,': ;. itHE tql7sßUlitili MIMS uuLlso K) & co - PITT 8111111.0ns FRIDAY. MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1839 far Prrsysusen Max riszerrn 1s published iarrTra-Weekty, and Weekly.—Tue Deily is Seven Sere per a .num; tha 'l'd-Weekly is Five Dollars); . re Itr.almtue Weekly la Tura Damper annum. slrnailr ade.ows: . • irrinalartiana are earnestly reqsestai to band In kw Lavers before 6 v. at.,.and a• early lathe day as Vaal,- •le. Adverdsernnts not Insetted for wiped Ittl ... win invariably b e charged until ordered oe • _ _ VIII ADLLPIIIIA rifilLTLI A.IINELIOA 7 .'I. Advertisements and subseitptiOns to the North Amer Can mad United times Gamut, Phitsdelphis, received sad forwarded from dds Wk. . EI7IIER =LT PAGEFOR LOCA.L MATFEFS, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, &. vise .Weoaupy pearly all of our rode, to day higbli isterestitsf Loteldgenee from opposite quer- ten or the globe; The Emperor of Rinsia, with all hiS Fid e . 13d oteilinnuT, is pausing 01,Ce the fearful hazard of enraging the weed opposition of England. .If he had only France to daal with, he would soon se cure the sieutraluy of her weak, ambitious, and • =principled Possident, and monarchy loving may, bat bat beGnis Ezigland, which be can neither bribe, nor wheedle; nor over awe, the Russian Bearretinss, aad awaits chose more favoilible op portunity of giving Turkey one of his Ramrod KOme a to be given up to Papal despotism nod .prieltly dominion, until her people shall again be plied into rebellion against the paternal tyranny of the 'Holy Father. France, by her shameful eon: dam towards a sister Republic, to only haste:deg the barging of the voloano, which her govern' 12161:11. traitorous to libertyri - is forming beneath her feet Th wrongs to . Reiman liberty will be ea• luingedin the sweetsvf Paris. • ; • We Urea from the Pula to the West—from Err Wipe 'CO Califon* Whet a different scene meets weevilly? While the old nation* of Europe are lispeatalsr straggling uw tbror og the despotisms of Wm, a young nation cprings up in a day on the shores of trs - Pritillo, sod with one bound asserts the freedom of man: and the dignity of his nature: It siidoptis atii 11 of rights 'strictly guarding iedivids dal Itberty, and Isyies the foundation of a free acd enhitlitesed government. Over all its serif irons plains, god its mountain valleys, we 'Bretieee unuttered a free, enlightened, and pros: lf,piriaterprittudes possensittg the mittiettons of learn. thread religion, sod enjoying blessings which the erode of ages have not conferred upon Europe • ' Whitt & Wonder:el coning i• Oar eastern papers are near crowded with the detans of the lam news from California, and with ibs letters of ecuresporidents. There is quite a variation of light and shade in these accounts, but ir is evident upon the wank, that great real:aliens Must be looked for in that cauntrv, and that if haat Mae will be made rich, others will become 6r re- Amin poor. Mr. Trump, a gentleman of Baltimore, who to Aired io theTmpire State, informed the editor of tha North ricactic., that when he left den Frew deco, mach sickness prevailed in the city and at the mules, and In most cases the expensive under takings of associatioas of rumens - for_ taming aside -Mows, by erecting dams, had scarcely met the out. lays by their renuks. The price of goods in San 4rincuieo wan, as a general thing, quite as low as tit the Atlantic cities, and the rage for buying and isslhog property as great as ever. Sensible people Were, however, beginning to nee that the bobble lust aeon burst, acid the value of land descend to Ala proper level. The arrivals of immigrants were, on an average, about one thousand per week; but shortly before Mr. T.'.l departure, upwards of out thousand were landed it ose day. There were about three bun • dred sail of vessels of all wits in the harbor, meat pf which could not get limey on account of the Ameition of -their crew., but the sailors were I*PldlY,hesoming tired of the mines, and lured by the tempting offer of 6100 per month, were corn ' tag dawn to San Francisco. The intention of the ...!.4111P*Ilmswss10 gstittelyvessets to Velpasano, - Where they carox,h l p crews for the nomeward TOTaze.ll reasonable rect. . Mr. T. Marna perfectly ',satisfied with his' ex. that the -wave of emigration is on the tom—an opiaina 11111 tamed by the fact that the Oregon sailed from Pan FraftelOCO for Panama, with no less than three bundled and thirty three passengers. it Is • probable that for some time to come the steamers wiU bring borne quite as coney as they carry ont. The editor orate New York Express bad a can yemationwith a gentleman retidies• at Worcester, ! Mass., who arrived from California in the Empire Qtp Stifariser. Ile gives a melancholy, picture of affairs In Csiithirnia, and predicts that the next stamen will bring intelligence of a general amath op there: Property, he tape, is tumbling dewy, Wages are reduced, lied hundreds of .persons are begging for chances to work their passage home to kite; steamers, guaranteekii, at the same time, to pay their paisage after their arrival here. This gentleman also says, that miners returning from the mines so San Francisco, have teasers to Mug 10a , and onw bring instead, Dote heads, tore leg., and repined constitutions ; according to his &c -arman, many persons have perished at the mines and awe the road for lack of food and raiment. t. Bat we cannot give has report more indetail—it a most melancholy one, 621 he says what makes attain still worse, is that speculators in California are doing their best to send out favorable accounts, in order to get out of the scrape themselves, ky potting their burdens upon the shoulders of new adventurers. This is dobtaless an exaggerated picture, by one of the disappointed, yet etik we fear there is some truth in-it. Tie editor of the Post nsks as an Impertipepl, and ender'lltoclrenmstnacii,an insulting question, and becluse,• consulting our self-respect, we re• tan to answer, be interprets our silence to snit his own views; and holds op his bands in holy bbr rot of our want of coniistency ! Suppose we shoold ask hint like was µill in favor of-the Sub- Tieuory, or opposed to a National Bank, or in seletkm to some other cardival article of his cree d would ha nor regard the question es impertinent :Wiseneirer we have occasion to change ourprin ciples, we shall be prepared to avow Itienilas we have always done, without fear or favor. If the Pout editor was innocently ignorant 4,our views :on any. ',abject of public concern, we should take pleisnre in enlightening him, hot we will not con sent to be catechised, like a school boy, to gratify his spleen--or even to enlighten his ignorance, if be stupidly or carelessly remains ignorant in a ease where he that runseth may read. Valium Como/ern or THE M. E. Outrun Sours.—There we between 60 and 90 in at tendence on this body. at Petersburg—Bishop Andrew. presiding. Oe the fin,/ day (Wednesday ) six ministers were admitted on probation, and ' two ministers received as transfer, from the , . Baltimore COLITVITAICe. On the second day, sets . .. ~. en applicants kr deacon's orders were exams used and, elected. ; The Petersburo lapsible:in ~ UP' i i... ,We understand that a very interesting letter ; ; train Bianop Paine was read to the conference, in - . reareece to the necessities and wishes of the • members of. Lexinirtou station to 'the Miasma Conference. t They are represented as beinig Va. ' gleams to sentiment and feeling, and, to a consid erable extent, by derivatiou, and their earnest prayer Wails conk-ranee is that they besupplied with a VArgugia minute , . The remender of the day was consumed in the examination of tho characters and labors of the va- Loas members of the conference, which,while it u rite rigid, was exceedingly gratifying and : . j On Friday evening, the anuivenary, sermon of the Virginia Annual Conference fdionoenry Boer ' ray of the M. E. Church South, was delivered by the Rev. Nelson Read, formerly of the Baltimore Conference. j. The 'oonferarence will, probably, not adjouie .. ' ~Until the first of the next month. . i 'l That /Mayorslap . • Melton! , all Alderman /L. O. REINHART wit n. . • okbouued, 11 , bra