The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 25, 1849, Image 1

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A. ,«d .Oetlen' inProdue
- _T_
a, Coauainioa Merehaau
:e, No. St Market street
». riouruLD.
BU9IIFIELD ft LEA. Wholesale dealers in
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, tfusbargh
•tuanfaetorsd ankles, ftcL, No. stio Liberty, street.
Pittsburgh. jyg j
BRAllt i k EfcJ/EH, Wholetale aod Retail Png*
gut#, *»re«r«fUbeTty and St. Clair «tr«eu, Piu**
ftargti, J*» mayl4
cxm irxn, x. *. s*ows.
EROWi.' * CULBERTSON, Wholeaalo Grown,
ud Cioimiwtoc Merchants, No. 143, Liberty *t_
finstmnli. Pa. • de3l
• tail Ontgyists. eonier|
!""Co, Wboleaale ud Ee-
Weod and Cih »tt. jyl
/holeaale Grocer*, 1b and
TJZUAtifr'^fc SMITH,
f) flp Wood ctrret Pitubi
CONTINUED to e fait parucalaj.BUenuon to the
ueßtaeotefOi*eue»oi the SION, UCBOfrUiA
•sd Di»ett«c» of tic THROAT. ** '
Otfee houv » 4L&L, 1 P. Ul and 7 P. M.
jrax i CUM.
i_ w. ». txisxta.
fIBAIG & BlUNNfett, Forwarding aadCcmnuuic
V McrchinU No.aSjMwkot *!, Pittsburgh. »pls
CA. MeANULTY Forwarding ant) Con
• minion HerctianU, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pi
I meh»
Pigutißt gtut Md'iroß
pOIiEMAWi' HATI.MAN A Co, sunalaeiarsrt 91
V/ Coach aid Eliritic Springs, Hammered Axles,
Spring and Hooch fcteel, Iren,. Ac. Warehonso on
.-.Water and Front greets, Pittsburgh.
. Also, dealers -mi qoaeh Trimmings and Malleable
Castings. 1/ ' ocUd
•, (Late of New Vork )-
jpyyica Bnbttflma. (street, between Seveath and
i htiaerWny alley. '
iN. a—Diseases a/the mouth, gams and teeth treated
1 * UosMßOpatlaeafly. • l aptlo^3m
iWM. s. assnon, j -: lum j. imm,
NM>USH.ABENNCTT, (late English, Gkllaghei
J/ A Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For
■i spun* Merchants, and dealers la Produce and Pius*
I ufb Hanafectares, No. 37. Wood si-,between vd and
la streets. - ~ : i octl
r 'sidmi w-mura _" - : j«jtaso.TKknu.~
W. UUITU A CO., .Drawers, Walneti
..'CTand-Hop Dealers, Pm »t, Pqiibnrgh: spttS
GEOfeGE CdCHEANTt^mnuisioa'aadVorwarding
McrchmyNo. 9S Wood street Pittsburgh. myU
t C. H. UAK.a., UlTt).,
WTBS-On Smlthfield st., between 3d and 4th.
uflee boon—From 13 M.,10 S f, M.—from 6 io », P.
M. Assmsscs—Mr. Dander’s, cornet Smlthfield
and Third sa. -■' . . . sptwdUm
Ji AM 11.1 ON BTKWAR'i, manafactarar of llea‘v>
XL Winnings, Checks,'Ac., .Bcbecca street, city m
Allegheny. ; ■ j llo Ti3^)r»
HLEK, (sneenssor to Murphr ALeeJ Wool Deal
• er and Commission Merchant, for the salb 01
American Woolens, liberty, opposite fith st. fot>l7
a. wit. main, i *“*
a.j.sccxjßa, xowazsaxiio,, '
s. c. a’cJjtmos, jana a. wum 1 J«iUd». .
TJEALD A UUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission Her*
XL chanti, 41 North Water at, AlONorthWhonres,
?• - :• . . nos3o-tf
‘•l'Wttii 1 wx. Mono.
TJ ARDY, JONES A Co., (successors to Atwood,
JLL Jones A Co.) Cemmisxjoa and Fbfwanllng Mer-
Meats, Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods.
PlQsbHrgh, Pa. mchg7
• tssisH oicaii, , xosn* mexxr. ;s,
T SAJAiI PICKET A Co- Wholesale Grocers. Com*
A suasion Merthanu, and dealers in Ptodace, N0f.63
Water, anti 1W Front streets, Pittsburgh. nosS
jo ua a uswokiß. • jdixth jilwosiil
1 8* DILWURTIFA Co, Wholesalo Grocers, Pro*
V • dsee and Commission Merchants, and Agents
for the Hazard Powder Co, of N. Y- No. si Wood at,
; t „ *gw
*L ftiWNBKHiI, Hmggut »su Apothecary i
No. O Market st, three doors above Hum at. Pita; j
oargh, will have eonsrantlyonhand a well seleeted u.
ot best and freshen Medicines, which he
wui seu on the most reasonable - terms. Physicians
® rde r*» will be promptly attended to, and sap.
pliod wtth- arucies thay may rely upon as genuine.
|D“ Physicians Prescxamons will be accuracy end
l |ssoay "or night/ 013 11 “J hear 01
_Alao for sate, a largo stock of frash and rood Perta
"•g- . Jal3
T -it (late of Warren, I
U . eioa and Fonraning Merchant, and wholesale
B^.'5 T . U \ Wc *^ U " trTe . Cheeap, Hnner, l»ot and
. Pearl Ash, and Western Prodaeo reneriilr, Water I
ttoet, between fltaitifield and Wood, Piusbnxgh. ap3
WATT, (sueeeasor to HwaifA Gebban,!
Wholesale urooer and Commission Merehanu I
dealer in Prodace and Pinsbargh Maanfmemres, cor*
aer or Liberty and Hand streets, Pitubanrh Pa. jasfi I
JAMjm A. HUTCHISONi A Co^—Daecessors to I
Lewis llatehieea. A Cnamriisioa Merchants, I
udAgeau ef tto 8t LoaisDteam Sugar Kefinery! I
No. C waterandßS froatiueels.pmjbajgh. I
JOHN IL MOKHAN. WholeaalaUrß»ri«i,»i.fii; fW |.
eraJDyo'DtaitSfPainUjOiii, VamisEes.Ac-No.Kl
wood door South of Diamond Alley, Pius-1
“Pfo rani
TAMES KF.RR, Jr n A Co- (siuteeasor to Joseph ti. j
4 1
&IKIJ.A>H, Wholesale and Retail dealer
in Malic and Masieal lastrnmeau, School Booas,
a, l K? r ' aUte *> ateei <ittiils, Printers' Cards, ano
Buriomry gctiemUy.No. hi Wood sivPiusbmgtL
_ UJ~ Hags bougmot, taken m Usde. ' sept 4
JyHCDNMAKKR A Co- Wholesale Dni/guu, I
• No. at Wood atreet, PutsLargh. - * - 6 j
JOHN D. DAVlS,Auctioneer, comersthtod \v ooc
streets, Pittsburgh. otia
QIINtfTON & STOCKTON. HookeeUers, Printers
»*d Payer ManofaetetersyNo. 44 Market »l, Pita-
Tk jcti
T K- FLOYDj-W’holesale Grocers, Commission
V* «ercaata», aad Healers la Produce, Hontifl
Chnrah ifttihlings, fronting on Liberty, Wood aud 6th
streets, FiUsbargh, Pa.. ~ B,>d
JAMLB DAI.XKLL, Wholesale Grocer, Ccoouiub
Metehani,aad dealer ia Prodace aud Pittsburgh
Manqlactnrca., Np.3l Water sL, I’tUabnrgh. jaulu
JACOB Ja, Wholesale and Retail 1 tel
ler in foreign Wioes and Liquors, and old Mouon
gakelaKye Whiskeys,cornerFirst aud Marhctsts.
jy» ,
KIEB A JONES, Forwarding and Commission Mer>
chants, Dealers in Prodaeo andPitisbufah uiaua
faetared articles, Canal Hasin, near 7th at. \ dit
PI£AK AILL> PiTTKßUitiilil !
](/ ENNLDY, CUILD9 k CO., Manufacturers ofTen
ii. superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carpet Chain, Couoo
Twine and Sailing. 7sJO-ly
_ Veiorliu Iron WorJu, :.
T DAI.ZKLL A Co., amifittartji of all ii-
XJ zes Har, Sheet, Bcile? Lon aad Nails i»r the oest
quality. Warehouse, water and 105 £nmi u.
' I • W'ATEHMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward*
XJs lng and Commission Merchant, Dealer in Pitts
burgh Manufactures and Produce, Nos. 31 W'ater it.,
and (id From c. • • • y/j
KmiDi.m joiih it. sswt
T OOKING GLA&>.Manufacturers, and-Wbolesale
XJ dealers in foreign l and domestic Variety Goods.
Western merchants, Pedlars and others are invited
to call and examine the prices aud quality of.oar stock,
as with oar presealiucreased facilities in mandfrciufl
lng and purchasing, ,we think we can otter as great
.inaacemeou to buyers a* any other house westotihe
Moaataias. ’ : )aB-ly
wx. HiLXaa, Pbiiuda. 1 c. w. aicainsox, Piusbureh.
MILLLK a KiCKETSDN, Whoicsale Grocers, and
importers of riranuie*, Wines and Segars,No«.
17tl and i"4, eoruer of Ltoerty and Irwin streets, Pitts
burgh, Pa Iran, Nails, Cotton Yarns, he. Ac. con
stantly cq hand. - - laugU
tOMB M*SIU» J4*. fi. K’Ol
MeOILLS k. lUXK, WboJeas.
■ion Alcxclujui, No. IW
MUftfllk', WlLBUei it CO.
Co.) \VAoie*AJe Ueaien
Wort ttrost,
OitrUE\V"WiLBO-N, i’or
ill ui. Room*,' comer of
tfofcnh unet, entrance oa 4U i
de«#-difc ' • ■ •
'”'am> axi.r F.
uu iosbi : joca r. sent.
■ . JOBES * <*17106, I
\f ANOPACTUttEiiS of. ipring tad blinor r.eeit
ill. ploagfc tied, dee! plough wing*, coaei tad dip
le ipruxgk, btatmered iron tries, tnd dealers to iua|
■table ewaog»,fife engine luapi, tad eoteb iriamungi
u 1 KtubuiglL
KJ UOLMJOi k, SOW, Wo. 64 jUkiket st, second
l'« door froa corner of Fovnh, dealers in Foreign
and Domestic Iklia of Exchange. Ccrtificatcsof Depos*
’’ ]
11/ CoUeeuQM nad. on all tbs principal' cities
throeghontUtcUaUed States. dec 17 j
N®.V®*JiABTB*, Amaxta —Oflice, Fourth tu,
• third door above Baiiihlield,»ouih side.
v°atrr*Qtui of all kinds done with the greatest
care and legal aecamy.
mesta Real Esuteer»«iin<w< 1 ke. - octiKMy
*onnh ttreet, near Grant, in the room
Aidenaao Mtller, immediate
r a?*£v He may be lound at night
UNo. ?t,Bt.anb < | b | Bl . jnUalflm *
BUK( 3BON, wufiuend to the tfeav
v/meat of Du«ie» of the £ye.
ea « t «efiia ui*branch of the medi
eoadacted as
SS to?SSSl!|SS|“^*' ° r *• w
gEgMIFAn ""W of B»*uk7 et and
•2P722& *eu3
P R B,Sr°'£iij; “i'-*'" 1 "' •** rog E.uu
CTEcfcMoi. tfictey * Cq. - ocUS'dlm
PVMWm ttUttSock
T>ENN*nU£OT,, Vt!n?sS*ulnA u..
BiMK ieo,flone Dp in q airier, hiir .„a
•a* P 0 * 11 !,?* 0 a 5j Ai f NiS Q *A ***? > r pou£d
11JU iTi A miSm, Aq. ferPtl[iaTtir<i
i\ LnTLK,Sr, walllheatn bs»Ue M ,A
um CreCMTi P”**" ConuamUn bit
bo coauoMd i» usual wwsrthe Una of Rob
• •nnnfioV, LITTLE & CO, No. 198 Lira
Jl WbolesoJ* Grocer*, PjS
<Es>m..,ian Scrcbmu, and deslen la 1
lUnofMtarei. *,i_ 1 ' 1
Xt‘J)uflller,*>*l« J 01 Produce, PitularjiT
iirl ud '•iraifld* of Forfiya. sedDomer
M 4 liaoow, No. U street. On hi£
lam stock of eoperlon old MonoajabeUi
whack will ba sold tow for efrsh.
L. O. IXTHOLOa, _ ' ] ~ J.
L> EYNOLD3 It BHKE, Fomartinriod C
XV Wercium*.Corlhfl AUdthenyf&verT]
in la tiioeeriei, Prodae«; IntWjwjb Ui
aadCUoridaorklna* . ! ■■
Tta U|tat priea*, io ewWpaia atill time
iqrnp. omnMraßuplnnatii.. . .
Robert, dalzeli, n'c<..,'wiioiJttiV'oro«r,
Oommuic™ and Fi>nr«rdin s Mercian!., dealcri
"i-roduce and Priuburcb Maiiufactnre*, Übenv it.
Pmubnrfb, Pa. \
I? 0 * 1 ; Grocr,
*. c. fitACtucrr. :
.jsfrt i
~»a_tih. No„h wc,
S *«.•*«.., S,.
I r s KLL*»a; Krrt*BtrnG»i. ' ' :
Sellers &; nicoj <5 h.iS u mci { DU s XAnrusn.
lac-, h>n m'JH-HS? f ““ r “ *"1 Wf««rn Proi
*ss «■» * -sKays*? —«
IGB # CL D.,
Wood .t, fi£hJSt d dealrr * in Pro4«e. No. as
jy-i itoru.- • - ----- pa:W
T*°.l^S^'rr r - «.-S h
I ITTIC.'; 4 M*CANDi poo - David, arcatn. lb;
W V fkUVkni i "““'wuoUj.D
wmmiilLoa Sirrehßn^dMi o^ 6 ”’ .forwarding «4
UT J?'V^ ACt ’ M’ 11 Woae'.and'MiU FununL ? .
J.inl * No. UU Liberty ,t-, near tto
W fcS Uffl,| s' J ’ v ‘“ Hr “‘ c -rdHiia dralen,,
n. mi-u. - - -
b» ; ,hV.,„ U f. eft „.^n e a > -; sftss&
w; mss* AKslk
DTwat. YOUNG 4'cn 7
~,P E S^KD^ KD RUTGER, Morocco.
iUi\ received Ihr-fr* SPRING STVCK o? £Eu' ctn
P r £ ,D if in
* i roeh| , 5 4UCnLOn ° r^ar( = h:LSPr » ‘* invited, - ’
. tf'-* J,»?BT**®UBW“<b~C<IC;? BT **®UBW“<b~C<lC;
■MB&Sggg- Orricx abgvs fll. Alias A Co.
Xo. 4if Water tueot
I fl 6~L It A «"c K.
IfcjJf tgVjjiaV M OF lIAHTrORD, CONN
*T?ITTu • „ iscoawaarxD is i&fS.
ptut Swk ’ * Bd S«»Piß»Pund,
.cirri' 1 *^l!f ,poB * ib! ? Cofn P*ny continue* n i*
«S.?S: w v lh , e . ? oil IwnUe-iernu on D»el in*
l-urmiurc. store*, Slock, of Good*
Wareliouc*. and contents, Mdls -aVd Manuiueiurie,
AI« ’ S *s*S2j-Pg» OR OAMAUK BY FlKiv '
ifclfn’ J* Gfftiriyinitiid Merchandise, urainsi
&uiS“fr£L^SSJ Mtm ‘ um!h ““ i Dpo " “ c
,_£*£ iwttrance Company having. in the
V . rlri ’ p,U< l KA: d r »uJot«r,©y dollaju at their
■RJrtlh *<'™“ totooghni the Utilted Stales and the
Urtd*h i roTlnce*. have e«tabli»heda j u « reputation
for Mire, cy and 7air dealing, which
paruoa with any other miamnce company on the
of America. The annexed extinct ’from an
?™ c ' e . u£ e BU ,^' cl of Ir.toronce Companies taken
*®’ h '> JV J CW ,> or 'J** iJoot.-'.exhibit, bnearthc
.»nd policy of tire Company.
“Tlie tionevcd men’of the ancient and olwar.nro«>
peroa* ei.y of Hanford, have for hsif a c-ntury l>-en
JSSf-lf hl, S‘ '■'"° n ‘° r ,h ' «*".
npd hop -.ty and unvarying auccoa will, which they
save r.'j.aed and ,managed corrcraliou* of this dc
.crtptio,,. No Hanford Bank or Insurance Co.p.ay
ha* ever failed! |The.e Companies have for more
than a w.,oie generation rcaiiere-i their n.k. n, near
-0110 of .^ e , tn,on > “»4 have never failed to
aj^uit”^^“‘ ,II, c r at , l le loueawhleb they have insured
! AUJoi- e« analog apon polieie. i.tucd by the undcr
wgned, v.ii be promptly ad/oaied and paid at the Gen
era Ago ey office, located at Cincinnati, O A large
portion vs the faads of the Company, (including all
premium* received at the \Ve.icrn ageneic.,) i» do-
Milled wuh the General-Agent of the Company at
Cinetnnan, for the payment of We.tern and Souu'ieni
torn*. Apply to FAYET I K BROWN,
Agent lor the city of Piusburgh, and for AlWJwny
-• • pcifrdJm 7 ;
1 fa* PeßßlflVUlt Company
T F ?,V I:,klrA * cr fsLjvrs AJ’J Gtufnw Atcttrmr*
HE litst Lite Inference Compa-iy in the U. Mtuivi
Incrrpiraicd March to, IM-2-eha ter nereeiual
« aptud *SOU,MW-ell paid in.
iisTing aulhcrued ihe undersigned to receive appli
cation* tor insurance, ou whicn policies will be ir»urd
aeeonlu.f. to their proposal* and rows, which will be
wade known to applicants at his office, No. i-C Wood
CAPITAL tiuu.oau.
J. Fn:m. Jr 7 Sec'y. | il Millib. Jr., Prc.'L
'» ill insure Bgamsi all kinds of risks, .
A ** bcrtiljr *=<l promptly
A hots'- institution—managed bv.Directors who ore
welkknO A'it in the contmmiiy, aatTwho are determin
ed by promptness and liberality to maintain th« char
acter wa ch they have assumed, as offering the be«
protection to those who desire to he Insured '
Dlirngu-ll Miller, Jr., Geo. Blank, J. W. Butler.
N. Uoltaii, Jr., Wat. B. Holmes, C. llnruen, Geo. \V.
Jackson, Wn. HL Lyon, Jas. Lippincou, Thos. K
Ltlca, Janes M’Aulcy, Ale*. Nimick,.TW Boon.
Omca. .No. X> Water street, (warehouse of Spans
* Con Bp •'lairs,) Pitubargb. iut:dly
• , izfSUUASCK.
RANCE COUFANY.—Office, North Room of the
Eichinrc, Third street, Philadelphia.
Fits ucicnaca—ll adding*, Merchandise atid other
property iu towk and constat, insured against toss or
damage.!:? fire at the lowest rate of premium
Maams Ijuraunre—They also insure Vessels. Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
■peeiai policies, as the assured may desire.
liOASb rtswosiATlox— I Tley also It-re re mere lien
ee trmuporled by Wegoiia, Railroad Cars, CauaJ
i>oau ancSteoa Boats, on river* and takes, on the
most liberal terms.
DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal. Edmund A. Sender
John C D*vis, Robert Barton,- John R Penrose, Sumo
el Edwards, Geo Q Lciper, Edward Darlington. Isaac
RDavis, ft dliam Folwell, John Newlin,PrCM H n ».
ton, James C Hand, Theoptulus Paulding, II Jones
Brooks,. Jlcury Sloan, Hugh Craig, George SerriU
Spencer Mcilvain, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, Wil
Unm Hay, Dr S Thomas, John Seller*, Wm. Eyre Jr
Wxn-Usg iley, Jno. T. Lsbanf s _ ’
WILLIAM MARTIN, President- ■ »
Btcsaktr 9- NkwboUi,Secretary. J
O” Ofl-ce of the Company, No. -la Water suect,
Pmaburgn. julAdtf P. A. MADEIRA, Agent.
TUK INSURANCE CO. or North America will
make permanent and Umiirdlniaraucc on pro
perty iitt'iU city and vieihicy, and • n shipments by
Canal, tLvcrs, Lakes, and by Sea. Thu properties vi
this Company are welt invested, end famish an avail
able fund forlhe ampleindeamity of ail persons who
desire to be protected by insurance.
_ wylk WM. F. JONES, Agent, 44 Water st
7?*? Franllin Fxrz Insurance Co. of Philadelphia.
DIRECTORS.— Chute* NUancker. Thomat Hart,
Tobiai Wagner, Samuel <»rant. Jacob K. South,
tie*. W lUchardr, Mordccai I). Lewis, Adoipho IL
Rone, David S. Crows, Morris Pauerxon.
CaAEUt* N. Uuicaxa, President.
Charier. O. Danekrr, Secretary.
Comim-e to make insurance, pcrpcloul or lr«rut..<l,
onevery dcaeripiion of property in town cr ccniiu/y,
at rale* at iow ils are consistent with aeoßrny.
To Company have referred a large cosunxcni Fund,
which wivh iheir Capital and Premiums, saiely invest
ed, afford ample protection to the assured.
- . £ e ,*V cU 01 ' ta ? company, on January let, Ifcdll, a*
jjiiUufaed. agreeably to an act of Assembly, were a*
Rett! Estate
Temporary Loan*
. 7 Cuh, tc-
Eutee tncif incorporation, a period off-year*, they
have'paid lipwards of one million ibnr hundred thous
and dollar*, Josses by fire, thereby affording evidence
cf the advantages oftnsurance, ai welt as the ability
and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities
Office N Wood ana lid sis
pelawabb Octualissd&abge CO*
Fa. AIACiUKA, Agent at Piuibargh for the I>eia
.ware'Alatnal Safety insurance Company of phial
aiielphia. Fir&Kisks upon building* and merchandise
of every description, nnd Alanne Risks open hall* or
cargoes ofj vessels, taken upon die most favorable
‘irrOfficc In the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes A Br©,,
rfS;37 Water, near Market street, lltubargh.
N jj,-Tbe success Of this Company since disestab
lishment of, the Agency .in this city.with the prompt,
ness and liberality with whichever)- claim uponthtm
for loss has been adjusted, fully wurrani the agent m
inviting the confidence andpatronnge cfhU frtcml* and
the community allaTge u> Use Pd|a*vure JI. S. In» u .
ranee Company, while it hts thoadilmonal udvjmt ßp . ; ,
•as an institution among tho mwstflourtshing m Philadel
phia—as having an ample paid-ift eapttal, which by the
operation of its charter » constantly incrcmitj, ai
nddlng to each person insured hts due *hare oi tic
profits of the company, without involving him lu any
rosponsibiliry whatever, and therefore os possessing
the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious fea
.— -- * --'Taciivc form. . oovt
t, and in its moat atlit
>be Wbolo.
tiine** wili
>bi*on, lit.
«ty Mieet,
ojluce tod
- ftiutiurgb
■ louoj.
I j sanatory. balsamic and umie properties of Uu#
Vinegar render it fir superior to Cologne water for
the eidimry purposes tf the toilet, surpassing the lal»
ter iirtu periumc. It prevents and removes piumles,
tester and asperity ot Ute •km, it refreshes aud^JQten*
1 the skin,rendering Uaofl and smooth. It corrects the
elimtny and bitter uiu of tie mouth, imparting afresh
: and "pleasant breath. It cleanses and whitcus .the.
teeth, tod harden* the gums.. par ill the above pur* t
poses, it is tued with water in. such proportion as may
be found most agreeable. By inhubug it and nibbing
it on the temples, u will remove headache. If applied
instantly to a barn or braise, it will eventually prevent
mortification. It correctsvtaated air, and guaranties
from contagion; it is therefore very useful for ponding
and perfuumijr apartment*. Fpr sale by
II LatILLHiLS, Wholesale Druggist, .
«pt2l '67 Wood street. Pittsborgh
U Uuiß&e*
itaio Wine*
itod * very
■ wfeldiy
Exchange sank stock wanted by
<*o9 No. *7 Wood St.
M thfe»ioh. rxarxixrou.
THIS establishment Jong and widely known an
being one or lie most commodious in lie cirr of
■ ua.Umore, has recently undergone very esteii
wTn»‘hlCra^ 0n * *“• Jwprawmcnw. An entire new
wing,hu been added, contain,* numerous and "in'
penning apartments, and extensive bathing room a
rr V" lc * "department ha* aUo been comnieteir
"P * * ™> • unique and K£
•hi i y ln ( T\ w 7 >! ‘ 5 arrangement of Hie House
ha« been.r«™>deled. with n stogie eye on the nartof
ibe proprietor*, toward* the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which u,cy confidently n s,«n win
cpmpar.aon wtch any Hotel in the Unim
™ c ‘ r “^ 18 . W ‘ U be *“PPl*«l even seb
«aniaJ and luxury which the market affords. Verved
an u» a *upenor style; while in the way of Wines,
tliey will not b* surpassed. ic ’
w/u be * 10 *“?• nothing
will he leA nndore on their pan, ami on the part oflheir
assistants,to itndersbis Hotel worthy the continued
pa^‘^.6 ** C, J « nd lbe Publfc generally.
* ! “ cen .fdaced 10 the
. •&*•*»■
sc£tS U ' C °“\ ey bttCT ** e 10 Rnd {roa U»c Hotel, free
- * \ maythf .
'jS“ THE°«b?rri? B / BBAZTT ”}?*”’ nT »»P«cn.
>,A.. E “ b ‘" lbc i ™»peeUally announce, that
JeS.,J s *?* D ,°!!„ C il 0 L d *“» nC T “ d excellent Hotel
for the accomniodulon of travelers, boarders,
and the public generally. The house uni fcmW
are entirely new, and no naina or expense have becu
E?S™°HoSj,''n ih?ci°i ““ m °“ co, ” (o ' mkl ' »"•>
•MEMSsSStSSr!’ ,n ' 1 u ”"-
: >j JACOB UOUBII, iWnn,,
O otasiOTir., simti rouhiit uno mra V™
PPOSITE laxo Bank of the. United States, Phila
delphia. M. POPE MITCHELL.
\ Proprietor.
A TTORNEV and Couocellor at taw, and Commit.
>n & Miller, M-CinHlV.Vi'M'Clure,' John
h. V?mple, Urconl k King, auglWlv
t. b. uuro. »■,
A Poonh between Smittifieid and Grant.
*ut»bnrpii, Pa juts
A AT LAW,Foarui*in*el,nralr(»rani
A AT LAW —Office on Founh m. Ive
■tx twceu Southfield tndjprantit, PitUborrh ’
fpufcaly * '
Sutler, Pa
WILL tlsa attend to collection* and al! ether tnui.
r:t»» entrusted to him in Butler and Annttrone
counties, Fa. Refer to 6
J. A.R. Floyd, Liberty it. t
W. W. Wall aee, do
~ do !PlU.boijrb.
_ _dly Kay A Lo.. Wood it. } jan 7
f fJ SWEIT2ER. Attorney at Law, oihce Ss'n..
On opposite St. Charles Uoicl, Pittsburgh, -rrill alno
attend promptly 10. Collection*, in Washington. Fayette
und.Grcen counties, Pa.
Biaekstock, Bell A Co,, ■)
Church A Carother*, J-Pitubarefa.
B T Morgan, J * oelfUly
EJ. HENITV Attorney and Councilor at Law,
• Cmcinnau Ohio. Collection* in Southern Ohio,
■no m Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly end care
fully attended to Commissioner for the State of Penn-
S - V E ,a ‘ la *‘ a * Depo*ttion«, acknowledgments,
Wm - Bell * Son, Curtis, Church A
Carotheps Wo. Hay*, Esq., Willock A Davis. ais
MeCORD a Co. will introduce tUi* 'lhtirL
(Saiorday, Aug Jsth.) the fall style of
Hat*, corner of Fifth and Wood » reel*. tnci ;, •
A M»COIU> * CO., -*■*.*
iH (suece*»or* to Al'Cord A King) . «sft
Fagbtonabla Hatt*r* t
Comer of Wood and Piftii Streets.
PARTICULAR aneutton paid to oar Retail Trade
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hau and'
caps tror. our establishment of the ecn surtsuu and
wouutaftsirij-, of the latssi imn, and at the iomrr
Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are
re*pee:tudy invited to call and examine our Stock; a»
we can ray with confidence that as regard* ocalitt
and will not *ascr in a comparison with any
bouse in Philadelphia. A-.sjr ’
PE,. HATS—-Id do* water proof
MS California Hats ju*t rereire<Land for sala by
* pt, « 7 ‘ corner sth and Wood it*
FASHIONS FOU 1840. r**.
UB •'l COKJ> bCo will introduce on Salur- /fi
March -id, ll.e Sfruij: »tyle of HATS fIK
/““'f, 1,1 WttUl «>' » neai and • cjx-nor hai, arc mriieo
lo cal! ai eonier of AU> and Wood »trceu. marJ
has cow open a supply ofspring Bonnet Ribbon*,
oi new auu handsome styles.
Also, new style figil Netta; Lisle Laces and Kdg
ingv; hdgtugs; Victoria do; nlaid’ Mnslins and
Jaconets, embroidered Swiis Mnslins, Ac.; besides a
large assortment of Spring Goods generally, nt north
east corricr 4ft and Market streets.
Wholesale Rooms op stairs. B po
Tl-AKT A SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Com*
rnusina Merchants. No. 11l Wood su Pittsburgh.
Dealers In Uio.'enes, Flour, AVhea’, Rtc,Oai»,< orn,
Bar.ey, I'ork. Bacon, Buuer, Lard, Cheese. Clover,
Timothy had FJa* Seeds; Iron, Nads, Glass, -Ac. Ac
Ac. Parucuiar attention paid to the sole of Western
Rurasxsco—Messrs. Myers A Hunter. Robt. Dal
aed A Co., MGiUj A Roe, Hampton, Smith A Co,
v, *y» King A Mooroead, Pittsburgh. Fenner
A M’Aliiliri, Massillon. Jos. S. Morrison, F.w., Sl
J r° uu - ; splMtly
JOns a. cuis. late of N. Lisbon, o w. s uiNt*'i'
ENLRAL AUhNi’Y, Commission and Forward-
VX lug Merchants, No. ah Market it, Piiuburgu, Pa.
07”Prrtopt attention given to the pnrcha;c ami rule
of all kinds of Produce.
Keren 10— Johu Watt A Co, Morphy, Wilson A Co.
Pmsbargh, Lawson A Hill, -Mahlon Martin,
Wellsviilij. O 4 John il. Brown A Co-, Grigg, Lilioit A
Co- Philadelphia; B. W. Snodgrass A Co n Gregg A
Nuee, Now Lisliou, O.; Fr. skiunrr, Hon. C. D, Cotfin,
Cincinnati; J. P. KHW, Youngstown, O.; W. L. Stan*
dart, Cirvcland, G • . augv4
Commission and Forwarding Merchant.
No. dO wood or., rrmsinren,
CIONTINULS to transact a general Commission basi
t near, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufactures and Produce, and In receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to bis care. As Ageist fur
the Manufactures, he will be constantly supplied with
the principal articles of Pillslnirgh Mmiufactnre at ihn
■owe*; wholesale prices. Orders and consignments
are re»p*cduliy solicited. tH7
. Penn Machine Shop.
H. WlGHT.MAN—Manifaerarerolail’kindiofeot
• tou and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa
The above works being now La full and op
eration, I ain prepared to exeif.e orfert with dupuirh
for all kind* of machinery in xyiir.e, sici. a« wifl.m-/,
pickers, -pleaders, cards, gnncir.g rain* 07*.
drawing frames, speeders, tbicsslls, looms, woolen
cards, double orwiigle, for merchanior country work,
mules,jacks. Ac.,'slide and hand lathe* and tool* in gen
eral. All kinds of atiafung made to order, or plmi- nv
en for gearing factories or mill* at ren-onui.i* ciu.ic*
Kkfzk to— Kennedy. Child* A Co., Blacknocb, ileil
A Pennock a <V», J»«. A. Gray.
ilonoagahda Livery fiiabii.
KOBKKT 11. PA'ITKHiMJN ho* opened
iijY>thc large stable on First at, running ihrmigi,
[ l l\ lo Second »t, between Wood and Hinithfinid
* su.,lu the rear of the Monongahela House,
with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carmgos of
the Wat qualny ai.d latest it} let. Hort'-t kept si live
■Ty m tile best mariner. jyuiliy
. ITjc steamboat A. MAHON
_ li DOW ron * Goat the I'oim,
Liberty street, to lbs Gar-
at P o’clock, A. M., and
mine beginning of each hoar until tf l‘. M „Vl«.u/»
way reiy 00 finding tbe boat allhc hour, tilio" leaves
the Garden, the last up trip, at IU o’clock.
The season it fast advancing, and those wishing in
visit this delightful retreat, now is the uirm to n
few hours, no; m toe smoke m.ri dust oi the city l-ui in
a pure atmosphere, perfumed with the (lUffimnce oi
(lowers. ,
•*1A«7,433 4t
P4,7iM *3
W,ool fci
M,M3 ii
3*,«M 37
All kinds of refreshments, except imoslcaimg druiln.
are kepi on the premises. Greenhouse f'lams, anil
Bouquets of choice flowers lor sale. Closed mi t‘un
day- . ij'A JAMFUM'KAJN
CO^Change of landing made on account of low-ws
U. m L JK lltliCii
Forwarding and Comiins*(»N Mu
chant, has removed to No. rif From, between Wood
andisoiitbfirld mrreu. in
Wfc nave some FUM»'»,"inade ou an inipiiivi-l
plan, to as not to freest in the cnldnsi wcuihci.
i’ersniis wanung such eruclrs, *rc invited lo call snd
we them at SC A IFF A ATKINSON’S,
niv _ let, beiween Woo'l Market «l* ,
Stoam Drick Works for Bala.
'■^^ , K»^ |, vrr^be^ofler , forsaJe, the HTKASJ BRICK
’vORKS, above Lawrenceville, noiuprislng u
- team Fjiruic.S Untie rt, 0 Mould Machine, rspatil* ■<(
manufactonng vogxe Pressed Bricks (out «! dry dsy.
as taken rrxm the bank,) per day; with three s« r«» uI
■ana on the Allegheny nver, on which am llna and
tneu*, machine ami clay *bed«, wCeeUMrrows,‘ifncli*,
»aove;«, »psde«, every thing nriiui.ila to nmi
nenre opeiainns at an boors mniro. I'rice, Innluding
the nghl to use said machine, 87,hW)--lrmi# of
payment maue easy. WiihoutMhe land, »3,UW. For
pl «i!ss)*is HENRY MKKUi'fT,
No lib Moitoiigshela lions#.
« “RASB foundry.
fik 1 Brass Fouudrr, has »"•
built and eomraenccd huiiucis at his old stand,
where he will be pleased 10 tee his old ruatoin.
and mends.
Church, Bdl, oftrerr ,H,. (run, 111
w pound,, cm, frompsllenu ofilic mo« i,>|irciv
cJmiylc!., n,id warrwued „ „, c L , l( IN , trllall " Kailliij, *d. 1...*
torwUh t-cry v.ntlj orilru, Ca.U»j,‘ll
turned and ht.Mrdin tbe neatest manner
• A. F. is the sole proprietor of BsarrrV AsTl-Arr*:-
tion MltoLW vcßhratcd for Uu, rcductlnn of
friclimi in machinerj-. The Boies and Comnnpiimii
can he had of him at all U»*» Ja’jrMv
• IKINTING PaFLK—teuwo rcama oi Pinjunx anj
r Book Faper, a inpenor anitlo. Assorted size,
on baud. Anf made u> order ai *horte»t notice,
oeta B C HILL, w Wood si
. aOTICI£. p
T'WE pannenLlp’hcretofoic eriMlpa under foe firm
4- ®‘ i* ch»»o!*rilby the decease
Bradley. Tfee bu«ii.e«» wilfi r earnedion by
Crm Ur * d CT ' *’ ho Wlll ,cUW Lhe buSifpf«»~o'f the iaie
A. Ciujjiat ha* reninyed -hi* Foundry
»areh°u*c from No. US ireorutfklreet, to No. 1#
" 00.1 street, between Fim and Seefttjd ilreeu, o the
warehoa«e lately occupied by O. a}! Berry, where he
win «ecp constantly on hand a nmf i%l a>*orunci:i of
«ruie», store*, Ac. jyU
'T’HE partnership heretofore exleiifr between Sam-
X. "hel U. UuditeJd and William EM liny*, tradiux
under the CrmorWESIIFIELD A* thi. day
c ndu*olrc«i by William U. Hay* Wiiiie Uu. entire
m!tMT« in the firm to. 3. tl. Bu*bttriy Air account*
due the firm vrul be roilbried by S ft.iilhjahfi-ld, and
all debt* due by the late firm to »>o Jiaitl by the *OOlO
CO-PARTNERSHIP—B n. IlovirAka ha™ S tbie
v*7 associated wiih himself liaxar LWue*. formerly
of Bedford. Pa., ami recently of .S'auoim! If o tef,
Pitirhahrb. will ennutiue m? lnMnirAii mulct the £rm
of Bl SH FIELD ft LKApKK, at tnr o2d »iand. No tiAr
JJtony «tre-i S. H.jBL’.xHFfEU),
iimbuxKh.JotietK, ij-jv H. LfcjkDFil.
HaVim; retired fwm the format | tnle
pleasure in recommending my •urcftt«iv» to the pa*
tronage of my customer* kml tho puhlSfl generally .
... a ’ a I'V ,t. HAYS.
Dissolution. | ,
co-partnership beretnforce x‘i»pr»r between the
X' »ui»*cnberr. m lie name of Countable, Burke ft
Cu.. ia tbi* day di*.*olsed by mutual clihsec:. Messrs,
Burke ft. Uaniei trill tetllc the luimi&js of th*- con
cern, for which purpose they Arc auUtfetiaed to u»e tbs
attaa of flic concern.. i'iA.THAMKLSXINiSTAULKr
The undersigned have tbi* day a«*oc{<ited thcrarelTes
intheßauirof 81-KKEft BAUMS, far Urn purpoae
of manufacturing Fire Proof SaJi r, Vauii Doors, ftc.
Ac., at the »tumi of the iaic firm of dmuiaMe, Burke
ft (.n., where they will t.eriV'i«eU to [receive the pa*
troruige of the customers of that home *n<t their fricmjr.
in-retiring from the firm of Connnbie. Morke ft Co.,
I with sincert pleasure rccamiru-nd iirsrr*. Burke A
Bawrato the confidence of my (rirndi and the public.
Feb. 6, IjcJu. NaTUaNH’X uONSTABLE.
frbl f
THE of MUHJ’HY A LEK is this day
dissolve! by mutual consent. Thi busmen of the
late firm -wnt bd settled li. Lee. J. ft MURI’HY
. Fatsburgb, Jun. 30, 1--1 U H.|LEE. ’
NOTICE—The ai.dcrs.gne.t will continue the Wool
busucss and atieiul to tne sale of Woolen Goods at
the aid stand. | a. uiE.
. in retiring from the firm of Murnljy A Lee, i take
great, pi.-asurc in recommending Mrlll Lee to *the
'confidence of my fried, and die pubhd
Fnasburgh, Jan..-?!!. »Hii. _ J. ft. MURPHY.
r-JK subscribers h«Ve ‘mu day asUciatcd Uicid-
Kivcs together for :he purpose, of tranracting a
wholesale and retail Dry Good* am! Grliery business,
at No ifJti Liberty, op|«»iu: Seventh stitet, under the
siyle-andfirm of j BUsHFIUtD A HAYS,
t ittvliurgh, January I, lsj-13 l
N. H—Our old customers amt the pnbhc are invited
to tyVe us a call. [ Jn s
T r e,:,^ ed ,n,n P*rtn«rship, unSer the finn of
SLAJhfc A ATKINSON, and will carA oa the Tin,
Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. /
Also, l!!uck*ra(Uiing 111 ail it* branch*, at the old
stand of Wm. 11. Scaife, First sirrrt, ucat Wood.
Funicular attention given to ntiunhoal work.
iIIAVE thin day associated wiin me m die whole
*aic Grocery. Prodnee and Ooiuiru».ion bu-inc*s,
ni> htdihcr Joseph, under tiio firm of J •* OILWoftTII
*s°’ J. S. iiIi.WORTH. J
/ ,0-P.\UT*E.USniP-v.-m. Vo,J,ha.l,tj,hi.
\J day ussocialed with him, John K. M’Cdne, the Ira
ln-r hus!nr-s will hcrrufler be conducted under the
firm of Wm Young A Go WILLIAM YOUNG,
BUIKK a LOB Doily F.iiircs* 1. now feeufnrly de
livnifig Can and winch urn of
f'red dca'ers and l.nndtc ri the lowe-t price*,
tonality wsrrMii cil rujuul to niiy lirourdt to this mar.
ket, anil for *alr !•>•
J- C. HIDWULU Act, Water *l.
Also—At :li* following de|>oi*l Reis A lii rrci cor
ner Mnii'fificd and Heron d *u; K Hruxl.-inn. Ui'itnond.
Mori'or A #t, AK» cti«iiy. opi.’j
llodtru iioij Jii tii]ne Ifornllorr,
;W'. Tiuiio yrgcvr, i*irr6eruaii,
||„i r | ■ and nrtvn:- dwcl
lum*. cniiMunilY on hand nitd. made to OTdcr.
JJif |)n:«ntit -lock on Immi cannot be exceeded by
«my innuiifnr.lnfy in Urn vrruirrn country. t'eraon*
w.«iiinK ’« |* ufchuip would (Jo well (l . Kl?e tar a call,
** 1 am ■lcicnnnifcl my price# .1,-dl .i| euae . fart of
(lie tionk rim »i«l» in—
Tele a Trie; iluilei ‘
fe.uli.XlV Clialro; tliier-n'Kliiulrlh- cbnir*
|e« I'nv.r: rrule Tnbl.-i;
Joiie< i*iilr i, XV Cmninotlrr;
f n:rt|li Mult jjfony HeiUtnnd*; Jhanii'^ionU;
M ooiai ritli iMualt and Hair-clolli covet*
bd Mniio* it'iy Nockuiß OhoJr»;
4'Moi r»»fi or
ll* I'Mlipy Uo
•ca.-enUr T| Ur..,
WH pair 111 i pair pier Tulilca;
Ut iliarUr io n ilurruus,
l!t>ok „ ItK
iimrl.ln lo t . Wiuli MiumU;
i |',UI OIUnJ nil*,
. npuii (Wy '»Vork Ktandn;
A »i:*y Urge eawo. •iinrni of trommou chair* nnd oilirr
1«..HU,». US.* 11U1M..11 .... u>
|L/« Htraif. iWl* lurntidieHon the »lionr»: notice,
miiu oil iim iuu>i rear oiihMo lorm* <WrIA |r»;u«r, for Hydrant Witeri
' fi«l THIS In to certify that 1 ha-m apf
| uinird Llvin**mn, Ro«pcn A. Co.
fgSU I ml" Ajsrm* for tl.r. mile of Jent. Ins’*
’WJr i/'atmii Diaprnhfcni Filler, fortl o ei|
as iin of I'lluliurrii mid Allegheny.
JOHN Agent,
. V»r Wnite/M uiluon, O-WUrimiln ay,
u , ,«■ Wio, ihm.
We ln»v« lirmi l MU'* «no of iim above nrtlrlr* ■ ! i h*
offler of lUi, Nowr Uy Work. for three inon'lia, on iru »l,
an. Ia.:l j.rfferliy •nti.flnj Umi U„ n „-, elU | UlV rsmo ■>.
and W* lake plea* urr |„ rtiromtnm.dinj: i|,em m a u*. \
, ' Ul * ,, . w 1“' J’ure writer Order* will Jet
thankfully rrcrlvi .1 anil nrmumlv eircmed
' W, *U J.I ro.\. KiniuV.VtflVy
Uavardtkie Kllterlupr Cook.
j Vfbiefi render* turldd water p#to by
rumewln* all *nbnlancea nouoinblr in
wiUi rL The ortiinii water in S.Yon’-
•aliliourh clear and pure to the eyn, yet
’W'hmi M an hour iliroucfa tilt
filtering cock. uJinwi a laipe urpoeil
iiapare «üb«vuicc>. worms, Ac. Thu
la the cmn more or lew wlllrall hyoranl water.
The Urvetaibln Wttnrcr la neat ami durable, s od it
not attended with the' litrwivonteiice incident to other
I'lllercra, a» It It clrmnurd without brmrrdeUehed /roc
the water nlpo, by merely turnliife the key or hiu.dl«
frtnn one ride to iHc nthrr. |ly thin cn»y poeeK. .ibi
noun* of water ]« changed. and ail (c
impure tnlutanoei are tlrivtu off nlmoH lurtunUl
without unacrewlng lUr Kilter, ll olao pouefacs tu >
Mdvantijre of bring *»lop conk, and aiiuch iii uau>
otart wljl bo very convenient Bad economical.
It can be attached where there U any preirare MM
at low lo a caik, tank, tub.'ic. with eue. To Upa
of the tola Agent, W, W. WILBOJH,
ooU7 comer of Fourth and g* :
«lIE partnenhip of the undersigned, under the firm
of Bagaley A Smith, wa* dissolved bv mutual on tilth September, W.Jiagaley purchasing
the interest of J. R. South, who retire?. The busmen
ot the firm will be settled by their successors Wm.
iloga.ey A Co., at Nos. la and iff)' Wood »t
I tttoburgb. Oct. a, ’SO. ISAAC R. SMITH.
CO-PARTNERSHir.-Wm IlWaley haying asso
ctared with him Wet. H. Woodward of Philadelphia.
John h Ci t-ravc and Ralph Bagaley of Pittsburgh,
win continue the Wholc-afe Grocery Business,at No*.
18 and ‘.V Wood «t. under u, e s rt fi a [
' j RAG sLEV A CO, I‘iiuUurgh; •
•ami HACJALM, WOODWARD A COi Piulad’o.
•wjtp i ;
DlaaolattoiTof Co-p£rtncrahip
r PHK ro<p>rturrahip heretofore £ik:irtz between the
1 fuliaentxrs, umVr the ityle nj' Brown ft Culi.ert
tton, wa« dksolved on the Ist hint * by mutunl mi tcnt.
Pittsburgh, Oct. 5, Is I'J,
The subscriber will'cnntinuo ih* Wholcjalo finter.*
ry *nd Coainii'sion Itusinees, u heretofore. at the old
stand, Hi Lib-ny »i. <>rtS As CULBERTSON
JOHN PARKER and JOHN wi‘ RIDDLE have en.
1 oft??, V. lto P¥ rt «e^»* l P. under the'firm ot'PARKER
u• 1 . ,k ’ and wih carry on tl,|| Shoe business in
*ll its branches, at iho old stand of John Parker, ror
ner of Federal *t. end South c’eranttn. chy of Altrghe
nY- , , JtHISipAttKKR,
ocl,:, l»tn JOHNiW. RIDDLE.
B x?£SK X,HS OF ‘ rH *i PlTlfcUUßr.ll ALKALI
, v 4tMv' nr * now P r cpar-d W furuish a superior
article ofSoda Aah and Muriatic Avid., Perron* wi.hj
ln £ <o |iurcha»>- cither ol the al>ct*e articles, are rc
tjutred location ISAAC WALKER, No. WKitlh si.,
and czoininc the artir le» before purchasing e.sewhert.
.V The Soda A*li iutmuioctuix-d at Un« establish*
men: is greatly mperior to any oilier brought to this
•• spill
] B !,C *'£ r jsJ*V*«ATMSSOJI.'
i-‘* 16c * "'““i’ riroacman,
I *%£ T,I ' il, k to manufacture ail kiiidl of COPPER,
.V.J , iS , A NDS,,ECT,bon 'VARK. Also, lUa«£
smith Work.
J*traai Boon built to order.
Special attention eiven to steam lipai work.
Haveoi: hands a fine assortment >iP Copper and Bran
oT 1 ifi’ *r. u " artr ' Ac. Ac. Straniboat Cooking Stoves,
i-onabie Forges, vnnou* sizes- a *iry convenient nr.
uele for steamboat*, California emir|&nu, or rail road
We wocld respectfully invite steajn bout men and
Other* u> enIJ and nee our art*clei End prices before
pur_ohns.iT elsewhere |-5 if IV
•„ DlmaolaUou of Partßvrihip,
fT’IIK cuuartnrrrhip of HKNRVPIIAN.Nf-N A CO.,
J. tormerly Hannon, Muller i. Cot? in - th© Window
a d Cobired (iiu*, liumik-**, u tliifldsy dtsrdlved by
the w thJrnwnJ of Mr. Frederick Wftilrr 7
The business will be mi,tinned uß-lersfoned,
under the firm ot IiKNKV HA.NNKT* .V CO. Ware
nou»e No lie; Second si. where wefliill
supplies of superior W'mdow l.!ajui>f '
... . , HI!(»>IjItt)BKRTSON.
Pittsburgh. Aug. S*. Mil. HKNRV-t’MsTK* ~
fj’HE umli>n«cnr<l Imre Uii» div Hhftqciaced with then
X in biiftneia JACOBI. t>CH will con
Unue the buxine'} oa heirtolWr on#* tljr Grtn of
R A. FA & CO.
Pittsburgh. June lifts.
Oyittril dyitenl
. , Chocolate.. Cocoa* dtc. j
w. Baker ■ Aaericia ana French chocolate. Prepar
r*‘). Cocoa Paste, Broma, Cocoa Sheila,4c-. -
M'U merchants and consumers, who would purchase,
X ihe best products of Cocoa, free from adulteration,
more nutrition* than tea or coffee, and la quality unsur
passed, the subscriber recommends the aoote articles,
manufactured by himself, and stamped witlrWs name.
His Brema and Cocoa Paste* as aelieatej palatable*
ami salatary drinks for Invafids, eontaleicenu, and
outers, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians
superior to any other preparations. • fits muufacutrea
*1! 'l l . ty ' oa ,ale i * n *oy quantity, hr- the most re
spectable grocer* in the eastern cities, annby thill
ogenj, Hawes, Gray 4 eo., of Boston; James n Bunco
k co, Hanford, Conn; Hussey 4 Murray, New York;
Grant ft Stone, Philadelphia; Tnomas V Bmt&bre, Bal
timore; and Kellogg 4 Bennett-Cinclnnati, Ohio.
_ WALTER BAKER, Doreheste?,Mass,
For nle by aug3l BAOALEV ft SMITH, Agts
T .Wrought and Cut Iron Balling..
HI-, subscribers be* leare to inform.the pobfic that
they hate obtained from the East all this late and
lostaonable designs for Iron Railing, both for booses
amt cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand
some patterns will please call and examine, and judge
for themwilres. Railing will be furnished at the short-1
est notice, and in the best manner, at the comer of 1
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. [
sugtS-dtf A. LAMONT A gV"
W. 4k. J. GLENS, Book Biadejra.
• TST** ® r ?,*ull engaged in the above basinet*, con
f f of Wood andiTTiird streets, Pittsburgh, whe
we are prepared to do,any work is our Une with de<
patch. We aiteod to our work personally, and satis
rabUit* ,cn regard to ita ueatnesi and dn
Ulank Book* ruled to any pattern and bound sub
stantially. Hooka In number* or old book* bound care
fully or repaired. Name* pot on book* in gilt letter*.
Those that have work in onr line are invited to calL
Pnce* low mySOttf
_ NOTICED ”", ■'
TJ A VINO *old out entire nock to C. 11. GxijlTT, with
JuL a vtew to doting our old business, we hdreby so*
licit for him the patronage of all our friend* had cu*- |
tomera. RO. W. POINDEXTER, I
Pittsburgh, Ang. 4th, 1849. *i
C 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Conusiiiion and
. • Forwarding Merchant, N0._4l Water ilj: aul?
flealsi, Cooking stowaa, Gratae, fee,
UX corner i.ibeny and Wood streets,- manufacture
and offer for sale Platform, Floor and CounteriScales,
or the matt improved quality; Cooking Stores, for wood
and coal. Egg Stoves of various sizes, Pallor and
common «. rates, Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac. Tbiy also
nuuiufnriuri- ibe Kitchen Range, which has given such
general -.iwaction to those baviug it in use, to oil of
which ,I‘jc) would rcsMct/taUy invite the attention of
the ciuzcu. and the public generally. oct^7-dtf
Manufactured tobacco—The *«b&7r
wouM call the attention of the city trade and
dealer* generally, to the following brand* Tobacco*,
in »n>ro and to orn»r>, which being couaigrunehtj di
rect trnta uianufaciQier*, he is enabled to sell at east*
cm price*: ;
l'& I bxs It W Crenshaw i»\ ; .
, 70 | Janie* Msduon 6*; i
ill I •' Lamartine *St :
33 | “ Alirabeau Hr,
'{} ! 5a and lp; i
lo I “ Robert* A Suatm 5*
" I “ o*car Cari a*; ;
3 j “ JobosALewi* l»; : '
3|. “ Warwick, aupr la;
*? * “ Henry A June* sa.laand&*i
f ' bil ... l 3 Waterman
Pitt SZmchlna Works and Foundry.
•T * rc P fe P* red lo build Ckmoc
O "nd Woolen Machinery ofeverv dccnpusnl .ucb
«« Canljaf- Machine*, Spinning Frame*. Spoederi,
Drawui ff frame*.Railway Head., Wnrper., Spcwlera,
Dre.iung Frames, Loonu, Card Grinders, tfnouabt
Iron alHifun* turned; ait ,u„ of Ca« Iron. Pulhe. £,d
of jlc late.i pattern., Hide and tail llthca
cud tool* of nil kind*. Casting* of every deicriptitm
furoiihed on .bon notice. Pattern, made to order fa*
Mill Geunng, Iron Railing, Ac. Steam Pipe foribeat
tnj; Factories, cast Iron Window Saah anJfaiicv Cai.
K'f* * c neraiiy. Order, left at the WarehoM of J.
Co, Liberty .treat, will hive promit^uen
<J* r*V°w dl A CoW. K. Moorlhead ft
aiij,: r ‘ u *%ti s °-
ssw coach victory.
__ laursuxirr. ;
\f w,, {TE ft CO., woo'd respectfully in'fcna
"A. the public that they have erected a ihdpon
Lucock, between Federal u d Sandusky street." Thev
are now making and are prepared to receive order« for
aVerv description of vehicles, Coach**, Chario **,l Ba
rouches, Buggies, Phmtoaa, ftc, Ac., which frt m their
lone experience in the manufacture of the abort Work
1 ,>e ‘ Ul,A b “ ve ’ feel confident they are
; enabled to do work on the most reasonable term* with
. these wanting article, ui their lino. •' \ '
Paying particular aueation to the .eleeuon of mate
rui«, and bavtug none but competent workmen the?
nave uo hesitation m warranting their work We
' therefore a.k the attention of the.public to this tattler
hull. Repairing done in the beat manner, andfon'lhe
most reasonable terms. - i jaottf
A JIKKS Having made arrangement* for a con
.taut *upply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we Win eel)
W low prices Caff and Sheep R*i« Skina, Lade I Lei
titer, Picker*, Reed*, ShnUlea, Hemp TtJine Triadic. 4
Xs. 5 to 15 Belt Punches, Wreuchea, Strippibg CaW.,
fes *“
18 H l!P Woo street. Pitiabjrxh
-re war, lto
t Cai >
*aic|s r
' T)OttT\ViNfM-OaJeT t Webber dt ForreverJ lsJ4;
If awl dry, Coo’d, Campbell fc Ctf, old
dry lbia Oiboam’a j-SM; pure JHlh Pare Jairt pWr.
Latter Port, Harm* Son*, Pure Juice,
blc and tingle Urape*. The* wine* are all celebra
ted ior iheir feedieal properties, and can bo bad whale
tale or retail at t£e Wine Store uf 1
_ »* Jacob weaver, jj|.
... • PIAHOSt -t
-rpill-. subscribe* offer* for *ate a large and ipleniid
J. assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
uon Piano*, wuU and without Coleman’* celebrated
.tuiiiao AlUrtnnenL The abore instrument* are war
ranted to be equal to any manufactured in thi* coun
try, and will be *old loVcr the- any brought trom the
P. ! -
.... a. *d door aboee 6tH
V II —City Scnp wiU bo taken at par for a fewlof
be abore asrortmeut. njya p yj
Uardware~Cheapar Uaa sirarl t~
LOGAN, WILSON it CO., Importers and Wholesale
Dealers in tianlwarc, Cutlery and Saddler?, No
ia» Mood street, above Filth, have now in stores ?erT
cheap und well selected stock of Hardware, Imported
since the decline of price* tn Borope, and which thJt
arc determined to sell correspondingly low. Merchants
who have been m the halm if going Kast, art partieu*
larly requested to call and Ibok through our stock as
we confidently belicre they will save their expends
oct4 ••
* ouitf MEN In wholesale and retail stores, and other
respectable busineaa, to act as Book-keepers, Sale*
.meu, Porters, Bar-keepers, Wailtri'r Fanners, Coach,
rueti. Car AgeuU, Cook and Map Agents, Collector},
Overseers in ail branches of business, fee. We haw
ai all times a large aumberof good situations on hendi
winch pay from 3Ui to t*,OGO per annum. Those ill
warn of situations of any kind would do weU to giw
ui a rail, as we have agents in each of the above cf
he", which will enable us to place every anplicant-in
n suitable simaiion at the shortest notice. We hate a
large ucijuamtance in all the above named cities,
which we trust vrilj enable us to give entire sausfac.
lion to sll whe may favor us wuh a call.
TAt LOR A TAVMaN, No. &> second *t n
heiween South and Gay. i
N II —lV<«or.s living in any partof Hie b. Slated,
and vri»iiii- : ; obtain a situation in ttaliimorc, oreu
titer «i the a uve cities, will have their waul* immer
Uiuieiy an ued n> by addressing us a line, (povt-niuift
a» by so don.* they will cunauboili trouble and *.*>
pcflec, wiikj they otherwise would incur by rominit
to the ciiy, «nl seeking employment for themselves!
Address, TAYLOR A TAYMAN, !> Second street, 1
Baltimore, Md ;
Dr. UeLta* In T«aactM*<
'I'UIBU to certify that I purchased one vial of Drl
X Mu Lons’* Worm Specific, some two month* ago
ana (are to a ion 01 mine, tome seven fear* old, two
l teaspoons full, and although the amount may appear
.*ftrge, y»t. I Lave no doubt Lui there was upward* ol
rwo rxtxtasn wuaxs pouod from him. measuring
Tom cae quarter of an inch lo two uiehea lour.
_ Hoe*Croetc. Carrol co. Term., IJeo U7,‘|h47. JnM f
olrmlngllitn,jniDr PtUibarffh,]Pi, i
Warehouse, A’o. ly7, Wood strut, riittimrgh.
\fclLLconsi*m!y keep on handarood aasorti
mcm vt VVaia; of our own manufacture, and
uS* supcriorqualuy Wholesale and country Merj
■«* ehar;’<>.rorespectfully invited to call and cl*
mime for tbem»«l*e*. as wo are determined to *elj
escaper thr.nhaseveruefore been offered to the pub*
trr orders sen! by mail, accompanied by the cash of
iiy reference. w.H l>c promptly anendedjn. ?n>tO :
rpo TIIK LADIK&—Juu received, a (nil astortmen ,
X »l gold and silV, cr Thread. Cord and liraJd; also [
Spiiiiaios mid Hull ion, for embroidering andoibrror~
nameiital work. Alto, gold ond silvcrTassels, Knugc,-
and I.hcc.
Jewelry of ihr latest fashions, in great variety.
Watches of superior quality and beautiful patterns,:
and lx 1 ui-EuMeru price*. W W WILSON,
corner Market and Fourth n*
MKNi—Open from CA. M. toll P. M Single l
iluih iJcrnU,of# furl dollar. Ladies department!
open from V to It A. M. and (rota il to & P. M.
•j hr Itelronhinent Saloons ire unequalled in style:
aUttidum e. Ileehercho Ice Creams! ;
nii£U> T. M'i'ALL, Proprietor.
"mU Al&KOlittfcKiß
attention of Urn public l* respectfully called to
J the u>;!owing ceru&cater
iiu. ti. Ujuiih— Having tested a quantity of Gold
trciKhrd by your'Areometer. {find u« result proves
io%t instrument corrccij sad recommend the use of It
in ttox going to California, as the best method for ob
taining ine real value of Gold. Rosa, yours,
J. B. DUNLEvV, Geld Beaux. I
Titutiergh, March tf, 1849.
Pimm Sag, Mareh7,lB4P.
Mm. haxat*— Dear Sin Having examined tl>« “Areo
meter," manufactured at your rooms, 1 do not hesitate
to eorameud it to the use of those gentlemen who an
about removing to California in eeareh of Gold.
It aivei a eioM approximation to the specific gravi
ty »<fßtetnis, and will certainly enable tho adventurer
to Ascertain when his placer u yielding Geld.
marld Yours, resp’y. _J^JtTbPOLINTOOK.
JMJIA RUUUKR CLOTHING—Jut received /hr the :
J. California Kipediuoa, p complete assortment of
Uiint Klo»tie Clothing, at priees ranging from to
for »UU of coat, pants and hdt. For sale at the
Uilio Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood sti,
delta) JfcHPHIUJPa :
O l 'KACTx/R »•—The subscriber takes this method
ufmfitrminr his friends and the public in general that
he hu . the largest stock of the following named arti
cles of his own manufacture in this eity—Saddles, Har
ness, T.ntnkf and Whips, all of which he wiirwarrant
to betas do of the best material and by the best mech
anic's in Allegheny county. Being determined to sell
his mafia/aetpres something tower than ku been here
tofore solt' by any similar titablithment in the city,
be would Lirite persons in need of the above named
articles to L is warehouse, No. 841 Liberty street, oppo
site Seventh - Also, bands mads loonier for machine*
ry. oct3»ly • 1 Q. KKRUY. .
is aod St Lotus, pu*
9 mu. |
SIGHT oiul'-.thortthat BILLS 01
aole is GUvcinnaU, Lo sin ills .
ouucd on tha jnou ftronblo torn
fptO N.H<
t r*.
r 801TIJS RniovatAffD rsut*.vs>T ccxxgr ».t. noxAsss
e aaisLio ptox a* nereax statx or tub blood
- „ , , .?> HABIT or THg STSTUL, nz.’
• Scrofula or Kin|'s Erl!, Rheumatism, Obrtinate Cuta*
*eou* Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on tba Face,
Blotches, Bile* Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm
• ?k T, cUer » Head, Enlargement and Pain of
the Bones and: Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, gypbiltie
- SyaptonySeiatica or Lumbago,— and diseases
. * rll * n ff "Om an uimd'eioas use of Mercury, Acl
utes or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence In Life;
_4 lj frrCbronle Constitutional Disorders, Ac.
,»??'!! paired a very extended end es
i übjishedyeputadon wherever it has been used, based
• entireljfou its own merits, which its superior eflieeev
bu alofie ansutuied. The unfortunate victim of hor
edttsry''disease, with swollen glands, contracted
i bone * been restored to
hesUh and Vigor.. The serofufius prtlenf, covered
with ulcers, loathsome to himself and his attendants,
has been made whole. Hundreds of persons, who bid
groaned hopelessly lor years tinder cutaneous and
. glandular disorder* chronic rheumatism, and many
other eomplaints springing from a derangement of the
secretive organs and the circulation, have been raised
as it were from the rack of disease, and now, wiUt re
generated conciliations, gladly test fy to the efficacy
of this inestimable preparation.
The attention of the reader is called totbelbllowinr
astonishing cure, effected by the use of Bands’ Sursajw
This is tn certify that I hayp a colored woman-who •
has been afflicted for the last five years will; Scrofula,
and oil the remedies I used hnd no effect 1« arresting
the progress of the complain:; on the contrary, she ]
constantly grew worse; and after expending between i
“.7° ttnd with physicians, besides n»ing other poo- I
ular remedies without success, till the disease had <
ealen away the caruingc of hernore,tnndeiuappesr
mice on various pam of her body, uud had finally
eomraeuced iu ravage* in the roof of her mooih.
In Urn dreadful situation, with the prospect of death
staling her in the face, I staicLher case lo Dr. Disos
way, the agen t for sands’ Sarsaparilla in Newbern, N.
L , by whom 1 was udvued to’ use that article; and to
my surprise and that of my neighbors, to whom her
ease was known, after using four and a half bottle*
she was restored to perfect health, and lhatui lae spaee
of three weeks, and was side to work in two weeks
ixom the time she commenced taking it.
In witness.of the truth of this statement, I have here
unto affixed my name, this 19th day of {tent, IW
v or k ' JOSEPH M’COTTER, J. P.
\ Month of Neuse River, Craven eo., N. C
r«, sr foll u mus " «» c*lr»ct from a letter received
rrom.Mn. Bevan, who had been afflicted several year*
wuh Scrofulous Ulcers, Dyspepsia, Ac., and recently e
an affection of the throat and chest:—
’ • ,„ . Baileysburg, Va, Dec. TJ,IS(S.
Messrs. A. B. c D. Sixtc Beiore I commenced t*»-
ing your Sarsaparilla, my sufferings were almost nasi
ei J >res ?i°. n > my throt; wa* completely ulcerated, 1 had
• dreadfol cough, and there were frcqafiiiiy weeks to
gether that I coaid not speak above a whisper- and be
sides, the iiiff animation from my throat extended to my
head, so that ray hearing was very much Impalrea.
After taking the Sars.parilla a short time, my health
improved, and my threat is now well? I tm a. free from
cough and tightness of the ehest as ever I was, and
etn,betr quite distinctly. My throat has been well
about three months, the cure of whi -h liu been effect
ed entirely by the use of your Sarsaparilla.
Your friend, LOUISA R. BEVAN.
The following testimonial lo the value of the Sami*,
iinila, la from me Bee Luther W ngbt, need TO rear*
Congregational Minister, residing m Woburn:
- ' Woicas, Mass, March 3mh, ISM.
.Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen, From what 1 have expo
nenced. and from the information I have recently re
eemed from a number of persofis of high respectabili-
JT who bare used your Sarsaparilla, I have not the
leaat doubt bnt that it is a roost valuable medicine, and
that the nomeroa* certificates you have received of it*
efficacy ore fully sustained by experience, and al
though its reputation and utility arc very exienalve '
and stand in no need of my bumble efforts to increase
them. I want all who aro afflicted by diaease to become
acquainted, with the effleocy ami power of your vatu
able medicin*. 4
I am, gentlemen, gratefully. and very rcspeeifullr
. ... Luther Wright.
r» *l rep J?E? 8 wholesale and A. B. &
D. SANDS, Druggist and Chemist, 100 Fulton street,
corner of William, New York. Sold also by Drue
guts generally throughout the United States and. Can
•das. Pnce tl per bottle; six bottle* for»s.
For bj L. tVILpjX, Jr. It. A. FAHNESTOCK
A CO, and UJWARD PEN DERICK, Pittsburgh Al
o, bv Dr. g. SMI rH. Bridgwater. oetW
T H .!£ L n * mol< y. “ ndcr tbo c *« of Rct.J.
HORN AND LADY, will re-open on Monday, iho
l7Ui of September, in the same rooms. No W Ijocnv
meet. Having limited the number of their papiis, the
l fincipoi* hope to merit a continuation of thut liberal
patronage they have hi-herto emoyed. Parents may
feel assured that every advantage will be afforded
their daughter*. if ptaced under ihd r charge, lor ob
taining a thorough English, Clascal. and Ornamental
education. siifrTHtf
TIHE AUTUMN SG93ION of thia Insulation will
commence on the firet Monday ia September.—
Kooms on Federal itreeuin ‘•Colonadc
from the bridge. ’
„ fomo.v rxßfcaion or rm Mounts.
Ln|!i»h Department, mcladiug Reading, Orthogra
phy and Defining, Writing, English Grammar, Rueto*
nc, bogie. Englwh ComponiUon- and Criticism, Geo-
Arithmetic and the hither bnaehes
of Mathematics, Nataral Phtlotophy, Chemistry As
trenomy. Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual
and Moral Science, and all other branches requisite to
a thorough English Education • . . gjjq oo
daisies! Department, ineluding the Latin and Greek
Languages, each - - . ... * 6 u>
French, - . . . . . 810 «,
German, 810 00
Tite services of competent teachers are sectored for
such as desire instruction In French and German, and
also in Drawing, Paiunng and Muste.
It it desirable that pupils enter at the commence*
yet they are received at*any time,
anil are charged at the above rate* from Uje time of
entrance. No deductions are made for absences, ex*
cent is caves of protracted illness. '
Furtheriufomauoa may be obtained, and upplica*
Lob.made by calling upon the Principal, at bis roots*
on-Federal street, or at hi* lodgiug* in “Irwin's Row,”
Liberty street, Pittsburgh, between 3d anu 4tb streets;
® r by addressing, through, the Pittsburgh Post Office,
Ihtf Principal. N. W. METCALF.
Allegheny. Ang. 7, 1949 dtf
rIMIE Second Session of Uus InsUtuUou,' under the
i. care of Mr. and Mr*. Gosuosx, for the present
academic year, will commence on the first of Februs
ry next, in the same buildings. No. &! Liberty street.
Arrangcmeuishave been made by which they will
be able to furnish young ladies facilitic* equal t* any
in tiie West, for obtaining a thorough English, Classi
cal, and Ornamental education. A full coarse of Phi*
lisophical and Cbcnucnl Lectures will be delivered
during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The dc*
fanmenu of Vocal and Instrumental Musir, Modem
languages, Drawing and Painting, willoaeh bo under
the cure ofn competent -Professor. IJy close attention
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu*
nils, the Principals hope to mem a continuation pf the
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For
terms, see circular or apply to the Principal*
__ jaSO-dU * ‘
I'rmßCßQii, y-ept.'io.iMß.
TING FLUID we have now been using more than
a year, and on looking over the entries made by it. we
find the color n bright blue blaex. It is pleasant to
writo with, Bow* free, and doc* not clog the pen like
the ordinary ink* m use. Wishing von ihi. ready sale
its merits demand, wo arc, yours respectfully,
For sate, totethnr with llibbcrt's Red Ink, autl Ma
chine Cop,-ln«, by B. A. Fahnestock h Co., IL I*.
9chwar. t. Allegheny City, and by me manufaclorer,
T. K. Kibbcrt. Druggist and Cheumi, comer of Liber
ty and Smilhdcld sts, Pittsburgh. octl3
. (Successor* to Hussey, Manna A Co.)
Il'ln Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
of Deposits, Bonk Noles, and Specie—Fourth street,
nearly opposite the Bonk of Pittsburgh. Current mo
ney received on dcponite—Sight Check* for sale, and
collections made on ucarly all the principal points in
the United States.
The highest premium paid for Foreign and American
Gold '
Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship,
ped Knt.s on liberal terms. gp2
Patui-Ssccssi) Jaacaat Ist, ls<9.
Patent aw*Uver asnuian Tablet, &fr*s, Ptrrntvt,
Hook Caju. Wruing Dttis.
THB TABLES' far surpasting every -othor in*
veittionofthokindnow extanL They can be ex
tended Horn ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
Uio leaves are all contained Inside; they am made to
all sixes and shapes, admirably adapted for
Steamboats, Hotels, and large private (amiUcr., form
ing when closed a complete centre table. ‘ _
oOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are invni
sable, panicnlariy to those who wish-to econo
mise room, and convert a sleepiug apartment into a
parlor hr sluing they can be opened and shut
at convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclos
ed: A great saving in rpon and rent.' All the bed
steads when dosed form a beautiful piece of furniture
for s parlor or sluing room. '
BOOK CASES—A neat.and osefal article for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting roomt,
sod other offices; when opened t nioMconreiyent bed*
stand, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
Is visible. _
Alt these articles need no recommendation: the
ViMitT of the whole is, they are warranted not to get
out or repair.' It will be for your interests to call and
examine the articles, at the manufacturer’s store, No.
tO Third street, PmscurKh. In addition, to the above
advantages, they are proof asninot bur a >
MaxcracTcan oy ‘
ALCOIiei AND rDB£ 8 P ( I B 1T8,
Comet Front cad Via* streets. Cincinnati, O.
ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol,'Fate Spirits,
Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will be promptlyiV
cmlod to at lowest market price. mchls:dly
THE firto of NICKLIN * KIIYDRN being dissolved,
the undersigned will coutinuo the Forwarding and
Uu ‘ iritt * »i ‘tie steam boat lauding,
I ILAN&ILN, and respectfully informs bis friends that
ue bts gaue to the expense of a heavy iaiuranee on
tua warehouse and contents, for several year*, and
i trusts he will give entire satisfaction to all who may
patronise.him. He will receive freight at the Lower
l Landing. ©ctU . JAMES BRYDEN.
'-■« v ' j "IT'
bargains bargains::
at thk siex or to* sio at kits,
Marketbetween 3d and 4th, Pittsburgh.
VV I ®.*ELL, No. 63 Market street, between
t’lllve. l«u S..*® 4 Foanil * *»gn of the big golden. Bee
lai»e’tt^k^l^ am J eoced r ««iving and opening the
W?niM I>£^l/ nd •Ptoodid stock of Fall and
burr It ffif Pf 1 ?? 4 ' **** offered by one bouse In Pitts
edffiha foreign goods bare been-purehas
fa»fct“S ckX& H” b °
wishingito bay new and cheap rood. E ft. f• “ l
which will no doubt astonish tbemTUkr
to sell cheaper than the cheapest ■ t dtonmned
Goad dark Qilieo, only Scents per yard-
Best qoahty dark Ca'ieo, fast coloii, e to Ifr.
4-4 Bntuh purple Prints Cut colors, 8 to ut
Henry Bed Ticking, from StolO cenis pervd-
Bleached MdsJins, good quality, 6to Per vd:
- BCst quality Bleached Vaalioa, 8 to 10 per y?
Hegry-yard wide : Unbleached Muslitw. sio6i
. Good red Flannel, frtm4s to 23 cenu per yd;
Good Yellow'Flannel.lSto2seUpeTyd: •
Goal black AJpaeea m* is to 23 per y^;
French Giagham* front 10 to ISets per yd;
Irish Lineoa at prices from 2$ tp ljis pet yd;
Batineu and Kentucky.Jeansfroml2» to aOeu; '
Gloakisn ana Linseys from 12J to 31 Ct*:
Heqvy Domestic Ginghams lOto 19|‘etx; ’
Crash and Diaper*, ail prices and qualities;
A splendid assortment of all the newest styles.
Thibet Casbmered in high colors, .rich-goods: ’
Lupin French Thibet Merinos, thß finest Imported:
Rich Camellon Silkiest! colon and qttalmes; •'
Black Anharea£best quality.- Maid-asd stripes; '
Black Grot dc Rhine, all wioths andqualhie*; i
Lupin's fine black Bombasines, besuwol rwdr.
do best French Merinos, black and colored;
do. do do do in high eolorr, - '
do fine French de Laines, atfvrool, high color*;
Rich fif’d Cashmeres, beaftufoi goods, very'eheap
Dotted liwna Muslins, for ovesing dresses;
Broeho Thibet Scarfs, late importation; .
Best quality French Kid Gloves, all color*;
Mourning Cashmeres and de i jinx*, all prices;
Ladies embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goods,'
Ladles finest quality French linen Hdkfiu -
Belting Ribbons, a full assortment;
Worked Capes, Collar* and Cuffs, m great variety
Blnek and colored Crape*, ail qualities;
Brocsule Lustres, in all colors and qualities;
Mohair Camelion figures, rich goods:
French cioakingr.sapeA goods, high colors;
I • t>l *° ra *■* * lice, all widths and prices; *
I -Black Htlk Fnif es, wide and heavy, best quality.
• Together with a large stock of white Goods, Swiss
Jaconet and Mull Muslins, besides a very large and
superb stock of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of tne latest im
portance and most fashionable styles. Many of the
above goods ban just arrived per the last steamers
tram Europe, and are wonky the attention of the la
-, shawls: shawm::
A splendid assortment of Shawls*—
Super extra tile French Long Shawls, best imp’d
Super extra sue Long Broche, finest quality.
Superb quality Long Plaid Shawls, rich color*;
Best quality square plaid fine wool Shawls; '
Rich aad heavy extra size black ailk Shawls:
Rich camlion changeable silk Shawls;
Super black and white, *!! wool, long Shawls;
Super extra size Mug and Sq’ra Mourning Shawls
Paris printed Cashmere Shawls, in great variety;
~, ** TVrkeri K mil pnees tc qaaTs;
.JWoembridTJibet “ heavy silk fringe;
Blaek and mode colored heavy eloth Shawls; ‘ .
White emb’d Thibet Shawls, beamifui goods;
Highland pl'd long ond.sq’re Shawls, very cheap:
Mourning Shawls and Searfs, in great variety;
Also, a large lot of plaid Blanket Shawls, -from 73
eu to .
Together with a full supply of Gloves, Mitts and Ho
sien-, with all 'articles usually .kept in a Wholesale
and Retail Dry Goods Hodse—all of which will be
at prices to defy competition.
ID* Remember tfcu store. No. 63 Market street be
tween Third and Fourth, sign of the Btoßo-Hivs,
where bargains can at all times be had.
C&BBUTHSOT baa commenced 10 receive a
• large assortment of Woolen Comforts and
Upod* Haiiin, Berlin, buekakin and woolen GloTea:
Thibet, cloth, moat do lain and blanket Shawls: cash
itJ d woolen Hose; Pongee • ana linen
Hakfa; silk and satin Crarau and Scarfs; Gunns and
Fringes; Irish Linen, Table Covers, Crapes, Ribbons
Laees bleached had colored Muslins, Tabby Velvets,
relent Threads, Bewmc Silk, Bottons,. Gam Snspen
ders, “Ins Pereu»<ion Caps Almanacs, common and
gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pock
et and table Catlery, and many other goods which
country and city Merchants are respectfully invited
o examine. sntJO
VfANWACTUBK and will keep on hand Family
tvA and Steam Boat Blankets, Domestic Flannels,
Mae, brown and drab Blanket Coating, Satinets and
woolen Yarn, which they will sell at Eastern prices.
Warehouse No 112 Second st, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Factory, New Haven, Fayette eo; Pa. «w»
W fi rV.°i u „M£ CC w* T ? d * lar f® tDli complete stock
.y f, CLOCKS, Variety and Fancy Goods, soita
0T the fall trade, to which, with every description:,
of Looking Glasses manufactured at our own steam
power shop in this ask the attention of West*
eroMerchiuuaandother dealers.
»ptM corner Wood and Fourth tti •
N 0.48 Woos Sx n Piyißtnua,
ARE eov reeetvingtheir usual supplies of Goods
for the Fail season, which fney will he happy to
exhibit to their old cettosara, and ae many new ones
as may feel inclined to present themselves. •
. Always taking great pains to lay in saeh foods as
are auspted to the wadis of the Western trade, which
long experience enables them to do, they can say with
mueh confidence, and without entering Into a deail
of their s'oex; that the Wesiern reiki? merchant will
uml with them all that his casiomen require. Those
who have formed tho unprofitable habit of repairing
to the Eastern eiiiea tor their stocks of Dry .Goods,
woold do well to call, os a candid comparison of pri
ces would in many eases result in the conviction that
the expense of going further obviated by buy.
L'B w Pittsburgh. spas
BBMTmL goods: “
\kf R- MURPHY is now receiving his first Fall
tr • supply, of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, and
hu already opened an assortment of new and beauti
f«l styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors;
and neat new style Fall
Mae tin de Laines;
Alpaecas and Mohair Lustres:
Damask fif'd and striped do
Paroettos and Lyoaese Cloths;
Of the mart desirable colors; and a fall supply of
bleached and unbleached Muslins, Irish Linens, Man-
Chester Ginghams, Ac., at northeast comer Fourth
Marietta. Buyers sre'inviied ft coll and ace.
spts . *
FRENCH MERINOS—Of allthe desirable colon,
such os Maroon, Garnet, cheny, scarlei,different
tnsde s of green drab, and-black. '
Also, PaRMETTOS ot all the above colon, in eve*'
ry variety of quality; amt LYONE3B CLOTH*, olao
of allthe desirable colon, now open at Dry Goods
HoumoT aptU , WR MURPHY
Mourning goods—w.'r. Murphy t>'«« uow
ppeu on extensive assortment of Black Goods,
Including Botaboxindt, French Merinoes, Parmeltos.
Mouse de Laines, Mourning Alpaecas, and other
MoumlngGood*.; , p U4
VfILITAR V GOODS..—Caps, Plumes, Swords, Bash
iyl e», Epanloiies, Lace, Buuons, Flags, and all the
iri®®toxa necessary to equip volunteer companies.
ID” Volunteer companies equipped oacomplete and
cheap at done in the East, at too Miliary Store, cor
ner Market and Fourth sis. W w WILSON
„ *’• S.—The Uniteo Sates Bast and Tenor Drums, of-
Germantown aske, for sale and warranted by •
»P>< ' W.W.W.
ARB now receiving a very lam mock of freak
they will tell to the trade at such prices at cannot fail
to give entire satisfaction.
City and Country Merchanu are invited to call and
examine our stock before purchasingelsewh-- .
myn ;
TVor California.
HE celebrated Uoxard Rifle Powder, in kegs, half
kegs, quanora and cans, for sale by *
..febKf J S niLWORTH A Co. g7wood st
Hath for fifteen cents
Ladies Department open from 9to U o'clock,A. BL,
and 2. to 5 o’olack, P. M,
Athens am Saloon and Bathing Establishment.
iyia T. M’FALL, Proprietor
JAYNE.~This certifies, that immediately after
having attended my brother, who died of consumption
iu March, 1849.1 was taken sick with the Consumption
or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so law with the
disease, that for four years 1 was unable to attend to
my business, either at home or abroad, being for the
most time confined to my bed. Daring toe above peri*
od of ume, I had expended for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and medicines, to the aoonntof
BOUO, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In
July, 1645, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne’s Medi
cines, and have taken them more or less ever since,
end believe that it was by persevering in their nse,
that I can now truly say that I have completely roeo*.
vered my health. I believe that Jayne's Sanative PUla
aud.Expeetorant are the beet family medicines now in
1 reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y, and
carry on a furnace and machine shop in that place,
and an not interested in any manner in the tale of the
above medicines, and make this certificate lor the ben*
efil of those afflicted. .. .. ELIJAH EATON
Springfield, N. Y„ Sept I« 1843. • iki
IMPORTASl r To”TBjB 1 AFFlilCtkoi
Dr. Bou’i Celebrateit Bemedlra,
T\R. JACOB 8. BOSE, the discoverer and sola pro*
J/ pneier of these most popular and beneficial med*
tcines, and also tie inventor of the celebrated instrn*
ment for inflating the Lours, in effecting a cure of
Chrunio diseases, wu a student of that eminent ohytl*
ctoni Doctor PbTllc, «nd u too Unirenl
ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty year* since has been
engaged in the investigation of disease, and the annli*
cation otremedieslhereio. . - v
Throarttha w ofhUinflating tube,in connection
with hisTrephjrlteue Syren andother of hi* remedies,
he hu gaiwf an wparelelied eminence m .earing
those dretulfet and fetal maladies, Tubercular Con
sumption, Cancers, Scrofhls. Rheumatism, Asthma.
PeTt'r and Ague, Fevers of alt kinds, Chrome Eryripo
las, and all those obstinate diacasespeculiar to females,
indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use
of his remedies, to which humanity is heir—not by iive
use of one compound only, for that is ir.eompatible
with Physiological Law, out by the use of his rente*
'*«» adapted to and prescribed tor each peculiar lons
dies. adapted to a*. ,
of disease.
Dir. Rom's Tonic Alterative PUU, when wed are In*
variably acknowledged to be aaperiorio all ether, as
a purgative or Uver ptlL inasmuch as..they Ifcave tbe
bowels perfectly frde.utua eostiveues*;. as also sis
Golden Pill* is admitted by theftcolty toposadaspeea
liar properties adapted te female diseases, batbejag
satisfied that a bare trial ts sufficient to establish wear
kh been.said in tbe miods skeptical. .
The afflicted are invited to eali upon the agent, and
procure (armtiej one of tbe Doctor’s pamphlet*. giving
JOs Barkley. DaAiMtomßeawcoiuajr,P*.
Jpe KHiou,£aaooValley, “ ..•*», “ •
T Adams, Beaver, " “.2
00V10417 : :
VOL. XYII. NO: 67. /
0_ > . BBrua,Pa s Sept. 85»1t*4*.
Mi. R; E, Seller*—Deat S r I feel it is a duty I owe'. .>«
to the ptiblie, m well as ttUbocredit of your Livefi '
rillS to state the good effect* produced b] Uteir use, la
myownaase During themonto of June 1945,' I took I
very unwell, my appetite failed, and my i ttenglh trn s-- :
entirely | prostrated, with «evere pstn m my side and ■' •. v
•boaldeu. I was told by medical men ray disease .
was a severe attack of iiver complaint. 1 took sere- ..,
rat. boxes of .WLane's Liver Pill*, and feme syrups;
which:! was told was Rood for that diae*«r, butafccr
all I w*| getting worse. I' finnlly cortelidcd to place
myself under the care of a physician-for better or v. >.
worse; but, fortunately, just al this time; I was tatt-tvi?;
by the Her. I. Niblock, of this place, thal a fnead had
sent him a box of Sellers* Liver Pills from Pittsburgh : r i?
which had beneflued him very much. | f; forthwith
I tent for* box of your Liver Pills, and by Uie -r.
| wa* dotle using them, I was, satisfied thul itwa* jt3C'. Jl r.r
the .medicine that suited my case. 1 «<bu for more,' ,•>*
and tool five oc six boxes, and found. mWelf almost. -
entirely! cured; but in March last tcaugm V s«»ere7l*f:n
cold, which brought- bmek the disease, and in a short
tuuel Wa* as bad as ever. I attain had! recourse w :- v;
your Liter Pills, and took them every oilier night
■lx weeks, and occasionally since, ard I eUt} stow say, ■. -v
, “jut I ein now say, that I leelliuie it any sympioaa ■:
or the Liver Complaint, and my gcner-iLhcallh is as ; o*?
ffood now as it has been for the list tO.yealf*.
~ neighbor* tuk me who was' toy dekrtor. 1 teiP; *.'l
tfcllert l l4ver Pill«,wasmyj doctor, and. by •
~7 Dl f»«ng of Divine Providence the means of,earing —tt.?
that when the public- become u» .fi
your LiverPjUs, .the, ile-V. ■
wcicas?. Many of my neighbors, v->V:
thiZ ” T * recommended the pills, caa testify to .
yours, t gxoboi Jlnixa. --■ '
oiM* !Jrrf r pin?' —Tll - B ° ri s in al. only uue V
K^,'hf« rcr « 4 Prepared by, R, K Sabers, and -
*57? to bUekwmi upon, itoiat o£: • .; >'
fiSr. *“ *!*naiar? on iHoauide wrapper.
U7“AJI Wbera are coßßtrrfen*, or bake iaUtationl • • - -
_fpt>7 i ILE ft? WmJ h f..: ;
' 1 ;■ OADTiOa KXTB.iT”
A mas by the name of ftURL CLAPP b
**» *young man of the name ofS. P. To*
"?.• 9l* n A" a to P« * Sarsaparilla, J
J^IrSTWtS?J? Il “ I n4 l* dent
GEPfCINE, Original, etc. TJusTcwnsen
tor and sever *ll, bat was formerly a wo
roa£, canal*, and the like. Yet he am
or Dr., ferine purpose of gaining credit fo
Mt- He ,11 sending cut card* headed
Onac**” m which he tays, I have told th<
ftuoe for »7 a week. I will give S. P.Toe
use will produce one single solitary proo
Ttua 1* to caution tbopubllo nntto be de<
Surcbaae none but. the GENUIN'BORIOI
v. Jacob Towntend’a Sarsaparilla, havm
uld Dr.’« likeness, his family coat of arms,
nature across the coat of arms.
PriacipaJ Office, 103 Nuiu it, New Vo
WCOB |l|*l| JllWf
OJd Dr. Townsend it now about TO years<
wSbI2?5 6 51 b kn ®3ra-«« the AUTHOR ai
«Pli'srf flheGhNUlNßO WolNAL M TO
®ARS4PARII*LA. ,fc ißciiigßoor. be vu
to umiui* manufnetare, by which means i
««n oot of market, and the sales Zircon
“®*e only who had proved ; u# worth and I
.value. This Qjusd avo Uvxqcalled Pant
; manufactured ah the Urges* scale, and is
throneboui the length and breadth oftha la-.
Ualite young & p. Townsend’s, ifimpr.
age,and neve.- changes, but for the better; I
uprepuedon scientJGe principles by a setet
The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and
dueoyenes of the An.-have aU been brooirh
*l® ,wu *o u» 'bo mannfactare ot thirdd DrT’s
nlla. The Sarraparilla root, it U wall know
li-?.^:u, 0 ? UlilU t niediei ““ Properties, out i
pemca which are inert or useless: and othei
it retained h for one, produce
-.-p/v 10 ? produce ferments*.-:.
Uoaaad Mid, whlehit injurious to the system. Somov 1 v ~
oflhe proprruea otSarsaparilla ore so voloiDe thaui, - 4
they eourelycTaporaio and are. low in Die pr&areV - rV&
[ uoo, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, v
known only loth©*® experienced in iu manufacture?’
Moreover these volatile principles, which flv offin t> i
per, or as an exhalation, under heat, are the very «sT 1.-Y ; >^'r
l?M?“£}£ p n!? n,a ° r *°-" x “’
•’■ GKBTOISE - I rr Y-7{ ! )
,'i L J'„“-. JA . c r™,'™r Er<D ‘ 3 sarsaparilla. Js ■
is so.prepared, that all the Inert properties of the Par*
stparxila root are first reroovod, every thing eanablo :
of neeonaag acid or of fermentation, is extractedaad i
rejected; then every partielo of medical vlrtae is seen- /*Y
red In a pure and concentrated form;.and that ft I»
rendered tneapab.e of losing any of its valutbloan :
heating properties. Prepared in Uisw&y, it is made
tberaost powerful agent in the— » f «“*«.(• 5.
Hence the-reas«n why «* hear commendations on r ‘
,ls • MOf , b ’ r women and’children.
We tail it doing-wonders in the core of ■ :> '•
Dyspepsia.and Ltvei Complaint, and in Rheumatism, '&;?
pL". 4 P &** W •« Cutaneous Enip2 :* Vv*’^'
uonj,Pimplrs,HjQtc],e l .ondal!RflecUonsari*incfreni '
• marvellous efficacy in all complaints •VU**:
arisiug from Jndig-itioa, from Acidity nf the Stoma-hi« ..•
r®ls “cqaal of Mood to the f i '
heed, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and cold haadsl « '' vt v.'C
cold ehilli and hot.flashes hrertho bodv. iihaa act l
had Ui equal in coughs and colds; and promotes easy ?’
expeemrauan, aad gentle perspiration, relaxing etric*
tare oftho langi, throat, and every other part -
But tit nothing is iu excellence more manifestly seen 2- , • • :
and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of : , L v ’ : c*
tr V,. w * r “ wonders In eases of floor slims or whites, * • feY
li f Wo ? b^Obs ? , L e,ed ’ 8 “ p P re,scd ’® rl,,^'r
.k “*••••» Irregularity of the mens’rnal penoda.' and 1 -
thoiue, and is effcetaoUa caring ail forms of me Kid- 1 c
fk W,c *' removiDg obs-ructions, and revula-f J"
Jh?i h £Fi! e ? ,^*J* 0 ’ 4, *V ,e * mm «3 stream to;[/ ‘J '--J/,
-the whole body, and cares all forms of •. iK"_* :
and Huts prevents or relieves a c rest variety of other f
diseases, a Spinal Irmauon, Neuralgia, St. Vitus ’ ' ‘ i
Dance, .Swooning, EpaepdcFils, Con vuti ions, Ao Is ! ' ■
cot this, then, raxMratcrnitop Piw-KxrucreLT NraT 5 ■■*■■■'■\
Bat can any of these things be said of S. •p. Tbwn. f ■
sond’sinlenor ortlele? This yonor man's fiauid u nei \
Wbe tyMPAMDWITi/THfioLDDK “ ' ..iV,,-'
beeitw of the Grand Fftct, ih.l Ihe one i. ti.cop.bla v I' .
V, NEVER SPOILS, whil, ttSSS £ ' !■ '■
er DOES, it soars,. ferments, and blows the lot ties ;I •
cpnlamtng it Into fragmehu; the sour, acid liouM ex- ! • .;- •
da ff sing ?*« pood*! Mast not tals hot. ‘
no;e compound be poisonnns to the aytiem! What! i-.
P£! ld , lnto T®- system already dwea-ed with acid! V: .‘ -
Do we notall know, -.
that when fcod sours in our stomachs, *hat misehreft'v > :
it produces!—flatulence, heartburn; palpitation oftho t
heart, liver complaint, diarrhea, dyhemery, eholie and >
corruption oftho blind! What is Scrofula but un-acidi"’
humor tit the body! What produces ai thetiiimuxs ’ •
wticHbnugou Etopuons of the-Skin, Scald Head, T?
Salt Hheum,Erysipetiu, White Swellings, FoveNSores!
and aU aleerations internal and external! it isnotn- ;
ng under heaven but an acid subnauce, w.nich
ttd thus spoils all the fluids uf the body, moie cr leeaT
_»> hat causes Rheumatism bat a sour acid fluid. wbich
insinuates itself between thejoinu and el-cwheie, ir
ntatidg wul inflaming the tender and delieatc tiuaes'
upon which it sets?. s*o of nervous diseases, of lmpu-.
nry cfine blood, of deranged eircalotioas, sod nearly
oil the ailments which sflliet bomau uauire.
Nov;, is it not horrible to tuako and sell, and Infinite*
ly worse to use this • UMJUW T
and yet he would fain have it understood that Old Jo*
nob Itousend’s Genuine Original Sarsaparilla; is an )
limtation of his inferior preparation'! •;
Heaven foriud that we ahoalddeaLln an article 5
which would bear the most distant rereouiiaace to S. i
P.Townsend’s artiola! and which should briar dows.r
upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load' of compiaioia 1
and criminations from agenu who have sold, aud pur* '
chasers who have used d.~P. Townsend’s Fermentim^
Compound! , -v. ;
We wish It understood, because it is the absolatn'
truth, that 9. P. Townsendle article and Old Dr; Jacob •
Townsend’s SarsapariUa are heavon-wide apart,aud'
infinitely dissimilar that they are unlike tit every par*'
tieular, having not one singlo common. -' : ■ t»
It ti to arreit trauds upon tho nnfortunaie,
balm: into, wounded humanity, to' kindle hope inthv - ■.
despairing bosom, to reitore health and bloom-and vi-,,%7 ,
gorintottie crushed and broken and to banish iafirmi*-1
,y T^ al -F“ D ?- JACOB TO W.V9END has SOUGHT 1
« y oPDoounltw-wnd means to bring his 1' v: .‘
within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who • E
I need 11, that they may learn and know, by joylul ex- ;’t
i perience, its Txansckxsicir powxa to aaai.
*ot sale, by J. JCIDD ft CO.. Wholesale Agent- ftf - »■
Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham! Drf t V
J- tJAECEANT, Allegheny; Dr. -J. CASSELL; Flak’ f •
wont, G. W. GARDNER, sib ward, PitUQureli >pli / T ‘'
: : Saudi, co-0:, Anr M' i'MT* 1 ‘3 •
mD. JAYNES; Das* Sas-f fc 2l SS’ltow *
JL/ And the afflicted public, to avail mvselfof thuoo- ~
ponuaity of giving publicity to the extraordinary effect*" 2 ■*- :{ :
of your Expectorant oamyself. Having been afflicted*--- 'f •
for wveral yean with a severe cough, hectic fever
and Us concomitant disease a, and seemed only doomed'■ 1
a ? fcort * l “ t alterable existence* until the-:...
fall of ISO, when, being more severely auncked, and' “■ !
havtif resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre.*
seriptions of two eftho most respectable pbyuciatm in* ;,, -
aetghborbpod wiUioat deriving any bwicfit. or ds : " '
consolation of surviving bat* few days or week* <
'm* gjfaa of hope was about tn, .'.4 .
vamlb, 1 had recommended to me. your Expectorant— ,a •
and bleared by that Being who does all things in fflo' rV>. l
use ortlic the axpectidionsof 1 -
my physicians end friends, I was in a few days raised ~ *
aueaa to my basinet*, enjoying since better health.than »
\ had for ten years prerioa*. ■' - - x
Respectfully jours, :
at a Delicate riatare with pronptnew and teerecTi', '■ '
Hiaaoeceit ia Boflalo and other togt. dtfaahat:
been proverbial. i!i« ehtrget are moderate, ami hla "
caret permanent Old eaa/*» of Gleet, Stricture,
fids, Floor Albue,Kheiunati*in,Aga«,STOliilu I.oraßichronic 1 .oraBi
chronic or Inveterate caaei loltdled.
A eure warranted, or . >.
(tones, Sc Clairetreet, 2doer» frasuhe Bridge.
Teeth Kxlraeten, Advice lo Ihepoor jfTatiiL ■■■/'*■
N.B -Dr.A-aoliciu the worn caxuoYur disease • v
in Pittahurnh toealL ' . . anl<-.dlT
-p OREBaff , t |l . '
JrrJLL remain open for Ti*iien onuJ lie.lii JaiJßa-'* - ;
f other Ee<re*htnenu«uiv-'' 7S »
w>U be open w.v»djsr*. N •'*
Wo Allegheny end of the *BL' C3*Tr Are« ‘ V ’
BrWre, ererr b«Sf lu>ardßßßß *e day.-tuaniL w • ••'
££?”! «i.U» ferry *
KMmaa!*it4 ’MamoSbS'S'fo o”«Sr ; ' :
nfrUß *erre ' '
h? tffi■£?& to emittctiea with Kmj -
• | W* , t
vnsend, and *J;yj
EiGaUnk U’
fm no Ac- -v-rs
hat he is • -
rick* of
oof my • * :
end 9500 '•"■>
r eived, and
if ouii tbo yr^:
i uidhistig- '*?
ns end r;
rkCity. v ,
■ f eye, '1 x.
.1 4 DfUCO*
i jampelhd _•
i: has-been'
i mribolJo /%-'
nova lu . ' ‘ y >Ji
* itirn u •
> called for. •: '
ret with
ecaaio « •
uic nun. •• > -
lie latest- ,‘-
;inloro- .jj-
Sarsopo- .• *■.
t tamed-'' 1 ,
*, wludir"
f r '-v'-