_ rITISBURGH. Giudtt; .1., --. .4: TrAcil„Sterrt4lV: . RID - AD.,:. ------. Sketektir the +Marna made at -the Pacific Rail Road Convention, held at St. Loath, in October 1b49, bit Sol o mon W. Roberts, Civil Engineer, _ one of the delegates Mesa Pennsylvania; --• Ma.' Pixotierri When I sea this great maim. defined with nearly a thousand delegates. Mums muting about one half of the States of the Unica, and that ,at a loneo n hi so inconvenient for many to attend; I , lad it as -evidence of th e interest which is felt in t constructiou of a National Rail Road to the' Pacific ocean. ,It is as one of the delegates the State of Penrisylualet , and the only one prriient from the City of . Philadelphia, that I wish bleak the attention of the Convention for every shoeshine. Pitubragh I am haPpy to Bay is well tepreseete, and it gives me plume tout, one of bet c i rri e a ; presidam over this numerous , m i. ,lignijud' [ bod; but, of the 'fifteen delegates I appointed by pie Board a Trade of Philadelphia. I am the only pee that Las been able to attend on this occasion. i 1 We have come together to compare opinions• ' and to tee whither we can agree to recommend a plan to Coolfre.3 for the amoraction of .*Pacific Roil Road. We tare not to sacrifice the interests of. those Ikea sent Os here, but to eee whether we can unite Jthenf In a common dim to promote a national object. Memphis, St. Louis; Chicago; all the proposed routes, and all the proposed termini, have their representatives and their .advocates, here assem bled. Each individual has Ma own point of view ati l d ,a tooks at , he object accordingly- . Peraid at—My point of view is Pennsylva *is, , te ReY one State of the Unioa. That map that au inaccurate; gs upon the wall is g ro ssly it is a cancatare of out country. But We all know the geogrararnal position of Penneyerania, it is rrit. equalled au unrivalled. Washed on the east by the ride re of the Atlantic, it reaches to the -Ohs river, dto the Aorta of Lae Erie. Adopt whet route o at will, for a national Pacific Lad Rood, it ea not reach the harbor of New York. I without p hag through some part of Penneylva. I nisi{ . ' Near Yon is the great emporium of the foreign commerce 1 our country, and that city is the fair ed Ipoint I which tn.compute our comparative diatucea Boston, cm York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, are all pus ra g -out trunk line s of railway to the welt. T commercial battle ground of these MO great astern eine., is noon the fertile - plains 1 , of rie eta s of Ohio. There the lines converge an com et eater, and there they must compete for the th gh burnous. Loch line will have its ow local adcandriavel, 'sufficient to support it, be the thrpugh basilica will be divided among hem.l The whole country has heard of the Bootee rat. I mad, the New York rail roads, and at the Balti more and Chlo rail road; but comparatively few haye ever I heard of "the Pennsylvania rail road,", and of as western extension, 'the Ohio and Pennsylvania rail road?' Philadelphia and Pau. burgh welt the lasi to enter the field; but, if they are true t their urn interests, they will be the first to wi the prriej Mr. P dent..--Eury railroad qui - shoals, more or less a uestion of route, and every railroad route depends, r oughs to depend ,upon the physical geogmph of the country. Local taterests\ may sometini divert railroads f ro m their beat enrich hot time last makes all things even, and admin., eaten set re correctives in such cases. I I will n t argue the question of the importances of a natio al railroad to the Pacific. I will oat .. 1 dwell a a the grandeur of that idea, which strikes LO ' mine u the eublirne of Civil Engineer.. Mg. I II not question the power of my country to do eat Itch for peace-as she has done for war; or to do a much to improve a territory u she has already d ne to acquire it. If it be the will ofthe Amer people; they ore abundantly able to con struct 0 national railroad to epan the whole Amer ican eoa4nent. Bat it can only be done by a united elton and by agreeing upon a general plan. . I will not weak disrespectfully of any oftheplans which have been proposed; and in pd .I haveranch respect for Mr. Whitney, and believe hiatus boacturied by, highly honorable motives. But of all the plans which have come under my notice, that of Mr. Loughborough, of St. Lona, -appears to me to be, the most feasible. , • We need.* railroad communication with both California and Oregon, nod it must be at located libel the northern, thq . middle, and _am warner& states may all participate in its advantages. The I general plan of whiett I speak will accomplish all thiN oakum the details of any plan it is prema ture to epeak. ... .. Let the General Government make a railroad— from some suitable point on the Missouri river to California and fricgoa,throughthe territories of the I United States. Let it then aid the earns, by grants of public bandy, to make three dried branches, or extensions, to Chicago, Si. LOMB, and Memphis. Then all- will will be accommodated and all ought to be eatiefiedL. All the roads' now in progress from the Atlantic awl the - Golf of Mexico to the Mississippi and the lakes, will then be able to make good connections with thrgreat iron girdle of the American continent. - ,The interests of which lam one of the repre sentative-a, will-be admirably suited. Our Central Railroad of 35.5.mileti from Philadelphia to Pima. bedsit is progreesing rapidly to completion; and its extension westward, ISO miles in length, of whirh I am the Chief Engineer, is in part under coatmet. It extends from 'Pittsburgh, by Beaver, Sate= Croton, Monition, and Wooster, to a point a few I I miles beyond Mmrifield, in Ohio. These two roads together form a line of 5 - 3 S miles, which is so lot...teaser:as the table lands of Ohio, as ha be as much a trunk hoe to St.Lottisis it is us Chicago, and as conch a trust line to Chi cago as it is falit. Louis. Weknow thatWe meet competition for the through business, bathos the north and on the south; but we know very well that one route is the donut from St. Loma to New York, and is also the shortest from Chicago to New York, and is also the shortest from Chicago ui New. York. -.Whoever will examine a correct map of the United Stara may easily see why ibis 'PUBLISHED DY WHITE it. COS PITTBIII3IIOIII ,MONDAY MORNING, NOV. 5, 150 .11.1aPrallaYill ate cluncstly Teti tLe fled to nano favors Liam' and u ettrlY in thoday ss cable. Adrertisenneuts not nuter.e4 for n spe e Will inintriably be rimmed until ottlereil out. 'r ADEL PIIIA ISOLLTEICANIEBIOAS; yertigiements end robieriMions to the ritorth Amer • • United flutes Gazette, Philadelphia, received onearded from this elErm. •• ECF'SFZE r xT I..Aok:' FOR LOCAL AtATTERS • TELEORAVOIC NEWS, &e.. We dual . offer no apology to our reams for the length of the article we copy to day iron the Na tional irdelligencer, in vindication of Mr. Ewing. The indignity with whialilthat gentleman boa been pursued by the Washington Union, and kindred Loadoeo prints, is:with:nit a ?wind in the history Mpsztizarr warfare, and ion dwgrace to the coontry luitke, truth, honor and the dictates of patriotism. all call upon no, wed every friend of free ineehotiona, to come to the rescue of a gentleman who has 'hitherto borne an imitullidd reputation, and whose only sin in tie eyes of he revilers is his unawervs lug integrity, and firm attachment to Whig prin ciples. Tom Ewing. they knew, was en ruptible Whig, who could not b!, induced, either by flattery or threatioo abate one jot or title of his ,duty to the Whig party, or to Whig principles, and holding a situation which gave him a large patron age and infineiMe In the interior affairs of the • country, all. the 'etltehinery of Locofoeo malice, vituperation, and deinctiosi, was put in Corm to injure and ruin him In the estimation of Oa fellow =Oxus. The iriurephant vindication we publish' to day, L in reply to one of the meanest and most con temptible efforts to Injure a man ever concocted by the Surat unprincipled. We oak for it • candid perusal by every person, whether Woig.or Demo• eras, who loves jimiice and right, beam' than party We are pitianil la being able to present to our madam, to day, the instructive remarkadaf S. W. Eel., at. the SL LJUiti Convention.' The , views of that gentleman;as exhibited in his speech. Will bear the test of the most rigorous criticism. They are sound,•'enlarged, and intelligent, and • ' show a thorough ivaquain lance - with the subject he so ably handles.' From' these remarks, nor resa t era will see, that it makes but .hale ditlercnce . to Pittandrgh whether' he noithtirn or middle route Is adopted for the PaMtlie Rail Road. Chicago is as good a point for PMsburgh as St. Louis, and probably- better, ..We shall, no doubt, in a few years, haveraioadreosumetions,mith both poiati, for whiehear Obio.and Pennsylvania Rail Road will be a trunk line--but iso apprehend that the northern business. Will be more profitable vans than the southeM. St. Luis, at this moment, de; rives three fourths of her trade from paints north of her, and much of this will came to oar doom by a western and north western railroad. The Wheeling Bridge has been thrown Open to the public, and the old Zane Ferry ban been; dis continued. The Ohio river is, now fairly bridgek and the gnestiOn of the legality of such obstruction to the navigation of a:public highway will be do 'aided by the Supirtne Court of rho United States. If the Wheeling Bridge is permitted to stand:the. structures will soon span the noble river. Quotas"ll is only waiting for this decision to co mence a Me stmeturc, and otheri will follow. It is agaestion affecting great interests, and its deWsion will ha looked for with the deepest in terest. . Bat waving the gueelion, whether the Wheeling Bridge ought to sued where it does, for the pi cot, ma will admire it ass menumentof Amtricai patios and enterprise; end we do not worilr that the people of that growing city feel piope pride in ankh a magnificent work. Front a description of the bvidgei; we learn that it imosien. of one single vas of 1010 keti which is 105 feet more than the great Freiberg Saapeasion Bridge, the span of ;which is 905 feet,, and which has always Iseeo con sidered the lamest and' most perfect structure of • the kind in the world. At each shore the cables of the bridge ate supported by lofty stone towers; the cast tow er being 170 ifect, acid. the west tower 153 feel high. The entire length of the cables is 1350 feet, ; and there are 12 cables in all. Ten of these 'cables contain 550 wires each, and •the two others 130 caih. There 'aro La all 5710 mires, and the whole i weight of all the cables is 200 tons. Each single . wire was proved before it was used, by supporting .* 'reed of' Iwo Of its Strength and durability there can be no question, and 51r.Er.txr. the accomplished Civic Engines., mho constructed it, has good reason to ' be pima of this mcntument of his genies and 01 the he Of the Bridge fromlom meter mark, them are VirelOUS statements, rimming' from 52 to 97 feet. The highest chimneys blithe: upper trade we believe, are 52 feet. This "would.leave from • 10 to 15 feet as a range for the rising, and falling • of the river. Boats with high chimneys will thus • be in constant danger, without some , provision to lower them. That this is an otatroction to the one. igation none can deny. The wiatltof this carriage tra^k is 17 feet; and each of the side walks is 31 feet, making the ca. tire width 24' ket. The side walks are 'toitirely too • narrilwfor comfort—six. feet is little The cost of the Suspension Bridge was about 5150,00e,' and the Campany owning a here aLso. purchased be 575,000, the old Bridge ; extending from the island opposite Wheeling to the main Ohio shore; so that their entire outlay has been • about 522.5,000. !The cost o f such a structure is les, than most . pan's imagine. A suspension bridge has lately been'talked of across the Allegheny. at the point, • and some persons have estimated. the expense at anenoirous rate. They will see, from the cost - of the Wheeling, Bridge, that they are Mistaken. . AL2 AND SIZW•110: 1 B.atutoan.—The fittlon Telegraph says :we learn that Capt. Godfrey re turned to this place on Wednesday night from his mission to the tan, which, we are much gratified to say, has been'colaplefely sucemeful. Ho was ac companied hythree skillful .Eagincers, who aro to superintend* constraction of the Alton and Sangamon :Minima; and we presume that a por tion of the work will be placed under contract, at 6D early day My, J. 'Ai. Ilutzerr, of . Ohio, who was arrested at SPestrinbarg, 8. C. some time since, on a charge of eirenlatine ineendiark publicatiocs, or some ' thing'of ant sort, has been tried nod aryl/wed. He is now at laxity. The sympathies of a lame portion of the community about him appear to • have been with him. • lidnansm.-0a Saturday evening not, anoutra geous murder of an nand - ending man, was coin mined an the first Data above Huntingdon. .The . eiresunstanfes, as related to an hy a gentleman litho was present et the time, are es follows : At the two locks below Huntingdon, two Irishmen got on board a freight boat fur the purpose of rid ding up the Canal. The Steersman (who it would seem had command of the bow) ordered theca off. After, conaiderable altercation they got off, threatet into beat him at the Lock above. Appreheesive of 114 *tank at the Lock, the steersman hid him self In the The Irichmim came aboard how,. eder, and not .finding him, attacked• one of his handaaa negro named Daniel C. Williams) and Idled him to the deek,axid then kicked him into the Lock, from which he was taken, soon sitar, 'dynamism i Laving been either killed or drowned. Otte them then attacked our informant, who tied to Huntingdon, and gave information of the mur der and, outrage. It occurred at about 9 o'clock in the-evening, An individual supposed to be one' of the offenders has been , arrested.—Holliii. daysburgi liskuter. APPOINTMENTS BY TILE PRESIDMIT. lons C. Cie* to bo. Solicitor ot the Treasury, vice Gillet, removed. Thomas I...Satitb, to be 'quit Auditor of the Tiessumvicre Clark- Amu! Holbrook,ef Dimisadrasetts, to be Attor ney of . the United States for the district of Oregon. Mos Joseph J. Cooed*, whe declines the office. RIWURIAEIS CUL or Accosttrianotc— ' An illustration. of what a Stile money will becalms in time; if put out on interest, and properl taken care is afforded by an in- cident related y to la rece of; mly by an old resi dent. Be - itated that Shout fifty years ago a bequest of .510,000 was left to an, idiot on Long Island. lie was then in his. infancy, 111, consequently, now but little over 50 years of age. Soon after his father's deceaee three respectable inhabitants of this city, all 'of whom are yet living, were appomted trusteed. for the care of the bequest, with au thority to fippropriate 2500 annually for.the inruntanance, which Was accordingly This left at first but a =al accun latiop, but latterly the increase has m been ra pidrend the principal now amounts to over 5100,000.. Snould the. party live . 20 years -longer; is is not improbable,. he will die 'sword' a,quarter of a million of dollars.— . Pretty we - for a fool—New York Journal of ~. N ;~: is an. On too 42d•pardiel of north latitude we find rife. 'boundary line of New York and Pennsylvaniathe two moat populous states in the Union. We also find them the city of Chicago; the South Pau •in the Rocky Mmintains, and the dividing line be tween Oregon and California. It is well known that the South Pass is quite practicable for the con.: struction of a• railroad, and, having in view a "great circle mote,' from the . Middle Suites to both Oregon and. California, it is just where we would Wish to have it. rhea it may be approach. eil conveniently, not only from Chicago and St. Louis, but also from Memphis; and I wick to keep constantly in view all three of the connection. If we look at the mbject in another light, and seek to find a line which shill divide the populis t rion of the Union, as measured by . Congressional repreentation into two equal portions, the line of the great Cent ral Railroad from Philadelphia to St. Lord. Is, as nearly as possible, such la hue. That line running between the Ohio river and the Lakes, on a route: almost direct from• St. Louis to New York, through Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, it cm.' pharitally.C.rmat. Pennsylvania then may, well unite upon the I route proposed by Miasouri,• kir their interests in this matter appear to me to be alike. Let Congress direct the neer:away surveys to be made to deter.' mine the -proper point of striking the Missouri river, and then let the States locate their own con nections with the terminus of the government road. A 'wholesome competition is the best kind of atimulns to expedite the-construction of public works; but tha right of way should be obtained in every ease, 'if possible, before Any part of the work is put under contract A wise delay in this respect Mien saves both time and money in - the end Mr. Preside nt—Accustomed as we are to view our tonal and 'comparatively pouf interests, from I a iow elevation, and within a narrow circle it re. Ill:Lira an t effort rile to the height of. hie high argamint. But when we reach it, it glace a gran thee labors of all of us who are engaged in t construction of our public vertu, for we, see bow they may become component pane of one vast whole; and we we how we have been labor ing; almost , unconscioudy, to promote this grand resmlL The rail roads from Philadelphia to St. Louis, made by private enterprise, will form about one third of the great line to extend through the heart of the continent, fromocesn'to ocean. From a bay I have been connected with the public voila; of Pentisylveuria, and I came down with the finst train of cars on the first rail road in the State: Prospering when they prosper and , suffering depressmon when they are liepreased, it I delights me to look • knuriud to the immense in ' crease in the ralue of the public works of our State which mast reudt from the consummation 'of the enterprise we ere diacuasing. All parts of the couhtr7 mint certainly be benefitted by it, but it is as a citizen of PennsylVenia that kspeakouid I wish others to speak for their owe communi ties. The Walk, If properly =ducted in a na tional spirit, will bring mite minim untold num ber of commercial advantages, political benefits, and moral blessings. But it would ill become me to take up the time of the Convention, by elides.. oring m nay again, what has been so mach better end than I could say • it, by the eloquent gentles man from Indians. • It• is not far me to attempt to occupy ground which others are so much better fitted to fill, but it is as a Civa Engineer that I wink to say a few words. There is, perhaps. no member - of • thin Convention that h as had menet° do with the kea- Can and construction 01 rail roads than I balm had. The enterprise which we era advocating is a much came arduous one than many people sup pose, but it is entirely prooricable and entirely within the power of the government. The peo ple have already made about four times as many mike of red roads without t govemment aid, as we now ask the government to make. Bat the immediate utecese or fuluie of all rail road enterprises depends very much npon the meaner in • which they ani undertaken. The im patience of the people to Map the fell benefits of such wears along their whole extern, often de lays their completion instead of expediting it.— The attention of the inhabitant+ ol every city and of every village, however small, is intensely tort ed to their own local interests. The general terest of the enterprise, an a whole, is • matter that they think concerns them, comparatively little.— No delay In their opinion ; s wise that retards the completion of the work in their neighborhood, ev. ery sacrifice ought to be made to hurry the cam- pktion of that &ries= °lithe work in which they feelmost Interested. Clamors of this kind have marina had shelf effect 'mean Boards of Three- Mr. and no man can compete the pecuniary kiss_ that has revolted in 001111e 1 / 1 1eaea. Let the government locate tad make fu own rail road through.thin guyenament lands. • Let a eldrieteat number of competent °Maus, who have been educated:at West Pointl and who aie now is the pay and eerie° of the goVernment, be sent, out to rade the siecesnarY Preliminary =MI When this is done, let the general mete of groat Rogow& mod Itialnray be agabliabed by Art of, Gang:ear, to be for el flit= time the great t h o roughfare tithe nation to Oregon annikkirniA Theillid the work orApening the Inaba begun upon this bank of the Iffaari River, and' let it be slushed out continuatudy westward. Locals the brie 63r a rail road, then fit it for common travel; end tarn the tide of emigration over it. • 'Establish posts lire the protection and aid of emigrant', hold out inducementa for the formation of -civilised set. dements around them; and pet up the telegraph wires. When the time has arrived for beginning . . to lay doom the rills, let it be begun at the eastern end,• and let it be canted on westward in a con tinuous line. . . By pursuing this plan, every driller that is spent will be usefully expended; the work...will be are. ful from the beginning, end Its .usefulneas will in crease so the cost of it increases. The work may behealened or retarded as the means of the goy. emment may justify or require; and even if it • should be suspended for a time, that whirch has been done would -not be lost, Thus, err a child by gradual. growth becomes ti Man, the national, road to the Pacific. thus begun, would become, to, atlmeaharter or longer accordiegui circumatances,l e complete and continuous first dam' modem rail: road. .•, As won an the point of erionneneement on the' Miesouri River is established, the States eeit of it will begin their connecting lines, and all will have an opportunity of sharieg-to the benefits which the work will confer upon the American people. I . , A rail road across the helmets of Panama is a , useful project, skid' will, no doubt, soon be no: I complished, but it is far removed from our shores, end ie a matter of email importance to the people of the interior of our country. &irides which, it can only be made available by means of long and circuitous fines of steam navigation.- . Now let it be remembered, that a locomotive engine goes on a direct course, and travels three times as last fie a steam ship; and then the ship traverses the bar ren see, and touches at foreign ports, while the engine will traverse the teeming land, and be every where at home. One mind is most struck by one of the advan tages dour national mil road, and another by an other, et I confess that lam most impressed by the be efits which it will confer upon our own \ r, people, qr lemming the great spinal column of our cone , with which branches and arms in all directions will connect, and which will unite, strengthen, and invigorate all its parts, and bind. them together in a more perfect union. This, which is the find national convention called , promote the object, whit very soon adjourn.and e may congratulate each other that its labours 11l long be remembered, for they have not been in vain. We have gained a very important point. for we have united in a common effort the friends-of the northern and central routes, and we have rea son to hops): that our southern friends will yet lend us their aid.. Mr. President. I thank. the gentlemen from kis' touri who offered the resolution to hold another national convention, to promote the minstruction of the Pacific Railroad, at the city of Pniladelphin , on the first Monday of April next. Aa n delegate! from that City, I invite all who are nowpresent to attend on that occasion. I senses them that Phila• delphia will endeavour to reciprocate the hospital ity of St. Loons To those who are familiar with Philadelphia, that city needs no eulogy -from me, and I assure those who have not yet visited a, that it will not disappoint their expectation. , Let every pall ofour country send up as delegites to the Phdadel'a Convention. Let the people Come together in their might and speak with that ratan.' imity with which this convention has spoken.— Then their voice will!e heard in the halls of Con gress; and it will reverberate front the Allegheny. to, the Rocky Mountains, and from the shores of the Atlantic to thine of the. Pacific ocean. It is the beauty of our system that the well ascertained will of our citizens is the law to those who con trol the legislation of our government, and the-Pa, cific Railroad will be sure to be accomplished when it is demanded by the united voice of the American people. air. Ewing and Ow Union. h is every general remark, and oertainly a very tree one, that there has never been a time within any one's memory when the party press of this country was signalized by such excesnve Viru lence as marks the course of most of the Opposi tion journals at this time. Not satisfied with all sorts of political aSperaions they invade the:walks of private life and descend to personal defamation. They appear to regard the Administration of Gen. ern! TATUM, and every member of it, with a hatred the most Mum; and wage war against it with an acrimony as measure'ses mit is , aparalled. Conspicuous, if not chief, in this savage warfare, we are sorry to say is the “Union" of this cats: and we have reason to believe that many:even of its own party share oar regret to MC jLoccupy this "bad entineuee_ . Who would ezpeta to see the arrows of Nestor poisoned But 4it aar. An instance or this extreme tejartioe, prompted by party malignity, we feel it our duty le, notice. and in doing so could not forbear the genOla.l re. marks with which we have prefaced it. The Union has Ipr some cause or other singled OM the Sterdary of tie /sorrier, Mr. hi E wing, as the mark of its envenomed shafts, arid, ving as, sailed him for every species of political offence, ventured alone week. ago to arralgu 'him on charges of private corruption and pews:mai dishon or, in having, as it alleged, obtained a house, as his residence here, from a citizen of the innate of Douglas, a soredsman and horticulturist, at a very reducedreat, on condition or promise, or under standing, that he would glee Donelas thd place of Public Gardener, worth .151/1 51.200 or 51,11011 The Union does not ventuo charge that suh apromise was made by M n S. Ewing, o r any su c h understanding entered into by him, bat a insinu ate, as much, and upon this lotonoate4 charge weaves an Immense' tisane of degrading argot.. bona, as unworthy of the established character for honor and probity of the eminent ci iten who is caluminated,” they are disgraceful to the par ty making them. When the story first appeared in the Union it was passed by in silence. The self respect of ev ery man, especially one occupying the elevated, and responsible position which Mr Eiring does, „would naturally recoil from the hut:idle of pleads tug to charges so base. Encouraged by intact:ice the Union has again recurred to the so ject with renewed ferocity and vituperation. We have, therefore, thought it due to truth, as well as to the good name of an able, disUngnished, and veteran public servant, worthy of every honest man's es. teem, to inquire into the facts of this mountain of fairebood, and now give them to our readers, to I whom we can undertake to pledge ourselves for their troth. lilt would occupy our +pai-e unnecessarily, and would exhaust the patience of oar readers, were we intake up all the points of all the articles of the Union on this subject, and expose them one by. one; for, we repeat, it does net charge a case of direct collusion between the Secretory and Doug. Ins, but endeavors to establish cortiquien by infer ence. Now, in what follows we shalt meet every tangible point by evidence of its aiso, and where, from the nature of the case, a negative cannot be proved, the allegation shall he met t y a positive denial In March last, when about to rent house, Mr. Ewing inquired of one of the Editor. Of this paper, if he knew of one suitable for the purpose. A few days afterwuds that individual recon mended a house on G street, oecupied by the lat Postmaster General, die-rent of which was $6OO. About that nine Douglas offered his house. It Immo . too large, he offered to rent: the main building, i without the wing, (which took off nine rooms) making it about esreal in accommodation to the house an' G street. Mr. E. liked its situation boner, trot it was inferior In this, that it had no stable or carriage house, and no grounds This Douglas offered fur $1,50. Mr. Ewing considered the rent of both berme. reasons able, end, on the whole, concluded to take the house of Mr. Douglass, on his agreeing to make certain improvements, which were necessary to its convenience as a residence, - During the negotia tion Douglass never In the slightest manner con nected an application for office with h s proposition to let the house. Nothing of the kind was solder . intimated; nor is it pretended even by the UniOn that there ever was, between Douglas and the .1. ei. Secretary. The rent which was agr don was the Gtr aloe of the property. It had be n some yearn befo e rented for $l5O, kept a few N nths, and re. due dto $6OO, including the. nine Doors in the win , the lessee at the end of the yeah surrendered thn wing, and kept the main buildinf about a year at 11400,.but gave it up. It had two s recessive ten. ants oflerwar,ds within a year, and was vacant when IDonglas offered it to Mr. Ewing. An addl. lion of 550 a year was the full valu of the ~, e d room in the main building, which w fitted up and I added for the ma of Mr. Ewing. Havre" closed the contract very, Mr. Ewing requested Deng!. to have please p pared, which he promised to do; arid, being much occupied with official business, Mr. E. gave no fu they attention to the matter, euept to inquire of . uglas if the lease was prepared. until he mo ed his family into the house. . While the Improvements agreed -upon were in progress Douglas several times spoke to the Seers . tare about the place of Public Gardener. Ile res plied te him kindly, but gave him i would encour thought age ment frther than to Bay that, 1 it was further to make a removal, e would give , Lis papers a fair comideration. Mr. E. thought welt of Douglas's knowledge of our native trees and .fkiwerr, and intended to coreider him with two other persons, who were also tecommended, and with one of whom Mr. E. conversed and was well pleased. Mt. Enever, directly or indirectly, authorised any one to speak to Douglas for him about the home, or about his applichtion for office; neither the ono nor the other. All 's,.hst m raid on , this 'abject by the Union is sheer fabrication. The statement that Mr. Ewing Made; an effort el . mini , to keep possession of the house, oaf.) , other than ' the strict terms of his contract, is al false. This matter was transacted through an a /Bey. (Mr. Carlisle,) and the Secretary's letter ( instructions to him (hereto subjoined) shows that he laid down , the terms on which he would ti the property, and did not allow him to advan the rent our dollar by way of compromise or err salon. e• receipt of Douglas, also anbjoined, x ly 'pros That Mr. Ewing was hastened of the against his will is also-false r and to daffy slurp try Mr. Carlisle's letter, green- belou.. He t his own time when he would he rTaity to It, and did not quit a day sooner, cr remain day longer than suited his conven Bice. i ' The follewing Is Mr. Carlisle letter editors of this paper, in answer 'an Inv 'peeling the &etas* for as he was equainU them, mgether with Mr. Evrlngbi leer of" tiers", and the receipt of Deughoc—l. Oxcart Court &kat, 31;', Gainextv Under the 'vas ' improviocy in complyispi with re,- hibit to you Mr. Eming's letter of instructions in flail:Skeeter alike Doughtshonse; anslleceordingle curiae the original herewith -'.,, ' . .i2.-t' lie to the facts Rilltnert* opas those it lirildiDElS, I'do not knew that Iwo answer your inquiry mam . satisfactorily t h an by stating that I called cps [on Mr. Douglas for the repose of cajoling thore lostractions into effect, and that I fully accom plished the 'object I had in view. It is not true that I carried a lease with me to be executed by Douglas, nor that I "threatened him. with pro ceedings in chancery, nor that I was obliged to come to his tenets, nor that he turned Mr. Ewing out of his house. I had advised Mr. Ewing, when he fine - consulted me, that unless the excution of the lease could be enforced in chancery, on the amend of the agreement, the part performance and the making repairs by him on the faith of the air:cement, the result would be that be would be in as tenant from year td year, and that Douglas mighthirld him to the year'. rent, and ohligatim to surrender, upon six months' notice, at the .cod of the year. I understood from Mr. Ewing that he was quite indifferent about keeping the house, but the other alternative would not suit Ina onvenice at aIL In my Interview with Mr. Donates I therefore presented to him at once the two propositions mentioned in the instructions, vM. that Mr. Ewing held himself bound to execute the lea., and was ready to do so, bet that, if Mr. Dairen, preferred -it, he would take a release from all demmda for rent, and surrender the house on the 6th • day of August, paying the rent op to thot _day, lass the amount of a bill of repairs made by Dr. Ewing, which I then exhibited. Mr. Douala.ss perempto.. rily refused to allow the repair. I bad no tune to 'ream in chaffering with him, and told him daily that be allowance of the repaint was a rafts qua non; and that I would settle the matter on no oth er terms. My recollection is distinct that Mr. Douglas inquired of me what Mr. Ewing could do, and that my reply was that he could proceed to set op the lease in. chancery; but it was no threat, nor anything like it. The Interview was an ordinary bunion. Interview, lasted only a taw minutes, and involved no altercation Whatever.— . Mr. Douglas came to my terms, admitted the re pair. I paid him the difference, (which Mr. Em. wing had provided for the event of out agreeing.) and took a written release from bunion which Douglas bound himself to accept the sprreader of . the house no the day mentioned in My obstruc tions. 1 believe I have stated all that passed, ex • apt that M r . Douglas, before I left him, engaged 'me as hi. counsel in a carom pending in our ICu,,,!,Court, which certainly did not indicatp that there had been any thersateninge on my part or indig nation upon his. i' I run, gentlemen, always your friendland Beryl. J. hi. CAftLISLE. Messrs. GAI33 a; Santos. .. Extram from o /roe, from Ilea. Thorn. Ewsug to by artommy,.l. M. Cethstr, flay., rtatt,i 'War& to gten, July 30, 1519.' •• I was to have the property at 11451Sper annum, with the right, at my option, to compile at the same rate mr four years. This rent; though as much as I now would be willies to gibe on a new contract, and enough for what I rented, fa too lownfur the whole prmairly; but there le n wing of the boildiag for which I nave no use4rid which I did not rent, and which cannot he campied by any one else consistently with his clintract with me. So that between us it is a bad eiYrangement, and L suppose be now perceives it, and think. the best mode to get oat of it is by • qualfel that shall compel me to abandon the property pay a high er rent. The last I will not do; to thit fltst I have no objections, on being reloaded out:, of the rents for the improvements which 1 have paid for. "Now I want you to see him, and if he will give me a Irate according to the bugs of oar con tract, and reasonably secure me is the tenure, prepare it for me nod I will join in its execution. The property to be included in it fis, the main bnilding in which I now reside, the :cellar of [be beck building, one lower room of this back build• tng, used as a wood house or lumliM roont, the yard with the back house, and the eileloged way to the yard. lii short, so much of thd premises as are now in my use and occupancy and I must have the aviation nee of all theta; `lf he wit; not do this, agree with him for me that I surrender me premises on iiienday next, paying him realm. the brae I occupied them at the rate of 5150 a year, deducting from it $35 which paid kg improvements." • WO Mir 36.5 days. I keep the itou l se from May 15th mthe lilt of kagust7•43 days.;; Then if 3135 450 • h 3,., Received the abovg amount of 5a7.29., in full of all demands against the Hon. T. Ewing Ott to the 6th of August, 1519—be agreeing to warm, der the house now occurred by him 1,0 that day, and such surrender being hembv n4recd to and accepted by tne. JOHN DOcLASS,Jr. Washington. 31vt July, PAU. .1 The statement that nay : person. tal•Ju or women, was employed by Mr. Ewing or any towailiiic his family. or inaey Way connected with him or them," to hush op" the matter with I.)fugtar, is also false. It is impaaribleto say what uoauthorweil per tiongmay have said, or what gossip pay have La ken place, but the only person mtheriaed to coo. , the Douglas, after his rear.] to give Die lens was Mr. Ewing's attorney, nod hut authi.:rity went nu further than is wnuen down in tie letter of in struct:nos. .1 Th is a plain and simple :tawnier:l of a tmosi action out of which the Unmet has niannfeetmcd a cunningly devised fable to blacken:the character of an honotable man. We will notlprociouce the reOLOOrr witch each 011iolUdO merits. We tree. ly leave that to the judgment °fey* honest ins n of whatever puny, who will imagind the rent his own sod can appreciate its enormity. ORIGIN OF FORKS AT TABLE The nee of fork's at table dill not prevail in England until the reign 01 James the First, as is stated in a remarifible passage of Co:Tat. Our readers will bmile at the solemn manner in which this Important in vention or innovation is related:— " Here .1 will mention a thing that might have been spoken of before in discourse of the first .Italian towne.. I observed a custom in all those cities and towns,: throdgb the which I passed, tnat is not used many other country that I saw in my travels, neither do I think that any other nation. in Chribtert- I dome doth use it, but only Italy. The [ha- I lian and also most sirangersAhat are oath monant in Italy, do always at their mettle use a Little Forke when the oat their mbate; for while with their knife w hich they hold in one hand, they care their meate out of the dish, they fasten the Forke which they hold in the other hand, upon the dish, so that whatsoever he be that gluing in the compa. ny of any others at Meale should advisedly touch the dish of meats with his fingers from 'which all the table do cut. he will give occasion of offence unto the company as having transgressed the lawes of good manners, in so much that for his Error' he shall be browbeaten, if not reprehended in wordee. This form of feeding, I understand, ,is generally used in all parts of Italy, their forks for the most.part being made or yrorm, steele, and some of silver, but those are used only by Gentlemen. The Reason of this their Curiosity is, because the Italian cannot by any means endure: lb have his dish touch• ed with fingers, seeing all men's fingers me not alike cleane. Hereupon I myself thought good to imitate the Italian Fashion by this forked cutting of meatefnot only while I was in Italy but also in Germany, and often times . in England since I came home; being once quibbed for that frequently using my "Forke, by a certain learned dentlenin, a familiar friend of mine, Mr. Lawrence Whitaker., who in his merry humor doubted not toMall me at table Ford for, only for using a Forke at feeding, but for no other cause' bll.atstes lavas Pau.—The astouishir4 de mand far this great medicine seems to be on the it has been introduced, It has attained a popularity unprecedented in the 11/111•11• of toddical practice. Physicians arc using it in many eases, nt lea when they can obtain it. Patients, however, need not he ilea, the necessity of asking - medical advice, tin) can purchase a box of the Liver with which directions will be Insulated, which will wiork a speedy cure. The lollowing letter from am /gent, shows i. popularity in the section from which the let. tr., is dated. BM , CAnvis, filszeh Zld ficottrso Co.. PE ,11547. Kidd & Co., Wood at., , Pittsburgh: Gentlemen—We find we'cut tell a uremia. more .f Dr. Itl'Lline's Liven Pills than your agent let with .r. Thee Pills aro rapidly mama in favor, and we um sold almost all Mot wit hail. If you cau a nd . In or twelve down mote boxas.ilicy will lamp they. oil your agent can bring us a new supply. T..tr. J. Kfil LY. For sale by J. KIDD lc To., No. GO, comas of 'ourth and Wood at., Pittsburgis. inovb-dfcallorS rale:inh tNo, rur 1 4 tvurc VI, I William sham. N and for sale by A. /Bpi Fourth street. Th. will be found a deligh de of beverinTe in fmuiho., and partieutatiy !QOM. Bamot's Dame a.—An improved Chocolate p non, being a combiramou of Cocoa nun lane W, in• vigor - aline and palatable, highly recommend, partic ularly for inert/ob. Prepared by W. BA., ter, Maas., an d for ml by A. JAYNES, ate. ha! Aria SUM, N 0.70 Fount, vt. e .14 Pa Fire mad Marine Infinarastei!:—T , Prim velem N•TIOATION SNO Fier 1141171..011 Co AXT— ehartercd 1,1-I—cotainaes to tow., dp.n ovary de ae of property, at At /owns rota. Oren;No. 21 Market street. ••/• • BANIUELtOBNLY, B er ms FIRM. 8.01. my62:2lm .s. , house Imprarramenta "a Don y. , A DEL 0. O. Snit' ARNE!, is& of 8061011, I.• prepitted to .tore". 111111UflittiLie and set Buses Tom in *hole nod pens axed of vets, upon Section c..! ( .. Atmospheric Suction Plates.— leave TOOTHIiaIICUIND IN Vi .I,Vllla, where the nerve is in is g expo saL Other andiesidenee next door to the May or'. orrice, Fourth sweet, Pittsburgh. to the !barium—J. 11/161'Fiateu. P. a. Eetee. Sag thy le- • /Jon rarltTuga. ted with wit., BILI.,IIEALK" CAROB, CIRCULAfts, %Illein ift.st,e, Bills lildift" . Contracts,. Law Blania,. . 1m9.: ~,,, u " .. ,,,,,,p i ,..., ,... tr,' a. r r:arn,nlscu, [ a pe DD Printed at the ehoneet notice, et lerte prices, kilts 10 ex . ar.k. Cia=l2lll onica. tun trust, ' . 117 Wm. Alga* Will be a candidate for the May. orally, uuNeet to the rumination of the Whig Canyon • . . ly-lrearil Wilke's/at Will be • ciaidatip fo the s.loy9ralty,;gobject to the nomination of the Whig Cons . eatton. 1 . . .. DA. D. lIIINT, 7.101- Comer otronnlg Market and idrry en; • D".'4%.1.11•Zwy1" <asuseNCE sTOCIL ho DoOK.s for subscription to the capital, stock ol Ciurens' Insurance Company of Putsbmgli will ha opened in the !Mord of Trade Rooms On Monday, the oth day of November, at 10 hi ?a Shsres fifty. dollars , cub. Two dollar. and filly cents each slime tO be bald on • übscription. COSI:IIIS.SkONERS Lorimer, Jr. Robert Woods, El.•111eClorg. Joseph Plummer, S. 01. Kier. Jonah Zug, John Sheriff, Ater.. Roseburg, 11. D. King. oelle-truicS Irr Auk, Cittroks Acoucckrbasl. The Annual klecu.ngof Cit rate Allegt.eny County Soc A rrrr.— gricul carol Soelety.wi'l beheld at the New Coon House, on Wednesday, the 7th inst. at II o'clock, A.N. A general attendance is desirable, as as election fa Pacers will be held. By order. P. A. WAY, Secretary. DIED, Suddenly, en Sunday, the 4th not, at 12 o'clock,hl her Cu.antssa Cum" wife of Col. Asa Childs, to tb • 74th year of her age, The funeral will take place on Tuesday, the 6th inst. at Ii o'clock, from the restdenee of her husbutd, A hursvllle,,(Minersaille road,) and proceed to th• Al egheny Cemetery. The friends of the family ar. in iced to att'.nd without further notice. novS•ths 1 .I Di (Piorio MeDoak - • I AS selncted Ptltsbuegh as his future reaidence. Ile haa taken the house lately occupied by AM.- n 51,11er, on pound ab, neat Grant. immediately/O no the LaMartute House. Ilia (After la attattled 10 e re . .idericC, where he will constantly be Mond, an is absent On prafessiOttal duty. Olftee hours from 7 :9 o'elor.k A. Al, and from 5 to 7 o'clock P. M. novs.4llnly , i'LVl d ligNir i olv b i CO T A 11-11 beta N C., receiviolt and tar aale 31 JAbIC A HUTCHISON & CO, Not 43 Water and 92 Front at. fIOPFEE , -15 5 hp Rio, landing aad for rale ow y • BROWN &-KIRKPATRICK , novs No 144 Labeny rPF.AS--75 hf ghee. Imp'l, G. P. and T. H. Tea; . 10 to Black Tea; eally oar O. P. and 1,. H.Tea; landing and •-r axle low by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK, novs j No 144 Lahorty at 11011AC00-45 choice brands; In l.rl Pts, ban lb lump. " landing and for BROWN & KIRKPATRICK, No 144 'Ahem st SAI,ERATUS-30 bbl. lAIIOOIO & Co) on hand, for sale by J & R FLOYD 000 0 /CS-.1.0 doe on bond .11 for sok by tl . 00 I & IR FLOYD Ptons Black Fos Furnace now nod 1 tog at Allegheny wharf, and for sale by novti J t It FLOYD AfOLA SSES,JA bbo landing from steamer Excel "VI slur, and for sole low to <lose consignment by JAMES DALZELL kg, No I Cetentn. Just reed and fo salelr novs SELLERS it NICOLS IA RD Libls No I fur sole by 4 nevs SEILLEIifi h NICOLS DA TRY FI.OUR—WO bbln Ileaumont /k orni• ',stn Pastry Flash SO do do super. Fleur, w ro llu bee Flour, to team and for sole by nosj SELLERS A. NICOIS I)ACON-40 hl,ds 9do SbOuldrog to do to ) rd Ile,on for solo by novs SELLER 9 & NICOLS T HARRISON 'SFAVELL, Couto.Nor a 1 Loor.—Of . hce on. Fourth rterthove nontifteld. noTti.ly A A MASON & CO. have reeetvol per expreor, 1. pea .user French Mennoo, or the moo dcorahl color+.' 0 It ENCI l' CASIINIKRES--Now opening at GO 31ar• I,' ket 4, a lance. tarmac of French. Cashmeres, of new and faitoonalde tieing.. nars . A A MASON A CO' BLACK SILKS-5 eases extra Oro de Rhine, with MO Loom.. nors A A MASON &CO LONO SiIAWLS--Another Invoice of those rope. nor Leg Shawls, just reed per express, Ml• Market st. „ Shawl ., A A MASON A CO ._ DAROM4TERS- 0 ( improved and beautiful mod ]) el.. fol. RIO to 810, for sale by W W oust, W ILSO,N ... . ll,' ii T O R F.:—Cornelius It Co 's celebrated Lamps, in every' variety, sortable for Churches, Uwe:limy, Stores, Steustmats, F3CiArlell, ke. 'fuse LOmps are traps:ailed in cheamtess r beatity and holliwiry.,and noNsOto c-ueral Y., uor3 1 • IV W tIILSON G 4 'PAL y AltNI6ll-10 bhls eastern, for sale by rors : RI:: O.ELLERS, Or Wood ot f 1, RI; .I',MII.INIA-1 csa last reed lotto, sale by E VI nova R •,I.LFRS 567 71 os lionnso,l L us F ;r s 7 i Ly s S ALS S OI.).I-5 just rce'd avJ {or rule Ly R0 n 1.1 0, 1 ,7 21.00 !Ls utv ... l;glisty li . AILAIIIC No.l-1 cLelorl rec'd, for sale by Ur nor 5 E SELLERS JED-10 bb for eats 17 0.L1N.D m),RGAN 1 . 11Y1141f1•Sti-15 IT OCOTCII SNUFF -1 est for 111 , ; , 1. , y .4 muRGAN AIM OIL-19 1,1,111 'vet reed and for esle by • JOHN D .!...IORGAN 1e Fa 31 'rA lITA R-2 for z;,:r N br J(111\ . moiriAN - STONF,-I 7(11 1 1 o ti t;ll. b / y HGAN A ULA CK c.k Itrig eel., for flintily JOIIN 31OR our. for *ale at retail GAN 7 n0..1 11.)!%Nitell Copy LA u / 0 1. , Di-:rt tags and oh:lap:by..le by H DALLLLI. & CO, Liberty al 11, 0 , U , 1;LTT ., E i 1 4 1 , : ,, b , , , 1t mud 30 teaa'good,Rol „„,,, S DILWORTH & CO , Puttlsng per ucala tpx nov.s by DILWORTH lc CO POTATOFS--aprmr, plFt reed by noTS W 1121)1BAUlill DRIKD lIREF-10 opt. Nagar Cared, just reed and tor sale ) now:a Ste W ItARBAUttli vxTRA FlAttill,-41.1btols,kkt ree'd and for eak by ttovi 8 . L w lIALLIAUGH EATIIERS— . I. I ibe pnme,luot for sale by Ric W C(i.k . l 5 bode N. 0. poi landinF nd (or ..le by Q 1 nova !V a IN lIARBAUGH TAIIIOIJ.'IOSAJ,T-1100 noel. o r o rr b fi y acd Kook rill, nor 3 410' tr ove A 0 00.7100‘: Froat e n n i :Z E-3'°".'" ' ls ' Al..ti;ll)lC}ti. ) ; ' y ;so ell Eb"..SK—'-`tal boo avra,o ig 7 E , J i nta l lad 4Cbrese (knot of novi JII Q PING CHEESE-3M bar prime, rood wad (or nova J If CANFIb.LD I) Ol.i. tu irrEft-i nbls reed end (or rale by 1; I,av J CANFIELD LritA 11.011 R-111 SO scko, put up ezprouly for ftruttly usc, for sale il , l tto,s 1.4 F VON ItONNIIOI4ST k CO CUBE:W.-20 br, logo Crum; 7u b.rs meaum roe, poi reel!, for rale by novi P F VON BONNHOILST & CO IL KATIiFIRS-2.1 like ruse Moak for wee by! 12 _noes • S F VON lIONNIIORST a CO ,lOW ANU FLAX LINE V-10 pas for sale by --< SF VON LIONNHORST & CO C HEESE -4m bly W. 11 , A si c i , jr by bovd No.. Emd 20 Wood .1 KITS' OlL—to bbl. tor smle by 13AGALEY# CO 35() t:„..llCgi . Grant's We, super - iv; NYMunt's Henry .k James' 40 . 44 Grant's Sal • Huckera .54; Hans' Sal Inelbilingehove and other choice brands, for sideby novll - WILL 11A0ALEY /c CO bbl., N. C. Ter. larie hbls, fn . od order, tor Fehr by BAGAI,E /r. CO, ellT, hand 23 Wood et F;_v HANSPEARE--lIABEER'S ILLUSTRATIID.- 0 The complete Dramatic Writings of Wm. Shako. poem, minnved iteconling ID recent approved Colha lions of the Teat; with Notes and otherklustratiorm by Goltran C. Vcrplenck. Superbly emliellishtd hY overkill esga,eite engravings by llaw et, filer Designs by Meadows, Weir, and other eminent Artists. a vols. royal uvo. Wo may Foy ? nth pride that the American addititins end comments, trout the pen of Yes/llama, are aeon 10 render the publication unique, and quite superior te any other."— V. n. nu will unquestionably be placed at the head of all the editions of Slinkspeave ever published, by every demlimininating critic and Shelmjimari at student.— With the editions of Payne, Collier, Knight, and Singer to relent from, and the matte wealth of an which Eng; lend has recently lavished on the illustration+ of her great poet. at the command of the engraver, it could not well have been otherwise."—Standard. Par sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood in srisauers se.Lus. UV virtue of sundry "writs Curt ndaionl Ripener D wined out at the /linnet of Allegheny. Co. w.d to nit directed, will be exposed to Public Bale. at lasi court House, an the City of Pittsburgh, on Mon day, the With day of November, A. D. 1610, at It of M., the following described.propeny, m wit: Adl the right, title, interest and claim of Robert Mas len, of. in and to all those ,certain lots and pieces of gr 00nd situate in the Third Ward of thnCity of Alle gheny, being Nos. 2, lu, 11,12, 13,20, 21, Y 2.20, li, gs, ok, 27, 20, 0, 30,31.32, T.l, 34,35,20, 37, 38,32,40, 41, 43 and 44 in the sald Robe rt rt llas/ep's planet [alibi said City, containingette ln breadth, by 130 ILL] ' depth:—Use, all that cattalo messaage and tract of land WWI. in Ross township, beginning at • porton ihe west of William llarlett's land south 874 west 28 perches to a stone on of lame/ Watson's land, thence north by the sane 10 degrees, west 170 perches, thence by land of George Litchenberger south 28 de an..., cut 100 perches to a hickory, thence by the 1.111113 land north 711 degrees, east 121 perches to &post, thence by lands of John Wilson and Walt= Mulct south 11 degrees, cast lin perches to the place of be ginning, containing antes and 100 perches. Seised and taxon hi execunon as the property: of Ruben Das. lea at the cult of Pratt, for use of Hessen Clark Co&. ALSO, Alt the sight, title, interest and claim ofJohn Zigler, of, to and to an that certain piece or pel de scri bedd Fusee in Main tovv.hlp, bounded tuld as wheats, to am begiyer,annning at land uf John Neel, near lino fld running thence loath 63 degrees, wog 7i feet to Lando( George Mtinger,thence up the bill north Pb degrees, west 53 patches toll cot nem thence north 63 degrees,' alai .14 feet nd of sidd John Neel, thence doom the MU by land of said John Neel south ill degrees, east .33 perches let the place of beginning, booms a small frame tenement erected thereon, and being the same piece of pound that James Munroe, by deed dined the oth. ot take e n 4 it't 'a's:vend:l'4o"mo Wren, of sons &alert at the suit of Oliver Blackburn Co.,orni lo be sold by SIMLWftOIIn=,NOVAOM-4.511 Valuable Farm fee we, EAR CANTON, Stark county, Ohio, con.fining of W flsl/. ACIES OF LANDsin &high nun. of ath , " ',anon.' with eanitable pm:loon:4n. of timber, and an abundance or alone coal and lintesione- • About equal ProPorlions of this land are roiling opland,;idaptott b tn e, and meadow land sdaoed to grass and corm The improveinents are rood Pole Untllior.• Wick Sara, a 'pang thrifty Apple Orchard. of choice grafted froth • rood amply of young Pesch Tram An Terms--One fourth to band, balance to c.y annual payaneuus. Tide indtspntahln- - For further parnoulars apply Inswro,ld. to . Canton; or the usderataned,J= toL O tTit. : i.P., AdMillistialOr of the Estate of 000. Holto 3, LLaucastor thnon and Washington l time. uud charge Cozen.] • WANTED, IN A DRY 000DS /013511511 ii ut active or silont pastrier,wrth a cash caPloxl 5, T. 5.7 Th.ii" sand Daum, or two active partners well acquainted with the business; and having (ram Filo.io Ten Thou- Land Dollars each, to take the place of a. senior mm tier of the firm, walling to retire on the Lt of next Jan -5.7. The House is well established, and doing a [mod bushiest Ail eoutmaiientiona stneup eoefiden• tisl. Addresa-51elehant Box 577, Philadelphia. Ohio tad prainsylvaala Railroad. THE Stockholder. in the Ohio aid Pennsylvania Railroad Company kre hereby notified ui pay the Third Instalment of Five Dollar.. on each tthato re spectively held 14 theca, at the Office of the Company, Third at Piushuralt, au or before the •th of Novara. bor. J. J. lIROOKFS, Trensarer. LINSEED OI 11111"RTIli'lja0F7V1 tet:Lolrf Baiab y mir2 Water street R ECD THIS —IS Indu Ruiperr a Copi Far sale at the Robber Depot, N 0.5 Wood st. & II PHILLIPS DOOR SPRINGS-5 d.s Door Spnngo, mot reed sod for sola J & PHILLIPS', non No I L Wood or GREEN and or APPLES—rabble, various qualities, just reed f solo by L 9 WATER\IAN . DOTATOFS-100 Lo just meld and for sole by . . L noyd 1.3 WATERMAN . UOIsASSES--do bble N. 0. odor landing from MA. ...nor Mary Arm, foi salt , by novil 1.9 WATF.R.MAN IJITER-41 kegs re and for sole by meek 1. ti WATERMAN LA b lr—A few kegs prime No. 1. reed and for sal no L N WATERMAN W HIT v I; 11F.AN3,--35 Ibis Mr: TATI:Ria AN BROONIY-Z do. Corn Broom., for •ale by nova LS WnTERMAN IaiLANKFfr3.! 111.ANRETS!!—IV. R. Murphy h juat ree'd another no ply of country and ceae mmufaetured Blankeht, including some of eery a perfer quality. Rouse keeper• are invited in look diem before making their parcha•ea. nova N. E. corner Ith and Market it. THE u ri-mtiretdfi property occupied by me in the bor 110tiAftt on ol d i tt ! o 'b re ' re r .o b rifo * .. 7l . 2"' ;% °„7,.7l.. itomesaihn given intmedtately. Enquire of 3e. An derson, Erg, ruljorninF the premises. or of no. d .111eCLINTAICK, 75 Fourth fit TEAM BOAT BED LANK'S—A 101 of a superior 0 q . u . : 4y, dAT Ale lbs Jost meld and far gale by V 'wall J KIDD & CO, GO WOO.l at 011LOAOFOF01—e0 lb. just reed and for sale by nort, ' I KIDD & CO, BO ood at ODI DK PO TASSA—t:3 az rust re old and for sale!, novl /KIDD & CO, GOlVrtod at PANISH ANNATTO-7.5 juo oe'd ;184.1 bay 2 J KIDD & C ALLFZi'S Nerve nd Bono Lionnem-15 sroee rce , d and for sale by novi 1 KIDD & CO, CO Wood_ CUM. et Navlfg public we respectfully le.forn flee Line wit! acetic to .Li ein:nigh on the lOtti, and fent 4nst. We WWI continue I and wagons during winter. JOHN hIeFADEN tc CO and qr bbl. for ode 17 JOHN SIcFADEN A CO led Soop—A few MOW boxes se east, of heal ennltty, will 1w JOON McFADEN tr. CO , arid bble,) Sal Soda, Rosii S .' fltiClZSßedasid Chloride of ldm?, for .ale by n:irl /OLIN Met ADEN & CO (_—" APP bbl. reo'd And for axle by ARMSTRONG & CROZI:R G` 7S-44 (as bee Hog., for sale by •N ARMSTRONG k CROZEE lot Tale bY ARMSTRONG &CROZER URA bbl. lianabletan's brand, for on:a by ARNIE;TRONG CROZk:R I EIS--304 Ors r.alo 1:0 10a12}SleKennan d Co's brand bas 100 Ors arta ß. Fulton's brood. og from steamer loom :Ceram, and for sale by JAMEst D.ILZELL t Bl Wow al ll 'TOLL BUTTER-3 bbl., rut up in cloth retying and for sale by ROBERT DALZELL 2r. CO. • e 2 Liberty meet oil .EsE—zoo b.. landnut this day; Wo bus in storjband for sale by rrs3 'tour DA CELL & CO, Lobrny at - ... `A ERATI:3-1M colts and 3111,22 in atom and for 1,7 sale by ROBERT DALZELL & CO, A / 022 Liberty st [j COY BIDES—Fos toile by LP out R DALZELL b. co, Liberty at Wv - rasit lascaaacr. Castrato, Z Pittsburgh, Nov . ; Lai, /243. $ MEETING of the Stockholders of this Company will be. held at their odice, No. 22 Water 0., on Tue day, the 13iday of November ino., at II o'ctock, A.. ~ for the tF•llSartiOli of biome. to be sahmitted l e to t e Board of Directors. Ao election fur Ont..° ' Di Ours, to serve for the ensuing yea.. ••111 be held at I same place, on the same day, between th e boars Of 2 and 3 o'cloca, P. .M. novt-dtd 1. FINNEY, Jr., Seep. l OU BUTTER-1 bbl pnriu In atom end Int nein by novi STUART b. SILL oTATOE,s—.SO bblfi on nonwgfunrnt. for sale by. awn CHAR; d SKINNPS OFFEX—R3 bp prune in stord and for .1v Ity noal STUART & lUGAR-2I hdd*l.s.eg for •sh . uovl if ruAIIT SILL _ —_ - IBBERTS CHEMICAL WHITING FLUID--We I recommend lltbbeet Writing Fluid to the pd. ret age of the public, as u first raw article in all re.' sp ets. It flows free from the pen whileut dov,ing it up and an the course of a few boars bcciones a deep lir. In blaek. Was Luiptheon & Son, B. A. M Fahrirstork & Cu., Weber , . oore McQuewan & Douglas • Fmk & MeCiadleas, . John Parker, S. Wigthroun &Co, France Sellers, C. A. MeAtualty & Co. For sale (together with Ilibbert's Red rind Machine Copy Inks) by B. A. Falinestodk A Co.; Henry P. Schwan:. Allegheny City, rind the manufacturer, . THOS. K. lIIIHIERT, Dmggist A Chemist, noyt.d4w car Liberty and Smithfield at _ `pNDRIETii--166 asks Feathers; SO bbls Lard; kg bales Cotton; to arose an steams TlntifOrtl, far rate by octll ISAIAH DICKEY . tr. CO. Front it 'SfiXATISESZIS bbl. St. lames Sugar Hauge; do do do dm lOU thla Plantation; for sale by °cal HUEY, MATTHEWS & CO SUNDRIES -10 boxes, Stead. , Candles', to ' 'Extra Pure &web; 4 eases Boston Piekleraml Carmine; 5 Genoa Citron; " Castile Soap, 2 U Almond 20 drams Smyrna Pigs; 511 lb. Cocoa Shells; .• Also, Cocoa; Broca and Chaeolatet for sale by .121 J WILLIASIS _ D YE woo us-600 bbl. Chipped and GUMMI, lay reel and for sale by B A FAHNESTOCK k• CO, sorrier First and Wood sot °Ft'n [ll.BOlll SALTS-40 bbls Kaltisnore, for ..to 1:3 oet3l B A FAONE TOCIA CO ALCOIIOI.-30 bbt s 70 Al pr co, for sale by octal D A FAkLik.STOCK I CO. FA ILILICJ . I.I:2II I, :I b OOD-90 eases Foreign and Am. oetz I B A FAIINESTOCK A CO P ° ASTIIX FLOUR-100 tilds Pastry.Floar. smart r or article for tatters md lust tecid and ter sale b) otlal 13ELLEIli9 t NICOIS 1 ti,..2r2 ale by A r , 1 3 rL O UR-60 bbia Just reed L ,..„, SELLER, INSENG-7 lucks now landing from steamer° , VT Haines, for sale by *O3l - ISAIAH DICkEY A CO FIA)UEL-GS bbl, now .landing ftoltl steamer J Nation, for sale by Gala DIOKFX 110EME-1101bzs itl;0(111.114 for sale by lJ ust3l R DALZELL CO, Libessy PECAN. NUTS-40 bbls superior, in store and fa sale by oet3l R,DALZELL /cell KEli BUTTER—LSO kegs ree l / 4 1 , • .• for Fade Lp .Clt . H.LIALZELL &CO DU PONT'S POWDER-L , The subscribers, Agents lot the manufasturers of the above celebrated brand of Powder, butane bentland aro.consuunly re ceiving supplies et the different sextettes, which they derfo tor sale at redneed prices. A liberal discount al. lowedw Whotestdo dealers. HU RURIDOE,,WILSON ,L CO _ ._ • . UST REC4OO yds 44 Gum Carriage Cloth, withll--. Jradilitii=ki:pfkoz;ireir A r .rae ;?.. for sale low at the k Ii PHILLIPS °cal REC'D the Poillipsyllie Factory, 300 Tile 34 floor Oil Cloth, sold at a low price, at No Wood at. oettgl 3fa PHILLIPS store Lod for sale by COPE& URFA FOGLE. oet.i. oet3l _ 1110-1. Cue reed 11.111- . BRAUN RLITLI., comer Liberty end St Clair-ate BUCKgTR—IS dos Deaver Burkett, 3 dos Large Tuba, Run raed and DROWN KIRKPATRICK, aula o bi ot BROWN It KIRK PATRICK 76001d8-7S dos but ree'd and for sale b r BROWN &KIRKPATRICK , FEATIIERS:-TOWS-nosr landmg from Me steamer ' orf.ll . 6.in" ffS'AtiIIb6ICKEY k CO e Froo 00/.:5 maks Door landing from steamerT:ti Galues, for sale by ISMAIL DICKEY k. CO Il TATOW, for kale yBVaITiiiIOK,-WVTErtiiNa;C ot2o L RMA _ _ S —____ UGAR-3S bias N 0, strictly prime, for sale by oat3il L B WATERMAN SWO—OTL—s3 dos, • chola." trash article Jum reed and for sale by oet3l BRAUN it. REITER EPSRITROM:4O WA just reed and for two by _ peat • . CO.taltr.EL OIL -1 UN of i o th aAlearlitilo REAM TARTER-3 lildiFtirie - e'rciiiercir isle ITY Coctal. BRAUN &REITER 111ACtiNILHOULDERS—M mks prime &nudity, fat JD silo by RHEY, AIATTIIEWS b CO, -00131. f. - , • 29 Wavy at_ 51talltria"AM" 31r; 0 sense for tabs by ‘n • - „V oci l Iliizy, IsATraEWs ECO AMUSEMENTS • I. -THEATREIO. ifi.peisir .A.vivnell3.-Drect Clrele end P0mp1etie.......50 M. I Seep ott ........... .. . . .... 1:17D00 75 open'} befcre 7. Curtaia drea3 put 3. • Er7BEISTEETr of Mr. SILSBEE,the Yankee Come- Moans, Nov. be acted Hippv Mr. Silsbee. Moderation To be followed with ore act of — TANSIES IN 1776. Jell Mr. Silsbee. After which a berfesque called the LADY CETI'S LYONS. Clod Aleddlenot • Mr. Silsbee. sue, - eo. AUCTION SALES. py Joh. D. D►Vt.. AlleUUOns►r Staple and Dry Gmn4. On 'Monday morning, Nov. sth, at 10 -o'clock, od the Commermal Sales germs, center of Wood Ind Fifth streets, will be sold— An extens ive assortment of staple and fancy foreign end domestic Dry Condi; among which are superfine black and brown broad cloths, castimeres, eta, tweeds, Mans, red and yellme flannels, canton canton flannels, super woolen plaids,' barredfilannels and lindseys, uterine', airiness, enahmeres, black bombazine, velvets, "sienna Mining", silt, coat and vest button', cloaking, pilot cloths, colored cambric s, =lnch wide Meetings, supper coinage, ribbons, silk buttons, needles, ke 1311= o'clock, Groceries, QUCCOVAIIte, esZ. rung Ilyson and Imperial Tea, Virginia athorise. .edTobaceo, writing and wrapping paper, thowels, rassware, lee. A large and general arranthent of new and retond hand household furottare, cooking SIOTEII, kitchen utensils, feather beds, bedding, manthisres, looking glasses,narpering, mantel clock.,window blinds, ire.; alto, a quantity of leathertrunkscanvass trunks, ear peiand leather bug., saddler, bridles, /kn. 10111 . 1 D DAVIS. Ariel novil Morten ' Br - sild Otg 7r n , , ocHia Cray of Alkgkany, AT AUCTION! On Saturday a trmeon, November 10th, will he sold on the premises, Six Lots of Ground, waste on the south side of Ohio et, adjoining the "burnt district," having each a front of 20 ft. and extending back 00 ft to nu alley 100 wide. Also—Seven lots odjoining the above, having arrant of 10 ft on the West Common, and extending back 110 ft to the aforesaid 10 ft alley. These hits ore certainly among the most desirable-in SIG oily of Allegheny, to view Of its foto es growth and progress of improvement. Tones--One third cash, residue in six and twelve m0.,4., will. interest. Aplan of the IoG be seen at the store of Mer. ter k Holmium, in A l l egheny, and m my auction mom, corner of Wood and Filth sta. .01 JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt Lyall-1143 pigs Galena for swid by_ RUBY, MATTHEWS & CO PLR tiOßoca 46 bbls No 8 lad 6o; bb:s Nos 4 & 5 Lost Sam . for axle by uACCO—ib" Ouothom & Co, di vole, for sale by .tat • HUEY, MATTHEWS & CO LAIM 011.-12 bbls Mukha& k Co, best qua /111, for sale by oes:11 • COFFEE, Itc-240 bps Rio Cotteet tal Of chasm V. 11., O. P., Impl and Olt Tea ll° cad. Lys Jo do do do do With a general assortment of Groceries and Pitts burgh manufactures, for sale by RORY, MATTIIE\VS fr. CO rz INC WASLIIIOARDS—ZE dos' Holmes' oo.pcior for xale by J D.WILLIAbIO, ncull No 110 Wood of " PD ' ITirILLIA3I3 • Bee V/ by 0 LA SSE N S—UO Uhl. ' fa WATERMAN 111 oc:30 - - - . TO nuysus OW DAV GOODSI • vir R. MURPHY, at north east corner of Fourth y . and Market sts, 11 now receivins• Lim second supply for the season, and MI offer inducements to buyers rarely to be met with. His assortment of LADIES' DB rs. 9 GOODS Is very fall, conaistiny of French Merinos,Cashmains, Coburg., Lyenese Cloth., super Printed French Cash-. metes. at Triers considerably loWer than they amid be bought early indie ammo. His Mock of LONG SHAWLS • Is large, and MM.,* many of the beastifill etyles now on exhibition at Franklin Insulate, Plated's. BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS; Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trim mings, be. SACKING FLANNEL Of various - styles end imithdei, plain and embroidered lynch Silk Laces, Nerd& Worked Collar. and Coifs, aonnet Satins and Velvet flOvrefl, Cane and Yearling!. HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, Of the neweSt sules, and at lower prier. than usual; nod rich chengeable Silks and Smuts, fat Mantillas, tte.• end • larga - mck of 'STAPLE AND I.IOIISEKEEPIN GOODS, at lowest price. Acid in the gentlemen's department will be found limb FRENCH BLACK AND FANCY COLD CLOTHS, Black Doeskins, Winter Vetting% Fancy Casamerca, Undershirt. and Lamer, Silk Cravats, Yeast Baud kerchinti, As ap-Merehants are ialritad to shit the Wholesale Rooms, up stairs. • oct3G WOOLEN JACKETS-1W Rottgli and Beady Knit Wool Jackets juit reed by oel3o ..3.aAcKt...Frr A WHITE. 99 Wood at tiiitTCzbarsisrd - a.am — i" - Wiria _t.7 Shine and Drawere last rec'd Ly wood 0et30 ,.. rAC N EL cic hlr A sr l i yiki 4 M 99 4_lo Say n lt laid received by Zepreas an or mile by SHACELETT & WHITE, 99 Wood at eictit) • es..tment el Black Silk Norge. ja4..1.4 &V ' ocr. I.3IIACKLETT & WHITE, 91 W. 4 .1 GETIe c"v;V",:ittiriAlilblTOFlST & CO OOD/LABII-1.3 caste ler nn le by 1,3:f SF FONBONNIHORST a. CO .L oet:11 F VON, IiONNIIORST tr. CO ale V .v. \Ytlo t grV " O ' NIVAMII:II3 CO U ED rEnc.llE-'l4-10. bushel tor sa_e_l/ 13 0 IY oet3o P VON BONNIIOD. • °C the Is tst a " or most spkroved styles and c 3 olors. We invite 1r friends to eau and examine Octal, W. 51 , CLINTOCK. • , 'S CruiPteno__ - rit_rcgirkb tit'lifS—Just reed at W. at I TOOL). Carpet Wareboase, (of the latest Importa uond the handsome. lapesm7 Bmintels Carpets ever brought to thin market, to which we Matto the attew lion or Mow. to famrsh homes. oet3o •' • • 0 . 1%,RA1.11 , ,—,A lam Cellar ate Let, in Wareham 1.7 Nlo 100 Liberty St. on Ince:lemma terms—food hoist to aeParanza. Apl• to oel:KI __ll LER `maimamM ton, AladOra, tibarry and Sari. V 513taga Wows, for Said by tdocast or to goon nica to out purchasers, by W lc 51 MITCUNTLREE, act:* - No 160 Liberty-NI • • 1:116 AND BUCK 6 -114-10 do: largo Tubs; . 83 do: Ltuoket.; Keeler, for sale by oct3o L S WATERMAN LASTINfi I ocitlO 3 O biLWOOTO fr. CO AFETV (or Blartiol—lo julo.land'g for oct.% DILWORTH &CO St:ASIIOOTiNG GUN PO tng by MOD J Li UP. SPORTING Po , yD9I I7 I,O I O I eATZa kj ocoo F"'"Ea---m—p-TaKkiwaVa`inti• B U o l c73 l o ß-s'l 17 1 NOR k; co: 1' 6 2,1cF - P;ii''vcs'i, 7 G. l 'rear. andulmpfli s onAvocra t co r As—i rride " a For sale law by c 02130 1 - q bMs in socßu r i r i n ot i .4.744l co LIQUOR 2.-17 ti! pipe. Lirandr—Olard, Dopuy, . I. lgp k e . z i rnad Istn , ; 400 bbls Wh iA nY; oei3, • W d M IVITCHELTREE A LCOMpt.--wtat an anortatent of Domestic Li goon, Cordials, kn., always on hmstand Mt Sabi by tho cask or qaualtles, to atarmurchasoarf ott9U W M AIITCHMITRIMI Ditoome—wv 41. in au , 111 n.vt - bble extra for sale by _U noel STUART & SILL. 1.41.10ift now& V . rlNLXiAll—Puto Cite" m etofe far iT sal it er ix ' novl STVA BEM CIGARS—WM* Ragaliss; 11.(wu Leon De Om; PAN rrmelpeeg Just tecNl on consignment, end for tam low by , soy firtrAIITA 511A.418 WoOd I'ItLE.`! , S 511..1.—A. A. .1../ ceivea 7: pv of oleg:t i ii novl lot OUKNING eAsii . Sff: ES—A. A. blesou a. Co. DI now opcning• 50 p of super Mourning Gun der. n and ➢e Lavine. • - • novl. ' TV ' O 'r o f. . i vv i ll -V o . :vl7thle .!1 - .. ' y 1 c - :of flontel ' ilelert:of nil colors. and ' r.o4ps of big colored Ifonnet ROA... noel . SENCiI WROUGHT CAPES—A. A.l &son &Co; 1? have reed u. lot df nperior 1 - .16 Capes. .vi P" j" nosovl CEEMELE RU . L n Is bbl. for Bala by novt EIMMII ROMRIES-300 bp Rib Coder: pkgs•Y. IL, Imperiul and Was; roof 100 brs Lorna and PponTob.ccs 105 bbts NO Molasses; 43 bb ds do ilspr; 12 bids Loaf Sugar, 40 do Nos 9 t 3 blankerol; 12 bf od qr bbls No 1 dlaeleerel; 2000 lbs s Red Ikb: Leashes; 21 bps Pepper; . • 2 bid. bladder. 03 bra No I Chocolates; 40 bp!. Tar 20 bbls Tanners' 011; seroons P Indigo; bbls Bnmstone; SC , map Casein; 50 1'36 Bbip'd Lorwood; 2 bbls Saltpetre; LW. Ep..8141.1; INs rearms Wrarping Paper; Slas Ws Cotten }ern, pied; 150 Dia Baninal I.ls•slandlevnek; 50 dor related, Boelteun Ism bp dr 10 Windom Olassn 3.0 bash Dried Peaches, 50 do do .Appl“; :MO teas Nails, mid siresi ‘c,s, acne' s itssorunent of Pittsburgh blanufgr Wed srueles, sor sale by ROBISON, LIT'rLI4 . &PO, 133 Liberty st just read and for silo by BRAUN & REITF:R Oil Cloths. _ • TiVeIiINTOCK has now In store and for mile, V V the huger and best assortment of Ott Ctioras evo , offered In this market, and a: reduced pi Which will be ent to Ed ant stud Reentoilagea.Vcsai bole. We Invite our friends and enstonseralseallatat, exam . .. oar assottateritlsforeret ed i v asaaltewhera. 7.oaVrtiV•rebotue,lslM'ot 4 : - .,7,,.p10ndia fut rtmr.ips steamer 1 : 1 0 1 1 , :, DE WITT CLINTON, o.l),Termr, Master, •rtlll hare for .be above and Ul intermsdlato parts this day. at 4 o'clock, P. Id. For freiglator passag ,. ..PP/T eiovs FOR oNcINNATI. ,r=zr' wak dai, at 9 A. M. • Fos freigta ln passage apply on boar& • 1 ,,,s FO.R. CLAIGINNATI. M ,,, Tin snq'ateamu t-.l.s)se • stone, plastor, leavi lot above alllntennetlitte pot:l, - Ons s, 10 &clock', A. NI. Fmr forioht or poi", FOR MARIETTA AND 79.2.1E2311W; m ai Ma ' r" 1.;l ' PR n g ; : env, master, wilt leave for the above _ and all 11219nriediala ports thitidity, SA • • For freight or passer, apply on Doan!. or to ' %V Wilt Ask - DOTS• -; maim The am running pasee , Aer stealer . : Wiri3MlPitt, ' 'i- T. Roger., mister, win 'rave for the above and all intermediate ports on , , 1 Mla day, next, 21 10 o'clock, A. M. Fort sight or pasinspoirl on board,. ncy.s ..:: prrrssuitcu AND WHEELING l' A.CRET. The seerand. splendid passenger steamer CINDERELLA, Capt. Jas. IL Hulett, 1.61110*v, Phut. rga b y e ,VrO M o ? el d etV, I. ' gi! "" 'Lug - For freight or passage apply on board, or ifi oe9j_ J N.,6NF.1.4.Azt Pal& SPNPLIII & WULF:LIM:. Mailed -,... The One steamer -1t IVELLBVILL.I!, 64L.fti1. evenu n yai: ...,7.1T P. M otl9 . ARMSTRONG k. ORME& • FON. ZAKIVILLLE. ee 4 ~ . , m a si g ibb ...,.. . T he .*le . nal f a sgi•VEn, eirki..., master, wilt leave for ilia avowal all Intermediate , parts On day, at 4 lock, P.M, , board, ' to I. or (*get .o P.l . r , ' PP .llr ‘ jjwiE r .1111, VC. *OOO . . -----, FOR—CINCINNATI. i , . Moore, 11ata111ai 1 F ,uve, , ,,,,,,,1;!ii .: abaira'ant'Anctllaie,iantitais day at 4 o'clock,' P. N. I:!....trlyedght or passage,applyoabaard FOIL ST. LOUIS. The .. , ! ne' aTL 7l7o PlT , , master, will leave for above k nd Irderanediata ports Oda day, at 10 . o'clock, X. PI. For freight or passage apply on board. oct3L • .. FOR ZANESVILLE. The lightdraoghl steamer JENNY LINO, Gall her master, leaves far above port dna day, at IV o'clock, A. freight or passage apply on board, - • Oa= . FOR ST. LOUIS. The splendid steamer . • J. J. CRITTENDEN, Ihdeluoson,mester.vnll lean for the above and Intermediate poem thhi day, at 4 o'elcie k, F.M. • For freight or pawl, ~,~f Y 7 ~i.V Y 11:l:tylS:L~n • FOR ST. LOUIS. • • • • I za n The splendid eteamer HAMBURG, D. Colwell, master, will leve for the above and all Intermediate pens this emerningat 10 o'clock, A. M. For, freight or pima. apply on boar , . nervl • TOR. CINCINNATI AND SE LOuta. ,_ • The fine fart naming steamer , _ • MT. VERNON, Fenno. motet, Vrill lease for the • • - above and all intermediate parts this • day, I[lo o'clock, A. N. For freight or pass • . it : @ . PITCh 6 i 1 r t `" _. =z ~. • DAILY. PACKET Ens known line of splendid passenger Steam era . new compered of the largest, swiftest, beg hed and furnished, and most powerful boateon the tarns of The West. Every accoromodatien and rem. fortithat money elm proctire,4ms been provided far pas , singer.. The Line has been m operaturt for five years —hi. carried n million of ,people vvithout the least ittm.• Vie w er s e ; . e ; e ' i r rety T p h r n e s i b rs loVrtleg t the afg'ete; f . don of freight and the entry °Cps...enters on therregu tar. In all canoe the (orange money mast be patd advance: 21011 - IiA.Y The ISAAC NE - Wl'Ori, Captain Hemphill, km Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 cralotalr; . Wheetin4 every Sanday evening at 10 r. x. ?dal' tH,10.47.. 11010DAli' PAethr" .T. The TlO:ioPiGAHELA,Capt.Poossoitill leave Pitts bargh every blonder morning et 10 o'clock; Wheel's!: erczy Monday <strung at 10 r. N. . _ 1, . . The IRDERNIA No. 2, Cal, J. Kraal:rat raw, trill Dave Plosburea every Tnaday morning at 10 O'C toe Wheeling every - Tuesday eremite ors -10 r. to • , " • • • t WICDAM I SIOXY "#XCILET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. 9. Di p, Vrilf leave, Pinsburch every Wednesday ruorntuo se '.,'Teti &civet; tYheeline every Wedneadaveveming alO e. '.,' TITIAID/D - r1( OACk[k.T. - • The BRILLIANT, Capt..thues, will leave barat every Thursday manna; at 10 o'clock; NVbeeltal every Thursday evennte at 10 c. a. VIDVAirtr.A. - CPC.ttc The CLIPPER No. R, Capt. Pays Duvet, lelll Day . , Pittsbargh every Friday looming at 10 o'clock; Whey -0 • - Ins every Friday evening at la P. te. ' SATURDAY PACKET. • The DIFISENGEB. No. 2, Capt. 1. C:Woonwaail, will leave Pittsburgh. every Friday morning at 10e• • Clock Wheeling every Fnday at 10 P. x. • Farmer , ' /Mammoth DISESILIMO 00.. • WASIILNOTON COUNTY, N.Y., The Largestlnsurance Company iti the Unnr.d Btataa rrHIS Company have issued about: 40,000 Policies_ • J. this year etas far, and probably et the rate of 10e faro annnally olate, mostly intim Eastern and • middle parts. The rates of. this. Company are low,. ' both ,for cash and the prminom note. .• ' The cost to insure'an ordinary risk for 810M4, arthl,L. be premium note $lO only. Cush 40 per cent. on the if note, which, with the policy and survey, make it altrest. 85 for five yeari; 81 per year, two cents per week; or 1 1 R ckoning annually 10 cents on the Slat ' • . Thisamomn of cash, allhougloonall i baspardalllost , es promptly for several years; and framthetnererasing• business, the Directors are warranted in the belief that ! no art men they're-totem notes will be neeeresary. • This Company are prohibited by their lity-lawa Goa insuring in blocks or exposed parts of village. affront taking risks upon any kind of Mills, Shope orldichli* = - my, which are considered hasenleita, 'or froottaking over IMMO upon one risk. The policies of this cam. ploy are free fromile objectionable maidens found to the pinkie.. of many other colePoeiot, oat of Wiikh so. much litigation antes. All matters of difference .. may be Settled by arbitration in the County where rho loss happens, by those insured in the Coontdorlroare, of emir., members. • ARCM. BISHOP, Secretary, C. A!COLTON, Gen. Agent for Western Penn}, to be found at present at t_ ocinlAlse,kreAtil . . • . Drowns Hoof, Pittsburgh: PIKTROPItIni , "There are more things'ln fleas= and earth, Than tun dreampt of in PhilreoPhY." _ ImeruEs• of thus remarkable 'remedy...ad ' 1 the constant applicetion'ler it, to Mr proprietor,' _ has induced him to have it pat op-, in bottles' wittr•la; bola and directions for tir., benefit of the' The PETROLEUM is proonted.fmm a well in AU, . county, at a depth of four-hundred feat, is Apeman.- = dalterated article, Abner any el:misdeal change, bet just endows from Naturals Great Labrauiryll Thant contains properties reaching a umber of die , wies,,ii no Longer a matter of uneenamty. There are many thingtrin the areann of natarn,whteh, if known,mlght ha of mat utefulneen in arantatiod tottering, and - storing the bloom of health kad vigor to ninny st_ng freer. Lo n g before the pinprietor thought of panted up innomlea, n had a mmetation for the cure of dlr . Cale., The-constant - and datly.increasnig and several remarkable I cares it has perfonsed ! _t!,4 ' sure indication of ha !Morepopularity - end spread application In Ma Core n( Massa We do not wish to Make ■ long parade of c.a.- . catcs,ns are conacidaa that the medicine 'can . aocia . wore its way Imo the favor of those who sede r sad wish' to be heated. Whilst we do not !, antenna! application in every diatom, we tingly say, that in annther of Chronle . ...Nsucd, Among these maY bo o°° .° '" ft l /rOWUl f .77 b tc ' CO '''' N ° S ' U ' ' r7itN " i `h in Asthma, led a I diseaserof the air poo , ogll , ,_+._7_ COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Dbmnme4, the Bladder .d Kideen. Pm. to Nervous Dise.mcs,Neuralghi,P.rh Gout, Erysipelas, Tetter,lßmgmorms , II i ff y 7 . 6! Brunie*, (Bel Bermes-, ie. le eases oi ac uniting !rein eapoaarc, Mop ma protracted ealicanc 4 a """" medicine will brioe general TONIC audTFßTPlE • innab ass. r .- L ''' imparting tone - and e. ing chrtroctions, °Knob' e weVe?.ll=Ott ud g a w k. cause disease .4 a bre at vomit • a renewed ergy to all Ma organit of ,-- hnowa of severed cute* Or T h , e ,L,"Y„, e d ever other treatMOM. get-ntin: prIIR.OLLEI.I24 - tor short WM., ander trot me of the N, he e Mu to any person wloadeauch it:_; - Teo P t.f . une L ne .,,aat l out the aignaiure of the propritOca o prittor torn rip • •' " id the . P" E. SELLERS, al .4 - • r andKEYSER & APDOWELE, comer Wood st..o Virgin alley; who are Ida • ;re.g.i.. 1 1 , Vriuted Agents. OfDtnoimUoa .. '• 1 • MI AILITUAL CONSE, T tbfa day; the Erre hereto.' D fore csistmg.uuder MT!. or BUSIYPIELD . LEADEB,I.. been dissolved try' Henry Mader kell log).ia enure interest in Old tom to John MeGill.l Alt Intriness ceontetc with the firm of ytonhned will he Killed by S. IS, Itualtfirld & Co.,- ache are duty authOrisca to make all collections and dajostadt Mauna BUSIIFIELLII. LtuDvit. at Pllrateb,Uct. 27, I VDER-100 kve reeeiv • DILWORTH tr. CO KgfflM toro and for sale by SrUART &SILL. Mailieshemi 300 Cream,ln.toreandfor I STUART & SILL Vitt d on consianmant and laAl ' (I a. saiirtEß, vs NI ark.lllL. N. 1.1.4 i: B. 1111t , 11FIELD.}. cO. will iontiatie4e wholesale nod cowl El9 . ,Coods and Grocery putiiiesai At the old wore morn, Net :120 *Am they clll be pluued "hew, their friends and, .eusterirri. all and examine their idoelief good,. , ocCll !S.ll. BUSIIFIF.I.D It CO. liai k SKINNER Id fbT CgdlG ~ filiiNi(fi&' WIFERAWg *poly on board. otC3l a. ply on boaol •ply on bond Now IfYlaals TUVF.NILE ORATORIES; a Collection of 4fotkip designed for Sorel and other Calvert,. Julienne Cloaca, ttehools. HY J. C.Johnson. Price,XYcla7 , THE DAY STATE COLLECTION of Church May . 7, vici camyri 4 jog Yrnnt 'OrletY or Praha and Myrna ' Tunes CUM.. Anthem.; Chorus...ft winieces,er , igidal and selected- Together milt a complete course', of elementary excretal , solfeggios and ranging v on; the whole forming complete Manual of Choreic - Mum. By A. N. Johns° , Joyieh Ogood,and Swaney • - • Bostan,lsl9. Pnca , . 73 eta.. • • Reed and for hale , JOHN 11. MELLON • ; Si Weal et Nlr.W BOOKB. - •, • L 's HEALTH, AND DISEASE, by E. Joarrw!,, ' M. "Thesith Ornearly ell that Las beenurfs - , , ton on the prevention of Dumont might be Mewled, . ander Iwo head., alometlin two words, Temper . . and Exercise! , Dr. Joints Johnson' 4 .WINDINDS tuvER. or oil; elopemerd, Direlpitne and Freon of Fajta. Cheever. D. D. DOMESTIC PORTILifTUED, or the eacec. l plication of Renewer Principle in the caesium Amity, exctehilled in , the Aletneirs of three ra thr &ceased children oT the Rev. Lefgh Rlehmood, *retAuete ct o rr o ntatka Cluitutan uducTi0n,...7 . 7 .1t Fornale by ELLIOTt 1 .1 1N 0u; 5EF11 204 2 d 11 0 11..A 3 14 L a1 0 r.,-4 ,4 H'1 e t w mta „. 1 ,,, ,, ,: , oct3o SEL,LM" 11,1141 •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers