4STABi - ISIIED IN 1786. CARDS. :~~`:13V8! vrE6 DAVID •• TUTTLE, ATTORIVEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER. FOR PENNSYLVANIA, S.r.'Low, Mo. communicatlon, rotomptli nnswered. Aai th :rftiONO Aleinnanna lind along in Prodsco, No. US Ataiket moot' k}LAX/ . /a ILEH ER, Wholera/a = .'.. R;tail Ln6. g tsll : earner at Liberty and tyt. Clair atreets,Ms. CCM,rsoN, 11101411. D now,: 4. 11.111.11EkTSON, Wholesale Grocers, B and eamiacac 31erchants, No. 115, Liberty at, Ymitmtril Yu.' . de3117...- 12 A. irriloarock - At7o., Wholesale atel . tftet- J.P. .Druettl.s, cornet Wood and eel ses_jyt I.ll — drall - rta;i'tt leittairiTfacdettale Grocers, pi and AJ L.k) Wood greet Pituborgb. O. IL PARTRIDGE, D. D., • NO. r t9s SPRUCE STREET', PHILAbk:L7IIIA. C"TjltilJlLa to g.ve hht I..lot:o'er attention to the treatment of /Jocose* oi the SKIN, PC,UFULA. and Piton." a' the TIIKOAT. Office hour.: h A. M., 1 P. Al., and 7 P AL oehterm• • • CItAIuJ‘sieLINNER, Forman:las and fOIIIMISSIO alerebaou N 0.26 oo kee st,yataintrah. spa CA. MeANULTS Co, Forwarding and Com la..miasion Merchants, Canal Muni, rutsburgh Pa why Duquesne Spring. Axle, .Bteel and - Izon Works. OLE.NIAM, HAIL3IAN /a Co, nuanalieturers uf C Coach and Lliptie Spoors, Hammered Axles, Bonne .and Plough Steel, 11 . 011, Le. Warehouse on {Vann and Front o:rete,Piti.borgh. Also, dealers CoaclCFnmeung. and Malleable Cloning, ocut ...&(,, Dltt. w. u. DA.tild, . • DEN l'iS I', • Late or New 1 ork ) Oincu—Stnittattay eireet. between Seventh and Strawberry idle.. ; N. 11.—Lnseaie , . of the mouth, puns and teeth treated lionteopathwally. I spllo.ll.ln •s • mesas, rye . i . IFTtrr:— • Viiiat h _ BENNETT, (late 4. W boicsole Grocers, Cam F . .0 For. warding Plerehanw, stiti dealtrs Produce aril Pitts. Malin /ilsoutitentres, \c.:7 Wood between xd and ddstreett.. . is so w. ourit I 11131. n. GBOUGIE W. SHIM & CO, Brewers, Bolsters .0 Hop Dealers, Pat .4 Pi ttsburgh. ape& eri liMCCiiiiilliN7Ceinumseion a g o us NT hart, No. da Wood Sweet. Pittsburgh. earl; • /10I1IC .ILTLAG PACTOItY. a 2.1.410 N BTEWART, mundscluier of 1..7 • Shintads, Checki, he., Between street, city of Allegheny. norld-dlye CEE Va , c:Cam:or to Alum. Leed.Wool Beal -117, l and Commission &Loretta:ly for the male on marinas Woolens, Liberty, opposite PM. febl7 art,. las., Baltimore. A.. 1. accaaon, .V.D1,41111 LILLY, rhit.d a . n. C. sec.:mon, JOHII ,IVAII3/.2, j 4..ALD & 111.1CHNOR,Tobacco Cotoratasion Mar otta:az, 41 North Rater ay & 10 horoto Wharves, I' a. n0v364 . . • ... e4ARDY, JONES Co., Omecessors to Atwood, Joni "Joo & Co.) Corom , •• - on owl Forwarditik ffier- to,'Qo.lcrri iu Volaborgb blosurootured uooda, Itittaborgh, . - • • soth27 MAW! Vella,' ROMS Wcur, 12, IHAIM I I & Co., Whokoala Grams, Cora- Woolen tderchente, and titulars iu Produce, tioa.be Water, and ply Front arracts:Putobur, h. : tomb 1011 N • DILWORTIS. :bairn I — T - .C — Arcia - n. - ' 7 - 8. DILWuRTII& Co, Wholeanle Vroters, Pro , Pittsbalsh._ TULIN Id. TOWNWiTiI), Dritgehrt rad Apothecary No. 4d Market at, three doors above Thad st. rind barfly will base constantly oa hand a well Felected es; sorunent of the' beyt,ohd ..hest Aledrelnes, which ha will en the' =oat reasonable. Physiciaux sena* areera, be• promptly attended to, and any with arueldaihey may rely upon as genuine. Phyincrans . rrescripuona will be achotruely and ratitty'prepared from the beat materials, at any leer of ha day or rught. . . Aloe for not,, large shock of huh arel good Perk, roasy.:- • , T B.' tJ/LNIIELD, pew of Wirral, Onlo - ,jConiada. eNar to PerriArb, and Wort ern Prodtee generauy, Water 4reet,beneett nni:Efreld and 'Wood, Pirtenurgh. . . j°llllfo C ijo s c,e ' r ' and ' Ct . k'' ' "L ai dealer m Produce andyneburgeldaaufa a. etarea bln eaarayrt -1 of labgly_nrl i tomi curets, Pinst,nein ('a. Ann 'II.I.ITCHIPON, t Co.--sueceseors Leine !iambi/en re Co., Commnooon Merchant, and .64rotts of the' n. Lone Pietro. Sager litethlCll, lio. water and ird :rant Hereto, rittobtargh. . JOHN P. tYttulettsle Dtvggiss, and dna- Cr In Dye talfr, Punts, Oils, Va:banes, an., !tio.ttl Wepd Weer, ono door South of Lhasuond Alley Pats bus .4h., Joni • C.4;:, - Tsheeeuor o Josepti ti. Da 2 kt..) btu', Chandlers, SG Water street. benl 17144:44 . 34.'15.7PL1..011., Wholcsalo and Beriardrales in Music and Musical lustrusoents, School Boors, :raper, ann., Wel Pens, Quills, Pruners. Cards, and . Stationary dl Wood at., illtrbulgh. • ireltutos bought or token in trade.. • septa t3CllooNbtaletli Wholesale Druggsstg, , V e" No. 21 Wood street, Pittsburgh. . I WIN 1.P.1D.A.1 1 / 1 3. Azevouter, corner 514 mot Wood t/ slavo.,'Yeaaborgli. TI3NNisrim&IOCKTON, liooksollers.TTuderi V' End !Alper hisoafactoron, No. 44 NaFkat at, nuo. t IL FLOW% lirhulesale Grocers, Commission le 4, blereaanui, sad Realer* in Produce Round ehluch iruutiug uu Liberty, Woo d . and ail, execs; Pittsburo, Pa. " lineces,Ccitorusieuil bletchins, nud dealt, it, Produce un4Plitibureb alartulnetures. Ao.N Wuxi Pituburcli. Auld , JACOR LaVeilt, Js-, Wholesale - rand Mersa Deit let in Foreign Wince and Larson., and old Alouow galiela.ll7o Whiskeys, corner Punt and Mutes xis. IER a. JON E.Y, L.Vrwarliug sad Communou Ater ' EIL eliants, Dealers m Prodnee- and narburgb !notated muck., Canal Ilaann near :In st. • PRISTiIBILLL..' PIT Ta 81.111.611, PA. .1(ENII taw, CHILLd & ttaunfaxturers of very supertor 4.4 ..4.hcetingo, Carpet Chain, COUOII Irmo aud Itching.., • 106,1 V•snvlns Iron Wok. Irvl„,'?,to, l . l votTfii.r.„"t",ffrofol.. l l: l .; quality. %Warehouse, Si *ear and ItuS front st. 1.4a9 • • Ts WATirceilAN, Wholesale Lancer, Forward- D,g wed Commission' Merchant, Dealer us rms. burgh klaradselurts and Produce, Nos. di Water-.t., and Usl } - rout.:: .IZ7 , /5../(4IIOEDY & SAWYKR, Glatnel liluddectureis, and Wholesale eloalera in foreign and doweltic Vartcry Western merchants', Taunus anal others ens invited to call and e amino the prices and qaality of oar wools, as with our present increased facilities in inanufainur tog and purchunar, we thiuk,we can oder Us iWueements to buyers as say other house west of die gdoontains. was. w. ttrectrawtli:Pinibarai. .IkA 1.1.L1111.40 itiptier2,lll4oylol444le!lrocero,4.44 an. importers of 111..n.dme4 Wino and degas', Ao,s, 174 aad 174, corner c4l4berty arid lnria streets, Pitts. bash, ra hoe, Nair., Cantos, Yams, ece. b.e. ea. osaelly ea beta. atigo ' 7LL D. Willi. N.VALtilt C. ASS. etilLL.S.k. tViloiegalo Groicts said Comma. .01,..ut0u Plcrettauts, 11,4 W4enp .I.,Rittstrargh. 1.4 . . MDarr IV, WILSON tr. l: ) .,( lette Jones,dimphy Co.) Who:aspic Dealers us Dry (idodr,lio.,4O Wood suer., r'Doamres• 1.1f.L ter. Hoomr corner of ront Office Allay nod rourilistreet, entrance on 4th [MU Muket. ea s rsimutlif srEL. WußiLl .Nu Mum; Azai Axis. FAL:JURY. 1.41.0 30353, • 11.:016161 . J 0.110.6. & .. ... es„ANUFAC:TUItkad or toms mid blister Mel, • plough &sec.!, steel plonch %cum coach ar d Op, a pring: t hat:mitred iron :ulna, -and deaden IA mai to catnap, fire e ngiue Lamp., and coach trimmings .teneraily, corner of ay. a: LI rront ate., Pnlabewurgh, SO N, No. 54 niuriact uuc.,a .- door luau, corner or Fourth, dealer. an Poceicat 'and DuatiestiC of Exchange., enatincutes of pos U,ltsult Noics uud Specie. Mr.Colleclioll6 =ad on all Inc principai elks throughout We United Maui - dee 17 Ar UKAIASTER, ALb mtutars-0 e, Foarth .A.N • Ibiza door above Smithfield, soatti aide. illonveyanting or all hinds done with the gre4,test eareana legal accuracy. Titles to Steal Erman ezionitioil, &o ' Li. T. Roberta, qPTILIL3IIO.BUKGEOIi, will Wend to tse Mat. mulct Alen... of the Eye. • .IL has bun engaged La this branch of the wed" eat Prefessien for mite'kn years, and has conducted an establishment for the Uealinerit of diseases of the eye alone ler several years. Orates wedresidence corner of Swiduaky st and alley, Allegheny ally. i . 1.613 PROGGCE, Grocery klassilinettire and gall Luau • Woks, Vince ing: IrriteSer to I. biekey a Co. °alb-dim ' - 10 - illT3ftic ---- 11DENN MILLET, between Wayne and Mod. has JL resaratil ins professional duties, giving utstrue• yens the Plano, Guitar, and lo ‘ l " 4 i • di stoterir Wood-All quantities of Green and Mack Teas, done up lu quarter, half, and pocna ackag., ranging front 50 cut per pound • 11 , 1 JAINF.S. Ast. for Pekin Pea Co. R. 00 . 0 x k CO. baring . associated THOMAS • • LlTfLE,th" with themin business, the Whole Ctocety, kreaßce and Commission business will becoatinmed as usual antler this Grill of Robison, LIP Ilet co: . EPIISON, LIMP, & CO., No. 199 Llbeny street, . rOsourgh, tVboletada Grocer., Produce ' M/13110 Briff legion hisrehants, and dealers in Pittsburgh YOST. scour a. =BIWA. ••. macron. snot. urns .4Oue.ter Wooer, Rectifying Distiller,gealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufse ta 411 all kinds of 'Foreign and Domcstio Wines and i.bienrs, Nall Liberty street. On hand •• very urge stook of superift old Monongahela vehiiikey, which will by sold loss for cult. • 1.• anoun, J. L.. Sac D EMOLDS Forwarding arid Commission .116 if grades% for the Allegheny Meer Trade, deal , •ra Gteedries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures 'and illitorlde of thee. • The Idgliestprices, in cash, Todd at all times for eosin IT rtes. r CArnet of Pena and Indio sta. iaral Itol.ll.llty DALZELI, ts. Co., Wholesale Grocers, Condluission and Foreranting Merchants, dealers Produce im blenutaesares, Liheny at. Pittsburgh, lin. Rolm A.•(S.UNI --- , WiuTdeule Grocer ~ Dealer in Produce end Pinsburati Idaaufacture V s, Ni n. r44l.lhunc rt. • IYI ------ , .at ausuaurrt.l • ram a mum rcKuurc & wiaTE, Wholesale Dealer. la , :Perla oad Domani* psi Gouda. No.oo Wood at. . k d , d : • feldtlf MEM 1 .", f j 3 CARDS. - • • --- L J. (corms end O mP ' " '' ra Market .tree[, botaten fah !V ""'' i ,4 Philadelphia. novii Pir;rawnts, Dealer* k ,c; ger:tray and Forwarding • Flour - hapai, No. 3.1 Water at, Pine. .01 Cnaiimiaiiion /dare aural, ►asitevMOrreenunan. 5000 111.1011, nliserlikso. ICELLERS fr. NICOLS I ProtJae, nod Genova] Com mission Merchant/I,\o. 17 Liberty rt., Pitoborgh. Spoon, Littered and Lord Oil. F. VOti • flifil4NllollisT, C0., - IVholesalr Goa ° ter., Forwarding_ and L7rommission Merchants, Dio:lern in Pit:shut - 0 .I , l4.nufacturen unil {Yemeni Pro- Oore, have removed to their new wntehnuse,lnid stand) hfs,oornei of front s>_ and Chancery Lan.. ono.: tTA...SSE — Tit - 7 BEST, WE . 01 ral eit roc er ahtl stom Merchants, stud dealers in Produce. No. a 5 oud at. PithLhurgl:. ota2' . 47..1. - 1110S11. orOTll4c SCOTT, Wholesale and (Retail dealers in Boon Shoes t Trunks, Output Sags, Le., S. W. e4orher of 4th and Smithfield tax, Pitthhurgb, Pa. jail -4 / 1,4 i 4 i 61,17 /CAVEEL7 - 414,. EirIIOLKSALL GROCER. Importer or 'FOREIGN 711 WINES, 'IsiQUO W ILS nod CIGAR:3, dealer th Old klocoberthela Rye hiskey and Pittsburgh M an cornerof Market mud Superior omelet( supplied h.tMailtel rates. ,t.. 4,3 & M. 1 1 11TC11114LTREE; Ik 711 T°11:11V, and %V I h:E ' s ' intrUgUOlt i ANTS Also—lmporters of Snobs Ash ono wench mg Powder, N 0.160 lobeny AI, (opposite 6/../4 burgh. aecf 101. L. MCI. DAVID 31,..1 , 13.3 TxricK 51'CANDIAS, Isuccessois to L. k.. 1. D Wie Wholesale Grocers, Forwsnling and Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nails, Gi Ustion Yarns Ind Dinsbargh Maneneturea generally, crni••• ni Wring! and Wasr, tarts, t R'. wnuacE, min ntnne od TT•• wajdiehlucl, No. ail Liberty at, near ier need ma am _ elp Creels, l'itteboege, P. u!oeke eatenlly repaired. der I Ilerket WNOHP2IY tFhotrrulr G and degler, tri corner o! At tignfloo Fount l e% " a r t .`2" . .. . . .. . , v i i r,l ii ye i = tCo.—Deale. In leather bil.l , es_, l tc y c. IVY Werner:lm 1,0 BI..I4 . erTCIILON- I X7B. H. ItITIITCDEON, Wboletale Grocers, dna- V 1 . lern in Produce, IronNaar, Glees, and rim. burgh. AFint.factutka severalty, 142 Liberty et, i.. ilertt W WII.ON, Dealer in Watcher, Jewelry. Hitter Were, Alilitary Goixis,eic., Nu. 51 Mar Y.! to mov7 - • - INrDIe , TOIONGICO. DH EALERS IN IDES ANILLEATHER, Morocco, Shoe finding. Se-, No. 143 Liberty street,lisive juit received their SPRING STOCK or good.. com prising a large itosonnient of oracles in their line, to which the anention of parehoseni It invited. —l. • PYTTZGU W Q. CO., 2A , A . 11. T oclal Wattr tact:. INSURANCE Lira wad Health lama ranee. pIIE Mutat', Loft and Henn Insurance Company of Philadelphia Incorporated by the Legislature of Fewest - Ivan.. Mari Cltarier prrpttual. Capital, SWOOP. Rare Loaves coos nor PENNI , 7I.- v•Ot• Corarato,.eindluil 10 per era. lower Nan the °Alai rats. of Ws I sarance, as the parison win. show: Th., a person of ins. age 04 du in: goring for SRO for Me, inott pay to the (limed $2,55 Pennsylveir.ia, 152.7 i, Penn 'Mutual. Sandi Pinnacle, 52,01; New England, SIIA, New York Liic, 92.30, Al hnsu, St i •la; Lile and 'lcahn, Philadelphia. ,21.01. Dtaricaoar —Samuel It Orrick. Coarlee D. Ilea IV F.Dcone, Robert P King. Comte. P. Hayes,. ST. W. Daldwin. 111. 51. Reece M. D.. Chas U II Campbell, Lew. Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, H. H. Roller, }Alvin IL Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Prose. deal—Rolie. P. She Secretary—Francis lilackburne. ilpplieations out be screwed. and every information given by SAM., FA lINFOTItCK, Ant, • Waco, commercial Rooms. corner of pail dry Wood and 11,nd so, Pittsburgh . ItiSURAti.CE. ' - A. PROTECTION FIRE AND MARINE INSUR.ANCI:COSI k NY' OF lIARTF'ORD, CONN. ‘' ESCORe.OtrtSh Annual rreiniums, capital Stock, und Surpl. Fund, 51,000,000. ' • • ; Tidal/Id mid responsible Company continues la is sue policies on the t favorable terms on Dwed dug Douses, llon.hold Fonttuire. Swims, Stoeksof fronds, Vt archon.. and contelels, Mills and Manalactories, he. he., against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. Also; on Goods, Wares nod Merchandise, against the hazards of IntaanTsuarroararica, nod open the Cargoes of Sea Ves.la The Protection Insurance Company having. in the last 25 years, paid stator ammo. or oidu..ans at their cavern! agencies throughout the Uneted States and toe Ilriddh Provinces, have coablirked a Just reputation for solve ray and lair dealing, whieh chanciest* coin. ponsou with any other insUt , toce compility the continent of America. Die annexed .toner from ao oracle on the subject of Itioar-drice Companies, taken Doi' the ',sew York 'Day Hank," eahiblld brlelly the afamling •nd policy Company. •roor.oved men' oCthe aneroid and always pros per.. eny of liarßord, have for half • century been /.4011Strirongboat MI Union for she Sara discretion , rigid hoheety, and unvarying soot°. With which they hatsp fareard and, Olanag ea rorpCrations or this do lled:don. NO Hartford Bank or Inronance Company has ever failed! These Companies tars for more Nana whole gehemtion scattered Incas Delia in neur• ly every ...lam of the' Union, and hare eleene-fiellad to pay the ennumerable tone* which they base insured agon.." ' All bete. arising upon poheirA t•,tied by the tr,Jer airt.e2l,:wtti procr-ptly a.liertral Ott pant an the (kn. etalAgeney once, located at Cloelsinatt,o A hrire portion of the foods oC the ean.p.tny,:(...clothr.a. od premiatasreceived at the Webtern agenrteo,) is de. poeited with the - Geanal Agent of .the Company at fat the payment of WcutrTn mat soulbatn Masao. Apply to FA 1"1,71' tI: 111101 V N. Areal fur the city of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny county. oetll,l3‘a Eon I/MICA-Set 0, Lions •SI, GILA xNyrnr.. 1lik: ret Life Insurance Company is the U. Sinter. Inca:pawed March le, lel9—cha ter perpetaal, Capital ta , pald Hairtni outhorthett the dersianed to meteor north enuresis for tothrance, oti which policies wth be ISalle,l, aceordirg to their proposals and M., which will he mac known to applicants at his office, No. ka Wood street. eptt GFAI COCHRAN. Inst4eacE cull NV OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. 1. FLIMr. Jr., Secy. I R3lnzaa, Jr., Prey'[. WRi amnia against all kinds'of risky, FIRE AND MARINE. - „ ALL loves Brill be libera Iy admisted and promptly paLl. A home nntittaion—ronneced by Directors who are well known in the commosilty, .d who - ore determin— ed by promptness nod Itberality to manakin the char acter which they have artmameth es °Celina the hest protest Mn to those who desire to he Insureil. 1./mscroc4.--R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. 13&tr, N. Holmes, Jr., Itelmes,,CL 'humeri, Geo. W. Jackson, WnL N. Lyon, Joe. Lippintron, Thor, ti. Lltch, James hl'Anloy, Alex. Nitntek, Thos. Scott. Ormcc r N 0.29 Water street, ‘rwarehotme CI :spans: rt. Co tap sintradDinshargh. madly • • • - • intstiamgcE. npur, DELAWARE • MUTUAL SaFF:TY !NOE IL RANCE CONITANV.—UMee, North Room of the Exchange, Third Wear., Philsdelphm. VMS lososasca—Bcoldings,,,Mcrchtmdise and other property in Sumo and chaos:, uteured against 10,4 Of damage by LIT at Ma I.IIIVICInt rale of premium. Manua INSVILMCIL—They 1.40 ill.. Vtfisels, Car. goes mot Freightadorelgo or connwi.o,,uster open or epeeist poheies, as the assured nay demo. ImagoTommtroassame.—Theylasers merchAil dise. Ronsporicsl by Wogoux, Rallrood Com, Cent Boom lust Stem Boots, on . river. and lakes, an the must liberal terms. DIRECTOllB—Joscph 11. t 14.41, Edmund A. bonder, John 0 Davis, Robert Button,--feber-R Penrose, Same cl Edwards, Geo Cfr Leper, Eduard Derlington , Isaac R Davis, hVillista Fehr:ell, John Newlin, Dr 0 Al flue, on, lime. effaml, '',Chetrpht.us Paulding, 11 Jones Brooke, Beery „Sloan, Heigh Craig, George Serrili, Speucer•Aletiva,U, Charles Kelly, J C. Johnson, If/il Wan flay, Dr S Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT• rrriblutai—D. T. Morgan, Wm.llagalcy, /no:T. Logan. WILLIAM. IARTIN, President. Mensal/ S. NXWBULD, Secretary. JD - Office of the Company.. No. 42 Water meet, Plusbutgh. Jett:err •P. 4. hIADEIRA., Agcot - FLUE enzililAitlMll4 INI3VRAPICE. Trim INSURANCE. CO. et Norti• AR•Clied will 1. make permanent sad limited insurance on In,. perry le this city and vicinity, and, o sidyments i 7 Curial, Elvers, Lakes, and by .eu. The pro/nines or this Company are.well Mawr, unit forroalo an oval. able fund for the ample intern: !Ay or ail pc 'sane IA LI , desire to be protecied by Imo . rice. , myle Whl. P. JON 11 Agent 44 Water .t. iniimais TY. Th :g e Franklin Far insran Co. of Philadelphta. IAIRECIORS.PharIes N. Ifinteket Thomas Hart, jJ Tobias Wagner, Samuel Got, Jacob R. Smith, Ow. %Rtcherd•r: Mordecai' D. Lewis, Adolphe E. Done,' avid S. Brown, Morris Pauerson. Crtalum N. BANCtill, President. Charles O. Dan ter, Secretary. Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town or country, at VMS as low at RIC tOnsWttrlt with security. To Company have rescrvcda large conLingent Fund, which with their Capital arid Premiums, safely invest ed. afford ample prometiou to the assured. The essets or the eomparry,oll January ti0.,1./.49, es published agreeably to an act of m.mtay, morn c a follows, at= . . Mortgages 11,047,439 41 Real Este. 14,221 et Temporary Loans (MAUI ni Steeirs• • • • . 51,8A 22 Cash, dec. , nn,ekl 37 Same their tncoiporation, • period !; the y have paid upwards Mono million Mar hundrePat ° ol . l ' ;- a ann and dollars, losse• by fire, thereby adorning et ea advsmtaces OE Italtaece, melt es the ability d6p . th i th , li/ t aLt i h N p i trge n. aral u marl-dip Office N cocuer Wood at t Thl " •ts DS:LAWMAN. SW VIAL INSUR.ANCZ Co. vo A. hiADaltAcligent at Pitttbatgh foe th e p c , • Ware Hamel Bedell Danrance Company of fratal adelphitt. Fire Slake upon buildings arid merchandise of every description and hforineXicks upon bun co , cargoes of vessels, iaken upon the most favorable ffr - °Mee U the;Wiirehontio of W./3.110nm. &Bro., 1C0.37 Water, neer Market arecti Pittebargli. • M.S.—The cocoons of rang-enelly sinearahe each. .11sLineut of the Agency in this city, with the promo-. eras and liberality eritb•orhieh every claim upon them for 100 hos been ,adnrated, fully the fleet in invi4s the confidence and plaronago ofkis friends and the community al lease to the Delaware MS. insu rance Company, whiten has the additional advantages as apirtstillltlOU IthaOtig the 1110 St °Wishing la railaac pais—as having an ample plan capitol, which by the operation of its charier is constantly increasing', as yielding to each Perwu its his due share of Me Profits of .thie corapany, without involving him in any aalPousibility.wheterra, and therefore as posrasslog the Mutual prinetple divested of every obnoxious kg. tare, end m la most attractive forre._ noel TITAUS.LLASIQUUUSirinaUsiaireiIaTa mit opening by 81SACYLA.-TTI WHITS, VI/ Wood BE } y ~., 1 6 - • - H 0 T-E L POLINTAIN HOTEL. LIG11? STREET BALTIMORE. 7000 000 vumwroft, rsontritriura. -111 Tins establishment long and widely known as being one of the dot commodious in the city of Bainmore, has Teddy undergone very eaten. glee alterations and improvemeno. An enure new wing . trez been added, containing numerous and airy sleeptlig apanmenli, end extensde bathing pods. The Ladies , department has also been completely reardniref! and fined up in a too truMtme and dead. fill stele. In fart the whole arrangement of the House hie b een 'modeled, with a single eye on the part of th, proprietors. towards the.comfon and pleasure of their GoArta, and which they confidently assert will challenge comperwou with any Hotel in the Union. Their ohle will always be supplied with every sob . sontoi end luxury which the market affords, served ep in e superior style; while la the way of Wide, Ac., tln will not be ritrprisred. In conclutu. ,he proprietors beam say, that nothing will be left undo*, on their part, and on the pert of their east . ..met, to render this Hotel worthy the continued pnrionage nf their friends and the public generally. The priers for board have also been reduced to the following rotes: I,ultre Ordinary, 11,75 per day. Gentlemen's ° 140 IL—The RaggagelVagon of the Hods will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey Lagrange to and from the Hotel, free orchard. marrif LABIAILTINE HOUSE, cotta 07 roman stn GISANT rrnms, srrresdou. la.THE subscriber respeettully announces that be has now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house and furniture are'entirely new, end no plod expend have beest spared to render tl one of the most comfortable and plendni Hotels in the city. The subscriber in determined to deserve, and there- fore solicits, a dare of public. palronage.. neridrilly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor. 1.110.71. EIMVIEMOSZTEI SanII7TII STA. (APPOSITE late Rank of the United Stater, Phila. delphia. M. POPE hIITCHELL, tend( Proprietor. LAW .OFFICES, JOHIII 11. RANKIN, TTORNEY and Counselbr at Law, and Comm.- or for the Slam. of Penmaylv.in, et. Louis, Ho )let, nl nt.burgd.) %taxa tacKa.—Pittaburain Hon. W. Forward, Romp ton & Miller, hFeandleaa & WGltire, John F. Parke tarll• & actopte, AP/Joni Jr. King. nogl4:dly RAI RD & STERRE'FT, TTORMWS AM) COUN,SELLORS Al' LAW. ..ns. Fourth street, hrtwoon SmUctfiehl sod ()rant, sotsburFh. Pu. juls John a. LASYL WIC C. /WM). 7. /LRCM & FRISCH°, t TTOR:VV.I'S AT LAW, FOUMI streeS,near'Grarit. • Julstlat 'JAMES r. Kirall4 Trominy AT LAW —Office on Fourth sr., be wren Smithfield and °taut st, Piurburgh. . _ TIhIBLIN, • ATTOIINIZT AT Law, Butler, Pa WILL also nnend to roller.na and all elder nem, crammed to him in Butler and Armstrong counties. Pa. Ruler to • J. it R. }load. Liberty et NV. I.V. Wallace, do Juno* Moreton! do Pieter:mob. Illy Kay A: Co., Wood et. ) jon7 T H. sWEITZE.R. Attorney at Lao., office NI st., ILI a opposite St. Charles Hotel, Yinsburgla, onll also our cd and Gre promptl to Collections, In Wonniuston,Fayenn en couynties, LEMMI Illarkrtock, Bell & Co„ , Church & Carothers, Prarburgh , ; lt T. Morgan. ocl3dly. L , J. IlKsiftli, 'Attorney and Counceilnr at Larr, Ciactunati, Oldo. Collection, in *oothern Ohio, pt d. In Indiana. and in Kentucky. promptly and care fully attended to, Commitsioner lortho State of Pen. ylv.it, for taking Iteposiuort,, acituovtledgmeau, c..&c. Run & son, Cvni., March & ran:ahem., W. Hays, Ey. , Wdlotk & Day.. st'S _ . • -- - BATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. PALL FASHION FOB. OATS. In AWOKE , &. Co. mill introduce this any giM no Aim 15th.) the (MI style of Gentlemen's him, corner of Filth and Woo., arra.. 21 , C011.11 & CO, augt.s (Successor, to hlCord & Kingi OIL IR lif•ahloMablis U•tt•en,,i Corn, of Mod mut Fifisc Sire u. rIARTICULAR attentioo paid to oar ROW! Trade. , Gentlemen eau rely upon getting their Ham and 'nos from our emebliahment of the a= IdATILMIN and MISCSSIIII., of the larM, 11711-11 M, and al the hamar tutu. Centro). :deo:nano, purebasing wholesale, are Ftpuettully invited to call and exonone oar Stock; as modcan Foy with rOnfadente that or regard,/ graus, ra:ca,.it will not coffer in a compartron with any dons, Cluladulphis. febl7 41 CALIFORNIA liAlil—lt! - dOz — waier point' I CaltrornLa Hatt, Rot received and fur sale by ACCORD & Co, telA corn, sth anti Wood poi 4 8PRIN n. CI Retain - ass von 1149 41 - * *To a Ca. will introduce on Elatue . day, 3lareh MI, the Eirrina style of MATS. Tho..• in want of a neat and supenor hat, are in eell et corner urtith and Weal streets. marl PRING BONNET RIBBONS, Ike.—W R Distephy l has nnw open supply of spring Rennet Ribbons, tif ni••• and handsome sty Les. Also, new •dyto tied lietts; Lisle Lanes and /Mg inEK; ldren Krlding.; %%monad, plaid Nluslies and .Id.nmn, em old,cll sa,. 51u.:kos, b,sides • Dime sl4.6llrftrUl of tip rillg litrad• genantly, at earth es, cum, fib and Market streets. NVholc,ale Roo. , ktp otaira. apt: FORWARDING & COMMISSION. I'UART .1. SILL, tironert. awl Produce and Cotn- IJ ationiu Itlerchat,ts, So. IIS Wood st. Patsbural, Pcalrraln thorenei, Flour. Whew, Itys,Osta, t - orn, Ilacry. Pork, Huron, Matter, Lard, Cheese, Clover, Tittnntiy and Has :tends; Iron. Natl., Glass., /ie./ie. kc. Particular Intention paid to the •ale of Western Produce. RiiliaNent—M . Myers & Hunter, Robs. PIO a Co., d Gills & Roe, Pimpress, Smith & Ca, King & Moorh e ad, Fearer 11 ,llillvy ;11,1.egillosi. JOE. S. Morrison, Eisq., St. 0.11, epakty , Cl 3 w. a 1.33.• . . 1 - 11LNIERAI.. AGENCY, Coiurntssinn and Foragiard kT ing hlerehanta. No.i:Gll.lrket at, Pmsburgh, Pn (CrPrompt attenuan given to the purchase ant malt Ill.:II kinds of Produce.. , Ruch To. --. John WOO h. Co., lll,nrphy, Mien° t‘ Co. i,,:itmburglt, Fo., Lawman It MIL Mahlon Aler Month, 0.4 John 11. Brown l Co., , Urig-gElluhl tr. Plulnalphin; U. IV. Bnotlgrads k & liars:, New LIFbOIII, 0 ; Fr. ',Lunar, Hon. C. D. Cuff., Bincuinnu, J. I'. kell , r, Vonoptogrn, 1E; W. L. Stan narl.Cleverlnntl, 0. ang2 I . . . GEORGE COCIIRAN Commission and Forwarding Merchant. No. 26 WOOD rt., sirrauctuu, i'IIINTINUES to 111111itCl n general Commission bati ks ness,epecially in the purchase and sale of Ameri can Nan factures awl Produce, and hi receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to hi. taro. As Agent for the Manutactures, he will he esinsumtly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Ainurtfaelnro at the 'invest wholesale prices. Orders and consigmacnta ars respsetfully solielteiL Penn Machine Shop. wita am A N—Nanrfaeturerofallkind.orcot and woollen inactinery, Allegheny city, rat. The above works being now ill full and saccestrra op trtion,'l aria pregnant! to excrete orier• with dingatch for a all kinds of maclunery in Ay bite, Itch, t. picker*, spreaders, cards, grintigg irmettnes, MI way, drawing (ranter, %gender., thrtraila, loom., woolen Cari., double or Angle, for tnerehent or country work, male:jack, hoc slide and band lathes and tool. in pro_ rut. All kindvof shafting made to order, or pliiit• en (or geanng factoricn or trill. at rcinionable charge. 11crrnvo—Ketunidy, Childs A Co., illacktlock, /left tr. (In.. King, Pennock A. Co., Jas. A. Monongahela Livery glabla .e l s ROBERT H. PAT1 , 30.40N has opened the Inge stable on First et, running through to Second., between Wow! sand anothfield sts.,in the real of the Monongahela House, ar,th an entirely new stock of Hones and Carrnnins of the beat gamily and Intent styles. Hones kept in live ry ie the best unmner. ly.ally • FOIL OLLEENIMOOD GALLIDEMS. The. tean, boat A. MASON** no . ruus from the Poiut, foot of Ltherty street, to the Wu lerleavlng et o'clock, A. M., and at the .guining of each hour until If P. Al. Vootrrs may rely on horitng the boat at the hour. Phe iceves the tialtitni, Me last up trip, at lu o;cloek. The season is fast advancing, and thrme wirloog to 1,12111 this dulghtful repeat, Dow is the tuue to suciol few hours, not io the smoke and dust of the City, bill ill a pore atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance of flowers. • • . All kinds or mfreehments, except intoxicating drinks, 'nre kept on the premises. Greenhouse Minis, and rlountacts Of ettOiee dowers for sale. Closed on Sun day. /3,6 JAMES hIIItAIN. (A-Change of lending made on necorint of low we . atmoiAL _ • azomaiLLTEßßEnossit 8. 11. /WENT, Pning mid Commission Mer . chant, has removed to No. h 7 tr.', between Wood end Smithfield street..mot _ . _ %A/it — hart, swot, PUMPS, made on no linprnott V plan, nu as not to (tense in line coldest wroklher. Intuung such •rtlettnnurn In rail nn.l re lLcisi at SCAIFIi O. ATKINSON'S, nolh Ist, betwrcn Wood Marlon to S• • teamßrick Works for Sale. pill.; Mligenher ode. for sale, the STEAM II .1.: WORKS, above Lawrenceville, romprlsing a Stearn Engine, 2 Boilers, I Moold Morlilite, anorthic, of reenulactunug 20,14.41 Fret/mil Sticks tont of dry cloy, s. taken from the bane,) per day; veld, three neres -of land on th e Altegheny niter, on whieh are 4 ill. and sheds. machine and clay shed.. wheelbarrows, truck., thnems, epodes, Sc., every Jung requislte to t•orte• own, opera:in. et sat hours trobee. Priee, Including the parent right to am sold machine, 117,000—terom of I payment mode easy. Without the tend-85,1141. For I partieulars, addresa IIIiNFIS hiEI4I4IIT, _!t_tte - a - drf No Ile ilonoogabele 111041se._ . rikit...iiiiliisit - ititii OburtiriliV. - AiA FUI.TON, Dell end Dram Founder, has or. built and commenced business 115 his old stand, where be will be pleneed to see In. old rostrum ers nod friends. Charelt,Stearnboat,ami Hells of every raze, from 10 to IO,LOU pounds, cast from patterns oldie most approv ed models, i wurrmued to be of Ma hest materials. Mineral Water Pumps,Countem, Railing, 50., toge ther with every 'ninety of Brans Castings, li required, tamed nod firaMed In the nee.. manner. • A. F. iv the sole propnetor of B.Ser . • Arch-Al - Ma d . 10 , .M1 44 a 4 4 m Surly cetabrated for the reduction of trin " .,iinin inn nbi 4 iirT.. - .The Boom and Gompoolitton can he hada( him at ail timm. ia2 0. .1y 1 3 — TONTINOFAPER-21.10 -- -reases — ofFiirstig and / 34. k P.M ra avert..article.. limited vise. hood. Any al...nada to order at shone.* node.. -, mots 3 C HILL, En Wood at PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MONT' G, NOtEttIVEk 12;'1849 COPARTNERSHIPS. Dlsiolntlon. . . . THE partnership of the undersigned, under the firm of Hawley &Smith, was dmsolred by mutual consent ma Dth September, IV. Begaley purchasing the interest of J. FL Smith, who reuses. The business of the firm will be settled by their successors, Wm. Swaths' & Co., at Nos. 18 and Wood sr WILLIAM DACALEV, Pittsburgh, Oct. 8, '49. ISAAC B. SMITH. CO-PARTNERSIIIB.—Wm Baffetcy having Imo. rimed with him Wm. H. Woodward or Phlinde'phut, John B C.nsgrave and. Ralph Bagaley of Pittsburgh, i t willeo tinne the Wholesale Grotery Bustneas,at Nos. In and Wood at. under the firm of M. BAGALEN Ir. CO , l'innburgh; and AUALEY, WCODWARD tc CO, Phllent. oe - Isioliit ,! - 1 . “lf Co—Partnership. , T"s}jFerPitZs,'"ungidPerhl7:47:onrianb'rCZbethrto - se 4 dalsol•ed on the tat Mg. byaw/ad consent. M.ll. BROWN, Piusbursh, Oct. 5, 1949. A. CULBERTSON. The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Otter ry and Commission Business, as heretofore. at the old wand. 145 Liberty st. .t 5 A. qILBERTSON - • 'TAYLOR. is BICANNTs PROPRlnrons °ETRE PITTSBURGH ALKALI WORKS, are now prepared to furnish a supenor article of Soda Ash and kludetie Acid. -Persons ‘ , ish: In to purchase either of the above articles, .3 re quired to call on ISAAC WALKER, No. El Fifth at , and examine the articles before purchasing elsewhere. N. IL--The Soda Ash tatanufactured at this establish. silent greatly superior to any odor brought to this market. ts spin UM. LTIUT3OI. SCAUFE. s ATKINSON, arrruzarg WOOO Pm.;lnman, C.4NTINUE to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, %.../ TIN AND SIIFMT IRON WARE Also, Black en:Loh Work. Steam Boats built m order. . . Vs7vt ‘ o i n ' ran n :l i a ° : enralssu ' rtm ."s ent l oTtoype r r k and Ditto Kettles, Tin Ware, ke. ke.. Smamboat Cooking/litotes, Portable Forge., various sllte—a very convenient ar title 'for eteamboata, California malgvards, or rail Mad companies. Wirwould reTeetfully invite mann boat men and others to call and me one articles and prices- before purchaelne elsewhere • • • lotion of Partnerskiip.. THE copartnership of HENRY lIANNEN k CO., tormerly gannet, Muller et Co., In th e Window • d Colored Olasr business, is this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. . . . The business will be continued the undereigued under the.finn of HENRY HAN (EN & CO. %Vim house No. 1M Second lit, where we will _c,. ,:,,.r supplies of importer liVilidow Canes. , JOHN HANNEN. • 111.11311 ROBERTSON Pitubar2h. Auk. 27, 41. HENRY UMSTEAD. Copartnership. THE anderaigned have this day associated with theist iv busmeas JACOB L SCHWARTZ, mtd will con dime the business as heictefore. under the firm of B. A. FA UNILATOCK t CO. IteY fit 1849. 1913 rfhllE Naturally heretofore existing under the firm I of A. & C. BRADLEY, is dissolved by the deeeue of hir. C. Bradley. The bonne. wrll he curiad on by A. Bradley, who will wttle the buineu of the late firm. REMOVAL —A, Buzau, hail removed h Foundry Warehouse from No. 112 Selland wee. is to No.ll Woad street. between First anal Second streets, o the srarehouse lately °rimmed by O. A. Bony, where he will !Sep constantly On hand a general worn:mut of Canitng• Orates, Stoves. Recd.! Stoves, de. jyl3 bias°harken. MBE eo-parmersipp Sierctofore criaiing between the subscnbers, m the name of Constalole, Berke At C 0.,, . this day thuolved by mutual consona Means. Burke A Barnes will settle the bushman of the con. cern, for which they anthorised to use th name of the conc p er r n.NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, e . . . . EDMUND BURL - THOMAS BAlL‘in. The undersigned hare Has day associated theauelien the name of BURKE h BAB-NES, for 'Die purpose of etanufacturteg Fire Proof Safes, Vault Door. te. Le., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke tri Co, where they will be pleaded m reeetre the pa tronage of the elastomers of that house and their Blonde FarlitUND BURKE . THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Bake k. Co., I with stheere pleasure theomniend Messrs. Burke is Barnes to the eaufidener of my friends and the public. Feb. 9, 1 3 19. I NATUANIEL CONSTABLE. fellfkla DISSOLUTION tIE Is la P lr ' rd et i re P ieallo U nee nr e n t. r Th k Ta : si L et!f d tb *Y e lam arm mill b seared IL Lee. J. E. MURPHY, Pi us burg J art.-1111 lege. IL LEE. NOTICE—The undersigned will continue We Wool business and wend to the sole of Wooten Goods, at the old stand. IL In retiring from the firm of .Idurphig It Lee, I take great rewire in recommending Mr. 11. Lee to We confidence of nay friends and Me public. Pt iwburgli, J.. u,1b49. J. IL . _ CO-PitaTINEItiIIIP. • - - 'II9[TAI:I3. SC UFF.- and Copt' Jp,IF ATKIfieION A y y ban ordered Into cartooning, ander no lion of AT.ILLNSON, aad "rill carry on no Iln, Capper, and Sheet Iron Ware nuanafaelorg. - Also, Blnkamilhing in all its broach., lir the old aloud of . &sire, That arteu, near Wont Particular attention given in aleamboat work. .12 • 1 HAVE true day aaaoclatea wish new tee whole. talc Grocery, Produce and Cortouramon badness, rey in other Joaepeonaler th e &no 0f.1.1 DILWORTH & Co. J.l. DILWORTH. • January I, POP. da PAIR.VRESECHLIIP—Wen. Young y aasociated with him, John R. M'Cone, the lea ther will hereafter be ewithiewil ender the fain ol Wm. Young I Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, Juni JNO. 11. xrcutir_ MISCELLANEOUS. Ilamorral. il o &l4t .r „tL 'u ,tt ' , ' , ' ,. ° 4. " l. b ,n r : ** o " , d ,p ' °,..T o tly o Hems trrurn, where ne wilt be happy trisew e btairlend. and former enstomera . oevAl TO (PRIXTIOIIB. JOLIN D. 3PCREAILY. Printing Ink Martufactitrer, N.. 331 and 100 Stanton street, NEW YOKK—De• pot ?io. 3 Spruce street—Would call the attenuon of Film., to hoe Improved Punting Ink. of various ktnds •111.1 orders, . the following proves: Extra fine Jet Bloch: for Card and Wood Con. - - - Si 00 .d 3 (0 per lb. Fine Book Ink . • 0 73 ° t - Ilona nk - • • 040 " 0 So " News Ink - 0 19 11 20 0 . 073 " Roe Red Ink • 73c 1 00 150 " 7Mr Mae, Yellow, Green and Whole 730 1 (0 1 30 Gobi size at 113 NU lb, nod Bro.° at 30, 73 eta and Si per or_ . e A specimen of Ne . Ink can be seen on this paper. l H For sale by JONSTON & STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. 114org. & Co. nehmati, Ohio. Moron & Griawonld, Louisville, Ky. ontibilfinn . ___ =l72t L) GROSS Am ref (Com the Philadelphia Factory, Ai an excellent ar ts e for rendering Boots anti Shoes Perfectly water proof, and soli as • piece of cloth. One appl ication vi of ell. Paste is sufficient to make term Imperus to water (or two months; and is • perfect preventative from theileather eracktog. Sold whole sale and retail at No. 6 Wood at. oClig J. & If. PHILLIPS. Op; *Viral Oysiterst DITKE COD Daily Eire. is now resularly herring Can .d Shell OYSTERS, which are of. bred to dealem and familms at the Intent prices. bet, quali nd for ty warranted equal to any brought to MU ma. a sale by J. C. ILTIOWE'LL, A. Water st. Also—At the following depots:— Reis is Or rear, ear. ner rionciclield and Second sts; R. Ifeaeleton, Diamond; Mercer fr. Robinson, Federal at, Allegheny. °alb JADES W. WOODWEI.L, Modern and Antique Furniture, b 3, Tutu Bruer, Prrnamunt. A large and splendid usortment of Farnham, soluble for Steamboats, Botch and prptate darel. Begs, conatantly on hand and made oil order. The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western coutry. Persons wishing to purehige woul d do well to give me a call, as lam datum/bed my prices shall please. PM( of the stock Collattl In— Teta a Tote. Buffet Etagele• Loot XIV Chairs; queen Elisabeth chair.; Tz.lt.*-1Y:bleo; fruit Tables; I#ol2lll XV Coo:moiler; French Mahogany lkdateads; Piano Stools; 62.1 as mob Plush and flair-cloth cows; 50 illatmgmly Ruching Chain; 40 dos Parlor 00 Fancy do 21 centre Tables; 20 pair Divansr 4 pair pkr Table.; 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; Wardrobes, fl Secretaries and Book eases; so marble top Wash Stands; 4 pair Ctitonums; pair fancy Work Stands; A very large auartreent deco:Lawn chain and other urniture too numerous to mention. .. . la. So.= lleatif furnished on the shortest notice, ant, Diaphragm - s o p n h th r e a m g o m s t r lT:l T l:t ibui n s n a r s T:fir t 7:l: :li y t d r yi l e si I, ~.., t 1 1:: h d a a::: i s t 0 ' r i 4. Pole Agents for the sale of the ; Patent Ikapuhgut Filter, for the ell Reser Pittsburgh utd Allegheny. JOIIN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter M Gillum, SW Ilnualway N. Pi Oct. 10, lath We Lave been using one of the above articles at like office ord.. Novelty Work. for three months, on trial, end feel perfectly u se that ais a useful invention, Rod we take pleaure,ln recommending them as • usc, fat eruct.. to all who love pure water Orden will be thankfully received and t t Co omptly executed. seas JAY NGSTON, ROGGEN Liev•rsible avowing Cook. FOR PURIFYING WATER, Wkl ... el t, mo u der ub. turbi c t . oru no r r r u p , : b r i e e b to y 6.1 t i ) 111".r . 0,• L i::,Te.1 .71`fot;.". York, ) - .b.n° tmlpreas rase tkroulk 'MI filtering cock, show. a large deposit Impuresubsances, worms, Re. Thu is the case more or Leo with all hydrant water. , The Reversible Pi It le neat and durable, and not attended yeah the inatinvenlenee lacidult to other Filtercrs, as II is cleansed without being detached Rork the water pipe, by merely llinslag the key or handle from one side to the other By this eery procete, the rte of water la changed, and 'all accumniatioas fo impure substance are doyen ad almost insteatly, wok., ~,,,,,,,,,i,,,, e Filter. It also possesses the o deantage ef ~ a top cock, and as soak ST Many elm. will be very co cement and economize!. htan be attached here there is way protons high or low to a cask, t • tub, to. w We eau. To Le had of the sole Agent, 'A , W. WILSON, netl7 ea et of Fourth and Mutat eta IiALIPETS . CARP . .--- Ra te to e der; ht W, hp. 1../ CLINTOCK'S , t Watch:e, N 0.73 Fourth 'ay a fpnap r su pply of stye., of the latest utd most approved styles, to hien we Invite the attend. of FITEAMIR)AT MEN, and those wishing lo furnish HOUSES, to call uld ands II the largest assort:meat in the city, which we II sotl cheaper than ever be• fore offered in the cetera market_ Carpet Ware- 12210212=2111 1118CELLAN,E0118 • Chocolate, Cocoas be. W. Bakeyl• Amerman and French Chocolate Proper re O , C.., Cocoa Nato Brows, Cocoa Shells, Ice. Tmetabolite and consumers, who would purchase . the llealproducts of Coco free from adulterattory . c See, di tqueßlY pased, tin subscriber recommend . " ommend? m.afaebtynl by himelL and stamped Triaibill name. Ills Broken and Conan Pule, so de li oFto,P.d , C.Mer and salutary drinks for invalids, oonnale.wents,ano other, ate pronounced by the most emirieurphydriens sapenorro any other pieparation.s. lire ...brae... are alwalys eta sale, in any quantity, by the most re spectable prrocers in the eastern clues, and by then agenks, llaweoGray Oen., ofttoatour James Nil:truce ts. co, Hanford, Como Mooney A. Murray, Now York; Grain fa Stone, Philndelphin; 'Names V Bru fungi, Bal. umorei and Kelloca & Bennett, Cincinnati, (lOW. wiLLTER BAKER. Dorchester blew. For sale by airy:ll BAGAI.EY A SMITH, Agra Wrought and Cast Iron Rolling. subscnbers beg leave In inform the public that 1 they have obtained from-the East all the late end fashionable design • for Iron Roiling , both ( or h amos atta cemeteries Personswishing to procure hand. some patterns will please call and examine, and bike for themselves. Railing will he furnished at the short est notice, and In the best manner, et the sorrier of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. sitirta•Atf A. LANIONT KNOX. W. & J. GLENN. G..) , lkisder. VE: ere toll engaged in the above haunt", corner of Wood rind Third iltreets, l'itwburgh t where wel..P.9mnd to do any work iu our line with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and coils- Union Toll be given in regard to its neatness and do- Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound cub stanthdly. Books in numbers or old book• bound care fully orrepaired. Names pot on hooks in gilt tome. now that have work in our line ate invited to call. Priem, low. nirMaf _ • t. NOTICE. HAVING itolit our entire stock to C. 11.0vorr, with a view to closing our old Legate.. we hereby so- licit far him the Patronage of all our friends and cus tomers. RO. W. POISIWATER, - - • Pittsburgh, Aug. 40, 104 P. el IL fI RANT, Wholesale Grose i, Commminn and Fnmardlna blerchnnt No. 41 Water. auln 13awlea s Cooking 8t C0.,C0. VIARBIIALL, WALLACE & O Round Church, 21. corner Liberty and Wood wrens, manufacture and offer for said Platform, Floor and Counter Scaler, of the most improved quality; Cooking Shoves, for wood and coal; Egg Stoves n 1 various Parlor and comm.. Grates ' hollow Ware, •he. he. They also manufacture the Kitchen Range. whic h has ovien such general “Llistattuon to those h avin g it in use, to all of which they would respectfully ItI•Ite the anennon of the mu:ens and the public generally. oct27-dtf ANCEACTURED TOIIAGEI)—The subscriber would call the attention of the ray !rude and dealers In the following brands Tobacco.; in hioreand io arrive, wh‘rb being consignments di reef from 111.11tnelynItS, be In .enaLled In, sell at east , . ern price.: I..ts ft iv Crenshaw, Ai; " Jan ies Madison 5.; et Lamanine Os; • aO I Mira beau S.; CJ I " Vemsaf Os and It, to I Rohs:. B ensson h I Omar Burl as. 9 " /ow" 4. Lewis Is; 3 " ‘Vanotek, sale I.; In I " Ilanry & James 5.5, Is and 6.; febtl L 8 WATERMAN li,'ss - Pitt Haab's@ Works And Foundry. TWIN WRIGIIT le Co., ace prepoted bid Cott. LI and Woolen Mwbottery of ver, ciariouon, sucb u o t n as Culling Machine, 14pinig Prames clpecorrs Drawtng Fratnes, Itailway Heads, 11:a tverwapoolenr, Drcesing Frame., Lotting, Card rlnnder.. &c %Wrought 'lon Shafting owned, all sues of thud iron, Plite% and Dangers of the latest patients, sltde anal baud Lathes, Lod tool* 0(111 kinds. Casungs of evrn - dariptlon 'furnished on sLort notice. l'attern. mod to order :Ur Gcano, Iron Itaituic. Swans r:pe for heat. ing rattans . , Cast Iron Wit/ulna , Soot end fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left at Luc Warchoi,;sc got J. Pattner Jr. Co Liberty street, sett! have prompt town. 111acketoch, nru & Co. J. K. Moorehead & Co., E. %Var.,. Jobb Irwin & sone, I . ..bare; C. k._._ll Wanaer.So.obeav;lle. laulL NRRI COACH FACTORY, irock, be Federal as .1 Santlooky A 11,...) bey " ar e n o w malung and are prepared to tree..e orders for areal deseripnon of velbeles, COMettell. Charon's, Bo mocker, Buggies, Phrernnw tke., Ate., whtan from Vert lung akperienee to eye mattufartura of the above wore, anti the (animas they have, they (e el( ronfident they ate le 10 do work on tun mast reaseristAr terms wi th these watiung >Males in th eir line. payma partlentor atteximan to the teleenon of sod having none but competent workmen, they bore 043 iada..IIIIIIOn Ci warrantlng their work. tVe therefore ask the al:en:ton or ;It pultae w thw matter. N. U. itapairing dorm talks tteit lannuer, Mul on the mow tensonable terms. IaT.MI T " cprrox AND WOOLEN kW:III4'II7C. ULU-to —llavlog made all•Ilpe tof a COI., soon supply of FACarttitY VlNDlN nzelos VW we will tell II lOW prices Prof and Sheep Ruler $3310, lore Loa ther. Pickers. Reed., Shuttles, Hemp Tonne Trerolles' fine S fa 15 tklt Puncher, tVlrUCtiro. twespputa Cord., ia; rarer Ureraer Brasher, Westvaco' Broth s BA. Or. • IArGAN. WIL.WuN At CO., myt tilt Wi'o street. rittorturah. PM' WlNYS—odhef,. Wail.: rnontrOr, 1 , 34; Yore rich and d Gould, Cordoba's, dry Ode (damn's 113 I; Pure thOh Pure Jente-par dealer Port, Harris &Moo*, Pure Juice, threhle, doe, bla AV single Grapes. These wine. arell reldhwo red (coital; medieat, on:Tenter, and can bo had whole sale or retail la Wine State in .002 T . offers for is.e. a targe riaculthi A. assortment of rosewood iced nruSogang grand Ac.. Moll Purnell, welt lend ler shout Culetvan's oelebssted .s,lorrsnAusclitoeut. The shove In-truensnts arc war. • ranted eriusl lo any oranu.setured t coon ., lend vil I Ire word ;o;yer ther as) !quash: troen the E.asl No lln wood .n 2.. re Jiff N. 13 e.erm taken at par tar 1.4'01 ha ahoy. assortment. if ardware•-.Chaapar than Ihlie•rt LMAN, WILSON & CO. Importer. Kohl \Vholevals Dealer. in Hardware. Cutlery and Siddlery, Yo IM Wood street. above vae.,haye now in s.ore a eery cheep mid well selected stock of .11ailwkre, Imported mice the decline of pnces Eutope. aud a.m.o tkey B. determined to sell enrrespondmely low. ISlerekann who have been or the habit of going F.att, arc particu larly requested to mill 11.11 a look through our stock, as wet colikdeotly Lenore they an', save their es - pence. nal DAILY at Me BALTIMORE, PIIILARELVIIIA, NEW YOKE. 1108 CON AND NEW ORLEA NS GENERAL AGENCY AND COS/ Mitt:3loN OFFICE Voting MEN in wholesale and retail storm and other respectable business, to-net as Deuk-keepers, Sales meet, Porters, Dar-krepers, Waiter., Fame. Coach-. men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collectors, overseers in all branch., of Lassoes, Sc. .We have at all amen u large camber of good nictiatlons on fiend, which pay from =lto SCOW per um. Those In wemt of situations of any kiwi avoid do well to give as a call, as we have ageins is each of We 11,01 e ei nes, whiedi will enable as to place evrryapplicant in a suitable situation at the shortest noire. We have s large amiuminance in all ao above named cones, Isaiah we trust will 'enable its to glen 00000 .14.11161 C. loon to an who may favor us with a 0011. . . . TAYLOR & TA YMAN, Nn. JJ Second st., Yetweeu South and Guy. N. B —Persons living in any pan ni the U. States, and wishing to obtain a situation in Itallitnore, or ci. Cher of the above cities, will hove their wants imme diately anrinled to byaddressingt: natl. us line, trio•i-paid) an as bydoing they will e:lo th trouble, and ro. in,..,, which they otherwise world imiar .14 , miming to the cliy, and seeking employment i.el themselves Address, TAILOR & TAY SIAN, No.2l.Yeeimil street, Or. *Lan; I 'HIS Ls to certify Mat I purchased one vial of Dr. j Mc Lane's Worm Specific, wine two month. L i lo and gems to son of same, wme seven years . 0 anspoona fall, and although Lite amount Rot dPP Large, pa I Lave no doubt but them wag nines. dd . of two traw.otcn %Vonm pavaed from him, 121C.121112( Mom ono gunner of on inch to two Moho. tong. W HOLLIDAY. Socmh.llve e k. a.urrol co. Tenn., Dee M. 1...17. oz2l - - . 1 BENNETT 4 BROTHER, 0,0,.. 4.ty , CNSW ARE M ANUFACTI: HERM. ^ Siren airtiaca, (near Plata:mar gh,] P. War e, No. 137, Wood aired, Pittsburgh. Vw 1,4, scant:mils keep on band a good wort. me t of Wown manufacture, and aupumorqualny. Wbokaele and country Alen ' eh mats are relymetrully 1[1•101110 en!! and en. aroma for iterttaelves, 03 WO are detersumed to well cheaper than has ever oefore been offered to the pol tm. (Amts—duat received, N. asmrrune Id silver Turedd, Cord and Braid; also Uullion, for embroideriod and other or irk. Also,sold olyd silverTamsele, Frtued TIIE ut gold :Tangles • neauLgtal Id Lace. Jn we Icy tt uch • and tor sal aug7 1313=1 THE • 4 ItA I ' Oath 45 ce °Nu from 9 Open (rein aA.ALno II P. AI :tooth. 'a, or a (or 1 dollar. Ladies deparliaont to II A. AI. and from 2 to'S P. 51 [mein Salooloi are unequalled in MO.: Recherche lee Crearria! T. nITALL, Preprieror. THIC A 14.16015 ET uou of the, public is rcaticetrutig called to Wing cartiectitos: tested a qmoiUty of Gold our Arrotactor, I fin the urn ent-correct; on'd recoti d umend tlie of It g to Caltfornto. ne the best tuailial oto cortunctid about temp. It glve... ty of mthly to tore.° marlY It to the tine of nom gen men Irtio are clog In California In !much of Gold. claw, approziroation to the !specific greet I, and will eerhanly enable the adventurer t when tile placer is yleldlog Gold. Yuan., rearnv.. J. C. APCLINTOCK 'INDIA ft j. Calif° n Lornt (fll,Str for l loam Hubbl decrlr _I flocctvcd tor the .. I . lxpecliomt, a complete from Llottung, at prlcee rougtoF from 5540 to 11 of emu, pane and kat ' , or sale at the Dopot, Na 5 Wood . .. ! h II • K.KRAT w E ILA A DDL NARN Ess, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN 1,0 UFAM rißY.—The !subscriber takes Duo method or Inform. his Dienes and the public In General that he ha. the urge. stook of the following named aril. eles of bis •wn manufacturetu this env—Snildles, liar. near, Tutu' I and Whips, all of which bo will warrant to be made lithe best 1336tenal told by the best mech ..... A n clOteeT County. Biting Determined to sell hit lilac tare oometbing lower than has been how, mime sold by any similar establishment in the City be would invite pcinto. in need of the above named articles to h i s marabou., N 0.114 Llbewy street, °Mum site Seventh. Also, ban. mimic to order for maehle. rY_ uctsthly 11. REALM% O.IOIIT and . beer Moe lIILLSOFERCHANGIL Per - ID able in gineinnalt, Lcaloille and St. Lowe, par ch...l on the moll favorable terms sptil rt. mums t exiNs. M=:=l MI3IMM tt uy mail,acentnpanted by themprhor ilI be promptly atlenned in. njylti the latest fashions, in great variety. impeller trunlity and hemline' pattern., t Eastern prices. tV tV W11....0N, corner Market and Fourth. al value 01 Gold. Iteqp. you J. 11. DUN LEVY, rs, Uccle,. Blimh O. 1049. rus - reounun, March 7,1040. Lk. Sin Having ezumuted the ''A otn!etl at you r, I net huntate MEL von we ILEMOVAI. rennin:mat cora or inl.otosas 'non ns swung 117128 Or S. M... oR 1.1•1117 OD 211. srarrai, vlt . . Scrofula or Ring's Evil, Rheumatism, Ointinetc Cute. neon, Eruptions, Pimples or Pustulation the Face, Illotehes, Bile.,Chrome Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Totter, Scal Head, Enlargement and Pain o the Done* and DMus, Stubborn Ulcer., Syphiltie Symptons, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and disceasso arising from an iniudielous use of hlercury, Am. files or Drorgy, Expeuire or Imprudence to Life; Alon—Dinnnie Congututional Disorder,, &c. Thia Medicine him acquired is Very extended and es letiliehed reputation wherever Shan been used, based entirely on Its own Merits, which Ito superior efficacy hag ittnne eustained. The unfontinate victim of her. editary disease,' with swollen slands, contracted si. news, and bones half carton., him been teetered to heelib and mgor. The acrofultats patient, covered with ulcers, loathsome to himself and his attendants, been made whole. Hundred. of persons, who bad groaned hopelessly tor year. under cutaneous and glandular disorders, chronic rheumatism. and many other complam. springing from n derangement of the seeletiVe Ora.s and the eirrulatioo, have been Mim! as It were from the rack of disease, and now, with re generated constitutions, gladly teat to the efficacy of this inestimable preparation. nTRETII IS STRANGER THAN PICTION.' The Attendee of the reader is tailed to the following amonishlng cure. effected by the use of Sande'Sarmip, mine: Th. ism certify that I have a colored woman who has been alllicted for the last five years with Seagull, and all the remedies I need had no effect in arresting the progress of the complaint; an the contrary, she eonstantly giver worse; and after expending between YDU and tcleu with physicians. besides using other pop ins, remedies without the till the disesee bad eaten away the cartilage of her e... dose, made itsappc mice oo various parts usher 'body, and had finally r y commenced its ravages in the roof of her mouth. In this dreadful sanation, wits the prospect of death staring her In the face, I gutted her case to Dr. Discs. way, the agent for Sands' Sarsaporilla in Newborn, N. C . by whom I was advised to use that artiste; and to my surprise and that of my neighbors, to whom bee ease was known. after using four and a half bottle. she was restored to perfect health, and that in the spare of three weeks, and with able to work in two weeks frow the Lila.: she commenced taking it. In witness of the truth of this jtatement, I have hero• onto affixed my name, this 10th dapof Scot., 1047. JOSEPH M'COTTER, J. P. Mouth or Nee. River, Craven en, N. C. . . SORE THROAT. The following is an caused flora a letter received Gm 311 e. Bevan, who hod been afflicted several years with Seroodeass Littera, Drepepitri, qnd recently an affection of the throat and dolt Balleythuor, V a , Dee. 10. 1911 Metals. A. B. k D. Bon= Betore I commenced as hey your Samapardla. my sufferings were almost p.m expresoon; my throatwas completely ulcerated. I had a dreadful cough, arid there were frequently weeks to gether that I rood not speak above • whisper, and be. Wes, the tell smatatien from my !Moat emended tong head. ad that my hearthq was very much impaired. After taking' the riats.paritla it short tither, ray health improved, and my throat is now well; I ant ad tree from smash and tightness of the chest as ever I was, and sau hear quite distinctly. My throat has been web hout three month., the rum of whlth hat been effect ed entirely by the use of your Symparilla, Your friend. LOCUM It. BEVAN. The fullusentg testrmomal to the value or the Sump ann., ot from toe Rev. Luther kk meta, aged 70 years Congregarathal Munster, rending at Wohum: Woman, Mass, klarch !PIA Me.sro. Stools: Genttetern, From what I here expe rt...cod. and AM the Inform:Blurt 1 have reuentlY ie. cetved (onto a atwitter of pertdon. of Leh rmopectattilt oy who ae used yor Sarsaarilla, have nut the leas &tat.h v , hut that h is a molt v p aluable l medicine, end that t the numerous CentileOlet you have received.of its efficacy are Inky thomned . by experience, and al. though 11A repatauuti and unity are very extensive, and stand in no need of my humble elder. to increase them, I want all who are atffleted by thew to Immune acquainted with the ethearty and power of your volu tem.•. I am, gentlemen. gratefully, andy respectfully yours, LUTH ER WRIGHT. Prop,.Ted and ro;.1, wholesale and Wall. Itr, A 11. D ANDS, Orn a ttat and enent.l.l, lOU Fall.. an, of No.. Vark. Said 1111.0 by Drug gi. geueraily throavnout :vlllO. and Ca ada.. Price 51 per 1,0100 I.oltle. for For sale OZ . 1.. WILCOX. Jr, A. FARNESTOCK A CO.. and EDWARD FR.'S ORRICE, thststourgh o. by 10. S. OMITfI Ilridg.rater, ertEt PITTSUMPIFI FEMALE INATITVTE. Ins hiatonte, under •the core of Rev. 3. li. COS. - 1 .1 DORN AND LADY, will re-open on Monday, the 10th of Septernhor, to the mommum Na Ott Liberty street. llnvints Mooed the number of s, their pupils, the etioropals hope to scent a conOnuatton of that :iberal patronage they have ht ltervo enioyed. • Falcons iney feel enured that every advantage will he atforded their tLit.shlatE If pieced under their charm for 04. taming a thorough Rugheh, Olneeieht, and Ornamental ednemion. aurelitollf • YOUNG LADINS siranisAny, 41111.1.../110.7. AUTI.73IN SESSION of this Insittution will manuterme co the first Monday 111 Septelllll,. RJOr, alp...lend street. la "Colomde Row," MI door from the 'midge. or Troths gm imam. or siva Alomm.. Ethtlien Depurunent. ineluding Reading, Gob...ra t and Degiong, Writing. English Grammer, Ramo or , Login, Engloh Composition and criticism, Geo. crephy, History, Arithmetic and the higher branches Of Methernmes, Natural Kale...oily, Chemistry, As. swag.), .Reitanyy. Physiology, Geology, intellectual mid Moral daimon, sail ail odor brmelit. requisite to a thorough English Pitman. • • - Pai Classical Department, includim the Lana and Greek Language., emit - - - - • 8 on French, MI German, $lOl no The serrigest of competent teachers are secured foe $1,44) as emus. instruction in French and German, and also in Drawing, Palming and nimle. It is desirable that pupils .enter at the continence runt ofa Erman, yet they ore received any time, and are eharged at the above rates from the bare of entrance. No deductions are made for absencea,,x_ coot iu rain.of proirartad t ie Further information may tie Mouthed, and applies• ti made by calling upon the Principal, at his rooms on Federal meet, or at his lodgiug.'lrtvin's Rowan Libeny street, Pittsburgh, between :Id non tab street.; or by addressing, through the Pittsburgh Post Office, the Principal. N. w.l%cgreni.F. Allegheny. Aug. 7, IEIO di( PITTS/11711011 1118TITUTig fi , llE. Second Session of this Institution, rider the J. care nf Mr. and Mrs. Gomm., for ' the 'present academe year, will commence on the first of I'ebruis ry next. in the same buildings, No. $1 Liberty street. Arrangements bane been made by which they will be able to furnish yoong ladies facilities equal to my in the tVerit, for obtaining a thorough English, Clmsi eat, and Ornamental education. A full emir. of yin. llsopinedl and Chemical Lectures will be of dTi. Ole by app tar. I: i h o e de de. [M;lt e it " ge " s °f , Dr o aw cal ing ."l and d 7euttring, each be node ' , the care nit competent Yenteseor. Ily close attention to the morel and intellectual improvement of their pu pae, the Principulahope to merit a continuation of the Liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms see circular or apply to the Principals Yet-Cannon. Kept ASK Tlittnt K. illilltElll:—Dear Pir, Your Witt. LV/ TING FLUID we have now been using more than yrde, and on looking ever the entries made by it, we had the cohir • bright blue blues' It is plea-ant to write with, dews free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in use. AVishlng You the ready sale its merits demand, we are, yours respectfully, - . , SIAIRSON & CO. For solo, together w,lb Ilibbert's Red Ink, .d Ma chine Copy Init, by R. A. Fahnectock & Co., H. P, Schwartz, Allephony Ccly, and by the manufacturer, T. K. 1... Drumm and Climuirt., corner of Übe. , ty and owittLel4l.l4, Yimborgh, ooin wAntavAil rAtarxx. /WHOA 11,1.. . . . .PALMER, HANNA IL CO., (Spaces.. to Haney, flan. n, . /a RANKERS, Cu.) EXCHANGE . HEIM JRS, and actio in Foreign and !kanc.t. Exchango r CeruGcnte• of Depoaae, Rank Notes, and Spe c e— Fa rth .erect, ucarly oeposile the flank of Pthallorgh. Car rent mo ney received on depo.ite—Sight Cheek, for sale, and collectiona made on nearly all the pnncipal points in the Untied SUMS. • . . Tim highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold . Ad 0..., made on conaignipento of Produce, atop ped Ern., on Itheral merino. apt! P.o . en Sccuano JANCACT Anent ercuslever eztenaian Tables, Sofas, Bureaut, Boa Cams, Waring Desk,. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. - . THE TABLES far surpassing every other ventan oldie krod now extant They Oa he ex tended from ten to oVenty.five fend, and when clomd the Ica ves are all contained inside; they are made to all mars and shapes, and are admirably adapted for :steamboats, lintels, and large private rvaaller. fern , leg when closed a complete centre table. ea/EA:SAND BUREAUS—Themarticles are inval uable, particularly to those ago wish tomte. nose room. and convert a sleeping apartment 11110 a pat/Or at lilting roam, as they ran hr opened and at convenience, and when shut, the beddlng enclos. ed. A great torn room and reed_ All the bed steads when closed rm a beautiful piece af furniture for a parlor, or Raring room. CASE - S—A neat and useful mmele for parlor or drawing room. WRITINI/ DESKe—l'or law offices.cotinting room, and other offices, when opened a most couvement bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk' and Library alone is visible. All these articles need no reementendation:' the ):nuty of Me whole is, they are wartained not to get aid of reptor• It will be for your interests to call mid examine the articles , at the manufacturer's •tnre, No. irO Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above am s. me "`P"' .7 ( A ' AVs ,,, &OODWELL. li ri.E.tburn, )6,II,ACTC.P. or ALCOHOL AND PURR SPIRITS, Corner Front and Vino 'greets. Cincinnati, 0. "1110ERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pore Spirits, J bate or Het:lifted Whiskey, WEB be minipily at. ended tn aLterest market pme. mebtatdly NOTICE. THE Grua of NICKLIN &DRYDEN being d' er • . the undsigned will continue th e Forwarding uranislion Business at the steam boat lanai g, FKANKLIN, and respectfully intent. his Mends at he has gone to the expense of • heavy Issaranee on the warehouse tad contents, for several years, and trusts he will give entire eausfacilon to all who tatty ltisa will receive f i rra s at the Lower Loading. earl Bangri; DRY GOODS, &C NEW acoornpr NEW GOODS!! BARGAINS! . BARGAINS!! NEW FALL AND WINTER. DRI GOODS, dA MtMg SION OF TOD Dia age N ye, ket at, between Sd and 4th, Pittsburgh. rAI. L. RUSSELL, No: ' Marketnthel, betneen Third Anui•Foarth, ant of the beg golden Bee Hive, basin! commenced receiving and opening the largest, elermen and non apleralid stock.Of Fall and tAllinterDry. Gaud. ever offered by one hone in Pam.. burgh. a AU alien &feign good. have been parehas ed fthe impanel. p.r the lost steamers from Europe, and the richt.. of style and beauty of design are rua. surpassed In al. or my other market • Thn domestic and . topte rk department will also be found complete, and cheaper than nt .y other house ray. The subscriber veoolll hero renehtrolit call the attention his newtons enalotnev, and all w,lline to bug new and cheap goods, to the pry. Ihir+ will na doubt ostoniab therm Going deleranned sell'eleoper than the, cheapen. Goad dark Calle. only 3 cents per yard; • - Beet qr.ality ant Caoot coion,e3 toll); 4-4 Delilah purple Pri h n c t t, o, ion colors. A be Ilekvy Bed 'I ieking, from 0' told cents per yd; - BleacheAM.llne, good qoallty, 5 to diner id; Beet quality Bleached hostels, 6 to lot per yd, Heavy yard neido Unbind:fated Illualbt., 510 61; • Goal zed Fl.nel, hem 15 to 24 cents per yd, Good yellow Fluunel,ls to %et. per yd, ' Good Word Alpaeca Into fma 15 to M pee yet Frenchhoof ID to 15 cto per yd; Inch Linens at prices from 2.5 tot4s pro Idi Sotineu and Kentucky lea. from 114 to reo Cloaking, and Loanys from 121 to 31 eta; finny Domestic Ginghores 10 to 124 its; Cradi and Diapers, all peen and q.littem LADD'S' DREsS GOODS. A aplaudid assortment .fall the newest nyles. Thiel. Cashmeres in high colors, rich goods; Lupin French Tian Merinos, th e finest Imported; Rich Carnelian S il ks, in all colon and intalltiem Illnek Amore. beat quality, plaid and nripM Black Or.. ae Rhine, all widths and qualities; Lapin'. fine black Bombazines, beautiful good.; do best French Merinos, black and colored; do do do do. in high colors,• do fine Freneh Laines, allwool, high color.; Rich fig'd Cashrnetes, beautiful goods, eery cheap Dotted Owns filnaluts, for evening dresses; !troche Thibet Scarfs, late ireportation• Belt quality French laid Gloves, all colon; Mourning Cashmeres and de alums, allpricem Ladies embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goods, Ladies Inn gamin) , Fruoth tiara Ildkfs; Belting Ribbon., a full assortment; Wobked Capes, Collars coil Can., in great variety 111.1 and colored Crapes, all tontines, Brocade Lushes, In all calon and qualnies; Mohmr (Jonathon figares, rich good., French Chnlnage, goods,thigh colon; Also, black Brunel Lace, all widths and pines; Black Silk Fon ea wide and heavy ali Together wi th a large stock of while bond. ,, Swiss Jeconet and Moll Mahn, besides a very large and superb noes of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest Ina pertation and most fashionable styles. Many of the above good. have Jun arrived per the lan steamer. from Europe, and are worthy the attention of the la- ' SHAWLS! AWLS!! A ,plondid ostonment of SiLawis:— Super extra size French Long Shawls. best trup'd Soper extra size Long Brach., finest gnalllY; Superb by Long Plaid Shawls, rich 'colors; quality square plaid fine wool Shawls; Rich and heavy cum size black silk 5b6016; Rich casj changeable wlk Shawls; Super blac ion k and white, all wool, long Shawls; Super extra size Long and Sifts Mourning Shawls Pans penned CashmetcXusorls, in rem ranetY; " Terkeri " all prices & guars: Mode embed Thibet heavy silk fringe; Mack and insde colored hems White emb'd Thibet Shawls, • Illghlaad pl'd long and sq're Mourning Shawls and Sr(cas, Also, a large let of plaid Sat* s2,hl Together tathcAhill supply of GI cry,{ with all artlcles usually k • Retai Dry Goods Hansa—all • th Shawls, al good I ttroleF "' awls, foam 73 blies and Ho. a VCliolesale which will be • t_prices to defy competition. Remember the store', No. • ween Third and Fourth. can of • Item bargains con at all times h• ephaltddta WILLI kat street. be• Bt 114,2, . C Aft i ll ar e t; T a . E: 0 1110 T . bo f comet ; xd c a t et e S o lse o g to s e n : Hoods Ha g skin, Itlerli:buckskin an • woolen picieesi Thibet, cloth mind do loin and blan Cl Skase's; cob ; mere, wonted and woolen Ilmati MS. , an d line Ildkris.; *ilk and a:I4M Craven au& arts; (Amnon. Fringes; broth Linen, Table Coves., Crape., Ribbons, Lam, bleached bad colored dinette Tabby Velvet., Patent Threads, sesame Silk, Balm , Com StlaMS, dam, Pins, Percuasion Caps. Almon , common and gold Jewelry, gold and silict a ny mt,'Coolha, pock et and table CUtleri, and rainy o lee goods which eoutory and lily hierchanta are re... ankh} , Invited 0 0.1301110. . spilt) PAYETTE MANURAMT Ii brown and drab Boa Woolen Yarn, wilco they will sell .1 Warcetriore No 112 Second at, Pit. Factory, New Haven. Fayette en. aasra co., 1n hauf. Faintly ,s esue Flannels, g, Satinets and /prices. ; burgh, Pa spill NEW 000 D.. • Wit have last recessed a 4rze nal Of CLOCK..., Vottriy and Fan. No for oot traria, to set ich, with 1 1 , crimples., stook y Goods, sena- Tory description oar o s_ f Ca= cotton West- of Looking Glotaca manufactured a! n StemSuwer .nop nt in this and tte u city, r deutr. arc aek the a erna KENNEDY • spr2o corner Wood SAWYER, Id Found ns DRY•CiOOD lIVELPUY, wiLso• No. fik Noon he., Purse 4 1 A,k RI now reeetrink their onaal • ler the Fall ....sae. which they exhibit to their old contemn., and eel as mayqelinchned to pre.nt th em are Alwayrtaking great pains to lay adopted to the want. of the Wes.! long experience enables them to do, much confidence, and without cute' of their stock, that the Western re had with beta all that hi. entstotocra who here formed the unprofitable kt • in the Ifit•tern eines for their stock would do wall to call, as candid • . nes would to any cents meal, to th• the expwate ortolan further may he • tog to Pittsburgh. plies of Goods dt 0.3 happy to tict r t: . y 6.• oad each ll.l I • ry can trade, strrtit og jinn a detail I merchant mill require. Those I bit of repairing of Dry Goods, mparison of fat. conviction that '• Instated by Inty. span NEW PALL GOODS. arrS. It1GliP111" is now receiving hi. first Fall . impply of Forman and Domestic GOODS, and ha already opened air a-uortmentad new and.ticanti fal Myles dark tali PRINTS, ,warranted fast color.; and neat new Mile Fall klualin de Lana.; Mammas and Mohair twine.; Damask filed and striped do Parmanos and Lynne. Cloths; Of the MOIL deniranle colors; and a fall supply of bleached and unbleached Moalios, Dish Linens, Man chester Gingham', Ice., at nor:lmam Conner Fourth and Market Ms. Duyeraare invited to .all and sea Spa MGRINLII—Of all the P much as Maroon, Garnet, cherry ahadea of green drab, and black. Also, PARMETTOS in all the talc ry ',unary of quentyi and LYGNES , I of all the desirable colors,-now op Geese of sptl4 •esiraillo colors, vscarletoilfcrent colors, in eve iCLOTlls, &so Dee Grads R MURPHY URNING GOODS—W. R. open an emeindve iusortnnent including glornbanineX, Flinch Morn Molise no Women, glourcung Al•. glouming Goode. 'laphy hos now f Mack Goods, on, Parmeoon, emu, and other • COMM—Ca" reign Mln es. Epatileites, Lace, Buenos, k trimnuncs necesthry to equip voluntel companies equip. cheap as done in the EMI., at the . net kintket and !thumb Ito Is, blovords, limb : age, and all the compumes a! complete and tory Store cot.. N% WIL.SbN I Venor Drums, of ed bv W. W. W. . . V. 8 —The Unitea States Baas aml Germantown make, (or sale and era rpl4 SUACILWATT & W DRY GOODS JO uu ‘VUUD sr E En : ARE now , receiving a very lug, Geode, or metit percher., and ..1 they will sell to the trail., at auctigiie! rare ly° entire sariefacrien. City awl Reentry ierehitnta are in i even:due encoring Vetere pareleiving owl. of fres& •• portaJdon,which • as cannot fall e Ited x. to eon and !, . For Califon:UO.l T ilt: celebrated Hood WU Pow "g' ' "."" ; 4111.Tat;1 4 1 feltl3 , 7, in keg half • 7 • 27w00d wt fiTatiora. r ll o: il a g en FO :. t EDO L Lailiee Department open from 9 to 1 and 9to o'clock, P. M. Anion:num 81110011aml Bathing Eat T. fil'FA 1013==1 IE=TI2I • Int/mew L, rieprielor • ICAT . E i T y O . LR , having attended my brother, who d' oof conaumption In Munch, 1942,1 was taken mck with .eConsiftitption or Liver Complaint, and ma. reduced no low with the disease. that toe four years I was un •le to attend to my busincse, either at home or tame being for the most timeeenheedm my bed. Durin the above peri od of time, I had expended for medi•al attenthmceo regular Physicians and medicines. I. the amount of mahout receiving any Iteurk therefrom. In July, 1e45, I commenced taking D Jayne'. Medi. nines, and have token them more or lon ever wince, and believe that it wan by peneve ng in their use, Mat can now truly any that I have •ompletely tree-. erred my health. I believe that Jayri•'a Sanative I'd!, and 14pectorant are . tbe beet family ••cdmincs now in um. ,side lu Springlle/d, Otsego no carry on • furnace and' machine sh and am not interested lit any anner ~. abase medicine and inake thin cern alit of chose allbcted. EL . Springfield, N. V., Sept-16 1849. lIIIPOILTiiNVCIET — LIE . _ . . _ !nty, N. Y., .and .p in that place, in the sato afthe cata tor the ban. 1. /All EATON. tzm=2l . , .. _ Dr. Roses Celebrated ft .medlei. y. ..,' 1 It. JACOB S. ROSE, the discove r and sole pro. V , primer of them moat popular ant beneficialmed. t and also lie Inventor of the elebraMd intr o.. meat for willowy the Lange, to et ectin; a, care or Chronic diseases, was IL student of at eminent physi. ty, Doctor Physic, and to a grade of the Dame* r p e ...yiv.x,, and for dung - ye• w ince has been engaged in the investigation of die - nod thOappllt. cation of remedies thereto. . . Through the use of his inflating t • be, la Connection with his Prophylacac Syrup mdoth rot las remedies, he ha. gained an unparalolled e.. .ence to curing those arcadfal and fatal maladies, Tubercular Can , gumpuon, Cancers, Scrofula, Rite... hem, Asthma, F ever and Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Erystpe ' lan, and all those obstinate distaseepecultar to females. i , Indeed every form of disease Valli es under the use ' of hie remedies,to which humanity s heir—not by the use of one compound only, for Ut la o f with Physiological Law, bat by th use of his ream. dies, adapted to and piescsibed for ch peculiar form of disease. • Dr. Rote's Tonle Alterative Pill., *hen toed are in. variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as a purgative or liver pill, inatunuch as they leave the bowels perfectly free from coonvineas; es also hi. Golden POD I. admitted by the Dimly; to possess pecu liar propenica adapted to female dis, bat being satisfied that a ban:Dial is authcien to establish what has been geld to the minds of the most akeptical. 'The afflicted are invited to call upon the agent,and procure (gratis) cued the Doctor's pamphlets, lilting a detailed account °fetich remedy and its application. For .ale by the following agents, as well nab* runt Druggists throughout the country: J Cchoonmaker Co,4i Wood omit, Pittsburgh; ' J TrlTownatiad, druggist, 43 Market at " Lea A. Beckham, " near the P.O. Allegkerl eityl Jos Barkley, Darlimiton, Beaver county, Pa. Jon &mon Pal ley, T Adams, Beaver, nowla-dly . . ~,'',Z• =o,'?, , ‘?`"='' -.4.4g•i ,, ;=; , :. . .'i'll'.:'-':',l-F:L.'li:•4!:ii'...!-'' VOL. XI9I. NO 82. XEDI.C.A - L..:' , t • §M ELLE r. r ilv -Re Li lle Mt rs—De lll4 :l l4W il AS irle isir. l % "B42 / 47 : 4 to me poblie, as well to the credit of real:ei • Fide. to state the good ellamproduced by melt •`' my owe ease During the month ofJeue,lB4, I very unwell, my apatite fated, atd !" 1 00_ * 1 1. 1 courtly prostrate d ,. with mare peso to my otto au - shoulders. I was told by medical ma tharnya' Was a revere attack of tiveamsinplalntritook rat hazes .of APLeneb Liver Ma, and_ wale wLich I sus told was good for dud disease,•lett UMW. all was getting Worse., I finally acacia:hada Idattl myself under the tare of a physlitian for blotter 1 wont; hut, fortunately, Ma ilds - taw lavas a :by the Rev: I. Niblock, ofThli plamosta a (fiend . Whichlama begot defiers' Laver Pila frmu FS Which bad bettefitted. hiesseery itumh. -.I 'forth' Scot for u.bez of your Liver:Pills, ad by the time arras dotirrthem. Ova added that It was tea She Smalltime -thiwaithisny mad lseatta 110 Mow and took five or - six boxes,. and found, myself almoa !entirely cured; brit la Match lasi eumga.'• armeris :cold, which Nought 'back tho: a area: ,disematro hm sout tonatori, : nth t 0 ;!.trrtiver was ' l%, '9! ' cl eTtlit'olhe r Arllt ea wake, end. roc ' ely since, ad/ MI that I can noway, tiatli /eel late if any symptoms of the' Lire, Complatiti unbar gearalheala to at good sow aulibour bdeo for the loan yews, ocighbors est um who was my doetor.'lMll' mem - that defiers` Liver Miliann my" ittertat,ll:ll6. bye the blessing of Divine Providence the mamma curing , me. lau confident that when the pallet become Ite= qukittlard2Arith the value of 'roar War POW tho, toad foe taut will bar mon .'Ataxy of my nelgl t tork, to whom I' have ream:leaded thapilla can ms their value, as well as to the fats aboar awned."' ' • Daspeerfally your,, Gateau hltfit;l4.‘ To son Ponsa—Tio Prighisl, only true wasps. ;dna Liver Pills ars - prepared by B. E. &Olen, sad have his no= stamped' in Mack wax loon du Rd -ofz , each tlax, ■M b mumps manta OtlaiiOMPlP"::7 grren others are routnerfena or base sro27 R. B SELLEFt2. Proprietor,-as Wood - 07117 7 11 - Cil!riirX ae. : "Yuan by the num of RIIEL CLAPP has caeaa ed with i roung man of the name of S. P.Townsondomuf alai limn= to put up lefhirsapasilla;.PrOlch ahoy: can . _Townsend's SarnmParilla, denominating it GEIVINE,.OnginaI, Me. This Townsend is - no doe-i tor sun! never was, hut wok formerly a workmen rail.. roads, canals, and tho like. Yet ho mamau tho title orDr.; for Thu purpose or gaining eredibfot vataileit not. He is modulo oil cards heeded. 'TDOka achs,'.in whichho says, I have sold the nee Ornly ante for at * weak.' I wiles* a..P. Tatman& M. ' if b., witt. produce one slohlo solitary proof.of This la to caution the pobilenot to he 'deceived, Doi' ;Purchase none but the ,GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD' Ph. Jacob Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, haying nn n the Old Dr.'s likeness, his family eau of arms, and his ale natant abross the dont arum. - I JecciuroOsEsa . Principal Office, Nassau.st; Neve YorkL'ltt:: OL • 1 1 10TOlti JIC4 TOWNSBNII •, TUB ORIGINAL :D I SCOVERER,, inCtßD‘' • -. . . TOWNSEND BAIL4APAIOLLA. Old Dr. Townsend is tsar alwat 70 years Mega, has long been known is, the AUTOOMmed MOO. VEREttofthe GENUINE ORMINAL 'TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA*. Being pot,r, be wa s eoutpelled to limn its manufaeture, by which' means it has beet kept out of market, and the sales elreuntsctibed SO those catty who had proved •tut worth and known its . value. This Gunn a= UNIttitrALISDTWAWISIS In manufattured on the largest wale,. r ead iticsbtsdine the length and breadth of the band. L'alityoung S. Townsendls; A imprevea'arith age, Mal never changes; but for the better, because It I. prepared on acienufie principles by a seietullbstan. The lushest knowledge of Chemistry, Mai the/Meat diwoveries tithe Ann,, ease all been brought idle re-• quisitian in die manufaentre of the Old Des illanenw rills no Sarsaparilla whOti it la well known to beai contains medicinal pmperties, and some two perties which are inert or useless; and othersiwhick, If retained lu preparing it for use, produee farumatts tlon.ami acid, which Is talarions to the sync's, SOMA of the properdea of Smaparilfa are so volatile that they entirely. evaporate and are lost la Alta ;opus .o.l if they are not preserved by a acientike proe known only to those experienced in it. immufaenue. Moreover these volatile principles, which ay ogiaya por, or as au exhalation, ender heat, •ate the very es sential medical proymnset of the lOW, which-pima to OLD DR. JACOB TOIVISSENDS SARSAPADILEA is an prepared; that ail the inert properties.. of.sha Ser. raptuilia root are drat removed, every,-Ming capable of becomivg itchier of Rune:nation, :fa„ extras and • rejected; then every mullahs ofteedisMvlrtaiassiew. red in a pore and concentrated form;-sad thee - ills rendered incapable of losing any of Its valeable an healing properties. Prepared • In - thiti yranDli SD* the rnoCilVareoipTllTlL3.l Dusficass., Ilence the reason why we hear s oouneadeos on Wewee in its laver bv men, women .and children. We find it tieing wondera lathe cure of constunption, Dyspepsia, and Liner Complaint,' and In Illecoqtatiants Scrofdla and Piles, Costfirenews, all Cotancous vow, Pimples, Blotches, and all affections eximig from IMPURITY OP TILE 8L00D.,:. it possesses a marvellous eldelsoy in all eomplaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity Of thaffrahrlich; from unequal circulation, deWtminadon . oftionceSbe heed, Palletation of the heart, cold Icelan d cold Mullis and hot fleshes over the' bedy.'•lll I=l had its equal fo coughs and cohls; , and • easy expectoration, and gentle perspiration, ,re ,atol tore of the lent., throes, and every ether parL , Rat in nothung to excellent,' Moteroolli oat. 4 Men and acknowledged than In all kinds and stage:ldr • FEALki,ECO.V.PLAINTS.,,, ~ • It works wriudenvia eases of fluor Whoa et-Whites, Failing of the Worn, b Obstructed,Supprested4rPaLn fal Menses, Irregniality of the numarrusigmeersia.end • the like; and *effectual In curing all forms of MO Kid ney Eiiierees. By temittglagabatractatel, and regain sang the general system, It gameniarne end ,sammth to the whole body, and mares ail foram of • • . NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY,— • ss red thus preyenta or rented& a prat VariefLef Mdin diseases Irritation; hastraigis,-- Nitais Dance, swooning, Epileptio FOS,Ossumarants, lte. Is • not this, then, ram Mimic= roe o f f S. Ilia can any of them Wing. be said or S. P. Town. serolis Iruerior Uncle? This you:Ny=ol Middle not to be COMPARED WITH TIJE OLD DRJS., became of the Grand Fact, that the aa4 14 Inceptible of Detenonition and NEVER SPOILS, widterfax eth er DOES; sours; ferments, and blows. the .bottles contahung it Into fragments; the sour,' acid liquid en. , Piodme and illomiging other gerata • Mast initale her.. Ohie compound be poisonous to this emend, 6111112 pat acid into a system already diseased vritisseidl What cause. Dyspepsia butacidt-,Do ire Wail %Tow, that when food *Mrs In Oar Stotaaelle, Whitt - mmentas • it prolueest—datalenee, heard:tm, Pelldtklisli'dfdl. heart, liver complaint, diarrhoea, dysentery, eboSe and • cortuption of the blood? What IS Serafalahatial acid humor in the Irony! What prod.., all the hamar. which bring on Eruptions of the Head,. Salt it SwelliagAFevareoree, and all ulcerations internal andemelt:mit If 'depth- - lag ander heaven but an sold aubifindervallth ai m , and Meg spoils all the fluids of.the bodKrooriarat leas. What mtge. Rheumatism bat a tour actidaid,which insinuates itself between the jointsand elreviitme, ir ritating and inflaming the tender and *Beam. dames upon whieh it acts! do of nervous diseases, of, impu ty of the blood, of deranged circidatiens, and *early all the ailments which afflict human nano. Now, is it not horrible to make and tell, and Minim ly worm to s e this • ' I • •, - • SOURING, PER W4NTIND„ ACID "cowopirm OP S. P. TOWNSEND! ' , and yet he would ban have it undentoodAtat Oki Ito • eon fowasendis Genesee Original Strrapartila,:i. an Imitationef his inferior preparation:. !leaven forbid that we Sheilah deal M. as adults Which 'stand bear the moat distant, reitemblenen to S. P. Pownseinils article! and which shottld bring ileum upon t h e Old M. such a =mutate; load Or evellPielme - and criminations.frore agents who have sold, and mar , chesers who bare seed S. P. Toirmie,niPsFreneninting Compound! We mat. t understoo , - it ea et rite truth, that S P. Townsend's article and OhlDniJacob .Tevansendis Sarsaparilla am heavetowidp, snarl, and infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike= every par. neuter, t aving not caw stogie thieve coutrnea. -I It i• to toren fraud. alma the unfortunate, M poor balm into wounded humanity, to kindle bops In the pespaineg bosom, to restore health and em end M. gar into she crushed and broken sad to banials inared. Iy—that old DE.. JACOB TOWNSEND.hes SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and matte la bring his Gunn UNIVERSAL. C o within the reach, and ta the knowledge ,of I who need it, that they may learn and know, by Rural ea. perienee, its glansaialltidlr IMAM to NUL; , For sale by J. SILO CO., Wliniesale Amon for Western Pennsylvania; I. SEIM% Birmingham Dr. J. SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, , ffllth ward, G. W. OA RDPi n th ward, Plttaltadith Spa Jaysteilltxpeetosant. Salam i Colemblanit e0.,0.,414.D1t1841. DIL D. JAYNES: Dos San—l,feel, boe.M.t..you • and the a ffl icted public, to avail ofildeops portimity of giving publicity to the extraordinary efforts of !War Expectorant onmyself. , ifalbesn afflicted for several years with a severe con hectic fever and Its concomitant dim-toes; and Mete OnlYdOooted to linger out a short bat miserbbbs 45xistute, anti the fall of 180:1, when, being more severe! spanked, and hoeing maimed to all my rouser ' add the pre. • ectiptums of two of the most mapectablephrtiptu. le . the acighborhood without derinng,any bencet, or, the - coml.:dation of earvlving bola few. days or.seeirf s el farthest—when the Ina gleam of hops. 11!"I'!* doh, I bad omen/mended' to me 'roar and blessed blessed by thatßeing whet, does In the • um of the means—aad contrmy,to the expe, elation* of • my phynielaur sad friendal am* ina few dl r . nised from my bed,' end was enabled by %hemp a,hable, te - auend to my Intsinesa enjoying mime betterlieslth than . I had for ten year. Orevlons. •—• '• ' • .1 • Respectfalty yuarrake.,• '• Jen.W.lgaTa4, 'For sale t o Pittsburgh at .the'Pekirt, Tea Stete,7l- Fount( street. ' ” lam • Algg. • ••;..„ y• 4-Akt.443 ) :!:-V., , i 4 ;e:;_ . ;1: - 0 I I, 'A N OMEN? mut algadentred OtTehlieli Prtl ... - 1 East, age yew enndiag e Orem te l= r . i - of a Delicate Narere with p ro Mpmeie kit • lila mem. in Buffalo and other hugs tgititts becttproverblal. Om charges are modem% smai cares permanent. Old emu of Glee; EAMetkre, fele, Ideor Albite, Rbeamattammkgl.4lo4* pt.. chronic or inveterate come eolleited. A rare warranted, or charge refanded. • I Onion, St. Claim:rem,' Om.eftep the Be dtta Teeth Extracted. Advice to UM p*Otri.. , 41; N. 11.--Dr. A. welkin! theTwonamules any in l'qu_.br. rk h. 1 .5'...._4. 14 7_, ofuraiswooD IWO'S* Tu. remain open Mr vithert natlfthe let 1 ry, MO. Opium andothe;Regreghettenl. al e to timeworn. will no kept. The Greenbelt.. eon . taming a large collecuon of tare Oak <Koko Plan will be open ut limed, DOIMPIa:mMITa I.ll l: nt i a e.hot. route throughout, the a.mem. An Onnub - - leaves tbe . Allegheny eve brthe , Ke gait 8 Bridge, every kalthogrAtuing the doh running meths Gerdem and the ferry heel, Cantata 'Walker, raw from the Pont, landle,g tishortMesittorms Moder- - den. Panics wishing,to veldt/1e kttektpc, will be accommodated with 5 relent OottZu iv o'clock P. N. Kept on Temperance piaci mid elated on naday. . - , mill . . .., .., ,I. wx.raN. Klibeauseass-Saloom et,M4 Balailagg AGstabo glatumemite TIME PROPILIETOR le now ' Plaisred IA serve .1, up melds mall hoom e ln ceetnelionseith Houdin( by the day or week. , ~.. 7 . 4 7PFAlift sptK - . • - i t I,' 14.4", f .1 .- , ' - it., -.. -410
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers