fHE'.TOFDBfiH GA'jgfVE PCUUSifED DY WHITE A CO PITTSBURGH! WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 31, 180. C7TB* Drn.l tiexrrt* 1« pßbhltcd Deftr,Trt.WeeSiy,end Weekly—Tr.r UnlyUSeeea ; Osli«**pCT*na»*;tbeTTi*We*klyi» *iTei>oUarapre -SOWS) tbs Weekly li Two Dollar* per ennum, tttuu y ’ nsrfsesu,:: ; ■ BTiiimnim ere earneiUr requeued to tend la beu■ f&Tort before4f.it, end e* early in ei ~ mtim not limited IQf e ■MCI* m 4 ,twi T .wIU iarexiebly be charted uniil'SVderea oat. rnn.Mnh.TOiA south tuacu. AdvertlaemeaU aodedbaeriptlona to tbe Nona inter eeaead United Buie* GaxeUe, Philadelphia, reeeirea abd. forwarded from thU office. PJ*NKK WFTT LOCAL MATTERS TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, Ac. Tlu ■ The dare op between the government at Wash ington and that at Pari*, is not likely to prodace inyeerious difficulty, letters by the Niagara ‘ state that the temper erf the French gorerameat is quite 'pacifio, sod that-tw danger of a behgerent aspect'need-be apprehended. Qa noon cement of the dismiss* oll °r M. rouwn, a Paris, some apprehension • was expressed, but in tin. or'fcnr d.jh «T«r Ddn* l-icltd down. • Some excitement arose from a report that the French gorcrmneoi had adapted, with regard to Mr. ftcsil, a jieasnre'simaar to that adopted at Washington with regard to M. Poussin: that hi» jmmpoits hsd been sent to him. Such! a measure was advocated in the Cabinet, but was successfully resisted. | Tim new 1 French Minister to this tjountcy, AT. Bsu is, Comfit* was appointed before |he French .-is couw before the Frt goveremeat-beard o( &L Poussin’s diacjussal. He vu ti Torin.oo.'aorae diplomatic service, at last am*mU, and it wiH be aome weeks before be ar» rise*. ...The nejw Envoy, aays a Pari* letter to the New York Courier, belongs to an almost extinct race of diplomatists. He i*tbe last of the diplo matic represintativea employed by the. Provisional Government whose services ate retimed by tbb actual government “He belong* lo.Uie Coastilu or third party, of which Dulaure,Cavalgoec, ao(l Do TocquevHle himself, are leading member*. He is deemed a ; a ma*>«w rrpuA/ica» ,r pflO moder ate, however, and daily becoming lest *°> that ho is by nt> means in good odour with the advanced republicans who do not hesitate to style him a re actionist He it with Murrait, who was for some tlmo Ulkcd of fcr the mission to Washington, and Poussin, whom ho actually succeeds, of the school of tbo ffttionaL -Being a diplomatist offender standing than Poussin, and consequently more e« /ait with regird to the cmvtnaneu of manner and language which are of rigor in diplomacy, having. ’ moreover ever before his eyes the fate of his pre 'deceaior, it may bo reasonably hoped that the course of the new functionary will not bo marred by those rude shocks which have brought tho Ma jor’s diplomatic career to a prematuro close." The French press, of all psrties, took quite a mod crate tone towards the Untied ’State*. The THx iJsemirs, which is supposed lo receive iu cue t from the President, and speak his mind, remarked *a fellows:-- . “The confl»* which has arisen between our Cabinet and the American Minister occupies in the mart lively manner the Eagbsh and French Dress.' Each has his own story, and puts upon tl {frown interpretation. We have collected m.or mation fro® versons who are acquainted with the Untied: States, and have intimate relations with them, i They have the opportunity of appre eiatiss the dignity and politeness almost ceremo moua*which preside over diplomatic intercourse With the Government of tho American Republic, and they assure ns that this conflict possesses s personal rather than an international character, and that it cannot lead to a serious mtsundereUnd ing. General Taylor, the President of the fedcrw -tiye republic, is not merely'* very remarkable automata, bill bs it, at tbo tamo timo. a man at ' rcntlo and bichl, dlatutFmhed minnow, combi the cur affability of Ibo wan of the yoiid 1 ’ artlb Urn rcaervo wbicb hia ewintai nation impo ana npon him. On the other hand, M. Wtlbam TellFoatsia It notonon* £r a ‘doaveare-a-oaron. - «rtoU manner, qnile original, which bo borrow - ed ia Pant fiotn tee aouvenir ol hi* fifteen year* : residence in the United State* when be «t» at tached to the cabinet of General Bernard. Tbo*e " ; who know both d these peraonages have reawm : ‘toApprshend .Wax the Minister oI Frenchl.le* ' pnbHe baa left ranch to be de»ired .ra hi* diplomat • • lordailoat with the Araer.can Capinet. Buaala and Turner.—The letter of Koiwlh to lord Palmeraton wdl eicito a deep .feeling ol aympalby, for the unlbmineie Hungaiinn Chief, who appearato be entangled in loin from which he cannot eacape. In our paper, of Mpnday, ihc idde letter of oor correrpoadent ‘‘Junior," expref. Hi tbo opinion thnl Sicholaaof Itu«aia will per mit in hiaclatm,and thit Turkey jwiU yield. Thii view, BO gloomy for the unhappy, refugeea, we we i, entertained also bp. the editor the New York Tribune, who jnedicti that the Autocrat will not tank out from the position which he ban taken, hoi jjflj ppiw theeword if hit dem ind i* not com plied with, if thin prediction pjorea to be cor leeli and It la exceedingly probable, a rearful re gpenaibility will real upon England .and France, inheyiuffeitho noble Hungariin refogcea to be ' aaoridced, and Turkey humbled and degraded, 'they art! deaereo the execration or, iho whole world, and will only deler’a nonteat with the great Northern Power, which mutt cdme sooner or la ter. " , i ' M Nnwlnekimort—We hare jexamined Morria’ , Parent Toruhuckle and Door Holder, acd conaider . Heh excellent and oacfnl Inception. See card. : Ci lcl lLtd, ror Sai’-Thore wiahfrg io pnr. ctaxe flne farming laoda in tho heart or Ohio, will do well to consult the adeertiadment of Mr. Wing, in another column. Wo underhand iheae -are wme of the heat Unda in Ohio? an d will be in ■ the neighbor- hood df a Bail road to Pittaburgh., NEW YORK. Oontaocndcnce of 1-0 Piualmrgh < i3lr! ' c -Ngw Yolk, Oct. 27,1819. . : .The ilC«mor'< mail waa delivered laat night, bal ■ ihnro wu nothing in the letteri diOerent from ihe printed necoonta, end of coorao, no change In om . market. from Iho poiiiion they took open the tele graphic deep etch. i ... . Imcb£>ooi*nißeem» to be the meet abundant ar ticle In U» market jtut now, if one were to believe ' the autemonu of their preasea! at any rato there u no denying, thaHhere iamoro qoarrelliog among . them than.wni ever known, hard ei they have fought. At the laet meeting ol.the Tammany Hall . ■ Committee, a teal ol •■democracy" wee pot to the dear people, that haa ahownlhow hollow ta the treaty that waa patched op at the re-onion Can . vontion. The old Henkera now hiving the power, ' refnao.io. let any more apeak at the ratification Booting-who.acted, at the Utica Convention, a moTement which eat* off tbs head of PnnceJohn • Van Barn,and Proton King. M. a halaothow* • Ibo Freo Soil party tbat,Hhe late re-anion wu only ■ (nfmw riant to proenro ibo Vote* of Free Sotlera, and •, teat tee "principle" * not euentiklly “democrat;" ao wo go on. with frir we ehaU secure a - Whif victory, oojMondty week. people in New Ydrk are mcch elated jug-aoir at the proepect there 1 , U of a speedy con nection With tee coal and iron miner of Peansyl • ranis, through tee medium jof the Williamsport entEtoiraßaOrtad. Tbe road U now, wc under, ngjito be pot jo tee mort complete order, and % eouecten fewfa with the Efie rotd » * l or at Emil*. The Aral named connection can be aaa* With a mW of new road, and tee latter : : The new combination wOl afleot the ooaltrade of tee state, and'injoro aome parties, •rUle' ft wOl open » mine of wealth to ***** B [ . iha nmr jtmctiofl, tho whole of central KewYork will get dwpr o*l. and tho conanmpuon will, to imSed in n ratio novpr brdbro moo. Thooom- Jerioo of lheErio road, and the vigor it haa gtvon ronda, tall, into life thin heretofore ..1- > . utdeaaioad.and enhancM tho .valoe of million.; : & Every qnut ponnd of Berlin wool boon Sri, far when toward, aro ao .. . the following remark. tract* atrilo oodaroor last mle. - to oa, llna ta . B»hfor *0 aero«a the Iron ia '* 7* ,** with, britnghl heroin ' J^JS'SnS.^ng«« o ” C0 * ! “ dM ■ to i' r ‘?Ss? ‘SSSiSSAE ±k!y into ciit jne made with IB3flk—Wtala Sums are cot. ap leu in Brooklyn, and an elegant fotto ibs tnmoat eiM. Monty is very abundant, and tb< for customers, at the legal rale, and On call the rale is (bur per cent, an l paper, at six months. The important quite amall, and We ahull aoon «« trade closed. : , , , Asbea are $62707 for. Pott snd J Cotton—The market is not aery 1 of 500 bales at the figures of yesier Uplands are quoted at lOlc. I \?ool—'The market hd» been firm the lower grades bottbe Cleric* I fsrorof the buyer. Tbesalesare 10 I daring the week at 32035 c for con I fleece. Sales 25,000 Iba pulled at I Cgqrltj. The manufacturers wer* I The receipts are 500 bales, of whic I for Eastern msnufrcturer*. The 1 .peculators is not Car from four mill 1 Flout —There is a Our inquiry, | : u'ona ora slightly easier. Salesemb I Common brands are $4,6804,75 ib 1 7304,674 tor near, straight is quote I Southern descriptions are rather b I is no change in the rates. Rye Plot I quiet. . 1 Grain—There is nothing doing I the quotations are unchanged. & 1 held at 591060 c. The . sale* of ( , I bushels, including mixed, at 640( lat 66c. Oats ate better, about 500 ' 1 3SOIOc. banka eager j • little lesa.-H •ix t*r good o# begin to be ibe oulomn 'earl*. stive. Sales, ay. Middling' tbit week in ] ription* are in I |,(K)O lbs fleece I moa Weatera I 30c for No. 1 Ibe bnyera.— 1 1174 bis were I slock beld by ons of pounds, ad Ibe quotas ace 0,000 bbls. ] old, audS4,« l at *1,37105. ary, but there i rand Meal are in Wheat, and e is scarce and C orn ore 10,000 (sc, and yellow ) bushels sold at. siderable move* which have not d between 2500 tied and dull— , to choice. But- Provisions—There has been cot ment in Pork lately, the prices of I transpired. The sales base resebi I .and 3000 bbli. Beef is still nose I Lord is quoted at 6|o6|c for goO' I ter and Cheese without change. I - Whiskey—The operations are I 3710274. • /; K) bbls Prison at 7b tAs Editor of the Pittsburgh OcL 27,'1649. the afternoon ol | prised to read in ck upon me on i Rail Road-V“ not believe ion Batoirrow Sir—Arriving in Pittsburgh on the 13ib iust, I was extremely ,«u 1 the Gasette, ol that- day, an att> I Act the head of “The Wester Though it was. editorial, I die ya a private eitl- 1 : came from the *e at Ibe railroad who denied . all cle. I have been ■would make aoch nn attack up sen, and supposed it must bar Rail Road office. I called at on office, and taw Gen. Robinson, I knowledge of who wrote the art nee, and impor* •ntion, 1 have pul iW,—and l now absent from home almost ever i lani business demanding b»y ®tt off attending to the matter till □ ask you to allow me lOjtuake lb to your piece: You charge upon me that when the experimen- tal examinations were going on, I was very anx* ioos lor the road to be located on the route which has been chosen, bot that after iho location was made, work progressed! with, ice-, I then took ad-1 vantage ofthe Company, and demanded the payment of damages before they should proceed. : This is doing me grelx injustice, and is not true. [ When the meeting* and conventions were held in Ohio, which roused Pittsburgh to her interest iathis work, I was named, as a delegate from this county, bntrelosed to attend. When thc“prel»m inary examinations” were made by C. T. Whip po,Esq-, lwaa not once with him; and the reason [ gave was, that we - in the country could not maico the road without Pittsburgh, and she could and would maky-it whenever she determin ed to do so without jour aid,—but that I did.not believe Pittsburgh wpold make a rail road ,of iron, on the ground, « yard long. I was one ol the Commissioners named iu the act chartering the Company in Pennsylvania, and when the meetings were held (or the organisation of the Company, I, though no stockholder, attended and look an Interest in the choice of Directors, tec.— 1 During the “preliminary examinations,” made by ,he present engineer, in the vicinity-of andthroagb j my property, I never once visited the work. None of all this ahowed me very “anxious for the adop tion of a “route." For twelve or more years [ knew from knowledge obtained at much cost of money and labor, and when the cluxens of Pittsburgh were dead to their interests in rail roada that there was .no route for a rail road *y which ibe interests of Pittsburgh could be secured in commanding the trade and travel of the interior of Ohio, and of the great Lakes, hot by the val ley of tho Beaver. . n Bat the location on particular ground tn oor Valley may be, and Is, a very ditferent thing from i a general rente. A:ter the locating party or en -1 rineert had passed some miles above my property i with the location of the present tme, I called upon the resident engineer, in company wiih two gentte „en, owners of large and valuable property on tbe Ftp*—one a director, and the other a stock ho.d erofthn company, aod we jointly protested against Abis location of the road through my land, and strongly urged another end a better locatiou by thiTroute. When ,the location was made to the Ohio State Line, and when the chief engineer came on the groan* to examine it, I walked with him along the line through my lands, and, again urged, in the name of myself and the gentlemen alloded toTkove, another survey and location, and bo ordered a survey to be made as I wished— | (hough speaking favorably of the ground-we were then on. *A survey was afterwards made, but not where we wished,! and as we bad a right to ex* oeet We believed then and do so now, that a better location for the inteeesu of the company, and for the business of the middle and upper Falls of Beaver could ; bave been adopted; and we are sustained in ibia opinion by that of as able m m* gineer as any engaged in making the present hue. 3o you see the company was not seduced by soldiers to a mau changed tnei. iotenlien and there remain only three generals and isome twenty offieets firm ia their resolve. Bern immdiaicty wok a public step, and it is asid assumes the name of Aniuraih, and be comes a three tailed P**cha with the Turks, who have on exalted opinion of bia military ge- following reply The subsequent support nilbrJcil to the Turkish Ministers by the English and French ambassador* defeated the machinations of the mrjonty ol me Council, aod insured, it may be hoped, the safety of the refugee*. But wo must bear tn nundifcai no possibility of any succor was held out-to Kos suth, and that consequently in forming hts resolu tion bis choice was simply between death and falsehood, and that be sealed his truth by choosing jartyrfin. although happily 1U connlmauoa hi been averted. . P . ~ With the prospect of his dooia still before ui Roimlh, addremd a 'letter lo Lard Palmersloo, which has just *>eeo published, and which «nould be primed in every iree newspaper throughout the civilised world.—After adverting to the fall of his country—to the struggle begun in tyranny and coded in treachery; and having alluded to the way in.which Hungary prevailed against Austria, and crushed her to the earth uoul ahe crawled beneath the protection of the Russian giant, be pro ceed* to describe the -revolting condition which the Turkish government, at the suggestion ol Ku* sia, has just proposed lo himself and his Icllow [Our correspondent proceeds with a synoptical description of the letter, but, a« we give the docu ment itself, we omit what farthet “Spectator say« of iu—Com. Adv. 1 Concurrent!/ with this appeal, we get from \ jaa aaolhe rfllustralion of Austrian ferocity, more frightful man any ihm# which has .yet anil against whieh even the aliwtuUM Lne-isa journals are obliged to make the appearance of *' ,atcry. 1l is the caws of a Madsrae de Made pach, a Hungarian lady «f iniluence, at a pU called Jlnskburg. Aftertbe surrender of the Hui garians, a detachment of Austrians occupied th» soot, and subsequently proceeded to the home ot ibis lady. In detailing what follows, *-witb a heart toroed to atone," she says abe is unconscious of having liven the slightest cause of offence. ‘‘l wt* suddenly taken from my husband and children, and without any charge having Seen brought or any previous examination made, I waa dragged iQto a squire formed by the troops, and in the place wherei-residfe and in the presence of its population, which had been sccnnomed to honor me, not because I was their .mistress but because the whole tenor of my life deserved it, I was Bog ged with rods." Frantic at this dreadful act, her husband, wham'she de'tcnbes as a man of the highest moral iwd intellectual qualities, shot nim sel£ The people attempted to massacre the com manding officer, but ne was protected by the troops. • My son." adds the lady, who is only IS, was ta ken in Gorgey’s army and has been sent as a com mon soldier to Italy. Thus my cop of bjtternc*s u full. My misery is boundless, and it is only in the with to liberate my boy that I now l.re. And this and a thousand other instances are ail go n« on in the name of “order," aid the Eoglisb Bishops and conservative Peers and city merchants and all the admirers of antbonty, read them and forget them, and still offer up ceaseless congralu* lations that, thanks to the Emperor of Russia and despite Lord Palmerston. ai> danger of anarchy is over—and when, before long, we are called to the fearful harvest that roust grow out ol moot one of them will trace the cau« of what they behold, but each will see in it new illustrations of the “inacrutible’ judgments of God, and of the hope ieu depravity of mankind, and Ihn nrcarny for the totnre oftheir being kept do»n b, herder etnpe. and heavier chain . , tr The definite conditions of the surrender of Co moro have now been published. It appears that the garrison succeeded in procuring tolorab.y ad. vantageoua terms, aod were allowed a free retreat, with a months pay to the officers and ten day* pay to the troops. The ealisfaclion .which the Anatru ana have foregone in not executing tho chiefs must noli* attributed to any new compunctions, since at the very time of the capitulation the execution of General Aulich and the other Hungarian Gen erals who surrendered at Arad was, it is "aid, ac tually taking place elsewhere. The question sim ply was whether the satisfaction of banging or snooting some 40 or 00 men might not be too ex pensively purchased, by a siege which would cost an illimitable amount ot ammunition and the em ployment of 50,000 men. Nothing positive has yet been announced with regard to Rome, hut the aaticipa iob wema to be that the majority of the French Assembly will de cide io favor of the Pope being allowed lo return upon a “promise” from His Holiness that he will soften his original lutenuons. It is already un derstood that the state oftsiege under which luc French at present maintain coulro! is to be ranetf and that the Cardinals will then enter upon uotun* lied power. Consequent Upon this prospect up wardof CO ©deputies of the Constituent Assem bly have been obliged lo escape to rr*" Meanwhile the occupation of the pity, « tte Tocqueville describes as “so glorloni French arms," can only be maintained by act imitation of the proceedings of the Attain at Milan. Some French soldiers having been sassinated, General Rostolan has given the in junta 21 hoars to surrender all the arms in 11 nosaesaion, alter which lime all personsfound w concealed weapons are to be triedby n Court M tial and summarily executed to the information already conveyed regardin, the poatnro of ilTair. between Room and T..r toy, muat be added the following eo|,iea ol ua .ij to/raph leuera addreaaed by the Czar to the Sub tan, conveying the eaeerable and mad demand, and the reply. The words oflhc Christian potentate were there: “The revolutionary element has been aupprea* __j The Hungarian war la at an end. I send EvoamxahU* camp, who will submit .0 you various demands calculated to ensure the mainte nance of order. To which the answer of the Mahommedau Sul- Yo”r aid do camp ha. dom.ndod from m. the _ nf.tha Huoganan refugees. This de mamfbeingof. nnturo tosaat ndinm on the two entreaty yonr tmpinal M.jn.ty not to 10. mav'add'that althonih nothing bo tranapired d "r’S^^«'/d r onbS.frmon^ d ISsssHii m§msm »4"Srnh^.ffrw^nh h °Tbe J report circulated last week, that Gorgey had been assassinated, turns out to Dive been a fabrication. A similar report, also fatee, baa been spread, during the past few days, regarding the K ing of Naples. The question regarding the dismissal of M* Poussin from Washington oeema to have excited -•onreely the slightest interest; indeed the abject •Ute of the French people is now such that no oabl/c matters whatever are attended to—the sole ScaiM of tho people being that they ahmjld be governed with • atriel hand, ted not be called to Uilnk About politic, or to govern lhem.el.ea. It impeeVa that the Freeclt Cabinet admit the bad atyle S M. Pooaaa; bat conaider that he mocived nvm tfOTOtallofi, and alio that the. demand for Eratediy the American CanUin wae mom on«- at an of&onelatke twral eorrioo of any government; .at the kame time «1= positive ly asserted that aotbing serious will follow. Mr. Rive*, it ia aaid, baa not yet presented hUfcreden ti.u and as it may be inferred that he willj not do so onti'. the matter shall have been arranged, one oaoie of embarrassment will tbas have Been ob viated—aa the necessity and possibility are remov ed of the French Government taking in hie case any step of retaliation. .... M. Boia le Comte, it seems, is to be the Minister to the United States. At home, daring the week, there has not been a single occurrence worthy of note. From Ireland there is nothing new regarding the potato crop,but from this it may be inferred the prospects have not become more alarming The dismissal of Lord Roden and two other Magistrates, for parti cipation in the Orange demonstration of. July lait, has jost been announced, and although it will ren tier ti:.: Orangemen fundus, it will greatly strengh entbe general popularity of the Government, and a!5O their reputation for even handed justice. monxt asaxET, fiec. The returns of the Board -ofTrado for the moalh ending the sth of September again present a most favorable comparison, not only with the past year, but also with ISI7. The increase in our exports, with the corresponding month ofISIS, is £1,615,995 being the largest Increase of any month during the present year, except August, when it was 000. The total increase on the first eight months of IS4B, is now. £7,570,106, while eveo on the similar period of 1641, when Europe wu qntel. ] and when our exports were quite up to their usual amount, it i* not less than £2,253.139. «■ When it is remembered that this large augmen tation in the export of our manufactures has been chiefly balanced /by an importation of breadstuff* and other provisions, the immense addition which most have been caused to the comforts of the masses, and the manner in which their physical condition must have been improved, will, at once bo understood; and when, added to this, we ark ourscives who: would have been the political con* dition of England daring the recent European trouble* if lhe'corn-laws bad been left unrepealed, ve shall admit that none but the blindest and most nnteaehablo political partisans will be found for the future to deny, In our case at all events, the triumph of free trade , The quarterly revenue returns, just publisher 1 are also favorable. The iucrease on the quarter is £276.093. I In the fundi there has been little fluctuation. At the last data Consols were 92|. and they have closed to day at 92|. The grain market remains without alteration. Gold coniiai’e.- to flow into I the Bank, and the rale of money is 2i pet cent. I The Turkish dispute has not caused any change .I in the markets for Russian produce. Hemp is at II precisely thesame quotation as before *be news ■ I arrived. Tallow has risen from 36s 3d to 37s 9d , | per cwt., but solely from the lowness of previous • prices and ike sbort arrivals which have taken ■ I place. Linseed, too, has advenced trom £l3 per - quarter lo £ii— but this again has arisen from the 1 demand tor linseed oil, caused by the last advices - from your side. SPECTATOR. Kossntb's: Lester to Lord Palmerston. Widow (TcxkstJ Sep*- 20. Your Excellency is, no doubt, already informed of the (all of my country—unhappy Hungary, as suredly worthy of a better fate. U waa not prompted by the spirit of disorder, or the ambitious views of faction; it was not a re volutionary j leaning which induced my native J country lo accept the mortal struggle maintained l so gloriously, and brought, by nefarious means, lo I so unfortunate an end. Hungary has deserved from her kings the his torical epithet of “generous nation,” for sbe never allowed hefraelf lo be surpassed in loyalty-and faithful adherence lo her sovereigns, by any nation in the worij. Nothing but the most revolting treachery, the most tyrannical oppression, and cruellies, unheard of in the words of history —nothing hut tho infer nal doofn of annihilation to her national existence, preserved through a thousand years, through ad versities so numerous, were able lo rouse her to oppose the fatal stroke aimed ,at her very life, to enable her to repulse the tyranicaJ assault,n! the ungrateful Hapsburghs, or to accept the struggle I for Iffe, honor ,and liberty, forced upon her. And [ she has nefoly fought that holy battle, in which With the aid of Almighty God she prevailed against Austria, whom we crushed to the earth, standing firm even when attacked by the Russian giant, in I the consciousness of justice, in our hope in God, and in our hope, my lord, in the generous feeling of your great and glorious nation, the natural »uj* I porter of justice and humanity throughout the I world. But this is over; what tyranny began has Iby treachery conclnded; on all tides abandoned, I my poor country has fallen, not through the ow- I whelming power of two great empires, but by the I faults,-sad 1 may say the treason, of her own To these untoward events I pray God that unhappy country may 1 be the ouly sacrifice aeu that the true interests ol peace, freedom and oVr lixation through the world may not |>e involved in our unhappy tate. ; Mr. Francis Fulsky, our diplomatic agent in London, has received ample .information M lo tbo cause of this sodden and unlooketj for change in the affairs of Hungary, and is instructed 10. cjrt muntcale it to your Excellency, jt you are gri* ciously pleased to receive the lt Is not ac lipathy to Austria, though so welfrmeritcd ot tbe hands of every Hungarian, but a-tipie conviclio.n I which makes me say that even Austria has lest l far more by her victory, gained through Russian I aid, than abe would have foat ini merited defeat t through honorable arrangement Fallen from her position of a first rate power, ahe {jus now forfc.tt- I ed her self consistency, and has sunk into tho obc- I dient instrument of Russian ambitroa and of Rns- I sian command. if Russia only has gained at this ssmguinary game; I she has extended and strengthened her influence I in the east of Europe, qnd threatens already in a fearful manner, with outstretching; arms, no: only the integrity, but the moral basis ;of the Tarkah empire. May il please you, my lord, to Billow me to com maturate to your Excellency a’most revolting con dition which the Tarkwh governuient, at tho stig getiion of Russia, is about lo impose upon ns poor homeless exiles. £ L l. the governor of unhappy Hungary, oiler hav ing, I believe,-a* a good citizen §nd honest man, fulfilled to the last my duties to m£ country, had a choice left me between tne repose of the grave and the inexpressible anguish cl qxpatiiatioa. Many of my brethren in misfortune bad prcce* ded me on the Turkish territory, followed thith er, in the hope that 1 should bo permitted to pass lo England, and them, under the protection ol the English people —a prolertinn nevyr yet denied lo persecuted man—-allowed to repose for a wh'l® iny weaned head on the hospitable shore# of your hnppy island. \ Hut even tvilh these views I would rather baye surrendered myself lo my deadliest enemy than cause any diificulllea to the Turkish Government, whose situation I well knew how. to appreciate, nnd therefore did not intrude ou the ter ritories without previously inquiring whether hand my compiQ'on* in miafortano would be wiiingly received and ;be protection of tut Sullau granted to us. ; - We received the assurance thfcl wc were wel come guests nnd should enjojr full protection of hts Majesty the Padisha, who i»ould rather tac nCce Oy.OOU men of hta own subjects, than allow one hair of our heads 10 be injurod. It was only upon this that we passed into the Turkish territory, and Recording to the generous assurance, we wpre received and tended on our journey, received in WiddQi as the Sultan’s guests, and treated hospitably, duping four weeks, while waiting from Constantinople farther orders as to the continuation of our sad jjoorney to some ; distant shore. : Even the ambassadors of England and France, to whom I ventured in the namjp of humanity to appeal, were to kind as to atau/eC me of their full sympathy. ; His Majesty, the Sultan, was fUa so gracious as to give a decided negative to the inhuman pre tensions ef our extradition demanded by Russia and Austria. : But a fresh letter from his Majesty the Czar ar rived m and its qbmequence was the suggestion, w : to us by an express messenger of the Turkish Hungarians, and -.- particular myself. Count Caai mir Bathiany. Mm - ter of ForeigoiAffkira of Hun gary under mv O >vernmeoi, aiyd the Generals Messaros and Percxel fall would be surrendered unless we chose lo injure the laitb of our forefathers iu the religion of Christ and become Mussulmans. And thus five thousand. Christians nre place-! >n the terrible alterouliye either of facing • v .c.ui.dd nr of purchasing tbeir lives by aban doning their faith. So low is njrcady fallen tho once migh' y Turkey, that she catjj devise do other means to answer or evade the demands of Russia. Words fail me to quality these sug gestions, sut-h as uevrr have been made yet to the folleu chief of a generous pation. and could hardly have been expected in century , My answer does not admit of .’hesitation. Be tween death and shame the choice can be nejther dubious cior-ditficulL Governor pf Hungary, and elected to that high place by Iheiconfidence of fif teen millions of my countrymen,! know well what [owe to the honor'of my count|y oven in exile. Even as a private individual I bfivc an honorable path to pursue Once governor of a generous country —I leave no heritage to ajy children—they •hail at leaat bear an unsullied ngme. God’s will be done. lam prepared to die; but as I think this measure dishonorable and injurious to Turkey, whose interests 1 mm-t-fely tiave'ot heart, and as 1 feel it a duty to-sarc m; companions in exile, if ( can, from a degrading alternative, I have re plied to the Grand Viaier in a conciliatory manner, and took also the liberty to apply to Str Stratford Canning end General Aupich for -gljcir generous aid against this tyranaio act. fn full reliance on the noble sediments and generous principles of your Excellency, by which, aa'well »a through your wisdom, you have secured the esteem of the civilised world, I trust to be excused in inclosing copies of my two letters to the Grand and Sir Stratford Canning. 1 am Informed that the wholeiroatter is a cabal against the ministry of Rechid Pacha, whose ene mies would wish to force him to our extraditionv in . ort j er tQ jotfer it in public estimation and'rencer impossible its continuance in office. It is certain I .k.Via the grand Cpunc:! held on the Slhand 10th of September, after * tumultnoua debate the ma ionlv of the council declared in favor of onr extra dition the majority of the ministry ngninst it. No i decision was come to, in ennaequenoe of the alter ! cation which took place; but, notwithstanding', the ; Qjioutry thought fit to mske ns' the revolting sug. , gettion I hnve named. i This mode of solving the difficulty would not, 1 . a,q convince. i»,o thv rainiMry, beraofle m pro i icction only given, fi> contradiction of the Saltan’s l generous feeling, at the price of five thousand l Cbriiliau* abandoning ihrjr faith, would be revolt • )ng to the whole Cnrisiwn world, and prove hard • ly calculated Www ay apathies for Turkey, in the •not of wax with Roms, which, tt thv opinion of ni'BllaS DIPLOMACY. lie meet experienced Toririeh eUleemen, ii *p preaching fast _ , .. _ As to my a sure country, Turkey does, I believe, already feel the loss of the neglected opportunity of having given to Hungary at least aomo moral halp to enable it to check the advance of the common enemy. But it appears t? me that it would be a very ill advised mode of gaming nuo» garian sympathy by sending me to an Austrian scaffold, and forcing my unhappy companions to abjure their religion,, or .accept the same alterna ?No friends to the Torkish government would sprineup from my blood, shed by her broken faith, but many deadly foes. My lord, your heart will. I am sure, excuse my having called your atten tion to our unhappy fate, since it has now assum ed a political importance.— Abandoned in Uniinn. social land by the whole world, even the first du ties of humanity give us no promise of protection unless, my lord, you and your generous nation come forward in protect ua 1 iWhal step it maybe expedient that you should take, what we have a right to expect from the well known generosity ofEogland, it would be hardly fitting for me to enter on. I place my own and my companions’ late in yonr hands, my lord, and in the name of humanity throw myself under the 1 protection of £ogl®ud. . . i Time presses—our doom may m a few days be sealed. Allow mo to make an humble personal 1 request. lam a man. my lord, prepared to face the worst; and I cin die with a free look at Heav ' en, as I have livdd. But lam also, my lord, a I husband, son, and father; my poor true hearted wife, my children, and my noble old mother, are waaderfng about Hungary. They will probably , 80 on fall into the hands of those Austrians who d<- light in torturing even feeble womemandwithwhom the innocence of childhood is no protection against persecutions, 1 conjure your Excellency, in the name of the Most High, to put a stop to these cruelties by your powerful mediation, and espe cially to accord to my wile and children an asy lum on the soil of the generous English people. As to my poor, ray loved and noble country, must she, too, perish forever? Shall she, unaided, abandoned to her fate, and unavenged, be doomed lo annihilation by her tyrants? Will England, once her hope, not become her consolation ? The political interest* of civilized Europe, so many weighty considerations respecting England herself, sod chiefly the maintenance ofThe Otto man Empire, are too intimately bound up with the existence of Hnngary for me to loose all hope. My lord, tuny God the Almighty for many years shield you, that you may long protect the unfortu nate, and live to be the guardian of the rights ol freedom and humanity. ! subscribe myself, with the moat perfect respect and esteem. (Signed) L. KOSSUTH. poxKsnc attaiu. Rxal Err ATI SrKcoLA.'ioii is Nrw York.—- The Express, of Thursday, says: ‘•The excitement at the Merchant*’ Exchange ie constantly iocreaaing.\The auction sales by Blrecti er and Franklin were yesterday crowded with buyers. Tbe lorracr sold about two hundred and fifty low in Brooklyn, rituated on end near the Flatbush road, beyond what was formerly known .aa Partnentier’s Garden, at price* ranging s2oo to IheaoVfttea were stated to be much beyond any thing anticipated, nnd h:gber than the wildest rates of lb3G. A piece of ground of twenty nitfe acre* sold a few days since at .S-lb,* 000, was resold, a few weeks since, at *25.000, and yesterday again sold for *31,030. Seguina pond sold at private sale for JtO.OOO. M’Lanb's Viaairuo*.—Read the following eertifi rale, and then doubt, if you can, the triumphant qual [tie* possessed by this grand remedy: : Casnaxur Tr., Vkiusco Co., J December 21st, UM7. J X Mr. Bieakely—Dear Sir, I take pleasure in inform, ing you that the bottle of Dr. M'Ltne s Vermifuge whicTl purchased from you, ha* given me enure sat* iifaclioii. I gave to a child of mine one teaspoon fall cf it. and tbe pawed U 7 worms. The next morning t gave her a teaspoon full more, when she passed U 3 more. The next morning 1 gave her tbe same quan tity, and she passed Id more. ours, Ae , ANDREW DOWNING. For sale by J. KIDD A CO., No.t», comer of Fourth and Wood »t., Pittsburgh. • [ocia7-d&wlwS JOB PHISTISO. BILL UKADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifou, IMb Contracts , 7a* « lUanls, kasi) iiLi/, Laswa, cxanTicana, cusc**, round, Ac. Ac.. Printed at the shortest nouce. at low prices, at,tha d«S Gsxktt* Ovnca. Thibd rrsxrr. ImprovsDienti In Dentlitry, DR « O STEARNS, late of Boston, I* prepared to muitufacture and set Hurts Tami ui whole and |>um upon Surtlonor AUnospbenc Hucuon Plates TnoruACtiseruEu is naaisnu, where the nerve m exposed nryl residence next door to ihe .Bn)- o(*i ntfiee, FourVr street, Pmsbyrirk. Rlrsa to —J- »• M’Faddeu. F. It. Katou. w lB "pbVd. hunt, Dentist Corner of Fourth f- ivuntur, between Market and Fertv meets uetl-dlyin Ptaaicat-aaov T«r.;**.-PrepHrrJ by J William jlrcvt, N Y„ and lor »:uc by A Jaynes, 70 Fourth street This wtU »"* found * delightful aru* Clc of beverage in families, and, purtiouUrly lor >uek nsixa 1 * Bsojia.—An improved Chocolate prepara liou, I icing a combination of Cocoa nat; innocent, ui vigors tins and palatable. highly recommended partit niarly for invalids. Prepared by W U“kcs, Dorehel icr. Maas., *nd for *a!e by A J.O NE», al the I’eki 7O Fourth si niehll rrj- Wm. Al*eo will be n candidate lot lb- M orSty, subject to toe nomination oi the Whip Couv A CARD. MORRIS' PATENT TURNHUCKLK AND DOOR : HOLDER. . v ni|iK 'sabsenbrr hn» been appointed by the proprio -1 ujr»ol tbe atiovc invention, Travelling Agent t«/r the West, and retpeeifuliy *olicti*orJrr* for the *ame. He cut be »een thi» aAerno-ru, at the Su Wiar.es llo .Wlrfrmo'3 10 6 o’clock, where he will be happy tog.re »nv Inlormauon that may be desired. Voa S*L«—Patent Right* lor any nf the Counties of Western Pennsylvania, and the Weiwu >t4te» gen eraJly octdl-lf 11. A Dl. FRANCE^ Kcnyoa Collage Lamia for Sale* IMIK attention of Episcopalian* and other*, whodc tint the literary and religious advantage* to be en joyed m the vicinity of (mutation*, Mich a* lho«c at Gambler, is specially invited to the sa-e ot about THREE THOUSAND ACRES of the College and Se mmarr land*. Said land*-have been surveyet. *nw Lou of. e onveuietit •!*?, and comprise u great vanesy of »oil-a considerable portion being unproved boi lorn land, not *urpas*ed by any m the State A put>- ‘ lie *ale i» contemplated earl' m Oeecmner In the mean time, more particular imfonuauoumay be i»r> "n.dbr Be. M.T. C. WIN i. Agont, at Gambler, Ohio. , oeUI-wdt SUNDRIES— 166 sek* Feather*; sii ÜbU Lard; al bale* Cotton, to arrive on steamer T..c.;0r., mcKE y t cn . F*ffi“' :K3=TO A BO P^^iiarAtc. SUGAR— 112 hhda £rime N O Sugar; 4i> bbl* No dLodf no; 33 bblt No* 4 AP Loaf Sugar; for sale by oc»3l RHEY, MATTHEWS A CO M GLASSES—1* bhU SL Jarae* Sugar House; * Wbftlo do do do; 1U) l bl* Plantation; for sale by oe ul, RHEY. MATTHEWS A CO TOBACCO-22 ta* Southgate, Harolhorn A Co, *ix ££■ “ teW MKr.MATnIK^CO. I ARD OH/—l2 bbl» Buikhardl A Co, best quality, r-“ ££,;*'• JtHBYj MATTHBWB A CO COFFEE, Ac—2s6 bg* Rio Coffee; 13J hf cheiti V. 11., 0. P-, Imp I and Blk Tea, HU cad. bs* do do do do do With a general assortment of Groceries and 1 its* burgh manufacture*, for sale br oc’Jl RHEY, MATTHEWS aj:o ZI N'C WASHUOARDS—2O do* Iloiiucs’ superior, for laic by J DW'ILLIAMS, soctal F _No 110 Wood at CHEESE— 75 boxes Extra Cream; KKi ’• Western Re»erve; 30 Iba Sap Sjro; far eale by octal. JD WILLIAMS SUNDRIES— lo boxes Stearine Candle*; |U “ Extra Pure Starch; 4 case* Boston Pickle* aud Catrups; 5 “ Genoa Citrotu S “ Castile Soap; a “ ■ Almond “ 30 drams Stay rna Figs; 50 lbs Cocoa Shells; Al.o, Coco., Ucom. utl CLocol.tc; for ..lc by ocu'll L j D WILLIAMS _ DYE WOODS-OCOtbli Chipped and Ground. ju*t , r cd.ndro,..lcb JpiiiNEsT(icK^co ocUl comet First »nd _ Es? ' A ‘srr ,bl ' I,7 Vi^s^^^». 11XTRACT LHG VVDOD—tiUca.e* Foreign and Aui bV 1‘ A fv l,nf^ to _ ck a Cl. •¥VASTrS 7 TloUK—twibbl* Pa*iry Flour, * supen i „r article lor baker* and families, just rcc d and 1 opi:ll «K.,I.KKS i NICOCA .Vink FLOUR—M bbl* just rec'd and for *ale by F octbl SELLERS A NICOI.S^ p |,\«kng—7 tasks now landing front steamer Gen. ” b 'l maiaii merer*o . now lauding trout sleamer Jame* Jtißi.on, tor »ale by ISAIAtI DICKEY ACO tiltFKdK— StO-bX* in store and for sale by ) R PAI.ZELL A 00, Liberty *t Diacolvtlon of Psutnaraklp. mtttUAL CtINSENT ibis day, the firm hereto- P» Y riSSun* under the stylo of BUSUFIELD A been dissolved by Henry Leader sell* in said firm lo John McGill. All ng his «“«” intertst , Uuxhfield A Lead-, rSu Sl' B, Bushfield A Co- who are V to make all cotlceuon* and adiurt all .duly nuthonsed to m BUSHFIELD A LEADER, claims. : Pittsburgh, OS, 37, IS49| N it U BUSHFIELD a CO. will continue the illl bo plourt 10 b.SB “ d " Mmm " ir " “a! S. IuaHFIELD A CO. D~ u IHINTS POWDER-Tbo .obMribcn, Agcot. lo tbo msoufaeuirers of tho .boso cclo!,r.;cJ , ,i-- have on band and are constantly re* a^feuft^issaasaM l " w SSl W “ e “ l ' BUIISkUWE, WILSON * CO "INDOW SASH—A mall lot of P*l° IDxJS * If la «tore and for tale by __ , oct'4 COPE At BREYFOGLE> 1 03 B*o°°° t( lALAD OlLr-re do*, I eKoiee fresh > and for tale by oct3l PHAUN A RtiTEg_ Epsom BALTS-80 bbU jut rtCd 5 ' ocui efaun a reitlr COD LIVER OIL-a bbU oif a eboi« SWjfilfri 9 * tale by octal BRA UN 4 REITLR_ pREAM TARTEB-3 bbUjnrt reeM an d^ o ,L^. e n by oc:31 RBAUN 4 BETTER Gum ARABIC—I cate rec\i and for by BRAUN 4 REIT" 1 ’, corner Liberty andSl_Ct*U?_4. BUCKETS —IS doz Beaver Bucket*; ~ ~ „ 3 doz Larre Tubs, in« ioT BBO^N t IC.RKPAT^CK, u BAGS —tQ dox joit rcc’d mud for **le by oriai. BROWN k. KIRMPATRICK BROOMS —75 dox Jwt rec’d *nd for OCI3I BROWN & KIRKPAfRICk Tj'EATHER^—»B bg» now landing from ibe tleaiaer Jl Gen. Gaines, for »a)e by _ __ocm ISAIAHUICKEY ACO, Front si WOOL-5 tuki now landing from ateaaerGen. (■line*, for ■alo’S? - octal lAH DICKEY A CO Farmtt'i Htmmotli Iniaranc* Co. WASHINGTON COUNTY, N- Y , The Lugtm Insurance Company in the united States- 1 THIS Company have issued about 40,000 Policies I this year thus far, and probably at the Tate of 10,- j COO annually in this state, mostly tn the bastern ana middle parti. The rates of this Company are low, both for cash and the premium notes. The cost to insure an ordinary title for 81000, will be premium note $lO only. Cush 40 per cent, on the I note, which, with the policy and survey, make It about ] 63 for five years; 81 per year, two cent* per week, or reckoning anuuaily 10 cents on the 8100. This amount of small, has paid all loss es promptly for several year*; and from tho increasing business, ice Directors are Warranted in the belief that no tax u, r oji the premium notes will be necessary. Tbia Company are prohibited by their By-Laws from insuring in blocks or exposed pans of villages, or from taking risks upon any kind of Mills. Shops or Macbin-1 cry. which are considered hazardous, or from taking over S&WJ upon one risk. The policies of this com-j puny are free from the objectionable conditions found I m the policies of many othepcompanies, out of which I so much litigation arises. I Alt matters of difference j may be settled by arbitration in the County whrre the I loss happens, l>y those insured in the Co., and who are, of course, members. ! j I ARCH. BISHOP, Secretary. C A. COLTON, Gen. Agent for Western I’rnn'a, to! be found at present at oc:31 ■UwAwimT Brown’s Hotel, Pittsburgh. I FAMILY GROCERY t ALLEGHENY, Corner of Coloi.ude Row, federal it, near the Bridge. FRANCI3 lIART informs his customers and the public pet.etully, mm hr has a general assortment of good articles, such as lamihes are using every day, I sod n«mr* in part—Coffee, green or fresh ground, | Block and Green Teas, Chocolate, Spic.i, Nos 1 and 3 Mackerel, Salmon, shad, Herring, Uyslers (fresh ev ery day ) Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Honey, Diied Beef, Ac ‘ He is thankful for ihe patronage received,buthopes lo greatly increase it by continuing la sell good arti cles, at mir price., for cash; acd by the attention be will give his.business. oct3o-d3t* STARCH— 33 bxs Fancy Starch. Lawson’s brand, for sale by ocl3o L 3 WATERMAN SUGAR— 33 hhds NO. strictly prime, for sale by octSU . t » WATERMAN MOLA9SE3— 3U bills NO, for sale by ocUJJ LS WATERMAN TO BUYERS OF' DRY GOODS! WIL MURPHY, at north east corner of Fourth • and Market its, is cow receiving his second supply for the season, and can offer inducements to buyers rarely to be met with. His assortment of , LADIES' DRESS GOODS Is very full, consistinj of Freneh Merinos, Cashmeres, CoburgsJLyonete Cloths, ruper Printed Freneh Cash meres, ak prices considerably lower than they could be bought early in the season. His slock of LONG SHAWLS large, and embraces many of the beautiful styl w on exhibition at Franklin Institute, Philad’a. BONNE? AND NECK RIBBONS, Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trii minus, Ac. SACKING FLANNELS, O! various styles and qualities, plain and embroidered Black Silk Laces, Needle Worked Collars and Cuff*, Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flower*, Caps and Feathers. HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, Of ihe newest style*, and at lower prices than usual; . and rich changeable* Silks and Satins, for Mantilla*, Ac; and a large stock of STAPLE AND HOUSEKEEPIN GOODS,, at lowest price*. And in the gentlemen’s department will be found fieih FRENCH BLACK AND FANCY COL’D CLOTHS, Black Doeikins, Wiuier Vesting*, Fancy Cassimcrea, Undershirt* and Drawers, Silk Cravat*, Pocket Hand kerchiefs, Ac are invited.to Tisit the Wholesale Room*, up «t*ira. NEW BOORS. ~ 1 LIFE, HEALTH, AND DISEASE., by K Johnson, M. D. “The pith of nearly all that has been writ-1 ten on ihe prevention of Disease might be included 1 under two beads, almost in two words, Temperance I ■rd Exercise.” Dr James Johnson. I WINDINGS OFTKE RJVEUOF UPE, in the de velopemcnL, Discipline; and Fruits of Faint, by G. Übecvrr. D. I>. , I DOMESTIC PORTRAITURE, er ihe successful up-! plication of Religious Principle m the education of a i atnily, exemplibed in the Memoir* of three ol the il'-.cea.ed.childrra of the Rev. Leigh Richmond, with hi roiuciory remarks on Christian education. By the Ucv. L BlckrTMeth. . Fur sale by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, TV Wood st niLLINERY. Vf ADAME UONAFFON respectfully informs the j\X taiUe* oi Pittsburgh said Allegheny city that she wi,| open her winter MUliuery on Thursday, the Ist ot November, at her Isincy establishment, Market st., near Tnird. . Air ANTED—A ujjY.aboat sixteen or seveuteeu \f year* of age, to aiicud tn a Variety Store—one who wants to team tlin bariuesa aid stay three yeara Good reference will be required. Enquire at this oihee. : _ oc»30 PATTERNS —Patterns for Ladles’ and Misse Mi.,c» 1 tresses, Cloaks, and Mautela just rseel’ c j by F H EATON A CO, 0Ct jU 63 Fourth street BONNET TRl»l MlNUS—Ostrich aud Mire bout Feather*, Cut «a4| Uncut Velvets, Hisbous, Flow ci«, Caps IHustou. Tariton. Bonnet Frames, Crowns, m.d Tips. For sale wholesale and retail by ; C L:O : FH EATON A CO_ LADIE-C LAMITsf WOOL bHAVVEItij, Vests, and Uiuuu Dresscjs for sale aitho ladies’ coautei. octw i rii Eaton a co, V ociiPl • iV ; inks—7U c‘»k» Port, Madeira, Sherry and Sweet Y\ M tlagn Wine*, for »ale by the ca*k or in quaa uU.i lo >OH M m^ohctLßEE, oct 3o No 160 Liberty »t LIQUORS— 17 BninSy—OttrdTtiupuy, Ai 2 pipe* H olland Gin; 5 c.k* N E Rum; 4tw bbl* Whi*key: for tale by |3 ; W A M Ml rCHELTREF. i Oultui/ WUh au a*»ortment of Dome*nc 1. uuor*. Cordial*. Ac., alway* on baad and for inJ ~Z aKD UAKIMJIL —4O bbU.——- I J Oil- iw ilo Jo No l Oil: ju« rec d »nd for v 1 ’ “fMU _ SKLLBB»fc NICOL 3 » »ACUN—4obhu» p.ime Origin Side*; I-! 45 jo Jo Jo SboaiJer*; •*- 7 jo Jo yellow CO*. Ham*; 00 Jo banged do; a Lhli augar cured do; inatore and f< oei3o BELLKKa&NICoLS YM*h’—Wl bbi* No a Mackerel; h 40hfbll» do dor for Bile by •T OC 3 O W , SELLERS A NICQLB roddie* Y. H., O. Imper ■*• T l*H WATERMAN. 3t Waiei*at r- 1(lFFl .x—100 bfi prime Kio Coffee, in «tore tad to ornate' •aleby ' Cotton UMblatrn Tool*, *e, at Amotion ON TUESDAY, the 13ih of November, ai ten o’* ‘ lnr w will be told at Aaetion, on the premises, Ih Ward, Pittsburgh.) all the Machinery, Tools, wi.mftiL Drum* and Oeanng of the Phmaix Cotton Pac formerly belonging to Adams, Allen & Co. Also, n imvntiiy of Cotton Mul Casting*, Wrought and Cast trun Wort, Cast Steel Spindles,Hollers,Ac..prepared ga niiti. Patters, Office Furniture, 4c., among which are Cording Engines, Throttles, Mules, Spred er*. Drawing Frame*. 4c. \ liberal credit will be given on all purchases over gl'l)!), as m»drftnown at s Jo. QcflO-dlsAwltT Hiadl Read! o KLLKBS’ COUGH SYRUP.—From W. K. Boden. O Em-* Clerk of the Conn of Quarter Sesaions of (leaver County: Mr R- K- Seller*—9u, gome time In the winter my e was afflicted wilt a severe and distressing cough, and hearing or your invaluable Cough Syrup, I pur* chased a bottle from 8. T. Trimble, of Uridgewaler, and after taking a portion of it two or three evening* o-i going to bed. sue found immediate relict as also •ever*' friend* hive been relieved in revere ease*- l ..UsS.d U..H. I. . “'f »' i Btrdieiue. and would recommend it to those woo may ‘SSS ’ilia'™ w<: w>i>kn. r%££i SlSi b» t a w~4 «. andaoMhydruggist*ganarally,la Punbarghaad 41- leghsy. ■ THEATRE, Adujmio* —Dre*rCirclo and Parquette Second Tier Altxxks—Doors open t before 7. Cur tun rues J put 7 [D*Third night of Mr. BILSUEE, the Yankee Co median. Wibswdst, Oct. 31—Will be acted WHO SPEAKS FIRST. OapL Charles Mr. Reynolds- Mrs. Militant Min Cnuse- To be followed with a Prise Drama called SAM SLICK. To eoitcloi'e with THE CELESTIAL EMPIRE. Kbijah lMungell Mr Silsbe*. rehearsal—* new piece called HAPP\ Rk BULTa. . Great Moral and Sublime Exhibition! WEST’S THRILLING PAINTING OP DEATH UN THE PALE HORSE, or Opening of the Fint Five Seals, ns tepresenied in the Sixth Chapter of Revelation*.—St Joan's Vision, whirh he rpeaks of having beheld while an exile on the Die of Patmo*: rcrpresentlng 40 character* full ties of life, painted upon 240 square feet of Cauva**, Will be on exhibition at the APOLLO HALL, On Satunlav night for the first time. Also Open day and night, on Monday, Tuesday and . Wednesday, OeL tilth, 3tth and 3t*i. I Day exhibition opsii from Hi to 12, and 3to 5 I Night open from 61 to JO o’clock. I irr-Tiekets, 9S cent*: Children half price. Sunday Schools, in tmdie** at 6 cent each. Ministers of all denominations are iuvued to attend. I ocrl7■« »n.i all imcjciolitte porta lhi« day, tboSSlth. iH o'clock, P. M. ’ "co. Airt. ; "T ' —FOR WHEELING. ; ■ _ .. The new and tploildid !iXV>^€iti£T. The HIBERNIA No. a,.CapL J. KunianiTi*, will lenve Pittsburgh every Tuesday rooming at 10 o'clock; 1 Wheeling every Tuesday evenmrut 10 r. st. Wednesday packet. The NEW ENGLAND No. 8, Capt. 8. iDa g, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morittn jat, II o’clock; Wheeling every Wednesday even] jig a dOp M \ I The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gbace, will Ifcave Pitts burgh every Thursday morning fil 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 r. *c FRiDAY^iOCisiEteT. The CLIPPER No.'J,Capt. Pats Duval, will leave tdiubargb every Friday morning At 10 o’clock; Whee i n < every Friday evening- at 10 r. *. • SATURDAY PACKET. The. MESSENGER No. 2, Capt. L C. WoocwxXD, wilt leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning al 10 o’- clock; Wheeling evcry_Fndey at 10 r. u. 51KES? LI4COR9, QBOCERIES, Ae. HE Subscriber it just receiving his Fall Stock', esc 'bracing ail descriptions of FOREIGN WINES, ljoultll Groce.ies, Cigars, At. He offers inducements to the Wholesale and Retail trade, that caneot be ex celled. ( Among the articles for sale, he would enu merate the following; \ ts pkcsißorhelle, Bordeauxand Cognac Brandies, ul piper, bf pipes* quarters and octaves, all choieo brand* and vintages; 9 pipes Holland Gins; ' U puncheons Jamaica Spirits; 5 do New England Ram; 2 do and Irish Whiskey; ICi tbit Old Mosongahela Rye Whiskey; 31 five gal deration do dig 1839; 41 pkga Mndeira and Sherry Wines, in hf-pipes, quar ters and octaves; iSf pkgs 1 1 ibon and Teneriffe Wines, (quarter*;) e 5 rkgs Port Wines, in piper, hf pipes and quarters®-. 5? bt-u and lndia bhls Sweet and Dry Malaga Wine*; 9U bbls OM Peach Brandy. . 100 sack* Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffee; 75 pkga V. IL, G. V. and Chulau Teas; >3O pkgs assorted Tobacco; C bbfs and bales Spiees; - .‘‘ ' •? -45 bbls White Sugars; ; 37 baskets fresh Solid Oil; . - 75 do Caampagne Wine*, pu and qtsy 172 cases (l dot) Claret Wines; SO do Hock or Rhine • do;. •15 do Sauterne Wioea;Soda Muscat; 10 do Blank berry Brandy; Uo,bto Imported CBjars, together with Cordials, Demijon*. WiekerFlasks,scoteh Ale, Brown Stout, Arcnsarie Wine BiUers,‘Boitled Wfnea sad Li quors of the finest kinds; Anntsette, Curaeos, Abiynth, Marasquino, Orgeat, Cerises, Hock and Cologne Bot tles, Anchovies, Sardines, Lobsters in jais. Capers, Olives, Ketchups, S. S. Chocolate, Corks, Punch Mugs, Muddlers, Sugar Baxes,Ma*hers,and I’iit'burgh Man ntaemres generally. JACOB WEAVER, - octSfl * cor Market and First stS ■ lalfe and Qeallh Inißranci THE Mutual Lire and Health Intarnnee I Cc“ rTioe Clover Seed, jurt ,10 " ”‘"’l* w H/CRBALT.H DS + PPU^"!“ i ‘B> e 'Y HARRAU^ WANTKo- Wool, Buckwheat Flour, Dried Frail, Eerßutter, Hadley and Hye./orwtiieh thoUgh eM PnCC ‘ nC ™ Saw' HAKHAUOH VarTTrrfl'LlME—*> bbls in store amt lor sate by W«« 8 A W ItARBAUGH j O UNDRIKS-ls'bbli rcarlash. pure; 3O cska Goibe-t Cheese; | 73 bx* Wtfftfrn do; i ilO doz Cap* Brooms; just rec'd and (or ■«la bv octal JOHN WATT A Ctl, liberty St ‘ iiOT AND LKAD—3OO bg* S2OI, «J*’d ftos; 4PO !Li U»r Lend, in cion isd * R DALXELI. fc CO, Libettjrft T3RENCH MERINOS—A. A. Mtum fcCo.upen this P pioriiii'*—*o p» of Rieb, High Colored Preach Mcrno*. of tba ••mi manufaruue. oeci? IJARAMATTAS AND LYONF.jf:—A/A. Maiwn & l Co. arc now eper.t- g upwards of 4PO jy, »( >b c iuo*l an«» of every «vK7 Kxaminatton of lUadt. MR. TO\VNSi:.N'» Will remain in the city for a few it-iys, during whteh I'mc he will wait «pi>n those who may /•‘vor him with a call at Hlllt.O IIALI. between the hoots of 9 M. ardSP. U lie tn l give Phrenological Examinations and Charts; ud will visit families for that parpooo without—additional charg-s. • ’ oet<7 PATUNT TllßhAlA—lb> Arbuibnoi’s tiudaid blocl jurt rcc'd and fot cj27 c AnBUTfiJW? JACOO WEAVER, Jt_ pim.DRE.VS WOOLEN COATS-A \J meatfcr ealr'hy atvr: f» «pm!TgSt7T_ HPOW YARN-*YJO iloz for lata by • .„« i. ocufr _ r. AttßirrHNQL rUIEESE-lOri bxs \V. R. Jo.I nsc’d and \J OCJ27 PTIM RT V °TII_T "°° J " - CREAM CHEKS&-60 bo exit*, Leonard'* br« d . foe sale by CORD-25 doi Ail'd li•fi.'ySKS?' ■Orby ■ ccm sTCABT«j»LL_ PLOUGH LINKS-SOdoi hi Hoi; f’iffa&'Z oeifl HTIiART t SHjdrjlS " p,y- M “ ni "aaSAtco STEEX—OOO Ibt C**t Steel; . ' -_t- a__ "*^*fljSSSSSra3RB».\ c arbvthnot iiaWwdH PUABT A $ll