The whale amount In. money to be appliceL to the Pfirc 44 as of goods will On. &smut 420.11 k, but the Lr partment reserTes the rigor to increase or diminish the qua. di, ol . shr .. th , art tel. Dam ed. or subtanute oth , 1b...4.10t require, at armlet prices, such may no wanted, for presents or ad.. .purpose., in Mee nistration of the affairs of the Department Goads of /me ries. meutufacturc, all d they things bents equal, will be • preferred; bat as nil the istriplcedst blankets and cloths are of.foreigu ammulacture, it will be tbreeSser, when a dal:nestle article is bid for, that a Sample (fit. should memo:Tally the Lid, to enable the Depareaters to decide whether it is sat equal eloSlt y Weld the r^turiles be.e.thibited. The P' Mr proposing to supply the at Cedes will make lactsice et all thc items emaraced it I the above list, 4. 4 , 0 415.% the Prices, In collars and evilly at which ha Oil WWI Semi w thorn, dense...able in New '1 ore, ior.' Me eantractor prefers it, about ,um.lislf of Ms ,eitamity may be delivered to SL Louis, AIIAPOUtI, (1.. e rife/pease tut. Goventatern,l on or licks. , the I.m day ef 'Slay next, ...Mug tee quantit y of each ant e...As speetfied in this advottisetnent, d ad esteuthug 11.0 COM, elating so agaregale the ;stole invoice Constieuttag the l'het goon.wal beisnspected Lo li • ew York. land In St. Louts, ie nay poruion of het s i should be deltveredthered au by agent of the Illnitd Stales, who volt be a- Totaled by the Department (Or the purpose, and to alteertalathe cordomtity of n the nled.baccesteed with the samples exhibital, a whe • the comma made, and with the terms of the• • Contract shelf, which shah contain a clause Shot a the ' ertieles aro not furnished within the time par scribed, or If they are of• lusuffielent quality in tbo inion of • toe agent aforesaid, ands wattle five days after no, nee of sub insufficiency the party shail not Armen embank, ilea thereof of the muttered., quality, the llat• • • • tee Stem .11.31 be .011.00-d to inmate. them of ethers, and to change any is of price they amt Its compelled to pay therefor, to he contractor, who akall pay tae said deference to the Vented State.. - 4 • Donis Will be scanned, in the amount of he bids, . • 'Mama Vend gaieties, the sufficiency of whom to tre combed by a Uudsd Seems /Loge Distnet Aker try, lbe the faithful performance ;of the, contr.-is. Payewat will be h ad altar the co . ntrart is coo:mkta 1 ODIUM delivery of the goods as esaid tJ agent of Ma Deportment, utoit a duplicate , invoice ce tufted byOmmattelcations to be marked. "Proposals for In dian g00d..” Tho bids net Ibe saboitted with the following heal ' big, and 0000 tivtll be recessed that are not made in the form and terms item prescribed: ttl (or we) emote to tarnish for the service of use lodien Depa.tmer t also (Wiesner, goods, al the price. • • . .Azad to them respectively, viz tiler* moan the Ilse of goods.) - Deliverable m the city of New Torn (or et. LOWS; da Or before the— day of—sear, and in case of the L genet:elan. , of Si. rropomis. the quantity being pro , I , e ibeel •by the Department, I (or wet wil l extents II • treatise accoriling tlais agreement, end. give tads : • 'L WWI secunty - to the Department wain ten slay • after tae aceeptancextf_this bid; and In ca. of Who to cuter Into su•th coatrism, nod gore ouch securnl, • taste/ will pay to the United Mates effference • . Meta oo lee sums Udders by me tor usi and the sot Slates may be 'tinged to,pay foe eh maw a n d artaes. n . • Each a every bid moat eat, be accompanied with 4 itimpenty the following fel.% to bed signed by one • 01 Mere responsible peewits whose .ffiltney 111,1 lie certified by some One ash is knew) to e the D e p ar t- Meat, either petsonally or by his official poeitiou. •,. (or we/ hereby guesser/ Mat the antn.re bidder, will comply with he term of tho advertise. • mem for `proposals for Indian goods' dated itiqh hen : fester. le4V, if the coutract should be 'awarded a ,k/Ps,and eater into hood for the 4y-catkin of dm wen withal the time prescribed!, • .s.l • • •ORLAI7DO DROWS,_ eociatninioner of Indian Streiti. 441.101sv 011 sitio , IWTICra,The f.nte for opening, tan bid. IP tended to do ist do) of Decosber nut, at 10 o'ol bb, bee the nroo of dahvory of the goods to the of Jew, Tie regulation fortnddtug cum .04 taken from *0 contract. of former gooraha 'reset.k4 ocat.tvici 1:111. .1 kYfiCSS /• bi t s. We heroloear, informed by r RCM of a tee for I (ptparatob bet by Dr. Jaynes Alearatly•,vl,l,b En... 4,„.;,. r,.....rnt...x.:;zh, - ;: LTIT 2 Y „ '•;c':. Lorithflk,ol4sl-S% WHITE SWI-3,,LlN'6l3,'ear.neee. . . sink aleerarions, ILL enrobation. of vatiouibtinc t .du• Plltirliebbnartobry prerstavebrcndisabtitd f...,.' the morel bone of Oa eranmos, from both AII4, '. Imes and hands.an4 frombs,tb,legs,ond her obe lef, fesnora. bond. and frora therigbt knee, besides pair.lbf j ulcers oo wls' env.. of her person, orbieh boos ,Ssr.le , el Ina Aral of a'netaber of tte. ors!,t urn winfphysteinns of ' ,ofa,--lanng smolt of. tbe time her sot.orin6l l,,, n ''.. •••• 'bare elements and deplotablel. Most thole month% she arks indoml. so uy Dr.Jayste's .I,2sennee. ' ' ' •• ' Which Lao bed no Iseroolatanglr hope) , erect open bet, "-... • : , .... 67 ssmoning• all pen and oraellioga.and cameng tn,. • "elevate beal,erbila or the woe:lona bersensaislt enta: . .... tusk beereatteosoplerfelytersoto4,athaaPhe Sin° vroiip -..-, 7. -' t'-• ~., 'sins itwltiih•St she Oa 1. Ott phis kW...14 Um rue , s - .'-,IK WO War eahoinefrn(tial..Wre, Pt At. ...,. "P . : ref firtiasr Informsuns.tee e a m, s . Bp. ,ttp,lsB trdklert O. Plilleisiplua . ts 'suburb, At th0'1i.4.11:1H:2 1 .A:. ,a0/IE, ' 111 Mark is, saarWsid. . MEDICAI Tlfesebieribr ha • mesh:Ur re.....__ _ __.... 0, ' tiles- insialonhle Instruet which he [onion, phat a keening cernitantlY on b.na foe oak. atrompa 'ilied'hy ditecelEwellel, proper -aplication in nil curl of dl.eal, C Oas ris for fitilminisiisr metal. in thr fur. meaner. root experience to the treatMeni of dilineurs tins led lam to lie4ove that them. are i• Cl PPS, if a.oy, which map ono. tie adceously trrsh ed h., a pruper appqrnhort of the mil. eire fluid l'hr tilo , t•factiory imilimoidels will to , pre, of co r,.. her nor been arched or different diseamo, Haar re which were deemed neurotic in the °otiose' , medico. proCaCe; and on .pertions well , known among Us, to whine reference. may be even. Persons afflicted with chtnirc Threnret. of ang kind, •re .peeirOly invited to CO and ertrnine terns team '''7l.F7l".)*lCfulnNthE7S7.t'ort'l7'p's.rparerl by Me must .surcessfo practitioners to the Faith. and administered by then In connection with or separato front the operation will constantly he kept on litind,or.th dirretlona for an Single operations on the most moderate terms. ,OLlice Nu. itt Pt. Clair M., near the rid Allerh.n . Bridge., tfoskintly .1. WV-STERVE.I.r. Aly.tcc . arya.l: a "amber 11A 2 'INDIFFF011071 1) ,mod N 11 1 ,-- um. '' 11"11 ' • I - , e. 0 . MANUFACTORY - Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COMPOVAD EXTRACT OW • SARSAPARILLA. , The most Wonderful Igedlethe of the Age, 1,600,000 BOTTLES M.A.NITFACTURED YEARLY. Ma Millen• is pat op In linart Llattlaa, and ham tuned mos. than 100,000 CUSS of pronto Disease, wedn Tesse.—Nons Is OCTIAPiII y 8. P. TOWBBILW. EXPOSE. BY READING THE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT the robin will Inuit the origin or rather whore the recipe for making the atop they call Old Dr. Jacob Tow usend`s Sansperilla wane from--and will be dile to Judge which le the genuine and originth and of Biase howdy of the men aim are employed in selling the anginal Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla Dr. 8. P. Yownseod sat the original proprietor and bender of DO. Tererusetidßucteraarealle, told his medicine hex fieri:ta.rf:=o„,er no other re , Te t le . ver i llzt , and is eraentoduring at present agoo Donn. per day. We we ware Sweeperilla and Telles , Deck to oor establishment each day, than all the other Elarsaperille Manolacturent kw t h e would. Principal Mu, 128 Fultonat BEAD THE AFFIDAVIT. Cloy cad sl Nere-YerA o.x %Oda Annetrong, of the old City, beingthemattdoly nmtin, de& end ny that la • ed and=det time Is in let D p r ael i r t May, ward of J That wan uno, 1848, • men by the wan ter of Jacob Towtomed, oho •1 that tires wee a book thd remolded peddler, wild open &paned, at th e boom of Mr. Monona. No. 42 fl.bonatred, when dep. • tanabardeid. and requested depanent to write Um • recipe which' to make a Syrup of Banaparlll. Dorman farther says, that he hewme swat:toted with add Townsended the dace of Theodore Torten Pat, Book publither, with whew add Townsend deeds That et:Wham:and halal frequent acerrerm. bone with deperientreagothinf the manufacture of an article of Sanaparilla to - he add an the wine of Dr. Jacob TOwnseal. That old Townse dosed he wag no old man, end pow, area vow 000 i t for herd mbar—sod wished to make some moray. to order to lims way In hie old dna two, 6...pui11a cad. the =moo( Town send sold so well, end so much money was made by ft, he coal sae no moon why he might ma make something out of it too. (his tame being Toweseral.) f f he could get • cepahle person to prepare a recipe, sad mahafecture. it for biz,. Deponent in one of the cooveredioneasked maid Townsend if he was related to Dr. 8. P. Towneend, to which ,he replied, that he knew Dr. 8. P. Townsend would be down on him after dmadd woman= But that he did not use for him, es he had fortned • capartnership with men who mold fordsh the reqUilitimmOsuat of c•pital—end was wall prepared to delead •hinaelf against any attack tent Werth° trade on lam. cod further says. that purmant to the request. of mid Jacob Townsend. be wrote • recipe for the manufeetwe of a Syrupof Bator max sod Pro bk. Said . Townsend observed that he wanted to make • specimen to exhibit to his partners for their approval. no he wished to gratify them in every Ming, shay fumithed all the capital —said Townsend also told deponeial. th at the bottles they were to de were to he of the tame aims and thew as send's, and deponent. at the request of sold Jacob Townsend; went to the oath. of Dr. 8 P. Townend. and pwared ora of his lobels. And deponent further soy. thst he hoc been Won. CA ea) verily believes the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, veld Ohl /web Towniend's, is rude eller the recipe fur. Walledll by deemed, to larab Townsend, no domed& And further derma. aan • WILLIAM AILMSTRONO. Byrom to been me, this Uth day of May, C. WOOP Mayor of the S. City of boar 1 ark PROOF!: PROOF !!.I Here Is proof imancluane that Dr. IV P. TowthenrPo Bernpardle le the origthel. The following a from some of the mostreepectable reran in this State FROM THE Evenlng Journal. ' • Dr. Tcranasend's Eiarnaparilla. There probable rarer has been to powder • remedy, or patent medicine, as' Dr. Towner:dee Sarsaparilla, winch was originallt, and o°¢ooooo to be mane.. tared to this city, at add by the Doctor himself. and dictum& for several years and to the present time, be Chirp*. Townsend, the ronent proprietor. Singe the pertoonhip moo fortneA the DoctOr hos cabled in Now PAL, where he keeps • store, and attends to the Malmo thst Staitaillabie et that point The mann, tsetse) is tit tide city, and is cooducted by the junior" earthen Mr. Clapp—here ell the medicine le manual, la rod. pew of our citizen have of any Idea of the amount m edicine that doctored and *aid. Besides this the rein in this coonikKif altipp ped to She Caned, Wed lath. Wends, South America, pod elm to Ea. rope. in cowiderable quentitle. At the memsfsetory they employ • sta. eine, betides a large number of man, women and gis.4 the prepention of the medicine, making Wan, priettitg, ke., and tine out read for ehipasent, over and &men per day, or needy Ontobotiles. Than ou enonnota qrantity. • The great alt the medicine Ina amp:tired, has in. cloud • oumber of men to got op imitations, and them le et the present time, other medicinwe for sole. that are wiled " Dr. Tormasend`e Sarsaparilla. One in to titular darted a abort time ago In Birk York, a call ed .01d Doctorjecrib Townsentre Itliraapuilla . Ind Op pere¢saaldly with • deer, by dint of edvertising. and the remedin reverted to in ouch *Porta to Borrow. ate the name of Dr. IL P. Townsood's great remedy. and thus gain all the Menages resulting from the looptildity of the none which he slamuired for it by year. of patient expereive Dr. AP. Townsend, foemoely of the city. as Is well known here, is the inieentur and orlgund propietor of the medians known a " Dr. Towasenith Sarceptetilla ll t" and .0 think those persona who an attempting to se their Snick as the gemulna, should be wparat FROM THE New York Daly Tab... We poblislad en advertisement advertently time once tine did injustice to D in a P. Town. send, who ia the otigical proprietor of the preparation of ranaperille known as Pt. Tow-wear. Other parties tare within the Prat few month, engeged or connected the:own. with a moue by the Mine of Towemend who rot up • mertleine end wile It by the TrMine Thm Making , WaS advertised ha Tea Trams ea the original. in Thie ..a.ertisetemt also cortiabeed radar derogatory ta the character of Dr. Af. TOwsuand and OM Of kW medicine. We mpg B appeared, t ad his leak* to the Dr. make this plenatket. FROM THE New York Dolly SUM Ma 701•Nary...estraordinmy Ms ertisementorhich mollies an entire page of the Sce,will not escape Mice. Dr. S. P. Townsend, sho iv the osigteel pro. printer af tDwnsen Sas asps Mita and whom of Me in oas door to ooze, where he by been for serer al year; is driving an immense of lie receives no lem than War brindled donut of esammaiilla per day, and cam DM enormous quantity does not ripply the demand. No Medium ever Valued eo 'reat . populanly m his preparation of the Sarni:oral. floe cbtion of Allamlure for MO mar klbooll and In has peal the Sew York Son for @damning, in the last f it is twee $lO,OOl. and be mknowliviges Mat it is the cheapest unarming he hes bed done T ill medicine W exported to the Canada', West in. lies, South America end Hume, in considerable quanUtise, sad le comirg Into peeled use in thew emunden ettlwil Is b.'s. • 11Windlers. [lngglate and others that tell Barenarilla tor the genii. arid original Dr. Townsman MaserHa ,d. Ulla Met Se not .Igned by S. P. Townsend. coconuts a n and *lncite. the anstamers. ,ten amyl'' would be guilty of nth meet, would mminit ther fraud end no Dragglit of common iniellige UV, but knows that mune the only getnins. .01d Jacob Townsend. Borne peo ple who are not well informed. tourvientand have ' mot read the papers, and not Seen Out edmra have been led tom ope., that because these men W. vartise their stud M'Oid Jacob Townserata," Mat ii must, of warm be the anginal. It U lem then mu y=r sums they commenced to make eir med ea sem Men In the market over ten year. icine ebla Old Jacob Townsend. .......i me mimeo:Mg to pens oil on the public m ea old Physician. no. He In not a regular edoeated Physician, and rrrrr rUmrrrr r tr. menotactore a:act. ku- ~tryudvw.,,xtebethe 7 e J,`,::. u.,: - thr their Sersaparilla p i ous. or tirsame-but the better to deceive the public, they at the sense une aimed that Main Is the Old Dr. 'Yowl:mod* en she origowl , nod -endeavor to make the people believe thas the Mather manulactore, le tha Dr. Testae nd's Elinowillsb 1.114111111 performed ere many wonderful cures for the past ten yams and which Ms gained reputation whack moth er marine mar eispiy width la a Mae, s u i t s villau, mprincipled folmiilual• We ham C apart thew MO Inc dcweges We wiatitt tope widentood.thet titla , .... Ls cm retal® to Dr. Townsend whatever In their ad vartleements and circulars, they tablisna numbs, of ' • grow talselomie impacting Dr Townsend, Which we will not notice. • Fame Reports. Our opponents Son potolish.d It the paper, that Or.. B. Iblalrlisondi Ina daub This they seud to Mall agents stoat the eamstry, who. ow v t h e , .„ t ,,,,,, given up tondoes, lit. La. The public> should be or their guard, and net be deceived by Mom mprinci lid men. Noma of Remesab—After the etif September, !SW, M.S. lb Townsman. New Yoh Mice will be ,e the South' Baptist Church. Na. 91 Nun. stret, which - 14 row undergoing a thorough ohmage. end will belittled far the bettor emonamodatlost of the pro Wilestlio end Om Wain .11eks perilnder Nsdria—No Illerwpnritie is th. genslos end ortgend Dr. Towatend'. lievaspodts, an Inn dgnal by d, p. Teuton& . . _., ,/,.....,,,—Rodding It Co, No. a Stalastreet, em site. E. Kidder, No. 100 Cosstetreet Boston; Samuel Riddelk Jr., `swells t Henry Pratt Salem I haw Vt. Wapner} Allieon & Omit, Conconi i I. fleiCh L k SO.. PrerMlD [a I nod bTPr.snt. t . !a:4T, - =talenetbnid,l?=ttant OW U ni ted lb . Woe same by:R. C. nej..Lad, 'Sole ,tgrent for Pitt.. situ D.)3. CURRY, Alleginiall it. YAITERBON teliangter& 4 , 10 424 1 1 , TRANSPORT ATIUN btrino. 1 ......-.-_ _____ -.. - : . a• 9 4.1:Z -°' ICI t4l; 11" --. - 111 ittf.-3F.f.it ..--.:..,' 10z, = :711.3.. *. .. -_ V. t • t E,' =: , ...q l -1 •74 0 v0,,,..g.t0wat and Nog Csatla °anal ILLICIUS PORTABLE BURT a- w ' LINE,.'a ' ' i F..; if§i.lll ,1i:r; • 3 ;,'-_!-. te • , t, ‘7,II.trZI.U.LiSiI7,.:I?:, d !r - ii ~ • :.4 2 . 1 2..., ear.% E .- or I. t• ... .. . .., ~.- ea . ie. 0 Parton,. . . 1s I 1,,,:e1.dR,P4.,:.F.A,N,1,1,LLy111.,,E DIM F.s"-'ll , ey are ttg u m . _ _.- ,_ . c... tg, I. ~ , . _ t , . t ~,, , t s y a ~, - . 7„ , ,: ,,, 0..1 .... . ; ~..a . ..=.......-: -7:-. -e•-•-••tr.ys, ~ - 2 .; : : :1, 11 .Z . I : ‘ i 2 .l - iii 1 i. 2 _ 4j t: In a ff .. , t . ~...,.,..,,z,.....07:...519.2.....3-..-7.Ez._,4iViat , 0 , 4. 1 e.. 5 14 5.7, a$ T. V..=.e. ,el 2 re ll"--.12 n41 " tig a " 1, , ' ,..h . „ i a , ~ ~,, ~ . F se , s ht t ., ' R F.. Sr ' •G rt, '" . l"ttlt'li'li.7rl 'u U r ' t ' .. ' .'en ' te . ol l : 4 l:ent =I sTb i.i-,1.M.1.1 ..: : . -7,4,. K g E. 2 -E - z.... , :i.t.z...-:. ~:., ES , .42 a. r. 4 :.- . [l ey o ~ o- ,- - . .2 '.7 2 is r • -T. E'6 • E .. _:ll4:tieliria4.ii?lL-Tiii li :'.-=., 'l 2 l 1 . TO PHILADF.LI'istA. HA LTIMORF:-A NEW FORK to em _ et?l" ., lee" lo te•I'o" .7 • ' ... '" 4 " .11...i. CM , 4 till, 3 a t...1_,1 • ,. : ,- 1 ,..,, E.: 2 2-- .. e , 2,1 .7:0 .1. :- 2 ...2 r. rn , BUSINESS on the Cana .-/:: Ile , . •Ire . tl . ll. , :1 , , . 1.,„ :7 ‘ ,. uo ., , rm„,,,, ~ r g,,, i,,, , , . f, . i ...r. D 2 ...4" ...;..... 2 r4e1iEa.....2E55i5.t..t.P12-2Ttg ,:, ' _o, ...._04.21.3., 3 ;4 4 a.571,i, t,ntrii `E :i t ;it 1 1 they lfr',ar:ll,'!'`,l",',`,.,',',7:::`;<`;;.`;',,..'.::::' I i-') •0. , -..-- q.-i , .--n< f""'" , ' ',.*'• ...". 1- r. .I, , z,'"' i ..1.. ° e g, - 4 2 „,.....- 1 ? .---.:g ... e -; 2...9.. g..- :,-; •-o ~.."..- L'..M-Ea:"°,1,.... St • ''' qtygrlllws•... Ito xthu worms wont tam con! . g, .4 - 74 . Z . z ... ,..44 t , ;.T. „ ..5, 0 r_. 3 ''.. d ..- . S 1, , ..q.: i. ,, ,.... t i- ElE,g.ale.f_,=4:=.2:T;Lis ;VI 77, I ward Freight with desratell and et 1"n - `' i - le. l . ‘.. ~„,,, , ..,, sc u vur Inver I Ills ao.I Ltmeh -yr - ix) .11 1 lel .- , c rF a a Pelt., F. 5 - .ii,' cyst e T --1.1;:e t.r ; a! .5 .._,•_. , ,E.TT: x , n , , 11 .3.-.ng...E1.77,...142. 7 ...2 1 :1X- - - -2"111; They would also call thr audition o. .ember i.g.. fan..,_ _,,, _ have _,, ...,,„. ~, „,,, ~,I - ward to the fact that the Beds emnioyed by then .. TY , ..... ll ro l . , ld '-` d --- ' ICC >g i 1,: .. 5 Ili.- 'ls 34 - 2 . 1; ; - 4211,?.. ' 5 . ..1: 11- n 5 wansportauot, are owned by them and commanded by '.", t, • , • , :,,, • ` • 1 , ,4 „ ,,,,, ~, t ,,,,.,,,,,,,,,. 5 , i ~„ , •,, ~,, I = ... 1 .._ , ,_. O g; l gTro Ei I atAA'STT,S I t tqstalal., •• • LC jO. experienced captains Shippda of Neat in Bulk will End it edscrinecous " . ' ll ' ll '' I ' •". ' 6 '"" e' th' hf'"'"'". ''''" a ":6 = ... . .Y.i -° l-.2i 0 '1 94'..- = '' '7: :r. ' ''-' I.ill i , Lee. abed in ray re, ~o Me ' ~ ~ ;.;11,5p,,Rt,,0,0,3• • ..,;.5....,.., eq....,,, - ; , ..3.1.1 .- ...,,,-,. to ship4ty this Line,. the sul..enhers neer ulnae at Tl .l•r•l '" l i . , ",,,,,„,...,,,, 1 ~, „,,,..„ , ~, , , ~„ CM) 0 t, rangeTOCIIIS . Culggibla to have Pact, fr<,,h. 1., Bo- ~ , : r ~, ~ ~, ~,,, ~,,,,„..„.„„,, ~ ,, ,, ,, , ,,,, ,r , ;, :: 0 t't ,4 8 i.:,ei.._ 6 1..:,p. , 2 4 , -;i..f,,,1 --; z: i moose handed directly from busts tr. cum their., ex 1 ,. ..V , ' „, ` ,..„,,,,, ,,,, , ,,,, , ,' y ~,,,,. r e -... , Arm I:3 ga tang a nreLouse kremlin% ',r, , ght „.m 0 : 5 1-1 : 4•,;-;•,i,!...4.5:g..r..1... __ . !. - -5 Freight to Ptigagegbta gocs carne thtocgh in ga 1 , r, .,,, ~,,,, ~,,,, ~ _ I. ~Nt.:•. t, mni 2 ;..... . in = - -. 2. 4 , . 0 _ •••••2i . , ,, ,,,: 15 ,,,,v 1 ...e,5,..- , •° OIR A boat.g. E = 2•1P1.5.41-.°.,..t0m4P.'.,ff,".3 co - 51 No charge made for receiving shipping emir. ring ...,, ..7:;‘,;ns.t: ,:,.,,,,,) Woad ~r.., I'' t m, ~ , C., La q charges ICIER JoNES Propriri. I. ~4, g.z. g 1:1 -.-..1,..Ez.via2;-45.g.t! -- i --,.' t,, - F , ,, , -- EKIr - ric, - cip Liv git eoun.iiNT. ,_. 1,, I ce c... 1 II.IIL. Sevalg Ire L f, It ', • , t ~1 . ,,,,„ ~,,,,, ~,,,, t „ 0 2 . .c ~ •: ..das a et..e.^ : 7 4 .p_zsz...o tk .. .I,„ ' E.r, AGENTS, John A. Shaw. Cincinnai, 0 . Jko Me- i.. 3 ort.pm.,, Only true. a,e 5 Lik. ' 0 g' E>, fi ' ll ' il.n - 1 13-3 Z”,:;!E t i E ' ' 4 i , .1 Cahouet ACo Baltimore; /no Steel &'o ,Pr andel Sides Lad., Ohm crude, Tx t , ! ce pnl os F ran er...A Thom., Colunthig M.cli :Soh, I -4,.. 1, • ,, cl q ..E 42 oz, ~,- d 8 - t. - ..;1 ,-, --e ti i' . .vi 4 7 :..- --,; 1 _ IWNWIII'..VANIA CANAt. aR. ti.7/7117 " 4 ". K Is• '''''''O f l'"''""--1,"'"''',:d'''n", „:„ 1 IL ' t o y,,0 ~ d,“ the.pubne 5.-.. era 7 ,1... Hurl t ., 1, 1 ..' 41 ° 't;t1E1rgt2.222r00n,67.f."21.7....f, :,' f. ..-.::: . i t: t X .!: 2 20g F . 3;:`,?..1.1ri 19 - 1;4 5 a t: ' ,.; ...] :. " 1 " . Eraii P :r*;s27-ilgii.7: - .'';'9, l iabEallB49. ONLL--I_l_, 1,,..:,:1,1:11,1,1,::,g,L;r:1,,,ky1..1.cl ~.t1f.7,,, ;‘!..nly::,/,:1.,..,.:..nr„i,,.1.,::„.c1..,,,,,,,,,,,,rd.4, o f ; 1 1... ° 1..., 0 F.X.FRESS FAST PACht. 1 ..,,, I , ~.lit ce1e1.131.i . .1 Lod , Yids radon , ar auie I,) .a ll ; C.) ..- .< 0 _%:, , 'l3 -.0111.,t-8,.,,i,T2....4 , 1,11iii,...t.,:,- ,g , z /140 fl . ~•rp, ~. 71 ~..r,, ott,l r, eornrepl o rl o to ,r ni r. -by (cc j ~,„... Prxtrimiver to Paladelphin and B.4intorn. .. ph. • ...I Dr 1......d0ith, I rent, Ole 0 E' 7.• re E7l . I. t ' 6; .I"'E' 1...9 , E.;:a ii if. : .'. ii I ! : .i (I.dt...rely Mr geo.sens,,.. I , .. la.r trod I ~,trehdred 01..- non nol ...!., !,!r, ,„ 1 _..., a. E .-: a =,.., :15-;eig.,"3.1'2757.;°,•=7,..Vgi-:5 .. 0 E P TVrircolgrgtome":lll7‘n'l'll'iiio'n"Altr,Tl:ya.thil'io‘thlAVlL.,'.h. V'S'll'it‘t‘ll.."t!'it.'l7:lt.'Wtri.l77,l e ' ll.: 1 t ,,,,Tl ' E g . ' on,,Pfi 'l l.L ': l : ; ... 1.1 " `c I= l W .gi .p• . ;2.ol. s °i•Ta E .C°l-4 - 4f1F.1 1- Ff.1 .,. - -7 E: g ;-;. The boats eta. Une a , e or • 'open. 3 eltote, le forte 1 t nil the do.rarc hur ~..rely, leit ow. mu I rani ee p.... .. 4 0 - -6:,-go;4=-=.iz...,-.9:"..iV.47,--.=:, ' _g• . 2 enlarged eabtrn, winch will give greeter donfort to x l ..° m s „_,CO 2 Z 2, gfat; S 'e l 'elE te ... ' e ,Z Xt . ' t; • 4-4 `- 7 F. ' 2 .'1 . i 4 z" , "''''''' '''' I'L.re'''Y TH.OOI.I.MAN. 'ARC It M 4 LI '''. r, - 4 - -4...t. , 24 t ... r. ~... p;:z t-,,i, ¢, ill • ••4 .. E....... 114.........6 . ..,e , .!..n, ..! o t 05.,. o , 5 .,.. S. -is .... cr ~.,,, passengera A boar c a la lways be in port, and ,ra.'alere are ~ %%ea, LOer t), March Sri, lrlii OPe ,-;Erir.=.3'4lg '_F•E'tt - 5 . 5 , ..2.Ei 1l , a t 2 0 ..-1 1 ,:11'15 9 :...=...tr''' . . , .;•,.,wz - .•%; „71*7. g , ~,d ~ NI, -1.11.1 u. ..'.= ',i : , -7 i• 4 r:: . 'l.g 2 ...?. : ..1 , f. 71: -" gE x - ~..,1 u j ••• EXI 'el ..., E - . 0 no ...7..:P= 7, - . 7 2:io i, t - 2.2 .. r . S . 2 ' 1. g-,,, ,, q ,,, „,.,, ato ll and examtne tileta bea . aneaCeer.. I 4. , . y th." .., l' .. "'" " . ,: . 7,,. ' ~.„,,, „1 ,e, - - C. j......?...n. -, -: E . .t...... , .: ~ y. i ... ..!. 2.. Z * 2 t.t..tt E, i Z.g ;* 5 • z 2 ..!! .; 2 2 f -,.. or :7 .2. 2 'r: 2'.._2 re -.- d ''t.': !.- e e. E.,, ,, ow by other routes They P en n k., too lasultneo , t 4 le ele an l can hr. , 1er... 0 ' '," - H ~L, ie. --I , : .... ''' - :...,2: - ..„.."E.........,... ,-- r:- .... c .7.,ae.E . n -•.. = 2,.2 2 '-. 0 7T.re,....5.C.....E E." , ce e'S .- . sei r "4 '-' - ~i' -• Z 7... 7 1 posite the U.S. Hotel, corner n aired and 0. ~.. 'wird, ed , < ` l e ..' .ltC , tl 'll 2 a iSel' •••-.E...F.15.-C.-.75.7.",..a.3E.i..0,....g, • c.) c.,.. d .r. ; . a .....t.-..; E E . :, a -- ; 5174 uT:. '• - I - C , even . yught at v 0,d,„ ~, , L ..,,, rel. .r,, Or , :" r ", ltn ' i r! , ,,',', .... - . E.. ..... :: _ 4 .. ge....,.1',..g0 -i-,-, E - A. - -"z::, -.-,.g; - t Z..F.,A a - :0, FARE-NINE DOLLARS TIIROUI,II s t... t i.i HS. No .17 Wood street, Pod oy l X., 1 50 .,, ta 5.- 4 ! ~ ,xo., es -,.... t ,5,r . - s , = ..., . 1 ,,. _... .2.- ell•t' -•11t,P...-E.TY.1..te.tz....: -.. d."' .-5 • ....E.t , r0 .... • 5',..... t e -• ?. F el.' F. Trone-3i Dar. { LI c a 2.....1. v. e•-......5-a -t-e-,,,, ~ , .a ...2,,-,.a..= ; - 4 ..-„, ..2 • .f ?r .f t7-' 3 g. 2. a= .15 - - '..* 7- ' r. - Hl 5. E For inforuialson, ap i silylt i lhe li ~. ,t.„. 1 , 7 ,, n , 0i1it;1c0t , 'AINet ri / 4 ...r. tf.: . 1_E...g.a1. ,- - , ::. , t % :i :-.... 0 F;., -, ,,.- ;....,7;:: . : . 2 .E . -, ,, -. .v E' 2 , .. ~,.:e. ...3.1-,..e7. ,. .: -= 'l ,` :Z= -.--. 0 ....t •. .1 crE -' .. - atf:=. - -:. , ...-, . , - li °14"1:-.: 1 7: pop Of the olds:. t',..ne rt;c n Its. ; C. M 4 'LI -,.:.; , 4 , -- =l.,e • C s .Ff rrr - "..'''. '''... 4 • - t.' °- t.T..5..4.,f...1T''...7rU..--s,-...-- i." ,r" P '...... • f t.` -, t , a -,--- -- - '• --•41 2 . batiftlig att adthttottat Linos f act..t..11111111 as aid , . t CO Y r : 4 ' • ...g ....5 F. ';.. • -- i t.' - ',.! 1.1, - r . - t...^ .- , , ,:t 1. ' 1.... i. 1 1 •-..:-'. t '... - r. L .. :-.. E-,,7 ;,--' E - i ;-.-' 1, - tE T.. 4F • ' . 1 ' : - . 7Q ' - on or LOIN" June LEL in coniteruon with:the Peons, t e0.i.:.,,:t.?.:12t*i.-1E,...7.g....,...ierr.:2-'i.2,,1-7. g . =.4 - , ,- t -- :- .- : -., ..-: --: -_- ~ c-, o il ReII Road from Lesdr . ow.. to Phitedelpino- Ai ti-....'it...0.--..g7:111,',if--,-,:-...7.'-..t::.ii. i'• - ii'i'.. 'tl---.1-''..,.4. t.,:!t:Zi:)....,:i2-iz.s'i, L 7. - that usne a packet will kayo even mottling slut e'er.' ing, Time through, 2111iy. meniu -li-lANCE PORTAOLE BOAT LINE, lc - , AGENTIat-WM JaCKSO , I, JOIIN D lORGAN, l'Stchurghl D. It/. CURRY, Allegheny Om A. PATTERSON, Rirranahure 18-0, Mitir. pin: packet 1111A s efli, Capt. Stanley., wane.* Beaver regularly un Munday, ,treleY and Cnilay evenings at C P. NI, and at nvc wt Vounastown anal morning at s rectock—returiwi, leaves Youngs. I nywit Tuesday,Tiitsday, and netuiday evenings ate P. hi, and reach liesver ill time Tor the morning bout, ALLEGHENY cLtPrEtt, arriving at Pittsburgh at 11 o'clock. will The packet HAREAWAY, Capt. Downting, nave Heaver Tuesday . , Thursday and watunlay even- Mes at 6 P. M., tourning, leave New Castl e, out, e, Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6 P M. Lao arming with tat mnrntsig boat tor Pittsburgh. These ,are fitted p m complete order, has. dig him /Us 11 nations (or patscitgem. and shippers martely inuctualtty And greater despanith than bits redoinpreeroutz.r.. C. ladwell, Agent, Pittsburgh. Bid w rit & Bre., Desert. A. D . scabs, ypimptown. R. D. Cu , ningbarn, Stew Castle.. The elegant steamer, ALLEGit INV CLIPPER, will eaige Beaver. daily at A. NI, an Pittsburgh at 3P. H., ratlines in connection with the abov bogus Inlls a ikat i , 1849. maga Warren and Cleveland Ponamnier Lint. • Canal Vactes—StY ALLOW. —OCEAN. NE OM< above Packets leave Veneer ever 7 day (Sundayexceptedj and arrive neat morning el Name, when they connect with MeM Stages for kkron and Cleveland, arming at each a i l oha places Lefton night. One et the nacho's tore 1-Vairen daily I t 5 P. 51.. and arrive At Deaver in time to take the nonima boat for Pittsburgh- C F S.LEFFINOWELL a Cc, Warren, t M Il TAYLOR, do 1 . JOHN A CAI-MI[IIY, Agent, k • canter Water and Smithfield Ha jaw,M, 1849: • UNION LINE; ON THE I'ILNNVL AND OHIO CANALS. CRAW-M.& CoaAnnaLut,Cleveland,o R.G. ROMS WM!. j Lute will Oc prepan - . 0 on Or fP0'r4.4_0!..,n -001"",' ‘""nrOLNltin),7o".7noi„'‘ O. the Ca and Ledo The facilities of t ' eed enpacv 'the Line aro unsurpassed let number, to of Boats, experience olcarktainv, Agents. ayes Pittsburgh raid Cleveland daft too. _deni m. with toe steamer. LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, • Between Patsburgh and Bearerllateer, and a line of first. liva ileum., Froliclien and Vessels on the Lakes Aurfres—R Parks, Jesce Baldwin. Youngstown, Ohio. NB Taylor, Warren, Cyrus Pre..., Ravenna. V. heeler A. Co, Akron, Creation' & Chamberlin, C Sears A Griffith. Buffalo, JOHN A-CAM-MET, Agent. Water and Smithfield ft, Pittsburgh. Mee, tnebility BEAVEK PACKETS etenmer bIICINUAN No. 2—Copt Gilson. LAKE NIUE, ir Gordon. THE above regular and well known WILY. Pack er., have cornmeneed making their daily trips Id and Noon BtfIVOI, nod will continue to run between ibAndturah rod !brevet regularly during the mural, as ?dicing. No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily sr 0 o'clock, A. M., and Beaver at **o'clock, I.M. Lake 6ne braves Beaver daily' at it o'clock, A. kL,ual Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. 31. These warners run in cennecuon with R Ci Parks' Express eacket Lind, for Eric; Taylor & Laiingwell's Warren Packet.; Upson Line of Freight Boats Inr Cleveland; Clarke &Co's Pittsburgli and Cie veland Line Fratght Boma 6 Parks daily' New Castle Parke.. CLARE& PARKS kCo, liesiver ,eAgents. JOHN A. C.k Lit; r' riltabilrgb, atek.3l _ cc: Wart and Smithfield sts au 18.49. inElail CLEVLLAND LINE,• ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS r . THE Propnetors of ens old rstaltltehed and popula dads hue, ronsistinx of SIXTEEN first class Canal Boats, owned by thea,4l , es and running .n comae. 3ral with the meant boats RI:AVER AND CALEB COPE, arc enabled m offer unequalled facilities for the, curi a of fttlfht and paisengers, on the operatic 01 Cant: na notion, to alt points On the Penn sylvania and Ohio and N. York canal and the Lakes. E. M. FITCH Sr:Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL b. BROTHER, Agent... Beaver. J. C. BIDWEI.L, Agent, r.; Water %tree. I'lltabargh wa c, c. atnarlo., Fearer. BID WorLL BROTHER. F E warding Merchants, BEAVER, PA., pias .Ageaw for at Pittsburgh asuiElestriand Lsns, burgh and Eras Lint ria Erie, and for twat boats Bearer and Caleb Cora. Having purchased the large and Nabcnuctial Mart toot just birth for the Monongahela Pactola, have. oiln the addition ora Warehouse d th most ample ac commodanons for rocetving an forwarding. and pledge Ora nr.cnuon, promptness and despatch a conetatiments to their rare, and rely on their frauds us Innrcl-tilv B. 11K0 - • PITTNBUDDit AND EDAM. ILTICINT • • 1849. i n te e aL i Old Eatablithesll. lol . trt• Irn, not xis ell CANAL ru; Proprietor of this well known bane 0r . ... floats. ts now prepared 'to Umbrian Paawnsers mil ',eight to all porno, on the s nu Extenston. New Fork Canals and the Lakes, upon the Indllt ' favorable '.eons and with despatch. Tins Lute runs in cos.nerrinn ...is Me 1,10.1 booth BEAVER and CALLS: Cr tPti, ortwecir Pot•borgh and Rooter, C 11001'0ot steam hoofs and ves sets on the !ales, and the Troy mid 'Michigan Lake' Boat Line on ito, Now York canal C. M. REVIV, Proprietor, Erie, Pa. Bidwell A. Brother, ACertis. ' , oven W T Mather, Agent 01.1 Mesikinsen's rosseaseer i ;tee, Monongahela Pitt,lsargn. C :shorans, .17!sts Hal , CU itharpsburg; ...nth A. frosUning, do; 1 Plummer, West Omen gide, %Vie k. 001,00 - tr. Co, do, Win Itenr,, 0 Arm Newberry, ',heboygan, ?stela , Se Milwato tie, Knap, Murfey Dutton, Ronne; John Ktnve, iiiiteago, A IVltt'r;Cl• S Cu. Nave York. up Pltt•burgh and 8 18.19.10 EkelketLikke fiNg z."7,`."'`l.;"i',7,..;'doothtanteor 4. and splendid Pocket Roam to run dortng the scaaort, be tween Blairsville and Pittsburgh—the boats to tow ed by three horses, and every effort made to accom modate passengers. Dairoarcutssi--Boats will leave Pritsborgh every llonday, Tuesday, Thom., and Frsday, at 7 o'clook, e.Y. Front Illmrsville every !Monday, Wednesday. Charade . ; and isaturdas d ay. o'clock, a a. arrive At Pittsburgh the same y A two home flack from Indana void meet the boat at altsbargh. both alt up. word and downward trip—putting passengers thosugis rim that place in ows day. Freight for the above Lute will be reeetved . the house of the Boatmen's Line, by Jno. nano Co_ who arts our authorised Age j ell A A !! flight rec G. eived "c of "'"'""i'm%No MARSHALL Canal Battu Liberty .1. Pdtsburigh , A Ifosk len.• Illmrsville,for Youngstown on the arnard of We Imat—returni to boat in morning. Fare from Pntsburgls to Youngstown Sl—recmvedd at ostraffice of Llithirnen't lune through ariSsi PITTODUIDeki—PfIikrADITAk LIDA '/' LINN. m un k 1849. YORK, ROSTON, ske. Trwormillasaloor. Philadelphia. T AAAAA O'Coaaoa, Pit.bergh. Tiit4 old ertabstahed Line being stow in full opera. K. non, the prgnetorsKre prepared swath thetr usual rtl arranacurents to forward merchandise, pro duce, ter to and from the above ports, on !Weird terms -with the regolarit), despatch anal safety when ti their mode of transport.. .on obvious, when tran hutment on the way is avoided. All consignments. by and for this Is. received. char ses prod, and forwarded in any required daections fro sf ehnree for commission, adranentg or storage. 111100C.I. 41111117 or unlaced's, In steamboats All All communications promptly attended woo implicit ion to the tollowine aets: Titus tioituitZt ., 27 !dark. st s Plaladelphta. TA A A PFE O'CpN Z:i OR, Canal paubuqh. u 1.1)N: suit & North at, liidurnore. ruch*l Fig#DAS"VRIABIS4I4PIO.I , L N 4.4,1 IP,XOnstd, Ti'" Ilinsthat, War. Ilumusa, 3.111 peen. a n d on strict Sabbatlokseping priortplev. TlLEProprietors of thia old establoshol Lose han pot thetr Flock n the .110A1 complete order, and are noirooglaiy prepared to forward I,ol.lllCCand Merch.• dlte mad from tire FAlttr tll our. Welt,. that our lamapeience in the carrying nosiness. and zealous • on to.the interests of cos 'timers, arts] t enure to us a ennunaarice root Enema. f the pationage Maseru) extended to Llinaham's Line. Our arrhnuesitents will enable kg to corry Freight won thr tlttrillet despatch, assd ndo.price always se 41, lOW gm OM lowest charges! by 01001 ta snosathle • loive . , openTl off4.3.,!ud,Nowirt42,lz.ortntvi,ns _twerti 4. a•Ild . 4 stoper.. Produce and Metehand,ae wt.l he reerts• . warded, Fast and Went, without 42y charge it, n ius ward.,c, advancing freight. eturasie oreorn!al4.:cac‘lo Ball of hailing forwarded, and vary cit promptly tilltssd.A tn Address, or sooty to WM. BINGHAM , 2 •ytte st.. Pturburet. C''al ii""n' ''' L'b".'- LISIVNtiIIAMS to 1100 g No 123 toJAME..d 274 M.arketWil, street, iN. Agen t , 0 !-. 112 North llowerd .treet. linoopore v 111.1.1401 TYStiN, Agent, Hu ID Went mt. Now Vora - - laB;li 1849. '.:•l'. L. ' ..-- Mere Nato ot TraneportAttort VIA I'ENN,YLVANIA CANAL. RAIL ROADS, 1,1 1.1111....r.L• LIU 3111:7111101111. rill.; Canals end Rail Roads befit nrivr_oonp:on, anti L f end ...' '7'72l4i:eel to r e ' o at on& of &etch..Aire and ptoncten„ nun and on o. italumure, with p0 0 7 . :r i ll ., 11 l . " P , good 'egg" gg. any CanalCi3t2l:'("e'inUe L A T tt lit k oh C' eCill. Atoorre—CllAßLEA RAYNOR, luletlelphta. terY7 WISE hIORRILL &Co. P Rahman , e--‘i:tiic iiac" r Ran Itaeiei. poe.last Proolitell Line, • -.. o:a= 1549. Wilt FROM PITMOVOLI TO PIIIDAPLLPIIIA & DAL TISIOREI, (Excl. ' , rely for Pett.dttß:2,/that 06 Li fr....,.l,:bo:CicOrnectergiTtincdift 3c.tnirerf9th last, ea r d co n e! unite throughout the lice... The beats are RV Iv, and of a *opener cleat, with en l.ctred cabin., which will give greater comfort. The car* me the latest eenstrnetton• A boat will always tie to pert, and *revelers are re deemed to cell end examine them before angaglag Va ssar elitewhoe.,. , Ware ettly nine dollen through.) One tattle [mourn this Line will leave the landii: (opposite U. H. OW, I Gomel of Penn sweet .4 C. every night at nine o' . , clank TIAla 31 Gaye. rat in 01111•fi01 1 , apply al the . 011aajdoaaagaimia ROUSSO/ to D ..L.W.Clit.Oo NAV Oust Seib - For she sratospors% sts DI .ss •rtAboare tiETWItEN PIiILADVd.-•StIA AND rrri.slitiiitat CsOODS earned on . .11111 I.lne •rr nia traushipe , ,berween Pstoburais and Clesladelpirsu, hesug ear rse in four scour. Portable boala overland and nss ter —to shipper. of merynn. dor regains's{ carefu handling, this Is al as:wormers. No chisree made no receivsug or slapplng, or fur advancing:charge.. Al good% forwarded wan dospaseh, and Oil p r rea.onabi term. a. by any other Luse. JOHN M'FADE tr. Co, Canal Dow. Penn sis, Patsburgb JAS M DAVIS A. Co, rl 257 Market lc kst t ontrockee st, Ptak. JOHN AIeFADEN—ISTr-r:-FOlwardsn. and Comm , sloe Merchants, Canas ilorl , l Peon st,kimbargh. . JAMES NI DAVIS 1. CO. riots r Vactth . • and Comm.. slon Merebrults, Aleri , n-v: 54 CoinmereP erl .trret, Yhiladelnhia NJE7ocietirrro"Vr Vr c e r Nl. ..:...%77o r o rr sTg r u r e hr .ro rr t 7 te r m iT routrl3 0115th 1171 . /1 ..RUIDIIT LIN E. FM' olliday•burgh, and 1 al I Interum. .aers rtee t • the el de and at fia.tr r freight. Aomvre—C. A. NVANULTY A Co, Pituburgh. D B Wakefield, Johnatovrp. John Mater. Hollidaysburah. Bviirvacieo—J ante. Jordon. mnith L Sinclair, Dr F Shoenberger, R Moore, John Porker, C I , V. Bonn. horst Co, Wm L.ehroer Co; Jno brDevitt b. Bre,. Patteborgh; J uzgp,ohn L aciry. Sundt, ?Coition. Ray,...1n0 te. Co. ItaioLivit.e mehdi BEEDr PL/31L9 a c 0 ,.. PACKET LIKE. 1848. BEAVER AND CLINELAND LINE,VIA WA KIWN. Canal Pocket—SWALLOW, Copt. Font. OCE—AN, Capt. NS anon. NE of the above Packet. leave Beaver every day, 9catuidaya excepted) and orison neat morning) ut onen, where they connect with the Mail Bingen r Akron and Cleveland, arriving an 'each of Meat piaci , retort night Ono of the roek,.. leaver Warren dati C.s at bP. N., and arrive at Denver in tune to take • ino.nine eterdobast for Pittaborgh. COT A LEFFINUNVELdu Wa Warren. AI If TAYLOR, • topic iv ES BEAVER .ND ERIE PACKET LINE 11.01,418 TO TOO LAIT 1,1 TOUT 00C ...anal Packet—Prints Lanny, Capt.!trines, Pollock,' Lava Kam, 'fith); PEITONIA, 'Brown, • Faustian, Sayer. The above new and splendid Passenger Packets have commenced rUnnlng between DEAVER AND lE. and wlll run regularly denni the season —env boat leaving Erie everl nionung at O'cloCA, and ooe k“v• is. 'Laver every evening, immediately after the are, val 05 Use steamboat Mauritian nom , • T 1. .• boats are new and corms.... ls TO, i sm through r .0151 rie 'At t "t ril tar ni le Note wit Va • boo rid. •a. • • n ..-• a•.t ',A expedous. Tiet•t• :AO Ivike et. be procured Ly ."."o,nwt,,, PARKS& Co. Ileas . er • :OILY A. CAULSIIEV, Agt. Pittsburgh. eau. Witter and grrithrteld 05. rs:—.l.o Harman, RadslT, N C NI Reed, Ene. C C Wick, lio=nville., Psi hllEarland and liing,.lbg Rend, Ps; Slays Plumb, Oharpsburgh, Pa; • lb C Malso,Dharon, Pa, C MatneWs, Polukt, Pas _II,W Cnorit a:mwt& FOR CUbIiikIR.LAND, IdAL'ilmuße„ Alsai • EASTERN, forward :opUrl"ccr":l-.zz: oertptionn: daily, as Melo.. rater. 1. C I.IIIPA-FEL, gent, Water sue, Patoourgh BOLUNSON South Charles azftatootorc_, lIARNDEN k CO. Passentier and Remittame• ojkltA:X & Colll3llon to .111$ - preset:. from any part of England, le-land. Stralmtd Walea, upon the moat bberau term, wllll 0,11 ulual punctuality and attentson to Io wa and eon, fort of cmcommnts We do not allour p.aenCera be robbed by the "medium scamps that micas Me ao. ports,. •Ie take charge of Wenn the tunru rot they re port themaelvea, and ace to the.. well helot, and de spatch bent without any dent by the find stop. - We soy duo fearlesaly, as we defy eme of our pa ...". son to show that they were detained' 40 boon 41. Laverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained months, .til they could be sent In se nld math at th:p ram, which t. frequently pro d Mew eollsn tJe a. We intend to perform rue context hooorat,iy, *hat it aud not act as was th care last real, rash ether ottters,—who caber per ruled not all, when d sorted them conaemenee. Draft. drawn at Pttuburgh (or 5....1=g5,ynx...1,c5a.1 L x n n , y nd o . f tl d le N t , z . to JOSHUA Fmropean and Firth StfryLon...l.- NAGLE FOUBI Ettatl Flattal-,03 1,11 E: undersigned, FaCCersitra to ,g. son, her leave to lamina, ri and palate generally. that they bar • GU, 1.01:h DRY and arc now la I have port of their paitMl.lll ready • mangot wach ale Coolang how hover, arab a splendid aa-tight ' 1 ow supercedmg in other Cakes laVe. Alvi, a cheap coat Catkin al for dim. !imams, 'antra full ton and mental Oral. We weal art the summon of persons buil varchonse before purchasing, and! Alec of enalltillelled Orate., hot nurely new in this markt. Warehouse, No. Idl Lamely st AlllNl au rteitta. N ICIIO --iitleislibGliklillf—VlCAl WA..l'll AND va fully tio H rol g'l keeps no he west sale ol m etay oy, of V. italan Shutt der tn the L. callat to Mt H. WIWI% r out the and Haring pu i tools, and at:istrait:it land, I. am the.. , id c lir mimic at large, with eeciy th Agehey, No a aroml street, Pal met% DA PER II a11:G.1,;4.-1 am tt I front ti,e intilusin.turers hi phial it Itallar . , r. a Ilttga aisd ea Mt ili an tira . ....tat and atom tin, glared 11111 eonamon PAPI suiting of— ID,Utal nice ., - .f parlor s and F 111, .. Hall d Cot It em - libiinproom Papee—tehtett I would wheals, •f More haying houses to paper it rho raper Warehouse of 11, , - x . O , Aes, - f OF Ot /Fr ad- II tirtic:e whico ts r. 1,,j ~. , .em.ne two , use as a t hole. toe. nourtnam , ... ~,ou. beverag hetng ore pleasant u; id on arable than env...a Coffee, and ler cheap , . as a strut Po"u7l'ols7.:rAe°.'ilVa'n'uf,ol;lTl:etlV).h.l ‘ r 'OO ." ' L'‘ ' ° JOHN S. MlLLES,l,ittsbureh, Pa. Fold et wholesale by II A Frsilihr:STOCl: .0 t: corner nt Fuel and Wood and Sixth and Weal etrert Ihttstourghat,2l trALIFORSIA RUBBER 11110 .114--Just tece,ve kj jr, Camp Blankets, ati officer COS{A; 01 pr. Pan 15 prur• hrtt hoed Muting [loots; 12 Istrtmum dug, water la llks, It and It eallons enels. gal.oh each; 1 doe Bucket.° NiMICY Ochs; I do ~,, cambric do do. The above good , fur We at the , :11 forma 1 /tatting Establishment. N 0.5 Wood .1 mehtll 1 tr. II P 1111.1.11., ap fan..l) iit It.6sQ....niet slitlina ;1,1 conuoluing mince, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cloves, Pepper, war «d in. For al the new sow. p, :dastard knew,' r err) i.l.tiwny JOHN H Y f i i7,ll. WrOnght-Irrin frTuTthe—Temp ,villa work, warranted; will be coosoio on hand and aapplled to order, by OF.° C,,C1l RA N. 3 0 Wood A' UNkIPPICSAGI:.IIIE/LltTil, manuiletured if OM 11 'ulterior otuele of lbsti.at Flu Bork Guy. In stoto and bit sole by KIER b. JONG , Mr. W W. Wallace krone used a Hearth ra tw nr ualny and manuineture for the Nast etentr on mw. t,,,, ,louounees it superior to t h e botonS nut. In gene. ni,ltt '" l, , i i i . 7 l i f ,oifs ~trze..;,,1,1.7,1,,1 Irons Boolean:, just meld afirOT inthy 10/ MILLER 4 RIGNII7P,ON arr. - ifitT=i., fcceived, - lietnitilul essot ki otent el Indict tad gentlest , nr Gold lino Cblons, lierto lIIU to IMO nub, ctn. ;n prices. ill.t Woultno. Rings of Lei carat gold. gol Pencils, ne w Pings, kur flings, Breast Pins, Draeolett, Gold lb n Widebost &e. W W WILsoN, pa earner 4lbland Market ate ,ettsh-r i - GIBONB—hut received at Zenulon Ks V .0007 Market mac. SI VI colored Velvet Ribbon, asiotted oolors, 30 e • adogewr Ohaw, Mips yr* Platy aus. Yet nEDI,AI77* -- 1 lIIIIII.IC.—The original, only true 1.1 gen. 1.0.er I ;11. are prepared In• It IL,e dere, I L.tre sn w. upon the lid o( rral, et" dn. 11., on the eutaide s One Week • . I foLt ..... Woct.s • ..; .... „ .... f.6g: l'hree" " %. ••.... OP' One Monti, .... , 6 isD rwos,. , ......... rhree " W........ ...... Longer adveruseronets Pro 2 "- e ' ! Un?squarpG maths, witttoet alt,.ratom,.• sty • ..• •••• Each additional square for ha, •••••• I , O D. .1 .1 ...... Iy no One square, 6 months, t aner6:lle" „xy .6 66 is, ".• 4, 1000 Each eni6iitlonslsciitare for 12 pi ' optil ...... Piro aquares,6 mantes .. u o Z, Each additionnl cqu.re: 1 ;,..0 4 ! ... . W ..... TRI.W NUT, .. 51 One square, 3 inseruons, ...... 11, •" each r.dditionilitisirtk 4••••V evsiirsrk cia ,4 • • Fits lines or lees, on - 44 }cart; "err;,•44."". 44 ' . • , 44' • " "• 4 eix . to i 4 , 4 4 , one.year,4l44l,l•: etely no' i 44 4 , 4 , six morale: .1.111/121.11111111114 11 • a. • for !2. f Thinf,„: , n • -7- " • Ttraii ..• • ,f