BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. * TKLKOIUPOSO THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE THE PACIFIC RAILROAD CONVENTION. Mnmni, Oct. 25. Tie CooTeniion met yesterday at tune o'clock, A. M, ' A resolution vat passed appointing a CommiUee of one from each Slate represented ia Iho Coaven -4t00,-to report npoa the subject of tbe Pacific Rail roadrand to prepare basiness for tbe Convention. Oa'motion, the Comtniilec from the SL Loots ConveationNvere invited to present their view*. Mr, Loughborough,their Chairman, then read an address, staling in effect, (bat it was tbeir wish that tbe subject should be held above all sectional or party feeling*, and tbe two Convention* shonld cordially unite in furthering (be great object in VMSW.' ba ; motion, the report was for tbe present laid on Speaker’* table. Hr. Whitney wa« invited to take a seal aa a guest • ' Mr. Larne, of La., offered some resolutions in favor of a National Railroad, and an Isthmus road; they were referred to tbe Committee on Reaolntiooa '" Hr. Smith, ofTexas, offered a resolution recom ' meiding tbe construction of a military road, com* below tbe 23d and 24th degrees of north latitude, and tbst, block bonsea bo erected along theioQte. { } Mr. Debow, of La., moved to appoint a Com* iniltee of seven, to memorialise Congress (o collect tfafonnation., ’' j . Hr. Miles.of'Tcxsa, offered a resolution in fa* •vorefa rente from San Diego, down tbe Gila, jo aomcf point between the 32nd and 33 rd degrees of ■north latitude, with branches between tbe.mouth - of.itbeOhio and Red river, and that Government .7 be requested to include tbe Gils, in tbe proposed ; survey, and purchase .such additional territory as mftht be needed,- ) Mr.-Lougborougb moved, that the rente should s )a at $3,00 per bbL Lard—Sales of 200 bbls at 01 per bbL . Sugar—Prices have declined Tb* RiVeb. —There is seven feet water in the channel, and rising at this point The weather is Very fiae. __ • NEW: YORK MARKET. New You, October 27.. flour —TbesalMtoday were not extensive; the - ; market was 6*cperbbl in favor of the seller. ' Grain—Wheal has come in rather more freely, and the market Is raritft more active—buyer* ask a larger’ concession than holders are willing to take. CornVThe steamer's news has caused an advance of 1 ; to 2c per bo. ; market to day exhibited more firmness generally. The market is without change, both as regards prices or demand. There is a good feel lag in the Coffee market, and prices are firm. Hemp—3*!** of water rotted bemip at $l5OO 155 per too. Cotton—The market was excited to day, in con* of the favorable advices from Eprope, jiud were made at an advance of fc to t per . pound. Whiskey—Wo note sales at 27c per gall. -gvesuto urokT. Nxw Yoxt, Oct. 26. Cotton— I Ti e steamer’s uewa has given.strengtb and tone to the market—holders are asking higher advance was folly maintained. floor—We have no change to uotite. Salesof common to good and straight brands, Western, Geneaaee, Michigan, and Oswego at $5,5035.37 'Com Meal is stationary at $3,1233,18 perbbL is in good demand for milling and shipping- The foreign news is considered favor able lor Coni. The advance mentioned,at noon waa fallfmaintsiaed; there is a good deal doing in this article. . Provisions—There is not mnch movement in the market—sales were made to a moderate ex tent, of mew, at prime, *53.06 per bW, for Ohio, i- Lard—sales in kegs *t 71 j m Lbls at 6|. Beef is in lair demand. ’ 1 There is no particnUr change to notice in any article generally quoted. RICH FALL QOODII A LEXANDER & DAY, comer of lha Diamond and A Market sirect. notify their iriends and the poLUc toother have received thrir'atoek of Fall and Win ter GOODS, dlreer from Urn importer*, maaofaeinren and tactions anhe cut. Their stock of new *tyle and . ihshlooaWe Goods is laige, and prewou strong attrac*. > itons to parehaser*. in Ladies Dress ’? fihawls,'toe‘ißo»t splendid and fashionable Goods of the season ars now offered, at remarkably lowpnees, «oatlitinr in port of the following !eo r uaas m EADliar DRESS GOODS Kewstrlo Br»»eba fir’d Camelion nilke; . . CoM and Black Saun DeCheoes and Ihireßatios; Ced'd Cornelian UrodcfhinM.of the best qnallues; glossy Urodcnen* of the celebrated Eagle aanUeture. TU ito. .mil Hicl Silk, «rt wjirullrf mil lo eat ta tha wear; .for dresses and mantillas they are the Cametian Satin Do Cbene, the handsomest Tnow^style Brottiu Silk figured Preneh Mennos, a new tad splendid anieto for ladies* walking dresses. BUk Embroidered French De Laiaes, for aresset and saeks. as entirely new article. Casameres, Do Lain**, Merinos, Alpseca* and Par menos, a large assortment BHAWLS AND SCARFS! i Brack* tang aad Square Shawls, of tho ba st qaan liea. ■ ' Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest designs, remarx- SplenZdTwkeri Shawls, at greatly redneed prices. Came bon Broeha fif'd Silk Shawls, in great variety. Crap* Shawls, white aad colored, in great variety. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS! Best Sedan real Preneh Twilled Cloths, all prices; Lest Sedan real Preach Castimeres; new style Amer ican Caasiawres; saner Satin VeaUnrs. LADIES’ CLOAKWtfcLOTnS! French and Belgian Black and Olive Cloths, for La- Cloaks. BLANKETS! ; i A splendid assortment of American and imported JUankets, at remarkably low prices. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large and campleto assortment now on band.— 1 Many or oar preseni stock of Staple Goods were 1 bought Iran the manofaStarcrv previous to the present 1 advance in priees. A principal part of our slock of < French aad £nrW*h goods have been purchased at the great Aoclion Sales m Philadelphia and New York, i ■which enable* a* fo offer decided bargains in almost every description of good* in.oar line of business.. •Country Merchants, Metehaat Tailors, and u’l •wholesale and mall buyers, are Invited to an early sivsminalioa of our stock and pneea. ALEXANDER A V» AY. 75 Market st,. oettt t>orih west comer of the Diamond. lrKAtf SAW MILL - FOttHALk, -rM hlonroo county, 0hi0,37 miles below Wheeling, I and one mile above Sanfish, on the bank of the Aer. with foar acres of groand; on which are a steam «.«Mill. U complete operauem. Also, a Floating rjni iinnse, to by 37 foci, and three stories high: one cKiikand two Frame Dwelling Itoaaes; 7tf choice Slit Trees. Ae- AUrgummsy be had by prompt *_??iKiionf« patucnlsrs at !\o. 25 Market streel, to akuxtbonu a;crozer -Mcvrrii-I, ASD-rtriHTliauOOD, * Ho. 100 Buitistmt, flFl'II *«» LIBERTY, PIITSBBROH. vsssssn&ua,^ o largo ossoruneht of French MeTP- Wwfeand Coburg Cloth*. nos. u ? irmhroidcries. Hosiery, Gloves, a ALSQj Ss>? Satin,SHk and WooleoLMgJp b */*sjfiELB,Tiekinr», Cloths,Css- 'TlflidW JP«!feiar ■ DII FSAI.WIII' COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTIBDBGH BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FO& OCTpBEB. bco. poors- at. tos aomraoßX. ‘ w - ornct, > Saturday Morning. October*?. ISO. i The genersd tone of lie market yesterday presented bat little if any variation from oar last report. The day wasvery pleasant, and basinets generally was quite lively. •. Fujca—The receipts yesterday were light, and few sales were transacted, either from first hands or from store. Wa notiee no ehaiige in quotations. •WIV. ,f • lIVMI.. IW V... Guts—Owing to the contineed low stage of water, the arrivals are extremely light, and the quantities on sale in the marketer* very liwiled. Sales have been eoafioed to moderate quantities at, for Wheat, «; Uar ley sBrC2r; Bye 50a5Se, and Oats at SOaUlc F bu, from first Uaeds, No Com is offered. thing under this head continues firm at oar last quoted taxs, bat sales hare been most lj confiaed to limited transactions. N. O. Sugar is In fai request *i6ia6}c, in small lots by the bhd Rio Cotfee Is Gnn at lie, some asking higher ires-far prime.- Sales of N. O. Molasses al27a‘23e F gallon, and Sugatbouseal 33a40c F gallon. Loaf Sugar is selling at SatUa, and Rice at s£as|c F lb. Bscen-The market is less firm, with a slight de cline in Sbouldrr* and Sides. Sides are now selling at fit, and Shoulders at 4|c F &•' Sides are scarce, and in demand- Sales of extra sugar cured bams at 12a 121 c, and of prime bagged at 9e F B La re—Wo 'note sales in Lb! a and kegs at 6}s7«7}c F lb- - Bum—Receipts have been moderate, and mppfie* are light. We note tales to a limited extent at 12al2|c for roll in elotbs, andOaViaiUc for keg*, as tnquality. Cacisf—The receipts of Cheese continue very large and (ha market is abundantly supplied. We note sales in lots amounting to about JOUboxes, at a range of from 8 to C|e F lh. We notiee the arrive! of Goshen Cheese, and sales u> a moderate extent have been effected at ?KF hat holders are asking higher figures. Spirit of tbe Domestic Markets. New Yo««, Oct. 22 Ashes—Are steady for Pots at 87. Pearls are SG,- l2| The shies reachSU or 75 bbl*. OoUou—Tbe utaiket it established at |c deline on the higbesttioiui, with fair demand for home use and ex port The sale* are SHOD bales. Speculaiors are anx ious 10 realize, but the market cannot be foreed without a still farther decline. Flour and Meal—ln Flour, the raarkrt is heary gen erally, but Michigan and pure Genesee being tempora rily scarce, are firm. Bhe reeeipu to-day are vary heavy—4o,OUObols—which boa checked buyers. Tbe sales are 12,030 bbls, including 6.5C0 bblt Canadian for export. The quotauons were 8384 for trash, SU£f>s?4 for sour, and scarce; for fine;~A4,02t04,75 for Canadian, in bond; 84.7504,37 fer uew common; Suait State and old Western. BSOS,Ud for new West ern strait and mixed, $50005.13 for pure Genesee and favorite Western; 85J10A021 for fancy Genesee. - Grain—The market for Wheat is more acuve. The ■ales are MiO ba-tufanor Southern 011 private terms; 3£UO do. Ghicsgo >1321, in store, to goto Baltimore;, fijstiu. do. Genesee, part $1,20; 3,200 do Canadian, In bond, do new mixed Ohio, on private terms. Corn i« easier, with good demand, mainly for export. The transactions add op 55,000 Im. at 610filc for mixed,-6300 le for flat yellow. G4oftsc for round.— Rye is 59j&G0c. The sales of Barley are COOU bush, at ; SOFCOc. Oau are 25034 c. Provisions—Tbe market for Pork ia quiet, with sales 4000500 bbls in loir si 83,580562, and for Prime and Mea*. Beef is quiet, with tales new at tfi,- 50, and 89,50 f>-r country. Prime Mess is offered for November atSld, and is dnll. Lard is active and stea dy, The tales are 1,500 bbls at 61061 c, and some half bbls at 6t«. Jbltter and Cheese are in good supply, end heavy. We qume.Butter os follows. State is IOFI-c. Vermont is I3016e; Ohio BAIle- Groceries—The market is qoiet inconsequence ofihe wet weather of the ifiorting. Sugars and Ccffee are firm, bat MtlasseaiadaU. Coffecii in very moderate * n £ime—The market i> 75e for Eastern, with sales of 1,500 casks. Lead—Sales 70 too* Spanish at short price on pri vate terms, li t* offered si S3JSS1 —fl mot. American is firm ai #4,30, cash—B4,37l refused. Commirelal and Heaiy Bat Ur. Nxw Yoaa, Oet. 22, P. M. The Stock market if generally buoyant to-day, and there is considerable activity in some descriptions.— Government Stocks'were in large demand, and ad vanced 1 Fct.f°r 19C7 Coupons 1663, rdd gt 114. Erie was in good inquiry, and advanced J Fcent.— llarlem-wa« dull. The Exehange market is not active, but firm. Tbe rate for first ela*» Sterling Is 1010101, but it is noi easy to sell. Some Canada bill* are held at 10} F cent— Good bill* can be had ai9}o9|. Francs are at &23}0 and firm. Southern fronds are offered at 5£3 ' in freights there is a good deal doing at advancing. rate*. Engagements to Liverpool. 9)0 or 400 bales Vtf cotton, S32d; 2S.UOU or 30,000 bmhels corn, 4d; cheese, 255; floor, 16d asked, 15d offered: h savy freights, 200 33s To llavtr, the packet is aooat half foil, at }d for Cttinn. There is some corn offering for Ireland,' * There ia some anxiety felt about the steamer Ohio, for New Orleans. Sho should have been heard from ere this- The Havre Packet has about 8150,000 engaged. Monev continues easy, but there is little paper which goes below 6 F ct. Tbe ba’anee in the Sub-Treasury is now $-1 SI The sperie shipped during last week was S9WOC3, in cluding BUO,SUj bv the steamer, and SS£3,GOO by the French packets Tbe entire shipments-since last Jan uary. bavelveen <1232,400. We are now getting some coin from Philadelphia for balance. Tho following is the movement ia Dry Goods for the week ending Oct. 19: Imports Ware’hJ Wilh’n Manufacturers of Wool, $114,714 $1,601 $46,296 do. cotton, .‘315111 8,763 4,733 . do. silk*_.. WI6 3,583 do. .' flax, 'l-533 1,515 Miscellaoeoas, 314 Total, ‘ 8714,970 KiiOO The Greenwich Bank baa declared a dividend of 4? cent. St Lops, Oei. 17. THere-are vrry few changes to now in the produce market for the past three dsya. doll, and a slight declinehn« been submitted to. Ordinary coun try telling for good and choice 84,4004,- 50- Wheal, however. mainuins itself well, and even bifherrsus have been paid for a few choice lots, say 93095 c. Con* is in very limited ripply, and previons quotation*. -77ff1ac, are readily paid. Tnc stock of Oats havinglncreased,price* arelowen good are now quoted at SWO3C.-. Barley is also in better supply, but former prieea are paid, say prime and choice 81(01,10. Rye we quote at 45050 c The arrivals of bemp and lead are quite light, and but hula doing in either. Tobacco sells from 8 1 to 84, as in quality. Prime Hemp at *1*40123. Dm brands of Galena' pigs at 14,1004,Ui. A forced sale was how ever, made yesterday, of S.eGO pigs, at 84.(15 cash. Nothing wonbv of-noie has transpired in Provisions. Stocks in store ore redneed to a nominal amount, and dealer* are looking forward for early arrivals of the new crop. Me*« Pork we quote at 1909,30. No. 1 Laid in bbls at SAS|; kegs.sfosfc. Pome city cared Sh mldeis at 4Jf&4lc; ribbed aides »Jasc; clear Sic.— Good and choiec Hama at The arrival* of Groceries have been light. Sales 9t>- nr from store at jjsdlc. Rio Coffee, (old crop,) S|«ri, new, 9c; Looiriana S. H.Moraisea,3oa3/r; Prime plan ttlion, 25medc,wi h small sales of the latter from the lanJing atSOaZh*. . The weather wii quite unfavorable yeuerday and the day previous To day it is cool, hot clear and fa vorabio Riven above failure, with a fair stage inihe Mitsoori. Upper Mississippi, and Illinois, for regular and medium sired traders. From this to the mouth of the Ohio, receding slowly, with nine feerwater in tbe channel. Rates of freight to New Orleans and to the Ohio river slightly lower than last quoted. TO THE LOVERS OF GOOD TEA! 45 fbe«t» Pplendiii TKA. ju«i reecived direct from Knrlind, bi fIOBBIS 4 HAWORTH'S WINE STOHE, PKM.UL Srmr. Auzoaur. THI3 very.tapcnor Black Tea wu purchased by Mr. Haworth, in the London Dock*, duty fra, and if the aame kind of aaong and rongh Savored Tea that -ia retailed in England at four and five (hilling* per pound. -Whoever has tented Black Team England,U well aware that the strength, tavor and rohghneaa i* far superior to any they have been able to parehaae in this country. If you compart lhi» wilh what yon pay higher price* for elsewhere. yon will find it ahpenor i* flavor, and nearly double the (irengih. Pnce—tfS eeou per package, or in bulk at 50 and 7£eenta per have al*o |u»l received ARTISTS TOjOLS and COLORS, pnrehneed by Mr. Haworth when in Part*. ' POtelON WINES AND LIQUORS, Ju«t- received at Morrii A Uawonh’a Wine. Store, Federal at, Allegheny: . ,J . Direct from France, iOpipe* prime old Cognac Brandy, do Oporto. Shbdi Port Wine “Pare Grape Jule*" " do Holland, 3 pipea Gin; do London, 1 puncheon Engliah Gin; do London Docks, 1 hhd superb Old Port Wine; . do Belfe NEW VOKK. ißdfcdlmts „ -- ' T VRICESIISOOCKD, BUBB MILL STONES, manafacto. A re d in France, composed of but few /■ Socks and solid cyes—a large s«ort- AL. Set, the best of the kind, always on ■sdßK W JuifSunK. of SitS _ ,3??2&Ks*s. , aS l llSS' ever before boon oflertd in this market. l.aarel Hill Mill Stones, all sue*. .. Boiling Cloths, all numbers; or the best quality, war ranted to give satisfaction to on "IS* Si.""- B*™™* n^.st form Seales. Cora and Cob Gnndew Glut and Saw . Mill Castings of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing: in gen- AUorder*promptly attended to at 844 andB4d Lib ""-rtSiE" ““ C ““' P “w"^'VAl.l.»nF, BINDERS' BOARDS 123,000 lenders Boards. (straw) Chambersbarg oana/aetßro, onhand.and for sale by ' A CDLBtRTSON, BCtIO Ion;67 kgs batter, J BCeniield. * j LOUISVILLE—Pener—3 casks beeswax, A Gordon; 1 bx mdse, s O’Connor; 3 tbla Bonrbon whiskey, A M Walfc ft btids, I bx tobacco, J A Mazurie; fldo, 1 do dard; V bxs books, Forsyth A Co; 50 bgs feathers. } ginseng, 3 do, beeswax. 10 bbls. 1 bx mdse. D iJ Co; 3d bgs feathers, IS hbds Jltbfc ua;e b. chine, oin». Usmcmo's Bin, > A i October 19th,JiMS». J teuUhrecioriof tbit Sank, Tor the enftuinglriUute held *t the Banking Hou»c. on Momlsjr, h d»r of November next. “octlSMlie f\V. 11. DKNNY. Ctuhier. xugar, Canon i Mel hemp »erd, 2 b*« fel McCully & Co; I'bs & AtklDion, t Jaortij 2 bbl» bn>ken giaaa. lobbla Jlbgs. 3 hhda au;ar, Wm lim;6 bbla alcohol, Seaiffe (chine, owner aboard. ' Ba!U OF PiTISBVIAB, ) > October 19, l«9. i AN ELECTION Igen Directors of this Bank, for the ensuing Will be held at the Banking Il3usc. on Monday, h of November next. octau-dtc pHN SNYDER, Cashier. ” Kit llm or PiTtMtuu,') i October 19,19tt. f AN ELECTION keen Directors of this Bank, to serve for that year, will be held at the Banking llonse, on gr, the i9ih dar of Norem l>er next, between U* of 9 A. M. and 3 I’. M. ' octftMie )IA9 51. HOWE, Cashier. Palendsd RoUera. TO THE OF IRON. THE underaignedieeived Letters Patent from the Ooverntnene United States, for a new aud superior mode 4ag CHILLED ROLLERS, which are nowotfertaie at the lOWA FOL'N* DRY, Pillsbnrgb, b *Y, SCOTT k. Co., ml a half ecru per pound lovjn those made by any other manufacturers Tbfi are superior in perfection of surface to any liihade, anil are manufactured 'from the strongest llhis country. ocea-Om JOHN C. PARRY. OOfIUSCLA BOCTK. Only 73lts Staging. Via Brownsville aaberland to Baltimore ami elphia. TUIF. morning txhe* the wharf, above the , bridge, daily, alock precisely. Time to Baltimore, 3tl hnursjj Philadelphia, 40 hours The eveniiig boat daily, (except Sunday ev emnga,) at 4o'cioclsenger» by leaning on the evening boat, will e» mountain* in slagee next day, and thus avoid ravel. Secure your tick the Office, Mooongahela House, or SL Chariot. ©eU3 ty J. MESKUIKN, Agent milKaabaenher htomljnd forjiale, as Agent J. of R Johnston if Philadelphia, the follow ing: 25 pair of Case*; 45 fount* Fancy different sizes, r DiU Newspaper C , 6UUII>* Leans, rt^er, 10 Composing St 100 kegs From'* Svk; 1 Bra*» Galley,n. Rule*, Brass Rule* of all descriptions, Ac. A.JAYNES, > Tea Store, TO Fourth *t N Orders reet: All the bleb colon of tuperior French Meri'Thibet Clotia; Batin Damaak Thibet Cloth, a I beautiful article for tadica dre«aeai Tare Armure; Batin de Chine, Changeable Glaa blk Bilka for eaxdi sola and ilreaaea; CaahmlLaines. Bombazine*, Alpaeca*. Ac. Alio, VeVl Satina for bonneu. IJonnei Ribbon*, Neck dfCapea, Standing and other French Worked C4|k, Satin and Merino Bcarfa, Giovea, lloiiery, Trimming*, Ac. Ac. A fall aKAortment of -a* Linen Sheeting*, Table Linen*, Diaper, Cfcanlnn Flannel*, Ac. Ac. A tery large aaaortf Long and Square Shawt*. l'imno and Tab**, Damaak Moreen*, Red Drapery, with a confcck of Coaehmaker*’ rrimminpa; all of whiclfc €n pnrehaaed at the lowrol rate*, and will befc amall adyanco. oetS:d3w t P.TIIQMPBON. FALL AND WIIpASniOSS. GW. R. WHITE, N4rket atreet, ii now opening bia Fall an* Faabioua, conatil tug of | Ladiea'yilk eeleet Paid “ French Merinfc •* cloth and lilk a •* silk Maniillaftarticlea are of the latent and moat faahianabl Alao, French KmbroiJc* C 1 Sauu de Chine, for %**«(; Span Silk, and Bilk amljw«i»ry; Genla and ladir* «ilk V^^ wrn - Children*’ Merino Veitl , A large MwrUnnil of b| fuj cy gj|k*, Salio Tare for ladteadresfe*. F DfCeha, Thibet and Shawl*. I Blrnealdy Sheeting*, Napkin*. i | octfcdjm i , 5 ATTE N TI Of rtlßfmi — i A N ,u TiS£* R^ro F Li3? ATE Afrt> sp^: 1 A tft* PATENT I windovv C f Ph it»d e |. I phi*, wbobold* f»0“ »• JR, ht lot of P eD ”*&ri.h?fof the diapoiM ? r *A^V£^Panoft&e*aae. The inTenlion la among it en . abling one u> «P<"- the iSSow* ssdaspss- 1 swSsdhs & r LOCAL MA'fERS. KOOITZD VOX TBS GAZSITS Comrt of uossixa izsQset,-. Present—Hon. Benjamin I|fx|toi, President Judge, and Wo, Kerr and stiiSud J one < Associ •to Judgea. ra- 1 The jury, in the cue of vs, Clements and Dice, cross as suit and bat tery, returned a verdict of guMi agai ast Dice, and not guilty as to ClemenUgji fjtce to pay the costs of bis own prosecution.l3 Commonwealth, vs. Willifs ißu ment —assault and battery, on~Sitl> o e r . Mahon for prosecution; Sswdei moot for defence. * jhj ■ Both parties in this case segued t < somewhat to blame. John s>|a^ly. ‘ township, one of the wilne*. an impris onment of two yean in the Wqtlprn penitentiary, and Shaffer was taken back to Beamingly very much dissatisfied .with the senfeijce, but mutter, ing that he wu “ young yet ' j Commonwealth vs. John McCrrady. Surety of the peace ■ on oath of Roller. One wit ness on the part of Zoller testbed that he had heard McCready say that, before he slept, k he would wash his hands iu liver.” The de fendant wu sentenced to pay the coats, and give security to koep the peace towards Zoller for two years. Commonwealth vs.' Mary Ferguson, Indict ment —Assault and Battery. The jury brought in a verdict of doc guilty. Commonwealth vs. Joo. B- Keifer. Indicted for hone stealing. Wm. Noble, sworn. Live-two sad a half miles from the Monongabela, on the Brownbville road, in jLower Sl Clair township. Found on the morn ing of the 17th February, that ray horse, a dark iron grey, worth $lOO, had been stolen. Three weeks slier that, my son, who came in with a load of bay, found him in the dray of Mr. Mu. Swiggan. Got a saddle which had been taken at the same time in Mr. Hsndcock’s stable. Did not get the bridle. Cross Examined. A few days before I lost him, I was offered $9O for him in the burse mnr> Tboroat McSwiggtn, sworn. Mr. Nubie'a son claimed an iron grey horse which I was driving, lie said his father’s bone and had been stolen from him. I said that that might l* sut- sol wilh Mr. Keifer. Mr. Handooek, Sworn. Some time in tb< latter part of February or March, when I vfenl lo my stable. Mr. King told me that a min had been at the wanting to see me. A short time after that, Mr. Keifer came in, and at this point Mc9» iggan came to the door, and fitk-d wbeth. er Keifer would sell hi* horse or not. fveifer ask qd my advice, and I (old him to do as he thought best. He add it (or $37, and paid me live out of that, which he owed me. I have known Keifer for thirty years. He has lived in Allegheny coua. ty all bia tile, except one year. • He said be had traded a bay mare which he had brought down from his residence in the country, otf lor this horse. Constable Hague, sworn. Mr. called on me to bunt up the horse, bat I didinoi succeed Alter Mr. McSwiggan had made: information, I went the warrant to Indiana county, but could not find Mr. Keifer, and left the warrant with an officer there. j j ™When I was taking him lo jsilj pe said that his node had got him into trouble, but that that would not excase him in the eyes of th'e law. * John Noble sworn. Saw the horse in a dray, going up Wylie street. Followed j and overlook Mr. MeSwiggan. in urecL McSwiggan told me that he had bought it at Handcock’a sta» ble, from a man named Keifer. j j Mr. Gilmore opened the case the defence. * Ann Keifer, sworn.—Am a pioghter ot the prisoner. List winter my father jwas living on Mr. Dycus' farm, and started for* ftltsburgh. He came to are my sister who was! sick, and had written for him. He started onptjbay mare that bad been abont the fargUor a long time. Mr. Dy ens authorized my fatter to self It, if be needed money to bring my sister home. LMy Father came back without the mare, in a stage. I snw the mare a day or.two alter my Father went away in a man'a field between Blairsville,rind Jacksonville, t was going to Ulairsville at the This wav leas than a week alter my Father bad started. 1 beard that my Father had traded horses. The people told me that my Father?had got a dark grey beast lor his lormer one, ancEtorhen my Father came back he said the same. My Father went up to Indiana, my uncle having? bim to come and live on bis farm; ihisgffrm has since been sold out at SheriiT's sale. My Father was poor before ho went, but is smcejimuch poorer.—_ He has no property now of any kind. I saw the' horse in Mr. George Kcgor’s fielif.) Cross Examined.—My uncle uras sold out last September by the Sheriff Two&r three of the neighbors tolJ me that my lather |j?ad traded hor* ser. My father started in a sleilj the sled was never brought back. 1 was not house when he was starling; beard my nncl|?say that if be wanted money be might sell the mare. After we had lived some time at my uncleg»> we found he bore s bad character. If CoL Rosa, sworn.—Mr. Keifer, [ think was l>orn in Ross township; have been particularly well acquainted wilh his family; he w*V honest, indus trkms, and I never heard any tbibg against his character; have known him inaiiy years, ever *siucelB2o. t- Thomas Oliver, sworn.— defendant Ibr some fifteen or twenty years; live never heard a word against his character; hafe had dealings with him, and always found him $. be an honest, industrious man. t ; «, Rj>bert Hartley, sworn.—Hav* kndwn JKeifer for some seven or eight years. He is an honest, indastrious hard working man. jj David Boyd, sworn.—Have beejjt intimately ac quainted wilh the defendant for i*?mo eighteen or twenty yearn Nerer heard nny jjiing aguiual hi. doraewr fcr honeaty, ininalry, aufl truth. Wo be bn* to tin ••mo church,aod'l always thought him u innocent, un«ajpoctini|Jn«n. | Mean. McCturlnn, Coyle, Hull*; and Handcocb, .bo bora testimony lo the preTionJ goad charade, of tho defendant, and the,Court alter deliyering • dtagc,whinlt_wu ndjonrned- UoiTO i'ctTßT. The Jury Hi the case of .the United Stalea vs. John Boater, are yet onl ud have been ont ra» nnrriry earning. They aland, wo boUotra, eight and four Ibr acquiitol. . ; Qonof tbo Jttwn Mr. Hoaaeamn, W*s ycarara day tttabind" bytito «Wn> ®*bM, and Judgo Ir via jiirected that & Physician should attend him. We presome that he bus recovered, or the Jury would have been dismissed ere this. The Court adjourned yesterday, until ten o'clock, at which time it will again meet to receive the ver dict, pi jvidad the Jury have agieed. Lnn una PuKKSoioor.—Mf. C. Townsend's lecturelon Phrenology, at Philo Hall, last night, was attended by ona of the- largest audiences ever gathered together in Pittsburgh, and he seemed to give his Ustners the most perfect satialacuon. We trust that Mr. T. may be induced to give another course of lectures, since our cltiaens are just beginning to discover bis merits, both as a lecturer nudjus n gentleman. ns. ItumU- Wm. Walk and McCal- P*s«i.NO Money.— James Graham, :aptttia ol' a ruction boat oa the caaal, find John Brown were yesterday arrested, and taken before Alderman Steel's oifive, charged, on oath of Pat rick UegHii tv till passing two counterfeit fire dol lar unte«. on the Harrisburg Bank upon him, an well as several counterfeit one dollar notes on some Oino Bank. i have l»eei) of Baldwin Fas called for ec-tilor, was the defeiiJ- j) moral rii- Diusicr could ?j?lf, for there ward always 11 a row, and •. Speeches t y retired. Regan lives on‘•the summit" in Cambria Coun* iy, ami allege* that the money was passed upon him there iu payment of goods. * The di-ieodmi* were committed to stand their iriutatthe present Court of Quarter Sessions. RATES OF DISCOUNT. >;art:s of nisrroi; NT-CORRECTED BY fl. HOLMJCS A gUBB, for. lndiet harged wilh n'k of Pitta 'chants’ and Rioter-, No. 63 M-irkei street, near tut si :'4uu«)lvsats. luliansi Oant .ii IMutiuiriti U’k 4 Uranchsi I Ezeban«e U.ut* pHi;3-atc. J crip “ >Wrii .* Mai.. Hank f.u Virginia. Dkr.oi Ph.tadLljiiiia - --purjKjcliaiige Uk. of Vat-• I i.iirmri Hank -.-par FunnctsUk.of Va-—“ Uank »1 ti.'fiuHiiinwn" Mar Uk. ot the Valley,- H »> Oi.( bu>.- County - par UK ol Virginia---- “ “ ihiUwHt.-Co.- •-par Al.l Al : . US., Wheeling 4 " Montgomery Co. pm do Morgantown l ' -* NorumnitKifland' P«r N. W. Uank Va 4 CjllUil. * UnJge Co. • • pat do Welisburg-—• • • I Do> k-nprva Uituk pm do I'arkeisburg- “ Fuiiiito'l3 ». Heading-par Teaneim. Fnlcer. US thicks tlo. j>:»« US of Tennessee- •• • 5 Falweri It k.l.aui-ni> r par Fni.4 Merch’tsUk “ Lain-e* si t.'o. Ilk.--• pai Flamers' Ilk.— tiahcat r.r Mk. - par Union Hk • “ U.ritstir Hank :Mi Mlaaonrl. llk. par Slate Dk of Missouri— 4 Wajiiiei;!w.i Ut. 1 North Carolina. Gettysburg, lik • I Ul ol Cane Fear 2 Ciiani!iL>r>tiuig • Mereh'i Uk .NewKtn 2 !*u*i|uri>*Hnh Co- Uk- .1 State Bank 2 l.fw.J*,, South Carolina. Miilcl«'ipw;i I Caihden Ilk 2 lUrti'le. - '• Wk ol Charleston 2 Km- Rise'--’’--- • 0M t'-ominerc-a! Uk ; -2 l-Vrim t*' an.l Drover*' .U*. ol Georgetown- - 2 - llsa» j Vi> uy nrst’ure- • 1 lltk.of Hombatg 2 HHtimt-lific • • - -Merchant* Ilk 2 I jFlaiiiers A.MecnatsUk 2 Liln-non • •• paritJk. of South Carolina-• a foils* die-- “I Maryland. t\ y<-tn<'>r - | lUtluroore Itk*. par Vork U«." I • Bartrn’e4U R RScnn -ll> {Vrjinvi!lc-~ “ i'Vaihtnjflonllk——~ “ I Mutant “ jßk.tity} eittnmsler • • • • *• I Nrr 1.A1.-vit —• “ I Miclitgau. ! Cmc.mjai-« " !»k. or »l. Clair ' dd. * “ ;Bk.offerer Raiaen—— i Circlrv lie 'Michigan In*. Co 3 I Zaneit fie “ 'Par. A. Mech’* Uk 3 Pumare ———— *' IWlaconal* Terrlt'y. Woo-«!ftr - TolMarJkFireln.Co.Milw'e t •>lh*lrentUajJk»*---* 8 Crnara -' I of England Note* Norsralk W TO r £m. Cleveland * Cold *. Spool* V*l»a.‘ Xenia-** •' iNajioieon* 3 to H.trion ... a jDacaii 7 150 370 Wettem Krwrie “ ;E»gie,old • 10 60 ■’Franklin H‘k Uilumba* “ >F«gle. new 10 00 i Chii!:cmie • - “ ilxvubloena,Spanish. 10 QQS l,ahcF::e " IDo. Fsiriot-*——- • 15 50 J SJeiot* “ :iso*ereiprn* 4 Kl haneaner • **—lo iflomeaa * 500 Haiiiilum -13 IFredenekad’on #7,60 tir.irmlle ‘3O-TenThaler* 7£o F.trir.’riU'k Canton- —5O TenOoililer* - • 3DO Urt-an* W !lyiui»d’nr» 4 50 Kentucky. j Ezshtßg*. Uk of | New York Jprra Lt , u;*eil> •• • - Ipnn Norherrj Uk. Kr: lu’kjr- “ lUlumore • | pnn Sew York—C.iv Hank*, par Interior ITk* m Sew Books. HINTS on PUBLIC ARCHITECTURE, Prepared, on behalf of the Huliiliue Committee ol iheSmilh •oniau liuuiuuoi!: By Robert Dale Owru, In large ijuan". elegantly punted, with 113 illustrations m Ute best stylo ot tlic ArL Pure #•?. ' l:i (M ini of mechanical execution we have rarely •ern nu equal.”—-N. Y Mirror. -A very valuable book. * 1* * Inpointof and »ralrelluhmeit, one of the very ehoie ■*; volumes Dial ever issued (rod lire American press. —Albion. “ A TREATISE oa the Theory and Practice of Land* «c*pe Gardening am! Rural Architecture, adapted to North America. With n view t(> the Improvement of Country*—comprising Historical Notices and! Principles of the Arc Direeuons for lay* ittAuat Ground* tun! arranßi*n : Plantations; the De «ne«l. (.ne handsome volume, *ro, cloth. Pit.-«, i THE I JFK AND VOVAGKSjOF CHRISTOPHER KOI.UMUIi'. ti> which -are added tl>o*e of hi* Com ptiiuou*; lly Wtuhiiußoti lnring| New edition, revised ntttl ifiarecud. Map* I’latc*. (ui*.l t opiou* Index; 3 vui- lltaio . y-tecn elnh, unifxni with Uie near edition nf Irvine'" Work* Price, *1 “Oni ul :Ur i,in.i /h*i i, ami Rronze at 50, <5 eta and 61 per or. A rpecunen of New* ink ran lie »een on this paper. For Hale by JUUNMTON & STOCKTON. I’iiubarjb, Fa. e opened in the UoarJ ol Trade Rooms on .Monday, the s:li day of November, nt lit A; M yliarra fifty dollar* each. Two dollars nnd fifty rent* eudh fhnre to !'<• paid on uhscriplion. null . COMMISSIONERS: Win. Larimer, Jr. HotleU Woods, Wm U. McClurg. Joseph Plummer, S. M. Kier. Jihiuli King, 1 John Sheriff, Alex. Roselrarg, II D King. , octlsMnovfi Boota and Staocs. A SPLENDID o*«ortrartit just received, suitable for *t>ir. Fall and Winter Trade, confiding in pari of MEN'S, WOMENS, HOYS’, MISSES' AND CHILD HEN'S WARE, of every variety and dyle, and at pncci to *uit the tinier, llio'o wiriiiug to purchase, wbolefalc orarriait, will find it to tlicir advantage to give us a call and examine for themselves. THOTII tc. SCOTT, oct!7 corner Fourth and Smitlifield el*. Ijj-Dont fored the place. _ PIANOS. RIvOF.IVKD nnd now open for exami* nntion, a new and fpleodid assort* nicnl uf7 Octave Pianoi from“Chiek -11 » V | • ering" llo«i&n, among them a fall carved I«oui« XIV. ordered for one of bur citizens, who nu kindly permitted it u> remain m my wore room to day < Wednesday) for exhibition. Those who may have a desire to see and hear this splendid specimen of art, are ropcctlully invited to call today atthe (lore ot JOHN II MKU.UK,*! Wood si Agent for Chickering's Pianos lor Western Pa. oct!7 MRUCUASTS OK PITTSBURGH who urv desirous of extending llieir bufines* in ihc roKii ies ot Fwvette, lin-cne, Somerset. and also In Wcirm Virgintu, will find the FaYETTE WHIU, pul/'isned mi uinnniiiwn, h desirable medium, as it cir culate* lurgely in the places npccified above. Terras moderate. auglo:d3m* _ KXPRKS3 PACKET LINK, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND HALTIMORF, , Exclusively for Passengers. —The Hoat* of this Line will leave follows, at « o’clock at night: l»uiti»no—J l* Thompson,Tuesday,Oct. lCib. Indiana;-!* Ourkey,WeiJnr(day, I7th. Kemurky—l-apt M Truby, Thursday. i*th. Ohio—A Craig. Friday, IBth. loaisisna—J P Tlinotpaon, Saturday, 20th. Indiana—P Hurkey, Sunday, aim. Kentucky—Capt II Truby, Monday, sad, Ohio—CiipU A Craig, Tuesday, 23d. l«wuWiuia—J P Thompson, Wcdne*dav, tilth Indiunn— P Curacy, Thursday, (i;t.Sstli. Kentucky—ll Truby,Vriday, Slth. • ihio-*-Capt A Craig, Snorday. STth. |.ut>i \V MUTCH, . . onan l t *beta House, octlG °2. * LEECH Ado. Canal Basin —— The Chartien Coal Company, - (I N CORPO RATKD.J BOOKS Will bgopen for subscription to the stock of “The Chartiers Coal Company," on ;and after Monday, the alih day of Septeiaber.m#L, at! the office of ’/. W. Remington, Penn it, Putabjtfgh »pCtl:du : V- W. KEMINtrTON. _ lailU Rubber Peeke. 2 GROSS jast ree’d from fhe Philadelphia Pactory, an excellent article for rendertug Boots and Shoes perfectly water proof, and soft as is piece of doth. One Bpalieiiimnof this Paste is sufficient to make them impervious u> water for two months; and Is a perfect aferentalivefrota the leather cracking. Sold wtiotef FRUFOULI FOR MMsi GOODS* Dxrasxxery nr tbb hmarox, Orates U9US Arraus, h»»wmw 9, if the eontruet should be awarded to him, and enter Into bond for the execution of the same within tbe time prescribed.” |l»s.J ORLANDO BROWN, 1 Commissioner of Indian Affairs. oclS:3tawtlslNov |p~NOTICE.— I The lime for opening Ike bids is ex. leuded to the Ist day of December next, at 10 o'clock,' A. M., and the time of delivery of the goods to the Ist of June, 1-50. -The Regulation forbiddtug extracts to bn taken from tbe contracts of former ypars has been rescinded. ocUH-lDeel O. B. nooflnt|e*Baivaatud Tim Plato*. TliU subscribers beg to call tha mention of Bull dart. Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantage* which these plates possess over all other metallic substance* hitherto used for roofing, Ac 0 us foeypoiscos at once the lightness of iron, without its liability to rust, having now been tested for several year* in this particular, both in this country and in Eu rope. They are less liable to expansion and contrac tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com mon tin plates, iron, one, or any other metal now pact for roofing, and consequently form a macb better ant tighter roof; requiring farless frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is but a trifle more. . A full supply, of all sixes, from 1 Ifi to 30 W.G~ con stantly on hand and for sale by GEO. a MORHWOOD A CO., 14 and II Beaver street, Ksw Ysrl . The patent right for this article havtag beau secured for the United suttee, all parries lamngin* thereon either byUnpoturieaor«U»lnrte*,wmW^vw*«u- WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. A. A. mason; & CO., SO. 60 BARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH,' PAn ' / WOULD re*peetfnlly*eall the attention of city and 40 eases and baIe*ofTICKINGS, of iXhYotfc, Htdl eoantry Merchan!* to their choice stock of ilton, Amofkeag and Otis Companies. V PALL AND WINTER GOODS, which for extent av d on bales Red, White and Yellow FLANNELS* a variety hat probably never been equalled in tie »'«•*- complete assortment for sale low by the bale or piece, era country. Possessing the tame facilities ana aa- received direct from manufacturer*.; • ufaeturers, Importer* she Auction nooses, they are Ctr P° Uer ‘ ** r prepared to offer the same advantages in I style and m „ V pnee*, that can be obtained of the largest Eastern CASSINIvTS, JEANS and TWEEDS.—44 eases #f Houses. all the various mtna/actnrrt. Receiving large consigumentsof DOMESTICS from tS .cures MUSLIN DE LAIN 3 and CASHMERES, the manafsetnrers of New En-Innd. they are enabled of the Hamilton and Manchester Works; also, fell as- - *.o offer these «oods at less rate* than thereon be pro- sortment of Fbreixn manufacture.* . .. urrd of the Eastern Johbeo* * SW cares eolored MUSLINS, for sale by the case at: The fact that their establishment offer* equal. If riot Agent*’ prices. t ■ . , , greater advantages in every description of eooJs than Brown, Bleached and Colored CANTON FLAN ean be had East, has been clear!? demonMrntcd to NKLB, of all the usual-rtakes; also Cloak Linings the.r numerous Patrons. They feel conGdrnt if Mer- 1 AI.PACCAS, BOMBAZINES, and COBUKGS- 1 ehanu contemplating purchasing Fast, will exnniim: More than 2U care*. Also. 3Uf> pieces French Mrnno, . their stuck, they will W convinced dial tbev ean bur Lyonerettind Paramatta Cloths. , the same quality of goods at such prices .nswill save SILKS and SHAWLS—MO p*. of btack aad fancy the cost of transportation, and the necessary rxpensb* Silt*? nearly SUO Shawlt,-long and . square, of afl and time of an Eastern trip. The? mention apart of kinds. I Also, Viretes. Cloak Scarfs, Ac. • their stock which will away* l< found fresh and com- A foil assortment of White and Linen Goods.. Also,, P*«“*T Hosiery and Gloves, Embroideries, Laces and Trim 300CASES CALICOES AND PRINTS, from the nun**, Mourning Articles, all qualities, sires and make Memmaes, Hamilton. Cocheeo, and Manchester Cnm- of Blanket*. games: also from the Print Worhsof DunnelLP. Allen, RIBBONS—SO boxes of rich Bohnei aad\Cap Rib- • Sprague, Richmond A Carr, Chapens, American, J»n«; also, Vdvet, Sllks, Satina, Ae., with every oth* " Adams, Ac. . er description of Millinery article*, Tailors’ Trim* 40 eases GINGHAMS and CHINTZES, of the best mine*, Ac. Ac. manufacture. All of which, together with a general assortment of i: 130 eases BLEACHED MUSLINS, of all the well Goods of the newest and most fashionable style*, will 1,00 1,25 150 We will warrant all the TEAS we”sell to be equal to, If not crnaioi to any sold in this city, and should they not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be re turned, aruTlhe money will he refunded, as it is only with that understanding we sell. We ask a fair trial, that the public may be able to ■oga between our Teas and those heretofore sold by other companies in this city, All lovers of-rich, delicious and good flavored TEAS, ahonld give ua a colL For sale by JOS. S. M. YOUNG A CO., N W comer 4lh and Ferry streets, and E. YOUNG A, CO., S W comer 3d and Rots streets W W WALLACE lIV HARDWARE STOKE, SIGN OF TUB PLANE AND SAW, i Wo. T 8 Wood street. Pittsburgh. TTUBKK AND LAUFMAN, Importers and dealers I*l* in Foreign *ud Domestic HARDWAIUSi In . all its varieties, are now prepared to sell ns low and oa as reasonable terms as can be purchased elsewhere. We solicit oar friends, end the public generally, to call and examine oar stock, whicn consists in-part of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PEN KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Hou.e Trimmings, such as Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, together with every article smelly keptin Hardware Stores. We invite the attention of Camenlers and Mcehiuiifca generally to oar assortment ofTools, which have been •elected with great care, and which we are determin ed to sell so as to give satisfaction. aptfidAwT RCBT PROOP lEOH. rpilE undersigned have ereeted works In the city-of X New York, for the purpose of Galvanizing all arti* cles of Iron, whieh it is desirable to PROTECT FROM RUST, such as Telegraph Wire, Bolls, Spikes, Nails, Wire for Fences, and any other article .which may be required. For Hoops for Casks, as a substitute for bale Rope; for Clothes Lines, lightning Rods, and a host of other applications. It will be found cheap and durable, liter would particularly call attention totbe Galvani zed Wire for fences; it requires no paint, and witl not nut. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of whieh it of so mach'iraportance, that if will commcid itself to the notice of all those interested. GEO- B MOREWOOD A CO., Patentee*, oel3D-diwlvT n and 1C Braver si, N. V.ort. IP* Eacmoit* AJTD situ DtSXASJM.—JONES'* Hit taa Chemical 3oep causes a tree pcrtpir&Uou, and ol tie sonic tune moUSes. softens, and whiteus the ski::, giving it the texture and beauty of an infant’s. bccavT, Salt RaxvM asd Sosas, aie soon' not only healed, but cared by its use, as at least seven Phy»i> eians in New York know, who use it io such caMis, 'and find it unfailing—as also in Piktlxs, Blotches, Fuiiiu, or any other skin dis ease. The reader t* assured that this u no useless puffed nostrum, as one trial will prove. I cou ; d enu merate at least Bt> persons cured of Sou Hrs», Sous Lxosahd Sore Bsakd — Buy it, and use it, and the reader is > Liber ty Street, Pittsburgh. augffidAwT ; fry -All coop drums are honorably assured thi foetotlowing are the actual qualities ofuOs. bottle < Joan's Corel Hair Restorative. If they doubt ot word, they cannot these highly respectable citizen] who have tried It— Mr. Geo. Beeket, 41 Elm at. New York.’ Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle uv. Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins. 92 King st, New York. Mr. Tho*. Jackson, Montours Island, near Pittsburgh U. E- Cullen, late barber steamboat 8, America. And more than a hundred others’nnte, though this must suffice, that it will force tho hair to grow on ihr head or face, stop It falling off, strengthen the roots, removing scurf and dandruff from foe roots', talking lighi l red, or gray hair assume a fine dark look, and. keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft, clean und beautiful, u very, very long time. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 69 Liberty st,- Pittsburgh. Price 374.00 cents, and one dollar. auffidfowT 1 • ' 'ffj-XjCbIESA&K CAimoNED AGAINst lT SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. •They are not aware how frightfully injurious it ,ii» to the skin! how course, how rough, how sal low,yellow, und unhealthy foe skin ap pears after using prepared chalk! Be sides it 1* injurious, containing u large quantity of Lead i We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we cull JONES’ SPANISH LILY WHITE. It U perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleeri oas qualities; und it imparts to foe skin * natural, heal thy. alabaster, clear, living white; at foe same time acting as a cosmetic on foe skin, making it‘soft and smooth. Sold by foe Agent, WSJ. JACKSON, 69 Lib erty ft, Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents. aug7:dAwT HKDIOAL * SURGICAL OFFICIC, , No. OS, DIAMOND ALLEY, a : fow doors below Wood street, to J|9E3» m market. , . ■ DR* BROwfi, having b'eca educated to foe medics profession, and.been for some tire* In general practice, now confines ■mß« his attention to foe treatment of those private and delicate com] plaints forwhieh his opportsaitic and experience, peculiarly qtidlitv him. II years assiduously devoted of those which tirwf he has had more practice and has cured morel pa* Uetiu »h»" eanever fall to foe lot of any private prac* titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances of speedy, permanent, *nd satisfaeiory cure to all afflicted with detieuw diseases, and all diseases arising theraf Dr! Brown would inform those steeled with private direiffs which have become chronic by time or agl Stated by foe use of any of foe common nostrums ol day, that their complaints ean be radically and thor* oaghly eared; be ha ring given hi* careful attention to foe treatment of such cases, and succeeded Inbnndreil* of instances in curing persons of inflammation of fo* neek of the bladder, and kindred duem-es which often mull from foow eases where other* Lava eonsignod than to hopeless despair. He particularly invites such as have >een long and unsuccessfully treated by others to consult him, when every aatisfacliou will be given Ihfpi, and their eases treated in a careful, thorough and Intelligent manaefr, pointed out by a long experience study, and Investigation, which it is impossible for foor engaged in general practice of medicine to give #n one etuis of disease.. _ n7-HBraia or Rapaire-—Dr. Brown *i«> limte* per souafflicted whh Hernia to call, a* be has paid paroc alar attention to this discuss. CANCERS also eared. J 1 , Skin diseases; alsoPii *, Palsy. •«-, speedily curi Paocnuof eifo ' sex Uviug at a dikUno9jb» staring their disease ia writing, giving ; toms, ean obtain medicine* with directions for use, ,t£ T. BROWN, M. XL, pool pud, and eam»* ! «, Diamond afley, opposite fos avsriy No.« DU. Doom 1-»7.'« ,llOP * T ' MfT Foa SAJUSu—A wusll lUuk, 'fisPSCTaKffSSSSMSS Q2jk - UrwyaibJ®.' 1 ' ' ':s/ HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, & c • fob; best. ■ * *■ £& ■ A .WELL FINISHED ROOM, suitable for aj Jffß Variety oi G etui emeu’s Furnishing Store. -Al* ] -O —Several roomr suitable for-office*' or Ar- ' • Usi’anwau. .. • ED GAZZAM, • Office Third street, over’ PostOffice-' Valuable Isstl Estate for Hale; ■ A LOT OF GROUND in tbe Diamond, Allegheny i Cay« adjoining Dr. Pressley’s property, SO-feet 1- front by 190 feet deep to a Id feet alley., Title indiipa- 1 table, and terms easy. For further particular* apply to J. D. Miller, Federal street, Allegheny city, nearly opposite M. Jenkins’ stole, or to the subscriber. ’ • ROBERT LINS'. Scwickleyville. Pel 7.—[oct!7-d2w* - . a_a,. THE eery desirable residence' to Allegheny ■Sfl City, lately occupied by R. W. Poindexter, ana JlßLposttifSJon siren immediately. - For terms, apply at this office, or u> W.W.’WIL FONfMarket st. . ' . ocfl - MBUSINESS STAND FOR SALF-—Tbe Brick ■ Building and premises iu Diamond alley, now occupied by. Mrs, Doyle, having, twenty feet In front, extending baick.towards Fourth street one hnn dred and twenty feet. For terms, apply to «ll2_ . GEO.COCHRAN.afI Wood st , ' 'Engines.Xbr Sale,; —~ ONE PAIR SECOND HAND ENGINE 10 inch cylinders, 4 feet stroke; 2 Boilers, 20 feel loug, inches in diameter, alt in-good order, tfili be told at a bargain, if application be made soon. They have only been in use about 12 months. For parucaurs, inquire of jy27:dif K. llAVt*, GaxeOe office MFOfiT RENT—The uansicn house now occupied by Mrs. Atwood, situated at Oakland, with2o acres of-grcund.'aiUchehed and incomplete order, on Coster Avenue, 7th Ward. * Possession given July Ist Kent low. Enquire of < JOHN WATTA CO, jafl ■ coraer of Liberty and Hand its Two Lota for Sail, THE subscribers will sell at private sale,-those iwu : valuable Lots of Gftioml, situated oSTomato sL, in the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each having a front of Cdfeel, jnnniug back 100 feet in depth to a2O feet alicy, tipbn which is built a stone waM, 3Sby IPO. feel, which contains stone enough to bniid. cellars for ! two comToCAble dwelling houses, and in front there are Lae*, of d years growth,'and the side 4 walk is nivuUrdriih brick, all of whieh wilt be sold at C9UO. Pittsburgh‘and Allegheny, or County Scrip, wiil be taken in payment. . - • J ic 11 PHILLIPS, Nod Wood SL,~ or to WM. UENdCIN, immediately opposite said lots, j my2S FOR lots eligibly situated in the flotfr- Isliing town of Birmingham. The lou are stitta- - ted on Denman street, numbered in E Uausman’*plan 75,79, tO, 21 nnd ftf—Lot No 75 fro cling 20 feet on Ala- - ry Ann street. 70 feet deep; the otherfour 20 feet front } each, by ;A) feet deep. Terns—Greater part of purchaso-moner ms 7 re] main for six years, secured by-mortgage, rorpartiej ulars, inquire of 8 SCHOYEK, . my tfi . . [ ‘ 110 second it Valuable Coal baad foi^sli, ABOUT four miles above Lnek Nb.U, at the mouth of Pine Ran, Moiumgaheja River. The Coal is. of the very best quality,,and easy of aceess. Any number or acres, from twenty-Gve to libandred, miglt i_ bo obtained. Persons desirous of.purchasing, rail, call on WALKER REED, on the. premises, dr Wra.. Reed, opposite vho Post office, who will, give any in- 1 formation concerning Hie property.-'Tke above wl 1 be sold at a great bargain. Tnyg):d6ai . Ilf.i LET—A good brick Dwelling Uohte, sitaate or IbdxKron etrcct, Allegheny. Enquire of inylii StILOMON BCHOkTCR CHKAP FUJI tJCKTl'—Ajot of j-roamf 1 $ WMVWILSQN, Jr. VALUABLE REAL ESTATEON FENNBTBEKT • FOR SALK.—A I,et of Ground sitaate on Peiia street, between Hay aud Alarbury streets. adjoining • .the house and lot non- occupied by Richaru Edwards, havings from of 115 feet, and in depth ISO feel, wtU be sold on favorable term*. Title En quire of C. O. LOOMIS, 4jb st, near Wood. >' octdl-dtf ■ • • ' ■ 1 *For Stlii A DESIRABLE Building Lot in Allegheny city,' fa vorably located, in size about hair an acre, and will be sold on accommodating terms. Inquire of fcli6 J O WILLIAMS, HOtrood >t M. FOB RENT—A room in the second atory, No Jajafi Wood street iaaß Proparty I* AUsghiayCltyßir Sali) THK subscriber* offer for sale a number of choiea Lou,situate in the Second Ward, fronting enth*. Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire of . W. o*ll. ROBINSON, Atty At Law, St Clair at . ' or of JAS ROBINSON, on thsprenisa* mTl7=«lAwtfT ■ .• •’ ' NEW ARRANGEMENT.' SPEED INCREASED. . EXPRESS -FAST PACKET LISK, - - * ' (Exelufivcly for a VIA THE GREAT CENTO. TO PUTI.ADELPHIA ANJ rilflE public arc informed tha> X' 'ho IrtofSeytcmber, the 'f will be carried over lie Cenu iilown to Harrisburgh. and I B'iia by the Harrieburgb aad v y ihl* new arrangement pari in os* hit uss Tiuaihan her Tbel'ackela of this tine clans.. Thi* route for safety, t mon preferable now (11 use to. Rail Road* are all passed dara Ft re, Ten Dollars. F 1 Wfltn'CH oc »| orDto LEECH tiC TO BUTMUBK AMD TIIBSHORTKSTROUTKuT' VU Ton*n*ogf ' W The *plcndK re If. S. JBeil ®teJM U- Fees. ’ IRiffiWiSSW-fe Y*M»shio*J's»y river.: Lr»ve».\\ upper wWitaui, wry norm, lumiHß) lc*ve« lliuhm*.**£. ■he Monooj?»hcl* Bodge, every e r —„ --- — GOODS received-byAgenuoa bond the Xfyxtt'- 1 krai*. ’ ; ' . / \ H< lp- Tbe Farmer hutoeeu built expressly for the - Yoaehioghenr river, hud the pulme may rely' on her'' remsnui)* pcrmeneinJ/m lie trmdc. ' . ' J rirtieulu aittmiortpeid to all wey freight an3p**»- seagets. ' . / . '•■••- • • tatflfcwyr •~ n ' : oito/W. sa&iTH * cu.| • ? K INFORM thelr. frieuds and the Public thgtiheyhav* no langecenyconqecuon w>ih their, fete e»ubhih - meat In Penpf the Pitobaigh Brewer. havlar removed thelr'cstirs. bttiseuiothePOlS v i BttEWjEßY.laFir ta—t 'y» ‘ 4—l* - jiiEAP CALICOES—A- A- iUtm' & Co. in no*