ESTABLISHED IN 1786. - BUSINESS CARDS. Armstrong r cßOTEß,c*flad«o«> ui :fc»ltri ill I‘rodaco,,No, *i Woowl =rr-7=4r- LEADER, WholrtOO Mgg Pitttbarab. . tuni iwin. . -T»^Am-H 1 *.*a±iran, WhoIe*»l« SaS-Bettil Braj* m. f- yunnni. Y’tuLEEaXaON, Wliolct*loOrocOT, *Cj, Wb ; olM*M jfy t l^rnf»CTi»t*.coTi>«'-Wo«liadOtfc«tt. : . J?A. , •-nW.KV"fc. ttMITU. Wfc ’ 30 Wood itrect Piiuburgb .. . o, Hi FAKTBIOGEt B< Oft WO l» SPRUCE STREET, PUILADELPIU A,\ /CONTINUES to *rre tt« P*n*Cßl»x *a«auoD »o ttO OtrettmeßtefOunseiof the SKIN, BCROFUI*A, Ofleeboom ftA-U^lP. 4L,»ad7 P.M. •cetfedaaf, - - •■••*•■ __: : ■ • * e* e» timm* CRAIO'R pitfWNER. Fonrertlat iad©otemlMioa n, ■ C A. HeANULTVi A Co., Forwdin* ud CM # niiSoa Merebeßtt, Caul Burn, Puabe^j^*- DuqvifM * -Oo,' aansftcttnn •( IJ Co*ch *ad KUptic. Spring*! IlMjmeitd Ai)«*, W«tet«Bd Froa»vfeet»,«TWpaigß. • • . • AUo» dealer* pg Caaek Ttunrriing* and fcUlUmble C**» < ""* ‘ cc “' .'DENTIST.. ; > - end !<*'* i of tie ma,u> ' lu * a “!?' J S* 1 " ) . .. ' , »PVlo.k3ia . - ■ - kubukh. • J4JQ> >• **3vBXIT; * tKgUSU ScBEKNOTT, (IM« EnfUlhrGiUwber Ivi Co.) Wbole*ale Grocer*, CommimoA and tor ntdLk Mercbtnu, «d dealer* la Produce tod Pitu 2«nbMt2iul*ctsre*>No.37 Wood*v,between2d and aditrecu. • ■■ " - v ??i» Mijtufc COCHRAN, CommiMtoo and Forwartin* ;Mcrcfr«"t t No.flO Wood«irtel.'Pitt»bnrgh» tajll C. a. D.» HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WIlCS—on ScalibCeld at, .between Mmi 4th. udee hoUrf—From 13 M- to 3 r l . M.—from # t£o, P. M. Hmsisca—Mx. Header'*, corner Brntthueld and tnd Third tu. »pufcdfla _ ! iiOSlßDfi&Gllifi PAOTOIIT*- HAJULION BTEWAET, maaafictßMr. of U»*T ; Check*, itc, Keb«e» « tT LJ*E, t*nccc*sor to Mnrjlry * LfcfJ Wool Do*> H - ermuil Ccmmltslpn Merc nan l, »r •*•£,** Ajasricao .'Woolens, Libenj, oppo«lie 6th w .. w*.t£xl£»,Uaiomcre. -•.-•• • • ■ • ; '1 > A*f. BtcmoKt pwaxb uiiUS Iphaada.).' •• . S. C. M < CaXKOS, JOSH *. wiwn t _ y tt v. AT.n k. itrr.KNQß.Tobacco Comtniwtna Mer* U North Water it, s 16 North lVtoto, A.A.BAS2T. JOIU-* TTARDY, JONES t Co n (wccwon to Atwood, ri Jones*Co.l Coamisaioa mud Forweriun* Met* enutt. dealer* ia-Fiuabittli'iUJutfMtored Goods, KabnA, p«.~ : ■■■■..-■ ; °u=ia?-_ - T«*T«H TOeXTT, . • •' ■ ■• '.SatfST MCOT, TBAIAU DICKEY 1 Co* Wholesale GrocexsjOcaa- JL-adnfed Msrchaals, sad dealers m Prodßce,Nos.M Water, sod 107 Front streets, Piusbsnth. aoTS_ S JMIfS DU.WOXTH* A -1 ! B. DILWORTII fc Co, Wholesale Grocery Pro tl •' dnoc ud Ccaofnion Merchants, ~*5 < L^5 n t* tefUfl JUxard Powder Co. of N.Y,No.» Wood si, . PUubVfb. •A • • '•:'■■• ' . JOHN mTTOWNSKNJ), Wm*fut asirApomwary. N0.43-Market su, three doon above Thud tmrrh, wiiihave constantly on hand a wefl aeleejM **s lonmentofthe bestand. fresfcest.Mrdicinefrweiica he.i wtlToeU on tlw most - reasonable terms. • Phyeytioi orient will be promptly attended to, *» wp? with article* they may rely ipoa as KennUm.-' • f nr physicians Presciiimaastrifl be aeearaie&r w • f Jtthf prrptred frem tha ocatmtmritls, at any h*tiPx larf* stoek W Ihahani (ood Perfaj • ateyy;." , , • . i• ; ■;•;•• _ !«»'' T B. CANFIKLU, (lata o£ \V OhioJ Oommi*i of m'~ Sion ami Forwareut* WsxchaaL and whole«»Ja , dealer in Western Eeserre Cheese, Batter, Yot,and PaaJlAah, and-Wertein'Prodace •generally,-Water I met, brit?*“»" amiiEfoiii and Wood, Pitt»bnr«h. and TOON-WATT, {reeeewor *l. 'W&oletalo Grocei end Conpnimoa ! KexehaiUi JUlsr in Produce end Pirmrargfc-W«nohinnre%j»r* per of liberty end Head etrecta, PitUbnrgh ra. T AMygTft McGUifiE,'jUie of the &imof Alffo *“4 ’tl-ueGitiieJfilcrehaßt TaiVor,BcCainrlci. iittiUicrt • RirdWcct, nCKT Wood, PitUhnrgh. . - ...-■{ --» *mt;a. aJ nirrcill£ON. A’ Ofc—eaecetten- u J Lewie UaUhiiOß A Co- CcmraitMoa Merchant* • tsdAkeau of the Bt/Loai»ate*m SawEefinoy. Ho. it wftcr and W front tirccu, Pitaborgh. ■ ‘ ; | .mubuai*, Wboiewu* •Wood street, one door SctUt oTl>itn>ond Alley; bwgt-tlil --, ! ~TAh&a * Col, <«cce»oii(» ifmfkO. •f. Chandler* 3BWaiai street- otffl j ' 1 OHf* Hi htELLOft, Wholesale asd Retail dealer tl ■ la Muslaendhlttsieal Instruaenta, School Bools, gifer, Blcel gciii. UIUiU, Cirt., ud i ButlonaxT general! j, "No. ol Wood si, Piustmrjfc. Rao boaghl o* taken la trade. »epls - 1 Wholesale Unirgms, . Wood street,PiUsbargh. ... j * p\ P*”~ ' VVW JOHN £>• DAVIS,-Ascnoaeericomer aad Vy v ; ttiecu, Pkubotg' ' octM JOHNSTON ! «od Paper’ STOCKTON. Booktelltti, fritter* um&cmren, No. 44 Hirket at, Tiit*- - • ■( • . JeO;: "jobs Fmtb. • •. - FLO YD, Who! c«U* Ototw, Commmkm . Uerenuos.' ud Dealer* ia Fndsce, Jtoond Ctanh HnUHlnp. firooUag on Liberty, Wood aod Gib l*in»bargp»Pi. • rayb< ! - pALZELLi Wboleuie timer, Cemnuaur , t»rocer,CcmoM— -4I M»i/-hani t ml Valeria Prodnee *inA fr.nnlWlum. No.Bl WettflL, PltUbttrgtL jaalftj . JACOB WKAVfcH, Jft, WseleukiaoS - Beuil Be** let a. Fcreirn Wine* end and old Mono** Bye \VM*key», cetner Pint end Mattel in. -gyniffc fc’ JONES, Forwarding and Comatwaca Ma ly ekuu. Dealer* In Produce andPittiburgii maan* £dtsrcd article*, Canal Baiuyaear 7lb «*- - ddl *' PITTSBUKQH, P4r TT ENNKDY, CHILDS * Cth, Manufacturer! ofrery K npexior «4 Sheeting*, Carpet Chain, Ceuen Twum and Batting. - ' •... veaavtna Irorn Works* • ; T EWIB, DALZELL& C4.,nunlwai9iof alltt -11 Bat; Sheet, Boiler Iron aad Nail* ofthe beat iSJlfiy. Warehove,«.water andlQifrodttt. . •*jaau; ■ , • - • * WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, ForwaS* i.' tng and Cotamiaiion Merchant, Dealer in PitU rghHaanfactiizes and Prodnce, No*. 31 Water *t-» fa»Fro ntr- ■ . . iff ‘tsfloaas'iLsaatsT.ta. ■ join uwr j • KKB&ICDY t IIWIEB,. • I, I "T OOKING CLASS Manufacturer*, and Wholesale i ,Xd dealer* in iorelgn :ftfld domestici Variety Good*.. I Western merchant*, pedlars and other* are inrtted to call end examine thepricesand quality of our I acwUhoux present increased Retime* in manafictnr-. 1 im ««ii oarchaiing, we think wo can offer a* great indaoemenu to buyer* a* kny other hove west Of the. ■ BnMto' ■ >?* 1 * ... 'Ppilaiiar w. mcaraos, Fituburgh. il rr'VVt/R * RJCKETSON, WholetaleGrocer*,and - Hfl importer* of Brandie*, Wl«* and; Segura, Wo*. Sand 174, comer of Liberty and Irwin streets, PiW* ionaVfiiU> ' Jan. D-*'sm» ~. w*L*i»c, l *pt •»<?»• GILLS k 808, Wholetale Grocer* and Commit* jVlaioaJderehant*, No.lM liberty *t, Pitubutgh. '“■o ’ ■ • :-J - : V :\l-■ Wood tlreet, Fipabargtu~ _ : ' Foarth wieet, entrance on dth'aear Market. 'dcc6-tUf. ——.— ; — i —' vrrTßnusGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRIND ' WrtS " UBG AND iStlB FACTORY. JOB* f. qutee. 1 *** '?*?• jobbs * nviaa, l . i , Manufacturers of wring and hUttw *t«i, ■-l£sX«nl eou* uinmta.l . .u., pu- f y. fiiSSsSSSSS^ n*U«n* Note*andSpeele.-. nrinelDal citiet ID- Collection*, ma*i : ,©a ..all prtneipw ciuc* thronghuuiuio Uultcdßtateii Osßveytncing of all kiadt done “• f«»xw« ■ SJL GKOBGIfi BJoCOOK. LATTICE, Fourth sUMVaefeGMBt, ta ,*®JS!?i V/ lately occupied by Alderman Miller. InuneeUt® . ly apposite Mr. Bakeweli’s. He may be laNo.n,St.Chtrtci HoteL < B.T.tte\MrUt A. 1».7 ~~ /AFTHALUig &URGEON, will anend to thutreet* \Jf taeaiof DueaaeaofibßEye. ■ • , .• . Dr. B. has been engaged la this branch of tbemedi ealarofesooftforaiiteenyears, andhas connaeieaen establishment for the treatment bl disease* of ihe eye alone far several vua : , ' Onus and residence, comer of Sandusky at and Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. * *SHS_ dBSfl PXKIX TEA STO BE*—No. 7t Fourth 1 EH near Wood—All quantities of Green mad KEb Black Teas, done up in quarter; balf, aad oo® mad .packages, raiwuur .from 50 eta. 'per pound tmfc, tU A. J tor Pekin Tea Co. CABO. .- I B< ROBISON k CO. bavin* associated TBOMAB I • : LITtLK, 8r n wllhikamin business, the Whole* | < • «aje Grocery, Prodaes usd Commission business will I b« continued as usmal under the Ana of -Robison, Lit* | tie k Co. ■ •—, ; | :> TJCBISON, LITTLE k CO., No. 1W Liberty street. I t. • XV Pißsoarvh, Wholesale Grocers, Prodaee kd4 1 ... 1 ■ cottßilsaiou Merchant*, tod dealers la Pittsburgh | ..wnaafisetures. .. iy7 I • torr. aoatioa. *aas.trm».- um.», aoataaa. \ EUUIIKT tiyubkT Wholesale Grocer, ReeWylng I Distiller, dealer» Prodaee, Pittsburgh all kinds-of Foreign and Domestic Wine* ■ - • r «.d Liquors, No. U liberty street- ,Ou baud a very ■ larte' stock of superior old 'ttoooagtbela whiskey. I . will t>e eoli low for cash. .aplfciy ; 'TvSiHiST^ Wholesale Grocers,' • rt Coiaiaisvion and Fotwardmf Merchants, dealers .- ' '•fftfrodaeo and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty at , Ptttsburf hi P*» ■ : • few! | i - • wt&NOLDS*BHE£, Forwarding and Cemmisaiea ■' \K Merchants, for the Allegheny Rivet Trade, deal- 1 -V oTpetmaoil Inriasis. . jaag , 1 - c-./ifrr CUNNINGHAM, Wtolmlo Grocer i :V ’ ft°nScrln Prodaeaand pltabaxfh Manafacturo, * jfeTlMLa>««T ,t ’ , nrW , - .... , _ ■'---,- ■ """rT.j.-j.... ~y pj^U '.**=■■»■■ ~.111, | "-• • f '“' -S-CARI)S : X C. lIIACSLXTTi ’ • TflOS. B. WlltT*. OiIACKLITT Jb'-WHITE, Wholesale’lValer* In 5 Foreign atufDoirfstieHry Good*. No. W Wood At. ’FißibnrgS. * . ' • febl7lf - •gatm. -O PRidseednkr^Nn.zaMiLrke^streei,Vnvre«r9tii’ sad €th. North side, Philadelpltia. * novf) S~jrW , rHARBAWHVWcoi Wttchfmj,' Dealer* « ta Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding aad Commliilon Merchant*, No. S 3 Water il, Pttu. baryta _ _ _____ t fiuxvc RrmcßGir.' - joint motor*, itAsruso. SELLERS & NICOLR Produce aad General Com mission Merchants, No.' 1? Liberty eu, Pittsburgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Olla. - , qTTf. .VON BONNHORST, 4. Co., \Vtaole?h!e Grt- Or cert, Forwarding and Commission Merchant?, dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western Pro dsce, havo-removed lo their new warehouse,(old stand) : No. 35, comer of Front su and Chancer)' Lane. ' nov? TUASSEY &JJRdfT, Wholesale Grocers and Corami*- !JL sioa Merchants, and dealers in Produce. No. 35 Wood :; . paihl W. J. TBOTE. • , . “ T.’tricOTT. S'ROTH Ac SCOTT, Wholesale and Reuif dealers In • Boots. Shoes, Trank*,, Carpet Bags, &c~ S. W. met of 4th and SmiUiftem sts, Pittsburgh, Pa- ja3 .Grocers, t» ud ypga'a. wicb, * : ! " ~sane a’carmura -lrricnr& iPCANDLESS, (suceeswsioUAJ.D iiTf Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding dnd Commission Merchant*, dialers in Iron, Nails, Glass, pottos Yams, and Pittsburgh Maaafactorea generally, eo**orofWood and Water streets. Pittsburgh.- - WALLACE,Millstone and Mill Fonusb : f f flng establishment, No. 544 Liberty it, near the tana). _• ••’ -. rnarM ‘ Ware, Yf J* • and Military Goods, corher.of Market and 4th meets. Pimbnrgh, Fa. *N. B,—Watches and Clock? carefully repaired..' ' dec! \XrEST. BOWEN—OommjMloa aad Forwarding fV -Merchant No.PO-From tt between Wood'and Marketstreeti. • ' ~ __ • _ feMH __ W _ |L 'MUBPiiYrWholesale and Keiail dealcrin « Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east eorner'of Market and Fourth sts.-. *urtiL_ : • wiL'YOCRO, * ISO. *. .BTCUtTB. \T7TkL YOUNG Jk Co.—Dealers in leather hides, Ac. ,;Tf 143 Liberty st .. ,*ns-ly_ • wm. ss-cirrcßßOJi. aost. m’cttchbo!*- W-fc-Jt hTCUTCIIEON,WhoIesaIe*-, 'a let* in Produce, Iron, Nail*, Glass, and Puts, bugh Manofactnies generally, 153 Liberty ft, Pitin hargh. , decti. _ W" . w WILSON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry . Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac., No. 57 Mar mst. - • - . ’• ■■ nov7 - : —rr . . fT TYEALEESIN HIDES AND LEATHER, Morceeo, ±J Shoe Findings, fce- No. 143 Liberty street, have Jnst recetyod thejf SPRING STOCK' of coeds, com- prising n-largo assortment of articled in their which the attention of parthusers-is invited. - inch 15, ~ • _ “““jpKTTIGfijSW dt CO., STEAM- UOAT AG ENTS - OfkceabotxM.AttxnACo, I octal. . ; ' No: 42 Water street. INSURANCE. » - IK BURA l« CK. PROTECTION FIRK AND MARINE INSURANCE COMTA- Ny OF lIARTFORD, CONN. Annum premiums, Capital Stock, and Surplus Fund, f 1,000,000. This old and responsible Company continues ta is sue policies on the most favorable terms on Dwelling Houses, Household Furniture. Stores, Slocks of Goods, Warehouse* and contents,'Mills; and-Maimiheiories, Ac. Ac, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRK. Also, on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, against the faaxards'of ijrutt&TßAnroßTanos, and open the Cargoes ofSea Vessels. - ' -The Protection Ittraranee Company having, in the last Ssycar», paid iunf kiluoks or por-Lsitn at their severalugemtie* thrQDgbduttlm United States and the British Province*, have established * iu*uepuUtloa fot solTTQcy ahd Talrdealing, which challenge* com parison wuh any other insurance company an the contlaent of The annexed extract from an •article oo the subjeet of Inraraece Compaaie*, taken -fra t the “New York Day Book,” exhibits briefly the . standing and policy of the tympany. <' ‘’The'moneyed men’of the. ancient and always pro#-; perooa city ofHartiord,have for half * cantary been; lajnaaathroeghouuhe Union for the care, discretion, : rigid honesty, and unvarying success with which they have formed and managed corporations of this de scription, No Hartford Hank or Insursnce Company, haS dTef failed! ’ These Companies have for more than a whole generation scausreJ their risks in aear- W everr Stale of the Union, aod hare sever failed to "pay.the ianamerable lotsei vrhich-they,have insured' arising upon polieies isnied by the under signed, will he promptly adjo«ed and paid at the Gen eral Agency office, located at Cincinnati, 0.. Alarge poruan of the funds of the Company; tineluding all premium» reccivsd at the-Western agencies,) isde paiited'rwith' the General Agent of the Company at Cibcißnati, for the paymentooWcsttrn.and Southern loSksT* Apply to V FAYETTE BROWN, Ageni forthe eity of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny, .county. '• . • oetfcdSm l'hs Feiuityivaala Compasy Foa Ikißoarcx o» Lnrx* txo Gaasrao Arxcriu. fpllfi first Ufa Insurance Company in the U. States. I Iheoipotated March 10, te< perpffluaL typital £3oo,ooo—all paid ia., Xlavlnr aathoneed the undersigned to receive appli caUonVfar insoradee, on which potyie* wilt tf.u*ued< io their proposals and will be made known to applicants, at his office, No. Wood attevt, *ptl GtX). COCHRAN. WEillß S lItBC BA s c b _ co¥p As t OF PITTSBURGH CAPITA! 1100,000. J. FuiJrrr. Jr., SeeY- I Jr., Prest- Will insure against all kinds of risk*, FIRE AND MARINE. A IX losses will bo liberally adjusted and proinpUy M>.l • A homo institution—managed by Dircctorr who nrc well known in the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the ehar •eterwhich they have assumed, os offering the best orataetiento those who dr tire to be Insured. 9 dShSuS-JL HMcr, Jr. Geo. Black, J. W. Butler, N. Uolmes, Jf, Wn. 11. Holmes, C. Ibmsen, Geo. VV. Jackson. Wnt M. Lyon, Jas. .Lippincoit, Thos. h. Litck, James M’Aaley,-Alex. Nimiek.Tbo*. Seott Ornca,No.2> Water street, (warehouse of Span? k stairs,iPurtburith.- : _ . IHSUBAKCK. mUE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INPt- I RANCE COMPANY-—Office. North Loom of the fiehanre,Third street, • .* Flax liwnuimx.—Bmldings, Merchandise and ether propenr in tow* and ccemav, insured against loss or damage by fire at the lowest rate of-premium, mTSiw tia»cnj*c*>-Tbey also insure vessels. Car rooa and Freights, foreign or coastwise, tinder open or meelai t olieies. as the assured may desire. litLasn I'aaßsrouxTios.— They ui«o Insure mereh an disc trsr.sponed by Wagons, Railroad Cara, Canal Boats and Brnsiußoats, on rivers and lakes, on the n H. Beal, Edmund A. Souder, John OLavis, Robert Burton, John R Penrose, Samu el Edwmds, Geo G Leiper, Edward DarUngiou,. Isaac R Davis, William Folweli, John Newiin, Dr R M Hus ton, James C Hand, Theophilu* Paulding, U Joaos Brooks, Henry. Sloan, Hugh Cratg, George Semll, UcUTain, Charles Kelly. 1 G Jobnton NV l aim Hay, Dr S Thomas, John Seliera, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PItTSBURUH-D T. Morgan, VW». rmUM P-.f-v, NgtrsottußcereUry. IT7“ Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pifebureh! iriftdtf P> A. MADEIRA,-Age at. VXBB ABD HABIREISBURABCE. THE INSURANCE CO. Ol North America will 'make permanent and limited Insurance on pro perty In this city and vicinity, and rn thipmwt- by Kill Rivera. Lukes, and by s*ea. The properties ot this Company are well invested, and furnish au avail able fhnt for the ample indemnity of aU persons who • desire to be proiecled by insurance- • -aryl* ■ ■ W.M. P. JONES, Agent,44.Water st. 15DEMNITY. 1%. Fr.milin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia. N.Boncker. Tb °®“ **“*• To’jJm Wftjteri Grant, Jacob R. wtniOi, ;'W Richard?/Mcrdecai.J). Lcwn, Adolpbo L. Bone Darid S- Brown, Morri. PoUciwn . “. • • . P CBJ.B3.wN. BABcao/Preudent ChathaG.Baneker, Secretary. Cootlnae to «akf*,lnaaranee, perpctttnl or Umi cd f ob ««ry description of property u» towu orconntOi at ratesa* low a* ore consistent.with secanty. ' To Companyitaveicsewd alnrge continacnttuml, which wit& their Capital and Premium*, safdy mfe*t- ample protection to the a^urea. Tho a-acuof the company, cobUihcl ofTceobly M au act of As*embl>, were fellow*, rvix: Mortgage* RcafEitaie t ' Temporary Loan* •• Btocu-- Cash, Ac. - .y *|,S«,4W7I. Since lhdr Incorporation, * penod of is -year*, they bare paid opwanlsofone million fourhubdred thouv and dollar*, losses bv Ere, thereby U« n R e viJe.ica tf the advantages oi In&orance, a* wc^!‘ l ', h^"H l L7 and disposition to meet with prpmptiws'SUiiabiUues. . * : J.UARDINKR COFFIN AKeiit, . tmrMly oaroNEcbr'.cQ> »u ©BI.AWAB3E MOTUAJ. isSUBAKCai CO* -r> A- MADQRA,Agentat Pittsburgh for Jh f t P r .‘V K. wuroMotnalSafety Insurance Company ofl bjal* tdelphin. Fire Risks upon building* arid ocrchamlue of every description, and Marias ui«fc* epoa lmi-tor .emigoee of>ve«N taken upon the most favorable “frWUhee in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes St Bro., I rKK Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. < ' Nil —The success of this Company since the estcb;- ; the Asca<7Ha *M» cit ?. wW» the prompt .HSrMdlibenUlty with -which every claim upoa thefu 2£t£i haabeen adjusted,folly rrarramthe aernt m fovidn* Urn confidence and patronage of la* fnend. and !urnnnllv at large to the .Delaware 3L b. limu th® whiloil has the-addilioaal advantages Burnt **9*<bin9 In PhUaJub- JhuLathatin* an wnplepald-m capital, wlueb by the chatter u constantly lacreaiing, os penma utaared his due share 01 the ** «7 B ?r ihTco&pany, without involving him in any profits <![.»" au d therefore u possesMiijj The InionulM ~,5 ,ul,tenter, oicr. in , dnly »" pr»r"'»'. •» '“I W^^rietTejl.r, Ambrose While-, Jacob M-Thomas, vjohn R. Neff, ‘ , Richard D-'' Oo( 'i .Win. Welsh, Franles Howtems > - S.Au»tiii.AlUboiie. artuuh g. cohin. i ««t pie security to the public. . , ' Vco Wa> l™'** a> . s . tsrand Front street* Fittabargh. —— /fiTETiTKCRIBEB Anhar G Coffin. • Bam'l WrJeaco, Edward Smhh Join A Brnwa, John Wbito, . TUomm P- Cope, Samuel F. Smut, I Bumulilrooka,. HOTELS ~ FOUST AIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE food iKU niPBSTOS, fBOTBIBrOB*. MTIIIS establishment long and widelYknown as being one of the most commodious is the eity of Baltimorrs has -reeentiy uodergoce very exten sive alterations and improvesunU,. An enure, new wine ha* been added, containing numerous aad airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. Tue Ijidics’ department has also:- been completely reorgumtH and fined tip in a mo a nniipie and bcuuli fcl style In fsetthe whole arrangement orthe_llouse has been remodeled, with a single eye on thetpart of the nroriteorsi toward* tho comfort and pleasure of their Guests, nnd wltieh they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied- with over)' sub stnnial and luxury which the market affords, served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac., they will not be surpassed. Jn conclusion «hc proprietors begto say, that nothing wl’l be left nndor* v on their pan, and on tire part of their aid Hants, to render this Hotel worthy »o conutiued oatronage of their friends and the public generally. The price* for board have also -been reduced tp the following rates; - 0 . • Indies’Ordinary, . n,75 per day. Gentlemen’s “ • IJ® ' _, , A • B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Hoon will al ways be found at tho Car and Fteamboat Landings, whidt will convey baggage to and from the note!, free of char,,. : SH" ' EXCHANGE HOTEL. wm of mu am sr. dJita sts., mTsirraan, fa. MThe snbseriber having assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Publie generally, that he will be at all time* prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable m a well regulated Hold- The-Hou« i? now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and uo pains will be sparedlo maka.the Exchange one or the very best Hotels in the ebnntry. Tlte-andersigned respectfully wlid'- a continuance af the very liberal patronage tne House has heretofore received.- • THOMAS OWSTON, frbSdtf • , Proprietor. LAMARTINE HOUSE, courd or tookth *sd. e&jjri mnn, nrmrspn. MTHE mbccriber re*pectlully annoanees taut be bui now opened his new and excellent Hotel forthe accommodation of traveler*, hoarder*, iai the public generally. The hon*e uml furniture are entirely ■new, and no pains or expense hare been •pared to <render it one of the most comfortable and nleaaant Hotel* in tho city. . . „ The *ub«riber ia determined to desenre, and there fore wlleits, a (hare of public natrona«j ocil4-dly JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. Biff UJSITED STATES HOTEL, afBOTTBtn 8 rwK3 rotrrrn ltd rrmi sm OPPOSITE Into Bank of the United State*, Phil* detphin- W. POPE MITCHELL, m«.Of ' Proprietor. LAW OFFICES. JOHN H n AM]SJ N , 4 TTORNKY and Coaiucllornt Law,und ComnH*- A sibber ftrrth«SiaW6i‘ Pca«iylT»m*, Loom, >lo.(Uts-of Pittsburgh.) ' „ * * ..." Itmncn. —Pittsburgh: Hon. tV. Forward, Ilarep ✓ ion A Miller, M ? Canile*» A M’Clort, John K. Parke, A Vmpie.M’Cord * King. augH:dly __ w . • }. r nuunx- O&IBD * BTXIUIETTi Attorneys and counsellors at law, Fourth meet, between Smitbfieid.und Grant, Attyburph, Pa. ; 1 [ i** s » loim z. LABGS. ws. c. rants®. - LABOR * FRIEND, 1 TTOBNEYB AT LAW,Fourthstrcet,nenr Grant. ft, - ■■ > ‘ JttlB:tf ’ A I aB SF . KERB, ATTOBJiEY .AT LAW.—Office on Faurlk it., be tween Smithfleld and Grant st, ‘Pittsburgh, spuauily .‘•WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - •• Buikr, Pa ’ •am rtr.rt also attend to collection* and all ether bnsi • W • neu entrusted to him in Ruder arid Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer io * ’ jrtß.'FtaTd.'fibeny «.) . WAV. Wallace, do 1 . James Marshall do I Pittsburgh, dly • K*y A Co-i Wood *L ) JU. SWBIT2KR, Attdrhey al Law, office 34 st-, - opposite St Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collection*, in Washington, Fayette and Green coauties, l*n. REFER TO . Blaekstock, Bell A Co- ") . Church A Caro there, . D. T. Morgan, 3 . E’“* J. HENRY, Attorney and Councellot at Law, , Cincinnati, Ohio. Coilretiona in Southern Ohio, and in rudiana, nwl in Kentucky, promptly and raro* fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of l enn sytvania, for Deposition's, acknowledgment*, to —Hon. Wm. Bell A Son, Cortis,Church A Caro then, Wm. Itayo, Esq., Wiiloek A Davts. a2S HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. JS FALL FASHION FOR UATI. J|| 2sL McCORD a Co. will introduce this day Saturday, Aug S3ib,) lb* fall style of Gentlemen's FUthnnd Wood streets. angll> _ SVCOILD& CO., £a (Sacccsiorß to fiFCcrd & Kins). CasmL raihl?»ftVl« CcrwT q Wood and Ft/H Sirttte. PARTICULAR attention paid to oer Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely open getting their Hat* and Cap* from oar establishment of the b*st Kimuu and wctoujcki?, of the latest BTTLia, and at the lowest F Connor Merchants, pnr«ha«ng by wholesale, are reawctfaily invited to ball and examine ©or Stock; a» we can *ar with confidence that aa regard* ticaUTt and rates, it-will not auffsr in a comparison with tu*y house in Philadelphia. J“L. - rr,. CALIFORNIA HATh—Ui dot water prool / H California jnst received and for sale by jfg M CURI) A Co, corner 3th and Wood sts g ,BPB.rcsaVABHioits rom)U. nj, ' M'COKDft Co, will introduce on batur- ,B —*fcdsy, March 3d, the Bering Thole in want of a neat and *Openor hat, are invited to call at corner of 6th and^\V a^J. S~ fIuNcIsONNET RIBBONS, fce.—W B Marphr has now open a supply of spring Bonnet Ribbon*, of new end handsome styles. .... , ... Also, new style fcg’d Nettr, Lisle Laces and Ug- Ice*: llitoen Edging*; Victoria u>; plaid Muslins ana Jneonets, embroidered Swir* Minims, &o.; besides a targe assortment of Spring Goods generally, at north eau centet4th and Market siredt*. Wholesale .Rooms upstairs. *P° FORWARDER & COMMISSION. i. | STC4HT Til OS JL. lILL. STUXICT& M><J Produce «nd Com. mission Merchant*, No- 113 \Vood *l. Pitt-burgh. Beaters in Gioeeriea, Flour, When', Rye,Outs, Lorn, Uor'.c), Pork. Bacon, Butter, Lard, Cheese; Uover, Timothy ami Flu Seed*? iron. Null, Glw, ic. &c. Ac. 'Particularattention paid to the tale of Weitern 1 ’nt-FStLEscCT'-Heam. Myers 4. Hunter, Robt Dal jell & Co., M'Gillt A Roc, Haunton. Snuih A Co., Jaiuct May, Kmg A Moorhead, Pittsburgh, tenner A M'Millan, Maitlllon. Jot. 8. Morrison, 8L Louis. *pt«fl:l) or W. a «wnr CRAIG A BKWSEB. . GENERAL AGENCY, Commltaon and Forward ing Merchant., No. 26 Market at., Pittsburgh, Pa. (J 7* Prompt attention given to the purchase anti taie of ail Vtnd* of Produce. n Rmt To-John Watt & Co , Murphy, Wilton A Co. Pittsburgh, Pm; Lawton A Hill, Maldon Marttn, WcU.vSo, 0.1 John 11. Drom, t Co., Coil, IJhou 1 Co, 1-hil Jdplu.l B. W. BnoJsTo.i t Co, Grest * N.oe, N«» U*on, O i Ft. EUnot., lion. C D. Coßn, Cincinnati; J.l‘. Ktlltt, >0,115.10.11, O, W L. Sion dart, Cleveland, 0. . • aug-.J ,V m »l " j. e. aaiTToota. • COPE A DREYFOGIiE, FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And dealer* in White Lead. Wmdo w Glass, Ac., 103 Second meet, Pittsburgh, Pa. Will attend promptly to the tale of article* entrusted lb their care. R*tm to—Bagaley A Smith, R. Tanner A Co , 8. A K«T>Co. Muyhy, Wilton A, Co , Pittsburgh. Hannah, Graham xiiJUTni t chains generally; New Lisbon, O- D. AD. M DonnlU A Co„ Geo. Well*, Well*? die, O. Joseph 'Watson, D. J Birger A Co., Fenner A Al’MiHenr MaatiUon, O.— Bcmieit, Martin A Co, Weaver, Taylor A Cm, John il. Brown A Co., Philadelphia.. A. 0. IDehard*on A »ro niroZ, Hoinea A Co., Cincinnati, O. John F. llowatd.LouitYiiie.Ky. John Orleans. Uantlyo.Harman,Ctcveland,O. A.J/Endley,Want bold, O. Clark, Park* A Co., Beaver, Pa. augGid.f .«1.M7,436 41 . W,w.b3 . JtG.GOI 83 SlfS'O 38,604 37 « GEORGE COCBRAB. Commlialon and forwarding Merchant. ! . no. i» wood si., nnsansa, . , ' . CONTLNUES w transact a general Commission bust nrt*, especially in the purchase arid tale of Ameri can Mauttfiuitarea and Produce, nad in receiving and forwarding Good* consigned ta his care. At Ageutfor lie Manufactures, he wUI be, constantlysupplied with the principal article* of Pittsburgh Manufacinro at, Uw lowest wholesale price*. Order* and consignment* are _ Penn JHuhlae Bhop< HWIUHTMAN— Motufactuier olaH kind* of cot . ton (uid woo Hun raackinenr, Allegheny city, Fa Tlw above work* being now La full taJ ■neeewfil cy eraiiou.l arapreptied 10 ezeette oHtra.wabdiipateh for nil iinii* ofmnclunery mxy Line, iz-h n* willows, picker*, spreader*, card*, gnncinj satlune*, railway >■, Srawinr frame*, speeders, thicisils, loom*, wooiru cSdxdooble ofMa.le.for merchamor country work, anil band lathe* and tools m gv». 1 “ah All kinds of shafting made to order, or Platts gtv en for rearing factories or null* at reasonable I rS£^Kennedy.Child. 4 Co., Ulack.tock, Dell | & Co.. Kliur. Pcnnock Afio-,J*». A. Gray. " ~Monontt*hel» I* 1 !"? .S*** I** 1 ** . ' noUBRT H. FATTKRfION baa opened *jl r-_-»-ihr lnrire stable on First it, running through b««cn Wood uni a-dull'ld CTZ\-.°. ibe rear of th« Monongnhela Home. iiU. u , o«.“: ?»"* .i=k of Jlorr.os »,d C.m. c; . Si ry in ilie beat manner. ; J 'A ut l_ " ' «nii CHESS WOOD GAXUJBBS. • Theiieam boat A. MASON rf uVS ' J* now run* from the Point, lootQgHt , kfeftggSt of Liberty atreeu to tbs Gar- /fSt IcaviDg at 0 o clock, A. M-, and 9t the beginning of each hour until U P. »>• VUiuri may rely on bnuing the boat Bt ‘he h®ur. She leave, the tiaiden, the last up trip, at 10 o clock. . . The Miiwn i* faitadvancing, and those wishing to »i«t this delightful retreat, now Is the time to ipend * few hours, not in ihe smoke and dust of the city, ball" a pare atrao-rhere, pertumed with the fragrance c Q °Alf kinds of refreshments, ereepi intoxicating drinki ■re kei>t on the prettiae*. Greenhouse Plnuls, au flOU<|Ucl< of ctoi™ flomT. for s*lo. 5“ day jy!»fl JAMES N'JiAIN. [B7* Change of landing made on account of low wi ex. i* rIW4. IEMUtT D.MU.TESBEROKR Commission Mer chill, km temped 10 NO. S 7 From, hctweoa WooO and ?*rnithfir.U streets. * Vl—~ *vTim some PUMFti, made on an improved plan, so u not lo freew in ibo coldest we *“ ef - Per S«.T' i ” r wiwkT&w&vl “* PITTSBURGH, MOIST)AY MOBNING. OCTOBER 22, iS49. COPARTNERSHIPS. j Dissolution of Co*Partn«rslilp. ffiHE co-partnership he’ewfore existing between the X Mitiscribetsvnn'ier Uip »iy!e of Brown & Colbert* •an was dissolved 0.1 the Ibi in#t. by mutant consent. M.U. BROWN. A. CULBERTSON- Pittsburgh, Oct. 2, I^9. ,Tbe subscriber wilt cnntiuue the Wholesale Oreee rj LndOnumiiaion Business, us heretofore, at llte o'* l •land, 145 Liberty «.__oets__A. CULBERTSON CO-PARTNERSHIP. | JOHN PARKERaniT JOHN W. RIDDLE-hnw«|H tered into parin**rehip, nudrr the firm of PAKKrAt! A RIDDLE, and will carry on tlm Shoe bounc** »“ oil In branchei, at the old Hand of John .Pnrkfr, cor ner of Federal »L and Soath Common, city of Allcgh*' uy. • JOHN PAHKER. JOHN 'V. RIDDLE. . TAYLOU* BBSRNKT. Ti _ ff PROPRIETORS OF-TUE PITTSBURGH ALKALI WORKS, ate nSwprepared-to.furnith a #up«nor article ofScda Ash and Muriatic Acid. Person# wi#n, ine to* purchase. either ol the above articles, are Te , paired to call on ISAAC WALKER, No. 13 Fifth st« and examine the articles before purchasing etsewMie* N. B-—The Soda A*h manufactured at this establish* nfern i* superior to any other brought to this market »P«I > WS. B. BCAITE. JAMS* ATSIJ3OX SCAIFB <te ATKIHBON, Ftasx bi_ HB7WKCS Wood aitd .Maxivt, rtTrsacaan, CONTINUE to manufacture all kipds of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Alfo, Black smith Work. Steam Boots built to order. Special.(mention riveu to steam boat work. ' Have on bands a fine assortment of Copper and Brass Kettles,Tin Ware,fcc.*e. Bteamboat CookingSurres, •Portable Forges, Various sites—a very convenient ar ticle for steamboat*) California emigrants, or rail road companies. *• , We would respectfully invite steam boat men ana other* to call ana see out articles and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Dlnalntlon of Partnerahip. THE copartnership of HENRY HANNEN k CO., formerly Jlattneti, Muller k Co., in the Window a <1 Colored Glass business, U this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Mailer. * The business will be continued by the underaiewd, under the firm of HENRY HANNEN fcCO. Ware house No. IGB Second at, where we will SeTr esrt-sr ipplles of superior Window Ola**. * - JOHN HANNEN, * HENRY HANNEN. IfUOH ROBERTSON, * 27,’49. HENRY LMSTEAP, - Pnulmrgh. Au; Copartnership. rnjiEcndcrstrncd ham inis day lhem X in business JACOB L. SCHWAKTZiand will con uie llic hnaincM ax heretofore. under thb firm of 11. A; FAHNESTOCK t CO. Jyis .' Joly 1549. NOTICE. milE partnership heretofore existing under the firm 1 of A. ft C. BRADLEY, in di**olvedby the deees«fl of Mr. C. Bradley. 'Tlio business will be carried on by A. Bradley, who will »ettlethe business of the late REMOVAL—A. Bhawkt ha* removed hi* Foundry Warehouse from- No. IVJ Second street, to No. lt Wood street. between First and Second o tue warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Beryy, where he will keep constantly on band a general assortment of Carting*. Grate*,'Store*. Cooking >totrei,Ac. DISSOLUTION. mm? partnership heretofore existing between Sam- JL net li. Bushfield and William B. Hays, trading £7d« the firm of BUSHFIELD & IIAYS, has this day been dissolved by William B. iWsellire his enure interest iu the firm to 3. B. Bnsbfield. All aeecanu due tbh firm will be collected by S B. Bashfie.d, and. all debts due by the laie fimj \V. B. HAYS. Piiulmrgtr,'iuDc2i 1543. CO-PARTNERSHIP;—B. B. BcaarmJ.! hiving thia day associated with bimsell ll**bt Lusn, fomcrljr of Bedford, Pin and recently of the National Hotel, Pittsburgh, will eonliuue ihe business pndcMhe nnn of BUBHFiBLD & LEADER, at the ejd ■iud, No.«» Libertv atreet. • 8. B. uUS)HI'IhI»U| Pittsburgh, June £l, 1549- H. LEADER. Having retired j'-om the former basinets, I take pleasurein recommending my successors to the pa* tronageof my customers and the public^enerallj^ Dissolution. Co I* ihi* day disjoined t>y mutual eonKns. Messts. Burke & Barnes will settle the business of the eon* cem, for which purpose they are authorised to use the - - THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned hare thU day asaoclaxed themselves in the name oi BURKE A BAIcNES, for the imrporo ofmanufueturing Fire Proof Safe*}. X Ba, jJ??? r 5j M rire fte., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke & 60.. where ttfcy will be Pleased to receive llio pa >"""»• of t b« .«»■"=,. THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke * Co*, I with sincere pleasure recotamri.d Measradurke A Jfcirnr* to the confidence r.f «T,fnc?d; and Uw pubHc. ftb aim. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, f.-bui-dtf • j; DISSOLUTION. . , . . , fTUfE partnership of MURPHY A LEE 'is tin* day i. dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe bnstne**'jf tbe late firm will be settled 11. Lee. J- R-SJURPH', Pittsburg!), Jan. Ad, IsO- * U- LKlt . NOTICE—-The undersigned will continue the Woo! business and attend to the wlc of Woolen Goods, * the old stand. “• Lhti In retiring from the .firm of Mcrahy k Lee, I take great pleitut e m recomraendin* Mr, 11. Loe to me confidence of my friend* and the puUic. , Piiubet^h..tan.WjJSlfl. J. IMIE subscriber* iia~e”tht* day miKialcJ them selves loer liter for U»e purpose of transacting a wholeroie and ,tuil Dr)' Go<kU Grocery bonne*!, at No ato Liber it, opposite Hevetnh street, under the Htyle and firm nj UUSIIFIELD k lIA\ A- Pittsburgh, Jarutory 1, 1549. . N. lb—Ourold .customers and the public are in»l led to give u* aeali. __ _*‘ u ' ~ " CO<PtVKTS£BSHIPi '\tr. M. D. BGAIFG and CapuJA-MKS ATKINSON YV bate entered int o partnership, under the firm of SCAIFE k ATKLNSG'N, and will carry on the Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware thanafartory. Alto, lUaeksnuibin* i*» all »ts branches, at the old aland of Wra.-R Senile,.-Wit street, near Wood. Particular attention i lven to steamboat trork. HAVE ihU diy’kwHualed with me In ihti wholf .-i, (Jroccrr. rrodac c uil CouinuMipn bujincii, Jc« P l, »»d« ib. (H iu»ry 1,1819. _ Younyhaving UUi + i day auociated with him, John R. M'Conn, the lea ther butmittt will hereafter '™* u J“ £ ™S OVm ' Y °“' iC< ’ r - SiQ 4 m’CTNk. MISCELLANEOUS' Steam BrlekWork*t’«Stlt. Til K euhtcribcr offer* for talc, the .STEAM BRICK WORKS, above Lawrence*ille, comprising a «leom Engine, * Boilers, 0 Mould Mochi.’J*, capable of manufacturing 20.000 Pressed Brick* (out ol »vy clay, u taken from the bank,) per day; with three a.-re* ®t land on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kiln.' v™ shed*, machine anil clay «bed*. wheelbarrows, tru, ,|E,> •hovels, rpndes, Ac, every thing requmte to com mence operauun* at ao bonra notice. 1 rice, the patent right to use said machine, S7,ooo—lenna of payment made easy. Without 'he land, &S.UHV For particulars. address MERRITT. aug*7-dt(S. No Iln Monongabela House. JAMES W. WOODWELL, Modern and Antique Snrnitnre, K 5, Ttnsa SrarETj lhjr»atnton. _ . Hotels anil private <!wei ling*, conaiantly on Land, and made to order. • The present mock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the 'wentem country. Person* •wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, as tarn determined m 7 price* shall please. Part of the rtoek consists in— - Duff-t Etaqrle; Louis XIV Chairs; Onrcn Elizabeth chain; Tea I’oyte: ' Fruit Tables; Toilet Table*; Mui* XV Conunoder; French Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stool*; > 50 sofa* with Flash and Hair-cloth covan; 50 Mahogany Rocking Chair*; 40 dor Parlor do 30 “ Fancy ( do :35 centre Tables; ' | •51 pair Divans; 4 pair pier rablcuj | IS marble top Dressing Uttreana; > g Wardrobes; H Secretaries and .Book cases; 20 marble top wtfah Stand*; ! 4 p&ir Ottoman*; 0 pair faney Work Stand*; A very largo assortment of common chairs and other furniture too uojncroua to mention. “irr'sWßwu famished on the shortest notice .BiiJon the most reasonable termS._ deelS D 1 lipluignTFllWr, for Uj ; <lr*nt W«UT> * THIS? is to certify that I have «P 2 j 8 pointed Uvnigstov, A Co, jrevvlA Kolrv.Areimt for the sale of leaning s tCQy Patent ttiaprahgm Filter. for the ctj Yjf lies ofPitisbureti and Allegheny. _ > H JOHN GIBSON, Agrnl, OE9? for Wajjeir M Gibson, 319 Broadway, ■ 10,1549. . . Wo have been using one of th'j above articles at lh« oflice ofthe Novelty Work* for three months on trial, and feel perfectly sutisGcd that it is a useful invention, | nitd we take pleasure hi recommending tbriaas o u*ej. fd! article tivnll wbo love pure water. Orders will be ! ihankfully-received and prom .Mly uiecuted. • , oetlP I ■' Ra-Virilfilo Vtl t«rl»* Ciwlt, FOR PC RIKVING WATEIt, • Which renders tdrbld water oure by , •i removing all substances not soluble kv wat> r. The ermon water in N. torr. flU# although clear and pure to the eye, yet jio»»o* an hsor through this f\ Earing rock showfri largo impure sub’.lance*. worms, Ac. Rua bthe case more or'less wi> it all hydrant . . The Reversible FUlertr io neat and dnrahle. and U not attended with the iue eaveulcnce Fillerer*, is eleanjw . without fre>tß the water pme, ; by merely wreujg the keyor oam n from one sideto the By tins course of w’hter U char igedj and alt accumulations U. impure .übftaneea are dnven off <?£“* i“2?S T i without unsfcrcwing >as Filter. It ai«' P®- , advantage dfbeiag a stop cock, and ■* onch in mas J cases wul he very c onvenieM and economic • Itc&n be Ittachef* where there isony pre*«ttr*blj t or low to a task, tank, tub, Ac. mth**•&*»& h. « a***, fat, , . . 'VKiS. ocufT' >ftfner of F<ta«h anu . _ HBtL A3D BBABS FOOMDItIf. j* AFtXLTON. B«H end l'n**® Founder, J ll1 * £& builiand commenced bosineM M«h3ie lie will be pleased » 100 bis old etutow Chare” JteaSboatfnnd Bell* n , f of'ihl mort armrov lo pounds, cast from of the l “°*j "P j\ r ° v ed models, hnd warrantedtobe “ f -^‘ft* 1 * I n "A‘ . lhcrwiiHe>ery variety cf-Umu Castings, it required,, tamed anJ'&rathed in the neatest mariner. • A F is (lie sole proprietor of Bazsas A»Tt-Arnn non Mnal, jo ju«By celebrated /or the redaction of friction in; machinery. .The Boic* and n c*nbeh*4ofbißiatailtiif'e*. Jmkij ! i •'. ■ W. lUkcr 1 ! Amerki*nn3 h<^lloCO^i^ l 1 the best products of Cocfta, free from adulteralion, rare nutritious than tea or epffct, andinuualtty nusur passed, the subsenber recommend* the manufactured br himself. asd stamped with to naffla His Bromaand Cocoa Voile.** delicate, palatable* and salatary drinks for invalids, convalescents, and others, are pronounced by life mast eminent physicians superior to any other preparations..- Hu manufacture* ue always on sale, in any quantity, by the most re ipectaWe grocers tn the eksmm -clues, and by tlieii agcftu, Hawci.Gray &eo.,tofßoston; James M Aco, lllttrtforajdorm; Husky & Murray, New Grant k Stone, V Brondige, BaL -nd E feX Ci 5S^?M-. g.. £ .Sm bacSlev t SMITH. A P . fJhtonable ami cemeteries. Persons Wshiag to procure hand some patients will please eUUnd aum f »nd judge fc r themselves. Ratling will be furnished at lb® aton «st notice, end in the best manner, atUe corner or ! a^^“^R!!. ,l Eai)N?*KNox.. W. A J, GLESS) Book Binder*. WB ere roll enroed in the aUwc bnimeu, corner of Wood nadTbi jd |atreeu, Fituborgh, where wo mo prepared to do any. work in our line patch. Weaitend lo our work personally, and »ro*- fueiion will be given la regard to it» ndaineM and dn rabiliiy. / • ] ituero tad bound »ub- B&nk Book* ruled toaiypeUe...—- ----- - BUciUllyi Books in numbers or old book* bouadearo fully or repaired. Names jiut on book* ( mgilt letter*. Tlioie that have work iaonr line are lnvuedto can. Prices lw.j L my»nf _ NOTICE. .. HAVING sold our enure stock to C. ILOmbt, with a Tiew tb doting oar lold basinets, we hereby »o* JJC,, for hta to p.irou«e W ITHE. POINDEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1848. CH. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and . Pofwanling Merchant, No. 41 water »t aulu BoUtiiCcQUnffdtoviirOntei)*** Marshall, Wallace a co, Round church, corner liberty and Wood streets, manufacture and offer far sale platform, Floor and Counter Scales, of the most improved quality] Cooking Stores, far wood andcoal; Egg Btovea ol various sues, Parlor and common Grates,' Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac. They also manufacture tbo Kitchen Eantfe, which has given tuen general sitisfaction to ibode haring it tn use, to all or which thiy would respectfully invite the nttenuon of the citixcha and the public generally. ocx27-dif Manufactured tobacco—The •ui»erii>ei would call Ore atleaiioh of the city trade end dealer* generally, totlie fallowing brand* Tobaeeo*, in store and to arrive, which being consignment* di rect from manufacturers, he i* enabled to soil at cart era l>ricc*t • 13) l bis R W Crenhhaw fis? 70 } “ June* Madison *" 8t I “ • LamartinO 311 > 11 Mira beau. 23 1 *• Praam 15 1 u Robert* A Sia*on 1 Hi | u Oscar Bari j “ Johns A Lewi* 3 | u Warwick, supr 43 I u Henry Adame* feb-rt •“ | L Pitt tfMbins Work* «j I ' rrmitasa, fa- JOHN W’RJUHTA CoWare prepared to build Colton and Woolffl'Machinery o/cverv description, such as Carding Machines- Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers, pressing Frame*,Loom*.|UnrdGrinder*»Ae. Wrought Iron Shaftiug turned; ofCasl'lron, Pollies and Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, uid tools of all kind*. Casting* of every description furnished on *hort notieeJ Paiiera* made to order for Mill Geanng, Iron Railini, he. Steam Pipe for hunt ing Factories. Cast Iron Wlwow Sash and fancy Cas tings generally. Orderallel# at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Liberty strsell will have prompt attea- to Blaekrtoek, Bell« Co. J. K. Moo rehead A Co., o. E. Warner, John Jrwift A Son*, Pittsburgh; C. C. k J. H.Waraer,-Sieub*nvilje : lanltt 5aW _ COACH- FACTORY, i suJwioikr. WHITE A COL w«ald respectfully inforr •hat iacy ||havi' •- -• ■ B^ATKr5aN J id #*a»dryi AT. tie public that ilcy|have ereetcd a shop on I.acock, between Federallardlpandnsky streets. They rare now making and are lo receive orders for every description of YcluclesJCoaches, Chariot's, Bn roucoes, Buggies, Phwtoqs, &4c., which fromtheir lone dxperjence in Ute mtuiuf icture of the above work) and the faciUtiesthey hafe,tl ey fed confident they are enabled to do work on the bm at reasonable terms with th»»e wanting articles in iheir line paying particular attention fo the •election of mate* riair, and having none bjit competent workmen,' they have no hesitation In warranting their -work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. y*. ii. Repairing done ih the best manner, and on die most reasonable terms, j . | ja*frtf mo'COTTON AND IWQOLEN MANUFACTU* J. RERS.—Hiving made KntnßCinenU .for a cOa suuilsopptyof FACTORY MNIIiNGS, wo-Will selj ■t low prices Calf and Sheep poler Sluns, Lace Lea* ilier. Pickers, Reeds, ShuiUed Hemp Twine Treadles? No. 5 to 15 Bell fttnChe*) Wifeoebes, Strippm* Cards, I'S, 1 *? m y 4 • 1i» W>o street. PUfbantb. Mhbcffc Forrester, HM4; B. Campbell ft Co’* old £® 16(0: Pitre Juice par- Pare Jolee, ihrebl«?dou je wine* are all celebra- Is, and can bo Lad whole [h of Po»TwH«mS6iiwy r .wa Pare rich and dry, Goulj dry ISJ3. Osboarn’s 16ttj PH titclar Port, Harris A Sons, jl blc and sinyto Grapes. Tbes led for their medical nrofenil cile or retail at the Wine Std _J>* 4_J lACOB WEAVER, Jr. P>S! ale a large and aplendid md mahogany grand Ac* at Coleman'* celebrated jve instrument* are war* infactnred in this coun «r any brought- from the II&IB, No m Wood at, I' sd door above 6th Uten at par far a few of r mya 1 -F. K. jp«r tltaa Karari, . , Importer* and Wboleaala intleryand Saddlery, No Eiavo now in store a very of Hardware, itupomo Europe, and whicn they ndingly low. Merchant* going East, are pardon* k through our stock, aa ill save their expeneea TUB sttbtenber offer* !for J assortment ofro*e»t>odj uon l'ianos, with arid iColiau Attachment- Tbn ail routed to be equal to an# ma try, ami will be sold lower tl East. F 'P L ] N. B.—City Scrip will bo t| he above assortment. 1 1 HirdwiS*—Ch««fl LOU AM. WILSON A pO/T Dealer* in Hardware, L 121 Wood street, above Fifth cheap and wull selected,il(K sioce the decline ol pneda b are determined to sell cofte ip who have been in the habita larly requested to call and 1 wo confidently believe the# M[l _ 1 T tIALVsiiJNS— gel / very 6ne article.. At Skims from the mouuraeu which the attention of b* l received and for sale by jc!.*7 Patent Solar l»a i assortment of Cornpl i facta re, and superior tq 1 1 churches, steamboats. foe i private halls, and to all Ot. and brilliant light is deslr Al*o,Girandole*, Hall L Shades, Wicks, Gas Chandeliers, from no decs >V Btune Kreach-Calf Skins, a Tfew dozens. Philadelphia jry of H M Crawford. 10 it makers ii invited. Just T W YOUNG fc Co, U 3 libenr «t [d LAMPS—An extenuve fsA Co's celebrated raano jo ersln use; adapted to Ims .dwellings, public and jra »• where a cheap, safe' lie nterDf, Candelabra»,Globe*, Cans. Trimmers,Ac. Also., lo four lights. y WILSON. 40 mnrkcis : T WASTKDi UKNERaB AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Yonug MEN In wholesale ;aad retail storea, und other respectable business, to let as Bookkeeper*, Sole*, men, i’orlcts, Bar-keepbr 1 Waiter*, I«umert, CMd»- raen Car Agenli, Book! ai ,tl Map Agent*, Coiletfors, Uvcneer* in all braneijed of bosineis, Ac. We Jave mi all times a large imtibi r of good Mtuatioiuon head, „ >hich pay from 3UO to iSt |OUO per -annum. Those In *. \nl ©Ciituations ofady 1 ind would do well to give „ colt, a* wo have agei ts in each of the above eh ?:!■ which will enablclu* to place every applicanl in » ..liii dile situation at tie (honest notice. We have o ?*“" a djuaintonco -U the above named cities, winch V 3 trust Will ervu ie n» to give entire tauofoc ifn^ C to oil who ‘"ay M or “ '"to* * C “'i : . uon JO »li YLOR £ XAY >IAN, No.» Second it, * I between South and (jay. • N n— Pei sons Brink a any port of the U. States, »ml wishing t-*» obtain a i ituatlon in Baltimore, or eu ?h,T?thftfbov’c cities! 'rill have their want* imme diacy ?tlendU W dd< icing n. a Une, tpoit-paid) n» bv .o doing ihtry arUl rartaU both, trouble on* ex i which they othero ise would incur by coming f c “' e «Yr recking employment for themselves. ? * *** Yaylob A TAYMAN, Address, t No/59 Second street, my2s:dlf lj _ Baltimore, ftd -—si miLlttP jgOB. OBAMPB. e^cn - 'person subjects sudden attacks, no family ihould be without ATKINSON, - - ti. between Wood and Market PiTTSBCitOU I'JifllAXiE IMBTITCTI6 StiLK Second SereM oftii* InstltaUoa, under the 1 i-areof Mr and Mil. GtsscU, for ihstflitietit academic year will commence on the first of hebrua E^SE !taX»«rBiidtoc^No.«l^nyw^. ArreiiAemenu have been made by which they will -bhabto tofnniishyoinigladieafacdi^Wa 1 "^ niihe for obtaining* thorough .English, '-lassi OM&ntal eTlccatibn. A fj comr . Pa. lihonh eal a.|d Chemical Lecture* wUI be delivered dume thew’ntcr, illdsuated by apparatus. Thcde m Vocal arid. Instrumental Music, Modern *" jatO-dU ! ... * ' Dr. UcLans l» Tsmums. rrtHlS is to certify !ihat-Ipnrcha»ed oneri&lof Dr. i MolLm's Worm Specific, some twp ago ~o io a son of itunei some seven years old, two SiS. fall? and dthougli the amount may appear £s*£>Vat I have nV doubt buUhcre was upwards of llSS\lSai= w»if torn him, m'uumi «“ <m. suin', or w Roae** eo. Tcnn., Dec 27.1h47. .JaS4_ BENNETT &■ BROTHER^ ttFEENSWAib MANUFACTUMHB BlrmlmcbamilMAftr PtUabur«h,}Fm. VfarduxueT No. 11V7, Wood ttrtd, PUUburgh. vsaf\ WlLLconst* tly keoponhandagood ■»»«• SSJmcnt ei Wai' i of our own manufacture, and && taperi orq u all /. Wholcaalo usd country Mer- W Jhantß hre rei Jeelftally invited to call and ex amine for , a* we are determine cheaper then been offered to tba pub- Inr Ordrr*«enlbf t it? reference. will t ptoanUy »mtt_ded_tg-. mo THE LADIES- Jn»l ref"'" 1 ! X of gold and atlvd Thread. eh* l D niher or- Spai.Sli.andßallio , tor mbmdelkjr Bid olta i£- namenul ere.k. Al. i, gold end Taaaela, Fringe, “j'eiSJr o'Dm late l faahi.oaa, In fef£uUni>> Watclrea of aoperjir qualrry and dnaale a. h, . V %KsSDai|.n>TnSir«TAßi.i»B. A?SSSSS|e? £*£,>3% s?‘ nmc “ l 10 rol " - .mscfiiCMEtm . SKW STOCK OP^PIAWOsV JOHN H. MELLOR, No. stt Wood street, fta*iu»i received a new stock of Piano Fortes from the foU lowin' celebrated manufactoreri,*- A fT«onliX»Y' One Rosewood 7 oeucarved mtbe style ofLooi« A.v. One do ■ 7 do do do ct> . One do 7do round comers, plain earring. One do 7 do plain toned corner*. Ono do 61 do elegantly cured. One do 61 do plain round corner*. One do 61 do do - do Onfc do 6 do eanred furniture. On* do ; 6 do plain round comer. • One do 0 Jo do do One do 0 do plain square. All tbe above are from the cclebroted mMufaetory of Cbiekeriiur, Boston, and are warranted In nil ea«N and the purehaae money refunded, if found defective in any particular; the prices are the same “ at the manufactory, and arc a* low a*' those oi tnfen or quality from other makers. Auo «c*nnt»— • - M v Seven Rosewood 6«ct'« fronrllacon k Raven, W. * • One do 0 do do IL Worcraier, N. Y. <Two do 6) do', do Beeon Raven,N. »- Ona do 6 'do ‘ do Galea 4 Co. N. »•. All therebove Piano Pone# warranted in every re* apeet, belli* made exprewly to order, and are rue-h a* can be-relied oo for durability; even in tooeb, and of superior tone. JOHN ll* MfcLLOR. Sole A*eot for sale of Cblekenng’* Piano Fort** # p{7 for Western Pennsylvania. FtlMlloth Cowered Flanoe. • . TIIE subscriber baa just completed rtock of PIANOS, composed of 0, 7 oetavcs of every vanety o«. || V if I »iyle and price, with and without Coje nian’i celobralcd .Eolian Attachment, from the ®®j®* brated factory of Nairn* A Clark.. New \ork. They are all provided with the above important improve mfenx. AH other Piano maker* in Una country, coyer tbb hammer* (which strike the jtnnß and pr«loce um tone.) with leather. This, »dmn, wear* badly, the leather growing hard and harsh, and uiu* caanny, after the Piano baa been used a ■ wlule. i» moat disagreeable, harah and wiry tone- Nanoa &Clark hate within the last few montAifcovered the hammers witb/ett-efetA, an entirely r.ew Invention, pred«ein*_a mort mtiodioea and voluminous tone, which *ull tm pravea by age, instead of growing harah and nara, a leather necessarily do-s. Thi- may safely he P£ aooneed the greatest nnprovwßcnt in I »unoy jet in rented The interior of these Piano* u ®°^“ c r ‘>‘7 gilded and embellished, altogether the richest finish Imaginable. Keeping. an assortment o. Roston ari other Piano*, the public can convince themselves o the superiority of fell to leather, by ealim«*nd u>* 0 the instruments. H. hUpKR, Sole Agent for Nunns *• c i ir V n . At J. W. Woodweir* N. B,—The above will be told at “ttnufaetarera prices, and the money returned it found In the lea t KlcecUve* Pi PAPER. HANGINGS. KBSSBfI. JAB. BOWABD * OO.i No. 82 Worn! Street, WOULD call the attention of the public « their present Block of Paper Hangings, which for va ne™, beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, u on surpaned by any establishment in the Union. Beside* a largo and foil assortment o f paper of their ownmanufacture,they are now receivink adtfcct tm portatioa ofFreach and English eiyl« tut, parehased by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the firm, now m Europe, consisting of Parisian manufacture, Oflheifown manufacture they hare Wall Paper, and LyXX) piece# saun glazed Window B Messrs? jbtaei Howart} & Co. have ipared neithei expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival ue cast ern wall paper establishment*, both in qualn>j>rman afaemro and variety of pattern; and they are warrant ed in assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and home manuiac tare, will be offered On terms as low as those of easi en manufacturers and importers. _ wZrraxsa p*LMtx__ josiipa^_wn.a.&si PALJttBUtHASNA A CO., (Successor* to Hussey, Hanna « G°-J BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealuM in Foreign and Domestic C*™"* * l** of Do petite, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fount street, nearly opposite the Bank of Piiunurfih. Current mo ney received on deposite—Sight Checks for sals, and collections made eu nearly afl the principal pomtr in the United Stales. j 'fhe highest premium paid for Foreign and American Advances made on consignments of l’roduce,ship- 1 ped Eat,* on liberal terms. °F?\ __ CREATIN VEN HON!—VALUABLE DISCOVER Yl ' I*AT*«t SeCCUEI JaXCABT Ist, iti-19- Patent cro3*ievJr extension Tables, So/as, Burfaut, Book Como, Writing DuL t. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. mpE TABLES fur surpassing-every other tn- I * vention of the kind now crtsnt. Tlicy can t*r ex tended trom ten u> twenty-five-fret, and when closeu th’e leaves are all contained they arc mode to all siaeaand shapes, and are admirably adapted lor Steamboats, Holds, and large private families, (orin inc when closed'a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are invul uable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise room, and convert a'»leepuig*aparunent Into a i parlor ot silling room, as they, can be owned and shut at convenience, and when shut, the bedding if eocloM ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the wa steads when closed lorm a beautiful picee oi furniture for a parlor or sitting room. . . . . r BOOK CASES—A neat and useful article for parlor of drawing room. WKITiNODESKS—For law office*, counting room*, and other offices; when opened a most convenient wd stead, ‘when closed a perfect Desk and Library nlonc AI? *lhf so articles need no recommendation: the \-aatr of the whole is, they are warranted not to cet oat of repair. It will be for your interest* to call and examine the articles, nt the manufacturer's store, Mi. S 3 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above “‘’'“'SST’ t ' 7 “ '"jiaSKv TooDWELL. "THKAttKOaiEIfKU . mjiE attention of the public .is reipeetruity called to I the following eemheutos: v Ma. S. Estins—Having tasted a Quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometot, I find the-reran proves your instrument correct; and recommend the use ot it to those going to California, as the best method for ob taining tie teal value of Gold. Eesp. rdufs, 5 j.. 8. DUN LEVY, Gold Ceatsr. Pittsburgh, March 9,1649. • Pirmnca, March 7,1&W. Mi-EfcKto—D&wSir. Having examined the-*‘Arefw oeiet," manufactured at your roam*, I do not cteiuue to commend it to the iin of those gentleraarr who are about removingto Callforniaia aaajchoiuold. Tt elves a clote approximation to the specific fi»Tt ty of metal*, and will VM adventurer t» ascertain when hit placer it XkldinfGcld. marl? Yours, tetp*r 1 _ R- "PvM^.T 0 -• TWDirRIiBnER CLOTIUNG—Just received fortfie I California Expedition, a compleie assortment of Gum Elastic Clothing, ax prices ranging from SSJO to itliOfar tait of coal, pant* ouA haL ror talc at the Mm R»bl*, aWo ° d ‘ ] L tl l rmLlJl-S ; Kb aio VXI , THE »üb*criber has removed hi* Wholenie Groce ry Store to the corner of Hancock sirtei iuiu Alie “X‘ d “'‘° ‘'"onN ““i'KRRY_ WILLIAM HKISS, Mannfaetnrer of Mineral WaUr apparatus, fisa or tax ooldci xaouc akd'focstaw.' No. 813- North Beeond «t., above Vine, PIUUA.DIiL.FUIA- e . . . » N experience of were than twelve year* mine A manufacturing of Mineral Water Apparent*, ami therreparetion of Mineral Water in Bcttka and Foun tain*. on an exteiuive Kale, with a scientific and prac tical hnow ledge of ofboth brancho* of business, toge ther with recent improvement* in the coiiitruction ot the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water, which behu wceceded In adopting since hia Ti«it to 1 anr, and after years of dose study and practical appiiea- Uom a* applied to the arts in Mechanic* ajtd Chendf irv. enable* the *ob*eriber to come .before the with entire confidence, and offer them the best and most complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Min eral Water in Bottle* and Fountain*, that can be fur nished in the United Slates. - He also flatter* himself that tho enlarged **ce«s he ho* met with, and the present extensive and daily in creasing amounrofhU business in bolhthe above de partments, ftirni*be«the most convincing proof of his | claim to the superiority of Apparatus o ver those ol all : others, and of the pnnty and salubrity of tho Pr K“oM wS f o°rto lilt Apparatus from a Jit mate, mav be a**ured that their instructions shall be faithful ly complied with, and so packed as to carry safely either by land or water to any part of the U. S tates. To avoid disappointment, it tt recommended to those who intend supplying themselves the approaching ?«•«■ to forward their orders at us early a day a* con- Te M?neral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and Fountains, Ornament*! Urn* and Pedestals for ritaiulH. Counters and Bar* ol drawing Uydrom Water, together with Corking and Tying Machines, aud everything appertaining to the above buiir.e-H. constantly on hand, and for saleou the dor cash, ... «4>^deodi..n ~oaEW'WESTERX § ADDLE. HABNR?3,f RUNK AND Will!* MAN UFACToRY. —The subscriber loirs.this metijcJ ria «•«»«>• A 1 m “ J ” 10 "^"kkbily! WoihTobr, Sla J Churns, Hath TuU, HaHHushr^Ae. Horse Bucket, 1U iu , t„, c mail© to crdti All other tinil* of vv KItOIJSRN\_ rTnnA-TT-UuLirfiuPbLLVor'FoliViuni;, a.neWly M°,Ssl.Siy.«i»> , ““ io' C'oo“*' s ““ c - Rouge, Ac- ' . j, i nTa |itable for their silver Families fc*™g£L| n short, u-remarked by the and e 0! ! l f r * t I_ 1( , r |caii,'’lah“ article upoail, -of all the ‘•ScieuuCc tq npplicd to polish (ila** “‘i I ’BeuaU. none can equal that tubsUuce known by and Metat*' TriuoU—tbl* >« a superior anblfl to that the nam e ‘i, by the Venetians,ami tued br palmy day* ol rluw making, to give it iSnfncculiar polish so raooli admired by other nations. 1, .hmlu l*l« o.eiy toly ••< «“?»?'» ’‘M- . Premium Strawberry Pltiu, ATGRKKNWOODOAUDIJJi.— Bout’* I'rue* tltc premium plain, 81,00 per hundred. Victoria end Hover * Seedling*, SO cents per hundred—all thrifty nlmai» warranted. Order* from it dinaace carefully out.up and.forwarded. Alto, alarge collection of Greenuouee plant*. Faitolpb aud Taylor’* Seedling I care* the Allegheny City end of the St Clair Street Bridge, for the Garden,' every half boar during the day. Tbo (team boat will commence it* «K»r> 1-to "«” i^- ES a m!p«i worsted asAyodlen HWi 6MHpa snd Jidkk; ?i!t »r.d satin Cr»T»»M(T“‘Mbbom, 'Fringes: Irish Ljncrt,^s ve Velvets, et-nud .tabl* Cutlery, and many °^®Lso r invited country and city Merehahis aio' ee»pecUaUJ{*“P“i* n eiammo- • • ***** FAYETTE MAWTFACT'DaiS&G^*.: MANUFACTVRK Ad wiU keep on J«a4 and Steam Boat Blanket*.- Domestic, blue.brown and drab Blanket Coating. Satinouanp Woolen Yarn, which they will *c)l at Eastern-prict*- Warehouse No U 9 Second st, Pittsburgh, ra-’ . Factory, New Haven. Fayette go. Pa. SEW GOODS. ‘YirEhav'oittst received a large and complete stock Vf of CLOCKS, Variety and Fancy Good*, solu ble for the fall trade, to wUirb, with every de»eriplion ofLookinrGlutt* monafaetaral .uonrown steam power shop in tlii* city, we ask the attention of West “* Mmh “ ,, “ iO ' ! " r KKNNroYtsAWYra, ; ipl 2o cdrner Wood and Fourth st» K«w Stjrl* Carpet*. • WiI’CLINTOCK, 75 Eonrih^treet, . now receiving W* bow Fall *tock of Carpett, among which are some of.tto liyle* now in the country. Tho«c. wuhing u> farmihhouM* or .team boat* are reipcatMiy «e the now *tyle« and low price*, the aubtenbera now o^eceivlJd U ibiB n day, direct from the Importer* and mM (S» ydanow ItyioTapestry Bruaela Cupeu; . 2000 “ “ “3 ply Imperial . 2l • - 10000 « “ “ roperfine Ingrain do 6000 “ u “ fine “ s®. SOQOeomraon • “ , °® • • All of which will be *otd low /or cash, a* low a* AND DESIRAULE CAUTKIS•P" “jj SjgisrrrsssSgF^Saj frHKNCII bLAOI{ Wnipny aM r oppnedio^JayßfrtihlotoflheaboTaKW^fr 0 ® two dollar* per yard up to luperfino in approved manufacture, lo which b ® £*{?s?!w*n eT tiici the attention cfbuyera. AUo, bfaek aad-fttCT Casiimerea, Satin Vailing*, muibn, merino andeouon TJndenhlrti, Hosiery and*We*, black luliau and fancy CraTatt, at lowcuhpnce*. Merehanu wilt find it to their adtantage to examme the stock in Wholesale Ilaom, up *»«». bef ®^f ßT ! lag their good*. * ’ *? --—- DRYGOODS. MURPHY, WILBOB CO.» : N'o. 49 Wood St., PimirMH, ARK now receiving their usual *upplie» of Good* for the Fall season, which they will ho. happy to exhibit to their old customers, and aa many new_ ones as may feel inclined 10 present themselves. , : Always taking great pains to lay in sochgoodsM are adapted to the wants of the e stern trade, whieU long experience enables them to do, they eaa sat Ytu much confidence, and without entering into a d«Uj : of their stock, that the'Westera retail merchant,™ End with them alLUlal his customers require; These who have formed tbe anprofttable habit ofwpsinng; to the Eastern cities lor thgir stocks of Dry ooodfi would dowoll to ea«, as a candid eomparuon of pri ce* would In many cases resnlt tn the convietioa that tbs expense of going farther may be obviated by buy ing in Pittsburgh. ' apU3 _j HKW'FAU. OOODB. Yirr R. MURPHY is now receiving bis &»X Fal Vf • sapply of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, and btg already opened an assortment of new and beaati-, ful styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted, fast colors, and neat new style Fall Muslin do Laines; A'.paeca* arid Mooair Lustre*; l)ara&*k fig’d and striped do I’armettos and Lyonese Cloths; j - Ofih*j mast desirahlo colors; and a full supply.of bleached and unbleached MasUnSf Irish linens, Man* Chester Ginghams, dte., al northeast comer Foarti and Market its. Buyer* are Invited t*» call and •*** *pt3 BENCH MERINOS—Of all the deuraAle color*, tucli as Maroon, Garnet, cherry, scarl«,.«ltferent green drab, anil black; ~ .. „ ot at! tiu above•• T* ry variety of quality and of all lie tieairablc color#, now Hoass of iptU WRMVBFHY Mourning goods—w. r. Murphy hu now open an cxtenrive assortment oflllsek Goods, including Bombazines, French Werinoes, Palmetto*, Mouse de I. nines, Mourning Alpaceas, ana other Mourning Goods. - . ept!4 _ M‘ lUTARV pOODS.—Cap*, Plumes, Swords, Sabl es, Epauleuei, Lace, Buttons, Flag*, and all the trimming* necessary to equip volunteer companies. ID* Volunteer companies equipped a* complete ana cheap as done In the East, at tne MUltinr ncr Market and Fourth stf. \VW WILSON -I\ B.—The Uni tec State* Bos) and Tenor Drum*, of Germantown make, for *ole and warrant od by . «pt 4 . W. w, w. SIIACKtKTT M. WHITE, ,• • DRY GOODS JOBBERS, V 9 WOOD STRECT, , , v A KB now receiving a very larjantnek or fresh- Good*, of recent narehaso and unportatian,wWcii tney will stUlo the trade'at lueh price* a* cannot fail to aiveeutirs oatisfantion. . , ■ _ . City and Country Slercbant* are invited to call aao czamino ourrioca before purchasing drew**- . . mya 1 ; * HBff GOODB, 1849. . ' KENNEDY it SAWYER, eoraer Wood and Fourth street, Eire now from a large stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, including Clocks of every variety, cold and silver Watehe*, Jewelry, French-Prim*, Combs, Ilook* and Eye*. Gloves and Hosiery, Suspender*, Gan Cap*, and ail Other articles in their line—ali of whieh having oeen purchased personally of the manufacturer* ea*t, D4* nne the Inst wiutet, cxpre**ly for the Spring trade, will he sold wholesale at a small advance on cost. Constantly on hand, all descriptions of Looking Glass es, of uur own manufacturing, at eastern price*. mhß3 VTEW FANCY-AND YAIUETYGOODS—At ZVB J\ ULONKJNSRY’S, 07 Market street. IOU ore fine Chiaa.Voses, ass’d; ITS seta .twist and cm velvet coal Ballons; 40 fine velvet Carpel Bags; 20 Co do cent’s traveling! 100 gross fancy «lk Buttons, for dresses; 10 dcz Nail Brashes, ass’d; 100 gro fine blk Vest Buttons, ess'll; 250 do do gill and plated, do; 25 dot rosewood Hair. Brashes; Ado Washington do; lVlo Barbers do, 3 gro Rah Lines; Rah Hooks, Lime* "JEWELRY. Ac.—so gold lever Watches SO do dec laehed lever Watehes; 10 do Leptne do: 10 fine dia mond Finger Rings;. 1 doz fine gold Vest and Fob Chaim; Bdo do Guards; Breast Kas, Finger. Rings, 200 dot Ladies Colton Gloves, ass’d; 3W do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, &o.;lp do genu’ silk Gloves; 12 do do kid do; SO do ladies kid, assM; 10 do do fancy top silk. / . VARIETY GOODS—73 pigs American Pins; 300 bxs Cottou Cords; 75 ps Paper Muslin; SW,a» ribned percussion Cap*; 200 gro dress Whalebone do; 100 doa Ivory Combs; Pressing Combs, Back Combs, «c. «e. ap9 • - g, or (j^ufornla, ItHE celebrated Hazard Rifle Powder, in kegs, half NOTICE. WHEREAS, John P. Hopewell, of the city of Pitta* burch, Merchant Tailor, bf his deed, bearing date the 25th day of July, A; DvlsW," and rtcorded ln th-Rec. rdePs Office’of Allegheny countty, indeed book Vol.sfvptgo 4M, assigned and. transferred to me all his estate, real and personal, in trust forfait credi tors: NOTICE it hereby given to all persons indebted to *a ; d estate to make payment to the Undersigned, and nugll _ ' Pittsburgh^ uixalNG. EIGHT BATHS FOR ONE DOLLAR, or a tingle Bsth for -fifteen cents. : .... . . . f • Ladles Department opetifroSlO to tl o clock, A. M., and 2 to 5 o'clock; P-hi. ’ ' Alhenxum Saloon and Bathing Establishment j y i S . . T. M'FALL, Propnctor MR: ELIJAH KVroN-S CERTIFICATE TO jDR JAYNE.—This certifies, that immediately alter having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, lt4'A 1 taken sick with the Gon^P or Liver fcomoiaim.-und was reduced so disease,that lor four yean I wet unable to ■*£““£ my business,either at home or obroad, beingfor™.® most umc confined to my bed. During we.abovc pen od of time, 1 had expended for nc regular Physicians and medicines, to lAe> 3000, without receiving any-benefit July, I&JS, 1 fcOmmcnced taking Df :.J*T ne cine*, and have taken them more or lew ever since, and *believo that ii was by persevering n their use, Sot 1 cau now truly say. that 1 have completely rec>. vered tnv ffi. I believe that Jayne's Sananve PiUa ITd ffictorant are ihe best fomlly medicines now In “Treride in Springfield, Otsego county; N. Yn and carry on afumace and machine shop-in that place, and orn not interested la any manner ULthe sale oflhe al«»vo medicines, end tnako this ecruheato lor the ben efit ofihoie hifiioled. .. .„.,r LUAII t ypnogficld, N. Y., 9cpt.lfl ISI9. important to the afflicted. i Dr. Rest's Celebrated Rsmedlei. Dll j \COB S-i ROSE, thediseoverer and*sola pro* j 'prir'.'T of these most popular and beneficial med* ‘ ii-iiic*- ami also tX* inventor of-tho celebrated lustra* . tnrni for hiDhul| iha-Jiungs in effecting a cure of 1 Clifoni': diseases, was a student of that eminent .physi ri m Doctor Phytic, anii u a graduate of tbe UniTeru* tv’on’cimxUtt-fi, and for limy ye,arrf since has been neaped in theinveshgation of disease, aad the appli cation o( remedies-thereto. Through' the use of hia inoaans.tuie,in connection with tut Prophylactic Syrup andotherofht*remedies, Ur ho* gained an unpuralcUed eminence in caring Uiofe dreadful and fatal maladies, TnbercularCcn- Fumptinn, Cancers, Scrofula- Rheumatism, Asthma,- Ferer and Aguof Fevers of all kinds; ChionroKrysipe* lat and ail those obstinate diseases peculiar to females. Indeed every fortaof disease vanishes under the sac of ids remedies,to which humanity' la hdr—not by the. use of one compound only/fonthat is lrenntpalible with Physiological Law, bat by the nse of- hU reme-f diet, adapted to and prescribed tor. each peculiar form °*Dr* C Ro»c ! » Tonic Aiteradre Pill*, when wed are in/ variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as a purgative or Uver pilL inasmuch as they leave the bevels perfectly free from costiveness; as also his •Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to possesspeeu* liar properties adapted to female diseases, but being satisfied that a bare trial Is sufficient to establish what has been said in the minds of tbe most skeptical. - ‘ The afflicted ereinvitedto eallupon the agent and procure (gratis) one of the Doctor!* pamphlets, g»ytn# I a detailed acemyit ofeaeh remedy, and us applieauoa- I'or sale by the following agents, as well as by most i . J n“«!o.l,irwsin.«B«*M« " cl _ t I** A Beckham,' u near tho P. O. Allegheny c»y» . • Jos Barileyi Darlington, Beaver county, Pf* Jno Elliott Ennon Valley, „• „ TAUams, Beaver, novlO-dlV__ ——* and has been w S l *2 I *PJ?jL Jj;n C 6 me administration of it.' From the success J have heard of, 1 am T “°«,lsllilSre donor*<? confident l con s* ll , lw j w reC oiTe another sep lUanldidlosL "^ftSTjespeethUy,* piyofdorsgTOss. r. CARTER. • P »lfi»T ‘i- F -SELLEK3,n Wood B, JKSJgSiSSpDKrtr. lerOajr- ■ ...H;-.'-/; I ' YOli. XVII. NO; 64 SELLERS’ LIVER PP-t-ft WAS MY. . BtmJO,,P«n-9«pt-SS,LSU. Air. R- E. Seller*—De*» SriTlfeerit U a duty I owa . . us the public, as well a* t»4he credit of your Liver PUli, u itate the good effect* produced byutcir uto tu ary own ease. ; During the month of June, lpJ*» 1 took. vfry unwell, my appetite failed, andmystrenjth was?.; entirely prostrated, with *ererepaia taaysde and. i - sloolden. Imi told by oedleal men that my disease. j ■aaaeevereaßmckpf Uvereomplaiau Itookseve d boxes of AT Lane* Liver Pilli, and eame * Trope, hlch I was told was good foT that disease,' but efte?' -. SI I was getting worse. . I finally concluded to ’■ yaelf under the care of a physician for .better or tporse; but, fortuniwly, iuitatttls tfme r J wax tot* ; by the Rev. L Kibleek, of this pla>*a, that a friend had eat him a boxof.Selkn’ iiv*r Kris from Pituburgh, rhich bad- benefiued him very 1 forthwith _ eat for m box of your Liver Pilit, and by. the fiae.l ris done using them, I was satisfied that it was. luit . be medicine , that suited ay ewe. I sent for more,' tnd took five or six boxes, and found myself, almost ■ entirely cured; bm inMareh last I e*ugbte severe old, which brought- baek the duease, and (nation, iumlwas a* bad as ever; I again had reeourso to ; ow Liver Pills, and took them every other tught for ijfwMki, aSoccasloaally dm. and 1 can now*»>, 1 hit l ean bow say, that I -met little If any symptom*. = ofihe liver Complaint, andmy general health U as. igoodnowasithasboenforihelssilDyesrev ;,• My neighbors ash.taewhowms my docwr. . them that Sellers’ liver Pills was my doctor, and n) the blessing of Divine Providence the »«a*of: me. lam confident that when tbe public, become aa- , tjuaintod with the value of your Inver F£D, the de mand for them wilUneteass.’ Many of * to whom 1 have recommended the pills, can tebtity to . - their value, as well as to the fact* above.stated- Respectfully yours* ? GKOW*Mua**- ,-_ ■ TotH« Ptmtc.—•The Original*, only truoandgenu ttine Liver Pill* are prepared 'byltfli. Sellers* and ; have bis name stamped lq black wax upon ’.the ltd of each Box.aadhiangnatursoathe : outsidewr*pper.- £7*All othera are counterfeits, or base imitations, - t. Ipt27 R.E SELLERS, Proprietor. 07 Wood «t CAUTION EXTRA* , A man by the name of RDEL CLAP P has enraged - •with a young man of the name of S. P. Townsend, and • use* his name to put up a Sarsaparilla,'which they call Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, denominating it ; GENUINE, Original, etc. This Townsend i« nqdoc tor and never was, but was formerly a worker oa rail roads, canals, and.the like. Yet he assumes the title. of Dr a for the purpose ef gaining credit for what he 1* not. He is sending oat card* headed “Tncks ot Quacks,*!!! which he says, I havo sold the u*e of my. name for #7 a week. I will give 8. P. Townsend fSW if he will produce one single solitary proof of this.— This is to caution the public not to J»„d«j; k f purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dri Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, having mill the Old Dr.«u Ukfrrw, his family coal of arms, and hu ilg n.Uln,„re„«.r«»j,iooß^OWSßl^ I) ; 'Principal Office, 118 Nassau st, New York City-... OLD * JACOB ’ Kl TOWSBEND, THE ORIGINAL (DISCOVERER or tbs WP Gsnucot TOWISEfI) S<lAPAßlbLi. : . Old Dr. now about 70 yean of age, and baa long been known a* tbo AUTHOR and DISCO VEBEHoftheOENUIN*EOaiO!NAL tf TOWTi3EWD SARSAPARILLA.’’ Being poor; ho was compelled to limit-ill manufacture, by which mean* it boa been, kept ont of market, and the .-sale? circumscribed to thoao only who had proved its worth 'and known us value. This Glass ass UssQoaLLO psxraaatixif is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called ujr throughout the length and breadth of the land. (Jnuie young 8. P, Townsend's, it improves with . age, and never changes, but for the better; la prepared on scientific principles by a tcieliUac inan. ; The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and, the latest diacaveriesofthe Art, have ajl been brought into .re qaiallisn in the manufacture ct the Old Dr. s Sarsapa rilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it la well known to med ical men, contains medicinal properties, any perties which axe inert or uteles*; and other*, which, if retained in preparing it for juae, produde fermenta tion and aeid, which la Injurious to the system. Some oflhe properties ot Sarsaparilla are so watflethat they entirety evaporate and are lost in the prepara tion, if they are not preserved; by a seienlife process, known only, to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover these volatile principles, which fly off in va por, or as an exhalation, under heat, are t to very es sential medical properties ofthosroot, whl igives-to it all its value. The , ! GKSIJCra % OLD DR. JACOB TOWNS»ESD?S SARSJ PARILLA' ia so prepared; that all the inert properties of the Sar saparilla root are first removed, 5 every tb ng capable ofoecomiog acid or of is ex xaeted eno rejected; thenavery particle of medical vir ne is aeon red in a pure and concentratedJbrm; an! thus ill* rendered incapable of losing any of its vAluablean' healing properties.- Prepared tit this way; it is made m CU^OF U INNUMERABLE . • Hence the reason why we hear ccmmer*Jauona_on every side inits favorbv men, women and'children. We find it doing-wonder* ia the care of CcUMiinpyon, Dyspepsih, and Liver Complaint, and In Rheumatism, Scrofula and Piles, Costiveness, all Cutanfeous Efup- It possesses a marvellous effieacy ia all! complaints arising from Indiy*stioa,,from Acidity from unequal circulation, determinati' head, palpitation of the heart, eold'fe* cold chills and hot flashes oyer tee had its equal in coughs and eoldt; 0 expectoration, and gentle persplrar lure of the lungs, throat, and every But in nothing is iu'exeellease r acknowledged than io^sintu It works wonders In eases Failing of the Womb l Obstraei ttl Meases, Irregularity of the the like; and is effectual in car ney Diseases. By removing o! ting the general system, it give the whole body, and cures ail I "NERVOUS DISEASES and thus prevents or relieves i diseases, as Spina! Irritation, Danee, Swooning, Epileptic Fit not this, then, Tax MxDtcutx to? But caU any of there things I scad's interior article! This 1< to be COMPARED WITH' beeause of the Grand Fact, Ur of Detenoration and NEVER er DOES; it sours, fennenu. a containing It into fragments; the » ploding and damaging other goods! tibia compound be poisonous to t put acid Into a system already i What causes Dyipepsiabutacid! that when (bod soars bx our stums it produce*!—flatnlenee, hearth at heart, liver complaint, diarthma, 1 corruption ofthe blood! What t ; humor in the body! What pt i which bring on Eruptions of I gait Rheum^Eryslpelas,White f 1 and all ulcerations internal a; ing under heaven but an acid and thus spoils all the fluids/ What causes Rheumatism' bt insinuates itself between the. rit&dng and inflaming the let upon which it aets! - So of ae nty of the blood, of deranged all the aliments wfaieh a duet t Now, is it not horrible to mi ly worse to use this • SOURING, FERMENTING. OF 8. P. TOW and yethtf would fain have it cob Townsend’s Genuine Qri| imitation of Ms inferior prepa Heaven forbid that we she which would bear the most’di P. Townsend’S article! and w> upon the Old Dr. such a mount «nd criminations from agents' l chasers who have used S. P. Compound! ' We wish it understood, bee truth, that S. P. Townsend’s a Townsend's Sarsaparilla are Infinitely dissimilar, that the lieolar, having not one sing) It is to arrest frauds upon w balm into wounded humanityJ to - . despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi rar into the crashed and broken and to banish infirml* tv—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND thfe'opportunlty indmeans to bring Jus Gum UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY. -wilMnthe reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it, that they may learn aid knowl by joyrjibex* |perienee,iUTiaa>cxs»MCWrtrßaTori«*i.l / . For sale by J. KIDD A CO., Wholfcsale Agent for ; Western Pennsylvania; J. BSHTD, Bhmlttfcflsi Dr. J. SABGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASShbb, EJrih : ward, 0. W. GARDNER, Sth jward, Ifttlsburgh. spg JiyncaTiSxpectoreint. Apr.St| 184 L. DB. D. JAYNES: Dui Stfc-41 irel : bound to yoa and the afflicted public, to avail byself of thisop* i portaoity ofgivlngpublicity lb the extraordinary effect • i.of your Expectorant on myself. Having.been afflicted; I for several years with a severe cougn. hectic fever uid its concomitant and seemed only doomed: I to linger oat a short bat miserable existence, until .the | fall of 1839, when, being more severely attacked, and ! having retorted to all my fbriner remedies, and the pre ! scripttons of two ofthe most retpectablephysicians in 'the neighborhood without deriving anjrbenefit, or the consolation of surviving but A few days' or .weeks.a farthest—when the last gleam of bbpe waxeboui to vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant*— and blessed by that Being who does air things in the use ofthe means—aad contrary to the ixpeciatiourof. my physicians and friends, I was in a few days raised' from my bed, and was cnaolsd by the use of ejboule, to attend to my buaiaets, enjoying unco than • l had for ten year* previous.; • ■!_.„ f KCTfflSe. .f -nhsueeL ' • '> ' ■ •' '' 7 .***P... . 5 -''' ~ -t&HtmsgSggperiK ■h-Hsat %^-WttSKSiS. JfiESffIftS SBSSBSL&o. T«th j&waeted. Advice to the! jkoor mu». N Br-Dt- A. toll cits the wont tases.oi any diseua. in Pittsburgh local!. _ ‘ '];‘'fttHrdlT• ■nriLL remain open for visiters until the Ist Jsnua- Vf ry, ISSO. Oysters tad other Refreatrtnr-ttu suit* e J to the Mason will bo kept The OreenDome. eon* witting a largo collection ofrare| and. choice Plants, will b« open to vUUerv. Boqnets neatly _pot im at abort oouee threaghont the season. An Omitlhsa leaves the Allegheny end of the Bt. Clair Sired Bridge, every half hoar daring the day, roenlog 10 the Garden;'ana the ferry boat, Captain Walker, ran* from the-Point, landing a short distance above the uar* den. Parties wishing to spend the evening,'‘will) b« accommodated with a retain Omdibui at lOo’eloek, p. M. Kept on Temperaneeirinfciples,-and closed oa nnday. •'aptlJ • . J. Rt'KAlff.^ Atbsaaoia Baloeaud Otthlng Kit st»- ■ tubniatf The proprietor u »w spaeftl**t til hoar*, tncocc >t tbo d*y or week. •"•pat • I ’ prepared to * ■ section nriih Ba»r I .V T. •M’FALI* '.v--'-; -• Prep riel ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers