The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 26, 1849, Image 3

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Saokyille, New Branewicb, )
Wedneaday Evening, OcL 24. J
The EaWpa arrived at ;Halifax to day, aod left
forßoetoa at on© o'clock.',
We hare advice* froci Liverpool up to the
13th'inat .
Excepting the excitement which prevail* in the
Cotton market,, business has been inactive doring
the last week. j
The Corn markets are fipn with an advancing
tendency, without, however, any extensive tranr*
actions. j ! .
' A heailbf state of trade Iprcvkil* in and around
The money market is liberally Bd»*ained and
the rales for money easy. ;
Qgttox L good deal has been done in Mo
bflea»4i£6i 620 bale* of New Zealand have been
»!dat&|ol d. Committee's quotations, as de*
eland at the meeting yesterday, jare, for fair Or
leans, 6f; fair Upland Mobile, 6d|; middling qnali
ty s|@si. The stock on head is 499,000 bales, in»
eluding 319,000-bales of American, bs against
the Block of the same lime last year, of 348.000
bales; of which 295,000 were American.
Grain Market—" More firmnesi prevails in the
grain market. Indian Corn is q toted at 2Seo29£
for White; 27023 s per quarter fc r Yellow.
Floor is not much altered in value. Western
Canal and Philadelphia 23 t6d;jtaw Western 19
" <3215;0hi021025v There is no Indian Meal in
ihe'taarbet. ( _
cared provisions are in demand—
.vTW sales are.large and roach to 100 loos, at 3650
36e WperewL—a low price. Mesa Pork is in
j Jamand at former rates, for shipping to Ireland—
but little la doing in cheese. 1
At the quarterly meeting of ibe Iron Market,
hfrt at Birmingham on the Clh, it was determined
to make no alteration in prices.)
•Havre advices of the lUh, state that the Cotton
aufcetis extremely animated—kooo bales sold at
an advance of 2£
. The latest sales of American securities, U. S.
loan of 1859,1030105; Maryland, 1839, 87(288
Penn's, 1870,92.
Consols were quoted on Friday at 92i, and rose
on Saturday to Q2|u
’ . ‘^TURKEY.
* Pending the decision of the Czar npon the ap
peal Blade to him, respecting tne extradition of
the Hungarian refugees, and the English papers
containing conflicting reports, concerning the is- 1
Nothing definite can be arrived at until the res
olution of the Emperor and his Imperial council
be made kftown. The Emperor's reply was ex
pected to reach the Turkish capital about the 10th.
or 12th of October. (
Apprehending that the Czar's decision.might be
a declaration of war, the Pone was exceedingly
; impatient to learn the effect produced upon the
cabinets at London and Pans, by the bearings of
’• their representatives.
A large fleet of steamers is collecting in the
waters of the Bosphorus and the harbor of the
Golden Horn. -
Between the entrance Of the Black Sea, oed
Propontis in t&e Sea of Marmora, there are twelve
•hips of the line at anchor, fully equipped, plenty
<. fully provisioned, and strongly armed.
An army of 100,000 men is assembled around
•/.the Turkish Capital—they are reviewed from day
break to dark. Letters dared 25th uIl, slate that
before entering Turkey, the Turkish officer* as
' sured Kosentb, that be and- his follow refugees
were welcome, and that they should be allowed to
proceed to any part of the world that they pleased
A considerable number of the refugees have been
put ou board an American Corvette, and a French
steamer, destined to sail for Greece.
An eloquent letter from 1 Kossuth to Lord Palm
erston, is published in the English Journals.—lt
. appear* from the news from Widden, that Anunil
lah'had been sent' there-to urge the refugee* to
fnphf t*k <imt h*d not been unsuccessful.
Kossuth, Gujron, Zemomfci, add others, swore
that no person should induce them to epostney;
>Bem, however, bad no scruples.
The most unwelcome features in the news from
Turkey are, that those Paachalic* in Europe, who
urr partly Greek and partly Turkish, are in a stale
of foment, in consequence of the threatened rup
ture between Turkey and Russia, under the influ
ence of Ro»siah emissaries, (members of the
- Greek church) those vassals of the Sultan have
betrayed senous ideations of taking advantage of
. the present opportunity to get up a revolt.
' Great activity prevails in the Cadency of cou
riers to and from the principal Courts of Europe;
bat the firmness of tbe.pablic funds, allays appre*
os to serious retails.
* The Fafu correspondent of the London Times,
stjt “that a note bis been.addreucd by.the Eng*
liab government to Us ambassador at Si. Peters
burfb, the subject of the Turkish difficulty,
couched in firm and moderate terms, and contains
nothing - ; calcu’aied to wound the susceptibilities
of Nicholas, but announces its detcnnmaiion to
support the Forte against any exigency that would
i compromise the diguiiy o! no independent govern*
' .menu
Lord Palmerston likewise seui proper iostruo*
tions to Sir Strndford Canning, and placed the Me;
ditemnean. Fleet at hia disposal. The French
government has intimated that between it and
the ’English Cabinet the most perfect unanimity
In consequence of the illceas of M. Faliaux,
discussion on the Italian question, and the Ameri*
mw and Turkish difficulties, has been postponed in
the French Assembly. *
The only a.lqaioa«, made in aoy of the papers,
Teoeived, to the difficulty between the French and
ArpwiMn Governments, ate the following, copied.
from the Paris Presac—‘“Some explanations of af*
fairs are necessary. The French Government
demanded an indemnity for losses caused toFrench
subjects by the war in- Mexico. This demand
having met with some difficulty, the French Gov-,
eminent charged our Minister to -announce to the
A m>»rie«n Government, that the indemnities claim*
cd would be kept out of the annuities not yet due,
fat wbieh we were the debtors of the United States..
It appeara that the letters written on the subject,
by M. Poussin, were coached In rather unsuitable
Unpttje, of which the French Gonraanni, ini l
ntlouiaiog the clum, hu MprecccJ it. diuppro
It is stated that the French Government intends
to recall a partiou of the army in the Pontifical
States, and the Spaniards are to enter Rome.
If is reported that the Pope has taken alsruraj
the numerous assassinations which ore committed
in Rome, and believes that there is an extensive
plot for hia assassination, should he return.
Recent letters from Geneva, state that Garri
baldi had some intentions of settling in the United
' Ilia officially announced that the legislative
Chamber at Turio will be dissolved. Reports ray
that a formidable conspiracy had been discovered
iA Piedmont, which was to hnve broken out on
the occasion of the landing of the body of Charles
U is rumored that the Hungarian refugees near
'Widden, the leaders excepted, had applied Jot
leave to return within the Austrian territory, and
that their request will be granted.
The statement (bat Georgy had been shot is
The previous account* of the surrender of’Cp
inora are fullv coitfirmod; ml, however, until the
patriots who held possession of the fortress had
aueeeetW in making very favorable terms' with
, k /AusUia.
■Several Ilongariau ladies, besides Kossuth’
• mother and Georgy’s wife, are kepi in close con
fioecicnt by Ike Austrian authorities.
'The government h-vs formally intimated to (he
Ministry that it will not join in the federe
al leapt* proposed by Prussia.
- Hanover ha* already announced its intention
\ frflp the confederation.
The poetical affairs of Sicily have been nearly
need. The Irland is said to have an admin-
distinct frojn'tbatof Naples.
. -. The paper* have nearly cease/ to chronicle the.
ravage* of cholera.
A faint effort bo* been made to revive the polit
tea! agitations jn this country. JohjrGCoaneil is
said to be at the head of the movements.
. New Yoxx, Oct. 25. -
The steamer’s new* has unsettled the mar-
Bostox, Oct. 25.
The Boston Union Wharf Company, Province*
t jwn, was robbed of $20,000, on Tuesday nights
the money, stolen was principally in notes of the
Fireman’* Bank, Boston. r
CxncimuTt, Oct. 25.
Flour—The market is quiet, but prices are
Whiskey—-Sales at l&H3lBtc pergall.
Bacon—Sales of 120 bhds. of Sides st 41c,
Groceries—The market is unchanged.
The river rose twelve inches since mornlng.
13 W. I ALBA9AC, I San | San
OCTOBER. | | rite*. I iel»^
£0 Saturday,
21 Sunday,
22 Monday,
23 Tairsdsy.
21. Wednesday,
25 Thursday,
2d Friday.
ao. oenrx. a. r. vox soxxnoasr. w. k. detvt.
orncx. PtTTSBnoiiCAZVrra, l
Friday Morning. Ociol>er 20, 1849. )
The weather yeltjrday was elear and delightful for
outdoor tran»act’ona.and a fair amount ofbuainei* was
doing in a genera! way.
We have had a further rise in the river, which will
toon liegin to thowiu influence upon the markets.
Asms—We have no change to notice in the Athet
market. Sales have been to a fair extent at the fol
lowing me*—Pearlath, 6c; Saleratus, 01c; Potaih, sc;
Soda A*h,3J34c; Scorching*, 3io3|c P ft.
FLova—The quantities coming forward ore extreme
ly light, and all tho larger loi» that have arrived, were
designed for shipment east. We note sales in limited
lot* from store at and from first hands a
■ale of JO tibl* at 62-
Bacos—The maTkei continues quite steady, at for
mer quotation* Sale* of 5000 Eli Shoulder* and Side*
at 5c for Shoulders, add siosJc for Sides. Hams are
rather scarce, thß market being entirely bare.of plant
tiamr. We no-e regular prime bagged Ilams
at 9c, and of extra sugar cured at 120121 c,
Scoia—We note sales of N. O. Sugar to oity and
and country trade at CloG|c Loaf is reltiug-at 8
o|Dc P B.
Molsssb— Sa'es of 40 bids N. 0., in oak, at 290251,
CorrKX—Wo notice an increased firmneis in price*,
and the article t* held firm at lie P tb. ’Java Coffee it
held at 13014 c V &.
Facrr*—A fair basinets is doing in the various ar
ticle* under jhis head, at the following quotations:—Al
mond*, 2}&l7c; Groundnuts, eOcP bnj Fecans, 7e P
B>; Phiibcrtr, sc. Creamnuts, 7c P lb; Zante Currants,
9|c &; Raisins old, S 3 P box; Lemons, scarce, $7
pbor; English Walnut*. 8c P 6
n<|l_We notice good supplies in tho market, and
price* remain quite firm, as follow*:—Salmon, f 18. P
bbl; P li ercc, S:7; No. X Mackerel, Cl 4; fat “No. 2, #lO
lean do. No. 3 * were sold at 50,85 for best
Salvador Herrins, 83; Susqnr.hama do, «5,50 per bbl,
Codfish $4,75a.'i.«0 per drum. Lakefish are ho d*l $7,
50055,C0 P bbl.
of 7 bbls roll, at 12012 I«; sales of 33
kegs at9iolOc. and of tt kegs of an article a little in.
ferior at Oc P Ei.
Cbiest.—S-alea 30u boxes Western Reserve at
range of d to 6*c for good common to prime.
Wnisin—Sales of Rectified aISIO2Sc gall.
Toaarco—Sales Chhds common Ohio Leaf ai4e P
B Best Leaf may be quoted at oto7c P B.
OILS—We notice a decline in Lard Oil, with sales
of No.l as 50, and of No* 2at 50c P gall. Linseed Oil
is sold at nOSIMc gallon and Tanner’s Oil at 516019
Sri:ax Oil— Hlc’ached Winter, 81,45; Bleached Faii,
SIAV Natural C ilortd Sperm, ft P gallon.
‘VjtAiE Oil—Bleached Winter Whale, &oc, Crude
Whale, jiOc 4> tf-dlon.
LARD—The receipts of Lanl during the week Uav<
been lul>; a large proportion, however, is passed to th
easl without tc tcbuig our market. Sales have beet
moderate at GJSTJc •? B, in bbls and keg*.
WHITE LEAD—Saiesofprime at $1,75, and of No
I atBt,Co 4T key.
LEATHER—''.very description of leather continue:
firm at fully qao:ed ratea N. Y. Sole is sold at; 19019(
andßaltimore t-.iie at21022c &.
DatXD Fxcrr-Sales 200 bu new Peaches at 91,56 P'
ba. Sales Drirtf Apples, old.crop, atfSoP bx
Nrwr Yore, October 2k
ga'e* at the Siock Exchange to-day were as follows:
SlI/HiO U. S. (Ts, '6 a . coop, lit; 85,0U9 do, 1121; 912,600.
U 7, tt2J,and *jooo do, at 1121.85,000 Penna. S'*, 67|:
do. b.i3u, s»?|; 3,000 do, S7|; 91,000 Read. Miffi
Priladewiiu, October 20.
Sai-Es xt tire Fisst Board — *tat Penan C* 100);
9576 penna. s*». 2 certf; i, 5, H7l; $5OO do. do., s. 5, 671:
10 ah. Scboybbt. 1J per eenl-C7W) «b. sch. interest. 57|;
10 sh. Mor. Can il, 9:92.690 City <?*, 76, b. 5,101; 60 ih.
Mor Canab hi. 4* «h, Mach. Bit., sr7|;G sh. Louis, bk,
9ac; 91,500 Penna. 0% 101.
tfreoso Board— Bs ib.bk Penna, b. 109; 91000 Susq.
Can. bonds Tb. 5 51J; t0,0U0«o. do. 5J*; 50 sh. U. 8 bk.
3} ; 4 sh. Phila. bk. 132; 85,000 0. 8- 6’s, '67,112 5,000
Jj-do coup., IP; 3CU Penna.«•», 101.
Baltikobk, Ocu 22.
was a large increase in the supply of
Beeves at the m ale* to-day. and the stock being rath*
it ordinary, prices declined. The offerings reached
2,000 head, of winch 65ft were sold to city butchers; 4UO
- friekere; 10U were, lef over unsold, and Kso.were dri
ven to I’hilßiWylra.' Priees tanged from 91.50 t- *1
*m the hoof, equ.l to 9105,75 net, and averaging 82,40
* lings—We quote from to *1.75. •
K.our—Wo no o *a!o» o:i Saturday of2oo but* How
art street Hour ;it 85.- t To-d*y, sale* of 700 bbls werp
made at 85, 4 m«», with-interest added, ar.d !0D bbls at
MVe* note rale to day ofSW bbls City Mills Flour at
*Gfraun’—■’The r.-.pply of Wheat to day we* not Urge.
Salt s of good m prime reds a: 1000106 cents, sad of
whilesnt 41*01 12 and 111 cents •
Sales of Coro at 03061 c for white, and uosG2e for
yellow. '
Ou» are aellir? at 310 S’
Provi*ion»—Tiiere i* a fair business doing to the re
tail trade - f»>d"* "re se! in? at Mfctje; Shoulders at
6J051-.; Hams -30|c. 'Sales of OUUbls Lard were
Blade at 61*, 4 wjjs ' .....
Waiskoy—Th-t marketis quiet, with sales of bhdi at
S7e, and of bbls :«t 23e.—Assrisau.
Tu* Exrotrs or HaiAWTtrr* to Great Birrst*
ASD liilard during the past .year appear larte, and
in quantity they are sn. but »>t value tae gam is smail-
For the year et ding June 30 I*4* we rent to Great
Hriiaih and IreKnd U5?,74l bbls flour.d.OOi.tiO bu«bel«
corn Jfc Alj6Uo biffs meal, and 1.531.9 4) bashels wheat,
worth 8122552--. -For ths y«*r ending August 31.
I»tu we sliipT**d 1,114,1)16 k.bU flour, 12.7ai.626 oushet*
corn, f'4155 bill* mtaU 4,fcU>sbwl:e-swbe*L which
have probably no: produced over 8144004XX1. Tbe dif
ference ta vnloe. it will be readily *een. goe* but a Ut
ile‘wav towards paying for increased unponatnnw,
lUoagh the difference in qaantity makes quite a flatter*
lag.appearance.—Balt. J?un.
6 13
0 11
S 10
fi 9
0 7
0 0 ,
0 4
MESS PORK—Cincinnati packed Meis Fork i* held
Spirit of Use Domestic Market.
Coixtsmxs os the I.a ee— The steamer Fashion and
the schc-dber Allas came in collision near Erie la*t
vrnk. Both veti-el* considerably injured. The Pash-
Kin m undergoing repairs, and will be out iu a few
day* The colh'ion is attributed to the carelessness of
lbs officers ofthi: Adas, in not having a light at the cus
tomary place. . , ...
The Canadian schooner California, run into by lire
-learner Onfluh, the Buffalo Commercial nates, is
ashore ten miles below Cleveland!. She was loaded
with 2,100 bbls riour, and it intured forstlpOO in the
NorthiVestern chjmpauy. The flour will probably be
saved iu a damaged state.—Cleveland Herald.
sop THE mbwriber, who has been in business
' in the *ntne building for the I oat thirteen year*,
fijit telling nil description! of Fine Gold and Sil*
(UlllSverWatchet, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, at
reual, althe very loweit prices.
Gold and Silver English Patent Lever Watches.
Gold and Stiver Dethd Lever and Lepine Watches.
Gold and Silver Horizontal and verge Wniche*.
Gold und S.lver independent Second Watches for
timing bort-».
Gold Guard. fob and vest Chains. Gold Spectacles.
Gold-and Silver Pencils, Gold Fens.
1 lilies’ Gold and Stone Bracelets.
GoldLockeis. Gold and Silver Thimbles
Diamond Ring* and Fins.
Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Breastpins.
Sterling Silver Spoons, Caps Forks, Ae.
Gold Watches as low ns an to 825 each.
Watches and Jewelry exchanged.
«t>oons and Fmts pluted on German Silver, a fine
arife'e. AH watches to keep good lime or
The money Warned. Jewelry re r »med, .ml \\ uehn
ekiined wd rep»wd in Ihn beet ra.nnrr, « n.rh le.i
,l„ ,i. c usoil prices. GrAJ. G. AGl.fcJt,
' h |mnorter of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and
roECSwallatrert, («P *‘airs,) NEW YORK.
■ BURR MILL STONES. manufucta-
Jt red in France, composed of but few
XI &r&JV3JrS£Zb
■SOMM. ‘•feS.S or
lH* own manufacture, made of anew
SBUI rpcl sultrier quality of Mock,. These
Kun, are made under my own tupenu
l»uri* U Uken to roako the
tendance, and ns lire lbc blocks in eocn.stone
joints close, and to ha c waT >anted to be of the
ever before been offered in this market
ffinpo. soro-i
formOesles Corn and Cob Grinders; Gn*l amt .»w
Milt Castings of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing in gen*
ef AU order* promptly attended to at2l4 and Sid Lib*
r, 'vV W h 'VAU..,CK- .
BINDERS’ BOARDS 123,00° Binders Hoards.
* "S£q T US Libor? «
f AKittUVLU.
Bennett, Brownxvflla.
R Wtf*o, ■ ■■■,Elizabeth.
PeytaaendxickßOn, McKeetporL
PMliffldH'Jß®* Brownsville.
CtlebA Murdock, Beaver.
AHan]Parktiisop f Brownsville;
Jmket, Gordon, Beaver.
CamdHendricksbn, M'Keesport.
Thou# ooll . v *odergrifl, Beaver.
AriadHaghea, Brownsville.
PeropoQOi Bunfisb
Bennett, BrownavUle.
R winan, ■ ■ , Elisabeth.
Pevt4 Hendrickson, M’Keesport
Caie»c« Mordodc, Weilsville.
LatJe, Gordon, Beaver.
Cun} Hendrickson, M’Keespnrt.
Atla4P*fkinson, Brownsville.
TholScolt, Vandergrift, Wellsvilljb.
Cincinnati. j
ptnflbonn, Snnfiah. ji
Alie|7 Clipper, Abrams, Cin. (' j
There re 3 feet' 6 inches in the channel lall
rvening s>k, by metai mark, end at a stand. !
Its leaving this day.
Bronte Packets, at S A. M. and 6 P. M.
B« 8 A. M. and 4 P.M.
Weljle Packets, 10 A. M.
dE co'a, packet line. 9 PM.
I foi raxcrott.
i S. Bi A Co's Canal Paeket. 74 o'clock, r m.
15 IS
15 27
15 35
tS 43
15 49
15 55
{ Western Water*.
The ii*i» this point was rising slowly during yet-,
srday, wabout three feet three inches water in
cl at met. i '
The Ctpsti Commercial says that, “from both
above art*l° w » we bear of the larger steamboata
being and the regular packets between this
and Pitulb have been compelled agaia to lay up.
Wc ateamer Zachary Taylor that lb* Dia
dem wagd fast on the dam at the head of Cttmber
land was not likely to get off umil there was
a rise. Summons informs us, also, that on Sal
urday steamers Western World, Cspt. Nor|
ton, and [George Washington, Capt. Carrot, were
agroundpfariaw bur.” “ f -
The .iiville Courier of Saturday says:—“Last
evening p were 54 feet water in the canal, and the
river fall During the previous 21 hour*, the river
had recq three inches. The weather continues
clear anile cool. We letra from the steamer Gen.
Bern, (hot boat up from the month of the fiver, that
there wql feet water at Cumberland bar, and the
river m*t point* above. The Wabash river was
risiug, bppatche* from Evansville yesterday stated
that it vAlling. We think that boats drawing five
feet wa’iiU meet with bat little difficulty in gening
ont of itjvcr. At Kaihaiile, on the 18th, the Cum
berland |* at a stand, with two feel water on the
shoals, p steamer Emily reports the Tennessee ve
ry falling, and but feet water at Cumber-
land baf /
The wanes Gazette of the t6ih,*aya:— l “The Wa
bash is high to admit boats of a large
class. I lock and dam being now completed at tho
Rapidsjts that can travere the Ohio at a low slag*
of waton at all times navigate the Wabash to this
LOukLLE—Per Pacific—.loo sks feathers, Ido
baggmjo bbls molasae*. C H Grant; 18 br* feathers,
same: molasses J S Ulworth A Co; 60 bg» feath
ers, Cft A McKnigbt, 2’ bxs sundries. J Gtpum; 38
bbls saron, Hampton A.Smith; ii sks feather*, 9
bbls, l*ginseng. 3 bbls beeswax, H Grsff A Co; 50
buls *of9 kgs butter. Wo Bingham; 7 sks feathers,
1 do gifc, Tmaffe A O'Connor.
Per j Columbia—loo sks feathers, owner; 19 bxs,
1 esk re, W A R McCutcheoo, 2 bxs, 5 spriagv Coie
maxt, Itaan. A Co; 2 hb!* eranb-rries, Kter A Jone*;
50 bblsTtkey. J Bryan; 2U bbls alcohol, 312 kg* lard,
Clark ftuvr; 9 bbls beef tongues, 9 4 W HarLaugh;
58 skalhers, 2 lots moving turniiarn, H Graff A Co.
ny4 rt^per Michigan No. 2—3 bbls roll butter, 1
keg lu a* Black; 74 sks peaches, 12 bbls potash, 3
do potis l 2 do .scrap irou, 2do cranberries. t> bags
seed, nutter, 4 pcsbaeon, J McCoy; 7 kgs lard,
Cope tayfogle; 2 bgi potatoes, Mrs A Hart.
Per?- Bnlliant—77bx*chee*e. WAR McCuteh
eon: 44>hlt, Wick A MeCandJes*i 3 bbls, 2 krt but
mr, Rbin*on;.S9 bbls elover teed, SAW Uatbaagh;
57 bxrese, Clark A Thaw.
| Patent Chilled Roller*.
rpilhiderfirned has received Letters Patent from
1 igiovemmen! of the United Slates, for a new
•and frior mode of c ca*iing CHILLED ROLLERS;
whielo now offered for sale at the lOWA FOUN
DRYJuburgh. by PARRY, SCOTT A Co., at ahalf
cent ? pound lower than those made by any other
Tbe Rollers are superior in peneetion
of sme to ary hitherto medo, and are manufactured
from: strongest Iron of this country. _
nosoaofiHßLA -
Bly 73 Bile* Staglag.
Yta Xwßtville and Cumberland to Baltimore and
lift ,WW'U.. — • * -
rpignonung bout leaves the wharf, above the
I. tge; daily, at 8 o'clock precisely. Tima to
Baltire, 32 hours; time to Philadelphia; 40 hsure
Thremag boat leaves daily, (except Sunday «v
-eniugatd o'clock. Passenger* by leaning on this
evemboat, will cross tho mourtains in stages next
day, I thus avoid night travel.
. See your tickets at the Office, Monongaheta
Iloaer St. Charles HoieL
<S-ly J. MEBKIMEN, Agent i
Tlfnbscnher has on hand and for tale, as Agent
d. Johnston A Co., of Philadelphia, the folio w-
ing: ,
Air of Cases;
Cuuu Fancy Letter, diflcrent.tizet,
aiewspaper Cats;
s<Js. Leant, r.ol to order;
. (otnpoting Sticks;
ltfce* Proat’s Newt Ink;
!»■* Galley, Column Ralet, Brast Rales of all
detcfont,Ac. A. JAYNES,
1 Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fonrth tl
N -Orders received fornewTTpe aalDdfcwS
lithographic Establishment
OR.M. BCHUCIJMANN. Third st, opposite the
it-Offiee, Pituburgh.—Maps, Landscapes, Bill
heedihowbiH*, Label*. Architectural slid Machine
Drat**, Businei* and Vi»iuug Card*, Ac., rn*ra»ed
or dm on stone, and ptioted in colon, (tola, Bronze
or Bit, in the most approved style, tud at the most
reasmie price*. oell&ljr
vis;—-'- ■
P/tETTE premium blahketb,
W’are now receiving from the factory a Iml
•ply of these good*, which we are ae'llng low*
er thanch good* can be bad elaewhere in ibu city.
We too acid* ia bleaching, that injure* the goodr,
our oct being to prodnee good* not for show only,
but foo infort and durability, and at inch they re*
eeivrte firat premium over all other good* exhibit
ed at late Allegheny Agricoltural Fair.
Fade at the Blanket Depot, No. fid Market at, and
at lb«»rc room* of the Fayette ManafactoringCo.,
No. lgeeondrt. ... . „ .
Blatu of our Manufacture are add m Allegheny
City, Mr. John Dean, and alao at the “Two Big
Wu:da," Kcdejal at. <*d s
Tltf RS will find a complete aiwnment of Bra**
Ket Japanned and Bra** Cundleiticka, Fir*
*1,0*4 and Tong*, Snuffer*, Skimmer* and La
die*, ik Koik«, and ali other kind* of good* usu
ally to by them, and for *ale at extreme low pnee*
any £ 07 wem, LOOAN, WILSON A CO
IHVHALF PIPES, Howard,March* UO* eery
bP old London Particular Madeira Wme, nn-
W ?\VttUAIITER CASKS, Howard, Mareh A Co’»
u Choi« Old" London Particular South Side Madeira
Winemtaga vf HtfO- • . •_ n ,
UNbUABTER CASK, Howard. Mareh A Co*
Soethle Madeira Wine, vintage of "3i», seleetod ex
presilar family use. ~ , , .
Tbetrioe* were imported by my*elf from Madei
ra, pearque Palmetto, st New \ork, in the latter
■ part oegust Ja»t. and are offered to the trade whole.
«alo o-tall.ia wood or gia«*.
oc:t Comer of Market and Ftr»t itreet*.
WIIGBY would hereby inform hi* friend* and
customer*, and the publiq In general, that he
hatjuieceived hfcfull supply of fall good*, cheap
and colored Ereneh, EngU*h and
Amera Breaffclotha, of every qftaliiy.
ton te* black and fancy Cawimere*.
300 |ernt Veiling*, many ol which can only be
had ad* e»iabli*hracnt- I
50 dtrneruio, lamb*wool and cotton Shin* and
Draw* _ ) ... ~ _
A fu*nd handsome lot of Crawats, *iik Handler
'.-kefsjapendera, Clove*, Ac.
A luilot of fine And common Jrbite Shirt*.
Also! hand, 400 drab, blue and black felt and blan
k. t UvCoaut, from to SIBM „ ■
UU d*, frock, box and »aek Coal*, from S 3 to ISO.
A Ini stock ©rfine and common Pant*, from f l to
of varidtti material*, .from 75 cu to S3.^
A fiattorunent of ladK»audjgeaUemen* , Cloak*,
always hand. j •• . ,
N. BCuatom work will receive particular atten
tion. fcdtome garment* and good fit* warrant®..
Any non Jn want of clothing can be be «uiied to
their cte *an*facllon, at .-Plv’l 8 ,
cheap Caih Clothing Slore. Ufl Liberty at
jjcffim -
No J Master Sraxrr, 3 t»i«* *aoj* Uscttt,
1h N(T rkcpiVlNO the larrrat and beat teieeted
W 1..« Av GOODS,
ha* evQad the plea*ure-*f offering to hi* customer*
of iupar French Merino* and Thibel Clothij Satiu
Damufhibel Cloth, a new and beauuful arliele tor
ladie* 4*e.; Turc Sauna,, Gro it Annum, Sauoide
Chine, hngeabie Glaete Stlkft blk Silk* ,or coi
tal* aidreise*; Ca*bmerc», do Lame*. Bombazines,
Atpacci Ac. AJIO, Velvet* at d Satin* for bonnet*., Neck do, Lace
other t)ch w'orked'Coliaxii Silh.j
scarfsove*, IJofierr, Laces, Tnmmlnga, fcc. Jfc«.
A fuLtortiner.l ot Dome*t ca, Linen Sheeting*,
Table Diaper, Check*, Canton Flannel]*, Ac.
Ac. Airy large assortment >f Lonff ■2 d M^!?n r l f
ShawlaPiaco and Table Cov. ri. IHmaik Moreens;
Red Drrrjr, with a complete * ock of Co
I’r.mmb; all of which have ieen purchaaed at the
win w »w ■' r -V.”t ll ohpSn._
GEOL WHITE, No. 57 Market «treet, 1* now
iU bi. F«i.ndWin«. Fub.™, tezm-
Ulg of I
{.adiiilk velvet Paletot*; I
** French Merino Cloak*;
•• cloth and milk Paletots; ‘ .
“ ‘ Silk Mantilla*/ Thefe article* are of the
latett almost fuhlinable ctyle*.
Afro, eneh Embroideries; I
fi 4 S 4 de Chine, for Indie* dreuei:
Spun Ik, and Silk and Wool! Hosiery;
<ioDi»id ladie* »ilk Ve»i* add Drawer*; •
ChlUt*'Merino'Ve*t»; y
A larjjiworinjentof bUck and fancy SUks, eat
*urc folJie* dre««e». „ .
UrccWThitjet and Woolen Long Shawl*- ,
U«ru«y Wheeling*, Table Linen* *nu N*p*‘n'
AluvVU Linen*, imported bj himielf direct.
iVMmgEG haNo and tabLe
i lartfiuonment of Emboued Ptuo tod Tiow
Corer>« be found tt W. M'Cliniock’a Ctfp«t warts
bouw.rtedoccd price*. Call tad eitimne
purcbuk eliowhere.
nta 9
• t>MiT v 'G42*.
Putcomso We are pleased 10 afD
that the which, cornea off on the
(inn of Mr. Negg&'at East Liberty, on Tuesday
next, will be qi®>n interesting and exciting
affair. We beara|jeni Mr. Saott, of the Keg’ater’a
Office, yeswrdayrg(at there aie fifteen plongha
already entered \fc|i him. We expect to tee the
beat specimens ogjpnghing that we have witness
ed lor some the largest crowd of apecta
tore that has eveiilmvened oa sncb an occasion
in this county. j||he whole operations of our
Agricultural Socie/i aofar, are big with auspicious
promises for interesta of our worthy
Quaxii. —A came into i the Court Of
Quarter whose dress was tot
like that oftho gdßeiality of his sect, and who oafy
differed from the in keeping his hat on.
One of the ooasta||r». not knowing that be was a
qohker, stepped jfjti to him and politely requested
him to lake off* when he very indignantly
walked that “this waa no true Re
Man ap the CO^r.— This singular genius, who
regularly makes appearance at every terra of
the criminal Couitgtnd listens with great, interest
to the details of ejSsry suit, no matter how doll or
unimportant, for the first time this term,
in his old station sSHterday. We understand that
his short absence ©As caused by indisposition, but
hare no doubt tnj|t be will, after this, slick to his
post. The only in his ontward appearance
is, that his old futj-ipip is supplied by a new head
dress made of claret'colored cloth.
A valuable or standard law books and
choice Looilou «rks is to be sold this evening
at paris’ auciioni| It offers a rare chance for
taining valuable la§w booka.
Nuuarcz cam of the Common*
wealth vs. Joseph (Barber, Hugh Kirkland, and
John Sharp, havSve understand, been postponed
antil next Monday.; We learn from the Post, that
Messrs. Forward, IByster, and Barber, have been
retained for the street preachers.
.Stephens vr. Myers—Greene Co.—Argued by
Howell for Plff. io error, and Black for Dit in ei-
Stephena vs. Lynch—Greene Co.—Judgment of
Non Pros.
Jones vs. Patterson—Fayette Co.—Argued by
Veech for PUT. in error, and Patterson for DfU in
Fullerton vs. StonfTer—Fayette Co —Argued by
Patterson for PUL in error, and Howell for DfL in
, King vs. Diet*—Fayette County—Argued by
Veecb for PUT. in error, and Howell for Dfi in er*
Comrt of (iasrtsr Sessions.
October 25; IS4Q.
Present, Hon. Benjamin Patton, President,
Judge and William Kerr, andSamoel Jones, Asso
ciate Judges.
The first case taken up was that of the Com
monwealth vs. J. M. McCurdy, Surety of the
Wills for prosecalioo. Marshal) for defence.—
Case continued till next tern.
Commonwealth vs. Hugh Garvey. Surety o
the peace. This was aeommon case of quarrel*
ing betwein two neighbor*. The tenimoney in the
ease was rather amusing. One of the witnesses
testified that the prosecator had called her Judas
Each party was sentenced to pay his own costs,
id the defendant to pay the docket costs.
Commonwealth vs. John Friezer and A.Zipp>
Sorely of the peace, on. oath of Andrew Emma.
Wdls for prosecution. Appleton for defence. The
Coart afier heanng the case, sentenced the pros*
ecolor to pay the costs.
Elizabeth Wallace, who bad brought a suit
Assault and Battery against a neighbor, was sen*
tonced to pay the costi, the Grand Jury having ig-
nored the biU.
Commonwealth vs. Enoch Dice and David
Clements, Cross bills. Msgraw fcr Clements
Thomas Mellon for Dice. Both these cases were
tried together as the Grand JarjMisd returned true
bills. The qaarrefaroye about a Hock of turtles
belonging to Dice, which Clements alledgd were
trespasaingott bis;firm in Plum township. He
went to Dice to leU him to take them away, when,
' as Clements swore, Dice caught him and choked,
goaged, tad kicked him.
Diee swore thaj the assault was commenced by
Clemeota throwing a stone at him, and threatening
him, when, to taye himself he caught him and
pushed him down! : He denied'the gouging and
kicking. On cross examination it came ont that
the witness was £tot certain whether he hadah
‘•gouged" a liulejbut if he had, id was because
hia opponent to take “sieh strong
foul holla." Wiloßtsea were examined who prov
ed the good character of both parties. Mr.
spoke in defence of Dice, and'when be concluded,
the Conrl adjobrned.
xHc Cbtrtlcri Co*TComptnft
BOOK* win lx op«n for »ul>*cripuon to the itock 01
-The Chanter* Con Company," on and aflei
Monday, the s4th day of September mu, at theoffie
of Z \V. Rsmineton, Penu *t, Fiurhurph
I -pCfittlti _ S Z. W HEMINfiTON
Commonwealth ve. Thomsa Ryan. Indictment, ! iy£ uL AS9I
Messrs. Magrajr and Mellon spoke, the one it
defence of CleraepU, the other for Dice, which ca*
was npt concluded when the Court adjourned ihl
moroiog, and Ihe-Jary retired.
Larceuyr«®>®itijed in Healing a velvet vest from
a Mr. McCoombj. Plea, Guilty. The sentence
was, that the priipoer restoro the property stolen,
if not already reared, pay the costs of prosecu
tion, and stand IpomroiUed to the county jail for
the period of six [calendar months.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Ryan—lndjctroi
Laicenyj coramit&d in stealing a pair of panta
loons. Tbo prosecution in this case not appearing
the Jury brought In a verdict ol Not Guilty.
vs. Hugh Hoy, alias John Mo-
Coy. Indictment, Larceny; committed in stealing
a pair of ihoea. |Wben the prisoner was asked
whether he was Guilty or not, be said “be did’nt
know bow It was;" Having no counsel, the Court
assigned him one.
Mr. Muldoon, frworn—Am a shoe maker. On
the morning of tbs 6th of July, prisoner eame into
ray shop— j
The witness wjas proceeding with his statement,
when the; prosecuting attorney concluded not to
offer the testimony, as be believed that tbo prison
er was slightly dpranged.
'When the Judge told the prisoner to stand up
and naked him his trade was, he said, blub
bering like a school boy, “a bakes, your lordship. I
lived for sevon yean In Ohio, your lordship, and
-had a difficulty with my wife and went to Mexico,
your lordship, and fought the battles of my country’
your fordship. The Judge told him that be might
go, and advised liim to seek some employment*—
Thank your lordship, said poor Hoy, and off he
walked. |
Commonwealth va. Anne Whitney. Surety of
, the peace, on oath of Nancy Botier, Mrs. Whit
ney’s mother. Drunkenness seemed to be the
(hull of both parties, and as Mr. Whitney had been
imprisoned for acme months, not having been able
to procure bail, fpbe was discharged niter receiv
ing an admonitiop tp behave better in future, a ad
nurgo near her njoiher, unless the latter requested
her. ij
“There is but &atap from the sublime to the ri
diculous" and popr old Mrs. Bolier fully exempli
fies this, for ahejspoke in the same breath of her
daughters, breaking her heart and her dishes, and
threatening to burn her house, and actually setting
fire to her cap. f*
The Court the£ adjourned to mr»et this morning
at 9 o’clock. £
Mocaair’i Aim Maauvacreasa’s Bass, (
-• October lVth, 1649. i
AN ELECTION for thirteen Dtrec’ors of this Bank,
for the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking
House, on Monday, the tilth daf of November next.
octl£>dte S W. 11. PENNY. Cashier.
* Bask or PirtsßCtuu, /
| October 10, IM9. J
AN ELECTION for thirteen flirectoTs of this Bank,
for the ensuing year, wt.l be held at the Banking
Honse, on Moudajr, the 19th of November next.
octVO-dto' * JOHN SNYDER. Cashier.
jExcnASoa Bask or Piroavaau, t
i October IP, 1849. {
AN ELECTION for thirteen Directors of ibw Bank,
to serve fee pie enaoiiur y ear, will be held at .the
Banking House, on Monday, the I#*** of Novem
ber nett, between the hours of •» P- M.
oct2U<lto S THOMAS M. HOWL. Cashier.
attention duildeus,
AndoWnersof real estate and SPEC-
WINDOW APPARATUS.—A gentlenian of Philadel
phia, who holds from the patentee the right for the Stale
of PemiaylvanJaSiM entrusted to the undersigned the
disposal of the right for the western part of the tame.
The invention is among the most useful of the age. en
abling one to oj*nT*hut, bow, and bolt windows
from the inside, Without raising the suit. The apart
tot aapplicsthe place of turnboekles, rings, tuples, and
lower Wes. When the windows are nearly shot,
they eannot be opened from the outside, when lower
ed. they are fastSwuhout tying*, when open, they are
fastwiihoutturn-Wklea. Those interested in building
improvemenu. should eall ill onee and examine the
improvements, LYND McGOPFIN,
i Red Dion Hotel.
t-..-. u-i- GF Discbt
M. aObiHii.
Ft. Brokers, So. OS
BankofPittsburgh •—Par l
Exchange iUn* Par:
Merch. it Mail. Baric -ps.r!
BkruK”hiludelphia--'P£r (:
Girard Dank-**- par,'
UaJit of Germantown -poii
“ Chester County*'‘Par
'• Delaware Co.- • -pat
“ Montgomery Co. • -par
“ Northumberland--par
Columbia Bridge Co.-• par
Uoyicstowu Bunk---**par
Farmers'itk. Reading-par
Famer*' Bk. Bocks Co. pur
Farmers B’k Lancas’T-par
LancaJtsr Co. Ck-*-- -par
Lancaster Bk.--—• par
U. Status Bank 'dll
BrownJYille Bk. par
Washington Bk. - • • —• ••!
Gettysburebßk.—-• I
Chambernnurg-• • “
*-2as«isebannn Co. Bk.- 3
Erie Bk. 010
Farmers’ and Drover*’
. ltank, Waynesbnrg. • |
floucsdaic- • |
Lebanon ••••- par
Pottsville-—• -••— “
Wyoming •• •• J
York Bk. I
Wmßranch Bk. *
Belief Notes l
M A Milk. , “
Scrip—Pitlab. 1: CouniylO
" Allegheny, 24
State Bk.aml Branches f
Mount Plexvant 4
St. Ctairsville-—*
Ncw Lisbon-
Cincinnati Banks-
Columbus do-
Zanesville “
Putnam— ——••• *
Woo*ter«r* •
Mnssil'on ——• •
Geaugn • I
Cleveland•— ■— I
Xenia-- *'
Dayton — —*
Western Reserve- **
Franklin B’k* Columbus “
CUUlicotbe •—•— “
Seiota **
Uamilwn-- —-13
Granville- SO
Farm*!* B’k Canton-—5O
' Urbans —.60
October 20, 1549.
Bk of Kentucky I
Bk.of Louisville “
Norhern Bk. Kcntu’fcy- “
Sew York—Cur Bank*
BOOKS for subscription to the eapital stock of the
Citizens’ Insurance Company of Pittsburgh will
l-i opened in the Board of Trade Rooms on Monday,
the sth dav of November, at 10 A. M
Shores fifty dollars eaeh. Two dolfars and fifty
ceni* each share to be paid on übscnption.
Wm. Larimer, Jr. Robert Woods,
Wm. B. McClur?. Joseph Plommer,
H. M. Kier. Josiah. King,
John Sheriff, Alex Rosebnrg,
H. D. King. octlfc-tnovS
'Boou tnd Si
A SPLENDID assortment just received,suitable for
the Fall and Winter Trade, consisting tn part of
REN'S WAKE of every variety and style, and at
prices to suit the times. Tho«e wishing to purchase,
Wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to
«■" "■ ■“ rol ’"tbothTscott,
oc ,j7 corner Fourth and Smithfield ats
jp-pont forzet tbe place. _
___ RECEIVED and now open for exami-
nation, a new and rplendid assort-
ment ofT’Octave Pianos from‘‘Chick
|| V | |* rring” Boston, among them a fall
carved Louis XIV. ordered for one of oureiiiteus, who
uas kindly permitted »to remain in my ware room to
day (Wednesday) for exhibition, Those who may have
a desire to-tee and hear this splendid specimen of art,
are re-pcclfully invited to call today at the store ot
Agent-for Chiekering’s Pianos for Western Pa-
./~fAlll'i:rs: C ihY. a», «i'J'-'B'-
\v< CLINTOCirS Carpet Warehouse, No. .0 t-oartn
tt » further supply of Carpet*, of the latest and most
approved styles, to whicn, wa invite the attention of
STEAMBOAT MEN, and those wishing U* furnish
HOUSES, to call and examine the largest assortment
in the city, which we will sell cheaper than ever be
fore offered in the western market. Carpet >v are
h^T.'j N °' ” W. M CUNTOCK.
TUttQUOIS JEWELRY.—Just opening, a beauUful
assortment ofTurqaoi*. Pearl and Diamond Jew
dry. Breast Pins. Bracelets, Finger Rings, Bsckles-
Slides, Chains, Esr Rings, Ac. Ac. ’
Also, a splendid st.'ck oi gold and silver Watches,
of the best quality and at eastern prices—warranted.
Diamond Sparks, Gold Pens,
oclia corner Market and dth su
ara desirous of extending their business in the
rmintie* of Fayette, Greene, Somerset, and also ir
Western Virginia, will find fee FAYETTE WHIG
p'.i.i,.!,>;( B t Uctnniown, a desirable medium, asiteir
coJuiea largely in the places ■peetSed above. Tcrnu
moderate. _ «aglto»m»_ _
. Exclusively for Passengeri.
ftSEwgß—The Bodu of this Une will leavi
follows; at 8 o'clock at night:
Louisiana— i V Thompson,Tuesday.Oct loth.
Indiana—P Burkey, Wednesday, 17th.
Kentucky—Coot l( Trnby, Thursday, Ifth.
Ohio—A CroierFridayi
l-ouiiiana —) P Thompson. Saturday, 20th.
Indiana—P Burkey, Sandfly, 21st
Kentufky—Capt H fruby, Monday, JNd..
ur.:o—Cnpt A Craig, Tuesday. *W.
Louisiana—J-PThompson. Wednesdar, *Jtlh.
ludiana—P Barsey, Thursday, Oct. s*th.
Kentucky— II Trilby, Friday, SOtb.
Ohio—Cunt A Cratg, Saturday, 27th.
I .ml.ian—J P Thompson, Suaday. Shtli.
Indiana—P Burkey, Monday, 29th.
K-utucky—H rnmy, Tuesday. dUilt
Ohio—A Cruig, Weunndajr, 31st
. For passage apply 10 WSUTCH,
Mononguhela House,
©<.,10 nr D LEECH A Co. Canal Basin
bbli prniß, in oak package*;
iV Hi “ •• ID CVprBM *•
PT.r tale by ocjl» JS» DILWORrHfcCO
•a • aDUKK—i caiki 10 uririve iliii day, lor sale by
I.NDHiO —t ceroom 10 nmve ihi* day, for »ale by
ct U, J H 1)1 LWORTH tno
tIOFFKK ICO ta*» 10 arrive ihi-* day. for sale by
J ocUO '__ J 8 DII,WORTH &CO
t’oBACCO—(O t>Xi extra s*. expected daily.
octl» J g PH.WORTH A CO
eu, 15 dot Tubs, 8 dot Keeler*, in *iore mJ® 1
*aie by octlß jSDILWOKTHA CO
bas rec’d a farmer itipply of home made Han
no’:*, While*,'Plaid and Hnwn. and very •apenor
borne made Blanket*, to which he invite* the attention
of haver*. gcjlg
PAKMEITOS— W. R. Murphy invite* the nttcni.nn
of buyer* to hi* choice a**ortment of these goods,
black and fancy color*. oct *°
RAGS —10 (ackßiuil rec'd ami for *a!c by
OATS —‘A) sack* In store and for aale by
TWILLED DAOS—IO do* in «ore and for tale by
00,19 CRAIG A SklNNbß_
B" ACUN SJDKS-A small lot in iwre and t /or »*le by
ocill) ' CRAIG ft BKINNbR
2 GROSS just rec’d from iho Philadelphia Factory,
an excellent article for reudertag Boot* and Shoe*
perfectly water proof, und toil a* a piece of cloth.
One application of this Paste i* »nfßcienl to make them
nupervinu* to water for two month*; and t* a perfect
preventative front the leather cracking. Sold whole*
, •! No. 5 w -"‘ ll j^„.|,,„ Lb , P g.
r\ ORN HUOOMS— if Joz 10-diy trrM »nd lor »«ie
\j by toils ARMSTRONG h CROZKR
for sale by ocll-t
I? LOUR—7O blii# arri
JC by ocUS
Ron, BUTTER—I 4 bbt*. Fresh Roll Butler, in
cloth*, jusi received and tor «»lc nt the “ Buuer
Had Cbec*«* Dcp'-I ” octlß J B CANFIELD
WOODEN BOWLS I —IO boxes Wooden Bowl* i
•lore and lor sale bv_joctl;»l J B CANHELP
S MIFFING CHEESE-500 boxes Prime Shipping
Pj Cheese for sale to. the Uuucr and Cheese Depot.
octlH J 11-CAN FIELD
LARD —1 bbl* oifd an kegs on consignment and for
ocll3 No US Market sl_
MACKEREL— ihl bblt No’3, in store and for *aleby
1 brand, tor sale by ARMSTRONG A CRuZER
OA'i'S— lIW busil’r.., received by Peru, lor «s eby
SALERATL'S— a; ca«k* Suleralus. (Buckeye,) land
me by the .NL and L. E- Liue, and for sale by
iOTA3H—f cask* (Brown’aL aupcnor Poiaah, la
ire anil for »mle by of l!7 JtR FI'PXP
I Rickets; U) do do Tubs; in do do Keeler*; tn store
and f« f sale bv ocil» __ J A_R D
W' INDOW GLASS—IOO bis BXIO Ghs.«; 50 bxs lOx
I*l Glbm; in More and for sale by
oc tl7 J A K FLOYD
CIUKKSE-70 bxi \V. R., tn store and for sale by
, cctl7_ __ _ ~ JAR FLOVP
No. SUGAR—IIS Libia receiving aud for sale by
• orH7 _ C H GRANT
C* OFFKE—ISO bags Rio. Just ree’d and for sale by
ccilfl A itUI.itHKRTSON. US Liberty «t
I.W ly sanatory, baUamic and tonic properties of tws
Vuiegur render it far superior to Cologne water for
the ordinary purposes cflhe toilet, surpassing the lat*
ter in its perfume. It prevents and removes pimples,
tetter and asperity olthe akin, it refreshes and whitens
the skin, rendering it soft and smooth. It corrects me
clammy and biller taste of the mouth, imparting a fresn
and pleasant breath. It cleanses and whitens the
teeth, and hardens the gums. For all the above pur
poses, it is used with water in such proportion as may
be-found most agreeable. By inhaling it
it on the temples, it will remove headache. If applied
inatanily to a burn or bruise, it will eventually preveaj
mortification. It corrects vitiated air, and
from contagion; it is therefore very useful for panning
and perfuming apartments. Forsaleby
R E SELLER*. Wholesale Dnigffist,
ipttl 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh
Orrci !»ia!i ArriUi Bmiwn J*i IM*>
SCALED PROPOSALS will be received « dtoOf'
See of the ComaiuxMier oflndian Aflaiti it-WUr.
irrtoß City, uml 10 o’clock on Thoradar, the let d»T
olNoTemoer next, for famishing die (bllowlng goods
in the guamitiet annexed, or ibereabMUe, for U*e ase
of the Indians, and deliverable la ihe airy of New
York, vix:
r-S A «OMB v
Market suetvJS’’ 't 4u st
Slate B*k A UranuSies-- I
S'ateScrip **
( .*vichange lik. o' Vat- • 1
Bk.of Va* • u
,Uk. oi tl.r Valley, l **
Bk.of Virginia “
M.AM. lit., Wheeling |
do Morgantown-1
K. W. Bank Va i
do Wellaburg* —• • i
do Purkenburn- u .
2,100 pairs 3 point white Mackinsc to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
pounds. ’
1,000 pairs 2| point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six
1,170 pain 2 point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 42 by 56 inches, and weigh Ere
and a quarter pounds.
650 pairs li point white Mackihac blankets, to
measure 36 by SO inches, and weigh four
and a quarter pounds.
900 pein 1 point white Mackinao blankets, to
measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh three
and a quarter pounds.
400 pairs 3 point scarlet Mackinao blankets, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
* pounds. ,
300 pairs 2* point scarlet Maekinae blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six
100 pairs 3) point green Mackaae blankets, to.
measure 66 by 84 inches, and weigh ten
pounds ~
300 pairs 3 point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
250 pairs 21 point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six
pounds. . __ ..
100 pairs 3* point gentinelln blue Mackinac
•blankets, to measure 66 by S 4 inches, and
weigh ten pounds. ?
400 pairs 3 point gentineflablue Mackinac bian*
seta, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh
eight pounds. _ M ,
300 pairs 2| point gentinella blub' Mackinac
blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and
weigh six pounds.
Dry Omit.
1,000 yards scarlet strouds.
Bk.of Tennessee *
Far. A Merch'ls Bk—» **
Planters’Bk..—"’* • u
Union Bk..—.**——* "
State Bk of Missouri*— i
north Carolina^'
Bk.of Cape Fear 2
hlcreb’s Bk.,Newbern- *
Stale Book*' 2
South Carolina.
Camden Bk 3
Bk. of Charleston 3
Commercial Bk-—— 3
Bk.ofGeorretosnt— — 8
Bk.ol Hamburg 3
Merchants Bk**— 9
Plasters AMectit'tßk- 3
Bk.of South Carolina-- 3
Balumore like. par
Ualun’eAO KR Scrip -10
Cumberland Bk.of Alle
ghany -• *
Far.Bk.of Maryland-• “
Farmers’ A .Mechanics “
Bk. Frederick “
Frederick Co. Bk.«—- “
Hagerstown Bk M
Mineral Bk I
Patapseoßk—• I
Waakmgtonßk—- “
Bk.of 8l Clair ——
Bk.of River Raises—*--
Michigan Ins. Co 3
Far.AMech’sßk—♦ 5
Wisconsin T«rrtt*j>
Mar.AFirelo.Co.Milw’s 6
All solvent Basks 3
Bask of England Notes
94 70 r A sir.
Gold 4k Spscla Value.
Napoleons 3 60
Ducats 3 ISO 3 30
Eagle,old 10 00
Eagle, new 10 00
Doubloons, Bpaju«b 14 00
l Do. Patriot-—**■-• • 1830
(Sovereigns 4 63
iGuir.eas 3 00
[Frcdericksd’ort—-#7 60
Ten Thalers 7 60
(Ten Guilders— « 3 00
L»uuisd’ors- *■•*•• 450
(New York • tpnn
Philadelphia ••• 4pnr
‘Baltimore • • •• • 4 pnu
s.nmr Interior B’ks-—m
800 yard • blue stronds.
1,800 yards fancy list cloth, blue.
750 yards fancy list doth, scarlet. .
350 yards fancy list doth, (Teen.,
1,000 yards gray list doth, blue.
3,000 yards saved list doth, bine.
1,600 yards saved list cloth, scarlet.
800 yards saved list doth, green.
225 pounds worsted yarn, 3 fold.
100 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs.
2SO dozen cotton Madras handcerchiefs.
175 dozen black silk handkerchiefs.
90 dozen 8-4 cotton shawls.
80 dozen 6-4 cotton shawls.
65 dozen 4-4 cotton shawls.
40 dozen 8-4 woollen shawls.
28,000 yards dometlio calico.
3,006 yards English and French calico.
10,000. yards Merrimack calico.
~,vuO yards Men.
3.500 yards blue drilling.
6,000 yards Georgia Wipe*. .
4,000 yards blue denims.
1,600 yards cottonade.
7,000 yards domestic shirting, bleached.
15,000 yards domestic shirting, unbleached.
15,000 yards domestic sheeting, unbleached.
6,000 yards cheeks, stripe*, and plaids.
400 dozen woollen socks.
7,000 yards plaid linsey.
1.500 yards flannels, assorted.
1,600 flannel shirt*.
700 calico shirts.
430 pounds linen thread.
550 pounds cotton thread.
400 dozen spool cotton, Nos 1 to SO. -
60 pounds sewing silk.
700 pieces riband, assorted.
4,300 yards bed tidtiog.
1,000 yards Kentuckyjeana.
500 yards sattinets.
150 gross worsted gartering.
200 pounds Chinese Vermillion.
20 dozen silk handkerchiefs, bark de Bandana.
150 gross fancy and clay pipes.
1.750 pounds brass kettles.
1,090 tin kettles.
76 nests of japanned kettles, 6 in a neati
276 dozen botcher knives.
25,000 goo flint*.
25 grots squaw awls.
7,000 fish books.
25 dozea fish lines.
25,000 needles, swotted.
100 dozen combs, assorted.
10 dozen ecisKtn, assorted.
10 grow gun worms.
12 dczea axes, to weigh from-41 to 5J poands.
50 dozea half axes, to weigh 3t pounds.
24 dozen hatchets, to weigh 14 pounds. 5 _
Agricultural ImplmmU, fe.
India Uubbor Paete.
-SO bo«b (new) to-dmy rec’il and
ahmstbonu y cnozKß
riYinf by "Beaver,’” undforaale
abmstkdng a. ckozkr
730 axes, to weigh from 4| to 51 pounds.
400 halfoxea, to weigh 3l poands.
200 hatchets, to weigh 11 pounds.
25 broad-axes.
200 drawing knives, 12 inches io length.
700 augers, in equal proportions of 14i 1,1, and
4 inch.
150 pain hamea.
750 pain trace chains.
300.poonds brass kettles.
1,500 weeding boea.
175liabd saws.
40 cross-cat saws, 7 feet In length.
40 cross-cot saws, 6 feet in length.
100 band-saw files.
100 cross-cut saw files.
40 log chaini, io weigh 25 poands each.
600 Whitlenjore cards, No 10.
700 quarters socket chisels.
*OO planes, fore and jack.
Ifortkteut Guru.
650 Northwest guns, two-thirds of which mast
measure 36 inches in .length of barrel, and
one-third 42 inches, to be delivered, in the city
of New York or Philadelphia, as may be re
Ssmp'es of all the above articles are deposited in the
office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs; and it
may be proper to remark that those of hardware, sgri
cultural implements, and northwest guns, ore entirely
new, and of better quality than the articles heretofore
famished under former contracts.
The proposals may be divided into four pans, viz:
lit Blankets.
2d. Dry Goods.
3d. Hardware, to include agricultural implements,
4th. Northwest guns.
The lowest competent re sponsible bidder will reeetva
the whole or aey part of the contract according to the
above scale, the Department reserving toitself the right
to determine whether the bidder is competent and re
sponiible-or not
The whole amount in money lo be applied to the
purchase of goods will be about but the De
partment reserves the right to inereaseor diminish the
quantity of any of the articles named, or substitute oth
ers in l>ea thereof, or lo require, at similar prices, such
ai may be wanted for presents or other purposes, in
the adm lustration of we affairs of the Department—
Goods of American manufacture, all other things being
equd>. will be preferred: but as all the samples or
blankets and cloths are of foreign manufacture, it will
be nrcessary-when a domestic article Is bid for, that a
•ample rf it should accompany the bid, to enablethe
Department to decide whether it is of equal quality
with the samples to be exhibited.
The party proposing to supply the artieles will make
an invoice ol all the items embraced In the above Ust,
and the prices, in dollars and cents, at whieh he
or they will famish them, deliverable in New York,
(or if the contractor prefers it, .about one-half of the
quantity may be delivered Ini St Louis, Missouri, free
of expense to the Government,) on or before the 19th
day rf May next, aimming the quantity of each arti
cle as specified in this advertisement, and extending
the cost, making an aggregate ol the whole invoice
constituting the bid. The goods will be inspected in
New York, (and in SL Louis, If any portion of them
should be delivered there.) by an agent of the United
States, who will be appointed by the Department for
the purpose, and to ascertain the conformity of the
article* parenased with the camples exhibited, when
the contract shall be made, and with the terms of thu
contract itself, which chall contain > clause that if the |
article* ere not furnished within the time prescribed,
or tf they are of Insoffiefent quality in the opinion or
the agent aforesaid, and If wuhin Cto days aflat no- |
tiee of tneh insufficiency the party shall Dot furnish I
others in lieu thereofoftho required quality, the Uni* I
ted States shall be aothorixtd to pnrehase them of
others, and to charge any increase of price they may
be compelled to pay therefor, to the contractor, who
shall pay the said difference to the United Stales.
Bonds will be required, in the amount of the bid*,
with two good sureties, the sufficiency of whom to be
certified by a United State* Judge or Distnel Auor
-tey for the faithful performance of the contracts.
•»ayment will bo made after the contract Is completed
nil the delivery of the goods as aforesaid wan ageo*
j the deliveryof the
the Department, upon a duplicate invoice certified
to be marked “Propoia-'a for In*
diun Kooda.'*
The bid* will be submitted with the following head
ing, and none will be received that are not made In
the form and term* here prescribed:
'■l (or we) propose to rurnlih for the aerriee of the
Indian Depaitmer.t the following goods, at the price*
affaed to them respectively, via:
(Here insert the list of goods.)
Deliverable in the city of New York (or SL Louis) Ok
or before me day of— next? and in caae of the
acceptance of hi* proposals, the quantity being pro*
scribed by the- Department, 1 (or we) will execute a
contract according to this agreement, and give sad**
factory security to the Department within ten days
*«Aer the acceptance of ihitbidt and incase of failure
"to enter into meh contract, and give such security, I
tor we) will pay to the United Slates the difference be*
tween the snips bidden by me (or us,) and the sam
which use United State* may be obliged to pay for the
■ante aJtic , .e•. ,, ,
Kach and every bid must also be accompanied with
a guaranty in the following form, to be signed by one
or more responsible persons, whose sumciency mast
be certified by some one who is known to the Depart
ment, either personally or by his offleial position.
“I (or we) hereby guaranty that , the above
; i.i.u.r w iii comply with the terms of Use advertise
mem for y for Indian good* M SlhftP;
tuber, IM9, if the contract should be awarded to
him, ami enter into bond for the execution of the tame
within the lime prescribed." jj» *•]
Commissioner of Indian A fill
rrrNOTICE.— The lime for opening the bid* Is ex.
tended to the Ist day of December next, at 10 o’clock,
A- M-, and the time of delivery of the goods to the Ist
of Jane. The Regulation forbidding extracts to.
be when from the contracts of former year* has beaa
rescinded. octW-lDeel 08.
Baofiagr—GalTantsad Tim Plxtce,
Tllßsnbscribcrs beg to call the attention ofßuiidm,
Architects and owneTS of Boil dings, to the many
advantage* which theta plates possets over ail ether
metallic snbaianec* hitherto used for roofing, Ac., as
they possess at once the lightness of iron, without it*
liability to rust, having now been tested for several
years in this parucolnr, both in this country end inEs*
rope. They are leas liable to expansion and contrac
tion from sadden change of the atmosphere, (hen com-*'
mon tin plates, iron, xmc, or any other metal now used
for roofing, and consequently form' a much better end
tighter roor, requiring far let* frequent repairs, whilst
the first coat Is bat a trifie more.
A foil supply, of ai! sizes, from 16 to 30 W. 0, eon*
ttaAily on hand and for sale by
14 and lfi Ueaverstrcet, Now York.
Use patent righrfor thu aniele having been secured
for the United States, ai) parties infringing thereon
«nh«y by importation or otherwise, wUrbe^rosees-
A.. A. MASON & CO.,
inill| PITTaBrBQH, PAn
TTTOULD rtspoetfailyZeall the attention of city and
v v country Merchant* i* their choice stock of
FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which (or extent and
variety has probably never been equalled In tbs West
era country. Possessing the same (heflitlea andad
vantage* enjoyed by Eastern’ Booses, by haring one
of tbe psrtnen constantly in us East among the nun
nfhetarers, Importers sno Aaetion Houses, they are
prepared to offer the same advantage* in style and
griees, -.that can be obtained of the largest Eastern
Receiving large consignments of DOM ESTICS from
the manolhetnrers of New Breland, they ax* enabled
to offer these goods at lets rates than they can be pro
'ored of the Eastern JobbersL _ , ~
The fsetthatthetfeztablislpent offers eqnah if not
greater advantages In everydeeeriptioa of goods, than
eta be had East, has been eieaNy demonstrated to
their numerous Patrons. They feel confident if Mer
chant* contemplating pmehuleg East, will examine
their stock, they wjlfbe eoavineed that they ean bay
the same qnality of.goods at bee h prices si will save
the eost ofItransportation, 1 transportation, andthe necessary expenses
spotlae of an Eastern trip. -Ther mention a part of
their stoek which will awayi be found fresh and com-
Mentmaek, Hamilton, Cocheto, and Manchester Com
puieK also from the Print Works of Dunnell, P. Alien,
Sprifue, -.Richmond A Cair, Chapens, American,
Adam*, Ac. r ’
40 eases GINGHAMS andCUINTZES, of the boat
130 cues BLEACHED MUSLINS, of all the well
known and approved makes, for sale by tke package
at Agents’ prices,
300 bales BROWN MUSLINS, of all widths, quali
ties aad prices. - -
PUtibW|l> Itsam Marble 'Works.
NO. 944 LIBERTY.' opposite Smithfield street—
Harblo Mantles. aonnments,Tombs,Tsble Tops,
Re* a large variety of the most besntiftl kind, made
of too finest qxality of foreign and domestic marble,
always on hand or made to order, by the aid of ma
chinery, on tho shortest notice and at tho lowest prices
N. Bv—ThoCuostry Trade (tarnished with all kinds
of Marble al the lowest rates. Ail orders promptly at
tended to tat M liberty; opposite Stnithfiefd sl
aitr“m W W WALLACE
LULL’S Attint Stone or French Butt BHUTMA
CHINB Ibo best article of the kind in ue; they
ran ligbt/Ofctt (Mk do tho work well, and will last a
AhoatKOof them are in ate, in the best
mills in the taotatry, and wo nave the strongest testi
mony of eoapaiest persons iai their snperiority over
all other SMHauines. For farther particulars, ad-
JOILERS—For grist, taw
n hand, or made to order
he lowest prices- All or
-944 Liberty street, near
and other mails, always t
on rery short nocee, and at)
den promptly attended to at
the danaL my3o |
iways on hand, at Sf 4
GRINDSTONES— All nice" and frits, always on
hand at 944 Liberty street. <
■ VKABt nipt Tiiiiii -
- ITU with pleasure that the sabienben
X inform tb« cftitena of Pittibnrrfc and vi
daily that they hare completed enure
manta with Susan. J. & Jenkins ft Co.,
of Philadelphia, to receive their superior
■ V And will hetekfter be kept eonstaalljr on
_JJ_ hud. They die neatly end securely pnt
CTTh Bptnmetallicjpicks ot|, Audi lb. each)
their pnmed card—showing the kind
Test, price, hams of the concern and
doot la Philadelphia, withjan imritattoa to retain the
Tea, if not liked.
(imperial —» 25 H 5 I*2
, < Htmd • • 5® 031 75 ijOO 1,28
• IY. Hyson* SO OSI 75 IM 1,50
_ ) Blank * 57| SO
Blaci*. < Fine mad extra Fine- <75 1,00 (1.25 1,50
We will mmm «U tie TEAS we tell to 6e equit
ts if not surxxw* to toy sold m this eitr, and should
ikU not prove acceptable to the teste, they eu be ro
tated, end the money will be refunded, me u.isonly
W WeM>^ffir“foV& al^ public mey be able to
■dee between ear Teas mod those heretofore sold by
other companies la this city.
All lovers of rich, deUeioas and good flavored TEAS,
* ' JOS. S. M. TOtJNG A CO,
N W earner 4th and Perry streets, and
8 W comer 3d and Boss streets
Vo. Tl Wood itrtit, Plttabwfli.
STJBER AND LAUPMAN, Importer* and dealer*
ia Foreign end Doneme BABOWABBy in
is varieties, are now prepared to tell as low ua4
on as reasonable terms Meta be porchssed elsewhere.
We >olicit oar friends, and the public generally, to
emit tad • *»»»<«»* oar stock, which eonsuts in part of
such as Locks, Laiehes, Hinges and Screws, together
with every article usually kept in Hardware Stores.
We Inrito the attention or Carpenters and Meehanies
generally to oar assortment of Tools, which have been.
selected with neat care, aad which we are dotcnmn
ed to sell so as to giee satisfaction. nyfodAwT
fVIHE andattscaed hare erected works In the city of
BDBT, sueh as Telenaph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails,
Wire for Fences, and any ether article which maybe
recalled. For Hoops for Casks, a* a substitute for bale
Rope: for Clothes lines, lightning Bods, and a host of
other applications, it will be found cheap and datable.
They voaid particularly call attention to the Galvanl*
ted wire for fences; it requires no paint, and will not
rest I*I** 1 ** to Spikes and Betts, the preservation, of
•which is of so mach Importance, that u will cotantad
itself to the netiee of alt those' Interested. •
GEO. B. MORBWOOD A CO., Patentees,
oct3o-dAwlyT 14 and 16 Beaver it N. York.
(n» Exmtom asn ’Ban Dmim—JONES’S lui*
iaaCbexnieal Soap ceases, a ftee persptraiion. end at
the same time mollfies, softens, and whitens the skin,*
riving a the texture and beanty of an infant’s.
Scmtvr.SaiTßxxuwaaß Sons, are soon not only
heeled, but cared by Us ese, as at least seven Fhysi*
etansln New York know, who use it in sueh eases,
and find it unfailing—ea also in
PmnxvßLOTCHis, Fucxtxs, or any other akin dis
ease. The reader is assured that this ts no useless
puffed nostrum, es one trisl willprove. leould enu
merate at least 80 persons eared of
Sou lira*, Sou Lxosaitn Sou Bcaxs.—Bay it.
•ad use it, and the reader ia again auured I would
rot cruelly sell it for the above anless I knew it to be
•instate. Those who are liablcio
Gbaud, Cucxm, oa Cbafd Fibs, will find this a
care. Any cue afflicted with any of the above, or sim
ilar rtiwm, will find this ail and even more (admira
ble in its properties) than I stale. '
Bat, reader, the atores are flooded with imitations,
andbe tare you ask for JONES’S Italian Chemical
Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON, 69 Liberty Meet,
Pittsburgh. aagfcdAwT
Tu sum o» a mi Rxmtt is not more repot
sive than a bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow diseas
ed-teeth. If persona have these It Is their own fanlt—
they can, for two shillings, bay an aniele that will
make their breath pure and sweet asib BfkfJHx* _
It curcrdi teases of the Gums, spungy or ulcerated,
and for the Teeth it ia oneqaalled, removiag the tartar,
fksuning the teeth in the game, and clean them as
•white as the raws rfOa/mm NortA
Saeb, reader, are the properties of Jones's Amber
Tooth Paste, and, without praising it ourselves, hear
what one ol oar most respeetable and scientific Den
tists, Mr. E. Reid,ol New York, saysit *;
•Tbave both used and analized this beaatifal and im
palpable aniele, (Jones* Amber Tooth Prate,) and
can raeommend ft as possessing alllhe qualities claim
ed for it" Reader, we can say no more to convince,
onlT that if you try this oneo yoa will be well pleased.
It Is pat up in beautiful English PaA*, ft*v **
cents. Sold by the Agent, WM, J ACKSON, 60 Liber
,tr street, Pittsburgh. sugflalAwT
AiioooßcttmwK® honorably assuredthat -
thefoUowin* arethe detail Qualities or a Of. bonlc of
Jotras'a Corml Hair Restoraure. If they doubt our
word, they cannot these highly respeeuslo eltueoa
who buto tried lu— _ „ „ .
Mr. Goo. Beeket, 41 Bn «. New York.
Mr*. Meiilde BeeTet.Mrrtle av, Brooklyn.
Mr. Wm. Tompkin*. W King ft, faw York. »
Mr. Thoa. Jackson, Montour* Island, near Pitrsbufrgh
1L E. Cullen. Itie barber steamboat 8. America.
And more than a hundred other* mate, though thif
nmt»office, that li will force the hair to pew on the
head or face, ttop it falling offi strengthen the roots,
rcmoiing scurf and dandruff from the roots, making
light, red, or gray hair asaame : a fine dark look, and
keeping dry, hanh or wiry hair moist, soft, clean and
'"ffliiS.rasfWsfjtcfedN, fflubcn,«,
Pittsburgh. Price 37f, 60 eenu, and one dollar.
They no Dataware how,frightfully Injariou It ia
to the ski" l - how eoerae, how roach, how eel*
low, yellow, and unhealthy tho akin ap
peaxa afteraaiogprepajedehalk: Bo*
aides it is injurious, eontaininj a .
We have pmaareS'^bcMuf o ' vefeublo article,
It u perfectly innocent, beinf purified of ell daleeri*
ous'auaUues; and it impart! to the akin a neutral, heal
thy: alabaster, clear, Uaing whltaj ju the same time
aeucr as a eesmetie on the akin, making it soft and
smooth/Bold by tho A«at, WM. JACKSON, GOLib
erty at, Pittabaryh. Price «3 cents. aag7:dAwT
w. No. 0»i DIAMOND ALLEY, *
few door* below Wood street, to
\ market.
do. BBOWI, bavin* bus
ie**larlyedaeated to the medic*
HNBH profusion, and been for moo lima
HHUO In fetter*! practice, now eonfineo
his *ttention to Use treatment of
those pnTtte *nd deUeete eom|
w for which his opportune
ind experience peculiarly quslifv
BHHmFawH hiTn. u years esstdnoasly devoted
of those which
ti™«. be h*sh*d more piaetieeaad has e«red more pad
tients th*n can ever fell to the lot of any private pried
titioner) uaply qulides him to offer assaraneet of
spoedy, permanent, and satisfactory ear* to all afflicted
with deueate diseases, and all diseases arisinf tbere|
Brown woaldlnfbra those afflicted with private
diseases whieh have become chronic by time or ad
rravated by the a— of Any of the, common nosmraa 3 I
UiO day, that their complaints can be radically aad thor*!
oaxhly eared; he bavin* fiven hie careful attention to
the treatment of each eases, and aaeeeededinhundredi
of Instances in cariajfpCnons of inflammation of ths
neek of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often
renltfrom those eases where others have eonsifned
them to hopeless despair. He particularly invilessueh
as have been lon* and ansaceessfdiiy treated by others
to consult b<wt: when.every satisfaetioa will be riven
than, and their eases treated in*‘eerefel,thorea*n and
inteiuxent manner, pouted oat by a lon* experience
study, *"<t Investixaoon, which it is impossible for thos
enfared in general practice of medicine to give an
ono class of disease.
imiemlacr Brown also invites per*
amts afflicted with Hernia to call, as he has paid parao
alar attention to disease.
oth ••* liTiflj H * I
Bttx j a 7*SrS*eMe *» writ Hs*l ! fiT rf‘*« **'^2®s
‘■‘fcfiSftfo. 15, DUm«ndillw,on>«l»>‘* "•'*»
I How*.
iy foi Kteomutoa lo * ■
flkp,tafol trouble. Imi, No.S3Dia-
. . m «t voa SALS^AntUfiliek
&S‘ sasfriß ®Sisr
M cue. ud of TICKINGS, of Iba Tort, nun- >; ■
tlten, Amotkeag and Otis Companies.
38 bales Red, White and Yellow FLANNELS, a ■»
complete assortment for sale low by.theeal* or piece,
received direct from pannfhetßWfs»r 1
- BROADCLOTHS anti GA6SIMERES, of the mum
foetaers of 8. Slater A Son, Hill A Carpenter, Far ■
sum, Harris, Ac, of every grade..
all the various manufactures.
of the Hamilton and Manchester Works; also, foil u *
•ortment of Foreign manufacture. -
80 eases colored MUSLINS, for sale by the ease at
Agents’ prices. - '
llrown, Bleached end Colored CANTON FLAN
NELS, of all the usual makes; also Cloak linings.
Mere than 9Q esses. Also. 300 pieces French Merino,
Lyonese and Paramatta Cloths. . <
SILKS and SHAWLS—2OO p* of black and fancy.
Silks; nearly 8000 Shawls, long and square, of all
kind*. Also, Vitefos, Cloak Scarfs, Ac.
A foil assortment of White and Linen Goods. Also,
Hosiery and Gloves, Embroideries, -Laces wftd Trim
mings, Mounting Anicles,all qualities, sites and make
of Blarikeu.
RIBBONS—SO boxes of.rieh:Bonnet aad Cap Rib
bons; also, Velvet, Silks, Satins, Ac., with everr oth
er description of Millinery articles, Tailors’ Trim* ,
mines, Ac. Ae. f - '
. Alt ofwhich, together with a general assortment of
Goods of the newest and most fhshionable styles, wi!l
be offered at an extremely low advance..
Sew Goods constantly received,
J Merchants are cordially aoliwted to ealL "
spllS A. A MASON A CO.
for bbht;
MA WELL FINISHED ROOM, suitable for a
Variety or Gentlemen’s Furnishing Store. . Air
so—Several rooms snitable for uffices. or Ar
tist's rooms. ED GAZZAM, >
oetlStf Office ’Hurd street, over: Po«l Office.
Valuable Steal Kotate for Sale-
A LOT OP GROUND in the Diamond, Allegheny
/a. Cily. adjoining Dr. Presaley’sl property, 80 feet
front by 130 feet deep to alB feet alley. Title indispu
table, and form* easy. For farther particulars apply
to J. B. Miller, Federal street, Allegheny city, nearly
opposite M. Jenkins' store, or to the subscriber.
ScwickleyviUe. Oct. 7v-[octl7-d3w* •
For Sale orUeut, .. -
THE very desirable residence iii'Alicgheny
HB City, lately occupied by B. W. Poindexter, and
JBvOssetmon given immediately.
For terms, apply at thisofice.jortoW.'W. WIL
SON, Market st. ' oetS . '
B» Building aad premises in Diamond alley, now
““occupied by lira. Boyle, baring twenty feet in
front, extending back towards Fourth street one hun
dred and tsrenty feet. For forms, apply to .' ,
octii GEO.'COCHRAN, Vfl Wood at -
7 Bagiuts for Baler- .■• • ■
cylinders, 4 feet stroke; S Boilers,'Bo foot lovg, £
inches in diameter, all ia good order, will be sold ttt a
bargain, if application be made soon. [They have only
been In use about 18 months. Far particulars, inquire
of Jy27:dtf ' R 1 HAYS. Gaxette office
POB HJQfifT—The ikanaon non e now
Kg oeeopied by Mrs. Atwood j aiusfod at Oakland,
BO acres of ground attached. The
laspacious aad convenient,and the ground wdj un«
pro red. Apply to HARDY, JONES A 00,
augOl I Wafortt
tbut onaycnr
tract, Allegheny,
id terra* ewy.—
UjllO Second »t
U For SALE—A Brick Tfou
KM bailU and Lot, on Bobinsdn sti
©ld Bridge. Price IoV muti
laqaire of jyii 8 9CHOVER.I
FOR three itory jUnch .Dwelling.
Home, oa IJbcrtr, between Hav and Maxbnry.
atreeu, now occupied by W. Graham,’Jr. Fosaeaaioii
£ van immediately. Enqolre of Wm.j Graham, or at
eßookatoreof -'•••i- -r
jy27-dtf coraorMarfcel and. Third atreetei
MA THREE storied Dwelling Honne, being Cm
Mcond bouse from Peon meet, IQ Snyder**
Bow, on Her street. Iramedtaw possession will be
Eren. Enquire of DAVID RITCUIB,- Attorney at
iw—office on Foarth street, bciween Ctierry alley
and Grant street N ■ jntfrdif
FOUR new two story Bnck OwtHinsTTooKa,
ww well finished and iu complete order, on Cooler
dSLAvenu,'7th Ward. - Possession Risen Jnlf i*t
RenMow. Enquire of JOHNWATT A CO,
jefl comer of Liberty and Hand su-
Its far Mt!«<
b »ale, tho*o iw«
id on Tomato eu,
l 'each ha-nng a
i in depth to a StO
Iwatt, SSbr .tDO
build cellars for
-id In front there
*th, and the aide
th will he sold at
or County Strip,
THE subscribers will ull at pnvii
valuable Lau of Ground. situate
lo the Third Ward of Allegheny City)
front of 30 feel, running baek toOfeel
feet alley, upon which it built a stow
feet, which contains atone enough to |
two comfortable dwelling honsesj ap
axe three shade trees, of 8 years ffrqu
walk is pared with briek, all of rfhiel
: BStO.' Pittsburgh and Allegheny, d
wiilbatakenin payment ! I
or to WM. HENSON, irnmndiatefy d
my®_ I [I
TTKJRSALE—Fire lots elkiblylfiaaied lu the fiour-
P ishing town of Birmingham.!.THe lots are sit US',
ted on Beaman 'street, numbered In P Bausman’s plan
75,79, 80, 81 and &J—Lot No 75 Renting 3U facton Ma
ry Asn street, 70 feet deep; the othef four 20 feet frost
each, by 80 feet deep. I I -
Terms—Greater part of purehate money may re] . v
main for six years, secured by mortgage. Fofpaxucl
ulara, inquire of 1. BbCHOYER.
nyl« || Vi no second st
ValuablsCoal Land in r Sals, -■; -
ABOUT four miles abore Lock Nb. 2, at the month
of Pine Bun, Monongahel* Eider. The Coal is
of the renr best quality, and ertsy of access. Any .
nnmberofacres,fromtwenty-five to.ahundred,tnght
be obtained. Persons desirous) of purchasing, ean.r
'esll an WALKER REED, on .fho 'premises, or Wa.
' Reed, opposite the Post office, will give any In
formation concerning the propeny. t The above wi 1 •
be sold at a great bargain. •! I ■ mytEfcdPch J -•.
No 5
ippoiite raid lota.
rpoLEtt—A good bnefc.Dweliinr JJoujc, situate or.
JL Roblascastreew'AlleghenT.l Enquire of
. v nyie .• . SOLOMON SCHOTER
- 76R8ALE CHEAP FOB SCBiF-r-A lot of ground
* sitcom os Webster street, 23 feet from High street;
SO feet frost on Webster, by SO foet td a five feet slier
_qiito elose to new coon house. Prico 85.50. Terns,
fnm cub ia bond; balance is one, tvfo, three and foot
yean from the first of April last. •
County and City Scrip uken for eitb payment. In
quireof mylfi BSCHQVB&* llOsocond st
30ft fiersi CoslJUud i
SITUATeIL) on the Monongshcla rii
from fttrAanb and 3 miles obos
the immediate neighborhood of Men
and Mr. John Herron’s purchase. ;1
Coal will be sold at the low price ctj
third In hand, balance In five equal
without interest. Title indispaiabli
good—cannot be sunnned. For f
enquire ofS. BALSLEY,who hast
perty. He*idenceBdst,below Ferry,
N. B. There is another seam of e
about 80 feet above the lower, ofeie :
jygfcdtf '
TUB subscribers are authorized,^
•ale, and upon highly favorable i
of very; valuable Baiidmg Lots, eoe
portion lof the Lou cumbered 67, |
Woodi'General Plan of the City oft
led at the south eastwardiy comer off
streets, fronting 810 tcetoa the forthei
along the tatter about 600 feet to the)
andbeing a part of the Reel Estate-..
8. deceased.
. A plan or subdivision of the above! Lots, In eooJot*
mity with which it is proposed to actf, may be Man at
the office of the undersigned, on Fourth, betwaen-Mar»
kel and Ferry sis. WILLIAMS & KU,UN.
my3 - •
jJI TWO LOTS on Beaver street, in the elnr o
15g Allegheny, above the appor Commons, ou whick
is creeled, a franc building, two unties high, voidable
for two snail tenements. The tots are etnlt twenty
feel in froal by one hundredfeet deep, anu
lo a street forty feet wide. The building* on the prej
will pay a very handsome interest on the invest]
menu and the property will be sold cheap for each.
Apply to H. Bernal, Clerk’s office; V. 8. or to
nov29 KAY k Co
fleoteh Bottom Lti4 for <*«!••
mEN ACRES OP LAND, •iumed La Feeble* town
■Up, on the Monougaicl*,‘Uuee mile* from Pitta
burgh—m lou m nliporchuerw. For farther ptrcc*
. nUr« apply to Henry Wood*, 3d &U or to
noTiWlf . 4th, eb<nro Baithfiela »t
WAREHOUSE FORb'AUi—Tlie iinbienber
a offer* for ulo the three story briek Warehoure
on Wood street,occupied by B.Tmnner& Co,
ipl7 , . • Wfa. WILSON, Jr.
TTAUJ able real estate on PKNN STKEKT
i. yoR—A Lot of Grosud ahnate op Pena
street, between Hay and Marbnry streets. adjoining
the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
.having a front of 25 feet, and in depth 150 feet,will be
told on favorable term*. Title unexceptionable, Ea
quire of C. O. LOOMIS, 4th rt,near Wood.
ocrtl-dtf ■ •
For Bftloi
A' DESIRABLE Building Lot in Allegheny city, ra
ft Torably located, in me about half an acre, and
. the aecomJ story, No
80 Wood street-
property in AUaghemy City ffor ; Sole*
mHE sabtenben offer for tale a number of choice
I Lou, aito&le la the Second Ward, fronting on lie
f oounon ground, cin easy terms, inquire of •.
W.O’iLROBINSON, Any at Law, Si Clair A
or of JAS ROBINSON, on tbepretnisas
new arranqeMent.
mUK pablie are informed that On and after SstnrdtjrJ
I the lit of September, the paiienrere by thU Uo*
Al be carried orer the Central Rail Road ASSM’T*
Utownto Harrisburg h. and from thence to Fhiladel
phia by the Harrisburgl* tad Colombia Rail
By this now arrangement paasetgeru will go through
mow bat LWttmxthan heretofore. . ,
The Packet* of this laoe are new aad of the beat
elasa This route for safety, ipeedand comfort, u the
—Rail Bead* are ail passed in. ,?
pT, e , Tea Dollars. For information apply to
“1 1, rtT ’ WBUTCH,-Monocyaheia lloaw. -
oct4 or Dto LEECH A CO, Canal Ba-mo- _
- "HkW UOUTifi
Vl* Yoac&loff h « n r **•▼•*•
The tpieodtd new and fast ranking
V-- Fcss, Master,will rna aaa dsi
exeepted) between PITTSBURGH
nndWBST NE'vTON, cn opening of navigation on
Ycavhioeheny rircx, Leaves Wen Newton from the
oDoer Wharf Boat, at 9 o'clock.. .Re-.
tandßft leaves Pittsburgh. from Whan -Boat above
the Monongabelaßndge. every enmifigltt* o'clock.
GOODS received byAgentsoa board jthe? Wharf
TB'e Farmer hat been built eipreody for the
Yooghieghenr river, and the politic may reiy on her
remaining permanently in the trade.. ?
Particular attention paid to all way freight an dp as
scoters. 1. ■ «Mflg;w3fT .
Ufioi w. BHUYU • vu,,
INFORM their friends and the pub lie that they bat*
do longer any connection wuh their lata eatabiiih
meat In Peas street,known as the Pittsburgh Brewer*
baring removed taeif-entira buiinefsui ibePUIN
OREwERY. la Pir ttmt—mrlfcd. n
/“'UIEAf' CALICOES—A. A. Uttoa JtCo.are no
\j opening seven eascscl Fu: Colored Calicoes,i
tfao'tov price of Cfe.' gc«H
C ocf 8^2 "* bIIOI aSuitiaslt hi ooia *■
i third. ln
s. Lyon tc Sborb.
Ids fine body of
33 per aero—one
naual payments,
, Locatiou very
irther putfcuJsri
dnil of uM pro*
Mr. Adams* Row.
al on this trot,
i offer at privais
,enn*j- a number
enrising a Urge
Id, 69 and m
’itubargh, situs*
Penn ana Wayne
and extending
Allegheny river,
f.Uje laic Jamas