The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 18, 1849, Image 2

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    XH,b. .'rHTgB.U«BH-.ttAgEg|ge
iiy wimrfcca
Corresponleaee of-the Pittsburgh.
... Sa* Fxanctsco, Aag.22,181 9 .
Dux Guerre— Since my>*f
leUer was addressed to y°a-* pom^rt an j
frontier, I have *ecompli*hed tbo on P c
laborious task of ike overhnd r ® ,3W > # ; n
enduring more than l skoold bo willog 0 - /
under any circumstances, ut length « ‘ .
-Ibe “promised place that « jrsedto
read about with so much interest Oul of the Urge
number of emigrants who left lb® Smte. ihi« «*•
.on with wosi it U now a pretty well «üb>iah
ed fact, that not more than one in ten wdl ever
arrive with their wagon-. Some an burnt, aom*
•old, and many are broken down befcre they ge*
to the mountains. These accidents give variety
1 •• w TO CaUfCXio*.—We «the j “ P“ kiß s in all such ca.a* U the
Tb« oraw - leUt „ r , oa Odi- only retort, .od .her ot. Rl. . .ccn.l.mrd
*««, iod.y.MTO*'“ tei f ® h ove , ltn j toMibyno mean, FoiHiiiai. 1, t»
fernia, written by some o Golden those who' came overland; the easiest pan of the
emigrant* wbo have arrived ff|l fcll mp cornea firs’. Arriving at Fort Hal!,tie already
ZAnd of Promise. r*.** 9 . f . fatigued and almost worn ont emigrant fijds turn
Ihe relatives; an ,ea V Vnuificatjoa to be two Ihirdsof the distance has been accomplished,
A. „d e m ..pi,.* -or 5 .1.t0.
able to offer lbea aacb ™ * ka mone - lhere , probably console bimself-I did-with the r. flection
k J w ,„ LtoLltelmW
«h,w no ioobl to* P * tnd prove .tep bio Ihe El Dorado. 80. he nod. find, oul
>*" lh , 1 ’ ' ™bo Toot ealerpriiog e, ih. rnirnke. Floa. For. H.II, . d,....c of ,»»«
Ihemselvea among tbo m riea p #eTen hundred. miles, difficulties commence, ana
P -aonast so many difficulty, all the vexations and trial* of a-whole Lfe was
Ihe ire* Highw.y of »"«“■ , , be j, orte ,i time id whleh Ihe J,.ur-
Tho letter* referred to, cache by ihe mill broaghi wUb
by Ble*Mhip Ohio, vrhbh .reived al Here dey I e.n ..y hot little
*** « **"**> r ~ CL id lhe mine., u I lav. bee. to .he volley
P olMlSp^S.resrd‘; P .’ehe. M l, . few d.y., p.s»i.g do lb. belween, bo.
sitoOOTimpdireW, ..d the Sped* Pwtmn.- noUmlll edi*ely ibroogb.lhe J.iba R.«er and tiorth
ter. to our government at Washington. fork “Diggins.”' Some cf our company rode ou
CoLlngoUcf the psnyoreiwholeft Aberdeen. . & M d reported on tbeir re
“H. r; r :;r h
of the Rio Grande, thence up that river to For learn, was about an ounce per day
Brew., .ed Bother, Rl Ibe besd of nevif.liod o h „j men. Arriviog el Ballet » Folk,
the Rio Grande, where they parcbesed borre. B> . u, fcr „ beside;, coneeroed, among
to TTeW d Srt° r of b .h.T,Me^ ; ... , hto*. to., were. !. rreiea.wa fotsekea add
clove, CQUbd.hoe, Bio Oil* and ‘. Wo ™l«b“J Uepidaled eppeerance. Two mile, below, how-l
reeobedtbogoldmliiMiaJaly.TbojwboleWfvgt ths jooclion „r ibe Ameneeo fjtk with
4 000 milia, w.l .ccomplulied to era “onlhl s „ ram . nlo River, Saaramealo Cay is.ioeeled
"Nary .11 of .how retarded, h.vo eveh 4» » fhl. wwa ha. sprung io.o elis.eaee Mace la,.
000 lo’siOOOO wanh or gold. Several wh ,„ rt |,,„d .onlaiaa, al Ibie lima, several hundred
weal oul to Colonel Slevenaoo'o reglmeal have hoMM . A omo , lM 0 I bakiaea U doae
“Eterei .lee. «r gold brought by this patty. ,t this place, II being ton head of tide water, and
belooratd Coloaal Inge,dug al ton upper Moca* wb ere all vaasels below, large an
Ufflio d'Bing*, weighing Soonccs- OD load their catgoes.’ It U sl»o ibe princi
pal placo of outfit fur the mines. Building ts going
1 on rapidly, and speculation in lots is the order ot
the day. Several other cities are surveyed at dt»*
ureal points on the river—but you ‘•can’t sec the
towns’cause there aint any houses” Ln.lhem-all
striving for the ascendancy. I
The Sacramento Valley, at this season, does j
not present a very interesting appearance, owtr g |
to the eoatiaoed draught, causiug vegetation to be j
almost entirely dried up. Tho soil is fertile, but |
want of rain > the great objection to iU being
occupied for agricultural purposes. !
Enterprise is doing every thing for the country.
A. few days since, while on my way to this city,
the captain of'the little Sandwich Island schooner,
ia which I had taken passage, hailed the first steam
boat that ever floated on the Sacramento. It was
i novel spectacle, chiefly on decount of her awk
ward model and alow progress. Her first nppear
taee was not hailed by en/ joyful demonstrations,
,ot on the contrary. I thought our captain, crew,
tod some of the passengers, were disposed to make
*ua of the whole affair. I thought of Robert Ful
oa’s first experiment, and pitied tho captain, who.
,y t h e way, attended io his own bustnesr, and took
heir jokes like a philosopher.
The harbor o! San Francisco —the roost epac.ou»
ind beautilnl, I believe, la the woild—bns cow j
wme three hundred sail of vessels fioairn; upon ,
U surface, moitlv ships of the first class—from -al*
no« every nation: The greater pmionof these
ire entirely idle, and can be purchased for one
bird their value at home. From two to five ves
sels arrive daiY, 'landing hundreds and ihou«u»nd*
.f pen'oyless gold huntcra, who generally fini iht
•eality of thi case not -o nice n* they bac
neiured to themselves. Tnou3anJs of yamig men
.re working at any thing, to ge'- money enough to
darn home. They came without a.e»n», - r the
- taowledge of 'the d ffi:a!;i-jv in gelling to the
nines, and when they learn Inc truth, become d'«-
•ouraged. ! A person told me. a"day or two -»cc»*
;iat one of the principal aalesoien in Srewan’.-
■«shionable dry goods house, of New York, cam*
o this country, expecting to pick up gold in abun
laoce, but io place of finding it, and wearing whiit- ,
ud gloves, as he did hn the day# of eulJ tans |
«yce,” is earning rannryenough to gel to the mine- J
.y carrying mud bricks fur masons, #l«p-og ou
, e ground, and cooking his own erub. Soil i
ritb hundreds: therefore, stay at home, all wiiu
,fe doing well, end never trust a ticket in thi
1-iliibruia bltery, with the expe-tation of gaining
, fjrtnne, unless you are willing to toil long and,
.tuemly for it Business is infilled to ike h-gbc»i
legree, and rests upon no certain basis. G 'ouf
no sold to dsy at enormous profit* to morrow v
k sacrifice. Lit* are sold for ten limes what they
,re worth in Pittsburgh, similarly situated. Rents
,re enormous. Single rooms that would bring
tbout two hundred dolhrs in W u od street, rent
•eadily for nine or ten thousand dollars. Wages,
rom $0 to $2O per day, and hoard from S 3 to $l2
Ounces are valued about the same as dollars m j
•be Stales; but expeoacs are In proportion, so tha'
here Wno great difference. Gambling is carried ■
»n exlea«ively; thousands are staked—l »st or won ,
is the case may be—with periect iaJiffcrence.
Almost e7ery country has its representative!-:
hero, forming n heterogenous mass of what can
hardly bo called eeciety.. The Americans are far
more numerous than sli the others, however, and
r»*?t and character lo all the affairs of the
A convention is soon to be held atMonierey,
for the purpose of framing a Slate Contlitution, and
spply.for a place in our glorious confederacy. At
present, there isnot-ao bad a state-of society as
one might suppose, though there is little i! any
law, more than such as has beea adopted to auii
particular localities. The miners are generally
honest and Industrious, and do not countenance
rascals and loafers. For stealing or. the
mines, they either shoot or bang tho culprit, ac
i cording to circumstances} this keeps the rascals Id
check. I have not yet received a single paper
from the States, I suppose on account of the large
amount of busiaes* io the Port Office. Papers are
all thrown aside—have no U'me to arrange them,
is their excuse. For the presept, T close my im
perfect edmmoaicatioo. My next will be dated lo
tho mines, when I shall be able to give correct in
formation in regard to the prwpocis in tho diggius,
products,&e. In hasta—Yours, B.
p.S.—The mail steamer arrived a day or two
tinee, with three buodred pitaeuger* and two
mails. She retains la a few days, with mail, and,
no doubt, a smalt amount of dust
°, 2#' We^lT T.Vri WwS PC
.. ;f : , •
hnxJkvt>r* **{°T+ n^ii(-»ciu:d for a «peei-.
4 SS^^s^sa-w-SS^ss
orwatded frwa thu
-, Scxvsr or Lax* Sorouoi Mis**al lusm.
TtaDdroitFree Pfte saya'tbat tho geological!
sorrer of Like Superior haa bean completed, and;
that the profile*, maps, field notes,ctc.are oq their
, VCy to Washington.
Lax* ScmiOE Cofrou— The propeller Jadt*
muitnrt c*tie down to the Sant on the," 18th nU
timo, with 181 ton* of copper from the Cliff mine j
31 ton* from the North American mine, and six
tons from the Copper Falls mine,'all in solid mas
•es.' The schooner Fur Tndsr came down on
the >Mnd instant from the Ontonagon, with 21
ton. of copper belonging to tbo Minnesota Min
in* Company, in Soliil masses. The schooner
Bcfos’ cleared with 15 tons of copper, and the
brig Cotumia with 81 ions of copper} both
cargoes belonged to the fPitteborgh and Boston
' Mining Company- *
Amumtctrs at tu* PrsiiDswr.—William M.
Browo.ofTonnoaadir.lobo United State. Mar
,li>t for the Middle D.atript cl Tennetsee. to
J,,w B Clements, removed.
O P. Bsttrend of Arkinutv, to bo Receiver ot
Pobfc Moneys at L ; tUe Rock, Arlnmaaa, etc Cy
rus W. Wilson,deceased.
Jnhn F.ird, to 'no Aaiiaicat Treuorer ol St
lotile,vim LIA.LO Be.ome, -oii«oed,
Tec UTS D.vio Uaim-Tho'lßeeelwld Mr.
Tt-.oimirop, po-tnr ol the Brpadway Tabetoadv,
N-.w Yolk, 1. preparmir a memoir of tho late Da*
■vid Ifite, the tiooder aod ediot oftheNewYoik
Jiiotiroil of. Commerce. Mr. Thompsoni. favor
ably known o. coo of tho editora of the Indepen
dent and a- the author of an elcellont volomo c.l
Ln toie'a to Y-iUoe Meo; and from be imimai.
a- q-tainlance with the. piivato oharocter ot Mr
Ht. pocoliarly Sited to become hii biosra
pt»er ! '
Tbs AThnnno n-M> Sacmo Sate Canal-—The I
' New Turk Evening Pu.l. poblishea Ite contract I
bctweeo the State of Nicaragua and the Artoo-ic I
ud Pne-tHo Ship Canal Company, aa propo-ed b( I
the'Gommiaaionere of theS'ate of Nicaragua, a- I
the city of Leoo, an the 27th of August last. I
By the terms of the contract the u.nil moat 1« 1
opened Tor navigation within 12 yea™ alter tbt
contract is ratified. I
Thobed of the cahnl lies through e level coon,
try, which yields every variety of tropical fruits, a! I
nosl'w thoot culture where the I ogafi cane re 1
quires to bo ptanto • but Jnce in ten yea™, an. 1
where the etpeoac ol feeding and rlntbing atnat I
is leas for a whole year than it is tn -tbe rude cl- I
Bliui pf tbo North fur a sing'e month. Over 200,. I
- 000 erres of tbialaod, not iatcrior In quality u ;
the'bhst lo Nicaragua, ia to be granted to the com-,
pany by the charter, with every rcqoiaite power ot |
alienation and eale.
A treaty haajoat been agreed open between tbe,
‘diplotaatio Nicaragua and tbr :
United States at Leon, which, it is nodenteod,
guarantee, the aaltdily of the contract of the Nicai
. nguanawllh the Atlantic and Pacific cnnal com
pany. Thera is nothing to prevent, hot every
thing to attconrtge, this great enterpri,.. and we
laih, therefore, npon ua conanmmatton, witbtn ten
* or! twelve yea™, as an event beyond the reach
of cootingeocies.
-Obu TaTWX —The London corres
pondent of Ibe York Evening Po»t, a Ltc<
Foco paper, writes under dale of the 29ih Sep*
Umber, as Mlowa, in regard to the President’* oo
tipn in tbe Cnbm expedition.
tie world U load in commendation of Pre
sident Tayior’a prompt, energetic, and dignified
iction in snppre*s:on of the miended enterprise
against Cuba. The gallant old general has noW>
dedicated hi. eoontrr’a honor and b.. own. Hr
fes» proved to Earope and the world that the Ke
pobUo of the United States fata resolute and pow
erfolto ‘maintain International goodlaiih, and to
check illegal attempts to subvert the governments
of other countries, as the is able to preserve in
tast her own free Institutions and internal tran
quillity. All honor to General Taylor for that
•use." '■
2b tJtl Editareftk* Piatburgk Gtuetu
Tbe Catil* BhOW>
i Duk Sia—Hevicg beta in allendance at tie
Otttle Show, recently bell In lie city of Allegheny,
t beg leave to offer t tew remark*. It wna mnoh
to bo regretted tie nnpropilionaneaa of tie day, aa
it rendered tho operation. or the Society tediona
mad perplexing, aa well aa pteeenling nombeia
6om wttneaaing the. exhibition, which moat hare
grandad all who late an internal In atocfc
! • ou one cucnmataeee connected with
thi exhibition of the alock, which had a tendency
to. depreciate their appearance, via: the amallneaa
of the pool or nun da. Many of them were cn
lirelyloo much defined. The animala coold not
bo viewed to advanipge. However, aa the nnm
bo, exhiWed wan not very nomeronn, it wan an
logn matter fir the judgea to decide ax.lo the
'ieotnu. Repeating the Block exhibited, aa a
iwhele, they wera good. Toe boll* were decided.
!|j gne—the poinli, in almoat every animal, aha*,
ed /row wd*no* lit) tyrtiKgl
- M»ny of the cownand hcifera, were dneapecl
? I Jr th-ir kind*; and h U oar decided advice
i ioa!t (inner* wbo cave uoJliuch nock abotitlteif
getlteui M moq a. poutM***
• I tb«tr very .opewance u«o ttocb superior to tbe
' ' old breed ot cow*, and it cost, no more to keep
> ! LtMdi. Tne >b«ep were not w fine •* we e *P oc, ‘
’ ed to Hen, .hhoogb ttjerowere »«Fertl eery
l main*. 'The Sonia Down breed were .mail but
< oelu Tbe show of pig* wi limited. Mrjboaip
i ,r,, halt aversfine we, The collection ©fhurae*
i vu Vera indifferent. ttwtscruietiWliatlhebei-1
; t*r tied of bores, were not broogbt forw.rd
. petfaSPi lu\eoQui*ctc* of tbe r«‘n ; Tbere were
; {Jo Stack carriage >or»e*, owned by Mi. Mat
v i the**, when were remarkably fine atock. They
< inVfmrncted moefa attention. Some.oi
SToSu Were -jreij neat, aod. if proper care be
s ‘teken nftw®; may taro out fine stock.
‘ •'wewakraWlate ttm society upon uria occasion,
■''wiid nesLtotoitto spirit aanifeated, tbai a-win
fr°.«WrLred to go on in »ucb acetue, aadlbere
.! if anch
i S .hota tbe suburb* ot ocrc;iy ihatiberc
: Hhwll better price will be obtained Jor
; s£^Sj. , '£dSf»£ b« in .lew ahort
- wL, 1 preaen tare naliified with
i tiat bear. Iho nama of atock, ; wllj
' ;■ Sngimeir codon., mad will olilmunly booomo
■ ; e^Sn ? a“<f* aan * AFj i BM EB. ,
.. . ;■
ITawa from thtOT«rl»»d Bwtg r * BUL
.Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gaietto. 1
Sacx'aubkto Cjti, Aup. 27. '■
Wo arrived herd ail aife od Sunday morning, i
ibe 29th of July, in exactly three months from In- <
dependency. I wrote to James frcm all the points
vest of the Rocky Mountains, tho last from Fort
Laramie. From there to the Great Salt Lake, the
oaly accident we had, was caused by the breaking
ot onr wagon tongue, wb Is descending the Eiitaw
Mountain*, bat we patched it op' so as to bring lt
safely to the City of the Great Salt L ke, where
wo were • delighted to dad qiiie & large ["city of
‘•adobe" 'houses, as well as plenty of butter milk,
cheese, ice. After geUlrg a guide we left the “mud
city," and on coming iato the old road again, (we
'eft the regular emigrant trail on going to the Sa't
Lake) wo found tome seventy wagons ahead u<
ua. At the time we left the regular trail at “Su't*
letta’s cat 6S, a there were but'three trains ahead
of us, we having passed all we came in sight ul —
some &00 wagons or more.. Wo had the; trouble
of again paasisg the wagons ahead of ui,and suc
ceeded in getting the tenth wagon into tte valley
ot die Sacramento. Since then, a great many have
been eomlog in daily, A great many left their
wagons, and packed through, nmong them, are
Harvey Myers, Jsmea -Mitchell, Joseph McKib*
bin, Thomas Perkins, Frank lUbinson r Tbotnn«
Kennedy,.and young Flood and Wikmson. So far
these are ail the Pittsburghers that have come lw
After crossing the Sieirt Nevada, we met sev
eral parties out in search ofgold. Fifty miles from
here wo eame through the •‘dry.digting*,’’ end saw
the “modus operand!." A boy of fife n, whom 1
saw, bad dog oot with bis butcher's knife, some
far dayabe&ro, |5l worth of the metal Almost
K&lks aibeaar* alike, as regards their ticltfotr
"some of the diggerimske enough to payer penea,
and so on op, depending mostly on the way they
'‘wort Tiocthas a gorid'deal'tO'dff-wkb funding
the “big lamp*. 9 The Urges', piece 1 havq aeen,
was worth $lO. Every one has plenty of money
as well as stag of-dust. ... , .
Sacramento City is quite a flourishing place, of
some three hundred aznvasi house*. Building i°U
nil at (rom six hundred to twenty.thousand dol»
lara. Troyisions acd clothing areplenty and cheap*
Flour, 9c per h; Bacon, 3tfc; Sugar, l2|r} Coflbei
15c per ib. Up nt the -mines, high up on the river,
Flour is‘a dollar per Ibj Baron a dollar} Sugar and
Coflee seventy five cents each.
All kinds of labor are very b r gH. A wagoner
that came over in our train, is getting $l2 a dty,
and found. Mechanic*, $25 a day. Hauling to
tue mines, a distance of twenty.five tuilef, is 16c
per pound.
Mcr>-h4iul'ze has been sold at San Francisco at
New York cost, rices. The town » full of evcr ?
thing, and tome two I tndred vessel* ytl arrive
Thrre are generally some d zen of veneU ly»rg
cere. At Sjq Francisco the bay is crowded. To
.le v the entire cargo of a wa * Bold 81 aQC *
We aoM the wagon we brcuihl over for $3OO.
Mole, are -worth ir.»m SlOO rr» $2OO. Wc could
bave sold our outfit (or s*,?o3.
Mr. Washington l*r<t us un<l J-iioed another
meM Since \re arrived here we have divided.—'nJ»got»« lo Sun. Francis'o. Ssully
and Mcß are trgtther, and Kincatdand 1. No
m ire than two can wort in the mines witta|prefit.
We will go up to them iu a few days. The weatb
is almost too warm 10 wprk now. We are en- I
.•ampcd in the woods a', the edge of the city. The j
Pittsburgh hoys are within bailing distance.
I suppose you think that when bo ounce can be
made per day, we ought to be at work, bunn
we roeao to'do as the Turks do. I bbe
the county so lur very well. The day. are warm,
and the n:glr» cold. Men of capital aro making
the most money as usual.
J Ewalt and his pa ry, 1 understand. We arrived'
at San Francisco. No account of Barclay yet.
Know nothing poß'tive ofeilher parly.
- I have nol bcea well o <>'V »■><* 1 lei* home.
Charles Kincaid and Scully were sic* fur •«'*
week. Mcßride was run ever by u wagon, so hu
rode two wests m il by way of revenge. The
•■Colouergol lame, sad we Tacked’' fcirn ccroia,
lie Sierra Nevada Mountains. They are all well
nuw, so indeed, nro all ibe Iron Cry boy-. ■
-1 expec: to gel aouie leders .u a few days, and
hear the news Iron, "old Pill" McKibbea and
Kennedy have roqo dowowSra Francisco, and
w 1; bring them up- '
The Sl Lou.s Exchange is the principal hotel
here. Boarding $3 a d.ty, and .deep under a tree
The ‘‘round lent” is rq’-wl » d Beale’a.
There are any qumtity of New Yorker*, Span'
iarJ*, Chilians, Sandwich Wanders, &c.
Give my love to all a\ home, and 4>elieve m«
your affectionate son.
SacsujjeslTO City, Acgusl 13- I
Dear Brother—l am happy to mf>"» y°“ ' lh * ll
have arrived here .afely, aod-thal l am in eieel
lent health and spirits. Indeed I have enjoyed I
excellent health ever .inch 1 left heme. ' We wero
one hundred day* on the plaina between St. Jo
seph and J jhnsoo's or Bear nver, which is two
hundred miles from the city of Sin Francisco.—
We have moved down to Sacramento City—which
ts situated on the Sacramento 'river, one hundred
nnd sixty utiles above Ssn Franoitco—where we
arrived oh flte 11th of this month. Wo have had
a teg and tedious trip of it, but we hnve it to aay
that wo were nearly the Ciit of tho Putsbnrghera
m California. .There were bat twelve of na in
company, and wc “parted" from For Laramie lo
this place, os indeed I interned you in my last- |
Wc travelled much faster after we commenced to
pint:-And leaving Fort Hall on tho 15ih ofjooo,
we directed nor course of travel by way .of Fort
Halt, found the road tolerably good nolil we
arrived at Trotie'. river, which io two hundred
miles of the Jahoston eetilemint on Bear
river. Tho roads we tra'velled on duridj the last
1., hundred miles are the worst l have evt
It is almost Impassible <>• loaded pact males
ietover the r.rrts and fallen umber, they mi
w lh in crossing the Sierra Nevada aod the B(
river mountsins. As there were hot few el ahead of nr. In , •' was difficult 10 “t.
Be trail” io i'l-tc-ea. -
We lind * v«*rv h»M lime cf it before .
10 Trukieir.rer.Jjr (jt about eighty m
country wis'ri-.iag but a birreu- plain, sixty five
ci.-dt <>f wb«-?a we wero compc'!*! to travel with
ou- «itnwr wh it wo rsrrted along w»U
all d»4ik. however, before we had
<ti twuntv mile.. We pvsed the spnnss
inci* deer, .-.**<». t*t the water is ne]ther fit
Ur man or to drink, as we had no
other snd were almost cnoakißg with thus!, we
compelled to drir.k it. W* made .coffee
w;! , », which we drank, and also copied some oi
it to drr-.fc.
W e 'found that it was warm enough
.flee Without aoy further bbihiw than when il
keo from the spring. Tne cbulli'iun fif-lhebt
water makes a tremendous cou-. and in sa
ices the water boils yp trout u»« 'o
ove the surface of the rr.-imd Lufo
were not aware of lb* • eger which
Irom drinkira tie water, und therefore made cof
<V, sod drank abundantly. Hut. in f,qr or 5 bourn
afterwords, we found out it. etfee'e, and, became
erremely ut.wetl. Some of onr mere were
roubled by tins sickness f-r several d.y.„allboogb
they .11 gut qver u, end we have been well ever
sneo. i ' .
I have in tide op my mind th.t I will never
travel over ,thd pliins Bgnin, f r l cen cure, yon
the herd.hip. which I have endured have
b-en very great. Boi.Wth nil there drew b.ekt,
I ,m very dearly, and enjoy excelleot heallh.-
When I return home,,l«h.U try mm other ronta,
though 1 have not thought of coming back yet
aid have never yet regretted'my trip
Every thing here i. 'new.nnd I will know more
about matte™ and thing, in general, in the cooree
of one or iwo weeks.' .Tnerb are multitudes OI
p topic here, vrotktrg in the mine., add they ap
pear to be doing pretty well, since they can moke
from live lo atltyen dollare per day, end tana,
lime, n great deal - more, bnl the labor is very se-
They are nboot etonpit.g vraVk al present, na the
acaann t. Ido warm id work, but in alien!,u mon'h
the neuron ico.ttmence. again, and will laat two or
three months, when the wet seaaoo generally com
mence, i and they have to quit woik again for
atom three months. Some of the mine™ have
made money —other* agoin have not.
Living in Ihn place i* very expensive, but you
can live a the mine* for *bout one dollar and fif
ty cents per dev. Provilloa* *ellal tho mine* at
the following price.: Floor. 535,00 per bid. Bacon
51,25 per lb. Freeh Beef, 75 rent* per pound, and
all other thing* ta proportion. In the cities, they
nre cheap, bat the expense ol getting them to the
mine* in" very great Flour can be bought u. ban
Francisco lor six and eight dollar* a barrel, and
in this place we can purchase it at $l6 nod 820
per bbL Tnere is plenty of money here at pres
ent, nod, though the town is only about three
months old, lot* which sold for oue hundred dol
lars not more than two month* ngo, are now sell
ing at five thooaand debars. There are but two
or three house* In the whole town which bavo
shingled roots, though there sre plenty -f houses,
O, they cell them, which are merely frames, made
of poles, and some few of boards, which they
side with canvass, and roof with Ihs aama faatan
al They have no Soars whatever, save the barn
earth They remind me of the senna at a camp
meeting more than any thing else.
The here seem oo.rsgeoa. to a man
from thaState.-, W. have to pay .weal, one
, , for boarding. They charge one
d“ir and cent, tor dinner a. thebe., banana,
•though in some of them o miserable meal may he
outlined for one dollar. Tippler, to pay
trotn twenty fiveto filty cent, for n single drlnkof
*.. Sa«» iollm • I*l, H >*-
boring 101:11 8" F " d * ! \ Ti f? “ a»1 ,h “ ‘ h *' C
bo J b« » gambling able. and »n»
of [horn Lor “■«*• w ' lt * u ‘ h |* ’ ic ' , k °Tl''
er [ho people nro very ha, boon
„o fighting, on fnr .. I i “* oo4
dcolof •iciii«abc wat P ,eMal » bal 11 ».»&***
h*t the p. op }- get while ia the raines during the
With ihli exception it is wry
are several of the Pittsburgh boy. here
now-yonng McKibbeo , Mcßride, Johnston,
Moody, Kincaid, Sealty, P«kio», *od » number ol
other* Curry, Ewoli and Bonnet bITO 1101 “d*
°Vir» aide up my mind & W «* toitoainw
id tiro-« lhna d«Tt,fit4i ihil toe/te, vW
la xa be Some ieEme that 1 win make from
tento fifteen doUa» every Ijjroik.aQdagteai
happen to be
I fortunate. I abaft write In yonSn about ten >daya
1 frop tbia dals, when, If j keep jmj health, I can
l lei yoo know how lam felling ■ along. 1 am o
1 opinion that 1 can make inoney.
Our slock tnrned onijinoch than I ex
pected, aince we have *6ld »lx of onr mctea for
s7ls.«nd have two Car file y?U_ I bought a horse |
.on the road for aixtv dolfera, which l have yet, and 1
am offered one.hnndredand seventy five dollar*
for it, but atk two hundred.
Tha profit* of,our slock make our expense* not
•o heavy fcr the trip, ’fre passed Ur. John C. Ei
ther'aboutaixty miles l»ck on the road, nt also
Mr. Brookway. They* were both in good health
id spirit!.
ther in this ionntry is very severe on
the constitution. Ia tbb middle of tbe day it is so
warm that you can fcardly withstand the bent,
while at night it is very cold. I have a very poo l
..pinion of the country? eo I have yet seen
iL There has been no rain here for three month,
back, and every thin* ia burnt op with the heat.
No vegetables ere raised here except water mel
ona, and they sell it from four to ten dollar,
each. Potatoes command fifty, cenu per pound.
With' love to all, Ifelieve T 0 0» tro, v, v
To Major W. F. WIIIoCX, pntsbnrgh.
Tbe following extracts of W. R Curry’s letter tn
Goo. Larimer, will Wf read with pleaanre by bit.
namerons friends in liis city:.—
We ca»t anchor etjthia city, San Francisco, on
ie 2Sth day of Aagpst, at 6 o’clock, after a loo?
id tedious voyagtj|aroond Cape l Horn. Nex>
lorning early, wo ijl went ashore, and were re
ared to find a from yourrelHiy
rjfe, and other friends. We were receive
ews of such a favofible character, from those we
s ft behind ns. I hope my wife will b« perfectlj
atisfied when she bpara of my aafe arrival at this
When I give you jk brief account ol the state.®
affairs here, the ricb|e»s of the country-, and this
place, and the good tfrder that prevails in this city,
you will all be agrefcably disappointed. There is
more order nod gosd feeling than in any city la
Itie Uuited Stales. I The rumors abi.ut the gold
differ so much that lean onlyisay that report*
from the diggings, •'horn men who are jast from
them, run from onc[to aix ounces per day—some
much more foitunak. I think our company will
be able to do rs mdeh as the beat of them. My
cousin, whom l bate met here, and who was the
first and last causd of my coming here, any* we
can averago three dunces, at least, and he aay» he
has been there, 4> d talk * *» thongh he knew
certainly on the subset Bat do not calculate to.
much for us, as th«)e it » drawbacks, and
nor expenses are jhecesaarily very h-gh,
standing we supposed we had! every thing we
needed brought ff|m NewYorlc. It will costas
much, if not more.-jjo gel our freight from here up
the river, aa it did from New York, and then we
will have overland sixty miles. You cannot turr
around without having money demanded ia »m«
shape or other. &>ard,eoormouily high, from Sl6
to $24 per week, bought some provision*, and
remain on the ahifc but this is very expensive, a»
wc have to pay fine dollar each for a boat from
the ship to the cjty—the ship is anchored about
290 yards from lire shore. The advance of our
party have gone 30 the mines eome time since.
They, I am infonfod, purchased mole* at Siuck
ton, and for the pifaenl. intend keeping their team
on thefroad, at leak until we get together. Carry
ing goods, is-raid o be very good, $2O perlOO lbs.
j , distance cf »ixl§ miles. They sold one of the;
| wagons for $750, which lean now replace tfl de
1 to do so, at S*oo. 1 sold out one box of boot
on board the *h>* for *7 per pair, that cost $2 .1
New York. law sorry I purchased -my provision
m New York, I cnuld have done, better here: be
these are things $e did not know at that time
have just heard from a perron who saw our me
at the diggings, and slates that they are making
from $45 to Sso’.j>er day. Oar party all leave
Saturday for ibVjkines, but myself, and 1 will fol
low as aoon u passible.
We ttke lUe ifltowiug in****® ll ®* fr<
tie Cahfcimj* ofthe New Y<
\ MosTttCT.Sept. 1, ISi?.
trill get P’en‘T °< * old
d.tcJSaa Franco, leave theen. Thr
-rest exciting IOEIO here iaihe meeting ufibe row
if-rota. wStel, isilo “del 00 Moods*, ll " 3 “' ,J
„.i “town H impo.*'b! .»• present - " d ”■'* ”
nntil the meetup, lo give •• ,!
elect Many have arrived, aid ra.»re ar«
arn vine and l dhobi cot we ehnlf be ab;e t> «c
Sto.toi ne,. -K'f
merit or,bo diet ngul.hed , J.
ihrm were no men in oanfornia q'i«..h>-d tu us
mme political faecltone The Convent,on wit
nrabablvstl about three week* and l intend i>
fuTntsh yon f»U report. cf,.he proved, ng„
Them will doubtlesi, be eoma neb phtuoa to
meeting of the convenlinn
here remind, me of eNew England •■general mu,
ter a It ban been the signal lor the departing from
S« Francisco br.bont fifty -.potnrg men • wjo
neve comedown here, wttn Ibetr 'ooU. to turn at,
honest peony, from the pockets of the honnteblr
tnetnbem-nd tbo looker, on. How >» «•
of conscience, every body » going *_• J'” I""’'
c.oDOt unejtne. There I. no such thiegn..
hotel here; no room* 1,., rctsti end only one or I
anting housoe .svhero one get. beer end Irijoler
twice n dsy. it the moderate euat of sixteen dot
U, ThoonTvmide I con perceive its the! the ‘•hon
or.ble.” urn ibolr se.l. dorteg the d.y to tp«
end vote from, and at night to sleep on. Tin
people or Monterey ere gelling alrendy into the
• gulden prices of California.
' lun ““I am writing to you cn paperfor which
l ,u.t paid a dollar and a half a quire! 1
r tha itcomer in to morrow morning. lii*po
1 lauj end 1 muot close.
* MoitTXRXT, Sept. 2,1819.
political Organization of ths Ccnitautidnat
\ ' Convention.
The convention had a partial orgnnix.lioa yes
terday,' bnl there being no quorum present, ad
joorned to. meet to morrow at 12 M. A *
delrgatea bava since arrived, there in no donbt tl
ih*irnroc«CiUng tomorrow. The tune ot session
tX’Xwy ta atom three weeks There .a but
one que.lion(tbatof alavery) open which there will
be any divi.ion of Importance. In regard to Ihir,
there will be three pnrtlea—one favorable to aaert
log a prohibitory clanre,, another lor specially al
lowing the introduction of alavery, and tho third
for leaving the attbjrct entirely untouched m the
conßUlnttoD, autjecl only to foi"" legnla"on.
yjrxrrea vox tub scrrxhiso eHoaa*m
The following ia a copy of', hand hill circulated
irSw Francisco, towards lbfe end of August. It
speaks for Itself’.—
At n public mating held (Tuesday evening.)
representations having been made of great want
and suffering experienced by our countrymen cm
iorating ovcrlanttto California, aad of the Certain
ty that very many of them must penal! in crossing
<fo«cri, unless Immediate relief be afforded
them from this section,thejofficera of the meet
ing V ero authorised to! convene the citizens of
Sao Francisco, to devise; way's and means for for.
QisUtog forthwith the necessary supplies. There
fore a public meeting, wiUbe holdenm Portsmouth
Square at 4 o’clock, this afternoon, to carry into
effect these benevolent desigps.
L-l the gathering and its results prove that the
sympathies of Californians jaro aa deep and as
■Lroflg as their means are abundant.
By order o! she meeting.
B. SIMMONS, Chairman.
H. B. Mat, Secretary. I
Sao Francisco, Aug. 29,1649.”
jFor At
Whxxlcto. —The Wheeli
has along list of arrival* as
Boats at that place, duri:
twenty four*touio.
The number of drrivali
these sixteen, seven were f
vay to Pittsburgh, and ni
their route to Cincinnati—nt
Dated its voyage at “the head of navigation.”
•There were also fifteen departures; and of these
fifteen, eight were from. Fijuburgh on their way
dova the river, and the other seven were from
Cincinnati on their way xoj Pittsburgh. Not oae
commenced its trip at thst place.
It is not strange, that the Wheeling people alter
continual perusal of aoch reports in their own pa
pers, shoold desire to have atj.ob«froction creeled
over the Ohio river, whichjwonld compcljboais to
end their voyage (here sometimes.
The Wheeling papers talk about the montage
of Ohio and Virginia by their bridge, but say not a*
tog -about the diveret of Pennsylvania and the
£sstern State* from the Lower Ohio and Missis
sippi by this same bridge. U-
The Whig vote In the city and county of Phils*
del phis ia leeSjby 8.253, than what is wiis at the
Presidential election last foil, while the Locofooo
vote foil* offbnt2olB; and yet our opponents trr
boastiig of their triumph, ia thehope tbit the pec*
nfowfti not discover that their aggregate vote t»
briopwaida ol two thousand than it was when
GeeSt Taylor carried the city and county or
Phiiidplpbfoby store tin Me* tXimttmd
' 1...
- President T«ylor. \ ;
The (a!lowing paassgewe extract from aipeecb
ot Joaah'Qutncy, Jr„ >v-ibe lute Whig Co® v *°*
lica ol JiasaachUieU*. We regret, with the di»-
llflgttiffced speaker,'tbal it ww not ifl the power ot
President Taylor to have mingled in person with
the intelligent yeomanry of the Bay State. He i'
a man of the fashion and temper to nave ‘w
asit'bg them, ia BO inUant,ao electric populon v,
1 ibat vroold have thnUed through their rant* le*-”
I the Hapea to Berkshire, and duelled all the 1 1-*
I ccring donbla and prejudices that have wen »
SdS oo .lf d,«m,n«,c* in n .ecion where Mb
rare virtues and noble qualities rn'gnt well
for the most getiisl «jn>P alh y *“ d ' he “
annreoittlion. If the poflpl- of .MasvEicbtiß
|cSlld»eG«nenilTtylor..Mr Quincy
comc'-c wnh bur;; know,by pCTWialclpcr.OT ■
1 hi, nootlrccr-, hi. kind.oi» t hi. nna.»rr ,, . , niy b,>i>
11, hn roodrtiy. hn good tenso, blit f 0 *" 1 J" d ? , ;
I —there wnnld nw he opposition erougn ,e '
Iho S‘ate to make a ahow „r hand. nooca*nry lo
iodioalo the eUIe of O|iloiim. Ho would carry
ov.irv IbinK by nooljmaoOb.-Fb'oM'O
• ‘lt wnß oiy good toriuco (-aid Mr. Q oney)
ic at Wa.b'ioglon f. r ihroc or four wotkß
fc Iti'gitiuiog of 1.1 Murehiuid n
reeding good torluoe to bo dudor Iho
Z »ho S »B.*. .hit tone calk' G,n'£ ' T«ylo-.
S,r I cannot bolp regretting hnl bn boollb pro
vented nig having on oppoitifily
•eif lo Ibe yeomnnry nnd ciinUo of M*«“ h ““
[ regret thnt lt-e> oonlJ not neo Pte.ldenl Tay.or
“. h .W. P to jiidge by
n k ."‘vVh r avr.?en P oi',b S e I
Z, that I was once aid to tpi excellency. Gov. Lm-
C tin and vc thought then that the military bnd
more Tom than'eatners, l believe.
-As rejprds General T-ylor, he .9 exactly wh«
hi, ..ddifr, call him —Rough and Ready. «"
look, no more one of those cter," h °” ! ““
Will see. on nn inspection day, ndiag nhou oa
tors. back, with long plumes, than »•* j l, Kj Minister- could 80l bL J
looking nl him with *»toßi»hmei!t *« I h '“
•iautk unon Bis a fa, id nis parlor, a quiet «-de-i
lOfkiiiß uiou : sod l could nut help thinking to my
tw-lf. 13 that tteicllow th-1 sai sub-ways on Old
VVmtuy p.t the battle of Buena \ .‘in-- A
“We are apt to look upon the Wlo Ro*h ao
Ready’ as oue which was got up for the j|*s<on.
vVe are npt to imagine that 4 committee •»
unpointed to draught resului.oßy, aad •«««»
lo the public such t name ns will •>« '“‘JP • Th
(Oat I. nnt with a name like this. The
highest glory of ancient knighthood was u hen the
soldier was knighied by bis sovereign on the field
of battle. Tfcj highest tide of « military man n a
republic is» soldiers give bun a name that
.hall signify at once their confidence m bun and
tiieir tparoeintion «»f hts modes!v«
“He was called ‘Rough and Ready because in
every rough situation be was ready; because he
was found by side with the common
soldiery, v-nh a lent or without n lent; Iwce-se
‘he wm» touod m the iorefronlci ibe btftlo, marked
only by his venerable and his simple appearance
“VVb*<9 of Massachusetts, you owe a great deal
in Gelt. Taylor. Von have p'aeed bun in a situa
tion of gre-t responsibility. Van have taken
f.oin ibe postion wh-ch he filled so nobiy-that of
u soldier among soldiers —ai d y«'« h*' c co -“
riiin to preride over the destiuics of this c un_ry.
He is i»-jw attacked very much a« he was belore.
,r.e bittle of Buena Viua Nobody says a word
-gainst him- Every baiy acknowledge »«•
lue-, h e modest*, b.s judgmetnt; but they are try
.ng, if thev P issilly ran, to get away as msu? as
po.s-ble ot his tr <ops bow# ™ co-ne into action,
racy are try ng to pick off the .ifficers; and upon
what g-ounda do tney pre'end to pick them of!
■At one liire, we are io:d that Urn -Taylor is
afraid to oninuin ihs d guity ot hi* couhiry; ibnt
ne really is afraid. Because betb'nka and
be.. B 9 it was h.s duly ti d-., lo prevent any arm*
' •nuirwrcnee wilh foreign countries by ciuz'm
tLi* cou'nlry; becauoo ho wfllnol feubmit to
~gre orthc proprr diplomatic decencies of iht
ft-U-oel—we r.te uld thm be « on Ihe one ,
band, and oa ibc other that that bo '« desiro”* o *
u«r doty lo
man lhat we hare pal ia that plat*. To be rnra,
.R not going to cart out voles for him at lots
lime, but we may af.tal bun. The vole of Me-sa
chtisctta bos always been since the day« of Hl_B
an.! I l.usl always will be, of great we pill in M
I’alteti S.alca of America. It Is 0“' tltityto *-»»d
by the man wnom we base iilaaed inthat elevated
porilioo. Wbgs of Mrawctiu-eU", you arc eo
.rimed With a certein post la this warfare. \ou
are entrusted with Ilia defence cl a citadel that has
never surrendered, and it is your duly, as leui as
you nave a loader lllie Gen. Taylor, a. long a. he
Lad. firm and: true to the banner o, Whig p in
omle*. 10 Kivt* your lme and ta'enia to
nm, and.ibrough him, lo Bus'.aiuioslhegresllinn
eiples by which ihn Commonwealth ha» riseu, aa
it ha.", to much f! -ry and honor.*] _
Tub -SrATE : ; Sesatb. — fhe (jl owiDg o«! tbc
Dimes of the members of the Senate. The new
members ire marked with a »tar.
1. pnil-de'nhia City— Btpjimin Mathias, UU
/ftfJTl A S Clflwi p ,« * Tlsrtrt
2 PaiU'kitihijt Countv—Tao«.S. tern 0.., Thoa
H- F.if-yih, Pilfg R Sawn/ .
at. Moa'gomery—J '<d«u* V. J■>«’««. (Uam.gam }
4 Cheater nod Delaware—/( Jo*<*
ft BTrt*— Urnrv A
0. Kuckt— ''Btvjamin Motor i
n L.Qenaieraui) Lebuiuti— honigwachtr
Tiaiutl &n*« _ _
8. Mocroe, Carbon, Schuylkill, aod Pike—Char.
'*o. Northampton and Lehigh—Conrcd Shinier,-*
{l)e i o.tbvc g«m) , ~,
10. :S.,i I .Hhin..n WcynC, nod WyumiDg-Frnu
cis B S ree’tef ... _ , *
U. Bradlord and Tloja-r-JoHn W. Gueroscy.
t-2. L.earning, Gimioii. Centre and Sull'vaa
Win. F. Packer, (Den K-«« )
13. tur-f. e cm G-lumb .-V. Be*.
II N<»-ttiumt>*'rißn“ h'd D-iuphtn— H .11 * rtex.
1 ft. I’otn'b-rand t-nd Pet'v —Fv. C S‘•rreit.
10. M.ffl o, Juniata and Union—./. J■ tunning
-11 Yorb—Hcnrv F«liou.* (Dem gain »
IS Krant'm and .Ydam*—lP’. R SaAJrr.
IV. HU'iiiagdon, B d'ord and B a r— Ato. King.
VO. Ann»uo»B. Cdinhna, lodlnna and C cnrheld
Drum. ,
21 Westmoreland ar.d S'-raert-et—l‘«« H'lgur
2-2. Fav-»'« »ud Gref—M-awell M LmU.
23. \V«.|..itßU>i;— G V Uvrtnet.
21. A'lrsbrixv and Dorsv. B •/-
lion H. UaaUst +
*.V.Beaver uud Mercer— David SnnUy ■
uO Crawford nn-1 V-< Parier BriW.ey
2 . E*ie— John 11. Watier.
VS. Warren, Jerterson, (Jarion, McKean bdU
Elk —r«n<*ihy Ives
Total—D •nucrat*,...
Democra’ic ntojorjtv
XVoav*’ — 11 e symptoms of the prr*-
enc- of worms i i cltildrm i bwli be careful!)’ wiueb
ei bv parens. and so soon! at there U reason n sos
pret their exi I*'cr, every means should be used to
expel them promptly and horauihl). 18- proprietors
p' M'La ie’s Warm Vermifuge arc confident that t’ ey
offer the l.cH meani a( accomplishing this resell that
bah ever qren sulfmitlVd ,ln the public; and they invite
to it the attention of all who have the management cf
children. The Jneduiinc is a safe and pleasant one.
and never fail* to pftduee the desired effect.
For tale by J. KII)D A CO., No. 00, corner of Fourth
and VVojd st.,' Pittsburgh.. [oolUWAwlwS
, E-G.B.
Erira »d marine insurance.—'Tub Pitts
setou Navto.Tios'isu Fibs liwjiuscs Coktast
eltanered lw3i—continues to insure, upon every de
scription of properly, at lh« fetpeit raf«.
OmcK, No SI ITo.l,
Robbbt Fjrtxrt. Scq’T, mvfidftn
■ " R.'n. jAiiisoßi
PRODUCE, Grocer}’, Manulacturc and Real Estato
Broker, Wteelin*. \ a
irrKefcf to 1 lhckey fr «^>
riU'iS dot u>-d®y ree'd nnd fur sale
€ »*» *• cHozKit
DRJKD I’KACHIvS SO I’J'li (new) to-day we’d *nd
f-r»alf »y octlS y CRUZbR
ROLL BUT THU—H bbli. Frrih Rntl lluucr, in
,^£jrij M rs;S7
•futiM-'N HOWLS—IO bole* Wood™ Howl* in
(oc.l-1 j BCAXmXD,
S" IMPi'lNti CHEE3B—iOO i-oxe# I’nir.e Shipping
1.. »<° '•1, „ CANFIELD
lil Cbcrw (°T «»■» lho Ul > llcl CANFSu
- A WELL FINISHED ROOM, etmablo for a
or I'oralfUoir "■
\ rooms antisble for rffice* or Ar-
U o-tiSif Ollier Third street. over PostOdice.
Madame UO'AFFON bavin* relumed .r..m the
fc-o.irm ciues, i» ir w opetiu.g an excellent a*-
.neW Fancy and M.timcry Woods, Press Silk«,
E.V\?ch Clo»k«, Velvet*, Silk and Menno, of very «•
Heiicnuw , . | aUo, a treat var riy of
peno* q-aliur, aod^iylr
" C^ST
niwo HALF PIPES. Howard. March AiWa'Tcry
Loudon Pa.licular Madura Mtue,Viu
“tvVOQUARTER CASKS, Howard, March A Co’s
•‘Choices?Old” London Particular South Side Madura
' V Q\E V QUARTE« e4 Howard, March A Co’s
90?2 vintage of V» t .elected cx
prr,h.-Lrwn?rt l wbrc e iinp<uudhy myself from Mailel
« 3aH.rm«eVulmeitoV«t New Vork. U the latter
of Auaost last, and are offrxed lo me -rude whole,
.ale or retail, ui U'EAVF.n, JIL, .
t( a Comer of Market and Pint strecid. .■
■ FOa BAl *®S
'fcWue county* Ohio, U 7 mile* below kVheo itir,
,h one mUe above S-nfisb, on ihn bank of ibe
| and °" e , . cfef 0 f (ffouml, on which arc a picam ;
L‘ V *'MU ." « m?‘«o operation. Also, a Flourin' ;
feet, and'hree mnr, M.h one
M l \rk H and’two Frame Dwei.lng lloures; 70 choice
■tfisSaw _ Alt''*™ &. Clt ’XKR
BrMtKS for subscription lo the capita. sl"ck ol the
Insurance Company of P U«bur*ta will
be .SL the Board Of on Monday,
,b sfiroTri j°U" r*' l *- T r o i°H ,n uni °“ r
Wo. L.Ht»rr, J,. )tol>cn ooli,
H'lSf ‘r-Hss™..
Pittsburgh GatetH.
i ig Gazette oftbe’ldih,
id departures of Steam
i:ig thp lost preccdicg
was sixteen, and of
om Cincinnati on their
ie from Pittsburgh on
a single oae termi-
j££ta ■ 4 "« i - 4r
tl V ri* S* Bctor, UDO-ir them « full j X.ftdl«’* L»«t.
carvfdLoui«}ercdfor<neofoarelMi« ,^w "®3 A
r. I A*—*!-.**- Hi..** Arnold J Jantf
n rfrsire JO *ee «nd lirnr tlii« •ptendid of art ’: Arucw F.llzsteih
reipect/ullj 1 torall b<f«y «»tl« *W'rr ; B —.
W ASWS-“ST M "'*-
1 Kairu Mr* >«m jBo«wtII Mr* *
tassum* c ’
Ussier* Mary AnnTWfoid t.u“indaoro*n ?} *
«*'«» Kluxbeth B'amhroi'rrßaclilßro»i» „ ? r v .
RetKaa Snrmli Urrk Julia Bailer Hla
Blnir Mary By mo B
Boots and Shoes.
A SPLENDID B«*ortiaent }a*ireceiveil,M.>t«nj«* tor
the E*H and Winter Trade. «£«««■£
RhN’ft WARK. of every variety and »tr‘o. «
price* to*- Tho«e wi*bm« tojweKa «.
wholesale or retail, *rill fi d a u» tl.e.r advantage U>
ei” " * "! d isnorr,
octi7. • corner Fourth »r.d *u
|['.’l)ont forvet the plaee. J ;— ! —
VaJoable U«al Silttt* far Said.
A LOT OF IiROUND in the Bltmtond, ALetherrjr
City. sojaining Dr. Pressley'* propertT, f-cl
front by I*l Joel deep to a «8 fert al ey. £ ly
table, end term* e«*y. For rurther paft»eo a • «PPT
toJ B Milder. Federal *ireet,-All‘ gheny city, nearly
'TP°™ W. .■»'«. «r •» %s}{££'£, NS
SewieklryTiile. Oct 7.--{octl.7-n2** 1 : _
-3 0 hurt* Green Rto CoFec.
1&» pbg* V. top- and Ganpowder Tea,
SO half chest* Slack Tea*,
tvObxt-Va tosnufactared fobaeco;
40 iihtl* N O. Sugar;
20 bbl* loaf Sugar,
10 bbls Cru hed Sugar - ,
50 bbl* No*.'2 and 3 Mackerel;
•W lif bbls do do;
85 tierce* Freah’fiicr, _
40» lide* Sole leather, (N. >•)
to cask* Madden 60 h« No. 1 Chocolate,
200 iMj N. O. Molas-c*;
5o re ami Writing and Letter Paper;
•i tiblt* Roll Bnmsioue; 80 bbl» camwood,
10 renin* Spanish Whi m*; ' '
s(i b'»U • hip Ixigwnod; 1 bbl Camphor,
. W bi* Wbue Pipe*; 1 bbl Nutmeg*;
50 bid* S. II Molasses; 5 bbla • loves;
bill* Boston Tar. 3 eeroona S. F-.lndigo,
20 bbls Tanner*' Uii; 100 ma * Cusiu,
1.. bbti'Fusttek. \
it*«) B>»,Cotion Yarns.ass’d, t Washington Mill.
3b bale* Candle Wick, j
XUI bale* Nos. U'l Batting)
3 bbl* S illnetre; * do Kpsom Sa.ts;
3 nbU Chalk; 5 bbl* fiio Ginger,
4ii ijr brs'llsli Hpa'itsh Cigar*,
So i;r *>** Kpunuh Cigars;
100 laent.eih bx» Spanish Cigar*;
Kti ini.ib . . do do do; ,
Toeetni-r with n full and general assortment of»»»»•
burgh monuihetuted artiele*. J * K w h ,!' , M,, i*-
Round etioreh Bmldtngv;
on I.iVreriy ami Wr oJ its Pittsburgh
OAI.KrtAITS—LTcn-iibnlerntoMßackcje,) la&d
bjp *a* m. E .^,^ J y.^; YP
POTASH-? co*k« (»rown'»|%«flp«ior !’«»»»’>. li
«io c ami for f;d« by ocij* jl Ajl Fia) y»»
riUMJ-v ULTkKTS a. KF.KLERS—no doz B-avri
1 nueltoi*; lOda lOdo do K«W.; in «ww
ami for,ale U/. oc H7 i * R >_.!*“LP
iA'"I*NDO\V GLASS—ICO ox* 6xlo uu»; W l<x« H»
VV w„s... •»« «~1 ft" ■»'" bj i n pu , VD
f-I~HEKSK-5V l.i.nv, IV, in >ft"«
No. SUGAR—IIS £-bU receiving »ndfr*a>*t>r ;
. ocil7_ CJIJUIAM
" nsihem»ite»l tad School Doekil , ;
Designed for Schools, Msdrmtes and Colleges.
:i ctssmrasx cocks a.
‘Primary Table Books
■ Fim I .catena m.Antluneiic; ,
iV School «'o;
do Key io School do;
do University Arithmetic;
Jo Kyi® University An-.hmetic, |
do Elemuutsry Aleebra; i
do . Key to Klcm-iuary Algebra,
do Hlvmniu of Geometry;
do Drawing and Mensuration.
t aofa>ci3> covnx. ,
do Bourdon's Argenra, K
do : Leicrdre'* Geometry and Trigonometry,
do : 1 icraniuof Surveying; . ,
do : Differential and Inter at Calenlu*;
do ' A<i)l<iifat Geometry;,
do Shadow*, shade* A linear Perspective,
Parker’s First l e»«oaa tn Natural Philosophy*
do Compendium of Nat. & Eap. do;
Willurd’* School History of the United States;
do Atnencan chionoeraphers*
Clarks’* New Kugliati Grammas
Chamber * Kierasiii* of Drawing and Perspective,
do do Nauml Phnowpby;
da do ‘ Chemistry,
. do do Geology;
Jo <k> Phyrology;
do db Toology.
We would call the auen'ton of Teachers and Conn
„ u> Uli. 6 .» edlltcuon of M*ih™.,ico
m l School Book*, 10 whom a lII* ral discount will b<
u “ p,,c fiuo?r J knoW
No. <t> Wood meeu_
RICE— 13 Uerce* Kicc, in»: rec'd ani lor »nlo by
<*,ls a CULBERTSON, 14? Liberty «t
l/\A COZ. Bucko*; 10 doziargci'uh*; 5«loi small
IOU Tabs'6 duz Keelers; jiul fee U and <oi tateby
* .mJ„ c M I» RA "3_
W R ' Iv^^MC^D^S
S A S ATUS_I2 ‘““w.C^-MNDLE^
rUMCTPiTi. •»
ij A^'"“ W "“jvlc^'CANDtfcS
hud u.d to Mijrflr v , c>;iD ,.B. 3
p^. ,r^c "«Mc!riV”iwK4«
\ f ACKEREI>-au till* No 3, in store *"« for tale by
M. ocU« „ •» VS A &Jco_
pEATHERS-4 bags Kentucky Feather*, Jntt rec'd
‘Lt"l4 d f< " MAS VUUT-mSON&CO
rpOßv.'CO—23 l.x. ss; 15 UX« h’«i 10 ba* natural
tf'- 1 " ‘laLarg^awgaa.
ff’KA—Prime article in flare on'l lor talc by
1 octlC _ STUART* l»:
\ i* f K«RW.-20 talfiiwfco 3 Fat;. I«W bty Nc
ftl & lUbx» Scaled Jlornnß*,
[j U o^? S ‘" * STUART ASH.L
'•’ IHKFS--2UO ooxc* to wore 'g L L
1 <AbiTRiIHIONS -N«w*op«niaff, at A. A. M 'SON
£ fc CM S, °ne thousand piece* new style KibLo
o*.t 1$
l ; ~X.U«, .nil of U» »»>• yr»USO« L c°
I iTxeirSTrKi^iri*"- s,lE > “• b “ t
"‘ 4, " 1 5 a amasosjco
JiaNCY'MLKS--* Cane* of Uia choicest style* or
< A Faney SlUn, comiuisms tbn “• ortment i.
,< market. __orlK A A MASON AcO
tUK 1 1 V.j:pln«Wf.iy for Passengers.
Tire Boat* of this Line v#Sl If*
Lkt!WySrsgi«i follows, ai B o'clock agntalit
' ’ ’ Ttonjpon, Tjtjd.y, Utu ,Blh.
steals* «*,
Kentucky—ll Truby. Friday, 26ih.
ni.iA—l’aol A Craig, Saturday, J7lh-
P Thomson, Suuday, SSih.
lndia..a-P Burkcy.Mondsy.taih.
kvmuck*—H rrutty, Tuesday. -MWi. '
Ohio-Aralj. Jl * t - SUTCH
FoiJ.u.B6o WP'y » Monon^fllfHoii 1 !
ocll , D I.FECir* On. n.n.l Harfn
Ltsbtl ,
TUST rcceiTPtJ and lor aale at No 65 SmithßeldM.
J (SWrdwnabofo Fourth ) * fiMMiorWM**'
I Vm p H ftf ap ed eipre*«ly for toe u.e of BURN
ik« FLUID* aSd will be «>ld in quanuuo. to .tut
P ThFbURNISG FLUID ». a new : arttc!e, perfectly
(Wfrom the dan ear of ex?U«on, and uuntraUed tor
£a<m bkonomyand Conaruiense. R» a complo e
fui imoie for Oil, Tallow urGts, bein'per ectly.a'c
*ul‘»mme tor w . arance nT id ytre. a uniform
l " | i without odor or Smoke. In. po
;""l fti “ Slmrilf" «“ Un '”i f “ r '
iTLnfmnii t recommend, it.eli to the at
!“*; %co nitry Merchant., Hotel Keeper* and Fa
£ i“. ij i.ll aVfor 0« Ohmeliei, Slc«ml»i>u, «»J
tui ic».u» «.y . tiemen. To bo had of
h *cTlC T tM f> fls gmltb&eld .U Pltuburgh, Pa.
BOAT TRIMMINGS -We invite Steam-
Men to eal! and exam no our naaortraent of
•wfUßcntin oarune. v v w. M'CLINTOnK.
V/ lio»» vv,«bo"U N«- ’5 Fourth at. We In
turk » CQ i fl "- 1 Mru to call and exitnire before pur
lOC.MI > w- M'CMNmc^
E7Ti7n<«;t.*Ti PIANO AND rABLKCUVfctttf -A
D f Bmboaaed Piano anil Table
efa ft^wTM’CUuiOck’aCarpel Waie-
C* u “ d c « auae bMoso
pu-chauns el*e w kere.
, oetia
Mo TIIOS K.IHBnEBr:-SJ’sir,''VoutWft[.
Tlllii FbUIU oe have now boon non* mote then
Tl "z, r n . looking over ibo tainei muds by it, wo
? VtS. . brtS°l>l» blnnc 111. pleuanl lo
fin ‘! fllw* iter, o-ni 'loci not clog ibo pen like wi'b, Sjwi «oo Ibo icidy .ole
,hc oriinuy ■"*" n„ yoen leweeltnlly, .
us menu dem*nti, > SIMPSON* CO.
„ !.• ,_.oih#r with Uibbert*s Red Ink, and Ma
by B A; Fahnestock i do. It. I*.
S h , «i«^ y Allcchent City, and l»y the mannfactorer,
7- sntSS‘»t “‘ d Chemist, comer of Liber
,r, noun
nATjpvrrs' CABPKTS:— Rm’U ihi*dav, at.w. m -
ri INTUCK’3 Camei Warehouse, No. 75 Foirih
.( ..former supply of Csrpeis, of the latest and mo*
l| .nIM. w whietv wo invite the attentinn of
MEN. and those wishing to furnish
lit id catt and examinethe largest assortment
b'-X-W 38K*
i N °' F °°' 1 ‘ l *‘ rC “' W. M'CLLNTOCK.
rivi »OliUi3 JBVVELRV.—J I ust opening, a beautiful
I ■miortmcai ofTmqaoU, Pearl and Diamond Jew
*v Ureas' Pi"»* Bracelet!, Finger Ring*,'Duckies,
* Chains, Ear Rings, fce^&e.
/Iso a splendid irck oi gold amliilver'Vyatche*,
/A,. b-u aoa’itT and ateaaiera price*—warranted
talo.SW-. Gold P c n h BoUrl„,U ( U.sJ,*« ;
oetl2 ' comet Market add 4th sta _ •
6 ““°"rt.& 3t mcoiB
A npw opening the handaomest lir.
CjoilrpianSand Table Cover* over .
kS,Vwhieh ho invite* the attention of porchaaw*.
Caulfield Elizb JConncl Johanna Graw'ortS Jaiue D
Clark Maria T. Conway M*ry Croirere Cndgct
Comb Mary J Cook I.neretia J t-rapi’Wjtn'
Davie Lydia R Revert Mary Annthirjep L° u '*®
Dim* .Mar' Diamond FmaJ Deem* Maty M
Dea- Kltrnberlt ivinijr Catherine JDyef Pbebe Ann
Duval Elizabeth Duncan Isabella
Eaton Maria Edwards Maria Elliot Anna Jann
Edmond Mr* AlexKnutt Ellen : '
Fsirraafl Lyd>a AFilch Mr* Sam'l Frew Mary' J
parrel Catherine Fone Mary. A
Gardner Anna Gaytori MaryX. G reenough Mary,
Go ilfer.Pn-Ue Glew Eliza Greerere Anna
Graham Elizabeth
Hagan MarrsrctaHanlon Mrsßorcy Hamilton Mary
Hain*-omt Mary llall Catherine Hu*»ey Rebecca
Marbo’d Mary Jlawkina Cather-Holmea Rebecca
Haro Ague** Ine A lloney J F
Harriet .Mary ilawton Anna J Hopper Sarah
Ilariton Mr* Cha«Haymaker Sarah Hnraer Mathilda
Hamer Eiizabethilays Smart M Ulugh Rebecca
Harper Lydia E Herrin* CfhertneHuebe* Kiznbetb
rllirt Margarcua Hemramgray La-HtiinhUtoneßnta
Hasletl Isabella mime Hurti Widow .Ca*
tiaslett Marg’ta Cfiitt Catbenne thermo
ig Mr* I«ael Catherine
Jackson Satan FJackton Catherine Joha 1
Jeekton Mr* Jackwn Ann Jonea-Liizabeih
Jsekmn FraneiUnefenn Margt-Jone*
A C retu Jane Jouhtoa Nancy
Be-dell Mary' K-o*h Mr* M
Kerr Caroline R Kinney Annie b
Lambic Mr* IVn L ccrtCa’Vrns Lockers Mr*
LehmcT CatherineLiulo Maty O Logan Mr* Ws
Ma**y Harriett M»run Sarah • Morse raize
May Jane Veit* Catherine Moe« MiIlY
j|»r Agne« d Mrrryntan Reb’caMurrar Mp , Anl Anm? Milter Kata Murray Mary
.U tlUil Alim? r
Me -|
McCormick SatahMefiinley BridgeiMcLanghlia. Mi
F McGuire Harriet Chn*
MeCmcbt Fliza McGranahan La-McMurray Nz
\u F»dfii Mary viun gareiia
MclniyrcAda’neCKeLea'n Mi»» #
N<wel Mary . Nicholson Sarah
Maylor E V
Neel Elizabeth A
O'Couer Mary • O’Neil M A O’Doijuel Jan
Pika Mary i FauersoaNaacyß
Palmer Mary
Parker Rebecca;
Fee* Mary ' Robinson Mary RiddU Mathila
Rice Manilla Rogers Mra Robert* hlary.
HichardElizaJaneKouley Mary Ann
ot Maearet S;o«* Manraret Snowden Jane
ale Maria bkilman MelutayS one Mr* V> G
oreMaiyG Smith Hannah Stops Anna H
.belt Mary AnnMWth Anna Strickland Phebt
ie* Eliza Snead Mn Jaz A Swearingen Ruth
ewart Catherine r
Taylor Rachel Toon* Elecor Thooaa Mary
Tuompiou Marg't
Welch Mary William Elizabeth Williams Malt A> Wood Mu) M Wilkiuon M«J
Writ Catherine H Wood am Caroline.
Gentlcmtn’a List. L.
A- 7 .1
B\V - Ames Franri* Arm*tnin2 0»n
KobtA' Ccr ou DavidLAtoold Gilbert
David' . Aiuirmin A U AiUin lowia
. <ohn CJ Anderwn B*ml E Aula Vvm J
-Hta9 Jou-i C Aoi?®i*on Win D Auconnel Jo*
Alien Enoch Applets Th;t» Auitin V\m|
Akco Wra D ArawttongJo* AjertWm.
ilmonKob. „ **«“*«"■
HaofonlHA Besson Daniel {?* D i «*
Uiinn Joseph Beall Chas BreW.i Sami L
Biitow John ilear Thomas 8 . r3,ri 1, ,*“*s
BatmirgßP Berry UeoT ' BntlEdsrart
Ba'ey J D Urrrf Henry Brsek-nrvdgeHH
i akcr t-dward Bender Henry BrakeyJumeiC
Barker David Sieph-n Brady imsfc'
Haje'ay Robert Heckle? John Brieo Wm»
B«rne» Wm A Beck C.A Lrrce A Djl
B uehelor AS Uillmi-eJ Brooke Rtebird
Barren This Bid <mph Wm Brook. Jo**ph
UarioicU M-ihASlilakely Joseph Bryan Cask A
Bauer John Blakdly M Bucha-mn Ju
Bayne Wra Bland Wm . Bam. GeojW .
Bayne John 3 Tco» Burns Aletfr
Bate* Jxim F WU ey ffn £?**rd
tinner A -tt.ony Blakely John
iiarelav Wm •= Black David P Bukfi Johfl-
C*n itoti M Boyle James Burke A Rent
Unw. ui Boyle Daniel Burke Brink
Beil Joan Bound J hit Duller JohhH
I Bell Franc:. Bordeu Franci* Dorkhctmei &
Bell .Verreus Boyd JohnC Roger* «•-
tP-UWmJ Bowen OuerF BurneußPvWm
Beil a O Bawm»n Jerem'hßams Paijlck
.eilMociT 1 mwn Ge> Burton John
thin John- Brown Thomas Burgome Jpthua
nugi'lxiy John BrowuJasL Brown John
Btowu Morion Brown Jo. 3 I
- . ■ u • ■ i;
ssrisi-. santis* a&Kk*-
r!l«*lv He ay Clark FJ -Crawford George
Carter James P Clark SueldoaE Craig JohaN
c!noil Tfm cbfkßolit „ S' a ' 1 ,n, 5 e &? ne *
Carroll Ga>W riemmer JohnS; Crslg Hgnry
Ca-llebury DMor-Ciayto.i James Rah*
sen ‘ tfColier Walter Crano Auvtin 8.
C*»n Jnmri Cole James Cn.well JohaU
CaU.nnr George Crowley lolm
Canon J»h.t lio-per Jo-hna troibey.'Jaseph
Carpenter TUca ECochran Ch-s T Curry John
Canitle Henry Cwk Samuel • Cmn.trgbamJnoH
Carliile Rev Wm Cunningham Ter-
Carev II Conan Wm v rene* I
Campbell John L Conwell Uugh Curna AS ‘
Campbell John LOeoUy June* L Coningham Andw
Campbell RoM COBtaghtim Pai’kCunningtanTboa
Campbell R A Conneliy-Jatnes Curtirf Nicholson
CaldwellC iplD Cooßon John Oornwirhr»r>
t Caldwelt Stephen foulum Win CnltnerJohu
On rlstyM'Ph-rsocCombey Samuel Robl
Chadwick JII Cowhick Jo. B 1 J
, Chamber# Win Cowley MaUhew
! D : ||
. Daniels Jno AS DeveruiyJohn ..
D»|y .Michael Deneil James K®ss i™ 1
imvivon Wm Benight Ota*.
D«*»ou W “ Dean Dan’l * Hngh
s Dart Wm' Dillon Michael. Drwi rt»* .
Dayton Jahiel D;lo Jacob Drey^rlrphn
David Aiexr Dixon Tbo«* S T, ff?ofa.rt eniith
Davis Alfred Doiuhagh Daniel Duff Robert
Davi.AK Dolan Jame. DunCa>i{paroei__
Davit Samuel Donahoe Marlip DancanjiThoa M*N
Davis Kva* _ Dunne lejrf
Davis John Don. John Dunne Jplnn
Dav;a Slwdrtek SDaru Michael DevennJ .Sam ID
Davis David Dunning Jiunci Davis Euueus
Eakman Alex Edie Wm H Eani. indrewF
libennan Geo R Edgerton Luther Ernest ft? T D B
EdmuudWm Futier Sacn’l Eyster Chna
Edwards John Evans C
ISvans David Ewing John 1
Farlry Tho» :3 Finley John Foptei Addison
Patrick Flynn Andrew Focht Edward G
Fanrnaoa W« Flinn Wm Ff»wr George
Fehl Abraham Flonifjn PC »tJohn
Fincher Jnmea P.ood John •»
Kinncv Abiiah Forvyth L b WaT
Fitter Hugh Fcley Michael F/»nklinTho»
EIS«Jr Fogle Jacob Fel Patrick
Fulton Joseph Fulton Anthony Funk Simon
Ga'iecr II Griffith Edw’d Gorhtly Chat
Gailoaher Neal Graham Wm Gainer Edward
Galloway Wtuh’nGraham George GGreer A Monaga:
G illoway Garret Graham Lal*yutteGo|itWiu
George Robert" Gray David Gpdld John M
Mice John <ir»y The. G«m jf Patrick
Grer Henry Guntau Patrick Gbjmly John A
Geonce James Guthrie RR Goode John
GaberJG Greer H G ■ Gilbettllerk
Gardner Andrew Grant J S GSlkersoo Tho»
Gaskin? John Gillelt Jonea M GllhodWm
GibsoaJN Glean Alex GjUdereue Felix
H - li|
Jlall Cha* M llanbman John Hover Wm R
Hamilton Robt Hay* Julia* Hqustoa Andrew
Hail Durham H»yeJ Howard Thomas
Ha Won tiro Helpia Wot Uonsywell S
Hainrn & Wiissn Hcper John Uoope P A X
Hahnch A C Hctuleraon Andw tlou»r- John I
Hauler Mirhael Henry Milton 'Rough John »
HanioniJamet HiU Jamee II inter Mr“ ao ‘
Hanlock John Mine* Michael Jftinler « o
. Harper Saraael Hill KPf .
Harper 8 D lirl enMn'J II “Wj' IVm
Harlan Mtehael Hirchkoir V E
Markin. E Hollrre.ltWk •IJA'Sf’jSne,
HamailHU Horrle m»kl KwJrrWo
Harrell Wm. Hmatele SamnE IteeßißKin r.
Hartiron O H Here.y John “J M
Harti. Thoa Hninphrera O .MrlliUtoa u “
lakarteonaWO lialey Eire I fTi9 , ° k “ 1
Ingram A P ! 1
JomisEdmonl j£3eo|raos
Jack,on H JoMJobftJ
Jackson CII Kev JefleJb Micba-I JoaesiGeo
Jamti A Wm M Joie* Hugh '
Jarvis D 'i , 'hh*ioiJ Tae* Jocie*4V>a.wid
Jnalm Mr WestleyJoAeip B S'
I£2L2?A Johniwn Wm i4^«n.
Jordea John , „ . j '
Kelly CaptWm Kids Skeen A Pat-
KeroanWmH T .tenon
Kennedy Jo* cG K T , Kinekfey C
Kealins J" htl _ fho*
Kennedy Reniy KioK j) M jd Xiieasf Hanson A
EiHoranThot KiVceUaSylveaiei
tTufiS" Kelly Denni.C Maa#k hfi»ea
UIITW" Hsr-A“" uSfc
£§§£ S'Ssir/'
* — v on Ua&e LotfeJwejQiw
Maloney Michael MUliken Cha* Morgan W*H ;
Maneles* BemardMitts Jtaea Mqwaa -Wm
MalfittThompson Mills Edwd . HoTOtaAtuaham
Martin. Patrick.; Miller laadry Monfllkual
Martin Robt ' Millar Tfcos . Mowrf*
Martin Anthony MiUer Abraham Momnrßobt
M.rt.WnJ- Miner Deal Moore Iteetoe "
Meuhewa Robt Roller Cat* Moore Maul , .
Martemm PatV Mitchell Robert MooraT \Y
MrwhinnryAdamMHebtll Wm Moore Du»id
IMaibers Jo«eph RMiicbell Ja* B Moore John R
MayJameaJ - Norroe Jobs * - Korrieoo W«-
Mason James Moorcbead ThoeTMonn John
Mason Joseph Mole* Jamea , MuHoon Henry ■
Ma’hea Joseph RMontooth Robl Murdock Sami 0 •
MuheiS George MorrW Richard MollmOO
Matthews Robt RMorgunFdwd MylcrWa ' u
Meyer* Georse Moon field Chas Murry Michael
MeeUem G F Morphy Timothy Murry Jeremiah
Murry Fell* • Murdby Cbu
M’Brtfty John NT Donald James WKelrey Dennis'
M’Col ourhCß ei’DoweU Jane* M’KehnuJohft
M'Cul'ough lr>« M'PoweU John M’Keo'Wioaua
M’Cklland Wn M’Dougu l ! Alexr M’Kee SamuM A ,
M’< ‘lePaml Wm J M'FaiGme John BTKeown ,Wtt .
M'Caosland J M'FadenJa* ' M’Kee Wn
M'CudltwL D M'Fatlune Geo M*KeeRH-
M'Clo*kerJa* M’Elhose Benin M’Kee SamanlA
M'Cambridae'j M’llwain John- hTLaUthlia
M’CaffreyJames M’lnlyre Capt ITUamaO
M'Callam A C Murrain* .Robt M'La nDr
M’CanhyJot M’llroy Samuel BM’Linn ON
M'Cioskry MJr *>’lruyre Daniel'M’Laoghlia B •
M'Caraell Alexr M’GilrruyWa M’Lain o*o ,
jj'Coy Wo M’finir* Samuel M’Nell Jobs
M’Coy Tlioa M'Gaflck Cut J M'Salty BdwarA.
M’Coy James M’Uuloes Felix M’* nutty John -
M’tnllyJohnF MKlee Bernard M’Sweegan P
M'Cuiiy Robt !• WHarb Mlebaal M’Fague Wm
M’CueWo M'Goron Kenry M’Far ey John
M’Cuiiy John T M’Ganity BernardUTane Wm
M'Creery Robt M'Ginley Patl( M’Mabon Bost ■
Wra M'GoyernJua M'Maeklinn A
M’DonaldThoe M’Gowuu Peter" M’leelUPrand*
W • MtJUIWm M’MehonWm
Neil Jemee Noland Samuel Neal Janet A
Nelson James P Nutt Thomas Norton J
Newman Wm Nicholi John
Janfes O'Neill John • Oabam Letfaa
Otis Btag H O’Keefe John On James -
Ogden John O’Neil John- O’Brien Thomas
Oater Andrew O’Frtel Jaaee •
Parklnaon Capt. Phelan Michael Perdue ft Bald*-
Palpreaa leaiaa Philllpe Xaka; - maa f .
Pa'ner Samvel Ptnkbam A K Peacock Samoan *
Pauenon W A Plaußß Petty Jota • ;-•'
Parker Charlea EPrcctnr Jam'ea Perry James
Patterwn Cast JaPemeUefc BrownPWUlpa David B
Pelet Alfred ' Pritchard Joteph PbUllpa WJUla*
Perry HA PeanenWm Pee:Robert
Pena Jama H
Knox Ho*‘ L
Quail Bober: i QtualinAO
•Rankim William Rogers Clayton Richardson Wm
Ramsey James RRogeraTbea B RieUjr John
Reagan vtichsel Roger* Dennis Biebardson Jat '
'Hsmtey Jas R Rosen James : ' Bxstlne SaotMl •'
Rom»ey- Franktiaßobirfsoa N g KlchirdtoaDrJna
Rea Robert RebiooonJeseee 800 John .
Ranchi Hennr Robinson 08' Room Mania
Rafferty Michael Robinson James Rowblr 8
Ramsey Robert Robinson Mat Baas Uearr
Raltican Hiehaslßobinsonßev ABRossJi>hnu
Rerniek Carper- Rudy John. RayiaSsmnei
Reinhart George Ryan Jame* Roberts Joaeph ,
Rci* Henry Rice Patrick ■ Retd Judo*- or ' :
Reamer Frednr’k Riehardson Chas Alexander
Rees VVm RitsorJas Reynold* B .
Headman Josbna Riee Pater RetdDP
Reno C»pt Saajuelßoed Charles Rhodes Abraham .
Bee* AlexanderCßetdJobaß- - Rigdln Wb
Reed John Reed VVm P Rinc heart Alfrad . .
BateheUS Shields A If. Spragoe&uaul
Slater John Smith Sbeneser Speer HN -
SaltAM«.at '“Emlth Peter . Spencer John
Sanderson John Smith James Bterrett-BF
Sarber John Smith VVm. Steel Henry ’
Scott Mr Smith MajHoraeePtayr John
S-nbr Dennis Smith John C ; Stephens Paul#
Scott Wm Smith Wm Stewart Joel
Semi This Simo James • Stewart Jastsa • -
Scott Geonra Simoon* C W Stewart Chanes
Scott Samne! C Simler Wm B BteVer*ra JtS 8
Seott A V film* Dand— Sievenroo Fran** •.
Seoman Wm T -Shnee Robert - Btevenaoa WmH
Shannon Reid Snyder Geo W Stone Waitaa F. .
fbn'er Dane II Spear J A • Stone Wb^
Shaw Richard tpayd Jacob , Sticklo James . .
Shaner Edmond Spencer VVm- Semen Jamea. ,
Wm Hpeneer loha Sullivan John ,
bbowalterßobt Swindell Jamea BolliraattamphT
'Shwety ChjJst’r Shepherd Wm . V:
.TaylorJohn' 'Thompson John TurnerOeom
Taylor JohvH Thompson Jas '' Turley John J
Taylo D*vid Tinker* John Trsfflbtu Jamea,
Thrmp>onWm Treoan Mr Tweedeßamnol
Thompson Alexr TVtzell John ; Tomer Enos
Thomas Jene L Tinker Walter H Tomer Georg*
Thomu Dand Tidbali Aaron A A
Thompson Geo UTompkina Thoa Turley John M
Toni* Moses Torrence John Tracks Benia
TorreneyThos ToftsCaplAW
Young Lucy Arm
■Vimoer Re* Mr Vance Joaeph W VealehJosUi
Vordy John
W I ;
Waller CM . Watson Wm Wilson The* F • tJ "
Wale, E Brook Well Arthur , WUwnJnhn .
WattonJoaeph Welsh Francia Wilson Robert A
w,»rfne> Dard Weaver John wuhetao _ - :
Walthom Catpsr WeeksEdmuhdW Wilkinson J
Wustaff VVm HHWeimer Dr Wiabont J Read -
Wallace John G Webb . ■ WeimerOW
Wallace George Wells Edwin R WislerStttaaL • ' -la
W.llaecJohnWm Webb Peter' Wllot Jts ■ t. : :»
WardMii-a- Wells Edwin R WtUismaen Join
VVsOon W Weston John Wirgin* James
Waters A Erexts Whitiferd RobV WUktuaoa RtH*v . ■
w«u Sima-1 Whipple llemy MJ ■ ... .. >.j
Warwood Eman’JWhueombJodsh Williaon ObadUh
WarncrEd»dlioWimamj»Wmß P
rloeer.Ae WilUamaTboa D .Woeda David’
Warnock VVm WWi ton George Wolff Joseph
VVsid Pm’k VVilion Henry Woodward RmjF' *•*
WngblWmß Wright Allied •
' T •
TooilipgF • yoongJeasoY Young Pater
° LIVER OlL—Pare WhilaSajutWo’dandfer.
\J sale by -ootid , J KIDD fc CO, No 60 Wood St -
CORKS— 14 bale*, long and ihartf imi rec*d/|* g f*’
■alebjr , - RJitiE Ug*2w
ocU3 ; •JLHSrSa
rvij&i pt^eTorkßr,
Ur for tala by . . [ocuj] R Kjf&SiiS—*
, HUBAUB ROOT—-3 case* ImtxgrMfljjgjta*
SOCOTOaiNK; ALOES—l43lbs, a s*!* I*® 1 *®
juA rec’d u 4 fat ule by . .tf «al£BS
J ocU3 Rgß^gg^-
A ' jgOBAX REFD-S cases )uA*“ggj}&Bß3
Soml .iMottferN.
ile A W Moody Georgo L
John* MbnioSobt
Initial*. ; '
Mtho'lm Lodge, No.'iSO- .
Pri.»t Allegheny Hoea Company.
Secretary Boeiety. •:
Pocr-Oyrtce, Oet 15,18 W.
WANTED-a good Book keeper. Apply
CO, Market at The belt of reference* recalled
. OCtls • ' • ' • ;
' lilthOßiipbU EiUMtlhmilt '
OFWM. BCHUCHMAPiN,.Tbiid svoppcuiiatha. ~
PotuOSee, Piiuburgh.—Map*. Landecapea,®!*,
bead*, Sbowbil**, Label*. Architectural and Mwug \ .
Drawing*. Butina u and Vuiting Caro*, AO-t engraved -,
or dra» a oa stone, and printed m color** Gold, Brew .
or Blaek, in the moit approved style, and. •l the moat ’■ ? .
reasonable pneer. ■ octlfciy.
WB are row receiving from the factory * Urge -
•apply of tbe*e good*, which we axe aelUnf low
er than toch good* can be had elsewhere in thi* ntty* .
Wo dj! no *cid» In bleaching, that Irjare* the-goodr;
our object being to-produce goods not for abow «uy,
but for comfort ana durability, and a* web leer r*- ■ •
eeived the fim premium over all other gooda exhibit*
cd at the late Allegheny Agricultural Fair. . . - ■
Fo< tale at the Blanket Depot, No* 68 Market It, ua _
at the ware room* of the Fajettc Mtnufafl taring Co-,. .
No. lid Second *t. ...
Blanket* of car Manufacture are eold in Alleghany
City, by Mr-John Dean, ahd also at tha ?Two Big. j,
\V tndow*," Federal »L • ' ~ octt* * • - c .
Opateral Oystars!
BUHKK A CiTS Daily Express U now rtgularir4*r
lircring Can and Shell OYSTERS,. wh&h are of
fered .10 dea’er* and tunilie* at the lowest Brieo. •,
Qualt'y warranted equal to any brought to this our* j .
kei, and for tale by • • •••'•■ •■■■! - •••• •
, J.C.•BIDWELL,Agt,W**«.•
. Al*o^-AttheroUowingile'pot*:-ReUfcßeTt« , ,eot*
ner Southfield and Second its; E. Heaxieteo,UnSUed,
Mercer tc Bobinaoa, Federal at, Allegheny. oetU
QroMitii) Wlbni *e« ‘
THE nbtcriber* are now receiving: their Fall,
of Good*, and offer for.aile the uultnriaf, -
tommodaling-term*: ,
3*6 cask* MaspraO’a Soda A»h, f® ,
20. do- do Bleaching Fowderj^..
ittnhd* prime fi. O. Boyar; . ..._ . •
SOSbbU do' ! Motatte^fndtk u “^.• ;
17bbULoaf Siran '• *
154 bag* prime Bio Coffee; - '
30 hf cheat* Y. HyeoitTet; .
100 bx» Y. it, G; P~ and Imperial Tea, • fi
20 bxv VirginiaTobaeeo,ft’»,*e», ir .: kM ii. - ! ’
S) bbl* and.half bbU Wap. t **d i IIiCMWt
’‘S bLu°RSs«d ud oWg*?Q!F in l ■
J7hf pipe* Brandy^Otard,Dopey,«i • . <
2pipe* Holland,Gin;
20caik* Port winea, wtow bn»»a ‘
18 do Madeira* Sherry W*“*» .
33 do Pweet Malaga < &
5 do White Wlne*s
Cordial*, Alcohol,
W * No. 160 Übtotyi*.
OIINDRIES-IS bar* Feathers; »«» Ciaaear, 3 do
SwSSrifu uow ltadk * *** ******,
OhJojMid br «» le b * ISAIAH DICXEYR CO '£
L ; —rTut'c' WASHING GLO V EB—Jast TWt’d, 1 Hot
SSi BoM" -gST* “*
I4SD Jut ree'd aad for solo br
j a “«,ls- SELLERS It NiCOLS ; .
Ha.\l£— fStierce* Barred Hams, jast xti'i aodfot/
L” ost—Ono Bk Stow Patterns, (narked A. Brad- '
ley, P,Uft>ttrgb.) taken from steainboavPilot No *_
iaiuLtaitc. Anytuformation of the abore will tfe?
tha JrfoHy received: ’ A. BRADLEY,
_cctifcdTi •’ ■ ' ■ -Ko.l9Woodt -,
LAMP OIL—SOD rallon* jut ton'd and for safe by ' J
oettV J KiLDfcCO.NoftQ Woftdw J
ALCoHOL— 300 galls jost teetd and for ufo by 1
ocu3_ J KIDD fc CO, No 60 Wood*
/I LASS PAPER—3<S Hearns. Smith Patent* in am* *
VJ and for sale by - JKIDDfcCO,
ogtis • . No ft* Wood at
rpANNERS’ rails jut reeM and for safety
1 octiS JKiDD A CO, No 60 Wood st
TAPESTRY OIL CLOTHS—Boo'd this day, at V. *
M’Cluuock'a Carpet Warehouo, new and fcaadf
ioino style Tapestry tftl Cloths, which will be eat to R'
any site hail; room, cr veiiibaie." • ■■ - ■:■*
oco3 : -••;••• W, &PCLINTOC*m '
OIL-W bbti lbml«y H(i »»wr.
BLACK TEAK —is Metau
»( jo " CtajwO .
1® *o® , Aallnr fjrtf. fag.
1 do HGBAIVr-
For'»»'e >»y l®ctl3l_ p, I ™^
W A .f TEl fea , of > °' l - by ~ aai - Me
TJACON —TO OMtprtao »"'i*}j£dtof*s
K Jo „nmr<jj.u»i logijsy» jqcaw