Aland& to Ale epesidertlioe of the ttpproseteng %Valle Conrantian.ua manta!, candidate a ndidate I. •!ene law blayaralir of Tiuebargb. ne ' Alai ' will be a candidate tin the May '''. air mleatioh of the Whig Ch. , .n . • • typAtab,act to Use Po • WOO 'candidate rot irruinvs or ihh Whi g g hg Idayo,alty, puttied , to th now 2 I. Elrionatleankliusb, Seq., the pree7 i t o gr o . Or olAilcabeny, ',MI be a eandaleus for re co , object to the 000gnalionat the Allegheny ogu. . • Tam Swyeraity. RIPPEY will be Rabaul. new:ea 01JVEll win er th. ad, try. Ms friends, to the co Lao,. c=aida. Coaventhwt eovillee 11W qr' • • LATIUM yllOll VAIAPOIApPIIk. Arrival ,af the litaaaaer Nissan. CnY 'ONE , -1111011111 LITICE4, The etenmer Einpiie City, Owl. Waren, reach ed New York &today toornies. ?site Chaves, tonehinn . at ICingattio, /admit. she left Chagres on the 29th ult., and Kb:43ton Nov. 3. nhe loins the cedifintiti Meng; with papers sod letters to Oat. I. Ty e ,u,,,t.h.egon, from San Frinedeu, arch , . ed at Panama, ou the 23d md., with about 230 Passengers, and the Unidd States mails, Mebane of Lieut. ISleade. U. S. N., and the U. S. Mail steamer S'aleon had not yet waived at Chaves , the Mails were pinned on board the Empire City. The Oregon brought from San Fnmeisco about arum karuirsd and fifty thousand dollars worth of Gold Dust! .fon. Thomas Bader King. who wee report. ed dangerously ill at San Francisco at the previous accounts, was slowly recovering, and would leave for the Atlantic is the steamer of the let Mat. li to his desire to be to Wuhingtort co the opening of Congress, to be ready to lay before that body the facts be him obtained in relation to California. THE CALIFORNIA' CONSTITUTION. The Alta Californian, of the Ist of October, gives .the following account of the proceedings of the convention, in session at Mouterey,lbr the fortes, tion of a State Constitution and bill of rights: This body, up to bur latest dates, had been in session • little over three weeks. Most of the pro. visions of the proposed constitution had been act ed_, and puled upon in committee of thn whole. The bill of rights, as adopted in committee of the I whole, embraces TO sections, of the usual chamo '[ ter el such provision. 'I he only point -upon 1 which it was sopposed a controversy would ;,arise I —the question of eft ell without debate, I aid sutagassoliatywnerly prohibiting slavery. Soma few were in favor of submitting the matter to the people for a sepuste vote; but it was not contended for with any show of atren nosily, and was voted' I dawn almost itianimansly. I The suffrage question was the source of consul. erable debate; but was "amity disposed of bySid , mining alt, untie citizens of the United Sta es, six mouth, resident ia Calitorn'a. and 21 yeah! of age, I (Indians, Africins, and the descendants of Albums, excepted) to the privilege of elector. The Leaiiiliture is to consist ct two brauchea,an Assembly and a Senate, with such general paw. en, privileges, and duties as are usually given to sucuh bodies: Banking earporations and lotteries axe prohibited, and all other corporattons, except for municipal purposes, are to be established un der general laws, the stockholders to be indtvidu ally liable Corea debts. Some considerable debare occurred trona provision which allows corpora tions to be formed, for receiving deposits of gold and silver. It was urged that, under such a pro swan, an irresponsible & prem.( beating might grow - ap; but the inaction Was finally to amended as to answer all objections, and, in that ishape, pan- ed. The members of the Assembly ore to ha elect ed annually, and the members of the Senate of ar t o o hold then offices for two years. One half Senate is to be elected each year. No person can he • member orate Legislature who opt not been • residentof the State one year, in addition to oth eequalificationa The comber of member. of Assembly is never to be less than twenty lour nor more than thirty I sir., natil the number ot inhabitants to this State I shall amount to ove r hundred thousand, and after I that period at. surffi ratio that the whole number of members of Assembly stall never be less than thirty, nor moire thin eighty. The Senate is tie, er to contest of less than one third nor more than I one half the number of the Assembly. Some division of opinion arose on the repast tin made by Mr. Carver to prevent free persons of color from settling is Califoraia, and sten to I prevent slave holders from bringing slavers into I the State for the purpose of liberating them. It finally passed in committee of the whale; but ' has been. looted upon since as jeapardizing the ratificatian of the constitnuan by Congress, and as I this feeling was gaining ground the house probe ', big will strike It out. A govereob lieutenant governor, ...musty of state, coinpuoller treasurer, auorney general, and surveyor general:constitute the ezecuuve depart I runt—They are to hold thetratfices tor two year, I The governor nod lieutenant governor are to be elected by general ballot; the secretary of sure is eppointed by the goveruor, by and with the I to be advice snd consent of this senate; the comptroller and three other ante officers are te be elected by the legislattire injoiut ballot for the fint urm, and Lite-rarer& by he people at the general state elec , tion. An effort wets made in the committee dine whole to atrite out the office nf comptroller but it failed. .11 will, however, be again Fused into the bonze, end as the office is loudly unneecessug we trust the euzion wall be um clu the veto, and taut The . corer. nor has the natal powers, ng the privileges and duties of his office do not vary materially from those of all others States in the Union. The other state officers coot:spud in duties and powers - with thauffienerally eaorffied them. The utiete read ve to the mffitie, es passed in Wive te amendments. The boundary, judicial, and educational ques tions were not decided Upon at last adzices, hot It m all was supposed theconvention would adjoura the first week in October. Thls following are the officers of the conven tion in cession at Monterey: President, Robert Semple; Secretary, Wm. G. Marcy; Firm Assistant Secretary, Caleb Lyons; Second Ainistatit Secretary, 3. B. Field; Tranveia n- -or, W. E. P. Hartnett; Latimer Translator, H rique Henriques; Sergeabi et dams, 3: a Houton; Door Keeper, Cornelius Softens. THE GOLDEN EMIGRATIO.N. The Aka California, of the Ist of September "We have no data by which to show eonclu• sively the emigration to Califoroia overland this year, but our amounts from the scr.h re the entire body in a prosperous rod belga:kJ atm. We are enabled to add ihat about one foln* era already in the country. arid the remainder vigor ...ly pressing foramra , in companies, which are every day pouring into the Sasramenm valley." , The artivaia for the month. endiag Sept. 29, at this port, by sea. to as follow:: 4 211 Americona. • ........ ...... F0reigner5,................ ..... 1,531 'NSA ............... Of which number. 132 were female • Number of tone of shipping San Frinmace this day, fiiraffi. in II OVERLAND EMIGRATI The Alta Californian, of the 12th • in alluding to the overtand emignetiot ultra times:ray that we shopld tr to relieve anxieties and altair7s-.^.... itch have been, but unduly created. iS, ; •• -- 1. 1-eij the pit eras proaperity of the exceigrationi,F.— • that latest mamma are btghlyedrlicr represent tho entire body toll five ban the emigratihn of any , preceding yeezr The friends °Nouveaux partiesressedieg in the States. may rest arsured at . the general safety of all, and that aside from the ordinary fatigue , and priva tions of the journey, no suffering has as yet been experienced. About 30000 penning, mostly young mho , g•Gf9 - posed the overland emigration tube A tar tion of this body is already in country, and outies are nearly every day arriving.. Captain R. Owen, who piloted a company acre= the coon• my by the Santa Fe mute, diverging from the nor thern road crossing the Sierra Nevada, and enter ins Califmzia near Johnson's rancho, reports the Cmigrutien in an unusually forward ntue, with provisions plemy. end to vain — The Maw along the mad had been abundant. tad but in one place was it belisied a scarcity of food stook would, be encountered. This wit* abovo the sink of Mary's river, and hcre,by abandoning the rout; subsistence could be procured. • GOLD INTELLIGENCE '• sp e cial Correspondence of the Tnbune Morrrgeir, Out., j, 1849. This country seems fated in regard to gold and golden excitemeaL It was 'opposed not long since that the limits of the placer hid been sev led and that the Sierra Nevada woe arrival the great store kanstUattbe precious metal. Since my , however,. discoveries have been made wheelie eq. most induce us to believe ihat the whole country, o-- from Diego to Cape Mendooino,.and from the Padflo to the topmost ridge of the Nevada, and heaven .kuows how much further eastward, has e been completely seasoned and spiced with the yel low grains. News reached San Francisco of a large placer having been found on Trinity river em,ir a l emma which rises in the Caret Range and verified by i ntelligence (mm the diggings on the American Fork, which stated that - the Mager' were leaving in lugs bodies foe' the Trinity placer, where met were uid to wash out 6100 a day. is best to receive the modes of gold dtggiug, even lt here, with a grain of allowance, hut the main "fict. is true. I lately•saw a letter, from a merchant in Bacmenzen to city to his neither in San Francisco, in whiner ho Sept 'There is good news from Trinity river, l gold is veal plenty and provisions scarce. We shall make s great raise on the loads I have cent I *ere." Neu the Mission of San "Month, situated among the Coast Mountains, 30 miles south of this, a wuhiog of considerable richness ban been demoverneL At the last 'commie, a number of people were working there, with fur success, sae traders are beginning to send their teams in that direction. Gold is soli en exist to small quantities Peal the hlission of Cannot, only four miles from this town, and . in fact. 'there W every geological iodination of it. ; Tbet San Frawley , " =elf is befit an a placer I aniwell satisfied. To mi certain Ithontledge;boyes lave picked $1 and 65 la "Jaw hours, from clay dug 30 hat below the surface.en sinking a well.. The story of Mr. Harrison, the having found gold in the adobes of the Castont•Honne, Is some Althag more than a good joke, Hat briar the mask magnificent discovery is that recently mule Upon the rancho of COL Fremont, on the Mariposas River.them f. It isenothif4 lest vein of gold In the solid rook'—el boot fide mine, • the first which list been found in Califartele.' Whether It was first fietattteel keY it rte of Sono- mans or by the aompany whoa Co b. erganised last spring, and Which has since been working h in the ton ! In • &Piga 04 , 4 doug I believe the is doe to the latter. .43 ally mite, dr gold hi derg, faut itiat Man- iii dance. I sate-soese specimen* which stere Col. Fremont's poreession. The stone ia a reddish quartz, filled with rich veins of geld, sad far sur pinning the peek:nens brought from North Carer Una awn Georgia. Some atones picked up on the top of the quarts strata, without particular selection, Yielding two ounces of gold to every 25 lbs. CoL Fremont informed me that the . ewe had been trued for more .than a mile. The thicknen on the surface is 2 feet, gradually widening as It de. sands sad showing larger putieles of gold. that The dip downward is -only about 20 dealers, so the mine ran be worked with little e xpen s e. re These are the partieulus first given me, . t diet:every was anuereneed. &ill more aztooish ingillell have jest come to fight. ' A geologist sent out to examine the place, ar rived here last night. Be reports having traced the vein a distance of two leagues, with an ave rage breadth of 150 feet. At one extremity of the mine he loved large quantities of native silver, 'which he calculates will folly pay the expense of setting up machinery and working it. The mochamcha upon which it is situated was purchatrod Fremont in 1818 from Alvarado, former Governor cif the Territory. It was then considered nearly worthless, and Col. F. only took it at the moment of Imola/ the country, because disappointed in obtaining another property. This discovery has' made a great sensation throughout the couuttyj Vet it is but the first of many reels The Siena Nevada is pierced in every part with these price 'less veins. which will produce gold for centuries alter every spot of earth from the base to summit shall have been turned over and washed out. So much for the gold. In other respects the country is tolerably quiet, speculation i Iola; though ACM going on, having assumed a more esuuous 'character. San Francisco, otockton, _Sacumen to City, and San Jose still maintain their value Benicia lots are rather doll trod have *heady fat. len, while Cal. Steveriwa's New York of the Pa 'mks, with Its awkward and absurd title, does not seem to be thought of. A town- called Vernon, at the mouth of Feather River, is rieMII W'Fd l l notice, and another is said to be syringing up on Trinity River. Many persons have made large fo.tunes by buying up lots at a lucky time, and selling them still more luckily. A rest was told me of a young man who last fen borrow ed money eoough to pay he passage from the I Sandwich 1-lends to - San Finneismoand who is I I now on his way home with SA 000 made in this manner. Three or four gentlemen who came tip In the Pennine have ntready mode 3 20 , 000 by ensile, operation. A friend of mine who 1 I shipped lumber from New if .rk to the mi n e of SI 000 sold it here for S 4 IMO Nausea which cod $3OO selltreadiiv for 53,010, and tie awn Is constantly iecreaaing. At least 75 booms have been imported from Centon, and arc put up by Chinese carpenter. Nearly all the chairs in pri vate famines are of Chinese manufacture, and there are two restaurants in the town, kept by Hong-wog and Whang-tong, where very palates ble chowehow, curry, and tarts are served up by' he reinitiate. Washing is still 39 • dozen. and the cense.. quenro is large quantities of soiled linen are Sent to our antirode• to be purified. A Yenisei just in from Canton brought 250 duets. which were sent out • few months tun; another from the Sandwich Islands brought 100 dozen. and the evacuee is now becoming general San Francisco to, In fart, more metropolitan In its character than any other port in the world. Its trade with all parts of the Pacific rapidly ioereumg. t. From the Alta California, of member PLACER INTELLIGENCE We have no details of successful digging, or re. ports of a different nature than those Presented in oar last, wherewith to illuminate with lliti.TOD• briiiiDDCT the columns of one paper to day; hot we bare, notwithstanding, cbeenng wards for the hundreds of newly arrived gold hunters—for the thousands whom this paper shall welcome, and bid God speed on their westward way, and for the millions of trotting, hoping hearts, whom the ad venturers have left behind. Oar summary of gold digging news is compiled from various anthentic source* and we are Indebt• ed to the Placer Times tot material information. — Also togentlemen from different pans of the !dines, who at one request, have politely furnished us with accounts of perional 1111COMS, enabling us to cam prod as below.presented. Oaring to the prevail. tog irregularity of mails and expresaca oar corner pondence from the Mines faded toyeach rain doe time. Parties have been organized within the put month, and departed to explore the region of Trinity River, where it is 1100 rendered certain gold exiles. Several hundred French half breeds from Oregon were at fait advices employed very successfully upon this abeam. Feather River, high up, has been nearly drained of premous metal, and at this time affords Aunty profit for the few who prefer Its solitude to the crowded washings of the north. A gentlem. from the South Fork of Feather River Informs us that without the essistsoce of Indians In treating for gold, labor is attended with very unsansfamney compensation. There is probably no portion of the placer that has proved more productive than the mountainous country watered by Yuba Raver. Mining • corn jounced on this stream early in the spring of 1648, and bas been conducted with general =Mess through winter and summer to the present time. During the montheof Jutland August, e residence is this region has beam lofted - idlemale health ea. leas every precaution be taken to prevent ex 211tere are about s,ooo.principafty Muni. month wiintesW—Fe—lEconsieetable sitilfr.:r .iekness. By the following extract from the Plater , Times of Sept- 22, we are pleased to note a better 1 1 state of healMt— 'From Yuba River we have more l ' itilable ed..l vices- The stckly season is about over, cad the ' ig.su.r, operations of mitten are Ca noy impeded by the extreme heat." - ' -7. i to, I IMPORTANT FROM THE gANDWICH IS. LANDS—SEIZURE OF HONOLULU BY i THE FRENCH. lireur paper of Saturday last we ihnounced that a rumor was in circulation that a digtalty L. arisen at the Sandwich Islands between the French Co and the Hawaiian govern ment. Since that time, the French frigate, the Daersuivanta under the commend of Admiral. Trornmelia. hirearrived at this p,rt from the Sand wich Islands, which place she left early in the pre sent month; bnoging, as we learn, Mr. Dillon, the French Consul and his family, as passengers. 11 is sold that Mr. Dillon has fondly closed his mia ei in at the Wands, god that he proceeds to Fr.., through the United Mitten, likkurg. pump in the Steamer about leaving tirPaeuhl. • The demands of the French consul—the mom Impure. of which relateo to the importation of l'Freach brandies into the Wands-et reduced rater of duty. and to the sale of &merit spirits by Freeeh 1 whalers viattiog the port of the Islands for refresh ' Mehra—Vete refused by the Hew.= govern. Mont. ..,T.h.iistioladwamii,oysia aftirto.wdastheeellizel.dii.is:rmtiogedw, wit! eared for about three days. when the French men• patuip of tha fort ceased. and the Hawaiian flag ' was agua raised. One of the public vessele of \ the Uawalian government was also seized by the French and seht • off under French onotrel, to Toe. hill or Valpineso. The Reach authorities then Islands. 4144"Alritiati Consul General and OA American rOonsil protested against the melon of the French 1 farces- The British Consul General offered ht. , services es mediator, but was refused, it is ea. I Certain what the result of all this will be i Mit the I general impression is, that M. Dhoti has exceeded his powers, sod that his acts will be denounced by his government. This helief.imatrensthened by his midden departure, sod hie titulary to be the gut to represent the matter to his own govern merfte-Taziife Ns., Sot. 29. It sp e ars toot Hyu ba. resigned his pest ee cosounder of IliwY, in dirgint at not being rouv . op pom,a it, t, t ork of itittchery upon . the d . .. v° l:i b t: d d H oro l dlit y in being Ira hdale=el7 compl aine d Como cadence Mute te. Y. Commerenn Advertiser r a P:, - ., - i o 1 ,,,,t 0 ! shoot Count Bauhyany in* Lorin" Octob er 26, 1.912. • Upon Hay:lan's retirement glooorubrbtilin7to tat u nwed provblo bu nid Font: The news of this meek is se follow.. The Tor. Minh envoy has reached St. Feteraburgh, but hes m oiler , but cne. the s E mp e ror refused en not yet had an sodienne, and consequently, al. t0 ,,,,i,, ;hip L ig .t. ntio t e, • t nd 18_7.. ...though the Anon. accounts received in London a 0101 . 1439 atei'i,,._..!ito ariebtleePrlTY, services.tll this morning arum that the ilea has signified his c ost will 'cc .all intention to swallow Ute humiliation ol withdraw. t ogoo mot yo been c' bitted by Cowl leg his claims, we era sidl without any definite MI. tekki shows ;thole cirennutancee of Court coupe:tent on, tee eubject. The French Aissemble laithyany'e ! , %De r . ,d . I "a ° " l " tea Oa t a more 4 by an immense majority have declared themselves ; hat of ocul•te murder, except wasps to favor of the Papal despotiem at Rome, and • hat of Hobe all, Was never perpetrated le smut intrigue has Laren place at. Madrid, which, any age or co • e resulting at hat in the dimmed of the Nmio Although , e been no mom executions Ministry, has ended in their return to power and since H o y o c t et , k i t m .g pri p eo la nze ut nta te su l d tme oth .. er thoeuree of their opponent. pa s o f t . l t t rlffnts narrated is as follows A Tin stows currency. -- I n - ? B l o e n hobleman, who was tompelled The ecloy in writing an audience to Food E. Y° ° „,, ooo sl c omm.. &t oo , to t o o 'r um, condi, the Turkish Minister at Si. Petted:nigh, X " 7 n :, 1 t..j, corporal with Inning pod i, of . a lip of the Emperor' s anger,' her it-lo of pure 0 f ,.."-.4-t`.,d t O otottoo d to be flogged n the to be expected that if he is obliged to 'indigo in , oalf ; l'r. ihdictiop he made his way to the n o r of recanting his threat. he will media. toortaOli ,1 4 , ,,,,,h 0t0 go 1 , 4 „ am , saamapa pistols, forced him to eampeneate himself by every gullible be- Aul"ln, . Oh o .. o f two tality he can indulge in without danger. Order and g ar ' o r . They fired, the captain was these circurnstanee. no rudenee's or even huh I I htfi r ed, and the youag manlier course 0. ,.. a Jd4r nuptial punishment lulu he may vent open the "Turks. short Made.. r tary to find that the subscribers to loration of war,oecd excite impose or linesmen. it %/tan loan have horned their auger*. I The general opinion bee been that even Aloe Upend determine upon Loh:nines he. woulonendeavn to The ne e , wan 53,5,50000ta , a 4* pee rent protract the rupture tilt the living, n bete; the 0 rack, ti t Anticipation. were circulated by the t oo Ism to move Porward a to alai , a._l th , e m n r - r,,,,,' that huge euleactlmions would be re. some time it is to be noticed Thal the reinvroanie e --, iel wi „,,,, n ,,, the Empire, pi well as absence of any apprehension of the assort:mum tm et t. ve l plaeetTrolbevieeng cnrapoitt. apt of the peace of Europe, to which . 1 ba " .b : t r e ' la ;peaty, for much larger sumi than they alldd, has not ceased to prevail among par. p lied ti ap e r...r e in t u t 6„coltunetrytii;a4 cottyntitdbeencoes4thuicithi,..aitcoold from cu tout p. ,te a l ; p t a f i lar ea . Il e a:La m e% et froto they the se d e i: „ f uly amount Whotcner. The total ap. I Vienna , thins meow b'el 49""_,__ °°",, _ . „ 31 " P „ as r o ly ci therefore did net reach to more than. I tersburgh Inutallociod that l°°a`na WI" ,i — Or' - r 0 and the bank vras obliged to take Sur slat in his demand, and that this Intimaucito has P.m,' lin pp the re eked sum. Underthese boon formally conveyed by the Austrian Min. ...._ 'll'.4 ,.,nces. every 'apilicent van fifiddlod with luta to the representatives of Prance and atoe - '," --- .mount for whin he bad written, and at tend. t he Government extended the time for the There wete,reevertheleu , tome a re camel for , to from Ida months to 20, the greatest distrust, which even yen ,llOthaPs am hot wholly o ption was felt andthe stock rapidly Cell to removed. The great we e tbat the Ern. ~,,,. peror, although avowedly • Innatio tubs self P- legant to the Ilunprian busk notes, the teem, would coo" bal . 0 mad "to Pro'olta •w" is Sivernment gee just busk their with France and England combined. Ent perhap r to disavow them' entirely, 'Thia will }he Emperor may be lucid eniuth to put this coin. :tow among every Ow in Hungary. Wawa* at its true worth. . would be short • been definitely announced that Yentas is to be • free port. The Emperor will work to Incrigalt with France to 'lnduce her Pd• j, ge , derby to desert he/ rapt epee, and ultimately .veto sigh this them i s no mot. revenge to Wm pima na 123e.rdera pgcbery ot it m ot to u k o , the thing would of itself bet tempuilkl,htli Wulf .. Florennehanhttthopers,4aziwoduemedven a Lama tbe Alunsenottrnmuistal t ut 0tt. ....7" .. . 1 ::_ 0 1 1_. ".; eig n ra 0 1 0 t : 7_,,,,77 ..._ of General a junction with ' Erman as the best means oleo.. by . 7; e :: 77......,u,......1., twoi or tame ding the Saxons and taking vengeance) for SY , it is said, he was dismiesed and restored "II" West ,-_ l 4 lable tie can 1 .,, be ,, re . ba „,,,,, b ',7 ecn t o ~ ;hen diemtseed and restored again. The lap tailitileare°olealthly r aa r a a a t ed u l aa " maaa",au"'",4 reap - t r - r titt e are.conactoexeplcalLed.. t. t3mt . eaturbei epttap te tit.; lt datt. to the Yerelealadaaa, elected by °W aal "' " 1111110 ' ' digscreettent regarding tl;e 7 olpanisk troops In now pmelatmleg doctrines which would not, h _ ,_,_ ,_ ._Lp beg Pealed upon try any Arendt "' aim "' alaaa RI by === Ost MR" and icarady era bi the, FOREIGN NEWS n Ch. Cambria. . Russia himself at the present !day? ! The absolu- I oat Eltroc..' the Priests in Spain bate b een intei ll" tint powers know well toroughi that France is their i ging for t hen power, end Nantes losing ioda ted wheueyer they she to bid sufficient "honor" I pendent of them, • bigoted monk, Fadaw Fedia• - in the shape of extended indizencei:and territorial MO the of to Doe Francisco, the miserable agrandisement, and the Faun kyr fear is tint hu;band of the young Queen s Ma up a Plot ix! his this consethurnems may ildnper oe later induce dance. Marne: hearing of it at once Inland• them to risk an open defiance of Grad Britain. 1 This took his opponents by surprise, but they nee -1 But altboogh it Is right to point out these cone` , thelen caused his neignation to be negated, and genies, it must be admitted that theirrobabiliry is I they then installed a Ministry of their own ma very remote. It is Impossible, howev er, to prevent toms. Their incapability, however, was felt to be them from rising to the mind, since at this very anti that Narrate was speeddy recalled, a main time each sucensive . mail TrOLO Vince has ry demonstration to tus favor being ialsorery prob. brought accounts of the temporniug of the French I ably apprebeeded. His °ppm:teats. however, rut, embalm/tor at that coon, who, it appear., limited I needed to suiting him a second time. A .eeoo d himself to mild perm:anon on thetruthisla quer I time he was recalled , and Profiling SF en-Pen a from, and declined to take the determined atuttuie I he seems lathe last instanee to have made prompt which bad been assumed by England. • Jetting twe of his restored ponce His first step was i o that t h e initiative was taken by our Minister I arrest Father th e n ew and every man who had ! at Costantinople, and that he part of General I formed pan of the new ministry, and hi. rule is I sold Whany'e"hincliunalliyolle*enmcci6,lnt,tliiiea aFlrereandcyh i 'Low behaved to b :ron gr x o fr r atire- than e 77. Government. ! At home we are still without the COMM event , , 2E12 PATE OP HOYT. I of The chiajera has entirely disap. Alley three month's Amin the. French gar• I, peered from Landon, and the deaths for the last eon at Rome hang on it appears, quite sun- I two week. have been rather ander the avenge of meded in quelling "an y," according to their ! the season. The Orman pewee" in enne neee d interpretation of the word. An order has come- ito be hopelenly ill of dropey.. Her _inpa k b9, and it i eitly just been issued, prohibiting the peop i e 1 since the death of Ring Wdbace,twein ears ago, item lunging in the streets or promenadiug in the she has recethrern a pension of 5100, 0 0 9 pe r ann. üblio squares. i i . Queen Victoria also is ill of th e o • ken pen. The Pope is expected to renarn forthwith, the I l She was to visit the city on Tondaynext to open Cardinal lasylei decided that it would be expeth- a magnificent budding which Las been erected for eat for im to do so,ethile under the protection of I the sew neat exchengo--but the expectathe will French poops. . ! now, of coune, be disappointed. bit bile the long anticipated diecussion hn I anon ethalav AIM CoMIMSCIAL Arians. taken p ace in the French Assembly, and tan giv- 1 The money remelts Without the,slightest ru rise to an unbaning *erica of politlcal blasphe- . variatiou, bet in cousancaos of the atidements mien, so foul and sickening in their adulation of I regarding authority and their repudiation . of freedom, that ! lam week were at 92, ban closod to Say at 924. the Turkish qaestion, consols, which they rival the speeches of on opposite kind which ! In railway shares there his been a favorable re. used to be uttered by Robespierre and hie eres- I turn Some mann d 4 Victor Han, who de- i pia prevailed. Some Luther revelatloos have action from the extrema depressslon which had noenced Radestslns and Havninti and envied I been made regardieg Mr. Hodson, bat rimy do his wish In s*ve the Pope from his wort ene mies, the miens, so that France ?'might reap Boni• coo b e told of him' tbanenold ne need" appeared. thing from the expellitton besides shame," served It it now. ahow• hat " chairman n the New' not now nein much Mention, as nothing wall. asthe eignel for the over:bending cretin of the meths and Be wants he deltherately reactionista M. Montaleinbertiold Victor Huge reused the half year) •ccediale to be labad e . d i tbat he had retched the proper ch_ast_theatent for from t he come up to the hour when he his speech, in the applause that had been bestow. was forced to resiLantil the total fabrications id Upon it by the members of the left. He then amounted to .£.1219j4. He is mill member of entlogssed the Papal Goveroment ne furnishing the Parliameot for Soderlaud, but of coons quite fon haven where all might find rephee, denying, ant& 1 oaken by the Dane( Wellington, the Marquis of load crier of ` the Borgia" from, the minority, that 1 Londonderry 'nail the other members of the the Pope or "even his penetrator." bad ever used i T o ry erietooncy rho used to be his gents. violence or rigor. Every one *greed. be nail, that i A fader, he ben announced this week, of • it would be impossible to grant the Renee people ; p firm where Dante' will probably be well "what was called political [dainty," and aver alm: known on yoe aide, mace they were- ler many dam taunts at representative governments In gen t . years Sanely detected with the whaling Dade. tha t , d ad at tbe way in watch a governmeitt ef Th e t reo ee we that of C. Li at G. Enderby, and that description war upsetnn surprise in Pato in the senor patter had latele keen disunguisbed by February, 1819, he proclaimed with evident en , I his ene hees a the a company fin the fiction that in toe aretiOlibetty and priimen are colontsationsf the Auckland Islands (which had not now hacked awn aslforrnerly," sod that their friends had been taught l et lesson that it would be koowledgeot of discoveries made at various been mind' the firm by lee Government in az unpos,ible to forget. He then denounced the tepee by %Mr vessild and fur the revival of the Hungarian end , justified Hann's butcheries as Southern /bale fishery. On the 17th of August "mere nets of eel:mini" Every thing taught him be ee nedor these Wands with some of the Yee- Where to limb rot seetv. The Church win the Imo i ee ls of t pcanipauy, to act as their comminioner, then of society. It wee the glory of the • French I aid alsos Lieutenant Governor corder the Crown. army that they had rescued the ilara.•'end would T o e tiablica of the firm to the public wen not you now," Oa naked, itheve our withers, who have i , th ronert. but it is knee that the Wan will ruin been ,poteciars of the Pope become his operas. I many ember. of the family who had left funds in sore t--wouid you exehange the glory of Cesar. the mix mt. amounting, it is consetured, to lemairee or such a mthereble counterfeit as Gar £15910. .The Southern ; whale fishery company ribaldir e fil,f course, not be effected by the occurrenee. The delivery of this speech was interrupted by . Fiaa vour Liverp report you will onerve constanthouts of applause-end atter thaw words dimbe name. In the cotton market matinee. from °dint Bann, who also named that the Flo- Nethelen it is said that buyers, generally, mans were not fit Cot • Rao any no e o rn.. oe s to have a great distrust of the accounts from meat. (althongh he omitted to say by what anther Annta, so far as the extent of the Were of the 1 1, ily France was made _judge in the matter) that ois concerned, and that they are consequently. such • government, it:weever, would be "tawristr l o y purchning to cone th eir most pressing orders tent with the authonty of the Pope,' sod that them SPECTATOR. never had been any intention on the part of th e mr .D e et,L,,,iyi--eteospoteitte,r__ French G3sieinweint° fence Pi " " 9tb le ee T r nein. Hombre. of West Union, Park Co., concesaioes-the sanction of the Assembly was, ' .. follows e ,' ~, „ Co; given tei its doctrine. by a vote in favor of htlinise °- • 'W i l es an in ''" - ten, of 469 sprint 180. 4 have sold all the Veredfoge yen seat me, end wish On the following day M. de Fallon, the Weir • now supply immediately. t could have sold a great m ar Public Instruction, (whose brother is • ILI deal more, if I bad hod ii on bawl. 'ma people ken, an priest) addressed a letter to the success( Mtn trying ail other meanies for worms, 'say that , orator. "What an honor for France and fur 1 I none is equal to Dr. MiLaneas Verlaine. world," it said, •iisawh a man as M. de Mown" i For sale by J. KIDD e. dill., No. Oa, comer of Fourth hart;" and tt contained • contribution often II - I ~,,o W o w or , rtittsamh. h . loovlO•dawlerS deed francs toward a subscriptton "to &stole . his speech by thousands." Improyeeeetry... At the nine ume a letter has been -entitled I DR. G. 0. STEARNS, lath of Bogle., is prepared to ' from General Oudinot, nknowledging the Pero manufacture end act Duna Turn in whole and pato showerd upon him DOt, by the Pope, and exping ; isfo=noreneltnen*narnegoirnben* rrtt:eoren7 his devotion to "he great and holy cause ?Sir i exposed. Dine and residence sell w doer la the X. ancient." , •'or a other, Fourth street, Pittsbargh. ' Ray. vo-.1. Le MaFeddhu. F. It Eaton, late It is evident from all this. that the idea adore . I w ainaccre Leone Seaga-engaged by J. W . Healy 1 . ___..-..----or----- - _ bent priesthood is to be held up, for ;hernia I to supply the wants of the French * l e I " I tfts:rtreie N . Ilartv d ti f l °* bel ' o * ar b uf at ist * gra e r g: something to which they can abase therdea - ! etc of beverage in Wallies, and rennin, fee sick The Lawn are at Work in all quartette" ate ; room. calculating upon unbounded Burl oef Henry I Ream , . Reem.x.-An Improved Chocolate prepare the the Filth, with M. Thin. f or p r i ce ,. Wier. The thin, being a combined°, of Cocoa non innocent, in- I present Cabinet appear ali to be in allots - with r i Ant. Prepared by W. Raker Dwelt.- 'dul y llr :!,!!, Womble, highly iscommendeitt pow, one or two eseeptiono-ench a. Par and Da• 1 ter, blase., and for sale by A. JAYNES, seem Peat," Inure-end those !to be got rid ea non as ; ,ape an, No- I'n Toon , . at meld* , pothole. Whetter the President Warn also . I BILL JOH PRINTING. . accessory , or Nether he is eaV wag ~_ , BILL , 11 „.. F.AD8, ,_ j, CARDS,.. O CIRCULARS, 1 ' hta time and lookili ear the army, also to ho I rush. There ton wend opiniordea the En-' ....Jo u, .”...- ---- , ..C , -."..i. 0 .....' - Bfrad. , glish II Paris that tiuother convq,e 0 cent li nn EWA, 1.431fta, eVelirlealla,cal.g.s, op. If, in Inc ruiditioi it, the .._ „P.M' _net I de n s Pr at the sir:mutt , ttf low prices; at Ma again get the hyper hand, thee... naafi.* ; e sateen Omer-limn nein. *i take care that the title bestovred m eeemi Fn. I their principal set asi;e the Athol? are•Pe•l roe- 1 ....,ii:::ira DR" D. nywr' tAmpt., MIMI Hain sjustified iiiencr e P el * I -.'"' I' ate proceedlnge. • ! ‘ • Dentist Canter aar* and Denser,. bonnet I _ i _ i Idarket Sad Ferry neeta o nt-illym . 1 - Atthe our onment whet .1, : , ,,,;bru. --------- .1 ........-tho—w,,,,, , ctn.—is -,.-BITILM-."1"e1946446.,------ ' i freak the society foe *he relief an:Pn2,,efai ent ee Rev. Ms Lee, Mr. Wa. Puteran, or Waiidogooh Italy, regarding the care cc aaene i t Wh° is D. ~ Co Miss Kunsan an linaleas, of the for .....__ still !a the dungeon* of the taluairat no One , I mar pam. kneads cane d he i a still ail The Feeein Chni (Washington QV Mare pima eepy.l ermined and the agents he Peaeinihad ce• -------vaito------- - • - deaviated to circulate an atiiien in" th e amts • Dlattch .- of his arrest was sot pelt}, bat that it lune _ _ _ • , ~ . nom some annafreinie en ' intl ,,,,, ebenerd ie tdurs.'ll:aateri"V_Jr. om.Z.V",intheliAttalortlP'"Ti his youth to a young latlyi n b" 'I. - n ea ' i Th hum al Ilprocee d to irenity Church yard, this vent of Dwunicuts, ant "wen The sonic - ' * s 3._ ' w' 10 thoo . eer i e ] took occasion to ; ahernoue, at 4 o.cl ink, from the maidence of tin d ee , cett e re t e to Ike s e 6 Goverement that the i ty, however, nephew , . De Jobe S. Irwin, Hay street, below Penn 0 ,,,,,..... h ,,,, whie e hrogearee calms , Tea Menden( die temity are Invited to attend without tad ropsitave h eype do years no( subminent- I thither noun. ly Dr. Achilli waslitho eii enema'?" 4 - ffi... of I • ' .. - ---------- —-- honor, and especialle" he war aganted to I ' PILED ADMISSION. the .„,,,„,;.,„,, 0 , , We . convent, of Romagna ; INTERESTING LLC rurit AT rumo HALL sod Lombardy, emu" rot a eaVd wen nver 1 118. ROLLICK will deliver one series of his Select , tteert ) ttee i e , t h i re t be Wean • Protestant .1.1 Celeste Lectures on PAULIN PAL PHI SlOLO =the diecomary a 'eh legs va nr about by pinto no ton Oa om or it,irs, dintrated pp . Me r at hia , rocoajoh to ro peo , r i to e t h e vest. I t set of ep . otopr ate Allateceleal Altdela,PaLanags, 4 a m er its. m et e r, would bare ben obliged to I ;,,loi;oftom,the,at.arada„ a Wy:edele slay and Tharsday, make methane i einniein iini , F. .thaneincledi I tor e nd Only . (bor • ntadmittedlat 7 l o 'elbehi 4 8„„ * . by the INlntilliOn, fro fro, doors irnee at 7. Inr Ledieseelyarni duoteopen mei. , 40 . t „,, n i,Ti i e iino irrly t eethed and Sod t o ad amen Lectures, Re cants. Tweets for each ea 1 cllrs.t.Lee.ture.tuona,SiroldkaLbetti.., for l a thi ht es ...a and ries bU MILL Corn. --, ' gentle- - The yoe t e t, \ never, remided the French Government q t ets arrest toolplace while their and ms. ' gag ere ., e y i ng o hermtpttol, ed that Dr. intuit N H.-These are the same Lectures that boys been sad trusted tin i proindes. They dernsoded,. aid nag an so enthuses-Or. Leaved 4 , N ., v .,. that.... that ototoovete ; he his y et ,,,,,, h aVahr,,les.„wheaprea,,tiotha troLaad•Gendeuel , 0 have o pinions he e tufl at Mme`ha " ha. , and If for tha most mute emet: ' n meaner. c"'"'"l Po d' e d lt V * ' IV( rt. TOWNSEND Leap, u again dots eves any minor) emir that he aline he brought to --- -- -- 111, Is, at Le'ePtre down, LP Wests Chareb le hoptug.fur as swer that vrt/d Yet at rest the I a fair trial went delay. heY condaded by , Stattnno , o a r e el . at 7 u , el.t Aeatteelen Mk. -4: min d ' dd a °"'°" fl4 ' \ '' ''giNbm'n '•! esiemb..netin.o"ne,atf."old9L'lts‘re",elirelLm'd""4nothvell'ltf" r" Frenehmco, at Omeocena, .•- - No reply Phis matracell"" F e ', ~ ' "ln. Pub' I - A ALUM -faro Mae for .ale by listed, but ea Inelhaslot e Ir,waraid aatatur a LI. 11 A FAIINESTIrg I CO, fhb, ya, a riboo4l be afiesaditt In Ilialbi! Dr I novll l comer Pate and Weal ate Achlig;bol4.ialllDY .PP I"° 1 it and 'a w n . ' I •ts ATCHES-tuu gross Meet, Inc sale 6 haring ~ „ e a., i.e. e of snow ultimate. the Unman (needled! deems who ere nee? [1.e.1. nolte . ILA PAIINEaTtICIL iCO BALK-2 torn Willa tor sale by -doom no e rd will ever ea ... C is ovule •if A FAIIIVESTOCE ft CO - NAIL 1 Q.PS'TURPENTINE-ro Wills In prime order. for Pratt Delos, vibere gibe prines are erred- ...-7 ale by anus l3_/_I a .;_aSIN e rdISICR 100 ,a, ..,, hre noth Orf ho It la said tbet t hee.. I „, - "Vispii. 4utrium.— tO 2 at lost teociaan. fornieby Pp of assts hoe • enPited King Ferdinand I ''' nee "' ._ 2 KIDD a CO, 00 Wood at r , 4 , , ,,,,p 0 , recoot odations of Ragland, on I edluOil-CNDY-tOgiross Pelee% celebrated Cceith behalf r the Sichannurlng him that under ! Cantly,thr sale by all nuometances Human Aunt. will wenn" I novl6 J KIDD fr. CO. 00 Wood at t Do wUEFI ;OLAF-40u its mu reed and for mate by him. I .1.. nor HI \ 1 KIDD it CO. - 60 Wo e st • Lid Chip'd, rec l / 4 1111.11ur • nolle J KIDD k CO Rhea O. IHE Lig, of Dr. AlttlielAti<9. /peril to be Written by blrnself In blithal l itAci quul nononned hi. s Edited by lICT. I. . lOnea. Expository Lectunts on 44.{10 to the &phew: Ibo By Roc Soh: J.Meabom. • Provincial Lamas of Bialm Fourth • new translation, omit IlistoHeal Introdoction and Notes. By Rev. T. bleCrie. • The Young Man's Closet Library. By Rev. Robert Philip; with ao Introductory EMMY by\ !tea. Alban Barnes. Evenings at Woodlawn; being a seleehou of Le. nds andTroditions of European Comma. By Mrs. itioarT of the Piiil4"irdThiitin- r h oPost3- The History o( the United State!, ^from Due.- very oribeCoritinant of &Merit& to the Organisation , of Me Federal Hose:Marna By Richard Hildreth. ! Moms• fore an Old Manuscript. Hy Hawthorn. The Windings of the Arster Of the &Mar of Life. By o.l:beaver, Tpe Complete Works of Hannah Moore,: vols. Just reed and for sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, No 70 Wood at Em== Yreoal 2' PIPES OLD COCQ; 21 hf pipes Lafayette Ent/ Rochelle, dark and pale; vintages of Id, 40, and 46. II to pipes Leger Frerra Extra Rosh?!le, dark and pals ktf/Pseitln'etinloinl& Co's COlltmai dark sod • ple; vintages of '44'43, 47. 6 hf pikes Anchor Cognac, pale, (B. & C Orint o of '47.42. ✓ do James Hennessy, Cognac; pale, d • do Charred Bordeaux, pale & dart, do 47. 2 do J Barmy, do do, 4 do '47. I do Casullon, do do '47, I do Basteau:dart. 7 do Old , 00sse, dart. qr casks Otanl, Dopoy & Co, pale, - do '4& 2 do hinglory Cognac, dark, do 'W. 2 do Old Pale Neetor, do 16. q do Pelloglshi, do po Mer Vim; vintages of '27, 7 0 , 13 , 40 . 2 00,514, do 00; do 1605 and 1800. 2qr aaaa United Vineyard Proprietors; viol. of '4O. 3 octaves do do do do '47. 1 do Champagne Cognac. 29 bbls Old Pear/ Brandy. do Cherry Brandy. . _ 160 dal Fine Old Cognacs, by the don or single bottle. This stock of high proof elate° Brandtes-hea Men the ' f e et:l6 th , :X b ar l e n Is . o otre ' rlrtTel;.Te w o r p otoo room i reasonablere Omni than heretofore. Call and az • wt befo r e poaasing else wEkvER, "-111116, - FOR PLULADELPHIA eI AN ) D O BALTIMORE, rALTayIMde ORE, E 6 E B d ws ifW P lle{w e d r leave as follows, 1.1 9 o'clock islnledt Ohio-di Ora & Friday, Nov. MM. Loulluana—J pThwarrien,flatuntay,Mth. Indlana-P Harkey, Senlay,Bth. Kentocky-Capt Traby, Monday, 19th. Ohlo-Capt. A Craig, Tuesday, 20th. Louisiana-4 P Thom/son, ednesday, COL Indiana-P.Buskey, TearsdeT, old. ITM - 7?•% giA,`VII=6.44 •.• Louisiana -4 P Thompson, Stmday,ll24.6. Indlana-P Barley, Monday, OM. Remacky..-11 Trolly, Tuesday, OIL Ohi Thu 0.-A Craig, Wedaewlay, Loeletaua-4 P Th omp son, rsday, nth. Indianr-P Barker, Friday ; 301 k. • Por Pnwldds apply • W MITCH, Mono au 0 LENS llsol44== .ose eau Moot Remenside Work, of she Age" VW:IMM AND MA REMAIN:If with an Ileeeent 4,N of • visa to the Chandwart Christians of sort. . MN and the YeabiLA or Devil-Weisl:men; abd en I . Zl n trY „ . into the klanneiris.sydrat;VldtheE,Aiontatcat. With Intr i eL A tory Note by riot & ibubinion, D. D.. LL.D. yli g .ry.igig edih. IX. plates mud maps, and 90 wood row volt. Ore. cloth, 51,60. "Tee book has a Me a:Myr - tof of graphic, vivid, pi, tannin, nurative—lntari. . 'The work of fumed is the mod prominent °oath. !Limon to the land, of anthludli WW I . ..FL. llTri roe many years."—ChrbiX "Not one excel. in interest the indecent of Nineve n h and in Ruins, given by Mr. lAyamL."—Wmhingua Intelligence, "Asfollow the diggers with breathless inierest their we excavations, andsoddenly find oullielre• be. tor to s • niessive igen caned with WWIId leettraeO, now lifting Its gigantic head from the dust. of WM pram. re are MIA) to cry old with the astonished Anabl, IWellati, It Is wonderful, but It Ls tme!'"—ltt. dependent. For sale 67 novl6 63 Wood it NEW FINES& ABBANOSNENT. ------.- 1849. iNgt..fiar. ADAMS i 00.111.1211 M• THE alumna of PITTSBURGH and it. vicinity ere respectfully Informed that we have no connection with any other Written Express,, and are now pre ' pared to forward PACKAGES, MRCHANDiSE, ec., from Boob n, New York, Philadelohia and Baltimore, to Pittsburgh and other Western Clue., with eittaor dieary expedon and amnima.umertsaocs. At lialdtaare we have aasecisted with as Dr. W 8 WoolinDe, who Wa• for fifteen yearn superintendent of R the II Bolero ant Ohio Rail Road Company; Howe. KIVU T, Hip p far many ye...principal cOotidential age of the cot Mace, and O. W. Can, Eat , , 1 UM 1,11,111., P. gnaw gentlemen will give persoeal miper•Lion to the Line from Refitment:. to Pittsburgh. Foes Phdaderribia we eltala roe THREE Daily Lc pmts Lines, anteing at Pittsburgh respecuvely in Ewa, Thies and Foar Davis Me 'Pwo tied Lin e will ran at mail speed, and is ptinripally inter for small and valuable Packages. We shall invariably receipt for snag and rain. We have an arrangement with Mem , Eewlene, Ilaye & Pees TRANS ATLANTIC EX.OIIE.S.S, by Wine In we can forward Packages to, or trans.:li Cain- Cii '''' rat 1 0, Grant tret:sirs.'. Panic, and. e m & oo o o li f il th ile e 1/1 Piejlend with the well known great forwarding to mi of Meters. Plasma & Hoax, and In Prat:mown/I th ildessageria. Nanonale., a shalt spare no expense or exertion to get Our . g a through with the utmost d.pateh, and endeavor to fauna toe public with a really well conducted Er. - p es. 'Small parcels lied package s will be canted by a at extremely low rates. aeons witting to on our Line. are respectfully re located to pa elle ol arly order their correspondents ia I ah by “ADAMS &COS EXPRESS!' t hiladelplda. Nov 10. ADAMS & CO. . The Agency of he above Express Line w dl to i conducted at this city by x. C. BIDWELL., norl&dimWater street. YALVAHLM MAWR FOR BALM IN 8111711 TOWNSII P. TUE andetsigned being desirous of abandoelng, in some vacuole, agticultarst permits, offer for talc weir valuable FARM shunts In a SawNolon. .ip Washlngunt county, pa., on the tate tiid madol from Washington to klargetutoWo, about two men wadi or toe latter placo,comeining 11811DRED ANUPIPIY AURY.y, more or ins, of firimo swat Ono Rewired ant Ebony Acres of which aro cleared, and In m mood/int state Of °Maven.. Teo nucleated portion of the Farm it encored with trot rata Umber, and there are Springs of ranni,m water In every Mid. The mapromments are good, eonsisting ot a Into Frame Demoting Room, Dim, and other out buildings. Thane Is en &emitting Orchard on this Farm, mud W..• stand givn.l6. This Farm Is located in es fine a neighborhood as mi m band lathe e n o s u , S y h — ooharen dI m & i Lnngg O hMchnm:f dw vicinity. Pers.. wishing a good bargain in a deanble property, would t o well to mate earlystpplication to the undersigned. No more dearabie property cm be met with, now In market, to the county. T. & J. WILKINS. September le, 16.19.--novlAwat e d (111AIRLF/3 NAYLOR, Attorney at Law, Third st, lei door above Smithfield. noviAilm ACIOFFEE-456 seeks ilto, on baud .Od arriving, 1. sals by CULUERT3ON, 1.05 lOl Liberty st SUOMI& MOLASSES-10 idadd N 0 flood 00 bbls d Molasses; 150 bbis blelanes; on ban andlAr dad by mdls A C ULBERTOON TEA—GO pap V H, O. Powder, .d Black Tees; arriving and for sale by nosIS CULBERTSON TUB. CCO-400 pap Ra, b's and B's Plug, maw afaetared, some very supenor brands, on band and to arrive, and for sale by maliS (0D FISR— ns6 y superior A j UL BERTO s N E by ANTE CURRANTS-14 casks inn reed. far sale • mild A CULBERT.,ON vl :B rtale • Bale bi P E l A aoT a l l i A2"—" e"" VIZIIr i aNDLIW :AMMO= poair s OES-lata Cc_11.*.2..,15 TPLES-123bb1. ritilveszNNEß Lknßovlo "r" and I NtrAl t ilemres - Est IVA BEAN-4-6 bbl. b.Ar A e u r i d t : i r o s t al i & t • Rtl ;l l 4 llllT . lt4i.--11 bbls amtd. *Kl.l;itt EG small lot in store •nd farsale novLS Clitao NICINNEIt • STOP. Loss' acelo la3'l" k.irJEINNSJI vi — by sciiiio—Newcrira:ru Q PTE. TURPENTINE- 0 bbl. Is fate order, fosses 0• by ao•115 J SCHOWIId AYER & CO' psT. LOU W00D,40 wu lisatford`s, far sale by 14,05 'J SC • r NMAXEIit &CO ' WOO r lCbblabiprfoe L rovts kio.jMKVR co UM WINTER SPERM 011..-3 ruts (or gale by novls 1 SCHUONNAKER t CO LEACHED Winter IA hale OH ha ulal bbh, Bfor We by I sutuoNmAk Ea A. CO, oorIS No VI Wood et rpm 1110 N-150 uma Somerset Coontyo. denrat.t.. Ins nod t o t r bl ~..g me t tr .g , ro =wok • LTherty C h et SUNDRIES -4d two Feathers; 4do Wool; la do Ginseng; Sdo Flaxseed; east Beeswax; 4 casts Baeop; To IllffiTO on creamer Eillballfb, rot Web by ISAIAH MIRY A. CO, Front at /111E03E-00 bso to stare ono for sale by nods ISAIAH DieKr.Y k CO OBACCO—Asa,d brands and lumps, ante low to Telt.• constromont, nowli - • /RAUH DICKEY &CO 16TAIMES-30 bbl. Red and Pink DC for me by wl6 STUART &BILL CORN MEAL-69 bdto arrive, for Bea by noYIS STIJAHT t Edda" tie Wood s rif HEAT atiartiqd steksror in sure Bad VT tor ale by noybi STUAIIT APPLES - - - -17 1 1 b iby:Oroid:WPTL b novl3 491 . 711111 iota! Ild Wood la ilsoCgs—to 000 fog 0040 ocroSS BTUAIt r L Sli L, 11.9 Wood at B".,'Kau"' g;`,l7,d VIM , BOOKS—Chalmers Ittathutra of Tassdogy. 1.1 oL-L bating got - VU of his Tpchoplaos Work.. Combo's System of Ingendloity, ',WI upwards of 100 enpavisgs. Oat alto'd owl . for solar Hopms, .novld Apollo Buildings, Fourth at _ _ . EENDURE:II REVIEW for Oe.ober.—Jamer B. Lockwood has Received the October number of tber Erhohurgh Review. Pnee,l3 per" yea; W O O 7.1 cents D LOCKW D. BookreHer and Importer, an 2440 Org all Um Brinah Revives Iforr,l and Blvk • when all are taken together, 210 yer gmm. aotli — INDERBBLY _ . irlinGNA"; CIIILE!-13 ELL ERS' 'ldkavm Mercer eta, Pa., Sept- 2S, 1242. R froen.se DellA Bit bought one !mule of year Vertaiihge ea Oise Fume. suns. at Misplace. and_ultas perkumed whet we ecutsider out here • won. due care onpna of my boys eight years old; he had been mniellfol some y cam, so mach so that I hod giv en op all hopes of hbrrecavery. suss advised by o e of my neighbors so •try, • ➢bottle of your Vertnifuge— and Lani,happy to inform yea nf it having the dewed space of telicvMg my aott. Repasse d, in the short space of Si house, 161 worms, some of them measur ing as much as vane 14 inches long. feel &band tri justice to give yeti the above matemem,so as you may make any lase of my tame that youllunk 'proper. Years,•lf . •• ' Joaanks.o S. Lavas. • 11:71.1epated and told by R. KISRLIXR.S, 57 Wood street; and cold by Druggists getterady in the two novIS IfkllfilLß IN ITALY; ar7Weiliaiedido - rn Ob 72 eta. AIRS. FANNY &MILER YEAR 0 \ CONSOLATION. `lle reading or this book hae impressed um with a notch higher opinion of Ito author than we had f..rmed from powwow ber other writings. Is displays a deeper tone of thought, untied to more pare womanly grace of (tenni than any other production of the fsmale mind with which ore tot acquainted..--Eve. Miner. ll is • very agreeable and roadside book, P ry teem Fanny licrobtei best rtyleold, tpblued sod enter mining. We renotumend it to one renders as the best peek - anion r f the Mason.^—Reading (Ma. 'lt contains the Journal of a troop l through Europe, and residence in Italy; end, iscme of the pleasanmet and most interesting hooki of the scesen."—Cout. and Enquirers `. " —werimic book. "A,yery .. - tale pipe to Colophon with nolhated unmet. A m eld Omura of life in Rome. In .M respects eminently reenable."—Fatickerbocker. For sale by JAMES D.LcCKWOOD, nowls Boeksellar Pc Importer, (LI Wend at ITALIAN A. L MIGIIAGEII. pablVe i of Pitmergrea . l, 17,:rg ‘f aleTvr i t t o n oTe al yet unoccupied, he will impart Instraeuone to the above Immure. to several more paella For term apply to LEMUKL WILCOX, Jr., corner of the Diamond, and 11. KLEBER, at WoodevelPe. • riovl.s.ellor • rerut Straw Wizpips 1110 reed kr aal wail{ &II FLOYD tJOFFEEL - 1 13 Breen 9 ' ee, new aro emost re nd day by canal, for sala by J FLOYD 12117.811-4 mks on hand and for sibil Lovn nno•l4 bass No lin mesa and Cr oak by j _. • • • W bxs Fiala Cream, lost scoed, for .6r U--I=4 re B W HARBAUGI.4 138.8D—iddi Da p last I.d nova 8 AV IiARBAUGH UOML-6u Ma. 1 , 4 %Au Isactuts from ;bo 1,1 Penn; ma tabs by • novl4 e ew enermunif fig(IFic*ACOOC=I"4 roo'dcHt (or aµq by „ o wl, ""4 wrßozio & oirttia r-1 cue black raunatt, the mannfarlarar, lad fin um , by novl4 II LE it IC t'.l°4'"'iN"alB°‘ dlegiO/L—S bbis need sa rot M 1..% IMOD WA* W U RICH AND SPLENDID NEW GOODS, SELLING AT LOW PRICES AT A. A. MASON•Si CO'S. O. 60 MASHICT SIMILET, PITTIMIII/011, PA.* - . AA. A. MASON /a CO, respectfolly polled attention RIRBONS.-100 bones beautiful new ..tyles of Boni •to their complete end extensive sewranate of ow Ribbon.: e..de Cap and Neck do; 61 Mantua' Fine New Foreign and Staple Goods; a large portion • and Satin RM... ell number and isteiltles. Also— of which nes teen recently receive , ' per late packet ; Crapes, Bonnet Velrsts, Gimps, Fringe-, Braids, Vet ;ships and steamers, and art confident.y reeernmended 1 Vet Irtmminga, die... ae being among the best and most fashlonableetylesin 'HOSIERY AND GLOVES —A fall sock. While the count.. i Goods, of every deseription. BILKS-300 pea rich changeable Precede, fienlvd. `; HOUSEKEEPING GOODS.—In than department of Gee di/Jenne, Gm d'Pekio, Oro tE/Milne, Gro d'Av . l our cstebltshmen. wilt always to found the most mon sic.. Satin de Chine, Tice Satin; Taffeta, Ottoman,'; pinto sm., erenprisina in pant. Freudian. Oath, Whit.. tie, fie.ey and Mwkinatv Bleiikets; Linen and Cannefilieetr. SHAWLS—Over one thousand Shawl, of even Was. rt,...k.,,,d rw„,„.. N „„un,, Towels, Fi ., desetiption. c empeisina every quality and stile m f eels, Chlinsii, Dimities and Counterpanes. Le. and Seettre Neal Shawls, in all colors. Alen— CLOTHS;C IM ASSERES, CASSINI:TS ft VEST- Rich ' ''" h ' l " .. ‘ oa Bm.he ah..l. 2 Vben "' M '''''' ; INGS.—A. Most extensive stork always on hand. las. Cloak, Itr. FRF.NCII MERINOS,•PARASIAWAS AND LS - VALICOMI, TICRINGS, es ACHED A BROWN °N CLHS.-01ore than five hundred pier es, MUS . LINS—INIO pieces Calico., of el .000.dir MOO the largest sl o b we have ever exhibited, and olievery . 'Minn., every width and quality: WOW — Bleached variety of color. 1 • I Middies, of every grade:SUS pa ' Brown; Ousting, of ALP ACCAS. BOMBAZINES, tre.-10 casts Alpec 1 all prieeet 30 bales Red, White and Yellow . Flartnele.' eas and Bombasines, Canton Cl oths, and every other ' Also—Country Flannels, Brnwn-Preseed do, Cattails dewriptlons of Mourning Goods. ' Goods, Sailor's Trimmings. Millinery Artielea, Ac. CASHMERES. DE LOINS, /sc.—Rich Pans Cult- The above, with • very harp...Rork of other Geode, veer. and De Lalos,lo eases latest dengns. very rich were parebeeed by one of the resident mime ea hi dm and high color., superior to any heretofore offeeed. ; east, and eau' be afforded at either weolesule or ;Mail, Also—E.nelleh an French Chintzes, Opera Cloth, Pe- I et es losiprices as they can be procured In the. east. Lissa and Panneno Cloth. Icm tildes, Panties.* can here have the setae ad- EMBROiDERIES, LACES, ke..—A large Meek of i vantues. .'extent of stock , rhoiee selections and Paris F.nibroideiles, Lace and o n Capes, Collars ; ; great verietv, that are prewnted by Eastern Urteral. Crony HMl's. Bear's. Belt Ribbons. Alsiv—A foil as. i New Goods ...randy steritung. sorou,ni of Lanes, Edgings and Insenings. i novl4 AA AI ASON k. CO. AUCTION SALES, By Jobs D. Davis. &actleasers4 Poring", soul Downie Dry Gooda. On Monday morning, Nov. 19.1, at to o'clock, at that,omm Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fla meets, will be sold, without reserve, to close • consignment — An extensive emsortmeni of staple and fancy foreign . o d domestic Dry Goods, *Monk which are soperfloe bleak and brown broad efoths, cas.bneres. sawn eta, toree4s, leash., rod and yellew flannels, blankets, brown muslier;eheelts, o , o h m omy, do isins, plants, dress silts, loony vest. Log% de. • Al 2 o'elock,.. Groceries, QUeonssrare , Flamini., be. 13 half chests rating Hymn Tea, Virginia rilsnuAse• turedToblmco, writing and wrapping paper, shovel., spades,' -'oSeTs, patent balances, be. A large and general assortment of new and sekitchecond hand household furniture, cooking stoves, n utensils, readier boils, bedding, mattrasses. looking glasses, carpeting, mantel clocks, window blinds, he., giro, • qoangty of leather trunks. canvass trunks, car. pet and 'earner bags, saddles, bridles, be. Ate o'clock, A quanfity of fashionable tea le made clothing, fine table and' pocket catiery. doable single barrel shot mans, gold and silver watch a e nd s, varieties, dry goos, kn. oneyla Boob at Aartam. On Bolerde4 eceninc, Nov.lll, ate) o'clock. at the Commercial Bs es Reams, will be sold, the following valuable Books, by catalogoe. Among them will be found—blurtaylis Encyclordia of Geogrsph4, 3 role; Works of Lard Bolinebro o, 4 vole; Hawker and Por ter on Shooting. Youstt on the Dome; Letters aqd Speeches olCromwell; Halsted's Lie rf Richard III; Grove'. Greek and Enclith Dictionary Locke on the Human Understanding; BoswelP• Life of Dr John en, cols; Parnell's lipplie3 Chemiall7; Manson, Customs and Antiquities of Deotimtd. I Catalocuas eon be Obteleed at the Auction ntorts. nowlo JOHN D DAVIS, Auer Dien:vend , Alloy Property so ' O r TUESDAY, the 519th of November, at ten