The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 08, 1849, Image 1

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- IN)R PENNSYLVANIA, Sr. Lows, MA. . •
All connnunieation• prompt] • answered. twrda-17
STRONG it CiOtiß,'Catelederion blereaaaus
and Deals a is Predate, No. MI Market euese
•ZOIL9 X 1011.0
rR„Ent" h°t r j t,1,.1 E°c ,
C0.1 . 111 , 01t, X. le. 111101 VA.
BROWN } CULBERWON, Wholesale Omen,
last Commlastoo Merchants, No. 14.5, Lllserty sa,
Pahabuigh. P. &MI,. -
.B „.. via.... & Co, Wholesale .4 Rs
. yol Drogglsos corner Was/. and6ti.t.s. /91
• •
D.I.IJALISP & Shiffkiidkittale tiroeirs, lb and
.11.21:1 Wood street Pittsburgh.
nONTINUni to give his penalties attention to the
V treatment or Dimmer et the SHINTSCROPULAt
and Diseases ante THROAT. •
(Dee hours: V A.M.,1 P. M., and 7 P. M.
• 112.11 X
. .
(IRMO SKINNER, Forwarding and Co;.
%./ Alesdharits 1.1,5-31 Market at, Pldgborgh.. - spa
Al . A...1k/GAN ULTY Co., Torsrarding and
%_/r, Co .
luirdion Marchauta, Canal thiald, Pittsburgh P
RsWilma* 'prim/LS4a Wang aall , ltreta
COLEZdAN, , RAILMAN k Co, thanufactuturs 'of
Coach and = Hammered
and Fron t and Plougm eets, P h ISte4l. ittshor Iron,
ga./Lc. Wearhoutc ou
Also, desks, rur,Couch Trunnungs and Malleabh,
Amino' 00112
(Late of New York )
.tree!, between. Seventh and
Strawberry .l l4 f the momE, ganw and meth Wasted
' ltbk(-111:4;'' 4410.d3nt
Tilai r tvter“Yrq. l tt"llL"
& amts. • .11
W. — SMITH it CO., iireareiS,/dalsort
and Hop Dealers, flu at, Pittsburgh. spOS
if — SMlaNiMitNinA.l4, Cor m :onion an onsarduit
kW Merchant, No. Or ood meet. Pittsburgh. myl.
MOUE LEAL' 11 .0811 f ...
I 7.1 AMILTON STEWART, remlafaeturer of Heavy
. ja Shirting; checks, &c., Rebecca scree; city of
' Allegheny. novld•My•
Wi - X, isit
arc h g.eWited Deal-
Maer and Centroiselon Merchant, (or the sale Cl
lan Woolens, Liberty. opposlte dd, st. febl7
1 • Wet. tii — eiS, Hainan:ore.
A.. J. SETZ.NON., ZUNI.. 11211.1.0, i p h ii.b,
D. D. Iskarmalt, MIA L. 41.11113, .
14 HALLO a BUCKNOR, Tobeeed Contstanalon Pier
! 11. celante, 41 North Waters ; a. 115 North Wharves,
MIA noe3C•sf
.4111 ii, JONES 1. Asateessors 1.041w00d,
Jan.& Co.) Comma:Lan and Far asd‘nt
dealer.,is PitUsburgh Mannfactured Goods,
Pluabmgh, Ya. me .27
SWAM DICM, ♦ 10/112, DMZ.,
.1711 DICKEY Co., Wholesale Grocers, Corn.
allsalon Merchants, and dimlcas in Prodnce,
r, and 107 Front streets, Pitttbursh. nosh
10 MS. =MOM. JoIMPOI DlLWolord.
148. DILWORTH & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pro.
• does and Commission Merchants, and Agents
e the lewd Powder 00. of N. Y., No. W Wood at,
Pittsburgh. mid
JJOHNTOWNSEND, Dragpst sad .apothcaary
No. 45 Market at., three dawn above Thud At 11114
burgh, will hare Constantly on band a. well selected am
aortment of the best and freshest Ida:helms, which ha
will sell 'oh the moat reasonable term. Physicians
sending orders, will be promptly attended to, and tap.
plied with Snicks they may rely upon gentdne.
ID" Phyncian f a . P . rese e timums Inn be accurately and
pre trzey i, a i tit bemoan-nal. at any ha
' Also the de,. a lazy Meek Of fresh and good Perfa:
samT. jell -
.- CANFIELD, (lute of Warrna, Oh%) Ccoiniris:
• lion and Forwarcing Merehant,_ and wholemlo
Weatem Reserve Ch.. Detreb Pot and
Pearl Ash, and Western Produce , gettereny,' Water
between Smi th field and Wood, Pinar:quer. ar.3
ITIN WATT, NoteinMorioEwalt Gebiart,)
Wholesale eirocer . and Commission Merchant,
-in-Produce and Pittsburgh blanufacture.
tae ef Liberty and Hand streets, Plusbargh P. teen
11.4.111311' ILUTCRIMIN, & Co.—Successors to
Of Lewis Rutehlson & Co, Couvulssion Merchants,
sad Agents &tithe B. Louis:Nes. Scum. Refinery.
No. 4•lnuer and OR flout streets, Pinsborgh...
- •
JOM D. ORGAN WSnale Ihuggini, and deal
-111,. er la Dye !pay Punta, ' Vimdateo, N 0.03
Wood street, one dew &loth Wee
teugh. ;eel
aadomor Joupb u.
Jr & CoCo,
36 me mow .eat
i ' ll 'ir - NrellWoOd 2
oght or taken in trade. -
& Co., Wholesale Erragstath,
• N 0.24 Wood street , Pitts burgh.
JOILN SAWS, snasonel
street., Pittsburgh.'
viligerotra STOCKTON, Booksellen, P.Otters
U ssatrapei AL.stecturera. No. 44 I.l.ket at., Pow
Lorsk. - • • ten
& R. FLoyp, Wholesale Grocers, Vourntihsion
U Merchants, suet Dealers Produce, Round
Chu O
oshiluildings, fronting on Llbeny, 'Wood and Oth
TABUS DALZEIJ.., Wholesale Grocer, Gunn:dation
U blertehany and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh
blarnsfactures. No.t.G Water at, Pittsburgh. Seale
4rou Virkrav kat, J., Wholeeale sod Retail7l)a.
ler ni Foreign W uses and Liquors, and old Monon
gahelas-F Rye Witukcp, corner Nut and Market eta
IER & JONES, msam
lorw.M.Mg mut Coium :der.
(17 . Mamas,- Elcale. airrodme smdritlabutill man.
anules, Canal Bum, nen , rlM sL
IiENISEDY, CHILDS k. CO, Manufacturers ctivery.
superior 4-1 pkocunks, Covet Carron
'lmo and Bonin. io./A1
Vesuvius Iron • arks.
LEVIV2, a&LZEI,./..'/S Co., tuaaufaetorera of
se. Dar, Skeet, Boiler Iron sod Nails of the beat
quality. Warehouse, .74 orator cud IDS trout at.
b■ WAT ' • AN, YVboleule Groner, Forerun
. arid Conuninnon Ale rcknnt, Denier in Pitts
irgh Ainnufactures and Produce, Non. 3L Water st.,
and PI From at it
11101/11 1.21.1aT, JOUR SSWT
KENNEDY SAWYER, b OOEINO GLASS Manufacturm, and Wholesale
dealers in foreign arid domestic Variety Goods.
cams merchant., radian and others are • msited
14 call and examine Steinke. and tmality atom stack,
u with oar present increased facilmes in manafaetur
iffac e and Firto h buyer, 'l ' a; any oil think 7te e r hone '"Wr' w r u ak t ofi the
Moutalns. • • laSily
wn , ", enilada. w.rucetiMOriitibnigli:
IirriLLEIL ILICKETSON, %V botesale Grocers, nod
AL Importers of Brandies, Wines and. Noe.
YU and 174,"c or of Liberty and lswin'sunots, Pitts
burgh, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yards, kx. con
stantly on hand. • angl4 .
,on warn, lAA I). W.SIVICG, Jun.
eGaLLS k HOE, WholesnleaMocess anti Conais.
Mou Merchants, No. WI Lineal st_, ruisburgh.
Ail OREN Y, WILSON A. CO,OOl /ones, Murphy &
In. Wlioliode Dealer. In DO' Dead., No. 4e
Wood shoot, Pluobnrgh. . nort2
tar. Roams, corner of Pool Moo Alloy and
Fointbotteol,entronco on 4W near Model. '
• •
deed-dtf. •
MAO .102125,
JONSII & (4,11:17.60,"Wl
• - - -
MidIUFACTUILEAS of spent/ and blister steel,
di& Plough steel, steel ploogn wing., coach and alp,
spnags, hammered ,lron tiles, and dealers In mai
lesble eawtige, fad engine lamps sad coach trimmings
generally, oomet of Eons and Front stlst rttlebores
fI(BALBS a SUN, No. 64 Market at., uncurl
boor from corner of Fourth, dealers to Foreign
and Dom tie Bills Erchange, Certificates of Depon
ri, Bank Note* and Specie.
LETCcUcCliona• mad. an all tha principal citing
Ihrtragboalthe Unbcd.Slatta. , decl7
NI3I.II2kbiASTEB, Aumaritaa—Orllee, Fourth at.,
11 • third door above Smithfield, south side.
Conveyancing of all kinds done wrth tho greateat•
care and trial accuracy. • -
Talcs to Real Emu ! examined, to.. OcCfi-ly
•H. T.:um:torus; let,D.,
T.EIALMIC BURGEON auepd to the treat.:
ammo( DiseaseSof the te.
as h ben aryraged In a breach of he meth,
eel profession for Manson years, arid has =ducted ari
establishment for the tremmeat of dlsesses of the eye
Moos lot serval yearn.
OM= and residence, corner of Sandeitya cui
t aad
!Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. .
• . ' • , • An . 01N, . •
. . ,
PBODUCEGtftery, Moo tore and Real Estate
Heater, Wheeling, Va .
Co.-Co. - oatlE•dlin •
VlNAtile liourloo4A -7
IaiIENN ISIILKET, between Way. and Eland, b.
X reannsed ko professional dallea,. hind inw.c
ttOus 0 0 lbe rl!ao, (I ail., and in Yoeal ?dna'. •
airgirl Di TEA BT - ong--No. 70 r“nit
may Wcod•—ill quantines of Ofecdrand
Ma. Teas, do. an In Quarier t ball, and
=rand lan" , 02rtng from 30 eta per pound
£ A. i Vlibl% Ant. 42r Pam Tao Co. .
RHOBISON k CO. baring assoniated THOMAS
urri,E, VI, wi th lbetnin Dulness, the Motu
, ..1,,, Grocery, rrtcluet an 4 Colablission business actil
be crstini:on as anal moor palm of Robison, lib.
Oa a G.
--- • : -. •
ROBISON, LITTLE.. CO , No. In Liberty wee,
.1„„.....h, Wboleula GrOcers, •Produeo and
' Col3lolliSsiol2 Merchants, and dealers In Eatsbirtgb
Jiliwniknraros. MT •
• 1101 T . =mum 11101.1.214 Li. • UM.. awnsow
— fp Olikaf MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, linettrybig
IN Distiller; dealer to Produce, Pittsburgh Mansion.
o,' and all kinds of Foreign AM Dome tie Wiilol
Zig fkuori, No. 11 Liberty_ street On hand • very
w .i.. gook of superior old blemongabola yllaskey,
Vrtank will be soldlow fur cash. apttrly :.
t: z. t o i rorDs-P,...,F0r...di....,
ju r ikaal.s, !Pithe Alleatteey Fti T r .'. d ‘ ..l;
r , —GmeaQa., Produce, Pi..bundrdiamideemeee 1
and on& of Lime.
, 1 , b i g b.21,16,-.lp in nun, pia ot an tinata du noun
54.Y.1..'!5:11-7..-°!!!.A9.2.__L 1,29=1_
arettuVionLiirltint 21L=1;siEt,.",
: puno and fitannrah Mardoentres, L{N n ti ii. -
, Pit_t_sing teM .
rir. A. o.lllNi:it:Ha*, wilwdanate, Gro .i. ,
Imo, in rrodace and Putablingn Manafaciorna
• mitt Liberty et. , . - - ~ , ~,v , ,
s. c. skacarrt ,
reir.Lerr WHlTE.legrslc
FOralp awl DafISCIIIO Dry pows...N!.grarXi.„
- -
SE - FYET/3A(id.LEY fr. Co.. WholesalioGroconr and
Yrodueo doveris,No.2 . .Mhlarketstreebbietwooollth
and bah North tido, Flolodolphia._ 0.•8
WIX4 lderefuriii,-Dollera
in Flour and Produce amorally, and Forwarding
tad Comalimion Lombardo, No. SI Water at., Pitt,
a. titre.
COLS, Produce and General C.
La ts, rd Oils. No. 17 Liberty sr, Pittsburgh
0 magma Mere • ,
Sperm. Lineeed an
cm, Fo
Dealers m Attain
toe, hate remove ,
Nn. corner of 1
lon Nercbnn•
I /1.4 Shoes
comer of Lb and
110 — L j ES K A ° 111 4
Old dleraorguheta
ulis c., corner a ;
Superior article. i
'ROGER, Importer of FOREIGN
!CORR and CIGARS, dealer in
and Ftrat atm "
, PPliml at market mum. not.M
ANTS. Also --lat oners of S oda Aah and Blenching
Powder, No. 160 erty(oppqate Stx.T6 SL,I EGG
burgh. •r.‘23
Owl. D. WICK,
yy ~Fick,) S'
Camminion Mere S
Lou. Yams, and
e0n.... of Wood al
IDLFSS, (successors de S.D.
lessla Graders, Formasiing nnd
Vat., dealers is Inns, Nails, taste,
r ittsburgh iduaufaelares generally,
IValcr streets, Pittsburg-h.
anal. big estab
CE, Mill none and Mill Fauna
ottent, No. 444 Liberty it., near the
. .4 Mill .
treets, Pittsburgh
earthily repairs
A1117. 1 '1
• ParPigo lj
eon', a Market ani
N—Conuturrtion and Forwardinf
ji FO Front fit. between Wood and
7WiTiftod.,al i
Dom ear Dy Goode, nn wt
Fo.rth m. ank7
rcrni - c - ;, --
. 11T111. YOUNG & ,
IF, 143 Libeny
,*. aderrernos. I .on.
X &R. Id'CUTCHEON, Virholestdo Graters, deo
! ler. Nrodttee, Iron, Nail., andfats.
burgh Mormlneturts. generally, 121 Ltheny st, Piste.
UT W WiL9ol9,Destler in Watches, Jewelry
TT Silver Wue, Military Goods, de., No. 57 Mar
krt at nova
Shoe Findings, de., No. 193 Liberty street, have
just reeemed- their GPM° S7DCK of goods, com
prising a large assortment of tzlieles in Inewime, to
which theattention tif purchasers la invited.
. 0171,..A50VE M. ALUM& CO, .
oetM ' , No..MlVoter meet.
rims Mama/ Life and Health Amaral:we Company
of Philadelphia, bmorporaled by the J.,eg lalature
of Pemuylvarus, Much, 1543. Charier perpetual.
Capital, 11100,000. Rim town, rout on Puma,
yants. POITANY, Wad MUM per cent. lower than the
.1111.1 rote. of Life Insurance, as the following com
parison will show: Thus, a person of the age of 30 In
suring for *l9l for Idk, most pay in th e Girard 52,38,-
Pennsylvania, $236, Penn Mutual, 61,3 k; Equitable,
113,01; New England, OA Near York Life, 42,30; Al
bion, 112,44 k Lite e el , Philadelphia,lll,9l.
Dtauctous.—B A Orrick, Charles A Hall, W.
P. Boone, RobervP. King. Chules P. Hayes M. W.
Baldwin, M. 211. Rem., AL D, Chu , O. B. leampbell,
Lauri. Cooper, 1. Rodman B.kerE.ll. Boi le r, Lrdwin
Cope. .Pasident=Sainuel D. Orrick; Vice l'resi.
dent—Rohl. P. /111 . ; Sectsiarycia Blackbunte.
applications . ardiberateived,ud emery information
given by MAIL. FAIINESTOCK, Agt,,
griace,'Connuercial Rooms, corner of
Wood and Thad see, Pittsburgh
it NY OF HARTFORD, comi.
12100/IroUrra alB2l
Annual Freedoms, Capital Stock, and Salvino Food,
This old and responalble Company continues to IA
aon cies on the rims favorable teems on Darr-Wog
House, Household Flumitara, Stores, Stocks of Goods,
Warehottaca and contents, Mins And ManotActories,
Also, on Goods, AFAres and Merchandise, agautst
the hazards of faun. Tworporrasson, and upon tha
'aroma of Sea Youths
4- TCe Proteetton Ina¢nae¢ Company knvinit,.
lasted years, • aid masa intilabt or DoLiala at then
...ughoot the United States and she
Si toteencr
env r insurance comparY ma the
The annexed extract from mi
of •Insurenee Companlea, tetra
!trate the
_me Tontiksy Book," exhibits brief', the
rading end policy of We Company.
"The moneyed olen'of the ancient and emus pr
, permit. city Of Sanford, have, for half a centurykce os n
lemons throughout the Union for the care, discretion,
rigid honeety,and onvezying acme.. with which they
:have •formed and managed c erpeeations of this de
' ford Beak or Insurance Company
hes ever failed! These Compenice have for more
than a whole generation scattered their risks in new
ly ever* Stem of the Union, and have never failedra
!Pay the innumerable losses which they have insured
All Losses unin upon policies issued by the ender
, signed, will ho promptly adjusted and paid at the
ere! Agency office, located et Cineleesti, 0. A large
portion of the funds of the Company, lt.leding all
• Prendoms received at the Western agenciee,l is de
. peened with the (lettere! Agent of the Comp.): al
Cincinnati, Mr the payment of Western sod Southern
losses. Apply to FAYKr E linowri; •
Agent for the city of Pinaburgit, and for Allegheny
county. emt6,l33na
`" .
komitv). wt 4.
lust Life Insunnee Company in the U. Mates.
Ineospornted Mush 10,10 n—chat ter perpetual.
Capital, Wns,mm—all paid in.
Having . anthmesed the undersigned tr. remise ant,.
can.. for Insurance, on which policies will be issued,
according to their proposals and rates, which will he
mule known to appliesms at by omen, No. *5 Wood
Urea spll 6EO COCHRAN.
CAPITAL 1300000
'J. FIATIZT. Jr" Seel. I R. Diacq Jr, Prost.
Will insure a6ainsi nil kinds of risky
ALL loans will i he liberally adored and promptly
A home institutioi by Directors who are
well known in the community, and who are dettrain
ad by prompt toed hberality to maintain Ws char
acter whirl they have assumed, as offering We best
protection to those who desire 10 be Inanred.
Doterross—R.' Miller, Jr., Goo. Black, J. W. Salm
N. Ilokoes, Jr., Wm. 11. Nohow, C. Ihmsen, Geo, W.
Jaeksiou, Lyon, Jas. •Lipplacca, Thos. K.
Limb, Daiwa tdtAdey, Aim Mack, Thos. Scott •
units, N0:39 NYater street, (watekonse of Spans
k Co., rip Sit Fitwboelth• rut:Ally
r -- isriaraxmcg;
RANCF. IXIMPANY , -00ace, North fliteun of the
kettaltge; Third arrest, Philadelphia_ •
Fax Ikuntates.•,tholdings, Alerehandiw sod other
property 1.131.1/11.4 Ootarrinr, Lammed - against loss or.
damage by fire at tholowest rate of premium
Max= Inseustres—' They also insnre.Vessele, Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under opener
special policies, as the assured may deeire.•
IscamiTassucoscrawes.—Theyalso insarenterchan
else' transported try Wagons, lliulmad Cass, Gaul
Bows and Steam Boats, on neer& and lakes., on the
most liberal terns.
DIRECTOILS--Joreph H. Real,. EdmuntrA. fonder,
John 0 Male, Robert Harlon, John It Penrose, Soma
Edwards, Geo 0 Laiper, Edward Darlingtou, Isaac
RDwris, W illinm Pot well,.tottn Newlin, la a Id Ha..
ton, Jame. C Hand, Thoophllas parildtng,. H
Brooks, . Henry Sloan,. Hugh Cmtg, George Serrilli
Spencer ?active's,. Charles Kelly, J Johoson, Wit
he Hey, He S7 homas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr.
Wm. Dagaley, Jno.T. Ireaso•
RICBA. S. Nirwoomi,Seermary.
ID' Ogle° of the Company, No. 42 Water street,
Pttsburgh. Inladtf P. A. MADEIRA, Agent,
TIT...INSURANCE CO. of NOR 6 America wit
atlCSP r eitratieni and limited Imcrwee on PrO:,
perty In th is city and vicinity, and ehlpments by
Canal, Rivers, Latex, and by Se. The propenice of
this (A any vessel! invested, and furnish an smelt,
able fund for the ample indemnity of all person. who
'desire to be protected by insurance.
myte WAL P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water eh
The Franilia Fwa Inouronoc Ca of Bharat!Aid.
DIRECTORS.—CharIes N. ilium ter Thomas Harr,
TTobias WagnerWegne ,r Samuel Grant, Jacob IL Smith,
Geo. W Wehards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolphe E.
Botta, David S. Brown, Mortis Panerson.
Cuumrs N. Hamm, Presiderti.
Charles C. Hunter, Secretary.'
Continue roseate insurance, perpetual or limited.
description of property town or country,
at Wee as low its are consistent watt security.
To• Company have reserved a large continsent Fund,
which with their Capital and Prennums, safely Invest.
orord ampler/mimetic:mm . llla amend.
The malts of themomparty, on January Ist, 16.12,
published agreeably le an art of Assembly, were as
fellows, •
ige= $1,017,439
Temperer/ Leen. 26,031 63
Stoats • • • 31,1:413 23
• Cash, Sta. ...... •••Ar • • 38,64 37
51,31N,1N1 21 -
&nee their ineerponnien, a period of - 11 leans, th..,
hem pall npurards of one Innen four b.dred thous
and dollars, losses by Bre t thereby affording evidence
sidle advantages of insannee, as well as the ability
and disposition In Meet with pm:neaten all liabilities
tnarl4ll Office ICE eomer Wood ad sur
ware A Pirobahp(atrygo7ll.rilel:
adelpla..' }tire Risks ppm buildings and nierrhaadue
of wry description. and Marine Suss, upon belle or
eaegoes of vessels, taken upon the molt • (atonable
tene, •
Varehouse of*. I.l.llolnie • fe
121 °, reter ir '; o th etr l ßlarket strew, Pittsburgh. -
N. sueeess of this Company since the Mal , .
filament of the Agony In this city, with the prompt.
nem and liberality with which every claim upon those
for loss haa been adjusted, fatly warrant the agent in
inviting the confidence and parrenege orbit! friends and
the maimeuity at large to the Delaware M. B. Insst.
tame Company, while it has the additional advantage.
as en butitution aknong the most flourishing iu
Phia—vta having an ample paidni cwt.!, which by the
operatimr of its charter td consumily mereasing, as
ytcidlog to each person =lured his due share of the
Friths of the company, without involving him to sty
mmetutibllny whatever, Led therefore as possessing
the Minuet priumple divested of clay obeenries fea
ture:and VII us most attractive forte. rtooll
11LitiCou - 7,7l,lorbrelles Sort opening
b 7 tiD/ADYLEI3 NY,UoiA.
. 1 .
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rota am mireasson, Mitticettanwl.
THIS establishment long and widely known an tieing one of the most !omelette. ill the city of
Baltimore, has recently andergolle very men.'
sive alienations and improvements.' An canto new
wing ha been added, containing nentertmsMul airy
sleeping apartments, and catenate° Wallin moms. , ,
The Ladies , department has also been completely
monteuised and fined up in gam, parkins and beauti
ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the liplike
Imilemi remodeled, with a single eye oar toe put of
j r
the proprietors, towards the comfort and plc are of
their Guests, and which they confidently as. it will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the ll inn.
Their table will always be supplied with ev rub.
mantel and luxury which the Market affe eerved
ap le a superior style; while in the way oft es, ate.,l
they will not be senamed.
In Couchildom ,be proprietors beg to say, that nothing
will be left undone on their part, and on the part of their
- alsialSlll.ll, to render thls Hotel worthy the continued
pauonage of their friend. and the publm generally.
The pnces for hotel have also, been reduced to the
following ratem i
11,75 per day.
Lathes' Ordinary,.
Gentle:nettle u. 1,50
N. 73.--71 e Baggage Wagon of the Home will al
ways he fomul at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to mid from the Hotel, free
of charge.may2tf
.NHOIWT, GCo , Wholesale fire
ng and Communion Merehinta,
h hianntanturo and Wunera Pm
to their near warehoutnyold
nt at and Chancery Lane. -
Wholnd° Grocers and Commits
and dealer. in Produce. No. 35
. pa 4
• legate and Retail dealers i
nu* C.r , Bags, ire, -W
• tiff eke sts, nasal:tree, ra.
VIriELV ' , •
COTIAXII 07 meant 4.1111 au= nIMIN mersarian.
lITHE subscriber respeettully announces that
be has 13011 opened his new and excelkm Hotel
for the accommodation of travelers, boarders,
and the public generally. •The house and furniture
are entirely new, and no pal= or expense have been
spared to render it one of the mat comfortable and
pleasant Hotels in the city..
The subscriber is detentuned to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a shame( pnblispatronege.
octl4-dly, , JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor.
t A
. .
• marts
' Good% comer of3lazifef and dth
•a. N. B.—Watehro and Clocks
=WILT 11,01111,11112f1P017.11 AND MIN STs.
OPPOSITE late Bank of the United State., PhUa
delphia. Id. POPE 1111TCITEh.L,
tear! Proprietor.
ATTORNEY and COLIIISCUOf at Law, and Commie
aiuser for the Stale or Pennsylvania, St. Louis,
Mo. (lasso( Pittsburgh.) • k.
Koorravvesca—Pittsbugh:Forward, Kam•
ton & &Pea/Ale r n & MElnre, John E. Park e,
4 vvella & Semple, liFeord 4 King. auglitdly
.MO. R. WM..
Dealers In leather hides, is
005.1 Y
. 11 rr Po u R r B erect,IttCwOLI.NS_ELL
thauthfield an Ar d Gra W ni
lttsbarg. P. Juls
mix a. 3.0. a .”.. _
.2 ,
.... wa. C. MIND.
A TTORNEYB AT LANV,Foarth Greet, nears limt.
AMME.II - rt . ( - 211°.trPIF,tr.„r. ,
Buller, Po
1.1. also attend to collections and all other WW
II' mess entrumed to him in Bodor and Armstrong
comities, Pa. Refer to
.1. &R. Flo d, '
d, Liberty at.
W. W. Wa llace, do
lune. Marsha do Pittsburgh.
dip Kay & Co., Wood at.
ip . 81 YEITZER , Attorney. at Lave, offlee
uenppoir St. ,,, CAtarles u llotq, flitwbargb, will law.
and Gwenn r e e n cantles, Coke one, in Washinvort, Fayette
Blacksrack, D.II & Co., .
Clmrch & Cannhers, I.Pmaburgh.
D. T. Morgan, • ..oct.ldly
'MJ. HENRY, :attorney and CannonLlo .t Law, Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in fkaithern Ohio,
s in Indiana, end in Kentucky, pronßetly and care
fully attended to. Comnttraioner for the State of
eyl for taking Depositions, acknoarledgmeate,
ROOOO To—lion. Wm. Dill & Kon, f.Lrtia t Char& k
'Carothers, Wm. /bye, req., Willock & Harm 45
neCOBD lt Co. will introduce this dayilll-46
(Ualuaday, Aug -111,1 Uoi fall Ntyle of Geollauten , a
Hato, corner of Plfia and Wood areels. aarla
(Successors to brCorttdr. Rini)
Pa•ktionabl• liatt•r:s
Corsa . of Wood 'and
PARTICULAR attention pall to oar Re ITo de :
Gentlemen mut rely upon gerritg their Hsu end.
Caps from our establishment of tlos war sotrmusrs and
womoueserr, of the unser mum, and at the wear
rm ac= y hf . efe4 ri
b t
. Lar . h d alny by. onr wholtcicift
are em shy with confidence that as lingua gnaw;
and catc , italllnnt safer In a companaon with any
California far
yawn) 60,
tan comer sth and Wood Ate
k Co. will introduce 011 Said,
March:ld, the Spring style of HATE. l a
Thu. in want of a neat and supenor hat, and invite
to call at corner of ach arid Wood streets. mart
0 has ono open • .pply of sprugg Bonnet Ribbons ;
of new and handsome stxtes.
Alao,imer style fig'd Netts; Lisle Laces and Wig.
lugs; Linen Edgings; Victoria do' plaid ?dna. and
Jaconels, embroidered timiss Pre.; bierldes •
large .sortment or Spring Goods generally, l at north
e Wminter 4th and Market streets.
holuale Rooms up stales.
. . • -
QTUART & SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Coot
° muntion Merchanta, No. fin Wood at. Pittaburgh.
Dealers hi Glocerica,Flour, Wheat, Rre,Ous, corn,
Barley, Pork, bacon, Butter, Lard, ChesaM Clover,
Timarhy and Flax Seeds; Iron, Nails, (Gus &c. &o.
&c. Particular 1.11.011{106 paid 10 We 1“.112 Of ' Welitalk
RoSmuctosa—Messrs. Myers & Hunter Robt Rat
& Co., krGills & Roe, Hampton, Sinsb to Co.,
James May, King & Moor h ead, Piusbrgh. Fenner
& Massillon. Jos. S. Morrison, E.g., St
ions mac. Iwo-of N. Lisbon U. ...11IIMCIV
dik sierakaus,
_ . .
- - -
GNNERAL AGENCY, Commission and Forward.
in Aferehanta,NA n Paarket st-, Pumborgb, Pa
I.l7"Prompi attention given to the poreasna and sale
of allAinds of Produce.
gnaw Yo—John Watt & Co., Murphy, Wilson k Co.
Pittsburgh Pa.; lwarson• & Hill, Mahlon Marna,
Wellsville, II; John li. Brown & Co., Grigg, Elliott &
Co., Philadelphia; B. IV. Snodgrass reCo.,. o .Btit
Nano, Near Lisbon, G. Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. D. Cohn,
Ciounnsak I. P. Kellar, Yonngstown, 04 . W. 14 Stan
dark Cleveland, 0. . a¢{2l
Conandssion and Forwarding
no. SO WOOD R, ammustison,
CIONTINIW to transact a general Collll9il{loll bust
kr nes., especia ll y in the purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufacture. and Product, and in receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to hls cane: Al Agent for
the Manufactures, he with be virulently supplied with
the principal articles of Plusbargh Mannfanu,re at tke
lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments
are respettfully witched. tPP
P.lllllOl RI aehlaiti Shop.
IWIGHT/LAN—Manefacnter.of all kinds of coo
Xlll ton and woollen mmhinery, Allegheny' city Pa.
The abondworks being now in full end seer estel co
eratlod, I ant proposed to exults oata with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in ay bus, tech at
piekerk spreaders, catils, goodie, timeline., rlaiways,
drawing fumes, speeder,, Wends, looms, I woolen
cards doable or laugh, fur merchant or country work,
taulei4jacks, &et Mold and handballes and tools n gem
end. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans gin.
en for gearing factories or mills at .reawmabl charge.
Rem Childs & Co., Blanks k, HMI
& Cu, King, Pennock Os Co...fax A. Cray.
Monongahela lavers Stable ---
RODENT fI...fATTKILSON has opened
the large stable on First in, runinug through
to nomad at, between Wood and n ithlehl
n g in the roar of the Manongahel I locee,
•orith in en tirely new stock of Horse. and ' ages of
the best quality and latest styles. limes kepi at
the beat rummer. gni/
The arias, boat A. MASOS T O
now runs from the Point, fool
of Liberty, elm; to the (MP;
n—leaviug zu 0 o'clock, A.lll , Mid
at toed beginning of each hour until 1 P. M.'Time.
may My ou finding the boat at the boor. She leaves
the arden, the Mst op trip, as 10 o'clock.
Thd mason is fast advancing, and those 'Molting to
visit this delightful mutat, now Is the time to upend a
few hen's, not la the smoke and don of the oily, bat in
a pure atmimpliere, perfumed with the fregrance et
All kin& of refreehreepts, except intoxicating &mks,
are kept on the premiees. Greenhouse Plante, and
Bouquets of chat= Cower* for gale. Closed on Sun
day. )00 JAMES
00-Change of landing mode on aceotud of low wa-
S. B. AbiENT,
Forwarding and Communion Mea
cham; ban removed to No. e 7 Front, between Wood
and Smithfield streeu. ant._
E have estate PUMPS, made on art trapW , teed Wplan, so as not to freeze in the coldest west her.
Person. wanting such articles, are invited to call and
we them at &CALM& ATKINSON'S,
let, between Weed Market ste
T H : subscriber oft. for sale, the INTERkk ,RICE
YORKS, above Lawrenceville, comptiaing• a
the . Engine, 2 Boilers, 8 Heald Machineto4p. l . of
man antuung YU,OOLI Pressed Bricks (out of ail 01*Y,
. . f. m du:o.k,, yes day; with Wee acres of
land ludic Allegheny neer, . which are 4 kilns and
shed machine and clay 'sheds, wheelbarrows, bock.,
419 Is, spades, &0., every thing requlsito to eon,
m In... Lions at an hours notice. Pribe,ineludlng
... P lent sight to sue maid machine, tHI O . O-- ... of
pay e ent OM. easy. Without the la., &.,000. For
panulars, address HENRY MER/1111 . ,
---, No 118 Monongahelalllbuse.
...... __
iii' A FULTON, [WI and firms Founder, has re
built and commenced basinem at his old stand,
where he wilVba pleased to me his old castom.
, en and friends.
Chitreb,Stearatiom, and Bell. of cam Wm, from in
to 10,M6 pounds, east fromttern. oldie WM) epprov
ed motels, and warranted b a be of the best atateriale
blimral Wow PampAConntera, &ailing, k.,..., toge
ther with every variety of Btass Castings, if , requiredi
Darned and gushed in the neatest rumour. ,
A.r. Is tit e sole proprietor of Bemires AAW-Arral
mi *mat, m lastly celebrated for the redaction of
hind.. In m•nnitorY.."The Boles and Ciimposidoo
cut be,bad of him at Clem, • ' 1 jwlay
- 1/Nl6ll PAYER -2000 reams of P
460 o eff Wood m •
H 0 TE
Steam Brlick Works for Oalori
- - - --
- ---."
THE partnership of theourderdped, cadet. the BEM
of Bartley k. Senitlb- watatrolved by mutual
eoasent on 49th September, W. Davao' , purehming
the interest tit J.R. BattWq,, who redzer. The burin."
of the arm lilt be settled by their sneeemon, Wm.
Bagaley es. Co., at Not lb .d MI Wood at.
Pittabargb, Occ S, ISC: ISAAC IL SMITH.
CO-PARTNRREIHIPoioWor. Ragoley havutg oar.
Owed with (dm Wm. li.tWoodorrot of Phtlatielploo,
Jahn B. Cosgrove and Relp*Bligaley of Pitoburgb,
orilleontinott the Wholoole GtOttly
Id and 10 Woodmotet the &m of
WM. B.A.OARY * CO., RittAtoßbi
end BACALEY, WOODWARD & CO., Piaui's_
Main - baton OC Com Partnership.
r rTi7l hi
Ph ll ' T r4e,
gt 7 th iubseiberderietyeoriaa a7:wts
son, was disaolved on theist mat. by mutual couaent.
Pittaburgh Oat.:., Ma; CLILOMITSON.
The subeetiber will continue the Wholesale 05005-
1 7 arid Commission Bus*" as betsiofore. at the old
stand, 145 Liberty et. OM CULBERTSON.
_prepared to furnish a superior
',Lamle of Soda Ash and Ilmistic Acid. Persons sash:
ing to purchase either of the above articles, are re
quired to call on ISAACXALKER, 1NT0..13 Ptah at.,
and examine, the articles before purehaaing elsewhere.
N. ll.—ThaSoda Ash manufactured at this establish
ment is greatly mpetrior?to anrother broaght to this
74 ger,
_ernvect Wool). AND Mason, F!rrr......a.
(NONTOWE - to tromotaetnns nll kinds or COPPER,
SIC= Boats bat to order. 6
_ . .
Special attention given to .team boat work.
Have on bends a fine assortment of Copper and Bran
.Ifeldes, Tin Ware, &c..te. ;Steamboat oiltilaPitly..s
Portable Forges, various sizes—a very convenient as
bele for ateamboant, Califelitia eselgranw, or rail road
• conipardee. ;
We would respectfully invite wawa boat. teen rod
oiler. to call:will see we articles and prices .before
perchwlna elsewhere. ' rya,
- Dlisaidsatloita or Partnership.
HE copartnership of HENRY ILANNFIN CO..
tramerly lianuoli t &tuner & CO., in he Window
d Colored Glass busirtesn is this day dissolved by
the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller.
. .
The busineis will be continued by the underwred
under the firm of HENRY , HANNEN & CO. Ware
house No.loo Second it, where we will hays astintso
supplies of superior Window Glass..
• •
Pittsburgh. Aug. 27, '49. ', , HENRY UMSTEAD.
MHZ widersitnel haws day associated with ihwit
1 in buoineom JACOB 1.. SCHWARTZ., and will con
Dane IIIB butinen u bereio(bre, en de r the Eirto of
THET• . .
partnership berth:dont existing ender the firm
of A. & Q BRADLEY, Is ilissolved by the decease
of Mr. C. Bradley. The business will be carried on by
A- Bradley, who will settle the btutiness of the lath
REMOVAL—A. Bennis* Wm removed tus Foundry
Warehouse from No. t .Setend street, to No. IV
Wood street, between First end Second streets, to the
warehouse lately occupied by U. Berm where be
wiLl keep constantly on hind a general emuettment of
Castitigs, Grate*, Bur _ma Cooking Stones, Lc_ )03_
_ .
THE partumMip ktoretoloie existing between`Sam
uel B. IMAMId_ and William B. Hays, trading
ander Me am of BUBIIFIELD tr.. HAYS, baxthis day
born dim:dyed by .Willtant U. Hays miling his ensue
interest in the firm !ID S. B. Beshileld. All mamma
due the firm will be collected by S. o.•Bushfinld, and
all debts dee by the late firm to be paid by the same.
Pittsburgh, Orme Mt, 1949.. ! W. B. HAYS.
CO-PARTNERSHIP.-8. D..Bmarmom having We
day amoeiated yeah himself filmy Luna, formerly
of Bedford, Pa, and recently of dm Empanel Hotel,
Psurbargh, mill,eorturme dd bnelneas under the firm
of BUSIIFIELD I LEADER, at the old mend, No. tl2.
Liberty meet , .8. B. BUSHFIELD,
Pivabargh, Inas tl,lBtO. ' H. LEADER.
Having retireil Cr.= the former beehless, I mire
pleuans to reeommeadang my weeestors to the pa.
annege of mrecistooxr• and.the public gehezelly.
.27 • W. S. HAYS.
rI,HE colartnership lieselefitte cewlefi between the
subsenbers,Bt the name of Conabale t Burke &
Co., is this day &waived by nutted consent. dieters.
Burke& Barnes lull settle the business of the con.
cent, for which purpose they are authorised to see the
acmeof the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE„
The ends reamed have this day assocutted themselves
In the name of BURKE & Banivra, for the parpeee
of mumfacteringlElm Proof Bales, Vault Doom, de.
&e.., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke
& Ca., velaeln'they will be pleased to receive the pa
tron...Lot*. :wars of that hone and their friend,.
' • • • •
In renting from the finis of Constable, Stake & Co.,
I with ILIIICGTG plcaerere reertmend Meson. Barka &
Buries to the confidence of my. friends and the pnblie.
Feb. 9,180.
fcbl3-dif NAT.:WO - EL CONSTABLE.
partnerattip of MURPHY & LEE Lt this day
dissolved by mutual eameeL The business of the
Into firm will be settled. U. Lea. J, FL MURPHY.
Pittsburgh, du& 30, Prlti. IL I,E.E.
NUTICFI—.Tbe undenigned will eanneae the Wool
busin and attend to th e sale of Woolen Geed. at
the old ess
In retiring 'from the firm of Murphy It Lei, I take
great pleisum In recommending Mr. di Lee to the
confidence army friends sad the public.
Plturbsrish. Jan.3o, 1519. J. It MURPHY.
filLlS — sirbieifarTiera this day associated them
selves together for the purpose of traussetisg •
wholesale and retell Dry Goods and Grocery business,
at No 220 Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under We
style end firm of BUSIIFIELD I HAYS.
Fluiburgh, January I, 1849.
N ' ..11.--Our old mummers and the public eve invited
to gnu cm a cn/l.
have entered into partnership, ander the Arm of
IFE A ATKINSON, and will carry on the Tin,
Cpor,and Shentlron Want snannfortory.
Aloe, Blasksmishing in all its branches, at the old
stand of Wen B. Beaus, First Exact, noas Wood.
Particular attention given to steamboat work.
HAVE tido day amodated with me iu the whole
.l :talc Grocery, Produce and Commission huslems,
toy blether Joseph, under the Gm of J. DILWORTU
Et Co. . J. 5. DMWORTIL
January 1,1845. •
V - 10,1 1 ft/ITNERSIIIP—Win. Young having lbw
1,/ day associated with him, John R. hrOule, the leas
they business will hereafter be. conducted under the
Gem of Wm. Young is Co. WILLIA3I YOUNG,
OyiMors! Oysters!
- PUREE & COS 3 Daily Erpreek is now regularly de
l) !leering Can and Shell OYSTERS, winch are o e k.
fared to dealers and families at the lowest prices.
Quality warranted equal to any brought to this uteri
bet, and for tale by
J. C. BIDWELL, Jost, Water at.
Also—At the follaiting depots:l—Reis &Berg co r-
ner Smi th field and Second sts; Ileaslcum, Diam er,
Mercer & Robamarc, Federal 24 Allegheny. .115
Modern and Anthine Farniture,,
3, TWO Starer, Primaannon.
A large and cpleudid
assortment of _urniture,
suitable ftir teamboats,
Hotels and private dwel-
liens, conmently on baud md MAO to order . ;
'The present mock on hand cannot be exceeded by
any manufactory In the weatena counry.. Perm.
wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call,
as lam determined my price. shall planate. Part of
the stock consists an— . .
Tete a Tete; ' Buffet &agate; .
Louis XIV Chairs; Elt so b o th uhtthli
Ti Fruit Tahlea;
Louts' XV Commode.;
r t a Tab Y les ;-
Freteh Illahogaol Bedsteads; Provo Huals;
50 total 1•101 Plush .5 Ilair.cloth eoverat
. . . • ,
50 Mahogany 'Rocking Chaim; ' •
40 dos Parlor do .
30 " Fancy ,do
vs centre Tables; .
20 pals Divans; 4 pair Oer Tables;
In marble top pressing Bureaus; '
S Wardrobes; d Sec retarien and Book caeca;
21 marble to Weah Stand.;
4 pair Ottomans; •
S pair fancy Work Stands; •
A very large assortment of common chairs and other
Serrature too numerous Lb mention.
V. Steam Mats ' furnished on the shortest notice,
and on the most reuonable term*. deetb
Diaphragm lelltor, for Hydrant Water.
THIS i• . to certify that I have apj
' I:PS'e
fart 'l: : : : :Af
Writer ig
t ptel C " : . P:vb h
1 11:1 h; : g :b G:h s ; r: B. 0 7 7 1: 341/ Ahlg; B r .1 r ho o ::t h.
k d ' 1'
Agent, r . ag cis ,
-13 e t. 10, 184.3.
We have been using_one of the above articles at ths
office of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial, ,
and feel perfectly assufled that it is a useful mvention,
and we lake pleasure in reconimendlng them ii 3 •
b e
fla article to all who lnve pare wooer. Orders still be
thenkfraly received andpromptly executed. _
Itovorolblo Ifiltortag Cook,
Which renders turbid water pore by
: - ..14; fltwrtli;llifrha/lecsubstanoca not ratable in
"I'l . ahlioeih clea r :LT/pa:to h tte N 4 Y e o y d e r i
kers. .-
when It puma an hour through 'this
;,IS B- Altering cook, shows a largo deposit
impure substances, worms, Az. Thm
is the ease morenr:less with all hydrant water.
The Revertible
fo r is neat and durable, and is
not attended wit the onvenience Incident to other
Fllterers, as it is e le.o aed without being &timbal from
the water piaw, by:merely arming the key or handl..
from one side to the other. 'By ltus es., Proms./ the
tourm of water Ii changed, and all uumulatious lo
impure sebstances are dnven off almost Instantly,
without usarewing the Filter. It also p the
advantage of being estop cock, and u nick la acoay
eases will be very convenient End economical
Item be attached where the w ith y pressure high
or low to a cask, uatk, rob, go ease. To b e had
of Me sole Adellt. W. 'W. 'WILSON,
octl7 earner of Fourth and Market sts
CIARFETS: CARPF7TR—Reed this day, at W.
CLINTOCKS.Cupet tifarehonse' No. 75 Fermi t
sr, • further suppir of Carpets, of the latest and most
ed ttyloo,. to whicn we invite the attention o,r
S/EAMBOAT itod those wishing to furnish-
HOVSE3, to call and zamine the iargem assoruneuP
In the city, 'diet ire will sell cheaper than ewer be.
fore ollemd in the wrintern market Carpet Ware
house, No. 75 Fourth street
mina wcurrroce.
ChoiceLitts, Cocoa, ilkov
W. Bakces Meietic. and French Chocolate, PM.'
ed Cocoa, Cocoa P.m, Thema, Cocoa Shells, kr .
TO merchants and consomers, -who world purchuo
the ben products of Cocoa, free - from adulteration,
more nutritious than tea or cake, and in quality unsur
passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles,
manufactured by himself. and stamped with his nat..
Him Broma and Cocoa Pane, as delicate, tulatable,
and salutary drinks fok invalids, convalescents, and
•othent, us pronounced by the most eminent physicians
superior to any other proparadjna tits manufacteirea
are always on sale in my q wnity, by We most ro
spectable grocers m eas re and by Weil
agents, Hawes, Gray dm, of ItostoN James M Bence
& co, Hartford, Comq Hussey JO:Murray, Now Writ;
Grant & Stone, Philadelphia.; Thomas V Elmndige, Hat.
timore; and Hello. & Bennett., Cincinnati. Ohio.
WALTER BAKER. Dorchester Mews. • .
For sale by ansil BAGALET & SMITH, AC.
T tirrought'and Cast
RE subseribors beg leave to Inform tbe public that
they have obtained from the East all the late and
fashionable designs for Iron RaiAna, bona for houses
nna cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure , band- ,
ante patterns will please call and examine, and ladlte
foe themselves. Hailing will be furtusbed at the ob. „
est cotter and In the bat Manner, at Me, corner Cl
W. L J. GLEBA. Book Binders.
WEwe sull engaged in the above business, earner
or Wood and Third srrecis, Pittsburgh, where
we are prepared todo any work na our line with des
patch. tVe wend to our work personally, andsatis
faction will be given in regard to its neatness and du
Blank Book. ruled to any pattern and bound sub
stantially. Books in numbers or old hooks bound care
fully orrepaired. Nantes pot on books in gilt letters.
Those that have work in our line are invited in call.
Prices l
u re.
. .
AMC sold our entire stock to C. 11.611aarr, with
a view to closing our old business, we hereby so
for hint the patronage of all our friends and cus
tomer.. Ro. W. POINDEXTER,
. • .. • .
Pittilhargh, Aug. 4th, 14,49.
CI 11l GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission mid
FormrenLug bierehant, No. et Water st.
Stales, Cooking Stoves, , dm.
111. comet - Liberty aod Wood streets, suanufactura
and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales,
of We most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood
mid cosh Egg Stoves of venous siter, Parlor and
common Grams, Hollow Ware, tee. e.e. They also
manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given such
general satisfaction to theca Laving it in um, to all of
which they would respectfully invite We attention of
the Olin. and . the Public generally. octil7.lll
11,1ANUFACTURF.D TOB4CCO-71.- sobwriber
wonld call the attenuon of the any trade and
dealers generally, to the fbllownng brands Tobaccos,
in store and to arrive, which being consi,gnmente di
nt from &wet - nature., be is enabled to sell at east
ern prices:
139 bee R W Crenshaw 5%
79 1 " James Madman lic;
tr 4 4" Lamarline ss,
1 Mir/Wean SJ;
ZI t " Putnam S. and Is;
15 4 Roberts & 816509 ss;
" Oster Bort
9 Johns & l.ewi. I.;
It " Warwick, sups Is;
fcbtl " It"
4 .1"'"
L 5 ;14 - A7; 1 41k N
TOM WIUGIiT /s. Co., are prepared to build Cotton
andiWoolen Machinery . of - livery description, such
as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, s k ejers,
Drawing N‘mones, Ra il way 'leads, %Vespers., k
Dressing Prunes, Looms, Card (kinder., am. W rough t
Iron Shafting turned; all sizes of Cut Iron, Follies and
ilangets of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
and tool. of altkinds. Castings or every description
furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order tor
Mill Gearing, Iron Itoiho te. Steam Pipe for heat.
log Factories, Cut Lion Window Sash and fanny Carp
Ono gonerolly. Orders left at thn }Varehoose of
Palmer t Co., Liberty street, will lowa promptanerk
Re/a( o Rlaeknoek, I Il & Co., J. K. Moorehead
Co., C. E. warner, John Irwin it Sons , Pauburgh; I
C. &.1. IL Warner, Steubenville. • lanl9
WHITE& CO, would respectfally leftism
Lacolthe public that they have erected a ahoy on
k, between Federal and Sandusky street.. They
ere now making and are prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicles, Conches, Chariot's, 13a
roaches, Punic., Photons, ere., be, which from their
I :ll7=e r' irtfe e s L kie th y e h m.' st e, u tit c y m fee?c f otd ab en o t y le w y o a r rt
enabled to do wort on the most reties:imble terms with
those Wanting articles is their line.
Paying particular attention to the selection of mate
rials, and having none hot competent workmeo, they
have oo hesitation in warranting their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this molter.
N. a Repairing.done in the best manner, and on the
most seasonable term. AVIV
1_ • RISIS.-11aring made arrangements for a' cod
s.. apply of FACTORY FINDLNGS, we will sell
at lovi•lnces Calf and Sheep A
l oler Skins, Lace Lea
ther, Pjekers, Reeds, Shuttles, ump Twin. Treadler
No:51:115 Bell Punch., Wren:het, Stripping Cards,
tra i to c ,: . Parent DrerAnAr;sl=els,.lntsli
1. Woo me., Pittsburgh.
I,ll,erse. Forruatcr, Inn/
Ocular Port, /Loris & Sons, Pure kiitettraiffiNAL
tile and ample Shapes. These wines are all celebra
ted for their tuition propenies, add e. be had wbole
sale or retail at the Wthe Suite of
subeenber offers far aide a large and splendid
J_ armament frosewoodrand mahogany Vand A -
non Planes, with and without Coleman's celebrated
dEolian Alinebnierth The above instmments are war
ranted to equal to any manulattured to this coun
try, end will be sold lower the, any brooght from the
Eut. F. BLUME, No ICJ wood at,
thl door above sth
N. B.—City Semi will be taken at par for . few of
he above assommeist. awn F. B.
Hardware... Cheaper than Evart
(KLAN, WILSON A CO., Importers and Wholesale
Ls Dealers tat Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No
PM Wood street, above Fitla i lisive now in more a very
cheap and well selected stock of Hardware imported
ranee We decline of prices in E
urope, and w hich they.
are determined to Aell'eorre.pondingly low. Merchants
who have been in the habit of colngiEast, me
Imly requested to call and look neningli our stock, tie
ice confidently believe they will save their expences
1 -- ,A11,1" at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA,
Young MEN in wholesale and retail stores, and other
rerpeotable bemuses, to net .111:A1-keepers, Sale.
men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmer., Coach
mem, Car Argenta, BOOt and Map Anemia, Collecton,
°Versa., In all branches of business, Pc. We have
at all times a large numberofgoodsituatlons ou bend,
winch pay foam Sult to 52,01 V per annum. Tao= in
want of Gloanons of Roy kind would do well to give
a call, as we hay, each`of the *hove es
rie us
s, which will enable tom place every applicant in
o suitable situation at the .hottest notice. We liner •
large acduaintonee is all the above named cities,
which we trust will Stumble us to give entire entisfae-
Son Co all who may fiver us with • call.
TAYLOR A TATMAN, No. CO Second st.,
Yetween South and Gay.
N. ll—Persona living Co any pan of the U. States,
and wishing to obtain a eituation in Baltimore, or el.
thee oleic above cities, will have,theii wants imme
diately attended to bsseddreastng us a line, (post-paid)
as by so doing they will curtail both trouble and es.
peitse, which they otherwise would icur by coming
to the city, and seeking employment -for themselves.
'Address, TAI LOR A TAYMAN, street,
Baltimore, Aid
Dr. noLan• In Tenn • .
THIS is to certify that I purchased one vial of Dr.
j HuLanes Worm *medic-, wine two mouths ago
and gave to a eon of 611tIO mom mven yens old, two
brags:mon fall, and although Me amount may appear
large, yet I have oo doubt but there was up mo wards of
nro ram.. van., passed from him, unding
bum IMO maxim of WI Web to MO MA. long.
(I W HO Y.
1 -Rottobiereek, Carrol eo. Tenn., Dee 27, 1i47. larM
''. Birmingham, (near Pitiebarg h.] Pa.
.Warchoose, No. 137, Wood drool, PillatkurgA.
vi l ?
w ILL c mutant!) , keep on hmid a good assort
ment ot Wvm, of our own otanafanture told
supertorqualny. NVlrolesale mid eountry'bler
' chants tee respectfully . invited to eallmnd ex
am.. for themselves, as we are determined to sell
cheaper then has ever before been offered ib the pub
Irj• Orders sent by matl,necompanied by tbeensh or
rty reference, c.lll be promptly attended M. ttlYfll
r ItrTl Mn ; are:
om. work. llion, for emoruidering and Warr or. •
nansental work. Also, gold
rilverTusaln, Enna,
and Lazo.
• • - -
Jewelry of the lawn fashions, In great variety.
Watcher of superior quality and beautiful patterns,
and far sale at Eastern prices. %V %V WILSON;
aug7 , corner Market and Fourth its
KENT—Upon froto A U.N. to It P. N. Ample
troth 25 cents, or 6 for I dollar. Ladles department
open from le to If A. N. and from 2 to 5 Y. N.
Tiro Ilelalnient Saloon* are ..palled in etyle
atten.imme. te Recherche Ice Creams!
au els T. APPALL, Pmprietor._
Til Ali •
. _
TIIE actOratto of thdrpttblio is reepeeUttity oillltta to
the fol:osetog eartifrentost
M. S. Entree—liaviog testeda gamut, or Gold
weighedhy y.eur A ICOVICIVI, I Lind tun regain prove.
yoar ultdommottl comet; and recomeseud the tate of o
to those going to Gaitfornio. as the beat method for tot.
Wang the real value of Gold. liorp.youra,
J. B. DUNLEVI, Geld B.eatar.
Piunbargb, 9114 c h 9,1841.
• Prrraavaaa, March 7, Ih4o.
Ma. Eas.uos—Dou Sin Having examined Ina "Am
meter," manufacnorod at pour roman, 1 do not hosanna
to commend it to tho one of thew gentleman to are
about removing to California in roach of Gold.
It/ talgives a close app......ace the i
ty mes and aM - aarten:lly cable irs?drta
anrv i r
to aseeiaiii.aqc Ins placer is ylcldang Gold.
taart z _lrLara, raspy, J. R. WeLINTOOK.
I N Cna h rga lM is ß pe C dtfo T a il a i rom i ptlr . astr "d t
Gum Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging teem LW I.
en,sa (or suit of coat, pants and hat. For sale at the
India /tubber Depot, Nob Wood
UFACT.DY.—The subscriber takes this method
informing his friends and the public in general that
be ha. the largest stock of the followingnamed' arti
cle. of his own manufacture in this city—Sad dles,
Tmolni and Whip., all of which be will warrant
to be made of thiAbest material and by the best mech.
anie. Allegb or4F comfy- Being determined to sell.
his manufactantaninedung lower than has been here
tofore Fold by }'similar establishment La theeuy,
he would invite penal in need of the above; 'named
&Dicks to hie warehouse,Liberty Went, .Pitd•
Sittedat bands mode or order for machine..
..{2A -jar O. KERBY.
'OUT and .bon date BILLS OF EXCHANGE, P.l
- In Cincinnati, Louisville and St. LAW, par
abased on Me mini favorable ten..
.5d 6 N. HOLM &BONI.
I rot min.. wro rwinArivercrozor ILL MU.
aeruaa rum AN oar.. max or rEr. eldar,
011 IL.. OP SIII /I* Vl=
-)gerofula or Kinrp. Evil, Rheum M atism, Obstinate Cuts.
new. Eruptions, Pimples or Pustule. on the Fees!,
1:11...be5, Riles, Chronic Sore ET., Slog W.....
•• or Teeter, Scald Head, Enbsuyernent and Pain of
the Bones rod Johns, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltie
• Symptom, Sciatica or —oddLusabega iseases
tablil arising from no iniudiciom use of o, Mercury, Rel.
,tuna or Dropsy, Expomro or impmdence to Life;
rAlso—Chrnale Constitutional Disorders, Re.
This Medicine has *chaired a very extended and es •
shed reputation wherever it has been stud, based
ntirely on as own merits, which is mPyrior efficacy
Ira alone sustained. The anfortmate victim of her
ditary "
cditary disease, with swollen gi.ds, contr.tadll.
Inewst and bones half carious, has been restored to
sheslth and vigor. The scrofulous patient, covered
Swish ulcers, loathsome to himself and his attendants,
tto. been made whole. Hundreds of persona,whe bad
nerd hopelessly for years under cutaneous and
landulso (Scooters, chronic rheumatism. and many
Cher complaints springing from a derangementOf the
IITtll•C organs and the mrculation, have been raised
it were from the reek of disease, .d now, with re
enc.!. eonslitatiOnfl, gladly testify to the efficacy,
f this inestimable preparnUOn.
The attention of the reader H milled to the following
welshing cure, effected by the use of Sauds'Sarsap
rills: .
This is to eartify atoll have a colored Isom. who
1.11. been alticted for ths last five years with Scrofula,
_and all the remedies I used had no effect In arresting
the progress of the complaint; on the contrary, she
boustently grew worse; and After expending between
• 70 and 8,0 with physicians, besides using other M
ho remedies without success, till the disease had
ten •oraylbe c•rulsge of her nose, Made its appel.o•
nee on
puts of her body, and had Sanity
this dreadful situation, WWI the prospect of dersth
ring her in the face, I rioted her case to Dr. Dieta
ry, the agent for Saitilsl.rtvapartlla in Nembern, N.
. by whom I was advised to use that article; and to
y surprise and that of my nughbotv, to whom her
asc was known, after using four and a half bottles
he was restored Im perfect health, and thatin the space
t three weeks, d was able to work in two weeks
lour the time she commenced taking it.
In witness of the truth of this statement, I have here
nto Jaded my nettle, this 19th day of Scot-, 1347.
!Month of Nense River, Creveir co., N. C.
The (allowing is an extract from • letter received
Mrs. Bevan, who had beta afflicted several years
ith Scrofulous Wee., Dyspepsia, tee, sod recently
affeithan of the throat and chest
Beileys meg, V a., Dee. 11,1.845.
„blesses. A. B. & D. SAM. Retina I commenced ta
tle your Sarsaparilla, my suffering. were almost put
etprimeion; my throat was completely ulcerated, I had
4dreadful e ough, and them were frequently weeks to
her her Mat I could not speak above a whisper; sad be
es, the onmanon from my throalimtendod Moly
ad, so Mat my hearing- wits very much impaired.
vrtaking the St...panda a short lints, my hubh
igpitived, sid ray throat is now well; I am as free from
1 ,
e ugh and tightness of the chest as ever I o-6., and
e n ben, quite distinctly. My throat has been well
tit three months. the cure of which has been effect
e entirely by the use of your Sarsaparilla.
th Your friend, LOUISA R. BEVAN.
e following testimonial to the value of the Strap
11141s from the Rev. Luther VI right, aged-76 years,
areganonal Minister, residing at Woburn:
1 Vona., Mass., March 301 h, 1516.
loses Sands: Genllonen, From what I have cope
; ri need. and from the information I have recently ee
c sad from a number of persons of high reepectabill
who have used your Sarraparilla I have not the
i t deubt but that it Is a most valuable roodmino,and
the numerous certificates you have received of its
racy are fully sustained by experience and ab
th ugh its repertanon noel utility are very experience,
akyo in n o . need of my humble efforts to increase
th ,I want ail who am ailllcted by damage to become
• aunted with the efficany and power of your veto
& median-,
plam, gentlemen, gratefully, and very respeetfully
i&pomd and sold, wholesale And retail. by A. 11. &
D. SAND.,. Druggist and Chemist, UM Patton won,
comer of - William, New York. Bold also by Deng
gists generally throughoin the United States and Can
adas. Price II per bottle: six bottles for SS.
&CO., and EDWARD FEND ?RICE, Pittsburgh. Al
., by WZILAJustr - aairm...-
- iinternitartte, under the care of 8., J. M. GOA.
HORN AND LADY, mill re-open on Monda the
FAla of September, in the same rooms, No. - LOJ Liberty,
street. Having limited the number of their
_pupils, the
Principals hope-co merit • continuMion of that liberal
patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. Parents may
feel assured that every advemtage mill be afforded
their daughters,sif placed coder taclr charge, for ob•
taloing• thorough English, Clamlnd,And (ornamental
mit:canon. augAtultf
pilE AUTUMN SIMSION of this Institution will
commence the first Monday in September.—
Room on Federal on
street, in “ilolonade Row," WI door
from the held
Rate or Terri°, ma =mom or arta Mon-rus.
Littlish Department, including Reading, Orthogra•
phy and Defluhl., Writing, English hemmer, Rues
ne, Lope, English CoMpOstaroll and Criticism, Geo
graphy, Illstory, Arithmetic and the higher brtuaches
of Mathes:names, Name Philosophy, Chemistry, As
tronomy. Botany, Physiology Geology, Intellectual
and Moral Science, and all oth er branche• requisite to
a thoomign English Education lnA CO
Classical Department, including the Leaned Greek
Languages, each - • - - 8a CO
French, 510 00
German, 11111 00
The aervices of competent teachers are secured for
ouch as desire instrucuon in French and German, and
alto in Drwing, Painting and Music.
It is desirable that papile enter at the camthance
meta of a wade, yet they are retired at any time,
and are charged at the above rate. from the time of
entrance. Ni deflections are made for absences, ex.
ce krt in h o cr inloorfaTtlo"li.cmta'dy illness.
obtalned. and applica
tions made by calling upon the principal, at his rooma
on Federal street, or at his lodeag• in 'loam's Row "
Liberty street. PittSbergh, betlreeri ad sum fith Street's,
or by addressing, through the Pittaburgh Peat (Mee,
the Principal. N. W. AIETCALF.
Allegheny, Aug.?, 1840.dtf
fiUIE Second Session of this Institution, under the
care of Mr. and Mrs. Game., for the present
academie year, will commence ou th e brat of }etyma
ry next, in the Sala! ma de Liberty street. 7,
Arrangement, have been by which they will
be able to furnish young lathes facilities equal. any
in the Welt, for obtaining a thorough EngllA, Cleo.
eal, and Ornamental education. A fall couthe of
lisophical and Chemical Lecture will be delivered
during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de
partments of Vocal and Inetruthental Music, Modern
Langegee, Draw/lag and Painting, will each be under
the care
m o at eomtietent Protean, By cloth attention
to the or and intellectual improvement el their pas
pills, the Principals hope to merit • continuation of the
M. 0.! patronage they hate hitherto enioyed. For
terMO. Pre circular or apply to the Principals.
rtrnistaan, Sept. lU, !Sip.
lk if R. TIIO9 K. lIIIIIIERf
—Dsar leir, Your WWI.
Lnd LUID we have now been using wore thus
n ycnr mid on looking over the entries made by there
th ' e color • brsight Lino black. It is pleaunt to
tante with, dews free, and does not clog the pen I th e
the ordinary inks in use. Wishing you the ready tale
to mewls demand, we are, yours respectfully,
elhlPSOffit CO.
For sale, together with Itibbert's Red Ink, and Ma
chine Copy link, by U. A. Fahneatock k Co H. P.
Seltwerth, Allegheny . City, and by the manufacturer,
T. K. Ribbed, Druggist and Chenuid, corner of Liber
ty and Stualtheld sin, Pittsburgh. , 0.13
Wa.111.111,1.1111 /Ma. 11.111/1. WY. Z. 110.
ISurcessers to nanny Clone. & Co.)
in - Foreign and Domestic Fret nags Certificates
of Deptutitc, Bank Notes, and Specie—Pour* turret,
nearly opposite the Bank of P i tta buvh. Current mo
coy recelved on deposivi--Sight Check. for sale, and
l'tions made on nearly ell the leincipal points in
the United States.
The highest premium paid for Po Igo and American
Advances made on consignments f Produce, ship
ped Ent,. on liberal terms. Ns&
Paean Sauna= JorusaS 10 0 1540.
farms cross-fever tulension las, Bureaus, .
Book Caw, Westing
Wirtz TABLES far surptouiltr
!tendon of the kind now extant.
tended from ten to twenty-five feet,
the leaves are all convulsed inside;
atres and shapes, and are adnoo
Steamboats, Hotel., and large pm
.mg when closed a complete centre t
stable, particularly to thous wh
law roosts, and convert a sleeping
or conven i en ce
room, aa they can I
at convenience, and when shut, th e
_s_ .
every oily, in.
rhey can be ex.
and wben clored
ey are made to
• bly adorned far
with ami om a, -
apartment into a
I L tet o o d :et d tel b t
mot All the bed.
wee of furniture
cd. A great ageing room and
neada when closed total • bewail ,
fora parlor or ritual Mani.
BOOK CASES—A neat and we
" AFFI L IViITniKS—Eor !mead
article far Parlor
c,countiog mom,
inconvenient bed
dLibnry Webb
and other o eck w en opened a ••
stead, when closed a Perfect Desk
is visible. •
All these articlesd no re•
beauty of the whole Is, they are
mtt elm* , It will be for your i.
examine the articles, tithe mama(
ED Third street Pittsburgh. In ad •,
n ' = “hey err
• tesi ounedation: the
not to
!lemon to call t a me
.rare store, No.
luau to the above
a tjlo
CO - WELT;VI; II : 7I '
Cincinnati, 0.
Comer Front and Vine street.
ORDERS from Muniments for A
Raw or Rsemfied Wheekey,
ended to at ;agrees market • Tice.
: bo prom at
lIIE firm NIOBLIpf &Men
the undersigned will continuo
tanirsaion thisurear ai the si!
PILAIVILLIN4and respectfully Info!
be haa gone to the cape= Of .1
the warehouse arid =manta, for
meats he iII give entire,
aurora*, hini, kin receive f
J .1
• - Forwarding and
bOat landing;
• hi, friends Mat:
envy nulilitlEo
_years, and
. may
at the Lower,
DRY GOODS, kic.,
E w 0000111 t NEW GIOODIit
iimediatmltiabeityln! . •
man eV =ism
OA Hutt* et, bctorcen3d and dtb,Ftttalmigh,
1117"31.1.. ausstu., No: el !delta Street_ heti - rein
VT TWA and Feornh, nigtfeflltritug goitleM. , Dee
Hive, has lust emuntenced reeet*c. asd apetneg. llta •
largest, ehemost and most splenMatoek - of Fa ll end
Wester Dry Good. over offOred . by ono hOmoid Pinto,
burgh. Al; of thesaforelgt goods have Deane at*
od'of the Importers pa the last 'tearoom from Eartspe,
Andros nehoess of toile and beseryof design ammo
surpassed in this or any other market
• The domestic and staple departmenialso be
.found complete, and cheaper Man ot SO oder hosts:
in this city. The subscriber would here reapectfully,
call the attention of his nuatemas customers, and all
.wishing to boy cow and cheap goods, ho, the prices
which will no doubt astonish them, being determined
to sell chehper than the cheapest
Good dark Calleo,oaly cents per yard;
Best qaality dark Calico, fart colors, 8 to lth
' 4.4 Elntish purple Prints, flist motors. Bto Be
Bl Ho r r achod' U'd hlrsllas, ck'g good . f'a tt 6 al u' ity l , o ls72l pe P* 4 7 ,l; d;
Den sterility Bleathed Muslin', 2 to leper yth
Heavy yard.wide Unbleached Huslins, 3 to el;
Good red Flannel, from 13 to 23 cents per yd;
Good rate's Flannel, 15 to 25 en per yd;
Goal black Alpacas from 13 to 23 per yd;
Preach Glogimme Mom 11l to 15 eta peryd;
Trig glum at prime hoes 25 t 01,25 per yd;
Smitten and Kentucky Jeans from 141 to GO etr,
Cloakingße ad) =sonty=l . 2t o to 31 . T.
Used. and Diapers, poem and qualltiem
A splendid assortment ofall the nimsst
Thtbet Cashmeres to ht colon, fiat goods,
Lupin French Tldbet the Attest Imports 4
Rich Camclion to all colon aid qualineW
Black Armures, best 0114, pled and stripe; •
Black Gm de Rhine, all widths ands:7l;p
Lupin's fine black Bombazines, bcputtrel s;
do best French Merinos,
,do do do do in high colors; •
'do fine French de Lines, all wool, hlgh colors;
Rich fird Cashmeres, beautiful goods, vary cheap;
Dotted Swiss Magi., for evening drams;
Brothel Thlbet Scarfs, late importation;
Best quality French Rid Gloves, all colors;
Mounting Cashmeres and de Leine; all pricer,
Ladles embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goods,
Ladle* finest quality French lima
Belting Ribbons, n full assortment;
Worked Capes, Collars and Cads, in grew yerlety ,
. Black and colored Crapes, all quslities;
Brocade Lames, in all at . narlidei;
Mohair Carnelian figures, ric h .•
French Cloaking, superb goods,. h — fgl colors;
Also. black Brame Late, all Width, and once.;
Black Bilk Frances, wide .d heavy, best quality.
Together with a large stock of white floods, Swim
/senses and Mull Muslim., besides a very large and
superb meek of Fall Bonnet. Ribbons, of the latest !
N.:tenor, anjort fashionable styles. hinny of the
isbove goods et just arrived per the last
from Euro and an worthy the anconon of the la
A splendid assonment of Shawlk—
Super extra size French Long Shawl; best imp
Super extra sae Lang Brodie, finest mtality;
Superb quality Long Plaid Shawls, rich colorg
Best quality square plaid fine wool Shawls;
Rich and bean eves aim black silk Shawls;
Rich camlion changeable silk Shawls;
Soper black and white, all wool, long Shawlg •
Soper extra aim Long and Sq're Mourning Shawls
Paris printed Cashman, Shawls, ill great variety;
Terteri all price. fa quart;
Mode =bed Mabel " heavy ailk• fringe;
Blank and mode color. heavy sloth Shawls;
White emb , d Thibet Shawls, beautiful goodr,
Highlmd pl!il long .d .q' Shawls, seq . cheap;
Mourning Shawls and Scarfs, in greu vadary;
liWrge lot of . plaid Blanket Shawls, from 75
Tosotherwrith s fall supply of Gloves, Mitt. sad IR,
they, with all articles uthally kept to a 'Wholesale
d Retail Slay Goods Ilithae—all of srhislt will be'
t V e l . le t tn o et i lVr ' the P :trre, ' No. CI Market stree t. be
-1 'bird sad Foanb, ago of the the 1111ove,
hero harlos cam .tall tithes be had.
n ARBUTHNOT has commenced to receive
V. large 0.00011.10000 of Woolen Consihns and
HoodN Baskin, Berlin. backskin sad woolen Glovesii
Thibet, molts de lain and blanket Shawls; cash ,
mem, wonted and woolen Bose; Pongee , and linenl
BOA; silk and main Cravats and Scarfs; Gimps and'.
Fringes; Irish Linen; Table Covers, Crapes, Rlbbons4
Lama, bleached hod colored Maslnts, Tabby Vela
Patent Threads, Selma Silk, Barons, Oran Sas
doe', POrelillioo, Caps. AllOOllOO4, 001020011
gold Jewelry, gold sad silver Watches, Combs, pork
et and table Cutlery, and many other goods which
c.until sad
city Merchants aro respectfally (welted
0 0.0001100. Eml9
MANUPACTURE and will keep on hand Family
and Steam Boat Blankets, Domestic Flannel, '
blue, brown and drab Blanket Coating, Satinets and
Woolen Yam, 'which they will tell at Eastern pcire.i
Warehouse No 112 Second et, Pittsburgh,
Factory, New Raven Fayette ea. Pa. .Nl3
jug Variety Large and complete stock
.Irof CLOCK and Palley Goods, gift. ,
e for the faU trade, to wtach; with every description
of Looting Glasses manufactured at oar own steam
power shop in this city, we sat the attention of West.
eta Merchants and other dealers.
0120 comer Wood and Fourth sts
RE nOw receiving their wool rappliee 'of dondo
,for the Poll nano, whin they will be happy to
bit to their old customers, and as many new ones
es any feel Inclined to present themselves.
Always taking great pains to lay in such goodoM
are adapted to the wants of the Western trade, which
long experience enables them to do, they cutlery with
much confidence, and without muerte' hno a detail
of their stock, that the Western retail 'march.% will
hod with them all that his customers require. Time
who have fanned the unprofitable habit of repairing
to the totem cities toe their tanks of pry GaAs,
would do well to cull, as a candid eompartson of pd.
would in many cues result in the conviction, that
the expense of further may be obviated hy.bny.
thg m Pittsbur ggh. .113
"'Mr R. MURPHY is near receiving his fins F4l
TT . supply of Parretti, and %main GOODS, and
hatalready opened an assortment of new and beann
fal styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colon;
and neat new style Pall
klashn-de Wines;
Alpaccas and Mohair Lames;
Cantata Gird and sniped. do
Pan:liana and Lyonese Cloths;
Of the most Jeairable colors; and a full suppky of
bleached and unbleached Muslim, Irish Linens,. Man
chaster Ginahainsik.e., at northeast vernal. Fourth and
Market sta. Ruyan are incited to call and we.
FRENCH MERINOS--Of all the desirable colors,
such as Maroon, Garnet, cherry, scarlet, &fermi
shades of green drab, and black.
Also, PARXEITOS el ail theoboe colors, in e •
of qbality; and LYOPIESE s CLOTLISaLI
of all the deurable colon, now open at Dry
Hoene of .pU4 W E MURPHY
ANOURNING GOODS—W. R. Murphy bas now
al. open an cuentive assortment of Black Goods,
Including Bombazines, French Merino., Postmen.,
Mouse de Lanes, Mourning Alpaseas, and ashes
Mourning Goods. • sptti
MILITARY GOODS.—Caps, Flames, fierardh Saab
eh Epattlanes,
equipOS, Flags, and all the
trimming's neeessery tO volnnteer compainu.
Op !Weer complies equipped as complete and
cheap as done intim Rest, at We fdilitari Store ear
ner Market and Fourth sts. W W WILSbIY
P. S.—The Uniten States Bass and Term Drums, of
GM/OM/OW[l make, for solo and warranted by
spl4 W. W. W.
A R i t e il .4 l , 4w or rec ,v nixing, %very' I= Monk It fruk
May will nil to ifirtre nue ue rPrt.r......1., fW
tonne entice 'andantino.
City and Country Mantua, are naked to call and
examine mix wink Won meaning else...—.
InHG celebrated Huard Mel Priem, In tests, ttislt
kbtJ. kegs, you and cans, s
DILWORTH re Co, Wirood at .
1.4 Bath for fifteen cents.
Ladles Department open from 9 to 11 o`eloet,A.ll.,
and 2 to 5 o'clock, F. M.
Atheatrum Saloon and Bathing Fmablishment.
JAVNE.—This certifies, that Istonediately dot
having attended my bloater, who died of consumption.
to March, 1642, I was taken sick with the Consomptlan
or Liver Complaint, and was reduced no low with the
disease, that for four years I was unable to *read to
my bottoms, either at home or abroad, being for the
moot toot emkned to my bed. Doling the above pea.
od of time, -I had expended for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and medienies, to the amount of
5310, without receiving my benefit therefrom."] 1p
Join 1613, I commeneed taking Dr. Jayne's 2.16.11.
clues, and have takes them more or ley ever shier,
and believe that it was by persevering to their ins,
that I can now truly say that I have completely meo...
vexed my health. I believe thatJayncia bemuse Pills
and Expectorant are the best family medicines now to
1 ?tilde In Springfield, Otsego ening, .N. V., and
carry or a brace and machine shop in that place,
and ant not interacted in say manner in the sale of the
above medicines, and Malta thin Certificate for the
ell of those atweled.• EWAN EATON:
• Sptinclield, N. Y., Sept..l6 1948.• , 104 •
IitIPORTA - 111V — VO TI4 A.VFIrIitA'N.O.
Dr. Hon's Celebrated RaniOdic*.
D& JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and Wile pro
primer of these moat popular and beneficial med
icines, and. also Ike inventor of the celebrated Mims
moot for Ludlum the Lange, In effecting st rata of
Chronic diemses, was a smdma of that eminent Opt
punter. physic, and : l iqhmusof the Unrrend.
ty of Pennsyloahle,'and for , years once hat been
mimed the cluaxml the ttPPIV
oarlock 41 remedies thereto.
Throcei the use of hit inflating Mho, In conneCtion
with his Prephylacno Syrup and - other of los remedies,
he has gamed as tumannelled earner= to caring
those dreadful mid fatal maladies, Tabercular Co •
elannion , Cancers, Scofula, itheamisru, rhenun t a,
ond Ague, Fevers ofall kinds, C2uvron firmly.
as, and anthem obstinate diseumpectillar to kb . Leon every ; cif disease remshes under Dm use
atlas reamers', to which' humanity Is heir—notthe
am, of one compound only, for Mat Le licsammtible
with Physio/ogicallaw -bet by) the me of rem
dies, adapted to mid prelosibed for sack walla; form
of disease.
Dr. Rani Toile AlteranVe mod in
' variably acknowledged to be superior to ell other, as
a purgative or liver pill, lemmuch •es they leave the
bowels perfectly Dee from cosnoeuser, as also his
Golden Hlbs is admitted by.Usefanalty torewsessymea
liar properties adapted is female diastases, bat he'mg
entitled that • bare trial Is sulacient to establish what
has been said the minds of Mentonskeptical.:
The ardieted are Waited to call upon the agent, and
procure tgrenslone of the Domerht pasephimer,
a detailed account of each remedy and is MP...a.
Per ale by the following areas, es byl mast
~==alg h'e r ! ''bc niametel,PmtLutelhi
JMownsincreatim, 45 Market st
Lea A Becham, - mar she P.O.
Jos Barkley,
Bearer uteri, ;
Jno Ellkeriputou Vane,
T 011 Y
r ....I
VOL. XVII. Np , 79 .
ELLER& LEW:AM v U weralmt worm- •
• • lupcesases...,
R. E b . Sellers-Mat Str: lah Loader/10w
tho public, as well as to the wilt of- youLlrgell
Pills. to state the good effect& prodadat by their smo
nu awn saw Doting the ems* otiont l / 4 19113, I
Very towel, my appetite failed;aad my strangalt mall. •
entirely prostratW with wore yam on ray *do
ahoul&rs. T woo told by usaildal man away &sou*
no &revere suck of tiver eomplaim. -lux* as
el boxes of View's Liver Pillibr endaestielyama,
which I was told was good foe thatorlisease; hastaftei •
was geeing wane. LEriodly tionoteded to plus
myself: tinder;W care of a :palattlea. Er .trenur wiry
Worm; buy' fortomotelyi lost thia,aima, :I was -told
by the Rev. I. Niblook, of this place, Mat a di.V . 121 . 1 • ,
lea him a box of Sellers , Liver Pills from Pl
Whirl ' had bee.&red;him my meek.' 1' ;
yam kor a box , of year liver Prue, and by Um tlao‘t,
was done Wag them I was satiated .that-ft was imn .
the medicine that salted my We: mat Par mot*, •
and took are or six boxes, aud found myself Wow
entirely cured; but in ?dud, - WO Wight a moms
cold. which brought back the dissaw 'sod in a Mart
time Imu ea bed as ever. I. agabi had, cocoons e
Pills, and took them every °that night kir
• weeks, and erecadonally Wee, and coo to/wool:
at ean now say, that met Mile if anaToma
eke-Liver Complaint; and my general loneda la SS •
kood now ay it has been for Mel= 10 ykalar
XT ocighbOrs ask me who was my, doctor. I tau
khan that Wien , Lira Pill. wu my. doctor, and by •
ihe blueing ofElvin' e Providence the means of wing '
Me. &ale ermfident that when the mohbe !tower* ask,
guaintid with the value of your Liver Pills, tha de-
Mand for them yell increase. Maly of my mdithbomi - •
to wham I have recommended the One. extmoom to
well as to the facts above awed.
ilaueetfally yours, • GIS2III3BanLIZP-
To Trz Prztan- 7 7he Orrdigal only' India 17 7,614 "
virus Liver Pills are prepared by R. E. fiellemonad
Lave his name stamped an black was upon the bd of
ach ox, and Ins as:nitre , the outside poop
la-An others are eonntertens, or base hartstiontat
Wta7 IL E. SELLER% Proprtertor, 67 Wood ,
CAUTlONlerfads • , • .
A man by the name of DUEL CLAIT has e4nged
Incayoung men of the name of EL ?..rownees4 aid
I nn Dr.l=geNl3: 7;a 1 .
• t
:GENUINE, Onglnal, ete. " RutTowasead. Iron
lot and never was, but was Comedy a worker= nil-.
•roads, canals, and the like. Yet ha anima the title'
of Dr., for the purpose efgaiding on& for whelks la,
not. De is sending out cards, headed "Tricks of
'Quacks," in which he says, I have *of& the naeof my
namefor s7.a week. I orgl give S. P.lWwaamd ow!
'if he will praluce one single solitary proof of MI
This Is to caution the public not to to decielvekend
purchase none hal the OOUINBOBIODIALOLI),.
Dr. Jacob Townwnd's Bersaparilla t haying on tt the,
Old Dr.'. likeness, his family coat of arms, and Walk ,
nature arenas the coos of arm. • •,•
JAcolvrovvisErtD:. •
- Principal Men, 102 NOM. 41,Nerw York (114.
Old Dr. Townsend is now enne 70yeesoftm
1. 01 .
w. as
has lobu known the AUTHOR and
SARSAPARILLA." Being poor he was compeksi
to limit it. =neut.:, by which means it has beta
kept out of Market, and Alm wiles elteomaeNhed aa
those only who had proved or worth and known Its
value. This Owen um QM:WALLED Pokreuxtrut Di
manufactured on the Worm wale, sad la called liar
throughout the length and breadth of Relined.
Unlike young S. P. Townsend's, it imports . . - ISE
age, and never changes, but for the better; lamina It
is prepared on named° principle:Ow • meant:
The highest knowledge of Chemistry; and . the label*
discoveries of the Art, have a/I been btought .into ias
gnishien in the manufacture of the Old Des Ramp.
rine. The Saraspurina root, it la will known Leine.
Ital men; contains medicine proper:lea, and some
polies which am inert or useleas; and othets„ which;
if retained_in preparing It for use, produce Armenia.
too and acid, which is injurious to the system. Snore '
of the' prOpentes ol Bagaaparilla are .40 Volatile ltd
they entirely evaporate wear. lost in the plopan.
non, if they am not preserved by • seientil=
known only to those experienced in its re
Moreover the volatile ptioelplesorhich
por, or as arrexhalelon, under heat, .no the very or.
wound nordical propernesnf the root, Which glues to
11.11 its value. The
,•• - .
• 0W , 80111114
Is so prepared; tharell the inert properties. of the Bar- .
separate root are first removed, every thing enable
of becoming acid or of fermentation, is eirtranta -
rejected; then every particle ofmsAlul virtue In seem
red Io a pear and concentrated - form; and thou It la
rendered incapable of Wring any villaeel In end
heeling propene.. Prepared. : in shin way, it is testa
the most powerful agera in the - •
Renee the reason why we hear mmumenthants
every side in its favor by men, women end titillated.
Wn find it doing wonders lathe eve of
DyspepsiaandLiver Complaint, - and In=
Berate]. and Pith., Costiveness; W Cats:maw Ea*. •
tiara, Pimples, Blotches, and aileffeetione aria:mfr.!
.Zssesses a marvellous etTart all MOW=
from Indigestion, front of the Illthenek
from mental circulation, daterm of blond to the
bind, palmist:ion of the heart, cold feet and coldjhande
cold chills end hot dashes over the body.; Lthaa not
had ha equal in coughs end colds; and . prennotetiets7
erpeetommion, end gentle. perepiratinit, relaxing ads
tare of the hum., throat, end every otharpart. . •
DM in nothing ts It s ezas ll eficamorentanithedy s een
end aakunerledErn in all kinde end stages of
piitlhs-ofteal rtenlonsea lorgebulty of thamawwhal .
the hire; Bruns effectual in ettieaSta Wetter - r •-- _ _
trey Diseases. By rentemng etuj i Ma...
ling the
the whole
system, it gams - bun • SEAS W forms Oy-• •
sad thus prevent. or relieve. a_grent
Whe nvatiaryeteepa
diseases. as Spinal Irritadonentalgia, 'St.' s
Dance, Swoorung, Epitentle Convohnons, Is
not thin, theme s( Memears TO, X/14:1171213MTBYStA
But can any althea" thimrs bound. of S. P. Town.
to be =
sand's interior ankle? Th
Myoring man's liquid nom •
because of the Grand Feet, thal she era is inespaldri
of DetenOration and NEVER SPOILS, while the nth-
er 'DOES; it sours, ferments and blows the botthil
containing it into fragmentw she mar; add ex-•
rib le
ploding,and d i
anagusgether geode!' Most notthis her. •
...Mun be penae. to the watem
pmacid into a system rso already dinased wi l
th add? '
When cruses Dyspepsia but said! /ki we not all know,
that when food sours in our stomerha what mischieet
producesdautlenee, heartburn, palpitation' , ef the
been, liver complaint, diarrhea, dyeentery, cholla and
carnation of the blare What Is Semfolabut an and
humor in the body? What produces 511 the lumeere
which bring on &amines of. the Skin, Scald Head,
Silt Rheum,Eryaipalas,{l7liite Swellings,Feveolitares,
end all ulcerations internal -ad eremnal? 'lt noth
ing under heaven but an acid substance, whiter. goers,
and thus nails ell the fluids of the bodymore or toss.
What canes Rheumatism hot %sour add tild,which
inlet( between tins Jaime mud elthwltere,, ir
ritating end inflaming
- moue tender end delicate
which it acts? Soaf nervous disease.; of• Lupo.
ray of the blood, of deranAred eireulatiOna end marl .
all the ailments which aMet human eautre.'
Now, is It not horrible to make and sal4and
ly wane to me this
OP 8. P. TOWNSEND! • •
and yet he would fain have it understood that Old J.
cob Towneend's Genuine Original Sareaperilia, is' an
Imitation of his inferior ',realization!! • . '
• Heaven lintel that we should deal in an. article
which would beer the most distant - nsemblanca to 8.
P. Townsend's article! and which should bring down
upon the Old Dr. each II ill1311:111:11.131 load. of eamplaints
and erimination from agetnewho have sold, and mu ,
chasers. who h ave 's:sad B. P. Townsend's Fermenting
We wish It enderstood, benne it im the Obsolete • '
truth,' that 8. P. Townsendi article and Old Da Jacob
Townsend'. Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide. spertothil
infinitely dhomilaa that they are unlike in every per.
tauter, having not one einglething to
It is to arrest feuds upon the nemeses% .th pow
' baba into wounded humanity, to kindle- hone in this • -
' despairing bossed,' to restore h ealth and bloom and be. " •
gar Into the combed and broken end to banish land- •
ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND lan 8013GHT
and FOUND the opportunity and mean. toad his
maim the re to th E , YI
dge of W o k •
need I that e d ,- by jo al •
mien., e ta =VM ATOM =U. . •
For nth by I. KIDD CO., - Whelesale ',tent fin
Women Pennsylvenly wan, 13irmtegiano" Dr.
J. SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. CASSELJ.., Pink -
ward, G. W. GARDNER, Sth went Pittebergh. on 3
armee xpeoterwats - • ,
• Ratios, Columbiana 504 M s -Apr.lC ISM
R D. JAYNES.- Dun Bm—l feel
bona Dto yea
and the Chimed public to avail myself oral. op:
ponnutiViviog publicity mato extraordinary effect*
of your moron on myself. Hams beencelleted
(or sever year. with a revere cough, health Tamer
and its concomitant diseases, and *mead only deemed
to linger out a short but miserable existence, until the
fall of 1830, when, being mots severely attacked, and
halting mooned to all my forams rmatedies, sodas pre,_
acne:ions of two atlas most respectable phyaielans id
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
consolation of surviving bat a' few• day, or -lamas
tardiest—when the last gleam of ISuPe. WgiklbOVlVa
vanisb, I had recommended to me your Expectoram—
and pleased by that Being who doe. all things Ia the
am of the means—aid contriuy _tots sapeetMlons of
my physicians and friends ,I was' in a Tliw dayAM/sed
from my bed, end was enabled by the emote boUla s to
aimed to my business, enji nue better health than
*- " •
I had for ten years previous.
RespeetMlly yours, to, • ....'Jae. WtErre=
For sale In. Pittsburgh, at the reltiaTes Ettom,ll
4:TIR t •
' •
• ; • \
kit tea
A 7 Seat, olio yeas sosoling alas 10 Maltalleasne
of a Delicate Name with proriplaers and
Ills. U wear in Buffalo ihd oths large rObaluul
bean proverbial. His auger era 0. 40,0 40 1 . 4,1 "
earespermanent Old caller of Glow, Stricture, Sew
thla; neer Albns, Hhernati AyenbayPhilbr, orator
ehroalo or inveterate user wia.iiroL.
A mire orlinutuolom chary. sTilmdm .
Omen, SL Clair envy/ noon from the MOO.
Teeth Ertnieted.... Adrian to the. poor gods.
- IL—Dr. A. oelielta the wont eases of any 411e45•
in PittsbniTh to ealL opl4
ILL ram. aiadr ( 00 'rldharaerrt) the lialanna
ry, Otenna and other Iterrealunetua aalt
to the .ClllOll Ind be kept ; -Tbe Oreftl
, to g a Luna colleen= of taxa inad.eboina r .
hig b. Open to 01101 M. Bottum neatly kat up
alt nadae throughout the neawa:
Sad. of
;.ar . ! 1,17"rom" dari ng the
Rr ' rag 'o .
tom ronn,llndlng abandistancasbanre IdgsGaz
. .. Parties matting to wand dai arenabotpWl •
nunc.bund with lIVIUID Ottilibas IMMOrelonk
'• Keg en TddiParadae. PrIA.P4
r P sums nalisen- sad U
MEM PIIOPIUSTOS. la saw prepupd,, pp pp ! ,
ap lamas as all boata la lloaaactios wirklisardear
las . 1 47= mek• .
, •