The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 12, 1849, Image 3

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PORTEM ot TELE . 11..4 PIM)
• .
Maven :Day• I.."Aror Mr. 4 0 = 1r!= .1 , 9 ," E
NEW Voltz, Nov. 10
The Cambria arrived at HaMai all o'clock on I
Thursday afterntoM She brine eighty paasen-
The Liverpool papers, up to e ;45th ult., Milo ,
that the general tone of basin affairs for the ',
past week, was of a healthy cha der.
Cowen Msanal.,-Cotton m active doting
the early part of the week, and at Monday, spew
Wats operated to a considerable extent, buying
at an advance on the current rates of last week,
r, l
-of aid on nearly all descripticina Subsequent
ly, lea activity preva il ed. Th amount sold is
estimated at 62,710 bales. Th market closed
with a quMt, Steady feeling. Quotation. are
. madeat 61 for fate Orleans. 0 nary to middling
24061. The stock' at Leverp. is estimated at
421,000 bales, of whichll29,ooo are American.
Coax Kaaren—The Corn tr In throughout the
•coantry is quiet. Buyers ore c pending only to
meet immediate manta Holders lave been unable
to maintain quotations, nod pric s base still a de
&tang tendency. Indian Cora held firmly with
limited tales.
. Pionstons—Bniinese is steady and prices are
ion. In the early part t f the vreck,.large sale, or
Bacon were made at au advaned of 1,02 s p cwt,
which advance hos/oder mas ndt sustained by the
trade at subMquenr Sales. Fey; safes knee been
made at steady price's and without change. P.ok
is in goad slerntrld, but qualt , es are scarce.—
Hatms,of a fair quality are man d, and Mould sell
readily at 30s83Iis per cwt._ Bilouldets said freely
-at fromideBllti Per cwt. Th%e is a good bust
neas doing in 1,11, at
,:ender tca—sales of 100
tons at 318385, '. •
Sales orpo Mile. of turpento
bbl, which is an itdprovement t
The above neetil reached
.and to all that he's as yet be,
wires between hew York •
a at 6% 6d370n
it former ratim
ew.York by mei
a received. Th•
and Boston were
LEANT, Nov. 10.
The lintlama nver rose
evening; Doze quantities of fla
neat water, and several t ;
with prodeee, hroka their
down. ; •
it and provinions are
;anal Boats, loaded
twinge, and drifted
at the upper land•
burned to the wa
1. the river, and ■et
I, on the latter was
Lwithout much dam-
The steamer Ivanhoe, Iglu,
mg, caught fire but night, so , I
t er% edge. - She !bated down
fon to the Melodeon. The
etUnguiahed bq the firemeej
Ncw Yoe& Nov.lo.
The steam ship' Ohio tau arrived at New York
from New Orlmola and Magma She brings ninths
ing further from . California.
Sr. Louts, Nov. 10.
A rencontre took place this morning, en Market.
Street, between Fourth and Falb Streets. John
Owen and John Bern were the panics concerned.
They both drew pistols—Bern fired first, and
without effect. Owen then fired, the ball taking
effect in Bettis a dti, and repeated his firing, lodg
ing three bid's in Hero'. aide. Hera is dead, and
Owen hut been arrested.
The Wore of hileCrum ett Johnson, was robbed
last night, to the amonnt;of *3OO, in line cutlery.
There has btell no light as yet thrown on the
Bank defalcation case.
A large fire broke out to day, in Broadway, near
Mullaphy Street, Which destroyed 13 buildings, be
: longing tri.Clatk do Ilawman. The loss is estima
ted at 01000.• The buildings were insured, and
ably ono alare was occupied.
The Montetsquinesh nec been committed until
the January term, of the Criminal Court.
New Wax, Nov.lo.
' rknas"-Thitehaslieen nolliag done la Indicate
the effect of the steamer's nears. There is a dis ,
-position on the part of holders to sell, bat there
are few buirers nt previousyricea.
Grain The loreizn news LA had as yet b'rt
little effect upon'the marker. Holders of yr! fat
are asking higher prices.
Provisions—The foreign news is consids,d
more avorablWta has produced more firmner • in
the Mattel.' .
Cotton--The 'teenier's news has given strength
and tone to the market. Holders are asking bulb•
ar prices
tmas.m. Nov. 10.
EMl:a—The market is steady. Sales of 700 bbla
:At if 20351 40 per bbl:.
Whisker—Sales at 200 per gallon.
Hogy—Salet ,of 700 bead, at $2 56052 65 per
FlOO lbs.
yard—Seta of 260 IMIA prime nem, at sc, bays
en fading packages.
Coffee—Sales or 300 ban at 11c.
The Bluer la ralang at this point. It is now
raining. ' "
Coppar,.llllne for Simi..
SIII4F. nehmriber will sell, on the premises, Elm Farm,
In Carroll County, old, on the Mid day of Noreen
''P'7br..l, 1849, at 1 o'clock, P. M., an Interest in the bent
",-COP-.COPPER PINE in North AMCIICIII, the Ore yielding
cent. 1 hare inpo isession the Assays of Pro.
gemr Duenda Dr. Kenuir, nud the Soda Geologies f
York,'aml ethers There ie OW Zino and !de
', Mile lran Ore, tee. 'p,erms mnde known on the day
of sale. . WILDINEY.
a0074d3t Finkshurg mod&
recommend liibliert's Writing Fluid to thepat
ronage et the public, es n first rate ankle In all re
- 'pmts.
It Dawn tree from the pea without clogging it
sod In the Course of a few Noon becomes a deep
be? ht WM&
WM. Lippincott k Don, 11. A. Fahnestock & Ca.,
' • Robert Moore, hlrticawan & Douglas,
Wick & McCandless, John Parker,
8. Wigidennis & Co, needs Sellers,
C. A. Medellin k Co.
YOr.llli (together with Ilibhert's Red and Machine
01:y Inks) Ly A. , Fah he
& Co.; Denny P.
warm A ikehe cr City, mid the msnetfac,
TEIOS. A. if 11311EKT, Druggist & Chenalst,
ecr Linerty end Smithfield ant
al F 5-446 tag Fea th ers;
D 66bbl. Lard;
• ' bales Cotton; to &rove on Comae
Tar rt,lr ' far
rairi4./I,III.DICKEV &CO, Front et
—lUt•° br do LA 44k-4:l,'Tbbla 6 Jdo am. ddo ugdr
. 0 r,
160 lids Plootoooo, for axle by
ou3l •
Q,---0-1151134;---1-61.;(7.1es etcorino Candle
" s;
lb .• Extra FOtr Stuck,.
I cues Poston Pickles an d Camps;
5 " Genoa Caron:
5" Cable Soap;
• Almond "
• • 25.1 drew/Omens Figs;
• lbs 'Cocoa Shells;
Also, Cosoa, Donna and Chocolate; for
sale by
,TVE-WOOTSIZ-Paiil;litid-PpWeind tiroond, jus
.1.." teed nod :or sale by
er First and Wood us
Aocm 7 it' a
F t ViV: l364ll` cl lto
Ex= Am.
faiWillAJUlt-10 , ) bbb rastry Iloar, a vaperi•
asdela tar bakers and families, ina reed and
•ala bY , aet3t SELLERS te. NICOLE.
wiriat - gmla-450bbi. J .O
-1: 14ELLE.Rs fr. iit(xn.
la Gansu, &ea.& by •
'01:01 - JK—WiliTinner landiniTsien steansta June
X, Nelson, be sale by
• loan 13MAII DICKEY & CO
SCAN NUTR--10 bbls .ri
peor in entli Or,
.1 - aalell • tel.ll II DAL ZELL &CO
KE41 ...,3 13 , Tlf.,R-lod'd .4 for sale by
Tit hl-FTVF4-11)Wirrlit=ilkeilib.rifraii, Agents
if for Om manafarrurets of tho aboCe celebrated
1.4.4 of Powder, hare oo bAnd stud are eoestantly re
.t/e,og• anptdies of the different varieties, which th ey
- - after. for sale at reduced poets. A liberal discount al
- . doWea to wholesale dealers.
'''' ' juA r ILECD-400 yds 44 Gum Carriage ClgthrWith
fied bark, a Ant rate snick, foe solo low at th e
India Rubber Depot., No 5 %Wood st.
Intra for awe 9T
yodz. STUART di SILL
BifUKETfox in s ore and
S by
:3e "E . E.-
7 .2 ) t nrl h at7in non and fo
y•y -WOW PICICSIA in,aree'd by
Sii CKI.Err k wnrrr. 99 Wood at
ilif----tr—'S.XliirAWEßF.—&o,ttozen Lamate - Try3i
te Fuca dh7t."Wr
• • -
F Lot re'c l a d A b c l ai.Err warrs...
. .
An ■nd*snh InM.G.
• 330. Ll CLAUS
orno, Prrrartrum Ousrrs, t
Monday. Morning, Noe+g, len S
The walker, on Saturday, ens extremely inclement,
• consequence of which every thing eras atilt
oomo, transpired during the day.
tiou.—We can notice nothing new in the Flour
rket, and en little bas been done during the past
nt or four days, that it is dirmaitto fire Corlett QUO
lal4ooB. From drat bend., the article maybe lately
Quoted at 111,43 MAO, and from Mere at $14234,73, in
mall lots.
Paomtose—We notice sales of Bacon Shoulders
and Sides In tots id= to 1,000 ma, at 41u fur Shoal
'deny sadae for Sides Sales of bagged Ilants at SHP
Sc, and extra sugar cured FasailY Hants at 12313ier
6. Bauer Is sold aline for fresh roll in cloths, by,tha•
bbl or bor,9o9ic for good keg; Si! for ce pked in bbts
Lard may be gamed at Slane, as in quality,. arid,
light sales.
Cussm—The receipta of cheeie for the past few days
been so fall, but the market is folly supplied
'galas salesofeermon W, R..•at 51626 e, and
t gle. Goshen la held at tiOnle 11 , 10, with
of Creo
light soppl
SCO-I,o—We notice no change from our tat quota
tiona—say, 2.115642kie in hitch, and 61 in bbis.
Morgans—N. O. in oak bbla is selling at 2710E 4 c,
and in cypress do., 400 rgallon.
GLASS—The following are the ruling rates for the
various sine, Window Gloss, city brands 8 by 10, sa,-
75D 84; 10 by 12 N,2504,50; 12 by 18 57; Patent do 40
by 14 told by 21 110,500515 41 box.
For the 'aria. sixes of country brands, the following
are the established pricer
by 10 —.43,25 11 by Id. —54,75
10 by 12 ----- 3,80 11 by 17 405
10 by 14 ----........5,75 12 by 10 • ... -- -4,70
10 by 15 4,A0 It by 17 .; ........ 1; 0
10 by 10 • ....... 4,50 yq by HI ... 5.115
10 by 12 .•. ... 04 by 70 7.05
CRACKERS—A regular busines• igdolng at the ft
lowing quoted rater
Water Craeketa, per bbl
Bauer do " "
t i o rg m tlej , o
A Lams Sum Loan—The packet ship Coostelltuon,
which arrived at New York on Tuesday seek, from
Liverpool, brought over the heaviest cargo of hiimani-,
ty ever discharged in the United Ulm... She had eight
hundred and forty-eight passengers, excluaive of crew
and cabin. The C, however, made a very rapid
postage, only twenty-three day.• There were two
deaths dining the voyage.
_ _ .
Wax. or nu Nannss—The St. Louts Republican
states that a cylinder belonging to the steamer Nee
nine, sunk inst below the =milt of the Ohio, More than
twenty years ago, were broaght to that city by the •
steamer Tobacco Plant, on the Udine,. The Neptune
was commanded by Capt. Bennett, and was bound from
Bt—Loner to New Orleansorith a cargo principally of
lead, rained at atn,ooo to 820,000. It is said she souk
a snag, and cow lies embedded in the sand more than
thirty feet under water. The diving bell boat of Messrs.
Nelson tr. Fiiids is at work over the wreck, and it is
presumed that allege portion Millie urgo will be res
cued. The cylinder and boiler• taken oat ire much
affected by rust. It is alociaahl that there was a large
amount of Oliver on board which went down with the
boat. For many years, diligent *carat has tteensmade
for the location of use wreck, but never was correctly
ascertained recently.
Lotion Moon Itisacau—titratucas &tom—Daring
&Bro's Circular of the 11th, sayei—tThere is no rest:
sal in the demand for Americus Stocks, and quotations
are very nominal 520,0:10 United Statesa per cents
'sure taken for the continent at 1051, for bonds to bear-
• • •
er. but we beta or no other Wanserticnie. yucca Stearn
coopros,,10M01 00 a; do. Ineeriptions, 1010
100. Penntyleanla 64, 77074, Maryland Vs, 100 E;
Maeuebeserts 61.102 per rant:,
Tut FolklelllVoon blaitart—The N. Yin" Report:
says--"Snme our last, about AM bale. changed
hands ; among which were ;a bales washed Ramiro,
23 do, unwashed do., 200 do. Cordova, and VS do. Bue
nos Ayrou iriees fully up to quotations for similar
grades. Smyrna, wasbed,l6o2n do. nnwaybed, 410 7 ,
Curlers, "mind, 1902 k do. unwashed, 101014; Ales
tito,vralbcd,l6.o.3lq do. unmasked, 12010; Entre Rios,
washed, 14020; Crimea, limed, white, 10011; do. do
black ; 1009.; Wool, shorn in U. S. from*Ritenos Ayres
china, 21097.
POOO P.O.CiISO,,PILICS OF Moos, Ikes—Upon lnqUifTs
we learn that snap:tit-puckers are all preparing for •
bees! .ason's business. The storks of cooperage,
salt; Se., are's.) , large, and considerable additions
have been made to the peeking houses. It may not be
generally known that this city eon Wiest of the largest
peeling establishments In the Untied Elutes, bai sock
she fact At one SOU., Intl 1,600 hog.
w slaughtered, not, packed, .red the lard rendered
in ere day, and a large amount of beef packed, and. and
tallow rendered besides. Al this concern, 1,,Ht0 kegs
of lard have been rendered Inge hon.!
The prospeot ter prices of hogs Ls, we are entry 10
Say. Vety unpromising. A few sale* hese been made
at CAD net, for early delivery, but for late delivery,
lower prices mart be accepted to effeet sales. At Cin
cinnati, also,. wet sae advised, • few bogs have been
sold at SOO for immedlaus delivery, yskle. for Sate hogs.
8323 is offered, These are low pnees; but 0111115
high as the markets for pork.and Inoi instiff. In
fact. bogs pecked at 11 , 3 0 net, &ail. product shipped
to Nevrkfork and sold et present prices, would Make
• serious loss. The losse• on last season's operations,
we learn; were quite heavy, and many persons think &
lout this seised tau present low price. Is quite • probe
ble event The Meek of pork left over at the close of
the year Is estimated at 11931.9 barrels, or near four
monthls.pply.—Loninville Jonmst
Ilcos—The Hentucky Whig, puldishid et Monet
,Sterling, of the 2nd inst, eayst—ylleretofors s large
number of Hoist were driven from this county
clinical, but owing to the unfavonible accounts meet , .
from that market, but very few will be driven there tilts
reason. Large droves have left here for the Southern
market, and there are now bat few bogs in the county
for ash. A silo of SO head was made a few days ago
at $1,73 gross.
Roantsm's Savona itortrunon—We take pleasure '
calling 110.1C.011 to the following 1.11/113li simement
of the condirou of this Institution Nom very small
beginning. it has already reached a very respeetable
capital; and the number of depositors is now two nun.
died avid filly. The institution is speniully deoigned
for the safe keeping tithe surplus money of men of
UmPed means, end is enabled to pay a moderate lett
,. for the ten of fonds deposited for fined period.
13uktite great beauty of the system is, that it receives
funds•.every. week,.•which alight otherwise he spent,
and the depooitor is alwaYy sore of Ending hi. or!oney
here, should a necessity exist for the devatid of In Y
Is the poor martiubank, and may be patronised by 'her
with every confidence In the honesty with which it
azcom or mti soseancr. mums
er ...turret-mos.
Octob ICI, 1e49.
A103611t of Deposit. to the credit of Deposi
ta. day . , is 247,227 02
No. of Depootorsalet -- • .217
Females... • .33 att't IMO
Increase of Deposits since Oct. 1?. 0.12. • • •1121,153 03
lucre.. of Depositon• ••--...
Published lo oJnformll to the charter.
By order of the Board of Trustee..
Nov. 2, 1E442. •B. B. CHAMBERLAIN , Seely
—St. Louis Rep.blican.
To' Contractors.
PALED PROPOSALS sell! be received at the of
0 bee of the James River and Kanawha Company
Richmond, nevi the . 4d day of November next, for the
construction of a Stone Dam across James River, a
Maiden's Adventure Falls, weeny-eight miles abov.
The Dam mill he about 1100 feet long, and 10 fee
The °rock will be paid for in current Bank Notes.
Betides the usual reservation of 20 per cent' on the
monthly estimm., the Contractor will be venni,ed to
g.e ample acconty, /463(.1° , 7 to the Board of Di
rectors, for the eompletion ol the work at the time and
in the mum. specified in the cortracc •
Plans of the above work will be elhiblted, and ape-
Milan.. Mercer delivered. to the contractor, or
Compenre ogre In IliMmoood, day of No.
a ru nt i razi r y n . " ! '
nn application to the Seentap f the
Chief F.ngr J. K. en
Richmond, Oit. 17 1819.-10.11/ Mawaer
ree he= raoz 11•LITX01131.,
Ilr•. Lincoln Ph•lp..,
Amiga by wary adta Proem. and Taautera,
TS TILL commence a new echolamic year on the Bltit
tr of SEPTEMBER NEXT. Fantle entering for
the new year non be arerienModated during the vaca
tion with board at the Institute, sad. proper .OY,f
-vision or instruetion. Terms $240, for board and all
connected with it, and for English educa
tioncefor the scholaitie year of forty-fonr weeks. Ai- .
complithatente, Languages, he., with bond in vaca
tion, extra charges.
For healthfulness of location,(situated M a high and -
mlubrious region,) beauty of scenery, and fealty of
access for traveller., the Patepsco Institute is onion
passed. That itl advantagee for bestowing a liberal
and accomplished edneation are appreciated by the
public, Je fully demonstrated bY its put and present
PmPeo‘i• mylttlawfiart-(Balt . Pat.
ntiEES bag in store and for sale bi
%.../7ilood • ' 19AIAli DICKEY & CO
CitaAl‘...eiCe,Fs,orraG,g,t-.-1t the Batter
GaMIPPINO-CHd and for
eale by
noes - 'X B CANFIELD
'Thp-B-LL LifitTEß-1 bble reed and for mkt by
ffllsmovs B CANFIELD
EXTRA - FLOUR , 4n -60- 1 1 i - iikcnitt op expressly
for family use, for Web',
.f E.- his large Cream,
.. ‘l, 70 BM. medium Mee, mimed, for sale by
F-aiffElls-2M. g§l7olrA VC„
pel , for man by
r o w oo .AN s
67C45.1+0 bl.:lo%2}McKeroom & Co.' brand,
51..bz0 exiS
100 blelArou end sale by
bao Fulton • brand.
"o "'. JA VDALZELL, for 2l Water xi
:4 076 .r - AITPATRICIC
C4.T,9AL br
E PS ''' .
orOot--•IRAUN &21.EZ_EIL
"DALAI and Variegstecl Sev—A few onall Dam
sOld b e y e'd (
Ifni lee
ei/er§ll% IrTraNtob°
11 felCifitgiilf—Prom the Phil
.A.,P.V.,72113-1 SOOT Oil Cloth, alovy
PS }glee, e'
j:"Lxtn `t;-
''"e&t , E% BREYroot
101tUCKE78-16 dos BCIVeT BueYetc
3 doz Woe Tubs,• log reed 11111 d rot
144 Libeny st
(101,-6 swe. .w innong Ism .telmer
TT Cision,fer Ws by •
tr. CO
Rink—Tbere were 16 teet 6 tucbee
tunnel lad . eveitioz ai dask;and fang.
Philip Doddridge, Brownsville.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. -
Atlantic, Parkineon, Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Comae*, Hendrickson, M'ilemptot•
Bnlaa laeoba, Brownsville.
Pilot No. 2, Shank, Cin.
Monongahela, Stone, Cincinnati.
Hiliemia No. 2, Khnefeher,Cin.
Weilville, Wigging., Bridgeport-
Jefferson,-, Cincinnati,
Viroqua, Gailoway, McKeesport.
Isaac-Newton, Hemphill, Cincinnate.
James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.
Nelegraph No. 1, Jones, Lonuvilla.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Berme,
Beaver, Clark, -Wellsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, M'Esesport.
ittlactio, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville
Messenger No 2, Woodward, Cisi.
Niagara, Cos; St. Loots.
lames Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.
Ringgold, Cope, Cincinnati.
Fulnon, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Caulereita, Hazlett, Cat
Caledonia, Calhoun, Cincinnati.
Telegraph No. 1, Jones, LoWavilln.
Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M.
Beaver Packets, 8 A.M. and 4 P. M.
Wellsville Packet., 10 A. M.
Cincinnati, Messenger No. 2,
Cincinnati, Monongahela
Et. Louis, Fairmount.
D. Leech & CO',s packet line. 9 P M.
roe. 111.1r067.
R, 9. BAILT IL Co'. Canal Packet, 7 o'clock, 7 H.
Scrr—On Tuesday night last, the steamerrConil
dance was sunk at Cincinnati. She was heavily la
den, and in landing at the wharf, she struck against it
learner Brooklyn, .d instantly sunk.
Fez CINCININALII.—The fine strainer Monongahel
Capt. Stone, of the Cincinnati packet lint, leav
as when this maiming at 10 o'clock.
Fan Itiaattomuc —The fine new steamer, Fort Pot,
will leave, for above port this afternoon at 4 o'clock—
offering a fine opportunity for .11 who may be going
to th at direetton.
Scum. oa CsUl.a—lt is stated that preparanons ere
being made to test the question whaler steam can be
cheaply and succemfolly,tmed for the purpose of aunt
gatiou on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal.
FLAT BOATIII7gCSIThe LounvilleCourier notmes the
'Ain't of four flatboats, containtng about 3.500 bar-
Is of salt. Two of them were lost in the Kanawha
Wet, Fnday week, one, with 1700 bbls of salt, sunk
bout seven miles from the mouth of the river, nod the
the, sunk four mdes above the mouth. The two
titer boats sunk last above Oalliopolia; in the Ohio rn
. " . ' • -
LOUISVILLE—Per Telegraph No 1-2 tihds tobac
co, 1 bag samples, Jno Alehaden & Co; 2 do d o, I do, : J
A Gordon; 2 boxes books, H Graff; 4 cost. gineng,
Baker k Forsyth; 13 ligs 'Hub:Hr.:o bb.. molasses.
Carson & filelinight 10U obls molasses; ino Grier, 2 bx.
book. 7 hbds tobacco, I esk sample. 2 bxs soap, 37
kg s bolter, Wm Bingham; IU empty ale libls,4l hlf do,
Wood & Hughes; 35 bge feathers. Brown a Kirkpat
rick; 6 bxs mike, 2 trunks do, Butler & Boo; XI libls
ginseng, 1 do wo. I ball lure, A Park.
4 CINCINNATI—Per Isaac Newt/hi-1 Imdse. 1U
rolls leather. D Lereti & Co; 2 eases books, 11 Gruff a
Co; 1 00
oil ,
cloth, Volng, Stevenson A Love: 12 bk.
candles, 3do soap, 9 do starch. A French; 2 boo mdse,
BEAVER—Per Michigan-1 0 bbla. 9 hlf do, 4qr do,
2 kgs ale. Robertson a Itepperl; 8 boo end., .1 A eau
ghey; 290 las cheese, .1 il Canfield.
WELLSVILLE—Per Cobb "Cope—a bgs potatoes,
Robertkou a Reppent 6 EA, floor, 1 do bear., de do
bran, 23 do potabies,•3 bbl, apples, owner aboard; '4
bbls knobs, Jas Parke &CO; 9 tiblv sundries, A Carbine:
149 boo cheeks, 1 11120 k, 32 birs potatoes. I C Bidwell;
75 bti tarrilps, 1 01.11 potatoes, 14 Pols flow, 11 Betio..
CINCINNATI—Per NIL Verb:in-44 big. feathers,
Of F Hodinan; 22 bbk alcohol, Clark & Thaw; 46 bbl.
tallow. Curling, Robertson A Co; 75 ion. prg metal, T
Hanna; 2 iks wool, 13 bolls sheep 1., Burbridge,
Wdson 0 0o; I bk./ C Bidwell. A
Per Jefferson--1 00 lies paper, 1& R Floyd; 95 bbls
apples, owner aboard; 165 tons ing naval. •
ICE6CINNATI—Per Farmer-19U bbls whiskey, R
Moore; 195 do ;io, Toad% A O'Connor; 5 sits feather. L
til Waterman; 90 bbls alcohol,
.Clark & 'Thaw; 7 kegs
. tobacco, Church, Lammers a Co; 60 Eh& sawn. S It
, Diveharged 40 lons way freight.
——. _ . •
Valuable Vaa= for Sale.
NEAR CANTON , Stark county. 01.0, cons's.= of
556 ACRES OF LAND, in a high smm of culti
vation., with n suitable prisportma of timber, and an
abundance of atone cool and limestone. About equal
pronortiorm of tin, land are rolling oplmd, adapted in
•rhersh and meadow land adapted to gra" and corm
The:Bopp:memento are • good Frame Darehing,•large
Brick Boni., a young thrifty Apple Orchard, of choice
grafted (mar, a good supply of young ?each Trces,
Terms-000 fourth in hand, balance in ray annual
P.P.., Tide indimoustile.
For further pairrneulem apply to 11. Grlssrold. EN,
Canton; or to tho underrtgried. Reubonmlle, 0.
Administrator of the Estate of Geo. Hall.
OUR trim& nail the public are respectfally inform
-1,3 ed Mar the Reliance Line trill crate in ship
Gonda via Canal from ritnburgh on the 10th, and from
adelphia on the WM inst. NVe shodl continue t
carry goals by railroad and ,cagnits Manna winter.
Tut complete Dramatic Writing] of Wm. Shats•
peace, arranged according us -recent approved colla
tions of the 'Peat; with Notes and other Illustrations by
Han. Oultum C. Verplanet.Superbly embellithed by
over'4oo eximmite engravin by Helsel, after Designs
hi . Meadows, Weir, and other eminent Anima 3 vols.
royal Bro.
"We may say with pride that the Ametiean additions
and comments, from Mayen of Yerplanck, rife of neon
render the pablication unique, and quite superior to
uty other u —W. G. Simms.
slt will unquestionably be placed at the head of all
the edict°. of Shakspeare ever published, by every
dlsernllininuLtug eriUa and Shaaspearian madam--
With the editions of Payne, Collier, Knight, and Singer
to select from, end the enure wealth of art which Eng
land haw recently lavished on the illustrations of her
great peel, at the command of the engraver, it could
not .well hove been otherwise."—Standard.
For sale by JAMES D. LOCK WOOD,
nov3 63 Wood at
IN Mar county, Ohio. 37 mile, below Wheeling,
and one 'Toile above Sunfish. w h ich bank of the
river. with four aorta of ground; on art steam
Saw Mill, Inaompleto operation. Also, • Flouring
Mill Haase, 20 by 37 fee, and Dace stories high. one
Mink and two Frame Dwelling Hon.% 7U ehoice
Fruit Tree., he. A bargain may be had by prawn
•poe tl plieution for partrcular•
AR at NO. 25 Market 4132,4
6.3wdAver MSTRONG h R
LEXANDER h DAY, corner of th e Diamond and
AMoak. street, notify their friends and the public
that they have received their stock of Fall and Win•
Inc GOOD, direct from the importers, Mlanfiteturers
and auctions at the cast. Their stock of new style and
fashionable Goods is large, and presenu strong mule.
dons' to ptiecbuery In L.adies Dress Goods and
Shawls, the most splendid and fashionable Goods of
the'veaton are now offered, at remarkably low prices.
'sting in part of me fallowing
New style Brooks filed Gernert. Silk.;
Cor and Black Satin Da Chance nod Torn San.;
Cold Carachan Grodethines, of the best etudinesi
Black glossy Geodeticns of the celebrated Eagle
h facture.
Te atom, named Black Silks are warranted not t
cut in the wear, for &tensea and mantillas they are th
best Imported
I ' Neat kg'd Cameltu Satin Du Cltrette,the bandsomes
Silks of the Reason.
New style Broths. Silk figured French Mennos,
new and.splentbd article for ladies , walking dress.
Silk Embroidered French lie Laines, for cremes a
sacks, no entirely new article.
Cashmeres, Ile Leine., Merinos, Mpaecas and P
menus, a large assortment
Broths Long and Square Shawls, of the best qo
Mid Long Shawls, of the newest della., room
ably cheap.
Splendid Terkeri Shawls, at greatly reMiced prices
-Can:mann Brock. 601 Silk Shadile,in great vartrty
Crape Shawls, whim and colored, in great otrirty.
Best Sedan read French Twilled Cloths, al pricer;
Leo Sedan real French Gassitneres; new style Amer
ican Camimereg gaper Satin Vesungs.
French and Belgian Black and Olive Cloths, for La
dies' Cloaks.
A splendid auortment of American and imported
Manketsratremarkobly low prices.
A large-and complete assortment now on band.—
Many of our present stock of Staple Goods. were
-bought from the manufacntrers previous to the prtnient
advance in prices. A principal part of oar
hased stonk of
French and En lid} good. have been pure
great Auction Sales in Philmaclphia and Nat, York n
which enables us to offer decided bargains in alme
every desenotion of goods in our line of btanasa.
Countri Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and ail
whet/lend. , and retail buyers, are invited to an vans
commotion of our stock and prices. -
ALEXANDER R. DAY, 73 Market a,
.m . 21 north wen corner of the Diamond.
R. MURPHY, at north cast corner of Fourth
Mid Market am, is now receiving big second
supply for the meson, and e. offer Inducements to
bluer& rarely to be tart with. liis asmirunent of
Is very fall, consigner of French Merinos, Cashmeres,
Cabers., Lyonese Cloths, super Printed French Cash.
wren at priers considerably lower than they could
.be bought early in tbe..nson. His stock of
Is large, .d embraces many of the benutiful , styles
now on exhibition at Franklin Institute, Milled a.
Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet TrOn.
minis, it.
Of varieru styles and qualities, plain .d embroidered
Black Silk Laces., Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs,
Bonnet Satin, and Velvet Flowers, Caps en 4 Feathers.
Of the neweit styles, and mloser once, than usual;
and rich .changeable Silks and Sums, for ?annuli.,
tn.; and • large stock of
at lowest prices. And in the gentlemen's department
be found fresh
nt.ek Doeskins, Winter Vesting, Fancy assimeres,
Llnderahlrts aml Drawers, BIM Cravats, Pocket Band
. kerchiefs, &a.
rnmer Liberty and St Clair eta
prederchants are levelled to 'keit the Wholesale
Romeo, op Weir. oct3o
UGAR-15 kb& N. O. lust loading arid (or t tpy
nc.s _ s &
hblaN r Thier h atr ATEßmAs
„up Deal
voIIpOETCO THE DAILi 131/17.51TE
. .
Agreeably to previous mail, the Jurneymcn
Printers of the Cities of Pittsburgh nod Allegheny,
met at the Hall of the Duquesne Fire Company, on
Saterday evening, 10th lust. Wu. C. McCanenv
eras called to the Chair, and Jon, B. floras ap
pointed Secretary.
On taking the Chair, the President, in a brief
ana appropriate meaner, stated the object of the
meeting to be the formation of a Printer,' Associ-
A madams:, was of fur the purpose o'
testing the sense of the meeting• which was adopt
ed without debate. It was as
Rewired, That a Printers form
Oa motion, it was
Ruabed, That the Journeymen Printers present
at this meeting, record their names, in order that s
the President may the more rendtly and advisedly
appoint the various committees.
Whereupon, the followicg petitions canto forward
and subscribed their . namerc—
Alexander. W. Rook, Wm. IL Johnston.
R. R. R. Doman, John V. !Antithetic
D. P. Work, Jacob Relemger, Jr.,
G. T. Myers, . U. H. Myers,
A. B. Runnel!, J. M. Lewis,
James F. Campbell, John C. Devereux,
I see N. Elite, John B. Butler.
Wm. H. Lock. John D. Stewart,
J. Pi Thompson, Robert Duncan,
Joseph Mama, IL A. Turner,
James P. lioeaiah, J. F. Crowley,
James Kelly, Ruben
Joseph McMaster, Arthur McGill,
William Anderson, \Via. C. McCarthy.
Edward an:bards, David C Foster,
James B. Season, W. A. Deifinboch,
Washington B. Smith, Thomas Iluyland,
Wm. U. Kean, " G. }lnnen,
lames D. Thornburgh; E. leebteberger,
H. Rome, ' I. B. Coates.
On motion, the names of those who had signed
were read by the Secretary. '"
On motion of Mr. Dinners
Rotsolved,thot a committee be appointed to droll
a CODallllllitta and by-laws.
The meeting fixed the number of the mutate°
at three, to be appointed by the President.
On motion of a member—
The President was requested to appoint said
Committee, whereupon
Jartiest — De Thornburgh, It. R. R. Dumars. and
Joseph. M'artin:were appointed said Committee.
On. :motion, the Secretory rend the proceedirgs
the "Boston Printers' Vinton,'" which were re
id with great applause.
C 1... of 111101/011012
dos Nut seed and or sale by '
Resolved, That when this ineeting adjourn, a
adloorna to meet again, on next Saturday evening,
at 1 o'clocl,
Resolve(. That the President, on behrtil of this
meeting,tender acknowledgenientaio the Duquesne
Firs COMplirly, for meir courtesy in yieldiun ns the
occupancy or their Hall.
On motion,
Rcsolra, That the proceedings tit this alerting
be pubhahnd in all the city.papari, end in ail oth
ers friendly to the canoe.
After Fame desuitory cow:et-sauna on Uni.ilrol
at matters, the meet.; adjourned.
Court of Q,us.rter Sessions
Present, lion. Benjernua Peatun,l 3 renltiont Judge
,d Samuel Jones, A.3C131G Juklge
On arnvaig m the Court House. on Solar
day morning, WC found it filled with a demo crow
of spectators nv.enllnd to hear tl:e ease piano- i~
. nest of Judgment argued.
Kirkland, one of the defeadaut., was rldres—
tag the Court in a style as original as it wrist.,
I. His speech was interspersed with Latin guns
ations, and his teener, of deliver.; wa exceed
i ngiy rapid He shook his head in en,at extra
ordinary manner, when he [bought he had made
a pointand seemed to be very severe on the com
l.! for the defence. He thanked all the witness
es who had been called lorward tor thew te•tim,
ny, and declared that he believed they bad all
spoken the truth.
He proceeded to jusuly the course which he
had pursued, by urging the moral obligations un
posed upon then as a thlghlter of the Gospel to de :
nollttee the doctrines of the Rohl. Cathute
He had been per.etuted ler renantenee s Fake.
Ile hail even nearly been pbotoned by tett lit. -
hea ce ill. city, Co act.;tntnnti•na to . 0 tit
hates of tea Own couttetenee. The
. 1 sue tet,trht
, however, when forbearance wood 'no :an,
ger m hen du,y, and when perhatut the dorn 01 wof
would be let loc.,
eatd that he had never attempted to eattoe
an obstruction of the public highways. Whenev
er he had addressed a meeting to Penn or Market
street, he had appointed a committee to kern the
dreeta clear. ilia witnesses, who could prove
that fact, had, however, been deterred from coa
ing forward, owing to some sinisier inguence.—
le never went to preach in rile uot he
could not find a hour, !lege etionont r hod IT
congregation. He had viten addrestril tinee
thousand people, 1.1 he hoped, by 'tie ble.iving id
God, that he would live to sibliess twenty thin -
sand yet. 11e instated himself by ttie nuettine
of 'el neeesattate," and repudiated - entirely the
duet of Barker nod 5. harp. Ile seder wan,
in their company, but was n raiding and n praying
and only "looked about dirty places." They
plunged nght in, end bespattered thentselven, and
all around them, with filth. He admitted :that Joe
Barker, num , : he Immune n preacher. was a great
blackguard, though not so great a one no the Pope
of Rome, the Cdrilmnis, or Archhuhops, Bishop
O'Connor, or Priest Onrland.
Whatever evidence mere might be infix the use
of obscene languiage on the: other defendants.
here wan [woe to ahaw bin partie.aation In ❑ u e
.o'ence. Ha was a regular mioa.tcr of !he chorea
His speech was very lumt and many of to+ en
pressions were Co singular as to r,e the ,peetn•
tors to laugh most bcantiv. Tan ai, Court treated
'done,. not fattened to
cry thing whteh lie had to any.
Mr. Evan.: did not wish the matter to be merited
with levay. Ha dui not attempt to defend t6r
obecene language made ore or by liarLer' and
Sharp, but he bad earleavored to conduct we de
fence in a moult of homey., an I according to the
of the land. Ile would oGr the follovrtag as
• - •
edditionst exception to there already lir
hurried to the verdict. uheenure the snlbriment
in which the defecdantr were convicted chnrver
two offences, fer which there must he separate
pantehments: the firg two coonis being icr
anfe, the third for a rotadentrantir generally
The' punishment for n uffort.e, that the
mats be paid and the mile.. abated. For a
misdemeanor,. charged in the third count, the
penalty was tine or imprimement. or both.
The Court declared that the mom throughout had
been conducted on the part.of the retinae' for the
defence With marked ability and courtesy.
Mr. Megrim raid that it waY uniteortaary
argue the question further, lie it had already !welt
thoroughly argued by the Counsel on both aides.
Mr. Brady, with di due de ureacc to the opinion
of the Court, believed that th.. exceptions he hod
taken were tenable. Ile war et:Wry that tie liail
been the mean. of preventing Mr. Kirkland from
addressing the Jury, wince t . rout a eau 's whicb m
be eviderd to all pr...., he believed that ho wool
have been amplified.
The following arc the cxecobouy nlrerra by Mr.'
let. The offence charged in the brat tied remind
counts is not indictable.
2nd. Thu third cont d e fective.lirclurii the
amine which it contains is no generally set hoot,,
not being sufficiently explicit toner it doer not 1,1
forth the words which the defendant+ are alieged
to have spoken.
Mr. Kirkland row and deelnretl, One tf &tone
the trial, or during the speech sallPth he hall dear
day made, he had offended any of the gentle-I,n
for the defence, he was sorry fur it.
The Court dtsposell of all the ezeapteps as fol.
We direct the motion on arrest of Judgineut. cod
for a .new trial, to be overruled.
The crowd which filled the Court Room, then
quietly began to disperae. Barker and Sheep did
not appear to Court at all, or it leant we did not
lee them in It, though we obseed Barker wait
ing outside, probably to learn the ry fate of n motion
for a neer tol.
• •
We will Rnnouneo the sentence in this cane no
soon as it is „
LARC&Y.—Amn: nti-ineti Patrick Sweeny was
arrested on Saturday night, charged with stealing
a carpet beg from the Caledonia, which belonged
to one of the passengers on that boat. lie cui
open, and throwing it into the river, attempted to
escape with ita Contents under hi,
hut 4,4
detected. He was conawated to Jgl,l to auswer the
alleged OfrCACC.,
Datanoina —Two men in a Aux' rowed near the
tow boat Archy Mown, on it wan coining up the 0-
bin near Manchester an Saturday, when, in an un
accountable manner, the skit[ wan carried nett,' a
flat which the Mayon bad in tow, and punk. Oar
of the men—whope name we did not learn—was
drowned—the other, clinging to the Akin', was wa
ved. The body was not renovated.
liatearologleal Tata
Reported meekly for the P/
for the Ste:throe rut be tete
BEIGHIE 11.11.. .-nrrrn
10. th et' the mouth
Dal , Suit 4.-0.1 4 a a. 3 r ii. il r a. Lh.!!.. it
Nov. 1 31 IS n 2 45 44
- 2 30 45 71
3 60 a 115 70 59 &I
67 • 72 57 SI
61 '7:4 60
3 ; 10 - 7, 00 63
44 .; 61 72 04 61
:,..4 n 4 43 44 00
u 9 12 - 45 40 41
Itnil —The arnnunt of rain which fell up to the
ninth of tco inotch, an.. Coen a. follows:
Noventl•er 7 - 0 7-10 inch.
...... ......... 1,5-10
1 7-10
The ratn, las we write en the 10th, in null falling,
with every prospect ot_ corr.:fined all, and the
rivers nire.,.y 11!g11, will be still higher, no we ad-
.era et look out far a Hood
tcrtatt, INsulLasc. CoWAST, .
I . o. , slurgli. NOV. tet. P-49.
A Mri:Tra: tf the Stork hoiden o: tht. Company
110 vld nt OW. after.. No ;Ai Witt, st.,nn
Toostlat . thr lath il,ty ot November 0... nt II
A '.l . lor Una of toutintoo. tit lot putoostted
nine Nor I or Darr:tom Al creticot for Iltutern
thrertora. to ter f.t :or the rto.uir, yen., 'ft It, he he'd
f t , to. stw olk •e. oo 11, 'rime dry. between rho hours
of 12 toe 4. I' N.
novl,l, J. FINNEY.Jr,
it I.'S >IA M o'l'll •
And Pletorlel Adi/ertliser for Town and
Oa ry.
5,000 rcp,o. awl 'ol.lninan..l judleJoua:y
hrint,lnan al. .t..< Stan,. anti on tho Nl'cat•
THE a.ivantaz".. to th• .okertirer, to Itc derived by
Ito •moent. ar nano rouh—the losture of bi• loss,
hear. the mon , r
od Itcanon of hm hotmes , mh ithru
dueed mery etty mid tcsoss th rnsurboat th e halt
extent ot 5e.....t Strteh. Mat aro dependtsig upon
P.mtlisvon I.r n market tar tls• hule thou prostu,e,
and the otsrrlothe of mouth, The t.eurfos accruing
front tlor usesltsul of imMolitnO t drill M,'"” nh'.'
r^lver h. all :•torchant•, ‘lnsiutnotur"rr. and Ille, I
shtio ..osit • r vote ot fens mom. nth rans/I1 ro mt vtro ,
at TO Ilsot,inessercial C,nria nitrnclivn
and in Poi' .tit verso". in gmtrral r an othentit
I s .themrssolor I.rtrnomo. ut the CITY Pt ITr , -
111:1(1: !t, I.e in the velum. an A
norm, HT, I -:10, not to vers: loshotout engr.svinoh, rum
ma, the C.tuntiers.csi Chas! and Vtothrial AlOorttror
Fret °upon:l:me. besosty , na.! es/sunsuit req.:roster.
whereat , I. nosy he
Coto— in the Cosr... Call 1.1. Kay h co•h
Rook t t../.. n Om .. Journal Mateo
lit ns, mote•pri.rlosetr I, n Chart *tit
Ito pl west 111 sr rpb....5.1 Ism prom, I^ mail, I6r mune
nu loolcuts solverts•err mote fArlll:lar osou irtsvl.
' a u.l hi hmscht Must meal irsole
11./.10 11. RAE As t:tr
Cu,, xi —Mr 11.3 r, plai .of whivrrti•inK
.eur.. eltly a• w.. ruptcl filtiv,u I 01
tar nmple.m..., Mr. HAT. a”ttly : aii isonfide nee.
a.Ol oat t r , ,,atgl, ma, .le, rul opoll mititinc al 01
111. contra, .I.wr .3,
RAF • Asteamh.lua ('.:Aor hune.ern n eon) of
Bar , Cot inermAl Aare hi•ina Chart hantham.
Li t her ilte purple , tar Much Irt Okr 1.10, none uauve cul., sup, n•e
The :Intim:roar t. n•en; artJ lite' cord. oh ,
all•pla•rtl %Pa an a 1 ,014 tam etlem• eredtl uonn our
Ih, tktl JOILCA. pottier., lItt• 'nu , Own
hand, eo lort,„rt.arntt , ,ttle map. and Will ;two , .
ortanewl .; Oka. where a inoy hr M•plA,•••1
1,1,(10l11( 11.,01,!1:11, popular. and
a•ttra tAt• I.:tul. a: sri: na. Mr Roe,
prentk•e• umottop—ant no-re
ru,kh, 10 11., Th• fill)
I.IOIL five Posu•thel ope , . :to. he prtnirtl.
ser thol I eor ;or 'mamma par: of
Lae cot.: rhea •It it el p•tott o meal 1p ott tru. loam,
..n okt lon at..erot r.ver vatll i.e Itoo-Mle
ruttool, Led a• IV., rleth litt•taamt if "knee %vital
nal2ed Mr Hoe. wt. .11 1.111 vim! rIL e,on
4/1, n ;or tiot hlt a nue t• ano•eu tn.
.k. A tr•ro.n.tme atol Pe, 0,1111. .el tha n ,
m t.. eve bls :11110u. be toThlrtl.—c•ce‘l
NV.• ore p&o . ,ed to •rr eir me, et cm: I'It 4 I •
/11.11.1 .4 and tOuloular orer• advert . , Ww. , l.
NIon000t& Calton-t, Cuar, It IP our firm ecumr•
,1•1 • 111 r. I &mats tar at S. l 0 0 0•
ll:&rearm!, :It., th,t. iar ChM, loot map*
o re.ur to—a 011• tor a alma
in .4 , T . , •t 4,1 ii• t&reuy potent. ritete& awl
rorate&oat. Atom. tat Voir, Mrgriour.o....l
RI 1. CH 4.1. 44 , 4114..1 veto. ,
rtint to..ou'w :ar., anti ouottee• own
h... to toot rt:lnt: From Ittn Not-at:tone ot
weeneto nit—, we ototO.l Ine.e. oe etntectstiV
twO 11 Tony ore w....ottur tool ottlmetp.e, And tIo• too
In, ow. o. now , exerttent tortfinot to
Itto.c ,no nine coin, to toe vll4 ,:tlll
- Mr non It tt• 44.1, 1 4111 4.141.11C11011,
. 4v , 141114,,d. I L 411141 4. 1 .11 4 1. 111
1.114,,144 011.• I'lo,ll l le 12.• 411.4,6 , tocrit nieces he
ow., oneervr It —;Tut'. adetphln Atner:calt acti
lAlr ver urr, .5-1 ill • •••tern of a11...wt.:41.r cr at . '
rt. e•rns rogx .u•w , t •
v esittl sl• r.,••• 0111
• tcm. a 5.51 r.;• roe •r: taersho•o.• and 01en.r.5 who
se , 5 cos w, , • LIS I ro. Warr, 05 their
ode 'etr•-••••• 1 to Mr Hat. %Vs trelreve Ire a relslvery
wo• arl,sprot 10/5.5• - •5 -•••• 00p , , 11 . o• tr I c y' ro
• r, krrow lyres 504 wrrere wave:ooso , W •••••I
I.errstit 5 115•1LSI r/tiirrw rrov•tr, cr - er
tr, ..rrore I 00, •I Swirw. Ire bri• n knowrearre 01 sr.
r•ery rowrt 001 villnoe—nod 10,. know...llor ...A.
5r••• r••••• irt rhe retrert.lllswlrri,orr 01 015 Ile
rx• 005 e Orr: •y•iew of ael‘ettwitts law Iro•ines., and
earet-5 015.1.0 e o' -11 one, tt P4Ol.
ot-er, in ow 'salmi. promo. , more 1000 0 e
doe, re, owny •Innees yrs. door 11100, 1.11,111/1
relterste w eio .ma
hat wr I•uve said Yre—i• Inern,
.res cr. or warrufwlturer. 01•tres hi•lm•lnew 040roush
ly wierwr etve 001 olverrlwrnierit to Mr. hat —jrall
tr . .11 , 4 .131. .11;
fa, chrnp
bite ti ti...
rtt:tmo, nsul
A 101! h 0,1.011, t 0 t'r4v-ox.
1.: tntr
AL, o touot, VC Oral, ideo wol
k'tOv.r Vna.. Irmo 82 812 , .1
1.1. z
r, ••oo• of h....And...m00n 1,0, from SI to
yam." troterol., from 75 Co to 8,
`t Lot , 1..:w00t, rt,d grolemoo.
-S .i 1
.01 to .1
N ,vork t.o , ove, perucuOr atten
-00, 11.0.,u0r Kurrvolu non good fit. wurrnnted
; 90, 1.0 vi." •+. not of cloSielug ooe .0 0 0 11 0
Or • ,104.. 0x0.0.1,00. W 0 1:161ir
twup .":0:110,7 MO, I I..berly .
llama! Ile all
(' lilt Frani Itortem
CI elk rioirt of quastrr ~•1!1 , 0% 0(
.vrr Cow:,
Mt it K. trome titnrroi ttio w,l vary
r millictril rat mid &strews., ,smolt,
and bros.!, ot your tamiimir. , it., sop, putt
ottasmi liattM (1 ,0 Trtmt.,,
nod aft, tat om a portion of it two or tirme rorotoda
ort mi.. to tool. Ow tott..d ioimodtale rsltstr: •sso
as• ma art. ham. 1... e it rolls viol 10 scrams miss , I
dat tametors •attstord Out it 1 010 vatuabir
in.d.ias wroi II recommendit to ttioso watt may
.< n Mostri wait
~lnrrh •k 1,111 W A 1101,1". N.
irristrarad and sold I.y R. tyood at.
111 I -.MI lis gonrrally. 4titl AI.
Therr rige. Mello Olin, In ite•Vro Ant
rl,no n, Al,niuln Of I:1 p,llolorhy
ri .11 FS Ist tht• renctraulsln relors l y. and
the ros,aintst applsoutnnt sor st. to the P/I'e. ,
ho• cabers st Lunn 1,, have l it .1..1r...50/sib las. 1
to Is asist slireetusaa :or Or, lostsefikof tl,t pun.
Vac 11"11101.1: 1 "k 1 I.
of four hundred fret. is a pore kroill•
di stern- st .sselc, n chaos any c hernias' ehrtnars. but
yu•l a, ti.w. 110:11 Nutusen Grentl.alsratoryll That
co stains pro,orm , react.. a us miser of dlace•es.
no lam a master of osseettstrey These are 'natty
Vacs, thenseusta ot issiturr.wirah.l l known, o.lst
Isc is, ass.. si ..csune sr ist alluvratutg buffeing, end rr•
•, rase . 40 Islostru of health and ricor to canny a "of
t. scr tole lit prs•prretur thought of putting
iss asts,tr r. 1,..1 renaohuon for the cure ot di—
, I /sr cos rie,ct and d lily weren't. calla tor it,
st sl scst•ras remiss k tole cure. st hap IserlOrntells s•
re ea.:sr:coossts /ware popularity and its 1c
r eread SlNshe.lll.ol la lit- CY, of
\kr do las w 1•11 sc sass II loon parade of eartsfs
ea. 4. ass ccs ars . essusserce• that the sat:drain° Ca is anon
w 1 . . tv3l' 110., 11, tricot sn thosse who I•utrels4l(l
sh to he krnicd. 00'611.1 w- ttOtelatin for it e
as scerssul 411 4 i1 1 1.'i1l Its in ern, th.arise, unlie•itia•
tso • harts, a ..asseser of Cheause Dieraar• i•
u riccs l,l Afloat/ Ilse, not, Ise enacts ra II
rest -•/1• rous•osia 41,14 4 1 ,1 , 4 4 ,14 an
s - ONSIINI 1 . 11. N In, sta earlysrs l.l a h ac I
s I
A •il u.n sa,,r. snot sal. sts•ensa • 41' 11, ' 4 'l 1'
0,11'1.11N I I/1 5‘1 . 1..1 . ,1 , Irs•rese•
11 ltsts 1 cr srost KW tics loot la ill's Back or Solt,
1 sr. ossa It ate, Neural,. ..1.1114y. la,
I osus i rr•spc . s.t I's tritsg nen, .. Vara, Scalds,• • sr st Nsir• V.
t o In s a•ra of assoility It'
, at slims nom exports:v.°, lo7Ln Now , w , w ,
.1 ••••••• tit., em..ti , ktir .11 ar,ne renal wssl net na
,rs ssercl . lll', It and .0 I.TIIIIA'I'IVII 111 Fuels cams.,
." '"' els' rat ta the whole trame. r-rtinv •
~t 1,11, 4 the •Isseecsb f wlor I.
es assc •s , 'cal k• ts usiraltustoss, sitar giving
/Lets, ost 3,4 rneral In
Lac"! los prsserse or kisaw• of *terra/ eure• cf
.1 I. I.l's. tont ress.,d alert oiler treatment. err well
,c urss thc vent, for et
r I CV , 1” nerroo ho. dentre.
• :rats • raiststettcussu she ••e Lure ei she eroorsclor
,F1.1.1“1 .4 Wood ns,
FILL 11,1481.1.1..
rorm . r ‘V..od .t.O V mon 4.11 c), who arc
t^gutnrly app en , l Agent..
M 81111, Canal . nr ~velatt .1
v. F.CEI VINli a large and complete
01 II A RU(V 1111:, .I . TLEIt 6AL ,
1.11.1:1I V I chreet from
the omoulacture , • t Euferpeal
.1 Agnerlca. and ;Ire
Iu1;y 0mp.1, , 1 to. odor goods et rb peter. 0.
foe WI to etre-, an.l woted 111r - ocularly requert
1)e Nletetivm woo are in the hetet or ea..
ter 1 . ... 11• tetaidenn thee will find.
that our WLit ,..P."
~:h any hou,e. to Phlltolciptou or ew
}Hull} ers suPEßioit RED INK.
11111111:1Z T,
Meac differ nom ortlmary Ink, de they are ad
ebenneal aoluunna rootatrune /10 viand matter,
lio , udy ( tr.. .b YllI of pen—the color deep,
t,right and durd..e. If Mere have been better ttroclei
ade, I have neither aces Lot . heard of them. Spia ton•
totbett fllll be °Wanted grow.. by the nielehanta
penrady , from ILA. Fahnestnelt Cu. - Henri P•
Aderheby,.te to the nyandtcriurer,
II lIIIIBEfi'r. Wur gist dud-eh - m,, .4 anther of Libor
)" l'ittahurph, r.
N. 11.-21.15 , 0ute not etvlng .romidet ,
rtn 46..rafd - rortl and rile : rice milbe refunded.
7~ ICON *`"" --- Fri;72LILL t 00,
A. A. MASON & CO., -
1 .
, °CIA) re•poetfutty:erill the anention,of city and 40 cant, and hale. of TICKINGS of the Sock, Dam
' eoultirr Merchant. to their choice stook of than, Arnoskeag and Otto COOrlairLea. •
F AN I) WINTER GOODS. which for extent aid 36 bale. Red, White and Yellowf ELANNELS, a
raw bap probably never been equalled ih the West.. complete msortment (or sale low tha bale or pieta,
, P , ° " b e y "7,7,,,. th ,, e , name,o,‘.,fr awing od a n d ; I received direct from martufacturen.
:stem a
p a rtn e r, rai,,tanqy BROADCLOTIIS aml CARSINIERES, of thelnititne.
tifeciorera ifilportere and Ahction Douses, they areto . li° e 'r c ' th;
prepared to oder the same ael•antare, ni style • oum. lleltis , te,MeV et T Pane.
peters. that can be obtained of the largein Eastern C ASI t a t too TS. ;MINS and TWEEDS.-414 eaSell Of
r. ' all the n.manufactille.
Receiving large
N e w of DOMESTICS from . t`.s cares MUSLIN DE LAIN'S and CASHMERES,
.1e manufacturers of New England, they are enabled of the Hamilton and Mancheleter.WOrkM alto, fall as.
goods at les, ratelAhon they cnn he pro- .o
no of
a n factor
oldie Faso •to ca,e, colored MUSLLNS, for sale by the ears at
The fact that thou establiohment oder,equal, if not Are rue....
greater advantage, it. every de•cripoon of goods, than Brown., Bleached and Colored_ CANI'ON FLAN
eon he had.Eoct, has been clearly'demonstrated to ; NELS, of all the timaLmakes; also Cloak I.4tdrust.
their numerals, Patrons. They feel confident if Mer- ALFACC 45, BOMBAZINOS, and .COEDR(IS—
h/11‘,4 eontemplattnr piirchastug East, Will examine ; More Nan en ease. Also, aoo l Occs French Mortr,
their !stack. they've.l , lie convinced that they ran buy Lyonese and PttaChidh.: , '
the same quality of ist, •arh price: na will save SILKS and sllA araina WLS--intatis." or black and fancy
the cost of trantpert re rees.rey cspenres :,list cent') MX* Shawl. long .d:Attetai of tt.
anti nine of an tr.p. Thee nietlion • part of kiln., .41r0, Vise,. Cloak Scarfs. in.
their stock AlliCh ay. bo fouhd (tech and coin. A tun nrsontaem of White and Linen Goods. Alt*,
Mete:— and Gloves, Embroideries, Laces and Tenn.
:WU CASE..? CALICOES AND PANTS,from the Motarung Articles,all qmlitlesowtesand mlllO
I Merrimack, Coeheco, and Muneeider Coto- of Blanket,.
panics: also from the Print Work. of Dungen, P . Allen, RIBBONS-50 boor, of rich Bonnet cad Cap Rib.
Sprague, Richmond h. Carr, Chapcns, American. ' bon, al-c, Velem, Satin. An., wall' every ON-
Adams, he , et of Mtllinery articles, 'radon , fried.
40 eases GINGIIAMS and CIIINTZES, of the best mtg..% c. Ac. • •
manufacture. All of which, together with a general stunt:Mort of
Bed casco BLEACHED hIESLINS, of all the well GOO& of the new, vt and merit fashionable styles, will
known end approved makes, for sale by the package be offered at art extremely low advarla
11{ Arent, ' pore.. - New Goods con,tanti y received.
300 Dales !MOWN MUSLINS, of all width', quell- All Mirrchimts are cordially
rope A. MAN ft CO..
Plttsbursh Steam
. 111 arble Werke
O. 244 LIBERTY. ripposite Smithfield, trect
Marble Mantles, Monumen. Tombs,Table Tops,
• large variety of du; met !beautiful kind, made
pith., finest °relit. of foreign and domestic marble,
always on lisod or made to order, byte aid of m
chinery, rot the Mune.° notice and at the lowest prices,
N. 11.-7.lari Ilfuntry Trade furnished with krud•
of Marble ,tthe towest tate• AII girders promptly at
tended to .t .H 1 Liberty, opposite Southfield at.
,myJtrdeo W W WALLACE
lUE,Lhi Pala. Stone or French Burr SMUT MA
CIIII I M le ben nrucle or the kind to use, tt.ey
run light, circa font. do the work well, and will la•t a
time. :JO of them are in [me, in trio s he.
milk in too reality, and we onye the,. tvdi
morti ratlhtiert pommy yuperiority nye.
allother , "at. :derhines. Fnr further onriteulars,
ilreys the ...aoher at 011 Lawny et. Pittyliareh.
STEM.! ENGIfit• • AN D BOILER ari•t. •ae
and who, 1,111. alway• m 1 hand, or matte to order
ove se, nlee. and at the loam. once.. Al or
m,d pomptly •rt-nded to at 9.1.1 LtbertT erect, nen ,
the C 11.119 I mrtio W W WALLACE
7jI,ASTIIt PARIS—For land. sad other partm•e.,
j alss•e• on band at Liberty rt.
CENIINT—AIways on 6and, at :44
jj Ltherty •t C. 30 W",•A` WALLACE
(1 RIND:3ION E9—All 517[1. and art., alwaya
hand nelli Liberty street.
itt fIT
IT. plfistllV that the ii h ubrertbeer•
ortu e enlacing of Piura and vt
lit4etnit) that they have completedtalentswith kleasra J.C. Ju Jinni. ,
of Phtlad wi clphtet. to receive their superior
Anil will hereafter he kept conFtnittl) on
hand The) are neap) , and iircurely put
met/the pocks of 4., and llb each,
with their pnetted card—..wing the kind
of re. p r ice. hat. est eoncerp d
• with . mart
atton learn the
Is .1 0... i. .E.K . 114 ,
t;u:lpowder •• • 75 1410 1,25 0
, ....... - 73 1,00 I .25 1,50
I ) ........ CIO nil 73 10 , IX3-
ic. liy.on ..... ....50 651 75 144 1;15 1,50
1 11 311
j F 1 813 !•
and extra not. .73 1.00 1.25 1.5 U
IV. will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal
of on: ar^zatost to any .111 to tit. etty. and .bould
they not prove ancernote to Um tat., they can be re
°treed, amt the money van) reitandetl, tt only
wait that undeottauttinx wt. Act'
• We ask a lair trial. that the pubtte may be able to
adae between our Tel. and those heretofore toid by
ibis city.
°°.'neKo".;V:t.'oui'r'tert.t.lelirtot. trod good flavored TEAS,
should el vv as a call.
t Po - ta:e Ly.JOS. 9M. YOUNG dr, CO ,
W corner 4th and Ferry ed reef, and
g YOUNG rf - • ,
myll,thlands :L yt COM, :.1141 hues sfree.
petiCgs - likfliteßu.
151. lift montane tn.
rod M Frattee. comm.ed of but few
Work. and enlid eye•—a lame I.e.°,
meat. the heat of the loud. always on
hand tr. greatly redured price..
211.90—Frisch Harr Mill Stone , of manufacture,
Of ?Mu'
• and to.theriar swaths . nt Mocha. These
Dorn are mide titular my to- ..nperto.
tendance, and as treat are taken no
n jai clo.c, and to lin , c : the idoeta atone
of uniform temper, +hey are wet ranted m he of the
eery beat quahty, superior to tho, Imported from
I'ra cr, and aka Viparlat to the trent maw alba.,
mode in this country. and at p toed lower (Lau nave
ant,' Ithfore he, odered m thin market.
Laar,.. III.) Mlill Mono., all alms.
Ihd tog Clutha, ad number,. the he 4tqualtty, yvar.
rattnnt to 6or .anathrtioll to lod parchth-r, .1.4 at
grail redo , d pth
9erew• and rtes.. Plot•
fora, corn nod Con and Saw
Mill • lasting co all hinda, and Still Fa nothing fit gon
Ad order. protnp97 attended to at 241 mall 244 Lao
coy' .treet. the Canal. rtlttnuryh
no olum IV yC. OF A Ll.' CI,
- -
Tts• Uttar ttttt Coal Comparsitr
srtl , be too, tor •Ittmertpulto to ttte stook ol
D `Th. Cttort4. rt Coo Comp.toy on . and aft,
hint:del . . the nth grx ',
or plumb ~ at er too the office
Z W. Ittsoir.Ont. Pcn:l st., Pittsburgh
spffitulti 'L. W itElvltitiT(Pg.
Patent Chilled Koller..
q ov re, U tvcd locorra Potrot Rona
tto b , rsi nrut the lard a. for 5 oc'w
nod •olor nor mode of costing ooate
wt., Sr. now e.dered our Rate al th• It /WA FUL'N.
I/RT. 1 1 11totalroh. by ?Agin", scoTr A 00, no a no.
0 , 51 per poutol lowor than tbow rural' troy colt,
nro uocturro T l l, ar , %corm , ' in iwro-rOOO
in F lothertu ootdr. nod ort matolic , icred
n ~ c ßoo. cirongqij Iron of !too country.
or 0n.1.1.n JOHN 0. PARRY.
Boot. and shoes.
A'INA:NOT!: oloortrarlo 'Li.. rem,vril,sw,to , le for
the Fall wt.! ,‘ Laid: nade. C 041•111.; 111 rart of
MKS'S, WI ,NI liN'S. 11111,'S', M1,5E...-AN 0 Cllll.l,
111, , , , :. WANE:. of over: variety and lay!, and a..
priC,” tn sun MC times. Thom uridanix to rurzha..e.
alit•le..iim or renal, will find it to thetr advantage to. u. a call and examine (lit the...cvet ,
Tn. ynt & ,Icort
0,•:17 corner Fourth al:d Smith:led tut.
(17 - float forcer the yds..e.
MIIIIRECEIVE and D sod now open for exami
nation, a new Yp en ofaort
7 Ouoc Plano•fmno 'Thick.
ering" oyt c on, among %Item ¢ f ull
rccd tau . XIV ordcred cl
for one of our ime" who
'ls. limily minuted a to mown in my ware roan, 10
deo Wedured,..,) for exhtlahon Those who may hare
a .1 , rt. , - in tot and hear this •Wendul specimen of art,
arc re4nettnlty turned to mill ro day 57 The Mora al
JOHN II SI mum, SI Wacd it
.IGent for Chie kering', Piatio. for Westeru Pa.
Only 33 M 11•• Staing.
Via Bre ivnaville and
h C tl unil•er aglelphialand B altimore and
P. le
1E monong hoot leaves the wharf, ohrive the
1, bridge, daily, at o'clock preeiaely. Time to
IlaJtimnre. 32hours, nine to hcurs
he evrotag boat leaves an tty, leaeept urday ev•
ein,io,l at 4 o'clock. Passenger. by leaning onhe
er , ning boat, will groat. the mouttanta 131 etagen licit
day. and thus avoid night travel.
Secure ,our tickets at the (Rhea,' Monongahela
(1011 e. of So Charles Hotel.
1 . N11:1311.111EN, Awe.
G.lttsoggrapnlo Est.bllahment
%V,! , 1. S4:IIUuIthIANN, Third bt. oppoeite the
l'ox't-Ottee, Plitsburgh.-111upa, Lett,d,trupen, Itlll
hezdo., Labe lit Afehtteetural .tehtar
[try litt.toe It end V1...1K Cord, ttee Tared
or , Irae o till rUttle, mtd pri.ara in rotor, (mob], Bronze
om In the most opprryred et , , le, and of the most
tes.totitthle NILS:Iy
,IL;lpr,ey which w th;
u tr t , orLu x l . i. o rte
thun such gaud,. can he had elsewhere iu city.
Wu nu: no mud. in hignehum, that ti turei ;he good.;
our oinuct being 10 produce gooda not tor thou, oniy,
hut for comfort 0114 durtildlitY , nod: itch they rr
ee, vrd ;he hrut prennum over , nil other goo nn
ed at the late Allegheny Agr,culturul 1' air,
Pa u.le n; ate !Intake; Depot, No. Murk, mat
a; the ware room. of the Foyelle Munufneturtag Co.,
Nie llg e•econd.t.
I :hi II trim of our Manufacture are paid in Allegheity
by Mr .10t, heal, und also ur,the "Two the
..,dakvo," Federal octls
I - Resolution of Partnership.
!d. cry AI. 171 /Nr.,ET
thin day, the firm hereto-
I !or , [tome it the to of BUSIIIIELL/ t
1.1.A.1 , 111t. lo,nbe.An doinolved by Henry I.entlrr '<H 1.
ilo. ht. eu.tre otterrst in nod firm to Johnl , tethd. A
dnd“ eontlettril with the firm of Iloshfield A- Lead
er will he •lttli•d by S. IL lionlateld k Fe., who urn
du y authurtred to make II AolleeunnA snil rol,uni all
et; 1100 1.1.1k1)11.:
i.itiAlinekli; Oct 27, IMe•-
W1N6 , 13, LIQUORS!, GROCERIES, di..
. pin , . m lan rennin. his,Fatlßlock. ern- I
brashly a h description of FOIEION WBSE,S.,
1.,,,,,,, r; rs ,,,, t en. Cream, Mc. Be sacra In •
in the Wholesale end itersol trade, that cannot be ex- •
eellmlAmong the aruet. for sale, ba would ma
re -
the furrowing:
0 ~,,g, troyhmtc. Bonk.. and Cognac Brandies, in
pipe, hr mons, quarters and octaves, all . shoine
pipe , ,
nod viniases;
o y., , er 11011und lrina' , .
• yaw :icons larnaisu Sp , n , c
a 1.• New England Ittimr. ..,
Scotch and Insh Whiskey;
American Woolen Goode. ! l,: ,lis 0,0 Nlnnong Meta Ilya Whiskey; . •
do dm ' 1632,•
l 'i rs ' u ' .7. ' • • • •' .• 7oL r 7 M b tn o r n ro ' r ' a nnt h t r ( rr o o n n ' o ' :: : :! , ; '00.7::: " ‘ • l ' i i X,r.r . t d uilTr i r ' a " ild Sherry Woos, in hf pipes, quer
rretoe Inunl, winch be. annuli/act% to erase rat I. tr•• ~ r....dnetnyr, . •
u , ~, / , •,,,, . {II4M nod TcreriTs of rquarteni
/rm. ,• part wide !norm' Flannel. ..,, .s, r , Pori Wins's. in yiye , , hf pipe. and quarter;
%Vlore Bed Blankets, obbon tourul, ../ /••• r.' I+ and hurt" lads Mmes and Dry Malaga Wlnesi
rounds In the halo...,n1•M101•1 Nash Brandy.
I ease 511 yam , Steamboat B ,lanks. r•riral bfluo.t, 1 • I , rl rocks R i o, i.04 .,,,, yr0 on , iorircod .. ;
very superior erns' , • - • . ::, 1 kart Y. 11., 0: P. and Clinton Team . -.
I eases Murmur, Grey %Lend Blanker.. ,I ~kg 4 assorted Tntracyn;
SD pans Dark Germanniln film Blanket, oy•Tr• u• • 6 1,1,1, and bales Scrum; •
perior envie. . It Ibis /WIWI/mars;
n eases Grey and Blue 11111.1111.C.401i0C T; hookers hs-slr mlid nib
41. pieces Tweed. Steuberrel:le make: I ease arson- ys do uentyagne Wines, pts and GIN'
ml - trout and Jeans, Si/ , 4:1
431.1 e innunNe•nry, .72 asses Ids, or,cioro,
The above purls are 1.111 consigned direct from the 10 d•• Ror k or Rhino do;
maker, and unll be sold /my law Mr cash or unloosed 2.5 do Suuterne WinesiM do Maisel; 111 ZO !Bank
note, nettlo 11. LEE,pla . rtY Ms oPPonm 110• • berry Brun!, 110,4e0 Imported Cigars, together with
Cordials, Deadjuns,WirierFleakattoolch Ale s Brown
Stour, Areal mic Wine Bitter., Bottled WlllO2 and Li
quote of the finest kinds; Amiaelte,Caracoa.Absynth,
himasquinp, (Opal; stools.., Hock and Cologne mat
hs, Anchovies, Sardines, ,Lobiners in jars, CaPar,
Olives, Ketchups, S• t 1: Chocolate, Cork,, ranch blues,.
Nliiddlera,Bugat limes. Idashemond Pittaborgh Man
titaTrt,..• ' :' 'JACOB WEAVER . , Jr,
toe Marker and Fiest_mn
11. 111.1: 4 111 , 11 .1 1.0 Sc. CO. will coati.. VT
and retatl Dry tionds , andl.rneery
aldlr old4lore room No.t.3o.l.lberty at, where to,
v. , 1 he to have their (new!. and en.tolne,
rz!l and examine their !spelt (
ort:sC. ti 11 I:VSII,Ir.I.D I'l.
And i• eon, r ecetenrs,o,fincliscortment of
Which be to prepared to motto to orde
And in the latest Fashions
for rale by
g 0 . 0 , ,gt-35 bbd. NO, onctly vi s mA r ,Z . oleo
For Itent
T ' o ' t'at"'",.`;`:„27:,"..': Irrk.
I IK , n(
Two !term. of Ground finely improved.
Pa...ennwn over 1111Inedintely. Enquire n( 4vs. An
aCtSoll. Udj.lll.l . llK Me premien, or of
oar- W. NinCLINTocK, 75 Fourth M
AA WELL FINISIIKD ROOM, suitable for •
Vulicly or Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. At
so—,everel rooms stumble for offices or At .
um , nom, D GAZZAAI.
oniSuf Office 'Finn! atm., over Fan Office.
V. I nable 4eal E ttttt for Sale.
4 LOP OF GROUND in the Diamond, Allegheny
/1... City. adjoining Di. Fressley's property, 2tl feet
Iron by lb teet deep In n (Gel alley. Title Masi , .
table, una terms rosy. For farther particulars apply
to .1 B Miter, Federal street, Allegheny city, nearly
opposite M. Jenkins' stole, or to the subscriber.
Sewirkleyville. Oct 7.--ioctl7-ddee•
For dale - or nen,
THE very tle.irahle residrnee in Allegheny.
City, lately oreupted by R. W. Poindexter, and
na..e..ion given immediately.
For tern, apply at thin other, or to W. W. WIL
SDN, Murk., .1. oats -
Hording mud premitie in Diamond alley, now
ircopied ay Mtn Boyle, having twenty feet in
front, ram/Ming hack tornado Pourth etrect one halt.
Oren and twroil Met. For terms, oirply to ...
con id • GEO. COTHRAN, tin Wood al
liziptinea for Sale.
eyllndere, 4 feetmroke; a Boilers, tl feet im.g,
mein , in diameter, mdin good order. will be cold al a
hargatn, if application Lo made room They have only
bn n" aben l•° ...CA.. For p.rlicvimrs, impure
of tyo;:iltf • IL lIA I F, Gave. office
POLL e.tueuen tiou.e no
occupied by Mr e
at leaklund,
ceitia mere. of greollu am:tot:ea: Tye
h.poctoue and cooveuieut. and the eirourd im
proved. HARDY, JO:di,di te 00.
ao.ll Worertt
Vi, ' a S PL L Zo ' r . NoTi k nao " n e Tt7e t" llTahrn7,
nr ' ar . old Bridge. Priec low and .slos
Olt SKIST.—Trie =roe story Brick Uwelimy
r Haase, on Lamely, between Hay mai Martittil
strong, tow occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession
peeninunethately. &moire of Weer. Grisham, or at
the Jocasta= of
corner Market and Third swots:
Vitt storied Dwelling [louse, being Os
reciind house from l'enit %trent, in Snyder's
How, vo flay surer. Immediate porrer-ion wilt lie
eienn. Enquire. of DAVID RITCIIIE., Attorney . 11
Law-4111h , oh :0111,1 cocoa, between Cherry alley
and lisisit eircieL jure:Sri
lg.FCWill now two wiry Brick Dwelling llmites,
well fini.licri and In complete order, on Cotter
ivence, 7th Wuril. i'nevcsili. given }lily Int. Krill low. l'ngsavi of I.
J Acornet or Labectr end 11 1 4 1 , 1...._. ic _
Two Lona for Sale. .
111 IE , atbiterthers will roll at planate rale, Moon two
valuaule Lots of Groand, eitnated on Tomato st,
in to fiord Want of Allegheny City, each haring
flout n(:ai trot, running hook 100 feet to depth to aBO
f-t i olkp. upon which is had: a Hone wall, .4 by 1150
fart, wbtrla gootmor atone enough to build cellars for
two entolgrable dwelling ItotH,i, and to front there
arn three shade tree.. of. years growth, and the nide
stalk to paved with bbels, all aria-high will he sold to
dotal l'aletturnit and Allegheny, its County Scrip,
wit; ho tattoo to paylnettt.
PHILLIPS, Na 5 Wood at,
or to WNI. BENSON, mmedtately opposite smd
Fault SAL Pin, lo "Onnwilt, the doer
obit, OrWll of lltitotycham. rite in are sum.
tad on IC ,o 1: tart -p, nuralmred in Ittontmools pin
75, 70. t-it, -J1 and gd—Lot No 75 :motion . , feet on SL
r .ten street 70 rest deep; tie 0,-.Ser four !t. foot fro
ens. Ly --tit tort deep
Tr Ht.—bin:at, part of parelnag money luny
town for ass yean, tenured by mortgage. For part
alum toquirn of aC II H O O sec L on P d Y.,
.'Atehej'Ooll'tih nr t
of the very bolt quality, and 'easy of access Any
manlier of term, from twentve to a. hundred, ought
Lio nominee. Person.i dentrotoi of parcks,ing, eau
all on WALKER f!Elifl, on the preolits a, or
Herd, appetite the Po °Mee, whit will give soy In
thrination concoenuto toe properly. D. adLoVE ‘V
lir at a creel liargetin. mT•£G(hm
Ilti LET—A pawl ItnekThiS;;ellutic . ltteat.e. situate or
Itoblesonctmetol.ntehroY. tatslutrosd
myl6 trItI,OItrtS'SCHOVEII
ttll SALE C.llllO It FOR SCltill—a lei of 4iouni
r -ituete We:tater street, en lout Not e!lid. street;
ths, troto ..'vhster, -.feet to F 1 five feet alley
—qhite ete-r rev: court novra. Pate 59.5 U. Terms,
_f--:.a rad. hunt; halaucr ua one. two, three and four
yen. torn the first of April tart
Gently and City Serif tatteana es oh payment. In
quire ef toylo_ S et.'llttehtn. lla errands
41321 Aaron Coal basset one stela,
true r, L on the :llodunr o elhetariver.altnetlOrrilles
t.,7 foam st even and 3 mile, above ihird Lock, In
the otateethate tudahbothuod of Ylehors-Lyort ha Short.,
stet Itz e _Jolatt Ilerrouts purchase. This toe bady - of
Coal rant at the low price of :Flirter acre—ana
nerd ta hada, to:dance in five equal nnul - Wl. paymeata,
wadood totem.. indiepeoutile. Wet:teen veil
Bond—cannot 1 , , verp3rlVd: For mrther purlieu:ars
Clll,llll, of rt. lt.A.l,SLtlY,who has u draft of said pee.
petty. Resoleace id.t,belaw Furry, !dr. Atlanwd How.
N. ii. 'Chem t., another want or coal an this Met,
(art above the lower, of excellent quality.
jyu;ltf S. R.
Val aCiatillrilulltlliag Lots Cog Suet'
6111117 auhsertiters are authonred to oar at private •
j_ nate, and upon highly favorable tonna, a number
of very valuable iluilthag Lots, eomprtsing - etttrgo
phrthin of the hots numbered 67. gs, C. 9 and 70, m
Woods' lieuerel Plan of the City of Pit.burgb,situa
ted at the count eattwurdll corner of renamed Wayne
street., hunting 210 mei on the fumer, nod extending
along the iatmettlxna•6oo feet to the Allegheny river,
and beluga ant n.,llealEetate of the late James'
StetigWvOir .
A. plan. at g,,j itTutivre Lot., in cord/m . -
.I.W V.41 , 410.1j.,1 1 .1a5e. 1 1 , inay,be seen at
the oft= 60, I - beltebert Marh.
het and Ferrg i satht -1 , 7 e.t.a 14411.4. -`
TWO traustaiA. - arrita . ti - . ALe .
Twa Lars ni. oho
Allegheny, above the op Corarnorth, on vatieh
erected frame budding '
two at 'lrigh. suitable
I far . wAr ?mall tenements. The 101 l nrgSlegigliwnel7
' feet in front by rote hundred feet deep, anti hank
te street forty [ter' tvtde. The buildings on the pia
1111,, Wl/1 pay a very handsome mterght on the mimeo .
1.11, and the property .11, b. told a.ap tar oath.
Apply m il. Sproul, Clerkilt office; 1). 8, arm
novtv. te Co
;oaten settorTlATaskti for sate.
'"EN AC 111 , ..Ln OF LAND, situated M Peebles town.
, hip, nn the Monongahela, Quo miles from Pills ,
'drih-111 loin to snit parthasers. Far forther,partic
alarx apply le I lenry Woods.:l,l st. or to
• Sill, above Smithfield nt
%V A REIIOUSLI FOR tSALE.—The •ohscribet
, urr, = int gale the three non• bnck %Varchousc
011 Wood stree4occurned by 1. Tanner A. Co.
y FOR 'SALE —.A Lot of 1/round ohne.. renD
t, btit,Cll Ilny and Marbary linters, alb:tieing
the In., and lot pnw occupied iry Richard Edwardr,
hAvidu a (root 01 05 (v.l, linden depth 1.50 test, vett]. to
told on fevarne:c torn, Title unexceptionable. Fo
vk re of C. (1. LOOMIS, eth Wood
A DE6IktABLIi Eltuldtil iit Alleahmy etly;. fa
votatily , ,icated, in 1517. r. 01(11 41.1 f an nere, WV;
mit he fold On aeconinitnlanint imam. Inquire of
(rho J U WILLI Anti, 110 wood r)
•^a FOR IthiNT—A room in thellmnd
111.21: WOrmi.llll,l,.
\ FINTIONV APPARATCS —A gentleman of Philedel.
pine, who holds front ate patentee the tight for the bone
of Pennsylvania, Von annulled to the undersigned the
dispolnl of the right for the western purt.of the wee.
The invention wen ang the alma
of ate nee. en
abling one to , shut, how, and bolt the window.
from the utslde, without raising the mesh. The apaTa=
tae supplica theplace of turiniuc klea, rings, staples, and
lower inn g ot. - When the window,. are ...arty abut,
they eannot be opened (ram theioutsidc, when lower
ed, they arc fasewithoot tyingi whett ste n a v e in ed. tite bud r ar
fast without nuntbuclaca. Tacree intere
wed reramino the
iniprtivrotelne, ebould colt at once
I model.
octlldles ', Bed Lica liatel.
' • -
lAlNsote • 011.11.1,
.OCI3U is S WA lER‘InN
NEW H A ILDWALIta 7 • 201,7 e .. •
117•04 , stre
AND LAUFNAN. , tad ` deiskese.. , S , ?:
IPA Fonsign end Demesne YI
on ots, verieues,-are now prepared's* sen tta-low sad
on Gm reasonable mons as can be parekseed elsewhere.
We gotten .car (needs, sad the plaint generally, to •7.
eall and examine oar stock,' which consonsln put of ' •
and FO
POCKET and PEN EtW s=„• . • -•
sneh as Locks,Letehes, Winos end Screws, . .
with every erdele sunnily kept In Hsetwere moes.
We invite the attention of Cerpenters and geetudert . .. e.
general tit to oar assortment of Tools, vddelt bevels=
t otedsele with great ease, and which we AT detenrdn- _
ed 0...11 so as to site sensteentm. einblansT
t.....rnoxs,cep Sum Duzaus.-4011111521/tal:, •
ma Chemical Soap causes a free penperesion, end al.
the same unto moltfies, softens, and Whiten the elbla,, •
giving a the texture and beauty of an 'areal.
Steer,, Sus Baum ASS 1301 SIS, are, soon not Molr
bested, but cured by use, as et Waif streen'• Pltrat.
dans ill New Yore know, woo use It in mach bailees
and find It unfeilg--as also in !. • "
pr,m.stS, sutrauct, Fawn" of any edbor
ease. The reader is saluted that this ita op olden • •
noarson, as one trial prowa. I could SOAP'.
merntant least E 0 persons cuffed of: • ..
Sons 114 Y, Sole Leos In Soli nay. IL;
and use it, end the reader is again! I. moald •
. not traelly seal it for the above O to be
1 wan, "These who are liable to ‘!.!
ca,mus,Oman, Os C11411:9 find this • —..-
cue. Any one afilieted with any of eboinharebas,
lbw diseases, will And tble.alland e mote (admire.
_isle in its precancel ibusi Pare, .
Sut, render, the stores are flooded th imltaliOns;
and be sere you ask for JONES'S I Chanted!
Soap. ' Sold by teltl. JACKSON,. he Ll= 7 ,etreet,,
irj- Too emu or • Mix RUM= to not more repel. • "22
aloe than o bad, putrid breath, - or dark, Team dome
ed teeth. • If persons hare these it to they . own tault
they can, for two shillings, buy oo article-Mat .will
make their breath pure and sweet &stk. Byky'eltte •
It cares di inameof the Gums, spongy or. a .--losratesh .
and for the Teeth it is u qule, rconorini th earated,
w h at die teeth in the aunts, end Clean theM
whim as the maw of dufrosert North. • • • '
Such, reader, are the properties of Jetterei AMMO .
Tooth Paste, and, withoat praising tt earselveet beer
what one of one most respectable and' ulnae Ihno,
het., Mr. F.. Field, ot New York, says: • .• • •
"I have bothused and analised h
T ocntl maim .
pnlpable article (Joneal Araber ooth
end •
can recomm end e r, s possessing tho quelideeetalrea
ed for it" Read we eon say CM mote to convince,
only that i r yea
tins once you wall be wall plosapi
It itt put up In beautiful English China Pats, fin 23
cent,. told by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, SO label ,
ty sotto, Pittsburgh.
bizi, NG
Err ALL Goon errizsas liC bonorablt assured that
the following are the actual qualities o RM. bottle of
JONnis Coral Hair Restorahve. If they dotlit Obi
word, they Cv.ettliefe highly respectable: kitlzeno
who have-tried le—
. AIL Geo. Heckel, II Elm se, Na. York.' • '
• Mn.. Matilda Reeves, BlYltle ay, Brooklyn, . .. • • • '
Mn. Wm. Tompkins. lot King et, New York. ••
Then. Jackson, Minion. Island, noar Pittsburigh.7 -- .
• 11. E. Cullen, Into barber steamboat S. America.
And more than a haudred ellen mate, though thloi.c
outrlet, that 0 will force the hale to gnawed
heart — or face, stop h falling off, atrengtherLttm : roma;; : -. ,
removing start and dandruff from the ro om, muting
light, : red, or gray hair anemic a. Eno dark look,asol''
keeping dry, hash or wiry hair motet, soft, clean • sad'' ,
beautiful, a very, very_long time.
Sold by the Agent, will, .TACIISON,Libdrtg
Pittsburgh. Price WI, 50 cents, and one dollar.
. . .
They am not aware how frightfhir lidaNews "
to the skin! bow conowyttow mu nil, bow sot
low, yellow, and unhealthy the akin op.
pears after twine prepared chalk! Dee - ,•,'
aides it is irgurioas, o•Dorii•L • ".
largs,ainantity of Lead , -
We have prepared a beautiful vegetable
It le perfeedy lrotocent, being porifted of alldeleed-'
qusitilesj and lkiptparta to the Onn a naDaral,heal-,-
by, alabaster, eloar, hauls white, at the some thigh,
ttrkg ya o, COM9OIIO Oil the MOD, making soA oat
tooth. Sold by Lbw/teem. WM. JAC Pit, ES
.rty at. Plostairele Price iS cents. . arag7tdiewlT" '
20perty is A.Llogetrny °try tar
Teubsenbers otter for sate a %gumbos , °ribose* ,
I. Lots, situate in the Second Ward,froodna tiA 80.
Common ground, or. cosy terms. Inmnns ot
• NV. ROBINSON. Any , at Lem, St Clair
ac of .IA3BOBLNSON.OO thoorensfasa
Ea,l7 dtc-volfT
NO. 7D WOOD ST D RET, , • !.
INTIRE will -!* rouvd for
T i nd 4 . 1 U 14%.
in a series of about FOUR HUNDRED Metros yob.
iof which catalogues can be bad on
lion,) embracins ninny mandast works e$
- -
13iographp . , too. aelected aiol published •by
Pis , ..byten. t
f Publication in PhliadelpbK
vtd well adapted for SabbatbSchool,C,onssegatioub, ?,
%oilier and Privae, Lirarleg.—
Perseus wishing .to nosebag. well banish are !nil.' ,
red Toni examine eta ugortnienb • , .
The Depocy of the Peanut...La Bible SoChqf
is hoot at Diego MOIR& t1et5.13 & ,401 9 , .
PRAT, TE BTOE.E. • ~ •
MOOaubscriber has last received as the Pala" Tea'
J. afore 70 Fauna street, 0 very large and well se
levied m ock of pore GREEN AND BLACK TEAR: ,
from New York, all of which has been received Indite
country since the fi rst of February last. ,consisdregelf,;
all the diderent grades groin In the Celestial Rastarefr
Out stock beinl among the largest Li the We A, we .Iro
prepared to wholesale, on,better term then WU other
house in the city. We invite retell grocers to Maraud
examine Our 'tort and prices. They'cao htmetiapack
ed in I , l; and 1 lb parthages,l b tin eastaitletacer,by
half ohm% to suit their conventeneet
Our retell prices very for °along, Rlick,Teaa,frees
SO eta to $450 per lb, Niag Young gouchong. CAN .
Congo fin, and English Breakfast SO, Young - Elmo.
;Gunpowder and Imperial, from ZS
Bundles are reenacted to seed and gel MigaeC4•s l t
I of our Toss, and try them before purchadag...
mylvtlkerd A. JAYNW. 70 Foracrilt street
- -
paw subscriber has oo hand and for oale. oY Aient
of L Johnson, Er. Co.,b/Philadelphla, the follo
leg : . _
pslr °leases;
ea founts Foy Lollar, nifferagn,lallang •• • , :•' t•
31 - 0 Nanapaper Cola;
ettLeads, out se Dries; • : . ..l•
to Cosopostag , Seeksi, .
_IOU kegs Prout • Near* lat t
1 Brats Galley, tXdutaa Brass Ratted WI
dr.seriteions, he, ,
PAW Tea BIM, /:1 Fogy* ea,
N -orders eeeebred for :seer Tea. nat(ktArS '
O. 'MG SMITH i Co., • ;.'
174 FORM their friends and thspubliz Omit=
110 longer .y connention entritheir lnra
many In Penn street, known es the Pirtisbetralltt *es ,
oaring removed their entire business to rh o Fplf.
nu rwEit V. I n Pit' .101/0. - 101.01.10.-
416010A1. i SOILGIOS.L. OPIP/014 • -
few doors below Wood Wu; Se
, market
DR. BROWN, bavinglieell
"Z 15....,. • regularly educator' to the medico
prolemion. and been for wrote tit*
Lt general practice, mavroordiden ,
; : • his attention to the trearthent A those private and dellooto mcsof
‘ plaints for which his appanage!
~n,„ and experience pomilistly IMMO `
hun 11 years usidurinoly *Mkt
to sin.) , o. treatment of those complaints,karingwldeli
one he has had more practice and Wm cured more ea} ,
tient, than cm ever fall to rho lot of any pirate KAM
tattooer) amply qualifies lam to Mks asseranem o, „
peed,, pommies*, and ordistactory cum tO
with delicate iiimasetilta oil &mutes athinrt eTOS•
Dr. Brown would Inform these allieted with mats
lawyers which have become chrOma by .time sa
(formed by,the use of any of the com Mon nostrum. or •
the day, that their complaints con be rodically mid that+, ,
mighty enrol; he having gm= his careful attention
the treatment Mau. cases, and mem:dell tatruhtedli
of instances us oaring persons of lndannisailem Of the
oenis of the bladder,anl kindred daemon villa often
result from duos eases where others have stomped.
them toThopeless despots. Ile particularly invites onal
as have been tong and unanceeselally treated by .
f canton him, when every satisfaction willbo Men
there, and their canes treated to a erooral,thorotigh and -
tnteagent moaner, pointed oat by aleng experietten
siiidy, and investiganon, ortikk it is impassible fottioni •
enitaone ied to of Methemo tO give on
D - Homro wrourro.,-Dr. Drown abotreffen lwrg
oom afflicted with Hernia to ca, as hal:m*li pain*
slat attention to this amok. '
CANCERS also cured.
Sou diseass_s; also Pris, Palsy,. to., spopitly Omni
Ch N " .g...-Totlo 'of vt; sox thins at a lt imsas,tz
Hating their disease LA writing, Rivingke
toms, coo obtain modicums with diieedooo for am,
oddresaing T. BROWN, AL Mr Post torias and nary
us ram •."
oer.. No. as, Dimond valor, °Wolk the
Ritainammea,-Di. Brown's newly discovered Mune. - -
dy for Rheumatism Ma speedy and certain remedy - lot
and painful trouble. It never
Omer and Pronto Consulting . Rooms, N 0.1151341.
mond alley, Pittsburgh, r The DOOM, elwnya at
1 - 0* No mar. oo nay Node
(tiiehuively for Possattpehl •
TlET.Po,%"'en.r.„Thn r !°° - w e ror s w - r . ...
wall be carried over the uertlrst Rail Hoed =Ler • •
.istown to Hottisbergh;•ind frees theneeld•,Philadol.
ph is by the Ilanisburah - and Colombia Rad . Roads.— •
Hp this new arrsoaement•vassengeraleilltoilunagh
la ,Iff. banes. 11311M111413 hetlaine j
The Packets. of this Lithe ate new aad.of 'halms
Ouse. Thee
for safety; speed wad esenthtt, it Dui
moo preferable now int:mo the da y citi
Rail . are aU pottede In -day light.. Maw, S.
days F. te., Ted Dollsrs. -, .For informs - ton apply to •
W BUTCH, alonongsioda HAM:
Ito LEECH de CO.Canal Redo.-
IBOIITY.' • : .. ;
-•• ~ .
' •,,
Vla Tfongttlogthsta7Bl•4 l 4 , ....? '.
m ai m The mdeadtd oesiaidfiit i±asidoi
• V. B. Mall steam packet, ,• • •
, . ; VA81.31161#4 ':' ' • ,
LB. 'en Mager, torillmtn 'Wade' ,
ly pee se. (8 meays exoepted) between PITTSBUIiIIii
and NY F.....T Nit.:WTON, co opening of tare toe
Youghiogheny river. Leaves-7Cesemodfmta the
upperl l . herr Mu, every,tutir it 9 - &cloak; Re
turning, leaves Pittsburgh from. -Rog - shoe*
the ot reuZtola 11rWge, every ....realm at . lle!eloerr.
DS eared- by Agents on head . th, , r.,740rt
Boas. . z
V" The Farmer has beeri Milt eXPremll'for dm
Youghiogheny river, undthe public: may rely, MC - her
metalling peenumenity to the trade.
Purtietilar mention paid Mall way freight issdpas.
FOR PHlLADElirgitiAr seimmwar.,,
Vgs 1.9 1 1•211
sajollowr, at 9 o'clock at WOW'
Jodi...a—P. Burley, Friday, .
licolucky—Capt II Trabl.:-BUdra4i3d.,
Smday, •
, Lon Wans —J isbaal;l44,'..l
Indiana—P Barker, Tintdal, ,IL.'
" Kentucky—Cart H •fraby, iffiednerdng,Hll.
Obio—capt. A Craig, Ilturse:lny,
Lonisians—.l P Thompson, Fet 4 n
0 1R8. , 4 1; . ‘
I ndiann-•P Bartel, Bauirday,
Kentucky—ll Trutry, Randig,
Oblo.—Crept A ere*, Monday, Lakti -
, • Lotdrinna-1 P Iltomineon,Tonedng, ••: •.;
Indiana—P Thakey, Wedacaday, •
Rentneky-11 Truing, Ttursdnyi •
For Pu!ngn QPIT Id ••; .
- tlanse= Boum,
na.L• D . LEECRA Co, Hub •
vbfLiSiget47kcm opening, - IGI GO itartzu GGI ,
JIH pairs of Ernilish nod 'Antrim -Blanked% =A.
tho btu Makes ° f Bain, Wldtney end Rend
Bi"k" . PCP, ; MHOS ROO
v - ~79ci--. -