The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 25, 1849, Image 3

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I telegraph lice «u <fow»,~aa usual,
| i** avcwng, which preveuu us from preaenthtf
oar reoderi ihia momlag, with oor usual deapaicb
from the East
I How ore we to account for the fact that the Uae>
H «nn« pomt along tte route between thia City
■ad Boatqn U alwaya down, when the ateamen
sewi ia over due ? We have remarked thia par*
tteulariy, and it ia very rare, indeed, if ever, that
thia ia not th 9 caae ]— Ed. Gas. i
. Morals, Oct. 24.
The Convention mel yesterday, and waa organ-
I*ed by electing' Profeaaor M. F. Maory of Vir
ginia, as President. -The following named gentle*
men were Appointed Vice Presided*. —Wm. Clay i
Alabama} Wen.'Mason, Mis*.; WlUonghby Wii
htma, Tentleaaee; R. A Walston, 3. Carolina; Dr.
Jameson, Louisiana; Governor Drew,, Arkansas;
Aahbel Smith, Texa»; Aahton Johnson, Missouri;
.Benj. E Drag, Kentucky; John J. Trexavant, Va;
J. H. Thompson, Pennsylvania; L. L. Robinson,
New Yorir.
Professor M*nry upon taking the Chair address
ed the Convention at some length. Io the coarse
of his remark*, be urged the Importance of a rail
road across] both the Isibmas of Panama and the
Continent of North America.
The delegate* present from the Statea of Ia nisi*
•Bij Arkansas, AlsbnuJs, Georgia, Kentucky, Mla»
•purl, Texis, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maaaaehua
•Pta, New ; York, Sooth Carolina, Ten*
aerate, and Missiasippi, after the transaction* of
some preliminary business, then adjourned to meet
lo day. j
St. Louis, Ocl. 24.
Floor—The market was doll to day, and price*
rather heavy, with sslea of 3(jo bbt* at $4,3104,44'.
perbbl ]' „ ■ J v
Grain—Wlieat’ts held firmly, with Bales of
15,000 buaat Me per bn. *
V Corn—la Ja moderate request at 35039 per bo.
Provisiocfrr’There is no .'movement visible in
any article. Lard is quiet, with sales ol keg at 510
sj; sa!es of bbl at sc. ”
at 25026 c per gallon, to the
extenrof 300 bbls. '
Freights are unsettled.
CiHCtntUTi, OcL 24.
. The river has riten 3 inches. The wenther ia
very pleasant
Flour—Sales of new at $4,60(34,T5.
Whiskey—Slightly declined.
Pork—Sales of 100 bbls mess at $7,75.
Lard—Bales of COO kegs at s|.
Groceries—The market ia onchanged.
New Obliajo, Oct 22.
Couon'f-Tbe news by the Niagara was received
yesterday, and had a depressing effect upon the
. Cotton : market The week’s sales amounted to
7060 bales middling 9); good middling to fair, 100
' 10}. The receipts are 40,000 bales less than they
weto last year.
There is noxhango in other articles nsQaliy re
ported. •
New You, October 24.
flonr—‘There has been a feir demand for the
Eastern jiorts, at a slight advance on yesterday’s
rates. Tbe demand for western is good.
Grain-j-There is bot a moderate badness doiog
ia Grain Lt former prices. Thera is an increasing
demand icr shipping.
Provisions—Thera is not moch movement in
the turret—sales were made to a moderate ex
tent of mess, at $10,50; prime, S3.o6—a decline.
I«*rd is Active, with sales of kegs at 7|; bbls 610
6| per U>.
The weather is pleasant. The steamer Hibere
ait is now overdue, and is momentarily expected.
Sit Joan Fautxxjw.—lf ever a man was nude
fflostnou* by the devotion of s wife, this person,
Sir John! Franklin, msy claim that distinction. W«
have seep, a* doubtless our readers have seen
sdso, several letters from Lady Franklin, called
.forth by) the perilous and almost desperate.con--
ditiou in'which her husband, was supposed to be,
in his adventurous expedition towards tbs North
PftU and all those letters have indicated so atroog
a feeling of codjugal affection, with so moch of
propriety, that however strongly our
interests'may have been enlisted for the bold and
during ti| an ► we are free to confess that our sym
pathies have rather cleaved to the true hearted
vomanJ She has become tbe prominent per*
wouagerj-if-tbe brave navigator should fail, he
""" fen* in a noble undertaking} hit memory w»U be
honored; he will be classed with those who, for
the general good,' and tor national glory, have pul
livt* la peni—exalted men who rank above
the standard of their race.
fiat i is gratifying to know that favorable in
telligence has been received, giving reason to hope
that Sir John Franklin and his companions, what
ever may be tbe success of their explorations,'are
in safety. We cannot but join in congratulations
at this. 'i-Tbe civilised world will rejoice, to know
iL Yetjwhile we join heartily in these felicitations
and giro indulgence to earnest hopes that the best
expectations may . prove true, it may yet be allow
abte to My that much of our solicitnde for the hat
band is derived from the excellence of his wife.
The world might spare Sir John Franklin, as it
might spare any man; but it cannot afibrd to spare
tbe women who know bow to make heroes* of
men.—iSdinmor* Amtruaa.
■'l take the respootibil.ty," exclaimed that moral
hero, (peneral Jackson.) “I abnn aU tespoosi
bOiiy, D la the timid maxim of bis illostnous suc-
Here is another Mr. Folk. Or was it
Mr. Polk who made soeb a potber over ‘•fifty-fonr
and then asked the Senate what to do
about (i *~rlltpuhlic.
i WrmiiTT'i M*srTAmrarj's Bin, {
I October 19th, ld4fl (
A N ELECTION for thirteen Directors of this Bank,
f\ for the coining year, will be held at the Banking.
House, on Monday, the 19th day of November next.
“%r&dtß If. PENNY. Cashier.
Bans o» Prriiicwu, >
I October 10, 1549. \
AN for thirteen Director! ol tbit Bank,
fill! lie ensuing year, will be held at the Banking
House Jon Monday, the lPtb of November next
JOHN SNYDER. Ciahier. _
r tmmißiK or Prmacsos,)
October 19,1649. >
A N Election for thirteen Director* of this Bank,
A for the enjoin* year.' yiU be held at the
-BanUnr Hobm, on Monday, the »<£<«* of
her next, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M.
THOMAS M. HOWE. Casbler.
CiLaSSICAL and Commercial Boarding‘.School
fbr Boy*, on'the Beaver Boad, fourteen mile*
Ihe WINTER SESSION will commence on Thu**-
day, November 1,1M9*
Tnw— Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Fsei, Light*,
per session of five month*, B"3—one half payable
in advdate; the balance at the close of the session.
Those taking French or Drawing lessons, will be
charged 110 per session oxtra.
Beak* acd Stationery furnished, when requested.
M thednSL «f the pnoil. ALL CLO MING TO BE
DISTINCTLY MARKED. Pupils furnish their own
towels! Ills very desirable that ait present
on thefintday of the session. . ' . , ,
For farther particulars, enquire of the Principal, st
tha Academy, or of Messrs. John Irwin fc Son, No. II
Water street, Pitubupcb. - net9:dBw _
So. 100'market Street,
r ■ iHE subscriber would respectfully invite his triends
JL and the public' to call and examine his stock,
which eomprues in part the following, vix:
Fancy Cashmere, Mooslin de Lain*, Satin de Chines,
Fasti Bilk, and a large assortment of French Meri
no*, PararaHtt, Lyenese and Cobnrg Clothe.
ALSO, French 'Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, a
Urgajasaonmenq iireeha, Thibet,Tore Batin, Silk and
Woolen Uorg Shawls.
DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, Tietinn, Cloths, Caa
•imerha, Battista, Tweeds. Ky. Jeans, Ac. he.
oiifl-.dln D. 11. FRAUCH.
A RE NOW RECEIVING a lane and complete a*-
DLERY, and CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, direct from
the manufacturers la Europe and America,and are
new rally urepaml io oler goods at iseb price* as
«anabt tali to please, and would particularly request
the attention of Merchant* who are in tha habit o? go
ing East, ** we feel confident they will find, after a
thorough examination, mat oar prices will compare
favorably with any “house in Pntladelphbt'O'rNew
York. ■ ■ • : V oeti
I topbistsbs.
JOHNP. M'CKKARV, Printing Ink Man!
No«- 331 and 3XI Stanton stmt, NEW Y<
sot No. 3 Spruce atrret—Woald call the at
Motor* <0 *“? improved Printing laki <
Mad* orders, at the following price*:
Vfßfcfino Jet Black, for C»td tod wood ,
Cot* " * * •* « and 3 Copper lb.
y|04BOOkl»k - * t®’* “ I W “ ,
Staoilflk * ’ - 040 “ o fio “ •
SS&lak • olBovo - o as -
Jt- SEjßed lok 75: 100 ISO “ *a. »
C a i Yellow, Green and White 75e ICO l so| *»
*»*o *tl St per lb, *nd Bronze at-_» 75 |c U and
tl.Pfeffhwtn of News Ink'can be seen on this paper
For**to vi Pltubargfc.Pa.
M Cincinnati,Ohio.
fl Mffffir.'.wouUL UoUvUle, Kr. octfcdg
EMBvSSt*" ninenl o{ unbowed Piano am! Tabl
!l*rS® *fJ° foan d »i W. M’Clinlock’* Carpel Wan
price*. Call and ciahuue beim
wnSMisf el»«wbeie- apCLINT''
t «wiU3 :
god,retail Dnr"GoodsStpi
tha einriosiMlfciaadii
2£f«2£S «3. b«!», n
ant- I ■
1949. I AUHAJIAC. I Son I Son
OCTOBER. |•; | rise* | oet*.
50 Saturday,
51 Bandar,
23 Monday, —•
53 Tuesday,
54 Wednesday,
S 3 Thursday,
98 Friday.
ota oenxs. s. ». roA boukeowt. ppot-
• Dim Pinuiwn o*x*TTt,J
Thursday Morning, October 33,849. >
The weather yenerdar «u cold and raw, making it
ratliey n npt- ■fur ttdiMu. 7hc market
4u generally quiet, anSoperetiona light, with no ap
parent ehasgo in quotations. ,
Plot*— ThhJnarket yesterday presested nothing new.
Bale* of 300'bbls brand* at the apper
wharfat ¥ bbl. We continue oor quota
lion*from store, inregular dray logd lota, at 84,7504.-
60 r bbl sipp'ie* areltmited.
Gaits—la Hbe abteade of receipt* to any amount,
■applies eoaiinae limited, and sals* moderate, at the
following ratf*:— Wheal 60083; Barley, 02; Rye 30035;
Corn 45,and pat* at 23030 e, from first bands.
G*ocDi»*4rW e notie* a general firmness for every
thing under heed. NVe may quote lie as the low
est figure at Which best; Rio ean be bought. N. O. Su
gar eontlnuei In fair request atO}oO|e, in small lou by
the hhd. N. O. Molasses sold regularly at 27} to 29c,
according to duality ofhbls.
Paoraionij-Baeon is quiet, but firm at last quota
tions, say tor prime canvassed Hams, 9c; and for extra
•agar cured, 130121 c B. gales ofBhouQenat3c.
of Sides at 5K45}0 tj. '
Butt**—Feather tales of keg at 91010 c, and of best
roll ot 123121 c. '
CnxEO—Receipts cominoe full, and supplies are
abundant. Bales ofSOO boxes at a range of 6to 6|c for
immon to prime W. Rj
Bsooas—-dales ofSOCJdoi, in different lots at prices
ranging according to quality, from 81,75 to *3 0 do*.
Coitos YiJtxv—We notiee a farther change in Cot
ton Yarns. fThe following is a eorrect list of prices-
COTTON; YARNS—For the various articles*ander
this bead, the following is a cornet table of quota
tion!: i
I roerm Tits.
No. S, els par lb 17} No. 13 ets per lb 80
u B, « “ do “14 - J “ 21
“7, “ “ do “15 • “ “ 99
“8, “ 18} “|0 “ •• —93
u 9, “ do “ 17 “ “ 34
“10, « “ -'do •* 19 “ “ 83
“11, •“ “ 19} “19 “ “ .98
“19, “ “ do “ 90 “ —B7
Doran taki. «
No. 500, els per lb 9} No. 600, cts per lb 7}
“ 600, •• “ 6} “ 900, “ “ do
“ 700, “ “ 9 “1000, “ “ do
Carpet Chain,-•••-—-80 Candlewick 17}
Coverlet Yarn,- 90 Bag Filling, 17
Twine. SO 8atting,N0!,9,3—11.10,9
JThe a'ove are tbo established pnees, with 5 cu off
lor cash, tor all sums over *3O.
Scoan—J i* estimated that the exports of Ssgar from
Cuba for IS D, if nothing oceurs to Injore the crop be
tween this and the early part of .December, will be
equal to 1,500,000 boxes, worth at present rales, (Mo
lasses iaclt d*d,) ationt 33,000,00 a The largest erop
•ver export ;dhitherto, was in 1847, amounting to near
1,300,0 fr) be res, since which date Its cultivation has
been incret sed, and the present season has been an
eommonlv isvorable.
Baltusou CousmvxrT Ntrrxs—We. learn, says the
Baltimore from the Cecil popert, that eonaterfeit
five dollar notes, on the Franklin Bank of Baltimore,
have been fjreely circulated therefor a week past—
Tbe Democrat sayi:—“Some of them are so well ere-
cnteLthat tbe best judges might be deceived by them.
One of them, which we examined, was opoa wbitei
and more (Untie? paper, the signature of the Preiidem
smaller than on the genaiae note, the space between
the liberty <i*p and the word Maryland wider, and the
impresrion a-.d not so distineu These conn ter
eiu are vanonily dated.”
Bplrix of the Domoitle Darksti.
j Loctrrnxx, Oct. 90.
Floor and Grain-Stocks and receipts are light, and
flour continues firm for good lots, with sales from stores
at 85; reUilliales m *5,2303£Cl 8ale» of light wheal
floor at \l*heat scarce and in demand . at 95e,
and prime wheat will command 81. Corn we qoofe at
37040 a. at teiaii. Oats 90029 e in bulk. Barley we
quota in demand at 50c. Sales of Oats in aieks at 25
cents. 'I
Groceries]Ac—Gioceriei are quiet, and the market
rather dull lor all articles except Rio Coflee. Sales at
lDolO|e. Biles of Lagnayra and Maracaibo at 11019
et^-sales of Java Coffee at 12014 c. Bagar—We quote
sales of fair lots at s}o6e; and 120 hhds at s}e. Plan
tation Molasses—We quota light sales at 820*te; and
a sale of7sbbls prime atulc. Loaf and Refined 8u-
En in bbls, we >iaot« at HKfic. Havana Sugar in
xes at 609 c
Pxomioss, Ac.—The market continues dull, with
but small receipts, and very limited demand. We
quote Paeon from wagons at 4}o4|c for Shoulders, 50
s}c for Sides, and *}o6|e for Hama. .
Oils—Linseed Oil is scarce, and in demand at 85090
ets 0 gallon; Castor Oil is teiree at 90c to BL3u 0 gal
lon by the quantity;Sparm Oil 81,30; Tanner's Oil 817
0831 F '.gallon; Oil we qnote at 53069 e 0 gal
lon. A
Seeds—Clover *eed we quota at retail at
F barbel: Timoih y sc alee at 8304, for' good seed; Flax
Seed in demand iu 81,1001,90 F bttshel, and sapplies
ILrht; Mustard Berd S3JO P bushel. Hemp Seed 750
87}e F bushel; Seed Wheat 810140 0 bushel. Blue
Grass, clear, 81 ¥ bushel.—Journal.
: St Jjoct*, Oct 16.
Tobacco— Sale to day of 13 hhds—3 at the'State, and
at the Planters' Warehoo*e< The latter were all
e curd as refaieil: 1 at 5 at
i 08<W * B?.lOo7jSi r 100 B*-
Hetup—But three or foot smalUots received, amount
it rln all lo less than-100 bales; sale of 35 bales prime
o the landing,-at 8124, and 19 at 8195 ¥ ton.
Lead—Receipt* mince Saturday noon, 9.730 pigs*—
N srket quiet to-day, and no sales reported. Sales on
j» tsrday of 429 piga, (pan hard,) at S(AS, and ICOO Ga
le >a at $442}.
Flour— Keeeipu since Saturday noon, over SUOObbla
The market tonlay was quite doll; and sales sum up
1< m than 1000 bbls, including 410 of city mills, as fol
it wa:—7s good country brand at 84,50, and 134 at 84,-
4 i; 125 choice at 84,50; 110 at —; SO extra to a city re
t iler at 84^5:410 North SI. Louis, and 300 bbls Exeel
i or,(euy mills) at 84*50,
wheat-JReeejvedsince Saturday n00n,13J35 sacks;
< rover964oo bashels. Sales to-dmy of 2000 sacks in
I >ts, atthejExebsnge, from 45 to Ole; 190001300 iff lots
fromita landing, from 60 to 93d. One choice/lot of
k 19 tacks at 95c. sacks returued; and 460 at 97e, sacks
«laded. I
Corn anfOats -Sale of IS3 sacks com at 95c, seeks
i stunted: and 940 in new names at 40e, sacks Lnela
< ed. ■ Several other smsli lots on tbe market, bot not
: old up to the e!o«e. There was very little inquiry for
c als, and only about 500 bags sold in lots at 30c. sacks
eturiied.M Tbe arrivals since Saturday noon are 1,770
i aeks.
Provisions—Nothing of'importance reported in this
i enarunent, sod the market eaains as last noticed.—
. l lot of <6l bbls new beef arrived to-day, tbe first re
i eived tl)is st*»iu
Whiskey—Raw eonlinaes scarce; sales to-day of 104
1 bit in lou atuGc ¥ gallon.
Hides—Sales of dry flmt at 7e; green 3}c.
Gfeeenca—Salioi6o hhds Sogar on private termi,
jxd 100 very choice taken into store, held a> 6}e. No
important sales ofCoffee or Molasses. Light salt* of
u. A. Salt from the Levee, at 81,3001,36.—Republican.
|[TTT r DIGBY would hereby lafonn hi* friend* end
iff , easterners, and the public io general, that be
ta* just received hi* flill supply of fall good*, cheap
. 2nd pood a* usual.
I 60 niece* blark and colored Freneh, English and
“American Broadcloths, of every quality.
I 100 pieces black and fancy Caitimere*.
I 900 pattern* Vetting*, many of which can only be
! had at this establishmenL
SO doa menno, lambswool and cotton Shins and
A fall and handsome lot of Cravats, silk Ilandker*
ekiefs, Soipenders, Gloves, Ac.
A large tot of line and common white Shirts.
Also on haad, 400 drab, blae and black felt and bias*
ktt Over Coats, from to BIBJM.
400 dreu, frock, box and eack Coats, free
A large clock of fine and common Pants, frw
910 per pair.
TOO Veits, of various materials, from "fi cti to 93.
A £ne assortment of ladies and yen Lie me ns 1 Cloaks,
always on band.
N. it—Casiou work will receive particular atten*
lion. Uaadsome garments and yood fits' warranted.
Any person in want of clothing can be be soiled to
their entire satisfaction, ax W..DIGBY’B '
cheap Cash Clothing Store. 129 Liberty it
oct3rd2m _
No-110 Stsxx7, 3 noon rxom LtiaxTT,
I SNOW RECEIVING the largest aud belt seleeied
stock of Fell and Winter DRY GOODS, that he
bu ever had the pleasure of offering to hu customers
and the public—among which are several styles of
I entirety new Goods in tin* market: All the high colon
1 of supexior French Merinos and Thibet Cloths: Satin
Damask Thibet Cloth, a new and beaatifol article tor
ladies ore tier, Tare Satins, Gro de Annare; Seda do
Chine, Changeable Glaeie Silks, blk Silks for cardi
nals and dresses; Cashmeres, de Laines. Bombazines,
Alpaccas, Ac. Also, Velvets and Satins for bonnets,
Bonnet Neck do, Lace'Capes, Standing and
other Freneh Worked Collars; Silk, Satin and Merino
Scarfs, Laces, Trimmings, Ac. Ac.
A foil assortment of Domestic*, Linen Sheetings,
Table Linens, Diaper, Checks, Canton flannels, Ac.
Ac. A very large assortment of Long and Sqnare
Shawls. Piano anATable Covers, Damask Moreens,
Red Drapery, withXcomplete stock of Coachmakers’
rnmmings; all of which have been purchased at the
lowest rates, and will be sold at a small advance.
octfrdJw _J R.D. THOMPSON.
GEO.. R. Wlt'TE, No. Market street, is now
opening hit Fall and Winter Fashions, consist
ing of *
Ladies' silk velvet Paletots;
“ French Merino Cloaks;
« cloth and silk Paletots;
“ bilk Mantillas. These artiele* are of'the
latest and most fashisnable styles.
Also, French Embroideries;
6 4 Batin do Chine, for ladies dresses:
Span Silk, and Silk and Wool Hosiery;
Gents and ladies silk Vesis and Drawers;
Childrens' Merino Vests;
A large assortment of black and fancy Silks, Satin
Ture for ladiesdressea I
Brocha, Thibet and Woolen Long Shawls.
Baraesfey Sheetings, Table Linens and Napkins.
Also, Irish Linens* imported b j himself direct.
TfIE subscriber, whohas been in business
.Cjfftv ia tbe sarad building forthe lsstthirteenyears,
MAii selling all descriptions of Fine Gold and 8U-
B&MSveT Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, at
retail, at the very, lowest prices.
Cold and Silver English PatenfUver Watehes.
■ Gold and Silver Det’bd Laver and Lepine Watches
Gold and Silver Horizontal and verge Watches.
Gold and Silver Independent Second Watches fc
timing horses.
Gold Guard, fob and vest Chains. Gold Spectacle
Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens.
Ladies’ Gold and Stone Bracelets.
Gold Loekou. Gold and Silver Thimbles.
Diamond Ring* and Pins.
Ladies’ and GenUemss*' Breastpins.
- ! Sterling Silver Spoons, Caps, Porks, Ac.
Gold Watches as low as *33 each.
loctP-.dSm || Watches and jewelry exchanged.
fyooiu And Fork* pitted on tie naan Sliver,* ft fine
ftniele. All watches warranted to keep good time or
Ike money returned. ■ Jewelry repaired, and Watches
cleaned and repaired in liie best manner, at much Icm
than iho uaal pneea. UEU. C. ALLEN,
Importer of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and
retail, si Wall meet, (ap stair*,) NEW YORK.
t gqA ~*Hiwi« .
AOIKL to da hoBM work. A permanent aitaaiien
food wifM will hft given, laqaire at^thl*
Loois McLane, Beoaett, Browngriß*.
R Wighnaan, ,EUiabellL
Peyton a, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Philip Doddridge, Browwvflle.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, BM*er.
Beaver, Clark, Wells vilk.
Atlantic, Parkutsou, Bitnmaville.
Lako Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Tbomta Scott, —-Beaver. '•
Hail Colombia, Green, Cio.
Klnggold, Cope, Cincinnati.
Excelsior, —Pin.
Pacific, Davis, Cincinnsli.'
6 13
6 11
« 10
e a
0 7 13 4*
60 IS 40
6 4 13 63
• departed.
Loots McLane, Bennett. Brownsville.
R Wigbtman, 1 < —, Bixabeth.
Peytons, Hendrickson. M’Keesport
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, M’Keesport.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Thomas Scott, ■, Wellsville.
Lady Byron, ■ ■ > »Cincinnati.
Geneva, Wilkins, Cincinnati.
There were 3 fact 3 inches in the channel last
evening at dnsk, by metal mark, and rising.
Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M.
Beaver Packets, 8 A. M. aad 4 P. M.
Wellsville Packets, 10 A- M. w
Sanfisb, Pern.
roi fbuapelphu.
D. Leech dc co's, packet line. 9 PM.
B, S. BxitT A Co’s Canal Packet. 7| o’clock,,r *.
The river at this point vu swelling slowly lasteve
ping, with three feet three Inches water in channel.
The weather was cold and windy.
Aeaocsn.— I The steamer Pacific arrived here shoot
18 o’clock yesterday.-froa Cincinnati. At the lias of
her arrival the wind was blowing quite hard op the
river, and in attempting to land opposite the foot of
Market street, she was blown across the channel and
fast grounded on the edge of the bar. Up to a lata
hour l«£t evening, she bad not succeeded in getting cl
Accinctt—As the steamer Elite was on her apward
trip from Wheeling, and when about four miles below
Wellsville, she broke a crank, and had ose of her eyl*
inder headc knocked out. A wooden head was subtil
rated, by which she was enabled to reach this city in
The Elite has left the Wheeling trade, and has en
gaged to run between this city aid Beaver. She will
leave for that point this morning at 0 o'clock.
The fine steamer Geneva left yesterday morning for
Cincinnati with a large number of passengers, and
as mufch freight as she eonld carry.
The river was rtsing at Cincinnati, as we learn by
telegraph, last evening.
Mzxossxdum ov;RE»«au>—Left Cincinnsli on Fri
day evening, October 10; in pon for Pittsburgh, steam
ers Exeelstor and Hail Columbia; uOlh. past the Farm
er, agronnd at Guyandoae; met Swiss Boy at Goran*
done; Sin, met the Jefferson at Graham’s Station; Wen
fewton and Hibernia No. 8, aground at Buffiogton It
and; met Genesee at head of Buffington; 33d, Mononga
hela and Pilot No. 0, lying at -Marietta; met Ben West
at head Marietta Island; Past Isaac Newton, Reveille,
and Columbian aground at Carpenter’s Ban met Ex
change at SistersviUe, and Dolphin at Sunfish; past
Messenger No. 9 lying at Captina, and the Lady Madi
•on aground at sams place; S3d, Hindoo and Caledo
nia at Wheeling; passed Arrowline aground at Rac
coon, and the Glances aground at Beaver Shoals; met
Boston and Euphrates at Beaver.
BEAVER—Per c. b. J. M. Cook—29 bxs cheese. J
C Bidwell: 1 bx tools, Spang A Co; 16 tks wool, W H
Brown A Bro.
Per Minivan No. B—o bbls butter, J B Canfield; 19
bbls, IS hlf bull ale, Robertson A Reppert.
BROWNSVILLE—Per L- McUin-83 kgs nails, 5.
bxs, l chest, 6 bxs blankets, l horse, 138 bbls (lour, 63
bu oats.
Per Atlantic—l 44 pkgs goods, 86 kgs nails, 183 bn
glass, 67 bbls flour,lo bu potatoes.
Per Ariadne—B4 bbls flour, lot of old copper.
CINCINNATI"—Per Ringgold—3 bxs mdse,){ Graff
ACo;3U bbls whiskey, EncUth A Bennetu.B3 bbls oil.
lObxs candles, SeJm A Nicola; 4 bxs sundries, J W
Butler A Bro; 69 ski feathers, D Leech A Co; 8 boxes, l
bbl mdse, 1 stove, 1 set r. gears, IS bbls oil, J P Hanna;
100 ska wool, Wnßarker; 8 ska bristles, 1 box, 1 pkg,
Wallingford A CeJ 4 bbls oil, J Rack; 21) bbls molasses,
Me' larkan A Cm S eks ginseng. 8 ska, I bbl beeswax.
Wm Bingham; 3bxs, Huber A Laufman;3de, Cooper
A Lavely; 1 do, J Woodwell; 18 sks, 3 bbls, D T Mor*
BEAVER—Per lake Erie—73 bxs cheese, Wick A
McCandlees; X do, Stewart A Lre; 299 do, 2 bbls butter
J B Canfield. W bxs ehecse, G M Hanorr, 3S do, I. 8
Waterman; 1 kg baiter, Bagaley A Smith; 3 bbls butter,
Wick A MeCandless; 07 bxs cheese, J B Canfield
PerC. B Wisconsin—9 ciks glass, Bskewell A Co;
I box, H Childs; U* stoves, 18 ovens, 18pots, 18kettles,
18 copper boilers, J Dalzell; 4 seeks ragaS kegs lard,
Church A Carothert; l bbl cranberries, J H Beleton;
1000 bu barley, A Bennett; 60 bbls plaster, J A Caugb
ey; 50 stoves, SO evens. 50 pots, 50 toilers, SO kettles. SO
spiders, 50 drip pans, 1 poi, 1 kettle, 4 griddles, I brim
mer, Johu P. Perry.
Per C B Illinois—st bxs eheese, R Daleell A Co; I
kg buuer, 1 sk woal, D Leech A Co; 84 bxs cheese, Ba
galev A Smith; 33 bxs cheese; J Benny. Jr. 1 dray cov
er, Hampton, Smith A Co; 4 bbl* potash, Wick A Me-
Caodle«i;g9 bxacheeie, j AM Young; 80 boat ears, R
G Sinks; 86 kgs butter, 2} bbls flax«fled, *bgi feathers,
9 bxs sundries, 1 do rags. JAR Floyd; 18 i xs cheese.
English A Bennett; 1 bx, J A Caoghey; 86 bxs cheese, J
B Canfield.
Per Lake Erie—l trunk, 1 bx,! roll calpet, S Hare;
83 krs butter, I bbl clover seed. 1 bx mdse, Bagaley A
Smith, IS bbla corn, Church A Carothers; 3s bxs cheese
J A Caugbev; J stive , it ocas, t kettles, 3 gridiron*, 2
pans, Sheriff A Shirk; IUI bu barley, K Kraus; 10 bbls
flour, M Leech A Son.
Per Michigan No. a—H bn cheese, J H Clouse, S 3
do, G M llano n; 27 do, J B Canfield; G 9 do, J ACancb
ey; 2 bbls soap grease, \Vtlsori A'Uortaan; 11 bdls pa
per. t. Loomis; 1 stove, 2 parlor grates, I set l*r*e
plates, 6 sift rs, 6 scrapers, 2 grates. Seentre pieces, 3
siJes, l skillet, 2 grate backs', SBerUT A Snirk; 70 bbls
whiskey, Bonnet! and Patten; 3? bbls do, Jas Patten,
ST LOUIS-Per Comberland—l bx. OT Morgan;
20 bxs cigars, J a R Floyd; 20 lift do. tV A R Me Cut
cheon; 72 do. Bagsler A Smith; 110 cks bacon, John,
Scott A Co; & bb Is whiskey, Lambert a Shtptan; 11-t
bbls whisker, Miller A Rirkettoo; 16 kegs shot, C H
Grant; 1 In, Leech A Co. 2 bis. Surveyor of Customs;
099 pigs lead, Rhey, .Matthews A Co; 3 bbds tobaoco, 1
horse, John Miami; t horse, George Elliott; 1 box soap,
CapL A Miller. - ;
ZANESVILLE—Per Empress—l hhd tobacco, D
Leech A Co; 100 bbls fl tar, Sellers A Nicols;6 bxt inn
dries, Baker A Forsyth; 2sks feathers, Ado wool.Taafe
A O'Connor; 2 bhds tobacco, W Bingham; 71 ska corn,
fcU do middlings, 210 do potatoes, Rhodes A Alcorn; 1
Urge camng,J Tomlinson; 90 bo potatoes.-Mr Evans;
90 aks wool, D T Morgan: 9 sks do, 3 bbls butter, 9 do
flax seed. Bagulcy A Smith; 9 kgs butter, 14 sks rigs, 1
hx sundries, Mr Talburt; 3 hhds tobacco. JC Bidwell.
9 do, Yf H Johnston; 7 bbls sweet potatoes, owner on
ST. LOUB-Per Excelsior— \ boi, D Leech A Co. 1
hhd tobacco, J AMazarie;3 bl», fc»»k. H Wolff; 32
bales wool, 9 bbls flour, SAW llarbangh; 3 bx« mdse,
Forsyth A Duncan; 300 pgs lead, Young. Ihmsofi, A
Plankett; 400 do do, J Seboonmaker; 24 bbls molasses,
J A Hutchison; 10 brokms, I bbl bee«ersx,33l kgs lard,
C.ark ATdsw, 96 bales wo 01, Wo Barker, 4 baa mdse
HGraflj tObdls hogskins, Clark A Thaw; 29 sks feath
ers, R Watson; 4 bdls gunny bags. Cope A Brafogle.
PtUat Chiliad Kollin.
THE aoderiigoed ha* received Letters Patent from
tbs Government of Use United States, for s new
end superior-node of easting CHILLED ROLLERS,
which ara now offered for tale at the lOWA FOUN
DRY, Pittsburgh, by PARRY, SCOTT A Co., at a half
e*nt per pound lower than those made by any other
manufacturers Tbe Rollers are superior in perfection
of surface to any hitherto made, and are manufactured
from the strongest Iron of this country. _
i, from 91 to
Only 73 Milos Staflßg.
Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and
THE morning boat leaves the wharf, above the
bridge, daily, at B o’clock precisely. Time u
Baltimore, 3d hoars; lime to Philadelphia, 40 hour*
Hie evening boat leaves daily, (except Sunday ev
enings,) at 4 o'clock. Passengers by leaning on th«
evening boat, will cross the mountain* in stages nex
day, and thus avoid night travel.
Sieure your tiekeu at the Offiee, Monongaheli
(louse, er St- Charles HoteL
octUly J. MESKIMEN. Agent
THE subscriber has on hand and for sale, u Agent
of L. Johnston A Co., of Philadelphia, the fellow.
S 3 pair of Cases;
4b founts Fanoy Letter, different .alias,
300 Newspaper Cuts;
600 tbs. Leads, col to order,
10 Composing Sticks;
100 kegs Prout’s New* Ink:
I Brass Galley, Column Rules, Bras* Rules of all
descriptions, Ac. A. JA\ NE9,
Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth *t
N —Orders received for new Type aulOdAwS
Lithographic Ritablllhmsnt
OF WM. SCIIUUHMANN. Third st, opposite the
Posv-Offiee, Pittsburgh—Mips, Landscape* Bill
heads. ghowbllla,' Labels, Architectural and Machine
Drawings, Bnsineta end Visiting Cards, Ac..engraved,
or dra* non stone, pn&ted in colors, Gold, Bronu
or Black, in the most approved style, and' st the most
reasonable prices.. octl3:ly
WE are now receiving from the factory a large
supply of these goods, which we are selling low
er than such goods can be had elsewhere in this city.
We uss oo adds In bleaching, that injures the goods;
our object being to produce goods not for show only,
but for comfort and durability, and as such they re
ceived the first premium over all olber goods exhibit
ed at the late Allegheny Agricultural Fair.
Foi sale at the Blanket Depot, No. fid Market st, and
at the ware rooms of the Fayette Manufacturing Lo.,
No. 1U Second st
Blankets of our Manufacture are sold in Allegheny
City, by Mr. John Dean, and also at the "Two Big
WaJows," Federal st. octlS
TINNERS will find a complete assortment of Brass
Kettles, Japanned and Brass Candlesticks, Fire
Shovels and Tongs, Snuffers, Skimmers and La
dles, Flesh Forks, and all other kinds of good* usu
ally kept by them, and for sale at extremo low pneet
TWO HALF PIPES, Howard, Mareh A Co.’s “very
best, 1 ’ old London Particular Madeira Wine, vin
tage of IMi.
TWO QUARTER CASKS, Howard, March A Co’s
“Choicest Old" London Particular South Side Madeira
Wine, vintage of 1810.
ONE QUARTER CASK, Howard. March A Co**
South Side Madeira Wine, vintage of *3B, selected ex
pressly fa* family use.
These wines were imported by myself from Madei
ra, per barque Palmetto, al New 'York, in tbe latter
pan of Auiosl last, and are offered to the trade whole,
sale or retail, in wood or glass.
oet!9 Corner of Martel and First street*.
ROOT and New Collection of
Church Musie, comprising mauy of the most pop
ular and useful tunes in common use, together with a
great variety of new and original Psalm and Hymn
Tunes,-Anthem*, Chants, Ac.; designed for the use of
Choirrtwougregaiiott*, Binging Schools, Ao. Just re-
The &ir at Eiixsbeth, which gras advertisod to j
be held on the 23d, offoljjuiat day, and ex
ceeded, far, the anticipations <Ki *U who bore in
mind t*>M thin vu the tint exhibition of a young
society.' Wore »h«n a thousand! persona were in
attendance, (ram the adjoinitfjr| townships and
eonoties; among whom, we rjecog nixed some of
the moat extensive wool growers of Washington
county, and also fruit growera'and nursery men
from Fayette and Westmoreland- Horses, cattle,
hogs, sheep, and fowls, were Exhibited in great
numbers. Manufactured article! of all kinds were
■hewn, (ram a caulking chisel a cooking stove?
embracing the handiwork of many of oar mechan
ics The agricultural productions were of the
beat quality, and, in fact, some articles exceeded
any thing of the kind we ever saw —for instance,
some sweet potatoes, which, after .the fair was
over, told for ten cents a piece.;
The industry ol the ladies was exhibited la many
articles, such as fine quilts, coverlets, blitter, and
cheete, and also some very large sponge and (rail
cake, for which, a premium was awarded by the*
tatting committee.
In the afternoon a pacing match came off, which
attracted much notice, as the [horses were both
last, and hard to beat
Many premiums were awarded, which will be
published by the directors oii' Saturday. The
whole affair was some thing hew in Elizabeth, and
reflected ranch credit for the enterprising yeomanry
of old Elizsbctb. It is to be regretted that the
society had limited itself to too; small bounds to
bring to bear the'different interests of the surround*
inf country. This, however, will be remedied, we
are told, before another fair ia; held, when there
will be a general invitation extended to persons
throughout this and the adjoining counties, to be*
come members of this society. •
a October 24, 1849.
Bricker vs. Potts—lndiana Go.—Judgment af*
firmed—Opinion by Justice Rogers.'
Mcdorg vs. Henry—WestmOselnnd Co.— De*
cree reversed—Opinion by Justice Burnside.
Williams vs. Williams—Fayette Co.—Argued
by Deford for Plff. in error, and J B. Miller for Dll.
in error. .
Debolt va. Wilson—Fayette, Co.—Argued by
Howell and Miller for Plff. in error; Patterson and
Veech for Dft. in error.
Gilbert va. WiUon —Wishington Co.—Argued
by Watson and Montgomery in error, Acb*
eaon for Dft. in error.
Road from CreeV to Millegan’a—Green Co. —
Proceedings Quashed.
Boyd va Shaw —Fayette Co.—-Argued by-Veech
and Howe.l for Plff in error; Patterson for .Dft. in
Grygg #». Porter—Fayette Co.—Judgment of
Non Pros.
Rhodes va Jones —Fayette Co.—Argued by
Veech and Howell for Plff in error; Dsnson for
Dft. in error.
Ingraham va Riner—Greene,Co.—Argued by
Howel for Plff in error; Ewing and Black for Dft
in error- »
Coart af (Quarter Sessions.
OpTOßfa 24,1549.
mobjicto sssato>.
Present, Hon. Benjamin Patton, President Judge;
and Wo. Kerr, Associate Judge.
The first case taken up this morning was that of
the Commonwealth va Jamea # O’Neil, David Rob
ioboo, and John McClaren. Indictment, robbery.
This case was continned fromjyetterday, and the
only witnesses examined were La to character; Mr.
Magellan opened the case on the part of the Com*
monwealth, and was followed tiy Messra Shannon
and Alden for the defence. |
Mr. Darragh made the address to the
jury. |
Commonwealth va Jamea Hanaworth. Surety
of the peace. The recognizance which was forfeit- .
ed ia this esse, was taken off the supplication
of Mr. Appleton. f
Commonwealth va Jacob gnd Peter Wild.—
Surety of the peace, on oath oj" Mary Fox; The
principal charge which the prosecutrix brought
against the defendants was that one. ol them hid
said to her, “Ah, thou black one?" Each party was
sentenced to pay their own
The Jary in the ease of the^Commocwealth vs.,
James O’Neil, David Robinson,- and John Mc-
Claren, retbrned with a verdict ©/ Guilty, recom
mending the prisoners, on account ol their youth,
to the mercy of the Court.
Commonwealth vs. John Fetter,; Charged with
obtaining goods under false pretence*. Mr. Kabo,
attorney for the defendant, requested the Court to
postpone the case, as bis clientuxrald not with safe
ty go to trial, owing to the absence of materia)
witneasea ll was postponed to tbo first day of the
next term.. j
The Court then adjourned, after forfeiting a num
ber of recognizances. •
U. S. CocaT.—The counsel jibr the prosecolion
tod for (he defence, in the cate of the U. Sutes vs.
lobn S. Bosler, occupied (he whole day yesterday*
with their speeches. . |
This trial has excited a great deal of attealion,
both tram the ability of the lawyers engaged on
eaeh side, tod the interesting! natme of the case
itself. j
. Speeches hive been'delivered on the part of the
United States, by Messrs. J. Bow*
mao Sweltzer, Deputy Attorney G-cneral lor the
United States, sad by CoL Safn’l Idlack, Walksr>
Irwin, and Wo. Beeson for thfe defendant-*
Judge Irwin will deliver his dhariTe this morning,
at tea o’clock, and the case wjll U ten go to the
Jury. e
YotmnrcL Dtpxavrrr.-—Wlyle » f e were in the
Mayor’s office yesterday morning, u. man named
Duane, who lives oflt the Fourth Street road,
brought hisliule sou, in mhoeeijhead was cut, and
bleeding from the effects of aiblow w.hich be had
received. Mr. Dnane told I(|b story as follows.
In tbo aamo neighborhood id which I live, a wo
man reside* who has a son, named Kobe rt Porter,
of about nine years of age. He La tbe came person
who was brought before yoariHouor a few dsya
ago, charged with stealing a dollar, and
who waa locked op la the watch houric. He is a
perfect nuisance lo the neighbors. To day he baa
hurt my son in the manner you see. Yesterday
nforning be knocked my little-daughter dowo with
a alone, and the same afternoon, he knoidted
another aon of mine down, in} every instance ae»
verely cuUing their heads. \
Tbe Mayor persuaded Mrv D., who wished to
lay an iaformation against the urchia, to
give him another trial, promiijing'tf he would not
inform against him, to have hjm locked up in the
watch bouse for two or three days-
We fear, however, that np place will suit him
except the house of refuge, id which he will prob
ably be rent in a year or ao, when his vices have
exhausted the patience of bia}neighbors.
PuactoLoar and Mstkiuomt. —Mr. Townsend
gives his closing lecture on Friday evening next,
at Philo HalL He baa choaejj rather a novel sub
ject to conclude with, to jtril: Matrimony. If
Phrenology ia practical in an# direction, it must be
with reference lo the selection of compao'cns /or
life. Wbo ever goes lo PhiloHall on Frida, f even
ing, will, no doubt, bear aomei thing decidedly rich
and interesting. Mr T. ia capable of doing mnp’e
justice to his subject. Suppose we ail fo and
learn some thing about Ibis felling married ! He
ia co-author of the well known treatise of “ 'Fowler
on Marriage." Ladies are admitted free, and gen
tlemen only charged one dime.
fcrmoTWo Tauu—Thejcaae of tbe Common
wealth va Barker, Kirkland, f and Sharp, indicted
for a nuisance committed in blocking up the pub
lic highways, and for obscehily, will bo tried this
tfcrniog. \
Cxowd*. —Wo never saw the rooms of the
Court House ao crowded as[tbey now are with
lawyers, and witnesses, cliegts and criminals.
Stoles Goons Rxcovxaxb.—The Mayor- and
officers Hill and Barr were fetching all Tuesday
night in a hay loft, where a lot of stolen goods
were concealed, expecting t*> discover tbe Tasoala
who bad taken them, but thfey did not mrie their
appearance. The police llum brought lb e stolen
goods to tho Mayor’s office. They c oaaist of
pieces of bed licking, woollen hose, loavelof so*
gar, ice-, wb ich are supposed to bsve b sen stolen
from a Mr. Kiel, who beep* a grocery store out
the Fourth street road. |
Bapreme Coart*
A Siaioct Jus*.—A m»c w«»broufl ittothe May
or’s Office yesterday, and locked up In fee cells, who
was charged with taking a cap from a fellow hoarder
and trading it off to one of fee police officers, who
gave him another cap and two dollars for it. Ho as
serted that it was all a Joke, as he me ,am merely to an
noy bfa aomrade; but has doubtless I hud out, ere this,
that practical jokes of this kind ai * too Mrieaa le be
played off with impunity*
Ruuioss NoTJca—A meeting of growing interest
is in progress in the First Cambetland Presbyterian
Chnreb, in this city. Rev. Alexander Baird, of Ken
tucky—a young preacher of snperior ability and at
tainments—is laboring with much tueeets. :
Preaching every evening at 7 o’clock. .
New Poo* Hoes*.—At a meeting of the Guar
dians of the Poor, held at their ofiiee on Fourth
street, on Tuesday afternoon, it was [resolved
“That the present building on the City Farm hav
ing become too small to accommodate the wants
of the city poor, it is necessary that a lsirger one
be erected on the city farm.
A committee was appointed to carry this reso
lution into effect. :
BOOKS for subscription to the capital stock ol the
Citizens 1 Insurance Company of Pitutrnrgh will
be opened In the Board of Trade Rooms on Monday,
the sih day of November, at 10 A. M
Shares fifty dollars each. Two dollars and fifty
cents each snare to be paid on nbscription. :
. Wm. J-arimer, Jr. Robert Woods;
Wm. B. McClarg. Joseph Plummer,
8. M. Kier. Jouah Erg u ;
John Sheriff, Alex. Rosehnrz.
H. D. King. octl6-inovs
Booti and BhMf<
BUVI* *lll. BHUV*. ■
A SPLENDID assortment jnst received,tollable for
the Fall and Winter Trade, consisting in part of
REN'S WARE, of every variety and style, ond at
prices to suit the limes. Those wishing repurchase,-
Arholeaale or retail, will find it to their advantage to
rive as a call and examine for themselves. ;
©etl7 corner Fourth and Smithfieid. su.
(P*Dont fprtret the place. j
RECEIVED and now open for exami
nation, a new and splendid assort
menlof7 Octave Pianosfrqm‘.‘Chick-
V I V | |> ering” ’ Boston, among them a full
carved Louis XIV. ordered for one of our citizens, who
na* kiudty permitted it to remain in my ware room to
day (Wednesday) for exhibition. Those who may have
a aesire to see and hear this splendid specimen of art,
are respeetfally iuviled to call today at the store ol
JOHN II MEL LOR, 61 Wood st
Agent for Chickering’s Pianos fot Western Pa.
octl7 [
ihisdaryat W. M'-
CLINTOCK’S Carpet Warehoase, Noi 75 Fourth
si, a farther supply of Carpets, of the latest aud;mosl
approved styles, in whicn we invite the attention of
STEAMBOAT MEN. and those wishing to furnish
HOUSES, to call and examine the largest assortment
in the city, which we will sell cheaper than ever be
fore offered in the Western market. Cafpet Ware
house, No. 75 Fourth street.
rpu KQUOIS JEVVKLRV.—Just opening, a beautiful
X assortment ofTuiquoi*, Pearl and Diamond Jew
elry. Urtaat Pina, Bracelet*, Finger Ring*, Buckle*
glide*, Chain*, Far Ring*, Ac. Ac. » !
Also, aaplendid it ck ot gold and silver Watches,
if the quality mid at eastern price*—warranted.
-Diamond Spark*, Gold Pen&r-Solsr Lardl»ainp«, Ac.
oetlS ’ corner Market and 4th *u
aredesiroos of extending their bonnes* in the
ronnties of Fayette, (Jreeiie, Somerset, and also in
Western Virginia, will find the PaYKTTE WillO,
published ot Uniontnwn, * os it eir
eolotes largely in the places specified above. Terms
moderate. _ sng|fl:d3m*
. Exclusively for Passenger*.
PFlTt ßoatsof this Lice will leave
QSSS» follow*, at 6 o'clock at ntahu
[yimtnn»-J p Thompson, Tuesday, Oct. Iflth.
Indiana— P Burkey, Wednesday, 17th.,
Kemoeky—Capi ll Tniby, Thursday, 18th.
* Ohio—A Craig, Friday, lßth.
Loaisiaon—J P Thorapaon, Saturday, 30th.
Indiana— P Burkey, Sander, 21st.
Kentucky—CsplH ITuby, Monday, ifcid.
Ohio—Capi. A Craig, Tuesday, 23d
Louisiana—J P Thompson, Wednesday, 24th. /
Indiana—P Buraev, Thursday, Oct. sßth. or
Kentacky—H Tniby, Friday, flfith.
Ohio—Capt A Craig, Saturday, 27th.
Louisiana—J P Thompson, Sunday, 2&lh.
Indiana—P Burkey, Monday. 29th.
Kentucky—ll Tniby, Tuesday. 30ih.
Ohio—A Craig, Wednesday, 31st.
For passage apply to W SUTCtI,
Monongahela House,
oclld or D LEECH A Co. Canal Uasin
Tbs Ohartter* CoaJ Company.
BOOKS Will be open for subsaripuon tojthe stock i
u The Chartiera Coal Company,” oh and aft<
Monday, the *4th day ofSeplemher insL. at the o£e
of Z. \V. Remington, Penn si, Pittsburgh .
spcilidt! Z. W. RrIMINUTON.
- BURR MILL STONES, i manufaci
mm red La France,icomposedi of bat ft
J\ Block* and solid eye*— a largo asao
meat, ike beat of the kind, always
band;at greedy reduced price*.
ALSO—French Barr Mill Slone*
my own manufacture, made *f a d«
S9AU and superior quality of Block*. The
Barrs are made under my cjwn »open_
tendance, and as great care is taken to make tb<
joints close, and to ha«e alt the block* in eacn «lom
of a nnlfona temper, they are warranted ,to be of tbi
very best quality, superior to those imported fron
France; ana also superior to the ere-l mass of thosi
made in fh|i country, and at prices lower than havi
ever before been offered tu this market,
laurel Hill Mill Slones, all sues. ;
Bolling Cloths, all numbers; of the best quality, war
ranted to give satisfaction to the purchaser, and a
ereaity redact d prices. :
Mill Spindle*, Mill Irons, >erew* and Ticks, Plai
form Seales, Com and Cob Grinders; Grist and Ba*
Mill Castings of all kind*, and Mill Furnishing in geo
* r jiJu orders promptly attended to at 341 and M 6 Lib*
ertyttreet. near the Canal, Pittsburgh.l
my3fodcm tv. w, Wallace*
Bp th* President of thi Cnlud States.
IN pursaance of law, I, ZACHARY TA\I«OR,
President of the United State* of America. do hereby
declare and make known, that pablic 'kates will be
held at the undermentioned land Office* in the Stale
of MISSOURI, at the period* hereinafter 1 dciignated,
10 Land Office at JACKSON, commencing on
Monday, the icveath day of January next, for the dis*
posal of the public land*, altaslcd within the Under*
mentioned townships, and pan* of town*|*ps, vix :
Norik t/ the bast lint, and east of di« Ji/th \ prtn*pal me
ridian. !
Township twenty-two, (except ssclion* seven, se
venteen, eighteen. nineteen, twenty, iwetily-mite. thir
ty, thirty -one, and thirty-iwo,) of range font.
Township twenty-two. of range five.
Fractional township sixteen, and township twenty
ty-two. of range six. ; ,
Fracuonai sowhthips sixteen and idventeea, snu
township twenty-two, of range seven.
Fractional townships sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
and twenty township* twenty-two: and twenty
three; and section* three to ten inclusive- *fk»een to
twenty-one inclusive, »nd twenty-nine; to thirty-two
inclusive, in township twenty-six. of range ejght.
Township tnncteendcxccpi Iraetional sections thirty
one. thiry-two. ihiriy-thter, thirty-four, thirty-five,
and ihirty-six.l fractional township twcijty, and frac
tional township twenty-one. -{except UeeUoua one,
twelve, thirteen, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty
6ve, twenty-six. twenty-seven, tbiny-lour, thirty-five,
and lhlrty-*ix.J ol range nin-.
The northwest fracuon of section »U. in township
nineteen, and fractional township twenty, of range
North qf iA« the ban lint, and vttt of the jifth principal
Township* twenty-three, twenty-four; tweatjr-eight
and twe> ty-nlne, of range eight- . j
Township* twenty-three, twenty-four, iwenty-five,
twenty-six, and twenty-eight, of range nine.
Township* twenty-sne, twenty-two ,i twenty-three,
twenty-'our, twenty-five, and Iwe-ity-*!*, of range ten.
At the Land office at SPRINGFIELD, commencing
on Monday, the fourteenth day of January next, forth-l
disposal of the public lands within the ohdermciuioiiedl
township* and fracuonai townships, vix: I
NrolA o/Uil bast lint, and vest <tf |A« J\/\h principal me|
Fractional township twenty-one, and townships*
twenty-five and twenty-six, ol range eleven. |
Fractional township twenty-one, of kanges twelve,*
thirteen, fourteen; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,!
nineteen, twenty,' and twenty-one.
Fractional township twenty-one, and township twen
ty-four, of range twenl,-two.
Fractional township twenty-one, and townships
twenty-three and twenty-four, of range twenty-three.
Fractional township twenty-one, and townships
twehty-lhree and twenty-four, of ranrt tw.enty-four.
Fractions! township twenty-one, of ranges twenty
fire and twenty six.
At the Land Offico at CLINTON, commencing on
Monday, the twenty-first day of Janusta next, for the
disposal of fee public lands within fee [following nam
ed »wn»hips, to wit: .
Httlh of (4s bolt fiiu, arvd trot «J lA* fifth princi'poi mt-
Township thirty-fire. of range eighteen.
I.and* appropriated by law tor tbe nse of Sehoots,
military, and other purposes, will beiaicladed from
the tale*. , , . ~1 .
The offering of ibe above mentioned land* will be
c-oumenced on the day* appointed. »ni) proceed id (be
order in which they are advertised, with all conveni
ent despatch, until ihc whole shall have been offered,
and the sale* thus closed; but no sale shall be kept
on-n longer lhantwo weeks, and i o private entry of
»ny of the lands will be admitted until alter the dxpi
ration of the two weeks. j ..
(iiven under my band at the city of Washington! this
fifteenth day of September, Anno Dom|ni one thousand
eight hundred and forty-nine.
By the President:
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to
»uy of the lands within the towni'lips and pajrts df
township* above enumerated. is required to establish
the ttmi! to the sinlsfactioii.or the Register anJ Itecei
ver of the proper Land Office, and raakt payment there
for a* soon a* practicable alter seeing; tala notice, and
be lore the day appointed for the commencement of the
public aale of the lands embracing the tract claimed,
otherwise such claim will ba forfeited
0 J. BtrifrERFIELD,
Commissioner of the General Land-Office.
ociffidlawUhW * _ _
t** mus rxou sut-TtMoat,
unosa ntt dissctios o*
JUra. Lincoln Pholpi,
by many ablePntuorthnd Ttoehtri,
Wtii. commence a new scholastic year on the BBlh
of NEXT. Pnmls entering for
the new year can be accommodatedjiluriiig the vaca
lion with 1.0 on' »' Iho ln«li“''. «««• P™P=f ■“P";
▼ision or ins.Tui'ttou. Terms 0340,. for board and ail
necessaries c.mnected with It, and for English educa
tion for the scholastic year of forty-four weeks. Ac
complishments, Languages, kc., with board in vaca
tion, extra charges. , j_ , . .
For bealthfulnoss of location, (aituhted in n high and
i salubrious region,) beauty of scenery, and facility 6t
access for travellers, ihe Patapsco institute is unsur
| passed. That iu advantage* for bestowing a liberal
and accomplished education arc appreciated by the
pablie, is fully demonstrated by ill-past and present
prosperity. mygElmVdiat-j-tßtn Pat. ,
And owners of real e«.tXte and spec
•WINDOW APPARATUS.—A gentleman of Philadel
phia, who holds from tho patentee r.igbl for the Stale
of Pennsylvania, has entrusted to tho undersigned the
•disposal of the right for the westeni paJt of the same.
Tho invention is among the most useful of the age, en
abling one to open, shut, bow, and; bolt the windows
from the inside, without-raising tbeisaab. The apara
tus supplies the place of larnbucklesj rings, staples, and
lower hiltges. When the windowp'ar.s nearly shut,
they cannot be opened-from tbe outside; when lower
ed. ibry are fast without tying] open, they are
fast without torn-buckles. Those interested in building
improvements, should call at oned and 1110
ootUdlm ; Bed Lion Hotel.
BINDERS’ DOAR’JS —123,0 U) Binders Boards,
(straw) Chambershorg «“^ T ?S&£sio3f mnd
ACUt f£u£s«
PROPOSAL! von utdiab ooooa.
DxFaanmrr or m laraaiua,
Omcx Jars us Anun. Hmxan 9.1819.
SEALED PROPOSALS will b« received *t lb* Of
fice of the Commisuoaer of Indian Afihirast Wash
ington City, trnal 10 o’clock on Thursday, the lit day
of November next, for' furniahiag the fcllowinr roodi
in the qumidei annexed, or thereabout*, for the cm
of the Indiana, and deliverable in the city of New
York, viz:
2,100 pairs-3 point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
1,900 pairs 2j point white Mackinac blankets, to
• measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six
1,175 pairs 2 point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 42 by 56 incheq, aod weigh five
and a quarter pound*.
9SO pairs 11 point white Mackinac hlanketi, to
measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh four
and a quarter pounds.
900 pain 1 point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh three
and a quarter pounds.
400 pairs 3 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
300 pairs 2l point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, aod weigh six
100 pair* 31 point green Mackinac blankets, to
r measure 66 by 84 inches, and weigh lea
pounds. ' .
300 pairs 3 point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
250 pain 2l point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six
100 pairs 3i point geniinella blue Mackinac
blankets, to measure 66 by Si inches, and
' weigh ten pounds.
3 400 pairs 3 point gentiuella blue Mackinac blan
kets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh
eight pounds.
300 pairs <U point gentineila blae Mackinac
blankets, to measute 54 by 66 inches, and
weigh six pounds.
Dry Gtods.
' yards scarlet Strouds.
-ards bl ■>nds.
b&O yard# blue stroni
1,800 yards fancy list cloth, bine.
700 yards fancy list doth, scarlet.
300 yards fancy list cloth, green.
IPOO yards gray list cloth, bine.
3,000 yards saved list cloth, bine.
1,600 yards saved list doth, scarlet.
600 yards saved list cloth, green.
225 pounds wonted yarn, 3 fold.
lOb dozeo cotton flag handkerchiefs.
« 2SO dozen cotton Madras handkerchiefs.
175 dozen black Bilk handkerchiels.
90 dozen 8-4 cotton shawls.
SO dozen 6-4 cotton shawls.
65 dozen 4-4 cotton ahawls.
40 dozen 8-4 woollen shawls.
28.000 yards domestic calico.
5,000 yards English and French calico.
10,000 yards Merrimack calico.
3,500 yards blue drilling.
8,000 yards Georgia stripes.
4,000 yards blue denims.
1,600 yards cottonade.
7,000 yards domestic shirting, bleached.
IS,OOO yards domestic shirting, unbleached.
15,000 yards domestic sheeting, unbleached. -
8,000 yards checks, strtpes,’and pbuds.
400 dozen woollen socks.
7,000 yards plaid iinsey.
1,500 yards flannels, assorted.
1,600 flannel shirts.
700 calico shirts.
430 pounds linen thread. !
550 pounds cotton thresd.
400 dozen spool cotton, Nos l to 30.
pounds sewing silk.
' 700 pieces riband, assorted.
4,300 yards bed ticking.
1,000 yards Kentucky jeans.
’ 500 yards satlinets.
ISO gross worsted gartering.
200 pounds Chinese Vermillion.
20 dozen silk handkerchiefs, bark Be Bandana.
150 gross Taney and clay pipes.
1,780 pounds brass kettles.
1,090 tin kettles.
76 nests of japanned kellies, 8 in a nest.
276 dozen butcher knives.
28,009 gun flints.
25 gross squaw awls.
7,000 fish hooks.
25 dozen fish lines.
25,000 needles, assorted.
100 dozen combs, assorted.
10 dozen scissors, assorted.
10 gross gun worm*.
12 down axes, to weigh from 41 to 5* pound*.
50 dozen half axes, to weigh 3| pounds.
21 doxen hslcbets, to weigh 1} pounds.
Agricultural Implement*, fe.
730 axes, to weigh from 41 to 51 pounds.
400 half axes, to weigh 31 pounds.
200 hatchets, to weigh U pounds.
25 broad axes.
200 drawing knives, 12 inches in length.
700 augers, m equal proportions ofl 1,1, I, and
1 inch.
150 pairs hamea.
750 pairs trace chains.
300 pounds brass kettles.
1,500 weeding hoed.
175 hand saws.
40 cross-cut saws, 7 feet in length. I
40 cross-cut saw*, 6 feet In length. 1
100 naod-saw files.
100 cross-cut saw files.
40 log chains, to weigh 25 pounds each.
600 WhiUemore cards, No 10.
700 quarters socket chisels.
90 planes, fore and jack.
Northwest Guns.
650 Northwest guns, two4hirds of which most
measure 36 inches in length ot barrel, and
one-third 42 inches, to be delivered in the city
of New York or Philadelphia, as may be re
Samples of all the shove article* are deposited lit the
office of the Commissioner of Indian Atfitr*; and it
may bu proper to remark that those ofhardware, ngri
caliurnl implements, and northwest guns. are entirely
new, anil of better quality than tbe article* heretofore
furnished under former contracts.
The proposals may bedtvided into four parts, viz:
Ist. Blankets,
ltd. Dry Goods.
3d. Hardware, to include agricultural implements,
4lh Northwest gun*. L
The lowest competent responsible bidder wilt reeet,
the whole or anypart of the contract according to iht
above *eale, the Department reserving to itself the right
to determine whether the bidder is competent and re
sponsible, or not
The whole amount in moaey to be applied to the
parebase of good* will bo about S9Q.COO, bat the De
partment reserve* the right to increase or diminish the
quantity of any of the articles named,inbsuiule.oth*
er* in lieu thereof, or to require, at similar prices, sueh
a* may he wanted for presents or other purposes, in
tbs adtn nistration of tne affairs of the Department-
Goods of American manufacture, all other things being
equal, will be preferred; but as all the samples of
blankets and cloths are af foreign manufacture, it will
be necessary when a domestic article is bid for, that a
sample rfit should accompany the lid, to eaablethe
Department to decide whether it is of equal quality
with the sample* to be exhibited.
The party proposing to supply the articles will moke
I an invoice oi ail the items embraced in the above list,
I and ailix the prices, in dollars and cent*, at which he
or they will furgiah them, deliverable in New York,
(or if the contractor prefers it about one-half of the
quantity may be delivered in &t. Louis, Missouri, free
ofexpentc to the Government,) on or before the 13th
day cf May next, assuming the quantity of each arti
cle as specified in this advertisement, and extending
the cost, making an aggregate o! the whole invoice
constituting the bid. The goods will be inspected in
New York, (and in St. Louis, if any portion of them
should be delivered there,) by an agent of the United ,
Sutc*, who will be a-ipouued by tne Department for
the purpose, and to ascertain the conformity of the i
articles purchased with the sampler exhibited, when |
-the contract vhall be mode, and with the lha
contract itself, which shall contain a clause that if the
article* are'not furnished within the time prescribed,
oriftbey are of insufficient quality in the opinion of
the agent aforesaid, and if within five diys after no
tire of such insufficiency the party shall not furmth
othetsin lieu thereof of the reunited quality, the Uni
ted States shall beaulhoriita to parehase them of
others, aid to charge any increase of price they may
be compelled to pay therefor, to the contractor, who
shall pay the said difference to the United Slates.
Bonds will be required, in the amount of the bids,
with two go'jd sureties, the sufficiency of whom to bo
certified by a United Slates Judge or District AUor
ney, for the faithful performance of the contracts.
Payment will be made after the contract is completed
aud the delivery of the goods as aforesaid an agent
oftho Department, upon a duplicate invoice certified
by him.
Communications to be marked “Proposa's for In
dian goods.”
The bid* wi 1 be submitted with, the following head
ing, and none will bo received that are not made in
the form and terms here prescribed: = i
' “I {or we) propose to furnish for the service of the I
Indian Department the follewittg goods, at the prices to them respectively, viz:
(Here insert the list of roods.) I
Deliverable in the city of New York (or tfL Louis) tm j
or before tbc day of itox*; and in case of the
Bccvptaitic of b<s proposals, the quautitv being pre
scribed by the Department, 1 (or we) will execute a |
contract necordiug to this agreement, and give satis
factory seeunty to the Department within ten days
after the acceptance of this bid: and in ease of failure
to enter Into such contract, ana give such security, 1
(or we) will pay to the United Stales the difference be
tween the sums biddeu by roe (or us,) and the stun
which the United Slates may be obliged 19 pay for the
0 £ach and every bid must a'ao be accompanied with
a guaranty in the following fornno be signed by one
or mote responsible persons, whose sufficiency must
be ecrtiiiedjiy some one who is knows to the Depart
ment, either personally or by his official position.
“1 (or we) hereby guaranty, that •> the above
bidder, will comply with the terms of the advertise
ment for 'proposals for Indian goods,’ dated tSih Sep
tember, IM9, if the contract should be awarded to
and enter into bond for the execution of the same
within the lime prescribed.” |t- »-J
Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
H7“NOTICE.—The lime for opening tne bid*
tended 10 the In day of December next, el 10 o’clock,
A. M-, and the time of delivery of the good* to the in
of Jane. 1-40. The Regulation forbidding extract* to
be taken from the contract* of former year* haa been
respiaded. octai-tDecl O B.
Tla Plate*.
THEsuß*criber» beg to call the attention of Builder*,
Architects and owner* of Building*, to the many
advantage* which the*e plate* posse** over all other
metallic substances hitherto need for roofing, fte., *•
they posse** at once the lightness of Iron, without its
liability to rust, having now been tested for several
year* in this particular, both in this country and in Eu
rope. They are less liable to expansion and contrac
tion from sadden change of the atmosphere, than com
mon un plates, iron, line, orany other metal now used
for roofing, and consequently form a much better and
tighter roof; featuring far less frequent repairs, whilst
the first cost is hut a infle more.
A fell supply, of all sizes, from 19 to 30 W. G., con
stantly on hand and for sale by
U and 19 Beaver street, New York.
I Tbs patent right for this article having been seeured
for the United States, all parties iafnnging thereon
either by Importation or otherwise, wiiroe^rosecu-
TT7OFLD the attention of city end
“v coantry Merchants to their ehoice stock of
PALL AND WINTER GOODS, whieh for extent and
variety has probably never been eqaalled In tho West
ern country. Possessing the «■«» facilities and ad
''■fntsge* enjoyed by Eastern Ilooses, by having one
or the partners constantly in tho East among theman*
uractarers. Importers ane Auction Mouses, they are
prepared to oder the same advantages in style and
£” ee *> caa be obtained of the largest Eastern
*ing large cotnieimienu* of DOMESTICS from
■ ■ —aftctaren of New England, ihey a n enabled
‘ j , ?** *ood» at leu rates than they eon be pro
-fd of the Eottern Jobbera.
'* c . t ' l, “ibeire*ubli»htnent oflera equal, if not
£TLII ¥****• lll eTC| 7 deaeripuon of good*, tiun
thSr^^f 4 h “been elearly demonatrated to
Potion*. They feel confident if Met-
l,lw‘?? IpUu SR Purchasing East, will examine
y »»“* «©wlne& that they can boy
J? tbty of fi°od* at »oeh priees aawillaare
™V.?IL 0 r n JP orUt,oa ’ “d ti>« neeenary expense*
Tber mention a part of
Uch ** l &« found freth and com- i
Merrimack, Hamilton. Cocheco, and Manchester Com
name*; alto from the Print Work* of Dunnell, p. Allen,
Ad^A R,chmond * Cart ’ Ch«P«n*> America^
40 ease* GINGHAMS and CHINTZES, of the ben
130 ease* BLEACHED MUSLINS, of all tbe well
known and approved make*, for sale by the package
at Agent*’ price*.
3W»l.ale* BROWN MUSLINS, of all width-, quali
ties and prieet.
Plttikarfh StiamHarblaWork*,
NO. 94# LIBERTY, opposite Southfield street.—
Marbla Mantles, Monuments,Tombs,Ttble Tops,
Ac-a large variety of the moat beautiful kind, mule
of the finest quality af foreign and dotneatic marble,
alway* on k«sd or made’to order, by the aid of ma
chinery, on tbs shortest notice ana at the lowest price*.
N. B.—Tbfl Country Trade famished with all kinds
of Marble ax the lowest rates. All orderepromptly at
tended to at M Liberty, opposite Sralthfield st.
LULL’S Ftttnl Stone or French Bnrr SMUT MA
CHINK Use best article of the kind in use; they
run Ughl/eleta fast, do the work well, and wilt last a
lifetime. AbaMflßOof them are in use, in the best
mills in the cavalry, and we nave the strongest testi
mony of eoapaieaipenona as their superiority over
alt other Smut Mas nines. . For further particulars, ad
dress the svboeriber at 344 Liberty at. Pittsburgh.
_ myjfrdflm W W WALLACE
and other culls, always on hand, or made to order
on very short aocee, and at the lowest prices. All or
der* promptly attended to at 344 Liberty street, near
thedanah my3o W W WALLACE
J)LASTER PARIS—For lind, and.Olher purposes,
rty iL
INT—Always on hand, 11X44
GRINDSTONKS-r-AU- sizes sad grits, always on
hand at 914 Liberty street.
myfl) . W W WALLACE
iIT Is with pleasure that the subscribers
inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and vi
einity that they have completed arrange*
menu with Messrs. J. C. Jenkins fc Co.,
of Philadelphia, to receive their snperior
And will hereafter be kept constantly on
hand. They are neatly and securely pot
up m metallic packs of l, 4 and 1 lb. each,
with theirptinted card—snowing the kiua
of Tea, pnee, name of the concern and
depot in rnuadelphia, with an invitation to retain the
Taa, If not liked.
B ( Gunpowder «S| 75 IfO I£3 1,50
§ Imperii) 60 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
3 { Hyson— 50 «» 75 1,00 1,25
Sir: Hr son —5O C4j 75 14® 1,25 1,50
_ > Bldck 07$ SO
BIAC “’ l Fine and extra Fine- -75 1,00 1,25 1,50
We will wintni all ihe TEAB we tell to be eqnnl
to, ifnotcenauo»to*nr told in this city, end should
they not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be re>
tamed, and the money will be refunded, as it is only
vith |h »» understand!nr we sell.
We ask a iklr trial, that the pnbhe may be ablo to
idge between oor Teas and those heretofore sold by
>iber companies in this city.
AU lovers ofrieh, deliciou and good flavored TEAS,
ihoold rive os a call.
For sLe by JOS. S. M. YOUNG A CO.,
N W eomer4th and Ferry streets, and
8 W corner 3d and Rots streets
No. 78 Wood Btroot. Pittsburgh.
TTVBF.R ANDLAUFMAN, Importers anddealers
I~| in Foreign end Domestic HABDWAHE, in
tOiits varieties, ere now prepared lo sell as tow and
on as reasonable terms ascan bo purchased elsewhere.
We solicit oar friends, and the public generally, to
call and examine oar stock, which consuls in part of
sock as Locks. Latches, Hinges and Screws, together
with erery article usually kept iu Hardware Store*.
We invite the attention of Carpenters and Mechanic*
generally to our assortment of Tools, which have been
selected with great care, and which we are determin
ed to sell so a* to give satisfaction. apidAwT
THE undersigned have erected works in the city of
New York, for the parpose of Galvanising all arti
cles of Iron, whieh it is dcurable to PROTECT FROM
RUST, sach as Telegraph Wirey Bolts, Spikes, Nails,
Wire for Fenees, and any other article which 'may be
required. For Hoops for Cask*, as a substitute Cor bale
Rone; for Clothes lines. Lightning Rods, and a host of
other applications, it will be fonna cheap and durable.
They would particularly call attention to the Gulvani
wd wire for fenees; it requires no paint, and will not
rust. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of
which Is of to mach importance, that it will comment]
itself to the notice of all those interested.
GEO. B. MORKWOOD A CO., Patentees,
ocdXMlAwlyT 14 and lgßeaverst.N. York.
rrj- EacmoHS asp Bxtx Doxases.—JONES’S Ital
ian Chemical Soap causes a free perspiration, and at
the same time molifiet, softens, and whitens the skin,
giving it the texture and beauty of an infant's.
Sccarr, Sait Row* ahd Soxxs, are soon not only
healed, but cured by its use, us at least seven Physi
cians in New York know, who use it in such cases,
and find it unfailing—as also in
Putruts. llLorcucs, FxxcxLsSrOr any other skin dis
ease. The reader is assured that this is no useless
puffed nostrum, as one trial will prove I could enu
merate at least W persons cured of
Souk Sob* Lxsiass So** Bkaup.—Buy it.
and use it, and the reader is again assured I woold
~oi cruelly till it for the above tmjets I knew-it to be
all I state. Those who are liable!©
Cmrxa, Cxacxxd, ox Cuatkd Flesh, will find this a
cure. Any one afflicted with any of the above, or sim
ilar diseases, will find this all arm even more (admira
ble in it* properties) than I state.
But, reader, the stores are flooded with imitations,
and be tare you ask for JONES’S Italian Chemical
Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON, 69 Liberty street,
Pittsburgh. augtfcdftwT
rrj* Tnx sum* or a vilb RxntLX it not more repul
sive than n bad, putrid breath, or <lar<, yellow diseas
ed teeth. If persons have these it is their own fault—
they can, for two shillings, buy an article that will
make their breaih pure am) sweet as tAs Spiff Jiir o
It cures di teases of the Gum*i spungy* or ulcerated,
and for the Teeth it is uuequmlled, removing the tartar,
fastening the teeth in the gums, and clean them as
white as the mats •/ rts Jntm North
Sueb, reader,, are the properties of~~Jones'i Amber
Tooth Paste, and, without praising it ourselves, hear
what one o( our most respectable and scientific Den
lisw, Mr. K. Field, of New York, says:
u l have both used and analized this beautiful ttnd un
palpable article,' (Jones’.Amber Tooth Paste,) and
can recommend it as possessing alllhequalitiesclaim
ed for it.” Reader, we can tay no more to convince,
only that if you try this onee you will be well pleased.
[t is pul up in beautiful English China Pits; for 24
cents, sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, SO Liber
ty street, Pittsburgh. angfitdftwT
Tp“ All ooop' cmzxs* are honorably assured that
the following are the actual qualities of a 3s. boitle of
Jonas's Coral Hair Restorative. If they' doubt our
word, they cannot these highly respectable citizens
who have tried iu—
Mr. Geo. Becket, -il Elm st. New York.
Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av. Brooklyn.
Mr. Win. Tompkins, W King st, New York.
Mr. That. Jaekton, Montour* Island, near Pittsburgh
11. K. Cullen,late barber steamboats. America.
And more than a hundred others state, though this
must suffice, that it will force thehair in grow on the
bead or face, stop it falling off, strengthen the roots,
removing scurf and dandruff from the roots, making
light, red, or gray hair assume a fine dark look, ana
keeping dry, harsh or why hair moist, soft, clem and
beautiful, a very, very long time.
Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, SO Liberty st,
'Pittsburgh. Price 37|, SO cents, and one dollar.
They are notaware bow frightfully injurious it is
to the skin! how coarse, how rough, haw tal
low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ap
pears afterusingprephredchalk! Be- '
tides it is injurious, r-ontaining a
•’— large quantity of Lead!
We have' prepared a beautiful vegetable article,
- It U perfectly innocent, being purified of all delecrt
out qualities; and il Imparts to the skin a natnralpieal
thy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time
acung at a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and
IS. Sold by the Agent WM. JACKSON, 69 lib
erty st Pittsburgh. Price 84 cents. aug?:dftwT
JfgggN- No. 05, DIAMOND ALLEY, a
few doors below Wood street, to
DR- BROWI) having beta
JBEXyßmmjf regularly educated to the mediea
BHBS4Rn profession, and been for seme time
In general, practice, now confines
his auentum to the treatment of
■MHfIBKT those private and delicate com|
plaints for which bia opporttuiiie ,
and experience peculiarly qnalil*,
him. ll yeora assiduously devotes
S«tudrfttreatmentoflhoM which
lime tohai had more praetieeand has cured more pa
tients *h»n can ever foil to the lot of any private press
titioner) amply qualifies him to offer aszurewea 61
speedy, permanent, and sausfactory cure to ail afflicted
with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising there!.
Dr Drown would inform those afflicted with privets
diseases which have become chrome by time or id
cravated by the as* of any of the common nostrums of I
uUday.that their eompUtnuean be radically aadthorj:
oughly eared; he having given his careful attention to
the treatment of sueh eases, andsueeeeded in hundreds
of instances in earing parsons of inflammation of the
neek of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often,
result from those cases where others have, consigned
them ut hopeless despair. Me particularly invites snob
as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others
to eoiuraH him, when every satisfhetloa will be rxrea
them, and their eases treated in a careful,thorough and
intelligent manner, pointed out by a long experience
gtudy. andinvestigation, which ills impossible for thos
engaged in general practice of medicine to give an
one class of disease. _ „ . . _
QT”Hernia or Brown also Invites per
soaraffllcted with Hernia to call, as he has paid parue
'ntion to this disease.
| U &j£ , ' No . a, DUmond«ll«r, oppo1» «• *"">
Bend alley. Pittsburg*, r*. 1 '
borne : 4ml*
nT No aare no P»r ■■ 1 ; 1 1 -—7
-T,:* fob. b ALB«—a email Black
U-J V.». '-;-.v:
40 ease*Aß& bales of of tha York, 11am-'
then, Amohkeag and Otis Companies.
X bales Red, White And Yellow FLANNELS,'a v *V
complete assortment for sale low by the bald or piece; .
received direetfrom-manufaeturei*.-.:: if; •
BROADCLOTHS anil CABSIMERE9, of the mani- •'
faemers of S.Blater A Boa, Hill A Carpenter, Par
num, Harris, grade.' ,
CASSINhTS,'JEANS and TWEEDS.—44 eases of
all the various manufactures.
of the Hamilton and Msnehestrr Works; also, fall as
sortment cflForeign manufacture.- ' >
SO cases colored MUSLINS, for sale by (he ease at
Agents 1 prices. ■ i ,
Drown, Bleached and Colored CANTONFLAN
NELS, of all the ntusl makes: also Cloak Linings.
Mora than SO esses. Also, 300 pieces French Merino,
Lyoneie and Paramatta Ciotha.
SILKS and SHAWLS—SOO ps. of black and fancy.
Silks; nearly fiOOOShhwls, loeg and square,-of jR . -j
-kinds, AlskVisetes. Cloak Scarfs, Ae.
A full assortment of White and Linen Goods. Also,
Hosiery and Gloves, Embroideries, Laces and Trim
mines, Mourning Articles, all qualities, sixes and make
of Blankets! , . .. „ ‘ _,
RIBBONS—3O boxes of nch Bonnet aad Cap Rib
bons; also. Velvet, Silks, Solids, Ac., with every otb- ■
er deserijiion of Millinery articles, Tutors 1 Tnm- *
ml Alftr which, together with a. general assortment of
Goods of the newest and most fashionable styles, will
! be offered at an extremely low advance.
I New Goods constantly received.
All Merchants are cordially solicited to call. -.1
■pUS | A. A MASON A CO. ■ .
va ASa a • •
JmL A WELL FINISHED ROOM, suitable for a
JBM Varicmor Gentlemen’s Furnishing Store. Al* •
so—• Several rooms sniuble for offices or Ar
tist’s rooms. E D GAZZAM, ‘ . j
. octiatf Office -Third street, ovcrPort Otfical j
A Vsluatts lual Batata for Balt,
LOT OF GROUND in the Diamond, Allegheny
City, adjoining Dr. Pressley's property,. <0 feet
frool by 180 feel deep to t-IS feet alley. Title Indispuv
table, and terms easy. For further particulars apply
to J. B. Miller, Federal street, Allegheny city, nearly
opposite M. Jenkins’ (tore, or to the subscriber.
Bcwicklcyvlllc, Oct. 7.—(ocU?-ti2w* . •
Por Bat* or bant. •;
w THE very desirable resldenee in Allegheny
|M City, lately occupied by R. W. Poindexter, and
JiKpossession given immediately. •
For terms, apply at this office, ortoW. W. WIL
SON, Market it. • . ■ 1 . octS. -.
ET.H Building and premises in Diamond alley, now.
"occupied by Mrs. Boyle, .having twenty, feet in
front, extending back towards Fourth street one hun
dred and ikrenty (bat. For terms, apply to
oetiaJ GEO. COCHRAN. 80 Wood st ,
i Kaglues for Bole,
cylinders, 4 feet stroke; 8 Boilers, SOfisat long, 3J
inches In diameter, all in good order, will be sold at a
bargain, be made soon. They have only
been in um about 18 months. - For particulars, inquire
pf \rPQl— R. HAYS. Ourette office
mFOR RB"lßT—The uansicn uou.e now
occupied by Mr*'. Atwood, titanird at Oakland,
with 80 acres of ground attached. Tie Mj**
isspaeiuas and convenient, and the ground well im
proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES A 00,
ang3l Water sri ’
/■a FOR SALE—A Brick House, (but one year
JEBbuiU,)and Lot,on Robinson street, Allegheny,
old Bridge. Pricolowand terms easy.—
Inquire of jygt S SCHOVER, HQ Seconder
FOR RENT.—The three 'story Briek Dwelling .
House, on Liberty, between Huy and Marbury <
streets, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession
Siven immediately. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or at :
to Bookstore of ...
comer Market and Third ■troelfc.
A THREE storied Dwelling House, being tha
house from Penn-street, in. Snyder's
Dow, on Hay street, immediate possession will bo
riven. Enquire of DAVID RJTCIIIE, Attorney, at
Law—office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley
and Grant street. ■
.Ton aicaT,; -
MFOUR new two story Bnch Dwelling Houses,
well finished and in complete orddr, on Cestet_.
Avenue, 7th Ward. Possession riven July Ist- s
Uenllow. Esquire of JOHN WAT^ACO,
ju6 ■ cornerof Liberty and Hand ata • ,
,ots for S*i«.
THE subscribers will sell at private sale, those two -
valuable Lots of Ground, situated cnTomatosL,
in the Third Ward of Allegheny City, eaeb havtng a ■
front of Si) feet, running back lUOfcet indepth to a2O
feci alley, upon which is built a stone wall, 85 by 100
feel, which contains stone enough to build cellars for
two comfortable dwelling houses, and in front there
are three shade trees, of 8 years gTowt&g and the side
walk Is paved with brick, all of whieh will be sold at
89UQ. Pitubuxgb'and Allegheny, or Coamy Scrip,
will bs token in payment. '
JA (I PHILLIPS, NoS Wood it,7.
orto WM. BENSON, immediately opposite said lots.
my£) '
FOR SALE—Five Jots eligibly situated la the floor- •
ishing town of Birmingham..'The lots are situi
ted on Donrnan street, numbered in F Bauman’s plan
-73, 79, eo, SI nnd eB—Cot No 75 fronting s» feeton Ala
ry Asn street, 70 feet deep; the other four 80 feet front
"each, by 80 feet deep.
Terras—Greater part of purchase money nay tol -
main for six years, secured by mortgage. Forpirtief
ulars, inquire of a SCHOVEK.
m yld 110 second st
Vsluabls for Ball, ’
ABOUT four miles el>o?e-Lock No. 2, at the month
of Pine Hna, Monoiigahela River. Tito Coal U
ofUte very best quality, ami easy of access. Any
camber qf acres, from tweuty*Gve to ahnndrM,uigbt
bo obtained. Tenons desirous of purchasing, .can.
rail on WALKER REED, on the premises,or Win.
Reed, opposite the Post office, who trill give any in*
formation concerning the property. The above wi 1
be sold at a great bargain.
riio LETT—A good brick Dwelling UoaM, utoue or.
i Robtmoa itreei, Allegheny. Ennairc of
situate on Web*ier street, 2S feet from High street;
90 feel fiont on Wcbtier, by sO feel to a five feet alley
—quite close to new court noube. Price S&5O. .Tonga,
*330 cash In hand; balance in one, two, three and fear
yean from the first of April last.
County and City Scrip taken for cask payment. In*
quire of' myld SSCHOYSR. 110 second st
80S Acrea Goat Lud for a*l«»
QlTUiirditea the Monosgabela river,about lOmilao
O from tivskurgh and 3 miles above third Lock, is
the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon & Short,
and .Mr. John Herron’* purchase. This fine body of
Coal will be sold at the low price of 533 per acre—oso
third (n hand, balance in fire equal annual payments,
without,interest. Title Indisputable. Location very
good chnnot bo surpassed. For farther particular!
eoquirebf S. BAL3LEY, who has a dealt of said pro*
perty. Residence 2d it, below Ferry, Mr. Adams’ Row.
N. B. There is another seam of coal on thi*' tract,
about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
jydfrdtf S.B.
Ttlubte BalldlßK Lou ror Bal<> -
THE Subscriber* are authotiied to offer at private
ule. aAdupon highly favorable terms, a number
of itry valuable Building Lots, comprising a targe . r ;
portion! of the Lots numbered 67, 6s, f*B and 70, id.
Woods’ General Plan of the City of Pittsburgh, shba
ted at the soaiheastwurdlyeornerofPcnnaad Wayne
streets, fronting SlOieei on the former, and extending
along the latter about 600 feet to the Allegheny river, ■■■
and being a part, of the Real Estate of the late James
S. Stevenson, Esq., deceased.
A plan or subdivision of the above Lots, in cantoN
mity with which may be aeon at
the office of the undersigned, on Founbjbetwesa l Mar
ket and Ferry sis. IVILLUM3 ft KDHN.
my 3 '
SA TWO LOTS on Beaver street, in the citr o
d Allegheny, above the opperCommoa*,onvihich
is erected a frame building, two stories high, suitable,
for two small tenements. The lots are e£-*n twenty
feet in front by one hundred Cent deep, ana-..v" **-»nh
to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pie?
raises will pay a very handsome interest on the in vorij
meat, and the property will bo sold cheap for eosh..'
Apply to H. SprouT, Clerk’s office;’!!. S. or to ;
nov® . say a co
BcotcEliottom Lsad/prßtis, ■
TEN AUREtfOP LAND, situated m Peebles town*
ship, 011 thc-Monongahda, three tulles from Pitts*
burgh—in lots to suit purchaser*. For further panic*
ul„. .ppl,.. llcrr tvASHINGTON, -
novJWtf 4th, above Smithflela st
U*B offers for sale the three star? brick Vfarehous*
■nr * oa Wood street, occupied by R. Tanner A Co.
Bpl7 ™ WhL WLLSON, Jr.
V FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground situate on Pens
street, between llay and Marbury streets, adjoining
the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
having a front of «4 Teel, and in depth 150 feet, will be
sold on favorable terms. . Title unexceptionable.- En
quire of C.O. LOOMIS, 4ih st; near Wood.-
octifl-dtf • ■
Tor Sole*
A DESIRABLE Building Lot in Allegheny city, fa
vorably bested, in sue shout half an acre, and
will be sold on accommodating terms. Inquire of
feW J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood 8}
IX for rent—a room in the second story. No
S.Sd Wood street ■ i
~ property tn AUsgbsuy City for Solo.
THE subscribers offer for tale a. number of eboiea
Lots, situate in the Second Wardjfroorijig on th* .
Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire ot
•- w. O’U. ROBINSON, AUy at Law, St '
erofJASßOßlNSON.OD'lhopremises .
new arrangement.
(Exeiiuitety forPauemcer*,)' • .
THE public are informed that on and after BatanUyv -
tholttofSeptembervthe p*«en«r* UM
will be curried oterUic Central Rail Road &«b U": '
iiiown to llariUbargh, and from thence to PJuladcl- ;
pbiu by the Hani*buruh and Columbia. Rail Road*.—
Srlhi»aewurrti«einentp»»aen«x» willfoifuouffh -
rn osu nut l»* Tin* than heretofore-
The Packet* of this Bine are new and of the heft,,
-w Thi* route for safety, speed and comfort, i» the
moll preferable nowiuuwtotho Raetern citiej.
Rail Road* are all paved in. day Time, 3 •
daV* P re, Ten Dollars. For icfonaa iou apply to
.f*’ *’ ’ W SUTCH, Moiviarahrla House. .
oc ,l ' br Dto LEECH ACO.danaTßMim__
V** Yooible()>iiiy Hirer*
•n, cf pleudta Mt end f«t rennin* .
_?«SSSaigM » n. Fc*a, Muter, will rugae a dal.
Iv neckel (Sunday■ excepted) bet wetta II,
2,5 WKSr NKIVTON. on op*M|if of aayinbea oa .
Yoa.hi«he»r Uwm.W« Slrvma from U»
-n«r rfkaitßoat. everyxacrmagat9o’clock. Re- .
MuSlat. Pitubargb from Wharf liott above
tha NonoaeattU Dndge,every eretunr atio’ctock.
GOODS received by Agent* on bo aid the Wheif'
Tbe Farmer bat bern built expreuly for the
YoaJcbioghenv rirer, and the public may rely on her
frTniintn* permanently m tbe trade. '
Particular attention paid to ell way freight end pea.,
wnxent- ' ’ • • ~ • T eecafcwaT ■
. 080. W. HAITU .
XNFDRM tieir friesdi sod Ute public ihitthcy hsVo -
co loogetmafconnectivevrtajheir laweiubUib';-
meai In Peon «tree>» known u the PUabarxh Brewer t 4:
bavins removed their entire buiaeuto thePOlV : Pir street. nylSaJ 'n ;•
Cm BAP CALICOES-A. A; Muon ACo. erenow.
j openinf ievea cases of Tut Colored Calieoeejat.
the low price of djc. . *■••>• --'ottSl;-
C\ HEEB&—SX| bxa Cheese; j oirrec’d sad ferule by
: v. «o® v sellers *rocw*-