The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 02, 1849, Image 2

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Ptriaaavas .Daa.V (Warn la published
DTn-Weetly t and Weekl7..—Tte Daily Is Beam
Dollars pertnate; tha Tsi•Weekly A Five DollaVaPa ,
'alum; the Weekly Is-Two Dales vr azalea; WU*
beJlivsa l F ---- areetabbeaby req — e 7 etein up bead lb
. favors •. et, zed e esty betb• day Le
ractleable. eenteeenebtbsei insetted for a apes
bad thug wUI intrada/gy be bbebred ..111 ordered out
Admtlaweesta sA4stbserlitiocs to the Nanh Amer
aim sod United StateuOsutte, Yhiladelphit, received
Taillaavgs.rhitut,--lkttne of iubse t Tiber',
tha * Vi&loda 'melee :reapplied try the Beaver
mail havesnotiged us'that they wN,be obliged to
Ilieeolnitiei.Altiir. pspee, owieg to the repeated
. 00 that route. The
It itaik4 green hero to Beaver in steam boats,
end itt dree'tflitteltiOd to the' Yorkers mail mutes
diverging.. from . New Idebtle, to
.Cleveland, to y New Code; ' The time ofant
val is Mashie. oleloelr, when, 23 men, as the
PMen Viditkillien ismade,. the leveed mails de
part. Bet - very fitemuntly the teat does not arrive
at Beaver tu; time, and the stages leave without
the awls; denier. a delay - of kt• hours at that
point. new delip happen the most frequently
tridays:Whett theßeaver packet comes into cote
petition With a tire! line, each delaying to a late
hour to iteurtipasseagen. 'A
great injury lithos
rearmed by the whole baninesi , :e•ponannity, both
of Pittabeigtf lea on the several routes.. We
'mad respectiagy call the lawman of the Post.
master aeneMl treed' grievance, and we have wa
doubt that lie will.take immediate measures to
Tim Ntw pexiairr. 7 The now Sheriff 'elect,
CARTEL Claus, .Feq., was yesterday mducted
into In s offiCe. *ri The position ha fills is moot
important one taxi* cesinty, anilits Mildness and
responalbflitias ,e yearly biezessing.. Thy will
lbe.entirely ssel,amsered,le Mr. 911'40 ,
hands, If honesty, drioneae,toim*Poioo
strict jcuiticeitiell,ind inteirity are
re4Pliftel,kr:thiNagditipbrits, the duties of
tilyeriff, th e the county lise amazed a good officer.
No retrievals or dlitina ttivp IVeen mad° is the
anbordiniteeof the office; lad will cot be for the
Resent. Mk., Forsyth, the, Ex•Sherifi will have
charge auto jail until the lot of April next.
Tai htsabiara4.=olsericiß. Scolly;E•q, hug .
declined being 'considered • candidate or the of-
Bee of Mayor. , MC , &tali stanch we ith the
party, and we . thiak harass's:es were Tery good
for • moatinaliori, and his declination Will be •
seance disarms to his nomeronsfrienda
The Teleirspli, No. 1, and the No. 2, Which run
pitelretahetweeis LioaisVille_ and this 'city, have
Mule an ittioitiietittelii to lower • their chimneys to
socomedstelbernselves to the Wheelint Bridge.
Prrissmias AND Eve Liam acme.—
Comzeitetal Advertiser contains the foll.
are toollag ia the maker of 9p:etas boo'
sobsertptioer of stock to the "Pittsburgh'
Ball Roo' 4 Company." .. , i .
OW. do:not nada:take to *peak for the Com
missioners—nor"de we know that th'feel any
" special interest in the matter , more the
Is [l atch by
our commOnitg 'geoceally. Their !nisi ess to
execute the.duty assigned them In the 1 w, name ,
ly, to open books for subscription. When the "cigaaized, their responsihility then
ceases. 13itthe main object.4lthe people of Erie
and vicfailli is, WO' cue say, to open a cumin unicin
. don by mil..road to Pivaborgh. Are topsider ii
on, interest ao to do, for various rens, which
need not be detailed here", bat which the lashing!,
' Gazette, ciia ay other Pittaburgher cugh readily to
. nee, and-be-proud to acknowledge. t least we
shotild be gladlo Ancona a similar bm. eh of urn.
'provement extending in any possible direction
from our place; never know a city to eel other.
and".shonidi. be sorry to fi nd fr tsbargh—
jaslous minded 'lasing has shown he -'1" In some
Mbar rdyiesta—forin the first exceptii a to this
. rale." , . .
Tiswits Anti Itinaxsterssies
Tee gradttig and bridging of this slot
nowteed, soon be compl eted to' l
attlei licett Lidisispolis. The friends
if/antral sus pushing toward
tent impale - serpent with right good
1.13111073 MICIIIOIO .C•maz..—A
ten per eent;,onyte loan of $1,000..
eotopietinn of,the Mittel, anti Mc
and, together:y6AL the serni - anattal in
be paid it Piew York on the 201' ult.,
team Exehange
_ .
TtarniFti.. , .CoL . Geo. W. Ttroutpwi
plarict ittwiney,. has bees seminal
pets Vi a Loookowa .of the. Whoa
in the place of-Alex. New . man, doc
B. Efayntond, and oria" or taro _oth er
gimp candidates at present, but will
.bra one *itkiniar. : Election, Thorsd
Vote kmlPresident, Taylor, 4,017, Cas
'44, Clay, 3,779; Polk, 4,633.
' Etsasini rrlva Govaimmorr or TIM therm
_'Arena or Portnart.--Oar Govern • eat apron
t 0 be deterMined_to act 'promptly with the other '
governments allot world with who ' it lent Isaac.
The French rad the Nicaragua air ' have served
as tossing balls for the speculators oe'Clange, and
now, jud as:they are fall, a n other springy
np in the ford of a Portuguese ditimdly. The Tri
bane, dNew Ydak, eeya one of the leadinithouses
" to &nub street, bee received a oriv4 letter from
a mercantile bones in Liabou;pontaining the inlet
manila that thit Annerican Government bad direct
ed its Change to demand of the Ponuguem Gov
ernment an unriniveral answer to he American
dsimi npon it, for spoliation& The answer must
be given by tie drat of November mat., and this
must bn conclusive as to the determination of the.
Portagnese dOvernmeneto pay or resist payment.
.This to decidetilipzgaage, . and; like eroding the
Sherif eller a debtor, will Frrobibli produce the
Mas: 'Accrnsac.
Aga; of Wolawailay, asp
John P. Do mes.;, who vras '
that bei, has wwepted the rims
of Oregon met* coufi;nee
tdeitt Taylor.. " lea few . wet
Washtsaten 6or instructions,
themes to,Chiamt. - He has I
iterptance ta the Pissideht,
few days."'
CAL 6011.111.1 Gan., It is
suut; contains 40 per mat Wli
of Canvass admits of but
scparitton u iaid to - inquire mt.. --,
And the coining. - When the gold ?torn - Califomla
hoe been teddeed to standard weight, the rolling,
cmung, adjiming and coining of it 'goes
] on at the
Maud Mold ;110,060 per day. The daily coinage]
- 4EI be greatly itierca and, when thn cabs:god l and
improved apparatiii in proem Glenna:notion anti
entirely perfemcd, and when the 1 arrangements,
n,w newly Made, for coining the double Eagle
ate completed. ] All the Californlit Gold now at'
the u i lnt, .we are told, will ito litoincdln - three
weeks—by which time; however, c new lot may
be scented. -o,
Hiacto FOOT; convicted list wink, at New
Haven, of the warder of his co. n, Mies Emily
Cooper, was sentenced to ditth o• Friday,lsst
The prisoner denied his guilt, and received the
rentossio apparently onnumil..
The trenerobloßwaiwt Azaryrii L. L. D, Who
- been far mini was principal '
of the Plullip's
4beldatit9, giiier — TlC FL - alidififis ailiaziond
, 01,87. It tiesunder Dr. Abbr that the Hon.
Dual Webateiwas kged tor College.
lilSzmnitkhza left Switzerland for I.ondon, where
a brilliant reception awaits him, and where he
viii publish a monthly review, 'th the' tide of
lisvievi or the People." While o Switierland,
be bee lived in Um mow retired m over.
Tax CAXIDLLA %Irma Lea c. after having
bad conference with the del tea from • hew
Brunswick, will meet ra t Toren • on the fine of
November. The 011owIng IS 0- programme of
0Per,63,11 to he euggeeted rO7 la. • lira:
L •To propose to the Legislate to Legalize a
Clonrembon forille_pupore of se. lag the future
Ocuunitation of the Province, the Wreacet being &d
-rained by aU, but tbeee who banal got place. ud
der it, to be nnworkabk.
• 2. ; Nth° Convention beobtained, every goes
don—Worm. Independenee,ducizmlon, mean.,
male and Olt:4.00, may then bindeed and ful
3i, haus that, to wake every practical era
=a mean yore lath viewto_retnraingrep
vire eta* zest elgaidailto Will *Age
thinswelres to re.fase the suppliee.rtad phetrwet tha
dila envy:upset Ja *yen met& way
The *split. of Ilsytt.
The reader will be both amasal and pained by
the exhibition of vanity, folly, and bar
barism:Which b Moir orbited In Hayti, where a
bestial EiSollgit kittitFi i . ohaliebszbeeta proclaimed
Emperor and scalterahts titles bromic-mimeo. his
Minitms, as if suelcempry honor c..a311 cooler any
dignity or decency. • Ehe elevation Mid Social po
sition or the Afrimus race oz - greatly hindered by
mach diagmaing We' copy 'from the
Simplon (lemateal hums!, or the 30th or Sep
timber: •
MI the seermaries, commissaries, gendarmes,
rid emplane of the late President Soulongue, nom
•Tateron the nearer the Darien Empire,. have
Rand Abel:metres suddenly tranekemed into no
many illintrions limbs or , The friends of
M. Schrelehe.r, those mho chuntmetiered the MU.
sacra of !heir brethren, are receiving derbies and
, principallies to recompense Of their teal and their
devot to the theorid of their substitution—
Subjoined is a copy of the official decree of the
Emperor, ounfemag the several dignities upon
his late officers:'
eLiberty !—Empire of Hayti!—Equa li ty!
Conotrasag the Noratiatan of illiniatars.
Paatirin the Finn; by the grace of God tnd the
constriotionaf low, Emperor of Hayti, send. greet.
fog to aUpment: and: to optic, and now resolves
to name, and doisattie: • •
Minildt? of War and Mb:jar-Lieutenant Gen
eral Louie Dufrene, Duke of Tiburon, Pried Mu
gal of the Empire, Grand Cows of the Imperial
and Military Order of St. Fatualn, Grand Cot,
don of the Imperial Order of the Legion of Hon-
Minister of Jastioe—Mons. de Jean Bic Fran
Mamie, Doke of Limbs, Grand Cordon of the Im
Fietial Order al the Legion of Honor.
Minister of Finanee—Colonel Louts Erie Fe
Nene Salemon, Doke of St. LOWS of the South,
dm, dec. .
• Dot of Created Princes , and DOL.—His Se
rene h neen, Monseigneur de Jean Louth Pie.
rot, Prince of the Empire, Grand Marshal of the
His Serene Highacsa Monseigneur de Lactic,
Pririce de St. Terme, Grand Marshal of the Em.
-te i ,!fic , Inspector General of the Army of the
His Boren e Fishnets Monad Men? de Yob°,
Prince of Cape Hayti, Grind Mamba! of the
Empire, one., Ike., Commander of the province of
the North.
Hes Serena Highness Monseigneur de A. Sae
front, Prince of laemel, Grand Marshal of the
Emei..."4 &fro acn. Commander of the province of
the west. '
• Daes—His Grace Monseigneur de Louis
Dafreste, Duke of Tiburon, Grand Marshal of
the Empire, fire., Oro., Minister of War and Mn-
Els. Grace Monseigneur de Jean Louis Belle
garde.Dake of St. Lours of the North,- Axi, nom- .
mender of the first Military division of the pre
viace of the Wart!:
His Grace Monseigneu.- de J. Paul, Duke of
Morin, fro., Zee., Grand Chamberlain of the Em
His Grace Monseigneur de Coulee Alerte,
Duke of Dimmade, dee., Chief of the Em
peror's Staffs of Hauer, and Master of the P.-
• Hie Grace Mon seigner de Denis Tremo, Duke
of Latvian, An., &sr, CammisearY General of the
Emperor. •
Hie Grace Monseigneur de Jean Ph. Auguste
Duke of
„Neybe, dec., &a., Inspector General of
the troupe of the Empire.
• Fiftyithree other graces complete the list.
The Emperor has also • decreed the Imperial
CroWn hereditary, as also all its perquisites, titles,
dec. The Itopenal potency ranges se fiti a. the
East. for there are Dukes of places of the Drmini •
coo territory. '
The following extract is from a gentleman of
high respectability at Hayti:
"I send Ton a Hutch Journal, by which you
will see that the ferocious and unguinary Presl
dent of Hayti, Sonlotique, has got himself pros
claimed Emperor. The newspaper tells you that
be owes this elevation to the wish of the people;
bat this islet's.; the luistivn has been entirely his
own, sad any member of the legislative body.
that would dare to oppose his will would have been
! drawn out and shot like a dog, as many a man
his lately been, by order of this monster. His ob.
pact Is to exterminate the colored race, and have
the country governed exclusively by the breckr..
There is no looger safety to colored men in Haiti
an this clans who posse/Bed soy thing have been
either killed or obliged 'to Gee the country. Neither
sex nor age is spared by this demon and his mitt
ister, aslomoo, who have sworn en masse, eater.
mil:lotion of the colored race. But let us hope that
the Almighty! will avert the accomplishment of
sucha crime, and that they may yet Sod in Hayti
anotherßrutos to deliver his oonniry from this
monster; who sorpae.• in cruelty any thing we
haveread of Tibentra or 'Nero."
he Erie
ose who
s for the
itati Erie
Far the FitubtergA
TO the People of the County
Dux Parma—My attendance es a Inror, since
the conimenceMent of the.Qoaner Sessions, has
so increased_ my stock of. information on many
subjects of interest to those who may not have the
same facilities Gil useful information, that
I have felt,ttltsay duty to employ part of my leisore
in eorrespOnding with you, throligh the medium of
thdPittatourgb Gazette. I oboes, it because I ;mow
that it 00, and deserves to have, the latgest cis
cuktion in the county of any cater paper;and my
taleaire is to be extenaivitly useful.
.. bar the
I. gas Caital,
iog Court at one dollar per day, without:the "mast
r ime," is not a very money inakisig buainea
that you know, should never be, our chief object in
any pursuit. The improvement of our morals, and
the increase of useful knowledge, is; with all Sigh
minded persons, a more important concern; and.
where on earth could you find a better field on
which to Yam these advantages; than the one I
k, late U. S.
ed for Con-
n District,
d. Thos•
Whigs, arc
probably all
y, Nov. B.—
[, 4,916. la
now occupy. Here is a daily exhibition of human
mind and human character, in all its conditions
sad rarielle. It is true indeed, that an the score
of 'morality all oar teaching must be by riegatine,
there is very lisle here woribi of imitation, but
much, very much to be avoided.
Our Quarter Seethes this term;abovis all others,
is occupied and crowded with cases of the most
trilling, and some of them the most abomnable
tend, end here I cannot help observing, that 'our
Weal magistracy, our. Jostle= of the Pence, and
- still member City Aldermen, are greatly to blame
a this miner. They .could, no do - nbt, fn moat ca
ses, scum the trifling brawls, tumults and baue
ries, dm., without sending the parnes to Court.—
Bit, sending up, so they call It, gives them more
money, and the county pays the score, and is, In
deed, a very prolific cause of our enormous county
expenditure; and otir increased taxation.
As I expect to ba here some-weeks—months
iperhaper7l intend to devote some of my leisure to
so examination of our county - expenditures, and
propose some Mktg' for your consideration, on th is
subject and willootth the permisaion of the verykind
nod gentlemanly editor of the Gazette, give you
weekly.doring my sojourn here,an account of some
of passing occurrences about the Court House,
perhaps an occasional notice of the conduct and
character of your servants here, many of whom,
you remember, were, not long since, with you, in
your houses and your fields, begging for.the places
which they now occupy.
I wish you to accept this as my salutatory, and
believe me yours truly, , A .TUILOIL
Pittabilph, Nov. 1,1819. •
On tai Natnre or Sells
An all arise Creator, for some all wiselporposes,
decreed that plants and animals should derive their.
subsistence from the sod; hence we find all the ele
ments of Timetable and animated nature in the
anit For instance, in man soils we find iron alto,
dant; then, if we look into the, animal economy, we
find iron in the blood and museleaof both man and
the lower orders of brute emotion. And the woo.
der working chemist detects nature in using the
same ingredient In coloring all the foils and flow
ers. Ali things having once been created, the ma..
king principle stopped, and a changing one imme
diately took Its place, and has never ceased to set
since matibilay wee indelibly stamped upon
creation. In the formation of plantp and animate,
Nature, gradually collecting her material., slowly
forms her mow perfect specimentr, but like 1L ho.
man meelaanie, inasmuch o shelacks one or more
of the materials,ln the same degree i her fabric
-imperfect. Thum we see that if the soil in the field
lacks one or more ingredient. in the forrigitifin of
a vegetable; the plant assumes a dwarfish, sickly
appearance, like an animal robbed of its food. —
Now, the farmer, to be a good husbandman, mist
planithe germ, and place around it all the mate
rials of which it should be eomPoned; then 'Ha.
tuo, the handy workman, roan rears the perfect
The question now taloa whet those ingredients
and materiels are. The chemist has given es all
the knowledge he has on the object: the elm end
the Water, the bail and the seined, have each a
part In their passeeslon, end should each be made
to contribute a 'hate. Nature, in rodoction
of a' perfect plant, does not hiraelf to the
animal, vegetable, or miners odd. The opinion
so generally prevalent dm a soil, two or tare
feet below the perfect m consequently be en
tirely barren end aides., may be, and doubtless Is,
ertenerms in many instances opecially in that
celled hard part. It in pe;lncieg the perfect
plant, Datum needs twenty Ingredients, nineteen
may possibly be found In the surface .oil, wide
the twentieth may be found In the subsoil. In
stances have occurred where.. good drawing from
soil ten feet deep, entirely destitute, to all appear
ance, of vegetable matter, have hail equally as
good, orthe same beneficial effect, ai good drew..
ing of gypsum. This is truly an lige of
ment. Many a fanner has . lowa while others
have yet to find, a mine of wealth below the reach
of Ma plough, of which he ono as unconscious as
the mountain of its ore. It is very reasonable to
oppose; that the newly created world was at got
entirely a mineral mass of matter, from which
vegetables soon grewabuodantly enough to sup..
port all animated nature.. Geologists generally
suppose the action of the elements, for an indefi
nite length of lale,Wra necessary to fit it Car the
abode of . plants end animilsi but be that 11.6 it may,
I believe the acnion of frost upon ploughed fields,
with the"water's ram and snow, to be aoweriul
fertilizer in this climate. Hence. ploughing
and deep ploughing should go together, and be
allowed by heavy dressingsof manure. and pat
tientarly such as the moil lacks, is m y creed,.
- sited aim trions:me, and Auch,l Moly be
love It ti e
Abingto,ontre Couity, Fa.,184p. -
—PitsiaddAtt peas, Rameptipsr.
P am the New Orleans /leonine. Che.
Plight with ex. Apaches.
It wall be recollected that the Mexican Blue ti
Durango, which hat been from time Immemorial a
prey Ur the savage incursions of the Apitehe.lndr.
am, decided•• few menthe ago to inane adientai
rers firern the. United States to Corm guerilla bands,
en order to make war on their merciless knot For
this ptupate. the Legislature appropriated a cep ,
tam amount of head money, 11200, for each Indian
taken, dead or alive. oeveral companies were
boon fiormed, and some terrible encounter. have
taken place between the American. and the India
an., in all of which the latter have been worsted,
losing a large number of their chief wirriotx, killed
or made prisoners.
Among the American companies that have die.
anguished themselves in this warfare, that coat=
mended by a Captain Box, is in the first rank—
'They had • fight with a band of Apaches on the
.3d of September, and although but 30 against be.
tweet, 200 and 300, came off vietailott• The
Mexican., are quite enchanted with their
and the SI& of the 21st ultimo devotes a a ds,
erable apace to a cuurative . of their exploits.—
We translate from that paper the firllowjar
To tio Secretary of the Supreme Goirrement of
Axxrdcas Otrearr.L.. Coxrarrr or Cori Box. t
Sarre:sue, Sept. 3, 1919. 5
Ste—Litt night I overtook the enemy among
the ruins of the rancho of Talaveras, dermal one
league from Papasquiero. At 4 o'clock this morn
tang the battle, commenced, when the positions
and eatreuchmenti of the hairier. male curled by
weak. They lied, leaving five killed., and ten
prisoners, whom I handed over to the alcalde of
Pipasquiaro. The Indians shortly afterward re
covered from their surprime, and finding how email
our number wan, they returned and made a furi
ous attack on ue—five Mexicana tin horseback,
and the Americans who were imrenched within
the rendre. Being repulsed, they dashed of to
ward the spot where the Americaas had. left their
horses, which necessitated a retreat by the latter
to defend theifemale.
As the Americans were on foot, I with my four
menen horseback kept the enemy in check until
they, reached the spot whote, thew horses Mood.—
Here the encounter was tremendous, and the fir
tag, was without intermission on both sides. Mr.
Thomas Cloaland (cleveland, perhaps.) was the
first that fell, after ha had killed two Indian.. He
wail' captured alive, having been suddenly reined
Iby the enemy, who immediately cat off hie head.
The Indian., finding their loss So severe by the
precision with which the Americana delivered
ibel. fire, at length retreated, and again took up
I their position at the rancho.
The company returned to the charge with ad.
!ramble courage, and again stormed the entrench
, meet, driving out the Indium with a heavy lose
The latter then made another attempt at the cat-
rie, but the Americana pursued them, and after
half au boar's combat put them to flight. The I
Initiate, returned to their entrenchment at the
ruiche, when, the fire having ceased, theycollect
ed their dead and wounded, which lay' exposed
I on-the field.
I The fight lasted three hours, and 1500 weeds of
I ammunition were expended by the company.
, From twenty to twenty five Indians Were killed
and ten were made prisoner.. The Americans,
quite fatigaed with their continued exertion., were
unable to follow up Cheer victory. The number of
Indiana was about 200, according to. appearances.
The whole - number of Americana and Maxie.a
engaged wan only 29. The loch on the part of this
little band was, our killed and eight wounded.
Through the great disparity in the numbers 'of
the combatants, there wan no possibility of captur
ing any of the mule that neeffmnanied the Indinns.
Fifteen huhdred rounds of ammunition expended
kill twenty five Indian,! Sharp shoetree, that.
Cculetrantiveleago—Reform, ie.
Wasuctorox, limber 26, ISO.
Senators in Congress will uo longer be allowed
o filch from the peptic Treasury, ander the spuri•
•ns claim for -constructive mileage." For yearn
• • .. -
put, on the advent of every nem Admmietration,
the Senate has been in the habit of charging Cull
mileage tar attendance at the special Executive
wagon of that body, in addition to the amount re-
calved for the regular aession.
Orcoorse this usage had its origin daring th.
eiistence of the .dyntogy of peculatorsr but I
was killed a few dap . ..since by that incorruptibl.
and intrepid guardian of the people's money, th •
Hon. Diana Whittlesty, brat comptroller of to
It seems that a claim came up in usual form
. • . -
for 540,000, paid by A. Dickens, E,g., clerk of the
Senate, gm “constructive mileage" in attendance
at the special Executive session iu March last, and
that every member of the Senate, elate three, re
ceived pay. Who these three are I have not
teamed, farther than that Grneraf Casa is one.
Mr. Whiuksey, after full deliberation, was of
opinion that too claim ought not to be allowed.
Fearing, however, that the Administration might
regard this as' at inopportune OCC.ISiOrt for such
action as might displease the Senate, he stated the
ease to the President, through Mr. Clayton' and
added the remark that, if it was not thought proper
to act in accordance With his (Mr. W's)con simians,
he would resigrfahe Comptrollenhip.
The Preaideni's prompt end characteristic reply
was, "Tell Me. Whittlesey to do what is right, and
let the consequences take care of themselves"
The claim was immediately rejected.
Mr. Dickens bee his remedy against the honor..
able Senators, end to be hoped that they will
immediately 'make reatitotion."—N. Y. Courier.
Dlagaszetal ltlohTLe Mtlttaey Called
ant—Loam of Life. .
it in our painful doty to record today an event
wholly unpandelled in our peaceful annals. Law
and order have been for the last two days in abey
ance. The Government House has been petted
by a mob , its windows broken, and stones and
brickbats hurled at the Council whilst in the dm-
charge of its Legislative duty. The police, in ex
erting themselves to maintain order, have been
stoned, cruelly beaten and overpowered, so as to
nialiestatite the millmg out of thy military. The
military have been aiso stoned, nod forted to fire
in self defence: TV'S deaths, and one or two gun
shot wounds have been the consequence.
• The Government Buildings base bean converted
into a temporary barrack, and are at this moment
occupied by the 6.50, by the company; of the 2nd
Wont India Regiment stationed here, by the Arid
le'ry Detachment, and by thy men of her Majesty's
Sloop Scorpion, now in harbor. Upward. of 3D5
special constables have been sworn in, and a vol
unteer horse patrol formed, of least aeveuty strong.
On the other hand, the mob, boding the force in
town too strong for them, have rent olr a portion
'Of their numbers to the eastward, to burn and lay
waste the eager estates in that direction, The mo
gsarbouses of Dinsley, Maeoya, and El Dorado
estates have already demo bred and burned to the
Such is the state of things at the moment we
write. The immediate and the ostensible object
originally brought forward as the cause of the out.
break, was the regulations recently passed for the
government of the royal jul of the port of Spain
which regulatious, amongst other things, provided
that debtors committed under the Petty Civil
. . .
Courts' Ordinance, should have their hair cropped
clots, and wear a prison dress, and be liable to be
called u.-n by the jailor to assist,in any work go.
-ing on in I , e jail..
It is ell , ant that amongst the mob were a largo
number •f ii4di.posed persotter—principal4 St.
Kitts and Antigua immigrants—tutzious both Lae
pleader ..d massacre. The most revolting threats
were also ed against the white inhabitants as a
body, by parties speaking creole French, and
reported t be Martiniqne immigrants; but these
parties Ann now distinctly that the natives of
the colon • who bad tattoo part in the earlier pen
nos of the day's proceedings, withdreW themselves
from the s bsequent outrages, and had no desire
to carry 'air opposition to the Government any
farther, c • o no longer have any hope of indulging
in the ate object. with which, no doubt, they
joined the maltitudo, - and wnight 'to lead them on
to more o trageonsbehaviort—Trinidad Standard
ST:. 2nd.
it.. Flar,-.lletween (oaf and five
Saturday morning, fire wait discovered
ensive erreper'. abop of Mr. J. Patties,
, the comer of Broadway and Chambers
lie flames spread with great rapidity,
the fire could be subdued, two (tame
Joining, on Broadway, owned by Capt.
se—one occupied by Capt. Wm. Cable,
y a Mn. Taylor—and two email frames
es street, together with the cooper's ,
to Contents, were entirely destroyed.
per's shop and frame tenement adjoin.'
ambers S tre e t, were owned by Messrs.
arbor, dr Co, whose loss is waved by
s in the Colombo. Insurance C .... Tb,
ining the above was owned by Mr. Joe
t and occupied by a Mr. Was°, Th.
, ' l' Mr. Templeton, a two atory brink - -
1 end times, but was saved; with,-'
o'clock o
in the e
situated o!
street. it
nod beim,
houses a
bulbar C
the other I,
on Chu.
shop and
,age, by the exertions of the firemen.
inmates his inns at ahout St 00 Capt.
mates his loan at about 33,000 upon
ban an Insu•ance of 51,500 in the Home
, inpany. Mr. Paula. lots in finished
Is and mitten:al, is estimated at about
n which there was no insurance.
:e Is supposed to be the set of as inters.
hurt time previous to its being discover•
" was seen by one of the neighbors hassl
ing from the premises, and to supposed
perpeuator of the ad.. Unfintuoalely
t observed so en to be again recognised.
Bryn!, Od. 21.
.sa Rome iv HOLLAND.— An English
o Holland, going to Amsterdam in a
thrkskipper, who was a great rogue es,
• himbr his pottage • much lager amount
d a legs/ right to claim. The traveller
d Sikh this - foible, who grow rude nod
!and fueling that be was !theist to get
this way bat abuse, he told the shipper
• • n as he landed he ahould go to the pro.
!al and gat mires. from the Judge. T he
• ed scornfully at this threat, and LAP.
_rep fingers in the Englishman's face.
as soon as the traveler ; landed, be
• iry when the court of justice would sit,
• d at nine o'clock the next morriug. Haw
• • bt of redress he went Into the court at
:mad time, and began to relate his pier
. the Judge, who sat with his broad brim
to In great state.
toned fro ;
than be h;
ex pasta
irmalent '
aottuattl ,
that as
per trlba
!nght he had seen the moody looking ma.;
I fote,batmaauncertainwheer. Ife wunot
uht. Below he had got half through hU
• Judge, in • roar of indignation,
iately recogoixed—for It was the identi•
r whom he found on the hooch—decided
:m with fall outs and pderid him out of
ammo, however, with charaeantatie ot.
L actated be would appeal, sod nophod to
foi that pilvose. TAe atm day the
appeal' Ina heaid is regular order. ;Bat all bla
patience lemma him when he fond that the way
same skipper and Judge au to decide the appeal
mho bad decided the calm! So the learned atop
per Era cheated and then ,eat: him about his hew
nesa withlbtee seta of °Wein console
'The Columbia C) Patriot complains biterty
of the importation of Yer.lreeb cradles into South .
Carofiria - The editor thinks that such encourage
ment should not be afforded to Nolhern manufac
tures. We shouldn't wonder if the Nullifiers, by
way of potting a map- to the importation, were to
call a State Conventom and resolve to have no
more babies—Prentios
For lir Pirtstturgh Gs:rum.
More•than fifty years have elapsed since the
discovery of a !general law cream In medicine.--
This discovery was made by Dr. Samuel Hahn
amens, after a nag and'esreful amused expert
menu with drugs, and the closest observation of
their effects stood , thq human body and its fuse.
tions. He was satisfied that some diseases were
promptly. cored by certipa medicines. 'Lie also
knew that the number of curable diseases ,by all
the known means at that time, were camper.-
hvely few. Re believed that means had been pro.
vided in nature, if rightly developed by art, for
the core of nearly every disease which flesh i 3
heir to. He believed, too, that there existed an no
discovered, and unwritten law of nature, in no
cordance with which, all remedial agents devel
aped their curative powers.
The discovery of such a law was the object o
;his brightest Iropes,7o accomplish which, he direr.
ed all the energies of his untiring mind, into tb.
ded by his own observations and the written ex
perience of others, he learned nearly the number
of curable diseases, the circumstances under
which the curet were effected, and the curative
mealls in each case.
He then ascertained by aeourse of experiments,
that each drug mould produce upon the healthy
set of symptoms precisely like those that charac
wised the diseases they had bean known to cur
when administered to the sick.
He continued his expenments with other drugs,
whose curative properties were not known—he
carefully observed and noted down their effects
upon the healthy. " He then tried Ihem upon the
sick, and found them coring diseases whose symp
toms were precisely similar to those they were
known to produce upon the healthy.
Thud he varied his experiments and observe-
tions,"menth after month, end year after year, until
he had arcumulated a mass of evidence that
would amount to a - `perfect demonstration, io nay
other seimaco, 4001 which he deduced and wrote
the law, ":sMules /Malibu., mammy.," or lode
cure.. at. Upon Ibis low Homeopathy ants, and
with it, is destined to stand or fall. If It is a law
of nature, then must the superstructure remain as
unshaken us the basis upon which it nests, through
all coming time. If not, then will the predictions
of its opponents be realised, and, Homoeopathy
numbered amongitbe things there were.
Now, the great question to be'setded between
the two Khoo!, of medicine, is, whether the law of
cure, as written by Hahnemann, is true or false.—
If robe, let it he shown by evidence elicited by a
fair nod impartial examination °fine premise.
This in the way to arrive at truth, in matters bl
science. We challenge the Opponents of Homo..
pathy to this inynstigatiorti we ask them to inter.
mama nature and obtain answers for themselves,
and then nay, if they can, that we have reported
basely. If dot, we ask them, in all candor, to ad
mit our conclusions like honest men, and guardi.
anti of human health.
, Up to this time, Allopsthie physicians have aim
ed their artillery of bomboot and 'Wienle at some
of the details of our system of cure, without ven
turing an =oak upon the sublime and beautiful
priimples upon which it rests,eithor because they
are' ignorant of its teachings, or cOnvineed of its
Their past euccess should direcki heir eye to the
future, and teach them that their Weertiona sneer.,
ridibille, and miarepresentations 'Must fail to the
anconsigishMent of their object. If Homoeopathy
is a ‘•Liumbun," as asserted by a recent writer in
the Chron.cle, it will require stronger evidence to
prove it so than he can furnish, milees vastly im
proved educe his late prodigious effort. Such at
omics—such mighty elforte to overthaw and at.
rest the progress of Homeopathy, Svill place pet-
fectly abortive. They only evince, on the part of
those who resort to them, evil intentions, blinding
prejudice, or ibe most deplorablel ignorance, per
haps initiatory of all.
We believe anon the best of eilidence that the
therapeutic Law.,. written, by !Hahnemann, iy a
law of natnM. We claim for hicti the discovery,
whilst we grant that the law is an new. It existed
and gave are to phenomena in!!he operation of
medicines, tbut were observed bYpthers before and
since it was written by him; Mali was left be him
I to collect, claesity, and comprehedd these phenom
ens, and deduce from them the 1119; ofcure in gees
tioe —that..ltke ewes h ins", 3
SO firmly are we cdovioced Mitt this law te true,
,that state, and believe the lsoeition demon
strable, that all true cases aye made in accordance
with it; and that independently of it, no true cure
can be effected.
By this we do not wish to be nnderstoml that el
lapathic physicians urger cure;' no the contrary
we admit that they do—but thrit4when they cure,',
it is done by means that act in nOonlance with the
homeopathic law, as hem after illpstrated. In such
caws the curative mean. are stewed at by seci.
dent--empincally—and not by ggy law .fours, as
can be clearly shown, by allapet4m writers. They
admit no thcrapuetic law of eunikbut try to menu
.afacture mles or lawn that shalt? govern each in
dividual medicine, and control; their actions In
treating diseases. When therd is a tastily re
semblance between medicines they are grouped
together end one law! made to 'govern all' in that
class. If they ,resemble each other in only one
1 1 prominent feature, that is enough*. entitle them to
membershipin the class- If in other rupects,they,
''differf no matter how widely, they must keep their
' places.
This is the way the alopathic Materia midica in
made up of several chumes, insensibly running in
' to each other, until all are blended in one myeles
lions whole.
The nearest approach ever mode by Allopathic
physician, to a general law in therapeutic. a one
directly opposite to the Horoceonethic, which teach.
es that medicines altall be giv4, whose primary
or . first action shell be directly opposed to the
symptoms under. which the patient is laboring—
always of course regardless of Me long continued
secondary action which is directly opposed to the
first, and therefore opposed to 'lt cure. For ie it
not clear that if n medicine e.Ms favorably for
six or twelve hours, and is then followed by an
opposite action, more ends ng than the first, that
the disease most be rendered entree, How many
roillioas of umes hite the truthinfness of this prin
ciple been demonstrated in ttic use of cathurtics
for inactivity of the bowels'!
Notwithstandiug the cathanici, the bowels grow
More and more torpid with every repetition of the
dose, by which a cure is not posiible. Thousand.
can testify to the truthfulness of what lefty. Physi.,
clans know it to be true, an - yet they persist
,against, all experience, and cantinas year altar
year to deal out cathartics to their patients fur
this disease, and merely bemuissi they can delude':
their, patients from day to day, bylan apparent clue
while they keep them blind to the positive. Injury
they-are indicting upon them bylstuth a senseless
course of treatinenc. -
ITo be soneludsd to Marrow.)
ewe, and Men doubt, if you cam
WES pormssed by this grand rem,
aukrarray Tr; VINAI6.O Co.,
Deeentbct tllst, 1E47. S
Mt. Menkely—Dear Sir, 1 mkt ideuute to tams.
ing yoo that the bottle of DT. M.Lanola Vermilage
which I po t eho...l ...MOO% has given me entire at.
affection. I gave ten child of mini, one teafpoon
of it, and she p 117 Worms. the nett Morning
gave her a tatamonol , ran more, when she passed 113
more. The 11,!tt b, . - aing I gave her the fame quan
tlty end the naffed 13 more. 'yours, dc.,
For odo by J. KIDD t CO., No. dd, comer of Fourth
and Wood et., ,pHabargh.• [oct27.4lftwlaB
Monifiets, Gala Lading, Gonirdata, Lino J3lanis,
LreaLs, caironciraP, memo,
Vowel at th., phortoollolice. at fluor prices, agate
dee , le Arrrr• Ovsnro,Ttuao moor.
Improvements in Dentistry.
DR. rt. tit ft:AV:lit, law Of Ralson, in prepared to
manufacture and .et 1 W ra'lkant :in whole and parts
asst., upon nac or Atmospheric Suction Plates.—
Toortincua t. nort
In nes JrntrrmOtthere Jte nerve is
sainnted. Office and resldence neat door to the May.
nes other, Fourth street, Pittsburgh,
Rsornto.-1. 11. M'Faddett. F. IV Eaton. ialti
'!"le DR. D. RUST.
fknt in. Corner orPourtb
and 'Demur, between
r 11.1.111 /;;;1071MCGAL — Preried hy J. W. Kelly
William street, N. V., and for . e,hy A. Jaynes, No.
70 Four. street Theo will be found delightful arti
cle of beverage in (stashes, and particularly for sick,
rimms. •
Demi Baous.—An improved 'Chocolate prepora-
Oen, being a cerubinalioa of Cocoa nut; innocent, in
vignmtlng. and palatable, highly recommended panic.
ularly for invalids. Prepared by IV. Baker, Borate..
ter, Mass., and for sale by A. JAVNI, at the Pekin
yea Sian. n 1 Fourth st mutat
Pits sail itisistats leneetrantos*Thy thy,
ehartenrd leene—yonneses to haw; spoil every de
scription okprOperty, at 41.1 AM. rat..
Chnnet, o. di Market street.
Rosen FUMY. Seal. ttlys:ol6
131301(8 for setweription to the capita: stock el the
Chains' hisernoce CoMpany of Pittsrgh will
be opened In the Hoard or Trade! Roma o,Monday,
the Moles , of November, at 10 A. 61
Shuts tfty dollars etch. Two &dim
cents nob share to,be psi/ on abscription.
WrzLarimer, Jr. Robert Woods,
Wm. B. McClurg. Joseph Plommer,
.1061•11 King,
. John etherif, Alec Roseburg,
H. O. K1n6. 1 e" cietto.tnovn
ELT W m. Mtge! will Le • eandittafe for the May
oralty, mab f the nomen•hon of the W•tic....
itteh Oct 37
Er Miser . Wllkeserei Will be a eateGdese far
the - Mayorelty, ettbjeet w the nomination of the Whig
Ca:M.1100- heel
_ _ ____________
Obti. and INtaaa7birmala
91HE toektioldere ie the Ohio and Penneybruda
1. Mimed Company ale iambi notified to pay the
Third] Instalment of Vivo Dollars, on end, sham re,•
epeetively hold by them, at the Odiee of tho Company,
Thirdpt, PinsbargWvo orbeforevhs roth of Novem
ber. ; I J. J. BROONEN,'Tremovev
Salem, 0., Oet-23.—jnovt
UNS °Pbblyjyyt 'd wator sale by.
n vs Watt, siren
R FIC'D Till 1131'1: balm Robber a ck eor;
For 41e at the Robber Depot, N 0.5 Wood eh
p g° l B Z fl sa l l N e G a t i -6 D rik i7I 3 IIItIZ I' , "
L• 2 . 3 Wood el
r 1 REIN AP • LEA-121 bbl c,
2_11• jived and tor sale. by
OTATOES-100 bu just reed and for sale tn.
&NOLA:in - S-4n bbls N. O. nom landing from the
jU: steamer Alary Ann, for male by
amid L 9 WATERALtN
.0 nos
kegs recd and f t or4 a l x ; AT by
LA4D-A few kegs mime Ne.
i ! , 1 4 7, , T,1 1 1 71z , ra
w"s„t; RNA N'
BROO.III-25 dem. Corn Brooms, for sale by
nova _ L, 8 WATERMAN
BLANKE".PS! BLANKETS — W. R. Murphy has
just recd another.pply of country and eastern
manufactured Blankets, including some of a very se
:gamine quality. 1100.0 keepers are invited to ook at
them before making their perches..
cued . N. E. corner 4th and Mark t sts
TllE desirable property occupied by roe In e e bor.
ough of Manchester, being a good Como Brick
HOUSE, and Two Acres of Ground finely • roved.
Possession given immediately. Enquire of An. An.
derson, Erg., rolioining thn premi.s. or of
nov2 , w. 2iIeCLINTOCK, 75 Fourth sr
STEAM , BOAT BLANKETS—A lot of a mperio
quality, domestic manufacture, for ante by
YALOMEL-100 lbe Jost reed and for qle by
nova ' J KIDD It CO, GO Wood at
nar jtOFOß3l-20 lb.
j jobrLe;d ,
C L: 3 111 , for .ala by
lODIDE PO PASSA-IVol4, cdu7tr j aby
A:sINATT OO, 9 7 7S ths nal
i rl i Sd p InMor
ALLEN'S Nerve and Bone Liniment-15 gross Jost
teed and for sale by
nova J KIDD& CO 60 Wood st
OUR funs& and the publid ate lespectfully inform
ed that the Reliance Line will fame fei - ship
Clouds via Canal from Pittsburgh on the 10th, and from
Phbadelphis 011 the lath inc. We shall continue to
catty pada by railroad and wagons during winter.
CKEREL,In hf and qr bbl. for rale by
7~AL.11 end
V 'irt fi m 'g r eZt,Tf — en f t c irtr:lt i w b ilfa
sold low by nOVZ JOHN riIeFADEN &CO
ASII, lin casks end bble,) Sol Soda, lionln,
SVeninan Red odd Chloride of Lado, for main by
HOGS -34 fat bye Hogs, for sale by
POTATOF`I--1O bbls for sale by
FLOUR -35 bbl. Ilambleton's brand, for solo by
GLASS—N.4Ims 9019))
150 tar I.ol2}9derlonnan lc Co. ' brind
V. 5 bar 9012) .
. .
Ilat bx. ex 10; R. Fulton's brood. .
Lmuling from newer Loot...McLane, and for mile by
nova JAMES DALZELL,27 IV.ter M.
rk iR EOl.l
. ROLL HUTTER-3 Mils, put op in cloth.,
rofiei.a6 a.l far ttfllk t lCT DALZELL A co
mne2 Liberty meet
Slltl 4a.rl,r.tiu . 6 1 ,17,y,Lb, by .
' RODT DALZELL &CO, attberty
SALERATUS-51 mk. and 50 bar store and for
nora Libeny et
13 1.7. T ' - ' l °E .4— FinatzlLL, &cc., Lib—,
"There nee more things in heaven and earth
Than are dreanipt of in philosophy "
THE VIIITUFS of this remarkable moistly,. and
constant application tor P. to the proprietor,
has 'educed inn to have it pat up in betties with la
bel. and di remains for th benefit of the public.
. The PETROLEUNI is priatered from • well to this
county, at a depth of . four hundred feet, is a pore WM
daltermed article, mahout any chemical etmege. hot
jest as flows hem Nature's Orett Labratero That a
contains properties reaching a nornber of diseases,!is
no longer le lnatter of ancertimety. There are aims
things to the weans of nature, which, if It noon& migh t
be of vast ocefulness in Clamming suffering, and m
aiming the Minim of health and vigor to - many a suf
ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting
it up in bottles. it had a reputation for the mire of dis
ease. The constant and daily increturang calls far it,
and several remarkable cores tt has performed, Is a
sore indication of its future yomilanty and wide
spread application in the cure of disease.
We do net wish to trine • long parade of cent&
eater, as we are conscious that the medicine can soon
work Its way 'into the ammo( those sr./suffer and
-.irk to be healed. Millet we do not claim for it •
universal applicant. in emitsfitlisrue, we unties.-
tingly say, that in a number of Chronic Disc.. It to
swindled. Among these.smay be eutimensted—•ll
diseases of the MUCCI.. tissues, such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION lie its carlyitagc.)
Asthma, and all diseases of the air passages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA ; Dial.. Diseases of
the gladder mod Kidneys, Pains in the Rack or Side,
Nervosa,Neuralgia,Paisy, Rheumatic Piing,
Coat, Loysipeln, Tetter ' Ringworms, Hams, Scalds,
Drumm, ISSI Sores, Ac., hie. In-eases of debility re
blting from expenae, or long and protracted eases of
camant, thisl. media will bring vial net as
a vomit TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such eases,
imparting tone and, energy to the whole frame, 1•11101 ,
ins obstrucuons, opening the sloggish [auctions, which
cause dims. and a broken consmetiou, sad giving
and renewed energy to all the alga. of
Life! Tee proprietor knows of starer. Mares of
PILES, that resisted every other treatoseni,l get well
under the use of the PETROLEUM for a short lime-
The proof can be given to any person who ldestres it.
None genuine without the signature of the proprietor.
Sold by the proprietor. Also by
IL P. SELLERS, 07 Wood at;
comer Wood M. and Virgin allay; mho are his
nova-4 Er rragalarly appointed Agent/.
IN A E g onfi e netee of an order of the Orphaes' Court of
hnymade the HI day of October, PCP, the
undenigeed administrators de bents noe, with the will
snoozed, of Robert J. Wilson, late of Rlttabeth awn..
ship, in said County of Allegheny, ileeetseil. lOU. on
Thursday, the Oth day of Deuinoor,lB(9. al IDo'clock
in the forenoon, expose to sale, on the premises, by
public or outcry, a Tract of Land' situate to
illiubeth township aforesaid, bounded by the Yough
iogheny aver; and by lands now or late of William
Vankirk, of Robert Douglass and Admit Otlano—coo•
wining duce hundred and eleven sores, one hundred
and nineteen perches, and allowance, be the nine
more or less. There are upon the said Tract, about
one butilteilAmd filly acres cleared, a amen orchard,
a log dwelling house and barn, and othef buildings.
It also conttlits a consideyable quantity of kcal.
The shove Tenet will be sold all together, &invert,
to snit purgharers. It is situated at the First Dam on
the Youghiogheny, about four miles by land from the
mouth of that rivet; and betides its gualitle• for farm
ing purpows, which are of a very h,gh order, it poss
ees water int vilegen
he terms w ill be made kn own at urea of sale.
(Presbyterian Advocate copy 3 times.)
WI:STEM bornakez /
Pittsburgh, Nor. Lit, 1549. $
AMEETINGGriIIe Stockholders of tine Company
will be bold at their odice, No. 29 Water Pk, op
Tuesday, the 11th day of November inst., !sill o'clock,
for_the transaction Of business to tal anbraitted
to toe Board of Directors: An election for thirteen
Directors, to serve for the ensuing yea., will be hold
at the same place. on the same day, between the boors
of 19 and 1 o'cloca, P. M.
nort-dtd J. FINNEY, Jr., Sec'y.
tollowing certlfi
lb Iriumphaut qual-
Or •
Cream, I n mare andh
11; OLL BUTTER—t bbl prime In More and for BC.
1.1, by nevi STUART& SILL
BROWIS-1W don in more and for vole by •
FLOUR -53 bble extra for solo be'
- -- -
13UCICETS-85 dor in afore and for sale by
_LI novl — 8 rUA RT & SILL
TrINZGAR—Utwe Cioer in store and forvale by
V novl , _ STUART & RILL
CIGARS—YAP:a Reiallast M L
OOD a Norms
11,0111 Leon De Ow; 6,000 Prineipeest
Just nod on consignment, and for Kato low by
DIEMS Melon &Co. have Jost re
calved ;9 y. of elegant styles Rion Dreaa Silk.
I ,e now opening EA ps of super Mourning Cult•
rams and De Wins.
D open tbni May 1 cue of Bonnet Velvets of
ell colon, nod tiOnps of lamb colored UOOOO Ribbons.
I ' KEN . . WItpUGIIT CAPei—A. &Mason &Co
b o o., reed corgoiloi of superior Freuell Copes
lOTATOES-3 2 21 1 r0 reed on consinment and
r or ode by ' CRAIG tr.
novl 26 arke% at
DOLL BUTTER-31bbla nun reed on ennsignment
11, and for *ninny
T, - -
ARD-4 bbla vstore and foe sato by
OTATOES-50 bbl. on C0112110119[0/, fOr sale by
COMIE-50 big prime in stard s nAd s lo r tg sebiLL
SUGAR -21 hbds tun roc'g and for sale by
cool STUART tr. SILL
recommend Ribbon's Writing Fluid to the pat
rol:l,lo.ot the public as a but rate article in all re
spects. It dows.ftvo ' from the pen without clogging it
p and to th e coupe of • few hours becomes a deep
bright black.
Wm. Lippincott & Son, IL A. Fahnestock &Co.,
W ick
Ruben &
/o ho Moore, Iflegue Fader, wan & Douglas,
S. Wightiroui & Co, Francis Sellers,
C. A. MeAnultv & Co.
Fur sale (together with Ribbon's Red and Machine
Copy Inks) by lA' A. Fah:mama & Co.; Henry P.
notivrans. Allegheny C 1,,, and the manufac
THOS. K. HIBLIEKT, Dmaist & Chemist,
novt.disr cor I and Smithfield at.
-SUND4I.Ir.S.7-1-66—iiiirWatisnu •
bbl a Lard;
14 bales Cotton; to arrive oo almoner
Tuscarora, for sale by
.& CO,front at_
iklaiLASSES—te bola St. James Sugar House;
26 hfdo do do dm
WO ibis Plantation• Due sale by
Litt ov LET7'EBE
, -
EALUStiIIiG Its the Pittitre7 Peen
h Pest Mee from the
lath of Om tattle let.° NOT., IMO. Peee
eallitaj Ibrtbam please MI WY am ad , .ra osl .
Ladles Mot, . •
Adm. Co to Ahott Mel A Amon Mary
Alb:noon Hely
MAI — Beckley Elie% Bradon`Lenis
Bail Loeiae Black Sank' Brookcauer Lia
Barker Etiek Blair Salina i _ C athe rine
Barker Eliza Howell A' crooks
Barker Maxgaretlxßoaton Mailman& Brisbine Jane
Bay n e Martarethßoacriek Marl , BrrenliomPLA..
Boyle Anne Ballet Beaten) ,
Beanie Man , 'Boyle C Byrne °aria 11
Cantu Nancy Clark Saran A. Cinder Isabella
Cameron Mary A Clark Mary Ann• COLA Mary •
Camel I. cement. Mary ACi E
Ctananagb 'Mary .CAeltran N E Craver Ann
Ann CoItZIMA Sarah C erasilord Mary
Casbnonel Ellen Connor Margaret Callan Anna
Canlfleld Ellen I Corwin lane I
Davidson Mrs Dexter Mary DOM] Mato A
Davis Louisa Dz.= Eliza J Dow Wig Mi.
Davie Mathilda Dixon Mary Ann Matto Charlotte
Deleuy Judy Donley Mrs Dune. Maria
Dotiington Eliza Donovan Abigail Dune. Mary
Done. Sarah
Adel PUddY Edmunds Mr. Eliost:Elis'a .
Edgar Her Egad Julia IS Nana I
Fagg Martha Finnigim Mary Fortune Caroline
Farrel Widget • Planes , . Ellen Freer !dug Jane
Feeney Bridget Fetter Caroline Fry AllOll J.
Gamble II . Gardene \ r Mary Grim Elisabeth
Gamble Mary Gibson Ann Graham Mary A
Gum Limy Jane Gillespie Caroline
• •
Bally Mary Hay. Mallet Hillier Mary Ann
Hamilton Hester Ilaydon Gmbh, Hind. Jane
' Hamilton Mary Head Hazy K Hood Ellen
Hazily Susannah Helar Sarah Hobson Ellis.
Hawkins Mrs Henry Kalb Ann Herder Widow
Hay Jane •
lone. Lyililtlll Jones Ann
Kammer. !Babel's Kier Jane M Kinney Annie t:
Keenan litre KiLin Mary T Knox Vies
Lansing Martha Lowry Elizabeth Learle.r Nary
Langnon Fiisab'tbletwery Sarah Learie Nrt
Lilly Mathilda Lynch Mary F L. Pbeher
Little alarigarenta Lent 8
Maloney Mamoru Marshall Mary A Miller Sarah NV
Mani Elizabeta Maras Ann E /4110 , 1dt Mary
Maxon M. II Mellardlll . .
Matthew. Arm Middleton Ellen Morrow Mary }I
May Jade ' Miller Jane C 'Morrow Jane
- Montgomery E
McAffrey Eliza McClellan Elvira McEnin S A
McAllister Ilan'h McClellan Inns McFarland W W
McAleer Cathie AlcClellsud E MeGovrin Margin
hielltide Mi.. McCoy Isabella McKnight C
McCandless S ' McDonald Cathie McKesson E S
- - .
McCausation Al' McElroy Rodger McGtoceE hi .1
NicGerhy M C McElroy Margl
Newel Catherine Noland'E J Norton Elizabeth
Newman Jane
Park Anna Philipps Isabella Pryor Ann
Philips Elisabeth Pierson Elt • •
Rams Maria] Reid Nancy Rooney An.
Reany Mr. Isaac Reynolds Llisalt Roy.
Reed Letitia Robbing-Elias%
Sample Sarah II Shephenl Jane Snodgrass Eli.J
Sanacreou Elisa`e Sheols, 8 Jane 8 ate! Mazy
Savageldim Sheridan Mary Spit.. Mary J'
Soon Rachel Shore Mary Sturgeon Margh
Shafer Ellen slims Sarah J Stewart Jane
Saner Elizahoih Smith EArabeili • :V
Thomas Mar, Tragessar Cath'e Turner Mary
Tinsmony Ann Trans. Loom. Tuttle Martha
Tenon Mary late Trans, Sarah . Tutfiald
Toudrig. C
Vander with Sien
Wallace Mary Webb Zerilda William. hlrs A
Wallace Sails A %Centrism E V Wilson Holden A
Walking Jane ' NVestlake bliss Wtl.n Mrs Mary
Ward Ellen F Wilkiu. Mrs Ale Wilson Mang% 1
Watson LiUy
Young Chri.u•u's
dun. John Altetworth Robs LAndreers Ales
Adams Samuel Allan Mooed Appleton Jacob
Adems Frlmits Made,. Baron Angell Jam B -
Adams J L Alexander Oilier ArtlerAles •
Adams F C AIVal4 Joseph Amhara James O.
Coo R Allen Joseph Aroothnou Reno)
Agnew T II Algeo Wm Auld John •
Atkins John Alba k. Romeo Ayers Levi 8
Bender James Brawn Jame.
. • . -•
Banfoid /mans Idle Henry Brown Wm 1.1
Baldwin John Bernard David Brown'Thomas
'lai rd Mrßrown Wm B
Bair David Bird Wm A Breen Denis
Banning EP Dr Blomalonl Bern ,Bragsden Eng
Bauldln John Didion/1W . Breeden John Jr
Ilaird Adam Bil!or•Joho Bradwell Tinos
Baker Thornton PBlaney Wm •
Brinker Robi
liaigham John B Hinny Thomas Wadley Jae
Barden Thai H Bopp Jacob Blakely Jos Itsti
Boons Rmigeu Bulfonl Simeon Brophy.Afielmei
Bayard David E Buffington Win Brobrttlenit Cloy
Itamos.Tohn Buitimian•John Flimsily Monis
Battier Edmund Buotianan Rohr Bryan Charles A
Bury John Blair James Broader Jacob
Ilan:Meld Berl Black/aka Dr Brooks Rola 0
Bosnia Patriot BlaehWrT Brookstltepheu
Beatty Thome. BoyleJoho Brook. Eke
Bell Woe C Booking A Brooke Samuel
Bell George Bowman deem lalurley Parris •
Bell James Bone. Tilos Burg Henry
Bell RH Dr Boyer Lamm Byerly John L.
Baardlry Samuel BootterCapt Byne David
Boman °Enrico Bower C W •Bader Joseph A
Bennett John F Boyce Sreptien Batz Jam
ISennen Mardefill Hotels JameaS Barger JC
Iklbows John AI Boaserahomns Barns Geo W
Beek Wen Brown./ W Eel Bum Woo
Beret Ebel.= Tamura Wm
.1 nark Thomas
Burk Edward
Calbender ?Dahl Chestnut Jos Cannel) , E,Syi
Cadendader DT Chapman PA Cooney P
Carnahan A W Chaps. Jas Conklin John M
Cando John Chet & Co Con., W
Carothers J. Clapp Ralph Cornwell Chas
Cary Henry Clark P J Cornwell Thos
Carbla Saml Mut Thos Conway Thos
Casty WM Clark Jita C • Coyle Henry
Common. W Clark Daniel Coogrove John
Carlisle Jas Clark Washing% Corcoran John
CaVenaugh Jno Clark ABR. Covington The%
Carier TDr Clark Horn= Cornwall John
Carpenter Tim E Coiling Wm Creighton Id
Carpenter Danl Cocks. Th. • Crisp% Pater
Carson John A H Coady Riad Odom D
Carson Adam Colby Basal Oral= Clark 9
Campbell Jan Coleman John Cracraft Jos
Campbell John Colli..Tohn Crime!! Robt
Csmpboll aCo Cochran I J Craig 9 Nasals
Campbell rim co. Wm C Crawford .1 Dr
Caldwell John Combs Presley Creighton Jaa M
• ebony Baal Cromly John Crop Charles
Crouse Henry Coining. B B Calmer BJr
I Cunningham B Comings Ch. . Curl Geo W
I Cunningham T Colbert Rob! Cullen Mayhem
I Canino sham J 11 Coniston J
Daly Roma al Denison ImtherM Dolan J.
Daly Dennis Darold Wm Donohough Patk
Davidson Wm Dowolf E W Dohom. FA
Davidson J, Deaden Wm Donohnlo Jame.
Dames Jolla Deem Pam! Drum Philip
Da. PerogrineF Disbrow John Drayton John
Day Steward W Demirmo R C Drummond Allen
Barley WIII Dickey Wm Dunne Bernard J
Dales John , Divine Henry Dane. nos
Davis Joseph Dir. Cuthbert DuneanJohn SL
Davis John Doiaby John A Durham David
os Dunne John
Donn A Al
Davis Droll Dossheny
Davis Thos Doyle J o e
[Milo Chao' Dale J.
Eccles Raba ' Espy Wm Col Evans Thos
Early Michael Earsman Waller Evans Ogren
Easton Jas Drier John Er., 'David E
Eastland Jahn Ihis(land Wm Evans J P
Eberhut A Ewing J. Evans Edard
Fayard J Fisher Jas F Fogarty Tina
Fairchild SFide J ohn Foster David C
Fsirb.k Fl g Lewis J Foster Dowry B
Pittman 111 flaming Henry Foster John
Fairly Rola Fleming Cothran French FA
Itsiell Patrick Flowers Philip Frisbee A 0
Farm) , JesCapi Fowler Thos Prgaeisens A
Felton .Henry Forsyth Leon , d E Fagan Tbos
flsh llamado Forsylh-Robt Font Mr
Fythmo P Forest ED Flatter John It
Fisher m, •
Gage Hiram Gilchrist J. °rayon Jno Jr
Gerrard Jaa Gsdlespey Ram , Gmtrorm Gan
Gallaglser Neal ,Gildarly Edrad Greer Save
Gallagher C ,Gibron Gap Gregg Jose
Gallagher Wm IGibron AIR Gram:mum P
Garman (leo • Gibson Robt Griffith Wm
Canhisalle C Gibson Wm Gnmes Jao
Getting. Henry Giletlelbn Grose Lavin
Gang.. Palk Glo.op N throning Henry
Garlininaton T Gordon kßafferryGrairans Harvey
Gardllef ace Garndey Francis Gray NVJ
Gardner R W Goshom N
11.11 Wm Hulett W Hortll Samuel
Hall John R. Hagen I H Hoye Rowland
Imo D C Hawthorn Georgallonser Abet
Hitmllion Wm P Haughwin Robert Hough Job T
Hamilton Toos H IlawalusFAward Howard Thomas
Hag. James Hawkins Ruse Hlioward Sle Co
Hs. Andrew Ilaywood Edwin Hopkins J H
Ilaldeen.Peter Hay Robert Hopkins F.dmundt
John W HaY.Hopkins Forsythe
Haines I 11.ley Peter Wilbert 1111ennin
Hannon Jame. Heath/oho M Hunker
Hemmer A W HertiottLawrenee Hutchinson AM.
Hampton George HarleekyTtmothyllsdr Woe t ,
Hanna John Henderson. %Pm Moncton Hugh
IL.. David. Hewelin John Herb Robt David HolmeoJu P Hull Rota
Hama Antoni Holmes Mr Monti Alexander
Heart Wm Hodia.B. l Hamer Wm
Hauer Good!. Iloleomh Was 11.ter Samuel
Ha S D I:10.21LE H Homphmy Robt
IiSGOOIIB Houghton Wm ,Hamphroy&thaW
Huston Edward
Irma Dr Wm Infbl Libt Irwin J
Jameson David Jennings Maid lone. John T
John James Jobbing John Jones M
Jacks d P Jefferson Menemlimes Miles
Jacque) , A 100611011 Samuel /ones Wm
Jaekvonlisimid Johnston Wantns/ones Solomon
Jaws I.rael E Johnston P C Jones Millard P
James Morris Johnston 8 L 'bones 111,4gh
/engine E Jones John ,
Edna mgry Kennedy Thomas Klinefelter John
Kahle Decay TO Kehned_y George Kincaid James
Kehler/am. II Kelly Michael or Oda Wm
Winery Thom.
John Sisk Isaiah
J,,, w pk• Kelly Haigh Kinney Daniel
Keme hums Cart I
Cass Aod,ew rgric.Th — VV;;V
Kepler J
Keller Peter Kerr John KW/ K W
Keone_y_Jantes ld Kerr James I Kin lamesA
Keldicluieltsel Kerr Daniel Ki ni .
Kmgh Martin Kerr Wm king David
gaffer John P Omfatter Copt King DCI
'Keeney itteldingliCline
We King Daniel 0
Lally Palk Lcouri Ova E. lAtti Chas
Lally Jan , Lefer M If Lime John
Lay Wm Letchworth A 9 Loyd Diehl
Laws Mathew Lennon Juo .Loyd John
Lee 0 A ' .Lindsay II C • Lynch 'Wm '
Lea C • ' Lindsey , Joa Lora J.
Lee Late Livingston W Lrehns Mehl
Leslie Ale. little Wm Lowry Hem
Leslie Ch. £ Long John Lall Hersey
Lehiner Geo W Long Wm Loughs. henry
Mackey Jas A • Mower David Moreland Wm
Maltby Wm . Mellor Geo .. Melons Put
Ma one Park Menick Jo. Morris & lia•
hlabary Benln Meehil Philip sewth
Mann Wm Mellon & Henry Morgan J F •
Marron M. Mitchell Wm More John
Manner Jacob Mitchell Allen Moore David A
Mansfield & Mitchell H F Moors C
Smith Miller A W Moon Palk
Martin Michl Miler Wm C Moore Sans D
Martin Wm Miller Jefferson Morrison H W
Manor Wen • Mil - er MOITiVin Praneks
Mason Slla Miller Rohr Morrison Hartley
Mason A E Miller Jos Marina-Jos
Matthew. /as W ?alley Jacob H Mum Dougold •
Marsh John Mingle Jot L. • MulownefTleos
Marotta Dud Milt John Matthew? Mr
May Mr (tarpon. Milligan Its Me ter ii '
let) Morgan Ahearn Muldoon Henry
Maitre Thou bloryan James - Mulligan Jas •
Meyers Philip Mower /Boob Murphy John
Meyers Semi hlooney Path Murphy Edmond
MesniSarol Moses Thos Murphy Francis
Memnon F F Moug.Thas II Murphy Win F
Mealy G W Morris Jo. Many Jeremiah
Melba Henry Mowry AD
hie.nllitter John MeDerit Edward MeLeann Sam'
McAleer StephenMeDonald John lideGeau
Meßirnie Theopi-McDonald Wm MeGotgan Bernd
Int Mclntire John MeGeary Living.
McCann J Manley Wm mon
McCartney Geo MeKeley Smill McGregor R
McCarty John MeKeley /amnia MeGranaghan
McCauley Henry McKay John Meant. John
McCloskey FronhildeKluney John meGi.e.i.Tnee.s
Nines/jetty BeernMegnight3Vm FMeGill
McChesney II El McKinley iib i McGinn Arthur
MeClare Ja3ll. ThleKinley Chas McGrath Bernard
McCloskey. MiehlMeKena Tnoi McGill John
McCabe James McKeown Wm McGrath Michael
MeCooty John • McKeon John Mangan Hugh
McConnell Racal itleKennan ReerdnleSartggen Mehl
MeCormmielt: J noMelies Gmtrire Methuen]. Jae
McConnell Thos McKee Wm S McNally John
McCoy Gamma McKee /11PCsgoeMeMsth Michael
Meeray Seel McKee AlennanderMeMester Smuel
MeCtiteheon&Col McKee John MeSerord
tine - McLaughlin PaCkMeMeekan Junes
McDonald Saml McLaughlin John
Neva. James Nelson Rah Nolen nohow
Neslons Samuel Neal Wm Nino Wm
Newport R C Neal James A Mahlon Chas W
Nair John K Nonis Thou Nichols Chas
Nellon Johu Noble LT Nichols Johu
Neeld James. Norcross 0 A
O'Boyle Than Osborne Bonelia CrKano II T
O'Neal John CrConner Theo Owens David
O'Neal Edward O'Friel James" Orford Wok
O'Neol Felix 011lonuell Oloutead 8 0
O'Rourke G.rett O'Connor !
P almer Sd Peierson Jar Pool's
Padden Joh an n Peters Griffith W
Powe e r W George
Pnkisou James Peas Enos Power Cu.. B
Pendia:nes& Co Feet Benjamin H Pend! N W
Penn Wm Philips David Provost Watson
Payne George J Plans Win Probst Wm H
Padden John Pollard Mr Print Hardy 1)
Pattenon James Powers BenjantinPrigh Thos
Patterson N.P Pourer ?Mehl J Penrose David
QMllia lames Quigley La"
Ralston Joseph Reynolds .Tono Roger. Patrick
Repli Jacob Reynolds D Robinson 0 IL 11
Rankin draw
Richardson J Dr Robinson Chas H
Rape Actin,' sr Richard. J Robinson John
Ramsey Frek'n B Riley hate Robinson H
Remy John Ritchey Mehl Robinson RY AS
Reny Wm Ridgway Thos 11 Robinson Dr I
Keay Joseph Roberts itl Robeson Dung
Remy Michael Ross Isaac Robertsoirisace
Reeve. Rob'. Rog. Thee Robertson Ste P
Redd ?thence! Rolbsen Robt Rupp H
Reeve. John ROSSiVf John Russell Wm
Reesido John Rogim John Rupp Ova H
Redding A W Rove Simon B Brinell Wilibuns
Rev. John Rodgers John & Co
Reed Wen P; Rogers Bartel Ryan Thin
Reed June.
Sawyer F B Smith Wm Stanley -Abram
Sanabory Ben Smith TA. Stanford.Tbos
Sample 4it road Smith Joseph Sterling Copt M
Sample Sam% S Smith John F Stelwell Chas
Sawyer !Arkin II Smith Wm Stephens Jaeks'n
Sayer. Henry' A Smith John Starke. George
Sanders Semi Smith Jam Stephens James
Suneels Chas Smith Cu Steel Thos
Same. Chas Dr Smith Horace • Stiwirwt Wilson
Seen Alex Smith Major %V Stewart John •
Scott] W Smith Jos Stewart Wen
Seabrook H A Smith 1111 Stewart H •
Semore J Z Sienkine Elijah Stephenson Wm
Seely Michael lthcman G Stephenson W E
Somers Milo A S m mptwn Jobs W Stephenson JD
Shepherd J C tit Clair M. A Story Rev A
Sherwood Chas Simpson Thos Btonkers .Iwl M •
Shippen Chas Simpson Geo S Stlingfellow J '
Shepherd Asa Snyder Jacob Still 8 D •
Shields Ahl Snyder Joseph Stone Nelson
Shevlin Jobs- Snyder Geo W Stoat Robs
Sloan Thn. Syder Beni StoetdrdeJ R
Slitter John Snowden Vl.'. Sootherland Jas
Sloan S C S11 , 111(041 Rlett'd Swelland Jemes
Slocum Ihmj Stephen. A E Saretney James
Smith Wash 13 Swearingen Wen
Tame! Perish therry John • Tramiel. Jai
Teague Hugh ThistieArebnbald Turley John NE,
Tailor Chas Thornhill Wm Turnerß h C
Thompson LS Thornburg Chas TernerThos
Thompson Joe FinT ample Turner John •
Thomdeon John Tillinghurst W F Trainer John
Thompson A Townsend HAI Turpin Joseph .
Thompson Cm Towes
Thompson Th o. P
Tomlin a son m JO TTramurns A JCP ohn
Thougns Clime Tracey Hagh Trevor A G
Th0011.004..0 Marley Edward ThaTrlwc
Thorp Mop
Ulu. Soho y Underwood E A . Up.till E
Yens,. Francis Yamaha* Fram's Veber John ..
Alfrcd Veckti lasses Vanearleek T 8
Varney Oro Nf Vinicri Silas Vickers Swami
Vowden nos Vance Thos
Wakefield DC Wiesner° W Willson Wm
Walsh James iVcbsterO IV Willson Rev H R
Wall John Wells John D \Pushed!! A
Walls Pressly hi Weiner Joss E Wilkins Chas P
Wallace Morns WeaverD Wilklns Capt
WalkerJamei, Wiahtman.L . D Wickersium Jag
Walker John White J Wel, Francis
Walker EU Wilms. to Bra "Wing is.hl
Watliir James WhilakerhathorryWillousison Geo
Warden Wm While Rohl P Winterborn M P
Ward Michael Whisksido O.e Whiserrne Banal
\Vard Tilos White Thos Worth Richard .
Watson John Williams John Woodward Iht
Warren Samuel Williams DarisonWright Amity' .
Wasson John Williams Wm hi Worht John AI
Warmood E WilLwn. E a Wright N
Youn,g Alphe.
Zilbart Clots
IstMAU. •
Members of Salt Aisociatioru -
CaptainSestel Boat West Newton.
Iran City Council, Na 91) U. A. M.
Pon Dunn.. Div ision 8. of T . , N 0.177.
Bayardsuswn DiTißiall D. of T., No. 19U.
Lyourgua Division S. of T.. N 0.241.
Lawrenceville Division S. of T., N 0.473.
Pittsburgh Diiidoo e. of T., No. 41. -
Ocean Wave Division 8. of T., No. 133.
Prrrarson, N0v.1,180.
SUNDRII,-10 bozos Stamina Candlem h
10 " Emn Pare Stare • •
4 ease* Boston Males and Catanm
Genoa '
5 Caallo Sow;
2 " Almond " •
dnms Smyrna Fn.;
51 lb. Cotoa Shells; • •
Also, Coeoa, Emma and Chocolat; for alto by
WOODS—MO 666 Chipped and Grciand, just
reed and for role by
B A F.motsrocici. co,
anal corner First and Wood an
.lErS m Cg SALTS-40 bt i le A DV A tigrAfor bale
i t& r .
A LCOHOL-30 bb1.70 00,11/20e et, for zee by
EXTRACT LOGWOOD—PO eases Foreign gad Ain
crme for sale by
• PASTRYo ft ß cl l ; P g .• F Vr r
rfeltfaarsa iri;rart
forsaleby net3l SELLraBzNtXL3
VINE FLOUR—GO bbliOnst road and for Ws by
INSENG-7 wets now landing foomsbamor Gen.
G o a,ria ti
VLOUIt--35 bets now landing from steamer Safes Maim; tar sale by , i sm•Ati DicKey
X k C 0
IHEESE-500 ban in BUM and for We by
oet3i R DALZELLk CO, Liberty in
.•PECAN NUTS-10 bbls supe ri or, la stars ana.fir,.
We by oet3l DAUM& Jr. CO-"
PrI I W- 1711- ' 4ll7n rill
Dissolution of Partnorolally. -
Y MUTUAL CONSENT Ills day, the firm !m k t ..
fore ensung under the style of BUSUP/ELD
LEADER, has been dissolved by Mary Leader to n.
-knris enure interest in said arm to John Me 0,11,• All
busaness connected with the arm of Bobatad &Lead.
dulwill be antled by S. D. Bashaeld - & - Co., echo ~et
y anthotimd to make all collections - and adinet all
clams. •• • HUMIPIELD it LEADEN.
Pittsburgh, Oct. 27, VAR . " • •
N. IL—S. 0. LIGSHFIRI4 & CO, will doatiatte 1/.0
or holm]. end retail Lk, Goods and Grottem basis:teas,
at the old .tore mom, No. 959 Liberty' at, when they
will be pleated to Lava &el, Mond. - arid samisen
call and contain& their stack of goods. . • '
cula • • B.G. BUSHFIELD & CO.
RLI PONT'S POWDER-41e sobseribere,
lisr • the marmfaetarera of the *bore celebrated
d of Powder, hare on Lind arid Are constantly re•
applies of the &Zama assieties, which she
offer for sole et redeced pnwa A liberal disc.= al.
lowed to l
wholesale dealer's.UßlUt
ow 3 • BiDOP,„ WILSON t CO
W/NTOW mall lot of exto and Bali.
in store and for wide by
oet3l Co PE k. lIRYTOOLP., 103 Seemed st
SAL .. tt;tlc4d<lignotee n f i r L ea r l
a clome n e:
I:4 ottal
.11 last reed and Sal able by
I lUD LIVER 011 ltd.of a °b°i " P.!! 3 . 3°
..1b by omit ARA.UN &
CRE# T r E 3 116 item, : a l m a:
G_U* valv e, tn .,
Laber and flyC
oet3l har au
RUC/MTh-15 dOZ Main Ductria;
dm Lop, Tubs, lasi rea•d and (or
144 Lawns. at "
'd rut for by
tR 0019-73 doe j tot toed and for sale by
ralEat47B Itrot b ilitte - timr from tdo Moamar'
Hl lUTAA DICE Y & CO. Front et •
IryoOL-Z75 sacke - ma - • Tr main from swum Om
Gainesjor eels by
r - NTANCIP:36 bra Petncy march, Lamoots two*,
..7 . lmr ab hy . 4LWATMIULaii,
`•acne-Js MI. !.ssiLV:idenruitzti
4 111118ENENTS
' C. 14 Pewter
dzarisno.;.toress Clrclft and PiTioene...: - .50
/*nand Tint,
irry.r. - o p en before 7. • Curtain viina
CrLatt night bat one of Mr-73 . 8Ee,.b.y,,,„k 0 .
FAIDAT. NgV., 44 ,, A •
Lot Pop got,
1.1:7: - Dckriug tbe evening, STORY, bT
To ecroclalo with
YAHX2T. FArtE/18.
Att. Silsbee.
. _
.4y:ln rehearsal—a sum plees called
Great Moral -and Sublime Eitiltallot
• VV. ON THE PALE HOES& or- the
Pint Rio Seals, u teproseatad is tho ( linttlipte;
of Roulet/one—ft Jules Vatott, which ho wets
of having behold while as exile on the Isld of PLIMIDC
tespreeenting.4o ettenieton fall oils of lift, belated
open 1140 mosro feat of Comas, eolllbo me bflboa
at the APOLLO lIALL,
• On Etuardst 04httor the Arm
Also—Ooca day and ..01,00lgoodey,T VIM
Wedusday, Oct 112:10uUt and 3212.
Day . extublboct °mot fuss 1010 22, wad 3 A
Night oven from O% to 10 otlooL
rTi;h: c tell wow Children' half mid •
Mb:duce. of ell i 'd j' ema=u t 6 u te o a in t 021001.
Hy John D. Disirls. AmialA ose
Stapio and Foamy Dry G•ods.
On Monday morning, Nov. nth, at to a lack, al
the Couneretal Bala-Rooms, comer of Wood and
Fifth streets, will be sold— •
Ai extensive nasatlctent of staple and fancy Amigo
and domestic Dry ponds, among which ern saverina
black and brown brawl cloths, Cilliateraa.
ate, tweeds, lean,, red and yentas flannels: , blankets,
canton flannels, super woolen plaids, barred flannels
sod litobcre, menus; alpaccas, cashmeres, blank
bombazine, velvets, salami.. sunny e„ silk eurand
vest buttons; cloaking, pilot cloths, coloiM
30 Inch wide etteminge, mapper copergs, ribbons, silk
buttons, needles, fte. - •.: • • • '
AlaeelOaky .
Groceries, Qicanswme,
I . Ming Hymn and Imperial Tea,
• Virgiona etannfaa,
tared Tobacco, writing and wrapping paper,. shovels,
A large and general saroartment et now and second
hand hoossebold fontincre, cooking stoves, kitehest
utensils, 'feather _beds, bedding., ataareases, looking
also , earpedny, mantel elocki, window &oat
also, a quentiry of leather trunks, canvass knFike, car
pet and leather bags, and
0,02 • JOHN D DAVIS, Auk
TAlrtsen Hai:ding , snag Cuy
.of 4.11.08AN1S
On Saturday aliernoonittenrember Nth, null be sold
on the sten:tines, Six Lots Of Grosz], waits on the
south side of Ohio M. •tiktbsin the . borill deltic's"
having each a front of SO It, and extendingloank PO ft
to au' alley to wade.:
Also—Seven lots adlolnlng the shove, haying •ftent
'of 7011 on the West Common, and extending bank 110
ft to the aforesaid In ft all.) , I
Them lots are certainly smong the most Mabel
the city of Allegheny, na Or flabarb Irrewth end
progress or improyeman. t •
Terms—Ono Hurd cash, residue in Mx and resolve
ounithsorith interest. '
A plot, of the lots ontY be men at the store of Mar. I
ear tr. Robinson, m Allegheoy, and at my amnion
room, cameral Wood tud gh sts.
oet3l t JOHN D DAVIS, Artet
Exelusively tbr Passenger. ,
-The Boats of the Line mil l t,
as follows, at 8 o'clock at night: I
Lou/sums-4 F Thompson, Thunday,Nov.lst.
Indiana-P Burke y,. - Priday, 9d. ,
Kentucky-Owl! Traby, Saturday, 3d. •
Ohio-A. Craig, Handal,
Losisiana-/Y Thumpsort, Monday, Rb.
Indiana-P Battey, Tsesday,
Kentasky-Caps H Prby, Wednesday, 7th... •
Oho - Copt, A Cul& Thursda, BM.
Louistann-,7 P Thompson. Fri day, nth.
ndisna-P Barney, temorday,
Ketuseky-H Truhr, _HuadnY,
:Ohio -Caps A Craig, Monday, Was,
Lothians-3 P Thompson, 'lu y, tsa r ,
Indians-4 , Battey, Wedsosdayrtedi, _ . •
. Kentnekr,-11 Tmtry, Thursday, ISM,!
For Pusualfa apply to ' W BUTCH,
vl or D LEECH Co. Can
no al Basin.
Cotton Blsolalstery.Tsiole,Stes ate Mantle'
9N. TUESDAY, the 13th of November, at ten ei
will be sold at Aeouon, on the premises,
( dal Ward, Pittsburgh.) all the' Maellnem,Tools,
Shafts; Draw and Coulee of the notnig Cauca Fins
tory, formerly belonging to Adares,"Allettlk Co. -Also,
damn? of Callon Mill Castings, Wroaghtund Cast
Iron Work, Cast Steel Spuedles,Zollers,inestprenared
for said mill. Patters, (Mee Furniture, natant
which ere Cooling Domes, Throstles,hlalee, Spec&
era; Drawing Fn.., ka. : •
A liberareredit will be given an ell pnrebues over
glOO, as rued* known at sale. .. oeinekttaterltT
32 ce pima for
oet3taS Water at
EATItERS-10 As Hee ReesefqL. sale by
oet3t - ftHEY IdeaerflEWS.k. CO
IG LEAD-114.5 pigi Galena, for ral4 by--
ban • • JUJUY, M ATTER_ &
N I •
33 labli Nos di It.SLaafireals
' - nrl3l ABET, MATT & Ort
twirt, for sala
L ARD 011,--14 bbl. Boakhoidttr, Co, boil gaollp,
or.Cll •BsMATTILETpg k,
B:l 6 °Loi
110 cad. bzo do-- do do% • do do
Will, a general arm:mime= of Groe• 6go d od pkte
bomb aunafattarea, for nabs by
-. RUBY 'AY:ATI-item co
INC WASHBOARDS-10 d. Holm& opporr
10, oat. by • .I:7I}WILLIAJM. •
" • No no Woods
lIEESE-75 bates E....tts Creice;
103 ToVettam Baserrrer; • • '
oel3l. 7016 e B.p Sagt4 .flit male I l i a judo
StO c tA4S7lo , l,bl. NO, for i. sVea N
TO BUOP PRY octopi:
WR. MURPHY, et north earl earner of Fourth
. sad Marker ma, is VOW receiving Es mond
supply. for the season, arid can offer indueemoitie
Geym rarely io be met with. • „E. egottmeat of ,
Young Elwin U
I. anti fan, EOnsistintorrrettel Me 121110., C 41,61211611.1,
Coburg.. Lynne Cloths, taTi.
lo Printed Franck W a
menu, at prices eanaldmb lower ,than they_esabb
be boa& eally/n the. on.. - Ms stock of,
_ _ .
la tare., sad enftenees Wan) , of dietielandfal
now on eaMbillon at Franklin kinds% Philad , a. •
Of new and , very. harillaanite mks, Velar Trim
Of 'ldiom atylea end qaallfiaa, plain and embioldered
Blank Bilk Lanes, Needle, Worked Collin rdali Cuffs,
Bonnet Salina and VelvetFlowerai - Capaand:Fralkers.
- Of the newest styles, and sklower plass Wan nanal;
and r ich anngentile Auk. and Rains, fia'r Idandllaa,
Re.; and alma week of • ,
ai lowest price. dad la the gentle:fie:oi department
will be kind (rah i• •
Black Deeakins, Mum Vesting." g a d o , Catamarca,
Undenddrta end Drawer., Silk il,frunn i i, rocket Mad.
Ofie . klemlinllik am ' , Wiwi,' io aisle, die Wholarale
Rooms, ntsfairs. • •71 •WM •
T - JKO - liatij.,:-yee
- Wool Jackets }a , 4 ree'd by • ,
oet3O silAcK,../...Err WiliZE.99 Ward
b - WWF.RB-40 dorm lard
t,7 Shirts and litraW maid try
0ei..10 a SISA
ii ,
lev i rea, r and r •
t g , • - suActELZ4r.t. WHITE, pp Wii.d ut
VRINGE9—An auntommt. ol Black
Justmeired by .'• •
& WI
QODA A.Tilt•-20 cutsfor sale by
W 3 t , r IP vorr so:woman& co
n•;31 1:73,A0 . ctlOßsirco
HIED P CHES—las Ds • . ter sale
P.Y. a •
n r ,_ ap.mANTocx bas now inatorn ad for eal.
..• ir • la largeut and best anoruneator On. Cursor
ever offend. te
Barka and a reduced priea,
whteb rlll be oat to St any used Adam; Hall or-Vestl.
bale... We invite oar friends ea emarnars to call ad
examine oar aloortment before parobsaing elm:matte.
cet.lo Caffet Warehouse; 73 Pots* at
day . ;a th barid.
tea ad moat approved itylea and color. We 4,1:
o • ,,• (d e ad. ad exalt= oat salorticent, • •
ri IA PESTRY CARPETS-4m fteNl at IY. bream.
Tom's Carpet W.A.:neer, (of the 1.0... t i j . ponn .
uond the hew:leen:mat 'tapestry Entuelss ever'
btocycht to this market, to which we invite C iV atten
tion of them, leiAlug ter.falnleh holm. • owe _
STWULGE , -A. large ecilar and Loll, in Warn • • pa.
14.10 p Liberty st, on modernte hoist.
i A on= lAiki
w, W e.
, Irll:lll.g4est ,, pnee Ineaw pals forlto4,ity
VlLljfiEs.4o 4' Fere„Aladeira f eherry throat
V Malaga Wises, nu We by the east or in glean
tides to salt parthasers, by . •
b. 1, 11 , 711.E.E,
leo Liberty ea
13 A. BUCKETS—to dos largo Tons; •
dos Bockats; •
Oda: Keel -cm foroale by
Lug by °cab J 8 DILWORTH & CO
- - - -
. . -
S U ,, P i !3:oliTb. , 40 . PO WDEfir t e42l . 4s i m sze c t , b.!
101) nal pnme Xv. enpeeted • •
"7.s A r iltroirrn & co
. .
TOISACCU-Bdpetior lot Y '
s, loot read by
Wag • • J 8 Dumoaril &OO
TEitkr-13:4 6 f chrt Lul u pl Tem :
for . 06 4 1 1 a Zl.lO J immoral! aco .
OLaSSE3—'49:I hula. m xtore add for sale 67
mnt) J s DILWORTII Oni
rkilloB.4-"TiVpipes iirsay.-th Do
ard, r , Vitei
JLJ r 2 pima 1111. d °Jai
400 bb4 Whisk kr We by. • '
• Ctl,V ' 1 . 11211ITCHM:raRE—
A Is It) ' an.
- AI. quota, Cost:Pals. as, =l,VaftOrill
by 00 cast or quantal" lanai t10,00,a._ •
W M MiTre=
Bc!athem,. ilibuttora
r --20 was for me bff
bbt• reed • , &clads 81
towdet unto 6 or
S biLwortt & co