• • . , ESTAt BED' IN 1786. CARDS. DAV2II . Oi - TETTLE,, • ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER PENNSYLVANIA:, Lode, bro. , ALLMlOMOealion.proarpry answred. .t234r youcrunvo &tRORER, Commission Morettants and Dealers la Produce, No. 21 Market acme losbargy.. • decS - ritunoss et BILMJ} GiOm. aura E.&i,. 1131 : 1 ILEUM Wholesale and Reudl Drop .= s of merry. and Bt: Meets, PiOS. ___ nowi7 ROvoi 4. GILBERTSON. Wholesale Grooms, and!: onatienoon M sr.. orehants, No. Liberty , = B - rositomri. Pa. . dearly. • PAHNESTOCE A Co., WWl:sale one /1.71. • Dreggists, earner Wood and fals sm.. DI & SMITH; Wkolemde Grovers,lB sod .0 • yo Wood street Pittsburgh. • H. PARTRIDGE, EL D., N 0.195 SPRUCESTRELT, PHILADELPHIA, eNINTINUEs to gm Ali particular suention to the tremmeot of Diseases el the SKIN, SCROFULA, and Miensa of the THROAT. Office Warm 9 A, M., 1 P. PAR. /01rnil..10. •w Simon. • fIRAIO A SKlNNER,Forwasding and Consmiasion V Merchants' No. RI bracket it, Putiburgh.,,aptA A. NeANULTY A Co., Forwarding and Com. Sh,e ion MerrJaants,CaMat Basin, Pumbergb'Pa. make Mormons lyrist, Arks Steal and iron - 0_ r.vmsT,,RAPEANWorks. , A - Co, MaeLfaCtarre. Of CCola •M' MOM Springoi Hammered A..., Spring and' Plonk Steel, 'Deaf ' Warehouse on Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. AIM, &Alms 24CoackTrItamings and Matlenhlo DEL. W.II. DAKIRT, DENTIST, (Late of New York ) Ornes-BniiMount =esti between Seventh sod StrawbongalloY• . N..11: , -Ismeaass oldie mouth, runs andmetb Mated Emormutmkomily. ' sinlo.43m wr4 5. icsOtran saws I. 1131121. EENGLISHBENNETT, (late English, Gallagher ALlThelesale proms, Conuruseloo and or. ' klerehants, and dealeri In Predueo slid burp senors, N 0.37 Wood st., between sal and 0011. 500251 w. MOM ,suns. apnea. GeIGE W. 192d7TH, t Ca, Bnrwers, Mato.. t: Hop Dealers, Pitt at, Plittinttitt: .po taYrd:7 / N a'nir t7r.lr re • • •.1 • faro 1101:11f0 NAGLER'S FACTORY. H4RILTON YITEW/JLT, seanufstructec of Heavy Elirtings, Cheeks, kr, Rebecca stmt., city of nosl34llye .........., to Murphy 6 Loc,) Wool Deal . or sad Cotkosissioe llatelaw, lot the sale at /MACAW Woolens, Lacey. opposite fth A - fcbl7 Mi.% Ltaßaw& • ' a. 7.10c114:0, 11VW&ID sulas pkada. , &ileum:Km max & IrLD & Tame. Comosiseloa Mer r comma, U Norsk Water ea, &16 Nosh 'Nieuwe% p0r9141 A.A. 11/131alt. AL P. 10M. HC0.,1 lD Y , .10N118 1 o, (socomors to Atwood,. Joao I Co.) Comoassom and Foronzdso=.) el , elunts; deal/kin Pitlabugh Elsatfactorrol A __ BM= MMZST 71, rlAll DICKEY & 00 4 Wbelande Grocer.:Cam , nislica Ms/chant& 0014 deals& la Pavane& 1100-00 allu, sod 107 Flallt =OSA 1 , 070041%. • . 40,13 I===l _ 1 IL DILWORTH k. CO,Wholnale fRoeLTLYTO- In'dime lad Casco:slit:ion Merchants, sad Ramon the Huard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. 27 Wood st, Pluaborg6. • JoAIN M. TOWNSEND, /noggin sad' Apinwoory .146.18blariet Wen doom Moms Tina Pin 4 borgkirill hve emossittly pab.Mo wen Wanted fag Motoicut Vibe Wm Lost kaiMa biotboinos, which do win sell 04 the mon reuomble term. invieMar =dim Wm,trill be prompity sheoded to, and sap. plind with &nines Meg hiai nay aa gamble. glopr Mated. Aresenmoteut will be somata) and hmetropared nom Um ben diimnials, at sag home Also for Ce, a doge mock of fresh =I good . , . CANFIELD, (late of Wary, Oth - W 313 : 337- • et. aculFar•rarttnirMaralteas, wholesale Io Moen, Atastre. Chad Dam rot 'sad reelrAatt• sad Woman indasts.4waelldr, Water treat, between dmithfi W eld sad Ptuabalgt, EN 'WATT, fistiesstrar . in Lout & Gehbaril Wholesale Grocer And . Cpmmiuion Merchant' l'lndnenguid Pinabargh Monfatimm., or. anion/berry snd 'Land strroli„Finalningh Pa- Add J/ &WM " st• ISATCJITSOI.„ & Co.—mecums to AMU /Waft. & Co, Commission Merhant., and Ascots of.- the St. LOOlll &ram Caw Menscry. No.or..4.lgadn'trontnireets Piturnorsh. . 04141 B i rlittitr4hoar=te ., uo r tut Wood wOO% ono door South of IlLtatood'Alter, Pitt. JAIUM NEM, Jr » & Co, Oruccomer Joooph G. lhois,lltOß Ltuoistleru, MS Water =sot oat Jll mei virkil WLoMWe ana Bean amai . Let Mule and hlusical butnuasun, School itooni Better, Steel Petui, Pritotaut Cords, =I Buttittomy gnerally,No. 81 Wood om, ratotnatirk. Br Rags bought or taken La trod. oeptS '•- - - J - BCHOONMAYEE WWl= eta, N 0.91 Wood'arrat, k'itt•bugh. . Davis, jiMirinotrik STOOIaON, Bookatlita, rriraers sad rapal Jaanfactaxers, N 6.44 Marks% jefi =UZM FLOyD, Whatutle Okocenh•tbaualasloo Chaareit l, lncebants; Let Png , s trectsiyittaburgio, Pa.. - layd javX DALZELL, Wholesale Ormer,CCOSSIIi•IIOII ktaicksantoutd &der'Li Produosiand Pittsburgh Mumgaciares.. Na. *4 Water at., Pinatearrk. haul JACOS WiSAV/f44 Whotestle andlegal De.. ier toF.r.daWbuss imlllciann. and otd !datum galicta llye..Waslms, corner Full and Muter ro. ,112 =IP= I: .. ... ..'. :. :'.:. imam lam, . I PITTSBURCM, ENNEDY, CHILDS & Co,l4amafaetorsa of Tarr • Inipenor 1911..tiogs, ,Carßet Uut,..Couon Warka. ZWiIf?ALZELL'h. 'Co, tiomfassarcla of all of w. , Skeet, BoiLrf bin . lad Nails of We best qua/iry. Warehoasa, wain mad lW boat sc.. • , .WATESALLN, W/aolomalo Grocer, Forward acid Commission Morahan; Dealer to Pitt. raa lthumfacasna sad hada., Ma. 31 Winer wt., aafl93l From r- KMAJiltlrlr b ISAWY/Efts 1.. 4 00111N0 GLIM thonfactarets, and Wholesale deem tosaisa. sod donna° Volley Goods. warn mactehams, Pedlar , sad Inhale to Invited to caU arst examine tholrriecoUdosallry often stock, as with oat premot lammed tatillhcein saaactscoss ins oc4 Pcniuuthie, wls Walt Imams otos as 'peal oocumu awhgenu Ural:WM Mass west pith. /doardatoa. *My cm. accsrom, AlL.rc & RICKETSON, Wholesale Omen, end import.* of Orme**, Wiese surd Sega% N.. and 174, comer of Lawny and Lrytti mows, 1%1. Lough, Pa- boo, Coucn Verna, &c, wanilr 04 /. 4 d. - • .04 MGM WC.114.. /AL D. XVIMJI..• MALT= C. SY. etiILJA3 &BOX., Whom:m.ls OTOGCIII.I.IId Commix •lon No. Liberty ,st, Pluabough. MLIRP/IIf r IVILS9N it CO, VA/skint% heuphr Co.) WttoWM. Desists to Dry .43smis, 4. 9 . wood sues; ritubscrb. ' . ' a ? ? do, sod gasaulsePsts. JAL um. Rooms, sorsa-of l'om 'Office Allay sad Vim* asset, smarms ea 438 seas Mutat. rinIiBTJELGH KCEfI WOHYS AND SPRING AND A 11.113 FA C TORY.. mass ran.,; ; ;Ina a wan. - JONSII CLUIDO. ANTFACTURESIS of nriaa and blther aeey AU. an= . t ! tap, a2l n =ra, n, memo ' add duten aad man trucanka. KarraDnernar of Ban; sad t ?tartar & 011 N, tin. 65 Mark& at, scuand 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 7 . from censer Reanly deafen irk Foreign Hills of Earahmege, men of Demo u, itamtNeuteasie tVeeie. ' 03" Collections neme - env an the principal den etnenetsat the Vaal Stasts. • ' decd? . RUCS/LASTER, tannadmi—Olie Fear* tc, r does Wore Smithfield, .rah *Kali 'Mad& done via the perm& 1571 u 15 &oda ezMidned, &a. WM) OJCOI/014 110000 a. - OFT7E,.: • nude Meet, near Grant, In the room eetnty led by Alden= Millet Immediate • . 7 r. U. ntMenrelly. Us may be lotted at night le e. 71, &Qui** IltneL julltdeen . • De', (rneucto AJEDEON sedrattesid to the tress trete( nantee et sbe.th . Bans beettengesed la branch 'of the midi =...urefeseiste fief leden4 P.n.s 1 4 M .. c ' 3"e'e". Ica the madam of diseases of the eye .loos lar undid lean. Offare and - nsidsee, , comet of Bandesky st .fla Iltmwton7 tam Uighur city! red 3 Abundseigre and Au k ! &we ....11.e far to I. l l.e l licSteco. I .."1841° PROW. AWILEIOOILe "EM* sun% between Wayne arid. Hand, ban I. Maned Ws profewional Mews, peel Wane* um on dm Peso, Uvtar, and in Vaal Mule: FANICALLSA. iSTOANST:I- 711Ptis n.,twr Wood—All guarednee of Green And py Black Tain t dead np in spinner, half, end] wow, C" A. JANE. A tordt., nntlttne /nun e GO au. pant Ten Co pe 'per ntad ct. ro, • O !II ,tamisox a CO. having analsied Tnonrid PrilEr s t.Mithittall Maineam, the Wole sale Onuary, rtodase and Coniataidati haziness will be continued es usual miler the km of Robison,' Lie. alc kCe • it • ongtON, LITTLE No. nil Lanett, alleeli impulse; .Whoksale• G ttcarn, Yrodase thee hietulante, and dialers in Pittsburgh' SONS.IIIMML 17 . 011 :111111:' luisl.4. Wesson. kmi4r AA. donor In Pantnte, Pittsburgh Mandan. 'nn kbl., Foreign and DOMeslia lArpteS o.r On band .1 volt harp rock of superior an hu. g intn, wiannh mond will 14 wad /ow Cal euh. npOt.l7, fi o. mamma • sacs kEYNOLYS PIKEE, Pormiedirred Cmoiressies, iimeltate„ far the Allegheny eve MAC,' demi. ameenea, Produce, ..ftuouuratt Dfennf talCideride of Liam •• UllagimiepricesOm cashald at all times for .1711, n. Camera( Peas Intim 0111 . 1/A . Z PT . :& Co ifliTOmals, ---- = tuiseciacmonowirre — i — , W,cor Ilbougi l / 4 Ka. • - • iebli r PIT. C A '4 DORT. A. CIINNINGILAII, WholesalefArneerj alio Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture., Co. 44 liberty irut • C. cIICU.Yrr. ____.______- 771.1. t WM._ 0 lIACKLETT k WHITE Wholesale Dialers In Of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. N 0.09 Wood st. gidrrKtziburgh. • i &Miff Prod IA& , n iire deal. ers,ELji2erlai‘Vkisetr"jec'l,(Letcrre*nMl Ind 61.6 , North Fide, PhilasiolpAiii. norii 0 --- 7 t W: HAiIIiAIIGH, Wool liTerrhints, Dealer. in Flour and Produce generally, mid Forwarding awl Coma:dui. ?arrogant; No. Oa %Water rt., Pins. borrli. • . • _ •MIS., ITITSTC.II. JO. MOW., 11.0.SYLLSD ELLERS 8 NICOLS, PreAuce and Control Com miosson Nl .. chant, No. 17 loberty et., l'ittobaroh Spoon, Linseed mud Laird Oils. . . . g , F A.. VO F N . Deitere Fiustouraili i N n glannfactures and p Weoen c I t dace, have removed to their nem sintrebooseddid stendi No.= dorms of Front st. and Ctimeery Lane. nos 7 T,ABEST, Whole s ale Grocers and ColllMir , xiaaS.tOill - & Merchants, and dealers in Produce. No: 35 cod at, Pittsburgh. pleat , 7. Noire TROTH & SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealtis in Boots, Shoes 'Pranks, Carpet Bags, ke„ 'S. W. currier of end Smithlield sts, Pittsburgh, Pa ja3 VITROLESALE GROCER, Importer of FORF2lifil kk' WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. deslet in 0:d lifonookahela Rye Whiskey and Pitulkurgh Men ai...Stares, corner of Market, and First et c. Superior articles supplied at market rates. .0.41 UNTHOLESALE GROCERS, RECTIFYING DIS TILLERS, and NVINIE and LNUOR MERCH ANTS Also—lmparten, of Nodal A.S and Powder, Na. 160-Irbtrty (opposite Sixth st_o Pat,- buret. ariV .011:1 D. WICL., , WC.L.TD1...5 M'CANDLPSS, (sinters:ma to L. le J. M V'T ick,) Wholeßalo Grocers, korclsordt.l Commission Merchants, 'dealer. In Iron-IYalls, Gloss, Looon Yarns, and Poodatrgh hlanoliketurescanerany, eons,' of Wood and Mawr .Iretna, t , W. • WALLACL, Mill stone and Mill Furnish. TY riny Ntablishmeni, No. N 4 Liberty sr., near the 441 1 41 - ' ' ouirlD Air - W.W1,1 1- 0 - N,WiurbesTleiielrfatieer Ware, yy . mid Military Good., corner of Market and 4th streets, Pittaburp, Pa., N.ll.—Watche. and Clocks <timidity repair . der; 'EST DOWEN—Comm pstrox and Forreardin4 v y Merbbant, No.llo Front st. between Wood and Adarkerairects. &LA Ur E. NURFITTZWLOII4iIiiiTa kceiall - & - eleriir Y Y • ramkgn ,and Domestic Dry Goods, north emit corner of Markelarol Fourth sta. nuaN _____,- W roolito. Die. a aroma M. YOUNG & Co.—DeNers in leather bide, Sc. 143 Litt 111. iii a ailcuerrazodi `_ . 1101ST. 1ect11.314.• W& R. APCUTCHEODOWIDIETaIe Grocer, dee: lets Produce, Iron,litals, Glass, and burgb . hisisfuetures steamily. lttg Libstty sr, Pius. brgh. dee2 jar W WILSON, Dealer In Watches. Jewelry Hy Haver Ware, Misery Good., as., No.s7•Mar • ' nov7 TFACERS IN HIDES AND LEATHER, Morocco, Fiedihra,&e, No . 143 Liberty street, have rest received their. SPRING STOCK of goods, com prising a large isnonmeet *Cuticles lo their line, to which the auendori of purchasers is invited. • PihTTIGHILIIEW t CO, .• BTEAM BOAT AO EN-TB Onus asovz M. A LIMN d. Co, ' ocull • , No. 42 Water street. aMM • INSURANCE. 7 , 1• PROTECTION FIRE AND id 4 RINE./IsbURAACCOMPA: N 1 OF HARTFORD, LOAN. =ceases.. ZW.b. Anneal P ••t Capital Stock, and Morpl.Fund, 111,00(4000. ThLs old and r. potable Company eonotmes L. in she policies on molt favorable term* on I/Telma Houses, Il• • W Futnitun,Lvtoree, Pt... Goods, and contents, -Mill and Almisaemnes, lee., agametILOPSDR DAMAGE BY FIRE. AM, oft Goode, Wares and Inerchandixe against the ham. of Iltitame TteaMmaamon, and'npon the Cargoes ernes Vessels. The Promo. Instuance Company hams, in the last 25 yen, mudmay =Goss or access at thfir, several ;Tome throughout the United States and tpc nmahTn.., hare estublaheti • j seputanou nodfor solvency tan dealing, winch chall ust enges et. panson with any other insurance company en the coon.= of Atacama Theannexed extract from an tarticle on the *ohm. of Insurance Companies, taken n. the -toe York Day Book," sahibits briefly the standing and bey of the Company. “The 'canny d =calor the ancient and always pros. peroua cite of Hanford, have for half • century beea fame. througlioat the Emma for ibis care, thserebion, tilnd bonetry, and tinvaraug eneeesawnh ey hare banned and tin..g..l corporeal°. of M dse de aden.. ho Dartford Dank or Insurance Compuly , twe ever ii 91 These Compantes hare for more than ay..* generetlon Tattered their make le near ly every State of the Cmosi„ told have never faded to pay the monmerable loafer which they bare insured mama." An losses arselng upon policies Timed by the mien Meted, will , be promptly adjusted and paid at the Gen eral Agency °Dee, lx ued a CIDOIALMI, 0. A tau. portion of the funds of the company, (including all us, prem.= recelMl at the Western enmeso is de. pouted ' the. the Genend Agent of ebe Company Culeinttall, for the payment. ef Weeteen and nouns. losses. Apply to - FAYETTE MOWN, Agent for the may of Pmebtugh, and for Allegheny county, oeta Ansi E===El Fos, Miamians oil Lira Aso GIA,XTFIt. A ait WILE ant Life !outran. Co topaioi in the U.Ntater. looraporated March to,lSl2—cLa.tes. perpetual, Capitol &.1.0,000—a1l paid to. Having aothorned the oodereigneil to reeovo appli cations for inartrance, on which policies, wilt be leveed, accordhig to their propoola and rates, which wilt be Mae knoten toapplizanta at ht{ office, Wood stroot.... . , gal , GEM. COCHRAN. LiftBilB4ll elifirriT'7ll GP PITTSBURGH CAPITAL ;KWh J. Emira,. Jr., See'' , I It. NRr.aa, Jr., PreVt. Wlll ullalre against all klnar at nsks, • • .FIRE AND MARINE. ALL lorsea Laliberatly aniumed and promptly paid. A home institation—maneged by Directors who are well kmewn to douommunny, and who are determin ed by Promptness and liberality to ulatotalti the char acter which they have issatnett,' as offering the best prbthellOplo Grose who drains to be Insure d Drasorov—lL Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, 1. W. Butler, Ni Holmes, Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C. Diemen, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon,. as . Lippincon, Vasa K. •Lltel, James MOsaley, A.les.Nistuek, Thoa Scott. 4;mmos, N 0.89 Water sucel, (warehouse , of Sparta A Co., up siairs,) Pittsburgh. • TILIIIIMELANCE. 11111 E DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU- J. RANCE comresir.—otr.., North Room of the Exchange, Third Mr.; Philadelphia. inst. lasusanck—Ruildinga, Merchandiee and other property in :own and covargr, insured against low, or dionage by lire at the lowest ram of pruritus. lbtamoss losoltalsent.:—They. alp Insure Vessela. Car goes and FrMighta, foreign or coestwise, under open or special poliMes, as Gm assured may desire. ,bmsanTAszetrortarrion.—Tliey Oro insure =reline. Bre transported by Wagon., Railroad Cars, Coon Boats and Steam Boats, ,ott riven sad label, on the Most liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph IL Seal, Edmand 1, Solider, John G Davis, Robert Burton, John Penrose, Bunts el Edwards, Geo G Leiper, Edward. Darlington. Isaac R Polwell,ibbll Elva M ton, June. C Hand, Thcophilua Pudding, II Jones Brookai. Henry Sloan, 'legit Crll6, George Serrill, Simumul kleClutulu, Chute. Kelly, 3 G'Johnann, Wit ham Hay,Tlr S Thomarclolut Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. !DIRECTORS AT PIMBDRGH-11 T. Morgan, rpm- Hagerty, Ina T. Logan,. • • ' • WILLUAI MARTIN, President. . liactuio S. h swace.o,Secre tary.- , Otheo of the Company, No. 41 Water street, Knaburgh. JultiAtt •P. A. MADEIRA, Agent . I PLUM:AAP DIALLIIN 7 INSVILAINCIC' THE INSURANCE 'CO. of North Am. ri c. will %make poTonnent and. lienhed Insurance or pro perty in this my und sileneiry, and en shipments by Myrrh Lakes, aet4 by Se. , Tim prorUes or thla COMplisly ore well invested, andfurnat nr an avail. sale Bind for the ample indemnity of all'persone who (helm to be protected loy insurance. myth . 'WhL P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water at. 121DIC*11ITY. ilid * Friaralia Ara lou.remte Co. of Pitiloctelpr ' RIRECTORSCOItarIes N. Butcher, Thorn. Ilan, 'Tobias Wainer, Samuel Grant, Jaeob R. Sent), .W lamberts, • Mordecai D. Letitia, Adolphe K Dorm, David 8. D rown, Monte Pauerron. • C.o. N. Dattelln, President. Charles O. Bench., Secretary: , Continuo to make inentarme, perpetual or litrutr.4, ea every description of property in town or country, at roost sale.. tot COOsistepiaritb security. To Companyalme refereed a large continaent Fond, Caplua end Premunnaotataly Wee , . 'afford ample ptection torhe assured 11T protection he twill of company, 014 immery let; late, or pDnabtothFd affreeably to an net of •Asserohlp, were es 1. 81847,139 41 Rea r it g late%• • • ...... •••.. • .. .1, 0 01 I Temporary Limas 711,001 86 41,413 1.1 • • • . . .... 111,170,192 71 Is.. their ineorporanan, • pedal of 19 years, they have pabrupviardapf saw million fora hundred thous • and d o llars,/ woe. 0 j fire, thereby myordiog ~,,, Fteadvantoges ot lateral:ico r as well as the ability dhiposnion to Meet with p tompmess all liabilities' 1. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, marl Ally Office N Econ.,' Wood .0 3d . 16 /-glrilf—'al2"/IlittliffaltifilEfdijibig co. F. . A . IdA DEme.Agew.a Pituburgh for the Dela . ware Mutual Safety linsurwee Cowpony of Plital• elphla lire Risks upon building*, wit merchandise o see d 'description and Marine Risks upon hulls or e of vesseds, inken, upon the most favorable nor Odiee in the Winelmaso of W. 11.11olmes & Bro., . o. d 7 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. dt—The euecess of ens Company since the estab -1 !anent of ski Agency. in this can with the prompt. ss and liberality with which ovary olaim upon Mein fdr Ulm lotabeen adjoined, fully warrant the agent m itiviting the einnittoneo end patrouage orbit hien& and ty at large to the Dehmere Al. S. lush. Company,'Xic'e.7nn'"i while it has tfia additional advantages as all Instltonegootig the must flourishing in Philadel p da—as hiving an ample paid-in capital, which by the ei yeratioa of its charter is constantly, increasing, at y eldlog to person massed his doe abate of the Profits of the company, without involving him In any itsponadrility whatever, and therefore ea powessuig t d e Mutest onneiple divested of every obnotion4 fen-. t re, and in its mast antiotiVe form.' d 00T , AND •13W1.11-111k111'S • New Collection o f a Chaten-Idasie comprising many of the most pole ai and useful ma!ns in common use, together with a &ireat variety • of inowouul original' Idaho and Hymn , saw, •Anthems;Chants, &e 4 detigned tor the use of Choirs, Congregations. Mediae dchoolii a,: :Just rer , Wised and for oats ty ELUOTT & lANGLI9II, - f t -A clt y l v e ., tit a l , 6LO V F ,r ..:+- 1;i 1 wt pail, 1. dot' ti ° 1 ""nitha Asa litabh2r b gito ‘ Depot. .I;:XLI.7n octbi J & iiroll.t..ws, •-1111314iFTXitkeit • JLP . (amn Chasibenbeg sumallonar., on band two Gr br ;.41, CULBliaraiN, .41,0 , • , 145 . . NBLRGII PITTSB HOTELS POLOITAIN'HOTEL. LIGET 9111EET BALTIMORE _ Yore omit ruCtissou, ettoratoroth THIS establishment long and widely known no being one (tribe soda commodlints In the city of l i lit Tigiumore, ha recently undergone very eaten livealterations sot Improvement.. An entire new wing this been ad ed, containing numerous end girt sle.iing apartments and ea... anal. ba th ing rooms. The Luther dep mama has Irp been, completely, reorraniivel and fined up In a nut ganique . and beauti ful atyle. In fact the whole arrangement of the Bottle hes been rothwideled, with a single eye on the part of thero pplimors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and 'which they conSdently wort will challenge comparison with any Hotel In the Union. Their table Will always be supplied with coney ante manta! and Iniury which the market afford., served op in ii superior style; while in the way of Wines, An., they will not he TPII/11D.C11. In conclusion .be proprietors beg to say. that nothing will be lelruadone on their part, and on the put of their ...nu, in render this Hotel worthy the continued petriinae orate)/ friends and the public generally. The pons pores for board have al. been reduced to the follog nowt: - Ladies' Ordinary, 01.75 per limy. Gentlemen's " LOO N. Be—The Baggage Wagon of the Howie will ab wayo-be friend at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will eitinvey baggage to and front the Hotel, free ir.2fi4rge. maythf LAMARTINEI HOUSE, COMM or YOUITII AM, 01410 MEC., RITABrILVII. THE subscriberrespectfully announce. that be has now opened kis new and excellent Howl (or the accommodation of travelers, boarders, end the public generally. ,The boner and fumnure ore entirely now, and no pains or expense have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable and pica.ont lintel. in the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fnroeeitol4lcilts,, a abate of public parsonage._ .4 JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, 011.113.1 LT B o o k TOCEII AIND stun rm. dr iplTE jam nof the United Pixies, Phila. fia fa. POPE MITCH:ELI, moms Proprietor. LAW OFFICES. JOHN EL RANKIN, ATTORNEY and Contwellor at Law and Comm.. nowt for the Ptate of Pentutylvarna, rat. Louis, (lat. of Pittsburgh.) • • • arzexacea—Piumburghi Hon. W. Forward, 'lamp ton ts Miller, WCandless t M'Clare, /oho E. Parte, i wolf. t •aentple.lSPCord t King. angl4:dly 11. Bala. P SPIUMPPT. BAIEW.4 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS er LAW, Fourth Greet, bemoan ,SrttitAfteld and Grant, •Ittsbargh, Sala Juan L 1.41.0 'WA LARGE A. 7/11.11iND, . A TTORNEVA AT LA W, FourtA strer t, neai Grant: fl radar . , JA/trilal ATTORNGY AT LAW.—olliee am Roush st., be- Menem Smithfield and Grant.; Pittrbarith. aptlMdly WM. TIMBLLN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, .Pa WILL also attend to °Dilemmas and all other bast , V nese entrusted to dim la Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa. Reim to SEEM James Marshall do Pitsbanxh. Fay & Co., Wood N. 1 lan7 -r swErrzEß, Amuney at Lira., came 3 st, g opposite Et. Chalice Hotel. Pittsburgh, will that attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. REFER TO lilac k etock, Bell & Co., Church & Carothers, }Pnubergh. D T. Montan, E J. HENRY, 'Attorney and Countyllot at lA, . Ciutimiatt, Ohio. Collections in Southern Much and In Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended I& Commissioner for the State arena. tyke - unix, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, hie && Ran.Wth. & Son Cants, Church & Carothers, Wm. Day., Esq., Will' ocktc Dania isZ .BATS, CAPS AND. BONNETS pa FALL FASHION FOR HATS. 0 - 414. MeCORD A incrodsce L. day t,atur.tra, An.; TAIL.). Oa WI styla r.(GentlcA Saw, rorno Fi•O nod Wood creels. .03 - SIMOILD dn. CO, ISneeeasors to arCord t King) lift To.shisma.blo Hatt•rn, Coner of Wood oat Filka Straw& ARTICULAR attention paid tri - ont Retell Trade, P Gentlemen eu fely upon getting their flats and Caps how our establishment of the sat Wi1341.• and aroaxwartuar, of the tar= rrtma, sod at the 7alWl. Coon Merchants:rationing by wholesale, are respeethilly invited to and ea nine our Stock, os ancanny with toadenee that as rwsards ynatm d row,it will nal safer MA compulsion wuh any . house in Philadelphia. fetrl7 4Cetb.l 11&11.11 doe water prbof California lisle, bet received End for male by & Co,, 1.347 comer:oh and Wood .to a• PILING RILIWUTON Y 0111149. .IWEORDR.Co,wiII Ribrodnee on barer dayi'Mareli *the Bering aryls or RATS. Thorn lo want of a near and mpatior bat, are invite to call at corner of II and Wood aroma. man Q PRIM') BONNET RIBBONS,' ite.—W R Murphy Q 1 bee now open a supply clam - mg Rennet Mamas, of new and bandmme melee. Air., new Myle fig'd Netts; Lisle Lanes and Edg- Inge; Linen Edgings; Victoria do; plaid Maslow and Jaconew, embroidered Brest Umbria, Le.; imaideir . . , large amorttnent of Spring (loads generally, at north eagt Corner 4th and Market street.. Wr.olesale Room up ...its. ape FORWARDING &COMMISSION. Trios silt TUAItT st SILL, Grocer., and Produce and Coro mls.ton Merchants, No. LIB Wood st. Pittsburgh. Dealer. fu Grace ries, Flour, %Slew, Ry e, Gate, Cora, Barmy, Pork, Bacon. Bauer, Lard, Checeei Clover, reentliy sod Flax Reeds; Iron , Nails, Glass, Re. or. &c. Particular emotion paid to the sale of We Kern Produce. litennviren—Messrs. Myen &Hunter, Robt.Dah soh & Co., hl."GiLs & Roe, Hampton, Smith & Co., .181.• Ktng & Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner & Massillon. JoaS. Motown, Esq., St. Louts. ;01S , cats , D.AIO SKINNY/OX, late of N. tisbon 0. as, a ...lop C G ENERAL AGENCY, Ceois unsiou and Forward ing Merchants, No. ala M ke IhUsbnrgh, Pa. (Prompt attention given to the purchase and .le of all kin. of Produce. Roma no—John Wan & Co., Dupla, Wilson & Co. Pittsburgh, Pn.; Lawson & Hill, Won Martin, Wellsville, O.; John fl. Brown A. Co, Grigg, Elliott & Co.. Philadelphia: R. W. Snodgrass & Co., Gldag e & N.:cc:New Lisbon : o.; Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. D. Conan, Cincinnati; I. P. gellsr, Yoangstown, 04 W. L. St.. anti. Cleveland. 0. aug24 _ GEORGE COCHRAN. Comp:skeleton and Forkte . kike/wg alitutheutat.. 30. 53 WOOD ar., rasa,Pirro 4IINUDI to transact a gikmral Commission hul new, eepecially in the purchase and sale of Ameri can Mumfaittnrys and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to his cars. As Agent for the Nanufactures, he will he consumtly eapplied with the prirmipal ankles of Pittsburgh Mumfactnre at the lowest wholesale ppnoes. Orders and cormignments Penn Machine Ilhop. HWIOIITMAN-111.1factarer of a/I binds of cot • ton and woollen machinery, All city, Pa The those work. being now in full oil succewit. op oraunn, lam prepared to ereiete. ottani with &quell for all kinds of machinery in Ay Bite melt as willow., pick err, 'Treaders, cards, grineing Mitt-me., railways, drawing frames, speeder., thiewils, looms, woolen cards, double or tingle, for me reliant or country . work, mules,jrcks,&e.;sllde and hand athe and tools in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made fo onler, or plans ov en tor genus* factories or at reasonabloyharge. Recta To—Kennedy, Chihli , A. Co, illacksumk, Bell h. Co., King, Pennock fr-Co,Jiw. A. Gray._ - - Monongahela Livery Stables met HOBERT ii. YaTrIi J MON has wanted the large Mettle orl Fleet it, runnace Omagh to Second at, be Wood and l iaise, notthfield sta.,ta thet s tock ethe Monongahela want an mutely new s affiance ind rice of the Leta gaellty and latest style. i [Of rig acorn lyres ry In the ben manner. /TIMM FOB. GREMNWOOD GARDEN/. The swam host A. AIASON 11i li now sons frcim the Porn foot iim ligai n gf Liberty attract, to the Liar. n—leaviox at hAWlock, A. hi., and at lid beguirung or each hour untilP. hi Vigiters may rely on finding the boat at Me hour. tihe leave. the (Wilco, the lost op trip, at Pi ii , Clohk• The season Is fast advancing, and those wishing to visit this delightful mica', now is the Urne ter spend a few hours, not in the sindke and dust of the city, bid 111 a pure annoaphere, perfumed with th e fragrance of dowers. All kinds of refreahments, except intoxicating drinks, are kept on 'the premises. (human/ow Planta, and Bouquets of choice Dowers for sale. Closed on Sun day. ' JAMEA hPKAIN. ' (0-Change of laudinitmude on aihount of low . zoii.IIIILTENIIIIIELOBIL t 3. 11. ASSENT, Forwarding and llootoussion Mcr clutnt, bturemoved to No. CO Front, between Wood nod llnutltfteld streets. hfil l have Nor. PUTIPK, made on an Intprorc p1.,50 us not to free. in the coldest ereather. Person. wanting such atlidlea, are invited to call and see thew at • ',WAIVE:St ATKINSON'S , _emu Isti, between Wood Market au Steam Drilo k 'Works for Salt • - IIE witimriber offers lot gale, the ISTEAR BRICK T WORKS, above Lawrencerille, comprising Strut Koch., 2 Boilers, 0 ISIOold Ruching, of of manufacturing Mina Fretted Brieks lout of dry clay, as taken from the bank,' per day; With three arres of lead on the Allegheny riser, on which are 4 kilns and abed., machine and clay sheds, wheelb area's, truekit, thane., tpaalca, At.. every.dlingreiplistle to rom ellele! o,tlolo. at ea hours putted. Pnee. eludlnll Me potent tight Ito Itae said madded, 67, terms of pep meet Made easy. Without the land, Kl' r. For tienicishira adder..' No 112 Monongahela Roose. DELL AND BRASS veusco— , A FULTON, Bell and Founder, has re built and commenced hminesti. at his old ittaitdo where he will be pleased to one 41 old emu:de em tmd imends. Chtsich,theumbmat-and Deily of rmerY flr " . " ° g r ,10,00) pouilds, CAA from patterns of the Meat approv ed models and warkanted to he of the hem materials. :Bittern? Water Posops,Cournma, Railing, rec., togn ther With every variety of Itntss Costinga, U reloit'edr tented and msbod In the neater 1311•1111 f A F. Is th Be role proprietor of Bsures Ancl•Arrat . Tri. ' ,M. - agat i r;. e4• 4re tr ;?.. " :: t a h n e ., -d*" . l 7,L. n 1 Coo lied of bite pl all time..- . ' FA"PER —2ooil reat — iti — Of PLo o k rapm,,,a sultertor ankle. ...sorted aims on hand. Any star Madam onimahtimett notice, until , C BILL, kl 7 Wood el GH, .THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 1849 COTARTNERSIIIPS. E=T=2l ••• • • • TIM partners nf the un4rrsivi.ed, under thr firrn a . Banality IC smith. lam &Rt.:lived by retinal content on Ash September, W. Regale) , purchasing interestof J. H. Smith, whogntres. The. &minces Or the firm wUI be Rented by their Mecct•ors, W. deploy & Co„ at Non IS WILLIAM BAG A LEV, Pittsbargh.Oet 9, 49. ISAAC IL SMITII. CO.PARTICiERSLIIIP.—Wat Bagaley having aelo tinted anal him Wm. Woodman! of Philadelphia ; John 8 Cosgr and Ralph Barttley of Piunbprgh, will eantinue ave Wtroletale Grocery Mei:tees, ot Not. In and IV Wood a. muter the firm of . . . .• . . .„ WhI.IISGALKY S. CO, Pittsburgh; and MOSLEY, WOOOWARD.S. CO., Mimi'. tict9 Di•sillui foi fp rpm eopnitnership heretofore extrine between the outisenben. under the style of Brown k Culbert ton, was dissolved on the 11l Inst. by mutual_knocut. ' 711.11.,,TR01FY, Pittsburgh, 'Oct. 5, tdls. A. COLI3ERTSON. The sabsorther sant commas the Wholesale Grose sy aud ttorutnitsien Business, as heretofore, at the old stand,l4s Llbstts . et. nnts A. CULBKRTSON. co-PARTMERSEIIP TORN PARKER and JOHN W. RIDDLE harm en feted into P•nnoraliip, under the firm of PARKER I RIDDLE. and will carry nn the Shoe hostile. in all branch., the old mend of John Parker, ror nes of Federal ...and South Common. city of Alleghe ny. JOHN - PARKER, oetridim JOHN W. RIDDLE. EMO:IM=I=I • • • • • • RoPßlerolis OP THE PITTSBURGH ALKALI P WORKS, are now prepared to furnish a roperot article of Pods Ash and Moronic Arid. Persons Ina] big to purchaseeither of the 'above articles are re quired to call on' ISAAC WALKER, No. 13 Fifth or and examine the articles before purehastng elsewhere. N. 11.—The Soda Ash manufactured at thin establish ment tit greatly nuperior to any other brought to this market. split -NOTION. YINING sold oar CAille neck to C. H.Oustr, with a view to closing our eld boldness, we hereby ow het for him the patronage of all our [needa and cus tomer.. RO. W. POINDEXTER, TIIE.TOINDY , " — fqe ....fox. Pluaborgh, Ant Ith, ISIS. EII:ALPE & ATKINSON, TIM. errwari Woon AND ALuure, Prrrs.rnaH, (NONTINUE to manufacture all kind.of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black- "tth Work. Steam Boats halt to order. Special summon given to steam bunt work. Have on Minds •firie WiLlltMelltolCopper . sma Brass Kettles, Tin W•rs.ke. /se. Steamboat Cookumßlovok, Portable Forms, various tilte-.1!1 very convenient u ncle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road el:spat:Lies. Ve would respectfully invite steam boat men and ethers m eOl and see our arueles and prices before purchasins elsewhere. HA? - Dissolution of Partnoritilyb Pith copartnemhip of HENRY HANNEN k CO.. lormerly Ilannen..Mrdler is Co., in the Window • LI Colored Glass business, is this day duisolvoil by the 'outlasts's] of Mr. Fredenek Muller. • - The business will he continued by the understimed. antler the hob of HENRI( HANNKN k (Xi Ware house No 10, Second st, where we will ts.v. supplies of superior Window Glass.. JOHN PIANNEN, - HENRY lIANNEN, HUGH ROBERTSON. Piugburgd. Aug. O. 49. HENRY VMSTRAII. • Copartaerahlp. FIMIE node ridgnisd Eave this day aswciated moth thew T to basin.. JACOB 4 SCHWARTZ, and will eon done the brismess u heietofons, ender the firm of D. A. FAHINESTOCK Is CO. .013 NOTICE. of tl..lltrailley: iteCoe:will be carried on by A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the late REMOVAL.—A. BEAM.. h.a removed Ms Foundry Warehouse from No. lIS becond street, to No.ll lWood street, between First mad Second etrems, a the warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where he will keep Connally On band • general assortment of Casuncs. times. Stotres,,Coolung Surma ate. tyld 0111 . 80LUTION PE partnership heretofore crtsung .betsreen Sam eel B Burhfield and William B. Hays, trading coder the firm of fILTSIIFIBLD & IfArrt, bee this day .n illwolved by Wilburn 0. nays selling hat entire inteleid in the Arm so S. B. Burinamid. All account. due the firm will be collected by 3 D. Bodineld. and udl debbi doe by the late firm to be paid by th e same. S. 11. HUSHPIE:LD, W. D. HAYS. CO-PARTNER..4.II3 . -8. B. Deaden:to 'having this day aaenetated yob hintoell 11mrs• Lxaou, formerly of Redford. Po.. and rmeutly of use rational Hotel, Pittsburgh. anti [OW. o . I itar hamar.. male, the .sna of,HERHFIELDB. LEADER, at the old nand, No VW Ltl.ert H.eet. S. 11. HUSH FIELD, ritmburgh, June TJ, ti o. e ll LEADER. Haeiag rettnxi ham the farmer bumness, I WE< plansure in recommending , euee.... 7 . to the pa tronage of toy onto:nes., and they Feneral•y. K. tt. liA I=! THE copartnership heretofore existing between the salmenhers, in the name, of 'Cabalale, Backe h. Co., it this day dissolved by mama/ conwoo. .31 Burke A. Humes wtll sada the, busincsaof um con cern, for which purpose they are 'authorised to om the norm of the concern. NATHAMFIL CONSTABLE, EDMUND 11UHKE, THOMAS CARNETS, The undenureed have thus day emaciated themselves in the name of IieRKE & BARNES , for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safe*, Vault Dour*. he_ he, at th e sussed of the late firm o f Constable, limes A Co., where they well be pleased to rec.., the pit. Voltaire of the enstameriOrthgl house and them (needs. 'FA/NIL:ND BURKE. THOMAS HAIL FS. - , In retiring from the firm of Cobets , le. Burke & CA, I with 'them plesteure recommend Ales.... Burke b. Domes to the confidence:of my friend, and th e public. Feb. 0,1e411. NATILANIF:L CONS.TOISLE. kW :14d DISSOLUTION Tllillv—uP of SIURPHY LEE la this day fin. 'rhe business of the late Pidabargh, Jan. E., le4Y. 311.1.aRPHY' NtyrfpF,—th e foldorsllford will conuntos me Wool bolo :cos and utood a au, Bale of Woolen (,o of Om old cond. H. LE}. In retiring from the firm of khophy A Lee, I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. Lee to the confidence of my into& and the nubile. - Pittsburgh, Jan. at lEIII J. R. MURPHY. TDFiubday ratedthem .l.wives together for the purpose of transitetingi• wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, at No KR Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the style and firm of. ItUSIIFIELD A HAYS. Pittsburgh, January 1,1549. N. 11—Our old C.14131.n and the public are invited to give no • mill.' • CO.PAILTINiELLSIiIP; SCAIFF: and 'Capt. JA...III'S ATKINSON . have entered into partnership, ander thu him of AIFE A ATKINSON, and will terry on the Cone: : Sheet Iron , V,: d r i e..madintheery. stand of Wm. B7=fe . ,First ' sTree7n c ea ' r . kitid. ' old Partieufur attention given to steamboat work. one! I HAVE due day eesaclated sae to th e whale- I. sale Grocery, Produce and Conan:damn businere, lay b other Joseph , under hero of DILWORTH A. Co. c 1. S. DILWORTIL January 1., legd. • I 0-PARTNIZIESTIIP—Wm Young having Ms day nutocinten ontßinut, John R. 51'Conn, the len- flier business will hereitther be condueurd under the Ann of Wo.. Younk IQ , . WILLIAM YOUNG, jars . Jiio. R M'CIINE. MISCELLANEOUS , Oyster)! Oysters! DRUMM & COB Daily , . linear regularly de l) hireling Can and Stiell OYSTERS, which are of.. Erred to dealer. and Comities at the lowest price. Quality warrantui equaS to any brought to this mar. ket, and for sale by J. c,nlowELL, Age Waxer at. the follow — ingAiepotai—lteis &Berres, cor ner Sauthfield and Seentiditsi E. Ile.”leton, D i amond; Mercer & Robinson, Federalist, Alletiteny. netls JAMICS Ws T WOODWELL, ltidern and dditique Furniture, 83, Tin. Sens,inerrn a ulaii. eleout im ' en; :PF= d re d , C'' . 6".. ol 7•l?Cwie'r; suitable for floamboats, ;:',—..- Ai; •• Hotels and prgate dwei- '. tinge, constantly on hatld and made to order. The present stock on, hand cannot be exceeded by any to lit Ott western reentry. Persons wishing to purchase wittlid do well to &rne a cell, Is inu determined my2lpriees shall please. Part o f he stockoma. in— Tete • 'Fete; k Buffet Etageic; I Louis XIV Chairs; e. queen Ehkabeth 'chairs, i Tee Pay.; INS Tables; Toilet Tables; ,'• Louie XV Commode=, French Mahogany Beasteadk Piano Stools; 60 soft. with Pilot; and Ilaineloth covets, 50 bielogany Rogklng Chairs; 40 des Parlor - do NJ "Fancy ' I l do 26 center Tables; t 00 pair Divan.; /; pair otef TWA", 16 marble top Dressing Bureaus, 8 Wardrobes, 0 Secretaries and Book caves, 20 marble lop Wash Stands; - 4 pale Ottoutansi , 0 pale fancy Work Stands; A eery liege eesortnignt of common chug and other furniture too nuineroue to mention. c ipLtzel . n o l s k , , a c t . ..fu n ilthe te d e n m e . the shortest d i r ki o tt l 7, Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. 40 THIS is to certify that I have an. Sole pre Roggen tr. Co. Sole Ape. for the rale of Jenning's Patent Dinprehgm and Filter, far the cif ties of Pittsburgh AlOsheny. 1011 N GIBSON, Agent, for Wolter DI Gibson, 349 Weeklong N. V.I 001,10,1E48. Welsave been wog one of the above articles at the odice of the Novelty:Mnrks for three months, on trial, .end feel perfectly satisfied thet it is a useful invention, end we take pleesdre in recommending them as a um, fin article to all who laic pore water. Orders will be thimkfully received anti promptit executed. . °eta LIVINGS PON. ROGGF.N k Co Ita•orslDlZ VI eeeee nor Gook, FOR PURIFYING WATER, f) Which renders turbid water pore by in rather all substance. not.lubla to ICI ater The crown wetter tri N.Vork, .t . R 'i v. it°14.,`".. - -arr..rtlhro m en,V. ...„.4. filtering cock, allows a large tie Imps entittauces, weans, tee. Thu le the ea w more or less with ell by was.. The lieventible Fittest, is um= and durable, and is not attended with s lat Inconvenience incident to other Faeroe, as It eed without being detached fro= the water pkte, by merely turning the key or handl.. Dom oncielde to the *ler. By this easy process, two course of water is changed, and all accumulation/4o impve sabstaticks aro driven off almost Instantly, without tinorewmg tho Fill er. o f also possums the advanuge of being a Mop cock,artil as such 10 en eaxstletil be eety aonvenient and economical. Stan basttashed where there Is any pre ggggg blite or love to a cask, tank; tub, kro. with ease. Agen To be bad of the sole t, ,WILSON, potty ,co=ne of Fourth and Market Ina %, :. , , . MISCELLANEOUS Ohmslate, Cocoa, tae. - . W. Baker's American and French'Chocolate, Peeper- . t ud 0 ..4 Canon Pule, Broom, Cocoa Shelia... TO merchant. and consumers, who would purchase • the best product. of Comnb free from adultemnont re nulTiSol.4 than tea Of Cane; and In quality an .sed, the subserib. recommends the above articles, Vmmuthentmtd by himaelrland Taped with Ids name. Hi. Brenta and Comm Paste, delicate, palatable, and .salutary drinks for insali s, convalescent., and other's are pronounced by the molt eminent phystemna slpener to any other preparations. His manur.tares ace always on sale, m any quantity, by the mart re speetabla roam in the caste. clues, *ad by their a.m., [law., Gray &co, of Boston; Jam. id Donee dr co, Hartford, Ointint Ititutsey & Men), New York; Grant & Stone, Philadelphia; Tnont. V Brundice, Bal timore; and Kellen. k Bennett,Cincinuati, Ohio. ' NY ‘L'PER BAKER. Dorchester Mass. • =Mart . ,=:=M:l Wrought land Cast Iron nailing. Tchap have fashionable designs for Item Railing, both for houses and eemeteriee , Persons wishing to procure hand some patterns will please cult and exempla, one lodge for themsalvec Itatling will be furnished at the short est notice, and in the best manor, , at the earner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city, ungo-dif A. LAMONT It KNOX- W. a, J. GLICNN, Book Hinders. raro sill engaged in the above business, comer E a Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh,. when we are prepared to do any wok in our line wttb des patch. We attend to our work personally, mos factiou will be given in regard tojts neatness and do. rabilicy. • Blank Book. salad to any DEW. ond.b...d " b " stantially. Booka in numbers or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names put an twits to gilt lessen. Those that ban( work in our line are Invited se call. Prices low. sayglltf TIIE;POINDEXTEJL ('I 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commiulnn .d ll Po rwashvg blerehoot, No. 41 Water at. anlll Cooking Stoves, Gratis, &o. I►gAILSHALI4 WALLACE & CO., Round. Church, .I.Ylconies Liberty and Wood stroeu, manufacture and offer for sale. Platform, Floor and Counter Scales, of the most improved quallty; Cooking Stove., for wood and coal; Egg Stoves of cation. sixes, Parlor and common Ofillt•Holloas Wm& tee. le. They also manufactum the Kitchen &wage, which has given each whl wnsfaction w Now having it ions& to a ll of they would re.pecnblly Myna the attention of the citizens and ate public genenilly. oce.'7Aitf Al - riNUFACTURF.D 'TOBACCO—The sabwriber would call the emigre of the .city mile and deniers getterally,to the following brands Tobaccos, in store and to amen, which being consignments di , rent from inannaerners, he lr enabled to sell at mit ., prices: 133 hza 8 W Crenshaw 0r 70 James Mullion ON " Lamanine in; 73 " es; " Pnrnam S. and la; 15 " }Whorls & Sisson be; 'it 1 " Oscar Bari 6s; " Johni & Lewis le; 3 1 " Warwick sop. In: 48 k " Henry James fis, Is and Ps; rebel L 8 WATEILMAN, Pitt Wasittao Works omit Paroadry, nrnimmint, rt. uan, sorb as Canting aiaehilme y 14=1,4 Frasnes, P Speeders, Drawi ng Phone% loil/tknY wh Dressi Prunes, Looms, Bard Gunde, u. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sites aeon Iron, Politer and Rangers gibe !Wert penman, Ode and band Lathes, and mob, oral' kind. Comings er every demription fornilihrd on short notice.. Pal made to order for. MillGenrullr, Iron Bailing, Am SMain Pipe for b t:lg Factories. Cast Iron , Wio ..7aeh wid Laney Con. Ono 'stormily. Order lell at the Waretenuse ol i nfo Co., Liberty street will Late prompt auto- • • Hoehn to Ill.limpet, lieu .Ir.Co-rJ. li. Aloortheut Co, O. E. Waitaki, John Istria & Sans, Pittsburgh; G. C. &J. H. Warner, Steubenville. wag lIIGW COACH PACTOILT. alLlSZtall. tfdly form M. te W p i ntill E o that llie ' y ' ll i a d ve M e 4 ;c ec eted ..hop eo Lacock,betweeh Federal mil Sandusky streets. They are now mak inigand are prepared to recciy• orders for every demnpuon of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ba. reaches, Phstons, he., Re., which front their look espertencoin the ...tractors of the ithoVa work, We e facßiues they have, they fecleonhdent they hre cambia to do wort on the molt reasonable terms with , Maim wanuagardeles in their lino. raying parucalar attenuate to the selection of mate rials, and hash* soon bat competent workmen, they have no hesitation to anurranting their work. We umrtfoke ask the attention of the public to thin matter. N. U. Repairing done in rho best manner, and on the most reasonable term a '‘ • tboatf OOLS* n~ANUFACI U. TO - C0TT0N R.R......1..i A4D . n l d l/ e fora eon slant suppty a FACTORY FINDINGS, we WE eell et wer Ewes Calf and Sheep Eder Skins, Lace Lew Litet'i DP.* Sllntlea, hemp Terme T readles' Net, S Wrtnetlee, Stripping Cards, Lu to IS in; Parent Drawer WE1..., Weems , DEG. e Au. LAMAN, WILISON t CO LiG4 IE Wso etreet,dittutterdh. jj - OHT WIXFS--Ottley, Webber &Forrester, 1.34; 1. Pare nett and dry, (award, Campbell at Co's old dry lsl. Osbourn'. MIL Pura IS4tr. Pure /nice or. ocular Pon, Hams Ye Sons, Pare Juice, lltreble, dou ble and .ingle Grapes. These wines are all cerebra. tetl for tinny meshes' omPentes, and can bb badmbolo• sale or retail at 51.8 Wum Store of iebbe WEAVER, d r . . - PiXmosi pm; sabseneer otTers for sale a large and splendtd assortment . of rosewood and mahogany grand At tlee Pontos, won nd without Coleman's celebrated .lionau Auarement. The above moraine /as are war. rented to be equal to emanufastared to this roan try. and will be sold lower that any brought from the lILUMII, No Ili wood et, Itid door above sth N Senp will be taken- at par fur a few of he above mortment. MTV F. U. ilardWare—Oh• - apr *has )wart • LOtieN, W11... , 41ti a CO., Importers and Ibliolehala om e n, labiware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No OS Wood meet, Clove Fifth, have now in more a very cheap and well aeleetrd mock of Hardware, imported wine, the decline of price. In Fame, and which they ere den:Mimed tooth COM spondingly low. Merchants who have twee no the habit of going East, are panien 'Kay tequemed to call and look through our stook, as confidenUy believe they will me their expeneea oet4 WANTED, mLy at thp BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA , D NEW YORK. DOS ron AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, .Young MEN in wholesale and retail stores, and Other, resiketahle business, to net as Book-keepers, Sales men, Porten., Bv.keepers, Weitzel, Termer', Coach- Men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collectors, Oversonrs to all brunches of basiness, trei. We have at ell times a large number of good idtuationa on heed, which pay from MO to 52,060 per annum. Those in went of situations Many kind would do well to give use call, a. we haverbsgents In each of the Wince which will enable es to piece every applicant in a suitable situation at the eliortestnotice. We have • largo acquanitanee4Uall the above named cities, which we trust will ; le us to give entire smth, i con to all who may vor us with a call. TAYLOR & TAYMAN, No. 69 Second ft, between South and Gay. N.B.—Persons living In tiny ,part of the U. State., and wishing to obtain • situation in Baltimore, or ei ther attic above cities, will have their wants imme diately attended to by addressing us a hue, (poet-paid) us by vie doing they will Caftelit both trouble and ex. imlne, which they otherwise would incur by earning to the city, aitd eeeking employment for themselves. Address, TAI LOP. h. TA YMAN, N 0.69 Second street, inyllsidtf L Baltimore, MIT Dr. !McLane In Tennorse. !lUDS is to cenify that I purchased one vial of Dr. hhoLane's Worm Spectfie, some two mouths ago and pow to a son of mine, some seven yes. old, two teaspoons (oil, and although the amount may appear large, yet I have no doubt but there was onwards of rwo 1510110010) Worm passed from him. measuring boot One quarter of an Inch to two inches long. 0 W HOLLIDAY. Roartto Crook. Carrot eta Tenn.. Dee 27, 147. )all . BENNETT BROTHERi 4FECN SW ARE MANUFACTURERS, letroalmaittams, Plttsburfeled Pa. TVarekoun, No. 137, Wood drat, Pilleburgie. WlLLeonstantly keep on hmtd •good rumen. meet at War% of our Own umnfactore, and ouperiorgaalny. Melanie and coontie Mer cheas aro rerpeotfolly Invited to call and amino for then:Melees, rut we are determined to wiz cheaper than !worm before been offered to the pub. 1j ()Mora sent by ranll,occomp.led by the cub or on reference. will be piemPllT mo TILE LAM -.Joey =calved, a 101 l aslortmin of gold tool ulver 'Thread, Cord and Brudi aloo i..putgloa ond Bullion, for ernbroiduing and other or °ammonia work. Alm, gold oodUlver-Tawels, Funge aud - Laca. • Jewelry of the Wen fuhions, in Feat variety. Watches of superior quality and beautiful patterns, od fdr sale at Easternprices. W W oust corner Market and Fourth sts AA THEN/EUIII BATHING STAIILISII. MILN r—Opett from 6 A. AL to It P.M.Bingle Bath 25 cents, ore for 1 dollar. Ladies department open from 9 to 11 A. Al. and from 2 to 5 P. M. The Refreshment Saloons are unequalled In style ettendnocc. Recherche Ire Cream: • u T. APPALL, Proprietor. • • rf CIE attention of the public is respeetiony called by 1 the following certificates: Ela P. ileums—Caving tamed a quantity of Gold weighed by your arcommer, I find the malt proves your 111.11121201.1 colleen sac recommend the use of it to noon /tying to California, se the best method for oto mining Inc real value of. Gold. Rasp. yours, J. B.MUNLEVY,GoId Stew:. Pinsbuigh, March 9,1979. Prelantruatt, March 7, 1642. hiaF Sir. Ilertag exendued the "Arco. meter," manufactured no you rooms, I do net heitUste o commend it to the use of those gentlemert• who are photo removing to California in search of MM. - . • . It given e approximation to the oeseide larhei I); of metals, and gull ecrtabely enable the adventarct ucertain when Ida placer to yieldlne Gold. mono Yours. rem it hPOLINTGCSC CLAYIIIING—Jast reeerved for the C•hfornla Hipedhion a complete aseortment of Gam Wavier Clothing, ar pricer ranges from from 5540 lb lILIOU for um of [Oak pact .04 r ot de .11 the Oahe Ihtuaber Depot, rio b Wood e. decall 1& II PMLLIPS _ . • GRIM. 171, 1 1STRAN 'Ct A DDLR NARNESS,TRUNR AND WWl' MAN UFACiulltit- , TTho sabscrikes or. IJ meWud of tnforming his friends .4 the public In geuenl that he has the lancet stock of the following named atilt giro ofhis own casnaf.tore in thislip-1%3411m, Dar. F,Tr...k. and Whips, all argoltielt Ito will e e Ito kr mule of the het t.reaterial and by. De 'test meeln• J hliklfhenY. County. -Being deWrgairted to sell 13ts manufactures sor.thing lowerthke keg been here .fare sok by .y dmdar sonablistasont LA the ."77 Istank4 .por..• in niod of the above maraca untie, to hueirchause, N 0.244 LibenylV.i, °VP. sire Sorcath. Altoo, booth, took to order foe cetgagg mach+ • Q !UHT and =entree BILL 9 OP EVILLS4O24 PaY , able in Cincinnati, Lewisville and St. Loa* yal abased on We moat favorable terra. -• • ' .06 - N. HOLM ES &ISOM MISCELLANEOUS IFOR Tile 161100.. rellatelVlT eerie 0, AIL DMUS IiME!BMMEMI • • • • . • Scrofula cc King's Rheamatiam, Obstinate Cum. ' means Eruptions,Timples or Pustules on the Fate, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eye., Ring Worm or Tenter, Scald Dead, Enlargement and Pain of the Honer and Joints, &Ohara Ulcers, Syphittie Symptons, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and diseinea arising from an iniudiciotts use of Mercury,. Ati . then or Dropsy, Exponure or Imprudence to Life, Also—Chronic Conititational Disorders, Re. Thin Medicine hut acquired a very extended and es tablished reputation wherever it has been used, bard h en s ralo lyo s u u s s taiwnd m e Th u w n hch n it a s t e ape c r m e o ff f i efficacy ediutry disease, with swollen glands, contracted al. news, and bones half various, has been restored to health and vigor. The scrofulous patient, covered with ulcers, loathsome to himself and his attendants, has been made whole. Hundred. of persons,who had groanarl, hopelessly for years underutaneous and glandular disorders,; chronic rheumat i sm, and many other complaints Furl:thing from a derangement of the secretive organs and the circulation, have been rained ton it were from the rack of disease, And row, with re generated constitutions, gladly lastly to the efficacy of this inwitanble prep.:Mon. ' • "TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.' - - . The attention of the render Is called to the following artoniehing cunt, effected by the use of Satrs'Snignia. arida: This is to certify that I h.e a colored woman who has been maimed for., last fire years with Scrotal., and all the remedies I ...had no effect in arresting the progress of the complaint; on MeeontosfY, she ETU and grow worse; and after expending between flu and &so with pitisieians, beside. ..lag other Pole afar remedies without success, till the dimhad cairn away the cartilage of her now, made Its appear since on various parts of her body, and had finally ed its messes In the roof of her month. Co ln this dreadful utuation, with We prospect of death staring her in the face, I gated her ease to Cr. Meow C, the went Inc Sands' Sarsaparilla In Newborn. N. C , by whom I was advised to ass that Wield; and to my sarpriae and that of my nenthbors, to whooshes pass was known. after using fear and a half boittee she was restored to perfect health, and Wain the space of three weeks, and was able to work In two weeks from the time she commenced taking it. In witness of the truth of this statement, I have here• yaw saxed my name, this Ilia day_of Pent. 1647. • JOSEPH SVC J. P. Mouth Of Neuse Ricer, Craven ea, N. C. SORE TIIKOAT. The Mooing is ' closet from a letter reeereed 'from him Bevan, who an had been Maimed several yews itu serorw... Meets, Orshefalsr &el and ast aff«hon of the throat and chest— :Daileysburg,Va Dee. 13,1811 Alessi. A.B. Maya. Ilethre I commenced us ing your Sarsaparilla, my saferings were almost past .espressione, my threttwas completely elcerathel, I bad .a dreadful cough, and there were frequently weeks to acther that I could net speak above a whisper; and be ides, the n.danimation from my 'throat extended tO my bend., no thet my hearth/ wwi eery much Impaired. 'Ante taking the SA'S.. pnntla cohort time, y health improved, and my throat is now well; I am a m freefrom cough and tightned of the chest as ever I men, and 'can hear quite distinctly. My throat has been well .about three mouths. the mare of whieh has been elect ed entirely by the use of your Sarsaparilla. Your friethl, LOUISA. IL SEYAN. • The Celloarang tealimonial to the value of the Sang, to (tom the Rev. Lather I% rct, aged 70 year Convegaeonal Madame, residieg at'Woodm: - Wears', Alva, March atelk, 1516. • • M iSauda,Geratemen, From tabs: I havcestre• .rienced. and from the mformation I beet recently re. cawed from a atwitter of persona of high rerpectabili ty who have mad your daraapvilla, I have not the le 'at doubt but that It m a moat valuable medicine, and lbw the aummeto. cetancatea you have received ails 'efficacy are fatly sant:tined by expencoce, and al ffiough it repetition sad nutty are — icry Glienuve, and alalld in uo need of my humble efforu to increase ahem, I reset all rebut are anneted by diimasa to become acquainted with teceffieacy and power of your valu able medics,. I am. gentlemen, gratcfally, and Vary respectfully ilwars, LUTHER L . Prepared and .old, wholesale and retell. by A.ll. SANDS, Megabit and Chemist, ICO Fulton street, carper of Millburn, !New York. Sold also by Drag girth generally throaabant toe United States and Can ada,. Pelee St gm:erasure:rag booths for SA For .ale by L IL A. FAHM23TOCIC A Ctl i ind EDWARD Pittsbargh boor. S. s S MI TH. Ibidginder. .tl3 rITTSBIIRGIAL F/181A.1.E INSTITUTE. THIS lmwote. under he e.,. ,oci`.7.l.lTU,T f Se ; 17th of tember, in the same rooms, No Si ',thew; street. Hernia limited the number of their pupils, the Princthals hope to , o crit a coutltWation of that liberal patronage they have Or hewn enjoyed. Parents may fee! augured Oar every ad•antage will-be afforded their danginers, if placed under their charge, for ob• laming • thorough Englith, Chemical, and Ornamental ethic/mon. aur-Indtf VOITAG LAOlds szniumar, ALLLIONIVIT. • ill 11112LAT.77.111,:i,1E50 fins 51. a n f d in a ;s in Inz ip o n.tm t , i m onor , Renate on . Federel street, in “Colonade Row," 22 doof . from tlie bridge. - Reece or Tnrrion en .1216107 of WV. Mon-rus. English Department, knoluding Reading, orthogra phy and Defining, Writing, English Grammer, %keto ne, Logic, English Composition and Critichm, Geo airaphy,lstory, Arithmetic and the higher branches of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, A. Gomm,. Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Motel Science, and all other breadies requisite to fa thorough English Education - fAi OD Classical Department, theludingshe Latin and Greek L.guages, each - • • 00 French, IRO 00 Germ., 1115 00 The zervids of competent teachers are secured for Stuch as desire Instruction in French and German, and also in Drawing, Pamting.d Music. lt is desirable that pupils enter at de commence- Meta of a session, yet they are received at any time, and are charited at the above rates from the time of entrance. No deductions are made for absences, ex cerulrlcer in s fo o nu f pZon.rirady thous. tioined, and applica tions made by matins iipen the Principal, at his moms On Federal Street, or at his loignsgs in “Irwinie Row," Liberty street, Putsburgb, between ltd anti 4th streets; or by addreskung, through the Pittsburgh Post Office, the Priompal. , N. W. METCALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7, IRO silt V./WT.81711011 VBIMULTECINSTIV:VZ 1m: Second Session of this Institution, under the acadare of Mr. and Gies. Gomm., for the present emic year, will commence on the first of Feb.* of neat,. the same headings, No. OS Liberty etre... Arr.gements have been made by which they will be able to furnish young ladies facaitien equal to any In the West, for obtaming a thorough English, Clean, cal, and Ornamental education. A full course of Pin lieophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered sham the 'rimer, Illustrated by apparatus. The d0=..,0ft4/frin = .., of t 4/frin antr i strur g o , tat wil b l l r u o st c t, b ..Mosje d m er the care of a competent Professor. kly close attention to the moral and tntellectual improvement of their no vll., the Principals hope to went scent:lunation of the liberal patronage they have hitheno enjoyed. For Maas or apply to the Principals H!" "c ?mammon, Sept. 19, 1649. Ik4 . 11. THOS. R. i—Dear Tour W RI- /NJ. TING FLUID we bane now been ding redo than year, and on looking over the entries made by it, we find the color a bright blue Macs. It is pleasnit nano with, flown fore. and does not clog the pen like the ordinary mks in use. Wishing von the mull, sale merlte demand, we are, yours respectfully, EakIPSON & CO. For sale, together with Ifibben's Red Ink, and Ma rhino Cops Ink, by 11. A. Fahntateek & ,co, H. P. reberans, Allegheny City, and by the mAnufacturer, T. IL !ribbon, Druggist and Chem.; comer of Liber ty end Smithfield sa, Pittsburgh. °cab WATIOUtkri 11,11.1i1. tonnes 11.10,. W. a. Han ••• • PALBIntI, lIANNA tit CO, Successor. m Homey, Hanna Is Co.) 1 - DANKERH, EXCHANGE LIROKERS, and dealers lu Foreign and Domestic Exchange Certificates of Necrotic, Bank Notes and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank 'of Pittaburgh. Current mo ney received on desantite—Eight Cheeks for sale end collections made ou nearly all the principal points in the United Stat.. The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold Advances made on eunsignmenta of Produce, ship ped Eat,. on liberal term.. apt GREATINVENTION!—VALUABLE PISCOVERYI Parson fittell. JA,CAIIi lat. 1e49: ffM2e2==e= ' Boot Ceram, Wetting Dots. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. rpliE TABLES far sarpeasing every other In cannon at the kind'now extant They an be el tended morn tell to twenty-Use feet and when closed the leaves are all contained iamb.; they are made to 'all sire. and Mapes, and are admirably adapted for Aug when cl oned aHotel co mplete c e nt re arivte &millet, form a table. • SOFA. , AND Ut REALIS—Thcee article, are inval. liable, particularly to those who wish to econo 'mine room and enliven a sleeping apartment into a 'parlor or roiling room as they eon be opened and shut rat convenience, and when shut hedding is meld. ed. A great sinangiin room and rent. Ail the bed steads when closed atm a beautiful piece of furniture for a parlor or sitting mein WSW tAUEto—A neat and naeful ankle for parlor or drawing room. WRITING lAMICS—For law olfterat ...beg rooms, and other offices; whets opened • momminvemeat bed stead when closed a perfect Deck and Library alone is vis ible. Au th e se need Ito recommeudallont the ?meaty of the whole Is, they am warranted not to get oat *impair. It will be for your intereSlA to call and ;examine the exudes., at the manufacture', store, No. EI Toted street Ebtoburgh. In eddition to the above van adtages, they ant proof agrunet bogs. mehla JAMES W WOODWELL. --- • LOWELL. 814,T1M1E8., '11.M...11 ON ALCODOb AND PUDE SPIKITA,. Corner From land Vino weak Cincinnati,O. 0 promptly at, ••nded to at lawn. market price. MaLbily HE firm of tilillEl,lN a BaYDF:N being dissolved, the undersigned will continue the Forwarding. nod emission Wildness at the steam boat landing, tIIItANKIAN, and respectfully Informs his friends that :h has gene to the expense of 60.) , issurance on the warehouse and contents, for several lens, and :Wogs he will give entire sausfacelon to all who may' pauenise !am. ill ramie* =at the Lower I,,andkg. ortll2 DRYDEN. _ buy oons, &c! - X X 4 97 -• -000D81XEINV30 11 .00D 11 a ..,.. .• ,HARGAINSS BARGAINEI6I ,;: '.- n', T NEW 14.0 AIIaWLITELDWGOODSI. .:....nmaigui of rot temertS MTh : , •'• ~. 89 Market et, bovirpengq and 40, , eere.. -, ye I - T air . . ,RtIV E Pl L mht,4 6 4 rtl ' lftle k Plg nave, hunts% commenced receiving and the the. I t a i r= cheapest and most mlendid Moak Of Fall mid' .Dry Goode ever offered - by our beam le ffins.. ugh., AU 011ie. foreign goods have been purchas ed of Urn inMerters per the last steassere Dom &rope, and for nrit= of MI. ue.beautY of .dksign are ,uri caroused In or any other market 1 The dolmas' tee/ staple Oepartenentiwill also be. Wooed complete, and cheePlethen at guyed.: hue. In this city. The subscriber woold here respectfally call the attention at !Mt nameless austomera,lhed an wishing to bey new , sad cheep goods, Us the prices -Which will no lioubt . asurniab them, being determined - to WI ebeePer Lew the cheeped. . ~ • . vood. dark Calico. ..4 3cots per iolt __ Best quality Mac Catlett, fast Colcas,B to lE -, ' ' ' 4.4 Bradt purple Prints fag colors, 8 sort Heavy Bed Tickles, from 6 to 10 cent. per-yd; Bleached !destine, good quality, 5 to Oiler YE ' Beet guilty Bleached Mashes, it to ICI per ye; ~. Heavy yard, wide Unbleached blabs, ti to el; t Good redFliumel, ftem 16 to KJ Mee per yd; • • Good? eUow Flannel,lS to 2.5 capes ye; . Good bleak Alpacca firm Id YS, SS pet yd; French Glue.= trout 101015 eta per yd; Mali Linens at prices from 1) to I,n - per Id; „ Satineu and Kentucky Jean. from 1410 CO <A Clukings and Lensays [renal!' to Maus Heavy Domestic. °Mahatma tom /sic% I Creak and Diapers, all anus and gulideE . ' LADIES , DRM GOODS,' , . ... A eplendld assortment of all the trnwest stylea.. Talbot Cashmeres in iugh . eolon. rieb goods, - . Leple'French Whet Memos, the finest lamone,d, Rich Gumbo* edits, in all colors and qualitica; Black Amami, _beg gaudily, plaid end stripm • Black Gm. de Abler!, all width. and 'clualit . n . , Isirittte blr c t 3, d o o ttibnes, b Merinos, blaek an T !,:k .:• do do do do in high colors; ~ do fine French de Evinces,, all wool, high colon; Rich fied Culmeras,' beautiful geode, stay them Dotted Sense Manes, for evedag dresecE &oche Thibet Scar* Into importatio . n; . Best quality French Kid Gloves, WI color% . Mounting Cashmeres and de Lanes, alipriees; Ladies embroidered Neck Tir.e, , splendid goods, Ladies finest quilt, Frenela linen HAM* • Belting Ribbons, a full assortment{ Worked Capes, Collars and COTE in great variety . Black and colored Crepes, all qmilitieE -. . ' Brocade Lustros, in aced eE . Mohair Carnelian Freneh C/oakinp,= ri g ' , * wwe r is lud hhe uili ets 'i lorni Also bl ock Brusel Lace, all widths and pile* ' ' Easel Silk Fre- es, wide and heas7L__,_beet quality: Together with a largketock of white wows, Some /menet and Mull Muslims, besides a very large and superb stack of Fall Bonnet Ribbons,Of the latest im. ponation and most Lathionable style. Many of the above goods have just arrived per the last steamers from Europe, and am worthy the attention of the la. dies. MIAOW? BRAWLS! A splendid assomment of Shevric— ' Super extra eire French Long Shawls, best letpM Soper ern aim Long Brochs, flneatsMalitn Superb quality Long Plead Shawls, nth no Best quality square plaid line wool Shaw* Rich and heavy extra sin black tilt Shaw* Rich =llion changeable calk ShawlsL . Super black and white, all wool, long StivilE - 1 Super extra else Long andStere Monmung Shawls Fare; primed Cashmere Shawls, in great variety;_ 1 “ Tucked 0 all prices it q .usrai • Made embed Talbot ” 'heavy silk fringe 91 9 ' Black " • " Black and 'Male colored heavy climb Shirai; --- White cellist/ Thiten Shawls, Wended gratdic Highland pll long andaVri Shawls,..vcry cheap; ?deeming Shawls and Scarfs, le great variety; A 1.,, a lugs lot of plaid Wean Shawls, from VS carte SOL Together with &Atli =reply of Gleam, Stoat:id Ho siery, with all articles assns, kept bye Wholesale and Retail •Drylloods House—all of which militia . at prices to defy,tonmetition. 117 . Remember the store,l.No. MI Market I.IIOOL be. - tween Third aid Fourth, sign of the Mcßee-Horst, where bargains can at all times be had ' ' spelled= WILLIAM L- RUSSELL. ',. C ABBUTHISOT kascneen to receive a large essortment of Wooen Comforts and: Hoc7cis Makin, Ber li n, buckskin and woolen Gloves Thibet, elan, mous de lain and blanket Shawls cash mere, wended and woolen Bose; Pongee and linen fide, silk and salln Craws and SearfS and Fringe ' s Web Linen, Table Covens, Crapes, Ribbons, Laces, bleached hod colored hinslina Tabby Velvets, Patent Threads, Sew= Silk, Saunas, Onto SIIIIpe. den, Puts, Percussion Cans. Almanacs, man= and gold .Tewelry, gold and silver Wasches,Combs, pock• et and table Cutlery, and many other:good. 'Much . country and city Me rc hant. are respectrally Invited ZatinCe. .OU, Y.ll l / I LTT.III >Q&CFLIFACTULLING 1 1‘ 1 1. 1 0 1 d j entenirat kee i t= "Femlly blue, brown and drab Blau:Awning; Sat U inets an/ Woolen Yarn, which they will sell atliotatem prices. Warehouse , No Second o, Pittsburgh, F. Factory, New Haven. Fayette co. Pa. run DEW GOODS WEhave hitt received aawl complete swot of CLOCKS, Variety aa Fancy Goods, sella ble for the (all trade, to winch, with every description of Looking Glasses atannlietared at oat trim steam po an wer shop in rids city, Ire c ase attention of West c Merchants and arbor . KENNEDY & SAWYER, Opt= - comer Wood and Fourth Its.. DRY admos. nospisie , wiLsoar i C O.. No. 4b Woos, Ez., Prerocus, ARE now s easo n natal euppLies of Goods CI ter the Fallwhich they will be happy to exhibit to their old club:imam, and as many new ones AM may feel teemed to present themselves. Always taking great pains to lay in'euch gooda are adapted to the wants of the Western wile, whir', long experience enables them to do, they can sayurith ravels emtfidence, and without entering into a detail of *di. stock, that the Western retail meinhant find with :hem alt that his customers require. Thom who have formed the unprofitable -habit of malting to the Pastern cities tor their shticks of. Dry Goods, would do well to'eall, as a candid comparison of pri ces would in many eases remain the conviction that the expense of going further may be obviated bylitty lEF in YittiburP. s • tt: • 111121 • A 000D$. • r IST R. MURPHY .is now receiving his Ant Fall supply of ?mewl and Ikm:testis GOODS, and U. iready.opened an RMOTUIltalt dam and beauti ful styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fait Coins.; and nest new style Fall idnalui de Lahmin Alpe.. and Ideal!. Laartasi Minuet fled and wiped do i Palmettos and Lyonese Clot.* Of the moat: desirable colors; ind ti full eapply o f bleached and unbleached ?Inane, Irish Limns, Kea cheater Gingham, &c., u natiheasi owner Fourth and Markel its. • Doyen am invited t+ call and sec. sptl3 • FRENCH MERINOS.-0( all the • mina • colot., aach as Maroon, Garnet cherry,acarlet,MiTareet shades damn drab, mai black. • Also, PARMETTOS al an the &boat, colony In eve ry annoy ocqualityf and LYONESE CLOTHS, also of MI the dealrable colors, notat coati at Dry Good. Haas of . split W Y MURPHY • VrOURNING GOO B 3—W. Illoiphy m. IXL open aztenslyn usortzneut of Black Goad., including Dombaskin, French Iderinoes, Parmettoy Moue de Lahti's, AL:laming Alpaccas, and other Monming Good.. I sptl4' MILITAR V GOODS.—Caps,Plonsesi Poniffs,l3.n. es, Epooleuns, Lace, Scums, Flap, and all the trimmunrs necessary E we volunteer corepszues -117 Volunteer eau ee equipp#l es complete sad cameo es done In the unto Alditury Stone, cor ner Market and Poiret sts. W W WILSON • P. S.—The United Mates Bus end Tenor Drams, of Gennarnoorn nuke, for silo and seerrented sod SH.ROZETAZTT di WHITE, • DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 09 WOOD STREET, ARE now receiving a very large Matt of free's. Goods, otresentimrebaseand traportationimhich they will 101 l to the Made at each prlcce as cannot fail • to ore entity ratiafactioa ' City awl Colmar blerehmita are trorMal to call and examine oar Mock before perchaaing elsemb• - :- mrd 'tor C Ifornln. HR eolebsated flaurd Rifle Powder, la kegs, half kegs, quarters wls, for sale by febl3 J BAn DILWORTH & 37w00d at BATILS FOR ONE DOLL9R, or a single r 4 Bath for fifteen cents. • Ladle. Ekpartmont op. from 9to II o'clock,A.3l4 'end St to 3 o'clock, P. IL Athena= Saloon and Bathing PALL . T. 3PFALL, Proplieloc /91 8 • VrIL ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAVNEe-This cared.; M. Momedistell after 'having almnded my brother, who tiled Of consumption in March, heLt, I was mace tick with the ConsaMpuon f Liver Complaint, mid was reduced so low with the 'disc.., that for four years I was unable, lo attend to my baness, either at home or e broad, l befog for the most time confuted to ody bed. Dories od of time, I had expended foe 0 reply Physicians and mothemas, the amount of WWI without meeluinl any benefit therefrom- In July, ISO, commenced Miring Dr. - Jayne's Medi cines, and have taken them more or leas over since, and believe that it MA by persoverirnr In their use, Wat I can now Duly say that I tuna wmplately reco, ...ea my health. I behove that Jaymeo &Inouye Pills and Expectorant are the best family mediehms now is • reside la Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y., .and .any on a femme and machine shoo in Maresca, ..a am not interested in any manner in the We of the above tamlicinea, and make this certificate tor the ben efit of moue Whined. ELIJAH EATON, Springfield, N. Y., Pom.., 1111POILVANT — TO TIILSWITEge: Dr. osies Celebrated Relatdlw • , FIR. JACOB E ROSE, the disegierir and sole pro:, primer or those most copular end benefaal med. toes, mad else Me inventor of tho ealebra !nitre runt for mllenrif the Loop, in affecting' a- catent Chronic &mum was • student UM= eminent phyel." Mao, Doctor Physic, end Is • grafinate °flit° Mammal. ty of Pentaylvat_. , a, and for env yearn since las been engaged in the 10,0011501.100 of diseue, cad apPli caUou 01 remedies thereto. - • • • Through the ere of his infitting tabs, in °urination with hisTrophylseue Syrup and °Motet tus remedies, he has gained stri nape:Celled eminence In caring imam dreadful and fatal maladies, Tabereelat Con• sumptien, Cancan, Scrofula, Rheum:nation, Asthma, Fever and Agra , Fevers of all kinds, ammo &yelp. las, and &Whose obstinate diseasespemdlar to females. Indeed every form of disease vanes ender Me use of his retnethes,to which humanity le heir—not by the nee of one compound only, for that is ireampatible with Phyairdogical Law, bat b) the use of his met. dies, adapted to end proscribed for seek peealias fanni of uu. Dr. Bosch Tonle Alterative Pills, idiom used are In. variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as Lp w urwre or HIM( pill, inasmuch is they Mare the I perfectly fret from costiveneng as also his - tiohien Pills is admitted by the ta6alty to ro passim peon liar pperties adapted to female diseases, but being satisfied that a barelrtil is tall-lent m estatillsh what has been sold um the minds aids" mou skeptical. The Maimed are Invited to call upon the agent,' and green (gratis) one alba Doctor. PautPltia c gryiAlf &detailed amount crotch remedy &mitts Mina, For sole by the following agents, as well ashy moat pregaist' s thmughout the amour: • • • J Nezhoomokkar k Co, 94 Woodstreet, Pitletnughi J hlTmiramett, drapiet, Marlon n Lea A ldeekham, Dear the P.O. guk,,k,„ den Joa Barkley, DartialmailJaaver,ong7,l:a - . Jim I.7hot4rmari . Valln,,.: T $ TE.. VCiL. XVII. N 1 I MEDICANI stuzast try= PILLSW4I ,, MY DOCTOD., -.- , 1 . Sum a s , Seet-11 1 ,190.1.1 i Ur: R. E. ScUers-r-Desa Sus I f litfa a &Cy . I etre • (0.010 paialle, as well u to the ere& of you UM..- Palls, to mate the toed erects prodsteed by tuck Mak • a ley two. gam. Darieg the toonthW.lanoc ISIS, I look Cary autwelL my apposite felted, tag, Alest: - .1 mutely prostraalL 1 with wrote in wry NOM and • - • drostidera I was told by mated dietary disease my 100= anack_et lbw, 11,44006., r(0,100 .0( IsPLitte's Urea and mianionnme, Which Iwu told wu good fo r disease, tatt"adra mill IWU getting worse I finelly ehulello place; ' myself underlie Min of • phye an for bake et , t' *one; haw linattately; Jamie time, I won kW 1 Uri's. Hey. I. Niblick, of this data diltat tot 11140 a bog of Sellars' Liver Pill•lmmt Pinshargh,..., *Lick, had beneltted" him) very. much. I forliwth rot fora heir of your Liver Pals, and by the rime I , I *as danaising them, Iwan, uttered that it wail boa- ,--- the medicine that honed gay end- Lunt let,..mampt And took eve or alg.ettues, land Mond . siD self lwealt 11 costirely mired; but Uthlargh lait(01(xOt a. sumo „, oold, which brought back do' &rtes., and in it dolt time I Ins ea bad as ever. II again had meanaMile . ' Shaw Liver Pills, and Mt them 000(rother oigkl toy ..• do week., and occasionally; since, jtnli Malt Ili. , La, this t g.o row sal, am I awl halal, if any DMPtaaa,_ .., of the . Liver Complaint, and MY ger& .es h 4 ... M. - stood now as it Lae been for the liar Olean. I My neighbors ask ms, who was, my doctor. .I tell ) , • them that Cohere Liver POI. was My 7 seseton, and irr . the blesaing of farina Pr:tridental tle meatterdalinittr ) 1 me. lam confident that when the public become 14. %tainted wids themdee of your liver Pala) die do. mud for themorill Mamas,. Mury of mymearkb",_ ~ to whom I Lave recommended the pills, can nolceto their value, as well as to the Amu sh ove geed. •.• I Respectfolly yours, • ' , • - OacenaMMlXS.. ' • •-• ) • 4 . To 'mu Fiume—The Original, wily ante and atlas - , ' • DIM lilt( rills an Dreamed by IL E. fiellera,and ... have his name ramped in black was upon thlhd of ' ' each Dot, and Sus egnalstrelon_ the emaide wrapper. All others are couterfata or base halation., , ) mai H.E SELLERS, Proprietor, 67 Wood sr' ' ' A emu by Om mune ofISITEI4 MAI? huonagel With a your m. of Ma name of & P.Towneetel, ant ' 7.7 all his name to pat op a•Smnkparlils: llart - '• call Dn. Townsend% Sarsaparilla. GENVINE, Onginal, etc. The Townsei i. no ttie• tor and never eras, bet was finmerly a worker On ral, leas canals, sad the like. !Yet he a 115611106 the . of Dr., for the purpose of gaining credit for what be not. Ile Is sealing out atuds - “Tricha of 1 quacks,r In which he says, I have sold the ase oases Sir SY a week. I will give 11.1'. Townsend !pat will, produce one single willtmY Proof. .. , J The is to caution the publk. not to be deeelved,ana *rattan mine bet the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, having ou It thlk Old Dr.'s likenem, his family .coat of tuate, and bia Wt. • name anion the coat of arum liiacipal 05.002 Nazi= st, Now Ychit City. „ . OLD' 7 DOCTOR r JACOB TOWESVID THE ORIGINAL. DlSOpirEltElt - • • Os Tire TOWN ND SAIDISPADILI.A.. Old Dr. Townsend is now . bout l cure of age,, and has long been known as the AIMOR andMISON ' VEJAER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL "TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he was compelled to Limit Its m.ufaeture, by , vthich'means it ken barna kept out of. market, .d the salts eirouresesibod u , ; those oar who had proved ns.worth .d known`its ' Wee. • This Gums ono U113410.1.ZiP Pasreastrox br • resulafeenned on the lamest scale s and is eddied kw. throughout the length and brdidth of the land. • • Unlice_young hL P. Towniend's, It imprvves . with age, nod never changes, bet for the barter; became lt. is prepared on sm.ulle principles by a setentile The highest knowledge of (embory, 'and the Wean dis.vertes of the Art, have all been brought into re - ouisitien In tilt mannactare al the Old Dr... 8•11.14.2. tolls. The Sarsaparilla root, it Is well known to med. . • Ital men, contains medicine) proper ties, and some pm. • , parties which are Inert or useless; and others, which, risme/nod In preparing it for Use, modem ferso.ts. - don and acid, which Is injutious to the system. Se= of the properties of Sanspartlin am no volatile that' they entirely evaporate and are lost in the propene. v, bon, ;(,they am, not preserved by a scientific proems, keel. only to those experienced is Its mannfactere. Moreover these •volatile principles; which Sy offin me, par, or as an exhalation, ender heat, are the very ow— dentist medical properties oythe root, which gives to , d all its value. The GENUINE _ • • • • OLD DP:JACOB TOSVNaENIPS SMIPAPARILLIL • is so prepared; thai the iri.n properties of the Bar. µpantie root are erst removed, every thing capable' of•beeosoing ieid or of fennentadon, is extracted and selected; then every panicle ofniedleal virtue is saute redje a pare and concentrated torn; and dins 'Ws rendered aneepanLe of lolling any-of to .vainabbiant healing properties. Prepared in this WM% It made - • the mon powerful agent in the ' ' ' ' OURS OPINNILIbIEaMILEDISEAB63 • _ i Hence the reason why we hear. commendations on very aide In Its favor by men, women and chddrett. We Gad it doing wonders in the onto of 'Consamptlona SDyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, andals and Piles, Costiveness, all Quante. Erolot ,- gnus, limples, Blotches, and all affections ationmfona , lALPIIBITY OF THE BLOOD. It poussians • marvellous eilleacy in all “eaplainti arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach; Sow ancqual eirentation, determination Of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold fret and told chills and hot flashes on r the body. It u tt lad its equal in coughs and colts; and promote. cosy expectoration, and gentle petspiration Waxing sale. sere alike lungs, throat, and every oilier past But La nothlnglt exllence more ntamStssfy titan and acknowledged than Inall kinds and Mares at... • IFFM•iNcomPtenTrs. It works wonder In cases of door aline or whites, •• Palling of the Womb Obstructed,Sepinessed,or Pain. fel Menus, irregularity of the mensimal periods, and • the tits; and Is effectual in miring all foam of the Kid ney Diseases By rrmontts obstructicom and regale. ung the general system, it rine• tent lad Drench to . the srholobody, and cures all forme of NERVOUS DISE& "TS AND DEBILITY, oth er u thus mivents or relieves a g felt ninety of Other &seams, as Spinal Intuition, Nesra/gia, St:' Vont- Daum Smoot. r, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, -10 . sot MEL then, TUX , Lotha r Fit,RICISEINV,T • But can any of these things be mid of IL P. Tawas . send 4 interior article? Tins young maids liquid is not - to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD because of the Grand Fool, that the, one is login ' l of Deterioration end NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOM It sours„fermente, and blows the bottles containing it into fragment;-the eons, mei/ Rapld ex ploding and damaging ether goods: Must not Mia hor. /Ala compound be polonium, to the 'system! Wharf pm acid into eysteni already diseased with WO What causes Dyepepsla but mold! Do we natal) 'mow,' Mat when food sours in our stomachs, what rnischlegs ' Itprolucest—dandence. heartburn, palpitation cedes heart, Beer complaint, diantices, dysentery, cholla mid - Menton. of the blood? What ts &malt bat at acid tumor in the body! Whet produces all the humors which bring on . nuptions of the SkIM Scald Bead, Salt Rheersmpelns,WhattSwellinga, Penn:-Sores, and all ulcerations internal and Memel It m nosh • leg under heaven but an said substance, which soon,' and thus spoils all the fluids ef .Ose tody, more or lea , Witm ...we Rheumatism but a emir acid geld, which Walnutea itself between the joints and elsewhere, 'lr ritating and blaming the tender *rid delicate times upon which it acts? So of tunes. disa men, of Lopm my oldie blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all the alma& which afflict human natent..._ Now, is it not horrible to make and sell, aasl ...11anite • UJUNG, FERMENTING ACID “COMPOUNDo OP S. P. TOWNSEND: and yet he would fats have it undentocd that Old Ja cob Townsend's Genuine Ongual Sarsaparilla s is an Imitation of his inferior prepuanord! Heaven forbtd that we should deel In an *rads 1 Pwould be the most distant eagelnblasoe to P. Townsend's article and which Mould Ming down upon the Old Dr. melt a mountain load of martial= and ertminations from agents who have rs bold,=l; chase who have need B. P. Townsend% Pe Compound We wub it endegegeon, bee.o it is the ...Aut. troth, thet S. P. Tworneend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Towissendi Sareaparilla are heaven elide apart, and Infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike in every par- , bealar, having not one single thing In Comennn. lt la to wrest (nods upon the nit:onto:we, to poor baba into wounded Immunity, to kindle hope in the despalrug bosom, to restore health and bloom and vl.. gor into Ma crashed and broken and to banish Wags. ty—that old DR.-JACOB TOWNSEND has BOUGHT and POUND the opportunity and means; m Ming?, wn, O UNIVERSAL CONCENPRATED Blzuv Y, , within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need a, that they may loam and kuow, by Joyfal nm peen, its vasmicavunr rowan to onus! For sale by J. KIDD & CO, Wholesale Adorn fee Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Baradngtram r. J.SAROEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASS4LL, - Fifth ward, 0 W. GARDNER, eth ward, Pittsburgh ' • fumes, Columbiana Apr.9l; 1911. • DR.I:t JAYNES: Dun Brat—l feel bound to you. and Mill ted publics to mil mYself oftdis cps: portnnitVi4pablicity to the einsuordinary effee.ta, of your monad on myself, Baying been athlete& for wee years with I severe hectLe fever and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed • to linger out a short but miserable existence, until thie fall of llMPortien, being moreserienely meekest; and having resorted m all my former remedies, and themes serlputms of two of the most respectable physicians In , the neighborhood without deriving any bengal, Ox that consolation of surviving but a few days , or weeks farthest-when the last gleans . of hope wittabont so vanish, I had recommended to me your sal blessed by that Being who does all= use of the Means—and contrary to the expectations of my physicians and friends, I was In • few dayaraised from my bed, and was enabled by the use of • • boule, to attend to terybusittess, enjoying mime better heildithan. I hid for tea years previous. • Respectfully youn,/ke.,Jan W. Bemi s 'Far sale in PiMbazgh, 'at the Rain Tea , Stere, 711 --- • • • " • •-• AANklif!. ` 44 7.&"‘" 4 `11:',/tattN"lcit. NZ.Vlnth d ioloiptnessand meras.it II sneers. la Buffalo and °that Dirge. eines ha. been proverblid the charges are madame; and hir cares ent. .Old cum, dUltertietrietare,ScroW p.ts, ecr Alb,othartmoup,Arp,ll44., al 84 7 chronic or kismet...to Cu.. solicited • _. A cues trntluated, df Charge re-landed. ' Ornrca et. Cairo:reel, doora from the IWO Teeth Extrazted AIM. to the TOO, amnia, c• - N. B . —Dc. A. solicit. the wont emu Of eel In Pittobeegh . • . xpltdly --: °Km it air r ourCriallux rectum open for vlsiterearstil Matt; Jwa, . eyir 01.utin and othex EaDrihrponit. salt- to the name ardl be kern. The raining • large collection of rare 'mid choice mom." will be open to virile's. Demists neatly , pat op at- - short - nonce -throughout the season. rdus _ leave. the -Allegheny end . of Alta flt. n cleit _latieeti Bridge, army half hour d meg the day, mentos to the, Garden; and the ferry oriel, Captors WaLlter row from the Polnr, landir.• newel d+: , ii.lemalloYetthetloy - den' Pardee wishing-to mimed the crack,— accommodated sr -to reuse Oamibas atbk rt P. ht. Kept on temperance pil ti cipliss i "hi _ .013 "• ii.ilyunseant IparoLst:a 11, ‘ , liE' PROAIETOE is now T Ilit% • i I t , ;,t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers