ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. DhTIU C* TUTTLE. t TTOHNBY at law and commissioner A for Pennsylvania, ar. Lcn», Mo. Ail «jmrauuic«lioa* promptly natwered. octM-ly i RMSTBONO A CROZRB, Cosuaiuioa Mercnuia ,1. dud liicslcn in Produce, No. 2t Market itreet imburgj i. dccB j. ■. nciamm. t i npnmn«~~ BUBHFIELD & LEADER, Wloleisio dealer* in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, rituburgb ttcanaisc cured articles, Ac, No. X2O Liberty street, ftitsbargh. jyP *X*B*K II BKA.DR, ttOUl Jtßltt. BRAIi, k REITER, Wholesale and Retail Dreg p»u, l noer el Liberty tad 8u GUir streets, Pius t>aigS,Pm . a*yU CULM IXSOX, EltUWj 1 4 “ CULBEBTSON, Wl»ole**r©'s'roc«'ni ) •Ad Ccnmluion Mcrehanu, No. lii Liberty «i- A*raa&pr*l. !*». . de3lly. BA iAlLNEai'dcK * Co, Witoieule udte * tt» .Orugyiw, corner Wood and ttUt «t». jyl k. &MUII, WfcoietaJe tiroeen. Uui Jj 30 Wood flrect FltUbargfl. * - O. n. PAaT&IDGE t B. D., KO. IBS SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, /IONTINUE&iogtve 111panieitir lUesiioa u the treauxeetofOiteMCtoi the'SKiN, SCROFULA, end DiKiwi of the THROAT. Office hears: 0 A. H.,lP.M.,ud 7 P.M. octS:43m* . i: sHl®*. _ w.^nußn. - ’ CRAIG 4 BUKNEB. Forwarding and Commiuioi ilarkeui, „ *pj McANULTY 4 C 6., Forwarding and Com* • miaaiou MerchanU, Canal Uaain, Fimburgh Fa. * : ~ '-'I ; mchS b M*«m Steal ana Iron AUo, dealer* m; Coaeb Trimminga and Malleable Caatingi- . i 1. oc\ij r-Vi I (La» oCNew York ) Otfic*—gaiUiuciu street, 1 between'seventh and Strawberry alley. N. B.—btKaaeaof the taoalh, goat and teeth treated Heawopatbicaliy. *pUo.dam wa. B. raeian, mm » Bxmxrr - P'.NUUSH Knjlish, Gallagher Xi 4* to.) Wkoleaale Grocer*, Conmiaiion and For wardin* Merchant*, and dealer* in Produce and Pitt*, borgb Marm/aetarcs, No. 37 Wood »l, between ad and ! mu G»UJM*W.«JUXH imui> W. SMITH too, llrvveis, Malitar. Ud Hop Healer*, fiu at,' PitutmrgU. gpvd rvEOEOL \J Merchant, No. MO wood meet. Htubarr* - •nyi. ' i UOME LEAGUE EACTOUY7 : S'l'tWAKlVmwafiietuxer of Hea»y XI, tkirtingj, Check*, &c. T Bebccca street, city of £*H**aJ‘ ’ (RBceeuor to Morphy 4 LeeJWooJ Deal • ct "id Committal hierehant, for the aalo of American Woolen*. libcrrr.oppa«liW »Ui at. feW7 wa. uuu, riaiumore. l , T Met- XX wana, <1 Nonh Water it, & xa Ncnh Wharrc*. " iui4 - nOT3Q-tf a. a. tun. 'TI * Co, (racceoan lo Atwood, aiLg, Josef fc Co.) Commiaon and forwarding Mer dealer*, a Piiubjjji fdanttfcctaiedGoodg, Bgyargbt fa. .bhHiwt* IBS- evwJasss&aJ J 3O a ~ ft uu.wuxTn. loura ho-wooth. ' 2a£f TU * Wholesale Grocers, Pro •.***“ An# Commisitoa Merchants, sod 'Arams Pftwacr Co ‘° r "• v - »-w-SK- UntggtJt aid ApoUwcary •*’* t^r * c <*®ors above Third.*. Pine* »« c «as«nUy onhand a well selactod u| “gtts? *l**“ *•«««»* trchesi Medttißwrirtilch he »*»o*bl«.wnßfc lfl}i3eUitf »SS^l,S^!f^.74L bo P™ lB ot.ended 10. scd'roa • enieies they may rely upon ajorentiine. ■ ID- Physicians Fre/cnn nons m£ be sSeoEuely tad wS*y or’Sh!? 0111 “*■ 11 “r JwKl sab, a lug* «oek«f fresh and good perfu. or Warren, Ohtoj'Cercxafc •.'l** , ir»w D jL‘* ,0, 7 apcul f and wholesale p^^h'^^v ll f crT 'L cil£e * e ’ »*w> Pot sad £ffr *° d -Wcstcro Produce generally, Water ***•*> Votweca rtautitfield ard Woodf Pius spa J °w!Lu?S rr ,?, 6 ** o / to iswou & Cebbart,! W , Whole«a!e Groeer nod Commission Merchant. Pri>J ttee wtd Pittsburgh Mattuiaentres, eor agrof Liberty and Hand streets, Pittsburgh Pa. fyfl A HCTCiIJWON, ft. Co.—Bo.cesscr* to .Lerwtsliatehism & Com mission Merchants, OI Sugar Refinery! water and US front streets, Fiosbugh. , J Qtttt ft iHUitbAfl, Wholesale Urafirmn^gJ.' «mPjeeta*,Fk/tus, Oils, VanSEJit,No. W •yftft# street, one door Booth of Allej, pnu ' • . ■* ■ . . «ni , ' JSS'y *'**3 accessor to JoJphG.- W £blp Chandlers, Uo Water strteL oc3l WKiteatotad Betaiidealer umu» and Alaucal instruments, School Shots, £*??*» BUt«> Steal Pen*} Quills,Friuers* Cards, and BUdgnamenerolly.No.hl Wo* at, iu ilsas bought or taken ta trade/ wolS JSCaoONMAKEtt * Co, VVToicsaio a. No. >t Wood street, PituLurgfa- n**t*> JOHN D. liAVitf, ABeuaaeer, earner fiUi ud Wood streeu, Htubenti. * ftrt * YOUfiOTON t BlvGSiUN.JJooi.eUom l-nmon ¥ end tfeperNeutt&eterere, No. 44 Merkel *t,rius- Urth. ~’ jeB \ Jom ymia. juciiam floyo \, T * AVbolejale Grocer a, Coxnnu*»ior* M* Wexcamu*, and itealon in tm&uce, ttoimd Chorea ttwkuifi, Irooua* on LUwnr. Wood and t>u> / greet*, frimpargb, Fa. • nyd JAM KB DAl.ZtilX, Wholesale Grocer, Cemoisaioa Merchant, and dealer in Produce and pimburrt JM*o«&eterea. Wsfersc,Pnt«bargh. . janie I ACOil W£aV£B, Jl, Wholesale and Kctail ilea- i tl ier in Foreign Wmei and Ljquors,*ndold Monon- I fuel* Bye Whakcyo, corner Finland Market in. I . I KH2B &JONEB, Forwarding and £l*+- ehmau, iJealers is Produce aad Pituburxh «n«nu taeured articles,Canalßasin,nearTthst. dkl P&HH BILL. HXXaBUitUU. PA. jO 1 KNBKUV, CaiLi)3 tt BuilketsKn of tot .01, Oapenor 4-4 abeeoags, Carpel Unis, Cotton swine and Baiting. • • JtTHy L‘ * Veanvlua iron Werlu. *~~~ BWIS, DALZKLL k. Co., maanlactarers of all si sea Bar t Sheet, Boiler iron aad Nail* of the best quality. Warehouse, M water and 105 froum. JaalP , T S WATJiHMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward- AJt i®S eudCotnmisjtoa Merchant, Dealer m Pitts burgh Manufacture* and Produce, No*. 31 Wafer bu acdCd From st' • JSI? tUBSHUDT * 4AWTBB, .T OOQMi ULAdo Manufacturers,' and Wholesale '(Li dealer* In foreign and domestic Variety Goods. Western merchants, Pedlar* and others are invited to call and examine ihepucesand quality of ou stock, as with oar preseut increased lac times ut man eiac tar ing aad purchasing, we think wo can oiler a* great inaaerJßrnt* to Layers a* my.other house west of the ; wtTmSSrPSSuiSu aw. bccxibok,Piubarcii. MlLLfcKfc ttICKETSON, Vf ju>lee*icUroeer*,£ud importers of Unuidies, wines ud defers, Ao*. ad t? 4, coraer of Liberty sad Arwia streets, l burgh, P» Iron, Next*, Cotton Veras, &c. tc. eon* suatiy oa land. . • emu I iui K'axu* . /w. d. *raiu» . walzxk c. tot. H 1 *)L - noT« < Fortran end HiniaiareFaE iWL tec. Uooou, corner of Fost Uflice Alley end roaitk street, eauaneo on 4tb near Market. ' dec«4iL ■ fnTaaußoii steel wuius and bfrlnu AND AXLE FACTORY. naae lots, rosn w. qviea. JONES *L tICIGO, of spring and blister fleet, 4XI. pwagb amt, neel plongU sriuga, cosed and clip ke apnngs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mal |euia eastings, fro engine lamps, and coach trimmings , generally, comer efl&s* and Front rtuiburgn. j Ffc- .■ • • ’ tebu WHOLAtLa A BON, No. 44 Market- au, second • door iron eomcr of. Fourth, dealers in Foreign • Uepo " IJ ? k V£*£ ilABTiiB » df.nruuii—Oflcot Fonrth at, SdsWfAtoosabava Southfield, sosth side. iooe with-the greatest care and legal acearacY. • • • •ntkata|teal£aatec««w,r w fce. ocCMy y-vrpirv W s* i '*? iUttQlfl MeCOOK. : ~ o*u2bi* eet » wirunat, in lie 100 a _? r°k^ ky-AUdtrman MiUcr, Immediate Pj? £ «^ b .^ e * He may be loiuid *1 niflst >° 7 iallidfim* ’ossflas®** -«»* gis^^®«issrs^ • ■ ' "— “ i “i *“■ e*““ ik 1 tP j£!~ *? a ,U!td - ‘‘•.l A *“*ffKiu t sS£«! n,u “' • im Buck Ttu, Jom 4 S s^' G K? : -UOrearr, *Toduc= u>d ComsiSS*& l %^ > ctluS££ • l&^:Ss^ o s;;i«¥SSfa CT* ud iaS ta¥S^ ~-»C»T.HttI»oa. -W.UTOX ESBEMESS^SS gMSjteff {Sffv“!S* of fnperto/ old Tr ™*«»ilibgMM low tot cash... .„ *pJjtir Sak£tS?fui£ "’ Kn ‘ b "rt.Mai»aiaire. ROBT. A. CUNNINGHAM. Wbolesola Oroce-J IVsJer in Produce and Pitubuxgb Manufactures' '>o. t4l Liberty st jyjjj 1 ROBERT A Co., Wholesale Grocers Commission and Forwarding Merchant* dealer* ? l *V >do is T ,u * bnr ffb Manufaciures, ial eny *{. nustiurchy-Pa. fei/'t B. t-SMSCILMT, ntoa. b ,JL — OIIACKX.KTT * WHITE, Wlol„.|.^,™*-, n O Fomin and Dome, Ho Dr, Good,. No. OS Wood .£ r mpurgs. f,.t,i~,r »od «lfc Nonl. ,ido?riulodolphk bc,w ;'”f ,l > CT ft W. HARBAUGH. Wool Merchßiti*. ri«ai .* Os in Floor And Produce generallT' snd i er ■jpertn, Linseed tnd Llben> Plt,sbnr R b 0"«» nod Coomi,. ' -W. 1. T R Su.Vw° r^' V t' ,, "- i ' *”■* Bnli'i'SSl'lo 4aaatSkSsSiil SMSk.*A t« w tYTumJACOB WRAVRH,“JKm W H SiS E inil ( .»^ 11 Importer of FOREIGN n ,J- t wlNfc«, LIQUORS and Cid.MJ*t tesl-r'in ?f.e? D r re 0 “ S,hda "hiskey And Pittsburgh .Man «n!fi • 1 on ! f , r of Market and First si*. * —oupenor wtticle* sunplied at market rsie*. V¥l *». fIIIXCUKLTUKK, v ~ GROCERS, RKOriFYIVG DIS-' KVTJ lL h hRS ,' anil ' V I N *3 and LIQUOR MKRCH- Ut;J,? . £ mronersof Soda Asb ond Hlcachiug powder, No. 160 Liberty su, {opposite Sixth st ,t Pm^ "SIEL_ -e»« 'I | HS D. WltlS. DAVIU * M’CANDLESS, (successor* to L. ft J. .1 * , ~ c* J. Wholesale Grocrrs, Forwardtne a. Mcrehonis, dealers in Iron, Nails, G!ai Cotioa'Yaniß, and Pittsburgh Manufactures rrueraJl fort»* n{ Wood an«l Wa»er »trecta. Pinihuntb. .'V. AVALLACL, Aliil suiq« and Mill Funuehl " Ta uij esubliihment, No. SU Liberty *i_ near i*-e .. marts! tWT\V^ik^N,w.icli^iV WB i« l «i w Ware, TT • and Military Good*, corner of Market end 4ih ■ueetfc FimbßTßh, Fa. N. H.—Watches end Clock, ftarcfally repaired. , lppl ‘ W*ST Bt‘ JOWTlN—Ccmnuisioa and Kcrwinlice *”*.«■ *■«■— w^»" 5 ~\Xr H* , Wholwaic and Hruti dewier iu *T • fortutn and bomeMic Dry Uoodt, nonh m« corner oi Market and Fourth w h wtfjf wsc. rocjra, , ,r7“wwr 'Wiou * Co-Pcta, la Iwto, hWjj h ■ W * WbouS7iJSSS " d Ss : . d«a to Wotcbc. Jewelry c f B, * Tet - WMe ’M*‘*»y Good*, 4<2, Ne-47 Mar J~~ Wft7YtfUft2r£~cb» ~ ~ 'T)^ IiE S? AM) LEATHER, Morocco, AJ Shoe Findinet, &e., No. !43Lih<«ny sirc-L bnve fu»t_ received their SPIUNfi STOCK of rood* com! Pjjaujg B large uionani of ar'icle* in (heir lice, to W whia iaeilll i». •ue policies anJhe mo*! favorable terms on UwcUne Hoosea, Houaeholdinrniiure, Siorei, Stock* of Good®, Warehouses end content*, Mill* and, Manaiacioricf! &c. &e ,nr mm LOSS OR iMMAGK 13 Y KiKK. ? »j. k° > *P C®pAs, Wares and avainfi “‘•‘■“■to ,k 1 insurance Company bavinr, j„ i *“« s ,y e ***i PMa mast xiLUons os poLLaas at ibetr wrreral aßtneies throoghoot the United Stales and the British. t roTinecs, have established a just Tetmucoi' for solrency and loir dealing, wfaiefa ehailenros cow partson with any other insurance ‘company on the .continent of America. The eunexed extract trom an amele on the sabject of iLinrsncc Cnrapame*. taken j !i eW r ort P? 7 P 60 *'" **!“““» briefly the P°'**V of the Company. Ino 'tcoaet ml men’of the ancicut and ultra?* nnii. perous city of Hartford, have for half a ctoturr been famous throughout the Union tot ihe care, e issued according to Ldeir projsrala and rat' a, which will be made known to applicants at his office, No yti Wood ' rptl GKO CUCHKAN. insmim insuuAAiiK cwnn OF „R.!7 TBBU RGH. CAPITAL fS(IU,OUO. J. Finn, Jr, S«T. | K Jr, I'jc.'t: Will insure against all kind* of risks. HUE AND MARINE LLlosscs will be liberally adjusted and promptly A homo institution—managed by Director* who ore well known in tie community, and who are determin ed by promftne#* and liberality to maintain tb« char acter which Jhey have assumed, aa offering the beit protection to those who desire to be Insured Dtaxcroas—E Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J W Butler. N 1 Holme*, Jr, Wm. U. Holme*, C. Ihiascn, Geo. W. Jaekao'n, ; >Vm. M. Lyon, Jaa. Lipmueott, Tbos. K Uich, June* Al'Auley, Alca. Nurnek, Thos. Scott. Orttci, No. S 3 Water street, (warehouse of Span* k Co, Bp au:r*,) Pitubnrgli. e bdhahce. ' TUB DELAWARE MITI/AL SAFETY IN*U . RANGE COMPANY.—Office, North Room of lb- Exchange, Third street, Ekilad-ljiliia. ftu lwcasjic*.—Uoiiding*, Merchandise and oikcr ■ property ia Town tad cocstkv, insured of sinsrioss or asmsjjeby fire at the lowest rate'of premium. " Mainti JfOTHircx.—They also Insure Vessels, Car goes and Freijbts, foreign or coastwise, under open or •peeial policies,, as.the assured may desire. IsxAKsTxassroaxaTian.—They also tnsuremerchan dise transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Cana) Coats and Blcaa Boats, ou risers and lehes, on the mosUiberal terms. ' DIRECTORS—’Joseph H. Bert Edmund A. Soader, John GDaris, Robert Burton, Jonn-R Pentose. semu Edwards, tieo G Lelper, Edward Darlif rum. Isaac l Barts, W Mara Pol* ell,-Join Newlin, in KM Hus ->a, James Cliand, Tfaeoptuiu*'Pauidwf, -it Jnnea Brooks, Jicnry Bloan, Uujii Crtur, Geo-ge Be mil, Spencer Mclltrain, Cbaries Kelly. J G Johnson, U’jt Jjam Hay, Sr SThomas, John Sellers, Win. Eyre, Jr DIRECTORS AT PIiTtfBUROU-D. T. Morraa, Wm. Bagaiey, Jno. T. Logan. WILLLAM MARTIN. President Birman 3. N~EWsoLo,Seereiary. CjTO&eeoflbe Company, No. 4W Water street, jnifcdtf p; A. MADEIRA, Agent fftOß AHO AtAttllkß IaSUttABCK. TIJK INSURANCE CO. ol Nodli ARtcrm will JL make permanent and .limited liumauee on pro perty in thia eiiv and trieiiiity, acd.n «bif.mcnu by CttßaJ, River*, Lake*, and by Sea. The properties oi ,uu« Company are well invested, and furnish an anil* able laud for the ample itn'emnity of all pemaus who desire to be protected' by insurance, pyig wM.e. to: )NCS, Agent, 41 Water at. ISOS AIHIT Y* TrJt FranJtlci Ftrt Jtuuraruc Co. of PkUaddvhia. T lI^ECTOIIS,—CharIes N. Uanclcer, Thonids jlm. U Tobias Warner, Hanlael Orani, Jacob R. Smub O«c.W Bichard#,*Wordccai D. Lewis, Adolrbo K JJorie, Pand 8. Brown, JUsrris Patleram. ' , ' ~ Cbamjb N. llannaa, President Charles G. lUneker, Secretary. • Comlane to make-iosaraoee, perpetual ot limited, 0a every description of property in town or country at ratea as low u are consistent wiUi iccnmy. * To Company liaee reserved a large conbnse&iFaod, vhieb with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest 1, afford ample protociiou to. the assured. The UMU ol the company, on January Ist, 1549, a> iblubed agreeably to an act of Amiably, were S' RealEsuue------- Temporary Loans Stocks • • * • Cash, Ac.*-' •«i,M7,«3 4i M,734 Kl • W,Wi S 5 -a 3VW 37 Since their Incorporation, ft period of 19 year*,' they jure paid upwards of one million foar bandied thous* and dollar*, losses bV-fire, thereby affording evidence efthe advantages otinsarauce, ft* well os the ability and disposition to meet with ptompuiest nil iiabilTuc*. , P " J. OABDINER COFFIN, Agent, ! OfficeN EcomcrTVood aiidWsu. co* •jV A. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh forth* Deis* IIT « wire Mutual Safety Insurance Company of I’hial adetphia. Fire Bilk* npon building* and merchandize ofereiy description, and Alarioo Risks upon huUrot Cargoes of vessels, taken open the mo*t favorable yn-Offico iu the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes A NoT37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh, i N. B.—The success of thi* Company since Uio estab* cf the Agency in thi* city, with, die prompt* ecu and liberality with which every claim upon them for IOM haa been adjusted, fully wsrrantlhe agenliu Inviting the confidence and patronage of bis fneuus and the community at largo to the Delaware M. S.Jtt*u« ranoe Company, while it has the additional ad vantages as an institution among the most flourishing inPhilsdelp phla— «a having an ample puiddii capital, which by Lhe < operation of Its charter is constantly mere using,-ost yielding to each person insured. hts due share oi the/ profauof the company, without iueolving him in any? responsibility whatever, and therefore os possessieg I die Mutual principle divested- of every obnoxious Teal I cure, and in iu most attractive form. nov4 | J ROOT AND BWHETIKITS New Coileerion of Church Mmle, oompruing many of the moil pop* tttar ud acetal luuci m common ue, together with a great variety of new arid original Pielm and Hymn Taaea» Aathena, Chant*, Ilcj designed for the u?e of Choirs, Congregation*, Kinging School*, its. Ju»t re ceived aad lor aale by iXLIoTf &KNULIMI, PCLiO ! -9 Wood it LAUjbf’ WAamNO UUJVfcS-JuM rec'd, l dor pair Ladlac l looia Rubber Walking Dioroi, ud tor aale at the India Bobber Depot, No. % Wood at. ® ctM J A II PUiUOPS . ti-: .. u ' l -- ~— . .™ tv L «*^ ? V "'<£■ ’ '3* .1 . * * ■ .f-f ‘ z I lilfiGffl ; ' ';; r "' ’ v 1 PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING' OCTOBER 27, 1849. ~ TELS . . FOul&IK lIOTBL. LIG HT- SIfET BALT I M O R E M *oe* AjrfVJumiS.'raomxroßs. THIS eatablfMlt long ar«l widely known «u ociny one ofpt>»l commodious in lie city of Baltimore, hfcfcmly undergone very erirn «iye alterations ajuproyemems.' An entire new winy, hot been ail containing nomercns euid airy •‘“Ping apartments extensive bathiny room*. The Ladie*> drjicnt ha« also been completely reoryiuuiH and CtfP l R *mo renique and oeauti fol style. In fact ip»ole arrat'crment of the House ha* been remodeledlh a single eye on the pan of' proprietors, tow the comfort and pleasure of their Guesls, and A. they eoufidemly a*.«en will c.tallenire cniupnrjarilh any Hotel in the I'likm. Tlieir table will Jy» be supplied with every «uh atanial and luxurjfieb the market affords, served up in a superior sty+hile in the way of Wines, Ac. they will not bo cupcd - -/n 5°? c i u * io ? heyto-saj, that nothing will be left undone {«r part, and on the pan of their assistant*,.to rcnd«» Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their A!* and the public generally The price* for bqhave also been reduced to the following ran*: w j , Ladies’ Ordinal r- *1,75 per day. CenUcnicn’s d N. B.—The Bagg_Wsyon of (he Home will al wny* be found altar and;B:eaoiboa: Landing*, which will conTcy toge to and froa the Hotel, free of charge. j mny^tf LAn|ISE HOCSK, or »oCari4 OEA!tT tt«KRIS fTTTUnCB- Jjßfc THK «üb»R iriprcttolly announce* that -JpiH be h ®» r *ow pH hi» new and excellent Hotel tar the accoalaiion of traveler*, boarder*, and the= politic The house furniture are entirety new, n® rains or expend have been snared to render it pf the moat comfortable and pleasant Hotels in try. Tin? •übsenberiajminrd todcaerVe, and there fore solicit*, a sharoablic patroimce. octU-dly • • IACOfIHOUdII. Proprietor. iIOTKI*, Oojxk?ct sr-, adcr rotraru asd rtmi am. PPt)»ITE late Ik of the United Bute*. Phila delphia. |M. POPE MITCIfELL. rD * r -’ f Proprietor., j ujoFFIEES. . JOm.RANKIS. A TTOUNKV »nuTnrHi..r it haw, and Comm:*- tx timer Icr the dof Pennsylvania, dL Low., Mu (l*u oi I'iujbun 1 Hon. IV. Forward, ifamp ton & Miller, M Ciw A M‘Clare, John K. Park?, > w IT » 4 k Ring. ang-U.dly T« M* Dltm f i b rr> f., , BAIRfIBTEUUKTT, ATTURNkVS AtOU.NdKLLORS A T LAW, Fonnh atrrefoern Snuuificld nird Gram. -nubur/th, Fa ! Jn is jous s. hasoa. j .wje. e. n.aiD „ LAni* puieSd, . A AiW,FourUi*ireet,nearGran’ [ " Jttlflaf JA3F.KEUn; A TTORJiEY AT^V—Office on Fourth «v, bc ■LX. iween Smithfiebd Giant at, Puisburirh ' tptlfcdly j 8 ' wTIMOLIN/ ATTQKY AT LAW, WILL al*o attenkoHections and all other luui nets entnistedun in Butler and Anoitrone counties. Pa. Re/erl J. & R. 8, Liberty il \ W. W. sec, do I t. .^ an, S*i^ 11 , io j Pittsburgh! •1-7 ha> t C4c: tijorney at Law, orfire lid sil « opposite r-t Ch* Hotel, Pirediurrh. will also attend promptly to Otuons, in Wnshinr-on, Fayette and Green comities,/ ten to Blackitoek, Belfo., ") Church 4 Cared} >Pnwb*rgh. D. T. Morgan, { ) ocl3dly u' HKXR^. ilnejr and Coanrellor at l.aW, AJ. Cincinnati, OhJColleetions in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, andfcntucky, promptly and care fully atirnded to. Ctisiioner for the State of Pcna fce AcI*’ 1 *’ r r°Mtion», acknowledgments, Rsnrn to-Hor. VBe» * gc Cartlii Chnrcli 4 Caroihers, Win. llayjtj., Willock 4 Davis. ail ' HATS, CAPAND BONNETS fg| FALL FAfOS FOB HATS, ng #*• McCORD 4 Will introduce this d«ye.-W Rllarphf O a** now open a sfcr of spring Bonuei Ribbonv, of new lud handsotades. • Also, new t-irle Eg’ltti; Lisle Laces and EJr* in ? « p Linen Edgings; loria do; plaid Muiinm and Jaconets,cmbroidcretu* Muslins, kc.; besides a large assortment ©fSt Goods generally, at north east corner -Ith and ItCt streets. Wholesale Booms r ». a po COMMISSION, a.sTcsir. thos. a. #ilu OTt/ARTk SILL, G®», and Produce and Cora* O »»*»>»* Merchant*. IH Wood si. Pittsburgh. dealers Iti O.oeenea.ttr, Wheat, Rye,Oats. Corn, Har.e7, Pork, Bacon, ter, Lard, Cheese: Clover, Timothy and Max See4roa, Nails, Gla.s, ke. kc! fcc. Particular attemikid to the sale of Western I'Toducc. Raraatncrs—Mcsrritycn k Hunter, RobL Dal* zettkCo., M GUI* k l Hampton, Smith k Co., '’“r-.KuiKk Mtcad, FuKtiurgb. Fenner k M’.Millan, MassilJoitp.. g. Mormon, Esq., Sl . v - ... j rp 22:1y i«HS a. cra:o, late of N.bon, O. w. s.’sstAsa- CRAIG OtlSflfEß, C~t ENERAL and Forward* Jmg Merchants, Nojtfa/kcin, Pittsburgh, Pa. .Iw*,'IrouptsyienUon 1 rouptsyienUon gi to the purclutic and sole cf ail ktuds of Produce.. Kurta ro-John Wattlo., Murphy, k Co. Piltshursb, PX; Lawst* »,», Mahlon MarUn, W-lUviile, John H. Irn k Co., Ut'. 'g, Elliott & Co- i htladeiphiai U. VVjodgras* k do., Greet k .\uce. New Lisbon, o*Jki!,u:-r, Han.-O. D. Oufiitt, t.iticimtau; J. 1. Keller, ngiio wu, O ; W.L. Stan* oart, Cleveland, G. aaxt!4 GEORGH)CII RAK. Commission and Warding Merchant. so. SO wooi( rmucßou, GtONTINUKS to trdnp&igeaeral Commission busi ' no*., especially m thcr, and in receiving and forwardinv Goods conwgto bis care. As Agent for !be Manufactures, be wij constantly supplied with •.be principal articles 01 Iturgh Manufacture ai (be lowest wholesale prtceaplers and coutigiunents irs ro»pecuully solicited! pjl Pena A«^B«fhan.~ HWIGHT.M AN—M&cttucr oi all kinds of cot • ton and woollen intoerjr, Allegheny eiry, Pa ino abwe works being tlb lull and successix! op eration. I am prepased to k*te oiitr* with dispatch tor all sinus ofmaehinerjtyline, rash a* willow*, picker*, spreaders, cards, ttsj £us.s£ittpi, railways, drawing frames, fpecdeitmiiils, looms l woolen cords, doable ornaglc, fofcrehant or couinry work, mules,jaCks,Ac.islide ambdlatbesand toolsm grn cral. All ktuds of ihnfiin gde'lo order, or plans giv en for gearing fncumen or}* at reasonable charge. R«kb to—Kennedy. Ctt A Co., Blackstoek, Bell k < 0-, King. Pemioek A Ofcu. a. Gray. Atooonffalieia^very'ssatbl*^ «7l ROBERT 11. TCKKSON has'opened £j^n^ the large stable First si, running ihreagh M/\ to Second it, betjn Wood and Stnithfield ■* f i lists., in the few *e Moitongahela House, wiU« an entirely new siocitforses and Carriages nl the best quality and latest i*. Horses kept at live* ry in the best manner. jyttlty j ... Poa OUEKSWpD GAIIDKNB. iv •' nie steOoat a. MASON-itop LIV •f .rnrr DOW ruoh k the Point, fooigaHßy of LibtrirtcL to Urn Gar- >£W □■■■sßMMJen—lcavJattl o'clock, A. M., uml ti-ihe beginning of each hitmtil 0 P. Mr Visiurs limy rdy on lading the hot the Lour. She leaves llin Garden, the last up trißlo o'clock. The reason it fait advafg &u d those wishing to viiit this delightful retreat,ir it ti® time to spend a few hours, uot in the tnickM cj nn 0 f tbo city, but in a pore atmosphere, pcrtUjfwiUi the fragrance of Bowers. j • All kinds of refreshment* jept intoxicating drinks, are kept on the Plants, and Bouquets of choice flowers; *ale. Closed on .Sun- JJSf. JAMBS M'KAIN. of landing njfoa accuaut of low wa . . r f* cy*®** jsmL 4ILTESQKUOEU Forwn Commission Her* csßiit, lias removed 10 No-FrooL between Wood and Siriuifield streets. { 'lade on an unproved ejlu the coldest weaiUer. Mneinvited to call and CA &. ATKixsorvs, kyn Wood Market *t# VA/»: imvc some t'U.MW '»» plan, no as not to frej Pcr*(m» wanujig mch artir aae tliem at SC/ mvas | at, > fltia'n Drlek for Stl«> , fork, the STEAM BRICK A WORKS, above LaviceviUe, coiaptwing a Sleam Engine, a boiler*, 0 Jjd Machine, capable of manufacturing FreiWricks lout of dry clay. Mtakga from the bank,with three acre* of i*iul on the Allegheny river,' which arc 4 kilns and machine and clay •btwboclb.rrowa, truck*, •hove », »psU-:*, t«., ever * B g reqoUile to eouj uaence opc/aimm nt an boutjce. Price. includui* me patent right to tue Mid of payment mutfcejujr. Wilkie f#»d, M.OtXJ. For '’"'^ u i 8 . r *i WRY AIEURIIT, M No ffioiionfrahcla ilourq. 1 BKLIi A.HD URAlpofiNDllV. ■ 111 « bi> oia «ui frowpC ofthe mo.i approx edmodcU, w»J iot f the Minfrel ater . tier wiUi ever; rar.yir ofm ca.tinggTu reoauld, lamed and finished w lha n4i manner " A- V. i* lio wi® proprietor iu Harr's Arm-Anai loxMnat, *o jasUy celelrj fof redaclioa of cllon in machinery. Tbfc> zes and Compoiiiion ■,l»e had of him at alilimej jtrtP-jy jKI.NTIMi trArtM.— wfeuii fl f fttnUnr and JT Bock p*pcr, a inpertcfnielo., AMorud aixei on band. Any *»xe «aad« met ai iboncx notice ?eu C HILL, t 7 Wood at CO-PARTNERSHIPS. IDtiaqJntlon. 'HE partnership of tbo unrier*igced, nndnr the firm of ISagatey A Smith, was dmolved by mutual consent on 129th September, W. Uagaley pnrchnune 'be (merest of J. R. Smith. who retiree. The luiame«s of tb- firm will be settled by their Miceesnore, \Vm. Uaga’ey 4. Co., at No*. Id anil «0 Wood *t .. t WILt.JA.M Bag A LEV, I itubnrgh, Oct e, M 9. ISAAC R. 3MITU. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Win Bagslcy havirg‘ ns»o* eia*edwith him Wra. JI. Woodward of Phl'udelphia. John S CV*rr*ve and Ralph Bartley of Pitithurgh. will continue the Wholr*nic Grocery Btmnrii. at No*. 13 and <0 Wood «t. under the firm of .? WM. U\GaUl> A CO, PiiGbunrh; and HAGALEV, WOODWARD A CO., Philed’a. octO Dissolution of Co^Portnorifaitp. . r pUE co-partnership heretofore tlis'.infl between the JL subscriber*, under tbe.siyle of Utown fc. Culbert son) wu UiiJolveU on Ibo Ist tost- by mutual consent. M. B. BROWN, A- CULBERTSON. Pittsburgh, Ocls, l?R). The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Groce* O' and Cninmi-tion Business, an heretofore, at the old iiand, Hgflilwny rt. oels A.CULBERTSON CO-PARTSERSHIP, JOHN PARKKR and JOHN W. RIDDLE hive en- into partnership, umler the firm of PARKER * RIDDLE, and will carry Shoe haziness in alt its branches, at the old (land of John Porker, cor ner of Federal »u and South Common, city of Alleghe ny- JOHN PARKER. ocUtdlm JOHN W. RIDDLE. TAVioUABCSSBT, TJROPRIEI'URS OF THE Pittsburgh alkali -L WORKS, are now prcparrtl to furuiih n superior article ol Soda A*h and Muriatic Acid. Persons wishj Inj to purchase either ol the above articles, are re* quired to call on -ISAAC WALKER. No; J 3 Fiffl* it., and examine the articles before purchasingelsewhere. H—The Soda Asbagnnufiictured at ibis establish ment is greatly, suf-ersizrio any.other brought to this niarkeL -i; gprJl a. acAinc. jusesatki.-oox SCAIPE * ATKI2UON, V* ?£*- svrwxics Wood atm MCrkrt, Pimanteo, c WNTINUK to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, V/ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black smith Work. Steam Boats built to order. . Snccml attention riven to steatd boat work. Have on hand* a fine assortment of Copper and Brgtg Kettles, Tin Ware, Ar. 4c. Steamboat CookingSutvs*. l oruble Forge*, various sires—a very convenient ar ticle for stearahoata, California etßigrants, or rail road companies. Wp would respectfully invite steam boat men and outers to call end »c« our article* arid prices befcre porrlm»>.>* «]-ewhrre jjfcjy TDlsioluUob of Parinerahipr~ HE copartnership of HENRY HANNhN 4 CO., lonacriy Hanncn. Mailer* Cu.. In the Window a a Colored Glen* bur.nesa, is tbi• doy- dissolved bf Uie w.tbdtawal of; Mr. Frederick Muller. - • The basin-f* will he continued by the uodartirncd, under the firm of HENRY UANNEN ACO Ware house No. Ite Second at. where we will t.-T.OTT*.-'’ supplies of supenor Window Glai*. JOHN HANNEN, HENRY UANNEN, t L ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh. Aug. 8?. Mg. HKNjtV UMSTKAD. T Copartnership, HE undersigned hate this dsv dssociated with the in business JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, and wiUco Unue tl-e business as heretofore, odder Hie firm of f .„ . . - B. A. KAHNESTOCK & CO* July g, 1310. jyl3l ' ' , NOTICE, j r pHK partnership heretofore eguiiog under the firm A.of A.4C. BRADLEY, is disst&vedby the decease °J Bradley. 'Hie business will be earned ooby A. Braolcy, who will settle the tfusineas of the Uue firm REMOVAL.--A. ÜbjlCLst has removed bis Foundry Warehouse from No. 112. Second street, to No. 19 ** ood street, between First and Second streets, o ihe warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where be will beep constantly on hand a general assortment of Castings Grates. Stoves, Cooking Stores, 4c. iy|3 DISSOLUTION.' TIIF. partnership heretofore exiting between Sam uel «. BathfieM and William! B. Have, trading under the firm of BUSH FIELD 4. liAYB,faa» thi» da? r e n diwulVcit by William li. llayk leiling bis entire interest tn tin-firm to S. U.-Bu*bbttd. AH account* due the firm will oe collected by Si B. BuahfieM. and all debu due oy Ui* late firm tu M paid by the same. 8. B. BUSHFIKLD, Will. HA VS. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—S. Jl. BnuriKLO haring thf* day associated with himself HxaarjLaaDia, formerly of Bedford, Pa., and recemly of the National Hotel, Pittsburgh." will continue the business under the firm ,of OUstif ihlLl) A l-KAIiKK, at the old stand, No.lhlU LiLen> street. S. tL BUSHFIKLD, Pittsburgh, June 52,1=49. 11. KLADEIL, . j Pittsburgh, June 21, l£lS>. Having retired Mm the former) business, I take pleasure ih recommending my sue feasor* to the pa tronage of my customers and the public generally. 7 “•? ... i! \V.^HAYi^ Dissolution./? r T'UK co-partuerahip hemokJre crisis* begins X subscribers. in the name of Cohpuble, Burke A Co n is this day dissolved bv mutual >ohsoct. Metiii. Burke h Annie* will scltlSlbr business of the eon ecni, for winch purpose they are authorised to n«e the name of the concern. NATH ANi Ej; CONSTABLE, KLMU.ND BUKKK. THOMAS JMKNES. The undersigned have this day associated themselves in thename of BURKK A BAKNESkior the purpose of manufacturing Firo Proof Safe*. iVoult Doors, Ac. at the stand of the lat* firm or [constable. Burke A Co., where they will be oleosed to] receive the pa- : tronaga of the customers ollhai house *nd their friends. I -EUMQNi) BURKE, . THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Connate, llorke A Co-, I with uncerc piea«urc rrcourar.iutatcssr*. Burke A Larue* to the confidence of my fnrnll&aiid the public. Feb. », lsitr. NATHANIEL jCONSTABLE. febpt-dtf ,i di&solctiob) I 'IIE partnership of MURPHY te dissolved by mutual consent. TJ) late firm will be settled H Lee. J: Pittsburgh, Jan. 30, lsW. i|. NOTICE—The uiidersigned'will c« business and attend to the sale of ' the old stand. In retiring from the firm of Murfc£jr A Lee, I take great pleasure in recommending Unrill. Lee to the confidence of my friends and the pubfat. Pittsburgh, Jan. 3U. 18ft. jfjL MURPHY. THE subscriber* have tbu day Sl-oViated ihetn seiaes together for the purpose fair tfaniaeting a wboletale and retnil-Dry Good* and Grocery business, at No SKU Liberty, opposite Seventh fluent, under tlie style and firm or BUSHFIELD A UA VS. Pittsburgh, January 1,1F45». I V N- B.—4)uro!d crutotnrrs and the public are invited to give us a coil. H „ CO-PAnTHBRSHIp. ' TITM. B. SCAIFK and Capu JA.vfcs ATKINSON a ll ..?»*« entered jalo paruier.hip. tinder the firm ol A ATKINSON, and will curry on the Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Also. UlaeknnithmK in all its branchy*, at the old Hand of \\ m. B. Scuiie, First street, utirtr Wood. 1 .articular attention giveu to steamboat work. : ’ i y . • • IHAVfc associated with mbin the whole sale Grocery. Produce and Co rani tuition business, iny brother Joseph, under the firm of j.w- DILWORTU * p°- . J. 8. i>JLWORTH. January 1, tBiP. f ■ /'IO«PAIITISKiISHIP—Wm. Ya JNO. if. fU CUNE. MISC£LLANEUUB' ' Oystcrsl Oyitsrit? I BURKE a CO-8 Duly Kiprrs* is de livering Can and Shell tfhich are of i'red io dea'ers and families at the Howe't prices. Quali'y wsrran ed equal to any brought 'to this mar ket, and for sale by v < , J. C. BimVKLT.Aki; Waters!. A Iso—At the following depots:— ReiCjJt Br r*er, cor ner Smishfield and Second sts; K. Ileailetpn, Diamond; Mercer A Hobursnu. Federal st, Allegheny. o«ll5 JAKES W. WOODWBLL, Modern sod Antique Fbrniturc, Sft, Thus Btkest. iTtrsßoaotj, assortment of Fnrni’ure, ySSggtffehßp snitable for Steamboat*,. PIaMM Hotels and private dwel- *? y "«* lings, constantly on (rand and made ui' order' > The present stock on hand cannot Be exceeded by any manufactory in the western coup try. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to IJiv's me a call as lam determined ray prices shall pipage. Put o) the stock consist* in — r > > Tete a Tcte; - Buffet EtaqoieL 1-otue XIV Chairs; Queen Hitribeih chairs; TeaPoyse: Fruit Tablek; •: Toilet Tables; Louis XV COmmoder: French Mahogany Bedsteads: Piano fetdojs: 90 sofa* with Plush and uair-cloUf cpvtrt: 50 MBhogony Rocking Chain: i: I 40 doa Parlor do ! f‘ 30 u Fancy do r i' 23 centre Tables; f ■ SO pair Divans: 4 pair.pier Tablet i 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; ’7 . 6 Wardrobes: 8 Secreurics and Book cases; 20 marble top Wash Stands: Y 4 pair Ottomans; i ■' t) pair fancy Work Stands; f A very large assortment of common ehVly* and other (urnituru too numerous to mention. j. i l£7" Steam Boats. furnished on the si&Etcst notice. anU onthe most reasonable terms. t ! dccli Diaphragm Filter, for' Q THIS is to certify tHfit lhaveap* g o ' ol ®* Livingston, Bbggen A Co. A F® ,IU for the salli of Jennlng’. tHar Patent Diaprahgm Filter, for the ril E 4 Itcsof Pittsburgh and Allegheny- JOHN GlßsrjN, Agent, wr Walter M Gibson, Broadway 001-10,1849. i W e have been uung one of the above articles at lbs office of the Novelty Work, for three moaihs, on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied thot ij is a useful invention, ai u we truce pleasure iu recommending them a* a use, fur article to all who lovo pure water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly erecat^d. Rot/fiKN A Go B«T«r*tbu FUurlag Cobk. ft «rv, F ? R PURIFYING WATER, Which renders turbid sinter ouro by fetnovingall substance* not soluble in jfyjSwSt wat'-r. Thd crot/m water in N. York, °^ ear au o pure to tbe eye, yel 11 P ll **** fat hourlthrough this filtering eock, shows a laryc .deposit impure substances, worms, Ac. Thu is the case more or less with all hydrant water. The Reversible.Flllcrer is nest and durable, and ii sot attended wlthlho inconvsnicncc incident to othes Filterers, a* It is cleansed without being detached ftoc the water pipe, by merely turning the key or hand!, frota one ude to the other. By this easy process, the course of water U changed, and all accumulations ft impure substance* ore drives off almoin instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses the advantage of being a slop cock, and as inch In merry eases will be very convenient and economJcsl. Itctn be attached where there is any pressor* high or low to a cask, tank, tab, Ac. with ease. To be had Of the solo Agent, -w, vr. WILSON, oetl7 eorser of Fodnh oad h) ezket sts MISCELLANEOUS OheoeliU, Cocoa. dte. W. Baker’s Amrrieau and French Chocolate, Prepar- Ted Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Br.ima, Cocoa Shells, Ac. ■t> merchants and consumers, who would purchase the best products of tloeoa, fire from adulteration. more nutriiiou* tbanir* or I'otfoe, and In.iiinltty un«ar pa««ed, the antieriber r«roinni«rtd» il»e hj*ivo article*, manufactured by hUnaeli’. and a lamp*) with bl* name, J!w Urania and Cocoa Voile, o« uniicnts, palatable, aiji! ailntarjr drink* for invalida, eonvataactnu, ami other*, Ire pronounced by the ran»l eminent t'hr»lriam ■npeno* tn any other*. iit« moiianietare* are alwiy* on ante, in any quantity, by iheinontro ppectoblk grocera in the naatern rltlea, and by titoii ee.enu. Jlawc*,liray tch., of lloatmt; Jaiura M Uuuro 4e°, Hertford Conn; Hii»«ey A. Murray, New Yorkt Orant fc. stone, Philadelphia; Tnoin&i V IJrandiga. Dai* umore; ahd Krlioen A Ikmnett, Cincinnati, Ohio. WAI/i’KR UAKKIi, Durcboater Mom. Por rale by , guy-H [IIAUAI MnU,Agta T 1 Wroujrlit uridCtu Iron BalUis*. *»!>. subscribers beg to inform the public that Ihry have obtained from the (but all the late and isthtonable designs for Iron Railing, both for houses aim ermetenei Persons wishing to procure band* wine pattern! will please call am] examine, anil Judge for themselves, Railing-will be furnished at die short e*t notice, ami in the beat manner, at the comer of Craig anil Rebecca street!, Allegheny city, augai-dtf • A. LAMONT fc KNOX. W' v * *■ GLENN, Book Binders. “in the above business,corner of '* ood and Third streets, Pittsburgh. where we V e P™P art d 10 do any work ia our line with des patch. >\ e attend to our work peraonally, and sabs laetiou will be given in regard to iu neatness and du rability. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound tab* stcutially. Books in numbers or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names put on books in gih letters. Tnoso that have work iu our line are invited to cadi. Pncea low. myJfctf 4J AVINO cold onr enure stock to C. ILGusr, with -AjL * view to closing our old business, we hereby so licit tor him the,pairoaage of all our friends and cas ters. no. W. POINDEXTER,' ■ _ . . . , . THE. POINDEXTERr Hrtsbnrgh, Ang. 4th, iks. Cll. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Coumiiiiion *lll] • Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 W « Cookln* Hlorti; Qrktti. Ac. Xff AKSHALL, WALLACE ACO., Bound'Church, «■ 5° ri J er Überljr and Wood atrecta, manufacture and offer for tale Platform, Floor and Counter Scale*, ol Uie aim improved quality; Cooking Store*, for wood and coal; Egg Store* of rarioua size*, Parlor and common <»rate», Hollow Ware, Ae. Ac. They also manufnetare the Kitchen Range, which has given «ueh gaueral aauafaction to ihote haring it m me, to all o( which they wontd respectfully iuvlte the aticution of the etuzeu* and the public generally. oettf-dtf Manufactured touacco—The tab-mber would call the artemjun of the eity trade and dealer* Generally, to the following brand a Tobacco* itore uml 10 arrivi-j which bring! consignment* di rtet from manufacturer*, he ia enabled to tell at cut ern price*: 1 138 | bt* K W Cremhaw . fa; *u 1 “ James Madiaou fa; #1 I “ Lamartine s*; 33 I “ fa; 23 I “ Pctatua 1 fa and la; 15 1 “ Rohan* & Siston s*: P t “ o*car Bnrl' fa; 6 I “ Johoj A Lewis it; 3 I “ Warwick, fnpr It; id | “ Ueory A Jame» ia, la and Ps: feb i? L 9 WATERMAN Pitt Kttcbln. l « Work* and Ftandrv. P!TT**DBI3H, f£." TOHN* \VRJOirT * 9°t prepared to build Colton 0 and \\oo!rn Moehmeryofeverv description, such uCarduu Machines, bpiimlnr Frame*, Dnwinj Franc*, Railway tleaj*, Warper*. feoolen, Cmsing Frames, Loom*, Card Grinders,Ak UwhiteßUon of the pßblic to this mmier N. 11 Repairing doue m the beet manner, and on the most reasonable leruta. ladtfctf T° »S™ss’ **B~?o6iSJi'"sOSuFicto- KKRii—-slatingmadearrangement* fora eon. ■tut supply of FACj t »fl V FINDIMiS, w e will sell *t !«w pnee- Calf and Sheep ttotci rknij, Lace Leat irkcn. Reed*, Sanities, Hemp Twine Treadles* No. 3 to Is licit Punches, Wrench?*, S.npr.iire Caul. 10 to 13 in; Patent Drewer Brushes. Wearer* 7 jlruth-’ s • Ac. Ac. LOCA.N, WILSON A CO., _?lTi lta Wi t street. Piiuburyn. p ipKT WlNES—Olliejr, Webber fc E'ormu-r, liH: Pure nch and dry. Could, Cempbell is, Co’* old l=«M. f*»te 1&40; Pure Juice p-r -ticujar Port. Harm fc Son*, Pure Juice, Uireble, doo bleaml rngle Crepe*. These wines are til cele&ra- ± 0 o r ,S m l? c “ ta h *' l s_ _4v . _ Jacob weaver, j r . PIANOfeI ‘ •rpUE rtbicnber offer, for .sit a large and splendid X assortment of rosewood end mahogany rrwid Ac* Uoal'iinos, wtih and Coleman’s celebrated Aouait Attachment. The above instruments are war ranted to he <*eDALT,MUKK, PHILADELPHIA, ■L* ££'\ 'PHK tJOSTON ANDNEWQRLEANiJ GENERAL AtiENC) ANDCOMWIBSION OFFICE > onng MEN in wholetaJo and retail «torca, and other respectable basineaa, to act as Book-keeper*. Salca '"'“i Porter*, Uar-keeper*, Winter*, Farmer*, Coach nen, For Agent*, Boo* a,.d Map Agents, Collector*, •verterr* m oil branches of bunir.esa, Ar. We hare all tune* a lur*e nombtrof good Mtuationa on hand -eupd) from M to per annum. Those in w*m oVcituacout of anyTHint would do well"to ijiv* m aaaJl, «■ we have, agents in eueti ef ibe move ci lici, winch will enable ui to place evciy applicant4a a suitable situation at tlie shortest notice. We have • i large acquaintance la all the above named cities, wbteh vre l nut will euable u- to givu entire satisfac tion to nil who may favor us with a call. TAY LUK i TAViIIAN, No. SSltceond it, .. . between Sooth and OaT. N. U —Persons Jiving tn any pan of the U. States, and wisbittg to ootam a situauon ia Ualtimore, or ci- Uier of the above cities, will have their want, tnuue dlately attended to by addressing us a line, (pOit-paidt so dinne they will cunail both trouble and ex. pcH«c, whiAti they otherwise wo'ald incur by coniine to tie city, and seeking employment far Ihem-ojlves Address, TAYLOR i TAY'-MAN, Second street, Baltimore, Md . UoLuc in Tinn(uii> I’HIS ift to certify that 1 purchased oue vial of Dr. HcLone 1 * Worm Specific, tome two month* ago ind gave to a too at mine, tome seven yean old, two Mipoon* fall, and although the antuont may appear ■nrga, fat l flare no doubt but there wus upward* of two mocun woaxa passed from him measuring Yomcoe quarter of an inch to twb iaehe* Soar. , „ G W HOLLIDAY. Hoag * Peek. Carrol ru. Temt.Dcn a?, t~47. ja3< BENNETT & BROTHER. qi'EENSWAKE MANUFACTURERS, * Blrmtnsliain,(near Pltt*bor«b,| Pa. Vrarthouse, No. 137, Wood itrui , riilthurgh. tggftWlLLconstuntly keep on h-ind a good aawrt £gjk(ment ot War*; of nor own manufacture, and V© 1 Bupenortjoaluy. Wholesale and country Mer "■» chant* arc respectfully mriied to call-and ox amine for themselves. as we are determined to aell cheaper thanhaseror before been offered to the pub* 1 f 7" Orders seat by mail,accompanied by theeaih or ity reference. will be promptly amended to. myld 'I'O THE LADIK3—Just received, a full assonmen X of gold and stiver Thread. Cord and Braid; also Hpanglo* and Bullion, fqr embroidering and other on namenul work. Alio, gold omi silver'faisels, Fringe) and Lace. Jewelry of the latest fashion*, in great variety. Watches of aoperior quality and beautiful patterns, ud for sale at Eastern price*, w W WILSON, any? corner Market and Fourth sta AT(IEiI£PH BATHING UTABLIBCI MENT—Open from II P. hi. Singlo Beth cents, or 0 fori dollar. Ladiea department ojMitt frmufl :o it A. M. and from ‘J to i P. hL The Relfcilnnen; Saloons are unequalled in atyle Attendance. Uechercjte Ice Cream*! • ugl* T. M’l'aLL, Proprietor.'' ¥HiC AUiE62tKT£B~ f mill! attention of the public is respectfully called to X the toilowing certificates: Mb. S. Banns—Having tested a quantity of Gold wrigked by your Areometer. J find the result prove* your iiUtniment correct ana recommend the use of it to there going to California, as the betl method for <&•■ laiuntß the real value of Gold. Re*p. yours, i. B. DUN LEVY, Cola Beater. Pittsburgh, March 9, ltH9. PtTrntJftun, March 7,16 W. Mb. Eafcsa—DoarSin Haring examined the “Areo meter,” niannfaeutred at your rooms, j do t.ot hesitate to esmmetid it to the u»« of tnu*< gecutmen who are üboat removing to California in search of Gold. ltjrivcsacloae approximation to the rpccific rrivi ty of metats, and wiucertainly enable the odventortr to atcenaiu when bis placer is yieldint’-jCcld raar til_ Your»,re«p'y 1 _ fR. hftCLINTQCK. INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—Jn*t received (bribe California Expedition, a complete assortment of Gun Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from KJiD tu gtliO for suit of coat, pants and hat For sale atlho InJt Rubber Depot, No 9 Wood st dccJU _ J A fl PHILLIPS SADDLE. HARNESS,TRUNK AND whip man UFACfoRY.—Th* subscriber takes this method of informing his friend* and the public in genera) that he las the largest stock of the following named arti cle! of his own monutetuire in this qity—Saddles, Hor ne**, Trunk* and Whips, all of which ho will warrant to bo made ofthe best materia] and by the ben mech anics in Allegheny county. Being determined to get! his manufacture* something lower than has been here tofore sold by any similar establishment in the city, he would invite persons in need of the above named article* to hi* warehouse, No. SO Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made lo'urder for machine* ry.. pcfltMy G- KERBY. * OIGUT and abort time BILLS OF EXCHANGE, pay- O able in Cincinnati, Lcaisville ami Sl Louis, pur chuedoalbetnost&TOißblotenna. > . ; N.HOLMBO4BONB. I ” MISCELLANEOUS. -Al-KV' i „ , , **-»»•* «» xnx nirsi, w Scrofula or King j KtH, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimple* or Ptutulesonthe Fare, Blotches, Bite*, Chronie Sore Eye*, Bine Worm ®f lter » Scald Head, Enlargement ana Pain of the Done* atyJiJomu, Stubborn Ulcer*. Sypbiltia Symplon*, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and disease* anting from aa Inmdicious use of Mercury, Aei- Ute* or Dropsy; Exposure or Imprudence tn Life: Also— ChronlcjConstitutioaal Dieorder*, Ac. . 3? 1 * \ ledicmo squired a aery extended and es tablished reputation wherever it ha* been used, based entirely on :t* ownlmerits, whieh iu *uperlor efficacy ha* alone tostained. The unfortunate victim of her editary disease, with swollen gland*, contracted «j. ” e **> *od bones half carious, has been restored to h£*lth and rigor. The scrpfaloos patient, covered ulcere, loathsome to himself ana his attendants, bds been made whole. Hundreds of persons, whohad groanea hopelessly; tor years under entaneoos and glandular disorders,-chronic rheomatum. and many other complaints springing,from a derangement of the secretive organs and the circulation, have been raised as it were from the reek of disease, and now, with re generated eonniitatjon*, gladly test fy to the efficscy of this inesiimnblej)reparation. ‘•TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.' The attemioH of the reader is called 10 the following ftriMa; CUre ’ effecled use of Sands’ Sarsnp- This It to certify that I have a colored woman who has beeni afflicted for tbs last fige year* with Scrofula, and all the remedies 1 used bad no effect io arresting the progress of the complaint: on the contrary, she a^er **pe«ding between *, * ,ul *** pbysieianv, beside* o*inr oHrer pop ular remedies without recce**, till the disease had eaten away the cartilage of her not . „ . J Boileysburg, Va, Dec. ib.ISJS; Ueun. A-B. AD. Saars: Bciore l commenced us ing your SarsaperiMt; my safferings were almost past expression; my throu was completely ulcerated, 1 had a dreadful cough, and there were frequently weeks to: getner that I coutd dot speak above a whisper and be sides, the inflammation irom my throat extended to mv bred, so that my hearing was very ranch impaired. After taking the Sara-panlla a short time, my health improved, and my throat is now well; I am as free from cough and tightness of iheehest as ever I was, and ean hear qolie disuhclly. My throat has Wen well about three months, |ho cure of whi hint* been effect ed entirely hy the use of your Sarsaparilla. 1 - k our friend, LOUISA R. BBVAN. The following testimonial io the value of the Sarsan anlla, is from the Boh- Luther M right, aged Jfl yean Congregational M.miner, residing at Woburn: „ 0 J WpsciK, Mass, March3!'ih, 1316, Mrnn. Sands: f.eiuieraen, From wbat 1 halreexoe nenced. and from the information 1 have recently re ceived from a numbek of persons of high respfcciabffl y who have used *our Sarsaparilla,. 1 havd aotthe east doubt but that u a most valuable medicine, and that the numerous certificates you have received of Iu efficeey are fully sustained by experience, And al- Uioagh its reputation )and uiillty are very extensive, and stand in no need of my humble effort* to increase item, I want *ll who pre alflieted by disease to b-come acquainted with the efficacy and power of yonr valu able medicm-. j i I am, gentlemen, gkatefaHy, and very respic-Jutlr y 0 "** . . „ 1 LUTHER WRIGHT, n ft! P «?nc Vw !* 1, 2 le *? le * nd retail, by A. B. A D. BANDS, Druggist land Chemist, 100 Fuiton street, comer of William, New York. Sold also by Drug gisu generally throughout the United States and Can edas. Price ft per bottle; six bottle* for M. ForsCe by L. WILCOX. Jr„ B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO* and EDWARD FKNDIJRICK, Pmsbarub. A? o, br Dr. S.SMITH. Bridgwater. eetU PITT*- r&icrsL anl 1 . 'SBURGH FEHALB IBSTITUTK. T n .i?J, n *. Ui “ u u under ike rare of Rev. J.'M.GOS- AND LADV, will re-open on Monday, ihe it Ist. ltHfl. Patau erw+laxr extension. TabUj, Sofat, Bureau/, Boot Case j, Wnttnr DtsXs. I LEVER OF WROUGHT IROfL rpHE TABLES far surpassing everiHkher m« A yeouon ofthe kind uow extant. TbeyVß be cir tended tram tee to twenty-five feet, and wBEn closed the leaves are all contained iusidc; they are made to - all and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats Hotels, and large private families, form ing when closed a complete centre table. 6 SOKAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval uable! particularly to those who with to econo mise Thom, and convert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shut at convenience, and when shat, the bedding is enclos ed. A great saving, iu room and rent All thr lied . steads ivben elosed lorm a beautiful piece of furnitaTC for a parlor or sitting room. - BOOK CASES—>A uoat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WAITING DESKS—For law offices, coanting rooms, and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. *• ‘ All these ancles aeed no recommendation: the keautv of the whole is, they are warranted not to get out of repair. It will be for yonr interests to call and examine the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No. Kt Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above advantages, they are proof agalisst bags. mcSfl JAMES W WOODWELL ; bOWgLLFLKTOB£S7 KAOTrACTTUX OT ALCOUOL AND PDEK SPIRITS, Corner Front and Vine street*. Cincinnati, o. S'VRDGRS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol,Pare Spirit*. \J Haw or Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly ab rnd-d to at lowest market price. meblfhdly notice. THE firm ofNICKLIN ABRYDEN beutxdiasolved lh. ondcramcil wUI eontio «« to ForStrtln, „,j uommu.lon Uu.iacu .1 to neua, boii litoln, FtoNKUN, uJ rapccaill, iafnSbSS.KhS h. Li. Jjptzuo Of , be.., Uiunuico oa tta m»houo ood tontenu, to .onto -1-1 giTc cclire^; lon to .11 who to HJJJU -• x- t. -'-‘’•l--.-;.- OOODSI SKW OVODSII ::Sfi„„ bargains: bargains:! PILL-ASD-WIMBIt Dgf GOODS, |^H na x* 3 ntx-ufis or tbkkb bis Hiy*. 2SKT . - rkel ,Ll between3dand4th, Pittsburgh, TV^*Th\rd R m!?f tl^u i ®' ** M «ket street, between •nd for n.kSr.. of .M 4 SSi”,*,?"■ *•"»«. M X“ , *s d in tki# or “7 othermarked ** *“ “® Bn ‘ *sr«SsSAaa wishing to ha 7 new and cheap »oL"£ wbichwiil bo doubt astonish them, beina to tell cheaper than the U l* framed Good dark Calico, only.3cents per yard: ; Beat qoaJUy dark Ca’ieo, fait colon. 8 ilk ' 4-4 British purple Print*, fast colon, 8 to IK " ea, 7 Bed'* *eta»». from Bip 10 eenn per yd; . Bleached Muslins, good quality, 5 to 64 per t£ Beit quality Bleached .Muslins, 8 to 10 per id: Heavy yard wide Unbleached Mulins, &to S- Good red Flannel, from 15 to 3d cents per Td: Good -yellow Flannel, 15 to £3 eta per yds flood black AJpaeca from IS to 33 pcr.yo; ~ French Ginghams from 10 to Id cts per n: Irish Liaenaat prices from 33 to 1,33 per yd: Saiinetl and Krutaeky Jeans from Hi to SO etas Cloakings aod Linseya from t2J to 31 cts; ; Heavy Domestic Ginghams 10 to lQets: Crash and DUners, all pnees and qualities: LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. A splendid assortment of all the newest styles. Thibet Cashmeres in high colors, rich goods: Lapin French Thibet Merinos, the finest Imported: Rich Camellon Bilks, in all colon and qualities; Black Ann ores, best quality, plaid and stripe; Blaek Grot de Rhine, all widths and qualities: Lapin’s fine blaek Bombazines, beauhiul roods; do best French Merinos, blaek and colored; do do « do do in high eolorv: I • do fine French de Lautes, all wool, high colon; Rich fig d Cashmeres, beautiful goods, very rhfjp Dotwd Swim Mtu!in^?ore7e"claydre»*MV Brsehe Thibet Seiriih? Jits Importation: French Kiri GloTei, #!! color*;: Moarmng Cashmeres and do Laines, all prieeo; Ladles embroidered NaekTies, splenditt goods. Ladies finest quality French linen Hdkfic ' Belling Ribbons, a fait assortment: ' Verted Capes, Collars and Caffs, in great variety. Bleek and colored Crapes, all qualitie*: 7 Brocade Lustres, in all colors and qualities; r Mohair Csmelion figure*, rich goods: _ French Cloakings, «gpert> goods, high colors; Also, black Brunei Lace, al widths and drices: Black Mlk Fnn.ea wtdeWhean,” «qffi«y. Together with a large stock of white Goods. Swiss i Jaeonet and Mail Muslins, besides a very iarere and saperfa stock of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest i». portation and most fashionable styles. Many of the above goods have jost arrived per the last steamers from Europe, and are worthy the attention of the la- . ... SHAWLS! SHAWLS" A splendid assortment of Shawls;— . Snpei ejtr» six* French Long Shawl*. best imp’d Super extra size Long Broehe, finest quality: * • SuMrb quality Long Plud Shawl* rich colors; • Bearquality square plaid fine wool Shawl* Rich and heavy extra aize black silk Shawls: Rich eamlion changeable ulk Shawl* Super black and while, all wool, long Shawl* Soper extra »ue and Sq’re Mourmor Shawl*' Paris pruned Cashmcfe Shawit, in great variety: “ n J a J ker i . “ all pneea A guars; KMk M, “ rtl ? lbet « heavy silk fringe; W* r . k “ d m>de eo'ored heavy cloth Shawl* WTute erali d Thibet Shawls, beanlital good*; Highland pi’d long and sq’re Shawls, very cheap; Mourning Shawls and Scarf*tn great Variety; . lot of platd Blanket Shawls, from Together with a fuU supply of Glove* Min* and Ho dW,iU?. Ml?*A icle , s «ually kept in a Wholesale and Retail Dry Good* House—all of which will be ** prices to defy competition. ,JE/" Beaenb« the store, No &) Market street, be tween Third and Fourth, sign of the liiu BIX-HiVe, wberr bairaio* can at all.times be had »pt3B;<£km WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. CABBDTBSOT hat commences to receivn a •' • “.“'H 0 '? 1 ol> Woolen Comfons and nood* Haszin, Berlin, buckskin and woolen Gloves: Thibet, cloth,mous de lain and blanket Shawls: cash 25CV wo ,? led * n[s woolen Hoee; Portree and linen Hdkfs.; -tilk and maun Cravau and Scarf* Gimps and Fringe* Irish linen, Table Covers, Crape* Ribbon* u ce *’ E e * ched bod colored Mu*!:n* Tabby Velvets! Pa!ent Threads, dewing Silk, Huttons, Gum Suspen-' Puts, Percussion Caps. Almanac* common and • gold JttrcTry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pock* <*t and table Cutlery, and many other goofs which country and city Merchants are respectfully invited 2 examine. • - tpt |p ; F&TEVTB MANUFACTURING CO., and will keep on hand Family iVA and Steam Boat Blankets, Domestio Flannels, blue, brown and drab Blanket Coating, Satinets and' Woolen Vain, which they will sell atEastern prices. Warehouse No IUI Second si, Piusbargh, Pa. Factory, New Haven. Fayette o-o. Pa. sptta . skwooodZ ■ E ?“ v . e i n “ recel7ed * lar k a «ad complete slock of CIAtuKS, Variety!,and Fancy Goods, saita r.t?° trado, to which, with every description Jktng Glasses manufactured at our own steam r shop in this city, wo ask the atientioa of Welt, erehanis and other dealer*. ■ KENNEDY A SAWYER, j '«® corner Wood and Fourth stg DRY GOODS. T MURPHY, WILSON * CO., No. 46 Wood St., Ptynscnou, ARE now receiving their usual suppUe* of Goods lor toe Fall season, which they wilt be happy to exhibit to toeir old customers, and as many new ones as may feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking great pains to lay in sneh goods as «e adapted to toe wants of the Western trade, which long experir bee enables them to do, they can say with kuuGb confidence, and without entering into a detail of their stock, that toe Western retail merchant will find with >heD alt that his customers require. Thojse woo have formed toe unprofitable habit of repairing to toe Eastern cities lor their stocks of Dry Goods, wou.d do well to eaU, as a candid comparison of pri» cea would in many eases result in toe eonvietioa tost toe expense of going further maybe obviated by buy. mg to Pittsburgh. , IP ,|3 ' „ ■KWTFALI. GOODS. “ U/ R-MURPHY it aow receiving his first Fhll v 7 • »PPly of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, and has already opened an assortment of new and beauli. ful styles- dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors: and neat new style Pali Muelm ds Laioes: Alpacets and Monair Lustres; Damask fig'd and striped do Pymetto* and Lyonese Cloths; Of the most desirable colors; and a full supply of bleached and unbleached Muslins, Irish Linens, Man che«ter Ginghams, Ac., at northeast eoroer Fourth and Market st*. Buyers are invited t» call and see. spa IjtKENCII hi BRIN OS—Of aUthe desirable colon. •ueh as Maroon, Garnet, cherry, scarlet, different snadrs of green drab, and black. •. Ai.o, I’aRMETTOS ol all toe above colors, in eve 's vur ciy ot quality; and LYONE3E CLOTH}*, also of all the desirable colors, now open at Dry Good* Housejrf spill W R MURPHY Mourning goods-w. a. Murphv has now open an extcn«ive ae-onment of Black Goods, including Bombasines, French Merinoes, Parmeitos! Mouse ile labium, Mourning Alpaeeas, and other Mounting Goods. ““ Iptl 4 MILirAR v GOODS.—Caps, Plttmr-aj'gwords, es. Epaulettes. Lace, Buttons, .and ail toe miumuigs uecessary to equip volunteer companies. . IDr voionieer companies equipped as complete and Ea * d e , ss^i^ 0 f £ l u on^°ll4r ’ Atlienaam Saloon and Bathing Establishment. • T. M’PALL. Proprietor vy^AS.SATONLs^ A S.5 ATON L s ceetifioate to oe JAY NE.—This certifies, that immediately after oaving attended my brother, who died of consumption m March, IbU. I waa taken tick with the Consumpdon or User Complaint, and waa reduced so low with the that for four years I was unable to attend to my business, either At home or abroad, being for ths~ most ume confined to my bed. During tb&above Bern od of ume, I had expended for medieal anendaneeV regular Physicians and medicines, to the amount of I£H? 0 V rMelTln * thereftormia July,. 1&44, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne’s Medi emea, and have token them more or less ever tinea: and believe that it was by persevering in their nae! that I cun now trait say that I have coraplet-l? reeS tered my health. I believe that Jayne’a ganauveKHa are tho best family medicines now 14 I reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y„ and carry on a furnace and maehine shop in that place! and am not interested in any manner & the tale Of toe above medicines, and make this certificate tor too heal efit «f those afflicted. ' EI.IJAH KATnv ' Springfield, N. lB 1948 *£l°** ! IHPORTAHT TijTflf AFFLICT*^, Dr. ttoit’g Celebrated Remrdlu. > DR. JACOB 8. ROSE, toe discoverer and sole pm. pnetor of toese most, popular and beneficial mM iciues, and also too inventor of too celebrated inarm menllbr inflating the Lungs, u> effecting* <££s Chronic disease*, was a student of that ernnont oh?£ can, Doctor Phyilo, andns a graduate of toe ty of I’eunsylvanla, and for Uuny yean engaged in toelnvestigation of ase, aadtofwfflL cation ot remedies thereto. . . **» appu* Through too ase of his inflatinr tube -in me....'.! ssji^sss^ toTcr ul Am., Fever. of kind., ChrSc iSSS of his remedies, to which humanity is heir—not by toe ® f ° a f fompoiiadoaly, for that is irerapatible 7*“ L hy, ifi offlc ‘ J A Uw » »« b 7 we of bis reao f due*I** 1 ** W P re#cnt * d > or each peculiar fora Dr. Rote VToaie Alterative Pills, when used are in variably acknowledged to b© superior to *ll other, as a purgative orliyerplll. inasmuch as they leave toe bowela perfectly free from costiveness; as ■i*'* his Golden rills is admitted by the faculty topottesspeeu liar properties adapted to female diseases, but being sausfied that a bare trial is sufficient to establish what haa been said in toe minds of toe most skeptical. The afflicted are invited to call upon too agent, and procure (gratis) one of toe Doctor’s pamphlets, giving, a detailed account of each remedy and Us application. For sale by toe fol'owing agents, as well as by ttest Preexists throughout toe country: J t&hooomaker A Co, M Wood street. Pittsburgh? J M Townaend, druggist, « AlMkelst “ Lea A Beckham, “ near toe P.O. Allegheny eltyj Jo* Dark!er,Daitington, Beaver oounry, Pa. ■•• • JnoEUiotuEnnon Valley, “ “ T H 2 2 -it,;.- ib. •; - .iiaaficjy. ;.i -•r- jc ‘ :i t YOL. XVII, NO. 69. DRY GOODS, &c. only trite and mo is cJPdH B. E SELLERS. Proprietor, 67 .Wood st . CAUTION SlIBlT" A man by the name of RUEL CLAPP has engu«d with ajoong man of the, name of 8. P. Townaeu, aS P?‘®P> Sarsaparilla, which they ! OPVrnivp 0 ®an , »«Mlhi deaominatiMft GENUINE, Onginal, etc. This Townsend is no ffiM. tor and never was, but was formerly a worker on tail* ' read* eanals, and the like. Yet he essames the title 21. 'm r P 0 ? 0 * 8 o{ joining credit tor what ha is ow C4Td » beaded b Thcks ef which he saya. I have sold thoutoof tay ff: *7 O week. I will give 8. P. Townsend IM Ifhe will produce one single solitary proof of IhlL— £Thta isto caution the pobile not to be deceived, and orehasenone bat the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD lit b , wn»*nd»a Sarsaparilla, having on It the via Irr.** likenei* his family coat or am* andhtssig nature across the coat of arms. ' JACOB TOWNSEND. Pnucq>al Offlc* 103 Xusxa st,New York; GUy. OLD doctor JACOB TOWfISEHS, THE ORIGINAL [DISCOVERER OF TBS • QPBBtt- WWSIBHD SiaSAPABILL&i Old Dr. Townsend tsnow aboat TO mn nt »»», »»r “.“l®?f beeo known as too AUTHOR and DISCO- t SAR-h“p°ln?r'! i r < n UI S? OaIUIKiI ‘" r O'' ARILLA.” Being aoori-ha.vai easselledl to limit us manufacturer by wHcjflsheana it haa beta ' kept on! of market, and the''elroutucabed U ' Ujmo only who had proved it/wSrA -\ ▼•lsa. .This.Gaa.tD AflD-UffSQßat£sa'KakrA>asttßis ' mano/aetared on toe .largest aekle; and uoaJlsdfcr ' ihroiLfboat too length and Dreadto oftoo land;-.--- _ young S, P. Townsend's,* ,U improve* with bot foT toe Vdaon- beeano 1* ‘ i u» prepared on scientific principles by a*cietnißeiß»fl! ’ The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and too latest 1 discoveries of toe An, hare all been brought inm n< i Jffif 1 toe Old or?s Sarsapa- ; i7.L? e !,M ,piril ? n>«t, it Is well known tamed- i ISrti?-ikUfc ,a 3 «®toeinai properties, and some pro- 1 l pertiaf which are inert or useless; and other*, which.: “*•» Produce ferment* ! | tion and acid, which is injanons to toe systoat.- Soma: i 'Oftoe properties oi Sarsaparilla are so volatile that ■ tooy entirely evaporate and.are lost in too prepara- Prownred- by a scientific prweesL known only to those experienced in iis aanaueiare. Moreover these volatile principles which By offin va- - P®*;. 0 * **-5° tabulation, noder heat, are toe very et itSin. %‘S! -Urt l irit to • GKSUiaUB !- OLD DR. JACOB 'TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. ll!^.?.7 spare . d: *“ *• tae « properties of the Bar* ■aparilla root are first removed, every thing capable n “.? sae,doroCftrmeatallofl i '* curveted end then every of medical virtne Is-sefta* reti m a pore arid concentrated.form: tad that ilia, rendered incapable of ioring anjr of iu‘ valuable an i , he&Jin* propertie*. Prepared in this is mane the mo*t powerful arent in.tke , " tuua . CURE OP INNUMERABLE DISEASES. «««n why wp bear eommendtlitms oa "«! •'do in iu favor bv n»n, women and children. We 6nd it doing wonders ia the pare of Consumption, &25,??«5 ,^-iUT^LSr?“^ llnl ’ Md *» HhfnmstLtaJ. isctoikla and Pile*, Uosuvetieis, all Cotaneoas tiona, Piaplea,' Blotebos, and aIJ affections aril in* fraa IMPURITY OPI THE BLOOD. ' ■ -J*.P°“ e “ej • marvellous efficacy ia all complaints' anting from indigestion, from Aridity of the Suama-b: ctrca’aiion, dfctennination of blood to lha hetul, palpitation or the heart, cold feet and cold bands cold ebtiis and hot Sashes over the body. Ithssoot Aad it* equal in coughs and eoldt; and promote* eaar perspiration, relaxing itSfleptie FiWCoavql.ions, Ac- I* uot this, thea, thx Mamcihs Toe Pt*-E*uixjrTt,T Nmrt Bai eon any of these things be taid of. 8. P. Town uod t intenor article! This young man's liquid u cot lot* COMPARED WITiITH£ OLD Di“ beeaMe of tie Grand Fail, 'botihe one is incapable Jt " Id , NBVt:R SPOILS, while tfteeth. “Lr . lt . mt S* ferment*, ud blows the bottle* epmajninj it intofrtpnenujilieaonr. acid liquid bx* Must uot3xla hor* nwe compound be poisonous to the irattm! . What! ?SL ld ‘ ,UO Tv a •y we ® already diseased with tcidl I bo ‘ aciar Do we notail knew, i mat when frodaoars in our stomachs, what mischief* I palpluriooof the ! heart, liver complaint, dianhma, dysentery, eholle and corruption of the blood! -.WhatttScrofcxlabataaaeid -h“°k r i Ilbe1 lbe bo &* What pioduees all the hamor* which brior on Eruptions of the Skin. Scaid Head. Salt Rheam.EryaipeU*, White Swellings, Fcver-Soms! and aU ulcerations internal and external! »t is nou? mg under-hdarcu bni an acid substance, wbleh aeon, jwid thu* spoils alt the fluids of the body, more or less! r >Vhat caas-s Rheumatism but a soar acid fluid, which Insinuates itself between the Joints and eliewhere, 1 Ir ritating' and inflaming the tender and delieate tissue* “P9O •hwh it act*! So of nervous diseases, of taps* nty oftlie blood, of deranged circulations, and Marly all the ailments which aflliet human nature. *" Now, u itnot horrible to make and sell, and infinite ly worse toW this— ’ > SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID “COMPOUND* a OF a P. TOWNSEND! - and yeihe would fain have it understood, that Old Is* cob Townsend’s Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an' Imitation of hts inferior preparation!: Heaven forbid that we should deal In an article which wouU bear the most distant resemblance to & P* Townsend's article! and which should bring down npon the Old Dr. such a mountain toad of oompluats and criminations from agents who have sold, and par* chasers who have 1 tsed S. P. Tosraaend’s Fermeutnxg Compound!- | - • uwuung. We wish it understood, because it is the obsolete . truth, that S. P. Townsend’s artlelc and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, aud ; Infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike in every par- Ueolar, having not one single thiagitr common. It is to arrest frauds apon the unlorTunaie, to pour - bairn into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi gur intotfie crushed and broken and tobanishinfirmi- ' ,T Tte , ,fi d „ D f- JACOSTOWNSKND bu 8000 HT and FCM'ND the opportunity and meant to bring hla Gsavn UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY, ‘ I within the reach, and to the knowledge of oil who ! need it. that they msy learn and know,, tty joyful ex- 1 penenee, ilsTaanscx.v9xar rowxa to actLl * ! For sale by J. KfDU A CO, Wholesale Ageat’fer " J j-SMITH, Bimlnrtiv Dr. J-SAKOKbST, Alla.benri Dr- >■ CJSSfiLU FUtb «r»rb. u. IV. iibHDblBß.b[h \rlrd. Pitubßr., ttitl JayhsifßirpMi'toraatt . . ,' ' D Satxx, Colombian* Apr. M< IB4L R.D.JAVNEB: Dun See:—l feel bound to m and the afflicted pobllettO-availinyselfof thisoo- ' portomty'of giving publicity,to tie exanonliaary effect* oryoor Expectorant oa myself Having been afflicted tor aerera! year* with a severe coagh, heetie fete* and tu concomitant disease*, and teemed only to Unger oat a short bot miserable existence, until tu ' fall or 1839, when, being more severely attacked, and oaTing resoned to all my former remedies, and thenre •cnpUoUfOf two of the most respectable physicians in ' the neighborhood[without deriving any benefit: ortho . consolation of tanrinng bat a few day* «r weetsaT. fanheu—when the last gleam of hoptc was abootto ! vanish, I had recommended, to me year Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who does all Ihtngs in U»a ! ose of the means—**d contrary to the aXpeetaUonffof my physicians and friends, I was In a fcarday* raised Crom my bed, and was enabled by tho Ueofabofll&to attend to my business, enjoying autos better health than I had’for ten years previous. / ; ■ - gwpectfalfy yours, 4te., . Jjls. t 7. Ereit; ‘ -/•! ->j A N EMINENT and experienced Physician fion the A East, of4o yean sanding, offers to treat aUcases of a Delicate Naure with promptness and seereey.' Uissaeeess in Buffalo and other largo tides has been proterblaL- His charges are moderate, tad hia euxespermanent Old cases of Gleet, Btrietare, Scro fula, Fluor Albas, Syphilis, or any chroale or Inveteraie eases solielled. A eare warranted, or chain refolded. ■ Orvtexs, St Clair street, 9 doors from the JBridn.' Teeth Extracted, Advice to the poor gratisT' > • N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worst eases of any i Finsbargh-to call. : r .■ anUrdteU TTTIUi remair open for visiter* sstU thiritt Jansa. f? ry,U3tL Oyster*and other Beftesbm«ma*&U ed to the season will oe kept The Ore*ithoaie,:eoo. uinln* a large coUeeuon of raro and ehoieoTKants.- wili be open to - visitors. KoqaeU netiJy paiStS •hurt notice throughout the season. An Ootinbu leaves tho Allegheny. eid of the St- Clair.• ttntet. oven hjf boar daring the day, ruStarSK liurdea;' and the ferry bout, Captain »* * short distance *bove!fc{S den. Panics wishing to spend the ‘evtoinr. wflls» ycocimod ited with a retain Omnibus lu'fli o'clock. MEDICAL. ; C ELLERS’ UYER PILLS WAS MY. DOCTOR.— Dnnr * 'bomonth of Juno, 1643,1 took - I!EJK weU ’ “F-hWetltofaiied, and my strength was *^i r Mrj > ”r nT * ltd » wilh *evere paiuin myude add shoulders. I was told by tnedieai men that mydiaease »a*a*everesnackof/nver complaint. 1 tookeere- . M Liver Pill* and some syrup* * was told was good tor that disease,' bat tits? ml. T? # *? u^n I warae. l.finaljy concluded to plaew S?f i . ttt>de ? t&c «•« of a physician for better or ** r®E£“. Me| F» i**t at this time, Iwutold by. the Rev-. I. Nib‘oek, of this place, that a fnend had ““ * box of Sellers* Liver Pills from Piusbetgk, which had benafitted him very imtrb. I forthwith ■cut tor a box of your Uver Pills, and by the time I was done astng theta. I was satisfied that it was last rlj.® wi ,no u,tl •uiled myease. I sent for. more, and took five or six boxe* and found myself hlmost f?h, ,e *Y .eared; bat InMtrch last 1 caught a severe SmS’Tii 6 * backthe disease, and.fn ashen ??* ■’ f Y“ u bad as ever. I again: bid -ttcoem to “od took, then every other night, fiw ia«i i - ,ad occasionally sine* and lean now any, SWm *”!.•*>»*»* loelliltto if any symptoms to-rf “ my general health it as" •»** been Tor the list IQ years. ,v f aclghbora ask me who was; mv doctor.' I sail the , * lTer was my doetor, and by ■ mg. i, m riM . Providence the means of eixinf nnwimpyiffh ~w when the pabUa Aecetah ae» mimd tor .Tim of: your liver,Pili* S whMi t ili ne,eMa * Many of thynsifhbor* «•£*»» waSt®* ‘ lM *othe facts above suuad. 1 * Ketpectfally yours, OaoMaSSua. fIBBBBWO9IT9SgI