THE HTTSBUMH 6AZETT& PUBLISHED BY WHITE fc CO ■PITTIBUBfiBi:, WEDNESDAY MORNING,-OPT. 94, ISI9. NEXT PAOB'FOE LOCAL MA'iTßftgr TELEOtAPHIC NEWS, Ac. LnuROB Tnuu—Oorweekly,w hich will bo teacd at prwrn to day, will contain a faH aecoantcf the eridence in the ctx of John 8. editor of the Payette Whig, charged with iri*sf the TTniootowa Poat Office. Not baring bees able to MPfiy the demand far A*<n»* | yb will iasoe aa extra nombar of week* Has. ' For tale at the Gazette office, with or without wrapper a. Wee fire cent* FSBQTLYajoa ' n - Atr - Road.— Wo have been ftrored with the peraitl of o coneopondoneo of tbe President of Iho Fonnijlreni* Rod “OOd Oompony With Merer*. MeCrediew «oil Module, tha lhpl odeisers and ortoloof tho Compotry to, thin city, fan. which wo loom thu AOeghony Oocrnty Bondi, to Iho .mount of iSIo.OOO, hire ten fenrardod to Iho Directed, end *IOO,OQO more will OOOD -follow. The of there bonds wili bo ipent in porch* re of roil rood iron, 4,000 iono of which hseo boon olrcndy nesotiited, Western division. 1 ■ learn, also, from the letter that the Board is anxions to pot t division wider contract at aa « a Ue, and are only waiting now h loaainder of the Allegheny cot; devoted to this purpose, and t dandy hope to receive some a ' tho (capitalist* of Piusbnrgb, to ipppplgtSan of this grist work. of the President te whole Western I* a day as possi* Aihe Deans. The it* Bonds will <be lejDireclors confi [<nlioQii aid from u list m (he early Th» Foxxmn N*wi/—We f o day, principally to the d brought by the Niagara, io reli ty betweenthe Emperor Nich x i*h Government, lo regard to tl gees. Oar readers will find iniereat, and will be led tbe manly noble determi am to detest the haughty and ' Nicholas, and despite lb •rage meanness of Austria. «t tils of the oews I usd to 'the difficuV-1 jl is and the Tcuk-1 ie Hongarian refa« , tljeae details a \ much to admire iition of the .Porte, o ifoooded demand a contemptible and ai the firmness ol the I u d French GoTero- I eiy of the Hnogari* | » Russian Bear will 1 n whls teeth, bat he c ersl Earopean wart i he whole Christian We incline to the opinion tl Pott, backed by the EaylUh ants wfll accomplish tbe sa «a retbgeeWwtf*«tf «w» > . T growl terribly, and perhsps si will hardly venture'opon a g< . || * > canto condemned by . world. Pjuwouu son lanun Goo; '*•—Those interest*. | odwffl see, by a. notice appended to thejid-1 •yattnment, that the time! ol opening bid* I fcr jiadian Goods, by tbi (Department of the iatenor, has been exteeded W> the first of Decern*, bar, aid that the regulation ffarbiddisg extracts to| ' betaken from the contractijof former years, haa ten rescinded, 'TbelimeiMthe delivery of the goods bsajbeea extended to the first ol June, sinTT OJSik Jobs Fnanrun—Vor-nrd*? w« an acconnl &om the Now London Chronido, 5..T.H that Captain Ohopel, ' Iho American bull Seta, hoard, whUo If nan indentation ol B*An*» Bay, on the Ist ol ut, MtiTe * of 6m flout, tint twu li hipa'.were lying in prihoe Bcgent’a Inlet/wl vey have been fa* for fcor seasons, and th officers and crew „w*ifl well Tbe lale arrival from 1 lif mee that Capt. Parke Ti lelore, while at Dari tb»MtiTea that foot rei V) loco Begeat'a Inlet, !■ I, [ateOigesca coming *ueh different sources, k i ao exactly,'gives cheering hopes of and ollimate deliverance of the intrepid aJrllfl and his cre w* , / \ 4 A-ap Mlgf • 7her i tl bat i the v Es land alto brings intel ;er,< t the English Teasel' the ria’i traits, also learned from iuel bad beeaseenlying in i by the satires in March ■ fiotjJ •nr* Cum Him —Orel HO ton* of Copper— ™ike Cterttand beenUeJed el] *u. port, tbit eetton, front the Cliff Mine. The —«nl,OolMiCnijbt,en*cti to rnnke op then n~,o. one lioonnd' ton. by lie doso of lie ! ; tE , -Tn Caatianoa.—Tlwll Ibe-CoaTentton tote ini & waon nsiw toee. Corelpoadeaec of Pittrborsh Oacuc. I , jjj Nxw Yoke,Oct.2o, 1 The nuilxbylhe NMgara do not change tbt i ground tono of the nJw* *• tmnmititd by tele Vnph, end people uleqailo reedy to have tie budget by the next ahiblo aee which courae our neighbor, XCIOM the water mean to take in relt . tion to the quarrel! between Turkey and Bun**- The 6dm* hero to, Util Enjland and France will get entangled, and the reaolt baa been to enhance the Talne or onr pnblit eecnritiea, for the reanlt of each a qnarrel would jeopard the debt ot both «iee., and, at ell eveuu, during the war, woold depredate their Talne' to the ownera. A private loner from California, enablea me to dee aomo facta horn Ithence, which-may not be nnintereatln* to the pHntera and tboae connected . with the preaa. To commence,—co labor la more abondant theff that of printer., and the monthly payrange* front 533 Ip S2do, with and without hoard: thoae boarded by the employer aleepm* ai the e«ce and worHng from ann to run. The > .owner* of the makiag naea ; “ d .• 'the profits of the Fawfio New. reache. 82,000 net week, nor wOlyoW wonder at it, wbea you m told that a jobof.tro hundred fool* cap ctr caw, co*. lwo : bun*, cd dollar* hnd the P nnt,t>* •; of fifty cxr&*,fir* fr tn 4 *** rewarded by $l2, Of half price. ,A* maiy paper* a* the pren tan «l off art eold at two uy fife ceau each, aad an oeeaa of job work ref. aed at ihe rale, here given. Tbt* foci*, bat b* all, aad it ia bat honor to say that the one wbc write* thir letter al» ray. , that the time for afc rtune haa pa»ed, aad the yi—«<« coast the true place to seek wealth.— The large gold elorie. only are told and the troo -1 Wee of the poor felfows who have rammed from the keep outjof sight. The thing ia over doftOgAßd be who leaves for the gold region* now will go oa a tool’* errand. - Another attempt ha. been to atari a week ly after the at?to of Ponch. “2““ ber made iu debut to day, under tW title of The Babble.” nor could a better have been chosen,for Itw the weakest and moat **ao*P • over palmed off aa a satirical newspaper. It hu ■OtniingtoclalmtonotieoendwiUeooobeabelv o? Doodle.” and that other *-Jody, J ' who foiled even to attain etwogth enough to go 1 ■ Nowhere i*theren wider field for the i n«nof entire Ihanthe United State*, norwaslhere l — ' £r*r amore lipady to reward the art which • shall show oar stray and weak paint, up; yet all ,’V tb* attempt* havs been failure*. . I The town ooniinne* fall of «transera, and, moot the reel, o good share from the‘*lron City. There never was a time when, to Granger*, the dtv ben n more pleasing face. The abstinence ,•, fciMd upon-a. by the cholera ha. been socceed i ' by n real carnival of amusement*. The eeuiNXe* are more numerona and elegant than «rer the attire of ladies never so gay and cotily, - Biss seopie more etger to participate in any thing SL promises to while, away an hour than now.- ThfiOß who apendflheir summer* in their villas • ottSaHadaonand Long bland have rammed, the ' in.h of-tmde haa Whaled* and one little month JJJn, wfflww the! city Jn tbo fnU hot of wmler ’ ' “STSw night, .very Inlereßing jemM 4*. ia t» nerformed upon the occasion of the de iLSiofmSohßiM to Stom, under the u... SKtftb. American Mtorionuy TI-c - mow oonxlxt. of Bex, D. Bradley, Prof J. Sitoby, • £S y to be ft&mtedalßmtgkok. There.will .too be prraent Brooks and Max-free,. one of the to ihe Mend: Miraion ' 5“.%l ¥hTAfSbx- proved mbe.m.a ,in Africa* Th . . •etarn* to his country ' 01 country by the man atealerei * direct [cter ' £3£?o7privJdcnc, whhtb, Infic.d of . Wc of I Kmrhx. given to tbo poor creuttrei ednen. “ mornra or etevmmg tbcm wbolo r^i •rSi acv Dr. Hnld ch, ocercury of the American ■SS.Boelrty/lt now in town, end oOclUc, nt SoDDn* Church, ia South meet, where he me :■ • gcncralimprove. dividend. -t th. «... i tlota mb*""”" otto Ara. * Cheeie end Butter u M price!. AU kind* o( "^t.mCtttmSrn.'^taTobuw.. good P**™*,. Tex il doll, xnd u the makm. tomlto m jgtdmfe* ■’ tecoflio K. Y. Cotiritr u.i Eon.!** FOREIGN NEWS. ARRIVAL or THE * ,AO J“ o rie The British mail steamer Niss*”* C*P • J ’ arrived feat evening, having “ u1 " 1 "4 pod u noon on UlO 6th, and Ina rfdockoa tho »«. On «-» “/Jf ” “'““vT e rx £■« *- *” / N °feed“r, deisge; .nd on the “ £ out Iron. Hz [ill, the lever on, old,, enginesbioke, which ren ..„i ; t useless. The same day ibe was boarded ,l “ m * hiP CaD * .da hence fbi Haliiax and Lise pool i The Niagarl anchored in quar inline last 11 * ' in* at 7 o'clock Her passenger i*nd mulswere j bought to thf city by the ate amer Cinderella Capt StiUwelj. Oar Telegraphic despatch, a. gave a very Wear and aatisfa the leading items of intelligence The detatis, however, willpe Ci the ShruptorbJwith RUSSIA. The moslinleresting Item of arrival Is that which relate. lo l “ has arisen between Tor key end Russia, growm* out ofthe dejmand of the laltei for the * a " e ”s" ' nf iha Hanairtan fugitives wh< > have sought sale tv in the dwjuniona of the former. Th ' ot "tf^“'| I Jent cf the .London Kesss, wn ting ttndor tow »l Sant. 12th(Tom Ronstanunoplt.etaleathat an am HtStipoS. Emp«ro,Nich|.Mh.Pnn~X aivtl, had emyed mere from »<««■ ’ of hit arrival, he, in corap.m with M. de [iron. So R0«.3 Mmialer, had mi SS.M “ft'an audience ofcsnlian, 10 whom SvHlHsKSm“m. snlt'em '“0“S”! mans. He employs no argument in suppon « u£Vam« Turkey. He p .ho« mid # M*'*s: Omnd Council met nlmoaf daily aiaee the arrival of Frinci Radzlvih - It seems that the following article ornate in a treaty betweealßusai. aad Torlcey, and that upon ttthe former power bases her demand: "tuitt or rases bstwxei russuard ths or- etomto av amsnna-aanuar. on TBK 21st or JUIT, ITM. ■hould want to hide themselves or see* * r Li delivered up on the instant or at least driven if rt££2 of the Power where they have ta- Chririisn religion In Ihe enpire of R“ ,M *’ wSB&SE«b£ el Thn Paris Journal des Debats contain, letter, 60m Constantinople, giving detalla of thn dww ■ aions in the Tnrkieh Conneils referred to above. We make the following extracte: “Cbssra-vnnorLß, Sept. 10. “On tho day after his arrival, Prince Radzivil yssasssig SrSSSSs^ sisgaESSSSB HSSsEsk.mkj: IX foi rnoEmpemrof sod I CoRSTAirnRorLS, Sept. 10. | “Yesterday, after the ultimatum handed to the OrsH-h*the ftassian and Austrian Minister*Geo ersdAupick decked on damming me Tjhmaqoe enUAupic* ,e a m order to an was made known. This morning the , S»^i*3S£; «nt the following questions to fnetn. — > *Dotne trea aod of Ps«arovllch give the two Powers, Russia and Austria, the rightto dvmand the extradition of the Hungarian refugees. f„ut”u Power, declaring war, would England fe “a' the.uh- K«.won ihe Divan and tho Ministers of the two the receipt of this communication the Knch and English Ambaasadors hada conference fcitoWr^OnX’fira. am well treaties alluded ludonotcon- , Question—lt cannot be admitted that such a ref*- L could be followed bye declarationofw:er; and ianeb u doclaraSoo, if it look pfeco, would be nn On the fourth question—The two ? A fnhaM*dors cannot guarantee the co-operation jJfiKSSTfcS!‘of England and France with- 1 'oat receiving special instrucuona. On the fifth question —It is possible l hai sogP of the refugees ! claimed by Russia may still hi subjects of that but for the generality of than. U »J >ncon- Stable that the refugee, whose « xlr * d ‘ Uo “ 1 P'4,l BO » Rotaiau subjects. Oa the sixth Prance and England will actively and Aoalria to ro-establi.h SSrda.tona betwean them two Power, nod the KS." There can be no doubt in my opinion, butthsi this note will powerfully contribute tometn • tLa PnriA In its former determination; that the wiU bi rijec” d , and .here will result a tthimatum between the Russian and Aus enoh ußusm., mtd fcnrepe will do well to .be on its guard. The following extracts from the com*pondeoce of the London Timet, contain further intelligence of marked interest concerning this important af fair J- e oponrcolumns, jObia Slate Joarnalgiw (fiyntne cob otiet, which Cos*T*xmoPL*,Scpt ; 16. Prince JUdxivil.the Civ 1 * aid-de-camp, do« not return to bis imperial master till to tnoTro • was to have left Constantinople delayed bis departure in tbe hopes that the Tur*, would reconsider their d «‘ erm ‘‘ n ado n not to gratify the Emperor Nicholas’ thirst for I vengeance open tbo uoh.ppj lUdiiail has not belittled lo cay openly that il It tbe intention ol tbe Czar In harm event onaoflhe, Poitab and Hocgarien luaiuvct novrm Turkey banged Utn inatnntlbey Call into hl * b “*’“s tbia nnbloahing nvowgl ho ban the t‘“ d ' h °? d to innial npon tbo extradition ol his intended ytc- 11 ma. The trbole Tnrkith nalion proleata ngninsl ! being made participators in such a murderous po* licT. Tbe Grand Council with one voice have umttud to resist the denands of Russtaandttde fv ker threat. Tbe Sultan baa approved of their resolution, and in this His Majesty is supported by the Sheik-uHilaem. or chief of the religion, and the whole corps of Ulelnas. The Sfaeik-01-lsraem «,|j tkatlonve up these poor refugees would be a violation of one of the first principles of the Mus sulman religion, which ordains that the followers of Mahomet shall give hospitality and protection lo all who are-in miafortune, without distinction of " dnr coantry. In - the interview which Prince ftHrivil had wth the Soitan, his Msjesty did not StauiMlhn Indignation bn tall.u ibc demand of nnd al tbe overbearing lone vas msdo. At in Anuria, .he baa ennk lain cn6- Jtontaigni«nabne; her name U noleven men-. “Tit 'Ss£S!SSSSS. honnrnr Eng , hern aneb a reprerentallvo here ai Btradferi Canning. No ambnsaa- «« enjoyed raeb high personal conaidn esa^teas s@gSa££S& pjS Sir Cmwta*’# <W* •» "V i part'qftks Just and hcnorabU pojition idopted by 1 him hit Minister* in the question o£ extradv* (ion ; nod it certainly mart give increased confi dence to Majesty .and his adviser*, to know that their coadnct meets with the warm approba tion of certainly the most upnght, if not the ablest diplomatist in Europe. StrrEfßßt 17. From the commencement of tbe present quea uan the Turkish Government had refused to com- j ply with the demands of tbe Emperor of Russia . lor the extraditionjof ,th« Polish and Hungarian . refugee*. But the Porte wished to do so in a manner least calculated 10 produce any unneces* ■ary irritation. Thia mode of proceeding did not coincide, it seems, with the instructions which SL da TitoS* bad received from the Crar, and he there fore, in the afternoon of the 15th iosL, made known to the Porte, that if within 30 hour* from the date of his oote the Turkish Government did not give & decisive answer to the demandi of the Emperor* he would suspend all diplomatic relations. The | Russian Minister at the same time, ordered rrrnce Radxvil to refuse tbe audience ofleave which had been offered hirnhy the Sultan. , Late last nigh! the Porte communicated to tne Russian and Austrain Embassies, us fiMl de termination of rejecting the demands of the trope* ror for tbe extradition of the Polish and Hungarian road; pnblished, ;tory anmmary of by this arrival, and highly inter- refugees. . , . • 1 M de TUoff has ia consequent, suspended re- Uliom with the Force, ul Prince Raduvil hu 1»- beo bis departure tor S:. Petersburgb. The -Times of the sth, contains the following very interesting article, giviag intelligence from Constantinople to the 19th ot September: We have received a long tod interesting letter from Coastantinopleof the date oflbelOtb Sept. It appears that the final decision of the Ottoman Gov. ernrnent, was communicated to M.-de Titoff at the close of sn extraordinary Cabinet Council, held at Kouroulschisme, io the house of the Seraakier, Me hemel Ali Pacha, late in the evening of the —th nil. It was intimated to the Russian Ambassador in a note couched in firm and dignified but mild and conciliatory terms, that the Turkish Govern ment seeing no reason to depart from its previous resolution, persisted in its refusal to grant the ex tradition of the Hungarian refogeea demanded by the Cxar. . The note summed up. in the ful manner, all the reasons adduced by the Porte ' in its various replies. U especially insisted on the • offer made m the first instance to remove the Hun • gitrisn refugees to the interior of the “""W “J • in take every step to prevent the recurrence of 1 disturbances in the sequel, both in the suneaoflhe - Emperor of Austria and in those of the Czsr of nolo was by no moans satisfactory to tbi rspresentalires of Urn two great power., who bag battered themaelve. op to the “ “ the Ministry ol the Sollan would be inurntdawd, | and end by yielding to the of a roptum. , The following day at 5 o clock, A. M-i Prince , Radaivil, feeling extremely oneasy at the eontem. plation of bis probable reception by the Emperor, embarked at Bouyukdere on board a Russian steamer, which immediately slattedl for Ode Ma. In the morning oftbe same day, M. the Count de Stunner officially noufled to the Porte the suspension of diploiuslii f * their own Conns and that of the J*"s communication having been foreseen as a matter of course caused no surprise. Ali Pacha contented himself by replying to the dragomans'of the two legations, despatched with the note in question, that the Porte ijneerely pray ed that this interruption of friendly intercourse might be of very short duration, and that it hoped the Emperor of Russia, when better Informed by , the envoy of the Sultan respecting the real motives whieh had inspired ita determination, would not impute to Turkey “as a crime 1 ? an opposition w “'ch was enjoined by humanity, by- a regard to the national dignity, by the honor o! the Sovereign, and i by the most sacred duties of hospitality. The selection, in the first instance, of Cbckib Effendi as the Envoy Extraordinary to having appeared to excite a certain leeling of re- I pugoance, the Porte determined to entrust the dehMte mission to Fuad Eflendt, el present Com missioner General in the Danubian P*! oe, H““5 and in order to prevent any further appointment was kept secret till the las* moment. It wm only on tho evening of the t6tli that the Minister* of Russia were informed of the departure of a chamberlain of the palace for Bucharest with an autograph letter of the Sultan in reply to that of the Czar, with at) the necessary instruction to Fuad Effendi, who was ordered to start, without delay, for St. Petersburg orWmaw, for the purpose of seeing the Emperor himself It is Feared that Fuad Effendi cannot reach the Imperial residence before the d ”P^ h ( ea . Titoff, or even before M. Radzml—first, by rea son of the existing Ukase prohibiting the entrance of foreigners into the Russian dominions, unless specially authorized; and. secondly, because travel lere from Turkey are subjected to a long quaran- Odessa and clsewnere. Now, tho recep [he Turkish envoy is not likely to be « one, unless he can anticipate the Pnnw do RexdiriL » n n# Th© reply of the Emperor cl Austria aud Rus sia is expected ia 20 or 25 day*—in » «»»»( " latest; if. &• it i* thought, ihe Caar baa quilted Warsaw. Uia only then that on edaircuameot can lake place. 1 Meanwhile; the Turks are aol at all uneasy on ihe eabject. They caonol comprehend tbnt wer will be declared egeinst Ihem solely beeaooo ihey rerased to alee op a few oaforlnaate irfa«eea who havortonfined ia Ureir honor, and according ly rely on the aapporf aad sympnlhy of Ihe whole of cizihzed Enrojr The good Tarka, however, are oof blindly irusling ro Ibe chapter of aecideala lor to the decrees of <le*tiuy. They are ac.ivety ere paring for all hazards. All the available froopa have been ordered froar tho froolierr; ihe army of Ronmelia, 40,000 strong, is ordered lo hold il«ll m readiness to march at the first signal; and the provincial rcdtft, or local militia, have been cra- to Toe castles of the Bospborns me fortified; the greater part of tbe fleet ia armed tutd equipped and dan. ia the cource of a feat hours, cast anchor at the mouth of the Black Sea so as to deicedthe eotraocc of the Borphoras. Nor d 0... the To - htsh Government appear to he wanting to what ta expressively tilled the “aioew. of war. It ha. plenty hf ready money with which to commeoce war, and the Minister of Finance has declared his ability to place 40,000,000 at the disposal orthe Minister of War, without delay. The Soltau has offered an equal sum from his private .purse, and mosques oflhe capital, whose wealth is enor mous, are prepared to make the greatest sacrifices to aupporttheGovernment on a question which all pious Mttsstjlmen regard os one of religions principalis countermanded his voyage to : Smyrna and the Islands of the Archipelago. It only remainato be seen,concludes nur cor i respondent, wbsl attitude will be assumed by the Csbinels of London and Paris. The replies to the despatches of Sir Stratford Canttieg are awaited in Cooataotiuople with the most Intense anxiety The interest, no less than the honor or England is involved Is the issue of this alstn forilia shrewdly suspected in Turkey that the Claris deejrou# of fomenting no European war, by which ho may largely profit in the .oelh-es.l of Europe. Auslrih Is regarded as a mere ignoble tool in his to this letter states that a Russian corvette, stationed at Constantinople, was towed to Bouyudere, on the 18th, so as to be in a post tion lo.gdin the Black Sea without obstacle. Oor corresponded, In another letter, dated Gon stantinople, the 19th ulb,nttpplies further interesting information. . Since the suspension of diplomatic mlcrconrao between-lhe allied Pow.ers and the Sublime Potte, the consular business of Russia and Austria bha been transacted by tho Prussian Legation. It ia feared, from the very menacing tone systematically employed by the agents of the Constant!, uople, that His Imperial Majesty will be mdpeed— If, indeed, he baa not already determmcd-lo adopt “aomfrvioleal measures” against Turkey. To the expression-violent meMUrea'’ but one eignifica. Uoa can be attached. The Sultan and his Minis ters adds our correspondent, seems to anunpaie .omeaucb event, tor the greatest activity acejnt to prevail in the War Department. A large fleet of steamer* baa been collected in the water, of the Bosphorus, and in the Harbor of the Golden Horn, and between the entrance to tho Black Sea nod the Propontis,- or so. of Marmora, there arc 12 ships of the boo at anchor, fill!, equipped and plea, ufully supplied with arme and provisions. nis allowed oa all sides that no napoo to he ro pe can exhibit a finer fleet at this moment, and compntant authorities .Brut th.t both oßcor. and seamen perfectly understand their duty. In tho army of 100,000 aoldiera assembled around Iho Turkish capital, drilling sad reviewing are going on from daylight until dusk, and the to • rashier, and tho Paeba. under hie comemid, .to constantly moving nboul to inspectahc troop. We regret to learn that a very bad feeling is manifesting itself amongst that dwtenerale race, the Greek population ofTurkey. The prospeclof a Russian invasion is hilled by the Greeks with dhlight, and it ia disgusting to find that the kind ness with which they have recently been pealed bv the Saltan has failed to eradicate tnetr heredi tary haired of the Turks' A trifling incide nt, under aucb circumstances, .peaks volumes.* When the steamer which was to take back Prince Radxivil approached Therapia, with a Russian in the whole ot tho Gr*ek population of the vil lage crowded to fl?e water side; and |f‘bere could bo any doubt, respecting the senUmentswilhwhch thev are animated, U wns soon dupelled by the enunciation ofa triumphant exclamation, beard on all side*,— 4 We shall aoonhear mam in the Moaqne are busily engaged in fomeaUng this vile spirit! A aertoa. quarrel recently broke Sj: a M nd JbfdS"uT»n.sre^v r p .decide Si,° f bSy Some Tb. tothe SLrference of the Turkish, ended in amoke, but such demonetratioas are rathet serious in these times of excitement. CoKSTAirnnoPLX, Sept 16. I. i. .opposed that tho Rusri.n fimpercrwffl pot htslhrenls of wu ioto eieeulloe. Withtbe almost consunt northerly wind, a fleet wIU resch the month of tho Bosphorus from Sebnsropol to 24 boot. Nearly tho whole of iheTurkiili feet is, however, m the ffoldeu Horn U present; nil the •hips fully equipped nnd ready for sea, and there ti an army of 60,000 men coQeeatraied about Con-. atantinople. A current runs downwards from the 1 jßlack Sea, through the Bosphprus and tho Dar- Idaoeiles, at the rate of tour miles an bourj : land this, aided by a northerly wind, makes-it aj irery tedious and difficult thing to get. through: these Btraits, unless .towed by steamers. Thii Pcives Immense natural ad vsnUge* to Rossia, who, ; moreover, has in her favor her relative pK S mi 2i to Constantinople. An EogHih fleet could-not: CSSnIUSheUe. bom Mslu JEbM days, nor could U» cty* I®* *pugh the Siralta to the Golden Ham in less than three or four day*. $ . With the at present, the Turks may be able to defend; the .entrance to the Boaphorua, but their army bears no proportion to the roree which the Emperor can ii a few day* marc across the frontier. The following r fto\t and emphatic editorial open this aubject from the Time* will be read with In terest : * London Times, Oct. iod The issue of the Hungarian war has been[fal lowed by consequences for we are wholly unprepared; and which threaten to disturb, if o°t the peace of Europe, at least the amicable rel*- (ions of the Western Chon* of Europe with .that of St. Petersburg. There seems to be no reason (or doubting that the Rassihn Ambassador r.t St. Petersburg has made a formal demand or the Porte for the surrender of the Hungarian revolutionists, who took refuge within its territories. There seems to be just as little reason for doubting that the de mand has been rejected, and that tbe' Russian Ambassador had received orders from Coon to quit Constantinople immediately. Should these reports prove to be as well founded aswe believe them to be, a rupture betvrtu the i otu and the Court of St. Petersburg u at hand , xchteh uufl very possibly terminate »n a general European i t oar. On the course pursued by Russia on this oc- | casion it is hardly necessary lo dilate. There can j be but one opinion opon it, whether it be regarded | in its relation to the comity or equity of nations--, U transgreases', it trample* on both. , It violates the established rules by which the intercourse of civ ilized countries has been heretofore guided, it per* its the peace of Europe while it violates «u taws. We can the more easily afford to speak thus of Russian policy, because we have supportcd u in the recent Austrian dissensions. Bn »£e prewnt aspect of Russia is a very d '! r ««° t ,* fr,ur : appara id a character, for which if thcre be P«- cedeot there is no justification, la the demand which the now makes Upon the Turkish Court, Russia assert* a right of interference which has never yet been accorded to any nation. ; -ho ac tually seeks to extort from Turkey a ttolation that which has always been considered a law binding on all civilized communities. The very admission of foreignera into any be their description—is a guarantee that the Save reign of that Stale tyill extend to them of native snbjecla. Thl. generally understood law can be neutralized or modified only by special con tract. “The Sovereign,", aaya Vattel, oeght not to grant an entrance into his state tor the purpose of drawing foreigners into a snare; " “ b ® admits them, he engage! to protect them as hs own subjects, and to afford them perfect yecumy as far as depends upon himself. / Bo ®^!L ch ®J.’J 8.) If there has been any clause in a treaty eith er secret or avowed by which refugee, are to be maritally given upby eachol the c< ? Q , l . nic, . ere, then this general law i. specially abrogated- Bat, in the first place, these treaties, for the most part, refer, lo felonious crimes, it U lb « all civil societies to punish, and not ! ° Pdjjjjj misconduct, of which a foreign sriile can hardly be anpposed to be a judge. In tbe Kconi plare, the t her make mutuality a condition of tbe contract, -o Turkey, ay which Turkey u boat'd lo give “P, tfuuli,, refugee., the same treaty would ootnpel auuie tu aurreuder Turliiah refugees to the de. mauds of the Porte. If !h» bo out the etato of the caae, aad Turkey be bound lo tneko “a"*"™; which aho is not entitled to exact, then the post lion -in which .he itunda to Rusrta i. oot that of an ally, but of a dependant ‘ , , , . This would be the case if the refug e « who had crossed the Turkish frontier, and domic.led them selves on Turkish soil, were Rnswan subjects. But in what relation doube two Power, appiar to each othar, whee Iho exile. who» demends are alien*, whoso subjection she does not preload to claim, and whoae homage .he ha, no right to enforce? lfeny t””" h “ “ S thi. claim, it is Aoitrta; and do it only by virtue of trestle.- Toe Emperor of ilns.'ia haa no more right to do i» u “*° ‘ h “ E ”P"" or of CHino —onleaa it be oo the faith el lomo ctauae in the Treaty of l.akmr StokmwM ' the faith of tbe weakness and helplessness which suggested and dictated that strange com- P Thisiatba .elution of'the prob'em. Rouia U strong and the Porte iaweek. Re..ia exact, with the Tiew of obuining a rtirvile coocctoo or pro«o -king an nnequ.l eauSicr. The anawer oflhe Pone ha. been worthy of il. former morality of Moale m .hamcatho profl'gaey ofChria. lain moral.. Tho Hungarian refugee, vahoouhed men. As auch, they ere ecutled to the pity of all nations. They ant>.traugera,i« -- iog the hospitality ot a people with whom hoapital ilT is an article of religious faith. As such, to abaaden them would be an act of impiety aa welt a. of inhumanity. The Porte will the exile, who have thrown themaelve. on her ■oil, evee to the powerful Sovereign who “» hnng iolouhe field 700.000 meu. Snipped of nearly all her etreogth—with liUle but the Imdlliona of her peal apleodor remaining—dulnicl.d from within and menaced from wiibool-Tutkey firmly to the oohle.l crude of her fctJh.anJI bolds ! il line a shield over the helpleaa and Iho humbled, j against the Autocrat of the atrongert empire in the I And the power which does this ia the oily the ancient ally d England. Tree, we base aold waya behayed to her tho hone.ty or the .ITee'noo of allies. There.hare eveala in onr ratoon. which we ahou d lake an oppannmly of repairing. Sbo i, the ulty *toof France. France, 100, baa a reputation to epair. The two countries bartered and declaimed much about upholding the libertie. and el'>h“ tl °“ of the world. Tho time has now come wbm these promireaehoold be made good and there b.,sating, j justified. Tho question in "halt we, nr shall we , sot, abandon on ancient ally and arrogant dictation which Insults ail tbe Stales of Earopa! Having? decided what is the proper course to take, shall wo intent ooreetves ’, peddling protests and peacefn! jeremiad-*. On our decision aud.our action bang the immediate fete, of it may be the prospective destinies i of India anil of England herself. The Times of its second edition, has, alto tbe following important paragraph from it- , I Paris correspondent, dated . Pun, OcL 4, P- M. “I believe 1 can assure yon, on tho best anther ily, that the French and English decided in acting together B t*a hart to ihe affaire of ConatanUnople. I noticed a day ot -®°‘ h ° I existence of a leeling here, tot exactly of mistrust but of doubt, as lo whether in .the extreme case] England would co-operate with Francrer. Tbs* | feeling did not arise, at least in ibe eyes of nation riEdWr men, out of any Wlef on I the partof England; but it wrt doutbed w^ lhe ' ! tbe English Government would be supported by publio opinion in England in any measures show- Tng a determination to resist to the last the pre i tensions of the Czar. Tbe French Government naturally%esitated at the chance of being drawn into a quarrel with Ruasla, being then fell alone U sustain it, and acting singlo-banded.—These feare, considering what is to be done at borne, lv be blamed. It isneccesarry to observe tbnt the | proceedings oftbe Peace Congress in England and , in Paris, led parties here to *up|»se tbat, on no j account, and id no cause, Would the English pco ole ap prove ol their Governmeu* having recourse | to extreme measures. Tbe unanimous opinion oflhe press lo England, however, and particular- . lv that portion of it which is known to give faith-1 fuUxpreMion to publio opinion, hastemOved ailt hesitatioh on that score. i 1 U is now believed that though John Ball may have little objection to occupy his leisure hours, or j to vary the monotony of commercial pursuits, oy i a little harmless theory, yet tbe old spirit of tba I Saxon is still alive as ever, and that it want* only I some act of outrageous and manifest wrong on the ! Tjart of a powerful despot against a weak nnd la ; offensive neighbor to call forth the ancient ewfCT i of his character and bis love of fair play- 'Thu ; French Government seem now convinced; that England will be true to ; herself and to Franco to 1 the last in-tbls quarrel of lojuitlee, and the Mruc lions addressed lo the French Minister aj SL , Petersburg ore, l am told, not a whit lewener* iretic than those which, I presume, have beett au- I dressed to the English Ambassador. Therp is I reason, howevt-r, to hope tbat the affair will tier* minate otherw:** tbad in a hostile manner, and i 1 that the Emperor ol Russia will be convinced, not I only oflhe ii ju»' co of bis pretensions to the pre- ; aent insunce, but that it Is his interest at this moment, as'moch as that oi; any other Sovereign, 1 not to do any thingthat would again throw Europe into confusion .or war.. The decided attitude of tho two Governments df France and Eogtand wi rotivirt. .- the Emperor that his pretensions will oot be tolerated with impunity. The divided state ofpartiea in France reader her action more difficult; why, it is superfluous to say. .Butthe existence n( thesa difficulties will not, I believe, d.ler her in suoh a cause, or prevent her from joihing frankly with a friendly Govornmnent In resistance to injustice. U7* Da- M'L»a*'« Live* Pm.*.— This really great medicine it Tepidly eupplantlng all oilier remedle* for a diseased Liver. lu effect* *re to decided, safe and speedy, *» to giro u claim* poisetsed by no other me dieine offered 10 tie publie. The inventor, a very dis tinguished 'physician 0/ Virginia, practising In a re* gioo’of country in which the Liver Complaint, (or He .potis, a* it*s termed hy medical'men,) li peculiarly common arid formidable, Dr. M'Lane, ipent year* in the dltcovery of the Ingredient*'of hi* Fill*, proportioning tb«lr ij'innuiiee. The re*nll of hi) searches hai placed hi* name among the benefai of mankind, by affording amedieiae to the'slek, which alleviate! an* cor?* the mart *b«tinate ca*e* of thi* terrible complaint. Ilave yon a pain i>i the rignt *ida, under the edge of the rib*, which inejenae* with a pretanre—anable to lie with ea*e on the left side—with occa*ion»l| sometime* constant pain under the thotsi* deT blade, freqaently extending to the top' of the ahoul derT Ho'y npon it, that although the latter pain* are jonxetuse* taken for rhenmaiie, they all arise from «Ji*» ease* of the Liver, and if you would have re initially and purchaee a box of Dr- M’Lane'i Lit Filii. For aalo by J. HDD k. CO., N0.,00, comer of Fourth and Wood at, Pittsburgh. t©ct3o-d*wlwS H&BR1BD, Otj Tuesday morning, 23d last, by Rev. Alcxaadc Young,Mb- Jdksß. Ktiraasi, of Pittsburgh, to Mji Jesbeti Yotmo, < f Manchester, Pa. ■ on the Ifilb October, at -hi* late residence in feffer bod township. AUeghenv county, Hasar II Psroros, E*q, lathe Mth yearof h» age. Mr, Pctoraon vraa th» *au of the Into Copt- O. Peter aoa, of iho Bavolulionftri army, and wii one of our , amt respectable citiirns. ? ul-ip ciLICOEf—a.-a. Maaon k. Co. are now 15£Sii!SSSU.«. Fut Ootonrf the tow price of octt * l iz-f Book* Hints on ptrauq architecture, Jreg»|j; on behalf of the iVSre I tonltn fnjtuusod: By Robert Owe*- >» ’“I! quarto. eleparuly P mt/d, with 113 illuitrauon* m Rw best *tyle of lie Art. Price »A -In point of raeehamcal execution we h*»e rarely j . j Q point of -Aeery valuable book. • -^.Jphoie. typogr&pby.eod embetyiihmcit, one of the J* •, «*; vf*lßme»'ihas ever awed from lie America p “aTREATISKoii the Theory »«* P , r * c , tic 'jt f nts°to sss s»?r I*'wif 1 *'wif r™™ s 5W Accompammenti to He Hooienttd Gro“ * . matwn nf Piece, of Artificial NVeter, Flower Oardet.*, l. . vriik rtnafk, on Architecture by Down,.*. Fourth edition, revi.ed, |y illu»t«aied. One handaome volume, e»°-i cioin i ** and Voyages of Christopher 1 COl L'.MBl'**' <o which are added thoie of hi* C°m* . S2,ton" BViVnebiitonlwfa*. , and corrected. Mi?.. Plate*, and cop.ou. Judex, ,3 , roll. USrao.. rreen cloth, uniform wtth the new etuuon nfthV’raort fascinating BndiiUeniely inleteat “• bcok-m the whole e.»pn« by the truth of hi«tory, anti at the lame' urac „ th ? v ’“"® d e/cnemenl a ( a Weil written romance. '’-We-Urn the moil truly valuable of He Author’* S»i» » and though a true and faithfjil httiory,« l* a* mlcrert WORKS, f n”w etltnon, U vol* of which ’St-. ™~"S^'kV^D^ “““hi* 10 '’' .AMI3D.LOCKW°gD, B BAULKY— The «üb»eriber will par the mar ket price, in ouh, lor Barley, duniif “*»“• Office aUhc aura of Bro»|. t er i L ,t. Pituborgh.i oevH Ml»BK.wwn_ TOBACCO— 130 p*s» manufactured, tutiou» brand* for isle by octi'4 S p VOX BONNHORST fcCO BKOO, MS—ICO doz toperior gill handled; SJO doz common! tor jaie by ocW l 9 F VON BONNHOR3T k CO pIIErSE-TO b,. 'aVtoS noNNHORCT A CO ynfc/.bunnhW * co Buckwheat flour, Com Mc»i,.na Rr« Fiom rjf C^'“ r “ d ST VON BONNHOHST ACO CIHKE3E-&3U bxs Cream, 300 do. W R Chee»* j More and for sale by T£"SV^ bbto a * TjOTASH—SO C»k» Potasb, in »torc and for *aic 10-1 1 o“5l°"' '° l “' !nm " ll ' b? JAMES DALZELL JAMES DALZKLL O 11. MOLASSESI—so 1 —so bbiiSi. J.mcj iri>'»™ “' 1 Q.fpr»»lebv, ockM JAMES DALZIO-L. MACKEREI»-"-®0 bbU No 3 Mackerel; I 5 •* No 1 do; ~ i .8 or bbU No I; 5 kit. do; ]tt« tec d and for .ale by |&M JaMBSDALZELL_ * ! ,*sy r ■r 0 , ;s b " l "■ “ d sis bbl* N O Mola.M^ i»“ NOSH do: in.toreon BROWN 4 KIRKPATRICK, -lo H 4 Liberty »t JM. N O s ; Sa » ; BOW * C HOT—l= k» r.ionl Shu, No 110 No * t t „. d gd ft, ..ft# OOM . CJI GBiNT S" ALERATU3 —SO bli. S»l«r.lo.i« urd_(or .old by ■ 000-M Jk R ' F.ATII FJW-S *ook> oo hood .uyJ for .oft £j yD jSHEESE-l'W bx» jv B, on band POTASH—-i ca»k» Brown’* Pot*»b, in»i rec'd ibi P« fak. Eri. * M. Une, MOLASSES— IGO bbla prime NO, ia oai package j.°“ <*■ ,icimtr llin| ‘°°' *;V°r nS>Vj> IIGARS—3( bxa prime Ohio, )tt« ca»c* Plaingro*e Blackett, tsperio qo«Ui7, dn band and for wle by j & R FLOYD Barred Flannel., «c’J *hi T doy nod (or »a!e by _ooii» _JAKfrLOYU ISLACK SiLK LACES—Of d.flereut wiiltb*, at.loi i> p™,. ,«f »b« ““-ly.gAY •nONNETS. CAPS,' AND FACK FLOWERR-W -•J> R. Marrihy ha* received a aupplr of jSSd«7»«J c&themio», wholeaalo or TeWll '*\A he noiUemi coVneroM hji.d Mnrhei »t».. ££.'*? _ GENT S FA.NCV CttAVATS-Of iiiylr* "“‘s? 0 ' "'v .“-a™? and UotonJwUieh ihcy offer for tale at wholesale and ' retail nricesjat their tiorc, 63 Foanh *t _? c „_ WOOLEN GOODS—Childten s Woole Hood, Comforts. Oiutet»>nd Hosiery, i ‘rig, i KAToN ’ s jbt?“w» ZEPHYR WORSTHD-A larya assortment of Dei Jin Worried*,for maiebtnf patterns-alio, Zepo t aSStt***taasVST* ocuM 7 _ WORSTED PATTERNS—For Oiioman*, Fire Screens, Chairs, Stools, Cushiofts, Boo* I Marks he alteaes on bond and lor sale Ij) Mark , c, . Fl{ £ A toN fcCU, Fourth *t. I oc-M bet‘a Wood aud Mtirkrt ISI.NE SP 3NGE -8 cues, («n« very inpciiur qoeli* C ’” d H e“eLDEBS_ ICE BALL-So.II .lick, iu.l r«M for octal R K Bhbl.Eß« B' LACK LEAD—i c.k. prime ’“'i'VJri'lEHH 1 '' 1 far sele by _____ oc-.2» _. R L Sw-L* l - 118 - ukiWooD-soo lbs )a,t "SbsSi ERS by ll'2rYi; OUB^T “'''° ? 'sumLUA'i?, J '° r A «tfl| I la, i D wiLLISs! Sparmbu** cosipaiit. OVER THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND MEMBERS. ! The largest Mutaal Insurance Co. In the U. States. FOURTH Annual Report of ihe Washington Coun ty Miiuu Insurance Company, under the new ** At The liw of the State of New York require* all lnsurancejCompaiiies to make • report to tho Comp troller, onilhe first da? of January, in each year, inch report wtlj bereniter be published as tho annual report of tbi* Cofnpany. , , , WMo number of Policies issued to Ist le4 i ; * 7* ’' * am nifiai Whole amount of property Insured OO Whole amount of receipts on same «,»0 I<J Whole amount of losses, and expenses Whole tulmber of Policies issued during last yeir Whole athouni insured mute same-- - • Whole amount of receipts on the same- Wbole amount of losses and expense! paid- i recapitulation. Whole number of Policies issued to Ist of January, I»M> Whole umounl insured in the same Whole amount of premium notes—— • Whole f Aioant of cash premiums—••• Whole amount of losses and expensei paiil-r ;V Balance n favor of the Company. Jinu ary l, IdtO •••; • The who e amount of Claims for losses ■gains the Company,to be deducted from the above batanee IJ^JMo - ITTAii the design of this Company is to insure huttbe s ifest property, they have adopted the follow- Lt)W RATES OF PREMIUM NOTES: ■ Plrst i lass—porellmgjlouses of brick or stone, with roofs covered with«lato or metal, t of l per cent of insured Value. J Wecon l Class—Dwelling Houses with shingle rooft, barns ax d out buildings, 1 per cent, of insured value. Tmtd'Class—-Tailors’ shop*, shoemakers’ shop* nod saddlcre' shops, li per cent of insured value. Fourth Class—Warehouses, taverns, academies, boafdmfc houses, churches and school houses, 2 per esnUoTlinsared value. ■ Fifth plats—Saw mills not exposed by forests, from 3lospercent , . These rates are those for which you give a note, and on the note yon pay 40 per centieash. Thns; A per son instiling for 81000, under the class,, will vivo a note tor 810 —on that note pay 84,00 cash, and 81.30 for the papers, which it about 81,00 per year, or twocertu P c t week, or reckoning annually 10 cents on the 8100. This insures him for tie years. This (amount, although small, has paid all losses promptly l«r several years; und from the increasing business, the Directors are warranted in the belief that no tux (u on the premium note* will be necessary. saw nulls, and alt other haiardiu* pro perty npi named In the &vo classes above, will not be nroredjiu this Company. . . „ . This Company are prohibited by there By-Laws from insuring inbkcM of exposed part* of villages, or from taking Fisks upon any kind of Mills. Shops or Margin err which are coasidored hatardous, or from -taking over 8&U0 upon one risk. The policies ot this com nanv aie free from the objectionable conditions found m the dollciet of many other companies, out of which ■a ,m|ch litigation arises. In this the Agents are the Arentk of the Company; and their policies provide that the Company shall be responsible for the correct ness of all surveys made by its Agents, that all mut ters of difference may be settled by arbitration in the conntri where the loss happens, and that any one tn • nred may at any time withdrawfromthe company by navlt-c.hU proportion of the losses while bis-policy n InforoJ ll appears from the mpid increase of busi ness ibid onporailed sueeess of Ihie Company, that ihev are destined to supercede all other institutions of the kind, and it is a fact, worthy of notice, that they have issued during the last year a greater number of noline's than any other Mutual Insurance Company in ih#. 1,-idled States have members. !'.The above report is for January, li», the Company hive iksued over 70,000 policies to this dato, or about (110C0 ithts year thus far, and probably at the fate of tu'oOO annually, in this Ktato, in the eastern and mid dle paps. DIRECTOBS. Bussell, Joseph H. Orvls. Jieph St. Bishop, Areh. Bishop, fierce Clements, Asa P. Uammot W. Perry, Ntihtu Donne, H Newcomb Grares, Oeorgo Vconf, Ji Salomon S. Co wen, Uacc W. Bistiop, Uolmcs. omcEEA nxVID BUSSELL, President. NATHAN DOANE, Vice Preridea ARCH BISHOP. Secretary, g vV. PEItltV, Deputy Secretary. a‘ a CO W&N, Treasurer. CEO. YOUNO. Jr., Oenen fi__ .vine MTash. CO-, N. 1 •, Jan. I,IBW, Orabruie '»"£ a. COLTON,Gen. Apn Western Penn’a, to I* found at present at Brown’s Hotel, Pltuhargh. riOFFEE—IS b«ff» Old Cor. Jw«* TEAS-» fat chert* Extra Cbalan; “ a ° "r“" G S° 50 cany bx* JPWILLIAM3_ OUNDRIES—SO m»u C*«in 1 ® jss.sss ““•gsia, 1 c*e OrtURP P’ , i »«“£'£ 1 Prom-,gwnxlAMH M. BITCHBI'TBEB. MTUOLESAIJS G A^^ n d B UQUORMKRCH- W TILLERS, Mid Bleechinß ANTS. AIMJ-larorter* of Sod» A* l , p m *. Powder, No. 100 Liberty (oppo*»c s' l " __ burgh. Knapratt * QOPv tila»» and ct | e brated 040 imported direct from l ; .... arT iwincand. manufacturer*, S9per centAmcn yjlj.Q^jxTßKK i for tale by ocnO TILEACHIKO PO\VDF.R-ai.=”'« - l ” l J , b “; , ' r * X) Son.* brand, a «upenor_artie t^[ -jfg HKLTREE miTOLASSES—-230 bbla pnraa N O Mt-laiM*. m oak . ’ ocm ' ,n ilore “ d r °W4 MMITCHELTREE, THRESH TEAS —Imperial, gunpowder and i< Hy.on Tea., of mpcnor q«ah«y. •" w “ and « pound bx», jail VT’BW MaCKKREL—au bbia y* 3 i jn»t iec'd JN bbl* No *2. lMa«iftohn»eU'» m*p«Uon,> i md fot tale b' W k M MrrCIiKL.TREE_ “DA.VIITorTUTTL®. ‘ • 1 TTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER A FOR PENNSYLVANIA, ST. All conunonieatlon* ptntnpilv an w rpilE undented take Hii* e * o< J h “ tfSTfepui' 1 grateful «b t Vvm *£P, - n tnent, for their energetic and*"*f*’, 0 7 the aiiiloit Brewery, on lh f.g^^Y^irr M fc^CO__ JACOB WEAVER, JB ;' mßKlc v ln.porur of KORaCN W WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS, * ufictare,. comer of >Urtet and Fir*: • Superior article* »aPP>ied at market ratea. ocut*_ OST-Ocu.l.erldth. on the wbtrf, rnm reamer i ll,t,nun No S. one trunk and one eheit. marae { VrNnil, piu*bur*h, Pa, containingclothing, Ac. « r ' h * mat¥h?ws * co,; t OCWJ PUSS'” 3 "” 5 blil. net ‘"Jest* "ns. 1 15 QANDLE3-31 bl. Mould "i'lJsT IACON—IOO bhdi Side* and Shoulder*, prime; k 35 ticrcci Can»ai»ed Ham»; . 4 hhdi Yellow Ham*; on 'onaizaaient d for sale by octSl SELLERS A MCOLS_ V£?bp ,3^? F, “ s i u b “ AR - s ° LEAI>— 3000 pin Galena Lead, landing from neam- Kscsas too l Kjbboti. . ... v - H IGU COLORED CASHMERES—3O piece.. of oU the faihionable color*, and of ail qual«tie«. at 00 1 Mark'd *l occP A A_MAgON*_LO _ ENGINES FOR SALE-siLeaver Engine*, cylindr 14 inch diameter, 8 feel a'roke, all ready lor oi W„1 be .oU cb«p. APP'V « A!FE t aTK ,N ? ON. ocM lit, be Pit Wood and Market tf SHINGLES— 64 M. rood French Creek Shiaglr h ' “wEleb 4 BICKCTSOS, ocm 178 and 174 Überty n C RKAM CIIBESK—I£3 aapenor Cream Cheese S" 1,111 D “'*> io C OFFER— 4;0 bags Hio Co ftp e; 20 “ Java V , -*0 bbd* N O , ,i. 42 bbls LoTeriDs’r«o»r*e and fine pale d, GO u u enubed Soirar, 30 •* Si Louii Cpnlt'd endLcro»hed do eo u u . anil Bl Jamct No* 4, 5,e j.J7, m«. ‘"jjfagi, * mcKETSON PLANTATION AND B. H MOLA3BES glObblt Plantation Molaiici; « - m Looit 8- 11. “ in »iore, for »ale by J&t MILLER 4. RICKKT&ON, -\erel; %» ACKtitUiL—Httubls «u - - M. H " No - „ , 40 hf bbl» No 3 Large “ “ a ’°' "'miller* wckctson OOAP-100 b» Cblllicothc Sow, l.rt O »»'e by 0c 1 23 MILLER &. RICKKT»Qt> ILS—tftWi gntls Bleached Winter Swrm Oil; •S-Utl *• nat'l col'd ‘ IWW “ “ “ Fall J „ ICOO 11 Bteached . yjOO *• “ " inter Whale ■*HO u Crnde Whale Oil;.. , .. „ 7 bbii No 51 Lard OiL in *to«, for ille by nelO MILLER * RICKETSON_ _OCWn> ... TO THE LOVERS <fF GOOD TEA 2 95 rhoiu Splendid BUOK TBA, jut received direct fr>'tn Eomnd. ai SORBiS & HAWORTH’S WINS STORE, F*S*B4LST*trT. AU.XOSMT. liHjS very superior Black Tea was purchased by Mr. Haworth, in ihe London Docks, dusy/ru, and it the «e>"" kind of strong and rough flavored lea ibot in England at four and five shillings per round. Whoever htu lasted Black Tea in England, is well a warn ibai ihe alrengib, flavor and roughness is far superior to any they have been able to purchase in ihia country. If you compare this wnh wbat you pay higher prices for eLewherc, you wtll find tl superior in flavor, and nearly double ihe strength Pnce-.25 oenu per package, or in bulk at SO and .Secnuper ‘“ aim iur. received ARTISTS TOOLS anil COLORS, purchased by Mr. Haworth when in Puna. FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, Just received at Morris A Haworth's Wine Store, ESi p j im ” wiS’Wlre o?. d £ do Oporto. S hhds Port Wine ‘PareGrapo juice." do Holland, 3 pipcafiim ; do London, 1 puncheon English Gms - do London Docks, 1 hhd superb Old Port Wine; An Belfast. 1 puncheon Insh Whiskey; d« Grennock, 1 puncheon ; Scotch Whiskey. The above were parchased and shipped in the differ ent parts of Europe, by Mr. Haworth, (who has.just returned,, and we now offer the same Tor cash, whole sale or retail* si afalrjirofit. This is a rare chance for those who reouue superior win!, and a* tvt are determined to rena. - „ ■■■ '• To Contractor** SEALED PROPOSALS will be rceeivedat the of fice of the James River and Kanawha Company m Richmond, until the 83d day of November for the eonvtniciioD of a Stone Dam across James River, at hKn’s Adventure Falls, twemy-eight miles above will be about 1100 feet long, and 10 feet h 'fte work will be paid for in current Bank Notes. • Resides the usual reservation of 20 per cent on the -ttimates. tho Contractor will be required to “ >5" B?*"! KlmtT for foe cl foe work .1 foe lime end • ,k A Tntnner toccified in the contract. Pfonud foe fbi.e work will be exhlblled, end .pc thereof delivered to the contractor, at the SSSVSSS l» Richmond, b, foe sfo d.r of No next on applicauon to tho Secretary of tht vember pelt, on a Pt > \y A LTER GWYNN, Company. chief Engineer J. R. A K. Ca Riekm ffl d,Oetl7,Wl>-(«£“yL-”J'? 23,117 • CO 7Q.V72 OJ 37.0 M) *32,407,013 00 331.C0U Ml listed 13 • - Botleo*- Sc » r cn PROPOSALS will be received at the Of *a!£«??the County Commissioners, until 12 o’c.ock 6 ttr wSlnMdo, foe 31“ <««. for foe r,“k n ’»d'folfo7p»«“'»> ™ ““ f tUo Gmondr tmmERKINS,I “ WM. BENSON, 4 VComm’rs. JAMES MITCHELL,) .. B |On FALL OOODSI At PTkNDER * DAY, comer of foe Diamond and .Ircet, nolif, foeir friend, and foe pnbl.c foe? tavl meeWri l{eir cock of Fall and Win- KSssKg-^sTfsyrssi-asarsß US-wU fbYmort"plendid-and fashionable Good, of arenow offered, at remarkably lowpnces, ?o;ra, B ia|. rD af^.folfo-n JooDS ' SSIiSf lid Tare Salmi S?!y Groderhlncs, of tho best qualities; named Black Silk, are warrailed not to cotln fooweaß for and mantilla. foe, am the '"sinK&rCornelian SaUa Da Cheat, fob haadrame.l ra'eUfoek* B(lll fi * uml French Menno., a - fad .plendid.ojtlrle for ladle.' walking drew,. “.Jit Hmidered French Do Lamer, for ore... oad Alpnc'eea and Far m„,M a large astoruneni ' SHAWLS AND SCARFS! i Brocbn Long ' ° ’ “"laid Load ShawU, of iho d ' ll fo*, remuk ,bly cheop. g bawl>i at rreatly rodeoed pricea. ' 6«'d 811 k Shawl., In ureal variety. CLOTHS, CAS3IMER.E3 AND VESTINGS! real French Twilled doth., all price, i ' r”al Fren« Ca.iimete.; now aiylo Amor- CuEn" M ‘“I>" S ‘ U " V " ,U " - ' TkDtES' CLOAKING CLOTHS! k-renoh Zsi Beljian Black and Olivo Cloth., !< dies* Ctoa*»- BLANKETS'. , ..wuM .nonracnl of American uid unpomd ntikSu, »■ ,ow b ""‘- SmESTIO AND STAPLE GOODS! . ,ZZc ooi complete assortment now on hand.— A pro«nt *tock of Staple Good* were , Mw &fromV«anufaeturer» preTUu*to the present bcu *«!,??fprice*. A principal part or oor iwek ol ,a*anfle jn Pne *j taTe tw en purchased at the » Philadelphia and New York, enable* ■■ » offer decided bargain* tn almo*. wb MJ«iouon of good* in our line of boaineaa. eVe Merchant*, Merchant Tailora, and a’l -hdSffia'aS* retail barer*, are waited u> an earl? J.™ioaUon ot our «loek and price*. eXWmal V.EXANDKa & DAY, T 5 Market at, i net'll north wen eomer of the Diamond. STEAJH UW HU.Ii FOB Silißi I, 11 1.<»»---, l c * hanraiaout bo to®**.«r prompt 3&«iter“ l aB*WMare BSSWSSWSsES 3 LU Libertyß Cotton Factory for '. ! T’Si?3SSS^iSSfeSS& ,l S 4 h r a *"^S^SSStb«SSSSS«Sf' Sr„T. e "^d 5-^- Fo* particular* enquira of *0 ißWenoer, *<■ «>« * cny - JMIE3A.r.RAY. TtnivvPß IOKSBOHB in the Gctpin, Frencn un|l..iiditabb«tj,*e»Jl w ,„J conrnioenl SThJrif HUBERT BCUWApZ, & *o«W-l>t*' _JQ- not Cloint. loi» tUm-) It fR. W. HUNTER-ill coll '“‘“g'E No. B 7 Ffoci »!■ (^oSf 11-11 pOTAbH-. P<''VD RHUBARB i c0.c.,0« Ig.olc '■*■ KoCTWood-HcC A a^™ TIUA No ' , - SB,tal " l REB , ELiEtt9 l ’ r i‘« ,IC R J E "aELLERS b> ’ a A .V, 1 : l , p . QT3 - ; j!^; ,, ' d • i “'- ’« sTaxm*" WANTFD— Eight or Ten Rood HOESR?, from four 10 *eTCn ye»r« <rfd. Enquire of tuho Mn-ooffehei* Bridge. 2553 L. L-Sr Wkt! ' I>l " 1 ‘ r tlssctluest _ .j^g^^ a, * i aasanffls! pEA NUTS—2O tock. to .tor. b B T EST Jl oc “*_. - rrow V ARN-3 Co«r» To. V.™. lor^y 1 oci23 • patent CUlllod Roller*. TO THE MANUFACTURERS OF IRON. slEfifSSB from the itroageit Iron of tbu c 0 c pa rrY. [ oecfcr-3® T-konERT A CUNNINGHAM hM remoTcd to No 6 lSiLsss»a and former customer*. Desirable IVcta-fo* Sale. j \WO very d«ir®Me LOTS,ft«Minj. (4 ns&aß ; i^ T>ACON HAM3-A lew cask* pijp» canvu*ed Jogf-* 1 " 1 teeMandfor.aleb^ HAßßApGU 1 ,'OUSSELI/S celebrated Shaviitß 8o*P», Extract*, ™i!PONpE_AI^ o .l»Oa^“f t "■'LANNELS-3 bale* of Red, Yellow and Whita ■* Flannels, ju*t reo’d from the manufactory, onecn stgument, and for sale by the .«** StßraF [ 3 Mackeretjou recaant ‘ 8* WHARBAUOH fft 1 ackkkkL fl\l. fo t smia by BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS— AIow c»*k« Window glass—a urge «uppiT of Glmh, both cltv and country brand* of a -*ape- Hor qo^iiy,»” c h "| oetSO ■ No 103 second »l__ wr B BUCKKTB^E d "lfl£Yro6S, octfJO 7 • ■? - No 109 Second Bt CWEET Wo 103 Second «t _jjU.OUR-M bM. ocis> Wo 108 Sccord «t ri“ KESE -' " ,oi ” Mta> Wo 103 Second »i ASOWS CHALLENGE BLACKING—3 bbUCc tale by ocisO J SCIIOONMAKES &CO R°<££ RIMSTONE — jf&c&Sx&L*™ riA MP g,,to.^br oosMAKElltdo Fgjg. 0 - 3 C, “ , f< ’ , -‘ ,U J , j°CHOON-MAYRH t ctf SUGAR— ItfJbhd* NO Sugar, ; IHbbls do; ‘iniinit “ d ■ t .u kv Cfi GRAIVXi oe&t * W No4l W.icninxi OCKU ——— P°",» **-” tbl ‘‘"““cßA'ictMlSNl R A S° " cU ‘ cVaig'* Dinner 3IDE3-A .-H »^ro“^ tr India Rubber Paste. -) GROSS juit ttc’d frota iho Philadelphi& Ftctory, Z an excellent article for rendering Boots *®d She** perfectly water proof; and *©ft as a P iee \o‘«/. 0 “- One application of thU Pastel* sufficient to makothan imperviou* to water for two months; and I* a perfect preventative from the leather cracking., Solti whole ,.l« .nd mail u No. 5 'Vdod fk _ ]( FH , LL , F3 . CORN BROODS—-17 do* to-day ree’d and for «a I by octl9 ARMSTRONG A CROZKB^ tH LOUR—7obbUarriving by “Beaver,” 1 andforiale l by ectld ARMSTRONG ROLL BUTTER—I 4 bbl*. Fresh Roll Duller, in eloth»,jo*i received and lor jM?^jJnfiklD and Chce»o Depot-? octlS J D CAN FIELU WOODEN BOWLS—IO boxes Wooden Bowl* In store and for tale by [octle] J B CANFIELD SniPPING CHEESE—6OO bore* Prime Shipping ta ‘“"™ 1 te ““ B CANFIELD X'WiTcaTOl'bWSE-soo box»«ru*Crtw> K Cheese for tale at the Butter “ d j^c"^FlELl) T/.Krf bb " “ d 20tep cEdffrSSfNE& “ mil# • NcSMkrtM.l SALKIiATLSIT calk. Sllcrinu,(BAekcJc,) land. ing by lie M. abd-L. E. Un«, “Yjrg&jjn, lOTABU-8 cut. IBrown’.l .aperio I'muh, ta store and for »ale by oetl7 Jfc 1C FLUVI*^ mUBS, BUCKETS fc KEELERS-lCO’dca Be*7er . Backets; 10 do doTab*;lodo doKeelen, instore and for sale by ~ oct!7 J d; R FLOYD INDOW GLASS—U# b** o*lo GU**J SO bx* 10 Ik Wu, ia rat. rai for itlo bj tRpLOYD QHEESE-70 bx* W. R-» in*t°«MdfcrH •o. SUGAR—IIS bbU receiving [jr wle by . oct!7 C H ORAPfT COFFKE— ISO bag* Rio, lust rce’d and lor *ale by jilO aCULBBEBTSON, US Liberty U RICB-Dl tierce* Rice,]u*t rec’d and for »ale by MUO A CuLbERTSON, US Liberty I i AA DOZ. Backet*; 10 do* large Tub*; S do* small LUU Tab*; frdo* Keeler*; Jut ree’d and for *ale by ©cUO CH GRANT UEESE-00 bx* WR, ree’d and for *afo by # ' S WICKfcMCANDbBSS S.ALEBA T C S -1d."..^.... t b frcAscLE33 . LSPICE— 40lag*onhandand‘for*aleby A. QCIIB WICK A M’CANDLESS Bsni.v.V— On band and for sale by mxls WICK A M’CANDLESS RYE— ‘>n hand and for *ale by octlO i WICK & M’CANDLESS fcOTASiP-8 casks now lacdlog7forT«l6 by cctl6 ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Pro 1 rToCAS'dtS—bbls prians rTO, for sale by octic JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO _ MACKEREL-20 bbt» No 3, in *tore and for sale by oc tlG_ _JAS A HUTCmSON ACO_ fit LOUR—ISO BBLS. SUPERIOR *-LOUR. Ewing’* j brand, for *R.e by ARMSTRONG A CKoZER cel IB_ ______ received by Peru, lor w a by OUI3 fcttMSTRONO* CWOZ^L 13 BATHERS—I bags Kentucky Femuci*, ju»i rec' f and for sole by oetlG TOUAt:ccS-!flJ bu fi’s; 15 bus'*; 1U bis Natan Leaf, instore and for »*l« by „ ocilO 9rUARTASILL.IIB Wood rt rrtßA Prime article in store aid lor •»{" , I oct\ft STUART A atLL, j]B V. ood rt X/i ACKe tUii'*—*Jo holTEbia iNTo 3 r»i 15 qr bbl* Nc M * b». ScM ilefring.j CHOcOIA octttt d 0,... .l br 3TI)ART t s „ ;l ri b ° l " *“ "°" s’itL »“ d “* “ ic " l BrUAk u,w^., MOLASSES— 100 bbl* prime, io oak package*} 85 “ .“ - ineyproM. •* yoT ,aie by 0c.19 J 8 DILWOR rH ACO XC ADDER—SI calks io arrive tbu day, lor sale by jjl ocUS J aPILWORTHfc CO INDIGO— 4 ceroo _ m lo’arim thi* day, for sale by . octtfi J 6 PILWQRTH A CO IOFFEE—ISO tag' to arrive thii day.forkale by- J octlS J S-DILWORTI 1& CO TOBACCO— CO bx» extra S’*, expected daily, • ocUO J S DU-WORTH A CO Buckets, tubs and keelers—no dox Back et*. 15doi Tnbi, Sdoi Keelen, in store and for yqiw by octlO i B DILWORTii A CO Flannels and blankets—w. r; Murphy h&» rec'd a farther sapply of:home nude Flan* • M l». Whites, Plaid and Brown, and very saperiot home made Blankets, to whleh he invites lb# attention of Layers. " " iocim P A RMETTOS—W-IL. Murphy Invites ihi attention of Cover* to hi*choice narqruneaiof.ufcsegoods, btaek andVaney colors. ■ . l&eiiß M‘ AZA&INB.BLUE aIFAOJAS—JtuI ree’d, an assortment of Maxarise Bias Alpscens and Co* bun*, of handsome shade and alt qaatuies.aitheDry Co&HoUNof . W, B. MURPliy,— ocU9 N. & coimt 4th and Maxket sis. theatre.. • C. S.PorUr Alilcm o%~-UTei> Circle iftd PmiqueUe- <•. . -50 e». Second ifrT- *5 .** |p»Ttitil nighl of Mr. A. A. ADDAMS. oct. «eie4 ih« Pl»x of '^-“JiSSNANDPVTH,^^ •••Mr. Webh. ■ •Mit* Pontr. ■Mm. MlLe»a. To eonelaj?* wUJ* •' >BS &•••••■• - -irrunnity—«fr- Aaam. wi'.‘ ~ AUCTION SAIK& | , By Joha A*etlo»««» LargtSaltof Bcob. : \! n- vCftdnesdar< 'fhur*d*y ami Saturday eTtniaja, bins books, mokje bools "•«*. | writinf paper. Book* rery cheap at 7 I oet23 - Staph and On-Thanday mornUu the Commercial Sal®* fc Fifth streets, will be eol« An cxteniiTe anottntt among which are Burma woolen plaids, scarlet flr Dels, checks, ginghams, sheetings, woolen and t tiers, cambrie muslin*.. : Ct*hi,Silkßitfc £0 bleccs superfine bl 5 do hi « do ' bl 68 pieces silk bddfir, <. 120 gross toper silkaDu .-sung • so ol Hemming’* sapeiiw needles; ■/* I 2SO dot Coates * Baangtoa's cotton*, MO lbs white, red andblne tewingeouo* #*. Afto’ctock. ; ..1 tiroeeries, ttaeensware, Furniture, «c. A large and general a®onm*nr of new aad second hand household fanuttre, cooking storesl kUehen. meiuils, feather bed*, bedding, msoxassea looking asMsssßsssssasSffi:*. V,fivk A..., "■ AdminijtTatoT’M SaU t ' Of Medteincs, Sargical lnitnunonu, German Medi cal Books, Household Farpiiuro, An. ' On Wednesday morning, the 3l*tmsL, ft 1 ® 0 *I®*** 1 ®*** the law residence of Dr. Lewi* Hald, JeO’d. will b« told, his-enure stock of Medicine*, Sofgic*l In*Uu menu, German .Medical BOoka, Anatomical Chart*, •lastjar*.(torefixture*, wearing apparel,ll aapencr •old watch and febaia, 2 ailrer watebea, jewelry, fte. 0 jtlto—Household and Kitchen Fn mi to re, 1 good rid inr llerae. Term* cash. ) MM JOHN D DAVIS, A net . STEAM-BOATS. FOR CINCINNATI. . ‘h - - ....... The splendid atearaei h u > ... . (P s !®??* >'• GENEVA, ; « y@SRSfi» Wilkins, master, will leate for tha r ggppag2BU.iw„ ft and all intermediate* pom this d *For freighter paaiago apply on board. ? octM REGULAR- WHEELING/AND BRIDGEPORT PACKET. , i] ,-. . . The splendid steo?n*J! - , WELLSVILLE, - , t Lgfc/fe|E» Wiggins, master, will ’JeaTO foi the above and all intermediate port* re- freight or passage, apply on hoard-) .■ 01K02SB&7I dt PITJTSBPIIOa • | fia#' 1 DAILY PACKET [LINE. j rrnis well known line Bteiim* ? I era U now composed of the be» ; fimfhed and famUhcd, and most poweifU bosu oa the water* of fite West. Every accommodaUoa v>A ctm. j i j ; i Wood street tho day prenousto u&niiig, k* *J*,f/J*S£ lion of freight and the entry .of passenger* onlhoreitU. I in ail cue* the passage money man be paid to | adi ■ SUSDAY PACKsA' ■ _ . ’ The ISAAC NEWTOJf, t Ciptam, petmtW, wU laave PiUiborgk every Sunday mornujl at Wo'eloeK Wheelint btctj Snaday evening »t W t. ■».* May£/,1847. ---a- I - - 1 . • . MONDAY PAOKSt. ; Th» am w,%m ltireHra bnrgh every Monday monun* at HtPoteeKh wbaeunt every Monday evening*£}’ . '“"SaSSiSJ. ■ , u The NEW ENGLAND No. 8, Cant. S. D*. fc«lU leave PiiMbnrati every \Vrineiday/ monna itt » Wheeling every Wodneadav Evening a W».« TIltaSDAt PAlttilT* ""'’"‘SflßTOvJ, The CUPPER N 0.2, C*Ph Pm DjThJ,jrtlU.T. Pitubargh every Fnday monungetlOo’eioe*, wnea* ini every Friday eveningtllOf.'ii. " BATtBDAT PACKBt.f . The MESSENGER No. 2, Capt. I- C. Wooawsxo, viU leave. Pittsburgh every Friday morning ai lQ o - dock; Wheeling every Fnuay atlOt.i*. «... ■ ■ . rpraß-OLD MSDTCIHA WlflßU. " ; __ TWO HALF PIPES, Howard, March best,” old London Particular Madeira: Wine, via* CASKS, Bowd. hftreh A Cjrt “Choicest Old" London Particular Bourn-Side Madalrt Wine, vintage or 1840. ■■ ■ \ rvo. ONE QUARTER CASK, Howard.- Mmh kjk* South Side Madeira Wine, vintage of- ™, selectee ex- . praitly.for family use*. ■ J ’ I These wines were imported by myself from M «del- . rr, per barque Palmetto, at New York. in_ the HltM ■partof August last, and are offered to the trade whole. Lisle or retail, in jrm>d or gla*«* ■- ... * JACOB WEAVER,JR-,- I octlS -Corner of Market ana_First street*. nOOT~AND BWEBTSEITB New-Collection of . It Church Mnslc, comprising many ofthomostpop- : 1 nlar and nsefnl tnnei in common we, together wlta a ; treat variety of-now and original, Psaljn-and Hymn 1 Tunes, Anthems, Chants, designed for thoMOof ... I Choirs, Congregations, Sintln* Schools, AA- JdstW' l eeived and for sale by ELLIOTT. A ENGLISH* —' I octlO . . • 1 TV Wood st v SsKimsuWsnud, • IN a wholesale and retail Dry pood* Store. Ouo who understands the eily burinbsVatul is a goM Salesman. Address “9. W n " Boi .3f%_PiU*bufgh Post Office, • • '•• I " • T Llltiflcrraphle *»trtilihm*nt OF W r M. 9CHUCHMANN, ThUd su opporite Ihe Post-Office, Pittsburgh-—Mspt. L4 f d *f*K*lP l „I bends, Showbill*, Labels, Archiieftaral ■** w*g»s Dra wings, Bosmeis mtdvmung Cards,. Ac, jngmvrt er dra*non stone, and prl,ited tn.So!orv2Gold, BrocM or Black, in ihomott approved style, vai “ o,t rcluonsble pricer. • ~ 'I j-ooilfcly_L PAYBTTB PBBUU7K BLASKBTIi WHITE AND BROWN. DOMESTIC FLANNELS W E-are now receiving from| the facWl 7,“ IVJ 8 ' •apply ofihew goods, whlebweew «tllng to er then each good* can behad'etoewbereia We oss no ilid. to blenching, that oar object being toprodncogoods.BfM but for comfort and durability, «des “®7. eelved the fint premium over all oOierßoods exhlbity ed at the lato Allegheny Arricalmrai *"*V t - CUT, by Mf. John Dem, »»« »'“ ** “ «£>S - Window*,” ‘Federal si- • Oyiunt Ofiww ~ TjUEKn i CO-3 MJj tad fori*l« by G Agt, W»t«T it. a ..■»»» fOTIWKiU. TivKvnk will find a complete! assortment of Brin Jspanaed .nd Brisk Candlesticks, Fit* „. K .u .nd Tonn, and La ' jglSesh all othef tend* of roods uf iw’v.m i»» ifieffl, and for sale at extreme low prices. nUy kept »jf tfletg ’ LOO AN, WILTON k. CO Gr Green Ibo Coffee! is« pkr» Y. H., Imp. and Gunpowder Tea; 80 btlf cheiu Black Tea*, ' - ' ; ISQ bx* Va ra»oitf*cUiredTobaeeo;‘ 40 bhd* N.o.Sugar; ’• •" SO bbl* Loaf Sugar; ' i I { I 50 bb!» No*. 8 and 3 Mackerel; ’ ! 25 hf bbl* do dp; • 55 tierce* Fre*b Bice;. ?-• ■* I 400 »ide« Sole Leather,lN \' ■ 5 cask* Madden £0 bXI Noj 1 Chocolate; / 2001>M*N. O.Mo!as«e*; • / ’ •[ 50 ream* Writing and Loner Paper; 8 bbl* Roll Uriranone; IfO bbl* Caetwood; 1 10 ream* Spanish Whiting; | Su bbU chip Logwood: llbbl Cajophofi . 50 bx* While Pipe*; ibhl Nanacj*}' — SO bbl* f*. IL Moluaes; SbbU.viotjes; ftibbl* Uuton Tar, 3eefooat 8. H, indigo; • ■ *1 Tanner*’ Oil; lOUßtai* Caaita; . ' IShb'.» Fustirk, • . .I A - - | . 1 • scuo 6* Action Yam*, au'd, 1 im. . ( ~ 30 tale. Ciodlo tt iik, 7 I BB- ... 10J Laic* No*. 148 UatlipgJ •• ■ i )j> .1 bbl* Saltpetre; 9 do Enom Salic • 3bbl*Chalk; sbbl*Oto Gtngw;)'. - 40 qr bx* Half SpanUh Cirara; 80qr bxs SpanishClgaini; , • • • ' ‘ 100 twentieth bxa Spanish Clga r(: ' 100 tenth do do 'do; •' . Together with a fall and general aaaorvseotaff^ 9 * bnrgh manufacturedarticle*.* ‘r 12c KFM>Tft. ;. Eoßhd Chafth octl* bn Liberty and «t«- PiPtf*—~ JAS A HUTCHISON A CO Groear!«a,TV’tß«s» Llqnor*, THE tab*criber* ate now teeeirin j tWfr ?**?&• or Good*, and offer for atle tbo Kilty*?* eommodaiiog terms; ' " " '. - "* ; 3SOCMk» Mnsprau'* Soda~Aib, £9 ptfjf** SO do ■ . Bleaching Po*“r* 14 hid* prime N. O.S«ar, ' SGSbbl* do • 17 bbls Loaf Sinn ...«• ISB bag* prime Rio Cpffee - , SObfcbeiu V. UywaTea; ’ 100 bx* Y. I!, G. P.. awl lopen 1 ’**7 * 80 bx* Virginia Toi>aeco,b% *s**tr*eketBl; * 59 bbls ana half bbii Hoa.s**®** , 17 hf pipes Brandy, Otsrf, W* l *., ' 8 pipe* Uolmad.Guif - 20 cull Port Wine«,T*rff€L W do • 33 do SweetMalaJ» 5 do White Wlnwj .; . 5 do N. E. Rom{, g£ Dame«io Liqoor*, Tofctbtrwi'i “iia«ort^ fl *caadlc« l ;Ptarch, *c- Cordial*, Alcohol, ‘ W» * aßOJilh^rtT-*’. octlid* - " *' ’ ” jgXCIUNGE TKDI»y BTUfcCO, iVWoo**
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers