The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 13, 1849, Image 1
ESTABLISHED 'IN 1786 PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY M BUSINESS - . ,_______.... .„ .4 .4.Y. 02 ___ , 11 0 T Els COTARTNERSHIPS. 694101, soAD....Y & Co. Wholesale Moue/. and --=_- --- _ =---,----, it.= = =------_,_ -- - DAVAO O. TUTTLE, . CY Prod., dealers,Nn tta Markel street, between Ath Dlanotutton of Partnefahlp. . A 71 - 01INEW AT LAW AiND CADdAIISSIONER trot nth. North Ode, Philadelphia liallY MUTUAL CONSENT Oa day, the Gem here rooos 1,10 - 1 ---- 17 /FID S LI T N A T - t s l z lll )3 M A OTIS or t . 1,.1 OR N. ..Cl. POI' Pleas:Ns TLVANLA, Sr. Loos, Mo. LT - a at . HAILRAUCM, Wool Merahants, Dcalite moo awn VISTAre., 1110r....n. I) fore emsong under the style of IIIit.MFLEL k. All ronananieanans pramsui ..." . ..d. . 13 'll' 0. to Flour and Premium. general!), and Forwarding itTHIS cstablishmeny long and widely known ha LEA DP.R, has heen d aw a se d by Henri 1,,,t1er r ll ii . RNISTIMNG ACROZt..ll,Commormo Anamonts, an d cow o n o won Aferehano, N 0 .4 Water sh, IMO. bring orm of the matt commedlo. In the city or log). enure rotereet 11l roll firm to John octal! .II and boilers in Produce, ho .2.1 Market some ker.._ _Baltimore, has recently undergone vary eaten. bounces connected am, the firm or Bushheld &Le dl ttsburgls . dec..9 o war y., r .,,,,, efa xio, - -bogax.o n ,.. . r , solgogtheranons and haprocements., An entire new er ex. he settled by sft liothfield & Ce., , whn re • F.D.} to naoris, expect aura 0 ELLIDIS A NICOLS, Produce and General Co.. . 1 .6 her been added, centahung numerous and airy duly a unloosed to snake all collections and 11., II }MEDFIELD & LEADER ()HAUL & REI am, WholesaLs and Henall Drag- 0 mural. MeraltaltiroVe I 7 LthertY IL, Pittsburgh •ir•Pula nrartntents, and egtenstre bathing rooms Claims J.JI gime , e tuner of Ltheny and et Clair streets, Pins. norm. Linseed and Lard Od.s. The Ladle. , department has also Men eompletely Pit %burgh, 0..27, Han burgh, Pe mayl4 Q F VON BONNHORST. & Co, - w rorr , u , r, ...:(......, .orn w tti . mai l. and heled up tn a coo • unamc and beam, fact Le w holeiortangenient of the Houle NIN-9 11 BUSHFIELD kCO will continue e (tura .M. n, a. mtown. V e zgr i s . , Arlc u a r rdrA m and COMmiselort Marabou , hr., been remodeied, oath o stogie eye on the part of ash 0,000 mtd retail Dre Gonda andGrocen ~ .1310t1.11, a CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers, ir 0 nr ?_' 1. " .W....1 Wemore Pro- the rompncters, tower d the comfort mad plea... of at the old store room, No WU Labelle at, where th e 000 0 . ,,, nr0rw00 , macchmtoy pie 143, Liberty st, dace, harm removed to oreo ocor ontrehonsegold stand) their Cites., and which they confulently assert will will ho ;Masud to have their fnen Is and custom rs dealt. N 0.2.1, comer of Front sh ma chancery Lana Palsbaral. Pa challenge corny iron with any Hotel In the Union , call tot.d emantac their stock of gnu. D, A VAILNESEOC6 & C0., -- WholeSaTe and Re. .^. 7 . Their table will Gwen a be eapplied with even nab. mill S II DIM/WIELD A CO ' ill• OM nrallnwo, comer Wrad and Ouch. syl 'grAktEEl & BEST, Wholertiale Or - Mem - and Confetti. Naomi and bosun which the market affords, served Dissolutiont r• - - - .(iALRI ik --- e•SllPAVlVhofeesle Grocin nod L ~ , ,z e. t . l igr, e s t ant, , , , , .and dealer. in Froths, No 15 up in Keeper., owl., w o r e.. th a way of Wines, Ac., rill*: panncrship of the undersigned, under th e firer .Lik AI Woodsmen Pathborgis. papa they will not b. marpossed .1 of bragaley k Smith, v.. dm...led be• mm 01 --.-. 4 T • - .err _,„ 1 ., _... 0 .,.... ine..,....e.. be11 , ,...,Zr ...1. 1 .• coamet on .29th September, W ilagaley porch., g 0. u. re - iwnitioz, 'II- D., NO 150 SPILL CE STRLI72, PHILADEL P 111316 T...-“,...Sheoe°l,l7Trit' I n i a, l'W earp e ra d r i ZtT i k d e 7 ' s " ;‘,. 'n ...."" Lrenit's','t'autn'de'',';',,.l,igrcss-'"o-al7y-th'er'Co'n'tinthjed o lh f ' llTe ' fi n ;T • w r i ' ll El be 6 se 'u ttl ' h ' lt h e ' ih r e c rr " :tiet. Th ers ' o ' r ' s:Vi' it ' nUNTINVE., m gore Ins particular mama. to Ose center of ath and Penithfiela stt, Pritsbu4 pn. po panatela, althea (n e. and the public generally. B raro l oy o. Co , or No . 15 rord ~, w oo , oL 1.., treatment of Dtseases ot the SKIN, SCROP UI A, -110 L j ES A AL C-6 E S G -W RO E C -A LM -V , I' Dis li imarter 0-1" FORFIGN cou T ,, h , e j5 . n , e r 5... ,,. 1: .: 0r hoard have al w been reduced to the '72,.. WILIA Ala RAGALEV and Llise..ot tho TIOLOST. W WINES, LIQUORE and tIG YRS, dat e r c, L*"' °"4'"'"' radaawgh, 00d..9, 49 ISAAC R SMITH Office kouro. sr A 31., I P. AL, and 7 P 31. $1,73 per day. time 6.• Old Mononehela Rye W hokey and Prltsbor:h Al alf hr "nd'''''''' " 1,20 CO PARTNICIISIIIP.-Wea lisgeley having us Es. 4000 AL, came .' - ar.n. 4013.13 , .rosy. ... roamer of Mork a an d es o . ar or .. • N. D .- The Ba t Wagon of 1.1. Iloase will .I- owed 001/1 h. Wm . 11. Woodward of PM nitelith a, (SHAH.. & SKINNER, Forwarding nod Gemination Hama. sancleo .upplied at market rates ecen ways he found at Sr Car and Steamboat Landings. John S c,,,,,, c and Ithipmflkeal. in( Pittshur b. N.J Merchant No. 20 Market m, Plaid...db. , spO ---- I N , ~, ... iv which will convey bargee to and from th e Hotel, free will refl.,. the Wholesale Orman Easiness.. N a 11E7LTUA111, of charge Is and nn Weed st, under the firm of C• A. McANULTY & CO., Forwarding hail COM. - MTHOLESALE GROCERS, su-crirviNG MS &MARTINE MODEM IVY. BAG a LEN b. CO , Pittsburgh. % x i,. mama Merchmts, Caml Damn, Putaborgh Pa. • • TILLERS. and WINE d 'AMOR IMEItCH. oo i " . - • an d BAG ALEN' WOODWARD ACO Nubs... end. ANTS Also- Lab of ..}7Ztt Ater and Bleaching '''''''''' T ' Ym b Y Y i r n o '',.. Y "'" ac . po ,„,7,l7 .- „„ r,.."'"?..,,%: 000 Ih" " "m. 6 P rin tr Ai i., ll. 6 ' 4°l "4 Um. 1.° 1. 4'; N° M l '''' l7 .r, °PP . '" 14.'h N,l Pr.." 156..,............:.penrtrd has new and ear elle u ntil ' otel - Dissolution of Co-Parts. r ship 0r...5. b.- hr.... for the ocean... Anon a iterates boarder, beard.", rump, co_porm ers hip he.mene, egistmc beta ern t ..... COLEMAN,'MAILMAN ft. Co, manufactment of sein o !ma, _ nor. ....Lao and the public generaly. Tho Mesa ae r' d be ts I .Mew under the style ot Drown & t uthe Coneh it i r mi . i ;Janie Springs , Hammered Azle., ICS & M'CANDLFSS, (successrs to . ILI Dan e itirely neer, had sh e or ep. have beets son, was danolt odd n the Ist itat. by mutual t fmte L Spring . Steel, Dm, A . Hanle., oo f t Wi n h boterale Crocco, Forwarding and spare ' d to render It one of the m ost comfortable and Al R. lIROWN, Water and am treets, ?inshore. ' Commonlon Docket., dealera t) en, Nada, Glass, - Masa. Hotels in the city. litsburgh, Orb 5 11110 a COMM.:I3'f ON S • Al.l dealers tea Coat kt Trinnalugs owl 9l 0 0111 Mame lona, end Pnaburgh 31.othetures generally, ' The mObserDier Le demoting. to, and therm - Mmie• of Wood and Wetel acct. Pittsburgh fort sena., a share of tOblte Patronagh Tho ...crater will continue the lb hole., Lr..e. Dllo W.1.1.71 - IAKM., W WALLACE. M al .Solle and Mill Prinush. ocit4 My _ JACOB 11011(.11, Proprietor. Ty and Cornertamon Bonnets ns Itaketofare at the .1d . :yr,.g.establistment. Na 244 Liberty 1.1, near the -. UNITILD ST2Vi./WS I.4OTFOL, .and, 1.0 Ohm a. °eta ACI 1,111. 11 ft.ON ._ _ _____ V 1241 9rserisT, .4.l.afe 11e New lark) - _en a red Oman. ir e arms= rottXrn aND nen ent - TATLOnst - Ilitliti Ell`, - - 0,,,,,,...,_,F.,,,,,,,,,,., yvy yl, 1,,,,,,1,,,,,,, 5,,,, er ui, orr g - vv AVAVia - M.M r . Watcris,lewelry r bilier - Wore, rIPPOSITE late Rank of the Muted Stn., Pella- DROPRIBIDIM OF all: PIII`°II.7ItIIALKA -I Strawberry ant.). , r, . and litilitary Goods, cora. of Market and 4th l„./ dolphin. • hl. POPE MITCHELL, 1 WORKS, N . ...j . ,„ . .,, of th c . o ,h.„,, yy th, yoy , ol StTeCtd, Pittobargh, Pa N. 11.-Wachs . and Clocks mar., _ =Propriet o r. uncle create Ash and Muria.. Amo Penne+ we h; • - f..."/ . spilt...Um een'rellY refddree. deck emm, mg to parch... enter of the abase •rucles, are e• wro. a ' 0r ,,,,,,,,, , nogg , gr oroaari ii: - )VEST BEHVEN-Commanton and Fenwordlng LAW OFFICES. and examine the arueks before putt he. ng eisewhe e bitS . r w llfr o HtE%ga , ted o Ettgll.l,, i, gialiv,...,. 1 . 21 , , s..2:lg.ft, No . PO Front st between Woal , tist • N U.-The Soda Aeh manafactur, .1 at ma ...tat It . men Is greatly , 0100001 TO 00) other brought to 11 a g Alerellsotk, and dealers In Produce and Puts. 11 , 7 K. MURPHY , Whosesale and Reuel &aim th JOAN IL RANKIN, market. .pt2l ' burp Alsoafactaree r No ./7 Wood M., berm:curd and • Formge and Domestic Dry. Goods, north cast , ad streets. . oat e mime of Market and Fourth ft% auMll A TTORINEY and Cmnsellor at Lew, end Comm.- war rr or.oroo /•11. areissos _ . , _ al. correr for the Sum of Pennsylvania, dr. Lour., SCAIFE & ATITINsON, ono. tie. astern rake., n swares, sme. TOWN., • Ino. 11. tectrin Ito tau of r,,,,1,,,,, , t0 LikAntirki W. SMITH & PO., Brewers, Maltters WIL YOUNG &Co -Dealers In leather holezoke. I tan nerwess Woon ego Meatus Pirtle. 1, tr.... 4,4 c 4 ... - P1 , 1 44 .4 1 . / 1 .• W. Forrcars ll . 443 P P .a.NTINUP. to ma nufacture all knola of CrrlrPE , %_T mar Bop Dealt., Pitt ..i., ?unbars. siptiS TV it 7 ' , Dent a- - .. 5 -IY ton tk. 11111 M r, MCa ndless A. WC/cue, John L. Parke, C • FIN AND trHilk7T IRON WARE Al.n, 131ark i-SEctILGE COCHRAN; Contousmou and ii omen:hog lea a'ecT(...• .o . r.ltt'cnortieum. imeill.t - .aimele, APCord re lung .04 di y - ensith Work. G. Mercluint, Pm. 211 Wood street. pdriburgh. myl7 IA7 Aft nuctrrenEop., Wholesale Grocers. des- - 1 -- tr. im.. !I' natural, Sterna Boats bolo to Ordcl. ------a- ark ~,,,,, ~,,,,,TSalt . V V • krs in Produce, Iroo, 7 , 4113J:tau, and Poo Datil], a. STERRETT, :Trued anew,. gam to Vf -am hoar work 113. 1 0111L10N kr/ k..ItART, marittfac.ur of Beaty tril . Le.1.e.... de... RI, 1 5 d Ltherai et, Pat. A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AP LAW, Have on bands a floe assonment of Copper and Bra. AA_ Shut:ass, Check., ac., Rebecca etrcel,, city of --! 5 - - --- - dell Fourth etre., between Sount fi eld and Grant, Kettles, Ti„ Ware, Ac Le Steamboat Cooking SIOIVF, ARCghelly. u0v 0,,a1,1, , 71,r W WILSON,..DcaIer mll etcher, - Jceielry dinburgh, Pa • dell Portable Forges, 'IMO. kW,/ - a very cone ^lll , lll. ar lj LINT,Dur UT - Murphy A Lcej Waal Deal- ..7„,. 81I .'' W... M l nlory Goods, /kn .No 57 Mar - 17,1 r , ,C,,,,,, yy. --- ~,,,„ y ~‘,„‘.„,„ uric for steamboats, Cahfontm emigrants, or rad road JI.L. er and Common. Merchant, for the sale or --r novy ,__ _ _ _ LARGE & FRIEND, conapanwe Ainerie. Woolen., Liberty, opposite 6th at feh l 7 --- Wll. - N - DDI.G & co., t TFORNES - .4 AT LAW, Fourth street, near Grant ."'" wood 44 ''P' 4,,. ..0 mytte 4too. I .eitt men nod _ .., DEALERS IN lIIDES AND LEATHER, Alorocco, t. j o ig., oxen to call and nee our articles mid pnes. betrire - Saleettlt/LO,llnlemare. Dore/last, elsewhere jir 17 Shoe Findings , ke, leo 143 Liberty street, have --- - ---- j - Alting - 11 - AfatK.ll.ll.. 0. J. ZUCIIIOII, 11120,sun nes., / ~,,,.dy. just reeentel them SPRINU STOCK of goods, cum- • Dissolution or Part mitten tp. D. C.Jecainson, Jens a. wants, 5 A TTORNEY AT LAW -01113ce en Fourth st , he. Drlsinr In emisortment °laurel°. al the THE conartnerslip EALD & DUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission Mem • w hi ch - °ll l . line, 1 0 A ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,rdia n m 6.,,,,,,,, , ph u b„,,h ~ . ,,, tomacrle wean., Muller At o 01 the in rfw of HENRI lIANNLN R. ro II ensola, 4 . 1 North Water el., ft IA North Whore., - mute dly a d Colored Glos. Mane. is this day dr..olved by P . 1 aurae if - r°4h if` , _ _ __ _ _____ _ A. a.iLYrrll . wit. r roma --- PET2I - DILEW & CO„ , STEAM BOAT AGENTS WM. TisultAnz, ATTORNEY AT LAW, We withdrawal, of filr Frederick Nutter . The Maine. will be COOIIIICII b) tae oadermened, 11 . ARLY, JONES rk. Co.,.(summon to Atwood, under the Ana or HENRI HANN F.". k elt V. arr. /once & Co.) Coutentuon and Forwarding Moe Onus/move 31. fr. Co, Balls, Po boom No 12b maim! si et ewer wall If --, e--- - chants, dealers, 01 Plitaborgh Alansfactated Goods, 0,121 -P4.42 Water street WILL also auend to Collections and all other bast- cooo o on „t,,,,,,,,.,0„ Window ro„„ I'll...burgh, Pa nich27 - - ---- - - - - TT nets entrusted Loin. ln Butler and Annum. JOHN HANNEN, , --- Liman sum 102M31T VICIET, /11 I_NSURANCE. tormtica. Pa . Refer to 1 5 R-Floyd, Lilmill at HENRI 1. %NEN, y astAli DICKEY A. Co, Wholcatle Grote.. Cora. - lit t, 11 ROBERTsON, 1 tendon Merchanto, and dealers in Prifalacc,Nos.sll W. W. Wallace, do I husband,. Ave, 77 40 HENRI l'llerrE AD Water, sad 107 Front lament, Patsbargh. nos, , Life and Health Ineurance. Java. Plan... do Pittsburgh. er - apartnership. frill?. Blume LIM and Health Inannuace Company MY Ka7 & Cr'r Wood . 1 • 07 T 00 WI A DILWOIrra. latarttlilLWOZlll.HE undersigned have this doe a...clued wok diem ~ 8. im 1 ,,, ,, , , ,,,, k,w,, ci ,..,,, r ,, , ,,,.... ..f. of I . l,lladelphia, Ineorporated by the Legislature 7 H. SWEITZER, Attorney 01 Law. °ince 'l4 st. l o blames. JACOB L °CHI% ART/ • and will eon Pcnotylrarda, Allamir, PAS Charter perpetual. 1.1 , °p.a. St Charles Hotel, l'ilMberah, • , II al p untie th e hmonesa I” , heretofore ander the firm of 0 • darn and CoomustensAlerchuna, and Agents °. for the Hazard Pond. Co. of N. 1., N 0.17 Wood st, . - "V l°0511 .R•T. ...0 . . , ‘... an , P....T, amend promptly to thidecoons, to Traohicaton, Fayette II A 11. 41111SF2sTOCI: &CO Pollaborgh. . 00r Tanta small', ano fall t!O per cent lower than the and fare. count..., Po July 2 1,49 015 usual rams of Life Insurance, as she followeng cont. - NOTICE. juliN 81 . - TOVirvIIISN. I4 ,BMAIItat au. AlunnerorY pitman will show: Thus., n person of •be age or 3er t , gr 't .Eß Ta No. 45 Market fo w l.. doors Move Thom mPi tt4 spring for alga for life. Most puyin the Guard 82,:m_ B acketeek. Bell k Co., TOM. partnership heretothre alon. attaxr the ram Chorch & Carothers, PAtaburgh burgh, will Mac Momently on hand a well selected an Penraylvenio, 8.236, peon blutomi, 5t.... pg...., or A k. V BRA ln..1:1, ~ ,i,....i.,..1b) the dreave sorunent of this bust red weaken Alcdtclacs, which ha ID,OI, Near frerg.ndSA3s; Kew V.A.Ltra, Sax.. At- - D T Morgan` -- -.1. - - - 7 1'..'ll ' Ulir- r " Mr ' C Bindle The Tt. 00. ' 0 " s. " l ' ''''''''' 00 " wall sell on the 100.31 reasonable:teens. Pkyatclarto b10n,11241.„ Lin nod Health, Prlladetplua,ALel . u , J . HENRY, :Attorney and Com.. Dor sa Law, A. Bradley, who will scale the tm.inea • of tl, In, sending orders, will he promptly Mtendedlo, and tap. Jammu. -Emote! 21 Dena, Curl. D. Mall, W. .22. eineurnan, Ohm Collections in Southern Ohio. hnot - piled .th ante. th ey may rely corm as genuine. F BOODC, Robert P Kuur Charles P. Mayes M. WAM re India+ a. :Odle Kentucky. promptly anlare. REMOVAL -A 11.... 11. resumed M. Foundre [D - - Phyatela. Prescript.. mu be ...MD , and Baldwin, M. M. Reeve , Al fl_ Chas oit easopned fully attended to CoMm o coracr tar tho Hun of ...- ""wb.. " (.. No , 1" o ' o°o4 ""''' ." N " lb nearly p! p ored from the best motel.* atany hour of Leona Coo.r, I. Rodman 'Laker, EII Railer, Erlyria; Mivimm, far mklng Depositor., arekoowledgmema, Wood street, between First and Second • tree., a the ba day or mata. R. Coyc Preoden*uantuel 10.()rock, Van Pre.. lee.lee.. „ warehouse landi occupied by 6' A May, where I e Alas for sole, a large otoUk. of front and goad Pert. dos -Rohl. P King, Secrelary.-Prancia Black borne Porrit.k„ . ,-.0.1.. Witoßei_kgoo, Coma. Moore 5 omit keep constaorly oli Land I general weortmerit 14 miry Applications will kemeeived,mud e v ery r o j orra , n ri e ,, C a rothers , 01. BD., Rey., nolo. & Davis.nM Castings Grater Staves Cool., ...we.. he 911 j IL LA.iiiligifiteoTSS'arian,biiirl,f )Na Ciimiora. Peen bl SAAIL. FAIINESrocK, AO, woo Melioration. U ...lid Forw a rdin g Alerekunt. Ind 'Wholesale MI., rtomateemn. • Rooms, comer of - 4111Eccopartnerehip heretofore comma between the . deoiler in Western Iterroc Cheese, Butler, POI and 0,127 dly Wood and Tturdats.Putebtargh BATS, GAPS - AND SONNETS, ...mbar . ...c0... an the !tame of Catatonia, Burke A Perot Atli, and Wesiern Produce generally, Water . - . _ 1 " . Co a aus .I.a). M. 0.. by mutual comers- Memo _ LW., hetwceii Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. spa *" 1 a ~„*... I 111 - BURANCE. Lurie & Barn.. 1,11 set le the hnoness 01 Sib .on FALL Vann lON FOE DATE. A cent for winch porno., they are authmised to eve the wow ... ..... c'... "'AS , ' (ettOcCeeor la Lama & Gebbrin,l . It`Tal - t P,ILOTECTION FIRE AND t I Wholesale toocer ..I Commuston lidercharn ..L. , ..‹..rr t MARINE INSURANCE COWPA. -.. 51 ce. 11 / 1 &,C...t li 1,...1•ce this day , name of the et , nee., N ATHA CIE:. rtr . i...STABLI .. or on prog,,,, on o priorbo,ter2darrathorrey„ , oaf- kg) NY OF HARTFORD, CoNN. Ini.r.O Aug 'Ai" rim ..." cyan . ~.niir.••• .LinjZ,....:ittirpt,t4 ner of Lthe_ry_and /Deo wren, Pnteburge P... 1% meoarentaxan IX IMO. Hull, corner of Flit and Wood a rec.. au-,•S; ` - 7. „ -,b-- ms - 2 ,... nu . r . clu .- 0: 1 , ..„. ( 5,..._-- ~i---, .... Anneal Preparas,„ Capital Block, amt Burp!. Food , CORD i Co., Tree modermewl have tha day asoomated theme-Nes 11,0 Lewii Iltmentson 2( Co, Commileamo bier..., 114111 ° , °° • .lea and red rempoomble c. 0.,.. . ), to mo moe , a 0 .,. 4 . ...0r...0., RielD cgit o tater name of lit RICE k BARNES, liN the purpose end Agents of the St Lours Steam Sagar Renacey Fashionable Il , . ' of enanefamonos nre 1.... ua,es, Vault Dosetr, he • eye polsoles on Um mom favoralde terma On Dir. mg No 4.2 water and in freenstrecto,Pottoburgh. !braes, Iroorrobord ~,r orror. o _ e „ r or. .,,,,o or . Gorsoo, • • Comor of . Whoel and Ftflig. Sao.. be. et the . and of the tam hrru of Constable. Parke 1 a12.11_ , _ Warchosaes nod contents, Mdla and Manuractortes pIaRTICULAR Aaron:l. pant to oar BetallTrade - k. t•o , ober., they seta be otmwed to receive the pa 1 ordb, IL bitattmpi, WooleordeDragguit, and deal. &e. ise , tomnet LOSS (JR DAMAGE BY FIRE. ' ab Geralemeit cr n rely upon grating their Ilan. and wonase of the en.toneers 0, Mar Coase and thew friends. Uer In Dye Stal., Yonne, Ws, Varinsees,tte., No 93 Abe, on Goods, Warta and Slerchandise, against Caps from our estobliskosent of th e ear w0re...... sld_ 1 , 11 , 11. 1 . 0 1110131 • Wood wow, }me door moods of Diamond Alley, Pius - the haaruds of Dorm TZA.OI•VOXTATIIO3. and upon the .....rW.I at inc .....v......} . 1 O. 1 . 1 .. Tilt/MAL. MARNE', DUO. t I 1 . ... Carlson of Sea Yes... 001000 -- TAMES ILEKR, Jr, ti; Oa, laticcessor eilia - Si el. The Pro:cell. Insarance Company hawing, in the C... 97 Mochadrar 11•, , T°... .b 7 0h... 1 h an In reuoug num the (two of Cemm..le, Book., e.,c0. , .9"1). - 04) Ship Skate:ll.l43o 'Wake atroes anal lea 1.53 cam, paid man sersmons oa Doty... thew , r7ll;euelly fronted to eau ....mune our IS0000; 1,111 I 0 , 110 aware pleases° recommend Messrs burns a art snl wnh confidence Gott a• regmlattookret Horne, to the rerifidmmee of so Inez It..d they ith', J UtiN ii- 51 F-LL. 2 . W..... 0 . 01- aelad dealer r ro g' 7 5" ,rr„.o. th tttt " :tor= d ,t ''I tt' r ' oa d ,'!: and raven 11 Will not safer lea comparison arab Orly re , , 1,19 NATHANIEL l. ofe STABLE. tn Ahl ti raio .,..o sutd , Al i iiimal i„,,,, lartr ,o.u., aon e enno r. Schoo ,c. L.Boo , , ati, y r ,,..,,,,, 0 ; . .. 0 - d or....doorrogr bah ,0 0 h orr i o , cora . hotturtieth , pla , lafie__lpMa.. ~ _ .__ febl7 - rostl-otr _ - ,1,,,,,,,,,,.,„ .., mii, No :. y Woo , ~, ~,,,,,0 „ ,,, purport 100.1 OAT COX,Cr f03111,000V comp., on the . 41 LAL, seastll ma arc. - 1i dog WWI, proofDISSOLUTION. Ap..14.:,,,,Z.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. 4 .7 "%cos , Cont.. ofAmends. The annexed eatract from . CanfornVllitta, Yost recetre m d ~ca ndp f r ~,,s ac ,,l e by f - MURPHY & LEE . 111 1101 day - _. bon.the aubiest of thruirtinee Comparaer, taken arto.l - v.n7, 1 2.„:., ~... - consent. The lasta.sof the I f: r ? . .Att r i . A , l 7 .l . it 4 A . r yin r alV g it b •irr.r. prnlgoot fro o the anew York Da Rook," exhrb..grlefly the reb27 cotter sth ihnd W oad us la, Ann will be mutd If Leo J. R BURPII 1, atm.:rig and policy f ‘-er P 5 - Plttaburgh, Jan .i i i .!e43 II LEM 1 0/LH - Idi - DANIS, A.urmeer, corner:oh end WTs - od `The mon. ed mcalefdre ancient and always pr.- ra SP BIN 0 VAST/lONS FOR I 849. , 4 er sine., Putalnirgla. nem hero. tiny of Hartford, have forhalf a century been 31 LORD ACo will ortroduce on Sat.. - glliliday, Meech ld, the Smog style a HATA.• NOTICE - The a -dersigeed• Will Certain,. tbe WoOl 70IUDITON - ti. - BTLIC - itTON Booksellers, r...,r,, 1 .. b.. '''.°U6 l .. o 1 . 4 . 1 .° 1 .th.... , ...... timurcas and attend to the pale of Woolen tmode, a: U and Paper Manufacturers, No. • H Market st., Pitts. n g'd b... M ,..4....7. g .. c..' Y. w which fbv ; TI ' "Y m '"'" f ' neat and "P"'" bat, 'N' "'"l" lb 11 id II LEE burgh bare ronooo an d m. 0 .,' ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, o r a w n , 1, to call at corner asdn and Wood strecu. _mart . ° rt. Jeff SCI4OIOO. No Hartford Rank or Insurance Company JoimPuons. A ororoare n o , b . 000 , „ Ira r , ru ..... c00.,,0r00r have 100 loom . QPRINO !SONNET RIBBONS, &it -NV :Morel. In ortrr.; (... , a , ~.. °I NI o epeY & L., i :eke J aR. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commismon thoo o ~,,,,,,,,,,,r ~,,0. rives ter • buremsoa, and Htulco la Produce, b.... 41 ly every Mauro( the Union, 1010 I,ooe never near 111 ccfshamice of ter ii, bin. and ter 1 • u , ,, - (march ptudeeng., tronmg un Lila ra, 1,01.0 , 1' Ind MI pay the lowa watch they have 10•14 red ' lt c •al w , re- and h' lray . f:67l.l . t c :4l; Lisle Loces and Wig- Pruf.l .I.n. 1. , 4. , 143 Jlt MURPHY Wows, Plusher's., ro. .0. agnuste r Inas, Lanett Edgings, Victoria do, pbud Alhallna nod CO-PAILTITERBII IP. JAMI.AI-17i.f2E.C.1..jita.te tirocer,Ce. untsmon All FOOTO.I analog upon pol icies umucd by we under- /aeone.,embroldc° , lSwt. N. 8., Lc. , °card.. • (r sf. D. SCAIFF. and Caro 15011-1, ATKINSON Mei..., mod dealer to Produce and Iht.bure mated, moil be prommly adta:trd and paid at the Gel,. lane assortment of Sport; Goods generally, at north TT 1,, , ,c 00 [0,0 into pornrean, under 11,0 he m ,man com ma 4th and Market etreets - -Wain.: & ATHINuON. and wt. lorry on the fin blanularturaa.. No %Water ab,Pittalmirgh janla oral Ago nay efface, located at ClOClariall, 0 A large Wholeart Rooms op shalrs. ape Copper, and Standt Iron elate aiw.uhietun 7 ACOli WEAVER, J., Wheloado aridlirCttl. Conlon of the run. of the Couparry, irecludthat all . AP teeth Forme W.. and Lamers, and old Mono, P' ....... ::„T.1'ed ,. .%th. W .."' .4.c..4 I. dc" - - - - 2 - - `.--- - - --'• ,o.t, l ,l " ,;( i tt k rry; ' ,. ' ,, ' ,F..: o r : ' , L .a l a ' . ' ; ' ,O7T e b o `,..Yt o r th ' s old galre i lVya Wlmakeys, corner Yost .1 01001 01 . IT:uteri, fo; k ge?oi;ouTtß Ao lVelr ' ll " a'%7. 7 sra,7 FOIIy.WAR,DING & COMMISSION. i . .--. , ----- ,,, .-0.--.1----. i --__- loas Apply to FAYI7I" I f or RN 0.4 rrLER fr. JONk.b, Forwarding and C 40001114100 4401. Anent Jot the city of Pituburgb, and Alirtheny CARD. • j sa l e E. tht. axe ....tat. wt. to^ 01 11. 0,10 LIL chants, Dealers no P ro duce .4 PUrshargh mann. 000na, acid 11... L sale twocery, Praluee au t ...Isom bc.te, fsc tared onte-lea, Cam. /loam, =URI. 111, Cl4l ' THOS . R. /11.4 The Petuday/vania Company Q TIJAIIT a .ILL, Grocers, and Produce mid Com. 0 0 °l•lhel iir.Mit ilihr l in , , I'll . 1 ' 1.. • Dif•Wi iff it PENN 511.1.1., PITTS/MEDD, PA. Fos lutrancs on tarn arum. A-NTI. ANICT/1.1 AD mime Merchants, Na. 119 Weld st Pittsburgh & ' l. ° • J,. 1,11.1%0nm VILNNLLI, CHILDS & CAL, hlanafacturers of very , rililL lA. I.lf, luserance Company in the II States. Dealers to 4,0,. ems, Flour, When , liye,Oste, , orn, '& o ° o 7 1 • I ` l ° AIL supcnor 4-4 Sheen's" Carpet Chan, Cotton ,A, Ineorperated March 1°,1°12-elm tor perpetual Harley, Pork, Bacon, Batter, Lard, Cheese; Clover, f 10.PARTNIs111.141111.-‘t 11, h rues baring Wu Tame and Monet !Linty tlapitulbsoo,ooo-allparain. Timothy and Pl. teed*, 1001, Nails, Ulm., Ile. Au • I_, day ...scooted , VOl hum, John R il l CUsic the Ir. Vesuvius Iron Works. Having ..utitonaed then lalenigned to fCCCIVO apple tee Panculmeartendon paid to the side Of Western ther beau,. wall hereafter I, cod.-tea under tho LEWIS, pm...guy &B o ~,„,,,,,,,,,,r o il eo ea.. tor mauranee, on whien policies wilt be issued, Produce firm rd Wm Young ACo II 11.1,1 A II lOU N.ll, Zee Aar, thee', D.. Iron and Nails. the lien accordlng to their proposals end rads, bleb twat. nu. J:' , ." It id CUM. quality. Warehouse , 24 water and WI fraut sh matte known to appheanla at Ins ale; No. MI Wood - -- street apt! GEO COCHRAN WATERMAN, Wholnside (ironer, Forward- L I ins uaillsmansuoa Mcrae-eat Dealer in PAW. bargiannontactares said Pinnace, Not. a Watt, it., sad Rt Front 27 T110611.1.1 , 1111‘41. J. /OHO Y. uwy KLUX hiltDIC a SAWYER; OOflhti tiLAWS Illutolsettarers, and Wholesale ,j 4 dealers. is foreign ',sod - times. Variety Hoods. Si. intent therchains,.Pedlan antathers are owned to call spa examine she prides sod quality slow steel," wilt owr present inoreitsect manufactor• tog and purchasing, Wt think we can oder so great I.IIMICLOIenta to bOyen us say other house west of the MOOttlants. jae-Ir !". itRICKETSUN, VVholcule iiroccriL find importers of UrltialeN WILMS and Cieurs, Nos. 17X and 17.4 corner of Liberty and !rout sIItICIA, burgh, Ye limy fitful& Cotton Vain., fee. &o. con stantly au btu& JOY! IrDl4l. )40. D. na . dat.. whlara C. aot. cUILLS k ROE, Whofoal.: Grocers am/ Commix aL bleirehanla, No. /hi' ',hasty a., Pittsburgh. • MURPHY, WLLSON ,te la.h, Vele Jones, blerphy &- Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Dry (hunts, No. le Wood Wee!, Phothurgh. ear& D AWiTILEW W,Lmi—romaaslaholaerrsia ler. Room tar f Yost Mice Alley Kea Fourth lam; entrance on 91h near al erltec AlTsoustri MAO lumN ..iojszs 44vioa,JOU!, 41,/“. . . . ISI . , I clurAcruiciatb of synog and Lamar steel, - -sdoughhinei, steal plooza wills, coach sail clip .c nonage, hammered irou axles, and dealers in raid table easuagn, are eugme lamps, and coarL trimmings E genessay,eorner of Roil inid Fran! lasi, Eiltsbuaorvi, SON,_No. market mcund dein from dormer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign tie Bills of Exchange, bertilleates of Dep. it, Hank Notes aail Spada. , Ea" Cotherttons mad on all We prlncipaUc N te. thrsitrahunt tim Unarm on BUCKIIAISTE.II, Abormansa-4.Nfice, Fourth at, .1.1• MIA door above Smithfield, tooth aide.. eouveraneirk of all k Irma done with the greatest mount legal nermakey. Titles to Neal Estate examined, ke. ormably M. T. lagobartsi M. D.. oLPTIIALMIC tilJll.(ir,ON, will attend treat. sientof.llisenies gibe ESs• . FLEA. been engaged in this braneh of the med n es"latrettn't r falr " ll l le ' Me n age ' riTor L'-""ot7e“eye alone ler aerosol years. Oaten nod residence, earner of :Neal:sky at and SOSwilinol alley. Allegheny city. 1 RODUCF,Grocery, Mmilacturo and Real E:state Broker, 'Wheeling, 07`Ge . te , to 1 Dickey k Co. octle-d )e `W ayne ----- KLiiilTiLitediTifio OTC, - dTaEtat Warre nd Hand. has resumed kw professional dunes, giving inslvoe. Uona on the Nap, lien., .4 in Ve nal usalanltf a i /IZEUSTVICATiit - 0111t7-.Thlti - Fiala st., near Wood=All quantities of Green and Mack Teas, done up In gnarl., half, and. one poo l packages, ringing from .30 eta. "per pound hl SAINEA Act for Pekin Tea Co. • catUS: R , 110111sON CU. haring associated THOMAS LtrrLk.,Sl 4 with lima io nations, the Whole aale*Grocery, Produce and Comm'' bones. wll be Continued .nenal elmer the arm of Helnsou, A Co. OUCCON, LITTLE .4. CO., No. t?! Liberty street, Pillsuorgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and soncureiull Mercian, and dealers hi Pittsburgh )ituituiscargs. • /77 I.ollr. Iroalsom. Tito. unto. ashlt..., Ishhou g. orrk.lCT tnoOlLP.,Wholer.irearruenr, Rectify:ly dealer in Produce. Pittsburgh klanafac• ywyc, ind ell kil!, of Foreign and Domenic Wines .4 Liquor., Nu. It Litherty truer On hind ' of u eer d dy rc r d p lew foroasbenngheaw•iskry, _ ylldy Jo. 0., ESTXvLIML J. L. 101 FAIL OLJ.L4 Forwmding sad Commission biorelinni., tor die Allegheny Riser Toss, deal. so In .Gtdre.nrs,,7,rodase, randier& Dliindoemo s amiChluride Theldglidat prce., in ensli,poid at hisses foreamv ry ras. Corner oi Penn and Irwin is . own I/ALZELI: CWholosalo - o — s;;;:ests, coso o es s iissaitil Forwarding Idercbants,dealeo us odors 141, I.lanufnetores, Idlierty sc. itiMmirrn, Fs. " . . . 44 hitieny st; • • MS , Jl. C. ISI.CALYTT.• TCOS 11•• MART coim axr a, warn; who', e Dealt f . Ikl Fordrdt and Doet.t d . Ouodd. Ne.lllWoonl st. Mint - - •- w - ntEtili — Oriffiria — cumeent OF PerTtEWRGH. CAPITAL $1110,011(1.. J. Ferran% Jr., ....‘eey. EL Maul, Jr., Preet. Losure diroina all kinds of mks, 4.1,i1J MARINE. A LL Inmes aillbellierstliYaMmied and promptly 'Thome imatntion—nmangod by Directore mho are wall kn.. in the communtiy, end who lire dam-rain. Isd by p w romptness nod liberality to mainuun ths har. me hich they have mimed, RN offering the c besi protection to those who desire to be Insured Framers—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J W. Butler, N. Ilehurs. Jr.,. Wm. B. Bolmes, C:lhmseri, Gem W. Jackson, term Id: Lyon, ins. Lippincott, Thos. R. Lime, James liVAuleg, Alex. NitOlCk;Thos. Scott. Ones, 10.29 Water irunet„,(tratehousa, of Span, &Co oP ...Bs') Pittsburgh. ' • • . - vsaincersiik - : -- - - - ryas 1/11LAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY pisti l. BANCE COMTANY.-office, North ROom td the Exchange, Third street, Pitiladulphln. FL. lasnasactb—Bollethel, Athrelomdise and other weeny in sot. antheasursta, Mththd ege4.t bss or <Waage, by fins at the lowest rate of premuno. JR.= lasmuthic..—They also insure Vessels, Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, na the lathered may deal re. LILAZDTWMPOICATION.—They also Insure merchair. dim Unreported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on men and loans, on.the moat liberal terms. DlREoyou&—loseph If. 4.4e...e.L. 'Edmund A. Booder; John C Davis, Robert Barton, John. R. Penrose, Sumo el &Awards, tien 0 Leiper, Esismird Darlington. Issue R Davis, William Enliven, John Newlin, Dr R M Iles.' tan, !mars C Mind, Thecphilas Paulding, II Jones 'Brooks,. Henry Sloan,' Hugh Craig, George Serril, .9peneer Mellkain, Clothes Kelly, J O Johnson, Wil onto Day, Dr 8 Thomas, Sub.:tellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PVITBI3tIRCII—D. T. :Ryas., Wm. Hessler, Ina. T. Logan. WILLIAM tantrum Presides: Riess. 8. Nswsosc, Secretary. Offme of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pius:mese. IstSidtf P. A. MADEIRA, agent. dill& AIM dIAILIeI AG ISSURAWCE, T'INSUIL&NCE' CO. of No America trill „a. make pen:ammo and limited Insurance on pro ten.n4inailtie:e itzmd s, thin Company m ate "tell Inewed, and famish an avail abbe /antler the ample Idlidlnity of all pereona keen dome to be prommed by insurance, cayll • WM. Y. JONES, daenC4 , l Water , 27. Fraa-un Fee /neuron. Co. of Philadelphia., 1 - 11RECT011.3.—Charles N. Bagekar Fa oo , o , H ur t, L 'Fob!. Wagner, Samuel Ora., Jacob R. houth, Dee. PI Km..., Mordecai D. Lewis, odalpho Dome, Davtd S. Dr.., Morris Patterson. Crum. N..ll.cata r Preside. Chapati. Boucher, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, porp o t oo t or Da every dethriptiod propeny ni tows, o „ ooroo .,, , at rates as low as are consistent with mean.. • To Company have resorted a luta conungent Fund, high with their Capital and Petaluma, eafely afford sunple protection to thou.... The assclu of the cowpony, on hrnitary la, 1842, on pablisbed agreeably to as act of ...tahly, sen t , as follow. vied $1,047,135 11 91,727 F7l • 99,...91 9.1 51,94 .4 32.94 37 Real Estate .... . 6 • Tempbrarr . Loans C 5.511, .. • ... • • 151P54,422 71 Brute their theorporlthion, a period of . 1: pears, th. 7 hats paid upwards alone reithF , F and dollithadothes by fire, I/tercel...ow ell .f the 'flrediaspdOVirtirl LiCl Office N EleareerlVood an :ants DEL AWARIE RIO TULL INSURANCE , CO. D MAD URA, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Dela /. • ware Mutual Safety bun cou Companyof &dolphin. Fire Risks upon bang, end merchandise of every 'dewription andldarthe Bilks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, Liken upon We mnut Mims. ' tir Mee in the Warthonse of W. B. ho. 37 Water, near dlnrket street, Pinthargh. Holt.. I Bro., • -N. B.—The success of this Company since the comb. lishinent of tho Agency. inAhis eity,with the prompt. nosa and liberality with which every Claim upon them for loss hos been atlimlm4 "11 warrant the agent to Waning the confidence and p a tronage orbit friends kid the community Wargo to the Del.m.m M. Sinaa ranes Company, while It has the additional advantage* ...institution among the moat flourishing in Philmulel olua—asihavimr an amplopiald-in capital, alb oh by the P.cmion of its chartn to cOnstandy increasing, as Yi. 4ll n, to each person insured MS due shore of the profits of the company, without involving him in any r .P O tt tit Mil wham" thswtoro Pooseming the hints-at principle dr:wined ,ctic ry L aboonious fon jiii:ansisitractive forte. • - noel Umnßr`, , by Iterg”gcso—llesurs.. Myers & Hunter, 11.961.11a1. tetra. Co., AVGillo & Use, Hampton, diugh it Co., James ‘l ay, King it bloorhend, Plosburgh. Penner it Miwsillou. Jos. S. Mormon, Esq., St. Loom spd&kty Nolo h. CRAM 'late of N. Llsoon, 0. er. IMINNeIi• 1511&10 .GESIT'.I%II UN IZY.:.d.Trkeht..T.Pittel.,Po*rgrln't Q - Pronapt sAteution given to the purchase ano sale of aid kinds of 2foelluee. Her. top.lotio Watt it Co., Murphy, Wilton & Co. Phishurgh, Peg. L•W•011 it lull, Aimh/0111 Moron, 0.; John 11. Brown it Co., Elliott it Co, Philadelphia; S. W. kloodgrgss it Co, Gregg it Noce, Now Lisbon, 0; Pr. Pkinner, lion. C. D. Coffin, enteuvads,- J. P. Keller, Youngstown, 0; W. L. e.t.a asrt,*Clerehuld, Q t 0504 GEORGE COGURAR °outwitSOSO. sand Vogorwrsilag glerolsarati , o. iffl wasp rr., SONTIriIIES to transact x general Czniirtdssion specially in the purchase and sale of Mneri nn sad PrOduce and in receiving and forwarding Good. consign.d us his c.c. As Agent for the Planufnetures, be moll be constantly supplied with die prilicipul- articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture. thu /ow.; wholcside prices. Orders and consigninenU ore respectfully solseittil. 19: Penn Illabldue A hop. •n" WitiliTMAN—Mina Maurer of all kinds of eat in, ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa The above works being now in full =lancet , . ft, op. eratioil,l era preparedorder. with diciewii for all kinds of machinery in my Lins,rach as wtllows, pickers, somadors, cord; grindteg ranw•ye, drawing (rant., *odder., thtenda t looms, woolen cards, double or tingle, for merchant or country work, 9001, 91.0 1 0k , y 9 coislide and 14.nd lathes and tolls in gen. end. All hods of shelling made to order, or plane eel en for gearing batteries or mills ILA reuonabie Itirtsc to-ificoundy, Childs k Co., Irlackinoa, hell Pennock Co.,Jas. P.. Grey. sb. hi; opened the large stable on,First in, running through to Second or, between Wood and Smithfield it.., in the rear of the 3lonongaliclo House, with an entirely new Klock of lorac• ant Carriages or, Ow heat quality and lama stylei. - flumes kept rd live ry to the best manner. ,Wlldly Fort GREENWOOD GARDENS. The steam boat A. MASON Voow runt from the Point, foot of liberty airem, to the Ga W 4llllr en—leanng at 9 o'clock, A. 51, and .at the begtniung of each hour until ti P. fil. may rely on budiug the boat at the hour. She len.Vell tmr the Llarden,lhe 'last tip trip, at 10 o'clock. The season is fast advancing, and those wir blng to visit Mt. delightful retreat, now is Mc time to few boon, not to the soinke and dust of the eity, hut lit J. pure atmosphere, perfumed with ho fragrance of flowers. All kindn of refreshments, except Intexicallng drinkr, ere kept nu the prethlwa. Greerthoore nnn Bouquets of choice Bawer, for inle. Glared on rnni nap... jy:ttl.. JAMES 1VK...11:4. • kij-Change of landing made on account of Ic w we- _ptoVeh. OSO BILLTIGNBED XII S. li. MrENT, Forwarding. and Commasion Her chant, has removed No.!: Front, between Wood and Smithfield erects. are t plane use 1 . 1151113, mule on an tinpr eyed V ,so a not to freeze an the coldest wee she, Pet.ot wanting such etudes, are invited to cell and see then of SC&IPE &ATKINSON'S, _ taVZ Ist, between Wood Merkel sin • Stamm Brick Work. for Sale. pun subscriber offers for tale, the STEAM IJEICK 1 WullaS, above- Lawrenceville, comprising. Swale It Soften, :Mould Machine, capable of manufaeturtug :UMW Fretted Socks (oat of dry clay, ea taken from the bear) per day with three acren of land on th e Allegheny neer, on whieh ere 4 kiln, and theta, mach.. and clay tiled., wheelbarrow*, truck, 'hose:* apedes, kr, every thing requitim• to com mence operations at an hours /Ware. Price, intiudang thc patent rislit to ale acid 0311.ChinO, a7,01.--tarnia ot pay na,t mude easy. Without the lend, :SAM For particulars, address HENRY SIERLWrf. _p ,7, tr , No lliti Moilengabetri Howie. B Ifi GI; Ta ill 13—B1Mii lErfill lifif Of: — A FULTON ( Bell and Brass Runier, ha. re built and commenced business et lais"tild loam', where he will be pleased to me his old cuatom ars and irictidi, ±te.mbosy and Bell" /!every .i.e,rfromse, o It to C IU,LOU '''h PY ' woui ea.% from patterns Grille moo ;wimpy- Mll - "Wated 10 be of the beat material" zcer Water ibucipa,Comiters, 800 log, tee., toge ther with every variety of Bram Muting", moored, hinted ruldfunticil i an the neweot wanner. A. F . j" the male pioprittor of liatiarr's AA-1-1,W13, Tiell'ar.A.°_,_j.UY Celebrated for the redacuim of fribtiga The Boxes sold Compootion ccc , be had /Whim /Whim at all them roXely PAPtiil NMI r iaais of . 74 Y s co t jiiwpir,, 'opener.,ankle. Amorted en band. Any ate mark weirder at lia."V•l 0110 ' • C WILL, 87 Wood al =LE MISCELLANEOUS. Removal. 11,011ERT A. 1\ ..h lair removed In Nt, Ile COMM/Cr cial Row, hourr roam fly wrcapied by M. , rnr arum, whew, he will be harpy. tu. Inendr awl former eurtomerm. ' rw../ Tti OM - rim mite: - Jolla D. APCREARY, ersnllnc ink Mnuf ctur aaer tI No, 031 sandr.Kl starnon ..ireet, NEW VOHK—De pot No. 3 Spruce ntreet-1Y call Or onertion o' Printer: to Ott improved Fnottna Ink. of yellow. k Ind! and order,, at the tolloanne Extra Lae Jet Black, for Card and oYo.rl CD' - • I - F 2 On and 3 an per It . Mee Book . Ink - lr 75 " I 00 " Balt rk New.. Ink - 0 I, u 30`. 0 .4 Floc Red Ink • 75c I lin " tat Blue, I , llow, Green nod White 75e I Oti 1 SD 0.4 rule a 82 per It, and Bronze at 50, - 75 co, and RI pet A 6peconen of Newt l ilt ran he .cen on On. paper. For rale by /WINSTON & Krocwros. httehurgh, l'a. C. Alnrgart k Co. Cinclnnhii. Ohio. Gr.ovouhl, India Rubber Pamir, C) GROSS Dal reed from the Flotsdripllia Factory, sn excellent artmth Icor Tr tolcrinK Iloou end Shot , perfectly water proof, and eoft a. • piece of clo th . One ofylle a l. to uon of th Pante ad gaihrttni to make them pimpersona water fo is r two montlia: and la n roventattve from the leather erac knot. Sold 'whol e • sale nt No. 5 Wood at eetta I. k 11. PHILLIPS J A. 1111163 wbouveteLL, Roden and Antique tiorniture, Tumu Smart, Pn - rsammu. 2Ewlarge rph.n4,l / rment of Furni.ure, itable far Steamboats, floods and prtvate &veal lines, emu:nutty on hand and made to order. the present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by anyanufactory . Ist the vvestern country. Persons wialon m g purchase would do thou to give me a cog, as lam datermmed my pnoes shall illmme. Part of the Mock consists ia..- Tete a Tote; thaffet Dagole. Low!. xrv • Chatr.,; Queen 161;litiCth e bairn; Tea Folic; Tableu; Toilet Tublen,• Liouto XV Commoner; French hltutuntnny Beibateau!, •Pinou ettutlin nti sof. with Much and lienr-cloth eoutir LO.Alahoiyany Rotking Choirs; 40 dor Parlor do • 30 " Fanny 835 centre Tables tat pair Divans 4 pair pier Tables 16 marble bp Dreriang Burrow 8 Wardrobes• Sacretaria. and Book caws; - SO marble Lop Wash Smnds 1 poi, Ottomans q pair fancy Work' Strtnds A very large aii.rtmelit of COII,IOIOII chairs and odic r torniture too numerous to 11.111t1111. iD" . • Stearn Bouts furnished no the shortest non., D t o I d a o p n t L th r e a fir non r Facer ,THlS ~ f or term. to , ::,,,,, ~dy, , i that , , ~g , : , W rier. : , :. : ~ 5 , r„ . 4 • Vole Agents for the kale of Jenning's Patent Hiatinagm Filter, fur the cif hes of Pittsburgh and A liegheny. .1011 N WILSON, Agent, for Walter 51 Gibson, 149 Broadway N. Y. Oct 10,1 SIS.• . We have been using one dale above article, at ths office of ate Novelty Works for three months. on trial, and feel perfectly sanded that It is a useful invents., and we take pleasure in .cominending the.. a use; &I article to BB who love pare water. Onkel will be thetathankfully received and preenptly executed. r. LIVINt :VT, tN. Ili ifif.F.N h. I, tteer•rsible . Fileeelleg'Oeele, ' FOR fil:ltlEYlNft WATER Which readers turbid racer owe by . ~'... , removing_all substances not mrdeb . le to kh,:4' r is :71ro r .h ' 4: a c r " n ‘ g pure te t r o i t ' it: ' e ' y ' e. o yl-i when a '-as.sea an hoar thrraigh ans V .... _,..... 0 li m it; o ri , %g , c ,, o b c . k um . r , T7T , a , , :lnn . o d Sep sit is the case more or lees with all liYdrant water. The Reversible Filterer k newt and durable, arid I. • not attended with the Inc.. thenee ine,dent to other Filterers,as it is cleansed without being detached Bon the water pipe, by merely tunung the key er handl. from one side to the other. Byod this eiuy prdeess, 11. course of water Is changed, n all ...emoted.. fe , impure subsume. are driven nd almost instantly, will.oi unacrewing the Filter. It also poetesses ilia advantage of being a stop eock, and tut aneb 111 anti, Cab. will be very convenient and economic. !Lean be attached where there h . any pressure high el low es • car, tank, tub, be, w:11 muse. To be hat of *maple Agent, ... , W. WILSON. ocll7 corner of Foarth and alas., .11 IT oi 6.tif,i.d.. rilllE celebrated Ilarsvl Rdig , l:oardes. in key. bell A rg:jr ' ''''n'T l gIiWOZTIZT. ' &171..1 .1 RNING. NO VENII3ER 13. 1849. MIS(ELLANEOUS Chocolate, Cocoa, fie. W. Baker's American and French Chocolate, PTepntr ed Cocon, Cocoa' Attire, Broom, Cocoa Shell& &e. rflO merchants and portsumers, who would purchase 1 the best producta'of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more nutritious than tea or entree, and in unsur passed, the subseriberxecommends the above /rueles, manotitetured by himself, and clamped with hi name. 111. i Brume and Cocoa Pane, al delicate; amble, and salutary drinks for invalids, convalese nth, and ethers, are pronnunCed by the most eminent p ysicians supWnor to any otheYymperationa Nth manufactures no always on sale, to toy quantity, by the mostre . pm:rabic grocers tla the tern rites, and by limit agents , I lawe&Drak deo., of Roston; lamer ! nonce he,., !lentos& Cann; !Jamey & Murrny,'New York; linos & Some, Philadelyhia; Tnonans V Brundige, Bal timore; nod liehoet &. Bennett.Cinchnutti, Ohio. WALTER RAKER, Dorchester Mask Fnr sale by top BACALIW & SMITH, Ages Wrought and Cast Iron Railing. subsenbers beg leave to inform the public that I they have obtained from the Fad all the late and fashionable 'designs for Iron Railing, both for houses andcilmeteries Persons wishing to procure hand some patterns will please call and examine, and judge for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the short. est notice, and in the best manner, at the corner of Choig and Rebecca streets, &limberly city. nualndlif A. LAMONT & ENOS._ W. & J. GILENii?, 1100 k Binders. IITY: are gill engaged in the sibooo.bisinesi, comer yy of Wood and Third ~...4434 we e prepared to &arty Wort to our .line with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and sane. tacos.° will be given in regard to its neatness and do rubs Malik Books ruled to any pattern d bound sub btatanaly. Books in notnhers dr old b ooks bound care fully et repaired. Narnea pot on books In gat lettere. Those that have work to our hne are invited to call. l'ocss to.e. tardOnf . NOTICE. Ti AVM% sold oar end= stock to C. R. Otwer, with JJvtew to Owning our old budote., art. hereby so. belt for hlrn the patronntge of all our (Mende nd cu.. MIDAIR IRO. W. POINDEVITA, TIIE. POINDEXTER. • PlllAbdiFil, Ant. 4th, 1,44. Qrooor UnA a T T oi''l tt rnm '"nn g d C. TonvnetrelLn \terstau Scales, Cooking Sioyess . , Orate., / . 1.0.. ILI ARSOALL, WALLAC.h LO., Round t.hurch, corner Liberty nod Wood streets, manufacture and oder fur sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales, of the most Improred trunnty; Cooking tftowes, for wood and coal; Ene blare. of cartoon .11E4 Parlor and common Ornma !follow Ware, an. &c. They nlac, manufacture the Kate hen !Lange. which I glyett such general ...faction to those travinx it to use, to all of whadh they would rerpectfUlly none the attention of the C/IIIVII• nod the pu him rnerrilly. 0ct.C.,111 AFTo U ttl . a .A Z b ra p ltul U m ij o A OTtt 7 ity T tr u a b :; " cn i' 74 des , er. !terms. W follow., -I , tandp Tobaceos, in gore and la arrive, whicb being conmanments re, worn manufacturers, Ile is enabled to sell al cam era pflt•fr 130 1 bet R W Crenshaw SA 70 I `• Junes Mattison ss; I " I—xmarune ss; 33 I " Miralleau ss; I `` Put4larn 5a and IA IS Sewou SC, Usctullui 1; `J I Johns at Lewis is: 1 Warwick sups Is; td I `• Henry enry A James 5.. Is And kne febN I.a WA' ERMAN Pitt Psnultlno*o7•ka and Foundry. 1,171711C.i1i, 011 , ./ I'6lllOllT ft Co.. are greparesl to bail.l Cauca J and Woolen Alnebinery of e • er. iloseriptiatn aunt. na Carding Machines, :harming Friar., gpeoders Drawing Frames, llclvra) ttcnJy Warpora,Slux.lcro, areas:lig ' , mine, Leona., Curd Orindcra,S.c. ('roughs Itufi turnedi'oll Kilos of Caat Iron. Puna...and ll.mgora ni into., pattern.. elide and Land Lailica and trot. of nil 0.14.1 e. Craning, of every deiermuon inn/one.; on short iintien. to ardor for (:e tog. Iron Itelling,ke. banain ripe nor bean lug 11 , netonea.1`n, Swill /AIM (Ewe ',moron; Orden left at We SVarehouao id J. etri ., Cli will here prompt stten. non Refer Idinoignek, Hen .4. Co., J. fi. s.loOrobend Co, K Warner, Joy,. I.rwla Song, uanureb L .0 .1 II Warner, . leol9 pd&W COACH FACTORY, A.{ %VlfiTl: , would resperthilly inform 1.1.1.. the prlslie. that tae; ereenril ship - on law oak. ITIWC'eII F 1.611 11.1 tianditsai.reztd. hey Arr making and am nrevarril to receive onleri %or svery erveription of vehields. Cotlettea IlharioAk. Ila. *111,44.4, Mmmy. dr., ha, what avian:lra ha..? expor•enee in the manufacture of the above work, dna the a... Lilies they have, they feel enhtideta davit's enabled to do wort cat the mast reasonable terms with those wanting .fa a... o..,rapine parneenr intention to the sneakiest.' in., tall., .n 1 Laving none but competent wortmen, they have b. ne•hatton rr in waanting their work We•n• 000 attenuoti of the public to this malty,. N. LI V.-pa/ring done in the best manner. and on 0,0 1130.{ reesonible atthf Wool C. 14 `r •LCTIT TC)-g224.,. I;„ahin7t;h: for stunt supply of FINDINGS, we . ow priers Calf and 'Sheep linter Skins, tsars Loa thers Pl,lnja, Reed., Shuttles, llemp Twine Trudlet N 0.5 to LI Pnr.nhas, Wrenches, titrthbitul Cards, ID ta ID tra Parser Dressar-Brashes, Weavtrs' Brush . &a. ,To. /WAN, WIL41.1:11 h CU., 'CI Wan PittshaLah. 1)07 ' r I - Porrs.Wer, isirl ; I Pare fiats add dip Geoid, lJainpbell k Coo old dry loran , pithonea'.4l: , H Pare I:40. Pura Jute. par (Ones; -Puto./ake. %Wed., d o .. hte and ,Lute Grapes. Thew wine. are all eelebra ,l tar their medical nroperdes, and can be hail whole mile or ratan as the Wtne thorn of ly.• 44e011 IVEAVER. Jr. PLANOSI - - - T HE oul , ooriber otrs e - ior ;ale a tango and splendtd u•wortanant of roa.wood and mahogany grand Ae• you Futons, wilh d ll,eut Coigunan'a ualebrattd :gonna Attachment 4. Motive instrumerna nre war. try, Mudtoolt. he equal to any manufactured m 11113 cotur try Mud wsli be acid lower inn - any hrodght from the Last. l• BLUSH.... No 112 wood thl door above ith N. .--City Sono will ha taken an poo Can a (ow of he above awhorunent. rend F. 14. tlardwart-.Cheaper than Evert taiaN, 1V1L...43S & CU., lonwrtera and thliolegale IA Donlon on liardwade, Cutlery and . eaddlery, No 1. Wood Allow, above Fifth, have now ;n Alore a very cheap and ;above htoek of Hardware, imported o:nce the deal. of paver in fkirOpe, and which they ore determined iota eorreshondlagly War. Sterahantr vg:10 have been inthe 'habit of going Flart, are partma. roquestal to and look through our Moak, at onsaldently believe they wilt live their expeneet . WAATXD, ritilLYlat the lIALTIIIIORF., PHILADELPHIA, la NEW YORK. HOSP.*: AND NEW ORLEANS ti EN ERAL Al: ticv AND COMMISSION OFFICE hernia MEN to wholesale and retail storts, and other respertable bannerol, to err a Beek-keepers, Sales. own. Porters, Dar.keepers, Walters, Farmers, Cough. men, Car Agents, Itana viii Map Agents, Collectors, overseers is ail branches of bareness, to. We have tit al: tones a loran throbs r good situations on bend, which pay from 31/0 In !'LW° per annum. Those in want of ritual/Mica any kind would do well to give r a tall, al we linve'ogents in each of the anove cr. nee. shiers will enable ur to piece everyapplicant to a suitable Inst.. Fit the thorteet omit,. We beer a large vegbaintonee ht ail Me above named eine., wuicla we trust win enable us to give entire satisfac• tont to nil who may favor us with a call. TAYLOR & TAIWAN, N0..50 Second at., between South and Gay. N Ii —Persons living In soy pen of the U. Slates, and WiAttElle to obletti n situation In 111111Intore, oei. :her of the above ...hies, will have their wants imme diate]) attended to by addressing us a line. (post-paid) e• by en dome they will curtail both trouble and es. they otherwise vvorld ince( by eon., to tee coy, and seclong employment for themselves Addres.., TAYLOR. tc TAYMAN, No.= Second Street, llattillefe, Ald Dr. DaLane In Tenn 14113 is to ecrufy that I purchased ono vial of pr. i. McLane'. Worm 6pecific, some two months ago can gave tan um of mule, some .even years old, two sore.. fell, and although .the amount may app., wme,, yet l Imo no doubt but them was upwards of rwo remmaso wool posed from hint, measuring, nee sot , icarter of an Inch to two inches tong. 0 %V lIOLLWAV. tt4e!••• dwelt. thirrol co. 'roost- Ike 07. Isl 7 * eV BENNETT 0,. BROTHER, ht,F:ENPW.e III: el AN 1./FACTUREII.B, 111recatagloam.txt•ar Plttolottrgh.t Eta. Warr/it/we, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. -,.-di WILL. constantly keep on head a good aeon. LOCO I. at Ware; of our Own moutacturo, and rilp<TlOr quality. Wholesale and country !der. chant. aro respectfully invited to call and ol• imam for themselves, cc we are determined to sod ettecper than ho over before been oeend to the pot • ordara sad 67 samil,ateorapanled by the cash br "l ere A c e. will be promptly attended to. snyld rvo Tut , : l.d 01K.a.—.11.1i received, a lull ansortmen I of gold and raver 'reread, Cord and Braid; olio r , ponglacand Brillion, for 'embroidering and miter or 'laments.; work. Aleo, gold ond iilaorTerincia, Fringe and Jr vvcily of the latest Whim., in great variety. 1 Watches o(roperlor quality and betutural patirrns, and 1", , r mile at Eastern tames. W W WILSON, aug7 corner Market and Fourth as ATIIILIIIMIUM BATHING IGTABLISII- MEN r -Op. from d A. M. to M Moth n:r cenr orb for I (loner. Ladies deportment open trom 9 to it A. M. end from I/ tos P. M. - The Refreshment Saloon. Are onequaned In style catmelocce. Recherche lee Cram.: nass 'P. 1114 ALL. Propric.r. att.r.ois:LEThas . . attention or the public is rexpeounity called to 1 the following Ma. S. fi.s.l.—having tested a gu.lity of Gold weighed by ;our ereometer C find the result pr.. your Instilment eorrect; am! recommend the one of it to those going In tatithwitio.. the lwst method for oh. mining the real value of liold. Itespsyntirs, J. LI. DUNLEVN, Gold Beam. Partheign, March 9,149. l'imentan, Notch 7,1e47. 710 Eixtiet—Dear Dirt Deems a/tanked the "Arco. meter," multuteetured et your rooms, I do not•halltate!! tO commend it to the owi of 01050 gehderett Who illpoul rcs.ovlng to California in search° GoltL I It styes a do , a approstruation to the epeilfid ernes ty of vottatc, and wall cm - manly enable the adveuturst to toed:lulu when Lit pluses m yielding Gold. mut Yonre• Id'OLINTOCK. NDI A ik I.ISItER titti/TIIIND—Just receivedfor the (3 ,, r0rn.. K.1••• 1 .•:., a cowl:dee.: ese , reedit of Nem Emstin Ciodetelet to ;totes ranging front etti,so to 01r5 0 t roil o coa4 fianta and hut. for sale at the Ihutu flobher hull.. No S Wood et. del CO J .1!‘ 11 YIIII.LIPS GiCgAl e Wll/91'MUNI ,Li A DULE. AItNIINS,'IItUNK AND SY/lIF (LAN 11FACTitRY..--Yete oultscratter takes nue method of Informing tos (needs quid the public ot general Mut he loss the tastiest stock of We •••••• rigs Of ills OWlsmanufacture to thin city—Saddles, ler ones, Trunks and Whi r s , elf of which he will waeront 'to be made orthe best material and by the best me h. anted in Alleehgetr evenly. _Deny determined to sail his matturacterumtmethlug tower than ban been bete l/3MM WOW by +my almalar establishment in the etty, he would invite persons in need or the above named articlen to big es:velum., Ltheew tweet, O pp,. site yeventit. Also, bends made to Order (Or machine occu.l7 O. KEIRWY. , MU 01;EXCHANOE,P.Y 17 able it ' en:. ", :• ft' u, e /.051is villa and dt. Lome, Pa, ,hlied the 11104 d a aoria efts . nU"."'° • 4..4/ .011 TOR 1[9100.. ROD eurtaxear ccitz or Au. ourr. •1600 FROX MI MVO RTATX Or TIM IMOOD OR HABIT Or TOR RTNT.I.. Z.. . - Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Coca aeons }kaput:me, Pimples or Pustules on the Face Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore. Eyes, Riot Worm or Tette...Y.lM Head, Enlargement end Pain o the Bones and Runts, Stubborn Meer. Syphiltic Syinptons. Sciatica nr Lumbago.—and disease. name from an injudicious use of Mercury, Aci dic, or Dropsy. Exposure or Imprudence in life; Also—Chrome Constitutional Disorder. &e. Mk Medicine has acquired a very amended and es. tablisned reputetion wherever it his. been used, limed entirely on hr awn merit. which Its superior efieacy lice alone *Waffled. The for rte vicum of her editary dam.. with swollen glands, contracted d. news, And bones half carious, has been remored to health end vigor. The scrofulous patient, covered with ulcers, loathsome to himself and his annular., has been made whole. Hundreds of person., who had groaned hopelessly tor years under cutaneous and 'Modeler disorder, chronic thoutnatiarn, and many other nomplarms springing Goren derangement of the secretive organs and the circulation, have been mired an it were from the reek of disease, end now, with re generated constatalons, gladly Maly to the efficbay of this inestimable preparation. "TRUTH IS STRANGER MAN FICTION.' The :meows. of the reader Is railed tothe ktllovrinc astonithing care, effected by the uso of Sod ';tarsal. stifle: , , ~ ~ 'Tess is to certify that 1 have a colored woman 'Who by been it:Dieted foe that last Ave years with siting., and alt the remedies I used hid no elect Id .1714141.1 f the moire" of the. complaint; en the cOnfifiliiPaka constantly great worse; and alter expend/10011MM nr iviiis. till and rise with physicimi besides nu obelogrop• ular remedies without 'ince", till th e , -W; torten swop th e cattilage of her nose, maceltr anon on various pans of her body, andllikt . - • commenced Its ravage. In the roe( of ha' 4 - 44.• In liiiidreadful situation, wi th the prospagtOißkliag staring het In the face. I stated her calm 10 47.41110. - way, the agent for Sands' Sarsaparilla in NeWrfily.. C. by 'shots I ems advised to use that arliehli ... " LO say surprise and that of my nenthbort, tit ustmis bes• ease was known, arum using four and a halt bottles she was restored to perfect health, and that In Ilia apses of three week., and was able to work in two weeks 'row that time she commenced taking it. In witness of the Irma of au. ma:einem, I hale been onto altzesi my name, ibis 19th tla))• of Seer' 1947. JOSEPH 54COTTI.R,J. P. . Mouth of !lease River Craven en., N. C. - SORE THROAT. ' Ti. following Is an extract from a letter received from M. Eason, who bed been afflicted several year. with racnifulaus Meer*, prrpetesia, /co, and woontry an affection or the throat and cheat:— Batleysbarg, Ye, Dec. 11, BIS 11fetnts. A. IL a. D. Seam: Delare I commenced rul ing your Sampan.. my sufferings were almost man r rpresnoin . my thrust was completely ulcerated, I had a dreadful cough, rod there were frequenny weeks Ow. 04±Ler teel I rand not speak above it whLspen and be enles, the indammallon from nay thiumesteudut Lamy hand. no that toy hearing we; very much impaired. After minas the Sam.partlla a than time, my health improved, and ray throat is now well; I am a. fine from rough and tight.. of the chest as aver f was, and ran hear quite distinctly. Mir throat ha+ been well &hoz, three remit., the can of wltl tar Lent cis l ect• ed entirely by the 'UP< of your Sarsaparilla. Your friend, LOUISA o BEVAN. The follavvrag testimonial to the valuer, the barmy ands, Is from the Bee Luther V. right. aged 721 Veer, Cooccgrigonsil !}minter, residing at 11'a anti, Mass . March 3ffilnl , lo. Mt.l./.. Sands: Gentlemen. Prom what 1 bare ripe: cn eneed. End from the informan. I have memoir re craved from a number of persons of high rerpectaloh. ty who have used your Sarsaparilla, I have not the loon doubt bat that it is a me.l valuable medicine. and that the intutera. cenffictica you have' of int efficacy ore Nay sullained try experience. and al though its Iceman. and in me very extrusive, and stand to no need of my bumf. valor. to inercon them. I want all who ate ediffictedliy disease to b-etone acquainted own the efficacy slid power rue sou. abfe medicine. I em. gentlemen, sratefully.and very m.peeifully Yu4;i, • LUTHER WIL.I6IIr. Prepared and sold, wholesale and recoil. by A U. D. SANDS, Draggle: mid Chemin,. lan Fulton street, corner of William, New York. Bold also by Drug genenstly throughout the United Suit. end Can ada.. Pore SI per bottle. six bottles for SS. Per sale toy Jr, B. A. FAD N ESTOCK C till. euxII,IIWARD 1 , 11NUL:11111K, Ibushurait Ad e, 111 r S tnlll 111 Bridgwater. erns - rnorsuunon rESIALE •INSTITIITE. /plus hautew, under the rare of Rev. J. M. (BIS HORN AND LADY, wlll re-open ou Mouday, the. 17th of September, to the tome son 1116 No .1.1 Liberty grßet. Having bashed the number of their pupil., the Prthemal. hope to mertta conioluation of Wet liberal petteenge thoy bane liebrrto enioyvd. Pare,. may enured that every advantage wtll be afforded their daughter, it rthmed under bow misse s for nh ththince thorough English. Classical. and Ornamental education. aturvealif TOVNICI LADIES SEMINAILS, A.L.+llX5i. sRE AUTUSIN SESSION or this Institution goshll commence on the first plenday september.— Room. o bridge. Clon Federal street, in ••Rninsie Rom," gd door (corn the Ragga or Tema" on SIIISSION or net Moven,. English Deparunent, irielodoigßenemg, Chthogra pby and Defining, Wnong, English Gen:inner, Rartro. roc, Logic. English Vomproution sod Ortuctsna, 'Geo graphy, lidatory,Arithincoe and the higher branches of glatheninties. Natural Philosophy, rThemistry, As. Ininorny, Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Moral Science, and all other branches requisite to sr thorough English Education - • - gdo Classical Department, including the Loom and Greek Ica/Nene age., each - - • - 11 00 Frlo Inn 00 stri ul The servietx of competent teacers are secured Mr each as desire instracuon In Fren h ch and Denim, and also In Drawing, Painting and Music. list. desirable that pupils enter at the commence ment of a session, yet they are received at any time and are charged at the above rates from the time of entrance. No deductions are made for abreneen, ex cept in cases of protracted !linens. Further Informauou may be obtained, and applica tions made by calling upon the Principal, at his roams on Federal street, or at his lodnaini sit “Irwin'* Roar," Liberty *treat, PLllabargh, between :Id ilth streeta; or by addrehnng, through th e Pimburett Post °Mee, the Principal. N. W. hIIi7PCALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7, 18th dtf PITTBBIIRUfI FBATACE — INSTITUTE TIM Setorid Session of this Insulation, under the acadee of Mr. and Mrs. Gamma, for sent mic year, will commence an the fast of -Feb pre rile ry licit, in the same bralduigs, No. &t Liberty street. Arrangement* base been made by which they will be able to:garnish young ladies factlities equal to any In the Wen, for obtaining* thorough Englieb, Clan , cal, and Ornamental education. A full course of Phi lisophical_ avid Chemical Lectures will he delivered dunng the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The dm pannier. of Vocal and Instrumental hlusic, Modem Languages, Drawing and Pluming, will each Gan under the Cara of. competent Professor. fly close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pas pile, the Principals hopeto merit a continuation of the liberal' patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principal. ittnli.dtt Pirmaceou, Sept. 15, TllttS. K. 111BRERT:--Iluar. Sir, Your WRI. LT/ TING MAID we have now been ustng more than • y.d on looking over the entnes made by it, we find the ear, color o bright blue blurt It is pleivant write with, (Days free., and does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in use. Wishing ou the ready tale Its merits demand, we are, yours respectfully, SIMPSON & CO. For sole, together Yyttli Ilibberl'e Red Ink,' and Ma chine Copy Ink, by a A. Pahnestock &p. Scherer., Allegheny City, end by tie manufacturer, T. K. Ilibtien, Druggist and Chemist, earner or Liber ty and Smithfield as, Pittsburgh octt3 PALMER, lIAPIiA C 0.,& (Succeasors to Hussey. Ilona' & Cot AN ILERtt,- EXCHANGE . 11110 h N.RS, and dealel)rs in Foreign and poinestle Exchange,. Certificates te of Deposita, Rant Nos, and Specie -t ourtb *tree!, nearly oopitaite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney reenved on deposite--Sigbt 'Cheeks for sale, and collections niade on nearly all the principal poutts in the United State, BMMiEMEMI Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship pod Eris, on Omni mime. apt! • PAnars 2•ll.lll,lAuriatv Is 4 1,47. Patent crossittrr extension Tales, Sew, Bureaus, Book Casa, Wasting Data. LEVER OF WROUtiIIT IRON. rpiric TABLES far surpnwing every other vention orate kind now extant. They eau he ex tended from ten to twenty-five feet and when elused the leaves axe all contained inside; ' they are made to all sizes and shapes, and are admirably adapted is, Steamboats, Rotel., and large private muffles, Wm,. lug when closed a enmplete center table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These uncles are 11,:1:- .I.le, particularly to those who wish to renta room, and convert a sleeping apartment Into a parlor or totting room, as they OW he opened tel shut at convenience, and when shot, the heddind I. cod:w ed. A. great saving in room and rent. the bed steads when closed forma beastutut piece of futiiitere Pot • parlor or sitting ropoa ROOK CASER3—A neat and awful article for parlor or drawing roam. WILITINGIDL-Foriase offices, counting room. sold other nißces; when opened a most convenient bed:. 'stead; when closed.• perfect Desk and Ldldary alone is yloble. AR thoseaneed no recommendation: the ,kuaaty.of the whole is, they ate warranted not to get out of repair. It will be for your Interests to tall and C2lllllllO the artieles, the mututhetathir'• No. ER Third street, linisbuthlt. In addluqu to the above adrnutiges, the? vr C i p ro j f AM, ' k' '' VTOODNVELL. mchla .L;OWICiaL F-LiiTOLUGR, Yalg7.4elSM ol ALCOHOL AND PHRE, DP.IIIIII, Canter Prom and Vine streets. Clecinnad, 0. ORDERS from nitsburgh for. Alcohol, Pero :pithy Raw Os gecufird. Whiekey, will be promptly at coded to at lomr.l price. mchLailly MITE firm 'of NICKLIN DRYDEN being dia.lved. 1 the underaigved will eoultano the Forwarding and COMummoti at the .ateam boat kandang, FRANKLIN, ned revectfallo Informs his friend. that he has ions to the expettse of • limey c e warehouse mad coutetat, fora everal 'ear, oal mune he will glue enure satisfeetten to ell who tuni ttl3lO4W. reeeao Irht.l7lzzer . 1 • u. jzE.4l, i •.,:q rd..: 4 DRY 6+ 1 901)5, &c-- PATarrE PREMIUM BLA . Nir.STIS, MUTE AND BROW liilkldtdalliaii"DANNE 4 .4B 1,71: are' on. reeeinfogdfiont Abe' &WWI e aPpIY of tbesifgoOilhnttlektire tid , '7 er Man such goods mambo hiM hltienrlfere in This city. llte me no acids in bleaehlext th.tir dil'"'" h e . " ad. ' our object being to produce xoodamot for show only, but for umnfort and daratbißm i npd no, suck they I:e^ etiVell 'the first prenitioarOOLS et Other gtiodi'hiblint ed vile r late , Alleitheny Agrinaltnlill Fair. • Poi . ns the Bloater BcPcn, N 0.56 adorkedsi, mid itte wire 'rooms or the Payette itlahulitettiiingol l No- 11l Second at. Ct l y ll ,abnyk e M to r o f J olu M 744 ur ' a n ure n l a se re atro bhl'ein e A T ll c e n ttbany Windoers," rederat at • • • •• • Aipserite A n , Wld gutstriber hn.e.on band, Beet:nein! . sedwon,ll.llqpied from thr • lotrief Goods, which he is authomeil to close al prints very loan 30 pieces Tart wide Barred Flannel. WO oaks White Bed Illanirett, ribbon imam], tan poen& to the pole. . . I enso 60 pairs Steamboat Blanket., ribbon bound;i very superior article. I ems. (MO pairs, Grey 31ixeddilankem. 50 point Durk Cr:Manual Blue Blankets, a very perior erne!, coon tiny and Blue Blanket Coating., 40 piece, Tweed, Steubenville make: I ease astorti ed_plain and barred Jeans, StenhenvillhintinufseltitYl. Too above goods con6gued direct from Me maker, and will be sold wiry low fur hash or epptored notes, oett 11. LEE, liberty at, opposite ON. SEW Goorkii N,iW,OOODBIt ....r .". BARGAINS'. BARGAINS!! ' •• '. NEW NALL.AND WINTER DEY 600 DR AT not sighti on Tax ato not arm • , 621blarket .1., between 3d end 4th, Pittsburgh. . 1/ITfiL In RUSSELL, No. 62 Market street, between FY 'Third and Fourth, nen of the big golden Bee . Ilive,ltah must conrueneed receiving and opening p,. Incn, cheapen and most splendid stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods ever offered by one imam in Pia.. lank All "(these foreign goods have been parches. ed of the importers p.r the lust steamers from rumor, and for relines. of style and beauty of design are en. itarpossed to thin or any other market . The dome.. nndstaple department will also he found complete , and cheaper than at any other house in this city. The out/scriber would here respectfully call the attention of hi. nometotts ....tomer., uncivil wishing to buy new and cheap goods, to the price. which will no doubt astonish them, being determined to aril cheaper than the cheapen. Omni dark Cohen, only Scents per y.rd; Best quality dark Cana°, fan colors, 6 to 10; 4.4 Brush purple Print,, fast colors. 81616 ; •Heavy Bed 'I taking, from e to 10 cents per yd; Bleached Munlinot good quality, 5 to 4 per yd; Beet quality Bleached Muslim., S . ID per oar „,.. Heavy yard wide Unbleached Musliin., sto f 4; Good red Flannel, Gem 15 to 25 cents per yd; Good yellow Flannel, 11. 25 et. per yd; Good black Alp.eca from 15 to 25 per yd; French Umgbanie Iron, Into 15 ets per yd; . Irish Linens at prier. from 25 to 1,25 per yd; Smitten and Kentucky Jena. from Idle to 60 cos; ' Cloaking* and Linsey+ from Illi to 31 cin Heavy Domestic Gingham. 10 to 121 ets; Crash and Diaper.. all Pram , . sod .1021126 G LADIar DRESS GOODS A led i ...° rrent of a I ieroe style.newer R,4 ,g.l.ze..nb.,cto,ric g ood s; 1,,,,,,,,,, Fmnoch Thmet Merinos, the finest Imparted; Rich Camelion Silks, in nil colors and quinine% Black Armures, best quality, plaid tiad atriprq Block Gros de Rhino, an nflaths and remlitien Lupin'. fine blank Borebawnee, bcantital good.; do ben French Me ri nos, black and colored; ' •do do 'do 4 in high colors; do fine French de Lainca, all wool, high colors; Rich ftg'd Cashmeres, Imuutilul,gooo., very cheat. Dotted ~Vl4. Muslim, for evening droner; Broth! Tbihet Scarfs, late ithiaatunion; . Beet quality Franca Kid Glove., all eo!ors; grounatig Cashmerciand de Leine., all prices; Ladiem embroidered Neck Men, eplendid goods, I....dies Mien qualito French linen Ildkfs; Hefting Ribbon., • fall misortment; ' Worked Capes, Conan ADO Cubs, in grem - ninety 111:m1 and colored Craperi all quaNtics,• Brocade Lwow., it 6 1: mourn and qualities; loan. Lamm on none. rich hood.; ench Cloaking., topern good., high color; • Alma black Breasel Lancia:l wodths and price.; Black silk Fr. kr., wide 'and heavy, br‘l2‘l6lST• Together With n large stock of wki. Goods, Swim /unmet and Merl Marl — ,mq beside. a very large and 40 2c111.,t0m ot Pall Ronbci. Ribbons, of the latest itll. pnt,,,,10,, and men fashionable Many of the Mmve good. bare tall lurked pot inn last, from Europe, sod are worthy We arte,tio2 of BM la dies. =II= A !pletidiel zu so it ntcnt - 14 ;litrw •••• • . • . 'Super estro Pi° French Long Shaw., Leal imyr d Super ch. size Lone Ilroclio, 61..4 qualily; Superb quality Long Piaui Shawls, rich colorei • Reat'quality aquaretra fine wool Shawls; Rioh and heavy ex rise Mast silk Stiawls; Rich combo!, changeable Shovels; Super black and white, all wool, long Shawls; Super e.t.a size. liong.dSq're Mourning Stlll.WiS Paris pniried Cashmere - Shawle v in great variety; Terarn prices it qoul`a7 Mode embrid Thibet heavy ftiagt; Block mock and made colored henvv cloth Shaielsi NV hut. rath'd Thlbet Rnawlti bratutt t gooac Hlghlaad p hakmg and aq•re Shawl, - very cheap; hl °Liming Shavilx and Scarfa, In grant variety; • Alto, a large let of plaid Blanket Shawl,, from 75- . Mx to 4,,00. Together with a full supply of Glavea,l4l;ns .411. story, with all ItrlitiES usually kept In a Wholesale . .ad Retail Dry Goods Ileuse—all of which will be " 6 7 f . tera to e d m e ?i r e r "' trsto t' re in ., ' No. fed Market Street, ha town Third and Fourth, sign of the Bt. Dai-likvx, other: bargains eau at RI dines be hul spell: alma hVILLTAM L II.DSSEI.4 CAUBIITEINOT boa corunencon to receive rs . Ito assortment of -Woolen Comforts and Ilow1a; Ilaskin, Derlil4 bockskut and woolen Cloves; Thant, cloth, mous de lain and blankbt Shawbr, rash mere., vrorsted and woolen flow; Perigee and . linen silk and palm Cravats and Scarfs; ilioups and :Frlnges; Irish Idnen. Table Cove.. Crapes, Ribbons,' Giiees, bleached land colored Alos'ow, Taub) , Velvets, Palen. Thread., e twine tin D 011.4, Gem Suspen ders, Pius, Percussion Copy, Almanacs, common and gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pock et and table Cutlery, and many other gaols whm.h country and city blerehants are respectfully invited o examine. sptlO FATETTIII DIASUFAOTDIkIF6 d wtnen from Blanket,T.' n.h.l"FlFiuratt 2 ' Mee, brown and tlnsb Blanket enatino, Satinets en Woolen Yarn, which they will sell at Eastern prices. Warrbouw. No IN Second at, Pittsburgh, Pa Factory, New !raven, Fayette en. Pe. eplCi • NEW 000 D.: . . . . . Whave just received a large and complete meek or CLWICS, Variety and Fancy Goods, • gaits; Inv for the fhll trade, to wroch, with every deseriphoh of Looking heron mimulitetured at oar own stet= power shop in this 'cny, we ask the attention of Wcif ern Alerelnuos and other dealers. KE , NFAIS to SAWYER„ corner Wood and Fourth sts DRY GOODS MURPHY, WILSON'it CO., Yo. 48 Wopo Sr., Prrrattman exhARE now raceivlng their usual sopplic. of Gauls ler th e Fall mimeo, which they well be happy; to bit to their old customers. and a* sosnynew erten. at may Mel inclined to present themisyives. Always taking great pains 10 lay lit Each gagas as are adapted to the wants of the We.tdefi trait:l4l.lMA longexperience enable. them to die, dirty coot say with touch confidence, nod wuhourentering min a detail of their stock, that the Western retail mernituri will find with him all that his easterners femme. Those who have termed the unprofitable habit of repairing to the Eaftterti cities for their stockx of Dry Goodie, would do welt to call, as a exuded comparison of up ces would in many eases result in the convictton that thc,expense of going further may be obviated by guy ing CO Damburgh. sptt3 ' FEW FALL GOODS. VI- R. MURPHY is now receiving his first Fall supply of Foreign Dodiestic GOUlkisand has already opened an arson:neon of new and henna fel styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; and neat new style Fall Muslin de Limner Alpuccus sad Mulish . Lustresi Damask figd and striped do Parmottos and Lyons. Cloths; Orate most desimhia colon.; and a C.II.PPIY of bleached tad unblanched Muslin., Irish Linens, Man- Ginithuntstrr.e, m northeast corner Fourth and Market sts. Buyers are inched In mill tad see. GOOD S.—Caps,Plumes,S. worda, Saab: Oil es, autestes, Laom Buttons, Fligs, and ail the . trimmings necessary to equip volunteer companies. • [Er Volunteer companies esoipped as complete and cheap as done tu the Bast, at me Slilitiry Store, cor ner Market and Fourth so. W TV WILSON I'. d —Die Utica States' Bass sod Tenor Drums, of Gcrsugniown make, for sale and warranted by spt4 W. W. W. 1541ACKLETT & WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, D 9 WWI) STREKIr, - - ARE now set... Maine a very Large mock of free. Goods, of recent purchase and importationott len they win sell to the trade at such ptlees As eanoot to awe tlllite satisfaction. fail City and tarettr7 fifentanin atm Invited Mean dud examine our stock before purchasing • mye Ciii CR. - graAi werPl7chtati. ONORECEIVED aud now open f. , Xa..d . ' /MIMI; now mol sivendid nowt °Vlll Of V Octave - Pianos from "Chick dor Barton, omong them a full Carved Wait XIV. ordered for one of our ettizeos, who nos kindly permitted re to remain In my warn room to day tWednesday) for e/hibiorns. nose who may have a demo. to sce and hear r o ll hplendid Specimen of nit, arc respectfully invited to re day ;albeit/ewe Cl , i JOHN II AIELLOR,SI kVisodet Agent for Chickering's Pianos for Weitent.Pa. ocil7 Ml= t..1 , 11 0u, 0NE DOLLAR, or a single Ladies De parunnut opals frous gto 11 o'clock, gl„ and m o'clock, P. M. Atheinicura guloon and Bathing Establishmena. istn T. lIPFALL, Proprietor _ EATON'S CEILTIMATE-TO DR JAVNE--This cerufits, that immediately after hark; attended my brother, who died of ebasarastioa., in hinreh, 1,12, I was taken sick with the Consuraptinn or Liver Complaint, and was reduced no low with the disease, that for four yearn I was unable to attend to I my business, either at home or abroad, being for the most time confined to my bed. Derink tic skive peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendshee o regular Shysimans. and ettedletnes, to the amount o: XI, Without. 'centric:s any benefit' therefrom. In July, 13,13, 1 coannenceo tsksng Dr: Jarsebi Shalt. mien, and have taken them more or lea, over timer, and believe that it won hy"parsevernag .iu their use, that 1 can now truly nay that I have enumintely reefs, tiered toy health. 1 believe that layne's Sanative Sills end Expectorant are tie best family metbainesissowt in use. I reside In Springfield, Owego meaty, N.Y., and carry on .furnace and =chine shop in at piece, I and um not untr that untreated In 'Aromas , In the sale of the, above mcdteates, and make this eersifieate tur :be ben. I cfit of those atilletcd• ELIJAH EAT ON. tl. • • Oy Oyer. nt T 3 IMO , : h. COS Daily Espreas in now rexularly do- J3l hverine Can amd Shelf (JESER, which ma of fered in dean. 1.4 firrailies at life litiweit 'Fiera , Quality wavraTived eudil to any,lirougb: to this ma„, • bet, and for rale by • •• - •• • • J. C. 0101VELI, , Alen—At the following depotit—Dc,,, ,rifrr, twr ,auth fled and giiioond alai E. He Plana:Oak Mercer& Robinson, Fdderalq Aileaticay,, pads „NO MEl:klekt'. QELLERS!LiwzaRILLS WAS .AIY ,IXlC.rtlite— :a3 --- , • ' I Rena, Pa..,Srpt. filr. .Y- Sellers—Dom Sirt I feel tt is a duty I °wit - . 'to the abbe, m well es to the modit of your Liver • e - Pills. t state the good treat. erosional by taeirme in my ow eme During the menath 0f.tune,1545, I took very it well, my appetite fatted, andirty airomph waa.... - ... :-..' entire! my petite with mverepatu temradd gad . ~ , alw old rm., I told by Medleulalett drat-try disease was a eferehttlik of , dwirhomplainL I took.serevw.ii . [ rabies. of. APLanoh:Liver,olls, and mote arrays, . erbiepi li woe tol4 woo good for that dimitse . , baillbet ',, ' rn all , Llsits . tu r it t tg e w: . r , se! Yfinalii coneluded,to plod. ,' ': ' h . la a PhYslelan.lor_better or • • :: :morsel but, fortmottety, instal thin time r Alias told ! . ... `; by the:Rev. I. Nihlock, of thii place, Stitt Iktehtllad met him a bor of Seller.' Liver Pill. from Pittsburgh, which; had be fined . him m verr-mveh. I forthth tent firr a hoz of yottr.Lfses:Pille," and bribe WM(' Was. dincotsing them, I was satisfied that it was lust. _ the medicine that' snail • trireme. ' I soot for More,. > k and rook fivom• six inane, and fotool,,.elyself, µmolt: .... ~,.. entirety cured! but in March last t eight It envere cold, Which firelight batik the diocese, '-hod in aodurtf-I. s: , ' time I was iis Dad ag emr, / again. had recourse id' .!I your Liver Pille,• end took there ever/MI.I night for . '- m weeks, and occaeloualtrein9o, and I can eavreay, o ..o ..: that I kafinpa say, thet'l reel little If, anyvymptmes ... , of the Liver Complaint: and ray gencial health Was , ' ••• gmil nownit it h. been for the last 10 year. , 1: . !.-; .....,,, Pily 'neighbors mk me who was my doctor. ,I tell . them tint Sellers'Tiver Pills - was lay doctor, _:and - br ''' the bi rising of [Heine Providee.° the politico/ea CODS._ 7l nse. I aro madmt that when the b"o"". quaintd with the vale° of your Live r Pilre,'•the "de.! s' -', mend for them will incise., Natty of alrimigh.h9l , 6 , ', • , to whim I have recomendril the pills, can testify to their value, as well its to) the facts ataive ,tared,' ' " - ''' . Raspectfally palm, ! IDUCllMafillliga." , ... .To ini Premn—The It . g . iml, entytme and gouge -- . ' nine Liver ' ills are prepared by R. E. qelliim,and.... knee his name stamped In black wag Open - due Ild r - ' '. emh Isar, and his sign:lain, on the oemide ertapposs,' i 7. i .7. L., - .MI others are emmterfeita or bum iMitalletia. L '7. . , ilisiES ii..f. SELLERS, Proprietor, 57 Wood at t ''"'l' P: , — . ---- Clillllifireg N. C L A P • - ' :' .. ... t A man by the eatite cfRUIIL P has:engeged: .' : with a youug man of Me tame of S. Prowl:send, aud ' uses hie inane ti youlip a Serseparill/L . width they , - . call Lin Tommend'a: Street:Attila, denominating it. ~ GENIINE, Onginal,eli Tins Toornietid fi midlii. ' '' tor mid never lose, birt vritiformerly iii worker ottrall:-.! road., canals, mid th° lie, Vol kie imam:nes Me tide :- of Dr' for the purpose - of gamin s credit - foie/lint heis" ;• not. De is sending olli. cords headed I ' , Trick-mot:: 'Queeke,h in which ha ears, I have told Me iny '. . Thin for g 7 ••week. I .vitll give'S. P. ow tan ' I` . Vito Will ca utio n e elt I le solitary proof of. thi5.0.,...-. This is to utio the pa :le not to tie deceived, and ptirchase none iiin, the C ENUINE ORIGINALOLD ' V. . Jacob Townsend , ' gamapeeille„.havute;,,ou it 1.b.,,1., Old Dn's likeness, his family coat of arms, and his else nature actnew the coat of ram' ' • - • ', • -..!, JACOB TOWNSF.fiIp. . .„ sou et, New York City. OLD + DOCTOR. --, , , 4 &COO O TOWNSEND . ;,•• . ), TIM ORIGINAL '.: ' • , Fracipal OtsCc, IPI N •• • • TowNsmit) .OApARILLA. . Old Or. TOwnsend is now maid 70 years of are, . has long been k - rib am as' the AUTHOR •nd.U15C0..... ofthe GENULISIUORIGINAL.TOWNSEHD iSARSAPAIIILLA.'i Being poor, be Wits oomPelled to tiut ite'mannthentre, by which meant, it has bean: kept'out of market, and the saleseircansteriberi to shoot only who bad proved Its worth and known Its - I!vane. This Gums ate UtragresumarszAilAnaxia jtnaratfactured oa the largest seals, and is called kr. Sh.,oithkout the length and breadth of the land.' Utilise ..young BA.. Townsend's, it itittPraTus. i/!,7peie'mdparentelveenriscchle'ne pbgetiopelnthebyb's"seletbtfrenutifs.,* rite:lughest knowloige of Chemistry, and the latest Idischveries of the Art. hare all been brought into re-' nuiniden in the manufueture of the Old DC. Oarimpro• 1444. The Sarsaparilla root, it le well kapott tognetb,. ith el men ; contains niedicutal properties, and some peg cif porde. which aro inert or useless; and ethers, which: mained in messing it for use,. prance forrocute tiinund mitt much In Motions to the system. Some :tthf the pthperties of Birsapatilla aro so voltage at hsg entirely erapomm and am. lost the prepare non, if they an not preserved by t laiantifie process,' ;known only to those experienced in its manufactatc. ildorcovei these volatile principles, which Ay Orin ea !per, or as un exhalation, under heat, are the verges-. 'ectitittl medical properties of the root, which gives to , O all its value. The • CaItRUZIPEL iOLD DR. JACOB TO WHgEN _ WNSEN DE SARSAPARILLA io prepared; that all the inert properties of the Sac_' psaparilla root ate Am reamed, every thing capable pf becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted ant . amected; then every particle of medical virtue Is sc ted Ina pure and concentrated form; and tlitta tab rendered incapable of losing any of its valuable an waling properties. Prepared to this way; ilia Moat the most powerful agent in the • CURE OF INNUMERABLE DSEASES. • Hence the rensint why we hear commendations on.: every side in in favor he nigh, women and children..• We find- it aping wonders in the cure of Consumption,' Dyspepsia, and Lim Complaint, and in Rheumatism,' Scrofula and Pile.,Costirenew, 'all Quantal. Etup t boas, Piniples,illotches, and all alrectiem veiling from IMPURITY OF , THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indim-.lion, from Acidity claw StoMlElli. from unequal circulation. determ inatinn of blend to thol head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet anti cold,hends,, cold Mulls and hot dashes over the body:' tt has not had its equal In villeiu and sold.; and 'promcitmi easy expectmation, and gentle perepiranon, relaxing , slxics Hire of the lungs, throat, mid every other pelt. •• - lint to nothing hills excellence more manifestlyecen end acknowledged than In all ktrile and seam of FEMALECOMPLAINTA • - • ' ' It works wonders in cage. of fluor altins at *bhp, Failing of the Womb,Obstrumed,,Soppressed i orPanis - fel Menses, Irregulanty of Minimiser:al penult.. and the like; and is effecrnal in curing all forms of the IDds : try llmensed By removing obsaactions, and reglita. dog the general system, it give. tone and strength 10 the wholubadY, irnd cares dl forms of NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and ihm prevents or relieves a great variety amber &acmes, a. Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitas Dance s Swooning, Epileptic blis tioneubtoon,Ac Is not m, then, ma Almiettre too Eis•Extrunswir Nmt ' But ern tiny of these thing. be a nnul S. sendis interior article? This young manta liquid is not • to ' 'COMPARED WITH THE OLD DIVE,— • becauseud the Grand Fact, Mat the one to incapable of Dcidnaration and NEVER SPOILS while the ME , er DORSI - it soars, , (erments, and blows the .battles containing it Into fragments; the soar, acid liqeid cx' ploding nod deranging odiergoods! Must notthlilhor. nble compound by poisonous tome, system!What! put acid into a system already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspepsia bat arid? Do we notall Meer that when fend star. inane stomachs, what mischief... it producer?-flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of die . bean, fiver complaint, diarrtmea, dysentety,eholic and:, corruption of, the blood? . What Is Scrofula bet en acids humor in th i s body? Whet produces all the humors which bring vii Eruption" of the Skies, Stahl Dead, Sit Ithenin,fi.eyinpel•s,'White Swelling*, FeyemSores, mid all ulrentuous internal and external? It Is noth ing ander heaven but an acid substance, which .oins e enJ thus all the fluids of the body. more or tem. What causes Rheurimpsm but a sent arid fluid, Whie h insinuate. itself between the : Rants and elsewhere, ir ntayn,g and inflaming the tender and delieabi tissues emits which it ems? So of nervous diseases; of mph.. myof the blood, of deranced circulations, and - nenrlT, all the oilmen. widen afflict human nature. Now, is it not horrible to make and sell and infinite ly womc to use this SOURING, FERSE.NTING, •ACID."COMPOUND” , OF S. P. TOWNSEND! and yet ho would fain have it mderwood that Old Iso. eon Townsend's Gen.. Orignel 'Sarsaparilla, II alt Imitation of his inferior preparatiordi _; Heaven forbid that we shook! deal In an Mick, which would !war the most distant resemblance to S.' P. Townsend's article'. and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and criminations fr om ageos 'who have sold, and pave chasers wile Maws used S. Y. Townsend , . Fermenting Co We mpound! swish It Underwood, because ii 12 the' absolute, truth, mot S. P.-Townrend's article and Old Dr-Jacob Towmend:s Sarsaparilla are-beavanswide apart, add infinitely disolutlfaobhat they are unlike in every par. dental, talking not one single Qum tricommon., lt is to arrest treads upon the tuaorturnite, to pour balm into wounded human.ty, to kindle hope in thitfuL: despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi.. Poe Into the crashed and broken and to banish y"-that uld DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT:i 7 . and FOUND the opportunity and means bu bNn ihiat , (Irwin UNIVERSAL CO:it:EN PRAYED REHEAT. =- within the reach, and to the knowledge of alt - Ititia• nerd it, that they may learn and know, by JoyStliet.."".; pet tenet., itsrnaristiernittt S.W.( TO N.,: For sale by J. ROM) A, Co.. Wtinlesate 14Ellar Wesmin Pemrnylvaniat J. sMITIL J. dARGEANT. Allecheny; Dr. I. EASStLaLiiiiririb. we'd, 0. W. CIAEDScIit. Mb ward. l'insnurgh7ipuet.'•-•, - ..7.7 - i''ytaire Expectorant. ~ -2)i•v:;p4, , ... ltAda'' 5a1..., Columbiana c0.,0., Apr b ill o ffi rItiED. JAYNES: Dot. Etw-1 feel II and the inflicted public, to avail milli frifilis • . portunity of giving publicity to the tiltundlinerge .....' of.your Expectorant *amp-elf. Helena i : .... for several years with a severe coog 'hate T .... and its eoncomitain diseases, and seeta WI! to honer out it short but miserable existent% ~ fall of tS3II, when; being revere! hiving resoned to all ray former re stipisons of tworif.the most respectable . t-i. ~, . 0 , . the neighborhood without denying respectable . 4. e v;,, consolation aim:miring bat a few Mtn, ,i , ii• a ~,,,,,. farther—when' the last gleam of hops ,- :._,..,,,,,,„ ~ vaWish, I had reconimended to Me yoke 7.' - ::if, l o r Ito and blamed ky that Being who doeatli, ~... 'it wcoko sj ,se of the menne—cad contrary tti dive:- . --...... 0 , ... , 10 .... ._ . — A le EPI.INE:Yr and caper:encee Fliyarcian from the I 4 F.ast; 0 1211 years standing, ogre to trcarill eyes Del:eats Nature north proraperras and setreali BL success in Iluerato and other large dries has Ken proverblal. llis entrees are alodentre;coulhis are* et (Martell,- Old crises of Olen Fgrieuer % Be n , le, Fluor Albes, ROeonallaM,Aple,Sypbju, or any hronsc or lanterns tOfCS ea:cited. . , A ~,r e war-reeled, or charge refunded. ' a c mes, Dleiretnret, doers frosnithe Baidge,„ Turerh Extrxred, Advice to the. poet rrati. ll—Dr. A. where. the Worst cases of any &lease n Prorbargh to earl.• spleeny; _ _ GUILE NWOotl .GiittlEsta • TEIDOM open for aleiber;l4;d y ry, 01, othth and ether Retreihments ed in the lweenn will be kept The Ureenatonse.7ion• thinma a large eellectton of rue and, pheice.r lanth, end be open Viteni. m eth pnibp at there entice thr bout th e season.. An—Minibiecus leaves - the Allegheny, end .of thp Ci Bridyc, every half hour derinetheldaynenningle the ec thernern end the beat: Cathain ', W.alkt, - fans (rota the Punn,thadma a theft distance above othth. den. Panres wlsh,ng to epend'thir 'Pinball-14X be aneetonth&ned with a Mtn. Oinntharr at JO *et P. endef,k;ept on.Teiaperanes prinethlea, and a ciand ou .. ' trott2 'Xtberzthestlith Bar _loon and tairthlti'M ab;:- • tbhn7oll ls,pagr, preinted to - ..perre. itonts,l4so2recatimi trigiii•oarettag -. • - ! qiur, j" bp'hlCWa ntlll by itm(day • -