PKOrOBALB TOR IlrtHkiHjOOCß: * „ Orrot Iroua Arrant*. Hmumi SO, 1840. QEAU3) PROPOSALS WOT beretired at theOf- O fte«ofth*CooodmciwT«flndian Affair* at AVuh- oaTbu»»day t the Ittdajr OlNonpiitrf<fltivi*Lioa.L'ir roilotrlnfjooda lathe evaniHe* en n*irA± or.llurral;ou I*»fhr Iheute Oftixa,ltutiep». awk -celjveiah«o In |Le city cf New y«it: 2,100 pairs .7 point, wtta M»< Un*e* blaeletr, ter niMMKe 60 by 11 ihebca, and weigh eight - ' ’Rwanda. pat r*si pohtt'Whhe Mnckihftr. blanket*, to ~ . pj(f*mre fit by G 6 inches, and weigh nr poendt. •»’ • 147 S paire d point white Mackinac .blanket?.'!d : '42 by 06 ioche% and weigh Cviel “ •‘h&d'iqbiiler poned*. U'polbt wt.rte Maskiato blanket*, to i-wneMV*. 36 ljyso !ft.cfcei*,*aa weigh four ; : c anAaqaariei pound*-, 1 pent-white .Mackinac bl&okeU, to . ' Vtodnftre BJ bt 46 inched, nad weigh threo . j;pootsrda.; • • ioo pain 3 point scarlet Mackinac Mantel*, to - ■ inehea, and weigh eight '' .bdtttda' '• . 380 point scarlet Mackinac blanket*. to .; >|»euare ,04 by. 66 inches, and weigh ai*’ 1/ . 100 pair* 3* pomtgreeo Mackinac blankets, to £a*nre/66by Minchea, and weigh ten green Mackinac blankeu, to -aad'-wrigh eight 850 wur« 2> poiat jreen Mackiaac: bUolKla, to Beaanro oi'tqtfifl weigh an ' IMpaKrSf joi"' neguiMU* bio. Mackinac bjiatota, jib measure fiflby 94 inches, and ■ • pound*. 400 Mir» 3 PP* DI KentiwllsWneMacktnic blan . ■ fcffiw.'tameasure 60 byT2jncb«,«id Weipb : flivbt-rwinndaf • SOO pans W point genlincua bine Mactfnrc ->: Maaket», 19 me»*ore £>( by 6d inches, and w '• ' Weigh «x pound*. :• ; TL pn GotuU. ■iflOO yards scarlet isamida. 890 yards'blueationd*. - WJooyards fancy lm cloth, blue. 7 750'yirds fancy Mat ctah, wsarlei. . SBftyard%fancyllstc|btb, yteen. 1,900 yards gray list cloth', blue -3,000 yards sawd listdoth, blue. a 1,600 yard* aavcd Hit cloth, scarlet. •800 yard* Wed. Jptdoth, zrcen. • - '325-pounds worsted yarn, 3 Ibid. 100 dozes ootlon flag handkerchief*. 280'3dzen cotton'Madras hancleerchief*. . 173 dozen hliek silk-hand Wrchlefa. i ; J oo'dozen&4,eottau shawls.- ' : bO dozen 64. cotton shawls. 63 dozen 4 4 cotton shawls. ”;‘4&siwan 8-4 woollen shawls. ■S&flOfaj+t&i domestic calico. English aod French c^ieo. 10 000 yards Memmuck calico. - 3300 jrsrds bloc drilling. 8 000 yards Georgia stripes. -iilod.yards bine denims. 1 tjflOffytrts cottonade. -7JWQ'yards domestic shifting, bleaehed. 13,000 yards domestic shining: unbleached. I3jooo'yarda domestic sheeting, unbleached. 8,000 yards checks, stripes, and plaids. 400 dozen woollen sucks. T.OOO’yards plaid linsey. 1 SOO yards flannels, assorted. 1,600 flannel shirts. 700 calico shirts. r 430 ponnds linen thread. - 550 pounds cotton thread. 400 dozen spoot cotton, No* 1 to 30 .. 80 pounds sewing silk. 700 pieces riband, assorted. . 4,300 yards bed ticking. IfiOO yards Kentucky jean*. 300 yards aattinets. 130 grots worsted gartering. SOO pounds Chinese Vermillion. 20 dozen stlk handkerchiefs, bark St Bandnni 150 grot* fancy and day pipes. 1 Hardware. 1,780 ponnda brats kettles. 1,090 tin kettles. , 76 nests of japanned kettles, 8 in • nest. • 276 drxen batcher kuivas. gun flints. • > ,25 gross squaw awls. IflOO Ash hooks. . 123 dozen fish lines. 30,000 needles, assorted. 100 dozen combs, assailed. 10 dozen scissors, assorted. 10 gross gun worms. 12 dczen'mzea, to weigh from 41 to 3i pouu-Ji 30 dozen half azes,‘to weigh 3j j>dmid». • 21 dozen hatchets, to weigh U pounds. I Agriettbural Imflnuntt,([e. 730 axes, to weigh from 41 10 31 pounds. 490 half axes, to weigh 3| ponnds.-; 20Qhsiehsisvtoweigh !J pounds. . 1 -23 broad axes. 200 drawing knives. 12 inches in length. I 700angers,ineqaat proportion* of 11, 1,1.1 | . '! I'lnch. • I ISO pairs hames. .730 pairs trace chains. ( 3QO ponods bruw kettles. r I*soo weeding hoes. 175 hand saws. . 40.crots<nt saws, 7 (eel in length. - 40 erbaa-eui taws, 6 feel in lengt h. 100 hxotf-saw files. lOOcrJ'uMjQt saw flies. 40 log chains, to weigh 25 pounds each. 600 WhHiemore cards, No 10. 700 qoarteri socket chisel*. 90 plaae*,fore and jack. . j - JVortkvttt Guns. CiO guns,'two-thirds of wh ch roust measure inches in length of barrel, uad one-tbtrd 42 inches, to be delivered iu the city ,!of K«w Y-irk or Philadelphia, as may be :e -jqntred. 11 * i r Sample* of all'the above article* are deposited in die I oSceuf the Commissioner of Indian Atf-rir*; *c*-t it nay he pro per to remark that thc-e of bant ware, n:;ii ,) ealuus* implements, and northwest gun*, ate entWiy new, and of better quality than the article* hcreioioie . fanushed under fonnereontraeti. , ! Th« proposals nay be divided into fjor part*, vi.: -risfe-Blanketa, Sd. DryOood*. 3d. Hardware, to include agricultural Implement*, • ke. . : . ! 4th. Northwest guns. ; Thu lowest epstpetent responsible bidder will recrive .the whole ©rahypart of the contract aeeonUne to Hie above sealc,the Department reserving toiiselfihe right .. ttf determine whether the bidder ti competent ard «e -iponsible.or not. " I lie whole ‘amount in'money to be applied to the purchase of goodswfll be about b<it the Dr* panment reserves the right to increase or dikunisb the -quantity ofanyoflbe artiehfsuaaed, orsabdiuue osh . trtJo or to require, at rimilai prtees, such a* may ba wanted for present* or other purposes, iu Iho adm-alstraiion of the affsir* of the Department ' v GobdaofAtaericautßannfscture.tllotherthingsbt-iiiK - eqdalf will-bh nreCamd: but as. alitbe iainplcof blankets and clous are of foreign manufacture, it will - bo necessary when a domestic article is bldjfor, iha’ n = f*«wt«i* vfitskooJd accompany the bid, to enaldrtho Deportment to decide whether it is ofcijaal qaa:r.y - -with the samples to be ezhiburd. " The party pfopoaine to supply the articles will moke aalnvoleeof all the items embraced in the above list, and aAz thajlriets, in Collars and cents, at which he or.tbej will furnish them, deliverable in New Vors, (or if the efantraeior prefers it, sboot„onr-haif of ’he • qnafltity may he delivered in St. Louis, Alpuouri, fire • of expensed the Govenuntnt,) ou or before the' ixh dayof May next, aisumiogthe qusutltyof each arti. ele as specified in this adverlisiineut, and cxtemhrg ' die coal,making an sgrvegateol the whole invoice Tnflttmimy the bid. The goods will be snipi etru in ' New Turk, (and in 8L Loni«j if any portion of them defiveredthere.) by an agent 0/ the Uuuid Btg|e*> Who Win bo r*r<unted by the Department far .' tha parpose.jsndio sscthtuitbe conformity ofihe : articles purchased with the samples ezhioiicd, whon 'the contract «Util be loads, a/id with ins tenna ofihe egatrketitself; which shall conuln a clause that iftbe :,*jtiete* are pot furnUked.within. the time present*- d, ' orifthey arejbf Insufficientqoaiity. In the opintui-of —*.tbe Mcatdftiireimrdy and if anthin five days after no ticqof •Behjinsumcieney the piny shall hot furnish " oueri id Ued thereof of the rcqnired quality, the Uni .. «i*t>« *b*ll be aulhorls d to purchase, them of others, ssi to. charge gay lncrextd* of price they may .• bacosapeUed to pay therefor, to the contractor, who shall psy ihasaid hif-rence to the United Slate*. - - Bond* will be required, in the amount of the bids, withtwo-goSd rareuer, the sufficiency ofwbomiohe Mtflfiedbra United States Judge or District Ai.-r -. itey, f* r theTfaiihfai perfonnance of the eoclrari*. he made after the eoDtraetis completed - aaalbadehTjßsyef ibe goods aa afotesaid u-ah sc-tu of the Department, upon a duplicate invoice eeriiGed hy hlm..- ! T ConuaUhicslioQs w be marked "Proposa's for la* dltajooda^. .... j 13m bids wU be snbmitted with (he following head* iag,aad non# will be received that are not made in —tho-fsnsond terms here prescribed: ' ... *|(orm*):propMß to famish, for service of the ' lDdfaol>epuUßert tt)9fb>lsaringgoods l «tthe prices . . _affiihdtoibem rrepeetikaly, vU: ‘ ; is. * dtf ere titsert the Iln of roods.) : 9gllT<BAlemt the city olNew York (or St. Loai*) os '*°4 in case of the •'-'•-aeeeptaaeeiof his proposal*, the .quantity being pre dcribod by |the DepaJtment, I (or we) will eireuie a • .eontrant according to thitagreemeni, and give satis* •'>tetdiy<•eehrity.(» the Deparuseut within ten days - aAßrtheacfeptaoceorchis nldt and incase of failure . «<y -m Inin and give such seeuriiy,] are) wiillpay W the United Bute* the difference be . .twaea Uie sons bidden by me (or us,) and the sum . .-wfcfcfe th« uniied Stsoc* may be obliged to pay for the ' ' ""Ssh andierery liid’must a’po be accompanied with 1- - a fwisi? fa iha following form, to be signed by one -or more retpdnuble persons, whose sufficiency must •- ■ ha oefdfiod by some one who is known to the Depart- Mem. iilbMiimJoauhlly ® r by hi* ioffieial povition. , dn*t we) hereby guaranty thst ■—, the dl*ove •, ' UidMV-wfll; 'Comply with the term* of ihe adveru*«- • ': t • 4 pt•Ppsusrorlndt*ngOods, , dated sSlh Sep- i»aww/lM9i If the 'aontract ahoold be awarded to UjaTandenter intb bond Tor the execution of the same ■ ‘i:l -wSkbCihßt£» prescribed." jj-*j • - r- . ORLANDO BROWN, • ;-r., Con) a 4** l 9 ner l n< li an Affaire. 1 oclSrJtxwtlstNov • ! ©“NOTICE.—The time for opening tie bidt is ex tftuki to the litday of .flfcciober out, at 10 o'clock, ' A.hL, and ike time of delivery of iha good* to the lat -/. of June, 1950. The Regulation forbidding extract* to - ‘baiaken from the contract* of foraer year* ha* been -'nteiadsd. octaMDccl °- B '•'■i*-‘ r < BE. JAYNE*ALTERATIVE. Yffe been Informed by Mr*. Rooe of * cure p»T" ' AUot»UT*iwn{«J • ' Breriu*its wperiorityewewry etberremedy of the CißiL' J jßbk bv boon tOieted (or the Uxf tixtoco yem ''«rtVßo7KOBß»or WHITE BWELUNG9, ettcuied ; --.leeuhsalec ration* end cafbliaiion of aariootboneijda .-, iw«&h;ktDM sis; pieeeahevebcea diac barged from • . ; i«i boao of tbe cranium, from both her arms, twcaUeadbudJ'ttul from both tegs, a*d from the left •/»■«»*. hana.aad from the right anee.bctidai painful '«loortoaotaerpiwofb<rp«r*oo,whl:hha're Litißed thoakiUof «anstierof UteaMnemioehtphyciciasaef <mrc3r--4«nnt «o*t of Iho time her;*«fleriat» have • * Ab«t threemonihs • sj .. ■'■Mae* tU wasindneed to tr»,Bf,Jsyte * Alterative : whlek kM hadajLAitoaiahjmiy^Preffectopoaberf - ■WClljßS<.tAd caanmitthe ..j '■fi.lHitohukt&catthfitmmettnwh^rgcwetnlhealth !■ - : ..;B3<sboa*eoaj>letehr»oaxbred l kothit»hena«treijth*' - - ; STb!iatorethatt«be«d beforethtfeSimeiiMW'lhaß**. .Bom. bio. I*o " M Ik. MOUM TEA BTOIS, MEDICAL .HafMtleor-OalTule SlaeUtnes trr Sale fflHB aabrephcr has recently reteivcl R number of X the*: Invaluable instruments, which he ponlem p!air»k»eping constantly on hand fnr'sale, dc. ompn nied by directions for the'r pr o br T application In nil cut* ofdisesie, m» wall as for nt'l".,l» in U»e manner. I’«»t espcritiic- in tint treatment OfdlMues ku led him in believe that" there nrc Irw CiMi, ifahy, which may not he ndv-itittigecusly treai ed !•, a proper app'joatian of the calvarnc fluid The mn’i satisfactory testimonials will 1c given of core* having been effected of different diseases, som-* of which were deemed locurahk- iiubc ord.mryn'tedicn' practice; and on persons well known among cb, to whom reference* may he given. ■peraona afflicted wiiht'bron'c Discs**.* of any kind, arc .especially invited to call and ertniiiie these testi monials for themselves. MEDICINES, too, prepared hy th* most 'successful firactitionen in the Fas', and administered by them n connection with or separate from thcrcperitteti, will constantly 1-e kept on hand, with directions forn-e Single operations on the roost moderate terras. . Office No. 4*J SL Clair sC, near the Ok! Aliegh iiV Bridge. *pt2s:dly A. WESTKRVELT. ’ lUFACTQRY Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND’S COMPOUND EXTBACT OF SARSAPARILLA, The D«t Wonderful iltiiicine of the Age. 1,500,000 BOTTLES YKAREF. Tula Btdldne Is pot up In Bottles, sod tuts eared more Uua - 100,000, Oases of Chronio Disease, nitbln the lest Ten Teen—ltone Is Genuine unless signed by S. P. TOAVNSKSD. EXPOSE. BY READING THE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT —the PubßC will learn the origin. or rather where the recipe for miking the stuff they call Old Dr. Jec«»l* Townsend's Bamparilla, cams from—end will be able to judge which L the genuine and original, end of the bonarty of the men who an employed in celling it the original Dr. Townsend’! Sarsaparilla. Dr. 8. p. rowncend «u the original proprietor end inventor 61 Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, tad hi* medicine ha« gained s reputation that no other remedy ever gained. He manufactured over one million of bottles led year, and ii manufacturing at present 5,000 bottles per day. We on mom Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock in oar —t»w day, th«« all other EantpjiUi Manufacturers in the world. Principal Office, 194 Fnlton-ct . Mg ATI M'HB AFFIDAVIT. Oily end Cnafy »/ Kmc-Ytrk, w. >till!aa Armstrong, of the' said City, being duly non, doth depose and uy that ha u a practical Drug!let and Ccemiri. That some time In ua latter part of May, or drat of Jose, 1643, a man by the name of Jacob Townsend, who st that time ys s book end pamphlet peddler, called noon deponent, at the hooao of Me. Thom peon. No. 43 Hndsoa-street, where depo nent boarded, asd requeried deponent to write him a recipe by which to make a Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Deponent further taya, that he became acquainted with eaid-Townsend at the office of Theodore Foster. Eea., Book Publisher, with whom card TowneesJ dealt That csid Townsend had had frequent carrem- with deponent respecting the manufacture of an article of Sarsaparilla to be cold under the name of Dr. Jaoob Townsend. That said Townsend stated he was an old man, and poor, and was not fit far hard labor -end wished' to money. In order to live easy in his eld days,and that, if Sarsaparilla unde r the name of Town, send sold •ao well, ana so mueh money was made by it, be could tee no reason why he might not 'make something oat of it too. (his name being Townsend.) if hie could gel a capable person to prepare • a recipe, and manufacture it lor him. Deponent in one of the conversations asked said Townsend if be was related to Dr. & P. Townsend, to whieh he replied, that be -knew Dr. 8. P. Townsend would be down on him alter he should commence. Bat that he did not care for bin, as he bed Canned a co-partnership with men who could furnish the requisite amount of capital—and was well prepared to defend himself against any attach that might be made on him. Deponent further says, that pursuant to the request of sasd Jacob Townsend, be wrote e recipe lor itu menufrctare of e Syrup of SamsariUa, and giro it ti> him. 3aid Townsend observed that ke u anted to stake a specimen to-exhibit to his partners tor their approval, ea he wished to gratify them in every thing, as they furnished.all the capital—said Tow nsend &ls.> told deponent that the bottles they were to use wer to be of the same size ami shape as Dr. 5. P. Tqwn aend't, and deponent, at tjie request of said Jacob Townsend, went to the office of Dr. A f\ Townsend, and procured one of his labels. And deponent further says, that he. Las been'inform ed, and verily believes the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, sold as Old Jacob Townsend I*, 1 *, is made alter the recipe fur nished by deponent, to Jacob Townsend, as aforesaid. And farther deponent seith not WILLIAM ARMSTRONG. Swam to before me, this 14th day of May. »&ah. C. 8. WOODHULL, Mayor of the City of Nefr York PROOF!! PROOF 1 .!! Ran Is proof coaclmire that Dr. a P. Townsend'! flanapanlU is the criminal. The following is from •on* o t the Boat respectable pepen is this SUt& PROM THE . Albany Evening Journal. . Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla. Then probably sever hat been so popular a remedy, it patent medicine, u Dr. Townsends'* SarsaparilU. which vis originally, aud continue* to be manofac lured in Ibis city, at dnt by the Doctor himself, an t afterwards tor several years and to the present time, by Clapp k Townsend, tbe present proprietors. Fine.) tba partnership was formed, tbe Doctor has resided in Sew York, where he keep* a store, and attends toth-; business that accumulates at that point. The mum factory is in this city, and is conducted by the junior partner, Mr. Clspp—here ail the medicine is manufac tured. Few of our citizens have any idea of the amount of this medicine that is manufactured and sold. Beside the sales in this country,it is shipped to the Canada*. West India islands. Booth America, and even to lin. rope, In considerable quantities. At the manufactory they employ fe steam engine, besides ■ large nuwbvr of men, women and girls, in the proparsuotT of tt*«* medicine, tasking boxes, printing, kn, and turn out, ready for shipment, over 400 dozen per day, or neai !y •000 bottles. This is anenormous quantity. The greet sale the medieine has acquired, ha* jit* dneed e number of men to get up imitations, and then l U at the present time, other medicines for sale, tint ere called “ Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla." One is par. ticultr Started a short time ago in New York, is called "Old Doctor Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla,” and.ej*- perently with e view, by dint of advertising, and'tl.- usual remedies resorted to In soch efforts, to appropn ata the name of Dr. 8. P. Townsend's eroat remedy. and tins gain ill the advantages resulting from tho popularity of tbe name which he hat acquired for it. by year* of patient and expensive labor*. Dr. H. I’. Townsend, formerly of this city, as is* well known here, Is the investor sod original proprietor of the medicine known es “ Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla,- and we think those persons who are attempting to cell their article as the genuine, should be exposed; FROM TIIE Hew Tork Dally Trtbnne. 57- We published an advertisement inadvertently Man time unc* tliat did injastice to Dr. 8. P. Torvo- Hod, who ie lb* original proprietor of the preparation of Bemperilla known as Dr. Townsend's. -Oibrr partite hare within the put few month* engaged or connected themselves with a man by the name of Townsend whoput op a medicine and calls it by the came name. This medicine was advertised in Tf>t Triteae at the original, fcc. This advertisement also contained matter derogatory to the character of Dr. H. P. Townsend and that of ala medicine. We regret it appeared and in Justice to the Dr. make this ex p Una Lion. FROM THE Hew York Deity Son. Da. TovrittEirn’e extraordinary advertisement,which occupies an entire page of the Sv\ will not escape notice. Dr. 8. P. Townsend, who is the original pro prietor of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and whose aS tea Js next door to ours, where he has been for sever ai years, is driving an immense business. He receives no lew four hundred dozen of Sarsaparilla per day, and even this enormous quantity does not supply the demand. No medicine ever gained so great • popuiantyaa his preparation of the baruperiilL His edition of Almanacs for IW9 cost $22,000, and Ire has paid the New York Sea for advertising, in tiff lari four yean, over slo,o*o, and he acknowledges that it is the cheapest advertising he has bad dooe tm« is exported to the Canadas, West in dies, •South America arid Europe, in considarable quantities, and is coming into general use in those countries, es well as here. Swindler* Drsggistsiaad other* that sell Samparilis for the genuine and original Dr. Townsend’* Bemperilla, that is not signed Cry 8. P. Townsend, commits a fraud, and swindles the customer*. Men that would be guilty of each an act, would commit any other fraud —arm no Druggist of common intelligence but knows th»t our* is the only genuine. ' Old Jsteb Townsend*. Sotna people who are not well informed, and have not read the paper*, and not seen our advertisements, hare been lea to suppoee. that because these men ad. vartiaa their staff u “ Old Jacob Townsends,” that it must, of the original. It is lees than one gmx «iaee they commenced to make their nee mi naan in the market over tea year*. CU> Old’Jeeob Townsend. t ,g-r ut endeavoring to palm off on the ptbllcjti u oid Fhyakiaa, he. Tie is not a regular educated Physician, and never attempted to manufacture a toed* false, until theta "»» hind him for the tue of htt name. They cay they do w>t with the people to be. iirrt that their Banaperiila it oar*, or the tame —but the better todeeeive the public, they at tbe came time auert that their** it the Old Or. Townsend's, and the original > and eodearor to maka the people believe that the stuff they manufacture, it the Dr Townsend'* Sarsaparilla, that haj performed to many wonderful carat far tha mat ten yean, aad which bu gained a reputation which no ouer madielim ever which-ia a baee, villainous, unprincipled falsehood. V* have commenced colt* against theta men far damage*. Wewithlltobeandentood,lhiilheoMmaa it so relation to Dr. Towstead wheUrer In thair ad vertfeement* and circular*, they publish b number of great ialaahooda raepecUag Dr Towntand, which we , will not notice. False Report*. Oar opponent! her* published is the paper*, that Dr. 8. P.Tewneend wet dead. Thlt (hey tend to their agent* about tha country, who report that we hate glean op bar In tee, ho. ho. The public rhoald be oa their guard, and not be deceived by thete unprinci pled men. Nltict e/Bemetaf.— After the first of September, 1513, Dr. 8. f. Towneendb Now York Office will be In tha Sooth Baptist Church, No. S 3 Neman street, which H now undergoing e thorough change, and will ha fined far the better accommodation of the pro 'No it th« Ctsoina and original Dr. Towntcnd’e Bamjwiilla, us. fees tinned by f P. Townaend. Aoceta.—Bedding k Co, No. 8 Stata-ttreet. end Mra. t, Kidder. No. 100 Cotutetreet, Barton: Samuel Kidder. Jr, Lowell} Haary Pratt,-Salem; Jeme* B. Orea-i, Woreeeter i Alllton ; J. Bateh k Sen, ftuvklinca; tod by Druggist* end Mer geoeraJlr throughout the United Stale*, West Witt end tbe Canada* J For tala by IL B. SELLERS, Bole Agent for Pitta rghi D. U. CUBBY, Allegheny; A. PATTERSON yataghan. iepU7sflyl TRANSPORTATION lines. Vaangupwii Mtd CwitU Oaaal Packets. fl'Hj: pf.eket BFA\|i:n, Capi. S.nnlcy, will leave l B--ivcr'rrjuiarlyl/m Monday, Wciinetday and Fr.'fn y t veiling* ot t- I*. M., ur.d amvr si Youngstown ucit at * o'rhVck— rcturuiu;, leavta Youngs ■'•-•n I'actlar, Taun.dnj- bud evening* at 4 I*. M • nno reach Keizer ■n- time lor the morning boat, AI.M-t;HLN V 1 Ci.ll’l’KU, nmvtuj at Pittsburgh at Th" packet HARKAWAY, Cupt- Downing, will Id've I'cnr-r Tuesday, Tnurtday and Saturday e'ven i! JT3 at fl I*. M., returning, leave New Gnstle, Monday, Wednesday nml Friday evening* at 0 l*, M. a,so cun* ru-ftiiig with th« morning t>nat tor l*mel»urgh. Tlieso p tit ,ct- are fitted up order, hav ing fine aeroiiirtM nation* for passengers. and shippers may rely n t punctuality and grrster dcapoteh than bit. I«r(-,r- |,mi obtained on these rontea. L. .to. FITCH A Cm, Proprietor*, l J. O. indwell. Agent, Pittsburgh. Htdwcil A Uro„ “ {leaver. ‘ I A. D .scobs, •• Youngstown. R. \V. Curiiiugh*rn,“.New Castle. Tl*- elegant *trnmer, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, will Heaver, daily at * A. M., and J’itlstiurgk at 3 I*. M.. rumungm connection with the above Ixmt*. ju!3 J&H&L 1549 - Warren and Cleveland passenger Line. Canal P&ekct—KWAl-LDW. M OCEAN’.. / ONE of the nboTe Packets leave. Beaver ergi? day (Sunday* ixeepted) and amve next morning at Warren, when they connect with the Mail 'Singes for Akron and Clc' ctaud, arming nt euch of there places before night. t>ne ot the packm Icuye Warren daily at 3 P.M., nod arrive nt Hearer in lime to lake the inarmin' boatfiir Pittsburgh. O K 8 LHFFINGWELL k Co, Wants, > MB TAYLOR. do i 1 * JOHN A CaUUHKY, Agent, apt.? comer Waier’ejid Sinilliccld »l* fegna 1549. UNION LINE, ON TitK PKNS’A AND OHIO CANALS. Caswrust*A OitsMaEKUN, Cleveland.t). I R. ti. . Heaver, Pa. { ' ,upf * 'l'MIl;- Line vvll lx: picpa ed on the opening of rnivi- X irtuicm. m Inm-port ireirht and Passenger* from PITI'MU.RGH and CLEVELAND, to any j>mtu on the Cojinl amt Lakes. The facilities of die Line are unsurpassed in number, quality and rapacity of Boats, experience of captains, and etfieiciiry of Agents. One Hoh( leave. I'msborghatid Cleveland daily. run ning in cotlneuuon with tne steamer* LAKE F.IUK AND MICHIGAN, Between Kiiuburgb anil Beaver, and n line of fir«teln«* xtsHmers, Propeller* uiul Vessels on the Likes Asßvr* It <? Park*. Heaver, Pa. Je»«e Baldwin, Youngstown. Ohio. M H Taylor, Warren, Cyrus Premiss. Raver,mi, Wheeler A Co, Akron, ' Crpwfonl A. ChnmnerHti, C and, O ’ scars k Griffith. Buffalo, N JOHN A. CAUUHKY. Ag-nt, Office, cor Water and Southfield sis. Pittsburgh. mrbt’Lly BEAVKR' l>A<JftKTB. Steamer MICHIGAN No S—Caps Gilson. J LAKE ERIK, “ Gordun. I'HK above regular an<J>well known Beaver Pack ets, have commenced making H»eir daily trips to and fiont Beaver, and will continue to ran between Pittsburgh autl Heaver regularly during ibe season, as follows: , . Michigan No. 2 lcr.*e« Pittsburg* daily a; 9 o clock, A. M.. and Weaver »r s o'clock, P.M. Lake loaves Itauvur m - n'etov k, A. M . and Pittsburgh s(3 o’clock, V. M. There steiiuners will run in connection wuli R (j I,’tOrk* 3 Express Packet Line, far Eric; Taylor ik LefTiinf'vre.ll's Warren Puckei*; Union Uine of Freight Bnuts tor Clevoluml; Clarke t Co's Piusnurgli and Oievrltuid Line Freight Boat*. 1 R G Park* daily Now C*<l* Bucket*. jCLAKKE, PAKka A Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CALGUKY. Agstiu Pttulmrgh. mcMl i cor Water and Ststthficld '<-* PITISUIIROn AM) CLKVIiLAMO LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA ANDDHIOCANAIA 11HE Proprietors of this old established and ponolar . daily line, conslsung of SIXTEEN first class Lniml Uoau, owned by themselves tuid rutitiinc tn eonnee uon with the steam bout* RKAVKK AND CALEB Ci>PE, are enabled to oiTcruiie<iuaHcd facilities for the transportation of freight and passenger*, on the opening of Canal navigation, id oil points on the Penn sylvania and Ohio and N. York canal* and the Lake*. F. M FITCH k Co. Cleveland. BID WELL k BROTHER, • Agent*. Beaver. J.C. BIDWELU Agent, m *rt Water street, rtusbargtt 1. C. unttriJ, Ji W C. BIPVVKIA, Pitts!.argil. Reaver. BIDWELL Cl BROTHER. Forwardlns Jhrcbants, bhaveh, pa.. Agent* fur /(e PitzsLurgh Qri-icLvtUn*l Lent, Pitt.*' burgh antf Eriii L.iiw fij Jirie, and far fUaut boats Braver .i>ui CtslritCoye. Having purchased the inrye and *ub»tanlial barf Boat jj»l built tor tnr Monongutaela Puca.-ts, have witti the u ldliion of n W.uch<»u»«\ the mo«t ample ae* for leceivii.’ and forwarding, and , pledge •Jietr utmost niteniion, prutnpU|e.*« *)id m-snatch •to con*ir.ninent« to Uieir can-, uuu rely on their friend* for * trial ’ mun!-tiy R. A BRU | , [TTSIH'IU<H A.\D klllK LINK. ' tV ! F.*i-*b i*hed Line.' ON T IF. ’.HIE EXTENSION CANAL. TiHEProt.riei .rot th » well known Line of Cunat Boats. 1* now prepared to transport Pa»*engcr« and Freight II all points on the brie Eiieuuou. New York Canal* and tne Lakes, upon the m >»t faverab.e :enn* and with despatch. This I,mo i-uns in couneetton with the stcatu tKiat* Ut-AVEU add CALEB COPE, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, C M Reed's Line of .team boats and ves -el-on the Lake*, and the Troy and Michigan imke ■hi-ii Line, on the Net. York eanoi. C. M- REED, Proprietor, Erie, Pa. Bi.lwell k Brother, Ap.-rua, Krwer. \V T Mathur. Agent alfMeikuuen’s Passenger Office, WononraUeia House. Pittsburgh. • CO VsHiNMIJ*—W C Melon, Aharon; J Hull, Sharpshunr, Smith A 1/owning, <Jo; J U Piuminef, West Greenville; Wick, Ac fere & Co, do; W m •Ir'iry, HarKtovnu DtvisA.Saf.nn, Buffalo; Uatnej. Co; SanJasky; Jai A Ann.drong, Detroit; Kirslimd A >VwlM>fT>-. Sfcefcoyfian. M'Oturc k V* i.laiiiOlt> wuu kir Knap .Vu r ' A Dutton, Racine; John II hiunc, Chicago, A W >clcr A Co, New York. aftf PlUibnrgk anti Blainvlß* Packet Mat 1849. jjpjVfjf r l'Hh. putme are respeetAiily informed that J. 51. 1 MARSHAL!, k CO. have fifed wt sew snJ splendid Packet Boats to ran durir.c tl.e season, 1/c-j tween BlairsvilJe and Pituuurjih—ifc«t boat* to lie low. ed by three horse*, ami every effort made to accoiu-; moflatc passengers. , DwAMtißX*.—Boat* will Wave I every | Monday, Tuesday. Tbursduy and Friday,* .o’clock,, ps. From lliiur/villc every Monday, Wednesday, i Thursdav and Saturday, at 7 o’eloe*, a. M-, «J;d arrive I at Pittsburgb the ..Hue day. A two norw Hack from , Indiana w.H meet the bout at Hamburgh' bolii on up ward and downwatd trip-putting passengers through from that phme in one day. . . Fretcltt for the above Line will be received ai the; »„».« of the Houim.n’. 1.m,. by Jno. Furobk 00, who are our authorised Agents. All freight received 7ee ol cenuniiaione. J M MARSHALL A Co. JNO FaRRKN A Co, Agent*, Canal Ba*:u. Liberty at, Pittsburgh A Hack leave* Blairsvdie for Youngstown on me am-al of the to bout in morning, rare from Pittsburgh to Youngstown 63-reeeived at office of Coalmen's inn.-. UirrATeL apO.ilOm PITTBBUiiuiiVOUTAMLKBOATLW»i PITTSBURGH, PIH LA D K LPIU A. BALTIMORE, N. 'YORK, BOSTON, Ax. Titu**« Uoaßtuo*. Philadelphia. Txxttt &■ O'Cosrwr., riftsbuigh. risum old established Cine being now m full oprra- I mm, lUe proprietors are prepared wiin ihe.r usuai -7ici>m.c .no»n»i» u. Boeli.irfiK, pm- Jure 4.C to and from ihe above porl*,on tiberal terms, -mh’ibe rrpilnnty, despatch and safety peculiar to Uicir mode of transportation *o obv»ou*. when Iran {oT Ulii lino clJir e-s mud mid forwarded in any requited directions free of charge frir commission, advancing or storage. No interest, directly or .adultly, m steamboats Ail eommu!:icnuon*projnpUy attended to on applies* uoa to the followinj? agents: TIIUA BORmXXiKSW M«*e»*!’ I'ldlaJelpiiti. TA \FFK 4- O’CONNOR, Canal i.aain, l uisburyh. *.) CONNOR & Co, North st, Baltimore. mcti'dl 1549. Q fKU S IAM S ’ TR A 5 spoilt A-rioi*iTi«E PKOFBinoB!*, J.wn Blwiim, T' l °* , A Wfin * M ’ W.i. Ui.v-ium, J*«>» I***- , Cmnlartcd on strict Sabbath‘keeping principles. Proprietors of this old established I -Jim * ,,,w I put their .lock in ike mo»t coraplrf order, ami are thoroughly prepared to and Mercban di«n to mid from thr Eastern cities. We trust that our long experience the carrying bushier*, and ualous aurnlion to the interests 01 cus tomer*. trill secure to us a eonuiium.c" and increase of the pntiotmge hitherto extended to Ihugham s Line. Our arrangement* wilt ennlde us to earn' r f '-u' with the and our prices shall » - be as low'ns'lhe lowest chargrd by! olncr r ,-n >..Mble havr opened'an office in N«» lt>3 Marxet »tr*et, t>e:wcen4th and Sili ns, I'lulada, for the couvemtnee 9 S*roSoco*itad M-rehandi»e will !•« received and for warded, Kan and West, without any charge for for warding, ndvntumg freight- storage or commission. Utils ot Imdnn; forwarded. and every direction wm. uisc;ii*M, . ‘b'VJMSimSf No isl and -/7«Mi.rSrt siren, Phi'*'*. JAMK** WILSON. Agent. Wo U»a North Howard street, UaltiDioro A'iLl.lAM TYSON, Agent, No JO West street. New York 1849. “fSTJJjrrrTri Transportation Line. irt i |*fNNSVLVANIA CANAL A KAIL HOADS, Vu PTm,»nKUi»U A«I;BALIt»OJta miJKCanaJs beln* ndw I a nr Art ;we ore prepored to forward oil kU»d* and produce to Baltimore, with prompt"”* «» J deiputcli, aud on u {ood term, a* any other <NULTV t Canal Dario. P«nn»t, PilUburgh* ■ ■.... pi ts RAYNOIL Philadelphia. _ 1849. FROM TO PUJDADKLPHIA t UAL (Exelttsisety-tor Passenger* ) THE politic are respectfully in/onntd ihaiihiiLtne will commence funning oa the lßth * nsl i CoB ' tinoe throughout tne Season. . . The boats arc new, and of a superior class, wun en larged calnnt, which will give greater comfort. Toe ear* arc the latest construction. . Aboatwili always be m port, and tratelers are re- I quelled to call and examine them before engaging pas- I itge elsewhere. ' I (Fare tnlV nine dollars through.l One of the boon of ■ this line will leave the landing (opposite U. 8. Hotel, corner ofPenn atreet and Canal.erery night at June o’ clock Tune day*. For information, appljrat the OHeo, Monoaguala Hots*, or to D LEECH ACo Btfcl? Canal Buia TRANSPORTATION. - Kisa's roETim,* Boirun; For the T<» PHILADELPHIA- BALTIMORE A NEW YORK BL'SINb>S on tbe'Canal being new resumed, the Proprietors of the above Line respectfully inform the ptihirc >hai tne» ere prepared to receive and fur-, ward Freight with despatch, and at lowest ra:e«. T. ry wnuid also call the aueation of**hippcrs fbtsl wnrd to the fact that the Beals employed by them in transpQr'uiioi). arc owned by them and commanded by experienced captain*. j Shipper* of Meal in Bulk will find -tf advantageous to ship by thii Line, as the subscriber* nave made or rangemenr* at Colombia to have such freight tor Bat iimori bunded directly from boats in cars, thereby la ving warehouse handling. Freight to Philadelphia goes clear through in the boat*. No charge made for receivingshippingor advancing charge*. KiERA Jtt.NES, proprietors, Canal Basin, Seventh street. AGENTS—John A. Shaw, Cincinnati, Oy Jno. Mc- Cullough it-Co, Baltimore; Jas Steel ACo., Pciladcl p|n«t Frknei* A Tbomag, Columbia. meh3l PENNSYLVANIA CANAL A U. RUABa, EXPRESS FAST PACK.LT LINE, Puuburgkto Philadelphia and Baltimore. (Exclusively for Pnuengors.) TIIE public are respectfully informed that ibis Line will commence running on Monday, 19th March. The boat* of this Line arobf a superior class, with enlarged cabins, which will give greater comfort to passengers. A boat will always be in port, and travelers are re quested to call and examine them before engaging pas sage by other routes. They will leave the landing, op posite the U. 9. Hotel, corner Peun street and Canal, every uight at 0 o'clock FAKE-NINE DOLLARS THROUGH. Tims —3l Days. For infornmuou, apply at the office, Monongabela House, Ot to D. LEECH k Co, Canal Busin. N. IL—The proprietors of the above line are now building an additional line of Packets, to run a* above on or about June Ist. in connection with the Pennsyl vania Rail Road from Lewislown to Philadelplia. At that umr a packet will leave every morning and even ini; Time tlirouch. 21 days. tnchtß PORTABLE BOAT LINK* gfegsgj 1549. For t|ir triuisportauon of Mcrcbunuire, BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITrKUURGIL GfOODS carne-J on this Line are not trunshipped g. between Vituburgh and Philadelphia, being car ried in four >criion Portable Boats over land tutu wa ter:—to shippeis ot merchamtize requiring careful haudting, this i* of imponauce. No charge made for’ reeriving or shipping, or fbr advanring charges. Ah goods forwarded wuh dispstrh, and on,a* reasonable term* a* by any other Line. JOHN M’FADEN* A Co, Canal Basin, Penn sL Pittsburgh JAS M DAVIf* A Co. marl tfcff MarkefA Al Commerce si, Fhita- JOHN .torFADENlTcoTForwa'ding mid Commis sion, Canal Ba-in, Pcuu *l, Pttuhurgh. JAMES M DA VISA Co. Mour Factor* and Commis sion Merchants, 227 .Market and 51 Commerce street, Phil add (i lu u. . mail [o* Auvanee* made by either of the above on Flour, Wool and other merchandize consigned to them for sale. . _ maria _ 1849. UKUCHANTS* WAY FRKIUUT LINK. For Bluirsvillc. Johnstown, Hollidaysburgh, and ail tninTiueiliate places. rpHIS Line will continue to carry nil Way Goods \ witit their ttsanl despatch, and at fair rales of freight. '— H A. M’ANULTY A Co, Putsburgh. D 13 Wakefield, Johnstown. John SliUer. Hollidaysburzb. llitxkkkcxs—Jarnei Jordon, Srnilh A Sinclair. DrT Shocnbcrger, B Moore, John Parker, S F Von Boun honi A Co, Am Lehroer A Co. Jno M’Devitl A Bros," Pittsburgh; John Ivory, tiumil,Mulhollau A Ray, Jno Graff ACo. Ulairsvillc. mdi27 REED, PARKS * Co’». PACKET LINK* 1848. IiiSSJ n HAVER AN I) CLEVKLA N D LINE, via WAKKEN. Canal Packet— SWAI.LOW, Ca»L Ford. *• OCEAN. Capt. Walter*. /■\f«E of the aliove Packets leave Beaver every day, IT (Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning at Warren, where they conneciwiih the Mail Stage* for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these placci tteibre night. One oflhe PackeU leave Warren daily, at 5 P. M., sad Arrive at Beaver in time to take Uic mo.aing steamboat for Pittsburgh. • COTES A LEFFINGWELL, Warren, I Proprit-r, al B TAYLOR, ; “ S BKAVER ANTD ERIE PACKET LINE. THiIOOGU TO Til* UII 15 FOBtT HOT**. v.»n*l Packet—»!a, Ca|U. Jr-aries, “ - TU.SOUPH, “ Pollock; - “ . Lit* Ell*, “ Ttaby; '• “ PITTOMA, “ Browu; » “ FiACHtuS. ! *• Say The above uewaud splendid Pu«en«r ‘’ackeu b»ve commenced running between BKAVER AN l>ik.K IK. and vr ll run regularly during the scasoa—one boat leaving Kne every morning at b o'clock, and one tcav tav Braver every evening, immediately after the arri val ui die steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh. Ti.v boaU are new and comfortably furnished, uml wui mn through in forty hours. Passengers to any point on the Lakes, or to Niagara Falls, will find this route the most comfortable and expeditious. Tirkcta ttiroovii ui ail pon» on the Lake ean be procured by a.ipiymg to the proprietors. ,y R HEED, PARKS'A Co, Beaver. JOHN A. CAL'OHEV, Act- Pitlsburrh. cor. Water and SirithGeld »u. r3 ; _Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N \ O &I Reed, Erie, Pa. C C Pa} M’Fmrlaitii and King, big bend. Pa; Hay* k Plumb, Shurpiliorgb, ri| W C Malm, Sharon, Pa; U C Matfaew*,Fula»ki, Pa: R WCaiminglinn, New Caatlci Pa- jyl DtttltK'it CO’S FAST kC-\.PUJ£BS FOR CUMBERLAND. BALTIMORE, AND THK * UK EASTERN CiTIKS. fl MIR Proprietor* orthi*Line have poionNew Stock, J. and am prepared to forward package* of all dt- Kcrintlons daily, *t Ike loweat ralea. P J C. 31DWF.LL, Agent, Water street, Pituhurth. ROBINSON A BOEHM', sa South Charles it, Baltimore ■ ‘ iIARNDEN A CO’»~ PuKßßtr abd EUmUtane* Offlet. r ___ HASRDEN A CO. continue to bring persons* from any part of England, Ir*laiuL Scotland or AfilEwiiin, upon Uto morn liberal ienna, wiUrtficit uanal punctuality and attention lo the wwu ruid ruin (on of einnugnuiui >Vc do act allow oar passenger* to be robbed by the swtcdliug scamps that infest the sea port*, as we lake charge of them ,the moineui ibcy te non them»el*«*. and see to Uiefr well being, and de apttteb them without any detention by the first ship*.— We aay ihi* fearlessly, as we del? one nr our passen gers to show that they were detaiuid 4d hours by ui in Liverpool, whilst thousand* of others Were detained months, until they could be sent in somfe old craft, m a ch S p rate, which too frequently proved their cofins. We intend lo -perform our contract* honorably, cost what it may, and not act as was the ease !a«i season, with ether officer*,—who either performed not all,or when it eaiicdiheir eooveoicnce. Drafu dratrn ai Pittsburgh for any ram from XI lo XIOOU, payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ire landVtaglnnd, Scotland and waiea? ’ ‘ JOSHUAr ROBINSON, European and General Agent, Fifth Street, nna door hebiw IVfu.l EAOLE FOUNDRY join Au'iiols>)N «. w. o. rsina MUIF. uui'eraigncd,successors tu Arthur** Nicbol- X. sou. leave to inform the cilnen* of rutsburgh and publiff generally, that they have rebuilt the EA GLE FOUNDRY and are now In lull operation, and Lave pari of their patterns ready for l|te market:— Amongst wr-ich are Qooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stove*, with a splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is now superceding in other cities the common round Siuve. Al>o, a cheap coal Cookingeitove, well adap ted (or small families, with a full assortment of com mon and manle! (irate* We would par.icularly in vite the atiemion of person* building to call at our warehouse before purchasing, and examine a splendid anie'e of ciiumuti-iied Urates, finished in hue style— entirely in-w ia this market. Warehouse, No. Ul liberty »t, opposite Wood it u.ug2n:dtl NICHOGSONjt PAYNE —ALLEOHESV VBSITIAH BLIND, ANDCABINKT WA.tEROO.VI. Id. A. BROWN would respect fully inform the public, that he keeps on hand at Ills stand on the west side oi the Diamond, Alle gheny city, a completa oworl tnent of Vcmlian Ullads; also Vr niiian Shutters are made to or der tn the best style, warranted equal to uny inlhe United Stales. Hi* Blind-) can be remoVedwith out the aid of a scraw driver- Having purchased t b e stock, tools, anu wood oflhe cabinet es tablishment of Ramsay & M’del land, I am prepared to furnish their old eaatomors, as woH a* lb'|.'pu)illc -I l«W>», -i lll '"P' hin f '“Jf 1,, "\ . *£”£*■ ’ y> °° i brown. T.APEIt lIANOINOB —I mo now nct.vint, fee I from the manufacturer* ta New\ork, Phli*dei nhiaar.d Unnn-ore, a Urge and well selected assort ment of all On stest and moat improved style* qf sa tin, glased and common PAPER HANGLNGS, con ,uU tJ.iXK) piece* of Parlor and Freaeo; | lu.uoo Hall and Column; ■ lu'mu ” Dining-room, chamber and 651 ca Par- r which I would particularly invite the aUeiiUon, ... J.„. r having- houses lo paper, to eall and examine, at the I’uoer Warehouse of * S. C. HILli tpa • 87 ».<*>■?**. ipXTKACT OF COFFEE— An anicle which b ra- Pi pidly coming into use as a wholesome, uatmaiting and de : irioo* beverage, being more plehsant andlpal a table than common Coffee, and far cheaper, as a »mall psper costing only ten cents, will gft a* far aslour Bounds of Coflce. Manufactured by ) JOHN S. MILLER, Pittsburgh, 11a. Sold at wholesale by B A FAHNESTOCK AlCo, corner of First and Wood and Sixth and Wood stirets, Pittsburgh • ; Bpflj * CALIFORNIA RUBBER GOODS—Just received, 3e Camp Blankets; ‘JO officer coats; 12 pr* Pints; Is pairs nett lined Mtmng Boots; 12 Isthmus Uagjt; 2 water Tanks, 8 and 13 gallons each; Ml caiiteeji-. 1 gal.on each; 1 dot Baekik.a Money Belts; 1 do itlcil cambric do do. The above goods for sato at Uic Cali fornia Ouifiting Establishment. No 6 Wood ti. I siclxSJ J A II PHILLIPS A SSORTKD SPICES—PuI up for family u*c,i A. eann, em-lctert in a iliding lid box* comainin Mu»!jnl, Alipiec, Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove*, Pepper, Warranted pore. For vale nt the now Spice Mnaued Factory, comer of Ferry k Liberty at*. _mylß JOHN P BE A'N'vlL&— Wrought Iron Anvil*, from the Ten anceville work*, warranted; will be conaii on band and (applied to order, by ■ myg> OKO COCHRAN. 80 Wood ONK FUHNACB HEARTH, manufactured fro laperior article of BolLar Fire Brick Claj More and for aale by KIKR k JON j Mr. W. W. Wallacehavingnied a ilearihof b quality and manufacture for the past elgmeen mol pronounce* it taperior to the heartb* now in.gen b*o my 1C T.MNC. COGNAC bKANDIho—V7 halfpipe* var Jj vintage*, of oor own importation per Commi from Bordeaux, juit ree’d ana tor sale by ju4 MILLER A RICKKTBO g 1 ULI) received, a beamiful aai |jT menl of ladie* and gentlemen*' Gold Gi Chain*, from 810 to 830 e acn. eastern pricea. £ Wedding Bing* of 21 earn gold, gold Pencil*, Fii RtngKLar Ring*, Ur east Pm*. Bracelet*. Gold P Welches, Ac. W W WILSON, corner 4th and Market . _ ■\7TiLVET RJBUON'B—Jo*tie«ived at ZeDolpi V «ej'% 67 Market ctreet, 0O£l«olo£e4 Volaei RJbboft, aborted colon 8 « otbroldcrjr Obap; ltpa wife Plaia,*«. .fefe MEDICAL S" ELLERS’ FAMILY MEDICI.NF.S— “Tbryarr lAf Medidine* of the day.” . r . Gax&am’s Statius. Ohm, May ItW* ] h. E. Seller* : Hhink ft rilht for lb. benefit of other* lofstate *©me faetiia relation to yc: excellent Fami ly MedtcmevT \ bare u»ed your Vermifuge largely in myown ■ ttm * tly, one vial frequently answering for expelhuf •' r ge buamitis* t»ay Ito axil worms from two childur 1 have nl»o u»td your Liver Pills a:n) though syrnp .n tny fanu<). and they have in every iiuUnce pioduenr tile effect dc*irrd. lilf ruCC, bCIIIRU. A< l am engaged in tarrchamllsint. I htu sir,- t-» suite that I have yet to hear ef thr firvliafiure wiicrr. your medicine* hove bcervjtsed itt my tectioi: 1,1 country, lu conclusion. I mar «iate that they ate i.w medicine* of the day,'and are destined to have*. vtr, extensive popularity. Yours, respecifurr, W. H. I'lKSt’f Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, No 37 street, and »old by Druggists generally m the tw • ale* and vicinity. mv3l j i RfiA'rCLRE OP LIVER COMPLALVr. by I.e Or original, only true, and geuuine Liver l in. ' SUOET Can*. Ohio county, Va. f March amjt.isia. { Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir-f think it a duty l owe to you and to the buhlie genera ly, to state that 1 anvc been uili ciol with the Liver Complaint for a long time, anil so badly that an abeeev formed ana Itosc, which left rao in a very low flaie.- Having heard ot your celuhrated River- Pill* being for sale by A R Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by Bit physician, Dr. K. Smith, 1 excluded to giv- them a fair trial. I purchased one bix, and found tucni w be just wtißt they are recommended, THE Br>l LI VER IMU. EVER DSHD; andlaftertakingfour boxr* I find the disease ho* entirely left tne, aud 1 am no* p,,f«uy well. RespeclAUly ,oun { West Liberty, March •-• 1 certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr Coleman, an,l cun bear tesumouy to the uuUt of the above certificate; ’ ft R s . A ~ Tho genuine Liver Pin* are prepared and sold nv R K SELLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggist* in the two ciUea. • . , . TO THE PUBLIC.— I The original, only true and gen uine Liver Pilbnre prepared by R RSellers, and have hi* name stamped in black wax upon the ltd «>■ ehi h box, and his ngnatore on the outside wrapper—all other* are counterfeit*, or ba|r imkatious. • nplO _ R K SlXLKßSj_PropnrU)r DILJAYNB'S OARMINATiVBDALSAfI FROM the Rev ASA Sill N N, a well known and pop alar Clef jvniun of the Protestant MrihiuliMi-nitrW. The undersigned having beenalllicteddhnng tit* past winter with a disease nftne stomach, pro doctng great pain in the stomach for tenor twelve uiu.« without intermission, nnd after liavinftried rsfiout rrtnedies with liUleeffeeLwaafurmuhed w»th a l.ou't of Dr DJaynr’sCarminative Balsam. Thu he u-ed ac cording to the dirrctioca, and found invariably ttiatt*.y medicine caused the pain to abate in thru© or tour ns. r. ute*. and in fifteen or twenty minutes ey«*rv un-a-* sensation was entirely quieted. The mcdierne wu* af terward sit aed wheneverindieatioti*of the appioaeu n.ß.opatn was thereby prowl ed He continued io use 1 the medicine every eveo«..g and sometimes mthe morning, mud in * we-itr health wu*J» farrestored.thot tho*nff«werwa« rrin • edfroin a lafcr amount of oppressive pom. peri'itce,therefore, he can conn'ienilv rretunmn u 1) Jayne’s Carminative »al*am. ** * L‘,“-i^'vr rordiiea*«»ofilie«toinaoh»r.dlrt>we.*. a • Alieghenv e«j .vm For sale ih Fttubttrgh »t the PIlKi N *1 fcA • ?*•* 78 Fourtli Street, near Wood, and also » hflnuy H nroofU f-SCHWARTZ. *Hee«_ A_..e*_ j CONSUMPTIVES, BE .ON YOVh Ct LAUD. DR. SWAYNK’S HOBPOlilil) SVEUP UP WILD CIIEUEI. TIIIOIEATRJfiiCDTFOK Compton, CoW«. A,*™.' J‘”T er Complaint, Spitting Ulood, Duucuu> ol nreain i.ic Kin the Side Urtraiu P*[p«i*un« o( i' e H«-nrt, lufluenia, Croup, ‘ on ' wiiuuoii. So« TUroat.Ntrvnu* lM't'i iy, and nit Diseaie* of llie fliroav,. Oreut and Lungs; the raosl ef fectual and speedy curt ever known tor any of lie above diseas es, 1* DR. SWAVNE’S' OOD.Po»»4 srr«p or Wlld Cb.rryl , ■> lon * or ,"""i' h °”°■v, ‘ tli i.»K-d away from ihc uiousandr dun, bJwb-d u^!i P d»e tide ot experiment, and now -w.d* I'mted Stare* *»d Europe, and there a.c few i and of the value and r»T>c»cy of tl ■ m-tji wn cf 9 |k“fi»*< rc.peeiabiiivy-men who have Mah;-r of moral responsibility and justice, time w ip’ nf» to fact* because it will do another a fu%or, oj.i Issss remedy lot Use “Wlren men, aeting from eonsr-ieniJou* ~Dpol*j '. ■ , _;i*. i -m * iriumonr U) the truth of a time, *>r such testimony. be me contrary m Uw.r Siru. AsoiiiM Cun* ot C««t-s.rtt.-a.-- Tbere never was a remedy that as »uct In desperate case, of Consumption a* Dr. >wayn, - ISlTi*.."* 2S wh W”* I””’" l “'""”' : ' 1 ' otarr I'lirine. • • CuvTXftCO'.. ApnluSib. I hr 4V.1- Sir: r-.cniy yr.of <«>...■ , p„„„d t , r ■<< js* s„,i -ss-tI SSpiSIIISfi 00 >5 k »-ViU to rive any ny would be bmppy to fi»e » j H Uoef.i !o; ea«, that oilier sufferer* n»> «n .bo-., which la* £ jrattfub f®[ “ B Grocer, Wc„. EerplWtilly joan, ' A < 4 “’ nll ' JclrJ ■" ftsruystfHnjs: L “TnS“il”‘" J k "' l - * *7 T , Si'if K03«2 »W«H »!■ ™«l‘l“». b “' «“■ >"" ; ' Vnnviicwl that l wn* rapully go*:** *mo ct»tnniii;|~ M>on convince** . j[,,j- u i length was vcari lion. 1 (?rew d ' o r»i*ealt above a whisper, «»ti '» “ b rt »('“)' ■»»<"■ «“■»* '!-■ S’plnd^" l >■>■ * tiyr;' 1 ,u *SO&&ff*SSgJU?2?SZ: thoeo cwnmg o , 0 ltlo p ro fc»»iou and practice ..( SS«.;k»i SS/gSTw'S*, friendt, 1 commencedn* use. M> u* • *««»“. 1 “So™ ■•» «..*>' .1.8.1.«, to ~ , famJi how ,, tri leeuy re** * .would have made me mua3. bu number of boil'* t wouiu o*» ~ .iinvvd the i •• lo The ducharr- of matter fro “ ll |", Ul '*t \ *'*£.*' a -%; rwWiJ nirfre • v vanned wUh the permanency nrnht -»>i (, ti, K t,, i pleasure. Dublin county N- C. c important Caucum —RtadJ KtaiU There U bute genuine preparation oi Wild Cbnrtj. uid Uiat is Dr. Hwim I *, the first r-vrr otten-d to t>ic wilicl which a. bee, .old largely throughout!,, United State* **-d «ja»« p*rw of £.uro|ie; mul all p.c parations cafle« by the name of Wild Cherry have Lea put oui n*«t thi*, cover of some derepu .v circumstance*. -a order to five currency widen sal.--- Hr a liule observation, no person need mintnkr tin {?nume from tl, false. Kacli botUe «f the- genuine .. enveloped wit abeauufuUtacl engrtmu;,', wun i .r- UkeuosaofWuuain Penn thereon; afso, l>r. Kw.jne • lienalurc: and •* further security, the portrait oi Dr. Hwayne wilt tv added hereafter,*o a* to iltsiingUMh W* preparutigi. «oin all other*. Now, it u urns wu uu the great curhnve properue* aiid known virtue. < i J'r. Swuyne’s Corn—jund Syrup of W ild Cherry, person* would Jiot l*« endeavoring to five currency to ibe.r “fietltlous nos*-sou” by stealing ti.e uaine «t Wild Cherry. Remnmbcr, alway* hear *» nund the name of Dr. Swuyne nd be not deceived. Principal Ofl»»e, corner of Eighth aud Race «tccv:s. wbmjsale and retail by OGDEN ft SNOW - DEN, eor Sdaul Wood sis, B A FAHNESTOCK A Co. tor. Dtnn*. Wood, and Old* nnd Wood st»; W .'ll THORN, A”) M-eket «; 9 JONES, ttO Liberty »t; J Art A’JONESjCOi .land and Penn sU; JOHN MITCH- Alleghcn. city, and by all respectable dealers in medicine. _ octia 4 STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE'» l.t /V FECTORANTi* superior to ail other remedies :«i Coughs, Couiumpttao, Bronchitis, Arthma.snd oth«r Tulu-u ury effeeliou*,i»th«t the same persons who eoaaccceJ it tMoflt in-the'ir (nailitsUn jnn ago still prefer it to .01 3tbtr rtnadicieftha kind; aso whmaby hare beeu induct-t to try other preparations Use; hare almost mtsnibf) been luappoiuted in recaiving.tha benefit which iu reawoally intJemaitd ftm U»« high praises bellowed by the prupr ieU>r», end hats returned to the use of JaTitee’ Exrscmaerr, e. i rataedy that~h» oarer (ailed to relieve them, and wh>cii pfobaUy-never haditieoul in arresting pulmootryd.«»»•*■ litpervd *o!y by Dr D. Jayna Philadelphia, sad will on iscseyby AtikX. J A *1 NIC* decZMAwtf 7'4Frtur;h*; On WiP« Inlnad’a Premium Planter. DR. W. I*. INLAND, ofthe Medical College bfFuil. adclphiu, now otter* to lliv public hie ImJinii V<‘g> eluble Premium I’luitcr, the quutilim of which, niter lon* and tried experience, lm« been < satisfactorily c,- tabuahed. To ail women who may be aiilicied wiih I‘robpaUA Uleria or Fulleu Womb, he recommends bis plaster, guaranteeing a sure amt speedy cum in the •bon apace of from two to thco week., if applied with care and rest —discarding oil the counties* instruments ond expensive bandage, *o tong in nie. This lie feels conscientious in staling, inasmuch iu be ba* not failed in one case oat of three hundred ami fifty-three pa tients. Also for Rheumatism and Wegk Urcast or Dock, ut leudrd with pain, there is nothing tu excel this Fluster in affording relief or effecting a enre. For sule by L WilcoXi comer of Diamond and Market si Braun A Keiter," Liberty and Sl Clair si* Dr J Sargent u Federal stand Dtamoni, Alle . gheay city Jacques A Co, “ Denman and Diamond iiinung himi • ] ie3 RE. SELLERS,. Dniggui, Wood. tUce». . Sole Agent for the saleofDr.TownsenU'al.eii ulne Sarsapanlis, has )ust received StXr doxeo of ihu Great Spring and SumEer Medicine. . Purchasers shoald recollect that R E Scltun is *ole agent for Piusbuigh, and Djtl Carry for Allegheny city • api GOLD AND SILVERpATIiNT LEVtIfW-ATim- ES.—Duplex Watches, made by ibo celebrated 'Cooper ql London, hL J. Tobta* of Liverpool, and a large assortment of detached gold and silver ixivers. made by the best Geneva manufacturer*. Spectacles of all kinds; Commmuou Ware in M-t.<; Gold Pena; Jewelry in large variety; Silver Spoon., Forks, Ac. OThWatcJxiSpairing executed In the best mai,ier. / W”W WILSON, myl> center Market and 4th >u Tt/f ACAULAY’S Harper’s fine edition, JM. 8 with ee»it*j«r volume. For sals by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, ' .coimr Market and M iu Is, im iiilffiil-1 ■' MVW «? Il J v />s! J 4sli||ili|ls!l?r'ifr!!i|if ‘ «_g a < 1 =, , Eslsl’ss' 3 &l- 3 .'s 3 ~£aHtiZg s:2l§ a " «« >es *1 *4.-j*s s i;.jj4| §• sS^4i|f{l|H|ii|.is|l|l3'Hi:|4- **g l m*m pHiiiiife-inii : S 5 E s. iP ?* nrn ili iiffltfiH h =i t : Sll j; hi PI S »I talllilfealfel !ir e u. e m e £e a-?ie««l!|lsiiB*iiM -■3 -s-f-Sf.. m= sIoSS £SS|-I£f -|Ig.| s |||j!;*!|;l tfcfs „zg ft PS 'St- 355“1« °4 5s «*sg i:i|il!|iii!l| s t ifwiiylri _ •-*6... ,■** ;;l -|Si-|||i|iifii|lfsts!iil4i *S II x g g-'.sii.i s ls* s i«sl •=■*? = s|iilj 3 4§ist“|isii^Esv=:l||s “b ■ wgwiiiaiMMSilil i* i fflißWWifiiliUsSg GSS <5 s ! ■Sf’;‘»^S?sS“*ggi- i .E|og-®i|-‘3s§g6’2§f.| * O •^|-SsfSgs“'Sl‘gs»2s^|a«t 4 S.s* <SS s 2 . Zf O £ -4ts? s =&?*S> .ft >, • « |«“»ssifB<fts|3tf|;Sasf|3-sr;l^ Sfl Ifs ■* efi .5 ss c - 5S - “Sa 5gS i t f| s « s i- = z-liZ SS« -5 f«?„-• ."SS* k** s §•; eJ~~ w ail S e <H u = 5-s.r*'.s - °=2i;’ s “ :fc s^l^sefiir^So^sj- I fe *« *4 s « ,««S“ 5S - 2 © e -* ~»S ?■< 3 e-= 2 .s*? i 1 2 s c—- *£ S 5 li J S Sip “■S US-S-S «s £ “e.jj'S • © *'* = *-£'u 1 l-r Jj * C 0 ~ ttj’S E="’ -4 a s irf sws C-. ® “J3ig&£ E •4^^-2 fcs z “ fei ' • i“l£il?1 iilii kfitrdiiWMi !iff S o“5O 2~ r 5 r Tjz Zv v s S ae « - s «- tt - ,g ■ ~ a-- 1 *- « irr AGKSTBI-VVM JACK’SOV, JOHN* D. MORGAN, Hyushargh: D. M- curry, Allegheny City; A..PATTERSON, Birmingham. Wlfttog EXCHANGE' BROKER?- |- MEDICAL. *' \ ' mSCELMNEOm* N. IJOLf'iES A U«nk « r . , K »k a . k « r * > Noil.', UftAFT.- S ,*\i:iT.rrANCI"S,<;OLD, silvf.r ‘ ' AX!n:/tVK NOTKS. (*(H.!JTTK»N*S.—lrrfctu, Note* and Acceptance* pav“*M>- in an y part o' liie L’atx»n. collected on tic mint i |!M , l!.\Mii>n New York, Philadelphia and BaJ ti'n >re I'hieinirati. Looisvlllc, Saint Loiu* anti i\.-« nr -.hi*, rrm«iantl> for^ale. li.t'.ii Mil'N Note* on all *aleent bank** in the U'H'c.u Mi<ie> discounted at iho lowpm rate*. Ail kind* Of For.Mtn ninl Aini-rnnn (iold and SilverC.iinboughl Hint Xl'li (•ifrr»- N.» i> Market mrwl, between ltd and 4tli, Pif<l«l!rcii. }*n oriUS FOREIGN KSCUASOK. on Eutjbmd, Ireland, and Scotland boußlit > Any nr»Ai3i)i a; iup Current Rate-* of F.ielmnge. Al*o. limns pavnirle in any part of Ibe OM Countries, from .£] to 'liuHi, ui ikie rule of US to the L Strrlinjf, wulinui •ir.-iiicuun of discount, by JOSHUA lIOJSIN* SON. J-luropi’tvyjinii General Agent, oi£ec Sib “t one donrwcflu' n'0«i:l. octl^tt iULKN MiXKK] JjbwAKU UAit« KRAI3ER 4 EAHffl, BA.NICKRS ANI>*EXCiIANGK BROtvF.RS. drnlrri m Foreign and Domestic Bill* of Kxcbanjrr, Cer uCeatf- <>i lVi|.u>ite, Biuik Notes and Coiu, comer of lid and Wood street*, directly opposite St. Charles Ho tel tnayfrvlly ~\I?ESTEIiN FUNDS— VI Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky, Mi**oon, • llnnk Notes; purehiwed nt the lowest rates, by N- HOLMES 4. SONS, crpia 35 Market street. It ILLS OK EACH on > , New Vorlc. ’ - Philadelphia. and UniUmore, Coiiiirttuiv fur saie by N. HOLMES 4 SONS, sept:} 35 Market It. OKORUK AUJIOU, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 4(i Market streei, HAYLV. purcUn-vd an eitrr.MVMtnd carefully *?• suwk oi spring and Summer t».mdv Hit* »übeCr brr rcspcctrally mionr.s htv Inunds and U.e pulilir t],m li<*. ik now preparing lo fcctvo and clc rule their ord-r* with dupliru, and m ILC ncuir*i, innKt snh«tr.n:t:il. and futhiuiiAble manner. A* br m dce-rmim «J in do I>uiri- o'i tin* ca«a »y«tcin, be dut* trr* Unu»r!l' ilml lie will be auie to do work a* chcup ab il can bo done at any e«:iu»ti.iunciit m l!ie Uir mon. i« vicr.edj of Cu»*iwcre*, Croit- , ninths. Ve*U:iu*. A c., wtocit uni friend* are re«p<HUut. 1 11,1 ° f ARMOR. C. W. BIDDLE, UentUl~ IU.MOVKDtu II UCW three »iory brick uu Southfield street, one door t/Ciew I T.T r j-mi, meri_ Teeth inserted from one to an enure mi, <m Uu- • ucto-n pnndptr, ‘with a l-c*ii tu'u! rcprcs-'iiiaaon of nic natural guru—restoring ibo original *liapo nt the fare. V 15—Te-tb extracted with litile or no piu«. H.-ruyr.; IV) 'h permanent:;.- ,nvrd by plugging,prv m* il. '.iinujlu n K.ujiiiJ be dime n> live mini n-r, »»r MOUNT iutlLK TlUfOLt—Ft>r cleaning wiu dowb ai'jd ,utnp eta-',*«, »ilver.j>lair, bra**, Bri tannia, miff ojber ware It raptdly feisei, oul all epotii 1,1,-i .lam*-..and reproduce* ibu beiiUliftil mid durable oi now wure. Ju*l received ami lor «a!e. whole sale an.! r.-j.o. bv JOHN U MOKC.AiN, jvii - Orvgfirt. I.tglkt: Light!! LlptH 1J! r|’tlKjo«uy. Lftcbra.rd burning Bum cun tn. .w be Hml JL «u the Eastern I.nmp Store, No. Ml Third bircci, between Wood and MaikcU For a poriuble hou,e nym it uu* tae proicrnn-e in hit of lie c-a«irni' nun. bemg perfectly rife and cheap void of Kinott. grnabn or ony of tue u.- endatUs m li/rms-now in common use. uUo, a hr.atai ul a*«onmen'.-ol lamp* of the latest pattern* for burn* nc ibe same j>:j diln... V. J. DAV-1 U. THE OF THE WEST . VENITIAN UUNU.'UNUPACTOItY 'tftji.irf «ttk of the Diamond, whcro Venitu n yiftjL. ftiimi* of all the didcrcnt aixc* and colors nrc kvpt on hand or outdo to order-ofo tie lateM aiid itio-l approved Eastern fusu* ' s tor.*, at Uie lUortrul notice and on the tun reaioriQiile tenn«. ".\So. the cheap Lk*«tnn roil or rplu Blind Transpa rent:)' and I'aper Cunning ■>: atl the dideieui sizes and pattern*, on hand and lur *uje lot* for ••asn. Old Ycni uan liliiui* painted overnud repaired, or taKcli in |>*rt j.i> nirnt lor pew R M Pro pr pj. it All »in> done with ike be**t muicnal itr.d workmanship, and warranted ui please the toon n»- i dioes. ' uuglb-dly Allegheny e.ty, Aug. U>, it&o. PJTTSIiI' RliH MANUFACTL'RKS —Ten under signed, Agent tor the niauuhieturrr*, bn* on ha.:id amt m coils lauliy teeming a lull snppiy of the an.'. e.< nimif in I'uisinirgii and vicinity, which he ortet, wr sa.f •«! wuiuinictutT-T-* GEO COCHRAN, k.b‘«i« o 21* wood ->1 i-NDiARL iJBKR'I‘AS'VIS-'i’i?roN> bcuuc* India ifnti* oer Paste. an excellent article tor tendering boot* Mid ru&fv perfectly water proof, and non a* a piece of ruir i in.- application ot mi- past* t« iutieieitt to r.nke ibrni inincrviou* to Water Urt tl or J mouthy, ami a perfect (•revemame iroin the Iruihcrciaei-ius. Kee J Kiid'lor >ale at uic India Rubber Depot, No Q n,..»d»t, teuaa ' i a 11 pmluis AfiIEUICAN TELKORARH COMPANY. tst-TWOKki irmsvaon *xt» wuxeux. WESTERN LINK. UfSee s'ttlK Exchange, Ualtlmor*< RKDICED RATES.—The elmrgv. have been r. du red on all Me-tigc* to or from Bulttn.oie, Pm-- liurs'n or \Vheellll3, auil a mrre-jwniding rrduction unideon nit telegraphic despair ne» furwaid.-d iiuin Hal uuiocc West of Pittsburgh, Pa. ICsiita.—The charge for a U'lrgrtiph de»p;m ti 13 or (torn Baltimore, Pitt-d.urglt and \\ heeling. n -16 cent* lor ine kfrt ten word*, nod -i cent* lor eneh uiiittUounl WO t d. Ji/-No ebontc I* made lor the address and signa ture loiul the completion of the S-ouD Western Lir.c of Telegraph from McmpOis, Tetiiu, to New Orleans, dea patcites can be forwarded to Meibphi* by thi* roate, and mailed tor New Ot1«»u». lelt HOSK! HOBl-7! —IWOieet km. J ply India RuLn*r Uok—jo*t received for tiio Boroughof Mhuc&cs ter, wtnea will be held in «tore lorn lew day*. The lki«ton Melting Company express a strong desire for the fire department* »: the ciuct of Pnuburgli iind Al legheny 10 enU -and examine and make a trial of them. The company i» willing to put them to any test they ihr.nk proper to couclnde upon. mylO X. J A ii PHILLIPS. 5 wood « MANCFACrrURK OF IRON—To be •norll), The Munifucturc of Iron, in all its brail ctitu; (rdm tc* digging ui iron oro mid coal u> the urn k-ntf 01 charcoal and coke, the liuiidiiiß mid inanaEinif 0.. i,ia»t lurfiahc* by charcoal, anthracite and cukcj butbU«t nail blast machines, .Vc. Ae.. iiicludinj an e ijay 011 the niunufaeturc c.f *iee|> by Frcdeiui over luun. MiuuiK liugmecr. Completo Ij ono volume, st<o p with lllustratiotK, rngruved on wood. I’rico, gil t. lub.cribers. Bah«cripiioin received by auji-JO JAS D LOCKWOOD, OJ Wood «i T-YISINFMCTINO bOLt-TION OF CIII.ORIDK sO- J./ DA.—Jt decompose* the virua or peccant princi ple of nil runiagious di-ea'rs. Si remove* the dnuiier. otih ediavin oi «ick room*} Ac. By iu cleansing ener gy it relieve * ulcers, (tod intercepts all communicablo diseases, w.'oethrr in man or n.timuls, Ac. Jiutrec'd *n4 .r.Valo by lull B_i:sW.l.KlW ; sJ_Woo.l^ STUhSiOffI'SALOOjI, ANl> bathing ESTABLISHMENT. rj 1 .\icf t \ LI., twE* to inform the inhabiuuuof Pitlfs j. s and vicuuiy, thul he ha* opened the auovo estiiblifhmcnlj^where every ituenjion will pnnl n> Uk- comfort ofthoie tvlio tniy :a-’or l.ini with u call. Inberiy #ircei, between Seventh and Wood, ice Crcaiti* and ail other delicacies of the «ca«on. )jl!':dl) • ClslifTON PAPER HILL. rpjfK mu erwijned have this day a»>oeiated uuder J. the name ol Tlinir,p>nn Manna A.Son, for the put iioso of jaannfwtutinfi.pttrer, at the Clinton Paper Ali ll,.where they will be plcmcd to tcctivo the palrou nj; e of Ihc public, and the former customer* of the se nior winner. They will at ail times keep on band a general as ••jrtment of writing, wrapping, tea and wall pa|*cr«, 1 onrtet boitrdr, blank book*, etc. etc., which they will exchange lur clean illicit and cotton ruga. Printer* ‘hd Hook Publishers can be supplied with even* description of ptiuunj: ptper at short notice, and a, reduced pneos. HANNA April 1. *4a—«ySn.' KDMUSD S. HAN ’ j\r. s. p. towns'knd’S saksapakilla—aiti | J dozen of Dr. TownietitF* Genuine Sarsaparills', iust rcc'd and for sale by R E SELLERS, 27 Wood st. only Agcut for Pittsburgh. }ud By D W CUURY, Agent for Allegheny cup GOhD WAbUERS. ~ * HPARUY ha* Invented a machine for/.washing , Gold, for which he ha* made appltcwon for a pateul. They are now uifcrcd for vale aithe ware-' house of Parr)', Scott A Co., No. 103 Wood street, * to California arc invited Ijjfcall and ex amine these labor-saving machine*. are simple in their construction, easily tranaponed-hn the. hack of niulo or horses,' vfreigkin^ctgbtv poohd*.each, and cin l>e put tn operation in half an bou rJ They can be Ehed with provisions. It is the opiaidn of those who have seen the trial of one oflhese machines of smallest size, that two men will wain thaAniufa! from 150 bushels of sand or canh in a day, without the to** of a particle of the mineral. They can be increased in size acd worked by water or mule power, if expedient. The operator* work without going into the water or boicg exposed to wet, and conaeanrnUy without en dangering their health. They will require hat a small rtkeam of water, and eon be nsed the whole season, and can in* put into operation where there is not su£-' cicnt water to wush in the tuaal way. 'price ofsmatlesl sire $35. Orders from abroad, ac companied by cash, will be promptly filled. IL PARRY, at Parry, Scott A Go’s, frbfrdtf , No 103 Wood »i, PitUbargh. soucßr ~\ MR. BAML. IL HARTMAN bavin* told hlalflier 'est tn thp co-partnership of Ooleaan, Hallman k the remaining bamaarhaa dds day retired IftomlHlm. FabrukiT 1®» ISIfKf SALTER’S itNSENCJ" PANACEA! I TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS.—The ttirprecedentcd tacceu which hM uonded die use of the . GINSENG PANACEA n all the varion* form* which Irriudlon of the longa mines, has induced the proprietor again to eali alien* tion to this . • f WONDERFUL PREPARATION. : The changablc weather which marks our fall and A-imet rnoiUhe. i» always BTfniitful sonree of colßr and coughs. • Dieue, if neglected, are but the precursor* of that fell destroyer. COSUMPTION. The rjoestion, then, how shall we nip the destroyer tn the bod? bow shall we get clear of «nr ooaghs and old*? is of vital importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY ; will be found m the Ginseng Panacea. In proefofthti we have ftom tune to ume published the certificates oi rlnzens of our lest known cilisens, jabo have eiperl eneed itf* euratiTc powers. These, yelth a rota* of tCs Uiuoay from all pans of the eountlTr-ftom .MIIDIOAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDIIIO* Ministers of the Gospel, together with copious nO| ice* from the JOTONALS OF THE DAY, ... we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may D* har natis of any of onr agents throagboat the cosntry. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES hare been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, ami ire cha lenre any man to point oat a SINGLE INSTANCE t r. which, when taken according to directions, anAbf fore the lungs hhd become fatally disorganized, it has ever failed tn KKFECrr A PERFECT CURE. Wby, then, need the aMlicUd heiitaieT NVhy resort to (he mumble nostnsns, gotten up by on*> owaihdirid*: n il* -j ler the ucamed name of somp co -ihralod phj« lirimi. nnd pulTc'.l into notoriety by cenificms*:M par* ions equally unknown? ' Whilst a modlcine of • UNPARALLELED EFFICACY ik to he bad, who*o yoaohers are at home, oar nalgh -1 hors,—many of whoa it lias .■ SNATCHED FROM THEGBAYE I*i order thntilita invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor aa well the rich, wa have put Ui?; puce nt ONLY FIFTY CENTS, lust one half the usual cost of eoogh medicine*, tit* I for *b!s hv onr erenu in nearly every lowa and Tillage 1 ovsr the west, who are prepared to rive fall informa, non relitivc m it. Tt SALTER, Proprietory Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. OINTMENT CONTAINING NO .FRCURY.orothef.Mln ■rul. It has power to ■aase all EXTERNAL 'ORES*. SCROFULOUS IL.MORS. SKIN I)IS* '.ASKS. POISONOUS r'OUNDS to discharge clr putrid molten, and tn bcilt them. U u- rightly termed L L -HEALING, for ere U scarcely b dis- 1 «e external or-internal, .at it will not benefit. haveluaeJ it for the lost , of the cbcit, involving ,onsibUlty, and 1 declare before heaven and Bin, taut not in one case has it failed to benefit when the patient was within the reach of mortal means. j 1 have had phyoieluai loomed m [the profession. I hare mininers of the jrotpsl, imlrfes of the bench, al dermen. lawyer*. gentlemen of the ‘highest erudition, asd toDltitodes of the poor use’it in overy variety cl way. and there has bce-i but one voice—one ttnfrerosJ voice rr.yiiij—“M’ALLISTER, YOUR OINTMEM IS good:'- ' • .. . RHEUMATISM—It removes almost immediately the mUTumsiwn and swelling, when the paid (cue*. (R i tes directions around the box.) D-ACIIB— I The salvo has cured pemma of the headache ef twelve yew* sttndiiig, and who bad it rctn-Br everr week so that vomitingtook place. KAR ACHI , TOOTH-ACHE, and AGITE IN TUE FACE, aw helped with like si-.ccess. 1 SOAI.D HEAD—Wefcnvu cared case* that actnallv dofiadevery thing known,as well as Uia ability of fif- j twenty doctor*. One man told ua be hod spent l f wou his children withou utjr benefit, when a few i K'vts of Ointment cured them. TfiXrElL—There U nothing beuer for the cure of : Tan* t JJUKNS—It is one of the bert thing* in the world. Ah PILES —Thousand* are yearly eared by ihiaOint-. raanL h >*vn faila in giving relief Ajt the Pile*. : in* Amund ihe box are directions for using £PAl lisisr’i Oinanmtfot Scrofula, Liter Complaint, Erjrrry* lot. Ttiur, Chilblain, Scald Htad, Sort Spa, .Quinsy, Son Threat, Nervous Pains, Dis tan of At Spat*, Htad adu, asikina.Dtafntu. Ear atht, Burnt, Corns, all Dittos# tf Xht Skin, Sort Ups, Pim pUj, fc., of At Lisnht, Bore, RAsnnazim, Pius, cold Fta, Croup, StctlUd or Brpktn Brtqst, TooA arh*,,9purtnAtFatt,ft.fc. llur.Fi FKKT—LiterCompiaint, pain in the Chest and Slide. felling off of the bailor ihe other aceompa* tiles cold foci. iTliis tftntmeni is the true remedy.) It is a Mire *;■:» of (litcode Ur have cold feet. CORN'S-^-Occasional use of thd Oinuuent will al ways keep corns from growing. People need never be trembled with them u they use it frequently. . Ib?“ riiisOintmeut i* good for any part of the body or limb* when iiitlamed. In some eases it should bo applied often. OAI'TIo.N—No Ointment will be genome unless the name of ) AMKS MeA.LUSTER is writien with a pen on every J:u>ei: i For mlc by my Agents in all theipriheipalriue* and, tnwnr in the L ruled States.. JAMES MCALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine, tp” Principal Office, No tS North Third street, Phil* mdelphio. _ PRICE 23 CENTS PER BOX. Agents is Pfmiicsoif—Braun & Reiter, comer of Liberty and Si Clair rls and L Wlicox, Jr, corner of 'Market si oud ihe Diamond, also comer of 4th and SmtiliQeld Ms J H Chime 1, corner of Walnut and Penn Ms sth ward; and sold'at the bookstore iu ’Sraithfield it, 3d dour from Second at; in Allegheny city by If P dchwaru and J Sargent; by J U Smith, Dragglst, Bir mingham, D Neglry, East liberty; H Rowland, Mc- Keesport; J Alexander fc Sou, Monongahela City; N II Bowman & Co. amt J T Rogers Brownsville; John Barkley, Heaver, Pa; arc wholesale agents. • ' lebST-dcodly Facta for the Public, !r. relation to that ue.nvalled family Salve, BHUiY’fi SUUIC3I, PAIN KXTBACTOR. ritKSTIMONV of a respectable Physician,—Read J, the following, addressed to my Agent, Mr. F. Met* rywetuher, Cincinnati: CiKcixun, Feb. 12,1940. Sir: A *en«e of daiy compels mo to give my tribute to Dailey'* Pam Extractor. Being opposed to quack* : cry nml oil nostrums having for taoir object sinister juouvrs—out realising moeh good jfrtim the “King of Pain Ktllers”—*f im induced io tedder you this certifi cate. I have used it ui my farally,iin my practice, and wttn nil the happy and wonderhil-eflects that could 1 possibly Im imagined.' H. J. BBasis, AL lk Dr. Brodie is the spnior partner of Brodifl&*Levi, Druggists. . < Inflammatory HJteumaXittn. The following teatimouial cornea from asoaiccfh} miliar to many of thote traveling oa our Western wa ters. Mr. Ulime, the well and favorably known pro prietor of the Parkerabarg Hotel, ia husband to the lady whoso letter I annex: • Pausnavu, Va, April 13, IS4S> v To Henry Halley. Chemist.* Ac.—Sir Having for merly been long aifiicted with violent inflammatory Rheumatism, which appeared to firmly seated as to defy all ordinary allay the severe pain attending it, 1 was inducedtry; your Magical Pain Extractor, and it haviitg efleoted, {almost as if by ma gic, an immediate rctiei, and also,! to all appearances an entire and perfect cure, 1 am iiidaced for the bene fit of others who-may be afflicted with pain, caused by any kind ot inflammation, to write to you, declaring that in my opinion, founded on setna] experience your Magical Pain Extractor is the most valuable dis covery ol the present age for the immediate extraction nf bodily pain. U is an almost and a per fect cure for Kurus and scolds, mid all external in llnmmauoii. Having many acquaintances formed by thotr visits at ray husband's hotel in this place, 1 have supposed by your showing them these few lines, it may possibly be of benefit both to themaud yourself. \ — v ' ELizkairru Guuz. N entertain the hope that Mrs. Glime will pardon the publicity i give to her Idler, as vtell oa the score of hnlnaaity as of its being the surest mode of bringing it to tee notice of her friends.—H. DxLLxr.j Felon Cured. Extract of a letter, dated likuunn-r, Ey. Nov. Si, 1543 Mr. If. Dailey: “I have tried youi i*ara Extractor in a ebsti of felon, ut my own family, which u relieved and cared in u. very-short time.’’ In haste, yours re* siiQuiiully, JaX. AL Votma. 10- Burns and Scalds, Piles, Sore Nipples, Broken Breast, Eruptions, Sores, Cuts, Wound*, and all in* tUpsination, yields readily to the wonderful properties of tins aurivalled family sal re. But, inuhe samepro potirau that you will receive benefit from the genuine, you will be tajured by the deleterioas effects of the counterfeit solve*. [ CAUTION—Bo sure and apply only to the inventor, H.iHallit, 413 Broadway, New York, or to fau au ihoru> d ugeats. JOHN D MORGAN, Genera! Depot, Pittsburgh, flrtij- P. Schwnrtt, Allegheny, Agent; J, Baker, Wheeling, Va; James W John non, 'Maysville, Kyi F. JUi-rryweather Cfneinnati, 0., General Depot,l N-B —lnthe severesißiira* and gcslds it extracts ih* twin ia a few it never foil** iull u a. rsu.seifht*, i A.B. liuu-,N. ». *, U y B. Fshiestoci,/Pittsburgh. ... •U. \V. Fstistxroc.J' Wholciali Oraf Ithra ia Um Cltr afl HswTbfki : *FItE undeninod are exteuivehr enraged in the 1 to: .it, of to- York, ■! m pnpiml u UnMntv.ud c.mrjMetekMuWiiDran.Rfilf »!*. UTMtoJ*. fto ft udaStoticM Athton, 1 sssiisssgi^ ■*•»*»» oXwteawKasc CURE FOR WORMS. B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S VKKJttIFUGK. . ..CUASGH or txruuuL wx^rru. IN ordrr'to afford all oostihld tho publie, si well a* to themselves, against fraud : and iopo* •itioa from counterfeiting, the proprietor* hire made a change in the exterior wrapper or JaWe of their Ver mifuge. ‘lte new label, which Is a >teel engraving of the most exquisite design and workmanship, has been introduced#] a very great expense, and is from ike brain of an artist of the first talent The design Is how, and* the execution elaborate. Several figures and a portrait are most prominent, but the word “Vmaj* eras,” printed in while letters on a red anddlndp ea rraved ground, should be partieulsrly dxamwedv— When held up to the light the letters, shadinx of the letters and every line, however minute, throughout the whole of this part of the engraving match as exactly as U the impression hsd been made upon one side on* ly, altbotuth it is actually printed on b >th sides' of tho paper. This should Yn all eases be observed. Ala* bel upon-esen doren is also printed in'red nponheth sides, and should be examined in the same'manner. This preparation has now stood the ten-of many pears trial, and is confidently recomtdebded as • ■»<« and eflectaalm-diefne for expelling worms from the system, 'Che: unexampled success that has attended its administration in every case where the patient waa really afflicted with worms, certainly renders il wor thy the attention of physicians.* • • - ’ • The proprietor has msde 'it. a point to ascertain the result of tu use in such eases as cama within his knowledge and observation-and he Invariebty found it to produce the most tniuiary efleets—not onfretmeat -ly after nearly all the] ordinary preparations recom mended- for kronas had been previously resorted to without any permanent advantage. This fact i* at tested by the cenifieates.and statement# ef’handreds of respectable persons] in different pans of the coun try, and should inducej families always to keep a'vtal or the preparation in their possession. Ills mUd is its operation, and «a»y be ad ministered with perfect safe ty to the most delicato Infant The only genuine iajprepar&d by - >pqrc B A FAHNEarOCt, Ptiubargh Great EriglUb UemeOy. .. ; FOR Co arhrf. Colds, [Asthma and Conaadmdos! ’ Tha GREAT AND ONXY REMEDY for the mere of the above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN OP LIFf; discovered by 'tie celebrated Dr. Buehefl, ol London, England, and introduced into the United Slataa under the immediate superintendence ofthelrtventor. Tbe extraordinary success of this medidae,-in tii care of Pulmonary diseases, warrants tie American AgentinsolieitinglSlpeaimentthe'worsi poeaftta ea ses ihatean be found in the community—cases that seek relief iavald from any of the common remedies of the flay, tad have been given up by the most distfeurttliled physicians as confirmed andlnevable. TheJlanguri an Balsamhu ettred,|and will oure, the most £raerate of cues, ’liwnoqoacknostnmtbuia staodaraEnr lisb medieute. of known and established efficsey. Every family in the United States should be supplied with Buchan’s Hungarian Balsam of T.tfi», not only to eoanierxetiheeonuuhptive.tendencies of the OUmate, butte be used as a prerenirve medicine imxii ’eases or spitting of blood, pain In the aide and chest, imuuoa and [soreness of the iunra. hrochiiit. difficulty of’breatlngiXcctic fever, night swexiaetnaei. auon and general debtUty,asthma, inflaeaxtvriiooniar cough and proop. i’ ~ Sold in large bottlei at «l per bottle, with -falL direc tions for tire restoration of health. • Tamphlcts, coutoioing a mass of English and Ameri can certificates, and iether evidence, showing the un eqtumsd menu of tMs great EngUs^Bfemed^mayba obtained of the Agent*. gratuitously. • ■ ■-■■■■■• ; Ttr w&toa AKAHNESTOfiK stand Wood and Wo xlgndcthsts. : 11549. '■ESERSSfen: k .„ commenced ruaning,|«nd will continoe darin* the mi mo to make, their recaU* trip*, leaving Beaver after the arrival of the morning boat from Pttubnrjrh, m 0 ». dock-, r. *) and arrive at Brie in time for puaennra 1,0 *fk* th< morning ttoau to BofUo hr up too Laft. Tleket* through to Erie and all Lake porta can bo had by applieaocnrro JOHN A OAUGHEY/Ajrt, corner of Water and Smithkid att • , « OfiOaCE KECK, >der the 81 Charlea Hotel i And&ott fatUODabi* Etfatet n patterns asdcolon. TJl£ CHEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BUND, on WnS or made loorder of sliiise*, tnd fticliprioM. Country Merchant end ouais iTeYiniied to eell eat eiftnuno ike above for themaelvei. |i oil will be told , wholesale or retail, end a liberal tuoactioa made to [ wlioiL'sulepurchajen. • ' • 1 •afdly, a WESTERVELT OfU2iTFU'ili'PAPlSß—Having iheexclusive agency X tor llit sole of die Mill Grove Printing Paper, (S. V. AC. P. .Markle, Proprietor*,) we will beconstantly supplied wtth all the different sire* of ttpertor quality, which wc offer at ihe lowest regblar pricks/ REYNOLDS A BHEB, feo*« 5 comer Peon and Irwin id "7*.90 IMPORTERSandjWliolesateDealers inForeignand X Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ae., 189, Wood street, Pitubtirgb, are now fallyprepared with, a recently imported stock of Uardwtm, Gallery, Dad* dlery, Carpcuters 1 .Tools, Ac., to offer very great in* ducemems to Western JlcrchanU, aa In additirai to, . the many advantages had by ourptedecehhors, Mev ; m. Logan A Kennedy, wo have greatly Increased oar taetliuef,nud purchase alt oar goodsrroa first hands uhthe very best term*. • Too junior mention of the firm devote- their whole attention to sales, atid./colmg confident of giving sat* isfacuou, respectfully solicit a call from all who may visit this market. t \; - BUck m JSAIiM, ' rIiHE nnaertlgned| offer* far sale utnpertor arneln X of bnct for baildinr, made by-iji* Steam Press, Improved machine, for which he au obtained a patent and agree* to give purchaser* a writufe guarantee that Utey«;e stronger, wild will realit Gc*:antf wet weath er and*imbibe teas tfioltlure or dampness than any oth er bright possessing krealer body and texture and much more datable in every respect, each brick being subjected to alpsesiure of gerenil tons, and pos 'aeauug a hand tome amooth surface atfd even edges, they .make a front equal to the beat IronibWok. .' They have given Ute greatest satisfaction to all who have puiyhaaed. X kibt can be aeon ajjay work*, and specimen ailhe Gtueue office. ' Those having supplied themselves for iheirbaildingi. atid wishing Enndsoitie front‘brick, at isperior haru and solid pavinr back, can obtain them. ; T ISAAC GREGG) :‘ _ Ditminghaat, Jmie Id, l&K if } WOOL*— The hii’tws I price m.casnpaid’for all me different grades of clean washed Wool, by . ujysll | H LBK, liberty stf opposite Sth , CH>PAKTS'KKai|IP—1 have .Una day- aaaocuteS / with me in the brholesale Grocery, Produce and CaauniUuon business, Mr. John Wilson, under the firm of JOHN VVA'iT&ICU. JUHpi WATT. .. PitUlmrgbj April pu, 1549. S“* ÜbVll oYZinTntita, Oxide of Tin, Proaic Acid, Cit rate of Iron, fli Carbonate of Potash, Nitrate of Stiver, Calomel, Zobiae of jUeaO, Chlottde of Soda and Chlone Eiher, bn hand and for sale by . ;«U-A_:-i XMae piS>2D*co. '°PUL foilhe fery üb>r»* r -«d!for - GRATEFUL rot lia "fetj liberal encouragement L bevc reecmdjfor eo many yean; I hare deter mined to eaUrge my btivlnen eoamderably. Tlrrtjyr engaged a comfeiem Foreman, • I will bo enabled 10 fill alt ordejrs promptly, and do ifca-work in oar ataal •t>leand atfai.-p«ce#i«nda»kUie attention of mer chant* wul ciuieiu to my large ttock of UFIIOLSTE JIV GOODS and Bed,, &aunu*« W d Jledffi c£ i «n MaieriU*» Wutte oadMoteau, Cornice*. Frut-. gc, IJ6n!criug*,Td.»d*, SpUiaiwKbller Udada, and every arucic utaalfy kept in of the uSd S dtC * re, P'*” l > u r *o<«o*o«l kad promptly al 7l,riC“rpeu 4 u,e » nt! P<a down’ i (_ '' • wm Nnm.K. PITT. BB M r< 3H gazette. HA* AUVJeUTISINOi Oco insertion of iSHnes, orU**,,*. fO 60» IVtfifliettioMvlttoaiaitentioßa ~ 0 7* ThrW * •* • If*. , ’ 1(0 Pntt.Weei ! «« <. " . j £> TwO'Wecfci ’ 1 *■*■ ; *« . itO Three- •' ■. j •» . •* ■ " 3Of One Month, }i‘<» . Two 4-** ’ *• 6 Thrc* •“* | •• • CD“ Longer adrertiremenU in tinie prop®***!/.« One»qoßre ( G^iwiiihi f without ,. ml t.wzi. “ . .‘l -:; |« Ekcb idiitiobiil'-J^oire for 6 moaiti*, —•••* jg qq Ob# sqaare,6 ajoihi. renewable at *0 GO «; 12 ..i* « ■ « M jo oo Eaeb additional aysare for 1£ month*»« so 00 Two aqaaret.G B}onih«/*c , w3trf**ip* e **^ g QO fc*cb#dditioßaUquaro,6 month*, *•••■£* WM*fcT OK UI.VIIUT I* M One'iqbare.3in*lfnioD*, -****’ » *' ■ each additional iniert?®®**** - c*«b»* •e#! 0"* jeif. rf "'*****[** m W \\eix QoolhV**•/** *’*i!i* *"», p# bis-w—* * •SSte* •* •sokap .. , Fife line* or 1« < mißTini Forlt Uses, orU . iu- !- « . •/#»' »«.««■ •<! ■ * : N- . ML
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers