BY MAGNETIC TELE(ItIAPH IMPORTED t TIELZOLLAPIIED oRIHE PITTSBURGH. DAILY GAZETTE rip Lateen lratiopeas latialseata• by the Canal:ids. . Bosuns:hamar Nov. 12. f. The Cambria arrived at Boston, Oa Saturday awning. The wires not working between Boston sad New York, kept Its, in Philailelphia, from re• ceiling the nears oath yesterday. POLITICAL' RUS3U. In relation to tae extriditiu of the Hungarian retirees from Turkey, the attitn le as by France and England has placed the Czar on the horns of a dilemma, and he baying no other abet' native than to fight or cease bullying, has chosen to pursue a more pacific worn. It was reported in Paris, on the 25th October, that the French Ambassador at St. Petereburg, bad forwarded despatches to his government, i mating a chtmge io the elatentliellt loll of Rusin, sts reguds its disagreement with Turkey. Upon the subject of extradition, teo tar from Forcing matters to extremities, Roans has express ed itself ensues le battle the differences quietly, provided no warlike interference was threatened on the part of . England. The t ume rumor was preislent at Vienna, on the 21st. • TURKEY. The change of creed by Bern, Dembinski, and others, is confirmed. ' The English squadron Ins lair the Ad. hula for the neighborhood of the Dardanelles, at the request of Sir Etradford Canning. • An Austrian fleet, consisting of fnittea and brigs. Is under sail far the Dardanellei .T, Sebastpol, there was a Bassiaa fleet of 26 vessels, and only four hour's Sail from the month of the Bosphorus. The Turkish fleet is anchored across the Bog phoruy, at Ito narrowest point, to defend, the pas sege. The Turkish army to Wallacitia, commanded by Omar.Pachn, had been ordered back to Castrato. Hoopla. • A French fleet, consisting of 16 vessels of the line, 2 frigates and steamers, with 8000 men, and 600 gnu, is under weigh for tbe Dardanelles. The Deutsche Zaftig has letters from Constan tinople, of the 86 inst., announcing the arrival, in • the Bosphorus, of n'filidish fleet ot observation. A salute of 20 guns was fiend by the Turkish fleet, . 'in honor of the British flog -. AUSTRIA—HUNGARY. It is said that Hayman has resigned his' plat, in consequence of the Emperor having ordered the exenutions to be stopped. He . complained bit terly of his authority being disregarded by those who shot Batbyany, it having been his express or ' dere that he should be lurnga! • According to the report from Petah, the crown of Hungary . new to England, whither It wee sent by Kossuth.' _Burstein, executed this commun• sion from Kossuth, and this explains the rumor that, Szermere had robbed. Ks:unfit of his jewelry. On the afternoon of the 12thyrox, a courier ar - rived at Pesth from ,Vienni, with orders to stop the butcheries in that city. • The organization of the AU/tribe army is going • on.with great activity. A nephew of the, mohair,- . nate Bethiany has been Forced to enlist as e pet. rate buzzer to an Austrian regiment. DembinskOe sister and brother in law, were ar rested in Cracow, on the Iltn--ihey never inter. fared in politics RUSSIA. The convention between the courts of Austria and Prussia was ratified on the 12th inst., -at Vi. eau. • The exchange .of acts of ratiOcatton took place on the day fallowing, when Me Arch Duke John announced his intention of resigning his of fice as soon as the other. German governments have assemblA at the convention. One hundred and siity officers of the Hungarian army are ex. pected to ship theme elves at Bremen for New Or. leans. DENMARK AND THE PIICIIIES. By a declaration, dated October 17th, the clan gy of Sch!comic, positively refuse to recognise the government commission. ROME- General Cocchi has resigned his rank as Lane General of the Roman ninny, on the ground that he had engaged to serve a constitutional princei and not an nissolute government. Much excite. meat preedila in the city. Several young melt have beep arrested for singing the Maryellen hymn in tE; streets. In. stead of singing, people now ladle e in prosecu- lions. Placards, with enormous letters of—` Death to t he intantous Prie —Danth to the Red Trim° vi rate"-cover tho Several attempts on the liven of lodic French officers have beim made. NAPLES AND SICILY. The violence of the government was on the in— crease. wan: , reported that a' regicide maxi ation has been. discovered, is which 20,000 per sons are implicated. An attempt to arrest the Prince of Stn Goacoms, produced such an ho. pression In Naples, that the shop loom wer- WM end the city deserted. A specs selected from..the judges of the v, has been appointed m try the hoot ands of political offenders by who . are now filled; Two Amerimn,,,frigates, the Ind Cumberland wefe in, port, under it Commodore Morgan. ," • , 1:1' FRANCE. The leading Illalnrciro the week' Assembly has been the adjourne the credits ,for ;the Roman ezped was thought would involve the change of the ministry of France. Eighteen of toe done insurgents daring the Intl few days - at Lyons Disturbances of a wines nut s Rheiras, l in the 2lst.. Lord Normanby has bad free mace with We President,which jealomp 011_ the part , of Thiel, the French honor an feelings a otervient to foreigners. ' , M. De Persignytybo was se the remains of the Doe De Re them placed nlongside those of I , turned rumuccernfol--the Empe It is stated that the Sultan ho martin*. grant ;Wetly, un i in me n I 'mimed in a. fertile plain, Wi journey of Smyrnn. ENGLAND Lord Dudley :Stuart has pub New, an appeal to the mottle ten, of England, calling on ' horn° lay and to esteu becoming the Rritlsh race, W freedom. The Hen. 'Abbe') Lawrence the Queen at Windsor Castle, credentials. i Sir Henry Huller took beau to del:eyries' as M Meer tithe Silty ship err itm took p „Great Britten dotibe the ego: IRELAN There is nothing of late at occurring. Thi country te it the Mom distracted state. Murders a nd anottAirations are prevalent. THE ENGLISH MARKETS. The accounts from the amen and woollen dir Dicta indirsto thit burner. Is more active than it has been fur .'.me time. ( %'2 .j°~ '~x ~.,;J In the• prldwte market let, has been mom activity, and Ili - laminas are evideneieg s desire to ineresee. Steels—hi many Instances micas have adv COIN Maass:l . —Corn tenth , wagon any roroetihl change in pi Old Pi,Ktera ennel Four, 23,0145; Ohm, 26.63 25, °di old .-onr, :IN new westaro,l6.32ol. jai,. Corn i• a Actin lowan. 2tH per qi fiftzllxed and yellow; Lthan for altar Indian Corn Meal, 1016 , 6d per bl Cotton hag ailvahrod 1. Fair Orlea upland end, 61. The m o ney Moiket is without change. Peoi 1711ania fivarL-L7 I:ATER P/LONI TILE PLAINS --NEW ROUTE To CALIFORNIA—TREATY WITH THE INDIANs, Sr. Loci a, Nov. 12. The latent advicea from Saute Fo state that c o t, virwhingtota had returned from the Navijo n ry, on the 21th a September, after having -made an luiportant treaty with the Naviios, by w hich they agree givc up bath property and Prisoners, and will Acknowledge their subjection to ihe V. In an eogagemeat previous to the x yldiatna were killed and wveral worm& treaty, si Major Steen, who was woneded on the 15th of Aug. by the Apaches, was able to {Calk, but the ball bad not been extracted. On the occasion, Surgeon Nerwood was shot dead, and Sergeant Snyder died of his wounds, September 14th. LiettL Simpson of Waabington'a expedition has discovered a middle route to California, between the Gila mote and the old Spanish trail. It inn good wagon mute, and three hundred miles nearer than any other attempted passage: I Business was dull at Santa Fe. LATE FROM CALIFOILNIA. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAM SHIP EMPIRE rimy Your, Nay.l_ The steamship Empire City arrived from Che gres, bringing over half a million of gold dust; and data from San Frerichsco one month later. Among the deaths which have taken place was that of Cal. Henry Helm, late of Cincinnati. The Feather river has been nearly drained of the precious mend. The Pla . cer on the Juba river is the most productive. About . 5,000 persons are there, principally Americans. Sickness had pre vailed, but is disappearing. Dr. Boynton's company ; consisting of six persons, gathered $9,000 is elven days. Thirty thousand Americans is the prObable sic resat° at present in the gold regions, end are in capably of exhsusting its treasures. Many are turning from the mines, in consequence of the en treme heat. Derier tb moatb of September. 122 ieron arrived at Sao Francisco, worth their weight gold. T. Butler King is recovering, nod expects ech Wutungion before the opening of Conga The French have seized Honoluln, in con rtnence ot the - natives refusing to trance the duty on French brandies. The Frenchtook the Hawyan Fort, lowered the tteg, destroyed the ammunition, &e., &c. They occdpied the Fort for.'3 days, and then abandoned it, and left the lalandq. The State Convention for forming a constitution far California had been inj session three weeks, and was expected to adjourn is he arst week of October. The suffrage question caused considers" ble debate; finally, it was agreed to ladmit to the privilege ot being electors, all male citizens of the United States, upon six months ;esiderice in Cali• foreia, and they being 21 years ot age. The Legtslature is to consist of two branches, and banking corporations and lotteries are probity - lied. Thu State officers are lobe elected in the way usual in the United States. The slave question excited considerable discus- Sine, but is now finally settled. A large number of vessels from New York. Boston, rbiledelphia, nad Baltir t riore, has arrived at NEW YORK ti.I6R.K.ET. Flour—The market has undergone no marked change since the receipt of the steamer's news. Grain—Wheat—The demand is good but trann. sedans not large. The inquiry is chtelly for good samples There baleen no change io• note.— Coru—Balea of mixed Western at Ofic Yellow at 68, per bushel. Provisions—The foreign news is considered fa vocable, and has produced more firmness in th market, and pricers have advanced. Cotton Is generally held at advanced rates, bu sales are limited: • Gl=M=ll Flout—The transaction. to day have been mod erste, without any material change in prie •a. W• note aides of Common State and mixed Wester. at 3(,150114,51. Sales of good Western an , straight brand. at 5493. Grain—Holden cif Wheat are asking previou prices. Provisions—Salesof 'Mess Pork at $1065510,- tn. Sales of Prime at 55,62 per bbl. Whiskey—Sales to a moderate extent at 2140 CINCINNATI NIAItIiET: CINCMASI, Nov. 12 g • fast—mw one f• is unchanged. as regard. prices or d. mends. Whiskey has advanced with sales. et 202201 c Per galL Provisions—Sales of Green H• 11133 at 5e per lb. Hop—Considerable sake were wade to day at $2,35652,05 killing.r 1 :bs. The weather is urda. amebic for Sugar—Sales. of 100 hhdt at 41011 c; fair new at 51. e. C..dee—Prim old Coffee is dna. 4 iONIMER4;IAL RECORE). °refits Crreaseson 6.azirrrs.. Tuesday Slorning. Nov. 17. $ The weather yesterday writs dark and etouity,te tong indications of further rain. The neer was -- eding, with some foartde . n feet in channel, arid In ess on the wharf was quite Me or. Fhwc•—•The receipts by dace were heavy. iV ales of a lot 0(300 tibia geed a. f ft '3.1,45p _ . lOU liblainaml l ot. at 21,37 Ott f Imi. ward tendency. Operations from AtOre to limited lots at 27.552/1,62a1; 21 V bbl. Re. Fkoca—We hear of =sales to any :am supplies being tight. We quote at 73,62 {'' hh Dgm.rfrakr —Buckwheat Flour is selling' gon at 112,121, and from Sorest 22,120245 40100 b , liamori--71‘e market is rather doll, Trull model salsa of Shoulders at 41e, and 2-des at 5e or boned Hams MSc, sod of extra sugar 12e 1.1 commisuou, ious mburods di and thou im the pollen 0. Sugar is to steady demand of 513660 tretity and country trade. Sales of Loaf Sugar at en tore according formality. Rio Correa—Prime Rio may be rattly gaoled at 01111 c, and ordinary to fair at lORDIOR P lb. Mar kr! firm. Mobasitte—Sales of prime N. O. in oak at 2710 the and in cypress bbls at 2f3fe • gallon. Eon, Akan—Sales of In cuk• Muspratt's brand at 3f patience mad .ta command of `s debate in the d discussion of .ition, which it 'resignauou and ash pat funds. Damou FatMr—Sales of 700 bu new peaches at S 2 25. .d .WO bit al Editri bu. These .alt. weremade few days since, but delivered yesterday. Sal is of Ap ples at 701:175e V bu. CRsruarrurt —Supplies as yet are very light, and may be guoMd firm at 112,25 bu. CIUMIL—SaIes in limited IoM are regularly effected at it 0(0 to 61d for W. It ,anJ GID:c for Cream, Wnmesr—Sales of Rectified at 4.2023 e, cash .d have t.en tried re took place eat correspond as occasioned , who rays tha t re rendered sub- LA. On,—We mules of No. 2 at 53z, and of N , 1 at &le f , gallon. 1.2412.10014.—Reg01ar sal:wat E43e 4 4 gallon. Fon—Sales of No. Ihlooke4ol at 814, of No. CAA and of No .3 at 87,50 84 btd. I,!es of tOtOu at 114, and of Herring at 80,3041.1. !rit to Vienna Tor iehatadt, to have apoleon, has ro ot flatly refusing. Awn CA7staszaco—T6e fo It abbe Immo. articles'of dm goon by the Ohio flyer, dally lists of irnrans, dating vaday, the LOW instant.—Al and depsrtnres of stesrabo period: Floor, bbls 3 , 2 8 4 T VV • S : i h oo t 2 ' sk : do * 5( 11 : h : d . LU do eases Baron, hhda • 21 do bbl. Pork, do up Beef, do d 0... . Sugar, hhd• . ---• 167 Moles.% Lard,bbl bbls ..... 21.1 b Bo d t o ter l :frls * 104 do kegs • • .... do hit . ,5 rtoe no j, 0 0 67 , •• b 4 : 4 1 Cheese, Ott ...... 24,3.4 Pealherr, sits .. 65 11 Leather, bdt• ..... IWCbwtnes, bb1...... Lard oil, bbls• •••• • • • 17h Linseed oil, ...... 16 Seneca oil, ebb, •• 17 eartmoys• -- Wheat, sae , * ........ 4 1 .2 Co m • .. 4.1 do .......... 17 Oas,sk• ......... db do bb1.... . .. ... . do bash ••• - ...... 13'; sdo 0455. • **. • •L, tOd; B Bed pl.. bbl. .... do •Its-t•-- ... 1 Burch. bbtds•66 •" . !,,f t , Ta•low, . • ...... Bac Imbest flour, sks• 79 Ale, bbis ft.l do hlt do ......... _ Dried apples, 67 Potator bbl.-- ..... 913 do •••• ........ • 319 10 eats --- do has lu do boob 476 b sseet potatoes, bbls• • 51 do sks 1.9 A. 6, 0019 --- ‘ O.- 1 Ilardwarn [Aga . • • " ' roue,tAls•—•-• •• • 10. l Pecans, bbl. I 'l Foams, bp. • • • 7?1 ail Hooy, bbls Flaws, L.L.19 ••• • Cutlet csks.•• Poops • • • Bpacos • granted to L .e uses of coOwry hia a few hours limbed in the Daily WPM., and danghs 'hem to furnish a to him a welcome are the friends of was introduced to sod 'presented his of the Queen Prior United Staten. ,ea on the : coot of ktini Itolllll4 ery quiet, and Sanday • •) Tues•ta Woine•day Thanday• • PORT OF' Tx: Itiv::.—There were 13 feet 6 inches in nata at auk, and falling ARRILIVED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Beaver, Clark: Wellsville. Parkinson, Brown's , dle. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keesport. Baltic,Jacab•, George W,Kenclall, Boman, Wbeeling. Star, Cineinnnu Shipper, Parkinson. Z..menville. Cannier, CI nein natl. Pashion, Peehltin, latnen.Nelnon, Moore, Wheeling. Viroqua, Galloway, McKeerpnri.. DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, biordock, Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellskille. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keesport Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Bettie, Jacobs, Brownsville. .I"dononsabela; Stone, Cineinnati. Vinzies,Gsloway, McKeesport. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabetb. BOATS LKAVINGTHISBAY Brownsville Packets, at S A. M. and 6 P. M Beaver Porket4, d A. M. and 4 P. M. Wellsville Packets. 10 A. M. Bridgeport—Wellsville. St. L one, Fairmount. Wheeling, Cindrelln. NastivtlleFort Pitt. Wheeling, James Nelson. Gagiopolin, Reveille. New Orleans. Cleo. W. Elendall. • D. Leech& co'e, packet line. 9 P M. 708 IMIPOIVI. 11, S. 1411, & CO'it Canal Packet.: o'clock, I'. Y. .-- Iltatuata.—The packet steamer 1114erniu No. al to arrtve here on Saturday tught. in come.. come... of being unable to peas under the Wheellog Iler place wk.. taken from that ;mutt up by tnee Nelton. The NelYon leaves 1b =rood, o'clock preciaeiy, tn.:cling the Iltbernia below alga at Wheeling. it t., indeed, high handed .earore diet the fire naviration of the Ohio river hould thus obstructed, and if such is the ease at • tags of tsi feet water, Whitt Wdi II be at 15 and th feet water. which is not unfrequently the case at Wheel- • Geo W.. KM:l,4.l.l.—Tin.h. ts the name of a large and splen4..l steamer now lying, at the w harC Shs was built at Wheeltne. V. . and we must say that her whole construction throughout reflects great credit up n her bru dt.ra. Ilex bull to arg feet beam .X 2 feet, with e x and a half feet hold. The hull. which pre ents an excellent mold, was hull by Nielltrs Mc- Clure& Dentne), - her engines were bath at the factory of Philip SE Co., Wheeling. Take her out and oat. we pronounce her decidedly Ma butt steamer ever built at Wheeiing lbw colon Is spacious—tastefulty cm, strutted, end handsomely furnwhed—arabing having been neeleeted which could add to the ease and coo, fort of the pawetwer. • • The K. Is commanded by Capt. G W. Norton, a gen tleman every way temlified (at that office Capt. N. named bi• ho•t nfser W Kerdati. the editor of the New Crleuu• I'teayune,and ahall we not hope that .he may gam n pasnmnunt heseht In pub Ste favor with that ot d:e dostsitstuv.hed enamel. The Kendall will leave for New OrlvonS at per ed Ntw You. Nov. 12. vcru4rmet. th[a afternoon at 4 osc:ock She uo only a must dthghqui pass.e.ger cesium but al. fratght.boat of the very hrgt clusa. • _ -- • - RAVF:R WFLI.oVILLE—I s s , Revre—b• se" peaches, - k,s uttcr,Ts•sey k 11,4.31 table rob:lbws. sks, bp , oat., own , sboard; 4 W.I. Jenne. Bleck. I lsx. sock. Cummins k SOnth,7l sk• prsettes, V Ilorbough; 45 sky rival., Robertson k Rep- pert. l'er Canal Haat J M Cook-17 empty carboys. llr .yron, 11,1 erroo Rope, A Rubes; 7 eta. bbls pearl ark J A Cau.lroy: J eks oker.o, C. Burwell, 4 1,1 butter. 7 colts cheese. 1 B Canfie d. 31 mks potatoes. J 17b sk , dried ponchos. 11,1 do. G &IA Ciled • R Dalzell & CO !%dle hoops. ler , ash stayer. Donor y, 7 ck. poarlark. Brolgrnan: 14 b. , 110,,, I. Wivertuan: 51 skr I. ' hour. Wick A Niel:audio., bk. oboes. 1 A Caug - hry; 16 baa chrome. J R Canfirl 4ot • prorlorb, bd, I rather. R D 3•2••& & Co: 147 b ok J kre button . , J e Csughey, 4a bus rhymer, J Coofirld2 3 rte Peluso )I:ck & Metrand 5 bbl, $ Woos. Zoo 11911 k Soo. 72 has ekoere. Ilagal. A CO; 130 do di , J A Caa2b.Y; 13 blls paper, Dlspat Mgt., - CINCINNATI-I`rt Amerman Star 551 +his key, •n. 50 do do, .1 S Iltares, 162 do do. R Moor; 2.1 trot trmo ••r d. Wm Lchtner: 1,5 t ran.,key W5:•.5., 111 do dn. 'l' , andr 41 . Cornor. ~ I Inr/rey fr. , nuo.kry. Ja• 100 1-.01, lle•Jrno.t. 1,10 , tnnint.:‘ kre• so, W liornort. , l2 •t. wool. Was Bunn., to loug• fratber.. I co war NI n bas nor.. KM( A /urs, 2 COO. Po 0.11.2 W Bra, 40 sr. ran , dl.'. Jno runlet, 7 Mot crdcr, S Cohrtt. 4 bate. to Lyon. Skutt, Co' II W clot •0009 iron. -.once Co. du wool. AIDA cr, W Ilingttor. hlst• tobacco. II Oral fr. Co; 551. ponnoca, II Clo: , I• dc Co BRIINiEPUHT—Cer Wellrville-3 551. dried ;retell e.. wnit01.1.0.6 4 Id, I.olllr , 31 Ilndism, 4 .0. ray. 2 1.51• flarserd , 3du bran., 11 !Warn ft Co: WA. tn. boron, I A Hoe; In.i• bran.. 2 dr, d , tx-aid. Ido limo- •tril.4o .14• tr. •, 11 John.scn. 5M16:.1. dour. J .nonb& Cu; W .I.d :swarm: 5 blot, to t:mere I , {etch Et nen kce• boll., Ide Versa - al I sk• rags, Ido ass... I flo rtnornt Smsto Sine:a. , 16 arg• buttrr. Ira d. S W Ilartotark, .1 I d nn. -1.. 1171 nts peach... 2 Md. do. I 3 1,51, 11 nor: Wi 11401 Ilsornatn, 7L. 1 ant SOl c.ort I br....4 or buil, C. II ..11.• A'llllo lent keds 5111150,:rot1T—Prr Ilontmll -140 1,1,1. dour, Irerch S Co. Ito do dr, 12, do do, ahoanl, 110, Ti-roon fr. Jotter; -5 ••• wool, Wns Bingham. kg. I , uuer, 1 Cru, II kg , lard, 5 hsl., 2 kg• bust• n • • 31.i..10P0U5-,Pct V,111^.-2 Cf 110, n. S Stnii4. sril) , g% ram Mt Icr Ic. Birk , .o, 1./ L.crili ON II 1.1. potato J Co, OttLee of the Delaware Mutual Safety I • aaralle• Company.. Nov sth. 1,1 THE Board of El rcetot% au. day declared dmdend of TIN I . FII r nerip. out th pofit, of tae company for the year ,du, 0 • loimr 1,4 D, frIVECalt`A ITT v•htch vct.L 1 , 0 .wood o” and she the Itr, day of Dccember,nexi. Al•o, acdsvtdccd of SIX Cli , iT tI el+.n capltal .toci aLd .trtp crev.ouody, payable 100000 NI - IA Seel - . novlo P. A MADEIRA, Aft. Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. MITE Stork holders in vv.lito and Penn•ylv lini!rnad Company are beret.)' notified to nay lie aird Innahrient of Five ott earh 'hare le rly he , d • y diem, at the Came of the Contraviy, (bird Plltthergle, before tie 9:ith nu Nordin. Ler. l , .BiutoKFl" , , Tve•aute Salem, 0.. Oet. DISSOLUTION OP-PARTNERSIIII. , °TICE i• hereby given hint the partnerrhip tache exi.ust• between 11. P i 4. blorti•dit and lebulon Kinyey, nailer the [MU Of 11 P . II Nlorthon& Co-. ton town of Brookrtile, cotrity„ P• h•• been Utte day div.olved Ipy mutual conoent. retheith indebted to mid firm make payment to B. P. 11. AlUeelthe, told petsonit having ethlmo agatn. oath firm will present the mine itionedi lClnl ntely l :or hgat dation. PI • Y. P. I. Mt tHUSON. Brockton!, Nov, 3. 1.11,1 PAIITSIERSIIIP. part! erehip heretofore eiratine be twe, roe un• dersighed, under the film of B. P. 11. Moulto Go. to Brookville , Jed , rson co eo. being thwolomf. li b they .1111011 remain in force ni liere• hile• e b r e e r s'od".l " pnct Order. received, and any information given, by Zel.- olon Kinney, Norti7, Market at , Pittsburgh, and at the Vnle. tr... - cLoth constantly on hand. It. 11. Y. MORRISON' itoO6 ZEDULON KINSEY • SNEAK snw MILLS, DIEILIL'S ISLAND% XTITT.CI: is hereby given to Architect. Carpchtter. Bolt Builder- and oihers, that the underaigned ar fully prepared to fi.l all bills of Lumber, of a:iy sib nhd length, from 70 feet downwUrdu linos es Bout Deck Jot:, Trinim es the shortest hone,. and will &trier -It sou.. in riot place. either water or • n Their c•pacity to furnish Lumber if oldie first q al having lour saws con...oily to Doren., ohy cht, with competent sawyers and nollnien, tog.: te .:ti at, exensive stuck of Timber, of overy s. st, ore 10 convict/ . bill's it n unti.u'illy short petit. of tone, and of am he•Lijus No other Mill supply Lumbor atTogrot r. and they +Olen the patronage of the building tridlie otcr• , .. rnlc tr. ocd, and any information VV. by.. ulnu•Kinscreem y, 17 Market et., Pittsburgh, and [tithe .11 Lath consuntly nu band. onv7 U. I'. H. MORRFON tr. C I. ;Sowing table 1* an exhili f ideretuandite received a' as !Oren from our minis' ; the week ending ou Sat Ito the number of arrival! •us duly, during W. 'Sc do crapol. aro, bbla.. • . 03 0 do preces 1:1, V. 001, .k. lid Notices acrope, .k. • • 4CI 1 Volegor, Ws — " MOOnls doz..— • . 450 Quacnsarare, c.ka •• • . 34 I do Ws , 5 Beans, bbla•-- 17U 5 kkessraz, sits 33 I do Cs. Lath! Lathl Lath! 600.000 LATti on oand mod MORRI,ONt- do b;01 • •• • 5 Coltoo lialc. ...... • 214 Crantierna, WM. • . at 411.suwarc, lia 31 • dual. Silarts, .lt• -- 97 °Own', uk.. tO do at. 10 ?curta mk. IS Aulcraton. aa• •• • • 13 • Pig metal, 11. II tour. .1,0 9 Liquor., Ltd. ,:andles, boo .-3041 p, la. ..11 527 491' ctroom corn Lula. •• • 1.1 \ 1 Alum, Ltils• • ..•- .... 3,71.; , Lead, pig.. do ppm clk. 13 do t 1,11) Iltn. litanklo rot•er, bale. • . 14 ' Wire, Li• licanne, bbl. 01404, No 20 44 .1.4 10. 30 37 91 1 c.: 2: dd .. ,7. ~,i e . d it 4 .40 1 . I Clareroccd, LUG 1 . 2 I riroolby do, uerce • • . I Hemp do, Lblii• •• - • 30' , :quit, ker. ........ ~, cu dd i n ri i • : : i ,. d , . 1 .................. ..... ... 11 0 ;1 4 i do sks ............. 74 i Loops. No.• • • .4,0E0 1 /1001.0, L 5............ rms. m0u1d....... .00. \ 3 j ..ples,. cots ...... • • • • .2 fon, b4ll. .......... .. {o, ' , l I ' , i l l i . .1 . 17 • : t ,pop` . . :::—...: ' 1 , 1 1 ,4 4 ', OlOitions,iitil. 1,1,:0ue dal. Lila ...... U 03 do LLI. -. -....-__ 15 • • 4 Sod irons. keg. .. .2i, Kegs, Fie \ 10 , AMP. Jo crates •• • • ...... LYmocrl 2AP./FEF:I' I. t; MBE loin, beck BALI ttdmg, Uourds, Hun, hog. 1. 11. TI ONRISON 11,r, I.lend WI., Nov. O. i n oy7.4lwher.lT itiasl , 7Ro7 —,7 \ior tht,,,l by 11. Hari., compri.tru u h r i t x tfue., and Jouruce through Ciermenl offth note* from tolthc ColOvflettlateore, Illog apt aro , ,f.O ibbuographfeul Notice., and Pra. Ifer of 1 . 0,1[11111K; ur, thc Mn or nod Method. of I..fooe,feholol.Keepute, by 1 ayl Fume, .A M., Puinctiml of thy eta. Normal Sr hoc tobany, N. V. Fraffit Forecer Feel. nod Ftslung of the U. nod 1101.. n No...nets of North Autertea. by 11 Nat. Ilerben. JOIINsTON A STOCKTON - rued corner Thud atfil.hlorket VLOADTV•v*. 121.Undny Nin•ld•lN ... •• • 11 ' We4l*-- le Thut 31.• sday Fro ay • ...... ••• - - NEMETH. TOE THE I. ITEISHIIItOtt DAILY GAZKfIO SUAKBPSAI.R.F.AB ILWADING'S, Mra.S . Francis Anne' Kemble appeared for the first time before a Pittsburgh audience, yesterday evening, and read the play of " Measure for Mean ore." We land imagined that the celebrity of this ,truly talented lady would have natured her a full house, but we were by no means prepared to find Apollo Hall, which will accommodate„hore dreds, crowded to excess, as was the case. " At the appointed hour, Mm. Kemble made her appearance and announced "that she would have the honor ot reading Measure for Measure , She was simply but tastefully attired in a robe of white satin e nntl took her seat behind a table, on which two volumes of Shalutpeare were laid. She then commenced reading the play, and (or nearly two hours (interrupted only by a recess of ten minutes,)proceeded, she in a thrilling and master .ly manner, to delineate the y Onharacters, doing equal Justice to all, the 'the comic ... e. were delivered with as much . good taste, and were as true to nature as the tragic. The fifth scene of the first net was the firsi which called into play the unequalled tragic powers of Mrs. Kemble. !rubella's. racier. lion of surprise. when s he-learns of her brothe Claudio'ii , imprisonment—" Woe me. For what! —thrilled through the audience like an &eau cal shock. Never belore have we heard sorrow and surprise no thoroughly blended. Indeed, the whole of this scene was delivered in the Must. touching and of manner. The severe austerity of Angelo in the cons. niencement of the second set, contrasted bombs fully with the mildness of Kraal., while the touch ing earnestness oelsabella, pleading for her brother, seemed so bring the whole scene before os. The' indignation with which ahe'reeeives the infamous proposition of Angelo to cave her brother's or flife the at . the espense of her own honor, o:twat] us scene in prison between the brother and sinter! Regret for his impending fate magus the comm.. nieut mingled with fear lest the love of lifebu t should be too deeply rooted in his bosom , Claudio says, To Contractor.. r•d at t ie j .tll MO/mot unol do Y of Novemtmr next, con•frotmo of n ±lnve Dam O.CM. Jam , }the', Nlaaden's Advenm re twenty-elglat males alli bo Toe Dam will be about 1100 fret long, and f high. n work arill be paid for in [wren , Bank Clue.. Itestdrs On on reservation of 20 kr cent m the c•innll,.. Ma Ci/l/if RCM will Le r. on el to geve ample sr•ruelty, cat3slactory tn the Bead tf 14. inn., for IL, nougat . .. of the work - al the r e e and in Ile mlourr race:Med in the enr.tract. l'lsi,s et Mt 11Inare work will be ektalted, n .1 spe• ciften.unii tar mu! delivered to thu contract:l ) l , ot the Con.ruaS's ii c c t.. Mehl:mad, by thr 5511 day 1 N., vember nort, os application ill the Sec rem of the Cornpurty, wALTER owl' [tr ' ',N, Chief Entine , ' J. 1 1 . k. 11 . C"- . Mehmobel , Oct 17.1,19 —{ort2.ldtar]w • il ißuracr,-,cairmcni WRITINte I'l•U 1)...,;.' SS i icrOmmand liillicit'. • Wrinini . F 41 ..' .. " . h ' '' r ona, iii inn pulaec, . a h.( rain art... i all I , smarts. It 11owa free from itke periwlthe.ret et. grove ap, and In the course of a few hours Ig:coax a dee boat. black. Wm. L.lnnincott A Non,' II A. l'aboestock Co . P t: fr. M . otrcrt Moor, Nleguewan .t. Du 41., nWirattandle, John 'ailie, ' -I. Wsghtman alto, Fronin.l4ll-rt, 11. A. Mc nntitlV k Co. 1 , , .. (t0y..., with Ilintorri, Ned no.l Ineb ' ' 1".) '''' LI A. "rsrsrtace'ret 07. , ' , t'..','," r--"'"31ig.T..7i,`L:g,.,n,,,,,,, ~, 4. wowor u cut Litton) , and Szcutb LOCAL NIATrERS. I 1 must 1 will cncounter Juricness as a bride, And hug It In my arms'' The tender rapture with which lvabella exclaimed "There +rink< rop brother: there ing Whet s . gra , . Di I intor forth a vows.' uMakes her intbgnetlian when the love of life tn. omphs over honor, and Claudio to broken accents murmur. “Sweet sister let roe live," the mese apv parent. The number and diversity of the characters to the last act—bialsella and Marianna, Angelo anti Lucid, the Duke and Esc.lns, afforded Mrs. iSirrnble an opportunity of deeelorna her full powers, and finishing a play so beautiful, in a rn.- nor worthy of it • We have never before seen an audience so de lighted na was this. Not a whisper was heard daring the whole pert - Sri:dance, and the applause which followed its close, appropriately marked the anoint:anon of her auditors. For our own part—thankful to bim. K. kig of fording us nn evening of such pleasant mental,en joymeut—we wlil long treasure the remembnince of her brilliant talents, and graceful. tmaasuriong our minds. The play of -Much ado about Nothing' will be read thin evening. Anuirrgn To run Bass—Messer. Ttiorntin A. Shinn and Waft= D. Negley• seem E yeaterdl, on motion of Wilson McCandless, sq., adnaitted to practice in the District Court and Court of 4u.1 . - tee Sessions. We•have not the pleasure of an intimate ac quaintance with Mr. Nesbit, but u ndes?tand that he is a young gentleman ot fine abilities, Wth Mr. Storm we are intimately acqhaint ed, and tenni one knowledge of his Wentz, Propti cs,thst a brilliant sneers, will attend his roster a• n member of the Pittsburgh Bar. Court of Quarter Hatalons. Tue Cot rt of Quarter Sermons yeas cuieuffrl al! a y yesterday in the trial of the Corninoniscalle s. Doers. Bowman; and St•rk 'Simone. !,CAL NEW,—There was no local newsinf an lund surrtne yeaterday. We Fee that the Maye , havtot recovered Imps hit accent traltspositutn , returned to 11,1 povOtnd we have no do4bt lb wail tAwl e' he more elmuJetnt. WHEELING took' —The Whooltog Brid'ge the groat and exciting theme di ounitontXtton ratehurgh yeaterday, and but one ?it/morons to legxllto, Was eapraed. by all dame.. it to: eodte door, unh It will Irmo dome, Inr to kilt'' Pm:there; and for Peonpyleurtta the /ate to 31,C et.l. Our Wheeling neighbors min probahiy nude, nn well its in pocket, but they should -h looked before they leaped.' Sew Shies m Pirrstotatt.--Parsing up Smith field street yesterday, oar attention was arrested tiy a figure in the window 01 James Reed': jewellers opposite Allen Brown's Hoot. It represented Sam Sl:etc, and was stand.ort on the top of a hind o. revolving tyrantol, .politely bowing to all the spectator. la his hand were a number °film dials plates of his ..gentutto Yan kee" el.wirs, and every dow sod then tm would opru lass mouth, a, th4fgh h 6110, "watches and clock., of e very dewriptinn, not to mention Jews elry: are sold here at the lowest cash prices." Asses-r.—OrEcers Klehardron ann Hill, of the day police, accompanied by several of the night police, went up to a house of bad repute on the hill on Saturday night, to arrest It matt named Kane, who was behaving in a riotous :manner, smashinglhe furniture and playing sundry. ether :reaks of that dencription. With great difficulty they succeeded in obtains Inc an entrance and arresting him, but not until attic, Iticbardson had heen struck o, the face by a brick hat, which neatly desuoyed one of ;ins eyes. We are afraid that such may yet be the case, though we understand that his physician Ise • yes that it will be saved. Nene was brought before Alderman &eel yeas rdny morning. and fined twenty two dollars hich he paid, and was discharged. Tux Marra Semen—Mr. Ferdinand Huet cl, who may be said so have been a martyr lb th► aw, has at last got out of us clutehee—all the barges preferred against him having been set led. Crt acne' Inermencx Co3lll,:l4.—The eitizena o Pittsburgh and vicinity hive now on excellent op partunity offered there of inverling iladr capital s the above named company. the elaik of which i house and now befog entombed et the bank-mg_ eseantre clime of 11. D. King, 4th fleet, o n ppos site the Farmers' Defiant Be,k. The act incorporating 'this company was passed by the last IL:lrgislature, and is one that we consider very favorable to the stockholders, having none 0 1 those hardener.° restrictions in it,that are inlet. fated to deter menfrom investing assoch institutions and we think there is one very important amid eattiOn that should induce 11.01 . 4 , every man in our col . ol7lll[lliy to take at learn wean of the stock and that iv, that the - profits arising from the pay. meets by the insurance shall not be taken out a the city, ita soon as paid, as is the ease in the ins emote of all foreign corn ponies, ever raiiiicile great fire of ISIS, until the W astern blameful Company went into operating last summer. The bootie will be kept torn this week out; Thursday evening, and all utletthug eittlyscul vs should do ro het° e thrtt.ume, RV they will the rid have a vote iu releming the officer., and from the _character of those that have already eutircribed ,4 .- that they will apply the rule—iis he honest, is he capable s w .n if i r „ r OZ A L T U ES-40 I.ble wed cott•iglanent nrU 'N1),10; B U ,, r ov ir —.AI kegs sad 1,h1:4 reWici*Adk,frAsil.teir p red 11. . %% ! 11/kif l {ZU llb' nr .ye 11 9 . 1 . • rtIAC II F-S--nut) In I;tore End . I 1: ,, A I AII DICK VS' ft. U U IV 01..LF.:, nip I • J r'"" T tuevtl 1,A,A11 .I)O,T,,A,6TUF.S—JI;bI. I,l,eßds.fsorrl. r ~.. by & CROZEII ;It -- I 1,1. i ;‘.,:1;:r., smyor !ale . lq R 11°6'.1:'," I-7' A 11M, rit.,".,, ~1..1t, JE i•Li...,:,—.Libla. rrc'd and Inv , ..tb. I, G iti-, T m• ',HMS Fl!IIN to & LRI li kit ' ''' ~ . .; poi rev's mud lor ...le CI L i. ; ,,...1 ,, i3A.2"--1113,spfr.rnozER, • w tit- AT rLi 11,11—s:19u, e eupc per !Mk I' I)ll:'K.,l.,4;._unvfo, .A11,1.1::;.,1:.,B,71,:rls:::::,,, Cc..:ie001.:,:::. • F1. , 111.1 I 1..J1'11.—.. 10 , 1 ii . illir l'i IN —J.4 ..,. e.. ~sel.: new l.lnattig 1101 lj •te, . 1 • nro, . ter ..I , lot _. . . , , norAurr 7 ._ ' iSA IA II DILA EN le ( 0 r t Y 'n r • r 11A LI.OW —.1 , 1 cast /I I . .1. I and,4 tram steamer El 1 eet.iot, 101 pedo by s km m i nimums novel %Same.. lasoialsat corn. S V , t PU41:13116, Nos. to 04P. t A MIrr,TING ofohe Stockholdstrs of this Company LI. oeill be held et their othee, No. an Water st., on Tnesay, the tg,h day 5 4November inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M" for the transaction of boll eel to be submitted to the Ibsen of Directors. An lection for thirteen., Directors, serve for the ensain yea+, will he hold at the r ot a eplace. ou the same d y, between the hours of 12 and 3 ,_ nos141“1 An d 7. NNEY, .1 r..Senl, COMMERCIAL 'CHART, And Pictorial Adv• e for Town sad Connery. 5,000 Cople• published and distributed judiciously throughout all be adjacent States, and on the West ein Rivera. gillE advantages, no the advertiser, to be derived by this system, are numerouri-xhe nature of his busi ness, the name and location of his house, ere Intro duced into every city and town throughout the Out extent of the adjacent States, that are depending upon Piusbran fr market for h e rale of their produce, and the u purchase of supplie r s The benefits accruing from this method of publishing, will present them ralver to all Merchants, Manufacturers and Dealers, Who will devote • few moments to Its candid review al. To render the Commeroial Charts more attractive and important to Advertisers in general, an elecant Lithographic Engraving of Me CITY OF PITDS BURGH, will be inverted in the centre. oan Al manac for liso, and several beautiful wings,eng Ma king the Cstrimercial Chart and Pictorial AdVertirer • elect of importance, beastly, and constant relerroce, wherever it may be planed. Copies of the Charts Commercial en atliay & Co's Roth Cosset also, at the Journel Office. lit all the principal Motels of thi• city, a Chart will bedlcd in • splendid gilt Frame, to render the name an locntion of advertise. coon familiar with travel. era, and to benefit their tonal J ULIO 11. SAE t CO. OPINIONS OP THE PRESS. Reveal:4m Cnuorr.—ltlr. Rae . a piano( advertising i ettpast one. Wr. should recommend an pe pants wb wish to hove their bus/noes thotouedv advettioed, t secure % at e early • rapid filling the complement Mr. Roo It worthy of confulene • and out mor e cony depend upon the fulfilment • hi contract.—Hattisvdte 1 nurnal. . .... R.klell ADV. 191,141 Cl:WM—we have seen © 0 Rae'. Commerctal Advertising Chart It is h.drom , and better adapted te the purpose for vehich it Is ith tended, tkan the meet imzgazative could 'novo.. The arrangement is really pretty. sod the , cards are displayed with an ability that refleeta credt upon our friend 1.11. Jones, printer, of thin city. The Chart is handminely colored, resembling • map, and will prove an ornament to any place where it teal be displayed. Th. systenf ol advertising is becoming popular. and when tu 'the hands of sorb men . Mr. Rae, who. promises are acunne—not mere emptlf Phraw• —the pube will go into the system at once. The full amount, five thous.ll copies. has been printed; this we know, and we believe s tlat the remlining part of the contra. that of puttinglbem op in , minas towns, on boy e, J.., on the westerft rivers. will be honestly complied with. We shell be mistaken if those who thank:dr Rae, will not have good reezion to thank h. for the Idea. Mr. Rae is well known to us es a responsible and respectable on., and all that he k i s r . irs i c y z will, we ars certain, be fulfilletL—{Seatt's We are pleased to see vo trimly of ourtine largest bait in no. Louse. and anufaeltrers adver r fi in Knee Mammoth Commercial Chart. It is oarm convie non that ibis Chart will benefit the tontine" of St. Louts generally. mare than ell the small charts and maps which have been pub:sake/. i} Aan object for a man to •dvertwe in this —its beauty. general character and vast enc.:dation. speak for awl,. blerctiants and he adway men WhO have notaieured• ear& shottld lose no time to doing so.—(Orlon. St. Loins. ..... "••••• RA Wit C.0104.C10t. Cll.. —W. meld adman uter chants. manufacturers, nod bUsllmth .c. -rose this Chart. Nrom appevance of the sacsicrn noes, we should Jodie them to be eounthntlY useful They are beautiful and attractive, and oth. Le ine th e ease. they mart be an excellent me dumb mite known any leasineu , either in the city or coun try too Rae has heretofore rives fall B ansfuenem his nromath. have been( olhlled. If understanding Ma ba.nea e and rib/C.lex his pledges,.ment success. he ato.iy descrvea it.—(Phlladelphia N. American and U. tt•tw We have analyzed this system of adverttstug to at'i as hearings, and have route to the conclusion that its one of. II not the very best method of advenlaing for • aenersi character, sod we cmithdly express Our °mama. and advise all merchants artd.denlera who have • country. at Well as a local trade, tc, glee their •dveresemenut to Me. Rae. We believe he is in every way adapted to the bumness —he appears. as if by in saint, to know how sod where so advertisement will benefit • particular Lathiest. Having traveled over the whole boiled States . , he has • knowledge of al- Mort every learn and •diage—Ated this knowledge Its• sate atm in •the general dtstribouon of his charts. lie Les made this system of advertising his butte., and came. oat the old adage of "HouestY is the best Polt , El..' )le. never to oar belief. pntauses more Man he does; m e , many intimudes he has done room. Atom we reiterate what we have r pii before—lf • merchant, des). , or numuf•cturer, wiahea too haste!. Illerialeb ly Uteare, pose an advertisement to ?dr. Rllo.—{rbit. Coin Eatimiihm- novd - - PISTB.O I .SOMI Tlirere are more things M heaven ald earth Titan err dreamt" of in plt.,kitteOphY T HE vntruEs of Ws remarksirilo remedy. and I the co stmt application or it. 10 Me proprietor, has reduced him to have it Pm UP in I , ohles with a bel. and tit/cellona for tit, benefit of the nubile The pidTtyrol-EUNI proeured from • we!, in this roots), at a depth of four hundred feet, is a pure !Ma dill.... ral salad, "f athear atty cnetnieel e haw. tout tut; al fora. front Nato..Great Lithrstorit! Thar it roost, Nape/Ilea tearable a number of diseases, Mimelonger • matter of wirer - mm . li There ale many Mimes in the rocana of lianas, which, if known, might be of vast Iliafilluess in alleviating sudenuit, and rt.- toeing the throat of health and vigor to many a suf ferer g hefore ttie propnetor thought of putting it up I °tam it had at rrtalalattaet. for 11,e care of di.- ease. The convert and daily Increasing oath toe,t. anal several rentarkstile cams it has performed. i• sure indication of risi Were popularity nod wale apt - ene appbeation In the curc of disease We do apt wish to mate • long parade of certifi cate.. we use eussetousatiat the medicine cars soon work As tam the fitverr of those who suffer and snit, to be Waled. Whilst We do not piano fur it a universittAppitem diseam, ore tinkostia ungly e•y. that lon g oth. of C.hronle at r• valled Am tlet•s• may WO hmtmerste4—all d orte.e• of the morons ussees, ascii as CIIHONIC II',NCIIITIS, oONS1:311-TION On IP earl rouge l Aslons. and an diseases of the air passage, LI V oil DIPEishIA, Diarbrea. Diseases al :he Iltr.ddrr .14 Satinet a. Patna Ira the Bock dr Side. Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia, betonstie Pons. Goo. l'epipelas, T. tier. Ringworms , Ba;tur. ktrut., d Sores, -Se tat eases of demlity ,• sorting Imar exposure, or to and irvoirat eled cases of Ws !await - in. aril! hrtng relief It will act as a general TONIC and AI.TORATIVE ruin ClLReak, tone and energy to the whole More, Inner.. tog °bordello Decamp the sluggish furienons,whiell cam. Om.= wod a loretdrii cototututt.tu, and pito. increaotit and hewed eitter•T ail the organs of Lie 'Fite proprietor kuours of sorrel macs of PILES. that resoled every other treatment. get well under rue use or the Pe:IRLII..e.U3 I 'fora ikon time. 'rue prom eon i.e giver , to ant Orson who desires it. N en e , i woken . Me signature of the proprietor. Sold by We pronneto , Al. ny IL F. It..J.,LERS. 57 Wood rni and—KkASF.ltt. 11'j11/WELL, corner Wood st. and Virgin WllO are his Rood-dry , regularly' appointed Age nts is 31 11V.ft. near Seventh or. 9 - Tu . - 1 tat''ai-s-i5ll-1•401 C lIES.SE; OW 5 bp. extra do . just received and for ) it CANFII.I.I ) sr& bY ~''''.. _____._ .. IFXSE----,2:0 bza extra Ctearn Cheese; C REAM Cr ~, d . bi d n,moth dot Reed dos day at the Donor and Cheer< Depot, and for sax ny Imal 1 JLI CANIIELD Ay 01.1 RUTTER- 1 r bbl. In cloths reed ibia , day and IA. lot . aale 1 y nov7 .1 0 CAriI;IELD , • .IiF.V.SWAX" 'l';'llnlA7llo.tgglnt7l:lg, or gale by ...a lot and Wood or. cornej . ___ IVISO nbis for sale by U n t o T v7 N • U- , 0 A FAWN k:StOCK 1 CO B°"1-2"-,"HottaAbitx.11.114°' bIICO n 0.7 t _i f I IlfoL0„1.11Dr.,L1711F-/ttlAcasi,AlltstrVirocci / a Te c n3arrn, ‘lOO7 CO n r Er 10 and Woad Kr I)ALSAII LOPAVii-012 lb. just reed, for sale by 6.,7 R E 54at1.1.1 , R6 1 . ROVEDI3IIIIt.i D'rrrelr I., M a r nd tar aala y . nov7 .. R le. SELLERS NUTrjag,t4tlefllba tort reeo =l4 - for - iido bt 07- R E SELLERS (.2;An0.1,17V0020 AM. lost reedan/ f/r i fr i l , L b ,. y as A 5110W.ROOT-1 bbl pat reed and . forrVat.itY: - 11. nov7 111, 1 ,1 -_,,j___•° .5.... MeeKtAK'Cts-1141TE. „ ibliT4ii:3 l , tan in morn and for .ale by Droll] STUAdRT(..:..II.I,L.Lby 111IILRGS.- 4 7 blot. No I, try. a ' lITULIT .1, SILL ZOACCU-40 Lox assorted for gale tgy B es rood STUART & SILL iZALT-30 bbl. in atote and for able by 17 noviRTUART•ar SILL. Is 10SHEN CHEEI74I•'-,-.1"-naetto---getr. atore and tor saw 63 by Ms, STUART & SILL, ID) Wood al - j RD -11 bnla No 1 Lori, R A CUNNINGHAM oil cotivtgitMent and for 1.4 atale by nov , . No 0 Commermal Row. "I/ R 0001.9---60 doa Corn Wormoe }oatreceiged;iTd Lfor .de by nova D urr EX—I:I trona It egg finny trotter, ~a ndy 6 bbl. I) Roll, In cloth, pat received and foj v e ti , l oi b riE , D ,notri ' I 2 1; 331, „ ' PUMICE gITHITF; , - - 1 off:4;r ', l - ia h MGR o IT GAN ir,:t'll' ' A m l ‘ l LAM PLII. - ACi6-3 calk. for sec by Cr ll • ' . 5011 N D•OIORGAN r vain at retaility 1,-?(',llv'sii--"k-.,y'''', ° ,I:TrIV 1) MORGAN 7 5- keg.naiads for sale - by jjAnfoilv).s-4" c R DALIELL & CO, Liberty at 1!01.1, .ilurtgnit. bbl. and 30 keg. good Roll .. e .,..t::: ,. i laudini, for sale b a , Ynntlira tea, and for solo by lIII‘', j g DILWORTH & CFI ) 111. - rrEit -1 bnis tuat reed and for sale by 1,,"" . CRAIG & SKINNER, , 1111.01 ' No VI Market ?I ( iNninntS -.0 14,1.10,0 roe 2 and C tom I. ),O n T o . v r. e lr r ES- sat hbla roar re c o l id A nd,l • liv i t i , i)t, - Tp-.R,4 hen. ''''-";;;1'Itaij;IG I: - 1:INN„R PIG BRAD- 0l PM+ in. reed and for sale by 1111,•71 C IgGRANT:4IWatea BA n ll „ ,..l 4 FAUffinn Ihn for .ale by C 11 U" C 17 'l l'''' 5 1 .: I n' t , . A‘ , ' i ' . ) :11 ; -1 1 12" .:- )'4' 1 hL : " 2 -1 1 ,N7 : . t ' u t' i .i-r g i . : :: , 45 , 1 e .. 71-i'l , a . rn .yi ld .s. i s i. l. 7 "‘ iii % N g i: ' ,l. ° l,T p i Ce ., g ,i r ,li T t i :ol .l- ,.. "W' , (6 ,: '0 ,, . k : .:. R"' ....: . ,,, Ae :. .. L .,, 1 , 'N r i d 0m'.0' ,,, 'Y -lik.„11-4'.,,Ill 1; - : ' , 1, li k it I: , .'‘'.. .1 ~ , 1 , :!_; . :1 1 -4' i '' di STU AR T'' ' ':, . ~ 71 :,, ,f -. uu . r t P A : A .. F t . :R l i . : r o 2 o : : ~.. ~', 0INI " " 1 i : 4l n 7. :I t e' and't nt ante for CIORN M EAL-12 bbla pelmeTur awe by riiio: 111106165-'Oll doiin;tirre and fo'ranlnby ‘-, nov, sTUART A SILL. Iltt Wood at . . BSTUART & 5411.1. . COPE A BREVFIN,I.E. \rl'w • A -30 bids instone -- lIOVY STUART & SILL I:::rANACS Garman. for sale by C ARBUTIINI , T non jisks In, Polodked and unona. re. 1 eetved and for sale by nove C A RIUTTIIINOT Ila TP;i4. 0 ..11E fringe, reed and for We by nave C Aftlarrt6arr l'or - sali xnurnisi,TiitAlD-4 No" 11, , ""' C u, d•c NOT S u DlmEy ay , .ord WHOLESALE DRY -GOOD-S. A. A. MASON & CO., SO. 60 MAIM= STEWET, PITTI.I3I7II.OII,CPA. 01.7 c0 1-D respectl'ully:call the attention of city od 40 eases and bale . of TICYLNGS, al Me York, Hata AND Mei 'ehatils to them choice stock of thin. Amoeken and Otis CompWeL FALL AND WIRT) IR GOODS. wioeh tor extent avd ,035... bo le' Red, Whate and Yellow FLANNELS, •• Variety boa probably never been equalled ut the Wes,- mu country. Posms , dog Me same fsedities and ed. , r_fporte osortmot forsalolqw by Me bal• or piece,. vantages emoyea by hhustern Homes, by haring one , ``` ..nn 'Ur n . , fmmtutmeutse en. of the powers cone., troy in the tham ng the man. BROADCLOTHS item CAPSWERES, of the haania ufactorers, • Importers one Auction Houses, they aro ; Brewers of S. Sleteith. Sou, Hill & Oupetues, Par premised to oder the s. tine miventoes in style mud , nom, Irani, /cc.,,,,y0,,,,,, „yd., prices, that can be el ilnined a the largest Eamern 1 ,O C i ,abS.S4N.L.TS. ~ .i . E tNr . :,...d r . ..T WEE. r ' S ' - ' 44 .I.e. of 110..1. . Receiving large contd. tnments of DD OF from ;33 coca MUSLIN DE 4/LISS end CASHMERES, 0. ., ~,,,,,,„/,,,,,,„,,, of N,:w Enciand, they ere .bled ,of the Hamilton od ManchesterWerk4 .1.11, fa Mm to offer these [aids at le• s rates Man they min he pro-1 sortment of Fomer cilaintractlinre. , riled of the Flamm rob mm. 20 cases eolo MI/BUN% for We hi the ease at The Met that their conh lightneni peters reen if o llet Af ell.' once., greater adventepe• In e v e ,-y description of go v., . Ilrown Bleached Od can he had East, has lye 1 eleartr d........d to NELS, ael th....a mak C' esr e also d C C ANTI3 Ienk Li N nli t r. their namerous Petrel,. They fee eonfident if him- ALPACCA.S. BOMBAZINO3, and COBURGS— h.4 ....,,,,,,,p1. . , ~,,, g t , will ego.. :dare than 20 cases. Also, 300 piecm French Alen., their stock, they will yowleminim that they can buy Lyonese and Peronismo Clmha the same quality of set se. prices . 01l save SILKS and SHAWLS—Mai LS - m op. of blob od foex the east of tramporstion.,and ecesPay expense. StlMl nearly 10KKI Shawls, long and more, of all; and time of . hlotern Imp. T ho r rem.ion • part of kind.. Also, Vrotes, Cloak Sr,,rfs &c. their stock which Will aways be found fresh and eon:- A full assortment of Whim od Linen Gomm. Alm, pletet— Hosiery and Stoves, Embroideries, Laces and Trim , 300 CASES CA EICOES AND !MINTS. from Ihe i rain., Mourning Articles, all qualines,usee od Make Merriumek, Hamilton, Coeheco. and Co. of Blankets. panics: also from he Print Work• of Donnell. P Allen, RIBBONS-50 boom of rich Bonnet tad Cap RP. Sprague, Richmond & Carr, Chapels, America, I be.: also, Velvet, Silk., Satins, Ite., with every oth ey description of /Millinery articles, Ta il ors , Brim. 40 cares SINGH/O , IS and CHINTZE/5, of the beat i ming., &e. &c. manufacture. I All of which, t ogether with a geom.' assommeaL of lo wa case• BLEACHES MUSLINS, of all the well Goods of the newest and lownable myles, will kn and approved makes, foe sale by the package ,be offered at an extremely &drone. at /meets' pnee, New Good s constantly received. 3tM bit BROWN MUSLINS. 01.11 widths. qUali- All Merchruns are cordially solicited to call. , span A. A MASON fr. co. ti,.. and pl MISCELLANF , OUS. Pittsbnrgh Steam Marble Works. 0.1144 LIBERTY, oppootte Smithfield timer NMarble MnnJes, Monumenm Tomba,Tatile Topa toe. • large •artely of- tbe mom beautiful kind, made of rho finest quality of (omen tool dometue marble, always on bond or made re order. by me aid of MI , ebinery, the shorten nom. and at the low.. prico N. 13.—n. Quentry Trade furainbed late all kintle' -of Marble at far lota,. rates All orders promptly at tended to at 2t4 Liberty, opposite Smithfieid et FY.3"l"° w w WALLACE filirr MACHIN 126. jTILL'S Pala nt Stone or Freneli Thar MA / MUNI% beet arnele of the kind Roane thei run light, elan Dud, do the work well, and will last life unit. Abort.moo( •them are nt sae. in toe bem mills in the 00111121. and we' hone the atro••gast told, many of onespEdnt parent as them annertority dyer all other Saari linshinea. For further nerneutars, ad dress the I,ll,Vslber at 211 Liberty at Pittaboralt. my:Atallfatt_ IV IV WALLACE •••• • STEAM ENGINES AND HOILEItg—For grist, rasa and other rattly, always on hand, or made to ord on very short nutted, and at the lowest aria.... All or. 17e•Ta rn „:3• PdY I'nmdeyd3ltio at 2'l (V S AT.I e , ' A nr PLATTER FARIS—For land, and other purport always on hand al 24.4 Lanny at. my'At W WALLACE .. T1)11.A111.1e7.F , ..NlENT—Alwaya on hand, sill I.l,‘gly W W WA LLACE GRINDSTONFS—A;I N. O and gnu, n . hand et 244 Liberty street otrAt W IV WALLACE _ • TEAM TIGASSI TEASSIt IT sa wish elnusiro that she isobeenbera inform the esusessa of l'assburgh and as. {YWily Na they 6nve c m 71:a ' s r: " J e" , of rtsiladelpina, so seer,— their auporior And ardlhorr rA nge K s ' ;; D e ifops constantly on hand. They) are near) and .00tdolY Put packs of},}anJllb. each s O fst i llTe ' t ' r ' e " d ' a s of Toe. ono , hoods of dm col:tern and • wssis aiL to totem the depot dr v 1 1 *"'" . ' 6:i n'c' ;s ron 1'.13 1,10 1 g e Wg: r i der - -GO 71 1,00 1 1,10 llenn --- -• 1 . 6 4 7o+ I, l on 1...11 . ..5 Y. T 115 uon • —4O 0l 75 1.00 IP 1,50 !Slack 3 7 / 1 50 1 " 4 " . "` S Sine and extrn rt e '1 1 te.l 1:11 1,50 We vortll vorarT4no ail nor Tr tri We td. la ird cyual th e ft notate...a to ote, told on this ...ity, nod •hostd they eat prove tt.ceptable to the teen. the can be yen turned, and the motley ‘5lll he remolded, ael 0 la only rah that underetandong we ~ I We act r fair mat. that the public man he able to Idgo between our r.... and those heretofore allot tos other corsolownes to Pots City'. Alt lover. of rirh dentinur and r.d Pnvered TI:AS o &outgo etao ... a LW. For sale b 5 100. 0 NI 101. Yu* CO, N W corner ith and Per, .treete and 1. Vtot NG 5. "f• , S IV corner hi and Roc. etrvela PRIOE ItEDOCED. BURR 1111. E SFIINP . mufnoto it'd to Fran,. <alums., on h, liouior and .0114 airy-0 lame :moor, mese, the brat of the kind, always on bond at greatly reduced pro., ALSO—French Mar Nll , l • Stoneo of my won inatfflcture. mutle of a t ot sod sop-norqualit rof Mock.. Throe Uort mode under my own &opera, tan d a n,e, . s nd 0 0 100 at roar the joints etose. cod to !IL. , tti loecks m r .eo d tine of a uniform treopoi . , !be, arr worztoed t he 01 tho sort halt quonty. i•art-rinr lo a thes stororted from Fr a e•-: and al.o ooportor r: of mo.” ma d, coot Il l .:no: p :1111.10 lokar ever b :fore 1.0,n ndered in too , m3rlgot I.ltare 110; Mill lMni.l. o , 411%trr$ (,loth., Oil nnm Lrr., nllb, belt ctmlov Tikiitetl to 0100 54.1c;.3.,..6.11.,5 0 ourcom ,- r. and 'at greatly roduct d prioes 31111 Mill 11lort., und Pick. Plat form c.!, Corn aud Co, ronin, Griet and Save Mill ` e •unos of Ironi, sod Form-tong In 000- AI , order. ar.nioly 1011.1‘.30.1 to et; Ott 0.11,1 ti Lob. erty street. near tar Cana, Pitt.ho rot, 00 - 10 1.1 The Chortler& Coal Company. triI'ORYORATED. yyDOKS opeo mul,.ertp Lon to Nn •toOk of Con' Compa., " on r.:14 Oft , NIc••••12y. Jai ••• ,'"••• • oe ofhe of Z W. Kruougton. l'onn n.l.lo.trufeh ~tll3h• W 11KNWit.'1 , 111 Aaron chmed Rollers TO TIIE NimiveAc rt.:Kr:Rs OF IRON. under,oend Ime recer, 11,, I 1,, Patent from l,e 60VrrtLIM" git the 1 , :,a, , ,1 ritntes. for pew and nort,or n , nde c,,ettpte wlor , lt non now Pdrord re , e e, the, It INVA FOFN• DRY. Pttteburglt by I' A RR V. soorr a‘ a bali erpt per poorp , l lowrr the,, Oho , toad,. .and other ronnopeetureo The Rol , er , are ,u,nor rerP•cuon of epriece to c ony hither° moth., IP lore mentotaciured from the %meow. , Iton ol couetrs. JOHN C PARRY Pools and Snot. A Sl'LlZiti DID owrtrurnt jo.t rre,ve,l,lkuttaltle ter Athr Fall •nd V:toter Trade. voo.iettog in 'lnn of MOIEN'S, C II HILD REN'S WARE, of ever, yawn) and .tyfe, and a: to atm toe time , . Tho, wl , lnn7. to purrho.o. who4evale trail will fi tt to Ott,. dray-lake to give us a tall rod examine for them , oivr. TPotTil st - AirT, oett7 corner reurth amlSoathfie,tl ma. ILT Dont forret the plow.- - - - . DIONOINGAIIRLA ROUTE. Only 73 plllca Vln Ilmonuville and c09114-!land to ISaltunote and • T H LT: tutn4 bOtt lenve. YhllnJclph~the when, above the , dailf, at r u'elork prert.ely , Timeto Baltimore, 'rum time to 1'402201mm 40 hour. The eve ilia:, bust leaves teept dm eninta,) al 4 ot!oeic. ra..encer. ht leutnng nu the turning boat, will tro,n the menet., tit .tagea nett dtv• .4 ems nronl MO , ttetel. `..eure your tteltet. ut the Oilke, )4onongabela .11uute, er Chitties Hotel. uell3 IT J NIF-rtgl NI EN, Ato.o , Gel thogr•pl4le Etstablialtin; F WM. SLIBULAIht A NN, Tintd at. oopureite Yon-Olime, I'Olsluirgh.—Nl Aenda l Showinliu, Luklu. Ar,hocelural and 313rhitu• Drawing., uud V t.tugui Card., or treo nn a, on none, and hooted to rota, Gold, Ikon. or Bloat, in the most approved pat to, and et t S:hr vutoto rerotoaable ttter! ortll 1110:4173017.-)138 AT DIGHT'S INfillY l andztb intorm hot friends and • tuni cs, the pubite in gonna', th at hi. hat just reeetved his full supply of tail goods, cheap and good as tome. cat pieces Glaris and colored French, English and Amens an Broadcloths, of every a traulity. till pieces black and barmy Cssiotcre , 3111) patterns Westing-, many ol which can only be lad at this establishment 53 Jos otertno, lambswool and cotton Shirts and A full and handsome Int of Cravat., rrlk Banner. ehtef,S.pentler, Gloves, An. A large dot of fine and common white Shinn Also on hand, 4101 drub, blur and black felt and bleu. ko I Over Coat., from 3300 to 615,151. • 400 dress, track, box am: sack Coals, from 113 to BYO. A large stoct o, hoe and common Ilan., from Si to 610 pct pair. 700 Vesta, of v'arinu. ma to rad, from 75 et% to 69. A fine assortment of lathrs and gentlemen" Cloaks, • Aiwa,. on banal. 1t.4311M1/ITI work tall' rocotor particular atten tion. Ilanduttne garment.. and good fita war ranted. Any Perron •rt want t.l clothing can In Ito atott.l to their ctn.,.oattafnetion, nt IV. ItltillY'S • cheap Call Clothing Store. 1 . .h1 labertY an °cad= SAM'L. GRAV E MERCHANT TAILOR, , INKS, LIQ,VOIII3, OBLOOKIALICS. La. It • CI rItHE subscriber is Just receiving his Fall Stock, em- L bracing all de sethrtions of FORE IGN BI'. CLAIR. STREET, PITTSDURGII, Ludo., Who n lesale and , Orecoes, gars, Retail it trade, 1.1 cannot bec. He edam inducements to theac tion /Car InCre , nre irnow I c Among the articles for sale, be woald eon !, I.:lti YORK AND Pll I LADEI.I.ItI A, 111,1111 tile following: Brandies. in en ekes Rochelle, Bordeaux end Corn. And now iIIeCIV s ing a fine aWortrne al nt ilf pipes, quer - tete and octaves, all Ado , CLOTHS, CASSIARRES AND lESTINCS, ' nunchentis Jamaica t , plrinn or Tot: BEST QUALITY AND LATRST itTY1.1...., 5 d r , yi d s, paosed d ; do Scotch and Dish Whiskey; Itl3 bbl, Old ltlonmagahela Rye IlthiAlreri :11 Are gal demiyon do do; IBIS; Il pkgs Madeira and Sheriy Wines, in by pipes, Anal , less awl laet :5 pkg. t lawn and TenerillC Wines, (quartered .5 tam. Purl Wines to pipes, hi pipes and quitters, 57 hid. and India We Street and Dry badge Wince; At hbis Old Reach Brandy. 101 Racks Rio, 11.4.0 r• and JamaCafreal 75 rites Y. IL. G. r. and Chulau Teas; • awOrled Tobacco; 61,1,1 s and hales :Stine% IS bids (little Sugars; 3: Willow Hash Solid Oil; • • Jo Chlinpagne Wines, pis .a gk 171 caws(l dos) Claret Wines, 411 do stook or Rhine . dot tx do :sauterne Wines; SO do Muscat; I 4 do Black. Leter Brandy, 11000 Imported Cigars, together with Cordials, Dernitmo.Wicker Flaaks,Scolch Ale, Brown Stunt, Aroma is Wine Linters, Battled Wines and Li. Au °. of (DA,. kiads,AnnisettesCiaraccia.Absynth, Marestpano. Ordeal, Coates, Hock and Cologne Rot a Atiriglf lel., Sardines, Lobsters in jars. Cape ., ishves, ketchups, S. S. Cluocolmee,Corls, Bunch ?duet, Mattel...scup. Ilexes, Masheraand PillebUnh nlao niacinnea generaliy. JACOB WEAVE:3I,Ir, rem° cto -.11 Fi""” Whieh he r. prepnted li> mak, 41 ordo IN THE BEST NIA NNEH And 4n the Intr., Fest, it , 14 Oct Y 5 , Reads Bradt QELLERS'' 17111'1;11 SVIRI . -- Eft.° W I. lt , i , .en : CI 1.1.1.. C;era of tile C.ourt of quarter 5c..... of Bawler County: Mr 'll. K. ""tiers—Sir, Some time in the ',skater my wire was afflicted "rid. a severe and d i stre.•ing cough, and hearing of your in raluaioe t:nogh S, ryp, I par. chased a bottle from Si. T. Tri , ohle, of 11r01,,e water, and after taking portion of it two or tiara eventriV on gain, to i•Cd, she fnut.d Wm.-Meta rrliet, o• Mini se•era Wends have been t,,lsevekt in s. %ere c 0... I sin therefore oati•Ged Mut (tend It ... Mad valuAl.le medicine, and wou.d recomm II io those who may be afflicted with .ve re Couos and i x .:ict i z. nt,DEN. , March 24, 1,13 Prepared and .old by 11. F. SI-U.1.1 . 1S :ii Wood and .Id by druggists generall), in Vittsnuralt oml Al- ; net 0 leghny _ LOGAN, IVILSON Sr, CO ~, NO. 100 WOOD STREET, A. n slt N ale " o % l radEflENt'llirli'lt';.," ‘ll.:!‘rdl.Z.l.g,i'S'AS LIMY, and IIAISPEN 14".11S . TOOLS, direct from the manufacturers in Eulope and Alltrrie. and are n, w fully prepared to oder goods a, such prices as an fall to plea, and would pull cularly reqtiest \ me vocation of Merchant. who are artist the hot. of go. tog ,t, an wc , ec , confident they will find, Orr a thorough CI11111111.1 • 11'.. that oar prices wilt entaPare manriably won any ho.t.t in PhVadeildim or New govt. ..---",2_ C H GRANT .ty Ina m tioodo via CAM, !.. YOuldri'ploa on Li, 100, 'O , ‘• °"'fiOn'OV. ' II.I7. 4 I " I>IePADEL .4 k Co HOUSES, [JUTS, FARIS, &c. ME= THE desirable property oceopled try gee in the bor ough of ManchesteF.,,behig a good cottage Beet Ili/UPF— and Two Acres of Groond finely improved. Possession given immediaielj. Ihilrgulrei of Jas. An d""rici't "i*V. the pp prof. Fourth st FOR RUNT. A WELL FINISHED ROOM, suitable for a Variety or Gentlemen'} Fumistuog Store. .10b so—Several roams suitable for nifiees or Ar tisto's rooms. _ E D GAZZAH, eiletf • (Mee Third street, over Pao Office. Valuable Waal ID for Sale. LOT OF ( ROUND in pc Diamond, Allegh e ny ACity. adjoining D. Pressley's property, feet iront by 120 feet deep to alffert alley. Tale aldispb tab l e, aml Say. FEW further panellists apply to J It Miller, Federal stmef., Allegheny may, nearly upposito M. Jetakins , storm ito pio subscriber. ROBERT LINN. -scale. Oct 7.—( 117 d2l• •-•• • . - 2THE very dedtable residence in Allegheny City, lately oecupledby R. W. Poindexter, and me.eU3ll sm. immediately. For tern., apply at thin Orate, or to W. W. WIL SON, hlarket st. oodi ABUSINESS STAND FOR SALE.—Ttie Brick Building . and premises its Dimond alley, nags unmarred fly Mrs. Hoyle, having twenty feet in front, gatending tuns towards 'Fourth street one hun dred sod metro fest. For terms, apply to oetl2 GEO. COCHRAN, 26 Wood at - Eal — alliiiiiiiis•l•. f 1 NE PAIR 14:COND HAND ENGINIZ 10 inell V cylinders, 4 feet stroke; 2 Boilers, TO feet 1014,3: inches in diameter„all In good order, will be sold at 2 bargain,,( application be made soon They have only been in aw about lb months. For gasticalars, inquire of iyl7:dif IL RAYS, Gazette office lawou.-itatjur—The mansion noiric tiow occupied by Mrs. Atwood, aimatad at Qaklind, with So asres of ground attached. The bbuse uspacious and convenient, and the ground we i l Isis provel Apply to IifiSIPY, 44.1.hi1i4 it 01, I , Hater .t POR SALE—A 117 — kh House, (bat one year built.) and Lot, on Robinson street, Allegheny, neer old Bridge. Price low .d tr.Mlll !W.-. Inquire of jr2l li 5,C,110YE8.,•11 0 Second at • OR RENT.—The three to Linea I/whitin gg liottae, on Liberty, between Hay and Idadiurf treets, near oceopi4OeY peon—ntinike Wrsh. Wallin, or at Seeklinte 'Of 3,OLINSTON & STOCKTON, corner Market and Third streets: A THREE storied Dwelling noose. being tbg second house from Penn sweet.t.gr_ In. 5,4.,4ft: un 'DT street. Darned:nett Vow:Aswan gtvm , gmintvr a' .A DlTOttlit, Attorney at utt,-ooteu corFoortb meet, between Cherry alley and G rElfit street. intfidtt Yon gill 7N: • FOUR new two story BnelaDwellilny nooses, roll Golcbad and In complete order, on Genies avenue, Ris Ward: Possession riven aoly Rem Imo. Regains of mull \wetaco, 06 notner dY liberty and Hand as — Two Long tor sale. tIE subsenbers will sell at pnvare sale, those tare valuable Lots of Ground, situated on Tomato at, Lit the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each baring g front of Ai feet, rimitigg . baek lOU feet in 4vtbito oto feet alley. upon 'Hoch is both q stone trait, 5:5 by 101 feet which coittaini stone enough to build eellvs for two emstfortAtde dwelling houses, and In front three c th ree shade noes, of b years growth, and the side wait is payed with brier, all of ahith will be sold al Pilo Pittsburgh and Allegheny, •or County Scrip, mul he taken in payment. J k II PHILLIPS, N d Web& at., I . or to W5l. HENSON, immedtatert itt2,roanet said lots. iny22 1, - ton 2,ALZ-Weire lots eligiblisricialCd - in the fin r Wang town of Brimingham. The In are sits tett on Denmea street., num - bered in F liantnlnn'S pit 75,79,00, SI and 82-Lot No 75 fronting 0/ factor; 'gt, ry,Ann street. 70 feet deep; the tabu kn.. Bake! loon eneh. by to feet deen. T'',ole-GtoaLtr pars of purchase money may Fe rnaai fnr tic year., tiled by tuortnl iu Tz i r ric niers, :ware of myln ItO eecond at V iivieCiar 11jDOUT mili above Lock No. 2, at Ltre to nt Pine Run, Monongahela Civet. The Coal is of the tom es, 11.11. j, nnn Of neeoll4. Any nut:rater oil from twenty-five to a hundred, might on olownwl. Person. , desirous of pareltAring, an yell on WALKER REED, on the premises, or Win. Rvpd. :gnaw& the Post °doe, who will give any lA. niriontion conceriang the property. The above Pt I sold'at n gretral.wcaut. agar:dam lilt m.:7- A good brick Ilyrell.n.t Noose. satiate or Rnitirtwin street, Allagnony. Enquire of msly noLOMON SCIIOVER UttitioALE. CliErtY FOR SCVAP-A lot of ground r.lluate on WebsWr sweet, feet from Ili ;rll street; tat :'vet (tent irt Webster, by feet to a fiv t e rat allay --gene close to cow epurt house. :Price wq,a. Terms, F.Do rash in hand; balance to one, Doge and roar years tenet the first of Arilii-lo.m. County and Citty. it n erreen n, L i a -4"'"rjArlS Lund t S St Or t;,_ , ITUAr [JIM the gortongsholariver,nhottUal L.) room tor tworah and 3 miles gorge laud tne immediate notstatinhood of &Loam. Lyon & Shorb, Rua AIL Mtn Boron's parch... This Bon 'body of Coal will be all LLo low price of 633,per acro-onit turd is Laud, balance in five canal annual payments,' without Interest- Title indisputable. Location very good-eon.t bet sgasacil For further particulars cnoturc of BAL I Y, who has a draft of said pro. petty. Residence% aLbolow Forry,rdr , Adams t atcw. N. B There is another warn of coal on this Mat, about SO feet above the lower, of excellent gaality. S. B. _ • - 9iiitnable Braiding Loin for Salo. 1711 E eubscribers are authorized to offer .o private I, pale, and upon highly favorable terms, • tutmbol , ef very valuable Bedding Lou, conaptisteg • large poruon of the Lola numbered 67, 60, 69 and 711, to Woods . Goimral Plan of the City of Pittsburgh, utna. ted at the south cestwardly corner at Penn and Wgne Atteett, irouungl4o met on the feretea, and Wend° g alone the latter Went 611 e feel. th e Allegheny nett, and {ring e part of the Real Fatale of the late Junes 6.l'.'pl'o'iroe'..nEn'll9l;itenc'ef .hove Lola/ to Tlmlen" now watt which it 11 proposed to sell, may human at the office of the under/typed, on Fourth. between btu ! tot net Perry ear. WILLIAMS t KUHN. nlyll TWO 110 USES AND LOTS WOK seLLIA /a. Two LOTS on Beavei street, In the oily '• Ra Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on at hick fora frame building , two *mien high, suitable for two small =moots. The lots am ekeh twenty feet in bunt by one hundred feet deep, Ann .' hart to II street forty feet 'rid. The buildings on the pre' =uses will pay Lem handsome interest on the invest 3 went, and the property wall be sold nh.p for cash. Apply to It. Sproul, Clerk's <Brice; U. S. so norm KAY & Co --swstrwrw. ale • Or • al*. MEN ACSES OF LAND, stiested in Peebles town. L. plop, on the Monongahela, three miles from Pitu. burr h—in lots to rah ptl rat... For farther Wire. e lore apply to Henry Wooda,3d Moor to A WASHINGTON, nevaioitf 4th, shoal:Smithfield et WAlitaiotlSE FORsALE.-411e se eabrfber Aotrers for role the three story briokWarehottea oh Wood stroetoteepitted hy it. Tam. &Cm apr WM-WILSON, Jr. IrALUAIIILER EET V RIR SALE—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn tree, between liny and Maibury streets, adjoining .I.lm. house and lot now ocenplid by Richard Edwards,' havlng a front of r,5 feet, and in depth t5O feet, seal b• sold quir on f or favable C. 0. LOO tIe IS, 416 o p , UAW WILIS. Ti unexcetionabWood. le. En• e oM oct2l-alif "I be 'etd """m rD " ,Vi.ti ` Ms. b ilt " .=. Irbd gtREIST—A roo.. :NI Wood street _ ----------_ HIOIMILUTHI CHEMICAL WRITING FLUID: • 1111111E1MS 813PENJOR REDINA, lIIIIIHRT'S hIACIIINE COP% INK. A LL there differ from or/Lawry Ink, aslbuyaare...arll, dj, c hemical wham. contanPna A.l . _"_ . If__ _,__, floor Dnaly front any kind of Ped --. ~-,- ..- , i , bright um! durable. If there bare be. lre ar artrelea mad, 1 hare umber seen 1.11 . heap! of . theet. • Sam • ule bon.r. - . , can be obratnrd on.aL %,,ic,:e r_c_ ;.• t;;:"'' Ah,10": R. y A : ri‘ol.rttie onnolarazirei:74oCl:. c. ' illti r llElt r7rPrt;alfl and Chennat, Coln. of Libor , and entobbeld .1,....1a, Potsbergh, Ps. • N . 1 —Any bottle not ai n ia. ......4 tr. be reterned ard the Pri cewtil ulliviese -. • . saw. a aiTior a usv SIGN F THE PLANE AND &W, vdie. I', aid meet, Pittaburgle. 13 OMR. AHD LAWMAN; Impo and “. in FoceSseneauc RAIIIDNV la • all is aerie are prepared u. ait loss And • OIL as reasortab se gamin thed We our friends, and pablia pnartfflY,Lo • eall and examine oar Mock, which commis M part of KNIVES nod FORKS, POCKer.d PEN , SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Monne Trimmings, •• with U Locks, Latches, Hinges and Sesame, writ.... Welivery angle usually kePt in nettl.sard Hmo . We Mains the auention of Carpenters and Mechanics • genersßy to nor amortment ofToels, which base bees selected with great care, and which we are determin.. ed to sell so an to give utiafaction. Whig's . ; Leaman MC Sam Dolusims—JONESH ~ Cbeaffeal Soap causes a free penyoranon. and en the 1•1:110 time monfies, soden., and whiten. the , giving it the tenure sod beam) . of 'an infanffi. ' ' Smarr, 1351.0 Ream Mtn Sollia. are soon not daly-',- - • healed; but gored byWase, as at - least *men -clans la New York know, who use it In stub case; and Sad It unfailing—a. also in • Purrs" Ihornmai, FILICILMS, or eel Other Han ease. The reader is assured that this is misname • puffed nostrum as one trial will prove. I could ' l• merate at leas t persons cored of Roes Hess, Sots Lao. atm Sou Egals.--GaZAI and me it, and the reader is again minted I • not cruelly sell it for the above unless,l knees hi is bs ' • • ' all l Pate. Thom who are liable CO • •.• Cancan, CU... on Case. Fuss, will And thin g • core. Any one afflicted with any of the above,or Hs*. liar diseases, will find this all nod even more (admin. ble in its proper:les) than I mass. But, reader, the •storm are flooded with imitations, and be sare you ash for JONFS'S ChltEnSiltal Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON, SO Liberty street. • Pittsburgh - saga dtrArT Er Tax wax or • vry Reiss it not morn repot- sive than a bad, putrid breath, or data, yelhow diseas ed teeth. If persons have these it is thew own fault— they,con, for two shillings, buy au article that IWO makii their breath pure end sweet as the Spit- y dir /cable. It cures diwases of the Gums, s pongy or 'ulcerated, and for the Teeth it Is unequalled, removing the tatter, fastening the teeth in the gums. and eleara them - sa • white as the snow „fag imam Norsk Barb, reader, are the properties of Jonssl Amber - Tooth Paste, and, without praising it oarselves, hear what one of MIT mow respectable and scientlic Duo-„time, Mr. E. Field, of New York, says: 1 have both used and analiced thin beautiful and 112..": palpable article, (Jones' Amber Tooth Paster,) sad an recommend it as possessing VI the qualities claim ed for h." Render, we can any no more to convince, sly that if you try this once you will be well pleased. is putap in beautiful English China Prits, for 55 Sold by the Agent, W5l. JACKAON, P 9 Libel- Pittaborgh. aagrkflaarT U. Au. 0000 camas are • honorably assareA that thEfollowlng are the actual qualities of aas bottle of Jo:qt.'s Coral /lair Restorative. If they doubt Ow • word, they cannot these highly Inspectable eltiseaa • who have tried It Mr. Geo. Becket, 41 Elm st,lies• York, • Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av, Brooklyn. , Mr. Wm. Tompkins. P 2 King at, New York. : Au. Thos. Jackson, Momou.licland, nese Tlttsbetetb'' 11. E. Callen, late hither steamboat S. America- • • And more than a hundred others slate, though thin must snake, that it mill fovea the hair to gross on the head or face, stop it falling off, strengthen the r00 ,, k ' removing scurf and dandna front the roots, light,. red, or gray hair Immune a One don I nk, ktCPlng dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft, ohsan as beautiful, a very, very long unto. Sold by the Aient. WM. JACKSCIN. PSLit.rtY at. Pittsbunkh. Pelee 37k, 50 cent:, one dollar. , atiOulkseT Err LADIES AVE CAUTIONED AGAINST 11. RING COMMON PREPARED CIIALK. 'racy tie not means how frighttn , ly inhalant it In to the skin! how come, how nauch,• haw sal low, yellow, and tnbaalthy the skin ar. pears aticrasicAprepared chalk: Be sides it la injurious, . oinatinstg large runty of Lead: which inc W4 h treal p llNEHr n SlVlk i ll It N perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleeri- oat outlines; and Dittman. loth t, sktnantioral,heal , thy, alabaster, clear,' living white; ti the tuna WOO. aCting as a coatoetio on tba skin, making it soft and smooth. Bold by tholAgent, WM. JACKSON; HI Lila; arty at. Pins: nova.. Pilett cents. ang7uStsur Ei r iparty . lai City for galas rsabsenbere nn t for sale ► number or Lots, situate in the Second Ward ‘ frontinyett this • r ground, en easy terms. Jaipur. ot W. o'll.-R.OI3INSON, Airy at Law, St Casio no • , Or of JAB RODINSON. on thapremisu m117,41v0n IT ?87Fl3BYTERIAN BOOK 11.00315. • 7 WOOD STREba', piearatail IX - THERE will be found for We aasortmenv of • Ylf valuable religious Hooke and 'Mama. comprised ' - in a mhos of ahem FOUR HUNDRED differom pato- • licationr, (of which eatalogues can be had on &prima embroaing many standonl works in Theology, Biography, ke. rec., selected and publialted by Prerbyten. Board of Publication. in Philadelphia; and well eilopted for Sabbath School, Congregational, • t: Ministers' and Private Litoorice. Pervion 'riskier to "archaic such books, are WT I -. ted to call and examine the ussoinment.. The Dormitory of the Penasylvisnia Bible Society is bent at these moms. eteMidior3inS PEKIN TEA STORE. • subseetber hsx Just received at the Pekin Tea Chore, 70 Fourth strew, a very large and well WS. • ' 'acted stock et pure GREEN AND BLAME TEA% from New York, all of which has been received in this , Countrysince UM first of6ebmary last. coisting of ell the dinorent grades grown in the Celestia ns l Empire. Our sleek being among the largest in the %Yea, are are prepared to wholesale, ten better terms than any ether house in the city. We Invite retail grocers to call and examine our stock and pries. They can hale It pack ed ink, kand 1 th packages,6 b tin eannisters, or by half ems., mutat their eonvertienee.. Our reinal prices vary for Oolong, Black Teas from ' • 50 eta. to 61,56 per 10.; Ning Young Souctiong.• 50 air, Congo 50, end English Breakfast 516 Young _llyson. . Gunpowder and Imperial, front 35 cis. to 6165 per Ermines ere requested to toad and get samples of dour Teas, and try them before .purchasisie. rayl9:ths•S A. JAYNES. 70 Foarth sweet TO PAINTERS. rl. is his on hand :nod or talc, as Atoca r J... Johnston fr. Co 4 of PlLLllLdelphis, the fallow- ' g; . . '25 pair of Cases; 45 founts Fancy Utter. differerksistsi 3 , 0 Newspaper Caw; " i 50 lbs. Loads, eat to order; too Composing Bucks; 11,0 keg* Proofs. News Ink: 1 Brass Galley., Cob.. Miles, Bram Reales of all descriptions, ice. A-JAYNES, . Praia Tea Statry 70 Fourth a 1 N —orders ?braised rornwar Tyra. aolOdkarl • 0.1170. W. SMITH & CO., IL TNF . ORM their friends and the public th et they halin . longer any connection with their lea establish neat In Penn street, known as the Pittsburgh MUM. , having removed their entire 'Mildness to Os P 0111,.. 1. HIIPMYIIIV. Pie . _ lIIILE/COAL 6 SOB.OIO Al. 0f0,106 •. ......,,,, No. GS, DIAMOND -in ~..r. -: few doors below Wood strietia. • • market. - 7r,;.•;, , ' - ' , on. shown, having beat. - 'S,;,I- ~ regularly educated to the l i st scandelt 1 ...,;:e:, proiession i and been for some is /'. 4. , • ; '' tilinnjgdoro ge -‘ rre. ' =at rar slf , .:' those pnvate and delicate. 64 —ilk. a nd for welch hts opportaulile eZDa 'Mee pecu li arly quallto • . , .. — . s , . .it ;ears assiduously &nue& to atudy fa treatment of those complaintaldnormwhia time he ha s had more practice and has cored Mare N3 tienta thaa our ever fall to the lot of any private petal wiener) amply qualifies him to offer usurances os , speedy, permanent, and satisfactory care to all tanned with debeate diseases, and all &leases raiding third from. da p'. B" ee s'rhi'erl'i'ledeirrenleoureithaTreywtge Vag* VA grated by the ass of 6y of the common nostrum .. the day, that dais complain. can be radically sad thee& oughly mired; he having peen his careful attention te the treatment of each cases, and atteeeeded in hundreds of testa:lces In eating poisons of inflammation of t 4 ,, . neck of the bladder, ant kindred diseases which often . resalt from those eases , where others have conalamed them to hopeless despair. He particularly mvuos sada as have been long and ansuceerighlly treated by other* to consult him, when every satisface6 willbe myen them, and their e6es treated me a earefal,Morough anti illigent manner, penned pat by • long experience Lady, and invemigadoe, wlnult it is impossible for thee engaged in gartend praatlee of mediate& to 61,0 OS one class of disease. Dr. D Erllemia er ilapture.—rools also mutes perk sons edictal with Hernia to call, as he has paldpartta alar attention co %hie diaessa CANCERS also cured. Shin diseasma also Pd e, PeleY, era, sPetalllY sired Crrvery low. —Patieata of tat sex hung at 0 11 mner ai Ewing eili tasea:adl,w.r.:l,4ifligrhusg a ess the sun toms, can T. DITOWN, DL D., pesfpaid,6 foe dVAl , Z, lega fee. Office No. IS, Diamond alley r opposne the Me, Hume. Ilmarnimvent.—Dr.Drovre's newly disooyarsd recess dy for Rheneradsm is a speedy and certain remedy tor that painful tneubla It never fella Office and Prlalta Consulting Rooms. No. 63 Inas mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa.. The Doctor to always as home. Irr Nn ear. cleat - ire. ------ _ NEW. ARRANGEMENT. SPERD I WREASFD ILXPRZSIS PART pe.oKsor Lnix, jigUitik selauvely for Passengers,) VIA ME GREAT CLINTRAI , RAIL. ROAD, _ TO PHILADELPIIIA AND BALTI7VORSt TM: p u blic are informed that on and after Saturdar t.t of September, the pamengen by this L 11.• seal be carnedoser the Central Rid Road from LOWo woven to Ilurtsburgh, and from thence to Intifada phia by the tlarrtsburok and COIOIDIob Rad ROldl. 14 this new arrangement. passengers will gn Wank In WIZ DAT 1.236 than heretofore. The Paekets of thi. Um me neve and of the beat clans Tins roan for safety, speed and com43r, is WI MOW prOfellible now muse to the Ellstain CMOS Red Roads an all passed to day lighL Mute, '1 do a F. MT. Dollars. For tuforns• ton apply re W AuTcil, Monomfahola Row. pen or Dto I.E.FCII CO,Lanal Rada. • NEW 11.1.01TT54 TO .8111111110110 1110 PILILADBLPIIII , '.. THE 8110IITFST ROUTE SY TWCIITY..SO.II.ITLES Tea Youipellogboiair itirere The milondid new and fast male[ e aLl.l. S. Mail • j etriat t ei . A.. B. Fern, Master, will ran ala dais; 1p pee act ;Sundays excepted) between PITTSBURGH and WEitlif NEW rilN, on opening of navigation on: Yeughionbeny river. Leaves West NetsTaitffnut ,• Ipdeloet Bs upper Wharf Dam, iltrer9 ranting, leaves Pittsburgh from "Yan tiont woo.. the Monongahela Bridge. every evening. at detach. .. (MODS received by Agents on board the Whig( Boars. 117 . The Ferrari ha. been bantAxpressly foe tie Yoeghleghene river, andlneptitnia may rely on her 'reoesmlng, permeorlely In lbe trade. Parriealar arreanon pod to all way Iremight.v.- P.XP-FiEfis Pp *UM LIN /4, • FOR PIIILADELPIIIA AND o rBLTIMORE, Exclusively t P4•3ollferl. Boats of this Uric will leave • fellows, at a" o'clock at debts Loonnsius-4 Thompson,Thursday,Novilat. • Indlima=P Harkey, Frblay, 'IL • gvniocky--Capt El Trilby, Rißurda7,3l. • Craig Sandal, ilth- Loumbina—.l I' Thompson, Moadai, ' • Indiana—P Ilutkcy,Tuesday, Ch. •_ , - licntacky—Capt 11ntby, Wednesday,' • Onto—Capt. A Cralg, Thursday, • Louisiana-3 P Thompson, Ptiday, Mt. • • Imilana—P Battey, Saturday, ta b . Keatacky—it Trayb, 9anday, lath. •••- Ohio--Caps A Craig, Monday, Loolsiana—t P Thompson, Titesday,Utli.' Indlana—P Bil[kCy, Wedaambly, litb. • • , Kernacky—llTraby,Tharsday,M4l4 - For panne apply la W Moriosivabitin nowt or D IMIZTJ Ce, Opal Biala B o lataaPataag, ar *4 bletritc...... painef Eatlish-uul Amerio. 1112akeds,. mug ths ben =karat BoxhilVizeur
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers