The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 22, 1849, Image 4

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    MEDICifil ''" ,v * !i ' ; " TRANSPORTATION MS.
galßiUe or Gilrtnle HteMao (or Solo
TIE subscriberWrecently received »
these Intalcalde Insutuneoti, which he eontem
plates keeping cdnstantly on hand for sale,
wed by direction* for their proper «Ppl»csuon in aU
cues of disease, as well as for GalraaUieg»ewl'' ia
the neatest manner. Pa»t experience in the titatmsnt
of diseases has led him to »«Uere that
caws. If any. which may not be adrantageousir wat*
Sbraproper Sent/on of the fl “ 4 J±*
most satufsetnryle'nimonlsls will he “glwn of <^T^, r
haringbeen etfected of differedid.sw«V«f
which were deemed utenrable In the ordm«rymedieaJ
practice; and on persons well known naoog as, to
whom references msy be gtfen.
Persons afflicted with Chronic Diseases of any
to toll ood ">«" “nl
• menials for themselves.
' MEDICINES, too, prepared by wceeufol
! nraetitipnere in the Hast, and administeredby them
with or separate .front tha operaUoo,
will constantly be kept on hand, with directions for use
Single operations on moderate ten#*-
I office No. U SLCI*i, .L, >ko
Bridge.' ' aptJßidty A. WE3TERVELT.
The molt Wonderful Medicine or tho Aje,
1,600,000 BOTTLES
TbU Bedldot la pot up tn davt BottUa,
< lui cured more tku r
100,000 Ohm of Obronlo diaua,
wtthln tbs Isst Tea Twuajiiosßgmyhn
■MUM ngnfd by. 8, P.’WWSBKSO,
—the Pablio will learn tba origin, or «$•/ whsrsths
rsclpa for oikln j tba stuff “fycall Old Dr. Jaeob
TowMsnd’s Sarsaparilla, cam* freafr-epd willba abls
to ludg* which b the pannino tad original, and of ths
bnmwty of the man who are etn ployed in »Umgil u
the original Dr. Samaparilla. Dr. 8, P.
ntned a reputatlan that no other remsdyaTsr gained.
He manu&ctnrad orsr coa million of bottles last year,
oj f< st present W»0 bottles per day.*
'We uae more BamperilU and Yellow Dock in eo>
astahlishmsst each day, than all the other Bampertlla
MsauAetaiars in the world. Principal 0 files, 186
Falto&aL ' ■ «■_—
bead the affidavit..
Citf cni CmH if rmt-TcrK »
■tfiHitß Afwtrau of tht sud City, belag dplf
■wen, doth dapen aod nr tbit h* » •
Drenfat andcKS«t That aamatlmilnt&Uttar
iSfa Mar, or fiat of Jam. 18*9. • man *7 ttqaui
ot Jacob Townsend, who at that time waa a bc6k and
aaaoblet poddlar, called apaa dapoaest, at the hoen
■f Mr, Tbw"p«"". Ko - d 3 Jlndio»-«ti*ft,whared«o
-aast boarded, and reqnetted depoeaat to wrlta film a
netpa by which tb make a Syrep of Bamparill*.
DapoDral fartbcr.nya. that krtami l aeqoatnted
vl£nkt Townead tttho affica of Thacdere Ft«*r,
Book Fabllaher, with whom mid Toweatnd
«p« T » «U Twwmaßd had had Ereaoaat oaOraiU
tu. «ith dawment ropeetiag the mannttetax* fif a
utfela of Bamparilla to be aola under th* same of Di
Jaeab Tawenod..
Thrt *ald Tbwnsend stated ho era* an old man, and
poor, tod wu not fit for hard labor md wished to
i**Vm aoae mens*, la order to Ut« e«*y to hi* old
d»T*. aad that, if Samperilla under the namtef.Towo
wad aold towtU.wn -comaehiaoaoy'vas taadahy
It b* eunld see no m*en why ho might art aeke
aomothlngoat of it too. (his name being TOwnsend.)
■ if ho could get a capable person to prepare a rdw,
aad manufitcton it for him. Deponent to one of the <
eonre nations asked *aid Townrend if ho rolatod
to Dr. B. P. Townsend, to which ho replied. that bo
knew Dr. S. P; Towetnd would bo down on him after
heeheold. commence. Bat that ho did sot can for
Un, a* bo had formed a copartnership with man who
cooldfarnbb the requisite amount of capital—end was
: wall prepared to defend himeelf agatort any attach
«*.«♦ might be i"M* on him
Deponent farther my*, that pnmunt ta the request
of mild Jacob Townsend, he wrote a recipe for the
ntnnfoetare of a Syrup of Sarsaparilla, asu gar# It to
Mwi-, Towmend observed that he, wanted to
• tpecimes to exhibit to hia partnen for their
approval, at bn wiahed to gratify them to every thing/
M they tarnished all the capital—said Townsend also
told deponent that the bottles they were to ose wren
.'tobeef the same size and .shape as Dr. 8. P. Town.
' Mat's, and deponent, at the request of said Jacob
Townsend, went to the office of t>r. 8. P. Townsend,
end procured one of hL) labels.' ... , ,
And deponent farther say*, that he has been inform,
ei and verily beliere* the Syrnp of Bamparilla, said
aOld Jacob Townsend’s, is made after the recipe far
by deponent, to Jacob Townsend, a* aforesaid.
And farther deponent saith nol
Bwornto belbr* os, thl* 24thiday of!Mff, IMO*
Mayor of the City of New York.
PROOF!! PROOF!!! * ,
Hart Is proof eonclnsiwe that Dr. 8. P. Townsend •
•uaaparilia is the original.. The.following is from
aoma of the moat respectable papers in this Stale.
!»it»»iy Evening Jonnsal*
. Or. Townsend's Sarsaparilla-.
There probably newer has been ao popular a remedy,
or potent medicine, u Dr. Townsends** SampexiUa,
wluchwßS originator, and continues to be manuisc
! tnred to this elty, eTdnt by the Doctor himself and
afterwaAis for sereral years and to the present time,
hr Claim fc Townsend, the present proprietors, since
• the partnership woe formed, the Doctor has resided in
NewYorL, wflere he keep* a store, and attends to the
buiices* that eccumnlatc* at that point. The mano
faetoTTU in ibis city, and is conducted by the junior,
partner, Mr. Clapp—here ell the medicine is manufoo-
of our eitizdnt hare any idea of the amount of
. this medicine that !s manufactured and sold. Besides
the nW to this country, it b shipped to the Canadas;
- India Islands, South America, and eTen to Eu.
rone, to considerable quantities. At the manufactory
' they employ a steam engine.besides e large number
-«f men, women and girls,, to the preparation of the
: mat ing boxes, printing, kc, and tarn ouf
ready for shipment, orcr 400 dozen per day,.or nearly
: 6000 bottles. This is an enormous quantity.
The great vale the medicine has acquired, ha* ii>
duceda number of men to get up imitations, and there
‘b at the present time, other medicine* for sale, that
are called " Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. ” Ope to par
tlcular started a short time ago In New York, Is cMled
-Old Doctor Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla,” and ap
parenUy with a wiew, by dint of adrertlslng, and th*
usual remedies resorted to In such efforts, to appropri
ate Ihesame of Dr. 8. P- Townsend’S great remedy.
> and thus gain all the advantages resulting from the
popularity of the name which be has acquired for It,
- by yean of patient and expensiTO labora. Dr. & P.
. TfowweSdTfomeriy of thfiTdty, ea b «li -kOT“
' 'here b the torentor and original proprietor of tow
- , farfietoe known aa -Dr. Townsend's Samparilla,’’
tad we think thore perwon* who are attempting toaeu
"their article aj toq genuine, should be exposed.
i Near York Dully Tribune.
- We published an edrertbeaent toadrertantly
‘ some Ht«. ihit* thst did Injnitico to Dr. 8. P. Tu*t>
Mod, who b the original proprietor of the peperatfon
of set—prflta known xa br. Townsend’s. Other
partin hxre within the past tow month* engaged or
connected themMlre* with a mas by toe “®*
'Townsend who put up * medicine and calls it “7
■taw name. ; Tnis medicine wa* advertised in Tar
. TrOutu as toe original, fce. This advertisement also
, • • ' contained matter derogatory to the character of Dr.
. g p. Townsend end tost of hb medicine. Wb regret
* a ®" to justice to the Dr. make this *'
Hew Yorts Dally Bwn.
Dx. Townearp'* extraordinary edverti**®enl, which L
occupies in i&tin page of tbs' Bn> will not escape
hotta* Dr. 8. P. Townsend, who 1 i Use original pro
prietor of Dr. Townsend* fiartapa rills. end whow of
See is next door to oars, where be bss been for sever i
si tcstt, isdriving as immense btitfneti He receives |
no. le« than fbor hundred dosen of Sarsaparilla per
day, and eveb thU enormous quantity does not supply
the demand. No knedicine ever gained so great a
.popularity as hie preparation of the Sana grille. , His
edition of Alnaniin for 1849 cort $33,000, end ha
has paid the New York Sc* for advertising, to the
last four yean, over $lOOlO, and ha acknowledgea
<v«t U is the cheapest advertising ha has bad done
v Thls 'medicine is exported to the Canadas, West In*
- dies, I South America' and Europe, In considerable
quantities, and is coming into general use in these
countries, as well as hen.
V 1 Swindlers*
■ Druggists tad others that sell Sarsaparilla for the
nnnlne and original Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla,
• ft not signedhyj 8. P. Townsend, commits a fraud,
nd swindles the Cos tenure. Msn that would be
• mQt* of sueh an act, would commit any other fraud
' tn* no Druggist of common intelhgeuce but knows
that outs la the cnly.geuutoe.
people who are not well Informed, end have
, not reed tha papers, and not seen our advertisements,
have been lei &uppposs, that because these men ad-
Tertise' tM*” stuff m "Old Jacob Townsends,” that it
must,of eouneb .be the original.' UU lm thaneux
: m rdw they commenced to make their medicine.
'SOiMi oaeu-ia (he market orer ten years.
* BUI Old JttOb TDWBMBd. , •
4tp endaevaringto tula off on Uw public as
-.WPhTdctote*Ha. fat** * regular educated
Phrddam end uev air attempted to masufocture a mad*
fciae, until times men b&*a hi®*or the uaa of his
* use. They say they do nert wish the people to be
lieve that Banaperilla to. owe, or the same-hut
the better to daceivie the public, they at the nae tims
jiwTtthatthsirVi* the Old Dr. Townsend*, and the
w^r^t, and endeavor to make toe people believe
' thatthestS?they manufoetun,is the frr.Towaetadh
whSeVar In their ad
■ ■= .^S^asssssi®!?"
' pled Men.
Jfi*« »J tto first ofjljw«
IM* Dr.i P.. Townsend's KwTc* wfllfc*
to tha-looth Baptist Chorch. No-:«* %!£!“!!!}
«Uch;is now a HbotMfi.\&g&L 1“
Mill b» fitted far the Utter ■ccrrmmfirftfirm of too |tt»
jdataneadtha public. ; _«, v x. «ii
■ r *Ub pertfcuW Samparffl*
•. .rtssiM mad oriflaal Dr. Townsend's fiamjsuilla, jm>
jMIriJCM C P.Towwend; '
k Co, Nc. 8 Btato-«tratl, gad
•Mr*. B. Kidd**, No. 100 CoarUtmt, Boston; Smand /
Xi&Mf.'Jr* Lowilfj Henry fntt. Bilan }%&**
. Orwa, Worcester 5 AlUsoa It Qiclt, Ccawrd s. J.
. B«kh k Boa, Prorldeace; mad by Dnnliti gad Mer
ebsati fgnmllr throughout tha Cnltac BUUs,West
Mdlot ui th» Canada*
> For **lo by B. E.'HELLERS, Soto Agcnt.'for Pitts
« gh; D, M- CUBBY, AUe|heBy; 'AI PATTERSON
"f pughnsi* 1 upttTsftyl
Y f kUm
C,u^ 1
ji>ml i ;' ■> Wj.if ; Jj»lj
t£2E?/tlLS£day and Sa“^ a 7 eT<mng«i at 4
T .*«rSlei Bearer ia titnb far tba momng boat,
AiStouSy qjpre». .•"‘"w " »“■*■***
t4 Thi. lo OukM lIAItKAWAY. Capl Domm,, will
I \1 rTnesdar, Tbdradny and SatnrtUrcTen
!e^TL^*J C M reiurnine,ie»T* New Crude, Monday,
at« P.M.Woa
monung boat fcr Pmabotgh. .
Se«paS«i. are fined op in complete order, bar
i*r fiMnceommcdadgna .for puaengm, and rfuppeij
mfrnJyon #°tt ptmetuahty airf greater deapatcb
”.n hainciare been obtained oo theao nrote*.-
ttannaaoewre K . W. FITCH A Co, Proprietor*.
J. C. Bidwetl; Agent) Pittsburgh.
Uidwell It Bro., w Beaver.
A. D Jacob*, u Ydttcntown.
B. W.-.Cnr ninrham,“New Caitle.
Tbt elegant.tteamer, ALLEGHENY CUPPER, will
•are BeaTer, dally at 8 A 1 M., and Pittsburgh at 3 P.
running ta eopuectioo with the above boats. )Qla
jfiSift. . 1849.
Warren »n<lCleTela*dPa»»enger bln*.
C*nel Packet—SWALLOW.
« . . ** —OCEAN. . " ,
ONB of the above Packet! leave Beaver evenly
(SnndiT* excepted) and arnre next], morning at
Warren, when they connect -with the Midi Sutrafor
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each ofthc»e place*
before nixta. One of the paeketa leave Warren daily
alSP.ftt, and arrive at Beaver m ume to take.tna
moraine boatfor Piuibnryh. ...
OE S LEKFINGWELL & Co, Warren* 1 Pn)i
M B TAYLOB, do »
corner Water and Southfield ata
iawisi 1849.
Ceawtosp k, Cn tmums, Cleveland, u- 1
R.G Puis.. Beaver, rn. S .
mill? T.iiwi ptept-ed on the opening of navi*
ration, in transport freight and Passengers from
iW“mJRGH and CLEVELAND, 10 P«*“> n
the Canal and Lake*. _
'The facilities of the Line are wan>a**ed m number,
quality and capacity of Boats, experience of captain*,
s »d Oevel.nd daily, run
io ,
Between Piltiburgh and Beaver, and o line, of ant elas*
Steamer*. Propeller* and Vessels on the Lake*.
Aacnv-HG Park*, Beaver, Pa.
Jesse Baldwin, t oongstown, Ohio.
AI B Taylor, Warren, ‘
Cvra* Prentiss, Ravenna,
Vrheeler A Co, Akron, . . .
Crawford A Chamberlin, C . ana, O
Sean A Griffith. Buffalo, N.*.
Office, cor Water And Smithfield itf, Pittsburgh.
. tnchSldy
. Bteamer MICHIGAN No. 2—Capt. Gilson.
■« LAKE ERIE, “ \ Gordon. .
THE above regular and well known Beaver Pack*
eu, have commenced making their daily trip* to
and from Beaver, and will continue to run between
-Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as
{ ° Jlicbigaa No. 2 leave* Pitubnrpb doily at 9 °' cl ° ck i
A. M* and Beaver at 2 o’cloca, P. W. LakeEne
leave* Beaver daily atS o'clock, A.&L, aad PiUabatgo
at 3 o’clock, P. SL
These * learner* will no In eoimeefcoa.wua
r o'piuka l Expreii packet line, for Erie;
Taylor 4 Uflunjwell’i Warren Packet* '
B< Park* daily New Castle Packets.
CLARKE, PARKS 4 Co, Bearer, Agent*.
■JOHN aTcXUOHEV, Agent, .
cot Water and SauQtfield »y_
i l£m£ 1849. gfeagd
: LINE, j
THE Proprietor* of tbi» old established and popular!
daily ‘inojConjlatiugof SIXTEEN first clan* Canal
Beau,owneifby and-rormme m connec
tion witi the steam bopta BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
the transportation of freight oJid p««M:ngeT«, onjbe
opening of Canal navigation, to olypowu on the Penn*
iTlvamaand OltioandN. Vot* canals and lie Lake#.
tyiTamaum RM. FITCH A Co. Cleveland. !
Agent*, Beaver.
J. C. BIDWELL, Agent,
_. rt Water street, Plmbcrgh.
I. C KBWXLt, °*
Forwarding MerehanU, ‘
beaver, PA.,
AjrmttfoT tA# Pittsburgh audClevdand
burgh etUEru Line via Erie* and far steam
boatsEatver and Caleb Copt. •
llßvinc narchaaed the large and aabitanual Wti&ri
Boat )CJt P buUt for the Moaongahela P«hels, haTe
»trials mainly
■nTTSDUttfH' *■"'
riTxapimtm ako lime. 7 !
Etegmi 1849.
Old E»jaMUhed Line.
THE Proprietor ofihlswcll known Line of CfcnaJ
Boats,Snow prepared to transport Passengers
1 Fieirht to all points on the Erie Extension, New
YorkCanais and £j Lakes, upon the most favorable
the steamW.
BEAVER asd CALEB COPE, between Pittsburg
tit, Bc.vtr, C M Btcjll Line o?
*>“ LU. on to N« 5 Erie,
9isS£S2&. aSSSiPto-1-
o sasss§s^c?aiSsSss-'ißjBH.n
3har£bi£? s£uh A.Downhl?, do; i
wScreM»iß«"Wick, AchTe A Co, do;. Wmllenrr,
flamtxrwn; Darts ASattoa, Buffalo; Banter, Gibbs A
Co- Sandosky; Jas A Armstrong, Ifctrtntt. Kllklftiid A
NetSSnrl Sbeboreaw M’Ctore A Wildua*. HUwaa.
He; Knap,-Murrey * Dutton; Raeme; John H Kiniie.
Chicago; A Whreler A Co. New \ ork, __ ap3
PlitabmnrL«ndßUlnvlU* Packet Line
gte&k 1849 * £^ih
ritaE public are respectfully informed thai J. M.
•1 MARSHALL A CO. hate fitted ootnewaad
solenoid Packet Boati to ran donna the season, be*
iween BlairsviUe and Pittsburgh—lie boats to be tow
edt?“«ehorSs, and erery effort-made to accost
uAnittT Tiutdir. HiinduT and Friday, at i o’elopk,
r ju Ynm Monday, Wednesday,
TtatoV Sid MWta,. *X7
pitubsrsh the tame day. A two horse-llaex
b ' u, ll f"te
ward and downward trip—putting passengers through
boase of the Boatmen’s Line, by Jno. rarren ACo
who are oor asthorised A«*a£ _-Wj> f mghlrecerred
r r .. a « commission*. J M MARS HALL A CO.
free ot conmiastons iijo fabßeN A Qo, Agent*,
Canal Basin, liberty at, Pittsburgh
A Ifaek leaves BlairsvtUe for Youngstown on the
arrival of the boat—returns to boot in morning. Fate
from Pittsburgh to Youngstown K-reeelved at ofiee
TnojUa Botamos, Philadelphia.
Taarri A O’Coawa, Pittsburgh.
Tins old established Line being now in fnll cpera
tion, the proprietors are prepared with their usual
rastro arrangements to forward merchandise, pro
dZklkc to and from the above ports,on liberal tern*,
with 1 the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar to
, £$ SdeSr transportation *o obvious, when Iran-
wtdfcr this line received,'ehar
uejpsiSiSforwarfed in any required direction, free
AU eoauonnicatioMpromptly attended toonapplies
tUTlK>SBßoßßlS^^“ mrk ® t «* Philadelphia. •.
TAAFFTB A O’CONNOR, Canal Basin, Puubuffh.
ScoNNOßfcpo, Normst, Baltimore. _mq£M_
Thou. Barnaul,
Joan iasuas*, Jjxoa Dock
<trm iq and from the Eastern cities. i_ ,>. e carrviar
, jesms MasSr
STpm'wS ;
° f proSuce*and Merchandise will be received and tor*
w £SffiEutud West, without any charge for for-
Zi£ilnr;adTunelflg freight, storage or commisskia.
Belief Lading forwarded, and every direction
No 183 and 878 Market street, Pbilada.
Mo lffl'North Howard street, Baltimore
No 10 West street. New \ ork
Tranaportatton Ltn*.^
to fkimdelthu as® RALimoax.
rriHE Canals andßail Roads beiriruow open, and
1. [a rood order, wo are prepared to forward all
hmda or merchandise,nad produce to Philadelphia and
Baltimore, wilhpromptoeM and despatch, and on aa
food teroa as any other MeAfnnjTY 4 co.,
Qn*l Basin. Penn st, Pittsburgh.
*•*»»-.CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia.
RMEMOHRU.I, A C. B.ltoorc
ASSilrasliTCUua *■ lt*ll ILo.d Kl
p«ckn, _ _
1849. myiS
reoM prnaiiuouTO phu)aiiu-puu & bal-
OaM.lfoMJtthtlaHome.crm DLEMHAC^
BUSINESS on the Canal being'now resumed, ,iUe
; Praprietore of the pboVe Line respectfully Iniorm
.thepoblie that .they are prepared loreeeire and for
ward Freight with despatch, and at lowest rales:
. They would also call the attention of ahlroenEwt- j
ward to tho feel that the. Beats - employed by themln ]
: are owned by them and commanded by
%e«% Bulk will find lit adwujtartOM
to ship by thia Line, os the ittbaeriberi hase made,ar
nmrunenia at Colombia to have inch freight tortJai
timsre handed directly from boats to «a*
*inr warehouse handling... . . •« .. . .
Reight to Philadelphia goes deir.throngh in
6 Canal Basin, Seventh street.
AGENTS—John A- Shaw, Cincinnati, O.; Jno- Me-
Calloath A Co. Baltimore; ias Steel A Co., PtiUadel
phia; Francis A Thomas, Columbia. mch3i
Pittsburgh to PhiladtlplM ffruf BaJtiwiors.
rpHE nublj'c»re o informed ihw Une
1 wiKWccrinnlngon Monday, 1W» March.
Tho beat* of this line axe of a *upenorelt*Sj-with
-enlarged cabin*,, which will, give greater eonlfo t to
’"TLoK »ill b« in pan, knd IrkTelelk me le
auclted to caliksd examine them bofore onrarini pee
tere by otiiet males. They mill rekeothelkndim, op
polite the U. 8. Hotel, coiner Penn etieel And TSpnl,
JW-31 Hoje. ’ , I
For information, apply at the office, Monongahela|
Uotuo, ell* D- LEECU A Co, Canal tola .
pJjla— The proprietor* of tho above lino aro now
building an additional Line of Packet*, to ran aa above
on or abont June lit, iu connection with the Petmijl
rania Rail Road from Lewutown to Philadelphia. At
that time a packet will leave every morning hnd e ven
ing. Time through; 21 days., • mchlO •.
r\ OODS carried on this Line are not uonihipped
IT between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being car
ried in four tection Portable Boata over hind and wa
ter—to shippers of merchundiie requiring carelul
handling, this is of importance: *io eliarge made for
receiving or shipping, or for advancing charge*, ah
-nod* forwarded wiQi dispatch, and on as reasonable
“™ ■" by “ r ° lb " L ‘7o.IN MTADEN A Co,
Canal Basin, Penn *t, Pittsburgh
m ,,i g 27 Market A St Commerce it, Phila.
JOHN MeFADEN A Co, Forwardinrfhnd Coratms
sion Merchants, Canal Basin, Penn si, Pittsburgh.
JAMES M DAVIS & Co, Flour Factor* and Comrnls
aion Merchants, 2&Market and M Cornraerce^street,
* > *n'?“A§vanees made by either of the above on Flour,
W <ml and other merchandise consigned to them for
•ale. ; I
jgteaSi 1849.
hkbcuasts' WAY fbkight LINK.
■ For Blairavtile. Johnstown, HoUtdaysburgh, and
, all intenaediato place*.
THIS Line will continue, to carry all way Goods
with their usual despatch, auu at fair rates of
"iaSra-C. A. STANULTY A Co, PimliaTjli.
D B Wakefield, Johnstown.
. John Miller. IloUidaysbnrrh.
RjcntucrcES—James Jordon. Smith A Sinclair, DrF
Shoenbcrger, R-Mooro, John Parker, S F Von Bo un
bent A Co, Wm Irfhmcr A Co, Jno M’Dcvitt i Bros,
Pittsburgh; John ivory, Samit, Mulhollan A Rn^Joo
Graff A Co, Bluiisviiie. . “ch 27
lB4B. iffl:
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Cspt. Ford,
t* w OCEAN, Capt. Wottejs.
/-\NEof the above Packeu leave Beaver everyday,
I 1 ia Dn< inva exceotcdi and amve-next morning at
• '<4^ihe re s 1 eycoi«twith theMailStagesfor
Akronand Cleveland, arriving ai each of these paces
oetbre night. One of the RaekeuWe W snen daily,
MSP. M* and arrive at. Beaver in ume to take the
mo.ainc steamboat for Pittsburgh.
COTES A LEFFINGWELL, Warren,) proprit'rs.
' venal Packet—Psmb>t.7axu, Capt Jcflnes;
u ■u ■ Tsuoaira, 1 Pollock; •
« “ Let* Eats, “ Troby;
ii « Pkttosu, Brown;
u • « Faimios, “ k*y« r * .
The above new and splendid Pa£«n«er: l acheuhave
commenced running between BEAVER ANDjERJK,
and w4l ran regularly faring the season-one boat
leaving Erie every monung «*8 oe oek,andone leav
iar Beaver every evening, immediately.aAeribe am
vui ot the steamboat Michigan front Pittsburgh.
Tl,„ boats are oew‘ and comfortably furnished, and
win itut through in forty hours. PaMcngersiorty
poiruon* the Lues, or to Niagara
route the most comtortable and expeditious. .Tickets
tbrooph to all poru on the Lake can be Trocared by
w">’"“b, PARIS A Co,
JCUN a.oaughrv.a^pß;.^.
j>g-_Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y
>■ ’C M Reed, Erie, Pa.
CC Wick, Greenville, Pa:
M’Farland and King, Big Bend, re;
Bays A Plumb, Sharpsburgh, Pai
W C Malaa,Sharon, Pa: ,
D C Mathews. Pulaski, Pa;
R WCuauingham, New Castle. Pa. Jyl .
THE Proprietor* of this Lino have put on New Btock t
and are prepared to forward package* of all do*
» rimiDns daily, at tie lowest rates.
Binpuons uai», j & mDVVEL i Ajreai, - 1
Water atrcet, Pitubuijh.
oct3 , w Sottlh Charleaat, Baltimore.
Puußßsr and Rsalttues Offle*.
HANRDEN a CO. conunne to bring persons
mwta, uir pan of Eajtod, Ir-laod. Seothod o.
upon the most liberal term*, with.ibeii
usual punctuality and attention to the wants and com
fort oiemmi grants We do not allow onrjtasaeimers to
be robbed bathe swicdling leamps that infe*t the sea
ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re
twrtthemselvcs, and tee to their well bebig, andde
snatch them without any detention by the first ships.—
\Ve say this fearlemly,** " defy one of our pasren
rers to show that they were detained 4a hours by tu in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained
montbsTuntil they could ;be sent in some old craft, at a
ch 2 P rate, which too frequently proved their coffins.
- Wc intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost
what it may,.and not act as was the case last season,
with ether officers,—who either performed not all, or
when R sailed their convenience. . .
Drafts drawn at Pnubargu for any sum from XI to
ftouL payable at any ofthe provincial Banks in Ire*
|. n \jl>irf«nd Seotland and wales,
Europe sit and General Agent,
Fifth Street' one door below Wtavl.
joss SJCUOL3O3 o.w.
THE uitderaigneo, fuece**ors to Arthurs A Nichol
son beg leave to inform the citizens of Pittsburgh
and public generally, that they hu7e rebuilt the EA
GLE FOUNDRY and are now in tuilopcration. and
have part of their patterns re*dy for the* market:—
Amongst which are Cooking Stove*, Cpal and Wood
SioveZ with a splendid air-tight Coal Smv», which **
now superceding tn other clues the common round
Steve Also, a cheap coat Cooking Stove, well adap
ted tor small families, with a fall assortment of com
mon and mautel Grates We would particularly in
vito the attention of persons build/ng to call at our
warehouse before purchasing, and examine asplondid
article of enummeUed Grates, finished In finestyle—
’’entirely new in this market. -
Warehouse, No. 181 LlbertT st, opposite Wood »J
I •'ally inform the public, that he
keeps on hand at his stand on the
west aide of the Diamond, Alle
gheny city, a complete assort
ment of Vemtian Winds; also Ye
nitian Shutters are made to or
der in the Lest ftiyta, warranted
jlu Uliuds can ho removed with
out the aid of a screw driver.
Having purchased the stoek,
tools, and wood of the cabinet es
lablisbraenlofßamsay A M'Olrl
land, I am prepared to famish
•- tnehUti 1— -
Paper hangings-i am “®»JV£k%£d£
from the mannfagprera in New \ ork,
phia and Baltimore, a2?-rge wfi v*U seI<“JPJ.
meniof all-the latest M d “°»VSPitIS?ci3GB. eoL
tin, glased and common PAPER HATiUIiXUB, eon*
* Uti l5 I ool)"ptechsnf Parlor and Freaco;
10,000 ** Hall and Column;
10.000 " Dining-room, chamber and office
P«per--whieh I would particularly Invite the ttlMUon ,
ofthose having house* to paper,, to coll jutudne,
. at the Paper Warehouse of »•
E~XTRACf _ OF - COFFEE—An’article wrnci. .. .u
-pidly coming into use as u wholesome, nourumn*
and delicious beJeroge,being more Pleaun. *nd poT
a table than commoiiCoffee, and far cheaper, as a small
SSm onl, ten com., »iU HoMtu » four
Bounds of Coflee. Manufactured by
pounusol vo J(||lN s .M!LLKß,rm»buntb,Pa ?
gold at wholesale by B A FAHNKSrOCK A Co,
corner of First and Wood and -Sisth and Woo, f*|i eeU >
Piusburgh _ _ ' "r**
OOODS-Ju« received,
C 38 Camp Ulanketsj tfl officer coals; W prs Pants,
jypair* nett lined Mining Boots; ia lsthmuij Usgs. J
w£er Tanks, d and 12 gallon* each; 60 e» n » ee »*T t
cneht l dor Buckskin Money Belt*; l do oiled
Smfcric do do. The above goods for salesal: tie Cali
fentwogmm N Vt V |°i’.||U.l.lPa
ArsdrTED SPICES—Pot Op for famtljr one, m lin
a sliding Ud box. containing
Muitan), Aspire,
Cinnamon, fainyex,
rime* Pepper,
Wuruled pure For rule •' *S »« w B P'“ ■ l “ 1
corner of Furry * LrPcrre .
i vi lU—-Wroiirhl Iron Aiitilr, from lhe lempor-
A ■"Ccrr>"”" k *’"* r r ,< ? 1 ."" U *“
on bnndmnl UUPPI'CJ l^a'icAllAN.!» Wood ■■
--5,.. piihnaub UKARTH, nmnataetnred from *
J S!Jk“
‘T. wLHwkMta*""!-> of e.™,
auil y nod raanutacUire for the p«*t eißnlMii month.,
;?oaounc« it wpcrior to the hearth, now general
half pipes «riou"« v
r vinuret, of car oarn imporutfooper Commerce
inn gcKBTSON
7 , oi.i> * - beaiHifnl a wort.
tWineiHof ladiea and gentlcmeni’ Gold Gnard
Chain*,, from 810 u> *»««>, eastern pncea. Also,
wS'B Bun* oTiJ canapild; p>U PenciU, Fuijer
jnJ comet ItH'and Market ala.
at Zebai’oa Kia-
V act’s, ®7 Market atreet,
T .3Q m colored Velvet Ribbon, tanned oolorsj
• 30 •* Week u 14 **
8 “ embroidery Gimp; lOpa.wide FUis,te<
• .to#-'"
Medicine* of the day/ , *J ■
■ G**U4X'si?aATWl». 0bi0,M4?^5,'1543..
IL E Seller*: X tliinh R ngb< foj the benefit or other*
to stale tome fact* in relation to yoar excellent Fami-'
lyMedleine*. Jj., , , . ‘“ ’
I have 'used yout Vendfnf e largely in my own fata-,
jjy, oad rial frequently answering for expelli cgf yge
quantities {»ay Ito I*ool iworms from two ctildm I
have also used your Liyer PulsAnd Cough Syrup vn :
my family, and uiey hade in every instance produced'
-the effect desired.* |J , • . '
As 1 am engaged in merchandising, T am abletp
itate that I have yettoSejir cf the first fallure-wbete
you* medicines h» ve bqhn nscd.lij my kection of the'
country. Inconclusioiy. I may. state that they are tkt
medicine* of the day, xql are destined to have n aery
extensive popularity.,!;. Years, respectfully,
■ . W. 11. Pisraii.
Prepared and. Bold E> SELLERS, No Si Wood
atreet, and sol(J,byil>nj(aiiU'|eneraliy th the two ci
ties mod vicinity^ __ jj‘ . ... V tirr^l
rTR&AT Ci)Rh><)P IiVEB CO^PLalN'T''by he
IjT original, only genuine Liver Pill.
- Snow Cusz, Ohio eaonty,Ya. 1
I March'£Mih, IS W. J
‘ Mr. R. E. Seller*: Defrr Sir—l-thitik itadhiy I owe
to yoa'tndto the public! genera ly, to state that I have
"been afflicted witrv-the; Liver Complaint for a long
time, ind eo badly thatanobcess ronned and broke,
which left me in a state. Having heard of
Jronr -celebrated Livetj'Pill*.being for sale by A R
Sharp, in Whsi Liberty* and recommended to me by
my phy*l(*ian,l>r.* E-Smith, Iqonelaned to eve them
atatririaL Ipurchaseti one box,and found them to
'be jbn what they are recommended, THE BEST LI
VER Fill EVER UHRD; and after taking four boxes
) find the disease ho* entirely left me, and I am now
J* l *? 1 ' r"‘ ' 'Til COLEMAN..
• West liberty, Match 26, IMP.*,
I certify, that I am personally acquainted* with Mr
Coleman, and ciit beat-testimony to thetroUi of Urn
above eefiifiealo-f fi. • ".AB SIIABP_
* Th* genuine Liver Pin* are prepared and told by
R E SELLERS, No 57jSVood street, and by druggist*
in tho two cities- ijj ' ■ . , ,
TtfTllE PUBLIC.—-The ©rigmal.only true and gt>-
uine Liver Pills ore prtparedby RESellers.and have
. hi* name sumped in Wick wax upon the lid of each
box, and his eignamrji on the outside wrapper—all
'olhomarecounterfeit^or base imitations. '
ijplO - SRE SELLER*, Proprietor |
D'iiiaAVSß’fil'Ci&liiiHATiyß BALSAM. j
|. 'I BOM the Rev a wdlknowu and pop
i< dl&r Clerrvmanofthe PiotesUntMetbodlftChurch
The underiigned havic r been afflicted during th e past,
winter with a disease'4>fihe siomach.someume* pro
ducing groat pain in thq stomachfor ten or twelve nnurt
after having tried
remßdtw with little dlect,wa*fnnushed with bouls
ofDr D J aye «’s Carminative Ua.aacu This he used ac
cording to the dircctiocw, aadfound invariably' thauhia
toedlcme caused the piiin to abate m three orfouTCvtn
otes, and in* fifteen or twenty mjuuteseyery uneasy
sensationwna eniirelysu'cled. Theoedien**'|*»f.«•
terwardsused whenevprmdiestionnoflbe hppronch ol
pa3were?erceived,andthepamwssthercby pterent
ed . • He continued toSe the medicineevcryevcn'ng
and somotlmestnlhe andwi » «* ***;’
health was so far resumed. that the sufferer was rehev
ed Horn a large amoutft of ®»P r **, 8 U
tw»rirncelihcre r confidently recommend li
; Hg3fr%&324 v?-s«ssSi
toSt m Dirl.rrfMiureetAUjErL'
„ rv,„«v,*! Cold*. Asthma, BronehiU*, Liv-
Difficultv of Breath
it rani alOhKases of the Throat,
•iresstajtdLuqgsi themostef-:
'fectosA oiid speedy curs ;
evefikeown tor any of
thfi above discus*
js^Ss««i s a--i^ssss^ ,, sEasss^-
».r=» S H ,h.
fj^UdSftct*?,■-For proof of the foregoing of u* goon S valne u 4 efficacy 0 f this meu-
Itawmcnls, and Ol v few ofibe.maty thoa
dne, iiich have been presemed to him by
unff »»«»«““.* who have higher
men of the first £ and juatiee, cer
views of moral " JR® will do another a favor, and
tify to facts, beeairi . ißjUmuny.ptove* eon*
theoaelves no fecl j cnce u esublisbed
eliuively, that U *" e* unquestionable authon
by It* tntniwc merg., uisiaptwieou* ridief itnf
ty of public op.uß'i. infli«,nceiii2ii*ed dhrough t!ie
r »* fiS.'b'nSc iTfS», *sT«.blc
™o«dr(or>b<»l»‘S«^ ilEUEnn ,
voluntarily bear contrary to their
worldly 1 ipecml mannv* 10
it. truth,'amt Moral Maxima
univ.nd eredeiiceK ME^BTIFICATEii.
u SBS* Pnnsosaht Co.vscxrruv’r.—
Smi. that ha* been a* sccccssfut
Th«« MVcrvrMm^medy |am „ Swayod*
Comoound f-yrap deer* on iho lungs,
gS“L*SS**«Lii p»*“ p” 1 ™
»>!■" ‘ lki " e - I CIWTK Co, April S3U., ISIS.
rwJ, «ir- 1 verily believe y dr Com-
Dr. S* been the aean« ol
Exww l iclSa Vcvere co!d,whi< h-gmdu*
•svtng my bfc- *with a severe ce jgh, ihm
aUygrew worse, *a« h ic h j reconx eto, raJ
rtauted. di lb ?n"X;jk?exhibited all the *V tptomi of
increauug unul mpo Even' thing 1 tn« J seemed
Pulmonary my^omplmuilneteue< sornpid
io have no wnp
ly that fnends “ was recommended to try
my recover). At m** «, with the most hap
your invaluuble mprinwj s effect to-loosen thfc
Jy results. 52\0 freely; and by thE
suteaehu 1 **!&s«. the medicitio.
Chester, *£%}, p . • Jams Mo***.*.
my hamble teromony “ three year* tineo I was
nip of Wild j inflammation of the
H cd t dillrT ll|s
Lnhcs, avery consttlera
cougu. pain in macn* from the lungs, espe
bleaischargeofoffe.« h owever slight At
eiallr upon o« but was pretty
first ‘ fe»P° t waa rapidly going into consump
soon convinced wo. rearce
tion. I grew doilv weak fcboYC a snch
fy able w weaihw* of my lung*. During thi.
was theriJuiDrcnarationSand presertpuon*,
time lhad u ‘ e<i 1 V^JL,S»IJe all the time vrorso. Just
but found no btf » dear friend in
here 1 was Wld Chcr-
Wilmingwn to make tn J r bad been 'preju-
I must prcviowri j #tiQ
dicod ugalnot patent ? C dgo^ elDper j CSj bul BB j crn
those commg profession and practice cf
standing your rl-ums the saying of oy
medicine, and tof p t ghaw, one of your
«•»?*»< Mydis
ageaU, afe* Ul^ ,« or .*smonths’ standing,eon
lequeutly u ofthe first fonr or five
speaker, I freqaently at
botUes. But.Umga ptw increasing strength, and
templed to preach vnv» f had already begun
to heal; in |Wsw»y* of ma* mrorodent
tetarded. l bottle* before 1 waspe
I had to u*n iw*ive noonesuon, a muehsmal'
fccdrrestored l made > me djb
namberofbotU<-4woai g Tni pallayed the fev
toasU. pal a..
hkhablt,ppkr- yw f lhE lung, wd,..
dhcalUl . iUvaJaf.
county. N.& a
“’“‘frJ. uSSSiloa of WliS thornr h.YO
tillfool oti .U«o XiS andoi oo.or of Mmodoceplivo
SSSlaooo.. o orfcr lojioc
S-ViiMiti obwwvauifn, no perion need mistake the
By a Utllo 00 bottlo of the genuine 1*
K^Sed 0 a bfikutiful Heel ougraving, with the
CSofwUin Penn' thereon; afro, Dr. Sw*yne’.
uieuessoi . AiriHerseouiUy, the portrait of Dr.
aKSMi/JSffiSSSSS’** “ “
Bwayne wui ij » Now, it It was not lor
PrineiP Ofl.»r, c<|ner orEighlliand naco stceew,.
Pl r?^?e b wb« • ' oale and retaU by OGDEN A SNOW
DEN Sir ‘ld a-« Wood »i*i B A FAHNESTOCK A
Yoo-Land *Clh and Wood.u; WM
TtloiLN 03 M -'t-et Wi B JONES, 150 Liberty stjJAS
A JnNEB toi i:uidrand Penn sis; JOHN MITCII*
ELI, fSglon. oUy'ood Ly tilrorporloblo fetior. m
medicine. _ • • ■
PECTOUaNT i>‘mptrior to stl other remediss far
Court*.Consumption, Bronchitis, ArUuum. awl other Pultoo
lea*, ji that tee tame persons who eotniasaecd the
~ ~f , .f u, Uieir frmtbes tea veari sgo, still {rrefer it to all
.h-r ruaediesorihc kied; and whtrs any hare bernindueed
to trv other prtnaraUoos they bar* tlmoii lartrisbiy been
Imittoinud in rveetrfok th« Uaefll which was re*»ooablj
übeitated from iht high praises bestowed by the proprietor*,
aad bat* relumed to tide u*s of Jxißzj’EirzCTOXiirr, as
. fttoedy the! has foiled to reliefs them, and whieh
srobablv nerer had iu!fsni« arrtstiiie finlmnnarydneases
P Prepared ouly by-Dp'D. Jspa Philadelphia, ami sold on
fleSftdAwtf : 7'J Fosnh st
n r , w. P> Inlutd'iPrimlnn Plaster*
DR. \V. P. INLAND, of the MediCid Collego Itf Phil
adelphia, now fOTers to the public his Indian Veg
etable Premium the qualities of which, alter
lon* and tiled e.xt>c!<isuce, bus been tati«faetim!y c«-
talmsbrd. To all romeu who may be mlilctcd wiUi
Prolapsus Utrria or fallen Womb, he recommends his
plaster, guarantee!! £ a sure and speedy cure In the
»hort spaec of from two to thee weeks, if applied with
care and rest—discarding all the countless instruments
and expensive bandages *0 long In use. This be feels
conscientious in tt&iyx, inasmuch as he has not failed
in one case oil', n £tnrre hundred and fifty-three pi
dents. £ ..’
Also for Rheumatism and Weak lireast or Rack, i
tended with pain, tl ere is nothing to excel this Pinal
in affording relief 01 Effecting a cure. ' For sale by
L WUeox, corner yf Diamond and Market si
Braun It Reiter, ‘H Liberty and 8L Clair
| 'Dr J Sargent ‘ Federal st and Diamono, All
I gheny city
| JaeqoesACo, Denman and Diamond Btrinln
T) E. SELLERS* Druggist, INO 67.W00d mrcci.
Jv, Sole Agent for tho sslo it Dr. Townsend's Gen
uine Sarsapanlia, bfis Just reeefcedilOU doxon of this
Great Spring and SttraKer Medicine.
■ Purchasers should recollect feel K E Sellers is sole
«{ent for Pittsburg hj and D M ‘Cony for Allegheny
city- »P 3 -.
ES.—DopIex mfde by the celebrated
Cooper of J.TobfcVof Liverpool, and a
largo assortment oijleiached g*ld and silver Levers,
made by the best Geneva manufacturers.
Spectacles of alt'kinds, CoamunJon Ware in feuj
Gold Pen*? Jewelry in largo variety} Silver Spoous,
F °inr Watch repairing execnid in the Ben. mamor.
my 19 1 d conwr Market and 4th *u
-a AACAULATS ENGLAND—Harper’* One edition,
!tev w “‘ sk^nT-
Hi I'-s MnuMuMttdMni
. ' ' HOJUMES SOWS, ' • ;
Bftaktfi, E*ch»tag« Broker**
'. 45»DtAT.nui'.nt" • 1
', COLLECTIONS.—Drafts Note* and Acceptance*
payablcanuty part of the Uniofi, collected on me most
JavoraUle. terms. • | '. .
' EXCHANGE on New York,! Philadelphia tail Dal
.limore; alao, Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Loai* and
New Orleans,constantly fnrtaie.
. BANKNOTES-—N'otesoa ail Mlverit lank* in the
‘ United Stales discounted at ihe jowwt rates. All kind*
.of Foreign and Amenean Goldjaud SU«rCjia'bouyfii
sad void. I
Office No. 55 Market atreet* between 3d amMs,
Pittsburgh, Pa. \ ocuL
BILLS on England, trelaudJand Scotland bought _
any amount at the Current Rate* or Exchange.
AIM, DraAs pavnble in any part of the Old Cooatriea,
from id to -AIWO, ai Ute rataof «W ]iu» A Sterline,
.without deduction or discount.; by JOSHUA ROBIN*
SON, European and General Agent, office 6u « on*
door wot of wood. j . ocUtftt^
uuii uuxuLl- • "[Erw*na.naHit
BiUnSR * RABUf *
JT> in Foreign and Doaeatio Billi of Exchange, -Ccr
tiuestea of Depoiitc,'Bank Ndie*-and Coin, comer of
1 and Woodweeta, directly opposite SL llo-
TV • Ohio, .
! Indiana, • ! /
Mmoan, .
i ißank Note*
purchased nt the lowest rales, byf
eepl3 . 1 35 Market street
BILLS OF Check* od
NeW York, I
rhiladeiphlia, and
’! Baltimore,
CocsiamJy for sale by K. HOLMES * SONS.
eepl3 i 35 Market it-
jwuks. ;v Ujsic, &c.
■VTTvW. MUSIC—RoII on Silyer Moon; Nelly wo* a
JL* Lady, a ar& and popular! Ethiopian melody by S
C Fitter, lie kind to the loved ones at' borne; Speak'
Gently, as sung by Empire Minstrels} Row thy Boat
Lightly, os suns; by the Empire Miusttels; .What Must
a Fairy’s Dreoßrbe; Ben Bolt; Louisiana Belle; fio,
ne'er can thy. itcron be Mine; tie doe lb all things well;
•Whlhinio do Pallor, “Rcpctto'ue deejeunes ridtrls
tea, 1 ' little fanta«iesfrorn oil the celebrated and popu
lar Operas, composed’ by Ferd. Beyer—in SO number*
of? pages each; pticuTdc permmaber.
The above, with a largo {collection of Waltzes,
Marches, Polkas, Song*, Ac, 4c~ rec'd and for sale by
spta 'JOHN UjUELLOR,(3I Woudat '
Latin Lessons. Latrn Froze Composition. 1
Cesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War.
' The AJneld of Virgil.•' Cicero’s Select Orations.
Sallust's Jugarthino War,apd the Conspiracy of Cat*,
•line. TboWorksnf Horace,
First Greek Lcssojtv Grcqk Prose Composition.
Grammar of the Greek Language.
The Anabnsiff of Zcnophoni
Cicero de Seneciute, d« Arniolia, Pamdoxa, Ac.—
For sale at reduced prices atilbo !>ook stare of
*pt3 corner Third and Market sf ’
BOOKS—History oi* the National Conititnenl
la Assembly from; May, Ist?, by F. Cockran. Esq.
History of PcndcHnis. his fortunes and misfortunes,
bis friend* and greatest enemy, by Wm. M. Tbacke-
»v, ouiUot of "Vanity Fairo*
Retribution; or, the Vale of Shadows, a tale of pas
ion, by Kmmn I>. B. NevctiiSouihwonu.
Just rec'd by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, •“
. auglfti corner Market and Third *t»
Manufacture oi'~lrun.—to to published
shortly, The Manufacture of Iron, in all its hr«n
chef/fram lie diggingoftroitore and coal to tbs ma
king of charcoal and coke; l)ie building nnd managing
of blflft furnace* by charcfal, anthracite and'ooke}
hot bluet and blast machines, Ac. Ac- including an
essay cm the manufacture o steel: by Frederic Overr
mun, Mining Engineer.; Complete in one volume, 600
pages, with iUasiraiions, ei graved on wood. Price,
80 ii» subscribers. Subtcriutiob* received'by
' angOo JAB D LOCKWOOD, Cl Wood «t _
JUST PUBLISIIBU—Thd History of tite Puritans
in'Kuglaiu and thej’ilgrim Fathers, complete in'
1 vol. Imyola and Jesnitism in its Rudiment*, by
issue Taylor. Tno Genius of Scotland, or Sketches
of Sco tish Scenery, Literature and Religion, by Rev.
Hubert Turnbull; durediton. The History of the
Church of England, by U:thop Short; Erskine’s Gov
K 1 Bonnets.. Border Warfare of New. York. -The
ouuWiins of the Bible. Lpat Days of Elisha, by Krii
macher. Cottage Leetnreß, or the Pilgrim's Progress
Practically Explained; published by Am. S. S. Union.
The Wonders vf Vegetaiiob; published' by Am. B.
Union, l'or sale by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH,
augil 7U Wood n
iTr ED 1C a L~W OR KSJL'ST R ECEIVED— l 1 ereir a 1 s
Jjx Matcria'MeJica, S vdli. '
IfenglUon’s Medical Dictionary.
Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence.
_ Taylor on Poisons. Anjou’* Physic*.
Cyclopaedia of Prncucal Medicine, 4 vols.
. Hooper's Medical Dictionary.
Ellloucm's I‘ractice of Medicine.
BrauhamiHorner's Anatomical Atlas.
Masse * Anatomical -Alla*. For *&lc by
aagill JAS D .LOCK WOOD, <3 Wood *t
DUFFB" BOOK-KEEPpiG—Blanks for teaching
this work, with the author’s direetioris to teaeb
er» printed on the covers.] A new supply just recei
ved from New York, and (or sate by
julJ ' JOHN, H MELLOR; SI Wood it
> • fj- A SPLENDID assortment . \
j£S=s|£ffißgany andtßosewood Pianos, just fiV i
ishoL There instruments are mndeof
If V | 11 the latest patters material
andwillbe sold low foreash by
F. 11LUME, US Wood street,
| id door above Filth.
N. 8.—T5.0« who are in want of a good instrument,
are mpeeifnlly invited td examine these before pur
chasing elsewhere,os they cannot be excelled by any
in the country, and will bfc sold lower than any brought
from the Kctsi. Altojutl received, two piano* of Ham
burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any
ever sold iu this country. 1 oei23 . F.,8. .
muE subscriber has been appointed Bole Agent for
1 ihetaIeofCARUAttrBJMPROVKDWELODb- manufactured aruband perfected by Messrs.
Mureii A Wtaftr, of Cincinnati. Ike usual compass
and extent being but fotfr octaves Messrs. M. A 'V ~
in acvovlanee witli the general aoore und demand,
haro cXlendcd IkeaealeofthcseUatlumenuto 4J and
even 5 octaves, thus making it practicable to perform
upon them any music n-yilteif lor toe * lino or Organ.
Theexierior.alfo, has been much improved byplacing
the body of'lhe uisinujieut vpou. a east iron frame
beautifully bronzed and: ornamented, rendering it at
ouce a most elegant and extremely desirable article.
The price is pbt «o low it to bring it within the reach
cf every one to obtain si perfect musical instrument,
and, ut the same time, ojmssl elegant of fumi
taie for a comparative trill c. 11. KLKBKR,
l At J W WoodwelPs
i~i REaT? MU3 fcin^NOVELTY—Tho subscriber
VT has just received from Europe, and for sale, an
entirely ncwinvemionijf Piano Forte, called the CAB
INET I'L\NO FORTE,;which poaiesstng.more power
nnd sweetness than the square Piano, occupies Lot one
fourth aa much room, and is a much more shotfcy and
liandsome furniture. It is pahteularly desira
ble where the saving of space i* an object, being ex
ceedingly neat and compact, and occupyicg no more
room than a small sidtftable. The subscriber has la
hand a testimonial of its superiority from the celebra
ted plant*t, Mo*cbeiies,[ih his own haad writing,wldcb
may he inspected.' '■ U* KLEllelß,
ocW7 i - At J W WoodwelPs
' sc. 4S Market stmt, '
HAVING purchased an extensiveaudcarefully se
lected stock of Spring and Sommer Goods, the
subscriber respectfully informs hi* mend* and the
public, that ho i* now preparing to receive and exe
cute tbetr orders wild dispatch, and tit the neatest,
most tabstamial,and fashionable manner. As hoi*
determined to do business on ike cash system, he flat
■ter* himself that he Will be able to do work as cheap
as it ean be done at any establishment iu'the country.
Ills stock is Timed, oousisiingof Cassirneres, Broad
cloths, Vestings Ac., which his friend* ore respectful*
ly inTited to examine for themselves.
mytrtidlf 1 GEORGE ARMOR..
~ t n -in G. W. BIDDLE, Dentist—
jKSLffiggg REMOVED to a now three story brick
{TreSisSK on Sm|thfield street, one door below
’ 'LT r gjxti, street. Teeth inserted from otto
to an entire set, on ihel'untinn principle, with a bean
tifui renruscniattau of the uatural gum—restoring the
> original shape of tho face.
N. I).—Teeth extracted with little or no-pain.
Decayed Teeth permanently saved plugging, pro
venang the tooth echo) which it much belter than cu
ring it, though it should be .done in five minutes, or
even instantly. [_. updlily
MOUNT - EAGLEITniPOLI—For cleaning win
dows and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass, Bri
tannia, nnd other warp. It rapidly takes onl all spots
and stains, and reproduces tho beautiful and durable
lustre of new ware. Just received and for sole, whole
sale and retail, by | ' JOHN D MORGAN;
jam _ i Drugg‘rt-_
Llglitt Lightll Light ttl
r |HiK justly celebrated bunting fluid can now be had
l at iho Eastern Lump Store, No. W Third street,
between Wood und-Marxet.
For a portable honiejlight it has the preference in all
of tho eastern ctticj, Lyng perfectly safe und cheap
void of smoke, greasd or any of the disagreeable at-’
eudaitu to llghu-nowiu common use; alto, a beauti
ul assortment of iampk of the Intest pattcrus for burn
ng ihcaaino. | JyUnlQmo V. J. DAVID.
. East sideiof the Diamond, where Vemlian
Blinds ofjuU the different sixes and colors
kept'on hand or made to order alia
the latest,' and most approved Eastern fash*
w ious,at the shortest notice and on the mos
reasonable 1 terms. j- «' *•.
' AUo, tlio cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and Paper Cartains of all the different sizes and
patterns, on hand and for sale low for cash. Old Veui
uan BJtnds-punted over and repaired, or thken in pail
payment for new iB M WESTERvELT, Hro’pr.
st. D—All woi* done with the beat material and
workmlafhip, and warranted to please the most fas
iiliOui. | * aagKMtly
Allegheny city, Aug. 10,1W8. .
signed, Agent for the manufacturers, has on hand
und is constantly receiving a full supply of the article*
made in L‘ittsl>urgb And vicinity, which ho otfor*
sale at innhuJurturers prices. GKO COCHRAN,
febxu ■ • ! lft» wood*
i" NlTi AKIUJUK# i’ASTE-1 gross t-oiifci India Rub
ber X'asie, all excellent article for rendering bools
ami shoe* perfectly water proof, and ton as a piece of
elotu. One application of thin paste is raifleient to
'make them impervious to water for it or 3 month*, and
a perfect preventative from the lualhercracking.
Kec'd umi for sale ai tho India Rubber Repot, No 5
Wood *l, fefiSl J &. il PiULLII/3_
'naLTUtosK, pititscaou a>d wuxmno.
Ofllee at the Exchange, Baltimore.
Ky.HtjCED RATEa.—The charge.have been redu
ced on all jvleispge* to or from Baltimore, I’ius
burgb or Wheeling,land a correapondlng redaction
made on aUtelegraph{c despatches forwarded from BaJ
lirnore \V«*t of I’ittsbUrgh, i»a.
lUtx*.—The chartc for a telegraph despatch to or
frutn Ualiitoore; Pittsburgh and W faceting, i* t 5 cents
for the first leu word!, and 3 cents for each additional
word. ! ,
• [Q* No charge is made for the address and &Igna
— w??< .. , , I ,
Uutii the completion of the South Western Line of
Telegraph, from Memphis, Tena- to Mew Orleans,.dot*
patches con be lorwardeu to Memphis by this rente, ■"«
mailed tor New Orleans. _ tell
riio K A M i L l E;S?--Cbetmeal Liqntd lor washing
clothes, corpcUjisitlu* pnialend fine furniture—
saving half, the laboij and dispensing entirety' with the
washboard. The fiojesl Wilton caqicts, alter-hitting
been in use eleven years, hate been perfectly rcstor*
cd, without the slightest injury to the' fabric, and with
out removing trum [the floor. It will not injure the
cloth. Directions,accompanying each bouis. I‘rice
•ii cents. For solo by J SCIIOONHAKKK A Co,
myB . sit wood St
isiKKMAiS ufTust uphi ui; eon
X tabling an alphabetical list ©fPostOfiiccsthrongh*
out the United Stateijdistinccs from Washington!!).
o.i state and territorial capitals'respectively: alioexr
bluiwtg the Post Offices in each State, as well as conn*
ty, With an oppendii oflHo United States and llritish
Tariffs. Just reo'd t y JOHNSTON A STOCKTON,
nyll eonicr 3d and Karhst am ,
I'"’ ' -i"' •': Sl 4,™ .
ir-- If!=.fl.. ■| • iilllsPlfMldKl r s !|S| wi'*™,
S l . i Mllil|l!^l||.iii!!!||!llllfilylt'' f _
SB J ®>> •«§ •535 ; 5'3g5“.0« d 1-S” ■
< a SS & *SS«?33*2**:3 *1?
S:|l -I s lKl“l!f!N##| if !&
® H-fl |! g 'ilff ;|ij!lIII if 1
u. < S "8 * sla^ SF i&ilsBaJt?l?S3- 53.-1 8«;: ,f " 4
0-. ii.-e £g 5. :Bsf :r* -5 I t-Ti' n
o| £l2 fliliil yiti sHi ?■?• ;ij■ r£r I;
CD 5 S «- m •sS’|s|B'!rf?S'3:'s*ssagsSs’B!fib tod '
SB' < I £ !-g.• Ilfi3|S|s^|l'sl'll'il|3j|i|! IS II - 1 -
£ll .111 li!l!if|l!4^!i!=lili!!if«£; ?:
<&i!!Ii!lIlS!!1lll»I=fil! i ' siSI1|lBl!KS?PIIi11!l||-
faliulp siliifl! si* : iKilnl altl '■' C M! ;|.i.i I si si it ■■ sr■- * a :
in- AOEHTg JwM. MORGAN, P.'M. CPREY, Allegheny City; A. PATERSON, B«.lnjton- Jjggjg* :
MERCURY,crother Win
■ gulilirnißtiqr*, and T
iinMO Venn for ail '>(““ "ijj'iuw h S l fd”dS?
die aunoit dancer and reap® l1 * 101 , T’ u.. i,
wbShoiTc. «.d« “• , ”“£JSSta“ h dlcS
f.t) B d to benefit wfien the patient was within tao reacu
lamed i» '‘SThebX'al
ha,e minuter, of Ho eoipel, Smon,
dennen, lewyem, jenflemen of “f. “gSJJSra.
■ad multitude, oi ihe poortue it in erer ,»«y m
way, and Ihere kaa been hm one
voice uyitt,—“hl'ALLlSTEßi YOUE OINTMENT
teMTO" ■!»««
Ihe lnHammaiion and awelhna, when the pain ceawta
IRttd tho'direelioni around the box.) . .
ih aalped with iiko aaceeaa. , ~ ~
SCALD HEAD—We hare eared ewee )£!s***?&
daftarieTery thing known, as well a* the abiUtr ofju
i UeiTo twenty dcctora. Ode man told aa
i‘ gjwon hi* children withoa any benefit,
aoxas of Ointment eared them.
TETTER—There is nothing beUer for the care of
Te BURNS—U i* cnc oflhebeitihing* u> world tor
B HLE3—Tbonsandi SS, 0mt ‘
ment. It s»vx» frul» in giving relief far tbo file*.
rry~ Around the box are direction* for
lis&tOintmvUfoT ScnfidaMv* Cemplmat,
lor Tout, CAiiMoia, Scald Had. Sou £*»» Qutneyi-
S% War, BfJfa
toutftu Sriiu, Had oehf.
Burnt. Com*, oil' Distant qf tA* Shan, Sort Lty«, Ptm
pin. Ac- Sw*tfmg oj lA* Limit, Soto, KAtumarirm,
J-Vf. Croup, S»*U*4 or Broken Bnait, 3botA
' “^L^FECT^-Liver^oip l^"1 * P*” 1 . “ the Ctcrt
arid Side, falling off of tho ■ hair, or the olher aeeompa-
SSSddW- fruia Ointment \a the uoo remedy.). It
is t sure sign of disease to have cold feet.
CORNS—Occasional use of the Ointment -will al*
ways keep com# from growing. People need never
be troubled with them if thoy n#c u frequently.
CC>* Thi* Ointment i« gooilfor any part of ‘|*®)} 0, Jy
orumbi when inflamed. InVome cases it should be I
No Ointment will be genuine unless the
oamc of JAMES McALLISTER i# wntten with a pen*
on p^ C ffil by my Agent# in all the principal ciliei and
townaln the Baited ;
Sole Proprietor.of the above medloms.
rjy Pnneipal Office, No 23 North Third meet, Phil
nKlphla. pRICE23CENTsrERB OX.
Agetci m Ptmatrnca—Braun A Reiter, comer of
au; ami L Wilcox. Jr, comer of
Market «l and the Diamond, also corner of 4th and
Amiihfiplil «ir J H Cajsel, comer of Walnutand Peitn
g?Sf SlwTid affi «’the book*tore in Smithfield
B Bovrnmn fc Co, and J T Rogers, Brownsville; John
Barkley, Beaver, Pa} are wholesale agents.
' • "Weodly •
D just received of.Dr Townsend*. I
mort extraordinary medicine in the world! ThlsEr- j
ti act is pal up in quart bollle*. Du six times eheaper, i
pleasanter, end warranted superior to any sold, It
caret diseatowitheut'vcmiltißg, purging, siekeaing or
’’uKSfm penon.h«e
copied oar labels, and pot op medicine la the line
■baaed bottle. See thit e»eh bottle be. the wnttta .tg«
Wood between
Third end Fourth, is Dr. Townsend's only wbotoeaic
nod retail agent lor Pittsburgh, of-Whom the genome
ar ]h IdfcnnT has been appointed tbe sole agent for
Allegheny city, of whom-the genome aruclo^anbe
DA.—lt d«orapose» the Tiro, or peeeant pnnei
pie of all contagious diseases. It removes the danger;
ous effluvia of sick rooms, Ac. By its cleansing engr
cv it relieves ulcers; and intercepts all eommumcnb e
diseases, whether In men or animals, Ac,- Jail rec d
■nJ f” .1.11 S KSr.I.I.KBS. n W M .I ■'
' ' ‘ ATUfcfijKllll -BAJbUUIV
TMcFALL, begs to inform the inhabitant* or Puts
. t hnnrh and vicinity, that bo has opened .the
above establishment, where every attention w»U l«e
paid ib ibe comfort of those whorasy luvor bint with
icalL Libertystreetj between Seventhend Wood.
Ice Cream# and ail other delicacies of the season.
jßlfcdly -
THE undersigned have tbU day Mssemted under
the name ofThompsoa Hanna fcSon, for the pur
pose of manufacturing paper, at the Clinton Paper
MilL where they will be pleased to receive the patron
ageof the public, and the former customers of the se
nior partner. , , ,
They wilt ut all times keep on hand a general as
sortment of writing, tea and wri paper*.
bonnet boards, blank books, etc. ete., which they will
“ h “vf^ l Sdfcl U “p«biShfr?“w^ppll e d ,hh
Ii Jaxd D. Locawoon, CU Wood sreet has just
r«eived«>me beautifully ornamented 6 RATE
APRONS, of a variety of pattern*.and colors; also,
cut Tissue Paper tor ornameutingjooking giu»ies,
picture frames, or lamps. j B **-
7" if Plsne and-Baw, 7d Wood street
A - complete assortment of Cmcinnati Coopers
TooU. for »aicb. mvia MPBER t LAUFMAN
L proms, No 1 Chocolate and Cocoa: also, Schmitz
sWeet spiced Choeoiale, jtut'rec’d and tor sale at the
Pekin Tea Store. 70 Foorth .L myffi
lgyiflTSSU(JAßs—’Covennf’sloaf, crashed and
W pulverized Sugars, just rec’d and for sale by the
i»bl or at retail, at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth su
n,r '” sgnnwE<« ——: -
BOllr (Alt ,X PBOCUXO O. 6Ot 10 WXCTC. ~03.
. ** r? ' KVW JUIJL.
, lit attention of the public u invited to this very
I valuable Churn, which has the advantage of all
o’ieri in combining the old and new inventions to-
utility of this invention!* apparent, asbya siml
pie process the air is forced benea\h .the dash, and
Sees away with the necessity of purchasing anew
Chum, as it can be applied to any chum in use. and
‘ferona dollar can have all the improvements of the
with those of gathe«sng tbo Butter in
invited to call and judge fordhem
telves"beforepurehasing elsewhere, at 87, comer of
Market and Fulh streets, or at «3 Diamond alley, be
“a M “ k “ "’"'ZjSITWoBSEH.
THE undersigned having been appointed Agent of
the DslswsM Motto. Bum InsnasKca Cosi
est, In the plaee of John Finney, Jr,, reslgr-d, re
spectfully informs the public and the friends and cos
ininMßof the Company, that be is prepared to lake
HSSElblind rndW ri.l. o. iiljna tolr
office, Ao. 37 Water street P. A- MADURA,
TTOaSTlOßta!—BWtoeta lit d ply India.' Rubber
H Hose— just received for the Borough of Manehcs-
STwhltk »iU b. Wil In .lore fbr. few d.j, Tito
Itorton Belling Company urptoß . «rong de.ire for
the fire departments of the cute, of Pittsburgh and Al.
leeheny to etJl had examino Andhaaito atrial of them.
Tha company is .rilling in pat them to nay teat they
U ‘ l “mrio P "*°°” d ° Ja'uFHILLIPS.5syood si
Books "pOu“ xf lEsonsfeiuiT-iONoprsTOCK
in the Citixcas' liiittraneeCompstiy of Pdtsbargh,
mil £ opened in the Roomsof the hoard ofTrmle, on
the first Monday of NoTembef no*, AllOo'elect, A.«.
Wm. Larmier, Jr. Robert woods,
iVn. R. M’Clijte, JomtphPlttmmer,
John ft'SlS’’"*’
•pllkdwovl .Commmioacra_
—- 2 ~—"GOLD WABlfibS*
H- paRRY haainvented a machine for: washing
Gold, for which he has made application for a
,?, TheVare now offered for sale atlheware*
Farry>Scoti A Co., No. 103 Wodd street,
ri Adve7raren to California are. invited » ealLand ex
amine these labor-saving machines. They are «n>Pl°
in their construction, easily transported on tko baek of
mules or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and
ean be put in operation in half an hour., They can bo
filled .with provirion*. It is Uie opinion of those who
have seen the trial of ono of these machines hf smnllMt,
,I—. that two men will wash the mineral from 150
baskets of sand or earth in a day, without the loss ofa
oartiele of the mineral. They ean be increased in size
and worked by water or mule power, If expedient-
The operators work without going Into thh water or
bclnx exposed to wet, and consequently without en*
dangerimtheir healfru They srifl require but a ustdl
isream of water, and can boused the wbolo season,
and can be put into operation where tbere a notsum
cienl water to wash la the usnal way.- i •
PriceofsmaHeauize*3B.- Order* frem abroad, an*
compaale* by eaahk will bo promptly 6Ued._
salteh'b . .1
LUNG&—The unprecedented ruccesi'whteh bi»
• iiended the use of the- A
a all the various forms, which Irritation or the
mines, has induced the proprietor again to can atten
tion to thisi— • ' ‘
The changable weather which: mart* our-fall ana
vinter months, U always a fruitlol source of
These, If neglected, are hut theprecaraora or that ran
, '*" 0Kr ' ' COSUMPTION. ■ ■
The question, then, how, shall we nlD.the destroyer in
the .bad! bow- ahull, we get clear of our coughs ar.u
olds? is of vital importance to the pool 1 ®; •
will be found tn.the Oinaeng .ln proafofUU*
we haqa from time to time published.the ccrtlfieales or
dozens of our best known citizens* who have experi
enced its curative powers. These, with a mass of t®*
Ministers of the Gospel, together with co;iio«« no|
le** fn,,a OF THE DAY, . ,
wo have embodied in pamphlet form, and m».y bjna*
° r “tt D r KorBSS Mt^
throughout the United Suttee and Canada, and we ch*
lenae any man to point out a
n which, when taken according to directions, end be
fore the lungs had become totally dUoiganukd, It bu
*wer failed to
Why*then, need the afflicted hesitate! Why resort to
the nus<*reblo nostrums, gotten up by now own Individ
■also leztbe assumcaname oTsome ce Ahrsled phy
sician, and puffed Into notoriety by certificates ci pai
ning eaually unknown? Whilsta medicine of
'lsto be had, whose Vouchers are at home,—oir neigh;
of whom it has •
.am*, bJsAICHED from the gb ave.
In order that this invaluable medicine may he placed
within the reach of the' poor as .well the rich, wo have
" ,fcPr "”okTFIFTT-CEI.TS, • "
' just one half the usual con of cough medieinea. it is
for sale by our areuta in nearly every town and village
ever the west, who are prepared togrve full informs
: I don relative to it T. SALTER; Proprietor,/
1 '' Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio •
dozen of Dr. Townsend’s Genuine Sarsaparilla,
just rec’d and for sale by ' R E-BELLEKS,
' 57 Wood st only Agent for Pittsburgh.
lu3 By D M CURRY, Agent for Allegheny city
• tfsota for tlio Public, :
In relation to that unrivatied family Salve,
TESTIMONY of a respectable Physician.—Read.
the following, addressed to my Agent, Mr. F. Mer
ryweathel, Cincinnati: ' , . , efn ;
• . -CtseEcuxt, Feb. 12,1519. i
' -feta >A tense ofdmytompoia me to giycmy.tfibulO
to Dailey’s Pout Extractor. Being opposed to onack
cry aud all nostrums having for tueir object etmstcr
motives—but realising much good from the Hung of
1 Pain Killers’ I —l am induced to tender you this certifi
j cate. I have used it in my family, in my practice, hnd
with oil the happy and wonderful effecta.that could
l possibly be imngtntjd. H. J. Bsonts, M. IX
! Dr. Brodie is thd senior partner of ilrodie * Levi*
1 Druggisia. 1 .
Inflammatory RkeusuUwu
1 The following testimonial-comes from a souroe faj
1 miliar to many of tlioso tfaYeUnr on oar Wtoawrn wa-
I tors. Mr. Gtime, tie well and favorably tanwn pro
inrietor of the Porkersbarg Hotel, is husband to the
llady whose letter ihunexj >, • : ■ ' , a ,l I
Pasassssinto, Va-, April 13, l&W. >
; To Henry Dailey, Chemist; Ac.—Sin Having for
\ merly been long-afflicted with vi.olfiai inflammatory
I Rheum.tlun, wtieh Appealed K llimlv icaMd AS t»
'defy'all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain
: attending It, I was induced to fry your Magical Paia
Extractor; and it having effected, almost as If by ma
! Sc, arftamediate retie/, and also* to all appearances
! In entire and perfect euro, I am induced for the bene
r fit of ethers who may be afflicted with pain, caused by
i any kind of inflammation, to write to you, declaring
i that in my opinion, founded on actual experience
i your Magical Pain Extractor is. the most valuable dU-.
coverr of the present age for the immedtau extraction
of bodily phirn It ia an almost immediate, and a tter
i feet cure for Borns and&ealda, and all external in-
Iflammation. , • .
Having many acquaintances .formed uy their vitas
army husband's hotel in this place, I have supposed
ly your showing them these few lines, it may possibly
■| be of benefit both to them and yourself. ■
fl entertain the hope that Mrs. Clime will pardon the
publicity I give to her leuer. as welt on the score of
humanity as oftts being the surest mode of bringing it
to the uotice other friends.—U-DiIACT.J
1 Felon Cuud.
Extractors letter, dated _ , CIQ
- -Bxutom.Ky. Nov. 29,1M9-
Mr. XL Dailoy: B I have tried your Pain'Exuactbr in
a ease of felon,-in my own family, which u relieved
and cured In a very abort time." In haste, yours rc
sbeetfdllv, - Jjls.JC kouss.
(H* &irns and Scalds, PnesTSoro Nipples, -Brplren
Breast. Eroptioos, Sores, Cuts, Wounds, and all In
flammation. yieldsteadUy to the wonderful properties
of this unrivalled family salve., But, in tho same pro
portion that you will receive benefit from the genuine,
you will bo injured by tho deleterious effects of the
counterfeit salves. " , , . . ••
CAUTION—Be sure and apply only to the inventor,
11. Dsllxt. 415 Broadway, New York, or no his au
thorized agents. • JpilN D MORGAN, i
-General Depot, Pittsburgh.-i
Henry P.Sehwartz,AUegheny, Agent;• J. Baker,
Wheeling, Va.; Jumes W Johnston, MavvviHe,“Xy.;
F. Merry weather. Cineiniiaii, O n General Depot j •
N. B —la the' severest Bums and Scalds it extracts
tbe pain in a few minntes—itnever talis* Jail:
MOROAN’ifW*. -.'..i
. PJn»*caoH, Jane 12, lo4#.
Mr. John D. Morgan—Dear Sir: I gave one toupoon
fall of yonr Worm Killer to one of my children, and in
the short time ofone half hoarit pawed twenty large
worm*- I fcel safe in recommending your Vermirage
as the best medicine that oan be a*eir_for eipeljing
worms. Jans Momas, near Noblesuwn.
Prepared and sold by the proprietor,-JOHN D. MOR
GAN, Druggist, one door below Diamond alley, \\ ood
street _ iHl**-
‘ HlBP'
ALU these differ from ordinary Ink, as-they are all
chemical solutions containing no viscid matter,
Bow freely from any kind of peu—the color 4eep,
bright and durable. If there have been better article*
made, 1 have neither seen nor heard of them,
pie bottles can be obtained gratis, by the merchant*
generally, from B-A. Fahnestock A Co, IJcury P.
gchwartx, Alletheny, or of the manufacturer, THO 3.
K. HIUUERX, Druggist and Chemist, comer of Liber*
y and Smiihfield street*, Pittsburgh, P«-
N. B.—JUty bottle .not giving complete satisfaction,
san be returned and the price will be refunded.
•. julfltdtat
DRUGS, *c. &c.—Pure Red Bark, Chloric Ether,
lodide Potash, Strychnine, Chloride Gold, Liver
Sulphur, White Precipitate, Cyasaret Potash, just re
ceived and for sale by ' jttf • RESELLERS
Chinoicina, Chloroform,
Ext. Bark Preeip. lodide Iron,
Nitrate Silver, Oil Copaiba,
James Powder, Ciirie Aeid,
Chloride Soda, Chloric Ether,
.. . Extract Rhatany, Extract (juartia.
Jost rec’d and for sale by RESELLERS,
joU •• . . , , , • 57 Wood »t
STArpA.HJiUToci,') j ■ A. B.
U. L. Fmntoa, vPimburgh*.
Store la th« City of
Saw York*
riMJE undersigned are extensively engaged in the
X \V holesale Drttg Inuinessax No.-40 John .street, tn
lEe-eity of New Yortr, and 'are prepared, to supply
Uniacitla and eaantry Merchants wnh Urncs, Painu,
Ji(a, ltte-* tuffs, Ftrrgn and Amenean I'cr/hmcry,, Aaa-et fc Wander's Chemical*? (of their own
ar-ortttlca) aorf all other articles in their line of uusi
seu, or a aapario sqaality-a* low a* they can t* pur*
shaaoJ Hi this or any eastern city. . _
NcwVotk. F?bl6 U. A. FaUVEaTOCKh r
We have been informed by Mrs- Ro« of acure per*
feraedonher byDr» J»ytte’s,Alt«ratlT*»wi>icb
proves lu superiority over every otherxemeuy ei Uir
tied- Bhehe* been afflicted for the Ustsixtcea year*
with alterations and enlbiiation of variousboncMlQ* i
rawwlaehuine many piece* have been discharged from
we ironist bone ol the cranium, from both her aitot,
wrists and hand* .and from both legs, and from the left
femora, bono. and from the right knee, betides painfn]
flleera on outer parts of her peiwo, which have •baffled
the skill of a number of Uje men eminent physician* of
onr city—daring moil of tbo lime her tonering* have
been ezeruiaungand deplorable. About three months
aince ahe was induced to try Dr. Jayne’s Alterative,
which has had an astoniihittgly happy effect upon her,
by removing all pain and swellings, and canting the
tleera to heal, white al the tame time her general health
Us become completely restored, to that she now weighs
IS ibs more than ahe did before ahe commenced the use
< of thl» truly ralnableprepauciLr—[Sat. Eve. Post.
Por further intbraauoo, inquire of hits. Rose, No. 138
Ftlbett si, Philadelphia.
For sale In Pitubargh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
73 Fourth si. near Wood. jys
ORGAN’S WGRttKILLERU llie bettVermifuge
. that any man-can pro or un in Ms family.
WksmireTo* Westmoreland co. PaT
Hr.7ohnD.Momn:—Tiiin'utßfcenlfy that Ibave
been felting yoar vermifuge for seme: time, »*>' about
one year—and in that tune I bare never known
to fall in bringing-worms away, when thesymptoas!
indicated their .presence. 1 haa occasion to gire it to
; two grown up members.©T my. family; I rave each of
them one dose, undone efthem passed SOU and the oth* l
er orer 230 worms. 3t: is the best Yenaifoge that any'
maneanuseinhis/amilT. " J.WlYotnro. •
: Prepared and sold by jNO.D. MORGAN, Drargut,
om door below Diamond alley, on Wood st. 1 -joi:
flTANNEiUPOllj—Cnrrier*sitnxvej > t’ie»Keii,uiea£
JL tog Burncii to* constantly on hand'and for sale
by npST WU YOUNG A GO, 113 Übeny n
qliiu c -*«*r
JJ before—rniadc oa ihr most approved Eastern •
m 3 dimi i~iyMfinaM«i iikgtetn patterns aedeotor*. Alio .
ornladctoordfrof Bllsriet.aadatallpricao. •' -
Coanuy Merchant* and others arc invited to e*U and
ezamiuo the above for themselves,oi alTwill boooid
wholesale or .retail,and a- liberal cedaetion mod* ta
whoieshfepcrdiuers, • .
oaldhy A, WISTERVELT ..
. JSotlco to tli* Pabllei .
■\T7T: hereby notify onr friends and correapcanenn
If at homo &ud abroad, that we will not. c?©*t,
tsr ctscniKTAsC£», receive freight frpm any «oa l * IW
which J. Newton Johes ie axeou . t
_tpu_ Rhodes & alcobn,
INDIA RUBBER PASTE-Just recdrinr, 3rro*i
bottles of Robber Paste, a superior anlcfej highly..
Important tt> persons that wish 10 keep their feei art’-
ll prevents the leather from cracking,and will take • ....,
Sblish over it For sale at the India Rubber Depot* •
[o S Wood street. mart J &■ It PIIILUPB ? 1
OOJLD? -' ' "
GOJLDt QOX.DII GOliDtll GOliDlin _
THE subscriber, wholesale minufactUTerofJEW*
ELRV, inviies wholesale dealers and pedlars tra
iling-South inti West—also, country store Itccpera to
oalfand examine his stock of Jewelry, which will o*
sold at the lowest prices for cash or approTttil • -
itances. Constantly on hand and taanafaetuxiM, V,_
large assortment suitable for c&oritr^HJad' a.
. .corner of Fourth and Branch.slvjip
j aplthdlin • Philadelphia
FipcrllAbßlßfi. • • ' .
HAVING purchased ni three of the largest T*cte
ries in the East, (New York, Philadelphia im.
IJal'iraore.) a large assortment of the newest and moat
improved styles of PAPER HANGiNGS.BORDEHS,'
4c-,,uud made arrangements by which 1 will b* enn*
bled l to procure all new Patterns, .simultaneous with
thetr appearance in the Eastern market, I would In*
sue the attention of those desiring to have their house*
papered with the latest styles or paper,itoeallnM: - T
examine my stocks before purchasing elsewhere-; - . ‘
I huve now on the way from the East,. ’JOfXH) pieces
or Gold, Satin Glased, andcommoa roper HangiMS,
which I can sell at races ranging from 121 cts to *3 •
piece- nich 15 • 5 C HI LL, 67 wood-al
BMon Bn>ohlngf - ’
HAVING juftcompleted the rebaildingofonr smok*
bouses, we ore now prepared, to receive xotttt.
and smoke it in the mostmercaantable manner. - . ..>
• The houses arc fitted with all the modern Improve*-
'menla. and are capable of containing 300,000 Ibs-ipaeh.
ZT KIERAJONEa, Canal Basin, ; ; i
•*4 near Seventh at _
RINTiNGVAPKR ll»vfngthe‘eiclajilv««genej't
for the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Papcr,:tß- -
U,tC P. Markle. we will be constantly
supplied with all the different sixes of superior quality,
watch we offer at the lowest regular prices.
‘febW . corner Penn tad Inriasf
COLEMAN, 11AILMAN A CO. eontiaurto maatt*-
future Small Irou, Spring and'Am. Blister Steel*';
Plough, "Fork und Hoc Steel, Rivets, Spikes and ww’l
Iron Nuts, all sizes, together With Coach and Ehpue
Springs; hit Pat, Taper and eomman Axles.—• \
iiavbtgredueed. the pricoof Wrought Iron Nuts,
engine builders and others using the nmole,' will 'fins;
it to their interest iq give this hew branch or Pittsburgh
madufaetates-their attention. , ‘ • : k..
coach trimmings and maleoble Iren on libcraTterma.'
Warebouet on water and Fourth tta- -TeWs/
f SAM’L. GRAY, ,
Exonaues noitniao*,.-. :
ass JVST CETUXSES note - ;
And is now receiving a fine ossorthießtof -’•
Which he is prepared if make io ordo*.
And iQ the 1a te s l Faali I o aa’.
U«*d ftvartfra f&y:Bo«u and Sbow«
. . Corner of Fourth and Smithliold streets,
*.:• *> Ptns*Ba««f,P*;
Rplfl TROTH & SCOTT banns commenced wrfilj
M[]l|lhe general Boot ulrt Hhrm linsinrsi,MH
r|K wholesale aod-retail, would respectfully vpL
iuv tie ure attention of their friends and the pabua gcu*.
erullyv to their splendid new clock, consisting of mens,“
womens’, boysi, misses’ and childrens wear of every
variety; suitable for tho season, and at price*-'to soil:
tho.umea.-A sptendid article ef home mads, worir.i
such ns gentlemen’*.fine Boots, ladies, • muse*and;
children* fine work. .Please call and examine lor
yourselves. THOTII ASCOTf, , :
corner 4th and Bntihfield sts
N. B.—Traveling Tranks, Carpet Bag*, al
ways on hiyid nnd tow forcash - . i 'IA J.
■ ‘ Country rucrthaoU would find it pt iheirlnJßxwito
give us.a call vis visiting the, city. - m-hl4
LOU/LK, WllthOß * CO.* . '
iMPORTERS and . Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery,.*e*l#*,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, are-now fully prepared with
, a recently imporlcdstock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad
; tilery, Carpenters* Tools, kt, to offer very great in
ducements to Western Merchants, as in addition' tw
the many advantages had by oar predecessors, Ales*
srs. Hogan -k Kennedy, we have greatly increased oar
facilities, .md purchase ali our goods from first hand*
on the very best tends.' "■ . j
Tae junior members of the firm derate their whola
pttcpqon ro sales, and .feeling confident nfftvßg *-*-1*
ufacnon, respectfully solicit a e»U fromabll who may
visiuhts mareeL - mehst
~ BRICK FOR BAXB. . . •*-'
fllHEundersigncd. offers for sale a superior article
■ X of bncfc for:building,made by hi* >
improved machine, for winch he has ok mine d a pueul
and agree* to give purchasers a written gytf*Pteathat
they are stronger, and will rcstri trort “f,^i*°*T*
cr and imbibe less moistore or dampaes* thMiaoyoih*
er brick, possessing greater body and mxurre
and much more-durable is every rwjwc^eaehhuck
bosmr subjected to a pressure of several tons, ana pos
sesstnga handsome smooth J‘£r** c .? “*£?•»•
they make a front equal f“m* bnck.^-.• ■
fit, Imvc given Sin fnnwil
have purchased. A kiln cao bo seen at my work*, and
and wishing haniome front brick, or superior hard .
S 3 Mi pavia, brio,.««»-, ■_
' Birmingham, Jane —*{--- -
Vi f ouß—Tse highest price ru cash paid fee alt the |
-W different grades ofelean washed wool, by .
' • m~tll H LLK, Überty st, opposite Bth
CnP A RTNKKriIiII’—I havo tiitT day associated
with me tu the wholesale Grocery, Produce and
Commission Builnei*,Mr. jdbtt Wilson, uhdefthe firm
Pittsburgh,’April SO,' liHtf. -■ ‘ ~ •
ctULl’ll of QutaFae,OxideofTw.Pnuic Aeid,'Clt;
IN’ rate oi iron, Bi Carbonate of Potash, fsilrate of
Silver, Calomel, Zodiac of Lead, Chloride of Soda and
Chlorie Emergen hand and for sole by ' •;!
“ a.cXiusr* —
GBATI'FUL for lt<? tciy liberal encouragement I
bate received for «o tuny year*, 1 luve deter
mined to enlarge my business considerably. Having -
engaged a competent Foreman, I arill be enabled to
fill alt orderaprosuptly, and do tltc work in our usual "
style and at fair prices, and ask liie uueiuioa qf met
ebutiU und ciuecus to my large stock. of.UPHOLSTE- •
KY UOOUS and Beds, Mattresses and Bedding, Cur* ■
tai.i Matcriul*, Damasks and Moreens,Cornices, Frin
ge*, ttwidcnags, Tassels, Split and Holler Hands, and
every article usually kept tn on.establishment of tbq
kind. Orders respectfully’ solicited and nroiantfr at-?
tended to. •; • A
N. U—Carpets made and pm doom. -ft
UAU.V, LRI-WEisJOeY fc’\£F:iyd.l4
Oacinsicrtionor ISlmes, or less,.««. SOW)
, Two insertions v»ithontall«ration»,;i.***i,.; 0 711
P- /' : •“ “ .......... IMg
[Two Week. <* HU
Three " .. .. 3 0«H
.OneMonlh,. «.
■ JET Longer sdrenikeiaeiihi In enmo propnrOc.- C
One Bqnun,s monthi.erithnnt J.
jo' u ' u . «■. ;; v 15 vU«
I Each additioaaalsquire for 0 months, .•••«> j*j|
j One sqaarn.6 cioniiu renewablo atpl® l ** l ®' *5 99?
EichadditionaUquarefor lSmonliji*—ir ”7
'Two aqnares,6 months, re'wableatpletfa«» ™
1 £aeh additional square,6 months,>•••*••••• ° W B
[VUX&X 01k TEi-WKXiX I* »JJ*T
1 One «qaarq.3 Insertions, 2»i
** u each additional Itticrtioflt***** - **
Bcnxtas J,
Fife lines or less, o*» year- ■
IraxjU. tfTTify
IC*U ••".r'.'jrr-- ...
u "■ lit * *•
. “ " •' its :"f
- umitiniiTi ni -orisMT »*»»• .
: for It Lion, -2
-v«. “ '■*
•• « « :• IX
• m Tift* ■*>***’ •» i,