MK Pi i Mat _GAZE , a a u P[TTRIBIIII.6II, rritiORNING, - NOV. 13,7:19 Dal?;:fiut=,ner=, 6 .fVZ P r= .Dollan per imam; the Tri-Weekly Gape maim. P. arstami, Ws Weekly is Two Deters pet mum, midi .• eArresermes are earn ',ref l fuels before II P.m., reetlenble.; Adeenieemenue I old time till breerisblyle r 'mirk ^ lyriegaested to hand in ‘ras early in the day as. et =tined fora speed reed until ordered out PUIZALDI2.7PIIII.• O LTU AiLEILICAEL Advardiementa add idgoserlptlons to the North AOCI can and Mite Stateleaxerte, Philadelphia, received and Gartrazded (= NU otfie, 011 ER NMI" PSOE FOR LOCAL AIATTERSI ,r 'urine Nurcs, bx. ,_" TUE/ 1:01kDOIC. '76 haLig,illiwkly forborne, for some months beck, d' the' question of obstruction to the ne-ig n ) of the Ohio River, by the Wheeling En - uae felt named that it would be ditEctik to truvlion Persetis. at a distance that a bridge ninety feet high could be any obstruction to navi gation, union we could produce evidence of the ha l . Being assured that such evidence would be Unruh:Lig Imbibed by the annual fall freshet., we quietly. awaited the proper time to speak, which has now arrived. 'Lad Saundejf, the Piftsburgh and Cincinnati lise,kcii Aromng 0 I N. l 2, with a large number of percept's, left our, w hart on 16. feet of water, on her reviler weekly trip. Oe Tiering at Wheeling, she Anted 20 feetl water in •the channel ' Sho rounded to above the bridge, and let herself down Ey`ropes, item foremost, until her chimneys came is contact with the 'bridge, showing thou she could not go under, bye4mifeet. She hauled back, and gut kr . . ...i la xx.W.P 2 rWil'lier Fetwadc. thus 10.14LaaTel:a,1 1301 . 1ri time, and injuring the draft wider her feritace, and subjecting herself to serious expestses. On Sunday, anoher of the regular packets, the Lfslentro, arrived rem Cincinniti, and on making X trial, anima she aid not. pose under the bridge by nine feet Th Wheeling people proposed to i !„, the captain to imitate the example of the blesse:l - ger, and ant off her chimney'. Captein Hilnefelter indignantly refused to mutilate his boat, to pass an unauthorised' obstruction, and discharged his pas• &angers and freight below the bridge, and laid up 'his boat.' , - The Telegraph No., 1; a regular Pittsburgh and Louisville packet, arrived at Wheeling, on her trip down, on Sunday, and alter dropping difiam by a line, until • her chimneys struck the bridge, and WWII that she could not pass, she lowered her eifinmeiasnA got through in that way. The Rude • Newton' the Sunday packet to Cthicinnen, got through In tine same way. This matter of lowering chimneys is one of no small didle.ulty, and requires ample preparation and debug' yes, and Is alway s attended wi th more or i . less d anger. In a storm ii cannot be done 1 bleuet all, and ats even with such preparation will always be li le to detention Gam that cease. , 4A twat p ing op or down can Dever tell by the eye, from th deck of the boat, whether they can pass the bridge or not, without going ashore to aacertain the height of the water, or approaching the bridge 4ufacielitly near to melee the expert. meet. Cording up, this can be ione without much danger, but' thing down, the boat hos to be round ed to, and dropped down slowly by a warp, the earrent•running so swift as to render the experi ment quite hazardous. It is now proved, beyond all qnestio n, that the Wheeling Aids; in a, common boating stage oi water, Is an obstruction to the navigation of the Ohio river,. of a very serious and oppressive character. ;It is seen that the regular packets, between this City and ; Cincirtnati and Louievllle, an compelled to resort to troublesome, dangerous,. • and expensive maths to peas the obstruction, thus causing a delay in their, voyage of A shorter or longer time, se.cordieg to the state . of the weather. 'lf it iv:dejected that the chimneys ore to high, 'faddist shorter ones would answer th e par .-. we reply, • that the chimneys of the height used were adopted before the bridge was bui t, and . i r •• without any reference to it; that the height boson is the remit of years of experience, showi g that such an altitude is necessary to inseam tb great er amount of draft, and the consequent peedy and regular production of steam. Neith is it possible for nay boat to ;tell at whet height to make her; chimneys', as the river is liable ie rise, at short Intervals, from ten to thirty fee The • bridge moat, therefore, forever remain an °ozone , ' tbm to the navigation, unless it is removed, or raised at least twenty feet higher. It now becomes a question of serious moment with the 'merchants, transporters, river men, and business men of Pittsburgh, and, in fact of the whole people of Pennsylvmia, whether they will quietly consent to permit ouch an obstruction to remain to the free navigation of the Ohio river.— That there ion Asgrant obstruction, no person can deny, and tkid-it will prove a serious detriment to Pittsburgh end Pennsylvania interests, is equally Olean The value of the public works of the State, on which she has spent millions of dollars, and the stook of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which is now In proms& of rapid conatrection, are mates stilly affected by this obstruction. if not resisted Armly. with resolute perseverance, now, the Wee • - ry will be irremediable. , There is another aspect of die question °f _en'. tel moment. Admit the legality of the Wheeling Bridge, and where can any limit be placed to sim• tar obvtructionif Already are Steubenville, Cie. Monad, Louisville, and St. Louis talking of sus pension Bridges. All the navigable western wa ters, except the head of the Ohio, are without the I jurisdiction of Pennsylvania. If one State can bridge the Ohio with impunity, others may, and there will finally cm uo limit to the obstructions to Pennsvfvania commerce, in the greatest extent • of Inland navigation the world con furnish, and ilt' '. which is hero by every. right established by justice • and ulna . • , TEr.Waxermni BUDDY—Tx. Woman° Basks. 1 —The Wheeling Bridge having been erected in violation of ho charter, which expressly providea i that it shall be constructed nt such an altitude as ... I not to 'obstruct the navigation, each stockholder is ' made individually liable for damagu, not merely ; to the 6/11013tO of his stock, but to the whole amount of his property. Every boat which hes lately bean obstructed, and which will be in future, 'Wu understaod, will inatitate snits for damages, :nil in sonic eases they will be exceedingly heavy. The largest stockholders ore the Banta of Wheeling. Thew inetitations, it is said, have fur• s owiti4this principal part of the eapilal; lending the city ttniXisearat to pay up as stock, as wall al pip .log out 000,000 on their own account. Such n imp abstraction of capital, which will pay hot groan dividends, together with the constant liability .. ,of heavy damages, and of the Loss of the whole ;,capital, mist place those DOODUDODSDy no very flattering elate. We 'lnd.:nits - and that the high rale of tolls which • the Directors have deemed it necessary to eraah lish, has sukti'pd great dissatisfaction, and that the peopled op. who TOOL that city, instead of using thießridipaerepair to the upper and lower ferries, i s DM been ' of which has greatly increased since the Bti wairfinislied, and the Zane Ferry din. , . lastita for damages wall be entered, and 'lgor. .1111111 f meeented, both . in the 'Virginia and Peso. ,:y2itatoutts, end that every stockholder will be Individually reapoasible, we learn from a le pi gentleman who has been employed to attend to the burmeas. The Banks will; doubtless be thus . Midi to shell out some of their eurplue profits.— . Tyne will show. • ' VA:tweeld respectfully call the attention of this presses of Philadelphia, and the business men of that city, lathe importance of using their exertions prevent the obstruction of the Ohio river, by the Wheeling Bridge, from becoming permanent! They are nearly ata deeply latemeted as Unsay. The Video of their raupendorus improvement, the - Oentiq Ball Road will be much affected, if this runeatilin isnot alartcd. The people' f Wheeling hero been very busy, by writing letterafor One, and otherwise,•to enlist public opinion in their .f altar. and we have 'regretted to tee that the good nature - of some err= brethren of the press in Phil- adelphiatois been Imposed upon.' From the Bets gtve today, they will set timt, they, have not viewed this matter In its true mined. They will ~jjapomegyki the Wheelitig Bridge, et the very • . A irmennion - ment of our fah nairigttihin, has Roved; obiruedoa era very injurioo Taxa on awe Macao Wow.— Asuaruct . or tolls received from Pub. ho W,orks, at" the &ate Treasury arp Eu Ist last - 81,368,416 60 Pat the same period last yes r 1,321,002 41 ..... Ganti■ Lao's 13oot, for Deaernher, bringing to a .hose volume thirty nine, in already o 0 our table., It is n splendid number, containing 100 Pips of matter, 24 engravings, and 40 contribu tor. Beat this who can. Gooey understands business. Re makes his last number so ammo !lse, and makes such lirge promises For the new volltme=whieh promises are always redeemed —that sescribeni are irresistibly compelled to continue their patronage: Some of the engrav ings numbir are remarkably. One, one of them the portrait of Mrs. Alice B. Neal. Tem Porcurion or CLEvni-sita, according to a Census just taken, is 17,000, Ohio City 4,000 tOtal in both, 21,000. The increase for the past nine years, is es follows: In 151 0 too population was u 104, •` ISIS 14,23 t 1519 11,000 According to this ratio, the popolatioa of Cleve land within three years, will be 23,000. TILIMPOIVINO Dar.—The fallowing statea have fined upon the 29th of November, as a day of Pub Lie Prayer and Thanksgtving—Peonsylvarna, New York, Massachusetts, M aine, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, North Carolina, and Ohio—ton mate. Florida had her Thula.. givistion the let inst., and New Hampshire has tlllr'li on the 15th. Liama.m. Tuna TO •Jsrn: LLID.—The Philadel phia Inquirer litalts that Mr. Barnum, of that city, has made the most tempting and *end offers to the Swedish Nightingale. tie is endeavoring to memo her services for tWo hundred nights, and is willing to make a deposit of $50,060 in London, fur the faithful discharge of his part of the engage ment- Jenny will scarcely be able to resist the terms proposed. They amoaut,'iu fact, to a for Saxto rat Gnian—The CtAmbeylend Civi is that there exists is the vicinity of that pt inexhnoatible oupply of sand, for the mann are of glaia, that is not surpassed, in every e Ind quality, by my to be toned in the U. States.— The feet has been tested and proved. It is exceed witty eau= in this country. SIINCICHAMIA. Balm Fatmix—Lettere tract Montrose, Pe, state that T. P. S. John had bee arrested there, and committed to prison, charge with the most etupendous freude, iu -coonecuo with the Busquehimna County Bank, of which h was Cmluer. The Committee appointed to inre tipte its affairs, report that there are now ut et:dation, notes amounting to upwards of two hun dred thousand dollar., whereas, the otu•bter had given the most positive assurriocee that the whole amount in circulation was only forty flue thousand dollars, and that every dollar should be redeemed within two weeks. The committee say, that there never was amore stupendoun fraud comumued to the whole history of bank swindling. All the able funds found in the bank, was under $25. The Cashier was escorted to prison by a large crowd, who blowed their tin bouts, beat their tin pane, yelled, shouted, hurrahed, bre , and when the prinon door closed upon the wretch with a crash, the crowd shouted, '.Book closed," and gave namer• one trumendouscheens. Be continued in jail 'up to the 6th.. Bail in wow is required. The State Bank at Morris, N. J., waamanaged by the same Wall street clique, and as its capital stock was paid in with Susquehanna county beak notes, the fail ure of both concerns were of course eimultnnecier We commendthelowing letter, Irem a corms . pendent of the Lonios Mara, to the priest editor ache "Pittsburgh Catholic." He Will see, from that tory testimony, that the disorders and assassina tions which mere Wady alleged to caret under the Republican Government era a stern reality under the paternal rule of the Holy Father and Me Tri mnsirate of Cardinals: IFrom the Time: correspender Rome, Oct. 4, IMP. I am very sorry to find that our wont mumps Lions relative to Papal affairs have - been realised and that the.atale of Rome sink at heart, tempter not how ay remedy can he provided.— Much was hoped from the Maifeato of the Holy Father, and the amnesty, about which I wrote as length in my law letters Goat Naples s but that, everything 'else which proceeds hum the Celes tine at Portici, hes completely faile . ..l. treed is was ridiculed in open day, and thew:Minty, which pardoned only those who had committed no 01- fence, was heartily laughed at. It was said at Na ples, in well informed quarters, that at length Austria had consented to act in concert with Prance is Roman affairs, but as yet I see n 3 marks of that united action. France alone has to support alt the annoyance of the most perplexing postion that could be devised, whilst Austria hides her time, and is perfect mistress of the game.- 1 can understand that the Cabinet of Vienna, hav ing its hands full of more important home titans, could not find time -to attend to those of Rome, and perhaps it was not a lode glad to find that Vance was paying the penalty of bee dl timed sin gle hooded intervention; hot Austria should nu longer trifle with a situation that to hourly growl. Worse; and she must elect between the downfall of the Papacy. a continued French mtbuiry occupation of Horne, or a conjoint action with the Government of the Republic. The President's letter. however indiscreet It may have been, represents the opinion of the whole French nation, and the consequences tothe peace of Europe may be sena., if the tell love of the most sensative people in thAworld be gill more wounded. France is safe on every oth er ground, even that of interest; hat .1 Revise no man to touch the national pride, unless he ha, strength enough to resist a people of 30,000,0011. •1 know that the Camarilla plays with France. and relies alone on Austria, hot it is not the interest of Austria to encourage that delusion any longer, anti the time has o r when she must act openly and in good faith, or prepare for another campaign on the Mintier and the Adage. Rome is almost without defence against robbers and assasains. Not day passes without Some home being broken into and plundered, and limas sinuatioos are so multiplied that a more: stringent order has Jost come out, denouncing the severest penalties on all who 110 not give up their knives and dagger,. .The Coridineri, and other police corps, whose service. the French availed them selves of, have been broken up, under the pretext of reorganisation. by the Cardinals and there is ab solutely not sufficient number now on duty to perform the ordinary I:auctions of a town pnlice. The funds elloted in former times for the employ- Meat of spies, and what we calla detective force. have been mimed; aci that, :though open acts of violence are prevented by the French military oc.• enpation, there to 00 protection againet private robbery.—The most audacious acts ofepoilabon are committed In open day; and, as the shopkeepers and respectable citizens have given •up their arms, Whilst the outcasts of society have concealed theirs, no one has the means of defending himself. even within the precincts of his own house. But whit! if bad in Rome, is trill worse in the country, and .if matters - go oo in their present train the ancieni Roman brigandage will be revived. A notary wa• carried oftfrom Velleui into the mouetains the - other day, and became his family could not rank, up an immediate ransom of 15 000 scudi, be w.c stabbed to death, sod leis body lett on the highway and a large number of . troops have beenutarehc, against the village of Compatri, new Frascati, tr bring to order the inhabitants, who took advantage of thillialtite of things to pergatill themselves of a: the corporation lands. In fact, things are in th, worts possible elate la this neighborhood; and th, presses:l for the winter is most discoureaufa, on les as I said before, Austria enables France to rent matters in a comfortable manner. Blow York Electron The New York papers, of Friday morning, li dew it revert! eolomos to the returns of the tion, as tar as heard from, and epermiationa the probable result. The Courier and Enquirer nays: • l`The contest has evidently been close, and the retells may not be known for several days "A dispatch from Albany says that the Senate is Whig, but the Assembly Dementia, sod that the e .mocratic coalition has cairied one ball of the S . of6cers. The renters formed their ticket of one half or • and one half democrats, and it seems they he d the balancoof power. They have thus split the t • eta of the other parties and elected their entire •- et." I , he Tribune gives returns from ell the cou the State, except three, cud foot op theirtabl owl: Whig 10,210 Democratic 14,197 Whig majority • The three counties still to be heard from are OF Delaware, add Cataragus—Owego is expect . togive 20 V7hi 0 g majonty, and Catiraugus Democratic majority. Delaware county bas I ea a large majority for the anti reatticket, com d of both Whig and Democrats." 11. ith regard to the Legislature, the Courier sets w,n the Senate at 17 Whigs and 15 Democrats; d the Atusembly ts put down at 513 Whigs, 46 mount,. and 48 doubtfuL ale fop= Enzamart.—The Newark Daily dd . rthlereyeathetellevragam the remit of the clew. ,rdrelltat ttestwore, in that State: emari . seis Ur members, of which . bane tat,joat a majority. to the hope ci 58 Ater% the whip barn 33, Melodies the Passaic I mblymen; who were elected on Upon tickets. 'a Wag in - which s member, and the other saci be • wing— gives a majority of 9 CU johat jot: Whitt majority on joint ballot last year was Tijp:s iA sia ftsol• — •Bous ° 911 Correrpondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette_ Ncw Yolk.; Nov.S, 1619. As was predicted, so it hoe come to pass New York City has ;oven staple endorsement of her tanner professions of adehty to Genera: Taylor and his administration, by electing an immense majority of eft the candidates, proposed by the Whigs on Tuesday. We have the Common Coon cif strong, the Judges, Assessors, Schaal Com: mittees—indeed, every thing that could be wish. ed. We have elected most of the Assembly men, and have kept the State Whig. The locolocas I are at their wits' ends, for the sinews at election. ecnog warfare arc sinpped trom them for another year, leaving AI without their strongeat bond of union, tge cohtsive power of public plan- It is stated, upon good authority, that Mr. Mee dith's report upon the finances has been read. o the CAinet, nod npproved tufty q and that it to . e of the moat ab;e paper" that low ever emitte d from that department, though Sir Robert Walk r is bat newly gone tram our minds. lie will - =cod specific duties no being moat advents cone to the manufscturer, the farmer, and the dam treasury. The Epweopaltans ate just pow regretting the leas of one of their ablest clergymen, the Rev. Dr. Forbes, of St. Latlitt's Church, who has re nounced the Protestant faith, and joined the Ro man Cathohe Church. no disunguished a' con vert may well cause remark and deep regret. - Another sea steamer has been unuttered for tho California trade, the popular propeller, Sarah Sands. She leaves on the Ist of December, and will have a summer passage, offering a good chance for, emigrants. We have the. Panama, Oregon, California, Tennessee, Unicorn, and Sa rah Sands, a alertalertas goad as can be put afloat any where. The Sarah Sands runs in connection with ]. Howard A; Sonia ships, Crescent City and Empire City. Contracts have been signed for the leases at niece of the houses 'adjoining 'Ranker's Mansion Howe," and, next spring, nearly tho whole of the west ride of Broadway will be in ruins, South of Trinity Church, nod Boni their ashes will rise the most elegant practice in the world. It has come to be a common ra here to use a 'steam engine in butldtng, even a small house, and a house ,disappears and reappears, under the power of stcan4.with the rapidity uf mastic. • The skinner, of yesterday, for Europe, took an coin, arid : 'imly a moderate amount el bills, which are du11,01.0, for first class names Coin cons mums sto)imemoulate, and the money market Is quite obleiblltiut boa ever been know°. First clan paper,,6o 111tinie, goes at sin per' cella; loans, on Call:A* per coat.. and doubtful names at eight total** , The American Exchange Bank ruermallsidgreas.e its capital half a million, and othergyhditiffiernitar expanttlas In prospatitta. It seemaNteiliej:frmseitte teat the mining wteter eau pass watamt i some kind of a bubble, fur all the maierialiare ripe. The residue at the Pormdtte-e exile, from Mar anima, about one handfed and twenty to number, (tarty of warm) are la plc., ea years of age,) take the steads boat, for Albany, ants solemn!, on their way to Coinage. sea ru Mel purpose remain. tag her the Keret:, hut. ii eau lro sattsfactonly aa ccrtaottral wactt.or previareo can he made :or them at Sprtnafiele. Jackson, and Waverly 1111 where the arta detachment are to be located. They aim the :Mead route, spending the first Sob! bath in Swinko. Several of the young men hav ing el/tamed luerative l:whom. in New York, as mechanics, prefer to rental° here. A few others are damned by dine,. Ashes are sl3,sunriS7 for Pots and Pearls. GAtoa—Tne market to dull, and price are Yin favor of the buyer. • Flour—The market is hermit. but the rates are he wane, wan sales of 78110 barrel, Pure Cen se its quotedat Southern 'hoes $5,2116.55,:i0. Rye Flour is without Mange. Grain-1n Wheat there were sales of 1000 bushel, Generee, et 91,15. Bye IS Mc, deliver ed. to Cara. no lame, but lamtvr, sales .10 :1000 hoshels, at 611103h11e for mixed, and 659660 lor yellow. Wt.. 39:610c. Promaions—la Pork there i• a Mmer feeling, and holder: demorel 510,00000,621 orl Mess, sod .55,62/ Mr Pane. Be-f unchanged, and In tali. millett. Sees of 120 barrels Lard al 61261 e The latter pace Mr Pmoe. Butter, 10011 e. for State R:ce—Stead7 at $125663,5 6 3 for good to pnroe pa W rcel. ht . .lity 27t and '436c, with ell= of 150 tun la heave•. Sales ur Gaitabert,e, to arrive, S2O, 6 mouth, 3rocerea ut ail aorta nee dull but firm, and the I trade, to all leads of produce, drawing to n C.. meeting. The chairman selected the !allowing gentlemen: —Alexander Newell, L. L. 11.1cthiffin, Dr. Dan iel Leasure, K. N. McCombs. J. M. Keuster, Ao- For clic rittakurgh Gotten , drew Btle.haltall, Dr. Joseph Pollock, William To THE Prom us s sus. Ccvn - rax—My dear Dickson, Geo. W. Watson, A. Addlig. •• . friends, my L i me strice I last addres.ed Joe, has la thee...bream of the committee, the meeting, been .a m-cupted with the dutien at my station, I ion tnotton of Lot Wattoad was ably addressed that I have not been all, to codect any very lot- ' by W . p . 13,,,1,,,,,,,,, Enq. portant matter, for this communication The committee, sal their return, reported through Being a Juror, yen knew, Rives one very little Alexander Newell the following, which, after time to devote to aubjectit the: r e gitire deep on , same pleasant and spirited discussion, in whirl, vestigation and matron:A.:mit i here rre many such,; 34,asra. Emery, Buchanan, Courtney, MeGutrini connected with the:maniere and 'deuced:hp about • g.eynolds, Lenora and Newell participated, the Court Haute, W tech have aiready attracted ~,,,,, a d op t e d. my notice and exede.t my curiosity, and will, in I Waging., The day in which the advocates of *tea, due I.lole, be at:elided iti and reported for your in- . ~. , .. ..7,., ..r . 7 i r •5 ., 7e c i . ...k i. . 1 7 . . d . a 7 Lt , t id m0ma mp t t5 , .... formation. A very slight observation toll the hue:- ruble period has arrived, in which expeneneq has ror., of our Court 0: Q....„, Sessions , flo ,„ 0 , r;il n il . triTtije , ra s . a er . l , l . eArect is: , itit n y , o[ t. theye , ag . 1.1 z; lu s t onvince nip one, that not lean than the whereas, l'enosylunians have bee..e alien to the,, torte luurtas of oil too cares occupying its alien- ~..%.",,.T,1:',',,*„1„`,‘",;,',"1:,,1,Tei,'1".:ir o'dura,t2.l:Tti.,"ou;. tiou have this origin in the system of granting h., northern neighbors on the Lakes; and lirb•T•li, • lilk cetees to rem , m of the drunkard's drink; and in jr,',1,27T.::,,,r,r‘f0k.„7,,,rr„rt, b,,i0n''..f.L'.1',..1:!,:u7,..„"( this matter; the Court is no doubt somewhat to rhe,r;=...t.tisacvh.7,l,byorpo.f.tirgle6t4shheonii,e.wiittivc,:i. blame, and perLapa you youraelvt , are not much ert mineral fields of the State—thence through New 1•6560. lii,• Oltela do you, in a spint of accommo- Rai Caliii o zil,eeLl . w . i , th .,, thr :,, trine t er: . I . i . e v n , n;v Iva in. dation, to which your moral move el right drool and being folly satisfiedtiat . n . will hetia "n inT willingly rubs..inloc, lend your mama, and thus of i i f l::.i . e !l i e , i d tri u s . ile , i .. e d•• w . e . tiLe , :re u , , from +llOl 11 0 1 ,ab4. o .n.i . course your influence, to procure for your neigh - and their operations, that tousles. awn in every guar bed a kgal right to make drunkards of your own j :L ro .. i , th on e= c niry i c , a h r:no ,, ll ,.. ok , e law deep an Ime rest 111 sons, fur aught you know. It is quote common to leri; , :i lend, in 'Ext we look , upon the `Pittsburgh and hear mimplainers tooting all tea blame on the ,gi E ssible fa-thty :11o *n eld m IF: " e ' ittetZle o i r i k il ' a ‘ 11;rt ' t.:7•...7e Court, whiiet in every case of application for L. I l eas i ti l l a e , : , h e e w m e, to , l , c a a:ry it on to compl r stiorn as it ail will en e, twelve men, whom the low require. to be . tar „ .„ wall .":„, Ll'r:Ti r „ ^ L a f, t o ri o n t i r:rts .„ :. ‘, d , respaardk, and whom the Court, until the contra- i it shall Paw. Resolved, That we will give this eatarprisX our ti la made to appear, is hoped to presume be so. I most hearty sapport have prayed the court to grant it. 'I know indeed i . „,, Il u zii . i i v , eL i Th o. at b ut . h . r. , <l , i t hig: ., e .. f . t r /nurnal and J . a , . , that Mote petitions are generally signed . by men ' others favorable to the extenwon of Rail pp ,and re who have very small claims to respects - 149y , but !Igt:.:lerl„.A.L.Zlpth,o , freitoing Pmcceditigca place in how often hal, any of you take/ any measures to ' Resolved, That the proceedings be signed by the of. apprise thy court of that fact. Why, I have learnt I her"' and the of the d° . Julies courtAttba. T. WHlPPO,.Prealdent on that a remstrance, against such applicators is a aR. W CCM:IO.X. L ht. Carom. Bah . I —c l ' thing almost unknown in the records of the court. 1 In many cases the court knowing the Fiteurottan CON rebate TO grant the application, and in others which they think of doubtful propriety adopt the name course,—then the petition is taken up from the Clerks olden by acme Attorney. who inn his tee, Ces has received ab..tit the amount of the pronto on the 'retell of is keg of ier turkey. The cam is by him 1114111 e to appear In a new light — L..l , re can do wonders, a nd it ie reconsideled and grant ed. Huudreda ol such proceeding+ take place, (or one cane of n remonitrance barred by teepee tido° acmes and good counhel. There Is perhaps no one Diesel more eornplrnely Within the power of the people, for the reduction of our onerous may expenditures, than a tiwo,cunceried, united, resistance to pox-wiling in oil Or abominable formaa and essociWtons, end I. i n happy to know L ouch a cuurw they will find a hearty ce.operction by the court. I ate afrsid he begin to give you anykhing like an account rot the hind of came lli sot Wrid.utoe the time and occupy toe attention tot the von rt, a di.- eription 01 many of them would be bolls ndelicale and dirguating, and I ant pained to sec uch pan dering to the nairind, deprared appal cal hun dreds—ale-ion: thuttaandii, who daily il mug the gallenea, to hear witise.wen detailing ca. 4 and ell' eutustannee CODBCCI,I watt pr:wieutio a. having their origin tu the lowest; be.e.t, and m at beastly passions of the nowt degraded truniana . Aud 11 I indeed a deplorable evidence of th • state al public moral, to observe thai the vile t can, i• their time of tieing up is known, alwd •••• mil, the fulleat hooka. If l tin rightly lot mina, .ae ~,. court nm power to exclude the mud: nee at its 'demure, and if to I know a would gi pleasure to many good citizens to nee at frequenil atoned, far such things can have on other man a cleroural icing effect upon the, youth, especially, who hear it. You would be pleased to a-e the eo dencev, of talent, and germs of lonise greatness ' I the pro- (carton winch is daily exhicited, hero by y nuns Lawyers—Kne of them mooa oo f t, g rit Attor• nein wbuee names are not yet Inson d high on the roll of lame, but of whoot many wi I vet climb tip. The one circernstance which adoulitedly will operrre against thensharebs, that I . o your tar. nips in the patch, sometimes they am too thick to thnve,enehunued and Sim fivemta a I elf lawyer I would supper: was more than is iudis rensibly ne cessnry for the business of this county. But that's their own concern. I I have written you a larger letter (bolt I had In. I tended, when I commenced, and rand de by ex earring a hope that before the Cour close. its session, I shell useful a to make ycelf more Intereating and useful as a correspond nt. Truly A JUROR.. Y' rt ' sburgh, Nov. 9th, ISI9. To the Editor of the - Patasurgls Ga is. MY. WRITS. Permit me to suggest, hrough the columns of your valuable paper, tit immoral R. A. Cunningham, Eigl., of the Sixth aril, as a suitable candidate for tho office of Mayor of the city of Pittsburgh. Mr. Couniagleamhas render. ed good service , in 'the City Chneeit, as his votes in that body have ahown the correctness of his . judgmeol, ia almost every occasion. He is • good Whig, nod possesses, in a high ileYree, the awes. wary qa•lifiettlons to • faithful dischorge of the de. ties of that office—he is honest, tcmperale,'Ond co; pahle—of irreproachable character. gentlemanly in His manners, a mind well stored withlnowodge, . his nomination by the Whig City Convencoo, would be hailed with genairm graufiestion by a large portion of this moral and reheat:a citizens of all parties, and would math in his eleetion by pa I grorwaelauog majority. I. 8r • • For dr at , Ma. Warn—The follo 'lig anecdote, related, to me by the late Sheriff, MM. Forsyth, 1. think de serves publicity, and roarg rhaps, be made use ful, as' new method of qu Iling,a riot Same time in the course i the past year, he was called upon to exercise his authority for the sup pression of a large, dis h derly meeting, some where in the suburbs of city, and he stated that at the time of his iart al, there was every manifestation of an immediate and violent out break, and whilst he was deliberMing about his course of duty in the premises, ho was approach ed by the Rev. Kirkland, who acted so conspici nos a part in the late trials in our court, with a re quest that ha would let him try the effimey of prayer on the excited passions of the throng. The Sheriff replied that he doubted much the success of such an expedient, but teat he won welcome to make the experiment. lie immedi ately assumed a station, a little elevated above the multitude, and poured forth, apparently from the fullness of a Christian spirit, a prayer most enure ' priate to the occasion. immediately after he cute menced,tbove around him became calm, some o ' them very reverently took off their •hats—end when, at the conclusion, he raised his hand, nod, in the most solemn manoer,pronJunced the berm diction with which congregations are usually dot mimed, the mob dispersed as quietly as a comae gation retiring from Church, leaving the Sheriff r. . further necessity for the airmen of his authority Yours, dec., 1. S. Pittsburgh, Nov. 12,1819. In a letter from Governor Ramsey, M• friend In Lebanon County, we find information which will be of advantage, perhaps, to some of our readers, and which gives an Idea of the resources and pros• poets of the new territory that can be totted on.— If any at our young men think of "seeking their fortunes" in, the Great West, we would advise them, by all means, to give consideration to Min- Peseta:. Sr. Rua., khanisTra s / Sept. 19, 1549. 5 • • • • In alma' ev ery industrial pursuit, as Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants, dcc., Pennsylvanians would be at home here, (rota their high clienteles for integrity, would, lam sure, soon place themselves to com fortable positions. The great charactenattc_of this °miry,. and one that I sot satisfied will insure its rapid settlement, is this: that while the soil m as fertile as any in the valley of the:Mississippi, it is as healthy on the mountain regions pt Pennsylva nia. We have no levee and ague here. In emi- grating from Pennsylvania to you would have to anticipate nufferings far two or three years, , from fever and nave, until you become acclimated; here there is nothing of that hind to be geared.— Here all hinds of farm produce command higher prices than to Penneylvaritir, and this will long continue to he the case, an tho military rims and Indian agencies, nineties and the fur trade will ever continue to give us a good home market, and the Mississippi opens a highway for the outlet of use surplus produce. Of all oilier people 1 shall he most happy to are Perinsylvantana among us. There are now a large number time. 1 shalt feel myself more at bone when they settle among us, and I know that in them the territory will have on beat and most reh ble population. By all means advise your friends and mine to pay use visa, and see foribemselves; if they do so, I have no doubt they will remain. Itemember me to my Lebanon County friends, for whom I shall ever cherish the wartnest.teel . mg. Very truly, youn ace. ALEX. RAMSEY. Mr. John Me!ley, Jonestown, Lebanon County In purist:mace al public notice, a large and res pectable meeting of the CIIIStI26 of New Castle and vininity, met at the "Bell School House," on Saturday evening, 3d inst. Dr. Cbarles T. Whippo, civil engineer, was called to lb. chair, Joseph Emery,John Reynolds, Joseph Kisaick, R. H. Peebles, Thomas Pallet limes Dickson, A. 4 Crawford, W. 11. Reynold., W. Book, Ruben CocErnue, Josiah White, David Sankey, J. McDowell, Samuel Riddle and Euwer, Esq, Vice Presidents; R. W. Cunning ham and David M. Courtney, Enquires, Stx-re- On m. 0., of Alexander Ne . 4rell, EN., • co. mitten of ten were appotnted to draft a preamble and resole:loos rtpresesve of the sense of tie ligrorts. Inscovaay.—Tine Curse. I.stroesca - "We find in the supplement to the New York Tnbune, of Wednesday, an admirable and interesting report no the structure of the Chinese system of stinting, read before the Ethnological Society, on Tuesday evening li i s folly tliumrated, and Is a most intelligible espia -1 nation of the symbolic Chinese character.. The .. thou is Y. V. Andrews, F.. ~:the phonetic teacher and wnter. The Journal of Commerce says: ii. Mr. Andrews illustrated that newly tho whole 01 tin e h m o s omey elmeactem of the Chloese lenge. , are not only idiorrsphie, bat that the story they tell by picture. of the meaning of the worda they reprewfit. I. an pima, that ww, after the lapse of nest four they., sand years front their Invention, it can be read wit n. deratomi This him been supposed oat to be the rase. 1 or in be so only to a veer alight ettenn , and the learn. ed wool has had in consent to the task of ',meat. Chine. language. if at all, at Immense labor, at a huge agglomeration of arbitrary signs or characters i.Alr AII.IICI/IG elniow to have n inedered dam this ;mermen) , oend ion . sisi, bst that sy and delight fu/ coin. el CV , , . it tracing nut the pietoriel tn.. tranon. nt though . , as devised by the ancient pope]. non of Coma, ...ilk eonsdtute a - short cot" to the ar. quisitlon of that wsnderful language. If due be so, the importuner ni .be discovery eon hardly be over estimated. The rdotioneries abroad have never mrt with so ciiirourassug an abet.. any where,. the otb. most enticutisrahle nature of the Chines< 4144.4 , The commeretal world is also coming into close con nection with China, aid with the progress of another century the wain - mutt bewail lanaineht and pres.n.g for woo , more practicable way of establishing the to. 1, mot,. , , • and between that Immense hive of the • ..o in • . :iy stl•the rester mankind, , ••3,1r Asoltoves stated that ma the 0,bg,,,,,,,, Chinese languag mooti ,amounting. about kU,UOO, are made up by ng:den oat of only • few m ore th e i r one thousand. whteb he deitonnnated the eletneriMtY char cete. of the language, and that hence to usidermand I , writ these elementary characters, as to be familiar won all the =medal of the whole system. lie waled o en h p W ee already guile Certain of Me pl h rimsttve ertnholm omnifiennoe ot the mem, pen o r meotury motormen, and to deeronstrate that he was so, he wlmq-d • wagle symbol, the t ea, pi tare of tree, awl traced It throughout all the olcateld•ry char y. or one eighth the whole, got A n er.. In which it appears, ...mar to no less tha e ' t h hrr a ta n b d ltt e m n a d tte °" ogniftention of earh.” Corteopoudepce of the Baltimore Sim. Wasamorrou, Nov: 9 Positron of Mr. Clay—Free Sol .Senatorr—Mr. Clay'o power so rho 'Jana—Fusesels &kazoo— Gummy—lnfernal Impr.einents, V. The potation of Mr. Clay to the Senate ie higher and more fortunate, and will commune more re : apect and Interest, at this time, then even II he were in the White Hosea. From the democratic 'patty he will, I doubt out receive 'every consider ation due to bra character as et statesman and patriot, 'chow VieWS are elevated above the stand ard of personal interest and mere party coonellom. The whip will, of comae, hail his return. to the national councils aa in avant auspiciowt fir the prospenty wad honor of the country. The free roil and tab slavery party, who will be beaded in the Senate by Bach able men as Mr. Seward and Mr. Chase, will be restrained by hi• prudence from soy extrawg•nce, gad If the extreme Southern parry, so represented by Mr, Calhoun, •hold re sist the Incorporation of California unto the Union ‘Xnar h ',.`,ll7.7blZio"rut,t",o"rgETlrr:tl' their oppostiou to that measure, as at least, to to coneilo it with the continuance of the Union, even though s free State may alt on the Pacific thorn Mr. Clay can be eloquent and gain et mastery aver the ,Senate without making .I,n, or s( treat iqweetici-4 look, ii glance, will often enable him to carry his point. . 1 ei• to our foreign again, soon likely to become complicated and perplexing, in consequence artily great changes lately wrought in the commercJal and political relanons ch mnionn, Mr. Clay tithe WO awn In the muses mks* wipe will be lish. ete.7l to at this time. The emirate's of other trate, men would be renefved with indifference, for they would be awayed by prejudice, by party, perxinal or teatime) interest. It will L. rat:tying to have a word or two of common scumsand practical . wisdom Iron thin veteran statearnan, after all the dirauttitig braggadocia and twaddle that has twee lulbeted up in us, daily, by the pres>er and wmera natiumitig t • represent the administrauon, ou the Ntcaragua other questitns of foreign policy— It will he an event, too, to hear from oat: who wan an early expitnent of the principles of the Monroe thtslttrattott. anti sought to carry them oat, as httte rotary of Sale with Mr. Adams, a just nod ration ' al, and practical view of their beanug and 0.1.;•ii cation. As to the currency, I do not suppose that Mr. Clay will, at once, briar forward any new scheme, not render euy very decided support to any scheme which ha. been of late sugs.reted. He proposed Banks when the people caned for them; and, as he once declared, he will not 00p0be mother until the sense of the people shall ho, re here/alai., nudeoted in their favor. It in undevotood that the labor of maturing h borne for the niteration of the Twit]; is to he left the Hon.!, where it properly belongs, nod in hie/ body no a revenue tocaoute, it most coast.. inininally one:in:or. Hut, as to internal improvements, Mr. Clay will be tree to act, and I hove no doubt that he will be ono of the inept zealous and efficient, as well as to and discriminating, authors and support ers, it a bystent, adopted to the present add future wants of the country, nod the means of the courts try. In fact Mr. Clay corner here, in renovated health. and commanding universal confidence, and capable of rendering to the country great service, at a lime when his services are moat needed. lON. Corrattpoodettee of the tialutnore Patriot , Wk.::lay" Nov. 6,1819. The appointment of John W. Forrally, of Penn splvatia, to the office of Sixth Auditor, is a most judicious one, sod wooer fail to give very general talinon. Mr. Family seas a member of the lent Congrest —a Werllng, modest, firm, able, pipoinr member. No man ever earned, in a single Congrcts, a more enviable hunt than he did. He wan beloved by many, and respected and esteemed Ms habits of Industry. tes clear intellect. and his mods eat, courtenut hearing, won upon the gets feelings I of all who came in contact with him. That he Will Make rue of the very hots Auditors that ever served the Goventinent there cannot be a shade Of doubt. The appointment of Gabriel W. Long ; oiri l lnboma 1 to be an Indian Agentt in place of A. M. M. Up- • thaw. one of thr lath Presidern'a pectinan pets shows • that Alabama. which nioiimt came up n Taylor State, in not altogether overlooked by the Administration. It is gone yonsibit• that the estimable and accomplished Henry W. Hilliard, .1 ' that State. by and by, receive the appoint. • mind of NI inciter to Berlin. Lino liecer could rep resent our country at that renowned rent in learn ing And who is tune In for or deserving of the station? Bow the L•ortifoco aspirants fur the Speakerchip 01 the neat I louse et Representatives teulticly— Tbey'are more numerate , than were the Ittch mood. beiiire the dintempered to of 1 ILEAu; r s o ceilier will sell, on the premises,_ Itelis•il, ea the fatal hello Already does Copper MM. for Hale. Fe Mr. Bowen of Georgia, see below his eyes, T AP Jo coiorn rivals Messrs. Noy,!. 01 Kentucky, gayly, of Virginia, Bobber , of Scum Carolina, CoPPUR MINK In North America, the Ore yielding Mcleque, of Maryland. Disc ,y, 01 Ohio, .nit per rent. f hare em po.session me Assays of Pro. of Pennsylvania, NI i•Cie Gland, of Illinois, and fasnor Duesdal. Dr. I/caute r ised the Slate Geologist of, of tlonneeccut. New York, and others. Tbere la also Zinn and Mag netic Iron ote, Ac. Terras made known ou rba da I tee stated that Mr. _C4lih has denied hairs of ,ale. . SAMUEL WILDENEV. Y tug written a knee rspreneive el Ins bet•ef Gat novl3 it/t Finksburg P. 0., Carrot co., Md. • he will be elected Speaker, by the :it'd ot the I,- robin, Free Soil votes. thought that, he had . S UGAR tr. SIOLASSEnt.-at khds prime N 0 Sugar; • written such !none, tot jig world M; up. ' t 5 gp hbla Chia do do Mora; II Moluse - may rest assured u• one thing, however—and that' For sale h p BROWN & KIRKPATRICK, ti&. will nu: Ise riecied Villli(11.1l me aid al Wing i .0 , 12 144 Liberty at voleS. , ilr OP,'-10 hales New Hops; growth of 11319, orris . . Peghops Wilmet, after all. ordl be the Speaker,, jila ins and t ,,, ~s , b y if any Lacuawesmicewls, and that he will set Mr. ' nor VI . BROWN & KIRKPATRICK Howell Cobb'' , vote Wheat la a bold, able ath inOTASII-20 bbla first wry to more, for wile by ' vocate of Free , Trade. The La..of.wrik of the ,i,L novig ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Front st SaUth , or., 10.1 &mond, nod °P.o'tne g'°"'d:Cll.:GAß—to Wilds now in some, for sale low to close that all Own north of Melon and I.l.zoo'n L'oo aro , 0 ~,,,,,,,,,,,b bbi, by ISAUJI DICKEY a, CO, w0..0 Prue,' mem, ruay co far hum Sod with . novl2 Front at the and of the Giddings Pb.l'.., elect b ""'7' . Ca ALT-1,511 bbls No I Salt. tooling and for sale by Timm is another reason , why th e S.' sulhern.Chivat. ; 0 novl2 unixrt & RICKETSON ry—urti ii. Holotes,,Baylv, Sudden. nod romp. ' -: . SUrtiol.VSLE'—lu"'"llF'lll.7LchLLCll'lkitfolCrKEP:3o.4" by N ny—may prefer him to Cobh, WIISIM in no Bu-. ehanun vta-; Buchanan may wirh to be in Cal- I. ;,T b " ',:: v w h ,l, o Y ,bb by M d , b, h b Y '; ' ,.:l l 4, th d e g7, J ' ,:,,,,7, ;1 " ,, t 7,4 4 5e ' .. /.4 } :sol T r i t g i , n E u ß d — fo i r sate ' e g bey'u'lrA Leather,C UNN 12 Ci " H c ZM ' 61P . No _0 Com't Row, Liberty st an on David Wilmot. ; - nn. w!it DRAIN will call for Lot of Fornltare, &et Ton LEVIII OM NI, Srawerits OF N SURSZ 4 .— i . 1-I ,,, P r v r " °° : . , ,;,, r I n VlL';',,,,,, Roui, trz Fro ., b , Yerternoy's mad brought us a letter trout Tully, . — . tO p P L. L ., Al4 , T , l ., : . ll , E . H . S— . . i lO bi l o tb f l o s , CLlLln n e s d ki Gig4m, a,.. or ; giving some of the particulars of the Negro Stam pede to Lewis county. t oit we'd and for solo by The winter says:--We come wet to baying a . crisis JOHN HeFADEN &CO general stampede nmorutst the negroes. In sue DANCING SCHOOL! conett' last night_ it occurred ! soght • thorn thin place. About lb,. live . , he in had A• LIONNAFFON respectfulli informs the duke°. . of Tutshargh and Allegheny, that Lis Sawa' handed together. provtded thetnYel see with ,open on P. MU. WAS' the ht_ tot youthe Ladies; at ti o'clock rot Masters; and at country. They were prowspallefthe property of 1 le tort Getalemen, to the LAFAYETTE AME3IISLY Mr. Jame% 1401. nod Willtatu El :a Mr. Mater i daV.OnAlSl.ottrulof twos ce te Fettret After dent week- the. ups aro.- t :1 o'clock us the rnorningrlrf ando ve. (Ins sale of It necthes entermg l a mom and tektite .. 7,7 c d — , ' p '. :To ' s j o 77.h . s, nUti ' ls c ra n ; d made his guns. Ile ordeved them to lay tbson down, hut many Improvements, and intends calk s ing still m m orc e s . they rclusett, and e'ewed net lao as poast.e. fur me earafort and conveuience of IL 11.. ht and The alarm was teimethately given in the neighbor-r,h the hmle rooms, and cm tooth and A we, mom thseovered that they were L<Rt•Lmcnts of th i1 . t . , :,, a `... n . 1 0 7. 1 1.. 1 qu.t., .000 all at the house of 'Ain McCutehen. where 1011, I in the sroek ddttloos were making to their numbers, and t References will La etrieily required befoul &dhotis front which pool. , t was supposed th ey intended ; sloe hY &8.f. , . thou. eraltown to him. to more. After day some tune, (they,m the moor- I E. tern. Ihnd apply to S. Itannaffoth while, besot; custrded nold eutheitht farce could 1 MN'tt,',l.7::,l.l7j,,t.rhiridi.L.l. will 00, given of ;ha be collected ) they were required to surrender and Q„, /t i tt , p,,„„. n0vt2431 return to their duly; but they ref.. Led on by n i n j ou l t s4 l l: e L lli n ni "'4 o d r i''- tYlsOc ipf ut Li tes 7ii rras k old man, who was armed south ketires and,l; Mp.dville n° c lub,c they approached the whiles, threw/wag }ill then ,. o,i L b e neer apsireach if the lender. he I Ten, marked "T AS. They may have been miasmal was and died In a sew thlnutes. The othent . l to some commisuon heather steamtoxi. mrrenJarer: Torte were among titan men, sy „. t A liberal reward will be .. gtvenforall or either of the n Wcir remove Men, and: cho!dren—they had we gons.d learnt, sTrADEN.k. CO and seemed sleterootted to go away pubhcly Aatrroutt A MIMIC.. Acrue-a—The New York earnApoodent of tlo: Philadelphia Ingather, rave letes rbootaut htstrtoroe late that we have Fere, t• hero 011,a Cro.clre. n youtcl3 lay;; ci retn.kabb• beauty and atoloy,utho to now engag ed at the I:teat:way the., To the aatoneclonent to her father, taw dry rbe expo:Feed a :teethe to adopt the make a pr..fw , clou. Alter vainly ea .'deavortecl to dreotade her or tome umothr. he co, atutod P.,1110 uothrteut tutleet. Ti, hot turret., they said nt once that rte yosteapecl the erector', talent to become a tragic woreta at the highest or; der, and the: as a to:cabal, tee wen declined to coy authe au equally elevated fn.t:oo. She is but 16 years of axe, and before the arrives at 20, she be ao ornament to tile ecluetry." ID - U.. M Laxis Vacmortuel—Mora Tesnmouy!-- Mr Jouranaa Ilourtons, of We at Unton, Park Co, Ia . W/Ilr• :o Mdd Co.: • I have of the Vermtingt• you *cut me, mad laiah ',TOY to media I rould have sold a great deal more. :1 I Lod hal Et on nand 'fbe reople her, after trying a I other Inethettlr, tar worms, say la. acne MIN... to •M LaneVermanee Far sale by 3. KIDD te. CO., No. 0..1, corner cf Fou:th end Wood st . l'Ut.lourgh I ttamillm I.avo, ',mum—Prepared by 1. W. Kr-fly William area. N -and f,,r hy A Jayne., No. 70 Fourth .tr..or Tht,o , ll I.e found a dellghtful ril eh: a I,vnrel , fantiltra, and particularly lor ruck roman 11.“610 , 1/.110..—An Improved Chocolate prepara tion.lwoor u combinatrou or Caon out: nut .at, tu •lorutrtm root burbly recommended partic ularly for utvnlul. Prepared by Mr . Raker. botch,- ter, SIHA• ,1111 for tale by A J VriFS, at 11,0Pekin yea ' , tore. No 70 Fourth it mobil JOILI PRINTING. LI. HEAPS, CAIIJr.i, Baih Inding, Guntrua., Laar Hain}, • rIANt nu,Cll4:ll, i, 411, 111.: - "hc. he. ['wilted Kt Ihg 51,41.1, i . Itt on prices, al the liA OPYII . I, OMR. Improvements In Dentistry. ;on. 6 0. of Buxton, I. prepared so conoulortow and ev, In whole and pnrw or new, opoo rwthrin or AM10:1111$1,1c Suelron h 11 KIM VE 1.1101,1,, wlwr , rho nerve I and 10.1ti,Irc orzt door thr May. or, Fourth flltYl. Nl/1. IL 1.1 . 1 , n , 1 , 8i. F il. Enron ,nl.O D :rn:"772,,h IBT mt.l Decatur, bemeria 11.nrkeL I crtr . Deo-0111.. The mayoralty. ' • The name Alderman A 11. ItELKIIART be I.y. hi. friend.. to the coi4ideralion of )he nul•p..lriourlist, Whig ennvrotton. nand:date 0.00 for the MoyorollyofPL ..... _itsbuigb. lc Wm. AIN co will he u conattlale for thr \Iuy oro)1ly. stit,ect to I, nomination of um Whig Conven tion netVA) Icr rt ry AVilkosia . will hr candidate fru the ct to the nomination of this Why, Convention novi Mn)'- or al /01,F hos.y. a ranthti.... for :• (.r 111/jeri thr 11011/1111.1:0 1 1 a the Altegaelly llll LO- ig If - - 1111=== 1 . 1, Immo el i )I,IVIIII H. ROPEY ,will be tiaimit ted, by las lo the euntiderstitan of the u • o , „h , . Costreettoit, urn ,at4lble 'candidat ap e r the Alayornity. novl2-te ' LIKKANDER FRANKLIN, ARA/nsy 'it L4w, AFr,uph *l. . _uovl3.lL. T,114.T CLOTIIS-3 cabes llluu tual Drub F e, L Cloths, ju4t tr-u'd and fur Plc i,, lIIIIRVIIV, WILRRN 4, CO uovIR .11, %Ruud Bt —,..-- - Black Wad. VANCN CASSIsiEla;c4--1 0 000 .11M, Ucw ~y, F Finley Cams'metes, jam rce.l-a1..1 et sale by ovl3 rillArli V, WILSON & CO f - !)LACY o v i.t r) .l ) , l i r 2 -44 g2 1, c ' er c :il h oe c' n ',1Y 0auct, for role E____ .I1'v" MUILIOIN,,WiI SON &CO _....... 111 ° I io S alt 4 bVsgi b g b o l o . d ! o ' r.l n er ,i r e t i°14,, L 11,."'., W b. Id 51.1.TCHIELTRE - E, ovl3 __. _ . .160 Libor.% et_ i ONO SHAWLS-4. A. Mason &Co will receive, Le per express, ties day, upwards of IGO Lon, s,, aw h,, o r e ntirely cove nod fluhiorte.lo %yke. al 17ii,(15'.33r117oStiebao'lliTicolisr4iglei!r ave'sTru'lmu'enkl?fn''tf,°.'cio'.'t,: try. novi3 ?.i rel;e 2 : . C* l . :4 " t , ,, ln ft e ° l al . l 6 , Fai ni ii lovable color. Mr., MI)/ now article. ' nosh Lae Westernß sery e Cre g am Cdmeat, . Sae do For sale by autiterDeLzELL & CO, navid Liarny el 'OSIOIIIV tr. CLOVER SEED—In oorc, for .oho by 1 IJOVVI ROBERT tr. CO ALXMATUS- 3 tonss72casko and Lis p foi late by apvla ROAVAT DILZUJ. k. CO , • - eW Bask r .r..W0ME.1,1 of N BM' Old lend . New Tramment. .` 34 ' . / hY E. B. Spritae, D. D. 1 vol. Imp. EIM v eISMIntIY bound) •10 exgowitely unshed ^ l rTa.i24.; with drscnolons by celebrated American Clergymen , . NEAL, BY AMELIA, (Mrs. Welby, of Ky.,) a new and'eularged eddlon; Illustraiid by ord" ... T . ("'"' animoul designs by Wier. 1 vol. maare Soo, elegant- '''' .ll.lnd bad gilt Also—A variety of splendid Ann& ut led Gift Books. • :cereals Cki.d's First Book of the IlistorY ef Rama. nnttl.lSmo. THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Mrkvei wri S b 'l 5. 17' OU, Lumbermen, Student. and Articaos geocra.Y: • is "IV a thnrough and pracdcal Treause en Monaura -1 boo an Me Sluing Kale. By D M. Kuper, A. M. Boar's Treante on Greek From ComPssm.. . (Mendota's Elementary French Grammar. By Prof. Greene, of Brown Ur.ivrrsity , 1 elll• 18.... Rood/ger'. Greens.' Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. Gomm Or Hebrew Lexicon. Leemis'Tugoinometry and 'Logarithmic Tables. 1 vottakeep Dm Ergiistumanls Greek Concordance.. 1 vol.(dma lint Anthonla Cl • . Anthou's Classical Bodes. 2 1Veb.mrls Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. 800. do di, unabridged , . 1 sot. dtri. Barn's Notes and Questions on New Tesputiont. WhmelY'. Mosheim's F,eclesiastical History- 3 solo. and 9 vol. (dicey.) 1 . ~9 ,ll )cii of Creation 1 vol. 18,00. omoog the Jesuits at Rome. 1 soh (cloth and paper Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 sal. [cloth and paper.) Bogue'. Theological Lectures. 1 soh 1100. (cloth.) Alder's Pronouncing Bible. Boyer's French Di.tionarr. :N u'. Horace. For wile by R HOPKLNS, nosla _ Apollo Buildings, Fourth st_ COATING cases Drab Blanket Coatingl 2 do do Cloth do; 2 do Lavender do) o do tiny and Blue Mixed UV Cloth, to arrive to a few days, and for sale by nOOl3 LEE LASS Celifonda Platdd; I do Ltrown /mod; 1 do Tweed.; inn reed and for We by rsovl3 LEE DREAIIObt DIAMOND POINTELIUULD Fk:DIS.- 11 A wry superior lot now In store and for ale by W W WILSON I SKR W Kg—Spoons, Yorks, Walter Knives, len 0 of our own manufacture, for sale kr novl3 W W WILSON WAlll4llnlrqe varier. for;a4/ re fiar ~: n, ,ov ;t GREEN APPLES-5U LEI. jort reed, in .lore and far rale try uovla FLn°,,tvLt — '' LD POTATOES-73 bu Just recd in MOM and 1. .tc novl3 COPE 6 BaBYFOGLE DEAVER BLICKETB-25 iloa cram for cola b nov1:I COPE lc BREYFOOL AP bbla lehomelvarielict) mei loading from canal [AL and for sale by ' maid ARAISIRONtI tc CROZER 1351iNlieTRA t OR'S NOTlCE—Notice ieheTiby .1.1 given that the underaigned has obtained letters of admmotration an the Estate of Bernard T. Boomer, late of the borough of Miming/tam, deed, and all per aone bat tug claim, against said Estate, are hereby no tified to present theta, duly authenticated, for settle ment, aail all parsons being indebted thereto are re . qnested to maim immediate payment to the subscriber. ANNA ADELINE BEUAIER, Adme'o. ecivl3 fit* Ct_ CAREET MOOS. DE EdirNi3—W. R. Murphy has h. , hat Amid • lot of high colored Mous. do Lidas, such us Cherry, Scarlet, he, at the law price of 25c. per yard. Also, Plain Drat>, Drown, he ,atIN to IN ref yard; land • large assartment of nest styles Stirred Mous. do Lalus, at entices prices, Ligether with • choice assortment of Dross ('.cods such as Fttcy'French Maria., Cashmere., Lyenete Cloths, at the N. E. corner of Fourth and Mat het its. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. 00011 ROCERIES,I.-155 bap prime Me Coffee; O 5 A( Oho.; Y. Irop'l and G. P. Tea; 40 catty boo do do •do do; ' IS bag. Pepper; 6 boon Aloploo; 30 roosts Cinnamon; 9 bit!. Cloves; 6 tea Free; Rice; 75 bblo Lugo No 3 Maori 5 ;es Codfish; IMO bra 8.1.01 Honing.; aroiv inr .d for nolo by WIOWN &KIRKPATRICK ; n 0062 144 Liberty ot S 6AP ori2 4 DUST—e OI.IN MeFA bele bud reed, for eele n DEN & CO QUO AR CURED 11 AlOB-41 tierces superior, jpgt m -0 vetoed owl for sale by novl2 SELLERS & NICOLE ALL ON-3 bbls jortyve.'d and for sale by novIU B ceNYIELD A"EB—White J I TCUMATAKER & Cq - _No 24 Wcod st - LAND 01L-15 bbls in more and for izle by & BENNETT ,No 37 Wood mien 110: 0 1 , V0A1P-20 0 Ci f Th uj' LlS 4 H k DENNFTT band LSO hoop!, of pd.e novil y ENGLISH fr. BENNETT bbl Roll Butler; 1 do Deem.; t. 4) ISO POttilDte; rec'd, foe eale by ,ocle ENGLISH tr. 11ENNE7T_ roNEy-2 basjast d and for sale by 11 novi2 ENGLISH d. BENNETT B UCKETS b 0 deo for sole by MOLISE( BENNETT - ----• c arks far sale los by ,• .1.12 ENal.ten a. E E RS:EN APPLES —3O barrels Rambo., and ether VT clinics varietim In Mrs and lar sale by ARAISTRONO & CROZER INSFYY TiTiATOES—On bbls last landrnif from steamer Nominee, and for minby novi2 ARMSTRONG Ir. CROZER W WO INDOW GLASS—ac Szle.„ bys lOritg 70 bulb:l4i CO b. Yx All of *arta% io good ord., for ..In by JOHN WAIT & CO, novio corner of Liberty .d Ilaod W HIT g rft I IMITZNEL ' ZI, uov tti No IN Mom in 10FiLX-441) bags ree'd and for sale by nnyla NV k R MoCUTCHEON A' f• I. , .112 AV t R AIcCUTCUEON Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, Madder and .Ll. In?igo, with a general auortmem of allserta of toone.ries and rittatmgh Manafaelared ateles, on Land and for sale by W& R MOCUTCH ON, nov itt IN Liberty at LI °mum -.ottOWl43tbs, f rztir s imar u p tide. foe sale by No 67 Wood ea pozolt.,;:d:Citir..noTi.T.-11.5Q lb. immtali4or TT VA tIR3IJr.6O Ibr Jun rred and for man Uy Et E rIELLEIM AILARRIA LIQUORICE,2OO 11.J.‘ ree'd and for mai, by abvP) R E *MILERS L 11111 ZIODER-2 casbb just nc•d, for bale by barli R F: SELLERS _UOA hf pipes Cognac Brandy. Ja. Heroasaoar & c o; 30 qr 40, do do; uqr do m 4 0 , 801511 M; 10 tif do .Rochelle do, Pollavoisio; Lit pipes Holland Gin; 2 panaheous Paotch Malt Wtdaktp; do Irish do do; .• do . Old /moues Spirks; Su qr costs Oporho %%quo; Dt as do sup. Tartonah 5 pip. Calabria Yon • do; oe 0.540 Soot Nalypi do; 30 fad Lan bbls Dry )ba do; IS ball: e. hlamods Champsimo wi pe . a do Lleldsiet's •do do; It do Ceisler's do do; 3as M or o fa tieuel t gidflApl Madei 7 ra d o; cora naLLER it. MCKESSON, sprl2 No 171aad 171Libertr st noupecco— ' • I go boo. Pound Lamp, Samuel Myer. &MS 103 dwarf blo lb do (141 - auM do ' 6 Loll" do lb do " l!lovado: 1 Timm; do do 6'. do Russell & Robinson's; -30 do do 6'. do Caboneloi 16 do do We do foam tiocuboo'si fll'do do •Vs do • FrecomPoi 40 domed° Eabooeo& '4O .do 04 do Diekkoson; • Jo. roseloadand for .ale b MILLER & RICEETSON, on• 111 N 0.1.72 and 171 Libor) BLACY AND COLD .. uDE AIND—A. A. Mason k Co. Ma now opening 611 Memo of oll.wool MC 46 WAN an 4 Culturing. onle AMUSEMENTS. . SHAKESPEARE READINGS. BY 11U313. rpinicis ANNE NICEIBLE. R i !ior s FRANCISer eb I i A M h KF e Lre 1,Y 171 e following play. v. Ithaspeare at Apollo flat! _in thel city of Plush:4mb t Mom. for h/casore, . Monday ,eveolog, Nov. It Mock ado about . Nothilig, Tuesday " Nov. 15 Merchaot Ven ice, Wedneaday " N0v.14 As you Like It. ; Thursday mornins. Nov is Damn open at GS o'clock, I'. M.., and ou Thursday morning. at 10 .S. M. Rtirdinp to commence at 7i o'clock P.M., and on Thursday morning, at 10 A.M. ErTickels to be had at the Bookstores of Johnston A ettocklon and Ray 4 Co., and also at the door; price, 30 cents. nost , lls ACte,TION SALES_ By John D. Davis. Anationete. Slap/. and Fancy Dry Geed. On Thursdny warning, Nov. 15th, at 10 .o'clook, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Pifthstrecw, will be sold, without reserve, to close 1. consignment— An extensive assortment of staple and fancy foreign mud domestic Dry Goods, among which are superfine k black and brown broad cloth., C CS, satins ess, tweeds, jeans, red aid pelisse flannels, blanket', canton flannel., super woolen plilds, barred flannels and Isndsays, menace. alpacas, caluneres, black bornbalicie, velvets, calends. vestals, silk, coat and vest buttons, cloaking, pilot cloths, colored cambric., 9 loch wide s h ee t ngs, supper eohurgs, ribbons, silk Iron needle., Mantras and Coates' spool cotton, , tee: At - Groceries, Gltteensware-, Furniture, M. 'dung Ilson nod Imperial Tea, Virginia manufacp Tobac y eA, writing nun wriiPPing P.P.', shore's, merit balances, Ate. Alarge and general assortment Of new arid second hand household furniture, cooking stoves, kitchen utensils, feather beds, bedding, malwasses, looking glasses, carpeting, mantel clocks, window blinds, A< •I•o, quantity of leather trunks, canvass trunks, ear pet and leather bags, saddles, bridles, &v. At 0 o'clock, A quantity of fuhionable sea , y made clothing, fine table and pocket cutlery, double and stogie barrel shot gnus, gold and silver watches, varieties, dry good., Ac. newt/ .TORN D DAVIS, Auer Adjourned Salo of 9 Splendid Burlding.Lots in the Cary of Alleglieny, a Anatol,. On Saturday afternoon, November 17th, at 3 o'clock, will be sold, on the prenumsomithout reserve: Seven Lots of ground. sltnale on the West Common adioitang the "burnt district," having each a front of 20 feet, and emending 110 feet to on alley 10 feet wide. Also, two very valuable Lots, hiving a front of DI feet on the south side of Ohio street, and attestor back go feet to a ten feet alley. Tams, one-third cash, residue in six and twelve wont ha, with Intermit. A plan of the Lots may be seen at the store of Mee tr. Robinson, in Allegheny, and at my Auction Room, corner Of Wood and lifth am no• 13 JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt 70 dos F. Shtrts,%CloAs, ta., at Auction: tin Friday morning, Nov, lab, at IC o'clock. it Commercial Oslo. ftnom., corner of Wood coif Firth oat will be sold by catalogue, on a credit of 90 day. on sums over 5100, for approved security,, an Invoice of 70 dozen of extra Fine Shine, comprising +lnterior I broad and narrow plaits, French embroidered and open work bomme, custom mode English long cloth and York mill muslin shirts, with yoke neek and French sleeve; broad cloths, nations colors; mized.satineiti black and fancy cassimeres; leans. eilk packet tides, gum suspenders, silk and lasting coat and treat 'Mit tns, Ike Fo s rdi s it . lie o r'partig n ir o la , r; see it,Ang DAVIS, Ac ct the o. Cettosa Black'nor>, TeoL, k.neLikkaelnee OTUESDAY, - tto 131 h of November, at ten ot. clock, will be sold at Aoeuoth on the premises, (Filth Ward, rittaborgh.) all the hlnehlnery,LTools, Shaft. Drums and tioarum of the Phonic Cottoora.S. tom formerly belonging to Adams, Allen&Co. Also, quantity of Cotton Mill Castings, Wrooghtaind Cast I Iron Work, Cast Cowl Spindles, Rollenham.PrnPlenni for raid ma Patten, Office Furniture, an, among whleb are Cording . &mules, Throstles, Spoed, era, Drawing Frames, he. A liberal credit will be given on all pnrehates over 8100, Ramada known at sale. oet3lldlulmsrla 301INJI) DAVIS, inlet HAVANA. AND PRINCIPE EiFiriAßS— te,sao fail Fired Hasa., FNIFFN 40.00 med. do' do, Ilernmin 20,000 Regalia • do, . Caomopolito; 1010 do do, , La Fornerolds; 100 W do do, El Neptune; 10,040 Imperial Flagons, La Norm.; • .80,Emu Genaine Principe, Cm: &Sons; .40.000 i Eagle 9.0.4 100,00 Soperior Half Spanish Began; . Jam received ani/for sale b MILLER b. RICKETSON,. 0.013 Non Viand 174 Merl/ ar jUf : 1 , 1:: PASTE-8 bis just ree'd Lod tor sale by RS E SELLE MBE Earlier nod Later Prophecies of luta. Ey. J. Prof. J. A. Alexander. In 2 vols. Bey. Elva, cloth, 115.50. . . .The mond, indeperident judgment whirr!, Prof. Al exander everywhere displays, combined- with tone candor, modesty, and a spirit of profound reverence for the insprre I volume, drstinguishes his work most advantageomly from most of toe critical MO actions of the age, and etititles it to be regraded as a mode/ of Dibbe savemfigation: , -London Patriot. 1. -A rich coornhatroti of 012°1m - real exposalon fdr the am of the clergy.”—Presbytenan. "A commentary of higher =A the unfolding Of • poem, and of protoander character thin a mere re. mummy of mggestive practical thoughttY—N. Y. Re corder. For sale by JAMES D. LOCK WOOD ! noY2 Bookseller and lmporter, 63 Wood at_ HIED OIL-00 bble No and iinWhficiclanding from yammer Fainnomn, for - sala by navy . JAMES DALLELL' eIIEE..,E-43ldn e,r. b r is .. l i a e n t tng from Pinikiiighikreleig-_ . toot JAMES DALZIILL V'HOMY 13LA158-600 boo tlxlo,,lool.2and 1 • V T. in store and for ulo by a 9 • JabioS DA.LZELL CDEESE-50 bag j' g holding and for sale by novS Ja DILWORTH Jr. CO Wit;-Eo,wu re~~y DlLwo i T h i Co CAIETY FU noes UCKETS-60 dos la store and for asJe by nova 78 DILWORTH is CO do: In owe and for ode by J 8 DILWORTH & Co CASSIA—=O movjno 1 ing, for ohs by • 120'03 S S DILWORTH k CO -- - (U)V c josr rce'd and for talc by • lJ novB 7SDILWORCH&CO tzszu nak ing yen% and for vie by 40 bxs Eo4oeh dairy: for sale by nova 1 DAV . 110 Wood at J A f4S-1100 eztra eine, for bx: nnv7 311 WILLIAMS - lOIRTF.- -- - -- .lOdoz , Conon Beim 0 dos super Tow Hags, 170 ids do Linen; . _ 30 an Woolen Soek • IS. yd. barred Flnr...tlg for see by I,S.$ • J D WILLIAMS SUNDRIES -46 b.. e 1 La • • 10 bbl. Grease; I I Reeser., 2 bbl do; to entre o steamer Fors Pitt, for sale by •• , • noir9 _1131,1A11 DICKEY k. CO, Front sr Q U - 5 - A - R-6 1 sale by nov9 di to arrive costumer Fairmatton, tot ISAIAH DICKEY 3 CO, • Fro= st M OLASSES—LS bbls to wive OR steamer dxaeri nose, ISAIAH tor sale by nosee ISAIAH DICE& & CO LARD-100bl. No I, now landing from mm Port Pitt, for Bala lip toot . ISAIAH DICKEY &CO BKEDWAX-2 bbl. and l Uereo novr landing fro , steamer Fort Pittjor 0010 by noun ISAIAH DICKEY & CO itlinni,-1 4 • • s now an. torn steamer o Pitt. and for sale br oorS ISAiAnDICICEY k CO Yo.!noble Property tor OaJoe , rIMIE following •aloable LOTS of grOnad in IS. ernes of Ciusborglt and ASaghony, are offered fo • ti Lola on tho-comar of Penn street and Boll' e lev.:Xl ft. erten by UOll. in an alloy. 9 Lots on Liberty, nearly oppoeito West etreet,ll ft. ear b byllOlL to an alley. . 0 Lou an First and Second streets, above Ross, each Si IL by PO. 3 Lots on Seventh street, near Grant, each YO ft. by Cm to Strawberry alley. ILA Lots in the Ninth Waud; on Liberty at, between Baldwin and Canal am, each% H by M. • 11 Lots on Beaver tweet, Allegheny city, each 51 fC by 240. For tents apply to MARL B. sanix, Aleut; Berke's Bailding, dtli st. VITRA FAMILY FLOUR-3S 'barrels Farmer & ,E 4 Kirk'. Druid, to-day reed and for sale Ds noatti ARMSTRONG & GROTE& -B R OONTS—So dos received and far vide by 110,111 hlihtSTRnNO h CROZER FLOUR -100 bbl., various brand., feed, for sale by noel° ARMSTRONG & CROZER CI 110T—.10 bus is *tons and far uls by asslß • ARMSTRONG & CROZER T‘RIED PEACIIIM-70 bn Mstere and far sale by naTIO ARMSTRONG &GAOLER 'FISH -49 U 0 bbl. No 8 dblentlL EtWZIMM 15 Itt • No ree'd and ler aale by nomrll3 ' RIMY, MAMIEWS tr-go_ LEAI7-4SZ pies Leikl, reed and f en sale by .L 4 ncrvib RIMY, INIATTHEWA.C.9 lARD-2I kc j. and 1 bbl reed and for rale by a "" 0 !MEV, MATTHEWS k OD TOBACCO -411 kegs Na I and 0 mg. Soe c'd suld fOf. e HAR Dti, JONES & 113 y cow •- • • vBEAN CHEESE-16 tan Gianni Or. RR de. ur NAV. D.WiLlifl &C f ciconcl7\i3-4 ensia for 11111, 17_110V10 HARDY, JON EA CO -------- PEA NUTS-100 bags fttr tale law to claw consign Bent. nowlo HARDY, JONES . A cu LO NO BW—A. A Mason k Co. Cacti jcat O. 11AIsti "ived. per capran, 3 cartons Extra Soots Long enalgrla nortn 'VELVET RIBBONS—A NI .110nEMISIS reed {a =press. Alao, Gimps, Frlnges and Binding.. to A S. bLASOlijk. CO VHESH TEAS-4300 p, consisting . of Y. P. lairMand Ulack Vat.)%trieg jr.Virlimx)leNby No MI Liben; et ' 4 ' "'" V;.l l MCVTIMN ollACClies; Ws, Hooey Dew, soperVile quli. TtY, led reed Lod fOr sal y e b aerie W ie. R MeCUTCHEON --r----- 1 / IHOROtetTree' bu No, d ord for ale by W R ree MeCUTCIIk;ON T • Olden Time. TAXES D. L KWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, el No. 63 Wood, trees, has for fale stew eoplea woof vete, Oho lemaiuder of the ediuort,) of thii valuable, mock, devoted wale Prommation of Doeumente, and other =Untie information rotting to Me early or ploratiou, senior:tent and lotprovannott of the country around the head of the Ohio. Dy . Norville EL Craig, leo, of PlM:torah, Ind vela Bro. noolo 3;lle LOLTWOOD: IrhIA.N LIBERTY: A Hboory, with a 'kW or the japer°, of oho+ Aae . iorst Nadool. • By Samuel El tt, Erg. Illartrated arab Mew:, tograykogo, eu ¢rod at Roam 2 Tata, "..1 afann with ryortood . . Bistorkal Wort* . Jost published 'and for oile by JAMES D. LocicyroclD, 13,01r001 . ..r and noylo Lamina, fa Wood at LissEED bbl.l. l3i v a lx :o t foLtz:r., STEAM BO k 7 FOR,NTE%c ORLEANA The ensenitkeent steamer W. KEN DELL, w. riehtpe, mailer. 1,11 leave foe Uhe - and' lattetexeitte landeep; this day at 4 &clock, Far fro j or paNagr, opplyijal rietl3. FOR Niti Prql"ertird vr . rF LFr7 ir. aaaicedic,,,:ob,4 —• "all rnsh. e onion Monday, .he I'_o at 4 o'cirek, or freight Or passage, iszpir on bo=d- oovlg FOR CINCINNATI AfiniT LOVIR. •e• The splendid steamer / I. FAIRMOUNT, - - : 1 711 , 1 . 1e p a .. Ye for and all. tki day at 4 o'clock, P.M. For freight or passage apply on boarl ------- __ FOR ST. LOUIS.. . 4 ,... ~,, Thinew steamer AMAZONIA, , - . . Copt. Alexander AI e Bride.will leave or the shove and all intermediate ports on Toewloy, the 13th hue, at 4 o'cloat P. AL For freight or passage apply to nein PIETIGREW3r. Ce...___ , The fine mottoes REVEILLE, I ' Stone. master, will leave for than d all lotermedaite eon date day, at 4 o'clock, P,,M. . For frettlif Mintresr, apply onnomj. -- iike fii'NCrIiIIATI. " The l l 7 7 ,1 ' Aata7;lFß, ' Rowley, master. will leave . for d he the above and all intermcdme ports In. day 5110 o'clock, N. M. , boast. For freight and passage iwily43(thia. co, Ag, . , norld ' FOR ZANESVILLE rftnTly The sp l en did . • . gk • . Parkinson, znaster. will leave for the above and all intermediate ports on Wednesday, the Ilth inst,at 10 o'clock, A, M. . ....... For freight or board, or to h . .. PawtttSot aftPl l K,o; w ,,,,,,,,, = „, A 0,7•. , — PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING I'ACE.' The aew . and aplendid passenger Om CICINDERELLA,A, . Capt. Jai. II Hamle, will lease Paw burgh every Monday, Wednesday anti • ' Friday, at to o'clock, A. M. . . ~.. ' For fretght or passage appl.....tooalstl,' or te '• ' .....---, Deal • t. 1 PUJOIVIS, Agl.. - PtiRRITSTISIIjr. - WIIKELING. . ~.,,... The fine steamer • , WELSVILE, . . CapL Iliagini for Sunfish every ?don- 014' I . y and rear, ese.rl-atitY ." 2 ' IP. M. oiela ARMSTRONG Zs C ER .. airicurimuiTriCP. . s at - _ . DkiLv - PAc•K•ET rous well known line of splendid ;mounter Stead:l - are is now 'composed of the largest, swiftest, has . Ilmotted and furnished, and moot powerful benw on tho waters of the West: ' Betty seconnemlation and'etren fon:rant money call picture, has been provided faros. stainers The Line has been in °pennon for five year. —has curried a million of people without the least ono rtitomti ,m heir persons.. The boats will fie at the foot of Wood et the day previous to statues, for the recep tion of freight end the entry of pamengers anent reps , ter. In nil ranee the passage money membepald ln advancer , SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON,- Captain Hemphill, wil leave Pittsburgh every Sunday doming at sit etelookr, Wheeling every Sunday evening at lit r. . - • May iO" ,1E47. .; DONDAY PACRYT. The 110NONGAIIELA, cups - Svorm, will Have Patim - burgh every Monday unkrning at 10 o'cioek; Wheelleg every Monday evening at 10 T. • ' TTIY.S . D.CII - I r ATKEV: The , FIIUE'ENLA . No. 2, Capt. J. Distumnot, win leaky l i ng every Timmins morning et 10 o'elook;'' Wheeling every Tuesdaj anoint at In P. 11. virtu:oft:spelt PACKET. • The NEW ENGLAND'S°. 2, Copt. S. Du it, will leave 'Pittsburgh every Wednesday morran rat 10 o'clock; Wheeang eyeryWednesdav evening a 10 w TIIVK 3/AY PACKET. The , ORILLIANT, Capt. Orly; will leave Plum. burgh every Thursday morning nt 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 P. Y. uPlYils7:rirATlCtif. The CLIPPER No. 2, Capu Will U. , . every eve.ry Friday morming at lOo'clock; Whoa, ler every Frid ay evening at In T. , SA TIIRDAY PACKET. M The DISENOER No. 2, Capt,' I. C. WoonWasa, Will lean. Pitt s burgh every Friday morning M /0 - 0 , Moak Wheeling every Fnday mlo r. 16. • , I • Be.ex 01 P 111113.011, Nor; 6, 0r , 46., . . ridEaPrecnViDioittetto'floeth4ell'or rekngt cephil stook. for the last lox months, payable to Stook. holders or thrlr lege repreeentativre fenhereh. 1 norr•dlw JOHN !INVDEtt, ."er. Excursaas Bast Or PrIVOCZOO, Nov.ll, 1 r rillilS Bonk h., this day, &dated a dividend of four per tent. on its capital stock, payable on, or after the 16th inst. FoliemAbock holders will he id Lithe Western Baal - off Philadelphia. , aer7Abl' - HOWE, Cubic, Mascracrtrans • BAlni pktlebnigo a lloj i . , %42. T il to iS ur ß pr oo r-tent.On 'b n st i v ' e d ar a Tlll stook, out or Ott, pro- Lu of.the lean six months, pm - able fonhvntla. nov7-62. .tV. 11. DENNY, Cr.bier. h133,6i.ure1 bioorsocroaim's October lOM, AN ELECTION for thirteen Ihreetors.of Dank the th e coshin g Year , be held la th e Thinking Mow, on bleiiday, the loth der of November nut .. octl9-this DENNY. Cashier p.saaans Bask or Pet-norms, / • October 19,1E49. AELECTION Cor shineen Oire eters of th is Bank, to serre for the enseingTballi sill he held Elbe • Flanking floss., on Manley, the 19.11 doe of Novas.. bar nest, betas.a the boons o(9 A. M. and 3 P.M. oesktklie THOMAS M. lIONVE.CubIer. Bann or Errissoton, t • • ' • Omotter 19,1849. S• • AN ELECTION for thirteen Directors of. Mis Mut, for the ennung year. mill be bold al Ma Banking . Douse. on 3lorlay, Mo 19th of November next oerlo4R. JOHN SNYDER. Caabler.-.....". • De. Georg* filatiffisolc • • --EL selected Pittsburgh as hts future residence..,, • EL lie has token the beam lately occupledbylildes-; man Unties, on Fourth sr-, neer Grant immediately ad:- joining the Losnarune House. • His office is alts bed to .• ids residence.,where he will consumtly be fiend, un less absent on professional duty. lance hours from T.• todo'cloek A. hi, and from sm-7 o'clock P. ht. - • novs.4lJuly •_ . NG ooen a great variety of styles for l.soliess, Ml. oar • and Children's Saeke, including black and black /prey • for Mourning. Also: FfiENCII MERINOS, of all the lauding colors. melt as 'Cherry, Crimuin,..ariarlet sad Maroon; AltierenC .shades et green and drab; black of all qualities.; Aim: • • - Ch ERE'S AND COIItiRGS, of bright and plain., colors,to suit all tastes, and la lowest cash prdecip... The parucular attention of buyers is ukeduothe huge mock of Goods in general, last roe deed, and. , • which includes a great many styles of GaAs that are 1 Emma. • Who Joule Rooms up noir. • nos 9 GUM ilYRR11:0 lbs. inn re - e . kl • rd - for oI t-Ty— nov9 .1 KIDD Lc f.. 10, CO Wood sr • UPER I 0 R SHAVING UREA. and foryale by MIDD fr. Co, E 0 *clod s. G LA .ll . O Y ra E t t. ; -300.reams tort/ _ IKIDD .4. CO, 03 Wood ALLI:I 9 - 7 1 . bb J KIDD t Co;Gu Wooda O UND.III-11/ casks Rice; • 1.7 75 boxes Ohio Meese; • 7 aids Packed Bader;ln stone C O .nude by "now 9 • ,101MWATI . aCO TANNERS , 011,40 bbls marina by e anal and far sale by JAMS'S DALZFLI, NO.SUGAR (or Lbds b~ndi~igfromile>mrrPur . moans, and for oWe by m~9 IAh ( F4 DALZRLL VLOUR—zoi bbl..pertor Mumly Ftout.'just roc ud tAY COME BRNYFOOLE; novt4 • IC9 Seeeo _ G UNNY in store inTisTaltibi COPE ?a SUIESFOGLEs nnl3 , . No Ine Settonil et !l *CEPA APPLES--150 - 6 - 6is, f ---- ... 0 - " 1 " ' itn l_,T by ' C9PE fr. UEEITOOLE,.. more , ... N e 0..3 &emit st .i.r _ ---. • C .E. atE.Ol.,eze—ltl Dad a.reata a.• eeeei • 67 do. 19. R., dal 3 eA ksleiritus.. 4 bsa Honey, !adios Irma mid boat J. A. Canghey, and for 466: by 111161 • A MF.:4 DALZELL ETcR=AtiD effeartre - eiTof Patent Polar Lard Lamps, "for Cinstehes Ond Dwellings; .Btoles, alteambnats, Ac, aVhcoesale And te •l otil. WV WILSON, novS comer Fourth and Market eas S. H. H. htOLASSE.9.—In owe and/or ezle leer by .49 DILWORTH & CO • /leg VITIF:&-77117; • tilmtry one Seems wines, for sale by the ea& or in gam• thin to .ott porehuen. hy W & M tarrci tErtn EP, nor/ _242 160 Men, at . J. 311saprati k Bona' PASOillt. • Sall: Aabs,,.l can; C1,91 , 1 . 5 4 G15es ontd..:Soap maters 'l3oda As b ,. darect jp3l Lyn aove. celebrated. ( R c,orers,ss per cene - 5 , ..,ne te b•st, arriving and for Mlle .alord 31 3111 * 1111ELTREE. IQUORd--17 ht pr a ipes sN Au Hiliend Idin; ' 5 e, • 400 bids h rikey; . for sa'e by IVA 711 I'dITCHFILTREE L A q c ,, o o:zl ,— . 6 - 174(bouilm by the cask or gettable*, 14 so h p:, n ,t" td , s 7, d , f " " 1 ° nova & hi 1111Telia:LTWEEL B4EACIIING --. 11 POWDER <tub, -Ns lii&n,rart & Eon.' LranJ , s prior attiel& lot IWO bl ! • rics•G - W & mr;citEr.ajq±,-, Viords.9•7Sts."S-- . M bble prune N o . 3lcartese Sy in errik In, Ibis, in store and for sale ny noviS • N - &11 111.17COLTIME "0107311 TEAS—lmporiul, firmtpo•udor ..ui yo r mr Hymn Toasof sopenor quoin), in hf chests, LY sold 6 pound bin, just you'd nnd for solo by .nov6 • NV A. AI AIVirHELTRE6, ____ Ad~oarnment, BOOKS for: the sebeeription t't Beick in Mir sees' Insurance Company, are reheated froturtbs Rooms alba Board of Trod,, to the 4 - ..,zft flush IX ft l ant and Fa leß vP opeu P"it' tTl e th r'' ..7 " 7l " dett ' ik = tea di'ts;es directed i t u ton Cl u tter , a: un ti l oat th ee' . seed e arce are subscribe& .• ntreTslir ' .. • TN A DRY 000DS JOBBING HOUSE!, a. aeWeer Aleut partner, with a cult capital Dollar., or two active panned welt .0-- with the 'num..", and hav ing frond Fig ele 7.1104-; sand Dollars each to rate the plans of a weldor Msl . ► ' • bet of the Enn, wishing to retire on th.: la of mgt..' nary. ?be House la ;well esta4pAe r , eat= ',oaf haulms. AJl.eoranninicaona lie 8.1 Addreww—hletchint Box 677, Pl , dadelph,W• .V VEAR CANTON;Stork unin), (DT} AN 488 ACRES OF LAND, in • blylUf d :l7 4 .„, d ration, with a suitable proportion at as abindance of Sumo cool and limesusa!- ;• . `"" ; ,..Ftr= prawn.. of this land are rolling heat, and meadow land adapted „ orr The Improrenkrale are a rood Frame rr,7741 . ;M: Brick Darn, • young ibrihy APP , • grafted knit; Foal soPalY of r . g . ,`Ci,'";,,W , -- "z4,,3,7 1 3 .Felmm—One fourth band, payment. Dale mdispatable. For farther paroculars apply to 11. Gr Ltaold Canton; or to the undeniguenb i ta i rn A L. f onar w ,„ i aulagalstrasat or ttui EplH 1 acero., 4—• IL 7-2 gross just ree'd U=CI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers