The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 17, 1849, Image 1

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A H.MffHKJMJ ACROZLRiCojnxniwson Merchants
ii. and Dialers in produce; No. SW Market-street
PttuburgL • does
■K it scstmsuj. wo*iiai»**.
BTISHFIELD A LEADERj Wholesale dealers in
' Dry Goods, Groceries, *Coou, Shoes, Pfhiburgh
manufactured articles, Ac, No. £2O Liberty street,
Pittsburgh. i )T>
mt>ni:i kuaos, . «*“*** wove*.
BRAUf. A REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drog
instf. r sreer of Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pitts*
burgh. Pa ‘ !| \ ' Payld
~,111, j • u. a. ssowr.
BROWi i If CULBERTSON, Wholeaalo Groeera,
and CsmaiLiioc Mcrehams, No. 145, liberty<L,
PiUsi.urL'b. Pa ___ 1 dehliy.
B a K>CK A Wholesale and Ke
• tan Prnggi»t<i corner Wood and Ctb st*. lyl
ia'oAl.kV* A SMITH, Wholesale Grocer*; is and
\ *jd WooJfurctl’imborgh.
o. ii* pahthidgb, n. d.*
CONTINUES to give his parncolar atlenlion to the
treatment of Disease* Ol the SKtN, SCROFULA,
aud Diseases of the THROAT, t’
OSes hours: V A. M-, 1 P. hi., and 7 P. AL
' jous a. cum- -* w. a tKisaut.
ClRAIti A 9RINNER, Forwarding and Commission
; Merchant* N‘u. VO Market it, sptf
(1 A. McANULTY A Co, Forwarding and Com
/ • missiou Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa.
Buiiouus Steel and lion
/"IOLKMAN/ HAILMAN A Co, manafaetawr*. of
Coach and Eliptic Springs, Hammered Axles,
Spring and pioegh' Steel, Iron, le. Warehouse on
Water ami Front s'feets, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealers ui{-Coach Tiinunings and Malleable
pasting*. ; >pctia
-Cftteis. W.U.[DAKK,
Orncß—SaiiihUiu street, bertten Seventh and
Strawberry alley.'' “ ' , ,
u —Disc sees of the mouth, gura* and teeth treated
■llotnaMptulitcalir. . " * spllUdam
wa. u. »a*hisn, JAioa J. axaaan.
DENNETT, (Ute English, Gallagher
A tfo.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For*
warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Piiu
turgli Manudtctutes/No. 37 Wood ru, between «d and
3J ffttcct*. .. ' oetl
g * amil'orwaidicr
Merchant, No. IS* Wood street. Pittsburgh. myl7
C. a* DARt.U, D,,
osttes—Oo Snuth&eld il, between 3d and 4th.
ut&ee hoors—Front Ik M. to 3t. M.—from 6to 9, P.
M. Kasioxsc*—Mr. Dander’s, corner SutithSeld and
and Third sts. - sptsMtot
HAMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of Deary
shirtings, Checi*,Mc., Rebecca meet, city ol
Allegheny. acvlS-dly*
H LEE, (successor to Murphy A Lee,) Wool Deal*
• cr ami Commission Merchant, for the sale ol
American Woolens, Liberty, opposite Bth st. fcbt7 '
tv*. atxLii, ntuumore/
a.r.ttCKKox, xswAssnaats, > p...,,,
p. eji'caatKOMonJtjuwassat, J rnu “»*
HLALD & DUCICNUR, Tobacco Commission filer*
chants,'4l North Water at, Al 6 North Wharves,
Plttla. ’ nov3o-if
a. a. saudt. wzs. r. ions.
aARDY, JONES A Co., (successors to Atwood,
Jones A Co.) Coamtuton and Forwarding filer*
lianu, dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods,
ttteburgh, Pa. *. • moh^
USJAU LttlTf, . . SOMSr DICtXI, ra,
ISAIAH IMCAEYACo., Wholesale GroccT*. Com
ntissipn fiXerchaau, and dealers in Produce, No*. W
Water, and U-7 Front streets, Pittsburgh. novb_.
rosMaPipwoiiTU. josarn dilwoktu.
Jti. DiLWUKTH A- Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pro*
• duee and Commission Merchants, and Agents
for the liaiard Powder Co; of N. Y., No. d? Wood n,
PiltsbcrgU. • ; ,juO
JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist aid Apotheoary
No. 4i .Mnrfcct cl, three doors above Third m. PuuJ
burgh, yrill hare coiutaru])’ on haul a well selected as;
soranem of the best and treshest Medicine*, which bo
will tell on the’ most reasonable terms. Physicians
sending order*, will be promptly attended to, and sop*
piled with arve!e» they may rely upon as genuine.
ID* l’by tinsns Prescription* wui be accurately and I
neatly prepared trout Use l-est materials, at any hour ot
ue dsy or mgflt.
"Also for tale, a large stock of fresh and good Perm,
raery- - ; ; _ ju!3
Jii. CANI il LL), (iatc of Warren, Ohio,) Contmis
• sionaudForwamnsilirehaat, and wholesale
dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Batter, Pot and
Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Water
treet, between dniithUcld and Wood, Pills burgh- qp3
. TORN WATT, (successor to Ewan
(I Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant,
dealer in Produce anti Pittsburgh Manufactures, cor*
tier of Liberty end Harm streets, Pittsburgh Pa. jaa6
JAMES & iUCUIRE, (lata of the him of Algco and
McGuire,) Merchant Tailor, St. Charles ;Uutldtngs,
iMrd_slrcet, tiijir Wood, Pittsburgh; •; . 1
JjifilEß A. HUi-CUIiON, A Oo.—BueOeesora to
Lewis Ihncbiioa A Co- Conrmuslon Merchants,
and Agent* of the 9v Loots Steam Sugar Refinery.
.( No-tiwaier and Vi front streets, Pittsburgh.
_JanL . . ;
1 OliN D. MuUUAN, Wholesale Druggist, and deal*
V cr in Dye Staff*, Paints, Otis, \ r arui*ncs, No.KJ
Woodjtrcei,-oao door South of Diamond Alley, Pitts
burgh, . r .. . . * wd• .
JAM£TKKKII Jr„ A Co., (successor to Joseph O.
Davis,) Ship Ohiuidler*, 30, Water street. - ocM
JOiLNH. ilfciLLOK, Vvbolc*ale. and Retail dealer
in Musio and Musical instruments, School Books,
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, yuilli, Prinicra’ Cards, and
Stationary generally,No. ol Wood at, Pittsburgh.
XQrKsg* iu trade. . sepU
J~ BCHoON&IAKKRJtCoI Wholesale DniggmL
a No. M Wood street, Pittsburgh.
JOHN Jj. 1)AV1 S^Ancuoueer.corner sthand Wood
_strceu, Pittsburgh. _ octo
JOItNbTGN ft. VtOOkri'uN. Booksellers, nutters
and i’opcr Muuuaeuiren, No. 44 Market it, Put*,
burgh. jeg .
Ftoin. kiauiDFtont,’
Jt it FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commission
# Alcxcmuitt, and Dealers in Prodace, itognd
Church Buildings, fronting gu Liberty, Wood audeth
rtrecis, t ilUbdrftb, Pa. • ' • myd
JAMKS DALZKLL, Wholesale uroeer, CcnuoiMuon
Meichetu, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh
Manufactures. No. «1 Water st, Pitubargh.janltt
JACOB \VKAVEtt, Je., Wholesale and ttetain>ee
ler in Foreign Wtacs arulLiqaors»aadold Morton
galicla Kye Wimkeys, comer First ami Market »u.
. : .
KIEU A JONES, Forwarding mud Commission Mer
chants, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh manu
uctured unities, Canal Basin, ncar?th*L.. <utl
KENNEDY, CIIILDS A CO.,ManafacTUiers of eery
superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carpet Chain, Couoa
’ 1 wine and Datum. jaathly
Vesuvius Irott Woriu«
LEWL3, DALZELLA Co, mantriaciarere cf all si
xes Ear, Sheet, 'Boiler iron mad Nails of (be best
quality. Warehouse, 41 water aud 105 frdulst.
junlb . : . _
t ing and Commission Merchant, Dealer in Pitts
burgh Manufactures and Produce,'No*. 31 Water's!,
and dd Front si. / - - jig
lOOKINU CLASS Manuloctarers; mad Wholesale
j dealers in' foreign and domestic Variety flood*.
Western merchants, Pedlars and others are tnvijed
to call and examine thepfices and quality of oar stack,
m with our.preseni.iiicrcashd facilities in manufactur
ing and purchasing, we think we can offer a* great
inducements to buyers as-'tsy other house weslot the
Mountain*. - . jab-ly
wa. muxs, PkJlada.c. w. aicxmavPittsburgh.
MILLER A IUCKETSU.N. W holesale Grocers, and
importers of BranUios, Wines and Regan, Nos*
lia and i/4 r corner of Liberty and Irwin streets. Pills*
burgh, Pa iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, Ac. Ae. eon-*
slant!>• on hand. > ■ ■ .qngt4
iaotur Jr'iiUX- }**■ u. x'uiu. worn* c. aox
X.{ cGJLLE A HUE, WhviesaieUroccrs mod Commit
ewn Merchants, No. DU Liberty sl,'Pittsburgh.
M' UKPIIY, WILSUN A CO, (late Jones, Murphy A
Co.) Wholesale Dealers tu Dry. Goods, No. 4B
street, Pittsburgh. ' ; ’J norXd
MAJ THEW W 1 L&O.N, Portrait aiidiUuuaturePaui
ter. Rooms, comer of Post Office Alley and
Po«rthaureet,entrauceou4lhfienrMarkeL .
■» dtcb-diii
»ue Jo.tKt, ' - lonar. qtnso.
MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel,
plough steel, steel plough wutgs, couch and chp
ic tpruigs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mai
cable castings, hre eugiuc lamps, and coach trimmings
geuraliy.corndr ofßnsa and front its., Pittsburgh,
Pa. . . - fcbh
XT • iIOLMES A SON, No. 45 Market st, second
XI a door from corner of Fourth, dealers jir Foreign
and Duiociue tjilia of Exchange, Certificates of Depos
it, Dank Notes and Specie.
It/* CoaccUtii'-* Jnort on all the principal cities
thu»ugMnntbc United States dccl? '
I\J bLCKMASTER, Atbaaxjji-Ofiod, Fourth st,
Xv » third door above Sutthheld, south side.
Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest
care and legal accuracy.
Talcs to Kesl Estate examined, Ac. oct3U*iy
OFFICE, Dearth street, near Grant, in the room
lately occupied by Alderman Miller, immediate
ly opposite Mr. BakewelPs. lie may beToond at night
inNo.n, St Charles Hotel. ’ JuUrdflm
U<T,|teb«ru, Mi D*«
rvrriULMlC BURGEON, Will attend to the treat*
\J mentef Diseases of the Eye. • I
Dr. K. has been engaged in inis branch of the medl*.
eal profession for sixteen years, and has' conducted an
establishment for the treatment of discasYs uf the eye
alone lor several year*. -
Oroc* and residence, corner of Baadasltyst and
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. actU
gBES PEKIN TEh BTOBEr-No. n Fohrth
jfigffl. m ntu Wood*-All quahtides of Green and
■Mw-Black .Teas, done «p in quarter, half, and
eaopoaad paektgu, ranging from SO eu. *perpotuid
fri A. JAY-NEB/AirLforPekinTeaCo.^
• : v. . cadld7 f .'
RWTWBONXCO. haring associated THOMAS
* LiTfLP-t*r,lruhUjemin business,the Whole*
sale Grocery, produce and Commission business will
he couunned as araai turner the firm of Robison, Lit
tle A Co. . '
BomSON,Lrm.EACO, No.lW Liberty street,
i*)ttsburrh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce ana
Commission Merchants, and dealers in .Pittsburgh
Mnmiiacture?. jj7
aoB/.Bomsc-t. thos. in-nx' «skt,a. aoaisoa.
holewOe Grocer, Rectifying
Xv L.tUller, dealer in Produce, piusburgh Man'ufoq*
lures, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Winds
and Liqaota, No.U Ltberry street On band a very
IVI e sKxh'ol superior old Uonongahela whiskey,
which tnllbo sold lovforeash. ; aplStly
T>< /ilKlii* Jflt i*jjKXL It C«r,~~AVholcsslc Grocers,
•JtV Cdimoiaslon andiFomaiding Merchants,dcslere
la Produce and * Fituharrh'Manafaetares,,Liberty it.
PitUburgh, Pk. febB<
L n. axrnoLcs, .j. u anaa '
• JhKYNOLDSft BIIEE, Forwarding arid Cammiuton
XV Merchants, for the Allegheny Hirer Trade, deal*
•w in. Groceries, Prodaec, PiusbureU Manufactures
snd Chloride of Lise.
. The highest prices, in cash, paid at all times for eotut;
r*rt. Cornet of Purus and | rwia sla . lana
RUHivt 1 CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Orocer
Dealer in Prodaec and Pittsbvrgh Manufactures,
W-WLibenrst I’ « w
*• c. shacxub?, mua. l whits.
OUACKLKIT h. WinTF, Wholeule Dealer* In
O Foreign and Domettic Dry Good*. No. WAVond it.
SMITH, BAOALEV & Co., WbolciaJc Grocer* and
Produce deaiere, No. ZD Market street, between sih
utd Gth, North tiovg
UAH BAUGH, Wool Merchants, Dealer*
0« in Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarditif
and Commission Merchants, No. M Water it. Fitu
r RTTUCtOM. »OUH SlCllOli ».»TI '.lt,
SELLERS h .NICOLB. Produce mid General Cot?:
O'BUUion MerpbanU, No. 17 Liberty bl, Pitttburch
Sperm, Linked, nd Lard Oils, 1
SF. VON .BO.NNIIORST, * Co., \Vhole.alc Oro'.
•, ce "i or^, ‘ T ‘ , , in f. <u»d commiMion Merchant*,
wcalmu Piu»b»n:li Mar.ufaetnrea and Weateru PiS
ha»eremoved loiheirnewr tyareaou»e.(old »iand)
No. 35. comer of I- rent at. and Chancer)' Lane
Grocer* and Comml*-
itd "* ln r '“>"'- N«aj
”w. i. tsot¥. " —”—-• p ..
T R SI t Bh2l?^ d "!.* , ‘ ■"> B«slseSin
S"**"! Trank*, Carpet Gar*, fce . S W
cojer ol 4U, waTsmUJoB , u . Ki.i.ffi. "if." -J 1 '
JCHJf 0. Win. . '
W'wi.t , M ;5 h A ™^s,
&immU«i«« , x»i2iv C,a^e Grocer*, Forwnrtlinp and
StfvSiA"? ‘ Se,lcrB in Iron, Nail*, Glaus,
Yi l £?. 8 > Pittsburgh Manufactures generally,
Weorpe>of Wood and Waic, .trrcu, PitubnrA: .
*>.W. WALLACE, Mill none'and Mill Fumish-
M *“* «*»Wuhment, No. gtf Liberty at, uear the
W'^^’ /\V atebes, JcweiryTStltcr
• nna Military Good*, corner of Market and 4th
1 '"- N- U.-'Vucht. ul Clock.
otrcfally repaired. j ce .4
\\T*Sr BoWhN—ComnuMlon and Forwarding
..JT Merchant, N"0.90 Front sl between Wood and
Market street*. frt>B4
WjL MURPHY, Wholesale and Retail dealerln
■ Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*, north east
corner of Market and at*. angtll
tin. Totma, , alio. a. a*cc!tt
W&L YOUNG A Co. —Dealer* in leather hide*, &r
143 Liberty at. •
wji. a , ctncair>«*
XXT &R. M’CUTCIIEON, Wholerale Grocer*, de
* » • ler» in Produce, Iron, Nnils.filam, and Pi:
burgU Manufacture* generally, l&> Liberty Pin
butgb. _ decs
WW WILSON, Dealer is Watches, Jewelry
« 6ilver Ware, Military Goads, Ac., No. 57 Mar
*** nov7
Shoe Finding*. Aci, No. M 3 Liberty street, bare
Just received SPRING STOCK of rood*, com
prising a large assortment of articles iu their ling, to
which the attcotioo of purchasers is invited.
- *gs4ffiwlgt OmntAßovi M. Au-rs ACo,
—WM oet3l No. 4a Water street.-.
• ixcouoaatxs «» lttii.
Aminal Premiums, Capital Stock, and Surplus Fund.
91,000.000. r •, '
This old and responsible Company contiuuds t is
sue policies on the most favorable terms on Dare! ing
Douses, Household Furniture, Stores, Stocks of Goods,
Warehouses and contents, Mills and Manutartorics,
Ac. Ac., against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE,
Also, on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, against
the hazards of IslasdTeawoetatiob, and upon the
Cargoes of Sea Vessels.
The Protection Insurance Company having, in the
last *5 years, paid susimujons or dollabs at their
severafagende* throughout Urn United States and the
Brttlah krovinecs, have established a just-reputation
for solvency ond j fair dealing, whieh challenges-com
parisou with any other insurance company on the
continent of America. The annexed extract from an
artiele on the subject of Insurance,Companies, taken
fro i the “New York Day Book,” exhibits briefly the
■landing and policy of the Company.
~ “Tffie ‘moneyed men’of the ancient and always pros-,
perons ciiy of Hartford, have for half a century been
faraouJ throughout the Union for the care, discretion,
rigid honesty,and unvarying success, with which they
have formed and managed corptratlons of this de
scription. No Hartford Bank or Insurance Company
has ever failed! These Companies hare far mure
than a whole generation scattered their risks in near
ly; every State of the Union, and have ucver failed to
pay ibo innumerable losses which they have insured
AU losses arising upon policies issued by the under’-
signed, will be promptly adjusted and paid at the Gen
eral Agency office, located at Cincinnati. O. A large
portion of. the funds of the Company, (including all
premiums received at tha Western agencies.) u de
posited with the General Agent of the Company at
Cincinnati, for the payment of Weitern und'Southern
losses. Apply to ‘ FAYKTi K BROWN,
Agent for Ute city of Pittsburgh, sud for Allegheny
etmoly. ■ octdjtlm
Thu Psußiylvsnls Company
FOl IxiacAitcc ox Ltvs axd Gxaimxa A x.vnnxe,
ItUE hist Life Insurance Company iu the L". States.
. . incorporated March (U,l£l2—cha ler perpetual.
Capital SSOOJX»-«1I paid in.
Having-aatbonsed the undereignedLto reeeive hppl»-
eauons for Insurance, on whieh policies wilt be issued,
according 10 their proposals and rates, which will be
made known to appltcanu at his office, No. vO Wood
street. sptl GEO. COCHRAN.
J. Fnrart, Jr, Sec-T- I R. Mills*, Jr., Ptes’t.
Will uxsure against all kinds of risks,
ALL losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly
A home inilitatioo—managed by Directors who are
well known in. Ute-'eoamanitT, and who arc determin
ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char
acter whldb they hare nunmed,. as offering the best
protection to those who desire to be Insured.
Dtan-rvas—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. Butler,
H. Holmes, Jr., Wat D. UoUnes, C. Bunsen, Geo. W.
Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, Jam. Lipptncott, Tbos. K.
Lite*, James M’Auley, Alex. Ntmiek, Tbos. Scott.
Umn, N0.'39 Water street, (warehouse of dpanp
ft Co., up stairs,! Pittsburg h. iu4:dly
. RANCH COMPANY.—Office. North Room of the
ichange, Third street, Philadelphia..
FIU Irocaxßcx.—Buildings, Merchandise and other
property in rows and cot&txt, insured against loss or
damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium.
Mum lasoauix—They also insure Vessels, Car
goes end Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, as the assured may desire.
latAasTiASßKXTATios.—'They also Insure merchan
dise transported by -Wagons, Railroad Curs, Canal
Boats and steam Boats, on nrera and lakes, on the
most liberal fema.
DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Beal. Edmund A. Fonder,
John C Deris.' Robert Barton, Joan R Penrose, Bantu
el Edwards, Gca G Lei per, Edward Darlington. Isaac
R Davis, William Folwell, John Newlin, Dr K M lias*
lon, James C Hand, Tbeopbilus Paulding, II Jones
Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serrili,
Spencer Mcllvain, Charles Kelly. J G Johnson, Wii
liam Hay, Dr 9 Thom as, John Sellers, Wo. Krre, Jr..
Wm. Bagaley, Jco. T. Logan
•-WILUAM MARTIN, President.
EtccUD S. NswaoLD, Secretary. /
fTP* OlEee of the Company, No. 42 Water streeiT
Piusburgh. Jul&dtf P. A MADEIRA, Agent. .
THE I.NBUKANCE CO. ol North America will
. make permanent and limited Insurance on pro
perty in ibis city and l vicinity, and rn shipments -by
Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. The propertics-oi
this Company are well and furnuh an avail
able faun for the ample indemnity of nil persons who.
desire to be protected by insurance.
tnylß WfiL P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water st.
Xha Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia.
DIRECTORS.— Charles N.Baneker, Thomas Hart,
Tobias Wagner, Samvel Grunt, Jacob R. Smith,
Geo. W Richard*, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolpho E.
Bone, David 8. Brown, Morris Patterson.
Cuaolxi N. Boacxn, President
Charles G. Bancker, Secretary.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description of property in town or country,
at rates os low as ore consistent with security.
To Company have reserved a large contingent Fond,
which with their Capital and Premiums, solely invest
ed, afford ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the company, on January Ist, ISIO, as
published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as
fellows, vl»;
Real Estate
Temporary Loans
Bioeas ■
Cash, Ac.
&bco their incorporation, a period of 10 year*, they
have paid upwards of one million foar hundred thous*
and dollar*, losses bv lire, thereby affording evidence
c/lhe advanugesof insurance, as well as the ability
and disposition to meet with promptness ail liabilities.
iwIhIIT Office N E comer Wood and 3d »U
PA. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Dels*
0 ware Mataai Safety ln*oranee Company of Phial*
■delpbia. Fire Risks ogon buildings and merchandize
of every description, and Marine Risk* upon hull* «t
cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable
*fr?*bfiee Jn.lhe Warehouse ofW. B. Holmes A llro.,
rfoT37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N B —iitc success of this Company since Lhn estab
lishment of this city, with the prompt*
uesj andwith which every Maun upon them
&rlo*s hisbeen ad)osied,Tully warrant the agent in
Inrilinffithf eonfideaceand patronage ofhi* friend* and
the eoramnnity ailarge to the Delaware M. S. Insn
ranee Company, while it has the additional tulvuntMes
as an imlitutiou'omong the mort flourishing in Pbtladcl.
nhia mi having on ample paid-in capital, which by the
operation of Usichaner u constantly increasing, as
vialdlns to eaeh person insured his due euare ol the
profits of the company, without involving him in tuiy
KsponsibUity whatever, and therefore as possessing
(heJUhtual principle divested of every obnoxious fea r
tnre. and in its most attractive form. nov*
mHElnwiance Company of North America, tnrough
I its dnlAaihoriicd Agent the subscriber, otfera 10
aukopcrmanenl and limited Iwartnce onpropeny, in
Sl« city and iu rleinity, and on shipments by the Ca-
Dal and Bivera. piBECTORS."
Arthur a Conn,
BamU W.Jonei, - AJnbraie Whne,
Edward Smith' '
John A.Jlroirn, d'Wdod
John Whito, Kich.rd D. WooU,
SSSf« Soffit*'
Bamuettlrdok>,< iRTUUB %
llnrxr D- Biixx*m>, e’y.
Tbit i« the oldest Insurance Company In the l/aiteo
Stales, having been chartered in 17U4. Its charter ts
perpetual 1 , and from iu high standing, long experience,
ample means, and avoiding *l* risk* of au eiira haz
ardous character, it may be considered as <ificm>g am
ple security to the public. W. I*. JONtS;
At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., »V a
tar and Front »irttu Pmabantin mayS
fiIIiTStiBSCaiUEE liM beoß appointed Ageut pro
lem. of (he Insurance Company of Surtb America,
tad will issue Policies and attend to the other ImaineM
Of the Aftncy, «Ul>e warehouse of Atwood, Julies A
Co, . apiii ' WU. p. JONKS, wuter it
nmm bo;
* fooo a<td TtntjLsiutt, raontisross.
CB THIS establishment long and widely known as
yi|jt being one of the most commodious in the city of
** 1 * Baltimore, ha« recently undergone very exten
sive alterations and improvements. An enure new
wing has been added, containing numerous and airy
sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms.
The Ladies’ department has also been completely
reorganize-* and filled up in a mo aonique and beauti
ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
has bees rrrcodeled, with a single eye on the pan of
the proprietors, towards the comfon and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently assert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always lie supplied with every sub
nanial and luxury which the market Affords, served
up in a superior style; while in the wuy of Wines, &<•
they will not b* surpassed.
In conclusion dm proprietors begto say* tiat nothing
will be left undone on Bieir part, and on the part of their
‘assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of tbejr friend* and the public generally.
The prices for board have also been reduced to the
following rates:
■" Ladies’ Ordinary, f 1,75 per dny.
'Gentlemen's « I^o l
N. B--fTtm Baggage Wagon of the Hoatewill al
»onjl<! ftt J ho Car and Btetxaboa; Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge. ■ : mapftf
; wmi of reel *r. cl*ix m.,-Vrmacscn, r*.
Eg The subscriber haring assumed the manage*
gfl raent of ihi» long established and popnlar Hold,
respectfully announce* to Travellers and the
Poblio generally, that he will be at oil lime* prepared
to accommodate them in all thing* desirable in a well
regulated Hotel. The. House i* now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no
paius will be epared to make the Exchange one of the
*err be*t Hotels in the country.
The undersigned respectfully solid*- a continuance
of the very liberal patronace the House ha* heretofore
received. THOMAS OWBTON,
coKreii or rcrmi awd goaitt street*. rnnurun.
TUK subscriber rctpeetmlly announces that
JU.B be has Dmr opened hi* new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of traveler*, hoarder*,
and the public generally. The hou*e and furniture
are entirely pew. and no noin* or expense : have been
Sared to render it one of the most comfortable and
eainnt Hotel* in ilie city.
The eab«crib*r is determined to deserve,: and there
fore solicits, a shore of public patronage. >
oct!4-dty JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor.
Orae.'s.T rr., nrrwsmt rocaro Attn rum rr*.
PPOSITL lute Bonk of the United Stair*. Phila
delphia. M. POPETtHTCHELL,
maretf • Proprietor.
ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, anil Coinnrn
sioier for llie State of Petuurlruiia, tit. Louis,
Mo (lat? ol Pittsburgh ) j
‘tcrsai'icea.—pittstmrjth: 4lon. W. Forward. Ilamp
ton k Milter, M'Candless k M*Clurc/3oht{ K." l*arke,
JsspMs k <emple, M'Cord *. a'ugU:tllv
T. u. Bating
Attorneys and counsellors at,
l oanh ttrccl, between SmiUifield and <itauu
'ituburgli, Pa _ _ ; j Q i5
loua L UiaL ». wj», c.fUKMi
, LARGE * raiEND, :
. A AT LAW, Fourth iirect, near (iranL
1 JARES F. KKRK, "“f
Attorney, at law.—office on Fourth i>e.
tween draithfield and Grant st, Pittsburgh.
Uutlcr , Fa
TTTILL also attend to collections and oil other boyi-
YY ness entrusted to him in Batler and Armstrong
counties, Pa. Refer to
J. AR. Floyd, Liberty stl i -
W. W. Wallace, do 1 ;
Jams* Marshal] do { Pittsburgh,
dly _ Kay A Co., Wood st. ) I jan7
JD. SWKITZKR. Aliorney at Law, office -Idst.,
« opposite Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also
attend promptly to Collections, In Washington, Fayette
and Greco counties, Pa i
Blaek>toek, Bell A "l ,
Church A Carotbers, •
D T Morgan, ) _ firltdly
EJ. * HENRY, Attorney and Conncellor at l.nw,
s Cincinnati. Ohio. Collections in Southern tiluo,
and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and rure
fully attended'to. Commissioner for the State of Penn
sylvania, for itaking Depositions, acknowledgments,
te. Ac. t ;
Revke to —||on. Wm. Bell A Son, Curtis, Church A
Caro there, Wm. (Lays, Esq., Willock A Davis. *SJ3
a ‘fall fashion for hath, njs
MeCORD A Co. will introduce this day£s&
(Saturday, Aug Jjth,) the fall style of Gentlem.-n’*
Hats, corner of Fifth and Wood urcete. ;
JB (Successor* to ATCortl A Klflrj K|H
Psshlonshls UattsVtW)
Comer of Wood and FifUl Sfrertr.
PARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade.
Gentlemeh can rely upon getdng their Hats and
Capa from onr establishment of the nn HarudaLs and
woamaratnr, of the lstst rtno, and at tho u>wasr
MCtxs. !'
Country Merchants, purchasing by, wholesale, are
respectfully invited to call and examine our Btort; as
we can say with confidence that as
and rtucx, it will hot tafTer in n comparison with any
house in Philadelphia. ; ' fi-bi*
a HATS— Id dox water proof
California Hats, just received and for sale by.
ieb27 i , comer 6lh and Wood sis
/ B M'COKD A Co. will introduce on Sttidr- / m
4M%day, March •'ld, the Spring style of HATS.'CQ
Those in want of a pent and superior hat, are : invited
to call at comer of slh and Wood streets. i mars
has now open a supply of spring Bounct Ribbons,
of new and handsome style*. »
Also, uew style fig’d Pleas; Lislp Laces and Kdg*
lags; Edgings; Victoria Muslins and
Jaconetr, embroidered Swiss Muslins, Ac.; beside* a
large assortment of Spring Goods generally, at north
east corner 4 lit and Market streets.
Wholesale Rooms up stairs. apfi
STL'AItT A STLL, Grocer*, anil Produce anjl Com
raUnion Merchants, No. 118 Wood at. Pittsburgh.
. Dealer* in Groceries, Floor, Wbea - , Rye,Oi;U, Corn,
Barter, Pork, Bacon, Batter, Lard. Cheese; Glover,
Timothy and Flax Seed*; Iron, Nail*, Glass, Ac. Ac.
Ac. Funicular attention paid to the sale of Western
Prodace. j
RxrxiEsaa—Metiri.Myer* A Han ter, Roijt. Dal
zeli 4Co, M'Uilli A Roe, Hampton, Baulk A Co.,
James May, King A Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner
A M’ilillun, Massillon. Jot. 8. Momwn, K*q , St.
Loais. *p't££J;l y
mu a. CKASo,laia of Nr Lisbon. O. w. * sgt.-ctr.!*
GENERAL AGENCY. Commission and FoiwarJ
in* Merchant*,' No. "26 Market »l, Pittsburgh, PA
lE7*Frmnpi attention given to the purchase and rate
of all kind* of Produce.
Revkh to—Jobs Waft A Co., Morphy, Wilton A Co.
Pittubnreh, Lawton .A Hill, MaUlon Martin,
Wellsviile, Oj John 11. Brown A Co., Grigg, K(!iuU A
C 0.,. Philadelphia; il.'W. Snodgrass A Co., G/rgg A
Noce, New Lisboti,-0.; Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. D“Coffin,
Cincinnati; j. P. Kell*r, Youugsloiwn, O.J W. LI Stan
dard Cleveland, O. aujfJl
l. c. corx. i. c, bmtfOslx.
And dealer* in While Lead. Window Gloss,iAe.,
103 Second itreel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wiil attend promptly to the tale of artielea cutrotted
' to their care.
Rgrsa to—DagaJey A Smith, !L Tanner A Co', S. A
W. Harbaugh, Kay A Co, Morphy, Wilton a Co,
Pittsburgh. Hannah, Granam A Co., and the mer
chant! generally! NewLi»l»on. O. D. AD. M’Donatd
A Co., <j‘eo. Well*, Wellsviile, O. Joseph Waufon, D.
J Bigger A Co., Fenner A M'Mlllen, Massillon, O
Beaneit, Martin A Co., Weaver, Taylor A Cn.y John
11. Brown A Co.. Philadelphia. A. U. Riebari|»on A
Bro, Groff, Holme* A Co., Cincinaati. O." John F.
Howard, Loaitville, Ky. John Smith. Nrw Orleans.
Handy A Harman,Cleveland, O. A.J. Kmlley.?Vlnii»-
Geld, tJ. Clark, Park* A Co., Beaver, Pa. augtlidrf
.*1,M7,438 41
84,7:14 fci
04X01 W
. 51,523 as
3d,fcM 37
Commlnlon and Forwarding Merchant.
no. 08 wood at., mrucaeu,
CONTINUES to Iran tael a general Coaunitiioa bu*i
net*, especially in the purchase and sole of Ameri
can Manufacture* and Prodoce, and in receiving and
forwarding Good* consigned U» his care. A* Agent for
the Manufacture*, he will be eonstanlly cupplietl with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufaclnreiat the
lowest, wholesale price*. Order* and connigiiinenis
an: respectfully solicited. > >97
• Penn Machlao Shop.
HWIGHTMAN— Mantfactarer olall kindk bf cot
• 100 and woollen rasciinrn - . Allegheny ciry. Pa
Tbn above works being now i:i fall and tuceetifi. op.
cralion. I am prepared to excsxt* oilers with dispatch
for all Kind* of maehinrry in Ky bite, nt.ini willow.,
pickers, tprenden, cards, grinding mashim-*, rnjiyvu)
drawing frames, speeders, thtttsiU, loom*, wh«>i.-n
cards, double or tingle, for merchant or country Work,
mulcsjarks, Ac.;slide and bandlalhesand uxilsih gen
eral. All kind* of shafting made u> order, or plan* giv
en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
Rarga to—Kennedy, Child* A Co., Blar-ktiock, Bell
A Co . King, Pennock A Co , Ja*. A. Gray. i
HonOßvaheU Llv«rr Stable.
*r. ROBERT 11. PATTERSON hat opened
it* large stable on First si, running through
rrr\ tit Beeand st, between Wood ami Himih&eld
LMM«u.,in the rear of the Mpnoiigahrla Ifousc,
with an entirely new slock of Horse* and Carriages of
the best quality and latest styles. Horses kept at live
ry In the l»est njanner. jy’-Wly
The steam boat A. MAHON—igp
i IT*. . J now rnn» from the Point, footvJME*
MjfcsSSfi of liberty street, to lb* Gar- A{m
g££gj£{*dHWet]_]caving tt * ® o'clock, A. M j mid
at tho beginning of each hour until 9 P.'M. Vinters
may rely on finding the boat »l the hour. She leave*
tho Garden, the la*t up trip, of lb o’clock. •
The season, i* fast advancing, and tlioso wishing to
viiil Ibis delightful retreat, now is the time to spend a
few hours! not in tho Mtoke and dust of the city, Inn in
a pure atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance or
Dower*. . . . .
All kind* of refreshments, except inmxiniting dnnk*.
ere keut on the preowe*. Greeuhonte PluiiU,;aml
ssr’" ° r choi ? r *“jAjSs'M’KiiN”"
of landing made on account of lowjwa-
and Commt**ion Mer
chant, ha* removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood
and Smilhfield street*. .
TVrH"havTliomc PUMPS, made on an improved
VV plan, *io a* not to freeze to the coldest weather.
Persons wanting inch article*, are inriud to call pnd
•see them at SCAIPL A ATKINSON St
• Kbcwecn
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
PIIE heretofore existing tu't iruen the
JL subscribers. uniler ihe! style of Grown & Cutiiert*
•on, was liinolvedsOn ihe Jst inst by mutunl cuusenl.
~ M. 11. GROWN,
Pittsburgh. Oct. 3, LMU. A. CULBERTSON.
Tin; suliM'r:’>rr will coni r>uc ihe Wholesale tirocc*
ry mid O-riiniiMUfin as heretofore. nl llio old
MBtid, ns Lf'-ny m. <•« s a. ci'bbKHrsoN
JOHN’ FAKKF.R mid JOHN \V RiODf.F. have cn
lerrd imo p»«ner»liip,;umJer the firm ot I’ARUKH
fc RiUDLK, ami .will cnrrtf on the Sjjmc l>a■<.ti:c/’•» in
■H ii* I'fnnehr*, ui the old iland ot' John l*j»rker, ror
•ner of IVdcful *t. and South Common, city of AJl'fihc
A W« >RKS, arr now prepared to furnish a superioi
hrttele of Soda Ash and .Miina'.ie Acid. Person* wish'
*np io purnlm*-: either oi| the above article*. ar*r re
quired location ISAAC WALKER, .No. Bll'illh «f.
■nd examine the article* before purchns-ng elsewhere
N. H.—The Sod# Ash nngiufncturcd ut thi* ••«inhli»h
mem is gtcatly superior jo uuy other brought to thi?
markeL i npi^i
was. B.,sc*rrs. | jamkh atxissoh.
First st„ on-wuxit Woou|a.vd Mauket, Pn-rsctEsit,
/CONTINUE to manufacture all kinds of COPPER.
smith Work. [
Sieam Itoau built tatorde'r.
ifUl.l IV U|UC|,
Bpecio! attention given td steam bnnt work.
Have on hands a line assortment of Copper and lira’s
Kettles,Tin Ware,4c. Ac. Conking Stove*,
I enable Forge*, various sties—a very convenient ar
ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road
companies } .
We would respectfully invite steam boat men and
others to rail and sec our hrticles and prices before
purchasing elsewhere _ } jytl"
Dissolution ortPortnerahip.
fpilE copartnership of fjKNRY 11ANNEN 4 CO.,
A lormcrlv llanncn, Muye.r 4 Co., m the Window
a d Colored Glass buifiiicshj is thisdav dissolved by
Uie withdrawal of Mr. Freif-nck Muller.
The business continued by the undersigned,’
under the firm of HENRYjIIA.NNRN A CO. Ware
house No. Ills Second st, wficre we will have constant
supplies of superior Window Glass.
r PHE undersigned have thfi* day associated with them
A in business JACOB L. !SHnVARTZ,atid will con
tiuue the business a* heretofore, under the firm of
r |MIK partnership heretofore existing under the firm
A of A. AC. BRADLEY, fit dissolved by the decease
of Mr. <J. Bradley. Tile busmens will be earned on by
A. Bradley, who will settll) the business of the lair
firm. ' —m.
REMOVAL —A. bn* removed his Foundry
Warehouse from No. ild&rcoud street, to No. 19
Wood street, between First suid Second rtrcgU. o liic
warehouse lately occupied |>y. (i. A. llerry, whrre he
will keep constantly on baittl a general assortment of
Castings. Grates, Stoves, Co6ktug Stoves, Ac. jylll
TllKpunnership heretnfafc exiMing between Sam
uel U. Bushfield and William B. Hays, trading
under the firm of BUSHFIKLD 4 HAVS,has this day
I e n dissolved by William £. Hays selling his entire
interest itt the Brin to 8. li.FHuelifield. All ncroonts
due the firm will t«e roller-tea by S H. Uuthfit-Id, and
all debts due by the late Cm) u* be paid by the same.
Pittsburgh, June 22. 1549. £ W. B. lIA Yd
CO-PARTNKRSIf^’.—S. |i. Dtmirteu> having this
day'assoctaied with himtelfltllXMiT Lkaukz, formerly
of Bedford, Pa., and recently of t(ic National 11 otel,
Pittsburgh, will continur ths] business under the firm
of BUSH FIELD A LEADER, at the old stand. No. thjj
Liberty street. it 8. B. BU.SHFIKLD.
Pittsburgh, June 122.1849.j£ H. LEADER.
Having retired from thnlformer business, I take
pleasure in recommending my successors to the pa
tronage of my customers arid the public general l )’.
U-.C _ W. tl. HA VS.
THE co-panncrship herelfcifore existing between the
subscribers, in the namia of Constable, Burke 4
Co . is this day .dissolved byyniuiuai consent Alessrt
llurke X Barnes will seiitclpic business of Uie coh
cem, for which purpose thrf'arc aulhori*eil to use the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersitmed have Ibis &ay sssocinted themselves
in the name of BURKK A BiSKNEB, lor tlie purpose
of manufneturing Fire ProofiSa/cs, Vault Ink. rs, Ac.
Ac., at tho stand of the of Cuiistalde. Burke:
A Co., where they will hr to reerive the pa
tronage of the customer* of dint house and their friends.
In retiring from tue firm ofsConstubir. u u ?i t a Cp.,
1 with sincere pleasure Mes-rs. Burke A>
Dantes to Uio conlidenee of K&y t'rnnids and tho public.
Feb..#, isttli. NA'I irANIKL CONSTAULF-
febl:!-dtf' /i '
THE partnership of IlL'lil’HY A LEE is this tiny
' dissolved by mutual The buxines- of the
late firm will be rettle'.i H. igoc. J. R. IdURPitV,
Piasburgh, Jan. St), IV-19. ij? 11. LEE
NOTICE—The uodersignetlj mil continue the Wool
bnainru and aueiul to the grtle.of Woolen Good*, at
the old aland. t!| H. LKI~
In rvtinng from the firmStif Murphy & Lee, I Uiie
preai pleasure in rceomiD'S&ling Air. 11. Lee lo the
confidence of my £nend» anijthe public.
f|MIK subkcntiera hove day aEiocmtrd Uie.ra
'JL *elvc» topffliiLT for ib<? jirpo'c of lriiiunctius a
•» bo!c«nle and retail Dry and Grocery lis<ines«,
it No sS5> Ijl'criy, opponiic v.rret, under Uie
•tylo ned firm ol A HAYS,
rituliureh, January l.Wlfe
N- H—Our old rj«:omcrs ihe public are innicd
to giro u« a call. rji - jaS
ffy have eniere<\ nun parujnrship, under the fcrn of
SCAIFK ft AT£J NSOa. toil will carry on the Tut,
Copper,and Sheet Iron WnrcTfliauulactory.
Also, Illacksmutunr in all : -U» branches, at the old
•lAnd of Wm. B. Scaite, Firstatn-rt, near Wood.
Particular aneution given to sieamltoat work,
lorn* »j
IllAVh thi* day with me m Ute wiiule
*ale Grocery. Produce aiji) Comtmnion buAinett,
m> Inaihcr Joseph, under the {ivtn of J. S DII.WOKTH
A Jo- ' R J. 8. DILWOKTIL-
l, HMD. r-‘
00-PARTNKRSUIP|; U'tn. Young having this
day associated wuli him, It M’Cune, the lefi-
Jnr busijiess will hereafter fiv conducted under the
in iof \\(m. Yootkfl A Co. &WILL!AM (U.’NG,
|ui3 i Jf-JNO. R M’CUNE.
Statm Brlck for Sale,
rpilE subicribct offer* for aaft, the STEAM HRICK
J. WORKS, above l.nwrc'Acevilic, comprinni; a
Sie ita Kijgme, t| Boiler*, 6 Maxell Machine, capnthe o(
mi mfacUinng 211,000 Prc»«cd &nck* (out oi'dry clay.
b« aten from lb e book,) per d#v; with thrre dcre* of
Jan J on 100 jjhcMiy river, 4fj which are 4 kiln* nml
*ht machine atul clay *!ied,«wheelbarrow*, truck*/
ih< vela, rpadea. Ac., every igius reauitile u> t out,
me ice operatim nt an bourn Notice. Price, inclmllii*
the patent right to u*« anid mEy/hine,—lerru* of
pa mentlmade «a*y. Wiihoilfctho land, S.VOOd. For
pa ttculat*. addrflis KEN It Y MERRITT. ‘
__i oipi7*dti No H tfMonongnhfla llmixv
ffl )dern and Antritjne Pnrnilnre,
1 P 3, r t'KIEI>.STR*ETj!}?nTSBCUaU.
“ Hy* aewinincnt of FurnjJjirr,
__ luilnbld for Stearni-Qal*, EMSs&£i£fei&
B *HH Jlotpl* and private tlWrt.l
liar*, constantly pn band kuuvjumde to order.
r ‘he present stock on han<£rjuuiot be exceeded by
xn manufactory in the wei>f m country. Persons
’i bins IP purchn*e would do-Well to give me a cal),
determined my please. Part oi
' <tockiconpisi* in—
•e a tele;
Louis XIV Chairs; :t,*ij?fn Khan belli chairs;
Ten I'avae: Tables;
Toilet Tablcx; ' !Lg4’* XV Ootnmod.r;
.French Mahogany l'iucio KtonN;
j 50 sofa* wuli Clash and ftinur*cl itli co»*n
f 5« Mahosmly Rocking Chair*;
40 dor l'arlor [ :-jio '
DO “ Funqy s.eo'
25 centre Tallies; ! r'ji
aupairDivhns: 4 pair pl& Tables;
13 marble typ Drem-sna pprcnun;
l? Wardrobe a; h Beciclii*ie* «.ul R ook ca*.r»;
2(1 marble lop Wash [Stifjda;
4 pair Ottomans;
fi pair fancy Work P(aiu£i;
A very large assortment crohnion chairs and other
loiniiure too numerous u> iGnjtitm.
UjT fftcam Uoait fumithriCob the rhonc-.M not ce,
and nn the innsi rCasnnal.lrj teytjs. d.-< |i
Diaphragm itiur, (o^|yd raM t Water.
?***? V ujreftify ti>*« lha»i»m»*
pointed liiTftjjfiioii, ll.urni a. Co.
GUlMfole Agent* the •Klc uf Jcnnum’.
y&aF CnUsnt Filler,
U tie*of I’itubft&i.'and Allegheny
joey i-int^oN.Arr.u.
(or Walter fytfibn.u, ;W3 Jtn.a.l .v*y
X OcL 10, ISfjfi,
We have been Using one. of ife above nrurie* a 'l ||,«
office of the Novelty Works fiiKiliree inomlis, mi ;n:il,
and feel perfectly satisfied a u»«ful inv«-i:V>stn 1
and we take pleasure in rc'-nrppvemhnr? lliem ;i« n use
fui nnielc n. all who lore Order* wi'l l>r
thankfully received mid proititlSf cxccuinl.
LlVlMi&frfjN. Rorw.N .V it*
Rsvirilbli li-lui^iigOook,
' a> for iNo water,"
Ii Which render* turbid wtiirr nuir by
>£petHk removing oil ej3**tonce* notsnluhlu in •
/jTSfiJS'Sv water. Hie cStdini water in ti. York,
*»'nfirwirflfl!although clea££)jd pure to the eye, vet
it pause* mi boor tnroagh this
fihoring a large deposit
impure substance*, worms, Ac. Tbi*
li_the case,more orjesa with rtjQiyiirunl wßter.
The Reversible FiUercr l« and durable, and i»
not alienilrd frjili'liie Inconvenience Incident to other
Fi)ierers,a* it it cleansed wiUtfKri bring detached frtnr
the ■water nip*, by merely turjeng the Jtey or linndU
from one into to the other. Jtjfi-Jhis e'asy process, tb#
course of water I* changed, at||l: aJI ■ecootulm ona ft
impore substance* are drivejj|oC almost instantly,
without unscrewing the Fiiteeif It also posies set lbs
advantage of being astop cocgjiand us snek ir many
cases will be very convenient ft&d economical.
llcnn be attached where thrip is any prerso re high
or low to a cask, tank, tub, Aei"wilh ease. Ti i be hsd
of the sole Agent, \ sW, W. VVI U .ON,
oct!7 * corner of K<j-orlh and Ma -keists
A A FULTON, licit ans£ms* Found e’r, ho.s re
f& built und commenced hjltincs* at Inr old strnnt,
where he will be see Ills oldeustom
cr» and friends. • iT}j >
Church, Steambonu and Brlikjof every size, from 111
to 10,000 pounds, east from |iutsiui* of the mn»t opprov
td models, and warranted to bQsjf die be m mntrnulH.
i Mineral Water I'umps, C-nuiyi-T*, (tail mg. hr.. to :c
-qinr with every variety of jf rinjuiti-a,
turned and finished in Ihc nentgiit tninm er.
\ the sole proprietor efcU**t!i r>» Atm-ArTa'-
rJos Matsu, so justly celcbraujd* for i hn reduction -ui
friction lit machinery. The 4li>xcs c< Huposuiou
can be had of him at all umes, | g ja^riy
jilt'd (I ROUKKTSON,
Pittsburgh. Aug. 27. ’-19. iJIENRY t.'MSTKAD.
% jy»J
•Jafel El»qrie;
Chocolate, Cocoa, Ac.
\V, tinker 1 * American and French Chocolate. Prepar
ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Broom, Cocoa Shells Ac.
IK) merchants and consumers, who would purchase
the hot product* of Cocno, free from adulternuon,
more nutritious tbno lea or coure; and in quality fln*or
pofsed, the subscriber recommends the above articles
manufactured try biraielf. and stamped with his name-
His Broma and ..Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable,
ami saiuutry drinks for invalids, convalescents ana
others arc pronounced by the mo*t emiuent physicians
superior to any other preparations. Ills manufactures
are always on sale. In any quantity, by the most re*
►jK-etahle grocers in the eastern cities and by llicii
agents, lluwcs,Gray &ro n of Boston; James 41 Uulice
A cn, Hartford, Conn; lluav.r A. Murray, New York;
Grant A Stone, Philadelphia; Ttxlmns V Urundige, Bal
timore;'and Kellogg A Bennett. Cincinnati, Ohio.
WALTER UAKF.R,;Dorcbe«ter Mom.
For «alc by ang3l BAUALKY A SMITH, A gig
Wrought and Cast Iron Hailing.
IMfE suhsertbers beg leave to Inform the public that
they have obtained from the Hast all the late and
Ciehionahle design* for Iron Railing, both for houses
ami eeinrirries. Persons wishing lo.procurc hand
some pattern, will please call and examine, aud judge
f or thoniK.lve*. Railing wilt he furnished at the short
j-st notice, and'in she best manner, at the comer of
Craig nnd Rebecca s'treeu, Allegheny city.
nugta*-dtf A. LjAMONT A KNOX.
W. * J. GLENS, Book Binder*.
WK arc still engaged in the above business cornel
of Wood and Third streets Pittsburgh, where
we arc prepared to do any work iu our line with des-
Siutcli. We utteud to our work personally, and sans
action will be given an regard tolils neatness and du
rability. j
Blank Books ruled toanypnttern and bound sub
stantially. Books in numbers books bound care
fully or repaired. Nome* put on took* iu gilt letters.
Tbo«c that hnve work iu our lint* are tuviled to coil.
Price* lc(w. _ , ’ myilhtf
notice.! .
HAVING sold our entire stock,to C. 11. Coast, with
a view to doting our old business, wo hereby so
licit for him the patronage of all our' friend* and cus
tomers. RO, W. POINDEXTER,
the. Poindexter.
Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1848. j,
Cl H. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission «ml
J* Forwarding Merchant, No. jll Water sL ;nul<
Scales, Cooking Stoves, Grates, Ac.
MAKSiIAI.Ii, WALLACE a cp. f Roand Church,
comer IJbern* and Wood street*, manufacture
and oCer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scale*,
of the most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood
and coal; Egg Stoves or vanouii size*, Parfor aud
common Grate*, Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac. .Thty alnj
manufacture the Kitchen Range, w)iich hit* given *ucb
getirral *aUsfoction to those having iun use, tb all of
whu-h limy would respectfully mvlte the attention of
the citizens mid the public generally. . ocuff-dtf
Manufactured TouACCo-Tbe *uUrnber
would call the aiteniion of the city trade aud
dealer* generally. lo the following ibrauds Tobaccos,
in store and to arrive, which bring consicumruts di
rect from luauufjii-iu.ers, he i* enabled to sell ut can- :
cm prires: - ‘ • .
l-’V | bts R W Cren*haw A*; ;
"b 1 " James Madison s*.
nl | u Laniorthic Ot,
XI I “ Mirabeaa £*;
SI j ** Pctram A, and is;
15 I " Roberts A Sissou ss;
* I **. Oscar Burl A;
9 I “ Johns A Lewi* J*;
U | ** Warwick, ,upr 1*;
4« i *• Henry A Juinc* 5», l« and sr«
fcbH l. y WATERMAN
Pitt Machln* Works and Foundry.
JOHN WRIG’HT A Co., are prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery of every description, such
«» Carding MucUincs, Spinning Fnunc*, Speeders,
Drawing Frame.*,- Railway Heads, Warpers, spoolers,
Dremung Frame*, Loom*, Card Grinder*. Ac. Wrought
Iron Shafting turned; all «ixe» of Oaki Iron, Pullies and
Hanger* of the latest patterns, *hds and hand Latins,
amljooU of ail kinds. Canting* of, every description
furnished on short notice. Patterns; made u> order for
Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for heat
ing I‘uctonre, Cast iron Window Sn«h nn J fancy Cas
tiny generally. Order* left at the Warehouse of J.
Piumer A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt anro-
Refer to Ulack*u>ck, Bell A Co., j. K. Moorchead A
Cu_ U. E. Warner, John Irwin A Son*, Pituburgh; O.
• \ i H. Warner, ittnlS*
. AlXOfitmT.
MA WHITE A CO., would rdspectfniiy inform
. the public that they have ierecU-d a shop on
1 ju-nok, between Federal iu d Standosky streets. They
are now making and are prepared lo|reccive order* tor
every dcseriptiim or' Schieles, Coaches, Chariot’*, Ba
ro.irhrs, Buggies, PbKtoit*. Ac., Acj which from their
inn-.' ex;>erienee in the manufacture of the above work,
and the tui'.ilitic* they. have, they feclconfidettt Uiey are
enabled lo do work oft the tno»i reasonable terms With
lho*e wanting ariicle* ju their hue.
l’nyuie particular attention 10 tbe-Seleruon of mate*
run». uiul having uoue Imicumpeteiit warkmcn, they
have imi hesitation iu warranting their work. We
lli-rriurr u>k the attention of the publir to tin* matter.
N It, Kcpainitirtioor in the !*•« mbnurr, ami on ihe
nio>t rc-asonablo trims. ‘
X FlKßrf —Davltd-made arransrinruts far h con
stant supply of FACrOItT FINDINGS we will , V U
at low price* Calf and Bl>ee}» Uolcr Skins, Lace lea
ther, IV.kcrs, ibirils, Shuttles, Kemp Twine Treadles*
No. & 10 IS licit I’uuCbc*, Wrenters; Stripping Card*,
l<> lots in: I’a'.em Uyes-er Broshes,,Weavers* Urmh
■ Ac Ac. , LtMJAN,; WILSON It CO.,
toy! . -7c lib Woo street. Pin»Uun»h.
I}UKT«WI.' | Webber 4 Forrester, It Jf;
X Pure rich and dry. Could. Campbell £ Co’* old
dry lb Jr* Osbourn's tr 34, I’uro 164 U: Fun* Juice par
ticular I‘ort. Uarrw & Sun*, Pure Juice, uiircble, dou
ble und single (ifspe*. Tbeae wine's are all celebra
te J lor their medical properties, arid can be bad whole
sale qr retail at the Wine Store of j
/>* JACOB WfclA VER,Jr.
ItllH subscriber offers for sale it large and splendid.
. u»ii>:ui.rm,ol' ro*ewoixl and jsiohopaiiy grand Ac
tion Pianos, nita and witliout dolclnau’s .celcbrated
.Lilian Attaetiaieut. Tbe above iutirumcuU are war
ranted to be cqual-to any manufactured in this coun
try. and will be sold lower time any brought front the
East- F- IlLUAtlii NO 112 wood st,
jdd idoor above Sib
t\at par tf«* - r
N it —City Scrip wtll be taken\at par forafew«f
hr above assortment. raVtf- F. lj,
iUrdware—Chcapcr (has Everl
lOtiAN, WII.SON & CO., Importers ami Wholesale
J Draleni in Hardware, Cuitery and Saddlery, No
USi Wood street, above Fifth, hairy ndw in (lore a very
cheap on«l well selected stock of [Hardware, imported
•inn: the decline of prices in Rurbp«) and wlncn they
are dntrrinrtied to sell correspondingly low. Merchants
who have Pccirin the habit of going Kasl, are pnruca
lariy requested to rail and loos through our
Ue roahdrnUy believe they will navi their expence*
CIA I.K sKiNS—'Si dot jrrnonie r’rchch Calf Skins, a
> very line article. A few doten* Philadelphia
Skins, Iron the nianuiuriury of'lljM Crawford, to
Vineb the attrution of bool makerf is invited. Just
received and for «n!e by \V YOUNG A Co,
jetfJ f \ U:l lilirrtv si
assortment of Cornelius x Co's celebrated tnanu*
fui'iare. ami superior to all o «.n»in tue; adapted to
charchc*. steamboats, fuclori i* .dwellings, public and
pnvuic hall*, mid to all other u t a where u cheap, safe
and oniliiuit light is desirable
Al«o,Oirajuloie*, Hull Lant--ros,Ca!iJclabrßJ I G!obe*,
Ftißdrs, Wick*, Chitumes, Cant. Trimmers, Ac. Also,
(iu* Chandelier*, train one to four .lights,
de-i • \V W 4B market a
\ omxt MEN iu wholesale and retail [stores, end other
respectable bunnesi, to net a* Book-keepers, ScJcs
men, I’urnrrs, 11.-ir-kicpers, Wattei*. Farmer*. Coach
men, Cur Agents. Hook and Map A«iits, Collectors,
[jvnr*cer* m all branches of; banine*]*, Au. Wc have
it at! times n large number of good situations on hand,
a Inca pay from you to ?‘i,bou' pdr ulmum. I'lioMt in
want of situations of any kind wou'dj do well to Rive
u< a call, as we have ugeius'iu cachbif the n nve ci-
Uc.% which wilt enable us lo place efrry applicant in
•t soitntde situation at (he shortest notice. We have a
large acquaintance in all the aWvd named Cities,
which we trn»t will enable us to enure satisfac
tion to nil who may favor u* with a Cull.
TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No, S 3 geconjl sl,
belweeu £otjth and Guy.
N. It—Persons living in any paujofrlhe U. States,
and wishing to obtuiti a situation' Ih{ Baltimore, or ei.
Uirr’oi the ut»‘ve cities, will have their wants nnme*
timtcly attended 10 by addressing us it tine, (post-paid)
us by so dome they? will curtail both trouble and ex
pense, which Lliry niherwiie world Incur by coming
to tun city, and stcling employment lor themselves.
1 No. SB Second street,
myt&dif ! • Baltimore, Sid
the m»<t npp’roccd English jiatfern, furmahed
tin.l revointuead&d !>v Thuma* liakcwetl. Esq., and &
number of cminciil j.liysictun*; being a most conveni
ent apparatus lor the uppltcauau of warm or hot wa
tnr to ilie howrls, nt case of crumps' in Cholera. As
every person is «jljjt.rt to sudden ntlaeks, no'family
should l>n without at least one. |
]u? Fir« st. hetwren Wood and Market.
ri'HK i*ee<md Session of this Institution, under the
X earc ot Mr. aitd Air*. for the present.
U'Uih'ime year, wilj commence on' tl|e first of t-rbruu
ry next, in the *nm<i blindings, No. 6il Lilicrty*%treeL
Arrnnireinetits Ita’yr been made, by which they will
be jbln to furnish young ladies facilities equal te any
in the West, for obiAiinitgu thorough Fjnglish, Clussi
r *i.and Oniumentn) eilucuUon. A full course, of Fill*
In t'plneal tntd Chemical Lecture* Will be delivered
du. tug iba winter, Illustrated by apparntus. The tie
pur, •u«mii» of Vm-alLiml Instrumental Music, Modern
] <r . vigc*. Drawing pud l'niiitint;. willrach be under
tin ini « t*r u competent Professor.' It) rinse utnnnon
In in-- m oral "“I tnfcllcciunl improvement of tiieir pu
nil _ ij )r , |ioj>e tn merit a conlinualioii of the
liti-ril pu- ronase they Inivo hitherto enjoyed. For
tern.-. *<•>• r. »t‘uTnr or apply to the Principal*
jj r , McLaue In Tcnnciist.
rj mg ~ ct riiry that I purchased one vial of Dr.
I *d-la«no'« Wi Vln Spucific, somei tw» months ugo
in,i gnso to a son *>« tninr. some seven years old, iwd
i.'nst>r«ris full, and the urriount may appear
lar _ Ci y„ t [ knvn ni> doubt but thrre wits upward* of
two Ttsyi***u wotixs rassrd front Lim. inCasurtnp
(ntm 0.-.« f,uorti:r ot >ut i ’ifh two niches long.
’ 1 ‘U Wi IJfiI.LIUAV.
«>eek. CsAol ro. Tenn . I»»ie <7. IML it.U4
Ulrruiiiftbam. juear
WaTthom:,-Ni>. 137, Wooul eirUi, rUitbucgh.
«so.r\WlLLrotistiinily keept assort.
X&L/me nt oi Ware; of our oW.*» toamt/acinro, and
\MgjP luperiorquahty. W|iolntai« , l Bn ‘l country Mer-
W ehants. arc respectfully iitviti|d b> cailAnd ex
amine for themselves, as we are dfierromed to sell
cheaper than has ever before been offe red to the pub
jr>- Order* sent by ruftil, accompanied i'7 tbeeaih or
itv referenee. will lie promptly anended 10. myid
fiyii THE LADIES —Just received, ft full .tssortmen
I of cold mid silver Thread, diVd land U.'ald; also
Vtianitbis uml Uulluin, for rmhroiderniir oii'l o’her *r
hamonml wotk. Also, gold ond^lverTusself, Fringe,
nod i^u'i 1 . I
JewKlty of the latest fishinns, lit great variety.
Wntctn*» «>f superior nunlity
and f.r sale nl Eastern prices. W
11Uf .7 comer Markefond Fourth *t*
MESr—Open from: OA. M todl F. hL Mngle
U nil ‘AS cents, Ar 6 for I [dollar. Ladies department
* ,u T,Sr- '"Ti"efAii,e™prt,»r.
Felt-Cloth Covered pianos*
i j- , THE subscriber ha*-Jest completed
fflGSaSagbis ttock of HANO9, composed of C.
nuffl’Tl®! and 7 octaves of every variety nf
f I • V I "stylo and price, with and without Co'.e
men’* celebrated ASolima Attachment from the cele
brated factory of Noun* 4. Clark, New York. They
ere all provided with the above important improve
ment. AH other Piano maker* in thi* country-eo*er
tbe hammer* (which strike the ftrinp-and produce the
tone.) with leather. Thu, a* they nil admit, wear*
badly, the leather growing bard and b»c»h. and thu*
,caa«ing, arter the Piar.o ha* been u«ed »i while, a timl
disagreeable. hursh and wiry tone. Nunn*ACl*rit
• hnve;witbin the laxi/«w oumtA-i covered the hammer*
with/eft efstA, an eutirely new invention, producing »
most mrlodioss and volaminoat-tone, which mil »m
-frrore* I.J age, instead of growing harsh and bard, as
eather necessarily doe*. This mqy safely
nounced (bq greatest improvement in Piano* yet in
vented The interior of these Piano* is magnificently
glided and embellished. altogether the rieheel fiui*h
imaginable. Keeping an assortment of Boston and
other Piano*, th- public can convince themselves of
the of felt to leather, by calling and trying
the instruments. H KLKBKR,
Sole Agent for Ntjnns ft-Cisrk.
At J. W- Woodweli’s
N. H—" Hie above will be fold it manufacturer*
price*, and the money returned it found in the least
tdeective. *tn7
Ilillßl.Jil. HOWARD A CO.,
No. 8! Wood Street,
WOULD call the attention of trie pnblie to their
present stock of Paper Hangings, which for va
riety. beauty of finish,durability and cheapness, is un
surpassed by any establiihtqent in the Union.
Besides a largo and fall assortment of paper oftheir
own manufacture, they are now; receiving a direct im
portation of French and English style* of Paper llang
tngs, purchased by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the firm,
now in Europe, consisting of ,
Parisian manufacture, 10,000 pieces.
I<ondon do 3,000 do
Of their own monnfaeinre they have 100.000'pieees
Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces satin glazed Window
Blinds, Ac.
. Messrs. James Howard A Co. bave spued neither
expense nor labor in their eudesrors to rival the east
ern wall paper establishments, both In quality of man
ufacture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant
ed'in assuring the public that they have succeeded.
The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac
ture, will be offered on terms a* tow. as those of east
ern manufacturer* and Importer;*. mehB7:dtf
watxxxas nuip. jusupa trairaa. wx. a. tuar
(Successors to lluMcy, Hanna & Co.)
in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate*
of Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth- street,
nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo
ney received on deposite—Sight Checks for sale, and
collections mode on nearly all the principal point* in
the United States.
The highest premi am paid for Foreign and American
Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship
ped EnL» on liberal terms. apd
Patctt Scccsrp Ja.ncaxt Ist. I*l9.
Patent ensslever extension Tables , Sofas t Bureaus,
Boole Cates, Writing Desks.
; rpUB TABLES far surpassing every other in
i veulion oflhe kind now'extant. They can he ex
tended Irom ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
the leaves are aJI contained Inside; they mode to
all rises and shapes, and arc admirably adapted for
Steumboati, Hotels, and large private Otmillen, farm
ing when closbd a complete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval
uable, particularly to those who wish to econo
mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they -can be opened ond sliut
nt convenience, and when shut, the bedding is ein*)o*«
ed. A great saving in room and rent. Alt the bed
steads when closed form a beautiful piece t|f furniture
for a parlor or sitting room.
BOOK CA3K£—A neat and useful aniclc for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITING DESKS—For law office.*, eouniing mom*,
and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed
stead, when closed a perfect Desk sod Library alone
is visible. . ;
All these article* need uo recommendation: the
Vranty of the whole is, they are warranted not to get
out of repair. Is will be for yoar interest* (o call nud
examine ihe articles, at the manufacturer'* store, No.
K) Third streef, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above
advantages, they ore proof ogaiiHl bug*.
Patent Graduated Galvanic Battery and Paten'
Insulated Pole* far Medical anA other rirrjxusj.
I’ll IS it the only instrument of the kind tha't ho* ever
been presented in this country or Europe for med
ical purposes, and is the only oneevor known to mrui,
by which the galvoiuo fluid can be conveyed to the ba
man eye, ihe eirfihe brain, or to any partofthe body,'
either externally or internally, in ‘ a definite gentle
stream, without shock* or pain--with perfect safety—
and often with the happiest eficcu.
This important apparatus is now highly approved of
by many of the most eminent physicians of this coun
try and Europe, to whom the nffiicteOi and others whom
*t may concern can be referred. Reference will also
br given lAbisny highly respectable citizens, who be re
been cured by means of this most valuable apparatus
of tome of the most iuvclcrate nervous disorders winch
could not be removed by any other known means.
Among various others, it has been proved to be ad
mirably adnpted for the cure of the following dtasaie*,
vis: nervon* headache and other diseases oi ihe bum.
it i* with ibis-apparatu* aiono that the operator can
convey the maguriie fluid with ease and safety to the
rye, to restore tigiiL, or cure amaurosas; te the eat to
- restore hearing; to the tongue and otiier organs, to .*e i
•tore speech; andlothe various parts of the body, for
the curd of chrome rlieffmaiiim, asthma,' neuralgia; ni
tie dolonreux, paralysis, or palsy,’ gout, chorea or St.
Vitu's dance, epilepsy, weakness fiom sprouts, some
diseases peculiar to females, contraction of the mobs,
lockjaw,etc. eto.
Right* for enmranding counties of Western Pa., snd
privileges, with the instrument, may he purchased, end
ol**> tested for the cure of diseases
Full tuxinicuons will hagiveu for the various chemi
cal* u* be used for various diseases, and the best m.ui
urr fur operating for the care of those disease* will a!-
so be.fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet
put into expressly for these purpose*, care
fully prepared by the patentee. Enquire of
wu.lnily -b WILLIAMS, Vina #L INttsburgii.
IMIK attention of the public jj respcctlany called to
the toiiowing certificate*:
Ala. S. Eauks —Having tested a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Areometer, i find tie result preves
your instrument correct; and recommend the u*e of it
to those going to California, as the best method for ob
taining the real value of Gold. Keep, yours,
- - J. B. DUNLKVY, Gold lieatar.
l’iitibergh, March 9,1940.
Crtotmu, March 7, l'fl&i.
-Mb. Esina—Dear Sir. Having examined the “At eo
meicr,” raanulaetared ai your rooms, I do not hesitate
to commend it id the see of thoso-gentlemen who arc
about remartag u) California in search of Gold.
It r.ivcs a close approximation to the specific gravi
ty 61 metals, and will certainly enable Uic advcuurcr
to ascertain when hi« placer is yielding Gold,
maria _ Youre, respY. J. R. .APCLI STOCK.
1‘ NUlAliUliUEßCL.btlHX<»—Jmt received for the
California Kip'-dilion, a complete assortment of
Gun? Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from S&£o to
for suit of cnntj pants and hat. For sale at the
India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood st.
for; California. '
rjIHE celebrated Hatard Rifle Powder, in kegs, half
X kegs, quarters and cans, for tale by
febm J S DILWORTI! & Co, 27w00d .1
THE subscriber ha* removed his Wholesale Groce
ry Sure to the curlier of Hancock siren and Alle
gheny Wharf; next door to the Perry House.
mchg7:dtf J ; JOHN F. PERRY.
Kanafactnrcr of Mineral Water Apparatus,
stun or TUX eoiiuxa xzeut x-vd rnßTrzlN,
NQ • !J 13 North Second st.,* above Vine,
AN experience of more than twelve years in the
manufacturing of Mineral Water Apparatus, uni
the preparation of Mineral Waterin Bottles and Foun
tains, on an extensive scale, with a scicntifle and prac
tical knowledge of of both branches of business, io,;e>
tber with recent improvements in the construction ol
the Apparatus aud the preparing of the Water, which
he bos succeeded in adopting since his visit to Paris,
and after years of close study and ptactienl applica
tions as applied to thearu in Mechanics and Chenls
. try. enables the subscriber to come before the pul lie
with entire confidence, and otTcr them tho beat uid
most complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Min
eral Water ini Hollies and Fountains, that can be fur
nished in the United Slates.
He also flatters himself that tbe enlarged success he
has met with, and the present extensive and daily in
creasing amount of bis business in both the above de
partments, famishes the most convincing proof of hla
claim to the superiority of Apparatus over those of all
others, and of the purity and salubrity of the Water
prepared therefrom.
Persons who order the Apparatus from u distance,
may be assured that their instructions shall be faithful*
,ly complied with, and so packed as to carry* safely
cither by land or water to any part oftho U. States.
To avoid disappointment, it is recommended to those
wbo intend supplying themselves the approaching ten.
son, to forward ibeir orders at us early a day «» con.
• Mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and
Fountains, Ornament*! Unis and Pedestals for Sta: d«,
Counters and Bars of Hotels, for drawing Hydrant
Water,' together with Corking and Tying Machines,
and everything appertaining to the above business,
constantly on baud, and for sale oh the lowest terms
forcMh, * upUsdcodttm
G afilOT’W EsT EH N ! ' ~
UFACToRV.—Tbe subscriber take* this method
of informing bis friends and the public iu general ;lmi
he ba* tbe largcri stock of tba following iiuim-d niii
cles of his own manufacture in thiscuy—Saddles, llnr
ness, Truuks and Whips, nil of which ho will warrant
U> hr made ofibe best mntnriul mill by tbe )>v<t im-rh.
aiiics in Allegheny county, Bring detem.inru to «.«•'(!
his manufacltires something lower than bus been here
tofore sold by any smulur establishment in tbu i >ty
he would invite persons in need of the übove nuim-<i
urtides to his warehouse, N 0.341 Liberty street, opim*
sins Seventh. Also, bands madu to order for tnnebim
ry- ocCHMy _ _ G. KEUUV,
Noth?, corner of Market mid I'mh sired*, l’m«.
burgh.' The subscriber Leers couMunUy on naml
wholesale and retail, very low for rash:
Wash Tubs, I Barrel i‘burus (
Bath Tabs, Staff Churn*.
Horn? Backets, | Half Hushes, Ac.
All other kinds of Who m Ins line Hindu to order
OUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI. for Polishing, n ntwiy
discovered substitute for (‘torus, Rotien clone,
Rouge, Ac.
Families have found it invaluable for their silrer
aud coarser wares—in short, as remarked by ibe
“Scientific American.' in nn nnicle upon ii, “of all Uie
substances which been npplicu to polish Giu**
and Metals, none can equal that substance known bv
tbe name of Tripoli—this is a superior nrtirle i.rihm
first hrought from Italy by the Venetians, and used by
them in their palmy days oi gins* making, to give it
lhai peculiar polun so much admired by other nation*,
h should lx? in every family and every work shop.
For sale by • RESELLERS!
uuglb , 67 Worn! st
Premium Strawberry piaiii,
premium plant, BMX) per hundred. Victoriaaod
Hovel's Jsrrdlings,4ocents per hundred—all thrifty
plants warranted; Order* from a distance carefully
pul up and lorwaided. Also, a large collection of
firceiihoiine Plants. Fasiolph and Taylor’s Secdlinv
Ra*pl*crry, hr. . • *
An OMNIBUS leave* the Allegheny Cill' end of the
t*t. Lhur ritreet Bridge, for the Garden, every half bout
duritig the day. TLe steam.boat will comrauicc. its
regular trip’s as soon at the river risea.
'“'fl** JAMES M’KAIN
, .t ‘i >5
LY GOOI>S ( _&C:
~~ 1 Snr «fU e*rr«u.
win '«“" J nf «c«
now ia thn T».o« JBlblliJ
or ueam boau ate tcrpcCtfalJy iimted to «»» *” d **£
the. iiewstylcn Mod) 6w prffe*! >* «u»w
otferine in tu* line. -.*.. . . . »„.i
Ileertaed this d*y, direct from tie importer* and
msnufoeturrn— I
ftOydt new Tape*'ry BrutseU Carpet*;
««»“ - •• 3 plr Imperial tff ‘
KttW “ «nprr£li\e ln«Taiß • c*jo . -
SOGO « •• •• finf
u *• “ coffin™ »
All of which will be *o':d low lor e*jb« “'y ®
can be purchased in nny outc Kn«lern cities-
*n«C \V MT-IdNTOCK. 75 Fo«rtbrt_
nnd winter, will bis received all through the scan,
son direct from the mamifso'dreki, amt will be sold
orcash a* cheap ns r ail be Ibught iii the Eastern c|-
fiea, at spiftt W M’CLIXTOCK'S, TSFomUt >1
opened to-dny a fresh let nf the above good*. from
two dollars per yard op to«u(wrfine qualities, and of
approved manufacture, in which .ho particularly in
vites the nitcntion of buyer*. Also,’ black and fancy
CoMuacroW, Satin Verting*, muslin, merino and cotton
Undershirt*, Hosiery and Clover, Pooket HJkfi and
black Italian tuid fancy Cravat*. at low cash pnee*.
Merchant* will Cad it u> their advantage to examine
the stock In Wholesale Bootn, up stain, before buy-
In* theirgood*. ’ '• »Ptl7 - ,
No. 48 Wood *?r., Fn-raatreoit,
ARE now receiving thrir usual supplies of Good*
tor the Fall *c*»ou, which tney w;ll be happy to
exhibit to their old customers, and as many new ones
as may feel inclined to present themselves.
Always taking great pains to lay .in such goods a*
are adapted to tno want* of the Western trade, which
long experience enable* litem to 00, they can fay with
much confidence, and without entering into a detail
of their stock, that the Western re.tail merchant will
find with ihem nil that hi* customer* require. Those
who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing
to the Eastern cities lor their stocks of Dry Good*,
woald do wall to call, tu a candid companion of pri
ce* would iu many cases result in the conviction that
the expense of going further may bo obviated by buy*
ing in Pittsburgh. ' spt!3
A A. MASON a CO, No. CO Market street, have
• just received an immense stock of NEW FALL
GOODS, to which they invite the attention of their
friend* and the public—assuring them that every arti
cle will be sold at their u« low prices—so low as
to deft competition. *P’ n
\\T M’CLINTOCK i« now constantly receiving hi*
f T • Fall Stock of CARPETING. OIL CLOUIS,
Ac. among which tuny be found the following varieties:
Axtninstcr Cnipets; Sup Chenille Rugs;
Velvet do do Tufled do
Tapestry do Common do do
iirustcls do Sheep *kjn Slat?;-
ExtrasapUply do Chenille do
Superfine "do do Tailed do
Superfine Ingr. do Adelaid do
Finn do do '•l,'’4,i'>-'l,li-1 I 'l-lani]34
Comton do do OilCJoths;
Listing d> Table Linen;
'Ray do Unckcbuck Diaper;
4-4, P, and fi Tap. Vert, do Linen Crash;
4-4, IM A 5-1 Tw’ld do do Damask Linen Sir. Cover;
4-4, fi> J A 2-4 wool do do Pat. Oil Cloth do do
4-4. T, e&S-4 coin, do do Stair Rods, Binding, Ac.
GiMs rrfclch we are now able m sell lower thou
ever Irttora offered in tin* city. We invite all wishing
10 fsTtvsh Haute i and Steam Boats, to eaJI and cxnm
iaavxiKlotk before purchasing elsewhere.
• Or.T7*t No. 75 Fourth st.
*■»'. W. M’CLINTOCK.
TJfT R. MURFUV i* now receiving hi* first Fall
Vy • "upplyof Fomgn and Domestic GOODS, and
ha* already oprncil an ii>s(ir:meitt pf new ami beauti
ful tty left dark tali PRINTS, warranted fa*i rotors;
and neat new style Foil
Muslin de Lainrs; *
Aipaeoa* olid Mohair Lustres; '
Damask fig d and striped do
Fufmntios and i.yoqe-e Cloths; .
■ Of the n.un desirable color*; and n full supply of
bleached und unbleached Muslina, ln*h Linen*, Maa
ehc«tcr Ginghams, Ac , at-nortiicart comer Fourth find
Market its. Buyers are invited i« call and see.' 1
spun __
IJtRKNCII .MERINOS—Of "ull Urn dcsirtrde colors^.
such a* Maroon, Garnet, cherry, scarlet,different
shades of gtecn drab, uml black.
Also, PaRMETTUS hi nil thr n'*avc colon, in eve
ry variety of quality; and LYONB3K CLUXJIS, also
of all the desirable .rolnrs, mtw open at Dry Good*
House of sptl l IV RMU.RPHV.
MOUHVINfI GOODSr-'V. It. Murphv ha» now
open au eiutmtve as«omacin of illack Good*,
including.Uombuiner Fn-noa Mrrinor.*, Pamoilos.
Moata <ir, Lame*, Mounting j\lpaecti«, ami oilier
Mourning Goods. - ojt [ 11
MtUTARv GOODS.—C.ip#. Pijin' - *,Swords. !?a»h
-e«: Kpaulciirf. Lace, Hutton*, Flag*, nml »U llie
iriinintni.'* necriMsry to ri|ui|> voltiiii-erYorapame*.
IVolunteer cotniMiiiM r«juiii|w-«l tu« complete and
clicup a* *lniir in tin.- Kail, at tuo Mi'iury Store, cor
ner Markrt «nd.Fourth »u. \V \V WILSON *
K. S.— The I'niten Stales Has* am! Tenor Diutin, of
(jermanlowii make, for note anti warranted l>v
tpii : w. w. w
w wixiogrttEfl',
AIUS tio%» receivtnij a very latjfSMock of fre*h
Good*,' of reeenlpnrchaw and >mporvuiaa,which
they w»ll »-!! in the inula at »uch prices at cannot fail
to cive entire ratirfaetjon. •
Cn>* and Country Merchant* arc Invited • to call and
examine our goefc before purehayinf .
SEW GOODS, 1849.
KENNEDY’ A SA WY'EIt, corner Wood and Fourth
street, are now receiving direct from firrt hand*,
a larg,- stock) of Fuucy and Variety Goods, inc.tiding
Cloelcit of every variety, gold and silver YVitu-hes,
Jewelry, Frdncli I'rint*. Comb*, Hook* and Eyes,
(•love* and Hosiery, Suspenders, Gun Caps, nnu all
other article* in their line—all of which having iiceu
purchased personally of the manufacturers ea»t, du
ring the last winter, expressly for the Spring trade,
will lie sold wholesale at a small advance qu cost.
Coiisumtiy on hand, all dc«cripiiou* of Looking Glass
es, of our own manufacturing, at eastern price*., mhTi
ULON (l7 Market street.
HO pn fine,China Vases, o-s'd; 175 sets twiVt and
cut vtlvet coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Dig*; t3l
do do gent’s traveling; 100 gross fancy silk Buttons,
for dresVes; 10 dux Nail Brushes, ass'd; lUOgrofiue
hlk Vest Buttons, a«.*‘d; £5O do do gill and plated, do;
£5 dot torewood Hair Brushes; 4 do Washington do;
Ido Barbers do, 3 gro Fish Lines; F itf h Hooks, Lime
rick. Ac -
J EWELRY*, Ac —.lO gobt lever Watches; CO do de
tached lever Watches; 111 do Lepttio do; 10 fine dia
mond Finger lUngs; l dox fine gold V<**t and Fob
Chnin*; a dn do Gu:ird<; Breast i’uti, Finger Rings,'
liar Rings,Ac.
GLuVKS, he.—'JOO do: Ladies Cotton Gloves, nat’d;
30« do do Li-la Thread, farcy top, Ac.; 10 do gents’
fcilk Giovrs; It! d» do kid do; ladies kid, lO
dodo fancy lop silk.
VARIETY GOODS—7S ptg* American Fins; 30n
bts Coiinn Cords; 75 p* Paper Muslin; 534,000 ribbed
i'ereu.Mon Cup*; yoo gro dress Whalebone do; HiOdoX
Ivory i;.»mb*; Dre.i«ing Combs, Buck'Comb*, Ac. Ac.
WHEREAS, John V. Hopewell, of die city of Pitta*
. burgh, Merchnm Tujlor. by hi* deed, be-arthg
date (ho-sQli day of July, A- D., IdW, aad recorded in
the Rrc> rdcr’a Otfieo ol Allegheny country, indeed
book Vcl. Mt, page 490. assigned anu transferred to me
all his c*uue, real and personal, iu trnst for his credi
tors : NOTICE i* bpreby given to ail persons indebted
to said ettatc to raiike payment to the anderaigned, and
tho-c having claim* against it, to present them for se;
UcinenL BFMAAILN GLY'DE, Assignee,
_ rtugll • _ PiUabargh^_
EIGHT BATH* FOR one DOLLAR, nr a single
Bath for fifteen cents,
Ladies Department open from 9 lo U o’clock, A. M.,
and y to 5 o’clock, IN M.
Atheurcuin Saloou and Bathing Establiihment.
. __ T. M’FALL, Proprietor
JAY’NK.—‘This certifies, that immediately after
having unended my Inoth'cr, who died of consumption
m March. isd'J, I was taken sick with the Consumption
or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low wtta the
disease, that tor four year* I was unable to atteud to
my business, either at home-or sbreaii, bciugfor ihc
maw time confined to my bed. During the above peri
od of time, 1 hud expended for medical attendance o
regular Physician* and medicines, to the amount of
83t>Q, without receiving any benefit therefrom, in
July, I commeueed taking Dr. Medi
cines, and hove taken them more or less ever since,
and believe it, was by persevering iu their use,
llmt 1 can now truly say that 1 have complct'dy reeo*.
verpd tny health. 1 believe, that Jayne’s Sanative Fills
and Expectorant am the ht-st family medicines uo# Iu
1 m*ide in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y*., and
curry tm n lunuirn und iti'ichiiic simp in Unit place,
nnd nm not intero*ted iu any mquner in the sale of the
nlmve ntedteine*. and make this certificate t»r the beu
eJiinf those aillicit-d. ELIJAH EATON.
u.b,'! MiU,r UimL'U'll. IiUU.VII lullll.l,
tipriugfiel.l, N.-Y.. Fept.lo jal
Ur, Hum's Celebrated Uemedies.
■l*\U. JACOB S. rose, Urn rtii;cqvercr and sole prn-
I 9 pric;"r.of these mn*t popular and beneficial Died*
icmesand also —c luvrntur of the celebrated instru
ment for iiillbulj the Lungs in circclhik a cure of
Chronic discuses, wns oi student of that eminent physi
riuii, Doctor Phytic, and is a graduate of ti,.' Uiuvcrei
t yof I’eimsylvuria, und for thirty youre since has Ix-en
cjigugcd in theinvestignlioi) of diseav. and the appli
cation ot remedies ihcrrto.
fiirough.Uic uso of his infiatinc inbe, m cotinrction
wiUi his Prophylactic Myriu> umlotherof his remedies,
lie. lias gained tut tuiparaleilcd eminence in curing.
Hi*.** dreadful and fatal liiuhuliV*, Tubercular Cou
siuiiptioii, cancers, S-:roii!.r. R | .euin;Mj«iu 1 Asthma,'!
Fever and Ague, F*'vrr»ofail kin-'*, t.'hroinc Erysipe
las, und all those obsimotediseases peculiar to turnalcs.
Indeed every form of di-v-tue vahisuri under the uso
i*fjus remedies,lu which is heir—not by the
: use of one compound ouiv, for that is irSiuipaiildc
with Physiological Uw, but bv the use of his reme
dies, adapted to nnd prescribed u»r each peculiar form
Dr. Rn.-e’s I’oiuo Alterative when iL*ed arc. in
viumbly acsnowleilged In be supenur to all oilier, n*
a purgative or liver pill, nih*niiinli ns they leave the
bowel* perfectly free from, costivcueis; nsi.Lohis
Goldrn Pills is admitted by the faculty to pos-enspecu
bar propei tics adapted to fcninle diseases, but ucing
sntisbsxl itiul u'tmre trial is hutficiunt lucstabltpli what
Inis beru kind in the mind* oflhe mort skeptical.
The inflicted arc invited to eairupou the agent, mid
j»roeurc (gratis) one of the Doctor's tiamplilcu,
u drtailttu Recount of ••sell remedy nnd it* application.
For sals by the loldwiu* p-euts, as well «t« by most
Draggists lluoughoui the country:
-J ?ciio«imnakrr-ft Co, ill Worn! street^ Pittsburgh;
J SlTowuHnnd. druggist, 4S Market st “
l.«:u A Bockbiuu, “ near the P.O. Allegheny city;
Jos Barkley, DarUnctou, Heaver eonniy, Fa.
Jno Elliott, Kuuou Valley, •* “ “
T Adams, Beaver, “ “ *‘_
Oowuauu, Jan. tth, 1-IU.
Mr. K. E. Ssillen*:—Your VVrrnifuge im «bM miml,
and has lx?«:n high y spoken of by nM who bavs.u.-ed
~ From the »urc*-*» aUendmg ilio aduinnsiraiiciii-of
your Verrutfugs m every case l huyr be*rd of. I atu
confident l euu self uiow during Uie coming s*a»ou
tkai, I did last. I will lie glad lo reccrre anoihrr »up
pl> Tellraeifrow"lrtt^r)' 1 ”’ rc '>" c, ‘
Prlparrnl and .old by K. K SKI.LKRri.i7 Wood st,
uidMild by druggists generally, In I lUsburgh and Al
leghny. ~ J B «
‘ DrrLEvP*-, SrpT SJ, l«!L,
Mr. R. F.Sellers—Dcai Srvi feel his ajduty lowt
to the public, as well as -to the credit of (your Liver
Pill*, to state the effect* produced by their use in
myowTtcase During the month of June, ibJS, I took 1 *
very unwell, my appeiiiAfailed, and my rtyength was‘
entirely' prostrated,‘.with severe pain in my nde and •,
shoulders, . I was told by medieal men that my disease
was a sev.ere nttackof liver complaint. TrSdf seve
ral boxes; of M’Lane's Liver Pills, and some syrups,
which I was told wa* good for that disease, but after
all I was geitingtworse. 1 -finally concluded to place
myself under me care of a physician fotr better or
worse; bit, fortunately, junatlhls time, I was told
by the Rqv. I. N’ibloek, of this place, that a friend had
sent him a box of Seilers’ Liver Pills fromlPnubargb,
which had benefitted him very, much. . I forthwith
tent for d box of your Liver Pills, and by tbe time I
waa done Ming them, I-was satisfied thatlit lust
the medicine that.suited my case. I seuk for 'more,
and took [five or. six boie$ > and foaod myself almost
entirely cored; but in March-last I caogrci a severe ,
cold, wtyclt brought back the disease, anil hra short
(into I wa* as bad ad ever. I'.again bad rireoarreto'
your Livpr Pills, and.took them every other night for,.
six wee to, and occasionally since, and Tran nowvay, -
that! eaa now say, that I reel little if any} symptoms.?
of the Liver Complaint, and iny griierai Wealth is as
good now a* it has been for the. la*t K> yeas*.
Aly neighbors nskl me wbo wa* my doctor. I tell
them tbn.i fillers’ I jvar Pill* was my docibr. and by
Uie blessing of KviuolProvidcnce the mrarj* of curipg
me. 1 sin confident that when the publie aeeometto—
quainied: with tbe va|ite of your ljver Pill.*,
mnntl for ihem will iuctease. Many of ray neighbors,
to whom! I have recouupended the pills can testily lo .
their valpe, as well as;to tbe facts’above stated.
' Respectfally yours, : GkoeobMillse.
To rnt Pcatia—The .Original, only true and genu
nine Uyer Pill* are 'preparedvby R. E
have his nama stamped in blach wax npon the lid .of
euch Box, and his ctgnatur; on. the outride wrapper.
t£?*AU others are rotHitrrfeUs, or base imitations.
«ptfl7 I R. E Propricior, S 7 Wood at
i caution Extra
A mail by the name of REEL CLAfP bas engaged
with a ypung mu of the name of S: P. Townsend, and
uses Jus pat up a Sarsaparilla, which they
call IXc.l .Townsend’s Sarsaparilla,' denominating it
GENUINE, Original, etc. Tats Townsend i.* no doc
tor and never wm, but was formerly a'worker ou rail
roads, canals, and tbe like. Yet he assumes the title
ofDf., for the purposo of gaining eredit for what be ta
not. Ho is sending out card*-headed u T(icks of
Quacks, *> in whiehhesays,lhive'Sold the use of my
nune for<7&week. I will give S. P. Townsend £JW
i< he will produce one single solitary-proof of .this-
This it to caution the public not to be deceived, and
purchase none lot the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD
Dr. Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, having on It the
Old Dr.’s likeness, his family coat or arms, and his sig
nature across the coat of arms..
. Principal Office, 102 Nassau at, New .¥otfc City.
Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years of age, and
bos long been known a* thn AUTHOR and DISCO
SARSAPARILLA.” Being poor, he was eon)pelled
to limit its manufacture, by which means it has been
kepi out of market, and tbe sales circamtcribed to
tbase only who had proved its'worth and known iu
v*lue. Tbi* Gaaxn Atrii Uxxqvallkd PaxTAEartox is
the largest scale, and is called for
throughout the length and breadttrofttl'.e land.
Unhxe young S. P. Townsend’s, it improves with
age, and never changes, but lor the better; because it
is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific man.
The highest kuowledge of Chemistry, and the latest
discoveries of the Art. have nil been brought into re
quisition in the Rutumaetara ot the Old Dr. : * Sarsapa
rilla. The Sarsaparilla root; it Is well known to med
ical men. contains medicinal properties, and some pro
perties which arc men or useless; and others, which,
tf retained iu preparing it for use, produce fermenta
tion and aeid, which is injurious to the system. Some
ofthe'properties ol Sarsaparilla are so volatile that
they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepare
tiou, if they are not preserved by a scientific process,
known only to thosu experienced in its manufacture.
Moreover these volatile principles which fly off In. va
por, or as an exhalation, trader heat, are the very es
sential medical properties of the toot, which gives to
it all it» value. The
i* so prepared; that nil the inert properties of the Sar
saparilla root are first removed, every thiivu capable
o( becoming acid or of fermentation, u extractedand
rejected; then every particle ofmedtcol virtue is seen- '
red iu a pare and coiicentrated farm; and thus it is
rendered nienpable of losing any o T its Valuable aa
healing properties. Prepared in this way; it is mace -
the moM powerful agent in the
lienee the reason why we bear coinmendaiiona on
every ride in it* Ittvor bv men, women and children. ,
We find it doing wonders' in the run: of Consumption,-' :
Dyspepsia, and Livei Complaint, and in Rheumatism, .
Srrofgla and. Piles, Costivcness, all Cutaneous Erup
tion.*, Pimples, Hloiclirs, and all affection* arising from
It possesses a marvellous etfieacy in all complaint*
arisiflg from indigestion, from Acidity nf the Storan-h;
from unequal circulation, determinattoh of blood to the •
head,, palpitation of the heart, cold tcelaiidcoldihami*
cold chill* and hot flashes overihe (tody. It nos hot
had its equal in coughs and cold*; mid promotes easy
eipeulortuion, aiid gentle perspiration, relaxing'stric
ture of the longs, throat; aud every other part.
and acknowledged than in ail kinds and Binges of
If works wonders in cases of fluo/albcanr whites,
Failing of the Wqrab, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Pniu- -
ful Menses, Irregularity of the meruiruai. periods, oa d
the like; aiid is effccina! in cc nig‘all forms of the Kid
ney Diseases; By removing obsiructioospand regula
tiug the general system, it gives tone dud strength to
the whole body, and cures all faun* of
and thus prevenu or relieve* a great yariety of other *
disease*, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vims •'
Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fils, Couvulnons, Ac. Is ‘
not this, then, tux Airmans too Pbs-Kxinkttlt jNsedT
Bui cun any of tlte«e things be said of l’.Towo- •
send’* micrior article!/ This young man’s Liquid ta not
.because of the Grand Fact, 'lint the oue is incapable ‘‘
of Deterioration and.NEVER SPOILS, while the oth
er DOKsI; it sour*, ferments, and'brows the bottles’
containing it into fragments; the sour, acid liquid ex
ploding and iUmaging oihcr good*! Must not this hor
nlilc compound be poisonous to the system! What!
put acid into a system already diseased with acid!
What cause* Dyspepsia but acid! Do we notallknow, .
that when fcod sours in our stomachs, jrhat mischiefs ’ -
it produces?—flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of the
heart, liver complaint; dianheua, dysentery,cholic and
corruption of the bloodl What is Scrofula but on acid
humor in tbe body? What produces all the humors
which bring on Eruptions of the Sr in.'Scald Head,’ .
Salt Rheum,Erysipelas,White Swellings, Fever-Sores,
and all ulceration* internal and external! It is both- 7
lug under heaven but an acid siibtntncc, which'soars,
and thus spoil* all the fluids of the‘body, more or leu.
What cause* Rheumatism bat a soilr arid Raid, which'
insinuates itself between the joint* and el.cwhoie, ir
ritating and tufiaming the tender raid delicate tisiacs
upon which it acts? FoofnervoDs'dise-tsc*, of Impu
rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly
all the oihneat* which alllict human nature. V-
Now, it it not horrible to make and rellftiiid infinite- i
ly worse to use this
and yet be wonld fain have it understood that Old Ja
cob Townsend's Genome Original Sarsaparilla, is an
Imitation of his iuferior preparation!!
Heaven forbid that we should deal In an article
which would bear the most distant resrmblauco u> S. '
P. Townsend’s onlcLY and which should bring down
upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaints
aud criminations from agents who have sold, and pur
chasers woo have used S. P. Towpse.ud's Fermenting
Compound! ■
Wo wish it understood, bee ante it i* the absolute
truth, lhalS. P. Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jacob
Townsend’* Rarsaparilla are henveii-widc apart, and -
infinitely dissimilar; that they ore unlike in every par
ticular, having not one single thing t n common.
It is to arrest irauds upon the unfortunate, to pour
balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the ’
despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom «*■! yi- .
gor into the crushed and broken and to banish infirmi
ty—that old DIL JACOB TO WNSEND has SOUGHT. •
and FOUND the opportunity and means to britig hi* -
within the reach, am) to the knowledge of all who
need it> that they may learn and know, by joyfalex- .
perieuce, itsTaanscxxuiar towes to tisau!
For sale by‘J. KIDD & CO* - Wholesale Agent for
Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham; Dr.
J, SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J: CAtidELL, Filth.
wnnl, 0. YV, GARDNER,Bth ward, Pittsburgh sptD
Jayiiei’ExpsetoranV "' •’'
Sabot, Columbiana c0,0.', Apr. 34, I&4L '
DU. D. JAYNES: Dear Sir;—l to you'
and the alllicied public, to avail myself of this op
portunity of giving pa blicity to the extraordinary effects
6f your Exttccioraui onmyself. Having hern afflicted
for several years' with a severe cough, hectic/ever '
and iu coucomiunt diseases, and seemed only doomed
to linger oat a short but miscrablo. existence, until the
Tall of USB, when, being more severely attacked, and
haviug resorted mail ray former remedies, and the prr- -
scripuons of two of the most respectable physicians in '
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
consolation of surviving bat a few days or weeks &•'
farthest—when the last gleam of hope wasabouClo ;
vanish, I hod .recommended to me your Expectorant—
and blessed by thut Being who does all thing* in the ‘
are of the means—aad contrary., to the expectations of ,, 1
my physicians and friend*. 1 was,in a few days raised
from my bed. and was enabjed by the use of a bottle, to
attend to-ray busmei*, enjoying since better health than
I had for ten years previous. -
Respectfully yours.&c., Jaa.W.Esmt. .
For iale In Pittsbnrgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 7T
Founli-fctreet. . • ' mari9 •
A N EMINENT and experienced Physician fraa lha
x V East, of SU years * lauding, olfersio treat lUcasCS
of n Delicate Nature with promptness aud secrecy.'.
IH* success tn Buffalo, and oilier large fitiei* ha*
l*reit proverbial. Mis charge* are moderate, and feia
pure* oermanrnt. Old ease* of Gleet, Stricture, Scro
fula, Fluor Athus, Rb'-umstism. Ague, Syphilis, or any.
chronic or cw.* solicited. ■
A cure warranted, or charge refunded. . . • , ‘
Omens, rit t'l.iirsireet, S door* from the Uridge.
Tcrlh Eitrortcd. Advicn to. the poor gratis.;
N B —Dr. A.snlicii* tits worst.cases of any dleeaia .
in i'.ilsburn'b to call. •_— _ ‘apUdly
“ gUkknwood •
\i, r II.L rruiHin open for vjsjter* until iht Ist Jantu-.-.
f| ry,l“6ti. Oy'trrs and other Rcfrcshuenta suit-...
r.i ti> tbe sc.ismi will be kept Tho Grconbeu»r; con»
i-Minng a.large collection j»f rare and.choice Plants, •
will bi* open tn visiters., Ikiqoetr ucailf putup ab .
vhor; nniira throuebout. tho seasoui Art Omnibus vr* I'd- Allexheny irad of the tfL Clair, Street,
Budge, every half hour, during the day, running lo the
Gantcn; niut the frrry LoaL Captain W’alkcr, runs •
from the Point, lundipg a short dutauce slxitc the Ga
r• b:ii Faril'rs wishing to sj««nd ttio .eTClilng,-.will be ■
iiqeomnuHlalcd with a return Omnibus at 10 o'doqk,
Kepi on Tcrapefancc principlu»i,and closed ou..
u»l . -*pU3 , ■J. M’KAIN. ‘.
AChentemtu Saloon and Battling Kitab- '
■ tlshment. J
r PHE .I’RDFRIKTtJR U'now‘prepared w servo'
JL vp meals uti>!l hours,mconneeuoowithßaaftliug
by tbe day or week. T. M’FALL, •