s->- / •1 ESTABLISHED IN 178 b BUSINESS CARDS. DAVIU C»TC*TLB| ’ k TTORNEt' AT XAVT. AND COMMISSIONER A FOU PENNSYLVANIA, St. Uiru, Mo. Ail pfOnptly ■n»wer*q. oetOjr > p MtffRQNG Aiercamnu T*-»lcr«. farProdaee, No. a Market «reei ' RSbarolu _J —— i. «**«* fc t Wholesale deaJer* la vansfacta red anieloo* No. ROWi WholeialeGroeer*, R liicita*tai« Ale re bent*, No. IU, Liserw«t, *; gUotofc.-.rg. • SSifc. X'jAHNISSTOCK A Co,-Wholesale *Bd «* • nil PrujOfims corner Wow andeth W- lr*_ * sMtm'WholcMac Grocer*, 18 and Jt> SO Wood »utet rimbargh. 1_ o. H. PARTRIDGE, H. D*» ' "NO. 1M SPBOCE STREET, PMILADELPUIA, CONTINUES lopve hi* parucelar attention tothe vetUßeotoflHteMesoi the SKIN, SCROFULA, lid IKmimi cf do THKOAT. . Ofteokoure: # A. . Alto, dealer* tni Couch Trimming* ud Malleable ri»«\ nrt. ... t . o||irß t between. Seventh tad ' of the month, gum* aadteeth treated Hfniwrt'IReally. 1 Really. , aptlMOm . "i. I, bmul UXD I. jrnißT. T?NGLIBM ASENNETT, (lata Knglilh, Qallaxher r« a Co.) Wholoaale Grocer*, Commiuioo and Per* vudfot Merchant*, and dealer* in Produce and Put*- baitb No. 37 Wood at, between fid and ■Ewreea.' 2SIL ihui w. antra juu» s. tuju. /NKUXGE W. SMITH A CO., Brewer*, Walston |J aad Hop Dealers, Pm at. Pmsbergb. G.~pilp^li&OCHUA>4 t Commission aaSTorwsrdia* r Merchant, No. SO Wood airteu Pittsburgh. myl? UO)lB JLBAODK VAOTOBtfI . Hamilton stew art, manufacturer of hc*tt , BUttingt, Cheek*, Ac, Behecc* itreeL etty ol Allegheny. novia-dly HLEE, isueeessor to Murphy m i**g Wool Deal • for the aale of American Woolens, Liberty, opposite 6th «L fell" «• .wx-anaiA, Baltimore. a.r.Boeuon, sswansoxaiA, jphiiatia. • n.c.x’cupioji,Jomia.wa*nx*t \ ‘ SKALD A BUCJCNOK, Tobacco Coramimoa Wer* chants, U North Water «, AlO North-Whame, _a, a, garafT ~~ 7l unciwosia.' Hardy, 'ioNEa * co, mecmm tiiimtoi, Jonct t Co.) Conmimaa and Forwarding JUr* gtalcn.la Piu*bai*h Manafaetnitd Good*, FlmfaawL. Pa. mean - • BKUSt IQItXT CICUI, JE, TBAIAIi DICKEY * Oe^'Wlioleul«Oroecn 2 Com> X mission Merehtau, ypA dealers in Produce, No*-6® Water, tod 1W From meets, Pittsburgh. - > taUEtwrsiis. ' Van nawoixu. ; JB. DILWOETH * Co, Wholesale Grocer*, Fro* _ ititj mil Commission M* wtilim *i and Agents for jht H”»"< Powder Co. of N. Y., No. *7 Wood u, Pittsburgh. •" ; «P>®_ JOHN M. TOWNSEND, DnnUtud Apothecary . No. 44 Market A, three doors above Thira sc PituJ tank, will have ooastsntiy on hand a well selected » •onmentof Ute beat and freshest Medicines, whiekh* will sell ontho most reasonable terms. Physicians orders, will be promptly attended to, plied with articles they may rely upon as yen nine. fry Physicians Prescriptions will be accurately tad AttSy prepared from ths best materials, at any heorot m Sty oi QifhL Also Qnr sale,a largv cock of fresh and food Perfu, ■:mety. : iu> 3 l T a. CANFIELD, (late of Wanes, Ohio,) Commi* a| • sioo and Forwaroiay Merchant, and wholesale dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Batter. Pot arid Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Water treet, between gnithflcld and Wood, Pittsburgh. aps JOAN WATrT(«aoeessor to Ewan A Gebburt,) Wholesale Grocer-and Commission Merchant, dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, eor nerof Liberty and Hand streets, Piusbaigh Pa. /axe JAMES A- HUTCHISON, A Co/—Successors to Lewis Uatdusoo A,Co., Commisrioa Merchants, and Agents of the fit. Loots Steam Sugar Refinery. No. 44 "Water uni M front streets, Pittsburgh. > "I OHM D. MUKUAN. Wholesale Drntttai,and deal* ,|| er in Dye Stags, Punas, Oils, Varnishes, Ac., No.W -Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Puu . balyk. 1 ~ . J“L. iL Jr- A Co- Ifttceesaor to Joseph U. > Chandlers,3B Water attect. oc31__ * rr loJiiriL JiKLLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer "■ la Movie and Musical Instruments, School Uoox*. . paper, mates, Steel Pens, (fulls, Priniexo* Cauls, and - Rutionary generally, No. 61 Wood ah, Pittsburgh. ' "fly Bag* bought or taken iu trade. -acplS JSCHOONMaEER A Co- WhMeslln Druggists, • Nol *4 Wood street, Pittsburgh. J D. DAVIB, Auctioneer, earner sth and Wood its. Pittsburgh. 1 ocffl SIiiSSTON i STOOKTON, BooUcUer*, Fnniei* tnrera, No. 44 UukCl It* l'itl»- “ToluTtoiZ . Kiouipytoia. Jtt U, FLOY-D, Whole**!© Grocer*, conuni— iod t Mercoaot*, ami Dcklen in Produce, UotW'J Ctnrch iiulMljijfjj fronuny on Liberty, Wood and t>Ui meet*, Htabargn, f«. • m i* fiiua iui Ja*. Wbolcaale Oroeer^Ccauiuulaa T pd dealer la Produce oad Pmiborgh Mumlkcuirei. Wo.S4 Water Piiubor*ft. < janlS JACOB \VKaVLK, Jl, Waole**leaad~Bei*U itea 'kria'Pofeiaft Wifio* aad Liquor*, and did fidooon fahalaß;e Wtu»keya t coraerPimaad ftlarkeiiu. pgft m. JONKS, Forwirdlny >nd Coaunjwoa ftter ebkuUiUeolere in Produce Audfinsbargh mane md erucie«, C».a*i Balia, not 7Ut n *fcli ..pjfc'sx KILL, mTOBUUaU, PA. ’KHftKDY, cmuJm A CO.,ftHnßfaci«icr*ofTeH ,l,nl ’ , * ■ Bd Prodnec, No*. U 1 Water »t> aadCl Front *t J” hmiii iiuivt, a ■ i«iu m. mi» a KsailßDV * IiVTSUi TOOUNUGLASS hlaanfacturcn, and Wholesale I j dealers is foreign and domestic Variety Goods. Wectent merchants,- Pedlars and ethers are turned ta call and examine ihepriecsaad qaallty ofoar meek,, u ihUh ear jnreseut increased facilities in mauiuaetur*' ir» nnd percbimng, we think we eon oiler as great l&aae*meautot>ayer*asaay etberhooM westortbe Mouisins • ii- • 1 i 4 ? - */ wx. MtU-aa, PhiiadsT cw. ucuxaoa, Pittsburgh. MH f i.Kg * HICKETBO.V Wholesale Grocers, and importen ol Brandies, Wines and Began, No*, ■yy «mi i?i. corner of liberty mud irwrn streets, Pin** . hsrgh, pa Iron, Wails,• Cotton Varna, Ac. he. cou on baud. " angU , ns b. rriu. ystm c. ao*. etilLLB A RUE, Wholesale Grocers and Ccmmis iVl Merchant*, No. m Liberty st, Pittsburgh. ' •“»«' f ‘ ' '• ' - -■ M“ ÜBPIIY, WUAKiN Kunsbi»«“roil iron uler, eod .letter, to mtt - englue lanpt roe couch minim,,,, • of Bor. ttid froor ku, JtauhHgb, •» ». prince Jlkc, . - *m*jbuel tha Uidttd awo. r“ 7 itaiwilkto P«*“» ity eppotii* Mr. Biieweli *. He nur tU’ho. 71, ttl Chalet Hotel I._- 1 ._- 1 — will «udad w U»e ue»i* *VJ mem of ftieuei of ike *yc- . . pc ai. ft. fl- fcubeeo enwd In till*br»neh oriM attSSSS.uK"' ■»••»• ■■feSreffSaSi, corner of Strawberry »Uey, Allegheny CUT- • - iirg;iAjn>oa> - TIHODUCE, Orocerr, Manntocure *ftd R** l E ' u “ JT\ Broker, WteeUng, *•- owtifiJlm J tiy Bcter io I. dicker * Co. ©eUS-dun. *■ u HitflßinwßßOOßi . - PENN BTEEtT, between W«yoe and fettsedfcu profeitiooni doue», giving U«U»c* moat 01 lb* hue, uoitar, and in Vocal Mute. ' 1 aagMidtf ~ ... / H VfcA »*<*KBp(orW'f “«ni -‘ Kuh '*-!»«" Wood—AU-qnanotle»ofOre deaiera in Produce. No. 35 Wood M-, Pittsburgh. t, paifil Tw.j.twhb. T. T. score. ROTIIA SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Boots. Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bogs, Ac., S. W. corner ol 4th and Smilhfield «u, Pittsburgh. Pa. ja3 Jacob Weaver, jsC7 YXriIOLKSALE GROCER. Importer of FOREIGN TV WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS, dealer in Old Moeongahela Rye Whiskey and Pittsburgh il»n ufseturea, corner of Market andT'irst sis. Superior articles supplied ai market rates. cti33 W. A M. MXTCUJCI.TH.KE, IK7HOLESALE GROCERS, RECTIFYING DIS VV TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS Also—lmporters of Soda Ash and Bleaching Powder, K 6.160 Liberty it, (opposite Sixth st,) Pitts burgh. * * scikl WICK A MH3ANDLESS, (sueceswws to L. A J. D Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and ConnaiaioD Merchants, dealer* in Iren, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yams, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, corpoe of Wood and Watrt ■•treet*. Pimburgh. "XV.- WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Funuih- VT k ir.g establishment, No. Liberty su, near the eanal. marts Ttf W. WILSON, Watches, JesrelrT.Silver Ware, Yl • and 2itilitaryGood«i corner of Market and 4th streets, Piltsbnrgb, Pa. N. B.—Watches and Clocks esrcfUlly repaired. dec4 11/ EST . BOWTiN—Comnusiion and Forwarding ff Merchant, No. 90 Front it. between Wood ana Market streets. fchiM WfL MURPHy, Wholesale and Retail dealerin • Foreign and Domestic Dtj Goods north east corner of Market and Fourth its. aujpfl wu. Toono. nto. a arccna. WM. YOUNG A Co.—Dealers in leather hides, Aa. 143 Libertrsc WA R. M’CUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers.dea • lers in Produce, Iron. Neils, Glass, and Pitts, burgh Manafaeturea generally, l&l Liberty st, Pitts burgh. : deed WW WILSON. Dealer in Watches, Jesrelry % Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac., No. 57 Mar act nov7 w Mnr dt a g“a c 0., DEALERS IN HIDES AND LEATHER, Morocco, Shoe Findings, Ac., No. 143 Liberty street, have just received their SPRING STOCK or goods, com prising a large assorimem of articles in their dine, to which the attention of purchasers is invited. rochlS PETTIGREW A CO., . jSTEA M BOAT AGENTS aSLomHM OrrioiaaoTxM. Atj.n&Co, WEaMi oct3l No. 43 Water street INSURANCE. iHSCUAHCB. ft PHOTECTION FOE AMD ra MARINE INSURANCE COMPA - NY OF HARTFORD, CONN. tS . otcoaroaaxzs m lGdd. AuuuaJ Premiums, Capital Stock, and Surplus Fund, •1,000,000. This old and responsible Company continues ti is sue policies on the most favorable termaon Dwel ing Houses, Household Furniture, Stores, Stocks of Goods, Warehouses and contents, mills and Manufactories, Ac. Ac , against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE Abo, on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, against the haztudf oMnuainiTKansnisraTtoK, and.upon ihe Cargoes i»f Sea Vessels. The Protection Insurance Company having, in the last *syears, paid sunv kiujoss or sollxxs at their -several agencies throughout the United Stales and the British 1 rovtnees. have established p lust reputation for soivmcy and fair dealing, which challenges com parison with any other iniuruncc company otrthe continent of America. The annexed extract from an article on the sabjecl of Insurance Companies, taken fro > the “New York Day Book," exhibits briefly the standing and policy of the Company. “The -moneyed tnen’ of the ancient and always pros perous city of Hanford, have for half a century been famous throughout the Union for the care, discretion, rigid honesty, and unvaryiog'sneeess with wlueh they have formed and managed eorpcrauons of this de scription; No Hartford Bank or Insurance Company has ever failed! These Companies have for more itt»n * whole generation scattere t their risks in near ly every titate of ths Union, and have Sever failed to pay the innumerable leases which they have insured •gains t.“ All losres arising upon policies issued by the under signed, will be promptly adjusted and paid at the Gen eral Agency office, located at Cincinnati. O A large portmi of the : fund* of the Company, (including all premiums received as the Western agencies,) u de posited with the Genetal Agent- of me Company at Cincinnati, for the pay meet of Western and Southern losses. Apply to KAYETtE BROWN, Agent for me eityof Piiuburgb, and for Allegheny county octo;d3m * •* 110 ftBU^ITABIKCOOIpI Fas Isracancaos L»v*> AxnGaasnae ItHE tint Life luiriDct Company tn t Incorporated March ip, leHl—eha le Capital ©iOOXOO—all paid in. be Ini i Duucrons—R. Miller, Jr n Geo. Bind , ti. liolojes, Jr., Wn 11. Holmes, C. Ih i Jackson, wm. M. Lyon, Jas. Llppln Uteh, James M’Auley, Alex. Nimies, 1 Omca, No. 39 VVaier street, (waieln i A Co, aw stairs,) Pittsburgh. —: —; ißsunurck. The Delaware mutual sai BANCE COMPANY-—Office. Nor 1 ilxehanre, Third street, Philadelphia. Faa mraancx.—Sail dings, Merchaj property in Town and covstst, Insured i damage try ire at the lowest rata of pn : ILuura iwunajscu—They also ihsar : net and Freights, foreign or coastwise •pedal policies, as the assured may de IjnxKnTiAJtirort*Kox—They also 11 diso transported by Wagons. Railrot Boatam.d Steam Boat*, pn nvers am most liberal terms. • ‘ DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seat. Edm John C Davit* Robert Barton, John R I •1 Edwards, Geo G Uiper, Edward Da R Davis, William Folwell, John Newb; ton, Jaues C Hand, Tbeophiius Paul Brooks, Jlenry Bhnn, Hugh Craig. < Bpeaeer MeUvaid, Chanes Kelly. J G if rn nay. Or 8 Thomas, John Hellers, DIttEOTOBS AT PirTSBURGII- Siciutt B. .Niwbold, Secretary. fTT-uffiee of lie Company, Mo. « ■itulinrgb. l Jttlfctftf ~P. A. MAH' Pitulinntb.' Jttimmi . . PUUfi ADO UAttIVE ISBV THE INSURANCE CO. of North make permanent and limited In petty in this city and vicinity, and.r Cana’ -»*. Lakes, and by Sea. Tl (hia' "*6 well invesmd, and 11 alip indemnily of i ; by insurance. P. JONES, Agent rtSßfijaiTY. Insurance Co* oj aarles N. Bucket Bsmoel Grant, Ueo. W llicbard*, Mordeeai D. Lew Bone, David S. Drown, Morris Puller/ ( \ CoakluN. Base) i Charles 0. Baneicr, Secretary. Continue to make Insurance, perpe i on every description of property Ui t > at rates.a* low «a are consistent with: e To Company have reserved a large < i which with their'Capiial arid Premain I ed. afford ample proteetion to the aaau i The assets of the Company, on Jam i Siohlished agreeably to u aetttf' Ass j •Hows, vis: - \ Mortgages •* «i r Real fcauue •••; • Temporary Loans . Stocks Cash,Ac. Since their Incorporation, a period i: have paid upwards of one million (on and dollars, lossai br fire, thereby ad nf the advantages ofinsurance, as «i ■»> ; marl-dlr Offiee N E 'l l fiGLAWWttCTUALMB 1 UAiSJut Agent at Pitub. i P . ware Wetaal Safety Insurance i ; rtz £££SlTS^,X' in the Warehouse of W. ! c S"S“S.. p ; • ??f^^^Su*bsd» fttlly *» ■ itmt u>° ! the community at •**£* . °/j: a ure,and to iu w*" 11 " i ° m ' 1 HOOT AND SWENrIER’S N*’ It Church Marie, comprising alar and useful tunes in comm*** great variety; of ® n .® if Tunas, Anthems, Chantt, Ac* fi l Choirs, Congregations, Siring S£h° eeWed and for sale by U.LIOTT • oeUtJ . j (JLOVBJ-. ■ Holme* ft Bro„' Übaigii. \: \ «mee ihe-enuUn jwab the prqißjjt- Jclaim upon them frantibo kguiiuj ctofbi* friend* abd >e[awe' eddilir f&re M.S. buy. jonu! advantages nitung in PUilauel. pital, which bytha itly increasbij, u , due abarc of the Olvtnf turn in auj ire u -poasewinj -v obnoxious fen IW Coriectlou of y of lli® n«»«» PfJ>- e, togethef with » *nt» My WO ucd (ot -lb* “« of ■s'aSfLiiS"' Wood at ib* Indio Robber jj Pm t.f.iPB mmim HOTELS FOU3TAIS HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE Kg THIS establishment long and widely known os Bh being one of the most commodious in the ciiy of JBR. Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. An entire uew? wing -ha* been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing room*. The Ladies’.department has also been completely reorganiie'Vand fined up in a mo a unique and beauti ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House ha* been remodeled, with a *ingtc eye on the part of the pinpf.'etor*. towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently a*«en will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Unh-n. Their lablewill always be supplied with ever) sub mnnial and laxury which the market affords, served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac.. they will not lie surpassed. 4 In conclusion ms proprietor* beg to say, that nothing will be led undo*? on their part, and oa the part of their assistants, to render this lintel wonby the continued patronage of their friends, and the public generally. The prices for board have also b*en reduced to the following rale* Ladies’Ordinary, fl,7Sper day. Gentlemen’s “ 1,50 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al rays be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, rludh will eonvey. baggage to and from the Hotel, free f charge, " mnyffif -LAMARTINE lIOCBE, ” co ansa ay rovant aim aasm sraarrs, mrssrsen. MTHE subscriber respectfully announces that he bos now opened hi* new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers., boarders, and the pubtie generally. The house ana furniture are entirety new, and no pains or expense have been snared to render.il one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city- - The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a share of public patronage. octl4*dty ; JACOB HOUtiH, Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, ' CHSBSUT ST., BKTWXXn TOC STB AJrt> rtVTH STS. OPPOSITE late Bonk of the United States, Phila delphia. M. POPE MITCHELL, tnarrir Proprietor. LAW OFFICES. JTOHH H.HA3KIH, A TTORNEY and Counsellor at and Comtnm- A. slonei for the State of remuylvunia, St. Louis, Mo (lair of Pittsburgh.) larxaxvcix—Pitleborgh: Hon. W. Forward, Hump ion A Miller, M'Candless A M’Clure, John E Parke, i saell* A *emple, M’Cord A King. ' angl4:dly_ i. a. BithD. i. r ttsutrr. BAIRD * BTBRRETT, A TTORNEYB AND COUNSELLORS -AT LAW, A.[ Fourth street, between Smilhfield and Grant, AUaburgli. Pa. - jais LARGE A FRIE3D, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourtn street, near Grant. Jul6:tf JXtl ES F7KEHR, ATTORNEY AT LAW —Office on Fourth su, be tween Smilhfield and Grant st, Pittsburgh. sptlfcdly WM. TIM BUN, ATTOBKEY AT LAW, ' Butlrri Pa Wn.T. alao ttwnd vo collection and all other bu»i ne*»emnutediohimin Butler and Armetrong eoaatiea, Pa. Refer to *AR-Ro James Marshall do Kay & Co., Wood ».t. JB. BWEITZEU, Attorney at Law, office M *t-, , opposite Sl Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. - REFER TO Blackstock, Bell & Co., ") Church k Carothers, VPittsburgh. D.T.Monran i _ ) E| J. HENRY, 'AUomejr and Councellor at Law, • Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully (attended to. Comnuuioner forlhe State ofPenn* lylvania, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, Ac. %c. Ran Carols' x* TO— Hon. Wo. BeU & Son, Curtly Church & sers, Wm. Hays, Esq., Willock & Davis. a 25 HATS," CAPS AND BONNETS. » ' PALL PAS 11103 POH uats. m |gjL MeCORD A Co. will introduce tbin day*ta:e». ler perpetual. FORWARDING & COMMISSION. 'rreejve appli wil be if»urd. which will be No. sfl Wood roCHBA.N J. STCSKT. THOS a HU. STUART A SILL, Grocers, and Produce aud Com* mi*mon Merchants, No. lls Wood st. Pittsburgh. Dealers In Giorenen, Flour, Wheat, Kye,Osu. Coro, Kariey, Pork, Bacon, Rutter, Lard, Cheese, Clover, ami Flax Seed*; Iron. Nails, (its**, Ae. Ac. Ac. PrftUealar attention paid to the aalu of Western RanaKsca—Messrs. Myers & Hunter, Robt. Dal xelt A Co., M Gills A Roe, Hampton, Smith A Co , James May, King A Moornead, Pittsburgh. Fenner * M’Millnn, Massillon. Jos. 8. Mormon, F-sq., St. .Louis. _ _ »p sW:ty __ loiut a cist*, late of N* U*bon. O w. a uiv ‘k* C V* ■■■■Bißßden—leaving at 9 o clock. A. M., turd at ibe beginning of eaeh hoar until 9 P- M- Visiters may rely on hudiag the boat at the Lour. She leaves the Garden, the last up trip. »t 19 o’clock. The season is fast advanemg l and those wishing to visit this delightful-retreat, now ts the time lo spend a few hours, not lo the smoke urid dust of the city, bulin a pure atmosphere, perlumed with the fragrance of kinds of refreshments, except intoxicating drinks, ere kept on the premises. Greenhouse 1 IniiU, and Bouquet* of choice flowers lor sale. ~c ' .°"^l L? ''' 1 ' day/ Jy9d JAMES M’KAIN. (Exchange of landing made on account of low wn- VipT'W’yfc v— übSliiAt. U. H—HU.U and Commission Mer» chant, has removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood and Hnnlti field *ireeU. ■? _ “."1.. .. 7a /b bTvtfwmo PUMPS, made on an unproved W plan,so as not to freeze in the coldest weather. Persons wanting such articles, ere invited to call mid seethemat SUAIFii AArKIN^'INS mv ui Ist, between Wood Market «t» ta, Fmid.-nt pal or limited, i*o cr country, ecority. ontinteni Pond, s, safely Itieesl ad. ary Ist, 1640, qr :mbly, were at; 7l fl 9 years, they hundred thoos- tiling evidence ell as the ability is all liabilities. FIN, Agent, ood and 3d ila 10A5CE CO rgb for the Dels arapany of Phial inif metchandiu ka upon hulls bt most., favorable ttna Bljlck Work, for Bale. THE subscriber offers for «tle, the STEAM BRICK WollKS, above Lawroiiceville.-'oonjjiruing a learn Engine,sl Uoifers, 6 Mould Machine, capable of manufacturing‘AiJWUPrereed Bricks (oul-of dry clay, as uken f#>tn me bank,) per day; with three acres of laud on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kilns and abed*, machine and clay shed*, wheelbsrrows, truck*, shovels, spades, Ac.; every thing reouNtte to com* (Deuce operailins at an hours notice. Price, including the patent right to use said machine. 47,0011—n-rm* of DaYm- nt made cosy. Without the land, 83,000. For particulars, address HENRY MEItKIIT, augz7-dtf No US Mor,ongabelaJloui«._ V~ "bell AND braes'FOUNDRY. A PULTON, DeiFanffOni** Fonuder. lias re* •fB built and'commenced business ot hi* old atund, where he will be pleasud to «e his old euslorn- and frieuoa. _. Chutcb,3ieambo*|,and Bells of every size, from 10 toJO,LHIO pounds, cast from pauern* of the moil approv ed modcu, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral, Water Ptimpa,Counters, Railing, Ac., toge ther with every variety of Urass Coalings, it required, turned and flushed In the nealrat manner. . tA. F. ta the *ole proprietor of Babbit's Aim-Art ai no.t JLtil, so justly celebrated Tor the reduction of /notion in The Boxes and 'Jompo.itioa chtrbo had of him at all times jahtUy IkBINTING PAPER -SOOT teams of PtinUng an X Book Paper,'•/superior article. Assorted site on hand. Any uzeimade to order at shortest nouci oft» ■ • ( S C HILL, W Wood st PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 30. 1849. Dissolution* ’ I'HE partnership of the undersigned, under the firm of Bexaiey A Smith, Was dissolved by reutusl eoaser.t on 291 h September, W. liacalcy purchasing Hie interest of J. R. Smith, who retires. of the firm will be settled by thesr successors," m- Bogoley A Co., at No*. 13 ond 20 Wood sL . ’ WILLIAM BAGALIA, Pittsburgh, Oct. P, *4O. ISAAC R. SMITH. CO-PARTNERSHIP.-Wm Ilagaky bitrir-j «»«■ cia-eU with him Wm. H. Woodward of Philadelphia, John 8 CnigTave and Ralph. UaaaleT of Plttehurgb, will rominue the Wholesale Grocery Unslness.fti Nos. la and tt) Wood «t. wider iho firm of WM.'BAGaLEV k CO, Pittsburgh; • and PAG A I,EY. WOODWARD k CO., Phtlad a. oei!> Dlaaolntloabr 00-Pirtnirihlp. rpHE co-paruienbip he'etoforeexisiiiiß betsc<-n the J. subscriber*, under the style of Urown ACulbeit* ton. wu ilmoivcd'oii the Wt intt. by mutual consent M. H. UROWN, Pittsburgh. Oct. 0, t£49. A. CULUEKTSON. The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Groce ry and Commi'sion limine**, a* heretofore. M tun old stand, 145 Liberty *t- oets A. CUhBhHTWN CO-PA&TSBRBHIP. JOHN PARKER and JOHN W. RIDDLF, have en tered into partnership, under the firm of i AUKr.lf & BIDDER, and will carry on the Shoe bus net* m all it* branches, at the old stand of John Itirker, cor ner of Federal st. and Sooth Common, city of Alleghe ny. JOHN PARKER, JOHN W. RIDDLE. _ TAYLOR* BKKKKT, Proprietors oftiie Pittsburgh alkali WORKS, are now prepared to furnish a superior article of Sodd A«h and Monntie Acid. Persons wish* ine to purchase either ol the above articles, are re quired to call on ISAAC WALKER, No. 13 r tOh at-, and examine the article* before purchasing elsewhere. ■ N. II. —'The Soda Ash manufactured althttesabliih* men: u greatly superior to any other brought to this market. ■ . *pBR BCAIFB * ATKIWSOH, I. j betwsxu Wood arm Maaxirr. Prn^jrsan, CwNTINUE to manufacture all kinds of COPPEIL / TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE Also, Black- Steam Boats built to order. Special attention given to steam boat work. _✓» Have on hands a Gne assortment of Copper and Brass Kettles,Tin Ware.kc.ie. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forces, various sizes-a very convenient nr tiele for steamboats, California emigrants, or rati road companies. -» Wo would respectfully invite steam boat men ana others to call ana see our articles and prices before purchasing eUewhere _ IT'JT Dlaaolatlon of Partnership. , THE copartnership of HENRY IIANNKNt CO-, lormerly iiaunen, Muller A Co., in the Window a d Colored Glass business. ia this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Air. Frederick Muller. The business will be continued by the undersigned, under the firm of HENRY HANSEN *CO Ware house No. st, where we will *=r»nin-.r* mplici of superior Window Glass. ™ JOHN lIANNEN, HENRY HANNEN, HUGH ROBERTSON, 27, *49. HEN RY UMSTKAD. Piiaburxh. At Cop*rtn?ralilp« THE undersigned fine ibis day associated with (hem ' in business JACOB L- SCHWARTZ, and will con linue the business as heretofore, under the firm of B. A. FAHNESTOCK 4 CO. jyl3 yd, Liberty at Race, do July g, 1540. THE partneitblp heretofore existing under Ihefina o'A. AC. BRADLEV, is dissolved by the decease of Mr. C. Bradley. The business will be carried on by A. Bradley, Who will settle the' bonne** of the lata REMOVAL—A. Buaplit ha* removed his Foundry Warehouse from No. M*J Second street, to No. 19 Wood street, between First and o the warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Bsfry, where he will keep constantly on hand a general Maonment of Casting*. Grates, Stove*, Cooking Stove*,Ac. jyU_ THE partnenhip heretofore existing between Sam uel a Butbfield and William H. Hays, trading under the firm of BUSH FIELD A II AYS, hu tbit day t e -n dissolved by William 13. Hay* selling bit, entire imereti in the firm » S. B. Buthncld. Ail tcea.onU due the firm will t>e collected by .S U. Buthfield, and debts dee by ibe late firm to be paid by tbe. tame. ’ 7 p. IL BUBMFIKI.D, \V. a HAYS. Pituburgb, Jane SL 1849. CO-PARTNERSHIP. —S. B. Btwtnuj) having ib>* day associated withhim*etf Hw*t Lkad«, formerly of Bedford, Pa-, and recently of die National Bowl, Pittvhanrh, will eontinac «b« business under the firm of UUSUFIKLD& LEADER, at the old stand. No.SfO Liberty street. H. 11. HUSIIFJKLD, Pittsburgh, Jane £2,1849. IL LEADER. Having retired from, the former business, 1 take pleasure m recommending my successors to the p»- trouage of my castomsrs and the public generally. \V. (1. HAYS. Dissolution* rpHE co-partnership heretofore enisling tftween the X •ohaenbera. in the name of Ooustatne, Darke A Co.. i< this day dissolved by mutual eon msL Messrs. Uatke A Barite* will ♦cu'x the business of tne con cern, for whieh phrpow they are authorised to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, KUMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day associatedtheraselTei in theiiume oi BURKE A BAUNE3, for the purpose, of manufacturing rfre Proof Safes, Vault Door*. Ae. Ac- at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Butkc A Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage ofthe customefiol (hat boose and thrif friends. EDMUND BURKE, . THOMAS'BARNESr- la retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke A Co., I whh sineere pleasure recomineud Messrs. Burke A Barnes to the confidence of my friends and the pablie. Feb. 9,1849. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, febl&dtf THE partnership of MURPHY A Life is this day dissolved by mutual colucuL The business of the late firm will be settled l( Lee., J. R. MURl'ii\, Pittsburgh, Jao. SO, 1*49.. II LEE. NOTICE—The undersigned will'continue the Wool business end attend to the sale of Woolen GoOds; at the old stand. v H LEL. In retina? from the firm of Murphy ft. I take (treat pleasure in rccouunendiug Mr. 11. Lee to the confidence of ror friend* and the jial'lic. PiUaburgh, Jan. 30, IMS*. J. B. MURPIH ri'llfc subscriber* have this day associated item- X itltei together fas the poipcv! of transacting a wholesale and retail Dry Good* and Grocery l»a*ine*i< tit No t&O Liberty, opposite (Seventh street under the ntyle and firm of UUSHFIELD A HAYS. Pittsburgh, January 1, IWO. ,V H.—Oar old customers and tbc public are invited to give n* a call. }a9 CO-PARTS KllsniPi TXrM.II. SCAIFF. and Capt-JAMES ATKINSON yV hare entered into partnership, under the firm of SCAIFE A ATKINSON, and will carry on the Tin, Copper,and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Ai»o. Ulackamilhinj in.all it* branches, al the old ■land of V»m.,U. Scaife, Fim street, near Wood. Particular ajicntton given to steamboat work. 111 A VK lifu tl'.Vassociated with me in the whoio •ule Grocery, Produce, and CnotmiMion business my btoilier Jc&epn, under the firm of J. S DILWOU Til A Co. J; S. DtLWORTIL January t, ISI9- • (10-PARTHKRSHiP— Wm. Young having 0»»* j jay associated with him, John R. M Cun*, Dielea ther business will herra/liy lie conducted under the firm of \ v m. Young A Co. ■' WILLIAM kOL’NG, ;otts [f. JMO. R. M'CCINK. BURKK A COS DaUjr Express U now regularly do liverin* Cjui and Snell DYsTERB, which areof- IVred in dealer* and > famU-te* •> the lowe>l price*. Quality warranted equal id.any brought to thU mar. hot. and for *alo by ;■ J. C.*lli|)WKLl>, Agt, Water «'• Also —At the following depot*: - Reis A IDrgef, cor ner Htnitlifield and Second»(«i B. Ileaxlcton, Diamond; Mercer It Robinson. Federal at, Allegheny. ©*tl-f JAMES W. GOODWILL. flodern and Antique Knrnltnre, i fc.l, k ritiw* StmcTi Prmscmu. Jt_.aital.le for StearobosU, QBSBSSBj^ . 1 « lln*a, constantly on hand and made to order. ■ ■ c The pmsenl *toek on build cannot lie exceeded by ~ any manufactory -In the western country. Person* J; wishing to purchase would: do well to give me a call. a* lam determined my price* shall plo**«. Par: or f tic dock consist* In— * TeteaTete; jßoffet Etaqeie; Uni* XIV Chair*; -Queen Elizabeth chair*; r Tea Porto;. frruit Tuhlc*; [ Toilet Table*; jl-ooli XV Commoder;. Frtiißh Mahogany Bedstead* Piano Stool*; 60 *ofa» with Plush tild Hair-cloth eovata; Ui Mahogany lloekirfc Chaim; 40 doi Parlor , do 30 '* Fancy . 1 do 23 centre Tables; i> 80 pair Divarnr 4 pair P»« Table*; j IS marble lop Dressing Bureau* « H Wardrobe* a Scejciaries and 800 l rimes. 80 marble top Wash , 4 pair Ottoman*; , h pair fancy Work Bland*; A very tnrge assortment 6f common chair* ami ouicr furniture tnonunieroils to fljention. ip* Steam Boat* furoisijodon tho «horic*l nouce, aiidoTt the mo*t reasonably leno*. "" ""‘•“A. 1 ' w.ur. l'li" cfouni water itt N. k ork, allhoash clear aid pure lorho eye, rei when it pb-rea an hoar through tliii SErini cook, ihowa a large 3cp0.1l 552? aolialinaeej'«■. - *.»»feeT'a assaisss;- - * Fllterer* t a»iti*ole*i' b*nrt^ Oie water ptpe, by . ? jjv Oti* eaxy process, tht from one «de to the oAen * > tc^m aladnnr. to i W-y-a-a-’ ’ or low loaeaak,tank,tab, tc. rttbaaajh To Mttaa S | ' rCOPAMERSHIPS. UKD atUKMJt. DISSOLUTION. DISSOLUTION. MISCELLANEUI’S- OyiUnllbyiUnt JIAIII "'ll A*' v •> 1 l L f 1 * - d?, ;^. r " MISCELLANEOUS CboeotaMil Coco*, *e. W. Baker's American and French Chocolate, rrepar edCpcoa. Cocoa Paste,'Broma, Cocoa Shells, *«. liOfflerrhanl* and consumers, who Would purchase the hcjtprpJuctAofCoeoßj free from adulteration, more nutrition* than tea or coffee, and iaquality unsur passed, the subscriber recommend* the wove articles, manufactured-by himself, and stamped with hi* name. Ilia Broma and Cocoa Pule, at delicate, palatable, and ielutaiy drinks for Invalids, convalescent*, and other i aro pronounced by the most eminent physician* super or to any other preparations. lit* manufactures are a rays on sale, in any quantity) by the most re apceii bte grocers in the (eastern cine*, and by then agent u Hawes, (iray A col of Boston; James hi Bonce & co, Hanford, Conn: Hussey & Murray, New \ork; Grant k Stone, PbiladclphiajTnoma* V Brundige,Bal* timort; and Kellogg kßedniitt, Cincinnati, Ohio. .1 WALTER bAKKR, Dorchester Mass. For sole by awg3l BAGALEV A SMITH, Agts Wroocht tnd Cut Iron Bslllui< ' 'WHE subscribers beg leave lo inform the public that J_ they have obtained from the Hast all the late end fashiopable desigu* for Iron Railing, both for houses ana cemeteries. Persons) wishing to procure hand- Mime patterns will please eall and examine, and judge for themselves. „ Railing will be famished at the short est notice, and in the best manner, at iho corner of Craig and Rebecca sueels, Allegheny city. • augiht-dtf A. LAMoNt A KNOX. W. A. J. GLBSSi 800 If Binder*. YTTK are suU enraged in the above business, comer Yf of Wood ondTbird streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work iu our line with des patch. We attend u> our work personalty, and sau*., raetion will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. Blau Books ruled to any pattern fend bound sub stantially. Books in numbers or old books bouud care-, fully or repaired. Names put on books In gilt letters. Those that have work in oar line are invited to chJI. pTiceslow. NOTICE. HAVING sold our endre stock to C. H.G**»r, with a view to closing our old we hereby so* licit for him iho patronage of all our friends and cus tomers. RO. W. POINDEXTER, THE POINDEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, ISAS. CM. GRANT, Wholesaie.Grocer, Commission and • Forwarding Merchant, No. 4t Water st au!2 Seal**, Cooking Stovii, OratMi Ae« VTi/T-ARSILALL, WALLACE A CO., Round Church, •jIVI corner Liberty. and Wood streets, manufacture and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scale*, of the moat improved quality; Cooking Stores, for wood and coal; Egg Stoves of various suet. Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac. They also manufaotnre the Kitcheu Range, which has giveu sueh general satisfaction to those having it in use, to all ot which they would respectfully invite the attention of the ciiizeus and the public generally. oct27-dtf Manufactured tobacco—The subscriber would call the laueution of the city trade and dealers generally, lo the following brands Tobaccos, in store and to arrive, which being eonsignmenu di rect from manufacturers, he is enabled to sell at east ern prices: 131) | bn R W Crenshaw Ss; 70 | “ James Maduon £*j bl ( u Lamartine St; 33 | “ Mira beau Ss; •U | u Pctaam Ss and Is; 15 j 11 Robert* A Sisson Ss; 8 | u Oscar Burl . Ss; , S j “ Johns A Lpwis Is; / 3| “ Warwick.sapr Is; 43 I u Henry A James Ss, Is and St; febtt L SWATERMAN Pitt Bsehlns Works and Psundry. JOHN WRIGUT A Co., are nrepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of every description, such as Carding ‘ Machines, Spinning Fnmes, Speeder*. Drawing Frames, Railway Head*,' Warpers, Spoolers, j Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ac. Wrought, iron Shafting turned; all sixes of Cost Iren, Pollies sud Hangers of Cue latest patterns, slide and hand Lsthps, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ae. Steam Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash ana fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. Pulmcr A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt atten tion. “ Refer to Blackstock, Bell A Co- J. E. Moo rehead A Co- G. E Warner, John Irwin A Sons, Pittsburgh ; G. C. A J. Ji. Warner, Steubenville. iaal# NEW COACH FACTORY, auasnxßT. MA- WHITE A CO- would respectfully inform • the public- that they have erected-a shop on Lutock, between Federal u d Saudasky streets. They arc now making and are prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Cbanot's, 11a reaches, Buggies, Phaetons, Ac., Ac., which from their lung experience in the manufacture of the above work, ana the facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with these wanting articles in (heir lino. Paying particular alteution to the selection of mate rials, and having nous nut competent workmen, they have no hesitation iu warranting their work. Wo therefore ask the attention of the publie. to this matter. N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. ja23:lf fIX)' COTTON AND WOOLEN MANUFACTU- J_ RKRB.—Harare made aristuements fora con stant supply of FACrUKY FINDINGS, we will sell at lo# price* Calf and Sheep Holer Skins, Lace Lea ther, Pi hers, Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp Twine Treadles 1 No. S lo IS Belt Punches, Wrenches, Stripping Cards, lb to IS in: Patent Dresser Unishei, Weavers* Brush a Ae. Ac. UJGAtN, WILSON * CO., my 4 • 12ft Woo street, Pittsburgh. DOKT'Wl.NES—oifiey, Webber A Forrciter, l&H: r Pare rich and i'ry, Gonld, Campbell A Co’a old *y Jb3e Osbourn'* LSM, Ibtrc IMtl: Pare Juice par tJcuUr Fort, Uarri* A Son*, Paco Juice, threble. dou- We afld single Cr.tpe*. These wine* are all cetebra t*d for their medical propenie*, and can be had whole- Ale or marl at the Wine Store of x jya JACOB WEAVER, Jr. ,-a, . v . " . THE aabteriber offer* fur tale a large and splendid. auonment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman’* celebrated Aeolian ABaebmenl. The above instrument* arewar ranted to be equal to any manafacuired in this coun try, ami will be sold lower tha' any brought from the Cut. P. BLUME, No 113 wood »t, 3d door above oth N. B—City Scrip will be taken at par far a few of he above aoortment. my 3 F. B. Uardwart-Gbiaper (haa Evsrt LOGAN. WILBO.N a CO., Importer* and Wholetal* Dealer* in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No IZ> Wood street, above Ktfth.'havenow in storea very cheap and well eeleeted nock of Hardware, imported mice the decline of price* in Europe, and which they are detennined to sell correspondingly low. Merehanu who have been in the hnhit ofcoing East, are particu lar I .)' requested to call and look through oar stock)** we confidently believo they will save their expeneea ocH WAITED, r\All.Y at iJgm BALTIMORE. PHILADELPHIA. U NEW YORK. UOSro.N AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Young MEN in wholesale mutl store*, and oUiet respectable bonne**, to act a* Book-keepers, Bale* men, Portera, Uar-keepere, Waiter*, Farnera, Coach men, Car Agent*, Book arid Map Agent*, Collector*, Uversecj* in ail (tranches of bustoesi, Ac. We have at all time* a large number of good situations on brad, which pay from 3Ub to t:MA>O per anc.um. Those in want ol situations of any kind would do well to give u> a call, a* we have agents in each of the a oye cl ue*. which will enable u* to place every applicant in a suitable situation at tho iborteat notice. We have a (urge acquaintance in all the above named cities, which we trust will enable us to give entire satisfac tion to ail who may favor a* with a call. TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 60 Second *L i >etween Booth and Gay. • N.U— Person* living in any part of the U. States, and wishing to obtain a situanou in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above eoiea, vrill have their wants imme diately attended to by addressing oa a line-(post-paid) as by so doing they will curtail both trouble and ex pense, which they otherwise wojld incur by coming to the city, and seeking employment for themselves Address, ' TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. SO Second street, my2s:dlf Baltimore, Ud Dr. HeLaai In Tunnuueo. - r l'HlB Is ,to eeruiy that I purchased one via! of Dy. X lieLabe s Worm Bpecific, some two months ago uid gave to a son of mitte.-some seven year* old, two teaspoon* fall, and edibougn the amount may appear jjge, yet I bave.no doobt but there was upward* of rwo tsockskp woucs passed from him, measuring Ittll ooa quaner of an tack lo nik*vsCgojGCafTQl co. Tenn.. Dec 37.1*41 )nIH BENNETT & BROTHER, UKKENSWARE manufacturekb, BlrmtnKriam.(naar Plttiburih,] P*. IVoreJbtwc, So. 137, Wood tired, Fittiburgh. tmfsWlLLeuusuntly keep otth*nd a good assort- MJonu of Wars; of our own maitafaoture, and ■apertorqnsiity. Wholoasle andcopntry filer ehxnu are reipeetfally invited to euilaad ex amine for t items elves, as we are determined to tell ehetper thsnbaseverbefore been offered to thu pub* jjy* orders sent tiy mail, accompanied by the ea*h e» itv refe*»noc will be pnnnptlv etiended to. mylß r|H) THE received, a 'ull asioftmen X of gold and rilvef Tnread. Cord and Braid; also I‘pauglo* and Bullion, for embroidering and other or nomental work. Alap.goUlondMiverTaMels,Fringe, and Lace. * - UIU Ulv.. Jewelry of the latest fashion*, In great variety. Watches of superior quality and beautiful patterns, md fir sate at Enstern prreet- W W WILSON, «ug7 corner Market and Foarih its ATIISSiRCM DATIIISO KTABLIBII MEN T —open from 6A. fit. to it P. M Single Bath iL cents, or tt furl dollar. Ladle* department upon from 3 to It A. M. and from 3 to 3 P. M- The Refreshment Saloon* are in style attendance. Recherche Ice Creams 1 t nuelfi T M’FALL, Proprietors^ TUK~AaBOMfiJTJCU ' riMiE auentinn of the public is reipeetmuy eahed to X the billowing cortiucatos: Mb S. Eaatn*—Having toned a quantity of Gold weighed.by your .hreomeier. I find toe result proves your instrument correct; and recommend tho use or it to ihu.e going to California, as tho best method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Resp.vour*. J. B. PUNUivY, Gold Beatsr. Pittsburgh, March t>, IS4O. I'ITTTBOMU, March 7,1549. Ma. Plains—Dear Sir: Having examined ihe Areo meter,'' raanutieiareU qt your rooms, 1 do not hottuie to commend it to tiio uso of those gentlemen who in about removing to California in scarab of Gold. It gives ■ close approximation to the specific gravi ty or metals, and will certainly 1 enable the adventurer to uernuin when his placer u yielding Gold, marly* Yours, reip'T. J. II hf’CLINTOCK. i"NUIA KUUliiittCLtffHlNO—Jttit received fortho California Kxpediuon, a complete, assortment of Gum Klutic Clouting, at prices ranging from s&£o to for saitof coat, pants and bat. For sale at the India Rubber Depot, Jto 6 Wood »t. dcrttl . Jk. II PIHLLIP9 ~ r ~ : " , . Saddle, harness,trunk and whir man irFACToliy.— 'The anbacnberUikea this method of informing hit fneuds and the public itt general that bo Uiw the largeaiatook of tho foliowuig named aril* ctei of bia.own manufacture is thlacity—Saddles, Har ness, Trunks and Whip*, oil of which be will warrant to be made of tbe beat material and by the beat mcch ntiiea in Allegheny county. Being determined to tell bia manufacture* something lowet than ha* been bore* toforoaoUlby any aimilaraaiabliabraent in the city, be would invite penona in need of the above named axuek* to bia wareboaae, No.Ml .Liberty street, oppo ; ailo Seventh. Also, bands made to onl« for machine? I ry. : ocUkMy t G. bLKU t. S’ 10HTmud thon Uniß BILLS OF EXOHANOE, PW■ able la Cincinnati, LcuUvlUe and St W»«u»« PI* 1 " «uolo» U,. mm “■gS LME3 * SOM. aumno raox ar ixpcrua cat* or tux bump or uaibt or Tit* romoc, viz: , Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimple* or Pustaleron the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Soje Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bonerand Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphlltic Symplons, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and disease* arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Aci titea or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life; Also—Chrenie Constitutional Disorders, Ae. This Medicine has acquired a very extended and es tablished reputation wherever it has been used, based entirely on Its own merits, which iu superior efficacy has alone sustained. The nnfortnnate victim of her editary disease, with swollen glands, contracted si news, uhd bones half carious, has been restored to health and vigor. The scrofulous patient, covered with nlcers, loathsome to himself ana his attendants, baa beep made whole. Hundreds of persons, who had groaned hopelessly tor years under cutaneous and glandular disorders, ehronie rheumatism, j and many other ebmplainu springing from a derangement of the secretive organs and the circulation, have been raised as it were from the rack of disease, and now, with re generated constitutions, gladly lest fj to the efficacy of this inestimable preparation. - ‘TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.' The attention of the reader i* called to the (allowing astonishing cure, effected by the use of Bands' Sarsap arilla: : This fs to certify that I have a colored woman who has been afflicted for the last flvelyear* with Scrofula, and all the remedies I used had no effect in arresting the progress of the complaint; on the contrary, she constantly grew worse; and after expending between •70 and ABo with physicians, besides using other pop ular remedies without success, till the disease had eaten away the earulage of her nose, mads iu appear ance on various parts of her body, and bad Anally commenced its ravages in the roof of her mouth. Id this dreadful siioailon, with the prospect of death •taring her in the face, ) stated her ease to Dr. Disoa way, the agent for Bands’Sarsaparilla in Newbenu N. C , by whom 1 was advised to use that article: ana to my surprise and that of my neighbor*, to whom her case was known, after using four and a half bottles •he was restored to perfect health, and that in the space of three weeks, and was able to work in two week* from the time she commenced taking it. In witness ofthe truth of this statement, 1 have here unto affixed my name, this 10th day of BepL, 1347. JOSEPH iTCOTTER, J. P Mouth of Nense River, Craven eo., N. C. SO REtHROAT. The following is an extract (Tom a leuer received from Mr*. Sevan, who had been afflicted several years with Scrofulous Ulcere, Dyspepsia, A;, and recently an affection of the throat and enesc— Baileysburg, Va, Dee. in, ISIS. Messrs. A. B. A D. Bart*: Before I commenced us ing your BarsapariMn, my coffering* were almost past expression; my throat was completely ulcerated, 1 had a oreadful cough, and there were frequently weeks to gether that I could not speak above awbiipor; and be sides, the inflammation from my throatextendcdlomy head, so that my hearing was very much impaired. After taking the Ssim panila a short time, my health' improved, and my throat is now well; I am as me from cough and tightness of the chest *a ever I was, and coo hear qalte disiihcUy. My throat has been well about three months, the core of whi ’h has been effect ed entirely by the use of your Bareaparilla. .Your friend, LOUISA R. BEVAN. Tbo following testimonial to the value of the Sareap arilU,4s from the Rev Lather M right, aged 78 yean. Congregational Minister, residing at Woburn: Wobcar, Mass, March 3tHh, IfrtS. Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen, From what I have expe rienced. and from the information I have reeentlv re ceived from a number of person* of high reipcetabili ty who have used your Sarsaparilla, 1 have not the least doubi nut that it is a most valuable medieine,and that the numerous certificates yon have received of its efficacy are fully suslained by experience, and al though its reputation and utility are very extensive, and stand in no need of my humble efforts to increase them, 1 want all who are afflicted by disease lo become acquainted with the efficacy and power of yoer valu able medicine. BVIC WCUltlik .. I am, gentlemen, gratefully, find very respecirnlly youra, LUTHER WRIGHT. Prepared and sold, wholesale and reiall. by A B. A D.* BANDS, Druggist and Chomist, IUO Krutoi, street, comey of William, New York. SoUl also by Dreg giiu-generally throughout the United Buttes and Can adas. Price $! pet EJoiiie. six bottles for BS, For sale by L. WILCOX, Jr., B A FAHNESTOCK A CO., and EDWARD FEN DEHICK, Pittsburgh Ai o, Tit, Dr. 8. SMITH Bridgwater. oeU3 ■ PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE. THIS Institute, under the care of R«-v; J. M. GOS MOILS AND LADY, will re-open on Moudsr, the 17th of September, in the some rooms. No (ri Liberty street. Having limited lh? nnmbe't of their pupils, the Principals hope to ment a roulinoution of tool liberal patronage they have ht'herfo enjoyed. Parents may reel ruse red taa: every adviuuags will be afforded their, daughters, if placed under tbeir ebarge, fofr ob taining • thorough English, Classical, and Ornamental education. aag*dff:dtf YOUJIO L&MKB SEOMAftr, _ AixsißSJrr. { The AUTUMN SESSION of this Institution will commence on the first Monday in September.— Ror'iai on Federal street, in “Colonade Bo 2d door from the bridge. jUta or Trmon m bbrox or nn Mottos. English Department, including Reading, Onhogra phy and Defining, Writing, English Grammer, Rue to ne, Logie, English tkmposilioa and Criticism, Geo graphy, 11‘itory, Arithmetic and the higher branches of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, As tronomy, Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Moral Science, and all other branches requisite to a thorough English Education - • • . £2O Oil Classical Department, including the Latin and Greek languages, each • - * • S 6 00 French, *lO 00 •German, • •••*• *l® 00 ■lkf (Imbll, * * * ““ The service* of competent teacher* are secured for inch as desire Instruction in French and German, and alto in Drawing, Painting and Music. It it detirahlo that pupils enter at the commence ment of a session, yetihey are received at any time, and are ebarged at the above ratea from the time of entrance. No deductlous are made for absences, ex cept ii case* ofiprutreeted illness. Further information may be obtained, and applica tion* made by calling upon the Principal, at hia rooms on Federal street, or at hia lodgings in “Irwin’s Row/* Liberty street, Pittsburgh, between ltd anu 4lh streets; or''by addressing, through the Pittsburgh Post Office, the Principal. N.' W. N ETC ALP. Allegheny, Aug. 7, 1549 ' dtf PtTTSBUBOII PBV'AIiIIIBITiTVTH THE Second Session of this Institution, under the care of Mr. and Mrs. Gaagoan, for the present academic year, will commence on the first of Febnta . ry next, In the same building*, No. S 3 Liberty street. Arrangement* have been made by-whleh they wlu beetle to furniah young ladiea fheilUit* equal re any in the Weal, for obtaining a thorough English, Claui « »' *nd Ornamental education. A full course of Phi- Stieal and Chemical Lectures will be delivered g the winter, illustrated by apparent. Thede- Eartmenta of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modem ,anguages, DraWing and Painting, willeaieh be under the eare of a competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and Intellectual improvement of their pa» nils, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, aee circular or apply to the Principals _)*®-dU ; lITmBCaoB,I I TmBCaoB, Bept 1», IMB. MR.TUOS. K. lIIBDERT:—Dear *ir, Vour WRI TING FLUID we havo now been using mare than a year, and on looking over the entries made by it, we find tho color a bright blue blocf. lU* pleasant to write wiih, flows free, and docs not clog the pen like the ordinary ink* In use. Wishing vou lie ready tale its merits detnahd, we are, yours CQ For sale, together with Hibbert’s Rod Ink. and Ma chine Copy Ink, by.B. A. Fahnestock A Co-, 1L P. Hchwaru, Allegheny City, and by the manufacturer, T. K. Hibbert, Druggist and Chemist, comer of Liber ty and Smilhfield sis, Filtsborgh. ' ocllfi WATUxatt rantsu. loanca kasha. wts. *.ba*t PALMER, UAHBA * CO., (Buceessore to .Hussey, Uanna A Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates ofDeposilo, Bank Notea, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite tho Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo- • ney received on deposit*—Sight Cheeks fbr sale, and collections made on nearly aQ. the principal points In the United States. „ , ... The highest premium paid Cor Foreign and American Gold Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped Fjil,* on liberal terms. apa _ GREAT INVEN HON!—VALUABLES l ISCOVERYI Patxtt Secoixd Jatcart Ist, IMB. Patera eweisver extension Tablet, Sc/os, Bureaus, Boob Coral, Writing Detlt. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. Tub TABLES far surpassing every other in vention of the kind now extant They can be ex tended troin ten to twenty-five feet, ■ and when closed ibe leaves are all coutained Inside; they are made » all sixes and shape*, and are admirably adapted Steamboats, Hotels, and large private bailies, farm- Ing when closed a complete cenue table. . , SOFAS AN D h rucks are invaj uable, particularly u> thbse who wish to «con®* mite room, and convert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or altung room, aa they can bo at convenience, and when shut, the bedding la eneloa* ed. A treat saving in room and rent- Ail the bed stead* when closed foim a beautiful piece offumUaro (o ffi'oABftr.nd useful article for parlor DESKS—For law office*, counting room*, and other office*; when opened a mpat conTtiueru bed steri. when closed a perfect Desk and Ltbiary alone I ‘All these articles need no recommendations the Nreity onheNvhole is, they are warranted not to get jut of repair.) It will be for yourinterest! to eall and ih« «nioics. at the manufacuirer’s store, No., street, Pittsburgh. In adifiuon to the i»*ovo * d, 3lfl S^ ey " rc P "jA®HW‘fcODWS!iL. ELI> rLKTCUEU, KA.ItVACTCUB 07 alcohal ami fu&b spirits, . Coruer Flout and Vine streeta, Cincinnati,-O.' ORDERS from Pmtburgh for Alcohol,Pure BpluUf Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will bo promptly at-. the I price* which will no doubt astonish them, being determined to sett cheaper than the cheapest. : Good dark Calico,only3cenuperyard; Beat quality dark Ca'teo, fast colors, 6 to 10; (4 Bmish purple Print», fast cotore, 8 to'10; Heavy Ben 'licking, from Bto 10 centd per yHE celebrated Hazard Ride Powder, In kegs, halt A kegs, quarters and cans,tor sale by fobllf * -J 8 OILWORTHACkgTwood *t BirHlSoi Eight baths fur one dollar, ora single Bath for.fifteen cents. .... . ..„ Ladies Department opeh from 9 to 11 o’clock, A.-M., and 9 tod o’clock, P. hi.' _ .. Alhenmnm Saloon and Bathinr Establishment. jyiß ' T. M’FALL. Proprietor \*TL ELIJAH EATONS CERTIFICATE TO DR jyl JAYNE.—This certifies, that immediately liter having attended my. brother, who died of consumption in March, Ibid, I was taken sick with iheConiumpttoa or Uvcr Complaint, and was reduced to low with the disease, that lor four years I was unable to attend to my business, either at home or abroad, being for the most time confined to mr bed. Daring the above peri od of time, I bad expended for medical attendance o renlar Physicians and medicines, to tho amount of gysi without receiving any benefit therefrom. In Jaly, IbU, i commenced 1 taking Dr. Jayne’s Medi cines, ehd have taken them more or less over since, and believe that it was by. persevering In their .use, that I can now truly aay that) bavo completely reeo-. vered my health. 1 believe tbaf Jayne’s Sanative Pills and Expectorant are the best family medicines aow in I reside in Bpringfleld, Otsego county, N. Y., and canyon a furnace and machine shop In that place, and am net interested la any manner in tho sale of the shove medicines, and make this certificate tor.lbe ben efit of those afflicted. ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y-Scpt. Ift IB4R i>4 IMPORTANT TO TUB APVLIOTBi), Di, Uo«'i Celebratttf Stmcdiu. raft- JACOB S. RUSE, the discoverer aodsole pro* WJ prietarofthese most popular end benefieUl.med (cutes, and.also the inventor, of the eelebtaiedlnstru mi»nt for inflating theLdnga, in ejecting a cure of' Chronic diseases, wasa widenl of that eminent phyri clan, Doctor Physio, and is a graduate of the Unirersl-.. ty of Pennsylvnzia, ana for thirty years tinea has been engaged in the iavesogatiotk of disease, axd lhe appli cation ot remedies thereto. • Through theuMofhis lhilating tube, in connection with hieTrophylaene Byrup andotherofhis remedies,, be has gained an unparalelied eminence in earing those dreadful end fatal milidles; Tubercular Con-, sumption. Concert, Serofuln. Rheymaiiun, Asthma, Foyer end Agne, FeTef» of ail kindf, Chrome Erysipe las, and all those obstinate diseases peculiars females, Indeed every .form of disease vanishes under the use ofhitnmeueitio whichhmnanity jis heirr-notby the ese of one compound citly.for that is irermpatible' with Physiological Law, but by the use ofhis reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for 'each peculiar form of disease.'. ' ] 1 j- • Dr. Rose’s Tonic Alterative Pills, when used are in- Teitebtj acknowledged 10 be eujwriot lo ell older, J* a partitive ot UvcrpUl, tournee* ■> ibej leave ft*. :TS@^!BsfcEL IMHBrirsfcsfcvY • t Adams, Beater,. ( *' MTU* I . ■ - y ” - • V tc;sx-i&itr " , • • V.;. f V4‘:iQ.iuf >i>:i:r^. ; : • ,J , s?;in Tnek* of Quaeka,” in which £e seysfl have told the use of ny name for ft? a week. Iwiugivefl. P.TowmeadßSDS if be will produce one single solitary proof of titla.- This is to eeutionthepublle hotto.be deceived, and purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Samparilla, haying on b the Old Dr.’a likeness, hit family coal of arms, ettdhis aig natare across tho coat of arms.' l ' ■ '■jacob.townsknd Priseipai Office, 109 Nassau *t,New York City. OLD JMHITOR Jacob K| t off nub, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER Quiucu TOWSUKD BAHUPABU^A. . Old Dr-Townsend U how about*7o rear* ofagc, and haslongbeeh known ns the AUTHOR and DISCO* VEBEttoflho GENUINEORIOINAL t fTOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA" Being poor, be wu compelled to limit its manufacture, by which meins Uhtu been kept, oat of market, and too sales circumscribed to those only who bad proved its worth and known its value. This Gmaas sid UraocaiAsn ProAUira U manafactnred on the largest scale, and is called for throughout the length and breadth of the land. ■ Unuxe young & P. lt improves with age,and nerei changes, but for the better because it Is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and. the latest discoveries of the Art, hare all .been brought into »* Siritisn in the manufacture ofthe Old Im’sSanapa- . ia. The Sarsaparilla root, ills well known to med leal men, contains medicinal properties, and tome pro* perties which are inert or useless; and others, watch,;* if retained in preparing it for. use, produce fermenta tion and acid, which Is injurious to the Syrian. Some of the properties of Strsaparilla are so volatile that they emirwy evaporate and are lost in tho prepara tion, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover these volatile principles which fly offin va por; or as an exhalation, under beat, an the very es sential medieal properties of the root, which gives to itallils value. The ’ QRSCIBR • ' * OLD DB. JACOB TOWN)* END’S SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; that all the inert properties of the Sar saparilla root arefirst removed, every thing capable of becoming acid or of fermentation, ia extracted and' rejected; then every particle of medieal'virtue is secu red in a pure and concentrated form; and that it !e rendered Incapable of losing any of. its valuable an l healing properties. Prepared in this way, it ts-ataae the most powerful agent in the ;• CURE OP INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every'side in its favor bv men,- wpmeo' and children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and liver Coffaplaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and Piles, Cos liveness, all Cutaneous Enp lions, Pimples, Blotches, and all affections arising frost IMPURITY OP THE BLOOD, It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach; from unequal circulation, delenointuon of blood to tho head, palpitation of the bean,- cold feet end cold hands cold chills and hot dashes over tie body. It has not had its equal ia ceugha and colds; and promotes easy expectoration, and genllenerspinuion, .relaxing stric ture of the longs, throat, and every other pan. But In nothing is its excellence store manifestly seen and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS.. [ It works wonders in cue* of fiuor slbu or whites, Failing of the or Pain ful Meases, Irregularity of the menstrual periods. and the like; and it rffocfntl in curing all forma of the Kid*' oeyDisesses. ByrempTingobstructions,andregula ttag the general system, it give* tone and strength to the whew bbdr. and eves all foras of ’ I NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY", and thu prevents or relieves a great variety of other diseases, as Spinal Irritation,' Neuralgia, 8L Vitas Dance, Swooping, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Ae Is not thia, then, sbb Hssssu too Non! Bat oan anT of these things bo saido/8. P.Town* •end’s interior article! This voting maa’iliquid u not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR.’S, booaase of the Grand Fact, >hat the one is incapable of Defeneration and NEVER SPOILS} while the oth er DOES; it soars, ferments, -and blows thej bottles containing it imo fragments; the soar, acid liquid ex ploding and dimigjpg ether goods! Meet not this hor rible compound bo poisonous to the system! \ What! pat acid into a system already diseased with aetd! What causes Dyspepsia bat uefdr Do wo not all know, that when foodseuts Inovttomsoba, what mischiefs U prodneesT—datolenee, heanbors, palpitation oftha heart, liver complaint, diarthma, dysentery, eholio and eemiption of the -blood! What is Scro&Ja bat an acid humor in the body! ■ What produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin. Bcaid Head, Rail Whim Swellings. Fever-Sores, and all ulcerations* internal and external! it is noth-’ ing nnder heaveabat an acid substance, which soars, ana thu spoils all the fluida of the body, more or less. What cansea Rheumatism bat a soar acid fluid, which tnsinuaieslualf between the joint* and el-ewhcie, ir ritating tnearntny thw and delicate' tissues upon whieh it acts! So of nerreos diseases, of impu rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which aimet human nature. Now, U it not horrible to make and sail, and infinite ly worse to nee thia ' . ! I SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID “COMPbUND" OF S.P. TOWNSEND!. f and vet he would fhin have jt understood that'Old Ja cob Townsend’s Genuine Original SorsaptrilliyU an Imitation of his Inferior preparation!!' ] Heaven forbid that we should dent in ait article which would bear tbs most distant, resemblance to 3.; P. Townsend’s artfcls! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and criminations from agent* who have sold, and pur chasers who have osed B. P. Townsend’s Fermenting Compound!. We wuh U understood, bedanae It is the absolute truth, that 8. P. Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jaeob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, aud infinitely dinimilar; that they are unlike in every par ticular, having not one tingle thingia common. Ills leanest frauds upon-the,onfortonaie, to' poor balmiinto wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi gor into the crashed and broken and to banish infirmi ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to bring his Glass UNIVERSAL CONCETf rRATED REMEDY, within the reach, and. to .the knowledge of ail who l ' heed it, that they may learn and know, by joyful az- ; For sale by J. KIDD A CO., Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham, Dr. J.SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, Fifth ward, G. W. GARDNER, eth ward, Pittsburgh tpO D .S* tens, Columbiana c©., 0.,' Apr. SL 16CL R.D. JAYNES; DxanSoM fool bound to yOS ’ and the afflicted public, to’avail my self of this op» portunity ofgivtng publicity to the'axtraordinary effect* ■ ofyoar Expectorant onmyself. Having been aSUcted '• for several years whb a severe cough, beetle fever - and its conoomitanl diseases, and seemed only doomed - to lingeroutashortbat miserable existence, until the fall or 1639, when,being more severely attacked, and. haring resorted to ait .toy former remedies, and thepre-. ; seripiioas of two of the most'respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or this i consolation of surviving but % few days or weeks aj farthest—when, the last gleam of was about to vanish; I had recommended to rite your Expectorant— -j andblcssedbythat BeLngwhe : doea all things bribe use of the means' aadeemrary to the sxpeetatlaßsof-..' nyphyvcianaandfrieodstlwai.iaa few day* raised ] from my bed,and was enabledbrdhe aseoffoottle,to i attend to my business, enjoying siack better health Hina ■••! Ihadfortenvearsprevtou.' r '* ’I Respectfltiif yours, - - Ja*. W. Emu. Tor sale In Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tes Store, 71 Fbanhstreet- » • •'jaunts ,gi^fflasssas^^?s-« ; -' A esn wmmated, o> euifB jcnndea..' , omc**.6t- CUiiitre«, adoenfrom ILO Bridge. ■ Teeth f&uwted., Adrlw to th&.poor rrnii. I 'm Mlleluthe wonfcAsef ofaay dlsetM in tAmbenth to ean. aplfctfly - ■cttiLlj remain open |of*i*itlB»' Of‘tef*«ad«b*rHe&etteaeaututt' edM>iha*il«ate, cpft- / uioinf a Urso coUecaoa « rvQ ud ' will fit open to-.viiiter*. Jloquettae*ilypttian,*4;;' ■ben.ootiee throaghoat'ih* Mhos. An Ommbaa - : leaeea the Alleobeay •c'd-of 'tlie SL ; Clair Swea tJ r Bridge. etenrJuilf boar daring-tbe day, waning to tb« ,‘ Garden aadtbo Captain Walker, raa** 1 from the rotat, landing a fbortdiitonee •bovotfaetlaf- . den. Portlet witting ioipend.lho'e*eniSHr, w&b« accommodatedwittaretain Otomibu oTTO o'clock* ' P. M. Kept on Temperance principle#, end ctoacd cb aadoy. ' •'•■"■■■ »Ptl3■ i,STRAIN. itbUKOA Stlooa •Bft)BiUaHi'Kiu£ THE rP&OPJUEtUB unuw prepared' to' ootto -' apajealf atoll boanilaeoimectlflii-wiihßjanllnfr' bylfr*2*7. W week.- , ; ; ftopri^aC^ ’C-j.'::' '•*••• V rrj* >• ~U . . >' --►«* tr , r„ ' V, r 6 I ’ MEDICAL. iXptCtOtOBU