The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 08, 1849, Image 2

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    r -- ,ti:
• ridsaaoten ,
!RISPAY:M9M II 9 , , ..1.;9.v.
CAYrirsorthus Oust ilLierci Is psi Anted
eallontl Weekly.--Tbe Daily iitleven
Pief ante; the Tri-Weekly is Film, Dollaripre
auni4tbp Weekllliriso Dollars paraus=2. and/
grAittgrems pro /many regsented to head In
bear dmlca before 11 r. la., and as early In Ilse day as
isadealtha. Adverniteglonte not messed tor a mad.
lad anemia hmirtably be charged anti] ordered oat
• AdminettmeAla nodes riptions to die Nonh Amer
gas toptWatiad Stare•Gr Philadelphia, reactend
sallonwasdiVnam %kb, leee.
'llMeliallei(the readers ofthe Gazette, we thank
onresadent , Tarbg," for his pleasant and
fartstAillag reininiimenees of the br:antifol Island
belia . riltha +girt , known as "Long Island," "Nine
whfaigieri Island," cm. For a mime
ar,o, L arelts Carrel Mintroar, and we amid seg.
gategniesg of. general agreement mama
name, andwhat one more appropriate
thaitibe ene We have suggested.
:*Boa. Henry LlS'y came rip thip river on the Ori..
snit, which arrived here yesterday. He mopped
'aCitilisellng,aild took the etritm fortumberland.—
lig woo to good health
, and emits.
Hoe. Chrome Haisie and Capt. Naylor arrived
home, from the Memphis Convention, yesterday.—
were paieengdm on the °newel.
Ritigaso Idermata—A meeting of the citizens
of Weal Cereertville, Mercer county, - mu held on
the it fast, to take into conoideration the prop,
ahjiiitiii iiiild a Itadroadfrom Erie to Pittsburgh.
De r E.D.lta °oath was calledgithe chair, Mom
WM. Beek and fiam'l P. Johnsion,chosen Vice
Presidents, tuul Dr:'J: T. Ray and Q : * Biuenbao
set. ReMetailes. . '';o,.-
A'aeries of resiolutions wore passed ho favor of
dr eontemplated improvement. and inviting the
annuli= of eastern and oregano capitalists to it,
taking one of the most favorable opportunities
foie pee and progbable investment. The meeting
e. i k
meammended connection *nil: the :Ohio and
'Pennsylvania' d, near Boon 17alley. A nom.
mitten of pondence yes sippainted , consist
ing at idessii: .P. Jansoti, J. R. Wink; and Jas.
Tan Maroita.v . „—Bome rather early move
ments and unioes have. taken place on this
' =idea. It will be dose enough to settle open
candidates and. the active measures of the cam
paign alnweeb hence. Bet we may jabs this
oppeltinity for observing that the selection of a
candidate by the Whig party, is a matter of the
stet importance. The party would be In a far.
'better pirtitioe by declining to nominate altogether,
than. by inviting defeat, by selecting an Improper
candidate, of by Succeeding with such an one.
, •16 - Mayor is a municipal offcer, totally &won
necled politico; bet the election .of such en
atilt= can be . made wokt for party perposea, by
heaping up ,pisitir disopline, nod encouraging an
.active party - spirit, both of which arc essential to
Prey store so. Bat it becomes an eitil,both take
' Community and the party, when eves the claims
Of patty are more regarded than the welfare of the
. The Whigs of. hie city compose a mojority of its
lolutbitanta, and they have a perfect right to select
one of their number as • candidate for Mayor, but
ist the crerairs of this right they should not beget
that their duty as eitizena as members of the eon.
. „ Puration,ln ; the election of a Mayor, rise higher
and am pinlmoont to those of party. The peace,
"Minality, end fair fame of our city, 'end the sakty
" nt its inhabitants' and their Pkoperty, depend in a
good-degree , upon its highest municipal officer;
if parties do not present the right sort of men
for the place, it becomes the duty of good citizens
'' nominations, and choose • chi+
- gen En his character and qualities, and not Or his
noTiticsl princiPlai.
,V , P this*rlf the Whig
, party presents, for the suffrages of the people, a
Illuprortby of the capable Of &schism
inn the duties of Mayor. with firmness and in,
; partiality 76 citizen of nature age, of respectable
abilitien of good habits; end aecleion of character—
„them the members of theLpsply_nmlionad.laiwine
ssysal should be opposed to him. But we do not
think that patty ha's any claims upon a citizen to
disrekard the flint duties of his citizenship.
. These . doctrines may be unpalatable to some,
but they ire the result cdexperionce and reflection,
Ind we think they are entemained by most of our
rupecneble and orderly citizens, compelled pro
bably' by airnewstances which kisao come =idea
their and our observation.
Dritacre Intisaacs Costraar.—The boob for
subscription of stock to this compsoyare still open
• ,at the banking house of Hugh D. King, 4th street,
*bete our citizens would do well , to eel sad sub
- tion* Thouserbta of dollars are arustially sent
• away for tenons's.= which might be kept Cl home.
Call and subsse. , •
• "no P 5.85, the Lows, rater the AaviL—This
excellent monthly, by Each for No
yelialver, is WO filled with mattens of value to the
I. produning end farming commimlty. We Weism
i, mende!' this work to every one who loves mound
•= kricioledgubn important subject,s. Terms $3 per
annum, fora single copy, or 5 copies for
The Janis/. Chromes-6ot November.—This
. peihmilical is devoted to the cause of promoting
Christianity among the Jews, and is well edited.—
To be had or Mat end &Obi Wood-80nd.
. .
Nrw Emormaoros rn AFRICA—The French
surpass all other nations in the grandeur of their
, arploanOxpeditions to various puts of the world.
71 is now annouuced that the Academy of Sat-
CICOI and the Geographical Society 'of France
have projected an expedition on a grand scale for
penetrating the Interior of Africa to Timbuctoo.
It is to be imedected by scientific men, and will
. have to view the twofold purpose of extending
our knOwledge of this portion of the continent,
and of opening new channels for French trade
and commerce. It is a singular fact, that, not.
withstanding the several attempts by Mongo Park,
...Cappietwo, Denham, Oudney, Lander and Laird
far this exploration of that Mations& Africa which
Iles between the Gulf of Guinea and the Mediter
ranean, none hays yet reached Tlmbuctoo and
returned. The 'only European traveller who
• Ins reached this inland city and returned to give
an account of it is Cattle, a Frenchman, mate ten
yews since. The expedition now in • projected.
ttL said, Will have an escort of eight hundred
armed Empanel' and four hundred Africans.
—We noticed in the err
ceedlnp dais body,al an early day of its present
session, the Honorable J. Gillespie, of Madison co.
offered a resolution which woe adopted, that the
GovertUar be.reqnested to procure • waitabla block
of stone from soma Maids quarry; and to have the
swum properly prepared and forwarded, at the ex
pense of the State, to be placed in the Wash
ingtoi Monument, in progress of erection.
isia'acampie worthy of emtdatton by every
jute In the Union that has yet nude no similar
yors ros int Oato Ruts Ceervavvaca—The
.vetel fa aR the mantles of the State (save Warren
aid ,Medina) for and against a Convention, to re.
f . ;:stieieHt the Conaitetion is as follews: For Con.
. vestien 141,225, against it
. 50,927. The , whole
• intatber o f in the same counties for Repre.
. santatives was 229,284. The required number of
• 'Totes to call a Convention is - therefore 114,64.3
being a msjoety of the Representative vote—
shaving a eme/itotional majority in favor of the
Cantation of 26,583.
• . For the Gazette.
Waszurto : I thick ;(.would be worth while to
; . 'extract tram the Wheeling papers, at least woe
' their list Of, arrivals and departures of
Mum Wets at that place. Such lista are well
adapted to chow how comparatively unimportart
is the business of that place, and bow very With:
Mu the bar Mere,may be to the commerce of
:the Ohla.
ng. I have; for instance, before me now,the
Wheeli Gazette, of Tuesday . =rant& with the
.7aMiialainddopirturt! kw 48 horn
The arrivals: were. Awenty ; eleven front Pitts
burgh, on their tray la Cincinnati; Louisville, gre.—
•'• abvensvera on theivwxy:faim Cincinnati and St.
Legato Pittsburgh: andene oration - its way from
:1-,'ZlWPOrille to this place. • 'Tlieftagy remaining bolt
done which plies benween Wheeling and &cu.
• The departures were also twenty. Of these,
two, .the Cabinet got Steubenville, and the Sarah
Beam for Efingiutt Bock, commenced their very
' pt ag Wbeebag. All the others, eighteen
g utatberowere ha their way from or to this city. i 1
hitt iot at all etiange,.that the Wheeling Mike
Shedd &eke vi‘op !taveiaticqa there. C.
"I' ,
Tali:satiny - INumislUleFltos Ceplesirslng
thr &liar* dui Pittsburgh Gazetto:,
! Your local cdiinr, in the Gazette of idiiinday, has
quite a pleasant policed lila a:carrion to the ral
iitsl4..tatal4in the a_ur oak. Inkier this
There are sepia inns of information in reirmon
to thehisiod 6r thit 4 which map be wor-
by of reservation, ea,whida may at least excite,
a letaponn i4terptitiwnisolize of your readers.
' NeoiTL'r
I will mention, boweser,by the way, that
Molar is only one of many manias, by which it boo
been known, and although it is & handsome cob,
yet there b aiwther which miabtbe referral At
a very early period, bekiie Gem Neville became
part molter, tt mu called .Monts.ros Lissa," nfter.s
half Indian, half Frenehman,who 01106 lived er the
mouth al area opposite to fi, and which is still
called hiontooks rum The late very estimable
enizen,Jamea Mcßee, of the Rocks, has often told
me, that Kustaloiya, a chief of the Delawares, re
sided on that island, when be (Mt. McKee) first
came to the Ohio, more than eighty yews ago.
I think that either Icosialoge or Blontotur would
be aie,eupbonous and more appropriate than Neville,
as a mama for that Woad.
Your local editor ii mistaken in saying that
island was porehued by Gen. Neville alone, from
a British officer. Col. Cho rids Simms, Col. Wm.
Roth, and Coi. Neville, all field officer. in tfieVir
giant line of the Ravolutionary army, purchased of
Major Douglas, a British officer, mini accompn
tiled Col. Bouquet, in Lis expedition from this place
to the forks of the blaskingum, in 1764. The'
land in noticed in Hutehin'e journal of that expedi
tion, and, no doubt, Major Coughs' attention w •
then fixed on that very valuable property.
CoL Simms distinguished-himself in defending
Mud Fort, or Fon Mifflin, In the Delaware, against
'eameaddent had declared it was no longer to
ide. Immediately after the adoption of the Com
titution of the limited States, he we, appointed by
Washington, Collector of the pon of Mozart&
place of much more business then than now.
He was an ardent Federalist, and a vigorous oppo
nent of Mr. Jefferion's election; yet he was one of
the fear 'Occupante of good °Mena, who were
removed by him. .
CoL Heth , au a lieutenant in Morgan 'a hompa!
ny'of riflemen, and marched with that eompanyto
Quebec, in December, 1775, and distinguished
himself very much In the insult on that place on
the last night of that year. Judge Mamball in his
life of Waahingion,gives a very full account of his
- .-
Foduct on !heti:m=lton. It is a little siegulat
at barricades in the streets, which come suppose
obe a late . Paristan invention for defence, were
used at Quebec, and 'Lieut. Heth and Charles Por-
tedield are stated to be the first to mount one* of
the barricadcs,..and then discovered on the other
side Brush soldiers, several ranks deep, with the
butts of their muskets on the ground, and bayonets
erect, ready to receive them. I am not acquainted'
I with the subsequent history of CoL Heth,. but am
under the impresaion, that a descendent of his now
hold, au important °glee at Richmond.
Col. Neville was about the same age as Wash
ingtoni they were early acquaintances, and both
were engaged in Braddock's expedition, which,
though very unfortunate In its result, was a valu- .
able school for many persona, and prepared them
for servitte in the revolution. Early in the war for
independence, he raised a volunteer company and
was ordered in this place, which was then agitat
ed, not only by the bitter controversy between the
two State. about the boundary line, but also by
the intrigues of Connelly. and Lord Dunmore. He
wn subaequently ordered to join the main army;
and was engaged in the battles of Brandywine,
Germantown,: and Morimoutb—was afterwards
rent to join Lincoln's army in Carolina, and with
that army was. made prisoner at Charleston. After
the revolution, howis a member of the Supreme.
Executive Council of Pennsylvania. Wheethe
excise lair woe . passed, he eras appointed liispec-
Bisienue,with the hope that his well known
popularity might facilitate the execution of that law.
This hope proved vain designing demagogues
excited oppositione-the:law was resisted. Colonel
Neville's house was attacked, that nod all his im
provements destroyed, and thus he was led to
build the house on the inland, of winch the local
editor of the gazette speak. He resided there
inn Nate of Pea n
syltrania granted the 'stand to Gen. Wm. Irvine,
a gallant officer of the American army. A long
I law butt followed between the assignees of blajor
Douglas and Gen. Dyke, which was settled byl
decisien of the Supreme Court of the United States
in favor of tee former. and the State afterwards
granted other lands to the latter.
Gen. Irvine was an Irishman by birth, and a
,aurgeon by profession, and as such served on board
a Brinell man of war, during the war 0(1755. He
commanded a regiment sof the Pennsylvania line
daring this., revolution, and commanded at this
place for some time. He died in Philadelphia, in
1804. .
The series of military names connected with the 1
history of the island does not close with that of '
General Irvine. Major Isaac Craig, who married
the only daughter of Oen. John Neville, resided
there Slam 1615 till'his decease, in 1826. He, like •
General Irvine, wan an Irishman by birth, served
hit apprenticeship its a carpenter in Hilbborotkgb,
and immediately after, in MS, ernipated to Phila
delphia, where he punned his trade until the com
mencement of therrevolutiort. He was then ap
poinied a Captain of Marinelion board the armed
brig Andress Doris, Captain Nicholas Biddle, and
was engaged in the capture of •New Providence, in
the Indies, by a fleet under the command of
Commodore Hopkins,whith brought to the United
States a large . and seasonable supplier - arms and
military mores. In this expedition were also en
gaged Capt. Paul Jones, and Commodore Barney.
The writer of this rambling article has often heard
MajortCraig speak of the great activity and in
genuity displayed by Janes to shipping the heavy
ordrusnee and other stores. It is perhaps worthy
of notice, that Major Craig and Commodore Barney,
who thus first met in airmails Island in the West
Indies, and whore futbre careers was so widely
separated, should have both found their resting
places In the First Presbyterian Burying Ground
in unity at the head of the Ohio.
Soon after Captaib Craig's return from Provi
deuce, he received an appointment as Captain in
Proctor's regiment of artillery, and, as such, was
engaged In most of the actions in the middle states.
He was with General Sullivan in his very sue
cadet expedition to theGenesee cduntry,bgainet
the six nations of Indians, and afterwards descend
ed Gie Ohio to the Falb, to accompany General
Clarkis in an expedition against Detroit. This ex
pedition, however, proved abortive, owing to the
failure of the Kentucky militia to attend. Captain
Craig, with his party, then rehired by ;eater to
this place, ellen& journey protracted to forty five
dayailiy the very low stage of the river.
1 Mink new, Mr. Editor, you mast be convinced
that . the Long Islanehaa elicited a very long story;
whether it may be worth the pains bestowed upon
it, you ming decide. PARLEY.
• livraa the, they having before pu•ed an
Twin= Dioairrecorr, October 30,1619
The Receipts into the Treasury, during the quar.
tu ending the 30th of September, ISI9, la nearly
as can now be ascertained, more, viz
From customs, •bout
From lands..... ..... •
From miscellaneous sources.
From linos of 1947•
From bao of 1848. • • • • • •• • • •
$13,241,500 00
The expenditures for the same period were:
Civil list, miscellaneous, end kirergtt •
intercom's. $2,679,760 15
Army, &o '1,600,912 56
Jodi= ...... 7524 05 24
Fortificatlous 20,513 57
Pensions 879,193 33
2.,052,135 16
Interest on Treasury
`notes and public
debt $26,910 02
Relmbmsement or
Redemption or 3 Per 15 97
2.4,1173"3.:emLptF01t.:14...i"...r.mi."....... 7559 37
ury notes which
• IntirO beoo Put i° '" l 576.63 59
The Secretary of the Navy zetumed to the city
an Friday evening, from &abort visit to ViriAnis,
accompanied -by his family—Smut..
Ilottotsbio Robert P. Lecher, minieter to Mel.
ieb, arrived city on. Swards) , evening and
has Mk= mom at WHlard's aity hotel—Jig,*
- ~~:
~. -
:,,,,,, ~,...-,,
Coierepoodenee of the Pitteborgh Cantu.
, Now. Toms, Nov. 3, 1949.
Before you recent this, you will doubtless
have learned, through the telegraph, at loott the
purport of the news by either the Washington or
the Hibernia, now mornerusuily expected at this
part. More judicious than soma Modena prophets,
I have concluded to hold in . . reserve tame obser
vations andlisilicinatlona in respect to European
politics, which I have committed to paper, until
the receipt of the expected intelligence.
Our election canvass te progressing.with much
animation, bat more quietly than usual. It will he
decided on Tuesday. and I may now venture to
nay that the Indications of the past week have
been inch as greatly to shake the confidence in
the result
which I expressed directly after the
principal nominations weremaade. , For the mews
eat occasion, the eition between the late belliger
ent ditrimorm of the democracy-4a the northern
and western ports of the State, sad through the
interior generally, appears Ili hoe cordial and hear
ty. By common consent, ail titivatione of prinel•
pie appear to have been adjourned, and the one
great object is openly declared to bean defeat the
ylfhigs. If hard work and strict party organiza
tion can secure success, the opponents of the lot:
ter will secure it. It need occasion . no surprise
tf; in this city, the democratic ticket obtains a ma
, j.nity. Their papers, not even excepting tee
Evening Pont, are seeking, in a most unjustlfia.
ble manner, to derive advantage from the fatal
riot of last spring. before the Anton Place Opera
house, which was only quelled by the just and
necessary sacrifice of more than twenty lives—
There is a peculiar wickedness in their reviving
these .awful r.Mia..erletS, for-that riot would
never have taken place had not a ferocious and
bitter feeling of hostility been engendered in the
minds of the worst class of their readers, against
Mr. Macready and those classes of the people
whose teatea led them to prefer the acting at
Mr. M., and the performance at the Opera Hoax,
by the publication, in their columns, of those ruf
foully and libellous leuers from Mr. Forrest. The
Evening Post republished the whole or a part of
these letters, yet it was among the most decided
condemners of the conduct of the mob which
three mine publican°ns had- raised. Now,
however, it is not ashamed to attempt to
implicate the Whig city administration in the
bloodshed in which the spirit of riot and disorder
gas quenched. A morn lamentable instance of
parßran recklessness I do not remember to have
ever witnessed. . .
Judge Jay, a most respected nod able leader
the Abolition party, which joined with the Fre
Sailers last year, has written n lettAili which ht
declares that he cannot consent to neiwtth their,
after,their coalition with the Hankers. far the sak
of the advantages of office. His letter will, n
doubt, have a great effect. Had it . appeared 110311
or, I think it would have had ouch an intluen
as to induce the whole body of old Abolitionist
to separate themselves from their late allies, an
to cast about their average' vote in the State fo
independent candidetesr,--about 15,000. But an
things now stand, it is probable that they will not
generally vote, and so far as they do, they will vote
for Whig candidates. Judge Jay remarks very
truly, that the Barnburners have now committed
themselves to vote for Cass, ahould he be renorai.
aged, without the slightest change of principles
or proftsaiona, or even for Mr. Calhoun, and that is
certainly true.
On Thursday night last, the Italian Opera open
ed at the Astor Place House, tor a seasem of fifty
nights, and the event has produced an excitement
among what Willie calls the "upper ten," seldom'
before experienced. Nobody of sound discretion'
imagines it ran succeed. The company is nu.'
memos and of Coarse very expensive. Tho
per tea," in kid gloves, have talen, by regulai sub. l
scription, the most desirable places, at one dollsr
and a half per night, which is to be paid whether
they attend or not. Casual visiters pay one del
tar. The pecuniary basis In the experiment is
stronger than any previous one has been, yet, as
I have inumated, Hs routes, is more than donbt- I
tot. The fact is:demoeraey is an essential ele
ment in all public exhibitions. In no country iu
Europe, I believe, is an Italian opera supported
without the patronage of governineoL The peo
ple have imbibed a notion that j,bif ariato.
to attend it, if the priors were more moderate,
but it is uudeniable that high riskiest and ex
clusiveness, whether real or Singliteii, will de
prive it of the, general support oft he commonity
and every attar keaca that it is its hard to piny
to empty benches, oven though the vincet ate
paid for, as Et make a dinner out of empty La
The California fever is prevailing here., and
the eastward of us, with alarming writtenc.
few days since, there were thirty V.Pek, mesa
ships, loading at this port, for San Francisco, an.
,very recently there were said to be advertised,
at all the ports, no lens than our hundred and one
vessels for the same destination. It is estimated
that, sieve the beginning of the excitement, shout
this time last year, there had been, up to October
. 1 31, five hundred and seventy three clearances
from the United States to California j of which
immense gent only one hundred and sixty rev
[en had arrived in California at the period of the
last advises, August 31st. If we add the number
l of vessels now preparing fur this voyage, we
shall have a total of six hundred and seventy
four smear, say by the end of November. Prot.
ably the value of them vmsels is equal to all the
gold dog to the mines alum: the discovery of the
treasure, and more than double what has been
received in the United States. Many thousaeds
of the emigrants will do doubt return in want
and misery, and. prohahly during the cootie of
the coming winterithere will be an ample num
ber at San Frei:Misc. willing to work a fair pro
, portion of theses` Teasels bank to the ports whence
they departed, for the privilege of a passage. I
noticed that one of the verities that left Boston
for that region, the present week, carried Iwo hun
dred and sixteen passengers, and mothei one
hundred. Of four hundrea emigrants, only four
ware katedes. Howland Sr. Aspinwall, proprie
tors of the mail steam ship line from Panama to
San Fmncfusco, have lately Wiled two idditional
steamers tor that mute, and have just laid the keel
of another one at Wthisington, Delaware. They
will make money, "no matter what face the 'fu
ture may wear, " for, whether people continue to
go in swarms or are obliged to come away, their
vessels fuMish a chmnel for the living stream,
sure to be filled to the brim. One of the 100:11 re
markable MA audamouz of the operations grow.
hag out of lids wonderful excitement, is that at
tributed to C,ertrim natives of fa belle France, who,
without knewiag a pill from a blister, have act
themsel yea 'to arcking out the widows of deceased
physician stud to purchasing from them the di
plomas of heir husbands. Assuming the names
of the def net, they proceed to California, and set
themselv up in practice on these documents,
a quart o f quinine and a large capital of impu
dence. ut there is a' speculation of a man to
this city altogether too grave to joke upon. The
individual referred to lies shipped a large number
of coffins, in the confident expectation they wit'
he in great requeat. It is a most melancholy n..-
tlection that this adventure is likely to turn out
at least asprofitably as any other that has been
made. --)
A. great •
been re •
been tat
With th •~
branch o I
is fully
new fa
bu klieg
stiettoooo ou
no oao ou
175A*0 00
035,450 00
407,050 CO
toss lugnota--Our private advi
ield give di but little encourage.
a liberal and wise policy from
insl 'Assembly. Her same sec
s outsiders, unreasonable premdi
ily mill exist. A portion of the peo
ts and prosperity, most still be
lily the selfish views and purposes
-.other „ .m.
In thy Aonse a liberal spirit - seems to prevail
but in OM Senate the reverse is the feet, so far os
we can indite from information and the report of
their dings. Walleye not the time or space
At oda ' 'ng to bold up .we vine the comae
or mem re, and probably it would not be , proper
that we honld. It may be said that we have no
thing to do with the Legislature of that State, and
no si gh to express an opinion concerning It.
Of tbi , at least, we have some right to ex pre.
our indi , i t idual opinion, and' that is, -that the at.
tempts compromise, which have been proffer
ed, am made in good faith or with any rupee-
842050 00
59,910,166, 59
/gib, that they wfil he accepted. They am but
an effort to eacaPe the obloquy of a direct vote
against a propornos to allow • canton of the
people to build a road where they, not the State,
think it will he beneficial to them; and lf
measure re important to the pea. .•must. be
dby .• bargain and antrague," t. sooner it
dropped the better. It is not the right spirit of
to the meantime it may be well to note the
ores of members on this question. The time
all come when it will be an important issue on
e hustings.—St Loots Reirat&ors.
The ISL Lolale Teekady.
We take the following ducriptiott of the aiogu•
• r tragedy in Si. Louis, previously mined by Tel
,graph, from the St. Louis Republican of October
s Gorisalye do Moutesquiose njul Raymond 'de
onteigolose, from Paris, at the , City Hotel on
-nudity forenoon, they are several weeks trom
,hicago„ from which place they have leisurely
raveled overland, each occupying ■ buggy,
furnished with pros and other apparatus for •
Ming excurnion.
At the Hotel, they occupied room No 16, th •
,traoce m which :was from a hall running too..
. .. .. . .
the back piazze ; room No. 41, immethately on 1 0. I
site, thentrance to which is from the pimorn, end
not not in *ht of thee door 46, was occupied by
M Albert loner, H. M. Henderson and Capt.
Wm bbell i and room 57, the back window of
which pened to the piazza, at its extreme ea,
was occupied by Mr. Harnum's nephete, and the
Steward of the house, Mr. Macomber.
About bah past eleven, while Barnum was pre
paring to retire, a light being in the room end the
crirtaim to the window drawn aside, they were
startled by a load tapping at the window—applied
with each farce as to break the glass. Perceiving
two men standing upon the piazza, the one near
est havin: a gun in his hand, the occupants be-
came alarmed, and immediately cement need cry
ing "murder, fire:" et.e. Simultaneous with this
alarm, the matt with the gun fired through
dors, the contents of which took effect in the back
and side. of Barnum ' a portion of the s. charge
wounding Macomber In the wrist. The cry of
murder and the report of the gun, alarmed the in
mates of room No. 47, when Jones, who had not
retired, sprang to the door and opened it—a light
being in the mom at the time No sooner
had the door opened, than one of the men stand
ing upon the piazza, by the window to mom 57,
fired at him, the contents of the gun passing through
his body and wounding Mr. Henderson across the
forehead and CapL Hubbell through the WTig..—
Jones fell inside the room n,gninst the door and
. immediately expired.
To proceed from room 46, occupied by the
Frenchmen. to the window at 57, at which the
$ alarm was tint made, the ...admits werecompell
ed to the doors to 45, 47, 49, 49, and the win
dow to 58, all opening upon the piazza; at none
of these, an we learn, was any effort made by the
assailants to enter. It may be proper to gate, al
so, that in none of these rooms, excepting Bar
, aunt's, was a light to he seen from the pienti
The occupants of 45 state that sometime previous
to the alarm, an attempt was made to enter their
room from the outside, but upon alarm being gin.
- -
en, the person at the door, who was trying to use
fabe key, lied.
The Frenchmen, after firing two shots, returned
to their room, where they were nneated by the of
ficers. Itappears that they were both standing"
at the window, when Barnum war chat, and Ma
comber statee'that both were armed with guns and
both fired—one at Barnum, the other at Jones—
A negro man, who was near by cleaning boom,
and who had full view of the whole traMintion
sinter in rOtinadicnOn to Macomber, that only or
an was aimed, and that he fired both shots. In
the room recupiedbythe assailants were two double
barrel guns, both barrels in one, and one barrel in
the other, discharged. This is an important ques
tion in the mutter. If it can be positively. este:.
fished that both of the Frenchmen were wined,
and fired, it precludes, from what hes subsequent
ly taken Orme, any plea of insanity.
The perpetrators of this outrage are men• aged
about 2h and 26 years. At the time of their ar
rest they were perfectly sober, the eldest Laboring
under some little excitement, in consequence of
his acts. They were travellingin fine style, being
provided with large wardrobes, and every neeeas
nary for comfort and amusement. Their trunks
. .arched. yesterday evening, and found to
contain nothing but gentlemen's paraphernalia, and
$1,455 in geld, in two separate bags.
They claim to be of a family of some-distinction
in France, the eldest of the two bearing the title
of Count- The younger states that their farther
wits killed in Paris in the outbreak of last Febria
ary, and in consequence of their connexion with
the event. of that period, and opposmon er the Re
publican Government. they were compelled to dr
the roun,ry. They arrived in the United Ste
is not no abundant in this city as it wan.
cal more has gone To California' than has
ived from there, and a great deal has
n away, in the shape of loans and auli
, to works to other parts of the country.
s exception of the iron intermit, every
"business appears to he active, and capital
mployed. New rail roads and canals,
JrieS.lllldthe opening of new mine.s the
let ships and steam boats to supply the
--A by the withdrawal of to
has gone to California from the
Is of commerce, the.e enterprise.,
upon the reedy cash of all the
is. not easy to satisfy.
June 1n . ., nelee %Ouch bete they have bet
merely wet:Mita their way west, with a view
if sating the cottony and speeding, most of their
time in bottom, a sperrtair.tinchiek, , ltwir manifest
great fonithoss, and flle which they are amply pro
vided welt the proper accoutrement.. The youn
ger of the twit suites that his brother has several
tones, recently, deployed symptoms of iimnity,
sad but a tea- evenings since, tehile 0. "7" -• 're
1 m d o s t 000.. ., • ;;;;;;;Tated by
pi s , h k,h-rhhee. The ether Whither ; appears to
be tensible of his having . thine wrong, exculpates
the youti4er brother from all blame, and chime that
he alone should he made to suffer for the cense:
set lie states that 11 powerful feel;
ins, which he could not MOM, took possession of
him, and told him flint he must kill two men ; that
while laboring .ultder this feeling he seized a
(double barreled) gun and tuslied from the room,
rind fired at the first two men he saw; his brother
f ;flowed ter the purpose of preventing him from
doing injury, but before his interferenee could be
ea-reined, the fatal deed was consummated. This
IA what we aleen as the history of these two men,
and as far Resupported by other blebs and etreuma
stances, we give it for what it is worth.
From the Lnnherr• Aloirevine Mr November.
It is observ-oble, and a fact worth remember
ing, that some of the State stocks are within a
fraction of the Government loans in their present
010t81101101. The latter have reached at short pc.
nods 116 a 117, although now quoted at 113.
The State sleeks in most repute are as follows :
New York Bin per cent.,1865....111/ a 1121
Ohio do do 1610. ...109 a 110
Kentucky do do 103/ a 104
Pennsylvania do d0...........100 n 1001
Maryland do do 103 n 101.
TIMIICSFEeI do do 105 a 106
Alabama 5 per cents are quoted at 'l5 a 7S.
The finances of that State are tar from flourfahing
at this period. Instead of laying an adequate tax
kir the payment of the annual interest on the pub
lic debt, the interest hoq been mainly paid "out of
the assets ofthe State Bank, which la now in
prom's. of liquidation. The Wean:ire of Ala
bama is now in session, and its atteution to finen•
ces is demanded by the actual condition of things.
With a larger population than Maryland, and hat
less public debt, and with larger' foreign exports,
Alabama, at We time, does not meet her current
expenditures out of her ordinary revenue.
John W. Ferrelly, to he Auditor of the Treasu
ry for the Post thrice Department, Ilia P. G. Wash..
Mason, removed.
Gabriel W. Long, to be Indian Agent for the
Chiektuteveo, me. A. M. M. Dolma, removed.
113- hPLases Ltrita Paso.—The ostonithing de
mand 1.1 . this great.medicine seems to he on the in
inhere it Ls* been introduced, it has attained
a popularity unprecedented in the annals of medical
practice. Physician* are using it hi many Conn, at
least when they can obtain It. Patients, however, need
not be under the necessity of asking medical advice,
as they evadsorchase a bon of the Liver Pills, with
which directions will he furnished, which will work a
speedy core. The lollowing letter from an agent,
shows its popularity in the section from which the let.
me it doted: CAIIISM, 1.1.1/0. Co.. PA.
Minh 23d,18-17.
3. Kidd & Co., Wcwl .1, Pittsburgh:
Gentlercen—We end we cen sell a Trenton. more
of Dr. firLinte's fueiir Pills than. your agent left with
to. These Pills are isipidly rising th favor, aryl we
have sold almost ail .Hat we hod. If you eau send on
ten or twelze dozen mare boxes, they will leetperhaps
until your agent eon bring us • new supply.
T. & 1.
For sale by I.,INDD k CO, No. 0, corner of Fourth
sod l% 00 , 1 .
-- -
.01/..11114 ?IVO/L.—Prepared by J. W. Kelly
William street, N. Y., and for tale by A. Jaynes, No.
7U Fourth ft(' et. 'nits will be found • delightful arti
le orbeVerage in families, and parricularly tor nick
tropreeed Chocolate prepare
bon, Leine o cotabinadea of Cocoanot, innocent, In
v,rorothig and pelatable, highly recommetuteil
Warty for invalids. Prepare./ by W. linker, nOrebt.
ter, Mar, toolfor lode by jAyriEs, at fie do
gprilille re. NO. 71, Fourth et mettle
W cot • Algot) will be a candidate for U. May
ratty, subject to we nomination of the ‘Vhttentlyen
a. oot3O
[FriJewry Wllkewas will be a candidele fo
th e fsteyotally, subject to the hotnitution of the %Mg
Couveution. nue2
• Dentne.Conterotronrth
and Deretur, between
. _
'lmprovements to Dantign.ry.
DR. D. 0: STEARNS, hue of Boston, le prepared to
iunteeturo sod &Wet Max TErn, in whole end parte
n s
sets, upon Suct ion or Almosphenc Suction Plates.—
Tourneene ere. In river - mum, where the nerve ie
e epoeed. Office and residence next door to the May
or', ofbee, FOUrth l'ittsboren.
Eintra no--. 1. D. M'Fadden.F. 11. Fawn. - 019 •
Mankfists, Ealing, Contracts, Law Mania,
nAnn 212.15, Lanni, Millne...Tße t CRRcia.
roLacip, Re. Re.,
Printed Rti the shortest none. I
D I price., &Idle
dal) o•rrrretilme R Inn,
Pamly Flour, jun reed
.d fat ale by coeK.t. TIREVFOOLE,
now 10i Slcond et
Gi r UNNY BAGS—I2OO in stare and for sale by
novb No tOl Second or
REEN APPL;23- 7 150bislai in store and for' male
G ov,
No N - Second at
CHEESE, Ac —IV Las Cream Chem.e;
47 Co. NV. rt. do;
pest. baftraba4;
4 bls Honey, landing from emm.l
boot .1. A. Cabgbey, - aral for male by
Plit-t7A asiernitena et Patent Saha .
14 Lampe. Co Chose:hes and Thseltrthals 8. ;:
Steamboats, lee.. Wholesale and Tema ,-
sore corner Fourth Lod Marta um
H. M0L.1.9503—1n note not for sale loor by
. r • 113 DILWORTH ar,L.
1.11..;tia E-50 by Jan iwi j ilf alr o V H ", c
5A . F7. ,,, FU.9E-80,000 fir
B IIC~T9 do xin xtgre ORTH &CO
TUBS-Itt do: in store =I for gale try
CA2noS4A-'4""'""lnZ ula
inn'd rS d D fo lL T Vl l 'o . l2 ' llll kCO
UTAWOH-1 eek ?rot reed sod for rate by
b extra Cream;
fIEESE — T i b r. r i g ;, hri=reNl i „
ANN-1700 Ds extra cured, for see
nov7 J D AntIL.LIAMB
SUNDRIES -10 do: Condo DNS.;
dos super Tow Bay, ,
170 vds do Lill.l •
30 do: Woolen Socks;
150 yds barred Flanr.eoo or eel s by
S UNDRIES --I 6 bbla No I Lard;
1,7 II bbls Grease;
I to Beeswax, 2 bbl do; to attire on
_steamer Fort Pitt, for role by
rove ISAIAH DICICEY 2c CO, From so
SUGAR-5 blds to arrive one:owner Fairaloont, lot
sale by DICREV & CO,
novn Front oat
moLessez—n bbls to arrive on steamer Ameri
can Star, for sale by
LAFe n I'm, f RD-0 bbls N
aMoe I, now. landing from steamer
or by
I)E&HVAX—a Wm and l demo now landing from
.1) steamer Foil Pitt, for sale by
GitHASK-10 tails now landing from morn. Volt
Pim, and tor solo by
nova /13/LIAII DICKF.S /t CO
QUGAR-5 Rh& mtperior quality N. 0. 3n .mm, fo
5.1 .nle low to etc,. consignment.
nov9 DIGKI:Y lc CO,
VIB Earlier and Later Propheciesof Isaiah. By
Prof. J. A. Ale:wider. 9 vol. Roy. dvo, cloth,
8 5,50.
"The soiled, independent judgment which Prof. Al.
cylinder everywhere iliaphiy y combined wi th Inc
candor, modesty, end a spirit of profound reverence
for the inspire 1 volume, distinguished his work mot
tdvantageoualy from most of the critical production ,
the s•-". andtitles " regarded MI • model
the eke, and entitles it to be regardeu
Ribhod iaveatigation."—London Patriots -
"A rich comnbation of philological exposition fo,
the um of the elergyn—Preabytormo.
"A commentary. of higher sum Mau the unfolding of
a poem, nod of profounder character than a mere re•
pository of suggestive practical thoughts.”—N. Y. Re
For sale by JAMES El, LOCKWOOD.
rov9 Bookseller and Importer, 63 Wood st
Q HAWLS--1 enema. $4 black 'Rube, with heavy
rick-fringe, reed twit for sale by
ATADDING-10 bales for rale by
RAID-0V dor. Nos 11,13, 13 and 17, Linen, rec'd
end for sale by covt 0 ARBUTHNOT
A LIGANAGS—EngIish and German, for sale by'A
'I/SABLES-3 casks Pleb Chaim
Polished end C, re.
eeired and for sale by
R OLL BUTTER-4 bbl• Just - reed and for sale by
cove No 2OMarket ff•
ONIONS -6 bbl. just ree'd.arld for we by
po n TATOES--11X1 eels Jaserg ratV a f . ej i lied e t i Z ß
BUTTER -4 kegs in store .81 H f . ksr i V;Isi niNER
pIG LEAD—bO pig. Past recd and for salo by
novB G II GRANT, 41 Watzr
Bea LEAD-5100 lb. eor sala by
FF:A T I 11318---1092 Ib. prime, just teed, for sale by
r norB cit GRANT
8600313-15 sloy for sale by
:lova C GRANT 41 Water
sFLOUR. --1( u bbl. KF on consignment and fo
ale by navy , &
SILL,IIB Wootl st
UCK WHEAT FLOUR-10,000 lbs prime for sal.
I) by novel STUART /r. SILL, 118 Wood et
MAN MEAL-12 bbl.. ptime for gale by
V nova STUART It SILL, lli Wood 01
B UCh . Erz ov . 4 .-7.5 doo for role by
VINEGAR -30 bbl. In score by
:awn STUART fr. SILL
MACKEREL -40 Half bbL4 No 3. Fin
In Korn and'for sale by inoybj srUART siLL
bblo No I,
SALT—aO bbt, n atom aud !or male by
GOS II lEN C11E0387.-100 bones in store and for vale
}byno., STUART & SELL, 118 Wood
LARD—, bbis No 1 Lard, on consignment and (or
00 , 8 No 6 Commercial Row. Liberty st
8111/111aS—O0 dos Cons Brooms just received and
for vale by novn 11 A CUNNINGIIANI
BUTTER -13 amid! kegs Deity Butter, and 6 bbl.
Roil, in cloth, just received and for ail< he
300 bores CREAM CHEESE;
75 his extra do. just received and (or
THE BOOKS for the subscription of Stock in Chi.
acne Insurance Company, are removed from the
Rooms of We Beard of Trade to the Office of Hugh D.
King, Fourth street, opposite the Farmers' Depot
Bank, and will he kept opeu anvil the expiration°, Ile
ten days, as directed to the Charter, or until Dan thou
sand ahares are subscribed. n0v7.4.11
Bang or Prrometwu, Nov. 6,1E49.
BE President and Directors of this Book have thus
day.declared a divalend of four per rent. on the
capital itock, for the law rut months, payable to Stock•
holders or their legal representatives forthwith.
nov7.llw JOHN SNYDER, Cashier.
Examoit Bans or Pn - rownon, Nov. 6, 1919..
IBS Bulkhat, this day, declared • dividend of four
per cent on its capital stock, payable on, or abet
the lath inst. Eastern Stockholders will be paid Luba
Western Bank of Pluladelphia.
not'!-dlw THOS. lIOWE, ditaltier.
1119 Dank has, ihm Mks., Pittabu declar rg ed adi I v of
Tfour per cent. on tta capital mock. out of the pro.
s of the last six months, payable forthwith.
near-diva W. 11. DENNY, Cashier.
Copper Mine for Sale
subscriber will tell, thepremlms, Elm Pane,
1 in Carroll County, Md, an the PM day of Nevem
her, 1040. at I o'clock, P. M., an Interest in the best
COPPER MINE in North America, the Ore yielding
do per cent. I have in possession Me Assays of Pro.
lessor Mendel, Dr. Kama, and the Sum Geologist of
New York, end other. There is else Zinc and Mag
netic Iron the, he Terms made known on the day
nov7-113t Finks/nog P. 0., Carsol no., MA
To Loather MasmilLotursors Nand Other.,
TLIE subscriber has had many years' experience in
the manafacture of Patent Leather, both in Eu.
rope and the United States.
Any gentleman wishing Information in
business, can shone it by addressing a line
scriber who will make known terms, at
will bit'in Pittsburgh
The 'advents.' makes all kinds of Fancy Colored
leather. Japaned Calf Skins, An. Address
noxl..chrto Si. P. P., Philadelphia, Pa.
&Eiji! CHMSE—Z - o ,, hus d e e xtrare nm ani .o C a lre d se o i .
Heed this day at the Dinner and Cheese Depot, and Ins
talc by eon? J U CANHELD
1.) OLL BUTTER-0 1.1614 in cloths. re 01 thi• day and
LL for .de by boy: 7 B BARFIELD
DEESIVAX3 L4l. yellow, on consignment and for
sole by LI A PAIIIikTOCK d CO,
nott7 corner Ist and Wood sts
11 . 1 0 11 7 NG-130 bbls for urlo by
W ;
BORA X-20 onus English reined, for sale by
nos 7 .11A FAUN. STOCK th CO
CHLORIDE LIMF--tO conks Movpmu dr. Tennenni,
for asde by B A EAIESIEBTOCK a CO,
nov7 comer Ist nod Wood B.
ALSAM COI lb. jam reed, for Yak by
and for sale uy nos 7 R E SELLERS
NUT GALLS—VA lb. just reed and far sale by
ridAIWCXYId-19 Kite just reed and for We by
k.) nod? R E LELLERS
ARROW ROOT—I bbl lest reed wd for male by
nov7 R 11 SELLERS
I.ISTRE-2 cases Jart reed, for+ttla by
.-m- z idiEREL,-4150bbla No 3; 30 brdo dot
60 do 30 hf do dot
ID 'do 1; ID [tido do; for sale
by natlG C R GRANT +I W t
. ...drum Codfixh;
ATlNVAiAii—db Gbh. pato cider, far cafe by
ir t : BEANS—
krTINII4Niti'OnsT & co.
-• •- -
j? FATHERS-147 sacks now luldlog from routtner
r 'forearm., for rale by
now • ISAIAH DICKEY to CO Front N .
TITOOL-5 bap now landing from grainer 'Nana
Tv rota, and tor sale by
movtil ISAIAH DICKEY & C 6
GiNSENti-4 bags now landinglnna steamer Ttut
carer., for see by
N—.4W.. &ow crap. now holding Dom
slog:cur Tuscarora, for sale by
WALLOW -24 oinks just lending from scesmor
colsiar, for We by
itArIITA few bdls jut ree'd d 1r:041111u
UR-200 bids extra and superfine, in store for
nose 8 dr. W HARILIAUGH
11i$ESE-2C O bores Cream aml IV. $
BACI. etere M for
rale by eire9 $ LIAR
MED BISEV—IS eels pat stud, (or We by
tIAMS—IU cute i.anvassoalust rec.% 4
P gala by clove d k W HAELBAUGH
WINDOW GLILIN II --4 00 Iv. o as ed
for We by Nome NI k. W HARDAUOII_,,
A,lljrnr.l) •
SMALL 1106 SE in the Path or Eighti Wards,
or Ton Boats althatial* Apply at.thisofhee.
"businarrion OP P6BlT !> ea3nlr.
NOTICE ,. is berembgyaijen.t!inti,tl7,. p
Zebukin Kinsey, ender the firm of B. P. IL Morrison&
Co, in the town of Brookville, Jerierion emmiy, ,
ha been this day dissolved by masa. consent..
Persons MI/ailed to said funs will make payment to
IL P. U. Mormon, and perm. having Maims sr.t
said firm mil present the sante immediately for ligni•
damn. L E P B . U L I i. Bi
Prookmlle„Nov. 3, 1949.
jrP lIE paltrerslap heretofore naming between the on.
dersictled, under the firm of H. P. H. Mormon
Co. in Hroolemile, Jefferson co., ea- Icing dissolved,
they will still remain in force st Island, Alle
gheny, where they are prepared to eat to order all
sorts and descriptions of Lumber, and at the lowest
potable, mice.
Orders.reeeived, ind an Information given, b y Zeb.
Mon Kinsey, N0:67, Mark e t st., Piusbargb, and at the
MrLath conetantly on han n
TICE is hereby given to Architects, Carpeutew,
IN Beat Sadder, and others,that the underequed are
fully prepared to MI all bill. of Lumber, of any size
and length, from 70 feet downwards. Boat Gunwales,
Boat Ming, Deck Plank, 301.1, Scantling, Trimasers:
Board., ter., on the thoctest notice, end willdeltver the
earn., to any desired plate, either by water or wagon.
Their capacity to furnish Lumber is of the Ent qual
ity having four saws constantly in operatl., any and
t, with competent sawyers and willmen, together
wt h an extensive sthek - ot Timber, of every size and
le They are folly enabled to complete bills la at
on stably short period of time, and of the best qualiry.
o other hlill MALL supply Lowlier at lower rater;
an they soh. the patronage of the banding undo and
, Men received. and any information given by Leh
. Kinmy, o 7 Markman, Pitmborgh,and at tains.
constantly on hand.
noy7 B. P. H. hIORRISON & CO.
Lath! Lath! Latta
610.000 LATH on hindP.M.
.d for eabs by
Herrls Island Mins. Nov. 6.
100.0(10'PEET LUMBER-1u Job°, Desk
LI Plank, Rom Siding, Boards, Scant-
' Nov. (1. Inov7-dlsokarAT
i;f blend ?dill,
• _
D OTATOE.I-30 bbn Rea, tor pale by
ROLL BUTTER—I Mil In story and for nolo by ..:
GREEN AP I•L ES-I.llbblAincWand (Forrole by
einliWorreeVind for *Plc by
I) UdiWWETA'I' FIA)UK-12bbls, a superior article
for sale by nort ARMSTRONG & CROZER.
VAMILY FLOUR-60 bb:s in more , for sale by
`VINES-70 csks Pon, filsdeirs, Sherry .nd tissee
V MeLige Wines, for sale by the cask or in ;van
tilles to suit purchaser
& b
nor 6 • No 160 Lkbony at
J. Dialwratt & Bone, Pat.ent. Soda AIM. I
35 - )F, CASIIB Glass d Soap makers , Soda ash, I
imported direct en
from the above celebrated
per cud amelieuk test, arriving and
for sake by novo N& 1M mrrcii ELTREF:
LIMOORB-17 ht pkpes Bnusdy—Otard, Dopuy, &di
pipe. Holland Oink
5 ce ks NE Bum;
400 bbl. Whiskey; for sale by
A La/SOL—With an usonment of Domestic Id•
Aquors, Cordials, &e., envoys nu head and for sale
by the cask or quaniities, to suit purnbasers, by
BLEACHING POWDER-20 musks Jas Musprati
sons' brood, a superior article, for sale by
need W & 7.1 MITCHELTaIIE
I\IOI.AS§M-2N/ bbl. pnme N 0 Molasses, in oak
M. bbls, In store and for by
URESII TGAS--Imponal, Gunpowder and Yount
Ilyson Teas, of ruperior quality, in hf IT
and 6 pound bus, tun m Welnd for vile by
norit & fit MITCIIEILTREE_
COFFEE -00 begs grippe aso, arriving dor eel
MEW MACKEREL-39 table lam No 3, and s
ec hf
bbla No 2, thlassaohusalYs usspootiOrb) Just 'd
and for sale by
BONNET M ason k Co. have re.
calved 1 case 25 ps of Bonnet Velvets;of shaman
desirable shades, and at low prices. eev6
GLOWS AND HOSlERY—Nowopening Cl A. A.
Mlll , Oll & CWS, 300 dos Gloves and Hosiery, of all
kinds add .ealides. novis
OTABH —V) cask. ddLa day, for solo '
nova TAirSEY &BEST
LARD -23 kelp No t, for vale by
FELTIIERS-10 sacks beat Ey for sal , by
POTATOES—ES rieshananak and Red Po
toes, in More and for 'see by
SNVF:ILT POTATOL3-40 bbl, ree'd an cou,ignine
and for oak by
INDOW GLASS-166 bar, ay rbl 111/2[4. jllBl ree'd
Ul' and for rale by no
FrfTER.-20 kegs and bbl. jorlored 6 0 . rr , to .
mirtrTTER-4 bblot prime. oryi o•o'd. for sale by
Axor6 A S W 11Aftli.aUGH
nd for nolo by
TIRI PE.ACUE.S—:" od. score and (or s.
..1.1 by • ISAIAH DICKEY &
novG Front sure
VVOOLEN BACKS—OXI dor on band, for s.kle by
novt: ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front o
SA -6 Ithds arrive - on steamer Ringgold, for
gale by novs ISAIAH DICKEY & CO
NTtvontiguKs JUST REC JVED.— The works of
e, edited by
Essays, Letters, and Jan..' through Germany and
Italy, sr. notes from all the Cortunentators,Diugraph
ical ad Bibliographical Notices, &e.
Theory and
of of ,Teubing - , or, the Motive!
nod Methods of Good SchoosKeeping, by David
Plage, A. M., Paincipa/ of the Mote Normal Sobool,
Albany, N. Y.
Frank Forester's FHII .5 Fishing of the U. Rates
and Britiati Provinces of North Alocrica, by Hoary
nov6cora. Third and Market w (Jordual, Chronicle and Post copy.)
Dr. George .llleCoak
LT ASselemed Pittsburgh as luo future residence
jy He has taken the bobs. lately occupied by Alder
man hillier, on Fourth sb, nem Grant. immediately ad L
joining the amaruno House. Ilia office is enacted
Ms residence, where be will constantly be Mood, on
less absent on professional duty. Office boors Worn ,
to ir o'clock h. M, and from 3 to 7 o'clock P. NI.
-• - -
kgs ased, just reed and for sale by
1.7 nova JAIdEI; A HUTCOIkON tr. CO
novs Nos, 95 Water and Front sty
C OPFEB-156 bga Rio, Londiag add for solo low by
nov3 No 144 Liberty at
ifflit'clit O.
TeakP and Y. 11. Teo;
71 catty 000 O. P. and b .11. Tea; landing and
(or ode low by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK,
noes No 144 Liberty pt
TOBACC,O-75 bus ss, choice brawls;
IU bus Its; " "
5 bus lb lump" " landing and
No 144 Liburty e
& C:koa linna
SUC "k. A .:- 1 W don on band and tor sale by - ---
P IngißalilirtgreuWynswitrf, innltninfo'r.T.:lB'l.7y
novs 1-& R
.. •
, 49,1 ,- .1 5.. % 1F: r1 -3 0 ,12 7. 1 w an t d o ln im fr o o T ,,s n i.e i am : Z b c y .
t°. ova JAMES PA
LARD—Ito kga No I Clean...xi, o f nee and for
ule by atria SELLERS k. NICOLS
GA2 S UIL-2 0 bblallo! for aele by .
P IT wogs F etra lUa l;a i rry b ll ' ea lk e .71 . 0 4m 410 ;C d 0 Ti a a fp l et f. rt . e -
Flour, 10 do fun Fleur, at] more and far sale by
nee.s SELLERS & Nlcol.S
DACOS—Tiird,. Slalom Iledo Sl:eeldemlb do 'call
') vuaed Llama, for mae by
HARRISON NEWELL, Couto,.hor alam.-01
Eve on Fourth st., above Sanithfivld.
[PRENCii CASlBlEttgS—Noiiopeniniiiiardil
r kat in, a limps invoice hi Franck Cashmeing
now antl hottilotabla design..
Iff Argr
high LaSa2t....
Lo. SLIT,WLS—Anotber invoice of done supe•
rier Long Sluovis, just recid pm express, ut tiO
Marked se' no ys A A MASON It CO
Ibetliandlittlt.l-0( improved and beautiful mod.
13 els, fom 613 to 1140, for sale by
1 ova'P
6TO a -. --- ' 1 , ne ' W 11r , WILSON
'Ai-ALlA:raps, in eve ry variet! '" amiabl e for c en t :Les, '
Dwellings, Stoma, Steamboats, Factories, An.
These Lamps are unrivalled in heapness, beauty
and brilliancy, and now in general use: .
CWASTirisOrirtil—iiiliiii c WaVri7ll.7rTTeL-g—
-nov3 - R E SELLERS. 37 Wood st
•--• • • • •
11AZ11. AMMONIA-1 csk Just Teed and tor sale by
l_, novb R ESP-LW:MS
tIVD. POIASIIittO or (iceman, just iced by
novn It ESELLERs
-SVIi,L,O-5,501/A-5 cake lust reed and f i ler 4 : t i i ERS
11111KAV— 11l A it evir A-nkr. ---- 0 - it-g - .
No. IS Wood r Pittsburgh.
lluonn'iLli"." , !. ,, rD.V. ) .. N g lIIIVZ,V ,,"„
nil r ts varieties, ate now d krepared to sell as low and
as reasonable terms an be purchased elsewhere.
We colitis OP friends, lid thy pnblic g enerally, to
call and clamine our stoe , which Canons in Imo of
mai as leks,Latches, Mimes and Semites, together
with beery article usually kept In. Hardware Stores.
We' nvite the attention of Caiwnters and Mechanics
to out assortment of Tools, which have been
selected with Vent care, and which age are determin
ed to will so as to give sale . ..nen
... soltnlfelsT.
Dissolution of PoitiaokAltto.
y MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firm hereto-
miler the style of DUSHFIELD
LEADER, bas ham dissolved by Henry Leader sell
ing his entire interest in said firm to John McGill. All
business connected with t h e firm of Bothfield & Lead.
er will be settled by R. B. illashfield & Co, who are
dilly authorised to make all collections and adhot all
Pittsburgh Oct, TJ, IMR. •
N. —B. B. BUSLIPIELD &CO will continue Me
wholesale cold retail Dry Goods mid Groeery business,
at the Old shire room, N 0.510 Liberty Cl, where they
will be pleased to have their friends and customers
sad and eramps their moot or goods.
Cotton alsottliaary. Taiga, to, at Auction
ON TUESDAY, the 13th of November, at ten W
ench, will be *old at Aachen, on the prem.",
(14th Ward, - Pittsburgh.) ;all the Machinery, Tool.,
Shafts. Drama and Deana{ of the Ellrenix Cotton Fee.
Wry, formerly belonging to Adams, Allen dr.Ca. !Oro,.
;rl C in ' T%Po i & o , ( Ca o .l7- -
Carotid mill. Patters, algae Fenntare, AO. among
, g bigh, .0 Cording En gin., Thrordes, Nuke, Speed
ari, Drawing France, dm
A liberal credit gall begiven on all perchance over
.100, as to Mama at sala . ocalaidatarlir
111"•r•--, porter
ADynozov—PresO . Circle end Parquene SD et,
Second . 93 •••
Er Door* open ; before 7. Certain ; pan
17 . Thiid mein of Me noasaragemmitof tda.SILS.
BEE, the Yankee Comedian.
Threat AT. Nev. =HA
'foal Twire r. Boble M'L vee.
Carohne . Mr.
To be
T callo PE we.l with a Drama chlied
To tonclee with
M. Sil•bet
informs the eublie that she will read from the
follouiits plays "f Sitakapeare u Apollo Ilalt in the_
Mty of Pittsburgh:
easure for Measure, Monday evening, Nor.ll
Much ado exult Nothing, Tocelay " Nov. 13
Merchant of Venice, Wednesday " Nov. 14
As you Like It, Thanday momiar. N0v.15
Duero open at 61 o'clock, P. M., and on Thursday
morning, at 10 A. N.
Readings to commence at 71 o'clock F. IL, aml on
Thursday morning, at 10 A. M..
Tickets to be had at the. Hall and at the principal
mnsical stores on and after Idenday the lath Inst.
novS4ls •
By John D. Davis. AllO lion.*
Important, .Eattranco and nom Safe, without ro
. servo, ty order of a Ben/rupee Assigns, Rear
W. Bleasdoll,En, N. V.
On Thursday afternoon , Nov. fah, at 2 o'clock, at the
Mare, No 40 Mn km at, between tlecond aod.Third
sta will be sold. 21/0 cues of the finest and mom wte
fi nit class Wines, Brandies and Liquors, originalz
wiected in New York, tegardleei of expense, from
the best brands and rurigeft.
Catalogues will be ready on Thursday. Terms, cash
mimetic), nor 6 JOIIN D DAVBI, Auer
Family Baraucks nt,,Auction.
• . . ,
On Wedneulay morning, November 7, at 11 o'clock,
In (on of the Cemmercie Sales Rooms, corner Wood
and Fills ma, will be .old—Ono mbviantial well finish
ed emceed hand Ilanniche, with falling top.
uova . JOIIN LVDAVL9, Mel;
77: rtren Building Lots, rn the City of Alleghaty,
On Saturday k:ternoon, November Ifahocill be sold
on the premirer, Six Lots of Groondj situate on the
iwuth udder Ohin sr, adjoining the “barot
having each front of HI 11, and extending back I/0 fl
ro an alley lid n wide.
Alro—Seven laid adjoining the above,having • front
of IXI fl on the West Common, and extending bock lio
ft to the aforesaid In ft alley.
These lots are certainly among the mostdestrable in
the city of Allegheny, to clew slits future growth and
progress of impro/ement.
Terms—One third -cash, residue in sir and twelve
months, with interest
A plan of the lots may be the store of Mer
cer a llobinsenon Allegheny, and, at my auction
room.vorner of Wood and Fifth sta.
°cell JOHN D DAVIS. Aunt
...kll4heiay Coessays Sns
IN We Orphans' Court of said County, in the
to 't r ' o ' i s.' f tl:e h ' FYI; b u tt o fo l ti V ii m i - rirs. 'lo" of
Snowden township, deed. No. 2:October
Torn, 1619:
A ad• now, lir wit: November 11, 1019 on Cobden a(
91r. Lune, tho Coon sppaiatiouph Knox, FA,
Auditor to audit and adjust sold aceoatn, and to dts
tribute the balance. By the Coast.
The Aciditor above named will attend, at his OSee
in Bakewell'a Beildtues, Giant street, Pittsburgh, tb
discharge the duties of Ins appointment—on Tuesday,
the th day of December next, between the hews 'o
In A. IS and 5 o'clock P ht. I
• n0v7•11.4. w9t J
T OSEPEI KNOX, Audiu,r,Ae.
DPED CARD. SODA NW Ib. prima quality. for
side by oovb 6 E SkJAARS
fLES GUM ARABIC No. 2-1 tostijost roo'd,=l
novs :
ANNERS I OIL-50 - litililotii
...5 WM BAOALEY & Ca
I/ ?dyers' Is; StelderrtsAnthony's ss;
Grant's s's, soperir; 'Watson's.*
In Pe..lBolte Ss; Glant's Bq
, Iturker's Ge; Hutt, fa;
Inel di
ng above and other choice brands, far sale by
novs BAOKLEV /a CO --
T A I o a r Te wh
no r.l• In and 20 Wood st.'
bDA DRY 000DS JOBBING ROUSE, an active or
I ,il , ut partner, with a cash capital of Twenty Thou
sand Debars, or two endue punier% well aequaluteß
with the business, and having, from Fthe to Tennant
sand Dollne, each, to take the plane of a senior mem
ber of the both wishing to tenth on the let of next Jan
nary. The Dente is well established, and doing a
good boeineth. Al eoratannicationa stnetlreonfiden-
Addless--Methhaat Bon 6TJ , Philadelphia.
Ohio .24 Peasszyiv•sia.U.alProg,td..
TlEirittiktter• tho',Ohio Penneyhrarcla
Ttazd I.lslizent DM). ii=otArVi6
SOeco,o Om 23 —fnart• • °°4F- • Manner.
ale by
o L.—rn bb1.0.4 ;t1 3 7 - F , '_ . Cu.
ov2 Water street
ItECIFTHIS Robb V ,. .t k Co:ta;
For sale at the Robber Depot; No. 5 Wood oh
DOOR SPRINGS-4 tlas Door , ! 4.priasl,67 . tfee , 'd
amd for salt at J& PHU.
norl No 5 Wend at
irlFtEari RPPLA24-1211.1bhn 'mon. gnalainv, loei
kX ree'd and for vale by
• •
WOTAToEE-106 - 1 , 12 just reel and for sale by
M bbis N. 9. now bonding from
mono., Mazy A...for oak by
BUM:R-95 kegs reedatul 1,..0; 3 ts 4126 13101
LA b RD y — A to w kog, „o primal No. reed and ferule
WHITE REANS-15 bblO fur sale by • '
13 R00312 , -25 do: Coro Brooms, for oale by
BLANKKNi 111.ANKETS—W. - R. Elerphy has
JUbl rre'd another supply of country cute.
...factored Blankets, including some of a very on.
parlor quality. Vague keepers are invited iota* at
thew before making their perches..
flout N. E corner 4th and Naiket at,
rllllEdertroble property occupied by me io. the bor.
ounb of Manchester, beluga good Cemttne Brick
1,01./ith; nod Two Acres of Oround finely improved.
Possession mate immediately. Engolie , of /as. An
derson, 154., eiboinion the premises, or of
oovil W. MoOLINTOCK, 75 Fourth
Tram BOAT BLANStTB—A lot of a superior
0 quality, domestic manufacture far sole by
glust reti'd and for sale by.
110V1 . _4l KIDD& CO, 00 Wood sr'
ACrtillOLDAfeqrgtj: forß ,aby VlMl v
0.31 23 Wale r et
RIQ adl Mamie a. Co. Dressut!. re
l./ ecite ps
mica Rich bilks.
LARD— ov, -4 trbito u, store and for able by
CUI e L k l .y Vy.R 0 0 1 , t2 bl.qe
BRAUN d rialtfor
( - IMAM TARTER-9bblsjieiree'died for iila by
k} octal • BR i ALIN 4LITITEFL
A. per e z s re . s2
. .
lIRRAM TARTAR-2 bbls for yea by
11 /101,3 JOHN D MORGAN
LUMP PUMICE STONS-1 esk for solo by
LITAR LAMPULACK-3 , esks for sak by
Il ee•s 701 IN D MORGAN
IjOTAS 11-2 rake, for (wily use, for sale at retail by
[Dispeteh eery.)
, tt kegs aninl DAL is,
z fo rax r silea.bwy
2 eases extra tiro de - Mae, 'vial
nova A A MASON & CO
PuLL BUTTER-11 bblo and 3 0 /op good Roll,
jun lwding, for ode by
nov6 78 DILtVORTII & CO.
UGAR.....sU laid. N. U. Ass laudiug per .team boat
0 Euphrates, and for ulo by
SW.Evr , POTATOES- -tO , zte4laitut
DRIED ISEEF-10 erks 13cine Cred, Jut reed and
for rase by reerS W HABBAUGH
XTRA FLOUR—SO bblajast rie'd and for mak by
no• 3 8 & AV HARLIANGit
'rim lug rst'd
• nova
SUGAR—IS bbd. N Q kaat lasidini and for by
navy 8 & HARP.AUGH
MAMA; sAta—ituu bco Com rebr,nd Rock Ball,
j now landin; from mod, for salt. uT
mvs ,_ . .ISAWLCICF:7SV &CO, Front st...
C .
EIEEDE —303 bui in 000 .cl for mi. by
nova _ ..ISALAIDDIC . "Ebni & CO
ir WEAN GIIEF..SE=2OO Li car, ii theltiner end
‘,.., Chet. LbumLof novs J II CANFIELD '
.SZllll:l7Nif CHEEDE-300 ben prprg e. rald_add_lor
!--.' . e bynov6 LEI Dm_
It o n, i* s llU'lTE R—4 Ws reed w 0 , 41 f i o , r e t i .:, , i y.
E x fo w - . K y Lo u L:with: — , ... - , - , , , ,, - ea s,YM up - eiprovsly
CHEESE -30 bus largo Cre..;
70 be. medium Moan:W.od, foi ale by
LIFATHERS—MI76E:nrio — iTISinoIv, for We by
r novs' 8 F VON 110313111ORST A. CD
&l o n .. by
No HI and tai Wood et
iIArSIC'' • •PEAR HAAPER'l4 — itlCirt •
llTbeconipicie Unmade Writings 01 Wm.
pears, assaulted aseonling to resent approved tow,
thins of tile Test; with Notes and otber,llnstralions_try .
Hon. Gorham C. Vesplanek.":Superbly unbollistied by
over 400 exquisite engravings by Hemet, after Denims
by Meadows, Weir, and other eminent Artists. 3 vela.
mud bro.
`lee may gay verb pride that the Americruiadditiona
,end COMMUIII, from the pen of Verplanek, wee( aeon
'0 render she publication unique, and qutte tope*, to
any otber."—W, G. :116111114
will unquegtionebly be placed at the head' of 41
the edition* of Uhakspeare ever pehlighed, by every .
dmeriatiednatinit critic and Uhakappanan atedent.-.-
With the edition of Payne, Collier, Knight, and lime
to miner from, end the enure weather aft erhiett Eng
land has recently lavished:on the Ilhisteadona netu
at poet, at the commented' thejentrAve44t bnaitt
not well bane been othergrlge."—Btandard.
Por gale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD,
, novh CI Wood ft
ITINEGAH—Pare Ciaet gone and tor sale by
', .?*, ~.
The new and pleadid (am
p uees:
g"P44loatiatiNe.a , aaeesnsametarordl l eave AnCan—
u„i Oreille 'ad Friday, aka aua at to
e.6.CA• rL' F°.r.fitfhlT.P,MtVPlYonb..d•
FOR tomsvita..E.
Tu . 4 ,le.naldre.ctri•tka
Ifaas `loaf ,Ido :17" 1 ";3 : itit7a
10 A 3t.
AUVR *F tn(rßsr;
no,s - GEO. P. MILTMBERGEIL, Asti: --;;
FOR RR - VMS. • •
The splendid fast passenger paetat
Cox, muter, will leave foe•
above ud all intermetb ale pons
oorLmrda7, lbe ',Miami. 4u le o'elo4,
Foe truant or passage, apply onboard or to
we gets. far e• y
11le sale:o2d steamer •.;
ii iNt . . o %a -- cit - pt. C01p4, 1111 , Rill le ja
s?e`ecit the abovik -
and MI intermediate rant mom' day'''.
. .
. . , , • . ..
, Y ,, n . - . ' The spleisdal stratasi . -,.
I t
_, • SHE:VANN/All , - t
i'Vr&t:: - .,, , ,, Capt. Bowman. will , lease for abases
- --- ' -au all intermediate parts this dap. •
•110 A M.
For fro' Mar
ply on Barra: norß '')
Th " S"a tVWL
muter, Rill leaVe thl34.
bove and .all intermediate ports as
Wednesday o r :tit In st.,at 10 o l olnek• A.
For fongtit or passage, apply on board, or to
nos 7
aim The. light draught nteamez
i.. for above
For freight or pssaage APP r on, bosrd, •
—oilletteretz—‘l6lftsts •
- ;"
rIIIIIIB well known Line of splendid passenger Steam- •
.en i. now composed oldie largest, sanflasi, bee
finished sad furniabcd, and most powerful boats as the
wawa of the West.. Every accommodation and cam.
fort that money can procure, has been provided for pas.
*angers. .The Line has been in operation for fire.yeMt
=bad carried a million of people without Melees% loin— their persona The boats will be at the foot of
Wood street the day pretriona to starting, for the 11:009;• •
lion of freight and the entry of pasaenger! on the reps.
tar. In all cases the oastmgdumoney must be pill
advance. •
The IEtAIiC NEWTON, Captain Ilmaphlll, vril
leave Pittsburgh every Stesday morning at 1U o'clock;
Whoellnq every Sunday evening at
May 941847. •
The hIONONEAHELA,Oapt-Sourts , will leave Phu.
beryls every Woodsy mammy at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
every bleadav evereny at 10 r. x.'
The HIBERNIA' No. 2, Cispl...l. KetsturerseY,
k,,,,,,l'iusburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 ti`ekatf
•Wheeliug evory..l.lser avcaine re 10 rot..
WEDIMBD/iiiriPACIEN,T. .„‘ '•
The NEW ..ENOLABT No. I, Capt. 8: Di.*, wall
leitie Pittsburgh every Wednesday =mem 'let 11
. &twig; AVtieeting every Wodaesday.evealag,
: The BRILLIANT, Cape Oases, will leave Pit.
burgh every Thursday morning at 10 o'cloek;Wleiellag.,
every Thursday eremite *llO r. Nt, ..•
, • P.t - nbalr#A.l s2 •We. - •
The CLIPPER N 0.2., Capt. Pa® DIMAS, WIU IWO
Pittsburgh every Pridny isioruituratlOcechrk; Whs. 1-
everyiair evening at 104. m
The MESSENGER No. 2, Cept. I. C. Woomrtio,
will. leave PitiLomgh . every ErideV MOMin It 10*',
eloelr, Wheeling every Enday tuArro.w.
IN itEIC- -- 10 WI for sole by W . • .
W 11 1 .77 1 v .aperiar rt . ; tor :till ; •
SOHN Caiikkiik esk far sale tiy
IS • '
1j nors • ' J MORGA N
'T ARC , 014-49 Obis jam reed and for sale by , '
CHLOROFORM -0 ) lbe jolt reed cad for Wo od
.1 KIDD tc CO; GO Wood st
ODD RPOTASSA-230 KDD & COndWoo sodale
ocr2 by
et .
Ia PANIB b II 41NNATTO-75 lbs jusriClD d
and fr ,
tale bola • D & CO •
A LLEN's Nerve and none Limment-15 tereeijuse
/S. me'd and for_sale by • • •
nov2 JIIDD&CO Q GO Wood
Close of NavipMar. •
.o u = d l 44 . t u h ° , l,2V - .... 7lfltr r t=;
Goods yin Canal from . yituPbg_ jat...,.__6idddlteth, add hoar .
• lCgy MarADEN tCV
brand qr Lb is, or rttly..
:11.1. - 111392 ' JOHN rdeP.lLDOtic CO
ALlif and Variegated litony—el fen, vermhbonpit
ink reed from tho tart, of best quality; mill 6*
sallow by nov2 JOHN 21cFA1N..12 lz CO .
SOaAniritilikdonnTNlAlgob.P'). Sal
foe a t R* P' .
nov2 JOHN bIeFAOY.Z.L"
HOGS-34 life Hogg, for nabs by "-:
DOTATOES—Ia bbl. for sale by
I VLOUR-26 Hamb A l=ta i nd i a t ior c hnl o o
z l a t
. . ,
GLASS. --301 bra o.'lo}
- 150 13.10.112 I.leKenann & Co's brand,
__ 25 biz osl2
' 100 bat 00111; R. Fultotfts brand. ' ..
' Landing from steamer Louis ble.Latte,mtd for Ma's 4
Host-- . JAMES DALZELL,2I Weir,l sr ..
y,lite,..H ROLL 13UTTER3 bbli,put 9P it links,
receiving sad for sale Sy • •' •
no ' 7 k Lt'Jertr street
CHEESE- s day
bW i
M. las pu . sdiss'
W astd fst
bXs ' .ZELL & CO3 Lib'n ,
.SALEHATITY-20 cats and DO b.' eons andfOr
mt., by . ROBERT DALZELL &
nov.l Lowry t
ACON SIDUI—Por sale by
B• •
uov2 N DALZELI. & CO,Libertisi
{Vernal Depounca CairAirr,/
Phishorgh t Nov. DI,
A bIF.ETINfi of the Stockholder. of this Codiair
jic will ho held at their office,. No. al Wotee at., on
Teesday, the 13th day of November inac, at It o'hlock,
A.M for their...elks of basin... to be sahmlne
th e ' Board of Directon. An election for thirteen
Directors, to arose for the ensuing yea, be held
at the same place, on the same day, between the boors
of IA mid 3 . block,
stool -di d 3. FINNEY, Jo: See).
ROLL BUTTER-1 bbl prime in more and for isl e
by . noel STuArrar SILL '.
POTATOES—bO bblz on cannignment, Pin by.
OFFEE4O bp primp Milli and for solo by
UGA R-21 landa rug re and for sold by. • •
AA recommend Ilibbert's Writing Fluid to the.pol
ronade ot the public,. ag a firrt rate artideln re.
%Teets. It flows free from the pen without clogging it
up, and in the coupe of a few hour§ become. a deep.
Ltopiocou & Ron, D. A. Dithoestoek & Co., •
Robert Moore, Mcquewan & Doudlaa„,
Wick - & Itlcittandlear, - John Felker,
S. Wightroart & Co, Fraught Sellers, ,
C. A. hlcAnulty &,• • '•
For rate (together with Ilibberthi Red' nd dye .
Copy All Funestoek - & Co; . Rem
He hwanz. egheny City, and the manufreturer,
TROD. K. MBRERT, Druggirt Chentigl,
nevi-414w ear Liberty and P An iihsi,.ki •
SUNDELF.97l:==ersi ' .•
N bales 1.0 annne on summer
Tuscarora, for sale by • .
00131 ISAIAH DPAEY &CO, Front at
VIOLASS ES—lO fiTt os o e ig,74,T o . -
ju.brd. •• do do . dos
Ita/ Md.. Plantation: for lode by'
'oozes Sicarine Candles;
S UNDK'E t Ezra Pun Starch;
4 cases ElostortPieltles and Catnips;
6 " Genoa Citron; ;.
5 " Castile Soaps
2 Almond
ta) drums Smyrna Figs;
50 lbs Cocoa
Al so , cocoa, Broom and CM/opiate: ktr sale by
oct3l 1D WIl
Dyg WOOPS—NO bbls Chigoes:l mid 6' round; jut
reed and (or sale by
oeCt corner First and Wood ota
EPSOM BALTS-40 Ws Baltimore, for sale bT
oat.% B A FAIMSTOOK 11,.(.10
LCOHOI,--30 bbl. 70 and 92 or at, for :tie by
TAXTRACT LOG WOOD-90 fu.eolFcireignsmliAm
s rA erica°, for role by
p A ol T art u lle F l::ga ß k — erTaxi b n P iliee,tt reed otd ,
for ~nle by OCWt _ Spr.t.4liB 2t NICOLA
"VINE FLOUR—GO !ibis inel read and for loi!e bl
fIINSENG-7 soaks now landing from comes can.
VV. Gables, tor sate by
.I.vdey Diciceil:
VIA)UIt--35 eelsnw twitting:from alone - tier Janata
A: Nelson, to, sate try.-- • - • •
In stoic anottor sale by
pEp.n NUTS-11 1 bbis sniatior , Agrorti c r ' s
kEO IdTTEN-71:51 kegs toed :5 foro ll tir - 1 ) ,.
111.1 PUNUI POWDER—Ttio so .en era~d
LI lot tho.manufactormo of the &bore CNr
Loud of Powder, him. bud aps,..o. , •Vajtasy
' orNr7r r rrel th eed i g i res A . V =4.." l " '. •
%I ' rt l4 tt e /S k u rate r . 50 9! '! "111
Indio Robber Depot, No a 'yaw O.piiru.TPEl
IITDTNIB DAI , ;-- o troar
,ty' d .41 , 7 06%.
No 5 Wro:114. Floo r
" 3
La store nod for sale
cot , ' COPE Is INtgliTts.7_
744ar artaalic-1 au. mr a rZ, ;,•?
. corner Lawn' OW
BUCKET —l3 dos Eitantit::: llp s ;
3 ,1013mrs, box r A e.. raic azi for
leiliPbarrf st—