The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 06, 1849, Image 2
THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PIIBLIBEIED BY WIIrIC co HL...._,..,. TUESOLLY MORNING, OV. 0,3519 %tit Delia; per intee4 the iri-lyeetly rice muter. pre sinus; the Weekly le Twollollert per =tam, mica, UPArancriesas are earnestly Uganda:a usfiand lair rayon be br. u., and ar early in the day as Melinda*. • Afterlife:M.o net messed fora spun ' Awl that invariably be charged Beni elder .W ont. . . .. • - `PHILADICLPULa. ti WWII AILIGUICIAIS. . - Artrettbereents and ralerripeoes to theNerth Amer - tea and Vedder Bouts Gazette, Philadelphia, received and forwarded from this office. Mr/A= ICE= PAGE MR LAICA A L HATPFNIS - -TELM RAMIE NEWS, e. .11121311141 A HA= Roan:—The pee. pis a New Cagle have appointed a meeting to eronaider . the beat MUMS of &misting the construe tan of a eta read bum Erie, through Newcastle, ,to soma poiit on the Ohm and Pennsfirarga ILO Bead, neat lEreon:tf,atley. Dal. Cl TxxaxecHrruax—Quite a number o States hose fixed agoon the 29th of November sae day of Putihrthankagiving and Prayer, among 'Which are New York, Ohio, and Pehnsylvania. Conrrictertri-hituani.—The decision at Mr. Comptroller ,Whittlesey, is region to conetroctive totrage, Ms created , so little stir. A =tramps sight and hotionble tun than Mr. Whittlesey does not live, fad sakeii backed by the President, it gel be hard to move hint. The cads 4' simply thta, titre tightly understand the matter Mr. Pickens, the Secretary of the Some, at the Entre Session. called by the Presiii thin to act upon nolinations, allowed and paid honorable Senators mileage (or going home and returning orithe 4th day of March, Just as if Ithay bad performed such a feat in fact, end not in imagination, led that is called meanie mthisqre ! The Senktnrs were all preirent on .the 4th of March, at the close of the old seinen, and were present on the nth, at the commence . men; of the new,but were allowed mileage jued'as if they bad gone keine and returned between the sessions. The operation put come $40,00 loto the honorable Scanda l pockets, which Mi. Whit tlesey, an old fashioned, suraght forward man, thinks ought not to be there, and ha refines to e. low Mr. Sickens' account', and the President sus tains him, The consequence is Mr. Dickens must pocket the loss, or the Senators must disgorge, or Mr.:lWhittleirey must yield, or &Ingress most op- Pro Prim. rape Mr. Diekess. A correspondent of the )3altlrnore Sun, learns 'that the Attorney Gmetual,i Mr. Johoeou, will .give , an opinion contrary to Mr. Whitilesey. ,fie sere 'Mr. Johnson expressed' ti opinion, at the late .ion of Congreas, that- the Senators were entitled to the extra inileage. 1 The New York Tribune intimates tka . Underwood, of Ky., did not take ttea.mileege. tis ' e mistake; be did - "C-..... take it, and believes lamed( mitred to it. It was stand that Mr. Calhoun did not -rube it. This is also a mistake; Mr. Calhoun ii 'dialled that he i 5 entitled to it by law. Even, Senator took the extra mileage, except Gen. Cass, Mr. Eiverdy Johnson, and Mr. play let:, and all these were of the opinion that the . Senators were entitled to it. Mr. Cons could not with propriety take it, because he arrived only the day before the o:tn./Melee, and took his mileage in the 'regal= tension. Every Senator.will main tain the right of the Senate to this . extra mileage.' They will Lind means to over role the decision of the' Comptroller. ' Mr. Dallas, no Vim President, drew up an ar gument In support of the right of the Senators to this milemge, and left it with Mr. Secretary Dickena. Bir.Webater and Mr. Corwin pronounced the vim. meat to he unanswerable.. Notwithstanding this high authority, we feel m aned to aide with Mr. Whittlesey. It is high time • there was a stop put to such a construing cyf noney - fito the pockets of Members of Coegreas. We have no objection to paying one legislators a _fair salary. This - is Jest, and' is cameral to the preserntian a a (sir representation. Bet we olio. pogo this taking of money without the Caren of low, by orneiiretion. It Is dangerom, and liable to great abuses. . I /Craig - ration le COI/oral. An immense tide of emigration still rolls to Con tain* notwithstanding the tote accounts were any thing but flattering for the Gold Diiggma• The *maknance mom be that n great, and enterpris ing, and civilized .community, speaking the En. gtish binciage, and enjoying Anglo Saxon institu. Ilona Will speedily ba established on the Pacific. The Palornom American, of Friday last, yob admit tinst of sixty fire vesiels which have de. Parted from the United.§ales for California, daring the lam month, (October.) The list comprises 19 ahipa, 143 baignes, 17 begs, and 13 ischmoners— all of them, except bur, having sailed from skies eastward of this place. Thi American says: • "The greater proportion are ships of the largest class, but even by putting the average tonnage down st3oo tons, we have an aggregate lounge of 12,500 tons leaving the Atlantic ports in the short space of one month. for our distant poraseuions to the PllthlC: The departure. of California bound vessels has become a matter of each common De mure:die that In many instances the number of passengers isnot given, and therefore the number who hairs left during the month of October, by the ' Cope Nom 'Route, can Only be eatimated. Al lowing, but Sweaty passengers to each vessel, is which a low. estimale—many of the Luger vm eels which left having been dispatch ed by lame associations who go out in them—and we have a total of thirteen hundred persons. Be sides thete, during the month, the steamships Em pire Crdy, Crescent City, and Ohio have sailed from N.Y. for Chaves, and the stimmaldps Falcon, Ala bama, and New Orleans, from New Orleans, for the same port' marrying together at lean onethous. and *Wieners. So that it may be safely catima. tea that dozing the month of October at least 2300 pumas have left the Cul* States, braes, bound to California.. The Boston Shipping Lis; gives the total num. bar Of vessels that have left the United Simms for 'California slnee4he beginning of the gold excite pima at bre hundred and severity three, as follows Ship* 199, barques 175, brigs 119, schoenen 83, sad steannis, 7. Of this number there had arrived at Ceitfosnia at the latest date one hundred and sixty seven, viz. ships 55, barques 45, brigs 35, admen= 28, and steamers 4. There are now upwards of a banded. vessels Up for California, viz. at Boston 30, New Bedford 6,Ne*baniport 6, Bangor 4, New York 27, Phila delphia 8, Baltimore 5, New Orleann.9,o2 l mr Purb 11—making a Will of 104; of whia'47 are ships, 21 barques, 29 hrigs,9 schooners, and 9 Stemmer. Arming the'paziengers 'in brig Grecian from N. Yor)c,,un Tuesday, for Calibrate, were fire ladies and DMA etdltiren. Three other vessels sailed Stun N. Y. the. Same day, with assorted cargoes, including several inns of coffins. The Commer cial seri: 'Tight or nine reveals wore taken op within the last week at N.Y. to load for California. the rites being 50 to GO cents per Mot, 53 per hbli 2 00' 13 per ton, and for lumber waSeo per thousand feet. Be aides theme there are thirty vessels of different dames ailrertised4 e rthe same destination?' -The ships and, Winn, with 161 Fuse gem, and the Argo ant, with 216, sailed from-Bos ton On Tuesday, Mikan Francisco, and the flared ton eleartid for the sane port. Among the Rich snood's cargo are 15 frame buildings, of which 3 are lane hotels.. .17easels continue to kale other Eastern porta for the some destination—three from Proridemoo late)).. and one from Nantucket, with . 50'mumengera Two vessels from Horton lately 70 to zoo° brick; besides other building stuff, provisions, hardware, .dec. Ittcsi's Nordwa Magarim, for November eoOlains eight original articles, on various abject* :Whalers& to commerce and trade, and the mid :emility of stationer, law cases, etc. - ,L,Arriersalsigirs Frae Institute, for October, :'hwell Gad with app ate mates. In this work rilitsbed all tba American Patents issued, .which lakes op ■ raanalderabbr portion of to pages, sad is aSetryszostithis 6;thuv. lbs V. S.. Treasures official statement or the moans b the risionslepositories and Sob-Treas. tubs, Ocsober 27,18!9. subject to draft, shows an SUPTsta of 117,571,9621K TM moans Tressury notea:antstanding, on tissue, is cedslly staled' IS be $2,245e. WitSarnCif 07 021110,!..AOCOIrding to an ad , 1001 1.111 riff NEW. (MOUS WWII, the COtton rows I Adams ke ter United . tates will enquire for Ott airg .0.f.5t4 , 1 fie rate of 470;000 bales of • cotton; 4440 lovemd• ea* pet mom; eqdal to 752.#X4/49 yobi tojkopoo 0/ exportation and 671,000P0k49rearolie trenteamption.• aeon film amnia akeo4l inhumes of popnta , Igeboos feamicralkorrad NINO is o.rae In its ram 4 MB inira6o *woo. goneAaaacint i.ttemotat,...94 learn from tlr Itiehonind papers tips uist of Sanine'l A. -4/104 a1+ 3 16 4. Wa Wit/died ells{ A llied , . • Am; tioosolgio O. Oren= to abeeond, • Ara awed at Tatadri was• st,atedia of Play, "Oro* ate tens ciaraittnatit in the pent.. iantlity so *or pito•and mail& A sada ',a Ma/ Pik tar *ad/et, an the pound dwo O Ira. maul io ..tie wrilkoo,.. Tb. Cows AMMO* r4.* . • • , ;, "~ ~'.;h''r~.?. =`?anti Tta RAM Psztseliteis owe the doubtful basks ofthe country, begirt to go, the thing, as it were, becomes contagion. and therefore all should "like time' by the Gareloek' The New York' Express, of Tuesday eve sing,says that: the James Bank, of that State, codmines in bad eider. The following was tuned from the office q f Thomp ewes Bank . Note Reporter, in New rorkii 00 Tuesday: The Plammehatins county Bank failed on Bat - The the 21th of October. It will be some one before we can forma paid ides of thii value of its notes- Misstate Bank at Morris Wed on the 79th Oct. We cannot at present qoare the sakesf the cotes a dds bank. The Bank of Batista:l Is mill rededmed, and from the agent and principal owner i 4se are of opinion that it will be sustained. Now You, Om 22,1349. To the Book Note Reporter: I fruarrantee to the holders of the Mites of the - tack of Salsbury, and to those who may hereafter hold them', that I will redeem all such .notes, on demand, at I per cent discount. E. Novorrona. J. Thompson,Fsq. I th The New York Tribune utast° "If thacirculation of the Bank of abury be only to a moderate amount, of whi matter we have no knowledge, we presume the ibove guar antee is good." PVINITLVARIAII.I I . OO3 Lai - rm.—At the let ing in JOhnstown, thirteen sections, comprising the heaviest work on the portion cline line be. tweed JOhnitown and a point within about three miles of this place, were alloted to contractors, as follows: Section No. 55, Wm. P. Sterret de Co; No. 56, Patrick McEvoy; No. 57,614/mous ar. Reilly; No. 56,i:denim, Pandit Martin, No. 59, Caogbling, Chartere 6: Co.; No 00, Easton. Adams & Co.; No. 61, Skeen, Xing St Patterson; No. 67, Given McKelvey de Given; No. 71, Bernard McGrann; No. 75, McGee 6: Gillespie; No. 76, Jones Sc Fen ton; No; 77, /once Sc Fenton; No. 601 Power, Mer riman di Linton. The work to to be commenced'Within twest ty days, and finished by the spring of lfi6l. The remaining sections on this p rt of the line, we understand, will not be given o until further action 1,. taken by the Board Directors.— Bfatratrlf/s Ape:eta:am CLLDLa ANNIEUTION.—IIegoI • ion. - in favor of the i i nnexatiotrof Canada to the Milted Stater, have hien iatroduced into both oases of the Vermotit Lnislature.. Papers of ..I parties ad• vocate ithe measure, too, together! with political meetings and Conventions in ail pens of the Northern States. The following was recently adopted by the 'Tree Democracy" isf Ptitnam noun ty, DL lilisuilerd, That we aro in favor f the peacefal annexation of Canada to the Unit d Strata and that we villas° all legal- and peadeable means to that effect. Masnacitoserra.—The Free Soi era and the Le, enrocds in the Wth District of Mitarnehmaifts, have It would appear, forgot Meir "trim differences," and t s tve cordially embraced. elrett of this mill the choice of Mi. Palfrey is the member of Coniyinsa from that district. FROM NEW YORK Correspondence of the Pinsbufgh Gazette. - '•Zigee Yonc, Nor 1, 1519. The last autumn month has cortL, and with it a amali allow, sprinkle of to remind pie that win ter ism hand, and that water comrnleation with the West will aeon be suspended. We shall have the Hudson open for a month y t, but the canal will abort go into winter quarters. Thee part of the North River along. which—the udson Railroad runs, can now freesia and thaw its leisure. The cam run from Centel street, and w nth as good lock on the whole road as upon that part now open, we Can get to Albany; in three hours and a half easy. The general ratification meeting was held fag night, and if nog' symptoms before an election fore tell a &none victory, the %Vhige are certain of enceinte, to the fullest extent. The little equabbles that turning law up to the day of election have *god, and we shall meet the destrectives with an unbroken front. • Financially there in httle news here. Thereon cohstant dow of specie to Europe, but no it is more than replaced by the receipts from the inte rior,it causes no remark, far our Winch of gold ie . supenboadant. !denim. dollars are I per coo t premium hare, wad few . oi r them can go abroad' with the rate of sterling bills, at 1101,0110. The demand for hdla yesterday was not large, and rates rather drag. United Status' *tech we rath er dull to day, in consequence of an abatement in the demand on Eurohean account.. Fancy stock". are firm, and some of them in good demood for peimanerd investment, such as Harlem, Mama River, and Erie, which last road is earning et the rate of a million and a quarter per annum. The fashionables are getting their white kids ready to atter.d the opening Of the Opera wawa to might, at which the new tenor, Signor Forti, mares his debut, Five buidred people have nob scribed, which give, the Manager n nightly sum o f seven hundred sod fifty dollars amen, which will be swelled to two thousand by the. casual ',Wier.: a sum that should give a good deal of pleasure.— Vie Opera here is what 'Munch's" is to the gay weed of London, a place where one can see and ba seen, and have an idea of what fortunes and faces are in the mother, in a face alone would be qaita unsaleable. egie " International Art Union" opened a verrel- t gallery of Paleness last night, to a private ' pa y of some few hundreds, who tatted no fault wt that part of the entertainment which address ed itself to the national senses. The pleturceof• fared are very fine, and so great is the enthitsiism for chances in - -picture lotteries, which all Art. Velotur are after all, that a good business will be done by Messrs. Gotipel. Vibert & Co. Powers' Sculpture, now on exhibition, attracts crowds of visitor,. Tbe original mettle of the Greek Slave, ciecuted Tor Mr. Robb, of New Or leans, that gentleman has recently sold . to the Western Art Union, at Cincinnati, for 53,300, pay able In Mae months. Thie is considereble more than Mr. Robb paid for the work, (600/)'and we mild have wishedthe profit had accrued to the benefit of Mr. Powers, nutter than his wealthy. patron. . - • The literary World ups that the Greek Slave, now on exhibition here, has been purchased by the Smithsonian Institute. Who will not be glad to ace so beautiful a work of en American Artist, the property of the country There is quite an epidemic in banks just now, and the timid may get lot{, if they put faith in all the *mins started by the broken sod the tele. graph. Because country bankers will tiot 'pay 'black mail, tb "bank note reporters," their institu tions are cried doWn, when they have in the hands of the State, more oaeetto than will redeem all the liabilities by wh eh the pubho can suffer. Mr. Chalets L Reason, an artist of this city, has bean elected Prokwor id Central College, at Mc. Grawvllte, New York, of which Rev. C. P. Grob- Tema, formerly of Utica, is President. He is the first gentleman of color, who has been elected to a College Priksiwnhip in this country. A come. pendent of the Christian Contributor, weak, of his inaugural melon as being "full of dear, compre !missive, philosophical thought, clothed in a neat and classical drew. ! As the mutter to now due, dealers in Cotton and Grain are not anxious to operate. Cotton may be quoted 91012}, ascii:emu. Flour it firm, and pure Genesee is utleabfe at 15,18X01, .w.n.i. are cheaper, and at the hist publio $ ale good deal was taken in, whole bilges sold at 52A5, and 92,00 is the top rate now. All sorts of grain are station" sty, but the demand la gOod all kinds of barrelled ptomains are Es before. Lord in libls 61.e61. Whiskey, 2111. Wool, no change; c. to tor It—ltoor to got out of It. Once on a ume there way a gentleman lobo won an elephant at a riffle. It was a very fine elephant, and very cheap. at tbe price the gentleman paid for lea chance. But the gentleman had no place to put it in. Nobody would take it oil his hands. - Ile couldn't afford to feed lc , He was afraid of the law If he turned idoorie ni -1 to the wreet. He was too humane to let It starve. He woo afraid to shoot it. la alert, he Was in a perplexity very ; antral to a gentleman with moderate manta, j- small /WM, COMMOP feelings of humming, nd—on elephant. , France has von her elephant at Rom • . She hes brought bank the Pope. She Ls at her wlt's 'maybe' to do adz. him. She wind abet the Popo and the'tardinals; beeaulie shin interfered In the cause liberty. She can't act With Austria: benause A WWI! is stroke°. She cant act against Austria, because France is eonserratioe and peacefuL She oat continue her army in Rome, because it is 401 treated with"respeet. fitie stet withdraw her army from Rome, be. ernes that would be to seultif herald. She can't go krrerstd, beamse she instated on Shelnals pepki going batkward. can't o backward, because the French pes. pie insist an ' her ping inward. She east - ekxee the wrong, because public o teen her to the right. Sne cant cheese the right be eotueue ber own die. hoseety.hss ibreed her le the wrong. . In one word, she is onlkustorna of a-dilemma, and the more she twists the*more iberply she feels the points en which she is. impaled. like a reek. ebalw M cabinet, thr the kneed= slam cirri. ate bt the lighter and MOTO Millatig species afFa L 1 nobody take her wo.&ns bar. gain °lbw hands! Rome Is bet beak imp. - She bought it dear onotrit, but east. pt rid of is •at Noel Pio:. Tither and the 'Turks. While we we awaiting, with intense anxiety, the decision of the Crar Nicholas, on which hap. to all human probability, the ate of the Tartish Empire for years to come, if not its futons eiikence, there is a natural curiosity Yo know something more definite about the Turks and Tur key. We are able to gratify our readers in this moped, by presenting them with the Wowing in teresting second, which we find in a letter to the • New York Coterie+ and Enoteirer, dated "Cowran rinspie, April 43, PAP. rurauv soctarr. We naturally regard the Turk. as a species o outeide.barberiens, and it is a little difficult to ear vey them with e perfectly unprejudiced eye; yet an honest view affords much that can be contemplated with eatisfaction. Their gravity of Mein soberness of gait, and rich flowing robes give :hem en air of gentlemanly dignity, to pleasing contrast with the , hurried expression, the impertinent carriage, and the stiff angular garments of Franke; and there is n natural ease and delicacy in their social torms Sod etiquette, that is far superior to any thing onficarily observed at home. Personal clean. films in not among them as among ye • "half Leg looted "nand virtue," but a scrupulous Mlfilled re. Jinja.' obligation. Propriety and courtesy dist tiogniah their mutant intercourse, and hospitality rendered to all without distinction of country or condition, it is Inviolable duty. Quarrelling is extremely rare among them, and their treatment Of the brute creation is fee hinder than ours, The, Koran prescitnes the giving of one tenth of their In come to charitable. purpose', and benevolence with them in no transient impulse; ut an abiding sacred principle. I look here in vain for the stolidity and beggary that used to 'meet my eyes every where in la belle France and uMerrie Eng. land." Intemperance,the curse of so many chrie tiao lands, is driven away from the followers of the Prophet by the divine law which forbids the runt of wine. The (anthem, for which the Turks are reproached, is not the etopid folly it is repro rwnted. They ore as earned in averting calamity as other men, but when calamity come., with sub lime resignation, they are Andy to execlalea "God bath willed it." In truth sad honesty they are inferior to few other people, and are certainly far superior to the lea's and Christians that dwell a mong them. Amours and intrigues and conjugal infidelity prevail to a certain extent in their social life, but far less than in France, which calla itself the midreas of modern civilisation; and public prostitution among them has no local habitation and hardly a name. Polygamy is tolerated by the the law, bat public opinion decidedly condemn. it. • It ID the magistrates of the land only who have a plurality of wives; even they have seldom more than two or three. and the Sultan himself never more than seven. The Koran permits husbands to chastise and divorce their wives at pleasure; but these.privileges are not often abused. Children are trained to honor and submit to their parents, and great aXection and kindness usually pervade their family relations. The women, instead of be. ing kept in strict restraint so, generally imagined, are in reality more free than in any contlneetal country of Western Europe. They repair to the mosques, range rho bazars. and ride into the coun try on pleasure parties in perfect liberty. Multi nodes of them of all classes •go every Friday un attened to the valley of the Sweet Waters, flee race isp the Golden Horn. I have been among them there, and have seldom beheld more unres trained and yet innocent enjoyment. It is true that blehometan females ere not allowed to ap pear in public unveiled; bin this is no treat hard ship, since the yorherc, which is of white muslin, is usually, especially if the face is pretty, an thin and transparent that the features are easily discer nable. The Sultartefrequently ensue edicts, pre scribing the thickness of the veils, and the mode of wearing them. but woman'. the same ev ery where, and that compliance is but temporary. Besides this, infringement of the natural r i ghts of the female countenance in Turkey, is in a meas. are cormidnsated by the privilege of arraying the bomm ad Jrairees in the fashion of the beauties— "Ily Su Peter Lely • Whose drapery hints, we may admire them freely." It is true, that among Meliometang, women are not ranted no high in the scale of creation as men; but the prevailing idea, that females are here deemed to have no sotils.:is a strange mistake— They are regarded as immortal beings, and an subject to religious obligations and responsibilities. Husbands may or may not, as they please, admit their wives to share with the Holmes their love in the abodes °fillies hereafter; butihe wives who are excluded are neither annihilated nor damned but go to dwell in separate appropriate places At enjoyment 4 Milan ar.staxty. Slavery 'lglesias no Turkey, but with none of its blacker elements. Its type in much like that of the slavery of ancient S'eripture times. The slave, instead of being a soulless chattel, is really a mem• brr of his master's family. He is neither despised nor degraded; he possesses his rights and bin lot vilemm, and has many licintien for elevating his social condition. His eaTionlsory term of service to only 7 years, and when he leaves his mower, the latter is bound to settle open him peons. He is subjected to no ouch task work as is im.; poSed upon the American slave, since his business • k not held labor, bui attention to the personal wnots oh his master. Slaves in Turkey frequently rise to the highest places of trust and dignity, and become Seraskiers and even Viziers. Thb son in law of the late Sultan was or.ginally a Georgian slave. Circassian slaves ate now comparatively sore, not, however on account of any unwilling ness on the pall of Circassian parents . .to entrust their children to Turkish centre!, hat because the Russians prevent As much as possible tbcr ex portation from the Black Sea pont. The few that in spite of all obstacles find their way to CJOAAII7 tinople, are never exposed to pablic sate, but are In be purchased only at a few prtvate houses in the suburb of Tophane. There is even no longer a market for b l ack African slaves. It was abolished by the late Sultan:and will never again be toles med. ILICLiaI.S FELLING. The Tasks still continue to wash with "Oriental scrupulosity," and to recite their nave,aa five times a day with a punctiliousness , tint cannot be sur passed. The mass of the people yet exhibit a fidelity nod devotlon to their faith, that ought to make Christians blush for shame. But the Moslem religion has lost mach of its fire , and energy. It has abated its fierce intolerance, and now, though it still threatens apostacy with death, it seldom in. salts and never persecutes those who have never been the followers of the Prophet. The upper chow of society are generally infidels, and conform externally to the regulations of the Koran, only from feu of the civil law sod of public opinion. The great body of the people cling to their religion, not from fanaticism, bat because it, is interwoven with all their clad and social relation,,and is com pletely identified with.the history of t heir country. They know their creed'only in its broad females. Having no priesthood, they receive, but little re ligimie instruction. Ignorant of Arabic the Koran is to them • sealed book; It has never been trans. lated into Turkish, because, forsooth, its only charm consist. in its Arabic jingle, which is as untranslatable into any foreign tongue as the En glish melody of fli-didelle-diddelle. There is a general impression among Mahometus that their religion will soon begin to decline. This impres sion is derived from two traditional sayings of the Prophet—"My religion will first Increase and then decrease;' and "my religion will survive a thous and years, but ant two thousand.. Prose the Lowtoo Pima renews AND rtlowlXDOe.' A few respectable schools have lately boon es tablished by Government in Constantinople and. Smyrna; but no such thing as • system of public instruction yet exists in the Sultan's dominotia— It is not among the wants of the people. There is no inclination to inquiry—no disposition to learn. Intellectual vacancy Is as precious to the true Moslem as physical repose. He is pereetly con tent to go on believing that the earth is flat and is suspended by four great chains to a tremendous voicarmowbose eruptions cause earthquakes—that the Son sets in • sea of mud, which makes it cool in the morning—and that the stars are big lamps hang in the sky by Divine Mercy. to please poor mortals—yes, well content is the true Moslem to believe all this, because with him "ignorance is bliss" and "thought would destroy his paradise." moss.—axis Ten ADMINtarIatION as leave.. Public affatra in Turkey were greatly improved by the late Sultan Mahmoud, a monarch of no or dainty abthiy and decision of character. By his extermination of the Dmisaries, he aid the empire of an infamous unmanan cohort that had always regarded the Imperial purple as a vestment of their own, .d had ever used its wearer as a slave of their own base purposes. He Introduced many reforms In the civil administration, and by his foreign policy, ho broke down the Wirier of imperious bigotry and hatred that had so long bola Turkey aloof from the other nation. of the world. The same Moral tendencies are manifested by the present Sultan, under his enlightened Grand Vizier, Rescind Drubs; and aided and sentained es they are by foreign influence, and especially by that of the admirable English Ambassador. Sir Stratford Canning, they will, doubtless, result in. much substantial improvement. Sot public cor ruption and oppression soil remain in the ascend. end throughout the Turkish empire. The edmin istration of justice is extremely delectitir. There are no lawyers, no jurors, no legal precedents, and no written common law, except that contained in the Koran. Every thing depends on the conscience and will of thejudge. Full scope consequently is given to bribery end intimidation, and in impor tant cases tese agencies are generally employed minima stint h or scruple. I have been told that the present Vizier contemplates the Baba:Amnon of the civil cede for the canonical law. But such • measure would go so far towards dirsilving Ike present Identity of the Church with the State, and is so inconsistent with the whole genius of Ma. home. Government, that I gannet believe it is designed; or,.if designed, that it is pram. matte. The Pitcha of the different practice a vast deal of exaction and oppresalon.— They first acquire their office' by . purchase, and afterwards indemnify themselves a donna times lover by fuming the revenues, and by unpin lev ies on their subjects. TIM MIXT AND MATT. Physical power rather than racial amelioration is the prime end of the present Government. The army and navy are its great pride and constant at. .tention. The regular army consists of about 100,- 000 men, but It is sow rapidily increasing by large COODefiptiooa made all over the countilto resist the threatened aggresalotur alleluia. The pay oldie soldiers is about ninety eenta a month; their uniform is ne longer Turkish, but consists of a red Fes cap, blue jacket, and blue or white pan taken,. The men we generally older than other European soldiers, bat yet appear like smut hardy fellows. Though they base many &mop= elle oars, their geld discipline is very Imperfect, and their march kakoi, ay spp b o addd Wq. 414T,h7i They n lodget better barreeki I have wen no rghere. The artillery is eseeedingly well app.:limit Its mock afield pieces is immene and oozatandOnereadng. The very dap 'of to anion!, everfat are was ringing with the first trials of 150 nearlbrass env non. The Turkish navy contains the fines{{ and larg est threesdeckers in the world; and its fstrength is at very short interval reinforced by shei launching of some splendid war 'roamer. But all vessels are poorly manned; their crows are made up chiefly of raw coneciipts from the country, who hardly know a rudder from a plough-tail. wears= .1) DZCLI/C6 OPITHIt Estrum Alter all, these efforts of Turkey to get op • *martial and mashing outside" remind s one of an impotent old dotard creeping Into fine,armor and XlfOltillg under borrowed plumes: , Tije Ottoman Empire him lost its virility, and does got contain within itself a single element of National greatoros, nor a aolitray germofaoelal regenermiees. •Its car coos is only upheld by the rival 3mb:suites of the three great powers of Europm`when that mullein log force ceases to act, in consequence of open war or secret compromise, the earthly tabernacle of the Ottoman Solana will fall to the tground for ever. The Turks themselves have'it present. meat that their days are well-nigh numberedi and 'on account of this they bury their dtad on the Asiatic lode of the Bosphorus; A bookiwhich they regard as canotocal and holy, predict. tpe downtall of the Western Flnapira 400 years alter its cater lishment,which period, mooing in Lunar year., the Mohammedan mode of computingi time, will expire in 1&3. 1 TIII 11:10111210 SULTAN. le • Abdel Medschid, thii present Sultan ! 28 years of age; &mires, with the exception ofla Fez cap, In the Europe= style; and, save that Nis face is unusually pale and deeply pitted by the small pox, has nothing very noticeable in his personal ap• irearenee. He, inherit. little of the ~ i ntellectual vigor of bin father, bdahmoud, bat hi, bean is amiable to a degree bordering on weakne. Hie senaibilitles are such that he never 'algae death warrants except in case• of the moats urgent Ile. meshy. He takes scarcely any persohal part in the Administration of the Gzversiment;'ehoosing to leave every thing to• the control of hie Vizier and Divan. He has five or six wives and a large Harem. The latter in regularly Increased by the annual presentation of two beautiful &lid aecomp• lished Circassian virgins, one by hisinother, the Valede, the other by his Grand Vizier.— Sultana Valede, the other by hie Grand Vizier.- The old custom of sacking the unfaithful and throwing them into the Bosphorus, hat become totally obsolete,• but it hi generally wrpposed that State policy still makes way with south a: least of the Sultan s male offepring, for the number of hie sous is always very disproportionate tni that of his daughters. The Salon is not alai extri'mely effeminate and licentious, but he very frequently 'indulges in the use of spiracles liquors, and it is by no means improbable that he will meet the fate of his father, who died in the prime I,lf his life of delirium treasons. Abdel Medschid has dispensed with much of the glitterinj pomp that cued to attend the Sultan's appearance in public, but yet he goes to the Mosque every Friday in great state. Ilia splendid barge of 2S oars, escorted by numerous beautiful pinnaces, and gliding with swallow like swiftneas op the Golden Horn, to the Mosque of Eyoub, near the valley of the Sweet Waters, amid the rearing of cannon sum each side. and the cheers of the sailors and soldiers from the .decks of the magnificent .evenly inure, has been one of the most Wining sights I have yet win:ward in Con stantinople. . TeaBoWLING DIMVIStIIII. Last Tuesday afternoon, I went to witness the performances of the celebrated Rossi., or bowling dervishes, who exhibit twice a week, at their con vent in Scutari. After removing my shoes. I was admitted into a smell plain room, consisting of a gentral area for the dervishes, and lobbies and gal. levee at the sides for spectators. (found about NNItT VELVETL.--A.. A. Xsson & Co. have twenty of the sect auembled, they had no dietino- B O ceived I ease 23 pa of ItanddlOVelects, of the ms rive dress or badge, and were of ranges from the desirable shades, and at low Prices.' . nave greyheaded man down to the mere boy of eight et LOVES AND HOSIERY-Now ope n ntog al A. A. or to years. After prayer by the Sheikh, all ofthe ti. m ...,,, ~ ~.„,, ~,,, ~„,,,,,,,,.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,, devotees, excepting the Sheikh and three or four kind, and goaltllea : , nova players on instruments, rose (red . -their cushion.. OTASII-VD cooks ceb'd thw day, for sale by ranged themselves in a line, end interlocked their P n0 . ..1 TASSEY A BEST arms, commenced in measured cadence the rein . ention of their profession of faith, , " La affil illoLk- ARO-25 keg. No t, for sale by , L nort4 TA- dc. HEST - . . /sA." There is no God but Allah be time to . the words by bending their bodice backwards and VEATRERs-te sacks beet Ky.. for aala ' by TASSEY & BEST forwards. Each moment the utterance of the syl- XL e . i .° ,, lables become more rapid, and the movements of , DOTATOaa--110 has Nrehanstock and Red 1., _their bodies correspODding more violent till at the L a. tees, to ster . e and toe solo be end of some . twenty mingles they had wrought'. ne.• COPE. themselves up to a perfecuphrensy,,wsd the wean Q WEET POTATOES--to hbla reed on consignment became like orgies in pandimonium. Amid the t. 7 and for sale by din of tamborthes and tam throe, nought could be COOS . COPE A lIKEYFOGLE home but the wildcat spasmodic howling of the I ' - ‘ l7 - INDOW GLASS- - 1 - 00 bas,%dodo! sires, lost me/ word Allah, broken now and then by some pier. Ty and for talc by nog/ 5& W HARBAUGH cing shriek of extacy. Reeking with meat, they , B UITEH-20 keg. End bble tom reed, for sale by all captioned in file furiously rockingtheftbodies nova S .4. W LLARBAVOII upwards and downward., and whipping the ate S'S OLL BUTPER-I bbl's prune. tow sec d. for ale by with their loag dishevelled hair, save one here . n „„,, ~.. w HARHAVOH who eat* to the floor overpowered with hliu,: . DU, 1: PEACIIES--Ne , ho od io wore arse tor sale and another therewho in delinoris transports leap' ISM 01 DICK E V .4 co, ed high into the air as if spurning this gross earth „„,e, Front ,ira breve,. - ' ' Tam scene was kept up until finally the gees, boa became with we, act whather_the more were mad, but whether they were actually creatures of dash and blood; for it became almost temerlible that human frames could endure such tremendous violence. At the height of these ravings, little children were brought into the Sheikh, who all the ertide had remained seated on a lambskin at one side of the room, to receive his blessing. .This blessing was.adminiatered by emending the chil dren WI the door, and standing like an impondera ble spirit on their bodies. I sew mere infanta sub. jected to thW uriusout the least apparent suffering. . . . At length, when nature seemed pushed to the very verge of complete exhannion, a signal by the Sheikh arrested the devotional movements; the performers all took tambonnes and joined M a roma chant, and another prayer coecluded the ex <nisei The twin woo hung about with sword., daggers, books and pikes, with which thedervish. I es formerly, in their holy paroxysm.. cut and pierced themselves without triply ; but this part , of the exhibition Is now omitted. Many of the i performers are not fully Initiated into the order, but are more novices; and some of than are notations scamps from the city whin join the devo tints. out of irtmer deviltry. The vole sect le gen erally regarded by the Mehome(ans themselves as ; a pack of imposters and fanatics. The Meilen or Whirling dervishes, whom I have seen exhibit at Pere MO of a different character, being moral, sin. care, and some of them even learned melt. Many, of the better class of Turk. attend their devotions, and even the Sultan himself is • frequent visitor. They wear sugar loaf hats, and large flowing gowns; and their exercises EOLLeiet le prayer and In revolving on their bare feet simultaneously on 1 their own axes and around a common centre, imi. ' taring thus the dance' f the spheres, and whirling all of their senses and 6calties into rapt abattne lion from the material world. Bottom, Oct. 29; 1919 Rev. Theodore Parker's sermon,yesterday, has been the subject oreonsiderable talk to day. This clergyman to straight-out against the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ, and in his seal throws Thomu Paine quite in the shade. °incur. Movsamrre..—We understand that Walter Forward, Esq , has declined the !office 01 Solicitor of the Treasury, made vacant by the re moral of R. H. Gillet, and thal.f.C. Clarke, who 'vas recently appointed First Auditor on the remo val orb,. Colbno, bas been appointed Solicitor. The appointment of Mr. Clarke made the Fort Anditorship vacant, and Thomas L. Smith, Esq., has been selected to MI it.—lkarkington Union. &area Mersa in rue Wacurra Mourrseta— The Little Rock Democrat (Arkansas) gives an =aunt of the return of a portion ot a party of SO men, who lett in August hat, on a gold hunting ex pedition to the Washita Mountains. They have brought hack no gold, but sifter ore ot eztraordi. Darr richness, which was found in a high prairie ridge, and the quantity is said to be menhaoati ble. ID Da. Itl'Lastrs Una PILIAL.—The Wows/ling Jr. nand fur thin greet medicine seems to be on the in crease. Where it has been intmduccd r il has attained • popularity impre , tented In the anvil/ of medical practice. Physician are using it In many ease., at lent when they oat obtain it. Patients, however. need 'not be node, Me necessity of asking medical advice, as they can purchase a box of the Liver Pill., with which directions will be fornished r wkleh will work • speedy cure. The following letter from ae shows im popularity in the scene from which the let ter 13 dared: Bozo/ Cole, ' DC3IOII, CO.. Pa. March Yid, I 817. J. Kidd & Co, Wood et, Pittsbargh: Gentlemen—We find we can sell • greattnany more of Dr. Mlaine's Liver Pills than your agent len with a,. These PIN are rapidly rising in favor, and we have sold almost all that we had. If you on send tia ten or twelve dozen mote bon., they will lartperhaps until yoor agent an bring,. a new topple. T. & J. KELLY. For sale by J. KIDD & CD, N.. 60, corm of Fourth and Wood ht., Pothburgh. istrunisti&wlarS titionew Eamon erooss.—Prepared by J. W. ken] , William street, N. V., and for sale by A. Jaynes, Na. 711Founb street. Tina will be found • delightful ele of beverage In families, and particularly for Web MOMS, tlaitaa's Ilaosta.—An improved Chocolate prepare- Lion, being • conttenalloa orCocoa not; Innocent, In vlgorattna and palatable, highly retonmended partic ularly (or Invalids , Prepared by W. Baker, Doreher ter, Masa, and for male by A. JAYNEd, at the Pektn 102 Stem. No. le Fourth et mchU it org, subject to Al trn w o i b rOti " Of 0e tVhl6Ca don. ooal en 1, Wllkeson will be 'a candidate to thainymity,sublect to the atentinatioa of the Whit Coo notion. • Don D. MDT. Lierteg r e , roatuLtl: 3 Dulcet and Perry stteatc oell-0100 IrrALIIBIIIIIII COMM AOWCIZILIT.I. !locum.— The Anneal Mania' of the Allegheny County Afrioal . tore! Society, will be held et the lgew Coon llettee, 00 Wednesday, the 7th bat, et 11 o'clock, A. IL A general attendance is desirable, as en election for Odleere will be held. By order. oetli P. A. WAY. Secretary. Saenly, en Sunday, the 4111 tut., at II o'clock. htl hlte. Cum. Cumin, Idled Col. As. ChM., at the nth yeainf het 4P , 'rho rowel tell take plaee on Tneeday,the Warta, a , 11 ...tack, front the reddened of hat heabaad, In (hboaraellle testy end proceed to the Allegheny Peetatery. The (Mauls of the fatally ate laved to Amid wish...oat Amber moths. orrllklr bbls . Nol --- d; - 7au 41 - 0 - ; 10 do 1; 10 bf do do,• for.ale no C GRANT, 41 Water st CODFISH AND HADDOCK—Idm: Codfish C H owri rommtmvel S 'VON BONNHOIL,T I VO O —ZO [Ms fore elder, for ..le by W 1 1 .11 1 40 .. BEANS 74 2 . llV N fool; i lit itsT co 12,EA Tusca roraTWEELS, (lassie —147 sacks now loading from Warner I!by novO ISMAII DICKEY & CO, Front W W(lo oo, l: : : nd bag io s r ex: . landing from steamer Tunes ISILIAIi DICKEY Zs CO eIIISSENI3-1 bags now landing Dom steamer Tua Ur carom, for ea/e, by man ISAIAH DICKEY A CO_ OTTOrIN-24 bales yew salcrae p, no. landing from ateamer Tuscarora, for by nooo ISAIAH DICKEY & CO 'FALLOW -35 cuts Just laming Gum bubbler E - 1.- octant, foe nit by novel S& W HARBAI/011 AGS—A kw has jun reed, for ask by 11/ nov6 S HAEBALGH FLbtlli—Uun bbl. extra .d superfine, in store, for sine by nov6 S & boxer einem and W. R. inatore, for sale by nov9 Si W HARBAUGH DRIED BEEF—IS bbls lust reed, for sale by nova QUGAR-10 Md. to arrkin,.for vale by 0 nova 23 kV BARHAM/II DIXON JIAM.4-10 calks Cnnvevsedinst Lk sale by nov6 S W WINDOW GLASS-542 boxes awed sixes, in store, for sale by - nova _ tl _R W HARBAUGH ifiRdTATOUSHIO bbs Red, lilt sale by nov6 ARMSTRONGk CROZER ROLL RUTTER—I bbl in store and for rob by nov6 ARMSTRONG & CROZER G REEN APPLES —RD A b ajT c li d Ol t g n ( d i: r at '' ZVß L ...Y°B"ecc-2=.4417,21112aZnbY BUCKWHE LO AT FUR-12 bbis, a sup rior ankle for We by boat AnISTRONG &'CROZER VAN UA' FLOUR— m. for oak by r 0 sql • ARMSTRONG k CROZER INES-70 esks - fon, Madeira, Sherry and Swe • V Malaga Wines, for sale by the cask or in qua• tities to salt by purchasers, W M lIIITCLIETLREE, noun No 100 I.dhertLst LIQUORS--17 4 pipes klranl 4 i —Otord., Dupuy,l , r c lp k u . u t.. l l l.Vrd 4 . 400 bob. Winakeyi ' for. eby • nose • W & M MITCHELTREE A . LCollol.—Wilb nn usortmont of Domestic IA the Cordials. Ice., always on buil and for rai by the cask or quutines, to suit purchaser." Os._ nova W tc 51 5111V1ILITREE J. Etu.pratt & Sons. Patesst Soda Ash. 32d5 i C m A tio ''K r‘ S ed G i l l ' ireer f d rom Soapyernl:e' Soda Ash manufacturers, all per cent Ames loan test, arriving and for sate by 1:1ore NW &55 MITCHELTREE "DLEACIIING'P6WDER -20 calks /as Muspratt & 1111 Soniirand, a superior *Aida, for sale by none & 11111.1ITCHE . LTREE 111 . 01.,A98E5-2.50 Dbl. prime NO o.l6lasses, in oak bbly to store and for sale by noyd lV A Id MITCISELTREE FREMI TE&S—lnipeival, Gunpowder and Young Hyson Tani, supenor quality, hf cheats, I 2 and I pound bas, plat rood and for sale by nova W & M MITCHFILTREE GOFFEE—dad,bags prime Rio, arriving and for Gila by nuvit W & Id MITCHELTREE - - IVE bbls No 3.W MACKEREL-30 Ws NIT° No 3, .3 , d 313 , (31ateachusetes miptetion,) Jan reed and for salt by sto.3 IV ()OLEN do‘ cm hand. for we by Y nov4 1..tiA1:111 DICKEY & CO, Front 01 • QM/al-3 lo arrive on tiennor Klemmld, for 1.3 sale b , nor* DICKEY &CO A. Ilytru... . . XTEW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED.—The works of 1.11 Montaigne, cdtted by H. /Gab , comprising Ms Essays, l.mters, and /money Omagh Germany and Italy, with not. from all the Commentaion, Biograph teal and Bibliographical Nottces, etc. Theory andyntetice of Teaching; Or, Me Motions od Method. of (load itchool-Kceping, by David Plage, A. V , Paincipal of the Kam Nonni School,. Albany, N Y. Frank Poteccie ELM and Fishing of tha U. States and Umiak Provinceetit North fitocrioa, by Henry Win Herbert. JOHNSTON STOCKTON, noiel comer Third sod Market ats RAE'S MAhIbIOTII COMMERCIAL CHART, Mat2==l Coaster. 5,000 Copier published and disrtibated Judiciously throughout all the adjacent States, and nu the West.. ern Rivers.' 111116 ailv.thges, to the advertiser, to be derived by this system, are flOiellatt•—file 11101110 of his OOP , nets, the mama and locauon ef his honee, 'ate daced into every city and mem throughout the vitet remnt of the admeent States. that are dependingopen Pittsburgh for a market for the sale of their produce, fand the purchase of otapplid, The benefits seenung rom dim method of pdtitlshing, will present them. selves to all Merchant, klumfactitters end Dealers, who will devout a few moments to Its emtdid review. al. To render the Commercial Charts more anntetive and important to Advertise. in general, an elettant Lithographic Fgraving of the CITY OF PITTS wiII be Inserted to the centre. Also, an Al. manse (or Vibe, and several beamilal enginvlng, mar , sine the Commercial Chart and Pictorial Advertmer a sheet of statmertance, beauty, and constant mlarencs, whetever it may be placed. Copies of the Charts emt,be seen at Esti*. Co's Book Stare. also, u the. Commercial Jeanie' e. Me In all the principal Hotel. of this city, a Chaos will be placed to • splendid (Jilt Frame, to render th e name ant location of advertmem more f amiliar with travel ers, and to beeefit their local rtide. JULIO 11. RAE lk. CO. - - smsni.C..2.-7dr. Rite's plan of advertising is • capital one. We ohould recommend all per.. who wish to have ;belt billion. thoroughly advertised, to secure • are emly, we predict rapid filling up of the complement. Mr. R. to worthy of all confidence, and our enemit•oto may depend upon the fulfilment of hi. contract.—iLouirrille Journal. Raab. ADV.TOKNO Cute, —We basemen a copy of Ran'. Commercial Advertising Chan- It is handsom er and better adapted to the purpose for whlchlt Is in tended, than the Most imagtuative could mippose. The arrangement is really pretty, andlhe e•sela are displayed.with art ability that redeem credit upon onr friend J. 11. lone., printer, of this city. The Chart It handsomely colored, resembling a map, and will prove no ornament to any place where It may be displayed. Tkis system of advertising is becoming popular, and when ia the hand• of such men as W. Rae, whom promises are actions—not mere empty phrases—she public will go into the system at once. The fall amount, five thousand copies, has been printed; this we know, and we believe that the remaining. part of the contract, that of potting them op In serious towns, on boats, lon the western livers, will ha honestly complied with d., . We shall be mimaken *NO, who .patronfied Mt. Rae, will not have goad reason to thank Min for the Idea. Mr. Rae is well known to as as • respormible and respectable man,and all that he Weekly. will, we are certain, be flilled.—{Sect's Weekly. We are i pickled to ace so man of our largnt best nis. houses and manufacturer. y advertiling n Rae's kmono! Commercial Chart It I. our firm convic tion that this Chart will benefit the Lemma( St. Louis generally. more than all the sewn charts and maps which bare been published. It di an object fora man advertim this—its beauty. general charaiter and vast circulation, speak for Itself. Merchants and bu siness men who hike not secured a end; should lose no ume in doing .c`,-lOrgerh St. Louis. Coustaamm.Cumer.—We would advise mer chants, mannfmturers, and business men generelly, to advents° imihis Chem Enron the appearance of the western Are, we should Judge them to be eminently metal. Therm" beautiful and attractive; and this be ing the ea., they most he an excellent medium to make known any holiness, either in the city or coun try. Mr. Itllo has heretofore given fall satisfaction; tot prOrdigGli have been fulfilled. If understanding his business sod performing hts pledges, morn succesr, he mphn deserves It.—(Pluladelphta N. American and M. Nnmette. We hens analysed this system of advertising in all its bearings, and have come to the conclusion that It is one of, If not the very best method of ailvenlaing for noral character, and we candidly express our opinion, and advise all merchants end dealers who have a counuy, well ail local trade r .to give their advestisennints to Mr. Rae. We be lieVehe is lottery way adapted to the basilicas—be appease, as If by In. Lti.„nneLito,, know bow an d . where an advertisement will a particular business. HMOS traveled OTC! the whole United Rude* he hes a knowledge ef al most esery town andvillage—and this knowiedge as sists hint in the ❑ general distsibution of hl then. He curesde this system of advertising his burliness, and on: the old adage of "Honesty is the best poll tie never to oaf belief, pmnises more than he does; in many instances babas done more. Again we reiterate what we have said before—if *merchant, dealer, Of mantlfuturer, whines his busboy.. tilDrops6. Ijokzoili.n,Atismen. advertisement to Mr. Rac i,7, - , Thir. .I.OIIIIICIII 1.1321131C11.1 . . , NEW ARRANGEMENT FOR DUILDERS! I aear V I c 'A s w e rTit 6 y7ett d dr4ta:ZA T :g to; Of ° WIIE PINE HORDS', of all of and kinds, clear and co Also, SHINGLES, of aimed. qaality, and in any mantity desired. - In addition in the shove sto ll ok, I hare made an as Fula( Jon. t h' I uyoate r.,2 whlcyl c annot f. f 0 11 W t 1% t , „ iu t hg re sawed to order any &satire tienat * f which of balldlc L U MBER , • POPLAR andinds, V r l XO'sc c a call before Purchasing. """ aEo Ica E W. FORMAN, tyrwille, pril SI, IOW; tkpper end of 3d st. noveldintrlAdeedtt TIMMS MILK& & Co. here go Jj ealtain Vs pleepset styles IRO Dress Siam noel „Obis to store sad tot salt by CRAIGEI roll! • Dr, iv. meChisk ' HAg selected . Putebardt es hu f".. "g . . 6 . ,4 - He Ma takluthe Mum lately oecupied by Alder man Miller on Fourth et, ram Grunt. immediately ra t%tio, Laramie° Haase. His ease Is mauled to lenee, where he will constantly hour.d, lace abeent On profemieual duty. 011ee from 7 to 9 o'clock A. M, end from 5 to 7 o'clock P. 3L . myridtiely SHOT -6tl Ygs ui 4 jut reed end for a le by Km* JAMFS A fIUTCHLSOIV & CO TAN-100 bbl. N. C... receiving and for ogle 99 - JAMES A HUTCHISON & Ct.a no's Nog. 42 Water and 92 Front gig C aFF"'—'s' bgeIIthVIOCIRDAVar by nors No 144 Ltbeny et T EAS -75 hf chests 190, O. P. sad v. IL Tea; 93 do Black Tea; - -."" 30 tarty ors O. P. and Y. B.Teo: landing Imd for wle low by BROWN 1 KIRKPATRICK novs " . No 144 Leherty'se TOBACCO -75 bxasa, choicelrands; 10 Wu IYs, " 5 baa lb lame " I.ding and for BROWN tr. MRKPATCK, No 141 W Rl hom et Q.AL.ERATug_3O !me (Adams & Co) on hand, for sale by mid J & It FLOYD OCKB-100 doz on bond iod for ool i oli e FLoyD ators hardware, (.futlery,ge., at Auction. On Tuesday allemoon, Nov. dth, at 2 o'clock, at Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and FM sts, will he sold. without reserve, for account of whom it may concern— An irvolee of Hardware, Cutlery, de.; eotaprising knives and forks, carvers, fine pen and pocket knives, nuors scissors and shears, brace and bats, brass and steel b arrelled pistols, percussion asps, tea bells. WM, mpg rages and boxes, nice strops, map, blacking, ban hinges, brads, nails, pad locks, tacks, selves an d riddles, midland tobacco boxes,tea trays, armill6 . and darning amities, pipes, mouse traps, ink stands Jew's harpsgbackles, pornmonsie, purses and pocke t books, shaving brushes, pewter plates, lamberts, clashes bmshes, books and eyes, tack, shoe and nail hammers, shoe knives, match safes, accordeona, violins, gates, . thimbles, eyelets, saw sets, drawing knives, halter chains, 6 S and brinania table and tea spoons, otter knives, butcher knives, curry combs, spars, slates, brass mdiapaned cmdlestic kr, hate Mashes, fine tuck .1 , and dressing combs. de., also, 10 rox shovels, spades and forks. noel JOHN D DAVIS, duct .111. p it..hIASON E, CO. have received per ezpress, 10 I,,,etersg, Eascorstecand Unique Sae, withrid-re __._t toper tench Merinos, of the most desirable pc [HON-125 ton. Black Fox Furnace now land• leg at Allegheny wharf, and for sale by old R FLOYD._ VI °LASSES —5l bbls landing from steamer &reel. .1.11 no and for sale low to elEls-slTirraar„ LARD-7ao k 6: ICincilickti,l . u ns ct treed and for ale 4p n ors SELL . & NICOLS LARD OlL—'-2116615 . 511r1 for silo by nov3 SELLERS & NICOLS ASTRY FLOUR -1151 5615 Beaumont & 11011 in gs Pvrorth's eves Pastry Flour; 50 do do ropertn• Flour; SO do fine Floor, in stare and for 51110 by novs SELLERS & NICOLE ACON-40 hid!, Sides; 00 do Shoulders; 10 do can sassed hams, for sale by 0045 stur.fts &Ntcpis HARRISON SEW FA.L, Commellor at Law.— O ti • flee on Fourth et. above Smithfield. novb.ly_ RENCII CASHMERES—Novi , cooling al 00 Mar, ko tare invoice of French Cobol., co , • nod fa.hlonabte doigus. novS A A MASON & CO LACK SILKS-2 ;nes cur. Om de Rhine, with big Lunres. nova A A MASON & CO LONG SllAWLS—Another invoice of those supe r Long Shawls, Piet ree'd per express, at GO Idarket st. novs _A _A MASON te CO BAROMF7fERS—Of Improved and beautiful mad. els, from Sl5 to $4O, fur wile by 0055 W W WILSON GA MP STOR Ell—Cornelin• & Co's celebrated Lambs, in every variety, suitable for Church., Dwellings, Stores, Steamboats, Factories, An. Them Lamps axe unrivalled to cheapness, bounty and brilliancy, and now in gettersl nee. novs W W NVII.SON COPAL VARNISII-10 bble engem, for sale by novs R 6 SELLERS, 67 Wood et CALTiAAIMONIA-I csk just rel;n;l 3 gr L se l f s by 3 3 .0TAS os Genoa., It 2 e 7W,L . , _ v QAL SODA-5 talcs just reed and for sale by la novs E SELLERS SUPER CARD. SODA-2210 lbs tralla i 4or sale by nova Gust ARAJ3IC No.ll-1 enact. , r i e t e"?.l •Iflr SELL ERS TEN. RED—IS bbl. for sale bjywiN MORGAN W ll n lT r lgsi=l3 bbls, salleriorArge rg i r io lzln 5C . 0T .,3 Cll SNUFF—I csk for sale sty _ JOHN D MORGAN Li n fr v6 OlL—l9 bets just reed j s oi nd for sale by il CREAM TARTAR-2 bbl. for talc by oss JOHN D MORGAN UMP PURDUE. STONE—I erk for role by roms JOHN D MORGAN TAR LAMPBLACK-3 baba for sa'c by n 0.3 JOHN D MOROAN DOTASII—a mks, for family ore, for gala at retail by nova JOHN D MORGAN (Dispmrh copy.) "J a i!! 1r b ;t1.27: trik. b CO, Liberty • t - 13OLL RUTTER—Lk bbl. and 30 kegs good Roll, 11 Jun landing, for sale by ..." 1 9 DILWORTH & CO SUGAR—ZI Idols N. O. just landing per maul bo Euphrates, and for sale by rte s 3 1 9 DILWORTH & CO WEEP POTATOE3-30 bbl. prune, but reed by eo~3 B 6 W HARBAUGH DRIED DEEP-10 eats day. Cured, Om reed and for sale 14 nerd Sk W lIARAAUGH EXTRA FV.UR-50 LSI. bast reed na for sale by Dovs fs t W 11A FEATHERS --EMI lb. prune,lwt rcc'd, (nr suln by nnvs S & IIARB.111(ibi UG.6 S 8 -15 bbd. N. 0. Just Isudinf yd.R md for WBAUGH e by 1 . lABIS *ALT-1(00.6gs enrana refined Enek,dadt, now landing fraor canal. for sale by • nonS ISA. 1•11 DICKEY k. CO, Front lot CIi n EZE-300 bra or store and Cro oath by ISAIAH DICKE'S, & CO C . REAM CIIEME-030 bra extra, at tho Batter and aloes. Depot of n 0.3 J B CANFIELD SHIPPING CHEEBE-300 bra prime, ree'eand for sale by ' nov3 J B CANFIELD "DOLL BUTTER-4 bbls reed tad for sale by 1.1. - 50•5 J D CANFIELD ---- ITRA FLOUR—Ia 50 lb .wk., pm ap exprataly Ej for family am, tot .ale tty 50•5 ' S F VON BONNUORST /t. CO t:: 1 111 " OSI C 133 " atie!, slat rata, fa . saLe by sovs S F. VON BONNHORST r a CO rFATHEHB-21 ata grime IWnou , for .ale by' 110: 0 V . C.ND FLAX a Lri v E i l-10 . r;7 , i s i r i z s R ale bi co CIIE&AE—WO [as W. R-, in fine order. for sale by BAGALFW t CO, nov3 - Nos. Se and 20 Wood at TANNERS' OIL-30 bbl. for sate by bovs NSI BAGALEY h .Co 350 14.." 6, Grant . . Vs, sapetir, Wanton's 4, Deng &James , A. Grant's ba; Burker's ils; Haig' ss, • I ocibding above and other choice brands, for cub by nO.O WM lIAGALEY to CO riIAR—INO bids N. C. 7 ar i, A i rg E T A bLiz i l?ood_erder, A. for sale by CU, novel In and In Wood rt SIIAK3PEARE--41.CRPER'SILLUStRAf .1- The complete Dramatic Wrings of Wm. Shots peace, arranged according to recent opproved colla tions of the Text; with Notes and other Illustrations by Com Guinan C. Verpigek. Puperbly entimillshed by One. 401) exquisite engravings by HOW el, after Designs by Meadows, Weir, and other eminent Artists. 3 cols. royal Evo. We may say withpride that the Atomic. additions and comment., from the pen of Verplancy, are of • sort 'to render the publication nogg, and quite superior to any other Si—W. G. Wrenn. • -It will mquestionably be placed no the head of all the <Mona of Fhakspeare eve. published, by every doicrimininating critic and Bhakspearian stodent.— Withthandliktna of Payne, Collier,Anight, and digger to select from, and the enure wealth of an which Eng ' laud has recently lavished on the illostrations of her great poet, at the command of the engraver, it could ot well bare been cgs rwise."—Standard. For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, need ID Wood at Valuable Farm for Sale, IgYAR CANTON, Stark county, Ohio, consisting of IS ACRES OF LAND, lea high mate of ruin ...non, with a suitable proportion of timber, and an abundance of Mono coal and limestone.. About equal propornom of this land are rolling upland, nelaptett wheat, and meadow land adapted to ,. gv i. and corn. ? o borne I b lc i lt " 111 " , '" a yrong are th a riW; c4 Arple Orchard, Ile grafted fruit; a good supply of young Peach Trees, gee. 'Forma—One fourth in hand. balance in cozy almost! pagroents. Title indisputable. .For further parnenlara apply to H. Griswold, Ea' Canton; or to the undersigned, at Steubenville, 0. JOHN ANDREW., Admintrtntor of lila Estate of 6t°. MIL [Lancaster Onion and Washington Reporter copy 3 times and amp, novs-dtmksenn TN A DRY 000D5 JOBBING HOUSE, an active or 1. ellen parner, with a cash capital of Twenty Thou sand Doll n, or two active panacea well acquainted with the bounces, and haunt from Five to Ten Thou sand Dollars oath, to take the place of a senior mem ber of the lino, Inning to retire on Motet of next /n -osey. The Hausa is well establin M shed, and con dofi i - ng n a ood basiness. All commuflleallotinty gal. address—blenhatt Del 677, Philadelphia de . nova-42+re Ohio and reanrwylvailla nall.road. %IRE Stockholders in the Ohio and Perimlrani Railroad Company are hereby notiEed to pay the Instalment of Five Dollars, on each share to spectirely held by them, at the ()Mee of the Company Third st., Pittsbursh, en or before the =t or Novem ben J. J. BROOKES, Treasurer. L I - 3iiblED OIL—tO bbl. Jost reed sad for sale by BURDRIDUE, WILSON & CO, nova ',Voter street REC'DIIIIS DAV- 13 13111dt* Rubber I'm at,,,,..,, . •. Sack " For sale at dm Robber Depot, N 0.3 Wood st_ nova - J & H PHILLIPS DOOR.9PRINUS-41 des Door Sprum, just seed and for sale at l& It PllDGsl`ov2 No `VolNed id `t BEEN ...Pi' bbla, various quldtties, just reed end for sale by novil YOTATOES-100 bu just reed and for WAsale TERM by AN novi °LAI:ME:a-4M bbls N. 0.• sow Wolfing from Ms Mesmer /dart' Arm, 1 .0 . de by novl L S WATERMAN .E.gaiiiXMEMM LARD —A taw tap prima No. L reed and fir ma by 80,9 L 8 WATERMAN - _ WRITE RF.ANS-3 3 Ws Cur soleby • novil 8 WATERMAN I p ROOMB-25 dos Corn Brooms L , for WATERMAN sale by nor 2 ' BLANKET* BLANKET3V.—W- R. Murphy has j.. 1 reed anoshar supply of counug and austere nuatufsentred Blankets, including some Of a very a;. Iwrfor q u.lity. House keepers. an invited to look at them before oinking their puschaseu. novn N. somas 4th and Market sus =EI2I • TIIE desirable oroPenY ...Wed by Ps* in the bor ough of Mariebester, being a good Cottage Brick ssousE, and Tyro Acres of 0 round finals improved. Possession gives immediately- &miles or Jas. An. d..::2E".."l°V.tbblecEEMY, of cc TEAS! BOAT BLAITICETI A tot of smteri. , S osality, domestic Mansfseture, for gale by noel DUMDUM! ' WILSONA co CriALOILEL-1 1 X11b.butt reel arid for sae by slay* • .1 KIDD & CO,BO Ward a rreHOULDIMS-38cttraqra: IN S t e i l. ,mA+ris oat3i Ili Wider at orru a mszw ti v a a ,x, N,!V THEATRE. • ....... C. &Portia, Anarcernis—Dress Circle awl Parqueno ea. Second Tier • 26 ID - Doors open before 7. Curtain rises I past 7 MR. SILSBEE FOR FOUR rim trrs hiORE2 ILTOming to the /rear success of American Come dtee, the Manager has re<egeged the Yankee Come • T.6.0/11% Nov. be acted THE DEAD SHOT. TmOd• Mr. BOWL°. Louisa ......... To be followed with &Pelee Drama celled SAM SUCK. Sam Suck Conseamee Blits Cruise. To eoneloee with ' LADY OF THE LYONS. Mr. Silsbee. Clod; Alesldlenot Alm &Main. Polly Mil AUCTION SALES. By Jotak D. Davis. Aactlonaer. serve, b; order of a Bankrupt'• • darignes, Rear IY. BlaudrU, Erg ,N. Y. • On Thursday afiernoon, Nov. Sth at 2 o'clock, glebe store, No 40 Ma, between Second and Third am, will be sold, WO cases of the finest and most gape. rior firstelms Wines, Brandies and Lace... ndlfinal ly selected in New York, regardless of el:pease, from the beet brands and vintages. Catalogues will be ready on Thursday. Terms, cash currenca. novo SOUND DAVIS, Auct_ • - - - Family Barestoks at Auction. Ou Wednesday morning, November 7, .t it o'clock, in front of the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner WOOd -tuld Sifts sts, will be sold—One sobs anual well finish ed secondhand ilatonehe, with foiling cop• nova JOHN D DAVIS, Anet Moran Building Las, to the Csty I Alleghary, I AT AUCTION! ".t'Oss Saturday a'mmonn,NovemberlOthosill be laid on the premises, flux Lots of Ground, situate 'do the south aide of Ohio et adjoining the "burnt district," hawng each a fiord of 20 ft, and extending back 90 ft m.zr=„l:oftlowea'cljolning the above, having a ftant of 20 ft on the West Common, and extending back 110 ft to the aforesaid 10 ft alley. These lots are certainly among the ties - t desirable to the city of Allegheny, In view of tufts.° growth end progress of improvement. Terms—One third cash, raid. in six and OWN° months, with interest. A plan of the lots may be seen at the store of Mer er ft Robinson. in Allegheny, sod at my auction room, corner of Wood and Fifth sts. 0001 JOHN D DAVIS, AUct ILLOROFOIML-20 lb. just reed and (or saki by ttoti J KIDD tr. CO, 60 Wcoil st ODIDE PO PASSA-125 az jam reed and for sale by novt J KIDD 3 CO, 60 W • • • st A LLF—Nt'S Nerve and Bono Litument-15 aro reed and for sale by GO Wood it - Olese of Navigation. (NUR friends and the public aro respectfully Worm \ ed that the Reliance Line will cease td ntip Gonda via Canal hom Pittsburgh on the 10th, andirons Phtadelphia on the 12th iut. We shall continue to carry goods by railroad and wagons during winter. nolitt JOHN McFADEN 4 Co Mncxs' '"er . oa J~ qr impq ror..e EN e 7I 0 ,,, HN HIePeU t OD few .ma ll bore. 'DALAI and Verieramd dor-1116e met reed from the cool, be.t ma igi D a CO wid low bY2" doDAASI. A (in easing red bbl.,) , r 0 Venitian Red and Miranda of dame, fo r _mit , g o JOHN IdeVADEN nort REIGN APPLES—Ie bbls yeeß and for by bort ARMSTRONG & CROZER HOGS— fat live Hogs, for saH OGS-.'N 0002 ARMSTRONG ft CR i ZER POTATOES -:-14 bbl. for sale by noir2 ARMSTRONG &CRI,IZER LILOUR-30 bbls Ilamblennes brand , for side by „I: nor/ ARMSTRONG & CROZER C' LASS—ilii bin Fiala 1 I Ur 150 his 100121.MeHennati it Con dated , 25 bin OglY 140 tits 0010', B. Fultenii bland; Landing front steamer LO Dill McLane. and for aide br iron • JAMES DALZELL,2I Walai a ' ROLL BeTTER-2 bblo, pia op X ieeciving .1 for ode by ROBERT DALZELL norl Übe C4EF.SE--100 bxs jouthro; this day; nor 2 d for le by lif 3 s s o Arg.k s Libe • SALERATUB—AI ciki and RI b. in story •d' • do by ROBERT DALZELL CO,& nnyt Libei4 at B ACON SIDF.S—For rate by norlt . I ' R DALZELL & CO, Li• rip it Wkerstie Istruseacx coos, Pivaburgb,Nor. Igo j A' A MEETING of the Stockholders of this mpany will be held at thole office, No. MI Wa rat., Oa Tueidsy, the 13th day of November inst., at I o'clock, A. U., for the transaction of business to be Üblllitlad to the Doled of Directors. An election fo thirteen Directors, to serve for the castling yea., wi be hold at Me lame place, on the same day, between the hones . of IP and 3 o'clock, P. !IL Utort-dtd L FINNEY, Jr. Secy. OLL BUTTER—I bill prima in mare • • R byoirrl PUTATO ES-50 [MN o. cormilmment, SEMr' arm CRAIG & COFFEEbgs prime in stord and for Ws by _ STUART Cc SILL' QIIIG AR -21 hhds ma r&g and for We b "norl • STUART /4 SILL lIIIHIERTM CHEMICAL WRITING FlID—We recommend Hibberts Writing Floid the ; az lanag eof the public, as a firm rate crue l 'jowl' re '.poets. It flows free from the ;ten without clogging It p, end in the coarse of • few hours becomes a deep brotht blaek. ' • • . • • . . Lsopineott & Son, FL A. Pahnestoek & Co, Ruben Moore, Metinearan & Douglas, Wick & McCandless, Jahn Parker, S. Wighunan &Co, Francis Sellers, C. A. Mcitnulry Jr. Co. For sale (together with Illbbert's Red and Machine Copy Inks) by B. A. Pabnestock & Co.; Hernl chwartz. Allegheny City, and the mannlacturer, '7IIOS. li. LUBBERT, Druggist k Clteeinn, nest-din, cot Liberty and Smithfield sts Oil DRIES—Ha inks Feathers; U bb bbl. Land; bates Conan; us anthe on steam • iTasearona kw sale by oral ISAIAH DICKEY & CO F er mat at A OLISSE.Ir o csee Srth Ho d ze; 45 tbls Plantation: for sale by oetht MATTHEWS & CO S IM MS-10 bornSmarine Casdlein 10 ' 4 Extra Pare/Much . 4 oases Demon Pickles and Cameron S . Genoa Citron: S " Castile Sop Almond . 40 drams Smyrna Figs; M, lint Comm Shat * Also, Cocoa, Brows and Chocolate: for sale by omit J D WILLIAMS a Ground, An N E Woo um Ws Chipped - D 4 I" for l7 A FAIINEtyrocK A co, act3l carnal First and Wood ats FAPE.:II NALTS-40 bb i ls A ßggra; c .rp c . .. ./i.L . C 11 101.-30 bbl. nßargicirric=alKeZyco rum , LOGWOOD-40cssesForeign.d . . ITIX erican, for sale by oct3l D A RAIINESTOCX A, CO !ASTRY PLOUR—ICSI bbls Pastry Floor, a inspori• I lor aria's far bakers and familia; last re c'd and .for sale b • obl3l SELLERS fr. NICOLA VINE FLOUR-60 bbl. Jon rclr'd awl for oohs by orar • SELLERS a NICOLE GINSENG-7 sacks now landing dosisleamar9e. Gaines, for sale by FLOUR.-3.sbblz now !muting from otemogri Nelson, tor Sale by ritIEJME—YoD bu i a awn and foi sale by V mat EDALZELL 100, Libelty 11 1-3EcAN Nrrs—to bbla moperior, ie stare and fa by attn. It D&LZ}2,I. & CO rvuleigi3ram/rmv•irrirts•lN . F!'il',l PONT'S POWDER—The aabeertbers, Agenti for the reatutfactoten of the above' celebrated brand of Powder, hare on band and are eoestalatly rc. csiving =polies of the digerati varieties, whisk they oiler for lair at reduced pore.. A liberal discorra al• lowed to 101:nestle dealem Vet/II IJUR BRIDGE, WILSON i CO 110STICE5LF—Tdoidiclithint Oirriede Cloth, with 41 Sed back, a 4101 rate article, for 'sale low at the India gabber Depor, No 6 Wood se 0e193 J & H PHILLIPS' EU'D THIS DAY—From ti-n-.TrilleTPaelcTrY,, R3OO yds 3-4 Floor Oil Cloth, sobl at a Ism prica t al N a wood . .tua . 14 PHI"IrS it VHUP , `SASH— rural lota bile and 10313 1 ." 0 "' 4 fc'' ".Y r ooLs, HS Seconds octll MIE72 kXri= B UCKE73—I3 Lart ß"v rTir S a l la t t ree`a far • - - 3 DOWN 4 5166hTf8c..11,.. °Cat DMA-40 dos Ka CROWN & KIRKPATRICK 10, ooms-73 des jusB ROW t reed Ind for sale b N k ICIRYPARICaI Deal Fen.UOgaoeb"al'un'zi"d46'"h° e b ect3t & CO, Front st w landing from 411101tMet tku. octal ISAIAH DICKEY k CO arlCOß:4lbis L salt by. S9oAlt-33 NO. cU7 rime) , .1.4 «co- 8 ATEILKAN CIAULD OLL-4340, chore treat Ode and for We by an.. 11 7. BRAUN* vesahri, net7l_ - . • 1-4 3.p o or et, ce r de - *eta LIRSUN filitEAM Werffir—b 6 4! sale by • UMW &Bang FOR LOUISVILLE. The new and splendid Campassen ger packet. .. . _. TELEGRAPH Isp.2, ason,snuter, Will lea, for Camin o t i ::L,illia on Friday' the Li, ~,,,, at ~, o!elock,A,./d. 'For freight or pas Sage ripply on board, to ' lIURDIUDGE , wirzoN ... c oo , uEo RISILTEIHERGEr, Agents . IL , vIl ' • . ' FOR ZitIVIi.L.E. --- . '• inc.,- -The splendid steamer _SHIPPER, Parkinson, muter,,arill love Co, the Woe and all intermediate pose on Wednesday,:be 7th hiss,. El o'elock, A :1 For freight or passage, apply 011 bawd. or to ~..11 • . . W B WliEt I. •Flt,Agt FOR GALLIPOLIS. The fine steamer ' REVEILLE. _ iim ilialt u la Stone. rotator, "rill leave for 'above 1 nd all intermediate ports this day, at i 10 o'clock, A. NI For freight or FOR CINCINNATI. The splendid steamer Capt. Bowman. will tell, for above and all intermediate rintts this day, BM!MEMtIIMI FOl 4 . 13 T. I.COIS. . • V... 1.,.. The spleadid fast wareing . steamer 1 - DE WIPP CLINTON; v J. D. Devenny, master, vvlll leave for _ the above and all Inter:oceliate pets this day, at 4 o'clock, P.M. For freight or passage, apply on be ent. nott.s FOR CINCINNATI.. 13e m a t aplendid at . GENEVA, AN kola, muter, will !cave r oe the above and all intermediate porta tart ot fkA.l4.• For frolght or passage opp! FOR MARIETTA AND ZAN a 4% ILLS The Cax,=astar, will leave far de aboYa and all intermediary pent. Wit day, at 0 o'clock, A. hi. For freight or passage, apply on board. or to novs 'IV It Agt FOR ST. LO IS. The !not rawnev IRoger., waster, win lenve for tbe re and internee-dint,. ports an W day;nezi, at tO o'clock, A. ff.' For .reicht or pareoco,nppiy on bawd. nary_ Vrmt:rrviiriluvniW‘i ~~~ DAILY PAc"KET LINE. 111215 well known line of splendid parcenger Steam ers is now composed of the largest, ovvittest,bes niched and furnishednod most powerful boats ou 11111 waters of the West. 'Every accommodation and cons fort that money F. procure, has been provided foe pap stagers. The line b.. been in operant¢n fr.{ five years —has carried a million of people without rho least Mu ry_to their persons. !Dm boats will he at the fool of Wood •trees the dal preview. to starting, fnrlhe mete. too of freight and the entry of emsonserc on thd rent. ter. In all cases the passage money must be paid to advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Cenniin Iletaphlil, wil leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at IU o'clock; Wheeling every Sunday evening nip 2. x.. • Mak.V,11047. PrEairP ACKER% - TheRIGNONGAIIELA„ Capt. STONY, WO i leave Piiis. burgh every Monday morning at 10 Wheeling every hlonday•evening at 10 r. ie. • • • • 1jk.11.0 - • • The HIBEBNLA No. 2, Capt. J. Ku vieih leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock; Whikling every Tuesday evening in 111 r. x. • WitlOSirtiMAV PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Cart S. Ila.e, wnß leave Putshargh every Wednesday moron ral 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesd av even ing o 10g. ■ Tlil/11110AirkACItts 1 r.T. The BRILLIANT, Capt. E.t.a, will leave Pitts burgh every Thursday morning m Wo'clocktVe r heeling every Thursday evening at 10 r. w. ItIinirPACIR.MT. • The CLIRPER N 0.2, Capt. Tom Dimas, will leave Pittelmrgb every Friday morning aulOo•eloc. Whew int every Friday evening at 10 e. ar, .11AVVELDAT PACKET. ' The IdR3SE.NGER Capr I. C. Woonwann, will leave Piusbargh every ' Friday morning al 10 ou. cloak; Wheeling every Friday at le r. w. Farmer's Mammoth Insztestace Co. WASHINGTON COUNTY, N. 't'., The Largest Insurance Company in the United States. TIS Company have issued about 40 , 000 Policies this year thus far, and probably at the rate of 10,- 08 annually in this state, mostly to the Eastern and middle parte. The rates of this Company are-low, both for cash andthe premium notes. The cost to insure an ordinary riot for SIOOO, be premium note SICI oily. Cash 40 per cent. on the note, which, with the policy and survey, make It about 115 for five years; Si per year, two emus per week, or reckoning stanchly !0 cents en the 8100. . - • Ttds amount of cash, although smalL has pia all loss promptly for several years; and 11, business, the Directors are wairantes/ In the belief that no tax iron the premium notes will he necessary. This Company are prohibited by their By-Lawn from Mewing in blocks or exposed parts of villtigns,_oz front taking risks upon any kind of Mills, Skeet , or Machin ery, which are considered hazardous, or from taking over stone upon one .risk. The policies of this com pany are free from the objectionable conditions found Mike pellets, of many other compsniesi out of which se much litigation arises. All matters of difference may be settled by arbitration In the County where the loss happens, by those insured in the Co.;and who see, of course,anembers. ' ARCM BISHOP, SeermarY- C. A. COLTON. Gen. Agent for Western Penn . ., to be found at present at octal-dlwBw2mT Brown's Hotel. Pirtsbu pl2cD-1113" AlttrTkI r rIrli ni EkTTS &CO SUGAR -112 lads prima N 0 Sagan •- . 16 bbla No 9 Loaf ao; • 89 Ws No. 4 tr... 5 Loaf &mar, (insole by -•91'RIIIiif:1.1A311112,W8 ste ail, . oet3l • MATTHEWS d. CO' kRD OIL-12 bills Curtly& la Co, best qualiryt JJ for sale by Id ot3i REIGY, AIATTLIEWS Co_ s Be . • • lJ 140 of chests Y. IL, 0. P., imp ? and Bik Tee 110 cod. ho. do do do do ... do, With ti general assorroceto of Groceries and Pitts borgb or.ofoctures, for salo by—sr_ _ oct3l _BIitYriIIATTIIEWS Es CO INC WASHBOARDS —' JO dot Holooee ouperici Z for salt by . J D WILL1A118; ocal - • • • No 110 Wood at CILIED3E-73 bales Extra Cream; 1./ 100 .Westect Reservat 30 lbs Sap Sago; for sale by octal JD WILLIA3IS MOW SC S--Ni bhls N 0, for sale by dotal. LS WATERMAN .TO BUYERS OP DUX uotibal T A -r .R. MURPHY, at north east corner of Fourth YR . and :docket Al* W now et-retying his seeand supply for the season, and can oder inducements to buyers tartly go be met notch. His aseortment of LADIES' DRESS. GOODS I. very fall, consiadap of French Merinos, Cashmere; Coburgs,Lyisnese Cloths, super Printed French Cash. metes, at paces considerably lower than they could. be bou ghti early lathe season. His stock of LONG SHAWLS Is large, and embraces many of the berustifal *tyres now on exhibition at Franklin Institute, Phtl.l4l. BONNET AND NECK RIBBON-g, Of new snd very handsome styles, Velvet Trim mings, SACKING- FLANK ELS, • ' O 1 various styles and qualities, plain and embroiderer, Black Silk Laces, Needle tVorked Collars and Cog Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers, Ceps end Fest!, r .a r , HANDSOME DRESS MKS. Of the newest styles, and at lower prices Starr usual; and rich changeable Silks sod Senn, gr &a.; and a large stock of STAPLE, AND HOUSEKEEPW. GOODS,' at lowest Prices. And in the gCIitICPWAg d.par.MCM willbefound Bash . .. .... .. . . _, . FRENCH BLACK AND FANCY:CC/VD CLOTHS,. Slack Doeskins, Winter Vestinr, Fancy Cassuneres, Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravats, rocket Hand. kerchiefs, ice. - • ' • . • • pp -Merchants CO visit the Wbolesale Nooses, np atairs. . .- . racial) • 'N JACKLTS--b4O UoOgti .11{ Kewsy /bum Wpol lockets jun reed by onso suncm..trr t wurrE. it/ Wood .t SHIRTS & DI AM/ER.3—W dorsi' Stglsts and Draigress gust reed 0_ _ • 0c139 13, z, Si l&gigli,E 16pLU OitAlgdacklLßM-4 b stt li Style, pagtla . segin!PJ.F..P.77 for sale by SHACKLEW & Mg" W ood , oeOJ lissottritoni of Block Silk Frisigvk J: lottlierelved 0ct.30 S SACS:I,MT &IVIIITE, 09 Wood tit GERMAN CLAV.Liiiious 0e430 S F VON SONNUORST & CO 50D„,A, 3 6"" 1- I''' s f!'447l7o b rroloßsr& co r pet= 8 F vON BONN lORST & CO WIIIIK FLSFt-ve nets reedand for sale i 4 ,,,30 F VON BONNIIURS &CQ DRIED MACIUS-100 beihelZor VON BONNIIOBB a,CO. BMIME:WS CrtiFitfB- - Recd thi. tin—y—iihn7td• soma assortment of Brostml'a Curets. ./ We le trot and me . * moved rules and rotor, We Invite our friends !devil and examine onr assortment oeoo I,V,_IIFCLINTOCK. !SALUI DICKEY b. CO raTetii CA/Lek: VS—Am reed ar - W - 711 Tacit. Carpet Warebeare, Of the latearlorporta tionj the handsomest Tapestry Brussels Carpet. ever brought to this market, to which wo_ invit e 4 ,i. ale „. do. of thole aerahlag to famish houses. °cop STroILOSII - 1..-41 large Cellar and Loh, in WorihousT, No lOU Liberty 11, on modemlo term—v. 4 Unix,. lu noparulus. •TOPIY to neL7ll • II Nfool.—The vrice In cult pi.4l for 0<t3.1 H AND don istr e T b LilCKLrs—: 3 l s do. lluckeb 3 do: Reeler3rfo.:Me by L 5 W ATIIFLNI A. 31 d - warc oeLIU & Co 'S -1 ?;Fr, 014 SHOOTING 11 CliTriNVOgR—Irr kr. rereiv by ockW JSDILWORTtt a CO STIZigORTLNG POWDEI-i-ifa=-717.0r cum me • • • •r• sale by BRAUN & REITER, wiser Libenl sbd 8, CUL , ni • ER*--.4•0 •ko prima Av., expr.i-ted. octISO J_9 DILWORIII & CO oatlO Jtl DILWORTH inao T ° o"a cc-s—i-lar idvmta,,ii.' ,p,.... : b 4 e d i d l le ts . Y. t!.,Cl;:rnialiiiiilg for sale low by ocOD J 8 DILWORTH& CO Ivl 00L,M 8 81:8-81M bbls in .to re e addrw • J DILWORTH &CO 13ROWCS--100,doz 113 atc. and for e an! MILOUZ-65 bble' slot for ale br r - mil STUART &SILL I!aßdalffil • nwatts-6.5 dot in store end for safe sty.. . 1113 tiovt STUART & SILL ILOWIIO.IOI. E R 'BIMINI. REIT _aft pro C 16°113 1 1 e ,1 31Mi g e0.., - 24,bui Jest reed ea eottogranent, and for a leerily noel 131174 RT ar BILL, LIS Wood 14 1011./1{CM.P11.1.1,,,,1 . tact More and for ode Sy STUART & SILL CHEESE—WO Lis dossesi' 4500 " Cream, Iskiians sad Gm: nest -.. STU HT k RILL