• 1 & THE rilKBDiitJH gazette PUBLISHED BY WHITE A CO , PITTgBDEORi Monday morning, oct. 22, isi&. _ip*ll«a PtTroffwn Daht Oax*tt*-U published O»nT»Tn-Wee»tT,*nd Weekly.—The Doily is Seven- Dollar* brr v- nan; The Tri-Weekly is Pire DolUrspre »[-iium;ins Weekly.U Two Dollars per onnata, sovxly » odeaArs. C3“Advi»thc» on tuncsay requested to hand in heir, fcvon before 8 r. it, and as early is the day as Iraetieahlo. .Ailvertlsefßeatt not insetted feta speei* ed tiae will invariably be ebarred until ordered oat PHILADELPHIA SOUTH AIIBIOU Advertisements and sabscriptloasto.thc North Anar e tn and United Slates Gazette, Philadelphia, received *od forwarded Tram this office. C7"SE&NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL MATTERS, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, Ac. Tie Foreign News by the Niagara it of a rathe? more stirring character than- that of the arrival* of the few'previoca, weeks. The dedeion of the Tnrki*l£Goveromeni,in re ference to the demand of the Emperor of Roaaisj lor the Hungarian Chief*, ia footed for with the Boat intense interest; and if it thail be against giving them up, aa the last accoonu indicai*, the conaej qoence* will probably bo of the moat startling cha racter. Nicholas is, no donbt,glad of an occasion 10 hornble hia indent foe, with whom lie would (ain' have a quarrel, if he coaid, without any foreign interference, and will consider a refusal .of bis re* qoeat a sufficient caase of war.. The Soften, on the other hand, calculate*, with good reason, .on .the rapport of France and England,.aod his maiq tenance of the duties of humanity and hospitality will very likely prodace a general war* 1 Should this take plaeoi would there not be nn- 1 other glimmer of hope for down trodden Hungary! : Nicholas might find the war nearer' hia own tern* | lories than he imagines, while England and France would sweep the Black Sea and the Baltic with ' their 'powerful navies, -blockading the northern and southern ports of Russia, and effectually pre venting any assault upon the territories of the Boaphdrus. In regard to Rome, also, the lato arrival brings deeply iniereaiirg nears. The French army is to, be withdrawn, while the love of liberty is as rife aa ever. The, spirit *>f the Roman people is on- 1 aubjdaed, and the taste they have had of the plea tares office, thought and tree speech have only; whetted their appetites for, another trial. True, Austria and Spain will most probably attempt to i march in and take possession. Bat will France | permit this, and if she doea,:will not the Romans resist* They certainly will, unless France has put it out of their power to do so, by disarming them. While we watch these oventa triih gresl icier* cat, Jei iu hope that out of them will come a da; of freedom for Italy, and the'teat of Eorope. AkhixUtios of Caxada.—The serioas coaaid* eralloa of the subject of the annexation of the Canada* with the United Siatea,''try the people Stott interested, has naturally awakeoed discus aioa on this ttde-oi the border* Canada annex* ation baa its friends and opponents in the Stales, as well aa over the frontier, and should a serious application be made.for admission, a most anima ted dispute will ensue in ever; part of tbo Union* ' la former .years, we deprecated an increase .of cur territory, believing we had then enough for all the porpoaes of cheap and good government, W since the annexe! ion of Texas,New Mexico, and California on the South and West, we see no good reason why wo should not admit our near . neighbors, speaking the same language and sprung from the same good dock on .our Northern fron tier. Some take the ground that the people of the North American British Provinces ore not prepa red for self government, and that it would be dan-, gerous to admit some two millions of people into our Union on an entire equality with oar citizens, who may prove troublesome members of the mighty nation. The objection we think is not well founded. The people of Canada have had the same general training with the rest pf the An glo Saxon rase, and they have bad the advan ce of our example and experience. They are infinitely better prepared for incorporation into the Uoioo, thin the people of New Mexico and Cali fornia. While it ia not the Interest of the United Slates to take measures to hasten the annexation of the British Province# on opr Northern frontier— for anch an event will inevitably take place at no distant day—yet wqAroQheiveiwe should be piepared cordially to receive them whenever we can do.eo without disturbing cur friendly relations with Great Britain. We ahould deprecate a war with England for such a purpose, hat if the'(Jnion can peaceably be brought about, it will in oor opin on, prove of great ultimate benefit ti> all concerns According to be beat accounts, the Legislature of Ohio, for the coming session, will stand as foL Iowa: In the Senate, sixteen. Whigs, sixteen Lo eofocos and four FrecSbilersj.in the Honse, thir ly A paragraph, which originated with the Llmer-' ick Chronicle, stales that, “The family of John; , MitcheJ received, notification from'the Regfoh government, to thexeffect that they, (the govern* meat; having lakeniato consideration-the condi tion of John Milchel'a health, have granted him free leave and liberty to go wheresoever he pleases, with the. ezception thal he shall net retarn to or settle in any portion or colony of the United King* i doo* We ere sorry to uy there i« no truth in the i. bore. The EogliiSGovernment here not yet had the pace nor justice to act in the manner attribut ed to them. 4 John Miichel is now on bis way to the Cape of - Good Hope, and it was understood that, on arriv ing there,'*'ticket of leave” wonid be granted to / hia, the effect of which wonld.be to leave 4 him at perfect liberty to follow any pannit he pleases, bat not to depart from the Colony. However, from the deep hostility evinced by the Cape Colonists to receive the convicts, it is not . ■ probable that John Mitcbel will take op hia'abode there. In the dilemlna in wbiehJhey-are involved, the **government* may grant Jehn’Mltehel n free •, pardon, on condition of his not returning to the United Kmgdom. . r The reihaintog portions of the paragraph are . true. His wife end fiunlly still remain in Ireland. Hii sons are with Rev. John Ken yon, P. P. Tern ' plederry, under wbbse fostering care and pare teaching theywiil be made inheritors of their fatbs ert sterling virtues. Cwr*at,lUix*aAß.— Wenre glad to learn that the Pennsylvsnia Railroad Company have con* ‘ eluded an arrangement with the Harrisbarg and Lancaster Railroad Company, an immediate result of which will be tho iobstitotioo,to day, of the eplendtd newlocomoiiv6s aid cent cars of tho former company,for the old cars, and iocomo* tivesof the latter, on' the Hamrborg and Lancaa ter read.. This is a change' of which the public -Will appreciate the advantage; and before the great link it completed to Pittsburgh, travellers will di*» cover that on no route can they journey to and from the West with more comfort and luxnrioua eojoy meat than oh the Pennsylvania Railroad. line.— X&rth Antricaru .. ' '• . We observe in a Washlpgtoa leuerxo a retpects ble New York paper a statement that ° Hons* of BfpMMntatlvH. Adams —Daniel M. Smyter. __ _ Allegheny—Jonas R- M'Ctintoek, Wm. Erf f, John Miller , 'R. C. Welker . Armstrong—John S. Rhey. _ Bradford—Chas. Stoekwell, Joetyk C. Parnell. Bedford—John Cessna, Samuel Robison. Beaver— Joku AUison, Wm. Smith. Berke—Daniel Zerbey, Wm. Shaffnar, Alex. 8. Festher, John C Evens. Blair— Chas E Kinktad. Butler— D B B Brower. < Bucks— Crawford —Benjamin B David, Anson lean- Centre and Clearfield—John B Meek, Wm J HemphiU. Chester— David J Bent, John Acker, John A Bower. Cjlumbta— Benjamin P Fortney. Cumberland—Henry Church, The# C Seoul* ler. Cambria —William A Smith. / Lewi*. , Dauphin—John B Rutherford, Thomas Dun • can. Ohio American dominions. Commissioner Fooblanqoify paper, the London Examiner, takes the same opurse, and Mr, Cobden is ready to hold ap both buds for a dissolution of tlm *gi«tingj""ua*x{pn. In Montreal, the Uourier, Herald, Gaxette and Witness infos separation from Britain; the Transcript is loyal; ditto the Pilot, and perhaps one other journal. - La Minerva is more yea tun no. If, l\Trik m 17 York—Henry Follon.*_(Dem. gain.) 18 Franklin and Adame—Tr. R. Sadler. Democratic majority,. Erie—Jima C Reid, leffert Hart. Franklin —Wm Baker, John AVLean. Fayette—James P. Downer, Joseph E Griffin. Greene—Lewis Roberts.. Huntingdon— Augutt ue K Corrtyn. Indiana—TF» Evane. Jefferson, Clarion and Venango—John SMCal mont.John Hastings. Lebanon— John WKtllingtr. Lehigh and Corbon—Robert Slots, Samuel Marx. ' , _ Luxerne—John N. Conygham, Andrew Beau mont. „ . . Lancaster—Amfiw Wade, levns Hnrford, Rob ert Baldwin, Jacob Neuly, A Scott Ewing. , Lycoming, Clinton, and Porter—Wm Brindle, Win Done. Miffln—Alex Gibboney. _.. . , Montgomery—Daniel Evans," Wm T Morrison, Wra.Henry. Mercer—John Hoge, Morris Leech. Northumberland—John B Packer. Northampton and Monroe—James M. Porter, Michael Myers, John D Morris. Petty—David Steward. Philadelphia city—Thomas C Steele, George B Bart, Charier ONetU, Jesse R Burden, Crag Biddle. Philadelphia county— fho# K FinleUer, Fayette Pier ion, Joseph C Malloy, Washington 3 Jackson, Richard Simpson, Wm H Souder, Henry HOplet, Sylvester Cridlsnd. «... ' Schnylkill— Nicholas Janet, Wm- J. Dobbins. Somerset—fliriiry Little. SasquehsoQ# and Wyoming—Sydney B Wells, Exekid Mowry. Tioga—Jeremiah Black. Washington—Jonathan D Leet, Thomas Wat* Westmoreland—Hamioa'P Laird, JofcnF Me* Calloogh, Joseph GofTey. Warren and McKean— Wayne and Pike—Thomas R Grier. Union and Jouista—E/i Sli/ir, Jtto' Tdclaugh tin. York—Edmund Trone, Jacob Al* exander C McCurdy; RECAPITULATION. . Dem. Whigs. Beaate 17 16 House 69 41 76 '57 67 Dem. m«pon joint ba110t..19 Senate, Dem. Holding over. 9 Allegheny and 8ut1er..... Northampton and Lehigh.. 1 gam Bhiladelphia county I Montgomery 1 gain Lycoming, Centre fie Clinton 1 gain 8erka...... 1« SohuylkiH, Carbon, Monroe and Pike.............. 1 Erie.. ‘ Bucks. Bradiohl and Ti0ga....... 1 York .lgain Hoose at Representatives. Dem. Adams. Allegheny I Armstrong*,,.. 1 Bradford... X . Bedford... i 1 8eaver......... Berka 4 BHir Butter . 8uck5.......... 1 Crawford.. 1 ............. Centre and Clearfield 2 Chester Colombia Cumberland 2 Cambria 1 Delaware.....'. Dauphin Erie Franklin .' Fayette.. 2 Gieeoe. 1 Huntingdon. Indiana Jefferson, Clarion and Ve nango. 2 Lebanon Lehigh and Carbon 2 Loxerno... 2 Lancaster Lycoming, Clinton fie Potter 2 Mifflin 1. Montgomery. 3 Mercer.. 2 Northampton and Monroe. 3 Northumberland.....i.... 1 Perry 1 Philadelphia city “ county 8, SchuyikUL 1 Somerset....... i Susquehanna fie Wyoming. 2 * Tioga 1 Washington. 2 Westmoreland 3 Warren, McKean fie Elk.. 1 Wayne and Pike......... 1 Upton and Juniata York 3 59 A 41 Mr. Ewing, Secretary ofthe Interior, left the seat ■ ot Government thk morning on n abort visit to his residence in Ohio. the Secretary of War, has return-’ Washington from his dying) journey to the. North. Daring: his absence he was joined by General Scott and General Wool, and pud on oft dotal visit to the Military Academy at West Point, and wbsttMnUy be visited the military post near the direr New York, accompanied by Mr. Fill more, Vi se President of the United Stales, and several distinguished officers of the army. Tho Secretary, we understand, was very mocb pleased with the eppetianee of things at West Polo L and especially with the mode of Instruction porsoed there, and with the deportment of the _ Nat. InUl. • ' \ Amraunoa at Moamtsi.—The Minerva is the organ of Lord Elgin 1 ! Government in the French language at Montreal. XudgerDavernar the editor, u a Lower Canadian, has had his share' or persecution, was prescribed by Lord Durham in lB3S,and for years oo this aide the lines. He is, doubtless, for annexation to the United Stales, as bis individual sentiments bat the Mmerva goes farther—it publishes the whole of tho addresses and signatory! in French, trannlatesibe comments of-friendly- journals, and says not one disapproving word. The British Ministry and their adherents in office are evidently divided in eentU meet about the Canadas. When tbe late Sir Hen ry Parnell wss in office, he published a work in which' he advised England to give up her North THE WKBSTEB FAMILY* A eorrespondeul of’ the New York Courier and Enquirer his lately been furnishing some in teresting reminisenees in relation to Damn. Wsa srxa and his family. From the last puplished, we condense the following, concerning The Sixth Vises of Daniel YsHiUr—Bis Brothers ud The Hon. Damn. Wznrrxa tu bom on the 18lb day of January, 17b2, in ibe ton n ofSalisbury, in New Hampshire. The house in which ibat important event happened, stood on the highway, called the North Road, far up the western bill which; border* on the valley of the; Merrimack. Not a vestige of that habitation remain*, to' desig nate the place, except the cellar, now partly filled op, and toe trunk of an ancient apple tree, the top of which la now nearly dead, bnl from which near' i the earth is aprontiog forth a few thrifty branches; At a abort distance from the place of his birth is the old well in which hang* an "iron bound buck et" Thia well waa excavated by his father, long before Daniel was born, and from it bis taxnily were accustomed to draw the pare and cool water , to alake their thirst, as l drew H yesterday to I quench mine. By the side of this well stands an elm tree, planted by hi* father about tbe year 176& It grown luxuriantly, and its branches extend ! over a circle ono'huodred feel in diameter—afford* 1 ing perpetual shade to the. well and to those who I choose to sit under them.’ For more than sixty I years, almost annually, Mr. Webster has sat under I that tree, and drank of that whter. Scattered about the premises near the well, are a few ancient apple* pIQ“, and pear trees, wfajob were planted by Captain Eastman, bis mothet’s father, and who, during the latter part of hi# life,, lived,with CoL Webster. „ . , Near the spot where Dante! was bom rant u Pnnch Brook,” which was then a roaring, rattling, bubbling stream of considerable importance; bet clearing tbe lands about itsjsonrees, baa diminished it to a hide rivulet, which meanders lu, way along the hillside, through glens and-meadows, to the river. On the oppositeride ofthe road, bard by, is tbe site of tbe old mill, built by Col. Webster immediately after bo took possession oftbts land. 1 called to pay my respects to Lieutenant Benja min Pettingill, a venerable old man, who told me be well remembered going to thaf milt with his grist, and wailing for it to be ground by Ebenezer Webster, tbe eldest brother of DaaieL -Two huge rocks projecting from the btnk on each side ofthe stream, formed the abutments ofthe old mill dim, and the remains ofthe constructed portion are still visible. Nothing remains of tbe old mill itself ex« cept the mill stones.* After their use was discon tinued, these valuable relics were earned up tbe bank and put into a cellar wall where I saw them. Theboildlog that stood over tbe cellar baa long gone to decay, but there stand the still stones facing each other, which, for many years, arejsted in making bread for the pioneeraof all this section | ofthe country. If lowned th«n, I would not be i vandal enough to break them to pieces. There are in tbe farm a few fertile spots which reward its present owner satisfactorily for his pains: but granite rocks are visible in all direts cions, which render & great portion of it fit only for pasturage. Soch is the birth place or tbe great est man of our time; -Js such a spot without Interest! ... ‘ , . Tbe mill privilege and its valuable timber, in duced his father. Colonel Webster, to select and occupy it as his first place of residence. He bought another farth among the low lands on the mer for his own cultivation— to which he removed his family at an early day, as slated in my last Daniel Webster was one of ten children, hinfself tbe ninth. I will mention each one in the order of their ages. .* Ebeneier Webster was his eldest brother. He always resided at home in Salisbury, and cultiva ted tbe farm, as well at aided bis father in carrying on the mills. He died at an early age, and waa buried in-the ancient burying ground, on the North road. Daniel scarcely knew him. 1 Oliva Webster was the eldest sister. I knew nothing of her, except that , she too died at an esrly day. Susannah Webster, next to -h»s eldest sister, married Mr. John Colby. He is still living, a ven-‘ erabls and highly'respected old geotleman in Boecawea, but she has long since been numbered with the desd. She left several children, who re side in the vicinity. David Webster, next to his oldest brother, mar ried. Mrs. Huntoon. He was a fanner, and at an early dayremovedwith his family,id Canada,where he lived and died. He had a large family of chil dren, and some of tbe descendants are emloent men and women, who are making their mark on tbe time. Some of them held important offices noder tbe government of that country. Joseph Webster, the next brother, married a, Mire'Colby. He'was -somewhat remarkable for ■hie ready wit. He, too, was a farmer. He died January 2sib, 1810, aged 41. He had two chil dren, who 1 think ate siill living. Mahitable Webster was the third sister. She waa a woman mueb beloved, but never married. She died July 4ib, 1814, aged thirty seven. ; Abigail Webster, the fourth sister, married Mr. Haddock who long resided, and finally -died in Franklio. She was the mother of Dr. Charles B. Haddock, now the most eminent Professor at Dart mrcntfr College, and unquestionably the best tchoW ar and the greatest man in this State. He has been io the Legislature and waa the candidate of the Whigs for Setxaior of the United Slates. Mrv, his mother, long since departed this life, and her grave is among others in the burying ground near Elma farm. Tbe Honorable Esekiel Webster was next older Daniel, nod - was his own brother. Tbe oth ers were only half brothers. He was born ia Sal isbury, and although older than Daniel, yet he fol lowed behind him two years or more through Col lege and through tbe alody of law. When admit- ■ ted to tha bar, he opened bfs office in Boscawen,! and went immediately into an la-; cretivepractice. He was an eminent man. His extraordinary talents and great private worth plaoed him in the front rank of his profes sion, and indeedftin the front rank of men! His wisdom and solid judgment in all the affaire of men, commanded the respect and admiration of all. He waa often in the Senate and Assembly of New Hampshire. There was no man living for whose judgment and advicu, Daniel had bo much respect as that of his brother Ezekiel. It is said of him all be ever asked was the approval of Ezekiel. The applause of the multitude, tbe laudations of the press, tbe flattering attention of an entranced Senate, all dwindled to nothing when compared with the silent hot certain approbation of Ezekiel! It is said of the Roman CorioJtnos, that the greatest incentive to action be ever had, in his career of glory, was the desire to do frequently acta that would meet the approbation of hia moth er. Soil was with Daniel Webster, while bis mother lived; but when she was no more, his mind looked to Ezekiel. When, after his reply to General Hayne, in the Senate, bis fame row to its zenith, and hia praises were sounded wherever tbe Eogliahjongauge wa : spoken, Ezekial had departed this life! Then Dan iel, as if doubtfol of.it all, was heard to say, “How Iwish my poorbrother.had lived till after this speech, that i might, know that he would have beeo gratified with it!* Oo tbe 10th of April, 1829, while Ezekiel was in court at Concord, io the midst or one of his most brilliant foreosic efforts, death aimed hisVatal dart aad befell dead at tbe f.-et of the judges. He 1 died from a disease of the heart, at the age of for ly-olne, beloved aod lamented by all who knew him, and that tune by for the most worthy and in fluential mac is Ibis-state. - Sarah Webster, hia youngest sister, was the tenth child, and next to him. She married her 2 cousin, Mr. Ebenezer Webster, and always lived 2 j a Franklin. She died March 19tb, 1831, aged 3 21. Of the ten children, Daniel alone survives. Baas CaLtroENiA Anvsrnran, good and bad, are -being daily given in the different papers. For a while they were all favorable, and th- follow ing, from the New York Jonrnal of Commerce, is aa great a rarity that way aa any we have seen: - A California Adoontwrer.— Several months aiaoe a young-gentlemen of this city (not regular ly engaged jn trade) bad the curiosity to try his hand at the California adventure, and sentout 50 barrels of cufrr;,which coat him $5 a barrel. The freight was $3 more, making $3 a barrel, or a total expenditure of $lOO. Subsequently, he parted wuh a share in the adventure friend They have just learned the result. The cider told in California for $l2O a barrel, yielding a total of $6, 000, nine-tenths of which axe clear profit. The Boston Jonrnal of Monday also mentions a basineaa transaction which ia about aa profitable aa digging gold. A ship was recently purchased for the Califor nia, trade for $6,000, one is now taking iu he; c-ir go,' the freight upon .which will amount to $24 000. 4 On tho other hand, the New York Herald has the following: Considerable excitement bas been'ereated here, among those who have made shipments of mer chandise to California, by the receipt of the letter* from commission houses in Ska Francisco, con taining accounts of sales. Por the purpose of giving those Interested an idea of the expenses of shipment and charges on sales, ,we annex an ac count of isles of a lotof goods shipped from this poet: Account e/SaUi at Audio* in San Francisco, Whole amount of sales, .gross ...$9,016 70 Paid freight per tbipfroln Neff York W.BS 36 Lighiertf e, labor, receiving, no ring ud delivering. •• • 922 00 fl| premium paid for specie far v dust received (W,500 36)»»» 2to 03 CommiMioo advancing charge* 5 per cent 177 60 Storage for goods 3 mootbs. • • • 9,198 00 Commiuioaoa talea(sS,o3o 70) at lO per cent. * 633 07 Committing oa sales (SSS) il 3 per cent. Net pr0ceed5.......... .....$1,310 60 This it a correct end true copy of e aale that took piece cq tha'27ih of Aogutt, end le e fiur (tape of eccoant tales rendered every day'to ebippers. \ Too probability Is tbatHho foods eold aa'above, la Sen Freacuoo,. cost ta'Utia city more then tbe groee proceeds In Celi loro legend ibex tbe balance doe, after tbe peyment of charges, wes bote'tri fling percent of the cost Tbe Immense lot sea rea lised in thla way most fell heavily opon perties here. U eppeen to ne that these chargee never would fUsd to e oottrt of lew, end x sre have no doubt oafijiattewiß grow out of Uxseopar*- lion*. There its fine protpeci fortbelat who aieemio.comeiit after ill the bobbies forihelfib&re of lie pickings. A Sad Arran.— Oar reader* will remember ibal some, months since the bare of Mr. Booty Black, Jr.of Wdlfdreektownahipwasburnjt,ahd, shortly after one of fail stacks of grain—both the work of u incendiary.—Since that be, with others hare kept a pretty etncl watch abont his premi ses, which resalted in the discovery of the guilty one night last week, while.in the act of fi» ring another of hia stacks—r-ud who proved!|to be none otfaer than Mrs. Black, his own annt 5j She was arrested, and the next day lodged in tj)!p jail of the county; but baa since been bailed by ber friends in the sum of $2,500. }j The cansea which have led to this most Unfor tunate affair, arc briefly as follows Joseph Black the husband of Mrs. 8., died a few Vears since; and left his property to bis ' nephew,! fenry Black Jr, whom he (had adopted, not havinjany children of his owed with the agreement t ijat he should support his widow during ber lifeline,— Mrs. B. we understmd; has felt mneb ditaa isfac tion with this arrangement; has lived elsewh :roat different periods; bat for some lime past ho# n sided In a bouse on'the farm with her nephew e ectcd for her accomodation. She appears to have irood ed over the' subject until, unfortunately, l hi feel ings drove her to the commission of these 'most fearful crimes. Mrs. Black was the daughter of S. Hob Eeq., the second Sheris' of Mercer county.- ter Luminary.. ConucSLtTion.—On- Sabbath last, the ne .man Catholic Church erected in this place dedicated to St. Peter by the B*. Rev. ; O'Conner, ofthla diocere. The ccremoniei witnessed by an Immense conconrse of ; rbo had assembled for the occasion. cises were imposing,-end passed off will harmony. Several discourses were deliver the occasion oy Rev. O’Conner and others able and learned manner. The Church is and tastefully decorated.— Butler Dem. SILK HANCIACrURE OF CHKi An American in China gives the folli account of the silk and crape mannfac of that country: One bright morning in November with a party of gentlemen, including 6' members of the French embassy, t< such silk ‘manufactories as were woi notice. The Frenchmen, inquisitive extreme, stopped to look at everything', and I to take notice of nothing at all. Wejpro* 1 ceeded until near the city wall; and sudden* ly turning 'about, found ourselves in a shop with silk just from the'loom, and-three or lour of the most prominent silk merchant? waiting to receive no. Nearly the whole of the raw silk bf China is produced in four province*, cut by the thirtieth parallel of north latitude, about fonr hundred miles from Canton. We saw many rich varieties of silks, and were made aware of the fact that the greatest part of the finest, goods are never sent out of the country, but are kept for home consumption. Rich na tives will pay enormous prices, more than could generally be obtained in foreign coun tries.! ■ c . The embroidery of the crape &awls is worked solely by hand. One of them there making was ordered by a Chinaman', and he was to' pay five hundred dollars for-it— Instead bf the usual flower pattern, it was embroidered by landscape, boats, nooses, and pagodas. We also saw, for the same individual, a counterpane of straw-colored satin ground, worked m variegated silk, val ued at three hundred ..dollars.' Their dam asks are always splendid, and occasionally a roll of it, brought from the northern pro vinces, may be founds which is ol far richer texture than the Canton work. It is doubt less true, in China, as in all pans of the world, that the finest fabrics are found in the great capitals, and the richest silks must go to Pekin. The loom is strikingly rude and clumsy in its appearance. Two men work it—one shifting tho wool, and the other throwing the shuttle. That loom Is like the policy ol the Chinese go-’emment, seeking no new im orovemenis, workingjon in the manner of by-gone centuries, and weaving its wonder fully beautiful ana harmonious fabric. The finest silks: of China are even now difficult to surpassiand in anything that ha* called forth the industry inhabitants, they have succeeded as welrfes people can who are cot offjifrom the rest of the world with 'out examples of excellence. HISS EDGEWORTH IN HER LIBRARY. The library aLEdgeworth’s Towrr is by no means the stately, solitary room that libraries generally afe; it is large, spacious, and lofty; well stored with books, and embellished with those mostwaluable pf all classes of prints— the suggestive. . It is also picturesque, hav ing been added to and supported by pillars, so as to increase its breadth, and the beauti ful lawn seen through the windows, embel lished and yaned with clumps of tree*, im parts much cheerfulness to the exterior. II you look it the oblong table in the centre, you will see the rallying point of the family, who were generally grouped around, read ing, writing or working, while a Miss Edge worth, only anxioua upon one point—thatall in,the house should do exactly as they liked, without reference to her—sat in her own pe culiar Comer of the sofa, her desk, upon which wasnSir Walter Scott’s pen, given to her by in Ireland, placed before her, on a Jittle, quaint, unassunting table, constructed; and added to for her conve nience. Miss Edgeworth’s abstractedness, and yet attentionho what was go ing on—itte one not seeming to interfere with the other—puzzled me exceedingly. In that same coiner, and bpon that table, she had written nearly ail that enlightened and delighted the world; the novelty which moved Sir-Walter Scott to do for Scotland what Miss Edgeworth had done lor Ireland; the works into which she brbught the eleva ted sensibilities and morality of childhood, and rendered knowledge, *|md virtue, and care, and order, the playthings and compan ions of the bursary—in that ' spot, and while the multitudinous family were moving about and talking of the every-day things of life, she-temamed rapt, to all appearance, in her subjects; ypl knowing, by a kind of instinct, when she was really wanted in the conver sation,, and'then, without laying down her pen, looking up from her page, she would, by & judicious sentence/ wisely and kindly spoken, explain and illustrate in a few words,(so as to clear up any difficulty, or torn the Conversation in a new and more pleasing current. She had the most harmo nious way qf throwing in\explanations, in forming while entertaining, and that without embarrassing. . ; It was quite charming to sop how Mr Francis Edgeworth’s children enjoyed the freedom of Jne library without abusing it; to set theae iitfie people right when they were wrong, to rite from her'table to fetch them a toy, or oveh .to save a servant a journey, to run up the ijign steps and find a volume that had escaped all their eyes but her own, and having done all this in less space of time than 1 hayertaken to write it, to hunt out the exact passage, wanted or referred to, were ,the hourly Employments of this unspoiled and admirable-woman. She would then re sume her pen, and continue her writing, pausing sometimes to read a passage from an article oi letter that pleased herself, and wonld plrafio her still more if it excited the sympathy oi those she loved. I expressed my astonishment at this to Mr. Edgeworth, wno said that Maria was always the same, that her imfnd was rightfully balanced, ev erything soihonestly weighed, that she suf fered no! inconvenience Item what wonld have distracted an ordinary writer.— The Art Journal ;; 1} r Da. ;M'Lsi'i Ltvxa Pius—Tbit really great medioin* rapidly supplanting all other remedies for e diseased Lifer, lit effects etc to decided, safe end speedy, at jto give it eltSoi possessed by no other me* diclflo offered jothe public. Theiuvenior, a very die* liDguUhedjpbysidto of Virglnit, practising in n re* giooof country in which the liver Complaint, (or He* pails, stU |i tinned by medical |men,) it peculiarly common and fprmiduMn, Or. Al’Ltus, tpent yean in the ditcoreryef the ingredients of his Fills, end la proponionbig.Jtbelr quantities. The result of hie re searches hta placed bit name among the bene fat ton of mankind* by affording a medicine to tbe tiek which alleviate* anil caret the oast obstinate cates of this terrible cdibpCkint- Have you a pain in the rignt tide, under theJedgs of the ribs, wbieh increases with a 1 pressure-tin able io He with ease on the loft tide—with oc'easloiialj|so*netiae* constant pain under ttc tlioul der blade, freqiaently extending to the,top of the shoul*' dert Ha'yjnppn it, that although the latter point are sometimes taken for rheumatic, they' all arise from dis eases of thi Uverj and if you would have relief, go instantly and purchase a box of Or. M'Lane't Liver' Fills. ji; • For sale by J. KIDD jt CO., No..* : . Removal. ROBERT A. CUNNINGHAM has removed to No 0 Commcrcia Row, house formerly occupied by Mr rri* Orum, w! >ere he will be hippy to see hii friends and former cusldmcrs. _____ I oeUO Bx»x or Pmsautoa,) i October 19,1649.. { AN ELECTION for thirteen Director* of th»t Bank, for th«* ensuing year, will be held at the Banking* II lose, on Monday, the 19th of November next. oftilO-dte , ! JOHN SNYDER. Cashier. i i Exnusoi Bass or PtTT»acaaß,)- October 19,1549. J AN ELECTION for thirteen Direefors of this Bank, to serve for!the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House, ion Monday, the l9Ji dav of Novem* ber next, between the hours of 0 A. M. and .1 F. M. oetSO-dte- j TItOMAS M. HOWE, Cashier. Desirable Lots for Sale. TWO very largo and desirable LOTS, fronting CO and Si feet on Webster at, by ISI ana 195 feet In depth—being the: second and third lots from Grant *l— be soMoii fav.ruble terms. Apply to cctj’O d Iw : J. FINNEY, Jr., 10 Water st. BACON HAMS—A few casks prime canvassed Hams, just rec’d and for sale by octSO ; SAW HARBAUCH CHIEESE— ‘.OCboxei Cream Cheese, In store and for J sale by octSO SAWHARBAUOH KOUSSELL'S celebrated Shaving Soaps, Extracts, Pctfumery, Ac—a fresh invoice Tot sale by oct2o J J 6CHOONMAKER A CO FINE SPONGE—a large lot jutt ree'J by J SCHOONMAKKR A CO, octgQ . No 24 Wood st I.'LANNELS-iS bales of Red, Yellow and Wfite X Flaunelsjun ree’d from the manufactory, on con* signrnent, and for sale by the piece or paekage at Factory prices, by GEO. COCHRAN, \ I LbU 1 1* I for salq by l oeiSO BACON SIDES and SHOULDERS—a fow casks each in stot4 and for sale by octSCr ! SAW lIAROAUOH Window Glass—a large supply of Window Claw, both city and country brands of a tape* rior quality, constantly on band by ; COPE A BREYFOGLE, octSO _J No. 103 Seconds! \X7OODEN BUCKETS—IOO doz in store and for sale VV by COPEA BREYFOGLE, _oct2o J No 109 Second st - SWEET POTATOES—6O His in store and for sale by 1 COPE A BREYFOGLE, oet-0 1 No 108 Seeond st FLOUR— 50 bblt extra family, in store and for sale by . COPE i DUEYFOGLE, , octvO No 103 Secord St CHEESE— A choice article in store and for sale by COPE A BREYFOGLE, octSO No 103. Second st . LAMP BLACIt—3O bbl* ars'd, for sale by oci2p J SCHOONM AKER A CO Masons challenge blacking—3 btu for tnle by def-t) J SCHOONUAKER ACO it OLL BRIMSTONE-5 bblt jutt rec'd by It o:ua> • JSCHOONMAKERACO . (IAMPfIOR— 9bblsfor>aleby 'f j octSO J SCHOONMAh'ER ACO INDIGO —3 cose* for sale low by ' oct'JQ j JSCIIOONMAKERACO ' ~ Baltimore Anellon Haiti, BY WM. G. HARRISON, O’DONNELL’S WHARF. ON Wednesday! theStihinsL, at 11 o'clock, at the Wharf, the CARGO of bark LASHTIA-r * . 3546 BAGS NEW CROP GREEN RIO COFFEE/ Catalcgses will be prepared, and the samples ready for examination the day before sale. octio-da \ wm. g. Harrison. THE subscribers are now receiving, and offer for sale at low prices, as follows, vis: eOO pkgs Y H, Imperial, G P and Blaek Tea*; lsWbxsft’*, HPsi lb's pound, kf ponnd lump Fs and l(Ps Roll Tobgeeo; 250 bg* Rio and Java Coffee; >6O hhds O Sughr, 2tX) bbla N O Molasses, 10 bbl* Tannefs Oil; Pdo winter str’d Lamp Oil; - 390" mats Cassia; 40 bgt Pepper and Pimento; , 3 elks Epsom'Salts: 10 bolt Whiting; 4do Chalk; 20 bxt Chocolate; «5 bts White Pipes: 6UCO lbs Saleratittsi 3 bales Cldver: 1 bbl Nutmegs; 50 bblt Loaf, crashed, and pour’d Sugar; * esks Madder; 3 ceroons Indigo; 60,000 lbs ass'd Not Cotton Yhrn; £OO bxa Herring; • viokgsNaiU, bas’d uses; 400 bu GrgßndNats; - j 4 bales Almonds; 30 do English W Uauta, 30 do Filberts| 30 flo Brazil Nnu; 25 caws white Rock Candy, fi do Liquorice Ball; 6 do Bordeaux Prunes; 3 do Sardines; 25 do Pepper Sauce; 15 do Tomato Catsup; ' 20,000 Principe Begirt, various brands; B,tt» Havana do * jjyxiO Regalia do Common and Half Spanish Serars; fine cut Chew* 1 inr Tobacco; Rappee, Mueaboy and Scotch Snuff, Ground SpicMorall kinds; Sweet Spieed Choc** fate; 20 tut* shell Almonds; fi ease* Castile Soap; 20 gross Mason’s Blocking; 39 ll» bbla filoekerol; ICO bxs Window Glass; , With a general hasoitaent of nttibur*a manufae* turedartirne* I ENGLISH A BENNETT, |*pU73 ? 37 Wood it, oppeaiin Bt Charles HotaQ Hatknuatteal «i 4 IshMl Bii*H Dtrigtud far SduoU, Aesdmus College, DAVIES' Primary Table Books; do First Lesson* in Arithmetic; do School . do; do Key to School - do; do University Arithmetic; do K*y to University Arithmetic; do Elementary Algebra; do. Key to Elementary Algebra; do Element* of Geometry; do Drawing.and Mensuration. , aorasexo couxxx. do Bourdon’* Algebra; do Lejeadro’a Geometry and Trigonometry, do Elements of Surveying; _ , do Difleruntial and Integral Calculus; do Anylitieal Geomeirjj _ ~ do Shadows, Shades A linear Perspective, Parker’s FlntXesaonj in NaUtrai Philosophy; do Compendium of Nat. A Exp- do; Willard’s School History of. the United States; do "American Chtonognphera; Clarke’s New English Grammar; Chamber*! P l **"*"** of Drawing and Perspective; do do Natural Philosophy; do do Chemistry; do do Geology; s do do Physology; v Wo would call the attention detacher* and Coun try Merchants to this fine collection of Mathematical and School Books, to whom a liberal discount wul bo made from the list of prices. For sale by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, ocUO No. Wood street. . L'LATHERS—4 bags Kentucky Feather*, just redd I. and for isle by . . octlC JAS A HUTCHISON A CO fFUBACCO-20 bl» S'*; lSbxsb’*; 10 bxs Natural X Leaf, in store and for sale by • . . octie STUART A SILL, 118 Wood it _ TEA— Prime aniele in ftore and for sale by octlß STUART A SILL, US wood at MACKEREL-20 half bbls No 3 Fat; 1$ qr bbto No 2; 10 bxa Scaled Herring*; in store arid for aalei by oetlO . STUART A SILL. /CHOCOLATE—2S bxi \J octlO doz for tala by ' _ oetlO STUART A SILL /THEESE— 2OO boxes in store and receiving bv \J octlC STUART A SILL YINEGAK— to bbls Dana A Son’s pure Cider, jut rac’d and for tale by STUART A SI'.L, oetid 119 Wood st_ \fOLASSBS-10b bbls prime, in oak packages; JJX 83 “ “ in cypres* “ Foraalaby octtfl J S DILwORTH A CO__ MADDER— 9 cnaka to arrive thia day, for aaUt by _ ecUB J 8 DILWORTU ACO NDIGO—I ceroons to arrive thia day, for sale by X octl# *. } S DILWORTH ACO /TOFFEE—ISO bast to arrive this day, for aale by Ij oetlO J S DILWORTH ACU TOBACCO— MunriracnraKa 1 * Bask, I October >9th, 1849. j AN ELECTION for thirteen Directors of this Bank, for the ensuing year, wilf be held at tho Banking House, on Monday, tne 19th day of November next. ociHMte * W. H. Cashier. rpHE subscribers here entered into co-partnenkip 1 ter the porpow oftrinsuctiarereneru wholesale OBOCERY, COMMISSION AND produce NES3, ender the firm and style of ‘‘Brown A lurk* pameK.” at No. 114 Liberty st. MB. BROWN, J. KIRKPATRICK. ' H.9.JA81805, PRODUCE, Grocery, Maaalaciare and Real Estate Broker, Wheeling, Va, py Refer to I Dickey fc Co. CORN BBOOMS—I7 doi to-day ree’d and for sale by oetlß ARMSTRONG & CROZES DRIED PEACHES-tobe»h (newltosier roe* and for tale by oetlß ARMSTRONG ». CEOZEB_ 1? LOUR—70 bbls arririur by •'Bearer,"’ uJd’for aale I by ocUa r ARMSTRONG ACRQZKK ROLL BUTTER-14 bbl*. Frctb Roll Bauer, ia cloths, Jatt received and for solo at the u Better and Cheese Depot" oellS • J B CANFIELD WOODEN BOWLS—IO boxes Wooden Bowls in store and far sale by [octlS] J B CANFIELD SHIPPING CHEESE-600 boxes Prime Shipping Cheese in store and for sale by . , - oetlß J B CANFIELD nUCTRA CREAM CHEESE- SCO boxes ezt.a Cream Pj Cbeeoe for tole-it ibe Batter and Cbeeae Depot oetlS J B CANFIELD A WELL FINISHED ROOM, suitable for a EsH Variety or Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. Al* Several rooms suitable for nfficet orAr* tiara rooms. • ED GAZZAM, oetlStf Office Third street, over Post Office. FINE OLD MADEIRA WISES. IWO HALF PIPES. Howard, Mareh A tlo.’s “very best,” old Lon Mon Partieoiar Madeira Wine, vin- tage of 1^42. TWO QUARTER CASKS, Howard, March A Co's “Choicest Old” London Particular South Side Madeira Wine, vintage of 1810. ONE QUARTER CASK, Howard, Mareh A Co’s South Side Madeira Wine, vintage or *39, selected ex* prosily for family use. These wines were Imported by myself from Made!* ra, per barque Palmetto, at New York, in the latter part of August last, and are offered to the trade whole. sale dr retail, in wood or glass. JACOB WEAVER, JR-, ccilB Comer of Market and First streets. 15SUBANCE STOCK. BOOKS for subscription toihe capita! stock of the Ciuxens’ insurance Company of Pittsburgh will . I>e opened In the Board of Trade Rooms on Monday, the 6th day of November, at 10 A. M Shares fifty dollars each. Two dollars and fifty cents each share to be naid on übecription. ' COMMISSIONERS: • « Wm. Larimer, Jr. Robert Woods, Wm. B. MeClarg. Joseph Plummer, p. M. Kier. Jostah King, John She riff, AJex. Boseburg, H. D. King. octld-tnovS IJLOUR— 150 BBLS SUPERIOR FLOUR. Ewing** brand, for sa.o by. ARMSTRONG A CROZER oct 18 ________ OATS— 100 bushels, received by Peru, for sa’e by ARMSTRONG k CROZK« CHICKEOINO'S PIANOS. RECEIVED end now open for exami* nation, a new and splendid assort* ment of 7 OcLave Pianos from “Chick ||*V I | ■ ering” Boston, among them a fall carved Louis XIV. ordered for one of our citizens, who nxs kindly permitted it to remain in my ware room to day (Wednesday) for exhibition. Those who may have a desire to tee and hear this splendid specimen of art, are respectfhlly invited to call to day at the store of . JOHN HMELLOR,BI Woods! Agent for Chickering’s Pianos for Western Pa. ocU7 ' No 20 Wood st SAW HARBAUGH A SPLENDID assortment just received, suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade, consisting in pan of MEN’S, WOMEN’S,.HOYS’, MISSES’AND CHILD* REN’S WARE, of every variety and style, and at priees to suit the tubes. Those Wishing to purchase, wholesale or retail, will Sod it to their advantage to give u a call and examine for themselves. • TROTH A SCOTT, octl7 eonter Fourth and Bmithfie!d its. forget the plgce. Valuable Hitl Eitate tor Bale* A LOT OF GROUND in the Diamond, Allegheny City, adjoining Dr. Pressley's property, So feet front by ISOfeetdeep'lo aIS feet alley. Title indUpn* table, and term* easy. For farther panienlaia apply to J. B. Miller, Federal street, AUrgbeny eity, nearly opposite M. Jenkins* store, or to the subscriber. e ROBERT LINN, rille, Oct. Bewick je^rl Sa i.g.H ATtrft— g? eut'i Bslerstiu, (Bucko ye,) land to* by the SL and L. E. line, lo jH*pJjjyj) POTASH— 6 euh (Brown’*) inperior Poiaih.in •tore and for tale by octl7 JAR FLOYD TUBS. BUCKETS A KEELERS—IOO dox Beaver Buckets; lOdodoTnbc 10 do do Keeler*; in More and for tale by «tl7 JAR PLOYD Window glass—iw bxs&xio GUs»;sobx*;iQx IS Glass, in aiore and for tale by ietl7 i JAR FLOYD IHKKSE—7D bxs W. R-, in ftore and for sale by. ? qcU7 JARFLOVD N. °i,l l 7 CAS ~ 115 ° bl * CKOa COFFRE~tM baa* Bio, Jut ree’d and for sale by petto A OULBBKBTBON, 140 I iberty si , tierce* Rice. Jut ree’d and for aaia by „ octlO A CULBERTSON, 143 Liberty at 1A A DOZ. Buckets; 10 dox large Tube; fi doz email IUU Tabs 0 doa Keeler*; Jut recM and for aale by oeU6 . I CH GRANT CQ bt» W B, reo’d ana tor eato by octlO WICK A M OANDLESS S~ALER*TUB— U cue* for aale by ' oetlO WICK A&TCANDLES3 CREAM CHEESE—a boxes Extra, for sale by pctlß WICK A M»CANDLraa * L 9 PICE—4O lay* on hand and for tale by : A pctlß WICK A M’CANDLTSS BARLEY— Os handjuid for.sale by oellß WICKAhTCANPLEdfI RYE— On hand and for *aio by _J)S110 WICKA M’OANDLESS caik* now iacoiay, ior aale by 1 ocHO ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front «t GLASSthisprime t% G. forsaJeTay ““ octlO JAMES A .HUTCHISON A CO MACKEBFJr- TO bbla No 3, in ftore and for sale by ocUB JAS A HUTCHISON A CO X tie undersigned will eootiauß tie Forwarding aim Coausiwlbn Batiaemat tie steam boat lzndiny, FRANKLIN, and respectfully informs U* fnenda till be baa gone to.thoaxpenso of a beany imsaranee on the'warehouse and contents, for several year*, epd trots he will five entire aausfaetiontoauwnoaey patronise him. He will reedy freight at jgjgyar Landing. oettl JAMES BRYDSL C. •« Porter Amanon—Dress-Cireleand Parqaene*—-50 eu. Second Tier First night of Mr. A. A. ADDAMS. AJnitiutntor’t Salt Of Medicines, Surgiesl Instruments,' German i Modi*, cal Book*, Household Faraitnre, fee. _v On Wednesday morning, IbeSltftui, at 10 o'clock,~ at the late residence of Or. Lewis Haid, deeVl. will bo •old, his enure stock of Medicines, Surgical Insttu neats, German Medieai Books, Anatomical Charts, glass jars, note fixtures, wearing apparel, 1 superior gold wateh and chain, 9 aileer watches, jewelry, fee. Also—Household and Kitchen Furniture,! good rid ing Horse.- Terms cash. I OCE29 JOHN D DAVIS, A^et JVrm/*nry Sal* of Dry Good*. On Monday morning, OcL **&, at 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Bale* fiooms. comer of Wood mad' Fifth streets, will be sold, wiihooi reserve, for eath cnnaecy— ' '' ! ■ , An extensive assortment of foreign and domestic Stacie and Fancy Goods, selected -expressly"for this market. „ . , . L . At*o’clock. Groceries, Qneenswsre, Fsmiure, Ac. A large and general assortment of new and second imrwt household furniture, cooking stores, kitchen utensils, feather beds, bedding, mattresses, looking is No 1, in store and for sale by STUART A SILL At < - «4ucK, A quantity of ready aide clathlny, boot* and «hoM> ftne •Uru, leather trunk*. carpet bagi, fine table a®* pocket cnUery, gold and «ilw wweJjes, ton tooda. oetlfl JOHN; D DAYIfli Anct FALITRfBBONS— Now oponioj, »t A. A. HiSON A CO'S, one thousand piece* sew atyle Ribbons. oet!6 v I LVONESB AND PAttAUArrAS-iOcMci oftfl qualities, and of the neat fashionable eworfc. oeUC A A MABON A CO BLACK KILKM—3 caias BlacK~3ilks. of iho bast manufaetaro, and-aerr Ugh ioatre*. < - oetlß A A MASON » CO T?ANOY BILKS—fI caseacfthe cboieeat Wfleaof r Faner Silks. eonmriainjr the beat as’ortmeai la {blanket. * ocU»* AAMASOvVACO. BXP&KI9 PAC&BT lillßj FOB PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, . „ - Exclaairely for Fatten -tSSßlfc—The Boata of this Line will lean etßo’elock at'nixhu lirrmrtflnn —t PThoinpaoD > TiietdaT,pci.lGth. Indiana—P Barkey/wednetday,l7th.l Kentneky—Cap! H Troby, Thursday, 18th. Ohio—A Craig, Friday, 19th. . Loaisiana—JP *lllllOO4OO, Saturday, 20th. Indiana—P Barkey, Banday, fltit. Kentucky—Capt H Truby, Monday, Bid. Ohio—Capt. A Craig, Tuesday, S3d. Loaisiana—J P Thompson, Wednesday, S4lh» lndiaaa—P Baraay, Aaraoay, OcLkSta. Kentucky—H TraW Friday, 2Bih, . . Ohio—Capt A Craig, Saturday, STlh. Louisiana—J P Thompson, Sunday, S9th. Indiana—B Barker, Moadajr,.©ih. Kentucky—ll Trnby, Tuesday, 30th. Ohio—A Craig, Wednesday, Slat. For pause© apply to ' U|MI ItlgkxtlS • ” TUST received ua for saleat No.6S Smjlhfinldit,, tl (three door* above Fourth.) a fine assortment, ©i LAMPS, adaptedexpressly for the ate of BURN* LKG FLUID, and will be sold in quantities to suit purchaser*. ... THE BURNING FLUID Is a new article, perfectly free from the daogsr of expiation, and unrivalled for Beauty, Economy and Convenience. It ii a complete rabatitnte tor Oil, Tallow or Gas, being perfoctlr aafe in uURKE A COB Daily Express is now lecnlariydo- XJ livesing Can and Snell OYSTERS, wUcb are Ared to dealer* and families at the low»U.prices. Quality warranted equal to any hreaghl 4s tUsiaar* ket. and for sale by _ , ~p . .. ■ - • J. G. IuDWELL, Agt,Water vC'-- Also—At the follewiag depot*—ReisA Berger, eor n*rB«iihfi*ldeadSoeon4*ts;ftHeaxleteo,iaaiaondi- Mercer A Robinson, Federal st, AUegheny. v ocas ’: nr OBT—OIM BOX stove ratw, imaskodJL ±J ley.Pinsbirghjmkea frugsnwmboatßlotNo.B {amiitin- Any informstim pf tbe above will be thankfaUy reeatvsd. f • X BRADLEY, oeUMB | No.t»WooA«. jonoK. AMUSEMENTS THEATRE, Mossat. Oct. SO—Will be acted the Tragedy of YIRGINIUA „ • l Virginias v»Mfc Addama. YitginU Miss Porter. To eonelafe with _ -\ HUNTING A TURTLE. A Walter "Mr. Reynolds.. Dandelion Mr.' Robiasoo. Mrs. Torlo -Mre. hTLean. AUCTION SALES. By Jcha D* Dartii AaetlMiUi HonoanheU. Homo, or D LEECH *Co*Cutl Baste* OBNEBURGS.0 BNEBURGS.—Heavy No. 3 Osnebnrgs, for Steam Boat Decks, In store and for sale at W. M“C Un lock's Carpet Warehouse. No. 75 Fourth ah' We In vite Steamboat Men to eall sad examine before par* chasing elsewhere. [oc*l3l W. M’CLINTOCtC. , Embossed piano and table covers,—a large assortment of Embossed Plano and Table Coven can be found at W. M’CUntoek’s Carpet Ware-* bouse, nt reduced prices. Call and examine before Frrmraog, Sept. 19, U»W. KiTR. THOS. K. HIBBERTh—Dear Sir,, Your WRI* iVi TING FLUID wo have now been using mote than a year, on looking over the entries made by it, we find the color a bright blue black. It Is pleasant to write with, flows free, and does not clog the' pen like the ordinary'inks in use. Wishing you the ready sale its merits demand, we are, years >. For sale, together with Hibbert’s Bod Ink. and Ma chine Copy Ink, by B. A. Fahnestock & Co« H. P. Schwarts, Allegheny City, and by the manufacturer, T. K. Hibbert, Druggist and Chemist, comer of liber* tysadSmithfleldsie, Wusbargh. octlJ /CARPETS! CARPETS!—Rec’d this day, at W. fcT- Vj CLINTOCK’S Carpet Warehouse, No. T 5 Foarth st, a further supply of Carpets, ortho latest andmost approved styles, to wbien we invite the attention of STEAMBOAT MEN, and those wishing to famish HOUSES, to eall and examine the largest assortmon! in the city, which we will sell cheaper than ever be fore offered in the western market. Carpet Ware* houw, No. 75 Foarth street. . octK} W. hPCLINTOCK- rrtUKQUOIS JEWELRY.—Just opening, a beaatlfal X assortment ofTaiqeoiSt Pearl and Diamond Jew elry.: Breast Pins, Bracelets, Finger Ring*, Buckles, Slides, Chains, Ear Ring*, Ae. Ac. •• Also, a splendid stock «’geld and silver Watches, of the best quality and at eastern priee*—'warranted. - pt.mrtnj gpark*,Gold Pens, Solar LudAe. sctl2 . * comer Market end 4th ttt ONE excellent Jewelry Counter Show Cau.forta jjy octU W. W. WILSON SUGAR CURED HAMS—IO bbla extra 0. C. Fami ly Haras, justree’d and for aale by 6cM* SELLERS A NICOLS TAtTut AND PIANU COVERS—W. M’Ctinioek ia now opening the handsomest assortment of Pil’d Cloth Piano and Table Covert ever offered u this mar ket, to which he Invites the attention of purchasers. octl3 BACON SIDES—UMBO prime, in smoke boose, for sale by , octlO KlEcd A JONES BOOKS—The Little Scrage, by Capu hla£ No? ofPendennls, by Thackeray. Fart 8d The Caxtons, by Bui we r. complete. Vot7, Chalmers’ Posthumoae Works. Combe’s Phrenolorr, new edition. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, f*oelll_ Corner Jd and Market. • DUPONTS POWDER—Just received, a mil sup ply or the various kinds of Rifle and Blasting Powder, of the superior manufacture of E.J.Dupont, Du Nemours A Co., whieh | ts offered to the trade on accommodating terms; Deliverable from Mag*ri«e at all hour* ofthe day. octlO J. C. BID WELL, Aft, Water it nOLUNBO ROOT—d bags Just ree’d and for aale by L/oci9 RESELLERS. 07,W00d st THNSEED in henßsome I a order, ree’d per ateamer Globe, for'sale by'' ocl9 SELLERS A jnCOLS VIAL CORKS—9 bales, of a median size, ree’d and for aale by ociB- BRAUN A REITER PINT DOTTLE CORKS—a bales rec’d and for tale by cctft BRAUN A TETTER jT\ AL£Sa~LEAD—300Qplgatoarrive, aadfor aale \J by oetlO JAS A HUTCHISON A CO OWNErWaNTES— For 49 cak* Hama, extra cu red, akd B.' For 0 bbla Bristles, mkd A. Ghueb er, ree’d per 9. B. Wellsville from Wheeling. octlO GEOBMILTENBKRQgR,B7Trentat BGTrER— 10 keg* reo’d and for sale by • • - ■ oetlO ARMSTRONG A CBOZBR RAGS— IS sks ree’d and for tale by ' oct.O ARMSTRONG A CROZES A Flour, ree’d and fornuo by ARMSTRONG A CROZER pOOT AND SWEETIER’S New Collection of IV Church Music, comprising many ofthe most pop ular and useful tunes in common use. together with a' treat variety of new and original Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Chants, &£-; designed for the Use of Choirs, Congregations, Singing Schools, Ae. Just re ceived and for saleby ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, octlO 70 Wood st BINDERS’ BOARDS—lessor Ruder* Boards. (straw) Chambersbarg masnfaetsre, on hand and for sale by A CULBhRTSON, - oetlO . 110 Liberty B Salesmaji Wanud, IN a wbelcsale and retail Dry Goods Store. One who understands the city business, and la a good Salesman. Addreaa ‘•S. w~” Bax 300, Pittsborzh Post Ofiee. oetS * PRINTING PAPER—BOOO reams of Printing Book Paper, a superior article. Assorted sizes on hand. Anj size made to otder at shortest nodes. S C HILL, 87 Wood it IHEKBL—SIO bxs Cheese, just reeM and for sals by 'ocli ' BELLERS A NICOLS TVOMESTIU FLANNELS—U pfeees brown, US*. MJ white and barred Flannels, (Arthnrs ufaetnre,) whleh will be sold at a small advance above, menufioinrers’ prices. Call and exmmine at No. 100 Merkel *L _ octftdlm D. H. FRALICII. ECONOMY "BLAN^ETfi—The tsrg«*t assortment ever offered ia this market, and will be sold et ■ small advance. Call and see atNo lOOMariret - oetarilm JX 11. FRALICII. lay juvi&is—a good Book-keep«r. apply * l No- YV Market sL The best of refereace* required. lilthomphie Xiwhiuhsiwty rh F WftL BCWCHMANN, Third st. epporite the V Post-OlEce, Pituburvlu—Maps, Landscapes, Bill beads, ShowWlls, Labels? ArehitKtaral and MaeMn# Drawmg*, BuiineM and visiting Can!*, or dns a on stone, and printed Li rylors, or Biaek, in riie most approved «tfle» - - - iau f PAYETTE PBCVITB BLANKET*, WHITE AND BROWN DOMESTIC FLANNELS car object being to produce goods not for show only, b”fm «mfort*» . o’clock; Wheeling q*eTy Wednesday evening aiOf.fc The BRILLIANT, CapL Gates, will leave. Pfftt* bargh every Thursday wHm tn g at 10 o'clock; Wheellag every Ihamay cvctune at 10 r. m. | rBIDAY PACKET* The CLIPPER No.B,CapLPSB Doval, wilUeava Pinibargb every Friday motnlngatlOo'cloek; Wheo t every Friday avemag at 10 r. M. IATtIRDAT PAOSRT. TbeMEsSENGER No! S, !CapL 1.0. will leave Pitubvrgh every Friday morning ai 10 o’*' clock; Wheeling every FndayatlO r. p. ' . SUNDRIES— 13 hags Feathers; Sdo Ginseng; 9do Wool; 1 bbl Beeswax, now landing front steams* Ohio, and for sale by ;" \: octlS ISAIAH DICKEYfc CO -* AOMStt WASHING GLOVES—Jut rec'd, l doa pair lAdles 1 India Sabber WeaUnr Gloves, and tor sale at the India Rabbet Depot, No. 5 Wood sL octlS - J AH PHILLIPS JUST rec’d,tromihePhUaaeinhiaFactory—lWyds 4-4 Green Oil Cloth, for Window Blinas,3Ooyd» M Ctnlege Oil Clouu 800 yd* 3 4 Floor OU Ctotlc for. sale at oetld JfcHPHILLIPS, Nog - , LAPP OUi—S bbls jast ree’d and for sale by - oeOS _ SELLERS A NICOLE - _ oetlS ___ J KIDDfcOO.No6O Woods! a 'CCuHOL—3«>silis]ostrre*dandfor saw by A ocU5 i KIDD fc CO, No 00 Wood at LAPS PaPKU—*75 Keanu, Smith Patent, In atdre and Ibr sale by - JKiDDfcCO, octlS ' No W Wood st' ri «ANNEBS> OIL—2» raiU jam ree’d end for sale by J. oetlS J KIDD fc CO, No 00 Wood at LIVER OlL—Pare Whue 30, fast rec’d end for \j sale by ootid . J KID® fc CO, No 00 Wood at- Tapestry oil cloth's— this day, at w. M’Clintoek’s Carpet Werehoase. new sadhand tome style Tapestry oil Cloths, which will be carte ft *"J r .£“ h * 11 ’ ro«m, or Tciibali. CORK&-14 bales, long end . abort, lost rec’d and for sale by . t RESELLERS. oetlS ... .' S 7 Wood at ?*£DMaB3 v3T Car sale i lb* pruae Talker, jutrc'd no foetfal RESELLERS RHUBARB ROOT—9 eases jut rc’d and tor tale by oct!3 B E gBLI-KPft SOCUTORINB ALOES—I 43 lbs, a >apcrior article, jut ree’d and for sale by ocU3 R ESELLERS’ BORAX RETDr-Seasci jut rec'd and ibrsals b octl3 RESELLERS TIASNEaS 5 OIL-lObbU for sale by T . X oet!3 . C H GRANT TJLACK TEAS—tS hf chests PowchongT" "T JD • SO do do • upezior; 10 do do Chalan ** , I do Oollng, extra fee; t For sale by [»fiU3j CH GHANT WANTED— A second haniopen Counter. Eaqaira of [octU] . C YEAGER, 109 Markst st BA. CUN —70 nhda prime Bbpolder*; lSdo&idei; 15 do yeliow eoaruted Bom*. is vtor* and for ulo by oclH SELLERS 4 NICOM inTKK—I7 bbi» »Ud BttUez, 80 krys do do, t*a\ nmlforetlaby octll - Jfc R FLOYfI WttOL— 0 Mks Wool ros'd this day, ud for sale by oetll __ Jfc B PLOYD_ TTtEATHERS— 3 begs jut'ree’d aihd tat sale by 1? oeUl __ JfcRPLOYD. DOCKS-CO doi Woollen Soeks, on bend and tewt Qby oetll Jfc R FLOYD JjtLAWNEU—BtiU yds barred Flannel ’^ /*Tkdo£&i£isr*s?^tQ^ArcSeHrT^rcr^ao3 OT Pottebcsr Teu, ISO bn KqCoflise; ludi Mad* der, so baft Pepper, 10 bbl» Alotn, s 5 fax* Cbocattta, SobxaPipe«,lsnflioe;bTes9al;«Bdl6rMlefay.. oetll JAMES DM.ZFiX»atWaiem fciUTf KR ' ti keri Batter, for «de j> oetll'. BuasaiDQK, wl TNDIA RUBBER BELTING—WOO ft V«leanis< -X India Robber Machine Belling, froal|tolS.iacS wide, just received add for tale at tbe India Rabbet Depot,No. 0 Wood n. oetlt JAHPHILUPa TNDI aRU BB Jifftj turnover Ooa&i X IS pairs pauu: 94 do Leggings; IS do Boots; wsh legging* attached,. M Camp Blankets, Just ree’dand for sale at tbe India Rabbet Depot. No 4 WoodsL- , '"eeitSv-- J A H PHILLIPS ThUaBOTpACtOiNG—ZfidO ID* RabberPaeting, f» j - CL steam engines, Just red'd and for sale at the lidia Rubber Depot.. ..oclia JAHPmLUW DAE SUGAR—IOO bbls Msoflcd Nos Lot/ Bazar, for tale try 1 BURS RIDGE, WILSON * Co 7 octu _ ... Wtterti !TAL—IOO tn» Hanging Boot MsUl, firult oetU ■ BUEBKIDGE, WILSON fcCO - rr»ANNKRS’OIL-30 bbl« jut rat'd and for «!«** j. oetll -RK 6ELL8H3.67 Wooi t\‘ /CASSIA— 6O mat* jut roe'll and fotsile’bT V octll- ■ -•-■ ■ ■ -■ ■ R E SELLERS TjHSSTKfHiyW etn jut ree-d aad(STcale*by £_ OCUIV • •■ >•.•■ P^a* BESZOKJXCID— CJ os jut rec’d sad . forsaleliT octlt aE^gr.T.gp*' POTASH—IO lbs German, jurtree’d tod Car *»l* by' octll RESELLERS Q AbTPBTRB—I(XO lbs jut ros'd cod for ale br Q octll . , ~ MBSraEgffT ANARY BKED-1 bbl jtit ru'd tad forstla b <*»!’. • R B BELLBtfI M. netßonds, by » ocilO ACDLBBHTSON TWILLED BAGS-«dox on band and for tale by ootlO A CULBERTSON CIOrFEE— 13 bags Old Uorernmnst Java CoSse, J jot receded and for sals by . ocUO ' VACPLBEgTSOW V; QALbKATUS —SeiXAtodfbxi Salwib*, Jb*i r*. Oeefcrtdtad forttltJbr-ocia JBCAWFIBLP__ /CHEESE—VO bit Chute. isst Kedred •« Afrßt** V tertod Chctw Depot. octB J B CAJIfftKLD TjUXHJß—33bb\jjuit ieVd»ndlnr«akt'7 .-. ' _ JC oeis - . CBJUQ * SJCINNKHf HJAtokfft «l iA GENERAL MdweU•elected tioc&t Qr*«ite» A-fa &«., to which tbfl lUeaiian of pureMm U reepeetfaliju»»ited, kepteoaidatryesmmJg«jot u!c by ocuo A CULBERTSON JUNIATABLOOMS-SW-j^l^ *c£- XyC ackekeL—-JOC bt ul erel, for salofcjr IM bjr ecUO PEE* JOKi rt-ffOMjtogfrgtgC XTT Hn’NE'T~ELAfOCFr»—t “Dd IVTmkaey W wViihw, a mperior aitlcla,_•*. No ICO Martct >t oetftdlg A P- a «l. FRAUCiI. - DLAck aLPacca»,.-w» SI 13 Mmhjr ha« CoeelwC aaotfaaa tat of Boatiaxino. finished Alpaca* for oircroinx. Ata, Blufc Panaei* taa, -Frencfc M«ibo«»ondwUr mje* of Brest Good*, at «t corner of FgmaanA Market ostn *. 1000 Wn ”*i, ■ 500 “ B’bfcCrown**—• *-’* soo “ Medlaa'lUf - - a 580 “ Crown •' «** ■ ■ ■■■■.. •». *. • 5S J 5 e4 S T “ BUla i :SOO “ Mtaill^, . «■ n't ■ -SD B>oa Paper, tuortod eo^n; SO *row Helled Bonnet Bonn* Tot wis"at mtaeed price*, by B,cW - ; IV -■ 67 WS?- TOTißsxaa* TINNERS will find*, ttaaplete ri;.,. t Keme», Jwwiaed »pd brttrcSdSSekLpKl •; • j wasted, r. '•• : l —• -v. :f 1 • • - -•'• ••-.qeftftf - . •/. - akwSeESsiS. i J j ' _ _**? flTWood street, fS»y*k ; W^***oattottttsSsZ^££ *,• -for whole**]® «Bd wiifl irrfl. OW.?*” ggSSpSgji? - ! ckildroi* AfiauTOlo»e*s «hUoeo*»or«ted . . mANß'fik» r blL * TAB—IDO bbl« best DJOWa Qll*~ 1 ttdoSCTar.lß dototo,U»U«&&“£>* . Lj;.