PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Pn«.ISHF4) BY WHITE fc CO PITTBBOaoni lONDAY MOItNINO, OCT. 15, 1549. Tb* mrocion Daily Qizmt it Tn'Wi-ckiy,»nd Weekly—TU Dell? ta Berea • jwe«u- »Biw; IkeTrl»Weekly i* Five Pollmpr« ij lJ,* Weekly D*>ll«r*per»oinm, ’AaTt*n<«t» ar« ean>e«uy requeue*! to fc*»d la faroni before 5 r. W-. amJ *t rariy »> ln«a»7 ** leable. -AdvenisrtDiuufcSA'.tDKtted for* *P®ci *e wilt murnbly i«i» fiimtend unni ordered onl. Ktdt^t rnjtt, As Vr etami »td o' CT33 D TA. Compositor wanted at ibis office. HIE WKBTEMPfI MIL ROAD. Ve uadersund that ailjho contractors for the Vft tlprn Bail Hoad,iron Beaver to the Slate Una of<3 bio, have been in towd dnring the pwt week, tec siring their pay for their 3*J, or September, ea* tin aim of work done for «pe month. The third male will be payable on the lit of November, u< the force at the Sarnmlt cut, and alone the Uoe $54,000.. The wm' of $37,000 tif been provided, leaving $17,000 still t 0 *>® ‘ | .raised. The boUdinga are all closed in, and tome - ! portion# finished; but the Director. have been obliged to suspend operation! for want of fund#. *Aa Pittiborgh is equally interested with Phil*- ddpUa in tbii good work, the Director# have ap pointed Carpenter Whkitoo, Esq, aa their agent to wall opon oar citizen*, and receive the donation. ' Mr. Whartca a now tt the National Hotel, in tbi# eity, where be will receive anbacriptiona, or they .can he; left with Joahna Hanhai Eaq, on Fonrtb s "Wo trail onr citizens will not be backward to artist in to worthy an which will benefit them as much a# any other portion of the Stale.— If Pittibnrgh gives a.good subscription, Philadel phia will make op the balance. Ib(inillb{ from Sleutfu*. I Wo bare filer of the Corrmo!d proclaim in langoage fim» and ‘ tatinct, that the Atoeficao Continent b *^“**‘° : Americana,andi*sacred to Republic*® ' ' Veaboaidal*o leinbeßnderBlood,lbai irw^“ : power* encroach upon the ;temlorjes, or ’2_{ tf • sertfhl*ofpneofibe’A«nerican Siaie*, ; «« injury anon ell, which U.lathe doty end ; to see redreaaed. . Beoor Doctor? ProYidecco b**j>eoobarty la bored the country of which you ere the worthy Cavtf Elfrcatl g f- l have, parted through your ‘ territoriM, from the Atlantic ocean, along your nv ; era had magnificent like*, along the haaes of your lofty mountain*, end over your broad eed MtuN . fel plainv until the irido expanse of the Pacific open* before me, end 1 can elmart beer the eouhd. ' of iii wavea as they break upon yoorweatero •borea. At every nepl have been deeply injprca ted with tho capability* of the country, and the. Tt g^px«ftftuinternal rtaaorcet. I here seen al -4 . v { t ] l ple4»nre, toe'many evidence* of indtutry ’ : Tnd (dvilixatloa which cxi»t within year border*, ~ bare been led to indulge, the belief that the, tfane b cotier diatan't, when tho. commerce of two / Wapherea biahatlnd within voor territoriet an JSfptaa** ft«® ••• to “•* . 1 ‘ “ one ol Oo ©b- SSfSmiaaion to asriat m an enterprise ao Meceatful proaecouoa of which mn»t enable thl» the Be closed by exeressmg his ngm oaMOT sOleted bT • ci '? aiiu. . ii,,-."- hope thal all herP°°P l 0 ,„,v. , *&■ Prealdenl'a rtft » UUa tddraaa “ ** i^Th. blTi °»R?mbll?ofNonh America,i» repmminuri™ oflto Srth aataaied. The patimdo will. wSda have iaipired me; .he cllra.r. limS™ of your Gcveramcal aader 1 with which Nicaragua I roaaded, impoae oa mo tho agreeable, dey ri SlSaiaiUmSmtoDMaePmTidccco for i.akiad t~iloa« fell the B Inc ilaelf under tho bright burner of Ihe North American Confederacy; but Ibo time wbiclh lbe Arbiteraf nitrone bad deaignnted for * beppineea and fnlnre prwperily bad not a™™Jr Before -e diipilebed. legation to at GasiemsU, and even before the rei&uve to a cannlwM entered iato with Doctor Brown, a ciucen of poor Republic, we had ■»**• •““I' ** ' aancea to the American Govemmel wilb na mom, tc thia happy conanmmatioc; but our hopes.were ■caroely Mitained by the reinll. Butluow.ee lithe element!ora hippy future br ”“8 hl b '“’[f ua: there la good faith in the Government tvnh Vhtch I am ?onncetcd;lhe fnendheit feeling. ' »■ , rardi North America pervadei everj t cart; and we have the aianmnce. indaupportof the Amertcnn Government- .We laveconaeqoenllyalllhUigi wo deatrolo mate i callable the advantages with which Heaven hu ' a Onr£hate,'coniidering iu geographical po.ilioo. I . inght to be the molt proiperooi in Sp*ni*h Aru'£ », but onr ineiperience it the time of onr lepil Son from Spain; onr limited reMUrce»,o"dthe livil eommotiona that have intervened, have re nrded the hippy d»y which is now dawning upon ■JT Inn certata that the Governneni whichyou renroent can appreciate the difficulties which have InSeTcM W-blic- Yonr Excellency tong lu nroaerlv to estimate these circumstances, [belt formed a juat idea of thii part ol Central America, and ortho ernment. Believing therefore that the beet Idem tioni exist upon yonr part toward! m, as I know I there i» the happiest air position on oars, Irow* lain no doubt tEal we ahall succeed la the most intimate relations between the two Be pnblics, and in opening the way to the moat glori ous enterprise which baa been reserved for the successors of the immortal Washington. I>£aU have the Greatest pleasure in being able to con tribete my bcmble abate toward. the »?PP““r“f| Nicaragua, and In congratnlatlcg yon, in behalf ol ybtttGovernmenl for yonr co-operation ut eol **'LMu'tagln, must excellent lir, let ni begin thm great wort under tbeeo bright noapicea,and We Sail be into of obtaintngj the beat reauita. The people of the two American Continent! do con fempUting nc it ii poaaiblo that Totnre generation. ahaU cheriah our memory: at lean wo the coaacious aatillactioo of having neglected no meant, omilled no lacridce, in aecunng tha - gn» objecti ao trdemly derived by two auler Bepnb . lii determined mdiilly to auatnin their tnictMA their honor, and their integrity. ' Tbo official documents concerning Mr. Squiers miiaionl ore pubii.hed in ihe paper!, but arc ' merely ibrmal and only fnrniih evidence of the. ’ extreme intereat felt in hit minion. It i« eaay to, perceive that tho poailion taken by Great Britain ■ in regard to the Moaqoito question, and the antict ’ pated actina or onr government upon it, have ex , cited tho deepen intereat among the people or ' Nicaragua; The papers diacuaa the queatton el length, and pmte.t in moat eameat lone. agarnat "" the comae punned by the Eogliab Government. .'. Tho oecupatien ufthe port ol San Juan by the Engiiah, undnr tho pretext of protecting tho Moa , quite nation, i. denounced aa an cottage open the right, of the sutteef Nicamgua. and the Eng. tub arc very freely branded a.piralea,bandiu,.od , oomiirn. The papera abonad in offlclß proclam ationa cooaerning the civil commotiotm.&c. i wbtch ’ ’ have liulo interest here. The paper, coauia a ectreapoadcncC between X tho authority. of Nicaragua, and the BnUaliCon. ■* aol Genera!,,Frederick ChatSeld, ia which the for mer .tale, that, hiving read in the CormcM Jr-*- !. mo a copy of the coouacl between the Govern. meat and Dr. Brown, of Now York, for making n I " canal through tho river Sau Joan, he deema n " pradent to inform the Government that hut own Government will object toony arrangement •* toe, not provide for the tliachnrge of tbo debt, which the State of Niearngon, In common with , _o J'.U. ~ ed. "The Nicaraguan Minister, in reply 10 this , well a. other notes, charge. the British Goret , mom with iho most wanton and unprocotej s, y sault upon the eoTereigntyiand independence o, e, ‘ ,to Stole, end enumeretea ration. aclo by which this hostility baa been manifested. Foremost ” ' among them of coune is tbe declaration, Ibu Ihe ,n Queen of Greal Britain baa decided to anataia.the pretensions of tbe Mosquito King, and that she Ltld consequently Ti.it with ae.ere punishment l say net of tbe Stale of Nicaragua in Tiolation o, them. The threat to chutiae any nation fcrm.n- T taining its sorereiguty, is denooneed as an unex ampled Tiolation of justice and international nghrn * ' The correspondence is long and .pirited-bot the purport of the whole of it may bo gathered boo ihi« tuaunary. '' •., . . ? A decree baa been issued by the President, sta !eU tin* that inasmuch as Da.id L. White bad present. . ed to tbe Supreme GoTcroment ample powers on ' eh behalf of Tsrious pereon. in tbe United Suites, to couttact Jb. the opreang »/ « G CommiaaioneTS were appointed with foil F> w for to conclude an anangcment wiUi Mr. White to , a shorten maratime communication across lhe, I.tb teo I maa upon ihe basis of the pterion, agreement with • | Dr. Brown.—if. X- Cm’- From iha Baltimore American of Thursday. ARWTaL or THT PwtSIDtST OF TUI UntTXD ceeded at once to Barnum f a City te will remain daring bis aojoortu Soto tin^break through Its chairman, Joahna vitcd to visit the Fair‘of the Institute, now being held Hall. Tho PreaidenUn esMcaed the warm interest which he tell in « sassSsis ssssfsa"-^- '°B«toeen the tout, often tod twelve tbi.inoiy-; • tWdent wiU receive the vWtt of the .Spsa^ssaSSs! yeiwday than aUany lime that-we have, teen him tine© bis Inauguration. i„ woe •« bate N. a—Sine* the above was pal in tyj* o V ® learned that the President will remain tntil Saturday,tad will visit the Fair at Washing ton Hall on to morrow, and not to day. OFFICIAL TABLESOF THE VOTE IS allkohcby 00, oot. », !»** C&IULOOIC. lIWTI MSMMirr. rxo'rm o' sT < •£ r r § DISTRICTS. | S | | 1 jjj ' " " ■ 8 8 8 B S f? - a a :::::* SSSS »■§.«. -3lh do Si-3 001 2C6 COi 193*333 too 3 Ui dS do *4* 1M *H ISS *« 1™ *J* “ * ,£ do 73 to 7S to 7* « 5* *0 JS 2 ; WOOMMW 1W . g» « 5S do ’3 to «0 41 » to - 1 f* *“ #l* WM-861 «s *4l IW 881. «3 SM aJ £> do -170 103 177 IN »1 ■« 2 3?{m do- «« 1*» 1» t« *l7 1W 2? ’’ 4? Ift do--*5O 185 SCO 800 870 195 SO 175 Pi.-ii. 04 to 8? 48 63 dl 73 41 •E?l>s£ -170 HO 170 l°l 1W HO I” «* wfS .... 188 '» 188 77 iw » 183 83 sScrr.B 8 S Z X 8 8 3 SSffiS?-*--™ *g «?J‘g *S 'S >2 “S JeftrtOa 78 m 7 43 ju3 to m M Ssowdea IJ* #7 M 09- 64 liu 07 to ~Mifflin, g M m 4ft jot ai 100 4< Baldwin*. W* gJ u W IW7 Wl« « U * Bt S a { r "'*ioi *ls 183 187 153 2W 230 IU L.BI. Clair--101 J® J M M H 5 m 113 Robiaapa—•*■*. g- }g * it® « ioo co 83 N Fayeiw —®* *g £ 0 03 « no « H.Farel w l « iS tf U 7 M 134 g“® Rodiar-—2 }S 37 114 39 m 37 m MOOO-—V*\"i ‘is 118 08 113 81 in to Ohio • ••«?* ** l i? fS' 09 65 08 65 to to Prmnldia *»♦••* ® .43 87 *OO « 51 W f* bs£p=«|«!€ 4 i l.s ;s | Weal Dear’•— 00 50 n ® 130 35 KiatDeer** }l3® *i J” l g| ns ts 3 113 |5 ladiaaa •••••—ll4 ~J *i,,. m g< 40 85 ■ 43 Bharpabar*l>-IW g g g ,« .86 09 j* LawrenceTille *3 91 fit 83 50 83 UuobMter •• 64 g fi gi i«9 85 140 B. Pittibanb* 07 IW -g g 107 181 m 184 Binainfham-.-lU 1«7 iw W» n e 9 » M’lMfpoiw-£ g. gl SsSar. 10 3s jmss&S a w s ss -s SSSKSyi 5 5 *5 S s “I ” tHgatnaebor» g .'J44, _4L; 4»| » AS9BMBLV. vma. Locoroco. sarsaaK Sf c r • 3 e' 5 3 3 DISTRICTS. jj 5 3 ; 5 nmjcwi. ; * I - IstWiM 237 238 817 *T7 l«) l‘«4 167 1«° 2d da 277 sci 241 iS« 1M V 159 167 167 3d do’ -...>-307 300 374 307 44V 410 411 417 4th do 870 873 337 274 192 146 143 140 s;h do --—204 2W 155 207 355 3W 310 3U 6th do *ti Xtl 199 itS I*s 1"5 W® '2 7th do 78 77 71 76 73 M *4 « Bth do 81 W K M 1W M 96 93 Vth do 69 6V 57 71 01 40 4 . 47 W*d.«4l 210 231 848 104 95 101 « do--166 174 173 167 .105 100 I*7 10 Se-13d do*-IV7 199 £00.190 193 1«S £7 181 do. .831 258 213 256 217 203 21* 80} ■PttTp 64 «3 Hi M S 3 *1 -® Peebles 155 101 147 IK I*7 1W 1» 124 Wilkins 163 177 165 131 111 *® S £ Plan —67 W « 87 *5 35 .9 63 •Versailles 63 71 70 73 43 41 3} *1 c FJiiab«thTp--13l 153 .14® 1“ 234 245 Jeffetsoa •67 7 2 78 72 81 72 60 77 Snowden 103 103 112 107 4® « « .« Mifflin 49 54 52 51 10 . 64 93 », Baldwin-W..104 101 103 104 J? J* «t U U. Su Clair- •• 114 US 116 U* ®0 *F ’<£ U 8u Clair- --162 179 131 21* 2M 1W SM Robinson 93 93 73 94 24 140 1* lg N. Fayette •••■ Oil .Cl «* 53 1W M 105 IOT 4 Favette .... 1M 97 V 7 94 04 63 Cl 63 Findley - •« b 5 '66 64 lit I*9 142 141 TfjJrrT. 30 37 m r u* 105 hi i» 5 Ohio -H3 U 3 113 114 03 M 02 g S 5 '** 07 23 *»7 20 SO 90 20 r». i” w■“ «[ >;■ B3 00 60 79 61 53 Ol 59 West Deer 101 10* 103 1« *j 27 27 2. Fj«t Deer 131 I** W 132 «1 if if is S^IsSSSSS'S feSS:S » 5 'n 1 % S MKEfc- i £ a I I - S au 31 M *' « f. JJ DiJiXW- 3» OT u ® ' ■ » ■« V, Tirentum M <5 « <- *■ <1 " •fc79 SKJt 6503 60tl 5“0 CW3 t i»Vl cojmj»*» cokoso. acthto* . . '• ITT? H~~i > 5i 5 g ■ I g 1 § g ; ; fi 5 DISTRICTS. | g ‘ ? * 5 •1 | * J ijj g g Si SIS IS I Vf -•! ssSskssi'ks a ?■"•■■-■•* s ffi « - «a *g ‘S ** 5; »° S »« w *[ 5; s ■> ISO W Wilkin. 187 W 101 iw b 7 W P10m... » g S 41 70 3i 70 44 V*mill«»—£ g>, ,04 17L i«? 174 1W» 1«‘ KliMbetb Ip 167 801 1« * ?| « 75 77 ieffenoa »• *J 'B» j«3 110 43 Snnwdtfn- —-l»J f* 1W 55 03 31 97 mmmmm Robuuoa g r* -.5? 117 47 IW » l‘° •N. Fayeae—. #4 JU 4,117 « fl} »p»y° tle S .$J |V 6J 3: W 15« Findley , l 3 49 It 3S 112 Moon •• • • 38 It- J* w no CS Ohio-- 131 i* u \ £ ai 91 Cft- Frenklm £ J® % &l 79 &* si 52 *?«"• *. t l* ,« 133 101 131 1W IM *l; 'IS S 7 W M b* ® Sb«ICT lg r a 9 ICO -JB 90 *> We.iDeer--- 04 “ g W 1,9 51 IS « Ewt £*« UJ Ul* IUJ e 7 1M & Indiana Ul '■ l |* 4fi 44 g;i 47 Shnrp.burgb •• 9* 45 « }| M W 67 *5 . LewtencewUo 55 95 eu Vjy 191 51 Si Maneheaw •••'77 «• K) IIM Bl 101 t».P,tUbnrrm Ward.... <5 01 51 52 eS 50 ?! 21 do ....40 4 9 50 49 50 48 o-l 3d do .... 50 54 51 51 54 -.4 ill,h do .... 52 55 51 49 51 ol Pit, township... - S 2 2 4 3 SEEi is s s s 'S s s s o S S S . : S S) » . . Baldwin, X *' E Z i n Upper Si Clair*. • 0 0 0 0 0 0 LowerS* Clair.. 17 t 7 15 1> 1- 1" Kohineo” } J Mi i , North F.velle •• • > 1 L „ „ o Soolb Fayette .. • jj 0 0' [[ S o SEE 5 i i s s s South PilKborgh. 11 ]l 13 -14 13 13 FreokUn..- ° 0 0 0 0 0 Reaerre ? 4 ? ? ? 1 ‘l > > * J Stabr » 30 34 35 34 31 We., Deer 0 0 0 0 0 “ ff ? 3 ' J S A S » 10 19 18 19 19 Tarehtuui J 0 0.0 .0 J Doquefoe n » S T 3 LawnsaceviUa... 3 3 3 3 3 : Manchester 4? 49 ‘45 . « 57 -Birmingham •> 7 7 ? « 1. Eaat Birmingham, I 1 1 \ 5 1 Wert Elizabeth,. o*o 0.0 J J Elizabeth Boro’.. 1 1 t; I * ‘ McKeesport •• i ■ _0 _J> EJ _ ... 523 58fi 559 569 652 515 •net* p«o>. nwvco. trr. thi. BP^ttofc. jS*: ?£ $ j? oi a '® S. p 2. a g ■Q °* M *1 2 DISTRICTS. 3 = L S £ 3 : d § o. p- ii tr f ? : 3 S S. m&nP* si: =:l 11 'SS . S'! . ss-f1 IM P.uTow-.h.p... a. “ . j „ o i ‘ a . S o 0 O’ Ploo-r o o a o o VentiUo • • ® « A 0 0 j'Eliabeihlp J ? 3 0 S ?::: o o l o Bildwia*,* • * 1 l . v UppcrStCUir... 0 J 2 l 6 l 5 *7 ;Robin*oo, * , . 1 , 2 l North F«ye«e ...» ' f, y y 0 Sooth Fayette •• » ■[ Q 0 0 0 o 3 o 33 « . . i i o 1 Ohio.*** 1t >t ii 12 JO' U Sooth Piiuburah. 11 11 " 0 0 iFninklin...- -*' J J s s S Keaerre , , j i 1 Ron . 0 o o o 0 0 Pine 33 20 35 3) 33 aider 3 ‘ 0 0 0 0 o West Deer ® . „ 0 0 0 Gut Deer ° ? « 2 3 2 Indiana- * ip 17 11 Sbarpnbnrjb..... 1® 13 0 0 0 Tnrenlncl---. ••• • “ 5 ? » 10 « Daqoezne ••• * « 3 3 3 3 UwmeevtOe... •» J 45 43 44 Maocherter ..... 45 4 J 7 0 8 Birmingham ® ° A „ i 1 Eut B'rmiasbain, l J J « 0 jj Weet Elizabeth .. - 0 0 ,0 0 Elizabeth Boro’.. 1 1 i n 0 0 McKeezpoil 0 0 0 o __ .. 510 573 49S S&tP542 576 The President of the United Stales l “ eomewbarcbriona, in various aspect k* instance, it is a Unto remarfcable that a leading London jonr cal condescendstobestow ao much aiwinuoaupon ifiairs in our Republic—and more ao that • leading London Jonmal come* so near the i nlU ° a f' ration offactaanditajudgmentupohjhem- a mg allowance tor prejudice and lot ih® ********* ting disposition to make the most b " "" ( a law Frcmonl, wouldlbe aim, at certain of be o g eVcled the firm Calilbniia PreJdcat. ™" w°hW be a proud pmition rdf the -Old Ballioa of the Democracy—tohag IbO B»P.tMa cf the "j““ federatiopporbile hi* fok ia law pretlded over toe destinies of the Pacific.! . . A. few biesraphia-hi. oric lhcla names and suppositions moro intc ltgible to our reader.'who K?y he Itciplrid™ .Colooel Bentoa. that c.n accomphah .11 who 1. Colonel Benton’, won In 1.w,f,”” Bep- We will eatiWy them OP this head Monel WP (lon. we have already ilated, ia ihe present Uerno cratic candidate for President lie J», j. ateto hi. own or hid P*"*?«““ | . e £ f k“Vl proniioct. rooreorcr, [or a prod Mock ( edge, which ho i. what to di.pln.rn ‘ 'P", e * o boner do 11,an brokja weapon., “£ back hi. relielboa. dbildren, and want to worn Oregon territory and |agam .to the Great !»•»«* Bno the coaotryol California, j Th. m was nothing very remarkable cither m , ,h. T S r«lf o. ia> execution; tell 1. • «>■£ irelikVlhe Unirrd Stale, otth.. kind .r» waiched wih stem inter.*; *j£ ’ h „., with newepapor paragraphs and Cob Uanton . bm«ihgarj.c floor Vjfthe Seaalo chamber, nod Foment’, own pul) i.hed ad»entugs ou hr. re « 7. a *»> of offiecT» mauu- SAd'uio a btrtdncnl ch.r.ater, and made a colonel ofmto ibo b+rgnin. At lh. v 4 _ .-_ uar iPremont loond nitnseli t>y a s, “ruh‘. , % . dience oftbeordeik of hU aoperior officer, the &":r,^.'fur'Sif^ is# isisift SJS’.'rlycX'rad'bnVhe r»licdtho cry of perwroiuoa, a pFpprdachcnl.'- 1 ) Svopoo E tin Boitad Bam, ttftMib*.. Xolk coolly restart d him to his ran *» 'jg£— '^K^ w jSiS2r , -^ l ’“Su M u we. .t th“ La that h. cmriad, ia me mt. mil, “.ana.,. M S"e! whom m±K«»”p*™'>'VC. ;“T. i E-SlS , ±, » SKS ax A p’ilr:a U d S?S3 : 3££: " T fzyj< not at the boitom of the agitauon which h*« “J« “yahown itself in mat quarter.m bvorof «m; iSSsSvssSLrs^r Siioto and «te»m. Th. ohjac.ofß,^colonel fatherly interference was not o°*« f, * ood * thal Ume. It was clear enough for all that jfilW GUti **« Fnm tbe Pwladelphu North American, of Thmsday DEPLORABLE BIOT. Another dreadful occurred. lMi evening, In ibe'southeru section of the city, and *t S prLtul moment, U tottom* >° latest rcporii,, remains mil unquelled. Of the origin and cause of the disorder »e kBOW coding, but it is said to hare commenced by a band of outlaw#, the “killers,” attacking a tavern, known U tbffCAlifarnia House, at tbe comer of Sixth and Sl Mary’# strepu, and making a general S«n the colored people of that victauy The re. 35 was a melee of the fiereesrand mo* #uv«e rharactef. in which the tavern was act on fire,, fim arm* were'brought into requiaitlon.and asiiim hrr of oersoni killed or woanded. No less than, reported In hn»n been carried off to SThoSS mom Ht.nh.um. hour npx The, iSnrm of toj brought to tho rane of to compnnic., who, It u .uted, wororepolled 1;v t he rioter,; in happened nlno to tho police who Suimpto lo ! interfere. The Diligent Hn«cjt- Have was taken in charge by the latter, and de oiled in this rear of the City Hall for Other fire companies that followed were deterred fom approaching by the formidable .OMJ*™ „ offered, andXfiame. spreading, revend houses U contiguous id the Cahfomin House were burned M d °Tbe alarm Ll hw been rung, all the available S police force tfarshalled, and the military, in obed.- 14 «ce to the A-ij iuiuon of the Mayor, are muster -10 ing, to proertj.: i.» tbe.sceue of combat, t U eveq 11 ?Mrted ihal ■< pie<-e or pieces of artillery have l 9 boecTbrougb into play by the mob; but .this u; -50 doubtless an rs ggeration. One of our reporter ™ ““ w U1)0U the ground, and we expect soon lb h „. _ relislle account of the true state of things. 2 * vl—\Vo have just received the following 1 list of oine dersons carried to the hospital, one of Whom, it vsff be teen, is dead, and eight wound- I etj »-ti.e wf the number'by fire arms:— , William Ooleiuan, white, sbot.m thigh and leg. o Thad deu«! Sellers, wb ne, ahat lu thigh and hand. 0 Thomas Westward, while, leg fractured, guu o Sheerer, white, member or America n Hose Cjmpioy, wounded.. ; ...... 0 John Sj.ijf, colored, woanded in head with br;cL* 3 L., g,xi,| «nd Lombard streets. > John Uili, ootored, shotiu neck and arm. Augustus Green, ‘colored, shot in the hand and *Geome V-Mtiam*. colored, allot m the breast. Charter Himraelwrigbt, white, a member of the God WiU Engine, shot through the bead— .Matthews, shot with aiugs in the breast and between the nb*—dying. *!a addition “»'the above, there were eeveral colored oehand two white*, who were Ukea to the HospittL whose names werdoot known at the P °2i e o"cloe^r A: M—The rioter* have retired ot lheir own bword. The fire has burnt itself oal. The military are, at their armories, and at the May or a Officej awaiting command*. Weare inlorm d trv persons: on the ground, that daring the contest between the rioter* and the colored men, the latter »ogbt' desperately. The rumor of can non being brought ootbyUe rioter* wa*, aa we ■noaoaed. an idle one. - __ lomdairr. 4, A. M.—The tat Brlg.de, under th. command of General Pattereon, hue, undertho direction W Sheriff Lei ar, proceeded with two niece, of Cannon, to tne Mono of the not. There 1, no danger, whatever, of there being noed of their aerylore, 'aa the ground U deterred. We| learn from authentic sources Urn aoiuo fin? per _. nnvdbceniin a! greaterorleae degree,wound *y Fot ino hour and a bnlf the light waa main reined in the moat depurate manner, and a nutn- J°of thej "Killer." Were .treated by the colored , nlr bandodtreerlotheenatody of the po by u'hum theyl were coneeyed to the Sta tiott House, i l Cspt. Bennett, tbf Division, joo hearing paired to kb* apot, • ; men, hastily gather , giand against the n 1 go, a vert *evcre c ‘ or seven orutaea. o conduct nteni* the • The combatant*, , tuallf tore up tho.p □raiect of revenge, while weidwaya have a l by aresistance equally “ j j 1-««“«•• CwlW.gUgff “two or three until frame bnildinga j r a Ga-llctrT No. 3 o.ntkorgt, fm bgjf. i the no«J fireman to u>ekH Carpel Werebowe. N». "S Foonh f J ( J. qnence of the maouiiy oi me gteM £ Mt MeQ w e#ll „ d examine before P ur them. I . n c Ik. killed. wo|* chaiiny elrewhcre |oc>>3l , W. M*CUNT« Mr ' deraMh"*« very respectable end oniflem:!. -p MBO99ED PIASO ANDTABLKCO b. ?» "" 1 fc:T,n*S?Ku^SSSSeK"^W*- 'drfnvorfng to the gootll of a honsa. m mdsced prieet. Coll nod exuarne beloro Jl', ~ w. STCUNTOCK- . in the elertlon, a P"*** n it 0 wing to MTlNGFLUrowe.haTenowbeenounrmoreU»“ The speedy reUremen character of the a year, and on looking over the enmezmadoby t, ' the fact, that a» aoon a* the real character °» find M , or . bri^t bl „ b lacc. It i. plea*"^» i dirturbance became known, aach a forci write with, flows free, and doe* not elor_the pen «*-;<, the around as caused them lo seek personal t be ordinary ink* in o»e. W irtung von the ready ;S&, l ta& "■ ™ **■ 'vj'mA® * co. _ ' Foraale, loiether with Hibben’* Bed Inkj an a chine Copy Ink, by B. A. Fahneatock A Co., »r. Schwartz, Allecheny City, and by the msnnfa | T. K. fliblen. Druggirt and Chemirt, comer of UJ»r ty and Smithfield m, Pitubargh. ~ . pARPKTSTCARPKTSI-iUc’d thUdnr, \ / CLINTOCK’S Carpet Warehonte. No. - 5 ‘ .t, a f nher tnpply of Carpel*, of the Utett and most appro red •lyle*. 10 whicn we fnvite the aitenu , STE/ MBOAT MEN, and ibo*e wishing HOU IKS, to call and examine the »«***} 1 in ihc city, which we wiU. sell cheaper than fore iff-red In ihe western market. Carpe ho o U ctTl N °' 74 Foonh ‘ treel M’CUNTOCK. _ f toitgrt-lt bnlnn. long u«l.l'«'\i“' , 'f'poS 11 f °' XoU3 ebr BEBJ i7wS.. GUM prlion Trlrkny>.iglut In, .nln by ln«131 R E SELLhII Phujohjiiu, OcL 10—11 A-M- The note were renewed down town) Souli .uecM to prevent .id. encre.cbßt.nl of t e a? A number ol fire companies »re now ii «*rv other'bnildi|gn h.v. | been l» Mr. Clayton, Secretary of Stale, haa[retoraeJ “a aealof Gavenmienl tram a brief vutt to hi* ■•idence in Delewore.—Ao*- InteL Mr. Crawford, Secretary, of Warf ■land has leit tho city on a visit to the Jlorth.aod vill be absent about ten days. Mr. Ant er«)n,tho Chief Clerk of this Department, being oofinedto htarhoote by indisposition the temporary appoint sri"rfVi.ir aS-nr <>f h l t given S John D. McPherson, bwj.— lfat. CANINE REASONING..[ While 1 had charge of an academy m Springfield (Gn ) from 1829 to 1836, l de voted a few hours occasionally tb-angling. I went on horseback and took with me a lame dog which 1 had taught almost as a child to sugsisny, horse wtrile'ebgaged in the accustomed mveelf to talk to him slowly tot distinctly, and show him how 1 had done this and that. Hound that he understood me. If j said, lie "■“'her u*iU be unfavorable, there wdl to,no fishmg to day," he would go off and li i down “ apparent sorrow; but if I said. It s a fine day, wo shall have spoil enough, be would jump around in the highest eicitiiment J One evening, at the old of the moon, the fish biting keenly, I had remainid an hour I alter dark; and as I had left the horse untied to graze, and did not see him, Baked 1116 doc— I “Tiger, where is the horse! He con ducted me to him, and on my saying, You are a fine, intelligent dog,” he bicame over joyed, and began to bark at the torse. The uorse became alarmed, and rah borne, iban said to the dog-* Tiger, do you see that you have frightened Saladm, now, tired and fatigued, I have to go home on toot? Now mark mel If you ever do it again, 1 will aa certainly shdot ycra os I didtho squirrel on thd tree, or die bird in theuir! Do you hear? Mind) as soon as you see my eye on the horse, dp you go be nind a pine tree or busb, and when I am mourned, then you may do as you please. On the third evening l went again, ana had forgotten myself the instruction I had gi.-en Tiger. 1 was again delayed. On my whis.le he came to me, watched my eye aa he conducted me to the horse feeding in a small savannah, and as soon as I saw him, wool back and hid behind a large pine tree. A, soon as 1 had caught the horse and mounted, he came, and with the strongest possible demonstration, gave kne | evidence of hia sell-complacency and ]6y. | He ever after followed that instruction oncs given.— The same dog toiled three hours to bring back my horse, who. had escaped with his halier, and struck off to his former home, and-finally seizing him by the hi her, actu ally led turn two miles back to the stable.. As soon astho torse was secure i. lhe dog lay down exhausted by the long hud perse verms effort. , , Here was reason. He heard, he under* stood, obeyed in the exercise df-memory, judgment, reflection and determination. In "the last instance there was evide illy deeper -OMlion and years'of age would have exetcistU or made. —lnvestigator- ' WANTED— A good Book-keeper- Cfl, Market it. The ben of rcfere oeUS ItlUteffopble Biietyili OF WM: OTIIUCIIMANN. TbW - Pott-Office, Pitubnrgh.—M>pA l*» hud;, Showbill., Label*, Architecture Drawing*, Boitneia and Vuttiug Card*. Sd2«nn .tone,and priated in .ctfofj or Blaek, io ibe moil approved *tnle, s reoronoblepticei. PAYETTE BL; WHITE AND BROWN DOMESTIC WE ere now receiving from ibe •apply of lbe»e good*, which we i er then each rood* can be bed elaewhe We iiVno“c.d. in bleaching. that irjt, our ©bjeet being to produeerood*_noi bat for comfort end durability, endj ceived the first premium over ell o JwJ ed alth- lute AUrtteny Agricultural 1 F„- »sle ei Ibe Blanket Depot, No. « at the ware room* of the Fayette Me No. Ilk Second *t- Blanket* of our Manufacture ere *0 City, by Mr John Dean, end al*d at ' \V tndowe.". Federal »t " Oyittril OyiUn: BURKE t COS D.lijr E»nul> ° livering Can end Shell. OY STLR Ored to dealer* end families el lb Quality werrsuted equal to kny broaj kti, nid hr **lo ijy J C Bmwf . Ll „ Al*>—At tbo following depot*:■“■Be nor SmilhfielU eud Second *t»; It Hea Mercer fc Robinson, Federal »L, AHe« Oroe«rl«*. WI&M' I*lq«oi THE subscribers are now receiviiu of Good*, and offer for ssla the ft k eommodating terms: • , ~ 38G casks MaspraU’s Bods Ash, t S 20 do do ' Mleachod 1 j 13 hhils prime N. O. Surar; : •jfWUbls do Molasses, u i 17 flbls Loaf Sugar; 133 nags prime Rio Coffee; 30 fif chesu Y. Hyson Tea; : 100 bxs Y. H , G. p., and Imperii I 20 brs Virginia Tobacco,.C>'s; Ac, SO bbls end half bbls Nas. 3 am 100 lbs Indigo: . ,• , Son bbls Reeußed and O'd Monr 17 hr pipes Brandy. Olart, Daffi i' 2 pipes Holland,Gin; 90 casks Port Wines, virions b ■; 12 do Madeira A Sherry Wii < 33 do Sweet Malaga dc 5 do While Wines; S do N.E.R*m; Together with an assortment of D< CotdiaU, Alcohol, Spices, Soap, 0* W. A M. V OCll5:dlw SUNDRIES —13 bag* Feather*; I Wool; I »bl Beeiwai, now lam Ohiovand for *aie by ' -pcH3 Andltot’a nolle*. THE undersigned wt« appomtell. at Tf™ last, tv lie Court of Common PleM for Washing ton county. Auditor, to audit the Merant of Jahn L. Black, late Sequestrator of the “Washington and Pittsburgh Turnpike Road." In pursuance of ibis ap pointment, he will attend ax tia office In Washington, on Tuesdoy, the 30th October.insiant, at lOo’cloek, A. M„ u dUcUj. tbe ■'•“'■ i [”B“kOONTZ, AuJl , Washington, Pa, Oct. l_0 : -torcU5:dllAwaTAt9 ADtra’ WASHING GLOVES pair Ladies’ India Rubber iWai I (or eale at the India Rubber Depot,l | f octta J JUST ree T d, from ihe philocdDhU T*}' 4-4 Green Oil Cloth, for Window Blind*; 900 ydi *4ciSaJeOit Cloths 800 yd*34 Floor Oil CloU-; foi XSen ocUS JfcHPHILLIPS. No 3 Wood«i . L AB ? °'"" s bbl ‘ (MM! An? | of VttADLEv' ‘“-a” 111 : K°!»W^’«. X AMP OIL —503 gallon*jo»t re«'d and for *a!e by S KIDI>&Cn.NoCO Wood .t ’T"i rniimA—3oo nlUjaft rtc’d and/or to'® by A L S J KIDD fc CO. No 60 Wood it LAS 3 PAPER-JJS Bewi- “f.K ai'°™ -,'nn , TVER OlL—Pure White 30, l«*l rec'd and for K J KIDD fc.cn, fio 00 Wood .. m*PESTKY~OIL CLOTIIS-Rec’d this day, al XT. T'arnmtock'i Carpel Waithouaa. new and hand ,o». .$• ctotk*. which will be col u. 6. any»iM haU,room,or««^“ lfl -_ oeil3 ! T^^rsssar™ oeU3 fIOSOSQ&HEIfA ROCTK. n»iv 13 Hil«* Itairlnf. Vi. » ****>” “* tuitimon W brtow lUne to ijhUadelpUa, 40 hoar*. letreidvly, {except Bnndiy ot eJirV) .lio’eteck- Pm*W«« by fewin* on the «ewnxfc»VwiU ero** tto moaruiiu la iugti next Office, ‘MommpiheU 9 bslkl HOICL J. ‘MK3KIMEN, Ayeol ■ Chief of the Sooth Eastern ofthoitot. immediately te- hv.b a amnll force of twenty and mule a meat reaolole rA>ter*, reeeitlog, while.doing sij upon the bead and *ome nx )£ hi* body from brink*. Ut* ,1 1 rouge* praise: , w Jtiorte. to obtain nLvemeat&*tsd broke fcncei ia fprSuVetar trf tie cooMt *rtf aLPACCAS, wi MOUHNINO—W. R RHltStbli* bu6ecd«d another lot of, Bombaiine, i: viiHkinaeas fbt njoontUur. Al», Black Pannetr 1 S'rS^SiSfir ml*, ol Dr... G«~l., <*». ■y«2s«sSBS^waraaSS NDS' SARSAPARILLA i 1(1 4C&BT BOTTLBB ro* tbi kkmoval arc pbuuskkt CCB *?I 1 Kuisomo* ah utrtma »tatx orTB » BtooD ' l | os iiAsrr or tux stsix*. vie- Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism. Cuu «eo« KrupiU., Pimple. «r PujWle. onJFg lllotche*. Bile*. Chronic Fore EVes, Bin*'>orra Of Tetter. Scald Head. Enlarfcmeni and Pain o< the and Joint*, Stubborn Ulcere, 8 /;Lt*e* Symplon*, Sciatica or Lum>'ngo,—and __ Ae «. arising from an injudicious use of M efC “7* ji x - e . tite. or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence m U«. Also—Chronic Constitunoaal Disorder!, Ac. \ This Medicine has aeqoired a very extended and«- ÜblUneii rerutai'tiit wherever it baa been uae entire l ? on its own merits, which iw.superior efficacy has a’one saiininrd. Tfie unfortunate vicum editary d.ro=.«e, with swollen gland*, comiac«wl*t new*, and l one haK earioaa, haa.been re*«otcU » heil’li • ar.d vigor. The acrofu «u» with, ulcers. loathsome to himself and hi» n . WhohaS h«. !■„„ m.dr -hole. Hundred, of groaned hopelcMly tor year* ander ctitaneou* glandular disorder*, rhroatc rheumatism, and m 7 othrr complaint! spnnßmg from a derangement secrcuve organs and the circulation. hare been riu nB it were from the rack of disease, mid »ow.£ •nrrated conitiiatioii*. gladly teat fy to the efficacy r this inestimable preparuliou. • * -TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION The attention of the reader « caUed toihefonowm* ihing cure, effected by the uae of Sanda saraai “to. i. u. e.rtff Iho. I beve n eolorei hu been alflicledJbr the Iwt fi*e year* with and all tho remedies I n»e-J had no effect “rY »be the progress of ibo complaint; on the constantly grew vrone; and aflfr.expanding ___ S7O and *&> with phytieianr, beside* ular remedies without success, till the di*ea* slating her in the face, 1 Mated her ca*e to Dr. ray surprise »nd that of my neighbors, Jbottlel I cc w «^^\*^; f ”lh* e weeka. and was able to work in two week* “e C * Moo* of Ntooo River, Cnven eo., N. C. 80 RE THROAT. . Th« followinr it an extract; from a letter weeded from Mr*. Beaam «bn had been aflUeled y “£ arith gerofoloni Ulcer*, Dy*pep*ia, Ac, and recently *" „r.=u»» Of 0* D«. lV™- ,o \ s ,s'«',b? y B i"?s.r?.boj. r .oproooJ, ooJmy Ikto.l ” "t.T, i'” woo, and 'So'Sr m 5 etKiut three month*, the care ofwbbh ha* been eoeet - -saM,- nSHEffi■«»*». Mi'SS, ,o«. _ 4>ndr Gentlemen, From what I ha*e expo 1 s^-srl^STfes! SKS or. wir ••*“»£ sns tiiongto u* repuiaOoi! *°£ “^^?il£2deo'®eeocw : sa^^SSiWlsS^"^ ■ is^^g^assfe® 3 •£■&& S^StfA'iSSSS^ - £by P.! BndggH; !*£- jjIIVBAHB ROOT-S C ‘ K ;.j a “'ll\*3i;LL , Eßa' r qocotorine *U)Wm O Jb« « c ’ d for ,fcle by R g sellers . opposite the .dtcepee. Bill end Naehlne Ac.enjrrared .Gold, Bronze id *t the moit ‘"■‘ .“g g‘sE^k°S bl ' JKETS, FLANNELS, ectory a Urge 'annkks' 0.1-10 m>i. roi “ I »^ IIORANT T,LACK TUS-JU*” 10 do 3ft Chilian" 1 re selling low re iu (hi* city, re* tbo good*; or *bow only, inch they re- To CapluUiU Bp«cdlMore. T«np ui| v'hv prirtu contract* 40 acre* of excel* T?i ?£.»»! iaND situate abo#l» yard* above rHB£3 -sal" p, o._ infacturing C< Id in Allegheny the “Two Big iw regularly d< i, which are o > loweft prize: ht to thi* me moßQuois .V“BS!W?SSB£%!“ «“*" B “ k,c - SliJc, ChRUi. K*> “ifirf filter W.lebe., .Otobf^B^geg^jtSTliSSlU. Diamond Spark*, <*« u ‘ en *’ w> \v\WILSOn! corner Market and 4th »t* , KgU Water *’. 1A lkrter, ei * :leton, Diamoi l ieny. oetll l, ike, Ae, their Uowiiig, on a n»'.rf»' c ‘‘“- g, g lo w. C '?f^oN le OUcLCUREDHAMS-I*WJ.g» »■ <=■ F«* Q ly rec d and f * mcoLS OCJI3 ; ■■ Bhoalders 18 do Side.; 15 TJACON «w * d Ifama, in itare and for *ala JJ do * fiELLERS A NICOLS Groceries- J£ I SSSv»S?' m =•“* MoeeiMel YH end G»»P«»dor Tetri Sd. B’S'kewl l»P«rl*( 100 do Manttfaetared Tobaceo, 1M bbli’ S O Hofeiler, (in dek;) S Mi'S N- >.?*■?’ S borei'NoTcko -1 eerooae 8 F Indigo; ■ KB»sa«£ssa ISSB^^^l'jkeUi - sp *£S.??s. fc ß csasS"‘i^NXw» mother kindrrd ullciei, I"J OHN \S ATT A CO, eerner of ÜbollT end llldd ■!• Jomeitic Liquor Indies Suren, fCUKLTBBE, 160 Liberty#^ DICKEY fc CO i. U P^ T * P*?.J 24 Camp ulnnVe u i i»*t rec’d and lr W tnf* Robber T>epou No 5 Wood at. lor *ale at tho India Know* *j * h PHILLIPS oetia : I ike onderdsne" u et the .teem boet lendinf, SranE’& SHwmi&Ut inform. hi. friend. IhU FRANKLIN,L eX pon»e of a hea*y iajarance on ?K. U «.reh Q a» and Momenta. Cor aewnl year*, and the warebouKr *»* #oUw t^|fteUoa w *il who may truata he will P _:jj re eeiTe freight at tho Lower grooUe bun. *»«*“" JAMES BRYDEN. »>hphiluw uhint Oloiei, on , No. A Wood it. IfctfPHILMHS * „. „ arn iR—lOO bbla waorted No* Sugw, Ltofffr %Übipoe.vvilson»co v as* X. uWi'nat ntL-20 bbU Jmi rto'd and for sale by A «Ol R KBELLEH3.B7 Wood.it .absia-* »«]»> “ d ,O B r S E b L VER3 ' octll pSO9PHORDB-« £ octll - -■—■ —■* TJENZOIC ACID-M o, )«.. D octl 1 te'd and for «aJe by D, No 60 Wood n QALTPETiE-W lb. i»> ™ Vi?BELLEM Jr bbl jail reo'd and for nle by P *iti BEBELLEBB .WCLINTOCK. B,u “' VgjtliWß* pEATUEB3-Jl»l»<“‘ tec'd ui /t HFL?Yp_ goti^ il J “ w “ ;l ' , ‘ 03 1 ' ii.»nsri<-«0 r a * r-t ROCERItS- ic—l2l htlfehwUY H.GP, *® d (t bnTUoCoffee; H » EJiftpH*,!® bbf* Alam. 85 b» CboeoUif, oeiU _ !— i -r?.-~zr:/Z Cheese— si t bx»citun ctee*c, ss &oV/ b in itora tnd for mIo by QCfll iOTA^H— tsciki PutMti, amusements THEATRE Asaanos—'Drras Circle and Parqaette- Second Tier- • • Pm mtil of Mi. C. D. HTT, Ibc pop"'" •>* '! :al Tragedian. Horni: Oci. is—Will be pterfiibd Shdlipobfb IIAMIAX PITT. $£S. MimCnu... To conclni** with the WINDMILL. ■Mr. Robtoeoo. ■Slit* Crobe. Sampson Low- Morion Tuesday—Mr. Pitt will appear. AUCTION SALES^ Bp John P. Dtvlii Anetlos*«r< SfUitiHd Household Furaiturt at Auetiom. On Friday inorninc, October I9lh, at 10 o’clock, at the residence of Mra. 0. Grant in Penn street, between Pin and Hay its, will be soldltereniite stock of boose* bold furniture, Ac , nmone-wbiebare: one eerr supe dor toned pWno forte, widi rosewood ease; mahogany oier tables, with marble tops; mahogany sofas,mahog “bum rndbojenr eei.uo mie., wuhm.rbl«lop.j mrfMdn, boob »» ood ..creiary, ailiml ward bnre.ua, mnhojdoy .id.bobrd, mbhem .nyLd common bed.lebd., work bod wbbh Modi, nbilorbod chbnber cbrpblt, floor oil dolh, leblh.r Erf. Jd beddrn,. curled b..r bod bu.k tnuirutba, rnektiur cbdir., >elice, loobiny rl.ou, Ibmp., hbt SIPiS clbbi bod oneen.wbre, window bdndj, Kta. KeliS.., icd .!», • Ibrgo Idboliiy olbilcb “ JOHN PDA TO, Aucl Hariwart, BUeitmilV’ IWr, fe. ■ I smith's *V- son M. 0 o* tacks, Household Furniture* Family Carriage Bnga* »«g' f“ sh ' Oo Tboridiy lo Osklao4, will be SMMS MT «r F*»“T 0““‘?i e jS n, oS? A". 'W>». na*e, one Bngyy, cne »«« • H “ r|e tWo Milch Cow*, ci.n.c.m.u, p». mips. *“ ‘ • ~ £ JSSSS2SS^ it ca»«i»crw, *auneU, tweed*, •eailet, wUta low flanneta, biaiikeu, •hmmg*. rteeUng** n%. colored cambric*, plat" end £< d jaconel n . gwiw mualin*, lace*, nbbona. “SSSC; „»n»™. of .euooW Drr Gooih i*p« lotted f„ ng --J. tl|i , ekliit h^SiS3iSxir£^ *“"“*•*'• ; AlJ which tho ctwntlon of to mviie^keptc«^3yj}ljjg^« JUNIATA BLOOa9-M MM JONES p'toHObgU^^ 1 VSZ'ITSxis - BEVIOKLBT AOADBOTi' o A CLASSICAL and Commercial I fc“BoyTcathe Beater Bead, fonrlienmiles A. H, PEIsiIPAL. ■Tio WINTER 8F3310N mill eoniueiie«}nTh«n- AmfperKnion cffiTr month*, 1 '“•fSsr&S fK «£«*.”, 10-TSui* Water Ureal. Pitubnrgh. j =gp? : W®S£S£S£#te 'octB:dlw - Jecrared .nuclei, now on hind rnd rrceiT-.r-g hy e« “''iso bee. Bio Coffee: 10 Jo Pepper, SSIFf eheeu vJL BUe» eel ImpttielTeu, IOObbUN O Moleiwi; » 4o MW **?• 4o > 30 hide N O Sojeri » ‘ - 100 bW» No I'Batin; Mdo Tmr; ' tS csks Sod* Aib; fls do o€im*a Clan 60 btu No 3 (Urn) Mackerel, IQO box?* Dried Herrin*; IUO m*u Cinnamon; 2 eeroocji Inaijo, EM bxs'awMWwdow Glu»j from CrB to 21x30; 15U kgs Nail*. assorted »ixwJ Wbue head in oil, *tur v - Wick, Piint Glass and Hotli assortment of other articles, which w« invite our tnenc chasing elsewhere, ocifl _j |"J SOTIOB. DllHli mUB pannenhip of the u X of Bagaley Afiniith, coasenl on29thBeptembei the interest of J. B- Smith.' of the .firm will be settled Bagaloy * Co., at Nos. IB Puuburgh, Oex. 9, CO-PARTNERSHIP--! cialed with him Wm. H- Joan 8 Coigravehndßa will condone the Wholes* IB and 90 W ood «l«" «\ WM. BAG ihhV* tnd BAG ALKY, WOOI n««tO Tb«M**®» in the coon eiL that: your petitioner nrawriaJs for the uccom others, et hi* dwelling he said,' and pray* that you him a license to *i tertalnment.. And your p will pray. We, the subscribers, aforesaid, do certify, tha rood repute for honesty , providedwith house row accommodation and long era, and that skid tavern» Andrew Gifin, John A M’Anulrv, James D. CocJ jrsla^^ jAS PALZELL IHUIA HUBBUB BKUTO 1 India Rather Machine B« wide, last reeaired and to Depot, fio.o Wood «t.y 99 1 OSSOIiITATI * PITTSBUROtt DA! L V J'P A C K E T L I NJE; T'JS * Krattsswsiygslsasaist fort ihtl money eonproewe, fc r fire Ttttl sttarxsr-^ advance. ' : - . • •C. 8< Portir SUNDAY PAOKKT* TM ISAAC NEWTON, C.fllW Ife'PWtjJL Is.Ti Piiubcruh'ewnr Wheelig erer? SaaJay evening el 10 * ■«> The MoN'o*?UiSa[ &«*wi iRgPrHNOT EORGE W. SMITH * COi Bremen, tt&U»r» { r and Iloa Dealer*, Pitt M, PitUbargfa. «P»-' j Wrapping Papa'* 000 ® BA * 8 £^ d ‘ nmBtim J r Wrapping SOU D’bfc Crown “ SOO u Modiam Rag 500 Crown u •300 Med’m Tea Blue and -w 5 * * 300 “ Manilla **•.“ • 3UO u Shoe Paper, *f*ortep color*; 60 pro** Rolled Bonnei'lioarda. For tale at redoeed price*, by 8. C-fllU} . * oetO _l_ - • ' • _ ' 87 Wood »< TSfHpVjrFf— 2oo bit now la tlore; for talent . . r. U ocO ISAIAH DICKEY t CO;Fttmt M Law dickey* co_ rr witmju will Open * Nias* Bew«« Xl» 1 o'clock ihU evening, (Monday, Oet om, i oauw eorneref Fourth and Ferry meet*, entrance oo ! Ferry, wherehe will be happy w Impart. iagmcuo* in Reading. Penmanship, Ambmeue, Book Bocal eg, T'y.WW'**- .. \_??=zn fTtimSCTnrftl./flg LkAft-acaik* Itow^ ,f, jar (TAM. AM.MON.-1 .mhry, WRAPPIJiQFAFBR-5® ream* extra large, aad oetS aTy, : gILVKR A CO p-MKRoaY-g. n,.)«« ILAKE HANNA-1 euoJuß Sopers isinglass—* bn iuiRM nrt ■ale bjr . . ocP RESELLERS GORRB-U bales Porter Boole Cork*, ree'daaitor •ale by _oet® BaAUN>J^F™_ B _ ACON—25 hhdi Side« 60 do Sfconldm. In’nore. to.tlt br Ota BELLER3AKICOLR TO *RISTKBB. j JOHN D. U’CREAEY, Printing Ink Maamihetmr, Ho*. 331 and 333 8 union Kreet, NEW YORI—-Do potjio.3Spraco itreet—Wonld cmll the aneatfon of Printer* to hi* improved Printing Ink* of Tvion* kind* and order*, at the following price*: Extra fiM Jet Black, for Card end Wood ; Cn* • • * WOO and 3 roper lb. Fioc Hook luk: • : • 075 ** 100 r. * Boocl' b . • * -.0 40 “ aso ' ** v e w«!nk • 019 040“ 0 23 * Fineßrdlnk • TSrt 1W 110 “ Id, «* BUe, Yellow, Green and White 75c 1 Co9o ' * Go’d *iie *-3< per lb, and Bronte at 90,?5oua!ad Uptiot. A*peeiaen of New* Ink can be reen on thu paper. Poriale by . JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, > • Picubargh, PaJ C.HnrganfcCa. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton & Qriiwould, LooUnlie, K' New' books— ‘ — ~ “ “ Sketcbee from Lite-by-Jamet Bluebird; i i.ord Mibon'* Life of Condi— .*•■• ■ • i I The Berea Lamp* of Arehiieetare. - \:■ • > I Note* oaibeNcnh Weit, by Bradford/ View* end Reviewain American Llßratue,by Bi- I moat. > • * Beminlsceneet of Coleridge and Somheyi- ~~ , Autobiography of Benvenuto OellutL - Johnston*# ArneiUtaral Chemistry. lieblg*s do do • • ■ . . , 80ll 1 * Hints to' Mother*. Ch#iile?>i'Mid»tffeJ7- ; Can't Treatment of Insanity. Button*# Anatomy of Melancholy. The WTirwam ana Cabin; . ■ * Philoacphy of MTttcty, by Heady. Armstrong's Notes orthe war or ist*. Bowdßa’t Family life and Timet of Bed Jacket, by Stone. The Singer*# Manual, by Adams, Boor Expedition to the Dead Sea and UutJoid* o '*' r> , Nineveh andits Romaics. ! Fortjdeby EULIOIT.A gNpffijft sew vul KHo-vnsrKaooOot, , So. 100 HUM ! BETWEEN FIFTH ato LIBEBTT. PIITTOOBO^ ratjsrt‘sg« i i.^ Faaer Silk, and » lorne • • ! - 1 litwre*, auttlaau, Twpeih V* * e pRALICIL . aSSJ^H^-aigag^^fe O abU in CtndnnaU, Louiiriilc «d Bt **«•» P*- «bwedoa th» awn ftTonbi* fc BOSS, -