, • i ; 7 ;7 f: rnovosatilikililvistwas vuovsi, DIPIICPI3IO4O frt54.11.130x.. Ormes firms krereszirsematerataft..ii: 42 . QEALED iVedOtbzeoo,eo4st'be o(- b due ask Oesualmams lodiankfaits es Wash, Lamm City, eattl.oeirodocirorr.Temeiber , tkaladq of November hem, ine fernithirk Me following semi is the qmetities annazeth.anthormimets, for too use Mike Indiana, arid "daliferabia it. city of New 2,100 pairs 3:pithit Mstkints blankets, to measure 64 by 72 incline, end weigh eight 1 4 9 0 0 pails 24 point white Mackinac: I,lankets,lo measure 54 by 650-melai., and weigh six pone& • • - • . 1,175 pains 2 pilaf' white 'Mackinac blankets. to measure 42 61 . 55 Inches, and weigh ftve end a quarter pounds... • 1L990 pairs II point white Machined blankets. to' b.7,b, - ; - ;„meamte 36.67 50 inT and weigh tour end a qutottjr, pseuds - ' ' 900 pairs 1 „point.w.bite 101 liaise blankets, to useassue 32 by 46 inchqs,. and weigh Orme and, w'ratter•potrods. : • E4o3,lpairs Ipaint markt Maritime Nantes., to • • Measure 5014 72 inches, and weigh eight 300 pairs 2kpointeeselet Mackinac Weeks% to measure' 54 by 66 inches, and hrcigh six CPC'4perieds. Sh ykdatgreen Mackfanc blanket, , ta ••- • 11/CLUITO 66 by Ett.inches, and weig en 300 pats 3. point green Mickinse. blankets, to measure 64 by 72 inches, end weigh eight 250.paurs '24 point green Mackinac blankets; to • measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh isix pan's: , 100 planets gentinella blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 66 • by 54 inches, and weigh ten pomade. 400 pelts 3point gentinella blue Mackinac Man; lets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight ponds. 300 pews :A point gentinella lible Machines blankets, to mallard 54 by 66 inches. end weigh sts. 'gonads. 1,000 yardsSitcarlet strands. 1300 yard. blue strands. 1,800 paid a fanny tug cloth, blue. 750 yardifincy list cloth, starlet. ` 350 yaideAncy Its. cloth, green. I,noo yaids gray list cloth, blue. • p,OOO yards saved list cloth, bibs. ,1,600 yards saved cloth, mauler ',SOO yards saved bet cloth, green. 225 pentads manand ;yarn, 3 fold. 100 dozen cotton Hag handkerchief. - ' 250 dozen cotton Madras handeerchiefs. . 175 dozen Week eßk handkerchief. po dawn 8-4 COUttrirbawls. SO keen 6-4 cotton shawls' 55 keen 44 cocoa shawls. 40 dozen 84 woollen shawls. 28,000 yards &Semitic calico. - :5,000 yards English and French ashen 10 000 yards Merrimack calico. 3.500 larderblue'sbillirer. • 8 000 yards Georgia stripes. 4,000 yardsbluadinima • 1,600 yards cottonnda 7,000 suds domestic shirting, blenched. 15,000 yards domestic &busies, unbleached. . 15,000 yards domestic eheetiog, unbleached. 8,000 yards chicks,stripea, and plaids. 400 dozen woollen sock. 7,000 jerk plaid limey. . , • 1600 yard, aft111:101h assorted. 1,600 flannel Alit. 700 Calico Ike' a. ' 430 Poundslisteir Boni& 550 pounds. meson thread. 400 tkumis speO2cotion, N. 1 to 30. 80 Pounds sowing silk. • 700 pieces rlbend. assorted. 4,300 yards bed ticking. 1000 yards Eentuckyjeana " 500 yards rusticate. ~: • 150 gross worsted gartering. 200 pounds Cbieese 20 doyen silk handkerchiefs, hark' 6r Bandana 150 prank:icy and cloy piece. Hardware. 1,790 'pounds brass kettles. • 1,090 tin kettles. - , • • 76 oak of japanned kettles, 8 in a neut. 276 dozen butcher knives. 28,000 gun Matti • 25 gross squaw awls. 7,000 fish hooks. . • 25 dozed fish lines. 25,000 needles, assorted"' • 100 dozen combs, warted. 10 dozen aciesors, assorted. 72 dozen axes, to weigh from 41to 5} pound; 50 dozen haLf azes, to weigh 31 pounds. 124 dozen hatchets, to weigh 11 pounds. hapiessrau,kr. 730 axes, to weigh from 41 to 54 pounds. 400 haglike, to weigh 34pounda 200 hatchets, to weigh 11 pounds. 25 broad axes. . 200 drawing kniver,l2 incision in length. 700 ankre,trt equal proportions of 14, 1, i. an .4s inch. 150.peirs. haute. " 750 pairs trace chains". • 300 panda brass keulim. 1,500 weeding hoes. 175 hand saws. 40 crewcut saws, 7 feet In length. 40 cress-cut saws, 6 feet in length. 100 tiand4ave 100 cram-cut saw files. 40 hat chants, to weigh 25 pound! each. 600 Whiumote cards, No 10. 700 gavial sacker chisels. • - 90 plane - I,l'M and jack. Nargwera Gwar. . _ . 650 Nett!Meet atm., two•thirds of which most measure 36 inches in length of barrel, and mustard 42 inches, to be delivered in the city Of New York or Philadelphia, to may be re- Samples ormil Me 'above assicleiare deposited in the, oaks of the Ccianussioner of Indian liffsirs; .and it may beiploper ha remark that Mose of Rune dami ar nual Impliahents, and oorthirestßlO entirely andot tanner finality than the heretance furnished under former contineta The preitiesale may be divided into tom parts, Mai Ist. Meekest as. thy Goods. 3d. Hardwate, to include agricultural implements oth. Pfeirtlmenguna The Invest competent responsible bidder wil the whole or Wind of the convert acconließ ra,the above scale, the Deparmentreserviog to , OelitlO , Orph' 10 deterehlOo whether the bidder iincompetent Ilia re. spillable, Of not. • . The *hole Iran= In maser'' to be applied to the parchatta of good. will be &beet - 801400r bat the L'o• penmen reserves the right to lucre.se or diminish the quantirpof any of the articles named, or substitute nib- CIS in LP thereof, ar ns registry, at manna prices, such LS may be werant for present. or other purposes, to the mint niitt ra tiOn of the a ff airs of the Depanmern ands a/Marken mannacuire, othe r things being equal, !will be preferred: but as ail the samples of bratakets add cloths are of foreign manufnuire, ath be neessery when a domestic &rune ts bid for n 'thata wmpld:rf it sheath accomppy the bid, to enable tue Deparenew to decide whether k is of equal quality With the temples to be exhibited. The Party proposing to •upply the articles will make an Inv/deco( all the Items embraced in the above .1•i, and a= the prices, in violins and cents, at which Le or they will furnish them, deliverable in New tut:, (or if roe or prefer. it, about one.balf of the quantity may be delivered in St. Louis, fillismaii, flee of expense tothe Government,/ on er thele. the 1 " day of next, assuming the quantity of each atti- CN n specified• m this misestimate:. mid 0/floOdiO3 the eost, making an tracregate dthe whole invoice constitrailig 'the bid. The pods will be Inspected in New. York, (and in St. Loom, ti any portion of them should be delivered thereo by atragent of the Untied Sustea , lets_virill to weaned by the Department for the. pUrpeao, amino cosmic the conformity of thn articles purchased with the wimples ennuited,when the . contract shall be made, and with the terms of the contract itself, which shalteuoOLO4 a clause that if the anted§ are not furnished within the time prewritied. Of thefare of inefficient gunny to the opinion of the eireat. aforesaid, and d within five days after no tice of such intmfficienoy the party-Shag not furnish °theists Den thereof of use required qua li ty, the Lin., ted States -shell be authodx d outdraw them oi others, sod to charge any increase aerie& they may he eampfiedpoey therefor, to the eettlfaCtor, who shell pay Ste said iliffirence to the United "totes. Bonds will be required, in the OMOttet of thecbids, with two good seduce, the nate teney of whom to be ertif.:did tinned States Judges or Distr i ct attar • ney, fee the faithful performance or contracts. Paynient Will be Made after the contract is completed eed the 4erll'eTTef dm good. en aforesaid to an agent of the Department, upon a duplicate invoice eerufied him Copermications to he toothed "Propoas'• far b olter. geode." Thp bide will be el:brained with the following heed. big, end MOO will berecetved that are rot merle to the formand Mons here prweribed: "l(ar We) propese to thrash for tba made of , the ',wee Depestmert the following gOOOs, attna prices Mhzetto them respectively, Mx: • . diem insert die list °lewd.) Dellineble in the city of New York (or St. Louisl before day of eat and in ease of the seceptaide of his proposals. r il e tramway being pre. scribed by the Department, I for wo ce.retre a Cract milt ing to this agreement, nod give lan,. factor?' enatity ,to th e Department . .within ten days afterthanoeptenee of this bid; and in we of Gahm us alder Into such contract, and give spch wenn, , lot sidled! payee-the Cauca Stales thddifference Le. twos the !aegis Lidded by 'me loraejmod JIM sun whhaltthei OaltedStates may obligedto pay for th, same Unclean Each and entry bid mast a`so be accompuned with a gamenOT la the following fratt, to be signed by one or more responsible persons, whore eat o boes, moat lo gasified by seam one who is known to the Depart * Meet, tither parentally or by hia. More. "lift we hereby guaranty tkat—s--;ther hidders. Will com co ply with the min. of the advert-se men fa: Vorsels far taint goods,' dated YDW Sep tetaber, 1149, if the contract &bond be awarded to bind end enter lino boktd far the can ellen of tac t some within the time prescribed.. . :II ORI...ANPO BROS . • Comodmoner of indout Ad eetldOnonlottior • ii tr-T7o3lloE.—The lime forlipening toe bids tendedhe Oto DO day of December oext, at to o'cl. A..2d, salds* lime of delivery of the goods ID the. Of DMM,145 0 . 'The Herat:bon forbidlieg *swam lickleialt from the cootracteof former years boo t seerieshOL • s omet4Dec I 0. TOL JAYLIEt ALTERATIVE. We hare beettinfonsteddly Mr.. Ede of a core pccr. tormodoeher hype. Jayne's Alteratilveoshat eroece its Leeyertority over every other retried,. of the bind. She has been sat Wed for the lest slatcon year. with WELISOSES or W JI,TE SWELLINGS, attended elterstioni and arifoliation of 'sums bence, , lu wegwhiehtnweansey peer, hate beCrldiaeharred from the mune! bone 01. the cranium, horn both her stoic wnsts arid heads .and from both legs, and from the leis f e mora, bone. and from the right 'rem.t:wiks yeah* *leers on other pulse( her person, winch have hi flee the skill of a amber of the mut eminent physicia.' oot eny--dartne swat of lite 't dee her serenest e been eicrost"{uadeP!erable. About three osetthi erne she .was oilseed to try Dr..tase's 'Alterative. weiehthni WRAF, I .lhshVY elect iiPee bet, igoiritwounit._au ymm one ist , ,llithre, and eanssarthe ry to lathe .1.1310 trote bre heal th halbetateleeesyn pletely reiterant* thst lthe congealed thcate al the ItelfitaiW.loaPelion.-44. Eve: 'wt., For farther inferreation,lootor of Mrs. Row. NoSYSI etn. ' rrilbette, a lh Pitubagh, at the PION TEA STOR E. ~IEDICAL 111.sgsatle,or GisAvanili to; • /DILE mihseriber has recent); received • number of them invalaable instrument., which he content. plates het I evine conitendy . on hand for RecillbrOMpli aled by dictions for ihelr proper 'application In all caves old caw, as well as for Gadvantling metals in Memanner. fast erifterience tn the treatment of MN) asc , 2l hoe led him to Wye Ihnt there are few erns, if y, stick may not ot be advantageously treat ed. propel . application of the mytvanie The mo muefactory testimonials will ho-given of cures having huee effected of different disea.i., some of Which weeC'deemed Incurnblo in the nidinary medical Neale% and on periondwell known among on, to whom referenced may he elven. Personft afflicted aim th entail, Discuses. of any kind ikke especially invited to call and exits:dna these testy. menials fkr tlierneelica. klF.DlONES.kkok•Prg.tr' by 'hr praetitiettere in the Vast, Du 1 adminlmercaNy the. In connection with or separate front the ottertittaa will eonetaitly be kept ',lt batta:wab dtrectiotto fort • au. , operations on the most moderato Waal, • Office No. 4 St Clair al, near the Old Allegheny Bridge. • gpandly A- WESTERVELT. ITTATNOICAIIgt iii ii: ~, 1, 10 tool y.), MANUFACTORY `Dr. S. P..TOWNSENIPS COMPOUND . EX'rIIACT . OF SARSAPARILLA, The mnt Wooderfal ledielne of the Age, 1,500,000 BOTTLES MANUFACTURED YEARLY. Thle Medicine Is cured put mom than Efatthm 'and ems 109,000 Chhie3 of Chronic, Mame, within the tut Ten Noari—oami ia Gen tabu unless Aired WS. P. TOWNSEND. EXPOSE'. • SY- READING THE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT . the PahDewill learn the origin, or rather wheret recipe for making the stud' they mill Old Dr. Jacob Townsend . * Sarsafandln cams from—and wfl he able tllo judge which is the genuine nod origiml, cod the honesty of the men'who are emplcTed in telling it as the original Dr. Townsmen Sarsaparilla. Dr. 8. P. Townsend urns the °demi proprietor an inventor of Dr. Townseadt ve•vvpeenbv and hla medicine hoe gained a repotation that no other remedy ever gained He manufactured over one million& bot .. bat ye., and is manufacturing at resent 5,000 bathe per day. We we more Baeeopanua and Yellow Donk in our astablithment each day; then all the other Sarsaparilla bientthobarms je the, world. Principal Deka, ISO/ BRAD THE AFFIDAVIT. City end Coriyuf Ear Perk 4. 7022.12420 g, .of - the laid Citt beh4 duly Druggist and d CTrnit . winne h tL.l: tgit tic att2 tort of MIT, Or and of June,lsl4l, a man by that.. of Jacob I end, who at that thud araa . book and pamphlet p uddler, called upon deponent, at the hones of Mn Thompeon. Re. 42 andsongtreet, where dapo. - tent boarded:and roquastad deponent to write hba rtnfme by which to mks !Fyn* of gersapatilln Deponent farther sayn that he beams nevoid wl& said Townsend at the *Mee of Ttwodors Rater, Book Publisher, with whom add To dealt. That said Towrstand hod hod frequent mower. Doze with deponent el:erecting the utstsdantam of mi T id Samaparilla to ho eold titular the nsme of Dr. Jutob Townsend. That ad no stated he wee dd mem cod pmr, end wee no t O for hard labor—end wished to make some. money. In order to lite easy In Ms old bra tad that,lf Samapatilla underthe maned Town send told eo well. and at murk money wee made by It, he mould seerms reason why.be might not make woriething out of it too, oa. name being Townserida ,Lf. he could get capable pesoon to prepare a recipe. and manufacture It for blot. Deponent in ono of the couremationa asked said Townsend If he was related to Dr. B. P. Townsend, 'to which ho replied, that be knew Dr. 8. P. Townsend would kw down on him after hkelniuld commence. But that he did not care for hb a ,ai he had formed co-partnership with men who mind furnish the requisite amount of capitab-and was Il prepars4 to defend himself °gaiter any attack that mightbe made on him • . Del:Veen , farther my.. that pursuers to the recant of sod Jacob Townsend, he wrote a reeve for the menulacture of • Syrup of Srp.pariiia. awl gore it to dab Bald Townsend Observed that he wanted t o make &specimen te ...lab to his lartmm for their epporreL no he wished to groan y theta every thing. ea they fordshe all the napital—surd Townsend also tolil deponent the the bottles they were to use were to be of the swore sire and shape as ow mnrs, and deponent, at Die reqont of said J .o oh Townsend, went to the dike of Cr. El P. Townsend. and procured one of his labels. . And deponent further say., that he has teen inform. • ed. and eerily believes Mk Syrup of Sarnparille, sold es Old Jacob Totelbe.re,te Mede after the refit , . Mc ribbed by deponan to Jdoob Townsend, on aforesaid. And further deponent .nith not. WILLLISI ATIVISTILONrr. ligroin to te.n ma, thin ittliday of May, 16411. C. 8. WOODIIULL, Meyer of the City of New York PROOF!! PROOF!!! Her* ix proof ccmeltaive that Dr. B. P. Towsseed's me It the origisaL The felloveng Is from mese tithemost regrettable papers thin Stew FROM THE Albers' vv . ` Evening Journal. Dr. Toutpaand's Sarsaparilla. Then probably nevetkas been so popular a remedy. a w r h ter . t ... m 041=7. confirms to b Brapxr2, , tored UM city, at fi end rst by the Doctor himself. and afterwards for .saveral years and to,the present three; by Clapp k Timensand, the present proprietors. since the partnershm watierraeli. the Doctor tie. resided in New York, when he keeps a store, and attends to the businers tbst actumulates at that point The menu. [glory I. in this city, and Is coaducted by the jmior porter. Mr. Clapp—ben all the medicine is manes, tared. Few of our ate bare my Ides of the mount of . medicine that Is manufatuated end mid Besides the oaks In thin country, it is shined to the Canada, West India Islerdt South America, tind even to to. rope, le mmiderable 9ueities. At the manufactory • they employ a.= aprei, s, bealdee a large . nr.r . r f er Itt of wl ' afn ' e. meld , . 'Cheat:. Priati!lre. out, reidy for eiripMent aver kg dozen per day, or nearly SOW bottles. TIM iv an enormous qua:arty. The great sale the medicine hug atinmed.has diced wnoraber of men to get up imitation., nod there is at the present time, other medicines for sale, that are Palled tt Dr. Towstsendk Benmperilla." Om In pm.' Ureter starred mhort time ago in Neer Fork is rolled e Old Doctor Jacob TawrisecdU Sarsapariliktt end ap. rarealy Inth a vim, by dint of advertising. sod the .real remedies resorted to is no efforts, to armors ere tile name of Dr. 8. P. Townsend ., great remedy, md thew gum .11 the advantages smutting Inam the popularity of thins". which he Ma acquired for it, hi. re*" of patient and expensive labors. Dr. S. P. Townsend, formerly of thia city, aa is welt known bete. Is the inventor end orig Mal proprietor of the mettlen known as *De Townsend'a Sanaparillk^ and we think dualepeismas who are attending WWI their es Me genuine, alwroLi he exposed. • FROM Tut Raw Task Daily Tribune.' SIT Wit published en edvertirement umelsertently some time .once that did Inset. to Dr. IL P. Tome- MA, who is the original proprietor of the preparation of Sarrapatilla known as Dr. ToermeMY. Other parties lam unit the put few m oots engaged or mnnetted theranles with a men by the nem of Townsend rho put up a medicine and mils It by the same neme. Thu medicine war. advertised to Ms Triluse as the taightal, kr.- This advent...tat elso captained matter derogaton to the character. of Dr S. P. Townsend end that of kW medicine. We repro It appeared, and in Justice to the Dr. make lige • . planation. FROSS New TorlaDally Ban. Da. Timassese's causer nary advertisemeol,whicb occupiers an entire page of the Sus, will not escape. notice. Dr. S. P. Townstml, who is the angina pro prietor of. Dr. Townsend's bartaparills, nod whew, of ace m neat door to ours, where Le has been for sever al years, is driving.. Immense business- Ile receives tic 1e than four bemired doyen of baresparills per day, and es en this enormous quantity does not sugrea pply the dennol No medicine' ever pi.ed so t • popularity as Lis preparation of the Carsaparilla II le edition of Almanacs for late cost Stlnoo, and he bee paid the New' York Sri for Ladvertising, In the LW four year, over $lO,OlO, end he .Isnowledges that II Is the cheapest advertising la has had .dena• This medicine if *spoiled be the Canadas, West lw dies, South Azimuths and Europa, In c o o . quantities, mod la coming thin general use th• countries, as well as here. Swindlers. Druggiste kadOthere Unit tell Sarsaparilla for the genuine mid original ' Tows 4.0 for ttiat is not sign. byTourdesd, commits a fraud. and melodies the customeri: hien that would be guilty of each en act, would commit thy other fraud —cud m Othiggiat of mammon intelligence bid kn.s that owe Co the only geoid.. Old Jacob Townsend. come people who are not well Informed, end have wt mad the papers, and not amen one edmirtmernents, he.. been led to suppose, that because these men la. wertise their Wnif as - Old Jacob ToWnSende," that It most, °tenor., be the original It la less than one :Wide. they commenced to snake their laildiCkie I.rso slafitaeb la th e market veer ten yearn. • . Male Old Jacob Towswend. ere p off on the public at e'.l7Phyttal.,Vil to e is note regular educated t'hltirwel. and mem attempted to moonfacture a Feed. Mine, ant , them men idled biro for We use of hit wine. 'On say they do oot with the people to be. here that their Sara pe till I. ours, or the eame—but in. better to dwell,. the public, lisel et the sett. time Watt:that their.. I. the Old Dr. Tows...end% eted the original i end endeavor to soak. the people belleee that the mud they nammtsetur. Is the Dr. Tqwweesd'e 15..parillk that has pm-fowled no men, aoaderfal aorta for We put ten years, and which Wu gels's! • reputatkal which no other mallidne ever MOO' ett "add, u e lose, villainous unprincipled faltebood. We here oommencal matt splatt these men far damages We what OM be undentood,thelthe old met Lno relation to Dr. Towswend what.. In their ed. Jeertleementa and drawl." th•Y_Pehilal • ...she , of gram latmlubods respecting Dr Towneessl, which we sill mg notice. Palos [lsparta Our orporaate have pablithed in the pawn, that Dr. ft P.Townseod mu dead. This they code their agouti eholarthe comdry, report that we here • wen op tusajous, kr- kn. • public Ittoald be on : Weir goarcn.rd not be deuired by thew unprhict pied mem ?Mal tarsal.-Alter the lird a/ September, IBM Dr. P. Tawinewd• New Volk Oface will he In the Booth Baptist Churcb, No. 82 Nuesustreet, whkb Raw laderping • &wooer dump, sad will IM fitted lar th• Uttar sccototood•tion of the pro initiate tk• Ikk• dlottr.a.—No Bartalmilla ft the plmisk• and odes, el Dn. Town:NW% Bartairrilln, na Ms idoird try 6. r. Townisad. . • Antaia.;-11ad&R t C 0.,, No. a Statartreet, od Km E. Skid. N> IGO• Court.aineet, Bad.; Samuel RIM., Jr... Lowell; Henry Pratt Salem; Jam. IL CO;ee Warcatar Allison & Uadt Concord J. Agate& & dm, Proridanea; and by D ',sesta and Met chants ismaillr tyro ,Unitlid Vat. Wait, Wla4 Alta tAmadae • Po, awe by B. E. IiELLERS, Sole Ages for Pim. gh; D. SL CURRY, Allugheay; A. PATTERSON rossikia. e5pi17.471 TILAMPORTATION I:9.!sirolt.rma Glut's Canal ~.~ ~~~ packet" BEAVER. Cap. Stanley, will leave Denver regularly oif Monday. Wednesday and Friday creme. at 6 P. 51., and arrive at Youngstown ; next morning at b o'clock—returning, leaves lout; gs• tome Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 4 P. MI, tod reach Denver in time for the morning . boa. ALLEGHENY °LIPPE'I, arriving at Pittsburgh at 12 is'elock. The packet HARKAWAY, Cap. Downing, will tense Deaver Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even ' 1 7 :61 t eYi r a . y r tiliTi r' n 'i a7 . iv ir e a nIs e ig N s71 13 P. 11 * ..at n e d u a i': fleeting with the morruni; boat (or Pinsbargh. • These yin 'cis are fitted up in complete order, hav ing foe acen Llano. for Pssvengem and shippers HM I 44IYinns, puncticably and greater despatch Wan has betnr. 'wen obtained on these route. M. FITCH &Co., Proprietors- J. C. Culivell, Agent, nuabargb. Ntdwell Ben., " Beaver. A. "mobs, • " Youngsumn. R. W. Curningham,`'New Castle. me elegant steamer, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, will leave Reaves, daily at . A. AL, and Pilishergh at 3 P. M., Tuning in connection with the above boats. Juls o_,! sEigL' 1849. gkaa Warren and Cleveland Pa ssenger Llngif C —OCEAN. O of the above Packew Wave Beaver every day (Sundays eaceptein nod arrive nen morning at Warren, when th ey conned with the Stares for -Akron and Cleveland, arriaing at mirk of the,a, planer before night. • Oue ot the peen. !came Warren Jelly at 5 P. AI., and arrive at Beaver in time to take the morning boat for Piughorgh. C ES LEFFINGWELL & Co, Warren DI B TAYLOR, do ' Pro. JOHN A CACGIIEY, Agent, anif corner Water and Southtield sta isalmi 1549. Ala UNION LINE, ON TOE PENN'A AND 01110 CANALS. Casartrom 2c C.Mbial.ll., Cleveland, 0 I pm ,,,.. IL G. Pangs, Beaver, Pa. I I , IIIS Line will be preps ed on the - opening of nevi .l.' gitoon, to tranaport freight and Passenami. Bona I'ITPSBUIIGH nod GLEN EL ANO, to any point on the Cattal and Lakes. The (acidic. Maio Line ate unsurpassed IhnuMbeti quality and capacity of Boats, experieece of 2aPt2thiv. sad efficiency of Ago•as. One Boni leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland dailyl run tong In connrcuon with tee steamers LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh aver, and a lane of first clam Steamera, Propeller,. nod Vessels oath° Lek.. Austres—R 6-Park., Beaver, Pa. Jenne Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohlo. M II Taylor, Watemi, Cyrm Prentiss, Ravenna, • Wheekr & Co, Akron, Crawford & Chamberlin, C . and, 0 • Sears & Ginffith,-Butfalo, A • JOHN A. CALIG HEY, Agent, Office, nor Water and Smithfield stn, Pittsburgh. meleHtly nr.riVoit 0/L0 WETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2—Capt. Odeon. LAKE ERIE, •• Gordon. I.IIE above regular and well known Heaver Pack. els, have commenced making their daily trips to said from Braver, and will continue to run between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the soon, as .o Michigan No. 2 leaves Fittsboreti daily at 9 o'clock. tad Barrer at 2' o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie enyes.neaver deny at e A. AL, and Par/burgh IL 3 o'clock, r. M. That steamers trill ran in connection with R G Parks' ExpretE Packet Lute, for ?diet Taylor-fr. LeStinprell's Warren liacknon Union Line of Freight Beam for Clekelsodi Clarke A Co's Pittsburgh and Cievel.in Line Freight Goat. G ?arks daily Neer Ce.nie Packets. CLARKE, PARt S A Co, Balmer, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pansbargh, niche( c _or Water and Smithfield 1849. Magi .PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. MBE Proprietors or this old established nod populvr daily fine, consisting of SIXTEEN first class Canal , Boatsoarned by themselves andrunning, .0 connec tion mth the Bream Innate BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, a enabled to offer unequalled Cecil..s for the tress.tanation of freight and passengers, on the opening of Canal nu rigauon, to all poinhvon the Pe nn and Ohio and N. York Canals and the Lakes. F.. Al. FITCH A Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL A BROTHER,SE er. J. C. BIDWFA.L, Agent, Water street, Pittsburgh D.W C. mown, Pdtsbergh. Deaver BiDIWELL & BROTHER. -Forwarding Merchants, BEAVER, Ps.. Agent, for the Ptudnerghandefrodand burgh 4,lllEnn Lire rut Erie, and for steam boats Bearer and Caleb Copt. parchahrd the large md mhnranhal Wharf Boatlna; haat for tee Ahmongaltela Packelh, have Itir rho adthL a Wonof a areboanc, ear. me.l ample ae commulanon for reerrving andforwardmg, and pledge their dtmont mamma, prompteens and despatch coabhoment• to their care, and rely to then fnenda for a :nal mardnllY li. a (lilt , . PITTSIBUDGII AND Nituir. LINK. aka= 18492 (rid Eatahlished Line. ON THE ERIE I-INNEN:4II/N CANAL. TIM PlOpflnat of tins well known Lam of Canal 801.103 now prepared to 111•11.4.11 PA.V.ll(er , and Freight to all Mints on th e Krie Lateneion, New Fork Canals and the Lakes, upon the rao at favorable terms and with drepateb. This Line rinse terminertion with the steam 60040 HEAVER and CALEB COPE between P.ll.l.urii and !Rover, C M Reed's Line lll•trun boat, v/ .eis on the Lakes, and the Trey and MICIIi - ghtl leak, Coat Line on the Now York r anti I C.M. REED. Proprietor. Erie, r. Biavell & Bro , hcr, Agee.. Beaver. W T Mather, Agent at 1 Nleukimenh , Pune:lgor allot, Monongahela Hot., Inttoburch. CONSIGNLES—W C Malan, Sharon; 3: & iharpobarr, 61111111 tr tarxtung, do; B Plummer. Wear Greenville; I Viol, A rue tr. Cu, do; Wen Beery, Ilartetovrit Ikovirk& r•utton, BUN_ po . llarnev o Gibtei & CP; Saniuky; Jao A Arnmtroug, Detroit; hilltl4ll4l Newbury, M'Clare & Wililum,Ablvono kio; lituop, Marie: & Dolma, Racine; John li Chicago; A %Merle, A. Co. Year York. Pittsburgh arid Blairsville Parlsist Line Eat!M Ist; patine .rc respectfully Informed that J. AI. MARSHALL A CO. have fired out new an rplendid Packet Malta to run dueler the seaso ed byn, be :wren three Blairsville horses, end Pittsbu and every ( effort madegh-,he boats to be tow to accom modate passenger. Deraa-rVatr..—Routs will leave Pittsburgh every Bondy y, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, Front Hlairavllle every Monday, %Wednesday, Thursday and Seturdav , at 7 o'clock, end arrive at Putsbargh the Mine day. A two horse Hock from. Indima will meet the boat at Sults burgh. both ou up ward and downward rip—putting passengers itireugh from that place in one day. • Freight for the above Line will be received at the noose of the Boatmen's Line, by Jao. F r e t &CO, who are one authorised Agents. All freight received ee of commissions. 1 71 MARSHALL & Co. JNO FARBEN & Co, Agents, Canal Basin, Liberty st, Pittsburgh ' A Hock leaves Illenrsaillefor Youngstown on the arnval Of the boat—returns to boat in morning. Fare kora Pillahart la Youngstown 52—received at office of-Boatmen's . Aire through. aril:dem PITTS/A.lllOn POUTABL/D 130 AT LILNii; Ea011849.11a For the 'fit...approval.. of krag toona from PITTSBURGH' PHILADELPHI IiALTIMORE,N. YORK, BO` , id. Tumus BaltaiDari. Philadelphia. Taalree. A O'CorINOll., Pillabarah. HIS old established Line being now In full opera ]. non, the proprtetors are prepared with Ante usual exteirsiee arrangements to forward merchandise, pro. duce, &e to and irons toe above Tans-On liberal terms, , lan's the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar to ' their mode of transportation so obvious, when trait •hiprucnt or, the way to avoided. All consignments by and for dos line received, char-, ges paid, and cprwartled in any required direction* (rte'. of charge fee commission, advattong or storage. No Interest, directly or Indirectl steardm All eatamtintentianaproraptly tendedat to on applies- , don to the follow agents: DORBIDDE (in Market st, Philadelphia. . TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Canal Bast.. Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR A Co, North st, Baltimore.nith 2-1 alitig= 1849. 11111%0UADIS' TRANSPC s,M, Ogi lettorarc7oa Jnoe Bmonss, Tom. illenasst, Ihnonsn, • Jurists loner. Conducted on sleet Sabbath-keeping pribelples. Fill: Proprietors of this• old establielted Line have I put their stock to the most iarrlpictr order, and ham thotoughly prepared to,forreard Produce aiol Me re At re w and front the FAstern cities We trust that our long experience in the carrying Warmer, and zealot. attention la the interests of cus tomers. Will reellre 10 tia • coati...nee anti inereigr the patronage hitherto extended to Bingham's Line Our arrangenscam will enable us to carry Freight with theurnmst despatch, and our prices iball alwar. seas low es the lowest charged by other tr.Mageu Lines. We have opened air oific inNo t• between ltb Mb its, Philkida, for the convenience of atoreent. Produce and Alerchandike will lie received and for warded, llimt arid Weah without any charge fur for warding, advancing freight, storage or cominisaion. Bills of Lading forwarded, •and every direction promPtly attended tn. Ao a r „,, or ..W lIINGIIA NI, II Pur.bol raoal ""m". coo I. .k % 11;it Y ;17 . .t; No LNI and :NO Market Plrrrt, /AMES WILhoN. Agent, Me mi/ North Howard .treet, Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON. Agent. Nn In West street. New York • ''"• 7.l2l:° ' 1849 Dg arena:see TrlllllpOrinliOU VIA PENNSYLVANIA, CANAL. o ItA IL ROADS, ruthanabrina anutshmssual. DR M Canal. and Itail Roads ovum now open, and 1. in gimd order, we aro prepared to forward all sands of merchandise and produce to Philadelpibia and Baltimore, with prompuics• and despatch, and on m goal terra! other lei:)/IleANULTY & Cemal 01.11. Perin in, Pittsburgh. Ainzvs--CHARLFD RAYNOR, Phialadelltimorephia. MFdl ihIOKWI° /t. Co,Pannill B._ • preen/Taal Packet 'LI ne, akiall 1849. .nn FROM PITIDBLIGII TO TIMORLI, PIIIDAI/NLPHIA & DAL, (Effeleetvely for Passengers.) IRE publicist . ° respectfully ',thinned that this Line will tome:mum. running on the 111th Mitt, and eon. at throughout the Deuon. The boats are new, and of a sopener Hass, with en. larged cables, winch will give greater comfort. The CU. are the latest construe-non. boat will alwarn be in p.n., and.travelers are [e- V:Wed ta call and examine them before engaging gra. delsewh .alp ere. FLraawynine dollars through.) One °film bestial ice Leave the landif, (opposite U. S. Hotel, corne,r ofreanntreet arid Can every night at nine o , clock days. ' Tot Le mutation, C othe Otles, Monongahela Roue, Of to D L oa Hit o veldt Canal Bade TRANSPORTATION - E=LIEWS POSTABLZ Mtl ' For the 1 im illitil lWisportauon ot tin TO PHILADELPIitA, BALTIMORE. Jr. NEW YORK BllialPIBBS on the C.a.! being now renamed, the Proprietors of the abOVO WO< respeettully inform the public if,.: thee are prepared to receive and for ward P1'64111.11 de.pateh hod at lowest rates. They would also mil the ;Mention of nitippera East. ward to the fact that the Beata employed by them in transported°. are owned by them and commanded by espenenced captains.. Shipper. of Meat in Balk Will find It advantageous to ship by this Lane, as the mtbscnbers have made ar rangements at Columbia to have such freight tor BB timonahanded directly from boats to ear., theieby sa ving warchoom handling. Freight to Philadelphia goes clear through In the boats. . . . No charge made for receiving shipping or ad a &ming <harps. KIER & It IN kS, Propnro, r Canal Bade, Se vend. sirc,l. AGENTS—John A. Shaw, Cincinnati, 0.; Jno Mc- Cullough & Co. Baltimore. lan Steel A Co., Piigdel phial Francis A Thocana,Colombia. is PSINX . IO - (r.VANIA CANAL RAJA US, 1849.. R, MMMVA PstestvrgAto PAeladotpkia and /I oihnurie. (IXtelostvely for Passengers. HE pubbi are ee.pni tfauy informed that Nis Line 11l cam ens tine o Monday, r March. - The boats adds lone are of a superior class, with enlarged cabins, which will give greater comfo rt to passengers A beat will alsrays be in pen, and traveleri art re acnend to call and examine them before enaaging PS, by other route.. They will leavelhe lauding, penile the U. S. Hotel, corner Penn street and duo every night rug o'clock. PARE—NINE DOLLARS THROUGH. Time--3I Dap. For information, applyat . the . . Monongahela D. LEECH tr. o, Cs nal Bane N. H 7i n ir e lLifTte proprietor s of theirtieve sale are now building an addiuonal Line of Packet., to run as abuse on or about June Ist, in connection with the Pannsyl. cool. Rail Read from Lewo:own to Philadelphia. Ai that time a packet will leave every morning and even. ing. Time thrtnili, d days. POITII.OLIE BOAT Link. akiEMI 1844. 'a L 'liitr For the Iron. attar rn olaturenetterte, BETWEEN PHILAIMCItIA AND ITITSDURGH. - 100 W carried on thin Line are not transhipped kJ( between Pillsburgh and Philadelphia, being ear ned in four mama ['enable coat. over land and woo 10 shippers of merelandise reyalring cartful Mmdling, this Is ol importance No charge made for receiving or shipping, or for advancing charges. All good. forwarded widsdispateb, and on as reasonable terms as by any other Line. JOIIN APFAXEN & Co, Quad Bas !ASDAVIS Penn at. Pinsbnrsh M DAV Co, marl Market h. SitharerneFec st, Mtn [OLIN McFADEN Cu, F ard orwing and Camaro non Merchant., Canal Blom Penn st, Pitoburigh. JA111.03 M DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and COMMi. too Merchants, 227 Market MP/ 54 Commerce arl street, Phi&Weight& m FrAdvaoces made its /notelet( the . above on Floor, 00l nod other laments...toe consigned to them for marl 3 --1 NW= 19 NICRCIIABITeI , WAY-1 LINZ. For Blatramlle, Johnsmor• olltdayabstrah, and all antermenta • Mem r 7 all air r GoNa Ti".s.LlVirTslild'esTuctoll ~ need nt fair rue. of freight. Aaaorts—C A. M'ANULTY A Co, Plusburgh. B Wakefittld, Johnstown John Miller, liollulayalturgh RIMIIIITNCIP—.IIII2.I Jordon,. Smith & ' BonnSinclai liknenberger, Moore, John Parker, F Von horst & Co. Wm Letmer & Co, /no llllDerto Bros, Pittsburgh, John Ivory, Samly Mlnlhollsn A. Ray, Jno Graff & CO, II %}}s meld: Anti& & PA.OICX•T LINZ. 1848. BEAVER AND OL.EV ELAND LIN - Etna WARREN . Canal Packet —SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. OCEAN, Capt. R aura. . hi: of Me above Packet. leave Beaver every day, a_f (Suddaya excepted) and IMMO next motvang at Wll,o, where they connect week the Mall Stage* for Akron and Cleveland, arvetns a ewe of these places nylons night. One of the Packets leave Warren dmly, at • P. M and move at Deaver to time to take the Ibltiti'lrat Warren, id 13 TAY LAJR, ?moot BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE TRIOVOII TO T. IA1:11 FOIST moues. ..artePaekat—Prtaysttmatms, Capt. Jeffries ; Marrw:l, " Pollock; " Lass Eat; Brown Trubyi •,Prrout, ; Fat.ctumas,' Sayer. The shove new and splendid - Paasengcy Packers have commenced noirong between BEAVER AND ,ERIE:, and w II run regularly during the sesmon—one boat brywork - Erie every morning ate o'clock, and °sae la, my Beaver every cvetone, Immediately other the am mo to the steamboat Michigan mom l . boats are new and entoorty. Imo- sr. .v re run through note ne • - t sym.r.yer• to a, ••• . o Nolotato W.I. Linn trto n. .e empetutrous. onck<L< erts or me Lake can be procured by •I• propnetors. - REED, PARKS' A Ecaecr. JOILNI A. CAUtrillEl, Agt. mithfield s cor. Water and Sa la.S CS:—Jas C Damson, Illidato,.N C M Reed, Ene, Pa C C Wlek,Grecnetlle, Pa; M'Farland and King, Ilug Bend, Par Hays tc Plumb, Sharpsburgh, Pa; W C Malau,Sharon, Par OTIRKIC & CO'S PAST Y ISJOis . siagit ia FOR GUSIIJE.KLAND, BALTIMORE, AND THE EASTERN CITIES. InlEPropnetoraoithlaLinehave put on New Stuck, .11/i arc prepared to forward packages of all dc• onions dully. at the lo west rates. J. C. BIDWELL, Agent, Water street, Pittsburgh. ROBINSON A IMEIIM, 11l South Charles sr, Baltimore. ItAILNDEN C 0. .& - - Pannelnger and Reinitiate" , onus. L. CO. eon.ue to bring persons from soy pan of England. Ir-truL Scotland or Wale*, upon the most liberal terms, with then usual punctuality and attention to the wan. and eons fort ulcinmigron. We do not all o w Oaf pusengento be robbed by the swindling scamphat mfest the se. ports,. we tot,' charge of them the Moment they re, port themselves, and ma to there wall being, and de spateh them without any detentiun by the hint slups.— We say Ilus fearlessly, as we defy one of our passe. gem to show that they were detoured de hours by us in Idverpoul, whilst thoustmds of others were detained months, Wall they could be sent to some old craft, at • eh; p rat, which too frequently proved their coll.. We "nand to perform our COIIMICIS honorably, root who, it may, and not net as was Mara. la. seasn, w ith ether oticers,—who either performed not 111;01 when it suited there convcruenee. Drafts drawn at nttsburgh forany sum from /I io L) pep ohle of ury of We pro `"" Bank . "' Ire . JodlltlA ROBINSON, European W, d General Agent, fifth street-rola door holm. IV YAVLE FOUNDiIY mos mcnomori the and piddle generally, that they have rebuilt the E. LS: 1.01: hibß'i and are on, in full operauon, and have part of their pattern, ready for the market:— Amongst Which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and ‘Vood Sworn,-with a splendid air.dight Coal Stove, which is now super Ceding du other eines the COMIIIIOII round Store. Also, a cheap coal Conking SIO VC, well adap ted for ton families, with a full assortmerrt of co. mon and mantel grates We would pnr Molar. . the atlEntnal of persons halliting r to call ai our rehouse before purchasing, and examine a splendid ilclt of entonmetted brides, finished in fine style— turely new In this muses. Warehouse, No. ltil Liberty st, opposite Wood at aurbAlt NICHOLS(' iN & PAYNE. —ALL-k.tiliferrilt VENITIAN BLIND, AND CABINET WAJElltiOhll i .........., _. I. A. BROWN would rn.,:,..,.. fully inform the puling, that ho keeps on hand at hie stand on thr welt slde of the Diamond, Atte• gbeny oily, a complete assort meta of Veltman Blinds; also Ve ;titian Shutters ate .made to or der In the best style, worrantct equal to any Indic United States Ills Math can be remove! with out the mud of a screw drivel Having paella/led the h e Bock tools, and wood of cabinet et tablishmont of Itarnsayrs APCIe land, I ant prepared to Casino their old curios:tors as well s the politic at large, with oven thing In the i r h ue _ Ageney, No 3 'Wood street, Pittsburgh. Inelthrl J. A. DROWN. DAPFIR HANGING uses cow receiving, dr t .I. from the inttedfac in New York, phli„d, phiti as d the .e, a terse and well BtiCelfll corn mon 01011 the ..,1 and mom Improved str les of tin. ghared and , UIM1:1011 PAPltilt IlAiNGlbiGti, sisting ol— lehtes3 pieces of Parlor and Fresco; 10,000 " Hall and Column; 10,10/ n Dintng-room, chamber an: Paper—winch I would particularly invite the of :tor • intrins houses to paper, to call and .. to 1..., I 'Nara house of S. C. I e 7 CllFFEL—Atiirhlch is ra p pokli cannot into use es a wholesome, nourisnin; .d dr 11.101.10 larversee, bring 011121pleneant .d inti , lo than common Coffee,tiod for cheaper, as a small paper < nuR I) ten cents, will tio 11.4 far Is (our pounds of Codce. Nl.ufactured 1,7 JulIN S. MILLER, Patsbunsh, Pd s„„Id sr aole,clile by It A PAIINESTIK7.I( & Co, corner at Fire and Wood itud.SiM9 and Wood streets, ritoburgh 14121 / IALIFORNIA RUIIIIER GLK/1113—Just received, Cramp !lieut., 29 officereoao, lot pie Punts; le pan, 111.0 hood Mining 12 letholub Sags; 1 water 'ranks, 6 alai It s,llons each; 511 1 gal on each; I don Ilueliskai Money Rolla; Ido oiled cambric do do. The above Rands for sale Gan forma lanfitiog tatabllshment. No Wood AL mcli2l J 5 & PHILLIPS - _ A PSORTED MFICES—Tut up for tienlly nee. ia tin fl nen% cnclo.rd n box, containing elspien, tiununion, Ginger, Cloven, PePPe, i'Varranted pure. For rate at die new Spice. and Al style .Liberty it BELL N LS-Z:Ve rotrglit warn — ii — teda,. treniUn Temper. enccrille works, warranted; Will be cong/oily on band and aupplted to ri order, by myl9 CMIERAN. tel Wood el Oot:FuitivAcE: HEARTH, manufaciared from it superior muck of Bolisar Fire Bock Clay, in etore nod for rale by KIER &JONErf Mr. W. W. NVtdlac'e having meal a Hearin of mom, quality and manufacture for the past etgotnp,, moo n s .. pronounces raperior to ate hearthe now in general LISO onlo • IXONAC I.IILANDIF.c—W ball pipes ran., afnagef, of pat 0.11 importation per Commerce from Bordeaux, just ree'd and lot sale by Ise MILLER ,k RICKETSON TSEDGaAIrit- , lits4 mailed, a beautiful nisi', went of ladle. Rod gentlemen' Gold Guard cmthu from RIO m *4O sails, eastern prices. Also, Wedding amp of ki carat gold, Gold Pencils, Finger Yom* moo, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Gold Pens. Watches, Re. PW W WILCION, juA corneitth and Market cur VELFE:FIGRISONSI—Jastrocerred at ii - drZot — si'rm: . 0 7.5,57 Market Mew, • 1a t Otg Yele2 t ßi <666. ; msebraburr Gimp; lOps wide Plain,te. deed kf EDICA L. 21101,11N—,The nro S I rd i el l b j e L iiny M ^ P• , • Olunkben liskrl99, N.Y E"... 1E49. U. soma!think it rigbi for thArriefit of Giber. In sune ram in relation•to yin, Enc.:bent Farm 1y Medi 1 bw ily. .4 your Verinifnge targety to my own nuns .al frequently ...tering for odpelline. z i ,e i''''• •sy I toit7lMl worms from dim childlet I also used 'lobe Liver, Pills and kungh Syrup di dy faintly. .d they have 1111 every inilMice proilmie.l the ditto destreig., As I am engaged ill, rnecebandising. I am al , e tit state that I haver yet to bear of the brat faiiii.c where your medicine. have been used In my th,t ceen on of the ountry. In canniest., I may MID tney ore ths medictnes ot dray and are destioe i .. have a very ektensive pottuldray Yours, riN iie gut—. • i . • . 11. Pit, eta. Prepared and iOld by R. . I IiS.No 57 V."ood street, and told qy Draggt • ii is itetally te the two es ties and vietaitYl : mdll ‘ — 'I7 . I . EAT 1711 W OR LiVfai. SiViIANT, by be i - U . original, only true and genuine Liver Pill. t Strati-darn, Ohio candy Va. r, March 2tith, Ib ' l9. Mr. IL E. tient IL: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you and to thi OM gitnera ly, to. state that I have been stlllteted sid tho Live} Complaint tor a long time, and so badly that an abets. , formed mot Wrote, which left too in a very low date. Raving beard of your' celebrated Liver Pill. being for sale by A II Sbant, in West tLiberty, and recommended to me by my phymcion, Di. E. Smith, I conducted to gme theta a fate trial: i Ourcb.ed one boa, and Mond them to eJust went thdy are recommended, TIIP, 11E01' 1.1- V ER PILL EVRR USED; and eller taking four boxes I bud the dclicale has enurely• lett me, .d I am.nda perfectly well ' ResP ectfull y ous I COLP-MAN ,I West Liberty, March 06,1e40. I Cr, 7 Mat I am personally acquainted with Mr ulerto .ond can bear testimony to the truth of the A.. v ruficate. i AIl SRAM' Pew• itunaLivet Pin. -are prepared and sold by II Cl I LE. ,No 57 Wood street, end by druggists min. docli4l. TtYPIII. PUIILIC.—The origtnal, only true and gen utne Liver Vas are prepared by II ESellers, aud have boa, staniried ,meala wax upon the ltd of each i , an ` his 7ftentit on the ;famine wrapper—all emir. rietts, or haae Imitations. Bova ji E SIILLER3, Proprietor 15114..JitYtikg, CAII.6I.INATIVIIII LISADI fiofil the Oka A• Aa well kno n and pop L t•letakuttut o Pro the testant Melba• jet Chard, ..liL(Llgned (metre been adliemddu tig the peal ..eir with idyl ear a:the stomach, solo iines pro n ammlYo4o to the ebstottch for tan. I tine hon. wiliest titer rithand after having va t n,. remedies ands! . ••flect wiz fetnieheil yr th a bottle 0; Dr DJeyital . • 4.bative*Aartm, aced ac. cording to the' 4v :. Übe Dane Inv ria ly that the , medicine cattaiid,gefatn to stale pi three r four min Inc., and in Vinci: ar twenty nonno..YY CO sensation was etturelyqutetcd. rutilt• ne MU. of tecwarainsini lrirnencver indication:to; the preach of palnwere perceived, andthe pa c was ther • 9 Prevent . ed. lie contalued to use th e nietliciee eye y evening and vonsemnea ....he ellOteing. Main a wce kt health wen .0:ler - stored, that the sndere wan rel.. ed (rot:idler. amber:of oppressive' pc, . From CO ep.,na, therefor,. C.ll confidently •ye ommemit Jayne l a Catnitnet,v e •6 la at y tried lei o for diseases ofthe stomach and.howelr tritINNII Micshey eby.lekt Foe sale in,rltiatelreb Ir, • TJ IcTI.II. Fourth street, neat Wu • and also ;CV Uri. ,titers, of il I' fellW All rz, ,•••• • :al , trent nrg.—e • - CONSUiII.rnEES, Oh f'SYOGI GUARD. Mt. AYNI COMPOUND SIRUP OF WILD Ci - T ie aOIST mane roe Cousanuation. Caught , Colds, Asthma, Ilto er Complaint, Bpitung Mood, Difficulty • mg, Pain in the...fide and Breast, the Bear, Indere.; Croup, Dream adieu°, Pore Throat. Nervoua tie ty,and all lhsease• et the Throe Divest and Lungs: Do most.. factual and speedy cu. ever Nor any of the abiti;iliseas - DE• STi A VNE'S Componsad tyre go of W ild C Thia inctlicine ts nu among too atilt.. It hose' sed away Item the th launohed upon the tide experiment, an higher na reputation. mid hicoming inn ly used thati say other preparation of plOducod for et mliet or audeang man. lt has been slim/aced very generally United Ststice Ltd at contentnd them are imponance but what von. re dance of ite 'lfseal elec. For proof of statethents, and of the statue .d eirlC.Cy 1111 p to o zed.tow i hteb lt,t‘sevcrtil!rp,occti men of th seed if e last respectability—men wh clews of morn: respototbiltly and twine tie to tam, Emcee. it will do another themselves no is Seth Mattoon euinvely. that its serprieing the by its intriuste rnerita, and the unglue.. ty of public Theopinion. The instant.... fords, and soothing influence Mao whole frame by Its use, renden it a remedy for the afflicted. REMEhtBERI ' , Whet; men, acung from conscien *us i h mp g els, b o or t eatimony to the truth or a paelleulat fart, such trantuony, being c itrnry to their worldly utter.. and purposes. c or rci conviction et truth. and commends itself in a epee MlVlllef credrinre Mora Maxims SIF-kli mi.:. nom': CERTIFICATES i Setae /entree. Cu. of rcUluel•lta Co:escort:iv, There never was • remedy that has been as auccraeho in desperate csaes of Consumpuon. tc. Dr. . Convound Pyrup of Vt Cherry. It .Irengthells rya., and appears to heal the ulcer. onthe In.. -rah . 511.04 and rich blood, power poo.ans•ed by m ; brine. Cstaiami Co., April 2111 i. I of- D. l‘.t ayneDearverily believe your Com. mood A.,rap of lid Cherry hal I,eit the moons 01 thving toy life. I caught a neve.% cold, yolurh grade ;rell:isgte"d"airioline t;e;rn‘r-Tiaecs'wri'ebli ; h ' srre ' ; ores ," hi., that increasing until my ease exhibited all thii , sympl L orne•ril • Pulmonary Consumption. Every thing lined neemed in haven,' effect_ and my compland increased ILO rapid p that friend,. well as myself, gave up oil hopes ot re, recovery At this num l was recommended to try year invaluable medicine: I did so with the Wrenppy results. 'rho first bottle had the effect, to 100 the cough, eaueing me to expectorate freely . , and by 01, dam I had owed sth Louie., I was enurely well, and art now as hearty • man arty ever was . in my luo, cod would be happy to give inforrnationgespeelmg my ease, that other 'Ogren may denve the ber.afit for whteh lam so grateful. Vol the truth of the &hove thatement, I refer you to Peter Reek, Grocer, We, :be. Ifr of whom I parch...iv' the arediethe. Reap *.elully yours, . lamas Moe., Wonder/of Core of a /ilethoirid Dr. Swayer—Dear Sir. I feel debt of endued@ due • you—end e duty to the afflicted generally, to offer my humble tesurneny in favor of your.Coimmund rup of Wild Cherry. Sume three years stem' was at with cold and inflammation of Om Lori wt. oblifilargout t of o' btcan and ffetisisre fr . or , the Mugs, At I ofiWrstl oal'aro"rfi'auof r 10"1'Xi:dihtrne,vtieurt soon convinced that I was rapidly going Otto eonsump tion. I gtew (testi weakar, med atought wt. sent e. ly able tart walk elm., or speak above ti whisper, sneff was the exceedine wcaknem of nly times. Durieg t ume I had tried marmite przper all the nuees an ine d pworsrie. rescptiJt ons, but found no reief---groseisig dus here I yr. ado._ed reeherlded Ly a dear friend in WilmiMnon to .nake trial of your Syrup el Wild Cher. ry. I must ou ear dint perviously I had been prim, diced Braun patent rnedicines, and lam sod afair..l thon coming out of the hands of coved., but under standing yaw r , stins to the profresion and practice of medicine, tunlib7ing implicit faith in tee Paying Moly friends, I forthwith purch.ed of Dr. Shaw, one of year agent., a. few liudles, and coMMeneed its use. My do, •OILSO sr. at that lime of cell months' standing, coo . sequently it was deeply fleeed. I foiled, to considerable multi frm the toe of the first four or five bottles. Dui being a p p eblie speaker, frequently at. tempted to preach with my increasing strength, and W rupture.l those +easels that had already 'segue heali Otis way, doubtless, nay-cure arenly temtded. euescquellee of acting thus IlOrrodenr I had to use "move or fifteen hOttie• before tour re reedy restored I have no question, a trlueh 'number of bosh , would hays made tee sound, bu the above Indtheertloll. The Sy MI, allayed the fee Loh habit, took . way the dirtressuig cough, put es, to the di.herve of melt. !ruin the lungs,' unit ear them and the ei..ire system emit health. I have dote thetrarina this cerufieme until now, (or the harp°, f:r7ro n Ve ' r r it lit w l t ' j, *agora. D oe r row. Jom:iaii Dublin coo.ner N. e Imporrane Calatan--Readl Read: There Is bulb. e genuine preparatout of Wild Cherry, and that is LW. SWAT3AeS, ,the 15005 ever offered to Me jecii which stZ so b e ine " p ' e . rt td s o h tt l iop " ora ' n ' d h e ' l ' iV "o. parations male. by the name of Wild Cherry ha ' v ' e bean put oUt AtPue tilts, under re•er of some deceptsve fiteUthstillthe, osier to give eurrenry to thou) . soles. Uy • little ol.sery•Uoti, peI•011 need mistake the genuine from false. Each liotde of tbv geus.. is enveLoped wit a beautiful steel engravnig, with the likeness of Wsinam Perot thereon; also, Dr Sway tie • signature: and • further securtty, the portrait of Dr. ewaytte will I: added hereafter, so as to insungetsli his preparatioi 't eal all others. NOVV, it taus not for the great curative properties and known vutues of lir. Swayiteis Loni.ound Syrup or Cherry, pmson , would not be ondeavoring in give curreecy , to their "fientiou• nes tzus utealing .thu moue of Wild Cherry. Heronather, always Itear tatild the 015100 of 1/r.l4wayne lid be not deceived. Prulicipel Oflise, center of Eighth and Kane sweets, Philadelphia. pin sale whovtaisle and retail by OtiDEN ANOIV. DEN, not od nul Wood sur It A PAILNIti , POiIIi Co, ear let am. •Vviell, and ' eth and Wiped Ott; NVNI ritoivi, gt wk. pt, Jt/NIES, I.lbert) on lot , A JONES, cot stood end Penn sta . , .101114 AIITCH Alleghen. city, imd bS ell respectable dealers i mediclue. oe LL ISTBONU 4"VIVIC.:NiI,F. Mat Dr JAYNE'S F.X• vccvELANT is superior to .11 other remedies tor ,osh.,Coassespooo, Bronchitis, Asthma, and other room> wiry effective., isthat the same persons who commented Mr sae of it m their (mantes ten year* age.otill preeta fer it to al edl Aber remedies of the kind; and whet...ay ha. b induc ni try other preparation. they have almost levanahly boat rated rem:viol, the hmedi rehreb Teas reasou,i) tehelpeed from the bleb praisestimiessed by the proprist , r, usd h....returned he uee of J ' emieirrotswir. se a remedy that ha. te n t ewer failed to them, end probably haver had Ittsgetei in &rte..% pubmnary direa.ce Prepared .al7 by Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia, and soli on agency by LEX. • Seel:id/Lava 72 liourth Dr. W• P. Inland's Proultum PI DR.w.r.LNLAND, of the nicinedi Colleen lit adelphiw nose oilers to th. politic Inn Veg. Muhl° Pronoun Plaster, the ciUalitte. or winch. long and tried experience., ha. been staniiiistorily M11;11.1102. To ail women who n,my be alltirted aii Vrolapens therm or ('epees \l'omb, he reconiniend. w. plaster, ienarruitceing a sure and speedy cure in the short apace of from two to thee week., if applied wuli rare OM retst--dn.eardnig all the rounnees ttistrumcitt. and expensive bandnees so loon tit use. Th. he l e ,. COUSCiCnnolldin stating, masmuch us he has not fatiell in one onto out of three hundred and hay-three p u . kleo for Itheittonttsm end Went Brenat or Ilitek, at tended with polo, there la nothing to execl this rinster Inslfording rebore( effecting a cure. Fur sale by Wilcox, corner of Dintnntici and Merkel at Braun & Reiter, end Chur ate Dr 1 Sargent " Federal et and Lannon, Alle- • •- gheny city • Jacques k. Co, Denman and Diamond Darnotig• 4/tn. ut E. SELLERS, ,Druggist, No Wood mem Sole Agent for the mle of Dr. Townsend/limb uiru pp re j,pomtin, bias just received am dozen of MS Great Spring and SurnEss Medicine. Purchuscrs should recollect Mnt R E Sellers is solo agent for rill/b./6, and D Id CUM' tor Att, g 1,, ! ,,, tiN5 _ r±OLLI A N SILVER PATEN : I - I:A.:yr:lt WATCI Watettly. rustle by the eelebreie Cooper of lintidon, J. Tobtas of Liverpool, and lugs assOrtment or detached gold and silver Lever maitre by the beet Geneva manufacturem. Spectacles of all kinds; Communion Ware in net Geld Pens; Joirelu L0W414 4 vuSelYi Silver N.M. Forks,. Er Watch repairing executed in the hen mimic W W WI LEtoN, corner Market and 4th nn ENGLAND—Harper , . Cule edi& ARC:a.t,joslT:enransLololb-75 con_ Tor& For sale by .10/11S8TON & 15WuKT;N: ' Amer Marta sad ad '-"":,!r,-4?-414:1 , f ". -_.;.-.1:!:-E: riEr----'rga , i:r2..- .., ' , : - . - -.: --- 1-a- -2 = - 7:, •-... ...• - . - z :.,-7 1 ,t.r - v_t-z-z..E. ..-_ —. ..--.7-t - ' 6l - 2 2 „;!-I.11 - 1. - . 1g - 5:: - . zia : - . g ~ .5.,!.., ... 4L...t.....t,..ecZra-5:..5:: ."- - ...*,',...10..v1u '"E" ^ E-% - 4- 2 ': ,,, N'..- ^ t,Cr.... 1 . bi- ..flli g-- - lII C g.44P(ii=:l:l-:2-U3iiiiiliiei.--:::'.-..•:;-1-: E. !.:i'r:1 7 .4fl i att l x -2 .2 21-l il all -2 12 - ' - ' 6 .i = a •? . ...i;r , '..,..i - Elr. -. ".. ,- ti.. - ziig:i-i'llg' '' 4 '. 5 ?... E t : "...5 . t . ' 5 .11: , h : ',..2 ;V 7 ".. ire . '..7.9.1t 7. . -.f. `^.2 -, ...e.5...,.0.,-.5,- - Egz v = a Ettt.V:,:=Et;l l°• S El • i';' - -- - ..4 en Cl) 41 --0 - t1c.9.7. Peg ,ed ; -, ,E....2.:1;'VE ,- - . :%•?:`22'V;• cn C•=lifto , :at. ,6- ..5...ta5. -6 - 3 437 221 i, CI IC §l:.= - 44'i -5 t 3 -2' 4 'fc . .: --,- 1:1 , ,I.g.:8 .-.7„ .?-_, , t.,,:..-1...1.1 - i-as-0,,,F,.,:p 0 Lil.t.: i -,:. , 5-.- , ,,.i.--,..74..i.?.....1,,4, - ; - 4-:i..., ._ . ~,r....g. --.:—..-....i.„-.,...1...:i-o. -a .. 1 5 .4 11t i i„... 1 t .;:1 0 c ic t .... 1 .1,, r-,, l l l .a:_iy . fi!:l'..n 5 , , 4 ~ . th . .: - ...E1...4.1;1eggt.t*---7. , .1.;„ -!. - 9 . -ls CC > g i . ... , :i.t.i . z.....1.4:::-Aii.,2t-.1,41-iqz;l:Ni;.ll =T. o :•1 1- -7, - -9P - 2^:,: . I l'ilEgf,i - ;-:, .": .g - 3m g mc ..., 0 , .a.,..,,,,.,, , o , . . 0; . c.....;.Et•ra1t ; ,.‘5E.8 r .2:75i0... g...... agi.o. &.„ _ ~.. .0 ......,_, 0 , 0 o__ 0 = .. ~..s .;,„ . , 1 . 4 0 , __= 3 Cz4,U O- &21•9-..sv="iji.e. •2 1.'' = 7 := 4 - 4112 0 p... • - •••••• e 0 we.e -. ,,- ... - .1 - ...4 . 5a ! %, -.4 - ..h . Z 0 C l' ``' a. 4 a 1- .:%'' 'ii'N . ..Itt ''..: u C; 'f. a. - f:4 . ." . .:L t, ' , 121..§ 8-I ^ -13 1t....; - .., .-. eS E _ _ 5 ~, L , S,. ~ ~ tilOst , -.--.142.r:31 4 .1 E.' .5 7 @ 5 Q 2 tu #4 a 1; F. :yidrizigaiitz..:.Alpi . 411 g a ..,:, w i ce --: Ii a' r0i..21.. - i=. 1 1... ..9 -' mitt -.1 ,„ al z 1a, , , E , = t y, .- ei,72.4.zt. td A • iii.o Al g a `:1r.:414.4!e i E1. 3 1 5, ffi i 3 s t < 1 - it !l C ti gA g 112PISI8g.;iiklii: Eti ~1 7. 4 ...,...,., ...., , n - 1 ,,,,,,G.2:-..5.: @c i - kTra 1. - -- zsztri-griles-ex.l.ig u ...Z• _ ii.. f- , [1 . ,...4‘. g ; t - f El 7.4:.,;10.4iri1Uti:qi::4 S I'll ca - 1.z... , -v,-,.,1, , ,.@.. , er.:da-..tt -.. 2. r tql . 0 •t, w --..' gs' •f, t'43 ~.e :3 F.;2.2 g '.,-.; z`: ~ .3 a ,:: . INCC -I e. IL $g L, ' ' '4 1- : N• EE' 4 g ~ .2 1 .,'Z .o,i !g .- 112 PI ?, ,?. 1i if or. , . 11— ,.._-01.4..-....20-.3 vvr-.-e a` OIL I.= Z IP. I, .--, .r. c ~._ : ..-4,.. 5 ..... , . 4 t . , , ; a.lO ~a ... 41..• 0,,,e?.5......u9:...*%5.,g..?...,.2.., E ... ;: o • - '''''' a ''' ''''..Aet4:-':-,-;g!3'1,,,-k t'D.S.=!..7. c° t"' - e• M 4 ti , J i'gl!ii -2 1i . ...i . t a9. E - a.l: - ! .. j .. gi;:e il .' -S .) - 4 2 :!41 21- ?.?..i:P."-ti . : - -=• 2 7 14. LEA 2 ‘ l. 41E,--4jA.!:FiiE°,l-7!-g.i.if,t L. e, if3i . .-., , , J e;4.........,,,,,..f.„...12.14.-1--ZSL'7%,=.=,„EZZ = Z r . ..f ; -- ;: = 11 .-',-;. t.ilz ,2172 ?.. t6i3:l lit : ,1 co, a ' 1 : - I,Z ei-ni 4:9,1 1 :t!',..i . 1:P=. t `-' . -7;E .5 72'E 7 • p -zts::.. , t..e. 7 ;_;,.g:_i' s ". ; .f..n:E.:_-i..F.: A. '-ii _ 0 E-11--,..4,0:-..._D,,q, it..2-f-5 , -.,i; ~._L::-' • 1 tl . 0 . 1.C,i1it"..01"..4'22511:2=d"'';-q. f'3 . -41- 3 i.-i., 7 ,4E47, , L E C1Z2::-.:;'• 1 03 za 2..... t-.._ ~.....1-i.., E. :t 41 , t3.4ZEit:-':°:'..ng.52 3 : ;-.1.i-'-Th.'. .-f. - :::==-: , : - . c- .r- 2 .. t .5.':,-; ? . .;;; ; ;;,..-'7•15. - t--.:trk E.- - . CO Oi t1 1 . .? . :1 - `,--i`_AL1Z.`::•- , a. ,-- -32;: - 'l .- Z - ='• - - . ' . t ..-1,..,E,..t..95ia7=-42•.Z:--cnC. L. , • ..rl, ,-.. '-' 7 " ..i . .;, 6 ,' - '3 . !T- r i, 7 4;7'..i:E. 7 : :•';'• " 3 ~..,....“.^.•-:.2.7“.:-.7--t -,-e.i. c - ~. _.....,_......, try- AciENTat-wm J ACKSON, JOHN D ‘IIIRC.A3I, Pat...burgh ii 14 CURRY, AllrKheny City; A PATTI:AST, Itirtninghwm , vIP timi AMMI -- - ---- ---- - - _ EXCHANGE BROKER I . I MEDICAL. N. nor...tame dr. BONS, Itankirrs, Exohadge Brokers, NU D. 1.11-• ili NOTES. DRAFTS, ACCF.PTANCES , GOLD , SIL VER ' - ANT/ BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Acceptances payable in ally part °Rho Union,Coneeted on We tarsi favorable trrms. , EXCHANGE on Now York, Philadelphia and Bal timore: also. Cominnan, Louisville, Saint Lam. nod Now Orleans, constantly for sale. BANK NoTy.s.—Ntes on all solvent hanks in the United buttes discoun ed at the lowest rates. All gaols of Foretell and Amen an Gold and Silver Coot borteht and sold ./ Ocher No. 55 Mar Let street, between 3d and 4th, Pittsliurgh. Pa . octss FORNI N EXOHA.NON. DILLS on Englan Ireland, and hantl.4 bought DILLS aoy tl1.130“111 at ho Current Rates of Ereflange. Also, Drafts payable ' any part of the Old Countries, from LI to .ClOOO, a the moo of 4.5 lOthe A Sterling, without deduction or discount, II JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European md eneral Agent, ode. sth . 00 0 door west of wood. __ octlfea • ar.l.3ciriiiisiir -----ThaiWZitntrill KU IL & RATIN, A:VEERS AND CHANGE BROKERS, dealer, tlfs in Foreign and meatic BM* of Exchange, Cer- Peates of Delogite, Bank Notes and Cain, comer of 34 add Wahl suer., ircctly opposite St. Charles Ito l rosilly_ i rt e, B BV:STERBI Ohio bthma., Kentucky, Mmoon, flemkNoses; • erryl 43( don't trill • mad. d. POW I , llil d parchased at the lowest rate., by N. 11OLbtFB h SONS. *clad blarket 11 , 1L1.411 OF EXCELA/O2E—Sight dhcolii on Naar Seek. Philadelphia. and [Wilmot% Co.tanny for Bala by N. HOLISM SONS. loath DS Market at. through t e tow I, orkol le e the fore • nl th r two hrta ~ I ted to I out , ha re lit Rirc O 140 IL CI le A anon, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 2arket street, '1=1.1,v4N.1i,=h0'f1d,:4":.`,.7:47.n.,,0!,`1`,V0Ti.4, i`', ; 1..4201,1. reopeettully totems hie trued. and Inc outdo. that he Ino sr preparing to receive and exe cute their order. with dupmell, and in the neatest, mo.t substantial, and fashionable rammer As lie is determined to do business on we cash +paella, he flat ter himself that he will be able to do work as cheap :. . . . ~,,.. ~................. as it con be done at itay 6stabliehateut in the counts). M•HLI-I S T E R• WIN 1 IVIC.OIT HI. stock ts varied,..mmisung of thweimer.w,lfre id- CONTAINING N 0 ~., cloth:, V 4 to he., w 111.11 Ow frienilawre respectful. „.."-" 0' ^ ... 31ERCURV, or other skein ly iustird to examlnd tor themselves 1 ~. b. • v o et-al.-11 hal power to intolidtt GIX/ItGE ARMOR ' la er . ..' --- 4 , cause all LMTERNAL . ..... O.WTTIIDDIig. Dentist -- I r.s.w,-_--,,_ et ~r ~ .t .., L .. *OItES, SCROFULOUS i • ~.''' Rt... 110% fi e ld to a new 1110, our) hock ..-.,,_- HUMORS, SKIN /KS. ..**.... •. on Smith wrect, one doer luiew i ....... - " • nr.. el: .f... 7.,, E A SE•i I'OISONOUS '''' '' s.txtli itreet Te.itti mune., wont one : ..." ~7 ~::.... IVOUNDS uto discharge to an emirs set,-on the itteurin priniple, anti a arr.- 1 a '‘‘.. :-,.... , `-'l. , theu pond woolen, nod t 0.... rePreseitmtieu of the nuturat Auna—resturnig me i, g 5...;55 ,, .-..... thrr‘ °rlll° 'hr.. enamel shops of the face I -- -- ‘ , .. , .AT . ' It ts chit - termed IL—Teeth extracted with little or no pain • ? 1..........tf.' - 5_ ALL - I/EALING, for It ed r..... perninurritiy ser. dh) pitmen, p,, , , ~... , , ..„,... , ii , o - ? , mere is +comely n do ve aux the tooth ache, vitneliu much never Wan co. ....s ,Via' .!- ,au externl or totem/11, on.: it, though it sonata he dello In five 11111.11, or ` ,0 ,..5. '. i ' the , .1 will nit henefit ti. in and-iii.is et 04 ft is. .-L. ---• 1 tote e mud a for the lust CN'f LAt.l.l. TRIE . OI.I--1 clear nig win- .rL ' . ' . 0..3 n” 011 diee. o . . r UP. chat, ..v. l ' in g i . da ,,,.,,, ,„,.,,,,.„„,,,,, ~,,,,,.,,.,„„. the tritot [lmer and responsibility, nut I declare manna mid other war, It rapid]) ilic. out sill spois 1 ,_ . °, , ,er,0 r., o e o c,,ti se . , mar. that .....1_1,1,,e,"th.c ett , r , h r 05 ,,,.. . 5 rind Dante, and uprodutic• the bestratul and du n°, , .7.e. t..cue....t flea the Pa.."' "'`.' lustre of new wort Just received end for sate a hoir- ....... 1 ..... • ~L , r ~,,., ~,,,,,, b, • I have had rhystelana lammed tn the Profession I . JOON 0 010KOAN, p 0.51 110 ,„,,,,,. have mints:a-1 erne gospel, Judges of the Leach, al - derniew lawyers, gretlmiteu orm , . highest eradaton, Light I Light II Light 11, , mod taultan . CJl of me {leer rom it Inevery variety of evil F. justly celebrated burning data can now be had I way, and th. et her beer bat ono 001-000 weaver' aal 1 at Jut Leon-to Lamp Store, No so Illird str way. on .svnig—..3I'ALLISTER, YOUR O2 OLN.TME between Wood and klarlteL. IS G00D... , nu a e ast ern house house light it has the prelerrnee in ell ~ lIIIRUMATISII—It teototras, anneal „lola edialelX of tha eastern c0w..., being perteril, sale ,ud ett, an—the iodamouttian and rwetlond, - erlanithe pato ecalite void oi ...note, grease or mix of the doiwarecable uti j (IT tlor directions amend the box.) endants m light. now in common u.e. also, o bea. to D.ACHE—The salve hal eared persons of the id assortment of lamp.. 01 the lo.h.at ,Illtlerl. nor horn. , che of twelve years standing, anewho had a nr ttier.s.inte. iiii.lbuto VJDAV I L/ moist. every week %other vomiting took plate EAR ' AC II i.,'NOTII-ACIIE, and AGUE IN TIIE FACL,' Tilli, STAR OF TIME %VEST, I I six *situ( with like succeed vusatia:n 131.1 ND 51AN I'l. ACTORY Ss ALP ILEA/S.- We hove eared carts that actrillT Kist ode of the Diamond. where Ve11.11411 IsKIIK coney Wing known " well an. the .. b , a ', W ,P i t' L '• *. Illauds of DI the dafereni mu.. and emirs 000 0 twenty , doctors. doe man Will US he artaapent are kept on hand or made to order ace a .4on h. children wahort any benefit, when a few the latest mud most approved Koltun Pon. ,i...... of Ointment eared thetn ben.er for the OUZO Of Imis, at the 14100%/t IMUCC and on theme. Torrco—TLerc ta nattting reasonable term, i Teller Aloe, the cheap Boston roll or split Mod Teensy.- i DURNS-4, no ., o f the hest two, i. ,,, t hpins,ld f 6 ., retie) and Paper Certain. of all ter dideront strew and born , patterns on Mind and tor wile low foremen. thd 0,11/- t'lLi - 2 ,--1110 ...r dr or° yearly eared.by this Cm. 11011 Kliike *suited aver and reps or tato. in part meta It •irrea fail. In giving relief for the Pile., payment 10, new K5l 11.E.STI - ilto /A. f, Pre Pt , r[r . Around the hoz are directions for using Will N. B —All von. done with me twat roatenal and ' ill/1 , 1 O,IM/heft , Scro/uto, Law Comp/ohs; ErpOpe. work mansrup, eml warranted to plea,. the tuna it.... ho, Ton,, Chribione, Scald Med. Ro's rir. g o taq. t theta sug to-di, I hoer Tirost, Re. nelaiss, Nereus Affranons,f,Penru,ll.- Allegheay cat , Aug 10,114, 1 sumo( tar Sister, Bread act, auhma i• Goarrioa. Ear oche. . Burns, Cants. oil' Donuts of the Sian, Sore Lips, Pim: YITISIDJII6II hIANUFACTUREts —1 he under , 1 s h,. 4., s ue m.is of the Leib., Swat, Rh e as/ seal ...reed, Alto.. 1. 5, 0 . 0 .... 01 . 0,0 t e r ., ho" m. * o '.d Prii...s. mid Pad, Croup. Stectnel or Draken Brunt, Tooth and is t onstantly teeelvito; o lull seppl) ot the artrn, ~,,,,, . 4 .„,, 0,,..,.„ 4 , 40. tnude to Pittsburgh and vieltot), ',loch he otters - ror 1 (111.11 I- 1.1.. r —Liver Complaint, polo In the Chen' /2k 11l 1111111IIIIICIJIMIS prices IstAl 000 lIILAN, ... , 'and We, felling rid of the haw. or We other uccontria . It tr. QC ' . ." 4 -:nice cold teet IThiqtantrilent is the trac remedy.) It , jSLI AKU 1.1111.1 t PASIL-t isms. bottle• India Rut.- to n sure strn of di.euse to have said fest. J. her rave, an eSecllent article for rendsrlog 1/0011 CORN...--thi. tononel arc of the Ouninent will 'ti mid shoe. rarfectty water prom, and .011 at a picas of wa) s h e oop i urns from growing. People need never ,luth One application al this pasty to autbetent in be trbled with them tf thrl ase a DmlttentlY. atte lIICIII 11121ItrVIOlIS 10 Witter lot 2 or J ou ttttt lis, andQV - 'llits Ototateist re good for nut part of the holy areflect prevents. c (trim the leather craclung -... or limb. when inthinted in sonte east.. It should be pasha and fur sale at the India Rubber Impel. Ito 5 ap t pbcd olten OS oodst chili Jh. II PIMA,' i•ii .ArTION—No Ointment will be soutane onleat the ame of 1 Afil ES Nle ALLITEII I. Willtoll with a pen AMERICAS TELEGRAPIi COMPAN f. n an.rhinna errnaterion AND Wairauoo on very labe I l For sale ymy Agents on ell the principal Ones and WI:STERN LINK ' 00100 at the Etohange, Daltimora. warn In the Dotted Stoles. JAJIES hIcALLISTER, 13...c01L1' one all llt , I T el l' ag .— e an d h t c o ' or ' ' t r rVrri '. hove lllti ra b O o re n , 'l7:tit's. Sole Proprtetor of the above medicine. nirgli or Wheeling, end a rorre.lomiling reduction IL Prtncipal Office. No 1.,E , North Third street, Phil. node on all telegraphte despatches forwarded from Ital. " 46 0 1 ” . snore W.st of Pittsburgh, Pa. Rams—'rticcharge tor u telegraph derpouth. lo or on Itaannora, Putsburgh and Whechtig, i. 45 cent. Mn first Me wordia, oral 3centa for each udilittonal W. LEr No charge Is made for dm addres. add slgna Mr, thall the complcuon of the Routh Western Lane of Telegraph from Nlemplus, Tool., to New Orlean*, deit palette* can be forwarded to McMphis by M. mule, I pit mailed tor New Orleans. tell lIIREEti—ItaIU Met 2 in. 3 ply 1.110 Rubber Blow—Boat mceleed for the Borough of Al cumber , - ter, wales, will be held tu atom for n few Jaya. 'l'llo Boston Company ela a strong deem :in and bre departmeota dm cl ore ues of Pittsburgh and Al- Ifgllollo 10 call and exeunt.- and make a tnal of thnin. The company I/ infamy to rut them to any teat they 3(013 proper to conclude Upon. my IL J & Ii PHILLIPS, 5 wood at `C, AIYUFACTURE OF IRON.—To h e ILA .14ortly, Tho Manefacture of Iron, in all 1111 hrait en, from tho dlgglng of arm ore and coal to the not. kind of charcoal and coke; the huilding and tnanaong ot piton furnace* by charc_al. anthracite and coke; 11,11 blunt and biota macritnes, &e. &c . onewdmg an covey on the manufacture of meet: by Frederic over man, Muting Eaglncer. Complete in one volume, lota page, with tlinstt traon, engraved on wood. fate, EL Et ...fiber. JlEyt, I) etPttoto reecived by im,3o OM, WOOD, n't Wood O TAISINFECTINO SOLUTION OF CIILOR IDFIUD• DA.—lt decomposes Me atrus or peccant prat v te °roll contagnaus It retnoves 1120 dancer nos ellturtu of .lok room., By eicionstisK eiter• gy relieves ulcer, and Interco. all couituunicable tt,we we, whether in man or aisunal., An. het reed anti in• eels ha lull It F. SKI.I.EIC, 57 W. 0.1 ATHENEUM SALOON, AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. q , 510 F ALL, m inform the Pitt, Lcand viconty, that he ban opened be ~,,blott m ent, where every adeolion win In. paid to We crouton of those who may laver h.. with 0111. )an d nrc between Seventh theWod. len Creams oUtrr delicacies. of t *coon. jult,dly CLINTON PAPER MILL. We mpeen ern u d, San, far me par pone of ittandfartatitut tower, et the Ctintort Pup.. pea whew, they will be plttased to receive the patron ape of Mu partite, and the former cut:tamers of the at• mor tnrtll Th p e ar y w at all mots keep on hand a gem:ref tortinent of writing wrapping, ten and 01.11 par, bonnet hoards, blank book*, etc etc . winch Me 21 exchange for clean and r(110 , 11 Thg , Printeo 1' and !look 021i-het • eau he •app..l v :11 ever) description of print., tomer at ohm, notice... al reduced pnces. 'PIIUNIPS.N HANNA NA I. Htt—Env2tEdtim EDNI LIND S. HA st • "It. I. P. 7•OWNSEN D'S SARS'APAR 11.1.:1.—U J dozen of Dr. Townsand . • Genuine tiaompanlls twtt reed and for rale by ft U SE.L.LERS, 57 Wood at, only .Agent for Pilohyrsh.. jog 11l DSI CURRY, Agent for Allegheny env •. GOLD WASILERS.. II PARRY 1111/ 1 invented a outdone for waehing Gold, for which he has mode application fOr a Yo. They are now offered for vale at the ware. h t mite of Parry, Scott A. Co., No. MI Wood meet, Pittsburgh. Adventurer. to California are molted to Call and ex amine these Inbor-taVing Ilinctanca. They are elaltqc in their construc.n, easily traniported on the back of '-or Lc -- erghttLg eighty poi. td' each, s•' •If an hoe inulus or homes, weighted eighty pounds each, and can be bat in operation in half an hour. They eau he bled with provisions. It Is the opinion of those who liner seen the [nal of one of the/se machines of entaneut iire, that two tern Wall warn the tutheral freni 1,011/IVIS of sand or earth hi it day. without the Into of n particle of the mineral. They can lie nicreiurd In no. and worked by venter or mule power, If expedietiL The operator. work without going Into the whirr or bring exposed to wet, and consequently without en danueriny their health. The will the b a small air.m al water, and eon be y used the whole semion, and can be but into operation where there is not tomb cient water to wash in the usual way. Pride of smaller Axe 035. Orders from abroad, ac companied by each, will be promptly filled.. 11. PARRY, at Parry, Scant &Co% ' No 103 W00d.,, l'lnsburgh. BOIL. H. IikttTAIAN hortng sold his low a'. ca m dos oss.paruombip of Coleman, Mailman k dm sesokinto; postriersjoss this day retlro flan WWI, • Fabrsoryl/10104( sevrEirs • ;'INSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS.--The unprecedented success which hay tended the nee of the GINSENG PANACEA a all the various forme which Irritation of the lungs u nities, has Induced the proprietor egain to call anon lion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The chongable weather whichmarts onr fall, and *outer months, is always a (maul *mime of COLDS AND COUGHS. their, it neglected, 'are but the prom:maws of that fall lestroyer, CC/SUM - PIRO:Y. The enestion, then, hew shall we ni the destroyer In budi how shall .we get clear of our coughs and olds!. of vital importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY Till los found in the Ginseng Panacea. Irk prima of this we have from time to ume putiliilied the certificate. of Joanne of our beet known citicena,who Savo experi enced Ito curative power. These, with a mass of tee oniony from all parts of the country,—Rom MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Monsters of Mc Gospel, the., together with copltimi nod ices from Me JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had grans of any H of oar agent. throughout the eeeehl• UNDREDS OF BOTTLIDS have been used in this site THOUSANDS AND 'PENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Mined States and Canada, and co eka tense any man to point cut a SINGLE INSTANCE which when taken according to dlsecthone, nod be ,re. the lunge had become fatally disorganised, It hoe ever foiled to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Way, then: need the *Dicta beldam? Why resort is the upwrattla nostrums, gotten op by nor • awn h the assumed name of some co thrated ?hp uemn. and putted into notoriety by c.ertificr-os C. per sons equally unknown? Whilst a medicine UNPARALLELEDEFFICACY .6 to be hod, whore vouchers an at homer-01.1 . ours,—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAYS • In order that Mot tavulouble medicine may be placed within thc tench of Ile pour an weilthe rich, Iwo hull pat the once at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, tact one I.rdf the usual cost of cough medicines rt m tar salt. by our agents in nearly chary town and village . over the weft, who eac prepared to pre lull inform], ton relkuvato it. • T. SALTER, Proprietor, Ti roadway, Cmeinnatt, Ohio. • PRICE 25 cilyrs PER BOX. Aaaers to l'rersececu—Braon A. Reiter, comer of Liberty nod L Wilcox, Jr, cornerof Market Ft and the thernond, also corner of 4th and Sinunficld no; J B Cassel, comet of Walnut and PCILII. sta, sth ward; old sold at Use bookstore in StnithLtdd . s47d &oar ft.lllll. SCCOIId 811 111 Allegheny city by II.? Sella-arts and 1 Sargent; by I O smilbt D. 11 0 , 0 3 4- mtngimm, L. NeFley, East Libertytikl Rowland, !de fier-sport; J Alesuader te Son, hloilligatscla City; N II Boresann h thlr, and J T Rosters; Brorentrille; John Markley. !tenser, P. 1.; am wholesale agents. , itta.M•d,•trdfy , Feeete . for the Public. In relatioit w !tut unrivalled farudY Staves .. DA bLEI'S IAGICA I, PAIN EXTRACTdit. I.STIMONV of resipectrado the followiau, addressed to iny Azeill, Mr. P. Mar. rywentlier,Coieiiiitatt • CeNCINTATI, • :sir A nenne of duty compelatna, to give My, tribute to Dailey', Pont Ektriietor Deing opposed to quack ery . 141,1 ell nontruni. bovine for their object , sunnier motrod—rint radii goal Irvin object ni Inuti hole,indeed to tender you this tiettlfn cam. I /MVO used i tt In my Id ail), itintyptabitice, spa on o , lb, happy cud wonderfalvdreldhat could pe uninvited. 11:171133Olire, M. IA Dr. Bonne in the senior partner of Itrodie h Levi, Mag.-t`. Injfautxrwary Ratuniatisse.. The following testimonial cameo front it NOClree mrhar in rump of those traveling on our - Western tvin bus Mr. Tame, the well and favorably known two. meld of Me Parkersburg llotel, is hashand to Ma emose letter 1 ands, t ' satalicumao, V a , April iS, 1,q9. To lICIIIVUaticy ettetiliel.&o.—Sir: flaying tor morly hod lung ulliimed with violent inflammatory Rheumatism , which appeased On firmly seated an to dory Till ordinary spplutited to allay the severe pain attend,. I was maimed to try your Magical !oin Rgtractur; old it having Pleated, 1.111301 H as if LT ma. e t e, un unonnbale toilet, and also, to 101 l appearance+ d ust rare, I ma induced for the bene fit of °rum, who may he atiloted won polo, catmint by any limit tallaturnouon, to wilt° to you, , used that in my optuloo. founded on acamt experienee roar ?logical Pato biatramar is the most valuable dls ,•,,very of die present age for the inlintitatt of loithly d i, It is an (milt i mmediate and a feet coon r Dar. an Scolds, and nil extraninl tn. Illitentelloll. 11.0,13 g m,.uy acquaintaned formed by their at my nu-neted hotel in this place, I have supporta by y n, Altyptlltg diem these Inv hod, It may Idnittly I.e of betiebt kilt to Mein and yourselt I dzweb - riblis.nd. (I rats rM1:1 the hope that pits. Itlinm Witt pardon Dr 'Pablo Ity to her letter. rawert on the seop, numatoly a. 6 at its being the surest mode of bringing to ni the notice el tier Dau-ar.l • Fatal Carol. Esstroct ale lend, dated 11.,,testr. by Nov 00, lal2 ail, 11. Diller: hod tried your Pain Extractor In a elk of telou, in my own family, Which- it relieved nod clued lit,a very short tune." la tnne, yours re spectfully. I. Jan. YoCan. 'Er Dar. and Scalds, Piles, Sore Nipple.; Broker , Breast, Firupuoits, Sorer, Cato, Wean., and all in thulium... ;did readily one wonderful properties of U. tonivallen Wady salvo. (lot, it the same pm. itOrttrie that you wind reeelVe hettetit OHS, the gentiles., youovili ho inaircnt by the deleterious etreets of Die eau:arrant snivel. GAUTIVIN—Ur stile cad apply only to the javente, , II Lista.. did, Broadway, New York. Or to !nano. Moment ogruts. 3011N1 D MORtiAbi, Generol . Depni,'Diltnloargh. • Hoary V. riettosartr,Alloglieny, Agent; Wbcoung, Vs., Junto, IV Johnston, :Maysville, Ky.i I: Mercy weather, Cincinnati, f Dalai:al Depot. • • IN is--In. the severest Duras and 111 . p . a1,1111. elireett tt t ite •itt et few romans.-it n , ver Ind: (hi 1,. onocimoci,l ntisburgh. i, W. FAIIICISTOC, • tVlaolosa!* Drug StorPo to LtIO:t111,111 • Now Yerls. _ , riiE endethigued are etthosirely engaged 1, 2 thi bole*nle. Dos busier. No. t 9 /obi euttet, in the etty of New 1 ork, and aro ilreAted to suppiy Urtit,llll.ll , .04 00191.17 nierehapta ynth Elmo, hi., Ille-cteds, Ferszyt end Terftitocri. don .er, filio.tiere edethiii4 (of their oa.1) totor.atico an? ill came, ithefei {dtheth fine of 'be,j. eaess,at • e.pc.do ival4 kria am th ey can be par. Wiled In this or May iistosa eity, • • Now York. IRMA Rik. VAJOBEITOCifit C EIMM:fi CURE FOR WORMS. B. qi..._F:tI.IIfIrESTOCIOS lillgill 'N order ITieafol.7l, 7 liltuZibles;QityTo the public aswoll.ns to themselves. again. fraud wad irripo! Kan from counterfeiting, the proprietors have mule change:in the exterior wrapper or table of their Ver. mifuge. is r [eel engraving of the most exquilite design and workmainhip, has been , introduced at a very great expenac. and ts frona the ' brain of an artistof the finis talent. The design Is new, and the 'execution elaborate. Several figures and a portrait ere Most prominent, but the word "Venn:a rm printed in White letters or a red and finely , graved ground, should be particularly examined.-- When held up to the light the letters, shading at the . letters and every' line, however minute,througinint the whole of 'hie part or the engraving match as erectly as it the impression had been • cond:upon one side on ly, elthough at is setailly printed oh halt} sides of the pore. Thw should in all cases be observed. A Ia• bet upon each dome is also printed in red upon bethsi and should be examined In the game manner. This prepnran has /met staid the test sata years trial, and I, confidently recommendedsafe. zed effectual m•dleine for expelling worms from she system The unexampled sneers. that las attended iu adininistratienenevery rise where the patient WWI really afflicted with worms, certainly renders it wor thy theattmaton of physician. The proprieter has glade it a point to ascertain the result of Ire 'ale in sorb cases as came within hie knowledge and observation—and' he Invariably found it to produce the most salutary edects—not unfrequent ly alter nearly all the ordirfar7 prepamtlone reeolll mended for worms had been previously resorted to. withciut any pemanent advantage. Title feet Is at . meted by the certificates and statements of harotrods -- - of reepectabla Knee, la different pan. of the eO9ll- try, and should induce families always to keep vial of the preparation In their poweeiion. n. mild a in its operation, and rally be administered with perfect safee ty no the mo, delicate infant. The only genuine. prepared by' Ipte7 Ii A FA IMESTOCIC, Pfttalnirgi • - . 0 rent .IGaigllsh V°l - 6`l4 l t.N.%"AMlMZ?',o",=orl s . aboyediackiea r Ls the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF • LIPP- dtscoeered by the celebrated Itti ehan, Of Landna,Euriall,i, and introduced into the United &aim er the Immediate superintendence of the 1.1111111171, The extraordinary success of this medicine, in the care of Pulmonary diaerme.. wartnnu the AMOrieltl • Agent Otani:eking for tresamentthe worn possible ea ses that can be found in the COSlllMUlity—cuea that seek relief in vain frtm any, of the C• 01111.11 remedies of tha day, and barn been rtgoren up by the 61011 t diSupliShed phyeictanw at confirmed and men:able. Taiffliangatiw an 113.5 am (firs cowed, and will ...the Inossidavarata of muses. It is na quack nostrum, buts standartEnri lish medicine, of known and established efficacy. F.very.familyin the United Staten should be supplied with Raehaii's ll.gwarian Ral.nm of Life, not only to countrotet the eona.mtiye tendencies of Me climate, • lathe coed as p reventive medicine is all cases o f - aoldw, enuabw, spitting, of blood, pain In the aide and cLee, Irritation and soreness of the lugs, brechiti., ./ difficulty of iTellting, hectic fever, night entaciw . anon and g.ibral debility, asthma, mensal:a, whooping, .ugh and crimp. Sald in lams bottles, at SI per bottle, with falidlistoi fat the ::notation of health- Pamphleo. containing &Muse! Englishind Amery oat certifier...ter, • and other ecidence,,showing Lhasa. - equalled moils of thia great English Remedy, may obtainedaf *gents. gratuitegaly,_ , Far tale by A FALINISTO k Co., earner* at and Wood and Woad and Gth ats. ingaltawfl 2184 p., atagat Beaver and' E r a. Express Packet Lisle.: /La PARKS, Heaver, Proprietor. rENI'.Z;;AELV"" Pos ZWl ' llrle k rriUl - PENNSYLVANIA, "JH 1if1a1..14 LAKE ERIE, " M Trolly; - QUECN CITY, e J MeHally: • • Forming (laity Line betweett Beaver and Erie, have. egincinieneed running, and. will COOtill. daring the mo wn to make their regular trips, leaving Dearer after the Arrival of the morning boat from Pittsburgh,. (I cot duck, r. and arrive at Erie in time for passenger. to take the marningeosts to Buffalo or up the Like. Tickets throuah to Erie and all Lake ports, ran be had by npplication to JOHN A CAUGHEY, Agt, corner of Water and Smithfield tie o. GEORGE KECK, ender the, Itt Chariot e on the m7st - iiipr Wiled and wont fanhionable Enaseinpatterris andeolore. Also ,Tllblidll:A.P ROLL, or 110SfON BLIND, on band or made td order of all sizes, and at all price& ,001114 bltichants and others 11 . 0 pnvited to call ial ...nil.: :he above for themselves ,ne all will be told wiinlnwiti or mini I, and a liberal dednettan Made nianksitleparobaxera. anlatv A WE'S Egg:l/ELI, - 11 l N ,L,':'..tia.ir.Aort'boßTllll.L';o4ve"T"rifiat"g74.per,7l 0. tot; P. Alorkle, Propnewtho we wilt be °annually duppoeo wok all the daterent sixes of soperior wthch we offer et the lowest regoluptices. REYNOLDS &SITE, fe1,44 comer P[3lll VIII /MIA to • _ I mroari;RS alto Wholesale Deaers Fitutign and- Doweatiee Hardwares 'are aaddlaYi aati " 9 1 Wood et rec. t, Pittsburgh, are now hilly prepared with a recently imported attack of Ilardwara,Cullery, had. dtery, Carpenters' Tools, tee., to oder very great la s. dsceinenis to Western Merchants, a width.= to the many advantages had by'our piedeeeasors, files- - ate, Loath •altennedy t ana have greatly inereiwed oar • facilities, n o n purchase all our goods from firer hands On the very best tern.. . 'Llielunter members of rho fain devote their whole , munition io eules, and feeling eonfident of giving sat. Warmth, respectfolly solicit a call from all Who may' visa •ts moaner. maid/ tilt: infirersigned oGera for sale a superior aftaela 1 of brink (or building, made by his Steam Yvette. unproved nianitme, Mr watch he hes obtabled a patent and egrets to giye purchasers a whiten guarantee that they to stranger, and will resist frast and wet mead. or andonantie lees moisture or dampness than any oth er line!, pattateStrtg greater body mid seismic . , teztilre end Math more Muable In. every respect, each brick being mutual:led to r pressure of several tons, and pos- Ig'a butolsoirlo smooth mrfaee'eud alert edges, theyituako a :front equal to the best trout brisk. - They hate given Me greatest smisfuotioa to all who have parch med. A kilo tan be seen artily works, tad speeiliicti elute Musette office. . , Those buying supplied themselves their buildings. &nil u.ug halltif-011113 (met brick, or superior 111111 mitt solid paving brick, eta obtain man.' • : ISAAC GEE66I ' , litentibglua. Jane I.l,l•Atb UOL—Tize nsgttosi pgicelot ciao yair hho chffereot grades of clean waseed wool, by royal II LEV, 'Aborty at, opposite +51.1, have Wts clay asashetato,l kir with MC /I/ the wholesale Grocery,Prodaeo utt Coninutsioo Cosiness, 311. John 111 sou, ander the Aral ul l .ltitLit ISAITs GO, JOHN WATT. l'tosbargaplll ' I c I;1.11 of quint,. Oxide of Tub Pfuele Aketd, Ca °rate. w Iron W Carbonate of Votult„ Nitrate of er, tboosuel, , Zo.iac of Lead, Clilortde or Sodkind. ChWrie Eater, On hand and for sale by , s, J. KIDD lc CO: • far the vett , liberal encoaragomont L Lime received for so many years, 1 kayo doter- Atc m enlarge my limanera commierably. flaring eagaged conmeteut Foreman, I will Oa enabled to 4111.1L0/dem prompdx, and 40 the wort to our .uanat style and, at fal,prmea, and ask the attention of ['An ew.. and earzena to my large of UPHOLSTF, Itt l.uulJe and Iteds, Oliutrawieir and Ifedding, tarn Niaidriatr,Monaska mad . ktoreeiiii,Cormcda, %lemma, Tawitla, *pin and !toilet lkindx. and every ...m em woolly kept man akiablbiliment of the 6./acra Fespecually imlicac, and promptly at tended le. N. It.--6n pus made and pal dot: is. • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE L P 1,1, 1,111.1, 111.1,V Et..>, MAO 1111 < ,az<us fluUdlwn, ad IL, w,d. lA. Pan (et.. 11. A .TES ADVB,MTISIIIiO.- , Joe Ilmoritnn of Itlinea, or l'worosertions RIl IlriUlll tcati o ,, I looc 000 Wee>, lao Wt. to 4 lire., `. One vlontit, Fro 4^ Longer . adverpeementa in a1..,e proportie9,,„ 9.? aguare,o menthe, without al' ration,... 10 t:atit arldltionnal rquare for 6 12 .... ..CO One aquare,6 .outha,rene wnble. ,t pleuerer 00 4 ,C. 64.11inart , L u.. p I, : u s. 4 ; 7 0 0 Vo 00 additibrmlequare, month+, ....... wenir..44 at Tlll-R,TCLY ra OLIST oboipe3ri.3 inrartOne, ........ . esehadditional eg•BILD ‘• • Fire liars Ifia,orkin..my:nathr .. ........ . " , • " . one year, dai 1:6 Jr. sm month. " U 0 Ifilr. ll, • =tl iOr aline., , lion,thae " .Two.- " 72 Throe, m0k0"... dI " " " .Tleroo I=l 50 60 0 n • ~: I Of> 10: --" -.• ..... ....... 4 IV. 6.P7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers