The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 03, 1849, Image 2

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' . K . ITTSI3I,ItOn , •
pa: nf 3. 4 the in f l' k e l . Alj. ve l llo i llsrs re
• e4tent;the >treelly 14 Two Dollars knnam, sZy
•• 1., Aninurrrsmos are emmesu7 requested to hand In
r favors before 6, end as tarty in aredsi
Illeatiosble r Advertisements net Insetted fora speet
- krmemblr be <bused WWI ordered out
and sitbscsiptl_o_iss to the Korth
Can and Unlted.Ststes Oasrate, naiad
forsraited rr.. this °Mee.
'--• • Dal Jar readers will be
' ..i pleased,. , columns today, the
'`PrOclar i -,ia.srmis, far a day of Pub
. . •
.. 'to Pt. —...a Thanktgiving. If any people in the
'.',.. ' stroild lave *entail to humble themselves in
. thankful adoration helms ' the
.rnerny•amat of God,
. ,
. .
cillsens of thls prospeious and highly favored
' • Commonwealth oughtto be the fdreereart and moat
indefot. Our blesentes rile innumerable,
• and bwraL The forbearance and good•
• ; •__ of the Almiglity kayo been signally.manifest
. ed to as daring the past year, while he hie been
7.twearging . tho natiens by ; thy terrible agencies or
r . war, famine, and pestilence. Let event temple
• tutted to bit worship, then, bit thrown open on
• • the day set spur, and Lye every citizen feel it not
' 'only hit higheu dory but tits dearest privilege,
• tbin poblitly, and htimbly;anti devontly to acknov,
• •• ledge tho.Aathar of all his mercies.
The !lige demand nude by the eetieSberiff or
Vie opt column", hes riecettearily limited tie to ekes
-- 'egos than usual
~lei have oa bled, and will publish usmarrow,
-this ve exoellent and il3lllllCtiVo.Rpeeela of S. W'
Est, at tho fliatioaal Railroad Coriven
. • Philadelphia Conzaty has paid nearly half a tutl
.-Aion of 411110 4 Caen 1636; ft: the toppteesma of
• !iota! What a comment tipca the gni., of society
In that county
• • VALIIMITS Sunitmagas.—A feu , dlr. ago, Mr.
parragliof,yindleyrille„ eated on us to pay
bit py fbaticar'e eabscr;pnon to the Gazette.
Mt. D. had .allowed two or threo months of the
Octant year'a stibseriOtioa to. elapse r before ho
paidit;iftet atitehMh a:omitted reiret, einee
Lr . fif . tyyears h has always paid hm sobscr.ptiou
WEats - commentary in thin upon the conduct o
our; mote negligent subscibets! AVe true. that
- all will atriveto emulate the manly conduct of Mr.
Di;inti We hope that many are now living who
-.will heteafter be able, pa Mn Demuth be done, to
say;r hive takelf . thilineper Tor filly years, and
• have.' that time, paid for n in advance.
Zeiir4lV PAO el hicE wee celled upon in,
'...,011,1 paid hie fiftieth pane., eubscription.
'.So 64 astipaper receives the napped of aoch
'Oll and valued citisens as Mr. Darragh and Col.
*eta/UP; 0401 bu a singular thing indeed if 0
dune not proper. .
TIM Wismaaßalutean.-We understand that
••• Milner Roberta, Esq., who is the Chief Engineer
, of the Heikki'lulus and Indiana Railroad, writes
• 'Mat hi. surreys are progressing very satisfactorily,
•nd that the country is of arfavorahle a character .
• ae ;mold be desired. He is engaged in surveying
, : ..the eastern cod .of the Belle!Domino mad where
it connects with the Ohio and Pent.).tannin road .
Her has ma tome portions of the hoe 17 miles
without Semite; •
, As tat eyidenoe of the great importance of the - .
Railroads, we may state that Louiavil'e is now. ex
- erring bersplf to build a Railroad to ladianapolf
— in order to reach tho eastern cities by our grey
Central mum The Louisville Journal, utter &Iv
- ,
no acconat of the Railroads projected from th•
• 'our to St. Loui.s, through Indianapolis, and Eh.
'.- 'arrangements already made to connect Louisvill•
' with the capital of Indiana, nays
*Our connection 'completed, and it will be , but
. IS hours by Indian ejsclie to St. Louis, lb Emirs to
Sandurky on the lane, the some to Cleveland, 21
. IGO to Pittsbergh,3l boon to Philadelphia, 39
• bcrone to New York,44 hoUrsto Burton, 31 hour,
' to Craltinsoce,6 hours to 'lndinenpolis We will
. not detain the reader with a comparison of thr
Limit:laze stated, (which Is at 'al suttee to the hour
• railroad run, which will be 'inerenned to 30 miles
•en the heavy T bail non generally need) with the
time now occupied by the prerent mode of travel.
lag; the reader will of wourse do that . There Leone
matterto which We wish to drew the attention of
the buitiese men of our city, es well so these di
Southern Kentucky and Terme:see, and that is,
tlty great fatelity„thai wdl be erected by this c
- neetion for the tmusporintion of goods from the
Eneteiaielties ' We have now tie rely solely open
• the Ohio neer, and our e..perienee isemple es to
• ' • the great difEcolues that we hove to encounter in
obtanung oar gpods utter they hare been percher.
ed in the Kist, When the merchant purchases his
goody, tern generally upon a short credit for at
- least part of the amount and it is a great object to
"Mm to get them into the niarket ne aeon ea possi
ble. 'Hero ho in met by the obrtacles of Ice and
low water in our river, unl his goods are thrown
• Into the warehouses at Patslouigh. Wheeling, or
. Cincinnati, waiting for trausportabou. Ail thin will
be avoided," when the great central Lee ehall' be
':' completed through Indianapolis, nod cur comsat
. bon shall be made at thst ea;.".
Oar eitizeas'will thee tee that we will not only
• dnw the trade or tbc. Vest welt and north west
of the whole Immense country . beturecn the Ohio
. 2
and th e Lake's, and from the Allegheny to Oar
, !Miulasippl, by Mq6122/ of the Ohio and Pennaylva
• sliltailroadinut also the trade of Kentucky end
" Tennessee! Can ;any estimate be /nude of the
Table of the cock of a rind which conies such a
• .
trade and trarr.L •
, .
. . For ras PO:es/44,0k Gassla.
. .
• Ms. Eprms—ln company vnth many of our
isilegbOsy Comity farmers, I attended the plougb-
Me match, held at East Liberty, on Tuesday Ws,
in cue.of Mr. Negley's fields. -
: Illerday man gloomy, which pre veuled our eiti-
wens from attending in as greet numbers es they
Othaisrise• would hare dope, end the ground was
. damp and enfevorable for good plaugeing. The
•" field, too, which had 'seen selected for the match
tris annullable for the purpose, in the dm place ,
. being 100 ahort--seerling too frequent turning.—
?be- scil was also against the ploughmen, as
It WAS too loose and open. The aortase also wee
-..Taking all things into conideration, and moot.
'acting that this was the first exhibition of the kind
.Strlttlesbeity County, the ploughing was executed
la s style which did credit to the resketiie
• plonsbmen,.sad tbo proceedings, altogether, gave
—igresteattsfahtion to at who ware peasant.
Mier the ulnas" ploaghieg was over, sever
ploughono emoted for the purpme of trying their
plough., among whom we noticed Judge Wilkie.,
. 'who did his work as it he bad been bred to the
business. I cannot but say that in my bumble
opleion an old Imported Iron' plough, toe property
of Mr. J. F. Gerrard, wts the best to the field, and
bad be vied it in the match, it most have borne off
the first premium. It not better, and laid the. fur-
WiTsbeUer than any plough on the ground.
' , me makers should examine
'lir advantage. Hoping
r Agricultural Mamie-
Or their next plough-
• and traticesafa Ibusineas aria :
to Podia Public Debt without comics. a
dollar; to famish the 'best possible Corrency ;
• ' to make all Motley Tnuasactions uniform, sod
• greatly facilitate the debt:emery operation.
Let the Government inane Treasury notes for
cluttlitUon, as book 'notes; receivable for all public
• does, and payablefu specie at &Mummeries In the
"large cities, proportionate to income, and with Meta
• bay the United States Stock. through a board of
commissionirs, who shallots, receive the interest,
sod vest It in same, and so on; the Subtresso
' ries to - receive and pay out this money, iodate° to
. draw from one to the other at ten days' aigitt for
Treasury notes, and payable in same.
Toe above la recommended lest Congress Should
inotcharter a bank. But, whether a bank be char
. cored or not, Congress should put forth their totes
— .and - Pro& by .it from halt* million to a million of
" dollars a year oxmore, and without risk. 'The din
Grotto between; a bank and a Sabweasory is but.
Atensely is favor of the former, as the maosgere,
befog selected by the stockholders, ate apt to be of
' the actoodeat men m the community, and the bank
- 'Mast lose all their capital before the Government
&meshes would be in danger ; nod, besides, all the
bounces &me and mousy e re,mived and two:math.
led as wanted, and all without charge. Oa the
other hand the Subbeasury is taxed with agents
• 'and clerks' salaries, and bosses and snobs provi.
„doh, el great expeose, nod the agents befog more
itioldleians; are too ohms spo nsible
c., - od. 19. DODGE..
`-' eagvarAiriarin Turanian f(ellior.D.—/ln et
tinialn luta Jost been paid upon the middle portion
orals Liteor Miriam tioniarii arms knalrret
dopitm, embracing the Baal est:inste on four sec
tions The whole line from the Lite to the Ohio
Altar is 'noir under ocinireet--and din northern
and *anthem dielahria viii be carried kinrard
*lb rigor,—Ravenna ft.
• .
• •
Conespondenco of ilke'Pittstargh Gorey.,
do the weak., of Congress approaches, so do
schemes appear for VafiCRIII purporcs. end amoeg•
them some that promise to make a lode trouble,
though in themselves thO - plans are ell correct
caeulth. .In this latter class, may be named the
project to make a national currency by issuing
bank nates . based upon Tiensoiy notes, and X. , *
moment stocks to be deposited with the Secretary
of the Treason?. The -originator of this plan, is
the Hon, T. L. Clingtnan, of North Carolina, who
broaches the matter to Mr. Simeon Draper, one of
the noplest Whigs and ablest merchants of New
York. The corr l •ncy to be made, and the plan,
are good enoughrbur it is not the the Whigs to
dabble In It at all, for the mason that thereare oth
er thing! worthier their , labor. We have now e
currency good enough, and need not hazard an
attempt to regulate the currency. If we am al
ter the tOrilf so um regulate the exchanges be
tween New York and London, the Pittsburgh
I and New York Exchange's will take care of them.
I select.
"EWS, Ae.
The free navigation law of England has been
already of advantage - to Our thippirol merchants,
and a good many velselichartered to load at In
dia for London, which ie.. new course of trade,
and the present charter. show that we can beat
Brother Bull in the business. This long voyage I
business is one in which our fast ships excel, and
the India trade is one of the richest fields. ll' we
could have. Cali - trade (With India, we could sell
hii law priced cottons - al:teed of England. As it
Is, we are met with a ditrarent duty, that ,shears
us of ear prelate. •
A new market hes been opened foryon steam
boats, which to no then Lobe Titietca, on one
of the peaks of the Andes, in "Pen). A. steamer
for this destination is , sow about ready. She is
55 feet on the keel, depth of hold, 5 feet, with 12
feet Wain. Her paddle wheels are 10 feet in di.
&meter, and are also of hoe. She will - haves sa
loon on deck, with plot :and wheel hollers, and
side houses. The whole is bulk teem No. 8 Boil
er plate, and of the best: materiel (Pennsylvania
iron) and workmanship.. When loaded,. the boat
will drew not more than two feet water.
Lake Titicaca is situated at the summit of ono
of the highest peaks ,of, the .Andes, in South
America, near the boundary of Peru. It is In the
%chilly of La Pas, and motto near Mt. &mato, the
!ashen mountain in America—eome five 'miles
above the level of the we. The speculation Is to
drive 'a trade with the hunters and wooden:tea,
aloes the lake, which has a length of about one
hundred sod forty miles.. The trade of the new
'vessel will consist mainly in the freightige of Puri,
Wool, and Lumber, which will probably be brought
dow tom the head waters, and upper portions'of
the Enke, to its foot, and thence despatched on
mule back down the LOOuntaio, to clothe and warm
the itthaltiteete in the blotiver region.'
The sachems of Si. Mummy held their edit).
ca6on meeting last night, and a glorious night
they Made of it. The elements were in confu
sion, as wild as the memory of moo can recall. and
it scented as though the "storm king," had been
let loose to devastate the city. Planes of aticase•
meet were either closed or spartugly attended,
from the - el:recta of the storm. Net so 'Tammany
Hall. There the "fierce democracie . rallied, and
spouted and chanted with a din far beyond the
roar of the elements, tad their human pensions
raged kinder than the 'tempest. Speeches from
the shunt with bloody rotes and black ',eyes
throughout the room, were the order of the night,
and the orgies closed by an invitation from the
lett speaker to take a glen" of wine all around et
the bar. And these are the pore parietal who
wish to save the State..
A decision has jibe been made io our Superior
Come of intermit to Pennsylvania merchants and
insurers. It was--American Memel Insurance
Company, of Philadelphia; ads Thomas P. Stan.
non—To recover s2soo,,amount insured on steam
er Anglo Samna; whielivestel ran on shore and
was injured ditties her voyage from New York to
New Orleans. Plaintitf considers under thecode,
that he has a right to proceed easiest the comps•
ay, although they have.. property or rights of
action here, the insurance here having been made
through a New' York bicker. On behalfof the
company, they soy they are ready and willing to
pay all just claims agates% them, dec., at their of.
lice in Philadelphia, and deny the jurisdiction of
- this cadet in regard to them, contending that the
Legislature hod no right to make a law giving ju
risdietiom.6-„e. Motion to amt aside th'e prowe
testi denied 4 without melee to either pony, but with
mare to thownrhos to plead as tertibe jurtedimion
of the Cour/
The city health continues to tmprove, and the
mortalfly leaf week wee only 226,whIch is less than
lasi year's 6port. at the same time. Cholera null
liegers, but u it is congaed to emigrants, and excitant
no attentioat'and we have a kW strangers here.
It is estimated that the number of Strangers
who weekl4enter our city is over twenty awe
send. Th in, one third of the population of goer
city would only form the floeting popolation
this eity,w§o never are noticed as crowding the
streets whey here, or clams them to look desert.
ed when ablent.
Cotton is diet at 1 mil lc for middling. Com%
mon flouri dalL Straight.StaM and Western
2:6354.8 7 1, 4 tew, 65,06055,25—the latter far ex,
Ira. New Reward Street, 65,44 Wilma., and al
other is weedy but not active. A good
trade in PC4r, at old rates- Lard is wanted at
2071 c, inlitartels and kegs. No change is Bat
ter-and Cheese, whichiere io good reined. Wins.
key, 28c. Hope are advancing„and we quote
12ii)12.5e.,'541 wanted. Iron is deli, and Scotch
Pig hay said. at SIB cash, and 510, 6 moral.; bars
are doll. Itiles are dell and a shade ea will be
•akeh. A elirgo or new raisins at $2.60 for boors,
do., 61,49 end qr., 72i c. On'. are cheaper.
Picosn.v.a.4l - 4, es
in the Duna and by the autbothy of tb.
c °ll' , 7ll2l'AlNfsiZa+oN,
Governor acne said Commonwealth.
A benefit ot God has blessed the people of this
Commonwealth with health, and abundance. The
tialds have yielded bountiful returns to the labors
of the hnsbgodman. The eeterprises of the . ctn.
won, in all praochei efiedustry, have been appro.
pnatelj rewarded. Peace, with all nations, has
been vouclinfed to the country. Civil and re.
- iigione libeny, under the institutions of free gov
ernment, hay° been preserved inviolate ' and the
im measuream( essure of earthly happiness, Ms been
traciously dispeased by an allawise, and merciful
Providence? ..
These bless' ings demand one gratitude to Hint,
in whose hands are the Wines of life end death,—
who cow* and directs the affairs of men,—
scheme will iii omnipotent to Lave or destroy, end
who mingle; in the Justice of His Judgmente, the
attributes *ails mercy—before whose power na
tions are exalted or cart down,—and they call up
on no, no one people, to unite in solenin Thanks..
;lung,—in humble supplication, and praise to tee
Almighty Author of every goal sod perfect gift,
foe these Ma undeserved blessing, to ha weak and
sinful creatures. They require the profound rev
erence of penitent hearts, sensible at the newer.
[hitless of lidmanity, and of the enduring mercy of
of a righleoOs God.
Belicyln these solemn truthig—deeply — M.
premed iMtthe duty of devout adorabon and
l i
notable pra er, In compliance with a venerated
custom, an the desires of the great body of the
people: 'WILLIAM F. JOHNSTON, Governor
ofthe CeMnsOnWeelth of Pennsylvania do hereby
appoint anVesignatti THURSDAY, the 29th day
of NOVEMBER. nest, es a day of general Thanlce.
Mving, throighout the Btate; and I hereby recom•
mend ander:magi invite ell the geed people of this
.Commonwellth to a sincere and prayerful obser-
vance of theesame.
Given antler my hand and the glee seal of th .
State, at Harriaburg, this twenty fifth day of Oct.
oer, in the: year of our Lard one thousand eigh
hundred 494 forty nine, and of the Common
wealth the maienty fourth.
By the Governor:
- -
Jra, truly.
W. G, Wood Simi.
Suaruzio Dustoruster.—On Thursday night
thn 25th instant, the house of James George, resi
ding in Mercer county, bordering on the north of
this co., wu forcibly entered by a gang of robbers,
having their faces painted and otherwise diugur
ed for the pirpoie of eyed! ng detection. After
having put the inmates under smard,th‘y proceed
ed to search the house for meow using an axe in
breaking open the trunks, chests, dec., and look
from $6OO to $lOOO, ale!) , in gold.
Peviou to their leaving thertied Mr. George
in his bed, during which employment they used
the most menacing and taunting language to their
then anfortunate victims.
Information having been made egeinut those sus
pinioned of the crime, they we're immediately at,
rested and committed, which led to. still further ex
aminations in the neighborhood rf Centreville, in
the upper part of this county, where dye galvanic
batteries, dies, chemicals, and all the implements
aecOesaray for carrying en the counterfoung busi
ness, were Mind, and arrests made upon the•
strength of testimony and eircumstanora The ar•
rests are still continuing to be made and, judg
ing from circumstance/, they are on ly
Mug . •
iagenerally believed that a gang of robbers
sad counterfeiters are associated togeter reaching
from venous parts of the State of New York, pas ,
eine through Pennsylvania into the States. of Ohio
and Virginia. We think that the matter can now
beprobed•to the bottom. and the whole gang be
broken up; but as lusher discoveries are being
made, we refrain from a further detail for the pre*.
ent.—Butfor Demoffes, Oct. 31.
may not ho amiss to
man:Malan is not from
en of a mimics" masca
ra den old, misaeloot,
The fallowing proutotinna and appointments in
the Navy we learn were. made yesterday by the
James M.-Mclntosh, to be • Captain In the
Nam , , Moe Garton, deemeed.
. William F. Llnch to be i Commander, vice Mc-
Intosh, promoted. .
Witham E Boudittot, to be • Lieutenant, vice
Lynch, promoted. ,
Val: C. Renswiter M amas , to be s . Lieutenant,
vice Anderson, resigned.
Ri and T. Annum, of Maryland.. appointed
Enserlothe avy, lime Niukanlel Wilson, do.
celmed..-.4 014 8. i •
By an overland express, recently arrived at
Fort Leavenworth, we are favored with letters
from the Green River, in the California Territory,
some distance beyond the South Pass, doted the
19th of August, and from Fart Laramie, dated
September the 19tb. It will be seen from the ten
or al our correspondents' letters, that the emi
grants. at least those who went out h kar
lot difficulties will to encounter. The burning of
the grass beyond Salt L Ike, whether the result of
carelessmeis or intention,was a monstrous outrage
upon these who were behind. We think, with
our correspondent, that the addition or 15,000 or
20,000 months - to the consumption of the Mor
mons' sorploa food, will make tt rather scarce be.
fore spring.
Gnaw Emma California Territory,
August 19th, 1849. 5
I have another opportunity of writing to you,
rather unexpectedly presented by meeting the ex.
press rider, (Mr. S. Thomas) from Fort Hall to
Fort Leavenworth. Since I addressed you from
Laramie, little has presented itself of general In
, terest to yet:treaders, but to us pilgrims bringing
up the rear, scenes and occurrences have been
conatantly coming to view as far as this point,that
had no parallel on the eastern part of oar Journey.
From Laramie the Rocky Mountains really start
their foundation; and although it Is three hundred
miles from there to the summit, it is nothing hut
a wiecesnon of knolls and knobs, untillou tern
over the \ \ culminating point to. Pacific Spring,
where the Water runs westward. In reference
to die adjacent country, there is nothing rising to
the dignity of a mountain oa this whole route.—
From Dltrainle 'grew began to -fail for our stock.
end the utmost diligence had to bit tned to ans.
taio them. Front thence, after the first fifty
miles, dead catile and fragments of wagons came
in sight, and as far en here, I have counted about
ooe thousand wagons that have been burnt or oth
en, ne disposed of oo the read. Destruction
seems to have been the preening emotion of ev
ery body whohad to leave any thing on the trip.
Wagons have been wantonly sacrificed, without
occasion, by hundreds, being fired for the appa
re at purpose of preventing them from being see
viceable to any body elite. while hundreds have
been used by piecemeal for fuel at nearly every
camping ground by each concessive train.
From Deer Creek to the numnilt,- lie greatest
amount of property has been thrown away.
Along the banks of the Norte Pau°, to where the
Sweetwater mad turns off, the amount of value.
hie property thrown an ay is astonishing—iron,
trunks clothing, &a, lying strewed about, to the
talon of at least fifty thoosand dollars in shoot
twenty miles. I have counted about five hun
dred dead oxen along the road, and only three
?int You, Oct 30, t 049.
The reason of 03 many wagons having been dis
posed or, wee the apparent. necessity .of pecking,
in order to inyure a quick and certain transit to
the 112ine.i adirpeople did not care for the loss of
any personal goods, so they reached there.
Let people who come out this way next season
beware of crossing the Platte at "Deer Creek.—
Keep up the South side as high as possible—at
least up to the 'Mormon Fore end higher if pos.
sib:e—before they strike over to the Sweetwater.
During this summer, there was a ferry kept at
Deer Creek, and the bulk of the emigration cross
ed at it, but the road is much worse, and every
one regrets having crossed to low.
The last train of the Pioneer Line, day before
yesterday, took &Nene,. Cat Off, and loft ns at
the junoton or the Oregon and California roads.
They were all well eed are toured In get through
Many of the St. Lotus boys have left their causes
and respects tomtit of tom friends behind, on the
Aooth 'trees andMcks titans the mad, and it
mmetimes cheering to eve a well known oats
'pencilled at a crossing or watering place
Death seems to hove to:lowest the emigratic
The express rider awes that we will pass Lou
and five graves a day ell the way down Beer rice
endure on further westward.
I will send you the next fronisomewhere in lb%
Great Basin. JOAQULN.
From FOn Laramie, we have a private lett
Gym which we take the followieir estractez
Four Latuatnt, Nolan TZILIITORY,
September. IS, 1549.
One Ste—l reached here, from Fort Kearney,
towards the latter end of July, and had hardly got
my tent pitched, when I was ordered over to Fort
Pierre, on the Mismuri, with tan rays, to escort
Colonel Mackey to that pool., and to keep the
Sioux and other red gentlemen of the prairies
trout toolmting their scalp!.
AU bands see driving away at their new build
ings, and along hopes are entertained that before
the mercury is at zero we shall to around our
new hearths.
We were visited, a feW days since, by abou
two hundred Cheyennes and:hoar, who danced
little, stole a little, eat a great deal, and finally wen
on their way rejoicing. •
Nears from the Salt Labe has inst reached here
and the accounts from the emigrants are any thin
but (layering. You may recollect that early in th
season I predicted great audenng among them.
It is now about to be fulfilled. ibtweea fifiee •
and twenty thousand emmrants,aceording to these
accounts, will be obliged to pass the ensuing win
ter monotone Mormoineighbors. Such a nom.
her . of additional mouths., yen will readily ace,
must play the dance with the limited supplies of
the Mormons. Thts detention was canoed by the
aweless or wanton conduct of the leading portion
of the emigration, in bnrning the country beyond
the Salt Lake. All the grami is consumed for
nearly two hundred miles, which, of mars; ren
ders the passage of animals impossible.
A change has been made in the troops Intended
or Fort Heil. Major Stmonton has gone on to
Oregon, and Colonel Porter been left in hut place
Thin change. was made by Colon. l Loring The
Rafle Regiment bad resulted Fort Hall in good
condition, but they bed the worst part • (the road
ahead of them. Coltipel Porter's command ist
throw up winter quarters some where in the vi
cinity of Fon Hall, and in the spring move down
near the Mormon 'entre:lent.
Those grand rascals of the plains. the Paw
nees, have again been imbruing their hands in the
llood alba whiten. Two men—Thomas and Pr
card—carrying the U. S. mad from Fort Hall to
Fort Leavenworth, wens attacked by thent_latlew
daytasinee, about half way between this pant and
Port Kearney, and a is feared that both were alit-
ed. Lieutenant D inaldsoo, on his way m this
pout found the deal trety rf Thomas, end the het
of Picard mained with blood Betire he reached
the spot be met a war party of Paweeen who
evinced by their actions that they were the per.
petratom ni the deed. Thorn,: body had several
nrrawe sticking in it, Li. IT, had but two or
three teamsters with him, and he could only give
the body n hasty burial without searching very
thoroughly for the nth r
Corteapondeoce or the Unita:nom Patriot.
Wesouvorrort, Oct- 29, 1819.
A rumor has been fbatitig about the Depart
ments to day, that Mr. Meredith is going out of
the Treasury Department, In a short time; and no
doubt it will be telegraphed off to dittant poioto
For one, I put not the leare:Loith io it. I have the
best of reasons (or believing toot President Taylor
stands firmly by every member of his Cabinet, and
has no wish that any one of the Secretaries should
love it, for the present at all events. Should a
change be made, some time after the assembling
of Caere's, and Mr. Meredith should retire,• no
doubt the sterling man of the people, that whole
sculled Whig, of great knowledge, wisdom, and
experience, Thomas M. McKenntn, of Washing
ton county, Pennsylvania, will be tendered a Cabs
net appointment.
The Republic, you will perceive, still keeps the
Union on the hip in the matter of the Nicaragua
business, and the mariner in which the late Polk
Administration didn't stand up' at all to the Mon
ism doctrioe, which it and its orgen so much vs
pored about'
It is amusing to observe how courteoua the
editor. of the Union are toward, the editors of the
Intelligencer, styling one the senior and the other
the junior editor. Now, strange as it may seem,
it is nevertheless true, that the accomplished, Re
tire, sprightly, junior editor of the Intelligencer, is
some two or three years older than the talented,
whole waled, big hearted senior editor! Who
ever heard Mayor Seaton called oldf Why, he is
as active and ea youthful as any moo of 3.5 or 10,
tube found, while lymph Geier, E.g. who nuns
hers two or three winters less, has been called,
familiarly and affectionately, Joe Gales" by
every body, for the past twenty years! He is now
—flounce blew him, for he is all goodness of heart
and noblenesa of intellectl—on a sick bee, from
which one universal prayer ascends from this
community that he may soon miae, in robust
The puzzle about the senior Rod junior, in thin
cane, reminds one of the scriptural puzzle, to wit.
How mine Methuselah to be the oldest man, as
recorded in the good book, when he died hole,
hi. father} Do you give It upl Enoch was has
father, who didn't die at all, but was translated !
Secretary ~,, th, Cometemeoralth.
Vatted'Mites Circuit Conzt-111.orma, ie.
„,zigane OrlUally. ie. .
......Faartaroar, Oct 29, 1819.
Judge Monroe delivered the op:talon of the Court
to the following effete, t iz :
fat Ildonea patent for the American Electeo
Magnetic Telegraph , and improvements thereon
are valid irt law.
3d. The mid patents have been infringed by the
delendtuus in the use of the Columbian Telegraph,
invented by Messrs. gwmea and Zook.
3d. The Court Will grant a deal injunction, to
restrain the debstidanus from violating the rights
ofthe plaintiff.. But 'the Court wu inclined to the
opinion that in relation to Monies first patent the
mans:Lion should be limited to fourteen peen—
Morse'a drat patent ,BOth October, 1838, while it
should cover the whole term of the second potent,
being fourteen yews from the 711 i of April, 1546.
ha Court also expressed a doubt whether the
Telegraph signs wen patentable except in combi•
nation with the machinery by which they were'
made. The Coon stated that thews two points
would be farther considered, and the decree made
out and delivered on Monday neit.
The deieidants gave notice of an intention to
A sun having been commenced enema Henry
O'Rielly 8c Co., filr violating Norse's patent of May
1919, far to Eleetro Chemical Telegraph on the
line from Louisville to Natheille, the defendant's
camel asked mime order enabling them to take
deposipbu in Europe. To this comae Mantes
counsel anented, and an order was made.
[The foregoing decision relates to Zook end Bar.
nes' Columbian Telegraph, which was formerly
used, but don not aged the nee of Bline`a Tele
graph, by which the O'Rielly Line from Louisville
L cow worked.] •
We understand that Ponfineor /wan C. Booth
was appointed, on. San:ram last, Melte, mad K.
finer at the Philadelphia Mint, vice Richud J.
bithCalligh ratioed-Bepsblie.
From the Pt. Laui. ReintbilegO, Oct 21
7110 ff THE PLALSII.
thus fv, Lit/tough iu s awl/gated degree us to
Far the hta!reir : Ga-xtte.
Opium and astringents aro just as delusive in
their apparent benefit in as opposite condition of
the bowels, They will often check a diarrhea.,
promptly, during their first iaction, but in a few
hours a re-action comea—tbe secondary effects of
the /rugs are felt and Trollied, in en outbreak of
the disease. Worse than at first—the dose is re
peated, and followed by similar results. In this
way scores of eases of chronic, or long lasting
dlankroa, are produced in our midst, if the un
fortunate patient happen to survive the attack.
of such quackery.
The same great truth is illustrated in the use of
Opium,u prescribed by Allopathic phyaicians , who
deal it out with a liberal hand in nearly all diseas
es, regarding it the necessary. companion of ado.
mel, the crowned king of therapentio agents,
whose universal dominion over the whole family
of diseases to which flesh is obnoxious, is almost
Physicians prescribe Opium in some, o; nil its
forms, and thousands of unfortunate victims of
nervous disco e, resort to it for relief; urged on
by the delusive hope thou it may finally cure, be
cause it procures for them such immediate; and
seemingly beneficial effects during its primary, or
first action on the system. But unfortunately the
hope provea only delusive, for when the primary
yields to the secondary action of the drug, which
as I have shown, is directly opposed to the first,
the condition of the disease must he rendered
worse and still worse with every repetition of tho
. Here lies the deception. Both physicians and
natients generally regard the aggravated condition,
Inc result of the natural progress of the disease
which, according to atl they know, can never be
limited in its progress. instead of this there is no
natural unbending and eternal law by which tee•
dicittes can cure disease, whilst adapted to the
system in accordance with the law contrarie am•
The general, the true, the only reliable thera
peutic lam la the one observed and written by
Hahnemann--and ditties, will never bend to atm
the whimms, caprices, conjectures, re,a work,
and senseless sales of empinmal medicine as
taught by Allopathy.
I might go on and mention yet a great number
of the deplorable example. of Allopathic quiche-
ry, is illuettation of the eobjeer in coalition. 80.
I forbear preatrrieg a view of . the other eide of O
pen:ire where the scene in viewed in a bane
light. . .
We have admitted that Allopathic physicians
do cure some or their patients. Now, we will try
and ascertain how they do ihand to do so. we must
keep in view both sides of the picture. We els,.
the mhen they cure promptly, it 13 done in per( .
accordance with the Homeopathic law. Th
propper doses of that medicine•wtli core a diseas.
which in large doses will produce the symptom
of that disease. In perfect accordance with th
law, we find a certain kind of diarrbcea, or su
mer complaint,lielding readily to a smell dose .
Rhubarb—another bind, to minute doses of Me
cure In some of its foram ,—wbalst nill anoth
• _
kind yield. readily to Magnesia, over which Mer
cury and Rhubarb seemed to exert no curative
action, though given sees/mien exam In each
case the medicine is found to cure precisely that
type of disease which it capable of ezeiti ng as
producing upon the bratthy, when given ;tt com
paratively large dosea qes allopathic physicians
are permitted to cure ocogsfonally, when they hap.
pen to stumble over on nor side 4 and give their
medicines Homeopathically. Then and only then
do they core, Ire we !menthe best accidence that
cures can lake place in op other way.
Allapathic physicians hive learned that Bella-
Ilona cures Scarlet feversi hence they direct its are
in this diocese,—sod yet; this dntg is capable of
of producing a type of diabase precisely similar to
pore care of Scarlet fever. Why do they nee
it! Simply because it has been known to cure,
not because it vomit. vulgee or produces evemt
nous of any kind. We apower, because it has an
inherent specific power k which it cures. It is
capable of producing lapel the bealtij, oymptoma
precisely smiler to thcait will cure — hence its
true curative power in tb decent', when prop.
arty used. Enough hat been said to illustrate the
bearings of the two oppoope therapeutic law', upon
the cure of disease. and it requires bat little effort
of thought to comprehend the muerte, in which
came are effected by medicine.
Let it be Lorne in ruindfthat the law of cure. ao
women by thhnemann, Vemaribes no size of dose.
no limits to the amount qmedlcine. no mode of
preparation. Thew ape matters of experience
and observation, by whitli airy mutt be settled.
It a pound, announce, grain or even a less dose
is found to cure, the laimspprovee IL and an wilt
every man of cerement 14ellmence. If medicines
mire more promptly in.: , their made mate, than
when finely prepared,- , -4 no ounce of Rhubarb
amallovied;n one dose rjll cure diarrhers more
speedily and surely Cana! fine grains, finely pul
verized; or a few dmps alit. tincture, She low is
idlentmnd will nevem 'chime tap in spaitt — ois to
sound ,experience and ~, e utightenedrintion.
These am qeestforis to lbe agitated and settled
when tha contending Sithools of medicine shall
have agreed open a law' pfeure.
Until then, it will be loss of Allopathic
physic.... or any one Oft, to attempt to over
throw li..hooopathy, by aqning even their beat di
rected nrubery at the dhtails of its system, the
eine of Its done* or its ipode of preparing
eine. - • ci •
Thlifiliithier they carq their opposition in till
direetloni*ntore dearly 3.11 they expotie tnm
ignorance; - not only of Homeopathy, but of toed
cal science generally. Tikay know too little of Mei
own system of goers sidilt to defend it, .d le
too little of oar's, to stunk it like men of sense.
In this dilemma, they most ktok arise, or be though
We have taken our position in relation to this
matter, one from which We will not retreat, until
fairly convinced, that thetas is a better than the law,
4 similie rusitsSus coruntAr."
Ten years study and Mitatice of Allopethy, and
bee of Homeopathy, furnishes to my mind the
melt unequi recta end minoes.ionabie proof of the
•operionty e• 1. 1 ,3 1311 C? Over the'former, as It keel
ing art. The evidence unnn which my opinion or
judgment is formed, is not to be obtained withhut
the study of both modes iff pencil e. end attenuve
observation of the edema cf medicine prepared
and administered accord* to the two sydenaa—
True knowledge of the inns systems, and their
comparative merits. an. be obtained in no whet
way; and ho who judges Without this knowledge,
betrays a weakness of intellect, obliquity of reas
on, or dishonesty of motile, wholly incompatible
with the calling of the t e physician. the high
and benifiment office he b assumed in society.
lam ;ware that there much in Homeopathy
to dissuade an Allopathic physician from a serious
Anyeatteation of its teachings. Inners experienced
and encountered such difficulties myself--among
them, the most prominent was the sire of the doses.
It seemed to me impowtible that so small doses
renewed power—as I had been in the habit of
meantime power with tinantity, and of calcola.
tine the efficiency of my doses, by the amount of
suffering or number and iMeasity of the symptoms,.
it was found to product .upon toy patient.. lo
stead of this, Homeopathy called:my euention In
directly an opposite channel, and taught me to
Maculate the power of medicine by the number of
morbid symptom. it cured, and the amount of suf
fering. it preveoted. Bat. I soon saw and inc.
mounted the seeming difficulty:
Aoy one can observe the difference between •
power to Cure and a power td produce disease,
and this Is precisely the difference between Ho
meopathists and Allopattiltdis bath* estimate. of
the power of their medicine..
No one can honestly BUS', that there to my thing
anphilosophical•orunreasonnbleha the conclusion,
it intangible subversive (Mem ran so perturb the
vital actions of the humin organism as ID pro
duce disease, that corimponding conservative or
cranny., forces, can quell the storm, and restore
harmony. To deny this: proposition would be
equivalent:to as usertion, that a black horse could
draw a given weight directly Eait t but that a whi , e
horse, of the some strength, warts peri.blsr s could
not draw it west. . . .
This subject he considered owe hilly
hereafter, when wr enter into an capitulation of
the details of oub ry•dem.
Enrroato. Ftgritcazerr.—Charles King; Eoq , in
the Courier and Enquirer of this morning, env
nounces his retirement from his share in the mil-
Inane management of that paper, end from smarm
itle—a which he has bean engaged "thirty
eirring years." This deems the list of 'editors
that were" in New York within our profesaional
memory—always excepting Major Noah, who,
however, in only no ex-daily editor, and one other
limo we need not name. Maiden three two
there is wit an editor remaining at his post, we
believe, of ell those whose career was begun or in
promo ha ..the good old timea" when the "bock
tail" was a political emblem. Coleman, Dwight,
Carter, Stone, Log, Bader, and now King, have
posed froin the public arena—names once even
too familiar on the public tongue, for it is only of
late years that the newspaper press has learned
to prize a partial ehonymity in ita enuductors
N. Y. Cont.
Cermet Ram Roan.-11 is now a settled ques
tion that this :road with the Pottage,ls to be at
bleCahan's, about ono mile from Hollidaysburg.
and by an eastern otryn. This, altho4hoot AS
desirable as a eonnation within our Borough
Units, is nevertheless almost equivident, as it
compels a - stoppage of the trains pastang either
way, between the point or Intersection and the
town.—Hollidaysburg Register.
Poroonna Lao, soooo.—Preporod by J. W. Rally
William street, N. Y. and for .de by A. Jaynes, No.
70 Fourth .trees. Th i s wrill 'be found delighthd arti
cle of beverage in funiliei, and particululy for oick
Hannay Daoms.—An.lmproved Chocolate
non, being a combination of Cocoa naq innocent, in
vigorating and palatable, highly recommended pude
nlarly for invalids. Prepared by W. Hater, Dorches
ter, MY), and for sale by A. JAYNF.S, at the Pekin
Los Store, No. In Poore at mobil
Firs sad Marine Inaviranee.—Tax Pm►
mean Nerseerrox Axe nut lea Seam COlMMlT—
thartare4,lB.ontinnon us Insure, epee every de•
seription ofiroeertY, at W fao.ot rata.
Orme,,No. el Market creel.
ROM= Fuirnrt. Seer elyeaddert
lasprovasswat.. Is Donelotryt
DR... D. sTrj,RNS, lamer Barton, Is propired to
rn ono (notate and tot BLUR Taro in wholottrid 'tarts
vets, upon Suction or Annoepherlo Suction Plitl...—
hOMILCUZVOIn to nva Prrit.7lo, where the nerve le
&Toted_ Unice end resident. nentdoor to the May
a awe, north eyelet Pitudottrgh.
Musa so-4. B. brisadia. IL Vows. Jall
We hope that tile draining will be tried in differ.
ant sections of the ,country, where there is an
abundutee of clay, and a scarcity of atones—
With good inachinea, tiles can be made eta very
small expellee, and the making of tile drams re•
quires but little labor. In England, this bminess
is carried en to a great extent, and with excellent
success. Oa some hums a great many miles of
tile drains ore laid, and the improvement of the
land, es ahown by superior crops, is paying a large
'profit oo the capital invested. We copy the fol
lowing article, oo the subject, from the Ohio Cul
Under draining with the tile is doing wonders
for every one who has tried the experiment. Jim
Johnston,whose great farm management you no.
tired in your last Cultivator, haaalready received
from Mt. Wharteoby, the master tile maker here,
about forty thousand two imd a helfinch tile, more
than three thousand rods, his tile machibe wes
impelled from England by the enterprising presi
deat of our Agriculture! Society, lobo
It is worked by two men, and makes daily about
fifteen hundred tiles, fourteen helms long; they
aro afterwards dried and baked; the current price
at the kiln Is ten
miens pr thousand. Last
spring, several gentl c a lled to see Mr. Johns.
tone farm be purposely omitted to tell them which
wheat field was under drained, and, the better to
elicit their surprise, he led them over one field,
where the wet heavy soil adhered to their boots,
much to their annoyance; then, cloning the fence
to panther wheat field of like soil and formation,
they oar and all uttered their surprise at its dry
and mellow surface. "Geetlecoeu," exclaimed Mr.
J. "you are no my tile." They are laid from
twenty to thirty inches deep; a little straw is pla
ced over the joints as they are covered: although
the edges of the ule are laid to the bottom of the
ditch, experierce timers that they sink no deeper
into the Sail thus drained possesses a sort of
capzhary attraction, and power to retain a due
equeFhnum of moisture, during the moat trying
drought. •
Very truly yonrs.
Warsaw°, N. Y., August, 1349.
From the Philadelphia Dollar Neewspaper
Paste upheaved by the Prone.
We obreve post fences, i ncertain spots, to rise
up annually more and more, until, after a Sew
yearn swine= creep under; and it often leans no
much, that mops become necessary to prevent its
Now, whet is the canoe of this elpheaving? On
ekeminetion, we find that them @pots are wetter,
and the ground more sporgy,than the other parts of
.the Line. Well, what then, Why, in severely
cold weather, the wet surface freeses. fastening
around the pen n solid cake, under which is ap
plied the great power of water expanding into ice, .
and the truce is lifted up. Che Intensity of the
frost and the IJOsenenn or wetness of the ground.
will determine the amount of upheaval, which
may be one or more inches in • winter. Perhaps,
indeed, tho pan may fill back a little when it
thaws; hot it seldom, if ever, slides back to the bot
tom of the hole. and is sure to take a new start up.
ward in the following winter.
In these insurreetionsry movements, neveral
poste are generally °teemed together; and the best
way that I have found to reduce them, in to strike
witha beetle, only a few strokes at a time, on the
head of each, ro that the fence shall cot be rucked
by driving them too far at once. When thorough
ly driven back, the operation may not need to be
repeated in lens than two or three Team It would
be the better and cheaper way, however, to pre
vent all such risings m future by filling up the
hole* with solid earth. and thoroughly pounding
or lemming down every new layer of two or three
inches in thickness. All soft muck, or spongy
soil, should be rejected. Nothing better than hard
pan can be obtained for thin purpose—at least, •
mixture of grovel or small nodes through the
earth is desirable With those precautions, we
!Mould have no trouble, even in swain; for
the posts even there would stand in dry, firm, solid
earth. W. W.
StiOnnctrll, N. J. 1839.
Manifiuts, Bills Lading, Contracts, Law Blanks,
am., Lama, eattentearta,CTlSCU,
tectn, Zee. ke
Petnted at the eh r ortew hotter. at low priest, at:tha
dr . ., Gams - re Orrow. MIRO wore,
S," • Dentist. Corner orPonrili
Market ”d Fern sures. e r e . tl Gent eel
OORS subsenpuon to the capita: mock of the
eltl7olte lesuronre Romplslay of Pittsburgh will
be opened In the Iluzzil of Trade Reams an Monday.
the 541 day of November, .110 A. IR
Shares fifty dollars each. Two 4/oilers and fifty
cents each shore to be eaid on obscrlption.
• Wm. Lorimer. Jr. Ruben Woods,
Wm. it McC:erg. Joseph PlumMier,
S. 01. Kier. Josiah /Slog,
Jelin Sheriff, Alex. Roseburg,
IL King. aell64nov.l
rcr Wm. Algol, will be a caw:Witte for the May
oralty, subject to toe coouoation of the Whig Conven
t°. ooal
QpHentry WlHumes will be a menthdato fv
the Mayotalty, taateet to the nomination of the Wale
Convention. nova
On 'Modal 3:1O, by the Rev Dr. Francis Herron,
Mr RIC.. 114. r Moo Moo. = IRWIN. - eel daughter el Boyle Irwin, all of thin city.
N A DRY 000D8 JOBBING HOUSE, an wive or
1. silent gannet with • eget capital of Twenty Thou
oaed or two active gannets well seqaainted
with We button., and baring front Vow to Ten now
o god Ilnllura e.r.h. to tate the puce of a senior mem.
Ler of the Ann, wishing to retire on theist of next Jan
e art T. Hon., I. well established. and doing a
good buoinors. All rowntanlcations strictly conlidett.
Bal. A 11•1,••—.,11et chtLlllO.lEll77, Philadelphia.
Ohlo mod Pennant/A/Id
JrIIE fitockholdeo In the Ohio and Pennaylvori
Railroad Company arc homily notified to pay the
'rood Inotolatcat of Five Didion, on each flare re
spectively boil iy them, at the Office of the Company
IMO rotibargh, en se before the 2fith of Novato
her. J. J BROOKES, Trot:cuter.
Salem. 0 : Och 23 —fnovi
T INSEED fn lAN just reed sod for sale by
& CO.
Love Navy street
11 , 1,C 13 11113 Ralt . ber Zeoots;
12 •
For rale at the Ruttier Depot, Wood et.
Inrit r o r . 1 . 1 0 ::(L9-6 dor. Door Sows,
L just
, reed
oov2 & If
GREENls,lariaun qualities, just
reek! and for sale by
DOTATORS-100 be Just ree'd and for sale b
OLAS,ES—.IO bbl. N. 0. note L,nding from the
steamer Mary Ann, for ale by
I)LITER—'Y+ keg. recd arid for we by
I) nos: L 8 WATERMAN
LARD—A icor kegs prime N. I; reed end for We
by noon L S WATERMAN
Il n i a T , F i BEANS-33 bbl. fotge l [q Amud
BRC/Mini-2S 4. Corn Brno II for sale by
1J jun reed another supply of country and taltte(ll
manufactured Blankets; including some of a very .n
pence quality. House keepers. are Invited to look at
them before making their purebaxs.
[took N. E. corner Ch and Markel sts
MBE desirable property occupied by me in the bon.
ough of Manchester, being a good Cottage Brick
{lol.lnE.una Two dere. or Ground finely improved.
Possemion given Immediately. Enquire of Jas. Am
demon, E`q, sdioining the premises. or of
nov2 - W. kIeCLINTOCK, 75 Fourttrst
STEAM BOAT BLANKETS—A lot of a suparcir
quality, domestic manufacture, for sale by
IALDIDE2.-100 Um Jost rie'd and to;;I;
nov2 J KIDD & CO Co Wood sl
Clll.Ol/OFORAI-20 lb. just reed and f We by
no] J KIDD is CO, co Wood st
0 DIDE PO I'AS SA-125 ol Just recd and for mid by
nord .1 KIDD & CO, GO Wood at
PANIBH ANNATTO-75 lbe Jiro reel and fo
110 sole by nowt J KIDD & CO
ALLEN'S Nerve and Bow Lieument-13 gross just
reed end for sole by
uovt J KIDD & CO, GO Wood et
Oleos of Novitotlon
(AUR4tiends and the public are respectfully Inform
ed that tbaliwlea Line will as to ship
Goods yin Canal from Pluaborgh on the 100 s, &narrow
Phbadalphia on the 12th iota. Wee ball continue to
entry goods by railroad and wagons during winter.
itora ' 1011 N tdcFADEN & CO
EL— In Ili and gall ~,cg
1U n .
PALAI and Variegated Soap—A law small beiges
just reed f:iseu the NW, of bent quality, will be
old : low by .ON JOHN 111eFADEN & CO
41.}. 0 Veni nn
Rod ie
• C k lti 1 o ' r ' l il d e b o b ( ' al B o 4 , foe 'l'l e Rode,
i n T it b N i t . ST "''d ßNG
HMS -34 (t bye Hogs, for sale by
POTATOES - 112 bbl. for Weiler
FLOUR—Qa bbl. liam A b ß le m co
n n , a ß b o n. No d,r e v, o l,A t
1.50 bad , 10i12}tdellannan /a Ws brand.
CS bra 9xlll
1(. bm 8.110; R. Fulton.. brand.
Landing from steamer Laois 'McLane, and for sale by
nova JAMES DALZELL,2I Wager at
1TRFB:11 ROLL BUTTER--abbfa, pea op in cloths,
r receiving end for gale by
nor? Liberty street
CHEESE -100 bgs landing thAa dal;
UM bi. In hntonad-for sale by
nor/ • ROBT DerZßLLiCO,Llbrty
ALERATUS-20 nal dCO biq atons— for
sale by BOD EktT peLzeuLi. CO.
n0r..1 Libany
B ACON BIDER—For tea by
R DALZELL & CO, Many it
Wcmcas litsausca Coatnagi,
Pin.burgh t Nor. Ist, 1840. • •
AMETING of the Ellockholner. of thraCeseparry
mill beheld at their onto., No. ah Water a.,
N. 44.1. the Mb day of Noreen:me test, sell clae k
.t. , for the irremetlett of bovine. to be albeattled
to we Board of pireetera An deniers far *ham
Ihreeaa, to set re for the coming yea., will to bold
at we agate Wage, on thalami? day, batanaaaila Man
of IS and 3 O'oloot, P. AL
30,1-dui J. ilttrinat, to y.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Fled Partasslssned out
of the District Conn of Allegheny scanty, awl to
me directed, will he expend to Public Sate, at the
Conn Rouse, to the City of Pittiborgh, on Saturday,
the 11th di)) of November, A. D. 1840, at 10 o'clock,
A. IL , the following described ProlictlYt towitr All the
rigtv, title, interest and claim of Samuel Walker, ot.
in and to all that eertsin Intel sod moulage of laud.
situate In Elisabeth township, known as the Davidson
rum, bounded and desetibed as follows, to win on to
east by lands of Isaac VVykoff, on the tooth east by
land of Robert C. Walker and David Bolinger, and so
the south west by land of It P. Vocchis,
about IC' acres, more or less, on which cted a
small brick rouse, and two small frame houses tooth
with a log barn. Seised and taken in execution so
thcproperty of Samuel Walker, at the snit of James
Pattie executor.
All the right, rule, Intermit and claim of Robert P.
Crook, of,ln and to allthose two certain lore of mend,
Z 77 and 8, in Miller , . plan of lots, recorded in book
d. PK. MI, Wonting each 21 ft. an Enoch at., and
meninx back 88 ft- 10 Inches, more or lees, to Coal et.,
88 . 0 runk the game width. Seized and taken In exe
cution aii the property of Robert P. Crook, to me .aft
of Alexander Millar.
AU the right, tide, interest and elalm of Charlet
Stubbs, of, in and to a certain lot oi piece of ground,
simme on Stone tannery Hill, in Pitt umenshiy, bound
ed as follows, vie Imputing on Brown st , at the cor
ner of Whi tesideds alley, thence along the lino of
alley north 61 domes., east 123 ft. 6 tn. to the ontaide
boundary of the ohm of wtneh - thl. is • pal, thence
yernllel with Brown st. north 30 derma went 23 rt. 10
the line of lot No. 17, thence along the line of said lot
south 61 degrees, wmt 123 ft 6 M. to BrovntilL., thence
Wang said street south 30 degrees, cast 23 ft. to.the
place of beginning: being the lot marked No.lB in the
plan or I.its laid oat by James Prow. d
o Pitt towcritip
bioreccid, which said plan is con/prisef Lot. No.
I, • 24 and 33 of Dr. Nathatuel Bedford'. plan of lot.
Seized and tOten In execution a. the pmperty of Chas.
Stubby, at the suit of John 8. Patterson, Adm. John
England, dee'd, and to be *old by
C. CURTIS, Sheriff.
Sheriff. °Mel, Nov. ad,1849.—f00•3-480•6/3
BT ViittlO of sundry writs of Tenditioni Exponu
and Lenart Focus, issued out of the District Court,
and Coon of Common Pleas, of Allegheny County, mid
to me directed
i will be exposed to ebbs sale, at the
Court House, n the city of.Pittaborgh, on Monday, the
70th dry of November, A.:D., ISI9, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
the following described property. to wit All the right,
title, Interest and claim of Henry Bears, of, in, no, on
out of, all that certain brier house and lot, occupied as a
Hotel, by hlr. Allen Broom, lying and shame in the
city of Pittsburgh, on the corner of Third and Southfield
ats, being — feet In front on Smithfield street,
and mending back along Third street, a distance
of— feet; awed and taken In execution Si the pro.
piny of Henry Bean, at the suit of Hobert, A Kane.
All that certain frame dwelling beam, one and a half
stories high, containing • ball and seven finished
room., three thereof being in the gaffe; said building
being oboe,: thirty feet in width. by thirty to depth, or
thereabouts, and Is erected on • tram or parcel of
.land. ;imbrued by P. L. Snowden. of— Woods, sit
uate in the township of Peebles, fronting on the north
side orate Monongahela river; wised and taken in ex
ecution as the property of P. 1.. Snowden, at the snit of
dames McAdams.
All the right, tide, limiest ale claim ofPeter Benign&
of, in • d io ell thatcensinfetofpirme of gromeettame
in the city of Piumbirigh, on the South side of Grant ma,
mu( fronting on said siren twenty feat, and extending
leek ninety feet. on which le erected, three story
brick house, and is Unaided on the east by property of
Barney McClelland. and on the wee by Thomas Florid.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Peter
Ranigan, at the mit of W m. Porter, for me.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Adam Win.
hold, of in and to all tart certain toter piece of ground,
situate In the Borough of Birmingham, Allegheny co.,
being 01 ft. in width on Denman lit, and extending
back (preserving the same width CO 0. P and 340 in.,
being the mane lot of ground which Adam Sollivin's
adhaiestrator conveyed to Mid Winhold, by deed da
ted October MJ, 1014, and recorded in Deed Book W,
1.70,. noires 01-1 L Seized and takes in execution as
the property' of Adam Winhokl. u the suit of John
Scan A Co.
All the rleAt, tide, t i
nterest and clout of .Conred
Wagner, ot in and to aU that certain piece of around,
m.mate in Allegheny Cary, corfalaing of Lots Nu. 35
d 35, in George LedUe's plan of &subdivision of not
lots N 05.174 and 173 lathe Reserve Tract(whichplan
as recorded to Deed Book, vol. 64, p. and bounded
and described as follows, via Beginning at the tooth
side ot Curoll ,at the
of Lot Nn. 34,
thence extending In front on Carroll at. autwardly 10
ft and in depth soutbwaidly pleserving the same
width parallel with Beaver at. GO ft to an alley 10 ft.
wde, the acid Two Lots 30 beingthe same
hich George Ledlie and wife conveyed to the said
rowed Wagner. On Lot N 0.33 inereeted atwo story
brick building, fronting on Carroll at, and alma frame
house on the rear of said Lot, funtieg on no alley; nod
on Lot Na 33 is erected a brick building, fronting on
maid alley. /kited and taken in execution as the pro
perty of Conrad Wagner, at the snit of Suomi ?de-
Clark. ik. Co.
All that certain two story Brick Brewery, with one
*vary of stone bawl:nem waste in the &nous!, of
Lawrenceville, and fronting on the Philadelphia turn
pike road SO ft, mote or leer and the lot of round or
artilage eupurtenant Seined find taken in execution
sot property of John Fleck, at the gut of Panlikei
All the right. title, interest and till= of Thomas D.
Rhoades, deed, to the hands of hi. administrator, Jas.
Patterson, Jr-, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece
of ground Moans in the City of Allegheny, beginning
on the math side of Sheffield n, as the corner of Lot
No 11, thence, along Sheffieldet eaffwatdly 25 rt.,
thence along the line of Lot No.ll multhwar&Y 00 It,
thence be a line miming parallel with Sheffield et
westwardly 25 ft, thence along the line of Lot No. 9
narthwardly go ft to the place of beginning being Lot
No. 10 in a pl. of lota laid out by Harvey and Curtis.
and which Alexaeder Moore end wife, and Sharma
Walker and wife, by their deed dated the ffith day of
Much, A. D. IRA recorded in Ased Rook X 3d, vet.
'7l, Page 111, conveyed to the .14 Thom. D. Rhoades:
on which is meted an onlinlehed two story frame
dwelling house, with backbuildin6 Pelted and taken
dxecution the property of Thomas D. Rhoades,
eep, in the hands of hM administrator, at the .alt of
Thome. Blackmon.
AU the following dewribed propeny,to Lots Ile
Mr. Anthers' planar lota, Anhuyiville.)Nos.lo and 11,
upon which arocrected one two story Mick House and
one two story Franks Howe. Said lots are bounded
as follows, tog Beginrdng in Really. alley at corner
of Lot No. S of said pl., and .conning
thence along
the line of cold lota parallel With Amhara on. to Wif.
kiwi st a distanee of 11l ft., thence along Wilkins st
to a corner of Lot No. 11 in said plan, thence
along the line of said lot in aline parallel with Arlon
st a distance of 71 ft., thence In a line Tunnel with
Keating, alley a &somas of 10 ft, Mence along a dl,.
11.1.0 of 33 to the place of beginning, Member with
the buildings thereon. being par. of Lick. Nos. 10 and
as aforesald. Stited and taboo in execution as the
ptopetty of ikon Marla Robinson and Cashanne Jen.
kink at the snit of Jam. Dente., now foresee( TIT.
All th e right, title and interest of Wm. Chambers, of,
in and to the one udtvidedthird part ofa certain tract
or piece of !ne e ; *imam in Jefferson tramehip, All.
chesty conmy, adjoining lands of David Torrence, Ire.
ih Sickmen, WM. Livingston 'Thos. Lapel- , sod, th e whole Inn conteintai e 3 acres, with the
•PPettenences, and art witch Is erected a farm honse,
barn, he ; being part of a WO tract which Themes
Lumley, Br., devised to Ms fear sena. and which said
teset of 40 tires WIZ &tatted to Samuel Wesley, one
of said font sons, who died intestate and withou t issue,
end thercepon the we third of told ea acre tract de
re dud to, and berme vetted In,. John Laptley, the
brother, as whose property, by dlyote ennsermeee,
the same one third thereof became vetted Weald Wm.
Chuthen, the defendant, so by reference to the Re ,
cords and Proceedings to Aiertment In the District
Court • f said County, 77, April Tetht, 1.811, wit
moth fatly appear. Seized and taken in eisemation
the property,ef Wm. Chambers, at the suit of George
Huger forme.
All that comae two wary Debra building or mewl
nee and tenement, eiteate on Beaver et., between Led
he and Carl sta., being in Lathe'. plea of Into to the'
City of Allegheny, containing to (mot on add Beaver
ten ft, and in depth 3g ft.; and the lot or place of
ground and cartilage appurtenant to red building.
Bet red and taken in egetation on the property of Wm.
Applegate, at the salt of mama Pont.,.
e All the right, title, ittudet andclaint of James Lick
vet, of, In and to all that eartaln lot or piece of kroond,
inmate in the Borough of Titenturn, said lot fronting
•'toot SOIL on the west side of Molest., Bassett. sold
Borough. and bated upon the *oath by the Pennsylva
nia Canal, rind on the north by property of Jo4hua T.
Datholick, and exit:ridded a distance of about WO IL to
801 l creek, conteltdeg about OdeParobes.end ou wbleh
Is erected two two story frame booms and out boom.,
and belt, the cams lot or piece of ground which Sam•
uel Baird and wife, by deed bearing date Bob Deacm.
A. D. 1843, mated and conveyed to said James
Dickey. Seized and taken in execution asthe_ props r
ty of James Dickey. at the milt of Samuel Baud for
use of Henry Sterling.
All the right. ride, interest and claim of Ernest Bro
der, of, an and to the Mowing described piece or par.
eel of land, barnacled and described as follows, vim Be.
ginning at the Pinthamh and Freeport road in Shirt*
burgh. thence by land of A. Barrow south a degrees,
east 42 perches to the Allegheny river, thence by arid
river north 004, west llyerebes, thence by land of D.
White north a, west 42 perches more or lea to told
Pittsburgh and Freeport road, thence east It l-10 perch
es to the piece of begimung.,contalniag 3 sense more
or less, on whirl is erected • small brick hour, one
Story above the road stet one slue below the road, In
height from the hum the said lot being put of Lot Igo.
12 in Cunningham's District of Depreciation Lands, and
gebieet to the payment of 11100,00 og thereabouts, to
Henry Buie, Dom whom said Ernest Bader punkas
ed, in May, 18(7. Seised and token in execution as the
property o f Ernest Bader, at the salt of Dardal
All the right, dale, interest and claim of Wtl llam
Jenkins, of In and to, all th at certain lot or piece of
ground,ilituated in the City, of pgietty, bounded
and described as follows, rim Be zon the north
eidatif Workington the the of lots formerly
sold to William Dalf, which is at the distance of CS 11.
3 in. Item the Coramons,thence EastwardlY In front
along held street 25 R. tea.° line of lot sold to Charles
Row., and mining thrtlinhby,equal width!. whole
distance at rit angles with said street to Liberty at.,
being part o ffout Lot Na. 148 in reserve tract opposite
Pittsbargh, being lot conveyed to William Jenkins
by James Cray and Wife by their deed dated 83 Bar
A D. 1835, and retied recorded in Allegheny County
In Deed Book Y, vol. 72, page 147. Seised an d ta2
ken in eseentien as the properly of William J erkins,
at the rah of ICU C Cony.
All those three blocks of building!, situate or the
east side of Diamond alley, on Lee No 292 In Woods,
lan of the City of Pittsburgh, viz Those c00n...
ldings, Intended Carstens or shops on the fins
wh dwellings &bore, and having an alley for the use
of the Court In the rear between them and bounded by
an old briek bean ennui west, occupied by a yilmober,
d f:i.,pfrtgr,of Ir the toutherest, said bead.
tY log Of !ar t . Se ' hiitle ' yrsoil g tso nad tha 'P t=n th l p rti " ei e te. r
tied building l
must te
edly in theof th
d,,"abeu, youning five tenements end rea e r
ins a Count and whereat; the said Foran apponioned
bis said to cod upon said building Co.. the eam
0f.5119115 ets, vim Balco nee third of raid clean, be•
ei the pardon of said lien apportioned mutts all Lb* ,
rt.lo three mon building, tomato immediately in the
rear of tardinhor buildings anima on Lot No. 392, in
Woods , pinn,with Meltable end lowardthe amazement
of told houses, end the other end to.irds Fifth street,'
and belognbout DO feet in length, by about 18 tett in
width, and sintate an the west side of said loth front
ing towards the ram, and divided into fire tenements,
and forming • Conn, the entrance thereto from Dia.
mond alley , by the primate alley afontsald, all the
buildings being greened Cut Lot No. 382 in Woods' plan.
Also, eo meek of the lot end cartilage appurtena.nt to
aald building. Seised .d taken In ezecutunt as the
property °flame! Johnston and Mary Ann his wife,
0 - 011203,111 and contractor% et the stdt of James F0:11111.
All the. right, title, Inter. end claim, of Henry F., Of, In, and to all that certain lot of ground
theme on the Corner of Graven. and Frederick an .
at the boron. or Birmingham, beio let No. 36, and
pen of lot N 0.23 in the pten of lift aid eat by Dr.
Frederick McMinn, COatlieter in front on Grosvenor
street. about 24 feet, andekteedtagback along Federel
stmt Ell vadat Is erected a two story brick
k a m po " As sa te otlls i lLotr " Ar g agratot a Xcr d b ig
N. Magni, try Seed, Mad the nd day in Nov., A- rt.,
1841, e..etyed .to /eke Breent. and which the said
Joke Browny wife eer
ier to Frederick F. Olea.
Oteetteases, sad the said Henry 01en..-
~ mops. in deed back* Z. Vol. 73, page l'9,
Seised sad Wes at exeastlea as the property of Sm.
ri Olothoosas, at the salt et Cammatavrerth ret
Yeatteltioata, ray Riad Waxy Vratabstae, sz,
AU those two certain loth or pieces aground, shams
in the city ofelleglieny and malliered in the plan of
nabdivision laid oat by Sylvanns Lathrop, Dal, Noce
and T maid lots frondrg on Reiner , . Meet 40 feet and
inches, and emending the same width throciaii to La
nnert meet, and olio-thing Sant tam, being the name
lots of gromd tinned hmes Anderson and Ann. his
wife, by their deadj bearing date the Sib day of May,
A. A le4-; mated and conveyed onto the said J. ft. .
GWyrine. Seined and token in execution as the pro
perty amen Stalwart Gwynna, the 0 0 0, 30000
. . . •
All the rigbi tide,' Interest and claim of Hugh Stan
ton. of, in, and to aliMnieertain lot or piece of ground.
situate in the city ofAllegheny, bounded sod described
as follows, vim beginning on the easisideef Division
street, at the comer of lot No. CC, in the slim of lets
laid out by Samuel Shields, m the city of Allegheny;
thence along said Divieion stmet, sonthwardili. OVeb ,
and It Inches, to the corner of lot No 13; thence along
the line of slid lot No. 13, cumoranillY 30 feet to n "w
-°I., •licY 10 feet wide; thence along the said .laver
or alley parallel with Division streit,northi oo4 / 1 4° i t
it h
not_ ,li, inches; thence along the floe of lot No, It, et -
wenaig &V lent to Division street, the 0 00 ° 01 b ''''
tog; being the tot Marked No. 14, in the said plan.. o
'Mich is erected a !wick building two 006. hi '
made for two small dwellings. Seised and taken ;. I n
Cie< bd. 11. the property of Hugh Stanton, et the ir t
of Samuel Grove. ' •
All the titan., tide. intere L st e nd claim of David Ken
nedy, of, In and to a cenain lot of emend, with the •P'
partenumes, enema in the City at Pittsburgh, on Penn
t, and bounded and described as follows, vim By
Penn st. by Lot No 4 In Jame. Adams' pert of the plan
of the Northern Liberties of Flashers/Is ' as recorded
11t . Book T, pages 23.5 end 358, by Sonnetalley and by
the westleardiy hen of Lot N 0.3 m said. pie., being
in front on Penn et 25 fL,and in depth (preserving the
tame width) Ire ft., and being the eastwardly heir WI
of said Lot No. 3 to the plan amend& gad basing
erected thereon a two Eery frame home with Ogee
building, with the apportanannes, the interest and es
tate of the aid Kennedy therein being a lose thereof
for and daring the existence or this world, subject to
the payment of an smote ground rent of laity two
dollars and fill, cows, payable quanerly on the first
days of July, OctOber, January sod Aped, la each and
every year, in <nail Instalments, as by reference to the
indenture of tenet from James Adams and wife, to said
defendant Kennesly,datelSeptember I9lh,llslo,record.
ed will appear. Seised and taken in
execution as the property of David Kennedy, at the
suit of James Wightromi
All the right, title. interest and claim of Adam Win
bold, of, in and to all that lot or piece of ground sits.
ate in the Borough of Birmingham, and masked and
numbered in the plan of lots laid out by Robert Dun
can, administrator of Aaron Sullivan, dec'd,, and re
corded in the Recorder's Office, of Allegheny county,
a:, deed Book 3 B, vol.Bo, pegs 957. as Lot No. 9, said
lot being 91 rt in width in Boat on Denman $4, and ex.
trndingback the same width a distance of 8011.8 and
5 II inches to lot of John Killer 'as will folly appear
by reference to said plea, bein g the some lot or piece
of ground which Robert Darman, Administrator of
Aaron Sullivan, deed, by deed doted October 23, 0 844,
recorded In Deed Bon
`OrW, v 01.711, pageconvey
ed to the mine Admenthed Seized and taken ta
execution as the property of AdextuWinloald. M the ati:
of Eliuheiti Humane.
All the right, title, Interco and claim of Samuel
ker. ly i ng mid mall the followiinscribed ad
landand inn ell s
In the them of Elitateth,
jng or adjaceotle the Own of leebeth, 'on the
stonongahela "'vie, and known as the Davidson farm,
coning about 3 di Sores and allowance. branded thus:
beginning at a point at low RUT mark. on the east
Ode ofnlie Morilrgahela lieverrjbance south 411 'deg.
at led perches to a poet thenee south 511 deg., sae
81 perched° avec; thence 'north 8 &mi., west 29 per
ches to a stone heap; thence north 83 decrees, cot WS
perehes to • pout the rth 18 deg. east 110 per
ches to • poen donee nor t h'Adept, wen 91 perches to
a stump; thence north 34k deg., weal 44 8 Perch., 4 . •
while oak; thence N. 3 deem, sweat ID pennies to a poen
thence ME/ deg., west 92 pecbe to • dog wood; thence
north 871 dens, west 48 perches! to a post; therms south,
411 degrees west, 145 perches to a stone heap;
thence north 481 degrees, wen 54 pinches to a post on
the bank of the Monongebel. eirmLthencie along he
said river emith 401 degrees!, west 118 perches to
beginning; being same tract of Laid which wes
conveyed to John Davidson end others by Hugh
Damdson, bdeed da red ISM April, 1514,c:corded to
deed book W, vol. 0, page. 18, Co, on which am
erected. Seised and taken in execution as the proper
ty of Semite! Walker, et the salt of Enka Ramory.
All the right, interest, and Claim of the defen
dant, George M. Esau', of, in, to, or oat of toe follow
ing dewribed wormy, vim a lot of ground simme to the
cry of Pittsburgh, marked In Cot. Weed's genet.' plan
of said city, ember 151, and bounded on themrth uy
From street, on the east by lot amber IE4, la Wahl.,
on the tooth by Water street, and on the west by lot
No. the, In said plan, extending in width or breadth on
Water street 60 feet, and in depth to Front street 157
feet, more or less; oo which are emoted a brick Foun
dry building and two small Mick housemr Mops,
which have Imo mad as Plough .hop..
All that other lot el A r l eta silents , in the City of
Pittsburgh, and marked ta Col:Woods' plan of .414
City No. LA Wended as follows, vim On the North
by Front street, en the east by Redoubt alley, on the
south by Wake cure,, and on the west by [AI No. IM.
is cold plan; extending in breadth or width on Water
sum CO ft, end In depth parallel with Redoubt alley
157 ft. more or less, tome Front et, upon which Is
erected a two awry brink dwellieg bonee, with the ra
ins or foendations of an old stone dear mill
And Also—All thin. other lot of 'rotted Mame in
the Car of Pinthurghoind bounded and deacnbed
follows, vat Beginning al the cornier of Liberty erect;
and lot marked No. 12.1 in Cot. Wood .' plan of said
City, and tunnies along the line which ddes - it from
No. 124 in said plan. oonhwardly 114 feet more or less
to an alley 16 Mt wide, thence along said Willy wen
wnrdly 50 feet, thence sauthwardly on n lee parallel
with we line which divides the aforesaid lota, embers,
Lin arid 194 the plop aforesaid 112 more or lest,
m Liberty street, and thence along Liberty Meal cast-
Isarahr to the plkee of besineleg—the said last de
senbest lot or
_portion of ground being the easteraolly
can of Lot Na. 19 4 It said plan, upon which aro
erected two small frame dwelling house.
And Alm—All that
c erium trod or pascal of land
Maim on Channea Creek, mouthing 5t
o r and 105
perches and 101 link. be the same mere or lesm the
said tractor street of land being made op of, and cons
Mating of 3 smaller eat4n o e s pieces or psreels of ,
lend, which are bounded and dtheeribed as follows,
vim =apart thereof Atom* in St dole township, in
Bald omen, and Wended a. follows, via beginning.:
a plle of ammo; thence north 414 degrees, wear=
tenches to a post en the creek beach, th ence by decd.
lyts lands and by a read hereafter mentioned north 61
degrees, east 5215510 perches to a make, math 424 de
pees, ran 23140 perch.; to a post, theme by Mars
hy:a land south 43 degrees, urertlsl.lo
bemontomeoritaleing five aeres,theluding MI perches
of the creek, being the same portion of ground which
John 8 Sadly and wife, by deed dated .20th April,
1933, and recorded in Book 0, No V, not. 72, page 64,
coeveyed to George Evans, decd, father of the mid
George Al Evans..—Another, or second part of the mod
tram or pastel at land, being bounded and desentied
a. follows, sir &aiming at a gate post, thence mulls
61 dem., wen 14 perches to a post, thertee extending
on the same line 4 perches into the chanael of the
creek, thence down said to a, them:ls4 percher
to. post 013 the bank of the creek, and them,e freer
said post south 81 degrees, teat IV 4-10 perches to the
gala Poet aforesaid, the place of beginning; minthinitte
51 perches etriot mammy being the same which John
&Sadly and wife, by deed dated May 4th, MA and
recorded in Deed Book 3d F, page 3, conveyed to Cad
vrallader Evans, in trust, Rothe - use of Oliver O. Ev
ans and George M. Evans afontseldi—nether, orthiol
part of the said tractor parcel of land, being Wended
end deseubed on follows, viz: b liming at attlack oak
in Robinson township. thence south 88 degree. cast 49
perchea and 6 halts by land of Rebc 2lll9l6 ^.l.
stow, theme monk 54 denote, west 19 perches by the
lands of Baldwin ca hforPhY late Chmtthec Crook to
a stake, Stamm toy the animal comes of Chanter's
Creek 90 perches and 10 laths toe lomat ; tree, thence
by !andel' Rept ArCoy southltldeg,westhil parches to
&hickory thence all the fellation( coarse. by the land
saA 61Vey team hemming, Muse cult Eideg, wen 13
,pett's.soathli deg., west 8 perches, tooth 8 lee, weal 9
perch.; south 13 demo, east 6 perebeii, south S dm.,
east ;vetches, math 8 cep., Sperchesoosth
E. 8 peichee south 17 deg. E. 8 perches and US lithm
moth 10 lege. easr,B parches, south 40 demi, east 9 per
ches, so uth 41 deg., tut 3 perches sad 10 links to a
black net,. the place of beginning. emanating 16 atres,
99 perches, lat Mk& with tbe allowance, 11 being the
mme which Robert McCoy, by deed, dated October
14th, le'S, and recorded in book ();rd vol. 39, sago 139,
conveyed to George Evans, deemed, father of the
mid Gee AL Evans; the said that or parcel ef lead
so as altogether aboha described, baying thereon erect.
ed a dwelling home, stable. and other oat Maid
situatepally 0.,t0e Ms; ind panty n the se=
above described mom themor, and also liming an
orchard on th • first described peruse thereof. Saud
andtakenrixecution asithe„lmpetty of Geo. fi2 Evans,
at the gall of Sarah J. Evans, and to be told by
C. CURTIS, Sherid.
Oct. 2d,'1842. 10023 thkorts3
DOLL BUTTER-1 bbl prime In store and for sale
Rh by cool STUART fr. SILL
DOTATOES-50 Obis ott Coll c d e atr a tZlM
.L novil
rIOFFEE-50 bp labia In .iord anel (o
sale by
SOAR -2I hhde tun ripely and for wale by
recommend Halbert% Writing Fluid it, thelat
rouge lit the public, as a dm me article La all re
spects. It sows fee Isom the pen without clogging it
up sod in the mums of a few hours becomes a deep
bett black.
et. Lonnie= & Son, B. A. Fahusstoek & Co,
nk & Modu hloore,
allea, MeQuewan
arker, & Douglas,
Wi John P
S. Irishman &Co, Francis Sam,
C. A. MoAnulty & Co. -
Z."* (ba" .,a tl ,
lh eI
mit r n , l a l tl aa "
v 7OS. K. llBBERT a dthkkleaelatoyl•div earoViwth
SuNIMILII—/: tea: Konen;
al W 9, itur, to arrivo on oteActot
Twaront, for tale by .
oetli ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Front at
MotaTsEsLLITIT•t. at Janus Sow Hon* ,
bf do do 'ch•
Ito Lbis Pbtotation; for ttalo by
SUNDRIEB-10 boasaSerarthe Canclle
10 " Extra Pare Starc;
4 cases Boston Pickles and Camps;
6 ". Genoa ant=
5 " CutSo Soap;
2 " Almon:
20 drams Smyrna Flas;
50 lbs CcreavShells;
Also, Cocoa, Broma and Chocolate: for kale by
DYE WOODS-600 bids Chipped and Gr.& jam
reed sad fondle by
ocol corm' Pint and Weed ea
EPSON SALTS-40 bbl. BslUmow , for liale by
0a.% B A FAIiNFZTIAAK - k. Co
A LCOHOL. 3, * 78 B al...411 , r i r N et, (06 twyco
EXTRACT LOGWOOD—DO eases Foreign area dat
~de., far sale by B A PA HNESTOCK & CO
PABTRY FLOUR -100 bbl . Panty Plaar,• taped ,
or article for bakers and families, lam lived and
for ule by octal SELLERS & NICOLS
FINE FLOUR —eo bbis bat reed and for sale by
GINSENG-7 mots arm le.rdLing from • tiia MISt Geti-
Gain., for see by
FLOUR -33 bills novrlanding faun memos James
Nelson, for sole by
CHEESE -400 bill In sum and for We by
oet3l. R DAL2ELL LW, Liberty st
PECAN NUTS-10 bblc impute; to moo mad lb
sale by octal Dal ZELL & CO
KEU UTTEII.--133 keg* ree'• a. • kr rale • y
oe.3t R DALZELL k CO
Dtf PONT'S POWDER—The sebeeriben,Aßeata
for th e utanallacturera of the above :celebrated
Would of Powder, keys** hand end rue eallataat¢ ra
:;lvioc• supplies of the different wertetioo, which they
i sale et redaeedbrtem dlacosot
lowed te whatocale dealers.
Wed twa t a int taw article, br We Row is t h,,
Indls Rah bar Depot., No &Wood mu
ITECto TIII3 DAY—Pram PW111.8,36 ?wow,
U. an yds 34 Moor OU CloWysold *Mar
Ilawager- C. S. Porter
ArritrotooLDreos Circle and Penmen,. ..... "so ~,
Second Tier 25 44
IrrDeors Op. 1. before 7. Curtain iaee i purl.
137•Lus niflat of Mt. SILSBEE, the Viuteeilrae
Nov. he
u.. TT.:‘l...t2a.seret
To bo followed wish ono •ef• C I
Solomon ..... _
RMITATION—Fumenedi Roby or Life in dee
To coneloto who
Alm Inca.
Great Moral and Sublime Exhibition:
_of the
First Free, gra* es represented in the,ixth Cheptet
of Rerelatione—Sr Jontil Vtsnov, whin he (peek,
( having beheid while an erle on the I , le of Nunes:
reopreseetlng 40 characters MI rite cr lob, painted
neon tastier= feet of grearase wIU bo'on exhibition
On Saturday Oight
Also-Op en day and taxhi,on Monday. Tindal add
d.:modes% 0 et. ISM, loth and 3tst.
Day exhibition open from 10 to 19, and 3 to IL
Night open from% to /0 o'elOeh.
Mr-Make:3,ll6 emit. Children half prise. . .
Solider echoed; in bodits,ni 5 semi eneh.
Ministers or all denominations aro invited to attisaL
By John D. Davis. Auctioneer.
.f and Cluing&a sof New and Val wcaleatods.
On Sward.) and Monday everthejp, November ad
and MI, at the Commercial Safes Room, corn., of
Wood and Filth sta, will be so'd, the remainder or to splendid collection of Books, Paper. Gohl Pros, So.
The asaortmeta comprises Standard. Werke. Anoint.,
Iltestrated Works, &bias, Prayer Boot!,
. ——
Stevie asoi Fancy Dry Goods.
On Monday rooming, ?h.. +nth, at o'cloek, at
the Commermal Sales Looms, comer of. Wood and -
Filth stream s will be told—
An atteduslVa assortment of staple and fancy foreign
sad domestic Dry Octeds, among which am "saperana
blank and brown broad cloths, cailimerei stale•
w n an t o w n e d ed on s n a a s, n u. d
wo y n el plaids, bered b fi lan n ke o t l s
and liodseys, mentos. &Epson., catheter., Went
bontbasine,4elkets, yMentia vest WS, elk, coat and
yes, bue, tan eloskins, pilot cloths, colored cambric.,
Mtinels wide analogs, rapper towns, riltbonn,
banoos, needles, On.
At D'olock, • .
61900thtli. eltneensware Funtlmi ,
fol.( Hyena and Imperial Tea, Virg ini a =mesa
tared Tobacco, wrimig and wrapp ing paper, shalt%
&austere, Am , •
A lame sad general WiIIOtiZOOOI Of new and renond
band beesebold fermiere, cooking etoees, .kLteltert
utensils, feather beds, bedding, manresses, looting
glasses, carpeting, mantel cloaks, window blinds, Cm;
elre, a quantity of /ember trents;eansass trunks, ear•
pet and 'ember bags, saddles, bridles, An: •
seri JOHN D DAVIS; And
- - .
On Saturday a tornoon, November 10th,nsill be aslg
on the premises, Six lom of Gr.., tomato . tke
wok ado of Ohio el odjololog the "burnt dilation' ,
having eawb a float of g 0 It, and encoding back SO ft,
tonn alloy . 10 ft wide.
Also—..Seeen lots adjoining the above, haring street
of 1101 t on the West Common, and extending bac/ELIO
ft to the aforesaid 10 ft alley. ,
These lots are certainly among the mod, destrahlein
the city of Allegheny, In slew of its future growth and
" roven:eat
" Careft 'm ee p third cash, residue in six and twain
months, with interest.
A plan of the lota may be wren at the stoned Met.
der. Robinson. in Allegheny, end at my amino,
room; corner of Wood and Fifth sta.
oethl JOIIND DAVIS, Auer
" iNnow SASl—il lcdof tXIO an 10119, t '" if;1TonrCfe16FOGL
i 103 &mid .11t
G UM, ARABIC—I ease retj u ali s . , e iL e c r.4l l24
ort3l comer Liberty =lSt Cleft ete
La /3ei r ver Tub ße z kltt
ree ,
add foe
_al3l • 144 Liberty R
IDIAO4Odos Init - r - earoctiTrErli.i9 by
ROOMS-75 dos Ault reed and for •ale tiy
FEATHERS-78 — tiii note holding from the mum
otEentt's' for
VIS ZICKEY ' CO. Front at
WOOL -6 auks ISM
n j oinTilidtag•frotl Mama Utz
Gaines, tor We by s
oet3t . DICKEY Et CO
tit'Atrell - -.0
for sale by
SUGAR—AS bhda NO, strlctlY for sale by
oet3o s L 8 w.vniaotar , t
SALAD 01 1 —e 5 don, a cboiee7rak arbeioiaat reni
and for sale by ocla BRAUN& HY:ITER
rirlfarilAlAS-20 jest reed and for age by
. CILLI T Y K R 0 0. 1 b
riscA N TARTER—J tilajttat no:land for gala by
ay • tarton , a Ur •
oet2o LWA las I
BACIIN SHOULDEMS-29 eats prin. lba-
We by • 1113EY, MATTHEWS & CD,
29 Wm., sr
PIG LEAD-1143 pigs Halena, for r.ld by —_
SBOAR-112 Wats prime N 0 Sagan,
45 bills No ft Loaf om •
bbls Nos 4 & 5 Loaf Sagan, for see by
TruTtACC6L2S kg. Etol
1 twist, for sate by
• os43L Itt&trliFtWl3 4
to, 11. roil:Lora a Co, six
LARD OIL-12 Obis Snetharit & Co, best quality,
for sale by
petal •
COFFEE, ke-230 Ogs Coffee;
Ito bf cheats Y. 0, 0. P., fowl andXdlrTew
ill cad. boa do do do do .do
With a general assortment of Orocerlea and Mtn
burgh mannfactatea, for sale by
Z 1
r frd4cl WA o s ; lß°AßDB—'M d rDWITIO7I " O7
otidt No 110 Wood a
rIREE3R—eS boxes Extra Cream; -
100 s' Western Reserve;
• 30 lbs Bap Sago; 4ir sale by
octal__ • JD WILLIAMS
TOLABMMI-20 bbl. N 0, for wale by •
iorr R. MURPHY, at aonh east earner of Toulth
TV . and Mattes ins, Is now renaming his saeond
supply tot the season, and cutoffs Inducements to
buyers rarely to be tout with. His assortment of
ls very falL Consist's, of Fieneh Helium, Cashmeres,
Cobarsa,Lynness Cloasitoper Printed French Cash•
mesas, aizpriceii considerably lawny alma they could
be bought early in the season. His sock of
_ _ - •
h largei.and embraces many of the beantiful mites
now on exhibition at Franklin I ,utute Yhiladti -
Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trini•
minas, an.
Of aerie. styles .d poalitiei , plain and embroidered
Black Silk Laces, Needle %Vetted Collars .d Co,ds
Bonnet Bating and Velvet Flowers, Caps arid Feasters.
Wt. nearest styles, and at lower prices than iseall
and rich 'ettangeAble Silks and Satins, for ht.LLßse:
aL.; . rgd • lae meek of
at lowest prices. And In the gentlemen's deystenesl.
will he found froth
Black Doeskin., Winter Vesting% Fancy Carsenews.
Underahlrta and Drawers, Ms Grasso, tookstlfamt•
kerchiefs, ite
Orpadarchants are lashed to mule ths•Wholende
Rooms, ale 0e , 3)
Wow Jackets JIM ree'd by
oet3o sunciazrr & wHITE. 99 Wood at
11415RAVVEREI-60 Saran Lattloti — Vrao
o Slats and Drawers kis+ reed by
oct3o SHACKLE rT A wain; 99 Wood at
BLUE & ORANGE. 1.411.418-4 eases Chasm's
boa Call Styles, just renamed by etzusesa and
tale hv SHACICLEIT A W MTh, 99 Wood at
J: Pod received by
CI..4Y—W tons or ma tO'
(SODA ASH-2V cDDtD fin Dale DT
ous•aIII bye or anarby •
IA 7 HI CG FLIE4-8 bbt• reed lnd for sale bi — . --
/)KED PEACHES—Ion bembels for sale by
ont73 SP VON EkriNHOR-Sr ?i CO '•
some assamment of 13rassePs Carpets, of the la
ma and most approved styles and colors. We invite
oar friends tonal! arta aurorae our assortment_
oet3o W. ala-11.1nryn6K.
rlArtzTxy oe nrata—Just reel at sr. to wan.
.1. vocal Carpet Wereaduav, (of the latest lotpartas
tese,) the it.tasentevt . f.PestrY .11rassels Carpels ever
brooaht to this market, to which we invite the atten
tion of those osishine us furnish house.. ' , ,jcsao,,
- IToßAtil:--- • •
large'l.4.:lar am Loa, — D om.
lau I.tberly at, on moderate lcnitsgand
log vnnararva. Apn , y to neat II I,KK
_ .
3130 uc!, cmp pal 4 nor woos b
VITINEt oil:
—7O . Fort, Modem., kOnsty asl v.01% t
V 31.1,va Wlnrs, for solo by tho cook or In goon
titietto out purchasers, by
No try Liberty at
~~09 A.YU II CIF.
I U dox I al..
(LS dos %if Sas;
3 dos lifelong for oelq ts 7
15LABTLNO wd kale towder
D c•c:33 J
.t co.
BE, Or' BratmB-10 bb4 juotaBp., Ittu
br .11130 1 S DILWOUTH
Q 1./ V.SPORTIIIIO POWDER-100 cana.", rea'd •
r 11S—gou stspruao llt. expected W.'dq.' .
int% 3 8 DILWORI II &CO
' , --30 go
OAC lot '
CO — Suponos,jostreeCl '-
For Pala loop by 00130 I 8 DILWORTH& Olg.
:Cu .. 7i - Es-4ip Obis Os non odirror es. fi t
LYI. cootat) J Fr DILWOIIIII I .
of:Mar ;
x 1.77 1 , cbWAII
A L : NUL-With an assortment of Vonscale
noon, Cordials, kr—, always on bud nod 63 t
try cask of tionnuilos, to mites Ma in t