ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. DAVID C. TUTTLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVANLA, S. Lou., Mo. All tonnunnicadoun proippaitnsireted. octZLIY A RAISTRONO ICROZER,Commlatton Rerenuan 'lt and Dralcrs In Padua', No. J Markel Weer' - manias tt =aro, 11143.2 =RIM IDRAIII4 & REITER, Vy y - bolesale . 7l Retail Drug teg ''''').Plll MIA MOS. SIPA 11101N11. BV.W.: CI:LIIERTBON, il:l2"'Zi=o7l. 1 iim..o. P. 'rit;,:rfroc A Co, Wholesale and No are, earoaryoodand OW cc 'l7t fjP.:With:TriTarral, Wholesale (Averse, fe and L2O Wood street ratabergh. 0. U. PAATRIDONI,III. D., N0.1b5 SPRUCE STREET, PIIILADF.LPIIiA, /UN TEC UER to pre his particular attendee w the Lljacauncat of D..eisse of the SKIN, SCROFULA, end Dlsesews or the TOROAT. °Sea boor.: ■ A.M., 1 P. ht.., end 7 P. AI. ecehd3os• MLA A. AIWA. A. S. MUICUrit. Forivarding and Commiasion N./ Merchants. Np. 23 Market st, Pittsburgh., spa r) A.•AIeANCITY di Co, Forwarding and Con. toisilon Merchants; Canal Duda, Pittsburgh I'.. leh2 orlw COLEMAN,- COLCh Etiptic ft m u( r ' retr lOpring and Plough Steel, iron, &o. %V t. Levi, En Wales and Front orelia, Fitubarg 1,, Auo, do Doti pittoach Tram:lngo Al.11!•!W.le 0050 • w u. neuld % 13 , (lota of Near loft) .littWattl EVetlllll .114 Bworberry atlas. • N: 11.—Duesses alio month, gums and teeth treated dionnoopeahmany.aptilfaLtan • MIL 1 .41.1111, LIAM 2. 6.31.12. ENGLISIi tr. 11E 2N1 ETT, (late En liele, Gallagher CC...) Wholesale Georete,Gorunusaula and kot b=elian7.lll'etlft'ATud.d.7:7'd= s i. h,VLZee n nt Pah " li & . SIMI W. SILIDID J A uras D. MM.. (IMAGE. W. :WITH 1 CO, /tower*, Maloof, Ur and Hop Dozier a, Cul la. rinotoor• opt*, i.):ll.4fOgt I.luormseloo unit Foorarditi ‘,X Mordant, No. 2O Wocol streeL Pittsburgh. loyr: 7 7 - 11111111 lafal.OT/iciFiero HSTEART, manufactoto of lloovi W bkortings, Cheeks. &c.,• Robecco sorry city Auegheuy. ' • 00015,14. 11 — L E E, tseceetsot to Murphy ta Lee,) wool Let ea and Cecatnivelon Merchant, tut the sale 1112[ . /iCIIII It/velvety Liberty, epitome Dth at. feta] . Lilitit.ll3. • • • a. J. nocuoz, 23DVAED luaus, D. C. ACCALIMOD DADI L WALD., "LI EAU) & N UCIiNUII, Coounitudoa .4144 dolts, 41140/11g Weer 44, kik North Wlthrycs 1101. a0f10.41 L.A. LIA.T. ' WE. P. 30313. - 11 ARIA', JUNIZ & Co; (sneecarora to Atwood, JLL Jonas lc Co.) Conctramon and Fonrazdu= chants, dears le 333 Pittaborth Manalietnrol ? ,,, ii_bigtho P. • . :Cohn taacau DICES!, &03003 010103, nc, Li3Alall Dicgrx a. Co., Mensal. Gran Con.- ..Winn Merchant., ape. dealer. in Produce, N0a.58 &kr, 000107 Front aloe Pittabur h. • .novh JOHN'S. LlMOlalf. 101.8 1 H. DILWORTH tc Co, Wholesale Grocers Pi, h, • duce and Commission Merchants, and .Agents fer the Harald Rossderfo. of N. hi, No. t Wood s; Piltsbargh. no JUILN IC'')AOW/CP.IE.AII, MuslinlN, arm eyetteenry• N 0.14 Market at., three doors above :fiord at. Pins; / burgh, will here constantly on hand a well selected es; ' sortniont of the best sad freshest bledleines, which ha win sell en tro, roast reasonable PhYslo.ttnts • , sending orders rail be Trozolly'snendedta, and any. pled with erales [bey rosy rely upon AA it-61111M irr rnyg.saus Presenpuons will be accurately and I neatly prepare (rota the best Pit14.7j1.15, al any boar el he day or nab•ln.. . i .toe t of fresh and ;cad Parts, Nee !- I T P. (late of Warne, Wo n ) t, *inentri. P. sla and Fame/vine Merchant,. and wholesale eater in Wester', Reserso Cheese, Dotter, Pot and Pearl Ash, and Western .Produce gerivally, Water trent, between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. sp3 LHN WATT, Isuccessor to kwnit /le Gebbart,l Minim:de Grocer and Commission Merchant, ei lu Produce and Pittsburgh Alansfeetures, ear.. ner orLtberty and nand streetartnsburgh Pd. id= JAAIES A. IJUTCLUSON, Co.—Soccessors to ebewir ilunchison 4 Co., Conunicion Nerehrtabs, • and Agents of the St. Louis Steam Sugar }Winery. No. 41. water and bl front elreetS, Pll.:Yrjh. matil J'VlfirßUttflUsiralaW,b(34V 44 :n a t•= Wood' street,otsc door Sotth of Diamond alloy, Pit. burgh. tsueceator to Joseph& V DaTia) Slop Clnidlers„:l6 WitieLstree!.. •so in maiO andbituneal Lusiratoents„Sehool s bo oa s kaPer,glthies, Steel feu., foal; Prunus' Cards, and Stationary generally, No. 8l Wood t, Pittsburgh_ " • _bibtor take. is trade. septL g 13C11001th . 6 - .; - %VttOre - iat - st V • No. A Wood meet, Piusbargh. 1 WIN 11. DAVlB,2knaloacer, comer WI and' Wood U avec& Pittat . &#, JIIN - kUPI & STOCKTON“lookseUerz, Prizatra and Paper Alanufaclare no, Pia 14 Market se; rat. bargle ea — Jam Yl.or U. IL•cxaL lborn. '7 & IL FLOYD, %Frboleeelo Grocers, Conitaission 41. hlerentinir:, beidere Di' ProZcirerWouoir Chstreh Litit!dings, fronting on Liberty, Wood- mud bib gram, eluellarsM, Yu. . JTAXEs Wholualc timer, Ge 111011241711 hiCIC/11114 and dealer w Produce a nd Mutation Idaanfaentree. N 0.24 Water at, Pittsburgh.. janlti. lain • Minion Wine. and Liquors, and old Monon galuda !lye Whiskeys, corner Mat and .Market sluioon- & JUZik.Z, Forwarding and Commission :ger chautr,'Dcalers in Produce and Pittsburgh menu, lantana' an. lee, Canal Resin, near 7th sL .nil PREP, 11.11.141 PIT TSB411,1011," ENNEDY, C1111.,11b & CO., Manufacturers of veil , superior 4-4 Sheeting., Carpet Chain, Canon ino Vesta" . Liza iron Works. LEWIS, DAL:ZELL & Co., m.afactiarera of all ai sea Ilur, Skeet, Boiler Iron sad Neils of that, quality. Wt.:choose, M winter and 105 from id. waTurairi, Wholesale (Wooer, Forward. Le Lug and Conualsalon !dank.; Dealt. in - Pin argh Dianallicturos and Prodace,'Nos. SI Water ,rt and GI Front , UMW EVITiEUT,Jo. X. saws kraszinallx & se.wys.u, OOKINU GLAIS.S Atantsfacterera and Wholesale denten. to foreign and domestic Variety fiend. butt,. merchants, Pedlars and when axe molted td call and examine the price and guano , of our stock, as with our present increased feeih n es in nousufectur • mg and pureansisay, we think wd CILI{ oder. great intiliCenleilla to buyen .1 any other liodse west of she bleutains. satd-ly wan ate, Phnada w. MILLEIt & ILICKETSON; Whokande &earners, rind impters of (Inmates, Wrrres and es N o.. Inand 1 74 , corner of Liberty nod Irtn-tu streetn,'Fit mt. burg& Pa 1700, Nags, Cotton Yarns, &n. con stantly on Mau& augl4. JOLT J.M. MA1.1.11 C. I►A cIiILLS &RUE, Wholeastle fitment suld Commis:. 11L ion Merelmnls, No. & 4 Libcny Pittsbagh. -Muc1714,71. 1- .P. I,=Zielr.:RV Wcod a:rett, PittsLittii. • owlet: and Mlolaturerton. 4,1 ter. Room., earner of Post Otago AJley arid Fourth wee', eotranee on lm near .Itaract. ••• • • (frrstanum WUR.riS AM) aragii A.ND AXLE FACIVILY. u..c, JOBEs :it'qtrioa72.r.4moo, UANUFACTUILERS of spring and blister .jeer, 111. plough meet, steel plough winga,!coach' std ehp to spumy-a, hammered in axles, and dealers mai fir. mgt.. Indira, and coach trimming, generally, cornea of Itoma and Front tas, ?Watuga, 'lc SON, No. S's Mallet al., second £ door from COM. of Fourth, doalCre to Foseso *EA esue 13/Ile of glxclawge, iesof Vcpo. Lamy Nolen and Spec.. too t mad on all like principal tulles hams peat t o Tin imd deer) Al.osamaa—thlice, Emma third door abovo Southfield, south mde. ancepmeing of all kind. done . with .tbo greatest ease cud legal .euracy. Tales te Heal Estate examined, he. ocl3o-ly H. T. /Loberis. H. D.. • OPT bEHtiEUN, will attend the or of Altana of the Eye. • Dr. R. hoe been engaged in ills branch of the =di ' cal prink...ion foitiateen years, and has conducted an elitallehtlital for the treatment of glieueii of the eye goat tot several yenta. 0111. sod residence, corner of Sandusky of and Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. 0et.13 • --111.721.4iillifhlti6i. .r . a . no facture nod Real Estati. falterer In I. Ulelifiy to Co. octlif.dlni PLK hTliit.T, between 'Ws) on an d Hand. bas moaned his professional dunes, giving . instrue , tains on Mei ?Moo, l; aims, mid in Vocal angl4:4o St, nearrWood—All quantities of Green and Blank Tess, done up in quarter half, and ; u o PmkalCus, 'miming from M ets.'iser pound ff'd A. dal Nh)!, roe Pekin ree CO. having asooclated 7/iOMAS aak .6 .< l4 .77, l ll:fige i tT=m b ittnotel 7 C °l l be touu nod Ita,[l4ro ‘lll4er the inn of RobtooN.l.ll. __ • ySON, LITTLE No . WiLiberiFstree jL L Min & CO, ' aourgh, 'Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Cdodnlmion Merchants, and dealer& in Prinshorgh Idaaidatou&n: . • 'DI /MM. LOU.. U . DC LITTLIL Senurizai._ k ti lifeeliirlric - Wio — Zaie Groner, 11 .- yong - ' Dasiillor, dealer In Produce, Pittsburgh Nano Me tares,. and ad intds of Foreign ind Domestic Wines lag Lupo. _No. II Llberty .veer. On band &very , large clock of super.. old MonougAeta whiskey, which wllbe aohl low for mash: 44 1 Y_ - Lc; ,‘„, o. iterptns, • 1. L.'lliZlL -I)KV.NOLUS Ferwanling and Commtgsnin lieti'a.!..cfor the Aller,beny 111•10 . Trade, deal an In Greeenea, l•roduce, ratabargh Idumfacturea wd 0110 rid Linn. • The highert pricer in cash, paid at all liMet for coons pricey and Irwin sin Dula:llT DALZELL & Co., Wholesale Gram, Corraniction and Forreanhog Marchantsideatera is rindoen god rattbargh Manufactures, Liberty aL l'atxbaren, Wholesale .LL IR+lerin •44 . te hh d l ' ththhrg . h .°hTf,r' _q• 'MOIL L111:1711. i t111: 1 104,re .k. Wholetala Dealers In • FOrebre and Domemic Vry Goods. rte. Wood st. Albin( ~.., "11 t A111117 , 11. - ialkiV Co., Wholesale limits sad la Produce floaters, Lila Market streetelietweenSile end ihh:Nonh'side, delphia. - • norie roliCHTuroldTVVOid - hle — lrre 0. in Iloilo and Prodose generall y. and Foosehoding and Commission Merchants, No. 53 Water at, Pins. • 1.....104 ••••111•1[013. '3010•000110111,110..1.111 S •fr: •NlCOL9,•Prtatuee and General Cum. tram. Merchants, N. 17 Liberty st., Pittsburgh. M lORS UN BONNIT, Et CO,Wholesnle Gra. eon, Forman:llov and Commission Merchant*, SDeete m Pittsburgh Manniheatras and-Western Pro daft, have removed io their neopararehoare,(old stand) No. :id, eomer of Front st. and theheedy Lane. Ilkker, Whole Ode those. El Coillll4. 2101.1 Mriebanis, and defilers in Produce. No. BS ‘kood ?Bigot eel,. PO2l eVROTII tigilYTT, Wholesale And Retail dealer. ill .1, lloxilen :quits, Trunks, Carper Bags, Ac. , S. W. corner of (lb and Smißilield ats,Yillsburgh, Pik 1.2 • —r- J.ktcill — lvitii7Vl2llT7Su, N cod GIGARN, defier in Old afoiongahela.Bye Whiskey and Pinata:trail Man aliciurea, corner of Market and Find in. &meek,: articles supplied at market rate*. oeun ' • & I..MITCIIILLTRIGH, ‘N " Tf ['F itt 1 4 : an G S R PI. P 1 ANTS. Also—lcaforters of Soda AA and Bleaching Powder, NA lOU lAhectY et., (opposite Siath oh ' ) nit*. borqb. •et 23 DAVID -NrCANDLIOS WICK & lIPGANDLEI,S, lancocwars to L. & L D. Ty Wick,' Wltolcaale Grocers, Forwarding and 'Consmission. MerchanjA, dealers in Iron, Nails, Glow, ' Lon., Verne, and Pittsburgh Alanefecturce. generally, retwe• nt tt4aal and Wan r .treeta. Pittsburgh. Vr 7 tcleA.LLACki.. Mill stone and limit Furnish ing establishment, No. 244 Liberty at., war the multi • r. 5 Tit wswarsk , r;% - thii, - )iiiele — , -- y Wari, ?Aaiun' Goods, corner or Morket and 4th strrets, Pattabergh, Pa.' N. 13.—Watrhes ,and Clocks esrelarly repaired., • dec.' f.5i—000311111910,1 arTil — For W l- ; ' ,l t ere —r ef No.VO Front sk between Wood and Marker &eV.. feliti 711 iTurgeTatirii;ilir I' 4 me Forew • o and DM:IMO/IC Dry Geode, north caul tor of Markets.' Fear. sta aura MN. T.., TRIM NT lia lL .N . 6 Co.—Dealers in Icw . .her uSIY iircrcurom. Y , moor. leCiTClll,Oli, ILT & I , IICUSCIIEOii, Wholesale Grocers, dea- V . ler. in Produce, In, Glass, and PIM._ burgh Menurecturcs• generally' IQ Liberty at, Pitts ', deed pj I"lrNl"—fThVt°l 7 2 lrer llttlry(a,7?., . ; • ' • yotfita & Co. DALERS IN lIIDEB AND.LEATI&R, Morocco,. Shot Findlay, &e., N. 1131.1barty meet, have received amp. SPRING STOCK of roods root prising a largo new:meat of articles in' their line, to cinch tha anemic - a of purchasers is invited. „ rfaiikilit di co” OTE T AN.EIOAT AO IF:NTS Orin= AZOVZ M. ALUM& CO. OEM No. 42 Waler wee, lIMPAIMI Lill and floodlit In•nrana• THE blatant Life and Dentin Ineurnnee Company of Philadelphia 'lncorporated by the Logisniture ,of Pennrylmam, Han kr. 1040. Charier perixtost. Capital. Sluool2o. Ruin nowxl rase an illsrmiih -I,MA CostiNT, and fall per cent tower tbno the asp, rates of Life Insurance, as the following eon, wizen will show: than, a person of 'be t age 3D ia sufing for sloo for life, mast pay in the thraed Pennsylvania. 52.30, Penn Mutual, £12.36; Yqutiatilel; 112 2 01 2 N England, $9,705 Nese York Life. 1M.,36;. er,LIC, Life and Health:Philadelphia, d 1,91. • Dian - run .—Simnel 0. Orrick, Chicle. IL Hail. W. F. Scene, Robert? King, Charles P.ltnyes, 31. W. flak/wid M. H. Reeve, ht. Chas. 0. 11 Campbell, Lewis Coooef, I. Rodman Barker, E. ILLtutler,-F,darin B. Cope. •President--Sannel D. Ornek; Vine Preai. dent—Roht. P. Ring; Secretary—Frans Slackburne. Application. Winne tee eived,and every irdiminarien given by . )' Odic SA2II...PAIaI Rooms, earnINESTOOK, Agt, n, Commercier of neradly Wood and Third sts, Pittsburgh I FRei CE , PROTECTION FIRE AND MARINEINSURANCECOAIPA . s I NYOF HARTFORD, CONN. _ . 1110.11147. La Idris' Annual Premiums; Capital Stock, and Surplim Fond, 114000,000. ' This old and responsible Company continues to is. sae policies on the most fimonithle terms oulliweldn,g Houses, llousehold Fumlture,tdores,Stniks of Goods, tparehonam end contents, Ails and hinnuMetories, de. du, minium I.A.ISS4JR DADIAOH lIYFIRN. • Also, on Goods, 'Ware. and Idemhandisc, against the bawds-of Imams TIIIII2IrOMMIOX, and upon she Cargo. of Sea Vessel. The Protection Insurance Conipmly having, in the last 22 years, paid sum =Mom or notralis at their several ageneim througholt the United States sod We' British ki evinces, have established a - Not reputation for solvency and fair dealing, which challenges cow. parison with any other umurance company en the continent of hummed The annexed extract from an article on the subject of Insurance Companies, mien Gam the "New YerliDay flask,. exhibtm briefly the handing and policy of the ConimanT , , The 2stodeved men' of the anment and always pros (miens city of Hartford, have for half a ceaturpbeen Melees throughout the Union for the care, chteretion, rigid honesty, and unvarying sauce!. with which they hare Conandand managed car:inflames of this de scription. do Ilartlind Bank or Insurance Company boo ever Mend These Companies have for more than a wlii•lc geimadon acnitere.l their risks an near ly,esery elute. of the Union, and have never failed to paf the innumerable losses which they have insured. against... . - . _ All lowctarising upon policies isandd brew runlet. aignedornil tie prompdp adjusted and paid at the Gell rt.' Agency office, located at Cincinnati.,o. A lane pertain or the rands of the Corapimy, irnelading Id& premiumil received at the %Vegeta rideticiev,) is de posited with the General Adept of the Company ar Cincinnati, for the-payment of Western and Stanliern lanes. Apply to FAYETTE BROWN, Agent lotthe city a vimbursh, .Itl for Alleghenye • cty. ocadln • This ranasylvmata Company Fos Ins bunco on Laves kn. Guaroa ANALRIDW. ME first we Insarance is the . U. Humes. incotporated March tu, tyrg_gb, ter pvpew.L Capital 7.500,1.10n—a1l !mid in. Moving authorised the undersigned to receive appli cations for insurance, on Mach policies wilt be issued, moonily' to their proposala and rows, winch will be wads known to applicants on his office, No. 55 Wood street.• epti GEO COCHRAN. . WEETL 111 3 114 ATIZI-11-011FAMT OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL 1810,000. J. rmarT, &oh , I It. AUL.", Jr., Praer- Wit! more againal all kinds of mks, 171 HE 21...ND.51AltliNE. A L p L , lres be litre!ally iu.l; promptly A homy l: in by Directors who are well,knowe in the consmuntty, and who WV delennin sil by pi-clewing. and liberality to maintain the char acter which they bare mutinied, ea offering the best proyellOn to Mow who desire to be Insured- Macrons—R. Mier, Hee , Mack, J. W. Butler, N. Holm., Jk., Wm. IL Holmes, C. Itunsen, Geo: W. Jackson, Wm. Lyon, Jas. Lippineett i • Thoe IL Lock, James Allialey, Alex. Maim k, Thom. Soon. l uWm. streeti_tivareittocum of Spans - J , Co„ oteitod Pittsburgh. ' 12PRIMANMIGe DZLAWARE hIRTUAL SAFETY INSU .I RANCE IMlPANY.—tfice, North Room of the E.rchengri,Th street, Philidelphte. Piss llesmienes.;-Ifitildings, filerchendiee and other property in Tote and serene, Insured egainit lose or ilionago by fire tithe loosen rate of premium. Mamas true...--They al. insure Veseele, Car goo, and Freights, foreign or COltsterbK, ander open or special policies,u the smeared may desire. IseenoTaessrorreame—They also Imam Inereban• due tremporied by Wagons, Reamed Cars, Canal Boma and Me= DORIS, on rivers and lakes, on the most liberel term. DIEECIMES—Joseph 11. tleal, Edmond A. Sondes, John C Davis, Hobert Garton, John R. Penrose, Same 'el Edwards, Geo G [Alper, Edward Darlington. Isaac K Dam. Falwell, John Newlin, Dr It M Ilas mn, James C Hand, Theoplultm Pmldlng, H Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Benin, Spencer Melly.", Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, WLL hoot Hay, Dr G Theme, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PIITSOURCiII —D. T. Morgan, 1E m. Bauder; Jan. T. Logan. WILLIAM ZiARTIDI, President . Rasa. licwaabn, Sec Murry. rf (Mee of the Company, No. 42 Water strum, Pittsburgh, • julfedif .• • P..A. MADEIRA, Agent. twit 6a: jI rPtIE ItiltIlltAISICE: CO. of North America vrill A Make permanent and limited laanrance on pro perty in this city and riciniry. and I a shipments by Canal, Ilivcrs, Lakes, and by Sea. The. propertirs or this Creapany me well Winced, and al l per an avail able Mud for the ample indemnity of all perinea Who desire tole protected byinmrance. myle WAI. JONEni, Agent, 44 Water at iNifficitiustYrY. The Frani/in Putt' lruuraner Co. of .Pkilarldphin. fAIRUCTORS.—CiterIes N. Bancker Themes Nen, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, W Richards, Mitlideeai I). Lewis, Adolphe E. LIOX/C, Darn) S. Ltrown,•Mortia Patterson.. Cosa , .. N. Besets; President. Charles G. Baneker,Seeretar7. Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town or country, as rates as low as art wnsistent with semirity. To Company lines reserved a large minting en t Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest ed, afford 'ample protection to the assured. Th. WEIS oohe company, on January Ist, lee% as publiahed agreeebly to an act of Assembly, were as Tellows, Alortgeges Real Estate Tearoom)/ Lams ta Cmeaa Caab, ie.. • • .1- 51M5,414 71 Since their incorporation, a aerial of le years, they ,have paid erviiards of one million four handled thous and dollars, losses by Ede, thereby affording evidence •cf the advantages oflnsoyance, as well as the ability and dlsposition to meet math pr . omptries• all liabilities. • • GAILDINka t-OFTIN, Age., morl-dly °Moor: corner W and sts —— • . DSEL &WA/yr.-MUTUAL IBTUB h .ANGIC Co. P. startiblenEluelSeo&'lTstraPn4ce (I'OMpltry'hopiPhl.ll: mislaid , Fire Silks upon btliidi.g....Xd of every description, susegasnuadsks upon hulls or -urgees of vessels„thken upon the most favorable • _ _ . kb- - 'Mee in the Warchease of.W B. Mimeo & Bro., No. J 7 Water, near Market street, .ittsbargh. ' N.lL—The sneceas of this Company se the mash. lethment. of the Agency in thia city, with inc the prompt ne” and liberality with which every Maim upon them from hoe been. adjusted, fully warrant the agent in 1 vtung the congdenms and patronage eats fritmda and e conummity at large to the DMirilfllE M. S. Mgt ranee Company, while it has the additional advantare at an institution among the most flourishing inPiiiial-- pp r ;-as having an amplapaid-in capital, which bytbe o ton of stn charms .131.001141 AM 1.1,1ffe..1.1j,1••: y tiding to each person insured his due share of the' i4ogla of the company, wnttour involving kiln in any reaponstbilityymetcycr, Viand therefore as possessing a - Mutual puttetpla divested uf every Minazious tea. . .11110., end In lie 100,1 ittrilMito form . . ! nor 4 • ir ----- MU '/7, -- 4.:in-- - 14171c.CollUni.Tiro - p Cti-iTt g la by. OHACKL.I.TB & WEIIIT, WI Wood to CARDS. FOUNTAIN-HOTEL.. LIORSTRE-ET BALTIMORE, Man AID MIMI; 111./I=SOLL lllTins establishment long and widely known as •being one of the most commodious in the city of Baltimore, hos recently undergone eery exten sive alteration, and improvements. An eptim new l wing . has been added, containlas ai a‘ tuttarous and airy b:',7,•morpletely reorganimel and fined op In a ran genitive and ,bemi fith stole. To fact th e whole arrangement of the haute - has been reasedelod, with a tingle eye aqvtbelmt of t heir prierers, towards the comfort and 'pleasure of t Guest., and which they confidently amen will challenge comparison with may Hotel In the Unita. Their table will always he supplied with ever) sub. menial sod luxury which themarket ritforda, served up in a superior style; while to the way of Wines, they will not ha surpassed. In ennelunien die proprietors beg to say, that of will be left endorsee their part,and on the part of their assistants, to render tide lintel Imlay Abe eopnenee patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, ILI% per day. Gentlemen's 1,60 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Car and kheambrad Landings, which will convey beggage to and from the Hotel, fire of charge. length/ • INAJNAILTINE HOUSE, coma, DI .071.11 t A= GRAM 11211131., 11171111rE1II. AILTHE subscriber respeettally &nominees thsr he bun., opened his new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of trivelres, hoarders, and the public generally. 'The imam and furniture re are entirely new, and rtina or expense have been snared torender it one of the most comfortable and T Hotels the city. The subscriber's dem:mined to deserve, and thete foreoc solicits, • ahem of public patrowe. tl4-stly JACOB HOUGH,punietor. STAT.gI3 11.10'1' 7 CHUMPS R., •CTIATICIIIO.2II,I2I 17 ITN air. OOPPOSITE Iate Bank of the United buttes, Phila. Mader'. M. POPE MUM "ELL, Proprietor. JOHN Hs HANHIN, A , A TTOILNEY and Counsellor at Law, sioner for the State of Penuarlymtal 4o hats ol Piushorgh.) llama ancles—Plsburght lion. W. Fe lon se Mille; 111•Candless a SPClare, .to. 'sells e. 'sample, k Ring. S. u. BAUD. 1. t SLIM) & lITZEtRZT A ITORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS 11. Fourth street, between Smithfield . 10.1bargh P. LARGE & FIISENDI TTOANEYS AT LAW, Fourth wee elttlassaKElM, A TTORNEY AT LAW —Office on Fa A two. Soaanleld nal Grant at, Pt NVILL also amend to colleens= and al other mess entrusted to him in Ruder andl Armstrongcoo cities, Pa. Refer to J.k.11 Floyd, Liberty at W. W:liVallaco, do James !dare/gel do.l:_iT. burgh. dly Ray a. Co., Wood .L ) Ja.n . f_ T .9. SWEITZER, Attorney at Law, g ee 34 at., st/ . eppoaite fat. Charles Hotel, Pittsburg h, w il l al. attend promptly to Collections, in Wtostan n, Fayette and Cr eon comities, F. 1 REFER TO Ellnekstnek, Dell R Church & Carothers, }Puteburgh. "F, J. JIENRY, *Attorney ion. in and CEonnect , Ci annum., Ohie. Collect So and in lndiaoa, and in Kentunky, pronunit fully attended Commissioner forth. eriennia, fur Wilily Depositions, nekno .; &e. tru. Roma on—lion. Wm. Dell A Son, Co ' Carothera, Wm. Hors, Esq., Wiflook to Da HATS, CAPS AND_ BON• aFALL FASEVION FOR. 11A mccimai S Co. will inttodtme ad /lets, Aug . 15thd the WI style of G i /fins, corner of RIM and Wood squats. • othCOIID & CO, at(Sonoma .r to !Mord k Magi rwahlostabl• 11•St•es.1011 Comm of Wood and Fifth Sena,. ARTICULAR mil cation paid to oar RetiitTrade. P Gentlemen ran rely upon gettion their Hats and Caps from oar emabli.entient of the rm mammas and soramunruimr, of We: LIU" arMaa, aml tape Limn= Palm. Corirary ritereheco, parehawng by wholesale, ue respectfelly Invited l call and exatorrin our Stock; as we can say with co nfideoca that all,nrganie sicaurr *Won with cuy =seiNlll%lp m Z 'ff" In ""'P febt7 CALLlbilliLl. IiATS-12 dos Water woo( A Californla Haw, jun received and for sale, by hrCURD & Co, letir7 corner Sth and Wood ais ~ ra opting° vAsnioss Fan 1849. 11CCORD & Co. will introduce on ttatur-A • Alliday, March MIL, LIM d ia p er yy of iIATS: ThOre in want of a neat anor hat, Are invite-a to call at corner of oth and Wow! Wrenn.' mail_ PRING 190:4ZiLT„BIBB'ONS, ke.—W ft Murphy has now open ISaittpply .of spring Ilannet ftilittous i of near and handsome styles. Also, new style fird Piens,. Lisle Leos and Zig, huts; Linen FAlgingS; Vienurit. do: plaid Meath. and Jaeonett,mbraidesed Swiss bluslina, kn.; besides a largo misname= oTpring Geuidasetterally, at north east corner 4th and Ilarket • Wholesale ROOM op stairs. ape FORIVARD NG & COMMISSION. QTUART t SlLL,,Grocent, and P r oduce and Corn )7 &Helm Merebaats, No. LIU Wood or. Pittsburgh. Dealers to ritoceries, Flour, Wheat, R) e, Dots Corn, Ropey, Pork, Bacon. Honer, Lard, Cheesei,Clover, Tiinothy and Flag geed.; Iron. Nuts, I , ati Particular aunt:Moo paid to the sale or Western Produce. - Racoon=la—Mee/tr. Myer. & hooter, Robt. call & Co., to Gills R. Roe, Hampton, Sion* & Co., James Mak, King & Moorhead, Putsbaralt. Fenner & Maiallon. Jos. S. Mortisou, 'Yeah Ht. Loafs. tool. cute, late of N. Lisbon, G. W. a OILJLIG t SKINNYIt e CIPLNERAL AHED CY, Controlesion and Fort card. 1.7. l Merchants, 'to. UR Market et, Pittsburgh, Pa. ID . FTOO2O anallaoa.given no tbe purchase WA late of ail kinds of .Produre- gnat eo—John Watt & Co., Murphy, Wil.on & Pittabargb, Pa.; Lsorsou & liol Mahlon Martin,. Wellsville, 0.; John H. Brown & Grin, Elliott & Co., Philadelphia; D. W. Soodgraaa 16 Co., Gregg & Noce, New Lisbon, (L P. !Dinner, lion. C. D. Corm, Chicholm& J. P. Kell.r, Youngstown, 04 W. L. litars.. Jam Cleveland, 0. . Commission and Forwarding Merchant. :b *sloop rr., rerseavann, ONTLNIYM to . tr.itutet a general Commieslon heal. nese, especially itt the plireltase and sale of AMC ti au 2116p1r." --- "eadoce„ and in receiving and dniwinx 11,.. n, dassalla, loma t woolen ends, double or mingle, for 14Clehlat Or country work, andei,jdekt,a.e.;slidel.d hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kind, of charting mado to order, or planter/- en for gearing factoring or mina at reaurnsuble chorea. Awn no—Kennel Childs A Co, Blacketock, Bell A Cu. King, Pennock / Co., Jas. A. Gm. ""*la Lt a i i ii'i ltßO ilt —"---- 1 1 1! . P L it'34=Pfl Tat . opened 1 the large et lo on First st, running through to Second s between Wood and Smithfield ets.,in the ..of the Monongahela Meese, Wall an entirely net teak of Morsel and Carriages or MC best quality and I st styles.. no kept at live ry in the best manner Wedly ____— .170111 °FUZZ WOOD GARDENS. ...„„ Th stew boat A. MASON** now nit from the Point, foot of to erty stree, to the Cair n . caving al 0 o'clock, A. V i s and at the Pt-F.121g or e h hour until it P.M. Visite. , oesy rely on foaling a boat at the hour. Ski I the tiaiden, the lama nip, at b ond lck. . The .2.11013 Is fast remelt:ft, those wishing to jolt this delightful re at, nom is Ste time to spend a • --• '- --- ----as and dust of the city, Matti with the fragrance oft $1,417,4.43 41 94,794 67 Wk,,,,,. 50ma „„,....._, iiitleluitiiii riaf - a — v - e - ii plan, on as not to there in the coldest weather. Person. wanting suck article., are invited to call and see th em at SCAIPE A. ATKII2243N'S, mil* • lot, between Wood Market Om ~ . ..... . _ _ . ' Plies= Prick Works far Ws. • rimic subscriber oats for •ale, the STEAM BRICK 1 WORKS, above Lawrenceville, comprisiog a :Reim Engine, 2 Boilers, 6 Mould Machine, capable of m.afacturing.2l4.lPresreal Rick(out of dry loy, oe token from the bank,) par day; with three acre e s of land on the Alleghetly lover, no which are 4 kilns and abed., r.ohitio and clay .beds, Wheelbarrow., truck., .hoves, epodes, to., every thing re id tocore menee crenate. at mahout. ounce. Price, Including hapatent right to two told marione 17,000—1 ,, m s of payment mono easy. IVittioot the Imid, ROM. For particular., address ' fiENRir MERRITT, aorrbdif —• INo Its blobongsbela floe.. ____..—...—. BELL AND ARABS WOURDIVIN ja. A FULTUN,BeII and linua Founder has re , built and comatencid busine. at his old Wand, where be will be to see Ms old cutout ers odd friends” . • . _ .. • • Chem h,nteamboat, and Bells *loam site, from 10 10,1110 pouods,eut from plateau of the num Impute. td models, and 'remount to be of Site best metertals. • Mineral Water Pemps,Cormters, Reifies, &e.,.tozo tlmr with eaery eariatyof Bras. Crating, I . l nOtpred, tented and Ldshed In the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole proprietor of 011lArti ARMIVATIW ties Maar, so lutly , celebrated for the redaction of friction ht reaohlnery." The [Weds and Composition can be had of him at all times. .. ie2CalY ILINTING PAPER—ZOO M if PrionniOnf Dook Pupa, •upon. ankle,4ll.sarted Azt , • on Woo , . #lly ;u410.t0 oldir al shorma notice. "O r • 'WO WAB Woad n - lIIMMI PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING,' NOYEMBEB 6, 1849. 110 ZELS LAW OFFICES' I fir taw, .d Grant, 3u15 I`7lll. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Buda., Pa lof aLam, the Into r and ear, le of Penn. tedgments, FMTPrIMMr'rM As Agilt for cons,Flaylvppled orith Orden 'and conzigiumvs Ilse !Mop. , facture" of all kindle ore.n. ..ineey, Allegheny ely, P. in fin ] end sneeescel Ihte otter* w:th O[27E; h e 7 hne, eath willoor.i, ~Cic~ m..une.;r".oo~e:; :opt intoxicating dtinko, 'continue Plano, and sale. Eland on Nofl. JANES IIPKAIN. ,n RCCOIIIIt low Wll - .U./WENT, and orintouocon Her• Front, between Wood on, CaPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution _ . IHE partnership of the unithrweaed, anderahe'firM 1 of Beasley R Smith, woo dtssolved by camel congest on 49th September, W. IthealcY the interela ofJ.: Ortuth, who retire.. The business of the firm will be sealed by their thecenors, %Via. Harder Pc Co., at No/. IR and 40 Wood it. WILLIAM BAOALEY, Pittebtirali, Oct 9, '49. ISAAC IL CO-PARTNERSISP.—Wm. po r d.y h.vins ciateditlth+hlm Wm. 11. Woodward of Phlindelphol, John S Cowart, and Ralph ISMaley of Piusburgl , , contionolhe Wholesale Grocery Llnsiness, to Noe. 1d and MI Wood M, under the firm of WM. BAOALEY tr. CO, Pinximrgh; and DADALEY, WOODWARD A-CO., R . aul'. neAD Dlosolotion of Co.Partaaorohip. TtIE co-parties - ship bemsofore existing between the subscribers, under the style of Brown &!heli um, was disuolred on the Ist sort: by mutual consent. 111. B. BROWN, A. CULBERTSON. Pittsburgh, O. 5, 1549. The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Greek- s - 9 and Connrifision Business, as heretofore. et the old nand, HS Liberty et. nerd .A. TAYLOR & BARNET, p Reorg,,Eznt, now Ern U ALRALI artiele of Soda Ash and fi ' zi7atie s a ' s P WWl ing to purchime either el the above articles are re quired' to Calf on ISAAC WALKER, N0.131E11111 W. and examine the articles before purehmeng elsewhere. N.B.—Tim Soda Ash mumfactured at this establish ment us greatly sapalor to any other brought to this market. spNI 1/.1.8.113110. BCAIPa ATILIENSION, lii BlerartlCl Woan .. .0.111 P ITT...tit (IJSTlNUEldinanufacturo an kinds of COPPER, 1.-1 TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black mun!, Work. Steam Boate built to order. V0 "1 011 b tten all me% so u' ruit 'ue a ent I o% W r r k nnd Retake, Tin Ware, &c.f.°. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Portim, stripe. sines—a very converdent ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road companies. We Would regoecifully invite' preen boar into and others tonsil and see our article. and priers before purchaeinv elsewhere. Dissolution of Portnersiasn. m: copartnership of lIENtrY fIANNEti T lorroefly Ilannen, Moller lc Co.: in the Window • d Colored Glass banness, is this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick blotter. . . . . The bininew will be continued by die andel...wood ndor tie firm of HENRY lIANNEN k CO. Won, up our° No. IDS Second where we will tcc. plier of roperior Window Mann. JOHN lIANNEN HENRY HANNEN. 1111011 ROBERT:4. IN, Diugturgb. dog. V. 43. HENRY uhhiTKA D. Copartnership. T IIE undersigned have thm day associated with the in business JAWS efiIIIWARTZ, and will co. tinue the busineus as heretofore. ander the firm of NMMI NOTIC E. of Mr. C. Bradley. The Maine. will be carried on by A. Bradley, who will . c ute tha basilic.. of the him firm. REMOVAL.—A. Betakes hu removed Ms Foundry Wareham,. from No. tl2 Second street, to No. Id Wood street, between Find and Second streets, •0 the marehouse l.tely ocesmned by G. A. Berry, where bo will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Cutings, Unites, Stoves, Coolung.Stoves, S c.all DISSOLUTION B. l ara, ' gtirni under tbe firm of HUSIIFIEI.I) hi HAYS, boo this day no-I/dissolved by William H. 11 1 144.11 bl; his entire Interest in the firm to S. 11. Sus cid. All accounts dtte the fins will be collected t y H. Bushfield, and W debts dae by Me lam foul to be paid by the Ron,. S. H. DUSIiFIELD, Pittaburigh, June 2`..t 1519. W.B. pospARTNEgstIIP.-8. W Deanna. having - lit dayassociated with himself Ilcair Lean., forrnerl ( Bedford, Pa, urd recently of the National lime Pittsburgh. will continue the business under the fi of BUStiFIELD 6. LEADER. al old stand. N Y. Liberty street. el B. BUSIIFIELD, Pituburglb June ta, letn. 1 . LEADER Having retuaul (tom the former baionese, I mit pleasure to reeommeri4ingy c/o:vetoes to the pa troneige or eaelotnere m the imbite enerill). tahl . IL HAYS. DlssolnUan. EPEE co-panneratup heretofore dawana between the subsenbera, In the name of astable. Burke Cu., is the. day dissolved by mutual torment "tram. Burke tr. Carnes well wale the b4.intwa of the ocw rein, for which purpose they ale authorieed fiff• the none of the concern NATHANIEL CONSTAIILE, COI CND 111 t: ItK F THOMAy IIAHNE.B. The endemirted have !hie day aiwiciated thenwel9i, in the name of BURKE 6.11,fi11Ng./6 far the purpose of manufacturing Fire Pr.( Safer, ' Vault Mints, kr ke., at the .rood tittle tom Itlrni el Cointable, Burke & Co., where they will be plenalz receive the Int. inmate of the chain:nem of that ho end friend.. F.D. IIIND BURKE., TIII/51103 13 A RM.'S. , - In Man' from the fiTIZI of Con table, Burke & Co , I with etticere plemerc recomer :Ileum. Burkeb. Bill). W. the confidence of my f ndo nod the public. Feb. 9,1919. NATtIhNI CONi9TAIILE. febl3-111 i DISSOLUTION. rplIE pannership of MERI . III I. h. LEE is One day diaeoived l.p 'Lmm] convent !Tbe basinces of the late Gem Wsll [wombed 11. Leo J. IL MURPHY, Pmaborgh. 11. LEE. NOTICE—Th. •ndentgned will continue the Wool hfodne. and attend to the Bak 'of Woolen Goals, al the old stand. 11 . LE J, la retiring from ttha Atm.( AburpLy 0. Lee, I take greet pteethre recommending lir. H. to the cdnfidenco of my friends and the public. Pittsburgh, .1..10, lora. J. It. NIURPIIV. Mile seirseritier• here - this larasenctatty d them seises together for the purpoth of transacting • wholesale and retail. Dry Goods and Grocery hurlers*, at Ns 2 to Liberty,eppoute Seventh street, under the .tyke and firm of BLIS/IFIELD & Pittsburgh, January 111i49. N. B.—(Nrokl customer. and the p•bho an wetted gird a. a call. led * .0. SC.A.IFE and Capt. JAfilll ATKINSON rlll.lav4i e entered Ismparnershis, under the firm of ATKPAISON. and an entry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Rare nomafamory Ala°, Blarkamithing In all its branches, at the old stand of Wm. B. Senile, First sweet, near Wood. Banton). attention given to steamboat work. oetd HAVE, shim daraamelated — math me in dm yebole 1. sale Grocery, Produce and Commie Man Imstness, my Mother Joseph, under the farm of J. $ DILWORTH J. It. UILWORTIL Jastaary I, 1849. . . YOur;g . v k/ day aasociatod with him, oh Jn It. ItCtioo e. the, ka the, bumpiness aria hereafter he yondoctrd under [he :firm of Woz. Young t Co. WILLIAM. I'OPNO, 1.5 JNO. MISCELLANEOUS , I=ll2l= fIURKII k CO'S Daily Express 11 SOW 1,Y1.4Y.,e -livering Can and Shell OYSTERS, which Me of to dealers and families at the lowest price, Duality warronted equal to any brought to, Mil mar ket, and for sales by T. C. BIDWELL, AV, Weir, so. • Alen--At the following depots:-- Reis & Scrum cor ner Smithfield and Second at.; F. iieniition ; Diamond; Merv_sak. Robinson, Federal et,_ Alice heal , treD 5 • JAMES W. WOODWELL, modern and antique Furniture, 83, Times Sraka - g...Frreat Chou. X A large and splendid . ,-- - a r.vmscq„. maortmont of PatiMnan, 'l , 4l,7fr?tM suitable for Steamboats, : 7t -.--- ' — ' • ''' il ~.. growls mut private dwel- Ito 'it c pr " etto .'n untoc on k• k o an ti d hatl d ciu m i " no e t t te o c r i d c r e r e•ded by any manufactoo In the westerh country. Prisons walking to purchase would do well to give ate a call, al lam determined my prices shall please_ -Fart of the stock Mnabilla In— Tete a Tn!.; Duffel Etaquie; Lotus XIV 'Chairs; abairr; • Tea Poyae; Toilet Tables; Fruit Tables; Louis XV Commodor; French Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stook W soles erath Plod; and earann •W Mahogany Rtmking Chain; do doe 'Parlor do 30 " Furey do .15 centre Tables; 10 pair Divans; 4 pair pier Tables; an marble top Dressing itosearte; Wardrobes, l Premiums and Book rises; 118 0 amble top wad, isrp.d.; 4 p ,pair Ottornana,• air Caney Work Stands; • A eery Amp amortntent or common chairs and other I uptiture looßtmeroos to mention. ~.F .„B . .. ...,, i.,,,B ot yt...s ft r . hn t h e. to m n ,, i tte 'honest d t , to , tge', I)Japloraina PLltaar bog Hydrant. WaLIM. TRIO is to certify that I have ap-, pointed Livingaton, Rogan] & Co. Sole Agents for the 'ale of Jenning's Patent Diaprabgto Filter, for die cif ties of Pittabure, and Allegheny. JOIIN GIBSON, Agent, Oa -for Walter Id Gibson, UN Woods.. y N. IN Oe one We have been using of the above trucks at the Mike o (the Novelty Works for three month.. ouLtrial: And fee.. perfectly soothed that it la a 'useful' invent., nd we take plemore in recommending them no a me; fit ertieee 16 all who love pure water. Orden. will Lai thanklial.. y received antdprompny executed. or Oa LIOINORTON, ROOOEN'a CA _ '— lativaratkito Pillaring batik, FOR PURIFYING WATER, Which renders rarhid water pure by aw r' Xr,Tli n e n c ' ro ul to ' l w " a ' t ' er " til. 'l l7c7rlt o I, l) , ,lthough clear and pure to the eye, yet • ...,..en tt pane. an hom through this gh,,zlng cock, shows • large de Repot.: subatances, worms, 10. TOM , ia thb ca.. more or less with MI hy drant water. The'Redicral !Filter. fa neat end durable, and I. notattend,td witA the inctanwohnneo incident to other Sharma,. J II is e rearmed wt: bout being detached from the Wilier: pipc, ,by snored) , sunned the say ,or handl. from one eats in the other. Of LW. h"Y Powewt dm one a r ~s,r, m e h t ingecl, and ail accarnaladolut fa Impure aabatarama ace dnven of almost frodsonly. without ~„.4 , „,..1,,g tun Filler. It also roosts the anea,,,,,,„ of b,ing...1,0, cock, and Ai m k in many rises will be very convamient and economical. Ira m be attached whose there igt any pressure blab Orlon rto a cask, tank, tub, so. with nun, To be had W, W. WILSON, , ' 6l'4' l r e m try le Agent, W, Fourth and klarketsta CARPK.B!—WoodWis day, al W. rill. ••..# CLINTt/CIC'S Limpet Wgrellonste, N 0.75 g 0 .,,t, a further supply of Carpoto,.of the latrat and most •ppro.d In_whien aro invi!et 111 e. attention of FirEABIBOAT W.h.g to foriush 110USE13, to eall to will th e largest atmarlatent in die city; which we will *ell ewer , . then eye, bc. fora ofered in the We-SMM mallet., Carpet Ware• lonso6No.'ls Routh Mreet, W. MILINIOCK. miSCRIANEOUS Oboe elate, i Camnams La. W. Dater's Americus and French Chocolate, _Prepnr ti Cocoa, coeoa Paco, Brow, Comm Shells, kc. 1110 merchants nnaWhO roonldpnrena.c 1 the best products of Cocoa, free (rein artalteranon, more nutritious than tenor coffee, and in quality unsur passed, the saber:64er recommends the above articles. manufactured by himself, and stampped with his game, His Broom and Cocoa Paste, as delitate, palatable. d Salami! Idrints for invalids, cnnvitirseents, rind others . , ere pranolneed hype most eminent physicians mpertor to any other preparations. Sim manufacture , are alsruys on sale, in any quanuty . , by the most re spectable grocelti in the eastern Muer, and by then agent:, Dawes, (iii & en., of llost011; dace. St Dunce & no, Iltirtford, Coulx Hussey & Murray, New York; Grant & Stone, Philadelphia; Tnomas V Itrandige-Ital timorc; end Kellett & lkotett.Ctrietrointi, Ohio.. WARTEit DAKKIt, Dorchester Mass. For sale by' BAtiALEY ShIlTll, Atm 'Wrought and Cast Iron Bulling. llfi suiwersbers beg leave to inform the public that 1. they Imre obtained from the Irlst all gm lets mid fagiumiable designs for Iron Itniling;'dmili for 10,Se, ai erinmeris Der.. wishing to Primer., Innid. some p at tern will pleinne call and essininis. nod Judge (or themsetir . Railing will Ito furnished 'hon. eat notice, and in the best,e at dm corner o f Craig and Rebecca streets, Alleghen r, y city. " auglV-iltf A. 1,A510N - 1' & KNOX, __. - W. 4 J. px.Esx, Book llliiilero.'• TVore call engaged in the above Inwiiicss. conic of Wood and Third streets. Pkitsburgh, -wirer we are prepaied to do any work in our uric with de patch. iVe attend to nur work persovally, and to faction will be given In regard to he peanut. and - du Blank Book, ruled any patent and bound nub utantially. Minh auculierr orold Inuits bound cue fully or repaired. Nantes put on bunko in gilt Inner Thom,. that kayo work In our one arc invited to call PT1C.,1630r. _ HAWING sold otrr cadre mock to CAI. G 6ANT, Iff aview to elf liag our old homers. we hereby so licit for him the patronage of all ournfriends and cus tomers,. Ito. Pi. I.OIIIDEXTI•tR, 1111.1. PULNDEXTEIL. • Pittsburgh, Aar, 4th,1548. (1 Li. GRANT,,Nrholenale Grocer, Comm .4m odd yoryysrding Mercier., Nd. 41 Wnter st. Stales, Cooking Stoves, o Yac. AIISHALL., WALLACE hCO Pound Chased, ILL corner Liborry and Wood meet, manufacture and alto for sate Platform, Floor and Cannier Scales, tithe most improved quality; Cooking St oves,fur wood and coal: Eng. Mores of various sizes, Parlor avid comon Grates Hollow Ware, Ac. he. Tory also gufaelare Na ' Kitchen Range, which has given such geera/ satisfaction to those Laving it in ose s lo all of which they would respectfully Invite the attention of No citizens anillllo public generally. oce27-dt( tkif ANUFALVUILI:ii TOBACCU—Jhe outwit/bar AL would cult On, mit:tab.,' ibc" city trode and dealer', gcnrrall, to On fallowing brands Valuate, in more anorto airier, which bring conritnments di rect from manufaciarers, he in enabled to sell at rata ern priers: • ' 1511 Aliza R W Creniitocir Sr, 711 jRISICV 41i111d1N. ti I I " tarlartiii• 113 " lirabeca 5c • 7J 1 J'elnsm , c 32,1 Is, 15 " Sia.ri :cc •• twrtit Rad Sc 11 " johns Ai Lewis la, 3 1 " Warwick cipr 42 / it Mary A.Jame. 10521 L S WATERMAN • • •, JOILI la Go., are prepared to band Oction Auld Woolen Matbinery Dreyer. de.ripti.v, oveh tu Carding MaoLinos, Spinning l'rarner, Speeder% Drawing Frames, Railway Geode. Wiirpers,Spoolters, DresaLng Frames, Looms, Cron tirinderi,ke. Wrought Iron Shafting rotted: oil tuts of east Iron, Pullin% and ',angers ofthe latest panel-ids, slide and hood Lathe. and :mils *toll kinds. Cratin„, of every description furnished on shoe nyderr. Pattern% wade to order for Mill Gearing, Ironitatdrig. an Sunni Pipe for lien, ing ' , octanes. Cant Iron Window *ley and fanny Con. Ihnin rvdnrollY. , Orders 101 l at Ur. Worehoing it J. Palmer Or. Co., I.lberry %treed, will Lino eaten. nor. . • • Refer to 13InekneeIt. lien & Co.. J. K Nloorebred & Co., G. K. Werner. Jean Irmo & :ions, nebenth , (3. C. &J. IL {Varner, ::&ntbenenle. taut, NEW , COAOII FACTORY, ~icon,,. ATT I. i„.. lte r f . llj:!: write that ' acc re: . I t, ti p or o m n aeork.bettvet Nedlral .tt Sandu*kr .ire o r 'Fhpy are new making ern! igre prepared to re orden for every de.ettphott,tf reittete,Covelse, Cliartog, naPPteaPhattates, kr., winch nuts their lone rzperiettee In the =mutt...eel the aleove they'd. atel thn faciltues theytarr,uacy toti 1'01151:C111 y ehableg to do work oh the moot re.onal•le term. wtth there wanting artielc4ill then hoe. Paying particular attention to On reteellan of male. and Imvinanon• Out competent workmen, they Crave no bratauon is seal:run:ma incir work. We therefine Ask I k e tater/Don of thin public :nr thw matter I: Repatrio,T, done on tla born itiaeuef, an.ivn the dual "Tamable terma moon rircp COPRA "allij) NfasNiCP,lC: ru 11ER.?.--liarttjtit,ol, arnintl•elitent• for • fO- Slant trappity of P V VIND/Ntia, we will wit at Low linens CalfattclB4ozp Rolm „nitrar, Lace hea ther, Pickers, Dxedr.. Shanks, Hemp 'flame Treadle. , No. to to 15 lklt Puncher, Wrenche, alkipping Curd,. 10 trl 151 n, flavor Dresser:l4mM,, IVearry,' !truce . ece. LARiAN, CO. toya It? Wen curet. Pnwroir :h DORT 001t,11:.:5. 2 .-0111ay, Wetile, a Forrester, I Pare rich and dry, Cioula„ uld dry Dem faboarri's 1331, Pure 1e.4.1: Porn Jynne par- Ocular Port, liarris k a. Son., Pure Juke, tikirlde. dou. bletind tingle Grapes. There 11.11. WIttrti are all valet:ra ted toe their medical propeni 1 Can tre had wlmic. sale or retail ut lOC Wino t3turn ca, of 111 ACUU WE a v Ka. Jr. P LIIVOSt , IIHE mrtm-riber nbTv. for •ale a I.4rKe and 5p:, , 11 , 1 mmurruir,l of rot...wt.' ah 4 niset,gasty grand Ac tion haws, with and Ivithoui C.,3:enami• crleUrateil Atrachmedt, The mt., InAtruinctl. arr wmr rauted to be equal to any ntinankgttirrn in too, try, and 1.11 be'sold lower th, any I rum thr East. 111..L31E, N. wood •,!4 door ahow. sth N. 6—City Scrap Will be tetra at par tar a (ow of he stove as•ortmont. anti F Il Itardware—Chitaper than Evert OGAN, tNt h. CO.. heportert, ftenh,rs in Ilardwate. Cutlery end hkoddlery. No ItrllVood wort. hbova rtlth. h.tre now in 'hare a very cheap uhl ',elected at I lardwar, 1 171 r 1 f1 , ' , / hutch the decline of ?tars in Rutupc, sad which they ere deterutinc.l to tell cortrapomlinh!y Merehamth who have born is the habit of .IncK, En., no c plartica• reque•tral mill awl look throoeb our shtek, ON we onfidently believe they wtll save thea expeuren net! CIMMT3 AILY at We I'llittAifFl.l•lllA, D NEW YLIhE IlOt EON ANDNl.At'UftleEtritt. OEN taw. Al:II:ICY ANI/CO‘IAIISSION OFFICE Young MEN in wlioltsale and triati mores. am: oilier re.peetable bawler, to an to Ronk-keeper, Snit.. men, Porters, Ilavleepers, Walters, Farmer., CattOn mea, Car Attertts, Coot and Map Agents, Collector., tivetsenra w all lattelehes of hashes., he. We have nt all llieles a largelnitiabrr orgood siteattont to hen,, itch pay from 365 to ammin iota its saw.: nitaations of any kind would wril give n a call, as liaye age., its teen or the a ova en which will ...thin u. to place nattysop/leant in suitable situation at thn shortest online We have a large iterinaintinen a ll the above torted oto s , winch we tr 03.1 P et