The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 08, 1849, Image 3

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Daring the debate yesterday, in the French As.
nembly, on the Roman gelation, an altercation oc.
cursed between Thieri sod Silva Thiess was
accused of hiving said that Napoleon's election
. would disgraeo Franee.
' 6,lo, etionr was demanded, and • duel with
pistols took place. •
The honor ref bot h psities wu satiated without
any personal I injury.
The Rosaiin Mange has toljt the French Min
islet of F ee etim:straige, that R.stana would conaid :
e t . the eptianqs 'Frene*fletel in td the Darda.
tielksai a deck: trance of war.,"
.tiNders bare woo airss' for the French fleet
ge4oist 'tio English fleet at Naples
Pmr.anscarna, Nov. 7.
The Sherif and Assembly ticket in New York
city has gone Whig, by a majority of 1600.
In the county, the Whig tthket ta probably elect•
ad by a majority Oat of IS Aldermen
10 Whigs have been elected.
In the di!' of Albany, the Whig majority is
poor" Will!, on the' city and county ticket, is
elected, by Ilk average majority of 1500.
The killoving comities give democratic majori
ties :—Herlumer Rod Wayne.
In the connticia . of Unehesit - Colombia, IteMmel
ler, Gneidn,lthisndaigue, Sod Cayuga, the vote
he. been very close.
The counties of Schenectady, Saratoga, Moo•
roe, Genesee, end WashiegtOn have gone Whig.,
Returns 4ome In such *crude state, me to make
it almost impoodble to tell results in counties.
• Pon.Ao eta nu, Nov. 7.
" Democratic majority--In Sauer county, 2100;
Heidrun corauty,4oo - ,Warrenteounty, 1100: Mer
cer couutrjloo; Nmdeu comity, about 150.
wbig Morrie county, 550; Esse:,
The resn l t,in New Jersey, foots up aMown—
In the Mon Whigs 73, Democrats 29. Senate,
Whip 10i Democrats 9.
• Semmes, Nov. 7, P. M.
The Hon.' Henry Clay anived here, quite un
expectedly; Line evening—ha look !edgings at Bar
New Otanans, Nov. 4—P. IL
Cotton—,The aalen of Cotton on Friday and Sat
inday were 5000 bales at 101 for middling, and 10f
for middling fair. The receipt. so far are 50,000
balas leas 'than they were op to the same time last
you. - .
- ' Cumanaer, Nov. 7.
Vic have had heavy rains during the day.
Freights are low.
Flocir—SaLes of new at 4,20(34.10 per bbl
Whiskey—Prices advanced with sales at 1910
20e per gall. •
Sugar—Bales of 100.11hda,puily in private terms .
portion at s ,lligit for old..
. ,
Pour—The Market is steady ' but not very ac
tive. Large sales could not be erected exceptiog
at &decline. Some holders would accept easier
terms than current yesterday.
Grain—Wheat is .without movement, but prices
lie itiini,tErSlda"kr4W i
Entiiiaint.ta—Ttere Us no apecelative movement
in =
* he: tnar Undaned.
'outtork—Ths . market ex:nth:ma Arm, at an ad
vance of per lb.' under Ole eteasneAs news. •
Money Market—The de.tnarid (or money is .1111
considerable.. This being piekerday butaness was
rather doll. There wee some Inquiry for sterling
exchange early in the rooming, and Wes. were
made at 9aolol. Stocks were rather heavy on
such oceasettos. '
Nror Yost., Nov.
Cotton is generall ; y held at advateeci rates, with
sales of New Orleans sad Mobile, fully fair, at 121
013 e.
Four—The market to day is 6 to llc per bbl.
in favor of the buyer. Saim a a common State and
misird western at $6 . 502154 56 ; good weste rn and
weight broads at it 62 per bbl.
Ortin7Wheat—There is a good Inge:Hey, and
poses are firm, with sales ol Ohio at 10601 - 12 per
The supply of corn is bight, and sellers
are endeavorihto get up the market, but buyers
Ado not accede , to their demand. Sales of Ohio
yellow . at 641; mined, 63060.
Provilions-- be market for pork is firm, but
prices are unchanged. Sales of mess at 610440
210 50; prime, 5252. ',Lard—Saks of kee it 71;
bbL 61.
• Sugar—There is an improved feeling in the
• market, kith more desire to purchase. Coffee—
The stock to firm hands continues very light, and
prioes are well maintained. . .
Whiskey—Further wiles at 270. "
By the Preigldeal of the Reiland Mattes.
IN purseauce of law, I, ZACII4RY TAYLOR,
Prendent of the United gimes of America, do hereby
declare and make known, that public sales will be
held at die underinentioned Land Offices in the Male
ofIiLISSOUItI, at the periods hereinafter designated,•
to wit:
At the Land Ofdee JACiCSON, commencing an
Monday, the seventh day ofJenuary next, for the
posal of the public Itmds sheeted within the under
mentioned townships, and parts of townships, viz
North oJ lds bass /ins, and raw qf the MA principal ma
Township twenty-two , (except sectionevesen, se
venteen,eighteen, nineteen, twenty, t w e nty.,,h, - ,hi,z
. ty,thirty.onet end thictreuro,l of nate fear. -
Township twenty.two, of range five.
Fractional township stamen, and township twenty
ty-two, Of range
Predated tovilaships sixteen end &escalate, and
worteddp twenty-two, of Mite
Fraternal townships sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
pia twenty-one; townships twenty-two and twenty- -
, three; and .cations three to ten includye, sixteen toareattone inclusive, azd twenty_
to thirty-two
)neluesse, in township twenty, ofrehge eight.
Townehip teneteen,(exceptfrational sections (kitty:
and• tlairty.tsvo, thirry-three, thirty.four, thirty-five,
and,thirty-eix,) fractional tosinship twenty, and free.
ticual .loweshitt twenty-one, (except sections one,
twelve, thirteen tweety-thrce, twenty-four,
twenty-OX, shirt -lone, thirty.five,
and litany-4/ra or range nine.
The northwest. fraeuen of section sir; in township
tnineleas, and fractional township twenty, avenge
Itta. •
Rath el durtis /Saw line, and teal of the Jtjtkprincipsl
Townships tvrenty-three, twenty.lonr, twenty-eight
end twerty-nine, of range eight.. -
Townships twenty-three, twenty twenty-five,
twenty-six, end twenty7eight , of verge tea.
Townships twenty,ne, twen-two, twenty-three,
twenty-lour, twenty.fise, and twenty-az, of mac tan.
Fit the Land Office at SPRINGFIELD, commencing
on Atonal, the fourteenth day of !weary next, Gar th e
aroma of the public lands wattle the undermentioned
towealitps sad factional awakens, az:
Bank of tha base Lae; and tont qP4 he Ng principal ow
' radian. •
i l l . ..lanai township twenty-one, and townahipa
twenty-ferand twenty-sin, of range eleven.
Factional township twenty-one, of ranges twelve,
thirteen, founeen, fifteen, aisteen, seventeen, eighteen ,
nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one.
Frannoal townaldp twenty-ono, and township toren
vy.four, of react twenty-two.
Vractionnl township twenty-one, and tovenall*
zwentychree and twang-four, of range meaty-dm*
Fractional towable twenty-one, and townships
t orenty.dttan sad twenty-fonr, of range twentl-foats.
Fractional township twenly.orte of ranges twenty
Sve and twenty-sly.
St the Laud Mee at CLINTON, commencing on
mondlay, the twenty-first day of Januaext, for the
disposal edam public lands within the foll n owing nen,
ed townships, to '
Ar e a Ur larclinc, Mei lOW o• Ata prinorpra •
Township thirty.five, of range eighteen.
L o nde appropnated by law for the use of Schools,
, g oornry, and other purposes, will be excluded from
t he uleu
T h e offering or the shove mentioned linds will be
commenced on the days appointed, and proceed in the
order h i which they are advertised, with all con vent.
, o cc p o ten, until the whole shall have been offered,
and the sale. thin emeriti but no eats shall be kept
...pen longer then two weeks, and no private entry of
g oy of the lands will he admitted until: after the expi
ration oldie two weeks.
Given under my hand at the city of Waehingum,
yfteenth g g y of Sep.lll.r . , AllllO Domini OM 11109.11.111 d
dgkt kn e e d and
CPoMuissioner of the General Lind Olken
er , venom entitird to the Inglis of pre-emption to
the lauds onthin the township and parts of
shove enuiocrated is reoalted to e tablish
the sanse 47 the sad slacken c 1 the Begin, and BeGi-
of ~~cpnper Land (Mee, and make payment there
in SI pee
th. as pfacuo able after sector; tile
noticq and
sppointed for the 7014747777777121 df the
3 7,7; oithe lands . embraoing the Inn claimed,
othessclo such clods.; w i ll be forfeited. , in
Commissioner Mille General Land Mae
Excaoros Bon or Prrourroo, s'
October MOO. s
6:: ELECTION.for thine= Direetprs of Ibis Book,.
' to servo lot th e ....Jog Tear• will be bred •t the
. lox /Woo., 00 hloodrY, tbo pi, dv,- 5i,i,,,,,5,..
ii,berb. between the
r t i tzr a lit . . H te i :
W E g. b t.i
, . ~.
• x ri ~ :7847,%),',---fest atooritOt
' c ds,trod lo this market, and wilt be sold a
past? adynusoa Call end see at No SOO Mute* ot.
/ 1 . a Ma/CA
lotnclulres =canc.&
no. Munoz no. nu. .•-•• .7.
4 Sunday, -
II Idonday,
6 Tuesday,7 Wednesdy,
8 8 Thursday
Ormcs FTPrwallso. Gs
Thursday hloruing, November 0,1n19
We have nothing nerr l or interesting to notice
market.. liminess yesterday v.. rather also
quotations generally were without any m
change futm our previous quotation.
Pion--The receipts'yesterday were emnpkt
light, and the offerings on the wharf were Inn
feir small lots were sold at 114004,1itr ht& S
50 bblifromitore Indifferent lots, a1gi.7034,75
Sales by single bbl at 1.4,57. •
Garnt—We heard of nothing doing in Grain
repowirc prices are without change.
Gawalma—There is nothing new in the G
market; prices genMally remain steady, na
Hama—Sales 6 auks prime bagged Hams at IX
Sales 5000 'ha Shoulders and Sides, at fie for Si
rile for' Shoulders. Extra sugar cured H,
sane, ind are worth 12g p b..
Berra—Sales 7 bbl. roll, to clog., at 1.11.
CemagM—Sales 200 his COMM. Western Re
6606 e, and 30 boxes cream at 6107 c eiv Ih.
sale. Of poshen at 71e 40 , b.
filactleash—Prices are on the advance.. SO ti
3 were Om; before 'repotted,) at 07 ; the sa
scription is now bald at 87,4011 , 4411.
Tat My—Sales of Si casks, of about 1 1 1
each, at 7c, cash. Sale of 10 Asks .171 s, 4g •
Parsvimel-Potatoes seemed a drug - in the
Yesterday. A lot of some 372 hOls good quality
the wharf during Thursday afternimn, and op t
hour yesterday, without finding a purchaser, tti
offe.d at 111,4.1, bbl.
Since the shove was in type, we limo that
was sold at 51,03 4.. bbl.
Gaza Arian—hloderate sales prime gush
More 00 Q7,SOY bbl. •
Bcrawmts: Fhoua—Sales from wag. m 141,1
from store at 02,1852,23 v. 100 Be,.
.Ifiva Fhova—ils sold in small lots at 03, 0 2 IP
Spirit of the Dam ttttt Markets:
Lints,bet. 20, 7
• moderate business Iva. done in produce, I
ens Indicate lin!e oino elms& from yesterday.
Bat 11010 dolag in the slaplea, Tobacco, lit
Lead, and no material change an the Current
other articles usually spoken of.
Tabs ceo—Sale of 1M ntrd•-15reftnied—from $
$3; 7 blid passed from $3,60 to $9 ge 160 On. •
Hemp—Two lotgembracing 133 bale. on the la
bat not sold op to the close. No sales reportm
Lams—Sales light-105 Ng, at N,90 and 125 a
100 klas large lots dal) at the fait price.
Floar—Bales of country sum up 3,50004300 bl:., in
Isege lots, as folloac-80 common •takkas 06 ;Inc at
$3,621 scratched alga; 79, 101 Land 135 bOls crane
s) witamat inypeetiou or guaranteed, at $1,15001,23, ILO
inspected of $4,21; 130 gnaranteed at 111,30; 133, 010,111,
533 and 800 blob good to choice at $4.27501,41; 8 82,123
and 110 extra at $427, sod faX), a favorite and very
anwior brand, at 114,71
When—Sake of about $6OO sacks from 60 to .90e.
exelesree of sacks, and 7503200 sssss at 95899 e, cok e
inchaded. .
. .
Coin and aate—Salea of 166 end '
149 sacks at 30e;
421 pure Tallow at 40e, and 400 pure white to arrive, at
40e, tueinsive of sack. Of Otto, small salea at :fie,
writhe.; 316/0160. - saeks 'melded.
Harley and Rye—Hales orate:au 450 saeka prima Bar
ley in lots at at, auks-roamed—a deAue. 47 uteks
Aye sold 01070, sacks Included. •
Provisioas—Notbizig done in this bob worthy of no
tice. •
Whiskay—Rase is dill at 161 e—light tales at this rue,
buyers afar 202210-211 Ads at 22c; 27 at 2.lic f ,
leathers—Sales of 110 bales at 2Ja_
Dried Fnik—Bales of 27 bbls prime peaches at Al M.
Rime Apples gra quota at 65290 e.
Gandrirsl—T• ll o l, nu: dry bides 7e; green 3103fei
otdons 60e, sacks included: retail sales from fist boats
at 600, aaelasive of sacks; flaxseed 611. W: beeswax 162
1640; /oar bbis 371240 e, each; eastar bawls 61.60?
tris; potatoes 211040e,aaeks included: Galena 60e, es
clause of satka—Republiesn.
Locusaux, Not. 3.
Flour and Grans—Stocks and receipts arc light, rind
flour corirmes firm for good lot., with sale. from store
at Bei reenleales at /f 3,1533,3- Bales of light wheat
doer at 14,ES. Wheat is coming in more freely, and,
we quote ESdKI3e, and prime wheat command.
T i ll Corn we quote at 37041/c at retail Oats 309tdc,
inbulk. Barley misquote in demand at MM. Salei of
OM. Le mensal 23.
Whiakey, ko—Sales of rettified from norm al %ID
001 e: The receipts this week amount to 70 bbla—
,Cmamioa brandy and gin we itatee at23O2C/e f gallon.
Groceries, b.c.Tbe market Is Utiet, with limited
transactions. Rio Coffee is enhanced, and very scarce.
Wa quote a rale of inferior at gle. balm of Laguayra
.and Maracaibo at 11010; sales of Jaya Cam at 120
lie. tigar—We quoteaalea at 5124 e, and SO hada
.. 51e. Retell aids. by the bnt 6.011 e. Pluticioe -
Molasses Is doll, with a fair .te,k on band. We quote
ICM for the a -"—,thfreaitare.t.-it • .
' gifrriL"Well . —lt'aitioto port alristt.oo far mess
We quota bacon from wagon al Sic for shoulders, 54$
sie fr sides, and tiftGiafar hams. Sales of plain hems
from Pores al Gl 07le• guiles of bilared hams a e.•
Lard sereeAs wills little demand at
Oils—Linseed Oil la in less demand 5..1e te
tailor ciU scarce a5E1,5501.62i tallon.t.Y the goal ,
cbsods.Clever '114,5601.75'p bushel; iimothy rc
scarce at gal; Oat seed in demand at 111,103151 , P
bushel, and matured seed at 81.50 tushel !few.
seal 75097te P bushel; seed wheat xlOl,lll P bushel.
Bina grass, cl.r, 81 • bushel.
Hides—Lightsalea of dry Ulmer' at 7i .3S ie. Com.
mon, fromthe country, sell at pricer ranging brim to
7ini dry salted ram quote at Signe; green and green
salted from pi to 4 ie.—Journal.
Valnatal. Warm fot'Sale,
NEAR CANTON, Stork eounty,'Ohl, congaing of
455 ACRES OF LAND, in a high state of culti
vision, with a proportion of Umber, and on
shut:donee of ston l e e
red and limestone. About ego.'
proportions of this are rolling upland, adapted to
whey, god meadow land adapted to grass and corn.
Thn improvement. ale a ni goodFrume Dwolling,• large
Brick flarwo young th ty Appleprehard, of ehnice
grafted (Wit; a good tupply of young Peach Trees. Ac. Terois—Ooe fourth io hand, batimeein easy anon,!
peraenee Title tudisputable.
Canon s; uher particulars apply tor H.Cossrold,. Esq.,
or to the uederasgued. at Steubenville, O.
Adminnundosof she Estate or Oro" Hull.
[Lancaster Union and Wuhingtott Reporter copy 3
times and ebergeOakente4• •-www•s, novfndlmsewtru
erICAM-15 sA.L.
IN Monroe county, Ohio, 07 miles bellow Wheeling,
and one mile above Ennfoth, on the bank of the
Aver, with four acres &ground; on which are a steam
Saw Mill, In complete °permit= A. 120, a Plowing
Mill noose, baby S 7 feet, and threo Morite high one
Ihiek and two Frame Dwelling Howe; 70 choice
Fruit Trees, Ae. A bargtin may be had by prompt
application for particulars at No. Market erect. o
LEXANDER ft DAY, comer of the Diamond end
Market street, notify their friends and the public
that they have received their stock of Pall and Win
ter GOODS, direct from the Importers, manufaenmere
and anctutms et the lash Their stock of new style and
fashloable Cusode`is large, and presents strong attrac
tions to purebasers. In Ladies Drees Goods and
Shawls, the rued splendid and lezhinnable Goods of
the season see now offered, at remarkably low mires,
consisting in part of the following
Nev. style Brocha he'd Camelion Silks;
Colkl and Black Satin Du Chen. , and Tore Status,
Cold Camelun GfOderbine, of the beat qualinee .
Blank eloper Groderiena of the celebrated Eagle
The above named Black Silks are warranted not to
our in the wear, for drones and Mutinies they are the
best leafforted.
Neat led Carnelian Satin Do Cliene, the handsomest
Silks of the Season.
New style Blocher Silk figured French Merinos, a
new and molendid article for ladies' walling tirrsee4.
Bilk Embroidered French De Lines, for ousted and
lacks an
entirelye 1?
hie.-cnos,Alpaceas and Par.
meld:is, a large assortment
Brooke Long and Square Shawls, of dm boat quad.
Plaid Long Slumls, of ma newest designs, remark
ably cheap. .
Splendid Teikmi Shawls. at greedy bree d prices.
' Carnelian Broe fied Silk Shawls, t variety.
Coca filmwls, white sad colored, in great variety.
Bost Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all prices;
best Sedan real French Cassie:ems; new style Amer
icanColdwar.; ser Satin lie minds.
LADteIES' mi
• French and Belgian Blatt and Olive Cloths, for Le
dies' Cloaks.
A pleat:Wl assortment of American and imported
Blankets, at remarkably low priees.
A large and complete as k sortmern now on hand.—
it'irtatofrorthe mu:ad ' a . ortrelO o p f re ' =las i' to the ' pre7:l7l
advance in price. A. principal pan of oar stock of
French and Pagrah goods have been
and ` Now
at the
great Anction Sales in Philadelphia and Now York,
whieltettables nib oder decided bargains in salmon
even, desenpllOn of goods in our line of !mints..
Canutry Merchants, Atercbmd Tailor., and all
wholesale and retail buyers, are invited to an early
egatairtinion of ow stock arul prices..
ALEXANR DAV, 73 Market t,
north we a k orner of the Diamond.
TIT R. MURPY, at north east corner r
and Marke H t ste, Is nowt rensilme„.• h o
is me ' nd
supply (or the mason, and can offer indueenannt: rth
b uy ,. safely to be met with. fits asserunent of
Is very fall, consisting of French blerinueulteneres,
Cob ergs, Lyng.° Cloths, super Primed French Cish.
icier., at prices cortaiderably lower than they could
be bought early intim season- His stock of
Is lute, and embraces many of the beautiful style
now on exhibition at Franklin Institute, rbilad'a.
Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trete
minds, go. • .
Of various styles and qualities, plkln and embroidered
Black Laces, Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs,
Sonnet Satins and Velvet ■
Mowers; Caps end Feathers
Of the newest sophist, and at lower prices than usual,
and rieh changeable Silks and Satin; for ganttllan,
ar.C.: and a large stock of
at been price. And in the gentlemen's department
will be found fresh ,
Black Doeskins, Winter Yestings, Fanny Cass/mime,
Underlain. and Drawers, Bak Cravats, rocket Baud.
kerchiefs, ta
Gq-dlertisats are invited to visit the Wholaisle
Rooms, up stairs.
October 10,1949.
AN ELECTION for thirteen Director. or this Back,
IWO* ensuing gear. grill be held at the Banking
Klutaa, on Monday, the 10111 Or Novembnr neat.
JOHN KriTDER. Cashier.
Shrhertaarhi MANCIACTCUS%
Mod., Witt, 1449. S
AN MEC/TUN for anti—, F4...4 , 000 or Ibis Bank,
far the sinning year, ardi W ~ Narking
H'"4".IR"EldOl. the 10th dal or Nara.—
"""I°. • W. h. DENNY. God'.
Atattri far aisle_ hyL
aTa O
Tim Kmiec —There were 4 feet 6 inches m
channel last evening at dnek,and hlling•
:North Hiver, • St. Louis. '
Peytons, Hendrickson, Manes Pert.
Philip Doddridge, Brownsville:
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver..._
Beaver, Clark, Welliwille.
Atlantic, Partampon, Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver(
• Camden. liendriclnon, M'Keesport.
Baltic, Jacobs, ktrwahlaville.
Brilliant, Grace, Cineinnidi
Loyal Hanna, Cin.
Hud•on, McMillan, Ciitpttni.
Fort Pitt, Miller, Nashville.
Oriental, Smirker., St. Luria •
Gluteus, Reno, Cincinnati.
Niagara, Cox, St. Louis. .
0 32
6 31
6 33
6 2
9 37
ln the
, but
Peyton', Hendrickson: ArKeesport
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Weltiville.
Lake Erie, Gordon,Beaver :
Beaver, Clark,,Wlleville.
Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keesport.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
•Babie,Jacnbs, Brownsville.
New England, No 2, Dim,
Jenny Lind, Gallagher, Zanesville . .
Lady Byron, -- Cincinnati.
Peru, Calhoun, Wheeling.
Columbian ' Greenlee, Cincinnati.
Cumberland No. 2, Miller, Cincinnati
Excelsior, —, Cin.
Fashion, Peebles, CM.
Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M.
Beaver Packets, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M.
Wellsville Packers, 10 A. M.
Cincinnati, New Englund No. 2.
Cincinnati, Brilliant.
eon PklllAnellnl... •
D. Leech Sc co* packet. line.. 9 PIM
Tao BRILLII;T:iii; fin; Packet steamer arrived
yeaterday mormag about 1t o'clock. from Curciunati,
having been much annoyed and detained on the way
by foci at different points on the raver.
The Brillion will leave thla morning at her regular
boor of deyanure—lOo'clock, A. M.
BRAVER—Per Michigan No. 2—l hi mdse., Boll
an & Ennimni I dodo, R v. R Hopkins; F 7 sks
I crate do, I bbl beeswax, I WI old copper, I do brass,
I halo.soers; I do yarn, I do cotton tails, IS Leech &
Son; tit kgs Mater, J B Canfield:2 tads butter, Id kegs
do, I do lead, I sr& MA, Wick & McCandless; 4 casks,
R D.lrcll Ir. Co; 94 boo cheese, J B Canfield; do do,
Bagaley & Smith; cks peatlasi, Wick & McCand.
• •
to BEAVER & WELLSVILLE—Per Beaver-454%gs
diner wilco; I) Leech & C0;.44 bbls deur, Alitchall, 50 do do,
fro i 7na t e. )r j rrec a r; I bx, 4 firkins butter, Kirkwood;
sT"'• '3l g. br. . o
e . t . al
u Day; 54 blids dour, owner aboard;
t, owner aboard; lot sundries,
CAPTILIE—PerIon-13 W. tobacco, D Leech
& Co, O, bblo fl.ur , Forsyth t Baker, 122. k. dried
peaches,! IlleFaden; 55 bbl floor, Drown & Kirkpat•
net; t Lx mane, Forboli & Bennett I bhl clover seed,
W Bine ham; it do fish, II Graff & Co, 40 bbls floor, lon
do applcs, .1 Philips. 570 bags barley, gl do bran, M
Campbell; 41 ski bran, LO do corn, R 11 . Ays; 30 .0. po•
taiors;o lohlt dour, 53 do osts,7 We potatoes, I box,
IVIIF:h:LING--- Per Cindre hlf uia glut, Ba
ker & Formyth:s WI. paper, $ C Hill; 5 bait, mdse.
Sahib A ttnetair 72 tall. apples, GI bbl, potata-s, hl
Srott; 51 hg bart , y,ll:ownit Culber9.a;3s !ibis dour,
19 by barley, Allten; 7 Isila leather, 1 A Bayard, 9 eta
wax, D Leech & Co.
ST. WEIS—Per Niagara-1 lux mdse. Carling &
Robertson; 3 bp feather. J &lintels..., 20 As wool,
.Clark h Tlissr.2l do rag. King &Co; 15 60 , s potatoes,
Sdo beaus, 1 bx ginseng, English & ItcnnetX
Per Oriental—en plough mould. 17 boss Don,
Batley, !Rosen & Co; 140 own lead, C II Gm.; 6 esks
axe. 101 lid!. pick mationts, Lippencott & Co; 200 dry
Wes, 4 bales calf skin. W Bryant; 5 eks, I bid, Cole
man, Heilman & Co; LW bbls saud, Curling, Robertson
& Co, 6 els feathers, 3 bbla clover seed, Rhey, • Mat
thews& Co, 2 hlidssogar,lo bbls molasses, 12 do flour,
5. do whiskey, 10 MI do do, 5 by soap, 3 kit Las sip
candles, a bog pipes, 1 bbl pipe stems, R Thorton; 73
bbls hardware, K Dunlop; 1 kg hardware, Jos Wood
well; 2 his bookit, II Graff; 41 bbl. whiskey, Morris &
Hayworth; 5 bide hams, Sellers 6: Nicola; 9 oyster chts,
J C Bidwell; 10 bills lard oil, 1 do linseed oil, J P Han
na;•. 600 pogo lead, sons Oriental; 20 tons ptg metal, 11
Childs& Co; 'Lido do,)Cuddy, Jotter & Co; 4 hhds tobac
co Wm Holmes & Co; 19 bbls beans and apples, 0101].
NASHVILLE—Per Fort Pitt-61 balsa .00000 P
slcCormick; 5 eske sentries, 51 sks feathers, 1 66 noise
Po.yth & Co; 50 bbls lard, 10 do grease, 2 Lbls, I ha •
beeswax, I Diekey & 22 bgs feathers, C 11 GrannlG
bbla molasses; $6ll do, Rhey, Matthews& Co; 1 bale
fur sktos,D Leech & Co; 6 biz Cope, J Walker:3 hltds
tobacco, J A Hutcheson; I do do'; 2 bz. mice, Clark b.
CINCINNATI—Per laa, 1 be3e, Baker
ar..Foreyth; 1 bbl new potatoes, Ipc baggiu, Kerr &
Co: a: bes leathern, I hr. IlLeeeb & co; 91 bbts peach.,
er,Taaffe & o . l,7aanar, 30U bse candles, 1 boo mdse, II
Graff & Cu.
- C 0411 R M -a GT A - L-• o,ovz" ,
A. 4 ritltOrnil Pktl,ml.•••• nr Wows._ .
5,000 Copies published rod ail/tribal - ea judictomly
throughout all the adjment Plates. and on the %Pest
en, Rtvers.
UWE advmrages, to the advertiser, to he derived by
j_ this system, are numerous—the nature of Ina bun
gles., the nu ne sod rocsuon of his holm, are Intro
duced Into every city and town throughout the Pool
extent of the adjacent States, thMare depending upon
Pittsburgh for a market for the sale of their produce,
and the purchase of supplies. The benefits seeming
from this method of pattlifilting, will Present them
seles to all Merchants . , Manufacturers and Dealers,
who will devote a few momenta to its candid rem. ,
al. To render the Commercial Charts more attractive
and =pollard to Adrertraere in general, an elegant
Lathographte Engraving of the CITY OF PITTxt.
Dllltti 11, will he inserted to the centre. Also, an Al
111 M fOr I<A tan several beautiful engravings, ma
dung the Commercial Chart sod Pictorial AdVertiset a
sheet ot importance, beauty, and constant reference,
wherever It arm be placed.
Oop,' C O l s at o m b' ere s i o n e l e kl a s t rfa7o6e C :: .
flunk Store nlm, at the
In all the principal Hotels Of this city, • Chart will
be placed in an elendid tillt Frame., to render Me name
[l.l location ofdverneera mora fanadituiWitn travel
ers, and rt benefit their total trade.
• c ß a e p v it a a a l a o v n c e x . C Wes — ho M ld
r ß e a ommeaoa liravertlsing
persons so h
wish to hays lhetr boeineas thoroughly, advertised,
secure a card early... we predict a rapid
confide uo o
the complement. Mr. Rim worthy of all .
and oar merchant. may depend upon the talfiknent •
ai• contract —Ho
Rat's Ativaartstma Cuastr.—We have teen a copy of
Itae'a Coretrividal Advertising Cha t im handsom
er and better adapted to die purpose for ! which it is in
tended, tt an the most imaginative could suppose.
The arrangement is really-pretty, and the cards are
displayed with an ability that regects credit upon our
friend .1. H. Jones, printer, o' this city. The Chart is
handsomely colored, resembling • map, and will prove
an 0171¢0.11110 ally place where It may be displayed.
Thu system at advertising is becoming popular, and
when in the heeds of such men as Mr. Rae, whose
promises are 11CUOI1.-110t mere empty phraser—the
public will go into the system at once. The fall
out, five thousand copies, has been printed; this
we know, and we believe that the remaining part of
the contract, Mat of putting them up in various towns,
on 00•10, le., on U. western nye., will be honestly
complied with. We shall be mastaken if those who
patronised Mr. Flee, will not have good reason to .
thank bleu for the idea. tie. Rae a well known to us
as a responsible and respeetatihr man, and all that he
prnouses will, we are edrtaiti, be lulfilled.—(Scatt's
We arc pleased to see so many of our largest bust.
nem bowies and manufacturers advermang in Rae's
MamMoth Commercial Chart. It Is our fism convic
tion that this Chart will benefit the busmossof St. Louis
generally, more than all the mall charm and map.
which have been published. It is an object for a man
to advertise in this—its beauty. general charaethr and
vast m,calatton, speak for itself. Merchants and bu•
men who have not secured a card, M m
should to
no unto in doing so.—lOrican, St. Louis.
Floc's COMMLIMAL Cuoax.—We would advise met
chords, manufacturer, and business men gen erally,
c to
adv..r.ite in Chi.. From the appeare of the
western s, we should judge them to be eminently
useful. They are beautiful Mid attractive; and this be
in the case, they most pe,ian excellent medium to
ke known ony lamina., either in the city or eouto
try. Mr. Rae loss heretofore given fug satisfaction;
mottoes have been fulfilled. If undersionding his
lin.ineas and performing his pledges, merit niece.. he
limply deserves it —Whilndelphia N Aniencon and U.
We have analysed tins system of adverthing all
tts bearings, and have coots to the conclusion Chat in
it to
one of, if not the very beat method of advertising for
general charracter, and we candidly capes. our
oplIUOll, and advise sli-perchatits and dealers who
IIWAI country, as-well is a local trade, to give their
advernsement ato Mr. Rae. We believe he is in every
way adapted to We business—be appears,, as if by in.
stied, to know bow and where an advcruscarent will
benefit a particular business. Having travelerViiver
the whole United States, he has a knowledge of al
most every town.and village—and thus knowledge MD.
soots htm in the general dietribudon,of his charts. He
t. Made tide system of advertising his hetness, and
carries lie
the old adage of "Honesty is the best poli
cy." lie, never to oat belief, promises more than he
does; ni many instrwees babas done more. Again we
reiterate what we have MO before—if, &Merchant,
dealer, or manufacturer, Wishes his bushman thorough
ly known, give en advertisement to Mr.
Coln Emporium. nova
)16 LEA D-4145 pigs Galena, for saki b
8,50-112 Ithd4prium N 9 ...+4K!rt .
i . - - 40 OM. N0y:::..:,,,,,;151.,., ro—g,h ,
. J"'' - "funw, mArriit - ms / 2 ._ , _
i -:? ,' Lli c ~ a kg. soothge3e, Iterotnorn & Co. • . 1.
LI f ß ur i s•le by
'' 'F i l '-'l';ll , lC'' 0r7i,—..'1: by
I s RII LI u ;Ll' , 11 d 1
, A t ri c tl , E b %V . S ,
g le .. CO u
or CI I
COFFEE. tre—erd 13iskto Coffee,
of elms. Y. 11., O. P., Imre! and Blk
do s
110 v ad. br• do do do
With a general 11,ortment of Groveriev and Priv
burgh manufeetureo, for vale by
RIIEV, hiArnicws & co
1101 s ,upe
for sale by J I) ‘VILIJA
octal No ILO Wood
GlREak:— . l.s base. Ferro Cream;
Uri Western Reserve,
:01ba Sap Sago,_
.01 f"
OLAS;WAL3 - 0 tibliNV6irsale
14,0 9 L:7 WATERMAN
ROONIS-75 dot dull road and for sale. by
EATiIIIFLa--7.1 bar now la nthng from me mamma
lien. Gaines, for sale byCif ;
... iwk l:A n tr r D7EY f &
- vv Gaines, for male by u'd'g
-- V&RCI7 - ; ; Jaria . anal Marc., warm's bras ,
for Sala by bbblo L WATMINI AN
Suoea-73Md.? O, an 17 me ror.dee)
eaela, ebeiseireirdrartiele bud ',el
cl and for sale by been BRAUN t B.KITER
• --•
zaarrza roz nix rirrsiazaii Danx asszrix
Aunrs.r.. Macao oi.raz AGNICULTIMAL Soccoa
rr ,— Furattant to notice, the Allegheny Agricultu
ral Society met yesterday the the pmTkne
iog officers and muggers for the ensuing ftaz.
The following are the °Scars elected:
Presideat—Hon. WALTZ& Lawara
Yee President—Hiram Holm Esq.
Recording Secretary—George Perkin.
Corresponding Secretuy—klex. Speer.
Treasurer—John Scott,
Booed of Managers--Benjaarin Kelly, of Wil
kins: John McCleskey, of 11.billscni Wm. H aiti '' ,
of Manchester; John Murdoch, jr., of Peebles; Jos.
Miller, of Saowden; John M'Gdl, of Wert Deer; P.
Al Way, of Ohio; J. E. McCabe, of South Fayeue;
8. M'Caatio, of Pine- C . Sniyely, of Wilkins; Jolla
Garrard, of South Fayette; Eraimus Cooper, of
The Committee appointed to oval:nine the am
counts, repotted that the siant of $333 had been
aubaembed—that $1.95 10 :h.% been expended,
leaving a balance in the hinds of the Trauma:l
of $.97 30. .
On 'notion of Mr. Scott, the thanks of the So•
eiety micro given to Mr. Win. Marin, far hie lode..
fatigable exenione in behalf of the Society.
Oa motion, it was resolseii that the papers friend,
ly to the Society, be requested to publish the pro
Elizabeth Township : wit& Borough At-
The first annual exhibition of this Society was
held at Elizabeth, on the 23d Met. It is a matter
of great gratification to the Board, and the mem.
bere generally, that the first exhibition was very
largely and enthosiastically attended. The emu
lation among the. members, competing for the
premiums, was high and boriorat4e, and melt as
to ensure success to the Society. A poper odd
of emulation in the improvement of stock, and of
tillage, is a great desideratum among us, and the
safest and surest Method Of exciting and keeping
Vt alive,is by frequent meetings and communica
tions with each other, and annually by the exhibi
tion of oar experiments in contrast with each other.
By this means the true science of agrieullure
can he and.will be improved.
The Directors would say that though they have
the best means to be encouraged, yet they have
some Mara that the matter is not taken hold of
properly. They would suggest that the stocks
should he changed more frequently, better quail.
fiat brought an, less breeding in allowed, great.
er attention to the time of feeding, also to the
quality as well as the quantity of food need by the
different epecles of animals, greater regard to com
fort in protecting them from "pelting rains and
pitiless storms."
It is a source of regret that so linielattention Is
paid to the rearing of thorough bredd, or even
good common horses in our Society; cd to us it
is mortifying, that ore cannot boast of o e thoromb
bred horse.
The committee awarded the let prefab= to
Franklin Wall—bast Blooded Stallion 32,00
Joo. Irwin 2nd do Ipo
Wm. Finne7, beat blooded draught hall. 1,00
Andw. McKinley, lad do (die) 50
Junius Davie, best common draught Laurie 50
Robt. McKinley, best toddle animal" :. 1,00
Andrew. Fife, best brood mom 1,50
Jas. Leech, tad do.
M. Henderson, best 2 yr. cob. • " 100
Trion. Powers, 2nd do . MI
Andrew Fife, beta yearling mit ;50
John Irwin, beet spring do i .ia
The tosmithip in the wetter of horned cattle ill
evidently looking great hes been
mode within the lest six months.
The committee awarded tha let premium to
James Wall, beet bull ' $2,00
Jos. S. Gardner, lad do 1,50
Ebea. Henderams, 3d do ipo
Ebea. Heoderwo, best beef animal 1,00
Thou. Power, beet yoke oxen l,OO
Thos. Storer. beat cow' 2 . 00
Daniel Pierce, best bull call 1,00
Ebert : Henderson, best heifer calf
Jno. Patterson, 2nd do
The committee awarded the Int premium to'
Dr. Sharer, beat boar
I. S. Gsrtiner, bc,t bOW
C. F. llmhe, 2od do
Jas. Wall, best pork awls.,
The committee on mend...tures awarded the
let premium to
, 2„3
Mn. al bets Oros cos
Mn. Ands, Ftle.;""`"%ole-ktiol
Mrs. John fling, been butter albs.
Mrs. Ander. Fue,2nd do
John McDonough, best cheese, 1211,14 .1.00
Andrew Fife, beat Cultivator ,
T. Martut,-beat grapes . 25
Dr. Shaffer, splendid lot chicken, (9) 2,00
A very large lot of better, printed hi Mrs. Ba
den Wedren, the product clone coWkir one week
tette—was not on the list for the competition.—
There were ailo several hue lots of ogle:nee /Mayor
by Thompson Martin and Mr. Crow—and some
other fine specimens of! vegetables, as extra large
beets, sweet potatoesadd turnips. Alam., shown
a very beautiful wrought spread des:tried for a putt
by Mrs. Levi Watson, and three phimea made by
Michael Ventres., that would have] made an en
viable place in the Franklin Exhibition of Ameri•
can Manufactures, and an adz toll chisel by C.
F. Sagan, of supenor workmanship. Also a
grain cradle 'made by John I. And neon—the a
bove named articles were all of au 'or quality and
MATHEW MENDERS° , President.
John E. Shaffer, Secretary.
Court of 14.1 rrrrr Ba II
MAMMA 11113610 e.
Wednesd y, Nov. 7th.
Present—Hon. Benjamin Pat) o, Preside,
Judge, and Win. Kerr and Samuel 7 1fones. Associ
ate Judges.
Vanier IN TH Srater Pazagi u Caac
The jury in the Barker ease been out
.fight, but .agreed" just as day began to dawn.
They sealegitheir verdict, permiambn to do so hey'
irigbeen given' them by the Court and counsel on
both tides, and left the Court Hotted..
They gathered togetherat about ten o'clock, end
tendered the (o'lowtng verdict—a Ire pa she eft
findereas, Joseph Eerier, :Flues Kiraland,end Jake
Shay, gushy in manna and foroi as airy stand
The Court room had been filled by a dense crowd
spectators, but after; the verdict ihad bees ren-
dered, they quietly began to disperse. - There was
no *amen, no demonstration of 0 . ! kind, although
thin verdict wan certainly unexic ed. Whatever
the merits of the case were, fele; none supposed
that o verdict of "guilty" woo lbe rendered
against the defeedan, shan't 41:seeming to think
that the jury: would not egret. iltirkland and
Sharp who were in the court nri when the Ver
dict wee rendered, seemed to beir . it philosophi
cally, but Barker gathered en: dience 'on the
steps in front of the Rotunda andtmmenced hers
Roguing them in a:very inflammat. ry manner.
Immediately after the verdicith d been render
ed Mr. Brady, on the part of the cameo, made a
motion in arreet ofjUdgment, in fora new trial
for the following reasons. II:
Ist. The offence charged in the Aral and second
counts is not indictable. i
2nd. The third count is defektive because the
charge which It contains is too . generelly set forth,
not being eufficiently explicit aihce it does not set
forth the words which the defendants are alleged
to have spoken.
.., i
These points were argued 4by the counsel for
the defence in their addresses lo the jury.
When the motion for a new , j yial is argued, we
will report the proceeding.. f,
Commonwealth vs. Louie Miller —lndictment
Assault and Battery, on oath ofiSamini Reynolds.
The defendant was acquitted ' prosecution to
pay the wets.
Commonwealth ea Joshph Randolph end John
Sem.—lndictment—Aseault and Battery, alleged
to have been committed on Lbeis Miller.' Ver
dict ,stuilty." r
Commonwealth viCharles Wedley sad James
Ruthenord reolcired)—lndictrnEnt.Robberi. Ruth•
erford not having been arrestd. Wedely only
was . trial.
Mr. John Standcliffe, the. pro:mentor , testified to
having been knocked down add robbed of 53,00 by
the defendants. He swore, point blink, that Wed
ley was one of the PIED who lobbed him—Wills
for prosecution, MeClory for di.4',ence,
Mr. Randolph, who was eciavicted in the above
we, la in a rather singular illlatitllm• Slis acme
eeems to have been put in th 4 bill of indictment
instead of that of Samuel Rey:polds, MI the CUM
last mentioned.
Thejnry, not undentend....,,
rendered the above verdict. Mr. RI
all we can learn, wan not preee nt at ill..He to a
police otEcee of great rupectabflity, and would, we
are sure, not be engaged in disturbances of the
righted. peace. The Court wits of course, sea Wm
A good family carriage, made with shafts nod
tongue, suitable for either otie at two horses, to
be sold et Davis' suction Pei at IL o'clock thintreed sae or by
BRAUN it itarreat i dap
Taos Buz.—We team that the Gina - A
.7iiV ,
have found a true• tall. In the libel cue In which ,
Mr. P. B. Templeton,_ stenographer, the prvsevu
ter,'Citargea Mr. *ryes, of go; !cot, w#ll publish
ing a iibel on htrUin that I
Amami:m-IHr.: Alexander Franklin was admit
led; to the Bar on:Tuesday. He ia a young gentle
man of dna ediccation and talents, and oral doubt
lam soon mand high in the estimation of hie prin•
kanional brethren and the public., • , •
Farm 6zaw.l—Wapnr loPpyart insomnia that
this charming "artiste" Will give a wrier oP4e l . l '
Ingo': bore next Week. The fame of fdri:4l-airt
ble bi known wh'erever the English language is
spoken, and her entertainments will be attended
by crowds such ar have never before hewn gath
ered together In Pittsburgh.
2 /
We are requested to inform our ro t.qrs that
the large mak of superior quality old Woes and
Liquors, advertised by John I.):_Davis, A etioneer,
to take place thii afiernocns, at No. 40 Market
street, will he sold et itte-store, No. , Viaduct
between Front and Second, at 2 o'clock.,
Liouramo.— We understand that the Third
Presbyterian Church wee struck by lightning last
eight. The electric fluid passed offhy the lightning
rod, and, though' the' confirmation mete in the
church, did no farther damage than puttldg out
the gas lights.
This Is the second lime within •the present year
durt this building buts been struck, and II is !achy
that it was furnished with a rod, or many lives
would have been 'Jost.
DIGBV wolld hereby inform his friends and
TT enstomengand the public in general, Mar he
has Jan received his fell supply of fall goods, cheap
and gaud as tonal.. •
no Oft. black ,and colored French, English and
Amenean Brea& WWI, of every quality.
100 pieces black and fancy Canimeres.
MO patterns Vesting', many of which can only be
had at this establisament.
60 dog menno, lambswool and cot= Shirts and
A full and handgun° lot of Cravats, silk Handker
chiefs, Su/panders, Gloves, At.
A large lot of fine and common white Shirts.
Also on hand, 453 drab, blue and black felt and blan
ket Over Costa, from 42,30 to 512.00.
dial dress, frock, box nod sack Coals, from 53 to SW.
A large stock of fine and common Pants, from 111 to
IRO per V e ils, of Yas, of Torino, materials, from VS eta to It.
A fine amorousid of lodise .d gendernens , Cloaks,
always on hat.d.
N. B.—Custom work .11 receive particular aueni
don. liandsome garments and good fits warranted.
Any person In want of Clothing can be be suited to
Choir entire musfaunion, W. DIGBY'S
cheap Cash Clothing Store. 122 Liberty at
• . .
Eeq., Clerk of the• Court of Quarter &Malone of
Beaver County:
'Mr. R. &Sellers—air, Some time in the winter my
wife was afflicted with aievera and distressing cough,
and hearing of year invaluable. Cough Syrup, I par
chased is bottle from 8. T. Trimble, of Uridgesenter,
and slier taking a portion of it two or three evenings
on gothic to bed, she found immediate relief; as able
.rues: friends have been relieved in severe eases. I
therefithe satisfied that it is a mile and valuable
medians, and wood recommend it to those who may
be afilielid with severe Camas and Colds.
Mira 29, 1543. . W. K. BODEM.
Prerfired find mild by IL K SELLERS, 57 Wood st,
• end sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al
legboy. ocal
Ulf zra IlTax.llll PICON
And is now 7epaing a ape asortmeat of
%laden he is prepared to Lemke. word:
And In the laleat Fashions
Oct 23
,g RE NOW RECEIVING a huge and complete as.
DLERY, and CARPLTITERB' TOOLS, direct from
the manufactutem in Europe and Ameripa,and are
row tally prepared to offer g oods at such prices as
cannot fall to please, and paily request
int' attention of Iderehants who are m the habit of go
ing East, we feel confident • they will find, alter a
thorough examination, thatour prices will compare
taeorsidy with any hoax in Philadelphia or New
• earls wird
....±?Qmeil;lZ'sjiePeriqre, all
doer freely f ewe
rom any kind of pen—she color deep,
bright and durable. I( there have been limier articles
made, I hare neither semi nor
of Mena Sane
plc bottles cm Ito obtained gratis, by the merthants
generally, from 11. A.: Be
& Co., Henry P.
Schwan:, Allegheny, or of the Matteracmrer, THOS.
K. lIILISEAT, Druggist and Cheinim, corner of Litter.
y a nd Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. 11—Any bottle not . giving el:caplets satisfaction,
nun be returned and the price will be refunded.
"There are more Mules In heaven tad earth
Than are drempt of in phtlomphy
Wind VIRTerS of din remarkable remedy. and
1 the constant application tor -it, to the proprietor,
has induced hun to beech put 'up in bottles with la
bels and direction, for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUNI is procured from a well in this
minty, at • depth of four hundred feet, is a pore {llll.
didwrated article, without any atteialcil chan6e. but
lost as flows from Naturea Cheat Labratoryit Thoth
contains properties revoking a another tilseases,,is
no longer a matter et untertanity, There are many
things m the amens Of natureorldeh,it known, might
be of vast usefolness to allemdng mitering, and re
storing Me bloom of health and vigor to many a suf
ferer. Long before the proprietor thonght of potting
hap tit bottles, a had a reputation for the care of die
eise. • The COIZSMII and dolly mereasing calla for A,
and merest remarkable cures It his performed, is a
sore indication of its forum popnlartty and wide
spread applieadoo in the Mire of disease.
• We do not wish tot make a long pseudo of coca
as we are eunmiom that the medicine can soon
work Its way into the favor of those who suffer and
wish to he healed. 'Whilgt we do not Maim for it •
11.111•Glniarlpilf.e111(11 seer, disease, we unbesita
tingly say, that in • number of Chronic Distils. it is
annotated. AlhOeff these may be enumerated-eel!
d Beises of the mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC
Asthma, andall diseases of the alr passages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Iliad.. Diseases of
the Bladder end Kidneys. Palos
in the Beet or Side,
Nervous Comsat, Neuralgia,Palsy, Rheumatic Palos,
out, Erynifteles, Triter, Ringworm., Boma Scalds,
Bruise*, Ord Sores, he., AA. In eeles of debility re-
Mang front expmire, or
bannd pretracted cases of
Mileage, this medicine will g rend' It will act as
e general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In such eases,
importing tone and energy to the whole frame, ream,-
etistritetious, opening die sluggish function., which
an and a britken co:isthmian, and giving
increased nod renewed energy to all the ni . gans of
Life: The proprietor knows of several curds of
PILES, that resisted every other treatment, gel well
ender the use of the PCIOLEUM for a short kime,
!De proof ran be given in su p person who desires it.
None genuine without the signature of the proprietor-
Sold by the proprietor. Also by
E. SELLERS, 57 Wood et;
corner Wood M. End Wain alley; who aro Ito
noiradlyregularly appointed /wine
Lictuorms,.(mioxcain3,. &If.:
SHE subscriber is just MCIIIViIIf hie Pall Steck ;
brecing all description. of FOBEION .WINES,
pew , Commie., Cigars, rte. He offers ladneogtents
to the Wholesale sod Retail trade, that cannot be :el.
celled- Among the ankle. for sale, he would. eon-
Inmate the following;
69 pkgs Noehelle. Bordeaux and Cornea Brandies. In
pipes, hf ritpes, (planers end oetetres, MI chalet,
brands and vintages;
9 pipe. Holland (ling;
1 puncheons Jamaica Spirits:
5 do New England Ram.
2 do Scotch-and lrisk Whokey;
162 Ibis old Monongahela Rio Whtskey,
21 film gal dcmljen do dee, 1899;
41 'Aga .hladeira and Sherry %Vines, in hf pipes, quer.
tersend octavee;
25 Mtge 1 1000 and Teneriffc Wines, levartersO
05 Ctra•Tl rY nir i " ff q 7 t
b bl. Ol d hnlwelnA gjine s;
Ibis d
Penal Brandy.
101 socks Rio, Lagnayra and Jaya Coffee;
75 pkg.. Y. 11. P. Chelan Tear„
30 pkg. vasortell Tobateo;
bbis and bales Spices;
15 Ibis White Sere;
37 baskets fresh alit! Oil:
75 do Champagne Wincs, pro and qts;
17.2 emots(l dos) Clarct Wlnem
X do Bock - or Rhine d 0:.
2.3 do Sauterne Wines; SO do Monet; 10 do Meet.
berry Brandy; . 110.001 Imported Cigar, together with
CordlOs,Demijons , Wicker filtsks,Senteh Ale, Brown
Stout, ATOIIIIOIE Wine Bitters, Bottled Wines sm. Li
guori. of it! e finest kinds; Annieette,Cemeols,Alesynth,
Marasquino, Urges, Cerise., Met and Cologne 1101.
des. Anchovies, Sardioes, Lobster. in))m, Caper,
Olives, Ketchup, S. P. Chocolate,Corke, anon Slugs,
Muddler, S.C. , Bonet, Mashers, and Pittsburgh Maio
41111ClUiVel gars-rally. JACOB WEAVER, Jr,
ocra cot Market e n d First stv
SEALED PROPOSALS moll ha received at the of
fire of the lames River mod linnawha Company in
Richmond, unul the irld.da_y of November nett. for the
construction of a Stone Dam acmes lames River, at
Maiden's Adventure Palls, twenty-eight miles above
The Dam will be about 1100 feet long, and 10 feet
The work will be paid Mein current Rank Notes.
Besides the usual reservation of 00 per tent 011, the
monthly estimates, the Contractor will be reentred to
glee ample security, ontisfactory ID the Board of
rectors, for the completion of the work at the time and
in the manner specified in the cositrace
of the above work will be exhibited, and sue
cifiratioim thereof delivered to the contractor, at the
Company , * office in Richmond, by the Sib day of No •
vesnber next, on sjiplicatior . t .. his_the Secretary of the
WALTER owyNri,
Met Engineer J. R. & IL 'Ca
Fticbmond, 00.17, 1.549.—(0cmdmw,,,
Am uleask Woolen Good.
T HE su
seuo Lscribet lino" (received the presV
la be is a th ut::r t relYto '' closelit th p ' riethr
very then
30 pieces yard elide Barred Flannel.
250 oaths White Bed Blankets, ribbon pound, Six
pounds to the pair.
I ease SO prim Sieataboat Blankets, ribbedbon.d;•
very supener rek.
4 cases (MO pairs) Grey Mixed Bina.,
SO pairs Dark Gentianella Bloc Muskets, a Cm
eerier artitle , • ,
e coca they and Blue Blanket Coating.
le pieces Tateeth•Stenbenville nuke: ease won. ,
edjdani and barred leans, Brenbenville manufscrolf.
,Ttke above goods are all ethsthilned: f rom
maker, and be sold very low
curt or. pro .
notes...::ooo R.1,45,4tiny moppets Ak,
the matter, hav •
V , '',
• "
• Exclusively for Panangers.
The Roam adds Line will leare
al fallouts, at 8 o'clock at
.Lourstalta—J r Ttlompson, Thursday, Nov. lat.- -
Indiana—P 13urkey, Friday, 2i.
O Kentucky-,Capt H Truhy. Saturday, 3d.
Craig, Sunday, 4th.
Louishme—.l P Thompson, Monday, Mh.
Indiana.--P Harkey, Tuesday, 81,.
Ohio—Cy H Tmhy, Wedaenday, 7th.
Ohio—Capt. A Craig, Thursday. Min•
Lottialtum—J P Thompson, Frida y Rh.
ladiana—P Bergey, Saturday, loth.
Eentelry—H Truby, Sunday, Ilth.
Ohio Capt A Craig, Monday, 12th.
• ' Lonana—.l P Thommton, Tuesday, 13th.
indigo Bui.key. Wednesday, 14th. •
Kentucky—ll Truett, Tbanday, lath.
For Page apply to W BUTCH,
Monongahela House,
•-• nem' or D LEECH re Co. Canal Buie
Onty 9"
9LDm/rum Ind' Cumberland lo Ealtimora and
• • •
41111118 morning boat leaves the wharf; above the
k bridge,.t P' o'clock prensely• Time to
Baltimore, hours; time to Philndelphiaolo hours.
- The evening boat leaves daily, (except' Sunday ea.
mane,' at 4 o'clock. Passengers by leauinr on the
evening boat, will crow the mountains in stages next
day, and thus avoid night trate!.
Secure your licking an the °face, Monongahela
Boom or M. Charles lintel.
rmil3-ly • J. MESKIMEN, Agent
Patent Chinon Roller..
THE ud'"ln
cc e i r uPatrolf"'
GovernmentT of geTotriSfesCira nap
wd superior mode of casting CHILLED ROLLERS,
hich arahowoffered for .ate at the lOWA FOUN
DRY, Pittsburgh, by PARRY, SCOTT is Co., m a bnif
cent per pound lower than thommade by other
manufacturers. The Rollers are sm.-florin perfection
Of surface to any bitheno made, arid are manufactured
from the strongest Iron of this country. ..-
oetntdru JOHN C. PARRY.
ASPLENDID agoorunent lust recemed,suluible for
the Fall and Winter Trade., cementing in 'part of
REN'S WARE, of every variety and style, and at
price. Co snit the times. Thom wishing to purchase,
wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to
give its • mill and examine for themselvea:
00517 minim Fourth and Smithfield eta.
__ . jrTDont forret the place.
tiEfitlaciatizahs PIANOS.
0110 RECEIVED and now open for exami
nation, a near and splendid insert •
ment of 1 Octave Pianos from “Chlek
crick', Roston, among them • fall
carved Innis XIV. ordered for °noel' our eitircos,,veho
ens kindly permitted it to remain in my ware room to
day (Wednesday) for exhibition—Those who may have
• desire to see and hear this'oplendid specimen of an,
am respectfully invited to call today lathe store of
Agent for Chinkerines Pianos far Western Pa.
OF WE. SCHUCILMANN, 'Third at, opposite Me
PosoOMee, Pitutbargit.—blaps, Landscapes. Dill
beads,Showbilis, Labels, Architectural and Machine
Drawings, Hamm and Waiting Card., 0.0 , engraved
or drawn on stone, and printed in colors, Gold, Bronze
or Black, In the most approved style, and at the moat
reasonable pneet. octl&ly
AAT P. pre now receiving from the factory • large
V supply of these/mks, which we are telling low.
er than such goods ran be had elsewhere in this city.
We am no acids in bleaching, th at Irjures the goods;
ma object being to reduce p Foods not for show only,
but for neutron and.durabilny, - and as such they re
ceived the first pentium over all other erode exhibit.
ed at the late Allegheny Asrieultural Fair.
Fe,sale a,the Blanket Depot, No. Gd. Market st, and
Mthe ware rooms of the Fayette Manufacturing Co.,
Ma. jII. Second G.
. -
Blankets Of our Manufacture are cold in Allegheny
City, by Mr. Jobn Dean, nod BIM; at ttte "Two Big
Windows," Federal et. oetls
PILWafirTIGKIA.N atracitirowt; --
or austmbl
MIME will be found for sale an assortment of
V viluable - religions Books and Tracts. comprised
in a series of abaut FOUWIIUNDRED' diferent pub
lication, which catalogues cantle had on applic a
limb) embracing many standardworks . In Theology,
Dwgr•PhY, fee. selected Lod publtshed by the
Prasbyteriw Board of PahliCation Philadelphia;
and well adapted for Sabbath School, Congregational,
Ministers' and rTiVIIIC Libraries.
Persons wishing to poselesse quell books, are invi
ted to reit end aselille the assortment.
TW:t Depository otele Pertmylvanin Blble Society
i. kept al .- these ;wins. octSitlikarams
---- vractroxrivr - oos.
levied snack at pars Gnu. Ell AND siLAGN TEAtBR dwell
fro. New York, ail of which h. been recelve-0 In Gus
country since the first of February last. constsung of
all the different grades grown in the Gelesual Iltoplra
OUT stack being among the hugest in the Wert, we are
prepared to wholesale, on better ten. than any other
kou. in the city We invite retail grocers to call and
...tine our mock and prteek They ran have n pack
ed in I, I, and I p.kages, iS lb Un cent:asters, or by
halfhkestii, to m it utt conveincnce.
Oar retail prices vary far Oniony, Wank Teas front
30 eta to 61,30 per lb., Nang Young Sonebong. 50 eta,
Congo 60, and E.ngllzh Br.kfast 50, Vonng Hysen,
Gunpowder and Imperial, from 33 r to $l-03 per lb
Fsintlics are requested to send and get samples ol
of our Tess, end tr) thin. beforeparcbusing.
A. JATNIIB. 70 Fourth street
No. 100 Market Street,
Fancy ea , mere, Mauldin de Lena, Sella de Chance.
Fancy Silk, and a large aseortment of French Alen' '
nos, rammed; Lyonems and Coburg Cloth.. -
ALIO, ?ouch Eahroaderire, Ilorzerg, Sloane!, a
large asrormon; Brodie, Thlbet.Tdic liaurcSllk - and
Woolen Long Shawl..
DOXIFSTICS. FLANNELS, neking., Clothe, CU.
alreeres, Settineta, Tweeds, Ky. Jeans, &r. de.
onto:dim D. H. FRALICH.
70 The LOVERS OF 00OD Tedu
ebeei; Splee d old a n r tivE , received
".' Fuca. itvavre Armaanahr.
THIS very moaner Black 'rea 1•1111 yarehmed by
Ur Haworth, in the London Docks, duryfrea, and
is the same WW arming and touch flavored Tea that
Is retailed in England at four and five shill:rigs per
pound.. Whoever has tested Mack Train England ; ts
well awl= that the strength, flavor andronahneas Is
superior aupeor to any they have been ahle to purchase in
this country. U you compare this with what you pay
higher priers for ebewkiere, you will find a sapenor
in Hever, and nearly double the strength. Price-93
cents per package, or In balk at 5D and 75 cents per
We have also jum received ARTIST'S TOOLS and
COLORS, purchased , by Mr. Haworth when in Paola.
lust received at Morris A Haworth . * Wine Store,
Federal it., Allegheny:
Deem' from France,
lb pas prime old Cognac Brandy;
do Oparte, 5 Mid, Port Wm° "Pere Grape
do Holland ; 3 pipes Gin;
do London, I puncheon Foglisla GM;
do London Dock., I hhd superb Old Port
do i Belfast, I puncheon Irish Ntilliskeyt
do qtennoek, I puncheon Scotch Markey.
The ahoy., orate purchnsed and shipped In the differ
cat puts 6f Europe, or Me. Haworth, (who !ma last
retorted„ tad we now oder the tame for cash, whole
silo or retail, st a fair profit.
Tbls is t rare chance for those who requiresuperior
Wines and Liquors, ea we are determined I. offer Meta
Past - 0C1.a.4201
BURR MILL STOMPS ruanufacts,
A red In France, composed of but few
Bieck* and solid eyes—a large assort
ment, the hest of the kind, always on
hand at greatly reduced perm
ALSO—Peach Barr Mill Stones of
•11 I my own manufactu rio re, made of a new
and super quality or Blocks. Thew
Burrs are made under my own superin
tendence, and as great cam is taken to maks th.
Joints close, and to bare an the blocks in eh Stone
of a uniform temper, they are warranted to b ac e
of the
very bestqoality, superior to those Imported froze
Pea and also *opener to the •re •t mews of those
made in this country, and at prices lower than have
ever before been sacred In this m.lret.
Laurel 11ill Mill Stones, aU
Bolting CAW., all numbers; of the best quality, war
ranted to give satisfaction to the purchaser, and at
greatly reduced prices.
Mill Ppindlcs, Mill trans, :Jews. and Picks, Plat
form Scales, Com and Cab Grinders; Grist and Saw
Mill Castings of all kinds, and Mill Furiesblugin gen
All orders gtomptly attended mat 414 and ate Lib
erty street, near the Cuial, Pittsburgh. -
IntraftgdGut %V. W. WALLACE.
Th. Char/Agra Coal Company.
BOOKE will be opon for enbeeripoon to the stock of
The Chnniere Coal Company,^ on mod after
Monday, the 24th day of Ceptember iont., as the office
of Z. W. Remington, Pena et, Pitteboro.
epellelft Z. W. REMINGTON.
I := I := ri
5) GROSS lust we'd from the Philadelphia Factory,
an excellent article for rendering Roots and Shoes
perfectly water proof, and soft as • piece of cloth.
One application of this Paste ia sufficient to make them
impervious to water for two months; and is a perfect
preventative months leather cracking. Sold whole
sale and retail at N 0.5 Wood sr.
octlh J. tr. 11. PHILLIPS.
F , ,,,Ljg411,1,411:4C0
BE sabsenber bar on bond and for sale, es jLe
Tof 10l b. tnetoo Co., of Phitadelplon, the lei v.,
Ins t
pair °Maser,
45 Saints Fancy Letter, diferennses;
3SO Newspaper Cuts,
500 11,.. Leads, eat to osier;
111 Comporting Sucks,
1014tegs Brno , •
Neves Ink;
I 'tr.. Galley, Column Hales, Brass Roles of all
descriptions, &o. A. JAYNa4,
Pekin Tea ROTC, :0 Fourth st
N —Orders received for new Type, ssio.a.,,sB
WINDOW APPARATUS—A gentleman of Philadel
phiPena, who holds (menthe patentee the under for the St d
of nsylvania...has entrusted to the ersigne in ,
disposal of the right for the western part of. the .nee.
The invention is among the most asetul of the age. en
abling one to open, shut, how, and bolt the wlndews
(ram the inside, without raising the sash. The swam
ies supplies the plaza of tunibuckles, rings, stsples, end
lower hinges. When the windows arc nearly shut,
dthey cannot be opened fro the outside; when lower
the). are festithout nt
tying; when open. they are
fest without tumbeekle. Thew, interested in baddlng
Dapmerments, should call et once and <earning the
" Red Lion Hotel.
ROUERT A. CUNNINGHAM Mu removed id No 0
CO[1113101 . 6• 1 Rom, bowie 'formerly inempled by
3310171• 011101, Wiled., he will be happy to ata hie friends
met former .1010010113. 0.213
PIV VOitir
p 9 t Nn. 3 Spruce street—Would nail the attention of
Printers to Ws Improved Pnnung LOG of vatic.,
kinds and order., at On tedlothisl prices:
Fame fine Jet Black, for Card and Wood
cut . .CO and 3 00 per Ili.
Fine Book Ink - - 0 00
HOOK et . - 040 .h hd
Neves • 10 " 0 Z
Fit. Red Ink -73 d 100 130 h 00 I.
Dlaey Yellow, Green and White 730 1 tO 1 h !
Gold aim at 112 per 11, end BTOLIZP at ao, 73 es. and
!1e r ok
peeimen of Neivra Ink can be aeon on tins 0.6 ,
n . c, sale .101INSTON &BIZCIETO
Vit . Pa;
C. Morgan k Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. tstitirsh,
111 Anton 6 Oriswootii, latisaills, 14, codeslOns
CanomCISZERINOS—A. — X:SIason Co,openai
...in6-10 In or Rid, MO Sainted linnet,
0(.0101/Z404iinhISOGB " 0000
II 0 LE S - 1 - 1 V - 1111 -- Virfrirra
• A . . A MASON CO.
=O. 60 ASIYST STEW. pirrinimunizea,,
WOULD respectrully:ealhhe attention of city and
1' country Merchants to their choice Atm*. of
PALL AND WINTER GOODS, which for extent and
variety has probably rievabeen equate:lin the Irma
erncountry.. Panamint the ease failitiei aed
vantages titian by Eastern Roma, by Inaba one
of the partners constudy in the East snag incase
ufacmani Imponera ane Auction Ikons, they , are
prepared to offer the. some advantages in atyle and
peace, that can be obtained Dr the largest Eastern
Receiving large consignments of DOMESTICS frail
Me manufacturers of New England, they are enabled
Mier these geode lese.rats thin .owy WPM ,
I •nred of the Eastern Jobbers. • •,:r ' • •
The thet Wet their eetabliahmenroders eq
imeamr advantages in catty deseriPtionnf Nan
can be had Eton, has teen clearly demonstrated' to
their mamma Palmas. They feel confident if Mer
chants contrmplating parchuing East, will tiaMillB
their mock, they will convinced that they tan bap
the same quality' of goods at such prices as lenses
the can of tramEmnation, and the necemary
and time of an Eastern trip. Thee mention a part of
their stock which will away. be found fresh and nom.
Merrimack, Hantilloll,Coehece, and Manchessar . Com
munes: also from the Prim Worker of Donnell, P.Allen,
Sprague, Rtehmood le Can, Chaperm, American,
Adams, do. r
40 cues GINGRAMS end CHINTZES, of the heat
130 cues BLEACHED MUSLINS, of all the well
known and approved makes, for sale by We package
at Manta , pnees.
300 bales BROWN AtUBLINS, of all widths, paaß•
ties and prices. .
Pittsburgh Steam Marble Works.
WO. 1144 LIBERTY, opposite Smithfield street—
.l.l Marble gentles, hionoteentaTambsTible Tops,
are., a large saner of the most beautiful kind, made
of the (meat quilt, of (omega sad domestic marble,
alwaye on head or nude to osier, by the aid of ma.
ehinery, on slut .hang Mid! and at the lowest prima
N. B.—The Comnry Trade fernished with all kind.
of Marble at tha lowest rates. All orderspromptly at
tended to at IN Liberty; opposite Smithfield et. • '
mylßJlp W W WALLACE •
.11EACHINE6.• , • I •
y lILLS Paint Bums or Free& San EIBILTTMIL
-14 CHINS Use best lathiest( the kind In me; they
rllll light, eluua hat, do the work well, and will last a
life amt. Montoo6a them are la ase, ise the. beet
mills ilt the eollastY, Ind are ease the. strongest .testit
mony of oompmem persons as their suori over
all other Sou Nuhittes. , For farther p peri artieular ty
dress the abed - Aber at 244 Liberty It. Pittsburgh.
mr,lo-stela WALLACE
TE,OI /MIMES - AND BOILERS—Fin grlet,sitor
end other enik always ontend, or made to onist
on very son nottee. sodas the toweexprisere. All or
dr, oromittly attended to at .214.Libeny greet, Emu
the Canal. my3o • W W WALLACE
PLASTER YAILIS—For land, and edam .parmel,
always an hand at 444 Liberty at.
1' A I ~at . —.Stamp. on • an• at
II Liberty st. nty3tl W W WALLACE
G RINDSTONES -4n alma ant Out, always
• •
'han•l at MA Lltotety moot.carat , W W WALLACE
Tr ikwith pleaaure that Oh aularertbera
I Wenn the chit.. of Pittabarah and vi.
66 megia rth d =l... t P kr;i=
of rhiladelphia, t reserve their tiperior
- PACLD TEAS, ..• .
And trill hereafter be kept constatutY on i
hand. They are neatly and severely put 1
op In reetathe pae=andl IL l itt j
tn 4 ',-."'', o of do oncern and
..., .-, h i a ' l;fth ' anntivitattort ;,c, raTthe
1 115111114141 116 T / IL 111C.3
IGuripnwee ri T.:=o:4 1,00 . 1,10.
1. impeal • • •—•—W 15 73 I,W 1,
A 620 75 LAO 1,03
Mi 73 gCI 1 1,20 1,60 .
8L . c ... Black -37* 00
Fine andel - enna. .n 1,00 1,25 1,00
Wo will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be etpuil
te, if not err - aro. to any sold in this city, and should
they not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be re
turned, and itlo money will be refanded,.oa it is only
with Mat understanding we sell. . •
We tiara fair trial, that the pablie may be able to
edge' between cur Teas and t ho se heretofore gold by
other,companlea in els city.
hlllovers of rich, delicimmand good flavored MIS,
should give use call.
For sale by JOS. S.M. YOUNG& CM,
N W Comer 4th and Ferry wawa, and
S W comer ad and Bess mrems
The. Largest Inaurance Company in Uto,Unlted States.
OT HIS Company. hove last Md. *hoer 40,030 . Policies
1. this year that far, and probably at the rate of 10,-
013 annually in this, blare, mostly to the Eastern and
fiddle pane. 'rho rates of this Company axe low,
both, for cult and the preminm notes.
The nom to insure an culinary tisk for *IMO, will
be p emiom pole. 819 only. Cull 40 per cent. on the
note which, with the polity and ailmmY,roake about
r r five yeang 111 per year, two rents per week, or
reckoning annually 10 cents on the $lOO.
agnount &cash, althongh small, has pan! all loss
es promptly for revere! years; and from the increasing
bustriens, the Directors are warranted in the belief that
no um non the premium notes will be' necessary.
This Company are prohibited by their By•Lascs from
buoying in blocks or czpored parts of villages or from
taking flaka upon any bud of Iliille,lihrips or blachlr.-
ery,Which are considered hazardous, or from taking
• upon one rick. The policies of this vim
n en,,in7;yes... froze the obJectionablo conditions round
• . many other corapaniea,otnqwincla
Tuts liam7rouTDo•-...—___
of course, members.
ARCH. BISHOP, Secretary.
C. A. COLTON, He. Agent (or
Western Penn's, to be found at present at
ceOl-dterftalmr Brunt's Hotel, Pittsburgh.
1;(7. bacwitottauto Sun Dmatala.=.l,oNWS
lan Chemical Soap calm. • free pentpuathm.-ind at
the same tune mollifies, softens, cud whitens the stbs,
poke n the texture and beauty of an infant's.
healed, but cured by its no, as at least seven Plow
etens in New Vora know, who am it in such cases,
sod find it ingesting—as also ..
names, IiSAITCIIII3, FuteMsts, or any Miter akin
mca. The render ;ts coated that das Is no useless
odes nostrum, as wields' prove. I could um.
tnernte at least GU petattow onrofl or •
Sou it..., sen Land odip,2 . 4*Thesen.—HsT
and usa it, and the It.iStr ..A4T4crAIATITred / would
not cruelly sell it for th e eliirmantluppe. It to be
nil I mute. Those who tiro liableux • • . •
Cattalo, Cascara, OR Clue= Plinth Will find this
cum Any one Maimed wall any'oftbb hiatus, or sim
ilar Macau., will find th i s all and even mom ledintra
ble In its properties) than I stabs - •
But, reader, the motes are fleadalLwith •leattations,
and be `Sure you ask for JONFZIr 111alan Chemical
Soap. Sold by WM. JACHSON,V,I.N . HI d meet,
e r
re th
Till sum or • ELI Runt. at miasma mad
aininan a bad, putrid Inanity at dart, yellow dia....
ed th. If persona Nava thaw their awn fault—
thoj an, for mu ahillinp, buy au article that wiLL
,snakathein !death puss and matt. dm Spicy lira
. . _ • - •
It cares disease. of the Goma, twangy or ulcerated,
and forum Teeth it Is unequalled, removing the tartar,
faltenteg the teeth In lb. gum.. and Mega them as
'Alma* the mom of the frotors Nen ►
Snob, raider, are the propenlea of IatIMMI Amber
Tooth Poste. and, without praising it ourselves, hear
what one 01 010.10010 respectable and mien ISo Den
tist., Mr. U. Pleat, oh New-York, says: .
L.l have both sued and analthed this beautiful Indira
palpable article, (Jane,'- Amble Tooth Purr,) and
con recommend it as possessimbalithequalitiesclahm
ed fit it." Reader, we out say ne morn to convince,
only that if you try thin once you well pleased.
It ill pot up in beautiful Koala China P... 1 for US
eento Sold by the Agent, WU—TACKSON, Bg Litter,
iy street, Pittsburgh. .• augbui&VP-
ALL soon amen axe honorably assuredthat
the following 000 thoetas' qualities. of a 3s. bonle of
Jon's Coral "Ilislr:rlestonolve. U'rhey'donlit our
word, they omootthese biddy respectable. emscrts •
who hare tried itr—
Mr. Geo. Begket, 41 Elm at, New York.
Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle no, Brooklyn.
• Mr. Wm. Tompkins. 91 Eng or, New York.
Mr. Thos. Jackson, Moutburs Lland, [ie....Pittsburgh
11. E. Cullen, lam bruin. steamboat S. America.
And more than a hundred Others more, though this
most suffice, that It will force the hale to grim on the
head or face, stop It falling off, strengthen the roots,
removing scurf and dandruff Boor Me roots, 'making
light' red or gray hair assume a fine dark lookoind
keeping dry, harsh or arlrylair molar, sat, clean and .
beaunfol, a very, very Jong time.
Sold by the Agent, Whl..lACKSON,:.l3o . l.iberty sy
Pittsborgh. Price XI, 50 coals, ordain dollar..
atilhd&wT . • •
They am not aware how frigtokily injurious it is
to the skint how coanq hoar rough, how sal
- low, yellow, and ankaaith7 ap
pears arteramogpre-parodchaLt: Be
aide. it a ono:loos, containing a
Mtge quantity of Lead!
We have primeM. A beautiful vegetable article,
It is perfentlyinnocent, being nitrified until delenri•
cusquallunsi anditinmarm to Magian& natural, heal
thy, alabaster, clear, living whits; at ths ssion time
scow. as a coametic on She skin,. making it.soft and
smooth. Sold by the Agent, WpL JeciLsorr, to
arty st, Pittsburgh. Pytoo3 scam ihaVaitrv•T
f ~, ... few doors below Weed easel, to
7 1 . '.',,,..- • I DUI B.ll.OViNi having beta
~:, ....*,;„: s
.• •.
~- regularly ed... to th e medic.
, • • ' - orates. o and been for's.. 1105
, f•ri ... ..- 4 ~." In general practice now confines
Mo. prorate and • dedicate • etuni
. ' ari k paints for which his opporturatio
n, - and carienee peoultarly quality
t :"him 1 l eans asidno=levotoi
ti to m ' rh Y e itsl u' hi . ar mOre poaches th rartlerand Us . '4 .1.0 sao ' re hi p c 4
tie., than can ever fall s to din iotoo .41 , P...te eme
nd nee). amply qualifie hint to offer Assurance* of
speedy, pennanent, and satisfactory cure to all afflicted
with detente
and. all 01<.11.34 arising there
Dr. Drown woad Worm tames afllibted with pavans
amuses which have become ehrordc by time or .g
cravat. by the an of soy of the common nostrums of
the day, that their complaints Can be radically mad th e e ! ,
oog hly cased; h o tomng given his careful allEatiCsti to.
the treatment attach cases, sail NlCCONlCaltiliandredi
of instances in oaring purees of indsinmalion of ths
neck of the bladder, and kindred diaconal, which often,
result from those cases Wh.e ashen have consigned.
them to hopeless despair. ale parlicaladriontes each
as have been long and ansitecesafally totaled by others'
to =molt Mtn, when emety.tatisfactleawill be given
there, and their caws trended Ma e nreful,thorough anti
Intelligent manner, !putted oat br a long expericace
study, end investigation, which it is imposeible for than
engaged in general praellca' Of medicine' to give - an
one class of disease.„ ~,•., , • .-
Cr Henna of litainit"..--Alf 4 trirtyo also invites par
sou afflicted with bierolala call, t o
bas paid mum
alas attendaa to this disease., . , .. ' • ' '
Skin divine's; ninol l ...f:trillir 4 tcq " r 0
Charge, very -
11.—Patient% of erni wa thing at a Claim* Or
swing 'their dhow 'in iftvinvall the itympj
tome, can ribudaretedieltioirrith directions for rue. bI
noldresalniii:L mtowN, M. a. port paid, and men*
11 o fee:
121 c. No: 65, Diniziond alla7, oppalits the • aver*
.....matiateii.--Dr.Drown's 14.4 dspcoMorod rem*
dttor Rboonvulsm liwgrpeetly mavens. seatedy for
that palatal trouble. It navel has: - ••
.oalee and Private Omsalting in
moturalky, ritiabsrgh,Pa. , l4loM l pc u Akway.
47,,Net -1.41 ner..• . '
brawd, 1.1111,
_KJ 140 +.lO barital Pamela, (Arthur. &Elm. amil•
utelettire,) which will bcCiold'als small Weaaee abolle
aumafaxturus` Pticaa. Can sultt awning at No- too
at oettAlta D. Lt. yKtu,actl
40 eases and bales of Ticiaxots of the Yott Rea nte
then, Awaken and Oda C 4011411116116
38 bales Red, •lA'hite
e nd Yellow 11,ANNIMM,'i„
complete assortment for sale lour by the bale or
Interned direct from mannfeetarera,
BROADCLOTHS and CAntgrhyomos, doe jp.a., , , CI,"
Rimers of R. Ewer & Son, NM& Carpenter, far t n
usick Rani., Ste, of every grade.
CA SSINI..TS, JEANS and TWEEIM-41 cases tog.
all tho Wuhan manufactarea .
Ceases MUSLIN DE LAIRS and iIME •o
of the Hamilton and Manchester WorkN also Dall
sera:Rent of Fornam manufaeture..
,83 ease. eolarea MUsLINS, for .4014 the eat el'a
A CVliiAcbed Colored
,VA ll At, '" 11011 k 1117 4.9 aerkC )Amine s N.
Moro than 20 eases.. 3DD preen Fmaelsldeduktr,
Lyormse and Penman. MIAs. • , aa
SILKSend SHAWLS —2OO pe. of .blank
San nearly DOM Shawls. loug and Ana% of, m 4,, •
kind. Also,. Visetn, Cloak &tufa et. .
A fall assortment of White and Linen GMcds.
lloalerg end Glovra Embrotderies, Laces and TAiku.
Tlfewnt -
minus, Mourning Arti cies, all gelato., aims and atelna,,
E m born of rich Bonnet sad, Cikr
or ;
beam aim, Velvet, Silk*, Satins, At., 'nth every OW: .
description of Millinery articles, Tailors' Temot'l
& . &e.
'i sthOf Which, together with a gene& essortment [14,,
Goods of the newest and most fashionable etyletorill,
be offered a, an eruemely low advmme•tt OC.I
New Goods constanuy rehelved. '
All Merchants are eonlially'solicited to tell. ',,
A. A MASON te.C13.,...,1
'Pros fli T.
Variety or Gentlemen's Funlithist Store.
so—Eereral rooms sellable for airless.oe AT.= ted,
rises rooms. E D GAZZAW,
oerlBtt Office 713rrd street, over Post Me.,
Valuable .heal Segal. [Deltaic.
A LOT OF tiROUND m the Diamond, Allegbeay
XL City. adjoining Dr. Fresaley's property !o feet_
front by 120 feet deep to a 1.2 feet alley.. Tide !daisy... -
table, and terms euy: For tardier //ardente.. apply
MI. B. Miller, Federal street, Allegheny city, nearly
opposite N. Jenkins' mote, or to the sobultbor.' •, ,
Oct. 7.--Dectll-ddre•
..'" ,-------- Iror Sale oriLeiat... - "I .' .
AILTHE very deairable reaktenee in iltegbetttiy. '''':"
City, lately occupied by R. W. Poindexter, ILUi` ' ''''' t
. emersion glean imatetlintely. • . ~.- • . - . t,.,. 1.4 , at•
or terms, apply an Wu offtee, or to. W. W. WIL Y C::^ : 3,
SON, Market et.
Building slut premises. hl Dianwund alloy, ;low , . tnl
,copied by Mts. Boyle, halting twenty feet isx,
front, extending back towerda Fourth Swett one haft
dred and twenty feet. For terra& apply to • " '
00111 GBO. COCHRAN, .201v.64"14
• amine. forSaler -
4311 PAIR SECCVD HAND ENGINC3 101nak, Zilr--
eylladers, 0 feet stroke. V, Roden, nO.foet/obg s st.
Indies dirramter, all in gOod he sold at rt,
bargain, if application be made ropy. They bare oat
been la ass abbut Id months. parliculars;tirquint
of jyr7rdif R. If A'l P, Gazette attics, t
aWoft — ilithijr—Tht :ransom nos, war
occupied by Mrs ntaroodisitamed at tkoklainli
with no acres of
. ground stracned. The Swam
Mspandous and canvemen; and the ensued well
proved. Apply to !CARRY, ifr.N.S.r : •
jakOM SALE—A Beret 'Bowie, Iron owe yoga
e.41.d Lot, be Roidneort *Weer, 'Allegheor.
ear old Bridge. Vrieo low lied 1.6[11 awry,"
- -e of i9Bl SCIIOVEIt i Fettn,l.l
FOR RENT.—The three story Moot Lyra/dog
House, on Liberty, bob:roan lbw aod hlaybOri
inter now oeoupted by W Grabool, Jr. Posorisled
given Immediately. Enquire of Wm. Gratin:4ln fat •-•.•,`
the Booketoro of
• corner Mdrket aid Thintotreebd.; ,
lIA Tit REEntoried Dwelling Pe t, being Rio
second house from Penn street, in enyder't,
ifloss, on Hay match immediate possession •
given. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Alierneyvng
.moLaw-ofdes, on Fourth street, between Certy-5ary4,'.....
d Creel seat.
*O -
*FOUR new two ß Hoofs
etory Dock Dwelling ctuses,
well finished ma in complete order; on Cehter
venue, RAWard. Possession given JdIVISL
ent ow. &Klan of • 'JOHN 'WAIT C v. ,
j‘P corner of Libeity'and Hand or.
itE subscribers will ell at private sale,_thosotwll,
valuable Lots of (ironed, situated on Tomato
in the ThitilelPutd of Allegheny City, melt having
front of ID feet, running beck NO feet in depth tO a es"
feet alley,bpon which is built a stone wall,' 25 by,USD
feet, which contains stone enough to build collaxo2oll,. -
two comfortable dwelling houses, and in -front 44/31,70 ' .f.,”
am three shade trees, 0(0 years growth, mid theitidtSY;,-'
walk Is paved with bock. all of which will be sold ,
RNA Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Serip s ,
will be taken In paymenk . Li • O'
or to W2l, BENSON, immediately . Opposite said Tod...
OR SALE-Fee lots eliphly mutated in the ftomrs',„ •
tatting town of Binning .on. The- led are albeit-IN!,
ted on Denman Meet, numbered in P BallsottuVs plan: -2_
75,79, 93, dt and et- ' Lot No 75 fronting 23 foet On Nos
rp Axes time!, 70 feet deep; the other (par PP feet
cut:, by to feet dee .
Terras-C renter art of purchase met; m ay
main Impure earn, eared by mortgeeS.
J r '
plow, of d CHOI
VaTemblitc - raTh.maxii - filr
A BOUT four mien above Lock No.l, at the month .
of Pie Run, Plonongahelu Rivet. ,The Chat
ado, very best oddity; and easy of 'aeeeve • - -
'number of acres, frenn twenty-five to a huudwd, ought _
. • wons demosaa of parldrAdeß,.. 2 2.
i larirterr sTIRINIIIMEINIiwanposvini mom.
ILO LET—A goal brick LiniseinnOloiLsOi intsoMlL‘ir
I. Robinson street, Alleseeny. Enqiure of .. •••
Lp 0 It SALE .CilErsP FOR ISCRIP-4. lot thesk oirp . ountr 4
r ,
'manta on Webster street.2s feet Irma
W fer..' irons on Webster , by . 050 feet to a boo eet alley ,-,
—g cite to new court house. Price SS& Teens, .
lawrea ' loge
in band; balance in one, tav, tla. end tent"
years from the first of stisirll lam..
,ti v.
County and City tient, token
, for cas h PAPruuolts . ftW. , - .1 ,
suite of myl6-- :4:$01011A, Ilaae.utt ...
1155 Lore. CoalLiestall lot ..;.,,
SITUATED on the hlonongabela tiver,about
from Ilesiorgh and 3 rodeo Ilbova aird Leek,As
- Immediate omghborttood of Messrs. Lyotr& Shorb.'
CoalAl&Jolan Herron's porch... This fititr body.
Coed will be sold at the low price of =per acre—woo -
third in hand, thdanee in five equal annual paymetaiti
without interest. Tide indisputable. , Location , yery • ,
good—ennnot be deepened. -For (further partiealaril
enquire of 5. HAWLEY, who base draft , of said pvw:it
perry. Residence% st,below Ferry,Mr..lfdantatgolvr!t
N. B. There to another seam of coal on 'Ole: Waal,
about I;St feet above, the lower, of excellent quailyy. t'
tYshdtf . . ..r 8,15,11
asVU - 1614ffrritralrag Lots for ritaart,
T ltt: .
aubseribers are authorised to offer at Ftwato
Bale, and upon highly favorable terms, a numiter . ,..',
of very valuable Oculdme Lout, ,comptisina• 'a Largo ••
portion of the loot numbered 67, hi, (*and; Yu, Finr•—r•
Woods' General PIM, of the City of Pittalrurgh, attar.
led at the math easterardly corner of Penn and Wayrie.'
streets, fronting tlitifiteton the former„and'extendimy . .. „ !
.landlettegial'art' .bonao
el 'fr l3:a . rot ' redl ran7cri; . `t.
.9. Stevenson, Esc ~ deneased. • , . I
A plan or autat Won of the above Lots, In. renter. • '
ashy withal:Lich hie {Faro.] to selatty be'atiart ''•
the ethos of the underrogned, on Four beiwean Mkt: '
Ireland tern WILLI AMS ilaTatt.!.';'
my 3
hat,, TWO LOTS an Beaver stnnt, 4t the. Ow
Ancgh,...y, above tbsieppert
i CommonS, on whin s
erected frame {twitting, two kettle..set
, 'tab
for two. small tenements, 'Metals are eticsi meaty .
Poet In front by one bemired feel deep, now .s. '
to a street forty. feet wide..:The bellthage thirpre,:4'
raises will pay tvt.y - bnadtatua Interred on the invest,,,
ment,'and the property will be fold' cheap foe tux
Apply to 11.:Oproal, Clerk's °Etc; U.S. or to h - 7;
norm' KAY "&'Co , r , tit,
SEOtelth Bottom Load tow halo.
TEN ACRE'S Or LAND,anneted in l'ecblcatown. -04
ship, OA the hltiatongahela, thre.'mde, from Pins:
bergh—on lota to soil purchasers. 'Tor GtztAer putt..
Oars apply to theory Womb, SO eb. or to " 4 "'
nortaritf . 4th, alkali Smithfield it
inkoften leersole the three story brick .Wansltiama.,7,
on Wood street, accepted by R.Temnei& go.; "„;
npl7 WIL.SONar.
FOR SALE=A Lot of "Oround aitaatieomPeturt..
street, between Clay and Mallory renew, saliorelna • t
the boom and lot novo occupied by Riebant rsirardis., •
having a front ort6 feet, and in depth 130 feet, wait bra,
acid on favorable terra, Title 0 netroptioeable: • Mar,
quire of .— ' C. 0. LOOMIS, thls at, near Wspoiri.,..,
A DESIRABLK Building Lot to nillentoncip Mix" Rt.
vorntily_ incited, in woo about ha tern, ~
will be sold on notommoilourig WADS. inqiiireot” , , t ...
J WILLIAMS, 1111Muoil`7:
A tiik FOR RE"...F—A room in dm neeood 4 41Fi..)0L.,
111123 Wood iitmet
.rapoity Isi.A.ll•Bltany ORR tor Robs. • !
HE sabsenbars oder fni sale it' noriber T
Lots, situate in the Sooond 'Warti t frontlFg ,?tk to •
Camownrt d, on easy terms. Ingtoto of
W. - 0 , 11. ROBINSON, Any e t Law , St
or of/ABROBINSON,on •
(ExelusivelY for Pneensersj
jint public aro informed that on and aftellfettinfall _
the tat ofSeptember, the Nonusers by, thla'Lltw'
dl be. carried over the Central Rail Ronkftom •_
lawmen to .11arrishorsh,nd from thence itto
pin by-the Harrisbuish and Columba Rut. Roads, • 7
Dy this new anneemant. passengers- WM' golhle , Po,. • •
m on nay urss swath. heretohne.: • ,•
The Packets of thin hineare -nevi 'neer thiheit
clue Tins route for safety, timed and comfort; RAW •
mom preferable now lo use . to the L antern eideet•,
Rut Roads arc all passed dey ,light"rn - q^D •
day.. Foe, Ten Dollars. For infonnadon emplyfe , '
%V St/TCH i .Mononolahelt 11004:7
oat or I) in LEECICA. CO. Gina Oman" , •
N lit IN ILO Ofibl •
.Vla TongAlog4any,
A ear...l fiat maga(
Thu Wendt. u .
. S :nap stiazz i ne m
A. D Fen, Matter, 'wn mnt W 1541. .
ly usenet tnuuciiy excepted) between PITTSBURGH
and WhlS I' NEWTON, on oyeslnt oflidmgationati
Vothatuotheny neer. LeavnAVest Neweou DO. thp
Wharf Dons, every morning snotelorJ—ile-•
tattling; leave. Putsbuilli IS= Inuf above
the Monongahela Brulge,every be at 4 dant
GOODS reeeind Agents on bowel tha „WOO :
Me Fanner has Wen built eXPresali fa . „ o . -
Youghiogheny river, and the puttee may 00.17 - 00 w.
netusluing tiersuanently in the trade
Panic attendee paid to all way treign ,
INFORM their friends and 6e paw 4h 2,12 4 14 "
" lencrr any eireeteriee 'nth th eir irreeitatillak
amid 41 ram reel, keowai as the rittsharah BMW* ,
karma removed their At •bagovai to She POll% -
1111E,We:11V. la Ph- strata. , •nrlast. , vas
• ILANKET*--Ns , a
OLANKETS--Now opeutßA . 1 7 BU ar
Drpain et English sad •Amarie. lilantepi:ft
prisang the ben' makes of putt,
klbutketa. oevn - MAS6,l%tiNle
the fashionable thaws, and at all daalnalPs'...e.
netla A t AAWIO3 kW.
loss trurcri f